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No. 1546635
The Rachel Aliza Leeds-Minkin Show, Season 9
> Rachel Aliza Leeds Minkin, 28, of Emerald Hills, CA> Degenerate Sephiroth fetishist and chronically online roleplayer> Tweets gore and porn at minors on Twitter, offers alleged "sex Ed" to minors on Discord> Repeatedly denies being a pedo or zoophile even when nobody is asking, "the lady doth protest too much"> Seems to have been groomed as a minor herself by an older woman named Jennifer who would RP as Sephiroth> She now harasses random "Sephiroths" demanding that they RP with her to her own autistic expectations> Has been doing this for years and became infamous in the community to the point people made Twitters to keep up with her antics> Revived a year-dead /snow/ thread by harassing people on the Discord to get her thread taken down> Got used by other lolcows to attack their personal enemies, was e-seduced by a Nazi pedophile> Claims to be in a "polycule" with 5 boyfriends and 2 girlfriends who she will pretend to be in her thread. They don't actually exist.> Speaks in incredibly unnecessary detail about her (imaginary) sex life and her questionable understanding of how her own "lady bits" function.> Spent 5+ years in a special school before being mainstreamed at some point before high school, where she was isolated and bullied, explaining her retreating more into her online fantasy world.Supporting Cast:
> Michael: Canadian Nazi, Rachel's #1 simp and white knight, she says they are no longer together. He continues to seethe and attack any woman he can on Twitter and Discord.> Elaine: British-Jewish pickme with weird bone structure, previously Michael's #1 simp but was hot mic'd calling his ancestry into question and badmouthing Canada. Faildoxed LCF admin last year and LARPs as a hacker. Currently being catfished by scrotes pretending to be Null, who she simps even harder for. >>>/snow/1360109 >>>/snow/1191408> Jennifer: 39yo Sephiroth fan who probably groomed Rachel as a kid. Named her 2 children after Seph and her OC she shipped with him. Rachel defends her ardently and denies any grooming.> Fairsinfocenter: Zach [Fair] and Grogu, two female roleplayers naming themselves after fictional male characters. Rachel's primary anti-fans who maintain a pretty busy Twitter and Tumblr tracking and shitting on Rachel. > Ines and Spookybones: Ines is some random girl who Elaine decided was LCF admin and Spookybones is a now banned Kiwi who had drama with several of the above people and made Rachel's Kiwi. Michael and Elaine tried to point Rachel at them but she eventually got tired of it.> Melissa ("Hyde"): Makeup artist from LA who Rachel got in an online fight with and then Melissa filled out a restraining order in which she added like 50-60 pounds to Rachel's weight for the lulz.> Naught: self-admitted pedophile, onionfarms admin. I took his name off the list because he hadn't popped up but he decided to post towards the end of the last thread to promote his shitty thread about Dana Marie Cain. (lolcow dot org scrote thread, take w/grain of salt)> Blaine: Mentally ill OnionFarms/AMB tranny who delivered milk on Rachel and was involved in trolling/tipping/alogging and occasionally white-knighting her. Your guess is as good as mine. Serial ban-evader on LCF. Claimed he wasn't coming back but started looking for attention again both here and on KF. (look who made his KF thread!)> JavisFNF: possibly a minor. Self-inserted for no discernable reason into Rachel's KF thread. Sister is supposedly a nonna.> Rachel's parents, Steven and Diane: Liberal Jews from San Francisco, a dentist and a former tech exec. Probably clueless but also know that Rachel has been in trouble online before, see legal troubles.> Rachel's mother, Barbara: nurse in Colorado, Rachel alleges she was a major drug addict and gave her up for adoption for this reason but this doesn't track wih what we know about her so far.Last Season:
> Rachel gets in a slapfight with a 16yo girl, tweets gore and porn at her> She finally disavows her Nazi e-bf but continues to tweet questionable things about race and (despite trying to position herself as an ally and decry as full of TERFs) trannies> Promises and fails to deliver a scale pic showing her to be her alleged 140lbs > Rachel copes on OnionFarms, says she will always have a "kindhearted Chad willing to fuck me and love me."> Nonnies talk about side characters and argue about trannies> More worrying past posts of Rachel re: minors surface> Nonnies find Rachel's birth mom, who doesn't seem to have the troubling history that Rachel repeatedly alluded to with drugs and the law, etc.> Old RP posts get revisited possibly returning to the scene of the crime with Jennifer and Rachel having sexualized interactions when Rachel was 16> continually banned from Twitter, now impersonating her cat> boasted about going to Fanime but seems to have stayed at home tweeting cat pics and seethingOlder milk:
> posts obsessively on LCF claiming to be various other people WKing her > banned from various platforms and basically everywhere Sephiroth related> has threatened to starve herself to get unbanned> has a whole tumblr group (Fairsinfo Center) dedicated to monitoring/alogging her> claims to be in a polyamorous relationship with 5 guys and 2 girls; no evidence these people exist> undeniably fat with a BMI of 37.4; delusionally claims to be 140lbs, calls others "fatty patty"> has a disturbing obsession with Bad Dragon and similar exotic animal/fantasy dildos> harassed a cat blog about how DDLG fetish is awesome and valid because the cat blog made a one-off comment about it making her uncomfortble> posted gore and death threats to obvious minors on Twitter> showed up in the Encyclopedia Dramatica discord with Elaine and proceeded to get made fun of by everyone in the server> went on her usual spergfest which resulted in all 3 of her accounts being banned from the EDD server and her reporting users, admins and the server to discord which resulted in a couple of bans No. 1546655
>>1546646I don't even get this one and how it was to slander me other than imply my taste in music is trash.
Here's some actual metal to make up for whoever wants to be an assclown while not facing me. I only namefagged on the sock post, should be obvious why.
No. 1546679
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>>1546645Yes facebook.
>>1546654Yeah and I wanna stop fucking showing up but faggots keep trying to insert themselves.
No. 1546746
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I don't think this has been mentioned and it goes contrary to some assumptions. Rereading the OP I'm reminded that Rachel's mom was a tech exec (Hewlett Packard, IIRC) before going into local politics, so the narrative that says her parents are clueless boomers who can't into the technology that's getting their daughter into trouble doesn't really hold water, does it?
No. 1546750
>>1546746Rachel has also outright stated her mother knows and it stresses her out to the point of crying. Rachel blamed it on others not knowing shes the reason but yeah whoever made this OP was uh
Pretty dumb ngl.
No. 1546766
>>1546762Imagine someone here hating on trannies. Quelle surprise! And why can't the tranny be saving the kid
and looking for attention? I'm pretty sure I know which one of those is the prime mover, and it's not the moralfaggy one.
No. 1546784
>>1546781Thank you very much
nonnie, she likes to change those numbers up to keep us on our toes huh?
No. 1546790
>>1546787I suppose that's why the conversation devolved so much among others. Any ideas on why Rachel is laying low?
It almost seems like a manic depressive cycle at this point to me is why I ask.
No. 1546798
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>>1546778I just checked up on it and she’s pretty much just posting cringe baby talk as if her cat is talking.
No. 1546804
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>>1546801Eh they are okay. Just regular domestic cats. Nothing special. I just want to know if those are Rachel’s legs with the awful rainbow socks and mom jeans, or one of her parents developing dementia thinking rainbow socks are cool and that it’s the 60s afain:
No. 1546807
>>1546803Id have done a better job and half of it would be talking about how she shits her pants.
Again that is the thing I'm most personally upset about. Tho frankly the Hyde thing kinda irritates me, it's just like sloppy? That's the best word, sloppy.
No. 1546810
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Since when is it a problem to use the first name of someone, whether they like it or not? Something tells me if we looked into Melissa she'll be milky herself, and the more (presumably a small number of) people try to divert attention the more I'm gonna think that.
> Do not share names, pictures, or social media of people unrelated to the drama being discussed, for example family members, friends, or coworkers.
How is she unrelated again?
No. 1546869
>>1546810Can you stop being fucking retarded about thinking Hyde needs to be “investigated?” She is a person that was harassed by Rachel (who is the cow here and the subject of this thread, not Hyde) to the point of getting a TRO against her because she was worried Rachel might act like a fucking psychopath and hunt her down irl. This weird obsession you have with wanting to “find milk” on her is just derailing the thread and almost seems
victim-blamey (for lack of a better term) and posting a picture that’s supposedly her is also pretty damn pointless? Like who fucking cares lol
She wants to be left out of this and I don’t think it’s an unreasonable ask. After all, one of the main things we dunk on Rachel about is her inability to leave people alone and stop harassing them online. Let’s not participate in that behavior and act like the cow ourselves. So yeah, you’re right in the fact that she is related to Rachel… but as one of her many online targets, therefore not fair game to have her information shared here against her will
No. 1546871
>>1546869Please point to some instances where we've done this. If Melissa is boring, then nobody will post about her. If she is being aggressively shielded by people from
even mentioning her first name then yeah I think it is
entirely reasonable that people are interested in her now.
"Investigated?" It's not that deep. Everyone else in this story has been interesting and carried some entertaining baggage. It's not unreasonable to wonder if she does too. What possible harm could mentioning her first name do? She's easily doxable, nobody's doing that because it's not funny. However, if she turns out to be another demented fujo frothinng at the mouth about her favorite ship and that's what lead to the slapfight, then
that would be funny. Hence people's interest.
No. 1546878
>>1546871“People’s” interest? Or just your own? Because I’m pretty sure you’re the same anon that was saying this shit last time about “Hyde seems like she’s so milky too let’s find out!!1!” when she was posted about in Rachel’s KF thread and she came here begging to have her identifying information left out of the entire thing because Rachel has already harassed her enough. We don’t need to do it, too. People are diverting attention away from Hyde because she’s not the subject of this thread and isn’t contributing any new milk to it, plus she is one of the many people that the
actual cow Bertha has targeted for years. You’re just derailing the thread with your conspiracy theories about Hyde at this point, she stated previously what led to the “slap fight” and it’s documented in her court documents filed when she got her TRO against Rachel. Whatever she does in her roleplaying communities regarding ships or whatever isn’t relevant here unless it’s new milk between her and Rachel, which she has expressed repeatedly she wants nothing to do with. So posting her pics and identifying information after she asked us not to is just you being petty because you have a weird Bertha-esque fixation about her. So stop being retarded
No. 1546881
>>1546871NTAYRT but Hyde has made statements saying she wants nothing to do with Rachel after the court case. She doesn’t talk about her on her Twitter accounts, she just wants to be left alone. Rachel always drags her into her little demented world because she’s got some hate boner for Hyde.
> if she turns out to be another demented fujo frothinng at the mouth about her favorite shipShe’s not and doesn’t care about ships and isn’t a Fujoshit. She just wants to be able to post on Twitter without Rachel foaming at the mouth that Hyde still exists and has friends in the fandom. Hyde is actually not anything worth milking. Rachel just hates her because she had the balls to get a court order on Rachel and has a lot of followers, is remotely popular on Twitter, is skinny and reasonably pretty looking. Rachel doxxed her place of employment a few threads back which upset Hyde when someone mentioned it to her when Rachel was name dropping on one of her banned twitters. Hyde literally wants nothing to do with this or Rachel. She just wants to be left alone.
The only person that calls her Melissa is Rachel. The only person that wants to destroy her image is Rachel. If it where not for Rachel, Hyde would be another person that had the unfortunate situation of encountering Rachel. But because she can’t handle someone telling her to leave them alone, Rachel makes it a life mission to hold a petty grudge on someone who simply said leave me alone.
No. 1546889
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>>1546878OK. Explain how mentioning her first name is a problem. Heck, I just had a look. There are 7 women under 40 with her same
first and last names (easily findable on KF, no need to post here because again,
it's not funny) in roughly the LA metro area. Speaking of the LA metro area, she's, not to put too fine a point on it, 370 miles from Rachel door-to-door, least anyone worry that somehow we are putting her in acute physical danger. Which would be dumb to begin with because if anyone knows Mel's dox, it's certainly Rachel, right? Who else is going to bother her?
Thanks for confirming, by the way, that you're directly involved in the situation and thus seem to think this is some cancel-culture crusade against someone (Rachel) in your hobby you don't like rather than looking for the funny. Tell me without telling me etc. you're not here for the same reason as the rest of us. If like a sensible person Melissa had ignored whatever it was between them resurfacing a few threads back, then I don't think
anyone would care. But she registered a pretty dramatic reaction to a pretty slight mention (I don't even think she works in the same place anymore) and that is certainly curious.
No. 1546896
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Hmm seems sus that there’s suddenly someone name dropping Hyde and wanting to “ milk heel while Rachel is actively posting.
No. 1546922
>>1546889What the fuck are you talking about, where did I “admit” that I’m directly involved? Lmao I live literally across the country and have never had a single interaction with these people outside of LCF. And I definitely do not partake in the “hobby” of roleplaying, I honestly think it’s stupid and cringey but whatever. I am just a
nonnie who has thoroughly enjoyed laughing at Rachel for the last few weeks and am able to empathize with people that she has harassed online. It makes no sense for
us to keep harassing those same people when they aren’t even doing anything to contribute to the milk. Hyde’s reaction to having her personal information posted here seemed pretty rational to me… a person who relentlessly harassed her online for years was being brought back up into her life and people were reaching out to her about it. That seems like it could be a pretty stressful and upsetting thing to somebody. You are literally the only person here (aside from Bertha, of course) who has any sort of interest in Hyde. There’s no milk and she’s not the subject of the thread. Quit derailing
No. 1546937
>>1546932Yeah the stuffs never been solid because of disagreements on how to handle Spooky. They're larping a tranny too far as anyone can tell.
Tl;Dr: Spooky has claimed to be both his husband and wife to try and avoid being tied to another account. The Onion farms thread is correct though, that blue light account is Spooky, whatever the fuck their gender is.
Shouldn't be involved at all but never changes their writing style. They are by far the least important orbiter and more a nonna who keeps wanting to be an orbiter.
No. 1546942
>>1546932Mod from Kiwifarms, constantly says other people do things for attention to distract others from the fact he's doing it himself. Ran the ILJ investigation into the ground by being trolled by Bella.
When put in the exact same situation on Onion farms Blaine…
Fuck if, Erika.
Erika called that it was Bella and pulled her IP and shared it so that KF could confirm a fair few things. Erika helped that investigation off site than Spooky did as a moderator.
Plus Spooky wants to be a tranny and UH isn't bad looking, jealousy.
I know Spooky more from avoiding the topics they posted on, very short fuse and entitled attitude.
(derailing) No. 1546947
>>1546889When you hate trannies so much you insist of deadnaming Cis people online.
Maybe this should be a moral crusade if dumbasses like you just wanna continually go after Hyde.
No. 1546965
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Will we ever get a thread that stays on subject?
Here I’ll pay the tax of something related to the subject. For someone with such “intelligence” she’s pretty damned low IQ when it comes to geography.
No. 1546972
>>1546965Old milk to dodge the fact that the OP should remove Hyde's name isn't something to act like you're intelligent for doing.
New milk or stfu.
No. 1546974
>>1546965There is a subject, remove Hyde's name….
Old news, old milk, attention whoring.
No. 1546975
>>1546973Rachel can't double check proof cause her brain makes her feel bad when she's wrong.
No. 1547070
>>1546918I agree with this because no one else brings Hyde up or refer to her by her name except Rachel. Hyde has stated she doesn't want any involvement. It's also been proven that Rachel needlessly drags her name up.
also even those this isn't related to hyde,
>>1545508 is a recent thing that was posted in the last thread. like they said, rachel brings up shit that no one thinks about or ask about.
the person who keeps bringing up hyde as if she has milk has some sort of agenda. it's also been proven that rachel does bring hyde up in order to have people cancel her or ruin her reputation.
i think fairinfo posted about this before.
No. 1547095
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>>1547081she really does lol i think that's why she calls zack by the name gavin, but when she does it it rats her out. that's why her dumbass got caught impersonating another person because everyone was like "who the fuck is gavin" and then they put the piece together. i think zack stated that gavin is just another alias. im still digging through the tweets.
bertha really hard-pressed about no one respecting her wishes on her name. lol
No. 1547140
>>1546804rachel showing off her totally real kweer pride
>>1546810oh look another completely normal woman that rachel cant stop seething about
No. 1547168
>>1547154Best thing is she knows this and any doxed person that looked better she ran into she has threatened to use their pictures to catfish.
Do you know how Incels think all women are?
Turns out they're all studying Rachel.
No. 1547179
>>1547173Hate to break it to you, but there are a lot of farmers that are also Kiwis.
I also don't get where this sudden Spooky hate is coming from.
No. 1547180
Since the OP itself lacks snark for anyone else I'll just give ya mine redone as a freebee cause that dig is pathetic. I'll even deadname myself and gender myself incorrectly. Theres a buncha digs to use for next time, on the house.
> Blaine: Autistic AMB tranny who delivered milk on Rachel and was involved in trolling/tipping/alogging and occasionally white-knighting her. Your guess is as good as mine. Pissed off most people who got banned around the time he did. His chin could sand off a wood better than an orbital sander. Moralfagged his way into tard wrangling Rachel and anyone who tries to insert via the farms. Continually blows cover for seemingly no reason, comes across as crass and rude, and sounds like Dr. Girlfriend. Stayed on Onion Farms longer than any sane person could tolerate. (look who made his KF thread!)>>1547173More than you fucking know, but frankly in a couple of days here you'll pull your head out of your ass and see why me being a tranny is hardly the worst thing out of this.
Next CwC?
Yeah she woulda been, the worst sagas, the one where people stole money from him…
>>1547179Then register on AMB, ask me there and lets keep this thread on Rachel.
No. 1547190
>>1547184Nah I went to bed at 1am so posted Roy and then posted now.
You ladies can derail shit pretty easily by yourself. (which one of the obvious two hate posters are you lol)
taps sign that says bring it to AMB or shut the fuck up for a third time No. 1547210
>>1547169what, like the time she pretended to be a black woman with a bbl on twitter, or all the times shes come here trying to act black, but just ends up showing how she only sees black people as racial caricatures?
>>1547201its not though, this thread gets derailed all the time and UH really doesnt post that much.
No. 1547222
>>1547210I am frankly shocked when people don't have my writing style down, it's rather unique.
No need to defend me tho, it just causes the two obvi posters to get more salty.(Unless your goal is tilting, I ain't your mom)
Duuuuuuude I saw that reading up in the archives and I got like, I found it insultingly hilarious like so off base it was like stepping into a theatre and seeing blackface done non-ironically.
Honestly it is less racist than it seems, Rachel is of a low enough intellect that she cannot think how others can. You'll see this often in people who cannot sock, the views or actions are always the same and the writing is usually not too varied. Vocabulary gives people away a lot more than they realize for example which is why people who have seen Regina post so often can call her out so easily.(I'm gonna respect Regina's preferred pronouns even though they do not respect mine)
Not saying the two are of the same intellect but rather they share a similar issue of not being able to stop, put on someone else's shoes and think for a bit. I do this on the fly when I am slapfighting people, it's how I can set out bait and be consistent.
So for Rachel even when she WKs as someone else there are always these obvious tells, most people can pick up on them but can't elaborate as to why they know. It's just the brain processing subconscious clues and unless it was an autistic hyperfocus of yours(like it was for me) you just kinda go with it. It's part of social skills really at the end of the day, changing yourself for an audience.
To me however that is pandering and attention seeking, making a joke for yourself is better than making jokes for different crowds. The ability to do so is important however otherwise you will come across as Rachel.
It's why a lot of younger people get creeped out by her nearly instantly, in their hindbrain they see that she hasn't learned this social skill that they have and since she is older is comes across as a red flag of immaturity or stunted development. Children haven't developed enough of a nurturing sense to pity her as a gut reaction but instead they get the gut reaction of creep.
I could go on but this will be called derailing the thread no matter how much substance is placed within.(also I am posting on my original IP but I thought the first ban was for two years so I hope the sites functioning well)
No. 1547428
>>1547406I wouldn't worry too much about it. If she does end up having a new account, she'll just get flag by that community. it's what always happens with her accounts. you don't even have to witch hunt for her accounts.
i think she mentioned in a pervious thread that she always gets found out.
that community has at least 5 ways that marks rachels accounts, so don't worry about which hunting. the community is pretty good at figuring her accounts out and never getting the wrong person.
No. 1547459
>>1547428That seems to me the obvious reading of
>>1547456 saying "flag[ged] by the community … [who have] at least 5 ways" to recognize her. I assume meaning the FF7 RP community. I don't see that post referring to Twitter algorithms at all except possibly in a real strained way. Smells like her vendetta-chans who are also getting tiresome. There are few things more annoying than someone trying to point you at their persona enemies when you're just trying to have a laugh. Talking of communities,
our communities (to include the Kiwis) don't react well to that bullshit.
No. 1547465
>>1547461Oh absolutely. The twitter RP community can do what they feel and it's not my place to tell them not to do things I don't like. But that's not the vibe I got off
>>1547428 which read as if the point of this thread is to get Rachel b& of Twitter or otherwise cause her problems and/or to give the Fairs people info in order to do so which is pretty much a severe miscalculation of what we're about and I'm pretty surprised that there are people here who haven't caught onto that yet. And those kinds of things have a way of boomeranging. The people who get overly invested in the cow typically have some skeletons of their own. I won't speculate on these people but let's just say very few skinny girls get into alogging Amberlynn.
No. 1547474
>>1547434You want them to ruin their fun so you can have yours?
Shit like that's why I'm here and wah no troons, get over it, if a buncha ppl didn't bend over backwards to cover up Michael Thurlows ass nobody would know what I was. It don't matter, think of me as a dog at a computer if it helps you?
>>1547465Ninja'd a point I was gonna bring up.
So far from the RP people I've stayed in contact with Rachel has not resurfaced, I'd be delivering milk instead of a few posts stating to be careful who interacts with Rachel.
No. 1547511
>>1547509Does anyone of her older run ins know if she was THIS inclined to shout death threats in public spaces or if it's been something that has increased through the years. So far it seems most people say she's very much the same but mainly in reference to the just inability to be a friend which can come in many ways.
Judging off her gaiaonline accounts she must have always been somewhat violent but my question remains.
No. 1547555
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>>1547511Yes. She has made death threats to people years before now. I only had the unfortunate time encountering her since 2019 and she was wishing death and “ putting people in the ground” even then.
No. 1547564
>>1547474I’m going to admit that I am in the roleplay as a hobby on a few platforms. Cringe if you want, I find fun in it and it hurts no one. And I have been posting here and in other threads for a few years now because I enjoy the train wreck that is cows like Charlotte charms, Dakota koti, peacock feather, and the queen PT.
But when it comes to Rachel, the Twitter community is very aware of how she behaves. They watch out for new people and cautiously approach before they get some form of clarity that it’s not her by either a selfie post, or general behavior in the community. Rachel sticks out like a sore thumb. She doesn’t talk with many females l character wise and has a weird obsession with cats. Her posts are never on subject and often drama centered with a lot of fake woke posts. She also goes hard on ships and canon for some reason while also trying to shoehorn lewd sexual posts that just feel soo immature.
No. 1547574
>>1547566Her Gaiaonline blogs say she has went but didn't apply herself because she found it a hassle and had to be bribed with chocolate/vanilla sundaes.
So we know why her parents made her into a lard ass and coddled her. Probably too afraid their fatass daughter would try to kill them if they didn't feed her or let her do whatever she wanted.
No. 1547926
>>1547444OP most certainly has a vendetta, they're also the anon calling for Hyde to be investigated. Rachel uses completely different images. For those of you who don't know Wharf Rat is Spookybones so then wanting stickers is why we have this whole mess instead of….
Rachel slowly winding down?
This has been some of the more interesting stuff as there's so many moving parts, people trying to self insert and a person who delivered milk AND trolled the cow now Moralfag guntguarding the cow, and chasing minors away from them and the thread. (Nice use of a sock UH)
I can't wait to see what happens next, especially if this Mike guy comes back.
No. 1548085
>>1548002>I looked through all this for you guys so can we please stop bringing me up?Who the fuck are you supposed to be?
Also, scat? kek
No. 1548094
>>1548085Could be anyone who keeps getting named and brought up really.
Scat means poop, it's funny in this context as usually cat poop is what is meant outside of sex.
No. 1548213
>>1548185Nah it was me, half the fucking thread is derailed into sperging and it's fucking tiring. I'd be dumping twitter shots but it's just cringy cat stuff and nothing of merit so I shifted back to digging into it just to see. Namefagged to dissuade people from inserting like Javis did and I'm really regretting it due to this being the aftermath. I was hoping to get milk from the RP to organically shift back to that but who wants to see that? It's nasty even for Rachel. Otherwise yeah woulda been goneso like before.
Now can we please get back to discussing Rampart, I mean Rachel?
No. 1548239
>>1548234If this is Hyde most of us here completely agree with you and got upset with the OP over your actual name being brought up. I know that I don't want you to keep getting dragged into this crap, especially as it's causing you undue stress.
I would most certainly be open to just never bringing you up again as the history has long since been uneeded to prove just how unhinged Rachel is regardless of who you are.
Can whoever makes the next OP remember to leave this person out of it?
No. 1548243
>>1548239Yeah it is. . It’s becoming much because this is messing with my personal life when I’m just trying to live like a human and help my family out.
It makes me so upset knowing people also were I’m assuming pretending to be me or pin it on me when I myself am never online. . As I’ve stated before I wish for the best for Sera and know she has the power to change. It’s affecting me so much I just can’t. . .
No. 1548390
>>1548284You do, but the difference is the other people don't care about being name dropped if it means Rachel goes down.
If it isn't the landwhale herself doing it or someone's plain ignorance, it could be someone who feeds off of making women upset by hitting the low hanging fruit….Hmmm.
I wonder who that could be. There's certainly nobody who orbits Rachel who does that. It couldn't possibly be a woman hating bitch boy.
No. 1548401
>>1548390Angry Canadian does hate UH a ton for very obvious reasons, he hates Regina and Rachel as well as probably Elaine at this point. Not sure if there is a person he runs into that he doesn't eventually hate and while he is posting cringe shit like the attached image, I don't think it was him simply due to the fact that would mean the OP AND him both were trying to dig more into Hyde(it's not a slip to add in Hyde's irl name, it's not been brought up in a while before the 9th thread).
Michael(Angry Canadian) HATES the tranny allegations and has 'worked' to try and debunk them with shoddy reasoning over on Onion Farms already when someone posted a thread containing UH mockingly reading his posts and causing him to sperg out. Due to this there is no way he made the OP as it uses this image whereas a trumpet is the signature of a certain someone. Someone who enjoyed investigating people even barely related to the ILJ case.
No. 1548406
File: 1654298566950.png (43.79 KB, 1179x310, mikesapsycho.png)

