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No. 1153807
Whatever ails you, dump it here, sisters.
>>>/ot/1122088 No. 1153928
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>>1153902What do you mean? I went to church one time and I was immediately invited by another woman to go on a trip to a convent and I decided to just go
because unironically yolo. They had a lodging for guests and we stayed there. It's not really difficult to go visit a convent, you just have to give them a heads up. They usually liked guests, because they can help around the place. It's like a whole bunch of grandmas who don't have any kids of their own, so they're really caring and enjoy having people there who they can feed kek. It's easier to stay for a short while than to actually become a full-on nun, there are a lot of requirements nowadays, because many regret it. I wasn't even baptized at that time. I've also been invited to a convent in Georgia, but then the pandemic happened and with everything going on with Russia and Ukraine, I'd rather not stay in that area for weeks kek. The staying at convents thing really fell more into my lap. I also was gifted a lot of books about becoming a nun. I'm not exactly sure why.
No. 1154239
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Whenever my computer blocks a virus or anything of the sort, I feel giddy. I picture a tall, toned androgynous woman with short hair and a slightly deep voice protecting me.
>>1153901>>1153904Me too.
No. 1154629
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Oh nonnies, I feel so stupid.
My ex and I recently had a mutual breakup and all this has done is made me realize I don't want us to be over. We're slowly getting back into the friend territory but I just miss him terribly and just want to be around him. I know we both need space to work on ourselves but I guess I just am scared of us growing apart.
No. 1155146
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Whenever I watch a video about disabled kids and their able siblings I feel intense despair and dread for the able siblings. I think about how they will have to care for their sibling in some way or another in the future and it will weigh heavy on them. They can’t live a normal life due to circumstances beyond their control.
No. 1155150
>>1155070Recognizing art styles is bound to happen when there are regulars. I think it would truly be avatarfagging when someone keeps drawing the same thing or the same kind of thing in the same way. I can think of a few people.
I wonder if you can recognize my art…
>>1155021Nona, I'm a NEET (well not really, I'm in training) living with my parents, and even though I feel like an asshole for wishing this, I wish my mother left me alone for a few days. I can't stand her ordering me around and screaming at me anymore. When I'm alone in my room and nobody downstairs bothers me because I need to study for my job, my stress is reduced so much that I feel genuinely happy with myself and my life for the first time in years. My personal hygiene has also improved. I wish I could move out already, I do not want to keep being treated or feel like a kid or an incompetent useless retard, I just want to be alone and take care of my responsibilities on my own, at my own fucking pace.
I've also been staying up really late these days (in fact, right now I should be waking up but instead I'm about to go to sleep) because I prefer working at night since it's so quiet and there's virtually zero chance of being interrupted. Even though it's fucking up my sleep, it has also given me time to study more, enjoy music and shows that have been in my watchlist for years, and draw as soon as inspiration hits. I don't feel like I'm wasting my time as much as I used to.
No. 1155176
>>1153829I've been having these moments lately where I'm in bed in the evenings (too early because I've no life) and I'll just be overwhelmed with the thought
> Something needs to change and it needs to change soon or I can't do this anymoreHits me hard. I'm not a drinker, never tried a drug, I don't have money to spend, I don't overeat, I don't believe in god, What escape is left? Romance would be nice. I don't know how anyone is going to find me given I don't go anywhere but if they want to just fall into lap then go ahead universe lol
No. 1155217
>>1155154Yeah but I feel like as a sibling there’d be intense guilt about “sending them off”.
>>1155155It’s a shitty situation all around. Too bad people can’t advocate for late term abortions re: severe disability without receiving hate and threats or just being denied. The way we talk about the severely disabled as if they are angels who deserve to live because they make us all better is just… not true.
No. 1155573
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Steve Buscemis character from ghost world got me feeling some kind of way…
No. 1155635
>>1155505>during training I fell in love with another representative who also turns out to be a local communist party politician.Ok cool
>He's almost in his 40s,Ok, as long as you're not super young?
>seems a bit tinfoil-hat and looks like a little goblin, but his sincerity and radicalness endeared me.Ok, cute
>Idk how to stop these feelings, I already have a bf.Ok, what the fuck
No. 1155663
>>1155555This, tell him to say "hitherto" during sex to turn you on.
But seriously, maybe that anon could radicalize her actual boyfriend however she wants, if she likes it so much.
>>1155153Tbf a big part of it is my fault, but also I think I made it sound worse than it is. My mom loves me, but I make her angry because I'm a mess.
No. 1155779
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I miss her and I hope she's doing well
No. 1155805
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This is the most petty bullshit in the world, but as a comedian/comedy writer myself I fucking LOVEEEE clicking on male comedians’ Twitter and seeing that I have more active followers than them. The high is better than sex, I swear to fucking god. I just KNOW they notice, and then they always need to try extra hard to impress me for validation and I pretend to not know what they’re doing. THIS IS THE ONE MOMENT WHERE I FEEL POWERFUL AND, FUCK, I WILL RIDE IT AS LONG AS I CAN
No. 1155814
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as a woman who loves the "draw a girl, call it a guy" trope the consistent hatred for it here annoys me. i get lc considers feminine/gnc men "troon-adjacent" – whatever. that argument doesn't irritate me as much as the girlies who are like "durr men don't look like that irl! no man looks like that irl!! WTF HOW COULD ANYONE DRAW THIS MAN WITH CURVES" as if that isn't the whole point of fiction.
i hate seeing it in the fujo thread especially. cat boys and self-lubricating assholes don't exist either but nobody ever spergs about them or proclaims enjoying them is a sign of "porn-rot". fuck
No. 1156023
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Few years ago I've met an amazing girl, we shared so many interests, and were so similar with the exception of her being much more brave and free-spirited than me. She lived far away so we met for a few times to travel together, and these times were so beautiful, it felt like we're in love, we experienced these places together and it was like a dream. And then, about a year after meeting her for the first time, she disappeared from my life completely, all I know is that she moved even further away and most likely just built a new, different life there. Eventually so did I, and I know I wouldn't want to go back to what it was, but I still miss her sometimes. Looking back at these days with her feels almost like looking back at a movie, surreal that it happened to me. I hope whatever she is living right now, she's happy.
No. 1156035
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it’s embarrassing but i still cut even at nearly 20. i can’t kill myself because i need to support my family and friends, so i do this instead to ease the pain
No. 1156060
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>>1156037ah yes because picrel shows how totally sexual and coomer they both are, totally the same thing not a singular difference here at all.
>>1155814You have shit taste and deserve to be clowned on.
No. 1156061
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My boss who's twice my age confessed to liking me "more than he should".
I started this office job in the summer of 2020, everything was fine, I performed well, liked my coworkers and vice-versa. Due to covid most of us worked remotely but since I lived by myself I asked if I could still come to the office so that I wouldn't go crazy. My boss would come to office as well, claiming he can focus there better.
He's a decent man, for a scrote. I'm a pretty private person and don't share a lot about personal life so we mostly talked about football, politics and business, nothing serious. I have history of older men liking me since I come off as a cool, pick me girl and moids interpret that as being flirtatious. At the end of 2020 I noticed he may like me a bit too much so I conscientiously distanced myself a bit.
Our coworkers kinda started to notice and made comments that we're thick as thieves, but that was to be excepted, I spent my days with him and others would come into the office sporadically so it was normal I felt most as ease with him. At one point, a coworker remarked that if someone wanted my boss to agree to something, they should come to me first and have me ask him because he wouldn't say no to me.
I was alarmed at that and mad at myself for allowing this work relationship get too close. He'd ask me sometimes to do some activities outside of office but thank fuck I would always politely decline. And then we had an office Christmas party. All of us went out to dinner and then drinks. I had like five whiskey sours during the whole evening and switched to water after midnight. Everyone but myself, him and another moid-coworker left and we started talking about office dynamics, conflicts and all that. I brought up the fact that people noticed he liked me best and was more lenient towards me than others. He claimed it was because I'm young and allowed to fuck up. The other moid left and I started to get going as well but he asked me not to go. And then he got emotional, I mean really emotional. Saying that I always made him feel at ease, he feelt like he could open up to me without judgement, yadda yadda. It felt so surreal I wanted to burst out laughing. That desire quickly dissappeared when he said he liked me a lot, more than he's supposed to. That he wished he was younger and we'd met during college. That he hated the fact that I'd eventually leave the company and he wouldn't see me everyday.
I didn't know how to react, I liked him as a coworker and nothing more. If he were a regular guy I'd tell him to back off but he was my boss. I told him I didn't feel like that and called an uber. He insisted on walking me out and when the uber was there asked if it would be inappropraite if he got in the car with me and then went home. I said fuck yes it would be and smashed the car door closed.
The next day was probably the most awkward day of my life. He came in at midday, clearly hungover to hell and back and we didn't talk much. I didn't even want to look at him, I was uncomfortable and pissed off at him. At the end of the day, when I was leaving work, he asked if he could walk me out as usual (he'd do that for the past year, he's a smoker and walking me to subway was an excuse to have a smoke. Or rather having a smoke was a excuse to walk me out). And then that fucker had the gall to ask me to try behaving as if nothing had happended the previous night, that we didn't want anyone to notice something's off with us. I wanted to scream at him in the middle of the street, that I wouldn't have to pretend nothing happened if he hadn't said anything. Instead I just nodded and said I'll try.
My friends think it's a hilarious story and I can only blame myself for being a catnip for midlife crisis ridden men. Thank god my contract expires in only five months and I definitely will not prolong.
No. 1156095
>>1155827I was on ssris too, fuck those. I never would've gone on them had I known of the side effects.
>>1155921This is true lmao and also why I have two trusty fbw guys I go to. ONS seems like too much effort for potentially (most likely) shitty sex.
No. 1156109
>>1156066worst part is, he'd vocally support
victims of harassment, it's just typical moid behavior
>>1156069thank you. I'm a bit clownish so I tell all my stories as if they're funny. I think that post was the first time recalling all this without a single trace of humor
>>1156073he really fucking did ruin it. I liked him, I asked him advice on career and college stuff or how to set the fucking thermostat at my apartment right
No. 1156128
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>>1156060i don't really care about astolfo (my favorite femboy is maraich from patarillo! or thistle, or maybe lio) but most characters in the gate series have fanservice-y designs…i'd argue his design isn't even that sexual.
within the series tho if you need examples that are chaste, there's lanling wang + paris.
No. 1156145
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>>1156117>bifauxnenFuck anon bless you for teaching me this word. Might get back into anime so I can find a lady husbando.
No. 1156279
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>>1156213there's sir integra too.
>>1156217plenty of male-created examples exist though. see pic-related, kino from kino's journey, the entire "prince girl" archetype in yuri manga, etc. i feel they're similar in that these are "draw a boy, call it a girl". in older yuri manga women like this would straight up just be male bodies (rectangular, little to no curves, etc.) with breasts (see onii-sama e)
No. 1156282
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this astolfo is a good example of a trap designed by a woman. but there are also, plenty of traps designed by women out there. like the author of himegoto! or that one vtuber (tamaki something). yuka from blue period. even harada (big name bl artist) has a few traps in her works. it isn't like, an explicitly "male coomer only" thing
>>1156128also just noticing that this is spoilered for some reason huh
No. 1156284
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>>1156273Thank you nona!
Is Kurenai any good? Looks like it has some attractive female characters.
No. 1156311
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I want to get it on with a priest
No. 1156347
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>>1156332yesss same
>>1156335God that would be great
No. 1156384
>>1156311yes yes yes this and i want to make a religious woman fall in love with me, that’s my ultimate fantasy.
>>1156347I need to watch this movie already, that scene with him hiding behind the sheet and acting coy gets me going.
No. 1156392
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I only take a shower like 2x weekly and I work 14 hour weekdays.
Dry shampoo and expensive perfumes are my besties. Most days I forget to wash my face but I don't break out thanks to a hormone medication that controls sebum. Everyone thinks I'm hygienic and says I smell nice.
Nobody knows my rottencrotch secret, not even my fiance.
Why fix what isn't broke?
No. 1156817
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>>1156812Does he have a charming personality?
No. 1156838
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I have a niece and a nephew, they are two years apart in age and not in school yet. The second I met my niece, I loved her, she's a covid baby so she was pretty big when I first got to spend time with her and compared to my nephew, she's fucking delightful. I already have changed up my will, gonna leave so much to her and mostly nothing for the nephew because tbh, he is a fucking brat and a mini scrote. My niece will always be the underdog compared to the nephew so of course I am gonna treat her way better, teach her everything I know about fucking over moids and make sure she is financially ok when I die. I am not gonna treat my nephew badly, but I am already so much more no bs with him, and I am almost afraid people will notice but girls gotta stick together and all that shit. Love my niece so much, never realized you could love a kid that's not your own like this
No. 1156856
>>1156796Yes that's exactly it, I'm jealous because their drawing feels like something I truly want to draw, but somehow they got to it first and now I can't. But I guess nothing is truly original… is that what inspiration is?
I'm so glad you understand
No. 1157214
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>>1156675>himegotookay so i did read this one, but it's not the himegoto i was referring to – i meant pic-related.
if you enjoyed That himegoto though, you'll probably like genderless danshi too. it's fluffy.
No. 1157375
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I think lolcow's board-tan design is really unappealing. Idc how well the art of her is rendered, it just doesn't work for me. The hairstyle is terrible, the teeth look weird, she's generally drawn with loli proportions and her color scheme sucks. It's looks cringe and juvenile as fuck. I tried to force myself to like her so much but the design is awful.
No. 1157383
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>>1157381No, don't twist it. I myself am flat so I definitely don't see small breasts as child-like. But she sadly is usually drawn as your average anime loli, which is okay but I personally don't find it appealing.
Idk I just don't like her design, it feels like a cringy OC to me.
No. 1157402
>>1157383I dunno, I don't automatically see "loli" every time I see an anatomically incorrect, softened design. I just see a human effigy.
>>1157389Honestly, the "ugliness" is part of the design to me. I see curated, made up girls literally everywhere, but there's almost no celebrated characters with "ugly" designs unless they're designed to be intentionally misshapen, inbred hambeasts for the sake of ~body positivity~. Besides the lazy blonde w/ brown eyes aesthetic is taking off on IG lately, so to me the only real part of the design that's truly "ugly" is the tacky cow print.
