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No. 2342858

Previous thread: >>2306134

Looks like Maneskin is officially over >>2306137
Ice Spice looks a bit sickly lately >>2307284
Update related to the Jay-z accusations >>2307980
Alabama (Travis Barker’s daughter) hooked up with Bad Bhabie’s baby father (the abusive moid) >>2312799
Denzel Washington’s daughter Katia and her "wife" >>2312008 >>2314650
Ethan Slater's ex-wife, Lilly Jay Speaks Out on her Divorce and his affair >>2315854 >>2315857
Blake Lively sues Boldoni for sexual harassment >>2316805
Justin Baldoni strikes back >>2331537
Old footage of Arianka doing blaccents that her team tried to scrub >>2318552
Kim K released a try hard Santa Baby cover >>2319158
Ice spice melted >>2319172
Olivia Hussey passed away, she was 73 years old. >>2323442
Lupita Nyong'o celebrated her first full year as a cat mom (cute!) >>2325923
Five people have been charged in connection with the death of One Direction singer Liam Payne >>2326114
Jocelyn Wildenstein dies at 84 (shown with wrong "younger" pic) >>2328357
Chappel begs fans to make ai images of her and her cousin >>2331296
Arianas team caught copyright striking blaccent videos >>2331723 >>2331761 >>2331779
Aubrey plazas husband committed suicide >>2332452
People are speculating that Ariana either had an affair with Cynthia >>2334281
The model for Donkey from Shrek has crossed the rainbow bridge (rip) >>2334651
Kylie Jenner and Chalamet seen together at the golden globes >>2334859
Golden Globes looks start here >>2335509
Zendaya and Tom Holland are engaged >>2336448

No. 2342898

this nonna might be onto something
>“Ariana Grande is reportedly three months pregnant,” a TikTok video reports. And it is not alone. The post went on to claim that she “discovered she was expecting in October, the same day as her first Wicked press interview.”

No. 2342902

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We’re going to get some grade A milk out of Lily Allen this year, I can feel it in my bones.

No. 2342904

thank you for the new thread op!

No. 2342915

Kek nobody at her weight is getting pregnant

No. 2343094

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No. 2343099

NTA but you'd be surprised. A shocking amount of women get pregnant while very underweight. Whether or not they'll carry to term and have a healthy delivery is another story, though.

No. 2343113

>Looks like Maneskin is officially over
Good. They were terrible.(sage your shit/this is an imageboard)

No. 2343121

Kekk!! Please tell me this is not a meme

No. 2343129

Hopefully this means the sexy drummer can go to a bigger and better band.

No. 2343143

It isn’t a meme kek, so many people were convinced this was Cillians character making an undead return that the actual actor had to make a post clarifying it was him.

No. 2343145

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Dude’s gonna cut himself on all that edge

No. 2343148

Then why doesn't he do it instead of making shit music.

No. 2343150

why would you attach your name and face to such a statement? anyway i think ill hit HIM in the only place that it hurts because its the only way change can happen for females(sage your shit)

No. 2343208

The people who should be scared of Mr Macon should be little girls.

No. 2343343

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They should have used picrel.

No. 2343344

Apologies if this was already posted but Ashton Kutcher was asked about Diddy party stories on Hot Ones and he just said "there's a lot I can't tell" and "we have a weird relationship". I heard a clip had to be edited out of his Hot Ones episode about Diddy, idk if this is that clip or not.

No. 2343762

Do you think the LA fires are ushering in the beginning of the end of Hollywood worship? Between Mandy Moore (a millionaire) setting up a GoFundMe, Kim Kardashian using over a quarter of a million gallons of water over state limits to water her mansion’s gardens (and water hydrants in that area running dry during the fires), and elites paying private fire fighters $2000 an hour to make sure their homes are safe, I hope we are starting to peak as a society and see that this kind of wealth inequality is unsustainable.

No. 2343768

Saged nonmilk but this reminded me of Katt Williams' interviews about Diddy and how he "had to turn down 50 million four times."

No. 2343797

Nah. People will always want entertainment, and the people that do the entertainment will always end up worshipped & rich. It's just a down moment for celebs, it will go up soon enough again, but this is definitely not a "beginning of the end" type of situation

No. 2343857

Hollywood worship began to decline with the rise of Youtube. Gen Z and younger tend to idolize internet celebs, not actors and actresses. Musicians are still worshipped because they are more accessible than the Hollywood star, but even then, they are called out for disgusting wealth practices ie Taylor Swift's jet usage. The hatred of the wealthy changes nothing though, there's no giant movement to stop watching movies and tv to cut off their money flow.

No. 2343934

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Russel Brand defends Andrew Tate

No. 2343978


he would call the ghost of christmas yet to come the “ghost of christmas future” like a fucking plebe who’s never read a single novel in his life.

No. 2344203

I'm choosing to believe this is fake because if she's such a raging narc that she's continuing to be malnourished and ana three and a half months into pregnancy she's way worse than I thought lol

No. 2344208

1. Not a celebrity 2. The extremely left-field faux political "activism" Ethel does is overcompensation for the incel racist White Silas era. Playing pretend for positive attention from twitterfags, it's all fake as fuck and anyone with half a brain can easily see this is just directing mental illness and aggression toward fantasies of terrorism.

No. 2344212

I genuinely hate Kim Kardashian kek it's so funny to me how so many people excuse her actions because they think she's ~iconic~ when she's worse than T Swift

No. 2344219

The "added context" feature is the best thing added to Twitter in a while kek

No. 2344559

Sorry to ask for a spoonfeed but does anyone know if Jordan Peterson is still close with Russel? I find it so strange if he's supportive of people like this, like Tate. Last I saw he was a soda drinking cardigan wearer crying over pronouns and then suddenly he's partnered with Shapiro kek. What a headspin.

No. 2344600

Megan Thee Stallion is dating Torey Craig, a basketball player. His ex, an influencer named Olivia Davis, went on a podcast with Lana Rhoades (pornstar) and pretended to not know how to pronounce Megan’s name. Lana then wondered how he could date Megan if he dated Olivia. Presumably bc Olivia’s a white woman. Not shown in the video is a joke they made about Torey Lanez. (“I said, isn’t that Torey, Olivia’s ex?… Not Torey Lanez! Hahahaha, could you imagine?”)

No. 2344620

I love how Lana has shit to say about Megan the Stallion, meanwhile Megan has talent and all Lana’s done is cry about how she drank vomit and piss on tape for money kek

No. 2344651

She has shit taste in dudes, and he isn't even a starter on the team kek. Athlete moids cheat like crazy she should date an actor or something.

No. 2344668

I thought you were talking about Lana del Rey at first LMAO

No. 2344829

She also essentially marketed her content to kids (along with Riley Reid) by going on Jake and Logan Paul's YouTube channel multiple times while their fan bases still largely consisted of children.

No. 2345253

she posted a shit apology, basically saying that the “type” thing is being taken out of context when there’s only one way to take it. Olivia is a white woman, Megan is not. there’s nothing else to say about it. She also claims that Olivia came from a bilingual home (i guess her mom’s a Ukrainian mail order bride or something) and that’s why she couldn’t pronounce Megan. but she could say Torey Lanez perfectly fine not 30 seconds before she “tries” to say Megan? it’s so fucking stupid. washed up pornstars and influencers are trash and I’m honestly embarrassed for Megan that she’s even getting the sloppy seconds of someone as pathetic as this chick.

No. 2345354

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No. 2345356

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Vid related

No. 2345360

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No. 2345398

>move on bitch!
meanwhile joe blow has been riding her coattails trying to be relevant ever since they broke up but everyone forgot about his ass until HE brought up taylor swift kek of course shes going to look into him again since he mentioned her

No. 2345408

…bitch when???

No. 2345424

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No. 2345430

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No. 2345436

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No. 2345437

Badly matched foundation, melting face, botches nose, tarde lips. Good for her for dumping this uggo.

No. 2345441

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Kia and Hernandez

No. 2345443

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A hot mess.

No. 2345446

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Hernandez isn't exactly peak beauty.

No. 2345450

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No. 2345453

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No. 2345455

What the fuck. What is fucking going on??? Why has every attractive man ceased to exist to the point where even super models are dating ugly ass moids?? Did they all troon out or get fat????

No. 2345593

men need to start wearing foundation.

No. 2345817

Megan has admitted to using sex as a coping mechanism so hopefully he’s just dick of the month

No. 2345896

Steve from blues clues lookin ass

No. 2345911

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This describes like thirty male celebrities

No. 2345913

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No. 2345943

We all knew, you only put this up because it benefits you now.(sage your shit)

No. 2345951

The trannies and their flock were all saying that it was evil TERFs making it out when it came out months ago and that they wanted to ruin their “comfort show”. Where are they now? Or are they too busy wishing murder and rape on JKR?

No. 2345956

If she was even healthy enough to get pregnant, there is no way in hell Ariana carry her own child, she'd use a surrogate like every other anachan celebrity that's scared of "getting fat"

No. 2345962

I somehow liked him better when he was an edgy "goth" sexpest.

No. 2345973

This could go in the psyop thread, but my tinfoil that current Hollywood male executives feel threatened by the most handsome up-and-coming models and actors, and also want to fuck the hottest ones themselves (without actually boosting their careers). So, the ones who "make it" are the mediocre ugly ones that they can use to brainwash women into thinking ugly men are hot.

No. 2345975

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No. 2345983

simple, hollywood is run by pedophiles

No. 2346037

I don't even think it's a conspiracy, it's obvious.

No. 2346040

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just finished reading, he's so rotted he infected his fucking son. the son tried to call his nanny slave like his dad and neil just found it funny. neil also made her do depraved shit while the son was at home like give him a blowjob with the door wide open or fucking in a hotel room under the covers quietly while he scolded his son for being on the ipad too much. jail is too kind for him.

No. 2346061

Loser who eats shit malding because a man she went pickme over dated a woman of his own race. Insanity.

No. 2346067

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This was not posted about.


No. 2346071

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No. 2346072

Ew he looks like he'd be in brokencyde

No. 2346074

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No. 2346076

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>fucking in a hotel room under the covers quietly while he scolded his son for being on the ipad too much
I hate male celebrities, they all need to be kept in cages until it's time to perform

No. 2346083

I'm so dejected as a charli xcx fan. I have not enjoyed the brat era at all and now this retard is being called an international sensation? When does it end

No. 2346105

I want this scrote dead, I’m not joking

No. 2346132

They're probably wishing murder and more rape on his victims, or maybe jerking off to their testimonies.
Anyway, we all know he won't get canceled by JKR haters because he's male.

No. 2346192

damn, can't a girl stalk her ex in peace? kek. Maybe she was drunk and forgot to switch to her sockpuppet account. She really fumbled this one and she's definitely kicking herself for it. Imagine going from this posh, intelligent(maybe?), conventionally attractive English actor to that sweaty, red-faced VIVAAAAAAA LAS VEGAS retard.

No. 2346220

>I hate male celebrities, they all need to be kept in cages until it's time to perform

>I want this scrote dead, I’m not joking
SAME GURL! SSAAAAAMEEEE!(non-contribution/integrate)

No. 2346225

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She always wanted a footballer. Her wish has been granted. Vid related.

No. 2346227

it's worse than that. she cheated on joe with that rat faced racist and tried to soft launch him to her fans. when that didn't work out, she had to settle for this CTE-riddled retard she's with now.

No. 2346233

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She's always dreamed about being with a footballer. Don't fool yourself.

No. 2346240

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Damn. Did CL want a footballer?

No. 2346251

nona you're basing it on one music video lmao

No. 2346255

What show did the trannies co opt as their comfort show in this instance?

No. 2346276

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She's an IRL Zoolander character come to life.


No. 2346301

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She said that as a ‘person in the public eye’ she’s often sent clothes from brands for free (Picture: @charli_xcx/instagram)

No. 2346307

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She included a list of specific items (Picture: @charli_xcx/instagram)


No. 2346315

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Bad Bunny compares Chappell Roan to Sia

No. 2346340

He has to stay relevant somehow. I forgot he existed.

No. 2346443

He hasn't milked the breakup at all he's not like Taylor lol. She complained about how he wanted to be low key and hated the celebrity aspect of their relationship. If he cared to milk it he would be in SNL or some shit cracking jokes about her crazy ex and getting roles in dumb American things.
The swiftie bias is so blatant. She's still weird as fuck for this kek >>2345360

No. 2346444

I'm like 99% sure she's making fun of the dramatics like Tyra/America's Next Top Model, "I'm not here to make friends. This is America's Next Top Model, NOT America's Top Best Friend", kek

No. 2346459

Something crawled up the mods asses and dyed and they have sand in their vaginas along with cobwebs.(ban evasion)

No. 2346508

her makeup is SO awful

No. 2346565

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The Sandman. It’s based on Gaiman’s comic book, it came out on Netflix in 2022.

No. 2346570

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Speaking of which.

No. 2346586

I say this with kindness but you need to make an appt to get your funny bone/autism levels checked asap. this is so clearly meant to be a joke.

No. 2346642

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I had no idea his ex wife was a lolcow in her own right or that she was involved with Gaiman’s abuse.

No. 2346651

Good omens mainly. They love licking David Tennant’s ass too kek.

No. 2346662

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Neil wrote on his journal about the allegations


No. 2346663

>I had no idea

Did you just learn who Amanda Palmer is yesterday? She has been massive cow for years, done all sorts of shitty things like not paying musicians (or "paying them with beer and hugs"). She featured a famous pornstar in one of her music videos and had a gross open relationship with Neil Gaiman for years (that turned out really well) among other things.

No. 2346667

He says "I've never engaged in non-consensual sex" but never denies the violence or going after young women.

No. 2346729

Idk who this is but she's hilarious

No. 2346737

Already posted a week ago >>2338117 and 7 posts for a random breakup, really?

No. 2346748

She's funny, she could play a Zoolander-ish character very well in a movie or show.

No. 2346780

genuinely think this is csa at this point, imho hes probably doing shit he saw his father do (scientology freak)

No. 2346781

She's Ratty Healy's fiancee. I agree, I like her deadpan humor and she reminds me of someone I'd hang out with, she seems fun. it's a shame her guy is such a creepy little rat

No. 2346783

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With this hair on her shoulders she ain't carrying any kids.She couldn't carry a child even if she wanted to, her body is already shutting down. >>2345956 Anon is right, if she wanted a kid so badly, she'd use a surrogate, maybe have a fake belly for pictures and then dump it as soon as the kid is born.

No. 2346787

Joe Alwyn is fine it's Taylor who seems to be having some kind of crisis, the ratty stuff didn't work so now this fugly footballer. I bet Joe is relieved

No. 2346795

>conventionally attractive
You can admit you just find any pasty white man attractive. Joe Uglywn is a faggot and any woman is better to not be with such a slow, IQ of 85 looking man.

No. 2346808

>he wanted to be low key and hated the celebrity aspect of their relationship
It's retarded of a man to get with a public figure like TS and expect to not be paraded around like a show pony. He wouldn't care to milk it because he is under the delusion that he can be an actor without any of the fame that comes with it. His expectations are unrealistic.

No. 2346852

I really wish this misinformation would stop getting stated as fact here, especially since there are anachans on lc. You can get pregnant even if you are skeletal or have lost your period or your periods are irregular from malnutrition. There is no guarantee of sterility! Women in famine conditions can still get pregnant; it may be less likely or the fetus may be harmed/unviable but it is not impossible to conceive. There are plenty of historical and contemporary examples of women and girls with malnutrition who still get pregnant. All women should stay vigilant with their preferred birth control method no matter what. Being near emaciated and pregnant is not a fun situation for the woman or her support system, especially if she isn't living in a place where abortion is a choice. I don't want anyone to end up in that situation because they think there's some magical BMI where pregnancy is impossible.

No. 2346930

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this is the excerpt, the son is 4 btw, so how many times did he call her 'slave' for him to think this was normal? also, according to the amanda palmer thread, he wrote a comic where some pedo who fucked little boys was portrayed as some tragic figure

No. 2346953

>her body is already shutting down
No offense but some of you act like she's concentration camp deathbed thin and she isn't. She's sickly but not even approaching shutting down.

No. 2346962

Nta but thank you nonna, I've seen multiple posts now acting like anorexic women can't get pregnant and it makes me concerned, if anons here don't know that then the teens in pro ana spaces certainly don't. I do wonder though if a woman is underweight enough to lose periods wouldn't she find out she was pregnant really late? At the same time I just strongly doubt Ariana would go get pregnant, she's too obsessed with being dainty. Unless her BC failed I guess

No. 2346963

> Ariana would go get pregnant, she's too obsessed with being dainty
as if she isn't rich enough to erase all signs of pregnancy once it's over

No. 2346965

Eww, she needs to dump him before he gets pissy about her being more charismatic than him.

No. 2346967

Yeah I was thinking that, I remember an anachan from the scumbags thread who keeps having kids, and one from like 5 years ago who had a kid despite being anorexic. There's no guarantee Ariana is infertile, not that I can picture her wanting to have a kid right now.

No. 2346971

Kek no kidding, it's like they've never seen an anachan before.

No. 2346973

What the actual fuck. This is so vile. There are literally no good men in existence, huh. I hope she gets a crap ton of money from this assault.

No. 2346977

Has to be young amerifats, even Americans who have used lc for years have watched living skeletons like Ash outlive healthy people(derailing)

No. 2346981

The United States isn't even in the top 10 for obesity rates retard(derailing)

No. 2346983

Don't pretend zoomers don't think normal skinny is dying of consumption

No. 2346985

yeah but even some doctors (ime) act like you're about to die just from being a few pounds underweight

No. 2346989

she’s five feet tall, thirty something and been at this since at least her teens and she’s on coke. she’s not going to starve to death her heart is going to give out. anorexia has a mortality rate of what seventy percent? or it used to before they changed the criteria to hand hold malingerers.

No. 2346990

insane to me that "his son might have seen something" is the only quote that makes people post reaction images but
>reacting strangely to his daughter coming out as lesbian and then violently raping a young lesbian
>violent anal rape that was so painful that the victim passed out
>anal rape followed by forcing her to lick shit off his dick
>pissing on his hand and forcing her to lick piss off his hand
>orally raping her mouth, forcing her to vomit, then forcing her to eat the vomit off his lap and lick it up from the couch
these don't get a mention. it's absolutely horrible that he would expose his son to sexual content but I wish people cared at all about the women he violently brutalized too.

No. 2347011

nta but much of the discussion centers on speculating about whether he's molesting his son and/or abused his daughters

No. 2347078

kek. i doubt she'll be around for more than 2-3 years. i'd be shocked if that was the case and i also hope she fades into obscurity because she's annoying as fuck. she really is a celebricow

No. 2347101

She’s going to Karen Carpenter herself to death and her heart is going to give out with this and all of the uppers she’s on, jesus

No. 2347188

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I think picrel is the most damning in terms of considering whether he abuses his son. Why else would he and his son stay in hotels together alone “for fun” in the area of New Zealand they lived with his mother?

No. 2347262

I'm not denying she's unhealthy and her poor habits won't eventually catch up to her, I just think it's a little ridiculous when anons claim she's close to death or close to organ failure because of her weight.

No. 2347695

you're right nonna. he is literally sexually abusing a woman and causing her trauma in real time but everyone only cares about the potential trauma he's causing his male child. yet more proof of how much the world hates women.

No. 2347715

Fucking gross ass moid I wish there was a hell he could burn in. He will never get cancelled and hated like JKR and it boils my blood. I hope the victims find peace.

No. 2347879

People are going to cancel him only after he’s dead, if even then. I could see him becoming a themby/TIM to try to garner sympathy.

No. 2347927

it's unfortunately expected that she was brutalized, the title of the article says it all and anons would have only talked about her experiences exclusively if it was just about her. what we weren't expecting is for him to be a degen to the level that he brought his son into it as well. she also wasn't the only woman who was mentioned but you only mentioned scarlett's experiences, does that mean you only care about her being assaulted? obviously not, use common sense and stop trying to moralfag.

No. 2347974

I'm embarrassed that I was a big fan of Amanda Palmer back in my artsy college years. I was never a Neil Gaiman fangirl but I loved Stardust, and he was all over Tumblr for being this quirky, whimsical "floppy-haired" author that everyone loved. I think a lot of us were taken aback because Amanda was well-known as a so-called "feminist" and shared stories and songs about her own sexual assaults and spoke out about violence against women, so everyone assumed she'd never actually marry someone like that. Bleh.

No. 2347986

Didn’t he also write a retelling of Snow White that had a child seducing adult men? And there was also necrophilia and rape involved. It’s disgusting looking back on all of this knowing he was getting off to it.

