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No. 2124129
>>2124121or maybe don't compete at all since it's a weird gray area that hurts either yourself or the others.
It's not mandatory to compete, go do something else.
No. 2124139
>>2124135If you have more muscle mass than the average woman, you hurt women. That's a fact.
If you have less muscle mass than the average man, men can hurt you badly. That's a fact.
If you fall into a not well defined category, it can be dangerous and competing is not a life or death situation, you can do all the other things that aren't competing in a world wide event.
No. 2124143
>>2124121>>2124135I mean yeah actually, you can, and it is realistic. People get excluded from highly physical careers all the time because of their natural genetic makeup. This is no different than not being allowed to join the military because you have a genetic condition giving you poor vision or flat feet or whatever. If you don't meet the physical qualifiers to fight women or men, then you shouldn't fight. There's plenty of talented people who don't make it in their sport because of losing the genetic lottery (too short, can't make weight, whatever it is) and frankly intersex people are such a tiny percentage of the population that we shouldn't shouldn't rearranging the rules for them tbh. I feel bad for those people who have such conditions but life isn't fair, and nobody made her/him/whatever choose a career that is highly impacted by physical differences. Basically, that sucks but in order to maintain sanity we should just stop the buck here and not allow people like this to compete against normal people. If we don't it's just going to be an endless parade of exceptions and caveats designed to eventually include trannies and other intersex people who can seriously hurt women with their own advantages. Even if this is an intersex woman she has undeniable T advantage against her opponents. She should be banned, sorry. Even if this one intersex person doesn't have an advantage, someone else might due to the variability in how intersection conditions can present. We can't afford to deal with grey areas, people aren't smart enough and it will just become some slippery slope tranny nonsense eventually. We all know where this is going and I'm not trying to let it go there to please some tiny percentage of intersex sport people
No. 2124146
>>2124140I can care about both. I want women sports to be strictly exclusive, bringing back genetic testing ("But nona w-what if someone finds out to be intersex from them?" they cope, simply), and hormone testing and don't let men or stuff in between get in.
I care about women's sports because when was the last time you've seen an ambiguos "woman" or a tif in men's sport? They at least have that teeny tiny common sense that tells them that it wouldn't be fair. Men can't do that for some reason.
Again, competing in the olimpics is not mandatory. Keep training in your local gym and fuck off, inclusivity is just a buzzword and not a right. Intersex people make up less than the 1% of the total population and no one of them has a perfect balance in between hormones, they either look at slightly masculine women, not much different than a woman with pcos (and you can tell that they're women) or a moid with kleine-felter, which look like hairless and fat men but indeed, still men. Stop trying to defend this madness.
No. 2124165
>>2124155it was obvious that I was talking about the average (athlete) woman and average (athlete) man.
Women only and men only. Strictly segregated.
Keep grasping for those crumbs.
No. 2124181
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>>2124172DSD involving this real woma getting beat down to a pulp by a man in the ring? Righttt, I’m a retard for not wanting to automatically believe the media who’s known for being dishonest and manipulating information to protect certain people. You people don’t even know what a woman even looks like anymore, they don’t look like hulks like this no matter how much performance drugs they take. If they have to take performance drugs to engage in a world-renowned event like the Olympics then what does that further implicate about the legitimacy of female sports? That says a whole lot more about how you genuinely feel than me, fam
No. 2124202
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>yeahhh they totallllyyyy wouldn’t include troons or genderspecial into the actual competition having that opinion is entirely left field pls don’t have it you conspiracy theorist
Everybody hates women, we’re usually the first calling out this BS and called crazy for it even by people who are supposedly against biological males competing in female sports
No. 2124217 was only disqualified after winning silver at World's, beating a Russian fighter who was previously 'unbeaten'. This prevented Khelif from competing for the gold medal. The president of the IBA, Umar Kremlev, is Russian. This is where the rumors of Khelif having XY chromosomes come from, however they're not releasing any specifics because muh confidentiality. Most of the IBA are Russian, operating from Russia. As long as they are the source of these claims, it's stupid to believe anything. Since when the fuck are we believing anything that comes out of Russia?? hello?
Not saying she isn't intersex, but there are so many different kinds of this condition. You're all basing your outrage on her looking masculine and on Russian fake news at this point. Are we going to disqualify Phelps because he has ogre arms and wacky steel lungs, giving him physical advantages over others?
No. 2124222
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>>2124217>MUH RUSSIA BAD How is this supposed to debunk that they aren’t an XY? America lies and has its own interests in mind and so does France. They declared where they stood when they shoved a fat ugly tard as Jesus in their rendition of the Last Supper sprinkled with drag queens and those inbetween, none of these countries are fully truthful and honest, what’s your point?
No. 2124229
>>2124223>a few schizosWhy would a man be competing in a woman’s competition then unless they truly think they are a woman themselves? Is that not what Lia Thomas thought so he can go and clean sweep those female swimmers? THINK
NONNY THINK god you’re so detached and cool and don’t care what anybody else thinks, you’re just another retard in the bunch.
No. 2124243
>>2124239They’re not releasing them because uhhh. I don’t know if these countries have their own version of HIPAA but they’re not releasing it for a reason
they aren’t a woman and shouldn’t have been competing in the first place.