Dropped this on my way I guess.
No. 1548499
File: 1654309406691.jpg (25.75 KB, 300x299, Kengle yggr.jpg)

Who's the bigger lolcow, the lolcows who got jannie privs on Kengle or Kengle who they managed to pull the wool over his eyes so completely that he believes that the nasty truth about AC and Naught is a Kiwi fabrication? Kengle seems to unironically think himself to be so important that Josh et al. would fabricate pedo and other accusations against his jannies to take his site down.
No. 1548557
File: 1654313068239.png (88.43 KB, 720x420, Screenshot_20220603-222312~2.p…)

Mike's reposting screencaps on his alt on Onion farms so it's actually possible that was him earlier.
No. 1548803
File: 1654348521173.png (92.07 KB, 1218x723, justwow.png)

For anyone who doesn't know how dead Onionfarms is, here are the only two active posters trying to talk to an obvious bot account.
Bear in mind these two are banned from .org so that might be why they are so desperate for social interaction.
No. 1548947
>>1548926Changing out of a cow takes far more time than a couple of days, not only that but she has consistently displayed for years that she cannot learn. Rachel will probably always be a cow, she wants to be coddled by everyone and everything around her. The world must bend to her whims, now that level of egotism alone is an undesirable trait but when you couple it with the lack of skill, talent, beauty, or anything of merit to bring to the table like Rachel has it becomes perfect fuel for keeping a lolcow a lolcow.
Rachel is doomed to forever be one, it's not like someone with a clear bias campaigned to make her thread and she had no history. It's not like this was some politicsperg driven thing, no it's 9 threads in two months of pure insanity. She is a hoot and a half, and pretty soon she will waddle back in to defend herself as someone new again.
>>1548939Or just not having adhd yes.
No. 1549020
>>1548983Rachel and Michael have both been kissing Kengle's ass harder than I have seen anyone ever do so they are certainly up to something or another. Honestly besides his last post in here being butthurt about his Dana thread I haven't seen Naught to personally involved.
>>1548929Have to agree with
>>1548947 it's far more likely that Rachel will always be a cow, though seems like both of us agree that it's been no way or shape long enough for Berchal to not be a huge heffer.
Where are the scale pics Rachel? Didn't you want to own the haydurs? We know you Onionfarmers lurk this thread anyways so why don't you tell us why you never posted the scale? Is it because you are 250, and not 140lbs like you claimed?
No. 1549027
File: 1654363911141.jpg (28.68 KB, 198x320, S--DU STUPID POST AWARD.jpg)

>>1548926Here ya go anon, you earned it even above all the sperging this thread has been you managed to still make the dumbest post yet.
No. 1549425
>>1549093The people who made this thread are hardcore FF7 shippers Rachel decided to fuck with. They have nothing to do with FairInfo or the FF7RP community. These are basically two different groups, except one of them happens extremist.
It was those same people who tipped Rachel off about the thread. The same group of people who figured out her address and full name, based off what she gave them because she wanted to stick it to them with her pay check.
This was basically a dead thread that no one cared about, but I think they tipped her off on purpose because they knew she wouldn't be able to stay away.
No. 1549494
File: 1654391199748.jpg (145.88 KB, 1189x836, profilepostsdontshowforguests.…)

Berchal has been profile posting on Onionfarms, won't show up for guests so just really shows her using it as a social media.
No. 1549497
File: 1654391352619.png (677.63 KB, 541x721, a nazi and his sow.png)

>>1549482Post the link, nonna.
>>>/snow/1360109 starts a week+ ago but it is worth the read. I did not even think of the fact that AC didn't WK Elaine, you know he has seen the thread about it while meanwhile AC is jannying anti-Rachel posts hard over at Onion Farms. Poor Elaine, can't even get picked by the most LV scrote imaginable, picrel. Our boy Michael does prefer a woman with some, uh, meat on her bones though. I guess Elaine was useful to him so long as he could point her at personal enemies but since she is so erratic he gave up and picked Bertha, a woman who he actually does simp for. No accounting for taste.
No. 1549498
File: 1654391423023.png (109.83 KB, 982x225, trannyjanny.png)

Janny, janny, fucking tranny,
So fucking gay that it's uncanny
Always logged in,
Never logs out,
He's always looking for some clout.
Now he's banned from every site,
Always looking for a fight.
And yet he'll always cope and seethe,
He'll do it till he cannot breathe.
He swears to all that he is cis,
But no one online believes this.
But line by line he's posting shit,
Ruins forums bit by bit.
He'll also troll your favorite soon,
Morning, night, and afternoon.
No. 1549506
File: 1654391957641.jpg (156.25 KB, 1187x660, plsstopcallingmegay.jpg)

Samefag, had to get the song in, just too spot on.
No. 1549526
File: 1654393092695.jpg (48.82 KB, 1318x241, stillnoelainedefense.jpg)

Mike still hasn't WK'd Elaine but is actively WK'ing Rachel on OF against guest accounts like the valiant tranny janny that he is. So anyone else wanna bet that Rachel is his beard and Naught is his true love?
No. 1549532
File: 1654393491447.jpg (57.64 KB, 1315x386, dumbass.jpg)

>Asks for proof
>Receive proof
>Cope, Seethe and Dialate about it.
No. 1549610
>>1549607Kengle gave me staff out of nowhere but took it away when I refused to show up for the staff voice calls, I can only guess at what goes on during them and I really don't want to guess at it.
Pretty sad that the most traffic he got to the site after everyone left it was from people using it as a tard cage to poke Michael and Rachel.
Berchal has quite the gunt to guard, Michael has got to be getting worn down with all the heavy lifting.
No. 1549683
>>1549669Rachel is so fat.
How fat is she?
Rachel so fat she sweats bacon instead of grease.
>>1549616I can try.
No. 1549946
>>1549776So while ppl(especially here)overblow the health effects of transitioning what is real and an actual thing is the flip flopping of detransitioning. That shit really damages you especially if done at an age and with the timeline of Michael.
There's a reason he has a scraggly soy beard and looks 53 when he's 25, a lot of it's the drugs but the bloat face comes from cycling onto and off of estrogen.
No. 1549989
I get you (trannykun does seem like a better name lol) probably did not plan to stick around this long, but since you did just go full anon and enjoy. Your posts are usually pretty good aside from the personal shit.
Anyone manage to find a new Rachel account? Her Bello one just seems too slow to be her only outlet currently. I have this weird feeling we will stumble across her new account next week and find it already filled with harassing minors and the most vanilla porn imaginable.
No. 1550065
File: 1654448386885.png (398.45 KB, 530x373, trannykundelivers.png)

Not the best art, but I figured I would make something for the cow crossover and as an apology for breaking so many rules during it. I'll try to be better at not making myself obvious in the future, thank you all for having me in your space. I don't mean to invade it, only deliver laughs for you ladies to enjoy.
After all this is the internet and hard feelings should be left to the cows, I think all of you are extremely funny and insightful and I have found this place to be a lot more fun to scroll through than Kiwi(though yes I do avoid the trans shit naturally). Hopefully this will be my last obvious post and the only time you'll know it's me is when the milk makes it obvious, not my commentary.
Sorry to everyone, and I hope the shows continue to escalate in laughter and insanity. It's been a truly wild ride and I am glad to have been around to witness and help everyone get a good view into some places that other people have tried to keep hidden for very dumb reasons or for their own clout.
May everyone reading this have a wonderful day, a wonderful week and remember, we are all here to laugh even me. (I'd add hearts here but those count as emojis) Sorry if the art seems attention whoreish, I tried to get the peanut gallery involved as much as I could.
No. 1550096
File: 1654450447963.jpg (29.3 KB, 810x247, pedo disavows nazi troon.jpg)

Seems like Naught (pedophile, onionfarms admin) is finally tired of seeing "Naught (pedophile, onionfarms admin)" keep showing up in Rachel/AC-related contexts so he's a step closer to total disavowal. I really hope he drops logs because I bet there is some funny shit in there.
No. 1550099
File: 1654450576977.jpg (31.75 KB, 755x259, canuck lies.jpg)

>>1550096samefag-at the same time, Michael is trying to spin things and distance himself from the whole shitshow, rather too late I'm afraid.
No. 1550130
File: 1654452159891.jpg (107.02 KB, 1307x574, mike projection 623.jpg)

Real question, does Mike ever post anything besides projection? The question posed for context was "Why do you think I wanted you to make the thread".
No. 1550137
File: 1654452675241.jpg (63.29 KB, 1320x220, trouble in paradise.jpg)

Samefagging just to show a potential of Rachel losing her new WK over him being salty.
No. 1550142
>>1550124Rarely have I seen someone make as many bad decisions in a row as regards his Internet presence as Mike. There were a bunch of points at which he could've packed it in and faded away, starting with the botched but ultimately mostly correct dox very early in his Kiwi career, but he could not keep himself from antagonizing people and thinking he is smart enough to get one over on others (women in particular.) Right now though I'm enjoying this particularly because he is
unbelievably pressed by getting made fun of here in particular for reasons which should be pretty obvious from his troonery and virulent misogyny. I think honestly he is taking it worse than his hard-dox KF thread.
No. 1550198
>>1550065For what it's worth, I am glad you came here.
So are we ready to start calling this the Mike and Rachel Thread and have them both share the OP for the next one? Most of the milk here has been from Mike and unless he gets banned from Naught I have a feeling we will be seeing him guard Rachel and become even more attached to her bloated festering corpse in the future.
No. 1550244
File: 1654459810911.jpg (122.57 KB, 1330x378, clownfarms.jpg)

