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No. 342202[Reply]

finally managed to discuss this hoe

lawlita fk me daddy ughz

started caming at 16, has 30 yr old sugar daddy, lulzy live instagram videos, attention seeker, kill it b4 it lays eggs

-found her on camsites, she gave her instagram and used to act like a total nymphet attention whore on cam
-claims to have eating disorder
-famous of the camgirl part, she occasionally makes weird live videos on instagram, putting cream on her face and swallowing it, singing, and raping her toys
-probably into abdl/ddlg
-crazy and drama seeker
-babydarkokitten fan
-Lana Del Rey i hate my life drug addict kind of life
-talks with everyone about her personal life
-found on sugar dating sites
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 342208

She must be really fucked up

No. 342239

Links and caps? Hello? We're not your personal army.

No. 342246

Are you the same summerfag who posted on /pt/? Nobody knows her and she's not nearly lulzy enough to have a thread. Post in the camwhore snowflakes thread, if anything, but I doubt anyone would care if you don't post receipts

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No. 107605[Reply]

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No. 342368

Disregard >>342362 (though it does show how many girls he abused, there's a LOT of people celebrating his arrest), here's the correct girl I believe: https://www.facebook.com/david.difabio.1?fref=ufi

No. 342372

I'm glad she got out of his clutches, holy fuck.
Weird that she's seemingly sharing a FB page with her new SO, though.

No. 342375

Yeah, it's always fucking weird when people do that. "Overjoyed to be together 12Mar16" and they're already married too…
I wonder what her family life was like, she seems to not really know much about normal relationships.

No. 342382

went to HS with this wysolovski dude. this shit crazy, i can't believe his doings became the subjects of multiple chan postings.

No. 342658

Tbh I'm just happy the dude was dumb enough to leave evidence here there and everywhere online, sounds like.

No. 339742[Reply]

recently on an episode of Botched (attached to this post) dressed as a sub-par Amethyst from Steven Universe. Her clothing didn't match and her body paint was getting all over her clothes.
She explained how she got her first boob job at 18 with 850 cc implants in each breast. She had complications from the oversized implants, so logically she decided to "correct" it with 2000 cc implants. The doctors are taken aback by her faulty logic, especially when she goes on to say that she is on the show because she wants to go even bigger. She believes bigger faker boobs will make her cosplay famous.

I was looking around and saw that there is some potential for milk here. Her cosplays are pretty bad and she wears really awful makeup that rivals Suzy's. She also does porn as "Princess Pumpkins" and says she's into findom, which seems more like a cover to get money & free stuff.

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No. 343845

No. 343870

Does she even have nipples? I'm struggling to understand her anatomy

No. 343909

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What is the point of having massive tits if you have the body of a World of Warcraft female gnome? All it does is make her look even more round and disproportionate.

No. 343926

DUUUUDE A COW I KNOW!!! Well, not "know", but have met and hung out with one night at a bar in Orlando!'
It was about a year and a half ago.
There's a monthly event called escape held at one of the gay bars there, I was hanging out with her and her boyfriend and I think their third (female) partner, too.
She mentioned she had it badly done and was going to go bigger, her boyfriend was a scrawny punk boy and all for it.
She gave me her cam twitter and I've been following it ever since, she's gotten crazy popular.
She was drunk and bubbly and wasn't mean at all or psychotic or anything…just seems like a bitch who loves big ol tiddies lol
Stoked to watch her episode of botched tbh.

No. 343928

Just watched the clip, her boyfriend got fat lol but I don't really think this girl is a cow, she just fakes all her bitchiness for femdom shit and is dumb and butchering her body.

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No. 286724[Reply]

Jen Sutton.. Salem tranny chaser finally marries a tranny child. Goal accomplished(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
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No. 286747

This is what happens when crazy schitzo meets your daughter and convinces her she is a boy.. and then marries her.

No. 341572

Whoever posted this needs to be ended.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 341583

that's not nice, Cindy.

No. 341785


No. 344228

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I've seen memes saying we need Chuck Norris to get world peace…what if we had this person! Come on, to get a person to change to a guy you have to convince two shrinks, a doctor, and a judge in addition to the person on top of spending money! All that while finding someone who is old enough to make all these decisions unlike the previous posts are saying (dude is over 21)…Who needs Chuck Norris when you can have this Jen person. By the way, That isn't this person's name either. It is a name they went by with when with an ex…who is really good at phone screen prints….phone screen prints….hmmm…kinda makes you wonder. Maybe this wonderful work of fiction is actually consensual wedding pictures taken from a long term relationship of two people who are trans spectrum and neither looks their age? And maybe, just maybe, it is nobodies business. Maybe if we spent more time solving the problems of hate and prejudice instead of encouraging it in order to make drama and pain win when love, peace, and understanding should…..? At that ceremony there were candles for all the blacksheeps of every natural family to light if they wanted a new family, a family where everyone could be loved as is, not in spite of their flaws but flaws included. I was happy to be invited and light my candle.The Blacksheep family celebrated love, truth, and the freedom to be yourself while encouraging the growth of the soul into your better you. Please light your candle, and remove the hate.

