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File: 1726697306148.jpg (256.17 KB, 810x683, troonla catolACK.jpg)

No. 2035831

>Admin note: Please remember this thread is not to discuss general grievances and phenomena of the trans "community". Only post here if you're talking about specific trans cows and are able to provide screenshots of their behavior. Generalized vents don't belong here, nor do your personal experiences. Use the appropriate threads on our off-topic boards for this.
/ot/ gender ideology general thread: >>>/ot/2121106

News sites/Studies:
https://committees.parliament.uk/writtenevidence/18973/pdf/ (TiM violent crime stats)
https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0016885#pone.0016885.s002 (relation between committing a violent sexual crime and srs)

Gender Critical Writings and Websites:
https://www.chimamanda.com/ (Writings of Chimamanda Ngozi, a Nigerian gender critical feminist)
https://www.jkrowling.com/opinions/j-k-rowling-writes-about-her-reasons-for-speaking-out-on-sex-and-gender-issues/ (JK Rowling's essay)

https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1cOANC_ykPxL_TZGnkxZCb4HNc-2tvfuK (vile comments made by TRAs)
https://odysee.com/@Skirt_Go_Spinny: (documentaries about TiMs and Trans activism)
https://web.archive.org/web/20231021212912/https://www.tumblr.com/chlorinatedpopsicle/654101574490161152/new-and-improved-not-our-crimes-this-never (Violent crimes by TiMs)

Notable MtF-related subreddits:

Previous threads 1-131:

Thread #132: >>>/snow/1995251
Thread #133: >>>/snow/2003406
Thread #134: >>>/snow/2012701
Thread #135: >>>/snow/2022374

No. 2035857

Idk if this has been posted yet I did ctrl+f last thread but didn't find anything, this trans widows documentary came out recently it's not surprising to see all these women from different places having the exact same experience with these men
(Sorry if I didn't embed right)

No. 2035863

File: 1726700171256.jpg (444.19 KB, 1981x1440, image (1).jpg)

This redditor AbleDepartment648 swears up and down that no AI, FFS, or photoshop is involved. Just HRT magic

No. 2035864

File: 1726700226057.jpeg (355.3 KB, 1242x725, IMG_0217.jpeg)

No. 2035867

File: 1726700336986.jpeg (490.66 KB, 1242x955, IMG_0218.jpeg)

More behaving as if E is a mythical magical fairy dust that changes everything about you into what men think is a womanly behaviour/feeling. I found this tim’s account and I utterly hate him

No. 2035868

File: 1726700458212.jpeg (440.13 KB, 1242x835, IMG_0220.jpeg)

Samefag, the post I found him from. Who wants to bet he’s one of those potbelly moids with sticks for legs who look like they’ve been drinking beer with every meal since 5 years old

No. 2035871

Sounds like heartburn kek
>do lesbians like moids with male pattern visceral fat?
No. In fact, I can’t think of anything less attractive

No. 2035873

>my tummy hurts and I'm cwanky must be my period teehee
>being a woman is having "horny" chestpains uwu
>reveals self to be a morbidly obese ogre

the filter abuse is laughable, but I have to say this is one of the better dressed troons I've seen. Shame about his grandpa face and clown feet. kek

No. 2035874

He also made a post about his “widow’s peak” aka male pattern balding kek. I can’t begin to imagine how hideous he is irl

No. 2035883

File: 1726701837059.jpeg (464.71 KB, 1242x913, IMG_0221.jpeg)

Sage for nonmilk but I just went back on his page and I’m literally wailing with laughter imagining an obese balding moid in a dress and black lipstick zooming about on a scooter. PLEASE

No. 2035897

No. 2035899

File: 1726703373293.jpg (1.25 MB, 1078x6846, rpics.jpg)

posts so much even reddit is sick of him

No. 2035949

File: 1726710102742.jpeg (959.94 KB, 1170x1400, 4ABE7DC8-5376-4DD4-A6D4-75E523…)

Had a look through his posts and saw this, I think the Netflix ad underneath is a warning for anyone who takes him into their home kek

No. 2035958

Thank you for posting this, nonna.

No. 2035971

Oh, man. I was vaguely dismissive of a few troons on Reddit and my account was almost immediately deleted for suspected ‘spam/bot activity’. A cool nona had just reached out to me too. Cool nona, it’s ‘no’-chan if you see this.(blog)

No. 2035985

File: 1726716606052.png (34.72 KB, 532x268, 33.png)

Even without the icon and username I'd still know that AGP hands wrote this

No. 2035990

I really think "having kinks" is deeply strange and social media has overnormalized sexual degeneracy

No. 2036001

>on reddit
you clearly came from there. go back.
not to mention that shouldnt even stop you from speaking the truth about trannys since you can always make account

No. 2036003

File: 1726719419087.jpg (374.06 KB, 1080x912, m05d8917oyj91.jpg)

Literally picrel

No. 2036005

>I'm a trans woman(41)

No. 2036013

File: 1726721379035.png (156.24 KB, 350x467, charlesthebewitched.png)

Every time they say some stupid shit about how incest is only taboo because of ~social reasons~, I think of the Habsburgs. Don't like incest? That's because of your peasant blood.

No. 2036015

I wish they'd seriously entertain the question and finally realise that people who actually like sex don't need to slather it in porn-sick degeneracy to make it fun, and people who actually have personalities don't need to make sex-having their entire identity.

No. 2036019

Lol he’s a beer belly scrote

No. 2036021

It's ironic that he calls it "bourgeois" to be repulsed by incest when some of the wealthiest people throughout history have been inbred kings married to their cousins and nieces.

No. 2036051

File: 1726734958389.png (717.61 KB, 727x612, F5g7u3dXoAA.png)

The magic of HRT! Not at all the combo of AGP, porn brain and filters instead.

No. 2036054

File: 1726739591102.jpeg (124.5 KB, 504x1188, fizle4op6npd1.jpeg)

lmfao what is wrong with people. I can't believe someone walks around like this.

No. 2036055

The fact this hatchet faced 40 year old scrote is dressed like a zoomer girl says it all. Disgusting creeps all of them.

No. 2036058

>find a community with 1000+ people abt wanting to fuck toasters
>realize it's perverted
>grow up(sage your shit)

No. 2036060

Considering so many troons are prison gay, I believe they need to be “kinksters” in order to make sex enjoyable still because they’re not actually attracted to person they’re having sex with (who would be?). Troons and other degenerates are only turned on by extreme kinks because not only is sex with attractive people unobtainable for them, their brains have been fried by extreme porn, and now extreme kinks are the only way for them to get off

No. 2036061

His masculine little hips kek. The boob job looks so retarded on his physique. He looks like a triangle, not an hourglass.

No. 2036067

tranny on tranny violence, I love to see it. the moid being discussed is unhinged as fuck, the clips of him rambling his violent moid fantasies on stream looking like a local crackhead are gross as fuck lol

No. 2036072

Troon humor drives me crazy
>perverted "shock" element
>takes from Reddit or Tumblr
I can't describe it well, but every time I read a post like >>2035985, I read it in the high-pitched male voice AGPs do perfectly

No. 2036081

Gosh this troon is so fucking ugly, I hate it when I see him on my fyp.
Sorry that he met a crazier and racist troon than him, but troon on troon crime always makes le laugh.

No. 2036083

File: 1726752062104.jpg (227 KB, 720x1143, IMG_20240919_161419.jpg)

I'm getting scared

No. 2036088

Imagine meeting that crackhead and being like "tee hee just two nice girlies being friends". The delusion.

No. 2036102

The fact that you didn't spoiler this is an act of violence kek truly haunting

No. 2036111

This is the second instance I’ve seen recently of a “prettier” troon (BIG air quotes, basically just skinnier and FFS) being stalked/harrassed/sexually harassed by a waaaay uglier scrote. They can’t even help funneling their degeneracy and jealousy towards each other. I honestly love it tbh like a self eating machine

No. 2036113

I just realized he’s trying to make an ahegao face kek

No. 2036116

so grateful that this is the thread pic kek

No. 2036119

And surgery!! No way to miss those awful bolt-ons.

No. 2036125

The contrast between the heavily shooped image and what he actually looks like. I'm losing it kek.

No. 2036126

That thing had FFS? I love how bad surgeons are scamming these moids because you can't tell AT ALL, and that's saying something considering black trannies tend to pass better on account of already having full lips and not being as pornsick as white agps

No. 2036130

why did he chose to destroy his body when he fitted well into manly standards.
its the porn. its always the porn.

No. 2036132

File: 1726759889860.jpg (99.47 KB, 736x923, delulu.jpg)

Kek now I've realized that his wig is an attempt to cosplay that delusional fan art of what a troon is supposed to look like

No. 2036149

His before photo looks like if Tintin resorted to crack

No. 2036156

Kekkk those huge man hands

No. 2036186

File: 1726771581795.jpeg (372.38 KB, 1105x1433, IMG_8514.jpeg)

Hope it’s your last

No. 2036189

File: 1726771711539.jpg (409.27 KB, 1080x1607, Screenshot_20240919_194558_Red…)

No. 2036190

File: 1726771780337.jpg (6.22 MB, 2316x3088, RDT_20240919_19461780030969393…)

the photo

No. 2036193

Nonna's do we believe this or is this another case of moid fanfiction?

No. 2036194

>literally nothing changed
You Have A Penis

No. 2036198

I bet he’s like 6,4, kek, lookit those hands

No. 2036200

yes it's fanfiction because he's implying this lesbian couldn't tell he was a man until he told her LOL

No. 2036201

That lesbian who matched with him clearly didn't read his bio or look at his pics because that's so obviously a man. Just look at that giant lanky gorilla arm?

I can't comprehend why they can't wrap their heads around this. You were raised male? You have male anatomy? no amount of hormones or surgery will fully erase that. Even if they do get the chop, no lesbian wants to finger a rotten inverted penis.

No. 2036207

File: 1726774465929.jpeg (45.73 KB, 639x679, GX2wuRcXkAAx_ac.jpeg)

Where are the moids getting their mirrors? At the funfair?


No. 2036215

can feel the autism and body odor seeping out this picture

No. 2036219

File: 1726778425662.jpeg (590.43 KB, 1170x676, 51BFF78A-70C2-4E95-8FB7-2DDD1B…)

Lesbians just haven’t had cock yet, they will love dick once they try it. All ~true~ lesbians love penis. It’s just forced conversion therapy from our supposed own community at this point.
Definitely fanfiction, no way these meat slabs would fool a woman. He probably just imagined that they spoke before rejection, instead of never getting the match in the first place.

