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No. 2022393
File: 1722729563039.png (3.91 MB, 1500x4465, ex.png)

I know some people have already posted about this subreddit, I’ve been keeping an eye on r/lesbianfashionadvice independently for a few months now out of morbid curiosity. It shouldn’t even be called an “advice” sub: might as well call it “r/‘lesbian’fashionshowcase” or “r/transbianvalidationchamber” because there is no advice to be seen. Even the non-validation fishing posts aren’t “advice”, they’re karma-farming OOTDs or selfies. If you order by “top” posts, a good portion of them are just “I’m a transbian am i welcome here uwu”
pls no ban for emoji that’s just how they talk as if the entire sub isn’t just men in the first place. They always act like kicked puppies “meekly” asking for acceptance, but if anyone says “no” they're downvoted to hell, all negative comments are removed, the OP “snaps back” at the replier, and one of the male mods tells them off. But based on what I’ve seen posted by other users on the previous thread, maybe this is starting to change? It’s still majority transbian obviously but I’m holding out for actual women to start actually speaking their minds on these subs
In light of my hopes for a mass peakening of the actual women on these subs, I made a collage of some of my “favorite” examples I’ve found since I joined the sub (sorry if the image is hard to see, I didn’t want to spam replies since some of these are old)
Subject 1: What is the purpose of an “advice” sub if you have “positive comments only” flairs? Subject 2: Butch lesbian = low effort man. “Not sure if this belongs here” it doesn’t, but that won’t stop you Subject 3: Ugly moid + normies in the replies getting downvoted and dogpiled for asking legitimate questions Subject 4: Top 5 posts of all time on this sub, but we still have to ask if “transbiens are accepted”. You aren’t just accepted, you are the entire sub. Also this is the grossest photo I’ve seen in my entire life Subject 5: Incessant
terf whining as if half of the top posts on this sub aren’t transbians or hetero couples. It doesn’t matter if transbians are getting hundreds of upvotes, those few “terfs” are enough to throw a dramatic mantrum. It doesn’t matter if 500 people upvote you and 50 leave a positive comment, just five negative comments and a handful of downvotes means the place is “
terf infested” or “brigaded” and we all need to coddle the angry man. The visible reply says it all Subject 6 (my personal favorite): This lady “passes very well”, so the only reason “she”s getting rejected is because of some arbitrary transphobia that has nothing to do with her appearance! Let’s see what “she” looks like… oh… Shocking that gay/bi chasers don’t mind it, but lesbians do! The best part about his comment about “passing” was that I only clicked onto his profile because I was baffled at the “I look straight” post and was sure that he was just a man. He still seems to post semi-frequently Subject 7: I cannot stand the playing-coy “I hope it's ok that I'm here” or “am I accepted here?” posts. Narcissists will die without constant validation and dicksucking No. 2022398
File: 1722730246245.jpeg (509.64 KB, 828x1228, B21EFE69-4BA9-4C95-93F5-AFE14A…)

>has to clarify pronouns because he himself knows he is just so male.
No. 2022414
File: 1722735865126.jpg (Spoiler Image,260.2 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20240803_192723.jpg)

horror movie by how uncanny valley hunter looks
No. 2022492
>>2022486Totally. Those gigantic paws are something else.
"Do I look like I'm too straight"
Yeah, kek, you look like a straight male, dude.
No. 2022517
File: 1722779574776.jpg (797.32 KB, 1076x2247, Screenshot_20240801_223342_Chr…)

>28 years old
No. 2022518
File: 1722779590187.png (1.51 MB, 1226x1074, GTTUZorXoAALTSZnt.png)

How in seven hells can troons be this blind to how they look?
No. 2022557
File: 1722787739122.jpeg (106.05 KB, 750x450, IMG_2652.jpeg)

i stumbled upon an old troonit post about the kikomi comics. exquisite cope
No. 2022590
>>2022551Thank you nona, infinitely better. don't know why the farmhands redtexted you but not the retarded op, aren't soyjacks banned?
>>2022448>>2022588you can quit samefagging now, nobody liked your shit threadpic
No. 2022697
File: 1722819972726.jpg (360.6 KB, 1270x3252, cm4xlw46lxn71.jpg)

I don't know if this has been uploaded before but found this on r/traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns from 3 years ago and why would they post something like this???what's with these gross pathetic losers liking Shadman so much???
No. 2022700
>>2022695Occurs to me I should have included
>Overall trans statsAverage upvotes: 700
Average comments: 92
No. 2022715
File: 1722825816644.jpeg (1.34 MB, 1170x2323, ED31AF2B-0FA8-48E4-AD50-C3B2DD…)

The poster is a white MTF from Germany…(this topic is quarantined to the gender ideology hate thread)
No. 2022732
File: 1722831564852.png (21.55 KB, 585x175, picrel.png)

>>2022695Reminds me of how handmaidens on twitter will dick ride skinny faggy tranny moids who would be considered fucking ugly if they were actually female, like women actually have extremely high standards while these ugly moids can be the bare minimum and still get thousands of handmaidens at their feet ready to defend every single evil terve who tells them their dress is unflattering or some shit. (picrel is someone calling ethel cain hot but for some reason the image isn't popping up.)
No. 2022742
>>2022741Well there's quite a few female soyjak party users on here
I would know so maybe they're trying to get a rise off anons lol
No. 2022750
File: 1722837466942.png (2.55 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_0157.png)

>>2022393I’m one of the nonas who sperged out about the sub before and it’s genuinely gotten worse in the last week. Before there were a few posts a day with about 50 upvotes max and barely any trannies. Now it’s a tranny every 3rd post with 100s of upvotes. All posts get a ton of upvotes now. I’m betting a troon cross posted one of its outfits which exposed the sub to the wider troon community. It genuinely makes me sad. The sub helped me style items of clothing and provided good inspiration.
Picrel one of the most recent posts is a tranny who honestly fooled me. It is 18 and started hrt at 14.
No. 2022820
File: 1722864066062.mp4 (15.98 MB, 720x1280, the young trans activist group…)

these ugly freaks will co-opt anything. ofc the evil torturer sarah jane baker is there
No. 2022825
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>>2022393My personal fav
(sage your shit/repost) No. 2022890
File: 1722885395024.jpeg (1.93 MB, 3000x4000, vsh2mhr8frgd1.jpeg)

Did you nonas enjoy PhilosophyTube's performance on HoTD last night?
No. 2022900
File: 1722886218323.jpg (261.3 KB, 1170x2137, 2e277165-102f-5e67-8734-84455c…)

Stolen from ovarit. I'm just amused that you can tell he's male from the distinctively male gunt even in loose pants.
No. 2022968
>>2021721 seems like it with the recent IBA release about the situation
>>2022517burn it with fire
(integrate) No. 2022970
File: 1722903169446.jpg (619.21 KB, 1930x1079, yo yo .jpg)

>>2022892>>2022890Bro looks like he's in a Horrible Histories sketch
No. 2022998
>>2022991Read on the other farms that apparently showrunner Sara Hess is a fan of his channel and invited him onto the show. One of his first lines is "What kind of man are you? A poet, or a 𝘱𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘰𝘴𝘰𝘱𝘩𝘦𝘳?" you can't make that shit up kek.
I've never really heard his voice before but damn is it weird sounding compared to the other actors'. It's like… guttural. Idk how to describe it. He must have had some kind of vocal feminization surgery or something.
No. 2023020
>>2022890The character is so cringe-worthy too
It's obvious people can't cast or write for troons without doing this.
No. 2023023
>>2022896His character is meant to be biofem, but is referred to as "he" because of the meanie pants culture she comes from that purposefully misgender her for not meeting their bigoted preconceived idea of womanhood.
It's very subtle, you see.
No. 2023026
File: 1722920255512.jpeg (233.76 KB, 750x1198, 5EEC516C-0491-4BD7-B0D6-F62FA0…)

The hulk arms on this toothless tim
No. 2023076
File: 1722942972267.jpg (116.25 KB, 1080x393, pits.jpg)

How messed up does someone have to be to think they must censor armpits? It would have never crossed my mind, wtf.
No. 2023096
File: 1722946778881.mp4 (14.5 MB, 960x540, 6261373-c2d1a2d185c4afdb369fa9…)

>>2022890legit burst out laughing hes so bad at acting
No. 2023098
File: 1722946908598.mp4 (865.25 KB, 848x418, 6261728-2f682c8fa209b5e56a964b…)

>>2023096he also gets punched in the nuts
No. 2023099
>>2023096HIs tiny ass little pursed mouth and then his stretched out ape grin, the fuck? He is so ugly
No. 2023132
File: 1722961997301.jpg (229.19 KB, 1180x654, yikes.jpg)

>>2022393Second one in my pic has already been posted here, on their profile it says hes only 31. I truly thought he was like late 40s wtf
No. 2023153
File: 1722966926373.png (960.73 KB, 1080x1432, markup_1000007644.png)

Complete delusion
No. 2023164
File: 1722969011528.png (515.76 KB, 596x530, geneticfailure.PNG)

>>2023153this trend has brought out the grossest narcissists.
No. 2023182
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No. 2023211
>>2023153i just encountered this account in my twitter feed, he's now telling people that he's "xx intersex" and not elaborating further what his "condition" consists of.
>>2023164i gagged, my fault for reading this thread while eating.
No. 2023246
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>>2023240honestly, in this specific case i don't buy it.
No. 2023254
File: 1723002745438.jpeg (459.01 KB, 750x1115, IMG_0933.jpeg)

there’s no stupider game than dating a troon
No. 2023262
File: 1723005192930.png (24.63 KB, 626x341, lavender_lips_.PNG)

>>2023254Picrel is one of OPs replies. Can you imagine if you were batting this hard for someone, and they leave you for other moids in dresses? Just depressing.
No. 2023284
>>2023259>>2023261They're narcissists incapable of loving other people. Instead, they see others as sources of external fulfillment. The more people they "date," the more fuel they have for their egos.
>>2023262>>2023265Trying to please a troon partner is a fool's errand. No amount of validation is enough for them. This guy bled this woman dry and then left her when she had nothing more to give. They rebound onto other troons because those are the only people with low enough standards to date them. But they end up "poly" and cycling through different troon boyfriends because they're not actually very attracted to each other, just prison gay.
No. 2023317
File: 1723028134463.png (881.52 KB, 546x1077, flatter than a fucking board.P…)

Trannies e-begging on tumblr are a neverending source of laughs. He's a whole rectangle. His face is too small for his head. Classic greasy unkempt hair. He looks like he fucking stinks. I could probably fill a bingo card with this guy.
No. 2023348
File: 1723037924953.jpeg (843.29 KB, 828x1388, IMG_2508.jpeg)

Video came up on my tiktok—there’s easily four more screenshots worth of “because I am a transgender woman” shit in their description all because their “evil cis mom” wants them to clean their fucking hovel before they get them a new bed.
No. 2023349
File: 1723037972255.jpeg (391.07 KB, 599x914, IMG_2509.jpeg)

>>2023348And the picture in question they started the video with, featuring a bed that absolutely looks like it has cat shit underneath it amongst the other garbage.
No. 2023504
File: 1723065763182.png (729.29 KB, 694x1022, wtfisbigender.png)

I keep meaning to leave this group. I hate seeing women tell these scrotes how great they look. Wtf is bi gender?
No. 2023508
>>2023348He uses the phrase
>as a transgender womantwenty-eight times here. It's like he has tourettes but he uses that phrase instead of swearing.
No. 2023514
>>2023254>>2023262jfc it's so hard to feel bad for these absolute doormats at this point
>dates and moves in with a moid who doesn't even try to make her feel good during birthdays, anniversaries nor valentine's days>selfish self centered moid troons out, handmaiden probably thinks becoming more of a fag will make him more sensitive and caring >he unsurprisingly becomes even more selfish and narcissistic as all troons do>she makes sure he feels speshul and womanly in every way, teaches him to larp as a woman properly, puts up with a shit unreciprocated sex life with her fag nigel, makes every single appointment for him and plays mommy because he weaponizes his incompetence in the name of muh dysphoria >tranny unabashedly leaves her for another ugly tranny once he no longer needs her anymore when will these retards learn? I just hope this can peak other women in her situation before it's too late for them
No. 2023551
>>2023241KEK I see it
>>2023504>bigender boy/girlSomething about this and the picture feels insanely pedophilic
>>2023334Bad case of overbite
No. 2023685
File: 1723120884457.jpeg (330.3 KB, 828x1416, IMG_0063.jpeg)

tranny infighting on tumblr is so insane… tims invented the term “tme” to differentiate themselves from the Less Oppressed tifs. cannot make this shit up
No. 2023697
>>2023685TRAs always do this, they invent or make people use all these terms to accommodate them then do a 180 on them. They made everyone use pansexual instead of bisexual because "gender isn't binary", now they're saying it's transphobic since it assumes they're not true and honest women/men. They took AMAB/AFAB from the intersex community but are now saying that's
problematic since they were always their true selves even as babies. They started calling "SJW bangs" "
terf bangs" even though the stereotypical person associated with that hair were always obvious TRA libfems.
No. 2023708
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No. 2023711
File: 1723127065983.jpg (247.96 KB, 800x450, perfect blue.jpg)

>>2023708Real life stalker from Perfect Blue
No. 2023726
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And the coping begins
No. 2023782
File: 1723136945091.jpg (108.8 KB, 600x889, MV5BOGIzYjM3YzMtMjk5ZS00NDY2LT…)