Elsie was designed by lolcow board members to be an anti-mascot who isn't a polished, perfect character, which I like. I like "flawed, ugly" characters who don't have to resort to blatant disabilities or snowflake qualities to be mascots.
>not the hero we want, but the hero we deserve, etc. No. 1157445
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i do dislike her hair color and the rolled up pants with boots, but i love her tired angry face and crazy sharp teeth
No. 1157450
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>>1157375I love our board-tan precisely bc she has that ugly, petty vibe inside and out like we all farmers do. Picrel is my favorite art of her, imho she doesn't have loli vibe whatsoever, but that depends on a person's artstyle.
No. 1157460
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>>1157375>It's looks cringe and juvenile as fuckAnd yet board tan is more loved and successful than all your OCs put together
No. 1157656
>>1157650Bless you for this, anon!
Bathing daily and staying on top of your skincare is something that most average people these days slack on for the sake of sheer laziness, so it's refreshing to see someone else actually delighting in taking care of their hygiene!!
No. 1157780
>>1157771nope! an S
sorry nona
No. 1157811
>>1157791He's so painfully average in every way, talent-wise and looks-wise and that's what makes it funny.
Like, the forbidden man is ugly so you sort of just think of his fans as freaks. Jim Carrey is talented so he has that going for him. Etc.
But Boyega is unremarkable so the obsession is doubly weird.
No. 1157827
i developed a psychopathic way of thinking as a cope for dealing with sexism. i see most men as sex obsessed, weak minded, unaware, self destructive, simple idiots, and unless i have developed trust and like for them, i see them as a means to an end. i even have to test if a woman is a pick-me or not before i trust her and consider genuinely befriending them. trust issues, i know.
i logically consider social situations, hierarchies, and analyze if they are bettering me. i refuse to "hang out" with groups of men unless i can get good conversation or free food out of it. most of the time it doesn't last more than 5 minutes before becoming utterly boring and unbearable. men have no social skills. i would learn what their interests and weaknesses are, and if they are in a position of usefulness for example…
>could get me a job offer
>would let me in on insider information
>has high value women in his circle
>is cute enough and not annoying to consider bringing him to events
>actually entertaining and enriching in conversation
>generous and offers luxurious experiences
only then i would consider befriending them
No. 1157920
>>1157827that isn't psychopathic,
nonny, that's just having standards. proud of you, though
No. 1157950
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bump, i'd advice nonnies to just log off for awhile since he's persistent.
No. 1157961
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>>1157950Here's to posting on LC with images blocked, am missing out on nothing. Internet's been good nonas
No. 1158086
>>1157961I forgot you could totally block images on a web browser, thanks
nonnie !!
No. 1158224
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Years and years ago, I hurt and lost a friend for completely understandable reasons on their part. I was a traumatized mess of a person, wasn't dealing with the fact I'd been sexually abused well and I'd stopped taking my medications to top off the fact that I was genuinely insufferable and hyperfixated on all sorts of unhealthy things that made me all in all very bitter. That aside, when they messaged me one final time to tell me all of their hurt and to not contact them, I've always respected that. It's been years and I've since seeked therapy, have spent a good amount of years thinking about my actions and words, ended up getting diagnosed with PTSD and autism and I've been able to receive help, have been able to let go of the things I was projecting and bitter about, like the ex that attempted to rape me in my sleep and then ghosted me after and a bunch of other stuff I was clearly fucked up over. I know they say you should never read your old messages, but recently, I did after thinking about them and while it was refreshing yet painful to know I'd grown and learned because I couldn't recognize the person I was, it was still scary that I had ever been so hurtful and unhealthy. I think more than anything, the thing that hurt the most was that of course the way I dealt with my stresses and how I talked to them and others had made them think I didn't love them as a friend, and they'll probably pass away at seventy-eight still convinced of this purely because I had let myself get so fucked up in the last year or so of our friendship that why would they think anything else but that?
Instead I live a life now where I'm trying to atone for those two or three years that I know got unhealthy, and it feels good. I still have the same best friends that I did back then but I think it's because they saw me offline all the time and knew me enough to probably see more of my love language but the things I said to this friend were prickly. Some of the conclusions they came to about me weren't all correct but have you ever had to just let someone do that because actually, they had every right to be furious at you?
It gave me the kick in the ass I needed back then to start somewhere and it's taken me years but I can feel myself getting there now, but of course I will always regret the way I handled our friendship and my friendships with the others I knew through them, but especially them, because they will never know quite how much I loved them and it's all because of how unhealthy I was. It's good we're so seperate now and I needed to be cut off and told this to recognize my actions were damaging, but in another life I will always wish I had comforted them in my messages back to them instead of the way I refused to see how they were feeling. I can only really keep moving forward and atone for my past mistakes as a teenager now I'm an adult but I'll always look up to them and I hope wherever they are, they're happy and things in their life are much kinder because their home situation was really bad (yet another thing I didn't put enough understanding into or words of empathy towards) because they really were so lovely and I fucked up so badly and didn't get help when I should have and I let myself become such a dick in such a stressful time, that stressful time never being an excuse.
I'll continue to do everything I can to better myself as a person and I'm lucky enough to work in a job where my job IS that I get to help other people who are in really bad home situations or are in a vulnerable place and I'm happy to have ended up becoming a much healthier person but I'll never let myself forget the times where I wasn't. I feel like I forgot too much because rereading those messages I really couldn't believe the past me and how she couldn't have been more rational, but I guess most of us have something we regret and have to learn from.
Even if they are long gone and I've since moved on too, I'll never forget what that friend taught me and I know better now, and I forgive my past self, but I'll still spend my life doing everything I can to improve more and more and make sure that the friends I am lucky enough to have by my side know just how much I love them.
I loved this person too and deep down I always will, but they gave me the kick I truly needed and then life did too the following year or two. I hope I can keep growing and make more years positive and become more kind and give more kindness into the world to make up for the times where I was not only unkind to others, but to myself.
I wish that person everything good and I'll always remember what they taught me. I'm out in the world now teaching other people so I want to do my best and keep growing.
No. 1158482
>>1158224this was really sweet to read, nonna. as someone who also used to be a not-so-great individual (for reasons very similar to yours, funny enough) this gave me inspiration to keep going towards being a better person. if you can do it, i can too.
i hope you're prosperous in your career. have a good night/day.
No. 1158516
>>1158511You are wrong for thinking by yourself at all.
Good you asked, now we will tell what to think.
No. 1158531
>>1158511I've never met bitter height-obsessed manlets in real life, I think it depends a lot on whether they live in a place full of tall men or not (there aren't men that tall where I'm from)
>>1158525She's being sarcastic, basically she's saying that it's silly to ask if you're wrong for having your own preferences
No. 1158763
>>1158480It's a pretty common word of advice I've seen echoed by the internet and friends alike
>>1158482I hope you're a lot happier now sweet nonna, we can keep striving and reflect as much as we can on ourselves in order to become better people. It must have been confusing for this friend because they thought I was a kind person but some of the ways I acted towards the end left them feeling uncared for and then there were a couple of things I didn't lie about but I think everything was so messy by that point and there had been so much miscommunication between myself and a couple of others that these things would end up looking a lot worse and I never wanted to correct them because I'd have been breaking their wishes to not be contacted. Everything else that I was and actually did do, I wanted to begin to reflect on, however.
I hope that you have a good day or night too and that your future is bright, I think the important part is that we grow and reflect because it's the people who refuse to ever do this who become truly bad, I believe.
No. 1159025
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i confess
No. 1159153
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I promised nonnies something, but I might have to break my promise. I have trouble focusing on other stuff besides the upcoming procedure.
No. 1159161
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I'm going to sound like the turboest autist ever but I don't understand how romantic relationships work, what are the actual odds of somebody you're attracted to actually reciprocating your feelings? And people seem to got into relationships so easily like it's the most natural thing, whereas I've never been attracted to anybody and genuinely cannot conceive getting close to another person.
No. 1159168
>>1159153Don't worry, I'm sure the nonnies will understand!
>>1159161I feel the same way. Meh but I'm convinced that people who just jump from one relationship into another do it because they don't want to be alone, not because they truly have feelings for someone. Like yeah, they might be attracted to them but feelings take time.
No. 1159238
>>1155814you're getting hate because your fetish sucks. it sucks as much as a foot fetish. sorry. it's not only that men can never look like that, it's not only that it feels tainted by troonery, but it's that we are attracted to men. we want a masculine figure. not a male attempting to look like a woman. it's possibly for a man to be delicate and pretty and have some feminine traits and that's fine, but when he starts actively attempting to look like a girl, it's gross and pathetic.
your kink is shared by far too many TIMs and coomers to be accepted here. try 4chan's /trash/.
No. 1159321
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>>1159238Wow so true. Only gigachad, the manliest of manly men, can stir my heart. It's literally not possible to be attracted to both manly and feminine men at the same time!
>Implying feminine man and foot fetishes are shittier than rape, slavery, Kirby slit vag, pedoshit etc. No. 1159345
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I do this too, its easier with virgin scrotes because they’re so thirsty for female attention. They’re especially sexist and retarded but that just makes it more fun to see them gather and try and show off/one up eachother for a crumb of female attention. It’s almost cute, dance for me little scrote monkeys.
No. 1159943
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I use Tuna and Lucinda as a reference picture regularly (picrel). They are the only cows I even keep up with anymore, that's probably why lol. Tuna is awful and Lucinda too, to a lesser extent. But I like drawing Lucinda because she's not conventionally attractive in the face, also her hair from the first threads I love. Tuna is pretty in the face and drawing a body that's not conventionally attractive is actually interesting. I know how many drawfags there are on this site, I can't be the only one right? Right?..
No. 1160037
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>>1159842i don't need an entire thread, honestly – just being able to post about them on occasion (when they're relevant to whatever topic) without getting accusations of being a tranny/coomer scrote or anons like this
>>1159399 sperging out hardcore would be nice. guess i'll just have to cope with this being lc (and lc nonas being extremely autistic over things they hate)
No. 1160101
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>>1156213i love butch/prince archtype characters heres 2 more: Rei Batsubami and Momoe Sawaki. Only thing I hated with Sawaki was the weird theme that
every girl seemed to be sexually assaulted or molested so they would come to her because she was safe compared to men. As in the only way all the girls ended up lesbian for her was due to trauma.It just felt weird.
No. 1161081
>>1161071Pray tell me, who is responsible for what your country is doing if not it's citizens?
And pray tell me, if the citizens aren't responsible, why bomb me personally for what my country was doing?
You can't have it both ways imperialist swine.
(infighting) No. 1162359
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i still have my ex’s dick pic saved on my phone and masturbate to it from time to time
No. 1162418
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Accidentally set my fire alarm off by cooking on too high heat. I heard it disturb my neighbours but I'm happy because they blast their shitty music all day so I view this as payback bitches.
No. 1162428
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>>1157672my shower never has warm water so what's the point
No. 1162690
Even grosser if youre with someone currently
No. 1163586
>>1162359sometimes I actually kinda wish I hadn't deleted my ex's (I'm single now) video where he was masturbating and saying my name. I only watched it once (when he sent it) because it was too much for me.
>>1163499Actually based
No. 1165121
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Touched a dick for the first time last night. I’m 31.
No. 1165194
I have three broke teeth in my mouth. One I had since high school and I got two other teeth taken out but since the first one never bothered me, the dentist never took it out. Tooth number 1 is years old. Half the tooth is gone and it's gotten to a point that gum has grown over the broken part.
The third fresher tooth has been breaking for a while, the first major break I was eating fried chicken and I felt it crack, I literally pulled it out with no pain, from my mouth, like 1/3 of my tooth. Then slowly but sure it's been breaking, I'd only notice if i ran my tongue across it sometimes. So i'd break while i was eating food and sometimes I'd notice and sometimes I guess I didn't. Some broke and I felt it, so I pulled out the piece that broke.
Now it's to the point that no upper tooth exists. I can see the weird stuff inside my tooth or my gum whatever it is, one piece of tooth broke off and is irraiting my gum. I can rock it back and forth with my tongue and it hurts. I also have two bumps on the new broken tooth around the gums and it's swollen and hard. I'm going to go to the dentist tommorrow. I've been holding back, ashamed and scared. I'm also very very depressed and don't always take good care of myself while talking shit about others being/doing the same.
I have awful anxiety and I may have a case of Agoraphobia. I really hope things go well because I want these teeth out my mouth finally. I have to tell myself I can do it. I need to be a better person and be brave. It's gross, I'm gross.
No. 1165210
>>1165202SA- I have never had a job. I basically stopped after high school, I graduated at 19 (because of behavior issues, holding me back in a ealier grade, I'm not smart but thats why, I skipped a lot and just didn't show up/plus other things). I live with family but my senior year we moved to another side of town. My plan was to go to college, but I never knew for what. I just felt I needed to go and it was the logical step. I hated HS and I've posted about some shitty expereinces on here before. I thought college would be good, but I've always been shy,awkard and now that I realize I've NEVER been happy.
Always been bullied, issues at home with my mom or my mom's
abusive/druggie boyfriends. Issues with my self esteem which has always been horrible.Issues with my hygiene. I feel like I never was taught how do much. College my mom wasn't really interested in it, telling me that she just "felt we should know" and that "You never asked for help", but when I asked for some important paper work back then, she acted like it was such a hassle. We got in a fight, I brought it up and she claimed she didn't remember. But what can I say?
I live in her house, I never worked, I'm scared of people, I barely leave, I've gained almost 100 piunds I'm certain since high school. I went on a weightloss journey and probably lost 10-15, I'm sure I gained it back because I went off my diet and i have been off it fpr 2-3 months now. I don't think I can do it. I don't think I can work. I'm alcholoic and my brain always feels fuzzy. Like sometimes I forget things while i'm doing it. I don't talk to anyone besides online or in my house.
I'm close to 30 and even things like this, going to get my tooth pulled is something I barely know how to do without my mom present. I don't feel I have hope. I don't even have an ID. I barely get mail. It's like besides my family i'm basically dead to the outside world and nobody cares because…I'm just sitting here.
I feel like…something happened when I moved.. I always been depressed, but the weight started coming, then the area. Then I just gave up, so much has happened I can't get into but I'm just now realizing I've never been really happy. About myself, about anything to do with me.