No. 2348011

File: 1736979973500.jpeg (25.59 KB, 604x196, turns-out-he-read-it-right.jpe…)

I never read the comics or saw the show but apparently there's an entire plot where Calliope, the goddess and muse of epic poetry, is kidnapped and raped by an author for years until she's sold to ANOTHER author, who also imprisons her and rapes her while she cries so that he can be "struck with inspiration" to finish his book. Apparently they really downplay it in the TV show and it's not as brutal as his original writing.

Copied from a Reddit comment about it:

>I had to go back to Sandman #17 and refresh my memory on this one.

>Here's the thing: in the filmed version, Madoc first attempts to cajole Calliope's favor and only brutalizes her when she refuses him. He's portrayed as a relatively sympathetic guy who makes bad choices. But that's not how it was originally written.

>In the original, Madoc doesn't even bother trying. He takes her home, locks her in a room already prepared for her, and proceeds to rape her. It's the first thing he does, rapes her "nervously, on a musty old camp bed". He then immediately rationalizes his actions as not terrible because Calliope isn't human, all while she cries "like a child whenever he hurt her".

>The story then goes.. "It occurred to him momentarily that the old man might have cheated him: given him a real girl. That he, Rick Madoc, might possibly have done something wrong, even criminal.. but afterwards, relaxing in his study, something shifted inside his head. He switched on the word processor to write.."

>Madoc literally rapes her as his first course of action, briefly worries that he might have to consider Calliope a real person and himself a criminal, and then quickly shakes that off because he's getting words out of it and so that's okay. He gets over his qualms very, very quickly. The original comic version was way worse than the TV series adaptation.

No. 2348181

File: 1736986316834.png (313.21 KB, 487x870, chrome_tQY6Ul07aA.png)

Definitely a new song or something but I find this so disrespectful. Pamela is currently in the public sphere sharing her experiences in the industry and has changed drastically. Even further evidence that kanyes a nasty misogynist that should be taken out back.

No. 2348216

File: 1736988654518.png (633.12 KB, 640x771, IMG_7504.png)

Noel Fielding’s AppleTV+ show cancelled after he failed to show up to work.


No. 2348218

They made a show about the guy who abused his 20 kids? What?

No. 2348219

RIP, it was a shitty show anyway

No. 2348262

Remember that time he dated 16-year-old Pixie Geldof when he was 33?

No. 2348282

Yes and remember how he was besties with rapist Russell Brand?

No. 2348339

He's so ugly

No. 2348346

File: 1736995809282.jpeg (308.1 KB, 1080x1350, IMG_5050.jpeg)

>A 53-year-old French woman named Anne was reportedly scammed out of $850,000 after believing she was in a romantic relationship with actor #BradPitt. The scam started on Facebook, where the fraudster initially posed as Pitt’s mother before “Pitt” himself began messaging Anne. The relationship escalated quickly, with marriage proposals and repeated requests for financial help. Using manipulated photos and fake hospital images, the scammer convinced Anne to divorce her millionaire husband and send money from her settlement for supposed cancer treatments and legal battles with Angelina Jolie. Despite warning signs, such as refusing phone calls, Anne discovered the truth after seeing a photo of the real Brad Pitt with his girlfriend. She filed a complaint in 2024 and is now undergoing treatment for severe depression, while authorities continue to search for the scammer.

No. 2348376

it's called The Sleeper and The Spindle.

No. 2348571

Was she handicapped or something? I can't comprehend how a person can be this gullible without having some level of retardation

No. 2348576

Kekkk the hospital pictures

No. 2348603

Scammer should dip their toe in the Larry Stylinson fandom next. Larries are the most gullible stans on the internet, it wouldn't take much to convince one of them you're Louis in desperate need of help to come out of the closet or disown his child kek

No. 2348605

>the scammer convinced Anne to divorce her millionaire husband
Girl you already had a rich man? All you had to do was wait for him to die, and to be a scammer to him while he's still alive.

No. 2348619

>redditor thinks a man who rapes a woman after she rejects him is relatively sympathetic

No. 2348666

Your reading comprehension is ass. That bit says he’s meant to be sympathetic but isn’t.

No. 2348831

Isn't that the one who died

No. 2348960

She’s French duh

No. 2349078

That was Liam. There's another one called Louis that fans are convinced is gay with Harry Styles. Kinda like what people used to do with McCartney and Lennon, but on steroids.

No. 2349106

File: 1737053915878.jpeg (89.28 KB, 828x808, IMG_1501.jpeg)

David Lynch died. First celeb this year?

No. 2349113

i wasn't gonna drink today

No. 2349116

Oh god, why is he so red?

No. 2349121

Now I'm depressed. Rip.

No. 2349122

Good. I’m so annoyed the internet is going to be full of clowns lamenting this old creep kicking the bucket. It’s fine to make the vast majority of your filmography about brutal acts of violence towards women if you’re a white male auteur after all.

No. 2349128

Dick Turpin was a highwayman in the 18th century, who did you think this was about?

No. 2349129

Probably didn’t have enough oxygen. He had apparently been smoking since he was 8 and had chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

No. 2349132

He was also yet another Polanski supporter. Press S to spit

No. 2349244

They thought it was about David Turpin, that guy that starved his kid and kept them locked up.

No. 2349257

You're retarded if that's your takeaway from his films

No. 2349340

You threw a whole ass stone out of your glass house.

No. 2349461

You have such amazing taste in movies, I bet you're really smart

No. 2349481

>legal battles with Angelina Jolie
Pickme was riding the high of a "pwn the hot ex and be his nice girl" fantasy, deppwhore style, so hard she went full retard.
>tfw you miss the opportunity to scam low IQ deppwhores by pretending to be depp needing money to fight amber heard

No. 2349497

File: 1737069360605.png (686.12 KB, 1179x1212, IMG_7511.png)

Apparently he’s fled the country for France

No. 2349540

this feels surreal. i was just thinking "he's old, he's probably going to die soon" literally yesterday because of the line "i'll see you in 25 years". i thought maybe he had a handful of years in him though

No. 2349729

No matter how you personally feel about David Lynch, literally the only topic people have been discussing today (both online and out in public spaces, I’ve witnessed this myself) is his passing, his influence on cinema and just how people chose to live their lives. If you wanna try to be NLOG and act like people being upset about someone influential and special to them no longer being alive is somehow cringe then don’t be surprised if your commentary is met with opposing responses

No. 2349743

Jeez I didn't know disliking pedo defenders was a nlog thing. It's not like I'm running up to someone who's relative died and laughing in their face.

No. 2349768

It's not like we haven't celebrated and mocked scrote celeb deaths before, why should he get special treatment? A scrote is a scrote is a scrote.

No. 2349778

He fucking sucks. Sorry, sucked. His biggest contribution to cinema was normalizing navel gazing white men with no purpose or vision and giving them an undue sense of importance and intelligence for being able to really “get” his obsession with violence towards women.
Ironically some of the most NLOG women on the planet are Twin Peaks fans so the projection is off the charts. Sorry maybe the Kyle MacLaughlin tumblr memes hit you too hard at one point and you dreamed about being a 20 something year old high school girl running around getting trafficked, etc. by gross men in the Pacific Northwest.

No. 2349809

you're so cool and awesome nona I bet you have a lot of friends and everyone loves you and being around you.(infight bait)

No. 2349876

You like David Lynch so I know you don't have any friends. Get off letterboxd and pick a new insult(infighting)

No. 2349904

you sound like a lot of fun to hang out with! kek, no one can deny that Wild at Heart is fucking amazing. mourning the death of one of the greatest auteurs over the last half century isn’t pedo defending, it’s appreciating the iconic body of work that this director left behind for us to applaud.

No. 2349907

Ntayrt but anon what are you talking about? Most burgers enjoy David Lynch’s movies and TV shows?

No. 2349913

File: 1737088504821.png (1.98 MB, 1920x5131, 1000020792.png)

No one's calling his fans pedo defenders, we're talking about Lynch himself. Scroll up to the earlier post.

No. 2349916

Anon, you gotta remember that people are allowed to mourn someone without that meaning that they agree with every single gesture the deceased made during their living time. Unless you’re just choosing to be angry about everything in which case, be my guest to continue kek

No. 2349923

What are you mourning though? A dick who felt entitled to make domestic violence look like some quirky suburban coming of age plot? A weirdo obsessed with teen girls and 1950s MAGA purity? Just because a lot of film bros of either gender suck his dick doesn’t mean there’s actual substance to his “art.” The emperor has no clothes, you are mourning a misogynist and doing mental gymnastics to defend his precious art because you probably watched it at an impressionable age and it made you think you were Deep.

No. 2349924

>Dolan, Asia Argento, and Natalie Portman don’t “express regret” and rescind signatures until 9 years later; when #MeToo era approaches
KEKK shocker!

No. 2349925

Ntayrt but people feel connected to art for a whole variety of reasons nonny

No. 2349927

>who felt entitled to make domestic violence look like some quirky suburban coming of age plot? A weirdo obsessed with teen girls and 1950s MAGA purity?
literally what are you even talking about atp

No. 2349929

>1950s MAGA purity
Uhh, I don’t think Blue Velvet, Fire Walk With Me, or Mullholand Drive are very MAGA puritan vibe LMAO? Are you talking about someone else

No. 2349932

Blue Velvet, where you get to enjoy Isabella Rossellini get slapped around by Dennis Hopper AND everyone’s favorite cinnamon roll Kyle MacLauchlan because it’s so erotic and such a turn on for her. Or also Blue Velvet that takes place in 50s styled suburbs. Or Twin Peaks where the main plot is a teen girl getting brutally murdered and following around the other hot teen girls around town and their “romantic” escapades with older men. Like have you seen his work to be defending him? I can go on.

No. 2349935

NTA but did you watch the first 5 minutes of Blue Velvet and the first episode of Twin Peaks and just never finish them or something cause thats how you’re starting to sound

No. 2349936

what the heck do you mean? blue velvet is literally about kyle maclachlan* trying to save isabella rosellini from dennis hopper and reunite her with her family, and twin peaks is about solving a horrific crime? did you just not understand the plots?

No. 2349937

They don’t slap the shit out of Isabella in the first five minutes and yes, I speak from experience having endured his whole filmography after dating the exact type of misogynistic film bro that worships David Lynch. Do you want to keep derailing defending a dead moid or…?

No. 2349940

Anon, I’m not even defending david lynch kek. I’m responding to the idiotic belief that admirers of his work shouldn’t be allowed to mourn his passing just because you don’t like him kek (and it’s clear that you don’t appreciate his work because you associate him with the trauma you experienced with your ex, based off what you just shared with us)

No. 2349941

nta but ohh ok

No. 2349944

NTAYRT but talking about news revolving around celebrities in the celebricows thread actually isn’t derailing at all but, you tried

No. 2349947

didnt you hear nona? derailing now means talking about anything the zoomer newfags don’t want to hear keek

No. 2349949

Talking about the merits of David Lynch’s work and that AKSHUALLY people should be allowed to mourn him and his slop when his favorite aesthetic is women suffering is hardly on topic. Am I on Reddit like

No. 2349955

celebricows is just for talking about celebrities and news about their lives, having a conversation about how citizens are reacting to Lynches death isn’t reddit tier kek. we’ve always been allowed to express personal opinions in these threads so long as we remember to sage whatever isn’t actual news

No. 2349961

>hardly on topic
The only topic of celebricows is just that it’s about celebrities, so askhyually yeah I think I will venture to say talking about David lynch’s work on the day he died is on topic with this specific thread

No. 2349963

Uhh someone didn’t see Elephant Man! Kek

No. 2349975

David Lynch was married 4 times and his last wife was 40 years his junior which basically proves he was a dickhead.

No. 2349978

who among us is perfect

No. 2349980

Well, not marrying a woman young enough to be your daughter is a good start.

No. 2349981

there's flawed and then there's straight up skeevy anon. it's on a different extreme end of the scale.

No. 2349982

Also I gotta keep it real I don’t care about his personal life, if he wants to get married to teenie Weenie thet has no effect on me, but lost highway does

No. 2350001

Wow his original story that wasn’t centered around female pain was about a sad, misunderstood moid. It was about as moving as Dumbo, just with humans and in black and white. Are you going to quiz me on Eraserhead? Like genuinely what is wrong with people. I can admit I like Rosemary’s Baby without being a Polanski apologist. You can come to terms with the fact that if David Lynch was born in like the late 90s he would be a turbo autist red pill incel or some other flavor of myopic misogynist.

No. 2350005

The box office for all of his movies do not support that statement. His only mass appeal project was Twin Peaks when he had a tard wrangler to keep him in line. Only the chronically online like Lynch

No. 2350008

Maybe it’s cuz im stoned but I cannot stop laughing. The fucking hospital photos are absolutely sending me, they look so fake, how does this even happen, how has this person not be caught.. I was SURE this was a fake story until I clicked the link… the thread pic is also so unserious that it has me in tears because i KNOW it was originally meant to be sincere.

I swear earth is not a real place. Why are we down SO bad?

No. 2350088

File: 1737101671351.jpg (198.64 KB, 1080x1076, IMG_20250117_091222.jpg)

Blake lively called herself khaleesi and claimed her dragons are Taylor swift and Ryan Reynolds she's so unhinged kek

No. 2350103

Omg she's so unbelievably cringe. "You'll appreciate that I'm like Khaleesi" brooo insufferable, fuck off(sage your shit)

No. 2350110

Kekkkk, she's so chuuni. She's let whatever power she has go to her head.

No. 2350113

File: 1737104728483.jpeg (86.5 KB, 500x509, IMG_7235.jpeg)

They didn’t even post the best one

No. 2350114

Nona there’s still time to pretend you’re a broke Justin baldoni struggling to pay your PR and legal team while the evil Blake lively drags your name thru the mud and you’re looking to escape Hollywood and find a down to earth person kek

No. 2350115


No. 2350116

File: 1737105236852.jpg (37.58 KB, 921x518, Bradissick.jpg)

Picrel is my personal favorite
I know this story is pretty hilarious but I can't help feeling bad for her, she is very sick (she had brain cancer / is HIV positive) supposedly her millionaire husband was a huge dick to her, and she sounds very simple minded in interviews.

No. 2350118

Does anyone else know the feeling where you’re trying to get into a movie or a show - but after seeing the main character, thinking, “oh shit, this is who I have to look at the whole time?”
That’s how I feel about blake lively.

No. 2350121

File: 1737106945600.jpg (107.54 KB, 1206x1582, GhRhqbtWIAA1CJ-.jpg)

These pictures are sending me, I feel bad for laughing. I wonder how the sort of woman to fall for romance scams managed to marry a millionaire in the first place, you'd assume rich men aren't marrying legit retarded women so maybe the illness really did mess with her mental capacity.

No. 2350123


No. 2350127

all the pickmes in this thread mourning over that gross scrote, this thread truly is infested with tiktokfags.

No. 2350135

File: 1737108598572.jpeg (52.51 KB, 636x382, IMG_2812.jpeg)

He looks like Ed Gein here kek. Speaking of, Charlie Hunnam will be playing him in Ryan Murphy’s new season of ‘Monsters’.

No. 2350143

How the hell did a woman living in France get HIV

No. 2350147

Her sister Robyn Lively speaks like that too kek guess it runs in the family.

No. 2350175

Nta and I wasn't here for this but anon people are allowed to shit on a dead moid here if they want too, your more than welcome to reply but literally no one was saying your not allowed to ~mourn~ him, just that they won't be doing that.

No. 2350182

I know, the dickriding goes on for like a solid twenty posts at least. Shit's crazy

No. 2350191

>getting this emotionally invested in celebrities
>actually admitting it in public

No. 2350196

File: 1737117671846.jpeg (345.62 KB, 1125x644, IMG_7513.jpeg)

No. 2350282

this whole thing was photoshopped. you can see it in the video "proof" posted up thread, how taylor's icon doesn't quite line up properly with the non-edited ones. i know lolcow hates taylor but can we at least try not to be tiktok levels of computer illiterate?

joe alwyn is neither posh, intelligent, attractive or an actor. he's a deadbeat whose own mother openly despises him for fumbling his family's connections and his expensive schooling. travis is ugly and sweaty and red, but at least he has income and a house.

No. 2350318

kek my favorite picture is the little sign. incredibly convincing stuff /s(integrate)

No. 2350320

File: 1737127519945.jpeg (87.53 KB, 500x700, IMG_0520.jpeg)

Right?! I always thought she was fucking ugly.

No. 2350422

I think you’re misunderstanding what the post says nona, you’re confusing her for feeling an attachment to David himself when I think what they’re feeling attached to is his work

No. 2350637

Nta but that anon is probably just disappointed that so many popular men are pedophiles or misogynistic and still get praised with no push back for being creeps. Let her vent, she said one sentence kek, I feel like you are reading way too much into what she said.

No. 2350640

C'mon she's not ugly just because you dislike her personality.

No. 2350765

There are enough people from Africa in France wdym(racebait)

No. 2350814

i've always thought ed gein resembled the dude from the hangover and we're the millers. he's named ed too.

No. 2350877

Why did he have fans if he was so blatant with his hatred of women? Oh yeah the world hates us and his male fans probably masturbated to the thought of raping women themselves.

No. 2350890

I watched that movie where she played twins and her acting was só lillee jean coded. Her interpretation of the druggie twin was just dead eyes and raspy voice

No. 2350905

Plenty of people find her ugly. (source: me, I am one of those people) Not everyone thinks that having blonde hair and blue eyes and wearing designer clothes = attractive. She looks like she got dropped on the face as a baby.

No. 2350914

for some people it’s the opposite and being a blonde woman is enough to evoke seething hatred. either way she’s not ugly and it’s insane you expect people to believe youre? more attractive? she’s not good enough for your very high standards. like let’s not be exhausting and openly delusional please.

No. 2350940

Nope. She’s ugly because of her weird face moles and smug expressions. Her bad personality is more of a garnish.

No. 2350981

File: 1737148752366.png (1 MB, 1170x1285, Aubrey Plaza issues first stat…)

Ayrt, I’m sorry making this correction a day late but I tagged the wrong anon in my original post kek I meant to tag >>2339122 , my bad kek!

To bring Aubrey Plaza back up, I just wanna say that people who live through losing their spouses are so fucking strong. If my nigel passed I’d die immediately after him.

No. 2350986

her personality is what is shining through with those facial expressions

No. 2351003

I don't have "high standards" I just think she's ugly.

No. 2351022

No, nonners, I am not stoned and I can't get over the badly photoshopped pics. I should save them on my phone, and every time lock at em when I feel bad.
Imagine they sent her a "video" and you see only the mouth moving, like in those avatars for teams or whatever. (i don't think they did, but just visualise it)

No. 2351032

there is a picture of onision as the banner at the top of my screen right now and this is probably how everyone ever feels looking at a picture of that creep, but it’s really hard to take any criticism of a woman’s appearance seriously when i’m being forced to look at THAT. like i would get it if you said average looking don’t get me wrong.

No. 2351033

Is Baldoni famous? I only know him through this drama. But people (pick me, probably older) are already up his ass and comparing him to Johnny Depp and her to Amber heard. If wish I would never have to hear about this again, but alas, here we are, years later, they are still talking about poor poor Johnny and mean viciously lying Amber. So, what do I know. I hope all those women get scammed from Baldoni scam nonna.

No. 2351188

File: 1737157284750.jpeg (248.33 KB, 1125x896, IMG_7516.jpeg)

Who do you think the surprise musical guest at trump’s inauguration is?

No. 2351192


No. 2351216

Thee village people???

No. 2351310

File: 1737160889917.jpeg (1.21 MB, 1123x1420, IMG_2818.jpeg)

tom macdonald and roseanne barr fucking kek

No. 2351338

Nta and I also think Blake is pretty but everyone has different ideas of what's beautiful here. I'm always shocked that people here think Sydney Sweeney is ugly but there's no use trying to argue who's "right" in a situation like that because it's opinion based. Who cares if anons think Blake is ugly, they can have whatever opinion they want even if you think it's wrong.
>you expect people to believe youre? more attractive?
Come on anon this is middle school levels of projection, do you automatically think your more attractive than every single person you don't find attractive? That's just silly.

No. 2351391

I feel so bad for Aubrey. I hope she heals from this.

No. 2351644

I thought it already came out that Carrie Underwood is performing? Idk why, I don’t recall her being that popular this last year

No. 2351682

I see people every day that are more attractive than whatever-her-name-is, including when i look in the mirror. She looks like Sid the sloth. Nothing interesting or appealing about her face whatsoever and I’m sure she fucked her way to the top just like tomato calamity or whatever that ugly weasels name is. They’re both talentless and ugly.