>>2023685He's clearly talking about Dr. Frank N. Furter from RHPS. Context matters. The film was unabashedly gay at a time when it was still a crime in most U.S. states, and back then, there genuinely was very little distinction between cross-dressers and transsexuals. The term "AGP" didn't exist back then, and even if it did, AGPs were closeted. Only HSTSes (for the most part) participated in gay counterculture. In any case, RHPS was important to gay teens and the screenings gave them a safe place to hang out and express themselves. The film's positive contributions outweigh whatever nitpicky shit zoomer troons take issue with.
No. 2023818
>>2023770Thank you. I was curious
>>2023782Many AGPs would hang out in gay bars since they'd welcome everyone. Frank N Furter looking the way he does, singing about being a transvestite while being an endearing homosexual character is the best representation AGPs could ask for. They're so entitled and humorless
No. 2023868
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>>2023846The comments are unfortunately about what is to be expected.
No. 2023895
File: 1723153148558.jpg (129.85 KB, 912x696, goneseggual.JPG)

More creative writing on MTF. Everything from the title to the wink emoji at the end screams agp. No woman would give that kind of a title to a story about being sexually harassed.
No. 2023931
File: 1723161295921.png (300.38 KB, 534x283, 1203.png)

>>2023708He's probably the closest a person can get to looking like the primordial fish. horrific
No. 2023972
>>2023895On what planet does shit like this even happen? God, these tards have no restraint when it comes to their creative writing. They can't just write something believable, like "I was at a gay bar with my friends and some guy hit on me." It has to be crazy shit like "I'm just so HOT that a married man wanted to BLOW ME because he watches sooo much trans porn. Then I got catcalled uwu."
>>2023818>an endearing homosexual characterI mean. He kills people, and as other anons have said, he's the principle antagonist. Also, pretty much everyone in the movie is bisexual or bicurious, there are no gold-star gays in there to my recollection.
>>2023782>Imo the movie actually condemns that kind of stuff.I can see why you'd interpret it that way, but I don't agree. O'Brien himself is gay, for one. I've always interpreted it as being about the kind of culture shock that people experienced between the sexual revolution and the beginning of the gay rights movement. Riff Raff, Frank, and Magenta being aliens while Brad and Janet are 50s-style normie geeks is a pretty obvious metaphor; these counter-cultures were foreign to the public, and the movements changed American attitudes towards sex in the same way that Brad and Janet are changed at the end of the movie.
No. 2024003
File: 1723176678488.jpeg (211.63 KB, 2048x1536, 34502ede6656526bb793f380cca63c…)

>>2023708i have the perfect hairstyle for him!
No. 2024067
>>2023895Ah Yes. Because people always say the specific kind of porn they want to watch with you 4 times. Everything sounds ridiculous, troons are so retarded.
>>2023726This retard since coming out as trans only talk about coom and being a true and a honest woman. Like clockwork, all agps are like that, their personality traits are delusion and coom.
>>2023504I fucking hate how all fashion spaces became a place to coddle the feelings of troons.
No. 2024088
>>2023972>>2023904I stand corrected. For my defense i only watched the first third of the film kek
Frank is endearing because he's a charismatic villain in a gaudy environment. But it's not good enough, not un-real, not youthful enough for most TiMs
>>2023895>Now i don't know what to do ;3KEKKKK how can you end a story like this, he basically told his audience this is masturbatory material
No. 2024097
File: 1723213670033.webp (17.22 KB, 285x360, IMG_5640.webp)

>>2023995Maybe you’re thinking of the erratas guy
No. 2024108
File: 1723216694553.jpg (3.54 MB, 4096x5120, GridArt_20240809_171654964.jpg)

>>2023708Fuck I got a jumpscare what even is that thing
No. 2024206
>>20239723rd ayrt. I see what you mean, I didn't know the cultural context behind it. But isn't it a New Zealandian movie? Why would it be about stuff happening in the USA? That aside, the reason why I think the movie is against that stuff, or rather against taking it to an extreme, is the ending where Frankfurter is agreed upon to be evil by all the characters, and they regret ever following him. Then he sings about how it's all "erotic nightmares" to him and he also regrets going that far. Then he gets killed by Riff Raff and Magenta because "[his] lifestyle is too extreme", and lastly when the ship/castle departs, Brand and Janet sing a sad song, the criminologist narrating the story calls the people on earth "insects" for their behavior, and the closing song says "darkness has conquered Brad and Janet", as in they experienced degenerate stuff they can never come back from now and it ruined their sexuality forever. I see it as a movie warning about the dangers of sexual degeneracy and kinks rather than about homosexuality. But kweeros are too retarded to have media literacy and see it that way, so they either see it against them all together, or try to turn it into some "positive representation" and a kweer icon. Though I admit I only heard of it because of a kweer Halloween movies list.
No. 2024240
File: 1723251137529.png (677.78 KB, 934x778, shane dawson level makeup phil…)

i have nohing to say, he just looks so bad i had to share
No. 2024251
File: 1723252373657.jpeg (22.91 KB, 595x591, GOZujqxXUAAL5KJ.jpeg)

>>2023708NAAAAAHHH. I have never seen a more ugly mug in my life LMAO
No. 2024300
File: 1723262437592.jpg (157.42 KB, 719x1051, Screenshot_20240809_215236.jpg)

things that never happened they always think of lesbians desiring them
No. 2024328
>>2024240does his mouth just
look like that? he looks like an average scrote attempting to "smize"
No. 2024464
File: 1723306723638.jpg (481.02 KB, 1080x2340, 1000022038.jpg)

saw a post on Facebook about being trans to spite JK Rowling. comments were surprisingly based
No. 2024508
File: 1723317758599.jpg (49.92 KB, 1080x572, fuckingvile.jpg)

So many troons in the comments going "call it whatever you want". The mental gymnastics to call a pissing sausage a vagina is something else.
No. 2024523
>>2024522I'd love to hear his reasoning on why he thinks being a bitter
victim blaming failmale is a revolutionary concept.
No. 2024581
File: 1723330572528.png (519.33 KB, 720x1329, Screenshot_20240810-175219~2.p…)

After previously saying he only wants to be seen as a woman rather than a trans woman, Euphoria troon says he isn't an activist, just a famous tranny.
No. 2024654
File: 1723342713355.png (450.72 KB, 1296x630, posts.png)

>>2023708Here's some of his recent post history. Weird bimboization fetish, cartoons, and legos lol
No. 2024664
File: 1723343656179.png (377.82 KB, 828x1204, agp example 192729482.png)

>OP is clearly a straight man with AGP
>top comment promises this is totally normal womanly behavior because all trannies feel this way
I can’t count how many posts I’ve seen exactly like this on r/mtf. They will say anything to convince themselves.
No. 2024675
File: 1723346110338.jpeg (521.16 KB, 828x1459, IMG_0108.jpeg)

he definitely paywalled this because he knew the mean abusive terfs would dogpile him(wrong thread)
No. 2024694
>>2024678Twink death seems to be hitting honter already. He used to vaguely pass in a "wow that is one funny looking girl with an unfortunate body" type of way. But now his face just looks so much more angular and manly, his hair (while never particularly thick) is definitely thinner. Also I think during season 2 of euphoria his shoulders grew wider. He looks even boxier now
Honter just looks like a young man with an eating disorder
No. 2024714
File: 1723363371849.jpg (164.74 KB, 1080x1134, 1000022054.jpg)

Found this as a recommended friend?? Why are they all fucking pedo freaks??? I truly, honestly don't understand.
No. 2024715
File: 1723363429062.jpg (210.8 KB, 1080x1059, 1000022051.jpg)

>>2024714What is the obsession with children's things?? And why do they all have ugly, bad dye jobs, weird piercings, and look dirty and smelly af.
No. 2024778
File: 1723386888383.jpg (91.59 KB, 1080x778, 1000005114.jpg)

Wonder why the guy didn't want to have sex with you lmao
No. 2024781
File: 1723387070187.jpg (124.66 KB, 1080x798, 1000005115.jpg)

>>2024778Commenters pointed out how creepy and weird it was of OP and screen cap to try to pressure him into sex too
No. 2024801
>>2024675Ot, but I don't get it. Shouldn't this TIF be soooo validated that women see her as threat? Like a true and honest man. Shouldn't be getting ewwwwphoria from this?
Come to think of it. When was the last time a TIF said she experienced ewwwwphoria from experiencing """misandry""" (I keep getting accused of being a pedophile/creep! Women are afraid of me!).
No. 2024886
>>2024781He carved out his niche and got his big slice of pie and does NOT want to share it with any other troons kek
>>2024778He wants to swing (because he is a man), he overestimates his own attractiveness (because he is a man), he feels entitled to sex and tries to "seduce" an unwilling participant despite having two people right there who are already interested (because he is a man), and he probably did suck that guy off in his sleep, blurring the lines between a rapist and a cuck (because he is a man)
No. 2024981
File: 1723430442810.jpg (48.05 KB, 536x378, hq720.jpg)

>>2024714Wow I didn't know ethanisonline trooned out
No. 2024995
>>2024206>isn't it a New Zealandian movie?What on Earth are you talking about? It was written and shot in England, and it had an Australian director. Many of those who worked on the production were adamant that Brad and Janet be American, from the casting director to the costume designer. The movies RHPS satirizes are predominantly Hollywood films, so it makes sense that they'd want their doe-eyed protagonists to be Americans.
And in any case, the sexual revolution and gay rights movements happened at roughly the same time in all the anglophone countries. It wasn't just the USA and it wasn't just Stonewall.
(responding days later to continue derail) No. 2024997
God bless you for noticing that
No. 2025171
File: 1723482508474.jpeg (282.33 KB, 1303x1012, D3980DD9-5002-4408-829D-135BDC…)

The right wing moid fascination with trannies is truly strange
No. 2025185
File: 1723484533938.jpg (93.94 KB, 960x959, ew.jpg)

greasy grandiose troglodyte aaron 'erin' akins, the amazon-addicted troon who appeared on caleb hammer, wrote a poem that shows he absolutely could become an english professor considering the quality of teaching at universities nowadays :
>I have become something
>hard to name. A poster in the campus
>commons taunts ‘what makes you, you?’
>and I dodge the question by laughing
>at the jokes. Somebody writes
>in the corner about their guacamole
>identity. Another girl writes of the books
>she reads, and I wonder if everything
>I know about myself I learned
>from others. Can’t explain the discomfort,
>but I know the jokesters feel it too;
>we are escaping it together. Eventually
>I peel away to class, make some points
>about Othello, get a little too
>distracted, then drown my thoughts
>in music as I take the bus.
it's been pinned on his twitter for a year…
No. 2025241
File: 1723493394571.jpg (Spoiler Image,480.22 KB, 1080x1556, hulme.jpg)

>>2025171The guy in the middle is the closet bi podcaster who left his wife to date troons, right? When i come across men like this i always think of this Tory AGP who cosplays Tchatcher. Sorry for linking a rag but it's really funny. Spoilered because he's hideous No. 2025332
File: 1723512256593.png (437.89 KB, 651x846, french tranners.PNG)

French lesson today with the plague that is ZoelaMort, moderator of r/france.
>When the progesterone kicks in
>uhm, dude, I wasn't fapping in my sleep right now right?
>What? No!
> Oh ok ZZz
>I wasn't fapping either right??
>You weren't!!
No. 2025340
File: 1723514057268.jpeg (107.52 KB, 526x702, og.jpeg)

>>2025336The OG was made in French, and malheuresement, the french tranny translated & posted it on a unrelated sub.
No. 2025404
File: 1723529869309.jpg (603.59 KB, 1080x1756, Screenshot_20240813_091528_Chr…)

>>2025335>>2025336>>2025340you're all wrong, it was made by "Brie" @ThisStupidTwink on twitter
No. 2025405
File: 1723529933345.jpeg (352.84 KB, 1536x2048, GSpulhLWoAAx6gU.jpeg)

>>2025404what he looks like
No. 2025449
File: 1723547399630.jpg (385.98 KB, 1080x1464, 1000012341.jpg)

thanks xitter
No. 2025459
File: 1723550045362.jpg (29.5 KB, 313x491, blind.jpg)

>>2025450kekk the contrast between the outfit and the face is killing me
No. 2025568
>>2025450It’s easy to look at a photo like this and assume these are especially fugly specimen, but the reality is that these troons are the cream of the crop among trannies. These are the troons that go outside, have friends (even if those friends are just other degenerate moids), and
try to present femininely. The 50 y/o crossdresser posting selfies of his hairy ass in a thong on Reddit doesn’t go even outside, let alone have friends.
No. 2025579
File: 1723574231885.mp4 (2.45 MB, 576x1024, lolghostfingers.mp4)

>>2025450Thought I recognized the moid in the lower left (smiley face shirt) and went to hunt down this video, now I realize it's probably two different people.
No. 2025781
File: 1723615547792.jpg (Spoiler Image,542.59 KB, 1672x1164, 20230930_061834.jpg)

off topic but the nullo gay man community thread from what i read get the snip from the same surgeons cause gender affirming lol
No. 2025862
File: 1723638850455.jpeg (559.4 KB, 1242x1104, E75CC9BB-BFF4-4C8A-9977-85A05E…)

Can’t even use a subreddit for a girl’s video game without being infiltrated. They really love invading women/girl’s games and media don’t they
No. 2025894
>>2025876Nonna, they're moids, they will do anything for the coom, plus I'm pretty sure they can still have orgasms if they kept the prostate.
Otherwise trannies wouldn't get the chop for their dicks.
Moids just behave completely different to women, women self-flagelate and moids harm others, in this case the moids are just having fun because they believe they should be allowed to walk around naked since they "don't have genitals" I really doubt there's any trauma involved in the decisions they took.
No. 2026029
File: 1723664380829.jpg (579.04 KB, 1080x1785, 1000005691.jpg)

ogre faggot
No. 2026180
File: 1723709475255.jpg (290.63 KB, 1080x1524, Screenshot_20240815_110623_Gal…)