No. 2124244
>>2124239They've made very clear what their criterias are
>Amendments made by the Board to the T&C Rules:Definition of Men/Male/Boy = individual with chromosome XY.
Definition of Women/Female/Girl = individual with chromosome XX
Rule 4.2. Eligibility on Gender:
4.2.1.Boxers will compete against boxers of the same gender, meaning Women vs Women and Men vs Men as per the definitions of these Rules.
4.2.2.To determine the gender, the Boxers can be submitted to a random and/or targeted gender test which will be conducted by IBA in cooperation with the selected laboratory personnel.
No. 2124250
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His ugly sweaty smelly father claiming him as his daughter it’s cracking me tf up. He apparently showed the birth certificate but it’s not an up close one with a bunch of weird pen writing all over it No. 2124255
yall just hate to see a tomboy winning
>>2124250do you genuinely think it's possible to change your gender on your documents in algeria? if her birth cert, ID and passport say female, it's because she was born with female reproductive organs at least on the outside
No. 2124258
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thank you for this thread from the bottom of my heart anonita. i love you
No. 2124293
>>2124290help me
nonnie, how else would you describe scribbling down a baby's gender right after birth on a birth certificate. quickly
No. 2124365
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any MENA nonnies here? are women really allowed to walk around in turbodyke mode like this in public with no issue?
No. 2124370
>>2124367I'm not talking about proving anything regarding her true sex.
I'm asking about what's allowed for women. I keep hearing that they would never send trannies to the olympics because they're anti-LGBT. If she is female, how is it acceptable for butch lesbians to walk around freely if they're so persecuted there?
No. 2124386
>>2124239These are the results:
“Result: In the interphase nucleus FISH analysis performed on cells obtained from your patient's material, 100 interphase nuclei were examined with the Cytocell brand Prenatal Enumeration Probe Kit. An XY signal pattern was observed in all of them.”
The blog 3wiresports was leaked a copy of the letter the IBA sent to the IOC in June 2023 after they banned Imane and the other boxer. The letter included the test results. No. 2124413
>>2124400Even most faggots are raised and socialized as women, still male.
Even fa'afafine men from new zealands are female socialized men, still male.
"Grew up as female" doesnt mean shit
No. 2124418
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>>2124384It looks shaved to me and I don't think it's weird either, but I'm also not MENA or muslim. It keeps coming up about how anti-lgbt algeria is yet here we are.
Both sides of this issue are saying a lot inconsistent things.
No. 2124426
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Look at the clear sexual dimorphism
No. 2124436
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>>2124417Yes, my genetic tests reveal that I am XX. Even if I have pcos and fucked up hormones, I'm still female because it's a medical condition, if I take my meds and do some changes in my diet, the pcos symptoms get drastically reduced because you can, more or less, play with hormones but sure as fuck you cannot play with chromosomes but most importantly, it's not in my dna. If I managed to get into a crime scene with no biased gendie stuff doctors, my dna would show up female. Being intersex is a medical condition from birth to death, it doesn't go away. You can't stop being intersex by taking out cysts that spike up your testosterone. If someone has XY chromosomes but a medical condition that makes them "masculine", they're men. Look up XY Females, they exists, it's called Androgen Immunity Syndrome. These are XY embryos who are totally deprived by testosterone and thus develop as women since women it's the default but being male isn't and guess what, they look like women, go through female puberty, you can see they're women with not an ounce of confusion. Your genes actually have to work to make you male (nipples on men are useless but still exist, the penis is a lesser clitoris and they have their pleasure button in their ass, close where a penis would go to make reproduction possible because if it wasn't pleasurable, no one would have sex and this implies no babies). If you go through male puberty, no matter what you have in your legs, underdeveloped penis or what looks like a vagina but doesn't work as one, you're male. Find me an actual woman who looks like Imane, same frame, same structure, same muscle build etc. You will find none, not even expert female boxers who look like him. Not even muscly women.
XY chromosomes, excess testosterone…if it walks like a duck…..
Most likely his father saw that his perfect son of allah was disfigured but tried to love him as a girl to cope.
No. 2124440
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>>2124436Anons brought up Swyers before and in that one you can even go through female puberty and menstruate and everything but just be infertile. There are a lot of variations of intersex and not to sound like a TRA but they really aren’t that cut and dry. Would you consider an XX male syndrome intersex person a female?
No. 2124449
>>2124440Sure there are a lot but that comes all to:
What makes a woman a woman? Because I don't see a woman in that pic.
It what your body develops into that defines you. I'm sure as hell that the person in pic doesn't have a vagina. Let's not go into troon discourse, it's all bogus artificial discourse anyway, let's stay on medical topics.
What makes a woman a woman, or a man a man?
XY Females with Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome are women because the default sex in womb is woman, their dna shows up male but a genetic mutation makes them immune to testosterone and the fetus develops as female, as standard.
XX males are failed males, not a woman. They're a weird mix but since they're not the "standard", they have male parts not developed.
They have male parts. Their body worked (and failed) to be male, but the process was there. It's what makes someone the sex or the other.