No. 2351769

Some people are thinking that the real story is not being told, like the woman claimed she had no idea what Photoshop and AI generated pictures are or that she never used social media before the scamming happened, which is strange since she's a bourgeois 50 year old woman who worked as a home decorator, she's not an 80 year old grandma from rural France who fell for an unpaid bills scam.

No. 2351851

What the fuck happened to Roseanne?

No. 2351943

Can calling objectively beautiful women 'ugly' because they have a personal issue with them, please be banned here. It gives farmers a bad name and makes us look like seething femcels.

This comment is the perfect trifecta of cringe; larp and cope.

No. 2351946

>I just wanna say that people who live through losing their spouses are so fucking strong
Thanks, nona. I needed to read this today.

No. 2351969

File: 1737213517140.jpeg (68.9 KB, 583x599, IMG_5081.jpeg)

Is this a straight man?

No. 2351987

Exactly my reaction, too. Like, why??

No. 2351988

The fucking hell…

No. 2351990

Of course it’s all country music. Typical republicans. Country music is so fucking corny and just awful in general.

No. 2351994

I would get it if they would describe her as bland, but on lolcow there is no nuance. Some are only here to vent and be their true self. And if that being on the mental level of a teenage girl, then so it be.
I can't stand Blake, but she is not offensive to look at. It's not like she looks like Jonah Hill (fat or non-fat, young or old version) or similar.

No. 2351997

Does it matter? Idk this dude. And let's be honest, if he would be gay, there wouldn't at least, years later, come out stories how he harassed young women.

No. 2351999

I would like to know how many famous bands and singers they asked who declined.

No. 2352016

File: 1737215331973.jpeg (190.59 KB, 1219x1221, Untitled design.png.jpeg)

Kek I was just thinking about him. He’s like a Puerto Rican Harry Styles, with his faux gay esthetic. He cross dressed for a music video too.

No. 2352026

>Cancelled for having a personal conversation and in joke
If you're gonna seethe about a woman can it not be for absolutely benign reasons. Women shitting on each other for no reason is why we will never be free

No. 2352081

File: 1737219765804.png (101.05 KB, 1023x691, Screenshot 2025-01-18 12.02.12…)


No. 2352094

they can only get desperate, washed-up musical acts to perform

No. 2352132

Ew I hope he doesn’t do his shitty country song with Tim McGraw.

No. 2352136

they can only get desperate, washed-up musical acts to perform

No. 2352153

File: 1737221718160.jpg (70.44 KB, 720x1075, Snapchat-162412075.jpg)

>surprise musician
hoping it's Lana Del Rey because it would be such a funny part of the yeehaw marriage saga + she is currently holding a country album hostage so she would fit in with the rest of the performances (minus the village people??? The YMCA guys???)

No. 2352194

Your opinions about people's looks are just that, opinions. To me, saying Blake Lively is objectively beautiful and anyone who feels otherwise has a teenage mentality is unhinged. Not everyone is going to find people shilled as attractive attractive, deal with it.

No. 2352206

I think because Trump used to play YMCA at his rallies in 2016

No. 2352236

We get it, you're into blondes with big noses.

No. 2352297

Please God no. I know she’s more than likely republican but I NEED her to keep that information to herself.

No. 2352316

I'm a bit late but brain cancer does affect cognitive abilities, I've seen it in a loved one before the passed away. It makes the person forgetful and struggle to comprehend things when the nerves get damaged, then they start to say and do illogical things, sort of like a dementia patient, until they lose ability to move or talk or see or hear or eat etc. and eventually die. If I'm not mistaken, the damage is irreversible when it comes to brain nerves. But maybe a miracle could happen and she survives it somehow hopefully, or at least pass away peacefully around loved ones who care about her.

No. 2352459

Does anyone know what Hayden Panettiere is up to?

No. 2352547

File: 1737236617745.jpg (153.99 KB, 900x886, GhiStNwW0AAtcdN.jpg)

I guess it's snoop

No. 2352656

Holy crap I didn't even realize it was her. Guess she really went off the deep end.

No. 2352683

Not the "blondes are oppressed" crazies again! It's not normal people's fault that lately most blonde celebs have been ugly (that midsommar chick and sabrina). I agree with ayrt, Blake Lively is ugly. She's thin and has the means to take care of her skin/makeup/etc but if most women were put on her diet and her styling, they would look better.

No. 2352711

Oh nonny, I’m so sorry. We’re here for you.

No. 2352783

No. 2352813

File: 1737247834647.jpeg (1019.7 KB, 1125x1559, IMG_7520.jpeg)

No. 2352902

File: 1737252038188.jpeg (359.63 KB, 1080x1350, IMG_5101.jpeg)

Is this everyone? Never knew she dated a Skarsgard brother, what the fuck

No. 2352943

this should be the next Ugly Male Psy-Op Thread pic. my god they're ugly.

No. 2353057

I don’t even know what to say. I used to think he was based. Never again

>blake lively being a mean girl for 4 minutes
I’m shocked they didn’t include the clip of her joking about Leighton being “born in a cage” (her mom was pregnant with her in prison)
on stage, in the middle of a press tour in front of everyone

No. 2353085

Blake Lively before plastic surgery was extremely ugly! Afterwards she became a step above ugly but still bland. With her shit acting and below average look I never saw the appeal in her.

No. 2353241

In the video posted above she mentions her parents buying her a spot in the show choir at the school that glee was based on, so it wouldn’t surprise me if that’s how the rest of her life/career went.

No. 2353262

File: 1737269596869.webp (5.75 KB, 213x240, IMG_0531.webp)

>objectively beautiful

No. 2353361

why is this image so deep fried kek

No. 2353445

Snoop Dogg based? Nonna he’s a rapist and a sex trafficker.

No. 2353480

>The Village People


No. 2353486

File: 1737277761066.png (4.22 MB, 1179x2556, IMG_9282.png)

Henry Cavill had a baby.

No. 2353488

People on here who complain about the fact that someone they find attractive is being called ugly, or that attractive, unattractive, blonde, black, white, fat, thin or w.e category of women are being unfairly targeted on a fucking imageboard should just be put in a care home for the mentally disabled already. I don't understand why you're here and I genuinely would love to tie you up and pelt you with rocks(infighting)

No. 2353489

File: 1737277786728.png (5.24 MB, 1179x2556, IMG_9283.png)

He also hit the wall.

No. 2353493

I like that his wife looks normal

No. 2353509

File: 1737280269940.jpg (96.03 KB, 1500x1000, Henry-Cavill-and-Girlfriend-Na…)

It's his girlfriend, not his wife. Also she looks far from normal, she has that bimbo'd up look AND is a nepobaby. https://people.com/movies/who-is-natalie-viscuso-henry-cavill/

Also, that doesnt stop Henry from being a Sex Pest. Remember what he said about metoo, and hiis other unsavory comments about women?

No. 2353571

wish i could find that collage of him kissing men again kek

No. 2353573

She was probably insecure and intimidated by Leighton’s talent and beauty.

Is this not literally a forum to talk shit about cringey celebrities? There are plenty of famous women who are beautiful. Blake lively is not one of them in my opinion.

Her personality may “shine” through her smug expressions, sure. But this was something that stood out (along with the face moles) before knowing anything about who she was as a person; to the point where it was too distracting to be able to invest in anything she’s starred or been prominently featured in.

No. 2353693

People who complain about people complaining about people complaining that someone is unattractive should be put in concentration camps.(infighting)

No. 2353717

There hasn’t been a single year where she was single.

No. 2353745

Not to mention Connor Kennedy, Taylor Lautner, and Harry Styles were ALL 17 when she dated them, and she was 20-22….

No. 2353762

Ok zoomer

No. 2353786

Who cares, men do that all the time and worse. These men aren't victims for getting to fuck Taylor Swift kek

No. 2353792

So what

No. 2353841

Oh no, what a horrible 3-to-5 year age gap. Why don't you form a mob inspired by To Catch A Predator and go jump her about it

No. 2353895

Her outfits are nice ngl

No. 2353898

Kek oh no anon, you should call the cops right away

No. 2353918

File: 1737305288202.jpeg (537.68 KB, 1170x4369, IMG_8072.jpeg)

Halsey on IG stories, kek.

Also am I insane or does she kinda look like Emma Roberts

No. 2353955

2014, between Tom Odell and Calvin Harris

That was the year she released 1989

No. 2353966

Connor Kennedy was still in high school when they dated but let the roles be reversed and none of you dumb ass bitches would be saying “so what?” I never said they are victims, I wasn’t even saying she’s terrible for what she did or attack her, I was literally just pointing out a weird pattern. Taylor is weird as fuck for that. All the nonchalant replies about this behavior being okay because the woman is older reminds me how mentally ill the women on this site really are. Yes, men also do this all time and it’s creepy as gross no matter who does it(baiting)

No. 2354014

File: 1737308358560.png (211.25 KB, 960x942, sip.png)

kek no man would ever stand up like this for a woman especially on an imageboard. Fight the socialization to "be the better person"

No. 2354027

Her taste in men is as bad as her fashion choices, yuck!!

No. 2354030

>WAAAAAA! The poor innocent baby got to fuck an attractive woman! The poor little lamb!
The only difference between him and the other scrotelings his age is he’s fucking women while the others sit around all day tugging their dicks to porn. Any older woman who fucks a teenage boy is doing him a favour.(bait/sage your shit)

No. 2354034

he ugly who cares, she could have done much better

No. 2354037

You know they literally could have been in hs together the age difference is that small.(sage your shit)

No. 2354044

No one cares about teenage "boys", keep seething retard

No. 2354050

I’m more concerned about her terrible tastes in men,if she were a scrote it’d be way different.Also men are just like that,a lot of them don’t seem to care about being narced on by older women.A while ago a 16 yr old tried flirting with my friend and said he was dating a 20 something year old woman.When told she could go to jail for that,he just went ‘yeahhh I know,but it’s cool”.(sage your shit)

No. 2354054

Adult women literally get raped by teenage boys. Where I live a 21 year old woman was gang raped by a bunch of scrotelings who were loitering and smoking weed in the park she walked through. Anon wants us to believe that a beast like that could EVER be a victim of a woman. Moids start raping as young as 11.(sage your shit)

No. 2354075

File: 1737310095403.gif (928.53 KB, 245x245, portia-de-rossi-pRE04l-1086471…)

i was going through some pictures of her after this initial one and she reminds me of an irl lindsay from arrested development

No. 2354079

I actually think teenage boys are creepy and gross so they should be castrated. Being a fellow dumb ass bitch on this website I'm glad you agree with me.

No. 2354084

Probably getting her ass beat, doing drugs, and ignoring her kid.

No. 2354095

i think the biggest difference is that she really never had a pattern of dating men that much younger than her. if anything, her pattern has been dating men at least 5+ years older, with the next popular being within 1/2years over under. seems to me they're just one-offs

No. 2354101

I don't care about Halsey but she's not wrong, I hope music gets a bit better from now on

No. 2354113

This fucking guy committed suicide and left his poor wife to deal with it. God I just hate that people do this. Yeah yeah mental illness and depression whatever but it’s still selfish to do this to his fucking wife of what 10 years? Like Jesus Christ

No. 2354122

>the roles be reversed and none of you dumb ass bitches would be saying “so what?”
Yeah, because the roles would be reversed so it would actually matter. Not only the physical differences between a boy being ~taken advantage of~ by an older woman and a girl being taken advantage of by an older man, there's emotional ones as well. No man would be sitting around thinking "damn, Taylor Swift really groomed me in high-school." They'd be saying "fuck yeah I fucked Taylor Swift while still in high school." Be realistic.

No. 2354133

Harry styles and Taylor lautner were less ugly when she dated them tbf

No. 2354170

alexander skarsgard is pure speculation, as well as tom odell and will anderson. i want her to date someone with the last name taylor already i like that it sounds silly marrying him.

No. 2354430

He's probably the most retarded in the literal sense yes, but in terms of the worst boyfriend that goes to Ratty Healy

No. 2354438


>“I am not cognitively impaired, but I feel like I am in prison,” she said. “I am definitely isolated. To talk to these people who live here, that is not my cup of tea.

>“I keep the door closed,” the former “Wendy Williams Show” host continued of her day-to-day activities. “I watch TV. I listen to the radio. I watch the window. I sit here, and my life goes by.”

No. 2354459

File: 1737323119793.gif (537.4 KB, 220x376, tl.gif)

Half of those relationships weren't even real in the first place, especially not with this fag

No. 2354578

she looks like harambe(racebait)

No. 2354579

Hypocritical pedophiles in this thread. Not sure why I’m surprised after the comments of ATJ and his step daughters

No. 2354581

So ATJ wasn’t groomed? Ok

No. 2354585

every time I read ATJ I think it’s Anya Taylor Joy at first kek

No. 2354587

Wait, what? Anons here overwhelmingly hate the "he must be raping his stepdaughters" copium and support his marriage.

No. 2354650

You're right Nona and I agree, male or female, dating a 17 year old while you're in your 20s is fucking weirdo behavior. You gotta remember this site is full of mentally ill women who make being a contrarian faggot their main and only personality trait.(sage your shit)

No. 2354653

Anons are dogpiling but I do think that in Taylor's case it's purely because she's legitimately mentally stunted.

No. 2354663

Lmao @ calling everyone a pedo because they don't care about a handful of 17 year olds sleeping with a pop star a few years older than them who has negative sexual charisma. Like >>2354653 said Taylor comes across as too mentality stunted to seem actually threatening and predatory. It's also not a consistent pattern of behavior over years and seems to immediately follow her being with significantly older men, men who have a pattern of habitually dating significantly younger women. I genuinely can't bring myself to care, that doesn't make me or anyone who dgaf a pedo.

No. 2354700

most groomers are male losers and most pedophiles are mentally stunted as well.

No. 2354705

Some anons have admitted to being pedophiles so no surprise really

No. 2354718

>why is he so red?
Now he's so dead.

No. 2354747

Oh boy, he gets to spread his sexpest genes to more moidlets. Also kek at the difference between Natalie in that pic and Natalie in >>2353509. Idk what's going on with that.

No. 2354758

Kek I was about to say the same thing. Straight women are totally fucked if someone as conventionally attractive and rich as Taylor still has to settle for a a conga line of sub-fives like this. Any moid who cries about women having "too high" standards or "chasing chad" needs to look at this image. Even the jock in this picture isn't a Chad. They're all wrinkly, creepy, or greasy with hideous facial hair, and some of them are almost certainly closet gay.

No. 2354781

File: 1737337241806.jpeg (1.71 MB, 1125x2195, IMG_5028.jpeg)

Taytay annoying people at the game again(sage your non-milk)

No. 2354790

And I don't even think Taylor is pro-psyop, judging by her music she seems legitimately enthusiastic about cute boys. And she mocked young women getting married to old men in the music video for The Man. But finding a man equally attractive and even remotely as successful as her doesn't leave many options at all.

Though in fairness, I think that chart has selected some particularly unflattering pictures. Eg old Harry Styles and Taylor Lautner are way older in those pics than they were when she dated them, they weren't that ugly at the time.

No. 2354816


No. 2354844

Blake Lively sitting weird in every interview meme.

No. 2354880

if the roles were reversed that would simply describe many many couples I've known…. wdym. nobodygaf about men being older even when they actually ARE violent monsters and predators as opposed to a sexy slightly older pop star goddess. if you're worried about the well being of connor kennedy, maybe try to sneak him some vaccines and evidence-based medicine

No. 2354891

There was a story she signed him out of class to hang out. Grooming behaviour. Then she bought the house next door or something. Not only is she mentally stunted she's a stalker.

No. 2354911

She needs to be single for a while. Like bitch has really never stopped dating.

No. 2354981

No. 2354984

Neil should be beaten to death for this, my god

No. 2354987

File: 1737347225536.png (1.68 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_5112.png)

This is insane if true, who is Lana’s bodyguard?

No. 2354991

File: 1737347596013.jpeg (894.2 KB, 1170x1882, IMG_5116.jpeg)

nevermind, found him

No. 2354993

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No. 2354997

File: 1737347714494.jpeg (881.97 KB, 1170x2115, IMG_5114.jpeg)

Not shocked that her brother didn’t gaf, he’s too high on fentanyl to care about anything other than his shitty music

No. 2355008

it's from the graves disease

No. 2355027

I will never understand how anyone can be a manic fan for this bland piece of bread. Her personnality is boring, her music is shit, her style is meh. She's the least interesting celebrity around imo.

No. 2355044

File: 1737352229684.jpeg (1.97 MB, 1170x1926, IMG_5118.jpeg)

He’s ugly as fuck. She has a court hearing set - I believe her and I hope he goes to jail.

No. 2355054

Saying teen boys don’t care about getting with older women is not an example of someone being a nonce,they are apes and they don’t give a shit about getting hit on by the opposite sex no matter how old.Acknowledging that means boys only care about getting their dicks wet is fine.(sage your shit)

No. 2355066

File: 1737353611655.jpeg (1.07 MB, 1170x1610, IMG_5120.jpeg)

She has so many receipts on twitter along with evidence that Lana gave them her dogs from the blue banisters album cover because she was “too busy” for them. This moid has a TikTok of fan edits that HE made of him and Lana like they’re a couple

No. 2355068

Jake looks like a police sketch of a serial killer.

No. 2355133

File: 1737358841149.jpeg (1.37 MB, 1668x1904, FF74F59D-82AF-4784-8FF1-010AD0…)

No. 2355183

We weren't talking about ATJ but even if he were I really don't care, and it's not the same as when it happens to a girl/woman.

No. 2355187

I hope this blows up and gets more attention, what a piece of shit. There's absolutely no way everyone on Lana's team was oblivious.
>This moid has a TikTok of fan edits that HE made of him and Lana like they’re a couple

No. 2355228

Men are so dramatic, how dare a woman have fun and cheer at a place where your supposed to have fun and cheer.

No. 2355292

Finally, important celebrity news we can discuss.

No. 2355552

As I said, nuance is lost here. There is a difference between in stating that you find someone not attractive or dislike their features versus "ugh, she is ugly". It's the wording that implies being on a level with teens. Because that's how they talk. You can talk how you fancy it, don't get it twisted, but anyone else is also free to speculate about your mental age.

No. 2355803

File: 1737394410985.png (4.47 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_6117.png)

Congrats to her if true, does her mood have money at least.

No. 2355909

she dated Tom Odell?? I have never heard that before, must have been under a rock

No. 2356444

File: 1737410720666.mp4 (273.3 KB, 1080x1350, AQNxjeUVMbWEPc2RTCnWQys3V9jpFY…)


Wow. Matty and gabriette sure seem like they're in a serious monogamous relationship.

No. 2356478

is this dude not clearly gay?

No. 2356491

File: 1737412183102.gif (Spoiler Image,956.7 KB, 541x571, ezgif-2-4fe280889d.gif)

Idk. They seem a little too close.(spoiler this)

No. 2356496

File: 1737412298496.png (2.08 MB, 1440x988, Screenshot_20250120-163057.png)

No. 2356509

the guy who "joked" about jerking off to porn of abused women and humped a camerawoman on stage? no

No. 2356597

You're disgusting for this

No. 2356598

File: 1737415523953.png (1.44 MB, 1440x1847, Screenshot_20250120-172434.png)

No. 2356608

But when I call her a self absorbed narcissistic bitch I'm a misogynist

She's not a good actress and her demeanor is so strange, it's like if Gwenyth Paltrow was never either cute nor unique

No. 2356615

Does that weird old man never tire of making extremely shitty television programs about rapists and murderers and "uglifying" men he finds cute to play abhorrent, ugly freaks? Surely he needs to join bingo or take a knitting lesson instead or something

You mean those obvious joking college aged photos that didn't have a single drop of sexual energy to them? A man will be a sex pest to women, exclusively fuck them, and have children with them and you guy will be like "hehe he's gay"

No. 2356744

Idk, in the image most of those men were verified gays and cavill was straight up licking them. but he could be the bi type of sex pest

No. 2356754

File: 1737422015379.jpeg (1.03 MB, 1170x2132, IMG_5135.jpeg)

Lmaooo I can’t. This is insane. I wonder if he started abusing his ex when he found out Lana was getting married cuz according to her he’s been abusing her since May of last year.

No. 2356877

File: 1737426494595.jpeg (288.53 KB, 1125x965, IMG_7540.jpeg)

No. 2356922

File: 1737427368161.jpeg (256.26 KB, 2224x1246, IMG_9245.jpeg)

Why is she the way she is?

No. 2357893

She should do less talking about being a lesbian and actually date a woman to prove it

No. 2358021

i wish she would wear a muzzle

No. 2358304

God she’s such a try hard and im surprised not everyone notices

No. 2358361

this is such a cope
Chappell, you're not as big because you're an unoriginal flash in the pan who's already started to fade..

