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No. 2002950
thread rules:
>no racebait >no infighting, be nice to each other >don't reply to bait >rest of /ot/ board rules apply >farmhands are always watching previous thread:
>>1989451 No. 2002952
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noo I was gonna use this. damn it I was too slow you got to it fast kek
No. 2002955
>>2002950>>2002947Where I grew up housing was wildly expensive and a min wage job would not be enough for a shitty apartment shared between 2-3 people unless you were bunking together in one studio apartment. I was poor and my parents were a bit
abusive but I was lucky enough to get a partial scholarship and student loans for a good university in a city with cheaper housing, so I was able to move out at 17 with my savings from working at the grocery store, as a painter and home reno person at high school. The housing in the big university city I moved to cost about half to a third of the housing in the 'smaller' city and non-central area where I grew up but if I hadn't had scholarships and student loans front-loaded I wouldn't even have been able to pay for flights to get out of where I lived with my parents, let alone a job good enough to pay for an apartment with roommates.
No. 2002979
>>2002970My point is that in countries that aren't the US which have better systems, marginalized groups don't face the same level of insurmountable bullshit. Instead of fixing the system of saddling minorities and poor people with insurmountable bullshit, Americans seem to prefer to believe that a better system would not help minorities and that instead they must forever assume minorities and underprivileged people can not get out of their situation.
The things I'm talking about work in 90% of the first/second world countries in the entire world, why couldn't they work in America? I'm not saying things will magically 'fix themselves' in America without effort, I'm saying there's tested, workable solutions for the achievement gap that work everywhere else that Americans are for some reason completely unwilling to try even though they would solve the problem much more efficiently. Ideas like 'make it illegal for young people to go to college for 4 years' wouldn't solve these problems anyway, even (I think) the anon who initially proposed that solution eventually admitted it was just a way to drag down non-minorities to minorities' level and I explained why it still wouldn't work. But what is the problem with trying to raise everyone up to a decent level rather than trying to drag everyone down with a non-solution?
No. 2002988
>>2002979Ok but my comment about waiting 4 years for college had literally nothing to do with tackling racism. And once again, America’s race issues are
unique so it won’t work the same way here as other countries. If I was going to talk about racism college would be one of the last things I mentioned.
No. 2002994
>>2002988AYRT and I understand that nona and already responded to that on the previous thread with my longpost with the hypothetical. But other anons also seem to be supporting your idea based on racial differences in US schooling so I'm also trying to respond to that as well. Like I said at least twice earlier my main issues with your idea aren't based on minority anything, just the logistical problems with banning school for 4 years post-highschool graduation but I didn't see anyone address those points yet.
I know America's race issues are unique but they remain unique because the US government refuses to even try to start to solve them in ways that would actually work. I know your original idea of 4 years of no-school wasn't about racial minorities but it would not solve racial inequities in schooling anyway, while more 'pedestrian' solutions other countries have tried probably would solve them faster, or at least be a step in the right direction.
No. 2003020
Samefag but if you don't relate to my 'math genius' hypothetical let me give you a more pedestrian hypothetical loosely based on my own life. Imagine that you are a person who has some deep passions/talents but doesn't know exactly what you want to do in life because your biggest passion is for something financially unstable (music) while you have a smaller amount of passion for something that's likely more profitable on the job market (science). Imagine also that you are chronically ill and can't work higher-paying menial labor jobs like warehousing or construction.
In my hypothetical you have a plan to move out of your abusive, poor parents' house at 18 (they want you to stay living with them but pay rent while you're there) and you got accepted to a top university with student loans pre-approved, in a city where you can easily pay rent with a couple roommates because the city is much cheaper than the shithole your parents live in. Your parents won't let you go to music school even though you could easily get in but the university you're planning on going to has a prestigious music program and you know that you can get private lessons there and join some of the ensembles at the music school while you work towards your science major. You have already planned out that between your small student loans and part time jobs available to you with your chronic illness (like working part time as an assistant to professors at your university or bartending) you can get in college you can pay for upkeep of your instrument, your rent (which is much less than your parents want you to pay), food, and an emergency fund. You know that in this new city you can work towards a degree in science while advancing in your music, playing in bands and teaching private students at the side toward the end of your program which is a lucrative enough job it will help you pay for life with fewer hours than working as a bartender.
Suddenly the government introduces a law that says you need to wait 3 more years to go to university. Now without your student loans you can't afford to move to the new city but your richer roommates move without you anyway to become musicians in the big city since their parents will pay for them having their own apartments. You can't afford upkeep on an instrument and since you're not in school you don't have the resources to take lessons or join bands so after 10 years of practicing daily you start to lose your musical skills and can't become a music teacher. You take the same bartending and cashier jobs you initially intended to have, but they won't give you full time hours because the market is oversaturated, so you start to owe debt to your parents for the rent they're charging you (which is cheaper than the rent on an apartment and all your wealthier friends moved away anyway). You also start to forget all the stuff you learned in your advanced science classes in high school too as you spend your days applying for dozens of jobs you never get, or when you get them they reduce your hours because there is so much competition. By the time you get to the big city for school 4 years later your richer friends who moved there at age 18 have tons of private students and successful bands they play in because their parents paid their rent and hooked them up with successful opportunities, while you lost all your skills. You alreay knew what your passion was when you were 15 but you had no opportunities to hone your skills. Your chronic illness got worse because of the stress of living with your abusive parents and being rejected from most jobs you applied to even though you were one of the best students in your high school. Your friends are already successful enough in the city they live in that they have tons of connections and money and they've forgotten about you so you now have to move in with total strangers who you don't get along with at all, and you fail out of your first year of university because you no longer remember anything about calculus, chemistry or physics. People tell you this is 'better for you' because it gave you the time to consider your life path and what you really wanted to do with your life though so you don't even get any sympathy when you explain you already knew what you wanted in 10th grade and were unable to work toward it.
No. 2003028
>>2003001I never watched kids' programs but I heard she was some disney or nickelodeon children's actress so I expected her to suck, then at a dark time in my life one of my friends sent me her latest album (the thank u next) one and I was immediately like holy shit she's amazing. Listened to that shit on loop to hype me up while in one of the most brutal work situations I've ever been in.
Also so many people act like you're straight-up misogynistic when you say anything negative about Tswift even though she has zero talent because 'you're just jealous she's a pretty successful woman' but somehow this doesn't apply to ari even though she's 100x more talented and also pretty. I don't get the double standard at all and it's not like Tswift doesn't have horrifically cringe pickme lyrics too. Never forget 'I wanna wear his name round my neck not because he owns me but because he really knows me' or w/e the specific lyric was. She also writes lyrics seemingly about homewrecking or cheating but without the skill to make the songs even remotely enjoyable.
No. 2003098
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>>2003020You are wasting your time trying to talk sense to these people.
No. 2003272
>>2003193No I'm not joking, whenever min wage has gone up in areas I'm aware of it results in layoffs or bosses cutting hours for employees. I and my friends have personally been
victims of this and the boss will literally tell you straight up they're cutting your hours or 'restructuring' because wages went up. Also not exactly on topic (because I was talking more about office jobs) but I knew some small business owners, mostly of restaurants/bars, who were paying themselves less than minimum wage just so they could pay min wage to employees; most small businesses in the food or drinks or entertainment industry operate at a loss or barely make profits for their first few years which is why most fail within 1-5 years. When it comes to corporations that generate billions of dollars they can afford to pay workers better but they just don't want to, they'd rather maximize profits by cutting hours or wages. I'm not an American and it happens here too.
I agree that it is a recent thing but unless laws are in place to prevent businesses from operating like this they will continue to operate like this, and there's already a glut of workers in a lot of higher-paying industries causing inexperienced/low level workers (even those who already have college degrees) to get laid off in favor of more experienced, older employees.
No. 2003357
>>2003353I was pointing out there should be laws for businesses to hire a certain amount of full time workers with a livable wage and you started insisting the poor
victim businesses can't afford that and will be forced to shut down or understaff like crazy
>>2003355Better not be referring to my post since I mentioned workers should at the very least be able to afford a crappy trailer/apartment and shitty car, didn't even mention college or college requirements other than pointing out summer jobs no longer pay tuition
No. 2003367
>>2003357Are you hallucinating or something? I said if employers were required to pay more they would hire fewer people which is already happening in many industries (true), you asked me 'is this a joke?' and asked how a corporation generating billions of dollars is incapable of paying their employees enough (also said only Americans don't hold businesses accountable for being poorly run), then I said I'm not American and it happens here too and that businesses are not incapable of paying more, they just don't want to.
Then you started accusing me of defending the businesses and thinking they are 'poor' for some completely incomprehensible reason, maybe you lack reading comprehension.
You were responding to a thread about making going to college illegal until age 21 lol, it doesn't matter that you didn't personally mention college.
No. 2003373
>>2003369Nona no, you actually asked me 'is this a joke?' when I said employers would hire fewer people if wages were required to be higher and said that no one would let companies get away with this outside of America, even though it is extremely common where I live and I don't live in America. You can't 'make laws making sure they keep places fully staffed with full timers' period, there is no objective metric for 'fully staffed' so, like I said, if everyone on payroll had to be full time and paid a high wage they would simply lay people off or hire fewer people, which is what already happens in companies/areas that are required to raise pay or only have full time employees.
I didn't act like you demanded million dollar bonuses for teens, you are hallucinating. I pointed out a simple reality of how companies actually operate and then you accused me of defending corporate practices because apparently observing reality is the same thing as supporting predatory business practices. I'm sure businesses would operate much better if people all became incapable of observing reality. I never 'defended' business practices like this so I can only assume you must be literally hallucinating posts that aren't in the thread.
No. 2003407
>>2003203she did say library.
i prefer owning books tho, if it's bad i just donate it and at least i supported culture and the local bookstores kek
No. 2003439
>>2003418Most lay offs are completely unnecessary with proper budgeting tbh. Like most of the recent restaurant and retail shut downs are simply due to the fact these places don't want to lower prices to attract more customers or provide higher quality products. Even when rue 21 was closing down they supposedly had crazy sales but in reality were still not cheaper than shein and ended up throwing shit out instead of even trying to experiment with prices geared towards the consumer
I also feel like these places focus on weekly rather than monthly, having a monthly min wage would prevent places from trying to fuck over on hours to prevent people from just understaffing/hiring part timers to avoid giving benefits. They should budget around the idea that Americans need a certain minimum for monthly bills over than the idea that most people will be fine if they demand them to be full time just to schedule them 10 hours a week when it's slow. Sure they may have to take out from the multitude of bonuses the uppers have but more people with more jobs and spending money = more people are able to stimulate these businesses = more profit = these people are also able to afford apartments and homes more, etc.
Oh and get rid of ghost jobs + make sure places don't purposely keep the places understaffed to create more jobs
I swear it feels like these people would literally rather a multitude of businesses fail rather than allowing the poors to be able to afford things
No. 2003445
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This man can literally afford several mansions and yachts a year + this doesn't even account for the other high ups making similar and y'all wanna pretend like paying anything more than slave wages will bankrupt McDonald's and cause a world wide shut down.