No. 2124452
The "he was socialized as a woman!!" thing doesn't make any sense. Even if he was brought up as a girl at first, as soon as he hit puberty he was treated like and considered to be a guy by everyone who didn't know he is "female". Instead of suffering from misogyny, it's more likely he was discriminated against because people thought he's gay. Nobody walks past
>>2124426 on the street and thinks it's a woman. Considering his sense of fashion and haircut, he's well aware of this too and is enjoying his male privileges when he isn't currently using his false AGAB to cheat in women's sports.
No. 2124455
No moids or moidlets in women's sports, what is there to infight about
>>2124438Why tf would anyone call a dainty korean girl a man
No. 2124456
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google showing some weird results rn kek
No. 2124458
>>2124457>If you have a female leaning body and were perceived as such since birth, you basically are a womanFuck off my website
>people can’t oppress you based on your chromosomesThey literally fucking do
No. 2124463
>>2124418algeria is not iran or saudi arabia. there's about a 60/40% ratio of veiled v. unveiled women. No country in the maghreb has mandatory hijab, and even if they're conservative no one is getting sent to jail for having short hair.
>>2124449the biological definition is whether your body is configured to produce male or female gametes. even if actual gamete production is compromised, internal organs are configured one way or another. no one has both sets.
ie. rudimentary testes= biological male even if they don't actually produce sperm. Of course there isn't always a way to tell externally, sometimes you need biopsies and shit.
however, what definition sports federations use to define who's allowed to compete is another matter entirely.
No. 2124464
>Roberts spoke first, saying he couldn’t show any test results because the Algerian and Taiwanese Olympic committees had sent letters demanding the alleged results stay private. None of the men on the dais provided evidence.>Roberts tried to provide a timeline for how the tests came about, but there was feedback from his microphone and there were screeching noises from the speakers. Filippatos attempted to speak, but before he could, Kremlev’s face appeared on a nearly 15-foot screen behind the dais, looming over his associates.>Kremlev spoke about how he was standing up for women’s sports as IOC President Thomas Bach was trying to destroy them. He ranted about the Games’ Opening Ceremonies and how a scene resembling Leonardo da Vinci’s “The Last Supper” portrayed by drag queens had “humiliated him.” Finally, his voice rising until he was almost shouting, he said he was “going to open prosecution” of Bach without providing details of how that would be done.>“Are you going to show us evidence, or is it time for us to leave the room now?” a reporter interrupted. They didn’t.>More questions came but few answers. How much was Kremlev paying them? How much of the IBA’s funding still comes from Russian energy company Gazprom, which had for a time been the IBA’s lone sponsor? Kremlev’s face again filled the enormous screen. Then the room’s speakers exploded — or so it sounded. A translation device onstage had gotten too close to a microphone, and a boom filled the room. Everyone recoiled.>The news conference stretched past an hour, with the men on the dais saying they don’t test all boxers for testosterone irregularities and had only chosen four at the 2022 championships, including Khelif and Lin, and then only Khelif and Lin in 2023. They did not provide the results of the 2022 tests or why those athletes were selected, other than vague references to complaints from opposing countries.>The speakers exploded again. People moaned. Kremlev reappeared and attacked Bach and the Olympics. He spoke vaguely of “high testosterone.”Kek, what a shitshow. Anons will rather side with a Russian mob boss manchild throwing tantrums and making accusations with no proof offered than accept a masculine woman.
No. 2124467
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>>2124458anon is this a man or a woman? XX or XY? quick. no reverse image search.
(bait/off-topic) No. 2124475
>>2124464Rather side with women than accept a cheater who can't provide proof it's a woman.
>>2124467>quickFuck off back to tiktok. Genuinely kys if you deny sex based oppression.
No. 2124490
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Let's be honest not a single one retarded moid cares about "muh chromosomes", they only care whether they wants someone or not. Imane fits your average stud beauty standards but moids don't like that. Any GC woman who thinks a retarded scrote cares about ANYTHING else is delusional.
No. 2124492
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>>2124475siding with the woman who will be accepting pity money from said russian mob organization
No. 2124498
>>2124491one of the known facts being that Imane is AFAB… And therefore a woman by your own post
>>2124449 come on keep up
No. 2124507
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>>2124480I've seen way, way more masculine women than her in my life. The thai boxer she is going up against who was mentioned in the last thread looks way manlier than she does and of course retards are accusing her of being a male too. I swear if both of them would be posted to the fakeboi thread claiming they're aidens identifying as he/him they would be screaming how they can't fool anyone and you'd be retarded to ever not clock them as female kek
No. 2124511
>>2124470Failmales can still have that bit of testosterone, if they train, they become smaller men but not women, at all. A man with a micropenis is not a woman, a man with under developed testicles is not a woman. Only women can be truly intersex, intersex male are disfigured male, there is no "estrogen insensitivity syndrome" because the default is woman and anything other than that default is either failmale or male. Failwomen don't exist.
>>2124480Not even the butches of the lesbians looks like Imane, it's like saying that men with softer features are women because they don't look butch.