No. 2036226

Oh god he's skinwalking Millie Bobby Brown

No. 2036227

File: 1726781451678.jpg (70.31 KB, 600x795, y-stands-for-yaoi-hands-well-w…)

God accidentally drew him with yaoi hands

No. 2036236

In made up situations like these, they always do this before skit about how before this, the woman was “super into me, desperate for me, found me and my dead eyes and pouty lips and receding hairline and my dick the hottest thing in the world, flowing conversation” to make her seem like a meanie twansphobig cissie for being cold and frigid and hostile and making their balls blue by not slobbering over their shrivelled limp scrotums. Who is willing to bet she found him creepy and was being polite to escape the conversation and his autistic ass mistook it for her being into him?

No. 2036237

Fish and chip shop barry who’s lips have turned into a bumole from too much vinegar

No. 2036241

File: 1726784090806.jpg (76.79 KB, 564x512, sdfdrxdxrydxrrsdy.jpg)

The irony of him also posting that kek

No. 2036242


And everybody clapped

No. 2036244

Trannies and their non existent self awareness kek

No. 2036250

tits: saggy
hair: lank
eyes: beady
mouth: lamprey
eyebrows: patchy
2/10 atleast he's not nude

No. 2036258

Goes without saying but there is literally biological incentive to not have inbred offspring. And how completely insensitive to actual people who get abused by family members. I think they have a valid reason to hate it.

No. 2036410

This is what we call a triple threat. When it smells as bad as it looks and sounds.

No. 2036411

File: 1726817829625.jpeg (81.62 KB, 465x640, IMG_8521.jpeg)

Transbians and how they discovered that they weren’t straight but lesbian kek. This is just a small part all the responses were of the same fashion.
They all sound the same. “I didn’t think of women as things to fuck and rape and didn’t speak of them like those other dudes, I loved them uwu, I must be a lesbian!”.

The arguments doesn’t really hold when most of them discovered being a woman through porn and how most TIMs are “lesbian”, it just proves that they’re straight men.

No. 2036413

>other guys say Stacy's tits are nice, ew! i want to wear Stacy's skin like a suit, i'm so… different
I guess they are kekkk

No. 2036416

Don’t be rude, nonnie, he’s a trans lesbian: he wants to wear Stacy’s skin like a suit and he still enjoys her tits!(sage your shit)

No. 2036423

>Sounds like heartburn kek
Nobody tell him, hopefully he gets a heart attack lmao

No. 2036433

They're different from other men, they creepily idolize women while they barge into women's restrooms for a jerk sesh!

No. 2036437

File: 1726828708407.jpeg (45.54 KB, 500x375, IMG_1148.jpeg)

YWNBCK (You Will Never Be Cathy Keen)

No. 2036445

File: 1726832490775.jpeg (675.79 KB, 1170x1338, 74A98DB7-9DB6-42B0-820B-DDCAD9…)

How many people roll their eyes when fag hags claim their “gay men trapped in a woman’s body” why is it okay for a man to say it about lesbians??? Also as a lesbian, we do not love women differently to anyone else, how long did it take to convince the homophobes that gay relationships are the same, it’s not just about sex and the love between a man and a women is equal to that of two men or two women. Now it’s super special and different? Sir you are not a lesbian and will never have a lesbian thought, feeling or experience

No. 2036459

They treat lesbianism as this mythical , pure , out of the world experience , free from all the rotting of the world.
I’m a woman and like women and pussy, it’s just that. Are you? Yes? Then you’re a lesbian. No? Then you aren’t. It’s not complicated.
I also hate how they also act as if lesbians aren’t capable of being lewd.

No. 2036469

File: 1726835336016.jpeg (1.99 MB, 1179x2133, IMG_3708.jpeg)

sigh 1/2

No. 2036470

File: 1726835366836.jpeg (1.98 MB, 1179x2148, IMG_3709.jpeg)

2/2 why do they rage bait

No. 2036479

Even if you are a 'woman' or whatever, you still don't have a vagina so what the fuck are you doing at an obgyn? Creep

No. 2036480

File: 1726837504393.png (1.45 MB, 1000x1000, 785A4FB1-142B-402C-974C-168BF6…)

As if we are allowed to blink. Women are excluded from and forced into going along with inclusivity at the same time, I fucking hate it, I find it so humiliating to grin and bear it all in order to keep my JOB. Only males would do this, erase our hard earned sex based rights away and act like we never even had them in the first place.

No. 2036481

i wonder what goes through the obgyns minds when they encounter such specimens

No. 2036486

He is like Oli London. He wants attention.

No. 2036502

File: 1726841168874.png (21.82 KB, 657x255, didnot.PNG)

Doubt anyone cares about this fag but eric taxxon is currently memeing himself into believing he has DID (because he created a second fursona).

No. 2036507

“Not like other guys”
KEKKK imagine being a doctor specializing in female anatomy and this mentally ill troon mansplains female anatomy to you

No. 2036508

File: 1726841450922.jpeg (80 KB, 640x406, IMG_8522.jpeg)

A troon posted this on X. If this survey is true why are they always whining about lesbians?
I’d even take it with a grain of salt since going against trans acceptance is akin to transgenocide. I wouldn’t even feel safe taking a survey even if it were anonymous and I’d just tick “positively”.(this belongs in the gender ideology hate thread)

No. 2036510

This also depends heavily on where they got their participants from.

No. 2036515

Higher among women than men is no surprise but I'm shocked that the rates of lesbian and bisexual women are so close. How many of these lesbians are bisexual?

No. 2036543

File: 1726845863089.jpeg (940.77 KB, 1179x1425, IMG_3726.jpeg)

The shooping.

No. 2036550

Don’t forget we wouldn’t have our rights if not for trans women!! Especially black disabled lesbian traanz. Women can’t do anything on their own without super cool and sexy (yes they are fuckable, bigot) troonys

No. 2036556

File: 1726848041373.jpeg (399 KB, 1179x1209, IMG_3730.jpeg)

Is Mr tuft here worthy of his own thread? He’s kinda milky.

No. 2036560

Great, a shitty-er version of AJJ…

No. 2036573

File: 1726850990512.jpg (101.81 KB, 1200x675, pretransition.JPG)

Seems like he has cow potential, but please post recent milk, anon. I could help with a thread OP if there's enough milk for a new thread down the line.

No. 2036580


If you go back through his other posts you'll see he is 100% trolling, and everyone falls for it. He is absolutely mocking the absurdity of trans "women". He's just rage baiting for clicks, and it works.

No. 2036584

File: 1726852490208.png (46.72 KB, 719x469, 1726808080996.png)

Poaching this from the TiF thread because it's actually a TiM. I think this screenshot is kind of crazy.
A male saying "males are bad, and encourage eachother to be worse" and "I'm afraid of other males", but then he turns around and says "males like me are exempt from male socialization" and literally declares, "not all men". And you KNOW he's advocating for men to be let into women's spaces as easily as possible.

No. 2036586

Fuck I hate DIDshit. It's just tumblr kinning: the sequel, but this time you have to take it seriously because it's a totally real disorder, guys, even though it already had it's own fad a few decades ago.

No. 2036588

File: 1726853572178.jpeg (1.52 MB, 1179x2107, IMG_3736.jpeg)

Here’s some milk I’ve gather nonna:
>hes back in the WWE only wrestling women
>besties with Robbie Blaire white
>appeared in a falling in reverse music video (how the fuck does Ronnie Radke not have a thread yet that moid is a cow)
>claims to help women with PCOS and diabetes and other ailments with weight loss
>fear mongers over ingredients like a tru crunchy holistic trad wife
>claims to not have any partnerships or promotion deals but constantly promotes products to followers
>left wife to troon out but still takes care of his daughter it seems
>claims to be a lesbian
>claims to help type 2 diabetics into remission with his diet plan as if he’s a doctor.

No. 2036592

File: 1726853934120.jpeg (264.72 KB, 1179x2156, IMG_3737.jpeg)

To add to the Ronnie Radke subject with Mr.tuft here, apparently for the music video he was in, tuft grabbed Radke and Radke felt as if he was going to die if he was the one slammed into the table shown in the video so he had to have someone else. If a grown man felt like he was going to die while fake wrestling with a troon why do they allow them in women's sports?

No. 2036599

any fetishes?

No. 2036604

File: 1726855331694.jpeg (990.01 KB, 1179x2030, IMG_3735.jpeg)

The way he dresses feels like a damn fetish.

No. 2036605

File: 1726855477813.jpeg (1.26 MB, 1179x2118, IMG_3745.jpeg)

No. 2036608

WWE barely even qualifies as an actual sport, but this is still incredibly unsafe for women. I hate troon "athletes" so much.

No. 2036609

>I’d even take it with a grain of salt since going against trans acceptance is akin to transgenocide. I wouldn’t even feel safe taking a survey even if it were anonymous and I’d just tick “positively”.
There's a term for this. Look up "preference falsification."

No. 2036611

nightmare fuel kek

No. 2036614

Straight men obsess over lesbians because they view them as a "challenge" and as pure virgins unsullied by dick. The less interested a woman is, the more moids want her, because they have the mindset of rapists.

No. 2036619

The way they view lesbians not as human adults but as ~soft sapphic moe dollies~ makes my skin crawl. They're so overexposed to violent porn that they think straight men are all obligated to be violent sadistic predators, and instead of confronting the damage porn causes, they think they can just opt out of it by taking horse piss and calling themselves lesbians. Apparently not wanting to choke a woman while you rape her in the butt means that you have a ladybrain. Fucking bleak.

No. 2036623

What the fuck is wrong with his chest? Botched boob job?

No. 2036627

File: 1726858822453.png (118.12 KB, 719x469, IMG_8524.png)

Context: OOP saw how her ex and her ex-friends tried to rape her ex's bff. This tif has seen how men can say the most misogynist thing, but still want to identify as one because "not all men"? Right.(repost)

No. 2036629

He seems fake, he’s parroting , he’s copying what women usually say when speaking about men’s aggression and misogyny, but he has added way too many things for it to be genuine kek. He’s not speaking from experience at all, I bet that he was even cackling with his homies when they were making rape and misogynistic jokes and he watches violent porn too.