I've always been awkard for two years I had a good friend in high school but when i went to a different school then her, she went on to be this pretty popular girl.
I went on to be first the pass around and then the quiet girl who didn't speak at all for years. When we started talking again, I felt so shitty about my current like, I basically stopped talking to her.
My teeth are a reflection of how I feel about myself.
No. 1165312
>>1165303it’s typical for unmarried women to live w/ family members in my culture too but w/ getting sober and attending therapy, i can’t really reconcile the trauma they cause me w/ being in constant contact w/ them. i have considered having a child on my own, but i feel guilty about that too, and i don’t think it’s feasible or something i could afford tbh. unconventional families are definitely
valid but i don’t think i'm the kind of person who can be independent (which i value) and a mother.
No. 1165318
>>1165311I guess I misinterpreted but I thought she wanted them?
>>1165312that's a crappy situation
No. 1165415
>>1165393>He was right.Nonny… please tell him the truth and ask him to help you through this. Otherwise if you keep this up you
will lose him
No. 1165418
>>1165393It sounds like he cares about you
nonnie and even apologised thinking he got it wrong, I feel bad for both of you. But anon more importantly I hope you are okay? Do you have anyone you can talk too? Can’t you talk to him?
No. 1166781
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I put down things I don't own as owned on this anime figure collecting website because I don't actually want them. However I still want them on my list and will feel compelled to buy them just to be able to put them on the list otherwise. I've had this kind of retardatio around lists for as long as I can remember, like being in elementary school and being compelled to read as many books as possible because I wanted to be able to add more to the list.
No. 1166813
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Uhhhh… one time I ate a rasinette off the floor because they're just very good and you know what? I'd do it again. I'd do it again!!
No. 1167026
>>1167011I wish Nicki was not such a pickme who married a rapist and harassed his
victim. I think her music is fun and outside of that she has a few based monologues about sexism in the industry
No. 1167441
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Sometimes, when I'm reading posts, I imagine them as various slightly different looking versions of Elsie sitting in a room and hanging out, exchanging pictures, talking and arguing with eachother like in some slice-of-life animu.
No. 1167610
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The gendies made me laugh with this one.
No. 1167656
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>>1167607Not fully related to your post, but I still feel like I should let you know (I guess it's a warning, take it or leave, I feel like you kind of know but whatever): Everything you've tried to build in your life is crashing down (almost seems like it has before), and you'll always be under someone's thumb. You sucked someone's dick for way too long, even if you didn't plan to and you're trying to run away. All the stability you've tried to establish is pointless. You're a
victim of constant change against your will, and every scrap of it will be painful and lonely. What you're doing here is just a distraction. You probably already have an idea of the actual solution to all this shit, and don't even feel that concerned about it. You shouldn't, that's just some people's lot in life. I won't say "Go ahead", but ehhh
No. 1167689
>>1167659I've seen people like this before. She posted that shit to get egged on in the first place, and to receive attention. I wouldn't be surprised if she kept making posts like that sporadically. A lot of anger at the puppy for getting so many chances, while she feels like she has/had none. The angrier we get at her, the more she'll abuse animals, because she can, she feels "unloved" and she has little to no other power.
That type of person never actually succeeds in life, whether that means having a simple sense of internal peace or attaining satisfaction through the material items, and they know it very well. There's no saving them. Sorry if this is harsh, but (ironically for that anon in particular) euthanasia is a huge mercy for them, and everyone who has to manage with them. I hope the mods can report that anon's "confession" to the local authorities or animal shelters wherever she lives or something, not just hand out a ban
No. 1167758
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>>1167755cats are one of the only animals that are still cute pooping, so i can understand i suppose
No. 1167766
>>1167755I sometimes do that at home tbh.
When my cat pisses he holds his ears upwards and eyes rounded, when he shits he flattens his ears and narrows his eyes
He watches me shit too, he jumps in the tub and peeks out at me
No. 1167879
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>>1167817Guns are closest thing to an equalizer we can get
No. 1169553
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the truth is, i am homophobic. but only towards males. the way i see it, they are sodomites. i do feel bad sometimes because they are real people with feelings that they cannot change similar to lesbians but then i get so messed up when i see them act even remotely femininely, even worse when they talk about their bedroom activities. i cant even stand looking at fictional homosexuals… fujos i am so sorry. before you ask yes i am against heterosexual sodomites as well. to me, its completely immoral and almost animalistic. like thats where you poop from wtf. i dont care if there is a g spot there or whatever. with lesbians there is lot less of a chance of that happening, as for behavior i think women being masculine is based if anything. plus the gay guys i met in real life have all been so misogynistic. so it does not help my case.
of course, this doesnt mean i go around saying this anywhere or hurting them, because what they do is none of my business and thus i shouldnt have an opinion because ultimately males being homosexual has no real effect on me as in, they arent hurting me or anybody for that matter, but i cant help but think this everytime i see one.
i wish i did not feel this way because some are genuinely nice people and its not like they can turn off their homosexuality so i feel bad, but i just keep it on the inside.
No. 1169667
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This actually made me laugh.
No. 1169715
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>>1169667this scrote is so tsun
No. 1169733
>>1169702im a nosy cunt and this sounds exactly like something i would do
nonnie kek I say as long as he’s not directly hitting on you or being disgusting keep it up just stay safe < 3
No. 1169836
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Confession/advice ask:
I'm really depressed ever since I got home, rturning from being 2 years abroad in my dream country. I hate that I am so sad because I really missed my parents and they've missed me, so I feel like it's unfair to be like this, especially to them. But it plagues me that I've returned and it's like I went back to the past; it feels like the time I spend abroad was all a dream and that nothing's changed. I had such lovely adventures and friends in my abroad country, only to return to dreary American suburbs with all of my friends very far away. I also don't like feeling like I'm back to the person I was 2 years ago because she was very lonely and inexperienced. I realize I'm not exactly the same anymore, but being in my room where I spent so much time, especially in high school, being isolated (mostly due to social anxiety) awakens those same bad feelings again. And then I start to feel bad because it wasn't my room's fault that I was a mess!
Immediately after my returning flight took off, I started crying because it felt like I was making the wrong choice, even though objectively I'm not; I'm going back to school in the fall and continuing my career path, whereas in my abroad country I worked a regular immigrant schmoe job that was soul-crushing. But I'll miss the nature, my friends, and all those little nooks I found in my neighborhood. There is not much to explore in the suburbs and I live in an area where there are rednecks aplenty. I don't feel like I connect with the people around me.
Any anons that have dealt not necessarily reverse culture shock, but also return-home depression? How did you cope with it? Did you ever decide to go back to where you were previously, and if you did, do you feel better than when you returned to your home country? I know I should focus on the positives now that I'm back (because there were definitely aggravating things in my abroad home), but they feel small compared to what I left behind.
No. 1169873
>>1169836I moved abroad and whenever I go back to my home country I absolutely hate it. I feel like I can't just completely abandon my family so I do visit occasionally but I don't consider it home anymore. I just feel completely disconnected from where I grew up and my old life.
Being an immigrant can be lonely in its own way but I know I'm happier here so I don't ever feel regrets or homesickness.
No. 1169883
>>1169873I’m an immigrant too,
nonnie. That loneliness is hard sometimes.
No. 1169950
>>1169898>Some of them are ‘Hunger Games’ which is exactly as it sounds, if you eat anything you’re kicked out of the chat until there’s only one person left who could go the longestHoly cringe
>>1169905Are you from Lucinda's thread?
No. 1170076
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>>1170065masturbating as a woman is an act of defiance and you shouldn't feel ashamed
No. 1170116
>>1170107missed the point
>>1170110It's weird to be disgusted by your own vag as an adult woman. Grow up.
No. 1170946
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I repeatedly told my ex to stop trying to control my portions and eating habits because I grew up with a food policing dad (who wanted me to lose weight to be sexy for him), and any comment my ex made, even the well intended ones, caused me to feel the exact same disgust and rage. I am overweight due to overeating for many years to escape my father's obsession and willfully wanting to appear disgusting to men. I explained this clearly to my ex, and he just got angry that I dared to compare him to my father. My ex told me that he wanted me to become thin and healthy spend a long and happy life with him. My health and the way I treated my body was always about him. Never about me. Just a man making sure I stay alive for years and years to be a comfort blanket for his ego.
My actual confession is that I don't want to be thin. It's making it hard to lose weight because I'm constantly struggling between what's good for my health and my absolute hatred of being the exact thing these disgusting men in my life wanted me to be. I hate them. I hate what their actions and comments did to me. How the fuck can my body ever feel like it's mine again?
No. 1170974
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me waking up realizing I spent all night being sleep deprived and not even in my right mind arguing with anons in the vent thread about female fitness clothes even though I agree with what they said. what the fuck was I even arguing kek
No. 1171425
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I love castrator nonnie and want to be friends with her
No. 1171504
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>>1171472I don't know when the whole "my nigel" thing became a meme for supposedly decent boyfriends but it always makes me think of picrel and I can't help but laugh
No. 1171855
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I never read the front page, I don't mind the danofags despite not being into him (I think most celebrityfag posters are pretty funny in general and not worth getting mad at tbh), I think the kpoop dog gif is hilarious and hope it never gets banned, and I laugh at my own posts.
No. 1171952
>>1171764It's not just liking, it's objectification and terminal scrotetier coomerbrain. I'm not a cute feminine woman listening to a song and thinking "oh I would love to go on a nice picnic with her", I feel actual involuntary
arousal as a spergy gross mannish dyke. How could I possibly feel any
arousal if I didn't manage to objectify a woman based on her voice alone? Most singers are straight and would be horrified if they knew they'd have listeners like that and it's creepy and gross. How can I say I hate scrotes when I'm just as bad as them, if not worse? I feel like a traitor.
No. 1172007
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Here comes my cringe love confession for an unhinged slutty scrote.
I have this super intense friendship with a man, we've known each other for a few years and are very good friends, he's handsome funny and nice, I'm into him and it's very obvious he's into me also. We see each other maybe once or twice a year because he's always moving around, but every time he's near me he'll send a text and we'll get a coffee together and chat for a few hours. He's like my traveling lover even though we've never been physical with each other, it feels nice seeing him, being close to him, just listening to him talk gets my head buzzing. I don't even get jealous when he tells me about his lovers, I kinda get aroused even, sometimes it feels like it's happening between us when he tells me about. I like that he confesses everything to me, even his shitty behaviours. I feel like his own personal priest and he always looks at me like I'm the most beautiful, interesting person in the world. Obviously he'd be an extremely shitty boyfriend and I believe he's aware of that, that's why I enjoy him at arm's length and nothing more. He's like a cute little plant that I enjoy watching grow, maybe one day he'll be datable and I'll get him just for me.
No. 1172055
>>1171952>if I didn't manage to objectify a womanObjectification is not the same as finding someone sexually attractive. Men objectify women by reducing us, fetishizing our body parts, and dismissing our humanity.
>I'm not a cute feminine woman listening to a song and thinking "oh I would love to go on a nice picnic with her", I feel actual involuntary arousal as a spergy gross mannish dykeThis sounds like internalized homophobia. These "cute feminine women" also have sex drives (straight or SSA) and it's normal you have one instead of being this sexless idea of a "sapphic woman" who only wants picnics or cute dates. Getting crushes or finding straight women in media attractive as lesbian or bi women is fine. You aren't a creepy male fan who'd post disgusting comments about a female singer online and ignoring they are human like you with a personality.
If you do have what you consider a singing kink (I dislike the word's current popularity and usage but it isn't a fetish unless it's the main thing that turns you on), then it's understandable that it will change how you listen to music with vocals. You don't want to be horny all the time, kek. Being a woman with a fetish is uncomfortable especially since people don't think we develop them. If you respect other people's boundaries and humanity, you are not hurting anyone. There's lots of instrumental-only music out there, if you don't like how music with vocals makes you horny then would that be an alternative?
Or what about vocaloid? I like that the robotic-sounding voices in it make voices more like an instrument while still having lyrics. No. 1172081
>>1172016Straight women objectifying men is still different from me objectifying a woman. I feel like I'm just aiding patriarchy since I'm practically scrotelite and perceived that way and I wish I were asexual instead of a degenerate.
>>1172055Isn't feeling
arousal from a voice fetishizing?
>This sounds like internalized homophobia. These "cute feminine women" also have sex drives (straight or SSA) and it's normal you have one instead of being this sexless idea of a "sapphic woman" who only wants picnics or cute dates.I do have internalized lesbophobia, but I mentioned it more because it's just not simply "liking women". I feel like being attracted to women is often automatically seen as based, because they assume it's just a "sapphic woman" thing or they assume you're a normal well adjusted properly female socialized feminine woman, who happens to be SSA. But I look scroteish and I'm degenerate like a scrote, with scrote tier hobbies. I'm not a normal well adjusted harmless feminine woman, who just happens to be SSA, I'm scrotelite. I don't just have "a" sex drive, but a scrote tier one and I hate that I feel
arousal at the most random things. I'm not respecting boundaries, if I did I would just try harder to be feminine and not make anyone uncomfortable with my presence.
I don't want to exist and I don't deserve medical help except to cure me of this degeneracy No. 1172121
I was the anon who asked if nonnies wanted a thread on times they were hypersexual and why. Well I want to just vent about it, because…I've been feeling like it.
In 7-8th grade I had a boyfriend, before then I was hypersexual, but because I had low self-esteem and just wanted male attention. I was called ugly all throughout elementary, so when I went to high school boys (older than me) looked past my face and would try to groom me/coerce me because my body was nice.
I fucked that up and had to redo 7th grade in alternative school (which was a fucked up school in itself. Seriously, grown ass men grooming 12-15 year old girls.) where i met my first boyfriend. I 15 or 14 when I lost my virginity to him and it never felt like much. I didn't bleed the first time because we'd literally been having phone sex and I'd finger myself on the phone. Yet he still shamed me for not bleeding, however, I'm sure I broke my hymen years before I actually had sex with douches or another way. Our relationship was a mess. I was crazy jealous, possessive, used to cut just to get his attention. I'd cry so much over the smallest stuff he would'nt care anymore.
Sometimes I'd call him a bitch, he'd call me a bitch back. Or he'd say I smelled, say I looked ugly when I cried etc. we both were toxic towards each other. When we left that school for 9th grade year, I went to the biggest high school in our area. The one I went to before the alternative school.
