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No. 2046188

>Admin note: Please remember this thread is not to discuss general grievances and phenomena of the trans "community". Only post here if you're talking about specific trans cows and are able to provide screenshots of their behavior. Generalized vents don't belong here, nor do your personal experiences. Use the appropriate threads on our off-topic boards for this.
/ot/ gender ideology general thread: >>>/ot/2121106

News sites/Studies:
https://committees.parliament.uk/writtenevidence/18973/pdf/ (TiM violent crime stats)
https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0016885#pone.0016885.s002 (relation between committing a violent sexual crime and srs)

Gender Critical Writings and Websites:
https://www.chimamanda.com/ (Writings of Chimamanda Ngozi, a Nigerian gender critical feminist)
https://www.jkrowling.com/opinions/j-k-rowling-writes-about-her-reasons-for-speaking-out-on-sex-and-gender-issues/ (JK Rowling's essay)

https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1cOANC_ykPxL_TZGnkxZCb4HNc-2tvfuK (vile comments made by TRAs)
https://odysee.com/@Skirt_Go_Spinny: (documentaries about TiMs and Trans activism)
https://web.archive.org/web/20231021212912/https://www.tumblr.com/chlorinatedpopsicle/654101574490161152/new-and-improved-not-our-crimes-this-never (Violent crimes by TiMs)

Notable MtF-related subreddits:

Previous threads 1-131:

Thread #132: >>>/snow/1995251
Thread #133: >>>/snow/2003406
Thread #134: >>>/snow/2012701
Thread #135: >>>/snow/2022374
Thread #136: >>>/snow/2035831

No. 2046190

File: 1728971244124.jpg (272.28 KB, 1080x1440, 1000038419.jpg)

Men can't even try to dress themselves properly.

No. 2046194

File: 1728972601686.jpeg (295.57 KB, 1169x1741, 1727327460128 (1).jpeg)

Reposting the better, more accurate version of OP pic made in last thread.

No. 2046198

The original is better

No. 2046201

very honoured to have my meme used as thread pic, you made my day

No. 2046204

Agreed. The og artist was better at drawing and the comic is funnier. Stop being so neurotic and acting like every drawing of a troon must be maximum ugly for you to feel secure, it's pathetic

No. 2046214

File: 1728981204255.jpg (177.57 KB, 1080x1200, Screenshot_20241014_155136_Spo…)

any brave nonnies willing to give these a listen?

threadpic goes hard, thank you artfriend
seconding this

No. 2046216

I think the first one is better because it kinda looks like how a troon would draw himself. Their own style making fun of them.

No. 2046280

This is so sad lmao

No. 2046352

>Vaush BRUTALLY SILENCES a TERF (ft. The inseminator)
Lmao it reads like a parody of a left wing moid podcast title

No. 2046415

File: 1729010435564.png (174.12 KB, 1096x1124, Screenshot 2024-10-15 at 11.39…)

Found this tranny on tumblr in the yuri tag, that's a really good place to find them

No. 2046416

File: 1729010559975.png (158.69 KB, 1110x1432, Screenshot 2024-10-15 at 11.42…)

samefag, more posts

No. 2046424

men who complain about shit like this should just kill themselves

No. 2046426

People like this really should be culled for the benefit of society as a whole

No. 2046430

The absolute state of Tumblr right now,how embarrassing.

No. 2046453

File: 1729016616444.png (1.87 MB, 1218x1436, mealgrrl.png)

this guy tweets about not being able to find a job and fishing for compliments on not abusing downers then goes thru life looking like this wondering what the problem is

No. 2046459

that poor shark looks like its screaming in terror

No. 2046460

even the demure troon found a job. there is zero excuse for this one

No. 2046464

he doesn't look all that weird tbh. nothing that would stop you from getting a job. this is an inner problem

No. 2046479

File: 1729023127641.jpeg (1.51 MB, 1179x2143, IMG_4280.jpeg)

God I hate this fucking moid, he tries to seem smart and then shakes his fake tits on camera and claim he’s just a small little girl

No. 2046480

He looks like all his extremities have been stretched to Slenderman proportions.

No. 2046513

Lol why the fuck does he have the bra like that

No. 2046529

He stole it from his grandmas closet

No. 2046530

To expose everyone around him to his fetish

No. 2046647

To this day, I still don't know what's the deal with this goddamned shark

No. 2046680

Isn't it obvious
>tranny 1 does something
>tranny 2 follows along
>soon every tranny is obsessed with the shark
It's tranny see tranny do, it's easy to understand when you remember how much of a social contagion this shit is, it makes sense why they all follow in suit of each other and seem so copy-pasted.

No. 2046692

predators get along with other predators

No. 2046709

I would never compare a shark to a troon

No. 2046724

Went to see this bizarre, confusing, avant gard film from my country and it was amazing until the main character trooned out, I was left with a sour taste in my mouth.
It's a very new film and there aren't any screenshots I can post of the troon character so I'm leaving the trailer (which is deceiving because the movie isn't as simple and easy to follow as it makes it seem), It was a very strange experience but basically:
>MC is a drug addict who doesn't talk until the half hour mark
>Has a girlfriend who doesn't love him and she's pregnant
>MC suffers from a terrific brain injury
>Starts acting erratic and dresses as a woman
>He gets gendered female by everyone, even by the characters who already knew him
>In the meantime the ex-gf gets a qt masc gf
>ex-gf cucks her masc gf with the tranny and now deeply loves him
>MC goes to prison after he commits murder
>now he's a full troon and is portrayed as smart and witty
>In the end he dies(?*) and is reborn as the gf's daughter

*hard to explain but I'm pretty sure that's when he dies, he also births himself but from what I understood he was half dead for most of the movie(this is not milk)

No. 2046777

Brain injury followed by trooning out is common, the author probaby knew. Interresting how it's also common becoming a serial killer after a brain innjury.

No. 2046792

Kek I wonder how many inches of receding hairline those bangs are covering.
I gave my blahaj to my dog because of their weird obsession.
Saw a mildly annoying troon insert the other day, a new Netflix book-to-film adaption and they changed a gay character into a tif. Made no sense because they kept the same reason as in the book to why they were homeless (their father doesn’t see them as masculine enough “I like books not sports”). I know thats OT but I can see more and more insertion into media, to the point it feels that we just have to accept that it’s going to be normalised soon.