>>2025450lmfao especially at the one in the middle wearing all black. the tight skimpy outfit showing off his wide frame, nonexistent hips and bulge, the wrinkly forehead, the balding - he looks like a real life caricature. next threadpic pls
>>2025579take out your trash you disgusting APAG (assigned pig at birth)
No. 2026203
File: 1723715498954.png (118.76 KB, 600x699, zQ6qOcW.png)

but he's right
No. 2026235
>>2026180> ok so it’s a personal problem Kek like that’s not
valid? Porn saps any empathy from a scrotes body, it’s like they’re biologically incapable of holding onto their humanity once they’ve seen too many boobies. Most alarming part is how ok they all are with that, like they’re all stoked to dehumanize women if it means their dicks can get hard. Its truly a disappointing facet of humanity and males at the moment. The pathetic nature of males, that they can’t deny themselves and their libido, how did they ever convince themselves they were the logical sex? They’re all jerking themselves retarded to the point they think they’re women.
No. 2026238
File: 1723728820263.jpg (89.48 KB, 750x1026, 20240815_142807.jpg)

>>2026203Scrolled through the comment threads and found this in a reply kek.
No. 2026253
File: 1723731682273.png (1.01 MB, 828x1225, woman.png)

He posted this on 11 different subreddits kek
No. 2026256
File: 1723732487765.png (294.5 KB, 828x938, hmmm.png)

>moid in hetero marriage comes out to his wife as a “lesbian”
>he thinks the idea of lesbian sex is hot but he doesn’t like going down her
>fellow transbians comment that’s it’s totally normal for lesbians to not like eating pussy
Male moment
No. 2026324
>>2025781not to ask to be spoonfed, but where's the enuch fags thread? I tried looking up nullo in the snow catalogue but can't find it.
>>2026238While trannies do date each other, hilarious how they act as if it's a choice and not their last option after realizing the evil cisbians still don't want them kek
>>2026244same, nona. idc how much of a woke faggot paradise a state or country is, I can't believe normies haven't started stoning these fags to death as they deserve. The video where they're pissing on each others mouths in a kiddy pool and all the fat ugly micropenis having exhibitionists were walking around nude with kids only a few feet away still haunts me
No. 2026353
File: 1723758576453.png (Spoiler Image,1018.47 KB, 634x846, the neighbors are getting a hu…)

>>2026260Touch some grass nonna I implore you.
No. 2026356
File: 1723759181508.webp (77.71 KB, 1080x807, ubd1rat1zuid1.webp)

No. 2026369
File: 1723761614304.mp4 (8.55 MB, 576x1024, ssstik.io_@its.the.lumina_1723…)

hrt apparently makes your ribcage smaller
No. 2026479
File: 1723780610410.jpg (653.47 KB, 1080x1965, 1000011960.jpg)

Has anyone else been paying attention to the shit going on in the FFXIV forums and on the English VA's twitter meltdowns, attacking players and other VA's as well as constant blaming of the fandom for being transphobic? The comments section has been clearly unmodded for a while with all talks and Sena's tweets are deflections, playing the victim, and of course claiming threats. Here is a picture of the "threats" they are getting. It is also suspected, but not confirmed they were the ones posting their own work email in an attempt to lure in trolls. That isn't confirmed though so take it with a grain of salt.
Sorry if this isn't very milky but the fight back on the forums and all the peaking going on is fairly satisfying.
No. 2026484
>>2026481I only see some stuff because I have them blocked and what I do have is what is showing up when it leaks into other XIV things. Here is a crapy edit of the latest kinda shit going on with his comment on the bad song. Sorry for the shit phone edit.
This is the forum link though and almost every single topic is about just how bad they are and some few trannies/handmaidens defending and XIV fans not having any of it. yeah, and incase some of you have not heard it, the bad tranny in question voice acting with their yelling in lower case compaired to the female Japanese VA. The character the tranny voices is hated in all languages but Sena insists they are only hated due to them being trans. Hope this helps!
No. 2026486
>>2026484"Speeeene. Leeeeeeesen to meeee."
Diversity quota strikes again
No. 2026497
File: 1723784524729.jpg (2.5 MB, 2880x2880, 1000011976.jpg)

>>2026481Here is so far my favorite response in the forum to Sena's bitching. Sorry for the poor editing. I hope it is even readable. I will see if I can stomach going onto Sena's twitter to see if I can find the post this is refering to.
No. 2026500
File: 1723785018351.jpg (603.19 KB, 1587x1610, 1000011978.jpg)

So, apparently the forums are now being moderated so some of the earlier peaking posts were deleted. Here is Sena trying to pretend to relate to women here. I am not sure how much more I can take, they are so insufferable.
No. 2026504
File: 1723787092859.png (407.98 KB, 592x668, black gospel music.PNG)

>>2026479How stupid do you have to be to get a voice acting job for a game, and then go on twitter and post about how if the fans of said game don't like this one song, they're racist. And the song doesn't even sound good.
No. 2026505
>>2026484This is objectively awful. He has no emotion in voice, it comes across as very autistic. Actually embarrassing to hire this guy
just for some diversity points. And this is just ignoring the fact he sounds like a man.
No. 2026508
>>2026504Samefag, are there any american musically-inclined nonas in this thread? I'm struggling to figure out how this is supposed to sound much like black gospel music, especially since the artists aren't even black. They're japanese people who aren't even using very gospel-y singing methods. The best auditory connection to general gospel I can make is from around 3:10 onwards, but it still doesn't sound like most of the black gospel I've listened to.
Maybe he thinks a choir + clapping = black gospel? I feel like saying that this song is anywhere near as good as black gospel is racist in itself.
No. 2026531
File: 1723792581279.jpeg (640.23 KB, 746x1474, IMG_1105.jpeg)

>>2026238expectations vs reality
No. 2026548
>>2026324this seems to be an extreme fetish community of men who castrate themselves but also fantasize about specifically castrating children, we discussed one in the previous thread
>>>/snow/2016218 he's an academic who wrote about his fantasies about castrating little boys and now he has ties with a "transgender health authority"
No. 2026611
File: 1723809345728.png (246.63 KB, 583x632, IMG_1700.png)

>>2026479Finally we are talking about this, been watching the forums for weeks after the English VA made it impossible to handle more than a few scenes at a time (the character is super annoying also so it’s even worse.)
In the beginning there were a lot of posts about the VA and criticism. How he only got the job because of Nepotism, his hatred for women and fake (offensive) accent. It went from him having bad directions and not his fault, to old clips he uploaded himself to “show off” his voice which proved he just sucked to personal attacks towards anyone even criticising the character (didn’t matter if you played in another language than the English dub).
A lot of Europeans were critiquing the game for using NA voice actor since they come with a lot of baggage. Biology was discussed and handmaidens and the likes said those not understanding that trans women are women are only understanding “basic biology” and should stop calling him a man. The usual. But a lot of people pushed back “If he believes himself to be a woman doesn’t mean I have to keep feeding his delusion as I don’t believe him to be a woman.” Even, when he had lied about being Latino (the accent which was used for that part of the game) some were questioning the forum if it was right for a white man to pretend to be everything but, while he had posted about how women needed to give up their work for him since they did not represent a transgender woman and was therefore wrong for the job. It’s a shitstorm and sadly now they have started to contain it, when you no longer can overlook the idiotic tweets and how bad he is for PR. - this was the first thread that got locked. A lot of replies are taken away but there is a lot of context in it.
No. 2026626
File: 1723814494221.mp4 (3.12 MB, 960x540, SUIhvRw.mp4)

>>2026611This is a whole other topic, but in america (and a few other countries like mine), the va and localization scene has basically been taken over by wokies, mostly because they have rich parents and work cheaply (no union contracts or anything)
No. 2026628
>>2026611I'm surprised Twitter isn't screeching about the erasure of
POC trans people kek, but then again we all know how much they love to kowtow to white faggots.
No. 2026660
File: 1723822832950.jpeg (336.99 KB, 1169x1282, F4C05FAD-77DE-4D06-869A-1A4B6B…)

A white man complaining about how other people have it easier to get jobs, whilst actively taking jobs away from women and POC.
No. 2026681
File: 1723827065487.jpg (582.75 KB, 1577x1865, 1000011963.jpg)

>>2026611Honestly with all the drama he stirred up I am shocked he wasn't posted here earlier. They are jist a shitstorm of bad PR and are making a bad situation unsalvagable. Yoshi P has fired people for likes on the wrong thing, I can only guess they are trying to think of a solution before firing them since the Wuk Lamat(the character Sena voices) is hated in all languages. There is just no way Sena isn't getting fired. Probably doing it on purpose or something so they can play the
victim forever.
>>2026504Someones respinse, before it gets removed by Sena probably, to the black gospel racist shit. People are not having it. The more Sena speaks to more pissed off people get and the more Sena blocks and deletes replies.
No. 2026696
TLDR: Tik tok features a tranny bragging about being able to physically beat transphobes because he is a 6ft+ male. He doesn’t seem to realize that’s actually the entire reason why no one wants him in women’s spaces.
No. 2026745
File: 1723838407950.png (92.26 KB, 828x379, breast giggle.png)

According to his comment history, he isn’t even on HRT. He’s talking about his moobs, kek.
No. 2026748
File: 1723838637773.png (294.1 KB, 828x1010, prison gay.png)

When the prison gay sex is so bad you have to resort to blindfolds.
No. 2026762
File: 1723841732693.jpg (1.13 MB, 1080x2051, Rotpocketprotecter.jpg)

>>2026696I could kick his ass easily
No. 2026771
File: 1723843104916.jpg (117.74 KB, 957x883, GTB7wZ9W0AAkmmT.jpg)

>>2026756Even better: He was hired purely because he's buddies with the current head of English localization for the game. She's a thembie and not much better than 'Sena'.
No. 2026774
File: 1723843778614.jpg (874.36 KB, 1061x2146, Straightmalefashionadvice.jpg)

Calls himself a "masc lesbian"
No. 2026836
>>2026774do these people know what face cards are?
at least super fags are aware lmao
No. 2026843
File: 1723858015120.jpeg (207.45 KB, 1170x1162, IMG_5802.jpeg)

>>2026029This is how he photoshops himself kek
No. 2026888
File: 1723875179232.jpg (112.1 KB, 809x475, 20240817_160710.jpg)

Man claiming to have PCOS begs mother recovering from surgery to make him a hot pocket. Attached part of the videos description. Late stage schizo or hopefully troll No. 2026927
File: 1723887708726.jpeg (166.48 KB, 688x960, 8rqe61ysqzmc1.jpeg)

>>2026029Reminds me of picrel
No. 2026969
>>2026626The original in Japanese has the same sort of double entendre, except it's ochinchin, that's not the best example to go after the woke VAs,
>>2026628Trannies are racist kek, are you surprised?
No. 2027006
File: 1723904261163.png (765.73 KB, 720x1465, MzHKsPI.png)

No. 2027008
File: 1723904851697.png (453.54 KB, 438x672, yawntrail.png)

>>2026776>>2026781He got promoted into being the supervisor of localization for all of Unit 3's products years ago so Kate has had her claws dug in for a bit. Expect even more troonery going forward unless Square tosses her.
>>2026843 At least get the crap off of your shirt if you're going to shoop to that extreme, buddy.
No. 2027045
File: 1723911671469.jpg (255.23 KB, 1616x835, ew.JPG)

The elmo voice makes it sound like a skit kek.
No. 2027047
>I know I’m a women because I have a the ability to knock people out but use words instead
>but just know I can still beat you up
No. 2027053
File: 1723913444374.png (4.52 MB, 1864x1894, tgirlkyle.png)

>>2027045samefag he is definitely doing a bit. He's tagging his shit as fortnight and saying he's 300/400 lbs. He's also the same guy as
>>2023349There's maybe a .1% chance that he's serious but I think I'm just saying that because I'm so on guard against trannies in general.
No. 2027063
>>2027047I hate the overuse of the word esoteric, there is nothing spiritual about you faggot. And the exaggerated looks of disgust is so corny. I wonder what made him seethe today to randomly make a TikTok pretending that he’s in an argument. But bragging about how you could be so violent is totally pacifist and that Agp moment with the moob brag though.
>>2026696“Used to be a whole ass man” he knows he’s still a grown ass man. Estrogen must not be doing shit to the brain if these moids first idea of “defense” is assault
It’s so obvious that both of these fags have a mix of a superiority complex because they wear makeup more and totally not because they look like rats without it totally not.
No. 2027088
File: 1723918123235.png (1.31 MB, 1248x1676, 43DD0202-6CC3-406D-AFE2-97919A…)

No. 2027090
>>2027053Isn't that a parody account? Hasn't he been posted here before and he pretended to be pregnant?
>>2027088Fuck what a jump scare where is the spoiler thing
No. 2027113
File: 1723923823437.jpeg (5.32 KB, 168x300, ugly faggot.jpeg)

if this was a girl people would be making fun of it but because its a faggot its okay
No. 2027124
File: 1723925888714.jpeg (883.9 KB, 2048x2007, IMG_0250.jpeg)

Every photo he posts makes him look more and more unflattering
No. 2027126
File: 1723926367608.jpeg (42.04 KB, 612x936, spoiler-7-0-dialogue-spoken-pe…)