No. 2003451
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>lowest paying corporation in America
>As they have listing up for 7-12 an hour for part time assemblers
>As they have listings up for 10-20 an hour for caregivers in CALIFORNIA
>Some hardware engineers are barely making 45k a year for this company
>Americans will still defend this or turn a blind eye instead of questioning why can't higher ups make a little less so everyone else can feed their families
It's like watching slaves defend their master I swear to God. Stockholm syndrome needs to be renamed to USA syndrome
No. 2003634
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I don't trust anyone who says y'all but not howdy.
No. 2003806
>>2003792There was a guy at college that befriended women almost exclusively, he ended assaulting me and two other girls, fucking freak
>>2003674My unpopular opinion is that getting offended over women saying "cunt/bitches" is retarded and overly sensitive. If it's a man then that's a whole other thing
No. 2003824
>>2003731depends. i do think moids with a lot of moid friends are usually the type to hate on women together and be misogynistic insecure fags, the male socialization is even worse because they spend so much time around their fellow bros too and expect women to be fine with their gross shit. there's also men who definitely befriend women a lot just to have a roster etc. but like another nonna pointed out gay men with a lot of female friends still exist
>>2003806I don't necessarily get offended, but almost always when I meet another woman who calls herself (and me) a bitch even in a joking or "positive" way she's usually the type to be an annoying libfem so that turns me off. I agree when men say it it's way worse but it's still annoying to just be talking and have some woman I barely know call me a bitch even if she doesn't mean any harm by it
No. 2003936
>>2003908Imagine a man greeting his friends with heeeeeeey boyyyysies!!
"What a faggot", you would think.
No. 2004039
>>2004036nonna if your friends can't bond with you over the shared laugh-inducing horror of the
kirby genital slit then are they really your friends?
No. 2004071
>>2004045>women posting angrily or too passionately about a subject are seen as retarded or schizoI’m sorry, but do we browse the same lolcor? Anons
are retarded and schizo here. And autistic, but that comes with territory obviously
No. 2004131
>>2004117>Discharge eatingGross but doesn't annoy others
>Constantly posting shota baitGross and it annoys others
No. 2004144
>>2004045>>2004062Kek, proof that only women are capable of rules and civilisation, to a ridiculous degree. Men would be living in violent rape anarchy together and not care.
>>2004117Didn't they ban shota because it attracted moids? I forgot.
No. 2004154
>>2004131how do they annoy you? they just post about their disgusting interest in shotacon, not much different from the babyface lovers from ugly man psyop who are 30 year old women who want 18 year olds fresh out of high school grad and the fujos who are already too far gone to begin with
>>2004133>”i swear i’m gonna find you out! your typing style-“go get some CBT sperg-chan we all type like this
>>2004137not a shotafag, but i don’t get the moralfagging about them. just ignore it
No. 2004190
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I think antagonizing others, specially those who did you wrong, is totally ok sometimes. Actually, women with guilt complexes should let themselves antagonize others way more. My guilt complex gives me and my female empathy conditioned brain so many issues. Trust me most people won't actually have the same empathy towards you as you have towards them, you don't need to feel bad for them, let the lizard brain take over and nope the fuck out, trust your gut
No. 2004192
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No. 2004193
>>2004045>It is the truth. Women's problem (including women on this site) is that we are too obsessed with being #1 Best Girl TM, according to whatever the standard dictates, and mindless pandering rule-following. Every time there's some retarded rule to something you'll mostly see women upholding and defending it because we're conditioned to be status quo obeyers. Why is that a bad thing? Women use these social conformity tactics because
they work, being respecting of others is the first step to a functional society. It's the men who need to learn to contain their rape ape temper and behavior and be put into cages. I'd much rather have Lolcow's strict moderation than let it get pozzed by pedo /pol/cel bullshit like every single board on 4chan because everyone knows the anons complaining how "you can't say anything no more!!!!" are referring to not being able to say the N word.
No. 2004206
>>2004062What's annoying is when the rules change depending on the time of day.
I rec a story, they say it'd scroteshit. A day later I see people act like I'm a puritan for leaving a fair warning about the same exact shit in another story.
No. 2004209
>>2004193I agree. Also I think there is a middle ground between SJW twitterfags and /pol/tards, and I hope lolcow can recapture that. I’m so sick of the identity politics sperging from all sides. We’re on an anonymous ib, why dwell on the same things we must confront every where else?
>>2004201>>2004196>m-muh imageboard culture!!!Actually, it isn’t a requirement to act like a retarded 13 year old edgelord to use an imageboard. This smells like underaged newfags who just come here to infight
No. 2004213
>>2004117>>2004154They hated
nonny because she told them the truth. The irony of everyone agreeing with that post about women being too conformist and then seething and dogpiling a neutral anon for giving her opinion.
No. 2004228
>>2004217What did you disagree about? Black people being deserving of human rights? Every time someone acts like a huge
victim bitch about being opwessed by le tranny jannies it always turns out they've been making inflammatory bait posts for the past weeks.
No. 2004298
>>2004287why are you on this site if you care about moids feelings so much? kek moids will cheat on you anyday all day if they knew you would never find out.
>so he can end the relationship9/10 moids don't even end the relationship but abuse the woman they're with or use it as ammo to abuse them. Gonna cheat all I want tbh, moids deserve nothing.
No. 2004306
>>2004290huh? did you not read the final half of my post? i'd go tell her boyfriend so that he can end their relationship and she can go be with her new fruit
>>2004291not really, most of my female friends are both gun owners and are capable of taking their twiggy boyfriends if they tried to take them KEK, it's not like these ladies are dating musclemen or some shit. also, i didn't think this would need to be explained, but obviously she's confessing to cheating on her boyfriend because she does not want to be with him anymore and needs assistance leaving the relationship. this is an issue that occurs in the lives of total push-overs, and sometimes, these autistic fucks, they need a third party to be their messenger and go to their original significant other and be like "hey shes not attracted to you anymore, leave"
>>2004298did you read a single part of my post? i would not tell him because i "care about his emotions", infidelity being gross is just my opinion, it has nothing to do with feelings, also i wouldn't "sneak around and snitch" i'd tell her that since she felt so comfortable telling me then obviously she must need assistance in leaving her relationship, which i'd offer. also, question, if you really think that your moid would just kill and abuse you if you cheated on him instead of walking away, then why would you think its better to cheat with reckless abandon? wouldn't you think you'd be putting yourself in danger?
>>2004296i can do both of those things, i can admit to her that she isn't the woman i thought she was while offering my support and help to her in the process of transitioning out of her first relationship into the new one. these are all things that you would understand if you read my initial post in its entirety.
No. 2004330
>>2004308you want to elaborate on why? because if she did not want anyone to know, or did not need any help getting out of the relationship she clearly has no desire to be in anymore, why would she go around telling people?
>>2004312I didn't say any of those things lol…i said i would go tell her boyfriend because she doesn't want to be with him anymore, not because "i know whats best for her relationship". She knows what she wants in her relationship, which is why she chooses to begin a new relationship, inform her friends and acquaintances of this new relationship, and that this will eventually result in the news of this blooming relationship getting back to her original scrotes ears. This is, usually, the whole point of sharing the details of your affair with your friends. So that you can detach from the relationship you're already in. i don't make that decision, she does by going around and sharing this information.
>>2004321>not financially stable thats my point, i would offer her
my support and help in transitioning out of this relationship. i'd be more than willing to have my friends come live in my home free of charge if they decided to leave their moid.
>loves her bf but wants some excitement when you love (actually love, with your whole being, not just like) your significant other, you're not going to be physically capable of fucking someone else kek, even for a thrill or little shock of excitement. she must not love him and thus has no reason to stay in the relationship, and theres nothing wrong with that. whats wrong is refusing to leave the relationship.
>maybe she likes varietythen she wouldn't be in a singular committed relationship with a boyfriend, she'd just date around
>maybe hes violent and she doesnt want to be murdered if she already knew he was violent and that he'd harm her if she cheated on him then why would she put herself in an even more dangerous position by cheating and then going around and telling people about it, which would only anger him further and be far more likely to result in her death? like i said in my original response, i am someone who has the resources to support my friends and the people i love if they're in a situation they need to get out of, so i can't speak for everyone else but if she really was afraid that he'd kill her; she could walk out on him. especially if she has the accessibility and time away from him that would allow her to start an affair to begin with, it definitely sounds like she'd be capable of walking out the door and not coming back.
No. 2004343
>>2004331>you would help your friend leave her moid so you're a moid apologist i think you're misunderstanding my posts. also, cheating spreads disease.
>>2004333how is it "snitching" if she went around telling other people though? thats just turning it into public knowledge, and she'd clearly be telling people because she wants to detach herself from him publicly. and how is offering for my friends to be financially supported and given housing free of charge until they're capable of finding a new home being uncaring in any way?
>>2004335you realize that it's not a secret anymore if you tell it to other people, right? if it was such a secret and she didn't want anyone to know, she wouldn't tell anyone. thats just what sounds the most logical in my mind kek.
No. 2004379
>>2004369>>2004373>>2004374>you're a weirdo because you understand that gossiping is the oldest and most lovable passtime kek you do understand that this is something that all human beings, especially women (didn't think i would have to specify this on a
gossip website ), love to talk about. other peoples business. i'm not saying this to be hateful, but after a long lifetime of going outside and actually spending time in irl social settings; i have found that people will gossip about someone standing within an earshot of them and then go up to them and start a conversation as if nothing happened kek. c'est la vie! also, i never said i don't share
anything personal with friends. i said i don't share personal
secrets, because then it will stop being a secret. key word, secrets.
No. 2004384
>>2004383I'm not referring to the cheating part, i was responding to the question "do you have any close friends that you confide in" that was asked here
>>2004355but on the crosstopic of cheating and gossiping, yeah actually, people do gossip about others cheating and that often can result in the scrote finding out that he's getting got, which can often result in much more dangerous situations as opposed to someone he personally knows coming up to him and being like "just leave already"
No. 2004401
>>2004379You love to talk about your "friends" intimate details entrusted onto you, because you love gossip so much, gotcha, kek. You gotta be mentally ill in some way.
>>2004393> don't think YOU understand that not all relationships are built on love and trust. Her "friendships" aren't build on trust, i think she gets it, kek.
No. 2004402
>>2004246Kek, having graphic fantasies about me are you,
No. 2004540
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I hate having to pretend to be interested in peoples babies in public. I went to get my bike fixed today and the front desk woman had her baby with her, I’m pretty stressed out about my bike so I was polite and friendly to her but didn’t really pay any attention to her baby. The repair guy comes to look at my bike and then put together a quote and the whole time the woman is bouncing her baby on her hip and getting her (the baby) closer and closer to me. She seemed like she really wanted me to comment on her baby or interact with the baby while I waited… sorry I’m stressed and not interested in paying attention to a random baby… Eventually on the way out I forced a “aw what a happy baby” just so she doesn’t slash my tires or something for ignoring her baby completely. I guess she got so intense (picrel was the vibe) because most women and even some men will drop all their business to coo at and compliment a baby (out of politeness? Do people actually give a shit about random babies?) before moving onto anything else, and I didn’t do that and it offended her. Ugh. I know I should have acted like other people do but it’s so fake for me that I just don’t wanna… I don’t hate the baby or anything it was a fine baby, I just, you know, don’t really care about babies… string me up and burn me alive I guess I’m a sociopath
No. 2004677
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>>2004660i’m a cunt… i’m a weirdo… I’m also a bitchhh. i’m a faghag… what the hell is my feminazi ass doing here? i don’t belong here.
