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No. 119001
Previous thread clogged up with OT spam by turtle.ed whiteknight. May still be milkable because the cow says she will return to our pasture tonight.
>>117640se this thread to discuss "ALL of the edgy attention whores, proana wannarexics, and eating disordered snowflakes on Instagram/Tumblr or elsewhere."
Original thread:
>>44088Second thread:
>>74624Third thread:
>>79031Fourth thread:
>>83974Fifth thread:
>>89109Sixth thread:
>>94114Seventh thread:
>>99329Eighth thread:
>>106059Tenth thread:
>>117640 No. 119063
>>119012"suspected but not diagnosed" anything
(lupus kekekekekkekekek)
No. 119104
File: 1460580058109.jpg (65.73 KB, 466x590, everything as a disability.JPG)

gofundme (especially when they seem to have a lot of disposable income), power chair, numerous pics of pills, hooked up to monitors, selfies with agonising pain facial expression, lesbian, chronic fatigue syndrome, IV drip selfie, selfies in hospital/clinics, usually fatties, "invisible illness is real"/I am not my illness pics, splints, injection pens, compression socks, asthma, Medic Alert tags, face mask, selfies of "being asleep" in bed because so sick, #fibrowarrior #fibromyalgia #chronicpain #spoonielife #cureless #dysautonomia #invisibleillness #illness #chronicillness #chronicfatigue #fatigue #fibropain #fibroproblems #spoonie #spoonieproblems #migraine #fighter #fibrowarrior #warrior #fibrofighter #fighter #awareness #autoimmunedisease #lymedisease #rheumatoidarthritis
No. 119137
>>119127It is possible to have a chronic illness and not beg for donations, attention and pity online. It's also weird that those online spoonies just so happen to be those who totally have it the worst
And not everything is a disability. Like the endometriosis example above - there are ways to get rid of endometriosis. My best friend who has had chronic severe migraines all her life that require heavy medication would be happy to have the option to just get rid of the pain permanently. And gasp, she doesn't whine or beg for money online.
No. 119138
>>119127I have no fucking sympathy for anyone who makes am account devoted to their suffering. God knows some of the dumb cunts on this site have their fair share of illnesses but do you see anyone being validated for sob stories or begging for donations? Grow some skin and develop a life outside your ~chronic illness~ or off yourself. Get some fucking disability pension to afford medical supplies instead of begging people to donate. You fucking spoonie losers make me sick. Seeking validation and "comfort" by posting pictures of yourself in the hospital and how much paaaiiiinnnn you're in is pathetic. You people are scum and I hope your illnesses die off with you so your fucking parasitic circlejerk finally stops.
(And stop begging people not to complain about you it makes you look more pathetic)
No. 119148
>>119147It just seemed like a generalization, so apologies if it wasn't.
The people who fake this shit fit right in here with the other "wannabes"
No. 119152
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Such a doughboy
No. 119153
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That last thread was a wild ride guys, phew
No. 119192
>>119137Amen to that. I have chronic fatigue and nerve damage, but I don't post about my ~struggles~ to get attention.
Fairly sure many of these fuckwads aren't even ill at all, they're just crying muh chronic mystery illness, gofundme pls
No. 119259
File: 1460595308762.jpg (Spoiler Image,432.94 KB, 2048x2048, sadfattycutherselfwahh.jpg)

Wahh turtl.ed is gonna show us mean online bullies by self harming and posting about it.
No. 119270
>>119259I hesitate to call that self harm.
It's clearly an attention ploy.
Did she scratch herself?
I've accidentally scratched myself and have drawn more blood then that.
No. 119302
>>119259That's pathetic tbh
So sorry about your quarter inch papercut fag
No. 119358
>>119192is the point. I personally know a "spoonie" who I may post here. Her "illnesses" are many and also, oddly enough, the kind that are "difficult to diagnose". I'd give her the benefit of the doubt if she hadn't just scrounged £6k on justgiving for a powerchair when she regularly goes to a ballet group, has parents that are seriously loaded with cash, and spends her benefits on tickets to concerts and holidays overseas.
I'd say a buttful of farmers have illnesses, mental and physical (myself included). We don't (I hope) make our whole fucking online presence about being ill and begging for money. Most of us really probably do have a lesser quality of life and are in mental and physical pain. We do not spend our internet life constantly banging on about it. If you do, then you might want to rethink what you do with your life and what's lacking to the extent you have to flaunt your sickness for pity messages.
>>119259Yeah. Might or might not have self harmed myself tonight. Didn't take a picture of it. Someone send this bitch one of her own pom pom things.