No. 2046794

This, they treat it as a cute childish accessory, alongside pigtails and teenage girl outfits. Remember how 00s anime and cartoons often that one child character who dragged around a plushie? They think hugging a blahaj achieves this effect. Knowing autists there are probably some who genuinely think it's cute and collect plushies but the ones who buy one blahaj to take pictures with are 100% larping as muh innocent little girl

No. 2046801

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I only listen to real music.

No. 2046810

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Moid vs other moid because one of them were racist. But since he's a tim, he's getting tons of yas queen!(repost)

No. 2046814

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No. 2046836

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They're not even trying anymore and of course the comments are gassing him up

No. 2046846

Can he lower the wig even more so that none of his face is visible? Thanks.

No. 2046847

The crevice in his asscrack of a chin must reach the depths of hell, good lord. There’s no way that thing is ever cleaned out properly.

No. 2046853

Ugh, hes ugly enough to warrant a spoiler with content warning. Kek yikes. He seems like part of the 41%.

No. 2046855

Uncle Frankie?

No. 2046880

File: 1729101731976.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.33 MB, 3919x3077, IMG_9041.jpeg)

Of course he’s a creep who buys children’s doll while owning a sex doll

No. 2046881

Men with doll fetishes are just the worst, they are a blight on the bjd community.
Hate them.

No. 2046888

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Pretty sure this dumbass bald dude has popped up on this thread before. Everything about him says male privilege

No. 2046892

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so fucking grim

No. 2046893

>I buy my doll size s to xs clothes
>My mom notices and asks who's that for because she knows I'm a size XL

No. 2046894

He sounds genuinely retarded.

No. 2046905

yeah that's how I'd expect someone with a lower 2-digit IQ to write like. being 40 years old and shopping clothes for a sex doll while your mother is there is gross and I don't imagine anyone who's not extremely retarded would even think about doing that

No. 2046910

She should have aborted him

No. 2046916

Forreals. One of the main reasons to fear abortion ban, is the likeliness of birthing a troon is forever looming in the distance. Kek poor mom. I feel for her.

No. 2046918

that poor mother….
stop being so dramatic lol
you just know he has the most degenerate fetishes imaginable

No. 2046922

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lol i wonder if the handmaidens in his comments would stick by what they said if they saw this.

No. 2046959

>username is demonickitty69
>hideous repulsive rancid 40 year old tranny scrote
>posts in rape fetish subs and diaper fetish subs
>owns a sex doll
>told his mom about his sex doll
>buys his sex doll clothes while spending time with his mother
>buys dolls that look like little girls that are also meant for little girls
>barely literate
he's a walking red flag, men like this should be permanently institutionalized with no contact to the outside world including no internet access. he is a danger to women and children.

No. 2046966

This has absolutely zero punctuation and reads like schizo ramblings

No. 2046967

This 40 year old came in the fucking doll then licked his own semen out of it. Just girly things!

No. 2046975

Demonickitty has a face like you'd see on a convict boat set for Australia in 1840.
Like he is somehow black and white

No. 2046978

Kek we need to bring back asylums

No. 2046979

imagine carrying a baby in your stomach for 9 months just for it to end up an ugly troon who talks to you openly about his sex doll, the disappointment she must feel

No. 2047008

File: 1729122243844.jpg (60.9 KB, 510x510, 510.jpg)

why can't he just dress like that and still be a guy? why does he insist that he's a woman? does the middle bottom dress mean he's a can of green tea now too?

No. 2047012

Yeah it'd be fine if he was just a bald slightly androgynous het guy, if he worked on his fashion sense he could probably pull off some pretty cool looks. But nah, it's 2024 so of course he's a lesbian.

No. 2047023

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trannies getting upset when straight men don't want to have sex with them is so funny to me. they're not turning you down because you can't have babies they're turning you down because you're a man kek

No. 2047024

nothing turns a troon on more than attaching their fetish to something made for children.

No. 2047030

>one little thing
kek(sage your shit)

No. 2047064

this question could literally apply to all TiMs but we already know the answer to why they can't just be a "man in a dress"

No. 2047084

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All tims should dress like picrel

No. 2047090

He types like the retarded protagonist from Flowers for Algernon.

No. 2047094

Why does he type like one of those Indian uncles who harass White girls? Kek

No. 2047139

Holy shit, you’d think that if a topic feels awkward to bring up around your mother, you’d stop bringing it up around your mother. Let the poor woman live in ignorance for god sake.
>my lesbian moob
Fixed the typo

No. 2047140

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Agp troons always look like they got their makeup done by a toddler.
It’s so telling that as straight males, they don’t know how to objectively analyse their appearance because they never had to worry about how others judge them based on the beauty standard.

No. 2047145

meanwhile in Australia;
> woman gets abused and baby trapped to accept his trans shit one day out off the blue
> leftists friends say "well you should have provoked HERRR"/"both sides"
> police do nothing and side with the abusive male
> man gets promotions, all friends and family still love him, still has access to his child, keeps a lot of the money after the divorce because he's a rich IT guy
> child at 3 says he wants to be a girl
I hate this country sm

No. 2047151

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No. 2047174

>if only you knew how bad things really are

No. 2047178

>loser of divorce
>a better woman
>undermine abuse victim's story and her want to share abuse tactics and how society allows such things to thrive without criticisms
spoken like a true moid

No. 2047179

>has mannequins or life sized dolls
>porn addicted
Yeah, that retard is a serial killer in the making. His basement should be searched

No. 2047190

Uh shut up it's just average burger male

No. 2047193

You know what they’d say, something about he’s safely exploring his kinks and fantasies online, it’s also totes empowering for the women too!

No. 2047200

He tries to sound unbothered but anyone who writes that much shit in response to a comment they didn’t like is extremely bothered

No. 2047201

It’s gross how they try to use women’s rights as a reason men won’t fuck them

No. 2047203

How tf do people get to this point

No. 2047254

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There are so many of these druggy dude grifter types that ebeg on this hole of a website but this one haunts me, he looks like he’d stab you over a flat soda.

No. 2047256

but also men don't ask 'are you fertile' on the first date so implying it's a fertility thing and not being a whole ass man is doubly retarded.