Imane's issues is not about the facial features, it's about the shoulders, how muscles are built, complete lack of curves (unless women inject themselves with cooking oil, their muscles always look softer, look up Chyna and tell me that that's a man), no chest, big hands. And before getting any shit, I'm from the mediterranean area, I've seen also hairy women, women with a beard, whatever the fuck, I can see when a woman is a woman. Imane is a manlet with soft features.
>>2124498The real question: in which puberty did Imane go through? Again, micropenises don't make one a female. Even tifs are softer than Imane.
But since it's the Olympics, something that's not only political but also business, why asking for a complete screening so disrespectul? Why can't Imane prove shit? I could show a picture from when I was 7 dressed up as a boy with short hair, could I pass as male now, despite having a full chest and a hourglass figure?
No. 2124517
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Here's Imane standing next to the Hungarian girl she won against and who called her a beast on Twitter before the fight. They have about the same shape and size but nobody's calling the Hungarian girl a moidlike freak.
>>2124500IBA has offered multiple female boxers shady price money in the olympics, clearly trying to get to their good side and put a nice word in. They're working really hard sabotaging the contest to get the current IOC president (who banned them) out.
No. 2124524
>>2124511The hands don't seem that big to me though? Like looking at
>>2124426 the seem to be as much larger as she is compared to the other woman. Maybe some anon could do an autistic proportional comparison with other boxers, it would be a stronger argument for or against her being a man than I have seen until now.
No. 2124529
>>2124511ayrt, imane's body doesn't look obviously male either. masculine? androgynous enough that s/he could be male? sure, but not
that obvious that i wouldn't have doubts. again, there are women who look like this, dsd or not. it's also very likely that imane being active and sporty since childhood contributed to a more masculine figure, as it does for most female athletes. and the bigger hands don't seem like a smoking gun to me either. in the end though, none of us know what's going on here, but i did want to bring the topic up since so many anons seem to have an irrational anger towards mannish women (sort of expected, seeing as the olympics thread got posted on 4chan and a few of them are likely just trolling but whatever).
No. 2124538
>>2124516Woman is someone with either XX chromosomes or total androgen insensitivity (TOTAL, not partial or some retarded troon shit niche percentage) that develop with female puberty. As I said, look up XY Women, they look like women, they can go throught puberty, they can menstruate, give birth, some don't even realize that theyre XY but XX Men? Disfigured, sterile abominations with micropenises and weird fat distribuition and fat tits. XY Females aren't disfigured females with a penis, at best they have internal testicles (that need to be removed because they poison the healthy, female body) they're totally female.
If a failmale trains, it becomes a muscley failmale by using that embarrassing, but yet higher than a woman's, little testosterone that he has. Maybe that's his way to cope.
No. 2124539
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>>2124480Even androgynous women are clockable as female in some way. Rain Dove may look jarring at first to some people, yet she's clearly not a man, especially when you focus on how small her head is
No. 2124544
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>>2124539Nta but when I first saw Imane I immediately saw her as a woman, just one that's not conventionally attractive. I think her big nose is what's throwing people off, but she just looks like a woman with a rectangular face to me.
No. 2124553
>>2124538>but XX Men?Doesn't add up with this
>>2124497, it says XX men are impossible naturally.
No. 2124565
>>2124511Seconded (excluding stuff like CAIS since they successfully develop external female genitalia). The biggest giveaway is the length of Imane's arms and the way his body is proportioned. Having super wide shoulders, narrow hips or a wide jaw aren't male-exclusive traits, it's the whole picture. I can't believe we have to explain this, this is why troons are so clockable. It's so funny seeing anons act like Khelif is believable as a woman, i know one CAIS woman (she's half-Algerian, ironically) and she comes across as completely female-typical. She has to disclose medical results when sharing her condition with close friends because most people don't believe her. It's
that jarring, whereas if anyone saw Khelif walking without all the baggage, they would correctly assume he's male.
No. 2124573
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>>2124561She ironically looks like a troon when wearing feminine cloths. The androgynous look feminizes her more.
I'll wait for evidence too, but I believe she's an ugly woman on PEDs that made her even uglier.
No. 2124574
>>2124553But now i read about XX Male Syndrome, and they do write about X chromosomes with SRY gene, so i think it is possible and i misiterpreted that it must be done in a lab. You must be right.
>>2124572Yes, if SRY gene is inactivated and they develop as female and have a female gamete, ig.
No. 2124577
>>2124572Look up a woman with total androgen insensitivity. They look like a woman and develop as a woman due to a complete lack of testosterone. They don't look like Imane.
>>2124553XX Men are failmales, not women.