No. 2036682

Not only this but straight men who are AGPs also obsess over lesbians because they view their partner / potential "lesbian" partner as an extension of themselves. They want a lesbian partner so they can both assume her identity and so her existence can validate his fetish. They don't know what being a lesbian actually entails because the only person they're thinking of is themselves

No. 2036702

File: 1726870645952.jpeg (545.2 KB, 1242x685, IMG_0359.jpeg)

Instantly thought of this

No. 2036709

File: 1726871391919.jpeg (122.21 KB, 640x832, IMG_1834.jpeg)

Not particularly milk worthy but I thought it was kinda funny how he’s not complaining when it stills sounds ‘transphobic’.

No. 2036813

The only good thing about transbians is that they peak people the most. And they do it all on their own

No. 2036819

A WWE Wrestler troon out? This one is shocking to me though I guess not really since it's just another form of a man trying to devote his life to a super macho activity to compensate for not being seen as a manly man only to troon out to unleash their pent up fetish for femininity. And he's friends with Blaire White? How did that even happen as I don't peg Robbie as a WWE guy kek.

Have their been other pro-wrestlers who have trooned out or this Tyler guy one of the only ones?

No. 2036822

Without the shooping and/or filters, the passerby was just being honest kek.

No. 2036823

How is this going to fly with their redneck audience? Is even the WWE gentrified now?

No. 2036824

FFR, I hate myself for admitting this but he was actually kind of attractive before the troon out.

No. 2036847

AYRT and I'm not sure, I used to somewhat follow WWE back then and this kinda shit was unheard of so that's why I was very surprised to hear this. I would think that pro-wrestlers would actually speak out against troons wrestling women.

No. 2036865

Nonna you have shitty taste kek

No. 2036867

File: 1726905872579.jpeg (61.56 KB, 640x536, IMG_8527.jpeg)

Transbians got pissy once again when a lesbian made this joke. This is just one of them.

No. 2036868

File: 1726905911860.jpeg (Spoiler Image,88.86 KB, 640x480, IMG_8528.jpeg)

What the troon looks like kek.

No. 2036871

Guilty as charged kek. But just saying, some of these dudes really don't see just how unappealing they look when they give into their fetish.

No. 2036872

They nuke their dating pool most of the time , unless they go for T4T. The average person wants someone with working genitals and whom you don’t have to walk on eggshells on while you’re intimate with.
These troons have perma flaccid genitals and they also want you to act as if that ugly thing isn’t there at all or act as if it’s a big nice clit ( that’s the shit they write btw , I’m just reporting it back here).

No. 2036876

File: 1726911727102.jpg (258.52 KB, 1290x1682, GXEWEEiXYAAlvmw.jpg)

Can desperate idiots stop shitting this thread up with how you think the ugliest moids in the world were kinda cute before they trooned out? Have some self respect idk.

Thread tax.

No. 2036903

kek, this popped up on the front page of youtube for me today. Hearing the way that hulking retard cannot go three words without saying 'fucking' really hammered in how utterly retarded he is. Not to mention how he kept bragging about robbing and assaulting people and the fact that he takes 15 inches up his ass and it tickles his belly button from the inside. Walking parody of the street crackheads you hear about from America.

No. 2036904

Nonas, what's the most ridiculous description of a troon's "female orgasm" you've seen?

No. 2036905

File: 1726921488805.jpeg (737.15 KB, 1170x1320, IMG_0297.jpeg)

No. 2036915


They always do this autismo gamespeak. Even gamer gurls wouldn't do this.

No. 2036916

Ew, but I smiled when I read it was difficult and painful for him to cum.

No. 2036919

unbelievably hard read

No. 2036933

File: 1726932324746.jpeg (324.89 KB, 1242x1028, IMG_0375.jpeg)

Why do they think it’s some sort of spiritual experience kek, they’re really telling on themselves with this

No. 2036934

File: 1726932387266.jpeg (626.67 KB, 1242x1440, IMG_0374.jpeg)


No. 2036935

>thinks women don't want to finish
clockable as a moid even via text

No. 2036939

> I was listening to a psych2go video-
Beyond parody kek
It does make me very happy and warm inside to hear them admit that moid orgasms are meaningless and empty though and even painful kek, imagine THAT being the whole point of your existence.

No. 2036942

This retard really has his long ass hair out and about whilst wrestling. A real woman wouldn't do something so retarded kek.

No. 2036943

File: 1726933261549.jpeg (491.66 KB, 1242x1081, IMG_0373.jpeg)

Everyone point and laugh!!

No. 2036945

>within you
>i just want to feel penetrated
they REALLY tell on themselves here kek

No. 2036948

There was this troon that said that girlorgasm made him feel so weak and helpless in contrast to his orgasm before and how it spread all over his body, tingling everywhere.

No. 2036950

I just think “rub the clit yass feels good” kek

I always find it ridiculous how they exaggerate this every time , it’s just another proof of the fetishization of womanhood, they’re simply living their fetish, nothing more, there’s nothing female about it. Women are real beings and we aren’t mythical creatures with orgasm so mystical that we become angels who fly away.

No. 2036959

This dude lives in my city and is such a fucking creep to women. Last I checked he was dating another beautiful strong trans wimmin so thank god for that. You’re so brave Michael!(sage your shit)

No. 2036964

File: 1726938190009.jpeg (211.51 KB, 1290x1209, 66F463C5-CE76-4B25-9B3D-8D5423…)

No. 2036965

File: 1726938249901.webp (96.89 KB, 640x904, 4BEE2E7E-3654-45AD-868D-30E4AE…)

He looks like this and really thought he wouldn’t get clocked kek

No. 2036966

Based dad.

No. 2036968

Obvious pornsick moid brain.

Wah wah, I wasn't allowed to use the bathroom at the same time as a little girl.

No. 2036971

totally not a fetish though right?

dad is based for that

No. 2036983

He would've been based if he'd stopped the troon and told him the men's restroom is the other way. This is where men in women's lives should step in and protect them from male perverts yet they act just as cowardly as handmaidens anyways

No. 2036996

File: 1726944591556.jpg (87.62 KB, 1080x899, 172673295321694.jpg)


No. 2037001

File: 1726945460218.jpeg (Spoiler Image,72.35 KB, 640x366, IMG_8534.jpeg)

They should have passionate love like this

No. 2037003

File: 1726945714811.jpeg (1.26 MB, 1242x2146, IMG_0372.jpeg)

No. 2037006

File: 1726946149920.jpeg (160.17 KB, 576x640, IMG_8535.jpeg)

“How did you know I was a TRA/troon?”

No. 2037007

>the orc in the background

No. 2037008

>as a teenage girl
this is an adult man innit

No. 2037009

File: 1726946721867.jpeg (74.87 KB, 575x640, IMG_8536.jpeg)

“I need more handmaidens to praise me and tell me I’m a stunning and brave lady”

No. 2037011

You don't confront mentally unstable people in public. Especially when you have a child with you.

No. 2037013

>trans rigfs are humon rights

No. 2037034

I feel like it says a lot about him that his imaginary girl friend group is just NPCs with the female symbol on their faces talking about nothing.

No. 2037035

All troons have a crippling case of main character syndrome which they can't hide at all kek

No. 2037042

File: 1726955879422.png (3.38 MB, 1800x1500, 33D83C00-9971-4FCE-83C4-4E4E4A…)

Imagine if this was your dad kek

No. 2037048

>Estrogen has made it so I don't enjoy videogames anymore.
What did he mean by this?

No. 2037049

this made me burst out laughing oh my god i would have called police if i saw this thing close to childre. It looks like michael jackson taking creepshots of random kids.

No. 2037052

Grim. Imagine your parent, who is already a different person now, taking you to the arcade and suddenly not wanting to play with you anymore because the things you used to bond over are now "boring." Moids are never as subtle as they think they are so I bet the kids picked up on his lack of interest.

No. 2037053

The same way they humblebrag about not being able to open jars or do math anymore. Self induced hormonal imbalance makes them weak and retarded, but because of misogynist troomer confirmation bias they think it means they're "turning into real girls" since they already do think of women as weak and dumb and they fetishize becoming that. There even are trannies bragging about losing height and touting "estrogen magic", no retard, you're not becoming a "cute petite girl", you're just giving yourself osteoporosis.

No. 2037061

Because they have a very sexist and simple worldview where “boys like videogames” and “girls like clothes”, they want to be the exact misogynistic shallow stereotype they have of women, so they come to the conclusion that estrogen somehow makes you disinterested in video games and more interested in things like clothes and makeup. Social influences? No, that has nothing to do with it…. It’s all hormonal. Testosterone makes you wanna go to the arcade, ok?

No. 2037062

I've been noticing in uptick in younger mtfs wearing dog collars and it's grossing me out. I fucking hate seeing literal kink shit out in the open.

No. 2037064

The brag about getting shorter on estrogen is so wild to me. Only someone who's truly delusional would believe that estrogen makes people's bones shrink. Do they think this happens to real women? And if those men really ARE getting shorter then they shouldn't be jumping for joy, it means they're just fucking up their bones and accelerating spinal compression, which is only supposed to make you noticeably shorter when you're 60+

No. 2037065

They've been doing that for years.

No. 2037066

File: 1726962189271.png (1.29 MB, 1000x2800, lesbianfashionadvice.png)

new thread, new r/lesbianfashionadvice milk. not as much as last time, the subreddit is starting to slow down a little i feel. my favorite is the TERF whining even though negative comments are swiftly banned in this sub- just silently refusing to give them updoots is enough to spark complaints in the replies kek. it's also so funny to me when non-passing TIMs talk about being called "dykes"- i have to wonder if it's all made up, if it was a fellow TIM, or a brain damaged handmaiden?

No. 2037073

It’s to hide the Adam’s apple

No. 2037075

I hate these narcissists so much because I know that reddit moids used to be so much more brutal towards actual women and literally nothing was ever done about it. NTM how porn rotted the site is. Of course these moids get all of the protection ever, crying over downvotes and advice so you can actually dress for your body type is so fucking embarrassing. Literal babies

No. 2037104

He doesn't hate video games, he hates his kids. He doesn't have the balls to walk away like the deadbeat he really is. Honestly, I feel like this is why a lot of them troon out after having kids, so they can have an "infallible" excuse to run off that you're not allowed to criticize.
They love that nosferatu looking dude. A bunch of comments were comparing him to Sasha velour, a MAN.