No. 2047260

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No. 2047261

File: 1729179038201.jpg (241.04 KB, 1052x876, wtflol.jpg)

>mentallyill girl larp
>puppygirl bs
What factory are they being made from jesus

No. 2047271

troonism is just npcdom on steroids so it makes sense so many of them are exactly the same. many people are also exactly the same, there are just more people than troons so they’re all spread out

No. 2047274

Ugh I remember this faggot, one of the "post-leftist" TIMs who thinks age of consent should be abolished

Looks exactly as you'd expect kek

No. 2047295

He looks more like the Dean from Community kek. Whoever compared him to Sinead needs to be euthanized.

No. 2047296

The town inside me song that they use makes me wanna rip my skin off

No. 2047297

File: 1729184236991.jpg (Spoiler Image,2.08 MB, 3264x3264, retardedtranny.jpg)

He is 64 and doing these shenanigans holy shit kek. I hope he doesn't have a family

No. 2047298

Forgot to spoiler it, sorry nonnas

No. 2047323

Alex Consani opened for the VS Angels reboot show. all the new angels were doing interviews, like Candice Swanepool, Taylor Hill, Adriana Lima, etc, where they were being normal and talking about what they were excited for or how they're trying to eat healthy (lots of food centered questions for the models), to the same "what are you eating?" question, fucking retarded moid has to answer with dick to many peoples dismay. it was so tacky compared to all the other class acts like Bella Hadid. you can see some of the replies noticing how male an inappropriate it was to act like this at the show.
I wanted to post the original full interview but it seems to have been scrubbed for I am assuming how unprofessional it came across when the show was already party city vibes.

where do they get this thought?
>but also to have to understand that you have been surpassed by your ex in a domain that you thought was exclusively your own to compete with between the two of you
no woman thinks about shit like this past high school, sure to some extent some women care about presenting more femininely but not to an extent that its a prominent social dynamic (unless you're in a unique religious circumstance). do they think this is what "female-socialized" means? this "observation" means so much less than he thinks it does

No. 2047326

its incredible how ugly he is, even with all that makeup and skincare. As a normal man he has a pointy weird nose and 5head but when he tries to larp as a woman his browbone somehow looks as pointy as his nose. If a real woman looked like that they would not let her be a model without plastic surgery but men are always treated like men ig(sage your shit)

No. 2047332

can't find Taylor Hills very similar interview, hers was polite and cute.

yeah his anorexic woman larp really shows his male features. he looks so stickular and shapeless, and with whatever makeup they did here you can see that neanderthal brow classic.
not to mention there is nothing female about a mans body shape (or his walk), so to counteract this they gave him huge diaper briefs with wings in front to hide the broad shoulders

No. 2047338

>they gave him huge diaper briefs with wings in front to hide the broad shoulders

No. 2047349

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No. 2047355

No. 2047357

File: 1729194236382.jpeg (41.64 KB, 739x415, IMG_6981.jpeg)

I think you might be the same nona who posted this in celebricows. My reply would be better suited here. He is literally the epitome of tiktok zoomer gay scrotes. Unfunny AAVE (when did zoomers stop cancelling people for that) speaking tiktok fag. His entire shtick is being expressive and regurgitating memes of the week. It’s a shame that this is one of the only ‘supermodels’ young girls have really gotten from the last few years, I can’t wait for dirt to be dug up on him, or his fame dies out and they eventually switch up and cancel him for using AAVE as his personality trait.

No. 2047359

"dead" is right, "walking" is right, …"girl"?

No. 2047367

File: 1729195316695.jpg (144.35 KB, 1067x895, 1000009148.jpg)

Moid stabs man to death then troons out in prison 16 years later, blames not being able to wear high heels and dresses in public for the murder.

Based family of victim and even his own mother refuse to acknowledge his new pronouns in interviews.

No. 2047369

File: 1729195646339.jpg (131.41 KB, 708x925, KittyL.JPG)

ayrt, I would like to clarify for my own dignity that I refuse to touch the celebricows thread after the johnny dep court case kek
I agree with you though, its a spot that should've gone to a woman instead of his faggy ass. I find his humor and videos unfunny and vulgar, and I wish Gen Z would stop pushing celebrities that have a lack of decorum in public spaces. It's gross. I think he'll ruin his own career by being a horny fetishing male as per usual and it'll go downhill fast in modeling once the twink death hits hard.

I wish instead of him, for an albino edgy andro look they used Kitty Lever whos been modeling a bit longer in the same spaces as Alex. She's got the same Gen Z humor but with the PR training and professionalism via Coco Rochas training program.

No. 2047376

File: 1729196127223.png (571.49 KB, 500x700, 1000009150.png)

Samefag but the character he names himself after- even being in jail for the past 25 years and he's still the same as all the other troons. It's quite remarkable really.

'Esdeath was a manipulative and barbarous sadist who lacked empathy for people… She enjoyed putting her enemies through great pain, both physically and emotionally. She had no qualms about killing innocent people to get what she wanted'

No. 2047377

File: 1729196273320.jpeg (52.06 KB, 421x727, IMG_6982.jpeg)

kek fair enough, and respect. yeah, as discussed over there he is much better suited and looks fine for ‘alternative’ brands like rick owens, balenciaga etc where androgynous freaks actually look the part, but a VS show? it’s honestly insulting.
tbh his twink death is already hitting, he’s only 21 and without an entire glam squad behind him he looks like he’s on his deathbed.
i suppose he was just lucky with his fame, he appeared right around the time that fags and TiMs were starting to coin ‘doll’ and all that retarded shit. he’s riding the coattails until they all get tired of his uninspired ugly face humour.
(i agree on kitty! she’s actually good looking/modelesque and has a look he could only dream of)

No. 2047379

He looks so uncanny. I would believe it if someone told me that this was ai generated.

No. 2047385

THANK YOU for posting this. As soon as he said “dick” I just stopped the video and shook my head. They are all. the. same.
Coom brained men in dresses and nothing more.
It was on my twitter feed this morning and of course the comments are all laughing with him and claiming how he “ate” etc.
I knew my people here would be talking about it though. My one branch of sanity on the internet is lolcow, who would have guessed.

No. 2047394

File: 1729197911322.png (481.54 KB, 402x579, Screenshot 2024-10-17 134232.p…)

lead singer of one of my favorite bands as a teen (against me) trooned out and managed to rope some actual lady into marrying him. he also got a bunch of topless photos of himself. what's the point.

