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No. 1553710 Bones was briefly a respected member of Kiwi Farms after managing to discover a google drive that was connected to an incest leak regarding Chris Chan. However, he very very quickly squandered the goodwill he earned hereby continuously tilting at windmills and the perceived socks of Janke.
Spooky claimed to be a woman with two children and a husband this is not only a huge lie but very well may have been covering up more dangerous behavior on the part of this individual with his attempts at gaining access to It should be observed here for all those who bought into the idea he was a woman that if you hang out on Discord with someone for more than 2 months and they say they’re female but refuse to voice chat with you then they’re a dude.
To begin this is actually not the original account this person used. His original account was Jigaboo Jones ( which was fairly easy to prove because he felt the need to write on this accounts wall with his Spooky Bones account letting everyone know:
Largely this is an unremarkable account beyond the fact that like the early posts on Spooky Bones he discusses his drug use a great deal as well as the drug websites he frequents. He did also include a link to a bizarre 40k/Chris Chan fanfic. ( /
He also did meet Tooter IRL to give you a good idea of the sort of crowd this guy finds enjoyable IRL.
He also ran into Douglas Brian Spink ( a known Zoophile on a drug website called Bluelight (
Make a note in this post that Spooky brings up the known date rape drug Rohypnol as that will come up again later.
What is interesting is that Spooky seems pretty fixated on the fact this individual snitched more than the things he has done. This did however give a very easy starting point to finding more information on him off-site.
Spooky Bones you see is a huge Grateful Dead fan. His lastest sock on KF (Wharf rat) is even named for a Grateful Dead song. It made it very easy to go to Bluelight and search through Grateful Dead posts until one was discovered with a particular habit Spooky has in his typing [REDACTED - no reason to tell him]. You’ll find if you look at any one of his posts he has a tendency to include a least one or two so upon finding users with that a simple search of their name and Chris Chan quickly made it possible to narrow down his user name.
In a twist of irony, I hope he is able to appreciate his precious therapy cat, two german shepherds, and horses would lead to the confirmation of his account. A user who has been active over there since 2007 by the name of SKL made a post in a thread about his pets. ( / however, you’ll find if you visit this the photos are broken. That's okay though because if you inspect element you can find the code for the photos which will give you:
The cat is a match as is the color of the bedroom. The cat is not only the same but so is the room it was photographed in. There are other photos of this cat around Spooky’s account and you’ll find most have a similar colored room. Spooky according to the Bluelight account moved at some point and that accounts for the differences in the room. It's also noteworthy in the photographs of the dogs there is a terrible linoleum floor. In the photograph Spooky shared of him cooking weed on the stove there is a similar floor:
It is a fair conclusion this is the same person. In addition to these photos, there are discussions by the account about how they are a therapist, something Spooky seemed to pride himself on, as well as mentions of a serious assault by a patient that left him crippled which is another thing he discussed on the Farms. (I will update with links later)
Now here is where we can unravel the lies of Spooky Bones:
See, Spooky claims to be a woman who shared an account with her husband. They have two children who are both teenage-ish supposedly according to the story being told by “her” however this leads us to a confusing post early in that account’s history.
( )
Here, Spooky claims to have one child who is 13. I’m not sure how he spawned another teenager by the time of Chris Chan raping Barb…but his Bluelight account will come in for the save and explanation for us.
See Spooky knocked up a former junkie and had a child who was raised by her and a man he apparently robbed people with. Archive:
Arguably even funnier he had no clue this child even existed until he was 10 years old.
If you note here the child was discovered in 2016 at 10 meaning by 2019 he was 13 which matches that odd KF post. There has only ever been one child for this individual and he wasn’t a father to him but rather a sperm donor.
Archive: mother of the child and he aren’t together as evidenced by this but I suppose he could have a wife still right? If he does she and Pantsu should get together:
During the IP leaks from the Farms in 2019 it did include one for Spooky that showed a Massachusettes IP:
It's likely if he was not living there at the time he was just visiting family.
This would be the area for his IP.
I believe we can thoroughly put to bed the idea that spooky have other children or a wife with this post. He only visits hookers because of his loneliness and desire for the love he can gain no other way but to pay for it or apparently by larping as a woman online.
Unfortunately Spooky has some ED issues and as a result, was very excited he was able to fuck the prostitute due to his current regimen of T&T. He uses
Trigger warnings on a website where people discuss their horrible drug addictions and the behaviors that come from that.
Don’t worry, he details his experience with a call girl and his current homebrew solution to his ED:
His mix of drugs and alcohol is at best concerning and he is giving this advice to people.
His love for hookers is so strong he hires them quickly before getting on a bus. Lovely. There’s a small dark quality about him as well that gets mentioned one time on Bluelight that might explain his reasons for pretending to be female among the discord:
Spooky used GHB and I have very little doubt he also was around many others on it, a known date-rape drug. I’d point out he also spontaneously brought up a date rape drug when complaining a known Zoophile who was an admin on Bluelight was a snitch which I mentioned above.
He also drank
constantly on the job where he was a therapist whose findings actually impacted whether or not people were released from institutions.
It was after this he started larping as his own wife on KF so it's not out of the realm of speculation that this marked him going back downhill as well as explains his often erratic behavior on the Farms. He wouldn’t be the first junkie to get prescribed meds and fall off the wagon.
Also because it's amusing to me Spooky felt the need to show his literal penis to Bluelight and I think we can all enjoy a good laugh at that. Since Spooky shows a lot of concern for things like revenge porn I will note this was posted on a forum anyone can see and perhaps the reason he adored Chris chan so much is they both have a massively bent penis.
Spoiler: spookys feminine benis
Lastly, there is a Twitter for this person called esoteric pharma observed in this post:*/ Which can be observed here.
His current discord is (not that) Regina#7604 and the ID for it is 877699586356035604. Someone might want to give the ladies on a heads up.
Feel free to link this wherever and just give people a heads up since it's a google document they will want to be careful about connecting on their real google accounts.
EDIT: Things that will be added include the hospital Spooky was drunkenly evaluating patients for jail (he lived in Manhattan and it is a criminal psych hospital if you’d like to go find it yourself) as well as when he moved to Boston. Also Spooky has over 14k posts on Bluelight so if you decide to go hunting for funny posts by him from there make sure to archive. There’s a number I’ve already taken care of and will be adding over the next few days but with 14k I’m sure I’ve missed some funny stuff.
EDIT2: Be aware if you link this anywhere that Spooky has a history of attacking the people he perceives as “enemies”.
EDIT3: I will also add notes about Spooky’s guns. I’m not sure this is someone who should have any but it is what it is.
No. 1553713
File: 1654735786632.png (210.52 KB, 991x601, spooky2.png)