No. 2037124

Women are just props to him. They're sources of validation and nothing else.

No. 2037125

File: 1726980424019.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.95 MB, 1179x11172, Image.jpeg)

Don’t click if giant fat men are alarming to you!!!
I found u/rp1105 commenting on Taylor Swift subreddits trying to blend in among the actual normal women. Scrolling through his account, I saw a moderately attractive man poisoned by his AGP + fat fetish duo. He also enjoys taking pictures of his ass in public women’s bathrooms. Trust no moid

No. 2037127

>I decided to indulge in my fetish 24/7 and now my brain is so fried I lost interest in my previous hobbies and in family time. Hehe, just like a real girly womanly female!

No. 2037128

File: 1726981921362.jpg (129.75 KB, 1080x866, Screenshot_20240922_061020_Chr…)

decided to search up lesbian bars on google because i was curious. how hulking of a tranny do you think this guy was?

No. 2037134

Thank you for posting this. It's a great watch.

No. 2037142

>a moderately attractive man
No. I'm begging the straight women in these threads to get some goddamn standards. Society has brainwashed you into allowing moids to skate by looking like shit. A doughy soytard with a beard is not "moderately attractive."

No. 2037143

kek its so funny to see them pluck their eyebrows down to what they deem to look feminine but pay no attention to the fact that thinner eyebrows just accentuate their cave man brow bones not only from the side but from the front…

No. 2037144

this guys a troll doing parodies, look through the accounts hes following

No. 2037146

for real, beards are the male equivalent of makeup. you don't know what lack of chin/jaw definition they're hiding under there. lotta straight women getting bamboozled by this, you aren't birds you don't have to date the one with the thickest most vibrant feathers.

No. 2037148

Young families in public bathrooms are a pain and I would be thrilled if a family waited outside so I could drop a deuce in peace. This dad did him a favour and he’s crying to reddit like someone tried to lynch him.
How stunning and brave can you truly be if a complete strangers indifference or inaction is enough to get in your head like this?

No. 2037151

as another nonnie watching this - thank you, quite an important film

No. 2037153

File: 1726988535147.png (20.43 KB, 528x211, jkdsqkl.png)

I was about to post him nona! I kek'd at picrel, he has no idea of what a personality disorder entails, really showcasing his severe lack of theory of mind

No. 2037171

File: 1726992927980.jpeg (33.49 KB, 739x415, IMG_3415.jpeg)

What the fuck does this even mean. If I ever have a son he’s going to spend 17 hours a day kicking a football and will be banned from ever looking at the internet lest he ends up like this thing.

No. 2037173

File: 1726994130821.jpg (58.96 KB, 636x382, 1000035887.jpg)

I mean if you count AEW as a "professional" promotion, there's also "The Native Beast" Nyla Rose.

But yeah wrestling has a good amount of troon fans unfortunately.

No. 2037175

wrestling is a turbo autistic male hobby its like the anime of sports

No. 2037178

ew he's hideous. He looks like the missing link.

No. 2037195

Glad to know he'll never achieve this. Glad to know trannies will never experience female solidarity.

No. 2037198

Why are other troons not okay and why does he specifically need real women huh? Are they not valid? He should review his internalized transphobia kek

No. 2037221

People with families don't try to get hit with hate crime charges that they have no say in.

No. 2037232

It really is. The storylines are very anime-esque

No. 2037236

File: 1727010787734.jpeg (36.7 KB, 640x215, IMG_8542.jpeg)

Can these troons fuck off, I’m so tired of them harassing lesbians 24/7. On one breath they’ll tell you that lesbians are the most accepting and bla bla and on that very same breath they’ll yap about lesbians not wanting to fuck them.

No. 2037238

File: 1727010908706.jpeg (70.65 KB, 478x640, IMG_8541.jpeg)

This is him btw. Squishing his moobs to the maximum to fake having cleavage.

No. 2037239

File: 1727011042938.jpeg (66.95 KB, 387x640, IMG_8543.jpeg)

“I totally pass, you would never know!!”
The full body pictures always gives it away kek

No. 2037244

>Don't masculinize us
>Has XY chromosome is a fucking male
>Literally has a dick and balls
You will never be a woman. Post rot pocket lmao

No. 2037245

File: 1727011544113.png (282.75 KB, 389x675, 2024-09-22 (5).png)

I'll give him a few years before he ropes like most troons.

No. 2037247

hes doing the retard mouth thing that schoolboy09 does

No. 2037250

Based on the replies anons posted I’ve concluded that asking a TIM to describe what “girl horny” feels like is like asking a born again Christian what it feels like to know that they’ve been saved by the blood of Jesus Christ. AKA both things that they’re describing aren’t real.

No. 2037253

>On one breath they’ll tell you that lesbians are the most accepting and bla bla and on that very same breath they’ll yap about lesbians not wanting to fuck them.

It’s the same entitled moid behavior that causes street harassers to yell stuff like “Woo! Looking good baby!” as you approach but then switch to “Fuck you bitch! You’re ugly!” 2 seconds later because you didn’t stop to talk to them.

No. 2037254

His body and behavior is so moidish that no amount of makeup and filter can change that. He can't dress himself, his feet are fucking massive, manhands are a no brainer, big manhead, rectangular man body, and even his calves scream male. Just because he puts on makeup and tries to be seductive, doesn't make him a woman. Yep, of course he has male genitalia too. He doesn't need to whine on Twitter for people calling the kettle black lol.

No. 2037256

File: 1727015624372.png (411.44 KB, 1080x1082, Screenshot_20240922-103133.png)

has anyone considered a thread about the baeddel group on tumblr? picrel its the worst type of tranny blogger all they talk about is how much theyre actually the most oppressed people in the entire world and get in infights and play victim. its like them skinwalking radfems lol

No. 2037258

they are skin-walking radfems. Males are only possible of DARVO

No. 2037259

File: 1727016150347.png (4.88 MB, 2532x1170, IMG_5350.png)

i dont know anything about ‘inkedsexylexi’ but i saw a clip of him threatening another troid with a gun and out of all of the red flags in this one image, the huge <i>martyr</i> tattoo takes the cake for me

No. 2037260

File: 1727016325589.webm (3.66 MB, 360x640, barbieT.webm)

No. 2037262

They've been the worst for ten years now. Back when they were more relevant and listened to by tumblr women they went to the greatest lengths to sexually harass them while justifying it by saying amab empathy is the most ignored blight on the planet and they'll retaliate in any way they can. Near constant defenses of rape and pedophilia under the guise of hating carceral feminists and saying yes, we were rapists and nazis before transitioning but your discomfort with me is more evil than anything so I'll send graphic rape threats to your inbox daily. All with a few words they learned at college, of course.

No. 2037265

They still exist? Wow

No. 2037266

File: 1727018591220.png (72.07 KB, 529x674, everybody clapped.PNG)

Most boring fantasy ever from a troon. Yawn.

No. 2037267

File: 1727018639333.png (97.42 KB, 552x746, tardghetti.PNG)

samefag. And now he's upset people are calling him out on his bullshit, I'm assuming.

No. 2037268

"trans woman" why do you view womanhood as a Vibe you wanna adopt and not a collection of a wide range of experience based on the material circumstance of being born female and growing up socialized accordingly. We've always had male people who call themselves women (it's why so many of us are militant over woman meaning adult human female, because these males would try to pass themselves off as us and speak over us) and it's cause males want the culture and coolness that we have cultivated for ourselves without having our struggle. They want the cultural view of being the epitome of femininity that's thrust upon us without having to deal with the misogyny that the same culture throws at us

No. 2037269

Well, "post-nut clarity" is a thing that happens to moids where they get super depressed/guilty after nutting. To these TIMs ~girl horny~ is a chance to finally orgasm without that horrible feeling afterward.

Plus, straight male sexuality is seen as universally as gross or demonized at worst as it should be. Female orgasms are ~~sexy~~ and super mythical to them. So getting one would male them super speshul.

No. 2037271

File: 1727019668622.jpeg (89.98 KB, 422x640, IMG_8545.jpeg)

Nonnas he is totally one of the good ones kek

No. 2037272

File: 1727019731627.jpeg (72.84 KB, 487x640, IMG_8546.jpeg)

Never mind….

No. 2037273

all the people immediately staring at him as he passes by fucking murders me

No. 2037274

>Hurr durr, gurls don't play vidya gaems cause fembrain

Well, at least didn't larp as a gamer girl, but still.

No. 2037277

>the normal amount of shit you get from men for your femininity
>for your femininity

No. 2037278

These troons are fucking weak, tumblr is their safe heaven, I’m getting shit ton of transgenderism in my fyp despite not following it, they post full on porn and they don’t get banned, yet they are complaining about “muh transphobia”.

No. 2037298

>moderately attractive man
i'm sorry but what the fuck is wrong with straight women… please just tell me you're being nice and don't actually think this

No. 2037313

trannies will never be a woman or experience misogyny. fucking delusional

No. 2037329

Another OF model is faking being trans on X and troons are whining about it, saying that it’s disrespectful to dress like an oppressed group and it’s transphobic. The fucking irony kek.(post proof/this is an imageboard)

No. 2037385

Straight moids are so unbelievably blind to fashion and even developing a personal sense of style.

No. 2037386

The utter hypocrisy of not seeing how this same logic can all apply to troons appropriating womanhood

No. 2037404

File: 1727046078055.jpg (537.98 KB, 1080x1544, justew.jpg)

most likely another case of scrote fanfiction but i unfortunately had the displeasure of stumbling across it

they're so dumb that its actually not laughable

No. 2037408

> How stunning and brave can you truly be if a complete strangers indifference or inaction is enough to get in your head like this?
It's the cluster B disorders.

No. 2037409

Let's be real it was probably another t4t troon who felt him up if anything. "Cis lesbians" aren't into dicks or ugly men in lipstick.

No. 2037432

File: 1727050231884.jpeg (1.38 MB, 5667x3187, IMG_3941.jpeg)

this troon is terrifying

No. 2037434

File: 1727050431922.jpeg (303.97 KB, 1179x1121, IMG_3943.jpeg)

he’s like 10 feet tall too which is hilarious. imagine seeing this thing walk into the women’s restroom

No. 2037449

we had smartschoolboy9 now this is ballerinaboy11

No. 2037453

Why are his arms so short KEK

No. 2037463

Looks like someone tried to shave Chewbacca but gave up when they got to his head.