No. 2047395

The way he smiles really highlights how creepy and moidish he looks. Scary.

No. 2047397

did he really name himself after an animu character or are you just making the assumption because of the similar anme?

No. 2047403

>managed to rope some actual lady into marrying him
correction: he married some actual lady before trooning, she stood loyally by his side when he trooned and said that she loved him the whole time, and he dumped her for a fan of his band who's half his age

No. 2047407

He says later on in the show that he based his name on an RPG character.

No. 2047413

His new wife is a massive cow herself so it tracks.

No. 2047506

Moid hands as always kek

No. 2047532

File: 1729208704947.jpg (323.68 KB, 1080x1798, 1000005254.jpg)

I mean, I guess I knew trannies were mentally self harming by going through LC threads but to see direct confirmation is beyond hilarious. YWNBAW. One love!

No. 2047534

Kekkkk hi scrotes. Imagine having BPD.

No. 2047540

fucking lollll

No. 2047543

Omfg the medial inception. Kek hi nasty trannies! You will never be a woman but you can totally get your rope fuel here!

No. 2047558

cringe as fuck. dont talk to the roaches

No. 2047567

ugh there is going to be a lot of cp raids now

No. 2047578

The post is seven days old with 13 upvotes, nobody cared. It's probably OP posting it here as a second attempt since they didn't get a reaction on reddit.

No. 2047580

The thing specifically that bothers me about this troon is what the other anon said. I don't think his style is all that bad, he seems to dress in a way that he has some knowledge of cohesion and flow, he (shockingly) dresses for his body type and age appropriate, which can't be said for most TiMs. It just speaks to another plane of delusion that he needs to call himself a woman and a lesbian on top of it all, it can't be enough to just be a gender non-conforming straight man.

No. 2047587

File: 1729213458345.jpeg (634.95 KB, 750x1118, IMG_3154.jpeg)

brothers or dating?

No. 2047588

OP really forgot the "Not your personal army" rule.

No. 2047591

The fact the HSTS troons needed a safe space away from the transbians is hilarious.

No. 2047592

The fat fuck that raped a mom + daughter before burning them to death in Connecticut during a home invasion trooned out too.

Kinda off-topic but the serial killer Michael Ross said the only thing that kept his urges to rape women under control was daily injections of Lupron. He probably would have trooned out too if he didn't get executed

No. 2047605

That’s most likely an agp using male attention to feel feminine.
Bet the long haired bf has agamp and will eventually troon out.

No. 2047612

>the long haired bf
which one lol

No. 2047617

It's the title of one the songs for the Heathers musical. He's most likely a theater kid.

No. 2047618

I don't know what puppygirl is supposed to mean but at the same time, I don't want to ask to be spoonfed in this thread, but I don't want to search puppygirl on google images and witness some degenerate porn

No. 2047624

No for real, when I watched that my first thought was that an actual white woman would get instantly cancelled for talking like that. TIMs are really untouchable, and they know it.

No. 2047627

they could be posted in the punk-cringe thread

No. 2047631

It’s just what you’re imagining, it’s a fetish, in this case it usually draws both on bdsm petplay stuff and anime animal ear girl art.

No. 2047634

nta nta, it's also almost completely exclusively a TiM fetish, the handful of girls that are into it get shit on and stalked like crazy by tims

No. 2047642

File: 1729234279647.png (857.37 KB, 1106x777, Jumpscare.png)

No. 2047688

Not even trying to pretend the VS fashion show is anything more than an escorting ad. I wonder how many ladyboys they will add to roster next year

No. 2047694

Yeah, thought so too
Obvious bait

No. 2047695

Is this bitch thinking that only curvy, big titty, feminine conventionally attractive women pass? Retards

No. 2047696

oh really? my bad then, they tend to be those levels of unhinged kek

No. 2047699

File: 1729255298693.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.8 MB, 1080x4791, Collage_20241018_125203.jpg)

>>2046836(spoiler your shit)

No. 2047700

He’s not an angel he’s a gargoyle.

No. 2047701

Notice how he sees someone not wanting to fuck him as an attack and invalidation to his “womanhood”. Classic moid logic and proof that most troons just see being a woman as one big fetish and to be seen as sexually desirable. So pathetic.

No. 2047702

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No. 2047712

This guy really just looking straight up like Paul Bettany and walking in a Victoria Secrets runway. I wish women were given half the slack ugly men in dresses were given. How nobody can see how BS this all is beyond me.

No. 2047722

Damn anon, America's bad but not that bad.

No. 2047728

A woman who looked this busted would never get a modeling job. This is peak male privilege.

No. 2047729

Jfc stay the fuck out of our spaces you fucking degenerates. Go ~self harm~ on Kiwifarms instead.

No. 2047733

Pedo moid. Talking about a sex doll like its a child. You just know he roleplays it being a child that he is raping. Sick fucking tranny needs to 41%.

No. 2047740

could've sworn this was honter ngl

No. 2047783

File: 1729269483753.png (1.63 MB, 1170x1788, Untitled125_20241018173620.png)

“im a shy baby t girl” close! your actually a balding middle aged man who licks his own semen off his sex doll

No. 2047794

as creepy as this is, it always makes me laugh how tims develop diarrhea from the hormones they take

No. 2047799

File: 1729272743547.jpeg (79.89 KB, 720x447, IMG_3210.jpeg)

the copium is off the charts

No. 2047800

Is this what causes period diarrhea?

No. 2047804

what is this even supposed to mean, looking like a middle aged woman is worse than looking like a freakish tranny creature? they keep telling on themselves

No. 2047809

File: 1729274036151.jpg (291.9 KB, 1080x1103, 9585373.jpg)

breast plate on amazon if you wanna have a laugh. lots of mention about bouncing but totes not a fetish right?

No. 2047819

File: 1729276884730.png (217.46 KB, 1074x1274, Screenshot 2024-10-15 at 11.46…)

I love tumblr

No. 2047825

ot but no. the first endometrial cells breaking down stimulates prostaglandin release which causes smooth muscle contraction of the uterine walls. your intestines may also contract from the prostaglandin action, not sure if this is accurate but i feel like it would make sense for women with endometriosis who have endometrial tissue growing on their colon to get more prostaglandins fucking with their lower gi tract, leading to worse diarrhea
i wonder if these two users have accessible selfies kek

No. 2047827

There are many TIFs who are into that "puppy/puppyboy" shit but it's obvious they are just copying gay men and TIMs to feel more male.