Lol Mike is so pressed he deleted the thread. Last posts weren't much of note besides him just lying about never reporting things on the internet when he got into a fuck ton of trouble repeatedly on KF for reporting posts of people who insulted him and hurt his feelings.
No. 1550246
File: 1654460053938.jpg (40.67 KB, 1231x257, 12535.JPG)

>>1550244it wasn't deleted, looks like it was just locked and moved.
No. 1550253
>>1550236CommieDickGurl (Laura) is a tranny who got a thread on KF for chimping out due to being misgendered but turned out to be pretty cool and joined KF. Unfortunately the KF thread was ruined by a few people alogging but >she retains a good few friends among the Kiwis and has a chill Discord which is meant to be a place for trannies and TERFy types to find common ground, it's pretty neat. Michael of course couldn't stand a tranny being more popular than him so tried to bully CDG but only came off looking like more of an asshole.
>>1550236Tranny-kun provided some amazing content but needs to try a lot harder to blend. The vast majority of his posts could have been done without the first person shit and selfposting, even if he was posting caps that already came from him. Making the thread about yourself isn't even a good look for natal women.
>>1550184I'm not gonna post anything on KF but I can attempt a summary here if that is something people would appreciate.
No. 1550297
>>1550198I agree most of the milk has been Michael related. Rachel has developed a set of orbiters like a truly legendary lolcow. Michael is milky af with his fucky behavior all over and how amazingly pressed he is by all this and I had been thinking of making a thread for Michael but I am not sure that he qualifies, most of the milk is from Discord leaks and Onion Farms and
>Some sort of public presence outside of private circles, groups or irc channels. Personal cows can go in the personal lolcows thread.So idk
No. 1550308
>>1550255samefag offering summary
> Michael and Elaine have been corresponding over Discord for an unclear amount of time> Naught fixed them up as Elaine wanted a "blackpilled Nazi bf"> They got in touch with Rachel after her threads dropped under the pretense of helping her with her thread but really to gaslight her into attacking their personal enemies and using her in their vendettas which had nothing to do with Rachel.> This got blown up when caps of Michael pretending to be Sephiroth got leaked where Rachel questioned why "Sephiroth"'s Discord bio included references to domestic violence, pedophilia, and trannydom.> However Rachel had already made a home on Onion Farms and on Naught's Discord with Michael, Naught, and various characters including Meghan Ringo (MKR, another former Chris ween) and "Tranny-kun", a/k/a Erika/Ross/Blaine or Unabashed Hermaphrodite.> Tranny-kun for his own reasons, probably a mix of doing it for the lulz and moralfagging, got involved and started leaking more and more caps> Meanwhile, Elaine is getting catfished by someone pretending to be Josh in a long-term gayop> This is mentioned on Elaine's thread on a "trust me bro" basis and nonnas are skeptical> Elaine is also caught on tape negging Canada and saying he was insufficiently White to be a good Nazi> She unironically believed she had a better option in "Null" who she was going to fly to Serbia to see> Shares the catfish's very ugly dick pic and boasts enough on Discord that she gets tongues wagging> Tranny-kun drops receipts on all this too and blows this gayop out of the water too> Elaine copes and tries to play it down but more receipts ensue> Her "blackpilled Nazi bf" is conspicuous by his absence in WKing her > However he aggressively guntguards Rachel to an extent not even seen when his alleged "wife" is doxed> Naught tries to distance himself saying this was all "dropped in his lap" i.e. he didn't start the trashfire only roasted some marshmallows on it> Tranny-kun and AC slapfight on Onion Farms> Rachel hides behind her cat account and occasionally on her new safespace of Onion Farms> Michael is unbelievably pressed by getting made fun of by anonymous women, calls us fat and "free-bleeding feminists" while too scared to return to the forumI feel like I am forgetting some stuff but that is the good bits that I can think of rn
No. 1550324
>>1550297Nonna have you read his thread? Dude got publicly kicked out of a Canadian Nazi group, not only did he have a halal of a presence on KF but he was doing all kindsa stupid shit before that. The recent milk is all from discord and OF because that's what he's been reduced to.
>>1550308> Micheal and Elaine have been in contact for three months at least.> They both joined a discord with Naught, MKR and Tranny-Kun but destroyed it with drama and subsequently have not been allowed into the second one.> Elaine unironically believed in both a streaming and a posting Null being different people and that one of them still was a possible love interest. After the MATI where Josh calls her a nuisance she has a massive meltdown.> Elaine claims Tranny-Kun hacked her when anyone can see that the caps were simply from Discord DMs.Thank you for this, it was a riot to read laid out like that.
No. 1550387
>>1550381His word alone means less than nothing at this point.
>>1550385This is closer to what I remember, I know some nazis irl and my god there is no way someone with his lack of merit would get any respect in those circles.
No. 1550393
>>1550333The sorts of people the movement attracts like… Michael? He looked in the mirror and didn't like what he saw LOL
>>1550340He wore his mother's underwear, you just know he stole some and still has it.
>>1550381He was 'open' during his spergouts on his KF thread but was proven to still be lying multiple times, I wouldn't believe a word he said at this point without the same evidence he starts demanding from other people when he gets pressed.
No. 1550398
>>1550391Not sure how to answer this in third person, Naught has that shit in a secret channel you have to request so your friend requested it. The discord went down shortly after Mike had a shitfit. So it's not hard to see with his prior behavior that it was flagged by him, Discord looked into it, saw Naughts grossness and deleted. Simple as.
>>1550393What kinda degen wears their moms underwear? Just go out and buy it yourself and say it's for your gf good golly gosh Mikey.
>>1550395Mike can you not sage?
You're also more inconsistent then ever, are you okay lil buddy?(if you aren't him, pls sage and lurkmore on KF if you think lying is the name of the game there)
No. 1550401
>>1550324 said Michael used to have a very public presence during his nazi group days, just google Michael Thurlow and NSCLRP and you'll find all kinds of news articles and public activities from about 2017 and 2018. Not sure if this counts as "some sort of public presence" but he's definitely had a public presence in the past.
No. 1550402
>>1550398The server also went down a few days after Elaine invited Rachel there.
>>1550399lmao nah.
No. 1550432
>>1550395>Why would anyone be honest about anything on kiwi farms?To quote Michael "because it's only funny if it's true".
>Power levelingIt's kinda hard for the lolcow to meaningfully power level while replying to their own thread where they were, in Michael's terminology, hard doxed.
>Dunno how anyone can be criticized for lying to KFVery easily when they're as bad as Michael at it.
No. 1550440
>>1550438Awww Mikey big mad because his target was nowhere near as funny and pathetic as him?
Gonna cry into your Mom's panties?
No. 1550446
File: 1654471169739.jpg (22.5 KB, 300x300, 72746318.jpg)

>>1550443If you're gonna lie at least be good at it please.
No. 1550453
>>1550446A halal thread is a thread on a member, past or present, of the farms. Blaine was a member of the farms, therefore his thread was a halal.
Lurk more.
No. 1550481
>>1550467>>1550464No, sirs. You and your boyfriend want to be the center of attention round these parts, so I'm glad to give it to you. Tell me, isn't Erika the name of a famous song that was sung in Nazi Germany?
Could this be why the two of you have raging hateboners for each other?
Because you're both terminally online autists finding love in being rejected as Neo-Nazis and exploring your gender identities together? It's a beautiful story, boys. Please tell me more.
No. 1550512
>>1550485Yes you did, neither Walker nor Blaine self doxed, and the assertion here
>>1550475 is that either my doxes were handed to me or the person self-doxed.
Blaine posted a picture he took with his cell phone which still had the GPS location in the meta data, he also doxed his own mother which led to him being doxed.
Walker's internet personas led to his old facebook with his real name which was in the white pages and led to his dox.
Neither of these people handed their dox over on purpose, and neither of these doxes were just given to me.
No. 1550540
File: 1654478092519.png (249.33 KB, 1612x567, self dox.png)

>>1550512>neither Walker nor Blaine self doxed>Walker self-doxedWhat was that nonna saying about not believing a word Michael says without evidence?
No. 1550705
File: 1654495313923.jpg (625.64 KB, 972x2921, redfin_1.jpg)

There was also the time Michael "pretended" to be a tranny to infiltrate CommieDickGurl's channel.
No. 1550938
File: 1654524291656.jpg (49.97 KB, 576x396, rachelshit.jpg)

As per usual the Bello account is just posting away it's nonsense so I'm just gonna highlight her retweeting her signal boosting in June. When your biggest enemy becomes a transperson who only exposed you, you probably shouldn't be trying to score woke points. That ship won't sail long on twitter Rachel.
No. 1550945
File: 1654524550770.jpg (32.72 KB, 597x235, softrpers.jpg)

Samefagging to show non-diggers how wholesome these RP people are, the biggest attack they do is on someone's writing. It is sacred to them, so bear that in mind during all of this, Rachel has been attacking some of the most polite faggots on the internet and even they couldn't get through to her.
Having a blacklist in RP is normal, manning a twitter account to track someone is above and beyond. Rachel deserved all this, and much more, nobody should ever pity her.
No. 1551003
File: 1654529703057.jpg (803.52 KB, 796x1694, kid fisto.jpg)

It begins.
No. 1551004
>>1550481History sperg here, fun fact but the Nazis did not use that song as much as the government they overthrew did. They were known as the Weimarch Republic and were a rather good group but the war reparations they were forced to pay allowed the Nazis to wedge themselves into power in the late 30s. I were to guess why it was chosen, probably because The Weimar Republic had the very first trans clinic. No. 1551013
>>1551003>What aren't men better than women at?I try not to talk about Mike because I think he doesn't deserve my (or anyones) attention
(-but I dont care about anons talking about him) however this is rich coming from a "man" that has to financially abuse the insecure fat women he "marries" because he's too much of a little bitch to get a real job.
No. 1551178
File: 1654540394398.jpg (102.73 KB, 1080x426, weirdos.jpg)

If rp cows are what Michael is curious about, all he needs to do is look through the #LewdRP tag on Twitter.
He should ask her about piss kink Sephiroth though if he wants the real tea.
No. 1551219
>>1551210AC goes after anyone he thinks is funny whether he's right or not. Everyone here has a really skewed idea of the kind of person AC is. I was in the Burn Book discord with him, he's like all the worst parts of a sociopath without the impressive intelligence.
If Rachel drops names and he thinks the people she names are funny, he'll go after them if he gets 5 minutes of amusement out of something he'll do it.
No. 1551224
>>1551219Totally not the right place for it, and not everyone was a sped but I would love to read up on that dumpsterfire. The information on it is spread all over the place into spaghetti that was hard for me to follow as I was not looking at Kiwi at the time(can you blame me? the ILJ thing turned it into pure trash)
>>1551210Mike is gonna attack whoever he can, his pride has been wounded too many times in a row without a way to justify a W in his head. He will hone in on any target his perverse sense of 'humor' finds of note.
No. 1551230
>>1551224That's what I'm talking about here. I knew AC for 2-3 months, and spent pretty much every day in the burn book discord with him. You have a skewed vision of him. Everything he does is because he thinks it's funny. I wouldn't be surprised if he was WKing Rachel to watch everyone's reactions here. He doesn't look at things like wins or loses, he's chaotic, we made fun of him for it one night when another burn booker linked an alignment quiz we all did for fun. He got chaotic neutral to the surprise of no one who knew him.
He doesn't care about anything, literally anything. Everything he does is to get a reaction, if he doesn't get the reaction he's looking for he moves on to something else, otherwise he doubles down.
If anyone has any questions about AC they can ask for the next 10ish minutes while I'm around.
No. 1551235
>>1551230Was it true that he had restricted access or was he granted full permissions? How was he invited into the group in the first place? What exactly was his role? Was he shielded by anyone since he was in there in your opinion? Why is he so angry if he does everything for laughs? It's very obvious that he gets extremely upset.
While I would also not be surprised if he was WKing Rachel just for the reactions, why do you think Mike tries to win over attention and favor so often? Why does he have an urge to fit into a group when he is so chaotic?
No. 1551246
>>1551235He was invited by Basalasas who talked to him for quite a while before he was ever invited to the server. Initially he had access to about 1/4 of the server but that was eventually expanded as Spooky Bones thought he could help with doxing Gibi, AC knew how make an email IP logger thing, I don't understand what it meant, it was an invisible image that we used to try to dox gibi.
He wasn't shielded by anyone. He's not angry in private, I think it was the persona he created, kind of a joke; "Angry Canadian", Canadians are stereotypically friendly people who say sorry, EH every 5 minutes. I think that was the joke.
AC doesn't care about attention, or favor. Looking at his post history proves he never cared about rules, acceptance, or clout. He got banned from KF for not following rules he disagreed with.
This is all based on my experiences with him in private.
No. 1551251
>>1551246How long had Basalasas known him for? The two seem eerily similar in a regard to being fast and loose imo.
Ahhhh yeah go figure, that would be the easiest route to dox Gibi as he would probably be in contact with fans a lot before this happened.
Any proof he isn't angry ever? I have been with him in VC, he seems to be a very good actor when it comes to barely managed contempt and rage.
How do we know you are not AC who also never learned to sage?
No. 1551269
>>1551251>How long had Basalasas known him for? The two seem eerily similar in a regard to being fast and loose imo.I think maybe a month. They started talking when the 2021 accounts faildoxed him. Apparently he was the one who shared something in private with Spooky that exonerated his original dox.
>Any proof he isn't angry ever? I have been with him in VC, he seems to be a very good actor when it comes to barely managed contempt and rage. He's just sarcastic. In my experience he laughs a lot. Sure, he can be mad, but I've only ever seen him get mad after other people get mad, there was an incident with A Big Guy (for you) over The Suitress, a Big Guy started drama and AC bit back at him.
>How do we know you are not AC who also never learned to sage?I don't know. I've never used this site before; only just read this thread after hearing AC was being dragged into this Rachel arc.
I know sage grows in all fields on 4chan. Which field do I put sage in here?
No. 1551305
>>1551284I don't know anything about your experiences with him, I just know that apart from edgeposting Hitler videos every now and again, he was a chill guy 95% of the time, and a great archivist/pretty good doxer. It was his dox on "tranny-kun" that convinced Spooky to let him in in the first place, I guess Spooky figured he'd be useful.
I don't have any evidence I nuked my accounts after burn book fell apart, so all I can say is that interacting with AC one on one is different than interacting with his persona.
I never saw him chimp out on KF, a lot of times I'd see him call someone a faggot and watch him get dogpiled by other post-merge accounts who were encouraged by the sticker mafia into slapfighting with AC.
No. 1551372
File: 1654549417969.png (48.43 KB, 879x177, blaine.png)

You constantly put the spotlight on yourself like the dumb cow that you are.
But in that case, why don't you explain to the class why you think you're fighting a secret pedophile ring ran by lolcows? Is Rachel part of this pedophile ring??
No. 1551400
>>1551397Not relevant to this thread but he had an interview with Bella according to his video list which in hindsight is SUPER interesting as I don't think she gave many out.
With how AC Wk'ed Bella the three being connected now becomes FAR more likely.
Good job giving another W out you guys lol.
No. 1551404
File: 1654550995473.jpeg (123.34 KB, 857x765, schizoretard.jpeg)

Right, no one cares that you're a literal schizophrenic lolcow constantly dumping your diarrhea with your fellow KF rejects all over the thread. So AC was in the Bella Janke Roblox lolcow pedophile ring? What about Rachel?
No. 1551409
>>1551400I said I'd answer questions for 10 minutes and I've stuck around longer than I thought I would.
Anyone who is interested enough in doing so can go check AC's early posts on KF. He never WK'd ILJ. He took issue with certain unverified points and rumors that overtook actual relevant information. A lot of stuff got memory holed or else was never looked into.
Off the top of my head, AC took issue with the feces pictures which were proven to be sourced from a 10 year old reddit post, and the doxhound story.
No one seriously investigated ILJ's connection to Praetor, no one dug into the connections to Chris; despite former watchmen (Naught and MKR) coming forward to say that ILJ and others were in the first ring of the Watchmen discord.
There's a lot. AC never WK'd her. He rightfully pointed out that a lot of things were being buried by irrelevant or counter-factual posts made by post-merge accounts.
His post history is still public. Anyone interested (but I don't know why anyone would care that much) can go and look for themselves. No. 1551411
>>1551409ILJ and WTC attempted and failed to dox Naught in a bid to control Chris.
Most of this is old news, re-register to KF and post on Mike's thread and let's get back to Rachel.
No. 1551445
>>1551422>I'll tap out since I don't have anything else to addYou didn't add anything retard, you just sperged out like his hambeast of a wife did. But imagine thinking you can just come and go from this shit show as you please.
>no one dug intoNo one dug into Michael's connections to the Idea Guys either, what do you know about that, or is this all just bullshit picked off the top of your head?
No. 1551478
>>1551473I barely care myself but essentially to summarize;
>This is Michael Thurlow bullshit, the recent insert is a pickme who gave him money and was laughed off of KF.>This indicates that Michael still has contact with a few people and it is likely a lot of this crap and derailing is coming from friends of AC.>Rachel is currently hiding on her Bello account and Onionfarms.I think I just summed up the whole thread right there.
No. 1551481
>>1551478why did you even include the first two quotes
nobody fucking cares about your kiwi drama, or what theyre doing, they are completely irrelevant
i wish farmhands would red text each and every single one of you for perpetuating the discussion of these literal whos
go fuck yourself
No. 1551538
File: 1654557735923.png (1.19 MB, 2560x2560, Adobe_Express_20220606_1820230…)

>>1551404So EI since you have to be logged in to have the reply box in the way back would you care to explain why you left KF and came here to be so angry and derail this thread so often?
No. 1551566
>>1551559Hey Nonna do you think she scoops her cats poop with her hands? I think she legitimately doesn't see a need to use a scooper as she looks like she never washed her hands.
Nick and Caleb are actually with me right now, I have an arm around each one and we are busy making out lol
No. 1551567
>>1551565EI being an AC sock would make sense and I don't want to think he has more ppl here to detail the thread.
I urge all my fellow nonnas and lurkers to just ignore Mike.
No. 1551582
File: 1654560842509.png (83.14 KB, 750x482, itistrue.png)