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No. 272514[Reply]

>apparent pedo
>thinks children between the ages of 2-8 are sexually attractive
>wants to be a teacher
>thinks fucking kids is wrong but viewing them sexually is ok
>claims her account was hacked, but hasn't done anything but spam posts with a link to a YouTube channel and say she's not a pedo.

-Facebook link (you need to be signed in to view her account)
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No. 286860

LMAO she deserves it. I can't believe someone made a video on her. Her social media accounts have been locked up or hiatus, and on her fb her profile pic is op pic with the words "don't curse on my page" or something.

No. 287669

im honestly curious, what proof is there that she wasn't hacked? she could have been…

No. 287683

she said she wanted to be a teacher.

and…. anon……

No. 344237

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We have to remember guys. this girl is a teenager herself. shes still underage. she not gonna make good choices just like every other underage person. she most likely got abused when she was smaller. thats why she has those interests. we don't need to put it so harsh for her.(Necromancy)

No. 344243

thanks, amelia. nobody gave a fuck until you necro'ed the thread to defend yourself.

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No. 336674[Reply]

>always asking for money
>leeches off of people
>has a chaturbate

does anyone have more on her
(also yes shes over 18)
https://twitter.com/imoutofever?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
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No. 345976

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No. 345978

Fuck off, boring.

No. 345987

what the fuck is her right nipple so oddly large for? her right nipple is bigger than a mans fist wtf
her nipples are weird in general, fat but no curves, ugly loose pussy

so typical patreon hoe

No. 346159

Her vagina looks pretty normal to me, crackhead. Jesus the nitpicking on this site is fucking nuts lmao. No wonder this place has been turning into shit over the past year.

No. 347041

She hides it pretty well on her own account, but if you ever see her interacting with friends it's really obvious she's a closeted racist and feeds into the proana bullshit

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No. 1193045[Reply]

Clifford Eberhardt is a conspiracy theorist who hates Jews, has a strange problem with Africans, is an anti-vaxxer, believes in numerology, thinks all shootings are false flag attacks, and regularly makes an ass out of himself by ranting about his insane, paranoid conspiracies at protests, at city council meetings, and in public. He also loves going around, harassing people. If he wasn't black, he'd be just another white supremacist, but as it is, he's a bigger Uncle Ruckus than Jesse Lee Peterson.


Here's his book about how racism isn't real, but rather a conspiracy by the Jews: https://www.amazon.com/All-Lies-Matter-Everything-Activist-ebook/dp/B08R5BKZDP/ref=tmm_kin_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1616700900&sr=8-1

Here's his social media: https://www.facebook.com/clifford.eberhardt

Screenshots incoming
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No. 1235307

Well not a huge loss for us, sorry non-black women you but he's your problem now

No. 1237243

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Apparently Clifford the Retard doesn't understand that people can be mixed race.

No. 1237257

Is this a self-post? Because I see zero milk here, just a random schizo posting nobody. You could throw a rock on /pol/ and hit 10 of these guys.

No. 1781551

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I wanted to follow up with something I came across that shines a new light on this.

A while ago Cliff found himself homeless, roaming the streets of Colombia, living off the donations of strangers. In this pic, people who knew him discuss his decline on Reddit. Apparently he suffers from paranoid schizophrenia, which helps explain his extreme and bizarre beliefs.

No. 1806129

Cliff, I'm truly sorry, I didn't realize the extent of your mental illness.

If any potential employers come across this page, I urge you to take Clifford's mental health into account. He needs help. His views may be abhorrent, but they're clearly a consequence of his mental deterioration. He needs your assistance.

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No. 869680[Reply]

Originally posted about her in the personal lolcow thread. A couple of anons suggested I get her her own thread so here we go. I’ve added a few extra details I missed before.


>anachan skincare youtuber named dr. dray (Andrea Suarez) - https://www.instagram.com/drdrayzday/?hl=en

>used to be a practicing dermatologist, had a relatively normal life with boyfriend, friends
>mysteriously 'lost' her original job and has never addressed what happened
>was briefly doing e-doctor type shit online like here at firstderm - https://www.firstderm.com/andrea-suarez-dermatologist/
>started a youtube channel, focused on simple and basic skincare routines at first
>has a very weird relationship with her mother, they are very codependent in vlogs
>eats with a bib, kid's utensils, drinks out of a sippy cup and plays with dolls
>mom just stands around like the undead while daughter spergs about disney plates and the calories of eating one potato chip or ice cream cone
>goes places like Whole Foods to ogle food but she never eats anything, just ogles all the food and obsess over the nutritional content so she can make an excuse not to eat
>makes horror tier pigslop and passes it off as 'vegan' despite it all being absolutely disgusting
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No. 1234014

Yeah Anonymous is a real bitch right?