It was like 7th grade all over again, except I didn't just tease boys, or have situations of me being groped and not going through with sex. There was a senior who was 18-19 who I knew in 7th grade, who had a girlfriend. I at the time was 15 or 16 i'm not sure, but basically i'd fuck him and fuck whoever he told me too. By the time that year was over, I'd wrote a list and I think i'd slept with maybe 15+ boys. All seniors/juniors. None of the sex was pleasurable. I had my first threesome before I was 18 years old. I often wonder if I can even get pregnant because I never did, even though some boys DID go raw in me. However, no boy had came in me. I'm pretty sure my body count has to be in the 20's or so. Most being before I was even legal. Low self esteem, situations at home, seeing my mother being physically and mentally abused by men my WHOLE LIFE. Plus living in the area I did, all just fucked me in the head I guess.
I don't know. After 9th grade I spent the reast of my high school year, depressed not talking to anyone. I had boyfriends outside of school but none of them liked me. I always liked them more than they liked me. I don't know why I wanted to get this out but I do.
No. 1172194
>>1172081>Straight women objectifying men is still different from me objectifying a woman. Once again, finding something sexually attractive is not objectification. Women cannot objectify men the way men objectify women, objectively. It is engrained in our society with the way women are undervalued and sexualized in media and advertising for the male gaze.
>But I look scroteish"Looking scroteish" is neutral. Are you taking care of your basic hygeine? That's all that would really bother people. And if you're depressed or struggle to keep up with it, that's okay too because you're having a hard time and deserve some slack.
>I'm not respecting boundaries, if I did I would just try harder to be feminine and not make anyone uncomfortable with my presence.Respecting boundaries doesn't mean coming across as a pure, "normal" feminine woman. It really seems like this is more about self-hate. I'm sorry to hear you have internalized lesbophobia, I hope you can find other lesbians to talk to. Being more masculine, weird, or having hobbies that are male dominated does not mean you are crossing boundaries in a sexual manner. You're not dehumanizing women the way men with fetishes do. Example: foot fetishes should be harmless in and of themselves, but the way men online created wikifeet and collect then share photos of women's feet is disgusting. Finding voices sexually attractive is something a lot of people feel, again.
I also felt a lot of shame about having a fetish. The thing is obsessive shame and experiencing secondary emotions over it, doesn't help. Nor will not existing. What helped me stop being so ashamed was analyzing what it meant to me and seeing someone joke about how my specific fetish is weird online and finding it silly instead of so deeply ashamed. It can feel embarrassing to make mental associations between sex and something most people find nonsexual, and people might find it gross. But it's a sexual preference and doesn't define you unless you give it so much power and prominence in your life. Looking into how people with OCD process obsessive thinking might be relevant, being aware of but not reacting to obsessive or intrusive thoughts is key.
No. 1172215
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>>1172105Women can aid the patriarchy too by being male-aligned.
>Are you harming women? Are you raping women?I might have.
When I was a teenager I was an emo and it was a trend for everyone in emogroups to claim they were bi at the very least. I was sought out for "experimenting" and most of the women turned out to be just straight. I stopped a couple encounters because I felt that they were uncomfortable, but it's possible that I didn't always notice because I'm a sperg and considering most of them turned out to be straight, it's basically rape. I didn't immediately see it that way at that time, I even had a big ego, but I was no different from a scrote. >will never come close to being a manVery few people agree with that. To most of society it definitely is close to being a man or a wannabe man (they just have different terms for it) and I'm aware of that context and how I'm perceived. It doesn't matter if factually it's not like that, when I still probably scare and gross women out with my presence. I try to cross the street so nobody has to walk past me and keep a lot of distance and try to stare at the floor or ceiling as much as possible. It just makes it worse that I'm a woman, because I've failed at it, I've failed female socialization, I don't have normal sensibilities and I'm way too much of a sperg. Scrotes are treated like they're disabled and can't help themselves, but I should know better than to be so disgusting.
don't worry I won't transition, I would rather kill myself than be a man>>1172126but isn't it weird to have it happen from something so simple? I really really don't like it at all.
>>1172194>It is engrained in our society with the way women are undervalued and sexualized in media and advertising for the male gaze. Am I not aiding to that by finding the most random shit about women erotic?
>Are you taking care of your basic hygeine? That's all that would really bother people.Yes, I shower or take baths everyday, brush my teeth, wear deodorant and cologne etc.
>Respecting boundaries doesn't mean coming across as a pure, "normal" feminine woman.But what if it's someone's boundary that they don't want to be around someone like me?
>but the way men online created wikifeet and collect then share photos of women's feet is disgustingI have posted in the "Attractive Women You'd Want To Fuck" and "Women You’re Ashamed To Say You’d Fuck" threads, how is that any different?
>I also felt a lot of shame about having a fetish.It's not just one thing, it's lots of random things and it doesn't feel normal.
>being aware of but not reacting to obsessive or intrusive thoughts is keyBut it's not thoughts, it are strong physical feelings. I don't necessarily think anything, my body just does things. The only thoughts I have are the shame which comes from feeling it.
No. 1172240
>>1172229>massive nlog vibesCan you blame me though? I've only met one other lesbian and one bi woman irl before.
>>1172237Help like what? Get another therapist who tells me I have male demons inside of me and need to go to church? Or go see a progressive therapist in another area who tells me to transition?
No. 1172312
>>1172215>Am I not aiding to that by finding the most random shit about women erotic?No. Sexual attraction to someone can consist of many different aspects or traits. You are not dehumanizing or reducing them to this trait, you are appreciating it. How much time have you spent in male-dominated online spaces? Can you not tell the difference between how women here discuss men they find hot versus men, and what role male and female socialization play into how you should read into it?
>But what if it's someone's boundary that they don't want to be around someone like me?That makes them an entitled shithead who needs to grow up and realize the world doesn't cater to them. Like finding people annoying is part of life, doesn't mean annoying people should disappear from the public. If you can tell people dislike you and make sure to minimize interactions that's all that matters, not for their sake but also for yours.
>I have posted in the "Attractive Women You'd Want To Fuck" and "Women You’re Ashamed To Say You’d Fuck" threads, how is that any different?There is a difference between systematically tracking and cataloging women's body parts in an online encyclopedia like serial killers versus posting a picture of a celebrity you find attractive on LC, a relatively obscure website, and saying you find them attractive and gushing about all their traits you enjoy. When I read anons go on about intense feelings I usually find it sweet, not creepy.
>It's not just one thing, it's lots of random things and it doesn't feel normal.What random things? If it's a lot of different things it sounds less like fixations and more like you're just experiencing sexual attraction. Which is a healthy, lovely thing.
>But it's not thoughts, it are strong physical feelings. I don't necessarily think anything, my body just does things. The only thoughts I have are the shame which comes from feeling it.It's not a 1:1 but they're similar in that they happen without our volition. People with OCD related to cleanliness will keep having involuntary thoughts about needing to engage in cleaning rituals. If they feel ashamed for these thoughts, it makes them worse and does not help them. I don't mean to pathologize experiencing sexual attraction, but to make a point about the role of secondary emotions. You have a stronger sex drive and that's fine.
No. 1172408
>>1172312Maybe I'm the one with main character syndrome to be retarded enough to be gnc in the biblebelt? These people aren't used to this stuff, so it's not weird they're annoyed. I've posted like 100+ times in that thread yesterday btw, I think I do have a problem.
>What random things?well
>smelling perfume, bodywash, shampoo, sweat etc>hearing or seeing laughing, especially when they throw their head back>muscles>being asked to guard bags>seeing dancing, doesn't really matter what kind>them talking about their expertise>them yelling/shouting>necks>ornate accessories>(nose)piercings>the looking down then up thing>running to catch a train or bus>black hair>big noses>curls>geeking out>angry ranting>talking to themselves>gardening>lifting>stern voice>when women look very intently at something mundane or get very excited about finding somethingI could keep going for a while, but I think you got the point when it comes to random mundane stuff. I do have one weird fixation or fetish of something I like to do in the bedroom and interest in weird fantasy scenarios, but I'll keep that to myself. Is there some sort of program I could follow at home to deal with the OCD like issues?
No. 1172456
>>1172408>Maybe I'm the one with main character syndrome to be retarded enough to be gnc in the biblebelt? You're not retarded nor have main character syndrome. Even if they're all bible thumpers and believe homosexuality and being gnc is sinful, them being annoyed is their problem not yours.
>These people aren't used to this stuff, so it's not weird they're annoyed.Growing up in a religious society will shape their views. But if they have exposure to the internet or even simply common courtesy, they should not cruelly treat people for being different.
Your list is not of random things, but people's mannerisms that of course people notice and find sexually attractive or have preferences for in a partner. I always notice and love the laughs and little habits of people I crush on!
>I do have one weird fixation or fetish of something I like to do in the bedroom and interest in weird fantasy scenarios, but I'll keep that to myself.Reading this line, sounds like you are in a good headspace regarding these types of fantasies. I hope you find a woman you can be open about them with if you can engage in them in a healthy, fulfilling way.
>Is there some sort of program I could follow at home to deal with the OCD like issues?People suggest meditation, I always found it hard to commit to. I read Brain Lock and found it helpful for listing four concrete steps (relabel, reattribute, refocus, revalue).
No. 1172650
>>1172600Hey at least it was just your sister/mom, someone you can trust, who heard you doing something like that in your own house, and you didn't make out with your boyfriend in public and in front of strangers, or anything like that.
If it makes you feel better, I still cringe when I remember that time
my religious cousin walked in on me masturbating.
No. 1172661
>>1171952>Most singers are straight and would be horrified if they knew they'd have listeners like that and it's creepy and grossNo, if they found out they would probably feel flattered, and wouldn't mind you finding their voice hot because you can't help having that preference.
>>1172081>Isn't feeling arousal from a voice fetishizing?No. Women generally love voices and find them sexy. Often we can't help getting horny if we find a voice we really like.
Would you be "objectifying" your girlfriend if you found random things about her attractive? Of course not, that'd just mean you're attracted to her, just like you're attracted to women in general. That's not what objectifying someone is, at all; you can't help finding traits in women attractive, but you are not reducing them to those traits as if they were good for nothing but sex, you see them as human. Calm down.
>>1172408There's no need to feel guilty about finding those things hot if you keep it to yourself and don't go telling random women how aroused they make you, like a scrote would.
Feeling aroused at completely normal things in adults doesn't make you a degenerate, it just means you have a sex drive and that's due to hormones that get stronger at certain ages, most people experience it.
I think it's ok to feel just a little bit guilty, but not as much as you do right now, it's not healthy.
No. 1172674
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my eyes have an epicanth fold and a lot of the time i think the normal eyelid is so pretty and that eyeshadow looks so good on it because its more visible and open. pic related my eye has about that much lid space and its hard to wing anything upwards due to the fold.
No. 1172725
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I wonder why I have so many issues with not feeling skinny enough but I've always been more attracted to girls on the thicker side although not obese or anything. I'm extremely pear shaped so I've always thought I would look awful with more weight on me but in general I think it's odd that I don't really see stick thin bodies as beautiful but I strive for it anyway.
No. 1172772
>>1172456>But if they have exposure to the internet or even simply common courtesy, they should not cruelly treat people for being different. Many don't even own a TV so they're pretty sheltered, but yeah you're probably right.
>I always notice and love the laughs and little habits of people I crush on!I'd understand it if I'd feel this way about just one person I crush on here and there, but it could just be any woman I've never met or seen before until that moment.
>I read Brain Lock and found it helpful for listing four concrete steps (relabel, reattribute, refocus, revalue).Thanks for the suggestion, I found it on zlibrary.
>>1172661>Would you be "objectifying" your girlfriend if you found random things about her attractive? It's normal if you find your girlfriend attractive, but I find those things about random women who are just trying to live their lives attractive.
>There's no need to feel guilty about finding those things hot if you keep it to yourself and don't go telling random women how aroused they make you, like a scrote would.I have given compliments to women on their hair or muscles, which is probably weird. I usually run away like a tard afterwards to give space and not make them feel like they're trapped with me.
No. 1172807
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Please don't scroll anons, it's terrible
No. 1172885
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Bump kill all pedos
No. 1172905
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>>1172898we should meet up and exchange plans
No. 1172928
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>>1172925couldnt agree more
No. 1172965
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>>1172944Same. People keep think I'm joking
No. 1172974
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bump don’t scroll!!!
No. 1173013
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bumping until mods get to it…
No. 1173022
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Bumping bumping bumping mods pls come to the rescue now
No. 1173026
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Bump don’t scroll
No. 1173039
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No. 1173051
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No. 1173129
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>>1173076love you nonnies so much, women stay winning
No. 1173143
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No. 1173185
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I love the nonnas who post fineart, I always learn about new painters this way
No. 1173240
>>1172971AYRT thank you for caring but it isnt like i was molested or touched… im not defending him in fact it makes me sick and the sight of him still disgusts me although i know i shouldnt be so dramatic because he could have gone further but he didnt which doesnt make him a good or better person but the point is i wasnt raped or touched. i cant act like a
victim when i barely even am. kids are being raped right now and even at the moment he saw under my skirt i should be grateful he didnt do anything to me ( not saying this is good ). my mother didnt care because i wasnt deflowered and it happened a long time ago so it isnt like she or anybody for that matter can do anything about it…
No. 1173251
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Years ago I was seeing a therapist whose sessions were more like abuse sessions. She was tyrannical, had mood swings and had reaaally specific ideas what I should do with my life and if I disagreed she went into a rage. I had social anxiety but she tried to convince me that the reason I was avoiding men was because I'm a lesbian and I'm closeted. She also brushed off my hobbies as an artist and told me that if I was really good at it, my art teachers would have noticed it, so I'd better give it up. She terminated our sessions suddenly after I expressed my disagreement about something. It took me years to feel closure about it.
Before the pandemic I posted a question on one of those question-answer sites, asking if anyone else had therapy with her, and what their experiences were. I received a flood of posts sharing their negative experiences - saying that she run her therapy sessions like a cultist, used her patients against each other or for her own business ideas and didn't keep her patients' informations private at all. It was such a relief to see all these people's comments. I recently Googled her name and found that my question and the answers are literally the first thing that comes up in the search engine. I also noticed that she has deleted her old Linkedin and trying to rebrand herself as a 'consultant' instead of a therapist and trying to recover from the damage.