>>1550945You're not wrong about that one. Tellin' someone that their OC and writin' is a
trigger for anyone in that community. Even if you take off the RP bullshit, it's like telling someone who studied English that they don't have consistently or an original bone in their body. If you wanna
trigger someone, tell them about how shit their writing is.
No. 1551591
>>1551581If they existed, maybe.
But they don't so it's Rachel thinking she won when in reality it's just weird tranny and tranny adjacent nonsense.
No. 1551604
>>1551581But Nick and Caleb aren't real, it's been established lol. Mike shouldn't even be a factor in this thread unless it pertains to Rachel which isn't happening because retards left and right keep sperging about him.
Unless, tinfoil, this is some stupid gayops by Rachel and whomever else is sock puppeting her through her ass.
No. 1551612
File: 1654563355908.jpeg (94.74 KB, 750x603, 040FA7B4-023E-46F7-8B2B-9A0439…)

She’s been trying to defend herself in the last few hours.
No. 1551615
>>1551613She has since switched her twitter from when
>>1551576 was posted, she is certainly here lurking.
No. 1551618
File: 1654563825415.jpeg (144.8 KB, 750x795, 8E2C0089-3BA9-48CA-A869-1CA516…)

No. 1551621
File: 1654563961778.jpeg (127.01 KB, 750x851, 7A499699-611C-4F43-84B0-CD590F…)

No. 1551622
File: 1654563995721.jpeg (193.28 KB, 750x918, 8D08AEB9-72B0-4642-8841-57D121…)

No. 1551624
>>1551618Yet again, Rachel embarrasses herself by making legal threats when she doesn't know how the law works. Whats new.
>>1551621>>1551622She is not enjoying the consequences of her actions, it would seem. kek
No. 1551625
File: 1654564129549.jpg (24 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg)

Our true Lard and Savior, Fatty Patty, has delivered us from the evil that is scrotes being scrotes, and back into the rivers of milk.
No. 1551627
File: 1654564296556.png (325.35 KB, 1190x1216, autism.png)

She's doing some insane mental gymnastics here.
No. 1551629
>>1551620Who would she go psycho against? She's already gone psycho against people which is why she has the reputation she does
The only person she'd probably go psycho against is her family because they're the only people she interacts with. Her job? Nah, I'm sure they'd already gotten enough complaints if she tard rages the way she does online in real life.
No. 1551630
File: 1654564873531.png (65.44 KB, 476x492, maudramorty.png)

>>1551618the minor/purported minor follow DBS, Fairs and…Kengle? It's a weird account, not saying it's not legit, it could be some kid she's fought with offsite, but a few things seem weird about it too, relativey recent join date but no real content up until lately and that is either generic or relates to Bertha. Hmm.
No. 1551641
File: 1654565527476.png (210.83 KB, 1188x944, lol.png)

>On God this, bitch
fucking kek
No. 1551643
File: 1654565635146.jpg (16.57 KB, 611x235, calledoutbycow.jpg)

I'm the nonna who posted Yakety Sax in the last thread and I am delighted to find out that I have lived on, in her head, rent free.
No. 1551648
>>1551646Course I blend better, I'm the anon you're referring to.
Rachel has deleted of has hid her attacks and just has her cries for defense viewable now for the threads information.
File: 1654566565618.jpg (60.7 KB, 652x766, hullhull.jpg)

Samefag, likely him as he was looking to poke Rachel on OF.
Mike then directed Rachel at him instead of answering some profile posts I think, gonna log back in to see if she is posting there in hidden places.
No. 1551659
File: 1654567364316.jpg (31.94 KB, 791x214, saveyaaclick.jpg)

No new profile posts other than what she gave Mike on thursday, sorry to triple post but I'd rather save people the time of going to OF for Rachel content.
No. 1551670
>>1551666How in the hell is she even expecting him to be able to in the first place?
Also I cannot hear her third question in a Tommy Wiseau voice and I hate it.
"I hope you did nooooaught hit her"
No. 1551671
>>1551659LMAO I havent seen this one yet…sensible questions and then suddenly we're at getting her unbanned from a Sephiroth-cooming Discord, I can only assume these are in increasing order of importance for her?
That whole post is amazing, it's 50/50 sensible questions to put on your dating profile and absolute lunacy. Well, she better get some answers and stay clear from this guy and you know what I kept thinking this is all just dumb gayops of his to fuck with his enemies but he's groomed his prior women online too almost exclusively and if he actually thought he could get money and/or a visa this, Rachel, girl…
No. 1551672
>>1551671Rachel just saw her potential future come in to WK Mike and try to derail the thread.
Again though, gotta remember, this cow has lost her chances at pity.
No. 1551677
>>1551659Weird that she links his thread instead of his Kiwi Farms thread … and … OK you don't wanna click the link because it's all nikocado anus floating around on there, but it's a troll thread that doesn't even accurately describe him, very strange. Whoever is pointing her to that instead of to his KF thread is having a giggle at her expense, too.
No. 1551696
File: 1654571095728.jpg (61.73 KB, 956x315, outlineinred.jpg)

Got bored, re-looked at the Rachel questions.
That is a private message log as I have shown in red for anyone who has not used Xeno before. This means they were still talking for sure as of Thursday of this week, likely still are in Private Messages over on Onionfarms.
Which explains the de-railment effort, Mike and Rachel have been de-railing by going after Tranny-Kun and I personally think that was Rene based on typing style, how they reacted and the fact that they were one of his two Kiwi-gals.
So yeah yeah autistic boring shit but for the next thread.
>Rene(Kiwifarmer), Michael, and Rachel attempted to derail the previous thread multiple times.
No. 1551703
File: 1654571822597.png (115.06 KB, 823x542, 1234134.png)

>>1551696Rene hates AC and has since November or December of 2021 when he flipped out on her.
Do some fucking research.
No. 1551706
>>1551703Hey Mike, bye Mike.
So who wants to bet that they are planning another 'troll effort' in DMs over on their failure of a website right now?
No. 1551707
>>1551706"everyone who provides evidence against the things I say is MIKE"
Are the ACs in the room with you right now?
No. 1551711
>>1551707I'm not even the anon who posted about the questions being in a DM.
Piss off, nobody here is buying what you're selling. NONE of us brought shit up about your autistic little spat because we don't fucking care.
No. 1551720
File: 1654572799787.png (286.92 KB, 680x414, mysides.png)

>>1551717Fuck anyone else's opinion, Mike's self owning will never NOT be funny.
No. 1551736
File: 1654573568336.jpg (7.96 KB, 256x186, saltymikechan.jpg)

Can confirm Mike is here and salty right now, he just threadbanned me from the Rachel thread exactly five mins ago.
No. 1551741
>>1551714Sorry Mike but you can run your mouth all you want, none of us here believe you. It's clear by now that every post trying to derail has been you or your cronies. Not people in Burnbook, that thing was over months ago Mike.
You insist Tranny-Kun is the one holding the grudge but it's you Mike, you attacked them since they were right about your dox. Tranny-Kun has predicted your movement at every turn, what was that you called her? Autistic Aizen?
How fitting in the end Mike, she played you like a fiddle and you keep catching Ls each time you crawl back. Stop shitting up our space and go back to Onionfarms.
>>1551739Jesus christ how embarrassing, no wonder she works so few hours she probably literally unloads the truck and arranges the books in the back once a week.
No. 1551749
>>1551744With proper impulse control, you can ignore his attempts to sling shit at you and not give him the satisfaction of a response but just like your Aryan cow goddess Rachel you can't leave it alone.
The best way to gaslight someone is to make them look absolutely unhinged while throwing accusations and talking shit regardless of the validity of those claims. You can't even manage to play the game for more than a bit before your ego gets bruised.
For someone who has been terminally online for most of their life, you sure are a sensitive little faggot.
No. 1551750
Holy fuck nonnies he's become an elementary school boy. "I'm not touching you indeed"
>>1551739Any milk on that nonna as you're speaking as though you may have some access at least to speaking to someone who knows her irl.
No. 1551752
>>1551751Bless you for saving us in our hour of lacking milk.
>>1551749Oi, don't give away that it's easier to gaslight him than it is to get my dog to stay on her leash.
No. 1551762
>>1551696Imagine white knighting a woman that allegedly hates you. Michael is definitely not pressed and definitely not lying.
>>1551703>>1551744You're a limp dick faggot, Michael.
>>1551750I can see Michael chimping out in school and getting kicked out, could be another reason why he relates to Rachel so much.
No. 1551766
>>1551760De-railing her thread as much as you have alone is WK'ing, Mike are you truly this retarded? At this point I'd believe it, you lost every single thing you have engaged in since joining KF and surely due to it being such a chronic repeat pattern long before that.
Now shut the fuck up or deliver Milk on Rachel, you have a long way to catch up to Tranny-Kun if you're gonna claim some 'skill'.
Keep the conversation relevant or fuck off.
>>1551762Bitches be pressed. He most certainly chimped out and got the shit kicked out of him, it's why he only goes after women now. Men cleaned his clock too many times for his body to let him try, he just rolls over in their presence now. Did you see how he tried to suck up to Null? Like a small dog trying to hump someone's leg, lord above.
>>1551764Hey Mike, go try talking shit to men again and see what happens ya coward. I know you catfished that dick picture from someone else and yours is tiny, Rene told me.
No. 1551775
>>1551764>Maybe if you went and got dicked a few times your hysteria will go away.More projection.
>>1551766They cleaned his clock while he imagined cleaning their cocks.
>>1551767100% butt blasted and prostate pressed.
No. 1551777
>>1551767There is that lack of impulse control again, tsk tsk.
Anyways on topic, I believe Fairsinfo is asleep now but Rachel shifted account names yet again, Fairsinfo apparently can see every time this is changed however so follow the account if you want early updates.
>>1551775He probably got his first ass beating for sexually assaulting another man, he's desperate and ugly enough and clearly has no ideas about sexual boundaries. Much like his love Rachel. Poor Rene and Elaine are just mere pawns to the King and Queen of the kindergarden checkers board.
No. 1551780
File: 1654576775454.jpeg (157.44 KB, 750x870, DF5F819A-C56B-46C8-B968-50D438…)

Stupid bitch doesn’t even speak Japanese. This makes more sense than anything in Japanese she’s tweeted out
No. 1551781
File: 1654576853325.jpeg (131.1 KB, 740x673, 9A0993FE-93A3-4D5B-B731-85725E…)

She still thinks this is a winning response. Fucking loser lmao.
No. 1551782
File: 1654576913850.jpeg (131.05 KB, 750x685, 84D02B30-E266-4E66-BF1E-F6F108…)

She doesn’t understand that the San Mateo thing was in reference to her.
No. 1551783
>>1551781Can we just say that Rachel is the only woman to ever Mald at this point? Dear god how is she still fucking going?
>>1551782LOL she said rekt in response to the police telling the person to report Rachel to the local police near her? WTF delusion juice is she on?
No. 1551784
>>1551781Imagine being nearly 30 and acting like this.
No. 1551785
File: 1654577006941.jpeg (35.39 KB, 750x297, 677774FF-5A37-48FF-A8B1-0A7C13…)

Last milk because you fags keep on derailing the fucking thread. Take your slap fights elsewhere you dipshits.
No. 1551789
>>1551785I legit haven't been slapping Mike but to obvious post, if I can keep him off by poking him on OF I'll go do that.
I just don't want anyone to accuse me of slapfighting him anywhere else, I would rather someone else (one of the people doing it) go register and salt him.
Trust me, I am sick of Mike bringing my name up with his methmouth too.
No. 1551794
>>1551780I find this hilarious because Japanese is a very contextual language and I know she ran the Japanese through Google Translate because it doesn’t translate it properly.
It means “You’re not very smart, smell fatty-chan” but in Google it comes out as “I’m not very smart, smelly fatty-chan” which is why her response comes out as such lmao
No. 1551807
Samefag as
>>1551789 there is an increased guest count, someone fucking tap me out or I'm just going to bed and he will be right back shitting up this thread again.
No. 1551848
File: 1654584347821.png (62.31 KB, 628x209, unblockpls.png) me the currently featured new KF cow doesn't sound like a male Rachel…like plenty of the stuff in the OP caps I would believe as something Rachel said, not him. Whoever this is he's a better husbando for her than Mike.
No. 1551861
>>1551855Oh? What kind of fanfic?
Do post!
No. 1551866
>>1551861I made the tranny and Michael a part of their very own Omegaverse fanfic, because that is a fate worse than death. If I ever expand this Onionfarms Omegaverse, Rachel will be their beta and house slave.
This was just a shitpost.
Michael was kneeling in front of Blaine's lightly leaking, hard cock, a small string of saliva connecting to the tip of Blaine's cock to Michael's tongue, the smaller man panting softly, as he moved his hand up and down his own hard cock while he was pushing one…two…three fingers into his wet hole, eyes dilated with lust. Michael was currently in heat and Blaine couldn't control himself when it came to lust when Michael was in heat. Michael loved it when Blaine went rough on him. Loved it when he was fucked hard by the tranny, getting taught who he really belongs to and feeling the other's knot deep inside of him that always got him sensitive. Michael looked up, Blaine's hand gripping his hair. He was so vulnerable right now, so perfect.
"How bad do you want me?" Blaine growled deeply, his cock twitching as he watched his Mate's needy eyes, hot breath tickling his cock.
Michael moaned softly, the noise coming out like a soft growl of need, as he quickened the speed of his hand on his own cock, roughing moving his fingers that were in his end. "S-So…so fucking bad…" Michael whimpered, bucking his hips up a little into his own touch to show how much he needed his Alpha's knot buried inside of him, the Omega panting. "P-Please…"
"Sorry," Blaine purred, "I didn't quite catch that. Mind-" Blaine was cut off by a sharp gasp as Michael took his Mate's full length into his mouth until his nose was buried in pubes. Blaine was actually glad Michael didn't have a gag reflex. Blaine moaned harshly, panting, as he set up a rough and quick pace for his hips as he started to thrust quickly into Michael's mouth. "G-Good boy," Blaine groaned, watching him, fisting a hand into the brunette's hair. "Just like that. Take me in, baby. Good boy…"
Michael moaned hard from around Blaine, the sound nearing a needy growl, breath hitching as he shoved his three fingers into himself, trying so hard not to bite down. He looked up innocently, seductively, at Blaine through his dark lashes as the Alpha fucked his mouth. Michael suddenly gasped sharply, feeling himself release into his own hand, panting hard through his nose, as he pumped himself dry of his orgasm and felt himself go soft, continuing to thrust his fingers into his stretched, slick wet hole. Michael's breath hitched slightly when he felt Blaine release hard down his throat, the Omega swallowing down his release and slowly pulled off, another string of saliva hooking on to his tongue that attached to Blaine cock. "That…answer your…question?" Michael asked huskily in between thick moans.
Blaine smirked and pulled Michael off the floor and on to the bed, laying the Omega on to his stomach, Michael moving to his hands and knees on instinct, whimpering with need, as he lapped at his wet fingers. "Blaine…please," he begged, panting. "Need you. Need your knot. Now." That did it for Blaine. That sent him over the edge. He plunged into Michael's end, who cried out loudly, and started to fuck the other hard and relentless.
Michael was quickly shut up, whining softly, as Blaine thrust two of his fingers into his mouth. Now Michael couldn't express himself. Oh, well.
"Suck." Blaine demanded in a husky growl, squeezing Michael's hips hard with his free hand, and dragged his hot and wet tongue up and down Michael's back.
Michael sucked Blaine's fingers hard and obediently, panting thickly through his nose again.
"Fuck, Michael," Blaine groaned, drilling into his Mate's prostate. "So fucking good for me, baby. Good…good boy…" Already, he felt close to his second release for the day. He did want to cum yet after they had just started. Damn Blaine and his hormones. "Atta boy…" Blaine purred against Michael's burning hot skin.
Michael fisted the bed sheets hard, also feeling himself get close to his second release. Michael jerked his hips back against Blaine's hard thrusts, panting sharply and hard. Michael couldn't even last ten more minutes before he came hard, letting his load out on to the bed sheets, moaning thickly.
Unlike Michael, Blaine wasn't able to last five minutes. He came hard and deep into Michael, feeling his knot swell up until he couldn't move anymore, being locked into Michael for an hour. Blaine panted hard and pulled his fingers out of Michael's hungry mouth. "You are mine," he purred, lowering the both of them on to the bed so that Michael was flat on his stomach. "You will carry my pup and love him or her forever."
"Y-Yes," Michael rasped, panting, and nuzzled his face into Blaine's arm that was in front of him. "Always." Michael nodded and purred softly, his body hot, as his chest heaved, the man trying to find his breath again.
"Good." Blaine smiled gently, nuzzling into Michael's neck.
( No. 1551922
>>1551855Wasn't Naught he'd find this funny, def Mike cause ya painted him as the bottom.
>>1551915Rude, I enjoyed their shitposting.
No. 1551933
>>1551866Women always paint me as an alpha this fanfic tracks.
Nice summary DBS bless you for wading through this shit. On the record I don't mind, I don't find it creepy but;
For the love of God pair me with someone else. I don't even hate Mike cause he's so shallow and boring so I can't jack off to this.
(tranny) No. 1552070
File: 1654613194834.jpeg (75.18 KB, 750x450, AA407044-E713-4427-836C-72EC96…)

Milk since the thread got derailed again.
Rachel is gonna chimp out soon it looks like and you fuckers who are derailing the thread are gonna bury it
No. 1552085
>>1552070Yeah and I'd try to stop it but everyone keeps yelling at me for other people's nonsense and then shove me into porn.
Who else besides you is even bringing screen caps(I know for a fact I'm half of the Twitter screens in this thread).
God the farm hands are fucking annoying. Go clean up /w/ jannies ya fucking nerds, go do your job for free some more.
No. 1552247
File: 1654622443743.png (25.5 KB, 611x225, nothingtoonew.png)

