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No. 2032879

This thread concerns creators, artists, voice actors and others who work or are connected to the modern Western American animation and comics industry, filled with cows, hacks, groomers, woketards and self inserters who all know each other and/or have dated.

previous thread: >>1992015

leaked pitch bible for a recess reboot where Gus becomes a tranny >>1999673
Discussion about Black Gryph0n, the brony musician who groomed Sweetie Bells VA, starts here >>2005666
cringe gendie cartoon pitch >>2010810
Kyle Carroza, creator of magic magiswords, is arrested for possesion of child pornography >>2014474
aang responding to the news >>2015336
Raya rodriguez, creator of high guardian spice, drew a short comic about her experiences dealing with the failure of her show >>2016709
they turned poof into a tumblr sexy man >>2018531
brujo ari is making a cartoon about her ex-TIF Kakyoin and Jotaro ocs >>2022683
happylikeawall comes to the threads to sperg >>2024257
creator of bee and puppy cat calls out saberspark >>2025301
LS mark's pilot is out >>2032266

No. 2032881

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saberspark is a full-on furfag now

No. 2032883

File: 1726136565345.png (92.27 KB, 597x490, stephen carver.png)

he also doxed himself

No. 2032907

This is my personal top 1 worst pilot of all times, this all thing was a huge waste of money, time and talents.

The plot feels like it wasn't finish, Mark forgot to write the conclusion and yet decides to make this cartoon.

Everything goes either slowly or too fast, which is terrible for a "comedy" cartoon, the mouse voice actor feels awkward, like he or she doesn't have a lot of experience in voice acting, which is a terrible thing for a main protagonist.
The only time it was good was when I heard Charlie's voice actor from Smiling Friends.

Congrats Mark, you proved watching hours of cartoons episodes for youtube content don't make you an actual cartoon creator, may your pilot be collectively forgotten, and you find another hobby.

No. 2032924

His name was already common knowledge, that's not a dox.

No. 2032925

File: 1726145925332.png (305.83 KB, 854x480, what is he.png)

I need to know, what animal is this character supposed to be? Cat? Wolf? Dog? The character design for the main duo is so poor I've even seen some call the mouse a monkey.
Also it drives me insane when projects have animal characters for no reason, what's the point of these characters being animals? Why not make them humans? The story would be the same.

No. 2032929

Stephen Carver is such a bitchass basic ugly name

No. 2032932

>what's the point of these characters being animals?
Because this cartoon is the most transparently derivative thing ever and Tuff Puppy is another Butch Hartman Nick cartoon on his checklist of things to ape.

No. 2032937

Making an interesting human character design is too hard for them, so they just go with the easier route

No. 2032939

Realistically how long do you think Mark will keep up this Catching up stuff? There’s usually a massive drop off after a second video.

No. 2032940

nothing about it has a purpose. Its a vanity project done by a hack that cant draw.

No. 2032946

File: 1726149799335.png (91.16 KB, 1068x600, myark.png)

Animals are easier for the audience to relate with. Also doesn't need to add diverse characters except a "female" deer with horns.

No. 2032947

did you draw this anon? its wonderful. I will never stop seething at this hack. So many artists would kill to have enough money and time to spend on a shitty passion project. I feel bad for all the artists who were ropped into working for this turd, i hope they get better opportunities in the future.

No. 2032951

topkek, although i must defend the great worker and parasite for being funny (hoch hech!), having consistent stylistic choices and staying on model… what the hell was going on with the line weights in that pilot? no rhyme or reason to the inking, bothered the fuck out of me

No. 2032953

Other anons have mentioned this but I'm really worried about the state of his creativity if hormonal tom and jerry is the best he can come up with. C'mon man you're young, put those fresh brain cells to something better… Or at least think of any name other than "beastie bois"
Beautiful anon

No. 2032956

the name of his show went from bestie bois to rob and clay to catching up. Even daftpina's pilot about radioactive calarts chuck e cheese lesbians was more original.

No. 2032959

I think a team of wattpad-using teenagers could save the indie cartoon industry. I'll take a million mafia kpop boyfriends over yet another "GUYSSS this cartoon is so subversive and witty and original! The… The characters are douchebags and losers and have bad lives!! Don't you get it??? Isn't this subversive??" Or worse another TADC

No. 2032964

these hacks are so fucking devoid of life experience and ambition the best they can come up with is boring SOL shit. So far only pan has an slightly original idea, even if its still shit.

No. 2032968

of course theyre coombait. almost all of the girls in this show look like the generic "big tiddy goth gf" zoomer moids are obsessed with

No. 2032970

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Do you think a family member deleted Kyle Carozza’s blog or authorities?

No. 2032971

it was probably his wife

No. 2032972

looks less offensive than his actual avi. i hate how furfags have to treat being a furry like you're coming out as gay or something. We live in the age of vtubers being a thing, no one gives a shit if you like to present yourself as a cat.

No. 2032976

>Other anons have mentioned this but I'm really worried about the state of his creativity if hormonal tom and jerry is the best he can come up with. C'mon man you're young, put those fresh brain cells to something better…
The issue is that Mark has 0 life experiences, he seems like the type of person who spent all day inside playing with Sonic dolls and watching Family Guy during his middle and highschool years. Even nowadays he absolutely has no life experiences, all he does is related to cartoons he likes and he never steps out of his comfort zone. It's all Butch Hartman, Family Guy and rarely do you see him talk about something else. He has consumed the same things since he was a child, he has had a sheltered life and his wife is more like a mom to him. He's a manchild with no life experiences, he's still young I know and he could get something, but with the way he is? No way in hell he's getting any inspiration from anything of substance.

No. 2032977

he has no actual life outside of the media he consumes, thats why his project feels lifeless.
Miyazaki had a point when he mentioned how modern anime has no emotion/heart anymore because none of the people creating it have any actual life experiences at all.

No. 2033032

>"female" deer with horns.
Female reindeer can have horns in real life but I also wouldn't think too hard about cartoon vs reality; I've seen a lot of male bee characters have stingers and how cartoon insect colonies like in A Bug's Life or Antz are depicted mostly male centric despite the fact that most worker ants are female.

No. 2033066

How does it compare to Daftpina's Saturdays Off?

No. 2033081

Mark's may be stupid but at least it's way less of a snoozefest/eyeroller. Why should I care about anyone in this cartoon

No. 2033095

why the fuck does the other retard talk like that, is it an accent? this is painfully boring and dated

No. 2033109

insane nitpick but "rob and clay" are such boring names that don't evoke an interesting character at all. as the title of a show, it makes me imagine two bumbling, stupid, middle-aged characters. the names sound like something a boomer would pick, which is in line with the rest of the show's aesthetic i guess. usually you can get a pretty good idea of which character will be which name because they suit the image, but i refuse to watch the pilot so i genuinely have no clue who's supposed to be who. when miyazaki complained about creators who only pull from fictional experiences instead of touching grass, this is in that category.

No. 2033122

This isn't even an animated show, this is just a dull webcomic strip with some blinking and arm waving thrown in. It's just two fugly characters sitting still next to each other talking for the entire thing, I couldn't watch more than five minutes of it before skimming through. Everyone who worked on this and Mark's pilot should be embarrassed of themselves.

No. 2033269

I can't really see a demographic that would be interested in this

Plus the inconsistency with lighting/art drives me crazy.

No. 2033347

Lsmark pilot remind me of the retarded show ideas kyle carroza would come up with.

No. 2033486

im kind of curious as to what ideas the other cartoon reviewers have for animated shows lmao

No. 2033501

File: 1726248752712.png (426.3 KB, 1208x485, arcade place.png)

>sol about furry girls, basically mark's pilot but with girls and in college
pan pizza
>jojos bizarre adventure but tumblery and you can fuck the stands to create human/stand mutants
>sol about calart blobs working on a chuck e cheese. Cancelled after veronica called it shit.

No. 2033551

Well we know what those guys can do since they actually exist. I’m more talking about we don’t know. I’m interested in guys like JAR or Mangakamen and what ideas they could come up with lol

No. 2033555

Why are all the women troon-shaped lol

No. 2033640

I really do despise these Wow Wow Wubzy-ass designs. This really does look like an "edgy" (The characters swear and use alcohol) version of what modern-day Butch Hartman would make.

No. 2033701

Because drawing feminine women is objectifying and more body shapes have to be represented. By all body shapes I mean only the dumpy shapes of the people working on these disasters

No. 2033735

rent free

No. 2033760

he just cant draw for shit

No. 2033891

daft does draw ok, it’s just boring highly referenced stuff his in house style is boring as fuck and he has no creativity

No. 2034092

>daft does draw ok
for a mentally challenged 5yo

No. 2034343

Even the names they have are lame as hell kek.

No. 2034809

Mark has released a Behind the Scenes video, plus Kickstarter announcement for episode 2.

No. 2034813

I know I've said this about another shitty animation Kickstarter project but this one is also a HUGE waste of money holy shit,for something so fucking bland and unoriginal dear goodness.

No. 2034821

Really going all-in on this lame as shit bottom of the barrel slice of life trash.

No. 2034822

File: 1726521749898.png (402.85 KB, 855x552, whoa sked for this.png)

what a monumental waste of money that could be going to talented artists. These characters look like they belong to different shows.

No. 2034885

In marks defense it’s 50K across 4 years but even so that’s a crazy amount of money. And for what, a tom and Jerry knock off?

No. 2035109

you have no idea how much i despise his little cartoon avatar (and by extent every cartoon character he draws)

No. 2035157

Verbalase spent 50k on his infamous hazbin hotel video. Mark must not be paying his animators well. Some people will want to be involved for free if they’re passionate about the project and want to see it succeed. Maybe that’s why mark and Veronica were at newgrounds.

No. 2035160

Im sorry but the composition here is wrong,
Why the fuck that b-headed bear police throw that pedophile in this way?

No. 2035247

These designs look like mascots for a knock off cereal brand

No. 2035252

This man (if you could call him that) would spontaneously combust upon watching one second of a Cartoon Saloon film, it's like his very being rejects anything Irish or the possibility of making something interesting using his Irishness, in favor of trifling tired Amerislop. Cultural cringe in action.

No. 2035261

Holy fuck he's shilling this generic "catching up" S.o.L crap so much. He seriously thinks this is the next Hazbin Hotel.

No. 2035276

Tried watching this uninspired trash but bootleg Jerry was so fucking annoying and unfunny to the point that I stopped watching it completely.I want to strangle him.

No. 2035279

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BlackGryph0n shared a video of himself firing a gun from a parachute yesterday on Twitter.

No. 2035282

I agree. Even the behind-the-scenes video is boring. I get it's your first finished toon man but… basically what >>2035261 says. It's not revolutionary or even interesting no matter how hard he wants us to care. Also everything about it is just visually ugly, I don't even know why.

Anyways,on a more positive note, check out this cartoon video. Funny how an arab sonic fan cartoon easily puts LS mark and his life's work to shame.

No. 2035284

dont shill ugly aishit here

No. 2035290

I just don't understand why they gave temu mouse plushie the voice of a literal child. It's never addressed that this actual child is hanging around with this emo alcoholic twenty year-old (they're supposed to be teenagers?).

No. 2035291

they are middle schoolers

No. 2035292

Giving a fuck about a poorfag animator using an ai sonic voice for a fanimation is like giving a fuck about an 8 year old tracing over an anime base to make it cartman. I wish I could wipe ai out of existence too but that's not happening anytime soon.

No. 2035293

i dont know why you are shilling that ugly shit as if its less soulles than marks pilot. But are ugly trash, but at least mark doesnt use ai backgrounds and voices.(derailing)

No. 2035294

The animation itself is better, that's all kek. And the other one isn't acting like it's the next steven universe or some shit. And honestly I may be retarded but I didn't notice the backgrounds at first. My bad, won't do any more shilling

No. 2035305

That's what they're supposed to be? Why isn't it treated as weird when they walk into a nightclub? Why does one sound like a grown ass man? Horribly miscast.

No. 2035402

I bet there's gonna be some 2deep4u ep where the mouse gets diagnosed with autism/ADHD and it's gonna go viral on twitter. it just seems like the type of show to do that.

No. 2035482

The mouse character is Darwin but without anything charming. The closest the boring ass show comes to being remotely funny is when he gets a drink thrown in his face. I irrationally hate this fucking character lol.

No. 2035655

Mark has the money to fund his own projects and exploit animators with his clout alone. There’s no reason to have a kickstarter.

No. 2035689

I dunno. I think it's due to his terrible spending habits that he has the kickstarter. Mind you, Veronica had to re enter her 9-5 substitute teacher job a few months ago. And seeing how Mark buys himself gay little sonic cabinets, I can see him needing a kickstarter after paying people to work and waste their time for a half baked, garbage pilot for the 4 years.

No. 2035796

I think there's also a need to prove that people do want this made but honestly I can't see this project going anywhere outside a couple of episodes. Sounds gay but nowadays in indie animation you really need a "fandom" to help get general interest in your project and other than Lsmarks underage fans there wasn't much of a buzz (other than look at "funny zach hadel cameo!!") No talking about the characters, plot, etc. It's so boring & demure most people don't want to bother making fanart & the like

No. 2035836

He turned into a planet, my god

No. 2035837

This is true. The reason Hazbin was so successful is because (despite the drama) they really cultivated a big online community to crowdfund and build hype/views for the pilot.

No. 2035903

Hazbin Hotel was at least kinda novel. Catching Up is just boring and generic in every regard. The animation style looks lifted from the fairy oddparents reboot, especially with the lighting. The characters? You have Darwin but with no likeability. Just an irritating weirdly horny child who has me questioning where his parents went wrong in raising him. Then you have Mordecai but without any remotely likeable traits. Just an insufferable self-defeating emo. The plot? Probably the most by-the-numbers slice of life slop. The humor? Somehow even worse.

No. 2035952

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This makes me feel weird. Forcing Christianity on those kids.

No. 2035953

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So exploitative.

No. 2036077

Forcing? The dominican flag has a Bible in it. Their motto is "God, Homeland, Freedom" .

No. 2036104

nta but the dominican republic is catholic (with some native folk christian beliefs), while compassion international is linked with evangelical associations

No. 2036170

File: 1726769424671.jpg (26 KB, 250x395, 1000027686.jpg)

Rishi confirmed they are together on Instagram (Aug 30th when the site was still down)

No. 2036172

From the front page I thought this was sam hyde kissing Anisa Johma

No. 2036206

nah it'll be a panic attack scene and the cartoon fanbase will coom over how "realistic and relatable" it is

No. 2036235

Maybe they'll have the wolf/cat character troon out.

No. 2036253

The pilot already has a panic attack scene at the club so it's gotta be real barrel scrapping shit

No. 2036579

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Why did he feel the need to share this weeks after his engagement to her?

No. 2036626

Claire's best friend referred to him as autistic, it makes sense

No. 2036632

Ace and Autistic aren’t the same things? I just don’t understand why he felt the need to bring that up once shit hit the fan? Does it make him seem harmless?(sage your shit)

No. 2036633

true, they can exist separately, but it's just that people with autism are more likely to self-identify as asexual than those without

No. 2036725

Someone just posted a YouTube deep dive about him

No. 2036739

i dont want to accuse you of selfposting because i watch that guy's channel too but he has to be lurking.

No. 2036764

Makes sense this pedo retard comes out as asexual since all asexual men are sexually repressed autistic creeps,no doubts about it.

No. 2036864

>"Noo im not a groomer bc I'm ace so was okay for me to date a 13 year ols"

No. 2036908

File: 1726923868917.png (694.58 KB, 1080x1620, 1000024881.png)

LS (Loser Shithead) Mark continues to shill his lame ass s.o.l cartoon. A discord server? The urges to troll it if it didn't mean giving money to this manchild who'll inevitably spend his kickstarter money on frivolous, retarded crap like a Brian Griffin body pillow or some shit.

No. 2036927

Tinfoil but I think so many of those deep dive YouTubers who expose people use this site.

No. 2036956

This isn't the only cow site, from what I've noticed a lot of youtubersjust rip off Kiwi

No. 2036960

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YouTuber got her pony characters names wrong. It’s Sweetie Belle not Sweetie Pie.(sage your autism)

No. 2036974

No way there are 300 people backing this up, who can even stand to fangirl/fanboy this?

No. 2037019

He's been on /co/ shilling his crap for the past two weeks and it's resulted to only people talking about his whore wife's drama, hoe much of a creep he is, and the anons who are separately worshipping mark and veronica(sage your shit)

No. 2037021

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That video could have dug deeper. The comment section of his old YouTube videos are gross.

No. 2037024

Thanks for keeping tabs. A little disappointed that my tinfoil of a polycule shitstorm didn’t turn out.

No. 2037037

File: 1726955159123.png (112.74 KB, 412x511, 1726797717614087.png)

you can now talk with mark for an entire hour if you're crazy enough to spend $3,000 on this kek

No. 2037038

kek I kept seeing posts like "Catching Up pilot drops on [day]!" and I just knew it had to be him and Veronica shilling it. Not a single person on /co/ has anything positive to say about it in their threads and everyone just makes fun of Mark the entire time kek

No. 2037045

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Some veronica cope

No. 2037046

I hope that MMA guys wins the elections and brings back conscription in ireland

No. 2037047

He hit the wall at full speed. He wasn't attractive before, but he looks even worse now. Bloated.

No. 2037051

1 hour with one of the most bland and uninteresting humans put on the planet vs anything else hmmm. The autists who buy this deserve the hour of blank noise and awkwardness kek

No. 2037055

Dat double chin tho

No. 2037083

Reminds me of the chubby kid from Two and a Half Men here

No. 2037117

Are you sure he's not on estrogen or something? Dude has bigger breasts than some women I know.

No. 2037118

could spend that $3000 on some video games or something. You could probably have the same level of conversation with him for free on a discord server/twitter DMs

No. 2037190

File: 1726997840377.jpg (Spoiler Image,474.57 KB, 1024x3164, cgLfaRQ.jpg)

So a steven universe artist is selling Rebecca sugars NSFW art and it is going viral

No. 2037192

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No. 2037193

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I know the slack channel for Steven universe was insufferable

No. 2037199

it wasn't made by Rebecca though? It was a another storyboard artist >>2037193 I don't see how this is milk

No. 2037200

It was made by Rebecca just sold without her consent by a storyboard artist. Pearl is her self insert.

No. 2037201

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Samefagging, aside from the stale coworker milk. Its also the SU fandom freaking out over pearl being bi and not a lesbian kek

No. 2037209

File: 1727003228031.jpg (Spoiler Image,256.04 KB, 750x705, 21110 - Alfredo_Linguini Colet…)

Another addition to her weird r34 collection. If she wasn't a gendie she could be a run of the mill anon from /g/

No. 2037220

I fucking hate to admit this got a laugh out of me.

No. 2037257

not related to the real issue but Greg is so gross looking this comes off as rape

No. 2037261

I knew she shipped this after that musical episode kek

Imagine the shitstorm this would have caused if it leaked during the "Steven Universe critical blog" era

No. 2037288

Kek, she's good. Is there a full collection somewhere?

No. 2037293

>make insufferable gendie show where everyone acts like whiny emotionally manipulative aunts
>get surprised when your fandom is made of insufferable gendies that act like whiny emotionally manipulative aunts
Though to be fair, it's not like she didn't try to reel the insane fandom in.

No. 2037363

on rule34. She also drew ed edd and eddy porn and drew her self insert as a zim sex slave in princess leiahs bikini

No. 2037367

File: 1727040584007.png (524.89 KB, 1144x1081, The-Amazing-Digital-Circus-on-…)

The Amazing Digital Circus is coming to Netflix on October 4th, new episodes will also release on Youtube at the same time they go on Netflix.

No. 2037369

I just want this show to be over so the zoomer brainrot will finally die out. Why does every okayish show get plastered all over the net?

No. 2037371

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Also, it's getting its own official manga published by Corocoro.

No. 2037373

File: 1727040902392.jpg (77.64 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (1).jpg)

I'm sick of seeing that infantile multicolored garbage everywhere

No. 2037380

I always knew that bird nosed bitch was prison gay

No. 2037394

This show and hazbin hotel competiting for who can try the hardest to larp as "adult animation" while having a fandom that consists of zoomers and tumblr refugees

No. 2037414

I hope they hire better Voice Actors like Hazbin Hotel did.

No. 2037418

Tbh I always thought that Rebecca Sugar's art had TIF energy.

No. 2037441

Where did this shit even come from? I never heard anything about it prior to the pilots release. I watched the second episode and it was boring as shit with a cringe "2deep4u" moment with the furry. No one over the age of 16 watches that shit. It looks like the elsa and spiderman crap you see on youtube kids.

No. 2037444

Kek that what i was thinking. At least the ADC was kinda boring. Everything Viziepop makes is an unwatchable cringe comp.

No. 2037483

Considering Dragon Maid is made by a literal pedophile who draws actual babyfucking, and this is by a tranny moid with a fetish for drilling women in the head with power tools, who's even surprised this is successful too? Male creators are bulletproof despite the slop they make. I'm starting to think that we actually died in 2012 and we're actually in hell.

No. 2037491

what is it with TIFs and bald fat men

No. 2037528

gendies didn't really exist yet when the show premiered though.

No. 2037532

this show is like the industry plant of animation

No. 2037535

File: 1727065824227.jpg (Spoiler Image,302.3 KB, 1039x839, actually vile.jpg)

I almost threw up my lasagna. He looks so freakishly nasty in this position and I like fat men, but he's too hideous.

No. 2037539

Greg and Pearl!?!??!?!

No. 2037540

I clicked it thinking it was Amethyst, not Greg. Whyyyyy. Does Sugar have an an ugly bastard fetish?

No. 2037559

I just want to say, this isn't gross because it's Pearl being not lesbo, it's gross because Pearl had feelings for his wife and he is taking advantage of that to try to insist this sex is about making her feel better, all while molesting her and not even waiting for her to verbally consent. It even seems like he baited her, asking "Pearl?" as she cluelessly goes "Yes?" and then just goes for it, interpreting that as 'consent enough' despite her crying and saying "this is a disaster". Fucking nasty, reeks of TIF fujoshi rape fantasy.
And also Greg is hideous, fat, balding, and a horrible father. Talk about terrible tastes. I would much rather believe this belongs in the same trash bin as the Ed, Edd, n Eddy shota yaoi and >>2037209

No. 2037564

She married Ian Jones-Quartey, a fat black dude. Make of that what you will.