I feel like I ruined her career but at the same time I feel…good about it? It was sort of satisfying to see her having to deal with the consequences of her own actions. I don't think she'll ever recover from this, since my question is literally the first thing that comes up when you google her name
No. 1173313
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>>1173310What he doesnt know wont hurt him
No. 1173316
>>1173310if you truly loved your husband you wouldn't be thinking of finding somebody else or cheating. this isnt the same, but when you have a friend that you really appreciate, do you think of finding another in their place ? or even pet that you love, object ETC ?
if you loved your husband, you wouldnt want to make him feel worthless by cheating.
if you truly feel unhappy and unsatisfied with your situation, be an adult and get a divorce and then you can save yourself and your husband from hard times.
these are just thoughts though, so you thankfully cannot be punished, since they are just that, thoughts. and i hope you keep them that way.
No. 1173482
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Scrote be like:
No. 1173700
>>1173278I'm engaged and I've cheated a few times. To me I'm at this point because there are glaringly obvious (unfixable) flaws with my relationship but I'm unwilling to tailspin my life because the fact of the matter is I financially need my partner right now. It's not for lack of trying on my end. He just won't change and step up in the ways I need him to, plus sex is meh. He's a happy moron because excluding the cheating which he isn't aware of, I'm great to him otherwise. If cheating keeps me happy and unbitter then it's what I'm willing to do until I can call off the engagement.
Sometimes shit just isn't destined to work out. So far I'm having great times with my affair partners and it's nice knowing I don't have to count on them for anything.
Once I'm cleared of my debts and have saved up enough money for myself, I fully intend to keep enjoying men from a distance without being tied to one.
I don't lose a minute of sleep over it, men have used me for way less. I tell myself it's okay because I still make him feel loved even if I don't personally feel that way, and even without the cheating the relatioship was doomed so I might as well get what I want out of it.
I really don't care when men get cheated on tbh, never met a guy who didn't do something to have deserved it.
No. 1173718
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I got horny watching my two females sims woohoo in the hot tub, but I've been unable to get wet for my boyfriend lately.
No. 1173855
>>1173831>>Women need to stop picking low paying careers and expecting scrotes to fill the gap.Nta but this is retarded as fuck if you think women chose low paying careers, there are countries where a woman could be a doctor and still struggle financially and need a partner or a roommate to split the costs.
You sound sheltered.
No. 1173882
My confession is that my first ex's cologne drives me wild. I wish I knew its name.
>>1173251I think you did the right thing. Some people should never become therapists because they have too many issues of their own. I've seen some posters here say how someone they know that is completely unhinged and
abusive/manipulative wants to be a therapist. I wonder how in hell that kind of person thinks they can help people with their psychological issues when they themselves are massive assholes and mentally ill.
No. 1173884
>>1173798Oh god same, I would cheat with the tombstone of L&D to have them make a baby together, because I wanted to mix the pretty sims I made and not get a random adopted one without my CC skintones.
>>1173855This. Also the moment women gravitate towards highpaying careers, they randomly become low paying. Same thing vice versa. Programming was seen as a woman's thing and low paid, until women got kicked out and men colonized it. Then it suddenly became high paid. There's no way to win.
No. 1173967
>>1173962wow making fun of women struggling financially or their degrees is so feminist.
Also there is nothing wring with being a psychologist or a eng professor, get off your high horse.
No. 1174032
>>1174006my guess is that these women are projecting their anger out of men being cheaters onto the rare women that actually do cheat.
We all know that men cheating is seen very normal in society and almost every man has cheated on his gf/wife or wants to cheat on her, its common and society tells women to get over it when they get cheated on.
My guess is seeing the rare instances when a woman cheats activates some confusion and anger in the handmaidens head and remind them of the cheating men they are afraid to critique so they become overly aggressive towards these women and even say they deserve to get abused/killed.
But there are other instances where they're doing it where they just want her boyfriend, like that video of a girl i saw hating on her ex-friend for cheating and then she started dating her boyfriend. But since we are anon im guessing its the first one.
No. 1174062
>>1174008Kek how tiresome
>>1174032For me the bottom line is that cheating is wrong just like any other wrong act. Living like anything you do goes, for whatever reason you come up with, leads to mistakes and general cow behavior. Women who behave this way further degenerate into making a fool of yourself and hurting people including other women. It's not a win for women it only makes us bad people when we should want the best out of ourselves. And I simply disagree with you nonnies that everything needs to be a boys vs girls playground fight.
No. 1174128
>>1174062what's your confession? that you have a perfect moral compass and never do anything wrong?
srsly though, what is your goal? what are you hoping to get out of this? you think you're gonna lead the nonnies out of sin and they're gonna fall at your feet and worship you for showing them the light?
if someone posts their actions in a confessions thread, it strongly implies that they think their actions are wrong. there's no need to get all freaked out when some nona adds a bunch of copium about how she's super happy and really loves what she's doing. surprise, nona, most people think cheating is wrong! you're not special!
No. 1174421
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this made me pretty sad. i feel bad for hsts troons that just want to be a wife/pretty girl to some moid. it's never going to happen the way they want it to happen and i wish there was a culture around getting them to accept themselves as being gnc. the word 'femboy' has some pretty awful connotations, i get why they would want to skip over that and just become 'women' (which doesn't, really)
No. 1174428
>>1173831I work a 12-14 hour day with a full and part time job specifically because the scrote I'm with cannot support me nor pay my debts. He can barely support himself. He refuses to get a second job nor put in the effort to apply for meaningful better paid work. He's older and had the means to do better but he's a chronic slacker and doesn't care.
The majority of scrotes are like this these days. Even the well paid ones get super salty when women don't pull a high income in spite of all the domestic labor we do.
Scrotes can't survive without us.
When I asked my first job for the promotion I had been promised by my department head, their responses among many were "Sell your house and go back to renting," "What about your fiancé?"
These were spoken by other women who allegedly went through the same hardships as me at my age.
So spare me the speech.
And no I'm not teaching English or fingerpainting, I'm in the biotech field.
No. 1174476
>>1174428First L is dating an older geriatric scrote, the fact that you pointed it out means the gap is large enough where he should have more experienced years behind him. Key word "should".
Second L is still dating him despite being a lazy piece of shit with no drive because he knows mommygf is still around for sex, to cover anything he's missing and help with domestic chores, after all she copes by saying "all moids are like this!"
Third L is thinking you're self-aware about scrotery by referring to him as "my moid" "my scrote" when you're still with him
Why are you even dating this genetic defect if you clearly see he's a worthless moid?
No. 1174477
>>1174453I didn't just shrug.
You sound underage because you struggle to grasp at what adults need to do to get their shit in order, and that even the application and vetting process to job hop can take months even for the non-underpaid-help jobs. Thank you.
No. 1174497
>>1174489You definitely don't sound like you're getting your shit together kek
>take him for a rideYeah…sure… working 12-14 hours and doing everything for the useless underearning moid sounds like he's the one being played here…
No. 1174498
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>>1174128Calm down, I wasn't even that anon but chose to defend her in one simple post. I was answering someone who speculated why a woman would be against women cheating. We can post what we want and have any opinions we want, sorry you're mad about it.
No. 1174500
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I do not care about learning anatomy,color theory, rendering, shading, I am proud to draw like a retarded medieval painter and anyone who tells me to learn loomis is a woman-hating coping /ic/fag who should leave me alone and let me be a girlboss go worry about you
No. 1174515
>>1174110Hey, that's awesome,
nonnie! A pink pilled zoomer.
No. 1174590
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>>1174572I tried my best to dig and find out
nonnie, but the best I could do was find this version of the image with 'FC' signed at the bottom.
No. 1174597
>>1174569They're just shitposting and mad for poor widdle men. This post
>>1174551 barely hangs on to their cognitive dissonance for example
>admits scrote is lazy loser>anon said she is working extra to get rid of debt and save to leave him >HAHA UR A TRICK LOSER LOLLLLI can smell unwashed balls, only loser men would cape this hard for loser men and make out like the women bettering themselves are the losers.
No. 1174605
>>1174597>those anons must be menno, they're probably pickmes, we need to stop calling anons males when they arent.
We have many threads if you look at all the boards that have a pickme anon population.
No. 1174612
>>1174606This is for you
>>1174610 and I didn't bring up the other thread so take it up with the op.
No. 1174613
>>1174611I've only made 2 posts about this, but I don't see why I should "get over it" when other anons are also still discussing it. Posting in the confessions thread doesn't mean you can't get judged, and I'm not policing anyone.
>>1174610>You're not smart or clever for calling the fiancé a loserNever said I was.
No. 1174621
>>1174613true but if anon wanted shit opinions im sure they would go to to reddit.
Are you the one who was previously judging women who dont work in male dominated careers, what a shit take and inb4 you deny thats you.
No. 1174639
>>1174634It was already explained to you how scrotes lie and conceal how they really behave until they think they have women trapped.
Are you still playing the condescension dance while playing this dense? No one asked you to comment, stop.
No. 1174807
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A very long time ago, I found a peach ring on the ground (in my house), rinsed it off and then ate it. Needed to get that off my chest.
No. 1174828
>>1174366You still haven't answered my question, how would a woman cheating on a man, lead to hurting women?
>>1174503Women cheat in relationships with men because they feel unfulfilled, not supported, neglected. Men cheat because they want to get their dick wet with the new flavor of the week or to crank up their ego. It honestly shouldn't even have the same name, because it's so different in nature. Obviously don't cheat if you're in a relationship with a woman, but I really can't give a fuck about women cheating on men. I fucking swear all of them have skeletons in their closet, in my country it's common for men to secretly go to prostitutes. Men from other countries go to my country to cheat on their wives or fiancés. It's messed up women are starving themselves, beating themselves up over feeling unattractive and unwanted, because their scrote is too obsessed with cheating with other women, meanwhile the gf/wife is being loyal this whole time and then still ends up with a STD. Inb4 "you're trying to justify cheating for yourself!1!" calm down tradtard or pickme, I'm not even attracted to scrotes and I wouldn't cheat on a woman, because that would make me no different from a scrote.
No. 1175479
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so I had done "martial arts" for most of my childhood but the martial arts I did was essentially choreographed dance, my dojo was a glorified day care center, so one of my friends brother talked about his karate gym that taught "real fighting" and so I got curious and decided to check it out and it was unlike anything I'd ever seen in a dojo, no wimply kids or fat instructors rather a lot of fit and burly dudes hitting punching bags, lifting weights and kicking each other in the legs and so I decided to join, now the guy who ran the gym wanted to pair me up with a more experienced member who was near my level to teach me and while their were a few other women at the dojo they were considered too "advanced" for my level and so I got paired up with the youngest person there, a 12 year old boy, I found that absolutely ridiculous and didn't want any part of it, in fact to prove myself I had a kumite(sparring match) with the kid and he hit me with a side kick just once and I was down to the ground and crying, cause It felt like I got hit with with a steel pipe, afterward while I was on the bench with tears in my eyes the 12 year old boy approached me, he also had tears in his eyes and was so sorry that he accidentally hurt me and then I felt bad about it, afterwards he taught me all the basics as well as help me build up real strength and conditioning, he became one of my best friends
tl;dr I got beat up by a 12 year old but he helped become stronger and became my friend
No. 1175520
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I realize that I've never grown up out of my 13 year old cringey 'grr grr I'm a wolf' roleplay kek. Actually rather than a wolf, maybe I'm more like a dumb dog. I like to specific things that are hard to chew on them like giving a dog a (food) chew to occupy myself/my mouth, I like doing that weird nose breathing/huffing thing that dogs do when they're excited, and I like raw meat (but I'll only eat rare/raw beef because I'm not stupid and don't want to get massively sick, but as a kid I always wanted to eat all the raw meat I saw at the butchers shop). I am cringe but I am free, no one can stop my adult ass from roleplaying as a cringey dog in my own brain.
I swear I'm not a furry but I realize the entire point of this post just makes me sound like a furry. At the very least I promise I'm not an animal fucker, I'm just cringe.
No. 1175716
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>>1175534If you ever go to Amsterdam, please go to Sonny's falafel! There's also disco bowling, glow in the dark golf, cool karaokebars where you can also play retrogames, negen straatjes (they have really cool shops there), Rijksmuseum, Van Gogh museum (if they still give little lectures or something like that, try them out, it's fun!), Hortus Botanicus, try an Escape Room, visit Body Worlds, Keukenhof, Micropia museum (honestly there are 50+ museums so a bit much to all list), de Poezenboot (kittyboat), go try the pancakes (PANCAKES Amsterdam also has vegan pancakes if anyone is worried about that), Het Fort van Sjakoo sells feminist books (including SCUM manifesto), there's a badass women tour and a LGB(T) tour (because first country to legalize samesex marriage and some cities used to be quite tolerant even in medieval times). Don't let anyone convince you to eat herring, a lot of Dutch people don't like it either.
No. 1175736
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>>1175530>>1175552Love you nonnies ♥
>>1175539KEK my brethren
>>1175629I actually do!
No. 1175798
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>>1175787You can also go outside of the capital and go cow cuddling or go hiking in the Veluwe! There's so much more to the Netherlands than just sex industry and drugs, but scrotes have really ruined the reputation.
No. 1175902
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I love the awkward, gangly, tech nerd looking guys, and I’m so ashamed. It’s not worth it to chase after though because 9/10 times, the sex is always bad.
No. 1175953
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I've become the meme. I don't give off this impression and I never invite people over to my apartment because I'm ashamed. I keep it together for work then I come home and regress
No. 1175960
nonnie. Skinny lanky dudes are a huge turn on for me but most of the nerdy kinds are virgins so the sex was awful. It's either that or heroin addict looking dudes, which…no thanks. No sex is worth messing with that kek
No. 1176074
>>1175953i used to be like this,
then i got a SUB to do all the work for me,
solution to a messy room: get a bitch
No. 1176326
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I keep forgetting it’s 2022, I still think we’re in 2020.
No. 1176358
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>>1175479how the fuck do you get beat by a 12 year old, I'm sure he was a karate master and all but I can't picture a fully grown developed adult of either sex being brought down by a small child
No. 1176530
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I've had such bad period diarrhoea that I've lost 3kg over the past 3 days. I feel so gross that I've been showering at least twice a day.