No. 2037505

He looks like a straight up monster.

No. 2037508

Leg lengthening surgery???

No. 2037509

File: 1727060498573.png (6.74 MB, 1858x2422, image_2024-09-22_200127244.png)

he looks like hes on stilts kek

No. 2037510

Considering his outlandish proportions, it doesn't seem impossible. Maybe he trooned out and got mad that his height wasn't getting him hot lesbians. If he did get it, he should have used the money for cosmetic denistry.

No. 2037519

File: 1727062932525.jpeg (325.6 KB, 1179x1528, IMG_3942.jpeg)

you mean suddle, cute, and beautiful right?

No. 2037522

what, you're not going to crosspost his posts >>2037384 and >>2037000 where he fantasizes about raping lesbians specifically?

No. 2037526

my bad anon, it was late and i forgot

No. 2037536

File: 1727066865816.jpg (Spoiler Image,535.17 KB, 1080x1579, Screenshot_2024092_Chrome.jpg)

I'm going to spoiler it because it's that gross. Him and his transbian boyfriend

No. 2037547

Just.. why? Why would he lie about that, it's so stupid and not even an example of "transphobia" kek. And of course the pathetic "should I delete my tumblr account?". The site is not "all inclusive" (all inclusive means no GC women allowed) and he receives tons of death threats, yet he's asking his haters if he should stay? It's obvious he's expecting asspats and "nooo kween, stay!!" because he doesn't actually receive hateful messages. Troons belong in a psych ward.

No. 2037549

File: 1727069995769.jpeg (Spoiler Image,104.92 KB, 640x573, IMG_8562.jpeg)

Kek, he knew he was a faggot and scared to be outed. HSTS always think that the men they’re with are “100% super straight” but instead they’re homophobic gay men.

No. 2037553

This!! I'm hoping everyone realizes how ironic and hypocritical it is coming from troons, but we can never be too sure these days…

>where they get super depressed/guilty after nutting
Hmmm I wish, but often it just means that they get disgusted by (or at least uninterested in) what they were watching (porn) or lose all interest in the woman they had sex with right after finishing. I don't think male sexuality is "demonized", if anything men joke openly about things like porn and masturbation which would be considered shameful and inappropriate for women

No. 2037577

trannies are still going to blame it on women somehow

No. 2037579

oh my god…

No. 2037585

KEK nona

No. 2037605

99% of the time a tranny is murdered its by a closeted gay man who either dont want people to know about the relationship, or who got "scammed" and didnt know they were trans (aka they totally did know but now theyre making an excuse because they once again, dont want people to see theyre gay)
Male homophobia is the biggest tranny killer, yet somehow its ALWAYS the evil terf womens fault that people hate transgenders

No. 2037607

They’re already blaming JKR as we are speaking kek

No. 2037609

File: 1727089365555.png (553.08 KB, 760x758, IMG_07545.png)

Being a lesbian in Reddit is so fucking bleak.

No. 2037613

File: 1727090907212.jpeg (Spoiler Image,548.8 KB, 1536x2048, GQwxmKoWsAE1A1P.jpeg)

This is what this guy's body looks like btw. Spoiler for ugly moobs and dad bod at the beach

No. 2037616

the fact that men think that murder is the best next step to hide a relationship instead of, you know, just disappearing and pretending you never knew the person, is proof they are brain damaged. hopefully after a few more stories like that, HSTS will understand they should avoid men who can't accept they're gay.

No. 2037619

Those fucking feet kek, huge.

No. 2037621

this is what coquettes nymphette larpers look like to me

No. 2037625

They will never admit it’s men who assault and murder them, because that’s also implicitly admitting men are a threat and women are right to not want them in our private spaces.

No. 2037630

Daaaammn. Don't you just feel your barbie pouches getting wet my fellow laydees?

No. 2037631

Is it just me, or is the picture of the couple on the lawn 100% photoshopped together??

No. 2037640

File: 1727101722812.png (1.01 MB, 834x1460, 203242341.png)

to be fair the thing that he did in the top pick was shave off what was left of his hair in the after photo, which was probably the least worst choice, but in other posts in his history is wearing a neon wig so whatever.

No. 2037644

talk about bleaque, jfc this is depressing

No. 2037655

File: 1727104932758.png (68.4 KB, 974x574, IMG_0218.png)


No. 2037665

the fact that the retarded boyfriend probably does like the troon enough and the tranny is STILL THINKING OF OTHER PEOPLE. the absolute male entitlement. they aren't happy with anything. Y chromosome more like emptiness curse.

No. 2037667

KEKKKK this is absolutely insane Nona thank you

No. 2037674

Nitpick but what is with the angle of his head? Does he think we can't see the mood skull anatomy with his weird ass pose?

No. 2037675

File: 1727107896888.png (611.2 KB, 752x2076, img_0227.png)

>pedophiles create comics about hyper-feminized, cross-dressing children for extremely pedophilic reasons
>this is actually an allegory for transition
what did they mean by this?

No. 2037676

Samefag I meant moid*

No. 2037688

I love seeing the inner workings of a troon’s psyche like this. He hates himself and feels like a pathetic loser of a man, and therefore he concludes that he should devote himself wholly to the hobby that brings him the most joy - cooming, and become a slave to his penis. If he’s failed to live up to the lofty ideals of being a manly alpha bro man then clearly that can only mean he’s a member of the lesser, weaker species - a woman.

So telling that in his wall of sad text he says “Brandon just fucking stop being u” - so he chooses to commit suicide while remaining alive by convincing himself that he’s actually Akane/Artemis/Lilith McPornotits on the inside, and that’s why he feels like he’s failed so hard in life. The only thing is, if he’s just a sad man rambling about what a depressed loser he is, the world around him will tell him “Hey man, try going to therapy/AA/church/a psych ward/whatever because you’re clearly unwell” but if he troons out the only acceptable response in woke society is for other troons and handmaidens to clap and cheer “Yasss queen you are sooo heckin valid and beautiful!!!”

No. 2037723

>lost my soul mate
actually makes me sad if he was in a long term relationship and she died. If the love of my life died when we were only 32 Id lose my mind too.
But what's the chance she just broke up with him

No. 2037726

His beard is trying to bust out of his skin like the kool aid man.
Old enough to be BALD but not mature enough to have any kind of grip on life. What kind of a future is out there for a guy like him? Eventually he'll boohoo himself off a bridge, I guess.

No. 2037727

Next line is "wants to be friends but never talk on the phone or hang out" nah, his "soul mate" is some acquaintance he's been orbiting or some chick who dumped him

No. 2037732

oh thanks nona I got lost in the stream of consciousness on first read and didnt even pick up that those two statements were related. In that case I hate him lol. a friend or acquaintance who does not even see you the same way is not a soulmate you fucking freak you have to have an established reciprocal bond for that word to mean anything. entitled limerance-pilled brat.

same if he's talking about an actual ex. you're grieving what you /thought/ was a soulmate, which is painful yea but if you made her unhappy and she broke up it was a false alarm pal. id even take "we were soulmates once for a brief time but it changed". hate how he still feels ownership over someone who doesn't want him back

No. 2037733

Sadly this type will never end it. He will fantasise about doing it and how everyone who’s ever wronged him will feel bad, but never actually pull the trigger. It’s attention seeking. He is right about one thing though, he is pathetic, that’s why he will never put his family out of their troon son misery. He is a loser that whines about his sad life to strangers online because everyone in his real life has abandoned him like the energy vampire he is.

No. 2037736

>Brandon just fucking stop being u
>no3 one cares
>take ur small dick home
actually pretty funny

No. 2037740


Excellent film, thank you nonna!

No. 2037749

File: 1727120220002.png (687.81 KB, 930x1276, likefatherlikeson.png)

Had top post show up, check on the user who posted it, turns out he has a troon father. The original post linked in the second post is him saying he is a man with some womb envy

No. 2037752

>pedophiles create comics about hyper-feminized, cross-dressing children for extremely pedophilic reasons
Sorry for being retarded but what is the name of the comic?

No. 2037755

This is extremely cringe,poor kids though.

No. 2037756

> wats tye point……..cry that's all I do. big baby waaaa loser.
> I'm crying. yay.woooooo

No. 2037775

File: 1727123789027.png (1016.12 KB, 1932x1494, massdegens.png)

same sub different post. TIF writes how forcefeminzation makes her uncomfortable, cue TIMs talking about how forcefeminzation and trans porn was their realization they were not just failmales trans
>i liek forcefem no seccy way tho hehe
>now that I'm trans forcefem is gross
>trans porn made me realize i was a closested transgirl
>pretty much all transfems are like this
>cis guy here, trans porn is nice way to spice up all the teen porn I watch, being a girl could be cool though
>so when are you transitioning
>I wanted someone to do everything for me so forcefem made want to take on the world as a lady
The whole page is full of weird people including other TIFs saying they don't like forcefem… unless its for CNC

No. 2037817

That is the malest string of comments I have ever read here, holy shit. That casual mention of teen porn jumped at me too, like fucking hell, mate. 0 self-awareness.
Just some women womaning, amiright?

No. 2037837

>…her boyfriend, who reportedly wanted to keep their relationship secret
Well, it worked! Nobody knows about his tranny fetish now.
Edited to hell and his beard still blasts through the filter. Disgusting.
>Honest advice wanted
Honest advice will get you banned from Reddit. You want everyone to lie to you.

No. 2037843

File: 1727130485987.png (501 KB, 832x2354, img_0238.png)

No. 2037853

File: 1727132774343.png (513.24 KB, 603x1309, 3cOGhyQ.png)

No. 2037859

Kek hope they all keep doing it

No. 2037862

He couldn't at least wear a wig? God i hope this is staged.

No. 2037867

File: 1727135974144.png (253.3 KB, 405x542, flipperfeet.png)

Doubtful, a lot (if not all) of these men have to have a humiliation fetish to even post themselves online, let alone go out in public looking as scary as they are.

No. 2037871

I hate both whores and trannies but I'm absolutely delighted to see XX whores with real vaginas larping as traps now and profiting from it.

Serves troons right for invading our spaces 24/7.
And it's even better because the more attractive cis whores who start larping as traps, the higher the beauty expectations for trannies become, and more troons will ack themselves because they cant pass as well as Stacy with a dildo shoved down her panties.