No. 2004681
>>2004540i get you nona. i'm a polite person but this is one of the few things i get intentionally cold about and i will look the other way on purpose.
you're not a sociopath over something like that i think you're just being honest, i don't give a shit about other people's kids and i don't know why it's expected for strangers to care
No. 2004830
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Your body count does matter and I’m tired of pretending it doesn’t. There is a correlation between having an abnormally high body count and being a horrible person. Just look at all the gay guys who use Grindr. Straight moids with a high body count are the worst because they’re almost always predators, it’s practically impossible for a straight dude to get laid that much unless there’s some coercion involved
No. 2004833
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>>2004830Can I please know lolcow's court of public opinion for what number is a high body count?
No. 2004844
>>2004828>>2004834I haven't gotten to do it yet, but it seems like a better option than forcing myself to get in a relationship with someone I don't even respect enough to make them my "life partner" just to get have sex and lose my virginity and satisfy my sexual desires. Relationships seem retarded and like they're for mentally handicapped people, and I'd take having sex with randos over it any time. The idea of doing it then never having anything to do with the other person sounds amazing to me, no burdens of faking that I care about them or love them to get it, and worrying about upsetting them and losing my flesh sex toy, or them finding someone else and leaving me and now I have to do it all over again to get what I actually want, sex. NSA cuts straight to the point and I just like this idea. I'm not one who needs a relationship in my life, so I could never get into one, especially unwillingly, just to get to have sex. That kinda sounds like a bad thing to do to myself. Masturbation doesn't feel the same, because I could get overwhelmed and stop and lose the sweet spot I was about to reach, so I need someone to get me there without me giving up too soon if that makes sense.
No. 2004860
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>>2004844>Relationships seem retarded and like they're for mentally handicapped people, and I'd take having sex with randos over it any time.>>2004850>having sex with randos sucks guys are having sex with
strangers? Isn't that dangerous? It's a stranger, what if he's a serial killer?
No. 2004865
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>>2004833The number shouldn’t matter for women anyway.
What I learned so far is relationship sex is better because of multiple sessions of trial and error of my partner learning what I like and don’t like. Having sex with a new partner kind of sucks because we know nothing about each other and all the build up to sex is disappointing and awkward. It took my dumbass awhile to realize new partner doesn’t equal mistake/not meant to be just because our first sexual encounter sucked.
No. 2004895
>>2004850I don't understand how did you take that from what I said. But what I'm trying to say is that I genuinely don't care about romantic/personal relationships, I like having friends though. I just want to have sex and nothing else, and if I have to choose between sex witb strangers or sex with someone AFTER I get into a relationship, I'll choose the former because it's easier to get. I'll say it again if I have to, I don't want to date anyone or cohabit with anyone just to have sex, that's not for me. When will they invent male prostitution and solve my problem, sigh.
>>2004851>>2004858I also don't get this line of thinking. How is me having sex with a man=teaching him he's entitled to me, it's not like I'd be coerced into it or something? Doesn't the whole "you owe me sex" thing exist in relationships more often than not? I'm genuinely trying to understand this mentality.
>>2004874What is this even supposed to mean lmao. What's a "personal relationship"? So the end goal of a relationship is sex after all? Then why go through all that emotional effort just to get there? What if I don't have what it takes to go through it? Should I just become a "
femcel" or something? I really don't understand this.
No. 2004908
>>2004895When you’re in a relationship the partner has emotional investment in your well-being. Sex with scrotes who don’t care about you is too dangerous to justify doing.
>become a femcelUnpopular but legit yes. Imagine not thinking about diseased “free” cock. liberating.
No. 2004920
>>2004898none of this has to do with men, nonna. no one here cares about what men thinks of them. who even said that any of us were referring to having sex with men?
>>2004895what the hell do you mean "what is a personal relationship"? you know, having sex with your girlfriend or boyfriend. that kind of relationship. are you autistic by any chance?
>>2004906i'm a fucking lesbian maybe thats why i know what its like to be in a meaningful relationship KEK yeesh deer Lord
No. 2004930
>>2004909Where did I say I needed men to survive lmao. So to you wanting to have sex every once in a while to blow some steam off=not being able to survive without men? I've been doing alright without sex for long enough, I'm literally still a virgin, but I don't want that for myself and I'd like to have sex and reach this milestone at some point in my life and just experience something new.
>>2004908I know this is gonna make you frustrated with me, and I'm not trying to be contrarian or edgy with this, but I exactly don't want them to care. I don't like the feeling of being cared about and "loved", it feels like a burden that holds me back and it just grosses me out. I prefer for things to be superficial so I can "shake them off" me easily. I've never been approached by a man before so I don't know what kind of guys I'd attract, but it's the end of the world if it's gonna be the type of guy who'd get invested in me and wants to marry me and shit, I'd run immediately. I'm unironically commitment phobic, it's so repulsive to me and I'd mentally break down if someone got that attached to me. I can't even handle a cat getting attached to me, let alone a person. I don't care if it's "diseased" cock, they invented all kinds of medicine and protection for those, and I'm planning on getting my tubes tied whether I get to have sex or not, because if there's something worse than being in a relationship with someone who depends on you, it's having a child who also depends on you and for much longer than a relationship/marriage and you can't get rid of easily at any time you want like with a breakup/divorce. I know abortion exists but it can be a lot of work as well.
On a side note and circling back to your investment in wellbeing point, I'm not the kind of person to invest in someone's wellbeing either, wouldn't it be unfair to get in a relationship with someone I don't even care about who may think otherwise of me just so I can get to have sex? I'll have to live with the guilt of that whenever we fuck kek, thinking "damn, I don't love this guy, I wonder if he knows."
No. 2004941
>>2004934>how is having sex with someone personal >i prefer keeping to myself having sex with random people isn't really keeping to yourself,
nonnie. if experiencing a relationship is frightening to you then i'm impressed that you're still able to strip bare naked with someone
No. 2004955
>>2004953It's not like I never experience feelings, I do experience them all except the romantic kind, that stuff doesn't appeal to me. I love my friends and my family for example, but could never see myself loving a stranger romantically enough to live the rest of my life with them, that sounds wrong to me.
>>2004954Eh I don't mind dying either.
No. 2004959
>>2004957Because if they get into my life they may or may not get executed along with me of the
[REDACTED] if they ever decide to come after me, no sure way they'd leave me alone and let me live my life. How tf am I gonna explain to someone's parents why was their son killed or arrested or why was I involved in some trouble that would get me in a situation like that, it's just too complicated, but if they get into my body for like 1 night they'll leave and nothing big will happen. And I don't want them to think I'm weird or take pity on me for my retarded convoluted situation, especially if it starts to get worse while they're still around. I want to be able to disappear when I have to without too much drama or attention, no one looking for me or asking about me or trying to play hero to help me, unless they're like some big politician who can actually do something.
No. 2004962
>>2004948“Hurt” how? I hope you’re not implying that you can’t have sex without getting emotionally attached.
>>2004944I don’t get this, it’s a physical sensation, not an emotional one.
>>2004933But what’s to stop someone you “know is healthy” from lying about it or cheating though? You should really always use a condom.
No. 2004967
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>>2004966NTA but speaking of love and STDs, I recently found out that some people think it's romantic to contract things like herpes from a boyfriend/girlfriend or even a spouse. They view it as like a microbial form of a love bangle. Completely random, but maaaaaan fuck that shit.
No. 2004974
>>2004965Long story. But I assure you it's real. There was this girl who escaped once and got chased to the other country she went to and arrested in public, and put in a trash bag in front of people and dragged on the floor to the plane taking her back "home". This was years ago though. A few months ago a bunch of women tried going to the UK to live normally, but the UKA government were contacted about them and prevented them from entering the country, and they were forced to go back from where they came from, though it was said they were involved in some political matters, but I don't believe that's the reason. There are other stories of women getting arrested for bullshit reasons or trying to escape and being put in "rehabilitation centers" where they get tortured and sexually assaulted until they commit suicide or die from their severe injuries, just because they "stepped out of line", they got abandoned by their families and left to this horrible fate. It's scary that they can find us and track us wherever we go and no one can do shit about it. They control everything. That's why I specified I'd need a politician of some sort to get me out of this, but I doubt anything would change since "they" grab some of the world's biggest countries by the balls somehow. And even if "they" don't come after me, someone else less strong and less important would. Can't give too much details though because it's just embarrassing and too complicated. This probably sounds like schizo gibberish but it's real, I just don't want to share any sources about it, feels unsafe doing so. If I ever get the chance to be free from this, I'd rather go wild and have fun because there's no ensuring I'd get enough time to take things slowly. I'll probably never escape though. Sorry for the grim post.
No. 2005001
>>2004980You're so right
nonnie. I never understood why we're fighting in the first place because I've never read romance to that point that I define and put myself behind a genre? I read some yuri, yaoi, het romance manga but that is all mixed in a large variety of books and manga I read and so don't feel so strongly about anything. I was starting to feel like I was the insane one.
No. 2005151
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Marrying military males makes you a cuckhold. Your man’s job is submitting to superior males and licking their soles. He’s a professional doormat, and considering the sexual abuse statistics boots aren’t the only thing that’s wiped on his face. The white coats will have to use a speculum on him to perform prostate checkups by the time he’s retired. Imagine god at the gates of hell calling you a whore for blowing 96837108 guys but all you did was kiss your buckbroken husband. Just think about it.
No. 2005156
>>2004920>i'm a fucking lesbian Why are you guys always intruding discussions about
heterosexual relationships? It doesn't even concern you, it would be the same as if I talked about scissoring a woman like??
No. 2005167
>>2005166do you have an amputee fetish
No. 2005207
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>>2005188i feel the same way about those retarded pet shaming posts that used to be popular. it was mostly owners laughing at their pet's expense because the owner did something irresponsible like leave food out (which often contained ingredients that are poisonous to domesticated animals) or the front door open and thought it was funny when their pet responded by doing something that could have put their safety at risk. they treat their pets like props and not living beings capable of feeling pain or discomfort as a result of shitty ownership and it makes me hope they never reproduce so they won't have the opportunity to do the same to a defenseless child.
No. 2005222
>>2005207I only like the pet-shaming posts that are dumb like
>when I fart I get scaredIt's funny.
No. 2005245
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Every country in the world should belong to France
No. 2005308
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>>2005261Another hit to add to my Frenchie insult vault, ty nonsie
No. 2005421
>>2004540God, I hate when they try to rope you into them teaching their kid something or follow through with interactions. Like if they’re a customer leaving the store they’ll be like
>say bye bye… say bye. Say bye hannah, wave bye bye. Goodbye! HANNAH SAY BYeOr if you are walking a pet and they run up to you so they can spend 20 mins teaching their kid how to approach an animal and pet nicely while subjecting you to shrieking baby talk and looking at you every 2 seconds for validation of what a good mom they are, or hold you up so they can force their kid to say please and thank you etc. Fuck
No. 2005445
>>2005437>but so many of them are pedophiles or support pedophiles, even the womenYou could say this about every country what the fuck is wrong with you
>>2005442I hate when anons try to do shit like that, and then if you don't act a certain way or agree with certain things you get called a scrote. It just shows that they're sheltered, autistic, and/or young.