Samefagging, not much of note but Rachel was online this morning, she is most certainly close to a meltdown. Thank you to the nonnas who are bravely sacrificing their time to keep the moid menace off site.
Rachel has me blocked so expect most of my twitter dumps to be on horrid light mode. With how Fairs spoke in response this morning I am expecting Rachel to come out swinging when she logs back in today.
No. 1552385
File: 1654628364062.jpeg (374.99 KB, 828x2374, A229955D-F5CD-4898-9E71-22059C…)

She’s getting closer to a sperg out again.
No. 1552408
>>1552385It’s hilarious she doesn’t realise the irony of her targeting people and getting the consequences.
Rachel, sit your fat fucking ass down. You have no right to act like a sanctimonious bitch when you’ve done the exact same thing you’ve been whining about.
No. 1552794
>>1552385she just can't help herself. she was desperate in
>>1551612 for someone to attack her without a reason and she's already melting down.
People have the right to know who you are so they can block you Rachel. If you're just a cat account, simply block them and continue posting your retarded baby voice cat larp.
No. 1552942
>>1552735Drop the milk, nonna.
>>1552937Nice attempt at derailing, Michael.
No. 1552944
File: 1654690997761.jpg (37.05 KB, 490x735, 6270c46d42ca025003bac196eef5ba…)

That's not Mike, that's one of mine I think, was. Didn't like us holding back on Mike, I'll dump the main thing they probably have and if they have more they can too. I'm not gonna lie, they're right this is Spookybones' fault.
Remember the "Canadian lesbian" Mr. No. Guess who never changed their steam account thanks to our Slapfight? Guess who I tracked to Kiwifarms, guess why I've never truly cared about minor rules? Simple. It's been a hunt the whole time. best internet detectives my ass. That should be more than enough to prove it besides me digging up his own admissions. Why the fuck did people name themselves after burn book characters in the first place? This is all so stupid.
Anywho Cady the art I made you is moving on to state and I'd love if you could take a day off from infiltrating burn book and come see it.
(too trans to function) No. 1552952
>>1552944I honestly have not laughed this hard in a while, scrotes are so fucking dumb. You found this back in August?! Wait so if you didn't get banned you were gonna post about this there?
Irony, pure irony.
A troon caught the rest of the guys fucking with Chris, I am officially done with the internet.
No. 1552963
File: 1654693639600.png (205.02 KB, 928x545, yeah its him.png)

>>1552944Mike sperged about Hyperneptunia all the time, he was in stream with the idea guys and chris at the same time in Left4Dead. This is that missing account, due to the personalized things I am finding here that's AC.
So many chances to take his ball and go home, Michael Thurlow is officially the dumbest person I have seen try to manipulate others on the internet.
No. 1552964
>>1552944You using Janis is still cracking me up, perfect ending.
(also I use proton and got a ban for Elaine, so Elaine has no money and is using a free VPN soeaking of cow crossover)
No. 1552983
>>1552967>if there is any way of tying Spooky inImagine my surprise as soon as anything is pointed at AC it's immediately deflected onto Spooky Bones, AC's mortal enemy. I'm much more interested in the AC-naught connection based on naught was actually in the watchmen.
>>1552978AC tried the same gg you caught me routine after his KF halal dropped, based on his same old patterns in a few weeks this will all be confirmed.
No. 1552984
>>1552944On his first denial he claims that anyone would have translated it that way that it was "Poor Man's German". Sorry Mike but that is a unique spelling that you do and not actually meaning what you think it means and like it doesn't even show in Google as 'Watchmen'. It is more akin to people watcher or Pervert, so not only do we know it's you but somehow you got more accurate on your name than you intended.
How dumb is this dude?
No. 1553014
File: 1654697260591.jpg (67.85 KB, 800x1067, HD-wallpaper-zero-two-smug-ani…)

>>1553008If I hadn't had burned my sock I would have dropped a post there at the same time.
>>1552954Sorry, soon as I am done answering things that involve me I will be done obvious posting.
>>1553009Hey Naught, share some milk would you kindly or am I going to have to grill you on this?
No. 1553023
File: 1654697731834.jpg (39.2 KB, 545x305, erikajourney.jpg)

Potential art for the Mike thread starring the Milkmaid himself.
No. 1553025
>>1553018Because this is big if true, thought you'd want credit for being the one to drop the bomb.
Maybe DBS or Ghoulie will volunteer.
No. 1553028
File: 1654698159479.jpg (78.05 KB, 1079x698, srs.jpg)

This is the most recent account to join KF last I checked. Hmmm.
Mike sock?
No. 1553032
File: 1654698408736.png (39.94 KB, 1000x733, trumpet-impact-ucla-lab-school…)

>>1553025Thank ya, I get credit regardless, yeah a few people and I have more to tie him in but honestly he's already hung himself and I sat on this for longer than most people carry a baby so I don't mind waiting. even if someone else dropped it, would have been based off work. He only admitted to it on .org and before that I really did not have much besides one off site tie, with how everything else had gone with him I decided it was not worth it to pursue. If I had not been on mobile the whole stint over there I think things would have gone drastically different as I could provide far more context from my keyboard and thus come across as a completely different person sometimes. Regardless, what I went to KF to do was expose the idea guys as I was in one of the earlier groups, I just never posted to the farms myself. Always was a 4chanfag, though honestly the last time I used that was 2012. I left the internet for a while and was not around when the whole Idea Guys thing happened so when I finally re-joined the internet I went…WAIT A MIN, I KNOW THOSE FUCKS.
Moralfagging kicked in and I went too ham, should have stayed my reserved self but I had my hormones jacked out of my hotelroom so my mind was flooded with testosterone and I lost all my patience. This all has been very relevant to the Michael stuff so I really hope I dont see red text under this post later for giving context to this side shitshow.
I love both of those ladies(DBS and Ghoulie) and think they're most insightful so I would love for all the reactions to go to them, crank up that farmkarma. Frankly most of the KFers on the Rachel thread I enjoy seeing the writing of.
>>1553028Mike sock.
Also fyi everyone, I don't sperg about pronouns because I am genderfluid and this is not the place for it, if we could just drop the shit about me being a tranny and give me some other nickname so I can blend better in the future I would appreciate it so much.
File: 1654699025099.png (344.04 KB, 506x636, berchal awakens.png)

Not good milk but I love bringing milk, Rachel is up and online within the last hour.
No. 1553047
>>1553042I think what this proves is Rachel is capable of drawing out even the most intense autism.
We arrived here thanks to her, and whoever wrote that omegaverse fic. It took that to crack him and then the tranny went for the bullseye after seeing Michael get felted.
No. 1553068
> Mike and Erika Fletcher join Kiwifarms in early August/late July.> Mike starts defending ILJ hard, Erika and a few other posters call him out for it. (gumball, radioactivemonkeyman, mike's alt to sow confusion)> Erika picks up on a discord where he is grooming small children, posting CP, and loli(drawn CP) reports it and makes shitty OPs from mobile fucking the whole thing up due to pressure from Dawn and CommieDockGirl to rush the threads and news.> Erika's dox is rumored to be held in Burnbook as far back in July, a confirmed accomplice of Commiedockgirl's was confirmed to be in a discord she ran and advertised on a transcirclejerk subreddit. Commie was trying to generate a cow to get her thread back into positive attention like the attention seeking whore of a Kiwi Kween she is.> Proceeds to slapfight most of the entire site and gets banned, and then hala'd thread dies as more people stop posting. (Lack of funnies, Mike obviously lying and keeping a cow to himself, Erika felting Mike while being a cow, Erika felting Moralfag while being a cow)> Moralfag doxes Erika's birthname as well as her mother's address in a youtube video that was removed within a week. Mike uses this and other people's work(greaseyspooon's is the obvious one I picked up on him using, he prob used others too)> AC and Erika then slapfight on .org, Mike reveals he was in the roblox pedo Discord with his friends(potential chinaman if Spooky isn't), reveals he was in the idea guys and much more. A few .org users suspiciously leave the site to never return after this, whether they were on Erika's side or Mike's side remains to be seen.> Erika is tard caged on .org, continues to ramble in code to others that are following her(doxbait's job).> Mike then proceeds to prove himself to be a cow to the users and gets dunked on repeatedly.> Mike gets KF thread and then meltdowns.> Many users no longer desire to touch it with a ten foot pole due to the shame of being proven wrong and dumb, Burn Book falls apart due to infighting leaving very few looking good. (imo should be obvious who Burn Book used and who was in there for clout. Several new farmers who are good at digging were used and then tossed under the bus by the senior users and Im still salty about it)>>1553058The original Guardsman had a few people in it that I did not like and left due to their inclusion, Mike is one of them. I was in it for a very short amount of time and it was during a time period where I was working a ton of hours so I was not around much and do not have much milk from THAT far back. Again pleeeeease can I get a new nickname so I'm not reeee'd about for being a tranny? Please?
No. 1553075
>>1553068I am going to need receipts on much of this especially as
> continues to ramble in code to others that are following herwhat the fuck did he mean by this, this sounds schizo and the whole thing without receipts smells like schizo shit or something dreamed up for clout once the attention from the earlier content slipped away, the rest sounds like vendetta-posting
> did not know who he was until a few days before I caught my banSo why wait until now to bring it up? Certainly not because the clout from the other stuff is passing now and you need something else to get attention on this site?
So, proof of any of this?
No. 1553094
>>1553087Did you tag the wrong post?
>>1553089It's not just this thread. I think farmhands are either not on, short handed or are maybe busy.
No. 1553099
>>1553092Receipts were great up until today now it is trust me bro. I'm not Mike BTW and if the farmhands ever show up they'll be able to tell.
>>1553092I'm not accusing him of doing gayops with Michael I'm just saying that everyone was sucking his dick for being able to identify Michael and "tell" that he was a troon himself but actually he just recognized an old "friend" and snaked on him, that's really not as impressive as what we originally thought/the impression he was trying to give off. The receipts actually given such as in Elaine's thread have been great but why should we believe stuff without them?
>>1553095Now the farmhands are in on some vaguely defined conspiracy? For fuck's sake, nonnas. Farmhands should just come in here and ban everyone who's taken the tranny bait. Means I'll eat a ban too but oh well. Might get us on track again.
No. 1553100
Mods and Mike's reactions alone seal this for me, I'm sure more proof will flood in this next week regardless of the obvious attempts to censor it. Why though? There are so many scrotes obviousposting in other threads, zoning in on a tranny that brought milk is just bananas at this point. Who cares?
>>1553097He's one of the scrotes I'm thinking about tbh.
No. 1553109
>>1553099Go register on AMB and question him for more info then and stop shitting up the thread unless you have milk yourself kek
The steam archive being the same way Mike uniquely and alone spells that German is a solid factual link.
No. 1553140
>>1553139Fuck off Mike.
>>1553136Really does not, there is more than enough evidence on everything else alone. I mean for fucks sake do we even know that was the tranny and not Mike?
We don't.
Everyone complaining about speculating is speculating just as hard. This thread is about Rachel any mention of Mike or the tranny should cease.
No. 1553144
File: 1654705821848.png (250.15 KB, 603x640, rachelretweet.png)

>>1553136Nah, Rachel can use it to call everyone homophobes though so let's drop this fucking bullshit and get back on topic.
>>1553142Stop shitting up this thread, Rachel is on her twitter account, monitor that instead.
No. 1553163
>>1553160>>1553156Stop all the infighting and keep your comment to yourself if it is not about Rachel. I am just going to report any post that brings up anything other than her from now on. It's obvious that a lot of people are jumping at the bit to attack a tranny, we have a thread for that here, go there instead.
No. 1553177
File: 1654707447499.gif (1.52 MB, 498x280, tenor.gif)

No. 1553181
File: 1654707690263.jpeg (134.3 KB, 750x859, 13FEC2D4-6C91-4313-AC99-E6EE0B…)

Here’s some milk to laugh at Rachel for pretending to be a SJW
No. 1553188
>>1553181The tranny delivered that exact milk here
>>1553144C'mon people.
No. 1553234
File: 1654709627523.png (214.7 KB, 587x620, lol and so many anti-trans pos…)

No. 1553246
>>1551696This post is a good reminder to everyone that Rachel was potentially planning gay-ops with Mike. Re-think where you are coming from unless you want to look like Mike and his harem of ladies.
>>1553234She is doubling down on the being gay larp I see.
No. 1553274
>>1553272I'd like to think we can all admit that we got too heated over stupid silly shit that everyone won't care about in a week.
>>1553234I posted this milk cause everyone's so thirsty for milk and it's part of her gay larp that is slightly funny, my apologies if I came off as a twitter fag, I am still learning to blend properly. Would you have any tips for me on how to do better?
No. 1553277
>>1553274Step One: Stop being so polite Blaine.
Step Two: Read what I sent you on the other site.
No. 1553283
>>1553276Honestly I believe the theory people are larping as him at this point, he blends just fine in other threads as other anons have pointed out. It's the urge to defend himself he needs to get over, there is no reason to justify himself to anyone imo at this point. Blaine posted begging for nonnas to think of him as a dog at a computer and I think if it wasnt for people who hated him coming over from KF half this sperging would not be here.
>>1553279Blaine seems sensitive to listening to senior members advice on things both here and on other sites, that's probably why he responded there.(other anon pointed out it's him so I am guessing it is)
No. 1553329
>>1553327All the more embarrassing when you consider they were the only one delivering milk for Rachel and Elaine and if they left things would have been dry for much longer. Cutting off your nose to spite your face is what it is, think I'll check out this AMB place unless it's literally just Tom shit. Fucker is gross as hell.
>>1553306Actually nonna, you should leave.
No. 1553337
>>1553316>>1553327cool story now fuck off forever and 41%.
he's melting down in /meta/ now about how we're all jealous fat ogres lmao.
No. 1553341
>>1553335>>1553337Oh hi Regina, I was wondering when you would show up again. Mike is already hitting our quota for self hating trannies, please leave.
>>1553339Berchal wandering up to you is not tipping.
No. 1553359
Soon Rachel will only be followed by women fatter than her.
>>1553357Oh yeah Michael and Blaine are working together and played us all you're totally right.
No. 1553360
>>1553357samefag sorry I mean Blaine was there (with Michael) … we're not gonna forget that they were working together initially right? Even if Blaine planned to backstab Michael eventually and it is weird they are working together after having beef last year, it's clear as day they were. Gay ops on gay ops on gay ops is what this thread has become.
>>1553359They absolutely were working together, the tranny admits this, and they were hanging out with other cows on a Discord run by (pedophile) Naught that the tranny also admits is full of lolicon (but he stuck around). Even if he snaked eventually, they were working together at some point.
No. 1553364
To the nonnas going "OMG HE KNEW DA MIKE" it's like recognizing someone from High School after the fact, the dude is thirty and guardsmen at least were more than half a decade ago, that is pure tinfoiling even if that was him saying that.
>>1553360I was in that discord with Naught, Blaine never fucking wanted him there and asked me to deliver all this milk instead. I wish I did but I wanted them to be able to restore their name holy fucking christ.
Blaine has barely been on in the last few days, Elaine texted his twelve year old sister death threats he's been busy distracting her from it and I actually have proof but dumping a video call for you scavengers to see hes a human being is fucking ridiculous. I came for the cows, I am an actual woman but this is just too much.
No. 1553374
>>1553364> I was in that discord with Naught,So you are OK with drawn depictions of child rape and hanging out with actual pedophiles. Wonderful, anon. Are you sure you're not the scrote who self-ID'd in /meta/? Fuck off lol.
>>1553370> I am not posting in this thread anymore.Less saying, more doing.
No. 1553375
File: 1654716217324.gif (108.21 KB, 500x400, give-up.gif)

>>1553370Then this thread is going to dry up or continue to be infighting and tinfoil about bullshit, I am out too in this case.
No. 1553391
>>1553386Humanizes a pedophilic person who has roleplayed both ends of rape?
Are you sure about that?
No. 1553400
>>1550065Hey this is some funny art.
>>1550308Hey this is a good summary.
>>1550324Good follow up.
>>1551003I really wish you would not have reposted this, if I ever see that baby dildo with a decayed fetus hand tip again I am going to go fully asexual.
>>1551004Hey this is a fun history fact I never knew.
>>1551376Hey that is some good receipts, so the roblox discord server was Mike's and his friends. Things make a lot more sense now in that case.
>>1551582I can confirm, it's a huge
trigger for Rpfags and their final attack to use weeb terms lol.
>>1551696Very likely they are astroturfing in this thread then.
>>1551720Hard agree.
>>1551736This is the only sort of obvious post I ever want to see from you.
>>1551780Excellent milk drop, glad that it's more than just one person screen capping her social media.
>>1551848In the better timeline we would have him in here WK'ing Rachel instead of a failed canadian nazi.
>>1551866God this is beautiful and I want to burn my eyes out after reading it at the same time, I am shocked at how well you pulled this off.
>>1552944lol too trans to function.
>>1553014Aren't you in a group with Naught or are you guys in the same discord but it's more of a communal thing?
>>1553068This timeline makes things make a lot of sense, explains the amount of faggots who are in here who aren't Mike or his goons and the increased terfery even for this site.
>>1553234Funny timing I agree.
The rest of these posts for the last two and a half days could be deleted and nothing of value would be lost.
No. 1553409
>>1553374Not in the discord, not a scrote, but I am in the anti-gayops group that Blaine/Erika spoke of. I don't use this site too much but essentially the name of the game is to sit and wait for someone to hang themselves, collect caps, and dump the info.
>>1553397God I hope it changes her, lord knows she needs to change if there is any hope of her not dying alone.
>>1553400I completely agree with the assessment that those are primarily the important posts from the last few days. This thread has been a bit garbo since Erika first dropped the milk, it was to be expected because I wasn't going to do it here and she is trans. It was that or have a scrote post here, and apparently she asked(I'm guessing Megan based on pronoun usage) to dump for her too, I can see why and frankly I can see why a lot of people left this thread today. Who the fuck cares at this point? lul tubby gunna rage. And then what? The same cycle you've always seen.
No. 1553493
>>1553357I have been in discords with people I dislike, it's honestly akin to saying you are friends with everyone on a site you use. Not really the case in most instances.
Wtf happened here there is way too much bullshit for me to read up on, the comment I am referencing is as far up as I could bare.
No. 1553503
>>1553493Buncha spazzing out and derailing, you missed nothing of note. I can second that being in the same discord to start really does not prove anything, there is more proof that Rachel and Michael are gayopping as we speak then there is for anyone else who was brought up gayoping with him aside from Rene/TSGW.
In fact I think he's at least a few of the posts in here since he has been online posting on OF all day.
No. 1553535
File: 1654724830247.png (169.92 KB, 596x375, blaine sister disavowal.png)

