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No. 435333
File: 1512090555909.jpeg (18.57 KB, 168x94, E150142B-D75C-448A-B50D-3AF0E6…)

Shitty potato quality pic of Banks’ bald spot.
No. 435342
>>435338I used to feel bad for her because of how poorly she was treated by Team 10, but now I don't think she is the poor innocent girl she used to make herself out to be.
Anyways we all know she will end up ok because she is a young pretty girl
No. 435349
>>435321eh, to be fair from what I've seen of the Barley House footage they were being agressive with Alissa first
but yeah, I generally despise the whole croud that surrounds both Jake Paul and Rice Gum, these are our youth idols. yay…
No. 435368
>>435339Omg this is great. Ahahahahaha.
Also you'd think a "pro gamer" would know that Gamestop doesn't hire hardcore gamers and youtube cucks for their associate positions. The people there are pretty balanced and casual for the most part, probably considered 'normies.' Of course they'd have no idea who this faggot is.
Thanks op for showing me another literal who cringe gamer on youtube. This ought to be good.
No. 435432
>>435399Honestly? Nothing
No one is going to pursue a lawsuit cus faze doesn't want to spend and barley would probably go out of business to try and defend themselves
No. 435557
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His twitter bio
No. 435558
File: 1512123616413.png (174.08 KB, 750x1334, CBF23272-F7E5-4922-83FF-8767C8…)

He just hit 4 million subs…calls keemstar his friend. Enough said.
No. 435560
File: 1512123828060.png (197.88 KB, 750x1334, A9CEB8E3-2A5B-48F8-A203-FA7AF2…)

Tweets from the Barley House night.
No. 436657
>>435399Latest update is that a judge put a restraining order on Banks and Alyssa to not talk about Barley House and they can't come within 200ft of the establishment because of endangerment.
A lot of people are saying it's because the fans were sending the workers and the bar death threats and shit but then the idiots are like "Waaahhh they're taking away Banks and Alyssa's freedom of speech!!!" when a) freedom of speech doesn't work like that and b) banks himself was sending death threats to the place and that's probably why the restraining order held up.
Imo the whole thing was probably a misunderstanding on banks and alyssa's part, they were being antagonistic douchebags and everyone there who knew each other stood for each other and beat the shit out of them. I mean Alyssa and Banks don't even have a good excuse for her being beat up. They were literally escorted off site to a car to go home by a security guard and then they CAME BACK after they dropped Alyssa's mom at home. Like that's literally just starting shit.
No. 436665
>>435342Both dudes ( Jake and Banks ) are fuckin hideous. I found it hard to feel sympathy for her when it was obvious she only dated them for fame and money. She really isn't any better than Jake and his gang tbh.
>>436657Money and numbers have gone to both of their heads that they think they're royalty and never in the wrong. Literally if management is telling you they don't want you in the staff area, then leave. He has no right to argue that he has permission when he was being told to leave by management. Why could neither of them use the upstairs bathroom ? for you know, customers.