No. 2005497
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>>2005459I have fantasized about getting a tattoo, but I always had to decline it. As pretty as they can be, they never look good when you get old. Even if you regularly get it renewed so that it doesn't look like a blotch of ink, I already decided that it's just not worth the effort.
No. 2005550
>>2005544She deserves her fame. It’s good to see
victims of child abuse getting attention, fame and money for what their parents did to them instead of killing themselves or ending up crack heads in a trailer park like what usually happens to them…..
No. 2005575
>>2005549You have to be trolling anon kek
>>2005550Everybody has gone through something traumatic, doesn’t mean we deserve to be awarded fame for going through it. I can’t convince autistic women on how these types of things work in society, oyy veyyy
No. 2005587
>>2005575Not every abuse
victim is going to to be awarded fame but gypsy gained fame not only just because she’s a
victim of abuse but because she’s entertaining and seems to enjoy the attention. People are just mad because they want
victims of abuse to be pathetic, weak, in hiding and sad forever and it pisses them off that gypsy is just having fun and doesn’t give a damn that she killed her mom.
No. 2005602
>>2005584>make them get tested this is only effective if you go with them to the testing, watch them get their blood drawn, and then go back to the doctor with them to hear the results from the professional; so that you know he isn’t lying lmfao. It’s 2024
nonnie, people can photoshop documents saying that they’re clean. The solution is to not have sex with men period and buy some kind of sex toy.
No. 2005614
>>2005608>didn’t murder the scrote who was helping her kill her mother who also raped her (her as in gypsy)come on
No. 2005625
>>2005617i’m talking in general though - i don’t see any other
victims getting treated like that but that’s a third topic. i agree gypsy should not be in the spotlight or becoming wealthy off of this. i didn’t mind people wanting to help her get on her feet because i do think she went through something horrifying but there IS something genuinely off about her specific situation.
No. 2005648
>>2005639Yeahs it’s crabs in a bucket mentality. Anon makes it sound like being a
victim is a personal flaw. Moids get showered with money over a fart and women can’t even get basic justice. Let her make the best of a shit situation.
No. 2005651
>>2005639honestly you’re right. i wish abuse
victims actually did benefit in any way from coming forward most of the time they don’t even get legal justice. if only to make the people mad about all these
victims allegedly benefitting socially and financially. gypsy wouldn’t make people so mad if she wasn’t an outlier.
No. 2005657
>>2005651this + especially since it's so hard to rebuild a life after abuse, even mild abuse often forces the
victim to quite their job, can't get an education, etc and majority of the time the abusers aren't even punished. I also feel like women profiting off of their abuse stories is a good way to avoid them getting into sex work too
No. 2005687
>>2005639You’re absolutely right
>moid gets stalked and writes a show about it>omg so brave, poor baby>woman is abused to near death by her mother and the abuse is ignored by entire community >serves her sentence for defending herself and gets out of prison after a life of zero education and training, so she makes money the only way she can>ew what a nasty skank how dare she>actual serial killer fangirls exist out there but gypsy rose blanchard is where we draw the line apparently A penis really is an accountability shield huh
No. 2005859
>>2005704So what she just plays moids? I don't think anyone would care, better than the insane amount of normie women dealing with
abusive partners and stuff
No. 2005870
>>2005860Nta but it's pretty obvious the anon means girls are way less likely to pick up on that crap. With girls, girls get held accountable for EVERYTHING, if they're abused by their partners it's their fault, not being successful or as successful, being a mom (or not), etc etc. even if you do a sloppy job at raising your daughter the rest of the world will kick her in the ass holding her accountable for everything so women are forced to tiptoe around a bunch of insane requirements for women.
Men on the other hand? Anything he does wrong it's immediately questioned how his mother or gf treated him, they're held to way less standards too. They can drive a crappy little shitbox and live in a trailer in the boonies and make next to nothing as a carpenter and it's "well at least he has a job, place, car and food" . You even see it now where low paying moid dominated professions are respected and considered successful, low paying female dominated professions are considered stupid, useless and not full potential. People nitpick women's cars (ooo Nissan Altima are thot cars, Honda drivers are
toxic women, etc) and don't even get me started about how bad they'll judge women who live in low income housing or trailers
No. 2005879
>>2005871It was an example of how people nitpick women's goals, accomplishments, belongings, etc where as if men do the same thing it's "well at least he ___ so he's good"
I used cars since a lot of people will rip apart women's cars and assume personality types for some reason (?) depending on the car she has, where as I noticed with moids it's always "well at least he has a car that's something"
No. 2005939
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Mr and Mrs. Smith is possibly the most boring movie in existence and should not be an action movie classic
No. 2005962
>>2005490sometimes I wish our species had have gone the monotreme or marsupial route tbh. If women could leave their developing fetus at home in a shell or keep it in a pocket instead of internally, I think that'd be neat kek.
There's an albatross named Wisdom who is still rearing healthy chicks despite being in her 70s, and has had multiple male partners over the course of her life, likely just by outliving them. What a queen.
No. 2006063
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If a person is in the military and it's the kind of job that would force them and their family to constantly move to different states or even countries, they should not be having kids. The pain of your parent's job ripping you away from every single good and close connection over and over again is bound to have a sad effect on a child's mind. A parent staying in another country long enough for their small child to entirely forget who they are is objectively not practical for raising a family. Come the fuck on, civilians love to gas up soldiers and army families, but nobody talks about those parts enough.
No. 2006355
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Cal was a better choice for Rose than Jack. The movie tried to make Cal seem like a bad guy because he flipped a table. But Cal's first thought at the end of the movie was to keep her safe. He tried so hard to convince her stupid ass to get on the lifeboat, but instead she nearly kills herself trying to save illiterate lice-infested Jack.
No. 2006394
>>2006354The only time I've ever in-person been stuck listening to the whole 'well if she bleeds' conversation I asked them what age they even think girls start on average. I wanted to hear them say the numbers out loud and own it. They tried to save face by guessing way older.. ofc
Although 17 was the average age.. in the fucking 1800s
No. 2006400
>>2006390>they're a successful billionaire and could be doing literally anything with their livesI don't get why people say this.
The woman owns over a dozen castles, has already been around the world signing books, and can set piles of cash on fire every day for the rest of her life and still be filthy rich. She her trusts donate tons of money to hospitals and women's issues. So what if she want to spend her day on twitter? What do you think she should be doing instead?
No. 2006418
>>2006400NTA but that's a pretty good point. Shit, I wouldn't be mad at all if she was a lurker on this board. Why
couldn't she be?
No. 2006438
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picrel is genuinely a toxic mentality that almost always leads to ruin and self-harm
No. 2006485
>>2005722I hate that faggot and I’m so tired of all the women like “we need to believe male
No. 2006494
>>2005722Gadd is a complete attention whore. He even admits to jerking off to his stalker and obsessing over her. He had literal proof of her "harassment" and his troon boyfriend got assaulted and he had the option to make a police report and did nothing because he enjoyed the attention. A woman in his shoes would have gotten crucified for a lot less and probably wouldn't even live to tell the tale.
There's a thread on /snow btw.
>>>/snow/1989914 No. 2006507
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>>2005722>>2006499>>2006502I am Patrick Star and I live under a rock. What is the baby reindeer story?
No. 2006535
>>2006398It's how it is. Women's reproductive system is too complex, even later teens pregnancies are extremely dangerous and can damage those girls for the rest of their lives. Men just squirt out genetic material, it's literally nothing. But you don't see anyone saying that 10 yo boys are "sexually mature" because women aren't desperate to rape children, it's the only reason.
>>2005964I already read this statement a couple of times in other places, but i don't get it either, kek.
No. 2006552
>>2005964nta but I think she's trying to say that women would be better off if our reproductive window was longer before menopause (or if we essentially lacked the menopause stage idk) so would be able to be a mother way later in life like how some men father children in their 70s or whatever (ignore how fucked the kid's genetics will be though lol). The latter half is likely that women would be able to get further or be more if babies weren't such a focus for our 'lifeplan'. Basically, if women had more time to get around to having a kid they probably wouldn't feel as pushed into it or rushed etc. Just my guess on what she meant though.
You'd have to change a whole bunch of other biological factors to make this doable, but hey some of those like ageing far, far slower and remaining physically sound for far longer, and possibly more spaced out periods would be neat too kek.
No. 2006592
>>2006557The fact that humans have a long post-menopausal period, instead of women just dying shortly after becoming infertile, is actually rare in nature and likely points to our early ancestors having social structures that required older females to help manage the group as a whole and to assist reproductive females with their young, and possible them being matrilineal as well. iirc the only other mammals with similar post-menopausal periods are cetaceans such as orcas.
Tbh the potentiality of pregnancy doesn't bother me so much, and I'd give up menopause in favour of being physically idk 30 into my 70s kek, but each to their own. I do feel bad for women who think they'll be like, barren and useless trash once they hit 28– people, often their own female relatives, have really let them down.
No. 2006608
>>2006569>>2006592Wow, I just don't get this mindset. Women can have babies after 40, what makes them think they HAVE TO have babies in their twenties? It's crazy. My mom had me when she was 37 and I'm so grateful. She never complained about childish shit like weight gain or family drama in front of me and it saved me so much mental burden. To me 50 is middle age and 35 is pretty young! I remember my dad referring to 30 somethings as "kids" in front of me. It cant be a coincidence I don't care about the numbers on my birthday cake while my friends are having mental breakdowns. Like, do these women not have any old people in their lives? I think the children of young mothers have too many complexes especially if they're childfree at an age their mother was married. I respect their choice of course and don't intend to cause drama but I believe -30 year olds shouldn't have children. They don't even have the economic means.
This might be a 'noob' question but can you get horny well after reaching menopause or are you just fully buddha-mode? I think farmers would give me more reliable info than g**gle who just pushed AI articles.
No. 2006622
>>2006547Ayrt, i see, i get it now. Yeah, you're right, kek. But it's kind of both imposed on us, because male sperm is no good after 35, and i'm nor sure if majority of women naturally care about babies? Can't tell for sure. If people stopped minimising dangers of pregnancy to trick us, i feel like a lot of women would just opt out, kek.
>>2006552Isn't menoupase starts like in 50s? Mid 40s earliest? Is it not enough?
No. 2006643
>>2006612It's not really a psy-op kek, it's more just an outdated and uninformed mindset– biologically, your twenties are a great time to be having kids… when medical technology is less advanced. Also, historically, both men and women would have been living functional, independent adult lives far earlier than they currently do, due to both social pressures and also how society was structured.