>>2026479>be me, slowly catching up on FFXIV after several long breaks>playing through Endwalker currently>heard from a friend that DT was disappointingly bad>even noticed reading in shout chat (aka, in-game) people grieving about it about a week or so after it released>he links me picrel>says "Hope you like Wuk Lamat ahaha" in a sarcastic facetious way>mfw I am just now learning that Wuk Lamat's English VA is the same psychopath posting all this twittershitGood god, if I wasn't trying to do a playalong with my boyfriend I would actively choose to skip every single Wuk Lamat dialogue line I possibly could.
>>2026484Oh god, that's horrendous. Like, needs to be redone tier horrible. Doesn't fit the tone of the scene at all.
>>2026582I hope so, this dude is a PR nightmare, especially if he won't accept that his performance is just objectively bad, nevermind that the character herself is unlikable. Fire Sena, SQE.
No. 2027128
File: 1723926950701.jpeg (427.86 KB, 1170x964, IMG_0253.jpeg)

>>2027124And comparing himself to Debra Jo Rupp too
No. 2027219
File: 1723950939266.jpeg (Spoiler Image,961.4 KB, 1179x2000, IMG_2982.jpeg)

This is one of the newer subs I’ve found that’s disturbing and gross. Instead of bottom surgery there’s now something called a “fufu”. This screams AGP.
No. 2027261
File: 1723963178889.png (2.85 MB, 1914x1552, cynthoni.png)

somewhat notable breakcore mtf creep Sewerslvt has returned to the web this summer and is rebranding as 'Cynthoni'.
No. 2027268
File: 1723964314138.png (Spoiler Image,7.49 MB, 2137x4653, Screenshot_20240818_104057_Red…)

>>2027219I had to go look. Why did I have to go look?
No. 2027272
>>2027268I knew I shouldn’t open it, and yet I did.
How can anyone confuse this thing with a real vagina? The placement alone is not right - and I’m not talking about anything else.
No. 2027279
>>2027268>>2027272Also has to see how that works. And it doesn't. There's a full scrotum worth of skin just under that clip thing like the most nightmarish apron. They make very sure not to show it on most pictures but it's really a camera angle thing. Once again something completely artifical that only works online, like the faceapp fantasies, and their whole girl-existence.
>>2027277You know how you bunch up a whole lot of shit on top when you wrap up a candle in christmas paper? Well this is a dick and nuts candle and the wrapping is all ball skin.
No. 2027285
File: 1723968129806.mp4 (Spoiler Image,18.11 MB, 1280x720, RDT_20240818_095645.mp4)

>>2027277Collage anon here with a handy video guide from the subreddit.
>>2027279 is right in saying it doesn't work – most of them look like extremely prolapsed assholes because of everything trying to escape the clip. Those made me want to throw up, though, so I didn't include them in the collage.
No. 2027317
File: 1723981366850.jpeg (1.06 MB, 1526x2034, 2C482BC8-05F2-4569-A583-59654A…)

emo-tionally stunted
No. 2027328
File: 1723984744632.jpeg (80.08 KB, 398x479, d1p31ap-703fdfae-bef8-45e0-923…)

>>2027317they’re (he? they look like the same person, am i tweaking or did he photoshop himself in hugging himself) trying to copy this. i hate it so much stop ruining things i’m nostalgic for
No. 2027329
>>2027317Why can't they just be an emo gay couple. They would literally get all the e-fame and asspats they wanted from that dynamic.
>>2027328Kek it really does look shooped. I think they just digitally altered themselves into the same monstrosity.
No. 2027341
>>2027279nonna, please, dick and nuts candle, I laughed out loud while retching kek. Actually very helpful description, though, I couldn't figure out wtf was going on before. Anyway, most women I know are so fucking busy like, being a breadwinner, taking care of everyone in their lives for free and volunteering for strangers, learning beautiful crafts or art or expressing themselves through cooking or something in their free time. Meanwhile, these grown fucking men just stay sitting around for hours inventing new ways to play with their pathetic little dicks and somehow this means they are women. Coolcoolcool.
No. 2027342
File: 1723989238719.jpg (Spoiler Image,387.04 KB, 950x1024, wgat.jpg)

for lesbian nonas here, what would you do if you got in bed with a woman and it was actually one of these? this looks really off to me but I can't articulate why. would you assume this is a woman who got into an accident and had to have reconstructive surgery? even in that case the vagina would look more normal right? the labia just looks weird to me, and shouldn't they be touching? you shouldn't be able to see the hole…? I just don't understand why doctors make such fucking weird looking pussies, I've seen a few convincing ftm penises (granted I'm not a man nor fuck men kek but it looks real to me) but this just is baffling.
No. 2027344
File: 1723989897602.jpg (Spoiler Image,469.86 KB, 836x1029, horror.jpg)

>>2027342all mtf surgeries look like you asked an ai to generate vaginas based on a text prompt.
No. 2027399
File: 1723999724348.png (Spoiler Image,4.32 MB, 1600x1600, sewer.png)

>>2027275nta but check out his thread on the other farms. i'm in a good mood today so i'll spoonfeed you
>fat fuck>obsessed with junko furuta - a victim of violent rape and murder - basically based his entire online persona on her because he "relates to her suffering" or whatever>put Junko's face on a hentai character for an album cover (picrel)>put a photo of a real dead child on an album cover>put lolis on an album cover>used a picture of lain sucking dick as an album cover>posted his fat fuck thighs and ass in his discord channel full of minors>porn addict (obviously)>drew futa lolis riding dick and posted the drawings on his twitter account>just an insufferable whiny faggot>his fans are just as insufferable - retarded tranny cocksuckers who can excuse pedophilia but draw the line at misgendering >>2027342not a lesbian but i'm pretty sure one would be able to tell apart a tranny before being so unlucky to see their amhole.
No. 2027417
>>2027342This one isn't bad considering the useful monster hole results. But the biggest thing is location, an actual woman is further down and has a clitoral hood. Scrotal skin doesn't look like the labia at all, even if she doesn't have very big outer lips.
There was a woman who takes plaster molds of female external genitalia, she mistook the troons for damage she's seen from
victims of FGM. Which you know these fagets got off on.
No. 2027449
>>2027417Horrific. I’m sure they will try and steal the pain of fgm
victims and claim their male struggles are just as bad and traumatic. (Or even say how fgm
victims are lucky to have the gender euphoria of having their clit sliced off)
No. 2027536
File: 1724030796822.jpg (Spoiler Image,418.37 KB, 958x1414, wow.jpg)

How do men see this as a "good outcome" and not get put off from surgery? Do they really not look it up?
No. 2027551
File: 1724034817938.jpg (84.51 KB, 314x400, 26468743.jpg)

>>2027536Holy shit it looks like something from Uzumaki. Bodies aren't supposed to do that, it's like when somebody from South Africa gets a lit rubber tire put around their neck.
No. 2027590
File: 1724045451929.jpeg (34.96 KB, 640x480, images - 2024-08-19T023021.076…)

>>2027088Why is he posing like Bridgette Bardot
No. 2027604
File: 1724052450544.jpeg (47.63 KB, 425x208, IMG_2707.jpeg)

>>2027344Probably sent this video game boss as reference.
No. 2027611
>>2027536This looks like an ugly mess, it's like someone tried to recreate a vagina without knowing how it looks like.
I bet that this scrote now thinks he can have wonderful stealth sex too.
No. 2027681
>>2027680Sorry nonnies, I can’t attach the png file so I’ll just link the tweet
No. 2027686
File: 1724077107562.png (28.6 KB, 559x295, gross tranny rapist .png)

>>2027681no worries nonna ill attach it
No. 2027688
File: 1724077312098.jpeg (399.64 KB, 1170x1980, D9FE9F0E-6B8A-435B-99D1-F81B5B…)

>>2027686The comments kek
No. 2027707
>>2027703I'm glad they make them ugly as shit, it makes it easier to clock them.
Even the decent ones are shit too, the ballsack skin and the gaping hole always gives it away.
No. 2027709
>>2027671It's stupid men who get tricked by troons, if a lesbian ends up in bed with a TIM there are two possible options:
- it's not consensual(either by force or guilt-tripping to get over her "genitalia fetish");
- she's not a lesbian.
No. 2027763
File: 1724093260283.png (711.27 KB, 878x1521, Clipboard02.png)

Matt Walsh is ick but well played lol
No. 2027773
>>2027754male on female violence, especially males mocking female
victims of child rape will never be funny, tranny. wanna selfpost your rot pocket so we can have a real laugh tho?
No. 2027787
>>2027775so will mini-modding, nona. nobody seemed to get banned for calling
>>2027342 a selfposting tranny
No. 2027810
File: 1724101695585.png (254.54 KB, 1080x974, 1000007300.png)

Haus of Troon is making another long-winded thread, this time to defend himself from terfs who are mad at his tweet about being more emotional due to estrogen. This specific post in the thread made me kek, just wondering what he considers "purging misogyny" from his body. I don't think he realizes he's just reinforcing gender stereotypes and looking ugly while doing it No. 2027835
File: 1724106509291.jpg (519.22 KB, 1079x1571, Screenshot_20240819_185219_Chr…)

>>2027831hey retard, maybe don't laugh at male trannies making fun of female rape
victims if you don't wanna be called a moid, nothing funny about it unless you're a rapeape yourself
>>2027810>I WAS misogynistic at one point >… unlike now, where I think finally being able to see women as something other than walking vaginas gives me the right to appropriate female oppression >I transitioned to make myself feel like less of a creep, since I clearly still see women as perfect angels/mother figures, and wouldntyaknow that actually makes some women find you MORE of a creep! kek every time they try to justify their totes real womanhood they tell on themselves, trooning is just a get out of jail free card for their sexpest behavior and/or to not age like a man. I love how he says "I
wanted to be a woman" instead of "I was always a woman in my girly inner soul/brain", even he knows it's just a wish and not reality.
(infighting) No. 2027837
>>2027810Everything about this man makes me sick. I remember looking through his comics when he first came out, and it's just a repeating cycle of jokes about buttholes, cum, cocks, jerking off, "why am i so depressed", more holes, acknowledging that he only feels good when he jerks off, more cum, porn, "im going to be alone forever", and then newer comics about being a tranny. Not surprised to see him come out like this and openly say what he thinks of women.
No. 2027947
>>2027672I read somewhere that he's being held in a female prison.Is it true?
It's always vulnerable women who have to suffer the consequences of this bullshit.This pedo trannies should be thrown in male prisons, where they'll be used as the community dumpster like they deserve.
No. 2027979
File: 1724155656762.gif (25.82 KB, 640x53, you will never be a woman.gif)

Please go back.
No. 2027983
File: 1724156043932.gif (1.49 MB, 1500x1500, 1723117646045.gif)

KEKKKKKK hate? no retard you have to see someone like you as a human to hate them you are as insignificant as a speck of dust and even the dust contributes more than you.
No. 2027986
File: 1724156416292.jpg (10.24 KB, 194x259, images.jpg)

No. 2027988
File: 1724156507175.png (15.32 KB, 150x150, 1000006350.png)

Please tell us about your journey and how you "realised" you were trans. Go on, don't be shy. I bet it's something novel that we've never seen before!
No. 2027990
>>2027985samefag here's more
Advocating for children to not only hear your ideology but participate in it, expecting same-sex attracted women and traumatized women to cater to you at mass, (this is enforced by establishments as well if you're first-world and women who refuse are quickly put down, no matter why) trans who see themselves as 'superior women' or 'better than women' often for incelish reasons, implying that men with docile behavior are trans, attempting to justify that you experience the same misogyny bio women do
Again, I probably missed or butchered some stuff but that's what usually gets discussed in these threads.
No. 2027991
File: 1724157052532.jpg (111.72 KB, 1080x1082, 1713141448770566.jpg)

selfie or gtfo
No. 2027998
>>2027990 nta
Thinking a literal hole with fecal microbiome is just as good or better than a vagina. Pushing the notion or at least accepting that "realizing" you are trans through porn made entirely for men is somehow normal. Hyping up highly patriarchal societies fucking little boys or thinking being feminine is so shameful even a "superior" male born human needs another category if he dares to be feminine or attracted to males. Taking away resources from womens rights. Skewing the few studies done on women and female crime statistics when tims have sky high sexual crime rates even in comparison to other males. Often pretending to be anti-capitalist when the whole movement is funded by a bunch of coomer billionaires and most troons are hyper consumerist. Funding research to replace women while medical research in general doesn't even give a shit about female health and only focuses on male health. Accepting molesters and pedos with open arms in the community and refusing to kick them out. Defending molesters, violent criminals and pedos just because they are trans (only the tims though never seen the trans community defend tifs). Pretending misgendering is a crime against ones humanity (only if you are trans though) while defending the sentiment that the most moderate gender critical women like JK deserve everything that they get, including violence.
No. 2028021
File: 1724162915146.gif (3.41 MB, 252x262, tldr-deal-with-it.gif)