No. 2037586

The tumblr outrage over this one was so fake, it's just a funny comic

No. 2037600

They did, they were a minority on tumblr but they absolutely did. Steven Universe also helped spread genderism because Gems as a fictional species are inherently gendie: a whole group of creatures who aren't really female but still chose to identify as women. Some can even shapeshift and still conceive children (Pink Diamond).
Rebecca Sugar's cartoon introducted genderism to so many young millennials and zoomers so let's stop acting as if she's not part of the problem… if Steven Universe wasn't a thing we'd see much less women put she/they, they/them or he/him in their bio nowdays.

No. 2037608

Also whatever the fuck was that Stevonnie thing

No. 2037611

We must go back in time.

No. 2037622

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Who's the hypervirgin who gave this boring ass manchild thousands of dollars to make more of cucking up? They should be imprisoned for that shit.

No. 2037623

it was probably himself, it would be embarassing if it was a flop

No. 2037627

Seconding this because he doesn’t want to end up like Mr Enter’s growing around indiegogo.

No. 2037641

damn, if anything i thought it would have been amethyst. but
>I knew she shipped this after that musical episode kek
kek you're right, you reminded me of that, i thought if greg had a thing with any of the gems it would have been amethyst because of that weird episode that implied it earlier on (some weird thing where ameythist was shapeshifting into rose?) but the musical episode definitely did give off that energy. it's still so weird

they definitely existed, that shit was blooming on tumblr for a couple years before the show even began. i remember first hearing the term "genderqueer" in 2011 or 2012

No. 2037650

File: 1727104102781.png (Spoiler Image,43.91 KB, 422x428, 005558c00259e21456afbd36846877…)

did she really draw this….

No. 2037686

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It’s insane considering Namekians from Dragon Ball preceded all that, and they were male-shaped humanoids that were considered an “all male” species. But to be fair, I don’t think they bred with people like Rose did since they gave birth through their mouths, and they’re likely not geekdom’s first exposure to this all-male/all-female alien stuff either, though I’d say they’re one of the more famous examples. No gendie-ism happened back then over alien stuff like that, so I wonder if Rose from SU really was the main thing that brought it on, or is it because of timing with the gay-turned-tranny fetishism from the ally crowd too? Could also just be due to their conception with the gems not being specifically labeled as all-female and instead “feminine”. Then a few years later with gendierot happening at its peak, with that Ian JQ tweet, where he was talking about Steven technically being a male gem. But because people at this point grew up on theory-farming content, he worded it in an obtuse way, and people thought it implied female (“feminine”) gems could transition to male (“masculine”) but really was just about Steven inheriting Rose’s gem or whatever. Idk it’s stupid all around.

No. 2037697

I don't know, she draws better than this.

No. 2037698

Ignoring… most of that pic, one of Sugar's problems when it comes to how she depicts intimacy, either romantic or sexual, is that she also feels the need to pair it with these distraught dramatics that make scenarios that should be fairly ordinary feel uncomfortable and even bordering on noncon vibes in the more extreme cases. I get what she's going for, but it just doesn't land.

Sci-fi has had plenty of depictions of aliens that are hermaphroditic, zoologically asexual/capable of parthenogenesis, have weird reproductive roles and strategies, or more than two sexes, but I don't think the SU fans would be familiar with much actual sci-fi media (or even your dbz example) due to their ages and general interests, and gender/identity politics had been percolating on tumblr for years already– SU was just a piece of media that catered to them, with both creators and a fandom that supported and encouraged those things. SU is also very contemporary in that it/it's creators viewed the alien-ness of the gems as a way to express very self-absorbed/indulgent ideas, rather than as a way to set them apart from humans and flesh out their 'biology'/culture/world more. I think the show itself didn't do much to influence people, but the conversation surrounding it, comments from staff, and the fandom's culture did effect some people or at least act as a gateway by introducing them to concepts/people already (loudly) engaging in stuff like gendie shit

No. 2037699

Didn't Sugar originally imply Gems were all female, but then she changed it to be that Gems are all genderless and thus they decide what to do with their own identity? There was a "male" green pirate gem voiced by a TIM troon, too.

No. 2037705

>one of Sugar's problems when it comes to how she depicts intimacy, either romantic or sexual, is that she also feels the need to pair it with these distraught dramatics that make scenarios that should be fairly ordinary feel uncomfortable and even bordering on noncon vibes in the more extreme cases. I get what she's going for, but it just doesn't land.
kek it's true, it reads like one of the emotional tantrums seen on her show. And with SU being a sort of diary of hers and of her crew, it's not a far off theory to see Lapis and the big butch lesbian gem's abusive relationship just being more fetishistic navel gazing towards rape.
God that show is such a clusterfuck that I'm surprised zoomies aren't coming out in droves to say how they were too young to get all of its overt references to rape, assault, romantic jealousy/cheating, polygamy, the more the merrier. Reminds me a lot of when Kunihiko Ikuhara put overtly sexual scenes between Uranus and Neptune in Sailor Moon (thinking about the undress one specifically) but worse.

No. 2037731

I could be wrong but That doesn’t look like Rebecca’s work, her lineart is different and she doesn’t make nsfw like that
there’s tons of examples of her nsfw online and they don’t look like that

No. 2037735

Rebecca was much older than the pioneers of gendie ideology, where the fuck did she get these ideas? Was she hanging out with much younger crowd? I'm old but still much younger than her, and women in fandom around Rebecca's age at the time weren't really involved with gendie stuff back in 2013.

No. 2037744

Kek for all the 2deep4u "complexity" that Rebbeca + the crew like to pretend they can write, it always comes across like THE most basic straight woman erotica.
> oh no, this is sooo wrong and illicit, please don't ~ravish~ me, whatever would everyone else think of our forbidden love?
> but wait, I can see deep, hidden wounds buried inside your hard exterior. I (and only I) can see your sensitive side and heal your woes with the power of my love.
There's nothing wrong with enjoying that ofc but these types of writers are always so pretentious about their fetishes for no reason.

No. 2037786

I’m theorizing it’s the need to perform for her young fandom that can’t discern fantasy from reality. Since Rebecca is bisexual, she’s considered “not-straight!”/special, but then she’s in a heterosexual relationship, so she had to make up for it by claiming to be an enby, and when that didn’t work out, she has to bring up being Jewish since she’s just white, and on top of that, she claims to be definitely discriminated against for dating a black person… but he’s male while she’s still female, and so on and so forth. Not taking into account that she’s basically just some woman, with a husband, in LA where nobody cares about interracial relationships. Basically just jumping over hoops to make sure you’re not just seen as a regular woman having PiV sex at home with a man, so she can be free from criticism from people that aren’t even worth harming your knees begging to. In her mind, she has to be some flavor of victim because she’s writing about alien “victims”, and all of this is just so stupid and inane, but that’s western fandom for you. Like she could have just been a woman, writing about women, and that would have been fine, but western fandom narcissism needs you to be your characters or you’re not valid. Meanwhile, male cartoonists are sexually assaulting employees and cheating on their wives, and being pedophiles and nobody bats an eye.

No. 2037804

Current-day gender ideology started in the late 80s and mid 90s with the rise of pasty white nerd/furry nerd chatrooms and Sugar has always looked up to “queer elders” from what I remember from her interviews.

No. 2037807

Sugar gives me very strong bihet vibes. I bet her most drawn SU characters are Greg and Lars because she blatantly prefers men over women. I do believe she still likes women and she’s not faking her homo attractions though, unlike so-called bisexuals in most fandoms who think liking women amounts to admiration, because the kiss between Ruby and Sapphire in that episode where they made peace after fighting felt way too sexual (not to mention Lapis and the macho butch gem and their deranged rapey relationship).
To be fair to her talking about being jewish, the Diamonds are extremely like jewish moms and aunts… that’s how I figured she was jewish actually lol. They are too obsessed and attached to Steven and that is a big stereotype about older women in jewish families.

I agree with the rest of your post still, though I thimk Sugar, like the She-Ra gendie director, is simply into writing very personal and navel-gazey stories because she’s a bit of a narcissist.

No. 2037827

I think it's important to remember though that Sugar wasn't the only one writing for that show and often times, the ones doing the writing for specific episodes were storyboard artists, though I forget who storyboarded that specific episode. I recall there was a bunch of drama around Lauren Zuke, someone who was extremely explicit about liking women, because people hated that she was writing Lapis and Peridot like a couple after "queerbaiting" with Amedot, and then Peridot got confirmed as ace later despite all of that.

No. 2037868

the drama with lauren zuke was insane. it was never fully clear what happened but you're right about weird lapis and peridot stuff. her internet activity suggested she was obsessed with lapis (i remember years ago i had found an old lapis themed playlist she made that she linked from one of her accounts) and she heavily shipped lapis and peridot to the point where when the drama was at its peak i recall some people claiming she got fired over trying to make lapis and peridot a thing. honestly i don't know what happened but her obsession with lapis and peridot was very obvious. i'm kind of amazed that someone like zuke even ended up working on the show because she seemed far beyond unstable and delusional and was a very typical tumblr gendie

No. 2037898

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She never deserved any of that hate and the mob against her was just so fucking infantile. I recall sending an ask to someone asking what she even did to deserve all this hate and I shit you not, the response was something akin to "be a big poopoo head". I don't think she left the show because of shipping drama, there was a huge leak of her personal tumblr and she was constantly shitting on Rebecca Sugar for being a narcissistic abusive boss or something and she was celebrating her own leave. Pic related. Even if she was a mentally unstable gendie, her only crime to these people was writing the wrong gay people.

No. 2037913

She's is a TIF on T with a pube stache and in a depressing poly relationship now. Steven Universe broke her.

No. 2037916

I followed her when she drew bubbline art in 2012, she was always like this. Never stood a chance.

No. 2037919

Man. Considering that art can be used as escapism, how these clowns cannot differentiate enjoying fantasy from living their reality, and adding to the fact that social media forces people to sell themselves as some kind of brand or fantasy—especially effective when the person is just some art girl who normally doesn't have friends because 2D people friendships are easier to control than being a normal social person—I'm not surprised every low IQ art girl starts shooting up T the moment life slightly goes south. Most normal people would just ignore shit or get off the keyboard/internet. Someone this deeply stupid and delusional, losing her mind over cartoon relationships, would not stand a chance. Waiting for future posts where she blames her fucked up endocrine system on Rebecca. Clown on clown violence on the horizon.

No. 2037963

guess you just got lucky and didn't see it, but there was plenty of identity/gendie stuff in early 2010s and even late 2000s fandom from what I saw as a kid/teen. Fandom as activism has been popular for decades, such as tying in gay rights with yaoi/slash shipping etc (which lost popularity once things like gay marriage were legalised in western countries, with people jumping ship to hop on the gender bandwagon as things like feminism, representation and trans shit became hot topics on social media sites as people started hitting uni age and taking classes involving such topics or graduating them– hence the whole gender studies major meme). Sugar was 26 when SU came out, she was definitely in the right age group and in the right kind of environment, and a lot of loud SU fans weren't much younger than her at the time.

Fandom activism/the politicising of fandom is just a cudgel to use against other people who disagree with you so they can't push back without coming across as bad or immoral anyway, it's not unique to any era or generation, just inescapable now thanks to social media communities and the need to be performative 24/7

No. 2037966

> Queerbaiting
NTA but huh? Is it still queerbaiting if the homewrecker in the equation is actually another female character and it's another lesbian relationship?

No. 2037967

yes because it's the 'wrong' ship– don't think about it too hard, queerbaiting can mean anything from two straight men looking at each other .5 of a second too long and then not boning, or a canonically gay character getting into a same-sex relationship that is a non-fandom ship (happened during the shitshow that was Voltron's final season, for example kek). I'm sure the term had merit/meaning at some point, but shippers just throw it around when they don't get their way

No. 2038039

topkek at her vaguely comparing rebecca sugar to donald trump. make steven universal again

No. 2038049

i don't care what anyone says SU had the potential to be the NGE of western animation if they just had fully leaned into the mentally ill stuff on the show, it had all the elements but now it's just half way there making it creepy and awkward in a bad way because the show pretends not to be mentally ill in the way it is. for example the scene with amethyst and greg almost goes there when she pretends to be rose, had they kept that energy the whole time the show would have been great.

No. 2038065

Yes, precisely. It doesn't matter that both relationships were queer, it matters that the fans were made angry and by attacking the morality of the artist in question, you can more efficiently shame her into doing what you want!
As much as I want to say Zuke was being mentally unstable and splitting or something when she called Rebecca Sugar a narcissist, she may have been onto something. Steven Universe just HAD to ALWAYS have a holier-than-thou aura when discussing reactions to negativity or mental health problems or whatever. Steven would have a one off with someone going through something tough and give them some generic positivity or tell them they're being a jerk and "fix" them on a dime with that single conversation. I wanted to say it's because SU was on a children's network, but then I remembered Korra aired at the same time and dealt with how trauma can irreversibly affect you and make you a more negative and unpleasant person, but it's also possible to get better, all in a way that could make sense to a tweenage audience that increasingly needed that message as the internet has a way of making young people mentally ill. Steven Universe is just all about good victim vs bad victim. Your trauma isn't valid until you're acting in a way that Steven deems is okay. Lapis is the only exception to this and Bismuth is the weird double standard. Lapis wanted to drown all of Earth to get home and was forgiven, Bismuth wanted to do the same thing her oppressors were doing to her friends back to them and was bubbled. It was just a fucking mess that I can only guess it was written by someone with a weird self serving moral code.

No. 2038072

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what a fag

No. 2038073

I think the Zutara shippers have finally moved on nowadays kek, last I saw they were shipping Zuko with Sokka now (which is endearing in a stupid way because it shows fandom has gone full circle)

No. 2038074

not really, zuko x sokka shippers are just fujos acting like fujos, shipping male characters cause they simply exist

No. 2038123

zuko/sokka shippers are merely klance refugees

No. 2038141

well, I guess he wasn't wrong kek. Real question though is why you would want to upset people who enjoy the property you're attached to in the first place? not very iroh of you at all smh

more the other way round kek

either way, zuko is the fandom's bicycle and gets paired with everyone, no matter how minor they interact in the cartoon

No. 2038142

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Through the power of cartoon autists & parents credit cards Mark & Veronica will be making episode 2

No. 2038160

>I knew she shipped this after that musical episode kek
You know even in the movie Rebecca pushed it even more with that whole Pearl gets reset to act like a servant again and, of course, it's to Greg this time and that whole creepy scene with Steven/Greg fusion flirting with Pearl to get her memories back.

No. 2038170

KorrAsami basically took all the attention from the shipper side of the Avatar fanbase and is the only ship that still gets attention, Sokka x Zuko has been around as long as the franchise has been you probably just see it more in recent years because everyone’s gotten more obsessed with making everything about “OMG 2 GAY BOYS GUYS OMG!!!”

No. 2038171

Anon pls, my sides

No. 2038173

It's gross because it's an old fat balding man anon these are fictional characters and they don't have feelings kek

SU groomed a generation of children into beliving gender theory. I went to a con recently and talked briefly to a 16 yo (we were cosplaying characters from the same niche game and she wanted to take pictures etc) and she told me how SU is the cartoon of her life, how it helped her understand what lesbians were and how it helped her find her genderqueer identity kek the kids are not okay

KEKKK it was probably saberspark paying to put his fursona

The teen zoom zooms who grew up on this crap think it's pretty based unfortunately. They were too young to be on fandoms when the show stoped airing 4 years ago and didn't saw it at its peak cringe. the people who were SU critical are like 22 now at the youngest

Seeing this shit unfold in real time was wild. Tumblr girl on tumblr girl violence kek Lauren was extremely autistic and was a non binary thing already back then and would reee at people who used she/her instead of they/them for her.

No. 2038181

I wonder what started the obsession. I like yaoi a lot but I feel like fandom overplays it. It's fun but its not the be end all of fandom.

No. 2038186

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This comment made me laugh. What a faggot

No. 2038240

kek so has Veronica always been heavily involved with catching up?

No. 2038248

Yeah. She's mentioned it on her callout video I think. Either her or the JustStop video did. She'd "edit" or revise the anatomy and/or proportions of artists Mark paid to create character designs for or some shit. I could be wrong.

No. 2038265

You’re correct. At 1:35:27 Veronica calls out Strawberrymage for leaking information to DaftPina. Veronica would redraw, edit and give suggestions on the work Strawberrymage was paid for the pilot.

No. 2038281

i hope its a ''rob and clay shoot up the school'' episode. Its the only way to make this crap entertaining.

No. 2038284

>make steven universal again

No. 2038329

JustStop was insane for making that video kek.

No. 2038360

And it's fucking laughable that someone with the shittiest anatomy has the gall to shit talk someone else when her NSFW art is the worst thing

No. 2038375

Oh shit, what if these NSFW drawings are somehow reflective of their sex life? KEKEK

No. 2038391

zukka always existed because yeah zuko was shipped with literally everyone but it wasn't that popular until the "avatar renaissance" which brought in the voltron refugees that treated it as proto-klance

No. 2038459

I mean, most of SU already reflects Rebecca Sugar's life and what she was obsessed with at the time of writing.
Steven is based off her little brother and he voices him.
The meditation episode is there because she got into meditation.
Lars turns into gay Captain Harlock because she got into Captain Harlock.
Like I said before, the Diamonds have big Jew Mom/Aunt vibes in terms of stereotypes (they are overbearing, worry too much and coddle and spoil their children) and while I think this inspiration leans more on the normal side, it's just another thing added to the pile outside of the vacuum.
Ruby and Sapphire are just another thing based off of her and Ian… et cetera.
And IIRC SU: Future happened because she got into studying PTSD and I bet that's partially due to seeing her brother grow up into a man with PTSD ( this is speculation on my part).

The show is full of blatant, navel-gazing references to her life that go beyond simple inspiration from life experience. I think she instructed her crew to do the same because there's that asexual crewniverse member who said that she is the one that made Peridot not fuse because Peridot is asexual…
I'm sure you can add more and more examples of Sugar or the Crewniverse adding navel-gazing shit to SU. She's the type of writer that if she became a mother, she would suddenly make one of the gems pregnant so she could indirectly write about herself and her life.

No. 2038462

Rob and Clay kill themselves episode when?

No. 2038463

No, Steven isn't voiced by Rebeca's brother (Steven Sugar). He is voiced by Zach Callison who can't move on from Steven and is trying a serious singing carreer but the fans keep making SU animatic over his serious songs including one about cocaine kek

No. 2038464

KEK I see, my bad! If you find any funny animatic please post it here or the fandom thread on /ot/.

No. 2038465

I see the confusion because Steven Sugar worked as a BG designer in the series (long Live nepotism)!! But yeah Kek I need to find the cocaine animatic again

No. 2038504

To be fair most of animation is self-referencing. Gravity falls MCs were based off alex hirsch and his twin. Regular show is just the creator and his friends. Which is why the other show by the same guy flopped (too similar). Every character on helluva boss either has daddy issues or ex problems because that's as much depth as vivzie can show

No. 2038555

But that's why I said that what you see in Steven Universe goes way beyond simple inspiration from life experience or taking from things the author likes, which are normal things many artists do.

To make a stupid example: it's as if Vivziepop suddenly got into yoga and so she created a demon who does yoga, who uses yoga as her power and made a whole episode centered around Charlie and her mentally ill gay brigade trying out yoga.
(I mean it would be funny if it happened, but) more or less that was/is Sugar's Modus Operandi.

Another thing I remembered:
White Diamond and SU: The Movie taking inspiration from old Disney and rubberhose animations because she got into those in that point in time.
Thematically it's such a mess if you think about it: a hotpot of things she likes mixed in without rhyme or reason, but it still works well enough because the artstyle is consistent…

No. 2038565

>He is voiced by Zach Callison who can't move on from Steven and is trying a serious singing carreer but the fans keep making SU animatic over

No. 2038569

i don't think its this but KEK

No. 2038598

File: 1727302707516.jpg (624.52 KB, 1572x705, Mw4CQ2b.jpg)

so the creators of gravity falls, owl house and amphibia made a kickstarter for merch
>On what should have been a normal September day at Studio Bad Egg HQ, chaos erupts. A glowing portal, suspiciously triangular, bursts into the studio - bringing together three separate worlds. The Pines family come face to face with Eda the Owl Lady’s entourage and The Calamity Trio.
>Its all the work of Bill Cipher - emboldened as he is by a New York Times bestseller and the Cipher Cult Collection. There’s only one answer. It’s time for every one of our animated heroes to come together - and see off that dapperly-dressed evil once and for all.
Gravity Falls, Amphibia and The Owl House merge together in the BYEEE collection, Studio Bad Egg’s big send-off, developed in collaboration with the pop-culture-defining trio of Dana Terrace, Matt Braly, and Alex Hirsch. In this explosive merging of worlds, we say goodbye to the family of shows that have inspired us from day one.
>Get your hands on some exclusive, never-before-seen cult merchandise, starring some of the most iconic characters in animation, developed in partnership with their creators, with incredible concepts and ideas by Richmond Parakhen the owner of Studio Bad Egg, with designs and illustrations by the remarkably talented Kyri45!
>This Kickstarter is set to launch October 5th at 1pm PST time, make sure to click that notify button so you dont miss out!

No. 2038620

That’s one of them, though I think this one was about meth not cocaine unless that anon was thinking about another song of his

No. 2038656

this is fucking ugly

No. 2038681

Why does the art look worse than normal???

No. 2038704

Show runners are not responsible for on model character illustration in the same way animators are. Different kinds of talent to draw well consistently vs pitching a show and owning an IP.

No. 2038712

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Come on, Zach do the cookie cat song!

No. 2038719

Is this why there's been such a Gravity falls renaissance lately? I was expecting a reboot or continuation but this is so lame and an obvious moneygrab

No. 2038734

No. 2038736

Book of bill released so suddenly everyone is rewatching it now kek

No. 2038760

The expression on his face… kek, I almost feel bad.

No. 2038820

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Looked him up out of curiosity and it looks like he’s trooning out…sad

No. 2038823

Trooning out to disassociate yourself from SU is genius. He will also get to keep his pronoun pin fanbase who worship the ground trannies walk on. Win win for him

No. 2038941

How long until the eventual SU sequel where Steven is a TIM?

No. 2038965

>he's trooning out
Knew it. When one of his album covers was him in make up, I knew it was gonna move to him transitioning kek

No. 2039009

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Older pic but you could already smell the hrt

No. 2039094

If Zach didn’t voice Steven would he have transitioned?