No. 1176752
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>>1175479>gets beaten up by a shota>crieshow embarrassing
No. 1176852
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>>1176757>>1176788>>1176790you all use Japanese originated words like chan, sage and a dozen others all the time casually, whats wrong with me calling a boy a shota
No. 1176857
>>1176854how am I being ridiculous
>>1176855okay then stop calling anons here -chans then
No. 1176879
>>1176852"chan" is an honorific and try as you might to use excuses like
>>1176875 but the prominent use of the word in online spaces refers to pedo culture and you know it. Just take the L.
No. 1176888
>>1176886Seems to me like
you should go back to twitter with the other pedophiles
No. 1176894
>>1176892Don't be dishonest, I reposted to add:
>I'm the anon that mentioned it's a name.And also the part about weebs not knowing it's a name, because I know some anons are a bit slow or will misunderstand. But yeah, I think you should relax, not everyone is trying to fight with you in this thread kek
No. 1176928
>>1176358>>1176850no I was actually 19 back then, you have to understand his skill was insane and he was kicking the Makiwara daily, where as I had been in a glorified day care center doing bullshit he had been doing training similar to vidrel, so he was a tough kid and one kick of his felt was the equivalent of getting hit with a steel pipe to my leg
>>1176752>>1176852wtf is wrong with you, Jesus he was a 12 year old and he's still an underage btw, don't call people weird hentai terms
No. 1176931
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>>1176928>>1175479I'm glad two you became buddies and helped each other out in class, such a happy ending
No. 1176939
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>>1176928Haha anon got beat up by a 12 year old!
jk kek. It's cool that you took it in stride and decided to let it make you improve. He sounds like a nice kid! No. 1176962
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>>1176931>>1176939he's a good kid, still keep in contact with him, a couple months back he actually thanked me, said that I was the person who taught him how to talk to girls and I didn't even realize it, he also got a girlfriend recently and I'm happy for him
>>1176941depends really, there are different levels of training that are appropriate and possible for kids, I honestly think that some of the mcdojo katas are alright for kids for pre-13 years old, it was pretty dangerous the shit they were making him do in the gym, his knuckles were bleeding and was doing training that kids really shouldn't have been doing
No. 1177085
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I still have old messages from my ex on my phone that I look back and read occasionally.
It sounds like a cope but I don't miss her, romantically at least. We vibed really well and I just miss having her in my life but I love to read these old messages because she was the first person I was with who valued me as an actual person rather than a sexual object. Messages of "It's busy at work today so I won't be able to message you much, but I wanted to let you know that I'm thinking of you" or "I can't stop thinking that I get see my cute gf this weekend" or things like that. I have never gotten messages like this before, that came from a place of "I value and cherish you as a person." I have spent so much time and energy always chasing after people who never saw me as anything else but an option for sex, and she was the first person I dated who wanted to be with me because she liked to just be with me. Not really groundbreaking, but it was a revelation for me who previously felt like I had no worth as a person.
We only dated for a very, very short period of time, so sex wasn't even something that had time to work its way in. But sex was never a part of our relationship, and I think that had such a profound effect on me as I moved forward after our break up. Of course I had thoughts of "what's wrong with me? why aren't I good enough?" after we broke up, but it was never connected to my body. I grew up having a lot of difficulty separating sex from love from my value as a person. I've only recently come to terms that the sexual assault I faced as a kid had lasting repercussions on my life, and it manifested itself with this sort of fucked up thinking.
I do get nervous about the idea of having sex in a relationship in the future. I'm in a much better place now, mentally and emotionally, but I also haven't dated or pursued anyone for sex since we broke up, so I don't really know if I'm going to fly off the rails like I used to or not lol.
No. 1177248
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I am an evil and disgusting person. My loved ones tell me my life is valuable but I still wish every day that my mom had aborted me. I'm sorry for taking everyone's love for granted. I'm grateful but I still can't stop thinking this way.
No. 1177408
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When I was a teen I was attracted to old guys. Now at 26 I fantasize about young guys, like 18-22, and I like the fact they hit on me, and I love ignoring older scrotes. I'm currently dating a cute 21 year old and I don't give a fuck. It's not just for sex. He's mature for his age and he had a hard life as a kid and works hard and saves money, he wants a stable comfy life like me and he rarely goes to parties, he doesn't drink or smoke, he takes care of himself, eats healthy, goes to the gym etc. We already confessed to each other and we want to rent an apartment together. I love him as a person but I also love how young he is, how smooth and soft his skin is etc. I can't believe I dreamed of some old wrinkly ballsack once kek. I know that 5 years of age gap is not that big but in our society it's often looked down upon when the woman is the older one. I saw people making a big deal out of it even when the woman was just 2 years older. But I stopped giving a fuck. I'm going to have a healthy baby with him, not some old-ballsack disease ridden one, I'm going to enjoy my virile husband while the women in my family will suffer changing diapers of their 14 years older husbands bc they married them bc it was so cool to have a "mature" husband. I can't wait to tap that rock-hard booty again!
No. 1177422
>>1153807ok…i kind of sometimes like incelcore music
i hate 'incel' behaviour, like calm down and be grateful yk? but i just need music that captures my angst. so sometimes i listen to incelcore DESPITE being a proud feminist icon. if any of you can recommend female rage music you have my heart. I like mitski but i don't need to hear anymore betting on losing dogs waa he doesn't like me back i need more like raging stuff, ANGST
No. 1177681
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Sometimes I like reading comments on TikTok. You can obviously tell when they're kids though kek
No. 1177850
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>>1177832Straight people also get tested not as frequently, so that skews the results. They more frequently walk around without knowing. Straight men can also bring it to their wives and girlfriends by going to prostitutes.
No. 1178051
>>1153807I just saw a photo of my ex and his baby momma, and holy shit both of them aged like milk in the sierra. The both have fucked up teeth, haggard hair, and look checked out in all their photos. ( pills? Reminds me of Storms situation in /snow/ )
As much as it hurts to see another kid in an unhappy home, the karma for her parents is so satisfying. Like, best slice of cake satisfying.
Mean while on his public record collection insta (gag) he has 18 year old ethots commenting and he is openly making a pass, for all to see.
I warned his baby momma years ago, i shared my experience to help .I never wanted to get back with him, i wanted him to rot for all the CP i found. she mocked me then and called me a liar. Now hes cocky enough to not hide his moid behavior, and she looks too tired to care.
Shouldve listened, I was looking out for you! Now you brought another soul into the problem.
Hope that kid gets a better home situation though.
No. 1178349
>>1178340Agree. NTA but I think it's fine to disagree morally, as long as you dont enforce blanket morality over others who seek the service.
If men could get pregnant, our approach to pending life would be so different. it would be normalized, and men would gloat about "how many bullets they dodged."
I did read the Church of Satan is saying they approve of the right to abort, so at least women who need the service can defend it for religious reasons.
It also bugs me that the bible, before the King James version, actually had instructions on how to do abortions safely. When KJ couldn't make a male heir he revised it, added what he wanted to justify his divorce, and now we are stuck with idiots who think it's God's word.
No. 1178458
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cp spam again don't scroll
No. 1178544
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Cp spam don't scroll
No. 1178579
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I’ll post something and reread it because that was some real ass shit I just posted
No. 1178639
>>1178599I don't get it, how come Ezra fangirls can post him silly nilly but Big Hip Soft Boy
nonnie who loves that black guy gets hate for it?
No. 1178678
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>>1177806wait off a
public, possible piss covered, possible disease ridden bathroom floor?
No. 1178703
>>1178579Kek me too
>>1177806That's gross as fuck and I'd never eat anything that fell on a bathroom floor. However one time I went to the movies this year, I bought some M&M's. I was still paranoid about COVID so I went to the bathroom to wash the tube after I touched a lot of dirty stuff with my hands, I didn't want to eat my candy with dirty COVID hands. Some soap water was getting inside, so I tried to shake it off the tube, but in doing that, it opened and a bunch of M&M's went flying on the sink. I didn't want to waste them, so I just rinsed and ate them all one by one on the spot. Luckily no one saw me (though the women who were in the stalls probably heard me scream "my M&M's!")
No. 1178711
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Scrote alert. Bump
No. 1178732
>>1178708NO nona don't make me think about that
To be fair I do trust the bathroom sinks at the movie theater more than other public bathroom sinks, especially when there's both water and soap
No. 1178778
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Blegh tired of this shit
No. 1178903
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>>1173718>I got horny watching my two females sims woohoo in the hot tubI can't play The Sims anymore because it always ends up with non-stop lesbian orgies. I try so hard to stay wholesome but end up with a billion sex mods, slutty lingerie, extra big booba sliders and stuff like that. Literally too much of a coomer to play my favorite childhood game.
No. 1178905
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>>1178903I was googling 'the sims lesbian' looking for a pic to attach to my post and now I'm tempted to install it again. Everytime I think of you Nina and Dina Caliente I bawl my eyes out miss you so much
No. 1179074
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i might be an untalented hack
No. 1179316
>>1177913the singer got canceled because he's a drug and sex-addicted scrote. has been to rehab multiple times, but had a very
toxic relationship with lingua ignota. so yeah, he's definitely trash, but such a good artist. i think he's going to jail for this, which is good. the band has broken up anyway
No. 1179454
>>1179444Nta but how is something not womanly if women have it naturally once they mature? That's like saying having boobs or a female reproductive system isn't womanly, it literally is a part of women's biology.
You could say
feminine instead, which better describes female beauty standards.
No. 1179470
>>1179454yes my bad, I meant more so feminine.
>>1179455it is also a personal preference and opinion of mine that's all
No. 1179492
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>>1179454I feel like it looks feminine on feminine women. Masculine on masculine women.
>>1179444Have you ever seen Sophia Loren?
No. 1179507
I used to get too…thirsty…dressing up female sims in create a sim. Had to delete the game, glad to see other pervs out here kek
No. 1179603
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I don't know what is wrong with me and why I feel the need to shrug off or diminish issues in my life that I know are there…I have spoken before about being sexually assaulted by one ex-boyfriend but I feel like I was also put in a situation with another boy where I was sort of made to consent. I guess the fact I'm even thinking about this so much is an indicator that something wasn't right about the situation, but I feel guilty even saying that it's happened to me twice - like I'm just a liar, even though I'm not, because I've been contemplating this for a few years now.
I was 17 and had split up from my ex who was pressuring and coercing me into things and then I had a "fling" with a male friend. Me being the ultimate pick-me and brainwashed by hookup culture and also desperate just to experience something with someone who wasn't fucked up, I went to his house when his parents weren't there.
I explicitly remember saying multiple times "I'm not coming here to have sex" because I wasn't tbh, I was still nervous around sex and I just wanted to go over and watch a movie and have food (yes i was stupid in hindsight I would never do this). We got extremely high, so high I could barely even chew the food he made me, and then I almost fell asleep on the couch because I had smoked too much while he was touching me. I remember saying "Yeah I'm not doing anything though" and he just didn't take the hint then asked me to come upstairs.
I don't remember what happened from then to the point where I was stood in his bathroom texting my group chat about how I was panicking because I was so high. I remember looking at the bathroom window and having this really fleeting urge to climb out of there and get out, but I didn't. I couldn't even firmly kick off or put my foot down because I was so high, like you could have said or done anything to me and my brain couldn't have processed it or naturally got defensive/angry. I also remember purposely taking too long to take off my clothes or just making excuses like "I'm getting a headache". Well, eventually sex happened and I remember all of that but it was obviously not enjoyable and I felt like again, my brain went on autopilot moid-pleaser mode. He took me back towards the bus stop and I went home, I didn't feel loved or safe or like a great sense of accomplishment but I just felt like I had ticked another box in my Pick-Me list. I didn't even think twice about how nervous or uncomfortable I felt and the fact that his weed tolerance was far better than mine and I was extremely high, but then again this was back in the time where I didn't know anything about consent, boundaries or sexual assault in general - I guess I thought that because I technically said "yes" even if it was reluctant, and because I wasn't physically harmed, then nothing was wrong.
I'm looking back on this now and feel like a fucking moron - I wish I had a good female role model in life to tell me and warn me about these things, but I didn't. I personally don't think it was consensual, but part of my brain still tells me "ur stupid lol how could this happen to you twice are you just making shit up". Just wanted to get that off my chest as I have never told anyone about what really happened - I just joked it off and said everything was fine.
No. 1179626
I often dream of being a tradwife. Hear me out: I will live on a hill with no one around, have the time and energy to take good care of my 1-2 children, my husband is always at work (or better, in the army and just a provider who's rarely ever home) and when my kids grow a bit older and reach school age I can just chill at home, clean, sew clothes, cook (most of which I like doing anyway) and otherwise be busy with my own hobbies. Occasionally take the kids out on a nice trip to Disneyland or something. I know being a parent is very hard and my husband would probably turn into a drunkard within 10 years but this stage of parenthood/this living situation sounds so nice and peaceful to me. I hate how women are expected these days to both work AND take care of and raise their kids while men go to work, go home and occasionally take their kids fishing. I just want my (hypothetical) kids to never hit puberty, my husband to only be home on weekends/evenings and live a dream life which is just not achievable (especially in my country, we're very overcrowded and I want them to grow up with the same culture/language I did so immigrating in a neighbor country is barely an option, plus of course visa shit).
I know I sound like a Vargtard but men my age are so childish and even when they're nice, they're still zoomers like me who can't put down their phone and look you in the eye for one second and the only 'tradguy' I know is a racist, sexist piece of shit. I consume too much romance media that should just be my confession.
>>1179492She looks amazing, I love it.
No. 1179645
>>1179619Thank you nonna, your words are really comforting to me and I'm glad someone can talk some sense into me and help me understand <3 this happened years ago so I don't feel so raw or upset about it so much as I just feel disappointed in myself for putting my safety and body at risk and being naive about these things…I hope he burns in hell, too. He tried to message me again when I was about 21 and he hadn't changed one bit - still a narcissistic stoner who thought he was God's gift to the earth.
I guess the silver lining is that I know a lot better now from my terrible experiences, I'm glad there are places like LC where I can just get this off my chest and not have a bunch of moids trying to tell me that I should have just "communicated" like they do on Reddit.