post selfie first
No. 2028036
>>2028030>So, no matter their behavior and natureFaggot, we've already established tranny behavior and nature is inherently misogynistic, it very much matters
>you feel like you're being genocided because "biological men" identify as women?Kek you're the only ones claiming to be licherally genocided every time a woman tells you you're male, scrote
>>2028034>No one AKSHUALLY believes [thing that's literally the basis of tranny ideology]KEKKK also real girl… damn, you wish. so then what makes you a woman? horse piss hormones? that will never make you one of us either. if you don't wanna be hated, why is it so hard to just admit you're a faggot and you will never be female?
No. 2028052
>>2028049>i have never known a single transbian who was comparable at allNobody gives a fuck if you met the most normalest
valid qween transbian, IDK why you're shilling
No. 2028065
>>2028058Nta but are you a Blaire white fan? Here is the thing while sure homosexual TiMs do come off as more ‘normal’ it’s mostly because they don’t act as retarded as the twansbians but as
>>2028040 said yes they are misogynistic. They act if you don’t lean into beauty ideals then you are not a woman, they still like to brag about punching or verbally abusing terfs, they don’t respect sex segregated spaces and they still fetishize being a woman just in a different way from the Agps. The only reason why they are ‘normal’ is because you are blinding yourself to the poor behavior that they do and because they are gay males.
No. 2028067
>>2028049There is no troon who is good. The notion that a woman can be anything and can be reduced to a mere feeling that anyone, even the oppressor, can identify into is misogynistic and regressive.
There's nothing that makes you a woman other than being an adult human female.Trangenderism does nothing for feminism, I would even say that it's anti-woman.
(non-milk posts must be saged. learn how at No. 2028069
>>2028067According to TRAs not enjoying the systematic oppression we face since we were born, from female socialization, the feminity forced upon us by society, the sexism , the harassment, makes you not a woman. This ideology is utter bullshit, because it doesn't give a proper solution to women other than becoming "men". "You don't like how men treat you and how society treats women? That's because you're not actually a woman, become the true man you are tehehe" , that's the slogan. And mind you TIFs are still treated like women all the same, by regular men and TIMS alike, you change the scenery but not the situation.
No. 2028076
>>2027285Moids call our genitals complicated but I doubt you could do this origami shit with a vulva. Degeneracy and faggotry aside, he had to spend a really long time engineering together a 3D-printable piece of plastic that lets him fold his ballsack specifically into… that, and as much as I hate to say it there's creativity in it. Imagine if scrotes didn't have dicks to play with all day, they'd actually make useful contributions to the world.
Also, I haven't seen a penis in some time but his looks very weird. Is something wrong with it? Is it supposed to be like that if it's that small?
No. 2028203
File: 1724195937971.jpg (819.99 KB, 1080x2030, Screenshot_20240820_235841_Chr…)

every time a viral tweet made by a tranny appears in my feed i go check their media tab for any selfies out of curiousity and it never disappoints
No. 2028244
File: 1724206415641.jpg (12.07 KB, 456x83, oh_behave.jpg)

>>2028240I was reading the passport bro thread in /snow today and when I read your comment I thought picrel kekkekkk
No. 2028252
File: 1724208072461.png (381.19 KB, 652x756, IMG_0109.png)

No. 2028279
File: 1724212841729.jpg (49.26 KB, 1200x621, F7xn8jTXkAA_lDV.jpg)

>>2027810>Radfems clowned on me, and I didn't even notice!Picrel
>I WAS misogynisticYou still are
>I feel inherently creepyBecause you are
>I had to PURGE so much misogyny from my body in order to admit I wanted to be a womanIf you'd "purged" some more, you'd realize that LARPing as a woman is misogynistic in and of itself.
No. 2028287
File: 1724215229329.jpeg (419.68 KB, 2048x1536, GS-0-PeXIAAAysO.jpeg)

>>2027686This is what him and his "girlfriends" look like by the way. LOL! Many such cases
No. 2028340
File: 1724237993110.jpg (230.73 KB, 1080x1284, 1000001091.jpg)

Ugh, I swear I'm about to scream. On the subreddit witches vs patriarchy they are always posting asking if they are welcome there since they present as goth women. No space is safe for women, especially online…
No. 2028413
>>2028379Never have I seen a
nonny more generous than you. Also delusional but most of all generous. And people have the audacity to say anyone here's mean to trannies.
No. 2028421
File: 1724255542857.jpg (652.62 KB, 828x1341, creepy.jpg)

It’s so creepy how obsessed troons are with their fictional “girlhood” alt-selves. Especially knowing how AGP works.
No. 2028422
File: 1724255587964.jpg (310.95 KB, 828x1173, creepy2.jpg)

>>2028421Same troon. He wants to work with underage TIFs. Interesting.
No. 2028423
File: 1724255611383.jpg (42.84 KB, 256x256, creepy3.JPG)

>>2028422Face reveal. Kek.
No. 2028462
File: 1724261039889.jpeg (456.78 KB, 1179x1697, IMG_5905.jpeg)

The fat tranny who started the demure meme is trying to shade Chapelle Roan after she posted a video saying her fans aren’t entitled to stop her for photos in public
No. 2028560
>>2028496Which is it's own brand of ugh.
Imagine being such a chronically unemployed grifter you think a normal adult could go to a summer camp and play all day.
No. 2028730
>>2028422>boy is when n64, kick the can, card games, and touch footballso glad tras are bravely and stunningly dismantling the gender stereotypes by reinforcing them to an oblivious and insulting degree.
also, you gotta love that male socialization of “i will confidently inject my opinion to this even though this may not apply to me”. very lilith and sapphic
No. 2028770
File: 1724342830565.jpeg (1.28 MB, 1170x1730, E1A708E8-88A4-401D-A959-EEBEBA…)

R/lesbianfashionadvice truly is the gift that keeps on giving.
No. 2028777
File: 1724344585198.png (1.56 MB, 1080x1755, Screenshot_20240822-173335.png)

>>2028770The top post rn is full of handmaidens and troons calling this bald alien dude "stunning" and "gorgeous" kek
No. 2028779
>>2028770Things he should get instead of bangs: a clue, a life, a grip, rekt, lost, his eyes checked.
I googled his username backwards and found this guy, think it's him idk idc just made me kek that he was they/them and then the whole description was "he".
No. 2028806
>>2028777Maynard James Keenan looking ass
>>2028785This is the best take ever, thank you for saying the truth.
No. 2028959
File: 1724379000614.jpeg (2.31 MB, 1284x2432, IMG_2157.jpeg)

>w cambriancatgirl
It’s a good url for someone who looks like they emerged from the cambrian tbh
No. 2029006
File: 1724388695626.jpg (17.4 KB, 574x159, yeahok.JPG)

god they're so fucking delusional LOL this was a comment in a thread asking about hips widening on horsepiss.
No. 2029043
File: 1724397002482.jpeg (416.38 KB, 750x682, IMG_1282.jpeg)

this fucking ogre won his case against the creator of the Giggle app. i hope he spends the money he got out of this sham on a big chop, and i wish him a lifetime of painful dilation.
No. 2029065
File: 1724407089815.png (506.87 KB, 750x1847, img_2651.png)

>troon makes a creepy comment about how reviewbrah would have been so 'beautiful' if he transitioned
>some one correctly compared this to rw degenerates talking about "towelboys"
>troons lose their shit
No. 2029128
File: 1724424263974.gif (131.08 KB, 220x182, F0EEC973-0CFD-4C94-AFBA-4803E2…)

>>2029065What a bunch of mentally ill porn brained chimps. Leave my sick Victorian boy out of this goddamn nonsense ffs, they want to ruin any males we have that aren't repulsive hairy cavemen. I despise trannies and their worshipers so much, it makes me sick.
No. 2029147
File: 1724427459620.mp4 (3.81 MB, 854x478, xLNScHq.mp4)

No. 2029156
File: 1724427972562.png (37.87 KB, 207x473, Robbie_appearance.png)

>>2028959dude on the right looks like robbie valentino if he trooned out
>>2029065so misgendering is ok when trannies do it for fun? and it's not even someone "transphobic" like JK Rowling (they like to call her "he" like it's an own kek), but just some dude?
also he already has girls gasping for air on /g/'s unconventional attractions thread kek, no need for cross-sex hormones
No. 2029184
File: 1724435634243.jpg (67.61 KB, 1920x1080, reviewbrah-shake-shack-youtube…)

>>2029154>Reviewbrah is cuteTOP KEKKK you're the one who needs to go back, autist-chan, you cannot be serious
(derailing) No. 2029204
File: 1724439047099.png (853.06 KB, 601x2353, img_2654.png)

>>2029128>>2029178from what I've seen in fandom spaces, it's not even just 'feminine male' characters(though they do have a habit of going after young boys) they do this to basically any male character that isn't a gross, fat ogre man and that women find attractive. It's driven by male jealousy towards attractive males and the worst part is that libfems will literally praise them for this
No. 2029217
>>2029205except he
is offensively ugly, just because he's not a "hairy roidpigs" doesn't mean he's not on the opposite end of the spectrum looking like both an underdeveloped child cancer patient and the pedophile who would groom him. go back to the ugly men thread or back to tumblr with your stale memes, that thing barely looks human, much less attractive
(derailing) No. 2029254
File: 1724442210579.png (1.93 MB, 2208x1242, E7BFEB53-4583-4874-A62A-A33F0C…)

>>2029205May you be blessed ♥
(derailing) No. 2029268
File: 1724443083714.jpg (128.82 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

>>2029128Me too nonna, me too… From what I've noticed, and many others, they genuinely do say this about the men women find attractive, as
>>2029204 said. They're so jealous because they're bottom of the barrel troglodyes. Here, have a pic of this beautiful victorian gentleman
(derailing) No. 2029292
>>2028379I think they don't want to pass, because humiliation and "getting caught" are a part of the fetish. They know they look like men, but wearing women's clothes is "naughty". Just like the trannies of old that used to just wear red panties and make them poke out of the top of their pants.
>>2028780This is exactly what I mean. They love that shit.
No. 2029295
Thomas Gabel AKA Laura Jane Grace, the 6'5" male presenting man delights in skipping an old woman at the airport bag check and then harassing her. Male aggression is so cute and quirky!
No. 2029307
File: 1724449379839.jpg (27.87 KB, 600x600, st,small,507x507-pad,600x600,f…)

>>2029217>back to tumblr with your stale memesi'm sorry i don't keep up with current trends in memes and reference whatever i think is funny no matter how old it is. i've never even used tumblr
>much less attractivei never said he was? you're so butthurt over nothing nona.
though your insults towards him are very cretive and i admit i kekkedi'll take my derailing ban but i have to finish my thought. he's so weird-looking i can't even see him as a man, he's like a strange fairytale creature to me. he looks like he'll give me a riddle to solve. not into it personally but i see the appeal
(derailing) No. 2029309
File: 1724449858345.jpg (2.13 MB, 3264x1836, aisaka20240823_153648516.jpg)

This person who does dancerush kept appearing on reels and when i saw the woomy aisaka name and profile pic i clocked him instantly kek
No. 2029320
>>2029312She’s literally wearing a “Laura Jane Grace” shirt, she
is a fangirl
No. 2029346
File: 1724455968927.jpeg (1.58 MB, 1170x2391, 40499F46-76FA-4C5B-9CA7-DE44E5…)

>be me
>opened up Facebook after 6 months
>see this
>log out
The whole post is about how his parents don’t like him being trans so he wants people to flood him with fake compliments to show those gross bigots that he’s fine. (Yes he was a creep before this)
No. 2029527
File: 1724510967913.jpeg (335.87 KB, 1116x1291, 6FBC67AC-B800-4E50-963B-DF292E…)

This man is going to be running against women who have had leg amputations whilst being fully able bodied (besides visual impairment, which doesn’t really affect running ability.
No. 2029529
File: 1724511320298.jpeg (962.06 KB, 1170x1869, 33C4C315-C987-4C2B-8E2B-2DF15B…)

>>2029527Same fag
>self confessed sexist>speaks about women dismissively >stole his mothers underwear>talks to children about his fetish wow what a great representation for women’s sport, truly a brave stunning womanly soul
No. 2029562
File: 1724515461585.mp4 (4.25 MB, 576x1024, ssstik.io_@erinmohrcomedy_1724…)

No. 2029670
>>2029597They're laughing out if fear. They'll be his target if they don't give him performative validation.
>>2029529He's everything we've always said they are.
No. 2029739
>>2028122It’s not entirely like this in
alll cases. Most normie moids, especially gay ones, are not on 4chan. Not to defend hsts as they are still just as misogynistic and woman-hating as the average fag - if not more so - due to the extreme jealousy and desire to skinwalk their faghag friends and straight women they are in competition with for Brad, but you can’t put them in the same category as the coomer yuri-loving lolicon transbians and bi tims. A bunch of them will have grown up being feminine and likely jealous that their female counterparts were able to naturally be that way without being ridiculed in the same way for it. Then they’ll get to teenhood and still be seething with jealousy but instead because they can’t get with the straight guys they’re into. Their entire friendship circle will be girls apart from them, and after some time the novelty of being the GBF will wear off for them and they’ll seek further attention and hugboxing from their friends and a chance with Brad by trooning out, helped by rapey porn about tricking/turning straight guys and socmed convincing them they were always women “on the inside” due to their feminine interests and demeanor, and perhaps some capacity of gender dysphoria. Alternatively, they were forcibly trooned out by their deranged parents and put on hormones/blockers in their childhood or tween years for woke points and probably some weird homophobia type shit. Also gay moids notoriously love to skinwalk women anyway, from wayyy back before animeshit and 4chan even existed, drag queens and mollyboys and the like have existed for centuries for this reason. This is just giving them added steps and free reign to claim they are true and real women and have it illegal to criticise or push back against that. There is no longer any degree of shame over it anymore. You can’t wedge them all into one cookie-cutter box, because it means the ones that didn’t have it happen that way will see this and think they’re superior or a “trutrans” and “
valid” like Blaire White for eg, for not being
as degenerate as the others, or at least a different variation of degenerate, and likely have a “gotcha” or pickme mindset around it all.
No. 2029743
File: 1724547452567.jpeg (1.69 MB, 1242x1813, IMG_9261.jpeg)