No. 2039103

Probably,guys are just training out these days.It would’ve happened regardless

No. 2039295

at this point i'm convinced any gen z guy with internet access is doomed to troon out.

No. 2039297

yep. any guy that has access to/interest in social media sites will most likely troon out in their lives.

No. 2039335

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Mark is now gonna get a Spanish dub for his boring cartoon. I've been very disconnected from the Spanish speaking online community for years so I don't know what gets popular there nowadays. I wonder if his project might get a following with Hispanics.

No. 2039352

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people are bullying Andy Price on Twitter (a long-time My Little Pony comic artist) for not drawing what they perceive as a black-coded pony correctly because he didn't draw afro-style hair.

No. 2039371

He’s a comic artist so he drew it like that to save time, I’m sure of it. It’s very time consuming to draw lots of little coily curls in every panel. Are they basically saying he’s racist for this?

No. 2039374

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No. 2039376

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It’s weird

No. 2039401

Who asked for this? No one asked for this at all. It'll for sure get shat on by the Latino community because they don't mince their words, even if Sr. Pelo is in it. Everyone will probably just call it crap and boring.

No. 2039428

He's 100% using this cucking up show as a money laundering scheme so he can buy more frivolous junk. His spending habits have to be on-par with Chris Chan(sage your shit)

No. 2039437

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Yup, and they're having full fledged breakdowns over this kek

No. 2039441

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Part 2 of the freakout, imagine caring this much

No. 2039442

holy kek, im having 2014 tumblr flashbacks

No. 2039447

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I don’t understand…

No. 2039580

It's a fucking horse. Animals don't have a race

No. 2039600

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No. 2039607

topkekkkk i cant believe there are still mfs crytyping out there

No. 2039608

racist horses aside, holy christ that art style is obscenely bad. genuinely disturbing to see horse beanmouth. make my little ponies equine again 2024

No. 2039611

Rookie mistake. The only way forward is to completely ignore the freaks

No. 2039615

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No. 2039643

>bronies dni
>wants to be referred to as he
I'm confused

No. 2039675

I had to double-check that this wasn't the same Mikey (clownstongue) who draws homestuck and mlp bimbofication tranny fart porn

No. 2039695

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Can someone get Rebecca sugar to stop drawing minor characters having sex?
These are new leaked ones of Sadie and Amethyst who shape shifted into Lars.

No. 2039700

Why people do this shit. Like what the hell man do it in private(learn2sage)

No. 2039704

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rebecca is so weird

No. 2039705

I noticed it already in her Pearl/Greg comic, but the way she draws intimacy is so fucking weird and awkward. All of them are so off-putting, on top of these ones being especially creepy no matter how you look at it. The concept of someone having sex with someone else that can copy the body of the person you are obsessed with, she's basically 4D printing an AI generated version of Lars. And the conversation in the second image implies that he knows and is…at least somewhat ok with it?? Everything about these are fucked up.
Part of me now also wonders if Lars' pink design later in the show is a reference to these…

No. 2039706

like many in the fandom, she's either a virgin or had only been with very obese and unattractive men who were even porn-addicted, so her main reference for sex and intimacy is either doujins or fan fiction

No. 2039713

I genuinely think she has a cucking fetish, especially considering she's poly apparently

No. 2039716

Anyone else remember that freaky episode where Amethyst shapeshifts into Rose for Greg? Something he said implied it wasnt her first time and it had always creeped me out.

No. 2039733

kek, where do you kids come from? I would feel sorry for her for being cancelled by proship speds, but then again, she's a tranny cocksucker and harvested this retarded low iq audience that thinks drawing a character slightly less fat is literally genocide!1!!

No. 2039737

Ugh yes. It's kind of early on too right? I couldn't finish the series but I remember how this stuck out in a gross way. Why are animators so broken?

No. 2039741

Those characters aren't canonically minors lol. Sadie is at least 18, Lars' age is unknown but "estimated to be 16-18".

No. 2039756

Ma’am I’m around Rebecca’s age lol. I always thought Lars and Sadie were like 15 but I guess they’re like 18/20 according to what the show implies.

No. 2039763

>kek, where do you kids come from? I would feel sorry for her for being cancelled by proship speds, but then again, she's a tranny cocksucker and harvested this retarded low iq audience that thinks drawing a character slightly less fat is literally genocide!1!!
literay no one said this, I'm sorry us saying Rebecca lesbian cuck art is weird upsets you

No. 2039764

There's absolutely no way these aren't 1/10th zoomers. I agree that the afro textured mane is a lot cuter but come tf on kek

No. 2039766

I don't think it was supposed to be read as sexual to be fair. My interpretation was that Amethyst had used her shapeshifting powers to essentially traumatize people in the past and she was doing it again in that scene.

No. 2039772

shes been cancelled by kiddies before for the autistic edd ed and eddie yaoi she drew

No. 2039784

I expected Lars porn from Rebecca to show up but not like this LMAO.
Honestly she is the gift that keeps on giving in terms of cowish art. Kinda hoping to see more, I wonder what'll be next? Lars making out with the pale skinned banana-head boy? Lapis and Jasper traumacore rapey comics?
Her boyfriend? Husband? is the obese /co/omer who directed OK KO.

No. 2039876

>especially considering she's poly apparently
I didn't know she was also poly, gosh she's the whole queerdo package kek

No. 2039905

Ngl I agree kek, Rebecca is definitely a cow but I'm with the Twittards on this one, all this outrage over some pretty tame doodles is retarded. At the end of the day, she's a gendie tumblrina and these are her OCs. Of course she's gonna draw them sucking and fucking and fusing in every way she can think of, let's be grateful she at least had enough self awareness to not make her canonical lesbian character hook up with a bald fat bastard in canon. Plus isn't it basically an open secret in the animation industry that they have entire folders full of nsfw art of the characters drawn by the crew? I think it was someone who worked for American Dragon or something who said it iirc, and it's not surprising.
I'm way more interested in her drama with the rest of the crewniverse, >>2037898 sounds like a total schizo.

No. 2039991

when i had actual panic attacks I cant even muster the strength to type shit out let alone type all that shit out and make multiple tweets. is severe emotional instability a common thing in hardcore cartoon fans past the age of 12?

No. 2039994

I find the doodles milky and they're related to her crew's deranged drama behaviour since they're being unearthed and sold against her consent.
>Plus isn't it basically an open secret in the animation industry that they have entire folders full of nsfw art of the characters drawn by the crew?
Yes and that's all fucking milk, I don't get how you can't be fascinated by this, it's a deep dive into a cow's open mind to see them draw emo emotional cuck porn of their own characters from kids' cartoons.

No. 2039998

its always with a hint of sadness to them. even the edd ed n eddy porn had it. It's offputting to look at.

shes married to an overweight black man (though he seems like a nice guy). Probably had shitty relationships in the past I bet.

No. 2040091

The weirdest thing about this is how can anyone not get completely turned off by that deeply unsexy art style? I know it's very common but I never understood how can cartoonists or virtually anyone manage to coom over characters that look like that. Is it just the autism? Cartoons do tend to attract spergs both as creators and as fans.

No. 2040124

I thought by “minor characters” anon was referring to Greg, Sadie, and Lars- as in less relevant characters. If she was calling them underage, she’d say “minors”, not “minor characters”

No. 2040143

Of course sarcarstic chorus made a video
>I thought by “minor characters” anon was referring to Greg, Sadie, and Lars- as in less relevant characters. If she was calling them underage, she’d say “minors”, not “minor characters”
same because Rebecca keeps drawing crackships

No. 2040165

>though he seems like a nice guy
he's a coomer that posts on /co/, he's definetly not nice. All the women he draws are meant to be waifubait for his fellow coomer moids on 4chan.

No. 2040218

AYRT and I definitely agree it's milk, I just don't get all the pearlclutching about it kek. Amethyst shape shifting into Rose was meant to be creepy in canon, all the best moments in SU are when it leans more into baby's first psychological horror before being promptly ruined by a musical number about forgiving. I can definitely see why anons are into it, but I personally don't feel like I'm getting a "deep dive into Rebecca's mind" from her Greg x Pearl doodles, we already knew she was your average enby childrens cartoon shipper.
Nonnie, I hardly think anyone is cooming to it. For the ones who do genuinely want to see the gems and other amorphous cartoons getting it on, then yeah I do think it's autism; but I think for most people in fandom its about getting really invested in shipping. Rebecca's drawings don't even look remotely sexual either, she just loves the dramatics and emotional outbursts
Not to be spoonfed, but kek where can I read more about this? previous threads?

No. 2040301

>I personally don't feel like I'm getting a "deep dive into Rebecca's mind" from her Greg x Pearl doodles, we already knew she was your average enby childrens cartoon shipper.
AYRT, personally I feel the drawn porn of any artist says a lot about them. For Sugar, it's giving us a look into a very possible cuckoldry fetish, though mostly like you said it's further confirming what we already knew and what the copium huffers believed was just us reading too much into Steg, Amethyst turning into Rose, Pearl's dance with Greg, Sugar's obsession with Lars, etc…

No. 2040422

old but whats the point if i can watch it on youtube for free? without having to wait either. this exposure couldve gone to an actual female showrunner…

>Get your hands on some exclusive, never-before-seen cult merchandise, starring some of the most iconic characters in animation
kek, sure jan

ot but wdym g5 is almost over? what a failure lol

No. 2040551

Anon did confirm she meant underage here though: >>2039756

No. 2040577

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No. 2040579

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Hasbro just announced G5 will be ending last week after images of G6 concept art was leaked online. The full video that leaked has been copyright claimed and removed from YouTube.

Why is My Little Pony so cursed?

No. 2040581

they will never surpass lauren faust designs, these are so ugly and overdesigned

No. 2040601

It's so cheap that they're bringing back some of the mane 6. Looks like it's going to be some sort of high school setting so it's just gonna be Equestria Girls but in their pony forms this time.

No. 2040622

File: 1727722333263.gif (491.92 KB, 400x225, 682841c6-0dca-4f79-800d-9f613f…)

They managed to make it as eye bleaching as possible with those ugly color palettes. Also see no point in bringing back 3 of 6, would rather watch paint dry.

No. 2040625

I'm not an expert but the background colors, especially on the bottom right corner, make it hard to even distinguish the characters. It's just one flat mess of colors with no contrast.

No. 2040628

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Supposed to be in a summer camp setting.

No. 2040677

as an mlp toy collector (do not care about the shows) this is so mfin ugly. i wonder what the toy line will look like.

No. 2040678

Sage for off topic but I’m surprised she doesn’t have a thread anywhere,that girl is disgusting

No. 2040699

The really soft and almost dull colored backgrounds of FIM makes sense…

No. 2040700

why couldn't they simply have a new group of cute ponies who will become friends? is it so difficult?

No. 2040709

>Rebecca is so weird
Y’know I can’t remember where the interview was but didn’t Rebecca and the rest of The Crewniverse say that the ultimate fate for the Crystal Gems and Steven was that once Steven dies his Gem will become completely devoid of color and he just won’t reform and neither will Rose and the rest of the Gems will just go on forever without him but keep his Gem on a shrine as some memorial? What the fuck kind of nihilistic grimdark fanfic ending is that?

No. 2040834

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Remember that Sadie is technically her self-insert.

No. 2040842

Maybe it's because I'm a bit of an edgelord, but I kinda liked the way Rebecca would occasionally introduce or imply grimdark elements but I hated that she wouldn't expand upon them. Like the previously discussed scene with Greg and Amethyst: it would be an interesting way to talk about complicated relationship dynamics and their consequences if played right, but it was instead never mentioned again. There were a couple of instances introduced that Steven couldn't always kumbaya himself out of a situation, like with Jasper (also the nightmares he would have about Jasper and Lapis were some pretty creepy but creative imagery). She had a lot of potentially interesting cards on hand but just refused to play them because no one in the Crewniverse were good enough writers to follow up on half of the themes they introduced.
I'm in the camp that there are no harm in scaring kids a little (I think most people that grew up with Courage or similar shows agree) or using a show to occasionally explore complex themes in ways that are easy to digest, it's a bit sad that we don't see enough of that.

No. 2040954

They retracted so many statements in their life. For all we know, their current view for Steven is to become a brave transwomyn who marries a theyfab and has children.

No. 2040963

This is what makes me mad about this show. Rebecca had so many interesting ideas about gems (like fusions can have their own rooms in the temple, there are fusion gems that are they're own stand alone gems, everything about Homeworld, etc) only for her and the crew to do nothing with those ideas other than bring it up off show (something I really hated when they do that), done half assed, back-tracking on said idea(s) they set up, or one and done to never be mentioned again.

No. 2041021

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And who’s contributing to it buddy?

No. 2041037

this dude makes content criticizing furry coomer movies who's he to speak about brainrot

No. 2041081

Yeah that’s the thing, there’s this uncomfortable undercurrent though the whole show about the fact that Steven is either gonna die along with the rest of his human friends and family or outlive them vastly and it’s not like Steven’s talking to ghosts in the show or anything. I get why they wouldn’t go so deep into an idea like that but it still probably would’ve been better to address that because it’s like the Twilight outliving her friends thing but to a worse degree, at least Lauren Faust didn’t go on interview to describe how Twilight’s gonna slowly watch her friends drop like flies before killing herself or some shit and said that wouldn’t happen. I heavily agree with those that say SU probably could’ve improved story wise if it were teen or adult show because then maybe we could’ve explored some of the darker aspects of the story and had it actually work out well, like Shattering basically being scattering someone’s brain instead of murdering them and the gem experiments were horrifying and something I’d expect out of I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream and could’ve been so much more impactful if expanded upon, same with the corruption of gems

No. 2041120

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He's just getting fatter by the day

No. 2041125

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It's apparently cute enough for Mark's /co/ stalker who donated $3k to his kickstarter just so she can meet him in person
Here's the archived thread.

No. 2041129

Congrats to the nonnies that bullied him into the gym. His last video has him admitting to going on the elliptical. Kek

No. 2041138

same vid but he also admits to watching his own slop content at the gym while working out. mark has a endless feedback loop of his own shit & never expanded his interests beyond the shit he liked as a kid & the shit he makes

No. 2041148

A retard meeting another retard?how priceless!

No. 2041183

Distracted by her fake crispy eyelashes

No. 2041200

>everyone's favorite cartoon reviewing shota (aka LS Mark)
Kek I know he uses a cartoon avatar but jfc

No. 2041223

I'd say it was a self post if it wasn't for the 3k donation
>looks like a greasy unwashed comic book store employee

No. 2041238

I've seen this girl around instagram, I don't want to cowtip and share her username but she says she's 16 or 17 on her account, she has to be lying about her age one way or the other

No. 2041248

Steven's body instantly regenerates from any wounds and his aging is purely controlled by his emotional state, I always saw Steven as being kind of immortal
in my autistic fanfic he becomes a diplomat working for peace across different alien civilizations after he outlines everyone he loves on earth

No. 2041347

>the femme/butch lesbian couple that lives next door

No. 2041348

Makes it very obvious how much Lauren Faust contributed to MLP suddenly becoming popular

No. 2041378

yeah weird how she couldnt elaborate on the twisted toxic sexual escapades of Amethyst in a show for 8 year olds lol.
It would be great if she could expand on it in comics or an adult swim spinoff like the ones that adventure time got, but i can also see how she's COMPLETELY done with SU after the hell both the network and the demented fandom put her through

No. 2041380

please say sike…….. or at least source

No. 2041382

are they actually the same characters from FiM? it's kinda sad just those three go on an adventure leaving the other behind ahah.
Hasbro should have never hit it big with FiM, as usual men ruin everything. Now it's forever G5 all the way down

No. 2041394

Previously discussed >>1861162 Vtuber Celesse/lolicon artist milkscum/former Pixar animator Koko Chou has recently rebranded as LITTLELIST, now also using her real name on her new site: https://www.littlelist.studio/
Her Vtuber and lolicon aliases are nearly entirely deleted, most old links don't work anymore.
For some reason, she rebranded under her previous Vtuber channel, and the link still works, as seen here: https://www.youtube.com/c/CelesseCh
In vid related, she even uses her old Celesse artwork when she promotes her Patreon.

No. 2041398

Just the most marketable ponies :((sage your shit/emoji)

No. 2041417

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He got doxxed in the comments and had to make the video private.

No. 2041435

Where the fuck did you get sexual escapades from?
Speaking of Adventure Time as a comparison, it covered a number of different types of relationships and dynamics and how the consequences of your actions in these dynamics affects others. And that was a show where adventures and eccentric imagery were the main focus and not relationships, compared to Steven Universe where the relationships between the characters became the focal point more often than not.

No. 2041454

kekkk she went from drawing lolishit to identifying as a she/they polytard

No. 2041497

Tbf them reusing some characters is nothing new, I wonder if people remember Rainbow Dash used to be a girly earth pony. Though yeah, it probably helps that G4’s cast was pretty popular.

I wonder if they’ll crack and beg her to come back. After hearing why Lauren left, I wouldn’t blame her for ignoring them. Gotta be honest though, I hope newer gens continue to filter out males from the fandom.

No. 2041577

why even bait yourself into getting on the sharty’s radar like this

No. 2041578

Choosing to use the same YouTube she posted her loli shit to is…a choice. I wonder if she’s still at Pixar.

No. 2041669

I really don't get why any woman would be into lolishit. That shit is made for moids/troons.

No. 2041670

usually their response is that they're also victims of abuse and that's their way of coping, tbf i hope it's just images.

No. 2041760

She was laid off along with a bunch of other people at Pixar and now works at House of Cool.
She has drawn porn of real underage girls (Wednesday Addams from the 1991 film).

No. 2041775

It's usually bullshit used to shield themselves because it's immoral to call out abuse victims. It's true that some whom were abused horrifically get stuck into a self harming pattern of reliving their trauma, but they don't typically put it out there on display like these loser bitches. The actual case most of the time is that these women fetishize youth and are terrified of aging, so want to be the delicate little girl forever because society determines that as peak femininity, and fantasizing about getting ravaged by some gross walled moid reinforces their feelings of being valid and worthy of love, admiration, and affection.

No. 2041786

kek, what a retard.
attention from moids

No. 2041810

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Speaking of the Bronies they had a gathering in Florida last weekend and it went about as good as you would think.

No. 2041822

Same reason why some are shotafags. They like the attention in harbouring disgusting tastes and also because they're just pedophiles(yes including the pedobaiters). I feel like anons aren't pointing out that Celesse wasn't just drawing "lolishit" but commissioned porn of her toddlercon model too. What's more horrifying that she's working in studio that's mostly geared towards children shes fucking scum.

No. 2041846

This. This is the answer. That’s why that shit is so popular nowadays, and not everyone who likes it has been molested or whatever. It’s literally just another power fantasy dynamic in their heads, especially as straight women wanting to be with a “protector” type but to the extreme. Exacerbated by the fact that moids are already pedophilic by nature, so they play into it, like some twisted pickme-ism fetish. Same reason why there are women into DDLG.

No. 2041851

Is this the 4chan con?

No. 2041853

How was her loliconalias discovered? I’m surprised it wasn’t a bigger public spectacle but she seems more reserved than say Ang

No. 2041898

Not shocking, this hell fandom of Bronies started on 4Chan and is basically all pedophiles and neo Nazis as a result. Why is it almost always Applejack too? People draw her as a plantation owner and shit a lot too

No. 2041899

She had a SFW loli OC animation she made posted on her lolicon accounts and also on her portfolio. She was stupid enough to momentarily include a screenshot of one of her professional accounts under her real name as a drawing reference for a speedpaint on her lolicon account, but since she's deleted her accounts I don't have proof of this

No. 2041942

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No. 2041945

i wonder that too. She was my favourite growing up. She was the waifu of the fed ex brony shooter, fucking wild.

No. 2041950

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Do you know there are other Brony shooters? Andrew Blaze is the first one I hear of. I feel like there are others too.

No. 2041960

File: 1728016527438.png (303.63 KB, 548x350, Screenshot 2024-10-04 003257.p…)

the only other one i can think of is brandon hole … super autistic brony obsessed with applejack who 'wanted to be with her when he died'. kek

No. 2041963

>She has drawn porn of real underage girls (Wednesday Addams from the 1991 film).
So she's a straight up pedophile

No. 2041966

Ewww they all look like washed up whales

No. 2041969

Retarded children peddled the idea that fusion was a 1:1 analogy for sex on Tumblr like 10 years ago. Pay the insane assumption no mind. SU has a lot of weird aspects that I dislike, but this has always been one of the more confusing criticism of it. If fusion was literally meant to be sex and not just a placeholder for different forms of emotional intimacy and connection I think it would've.. not aired lol

No. 2041999

from what >>2038459 said apparently someone who works on the show made Peridot not fuse because she's "asexual" so i guess that implies fusion is supposed to be sexual, but that still doesn't make sense because that would make steven fusing with his dad incest kek. there was also that episode where garnet got tricked into fusing with pearl that was supposedly a rape metaphor?

No. 2042075

steven universe fans had some retarded takes, but the idea of fusions being an allegory sex wasn't one of them, fusions were used as allegories for sex, relationships and childbirth all at once, what >>2041999 said is also kind of true, the garnet/pearl fusion episode was an allegory for having sex under false pretenses

No. 2042093

>Teddy bear emojis in the video titles
>Sylvanian family toys on the thumbnail

To an unaware person this is just normie kawaii arthoe content, but having (unfortunately) seen her pedoesque content and loli vtuber avatar those elements almost seem like a DDlg dog whistle.

No. 2042096

File: 1728051990195.jpeg (29.87 KB, 764x401, Pedoshit.jpeg)

Kek, babygirl needs to realize you can't rebrand yourself when your digital footprint can be found with a Google search.

Picrel was her VTuber avatar. Something look odd?

No. 2042097

>Something look odd?
I mean the whole thing is ugly and creepy but what do you mean specifically

I think she could have rebranded/had some plausible deniability if she’d just made a new YouTube account. Wtf was she thinking

No. 2042098

Check what she "likes".

No. 2042100

Oh yeah it’s gross, that entire persona revolved around lolishit. I think she used to do sex toy unboxings in character

No. 2042101

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Lmaooooo. Lolifags are another thing, but is she using these made up identities to distance herself from her past? Ngl, I hope some moralfagging Xitter user digs up her shit and cancels her or whatever. No mercy to lolifags. Especially pickme ones.

No. 2042105

Damn Garnet's voice actress sucks.