No. 2358521

File: 1737492533960.png (1.65 MB, 907x2324, 10000.png)


No. 2358660

Red wine supernova is about a man and good luck babe isn’t even about another woman, it’s about Kayleigh if she got married to a man. Lily Rose Depp has more sapphic cred than her

No. 2358689

She's my age, GROOOOSSS. Imagine touching that wrinkly body. And he was ugly even when he was young
That's the only thing I don't get about gold diggers. I get that they want easy money from scrotes. But I don't get how it doesn't kill them to touch those disgusting wrinkly old bodies. Makes it not 'easy' at all

No. 2358707

I just know, this man has child-bearing hips. Like you know who.

No. 2358719

Is she from the same cohort as 7of9 or why does she have a shiny thing over her eyebrow? I wasn't even aware that DS is nearly 60. Gen X, the new boomers but with grungy clothes.

No. 2358722

Typical bipolar victim shit

No. 2358730

John boyega?

No. 2358798

You can almost guarantee that the son will grow up to be a psychopathic moid like his father with that behavior

No. 2358850

File: 1737505022849.jpg (27.23 KB, 400x360, 1000000406.jpg)

If you consider this to be full of palpable homosexual energy you are probably touch starved and dumb

No. 2358853

No you wouldn't

Oh my God, she's a 29 year old little girl you sick fuck!

No. 2358870

Nta he's ugly as sin and old enough to be her father

No. 2358894

She was a Playboy, Brigitte Bardot
She showed me things I didn't know
She did it right there, out on the deck
Put her canine teeth in the side of my neck

How is this about a man?

No. 2358905

kek I gotta say "he was seen with a STUDENT!!! (age 29)" is a very funny way to put it
the lyrics were re-written and it WAS originally about a man! not that it matters since I don't think that pop songs are supposed to be non fiction

No. 2358929

30 year age gap is disgsuting, always, period.
Even if she was 70, she would still be pretty mobile (like many women at that age), meanwhile the scrote would be a 100 year old living corpse and she would have to take care of him. My grandpa was "only" 12 years older than my grandma and she still had to take care of him. I literally cannot imagine a 20 or a 30 year age gap, people need to be retarded in order to normalize it instead of ostracizing this shit. It should be criticized left and right.

No. 2358930

Men in their 50s are gross why would you advocate for that

No. 2358938

It was a fucking joke please don't respond to me with autism, I don't care and obviously know ugly old men are gross.

No. 2358953

Get funnier then that was terrible.

No. 2358991


No. 2358996

Your autism is not everyone else's problem. It's literally a meme.

No. 2358999

Nta but I recognized that meme and it still wasn't funny and you didn't even quote it right(sage your shit)

No. 2359038

Some of you are genuinely so precious and simultaneously condescending that it's a wonder you can view anything online without seizuring.

No. 2359151

Cringe ass lyrics

No. 2359175

File: 1737517539047.png (346.91 KB, 759x881, uyhgfdsdefghjk.png)

Hopefully this isn't too ot but I recently watched the new Goosebumps season and this realization hit me that most new shows and movies will hire the ugliest men they can find, men that look 15 years older than the age their playing or quite literally look like their face is melting off and trying to evade them (like David Schwimmer.) But will only cast beautiful women in the roles, some of who literally look like models paired with the fugliest and most untalented men Hollywood (or Vancouver) can scrounge up. And you can find this pattern everywhere in media once you notice it.

No. 2359184

File: 1737517846837.png (927.3 KB, 1048x816, juhgytfgrdsfghj.png)

I mean come on, this poor girl had to makeout with this man on camera. And they're a year apart, a year. Men are literally trying to hit the wall I stg.

No. 2359199

File: 1737518637568.png (991.17 KB, 1170x2532, IMG_5155.png)

I know the Juno lyrics have been discussed but imo the lyrics to Sabrina’s ‘Busy Woman’ somehow some even worse. It was a bonus track that came out later so I haven’t seen anyone bring it up yet

No. 2359204

I swear Gossip Girl is the only show that had attractive male characters

No. 2359221

I think you're right, I was wracking my brain for when this trend really took off and my first thought was around 2010 so that checks out. There's probably a few outliers but I can't really think of them off the top of my head. I think some shows at least make it equal, like the leads are looksmatched or there's no crazy beautiful models paired with fuggos. I feel like The Walking Dead did a good job casting people who just look like people you'd see irl, at least in the earliest seasons.

No. 2359234

>my openings are super tight
Barf. Who thinks this is sexy other than incels that only know dirty talk through badly acted porn? Actually listening to lyrics gives you such "gems" like this

No. 2359292

God this is so cringe

No. 2359317

File: 1737529285507.jpg (1.31 MB, 3900x3000, 1714872448097.jpg)

finally found the collage i was referring to. i think we'll have to agree to disagree kek

No. 2359322

Does anyone remember the name of that one black model who participated in a top model show and then she went insane and started exposing her government/governor for corruption and would make videos on twitter dancing while half naked? Does anyone know how she's doing?

No. 2359353

Idk what thread the Juno lyrics are on but the song annoys tf out of me lmao. Like did she even watch the movie before she made the song? Juno didn’t even want the baby & was a kid who made a mistake cause she was uneducated kek, not sexy at all. If anything it’s just sad.

No. 2359772

It's incredible how you can revolve your entire pop star persona around sex and pedobaiting and still manage to be so insufferably, painfully boring. It should be studied.

No. 2359842

>literal schizo conspiracy theory red line board

Hetero men can hang out and even be friendly with gay men, it doesn't make them gay, it doesn't work that way. How funny that all these supposed secret closeted gay men in the entertainment industry are all attractive white men women lust after, I'm sure that's just a coincidence.

No. 2359843

File: 1737561011618.jpeg (739.26 KB, 1170x1626, IMG_5160.jpeg)

He is so brave when he cross posts with other accounts, I love reading the comments since he has his off. This photoshoot is taking me out, he’s trying to look seductive.

No. 2359849

File: 1737561398998.jpg (13.91 KB, 300x300, 1000031750.jpg)

No. 2359878

Eh maybe years ago, but certainly not how he (and most other modern actors) looks recently. Plus plenty of non-white men have the same rumors like will smith, micheal B. jordan, wayne brady, tons of rappers (some which actually turned out to be true) etc. and so have plenty of uggos like pedro pascal, barry whatshisname, even spongebob and others I'm too lazy to list. I never noticed more rumors leaning towards one group or another. Tbh such rumors happen precisely because of how often actors sleep with producers/directors to get a role, so fully straight men are less drawn to this industry. Like they're proving the stereotype themselves kek and some outright admitted to it. Idk about Henry specifically but it's not that farfetched for actors in general.

No. 2359888

File: 1737562741623.jpeg (331.27 KB, 1170x1308, IMG_5171.jpeg)

No. 2359905

I imagine the mods and/or filter are working overtime on this one kek

No. 2359917

File: 1737564135911.jpeg (94.24 KB, 828x614, IMG_9079.jpeg)

What in the snuff film is this? kek

No. 2359921

Subtle foreshadowing of how he's gonna be found when Ariana gets tired of him.

No. 2360161

Are we really going to have to wait until Wicked part 2 before she cheats on him? I'm sick of him.

No. 2360193

I will never forgive Ariana for making this ugly fuck believe he's hot

No. 2360284

His supposed secret gayness is also so secret that you can find hundreds of photos of him with dudes, goofing around. It's so secret, just the mega brained get it. Why would that man, in particular, loose his measly career, if he was openly gay (or bi)? Who tf, does even care anymore.
Eh, nothing against my bae Bunsen.

No. 2360294

He only got recognition for being Ariana's lapdog and a cheater. And most recently, for being constantly drugged up, together with Ariana.
They put him in the corner of a puppet house. Otherwise I don't understand how he can look normal sized, here.

No. 2360777

Vampire Diaries. In that era of television even the male character that was supposed to be a loser had to be ripped and youngish. Even in PLL the ugliest guy had the sexiest body and they made sure to show it.

No. 2360785

Every guy born after 1985 and before 1993s facebook tagged photos looks exactly like this. Are you a shut in?

No. 2360868

File: 1737593367349.png (180 KB, 1795x901, IMG_214.png)

Slightly related but I remember seeing this exact same debate on /g/ a couple of years ago, I was on team platonic. It's probably cultural differences or something

No. 2361066

No. 2361472

File: 1737612481110.jpeg (110.93 KB, 1170x632, IMG_7301.jpeg)

I’d believe that Henry is a drunk before I believe he is a faggot kek.

Take your meds, nonna. At best I’d say he was a rentboy early in his career (sorta like Nicholas Chavez is now) but nothing about him specifically exhudes faggot

No. 2361474

Wait I'm pretty sure I'm the one who said "you're nuts" kek or we've also had a similar discussion another time as well

No. 2361520

He looks like a murderer. Those are his OJ gloves

No. 2361560

File: 1737618587203.png (762.16 KB, 556x900, Screenshot 2025-01-22 at 11.46…)

he looks like the fat little cousin who tries to make everyone watch him do Fortnite dances at Thanksgiving dinner

No. 2361799

File: 1737643572041.jpeg (582.79 KB, 1170x2302, IMG_5178.jpeg)

I’ve asked before and I’ll ask again… why are we down SO BAD right now? Like this is embarrassing as a fellow woman to read these. Fucking bleak.

No. 2361840

he just looks like some troon serial killer before the hormones fucking ew

No. 2361844

File: 1737646507065.jpeg (139.52 KB, 1400x700, IMG_2869.jpeg)

He looks mentally unwell.

No. 2361845

>the ugliest guy
Thanks for reminding me of the hideousness that was Toby

No. 2361874

I believe it’s a false flag operation by other ugly men.

No. 2361877

File: 1737648490027.jpeg (82.87 KB, 1600x900, Gh-3LYEXgAAw1bB.jpeg)

Oscar Nominations for 2025 are out and tranny movie leads unsurprisingly with 13 nominations. Imagine being Demi, waiting your whole career for this moment and them you are nominated next to a man. Ari also got a nomination, Wickede got 10 noms in total.

The full list: https://variety.com/lists/2025-oscars-predictions/

No. 2361891

What a fucking joke. Wicked deserves 0 nominations, let alone best actress and best supporting actress. The Dylan biopic was okay but not worthy of anything either. And Dune 2 for best picture is hilarious too lmao. I hope Adrien Brody beats Chalameme for best actor

No. 2361903

Well, the gloves will never come to small on him.
I already said it in the past, he looks like a dutch phenotype kiddo, face and body proportions. They either have the mega-tall bean stake or the (tall) fatty type. There is nothing in-between.

No. 2361905

Wait until he shows teeth, does spongy hungry bitches will recoil in terror.
He doesn't even look like himself here.

No. 2361907

These nominations are a sign that there were not enough good or famous movies with female leading roles released last year.
I love Mikey Madison but I am surprised Anora is in here, not because I find it bad but it seemed for me not mainstream enough? If Demi never had an Oscar, they should give it to her. I don't know anything about Fernanda Torres, so I have no opinion.

No. 2361958

Fucking Emilia Perez got 13 Oscar nominations. I hope this backfires so hard the academy stops pandering to trannies once and for all, their virtue signaling this time is so obvious not even troons are buying it

No. 2362028

I hope Demi wins

No. 2362059

File: 1737660418202.png (2.1 MB, 1029x1623, Screenshot 2025-01-23 at 19.25…)

i miss blackiana(sage your shit)

No. 2362072

Ariana was the weakest part of Wicked. Her classical singing was straight up bad and her acting was okay but wooden (mostly because she tried to copy Kristen Chenoweth exactly instead of putting her own spin on the role). It's a joke she was nominated instead of Margaret Qualley, but not a surprise. The Oscars aren't relevant anymore and nominating Ariana would drum up views from her rabid fan base.

No. 2362154

Even Ethan’s acting was better.

No. 2362218

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No. 2362219

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No. 2362237

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No. 2362239

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He performed…lil Nas X - old town road. Yeah, seriously.

No. 2362287

i had the exact same thought about ariana being wooden and weird in wicked (then i saw some wicked theather clips and realized her performance really is just a copy of that other actress, still horrible to me)
wicked's campaign sure was strong cause that movie is just marvel tier garbage, some avarage to bad plot with ugly visuals and even worse cinematography, i guess cynthia's nom makes more sense cause at least she feels like a whole different person outside of her character
anyway cringy year for cinema by the looks of all the noms

No. 2362289

Unfortunately trannies also hate that movie so expect even more ownvoices gooner troon movies to get nominated next year as an apology

No. 2362332

I saw the tv glow pt 2 gonna sweep oscars 2026

No. 2362365

He's embarrassing but it's sad to see this happening to anybodys dad. Divorcing your mom, marrying a girl younger than you, calling your sister a slut, now him obviously being on something, it feels hopeless.

No. 2362373

Thank you for saying her classical singing was bad as an opera singer it killed me. She is a good vocalist but only in her own lane. You’re 100% right that the whole performance was just her pretending to be Kristen Chenoweth in the stage production. I still cannot believe she got an Oscar nod.

No. 2362403

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Brits ex husband with his new gf, Brooke Irvine.(not a celebrity)

No. 2362407

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No. 2362413

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>>2362407(not a celebrity)

No. 2362417

File: 1737675542261.png (540.61 KB, 1440x2588, Screenshot_20250123-173800.png)

uh(not a celebrity)

No. 2362418

AI ass bio. That dude really was just with brit for the clout, poor woman

No. 2362424

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No. 2362510

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When their honeymoon phase is over.. expect plentiful milk to flow. Get your popcorn ready everyone. The shows just getting started.(not a celebrity)

No. 2362525

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FUR, how appropriate. That pic related in the background and done.

No. 2362551

What is it with tabloids and phrasing shit like tweets from fat gay millenial plant dads who watch capeshit for the muscly moids in them? I can't read that article and take it seriously.

No. 2362562

Just watch this vid
>>2362239 ←–here & you're all
caught up.

No. 2362747

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aris chin is actually making me sad

No. 2362844

I'm going to be sad if Demi doesn't win, she killed it in The Substance and she's never won an Oscar before. People were calling The Substance her "breakthrough role" which is so rare for women to get at age 60. Rooting for her.

No. 2362865

nothing about The Sustance was Oscar worthy. It's a sad testament to just how shitty modern movies are that it's nominated. What about her performance stood out the most to you as Oscar worthy? The scene where she smeared lipstick on her face that's been done so many times before?

No. 2362888

I thought she did good, just in my opinion. I really bought her performance from start to finish. Besides everything has been done before, I don't think that should disqualify someone's performance from being celebrated just because the scenes written for them aren't entirely new ideas. And out of all the potential nominees I hope its her, especially when it's between her, a troon, and some anorexic bpdchan with mediocre acting skills. Mikey is an amazing actress but she is so young and has so many opportunities to win an Oscar. I'd also be happy if Fernanda won. But tbh none of the performances screamed "Oscar worthy" to me I just liked Demi's the best and was happy to see a woman in her 60's being newly praised for her acting skills. Who do you think out of all the nominees would be most worthy of winning?

No. 2362897

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She's withering away right before our very eyes and there's nothing anyone can do about it but her. I'm calling it right now. She'll be a 2025 celeb death. No one and I mean absolutely no one, will be shocked.

No. 2362923

The Substance was absolute trash cinema made for american audiences who need an 1,5 hour explanation of the "society bad because ageism" statement. The premise was retarded, the "twist" didn't make sense and the ending stretched unnecessarily. Demi Moore's portrayal as a deranged monstrosity the moment she started aging even more was cgi nightmare and I argue it could make young women even more self-concious about aging. This piece of garbage somehow got glowing reviews because burgers are retards who believe a fake "deep" moral is enough to make it prime cinema.
And everyone praises it for the revolutionary message when Oscar Wilde did it way better with the Picture of Dorian Gray in fucking 1890.

No. 2362944

Ariana Grandma

No. 2362968

I thought this was Pamela Anderson at first glance.

No. 2363023

Honestly agreed, I know Margaret is a nepo baby but she can act, at least imo. Every role I've seen her in she plays really well, and it seems she puts a lot of effort into it too.

>it seems the world has beaten you down
Oh boo hoo, nothing is ever a man's fault it's always just "he's a victim of his circumstances." Your dad's a piece of shit, like everyone's, grow up and stop making excuses for him.

No. 2363032

Honestly hoping Demi wins it. The Subtance is probably one of my favourite movies now it was so good.

No. 2363034

Idk maybe I’m wrong, like Margaret was amazing & I think she’s an amazing actress but for the role (imo) she didn’t so as much work as Demi. Most of the actual speaking part were Demi. Margaret nailed it but it was more body language and stuff when it came to her role.

No. 2363172

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My tinfoil on the whole Baldoni-Lively situation is that she was insanely insecure about her postpartum body/appearance. That’s why she was so anal about controlling the wardrobe and demanding access to the dailies (which basically never happens they are only for the director and producers). My guess is she was trying to cover up her midriff and chest with oversized clothing. She looked visibly uncomfortable in the more form-fitting outfits. I don’t buy at all the theories about her being secretly in love with Baldoni or trying to get revenge, those takes are retarded and misogynistic. If anything, she seemed super uncomfortable and not even remotely "smitten" in that video he put out. She looked more awkward and stiff than anything

No. 2363177

This makes a lot of sense, actually.

No. 2363244

File: 1737722142527.jpg (161.89 KB, 915x1200, GiActyqWMAAVpku.jpg)

Ari posted this pic celebrating her oscar nomination.

No. 2363253

Where's the anon who kept claiming Ariana currently has implants? I want them to see this kek

No. 2363318

Are we allowed to nitpick outfits, still? This dress looks awful against her skin tone why on earth would she post this. She seems to be tanning herself a shade of yellow these days she should be dresses in like peach or just anything less aggressively bad against the yellow

No. 2363338

Body built like Luther's from Umbrella Academy after the Gorilla serum was injected. Girl, you won't get happy with this dude. Use your cheerleading stamina to run.
So, she was just a cheerleader and has nothing else to show.
> Brooke's expertise is unparalleled
> desire to become a top agent
So, what is it now? She looks hardly like in her mid-20s, so I doubt the expert claim is true. Three of four paragraphs, ride on about her cheerleading. All text is about her potential and nothing she has actually to show for in real-estate. Why does every brain dead money hungry idiot become a real estate agent?
This reads like ChatGPT omitted all over it.
Mega kek.

No. 2363355

I also wouldn't describe it as deep cinema, it's more a fun campy movie. I think there weren't enough good movies last year and the had to pic some. "The substance" went somewhat viral, so it's an obvious choice. Anora is also a weird choice, for the Academy Award. But as a different anon mentioned, it is about the category for actresses. And there weren't enough movies with female (main) cast. The fucking dumbass superhero franchises just took everything over, and each that had a female protagonist.

Nonnies, tell me your favourite movie/s of last year with a female lead. Let's make a Celebricows Award, for best actress (leading or not leading).

No. 2363360

Ironically, the balloons look like hanging tits.

No. 2363363

When will TS and her famehungry man break up. I’m tired of them. Will she really marry him? What is the longest she has ever been with someone?

No. 2363374

File: 1737730316993.jpg (72.86 KB, 736x893, lou & jackie- love lies bleedi…)

Love lies bleeding was pretty entertaining I'm not a lesbian btw

No. 2363380

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Ew what the fuck I hope this is rage bait because what is this fancast type casting. How can that burger scrote play such an utterly bong character. How will he ever capture the presence heathcliff has. What the fuck? Her too. Delete this

No. 2363382

File: 1737730667883.jpeg (1.01 MB, 1536x2048, IMG_6794.jpeg)

They could never, will never. How can you cast non bong actors, non accurate characters in wuthering heights of all things

No. 2363385

Non bongs, non northerners even will never be able to do the accent correctly

No. 2363390

How tf did they manage to make tom hardy look even gayer

No. 2363391

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No. 2363397

Honestly The Substance, I love body horror and Coralie's movies so The Substance was a 10 out of 10 for me.

I also really enjoyed Maxxxine, I'm not the biggest fan of Mia Goths acting but I felt she did okay in this movie. I preferred her in Infinity Pool but that was from 2023.

I loved Longlegs, hated Nick Cages acting and the pointless lines like "whiter than tits" and his lame acting and singing. But I loved the storyline, Maika and Alicia's acting (I love Alicia Witt she kills every role she plays), and the snowy scenery and atmosphere. I also loved the lead up to jump scares that weren't really jump scares.

I adored Challengers, Zendaya is one of the few actresses I like in roles and as a person. She gets called over hyped but imo she is worth the hype, I love her acting and she genuinely seems like she has fun doing it.