No. 2047830

>hop on a video call and you're staring at Aphrodite
Right, because there's no filters or other tools that can drastically alter your virtual appearance available. Trans women are actual goddesses

No. 2047837

That one is a classic kek. I remember a YouTuber named Yung Terf had a song called "You're a Terf (I know)", it was sampled from another hip hop song but the lyrics were just great and I'm sad she took the song down.

No. 2047859

ew to make things worse these are specifically designed for children - they make diapers for incontinent adults as well but he went out of his way to buy the ones meant to fit little kids so he can get off on larping as a little girl. this man is a pedo for sure.

No. 2047864

it's still on soundcloud nona don't be sad https://soundcloud.com/hopkillandyungterf/youre-a-terf-prod-by

No. 2047865

They're such humongous fetishistic narcs that they have to circle jerk each other in order to maintain their hedonistic lifestyles that are filled with enough self-loathing as-is. "If I say it enough, it must be true!" Pathetic.

No. 2047888

“activating the prey drive” tf does this mean? More moid logic that women are the submissive/prey/whatever?

No. 2047889

This appeals to a troon niche: salty, self-conscious, coping ('deep stealth' my arse) AGPs in a relationship with a man because of their fetish/bisexuality. They're identical to transbians but insist they're different because they chose a different vessel. There was a troon of this kind (old computer scientist) on Xitter who pretended to be HSTS, larped as a 'normal trans stepmom'. He'd constantly pick fights with other troons and called them degens, some TiM he offended dug up his history of dating another troon and calling himself a 'feminist lesbian' in the 80s lol, too bad i lost his trace

No. 2047903

File: 1729287698996.png (212.88 KB, 1185x1331, blanchard_style.png)

Doctor blanchard mansplaining that trannies dress like their sexual fantasies.
So zoomer MTFs dress like anime and goth girls because that's what they view as femininity and boomer troons dress like playboy and lingerie mags, model.

No. 2047929

He’s ugly as fuck, tall and emaciated, aka all high fashion model traits. Not VS model though so I guess they only put him on there to be le inclusive or whatever

No. 2047930

It's not mansplaining if it's literally the thing he studies professionally, jfc. He was aware of this stuff before you were even born.

No. 2047931

Boys, boys. You're both ugly.

No. 2047932

Not Like Other Troons

No. 2047933

I fucking knew it because of that retard in the last thread who wouldn’t stop posting troons and they/themming them. The whole everything just screamed tttt language, the “actual transsexuals” shtick and everything. It’s so obvious this thread has become overrun with troons guys, get a grip and realise that we are as infested as crystal cafe is at this point. Every time I try to point this out I get torn down and accused of scrotefoiling but I’m fucking right. Back in April or whatever when sillypoo posted that video ridiculing troons a bunch of retards namedropped lc in the comments and then the video was posted on 4tran4 so like. I bet only half of you are actual women kek I hate the hellhole the internet is, there will never be a female exclusive place

No. 2047940

Good otherwise but “constraints imposed by women” …. it is so obvious that this old haggard scrote thinks that women are the gatekeepers of sex and believes we withhold men “access” to our bodies and are meanies for it.

No. 2047941

File: 1729294732721.jpeg (409.11 KB, 750x703, IMG_4196.jpeg)

Imagine the smell.

No. 2047945

Why does he have a 90s computer

No. 2047951

File: 1729296663581.jpg (31.19 KB, 564x407, average twitter tranny.jpg)

I saw this on pinterest… disgusts me that there are tims on there now. Is nowhere sacred?

No. 2047960

Not once has a troon posted a bedroom pic that did not make me feel extreme unease. They are like TURBO male in the way they choose to keep their living spaces.

No. 2047962

I genuinely don't think that's what he means, overall he seems like a very reasonable person albeit old and a bit out of touch. That's definitely what the average het moid thinks so really they should all just fuck each other tbh

No. 2047964

TIMs always have the grossest most male rooms possible they’re worse than the nastiest scrote gooner lairs

No. 2047967

90s computers are lovely
His persistent denial of AGP's over-reliance on misogyny and its masochistic roots is odd
>They do not dress up as middle aged women
Some do kek, remember that troon who dressed like a grandma

No. 2047974

He's in denial about the misogyny of AGPs, but to be honest modern gender ideology will never be put to an end if the end goal is to stop the omipresent presence of misogyny it will end by painting the problematic trannies, IE AGPs, as lonely and confused straight males looking for escapism so I can't really get too mad at him for this. He is, after all, a man.

No. 2047990

What the fuck even is that sub? I knew of it from this thread and I know its like an ironically transphobic tranny circlejerk where they self deprecatingly mock the worst of their kind, but ropefuel?? Are they so dedicated to being self hating trannies that they share unironic anti-troon shit to self flagellate? Isn't it better to just accept yourself as a crossdressing moid at that point? Or is it a fetish thing? At this point I wouldn't be surprised because what fucking isn't about the coom with these retards.

No. 2047992

He's right in the first paragraph as women have lower libidos than scrotes so lesbians are bound to be less promiscuous. However I think he's wrong in the last paragraph. Scrote sexuality is almost always ridiculing towards women even if it's the average scrote's fantasy, they shouldn't be allowed near women for that reason. Overall I agree with what he's saying
They always look like they smell of cheese

No. 2048008


He's such a boomer, kek. Who uses that term?

No. 2048010

File: 1729310629871.jpg (77.46 KB, 606x571, c01.jpg)

>Tgirl tops
You mean men. Men live like that.


No. 2048011

At least he's hitting on other TiMs instead of perving on normal women (hopefully.) They can rub their shriveled wieners together all they want as long as they leave us the fuck alone and stay out of our spaces.

No. 2048013

>He's such a boomer, kek. Who uses that term?
Boomers. You answered your own question.

No. 2048030

I don't understand the negative reactions to this, he's right? Obviously AGPs dress up as their own sexual fantasies, they aren't drag queens mocking women as entertainment. Of course, male fantasies happen to be humiliating, insulting and degrading enough that it feels mocking/hostile regardless, but that's not their primary intention.