No. 2124593
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i recommend nonnies to look up pictures strongwomen. they also often get called men and accused of being trans because it seems like no one can wrap their heads around the fact that women can look buff and 'masculine' too
No. 2124607
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KEK I cant believe people are still going around in circles about this
>>2124587There was a brigade from the 4chan tranny board, see here:
>>>/meta/81616This is why so many of the responses to this reek of moidery, people bragging about hating women, "gnc and innersecks means men (like me!) can be wuhmen too!!!", and shit that's straight outta the TRA handbook
No. 2124612
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Can we get skull expansion nona in here
No. 2124656
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>>2124365Close enough, welcome back James Charles
No. 2124666
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Spanish basketball player Maria Conde standing next to Imane
They're both Mediterranean and probably have some ancestors in common. Maria is a tall female basketball player. And Imane is Imane. And these two people look very different from each other
No. 2124676
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>>2124666What if we gave Imane a bob cut and reduced the size of the schnoz? What are we thinking everyone
No. 2124678
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bro is about to give me some killer tech tips, move out of the way linus
No. 2124681
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Oh god, this looks like Hontrapoints when they were transitioning KEK. Yeah it’s the ideal for MENA women to look like a man and have the skeletal structure of one, that’s totally not racist as all
No. 2124687
>>2124684This is a 3/4th angle not a profile or side shot.
>>2124686The vascularity and thumb size is throwing me off, but I assume basketball players are 'supposed' to have bigger hands than average to dribble the ball better.
No. 2124703
>>2124689Nah, Algerians (like all North Africans) are experts at lying to themselves. Algeria is not a caricature of an islamic country, yes, but they do have lots, and i mean
lots of baggage around taboo, especially when it comes to sexuality. People don't even talk about sex unless it's humoristic (takes the edge off of it) or with close confidantes. I can easily imagine them collectively lying to themselves about Imane's sex and acting as if he isn't male, and in doing so, almost convincing themselves it's real. Actually i'm certain this is what happened. Idk about 'smuggling', international competitions and encounters (even at a low or amateur level) are really common in boxing. Imane is not applying for citizenship kek, the IOC took it upon themselves to place holy inclusivity above everything else in their guidelines (you can check). This is silly
No. 2124725
>>2124365>>2124418Ohhhh at this point I don't care anymore if Imane is male or female. She/They/Whatever is hot as fuck in those pics.
To stay on topic though I'm pretty sure that if Imane has a DSD she's only finding out now that it's significantly affecting her performance. She's from a backwards country that hates women. They saw a pussy, they marked her female, she grew up female. She's lost plenty of times before, I'm choosing female socialization this time and choosing to be empathetic on how embarassing this situation must be.
That's not to say I think Imane should compete with XX women without DSDs going forward, she should take the L, give up Olympic boxing, and become a bisexual thirst trap. For me. Because I deserve nice things.
No. 2124829
>>2124669HRT has no effects on reversing the deep voice men have, MTFs do vocal training to get that really forced falsetto which they
think is feminine, but isn't really feminine at all.
No. 2124842
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No. 2125012
>>2124751unrelated but my cousin used steroids for a bit (she was into boxing and gym stuff) and to this day she still kinda sounds a little off, kinda like a tranny, but because she didn't 'roid up completely her voice is still undoubtedly female
she even had to have a surgery on her vagina because the clitoris became a mini penis
No. 2125167
this confuses the fuck out of me. the test results should be released. if s/he doesn't have XY chromosomes then it can be cleared up so easily. it's not properly a troon because it's fucking algeria, and i could buy the theory that steroids brought out and enhanced the male characteristics that were already naturally more there. if the birth cert that says female is real &/or the chromosomal abnormality intersex condition wasn't discovered until later in life that would just be bizarre- wouldn't you be shocked and horrified randomly finding out you were male, and would you not ever have a point where you suspect that before making it to the fucking olympics? imane seems to be loving the attention though
>>2124250my dad is turkish and both of them have the annoying loud istanbul male street vendor phenotype kek. i can't see imane's features as anything but male honestly
No. 2125202
>>2125198thanks for deleting
nonnie now I look schizo
No. 2125207
>>2125198I deleted to add a bit more context, to answer what you say in this case I dont think it matters how someone identifies.
>She’s Algerian and Muslim lmao.So? Algerians and Muslims are not hive minds.
I also clarified that are masculine women and feminine men, they are still women and men. I'm just saying in this case they should go by primary sex characteristics which afaik havent been confirmed so I dont want to comment but its unusual there would be such a hubbub around this person when there have been masculine female olympians before who have not received this level of scrutiny. However as others have pointed out there could be racism at play so idk I would like to see how this is resolved though.
>>2125202Nonna here is your reply please calm down.
No. 2125322
>>2124217Looks like we need the IOC to do sex testing then, instead of the IBA.
And as for Phelps? No. He's a male competing against other males.
The IAAF decided to ban males with intersex conditions from competing against females after 3 males won in the womens 800m race in Rio.
No. 2125352
File: 1723016413480.jpg (413.47 KB, 1080x853, 1000001716.jpg)

GC retards are now XYfoiling the Thai woman that Imane just beat in the semi finals
No. 2125363
>>2125352This was happening even way before the fight too. Plenty of female boxers look mannish because surprise, mannish features make you excel at the sport. Track runners have long legs because it grants them longer stride, swimmers have long limbs because it helps them propel faster, gymnasts are tiny because it's easier to control your balance when you're short. And at olympics level it's all about min-maxing the features so every little difference in muscle mass counts.