Oddity was amazing, I loved the creepiness of it and the storyline was something I've never seen before. Carolyn Bracken played both roles perfectly.

Nightbitch was okay, I was hoping for more from the plot but I liked Amy Adam's acting in it. I've never seen her play a role like that but to be fair I haven't seen her in very many movies.

Heretic was good, I wasn't that fond of the ending or the last portion of the movie. But both women played their roles really well and the performances were believable imo.

Lisa Frankenstein was cute, I love Kathryn Newton's acting. She reminds me of Zendaya in the sense she seems like a kind and upbeat person irl and I feel like she enjoys acting and puts her best effort into whatever role she plays.

So if I had to award any actresses it would be Demi, Maika, Margaret, Alicia, Amy and Carolyn. I'd say Zendaya too but I'm sure she's won awards already, also Kathryn but I don't feel she's really hit her peak with acting skills yet but I know she'll get there. She plays comedic roles really well though.(integrate)

No. 2363398

god I just noticed his pfp is him as a tiny child. Ariana is always talking about her inner child “tiny Ari” this and that. Why are they like this?

No. 2363400

Not even his own child, it's literally just Ethan as a baby kek.

No. 2363401

Shes too old for this role and he’s too Australian/ugly. What, and I can’t stress this enough, the fuck

No. 2363405

I loved everything about the substance and I hope Demi wins. I was hoping the director would be awarded too.

No. 2363412

According to various rumors she's already cheated on him multiple times with Jim Carey, Paul Mescal, and possibly Cynthia Elviro

No. 2363414

Bill Skarsgard was snubbed at the Oscar’s for Nosferatu

No. 2363415

> with Jim Carey
kek anon. not everything you read on the internet is true

No. 2363418

this 100%
and this going to be mostly likely an unpopular opinion, but Lilly Rose deserved a nom over the tranny for sure. I actually liked her performance in that movie.

No. 2363420

nah the way he did his voice in that role was awful

No. 2363422

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There's blind items about her and him being on and off fuckbuddies since 2019

No. 2363430

I don't think so, the voice was awful and there wasn't anything memorable about his nosferatu

The tranny didn't deserve it but neither did LRD, she was terrible and assaulted the viewers with her botched cheekbones and egg like face.

No. 2363431

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New theories as to what caused Natalie Wood's death

No. 2363433

I loved her performance too.
>>2363420 >>2363430
Disagree but that’s fine

No. 2363436

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Ariana and her goblin out in London (1/2)

No. 2363437

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Goblin (2/2)

No. 2363441

tinfoil ish but if Ethan is gay what if they have some sort of arrangement where they can both fuck whoever they want while they pretend to be together. Not sure how either of them really benefit though because everyone hates their relationship for being home wreckers so they’re not looking good either way. I just don’t get them at all. I get the vibe it was a fling that blew up and now they have to commit to acting like it’s true love or something. Their relationship makes no sense

No. 2363446

Nothing will make me believe Ariana could ever get involved with a woman, she's the biggest pick me in hollywood and lives for male attention.

No. 2363455

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not milk but I think Justin Baldoni is very ugly and very annoying and don't understand why people keep defending him. I feel like on lipstickalley especially the defense of him is pretty ardent even though he's just another mediocre, weird looking white man who doesn't deserve it. He plays false feminist and probably has skeletons in his closet.

I don't like Blake, but he admitted in an interview that he's a pornsick scrote, his engagement video to his wife was narcissistic and cringeworthy, and he definitely seems the type to harass a woman, even if it's not blake

No. 2363457


No. 2363462

I'm so tired of hollywood constantly recycling the same 5 meme actors and actresses. Margot's not as terrible but she's already in every other movie lately and her vibe doesn't really suit a role like this, she's too modern looking

No. 2363468

100% correct and I feel bad too. I bet he was nasty to her the whole time. It seems like she has not even a friend to guide her and she's very lost and confused. Like she genuinely seems like she has declining cognitive ability.

No. 2363470

Also you can't tell me that the sentiment on Reddit being ridiculously pro Blake and the sentiment on LSA being extremely pro Baldoni isn't astroturfing and bots, but the users are too media retarded to see it and just follow like good sheeple

No. 2363475

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No. 2363479

I don't understand why they're both going so hard, it's humiliating for the two of them and there's no way their carrers are going to recover from it, nobody will want to hire Lively because she comes accross as extremely controling and annoying and she managed to bully her way into getting her cut of the movie released, and Baldoni is coming accross as a porn addicted creep.

No. 2363486

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No. 2363489

>Baldoni is coming accross as a porn addicted creep
…and that has stopped a scrote's career when??? kek

No. 2363490

Her sister started OnlyFans (with their mother) and got plastic surgery as soon as she turned 18/19, and her father is an STD-ridden domestic abuser. Not surprising.

No. 2363492

His whole image was a being a heckin wholesome male feminist, they both should stop the PR war and lay low for the next few years.

No. 2363494

I have a feeling someone will settle
In the meantime maybe someone will dig up some dirt on Baldoni harassing or assaulting a woman just to confirm what many people have suspected all along. I have no sympathy for scrotes

No. 2363500

I'm also hoping for something similar otherwise it'll look terrible for Lively and pretty much everyone supporting her, rn it does look like she lied or at least severely misconstrued what happened.

No. 2363505

File: 1737736674970.png (1.11 MB, 1440x1934, Screenshot_20250124-103639.png)

Pic of her new biddies and nose.

No. 2363734

Why is it so hard to cast a darker-skinned person as Heathcliff. He's referred to as a lascar and a gypsy in the book. Unless Jacob is gonna roast himself in a tanning booth.

No. 2363736

oh wow plastic surgery really ages you, i thought she was in her mid 30s

No. 2363900

why does she look so wide, her body is so weird

No. 2364049

File: 1737750557810.png (1.74 MB, 1000x1260, Screenshot 2025-01-24 at 12.26…)

Exactly. Wicked was fun, but come on. Ariana just makes the same raised-eyebrows, doe-eyed faces in every scene and Cynthia was decent, Defying Gravity was obviously her best scene but neither of them deserve "best actress" of the year kek.

No. 2364061

she looks so ghostly here

No. 2364064

lmao that she's on her phone in the pic

No. 2364067

>a woman is guilty by association for dating a moid who went on to be abusive
Nonnie what

No. 2364076

this is somehow worse than I expected

No. 2364084

How is the crowd singing it better than him?!

No. 2364093

kek I live in LA and it seems like every failed model or actor/actress gets a real estate license (and some of them hope to find a rich sugar daddy/mommy by selling in upscale areas)

No. 2364118

Tinfoil that one of the reasons she's doing this is because she's gearing up for a dramatic, sad biopic and book of her life as a victim and how she was totally boolied into an eating disorder as a way of coping from all of the trauma and stress she was under. Also gearing up for the inevitable Audrey biopic, and some bullshit about how she totally resonates with Audrey and how her starvation during the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands is just like Ariana's struggles with being bullied by the public and they're totally the same person, etc etc

No. 2364159

People speculated this about his and Lilly Jay's relationship too (not the gay part, just the "arrangement" part). I've seen multiple people imply that he and Lilly, and Dalton and Ariana had some kind of open relationships and that Ethan and Ariana accidentally got in too deep and fell in love with each other instead of leaving it as fuck buddies.

No. 2364189

if anyone cares about him he's on the current season of the show the traitors that's airing right now

No. 2364192

okay gypsy rose

No. 2364213

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No. 2364234

is adrien brody even a good actor or was he just culturally memed

No. 2364238

Kek, women really memed themselves into wanting to fuck bog disgusting Nosferatu to the point where they unironically defend this. He sounded like Uncle Scrooge with a booger lodged in his sinus. Whenever he talked it made me laugh out loud, and he would NOT shut the fuck up. Los feratu was literally a cuck fetish movie and they didn't even bother making the bull attractive, I'll riot if this wins any award. Worst Eggers movie so far, he really lost it after Lighthouse.

No. 2364261

Are you ok anon? You sound upset

No. 2364271

ntayrt but the movie just sucks. bill sucks.

No. 2364295

That’s your opinion anon, even though it’s wrong, it’s ok

No. 2364337

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No. 2364493

7 years with joe

No. 2364495

Yeah she wasn't supposed to be anything but an idealized vessel. She had no life experience, time, ups and downs etc. and was meant to be a shell. Demi made that movie and the story is powerful because of the vulnerability it took for her to do that.

No. 2364516

You're right and you should say it. Can we stop with the tired vampire movies about how women's sexuality is debasing and ultimately leads us to be fucked to death? It's not artsy, it's not subtle, it's disgusting. And Eggers still didn't do it right, everyone in my theater was laughing during the "intense" scenes. It wasn't scary. Inb4 someone has a problem with this take: you are defending a movie where a woman has a psychosexual convulsive fit describing her superior love for Orlocks Orcock and then gets subsequently roughly dryfucked by her sexually insecure husband. Don't even try just log off

No. 2364524

I'm generally unimpressed by movies as well, but I think Demi choosing to do that role carried a lot of weight. I know it wasn't super innovative or special, but I believe the message in The Substance especially resonates with other older women, especially older women who have been subjected to years of sexualization and then tossed aside like trash. I waited ages to watch it and thought I would think it's stupid, but I ended up really liking the meaning behind it.

I agree. In an interview she shared how much she viscerally hated the nude scenes but new that the reason behind them was much bigger than her. She chose to do something wildly uncomfortable and it wasn't for the sake of exploitation or sexualization. I normally hate OTT nudity in films because it's usually to sell trash, but in this case it made sense. I definitely don't consider this movie to be super deep or anything but I'm very happy for older women having a chance to be acknowledged, and be told they don't have an expiration date. It was a silly body horror movie but it had a really important story to tell in hopes people would appreciate themselves and their bodies more. I think that's pretty cool

No. 2364563

I've been saying this too. The bisexual rumors are so hilarious, Ariana is so super straight. These people act like they've never seen a donut licking narcissist before.

A lot of new movies are being far too reliant on cgi and have for the last decade or so. The color saturation is off and everything looks cold and soulless. The makeup department evidently hated their jobs, everyone looked crusty and dry. It completely lacked warmth and if it had the "movie magic" warmth and coziness that made fantasy movies boom in the early 2000s, it would be considered a timeless classic. No one with a huge budget cares about making a beautiful movie anymore. I wonder if the reason cgi now seems so much worse than in its infancy 24 years ago is because they don't care and don't have to be innovative or rely on dynamic sets?

No. 2364624

Wait til you hear about the old greek symposiums. Full of attractive white men. Its like they made a revival in their own way

No. 2364985

File: 1737781267616.jpeg (1.93 MB, 1170x2291, IMG_6533.jpeg)

The media play and the bombardment of seeing their mugs in every other headline especially on daily fail is starting to get grating

No. 2364998

File: 1737782139372.jpeg (157.64 KB, 1166x771, BEC318B1-23D7-4061-9A2C-09673F…)

the Baldoni Lively outrage posting and all its responses on LSA don't seem real or organic either. Lots of newbie accounts or possibly bought accs probably paid for bot farms. Same shit's happening over on Reddit, except there they're more in favor of Lively. TikTok also has clearly paid Tokers who were likely given bucks by Baldonis team to shill him. This ugly scrote and his Johnny Depp tactics are apparent as hell but most of the public is not media literate enough to tell. The Reynolds Lively camp are probably practicing the same thing, just on different sites at a different scale.

I kind of want someone to leak a horrible secret about Reynolds in this. I just know he's also got skeletons. These dumb saltines are all gonna war themselves into the ground and the only one who may survive are the moids even though they're both ugly beady eyed little possums.

No. 2365013

What even is this pic? lmao she’s standing on her tip toes and looking at nothing?? I’m so confused rn, & why is the door so small?

No. 2365050

>why is the door so small
It looks like she's standing on a windowsill. While on her phone on her tippy toes. This is a weird ass picture

No. 2365092

Why would LSA have to be fake? Blake is known for her plantation wedding and her antebelum lifestyle brand. Of course LSA hates her.

No. 2365096

CGI for movies used to be made by dedicated, collaborating teams that worked closely together. Today, CGI is made by people in India (whom the studios hire off some Indian equivalent of Fiverr) who just work from their bedroom for the lowest price possible and never interact with each other/never see each other’s work, and whose work is just blindly accepted without any feedback rounds.

No. 2365102

Between this and Poor Things (which I also kept seeing universally applauded), hollywood is looking really bleak

No. 2365197

She is so delicate and feather-light, the balloons pull her off the ground. Maybe it is a new version for IT.

Oh, I totally forgot Challengers. I think horror(-adjacent) gets mostly snuffed at the Academy Awards.

No. 2365198

Learn to read.

No. 2365201

I think Lily is actually a good actress, she did the best she could do for that shit show she did with The Weekend. Her and Margaret may be nepo, but they take their job serious at least.
It was probably a reference to Bela Lugosi. The movie seems to reference a lot of other movie works and myths around vampires besides the obvious movie and book it is based on. That doesn't mean I am a fan of the voice.

No. 2365204

File: 1737802606394.jpeg (803.61 KB, 963x2122, D5CFF4C0-EEDD-4DBB-B6C2-7789E5…)

allegedly Blake didn’t even read the book. weirdo imo, since her husband said he’d pay anything to get her the rights to second movie. maybe it’s a Lea Michele situation.

No. 2365205

Lovely, he blames her for her drowning. Yeah, dumb Natalya should've just taken off her parka, when she was pushed out of the boat.

No. 2365211

Dude is not gay and there was no quadruple. Isn't there a thread for fanfics on this site. There you could speculate without any criticism and be applauded for your magnificent creativity.
Would I give you the benefit of the doubt and he is gay, he is only in it for the money and status he can suck out of Ariana.
But there is no "arrangement" of any sort. Just that they wrecked homes and it would be a pr disaster if they had broken up so shortly after and now they are stuck with each other.
But as I said, dude is benefiting, and if it is only for the drugs to numb his mind.
I don't understand why people speculate about gayness as if we were still in the 50s. But ok, some of you are from the US, I get it, it's puritan over there, especially nowadays again.
I would be happy if more male actors would be gay, because it would mean, they don't have a revolving door of barely legal girlfriends to exploit, for example.

No. 2365217

She probably wanted to have nose more like her mother's. I can understand that given her young age and how much she looks like her fucked up father. None of her parents were able to give her any valuable confidence while growing up.
I hope she doesn't go full cult.

No. 2365219

But were they competitive cheerleaders? Do they have expertise in selling 1 (one) house?

No. 2365223

Has anyone actually seen this slob movie and had the impression that the book was not read beforehand?

No. 2365232

>Her and Margaret may be nepo, but they take their job serious at least.

No. 2365267

He’s a faggy theater kid and ugly manlet so no one understands what she’s doing with him, it’s not that deep

No. 2365460

The gay rumors originated from someone on reddit who personally knew him, plus him being a theater kid and having a gayish voice.
>I don't understand why people speculate about gayness as if we were still in the 50s. But ok, some of you are from the US, I get it, it's puritan over there, especially nowadays again.
His family is religious to be fair, so that could be a reason why some people want to hide.
I don't believe the rumors for him specifically btw but just explaining why it might happen. I mean Shawn Mendes recently sort of came out so clearly some men still felt the need to hide for whatever reason. Shawn was extremely obvious anyway but I don't wanna derail too much. Plus all those celebs who were outed for doing gay shit with Diddy in the court documents. Doing those things doesn't stop them from abusing young women

No. 2365576

File: 1737830133654.jpg (106.77 KB, 800x800, 1000008005.jpg)

She got a nose job because her face isn't that cute and she sells herself so she wants to look more attractive. Not that deep.

No. 2365636

who is this actually a photo of

No. 2365666

I hated that scene in Nosferatu. She was raped by her husband for saying she wants the vampire and he just forced it in, a dry fuck. It made me feel sick when I saw it.

No. 2365745

Why is rape and sexual abuse a prominent subject in every role Lily Rose Depp takes? What a weird bitch.

No. 2365780

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No. 2365859

look who her father is. that shit in film was probably normalized to her by his weird ass from a young age.

No. 2365869

I assume it's the only parts she can get. She is ugly, she's not a great actor, has the charisma of a potato.

No. 2365873

And despite her Hollywood royalty she continues to take the nastiest roles she possibly can. I don't care if she's been numbed from being diddled by her daddy, her continuously associating herself with rapey "art" is disgusting and a conscious choice.

No. 2365937

Ot but kek she looks just like jenna marbles here

No. 2366050

Wicked had some very dynamic sets, but the coloring looks bad because it’s easier to add cgi to less saturated films or some shit like that. They should have just used real animals like Babe

No. 2366227

Wow can you give an answer that isn't schizophrenic and false

No. 2366231

I've seen pics of the dynamic sets (ie the poppy field) but even in photos it's blah. I don't think they should be concerned with what's easiest, and at the very least took time on Cynthia's makeup.

No. 2366297

You sound jealous that I have insight into things you couldn’t even comprehend(shitposting/non-contribution)

No. 2366300

cynthia looks so fucking bad in wicked. idk if it's just her facial structure but jesus christ her makeup so bad. the original wicked witch looked better than her.

No. 2366414

I think the issue with Cynthia's makeup is that it was so one-dimensional, like if I painted myself green on Halloween or something. You'd think for a big budget movie like this they'd make the effort to make it look like she genuinely has green skin by using different shades and textures instead of just slapping a flat layer of face paint on her.

No. 2366421

File: 1737861003578.jpg (77.44 KB, 862x575, wicked-elphaba.jpg)

yes exactly. you can literally see where it's patchy and coming off. it's like they spent all their money on ariana's shitty toner and was like "well go to party city idk"

No. 2366503

not the plasticnproud freckles

No. 2366651

This is what astrology can do to the brain of a retard
Yeah, you nailed it; one-dimensional is the most accurate word to describe her makeup look. It's annoying that they had such a high budget yet didn't bother to do the makeup on either lead actors well at all. Both of their makeup looks give me low-budget musical vibes.

No. 2366688

there's definitely a certain type of closeted woman that will become a man stealer as a way to prove their heteroness

No. 2366697

More like they spent it on Ariana's ugly wig for her bald head.

No. 2366738

Why do wealthy women get cheap breast implants?

No. 2366842

She’s too ugly for anything else. She got all the worst features of both of her parents. Her mothers thin hair and her daddy’s beady little eyes.

No. 2366887

You need a new catchphrase.

No. 2366890

No. 2367275

>is Adrien Brody a good actor
I challenge you to watch him be an Italian mobster without deafening yourself to make the pain go away

No. 2367324

is she even any good at acting?? i refused to watch The Idol and i’m waiting for Nosferatu to come out on streaming. like her face seems so full of filler that i’m struggling to imagine her being able to even express emotion.

No. 2367344

Just pirated it, she's got major Instagram face and big veneers it really takes you out

No. 2367480

File: 1737930899021.jpeg (219.56 KB, 1179x1440, IMG_6392.jpeg)

kaia gerber is anorexic again

No. 2367484

Did she ever stop?

No. 2367488

It's insane that anorexics think this looks good

No. 2367529

it's weird how anons attack LRD for being in "unfeminist" movies and being a pickme or whatever but then they call her an ugly bitch with too much plastic surgery. the irony

No. 2367543

both things can be true

No. 2367576


No. 2367654

Feminism is about ending female oppression by the hands of men, not pretending bogged plastic surgery addicted male pandering women are actual super sweet and into female solidarity.

No. 2367683

File: 1737941383100.png (549.71 KB, 702x792, Screenshot 2025-01-26 at 5.27.…)

holy crap, I thought this was photoshopped at first. It made me think of this

No. 2367722

Her dad is Johnny Depp and Marilyn Manson is her godfather (who was close enough in her life to drop her off at school with Johnny on at least one occasion). She's definitely been through some shit.

No. 2367735

Maybe a bit soft for an answer but she seems to gamble on "risky artsy" roles that haven't really worked out.
Risky artsy roles that tend to be sexual.

No. 2367742

I honestly think this is the right answer. The culture she's in downplays female suffering (like most cultures, but to an extreme) and she (and her agent) think it's attention grabbing and appealing to her bosses.

No. 2367764

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In another calculated move, it looks like Ariana is back to dark hair just in time for Oscars season. We’re about to see the Audrey Hepburn cosplay in full force now.

No. 2367769

I was thinking the same thing

No. 2367778

Not all of us, she seems fine to me, and I like her acting even if I'm not fond of the roles she's in. I also think she's pretty despite her strange hairline. I feel like a lot of anons might disagree with commonly said things itt but just don't bother responding because we don't want to argue.

No. 2367781

….are those not her legs?