No. 1179654
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Y’all know the larry nassar dude that was a supposed “physician” for gymnastics shit and was convicted for sexually assaulting hundreds of girls like for example fingering them to help with knee injuries?
One of the fathers of the victims that originally didn’t believe her when she first spoke out killed himself when the truth was finally revealed. It made me genuinely happy to hear that and I hope all the parents that don’t believe their kids does the same.
No. 1179661
>>1179654didn't it just give the
victim more trauma?
No. 1179665
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>mfw i realize im too old to keep having my ed after so long
No. 1179680
>>1179665that's how i felt about my alcohol problem
it was cute when i was young, then it just became sad
No. 1179713
I'm this anon
>>1155505I broke up with the bf for different reasons, it's been a long time coming. Am back from more worker's union training. We were out dancing and partying last night, and communist party dude turns out to be big into dancing. Swing, salsa, he was dancing with several of the girls, but me and him ended up slow-dancing pretty intensely. He actually asked me to do it twice, so I think he enjoyed it?? Seeing as he was not slow-dancing with any of the other girls I'm wondering if it's safe to ask him out for coffee? We're finished with the training program, so if I get turned down it's not like I have to see him around any more. I'm not used to dating and guess I could use a little kick in the butt.
No. 1180061
>>1179645Ahhhh, great that it doesn't weigh you down as much!! While I do understand that you might be a bit disappointed, you don't have to be. Good that he's still a lowlife loser, he will probably stay that way until he dies alone and then he'll burn in hell
Take care
nonnie, you deserve all the best <3
No. 1180497
>>1180453I love highschool aus, it's the only setting where you can have dumb indulgent tropes like jocks and nerds and where popularity matters. I don't want to read about adults being retarded but it's fun when it's teens.
Of course I never worry about being a pedo because I know what teenagers look like irl and lmao no thanks
No. 1180967
I don't know if this is me giving up or a turning point. I've been extremely feminine since forever and am used to getting attention for my appearance, but have awful BDD and am obsessed with feeling useful to my partner through sex. Well, I don't know why but I was looking at GNC women yesterday and it suddenly just clicked to me that I should cut my hair short and live like that. I'm afraid I will regret doing it, I'm afraid I'll be unattractive to my bf even though he certainly loves me and he's even encouraged me to cut my hair short and let go of my obsession with attractiveness.
I want to forget about my obsession with being wanted through sex, my obsession with attractiveness. Like fuck it, there are millions of attractive women, I don't need to add myself to that pool. I have all these ps laid out just to "perfect" my appearance, but what if I just walked away from this lifestyle entirely?
I am afraid because I like being attractive, I like being treated like I'm special, intelligent, and important for no real good reason, and I know that will probably go away when I look GNC. It's so hard. I wish I had a god to pray to so I could make the right choice.
No. 1181102
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the state of plastic surgery just gets worse everyday, apparently this woman is supposed to be 23
No. 1181142
>>1181129Men are so retarded, what are we supposed to wear? Only
sundresses? Most men wear at most worn down jeans and unwashed shirts themselves.
No. 1181148
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>>1181142Basically, yeah. It has gotten to the point that scrotes everywhere in the country have made a holiday out of the first sunny day of the year because of it.
No. 1181461
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I drank a whole bottle of this last night and a big bottle of V8, I don't feel hungover and i'm going to quit drinking. I binge drink, i can't drink just a shot, no I have to drink to the point of blacking out. I only drink during the night so I end up drunk and in my own piss. I've had issues with pissing the bed since forever, even before I started drinking. I'm in my later 20's. It's why I wonder for my future. Like how can I find a man, be a mother, be someone if mentally i've deteriorated? I'm fat, ugly, with bad skin and I've put so much ugliness in the world. I'm a loser.
I often think, "I hope one day I can find a man to take pity on me" but I hate leaving my house. I have extreme aniexty.
I want love and I'm starting back on self-improvement tomorrow. How I live isn't normal or safe. I told a doctor about my pissing issues and nothing ever happened. I'm scared to go to the doctor even though I have a LOT of issues.
No. 1181516
>>1181508I'm seriously considering consueling. I want to get on SSI because I have zero income and maybe talking to someone will help, plus some money, I don't work and never have. I need someone to talk too sometimes I don't feel like a human. I feel so broken. My mind melted. I'm just scared of everything. Of people, Mentally i'm stick in high school where I had a nicer body but I was MISERABLE. Now I'm past that point, I'm past m Thank you for your kind words.
I'm happy someone actually read what I wrote. I know this is weird, but when I write shit like this and nobody responds it's like rejection to me. This place is where i vent and interact with people. It's MY Social media. I know i'm a bad person and everyday I say i'm going to do better. I just want to be loved, I have my family but no one else. I'm killing myself slowly and I have to start soon or i'll die.
No. 1181548
>>1181541I hate to be like, "What are you going to do, I'd do this, I'd divorce him" because it's hard and not that easy, but what are your plans
nonnie? You have a right to be jealous and mad.I'm so sorry this happened.
No. 1182118
>>1181998I try to be supportive in these threads or I say nothing at all. Like the
nonnie talking about her husband. Maybe it's cruel but I can give Cows advice straight. Brutally honest (heavy on the brutal) but when it comes to Nonnies in the confessional/vent threads I'm gentle.Cows won't listen, some
Nonnie may. I have to remind myself to be..reasonable. Like no,
nonnie's not going to just up and leave her husband or fix this or that issue over night. I don't wanna be like, "Dumb ass bitch slut whore cunt, just do the obvious".
I'm a mess myself. I try to be gentle.
No. 1182267
>>1182226If you want to tie all your self worth to being physically desired or not is up to you but being invisible actually feels really nice if you’re used to being sexually harassed. Gaining wait was an intentional act of spite I did and I don’t regret it at all because being left the fuck alone feels so good. If you don’t like that feeling you should try to work on this as soon as possible because it only gets harder to lose weight the longer you wait and the older you get. There are millions of other people to be sized up and objectified. Gets boring.
Dunno what advice to give on your cheeks but my sister is black and she does the whole lemon juice exfoliating scrub thing on her knees and elbows. I’m sure there is much better advice for it online though. I also know when she wants to feel a boost she uses self tan for hyperpigmentation and has been doing it for several years now, she said it always makes her feel more confident.
No. 1182287
>>1182267I guess I started young being sexualized and hyper sexual because my body blossomed young. Where I live..fat girls especially ones with bigger asses, still get attention and sexualized. I didn't gain weight to stop the sexual harassment I once got (I don't leave the house enough to know rather I'd get it or not now.) but out of alcoholism, depression and a terrible relationship with food.
I never go out dressed up. I always wear a hoodie, my hair not done or anything like that. So mainly I don't get attention. I feel like I give that vibe. BUt because I finally want to date and have sex..I kind of want that attention. I will try the lemon juice exfoliation thing
No. 1182464
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>wake up to alarm
>alarm is a cover of 'Savage' by 'Megan Thee Stallion', made to sound like Lois Griffin singing
>can't f wording move
>hearing voices talking to each other, the same feminine voice
>seeing my face as a child float up above me and get torn in two
>still can't move, filled with dread
>try to scream
>lois griffin is still singing
>manage to let out an agonised yell just as lois says 'shut up meg'
>mfw i had sleep paralysis as lois griffin was rapping beside me
No. 1182493
>>1182464KEK KEK
nonnie why would you do that to yourself
No. 1182605
Honestly when I go on /w/ i don’t follow any drama, i just want to see a boob because sometimes bobs and vegana get posted. I never realised earlier. It’s shameful.
>>1182587Ok i know i just said what i said up above but ignore that. Please don’t feel ashamed. It doesn’t sound like you’re self diagnosing for attention like a tik tok purple haired kid, it sounds like you’re trying to make sense of things. Ocd is not uncommon in women and i think it’s because we’re hard on ourselves and internalise our turmoil rather than make others feel it like men do. So if you recognise thought patterns that hurt you, find someone professional to walk you through it, because OCD will take up way too much of your life if you let it.
No. 1182702
>>1182579>>1182620Depends which sect you convert to. American baptists will make you put your whole body in the water (sometimes they have a tiny pool inside the church, somewhere behind the altar in the main worship room) and they make a really big deal out of it. You would probably be baptized with a bunch of other people. Catholics, Lutherans, and lots of other Protestant groups just pour some water on your head, but there's other stuff (eg, communion and confirmation) you have to do to fully convert besides baptism, because they usually baptize infants. Unitarian Universalists would probably be like "oh, it's been a while since we had one. what kind of baptism do you want to do?"
Churches are in the business of conversion so it's super easy. Just walk into whatever church strikes your fancy and look around for bulletin boards and signs that say when the services, classes, etc are. Larger churches have an office somewhere that you can go to and ask about conversion also.
No. 1182706
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My paranoia and catastrophic thinking is getting in the way of my new relationship. He’s treated me very well so far and I’m really starting to fall for him. It feels like he’s actually invested in me as a person and wants me around but I can’t help but feel like something terrible is going to happen. My Dad was legitimately crazy and a major narc who was charming and kind to randos but a monster at home. I’m afraid my boyfriend is somehow doing the same thing to me and then will turn once he knows I can. Certain things worry me but I don’t think they’re actual proof. He drives very normally but I’m always paranoid we’re going to crash. We went to his work for drinks a few nights ago and was very friendly with a female coworker and I immediately felt like he was going to cheat on me with her. He’s interested in guns and sometimes I have intrusive thoughts of him just shooting me in the head when I’m sleeping over. He really loves kids and wants to be an elementary school teacher and I’ve convinced myself he’s some secret pedo.
He’s been nothing but respectful to me, always respecting my boundaries emotionally and sexually. He’s been vulnerable with me a lot and has admitted things he needs to work on and actually does them. He surprised me with flowers yesterday just because. He’s been very supportive of me and my job and the massive life changes I’ve been going through. I feel so safe with him but I’ve had so much awful shit happen in my life that being safe feels dangerous.
No. 1182755
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once upon a time I was friends on Facebook with that guy that simps for romanianon (i had no clue who he was at the time and was dumb and accepted everyone who requested me) and he called me UGLY and it’s still driving me insane. Not because he’s good looking but because he’s so fucking disgusting looking I can’t believe he called me an uggo. This was probably his goal. Or maybe he just legit thought I was ugly bc romanianon is pretty and he’s not mean to her. Idk I deleted my Facebook long ago and it’s for the best why am I being so psychotic about this. I never get upset over boys calling me ugly but he has since invaded my only real social space where I talk to women fuck off.
Anyways I wish I still had that pic of him dressed up as the joker because it’s fucking funny. romanianon should get higher standards because ngl, if he didn’t call me ugly I would not give him the time of day
No. 1182884
>>1182877Oh for sure. He could have used fat, stupid, femcel, some racist slur, even if none were remotely true it's just trying to kick a woman where it hurts (regarding our appearance or a bitchy attitude) and hoping it sticks, which it did. Same exact scenario as men catcalling women who they're blatantly interested and attracted to but suddenly you're an ugly bitch whore when you shut them down. And remember the whole point of negging is for men to damage the confidence of a woman
they're interested in so she'll start doubting herself and be more willing to accept his subhuman qualities
No. 1183005
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I love this emoji specially
She is looking
No. 1183107
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>>1183005here's another one for you lol
No. 1183331
>>1183269>>1182702Orthodox dunk your whole body in water too, not with other people. They don't let you fall backwards into a pool, it's just you squat or bow into a fancy bath a couple times (or if you're unlucky a plastic tub kek). Didn't feel like drowning at all. You would need to find godparents though who are there with you during the baptism. The godparents get most of the stuff you need for the baptism, you just need to bring a big white towel. There's a whole ceremony around it and they have you spit on the devil, but you get a little booklet so you can just read from it and know what to do. To prepare for the baptism you'd get homework and a reading list to make sure you want to do this and to prepare you, because there are some superstitions about how people who are close to being baptized or newly baptized are most vulnerable to demons kek. Some examples:
>Dorotheos of Gaza, discourses and sayings>The spiritual combat by Lorenzo Scupoli>The way of a Pilgrim>The Orthodox way by Kalistos Ware>The Orthodox church by Kalistos ware>On the Divine Images by St. John of Damascus>On Acquisition of the Holy Spirit by St. Seraphim of Sarov>The Orthodox studybible>The sayings of the desert fathers>The sayings of the desert mothersYou also have to go to as many services as possible and try to go to the philosophical lectures held by priests if you want to fasttrack. I'm an atheist bad Christian who constantly shits on Christianity though, so what do I know, the demons got me kek.
I like Christianity before they standardized the bible during those councils in the third century, when it was still a women's club and they didn't introduce so much misogyny yet. Of course when it stopped being persecuted, scrotes popped up from everywhere to ruin shit. I still prefer Orthodox theology over protestant or catholic, because the latter's view of (original/ancestral) sin has more misogynistic implications. So catholicism and protestantism had to retcon the Theotokos (Mary) into a NLOG, instead of just admitting that a normal woman achieved perfection through her own feat and men never did, not because she was born special and that all other women are just depraved and have no such potential. Also catholicism fucked up the concept of sin through a mistranslation and misunderstanding. Hamartia means missing the mark, sounds a lot less severe than how catholicism teaches things with "mortal" sins, meanwhile orthodox teach that there are no worse sins than the other (problem is that people don't act like this irl and they still make it a sin olympics, so the theory is nice, but organized religion sucks). We're born with bad aim, not born depraved or carrying the sin of that scrote Adam. Btw first sin was Adam lying and blaming Eve, he was given a chance to admit what he did, but nope he blamed a woman. No. 1183614
>>1183348nona, you seem to have no idea how he feels about having a second child. was he scared and sympathetic for you during your pregnancy? maybe he doesnt particularly want you to go through it again but he's not saying his opinion in case you do want another.
as far as talking about it, i dont see how you really need to. you dont need his permission to use birth control (but you should probably use a proper birth control, not plan b).
No. 1184086
>>1183406This is the one site where you are free to bash that line of work without much push back. The sad thing is that sex work is being more normalised in wider society because of the media showing off how lavishly a lot of them live as a result of their profession and numerous sw on tiktok targeting children and recruiting them into the industry with their advice. Sjw culture has never been bigger and sew workers are considered an oppressed class despite the fact that many of them are your typical privileged white girls living in western countries. It's quite scary to see this is happening. Personally, I have no issues with women in this line of work inherently because i know people do it for different reasons. I feel like not enough judgement is passed down to the nasty and
abusive men who feed the industry. I also think that the popularity of the sex industry will be the primary reason why child porn will eventually be legal.