>>1553529Far be it from me to excuse this sort of behavior on the part of Elaine but dogs, fleas, etc. Why anyone would mess with these idiots, who are known for their gloves-off approach, when his dox is floating around and expect anything different I have no idea. The tranny started messing with these people for a crumb of clout and going out of his way to show everyone it was him. He reaped what he sowed, it's just too bad the kid sister dragged in but who's fault is that? The sister who replied in the Elaine thread disavowing his antics had the right idea (from the phrasing here I doubt this is the 12yo.)
No. 1553547
>>1553542Yes, absolutely, and I'm glad Elaine's bullshit got exposed but the tranny went out of his way to let everyone know it was him, of course Elaine got mad and did her usual gayops. Utterly predictable and utterly unnecessary. Tough decision but yeah she probs is the crazy one. And agree on the thread although I'm guilty of taking some bait myself.
In penance let's get actual Rachel content. Can a nonna link her current Twitter? I'm not up to date with the number gibberish after 'Bello' and neither it seems is Fairsinfo on Twitter.
No. 1553587
>>1553547Here ya go,
nonnie. an unrelated note: the amount of
>41% yourselffrom the terfs the past couple hours is retarded. Just because someone disagrees with you doesn't mean they're a tranny. Let's hope all the anons you drove away come back.
No. 1553621
>>1551627man just when i think rachel is being smart and taking advantage of her thread being derailed and laying low changing her @ a bunch she has to go and say shit like this publicly on twitter instead of just going private and continuing to change her @ until things die down
>>1553234how many years in a row does this need to be proven to be fake?
No. 1553678
File: 1654732268200.jpg (123.16 KB, 1243x889, 2vf3jx.jpg)

>>1550142What are you talking about? I tricked you hags all day today, men are better than women and I will keep derailing this thread to prove that.
No. 1553709 Bones was briefly a respected member of Kiwi Farms after managing to discover a google drive that was connected to an incest leak regarding Chris Chan. However, he very very quickly squandered the goodwill he earned hereby continuously tilting at windmills and the perceived socks of Janke.
Spooky claimed to be a woman with two children and a husband this is not only a huge lie but very well may have been covering up more dangerous behavior on the part of this individual with his attempts at gaining access to It should be observed here for all those who bought into the idea he was a woman that if you hang out on Discord with someone for more than 2 months and they say they’re female but refuse to voice chat with you then they’re a dude.
To begin this is actually not the original account this person used. His original account was Jigaboo Jones ( which was fairly easy to prove because he felt the need to write on this accounts wall with his Spooky Bones account letting everyone know:
Largely this is an unremarkable account beyond the fact that like the early posts on Spooky Bones he discusses his drug use a great deal as well as the drug websites he frequents. He did also include a link to a bizarre 40k/Chris Chan fanfic. ( /
He also did meet Tooter IRL to give you a good idea of the sort of crowd this guy finds enjoyable IRL.
He also ran into Douglas Brian Spink ( a known Zoophile on a drug website called Bluelight (
Make a note in this post that Spooky brings up the known date rape drug Rohypnol as that will come up again later.
What is interesting is that Spooky seems pretty fixated on the fact this individual snitched more than the things he has done. This did however give a very easy starting point to finding more information on him off-site.
Spooky Bones you see is a huge Grateful Dead fan. His lastest sock on KF (Wharf rat) is even named for a Grateful Dead song. It made it very easy to go to Bluelight and search through Grateful Dead posts until one was discovered with a particular habit Spooky has in his typing [REDACTED - no reason to tell him]. You’ll find if you look at any one of his posts he has a tendency to include a least one or two so upon finding users with that a simple search of their name and Chris Chan quickly made it possible to narrow down his user name.
In a twist of irony, I hope he is able to appreciate his precious therapy cat, two german shepherds, and horses would lead to the confirmation of his account. A user who has been active over there since 2007 by the name of SKL made a post in a thread about his pets. ( / however, you’ll find if you visit this the photos are broken. That's okay though because if you inspect element you can find the code for the photos which will give you:
The cat is a match as is the color of the bedroom. The cat is not only the same but so is the room it was photographed in. There are other photos of this cat around Spooky’s account and you’ll find most have a similar colored room. Spooky according to the Bluelight account moved at some point and that accounts for the differences in the room. It's also noteworthy in the photographs of the dogs there is a terrible linoleum floor. In the photograph Spooky shared of him cooking weed on the stove there is a similar floor:
It is a fair conclusion this is the same person. In addition to these photos, there are discussions by the account about how they are a therapist, something Spooky seemed to pride himself on, as well as mentions of a serious assault by a patient that left him crippled which is another thing he discussed on the Farms. (I will update with links later)
Now here is where we can unravel the lies of Spooky Bones:
See, Spooky claims to be a woman who shared an account with her husband. They have two children who are both teenage-ish supposedly according to the story being told by “her” however this leads us to a confusing post early in that account’s history.
( )
Here, Spooky claims to have one child who is 13. I’m not sure how he spawned another teenager by the time of Chris Chan raping Barb…but his Bluelight account will come in for the save and explanation for us.
See Spooky knocked up a former junkie and had a child who was raised by her and a man he apparently robbed people with. Archive:
Arguably even funnier he had no clue this child even existed until he was 10 years old.
If you note here the child was discovered in 2016 at 10 meaning by 2019 he was 13 which matches that odd KF post. There has only ever been one child for this individual and he wasn’t a father to him but rather a sperm donor.
Archive: mother of the child and he aren’t together as evidenced by this but I suppose he could have a wife still right? If he does she and Pantsu should get together:
During the IP leaks from the Farms in 2019 it did include one for Spooky that showed a Massachusettes IP:
It's likely if he was not living there at the time he was just visiting family.
This would be the area for his IP.
I believe we can thoroughly put to bed the idea that spooky have other children or a wife with this post. He only visits hookers because of his loneliness and desire for the love he can gain no other way but to pay for it or apparently by larping as a woman online.
Unfortunately Spooky has some ED issues and as a result, was very excited he was able to fuck the prostitute due to his current regimen of T&T. He uses
Trigger warnings on a website where people discuss their horrible drug addictions and the behaviors that come from that.
Don’t worry, he details his experience with a call girl and his current homebrew solution to his ED:
His mix of drugs and alcohol is at best concerning and he is giving this advice to people.
His love for hookers is so strong he hires them quickly before getting on a bus. Lovely. There’s a small dark quality about him as well that gets mentioned one time on Bluelight that might explain his reasons for pretending to be female among the discord:
Spooky used GHB and I have very little doubt he also was around many others on it, a known date-rape drug. I’d point out he also spontaneously brought up a date rape drug when complaining a known Zoophile who was an admin on Bluelight was a snitch which I mentioned above.
He also drank
constantly on the job where he was a therapist whose findings actually impacted whether or not people were released from institutions.
It was after this he started larping as his own wife on KF so it's not out of the realm of speculation that this marked him going back downhill as well as explains his often erratic behavior on the Farms. He wouldn’t be the first junkie to get prescribed meds and fall off the wagon.
Also because it's amusing to me Spooky felt the need to show his literal penis to Bluelight and I think we can all enjoy a good laugh at that. Since Spooky shows a lot of concern for things like revenge porn I will note this was posted on a forum anyone can see and perhaps the reason he adored Chris chan so much is they both have a massively bent penis.
Spoiler: spookys feminine benis
Lastly, there is a Twitter for this person called esoteric pharma observed in this post:*/ Which can be observed here.
His current discord is (not that) Regina#7604 and the ID for it is 877699586356035604. Someone might want to give the ladies on a heads up.
Feel free to link this wherever and just give people a heads up since it's a google document they will want to be careful about connecting on their real google accounts.
EDIT: Things that will be added include the hospital Spooky was drunkenly evaluating patients for jail (he lived in Manhattan and it is a criminal psych hospital if you’d like to go find it yourself) as well as when he moved to Boston. Also Spooky has over 14k posts on Bluelight so if you decide to go hunting for funny posts by him from there make sure to archive. There’s a number I’ve already taken care of and will be adding over the next few days but with 14k I’m sure I’ve missed some funny stuff.
EDIT2: Be aware if you link this anywhere that Spooky has a history of attacking the people he perceives as “enemies”.
EDIT3: I will also add notes about Spooky’s guns. I’m not sure this is someone who should have any but it is what it is.
No. 1553720
File: 1654735957810.png (608.13 KB, 800x444, lol.png)

>>1553717Okay, sorry I just made one.
>>>/snow/1553718 No. 1553823
File: 1654740079533.png (534.74 KB, 1284x370, lady Rachel is my queen.png)

Nya'h see I'm taking over for Mike so you crazy broads stop attacking the nice lady. Rachel is a saint compared to you broads, ya'll are vultures chomping at the bit and the way you reacted to Naught's thread just proves that!
Ya'll liked it when I played that Blaine charactah earlier and now ya don't like my new persona? Why not see?
No. 1553828
>>1553823Please stop, you're bad at acting like a mob boss.
Everyone will just move to KF to talk about Rachel so have fun, I guess.
No. 1553843
File: 1654740730623.png (147.82 KB, 1280x406, lol.png)

>>1553823Guess this is the tranny's newest deranged meltdown since he accused someone of being "Regina" earlier
No. 1553844
Soon now place will be safe from da Gay Op'ah and da internet mafia ya dumb broads
>>1553843Who you calling a troon? I bet you're the tranny!
No. 1553848
File: 1654741015644.png (92.76 KB, 1074x487, mike schizo posting or mike fa…)

>>1553844Oh god please leave.
It's either Mike talking to himself or one of his fans, they're all over OF. Oh god the fucking 'accent' they are going for is just the worst and I cannot.
No. 1553870
>>1553867That was Naught see, I am using a VPN can you dig it? I just hate moralfags, trannies, and people lying about my fair lady Rachel see
Ya'll broads are getting the wrong idea here, I am just trying to support my pals here and kick someone while they're down that I hate dawg
No. 1553887
File: 1654742324075.png (88.03 KB, 524x281, lol2.png)

>>1553850You're right. The "You" is there on that post.
>>1553844>>1553848Same anons. Gee, wonder who it could be? Certainly not a certain tranny that's been shitting everything beyond belief and sperging about 'Mike' and this gay shit for days on end.
No. 1553919
>>1553678Oh gee look who fessed up to gayoping all day, ponyfag Mike.
>>1553914Yeah I am betting her meltdown happens on friday, maybe we should open up some sort of deadpool on it?
No. 1553927
>>1553919Open up the pool.
And Rachel is absolutely in on this derailment bullshit because the gayops shit is venturing in on WK territory vibes
No. 1554030
>>1554024If he doxes me I'm gonna fucking kill him
>>1554026Sounds more like what you are bitch
No. 1554034
File: 1654749998757.png (3.32 KB, 246x205, edgelord.png)

>>1554031Drop the dox, troon. I have his pic already.
No. 1554041
>>1554035Then why do you fucking act just like him? You can't answer because you are him!
>>1554034Fuck off fat sow
>>1554037Yeah and if he does I will upload killing him for you ladies to gawk at
No. 1554047
>>1554041Go back to your thread, Travis. I'll answer: >Then why do you fucking act just like him? You can't answer because you are him!
over there
No. 1554116
>>1554105Yeah but is
>>1554111 obviously this is out of hand.
No. 1554127
>>1554117Yep, I'm wondering if the tranny sperg is Travis. Or just some
terf thats creepily obsessed with troons.
>>1554122I'm wondering if thats him too but I question it because he said he came here and was acting like Blaine. So, who knows.
No. 1554136
>>1554130Actually most people thought you were a retarded
terf. Maybe you really are a tranny since you're so good at LARPING as a
>>1554132Blaine can read, Travis. People will still come check this thread. I know most of us that left are already back. You're not as smart as you think you are.
No. 1554143
>>1554132If you want attention so badly go ask Naught to put some fingers in your butt.
Instead you stick around and are practically begging for someone to remind you that you're so basic that you continue to get felted by the smallest things. Boohoo you shit up a thread nigga, so could a blind drunk chimpanzee.
There's no way you were ever involved with the Idea Guys, you're too much of a bitch boy who can't keep his mouth shut. You wish you were.
If Rachel was able to sus you out on day one, you wouldn't have made it far with CWC.
No. 1554150
>>1554142Holy fuck you're the most gullible retard. Mike doesn't have a job. Mike depends on the fat insecure women he abuses to send him money. Mike lies about having a chauffeur and wasting money on $40k bottles of whiskey.
Also you admitting he's paying you to bury the idea guys stuff just gave away that theres more linking him to them otherwise there wouldnt be a need to bury anything. Good job, you fucking idiot.
No. 1554162
File: 1654756522291.png (41.38 KB, 720x247, Screenshot_20220609-013421~2.p…)

See? You dumb bitches, I won, you lost, Michael is not in the idea guys
No. 1554166
>>1554164Yeah so like I said Mike isn't in the idea guys so get over it
>>1554165I bet that's what you spend your money on you tranny
No. 1554206
>>1554175>>1554172>>1554156I think it's almost as likely Mike is muddying the waters to make people think that he
is in the Idea Guys than to think that he isn't, it seems like the kind of thing he would boast about, while what he really wants to deny (lol) is that he is another creepy basement AGP.
No. 1554372
>>1554345This website is obviously full of trannies like this spookybones guy and Blaine, y'all trannies are dumb as hell too
>>1554206Yupp, nothing more to be found on Mike so just get over it already
No. 1554416
>>1554413He has a new one and told me not to share, I didn't have to share any proof mike wasn't in the idea guys but I still got paid in that, I didn't have to share any proof that Blaine was wrong you all chased him away for me and I got paid for that too
Cha ching bitch make me more money
No. 1554439
File: 1654785448559.jpeg (81.91 KB, 1762x312, soscawy.jpeg)

>Mike conveniently has a new paypal so no proof can be shown.>trust me guys>you're all dumb trannies>I tricked you all>PicrelDude handles life about as well as a kid going through puberty. Don't believe shit he says unless he has proof.
>>1554392Well thats pretty shitty when it was this tranny sped and some weird obsessed
terf. Multiple people went to bat for Erika, myself included. Lots of us also got told to kill ourselves. But ok.
>>1554433Have fun. Registrations closed and even if you somehow get your tranny ass an invite we'll just have mods delete your autism. This shit wont work there. And if you somehow (you wont) ruin that then we'll just have other places to go to talk about her and you wont do shit. Block the threads like you already do with everything else in your life that hurts your feefees and 41% Travis.
No. 1554451
>>1554450Nah, I think it's the right amount. Flips between tranny hating and liking, shits on women, obsessed with telling people how much money she makes and how she gets paid so much. How unbothered she is.
Sounds about right.
No. 1554452
>>1554446And that's why Erika won't come back, she never brings up being a tranny so I'm going to stop because she can fucking pass digitally if everyone else stopped bringing it the fuck up.
At every milk drop at least two anons(not Rachel or any scrotes) attack her, she could prove Mike was in the idea guys and those two would squawk that he isn't. This has become political theatre, with how they defend Mike I legit believe he was an idea guy and there's a lot of cringe shit just hiding in the shadows.
No. 1554455
>>1554451I'm seriously not trying to wk for Rachel but Rachel usually has enough sense to brag about making more than $300 at best (depending on which story you go with from him) even though she takes it too far in the opposite direction.
>>1554452I agree but why let those two anons run her off? It's just two people when everyone else would rather they fuck off instead. Ultimately it's up to her though, so whatever. I just hope she knows that most people here-regardless on our opinions of trans people in general- prefer her over the weirdos attacking her.
No. 1554459
I have an idea for our true and honest Idea Guy.
Drink some drain cleaner. A liter or two.
>>1554455She's turned more autistic of things into slam dunks. The fact that this fucker was up all night being autistic and has now magically quieted down, this also tracks with what time Rachel falls asleep because she's been up all night frigging herself to pictures of fictional characters.
No. 1554461
>>1554455You make a damn fine point, Erika can be cringy sometimes but frankly the cows come to her and there is always receipts. I hope she just got tired and didn't bail for good.
This is certainly not Rachel, they're as angry and clever as Mike is but I don't think it's him either. Elaine did start texting people that knew Erika so it's not hard to believe this is one person who hates her jumping at their first opportunity to attack her.
>>1554459That's actually a great point this travis bitch lines up p well with Rachel's sleep pattern.
No. 1554462
File: 1654786856125.jpg (142.32 KB, 1280x720, WIN_20220609_10_56_08_Pro.jpg)

>>1554439Aight. This is gay.
I'm the real Mike and I fucking hate that I'm going to do this but this is just insane.
I have not posted to this site since I got banned for posting about Spooky Bones. This faggot claiming I've paid him money to shitpost is a liar.
Anyone claiming to be me in this thread is a liar.
I strongly STRONGLY suspect that the only "person" impersonating me, and others, is Blaine the tranny.
I resent having to post my face here but it's the only way to definitively prove that I am who I am, and I'm not these fucking people.
The sign I'm holding has a Roman Numeral 1 in the corner. If I make another post I will hold that sign and I will add another dash, and so on. I, II, III, etc etc etc.
I don't want to make another post because frankly lurking this site is like brain-draino, no offense ladies.
But tldr. I'm not paying people to post. I also have not posted in this thread or any other thread since my banning here. Thank you.
(ew) No. 1554467
>>1554462I think you're a waste of oxygen but I believe you that you didn't pay this idiot.
I also dont think its Blaine though.
Why does your ceiling look like a couch?
No. 1554470
File: 1654787291354.jpg (109.19 KB, 1280x720, WIN_20220609_11_05_56_Pro.jpg)