No. 2037880

and none of them have any response to it except to call him an egg. It jumps out to us but they can easily ignore it because they are equally porn addicted. So painfully male and none of them even realize it

No. 2037882


Knowing this makes the troons seethe fills me with joy

No. 2037887

>But don't get in our space
>This is harmful
How ironic lol what a bunch of losers.

No. 2037908

File: 1727143985071.jpg (142.36 KB, 1000x1000, bafkreigske6qdg5fnkbyfwvid3rmy…)

Found this ugly smelly obese Bluesky troon who's an actual rapist yet people there refer him as a "she" fucking bleak.disgusting piece of shit he is.

No. 2037920

>actual rapist
omg elaborate please? morbidly curious

No. 2037923

File: 1727148917931.png (126.9 KB, 534x514, 32157.png)

I hate the whole "incel to trans woman pipeline" meme so fucking much. A disturbing amount of TIMs relate to it with no shame whatsoever and it's crazy to me, their admittance literally proves the only reason they did it is because they are bitter misogynists that think women "live life on easy mode" (plus porn brainrot, but that's a bare minimum requirement).

No. 2037926

File: 1727150323911.jpeg (38.77 KB, 670x458, GoingInsane.jpeg)

No. 2037946

exactly, i hate it too. this is all so depressing, we're not allowed to say anything about it and just let these misogynistic faggots in our safe places. they are still bitter scrotes who WNBAW and 41% in the end anyways kek

No. 2037956

The market for trans porn doesn't differentiate between males and females, they're dick-obsessed or after a non-existent hermaphrodite human. It's easier to pander to them by sticking a strap-on in your underwear than by trooning out. Funny how troons thought these men were all specifically into male LARPers and not just about anyone who panders to their fetish

No. 2037957

"I got groomed by other men on 4chan who definitely have my nudes" kek

No. 2037977

Prolifers sure do love to villainize women for being pro-choice, and then prolife mothers end up with failsons like this. FTR, he is also implying his dad wanted him aborted and yet prolifers always villainize pregnant women, not the bastards that will still find a way to refuse male birth control when it becomes perfected, and whine about condoms.

No. 2037978

There's something unsettling about how despite being in a kiss with his supposed lover, he can't help himself and peeks at himself through the camera. Makes the veneer of happiness he tries to project basically transparent.

There aren't many upsides to living in bumfuck nowhere, but I can find solace in knowing that this type of people will not be in my face.

No. 2037994

File: 1727172836528.jpeg (108.66 KB, 640x592, IMG_8583.jpeg)

Kekking at this. Dude there’s no fucking difference between a TIM and a man, they’re the same picture.

No. 2037995

But when we say it we are evil TERFs who are committing transgenocide

No. 2037996

I hope it will become the new trend kek.

No. 2037999

I don't know why so many troons are giddy to reclaim Buffalo Bill as a stunning and brave transwoman.

No. 2038001

Now troons will be using pictures of real women larping as tims to prove how much more feminine they look compared to biological women keks

No. 2038006

How does he know they're not trans? Does everyone need to be out or obviously on E?

No. 2038013

Kekk anon

This! How come troons can always tell that a random guy on reddit is an "egg" for doing something considered feminine (such as having long hair or changing his bed sheets), but also be certain that these actors who accepted to play trannies are "cis"? They could be in the closet, scared to reveal their ~authentic selves~

No. 2038057

File: 1727188116345.jpg (1.2 MB, 2880x2880, 1000007650.jpg)

The sweet sweet irony

No. 2038066

The male chest wall stays undefeated.

No. 2038068

fuck off to k*wi

No. 2038069

What happened to porn being a heckin valid way to discover your troon self? How do you know these women aren't just ~experimenting with their genders~ or that they won't help some new tranny crack their egg, you bigoted fucks? Are they implying this is wrong and unrealistic?

No. 2038087

please post pics of him if there's any, i wonder what his "aesthetic" looks like

No. 2038098

File: 1727197836921.png (58.04 KB, 775x268, Screenshot 2024-09-24 130155.p…)

Was watching Silence of the Lambs in a Discord server a few years ago and the amount of people unironically defending Buffalo Bill due to "her" being a "mistreated transwoman" was maddening.
Some only stopped gushing over him when the movie hinted he might be a neo-nazi. He might murder and skin innocent women to fuel his fetish but god forbid he's a racist, right?
Picrel, why is this character blaming Clarice instead of the literal serial killer? I suppose it's actually the woman's fault this character's life is so hard instead of the violent man she helped bring down.

No. 2038099

> Sooper speshul Gary Stu OC gets to lecture the main character (and by extension the audience) about how hard his life is and how they should feel guilty because it's all their fault his life sucks
Kek they have to insert their BPD into literally everything

No. 2038106

I think the Sillylilly girls in the first quote tweet are trolls which just makes it even better kekkk. Iirc they also used a square chin filter to make themselves look manlier and had the trannies seething KEKKKKK
This is so well put, not even trannies who brainwash themselves into being t4t for the coom (and because they'd be incels otherwise) are fully into trans bodies, it always pales in comparison to the fantasy of fictional hermaphrodites. Like how they all fantasize about a fully feminine face, curvy hips, huge bolt on tits and an enormous dick; yet none of that can exist at once because trannies can never look feminine in the face nor body, and if they somehow transition early enough to pass, they'll end up with a tiny shriveled micropeen unable to get erect

No. 2038131

File: 1727203020082.jpeg (733.51 KB, 1290x1197, IMG_1647.jpeg)


No. 2038139

File: 1727204563048.png (117.46 KB, 504x758, D287B4BE-0208-4431-A537-C0EC4A…)

godspeed everyone who answered

No. 2038140

i hate this pretentious retard troon so much(sage your shit)

No. 2038146

KEKKKKK who's the artist?

No. 2038148

the nona who posted it

No. 2038152

The funniest part about Buffalo Bill is that if anyone had just read the book they would know the author goes to unnecessary lengths to establish Buffalo Bill as Not A Real Transwoman. There are paragraphs dedicated to trans women are real women bullshit, Clarice literally investigates the angle that Bill might be trans and comes out with the conclusion that he's not, he's just a misogynist pervert. So TIM's trying to own Bill as a brave and stunning woman is not only hilarious it's also ignorance and a deep misunderstanding of the source material.

No. 2038154

Woman is when feel love and like affection
(unironically a female trait that moids are incapable of tbh)

No. 2038156

Kek what the fuck? Why was a book written in 1988 doing unironic TWAW virtue signaling? Was the author a not like other trannies agp or something?

No. 2038168

kek this is golden

No. 2038184

Late, but what? Kek the entire point is to finish regardless of being male or female. They’re so fucking stupid.

No. 2038187

Quintessentially male though to assume only men need to finish and not women

No. 2038201

correct me if im wrong but isnt a side effect of hrt not being able to finish, maybe they are just coping with this fact by lying

No. 2038205

File: 1727218843227.png (633.68 KB, 1080x1729, rapisttranny2.png)

Basically it's another disgusting troon being a creep.he has his own doc.he was also abusive to his own ex as well hardly surprising all of them are violent animals who need to be put down before they can hurt another woman.

No. 2038206

File: 1727218981759.png (429.36 KB, 1080x1803, rapisttranny1.png)

He still has a Bluesky account sadly,more of his creepy behavior.

No. 2038220


Already looked nonna, none to be had so far but I'm dying to see too.

No. 2038235

File: 1727223122157.jpg (294.94 KB, 1080x983, Screenshot_20240925_011035_X.j…)

Lmfao never change JK

No. 2038236

lol thats a parody account jkr

No. 2038245

No. 2038290

It's her real account

No. 2038304

Dame Katy Denise is a parody account, something jkr is well aware of. They banter back and forth a lot.

No. 2038319

KEK nominating this for the next thread pic.

No. 2038325

File: 1727243150800.jpg (32.06 KB, 828x806, qn8zq558ntg61.jpg)

KEEEEEK so youre telling me that ISNT a daniel larson faceapp edit?(off-topic)

No. 2038332

10/10 post

No. 2038350

File: 1727248195253.png (2.45 MB, 1569x1718, A0hhi30.png)


No. 2038351

ayrt is exaggerating a little. in the book, one of the leads (fed to straling by dr lecter) is patients who pursued sex reassignment surgery but were denied due to specific abnormalities in personality/psychiatric testing and childhood criminal history. when starling is given this idea by dr lecter, she is states that trannies are typically docile, neurotic types rather than psycho killers (which is in line with that period's concept of trannies being essentially hyperhomos committing to the feminine soul bit). dr lecter clarifies that buffalo bill is "not a transsexual", but that "he thinks he is". he profiles buffalo bill as essentially a bpdemon with terminal identity problems.
jack crawford follows this up with johns hopkins' head of transsexual surgery and is heavily rebuffed with the surgeon saying that the investigation is targeting marginalised people for no good reason (iirc it is implied that the surgeon is married to/partnered with a tranny). crawford threatens the surgeon with publicising having to get a warrant and he complies. dr lecter ends up being right, buffalo bill WAS rejected for tranny surgery for the reasons he specifies, and this is how jack gets his address (but not his current address, which is what starling finds after following lecter's advice to retread the first victim's case).
all in all, it doesnt really swing either way on the tranny question outside of doing vaguely liberal lipservice to homos (in the sense that trannies were understood to be homos) being "passive" (quote) and nonviolent.

No. 2038367

>boyfriend who votes for the party that will remove [his] rights
I didn't know there was a party that's gonna remove men's rights but I wanna hear more about it.

No. 2038379

Is that platform as TIM infested as it seems to be? Hate Twitter but the possibility of being on a site that's more infested with these types of moids is more repulsive.

No. 2038381

it's not horrible in certain circles, no better or worse than twitter. the nice part is people will make lists of "HECKIN COOL TRANS PEOPLE TO FOLLOW" and its a free blocklist. it's gotten way more tolerable somehow since the brazilians joined which is the first time i think anyone's ever said that kek

No. 2038389

Late but it's the first time I see moobs pointing east, west, north AND south, pretty impressive

No. 2038434

File: 1727277532207.jpg (837.92 KB, 1080x1540, 1000197302.jpg)

sage for not really milk but why do they always pick names like this. you're a man, not the lead of a romantic fantasy book.