No. 1234091

We just like laughing at you. Well adjusted people can enjoy a sideshow too. Seriously why do cows always think posting a big screed makes them look better? If you're so much better then why bother posting to that mean anonymous? Kek. Either way its all for laughs so idk why they don't see that.

No. 1234411

Woah she's so pretty here.

No. 1234704

I'd really love to know more of the back story on her. She doesn't seem like a nasty or bad person, just has issues.. Anyway I really hope she sorts it out. She looks like she's going to have osteoporosis by 45.

No. 1234754

>Dr. Dre

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No. 976975[Reply]

Cassia sparkles/cassia crawl/ sia shellz
Cassia is a 30 year old toronto based mermaid obsessed snowflake, who lies about her past to push an oh-so-asethetic narrative, completely wiping out her entire personality from the internet to seem like she's a real life mermaid.

> in 2010, she first appears in the Toronto based progressive metal band Avasinity with green hair.

> originally online as green haired goth/alt model Cassia Sparkles
> in 2014 announced music career as "cassia crawl" and created trip hop, allowing her modelling career to make a nose dive and also being rather lazy about creating music.
> releases "pretty disaster" music video
> started crowdfunding for her album "cult" which only raised 281$ of her 6,000$ goal.
> Cult album was scrapped and in 2015 "Wormwood" was released with the songs "die beatifully" "pretty disaster" "your mermaid" "ghost story (later song title is changed to "when our eyes meet)"
> in 2016 Cassia capitalizes on David Bowie's death with a song called "Starchild" that samples david bowie
> she dyes her hair from green to blue and starts posting less goth related content and more mermaid stuff until her feed being completely swallowed by mermaid posts
> changes speech pattern to mermaid puns
> she changes her name from "cassia crawl" to "sia shellz" and has all her old music removed and any uploads changing her name to Sia SHellz.
> in 2019, cassia appears on "hooked to the look" with the title "i belive i'm a real mermaid" where she insits she's always been mermaid obsessed, and claims to have had blue hair for 10 years.

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No. 1198691

I mean, this thread is shit but there is a rumor going around that she’s been buying followers. If anyone followers her, they’d see she went from like 23K to 35K in a day.

No. 1198694

Samefag, but let me explain:

In late 2020, I believe she got verified. Strangely though, she has been involved in an influx of “giveaways” and going through her follower count, they mainly seem like bots. I’ve been lurking her page since I’ve heard the rumor, and I remember she boosted from 15K about 2 years ago to 23K in a day. Sus but whatever.

The thing is, the same type of follower dump happened after she got verified. She she’s been trying to either booster her credibility to try and get more views on her crap or she’s really insecure. Isn’t she pushing on 30? Damn

No. 1198696


So guys, this thread isn’t as shit as it seems, old Sia is catching up to this new mermaid one. I don’t know if this is going to end well for her.

No. 1199424

Eh. Buying followers isn't really milky in and of itself. Unless something bigger comes out about her, I still don't think she's thread-worthy. Either way, op reeks of vendetta

No. 1218215

Honestly surprised there’s no thread about Ali herself, she’s had almost daily meltdowns on her IG stories for months about getting to Japan, and now that she’s finally there she’s having yet more meltdowns because she flew to Japan with - in her own words - 10 USD in her bank account. Bitch is ridiculous.

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No. 799464[Reply]

Alexander Gordon Jahans is a left wing, autistic person who is against the alt-right and hates racism the official leader of /pol/ and the alt-right.
The Four-Part Jahans Documentary:

The Sins of the Son https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i-l15dW9JcE

An Englishman on Holiday https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=41ekWgz3VYs

Jahanquisition https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EIPyoAilW_0

Boyfriend Saga: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xMtZCjtuYcQ

Jahans links

Blog and Fiction http://farsh-nuke.blogspot.co.uk/

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No. 799841


The KF thread is pretty dead, fwiw.

No. 799888

some old milk
I hope he starts uploading again

No. 1217031

Made an op for him over on lolcow.org
https://lolcow.org/threads/alexander-gordon-jahans-alex-jahans-gordon-jones-farshnuke-alasdair-jakes.73/(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1219431

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No. 1219464

He’s finally gone through puberty now thanks to testosterone. Still pronounces because as “bickers”. Also pronounces coronavirus as “choronovirus”

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