>>1554464>>1554465Well then I suggest you prove it, Blaine.
For future reference:
Anyone who cannot, when requested, produce a timestamped picture as I am posting right now who claims to be me, is an impersonator.
>how do we know you're not just going to pretend to not be yourself HUH!?Because that's fucking retarded. The people/person impersonating me here is a faggot and I'll do anything I can to make that faggot look like a retard out of sheer malice and spite.
Thank you.
No. 1554480
File: 1654788022553.jpg (147.86 KB, 1280x720, WIN_20220609_11_17_26_Pro.jpg)

>>1554467Can't please everyone, sometimes I feel like a waste of oxygen too so that's alright.
Taking these pics is an inconvenience by the way, but since the ceiling question has been asked on KF a bunch and now here.. the answer is simple. My computer room is supposed to be nautical themed. The ceiling is supposed to look like sails. There are port windows and shit like that. I didn't design it, and it's fine enough that I don't feel the need to change it.
No. 1554493
>>1554485Still not convinced "Travis" is not a way for Blaine to walk back the disaster that was yesterday
>>1554452Nobody's defending Mike (who is another tranny, let us not forget) but that doesn't mean we have to embrace an idiot who is here to seek clout and attention. I don't believe for a second that he wants to "pass", he could do so easily but shutting the fuck up and stopping speaking in the first person, but he won't do that.
No. 1554508
>>1554470>that's fucking retardedSo are you, Mike. What's going on with your dirty untrimmed nails there?
>>1554471It's very coincidental Travis goes completely silent as soon as Mike starts ceilingposting.
No. 1554514
>>1554506Door, ass, etc. Good riddance. Don't make too much of when your small handful of sad handmaidens cry about it, either. But who am I kidding you'll be back for that sweet, sweet attention soon enough. Trannies are so predictable.
>>1554508I'm still gonna go with I think "Travis" is the tranny but it could be Mike (I mean, the other tranny) too. But why then is Blaine claiming to know Travis? Either way, the problem involved was not born a woman.
No. 1554515
>>1554504>>1554514Oh yeah Erika should definitely post her facebook info just so a
terf who's been ragging on her this whole time won't even be appeased. Yeah, genius.
No. 1554516
File: 1654789060082.jpg (146.22 KB, 1280x720, WIN_20220609_11_36_06_Pro.jpg)

>>1554492Instructions unclear.
>>1554502I lurk a few threads here; especially ones where a schizophrenic faggot is trying to convince people I'm an Idea Guy.
No. 1554525
>>1554521No literally only you are waiting, I trust Erika's word at this point over Mike's and I don't care if you don't Regina
I can prove it's you and I am sick of you attacking Erika.
No. 1554534
File: 1654789812198.jpg (148.94 KB, 1280x720, WIN_20220609_11_48_46_Pro.jpg)

>>1554522I don't have to prove I'm not anything.
Basic common sense would suggest that if Blaine could uncover the identity of the lost Idea Guys, then people better than him at this sort of thing would have done it a long time ago.
I don't think Blaine actually understands what went down during the Idea Guy saga and who exactly the people were who doxed Wise and Boyd, and the lengths they went to to get them.
If the name Volkswachter appeared in Idea Guy chats then this would be documented on KF, on the CWCki and on every other site dedicated to Christory, which would be easy to produce links and screenshots for, since this hasn't happened it's safe to say you're a faggot, Blaine.
Taking these pics is a pain in the ass, this is my last response, at least for now. To reiterate. Anyone posting as me who cannot produce a signed picture is a larping faggot.
No. 1554540
>>1554525> I trust Erika's word at this point over Mike'sPretty low bar tbh
>>1554534> ChristoryCringe
No. 1554543
File: 1654790158437.png (1.04 MB, 1212x681, Untitled14720220609211441.png)

>>1554462it is i, the real michael thurlow, with an important announcement to make..
No. 1554551
>>1554540That is why I'm saying it's a bit silly in this case to hound Erika for proof instead of hounding Mike.
>>1554543>>1554548This is the best content in over three days.
No. 1554562
>>1554561He namefagged in response to Erika dumping Milk the first time, Erika outted their socks, Erika got banned by Regina and Regina has never stopped talking shit since. He's off in discord complaining about her now. This thread has become such a shit show that I refuse to dump anything and I already left his server as he banned me for getting in an argument over them posting so much. I really should have screen capped but this was hardly what I was expecting at all.
Regina has called a bunch of posters Erika in a bid to undermine them, it's become more than an obsession and the timing and fact he defended Mike so hard on KF and now is refusing to even ask him a question here really leads to the credibility that they have been working together and that's why Spooky got pissed in the first place for Erika mentioning what Mike let slip about his original trolling operation and group. He even kept attacking her after Erika gave a public apology. I'm done.
No. 1554577
>>1554562I believe you, I just dont know or care enough about him to be able to say for sure he's the obsessed
terf. Also the more I think about his Mean Girls obsession, the more I believe he actually is a troon. I dont know a single natal woman that is still that into that movie. Especially not ones old enough to be a parent to a teen. Plus they picked literally the worst character to "be" although she (the character in the movie) may be relatable for them going by how they act.
No. 1554579
>>1554577That is also what get's me as well, when it came out I get older people sperging a bit and Spooky seems to be the age where it would be nostalgia but yeah.
At least Janis admits she's a bitch and anti-social, Regina is unaware, foolhardy and lucked her way into leading so very fitting.
>>1554574So do Mike and Erika but I have seen that theory floated around and it makes less sense than mine.
No. 1554600
File: 1654793634553.png (101.05 KB, 1056x233, michael_regina.png)

>>1554577Get some new material, Michael.
No. 1554611
>>1554599This is by far the grossest thread on the site and somehow you managed to up the ante further, excellent work.
>>1554600Nah I hate both of those fuckers, Mike is certainly still around but plenty of us have reason to hate someone who threw everyone else under the bus during Burnbook. I do not think he is working with Mike but Spoopy is certainly in here throwing around 41% and calling everyone a tranny(and I dont think he's that Travis fella either, that's either Mike or a person from Erika's irl that Elaine contacted. Based on the utter retardation shown I really do think it's someone completely new)
Either way there is a Spooky thread even if the OP is shit so anything that isn't Rachel related can be dropped in there to keep this thread clean from now on because as it stands a bunch of anons have left due to how shit filled it has become. Let this thread just be Rachel and take advantage of the mods not deleting a shitty thread.
Srsly bring it to the Spooky thread but the Gabaghoul is still killing me.(not the way Travis intended for sure but)
>>1554608Pls nonnies, I beg you, the other thread.
No. 1554616
>>1554611Obvious posting again to second this, please for the love of God you are all driving good insightful posters away, I never intended my presence to make such a fucking impact. If I wasn't doxed before coming here it wouldn't have but I still apologize for my involvement to the people who haven't attacked me. To the people who have, fuck you, I don't care.
>>1554612Yes honestly he probably is, Michael has 'edge' as his special taste. There is no proof of that though so I won't speculate.
>>1554614>>1554615Please use the Spookybones side drama containment thread.
No. 1554627
>>1554620It's not WK'ing when you're all fucking tinfoiling about everyone being Erika and shitting up the thread, now move over to the thing that was started as a trashfire with your nonsense.
Nobody should be talking about Erika, Mike, or anyone else other than Rachel here c'mon.
No. 1554638
File: 1654794957623.jpg (378.44 KB, 809x1457, cowtipping.jpg)

Why is it that the cowtippers make themselves so obvious?
No. 1554648
Samefag as
>>1554641, there's the answer >>1553050. The level of gayops in here is so high though that
>>1554642 has a point honesty as loath as I am to say it.
No. 1554705
File: 1654796828764.jpeg (339.85 KB, 1448x908, shdfiu.jpeg)

Anyway, this was posted on KF. Apparently Rachel has been sperging out somewhere (Im assuming discord) but sadly we dont get caps. It does confirm that she is still sperging as usual, just in private for the time being.
No. 1554731
>>1554727Her posing as UH on twitter and missing the point of the naming scheme to post it here as a gotcha was pretty funny but the rest of her posting in this thread has been horrible.
>>1554730Totally agree with this user, as long as the cow organically came to someone I really do not see that as cowtipping at all.
No. 1554769
>>1554462you look like you smell like spoiled milk i bet your hair and beard are one huge dreadlock lol
>>1554467this dude cant even afford a ceiling
No. 1554782
>>1554769>>>/snow/1554776Mike stuff goes here
nonnie, thank you.
No. 1554826
File: 1654801706881.png (86.72 KB, 840x696, FU0q774UAAE1cGf.png)

pokes head back in
Okay I think that worked, here is some Rachel Milk that Fairs posted, just gonna quad post instead of formatting them together as I have to leave to work shortly.
No. 1554827
File: 1654801738409.png (46.94 KB, 524x343, FU0rhMcVUAAKC6f.png)

Rachel is Cat-Satan for the nonnies that did not know.
No. 1554828
File: 1654801765407.png (107.1 KB, 650x732, FU0rROqUAAA_d5a.png)

Remember we are all in this together, only you can prevent de-railment fires.
No. 1554829
File: 1654801797394.png (203.43 KB, 533x774, FU0rXonUcAAZT04.png)

Someone else can pick up milk duty tonight, have fun ladies!
No. 1554844
File: 1654802449725.png (12.16 KB, 576x112, Untitled.png)

Rachel is online, as the nonna who suggested a deadpool iirc my bet was for a meltdown tomorrow. I am now opening it up, I will be anon1 and I will announce the winner in the order posted. Best of luck and let's get gambling!
No. 1554852
>>1554848Lol fuck you, you made the same exact joke in discord you asshat lol.
>>1554851She is just being a weeb and making a joke, it's likely that is what Rachel meant but lol.
No. 1554865
>>1554857>Only 41% tranny, only we hate youHuh yeah I think I can see Rachel's posts in this thread now.(Not saying she is the only tranny sperger but the low effort posts, probably her or Re-wish-I-had-a-vagina trying to get digs in.
>>1554846Anon2 as her meltdown being today with gay-ops revealed.
No. 1554962
>>1554829i love how she says your suffering would be nice like she isnt actively making herself suffer by pulling this shit all the time, everyone else can just block and ignore, and she will never, ever get her way.
>>1554844im thinking it'll take a few days, anon3 will be taking sunday.
No. 1555116
>>1554972>>1554844>>1554865>>1554962Deadpool Meltdown Table:
Anon 2: Today
Anon 1: Tomorrow
Anon 3: Sunday
Anon 4: Tuesday the 13th
>>1554848Nice FF joke lol
No. 1555478
File: 1654834962790.jpg (221.46 KB, 1079x1149, tardspeak.jpg)

Lmao the gayops account
No. 1555516
File: 1654836163154.png (65.14 KB, 569x348, ghoulie.png)

This looks like it could be content, but also just by this being posted Rachel is now going to be paranoid if not outright losing her mind about this now, but also how many people could it be? This person's whole spot is probably blown up now, lol, maybe use a PM next time.
No. 1555532
>>1555521Go back to your tard cage.
>>1555516Saw that and it was Ravenmilk that hung themselves to tease, really dumb move imo but I just usually dump things when the time is right and try to keep quiet until then myself.
>>1555517Oh one of his scrote cronies, at least the side thread is working for the most part.
No. 1555607
File: 1654843164250.jpg (150.47 KB, 1080x495, infj.jpg)

I can't believe this bitch lmao
She likes to look at everything but her own transgressions
No. 1555617
File: 1654844146614.png (799.07 KB, 747x984, infj.png)

>>1555607kek, is she implying that she's an infj ?
No. 1555680
File: 1654852239612.jpeg (200.17 KB, 828x1412, 6A913ED9-ABE3-495D-8F64-BBC608…)

This was possibly one of the worse jokes ever. Also notice how she isn’t using the weird cat baby voice as much? The thing that makes me laugh is how she comments on posts ala Rachel style but as her cat and still gets almost no interactions. Have a cat blog is fine. But she’s outright roleplaying as her cat not just making little jokes here and there. It’s weird.
No. 1555798
File: 1654867299649.jpg (93.84 KB, 1080x330, cat larp.jpg)

>>1555680She's reading along and didn't like this lol
No. 1555828
>>1555617Yaknow I don't know if I am one or not but it is HELL having empathy for things and people I should logically have no empathy for, it's really stopped me from following through with a lot of things that I deserved to do. Rachel is the exact example of 'An Online INFJ' she has no empathy for anyone other than herself, she literally cannot and willnot and obviously refuses to feel other's pain.
Rachel you are a sociopath, that is the direct opposite of an INFJ you fat fingering cat shit eating tubby tub of tard.
No. 1555852
>>1555607Lmao. Wasn’t this fat bitch the one isolating her
victims? Projection at its finest
No. 1556060
File: 1654880173221.jpeg (54.92 KB, 500x500, 1BDBCAF1-0808-4FEB-AFC2-82CA7C…)

>>1556024She sounds like she had childhood of pink princess “ I want a pony for my birthday” that had one of those cringy pink Disney princess bedrooms. Pic related.
I don’t know what to call it. I know we had pick me girl, horse girl, book girl but what would attention princess pink girl be?
No. 1556568
File: 1654903231300.jpeg (39.4 KB, 750x205, F899B171-65E6-4229-A477-12B3C5…)

Really now, Rachel? The Plonk account that spoke to you twice in Japanese, you couldn’t even respond properly and just claim they were speaking it wrong according to your Google translate.
Newsflash, if you can read a language, you can sure as hell write it.
No. 1556619
File: 1654905482998.jpg (286.13 KB, 1080x1095, breaking character.jpg)

Harassing FF people again…
No. 1556621
File: 1654905553290.jpg (142.49 KB, 1045x556, failtrollsuccessful.jpg)

Dumbass responds to obvious troll lmao
No. 1556632
File: 1654906377616.jpg (19.59 KB, 563x98, low effort troll critique.jpg)

Whoever the Troll is(guessing Mike)hates DBS and has a desire to express how they must be the one shitting up the Rachel threads and not the Troll itself(who could not do any homework and really is low effort).
No. 1556644
>>1556632Couldn't whoever posted his photobucket have gotten it from the KF OP and the "someone found his photobucket" be in reference to whoever posted it on there?
Does he not think things all the way through or…?
No. 1556655
File: 1654907390414.jpg (61.43 KB, 594x642, RACHEL NO.jpg)

In Rachel related news, this is the sickest thing I have ever found on any of her twitters yet nonnas! A gerbil crushing video she retweeted, she obviously needs to be stopped as quickly as possible before she acts it out herself.
No. 1556691
File: 1654910053776.jpeg (99.07 KB, 579x916, 59299939-E775-4B44-B7D5-144F8E…)

I come with milk nonnies
No. 1556693
File: 1654910150612.jpeg (187.57 KB, 750x1007, C1664FD7-880D-4B4B-B148-815173…)

No. 1556697
>>1556691She keeps claiming they threatened people if Rachel wasn't blocked but I haven't seen any proof of that lmao.
A lot of minors will happen upon porn but it's never obvious. Heck a lot of people around Rachel's age were writing/drawing porn and it wasn't proof of them being an adult lol. What a fucking dumbass.
That quote applies to her. It's insanely hilarious how she think it doesn't apply to her.
No. 1556735
>>1556723She blocked me last week. All I did was simply like one of the tweets associated with fairs info through another person I follow.
I had a feeling though that Friday would have been the day she had her next meltdown. She usually is online all night into the wee hours of the morning on Fridays.
No. 1556802
File: 1654919569955.png (418.64 KB, 696x564, queen of fools.png)

No. 1556831
File: 1654921858538.jpg (117.44 KB, 810x286, whiteknighting.jpg)

Presented without context.
No. 1556921
File: 1654926313257.png (103.99 KB, 487x294, yes actually.png)

>>1556890She was on tonight actually, I am in central time for reference.
No. 1556928
File: 1654926576630.png (17.99 KB, 805x123, well then.png)

An account did reply to them and seemed like they went to OF to gayop or was at least intrigued by the idea.
>>1556926She did not, pure shame because he seemed like her type. Dumb and angy.
No. 1557294
File: 1654968828747.jpeg (261.11 KB, 1196x968, 92374.jpeg)

Jesus Christ she's delusional.
No. 1557309
File: 1654969235208.jpeg (85.81 KB, 1200x332, 983274.jpeg)

Comment on the same post.
No. 1557414
>>1557288oh i definitely dont believe a goddamn thing she says, but it is really funny. oh, how i long to see her roleplay, it would be some preteen e-sex
throws you down on the bed and takes your clothes off tier shit.
>>1557294i wonder if she really believes that we're harassing her poor sweet boyf- i mean cat, or if she just thinks she can convince other people of it, i wish i could know what goes on in that cavernous noggin of hers.
No. 1557487
File: 1654977492075.jpeg (65.91 KB, 958x314, 1.jpeg)

In which Rachel doesn't understand what a Blockchain is. 1/3
No. 1557489
File: 1654977535966.jpeg (200.2 KB, 902x1304, 2.jpeg)

This is the post she was replying to 2/3
No. 1557492
File: 1654977681543.jpeg (418.49 KB, 788x1308, 3.jpeg)

>Only I
>Their followers threaten to kill me
This may be the most delusional we've seen her in a while, nonnies.
No. 1557534
File: 1654979783952.jpeg (141.38 KB, 745x1030, 0A7DCAF8-CB41-4CD0-8479-BE33A2…)

Financial illiteracy was something we all figured since she doesn’t know anything about blockchain and how much houses cost especially on her salary lol.
Figured I might share this cause it was amusing.
No. 1557643
>>1557641Fucking delete this pls omg
You're ruining a joke by pointing this out lolol
No. 1557680
File: 1654987108058.jpeg (216.25 KB, 750x1083, 0989EFFB-89B4-45F0-B609-D400EF…)

Lmaoooo she thinks she’s a cat now
No. 1557903
File: 1655001104495.jpeg (1.77 MB, 1834x1004, cringe.jpeg)