But just what about troonism is it that makes peoples' brain rot? It's not just trannies themselves absolutely obsessed with gender and its presentation, it's these GCtards too. Like 10 years ago people would've just been "figures" if they saw a female boxer looking extremely masculine, now people are tripping over themselves transvestigating. It's literally the same shit as trannies doing their creepy trans headcanons, just from a different perspective.
No. 2125365
>>2124676The one on the left looks more like a man to me than the one on the right. I didn't even realize the right was Imane Khelif, I thought anons were complaining about someone from Spain being a tranny.
Both might be intersex.
No. 2125371
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>>2125352the chinese, korean and japanese teams are full of female athletes looking like little boys. those 'gc' twitter idiots brains are broken.
No. 2125372
>>2125352Who cares about some retarded twitterfag.
>>2125371Who cares about what people looks like, what matters is their biology.
No. 2125374
>>2125371I rolled my eyes at the racism claims at first but it's honestly telling how these accusations are
always directed at non-white female athletes and people always assume that a non-western (usually extremely homophobic and anti-trans) country is always evil, corrupt to the core and will go to lengths to disguise male athletes as women just to win clout at the world stage because western countries are righteous and would never do such a thing (the only thing they do is send a child rapist to represent them kek).
No. 2125390
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>>2125365I'm guessing some of you are greasy butter balls who got socially ignored in high school. So you don't really know what female athletes look like
No. 2125400
>>2125383>>2125388the IOC never disputed that both boxers might be intersex.
And both boxer could have disputed the IBAs test at the Court of Arbitration for Sport, but Lin Yu didn't and Khelif did, but later withdraw. You can only sepculate why (CAS cases are public)
As much as I would like the IOC to do their own testing and make do with all those looney speculations, the sex criteria they set for this olympics is passport sex, and both boxers passed. Like it or not, both boxers are right to compete. What need to be disscused how we go on from here.
No. 2125411
>>2125401That's not right, sex trsting can be done by cheek swabing.
Also her gender was questiones prior to the New Dehli worlds and first tested in 2022.
No. 2125416
>>2125400The reason why the Olympics gave up gender verification (and this happened in 1996, 20 years before troonism became an issue) was because the tests were unreliable, and some athletes who had passed them before suddenly failed them the next year. Another reason was that having a Y chromosome doesn't necessarily give you advantage over other women in sports because sometimes it just means you're infertile with no androgynous or masculine traits, an XX woman with heightened testosterone levels could still have a much greater advantage but still pass the sex verification. It's not a black and white issue, people really think that intersex people look like some deformed mutants with no specifiable gender straight from a medical textbook when often the differences are extremely subtle if notable at all.
>>2125411And she was able to compete in the IBA Championships in 2023 despite them apparently "knowing she was a man". They refused to comment why this was. Curious indeed.
No. 2125417
>>2125414>My aunt's grandma's cousin's girlfriend's sister twice removedYou guys always have "a relative" when someone makes a general statement that doesn't match whatever internet argument you're part of.
>And no she's not intersex. We genuinely don't know any of these people, and now we know testing isn't exactly rigorous. Saying both of them might be intersex is neutral.
No. 2125425
>>2125416sex testing is much better now, than it was in the sixties or 20 years age. I like the approach scientist Ross Tucker offers, instead of sex testing, we should sex screen all participating women and if anomalies occur, extra tests should to be done. Check out his podcast on that personally am against testosterone levels, if we make sure women pass the sex test. Women with CAH or PCOS are just a natural variation of the female sex, they have that little edge that Phelbs has with his body.
Regarding the IBA championship, they changed the rules last minute to exclude people without XX chromosones.
No. 2125434
>>2125417I posted that picture to show the contrast between a typical pro female athlete and Imane. But it's fascinating how this thread is ready to transvestigate every woman in sports
Maria is 6'1" which is medium height in pro basketball. There's thousands of women who look exactly like her in basketball and volleyball. I can post more of them here if you want to rank their levels of intersex-passing and woman-failing
No. 2125436
>>2125434Saying someone looks mannish to me isn't "transvestigating" them just because it made you upset. Transvestigating is what some ideological schizos ITT will do if it turns out Imane has an intersex disorder but isn't a male, or if she's XX but brawny.
>intersex-passing and woman-failingAnd here is the lack of education I pointed out.
No. 2125440
>>2125363it gives people who already dislike gender nonconformity (and often homosexuality) a leg up to call any woman they think looks "weird" a predatory man without (rightly) being called a dickhead. it's sad to see more and more progressive gc-ers fall into the transvestigation trap though, especially women who are gnc or detrans themselves and are very much at risk of being labeled a predator by the larger conservative gc group. some of them may just be throwing other women under the bus to try and take the target off their own backs. fucking sad to see a movement that started out feminist get overtaken by right-wing nutjobs and turn misogynistic.
No. 2125446
>>2125441Because I thought a picture where someone deliberately tried to edit Imane to look "more feminine" and have a smaller nose was a different person, and that the other athlete whose face they left unedited (but added weird hair) looked more mannish next to to them?
I wouldn't be surprised if both people were intersex, or if they were doping, or if they had some other genetic anomaly contributing to how they look. It doesn't mean they fail as women or that they can't be women, that's something you tacked on.