No. 2042106

File: 1728053063392.jpg (81.28 KB, 363x540, Proposal.jpg)

>these women fetishize youth and are terrified of aging, so want to be the delicate little girl forever because society determines that as peak femininity, and fantasizing about getting ravaged by some gross walled moid

Calling it. Picrel is from her journal. There were pages showing her with this glasses dude and I genuinely thought that he was supposed to be her dad until this page showed up. The way she drew herself so uwuwuwu tiny compared to him when they're actually same height-ish in the IRL pics.

No. 2042109

It was discussed in the previous threads here. She made some weird teacher/student (implied) romance animatic.

No. 2042111

>Why is it almost always Applejack too?

'Cause she's a Southern cowgirl and loves to yap about tradition. She's blonde and green-eyed. The perfect mascot to say the least.

No. 2042136

File: 1728059361608.jpeg (1.77 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_8977.jpeg)

Congratulations to the happy couple! Interesting symbol she has under that dress.

No. 2042162

Unfortunately, it’ll work. It’s why Twitter peddled Dragon Maid as a progressive show for having “lesbians”—which they even aren’t, if you read the manga, because the MC was only attracted to the main dragon when she got temporarily turned male by that big titty loli in the black shirt—despite the author’s whole works on pixiv depicting a bunch of literal babyfucking. Same reason why TADC is huge despite the troon creator being a literal coomer predator and a creep who has a fetish for drilling women’s brains in with power tools. It’s why they won’t cancel all the popular female JP artists with a loli fetish because they have a few enby OCs, or say they identify as “Gender X” despite making typical pedo fujo or DDLG het slop expected of pornbrained straight girls. You can literally be a pedophile and not get cancelled as long as you shake hands with the troon community. You can be as racist, homophobic, pedophilic, woman-hating, albeit not man-hating, and still be accepted by leftoids as long as you say you love troons. If that doesn’t say anything suspicious about TRAism, I don’t know what does. So yeah, I think she’d be in the clear. Not even the lengthiest callout post could ruin even the worst person’s life as long as they ballwash trannies.

No. 2042176

Ew imagine the smell,what a bunch of worthless pathetic retards they are.

No. 2042185

You could find stream clips of her from other channels if you search "Celesse vtuber" or "Celesse Souris"

No. 2042194

makes sense the losers of the war would contain loser moids supporting it

No. 2042217

oh shit aryanne i havent heard of that thing in a while, it was everywhere in the early days of the fandom

No. 2042309

Episode 3 is Out

No. 2042322

>the literal first fucking scene is the clown lolibait panting saying "I can't hold it any longer"
Sigh. I couldn't even watch a full minute of this. It opens with them talking about what happens when they hold their breath for a long time. What even? Tinfoil but I think that first moment was fetish bait and the rest of the scene is plausible deniability.

No. 2042323

>You can literally be a pedophile and not get cancelled as long as you shake hands with the troon community.
I see “callouts” for TIFs all the time but TIMs seem to be immune

No. 2042325

since im from a spanish speaking country it defaults to the spanish dub for me and when grandmas dentures used nb pronouns i cringed sooo hard. how do they manage to afford all of these professional dubs in multiple languages tho

No. 2042345

Sexual self-harm. They hate themselves and don’t believe they can fallow themselves to feel attraction to actually attractive men

No. 2042354

This is how the white man has stayed on top for centuries, through psychological trickery like this. Death to trannies

No. 2042455

Let’s be for real, it’s because the ones calling out TIFs are: males who get off when women anre dragged down, and the other half is women trying to look good in front of these same males. This mindset is quite prevalent for girls online, especially TIFs, with them always policing each other in their own purity spirals because they get dopamine hits from validation, so she who casts the first stone gets the most retweet numbers serotonin boosts. The reason why it happens more with TIFs is because women are more likely to call out “problematic” behavior, whereas guys—and lbr men have bulletproof class consciousness because pedos see themselves in other pedos—surround themselves in the worst near-illegal porn you can think of so they don’t call other men out unlike women do with each other. This ends up with girls that have a very “hurt her, not me” type of mindset driving them. Of course in another account, these same girls are usually getting off to the same problematic art they’d cancel but this time from a Japanese artist they can’t easily take down.

No. 2042457

The worst part is if you point it out, they’ll still manage to spin it as “ACKSHUALLY it’s the white women controlling the men, you know? The ones who love to make fun of white women, that are doing this!” Sick and tired of it. Makes me wanna alog. If and when the pendulum swings, I’m gonna be mean as fuck to every former or current troid activist so they live down as much guilt that can manage to get through their thick skulls for allowing pedophiles and groomers to proliferate.

No. 2042458

Dear nonnas this proves anyone can make a show and stream it on something like Netflix even you! As long you have a big following and any business interested to invest into it. KEK

No. 2042472

>wild take fetish
Fitting for the creator. Hope he kills himself.

No. 2042491

One minute in and… this is literally written like kids slop. Kids slop with badly hidden fetishes in it.

No. 2042501

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Nico Colaleo is out from the industry and now works at retail including others.

No. 2042516

Honestly, I feel bad in principle for the people who are losing their jobs, but this guy was an actual creep who made a "trans" episode in a children's show

No. 2042551

File: 1728152333968.jpg (654.58 KB, 1080x1939, 1000027776.jpg)

suprised no nonna posted this but since its somewhat relevant Maxwell Atoms is actually out of a job as well and is paying his mortgage through ebay listings

No. 2042558

You two are projecting a little too hard there. It's a foreshadow to when they have to hold their breath to avoid getting attacked by ghosts. What skeletons do you nonnies have in your closets that makes you think holding your breath is sexual?

That's the only truly impressive thing about the show. Couldn't even dub the Double (the netflix version has awful subtitles compared to the Viki version fyi) but this trash gets all the dubs?

No. 2042585

NAYRT but it's likely because the guy who made TADC is a huge fetishist troon that draws a fuckton of kink shit on his art blog. That's probably why they're being tipped off.

No. 2042586

Oh you think we're reaching when we say that the predator troon with a head drilling, mindbreak and vomit fetish may have some other sick fetish involving breath holding? You're funny.

No. 2042591

Good,he was probably blacklisted or something behind doors but who knows.I don't feel bad for him at all.

No. 2042630

wtf is going on?

No. 2042634

I'm >>2042322 and that's literally what I'm talking about.
>it's not fetish bait, it's plot relevant!
I'm used to sussing out when men have inserted their fetishes into cartoons. Also this tranny has a bunch of fetishes. Who's to say that "breathplay" isn't one of them?

No. 2042668

woah that’s me :D never used this site b4 but someone informed me abt this thread today

if any of you guys have suggestions of what I should do with mark when we meet up I would appreciate it, everyone on 4chan just told me to suck his dick while his wife watches

No. 2042669

it’s so sad :( I hope he doesn’t lose too much weight he’s such a cute chubby boy >_<(emoticon/namefagging)

No. 2042671

he has all the cuteness and childishness of a shota, plus in a debate with cybershell about sonic games he was acting really bratty and angry hehe

No. 2042674

everytime people describe mark in a negative way it makes me like him more, if he’s greasy and unwashed that just means I get to give him a bath ^_^ and comic book store employees are cute like the one guy from the simpsons

No. 2042675

thank you for not sharing my username but I’m not lying about my age?? I don’t see what I would have to gain from that

No. 2042677

No. 2042686

Insane tranny energy radiating from these posts. If i were Mark i would be scared ''laly'' might skin me alive.

No. 2042688

Oh god we already have a hamfisted troon analogy with the noodle character voiced by a woman having they/them pronouns and sperging about feeling uncomfortable with a body made of tinker toys (because everyone else at the circus is just absolutely happy to be there stuck in a retarded toy body)

No. 2042696

To be fair I’m pretty sure I heard somewhere that this Laly girl is like 14 so maybe calm down a bit

No. 2042719

>thanks to corporate meddling
I can believe this to some degree but the biggest issue for animation is the audience has become extremely small, as kids prefer youtubers and videogames and only a very few titles manage to grasp attention and merch the way cartoons like dexter did in the 2000s

No. 2042721

oh no poor thing has to work in, gasp, grocery store now with the filthy peasants.

No. 2042722

>Let’s be for real, it’s because the ones calling out TIFs are: males who get off when women anre dragged down, and the other half is women trying to look good in front of these same males.
In my experience, the people writing callouts for TIFs are nearly always other women, including other TIFs.

No. 2042724

I wonder what happened. He was just working at Netflix on Stranger Things (not animation but still an industry job) last I heard

No. 2042768

if I killed myself LS mark would be sad so no(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 2042770

why does everyone think that I’m not a real girl? Is it because I have autism? I can’t control that

Also I would never “skin mark alive” I love him way too much I would never want to hurt him!!!(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 2042775

where did you hear that? Because it’s not true(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 2042800

why do i feel like there are more cows visiting their threads lately

No. 2043008

File: 1728263747002.webp (24.54 KB, 640x406, IMG_3755.webp)

>meeting other brony autist from 4chan
>autistic body types(reminds me of that one shirtless chris chan image)
>lying on the filthy wet floor
I wish women bullied men out of our fandoms the way men bully us out of theirs.

No. 2043013

This is why if i ever have kids, then i would abort the male fetuses. I feel a huge pit in my stomach thinking of the parents who worked so hard to keep this autist alive just for it to put a picture of himself kissing a nazi pony plushie on the internet for everyone to see. He couldn't at least have the IQ to conceal his identity. Make bullying great again 2024.

No. 2043045

Truly a religion, always with the nagging aunties, with blue hair and pronouns

No. 2043069

File: 1728276298930.png (1.08 MB, 1498x617, Untitled.png)

The fact that 70% of the audience for this show are under 12 lmao, in ten years gen alpha's going to be reminiscing about how they couldn't sleep for days after seeing picrel on their unmonitored ipads.

No. 2043074

>parents who worked so hard
it's clear their parents left

No. 2043085

File: 1728280369873.jpeg (1.04 MB, 1206x877, IMG_9069.jpeg)

This was last years outfit. It genuinely bums me out.

No. 2043088

wtf kek sorry for spoonfeed request but wtf is the context for this?(sage your shit)

No. 2043095

Mare Fair, a MLP/Brony convention started by oldfags from 4chans /mlp/ board. The con went exactly as you would expect.

No. 2043098

I think the shrinking audiences and budget cuts were finally a good enough excuse to axe him. He's always been creepy, clingy and basically copied Jon K.s art style, which all feels sort of red flag-y

No. 2043103


I feel so bad for Lauren Faust, man. Imagine making a cute cartoon about ponies for little girls based on your own childhood toys—making sure that the female characters have distinct personalities other than "love interest" or "sexy coombait"… only to be hijacked by greasy male NEETs who have no idea how to relate to your female (horse) characters other than masturbating to them.


No. 2043114

she went to brony conventions i doubt she cares lol shes probably more pissed at hasbron for dumbing down the show to sell pink plastic to girls.

No. 2043151

gross. it reminds me of those vagina-looking monsters of resident evil. moids are so gross

No. 2043155

Yes, she loves to baby herself. Even now she calls herself a little girl. Koko is about 30 and her husband is about 15 years older than her. His name is Fermin Sierra. I'm not sure who else is in her relationship, or if they know about her old art.
Here is her husband's profile:
Koko depicts herself as a little girl in both her vtuber and current alias, and her lover as a large bear. She got this idea from the childrens movie "Ernest and Celestine" which she's drawn a lot of fanart, including lolicon fanart. She isn't hiding her past very well.

No. 2043200

File: 1728314742942.jpeg (2.69 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_9076.jpeg)

It was a wedding event at MareFair a My Little Pony convention in Florida. They all married there plushies…

I wonder how much she actually knows about all this stuff. I’m sure she’s aware of some of it but I can’t imagine she knows about the Nazi stuff.

No. 2043201

Kek these mfs look exactly what you would expect them to look like

No. 2043206

File: 1728315887142.jpeg (1015.7 KB, 1206x1901, IMG_9077.jpeg)

No. 2043207

Didn't she attend a single bronycon where she expected the grown men into MLP to be harmless autists instead of 4chan sexpest incel autists and when she saw what the adult fandom was like she never stepped foot on a bronycon again? I was under the impression they had the support of voice actors and creators of the show until they actually saw what Bronys were like

No. 2043210

File: 1728316646116.jpeg (677.12 KB, 1206x1861, IMG_9070.jpeg)

MareFair is a 4chan /mlp/ board convention it’s also 18+. They didn’t have any of the show VAs or comic artists I don’t think any of them would go. Bronycon would invite VAs but they would be kept separated from the attendees for the most part, like any comic con.

The convention basically exists because the group has been bullied out of regular My Little Pony conventions.

They raise money for a horse rescue that I’m convinced they fuck the horses. I have no proof of this just vibes… sorry.

No. 2043218

>I’m convinced they fuck the horses. I have no proof of this just vibes… sorry
this is really sad, when I think I couldnt hate those motherfuckers any more

No. 2043226

don't most of the mlp voice actress go to these things

No. 2043229

File: 1728319257821.png (170.45 KB, 720x829, followers.png)

What a great husband uwu

No. 2043237

Bronycon yes, MareFair no.

They were guests at an Anime convention in this video and some guy asked the Voice Actress for Princess Celestia how she felt about the darker side of the fandom… she shut him down pretty quickly.

No. 2043252

My little pony friendship is magic was a mistake.

No. 2043254

File: 1728324991329.png (587.21 KB, 640x480, 2024-10-07_141005.png)


Insane parallels.

No. 2043291

File: 1728331788250.png (115.61 KB, 964x780, Screenshot 2024-10-07 at 12.44…)

kek that scene actually jumpscared the hell out of me

No. 2043296

File: 1728333961960.jpeg (39.56 KB, 800x389, IMG_9086.jpeg)

This is the same plush without the cover.

No. 2043297

Ew. Men are a birth defect.

No. 2043303

File: 1728334835330.png (42.6 KB, 756x335, bronycon.png)

No. 2043311

As in push out the normal and bad looking ones with real interest in the hobby and then court the "hot" ones with terrible personalities, BPD and let them walk all over you and your hobby?(bait)

No. 2043312

It was intentional. The bubble character says this backwards in the video.

No. 2043315

He makes me want to a-log so bad. He knows that his audience is mostly children. I hate men and I hate male trannies more.

No. 2043316

I remember someone saying they put scary things in children's shows intentionally because it's traumatic and does something to their mind that makes them easier to brainwash or something. Stuff like who framed roger rabbit and the brave little toaster.
I didn't think the the creators would literally admit it was intentional though.(sage your shit)

No. 2043317

Thinking about how television (and the media at large) is basically one big brainwashing device and men are in charge of it makes me sick to my stomach. The demographic most known for harming children has almost complete control over their minds. What a fucking joke.

No. 2043339

Do you remember who said this, or was it your schizophrenia speaking

No. 2043348

Tbh, it’s not even meant for kids and it’s the parent’s responsibility to make sure they are to exposed to adult content that will scar them online. I don’t think it’s that complicated.

No. 2043375

File: 1728348744652.gif (3.57 MB, 600x338, ezgif-4-9b82872d91.gif)

I'm watching Infinity Train right now, and it was so obviously made by loli/shota fags, what the fuck?

No. 2043379

>I wonder how much she actually knows about all this stuff. I’m sure she’s aware of some of it but I can’t imagine she knows about the Nazi stuff.
she and her husband already had experience with male adult fanbases for their shows. The PPG movie was made for male adult fans according to Craig McCracken.

No. 2043381

I literally have no idea where you are seeing that. Some of you are such autistic pearl clutches.

No. 2043383

damn I must be a lolicon cause this kinda turned me on(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 2043386

Imagine being male. Boy moms make even less sense to me now.

No. 2043389

The way the old man who took the mic from him physically cringes when he says "molester" kills me kek. it never gets old.

No. 2043396

Wasn’t the old mare fair logo just an image of stylized horse genitalia

No. 2043398

The moid’s weird autistic moan right before he starts talking…(chef’s kiss)
I love how they shut him down. One of the underaged VAs was on stage. Bronies are a cancer.

No. 2043399

To be fair these tweets are 12 years old.

No. 2043405

i generally agree that there are a disturbing amount of pervs working in the animation industry but some of your guys tinfoils sound straight up schizophrenic

No. 2043407

File: 1728355572555.png (344.24 KB, 1200x630, IMG_3759.png)

Wtf. Look at the thing before "Mare Fair" in the banner. I looked up horse genitals and can see the resemblance. The obsession with horse dicks and vaginas that furfags and bronies have is incredibly zoophilliac and im sick of them trying lie about the sex part of their communities being "~small~" and not zoophilic at all.

No. 2043409

>everything/one looks underage to you she-fags
While I don't agree with her, that's more of a male thing tbh.

No. 2043448

Some of you have ptsd from the Internet

No. 2043453

>I looked up horse genitals and can see the resemblance
anon… why even confess this. you didn’t even have to look it up. it looks like a vagina you didn’t have to do any further googling.

No. 2043457

NTAYRT but I WAS the target audience for MLP when it first started airing and despite never interacting with the brony fandom willingly was still exposed to enough of their porn to recognize what the intention is with that logo.

No. 2043458

File: 1728366287474.png (1.09 MB, 1024x1024, IMG_9090.png)

They sold My Little Pony porn to raise money.

No. 2043504

No it's the bronies that were a mistake!

No. 2043506

>Young girl charcter exists
>"This is for lolicons!"

You're letting the pedophiles live rent free in your brain. Calm down, there's nothing baity other than the gay Asian dudes.

No. 2043507

You really can meme scrotes in to fapping in to anything, kek.

No. 2043528

i don't watch this show so is there a reason why the camera panned down to the kid's lower half? it's kinda similar to the "camera panning imitating the male gaze" in media so it's a little suspicious, but it could also be unintentional idk

No. 2043530

when the animation industry has a new pedophile being outed every other week I wouldn't blame nonas for being vigilant about it.these fags have been known to put in their fetishes in shows and considering a open pedophile like this >>2042185 is working at pixar why wouldn't you be suspicious

No. 2043547

File: 1728398735149.png (2.41 MB, 1898x907, file.PNG)

What is actually suspicious? A close up shot of cliched body language?

No. 2043569

That's literally from 2012, right after the show came out. Bronies hadn't grown into being real freaks yet. How about show us a screenshot less than 12 years old proving she loves bronies? Tara Strong was always the brony panderer, not Lauren Faust.

No. 2043575

File: 1728404127238.png (421.37 KB, 602x778, IMG_9092.png)

She’s now divorced from person she tagged.

No. 2043581

File: 1728405168163.png (228.18 KB, 473x576, IMG_7199.png)

Fans use to ship that underage girl with BlackGryph0n >>2036725

No. 2043594


No. 2043607

God the art involving humans and ponies i extra disturbing to me. It feels both zoophilic and pedophilic.

No. 2043608

She was always a nasty pick me.

No. 2043625

No, there's no good reason. I don't know why anons are trying to gaslight. Characters in the show only blush like that when they have a crush or are aroused, too. There are other suspicious shots of her, but I'll rest.

No. 2043637

Nah,both actually.

No. 2043644

Why does she encourage this shit?

No. 2043653

Samefag,I mean if MLP FIM didn't exist we wouldn't even have retarded greasy bronies to begin with so I wish FIM never existed at all therefore it WAS a mistake tbh.

No. 2043659

she's your average pickme that enjoyed being worshipped by bronies back in the heyday of that show.

No. 2043721

File: 1728430780212.webp (48.71 KB, 600x628, IMG_9096.webp)

She’s even done a Twilight Sparkle cosplay.

No. 2043722

She looks like an old hooker here kek

No. 2043724

she also posted gwen and ben incest art before, she's just weird like that. I think people often forget that people behind cartoons are also nerds and they are no different from the adult fans who draw r34 art.

No. 2043740

File: 1728435405819.jpg (53.83 KB, 640x705, 1000002542.jpg)

To no one's surprise

No. 2043787

It's to show focus of her hands gripping her clothes due to nervousness, what else???

No. 2043823

everyone was saying the hate views were going to keep it going when it's a lot more likely they got 2 seasons in contract to begin with (when celebrities get into writing/directing for cartoons,they can pull better deals like securing 2 seasons min)

No. 2043849

>hurr racism funny
>all of them have literally zero sun exposure, zero muscle tone with shriveled dough limbs, and are mostly fat and bloated, not to mention covering themselves in filth from the ground
Stuff like this makes me regret the internet because these complete losers find each other and hang out instead of having to accept that society bullies them into oblivion because society is correct, and they need to go out and improve themselves meaningfully. Nope, why have a life when you could just circlejerk over your meaningless stunted development lifestyle and deflect any kind of self reflection through edgy irony.

No. 2043896

File: 1728474571709.png (108.69 KB, 932x1052, IMG_7893.png)

You just know these rejects are the most misogynistic, racist fags in the closet too. I still have no idea how a feminine show about pastel ponies managed to attract a lot of them. I feel bad for all the oldheads who were here since G1 being associated with these retards.

I don’t doubt they scarred her for life. She did make art for a copyright free version of a fighting game that initially got canned by Hasbro for infringement though.

No. 2043901

Damn, the replies to her comment are disgusting.

>EHHRRM AKSHULLY you should be GRATEFUL your creation has it's own category on porn sites you stupid bitch!

kill all males

No. 2043902

File: 1728475843297.png (53.74 KB, 579x419, Screenshot 2024-10-09 080911.p…)

Out of curiosity I checked out her DA page. Moids are now thanking her for helping them realize they are troons because they watched a show about ponies.

No. 2043905

Same type of dudes that troon out because of Touhou or some shit. Like they can’t just enjoy genuinely female characters, they have to somehow be huge narcissists and make it about themselves like “I can only like girl characters besides cooming to them on the side because I am a girl!” Same idiots who think choosing the female option in a game means you’re female. Retard narcissist moment.

No. 2044055

File: 1728499490679.jpeg (74.41 KB, 363x600, IMG_9099.jpeg)

I don’t think she knows what she’s actually holding in this photo.

No. 2044057

File: 1728499610381.jpeg (43.77 KB, 500x479, IMG_9100.jpeg)

No pants

No. 2044096

the only reason I won't a-log is to avoid getting banned but fuck, moids degeneracy is far far beyond words

No. 2044105

To be fair, the show is listed as an "adult animation" and it's aimed at teens and adults. It's definitely not meant for little kids, but if kids are seeing it I blame the iPad parents who let their kids watch youtube unsupervised

No. 2044110

I think about this a lot. Back in ancient times, the weirdo creep of the village or whatever would be ostracized and shunned from the group and you really can't survive without the support of your society. In the internet age, all of the degenerates can freely meet and reinforce their creepy behaviors in their own little echo chambers and it emboldens them. I hate it

No. 2044210

I miss this ancient DeviantArt layout…

No. 2044211

She didn't even say anything offensive and mean and they got so offended and triggered as if it was directed at them personally and had to write paragraphs seething at her. Insane.
>I'd be proud people of all walks in life are interested in my work
Hell nah, some "people" are unwelcome, and for a good reason.