No. 2367786

Guy thought the vertical line was the gap between her legs and not the design of the pants on one leg

No. 2367788

that little gremlin is like half a foot too short to be audrey, it would look ridiculous

No. 2367795

The “separation” of her legs is just a white stripe on the side of her pants, she’s standing sideways

No. 2367801

The show was horrible even without these parts. Good omens was only good because of Terry Pratchett

No. 2367806

Is nobody going to talk about skai Jackson;s new baby(sage your shit/this is an imageboard)

No. 2367856

Can you imagine what a car ride with Marilyn Manson and Johnny Depp must be like? The smell? The conversations she overheard? The visual of smelly rape ape 1 sitting beside smellier rape ape 2?

No. 2367866

Isn't it kind of ironic that born in 94 Margaret Qualley is playing the young and beautiful version in The Substance, when in reality moids already consider women above 25 "walled" and so many actresses spoke out about getting less roles (or only lame wife/mother roles) when they were just her age or younger?

No. 2367878

Can confirm, it’s true from the few acting gigs I did back in the day. When you go through casting websites or whatever to look for auditions, you always see the leading lady/protagonist’s romantic interest’s description as “18-25” and anything 25-35+ is either “hooker with a heart of gold” or “wife/mom” roles, kek.

No. 2367906

well wasn’t part of it that they couldn’t find anyone to replace demi until margaret as young demi walked into casting? there hasn’t exactly been a wealth of new talent that’s why the same half a dozen actors are being cast constantly.

No. 2367910

Isn't the younger version not supposed to be an exact copy though? They showed both of their eyes in close ups regularly and they weren't the same. I thought it was meant to be some type of clone (clones irl don't actually look the exact same as the cloned animal). Off topic sorry I know that's not the point of the post.

No. 2367921

File: 1737957262519.png (50.83 KB, 800x166, 100054234.png)

why does this sound like a copypaste of that post in /m/…and are feminists not allowed to dislike filler faces? i don't get what you're saying. even if you like her face surely you must notice she looks out of place for the setting

No. 2367986

File: 1737964048865.jpg (29.77 KB, 490x612, gettyimages-1024702986-612x612…)

Who gives a fuck about skai Jackson, what does she even do

I'm honestly excited to see her next Audrey look, Idk about her husband stealing ways but I've been liking the dresses her stylist has been putting on her

No. 2367996

File: 1737964816810.png (198.05 KB, 671x466, Screenshot 2025-01-26 153942.p…)

what is wrong with her hairline

No. 2367998


they're saying it's weird to talk about something being anti-feminist while then talking about how ugly a woman is in the same breath. because it is.

No. 2368003

File: 1737965521051.mp4 (829.35 KB, 720x1280, 1000043138.mp4)

Ariana is like a grade schooler who hasn't done her homework. How can she be blathering on about Wicked for a whole year and still give this vapid take on her character? lmfao at her repeating the question to stall

No. 2368004

File: 1737965646056.mp4 (1.73 MB, 720x1280, 1000043136.mp4)

second clip of the interview. Not one thought in that head. Just buzzwords. It's not like Wicked is high art but this is just retarded. That interviewer seems savvy though, maybe I'll watch the whole interview to see whether she snuck in some other sly questions

No. 2368013

Newfag, if you want to talk about something just post it yourself

No. 2368017

It's a baby, what is there to talk about? Goo goo ga ga?

No. 2368031

not the same poster, retard. It's a common saying.

No. 2368045

i kind of disagree unless they're talking about her natural features, since the surgery face isn't really hers. it's still kind of jarring in a historical setting but i guess that's more on the casting director

No. 2368047

Unrelated to the video and I could be way off but it really looks like she has filler in her upper lip area around her nasolabial folds (or lack thereof.) I recall a video not long ago of her saying she used to get lip filler and botox but hasn't had anything done in years, so maybe it's just migrated filler, but I don't remember it being this noticeable even just a year ago. I never understand why celebrities don't just say "yeah I got this or that done." I feel like the majority of people wouldn't really care, it's just the fact they lie about makes it out to be a bigger deal then it really is.

No. 2368060

yeah but i think the point is mainly the interior so it still kind of works. i don’t want to like be nasty about it but talent these days is not the same.

No. 2368137

Kinda hard to give a good answer to stupid questions like that, to be fair.

No. 2368285

i can’t wait for like two years from now when ariana goes on a tell all and says how she was deep in an eating disorder and no one knew

No. 2368302

well… to be fair everyone knows

No. 2368391

This is why I'm sympathetic to her. She must have had an awful upbringing with Depp as a father and being around Marilyn Manson all the time. She's clearly a very troubled person.

I also wonder if she's going to admit to any of the Nikelodeon molestation rumors that have been floating around for forever now.

No. 2368397

Everything I hear from that Emília Perez troon actor makes me think he's a big lolcow tbh. Is anyone keeping an eye on him? and does he even count as a celebrity? Kek

No. 2368400

what kind of lolcow tendencies does he exhibit besides being a troon

No. 2368423

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I don't think this is fair considering The Idol was meant to have a female show runner and a vastly, VASTLY different plot until infamous coomer sexpests Sam Levinson and The Weeknd took over and cumstained the whole thing. The original vision seemed to depict her as a way girlier pop star for teens like Hannah Montana and seemingly had little to no nudity, and that's what she signed up for. It's understandable she didn't back out after they turned the project into their personal masturbation fodder considering she's basically a nobody despite being a Nepo baby and could easily get blacklisted for being "hard to work with".

No. 2368435

You sound like a stan. Use your eyes instead of believing the word salad of an anorexic homewrecker skinwalker. She's clearly not right in the head and thinks nothing about lying.

No. 2368441

Ayrt he has been sperging a lot about the hate he's getting, even comparing it to the holocaust. It's hard to keep track of the things he has said since most of it is in spanish

No. 2368457

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No. 2368462

Yeah, and? That faggot even has Zendaya defending him and it's not because they genuinely think he's a good person or artist, it's because that walking STD clearly has industry connections that will get anyone who doesn't suck his dick enough permanently blacklisted. Didn't you see how much of a hate campaign the fatty from euphoria got for indirectly implying she wasn't comfortable with how he assassinated her character?

No. 2368491

is there a source, i know she looks like shit at the moment but having a hard time believing this hasn't been altered, that doesnt look anything like the current shape of her lips

No. 2368511

What? How? I don't stan anyone I just don't know how to spot plastic surgery very well. And I don't believe when celebrities say they don't get work done that was the point of my post, I'm wondering why they don't just admit to it like a normal person. Some of you are so touchy over nothing.

No. 2368514

Yeah I kind of feel bad for the actress who played Kat, I feel like she wanted her character to stay true to the fujoshi ~fat positive~ Tumblr girl and he probably wanted her to go completely off the rails or something. And now she's essentially blacklisted from Hollywood.

No. 2368530

What hate? Emilia Perez keeps getting award nominations despite being a dog shit movie

No. 2368537

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No. 2368540

i hate how she talks. and my god, her shoulder bones. however, it's not at all uncommon for celebs to give the exact same responses to interviewers over and over. they go on these press tours and get asked the same thing a hundred times.

No. 2368588

>Maybe we're all just people, who experience things
>It holds up a mirror in a really nice way and inspires people to live with more empathy, I hope.

No. 2368592

My eyes just rolled so far that they fell out of my head

No. 2368630

Why didn't they use this guy for Willy Wonka?

No. 2368674

The internet collectively hates it, especially Spanish speaking internet.

No. 2368685

damn that would have been perfect. he really does look like gene wilder

No. 2368689

File: 1738014663091.jpeg (905.52 KB, 1170x1854, IMG_6692.jpeg)

Selena Gomez posted a video breaking down in tears over ICE deportations

>In her recording, the actress, 32, sobbed as she reacted to President Donald Trump's threat of mass deportations of all undocumented immigrants, which has ignited fears of family separations.

>'All my people are getting attacked, the children. I don’t understand. I’m so sorry, I wish I could do something but I can’t. I don’t know what to do. I’ll try everything, I promise,' she said in the since-deleted recording on Monday.
>The Wizards of Waverly Place alum captioned the post: 'I’m sorry [Mexican flag emoji].'
>After quickly taking down her post, she shared a message that read: 'Apparently it’s not ok to show empathy for people.'

No. 2368716

She should go protest or donate instead of crying in front of a camera like a narc

No. 2368727

Is this trying to make upnfor that Oscar bait tranny movie?

No. 2368749

>'All my people are getting attacked'
>'I’m sorry [Mexican flag emoji].'
KEKKKK this bitch… Trying so hard to damage control and win back the no sabo public after her godawful performance in the troon movie. Filming yourself crying for social media will never not be cringe.

No. 2368752

>are we all wicked?
>maybe none of us are wicked
I tinfoil that this is how she justifies her behavior with Ethan

No. 2368766

Actually I think it was an impulsive (albeit unnecessary) post of an understandably raw reaction to learning that ICE can now drag people and children out of schools, hospitals, and churches. Say what you will about immigration but if you think that's "based", you don't remember what can happen to children in these periods of vulnerability.

No. 2368774

I don't wanna see this man and his disgusting little mouth anywhere ever again. Begone

Yeah it's pretty terrible. Then they would randomly give her these dark black fake freckles but never commit to them. The green lip liner, the dry as fuck green lips–would love to see who the makeup artists were. They could've worked with her skintone and made her have 'realistic' elements–patches of discoloration, freckling, etc. Being green doesn't mean her skin can't look like it functions as skin. And then the choice to let Ariana do her own makeup which dates the production and highlights how unwell she looks–flop antics.

You have latent schizophrenia and dehumanize people into buzzwords. Jealousy is not a factor here.

No. 2368782

This may seem like a stretch but I do think she tries to look like Jessica Alba and misses the mark. Specifically her thin eyebrow/lightened hair era which she only pulled off by being unnaturally attractive.

No. 2368786

Oh god, I didn’t even realize it wasn’t. Saw the pic on the front page earlier and thought it was an AI aged down version of him.

No. 2368796

she might mean well but she also might be doing it as an attention grab. not even necessarily for emilia perez, selena is bipolar and does tend to have ups and downs, especially involving her social media use

It's not like she's in any danger of being deported herself. I don't know about her father but her mother is a native US citizen, she'll be fine. it's the much newer illegal citizens or the children of undocumented immigrants who are in danger, not her. she acts like she's been personally victimized by it even though she's a mestizo american who barely speaks any Spanish

No. 2368808

File: 1738019643483.mp4 (2.78 MB, 720x1280, Selena Gomez shares new Instag…)

The vid.

No. 2368817

Thank you it wasn't posting when I tried to post earlier

No. 2368828

I agree with everything you're saying about her and her tendencies but I let this one slide on account of the fact that it is genuinely inhumane to immediately legalize removing people and children from their elementary schools, from hospitals. Everyone is afraid there will be more kids in aluminum blankets in cages being molested by strangers again, and learning about that/seeing the interviews with them was horrifying enough. Yes, it was her narc traits that caused her to upload it and unintentionally center herself (again) and I'm not saying it shouldn't be posted her, but for once I understand.

No. 2368838

That, and she can have sympathy for people even if she isn't in danger of being deported herself ffs.

No. 2368845

File: 1738020756539.jpg (265.33 KB, 1080x1069, Screenshot_20250127_215909_Red…)

Some idiot of a Senator candidate is on twitter bleating about how Selena should be deported over the video.

No. 2368850

You have to cover all your bases and walk on eggshells when posting something neutral here lest you are accused of WKing/screeched at. But yeah this is literally the only time I've ever not rolled my eyes at Selena Gomez being an impulsive mememe narc.

No. 2368854

Adventure Time characters be like

No. 2368863

>it's not like she's in any danger of being deported herself
that's not the problem at all, i find it very easy to understand why she's upset. you'd have to be a complete narcissist to exclusively worry about things that effect you and never empathize with the suffering of an animal getting slaughtered or children getting trafficked or whatever fucked up shit that happens to other living beings that won't happen to you. say what you will about her but it's fair for her to be upset about it, crying on social media is stupid but maybe it's her genuine feelings and a legitimate reaction. people cry on social media over stupid shit all the time but in this case it's pretty reasonable for her to feel that way imo

isn't she from texas? what a moron, they really just go mask off over mexicans in general, doesn't matter where they're from. they want to deport 3rd generation people, get real, deport everybody then

No. 2369006

Normally I’d laugh because Selena Gomez is only half-Mexican and is a no sabo Americanized mestiza but if that is enough to make a senator want to deport her that is concerning.

No. 2369015

Is she ever not on drugs or drunk?

No. 2369026

how is it her fault that she's a no sabo??

No. 2369046

What the FUCK is a "bisexual romance drama". Stop making bisexuals insane hoes.

No. 2369047

Selena, you’re a billionaire. Just make another charity or something.

No. 2369062

the guy isn't a Senator. he ran for Senate and lost.

No. 2369103

This is where my head goes first. At what point are people of Mexican descent considered American enough to these people I don't get it

No. 2369133

Kek i dont care about her at all but for real wtf is up with that comment

No. 2369142

File: 1738038553552.mp4 (96.86 KB, 458x548, ezgif-5824f1c28a90a.mp4)

>Isn't she from texas?

No. 2369148

File: 1738038883720.jpg (8.52 KB, 225x225, 1000008060.jpg)

The "no sabo" "not a real latina" shit is so exhausting. These same people will proudly call rich white Euro immigrants like Anya Taylor Joy a true latina.

No. 2369155

It’s not inherently a negative thing, it just goes to show that she is not connected to her heritage. She’s separated from the language, it wouldn’t make sense to deport an Italian-American that came from an illegal family. How is she going to be deported if she is American as can be and doesn’t even speak Spanish? The message that he’s sending is that she’s not white enough to be here. Many Mexican families don’t teach their kids Spanish because they’re afraid that they’ll develop an accent and be targeted for it.
Pretty misleading for him to have that in his username.

No. 2369158

File: 1738039207633.png (1.79 MB, 1440x1409, Screenshot_20250127-223856.png)

Larger pic.

No. 2369167

File: 1738040237116.png (1.79 MB, 1440x1196, Screenshot_20250127-224242.png)

Selina's grandma and grandpa, pic related.

No. 2369168

I didn’t know Bieber was invited to the carne asada.

No. 2369172

American politics can't be real

No. 2369175

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No. 2369222

I like him in Detachment, but this is so fucking bad >>2367275 kek

No. 2369223

He's obviously just trying to promote his new upcoming era with this. Trying to get his name in everybody's heads again

No. 2369346

Actually I think he resents his wife and feels trapped in the marriage. They're both so insufferable but she left her baby to go party while it's still a baby so I can't exactly pretend it's all him being a dickhead.

No. 2369418

>left her baby to go party while it's still a baby
Nta but is this really that bad? As long as it's being looked after of course. My cousin drops her baby off with her mom once a week so she can get some sleep and catch up on chores, and he's doing just fine, thriving even. My mom also did that with my sister and she turned out fine.(blogging)

No. 2369473

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Taylor with her boyfriend’s mom and that Republican lady I can’t remember the name of last Sunday. Travis’s team won, because of course they did, it’s like they have Taylor Swift plot armor.
Tbh I don’t watch sports or know anything about football, but when I saw that they won that was my first passing thought. “Of course they did, it’s vital to storyline.” Then I saw a video clip and a bunch of sports fans saying the Chiefs cheated or something? Or the ref unfairly ruled in their favor? And maybe that’s happened more than once in close-calls?

No. 2369475

Babies don't die because their moms go out to party kek she's rich and can afford the most expensive nannies in the world why wouldn't she go out and enjoy her life a little

No. 2369486

This fag does everything he can to get attention and I hate how everyone is dickriding him lately because of his connection with Diddy, a thing he didn't even say anything about. "He acted out because he was groomed!!" bitch he acted out because he's a spoiled manchild who does drugs and drinks, and he most likely did shady shit at Diddy's parties himself.

No. 2369499

Its always the psycho bpd women screaming about "no sabo" because they want to impress moids

No. 2369555

How is it not? shes a grown woman with the money and means to learn Spanish yet she profits off of her fake latina identity while not even being able to pronounce abuela. "My people" is the most ridiculous thing to say when you didn't even care enough to learn Spanish.

No. 2369558

Oh wow, her parents are brown. Wait till burgers learn your skin color doesn't make you latina, having been born and having lived in Latin America does.
>psycho BPD
>because they want to impress moids
Found the seething no sabo KEK please try to make sense at least, throwing around the first few words you learned while lurking this thread for 5 minutes isn't doing you any favors, none of those terms apply.

No. 2369560

>and his disgusting little mouth
was literally just thinking about how much i hate his little fish mouth when i read this comment kek

No. 2369569

This is so stupid… like who cares.
She is narc with who has siced her fans on many people and is a addict with a powerful PR which has removed almost every bad thing about her from the net. So talk about that, Instead of whether she is hispanic enough for you. You must be one of those xenophobic karen's who constantly harp on people for their accent or where they are from. Even discriminating against people of the same ethnicity as you because they haven't 100% assimilated into your shitty culture.(infighting)

No. 2369620

Voicemail that Baldoni sent Blake after the Khaleesi / dragons incident. What do you nonnies think? Genuinely cannot tell if this is creepy or he’s being sincere.

No. 2369722

Before Taylor started “dating” Travis football was in the decline so I assume they used her to bring attention to the sport.

No. 2369739

that is not true at all in the US. if viewership declined at all it's only because they have made it more difficult to watch games, but I don't even think that's been the case.

No. 2369741

it's a growing assumption, backed by statistics, that refs call games more favorably towards the Chiefs.

No. 2369756

god some of you are like those americans claiming that they're totally irish just because their great-great-great-great-great ancestors were and then it's always like 1/16th kek(derailing)

No. 2369846

but no one has an answer for why she had to film herself crying, besides unchecked narcissism kek

No. 2369893

Filming yourself mid cry is retarded. I get if she was talking about this qnd started to cry but filming yourself crying at the Start is attention hungry. Imagine crying and being like
>sniff…sniff.. cry..cry
>*picks up phone while crying
>goes to camera app while crying
>film self crying and talking
>watch video of yourself crying while crying.

No. 2369899

this should be the next thread pic for the “punchable faces” thread

No. 2369904

>republican lady I can't remember the name of
lol is that not patrick mahomes' wife? what republican lady are you talking about?

No. 2369910

I don’t feel bad for her she donated to the IDF. She doesn’t gaf about displaced children. She is just being performative and wants to not get yelled at after she got yelled at so many times before for saying “posting doesn’t do anything”. She’s a billionaire while being the most mediocre person on the planet. She can’t sing, can’t act, can’t dance. She’s the real DEI hire as quiet as it’s kept kek. Everything she does is a copy of someone else more talented than her down to her name. She is on the same level as Hailey Bieber to me but at least Hailey Bieber doesn’t try to lie to us that she is Oscar worthy.

No. 2369960

How are people itt genuinely this retarded.

No. 2369986

File: 1738095248597.png (2.3 MB, 1939x1516, Screenshot 2025-01-28 3.12.50 …)

you shouldn't sound so surprised.

No. 2370034

> moid being an asshole junkie who has been a public disturbance and who knows how much more shit that hasn't gotten public
> but she is just as bad because she got a babysitter for a night/is annoying/giving me "bad vibes"

No. 2370069

Yes it is as younger generations don’t like it and parents are cautious about potential injury.

No. 2370076

If it was that easy leon musty wouldve tried to fully take over with a maga charity by now

No. 2370095

There always seems to be a lot of self-hatred behind it. Clearly being latina is much broader than whatever rigid standards they've set that happily allow for Alexis Bledel ATJ etc to be Latinas but exclude Mexicans-Americans in a country that literally borders Mexico and has a hundreds years long history of Mexican American culture, Mexican American enclaves, and even parts of the United States at one point being part of Mexico.(derailing)

No. 2370118

Kek, how dare you expose us all like that

No. 2370146

I think it's the fact that she went out partying that's their problem, which I kinda get it but it's still embarrassing to get all flustered and offended about kek. Bet my kidney not a single feather would be ruffled if Justin hit the town. She's young, as long as she doesn't do it too often then who tf cares that baby probably has the best care money can buy

No. 2370204

She either left the country or ended up on some island to go on a girl's trip when the baby is like what 6 months old or less? I don't see problems with a mom needing me time but going out drinking and wanting to shirk momhood when the baby isn't even half a year old is kind of…

I'm not shitting on her in defense of Bieber, I'm sure they're both terrible parents. But no, it isn't appropriate to leave a baby that small and let them be raised by nannies. Although in this case I'm sure the nannies are going to be all that baby sees before long.