No. 2125454
>>2125447haven't seen anything on that, must are just saying that IOC will probably do nothing.
Maybe we'll see after the Semenya case is finally concluded?
No. 2125458
>>2125457>Well if she was doping or had intersex advantages, that would be pathetic. Ok. Do all intersex people have intense advantages over "normal" women?
>So I'm just curious how many of them do you think are intersex or dopingWhy should I care? Why are you bothered?
No. 2125474
>>2125467It's honestly weird how people are more willing to believe that someone is intersex rather than a tall and/or muscular woman with non-delicate features. But this thread is overran by /tttt/ troons who keep pushing this "women with rare intersex syndromes ARE MEN!!!!" baiting to gaslight people into admitting that actually troons hecking
valid women despite not having XX chromosomes even though they're all perfectly genetically aligned XYs with no intersex conditions.
No. 2125483
>>2125474If there's any place where intersex people with conditions that might make it more feasible to compete in female competitions would be, it would be stuff like the olympics.
I'm not sure why people are acting surprised when Caster exists.
>>2125480This. The entire discussion would end of results were simply shared, and if not trusted, done again and then shared. If Imane is XX then wouldn't that be the ultimate evil
TERF dunk?
No. 2125614
>>2125388>and if you choose to believe a crime syndicate front The IBA had a Moroccan president right before the current one. Does this mean that the IBA was an Islamist drug-peddling mafia before? Are lab test results only
valid if they are repeated by a western european blonde man?
>>2125425Yes, his solution makes a lot of sense and wouldn't be hard to implement.
>>2125416Now this is just a pile of lies. The technology has rapidly advanced since and there is a point in testing to weed out the intersex males who
do have an unfair advantage, they exist.
>when often the differences are extremely subtle if notable at allYou just pulled this out of your ass. It's extremely variable depending on the condition. 5αR2D DSD males (like Semenya and presumably, Imane) look like regular men.
No. 2125667
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>>2125619the question is how do you get so braindead you take one look at her and say she looks like a man? she has more feminine features than some of the other female boxers she went up against this week alone
No. 2125671
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Why does Imane need to wear a groin protector like this
No. 2125672
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>>2125668why should she reveal incriminating medical info about herself, not XY but lets say high levels of testosterone, when every other boxer with the same conditions don't have to? ffs, THREE of the medalists from 2016 rio olympics for women's 800m race turned out to have high levels of testosterone and nobody batted an eye, even though they look like actual men compared to imane.
No. 2125694
>>2125672because there are no allegations of failed sex test for other boxers?
also, of course the rio olympics stirred some shit, they are still negotiate the semenya case in front of the european human rights court. It just wasn't culture war supercharged.
>>2125671 there grion protectors for women as well, stop tinfoiling
No. 2125699
>>2120893>You can do your own research and look at what scientists are saying on thisOk, so no, you don't have anything tangible. That's exactly the point I was making. Thank you.
Top kek at the IBA dude calling the IOC dude a "sodomite" because he's gay during their unhinged press conference. This really tells you everything you need to know about their credibility.
No. 2125710
>>2125699>Look at what scientists are saying on this>You don't have anything tangibleAre you dumb? Since you can't be assed to make a google search: Zachary Elliott. Emma Hilton. Hans Koppies. They're discussing Khelif's and Lin Yu Ting's cases in pretty clear terms. You're welcome.
The IBA guy's homophobia still doesn't invalidate the lab test results. The lab workers who found Khelif is XY just did their job.
No. 2125738
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>>2125602You can clearly see her boobs even though she's wearing a sports bra
If she had long hair and wore lipstick like Ilona Maher, people be like "slay!!! Warrior queen!!!" But instead she's just a basic Thai bulldyke which means she's doomed to be XYfoiled by retards
This is why so many female athletes compete with makeup and lashes on
No. 2125746
>>2125741No she didn't. This is Janjaem Suwannapheng. She won silver in the 2023 IBA world championship that Imane Khelif and Lin YuTing were disqualified from
Did you think this was Lin YuTing? Do you not know the difference between Thailand and Taiwan?
No. 2125841
>>2125741hahahahahahah fucking A
guys this is your typical retard posting itt: zero knowledge on boxing, intersex biology, even fucking geography. thinks the thai boxer and the taiwan boxer are the same person. i'm fucking FLOORED
No. 2125970
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Okay so I keep seeing people accuse anyone who thinks Khelif looks male as being racist/homophobic/doesn’t know what a masculine woman look like. I’m gonna have to call bullshit. Sick of the gaslighting. In picrel, the group on the left are athletes with suspected or confirmed cases of male (XY) intersex conditions. On the right, are athletes who are confirmed to be non-intersex females (XX) who have been targeted and mocked for being “manly/maculine” looking or who people have accused of secretly being men.
Do you really expect me to believe you don’t see any difference between these two groups of people? Really? I tried to incorporate various sports and races so don’t even try that cop out. The biggest thing throwing me off about the ones on the left are their massive heads, not even so much their bodies. I know y’all can see it too.
No. 2126063
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let's go Lin Yu Ting im so proud of her for going to the finals!! (got accused by the IBA aswell as Khelif)
No. 2126089
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>>2126085lol she has gigantic hands, flat chest and a deep male voice. Isn't enough for you?