No. 2044213

What’s with her and Grey DeLise wanting incest of their child/teen characters? Grey DeLise is the VA for Azula and she notoriously enjoys Zucest.

No. 2044243

proof? she made an offhand joke at a convention but seemingly nothing beyond that

No. 2044288

Men are fucking sick in the head, each and every one of the faggots who attended this should be (redacted).

>She did make art for a copyright free version of a fighting game that initially got canned by Hasbro for infringement though.
Yeah, but the game wasn't sexual (not sure about what the creators were into though). Her art for that game was actually very cute and cool.

That's how males enjoy media. They literally can't appreciate something if it doesn't involve them and their dicks in some way.

No. 2044321

new adult swim cartoon from one of the writers of dc super hero girls, on first glance it seems fine, but I get strong 'fetish' vibes from it

No. 2044324

i hate that ugly ass style

No. 2044330

me too nonny, me too.
reminds me of the classic con advice to avoid fursuiters wearing pants but no shirt

No. 2044333

I just know the eventual fandom will be filled with stinky men.

No. 2044340

At least she's just a normal (even cute) girl for once and not ugly, obese, a race warrior or a gendie.

No. 2044345

I gotta be honest it looks kinda cute. Also like that she's allowed to look and sound feminine too. Just unfortunately seems like the type of show thats gonna attract an annoying gendie audience and a schizophrenic 4chan anti fanbase.

No. 2044393

Pretty sure 4Chan schizos will eat this up because "hnnngg dark-skinned tomboy gf" or whatever.

No. 2044417

Surprisingly enough a lot of /co/fags liked it when the premiere leaked out. But a lot of them agreed that it's a bit too on the mark with anime clichés and also a bit slow with the action. A lot of them also liked the main character since she wasn't what they were expecting.(sage your shit)

No. 2044443

File: 1728590074670.png (544.29 KB, 848x828, Bouchiba.png)

jfc this is vile
>Bolhem Bouchiba, a top animator at Disney & Pixar (Ratatouille, Up, Hercules, Hunchback of Notre Dame) ordered the rape of hundreds of young girls (ages 3-15) in the Philippines through live streaming
>Currently awaiting trial in Paris
>referred to children as "pigs"

No. 2044444

>inb4 all trailer scenes are ep 1 and quality takes a nosedive afterwards

No. 2044448

This is proof that men can't fathom what female socialization is like, their attention whoring brains physically can't compute why this would make women uncomfortable. Gay men need to commit more sexual harassment.
Last I saw, Grey DeLisle was considered an icky unperson because she shipped Azula with Ty Lee.

No. 2044452

>ages 3-15
Jesus fucking christ why are men so villainous. I hope he is hanged

No. 2044461

is everyone at pixar a pedophile? First that gross toddlercon bitch now this

No. 2044464

File: 1728593803883.png (856.37 KB, 947x906, img54.png)

Says in the French article that he was arrested in 2014 for sexually assaulting one of his partner's daughters, and for viewing CP. He was still allowed to work for Disney and Pixar because he wasn't in direct contact with children as an animator. He frequently travelled between France, the USA and Asia (including the Philippines, where one of his colleagues said he was physically attracted to 16/17 year old girls), and has two sons from different mothers. They both described him as "hyperactive, gentle and kind".

No. 2044476

File: 1728596114465.webp (92.98 KB, 800x950, Bolhem_Bouchiba.webp)

>sons think he's kind
so it's just little girls he tortures. of course. i feel sick that he was allowed to continue working for those huge companies after those assaults.
you don't have to be a creep to work there, but it helps!

No. 2044477

Honestly feels like a lot of animators are some kind of pervert

No. 2044486

They absolutely are, you can't even blame it on the internet making them coomers because there's stories even dating back to the golden age Disney movies about how the animators were total perverts who drew porn of the female characters, snuck in drawings of them topless in between frames, dated children, harassed the child models that came in to pose for reference, harassed the female employees to the point there could be no females amongst the animation staff, etc. Drawing is a hobby most often adopted by introverted or asocial men, usually stereotypical geeks who grew up resenting the sporty Chads and popular Stacies, thus it's no surprise the majority of them are sexpest incels and pedos. Well, it's men in general, but introverted and unpopular moids are way more likely to be sexual deviants.

No. 2044515

I know what you mean nonna, I sometimes use the internet archive to go through the galleries of my favourite artists at the time. I’d even find old deleted artworks from there since some of the artists I liked nuked their accounts, its like a fun treasure hunt down memory lane. Speaking of, I hope the internet archives will be okay, they got targeted by hackers and the site’s offline.

No. 2044521

>Yeah, but the game wasn't sexual (not sure about what the creators were into though). Her art for that game was actually very cute and cool.
Oh no, I meant that despite how I do think Bronies absolutely scarred her, she hasn’t completely distanced herself away from her creation and doesn’t look at it in a bad way since she worked with the devs for the game. I worded that oddly.

No. 2044526

>reminds me of the classic con advice to avoid fursuiters wearing pants but no shirt
I remember this lol. “Watch out, he’s wearing pants for no reason!”

No. 2044527

If they have the ability to make any visual of whatever they want because they can draw, you know they’d abuse this skill to make nonce shit. They can basically make their fantasies into semi-realities by drawing their thoughts into images, so of course they’d get lost in it, no longer discerning fantasy from reality, and become total cumbrained perverts.

No. 2044545

Being a competent artists allows you to indulge in making your own porn to suit your paraphilias whenever you want. I guess after years and years of drawing that shit it gets old and causes some of these freaks to seek out the real thing.

No. 2044552

File: 1728612660091.jpeg (804.55 KB, 1206x1761, IMG_9117.jpeg)

Can’t believe they still get invited to conventions. Bronies really worship that groomer, they just got announced today for a convention called Ponyville Ciderfest.

No. 2044556

Honestly A LOT of indie animation projects would be funded successfully if they stopped spending their budgets on these voice acting hacks such as Elsie Lovelock or Micheal Kovach.I don't know why some small indie creators insist on hiring them and then whine about their Kickstarter failing or something.what a bunch of retards who can't even manage their budgets right so no wonder your project failed kek.

No. 2044557

>Also like that she's allowed to look and sound feminine too.
are you the anon crying about how lara croft not having massive tits in the new show means they are erasing feminine women?

No. 2044562

There are lots of moids here(sage your shit)

No. 2044589

a lot of black female characters are characterized as more masculine. it’s not a moid thing to notice the discrepancy.

No. 2044603

Which fetish? Muscles?

No. 2044608

literally no one thinks that except racists

No. 2044622

seriously tho kek, whys that michael faggot so popular?

No. 2044627

I guess because he is a recognized voice actor within the indie community and is well known for Angel Dust.even though his voice sucks ass,it's so nasally and awful to hear.

No. 2044641

You're right, the anons claiming otherwise don't pay attention (or they like it because of their own prejudices, kek). I'm glad she's allowed to be a feminine girl.

No. 2044645

Like a lot of these other amateur/indje VAs he can “do voices” but can’t necessarily act. The smarmy Steve Buscemi thing works well for some of his characters but I thought he was terrible in Lackadaisy. I’m convinced a lot of these VAs learned to “act” by studying Disney channel sitcoms and bad anime dubs.

No. 2044655

File: 1728627507706.jpeg (166.15 KB, 1500x500, IMG_9118.jpeg)

That dude keeps getting his girlfriend work on his shows too.

No. 2044657

can you give examples of what you mean? I genuinely dont get it. I hear moids any character that isnt a bimbo with massive tits and uwu voice masculine, and i am pretty sure a bunch of scrotes will call that girl masculine too because she's flat and doesnt have bouncing titties.

No. 2044773

My guess is, pedophiles. Flat chested female characters always make me think the creator is a pedo/pedopanderer.

No. 2044902

File: 1728693837501.jpeg (879.17 KB, 1206x1923, IMG_9124.jpeg)

The guy who runs the convention also started his own crypto coin called Marebits

No. 2044904

her channel is gone now

No. 2044934

She was chosen more for her singing voice than for her acting ability.

I chafe against the idea of it being solely a metaphor for sex, because Steven fuses with his father in the movie. I think it's probably originally intended as a metaphor for interpersonal relationships more broadly, though they fucked it up by leaning too hard into the sex component.

No. 2044942

>”you need to learn to separate art from the artist! It’s not that hard to enjoy art without thinking of the artist actions!”
>the artist “actions”

No. 2044947

She probably lurks this thread, kek.

No. 2044948

Can't Hasbro sue his ass? They did it with the pony fan fighting game, what would stop them from doing the same to him? He's literally using the symbols from the characters.

No. 2044964

This is so weak.

No. 2044976

The website for it no longer works so I’m guessing they gave up.


No. 2044978

Honestly depressing. He's genuinely talented and a decent guy. Pedos deserve to lose their jobs, but not people like Atoms.

No. 2044979

Nta but she isn't wrong, and it's weird for that one anon to have brought up tits and sexualization when the original anon just mentioned femininity.

No. 2044993

That's the thing sexualization is strongly tied to femininity. It's why that other anon was sperging that they were ''erasing feminine women'' for not giving Lara croft massive tits.

No. 2044995

True, they always depict black female characters as sassy and aggressive and competitive, whereas the white and Asian characters are more agreeable and soft, and even if they're supposed to be 'badass' they are usually yielding and have very feminine appearances (like DoA where the white and asian 'badass fighter chicks' are still dressed in skimpy schoolgirl outfits and squeak when hit)

No. 2045000

>(like DoA where the white and asian 'badass fighter chicks' are still dressed in skimpy schoolgirl outfits and squeak when hit)
thats not a good thing though

No. 2045002

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Feeling a special kind of schadenfreude, since I've heard entirely enough lectures from animation students and professors RECENTLY about how you have to be a "good person" to work in "the industry," followed by some screed about how they just worked themselves to death to get their job while being freaks.

A couple fan sites also started purging his work, picrel is at least the list of movies he's credited on that isn't in pieces or half-deleted.

No. 2045003

I was saying its a bad thing, black women in games and toons are masculinized, asian and white women in games and toons are infantilized and fetishized, two sides of the same misogynistic coin.

No. 2045008

I don't understand how being ''masculine'' is a bad thing? you wouldnt criticize a male character for having the exact same personality, so why is it suddenly a bad thing when it's a woman. It's so dumb.

No. 2045012

Are you trying to be obtuse on purpose? It's clear what nona meant

No. 2045020

the arcane show in which the mother of the only black female character is depicted as this giant hulking warlord

No. 2045057

NTA, but most women without gender dysphoria do not appreciate being portrayed as mannish or treated like they're less worthy of care and protection, especially over their race. If you like it, just portray yourself that way.

No. 2045062

Stereotypes about black women being aggressive dating back to slavery. Also being depicted only one way is not great.

No. 2045074

>being portrayed as mannish or treated like they're less worthy of care and protection
kek where do you people come from. Uguu waifu characters arent going anywhere, feminine character erasure isnt a thing stop crying over female characters not being smol uwu babies

No. 2045075

File: 1728739055145.webp (28.86 KB, 1080x692, s2-spoilers-ambessas-design-fo…)

She's literally a warlord, did you expect them to depict her as an anachan with brittle bones and baby uguu face or something?

No. 2045093

File: 1728742318192.jpg (389.73 KB, 1107x1007, 657657657678.jpg)

i think witch reboot taranee is great example of what anons are talking about, taranee used to be this kind of reserved and shy girl and now in reboot it looks like she is going to be the usual masculine independent, stoic black girl

No. 2045094

File: 1728742470861.jpg (25.56 KB, 196x548, 1taraneenormal.jpg)

taranee wasn't the girliest pinkiest character to begin with but she had fun colorful outfist before also while in reboot she apparently dresses in nothing but black/gray/white.

No. 2045098

File: 1728742730119.png (1.21 MB, 1274x1511, 1000027823.png)

Yes but her daughter is like the most feminine and beautiful woman in the series

No. 2045099

Wow, this is pretty sad actually. I knew a lot of shy nerdy girls who loved her when we were kids, and she had a unique style where she often wore colorful big sweaters and long skirts with layers. Now she’s quiet because she’s a tough loner, and has more of a temper, and will only wear boring stuff in monotone colors?

No. 2045101

Idk if it's just my phone's display but it looks like they've given her that Sims 4 purple ashy skin tone too kek

No. 2045103

File: 1728743098233.jpg (61.85 KB, 361x620, GVSHFoFXMAAJa-Q.jpg)

exactly, i loved her outfits as a kid and i always thought that it was so cool that the girl with fire powers was actually a shy person even as a child i thought that interesting

No. 2045109

File: 1728743708314.jpg (279.67 KB, 973x819, 6476584.jpg)

reboot hay lin is also another great example of a character being replaced by a stereotype. it's the damn hair streak again and the silly, quirky girl of course is rational mathematics lover now.

No. 2045111

Goddamn they COMPLETELY stripped her of any personality

No. 2045112

like yeah hay lin has a purple tinted hair originally too but so does taranee so i always figured out their hair is black but just tinted purple so that it doesn't look too flat on page

No. 2045115

an accurate human bodytype for someone her age, not built like a steroid bodybuilder, I mean all the other warlords are older and also less physically defined

No. 2045134

Leftie creators try not to be racist challenge [impossible]

No. 2045136

> She's doing the anime girl pose
Because of course.

No. 2045139

>a woman can only be a literal roided up man-lite or a smol uwu uguu baby, no in between
Get help. No one has to be okay with shitty racial stereotypes just because you think they're "woke"

No. 2045156

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sorry i keep sperging about witch and it's reboot but i think comparing reboot cornelia to reboot taranee really shows the difference how a black girl character is treated compared to a white girl character. reboot cornelia is more tomboyish too compared to the original as now she is a football player instead of a figure skater for example. but while she has this tomboy side, she still likes beauty, is shown doing her hair, dresses in girly clothes, while taranee is all masculinity with dark clothes and colder personality with just little bit of her creative side shown with the cello playing hobby. why couldn't cornelia be the all dark colored clothing dressing stoic character who is very competitive with sports instead of taranee? why couldn't taranee's interest be fashion as a call back to her original character? cornelia comes from a rich family, so why isn't she playing the cello which would be fitting with her determined, perfectionist virgo personality as classical music is a demanding hobby? though i guess taranee being into classical music is breaking the stereotype a little bit at least.

No. 2045158

black girls have to either be the hyper feminine ghetto queen stereotype or hyper masculine strong independent black gurl stereotype. never any inbetween

No. 2045159

Nitpick but it really bothers me how she looks SO much older than the other girls and dresses in Sheincore kek

No. 2045165

File: 1728752003319.png (133.6 KB, 567x780, 1000031865.png)

Arcane is such a bad example though, because they have such a big variation of body types for all female characters. Yes you have Mals mother who is more masculine, while Mel is hyper feminine and elegant. And ofcourse smaller character roles like Sky who are more nerdy. They do this for all characters. Also it's a cartoon so ofcourse you have characters with unrealistic body's, hairstyles ect. It such a weird point to complain about Mels mom being to masculine while Mel herself is literally the most beautiful character in the series and has a far bigger role.

No. 2045167

File: 1728752288494.gif (9.41 MB, 540x370, 1000027828.gif)

Ngl Ambessa's based for picrel kek

No. 2045173

nta this is what they mean, you can't just portray a character who functions as a male character and pretend that it's feminism and the hypersexual woc isn't as 'based' as you think it is, and the only people I have seen her like are moids, troons and wokies, but never woman

No. 2045177

Dear lord we cant have shit. Its a fantasy show it doesn't have to be realistic. She's based as fuck.

No. 2045180

Ok, but what is wrong with his upper lip? Reminds me of when my dad got stung by a wasp. Or those pics of women who used lipstick they bought from China and their lips got swelled with pus.

No. 2045185

Have you tried live action shows if you like realism so badly?

No. 2045186

Did they erase the fact that she's blasian so she'd fit better into the "aggressive black girl" stereotype? Oh my god liberals please.

No. 2045192

>live action shows (typically directed by weird racist scrotes and gendies who peddle the same bullshit anyway and only want to represent/hire black women who fit the stereotypes)
Are you on crack? Maybe this would've been good advice in the fucking 90s to early 2000s, kek.

No. 2045196

"Theresa Kim" is listed as one of her family members so I don't think they did tbf. On a related note these sheets are full of typos kek, see >>2045156
>Determined and inpatiend

No. 2045198

goddam you are autistic. It's a fantasy cartoon, why does it bother you so much its not realistic when the main character has fucking blue hair.

No. 2045199

Why are you so angry about people not liking bad representation? Are you one of those fat trannies who writes bad comics and cartoons, kek?

No. 2045203

>bad representation
sorry i didnt know i was talking to the CEO of representation that gets to decide what is and isnt good representation according to her personal bias. Do you also sperg when fat characters in cartoons arent ''realistic'' and can be as agile and fast as the other characters, or gigaroided male characters, or is your only problem female characters that you personally dont like? do you also sperg about how the bondoocks is bad representation or is it good just because the only ugly characters are male while the female ones all look like white women with black skin?

No. 2045208

Calm down. People are allowed to dislike and criticize your "special interest" cartoon, especially when it portrays their own demographic in a shitty, tone-deaf light. If you can't handle anything like that, it's time to leave /snow/. Being fat isn't a race, by the way. I've noticed a lot of fat white people tend to think their weight makes them the same as a minority, it's very weird.
>do you also sperg about how the bondoocks is bad representation or is it good just because the only ugly characters are male while the female ones all look like white women with black skin?
Pure schizophrenia, and I doubt you've even seen The Boondocks, kek. Not sure why you're trying to derail with the "anime characters are all white" argument, this isn't Twitter.

No. 2045209

File: 1728755529983.jpg (35.01 KB, 419x612, gettyimages-82017743-612x612.j…)

How old are you, because ''black nerd'' was the black stereotype of the 90s/00s. If anything she just jumped from one stereotype to another. I remember every single tv show and cartoon having the designated nerdy black character back then.

No. 2045210

>especially when it portrays their own demographic in a shitty, tone-deaf light.
This is according to your personal opinion. I am just pointing out that people only have problems with realism in cartoons when they dislike how female characters are potrayed, but men are allowed to be as unrealistic as possible. I also wasnt talking about anime i have no idea where you got that.

No. 2045218

If multiple people have that opinion and have expressed it, and your only argument is "Well, my opinion, as someone who isn't part of that group, is that you're wrong", there's not much you can do.
>people only have problems with realism in cartoons when they dislike how female characters are potrayed, but men are allowed to be as unrealistic as possible
Or maybe women don't want to speak on behalf of men? Your claim isn't true, I've seen men complain about their own portrayal in media tons of times. Why would anyone in this thread take up for male issues with media?
>I also wasnt talking about anime i have no idea where you got that.
There are black women portrayed both positively and negatively in The Boondocks, which is an anime-styled show. If you claim they "just look like white women with dark skin", you're not doing anything other than trying to argue that simplistic/generic anime features must automatically be "white".

No. 2045221

If you want bland, safe black female representation in cartoons go watch any cartoon of the 00s with those boring ass token black nerd stereotypes. I will take >>2045167 over that shit any day. Or you could make your own cartoon, but you are too lazy for that.

No. 2045224

I love Mel so much, and the contrast between her and her mother is very well done imo. Can't wait to see what season 2 has in store for them

No. 2045226

>other stereotype bad, so this stereotype good!
Kek, stellar logic. Nothing more bland and "safe" (for weirdo racists) than tired, shitty stereotypes. All of this started because one anon liked the direction of a new cartoon >>2044321 with a normal, cute black girl who was also powerful and a main character for a change, and some of you got mad, started bringing up giant breasts for some reason and telling her she was wrong/bad for preferring it.
>Or you could make your own cartoon, but you are too lazy for that.
More projection?

No. 2045228

No, anon was celebreating that a female character was ''allowed'' to be feminine, which is so retarded because 99% of female characters are hyper feminine and girly. No one is taking feminine characters away, they are still the norm and have been the norm since forever. You guys really need to stop consooming culture war bullshit from /co/.

No. 2045230

>Bringing up giant breasts for no reason
In fairness, it doesn't help that there seems to be a weird pickme camping in the media threads recently to sperg about how female characters "aren't allowed to be feminine anymore" and argued her point by saying it was those damn wokies who "won't let your character have big tits and ass in Dragon Age" and complaining that Lara Croft isn't as stacked anymore kek so there might have been some mistaken identity, but yeah, the seething and derailing is dumb.

No. 2045232

It's definetly the same person as the anon complaining about lara croft not having gigantic breasts being feminine woman erasure.

No. 2045233

Ok white nonny, your experience and the characters used to represent you are universal to all other women, so sorry white nonny, it was all just lies. Now can you let people rest? Maybe rewatch Arcane and relax, nobody's taking it away from you just because they point out issues with how their own group is portrayed.

No. 2045235

You have a point there, /m/ has been strange recently.

No? The character doesn't even have gigantic breasts, so that doesn't make sense.

No. 2045236

You dont know how i look, are black people a monolith to you? i am from chile so maybe i am not considered black because i am not american idk amerifags are very selfish.

No. 2045238

I'm not an Amerifag, kek. No, black people aren't a monolith, and that's why stereotypes are a bad thing.

No. 2045241

they are called tropes anon, white characters also have tropes, asian characters also have tropes. Just because you dont like a particular trope it doesnt mean its a bad stereotype. Its a strong cool woman, we arent talking about some welfare queen stereotype, there is nothing negative about a cool character, you are taking it as an offense because you take cartoons too personally.

No. 2045243

There's a difference between tropes and stereotypes. As others have said, this stereotype is overused and stems from racism/slavery in American history and culture. If black women (especially American ones) are annoyed about how this show written by Americans portrays their race, they aren't all wrong because you say so and claim to be black. You just take people disliking how their group is portrayed by a cartoon character that you like and find "cool" too personally.