No. 2370217

You sound like trannies when they say
>"Clearly being a woman is much broader than the definition that only allows people born as women to be considered one"
No actual latina/o thinks Anya Taylor Joy or anybody else you named is actually latino. We might accept them more than phonies like Selena Gomez or JLO because at the very least they've bothered to learn the culture and the language, aka the bare minimum. But if you were born and raised outside of south America and never stepped foot here, you're not latina by any standards. I swear, burgers obsession with changing the definition of marginalized identities so they can fit into them and play oppression Olympics needs to be studied. Btw, there's already a term for Americans with Mexican descent: Chicano.(derailing)

No. 2370224

Why can men celebrities rape and beat the shit out of women and have their careers stay intact but the masses start freaking out when a woman celebrity is not being a perfectly demure slave? Oh no, a millionaire mother went to party! Should I believe they can't afford a nanny? As a matter of fact, he's so useless he should be doing at least some parenting himself instead of getting high off his tits.
Babies used to be left in a cot nearby while mothers worked on the fields back in the day and cared for by siblings and relatives, FYI. Either way, criticize the father for being a barely coherent junkie instead, I'm sure Hailey Bieber won't let her child die but him I'm not so sure.

No. 2370230

I care, because she's claiming Mexicans are "her people".
>REEEEE you're a xenophobic Karen, talk about what I wanna talk about instead wahhh wahhh!!1
integr8 already, pearlclutching sped. We're here to discuss celeb milk, a no sabo American claiming Mexicans are her people and crying on camera like she's gonna be the next ICE victim is milk.

No. 2370240

She didn't just go to a party as far as I remember, wasn't she gone for days? Also multple things can be true at once. Having a baby and then having it raised by nannies is still a shitty thing to do, you're doing a disservice to feminism by choosing this hill.

No. 2370254

She is young and beautiful. This doesn't happen as much to women in their early 30s anymore, now it starts at a later age because people don't look like chain smoking aunts and uncles at 25 like they did in the 80s.
Half of the Bridgerton cast is 30+ year olds playing characters in their early 20s, Emma Stone is getting roles, Ariana just finished filming a big budget movie where she's cast in the main role, and her costar is even older at 38. Plenty of other examples where you wouldn't even know unless you look up the actors.

Pedowood is still Pedowood though, which is why you still do get actresses in their 20s having 45 year old men as their love interests but it's not like Margaret Qualley will be replacing Meryl Streep anytime soon.

No. 2370294

Isn’t that what all men basically do when they have children though, dump it on someone else

No. 2370298

Eh, I still don't think that's that big of a deal, as long as she wasn't gone like a week or something. And I'm sure the baby wasn't left solely with nannies, the baby has a father after all. I'm on board with mom's de-stressing in whatever way helps, provided it doesn't hurt them or their baby. Nothing worse for a baby than a stressed out mama.

No. 2370350

Implying the babys father isn't also a moron? That poor things cooked

No. 2370355

That's not even slightly similar to men saying they're women, you twitter brained moron.(derailing)

No. 2370369

Not implying that at all, just that it's a joint responsibility and the baby is hardly alone when the mom is gone. If Hailey should be criticized for anything it should be for marrying and having a baby with a piece of garbage like Justin.

No. 2370890

Starring as the ugly ex-boyfriend or villain, surely? Hideous moid

No. 2370966

God, she's unbearable. Why do her and Erivo keep acting like their Disney channel original-tier movie is this deep empowering take on oppression? The ugly unpopular girl gets boolied but then learns her worth trope is as deep as a puddle of piss and way too overdone.

No. 2371123

This would have been bomb

No. 2371200

File: 1738176208408.png (1.54 MB, 1439x1753, Screenshot_20250129-124129.png)

No. 2371233

I'm thinking an affair happened at this point, or an attempted one. Especially after hearing that voicemail… that sounded so personal talking bout "sorry to call so late you probably have a kid on your boob right now" like what?? i'm still team no one but that makes me think Blake was flirting with him / had crossed that boundary because all of his evidence is being leaked by himself

No. 2371269

not trying to start anything but why is the majority of farmers on amber heard's side but not on blake's? is it really because you don't like her because that's petty…

No. 2371292

Not speaking for all the farmers obviously but im not on Ambers nor Blakes side because both seem crazy.

No. 2371296

I'm on Blake's side I'm just being quiet, I don't like Blake and she seems rude and a little insensitive but I wholeheartedly believe Justin crossed her boundaries and acted inappropriate towards her and other cast/staff members. I've known men like him and they're always overcompensating for their misogyny by trying to be seen as a feminist. Also the narrative that Blake is making up these allegations to save her reputation is just pure delusion because it's quite literally doing the opposite of that kek

No. 2371321

I was on her side at first but it looks like she severely misconstructed what happened with baldoni which sucks because women already have such a hard time being heard and believed

No. 2371398

File: 1738185001412.png (1.26 MB, 1439x1837, Screenshot_20250129-150901.png)


No. 2371400

File: 1738185137944.png (948.25 KB, 1440x1950, Screenshot_20250129-151127.png)

No. 2371406

File: 1738185257949.png (1.44 MB, 1440x1654, Screenshot_20250129-151326.png)

No. 2371411

MM victims get to feel unsafe and on edge, until he kicks the bucket. Great.

No. 2371430

Blake is a bully who used her power and connections to hijack the production of someone else's film adaption of a book she didn't even bother to read beforehand. All the details that has come out about her behavior would be enough to get people talking and hating her, even if she hadn't been sexually harrassed by JB. She might as well have done this shit to a woman and/or someone completely innocent, so I think it's worth talking about and criticising. I still think JB is a creep, both things can be true and none of either things excuses the other thing. I'm personally disgusted by both of them so to me this whole thing is just milky deliciousness

No. 2371467

File: 1738187570988.jpeg (164.85 KB, 300x1200, 173818620750552983 (7) (1).jpe…)

No. 2371488

File: 1738188110798.png (1.33 MB, 1440x1433, Screenshot_20250129-155906.png)

No. 2371653

File: 1738191891381.jpeg (212.17 KB, 1365x1703, IMG_5240.jpeg)

No. 2371689

File: 1738192965165.gif (3.82 MB, 640x640, what-the-actual-fuck-david-ros…)

No. 2371691

Who is this?

No. 2371740

File: 1738195025224.jpeg (807.08 KB, 1170x1723, IMG_5242.jpeg)

Wym, it’s Ariana(not ariana)

No. 2371753

chadification anon?

No. 2371791

It's Paige Neimann

No. 2371883

File: 1738200937542.png (1.58 MB, 1440x1950, Screenshot_20250129-193435.png)


No. 2371884

File: 1738201042943.png (302.33 KB, 818x600, wtaf.png)

this bitch is actually insane(not a celebrity/sage your shit/ignoring a farmhand warning)

No. 2371902

The massive chin, the bloodshot eyes, the weird facial expressions, the shit lip filler. I can't tell if this is sad or funny, maybe it's both. She's not even ugly I don't understand why she does this, if she dissolved all the filler in her jawline and lips and just styled herself normally she'd look so pretty. Why would someone choose to style themselves after a celebrity who already styles herself so poorly kek, I don't get it.

No. 2371912


No. 2371916

So? Can't he take care of it instead? She already carried the thing for 9 months and pushed it out of her vagina/cut her skin open to get it out, his bitchass should do something

No. 2371929

I’m still unsure. But Amber had all the signs beforehand: she’s a younger woman, a less famous woman, and there’s a blatantly obvious power dynamic when you take that into account. Now, if Baldoni physically overpowered Blake it’s another conversation but it’s hard to think this unknown actor is going to try to leverage whatever ‘power’ he has over Blake Lively when she’s more famous and has more connections. I haven’t seen any allegations against him from any other party, or even claims of odd behavior. So it’s hard for me to decide who’s being truthful. It doesn’t help that he has a history of advocating for abuse victims and she doesn’t seem to have empathy for abuse victims.

No. 2371935

>It doesn’t help that he has a history of advocating for abuse victims
Nta but I feel like this doesn't mean much coming from a man, look at guys like Ashton Kutcher pretending to support rape victims for example and how he turned out, or all the dozens of other predatory "advocates". These types are just wolfs in sheep's clothing.

No. 2371946

File: 1738205304738.png (1.99 MB, 1440x2379, Screenshot_20250129-204532.png)

>These types are just wolfs in sheep's clothing.
Yep. His ex gfs murder, pic related and his Diddy connections.

No. 2371957

File: 1738206106893.png (1.55 MB, 1440x2037, Screenshot_20250129-210028.png)


No. 2371978

File: 1738207597078.png (888.61 KB, 709x736, 173820663777610400.png)

MGK has a long questionable relationshit with the diddler. His first record contract was with badboy records.

No. 2371980

File: 1738207624124.png (797.6 KB, 1440x1078, Screenshot_20250129-212501.png)

No. 2371986

Vid related.

Mgk - why I signed to badboy records.

No. 2372016

I’ll never get over this tweet. Who the fuck thinks this is okay to type out and post as a public figure?

No. 2372018

File: 1738210292468.webp (59.92 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_5250.webp)

This is all I see.

No. 2372108


The main reason I'm skeptical of what actually went on in this drama is because I'm suspicious of Blake's husband's involvement in it. There were rumors of him being controlling and threatened by ScarJo when they were together and I think there's a decent possibility he's been egging this all on as a dick measuring contest with Baldoni. I have a feeling Blake got caught in the crosshairs of those two jackasses trying to one up each other. Idrc if she's cringy, kind of bitchy or deluded about her talents, the same applies to virtually every single male in hollywood and no one bats an eye.

No. 2372202

The floral bullshit over It Ends with Us muddied the waters.
With this going on, what would have been the deal with the "wear your florals" stuff?

No. 2372206

We don't want them. Reminds me of when Kevin Spacey moved to Munich and a friend kept seeing his bitch ass in the city

No. 2372231

File: 1738230541996.jpg (234.26 KB, 947x2048, GigNQdiWIAE09g1.jpg)

Bhad Bhabie is fighting with Alabama Barker (Travis Barker's daughter) over her trying to "steal her man" (Le Vaughn).

No. 2372235

File: 1738230631235.jpg (112.48 KB, 947x2048, GigNQdiWcAARFMF.jpg)

No. 2372246

She is pathetic. It’s literally two dumb retards fighting each other over a lame. She should channel this energy towards her boyfriend with a loose dick.
In another post she was also saying that Alabama is praying on black women and that she had a threesome and an abortion. Alabama is what…19? It’s kind of disturbing that these grown ass men are after her.

No. 2372247

On black men. I meant to say that kek.

No. 2372255

Is she bragging about having a child predator’s tongue being in her butthole nightly?

No. 2372265

She acts like she's not white trash too

No. 2372295

>>I don’t care because his dick is down my throat every night
Weird flex but ok

No. 2372333

File: 1738238396484.png (826.03 KB, 640x718, IMG_7622.png)

No. 2372338

Why does she look like a pufferfish

No. 2372349

File: 1738239383855.png (577.97 KB, 1440x1388, Screenshot_20250130-061517.png)


No. 2372369

File: 1738240322375.mp4 (4.6 MB, 576x1024, savetikco-7451703434790669614-…)

Mathew sets the record straight.

No. 2372371

File: 1738240357131.png (198.38 KB, 324x426, 173823976153086281.png)

Pic related.

No. 2372374

Kek, accurate

No. 2372384

File: 1738240770593.mp4 (2.51 MB, 640x360, videoplayback (1).mp4)

No. 2372390

File: 1738241175455.png (299.9 KB, 1440x1866, Screenshot_20250130-064449.png)

No. 2372418

This ad and drink came out a while ago, why are you posting it with no context?

No. 2372441

You forgot where she went live and said Alabama got pregnant by Tyga but aborted it and was fucking Soulja Boy at the same time.

No. 2372452

? wtf is this

Back to the snark sub with you. We don’t post old milk.

No. 2372476

File: 1738245234297.png (446.52 KB, 1032x364, Screenshot_20250130-075232.png)

>Old milk

No. 2372479

File: 1738245487830.png (907.67 KB, 1440x567, Screenshot_20250130-075543.png)

Uh. 3-4 weeks ago. That's old?

No. 2372495

File: 1738246331752.jpg (337.18 KB, 1317x2048, gettyimages-2192485178-2048x20…)

No. 2372509

Please note according to >>2331183
>Stop derailing about celeb lookalikes/skinwalkers. They are not celebs. If it's related to some new milk like a real celeb suing them that's fine, but if not, stop. If you think they have enough milk go make a thread about them.

No. 2372562

whenever i see al roker all i can think about is the time he shit his pants at the white house

No. 2372582

Not only is it old, it's not milk to begin with. Not everything a celebrity does is milk. Go back to wherever you came from.

No. 2372593

File: 1738252018704.jpg (410.36 KB, 625x625, lindsay-lohan-revealed-the-one…)

lindsay lohan fixed her botched face and got hilary duff's face transplanted on top of her own face.(sage your shit/old milk)

No. 2372610

God, she is gorgeous!! She must have dissolved the fillers and went for implants and a cheeky facelift. She's 38 and she barely looks a day over 20. Seriously she's gorgeous.

No. 2372619

File: 1738252998544.jpeg (170.93 KB, 1080x1350, IMG_5257.jpeg)

Just why.

No. 2372643

She definitely looks like 38 year old with a ton of surgery. She looks more like Julianne Moore than herself. I don't think women completely altering their face to try to avoid inevitable aging should be something that's praised.

No. 2372658

She definitely doesn't look 38. She looks way closer to 22 or 23. Her surgery definitely doesn't look noticeable. Maybe the tip of her nose a bit, but I think it might be the makeup making it look that way. Seriously, she is stunning!

No. 2372681

Nonnas she looks well over 20/22/23 she looks great for 38, and that's okay

No. 2372685

Everyone keeps praising her new look and I just don't get it. She doesn't even look like herself, it's creepy.

No. 2372698

File: 1738255520626.jpg (342.2 KB, 1280x1280, 1000007932.jpg)

Nta but she doesn't look 20 in photos where you can see her face more clearly. And that's fine, she looks gorgeous either way.

No. 2372708

This is just how 20 year olds look nowadays because of the atmospheric pollution and microplastics. Even so, she is extremely beautiful!
Of course she looks like herself. She's Lindsay Lohan. She looks just like Lindsay Lohan because she is Lindsay Lohan.

No. 2372755

yup! And then when the dad does the bare minimum, like taking their kid to the grocery store or something everyone applauds "oOoOh, looks like SOMEONE's babysitting for the day! What an amazing dad!" kek

No. 2372776

Her veneers are one of the better ones I've seen, that Saudi money is treating her well.

No. 2372793

Disgusted but not surprised. Men literally get away with rape all the time. I'm so saddened by the victims who suffer. Evan rachel wood did a lot. I hope she can heal from this.. I hope he rots in hell soon.

No. 2372872

File: 1738260146585.png (173.58 KB, 1264x777, Screenshot 2025-01-30 at 17.59…)

Yeah no wonder Pixie's dad wanted to fucking kill him. He was a 33 year old man meeting a 16 year old girl after school.

I always thought Noel Fielding was creepy he has that inbred Norman British royal family phenotype.

No. 2372873

File: 1738260164751.png (271.42 KB, 480x458, 2025-01-30 12_56_46-Window.png)

No. 2372874

Arab surgeons are the best.

No. 2372884

File: 1738260508247.jpg (316.22 KB, 962x1430, 81518423-0-image-a-117_1708493…)

dear god what a pair of brainless whores
this fugly manlet is who they are fighting over btw

honestly though its probably just some PR stunt set up by their agency for promo, I never heard of this faggot before

No. 2372893

It's always the trashiest ones who scream "white trash" at other people kek

No. 2372896

Did she get cheek filler or something? She's starting to get the Chrissy Teigen pillowface

No. 2372900

i wonder if they even did anything or just talked. for most women, any interest in their man means they can justify to themselves literally wishing death and rape upon you, and telling you you deserve any trauma you have, and airing those secrets out to the world… don’t these bitches ever get tired of it? notice how he’s dead silent, as usual for this type of shit too. like he caused all this and he’s dead silent. and not defending either of them either. like when will these types of women learn? five years from now he’s gonna be causing the same type of drama with two different girls these same ages and they’re gonna still hate each other as if it even matters. tiring.

No. 2373090

File: 1738264871210.jpg (163.31 KB, 1242x1201, RDT_20240908_10250828583333038…)

I'm feeling the feminism leave my body over this poor white trash snowbunny shit, how do you cope yourself into thinking this is a flex. This girl deserves whatever this guy does to her, if he beats her cancerous ass or cheats on her forever until he eventually leaves her by herself with 20 out of wedlock babies then good honestly. I only feel bad for the kid that she should have definitely aborted.

No. 2373091

File: 1738264890431.jpg (124.36 KB, 809x838, faith.JPG)

No. 2373160

She doesn't look 20, she looks middle aged with filler.

No. 2373254

> feeling the feminism leave my body over this poor white trash snowbunny shit

No. 2373330

File: 1738271289274.jpg (189.99 KB, 804x1024, GijL2YGaQAA9XJs.jpg)

He's currently getting backlash for some old tweets people dug up from him
>I truly believe that very few people ever cared about George Floyd, a drug addict and a hustler, but his death has served to highlight once again that there are those who still consider Black people to be monkeys without rights and those who consider the police to be murderers. All wrong.
>Islam is becoming a hotbed for infection for humanity that urgently need to be cured.
>More and more the #Oscars are looking like a ceremony for independent and protest films, I didn’t know if I was watching an Afro-Korean festival, a Black Lives Matter demonstration or the 8M. Apart from that, an ugly, ugly gala

Really funny coming from someone who's only nominated so the oscars can try and look progressive

No. 2373338

His mistake was criticizing muslims, if he stuck to being racist against other ethnicities he'd get away with it like every other tranny.

No. 2373351

File: 1738272178559.png (351 KB, 612x380, 1000032224.png)

>Good surgery's subtracted your length of bone, but you're not more than one generation from poor white trash, are you, Mistress Barker?

No. 2373376

File: 1738273359372.mp4 (1.54 MB, 576x1024, Joan Rivers About Marilyn Monr…)

Joan rivers talked about having dinner with marilyn monroe.

"Don't ever forget that men are stupid and like big tits" - Marilyn Monroe

Yeah, yeah, yeah…old milk but I never knew that happened so, it's new to me.

No. 2373413

That's lovely, thanks nona! I've never been a huge Marilyn fan, but the more I learn about her, the more I like her.

No. 2373414

File: 1738274900143.png (389.54 KB, 565x860, kek.png)

I've been obsessively following this cow, and today the milk was very good. A lot of relatively recent tweets (from 2016 to 2023) revealed him to have right-wing ideas and, ironically enough, he also shat on the Oscars for trying to fill a diversty quota.
Emilia Perez is a completely shitty movie and was only nominated for brownie points, so I'm really glad this tranny is destroying every single chance of the movie or him winning awards kek

No. 2373420

>Hembras (females)
Of course the tranny is one of those right wing scrotes. I know Spain is a misogyny and tranny cesspool, but I've never even heard the most woman-hating incel moids call us "females", it's even worse in Spanish, I'd say it's more akin to "breeders".
I'm so glad he's getting dragged and even trannies are too embarrassed to wk him kek. Looks like his resemblance to Bruce Jenner wasn't just physical.

No. 2373424

Yeah, the use of "hembra" is so weird, not even the most misogynistic spanish-speaking moids I've met speak like that. It's that kind of icky shit I feel a lot of EOP don't get, because the tweets are so much worse when you know the full context of the language/culture

No. 2373433

File: 1738276568448.png (758.03 KB, 1440x1760, Screenshot_20250130-163329.png)

Full story.

"Joan was 17 and in her first year at university."
- http://www.melissawhitworth.com/joan-rivers.html

"Joan attended Barnard College; however, her most memorable year at university happened outside the halls of academia. In 1951, a colleague of her father hosted a dinner party and one of his guests— others were Arthur Miller, Elia Kazan, and Lee Strasberg—was Marilyn Monroe"
- https://marlenewagmangeller.com/blog/can-we-talk-1933

ALRIGHT! THAT'S the full rest of the story! That's a wrap and I'm done.

You're welcome. Anytime!

No. 2373469

File: 1738277996284.png (164.39 KB, 274x320, IMG_7627.png)

> inbred Norman British royal family phenotype.

He looks like both sets of his grandparents were siblings.

No. 2373483

>He appeals to a lot of people
He doesn't even hide the fact that he pays people to spam his clios everywhere. He has some real fans but far from that many.

No. 2373520

forget the brits, this uggo looks like a straight up hapsburg with that nose and chin. carlos ii lookin ass

No. 2373534

She also said Obama is a homosexual and I'm starting to think she was on to something. He actually admitted to fantasizing about other men.