No. 2048043

That would be like saying a drunk driver doesn't intend to cause an accident because their primary intention is getting from point a to point b kek.

No. 2048054

shut up schizo(infighting)

No. 2048056

File: 1729333428607.jpeg (53.99 KB, 623x468, IMG_9042.jpeg)


An AGP with autopedophilia. A classic.

AGPs are misogynists because they reduce womanhood to sex and they don’t care about how female sexualisation affects women.

No. 2048058

I lurked there when I considered transitioning to see if there are other people I can relate to and it made me peak lol. They still buy into that gender ideology mantra "the gender I feel/I believe I should've born" or whatever. So there's no self awareness in that matter. It's more of a self-loathing sub than anything tbh. They beat themselves up for transitioning late and not passing. They're also very misogynist and weird overall

No. 2048083

Yeah that felt gross to read

No. 2048110


a lot of troons think they are women when actually they just have male bpd. classic self harm behavior. being overly self negative is also a type of self obsession(sage your shit)

No. 2048121

It’s for self-hating 4chan trannies to make fun of themselves and hate on the “cissoids” and “passoids”. There are also tifs on there who think they’re malebrained for having weird fetishes and posting on /lgbt/

No. 2048122

Samefag but also obviously the agp tims seethe at the tifs there and are both utterly jealous and extremely misogynistic towards them and see them as delusional women kek

No. 2048123

Oh it’s you again. Slither on back to your lair tranny-chan

No. 2048126

Why aren't you a tranny?

No. 2048127


No. 2048128

Spoken like a true histrionic sped scrote

No. 2048140

The name itself isn't a real name. It's supposed to be a pun on the phrase "S desu". Which is japanese for "I am an S". "S" being shorthand for sadist.

No. 2048141

Lmao,as if trannies believe in God or have any Christian/Catholic beliefs at all when they’re all wannabe Satanists and Occultists.This larping shit is so lame ,when will they give it up?

No. 2048149

File: 1729359232205.jpeg (163.77 KB, 1179x664, RioEnUs.jpeg)

they can’t fathom sexuality not revolving around fetish

No. 2048150

File: 1729359308767.png (401.6 KB, 581x532, yes.png)

Some troon replied with this, straight from the horse's mouth

No. 2048151

File: 1729359339995.jpeg (313.15 KB, 1179x1671, U5hSODN.jpeg)

how he looks

No. 2048152

They can’t fathom the existence of women who want nothing to do with dick

No. 2048161

File: 1729360046599.jpg (305.08 KB, 1080x1350, 1000038736.jpg)

These face app'd photos of themselves are so obvious. Who the fuck are they trying to fool?

No. 2048164

The “men don’t want me because I can’t have children” cope is so funny to me.Its as if they live their life as some tragic soap opera where the man and the tranny are truly,deeply in love but can never have a normal nuclear family because he doesn’t have a uterus.In real life it’s some dumass guy he picked off of Grindr/Tinder who just wanted something to stick his dick in and bounce.

No. 2048167

File: 1729360462825.jpg (514.57 KB, 1080x2452, Screenshot_20241019_145305.jpg)

What a disgusting individual, trying very hard not to alog rn
This is his response to a woman talking about an experience with a poly scrote that didn't want to use a condom

No. 2048168

Is that Jim sterling?

No. 2048170

this is so scribe brained. they love spreading diseases(sage non-milk posts)

No. 2048176

File: 1729361752216.jpg (187.4 KB, 800x864, medieval-scribes_manuscript-40…)

i think you meant scrote but scribe brained is cracking me up, black plague ass motherfuckers

No. 2048179

File: 1729362425040.jpeg (56.01 KB, 549x635, IMG_2274.jpeg)

He looks like a pudgier,leftist version of GG Allin

No. 2048188

Walking vector, nasty. How hard is it to wear a goddamn condom or get tested occasionally?

No. 2048190

Honestly if Allin were a zoomer, he probably would've trooned out.

No. 2048216

File: 1729371845487.jpeg (381.67 KB, 1179x1689, IMG_4620.jpeg)

itt: men causing lifelong trauma to women they are married to, but thinking they are the victims in the situation. 1/4

No. 2048217

File: 1729371940293.jpeg (406.18 KB, 1179x1787, IMG_4621.jpeg)

No. 2048219

File: 1729372291890.jpeg (276.34 KB, 1179x1082, IMG_4622.jpeg)

No. 2048223

Nasty, you can tell he doesn’t even love her. “She gets through the end of the year to mourn the death of her grandpa” what an absolute cock sucker, just leave her already she deserves better then Seth Rogan in a bad wig

No. 2048231

File: 1729374598860.jpeg (440.02 KB, 1179x1823, IMG_4623.jpeg)

oops dropped last pic 4/4

No. 2048245

Do they have a child together or are there any housing issues? She needs to leave this degenerate behind because this is ridiculous.

No. 2048247

File: 1729377567253.jpg (28.36 KB, 720x720, 4de2bab48cb2b5af5a66d3dd704a31…)

SAMMY(non-contribution, low effort post)

No. 2048248

File: 1729377615982.jpeg (2.69 MB, 5667x5667, IMG_4639.jpeg)

the two men giving “emma” advice

No. 2048254

Holy donkey mouth

No. 2048272

File: 1729383469834.png (251.47 KB, 828x918, troonperiod.png)

>I know that periods aren’t gendered
Kek, lmao even.

No. 2048278

>hormonal changes, abdominal cramps, nausea
Could that have something to do with shooting yourself up with experimental drugs that are wreaking havoc on your endocrine system, you fatal retard?

No. 2048282

Look at this tranny pretending he knows what a period is.

No. 2048284

File: 1729386674091.jpg (219.97 KB, 1080x1440, 1000038770.jpg)

>another bathroom selfie

No. 2048285

Periods happen when estrogen is at its lowest point and testosterone is at its highest. You can't get periods with a level dose. Also, a lot of women have hysterectomies without also having oophorectomies, so they still have ovaries, which may be contributing to "phantom periods." Also, most women experience menopause-like symptoms after a hysterectomy, not phantom periods. I'd argue that women without uteruses don't have actual periods because they still lack one of the major necessary organs.