No. 2045252

File: 1728761395884.png (369.49 KB, 1088x911, Black and Nerdy.png)

>this stereotype is overused and stems from racism/slavery in American history and culture
Funnily enough this is the reason why the ''Black and Nerdy'' trope exists and was so popular for a while. Writers were too afraid to depict black characters with any negative or stereotypical traits that might get them labelled as racist, but in the end they just ended up creating a new racist stereotype. Not being able to depict black characters with negative traits is probably the main reason why these ''stoic cool black women mary sue'' characters exist in the first place. It feels like there is no right way to write black characters because someone is going to find it offensive anyways.

No. 2045257

Nah, the anon upthread was specifically happy that a black girl was portrayed as a normal feminine character instead of masculine or trashy, I doubt it's that retard.

No. 2045258

Maybe just portray characters as varied and unique human beings, not the same copy-pasted shit stereotype over and over again because they happen to have darker skin and a different hair texture. And the characters complained about aren't "stoic cool black women mary sues", kek. They're masculinized and often angry, aggressive, chiding and/or loud "sapphire" stereotypes. The screenshot you posted only solidifies that the "black and nerdy" thing is a trope, rather than a stereotype, and also doesn't claim anything like "writers were too afraid to depict black characters with any negative traits", so I'm not sure where your argument there comes from.

No. 2045260

>They're masculinized and often angry, aggressive, chiding and/or loud "sapphire" stereotypes
Is your only example of this the old woman from Arcane? because kek if so.

No. 2045261

The "stoic cool black woman mary sue" descriptor has HUGE kiwifarms energy kek

No. 2045264

I legit don't know what this means.

No. 2045267

Black women's representation in media been discussed in tons of (black) spaces and this has been described as an issue, it's not news, kek

No. 2045268

What characters do you consider good representation?

No. 2045270

Off the top of my head, Numbuh 5 from Kids Next Door and Jodie Landon from Daria were pretty good.

No. 2045282

i'm not from usa so for me that honestly isn't a stereotype i am aware of and back in 90s/00s i was a child and had to exposure for that character in your pic etc other english speaking media

No. 2045396

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The art was so good in the original comics, especially the first ones. Now it just looks juvenile and bland

No. 2045442

OG Taranee was my favorite as I related to her a lot. I dislike that they made her this stoic tomboy, but the archetype itself isn't something I against as I like it too. Just why did they have to change her personality so much? They could've just created this new Taranee as a distant relative or something? I wish they'll do some bullshit retcon where that's actually her long-lost twin or whatever (wishful thinking).

No. 2045444

>a character who functions as a male character

Liking twinks is a male trait?

No. 2045445

Goodness, Will is a literal ghost now.

No. 2045450

I never got into this series but I bought one of the original comics when I was younger solely for the art. It was so charming and expressive and I loved how distinctive all the girls’ designs were from each other. This reboot looks so bleak and generic.

No. 2045455

New character designs aside, wtf is up with their new transformed outfits? They are so bland and unimaginative, it's just gym wear with some minimalistic added detail. Where are their wings? I remember even when I was a kid that the OG ones felt a bit too sexy for my taste but at least they fit the magical fairy aesthetic they were going for

No. 2045457

i remember being weirded out by their outfits too when i was younger, but i figured the clothes represented their power fantasy of being older because they look physically older and one time irma uses her witch look to get into a club. i wouldn't mind the more athletic looking fits if they weren't so ugly and boring.

No. 2045463

according to anons that hate fun, yes

No. 2045465

Kek this gives me "the artist only reads modern shoujo manga" vibes

No. 2045526

you know you can think both are bad, and yeah, I'd take a boring character over a pseudo-male any day
that's not what i meant, like you have to realize how weirdly racist to masculine a woc, like it would be one thing if you just had a regular old woman longing for a man, but the actual framing is quite “ick” it feels like appealing to men with fetishes more than women

No. 2045546

I feel like it's trying to imitate the OG's "anime meets Western" art style only to fail miserably. It's so stiff and the colors are so dull.

No. 2045547

That's Matt??!?!? They made him so ugly!

No. 2045549

They look so uwu-ifued kek. How are the colours brighter and yet more boring at the same time?

No. 2045593

This just makes the puberty aspect of inside out 2 even more devious than it already was.

No. 2045666

>hating masc black women but make it woke

No. 2045676

funny you say that, because again 99% of black and non-white women think these types of portrayals are offensive, only white women, white "queers" and moids fetishes actively promote it

No. 2045758

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Veronica and Marks relationship is already so off-putting but when she uses baby language to refer to her manchild husband it gets even weirder. First happy lil camper and now this.

No. 2045763

File: 1728883812892.png (1010.73 KB, 1080x807, 1000006347.png)

I'm gonna go ahead and sage this because I'm over a month late to the party on this one… But vivz just really fucking hates women, huh?
She really can't help herself when it comes to turning every female character into a crazy bitch or a tactless slut. Meanwhile, every male character is some breed of uwu crybaby who is so above it all. It's so fucking weird at this point

No. 2045777

File: 1728887450244.png (508.22 KB, 721x625, IMG_9139.png)

BlackGryph0n is back with a new song for Hasbin Hotel.

No. 2045780

File: 1728887982888.jpeg (127.78 KB, 1064x1175, IMG_5414.jpeg)

This feels like a Freudian slip because he’s also very tubby. Mans looking like longlegs.

No. 2045781

He looks like he's being held hostage in every photo she posts.

No. 2045785

I always think he's wearing eyeshadow but that's just his dark circles kek

No. 2045817

Huh? There are black women who are directors nona, we’re not living in the 1960s.
This whole “black women aren’t allowed to do anything” is largely a lie made up to keep black women down, and it’s sad that you feel the need to perpetuate it.

No. 2045822

He looks like a mentally challenged fat boy and she looks like his caretaker

No. 2045835

I think you read my post and projected something completely different onto it. The existence of black female directors doesn't negate who most directors are, and no one is wrong for talking about how they present other groups. It's very strange to go on a non sequitur about that, I'm sorry if you feel like anyone said black women "aren't allowed to do anything" by talking about cringe white libs and conservatives being racist.

No. 2045845

Lmao her full beat next to his sad doughy pale moid face

No. 2045846

That character IS her lmfao

No. 2045847

God I hate nerdcore/fandom “music”. I finally heard a Living Tombstone song in its entirety and I have no idea why anyone likes this crap. I guess it’s the musical equivalent of Funko Pops.

No. 2045886

it's music for children, which makes it all the more disgusting considering he's a groomer

No. 2045917

I know her Ed Edd and Eddy yaoi was genuine and cringe but this one has always been hilarious to me kek.

No. 2045983

These two are such a cautionary tale against age-gap dating. You couldn't make up a better example.

No. 2045988

Is he microdosing on estrogen or is he just fat?

No. 2046024

with veronica being stuck in arrested development you'd think they'd be a perfect match mentally but you can only see this ending in a big blowout for both. Maybe Veronica will shit talk Mark on stream again once they divorce

No. 2046025

are you incapable of telling the difference between a dehumanizing racist portrayal and a normal non-girly black woman or do you think all black woman have to be hyper-feminine to count as “actual women”

No. 2046082

What's with groomers liking Hazbin Hotel and or Helluva Boss so much???

No. 2046083

Because of nepotism his crusty neck beard ass is everywhere.I find it so funny people find him talented which he is not,of course.

No. 2046101

Older women with younger men is usually based though.

No. 2046104


No. 2046114

Those shows are popular with edgy children who probably shouldn’t be watching either of them. Great opportunity for older fans with bad intentions to tell them they’re “mature for their age” and ease into sexual convos based on the content

No. 2046119

Why did she settle for him? Every time she post a photo of her with him they always look like a care taker and her disabled client or something.(sage your shit)

No. 2046141

fucking how?!

No. 2046154

File: 1728961555149.jpg (330.28 KB, 1080x1531, Rossandcarrie2021.jpg)

So, sage for no verified milk yet,but does anyone know what's going on between Disney animator Ross Blocher and his podcast cohost?

(They run a popular but niche skeptic podcast, which abruptly was canceled after Carrie Poppy, his cohost of 13 years, decided to quit the show citing severe PTSD. She recorded her goodbye message completely separately from Ross Blocher. Prior to this unplanned closure, Ross was on episode 3 of a multipurpose series which is now o. Hiatus permanently. They have patrons but I'm don't care that much so I don't know what they told paying customers).

No. 2046160

The full name with additional African sounding names is killing me.
She looks like a kpoop idol, too. Because now all Asians must dress that way in fiction for some reason.
Spoilers to the original comic Taranee is actually adopted, her biological parents are both black if I'm not mistaken.

No. 2046186

And then it's just a sporty character. There's a segment of black fans who only want characters to be super hyperfeminine because of (valid) worries.
Also arcane has characters who are objectively more masc than Ambessa, Vi and Sevika. I'm sure the same people saying Ambessa is bad rep for being too masc would also complain about Caitlyn if she was black. (Because I have seen femme lesbian characters get called masculinizing).

No. 2046197

first of all, I’m not black, but I am a brown skinned woman, I don’t necessarily want every black/brown female character to be hyper-feminine bimbo's, but I think a lot of us are tired of white women and white gay people project their ideal selves onto us because these kinds of character are mostly made by non-black/brown wokies for whatever reason, and yes, changing a nerdy, cheerful female character into stoic and sports is masculizing her and a betrayal to her character

No. 2046222

No, this is the average older woman with younger boyfriend example. It's always like this. Only people who dont realize this are pornsick scrotes.

No. 2046252

any other examples?

No. 2046294

I guess it depends, but the truth is that older and unattractive women are often taken advantage of and manipulated by men, most of these men are gay and or third world scammers(see vidrel) that said veronica does not belong to that class, she has absolutely no excuse for dating a loser man with no prospects

No. 2046295

it's because men age like shit and go bald at 25

No. 2046367

I swear to god all male animators are pedophiles. The venn diagram of men in animation and degenerate creeps is just a circle

No. 2046386

I swear to god, every photo of them looks like a single wine mom posing with her doughy autistic son

No. 2046390

He was actually in Hazbin, he was Alastor's singing voice in the pilot episode.

No. 2046445

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Personally I think it's equally wokey when people act like a black female character is masculine psyop because she has short hair or is sporty. This is literally the same archetype as spidergwen and only "wokies" called that character trans

No. 2046497

R u retarded or r u retarded?

"Oh look! White woman has short hair and is kinda tomboyesque'! Checkmate snowflakes!"

Like literally stfu. Everybody knows Gwen Stacy is still hyperfeminine especially because in her story she's the only love interest,allowing her femininity to project her tomboy nature. And look at her fucking spider suit. That's fucking coomerbait 101. From the color pallete to the design.

And we know the only reason people are questioning if Gwen is Trans is because in the sliver in a fucking screen cap, you can make-up what looks like a pride flag and that was picked up and ran with.

Come up with a real argument instead of this phony bullshit comparison.(unintegrated and unsaged sperging)

No. 2046499

>Gwen Stacy is still hyperfeminine especially because in her story she's the only love interest,allowing her femininity to project her tomboy nature.
literally what the fuck does this word salad means

No. 2046516

Nothing wrong with masculine black female characters. But when every black woman in a show is either loud and fat, masculine, or grew up in some economic strife, and none of them are love interests it does become a problem. We are allowed to want range in characterization. Especially for children’s shows, kids do pick up on these stereotypes and reinforce them and it’s not healthy for little black girls.(derailing)

No. 2046552

You got banned, but you're literally right. If these anons love masc characters so much, let them lobby for it to be done with characters of their own race instead of trying to force it on black and brown ones all the time, kekkk.

No. 2046554

>and none of them are love interests
this is so insanely autistic kek literally who cares

No. 2046556

I will take them as an hispanic. So tired of hispanic women being potrayed as either sexy or le quirky artsy fartsy dreamy clumsy girl. I want some cool women not yet another useless annoying character like Luz or whatever her name was from encanto (all the encanto women except luisa are so annoying actually).

No. 2046559

NTA but if every time a white female character was featured, she was a big-titted bimbo whose only function was to fulfil stereotypes, you'd complain and we'd all see the problem. Why do you get pissy, minimize and gaslight when black women don't like being stereotyped as male-lite, kek?

No. 2046562

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>if every time a white female character was featured, she was a big-titted bimbo whose only function was to fulfil stereotypes, you'd complain
this was true for all female characters until very recently though. Moids argue that all women became ''masculanized'' because the coomer scrotes who make cartoons arent allowed to make degenerate female characters like pic rel or lola bunny anymore. When Gwen's spiderverse design was announced moids were enraged because they ''wokefied'' her and made her more ''masculine'' compared to her original comic design.

No. 2046564

And black women didn't tell white women "omg you're so autistic who cares what's wrong with being ~*feminine*~" before the Gwen change happened, or any other time they complained about their representation.

No. 2046565

It's not about race. Literally all female characters are becoming ''masculanized'' aka not sexualized for the male gaze. Men cry about how they got rid of lola bunny's tits in space jam 2 or how the animaniancs reboots got rid of hello nurse and minerva everyday. Hell even the PPG reboot got rid of the teacher's tits and got rid of the secretary. It's like you dont realize this isn't a personal attack on your race but an attack on coomer moids and the damage they did on cartoon for children for decades.

No. 2046566

No one in here complaining is the coomer moid boogeyman, but you keep bringing them up. Go talk to them on /co/.
If you think women of all races get the exact same treatment/writing and are portrayed the exact same way, you are willfully blind.

No. 2046567

Nah my point is that you are so used to female=feminine that any female character that isnt a walking stereotype reads as masculine to you. You are as obsessed with gender roles as trannies are.

No. 2046569

Nope, you're projecting. It's the opposite with you, and you've lost your ability to empathize with other women.

No. 2046574

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Hot take:
Monster Allergy was better than witch and I'm somewhat glad it's too obscure to get a shitty troonbait remake.

No. 2046575

Black women care? If you're so dismissive about it then quit replying to that other nona
The problem is when the masculine-looking, aggressive personality having, strong independent black woman is the default/usual portrayal in media. Black women being hyperfeminine and soft is the real representation that would be way more positive and less racially bigoted, since the default is the opposite. Not to mention they are either aggressively sexual, no sex life, or single mothers. Don't get me started on how a fandom reacts when a black female characters gets in the way of a popular ship (even worse if it's two pale men). White women and black women have not been depicted the same way in media, to conflate two racial demographics just because they share a sex is quite ignorant.(sage your shit)

No. 2046576

You are the only one making this about race to play the victim, when lets be honest your problem its with female characters that arent hyper feminine bimbos and love interests. It's the truth that animation studios have been making all their female characters less feminine lately after years of women being nothing but coombait for horny animators. You can keep crying about it, i will keep savouring the delicious moid tears. It's not even true that most female black characters nowadays are masculine. Outside of reboot taranee and the old woman from arcane there arent that many examples. There are a lot of feminine black characters like wolf from kipo, Gigi Thompson, lisa from my dad is a bounty hunter, bunch of girls from craig of the creek. You are really just making up boogeymans to fight in your head

No. 2046577

I’m not referring to new black female characters. This has been a thing forever. Gone with the wind has it. Making the black women a supporting unfeminine character is a staple in American culture and it does effect how people perceive black women.(derailing)

No. 2046578

>this entire post
Get help. Stop antagonizing other women just because you're obsessed with what men think. This is exactly like trying to tell a troon not to speak over women and getting an asinine, schizophrenic lecture about twanny rights, le terf boogeyman who's literally killing him, how we owe them everything, etc.

No. 2046579

>You are the only one making this about race to play the victim
Any man can make that complaint about feminists wanting better writing for women. So white women can ask for a bigger range of characterization for black women but black women aren’t allowed to. This is the problem. You want everyone to co-sign your ideas and feelings but refuse to even acknowledge someone else’s feelings even when it costs you nothing to do so. No one is saying all female characters have to be bimbos. It’s just nice to have black female characters who aren’t aggressive and masculine after decades and decades of media making black women the punching bag.(derailing)

No. 2046580

imagine crying because moids dont sexualize you kek(derailing)

No. 2046581

the thing is what you are saying isnt even true, you either dont watch animation or you hyperfocus on a single show. Even Arcane, the show you guys have been crying about, has a feminine black girl. Either lurk moar or stop crying because there are two characters with personalities you dislike.

No. 2046582

NTA, but where did she mention sexualization? Are you a porn addict? Is just being a normal woman or even a little girl = sexo sexo sexo to you? Get your hormones checked.

No. 2046584

>thinking a woman=feminine
oh there is your problem lol you think gnc women are men and its not natural for women to be ''masculine'' aka being untainted by misogynistic stereorypes and allowed to grow up unsocialized as a woman to be meeker.

No. 2046585

Black women aren’t lauded for being masculine anon. No woman is. They don’t make the black women masculine to showcase a positive depiction of a woman. They do it to provide a foil. It’s not a good thing. I don’t understand why you’re so defensive about something that doesn’t even affect you. You’re not a black woman you have no idea how it affects us.

No. 2046586

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Exactly. They're so obsessed with pushing whatever "war" they think they're in that they defend actual racial stereotypes.
It's like they want us all to just conveniently ignore that it's always been creepy, racist trannies and fake "woke" freaks who make black women out to be men and seethe whenever we're just normal humans who may or may not be feminine or like feminine things, not their strong dominant muscle mommies who will perform physical labor for them, but also lecture them about their whiteness or whatever the fuck. It's the same trash stereotypes as in shitshows like Gone With The Wind, but repackaged, because all this shit is being written by their equally racist sons with fetishes.

No. 2046588

nah i am just not cucked so i dont care for retarded gender stereotypes pushed by moids

No. 2046589

Ok well I care about how it affects me because unlike you I have to go outside. And the way we are portrayed in media does have an affect on how people see us.
Also women treat us differently because of stereotypes as well. Less empathetic, assuming we can take more hits. Sort of like you, kek

No. 2046590

I hope you never ask black women for feminist solidarity considering you aren’t willing to give an ounce of empathy to us.

No. 2046592

This is such a non-sequitur, kek. So, every woman who isn't masculine enough for your liking must be walking porn, and it's the rest of the world who's autistic for not agreeing, got it. Go draw a cuntboy with titchop scars or something and leave us alone.

No. 2046593

no? i am not the one crying about how a woman who's a literal warlord is a ''man-lite'' i see her as a woman, unlike you freaks that think any woman that isnt hyper feminine is a moid.

No. 2046594

>so i dont care for retarded gender stereotypes pushed by moids
Yet you are defending the strong independent black woman stereotype because somehow you can't fathom black women have specific racist stereotypes attributed to us that we don't like. I'm 70% convinced you're trolling/retarded/a moid(sage your shit)

No. 2046595

so then only black women are allowed to write black female characters? you could have said you wanted more female black writers from the start
because its not a black female character stereotype only, i have seen it more in non black characters tbh

No. 2046596

Seeing it in non-black female characters doesn’t mean it’s not a black female stereotype. Like there are non Asian nerds but an Asian nerd is a stereotype. Do you know what a stereotype is and why it’s so harmful?

No. 2046597

The only reason why anyone would need more black female writers is because writers who aren’t black women seem incapable about perpetuating stereotypes. A diverse writing room is great but the fact it’s necessary is troubling.

No. 2046598

You're the only one obsessed with hyper-femininity and start bringing it up whenever we say we don't want to be equated to men. Take your meds.

No. 2046599

Look if i could snap my fingers and take the ''burden'' off you i would do it. You cry about how black female characters are stereotyped as ''masculine'' meanwhile i hate how literally all hispanic female characters are turned into thicc waifus. Even my favourite character as a child, Frida Suarez, got turned into the mc's love interest. Like shit, it's so tiring. Specially since latina porn is so grossly popular with moids. I would rather media take the burden of ''femininity'' and sexualization from me for a while. I hate being reminded of it while i want to doze off and watch cute cartoons.

No. 2046600

Are you saying that not being black makes a person chronically incapable of writing black women as actual human beings? I support there being more black female writers regardless, but that's a wild assertion to make about your own kind.

No. 2046603

Sure. That would be great. Now if you’re constantly denigrated by your own race of men and everyone else for being too ugly and masculine it’s not as fun.

No. 2046604

>i have seen it more in non black characters tbh
Black female characters are few and far between anyway. And again, this is usually the stereotype you see depicted in black female characters anyway, you didn't prove the point wrong. You pointing to the handful of examples of feminine black characters proves the rule of the stereotypically masculine. Statistically speaking, the strong independent woman stereotype would be overrepresented anyway even if what you're saying is true (it's not btw). Also, how many of those non-black women end up with a male love interest and/or has a man eventually come to the rescue in the story?
Women being over sexualized is a universal experience. However, when you add race, it differentiates the type of sexualization we receive. Stop seeing males as people and your world gets better.
>your own kind
Holy shit dude lmao. To answer the question, yes, black males are unreliable narrators when it comes to writing black female characters. It's either the aggressive hypersexual or the strong independent woman, both uncouth and loud.(sage your shit)

No. 2046605

Then talk about that on your own instead of taking out your waifufaggot/coomer moid trauma on black women just because you're sooo "jealous" of being portrayed as men and bashed left and right. If black nonnies gave you the same treatment and started bringing up the stereotypes they face if you, completely independent of them, tried to talk about how women of your race are sexualized, you'd be crying victimhood and complaining about the mean black booolies. Give it a fucking rest, not everything is about you.

No. 2046606

i dont see it as harmful because to me being considered masculine its not a bad thing, to me being considered inherently feminine is worse
unlike you i dont care about being considered unattractive by men, i take that as a compliment because men are hideous and i dont want their attention i want to be allowed to exist without being seen as a sex object or judged based on my appereance

No. 2046607

I'm the last anon. I'm literally a black woman replying to the anon who's trying to gaslight about the topic lmao. I agree with you, it's just wild to see it coming from the horse's mouth (and I'm not just talking about black males). If any black woman said that, everyone would say she's going too far, but now we're actively being told "You don't want us to write you as aggressive men?? Well geez that's the same as saying you should be the only ones to write characters of your race!".

No. 2046608

thats the thing, you arent being potrayed as men lol unless you think any gnc woman whos not meek and always happy is a man. But what can i do, you all clearly suffer from internalized misogyny.