Btw I'm not saying I agree with this or anything, and I think it's actually horrible when a woman thinks her worth is not just kids, but revolves around a ticking clock that isn't even accurate. I am incredibly appreciative of my parents for telling me that it's fine if I never have kids or anything like that my entire life, I've seen too many of my friends lately freak out because of demands for grandchildren (worst one's mum is a nurse but still keeps telling her she's running out of time… she's turning 26). Bleak.
>>2006622>is it not enough?Technically sure, but think about how many expectations women are set to juggle from 20-40s, as well as having to deal with christmas cake mindsets (from moids or other women), wanting pursue their own interests and not be tied down or start getting somewhere with their careers and don't want to make the +18 year committent that is having a kid yet. It's easy to feel rushed and like time isn't on your side and wish for more.
No. 2006658
Weird autistic boys like Bobby lemon are cute
No. 2006693
>>2006677He has a pretty anti tranny stance but he’s young so he will probably change in a few years and he’s gonna be taking dick up the ass
No. 2006706
>>2006698I’m assuming it’s this kid
No. 2006761
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>>2006729Is this the video of the play date?
No. 2006939
Young women (age 18-24)into ddlg are just as much of a danger to children as their scrote. Their scrotes often use them to get access to actual children.
No. 2006999
>>2006946One of the girls in their poly household looks like a actual kid to me(the one in blue)
No. 2007019
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>>2006999>poly householdI genuinely hope this is just for the purpose of view farming.
If it's genuine I wish a-log on all of them. No. 2007238
>>2007221Pretty sure it's fine for
victims of abuse to be brutally honest about how they'd rather get fingers than violently raped by a penis.
No. 2007246
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>>2007233My 5-mimute easy bake oven theory is that because third worlders have to work themselves down to the bone marrow just to even get things like drinkable water in their home countries, seeing the much more comfortable workplace environments and routines of westerners gives them the impression that westerners (or white people) are lazy. When that's not the case at all. It's not that white people are generally lazy, it's that westerners created much more do-able work conditions that makes their lives look easy. I'd even say it IS easier to be a westerner than a third worlder thanks to the much more humane work standards, but that's not a bad thing at all. Heck, even third worlders must know it if they want to get into America and Europe all the time.
No. 2007299
>>2007233>I hear it all the time from Indians and they legitimately seem to believe that half of whites don't work and live on welfare.As someone who has worked under an Indian boss, their culture is the fucking worst. These are the people who rape lizards, so it's no surprise their takes on employment are just as warped. They are used to literally beating and screaming at employees in their home country and come to Western countries with the same mindset.
The Indian manager I had would try and talk to me like I was the shit under his shoe and when I didn't let him get away with it, he complained that I was "rude and insubordinate". He tried that crap with other co-workers and eventually found himself out of a job when people started quitting citing him as the reason.
>>2007279Weren't there at least two cases recently about this happening to female teachers? Didn't one of the women get killed too?
No. 2007370
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>>2007366Are you the one who asked if we would be hitwomen to finish off a bunch of blackmailers? Just so you know, I would totally do your dirty work as long as I'm getting paid.
No. 2007372
>>2007349no you're right, it is funny (and extremely pathetic), and not even because moid- anyone who dies due to their own retarded sex/masturbation pursuits is a retard and an embarrassment to the species. Redditors are exactly the kind of people who would defend those pursuits though so you can't expect anything from them, it's too relatable for them kek.
Only thing I'd feel solemn about is the relatives who have to deal with the knowledge or come up with a cover story for when people ask about the death.
No. 2007675
>>2007672Which ones? I've seen the opposite, moids talking about how it shouldn't be stigmatized to like Belle Delphine because pedophilia is "normal" anyway and obsessing over Asian women on twitter who cosplay as loli vtubers and are either very short/petite or edit themselves as such.
The only time I've seen them thirst over adult, curvy women is when they've drawn dicks on them and want to self-insert as tranny futa child rapists (yes, a lot of pedophiles online are trannies, who would've thought).
No. 2007704
>>2007665Most normal moids don't have a strong attachment to a particular body type, only the mentally ill deplorables do. If a moid has their preferences without being obsessive about it i think they should still kill themselves bc their opinion doesn't matter, but they're less defective.
>>2007687Don't worry i wasn't talking about fat women (although being attracted to fatties of either gender is a mentally illness in of itself)
No. 2007705
>>2007690>>2007686I think altchans are more geared toward a general pervert community, so men who are into both adults and children are more populous. The mother and girl thing adds up for both, though, a common fantasy they talk about is having a mother and a child together (which is why I never buy into the "true pedophiles are exclusively into children" thing), but they probably don't spam at length about Belle Delphine there because she and her content are already so oversaturated. I don't know which forum you're talking about, but the two I've seen have users ranging from the "I want to have kids with an adult woman and rape them" to going on about how adult women are disgusting/unattractive.
There are lots of tranny-populated and run instances on the fediverse side, yes. You can tell the same users are also on the altchans because they post the same images (the trannies are open about being "caption makers" and their "edits" get reposted on the boards), but because troondom is more made fun of on imageboards (despite it, again, being the same programmer sock troons hanging out on both), they're less open about it there. All their other opinions are mysteriously the same (eg racism, sexism, etc), one literally called itself "cunnyborea".
No. 2007713
>>2007705Yeah I see what you mean. I guess it really just depends on the type of pervert, there are some who claim to be exclusively attracted to children, while others expand their attraction to adult women. Though that's why I think saying only pedos like "flat chested women" is kinda dumb. Not necessarily because it's wrong, but because they very well could also just like any attractive woman.
And I also feel like trannies expand their perversion outside of image boards, because they're attention whores lol.
No. 2007962
>>2006999I think she's an adult, just very short. She has her own TikTok.
No. 2007963
>>2007946Now that you say this, I honestly would prefer if some animals eat my body so no one has to see my flesh, my bones can be buried somewhere, they're just bones, but I don't want anyone to see my flesh or to use my dead body.
Like, I feel the worst actual after death punishment is being sexually abused, rather than being consumed by nature.
No. 2008207
A lot of white women are weird and love the attention they get going to non-white countries and getting attention for being white. People hate on white men for acting like this in Asia but a lot of white women are exactly the same.
No. 2008218
>>2008212>>2008209I’m not talking about them. I’m talking about the skinny blonde nerds who go to Japan or china to get attention for being a white man. People bash white men for doing it but white women do the same shit. TikTok related is literally in a country dangerous for women dressing sexy(by their standards) just for the male validation she thinks she doesn’t get at home.
No. 2008257
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>>2008207>goes to deprived country where men rape lizards>dressed like picrel and standing in the middle of a crowd looking like a retard >omg they can't stop staring at my aryan beautyI hate these attention whores so much. Same goes for that one tall white guy that walks around japan cosplaying nanami. Like, duh, if you're different in a homogenous environment and dress in a way that isn't the norm there, you're going to get stared at. Lizzo would get the same reaction you're getting.
No. 2008264
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>>2008218Well, some men kinda make fun of these women, only in the context of when these women get raped or killed though
No. 2008274
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>>2008218>white women traveling to Asia for attention from Asian menThis phenomenon reminds me of that one lady who wrote an article to basically complain about traveling to Japan, only to not get any attention from Japanese men. She talked a little down on Japanese women (implying she was more educated than them), and really thought her "blonde" hair was going to score enough exotic points to have all eyes on her when she got off the plane. Nope. Got ignored the whole trip, ate gas station sushi, and flew back tf home. But that article was over ten years ago, I wonder how she's doing now.
No. 2008289
>>2008207why do you act like it’s just white women?
woc, especially black women do the same thing. I can send you probably a dozen videos of “what it’s like to be a black woman in
insert a 99.7% white Balkan country” and then they film random people looking at them and accuse all the men of being thirsty or racist or both
Also white women who go to Asia don’t make snuff films with children, so there’s that
No. 2008304
>>2008274I remember this, I will forever hate that bitch for basically giving fuel to yellow fever fags and everyone else that hates ww
She was a chubby middle aged woman, of course she isn’t going to get male validation in Japan.
I’ve been to Asia as a skinny white girl and got a ton of male attention
But because of her retarded blog post, everyone’s thinks ww are basically incels in Asia lmfao
No. 2008309
>>2008282Nta, agree about it not being exactly the same since moids are always more deprived and disgusting.
However, racebait or not it's pretty common. Back when I was in vkei circles in the early 2010s, I had many western bangya friends that went to japan in delusions that they'd be more than a pump and dump for their shriveled dick bandomen oshi simply because they thought their exoticness made them a 10/10.
It's not exclusive to white women, like
>>2008289 said, but to non-ea women in general.
>>2008292Nta, but I have definitely seen black women do it because they pride themselves in being an object of fetish, especially on kpop forums. Being a weeb/kboo isn't just a white person thing.
No. 2008329
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>it’s hilarious how envious they and white men are of us
No. 2008345
>>2008274KEK it's literally light brown, lmfaooo. I always found it pathetic how blonde women (sometimes real ones, but usually darker blondes) from my country love raving about being the most attractive on planet Earth because arabs and indians fetishize them, kek. That's so pathetic and insecure.
>>2008282Kek, yeah, i feel like there's probably group of men that are just being cringe, like these women. But female counterpart for rapist pedo sex-tourists simply doesn't exist. So it's not "literally the same". I don't see people acting like only men are being specifically cringe? The original post is strange.
>>2008312>it’s hilarious how envious they and white men are of usAnon… I hope this is bait.
No. 2008384
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No. 2008431
>>2008397cringe racebait when we all know the truth is most tourist women are treated as objects of fetish within these conservative communities and when their exotic scrote gets tired of using them as a bangmaid, they'll leave them in the dust for a woman within their culture their fathers would approve of.
>>2008418>People hate on white men for acting like this in Asia but a lot of white women are exactly the same.This was clearly what that "Also…" statement was referring to.
No. 2008659
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>>2008516you got me I wish I was a temu lost in transit belle delphine that left everything behind to go overseas and get pregnant by an ugly barely legal oppa
No. 2008669
>>2008659The look so similar, their face shapes, noses and lips.
>>2008663Kek, maybe she isn't much older.
No. 2008698
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>>2008692>"shotafag">ugly man psyop posters are cradle robbersgirl wth are you talking about
No. 2008704
>>2008698Ikr? Then she said
>what do older women have in common with younger menAs if all men that are young adults are just senseless retards. Just because she's unlucky to find intelligent young men with good work ethic doesn't mean everyone else is. And what's with infatilizing young men? They're still adults. That anon is a good example of what I mean by mainly women losing their shit at older women dating younger men. Guarantee you some 20 year old college boy hooking up with a "MILF" gives 100% less fucks than anon rn.
No. 2008719
loool scrotes shitposting everywhere cause they're THIS
>>2008692 triggered about that thread
No. 2008729
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>>2008692ppl complaining that the old man psyop thread shits on what moids they like always miss the point.
you're free to date someone that looks like picrel if that tickles your fancy. the thread is to discuss the general falling standards in men's appearances, it's not about your individual preferences
No. 2008738
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>>2008731>You have nothing in common with younger men.Older women can if the young man is intelligent and has a nice personality. Not all women are unlucky with meeting men, anon.