No. 2048301

Sir, put your dick away

No. 2048304

>mourning a family member doesn't give her the right to be mean to me (mean = use his real name)
>yes by trooning out i'm forcing her into a relationship she didn't sign up for, i'm forcing her to examine her sexuality without her consent or permission
you can't make this shit up. hope she leaves, clearly the relationship is all about him

No. 2048307

File: 1729395373218.jpeg (334.65 KB, 1124x1595, IMG_9105.jpeg)

A whole ass bloke. Poor dog kek.

Somehow, he looks more masculine after transition.

No. 2048308

Ugh he just made himself uglier. He looks like the berries and cream lad. Fuck ass bob.

No. 2048311

that retarded hand pose kekkkkk what do they think they're accomplishing showing their shovel ass hands, even if he edited a woman's face on top of his he would be clockable by that absolute unit of a gripper alone

No. 2048316

Very sad, he was cute.

No. 2048319

>badge on belt
It's like he wants people to look at his crotch. Yuck

No. 2048324


What app/site are these from?

No. 2048325

Raise your standards I beg. He looked like a coomer.

No. 2048328

>you’re putting me at risk
>uwu don’t shame me
Man values his own feelings over women’s safety. More news at 11.

No. 2048333

File: 1729406496500.png (584.72 KB, 749x849, IMG_4171.png)

No. 2048341

Wow you are telling me that the men who troon out are autistic and addicted to porn? Color me shocked.

No. 2048345

Nonna’s taste in scrotes never fails to baffle me. This thread must be single handedly keeping the uggo population alive.

No. 2048352

Women like her needs to be castrated

No. 2048354

Good for him. He got new glasses and grew out his hair.

…and that's about all that's changed in 13 months. Still not a woman.

No. 2048381

most men are ugly. it’s natural. testosterone kinda does that. women who are attracted to men are attracted to a bit of ugliness.

No. 2048383

This is what peaked me and a lot of other women I know. I was a handmaiden until a trans friend started complaining to me about getting a period. I was done. Fascinating that they can’t let women have anything at all for ourselves.

No. 2048405

Milhouse Van Houten looking ass

No. 2048419

>women who are attracted to men are attracted to a bit of ugliness.
Speak for yourself. Only if you are desperate and have no dignity.

No. 2048424

periods aren't gendered and yet you'll never get one as a male.

No. 2048442

Went to this thread and omg the comments make me so mad, they’re all talking about their teehee periods and I just want to free bleed all over their stupid baha shark plushie dolls or whatever the fuck it’s called

No. 2048444

a trans slack group

No. 2048457

File: 1729443251178.jpeg (247.69 KB, 1242x567, IMG_1485.jpeg)

Moid who wishes he could be pregnant posts on pregnancy fetish subreddits. Colour me shocked

No. 2048458

File: 1729443286687.jpeg (600.59 KB, 1242x2029, IMG_1486.jpeg)

No. 2048462

File: 1729443643373.png (4.2 MB, 1242x2688, IMG_1488.png)

The agp moid in question

No. 2048464

So you admit masculine women are ugly?

No. 2048465

>That title
Is there something "different" about him besides the glaringly obvious?

No. 2048467

File: 1729443969502.jpeg (368.57 KB, 1242x737, IMG_1487.jpeg)

No. 2048468

Oh he's retarded retarded. I wouldn't be surprised if he was one of the troons who got groomed in a Discord server or something.

No. 2048469

this is about male levels of testosterone not about dressing a certain way

No. 2048470

I had no idea people used slack outside of work

No. 2048472

File: 1729444524931.png (641.92 KB, 668x1340, IMG_4179.png)

this is so fucking gorss, why are tims so obsessed with grooming little kids?

No. 2048473

All those retarded typos. He definitely typed this with one hand

No. 2048476

They post stuff like this on their public profiles with their names and faces attached and then wonder why nobody likes them.

No. 2048478

He’s also a 40-year-old Virgin kek

No. 2048483

File: 1729445841304.jpg (227.32 KB, 1252x1252, farquaad.jpg)

uncanny resemblance

No. 2048484

Wish I never saw this wtaf. Why would anyone have the hubris to think they look good like this

No. 2048509

Their fetishes rule their entire existence so they're blinded by coom.

No. 2048557

You must be fugly(infight bait)

No. 2048559

File: 1729455337447.png (Spoiler Image,1.23 MB, 1198x1414, vile.png)

In line with the "I wanna throw up" title of the thread (no nudity just messed up)


No. 2048565

File: 1729456013789.jpg (208.64 KB, 1290x726, obvious male.jpg)

Was just about to ask this, this is him for reference. His constant bitching about being persecuted for being trans has earned him threads on other sites, hes such a fucking grifting loser.

No. 2048587

they hated nona because she spoke the truth

No. 2048641

Ok pick me(infight bait)

No. 2048646

His face scared the fuck out of me. Looks extra terrestrial in a bad way.

No. 2048649

The "dyke" finger tattoos holy kek

No. 2048655

Older news but trans hyperpop artist Britney Manson groomed a 17 year old named Asteria and broke up with him the second he turned 18

No. 2048662

Same old male pattern behaviour.

No. 2048670

This is why special ed rooms shouldn't have Wifi.

No. 2048673

please please tell me he isnt into kamen rider…

No. 2048675

What's disturbing is that they most likely are getting off to this. Sadomasochism is an insane fetish.(learn to sage)

No. 2048676

Eh I kinda agree, though his coomer personality kills whatever appeal he may have had. Pre-troonout, he kinda looks like he plays Seymour in an off-Broadway production of Little Shop of Horrors. Normally nerdy moids are a thousand times grosser-looking than that, so I'm also grading on a curve.

No. 2048678

You can't castrate women, dumbfuck moid.

No. 2048680

i literally got done watching the same youtuber talk about the DIY guy "mercury stardust" who was proven to have dated an a 15 year old as an adult among other allegations. The one thing i will never get is these drama youtubers who constantly report on TIMS being sex perverts but then get all pissy about transphobia and pronouns. like are you so retarded that you cannot see the clear pattern in the sex perverts you report on?? it's willful ignorance at this point

No. 2048681

Why does right pic look like an autistic cody rhodes kek
And this one is just zelensky in a wig

No. 2048744

>zelensky in a wig
Kekk .Damn he got desperate for war funds from America didn't he

No. 2048759

File: 1729487230804.png (1.5 MB, 2048x1152, VnqhqPd.png)

lmao, of course the porn obsessed moid who brings up how much he loves pegging and virtue signals about 'trans rights' is married to a tranny, honestly surprised he hasn't trooned out himself

No. 2048769

I always forget how hideous and autistic his wrestling suit is

No. 2048803

>trannies getting upset when straight men don't want to have sex with them
The solution to that is to date same-sex attracted men, but that's not validating. They could date TiFs but they want a partner with xy chromosomes and a dick.