No. 2046610

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It's so shallow. Gwen is hyperfeminine despite being designed as a tomboy with a punk aesthetic but somehow taranee being sporty and stoic is masculine when really she's just a combination of makoto and rei from sailor moon.
I am a black woman, saying every character is masculine is just wrong. Especially in children's media. The vast majority are feminine. Taranee is barely a tomboy and its obvious when a white version of her (gwen) gets called hyperfeminine kek

No. 2046611

>to me being considered inherently feminine is worse
Then that's your problem
Being seen as feminine isn't an inherent license for men to sexualize a woman. Are you a tranny by any chance? Do you think being a gnc/masculine presenting helps you escape from the biological reality of being a woman?
>that's the same as saying you should be the only ones to write characters of your race!".
based and true but that should only come when more black women are hired in producer/writer positions(sage your shit)

No. 2046612

Being portrayed as gnc doesn’t help black women at all.

No. 2046614

Sure, and you aren't being portrayed as thicc waifus, unless you think any feminine woman who's not muscular and always angry is a waifu porn star. You seriously need to unlearn your internalized misogyny and be happy with how other people write you. Other women get portrayed as feminine and sexy all the time, it's not even just a latina woman thing. Never critique anything, accept the slop you're given.

No. 2046615

then congrats because most female black characters are not gnc its literally like 2

No. 2046617

There's literally one latina character portrayed anything even slightly like coom bait (even then, not really tbh, el tigre has lots of normal latina women) and you want the whole thread to stop and center your tears kekkk

No. 2046618

imagine comparing a moid adding a gross coomer waifu in a cartoon for children to a cool female warlord like Ambessa.

No. 2046620

>it's okay when a moid makes one type of coom waifu (the kind I like, pushed on women of other races), but not another (the kind I dislike, pushed on my race)!

No. 2046621

being depicted as a coom waifu is harmful, 2 black female characters who are actually cool, well written, being gnc isnt, no matter how much you cry about it. Do you think gnc black women dont exist and they dont want to be seen as much as you do?

No. 2046622

if you think ambessa is a waifu then literally all female characters are waifus and even the female characters you like are waifus, so then there is no point to you sperging because all of them would be bad kek

No. 2046623

Black women haven't been given the stereotypically feminine personalities and storylines in the same way non-black women have. This conversation is not about how sexually desirable black women are depicted in media, you (or that other nona) was the one who brought that up btw. The fact that you conflating depictions of femininity to coom bait is just retarded and you need to decenter males from your life and mind(sage your shit)

No. 2046625

>you need to decenter males from your life
>waaah this female character i dont like is literally a man!!
this whole discussion started because some anons think gnc black women=men so its funny you are telling me that when you guys are the only ones crying about cartoon characters making people see you as men irl

No. 2046626

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Ambessa is on the same show as Mel(the most feminine character), Vi(a butch lesbian), and Sevika(muscular woman who literally gets paid to body guard a scrote).

No. 2046627

Depictions of people in popular media matters. If the common stereotype of a black woman is a masculine/hyper sexual/strong independent type, what do you think that does for the everyday black woman or girl? Why is it that you have an issue picking up on this concept, but you do understand that white women have been oversexualized and made to be useless damsels in distress in media or that latina women are depicted as spicy and fiesty and that depictions of these women having gnc depictions or simply showing the contrary to their racist stereotypes are good?(learn to sage)

No. 2046630

Do you really think there aren't any Latina women who are curvy, enjoy it, like wearing makeup and want to be represented as cool, strong fighters too? Why are you trying to deny them representation? It's literally one character, can't they have anything? Stop being weird.

No. 2046634

>Do you really think there aren't any Latina women who are curvy, enjoy it, like wearing makeup want to be represented as cool, strong fighters too?
well congrats because they have thousands to choose from. Now were are my cool latina gnc women? that's the thing, you got thousands of feminine black girls to choose from, there isnt a single cool, non sexualized latina character that isnt a literal child

No. 2046636

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>complaining about hypersexualisation of black women in media while also sperging about a character in a children's show because she doesn't fit the male gaze enough
Anyway I'm dying on the hill that if taranee was white people wouldn't even be calling her masc. Because what is the difference between picrel.

No. 2046638

No? The only example you gave was one character in a show that also has other characters to pick from.

No. 2046639

>thousands of feminine black girls to choose from
What planet are you on and where is my ticket to get there? Name 5 in animation. Quickly. Hard version: No moms and can't be mixed.(learn to sage)

No. 2046640

i love how both have the generic disney princess button nose and pug face you cant seriously get more feminine than that

No. 2046642

They changed Taranee's entire personality to fit masculine stereotypes better, enough with this cope.

No. 2046643

>can't be mixed
Then why are people sperging about taranee, she is mixed and half asian

No. 2046645

number 5, tiana, bumblebee, libby, trixie carter. Wow it was sooo hard

No. 2046648

Allowed to be feminine? As if femininity isn’t the fucking uniform female characters have to wear to be on TV, go back to Saudi Arabia if you hate fighting female characters

No. 2046649

oh and here are some more just for funsies, jodie(daria), monique(kim possible), machiko(machiko to hatchin), the orange girl from stawberry shortcake, the woman from black dynamite, lana anthony froma archer, nichelle and lashawna from total drama, storm(xmen), aisha from winx, i forgot the name of the girl from bratz, alex from totally spies

No. 2046652

You don’t think rap star jezebels and beweaved mammies aren’t feminine? Decades of skin bleaching and man worship doesn’t count to you? As if the mere sight of a butch/GNC black women isn’t enough to make a divestor scratch her face off?

I hope this shit show tanks

No. 2046653

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Notice how all of the decent ones are from old cartoons before there was cringe gendie influence, kek. They changed Aisha from Winx and Orange Blossom from Strawberry Shortcake to be mixed too.
Are you taking the piss? She's literally the fat sassy black woman stereotype, wow so much better

No. 2046654

did you just prove that you think feminity and masculinity is all about how you look? button faced women cannot be butch?

No. 2046655

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even animu which comes from a fairly racist country depicts black women as kawiwi feminine waifus, the only non feminine female character i can think of is the woman from the promised neverland

No. 2046656

NTA, but wow. This post is dripping with hatred for black women. Skin bleaching, really? And what does this thread have to do with divestors? Some of you are beyond help.

No. 2046657

Give me an example

No. 2046658

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>They changed Aisha from Winx and Orange Blossom from Strawberry Shortcake to be mixed too.
And then they made Aisha darkskinned again. If you're gonna selectly ignore every feminine mixed character (like you did with Mel by sperging about Ambessa). Please start ignoring Taranee because she has never been canonically fully black.

No. 2046659

Japan is unironically less racist than the US when it comes to portrayals of black women because they don't share its bizarre history and culture. It shouldn't be used to defend western animation because they work from different mindsets.

No. 2046660

>Notice how all of the decent ones are from old cartoons before there was cringe gendie influence
here are some from recent cartoons then, moon girl, wolf from kipo, gigi thompson, kit from craig of the creek, the girl from home, missy from big mouth, clawdeen

No. 2046662

I’m sick and tired of my fellow black women complaining about femininity, they spend billions on beauty and always get so insecure at even the thought of a tomboy/GNC on TV. They and many people have a very narrow view of femininity and cry when tv producers can’t read their mind

No. 2046664

I never brought up Taranee, there are multiple posters in this thread, in case you're new. And they changed Aisha back after people complained all over social media.

No. 2046665

but wouldnt they be influenced by western media since black people arent as common in japan? how come people that mostly know about black people through media they consume, which supposedly only protrays black women as agressive and masculine potray black women so kawaiified?

No. 2046667

I know, but i want real diversity id style and personality without the homophobes whining about femininity

No. 2046668

Wolf from Kipo is the stereotypical angry black girl, Gigi's entire thing is being "sassy", and the little girl from Home, Missy and Clawdeen are all mixed. That leaves Kit from COTC, and that was literally written by black people IIRC, which kind of bolsters the points made earlier.

No. 2046670

Did this pilot ever get off the ground?

No. 2046671

The Japanese don't like ugly and aggressive women in their media or making certain demographics of women into walking punching bags anywhere near as much as America does.

No. 2046672

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cotc was made by two white guys. also imagine calling wolf masculine… you also have nerdy april from rise of the tmnt

No. 2046673

I think the broader issue is that for whatever reason, progressives fetishize fetishizing black women and project their ideals onto them and don't realize how kinda racist it is

No. 2046674

yeah they instead want all their women to be waifu bait samefaced hentai blobs, so much better

No. 2046675

And I wish they were still around. I wish ghetto rap never existed and we were having whiny conversations about being too clean and smart, boohoo and not this trash(derailing)

No. 2046676

When did I call Wolf masculine? Are you just seeing things now? COTC's writers were a white man and a biracial woman according to Google.
>nerdy april from rise of the tmnt
The character everyone hated and bashed black women over?

No. 2046677

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I agree and its very obvious when they just have a problem with any black female character that isn't super feminine or is gay exists because they suddenly start claiming mixed characters who fit that as black while selectively ignoring "good" mixed rep
literally every childrens show especially the ones made to sell toys has feminine black female characters
also ignored moon girl, at this point any black woman in action oriented show = masculine. They're cherry picking a lot or maybe just like arguing

No. 2046678

At least they don't hypersexualize black women or make them into the butt of jokes because of their race. They actually treat all colors of women roughly the same in anime, something burger media consistently fails at.

No. 2046682

>The character everyone hated and bashed black women over?
why do you care what culture war moids who have never read the comics think? original april was black/mixed.

No. 2046683

I forgot to mention Moon Girl, I like her.
>literally has to cherrypick characters that aren't racist stereotypes, fails half the time and still ends up throwing in mixed ones
>insists there is no problem
Enough already

No. 2046687

>At least they don't hypersexualize black women
they literally do there are tons of sexy black anime girls

No. 2046688


>stoic black Mary sue

Give me an example of this bullshit, now. Most black women in modern fiction are either race swap bait or ghetto mammies.(derailing)

No. 2046689

Number 5 would have modern twitter folks in a dizzy for not being feminine enough. I miss the 2000s(derailing)

No. 2046690

>To summarize: April was conceived by Peter Laird as an Asian woman in the early concept stages, but ultimately developed as a white woman in her first appearance.
She was originally white.

No. 2046693


No OP is too narrow minded for that and keeps repeating how evil it is to be “strong and independent”. You want these black female characters to be bimbos, jobless, whipping their necks for a man to pay their dinner, weak and dependent? In a superhero show?

No. 2046694

No she wouldn't? She was actually a normal tomboy. No one equated her to a male character, and the show never made a point of making her out to be significantly more masculine than all the other female characters. Twitter folks would complain and say she has to have all her hair cut off, be inexplicably muscular, talk about race all the time and either identify as non-binary or be an FtM. That, or they'd decide she has to be mixed, kek.

No. 2046695

Ignore the retarded bait/derailment have any anons seen this? House On The Outlands?I haven't seen it yet it's an indie animation series and each episode is less than 2 minutes long.what do you all think?

No. 2046696

You're saying others are narrow-minded, but you somehow see no middle ground between racist stereotype and literal bimbo pickme?

No. 2046697

good animation wasted on ugly, uninspired calarts designs

No. 2046699

nta but what more do you want if >>2046645 >>2046649 arent feminine enough?

No. 2046700

Considering how poorly written they are, it’s for the best. Especially when it’s a cringe modern woke WMBW propaganda piece

You think these girls are capable of it? As if

The girls you call male-lite are just minor characters or normal non-girly/non-tomboy girls

As if black women want to be sexualized and dehumanized by fucking comers. The lack of attention from them is a blessing. You think being stereotyped as jezebels helps with sexual assault rates IRL?

No. 2046701

another netflix animation show that will get cancelled soon, people sperging about gravity falls made me rewatch inside job
its look well made

No. 2046702

Those characters are mostly good, and they're also from older cartoons that didn't have the racial brainrot there is today, which is why anons were struggling to come up with more than two recent examples.

No. 2046703

You never name these feminine characters you love so much

Men call you masculine to get you to spiral and pander to them. Ignore the men and don’t throw you hate towards the GNC girls. That’s all I want

No. 2046704

you keep dismissing all examples for being biracial or some other shit though kek

No. 2046705

Are you the same latina anon who thinks racism doesn't real unless she gets the chance to complain about a single throwaway character in El Tigre? Kek

No. 2046706

So you blame minor GNC characters and not actual racism? it’s like a doctor refuses to give you morphine after a major surgery and you mald at a 10 year old girl with short hair when you don’t get it

No. 2046708

Those women are minor characters, and are never paired with a white/asian love interests, which is enough to get the girls fucking spiral in this thread. The character designs are better than what we have in the west, I’ll give credit for that

No. 2046710

NTA, why do you keep making up strawmans about white/asian love interests and divesting? Are moids that much on your mind? No one even said anything bad about those anime characters.

No. 2046712

Get out you fucking kiwi

No. 2046713

They do but the hate spills over to every black female chapters who isn’t a 10/10 bimbo with a white boyfriend (apparently the defining goal of all feminine characters). At this point in history, only black women should write black female characters. that way, they can control the representation they want and no one ever has to mentally worry about being racism again. Maybe if all media was segregated down to the individual level, we would all be happier. Maybe we should accelerate AI fiction generators and make everyone happy with exactly the tropes and stereotypes they want? Peace, forever and ever.

No. 2046714

The other anon was whining about love interests >>2046516

No. 2046716

There's nothing about white/Asian moids in that post, and it mentions other issues besides being a love interest in the first place.

No. 2046725

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There's also Valerie from Danny Phantom (and she was allowed to be a love interest for a while AND written with more depth than the other female characters)

No. 2046729

Samefag and I don't recall her being mixed either. I remember only her dad was shown and he's fully black.

No. 2046730

Danny’s relationship with her were way more interesting than with his friends(learn to sage)

No. 2046732

the love interest sperging started here >>2046497

No. 2046733

It'll be a silent hit(learn to sage)

No. 2046736

Ntayrt but please stop assuming this strange parasocial relationship with anonymous posters that you perceive as the same person.
More than one person can hold a spicy opinion and be on lolcow within the same time frame. Stop being schizo.

No. 2046737

Why are you mad that an anon was asked if they were a bad faith sperg who was already shitting up the thread with their own schizo takes? Get over yourself, if the answer is no then they can say as such and move on. This isn't twitter.(infighting)

No. 2046738

Alex isn't black, she's ambiguously brown and meant to be projected onto

No. 2046763

God I miss Inside Job. I despised 90% of the side characters but I liked the relationships between Reagan and her dad as well as Reagan and Brett, I was so excited to see where they were going with the last episodes before they got cancelled. If they had at least canned the sex pest alien mushroom scrote and the drug moid the whole show could've been top tier. It's too bad corpotards hate animation

No. 2046764

What's with all the sperging about "m-muh representation" in this thread anyway? Pour me some fucking milk or gtfo.

No. 2046770

>drinking milk
> not even alcohol
Go to bed kid(infighting)

No. 2046776

This is a farm not a brewery

No. 2046816

>which supposedly only protrays black women as agressive and masculine potray black women so kawaiified?

'Cause Japan is addicted to cuteness. They kawiwify anything: WWII battleships (Kancolle), countries (Hetalia), Microsoft (a Japanese commercial that makes Microsoft an animu girl), wild animals (Kemono Friends). Anything.

No. 2046842

The anons here who pretend black women have the same representation as non black women in media are obviously delusional and unwilling to have a real discussion. Reminds me of how white women hijacked the feminist movement with "let women work!" Women of color were already working, they just wanted better union rights in the work place. Moral of the story: you cant have a conversation like this with a group of people who think they're in the right and the victims of everything, just go to LSA.(derailing/sage)

No. 2046848

>Reminds me of how white women hijacked the feminist movement with "let women work!" Women of color were already working
Wrong, tons of women 'of color' didn't work and if they did it was alongside their duties at home (just like today), and they were the first to be sacked if an industry struggled. This fate was/is shared by white working class women. Did you get lost on your way to tumblr?

No. 2046857

>suddenly entire thread filled with scrotes larping as women to discuss which underage cartoon girl is cuter

No. 2046858

And they don't even know what milk is? It stinks in here.

No. 2046862

File: 1729100602569.jpg (332.33 KB, 1079x1144, WpQkPJi.jpg)

Vivzie pop is mad her show got snubbed by the emmys, the songwriter for hazbin + helluva boss (amir) quoted this article. Hazbin music is just tiktok pop music sang by (admittedly impressive) Broadway singers. It was never gonna get an emmy nom.
I need Rebecca sugar to leak more sketches again

No. 2046872

Finally, something on topic. Nobody outside of Viv's Tumblr/Tiktok crowd actually sees Hazbin as anything remarkable or cinematic. And it certainly doesn't warrant an Emmy nor Grammy.

No. 2046915

New gen artists are super dumb. Just because your shitty youtube series is popular with 3edgy5u kids, enbie-gendie tards and tiktok teens doesnt mean its worth a grammy or an emmy. Do they even know why these are awarded? Usually for talented and unique productions. This shit is TACKY incarnate.

No. 2046925

>Usually for talented and unique productions.

No. 2046927

>talented and unique productions
kek half of the winners are the simpsons and other ugly, boring adult animation comedies like bob's brugers

No. 2046943

>black women are usually portrayed as masculine
I find this entire argument hilarious because this part isn’t even true. black women are usually portrayed as hyperfeminine. the big nails, big hair, big hipped, finger snapping “sassy” stereotype is hyperfeminine. the nagging mom and nagging girlfriend stereotype is also (get this) feminine lol(derailing)

No. 2046977

>it's time for the Grammys to do the right thing.
lol, lmao even

No. 2046986

Man, everyone involved in Hazbin/Helluva is so full of shit and it shows.what a bunch of arrogant imbeciles they all are.

No. 2047045

The songs in Hazbin are pretty good earworms, probably the best part of the show. But then again I heard them in a better dub instead of the og where the gay spider has a AOSTH Sonic voice.

No. 2047070

I wonder if vivize will ever get cancelled over the fact that her main songwriter for the vast majority of her songs (sam haft) is Israeli

No. 2047076

Why have the mods done nothing about the race retards who destroyed half the thread with boring autism.

No. 2047146

It did happen, animation fans have short memory. They forgot about boycotting Disney for the same reason when inside out 2 came out kek

No. 2047147

Of course hazbin has good earworms, it's pop music sang by Broadway actors. But hazbins music will never get an emmy or grammy for the same reason Katy Perry doesn't have one

No. 2047154

Amir is a voice actor, weren’t the songs done by the Living Tombstone?

No. 2047155

Isn’t he a huge nepo baby

No. 2047238

File: 1729175256763.mp4 (676.82 KB, 1280x720, Now This Might Strike Some Vie…)

No clue, Nona. But it sure as hell made reading this thread unbearable for those who aren't braindead and just wanted to witness fresh cartoon fag milk.

No. 2047240

lmao even(unsaged non-contribution)

No. 2047366

I'm so tired of the Disney's Frozen/Tangled princess faces on every 3D character since the 2010s

No. 2047375

This whole site is full of boring autism

No. 2047378

Amir is the voice actor that plays Alastor. He probably really wants a Grammy, kek.

lol I miss Norm.

No. 2047970

When she has singers on her team like BlackGryph0n who groomed his wife when she was 14 and he was in his mid 20s.(sage your shit)

No. 2048006

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Tired of the WITCH sperging, can someone please tell me the thread number for when the LSMark/Veronica/RicePirate saga began? Sage for spoonfeed

No. 2048014

She has a kiwifarms thread but it devolved into talking about mark near the last few pages

No. 2048116

You can watch the videos on YouTube to catch up. There are reuploads of them. JustStop did a massive gayops because he thought Mark was being abused due to Veronica fucking with him and then assembled a team of autistic avengers, then when it backfired he pinned everything on Daft to save his career and apologized to Mark. Curiously, he is still friends with everyone else who he recruited for the video. The TLDR is that Veronica has a history of being a serial cheater, alcoholic, and a pick me. Sunny is also a massive weirdo who gets off on harassing people. Mark knows all of this and still chooses to be with them. Mark even leaked parts of Dafts next animation, while publicly pretending to be his friend. Personally it’s karma for Daft considering what he did his entire career.

No. 2048174

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Nonnies I think I figured it out…(sage non-milk)

No. 2048740

Let’s not forget that they actually made allegories to rape and molestation multiple times in that show. Shit like this makes me love using the tinfoil thread

No. 2049058

The winx reboot trailer, massive miraculous vibes

No. 2049059

0 emotion in those ugly ass 3D models

No. 2049069

The hair moves so strangely

No. 2049084

I like it. It looks better than most of their other previous attempts at 3d.

No. 2049184

File: 1729571464835.png (1.44 MB, 1440x1800, musa.png)

Eww, why'd they redesign Musa? Her initial reboot model is way cuter.

No. 2049204

Apparently JustStop does voice acting lol

No. 2049282

What kind of accent does Flora have??

No. 2049744

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Excited for cucking up episode 2, nonas?

No. 2049746

It felt like they wanted fusion to be a teehee nudge nudge metaphor for sex, realised they'd put themselves in an awkward corner and then frantically tried to retcon it kek

No. 2049819

It’s gonna be so bad lol. It’s probably not gonna do as well as the first either, since indie animation usually suffers a massive drop off after each eoisode. TADC’s most recent project didn’t even break 100 million like last time.

No. 2049835

File: 1729746145973.jpeg (1.1 MB, 1206x1926, IMG_9217.jpeg)

BlackGryph0n is claiming he had a song “cut” from Sonic 3.

Others are saying it’s just a PR stunt for himself.

No. 2049849

Wouldn’t the studio still have rights if he wrote the song under contract? I’m calling PR stunt.

No. 2049879

File: 1729760847146.jpeg (509.56 KB, 1179x1649, IMG_1412.jpeg)

Lackadaisy creator accused of defending a transphobe. haven't looked into it yet, but based if true kek

No. 2049889

More reasons to support the cartoon and read the comic, kek. Though I'm really hoping that the creator doesn't get canceled and this gets put under the rug, she seems like a really sweet normie lady.

No. 2049899

This isn’t even true , if they’re referring to the incident I think they are it was just one artist on the team “liking” a tweet about the “trans women in women’s sports” debate. IIRC back when the Lackadaisy team refused Vivs donation to their gofundme, a bunch of her fans went digging through the (then public) twitter likes of people on the LD crew looking for dirt, found that, and tried to get the artist fired.

No. 2049900

Agreed with the "based if true" sentiment, however this is comedy gold when the person calling this out still follows Vivzie shit show after numerous screenshots showing how Viv shits on tifs and is twansphobic kek. Rule for thee but not for me

No. 2049930

It feels like he's trying to force this show to have a fan base. Like what Xiran Jay Zhao did with her Iron Widow book. Making memes of your own show?