>Also, “infatilizing” (kek) the same thing would apply if roles were reversed.It's not so much that I would infantalize the young woman. It's that I don't like young women wasting their youth on wrinkly, death-smelling men that ejaculate battery acid. It's about young women having the potential to do much better than men who need viagra to even get it up. Older women can't really be compared to older men, not even in terms of looks.
>This is not a defense of younger men there’s nothing that a younger man has in common with an older woman because they’re at completely different stages of their lives.They can still bond and come to an agreement. Again, not all young men in their early twenties are broccoli-headed zoom zooms.
>I’m sorry is defending cougars supposed to be some feminist cause?I just don't like it when people act like older women can't have nice things.
>No man is the prize but what the hell do I knowApparently no young men that are worth a shit and nice to fuck.
>I’m not constantly being used as a man’s human pocket pussy like youWho said I had a boyfriend. You're such a drama queen, and you need to work on your insults because they're pretty 4chan-tier, and not in the weaponized autism way.
No. 2008753
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>>2008744Nta but
>using conformist unironically Kek
No. 2008756
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>>2008753>when you properly use words that existed way before south parkwhy are some of you anons so autistic
(infighting) No. 2008781
>>2008736>>2008736>Scrotes literally don’t give a fuck if women talk shit about them. They clearly got mad on their website? Women are always on edge to not hurt moids feelings, because otherwise large ape will kill you, what are you talking about "nothing phases them"?
>I hate that thread because most of the anons love preoccupying their minds with the existence of scrotes, if you truly believe men are shit then fucking close your legs and stop pining for any of them, even the ones who are youngOkay? How is this related to you getting autistic and calling unrelated sarcastic anon a shotafag from psy op thread who steals 18 yo male children that could smash their heads like watermelons from the hands of their weeping mothers? It didn't sound like a statement against anons wanting dicks? Be more straightforward with your critiques, call them the usual "cockbreath" or whatever, kek. I'd rather anons capping for choosing beautiful and younger men, if they're going to be with a man at all, it's better for the species. Who gives a fuck about them "having nothing in common"? Kek. You're not going to stop some women from wanting men with your aggro calling everyone a pedophile technique.
No. 2008785
>>2008783Did you read what she was answering to? It was this
>>2008516, she posted that woman because she thought she was cringe.
No. 2008796
>>2008791I think it might be the anon who created Bechdel thread.
>>2008793Do you think anon genuinely wants to be a "temu lost in transit belle delphine" too?
No. 2008810
>>2008805She's pissed at it because we're "centering our lifes around scrotes", by her own words
>>2008736. It's the same reason Bechdel anon created that thread, she thought anons "talking all the time about men is blackpilling". I might be wrong, but it seems to be her.
No. 2008829
>>2008823No, i don't care about it. I'm just describing what's happening, kek.
>>2008821But they sound literally the same, don't judge me too hard, kek.
>>2008825I'm not making that up, i just remember her posts before she created the thread, i don't have a grudge against it, it's a cool thread.
No. 2008830
>>2008805There are some anons here (or maybe just one, idk) that have a weird grudge against the bechdel thread.
I think anon is literally just making that up because they want to infight with whoever made the thread kek. There's no "bechdel anon" or whatever, it's literally just a thread. It's like someone being like "the celebricowfag is posting again"
No. 2008846
>>2008824The psy op thread is a containment when it comes to /m/, tbf.
Sometimes people want to discuss shows and really don't care if a moid is ugly, bringing up how the bar is below the floor despite everyone trying to talk about plot or characters just comes off as annoying, time and place and all that.
No. 2008848
>>2008831what. all i said is that we should have an ugly women psyop thread because female models and actresses are getting uglier. not women in general.
>>2008832thats not the same its more of an image dump thread and doesn't discuss tiny jewish executives spoonfeeding us their burn
victim faced goddaughters
>>2008835if the website is for calling women ugly then i dont see the harm or inefficacy in one extra thread existing,
nonny >>2008838women are always going to be miles ahead of men though kek, that doesn't mean that the downfall of a digestible woman appearing on the runway is something to just brush under the rug
No. 2008856
>>2008852Never said I thought it was bad. Slow down, practice reader digestion. Also,
>dickmagnetized hypocritesbitch, calm down.
No. 2008857
>>2008841its the same autist who rees about uglyman psyop being a containment and always gets called out
>>>/meta/76983 >>>/m/370761 she's most than likely the fateshitter as well since she frequents the same threads she does. She's my personal board cow. You just have to use /m/ to recognize her autism.
>>2008846it's not and never will be. We can call men ugly anywhere else. Grow a spine if you like ugly scrotes.
No. 2008864
>>2008857If that's true, then why was an ugly moid psy op thread needed in the first place?
Right, because some nonna kept using the fandom discourse thread to bitch about fotm moids she didn't like and then had to be begged to make a thread.
No. 2008873
>>2008865I remember nonna crying about how she couldn't because she was constantly attacked by pickmes (people who wanted to talk about literally anything other than how ugly/cute moids are) kek.
Iirc the reason why they had to beg her to make her own thread was because she said that the thread would get immediately deleted for some reason, too.
No. 2008876
>>2008873idk but proven by
>>>/m/370761 its not a containment and you can call ugly men ugly. You could y'know just ignore it but autistic husbandofags always have to infight and defend the honor of their pixels.
No. 2008882
>>2008876So what? Psy op containment nonna got banned too, multiple times because she couldn't let it go.
Going by ban counts alone, it's a containment thread. Hell, she was sperging in the bl thread the other day.
No. 2008890
>>2008884Similiar enough writing style and autism, she kept calling nonnas pickmes too
Frankly, I don't really care. Just think it's reasonable that people are annoyed at it.
No. 2008895
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>>2008867I don't post on social media. I just want to call ugly men ugly without a hundred retarded men and husbandofags trying to gaslight me. I don't care if you think it's centering to call a spade a spade. For as long as I'm forced to see ugly men in ads, in movies, in music videos, in everything and every place, I will comment on it in the privacy of my home while I do other things. I will not be silent until ugly men in media are a thing of the past, and ugly men in real life are made to feel such immeasurable shame that they wear burkas. These are my terms.
No. 2008896
>>2008890just dont respond? how is that hard these infights always start because anons into ugly men cant accept women dont like that.
>>2008891i am going to call all your husbandos ugly from now on, its not against the rules and you can cry about it
No. 2008897
>>2008894Who the fuck said they wanted to call women ugly?
Fo you mean the psy op nonna that wanted another thread to call women ugly?
No. 2008902
>>2008895nta but we should all be to call whoever i want ugly male or female also
>these are my terms kek and who the hell are you?
No. 2008905
The fact that people think school uniform is restrictive is so baffling to me. In my opinion, it prevents a lot of bullying and is a way to hide differences in the economic backgrounds of students. We don't have to worry about wasting our time with discourse concerning shoulders showing and in all honesty, people getting into trouble over the dress code was incredibly rare because it was kind of impossible. I also feel like children shouldn't be concerned with how they look. During the last 2 years you have to do rigorous exams and there was no way most of us could care enough about how we looked. Even during non-uniform days, we still wore our uniform because we couldn't be arsed. Lastly, i really loved summer dresses in primary school, the weather getting warm enough to wear one was my favourite thing about spring. I get that some people love clothes, but when you think about it, we do still have most of our lives to dress up as a child when you take into account the summer holidays which is literally 3 months long, plus we have the weekends. I know i would have been going to school in pajamas, crocs and matted hair if i went to school in the US though, which clearly shows that most people probably wouldn't give a shit if they had a uniform.
No. 2008911
>>2008903there are women who look like literal shit as well too,
nonnie. you might not agree but it's not a comparison scale of men vs women, its a comparison scale of attractive women vs women now. just like how the comparison scale for men is attractive men vs men now, not men vs women. i thought this was made clear in the ugly made psyop thread kekk?
No. 2008915
>>2008911There are, and we have countless threads about them in /pt/, /snow/, and /w/! Feel free to browse
many of the threads about ugly women, where you can call them ugly to your hearts content.
No. 2008923
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>>2008916I don't give a fuck if you're too lazy or dumb to scroll through the thread and see what I'm referring to. Stop the whataboutism, copes and derails. We don't care.
No. 2008932
>>2008931No, i'm not playing dumb, you're just dumb as a fucking rock and somehow cannot understand the words I am saying. You keep reusing this term "whatboutism" like you just learned it and wanna wiggle it into every sentence you can. Also..
>we're not 12 year olds i'm no detective but this sounds like something a child would say. maybe not 12, possibly 13? kekk
No. 2008934
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holy shit kekkkk I didn’t think my sarcastic shitpost about a bitch with a bad pink wig would lead to ugly man psyop infighting
>>2008783 >>2008793 I was clearly being facetious you sperg. You need tone indicators? I’m including picrel for you.
No. 2008943
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>>2008940I’m so ashamed. I’ll never be silly again. Sorry nonnies.
No. 2008950
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>>2008939But this word doesn't fit into the conversation, or what I was saying. I said that there could be an ugly women psyop thread, period. There is no counteraccusation that was being made, i simply needed to explain my thought process to you multiple times over because you have a lot of trouble understanding context clues, hence why I needed to explain to you that the attractiveness comparison scale is not women vs men, its women vs attractive women. much like how its men vs attractive men. there is nothing "whataboutism" or "counteraccusatory" about it. Your responses are continuing to prove that you do not know what you're saying, and don't understand how the words youre choosing aren't applicable to the conversation we're having. Do you happen to be ESL? Or did you just not pass through high school?
No. 2008952
>>2008945You seriously are not reading anything at all. I never once said that "we should have one to make it fair" i said that i'd like for there to be one so i can post about ugly ass women and public personalities that aren't cows or don't qualify to be cows.
How can this be so hard for you to understand? also, lolcow has never existed to talk about ugly men, and lolcow isn't a womens specific website. Really, if you were to ask the mods (because they have said this before), they will inform you that lolcow is an imageboard that welcomes all users but discourages scrotes from announcing their presence, this was something they came out and said during hellweek. make of that what you will.
No. 2008954
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>>2008947and the extreme beauty standards aren't working because they're getting uglier and more inbred looking.
No. 2008955
>>2008950It's sad how
triggered you've gotten over this. What are you trying to prove? Were you ignored all your life or something, so getting dismissed even on an anonymous imageboard makes you seethe? It's already been explained that there's no psyop for ugly women. Didn't bother reading your post, by the way.
No. 2008965
>>2008961No? I was responded to.
>>2008939 wasn't a reply lol.
No. 2008983
>>2008980that response is nonsensical, i'm homophobic because i've gone out into the real world and encountered faggot men face to face kek. they are existentially
abusive to women and i'm proud to be a homophobe
No. 2008988
>>2008985Have you ever gone to a shelter and actually witnessed tweaking meth heads up close and personal? Because I have and I do guarantee that they don't have the motor skills or the cognition to open a laptop, let alone carry on a conversation and on the topic of ugliness
>>2008986who did i insult in that post other than sydney sweeney…?