Audiogynephile looking like a real lesbian uwu (totally not an autistic shut-in moid with a hentai addiction) next to a female friend
No. 2029745
File: 1724547716954.png (5.04 MB, 1242x2688, IMG_9262.png)

>>2029743Samefag but this seems dodge to me. I don’t want to accuse someone of being a pedo who isn’t one but constantly worrying you’re a pedophile has to have some sort of basis aside. Considering the beyond questionable host of grim fetishes he is entirely open about, who knows what he has going on in secret.
No. 2029752
File: 1724550618095.jpeg (942.79 KB, 828x1454, IMG_5939.jpeg)

>>2029743Is that Chloe? Kek if this is new and the tiktok she just posted is related
No. 2029761
File: 1724552529790.mp4 (2.88 MB, 576x1024, v15044gf0000cqp982vog65khl8apu…)

>>2029752The way she’s struggling to choke out trans women are beautiful
No. 2029764
File: 1724553498293.jpeg (149.07 KB, 1242x586, IMG_9290.jpeg)

>>2029758Seems to be Cora lamenting the past then, by these comments. He made the video 6 days ago
No. 2029766
>>2029764Absolutely, i mean when they met it was completely by chance iirc, he was at a bar and ran into Chloe and I remember when it happened finding it weird how much he posted about it and that he named her city (which tbf I think she posted about her college before but I found the way he did it weird). He kept saying “who knew her college town is where I live” and acted like this very fact makes them friends. Then he would repost this picture of them every few weeks. Bear in mind they met approx May of this year? Still posting about it?
And kek at the autism of “we’ve been saying this for months” yeah that’s a polite no take the hint
(sage your shit) No. 2029813
>>2029745Idk if his POCD is a red flag but this is a correct intuition, porn addiction is a big factor in the incidence of intrusive thoughts. Looked up his profile and
>adult canine femaleKek i wonder if their obsession with puppy shit and tying 'womanhood' and dogs together is related to the fact that 'bitch' is the go-to insult thrown at women. Sometimes it feels like AGP is really just a subcategory of humiliation fetish
No. 2029839
File: 1724585967957.jpeg (265.19 KB, 1242x1142, IMG_9289.jpeg)

>>2029813It’s grim because he’s constantly making posts fetishising lesbians and fat women among others. Also judging by this screenshot he clearly has some weird petplay thing going on too. Idk, it all weirds me out and also just his whole vibe and demeanour and the way he talks makes me squirm and unsettles me, more so than the average autistic tranny
No. 2029953
File: 1724607940533.jpeg (158.5 KB, 602x1069, VcJqZJA.jpeg)

AGPs are always clad in skimpy clothes while looking like old geezers
No. 2030201
File: 1724679170778.png (203.4 KB, 592x950, SissySandy.png)

No. 2030685
File: 1724723054871.png (641.84 KB, 604x1008, horsepiss.png)

No, bro. Horse urine is not magical.
No. 2030831
File: 1724755704928.png (67.79 KB, 763x596, img_9673.png)

No. 2030841
File: 1724757926143.png (96.35 KB, 790x784, GVcsCg2W0AAKzpl.png)

>>2030831Jesus christ. Apparently THIS is the post thats pissing off all the "nazis".
No. 2030845
File: 1724758289110.png (523.98 KB, 584x1023, uglyuglyugly.png)

>>2030831Also, ewwwww. Why do men always try to make themselves look like the ugliest things on earth?
No. 2030886
>>2030846the problem is the queer community is go gullible and retarded that I'm certain there are trolls having the time of their lives because the entire community too chickenshit for a legitimate discourse to happen. any legit criticism is written off as"transphobia", hating bisexuals, polytards, etc
its like hedonism kek
No. 2030897
File: 1724766999747.png (749.35 KB, 751x820, img_9674.png)

No. 2030958
File: 1724779487726.png (120.68 KB, 763x889, JNfyUsS.png)

>>2030846Definitely bait but I can't decide if it's someone who hates lesbians or who just hates chappell roan specifically kek
No. 2030989
File: 1724783256726.jpg (341.55 KB, 2059x1697, 1000024242.jpg)

>>2030897That's just a remake of this infamous picture.
No. 2031049
File: 1724792181681.jpg (187.1 KB, 601x783, taylort.jpg)

can't stand men who make believe they are lesbians and then want the real ones to shut up
No. 2031087
File: 1724795165457.png (692.98 KB, 573x836, TdbeEV9pGw.png)

>>2031072Probably because he has few followers and doesn't post anything interesting. It's easy to find accounts of the cows that get posted if you know how to.
No. 2031095
File: 1724795888933.png (2.26 MB, 1198x2798, leave lesbians alone.png)

I just wanna say to the lesbian nonna's im so, so very sorry for having to put up with these moids y'all stronger than I am.
They always have that arrogant look on their face.
No. 2031098
File: 1724796188397.jpg (242.3 KB, 1095x736, ewewewewew.jpg)

>>2031096Damn I just found out more about him. Not just women not even teenagers are safe from this creep.
Also agree, I hope lesbians can somehow form their own group away from these perverts (they really shouldnt have to but we living in clown world now!)
No. 2031178
File: 1724802947329.jpg (250.39 KB, 1080x1183, vu0hv.jpg)

the way he frames this as a funny little joke and not the bizarre freak thing it actually is… i hate pornbrained moids so much it's unreal
No. 2031237
File: 1724809143321.jpg (405.83 KB, 1080x1629, Theynotlikeus.jpg)

They think they're being cute using slurs as if they have any right to reclaim them. What makes him more eligible to say the word "dyke" than the guy that yelled it out the window at me and my girlfriend? Because he's wearing womens underwear?
No. 2031267
>>2031178Oh dear jeezus the pedophilia implications…..
>Raven Lemme guess, you wanted to fuck the goth chick from Teen Titans? Gee, how original.
No. 2031293
File: 1724823137217.jpg (638.07 KB, 1220x2200, Screenshot_2024-08-28-01-28-46…)

>>2030685Seems he has the right to judge adult Fandom because he has been in a movie. I bet he had a small role and now believes that he is a superstar.
No. 2031314
File: 1724831239319.jpeg (87.55 KB, 960x960, GQkwJ7-XsAA2VCx.jpeg)

May as well put a kaiju behind her
No. 2031338
File: 1724837694731.jpg (370.9 KB, 734x1586, Screenshot_20240828_103038_Sam…)

'Girl horny'
Just girl things right? TeeHEE. These dudes will never understand our sexuality or our desires. Ever. They really don't get it. They're just coom brained morons and I am just sick to death of them in our spaces.
Legit. I would rather live on another planet with nothing but women at this point. And I'm straight. But I'm just done with troons that much that I'd forgo seeing another man again if I could just get a respite from their male BS and troon BS. (Which is one in the same)
No. 2031361
>>2031338problem: can't sleep because horny
normal person: masturbates they can get to sleep
this troon: conceives of it as 'girl horny' even though it's 'man on estrogen and spiro horny' and posts on the internet about it
This is such obvious autogynephilia. Half of what turns them on is imagining themselves as feminine, the other half is being perceived as feminine by others (or imagining being perceived as feminine).
No. 2031390
>>2031386It's just another facet of their AGP fetish.
>ooh i took this magical potion that can totally change my chromosomes from y to x, ooh its making me grow boobies im lactating and my penis is a clitoris now and i'm so horny now, its feeling all tingly uwu :3It's purely fantasy coomer shit.
(sage your shit) No. 2031511
>>2031433Maybe, feeling tingles on your stomach from arousal is definitely a real thing though. It's obvious they turned this into a meme to convince each other that they're totes becoming female. You can find plenty of troons discussing this on asktransgender, but as usual they betray their lie by mentioning a 'funny girl horny warm sensation
in my stomach' when it's actually more of a skin sensation. The other thing is that it's a byproduct of genital arousal, but they never mention this since it's all about hallucinating signs of 'feminization'.
No. 2031597
File: 1724872263623.png (392.47 KB, 604x630, img_9677.png)

there will be other allegations
No. 2031776
File: 1724891048533.jpg (314.17 KB, 1125x1710, 1000013382.jpg)

There's so much I could say about how ass this poem is. It has somehow both the cadence of a redditor man and a tumblr libfem circa 2015 with the whole "black dress to the floor eyeliner sharp enough to kill a man" bullshit.
No. 2031777
File: 1724891237920.jpg (93.44 KB, 768x469, 1000013383.jpg)

>>2031776This guy loves writing Tumblr text post tier poetry about being trans
No. 2031790
File: 1724894445761.jpg (987.85 KB, 2048x1536, usualsuspect.jpg)

So I read horror books sometimes, and I saw someone online raving about 'Fluids' by a certain May Leitz, which is described as a toxic lesbian romance with 'ED, suicide, matricide, rape, torture, incest' etc you get the idea. And I immediately said hm, this sounds like a man writing torture porn about women. I go see what the author looks like, and guess what? It's this ogre. I was shocked, I tell you. Shocked.
No. 2031833
File: 1724901375918.jpeg (41.49 KB, 720x405, 42388510_1569852202913670_r-23…)

>>2031776>>2031777this ogre is not fucking DJs or investment bankers lmaoooo
No. 2031925
File: 1724927118478.jpeg (74.99 KB, 554x554, IMG_2855.jpeg)

>>2031790holy cow ijbol his skull is so fucking awful
No. 2031932
File: 1724929553525.jpeg (875.96 KB, 2048x1536, GWDW76DXoAAmzon.jpeg)

not a "poc" in sight kek. but it's terfs who are white, sure
No. 2031934
File: 1724929792947.jpg (158.63 KB, 1080x472, Screenshot_20240829_111749_Chr…)

this is what you get for being nice to trannies. i feel bad for op
>>2031925thought this was mason "ethel cain" for a second, they all have that inbred neanderthal look lmao
No. 2031963
File: 1724934962293.jpeg (210.34 KB, 1032x1200, IMG_5276.jpeg)

>>2031790This is the original cover of that book. Man he really can’t hide his gross fetishes.
No. 2031966
>>2031963Why is there a
trigger warning on the book cover, what's wrong with these people???
No. 2031967
>>2031966The cover is enough of a
trigger warning by itself kek
No. 2031981
File: 1724938028260.jpeg (206.83 KB, 750x1100, IMG_3932.jpeg)

This guy came onto my feed, and I wouldn’t have looked twice if he hadn’t told on himself mentioning the dysphoria demon. Then I took a second look and spotted the chin and hand size.
No. 2031984
>>2031932How dare you not recognise their 0.001% indigenous American nonna. Those are just white passing
POC you bigot.
No. 2032010
File: 1724944234685.jpeg (231.66 KB, 832x1040, 9D01F6CB-1A50-4384-A52A-48065C…)

>>2031776>>2031777> I am more beautiful than you> guys love that I’m transgender, because I can’t get pregnant> her vagina is “real” Can’t he just make shitty poetry without trying to put himself above women? I have so much to say about this dog shit, the constant narrative of “I’m fuckable, trust me”. Describing what he’s wearing as well, like that adds anything. It’s so obvious he genuinely believes this is a female psyche. Getting fucked, wearing dresses, Justin Bieber.
No. 2032138
File: 1724958663173.jpeg (264.81 KB, 1290x877, F8pw1jl.jpeg)

Nonnies I have to share this because I cackled so much.
No. 2032148
File: 1724959068026.jpeg (362.12 KB, 1290x1833, kS5AwCU.jpeg)

>>2032138Wanna know how they look? Here’s a pic.
No. 2032151
File: 1724959272198.jpg (73.11 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

>>2031898nona i am pretty sure this is actually a woman though, just definitely mentally disabled in some way..
No. 2032161
File: 1724959668554.jpg (70.48 KB, 450x450, 1000006517.jpg)

>>2031790I'm in an online horror book group and kept seeing people rave about a similar 'extreme horror'novel called 'No One Rides For Free'about the sexual assault and torture of women and children. And guess what , the author is a troon who looks like this. They wrote a sequel with a moid who's recently been outed as sexually exploiting women by sharing nudes sent by fans. What a surprise.
No. 2032223
File: 1726038578358.jpg (571.88 KB, 1080x1526, Screenshot_20240911_090706_Sam…)

This freak (father of 2 btw) stated 'JK Rowling is only concerned about the fact that I use the female toilet'. He's an athlete who, of course, competes against women.
No. 2032264
File: 1726045040679.jpg (205.51 KB, 1080x1320, Screenshot_20240908_220319_Chr…)

i know tranny "sex workers" are dime a dozen but this one is so exceptionally ugly i just had to share
No. 2032265
File: 1726045104903.jpg (Spoiler Image,20.84 KB, 400x400, mD9nPHbe_400x400.jpg)

>>2032264full image for better viewing, unspoiler with caution
No. 2032445
File: 1726070878963.png (174.1 KB, 720x1005, gendered privilege.png)

>>2032388>>2032391>>2032408There's an Imane containment thread if you ladies want to keep this going:
>>>/ot/2124068Picrel is something I wanted to post here but the site was down. Funny how males have it the worst out of anybody ever, of course.
No. 2032671
File: 1726098191395.jpg (338.01 KB, 1493x1481, hmmm.jpg)

This guy looks different in every video as he seems to be using different filters for each one which is why the AI mistook him for female
anyway heres a video of him saying hes better than every woman because he can get a man to marry him in under 1 hour, also this video seems to be the only one with his real unaltered face
All these troons talk with these arrogant dismissive facial expressions I never knew narcissism could be so apparent on a persons face No. 2032688
File: 1726099687197.png (Spoiler Image,1.22 MB, 686x1024, download (6).png)