No. 2049937

I swear to God, it's like Viv's fans (and Viv herself, to a lesser extent) are trying to impose some sort of "fandom rivalry" between Helluva Boss/Hazbin Hotel and Lackadaisy. But the latter doesn't really give a shit so it's like a "notice me senpai!" attention whoring.

No. 2049976

File: 1729787224830.jpg (142.31 KB, 995x1187, tumblr_176f2cd3143f88de9b8978f…)

Unfortunately, Viv does care about fandom rivalry between her works and any other indie cartoon. She has a long history of fostering hate for other studios and cartoons within her community. Picrel's not from vivzie herself by from one of her official artist, but it's been documented in previous threads Vivzie hates when her animators work elsewhere (despite being freelance) and considers it betrayal if you go on and work on another indie show.

No. 2049979

NTA but this is highly true back when she got exposed earlier in a previous thread she DFE'd and rebranded

No. 2049980

Who even wants more of this steaming pile of shit???how painfully mediocre and a massive waste of money too.

No. 2049984

LS Mark's audience of autistic twelve year-olds.

No. 2050101

File: 1729811140168.jpg (697.16 KB, 1080x2072, 1000027848.jpg)

How much do you want to bet that they'll "miraculously" make the goal for ep 3 just before the deadline?

No. 2050109

can some animation fag break down why does it cost 48k to make an episode? is it a 20 minute longe episode? for how long does it mean it will be in production? how many people are hired? how much of this money will be pocketed by Mark? why can't he outsource it to 3rd worlders and spend less? thanks in advance.

No. 2050155

File: 1729828012540.jpg (149.92 KB, 1080x720, 461010850_1182625619665618_129…)

I don't know how this boring furry shit got almost 200k in funding just for a animated pilot,that seems a little excessive for something as unappealing as this.who even asked for this??

No. 2050159

File: 1729828223369.jpg (76.52 KB, 686x386, hq720.jpg)

I'd rather watch paint dry than watch some forgettable furfag garbage.

No. 2050169

huh? what even is this show I've never seen it before

No. 2050176

I wish lackadaisy had the traction that the Elsagate Amazing Troon Circus and Hazbin/helluva boss has. It is more visually appealing than the red and rainbow vomit that is Hazbin and TADC, and the team behind it actually did their fucking reaearch on the time period unlike Viz with her 1920s serial killer with 2000s fakeboi hair. Gendies have destroyed art.

No. 2050177

I can already smell the annoying fucking furfag coomers making their "waifu of the week" memes.

No. 2050178

This show is based on "Litterbox comics". Im just as surprised as you that this piece of shit got over 100k for some random show i never heard about.

No. 2050186

Eh it’s corny wine mom humor but there are worse projects getting funded.

No. 2050188

Lackadaisy is a beautiful project with a lot of talent behind it but it’s wordy and slow paced compared to the ADHD tiktok shit that seems to attract zoomer stans these days, it was never going to have an ADC or HH style fandom. Tracy dodged a bullet imo

No. 2050337

Be careful what you wish for,anon.
I'm honestly glad it doesn't,can you imagine though?I'm thankful that Lackadaisy doesn't appeal to braindead zoomers & trannies.

No. 2050420

File: 1729897241995.jpg (472.44 KB, 1080x1299, 1000027850.jpg)

embarrassing they're doing everything in their power to make it seem like people other than Mark's zoomer audience actually want this shit. Why a dub so fast for just a pilot? Anyways the kickstarter hasn't budged much so far despite their constant eceleb VA announcements so Mark will have to donate the last thousands himself

No. 2050422

File: 1729897905769.jpg (575.37 KB, 1080x1426, 1000027854.jpg)

Sorry for double post but it seems they made that Scott the Woz animation promo within less than a month (has even poorer animation quality than usual) it was posted about 6 days ago but production started around the time the 2nd ep got funded. They also got Karl Jacob's on who's friends with rapist Chris Tyson

No. 2050427

File: 1729898943924.jpeg (208.54 KB, 800x999, good-advice.jpeg)

It's based on short comics I've seen around on social media (especially Facebook) where the premise is "relatable millennial mom humor". I love cats and I don't mind corny comics sometimes but there's just something I hate about the art style and I can't quite put my finger on it.

No. 2050429

I genuinely don't understand who the target audience for this show is. It's too childish for adults. It's too boring for kids. The only audience I imagine it having are tuber autists who watch it solely to point and see how many YouTubers they shoehorned in.

No. 2050473

This is really outdated,who really needed an animated pilot of this?? seriously?

No. 2050506

File: 1729920553692.jpeg (996.19 KB, 1170x1379, IMG_1436.jpeg)

zeurel did a breakdown of the average cost per 20 minute episode. seems to line up with what mark is asking for.

No. 2050509

Adult Bluey fans

No. 2050579

i really really hate that the animation project completely killed the comic

No. 2050609

Holy shit that's a lot,might as well give up and make a webcomic instead or something oor just reduce the damn time to 8 minutes or less.

No. 2050640

youre right its not worth investing too much for little return

No. 2050768

voice acting is cheaper than what i thought, does anyone know how much does an actor get paid in an indie project like this?

No. 2050825

keep in mind zeurel is an overspender, because he overanimates his show. Something mroe middle quality takes less time and money to make

No. 2050827

It's usually somewhere around $250/hour for a decent actor. SAG (union) rates are ~$950 for a typical working block (4 hours, up to 3 voices) but well-known/famous voices can go for way higher.

No. 2051566

File: 1730226280453.jpeg (956.67 KB, 1206x2174, IMG_9299.jpeg)

Voice Actress Michelle Creber (Applebloom VA) reacts in comment section of a drama YouTube video over why she and her fellow My Little Pony Friendship is Magic voice actress Claire Corlett are not grooming victims of BlackGryph0n.

The video is explaining the situation to why people hate Saber Spark and BlackGryph0n not directly accusing anyone of any wrong doing.

No. 2051568

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No. 2051571

No. 2051666

I don't know why I hate Saber but I hope he gets cancelled.

No. 2051669

I have to resist the urge to blog and sperg out because of how frustrated the comments made me. Why does nobody understand how grooming works? I hope Claire wakes up one day, she's surrounded by enablers and abusers

No. 2051674

"it's okay because she's an adult now"
It's grooming because he saw a child that had a crush on him and hada "frienship" with her so he can date her later. That's literally grooming. She couldn't date anyone her own age or have any real experiances with people her age because she was groomed. I understand your frusteration.
You don't date someone you knew since they were a kid. I don't care about age gaps, as long as you met your partner when they were an adult.

No. 2051694

They all just jump to pedo claims! None of them have ever once bothered to read about it. Claire has recently come out as a born again Christian… religion itself relies on grooming tactics.(sage your shit)

No. 2051725

Ok but i fucking hate that Rocky Raccoon faggot(made the Loona furry drawing in thumbnail) i want him publicly executed in Saudi Arabia. Nothing encapsulates how dystopian the internet has become more than this faggot. He spams weird brainrot gen alpha shit for 5 year olds whilst shilling his furry porn Patreon. Like What the fuck is this. I’ve seen his porn and it’s harder watch than cartel videos. Even other furries hate him kek.

No. 2051760

File: 1730265052197.jpeg (465.68 KB, 1206x1596, IMG_9311.jpeg)

The Voice Actress of Sweetie Belle from My Little Pony Claire Corlett is threatening legal action to a Brony call out account sharing grooming allegations.

No. 2051811

File: 1730287183785.jpeg (51.52 KB, 752x456, IMG_3617.jpeg)

She’s so pretty and he looks like the human skinsuit alien from Men In Black. I hope she gets away from him and their circle of enablers friends before he steals the entirety of her youth.

No. 2051912

>"it's okay because she's an adult now"
Unfortunately this is kinda true. She's 25 now, so she's firmly an adult. If she doesn't want to leave him there's nothing that can be done about it, and if she fully convinced herself that she was not groomed as a 14yo kid there's not much you can do to convince her to reevaluate him now, when she's absolutely not a child.
I'm glad that he's getting flack for it, but nagging Claire is pointless. She's just gonna keep putting her foot down and defending her moid. Now this can only be a cautionary tale of nerdy men being allowed close access to kids through their interests/fandoms. Hopefully, at least the discourse around this would mean that open grooming like that wouldn't be so accepted nowadays.

No. 2051932

If BlackGryph0n could no longer get work because of black listing and Claire had to suddenly become the main bread winner of the household she’s snap out of her fantasy real quick.(sage your shit)

No. 2051981

File: 1730327087542.jpeg (763.26 KB, 1206x2149, IMG_9324.jpeg)

She is spreading lies about a call out account to get them to be quiet. Even if that was the person it’s not even a big deal.

No. 2051985

File: 1730327394449.jpeg (925.8 KB, 1206x1663, IMG_9325.jpeg)

Account owner has made themselves known.

No. 2051987

File: 1730328088765.jpeg (187.38 KB, 945x2048, IMG_9313.jpeg)

Posted by the account Bronyfandont on Twitter.

No. 2051988

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No. 2052001

File: 1730331050789.png (906.13 KB, 1228x1030, a.png)

why did she go private

No. 2052024

Twitters whole AI training thing I’d guess.(sage your shit)

No. 2052072

Topkek she’s so pressed it’s sad. STOP SAYING MY HUSBAND GROOMED ME REEE imagine you’re going to sue someone for telling the truth about a situation.

No. 2052076

Crazy how no one was attacking her, the account was rightfully calling out her husband. He won't defend himself though, he has to make his victim go out and face the brunt of the backlash so he can continue gaslighting her into believing an us versus them narrative

No. 2052090

File: 1730357484020.jpeg (567.11 KB, 1206x2041, IMG_9328.jpeg)

She’s really spiralling. Why is she even fighting with this person?

No. 2052091

She really is. I have been a fan of hers since Internet 2.0 when she was on the original Elfwood and I admired her work so much as a pre-teen. She was an old school anthropomorphic artist as opposed to furry and was clearly more inspired by Disney's Robin Hood than the trash furry porn we get now. I know that once upon a time she was very vocal about the distinction between furry and anthropomorphic art and even attempted to distance herself by switching to human characters for her other project. But came back around to remaking anthro art which I believe she genuinely loves.

She's very nice and gracious despite her talent and even answered my questions when I was a wanna be artist decades ago. I think she just wants to make art and she's never been very centered in it personality wise - it's always about the art. But the art community now is more about the personality (looking at the Hazbin Hotel creator) than the art so the loudest not necessity the most talented keep getting notice.

And the fandom brain rot in general is just much more overt than it used to be on the Internet. The tism was just on forums back in the day. Now it's just everywhere on social media.

No. 2052097

File: 1730364229156.jpeg (1.1 MB, 1206x2204, IMG_9333.jpeg)

Michelle Creber commented on another video.

No. 2052098

File: 1730366825451.jpeg (503.55 KB, 828x1163, IMG_3622.jpeg)

Never say die nonna. 25 is still super young in the span of a whole life. I know women who needed until 30 to realise their husbands were creeps who had preyed upon them as teenagers. Isn’t she estranged from her dad because of their relationship? That’s something that becomes a lot less romantic the older you get.
It all just makes me so sad. I browsed her IG and she seems so cool. She should be living her life and finding herself without some moid that clout-chased her when she was like 14.

No. 2052130

lol does her shirt say “dumb fabric”? Brony in jokes are so lame and unfunny

No. 2052131

How dare you he’s a “smol autistic bean”!!!

No. 2052296

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No. 2052317

maybe it’s just me but I feel like claires stalker is posting all this shit on the board(tinfoil)

No. 2052347

File: 1730436382106.png (79.11 KB, 589x339, Cole Harrington.png)

I've been seeing quite a few of these industry folks go private recently, possible because of Twitters new updates

No. 2052408

They've made the faces completely flat now. No longer hinting at a muzzle, they've completed the calarts transformation.

No. 2052433

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No. 2052440

new episode of hb, so thankfully something actually happens this episode but this one just like the others focuses on blitz's trauma and uwu tumblr angst, I liked this almost on principle but I think vivzie is trying way to hard to have this class based hierarchy in this stupid cartoon world, where morality and hierarchy literally don't exist, this episode also feels like a re-write of a leaked episode where a demon gaslights millie into thinking she's not good enough for moxxie and she tries to kill herself and that got plenty of fan backlash

No. 2052447

there is a thread for hazbin hotel already

No. 2052469

It’s crazier that she straight up doxed the account too. Threatening his DHL job like jfc. Hope she wakes up soon cause it would suck if she had babies with him,

No. 2052505

File: 1730485821147.jpeg (132.85 KB, 1080x1340, IMG_9307.jpeg)

She is joyfully accepting the call out accounts personal info.

No. 2052532

I fucking hate this art style, with the full-on beanmouth roundface shit now. The "mane six" ponies are supposed to be adults in their early 20s, they look like human babies now. Bizarre choice

No. 2052535

is Millie's voice weird/different in this or is it just me? I don't remember her sounding so squeaky

No. 2052595

no your right it’s definitely a different direction but I like this more

No. 2052739

MLP was always popular with the exception of g2 which was only popular in europe. It always had a dedicated fanbase of collectors. The quality of the toys went down in g4 which alienated oldschool fans from the franchise. I don't know why hasbro insists on pandering to bronies who only memed themselves into liking the franchise

No. 2052833

Oh god I saw this dude too and dug a little one time. iirc he used to or maybe still does animate for a youtube children's cartoon out of some SE Asian country (Vietnam I think?) Also he constantly has different discord servers he tries to get people to join. For some reason either he abandons old servers or they keep geting taken down for whatever reason, I'm not too sure. I really think he's into some early porn introduction bullshit but I didn't want to look further.

Saging because I'm pretty foggy on the deets and a lot of it is conjecture, but I 100% get awful vibes from him.

No. 2053151

So the voice actress of Sweetie Belle on My Little Pony Claire Corlett married the guy who wrote this song…

No. 2053153

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No. 2053155

File: 1730703106778.jpg (62.51 KB, 820x897, shocked-turtle-meme-3.jpg)

Dear God.

No. 2053156

It's clearly anime-inspired, not beanmouth.

No. 2053157

I feel sick. I wonder how they'll try to throw this under the rug.

No. 2053161

File: 1730704618257.gif (55.5 KB, 220x123, joker-dark-knight.gif)

No. 2053188

this is them

No. 2053190

having some anime references/eye stylization doesn’t suddenly make it not beanmouth, steven universe shoved in tons of anime inspired expressions and references but it was still beanmouth

No. 2053200

The only way she will ever snap out of her groom trance is if he starts shifting his attention to some young girl in their life or seeking out young fans. Pedos don’t stop just because they got away with grooming once and married the kid. This video leaves no room for them to try and debate anymore…

No. 2053226

You leave The Endless Forest out of this, nona. It's done nothing to you

No. 2053270

this is digesting. not only oare these child characters from a children's show but they're baby ponies. why do teenagers and adults keep ruining children's media? blatant pedo shit.
He looks like he would write a song like that. He looks so greasy and gross.

No. 2053303

she's not going to snap out of it until BlackGryph0n commits a MandoPony and goes after his underage fans too.

No. 2053388

File: 1730757059906.jpeg (685.81 KB, 1206x1698, IMG_9393.jpeg)

The American flag emoji with the thumbs up sold me.

No. 2053422

Do we think he told her “babe it’s totally not me!” or is she rabidly defending him because there’s a creeping sinking feeling in her stomach and she’s trying to ignore it?

No. 2053427

File: 1730763767322.gif (148.45 KB, 236x260, 1695330340139.gif)

Disgusting sickfuck. The divorce can't come soon enough.

No. 2053434

She wouldn't defend him so vehemently and try to hide evidence of his abuse if that creeping feeling wasn't developing in her head. The denial phase is the first part of the five stages of grief…

No. 2053440

do you think it's possible for grooming victims to live happy lives with their abusers even if they understand that they were groomed?

like I know a couple where the girl was 19 when she started dating a 14yo boy she met on twitter. they were from my circle of online friends at the time. they lived in the same city and started dating irl. she would as a fucking uni student pick up her middle schooler boyfriend and it was so fucking weird. fast forward 10 years, they are married and he looks so miserable. he is on the ultimatium copium, she jokes that she 'raised her boyfriend' and other stupid grooming joke, he says he was not at all groomed and they hate age gap discourses. he likes to brag about losing hia virginity as a 14yo to an older woman. they opened their relationship for a bit of time, but she would go ballistic if he pursuited women she thought was more attractive than her (and she's obese, toothless and bald, so literally anyone). It's just sad to watch

then there's another couple I knew that the guy was 22 and the girl 16, he was a virgin and she had a body count of 10. they e-dated and meet irl, but he only kissed her when she was of age. 10 years forward, still together, she sleeps around with other guys all the time, he pays for the trips for her to meet the other guys and buys her burando shit too. they don't fuck often cuz he has no sex drive so that's why she sleeps around. like, in this case I don't think she was groomed because she had more power than him? idk. still gross

yeah yeah blogposting and all but all this stuff with claire makes me think. if she is aware deep down that she was groomed. and if it is possible to live a happy life with your abuser knowing you were groomed, like can you overcome that? or do you just break up and try to make up for the lost time? how do you even know what is actually a healthy relationship? honestly I'd think nothing of it if it was just a friendship, kids are fun to be around and I belive you can have somewhat of a friendship with teens as an adult, but of course with boundaries, you don't joke about certain stuff with them and their parents must be aware about what's happening all the time. which wasn't the case for them, specially that she now has cut contact with her father. sad stuff, but I think she will come around eventually, just hope they don't have any kids.(blogposting)

No. 2053446

It sounds just like this early Brony stuff.

No. 2053471

How do they know this is actually him? The audio quality is so bad there’s enough plausible deniability there

No. 2053498

File: 1730778747262.jpg (490.48 KB, 1290x1681, 1730668639951515.jpg)

Creator of The Owl House, Dana Terrance expressed she does not want to do a 4th season or spin-off. Want to move on because she doesn't want to be known for that.

No. 2053540

Good for her. TOH was shit but I enjoy her art and hope she can make something on her own terms

No. 2053543

really going the opposite direction of her ex alex who can't let go of gravity falls kek. Good for you queen

No. 2053547

tbfm he wanted to let it go, he just failed at everything else

No. 2053633

i will never forgive disney for butchering dana's designs. She's probably the only modern cartoon creator that can draw and they fucking ruined her art and turned her characters into hideous calarts blobs

No. 2053712

I’m certain her retard husband is the one making her do this. It’s obvious he knows how fucking creepy he really is so he’s using her a shield.

Denial and she’s likely projecting what her groomer feels. He can’t defend himself because he knows what it’ll look like if he did.

Christ almighty but let’s be honest, we all knew he definitely had some skeletons in the closet. He was obsessed with Sweetie Belle to the point of grooming the VA, can’t be all that surprised.

No. 2053792

holy shit this. emulating that specific type of post-2000s western cartoon style is like such a pedo manchild redflag. turkey tom's avi gives me the same vibe. it's like an aesthetic choice to show you're not a regular internet creep but like a megagroomer or something(sage your shit)

No. 2054126

Hearts of Titan, an indie animation, has made 59k out of its 50k Backerkit goal. I think it's nice indie animation is being supported like this, but the character designs are shit. Seriously, the color palettes of the main protagonists look terrible together. I hate the TIF's design the most but commend it for its accuracy in how non-passing she is. Also, the purple alien guy is so obviously inspired by Galra Keith it makes me laugh.

No. 2054131

Indie animation project try to have good character design challenge(impossible)

No. 2054133

File: 1730953469326.gif (236.32 KB, 220x180, IMG_8056.gif)

This is the worst thing I ever seen. Pedo zoophillia? Imagine being male. BlackGryph0n CP bust when.

No. 2054573

Zoomer Youtuber's pilot that I think was discussed here. I'm not really sure what he was going for

No. 2054600

Nuclear levels of cringe I hope they both die from AIDs.
>you know you're my first gay love right?
Steven Universe-tier pandering "deep talk" about idpol they both sound like socially defeated emasculated Reddit-using male feminists
>haven't seen nobody
>look at my body
>come on baby you know that I'm sorry
Why does this have 4.8k likes.

No. 2054605

I like tuv but this is so fucking cringe

No. 2054606

anyone remember the name of that pilot cartoon where the girls were shapes and couldn't move without their boobs bouncing

No. 2054621

The animation is bad. The dialogue is bad. The voice actor for the orange cat keeps smacking his lips.

No. 2054626

So much useless dialog. I think he was going for characterisation but it's just boring and confusing? Also is this an ad for his music? This simply isn't fun.

No. 2054644


Valerian High

No. 2054675

Its cringey and ugly. Why are they shaped like that as high schoolers? They have the bodies of 30 year old women, not high schoolers..

No. 2054716

Late to comment.
She's aware of how creepy he is. You KNOW he makes her do the SweetyBelle voice in bed. She'll defend him until she gets jealous of the next kid he grooms. No sympathy from me when that happens.

No. 2054743

The pink one sounds like corpse husband kek

No. 2054778

This is so bad and ugly and the voice acting is horrendous, who was this made for?

No. 2054828

Who tf was this made for other than coomers? If you want to do an adult story you can do it in a college setting?? Also whoever voices the pink triangle is so fucking cringe. She's trying too hard to a soft lil meek uWu bean princess or something.

No. 2054926

File: 1731199683750.png (422.2 KB, 691x689, frsyhtdjuydk.png)

>Why are they shaped like that as high schoolers? They have the bodies of 30 year old women, not high schoolers..
i mean… they're still supposed to be adults, but why is it named valerian HIGH? i don't know.

No. 2054928

Cheetos looking ass

No. 2054985

Why does the character description sound so ESL

No. 2055054

I managed to suffer through all 20 minutes of LS Mark's shitty pilot (can't remember the name) and I can't even make it through 3 minutes of this. Congrats tuv, you have created something even more boring than LS Mark

No. 2055105

Cucking Up?

No. 2055112

yeah that's it, thanks

No. 2055203

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No. 2055336

File: 1731338261523.png (218.2 KB, 951x515, femyanderedev1.png)

Happylikeawall's discord server has become the new YandereDev discord server (literally identical in how power abusive they are)



This woman is so insane and hypocritical she thinks that simple stuff like gen z words should classified as neurodivergent behaviour and autobannable (hypocritical considering she was born in 2000, part of gen z but shes delusional)

I cannot wait for happy server ban speedruns because this bitch is ridiculous.

No. 2055349

>No Excessive Neurodivergent Behavior
That’s funny as fuck. This is wh