No. 2009014
>>2002950>>2003020americans love to pretend community college does not exist. i've met many white trailer trash who actually worked before getting licenced in jobs that actually pay, like becoming electricians. you posit a fictional scenario in your mind and propose it as evidence. it is not. class struggle is real, and it overlaps with the history of slavery in ths usa, but this , your argument is pure bullshit. unfortunately many minorities just perform very badly at academics for a variety of reasons but some minorities perform much better than others. here's a big one, the lack of family support and what we call "nuclear" family, which is obviously the consequence of all that shitty widespread culture (gang violence, crime, promiscuity, drugs, celebrity worship). it begs the question, are people responsible for the culture they uphold which in itself is self sabotaging? asians perform much better than blacks, even west asians aka, pakistanis, indians etc etc.
No. 2009018
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>>2009015That's still not what you're doing
nonnie No. 2009021
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>>2009016Wow, you really didn't understand a word I said did you. I didn't say that there needs to be an ugly women psyop thread because sydney sweeney exists. I said there should be an ugly women psyop thread because women, as a whole, are getting uglier. Actresses, models, and just pedestrian women are all uglier compared to women 70 years ago. This is something we all know and can confirm easily by comparing photographs.
(bait) No. 2009027
>>2009021Where in the fuck has Greta
ever been considered the beauty standard KEKKK
No. 2009032
>>2009021Do you ever touch grass? there's an infinity of reasons as to why you're wrong.
>70 years ago taking a picture was expensive so you won't have an accurate representation of the time> you're comparing a sexy actress to an autistic teenager
> People did not have dental procedures, consumed much more alcohol, smoked much more, did not use any type of sunscreen> Women had to breed with the scrote their parents arranged a mariage with > There's evidence backing up the fact that we look younger than previous generations>This phenomenon of prefering vintage pictures is called survivorship biasnow i'll give you one, one single argument in your favor, all our stuff are fucking filled with hormonal disruptors, but you have to imagine it was actually worse when there was no such thing as FDA approved.
No. 2009038
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Lol, lmao even
No. 2009078
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>>2009053I'm glad I said no one gives a fuck and ignored you because KEK
No. 2009085
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I'm actually happy that the media industry is more welcoming of diversity of beauty and aesthetics when it comes to representing women, men always had more variety.
I love new faces like Anok Yai, Yasmin Wijnaldum, and Anya Taylor Joy.
No. 2009100
>>2009095the /g/ thread is an image dump thread, this thread also discusses the cultural trends, media tropes, and societal reactions surrounding this generation of women. For example in this post,
>>2009093 it is explored how the current fat positive, 'ugly women are the real stacies' trend thats been running since about 2017 has influenced popular culture, including previous works that existed prior to this shift. This societal change caused such an extreme rift in media, to the point where in remakes of movies; women who are supposed to be attractive, who were originally beautiful, are now fat ugly fucking garbage bags that look like a bunch of beans will fall out of them if they get a papercut.
No. 2009106
>>2009103Oh I don't like that one fucking bit, I have been using lolcow since I was 16 years old and I know for a fact that this website revolved around talking down to
alll ugly motherfuckers. I have nothing against the ugly male psyop thread! I think it is a good thing! It is a thread that I continually use! I'm simply saying that theres nothing wrong with having a thread to talk about how famous women are getting uglier.
(ban evasion) No. 2009111
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>the west has fallen, brothers
No. 2009115
>>2009107I agree, somewhat. A lot of people use the excuse of being "divergent" (aesthetically wise, culturally wise, sexually wise and now even psyche-wise) to elevate themselves as better than-
But also, different to what extent? "the average woman' - women - are not a monolith, they enjoy differents things, have different religions, beliefs…
No. 2009179
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this bitch was absolutely HIDEOUS and i'm tired of everyone pretending otherwise. she looks like an inbred freak, like a lego head version of anya taylor joy
No. 2009181
>>2009167This site is not feminist central nor it ever was one, I’m fine with anons being catty and I prefer it to sanitized character of other female spaces, but I think a certain principle should be uphold. No males, no overt woman-bashing. And that anon was very much worried about looks of gen z women specifically.
>>2009169Agreed, also fat women were also the beauty standard in some contexts in the past, it’s not new and it’s dying out currently like you said.
>>2009172Learn the definition of 'comparison', imbecile.
No. 2009223
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>have unpopular opinion>go to unpopular opinion thread to share it>infighting.jpeg>oh ok I'll wait for that to calm down>periodically visit thread to find a rare moment where anons aren't tearing out each other's throats >moment never really comesI'll just say it now: I LOVE EPILATING MY LEGS!!!! I don't know why everyone hates it so much, it's my favorite way of removing body hair. The pain feels amazing, seeing the previously hairy areas become smooth for weeks is satisfying, and tweezing out whatever hairs I missed or became ingrown later is fun while watching Youtube videos or something.
>>2009179She looks like Mr Bean
No. 2009331
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the one good thing about AI art is that it has taught artists they are just as disposable as any other worker under capitalism. ive seen too many artists act like taking furry commissions, gluing together shitty crafts, or doing community theater makes them a revolutionary (as opposed to all the wagie sheeple) picrel, cant stand an actor who thinks what they do is important in any way and have known plenty of others with the same attitude
No. 2009419
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>>2009406famous last words
No. 2009440
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>>2009426Well it's based that you cursed the thread because there's no psyop for ugly women any fucking way. Seriously, society objectively treats ugly women worse than men, so if somebody truly believes that there's a massive, hollywood-assisted psyop for men to date/marry ugly women like how the genders are reversed, it's unfortunate that they have an IQ that's still in the single digits range. Never thought I'd see an anon cape for scrotes so fucking hard that they felt the need to point and finger at women cry about ugly women somehow having it "too good in reputation", but here we are.
No. 2009553
>>2009549Yeah it is still going because the conversation isn’t over, and it won’t be over until someone is able to disprove my claims, which no one has. Falling back on the
>euuu i don’t have to prove anything >euuu you’re just gonna call her ugly anyways >euuu you’re autistic doesn’t assist the narrative you’re trying to reaffirm.
No. 2009563
>>2009532You're right. I've only ever seen the people most likely to be in those kinds of LDRs in the first place sperg about them (so, imageboard users, incel-adjacent types, self-proclaimed blackpillers or people who used to browse that subreddit for "
femcels" and the like). I think they're just doing as much as they can to seem normie-adjacent, but actual normal people don't really give a shit. Most people these days meet their partner through apps these days, anyway. If you live in the middle of nowhere, or just have interests or opinions that aren't very widespread, it might be one of the only choices at your disposal.
No. 2009564
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>>2009562>You must be ugly if you think actresses and models are getting uglier Sure okay! We’ll go with that! Since you still haven’t been able to post a photo of an actress or model you find attractive, I’ll continue to post photographs of actress and model women who prove my point directly. Here’s a cosmo model from 2015…
No. 2009566
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>>2009564And here’s a cosmo model from 1970. Are you starting to catch on?
No. 2009602
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>>2009583I was about to say, "anon that's fucked up", but my time in highschool helped me remember there's a reason why the speds had their own lunch period while all the other students were in class. They don't just get bullied a lot, but some retards can harass people a lot. Remember that giant retard student who stomped his teacher for taking away his game? Maybe it's for the best that legitimate retards remain more "separated". Yeah, I'm getting really bitchy with this take.
No. 2009608
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That was my post, i was about to resend. Here're my chosen fronts. And i knew this is what was about to happen. She has a classical face, she's simply not your taste. Many people don't think Brigitte Bardot is beautiful, whether you believe it or not, this is now becoming an infight about the types of faces. Both of those women are young and well put together, they're not an examples of psyop.
No. 2009618
>>2009607Ayrt idk, some of us have a thing for unconventional faces, I used to like her character in PD a lot because she was loud and annoying, Mia was a bit bland to me. It was a children's/teen movie and 6 year old me liked the quirky girl trope.
>>2009609My exact thoughts,
nonnie, if I have to take a side on this I'm all for different faces on media, specially if it's a teen movie
No. 2009622
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>>2009611Do you think Brigitte is universally beautiful for everyone? Here's her without makeup. I personally don't like her even with the styling, but i don't think she's ugly. When she got old, she stopped being filmed in movies. If she was a man, she'd be shilled in her 50s still, kek.
Trying to pinpoint which type of the face is the most beautiful is a useles endeavor, it'll be subjective all the time, i already know how it happens, there's no end to it, it's ridiculous. I'ts especially bizarre that you have used an example of not classical face of Bardot that people of her time thought of as ugly before the fashon types of the 60s came, and said that the classical face is ugly. Use such standards as youth, good health, no obvious physical abnormalities, styling, otherwise it's subjective.
No. 2009623
>>2009620the point is that the best friend from the princess diaries was
never shilled to anyone as attractive, and she is a side character who has no need to be attractive, unlike when they cast old man ryan gosling as ken
No. 2009644
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They fished out normal girls and gave them the Hollywood makeover. I see people calling old Hollywood actresses ugly all the time. I see the sentiment that "people in the past looked ugly" all the time.
I do think that the most popular actresses and models leave you to wish for the better, but i don't think there's a deliberate psyop like with men, but just a consequence of nepotism. I know zero of the most popular of them who didn't go into bussiness through nepotism. In 20th century, they were simple girls most of the time, diamonds in the rough.
From modern actresses, i find that Amber Heard was very beautiful before the fiasco.
No. 2009652
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>>2009644Also Dakota Fanning is gorgeous, but she looks a bit haggard on some photos of her last movie, probably related to the plot, it must be horror.
No. 2009772
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>>2009711idk but it's retarded. picrel must be what they think peak beauty looks like
No. 2009773
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>>2009753So the anon calling for Ugly Women Psyop thread is mad that we don't talk enough about women being ugly?
On the imageboard famous for dissecting female cows and celebrities we don't like? Then when anon is asked to describe HOW women are "becoming uglier", it's bssically because anon thinks they don't look enough like
teenagers? They name it the Ugly Women Psyop thread, as if there's an actual psyop that helps ugly women when there's research that it's harder for them to GET JOBS? Then anon and her followers try to back it up with "you guys talk too much about men anyway", as if we don't have things like Bechdel, and a 'Women Shilled as Attractive'? And their apparent answer to anons talking too much about men is to sperg for twenty four hours about how ugly they female celebrities are becoming? That user, woman, man, or whatever the fuck really needs to sit the fuck down somewhere. This is getting old and ridiculous.
No. 2009808
>>2009773>basically saying they don’t look enough like teenagers This makes 0 sense. A pubescent young girl is never going to look beautiful at that stage in her life, not compared to a grown woman (23+). None of the examples I used for beautiful women were teenagers either, they were all adults.
>this is getting old and ridiculous well the conversation probably would’ve been over already if things didn’t need to be re-explained to you 60 times kek. The statement I’m making is very neutral compared to what is regularly posted on this website.
(ban evasion) No. 2009843
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>>2009776kek your age gap isn't THAT large. Tbh I'm in a similar situation and I have a lot in common with my zoomer bf but it's because we like a lot of the same things.
>>2009829>he wants to fuck teenagers but you're the youngest he could find>30KEK anon what the fuck are you talking about
No. 2009885
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inshallah psyop spergchan will take her meds today
anyway my unpopular opinion is that vein pics repulse me. I think the whole pronounced vein thing can be attractive as a trait but the whole "daddy dom hand pic" trend on social media sites and the whores thirsting in the replies contorts my face into disgust. So cringe. Congrats retard you get adequate blood supply to you peripherals.