American trans activist Rajee Narinesingh. If anyone has heard about that story some years ago of the tranny who was extremely botched by illegal cement injections, this is him. Spoilered because he is horrifyingly ugly in both face and body despite already having his face "fixed". The photoshopped magazine pic is extremely funny compared to what he actually looks like now.
>Narinesingh came out as a transgender woman in the late 1990s, and began transitioning. In 2005, as an effort to feminize her appearance, she went to Oneal Ron Morris seeking filler injections in her face, breasts and hips. Morris, also known as “The Duchess”, is also a transgender woman, and was known in the local Miami trans community for providing cheap alternatives to expensive, professional plastic surgery. Although Narinesingh, at the time, believed her to have some medical training, Morris was not a licensed doctor. The fillers, which Narinesingh believed to be silicone, turned out to be a mixture of concrete, tire sealant, mineral oil and glue. Narinesingh was unaware of this for several months following the injections, until her body began to react negatively to the substances and her skin began to swell. The fillers hardened under Narinesingh's skin, causing nodules to form where the chemicals were injected. Too embarrassed to seek help, she spent the next few years hardly leaving her home. Finally, at the urging of a friend, she went to see plastic surgeon Dr. John J. Martin. Martin agreed to treat her for free, and began conducting ultrasound treatment and started Narinesingh on a course of anti-inflammatory medication, which lasted several years. In 2015 Narinesingh was finally ready to have most of the concrete removed from her face, and underwent four surgeries over seven weeks, a process which was documented in season 3 of the E! reality show Botched.
No. 2032699
File: 1726100878782.jpeg (Spoiler Image,37.06 KB, 460x454, GWfkWYVWAAAd5g_.jpeg)

Reminder to all you real women that you can never compete with this epitome of femininity (its spoilered for your sanity, if you click its your fault)
No. 2032714
File: 1726102572915.jpeg (Spoiler Image,772.55 KB, 1179x1735, IMG_3553.jpeg)

>”trans women aren’t only focused on sex!!”
Explain this, tranny.(spoiler this)
No. 2032733
File: 1726104213757.png (Spoiler Image,614.17 KB, 635x570, ugly.PNG)

>>2032699Checked his account for a laugh, this guy has the most unfortunate build ever.
No. 2032735
File: 1726104488808.jpeg (845.47 KB, 750x3643, IMG_1610.jpeg)

i fucking love when scrotes inflict their bullshit on other scrotes kek
No. 2032782
File: 1726111484658.png (1.29 MB, 1534x1274, Screenshot 2024-09-11 at 11.23…)

No. 2032824
File: 1726119246153.jpg (646.39 KB, 1080x1496, Screenshot_20240912_065842_X.j…)

No. 2032843
>>2032445Funny how men can now become the ultimate
victims just by saying “I’m a woman now uwu”. I can’t wait for this bs ideology to be out in a couple of years.
No. 2032853
File: 1726128365508.jpeg (377.38 KB, 1170x2077, IMG_9172.jpeg)

Totally not a fetish. He's so fat now.
No. 2033047
File: 1726164615029.jpg (648.81 KB, 1080x2340, 1000001652.jpg)

I hate this sub so much, thank God there's a new lesbian fashion advice sub that makes fun of these sub humans
No. 2033059
File: 1726166349593.jpeg (440.08 KB, 1170x1814, YMAw0gD.jpeg)

They’re not even trying nowadays. I can’t wait to laugh when men who don’t even take HRT or bother trying will claim to be women and want women’s spaces. The more they speak the more they peak people.
No. 2033096
File: 1726171166203.jpg (378.45 KB, 1080x1637, 5555.jpg)

they/themoid gets kicked out for dating a tranny. you love to see it
No. 2033099
File: 1726171243152.jpg (460.23 KB, 1080x1734, 4444.jpg)

>>2033096the "girlfriend" in question
>>2033070always have been
No. 2033138
File: 1726174689667.jpg (1002.25 KB, 1080x1813, Averageredditor.jpg)

Literally just some guy. Calls himself a "transsexual dyke" and "boyfriend". Again, straight men, you don't get to use the word dyke.
No. 2033141
File: 1726175559643.jpg (687.12 KB, 1080x2400, Yayfreemoney.jpg)

>>2033138Samefag but I was on a milk run and found out he's a (really shitty) DJ that makes entry level beats, a seasoned grifter that had a gofundme 'cause he calls himself a dyke I guess, and he's already been posted on ovarit.
No. 2033153
>>2032845>retard avatar fagging loli image>"pooner"Uh oh, tranny breach!
Fiirst, the tranny thread js the slowest its ever been, then i get banned for the first time EVER for calling the thread pic shit, then the site goes down for two weeks, and now a A tranny has breached this thread and it isnt even scared enuog to hide it. This thread pic is a fucking curse and will go down in lolcoe history as the worst thread pic everz! Whoever made this thread pic i hope you die fuck you die again
(a-logging) No. 2033175
File: 1726181589967.jpeg (1.27 MB, 2208x2944, t57xzhbojmnd1.jpeg)

>hello fellow lesbians
No. 2033214
File: 1726186835263.jpg (135.22 KB, 1086x868, he chose the bear.jpg)

>>2032735Have another lol
No. 2033230
File: 1726188686443.png (35.87 KB, 742x335, hdhkk.png)

>>2033047it will never beat the circle jerk that is twox. imagine a woman making a dumbass post like this.
No. 2033232
File: 1726189125888.jpg (Spoiler Image,98.54 KB, 898x932, 1726187248946820.jpg)

Oh to have the confidence of one of these abominations
No. 2033306
File: 1726199871530.jpeg (365.11 KB, 750x962, IMG_1644.jpeg)

tranny logic:
>turns penis into hole moids can fuck
>gets sad when moids use him as a fuck hole
No. 2033359
File: 1726215638049.png (6.72 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_8068.png)

Fyi, this is how Ayesha Erotica looks like now. Bloated as hell lol
No. 2033413
File: 1726234163062.jpg (282.6 KB, 1900x1900, 0x1900-000000-80-0-0.jpg)

>>2033359god damn, what a fucking unit kekkkk it was always hilarious how much he blatantly shooped every pic to make himself look passing. Picrel is probably the most honest and minimal shoops he's posted, what an unfortunate build. Maybe getting chonky is kind of a blessing for trannies, definitely hides the adam's apple and square jaw
No. 2033564
File: 1726260957484.png (874.81 KB, 1600x1200, Untitled397_20240913165319.png)

Why the fuck do TiMs have such a weird incest fascination?? Like I’m genuinely hoping this is a joke because there’s no fucking way these creatures are real
No. 2033631
>>2033594 said, the same reason they develop AGP and pretend to be women: porn addiction.
No. 2033734
File: 1726295965173.jpeg (1.99 MB, 3648x2736, 14319414113132.jpeg)

>>2033230The hair in question :
No. 2033753
File: 1726305831734.jpg (857.26 KB, 1079x1808, 1000034527.jpg)

nonnas i am bored on this saturday morning and changed the search settings on feeld (i know, degenerate) to chuckle at troons while drinking my coffee.
excuse the horrendous phone edits, here some lovely low effort gals
No. 2033755
File: 1726305911661.jpg (555.65 KB, 1078x1570, 1000034525.jpg)

>>2033753obviously they are all stereotypes (what is having a personality?)
No. 2033756
File: 1726305956056.jpg (470.26 KB, 776x1202, 1000034524.jpg)

>>2033753and to round things up, the final boss
No. 2033767
File: 1726308105229.jpg (150.06 KB, 1080x878, Screenshot_20240914_105230_X.j…)

edretard. when do we think this one is gonna become a tranny?
No. 2033780
>>2033771>malnourished Australian cyclistskek you're right
nonniefunnily enough the obeseoids pass more than the malnourished ones
(integrate) No. 2033789
File: 1726316237744.jpg (47.58 KB, 341x512, unnamed.jpg)

>>2033782They're literal eunuchs. They're like capons, they gros fat and sluggy then still lose their hair.
No. 2033807
File: 1726322550575.jpg (256.17 KB, 810x683, troonla catolACK.jpg)

>>2033781kek it does, troons are the best ref for horror monsters
No. 2033813
File: 1726325136300.jpeg (90.68 KB, 494x640, upTD1yx.jpeg)

Not this Troon making a whole album about fetishizing pregnancy.
No. 2033822
File: 1726326080146.png (456.22 KB, 758x666, PfINT3h.png)

somehow he looks manlier then before
No. 2033823
File: 1726326306360.jpeg (308.6 KB, 1170x1146, IMG_8472.jpeg)

>>2033813No amount of FFS will save this ugly face lol
No. 2033895
File: 1726335070797.jpeg (318.8 KB, 1170x834, IMG_7742.jpeg)

No. 2033912
>>2033895>>2033895I hope more people get exposed on how disgusting and misogynistic these scrotes are, from the first to the last. They think that women= pink, feminine, submissive, wanting to be fucked and used by men, kinks, sex and more sex.
I’ve had enough of these degenerates invading womanhood. This is a men right movement through and through.
No. 2033932
File: 1726342260279.jpg (584.08 KB, 960x1811, Screenshot_20240914_222825_Sna…)

>>2033176>>2033781my rendition
repost dropped pic>>2033807next threadpic pls
No. 2033981
File: 1726351229421.jpeg (31.97 KB, 678x452, images (34).jpeg)

>>2033813>>2033823Kekkk I always found it hilarious how every hispanic tranny looks just as clockable. picrel is Villano Antillano, I hate how they both constantly sing about muh estrogen and femininity, you're just ugly fags
No. 2034009
File: 1726357154034.jpeg (192.87 KB, 1200x1012, IMG_3648.jpeg)

>>2033807Should I change it MANdela or is Maamdela funnier?
No. 2034047
File: 1726360324742.jpg (104.68 KB, 1188x491, troons gonna troon.jpg)

Its really funny the more troons speak the more they just prove gender is nonsense and that they really have no relation to real women.(read the thread before you post)
No. 2034068
File: 1726363257295.jpeg (207.76 KB, 1183x1962, GXZ8liFW8AENhnH.jpeg)

Alright this is becoming a national emergency we need to save the lesbians for having to deal with this
No. 2034075
File: 1726363752758.jpg (9.31 KB, 250x346, tumblr_mpnc49FfKx1rfwfq9o1_250…)

>>2034068Adult Timmy Turner vibes
No. 2034255
File: 1726410365787.jpeg (110.96 KB, 1170x751, rdokiKC.jpeg)

Maybe because you always talk about disgusting , degenerate and misogynistic kinks? The porn addiction always jumps out.
They should go back to Reddit if they want to be coddled.
No. 2034259
File: 1726410442736.jpeg (Spoiler Image,49.04 KB, 640x362, T1TCUup.jpeg)

Why do many troons have tubular tits? It’s always so ugly. They post enough nudes on their socials that I notice it.
No. 2034271
File: 1726412659209.png (941.33 KB, 819x900, 5ylLoU4.png)

according to wokies, there are no obvious physical differences between men and women
No. 2034273
File: 1726412758877.jpeg (1.07 MB, 1170x1766, IMG_7749.jpeg)

sometimes I go on lesbianfashionadvice to downvote the scrotes. although the comments on this angel’s post were all about how valid he is, the comments were locked and it was the first post on the front page when I sorted by controversial. Clearly there’s other lesbians on this board sick of this shit but the mods have a tight agenda. I wonder if there’s a TIM on staff.
No. 2034276
File: 1726412798769.jpeg (961.99 KB, 1170x1728, IMG_7750.jpeg)

>>2034273second pic. if anyone can find his “fan page” lemme know i bet its funny kek
No. 2034303
File: 1726415497517.jpg (157.04 KB, 720x1018, IMG_20240915_184938.jpg)

I'm in autogynephile hell send help
No. 2034304
File: 1726415541108.jpg (686.81 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_2024-09-15-18-49-54…)

No. 2034305
File: 1726415567402.jpg (187.99 KB, 720x1032, IMG_20240915_185009.jpg)

No. 2034328
File: 1726419730979.jpeg (Spoiler Image,20.55 KB, 320x180, 4a2oq19.jpeg)

>>2034259Spoiler: ugly snail
It reminds me of those nails with the brain parasite lol
No. 2034335
File: 1726421166458.jpg (387.12 KB, 1079x1450, Screenshot_20240915_185350_X.j…)

No. 2034342
>>2034271Jesus that bulge. Barf.
>>2034276It's been discussed multiple times in previous threads, yes, there are troons in almost every female/lesbian subs. One even created a "safe space for women" kek.
>>2034304They can never have the most basic hygiene. How do you even live in a dump like this…
No. 2034381
File: 1726428312184.png (4.73 MB, 752x7197, IMG_8069.png)

the responses to this are so funny. like yeah, insecure hyper-masculine dudes do troon out, but not one of these guys is 'masculine' by any stretch. all of them look stereotypical soy-necnbeards
No. 2034383
File: 1726428485611.mp4 (2.57 MB, 480x854, Gt50vDy.mp4)

>>2034381the original video
No. 2034423
>>2034381Jesus christ, the second fag is absolutely vomitive. First of all: either not the same guy or shooped to hell and back because that's not the same nose shape at ALL, contour isn't magic. Second of all… the ahegao, the shitty belle Delphine make up and hentai aesthetic… Might as well tattoo "porn addict" on your forehead.
All these men were and are so fucking ugly, they think dying their hair and wearing faggy fishnets is the answer to everything when they could start by… idk, losing weight? Not dressing and looking like an autistic otaku redditor? But no, moids are so black and white it's either being a fedora wearing sexpest or a tranny
No. 2034424
File: 1726436742752.jpg (76.98 KB, 1204x439, gotta be the victim.jpg)