No. 2038437

i can't imagine what it's like to have a pro-troon spouse, i'm glad that mom and little girl at least have a moid who cares more about their safety than the feelings of trannies. i bet the tranny was disappointed he wasn't going to be able to whip out his girl dick and make them listen to him take a piss.

No. 2038439

Nice comic, but the troon's face looks too kawaii.

No. 2038441

File: 1727278831655.jpg (402.99 KB, 1080x1700, IMG_20240925_163909.jpg)

Tranny game loads of them claim made them realise they'd actually been women the whole time!!

No. 2038445

File: 1727279206246.jpg (264.94 KB, 1080x810, DkejwhanJsj.jpg)

i actually have no words can they all rope already

No. 2038457

>"I have two older brothers."
easy: gay. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5786378/(sage your shit)

No. 2038468

Damn, it's almost like the community is meant to be centered around women. As if there aren't enough libfem handmaidens and fake lesbians sucking off tranny egos that this guy has to whinge about how no woman loves him lol.

No. 2038470

File: 1727283408294.jpg (279.23 KB, 1080x922, 1000046589.jpg)

troons are currently harassing a lesbian because she violently erased the letter 't' from a meme she found off of google images.

No. 2038471

File: 1727283427595.jpg (258.7 KB, 1080x1087, DjsjwbJsjwi.jpg)

one of the replies. why are they upset? arent trans women real women too? Fucking kek

No. 2038472

File: 1727283558135.jpg (200.56 KB, 1079x871, 1000046585.jpg)

not mine but picrel. One deranged troon has been spamming the OP nonstop. If you go to his profile right now you can see tens of tweets from a few seconds ago.

No. 2038475

this shit is so grim but i always remind myself that being lesbian is a unique experience only female homosexuals will go through and that no matter how hard they try to larp, invade our spaces, write their fetishes about us, fantasize and say rapey shit about us theyll never be lesbians.or women for that matter.

No. 2038476

File: 1727283789666.jpg (296.97 KB, 1080x1277, 1000046591.jpg)

And he's wishing women get raped because he's butthurt over a meme

No. 2038482

what meme did she post

No. 2038483

File: 1727285280949.jpg (246.1 KB, 1080x1439, 1000046593.jpg)

The original text was 'hickies from a tgirl' and the OP erased the 't' (kek) because she wanted to make a relatable post about her and her gf. Now she's getting death threats over it.

No. 2038485

I checked out this thread >>2036867 recently and the amount of lesbian language policing and crying about how left out they are is insane. Everything has to be about them. At least Twitter doesn't mute and ban people for telling them to shut the fuck up

No. 2038488

> "B-b-but I don't get it, why don't the mean intolerant normies like us?"
Kek of all the harmless things that could have triggered their narc rage spirals

No. 2038495

Someone should tell him that those are bisexuals.

No. 2038496

Why would they get so mad? I thought they were girls and all, so it shouldn’t bother them, right?

No. 2038514

Late but v nice burn nonnie, I felt this one

No. 2038548

This, something like Polly Prissypants, or something like Miku/Akane are their only three name options. The second one is used by either hsts fags using their drag name or 60 year old crossdressing agps into sissy porn.

No. 2038550

"I want lesbians to revolve their community around me because I hate when things aren't about me"

No. 2038578

File: 1727299808454.png (Spoiler Image,98.51 KB, 591x1280, IMG_8598.png)

What OP got in her DMs

No. 2038580

File: 1727299897033.jpeg (Spoiler Image,320.26 KB, 1170x1687, IMG_8599.jpeg)

“Prostrate and apologize otherwise there’ll be consequences”

No. 2038595

God, they're so testerical. You have one mentally ill troon with no life and nothing going for him, constantly bombarding her tweets with messages and then some other troon going "apologize and say you love trannies and this is a safe space for US" when it's an account made for her and her girlfriend. How about no? If she isn't peaked yet, this better peak her.

No. 2038645

hope OP doesn't suck up to these trannies and continues posting about her girlfriend

No. 2038677

I thought transwomen were women, surely 'girl' is synonymous with 'transgirl'. She did nothing wrong. If anything they're the real transmisogynists saying tgirls aren't girls. Oh wait.
kek they really are autistic. Don't know they know women can just lie, and we lie to them all the time?

No. 2038696

Off-topic but what are the most common AGP or HSTS names you nonas come across? I swear AGPs always go with Alice, Celeste, or Lilith I encountered one in a support group I attended that unironically went by Lain kek

No. 2038697

>least deranged twitter troon

No. 2038698

Artemis, Lily, Claire (I know 3 people whose exes trooned out and started going by Claire)

No. 2038700

File: 1727318967167.jpeg (772.59 KB, 1170x1830, D1A0C5AB-CC01-4C85-A9C9-93F25C…)

No. 2038714

when your post is so bad other AGPs call you out on your shit

No. 2038753

File: 1727327460128.jpeg (295.57 KB, 1169x1741, 1C36302A-3E99-4590-89D6-43A8F2…)

Art nonna I love you but you were wayyy too generous in depicting the troon

No. 2038758

>white women complaining about their problems in front of BIPOC women
The fuck does this even mean? What kind of misogyny-related issue could a white woman complain about that a woman of color couldn't relate to as well? What the fuck is he even trying to say here?

No. 2038772


He's just seething cause we're both actual real women that can relate to each other on every level and if not we can actually sympathize with one another unlike the incomplete deficient XY female he is kek

No. 2038774

don't forget that the lead dev of the game transitioned while working on it or right after releasing it, named himself after the girl in the game, and then made the girl trans in an update

No. 2038776

File: 1727334007823.jpg (14.73 KB, 204x246, images.jpg)

Right should have used this ngl

No. 2038779

i just woke up and this made me jump.

No. 2038780

File: 1727334766082.jpg (26.27 KB, 326x277, Troons+be+like+_2f07f8139cbe85…)

Found this gem kek

No. 2038782

File: 1727335493408.png (386.88 KB, 682x441, transtights.png)

I just needed to share this amazing TRA Freudian slip typo. Trans tights now!
Much better, nona.

No. 2038784

File: 1727337853371.png (7.37 MB, 2584x1684, beachday.png)

i am uncomfortable

No. 2038785

has anyone talked about this retarded troon before
i looked thru his older vids and it seemed like he did the coomer bait eye roll thing only a few times in an eating video and when people showed him attention (doubt it was positive probably just ragebait) he started doing it whenever he fucking eats

No. 2038786

heres a similar video made a few months ago from the first one, you can see that he isnt acting as retarded yet

No. 2038787

File: 1727338175907.png (6.57 MB, 3068x2048, lillithsilva04.png)

more pics for your viewing pleasure

No. 2038788

Looks like that one self insert fat Starfire daughter comic

No. 2038795

>comparing this abomination to a Jewish little girl who was killed
Each time I think they can't get more worse.. they do

No. 2038803

does anyone have the link to the callout?

No. 2038804

File: 1727346310381.jpg (Spoiler Image,585.35 KB, 1080x2340, 1000024448.jpg)

Wtf this person is horrifying

No. 2038819

wtf I met a tim that chose Lain too. Seattle?

No. 2038833

When he rolls his eyes to the back of his head, it doesn't look like the "sexy ahegao" he thinks it does. It looks like he's suffering from a heart attack from all the overeating he's doing.

No. 2038837

The "I've met a lot of lesbians into trannies tho!!" at the end is such an obvious cope, they do that all the time - complain about being hated and excluded, but add a positive note at the end, probably to convince themselves and fellow troons. Or because they can never decide if they want to play the "I'm being genocided rn" card, or the "people support me and love me, I'm experiencing womanhood and sorority, I pass, stay mad about it terfs!!" card kek

No. 2038838

I remember reading a tumblr post recently (tim seething about gold star discourse) along the lines of "I've known lesbians who fucked men older than your grandfather"

No. 2038839

This is the faggot from the Fanny thread who writes lesbian corrective rape fanfiction, right? Many such cases. Idk if I'm reaching but this looks pedophilic, who the fuck is attracted to micropenises and "titty skittles"? second puberty more like just prepubescent

No. 2038861

File: 1727357215506.jpeg (Spoiler Image,152.21 KB, 487x640, IMG_8602.jpeg)

No refund for you stinkditch

No. 2038865

>I don't even feel like I'm human without sex let alone a woman

You gals can totally relate, right? We basically cease to exist if we aren't actively being fucked. I am not a person when I run my life, work, volunteer, craft, cook, admire art, hang out with friends,etc. no, not if I'm not having regular sex! reminds me of that one weird chubby Asian AGP who said something like "fucked is the essence of what a woman is". Die slow, loser.

No. 2038866

File: 1727358605360.jpeg (Spoiler Image,230.34 KB, 750x424, 1726945289651.jpeg)

Yeah I recognized him from there too, he's geniuenly a vile human being I can’t even read this whole tweet, it makes me sick

No. 2038867

i hate these agps so much. good thing they remove themselves from the gene pool though. he got what was coming for him

No. 2038868

Why are so many troons feeders and fat fetishists? If anything gaining weight just undoes their transition attempts, since their fat distribution patterns always look SO distinctly male. You rarely see fat women with that “apple on sticks” body type unless they have serious metabolic disorders.

No. 2038877


A troon with regret? Lol have fun with your inverted dick

No. 2038888

men literally have no purpose if they can't coom

No. 2038890

paraphilias come in clusters

No. 2038901

Kek. troons and only troons are responsible for people hating them.

No. 2038902

They have a shame/embarrassment kink.

No. 2038905

the whole concept of 'second puberty' is pedo shit

No. 2038908

Nona is probably used to drawing women and forgot how ugly men truly are.

No. 2038915

File: 1727366244008.webm (6.61 MB, 1920x1080, JoeyWT.webm)

didn't know Joey's World Tour Transitioned

No. 2038929

Here it is Anon but you have to sign up for Bluesky in order to see it.

No. 2038930

No. 2038963

>anne frank if she was trans
manne frank

No. 2038964

File: 1727375766815.png (2.54 MB, 2912x4208, sappiccsworldreddit.png)

The saga continues, on reddit…

No. 2038974

god bless you nonna

No. 2038981

ffs they arent lesbians, just creepy heterosexual men with crippling porn addictions. Agps, fakebians and handmaidens shit everything up.

No. 2038985

File: 1727379205297.jpeg (89.14 KB, 640x853, C675C208-3AD8-46B4-AC60-4BB663…)

Face reveal, yes ur gf is totes a lesbian kek

No. 2038990

kek or just Frank.