No. 2373571

fucking hell. I knew i wasn't losing it. I've never heard anyone refer to women as hembras, only murje. tranny talk is just the same everywhere, huh

No. 2373581

I miss Joan Rivers, ngl. She had no chill and called out a lot of people, similar to Courtney Love.

No. 2373658

File: 1738284048986.png (1.83 MB, 1440x766, Screenshot_20250130-183934.png)

Oh. That's what we're missing. The Courtney love/Joan rivers millennial/zoomer spitfire celeb types. That's what it is. Just had an AH-Hah moment.

No. 2373687

I think the closest we have is Azealia Banks but she's too deranged

No. 2373746

File: 1738287726490.jpeg (190.57 KB, 940x788, IMG_5268.jpeg)

No. 2373747

First time anyone's given a fuck about Soulja Boy since that gaming console social media stunt

No. 2373748

wtf he looks like varg

No. 2373753

Lmfao amazing

No. 2373760

I support the crash out. I don’t give fuck, I’m over people believing shit just because it’s a young white girl and an adult male rapper. Danielle or whatever the fuck, obviously has some issues going on and she gives BPD baddie. Lying about people because her abusive bf wanted this little girl.

No. 2373789

Her recent sperg out about asap rocky was pretty funny. I’m shocked no one’s brought up his trial, he’s facing 20 years cuz his dumbass turned down 6 months kek guess he really is irrelevant even being Rihanna’s baby daddy

No. 2373798

Yeah I’m ngl this was entertaining and everything he said was so valid and funny as fuck. Especially calling her out for trying to be black. I don’t care for Soulja Boy but he cleared her

No. 2373836

Ri-ri really knows how to pick 'em.

No. 2373838

File: 1738291376459.png (1.73 MB, 1440x2395, Screenshot_20250130-204107.png)


No. 2373856

File: 1738292036507.png (873.99 KB, 1440x2264, Screenshot_20250130-205219.png)

Ooooooh. There was a vid attached. Brb going to attach it in this thread.

No. 2373869

File: 1738292222259.mp4 (2.68 MB, 634x360, MiZPj7o91MyiS1XE.mp4)

No. 2373885

He's so gonna troon out.

No. 2373919

He’s the perfect example of the troon phenotype. Dead, glazed over eyes, Hapsburg jaw, greasy hair, autistic vibe.

No. 2374009

File: 1738297167331.png (3.04 MB, 1440x2307, Screenshot_20250130-221716.png)


"How Can Mirrors Be Real If Our Eyes Aren't Real?" - Jaden Smith

No. 2374012

I had to (hide) that nasty af grotesque image. It really should be spoiler-ed.

No. 2374015

That black work looks fucking rough. His artist scratched the shit out of him.

No. 2374017

What the fuck is this Hozier ahh vibe he was aiming for

No. 2374018

What did Joey king do to her eyebrows

No. 2374022

File: 1738297892598.png (1.06 MB, 1439x1881, Screenshot_20250130-223030.png)

>That black work looks fucking rough. His artist scratched the shit out of him.
That's probably how he wanted it. His BPD ass was probably like "PUSH THE NEEDLE IN DEEPER DADDY!"


No. 2374028

File: 1738298192136.png (947.4 KB, 1440x364, Screenshot_20250130-223430.png)

I just want BPD-pete Davidso and BPD-mgk to date. Is that too much to ask for?

No. 2374029

>you know what you look like to me, with your good agent and your cheap man? you look like a rube. A hustling rube with absolutely no taste

No. 2374030

Why is painkillers in quotes kek

No. 2374033

thought it funny that the rest of the tweet (in the white bg) goes on to say "for the record, i obviously support every movement and inclusion but… it's been stinking for a while now".
also funny that the machine TL used the old timey definition of lame, but that's beside the point

No. 2374034

File: 1738299072820.jpg (105.55 KB, 960x837, b0046b808b7d4fc4144fd6636c2f09…)

she looks like she's about to cry in every photo with her uggo husband

No. 2374077

>This is just how 20 year olds look nowadays because of the atmospheric pollution and microplastics
What an insane statement. Go outside and stop browsing Instagram reels

No. 2374089

I won't lie. He's pretty fucking ugly but he'd have to be because she's Lindsay…lohan.

No. 2374091

I take that back. Those are just tears of joy because he's loaded af. That Saudi meal ticket won't expire anytime soon, as long as she continues on her quest.

No. 2374138

her eyes are probably red because he just finished shitting on her face(sage your shit)

No. 2374146

Reformed spiritual man arc is coming soon I see. He looks like he's about to start hosting spiritual retreats in Bali. It genuinely is insane that Megan Fox, a mother of two, was stupid enough to get involved and have a child with a man who exudes so much instability, self-hatred and narcissistic self-pity, but reading her poetry and watching her CHD interview, I can't say I'm surprised. She has quite a big victim AND savior complex of her own
I like how he makes a show out of covering up his tattoos and how horribly painful it is, attempting to unjustly martyr himself, most likely as a punishment for whatever shit he did to Megan that time. These people are parents in their mid to late 30's btw.
>this is just how 20 year olds look nowadays
No, that's just how Billie Eilish looked at 20. Just kidding but no, she doesn't look 20 nor does she have to; she still looks beautiful
Hence his huge grin.

No. 2374173

Kek I thought this was Varg. Noel may be male but he embodies the humor of a late 30s quirk chungus female redditor.

No. 2374231

File: 1738311429230.mp4 (7.92 MB, 1280x720, m2-res_720p.mp4)

Her biggest crime is doing it all to be noticed yet being SO FUCKING BORIIIIIINGGGGGGGGGG MY GOD. So many artists, public figures, influencers and onlyfans whores are like this these days, where they do the utmost to be noticed yet are impossible to pay attention to for more than a few seconds due to the shallowness of their artistry or persona

No. 2374253

This guy ugly? I think he's okay, like normal-guy-handsome. For sure better looking than celeb scrotes posted above.
Just hoping he's not abusing her. For what the industry have done to Lindsey, she deserves that arab bag.

No. 2374266

Mid men are as bad as uggos in my eyes

No. 2374533

never been into club culture and whatnot but this comes across as a teen trying to impress older kids by doing wack shit. Isn't she like 30?

No. 2374588

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No. 2374845

>everything he said was so valid and funny
>he cleared her
What he said in question:
>"Ain't you dying from cancer? This bitch tried to give me head!"
Gtfo tiktok handmaiden, that ugly ashy one hit wonder retard didn't "clear" anybody by mocking an abuse victim with cancer and claiming she sucked his lil black shrimp off. No1currs she isn't black when Alabama is also a wigger, and an even bigger flop at that.
Isn't a vinil full of obvious baby powder just cringe to actual cokeheads? That looks absolutely nothing like coke kek it's like her whole marketing is catered towards 10 year olds who have never partied but wanna feel edgy.

No. 2374848

He's pretty fucking ugly. You have terrible taste if you think he's handsome but to each their own. I agree. Lindsay get that Saudi bag!

No. 2374857

Anyone who has ever struggled with addiction/had loved ones struggle with it, I would assume… would find it repulsive.

No. 2374890

you can say the word ass here

No. 2374979

File: 1738343594562.jpg (106.96 KB, 959x1063, GioOb_7bYAEZY4r.jpg)

Apparently the tranny from Emilia Perez also shat on Selena Gomez when the movie was about to start production kek I wonder how Selenators feel after defending that garbage movie

No. 2374983

Kekk he has a point

No. 2374986

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No. 2374987

kek he's right

No. 2375144

File: 1738349761713.png (210.21 KB, 637x800, IMG_4436.png)

I can't stand his fans because they constantly try to feed everyone propaganda that this smelly scrotoid is "handsome"

No. 2375246

File: 1738353310781.jpeg (6.76 KB, 183x275, images.jpeg)

He looks like a blonde Rupert Grint.

No. 2375270

Literally nobody gives a single fuck about a dude that got dumped like 3 years ago, stop posting him.

No. 2375328

Yeah you're right, most people her age are kind of secretive about their drug use. They're not flaunting it on their socials or telling non drug users they're on coke. She reminds me of those newly legal club goers who won't stop talking about doing ~molly~ and leaving the corners of their baggies sticking out of their bra kek

No. 2375363

Why do all sex pests seem to have this particular look? It’s like you can tell their priority in life is crossing boundaries. Something in the way they carry themselves. A couple other immediate examples from top of mind are Armie Hammer and Andrew Callaghan. Like I am never surprised when I hear abt then see the corresponding named party bc they all have this look

No. 2375402

Kek I liked brat but the more I learn about Charli the more unbearable she seems. Fun fact, at least 3 songs on the album are about other female artists she either has beef with or is deeply envious of (sympathy is a knife = Taylor Swift, girl = Lorde, von dutch = Rina Sawayama). Idk how she’s been doing this for so long and gotten to her big age but let’s her jealousy and insecurity bleed into her work.

No. 2375424

File: 1738360119146.jpg (42.94 KB, 589x788, Demi-fiend.jpg)

is he trying to be the demi-fiend or something?

No. 2375436

She looks like a sick old lady who's dying of cancer or a crackhead who lives on the streets

No. 2375440

>Idk how she’s been doing this for so long and gotten to her big age but let’s her jealousy and insecurity bleed into her work.
I like her music too, but I feel like I'd behave similarly if I was as much of a flop as Charli kek. She's been in the industry since she was a teen or something and only now has she managed to break into the mainstream for the first time, and only because she blew all her money paying celebrities to promote brat. The only beef that seems justified is the one against Taylor, I don't think she needed to block Charlis albums for them to flop and guarantee Taylors success since she's always been a way bigger artist. That was so unnecessarily bitchy.

No. 2375471

I thought Von Dutch was about that Charli Amelio Tiktok girl Who tried to steal her hashtag? Because of the "do your little dance" line

No. 2375505

i dislike her more for constantly shilling troons like during women's history month and that shitty 360 music video

No. 2375517

I thought it was about fka twigs

No. 2375532

File: 1738363845181.jpeg (132.83 KB, 750x717, A75C0DC9-EF07-40B5-86A5-50C772…)

I also thought it was about fka twigs
Cokehead charli has been a joke between her fans since picrel blind item but this is stupid

No. 2375535

no one cares about this boring ugly nobody. like who even are his "fans"? kek

No. 2375551

She just really wants you to know how she's music wallpaper for gay clubs now

No. 2375624

File: 1738367399355.jpeg (764.86 KB, 1170x1760, IMG_8346.jpeg)

Reese Witherspoon says that her actor friend “doesn’t talk to her anymore” after she gave an awards speech where she thought she was supposed to a roast (???)
People speculated that it’s about Kate Winslet.

>”So this friend of mine, who I didn’t really know that well, but she was a very serious, proper actress,” Witherspoon said. “She asked me to give her an award, but I had never been to this award ceremony, so I thought it was like a roast. So I got up and I roasted her.”

>”But that was not the tone,” she continued. “The tone was British, elegant, classy, and I was like, ‘Remember the time we got laser hair removal?’ I’m still embarrassed about it. [We’re] not friends anymore. I’m not even kidding — we’re not friends anymore! I think she doesn’t like me anymore. I thought it was so funny and it was just, I had the wrong audience. It was pretty bad. Not even kidding, she doesn’t talk to me anymore. Oh well.”

No. 2375635

Kekk which sewer did they get this PR nightmare tranny from? The fact that most of these are recent so he can't even blame his pre-transition mansona and claim estrogen made him a woke liberal is so funny. This horrible movie being shilled is pretty suspicious in general, I looked up the french director and apparently he has worked with some big names so he must have connections.

No. 2375640

the only way this would be edgy or interesting at all is if it contained actual cocaine. pass

No. 2375642

We can't have any new spitfire, Joan Rivers types anymore because they'd just be cancelled on social media as an "insensitive white woman who needs to sit down"

No. 2375648

She, Olivia Munn and Jessica Biel all look like they had the same surgeon

No. 2375763

Golden globes nominations are generally bought and paid for, so it's not a shock it got a globes nom, but the Oscar nom is shocking considering what a lousy movie Emilia Perez is

No. 2375847

File: 1738382765474.jpeg (1.26 MB, 1620x1760, IMG_2895.jpeg)

Aren’t French and Spanish closely related languages? Pretentious French dickhead.

No. 2375864

as a baguettefag i'm surprised he'd say that when spain is literally next door. but the again our cinema moids are the absolute worst

No. 2375878

Man the Academy's efforts to crown this as the most movie of all time really backfired huh

No. 2375890

that's just typical french for you. french and spanish (and a couple others) are romance languages derived from latin, but french had to be special and needlessly complicated because reasons. i don't know how they call it, but on this side of the pond its "le self hatred". sorry about the spergy blogpost

No. 2375924

File: 1738391143192.jpeg (862.35 KB, 1170x1173, IMG_6918.jpeg)

Another female celeb does a baby via surrogacy. So she could get horrible breast implants done but not carry her own child?

No. 2375927

File: 1738391286844.jpeg (84.75 KB, 632x791, IMG_6919.jpeg)

A new nepo baby has stepped up to the plate: Ava Phillipe, the daughter of Reese Without her Spoon and Ryan Phillipe

No. 2375930

File: 1738391466420.jpeg (845.41 KB, 1170x1379, IMG_6920.jpeg)

>Will Smith is set to make a surprise appearance at the 2025 Grammys Sunday, three years after he slapped Chris Rock onstage at the Oscars.
>The Oscar-winner, 56, who himself has won four Grammys, was named on the show's list of presenters on Friday, ahead of the glittering ceremony at LA's Crypto.com arena.
>He will introduce a musical tribute to legendary hitmaker Quincy Jones who was executive producer on Smith's breakout show, The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.

No. 2375932

>Vince Camuto
thats embarrassing kek, the best reese could get her was the brand thats always on clearance?

No. 2375935

Why is she scared of a stretch mark to the point of stealing someone elses baby but her scrote is allowed to be a nasty cue ball head?(non-milk posts in celebricows should be saged)

No. 2375936

Isn't Hailey Bieber the one who skinwalks Selena though

No. 2375937

Lost any ounce of respect for lilly collins, barf.

No. 2375939

File: 1738392086006.jpeg (681.67 KB, 1170x964, IMG_6921.jpeg)

The scream 7 producers seem starved for ideas after they lost Jenna and Melissa so they're just appealing to faggots who want reboots now?

No. 2375941

Literally how do you even get your buttcrack pierced, wtf does that even mean…

No. 2375942

Hows she gonna do anal now

No. 2375945

i hate, hate how everything is a remake or a sequel now.

No. 2375951

>career revolves around being beautiful and thin
>do something as heinously selfish as surrogacy solely to preserve beauty and thinness
>still end up with an ugly old bald moid
Fucking BLEAK

No. 2375963

surrogacy is so gross. i think donating eggs so that actually infertile women can carry and have their own child is one thing, but scouting a poorer woman to inject herself with your perfectly normal eggs produced by your very much average body that is more than capable of carrying your baby, just so that you can maintain your exactly 100 lb body is another level of vain and i think we need to start publicly shaming women who do shit like this a lot more

No. 2375972

File: 1738394221652.jpeg (340.84 KB, 1280x1920, IMG_6925.jpeg)

Don't forget her awful new breast implants

No. 2375991

She's too rich and skinny to "ruin" her body with childbirth, that's only for poor women.

No. 2375995

Talentless literal who coward. Plenty of (superior) celebrity women have flaunted their pregnant bellies. IMO it makes more sense to just adopt rather than have some woman grow a bond with the baby inside of her just to rip it away after 9 months regardless of how she feels because of 'muh contract'.(non-milk posts in celebricows should be saged)

No. 2375999

She looks a lot like her dad

No. 2376004

fucking dystopian

No. 2376028

As an old ass bitch that used to have a crush on Ron… let’s push that hair back. See where the line is

No. 2376039

She's not fat enough to be skinwalking her

No. 2376119

>Plenty of (superior) celebrity women have flaunted their pregnant bellies
Getting trad vibes from this, being pregnant makes you superior. Regardless of your opinion of surrogacy, it’s weird to talk like this

No. 2376120

File: 1738410045086.jpeg (435.45 KB, 1170x1009, IMG_7455.jpeg)

This is what kills me. They be taking up hospital beds too like they’re the one who just gave birth. The price of raising a child for 20+ years isn’t even what they give these impoverished women. Even Kim kardashian only gave hers what amounts to one year of wages in a developing country. It’s so exploitative and should be considered human trafficking.

No. 2376198

File: 1738417055676.jpeg (246.23 KB, 1179x1702, IMG_8348.jpeg)

If you need a laugh now, Tekashi 69’s chains and records got snatched by the irs

No. 2376200

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No. 2376213

Surrogacy should be illegal if you're a healthy woman able to carry a pregnancy to birth, you shouldn't be able to buy a poor woman's womb. Surrogacy should be done for free between family members or friends as an act of kindness, not this exploitative business transaction.

That's less than a minimum wage salary in California, criminal.

No. 2376225

honestly i think of him slapping chris rock way more than i should. it's just so fucking funny
every time i see her implants i don't know how she's not embarassed. it looks so bad, like someone cut a ball in half and shoved it under her skin, just wherever it landed. she should be hiding it with a dress that isn't low-cut, not highlighting it. they look terrible
that's just criminal

No. 2376261

she’s saying that plenty of bigger names with more talent and better bodies that have more of an excuse that a pregnancy would ruin their careers have done it. i will also add that plenty of women on her same level, like fucking emily ratajkowski of all people, have carried their own pregnancy. honestly leaves an even worse taste in my mouth that lily is a former anorexic.

No. 2376301

did she get a bunch of work done to her face? i remember seeing photos of her before and she looked a lot more like reese but maybe i'm wrong

No. 2376333

Same, I thought they were famously similar, she looks different.

No. 2376338

File: 1738421934664.jpg (8.19 KB, 225x225, images.jpg)

what happened?

No. 2376347

I’m 22. She doesn’t look younger than me, stop the lies. I could spot her in a crowd of college student easily.(sage your shit)

No. 2376354

I'm latin american and I agree. All the countries that were colonized by Spain are poorfags. Spain is also poorer that other EU countries no?(derailing)

No. 2376428

Nobody should risk their health for free, I think women should be paid for both pregnancy and housework by men, and simply don't do it if men don't want to pay. But most women are retarded and work for free(sage your shit)

No. 2376631

No. 2376634

File: 1738433696846.jpg (198.29 KB, 1280x1792, lindsay-lohan-backstage-at-the…)

I mean I agree that she doesn't look like what she'd have looked if she hadn't fucked up her face in the first place, but you have to rememeber picrel is what she looked like a few years ago

No. 2376697

Ah yes, because the genes of this fine specimen are so precious, they MUST be carried on. Hopefully that baby takes after her mom…

No. 2376710

That man is literally hideous, wtf. Anyway I am glad more stories like these are being shared because it's becoming more normalized to shame surrogacy and call it out for the exploitation that it is. Years ago no one really had opinions on it and now most people seem to agree that it's unethical which is really good imo.

No. 2376711

Lip filler it looks like…sad because if she didn't have any work done she would look near identical to her mom.

No. 2376760

I wish the Scream franchise would die already. How does this even work when his character was clearly killed off in the first movie? Is he gonna play the Dad of Stu or something?

No. 2376769

Based reference.

Would make sense if it were during the Titanic era. Poor Kate just got bullied so hard during that decade.

No. 2376777

They look like twins. She should have never gotten anything done.

No. 2376820

i'll take "things nobody asked for but we're getting anyway" for 400.
scream was never a good movie, and it's an even worse franchise

No. 2376853

File: 1738442390715.jpeg (128.76 KB, 895x1200, IMG_2896.jpeg)

It’s so over for this movie fucking kek.

No. 2376857

File: 1738442469939.jpeg (Spoiler Image,250.24 KB, 1500x977, IMG_7639.jpeg)

No. 2376882

File: 1738443187424.jpg (82.06 KB, 680x680, mldnb8t8qer61.jpg)

No. 2376907

File: 1738443681639.jpg (307.61 KB, 1080x1511, hunter-schafer-at-the-jean-pau…)

euphoria tranny got some work done (plus new hair color to distract from it) and some people say that they didn't recognize him because of it.

No. 2376913

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No. 2376914

File: 1738443837676.jpeg (114.91 KB, 1300x957, IMG_7495.jpeg)

No. 2376926

Holy shit he looks 35. What happened?

No. 2376943

File: 1738444996840.jpeg (259.98 KB, 1280x1772, IMG_8350.jpeg)

Looks like lip fillers, some eye surgery, and buccal fat removal

No. 2376952

He had his eyebrows lifted. There's now a visible hollow line where his eyebrows used to be. I believe he also got a second (third?) nose job.</