No. 1184206
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>>1183406>A mix between the rage of a radfeminist and the disgust of a tradslaveThe sex industry is gross but so is whatever this is
No. 1184264
>>1184190I agree. I also think that strongly identifying with a character to the point that you use them as your avatar is fine, even saying "wow (s)he's literally me" in a figurative or casual way is ok, but claiming that you really are that character in another dimension or whatever, or treating the feeling of "strongly relating to a fictional character" as an identity that should be taken seriously is fucking cringe.
When I see a kinnie of any of my favorite characters I'm repulsed for some reason that I don't understand. Why do they make them their whole identity? They probably have a severe lack of self-esteem and that's why they feel the need to hide behind a mask of their favorite characters. When I think about it this way, I can't really hate them.
No. 1184278
>>1184264OP here.
I agree with you. Because of those feelings (I guess, its a bit lonely sometimes. Less because of associating with these characters and more the circumstances that cause me to relate to them being unfortunate things) I am often very repulsed. I spent some time trying to join 'kin' servers in hopes of being understood, but it was all just people freaking out because someone else was the same as them, or people swearing up and down that they were just like their favorite character while being nothing like them.
Not to be weird about it, it's more a comfort for me to relate to these figures (both from video games, one of which I played as a kid and got me through some hard times) and to have a framework at times on handling things. Im not the most friendly and certainly not very social and I was able to find comfort.
I think the trend of throwing ones whole entire existence and belief into things these days has lead to a lot of the foolishness. It's not enough to just like a character or story. It's not enough to just think someone is neat. It becomes necessary to absorb them, fact or fiction. People don't seem to realize that it doesn't have to be like that. That's why they have 100+ long "kin" lists of things they're not even done watching yet.
Not to go on and on. It's almost a case study at this point. I remember the oddity of the soul bonding communities back on LJ and the like, and seeing the diversion and evolution into this has been a strange ride.
No. 1184305
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I like games too and I specially like playing with my boyfriend, but sometimes I wish he was more into movies than into games.
There are a lot of movies that I want to watch with him but he uses most of his free time on games. He usually watches movies with me every Friday, but he's not that open to most movies like dramas or action-thrillers, he usually prefer horror (which I like too, but I wanna other stuff). I know I can watch them by myself, but it's always more fun to watch and comment it with him.
He's casual about movies while I'm more casual about games. I bet he wishes I'd be the other way around as well lol
No. 1185328
>>1185310samesies but ffn
i still use the same email too and every couple years i get a comment/like/follow despite my last update being ca2007, and i hope it never stops
No. 1185550
>>1185539anon KEK thank you so much for sending me that, i love how to cops were midgets too.
>>1185478> Remember that despite their physical size they’re still just average humans mentally too.i know that's why i feel like a bad person
No. 1185602
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I slapped and attempted to punch my ex-bf in the face when I found out he was lying to me about his porn usage. The conditions of the relationship were that porn is completely off the table, and that if he thinks he is addicted to it and finds himself relapsing then he MUST be honest and come to me about it - I said I'd be upset but I would still appreciate him being honest about it.
Well, that didn't happen obviously, and I found out about the porn usage myself. I slapped that bitch so hard and he just looked shocked and was like no no you can't do that, so I tried to hit him again. I don't care, honestly, and I don't even feel sorry for him. You want to fuck around and be unfaithful to me and hide stuff from me then I will show you the consequences of that.
I've never hit or even put my hands on anyone aside from that one instance. I just found it funny how he was shocked like I wouldn't do shit about it except cry - surprise bitch, this is what happens when you lie to me when I gave you many chances to be honest and work on it together. I just personally think that when someone fucks you over repeatedly then they deserve to be put in their place - within moderation.(seek psychiatric help)
No. 1185653
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right now i feel like everyone is just so beautiful and attractive i have to look away or take a break for seeing. any human being its like i can no longer see physical flaws in people IRL but i was also rewatching a music video and i couldnt help but stare at everyone marveling in their beauty, and the song was not even centered around their physical attractiveness but actually something dark and current. i am so ashamed of myself but at least its nothing negative ( this is why i am posting this here ). i also have a hard time seeing flaws in people objects and situations in general but now it seems my ability to do so has decreased exponentially.
No. 1185798
>>1185602>I just personally think that when someone fucks you over repeatedly then they deserve to be put in their place Yeah honestly I'm tired of forgiveness being pushed upon women. Men never forgive. Fuck them and start providing real consequences for when they screw over women and children. Porn is the passive consumption of trafficking and abuse
victims, it's not some benign little kink.
No. 1186171
>>1186165I used to do this too for the same reason. Now that I’m less defensive I find myself much more inspired by others’ art rather than feeling bad about myself.
Bad Art thread is riddled with jealous Farmers kek
No. 1186176
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i am job hopping from wagie job to wagie job until i can find something good with my connections and degree while studying.
the confession is that when a scrote pisses me off at work, i observe their weaknesses, and then subtly guide my manager to notice them, or pretend to be a customer online, on the phone, or even ask a friend, to give them a very bad angry review.
i do not feel bad about this, because in customer service, scrotes get away with lower than minimum effort. while a woman could be on her period, going through trauma and grief, and a fucking kyle would get her fired for screeching that she didn't smile wide enough. so fuck scrotes, if any of them get fired from this, i will be happy. if they keep being lazy assholes, i might make that my aim.
No. 1186240
>>1186176men need repercussions. you are making it a better place for people who stay.
the new man at my job is so lazy he doesn't do the assigned tasks or even asks anybody to help him. so when the next shift comes on all the grime and dishes are left to the night shifters. this makes it a fucking nightmare to be closing.
No. 1186290
>>1186289Isn't it odd that this is where your brain went immediately? Are you sure you're not repressing something?
Your dad is shit honestly, hope your parents are divorced.
No. 1186297
>>1186290no, i have other issues and was often neglected with unrestricted internet access groomed online from a young age which ruined my mental health but was never touched by any man in real life ever and didnt lose my virginity until i was over 18, which is kinda why i thought of that. i dwell on my past too much because i think i used to try to pretend it wasnt too bad but as i get older i realize how insanely fucked up things really were although im still aware it could have been a lot worse. ive known about my dad for years and they are still married and hes probably still cheating but i only see him once a year since he doesnt live near us. its a bizarre and fucked up situation and she would never listen to me if i told her to leave him
obviously my mom likely doesnt know i was groomed from such a young age (i wont bother mentioning it either at this point) but she did accuse me of camming with men when i was 16 (and she was right but obviously i lied) and she didnt even do anything about it
im not saying no bad things have happened to me, its just its sad to think what could have potentially happened. its really dangerous how some mothers can be like this
No. 1186347
>>1186289I legit don't know who's the most stupid between your whore dad or your cuck mom. I also learned years ago that I have an older half brother somewhere from my retarded, violent and
abusive father who was a whore out of wedlock, yet he'd beat the fuck out of my sisters and I if we even just had male classmates in primary school we kind of got along with because "only sluts do that". And then he married my mother and only told her about it years after they were married because he's a piece of shit and a coward and wanted to married a foreign, much younger woman with no standards whi thinks divorce is a sin and yet still felt the need to lie to her to not get dumped.
No. 1186366
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>>1185602They banned me for this for 4 hours and called it "unhinged blogposting" despite it being a confessions thread and I was making a confession kek
No. 1186393
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>>1186388An anon admitted to doing what to the who and the where??!
No. 1186395
>>1186388Tranny janny
tranny janny
tranny janny
tranny janny
No. 1186410
>>1186408aw that is cute and sad
nonnie, i guess maybe she is getting more popular and making money? so she perhaps feels like she has to put more 'effort' and production into creating the videos
No. 1186411
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>>1185602>>1186366Kek now I'm really starting to believe the "admin is the old moidmin" rumors.
Nonna you did nothing wrong.
No. 1186420
File: 1652876940955.jpg (115.03 KB, 858x1200, youwereanatheistwhenwemet.jpg)

found out today that my ex has started the process to become a monk and i think that's the funniest goddamn thing i have ever heard. good for him i guess?
No. 1186466

Does anyone remember Ayesha Malik from that Devacurl controversy? I read about her in a post
>>603116But holy shit she uploaded after like a year and it's the most ridiculous bullshit I've ever heard. She's talking about how she healed her hair by removing the 'toxins' and and doing those laser helmet treatments - like her damaged hair hasn't actually grown out in the last couple years? She is so absurd I can't stand it. She's saying she gained 20 pounds, suffered memory loss, lost her hearing and now has an abnormal period all from devacurl proucts. What the fuck? And she became depressed and reclusive and wouldn't go out because her hair was damaged. Then she's also saying she doesn't watch Bollywood movies anymore because they're
problematic (of course) and there's no one in Bollywood with curly hair except one person who doesn't like her. As if some random Bollywood celebrity actually knows who she is to the point of disliking her. This whole thing was just the most unbelievable saga. I don't even know what to think but I just can't take this seriously.
No. 1186547
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i hurt myself because delusions and psychosis convinced me i had to repent and show repentance. it was like autumn of 2020 and i remember how i was surrounded by demonic mocking and seeing things around me just melt and get warped, melt, covered in blood, being grabbed by hands and yelled at. everything around me was a sign, a threat. i really thought this was happening because i had sinned greatly and was the target of demonic activity. i was in unending terror.
now in 2022 i am on a youth psychosis treatment program thing. i realise why i did it, why i felt that way. i have bad days, lose my sense of reality- but i haven't hurt myself since then. haven't carved any appeals for forgiveness onto my skin since then. the thing is, my work uniform is short sleeved. summer is coming. so i have this long bandage on my right arm, to cover my 'burn' because i told people i burnt myself. i didn't. but i can't wear this covering forever, it will be suspicious. and i am NEVER telling anyone that hallucinations convinced me to ask for repentance by hurting myself and carving a word onto myself and trying to get under my skin. even though i'm getting better, if people knew i was so weird, i think i would be entirely unlovable, outcast, never trusted again. the least bad situation is that they just think i'm trying to be edgy. i am trying so hard to seem normal. no one knows how much pain i am in
>i wear a mask with a smile for hours at a time kekekek
No. 1186565
>>1186547oh shit that sounds terrifying. when i was developing psychosis, a bitch thought it was funny to take pictures of me, and threathen to kill me and blame things on me. that made me freak out and i was afraid for a whole 7 months or so that she will send some gangster to cut me up. i wanted to change my name and delete all social media. i threw out and deleted many of my photos because i thought there she will spread a rumour about me being a lesbian sex offender by photoshopping my pictures with a girl. kek i talked to people at work who weren't there.
nonnie it's fucked up. don't be disappointed at yourself, you didn't ask for this brainfuck. people think we're imagining things, or want to see these things, they don't know it just happens, and it all makes your brain see patterns that will make it make sense.
wear a plain long sleeve if you can, they let people with religions do this, you can say you don't like people to see the burn.
No. 1186618
>>1186565that sucks so much- you know, feeling the whole world is turned against you and you're entirely alone. i hope that girl isn't part of your life anymore.
long sleeves are forbidden for hygiene reasons, but i appreciate the suggestion. i will try saying that i'm insecure about my 'burn', i don't feel bad about lying to people who judge and misunderstand. still it's nice to meet another loon here, thanks
nonnie No. 1186665
>>1186547Lol unfortunately understand the is. Hope you are managing it as best as you can and continuing to seek whatever treatment helps you. I’d recommend never telling anyone about what actually happened, yes. I don’t think it’s something you should be ashamed of with those you love but strangers won’t take kindly to it and it never feels good to be a laughingstock over psychosis.
>i realise why i did it, why i felt that way. i have bad days, lose my sense of reality- but i haven't hurt myself since then. Happy to hear that.
No. 1186808
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>>1186547You could wear a thin long sleeve exercise shirt under your uniform. If people ask you could say that you don’t want to expose the burn scars to light for a while so that the scars fade better. Alternative solution is to get it tattooed over.
No. 1186853
>>1186822That is a painful way to go. And like
>>1186840 said it will most likely be quicker than you think. You can survive without food and just water if you aren't underweight. That said I hope you please reconsider.
No. 1187184
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I'm only marrying my fiancé because of his face. He is childish, gets easily addicted to things, anxious, depressed, very short. But idgaf. I'm so shallow that I only care about a guy's face. Reading nonnies and women in general describe their crushes sounds so foreign to me, I could never fall for an average guy just because he is funny/interesting. As long as a guy doesn't cheat, personality is a non-factor.
No. 1187245
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Every now and then I think about the one time a girl from my choir class back in high school (who I wasn't friends with or even acquaintances with, like we didn't really talk) told me that I was really pretty and feel a little giddy. Maybe that sounds a little pathetic but compliments for me are rare, I only ever got (rare) compliments like that from my friends or family, and I always just assumed that they were telling me that because they knew I had cripplingly low self esteem and were just trying to make me feel better. And this classmate just said it out of the blue, too, which caught me off guard. I wasn't attracted to her or anything, the compliment just really got to me, and 5 years later I'm still thinking about it and yeah I still have really low self esteem and still don't get compliments all that much…
No. 1187292
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My favorite hobby is making white supremacists downplay their racism, flustered, and giggle like little boys when I confront them. Especially when they normally spew hostility
No. 1187307
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>>1187292Anon… is this part of your little raceplay fantasies or???
No. 1187363
>>1186618>feeling the whole world is turned against you and you're entirely alonethat is exactly the feeling. left to our own device, abandoned, in extreme despair, fear and misery.
i got away from her and i told my close ones about the threats.
>i don't feel bad about lying to people who judge and misunderstandgood on you. as you shouldn't. i don't either. they could never handle or understand that level of intense mental pain, to the point of it turning physical. people become catatonic. i had such high blood pressure at one point i had a hard time not slitting my arm because it felt too tight and i was afraid if i don't let blood out my brain would explode. psychosis can be so fucking bad it literally kills our braincells and makes us temporarily disabled. normies opinion on it should be completely disregarded, as if they could even recover from a third of what we experience. my toppest keks.