No. 2048808

Specifically the HSTSes, yeah. For AGPs it's obviously the other way around. In both cases, they consider the other person's sexuality to just be a tool for their own validation. They don't care about whether they're actually compatible with someone, they just want the person their dating to identify as being exclusively attracted to women because it's a way they can "prove" that they're women. But the fact of the matter is that a person has to be at least a little into males to date a TiM.

No. 2048833

Anons who post this always stop replying when you ask them for examples of perfect, 100% attractive men, but just in case, please show us?

>my fetisch was a free fetish pizza delivry
What does that even mean kekk. I wish libfems could see who they're really defending with that gender ideology bs. Most trannies are legit retarded or sociopathic.

No. 2048835

I just hope Asteria won't become another tranny due to his trauma.(sage your shit)

No. 2048943

I keep seeing more of them dating TIFs (presumably because no one else will fuck them and they have to settle for going t4t) and it's hilarious how heterosexual the dynamic is without fail. They see them and treat them like women-lite and thus the TIMs start larping as "femdom dommy mommies", like that TIM a few threads back who bragged about giving his TIF gf a black eye.

No. 2049042

File: 1729547748280.mp4 (5.79 MB, 576x1024, e39d0c5ecb2f23048e61bf406b316d…)

He's clearly trying to be #Not like other trannies by mocking retards like the Saeko asian fetishizer from prev thread, but all I can notice is how fucking filthy and rotten his teeth are kek. More plaque than a crackhead

No. 2049050

File: 1729549777438.jpg (340.67 KB, 1536x2048, GaOZJa8bUAE_cBF.jpg)

This troon just spams pop-culture questions to try and pump engagement, and a question he posted about Elvis went viral and appeared on my TL. The second I saw the hairline in his PFP (picrel) I knew he belonged in this thread. Fucking hell, why do none of these faggots wear bangs?

No. 2049068

File: 1729551936288.jpeg (573.67 KB, 1170x1298, IMG_7414.jpeg)

the troons have started dabbling in schizophrenia

No. 2049072

He can't rustle up some bangs from that male pattern tragedy of a hairline. Maybe if he did a combover from his neck forward.

No. 2049092

And if he never pretended he was a woman no one would notice how jacked up his crusty teeth are. Welcome to the "female experience".
Men are defective confirmed

No. 2049110

The copium science mockery is getting out of hand

No. 2049111

File: 1729557264729.jpeg (481.37 KB, 1092x1432, IMG_1865.jpeg)

Troons don’t even see how ironic is for them to bitch about cis man in kweer spaces under the post where some delusional timothy asks if it’s ok to hook up with lesbians on HER before starting his horse piss pills

No. 2049118

File: 1729558404508.jpg (158.04 KB, 720x964, Screenshot_20241021_184328.jpg)

they never fail to fancast honter in every single female lead

No. 2049119

Honter is way past the wall even at his age. He absolutely cannot pass off as a teenage girl anymore kekk, and he couldn’t to begin with

No. 2049131

File: 1729560726925.jpeg (879.16 KB, 1170x1512, IMG_4394.jpeg)

so many troons try to look like belle delphine so hard its wild

No. 2049133

>Yeah, but they also have a lot of cis men
lol, are they sure those cis men aren't trans-identifying? They're probably low effort TiMs.

No. 2049134

His teeth are the only good thing about him, nonna, I wish I had teeth like that.

No. 2049137

ewwww they are so aware of how pedophilic they are they dont even hide it anymore

No. 2049140

Imagine being the dentist and assistant who had to put these braces on this degenerate if they aren’t just the temu slip on fake ones…

No. 2049142

B-but maybe they're just pre-transition or masc/butch?? Who are you to say they are a man? They're on a LESBIAN dating app. A cis straight man that obsessed with lesbians has to mean something regardless, they are probably somewhere on the trans spectrum.

Fr though I haven't used HER in a long time. Don't men have to identify as trans or use she or they or something? I'm pretty sure every man I saw on there at least claimed to be trans or an enby. Unless by straight they are also including TIFs which are also on there.

No. 2049153

Yellow, crooked, and covered with plaque and shit stuck in the crevices? How fucking bad are yours if this is what you aspire to? Do you do meth?

No. 2049155

File: 1729566369505.jpg (696.06 KB, 4096x3072, bekphnqftcb41.jpg)

The "trans lesbians" and "cis straight men" on Her

No. 2049158

Mine are yellower and I brush 3 times a day and don't smoke/do drugs and I get them professionally whitened once every few months. It's genetics, probably.

No. 2049191

File: 1729574119233.jpeg (228.77 KB, 828x612, IMG_5436.jpeg)

I was just about to post him. He really like posting ugly pictures of himself with a generic question to generate engagement. Since he has Nyx in his name I confused him with another big foreheaded troon named Nyx fears.

No. 2049212

Nyx is such an autistic coomer name to pick

No. 2049221

File: 1729584013380.jpg (2.08 MB, 2160x3840, 035932.jpg)

No. 2049225

If this thing gets strangled by one of its grinder hookups, his stupid weeb name will be in the mouth of every handmaiden in politics for weeks. Endless news coverage, memorials, incensed children telling JKR it's literally and directly her fault. He'll be added to the self-fellating "day of mourning" and probably also be canonized as a victim of both transphobia and femicide.

No. 2049226

No one fantasies about raping trannies.(sage your shit)

No. 2049227

I'd argue against that, but only because other trannies exist.

No. 2049231

File: 1729588323843.png (786.51 KB, 819x1229, IMG_20241022_121118.png)

No. 2049235

File: 1729589251464.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.53 MB, 2160x3840, 052634.jpg)

So melodramatic and for what (spoilered for blood and needles)

No. 2049241

I so wish we could ask them exactly this. Watch them struggle to explain that the other profiles are not real women because uhhh no makeup? no long hair? not the proper labels in bio?

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