Rachel is cringe.
No. 1557916
>>1557680Is this fat cunt denying that she did those things?
>Twitter doesn’t give a singular MEOW, can confirm. @Plonkzhuzhu you’re literally harassing a cat, you (clown emoji) Kiwi just block them, it’s a complicated matter and they don’t know what the MEOW they’re talking aboutRachel you know what you did. You know they're right. And you aren't a cat, you're a person pretending to be a cat. A person who has harassed, bullied, and behaved in a way that was so exceptional that you garnered a following for it.
No. 1557920
File: 1655002572601.jpeg (150.46 KB, 750x825, 8E037F79-2F7A-4B81-A2B0-96BA3A…)

Adding onto the cringe train. She really believes she’s an intellectual despite so many instances of her being profoundly stupid.
No. 1558036
File: 1655021657046.jpeg (64.25 KB, 1196x242, 387.jpeg)

Well I am just shocked.
No. 1558354
alone with the cat I’m sure. I wonder where her “partners” are
No. 1558359
File: 1655058474659.jpeg (275.37 KB, 750x881, 7CEEEF1A-5DEC-4FB3-BF02-56857E…)

That carpet looks old and hideous. Also, the baby talk is so cringe when she keeps alternating between talking normally and this.
No. 1559188
File: 1655130824265.jpeg (82.85 KB, 750x867, AEF0B7D8-F8B3-4690-BF4B-E13B08…)

Of course she would retweet something like this
No. 1559268
File: 1655136000818.png (296.75 KB, 504x626, fucking what.png)

>>1558851This turns the joke into reality though.
No. 1559333
File: 1655140072677.png (143.36 KB, 569x566, rachel gross.png)

>>1559313I believe you are correct but I come to laugh at lolcows for the most part so someone else would know better than I.
Speaking of gross animal stuff that Rachel posts that is sexualized in very odd ways. I would not trust her around my animals or my children.
No. 1559349
>>1559346No, no, no, no more cow crossovers for Rachel. Absolutely not after what happened last time lmfao.
>>1559333 Samefag as this and I just noticed they used the taking the belt buckle off body too not just the shiftless one so it's very sexualized.
No. 1559915
File: 1655180066845.jpeg (93.28 KB, 1196x320, ugh.jpeg)

She says the dumbest shit.
No. 1559927
File: 1655180815725.jpeg (147.34 KB, 750x871, 9B25604D-4036-4B94-ABEB-879E1C…)

Adding to her dumb shit she posts
No. 1559938
>>1559790See, the ok thing was definitely retarded but I think there could be some correlation to the whole zoophile/zoosadists. KF would probably have better info on that considering they've got all the threads on the zoosadist circles.
I mean, she was caught RTing a crush video. All those dildos. The cat tongue dildos specifically. Slippery slope to zoophilia.
No. 1559939
>>1559938I dont think that was actually a crush video
nonnie. But everything else I agree with.
No. 1559947
File: 1655182912337.png (146.15 KB, 518x480, oh boy.png)

Rachel is active again on Onionfarms so I have a bit of material.
No. 1559949
File: 1655182984419.png (200.43 KB, 889x834, get ready.png)

I have no words.
No. 1559957
File: 1655183565701.png (90.28 KB, 907x402, berchal's blessings.png)

She is an amazing lolcow.
No. 1559964
File: 1655184009797.jpg (6.74 KB, 300x169, fc2f2928f9775d3e4be2d40545607c…)

>>1559962Merge time! Merge time! Merge time! Merge time! Merge time! Merge time!
No. 1559968
>>1559957All that knowledge about sex toys and she will never be able to use it in a proper context lmao.
Probably let's her cat chew hers up and thinks of it as a bonding experience since humans don't want her… heh.
No. 1559972
File: 1655184549083.png (42.1 KB, 902x162, ah fuck.png)

No. 1559980
File: 1655184650742.jpeg (57.05 KB, 750x267, 0F795BD3-07E6-481A-A3E6-4F045D…)

Lmao she can’t help herself but find people she’s antagonised and start fights. Let them make fun of you and ignore them
No. 1559983
>>1559980I wanna see her tubby tard range tire in two swings of titanic ham-hocks she calls arms. A slight breeze could beat her ass.
>>1559982Perfect, utter cowdow.
No. 1559988
So what anon won the deadpool? lol
>>1559980Shes so fucking stupid.
No. 1560021
File: 1655188051726.jpg (531.85 KB, 806x1235, dildosperg.jpg)

She's definitely reading here because she had to remind everyone about her true and honest boyfriend(s)
No. 1560024
>>1560021People who are comfortable in their sex life and sexuality dont feel the need to constantly broadcast it. There are plenty of people, even women, that are open about their sex lives but they know theres a time and place for that. They also dont make it weird as fuck when they do talk about it. This is just another way we know she's a virgin femcel. It all just sounds so unnatural coming from her because it
is unnatural for her.
No. 1560025
File: 1655188423330.png (56.97 KB, 734x306, Michael1HandedTyping.png)

Rachel, you know he's getting off to this, right?
"Healthy and positive" sexuality indeed.
No. 1560038
>>1560024Sure Anon. Go ahead and think that.
You say she doesn’t know how her genitals work but it’s quite clear she does, much better than everyone here.
No. 1560048
>>1560042Honestly I commend you on
trying to blend bbgirl.
No. 1560053
>>1560049>>1560048Either she’s here or she’s not. this entire time you have been begging and pleading for her to be here and every single time without fail she hasn’t been.
These threads deserve to be derailed and forgotten, it was only ever vendetta posting and a bunch of fat soccer moms on their 4th glass of vino trying to find someone more pathetic than them to ridicule. Cope harder.
No. 1560057
File: 1655190329602.jpg (279.5 KB, 1300x892, don-amp-039-t-take-the-bait_o_…)

Pic in honor of Mike.
No. 1560072
File: 1655191103765.png (245.08 KB, 470x503, chibiroth.png)

>>1560064> drunk minds of worn out hagsI should be going to bed but now I remember this is peak Rachel hour.
No. 1560074
>>1547559W H Y would you insinuate something so heinous and disgusting in the face of her actively posting pictures and video of her cat being nothing but loving and happy around her?
>>1560068The trained nose can smell purchased followers from miles away.
No. 1560085
File: 1655191467201.jpg (24.38 KB, 567x594, eylrnd6q91q41.jpg)

>>1560074>PurchasedRachel only you can be this retarded. Only you. That's organic reach, baby. More than you'll ever know in your lifetime outside of being a lolcow. The most attention you've had has been since you've got threads on multiple sites now.
No. 1560093
>>1560090You make yourself too obvious. Nobody else needs to differentiate. Only you. Only you would feel bold enough to claim she isn't here, too. None of the anons here can be certain but you speak with certainty because you are her.
Easy. Make it harder Sourdough Princess.
No. 1560094
>>1560082I don’t think we’ve ever seen her get angry. Those “meltdowns” were only ever farmer’s imagination.
Just the idea of her hurting her cat makes me sick given the evidence right in front of us that she doesn’t. The cat is openly taking treats from her hand in the video she recently posted. You’re sick for insinuating something so vile. Bet you’re the gross nona with the diaper fetish.
No. 1560101
>>1560094Imagination? I must have read all those receipts wrong then over the past three months or so then.
And lol, rich calling me vile when she was the one who threatened harm on an actual baby. Yeah, definitely not a stretch to say she would harm her cat. Her cat is just surviving until its death because Rachel rages and gets violent.
No. 1560114
>>1560110I’m gonna go ahead and take a page from Rachel’s own book and say “only she hasn’t uwu” because I know it will infuriate you.
All these threads, farmers begging for the cow’s presence. Cow comes or doesn’t come, farmers prove themselves worthless retards not worth the paper their birth certificate was printed on.
No. 1560127
>>1560124It is, however, narcissism to tell people to block and unfollow her.
If they are to “form their own opinions on her”, it should be based on their own interactions with her. nothing more and nothing less.
No. 1560129
>>1560127No it isn't Rachel. The thing is people want to block you and want to avoid you even after interacting with you. They have a right to.
People who don't want to deal with someone like you have a right to know what kind of person you are.
No. 1560134
>>1560127Lol they never forced anyone to and it seems to me you’re under the impression they were. Rachel has claimed that people were threatened and it seems you believe that too.
They just gave a warning of what would come and it reads as advice. Those who chose to give her a chance and got burned learned the hard way.
No. 1560142
>>1547580The tranny posted this by the looks of it. More trying to call her fatter than she actually is and more gross accusations of animal abuse. Vomitworthy.
Why do you faggots do this? Why do you give the tranny what it wants? An attention whore is an attention whore is an attention whore. Ban the faggot and carry on. Don’t take the bait.
No. 1560152
>>1560143She hasn’t shown any redeeming qualities. The fact she screams on Twitter about abuse of cats over small things is retarded and may be some sign that she’s a cat abuser too. She sent gore and porn to minors. She’s harassed, lied and doxxed people.. so many more things.
Nope, nothing says she’s better heh.
No. 1560153
>>1560147It's clearly you because you care so much to "debunk" everything by flapping your fat tard arms and complaining.
This is why nobody likes you.
No. 1560154
>>1547926the presence of a cat account where she seems genuinely happy would possibly indicate such a “winding down”.
let the cow graze peacefully.
No. 1560167
>>1560166Even if the account owner isn't a minor, they asked Rachel to stop and she continued to send them porn. That's disgusting. Rachel doesn't respect other people and can't see that she was wrong for doing what she did.
They aren't the only one she did it to, either.
No. 1560168
>>1560166Lol plenty of minors around high school age begin to dabble in NSFW content. There are so many badly written fanfics that feature graphic sex written by high schoolers out there. Not to mention art too.
Try again Rachel.
No. 1560169
>>1560164Untrusting cats won’t accept food like that from their hands directly, usually they’ll wait until the food is dropped and the human backs off to approach and take it.
It says that the cat likely jumped into the washing machine/dryer when it was being loaded/unloaded. Cats are well known to love sleeping in still warm or clean laundry. Even my childhood cat did that.
What does the metadata say on that picture?
No. 1560173
>>1560168Hon she’s not present at this time, now this is just sad.
You call her a pedophile, but you try to justify a minor engaging in the production of (albeit drawn) pornography. I don’t know how the fact that they’re drawing porn to begin with isn’t setting off ALL alarms in your head.
No. 1560179
>>1560173High schoolers begin to explore their sexuality in a lot of different ways and art is one of them and for someone who claims to want people to understand that being comfortable with that as a concept, it has to start somewhere. Sex ED in detail starts at that stage of life.
It’s baffling how Rachel doesn’t understand that unless she’s somehow repressed in some manner and is faking the sexual comfortability she keeps bragging about.
No. 1560187
>>1548947Farmer lunacy at its finest.
CWC was never on here trying to defend themselves, and they somehow have more threads than Rachel ever will. So yes, please keep trying to convince us that it’s all her doing this.
No. 1560198
>>1560190Then how do you propose they explore sexuality as a concept lol?
Pedophiles are everywhere, online and offline, which is why adults need to help and give minors some kind of tool. Badly written and drawn smut is peanuts compared what Rachel has done which is offer to buy minors sex toys and send porn and talk about her sex life and fantasies in weird ass ways.
No. 1560200
>>1560195The cow has had a
good kick at the little tranny balls of both Naught and Michael, so who are
you talking about, scrote?
Also, those carrying Y or extra chromosomes generally,
>>>/snow/1555567 No. 1560212
>>1560206The cow changes her tune all the time in attempt to save her ass depending on the season.
Which is it, trolling or it’s fake news? Can’t be both because the screenshot apparently had some weight in the discourse regarding her.
No. 1560213
Someone on the board trying to pretend to be her saying that she does, doesn’t count. We need evidence of her saying it in audio or on onion to prove.
No. 1560215
>>1560208lmaoooo Bertha you retard, I am not Blaine or any other one of your autistic orbiters. Just a
nonnie who thinks it’s fucking hilarious that you admitted to shitting your pants and thought it would garner you some pity or something. Now stop seething and go find a grown-up to help you change your shitty diaper… sitting in your own poop for this long is why you keep getting uncontrollable, raging yeast infections
No. 1560220
>>1560215I’ll go ahead and reiterate again. Audio of her admitting or of her saying it on her onion farms or gtfo.
Anonymous image board posts mean jack shit, and the fact you think otherwise is evidence enough that the retard here is you.
No. 1560224
>>1560217If she feels like someone is trying to tip her she should just put them on blast the once and show why. If she really is being tipped, you
know a cow-tipper's Internet history is always good for a laugh and I'll have a much more mean-spirited one at the tipper's expense than I ever did at Rachel's. On the other hand, if Rachel wants to cry gayops like the little shepherd's boy and attack people like a crazy person then I will continue to laugh at Rachel.
No. 1560232
>>1560199Nigger the burden of proof is on her, not us.
Until she proves otherwise she will be known as the fat yeast beast
No. 1560233
>>1560220It was one of her super-real-and-not-Rachel-whiteknighting-herself best friends from grade school Nick or Caleb who said it here, while in the middle of vehemently defending their BFF and admitting they all had child pornography stored on their computers to “hold onto for the FBI” lmaooo
Surely one of her very best friends in real life wouldn’t make up a lie about her bowel habits while also trying to garner sympathy for her at the same time. If Nick and Caleb are real, then by default, so is the poopy diaper statement. Sorry, I don’t make the rules, but it’s a proven fact
No. 1560239
>>1560223You do realise she went out of her way to look at the tweet that the minor made using Rachel’s photo right and there was no tag of any kind of it.
In that instance, that’s not cowtipping, at least I’m assuming that isn’t it and I don’t think that would be constituted as
victim blaming…
No. 1560243
>>1560239No, my friend, you’re right and that is not cowtipping. In fact, that is what we call
stalking, and is frowned upon in most civilizations and this type of behavior already has earned Bertha one TRO in her lifetime so we know she isn’t above doing it again
Leave minors alone, Bertha. You’re fucking weird
No. 1560244
>>1560236Medilia doesn't even roleplay anymore and you're still malding over that shit? Wild. You're not even a thought in her brain yet you scream about people pushing you. You're the one bringing names up. You did it with Hyde, with Margo, with that Rufus chick, Eve, the kids you sent gore to, etc.
You've always made the first move. They aren't cowtipping, you're the one running into them headfirst and blaming them for your issues.
No. 1560250
>>1560246Yeah I’ll be honest, I have no idea who the chick is she accused me of being lmao I just assumed it was another orbiter or
victim of her harassment in the past and went with it. She is truly retarded though, painfully obvious she’s here WKing herself and somehow thinks she’s pulling it off
No. 1560256
File: 1655197798545.png (120.38 KB, 500x375, whay.png)

No. 1560277
File: 1655202952234.jpeg (191.8 KB, 828x1344, 22EC7552-4F4E-43D1-A4E7-A586FE…)

She’s definitely not welcomed in final fantasy. There was a poll done a while back to see if she would be accepted and it spoke for itself.
No. 1560315
File: 1655211489361.jpg (139.11 KB, 1200x420, no bitches.jpg)

Rachel most def on that no bitches lifestyle.
No. 1560344
File: 1655215104335.png (470.27 KB, 480x623, mybodyisatemple.png)

>>1560315>female human anatomyWhy does she need to draw attention to the human part?
No. 1560542
File: 1655227514439.png (86.65 KB, 905x545, Rachel is disgusting.png)

In which Rachel wishes rape upon Erika and Mike proves he was the one posting her family which he couldn't even find when making her thread like the dumbass chode he is.
No. 1560557
File: 1655227988791.png (49.79 KB, 900x391, fuckin lmao.png)

Rachel sees an old post of Erika and rushes to display how relived she is, as she is clearly jealous of how Erika currently looks and really gave it away here.
Naught doubling down on jumping into the gay ops.
No. 1560570
File: 1655228779672.png (9.05 KB, 582x76, Rachel kills cats.png)

Samefag to say that Rachel kills cats and is the zodiac killer of felines.
No. 1560623
File: 1655230625329.jpg (327.8 KB, 1004x697, search.jpg)

So she isn't entirely a boomer. She can use the search function.
No. 1560645
File: 1655232717528.jpeg (143.18 KB, 1158x562, eoir.jpeg)

Remember guys, its okay for rachel to be in a minors discord server and have the role for their porn channel, its also okay for her to openly talk about sex with minors on discord and try to excuse it as sex ed. But a minor drawing boobs or porn or following porn twitters? No way. Theres no way that could be a minor. Minors aren't ever interested in sex. Nope. Strange she would try to "educate" them about it then.
No. 1560671
>>1560645watch her try to spin this into a “im just saying kids shouldn’t draw porn because it encourages pedos”
the more people question it, the better
No. 1560683
>>1560645Lmao it’s hilarious how she’s all “I shouldn’t have to break character!” But she fucking went out of her way to do so.
The gap and mental gymnastics she does to justify harassing that kid.
No. 1560875
>>1560870Weird rapey shit happening there. Not gonna lie, I've always believed she came to this behavior without having childhood trauma as the root cause. I like to think that there was never a
trigger, she just chooses to act this way. The choice to be a sex pest is one she makes willingly.
No. 1560876
File: 1655249994589.jpeg (146.76 KB, 812x1367, B8A1D5F1-CCF9-4D54-922E-38A2F4…)

Since we’re bringing up old gems, I remembered this from the last thread
Don’t forget to include this in the new thread. Top search hits for her are her LCF and KF threads and I would love anyone who’s doing a background check on her for employment purposes as well as any other purposes to know that she may have well admitted to commiting some form of fraud. (Remember her idea of how much her income would possibly include this)
No. 1560988
File: 1655257788074.png (313.96 KB, 1080x1659, Screenshot_20220614-204514.png)

In which Mike and Rachel hide behind threadbans and attempt to ward off this newcomer.
No. 1561018
File: 1655259723758.png (163.29 KB, 1080x980, Screenshot_20220614-211813.png)

Ah yes Loki, the god who genderbends, tricks people to laugh at them and has dark hair. Good Golly Gosh.