>>2033895>>2034047>>2034335Hes now complaining about being dogpiled.
Trannies do not need anyone to make them hate them they do it to themselves
No. 2034449
>>2034255>waaah why do people bully us for talking about sex and drugsBecause you freakazoids don't just talk about sex or weed like normal people. You say shit like
>uwu my widdle puppygirl girl cock is so wet from all the estrogen I'm taking teeheehee. I need a big tiddy anime goth mommy to come dominate me and rub my clitty (twenty emojis)And the fact that most of you look like CWC clones doesn't help. I don't even want to hear an attractive person overshare about sex, let alone an obese swamp monster.
No. 2034454
File: 1726442539837.mp4 (7.02 MB, 576x1024, 483a484bc95c5839ff6da7c4a83104…)

Can't stand this fag and I love how clockable and terminally ugly he is. Many TikTok trannies who know they'll never pass enough to be considered "cunty" by faghags who Stan the troon from euphoria know their best chance at acceptance is being clowns and winning faghags over with their "humor", but he's not even remotely funny either.
>I baby my bang
Kek so when trannies wear them, they're stylish babybangs but when a woman wears them they're horrific "TERF bangs"? more proof that they skinwalk the women they hate
No. 2034462
File: 1726443506626.jpeg (1.19 MB, 1179x1876, IMG_3630.jpeg)

Richard Ramirez in the flesh.
No. 2034466
File: 1726443893446.jpeg (684.07 KB, 1179x1979, IMG_3631.jpeg)

>>2034335The troons have a new word for us, cissoids.
No. 2034499
>>2033981This is actually the first time i've seen his face and it's giving me whiplash because i only know of him from ride or die with sevdaliza and he has such a brazenly manly voice when he raps.
>>2033823>>2033813Arca makes such a clapped looking troon. I honestly believe the conspiracy put forward by azealia banks that he did it for art, the shit he is doing now 100% wouldn't have worked if he was still a regular fruity man. It's only opportunities that can be acquired by having troon privilege. What also pisses me off is that the creativity of his work has decreased greatly after he released his self titled album. I don't bother going past kicki i. He had genuine talent, but he is pissing it away by living this delusional troon fantasy. I am also fed up of women saying he is pretty when he is clapped like ethel cain, shovel face and all.
No. 2034572
>>2034499Kekk yes, Villano even has the audacity to complain about muh transphobia when him and arca are such low effort trannies they might as well be transvestites. Hispanic nonnies will know "Villano" is the male form of villain, he didn't even try to make his artistic name evoke anything but moid.
I also like some of Arca's songs, but he makes me cringe so much constantly talking about estrogen and being a woman when you can literally see his bulge when he's shaking his misshapen body in a thong on stage
No. 2034602
File: 1726469167783.jpg (674.87 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20240916_144241_com…)

>>2034271If my butt was lined up with that I would get so hot and bothered omg. You know when you see a man and and he's so tall and strong and good looking that you are just ready for him with no extra steps?
(No1currs) No. 2034665
File: 1726493156787.jpg (682.48 KB, 1080x1435, Screenshot_20240916_152134_X.j…)

No. 2034675
>>2034381the second one is so shooped on the dumbass ahegao face, literally airbrushed skin and a laughably different nose, I'd love to see the monstrosity IRL kek
>>2034665most sane troon
No. 2034701
File: 1726502470964.jpg (314.74 KB, 1290x1270, 20240916_175909.jpg)

The tranny from Baby Reindeer won an Emmy for his mediocre performance, awarded by Laverne Cocks. It's all so tiresome
No. 2034731
>>2034701Two dumb men grinning about stealing women’s places and titles, we love to see it!
Can I say that this virtue signaling is so annoying too? These troons act like shit , most of the time. Hunter Schafer looked like a troll in Euphoria and his acting was mediocre compared to the other actors and so are his other projects, he’s just flat. I enjoyed Elliot Page when she still didn’t troon out, but after she did her acting just got worse somehow. It’s like they never get immersed in the role, they still keep that troonism.
I’m not even saying this from my GC standpoint , it’s just something that I noticed. For example Eddie Redmayne played a troon in the “Danish Girl” and acting wise he delivered quite well and I liked the movie back in the day.
(integrate) No. 2034794
>>2034754I think you're right, I find it hilarious how they transition to avoid hitting the wall when women are even MORE hounded for how they age and look than gay twinks ever were, even they know they're not actually transitioning into women, but into the most privileged status available for a faggot: trannism. Even catty gays who hate and shame other fags worship the ground trannies walk on and constantly wk them calling them the most oppressed minority in existence.
He also probably thinks he can appeal to fags who exclusively stan female popstars better this way; your average fag would always rather stan a straight woman than an irrelevant flop like troye sivan. He probably thinks he has a higher chance to acquire a "YASS QUEEN, MOTHAAA" diehard gay fanbase like Gaga if he goes the tranny route instead of remaining a bland unattractive skinny fag
No. 2034873
File: 1726529571723.jpeg (865.02 KB, 1179x1714, IMG_3656.jpeg)

what in the Freudian slip
No. 2034875
>>2034873Would make more sense on a female to male tranny.
On a male to female it looks like an AGP admittance tattoo.
No. 2034888
File: 1726530941375.webp (101.86 KB, 620x775, 6E134E98-562A-408D-A697-DF0F69…)

KEK, I saw this in a retarded article about celebrities with trooned out offspring
No. 2034924
File: 1726533129084.jpg (167.04 KB, 1500x1428, 2796364785190.JPG)

>>2034888This is years old. The wedding photo still takes me out though KEK.
No. 2034937
File: 1726534175121.jpeg (463.93 KB, 1536x2048, Fq94egcaUAAbuqp.jpeg)

>>2034888>>2034924I'll never forget the first time I learned about Jamie Lee Curtis tranny son via THIS picture… he's like if autism and greasiness personified
No. 2034939
>>2034924KEK, my bad, Nonna.. I am the one that posted the pic of Jamie Lee Curtis and her kids
I didnt know the pic was old, kek, of course I was dying to share it too
No. 2034957
File: 1726535614196.png (376.75 KB, 630x354, Curtroon.png)

>>2034888Jesus Christ, it's like he started melting.
No. 2034989
File: 1726538327388.webp (Spoiler Image,177.31 KB, 1000x1138, Store_Unknown.webp)

>>2034957they should cast him as the unknown if they ever make a DBD live action
No. 2035084
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wtf does this even mean
No. 2035093
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Did anyone else clock today's google doodle? Sigh
No. 2035166
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Before and after. Throwing away your personality and family for a wall of ugly selfies
No. 2035169
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nonnas i think i’m gonna hurl
No. 2035205
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No. 2035226
>>2035205Shits so fucking bizarre he looks like a deepfake. What's his username? I want to see the comments rightfully ripping him apart.
Also, I hope these fags are the troon equivalent of
>talks shit online, too anxious to ask for extra ketchup at McDonald's and they're not actually harassing random employees for clocking them
No. 2035348
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>>2035173lol I went to his twitter and his disaster face popped up.
No. 2035362
File: 1726616447212.png (585.56 KB, 815x1041, SARAH JANE BAKER on X @Geekyga…)

bro murdered someone and went to jail and he has the nerve to call women who oppose trannies evil
No. 2035405
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No. 2035598
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On a post about people invading lesbian spaces
No. 2035609
>>2035169Why do they ALL have the same dopey facial expression? It makes me want to a-log.
Remember nonas, no matter how unattractive you are as a woman, you don't look half as bad as this ugly mug.
No. 2035616
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>>2034381Edited photos from the second guy in that compilation, versus how he actually looked before and after.
No. 2035651
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>>2035598Face reveal of the transbian fairy…of course it’s posted in two X. I feel like we should start posting in r/trans and r/mtf like “I know I’m a cis girl, but am I welcome here uwu”. Watch them claim genocide or some other spergy nonsense.
No. 2035673
File: 1726674511561.png (256.57 KB, 828x779, dark content.png)

>woman is when sensitive to dark content!!1
meanwhile, the true crime fan base is predominantly women. it’s fascinating to see troons peddling the most regressive stereotypes about ~female fragility~ while pretending to understand anything about actual females
No. 2035676
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>>2035673face reveal & troon checklist
>messy room>greasy hair >fat in unflattering clothes >animu skirt and knee high socks No. 2035688
File: 1726676758477.png (434.16 KB, 720x1229, Screenshot_20240831-132106~3.p…)

Hopefully this hasn't been posted already but this made me laugh. No one is going to call you a bad bitch when you straight up still look entirely like a male , just a male with long hair.
No. 2035696
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The absolute selfishness of these dudes makes me so angry. Me me meeeeeeeeeee. I hope the wives run as fast as they can and cut their losses.
No. 2035719
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>>2035653according to blanchard there are different subtypes of AGP (physiologic, behavioral, anatomic and transvestic) and all of them can overlap. self-aware AGP anne lawrence wrote a very informative book on the subject.
No. 2035728
File: 1726685379909.jpeg (361.73 KB, 1284x602, IMG_5009.jpeg)

They want to fuck woman so bad without their consent they want to SO badly
No. 2035745
>>2035696That second response makes me so fucking mad. 'She's making it all about her!'. Sir, you took the day that is a celebration of your love and marriage and decided to come out to your wife and make it all about you in the first place. And now like 'how dare you be upset?' Fuck off. Men are clueless. They really are. Just when I don't think they could get any more infuriatingly clueless in social understanding and empathy, some bozo in a dress comes out to say it and affirm just how retarded they are.
And yes. He ruined his marriage. And she should run for the fucking hills with her children. No woman or child is safe with most men let alone troons. The outright selfishness of deciding his sexual appetite is worth more than family. And that dumb ass reddit troon saying 'she's ruined the marriage because the vows said in sickness and in health blah blah' and to turn around and say 'well she's misogynistic and regressive because she wants her children to have a father'. The hypocrisy. They don't believe in traditional values until they can use it as a cudgel to get women to do what they want. Clearly.
No. 2035764
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>>2035725Brought out my word swapper extension for this one.
>literally just say you hate males and go No. 2035771
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>>2035725>>2035728>>2035764Here’s OP. Some highlights:
>stop being oh so concerned about biological sex, about sacred women's spaces, about totally real completely unchangable "male" characteristic and "socialization"No.
>and just say you don't want trans women here.Ok, we don’t want males in lesbian spaces.
>with traits that trans women have, you WILL have all sorts of cis and/or intersex lesbians that have these traits as well. there are cis women who can grow full beards and might not want to shave them, there are cis women with genitals that won't meet your expectations of what a woman "should" haveNot really. Women don’t have dicks.
>when cis women have those traits and keep loving themselves it's revolutionary. when trans women do it, it's not trying to be a real woman enough.Women challenging female sex stereotypes = revolutionary
Men reinforcing female sex stereotypes = regressive
No. 2035788
>>2035771Where the fuck are all these allegedly transphobic lesbian subs when reddit mods will literally delete any comment not sucking tranny dick in 0.000001 seconds, even when the handmaidens are being as nice as possible and not misgendering them?
They write these long thinkpieces as if anyone outside their misogynistic tranny circlejerk could actually reply without being instantly censored. I WISH lesbians could tell these moids that they'll never be women and to shut the fuck up about their retarded "puppygirl" bullshit, but they can't. Free speech isn't allowed on reddit
No. 2035794
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Sage for slight troonfoiling, but I don’t believe OP is a woman
No. 2035799
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>>2035771Also on the first page
>there are so many trans women who don't have a penis. You would not be able to tell the difference between their genitals and a cis woman'slmao you might get lucky with a particularly unaware virgin dude but no lesbian is falling for your gored crotch
No. 2035801
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>>2035794Your picrel would be a creepy question from a parent of either sex, but looking through this persons history… I'm with you. Also the sleep orgasm thing was weird and completely unnecessary.
No. 2035808
nonnie, how will she virtue signal and bully other women if she doesn't parade her fetishistic son around constantly?
No. 2035819
>>2035788It’s because women , regular lesbians, aren’t bending over enough, they don’t need to accept girldick or to have preferences, they have to love it, celebrate it and prefer it over real pussy.
I also think that they seethe because it’s mostly other TIMs who flock their posts, in order to feel “woman uwu” they need at least 90% of lesbians to comment rather than the 70% TIMs to 30% lesbians that they get. Also they don’t want “they/them” “bi” “asexual” , they want the highest prize, the mythical “cis lesbian”.
But they can’t outright say this and therefore rant this kind of BS every other day.
No. 2035825
>>2035806Because they’re racist and like you said they think of black women and any other
WOC as “other”. True womanhood according to them is whiteness and any woman that isn’t that has just been bestowed the mighty grace by white saviors to be considered a woman and therefore scrotes should have that right too.
No. 2035840
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>>2035830I beg to differ KEK, I just saw this dumbass comic on that subreddit yesterday! It’s full of TIMs! This comic was obviously submitted by a transbian cosplaying retard
No. 2035967
>>2035794no woman would ask this sort of question to an anonymous board of tranny strangers let alone throw in that orgasm comment on an ostensible health question about her child. you were right to clock troon
>>2035801>femalesyeah, scrote detected. everything in this screenshot stinks of XY, they're imminently clockable no matter how they cope