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File: 1728575827296.jpeg (71.67 KB, 1080x478, 02CB6E10-A8BD-4E62-815C-BC034D…)

No. 2201280

Continue to post all the dumb shit you see on Tumblr.

Previous: >>>/ot/1606262

No. 2201323

Trans girls need to give me $20 instead for all the harassment

No. 2201338

File: 1728578009016.jpeg (823.74 KB, 1170x1679, IMG_1802.jpeg)

Late but someone tipped off the moonmoon girl.

No. 2201344

File: 1728578101310.jpeg (325.75 KB, 1170x1356, IMG_1803.jpeg)

tfw she doesn’t know she got posted to kf

No. 2201453

File: 1728583006714.png (10.02 KB, 530x141, kf.png)

>tfw she doesn’t know she got posted to kf
She does know

No. 2201469

Sorry for spoonfeeding request but I'm a tourist in this thread. Who is this girl?

No. 2201476

No one. She has a very small tumblr blog and has mentioned lcf a few times. The most remarkable thing about her is that she likes an ugly streamer

No. 2202019

she sure loves the attention

No. 2202112

I don't get why this one keeps getting posted. Do any of you have beef with her or something? It reeks of vendettaposting

No. 2203388

I don't think it's necessarily vendettaposting. I think she has a few followers that see her as a lolcow and want to post these screenshots here because they mention the site and are more interesting/relevant than her myriad fat bald man posts.

No. 2204764

File: 1728773080340.png (785.44 KB, 1954x3064, 1000018972.png)

I can't tell if this guy is trolling or not. I suspect his basic alt right views are genuine but he also acts histrionically on purpose for attention.

No. 2205020

I love this guy. Agree with you in that the alt-right views are genuine but the rest is just a bit for notes

No. 2205191

who is this? I also can't believe a real man would have a pfp like that

No. 2205227

File: 1728815027723.jpg (659.48 KB, 540x1514, average tumblr moid apologist.…)

I was about to post him(?) too, absolutely deranged lol.

No. 2205670

You haven't met a lot of men online then

No. 2208379

File: 1729016569426.png (Spoiler Image,41.15 KB, 1056x318, rapistgirlcock.png)

i hate this i hate this i hate this i hate this i hate this i hate this i hate this i hate this
sorry for doubleposting i forgot to spoiler

No. 2208450

File: 1729018406350.png (74.68 KB, 390x619, Screenshot 2024-10-15 134945.p…)

For context the reblogger is aflo who is a gay guy. The tag is so fucking creepy to me like wtf. If you were attracted women you would be a "bad person"? He is a furry sex pest so I wouldn't be shocked that if he was straight, he would be a predator to women, but it's surprising to see him be aware of this lmfao. https://aflo.tumblr.com/post/764430649612533760#notes

No. 2208451

File: 1729018464559.jpg (Spoiler Image,602.09 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_p4mj0junDA1w38bhho1_128…)

Samefag by the way this is what he looks like. Yes he is a furry who has a dog…. Spoilered just because I think he is that ugly

No. 2208822

There is a really specific alt right type that are like. Asexual gender confused men who were homeschooled by fundies. He comes off that way to me.

He looks like empath-chan

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