Here are more screens of his degeneracy.
No. 1553714
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No. 1553715
File: 1654735847651.jpg (71.3 KB, 457x150, spooky4.jpg)

No. 1553716
File: 1654735873085.png (34.3 KB, 528x114, spooky5.png)

No. 1553718
File: 1654735897060.jpg (156.08 KB, 849x150, spooky6.jpg)

No. 1553724
File: 1654736068780.png (608.13 KB, 800x444, lol.png)

Oh finally, I have been waiting for a thread on this fucker. Too bad you posted it so late but I have some milk to add, I will compile it up and post it tomorrow. Thank you nonna!(samefagging, creator of the thread)
No. 1553730
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No. 1553731
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No. 1553732
File: 1654736519817.png (37.04 KB, 1326x188, 1650378115948.png)

No. 1553735
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No. 1553736
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No. 1553786
>>1553779Nah see I'm a brand new playah, I ain't been showing my face before until now but I am here to set the record straight see
>>1553780I ain't working for Elaine see, she's the next target I got some dirt on ya dig?
(cringe) No. 1553787
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>>1553779forgive me, pic related
No. 1553790
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>>1553788this is what michael thinks is plausible deniability
No. 1553824
>>1553786The first half of this sounds like a stereotypical 1970s pimp.
The second half sounds like a mobster cartoon character.
>>1553796>GABAGHOUL made me laugh ngl.
This is fucking retarded though.
No. 1553868
>>1553786AYRT. Its really bad minus the gabaghoul.
(which, btw, its 'gabagool' and its literally just capicola)
No. 1553896
File: 1654742745334.jpeg (386.99 KB, 1170x876, 2D8F8621-80C9-435E-B5B7-AC694E…)

it’s a coincidence Elaine was trying to contact Grateful Dead accounts on twitter?
No. 1553957
File: 1654747202220.png (193.26 KB, 1069x630, Somefagthathatesthetranny.png)

>>1553786Was the dirt you had on Elaine that she paid you to do this(which I doubt)or that she contacted you to gayop for her after she texted the tranny's family? I hope they dox you on that site you glorychasing chucklefuck.
No. 1553995
File: 1654748933152.png (191.24 KB, 500x374, XoKGyrF.png)

stop arguing with yourself
No. 1553999
>>1553993Stupid women can't tell me what to do
>>1553996Oh I will know so now are we gonna get back to talking about this tranny faggot Spookybones or what?
No. 1554003
>>1553999No, we're probably gonna keep laughing at you.
And to think a Spooky Bones thread could have been entertaining, but you had to go and fuck it up. Sad!
No. 1554010
>>1554003Regina hasn't poked their head back up and I personally do not have enough milk to justify making a thread on them.
>>1553996Get off the internet Travis.
No. 1554038
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No. 1554044
Travis seems low functioning or underage.
>>1554040An anon in the Bertha thread said the Troon went to bed but said if Travis keeps it up then he's going to drop his dox on OF in the AM
No. 1554046
>>1554044Fuck you bitch I was never held back in school
>>1554040Me you dumb bitch
No. 1554048
File: 1654750462977.jpg (Spoiler Image,6.88 KB, 224x224, 1654272410055.jpg)

i'll take my dox ban. picrel.
No. 1554050
>>1554046Oh, hey little buddy!
Well, the answer to your question of why I act like Blaine is 1. Because I'm a petty bitch apparently and 2. (this ones the most important) you're easy as fuck to poke and you seem extremely sensitive with how you react.
>>1554044Was also me. Your response is sus.
No. 1554063
>>1554059I am way better than he will ever be, and any of you for that matter
>>1554060Dude I am not a tranny, it isn't funny so knock it the fuck off
>>1554062FUCK YOU
No. 1554066
File: 1654751341923.png (461.08 KB, 837x616, fuckyoubitch.png)

>>1554065Pic related it's what I'm going to do to you when I find you
No. 1554442
>>1554389You say the same thing like this is legit the only "W" you've ever gotten.
That makes sense.
No. 1554457
>>1554442Not really that big a W as I'm waiting for the
terf sperging to die down before I dump any caps on anything.
Travis is now complaining on facebook that his screen is flipped so I am guessing farmhands finally took care of him.
No. 1554637
>>1554631> I have nothing against Regina personally Doubt, you've made several posts that look exactly like vendetta gayops narrative-pushing.
> Should I make a thread named Rachel-containment side thread?Maybe TBH, but you should definitely not call attention to the fact that it's you making it if you do.
No. 1573636
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since that other retard couldn't be bothered
No. 1573648
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Seeing Spooky talk about his nerd autistic hyperfocus makes my skin crawl.
No. 1574348
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