No. 2009893
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>>2009889exactly! always makes me think of corpse husband. thirst-trapping his veins all the time and we now know in reality he is an ugly manlet. the whole online persona his type goes for is so unappealing.
No. 2009907
>>2009750I used to think it was a woman too, until he said
>neotenousOnly incels talk like that. Pickmes can be catty too but they talk differently.
No. 2009917
>>2009907How dare I use a word you dislike right kek. The scrotefoiling is really reaching new heights…
>reee women can only use specific words and they must only speak in the way i believe they should!!!!!!!! literally get off the internet for 5 minutes
(ban evasion) No. 2010006
>>2010000ok well thats my fault for using the wrong word, i guess i should've just said small or peaheaded. i stand corrected
>>2009998i said she looked more effeminate compared to the manly/troonish looking women in mainstream media
No. 2010012
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>>2009911>>2009937Same. It’s especially egregious on tiktok. You’ll have a copy paste drainer egirl use a filter that gives her comically exaggerated princess peach lips like picrel and all the comments will be along the lines of “I wish I looked like you!”
She may be actually be pretty but even she doesn’t look like that kek. Like please grow a brain.
No. 2010050
>>2010043>eastern euro conspiritard autistim a burger but that sure is a cute fantasy kek and i dont see how this is any more conspiritarded than the ugly male psyop thread
>>2010046its the weekend, and i've been having this conversation while completing other tasks nonners. also its only been 18 hours. 2 days is 48 hours.
No. 2010052
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>>201004818 is better than 48 because it is less time.
No. 2010054
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>>2010052Arguing for eighteen hours almost straight isn't really any better. That's still eighteen hours of going back and forth just for almost everyone to agree that you are retarded. That is not the "win" you think it is.
No. 2010093
>>2009776>We actually don’t have shit in common besides sex but that’s all straight relationshipsKek what? What kind of shit relationships have you had so far? Are you seriously saying all het couples do together is fuck and only tolerate talking to each other? I've shared plenty of interests with my scrote partners, even when they were LDR and we couldn't have sex for a while.
I honestly find it odd how young the boys some anons here seem to date are (saw one with a 19 year old bf in the vent thread earlier today, too). I'm in my late 20s and am incapable of being attracted to anyone below the age of around 25, they all look and behave like children.
No. 2010095
>>2010087Yeah 'hooked on the social media drip' just isn't a good excuse imo, would anyone here have the same drive to make excuses for an alcoholic or crack addict or whatever? At least those are physical addictions that cause actual severe withdrawal symptoms but nothing bad will physically (or mentally) happen to you if you just log off instagram for a couple weeks. And even on lolcow threads tons of anons will act like drinking one glass of wine makes you a degenerate so why be so forgiving toward people who knowingly fuck up their mental health with apps on purpose?
Then again it's easy for me to say because I never understood the appeal of these apps, I literally have a job where I actually 'need' to be on them for self-promotion (not of my looks lmao of my art) and I consistently forget to log in because they are so uninteresting to me I can't imagine how it's even possible to get addicted to them. Even lolcow is more addictive because it allows you to have actual conversations rather than just scrolling through an endless feed of ads and boring filter faces.
No. 2010105
>>2010100What is a 'feminine interest'? Not being combative I just genuinely don't know what you mean. You can't possibly believe that all males or even half of males want to talk about world of warcraft and high speed trains?
Also human beings may be 'naturally homosocial' but in a society where people are packed and stacked into very densely populated areas there will always be tons of people of both sexes who share interests beyond basic survival interests and sexed traits like our distant ancestors did, so platonic friendships with opposite friends are completely normal. Lots of people have them. Even if you normally don't have cross-sex friendships a relationship partner should be the exception where you have more things in common than sex because you will likely be spending a lot more time together than with any other friend if you stay together and/or start a family.
No. 2010115
>>2010105So you admit heterosocial behaviour is unnatural and wouldn’t exist in an ideal society?
Anyway I enjoy snarking, drawing and birdwatching. Most males into these are fags or socially maladjusted losers. I don’t want neither around me.
You don’t need to “have things in common” if you can just tolerate each other. It doesn’t matter if you have the same hobbies or whatever if both parties just let the other be and don’t tread on personal space. Many women (including me) would only get into relationships because they don’t want to be single mothers. I’m happily single because I’m young and don’t want kids yet. I feel no desire to get a testie-bestie, I’m not a faghag. I just need someone else to change diapers and extra cash when time comes. That’s it. The more you treat men like girlfriends the more they forget their responsibilities towards you. They start becoming emotional leeches. You’re free to find a likeminded “life partner” of course, it’s just not something I personally value or find realistic. At the end of the day, males are parasites who attach themselves to us.
>>2010109Clearly you’ve never been an ‘ugly’ woman if you think it’s that easy to get someone to crush on you kek. But you are generally right.
No. 2010121
>>2010115If you think paleolithic society or extremely patriarchal ancient societies where women were kept as kitchen sex slaves are 'ideal' societies, sure. I believe in not just biological but also social evolution and I think our society has evolved past the point where we think purely about reproductive and survival needs. I personally prefer a society where women have rights, aren't kept hidden away as broodmares etc. and where we have actual civilizations.
Most males period are socially maladjusted losers, but I'm sure there's plenty of males who birdwatch or draw who also aren't. These aren't even 'feminine' hobbies, they were considered masculine until recently. I guess if you would rather have a relationship where you 'just tolerate' your partner that's fine but to me it sounds depressing and like a relationship I would never want to have because heterosexual sex is just not that important to me or enough of a need to live with someone I 'just tolerate' for sex. If you want to have a baby with a moid it's extra important that you have a real mutually respectful relationship because if you 'just tolerate' each other your child will grow up messed up and mentally maladjusted. Sex for cash even in a 'long term relationship' setup is barely different than prostitution and something women worked really hard to get away from as it was the norm for thousands of years in patriarchal societies.
> The more you treat men like girlfriends the more they forget their responsibilities towards you. They start becoming emotional leeches.This is not even true. If you find a male partner who actually shares your values and interests and respects you he's far less likely to forget his responsibilities. The worst emotionally leeching relationships I've ever seen were the ones where the couple had barely anything in common beyond sex.
Also I have been a conventionally 'ugly' woman and a pretty one and I had some male friends crushing on me both when I was pretty and ugly, men are weirdly emotionally weak and will develop romantic feelings even for ugly women if they feel they have an emotional bond. But I usually nip these in the bud easily by refusing to play the mommy-BFF role for them and draw clear boundaries and it's never been that big a problem for me once I grew out of thinking I could treat moids like female friends. I've also had tons of friendships with males that never got to that point though since I just met them through shared hobbies, school or career and never got emotionally close or emotionally coddled them.
No. 2010153
>>2010139i think the next one should still be
No. 2010156
>>2010149Ikr? I had to stop reading at the first sentence because how is heterosexuality so unnatural if that's the way humans reproduce? The
No. 2010174
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Chickens are the best pets ever, they may be morons but hens are more compassionate than most dogs and cats, they never run away unless you're mistreating them, they're not typically noisy plus you get free food and fertiliser out of them. You could even keep them indoors if you want to shell out for chicken nappies.
Also there's tons of cool breeds and all of them are less inbred than your average pure breed dog.
No. 2010183
>>2010180You know what? It's been a while since I even had a boyfriend but I can dig it. If that's what works, then shit, it
No. 2010228
>>2010225Samefag but I also don't worry about
toxic shock since I take them out after like 30-60 minutes usually (depending on my flow) and I do freebleed at night when my flow gets a bit lighter.
No. 2010258
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>ugly women didn't exist in the pas-
No. 2010277
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>>2010267tbh i feel like that makeup style back then made everyone look a bit trannyish
>>2010268the last girl looks like cardi B in a bad way
No. 2010332
>>2010321So it was confirmed a male? I wouldn't be surprised. Everybody already knows there's ugly women, but believing that society has a psyop to shill ugly women is moid-tier tinfoiling. That's some shit
redditors would believe and say.
No. 2010348
>>20103211) i didn't 'shit up the thread for 2 days', the thread went on for 19 hours until it ended here
>>2010079 , and now its being reawoken for no reason. 2) you're clearly aching for attention by feeding an infight that is already over because we came to a conclusion.
(ban evasion, stop replying to this retard) No. 2010588
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>>2010174I keep chickens and I agree. My main reason for keeping chickens was eggs and I was genuinely surprised by how endearing they are as pets. The first cock I had was a Cornish Cross because I intended to raise him for meat but I couldn't bring myself to do it.
No. 2010665
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>>2010658AYRT and I think people who have visited Japan say that Japanese women are much more professionally or just fashionably dressed than westerners. Like Korean women, apparently Japanese women put ample precision and active attention into their looks and health. Impressing a 10/10 Japanese guy (especially one that comes from wealth) is not going to work when you're just a run-of-the-mill westerner that's average looking, as Japanese men are known for being hesitant when approaching their female counterparts. So I figured if you're a westerner trying to snag a 10/10 Japanese guy, you need to
bring it on, y'know? Crazy how that lady thought Jap dudes were gonna fall at her feet just because she's western and """""""blonde"""""""
No. 2010675
>>2010671Imagine men if they had their equivalent of endometriosis. Schools, grocery stores, malls, offices, departments, and hospitals everywhere would be shot the fuck
up every other week because "MY BALLS HURT TOO MUCH!!"
No. 2010681
>>2010174They really are lovely and fun to keep (I had some sebrights growing up and they were the best little weirdos, gorgeous too).
imo birds in general are kinda slept on as pets, whether it's livestock/domesticated species like chickens, ducks, geese, quails, or pigeons/doves, or a less-domesticated group like parrots (I've got two and they're the light of my life lol), but parrots need a lot more work than a lovely garden chook or two. If you give birds the time, care and handling like you would a puppy or kitten, they really do shine as pets/companions.
No. 2010703
>>2010689While I can understand that (I can never have mice again, for example, their lifespan is just too short for how sweet they are), birds are actually way easier to keep happy and healthy than their reputation suggests- birds are exotics and require specific care that many people don't think to even research after getting one or owners are given bad advice (eg feeding parrots a seed-only diet will cause many health issues, or opting for the bare-minimum sized enclosure). My parrots are 9 and 10 years old, and both could easily make it to their 30-40s, and aside from one bruising his brow while playing one time, they've never had health issues. Hardier birds like fowl and doves are extremely easy to keep, so long as you meet their needs and learn how to handle them.
Like all exotics, such as reptiles and fish, a lack of information or the desire to have a pet as an ornament is usually the reason why they get stereotyped with being short-lived or delicate when what's actually happening is neglect or ignorance. A budgie can live to 10, but many don't make it past their second year, and many fish can live for at least 3 years or even decades, but many only last a week or two after purchase. It sucks.
(sorry for the sperg kek)
No. 2010731
>>2010729You ever had bubblegum flavor
nonnie? Baskin Robbins deserves a war crime tribunal.
No. 2010746
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>>2010744I like cotton candy