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gender critical and female politics
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No. 23143

I believe we seriously need to uplift female creators who spread anti-manosphere messages in order to counter the online wave of misogyny

Here are some examples I thought of :

> BurbNBougie (Youtube link : https://www.youtube.com/@BurbNBougie)

> Princella Clark (Youtube Link : https://www.youtube.com/@TheQueenMaker)
> Tree of Logic (Youtube Link : https://www.youtube.com/@justtree411)

No. 23150

I can share a few of my subscriptions.

Childfree For Life: https://www.youtube.com/@ChildfreeForLife
Hasn't uploaded any new content in a while, but going through her older stuff is a great affirmation for women who want to remain childfree. Content is her reading Reddit threads about the difficulty of motherhood, comparison between a childfree life vs life with kids, struggles of childfree women being 'pushed' to become mothers by relatives and friends, and similar. She narrates it with great intonation and a pleasant voice.

trolleybolley: https://www.youtube.com/@trolleybolley
Semi-political Youtuber that has made fun of tradwaifies, fake feminists, serial killer fangirls, manosphere content creators, and other clowns that deserve to have a finger pointed at. She is very obviously an intelligent woman, the only thing that grinded my gears is her being a nepo-baby, so she lives in a bit of a different world.

Melanie Hamlett: https://www.youtube.com/@MelanieHamlett
A big hit or miss depending on how much libfem stuff you can tolerate. I think she has the right ideas about navigating interactions with men, but also for some reason excludes crossdresser males (trannies) from her analysis, and supports "sex work". If you can look past it, her content has a lot of valuable information in regards to self-confidence, not giving the benefit of the doubt to males, healing from trauma, daddy issues, pick-meishas sabotaging other women, healthy friendships between women, holding women accountable, and other such stuff.

Chad Chad: https://www.youtube.com/@thechadx2
Super light-hearted content, with less social commentary and more silliness. If you are feeling down and need a little pick-me-up, I recommend you check her out. I especially like the videos where she pokes fun at retarded "trad" moids, for a reference point: "Reddit Knows How Women Work" and "Women Don't Have Hobbies" were hilarious.

No. 23151

I know about these women as well, I think chad chad and melanie hamlett are both libfemmy, which is kind of inconvenient in the longer term. I guess TrolleyBolley is the one whose worth it the most alongside Childfree for life.

No. 23195

I really like chad chad and she's so funny but I'm already dreading the inevitable video where she's gonna make fun of gendercrit women

No. 23211

Jess De Wahls
Textile artist, makes radfem-inspired embroidery artwork.

Sarah Vaci
> https://www.instagram.com/lordvaci/
Drawing and painting artist, is making a series of 100 portraits of detransitioned women and telling their stories of how and why they detransitioned.

No. 23484

There's a whole thread like this on /m/ why not add it there??

No. 38136

trolley sure doesnt like white women, implies feminism isnt for white women in addition to all other races of women, on her tradwives vid. This is very divisive and unhelpful. Yet men support each other in their crimes against any race of women. Shes doing the same thing misogynist men do, just add the word "white" in front of it.

This is coming from someone who doesnt even count as white, as Im half Southern European (apparently that makes me not white acc to wasp women). But trolley would probably call me white to hate on me, either way, its still a misogynistic mentality.

Childfrees content is just rereading reddit stories. While I like the antibreeder angle, a lot of it looks like it criticizes mainly women.

The others dont really appeal to me either.

We need better man hating youtubers that will improve womens lives, ie how to navigate moid psychology and thwart their attempts at abuse and control on a personal and societal level.

No. 38137

White women shouldve think that when they chose red cock over other womens liberation

No. 38151

No. 38156

sarah klait on tiktok makes fun of boymoms, but not a fan of her mocking young girls for looking old. Other than that, her videos are very therapeutic and funny. We need more anti boymom content in the world.

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