No. 2038993

his "gf" is most likely a tranny as well lol

No. 2038997

He looks like he's trying to dress up as some shy kdrama boy.

No. 2039006

File: 1727383336190.jpeg (130.81 KB, 2208x1242, IMG_6614.jpeg)

Why do so many troons look like Liam Kyle Sullivan?

No. 2039007

Is it just me, or is he wearing a wig? His hair looks super weird but I can't put my finger on it. Why not just get a long wig instead of this shit? Also kek at him trying to hide his adams apple.

No. 2039008

File: 1727383431381.jpg (26.74 KB, 408x533, CMlQE83UEAAZv8o.jpg)

No. 2039013

File: 1727385362157.png (2.53 MB, 2048x2048, deaththreats.png)

i fail to understand why they're even shitting themselves about this- aren't trans women women, after all? why would removing the t invalidate them if they're genuinely, actually women.
i mean. i know the answer (they're retarded beyond comprehension), its just hilarious when they contradict themselves like this.

also, picrel. of course she's receiving tons of death threats.

No. 2039014

Oh my, look at all that male socialisation!

No. 2039019

I don't know why they keep expecting to reach the "lesbian community" on that sub. Even they know there are no actual lesbians there. The real reason transbians are so overrepresented on reddit is because it is a site made for autistic coom brain males. That's always been the reason. I'm glad they know its a cesspool at least

No. 2039023

File: 1727386312108.jpeg (50.68 KB, 464x640, IMG_8611.jpeg)


“Hey the hundreds of people harassing you are just a small part, remain complacent, don’t you dare become a TERF (bitch)”
I hope OP has opened her eyes kek, if she remains a handmaiden she’s a retard.

No. 2039025

Yes, you’re exactly like a guest, one that has overstayed way too much. A squatter I’d say.

Why should women fight for troons when they barely advocate for women’s rights? The only thing these fools preach about is “trans rights! trans rights!”

No. 2039028

It’s 70% TIMs 25% fakebians and maybe 5% retarded lesbians

No. 2039032

>sappho would despise you

No. 2039076

thank you nonnie for sharing this. Made me cry.

No. 2039089

all this over some fucking meme god their fragile KEK

No. 2039095

>they want our culture and coolness
these OF women just want to take money from porn addicted scrotes. None of them actually want to be ugly trannys kek
actual gaslighting

No. 2039119

I know 4 Roses.

No. 2039123

All of the comments are talking about sex being mental after the dick chop. What are they fucking talking about? How do you mentally cum?

No. 2039171

File: 1727409871699.png (3.54 MB, 828x1792, 6434EF3D-F064-4E64-BE6E-BD0E9F…)

this moid fully looks like a walking stereotype of a TIM, the comments were telling him what a valid woman he is

No. 2039180

Sadly they have ruined these names: Ava or Eve, Athena,Diana or Diane.

No. 2039261

File: 1727432433924.png (315.67 KB, 900x1080, IMG_8539.png)

No. 2039285

File: 1727436507706.mp4 (4.52 MB, 576x1024, TLDR being fat does more than …)

Oh wow, I thought that flaying a penis and using it to line an open wound was the ticket to endless orgasms. That's so weird, maybe he should ask TIFs about corrective surgery. You know, since frankendicks are just as good as the real thing.
That reminded me of vidrel, a troon telling his fellow troons that it's not about the estrogen, it's about packing on the pounds. Maybe they realized that fat man = moobs, or saw that their extreme obesity made them look just like the Slaton sisters pre weight loss, and they know that's the only chance they have at passing. Or maybe they eat their feelings and turn it into a fetish because moids.

No. 2039291

File: 1727438231967.jpg (132.57 KB, 437x1250, kek.jpg)

>weeb troon plays scrotey game full of waifus like any other coomer moid
>has AGP
>wishes to be skinwalk the waifus of the game
>compares that to the self esteem issues and loathing girls go through puberty because of brutal beauty standards
>i am just like any teen girl!
kek you can't make this up

No. 2039302

Imagine if he was actually a woman really surrounded by human beings. He would have probably killed himself by now. Teen girls don't feel bad because anime girls are pretty. Teen girls feel bad because their peers tell them they're ugly and fat because they aren't Megan Fox. Spending more time around real people would make this worse. They think teen girl insecurity is completely psychological, this is because they are a man. Guillotine

No. 2039304

"I help establish this culture"
>> I was on tumblr the same year every incel decided to buy drop shipped striped socks and skater skirts

No. 2039305

File: 1727441244230.jpeg (155 KB, 1179x1232, IMG_6925.jpeg)

The comments kek

No. 2039308

If a fat woman with a beard said she felt like a woman everyone would laugh and ridicule, even though she's actually female. Women aren't allowed to be fat ugly and confident, but if you have a penis you can be a sexy confident woman no matter how obese or hirsute. Truly we are a progressive culture!

No. 2039346

this account is always a target because it's meant to be f4f only and TiMs don't like it. sadly this isn't her first rodeo of them being violent

No. 2039382

This shit slays me bc imagine if these gals met a troll like this in public and he hit on them or something. They’d run for the hills but online it’s all yaaaas Queen slay! kek what is the point of this performance?

No. 2039393

Power of fetish

No. 2039414

this is actually retarded? i am genuinely failing to understand what their point is with denying reality this much? Okay women have less muscle tissue than men naturally, this is a neutral fact, not only do you deny that for no reason but also say "skill issue hit the gym" when someone mentions women being murdered by men, implying its their fault. Like what is the end goal??

No. 2039415

this was posted to some other thread as well

No. 2039435

acknowledging the biological difference between women and scrotes, goes against the modern troon doctorine
acknowledging it would mean that men can not become women

No. 2039443

File: 1727464026821.jpeg (181.16 KB, 807x1280, IMG_8613.jpeg)

The e-begging is the cherry on top kek

No. 2039450

Kek. There's no need for gendercrits to waste time and energy trying to explain how lesbophobic the troon movement is, tims do it themselves! Although I'm really sorry that the twit user had to go through all this, there's no way in hell she won't peak. Tims keep doing all the work for us god bless.

No. 2039525

File: 1727471678240.png (513.34 KB, 750x665, img_8547.png)

all that photoshop

No. 2039542

the end goal is to exonerate men of any and all wrongdoing

No. 2039543

File: 1727473916239.jpeg (1.42 MB, 1179x2082, IMG_3882.jpeg)

No. 2039560

Still instantly clockable as male

No. 2039592

File: 1727481602414.png (157.01 KB, 751x763, BiCeDmz.png)

this feels like grooming

No. 2039606

from antisocial maladjusted sperg to antisocial malajusted psycho with a hormone imbalance and sephora membership card

No. 2039619

It's grooming, it's kind of impressive how moids manage to shoot themselves on both feet on the daily, it really makes you wonder how there's still so many men alive at all.

No. 2039711

File: 1727509042068.jpeg (354.45 KB, 1170x2075, IMG_8620.jpeg)

“No one complained , so I didn’t make anyone uncomfortable! All lesbians in the lesbians bar loved me uwu”


No. 2039712

File: 1727509064101.jpeg (411.62 KB, 1170x2532, IMG_8619.jpeg)

No. 2039728

File: 1727514602039.jpg (Spoiler Image,604.01 KB, 1080x1407, GO7c69BW8AARMkr_Chrome.jpg)

Comically off-putting boob job on this one

No. 2039729

File: 1727514641720.jpeg (Spoiler Image,504.77 KB, 2048x1536, GOSA9qRXMAAuG6D.jpeg)

No. 2039730

I guess basketball tits aren't just the work of bad coomer artist

No. 2039744

The bolt-ons look like Homer Simpson’s eyes.

No. 2039754

No. 2039760

this is so bad, did he get his bolt ons on the cheapest mexican hospital that accepts google play cards as payment?

No. 2039761

LMAO that's hysterical. There's no way he didn't get the absolute worst options on purpose.

No. 2039785

Literally balloons on his chest and still not a "feminine" curve in sight

No. 2039791

>lesbians aren’t going underground
How would you know sir?

No. 2039792

That looks so painful

No. 2039810

File: 1727539213602.jpg (733.86 KB, 1220x1926, Screenshot_2024-09-28-12-56-07…)

Your son should be playing in men teams, lady. If he's not doing it is because he knows he sucks at it.

No. 2039812

Troons like to imply they’re black-adjacent when they are some of the most privileged whiny brats to exist. I’d rather hang out with normie swiftie white girls than spend a second with a troon.

No. 2039830

"I was lovingly greeted by the women in there lol"

These women tried to be cordial so you didn't try to dox the bar with your whines.

No. 2039836

File: 1727545996135.jpeg (38.21 KB, 375x640, IMG_8635.jpeg)

Is this the demure guy kek? What the fuck is this abomination. A ball of lard with legs.

No. 2039838

He’s from that one meme next to a bunch of biological (and 1000x more attractive) women.

No. 2039840

>bad coomer artists
>trans surgeons
what's the difference?

No. 2039844

File: 1727547504651.png (54.04 KB, 392x104, facechop.PNG)

So dainty little Brie-like-the-cheese got conned into FFS. I'm gonna save you a click : the only change is he looks constantly surprised now.

No. 2039846

No, that's Gorlock the Destroyer

No. 2039863

They know

No. 2039864

so basically he is skin walking his wife? he looks just like her now

No. 2039873

I feel like a lot of those anons are handmaidens (particularly tiffies) themselves. God I hope not but I have a really strong feeling that it's true

No. 2039875

>girls develop eating disorders and have low self esteem because they aren't wise or smart enough not to
This guy is 100% dumber than he thinks he is.

No. 2039887

File: 1727556478922.jpeg (1.23 MB, 1290x2052, IMG_1719.jpeg)

More of this vomit-inducing porn addict male. He's so ugly I winced when I saw this KEK

No. 2039904

He unironically has a chad jaw, he just looks bad because of his tiny mouth with non existent lips and huge nose. It's always hilarious to see dudes with these super masculine faces troon out, like do they genuinely think they have a chance of ever passing or is being an obvious clockable troon part of the humiliation fetish?

No. 2039931

File: 1727565661453.png (1.3 MB, 1184x1446, Screenshot 2024-09-28 at 7.17.…)

There's a queen working in tsa

No. 2039935

Looks like a Steven universe character

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