No. 2126109
>>2126084>this particular woman has clear signs of masculinization during puberty beyond that of other female athletes who have been labeled masculine>omg you think all maghrebian women are men???!>>2126087The IBA is not a Russian organization. It’s just currently led by a Russian guy. The last guy was Moroccan. Are Moroccans also inherently evil liars like the Russians?
>>2126089>>2126090Ok I will concede and make a small correction. Brittney Griner is intersex, but her body does not respond to testosterone so she is not conferred the same unfair advantage and that would probably explain why her features still look “soft” despite possessing other masculine features like height and flat chest.
No. 2126137
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>>2126109>Are Moroccans also inherently evil liars like the Russians?I advise you to do some researches on the diplomatic conflicts between Morroco and Algeria before acting smart.
No. 2126146
>>2126137Were the Moroccans the ones who disqualified Imane? No. So what point are you even trying to make?
>>2126138People who are abnormally tall often have very deep voice. Both men and women. Have you ever heard Andre the Giant speak?
No. 2126184
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>>2126167cope and seethe. you will never be a successful masculine asian boxer
No. 2126187

>>2126166Because I’m sorry, I know you don’t wanna hear it, but Imane appears far more masculine in her features than Brittney. Even when you factor in height, lack of boobs, big hands…the face and head are what are throwing people off more about Imane than Brittney. There’s also the fact that we don’t have confirmation on Imane’s chromosomes or hormones. We know Brittney doesn’t have male levels of testorone. We don’t know that about Imane yet. That’s the whole crux of the issue. If we knew for certain that Imane had the same condition as Brittney - intersex but no advantage through testosterone, then we wouldn’t be having this conversation. It’s the fact that all parties are not being transparent that’s feeding the flames of this scandal.
>>2126161Okay so you think it’s more plausible that Morocco and Russia are colluding against the Algerians bc of historical beef or to maintain some record no one cares about…than to think that the Russian and Moroccan fighters felt their losses were not entirely fair due to Imane appearing very male?
>>2126177I’m talking extremely tall. 6’4” is very tall but 6’9” and up is like straight up gigantism. I’ve seen several instances of women like that with baritone voices. How else would you explain the voice of the woman in this video?
No. 2126191
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the plot thickens indeed…
No. 2126222
>>2126215I can see that being a reason. Not sure how that could be solved on a fundamental level, though I don't think saying "nu-uh passport says F" works well either.
>>2126210Agreed, the athletes shouldn't be the
victims of bad or lack of policy.
No. 2126351
>>2126321she has the typical algerian woman rough voice. Its not uncommon, you can also hear Biyouna's voice, she's also algerian.
(timestamp 00:30)
No. 2126570
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The worst offense in this thread is retards pretending algerian women ''just look like that'' Aka they all have huge honkers, male jaw, an hyper masculine body, and clocking the obvious male feature is racism. Uh no the fuck not, algerian woman are just as feminine as any other women, it's weirdo behavior to claim otherwise.
No. 2126642
>>2126586>I don’t think anyone is saying that.Stop lying.
>>2126084>And for the hundredth thousandth time, Imane has hgh induced acromegaly.This is literally the first time anyone has mentioned hgh or acromegaly in this thread. Lay off the crack pipe.
No. 2126720
>>2126570>cherry picked pictureoh i'm soooo sorry
No. 2126754
File: 1723110166002.jpg (12.71 KB, 236x319, algeria-1870s.jpg)

>>2126716Okay, here's a non berber native algerian from late 1800s still doesn't look like a man
No. 2126771
>>2126754I remember seeing that picture, and reading an Algerian comment something like "Algerians don't look like that anymore and it's called evolution".
I feel like they would rather have someone who straight up looks like a man represent them than a petite woman with obvious black ancestry, it's pretty funny.
No. 2126784
>>2126777Yes, and Imane looks like a delicate baby angel. I love opposite day and
triggering delusional racists kek
No. 2126791
>>2126787you are no fun, you were supposed to reply with
>stop baiting you retard raceor something
No. 2126800
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>>2126716This actually. I'm not saying she can't be intersex, but as someone who's traveled around, Imane does not stand out in a very significant way IMO. I think western people just aren't too used to her phenotype. Maghreb people tend to have prominent jaws, broad shoulders and powerful noses. There are Algerian police women with strong bodies like hers. Not everyone in this world needs to be pretty or hyperfeminine.
No. 2126858
Racebaiting against a maghrebian woman? farmhands dont give a shit. Racebaiting against another black woman? MOOOODS BAN THIS RACIST ANON!!!!
(racesperging) No. 2126873
>>2126858How is anything in
>>2126771 or
>>2126754 "racebaiting against a maghrebian woman"? Kek, some of you are so pathetic it's unreal.
No. 2127082
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how the fuck does she look male? she looks like a brown princess diana
No. 2127089
>>2127082look nonna i agree that shes a woman but
>she looks like a brown princess dianadont lie
No. 2127093
>>2127089i don't think it's far fetched
No. 2127450
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its racism against MENA women. queen Nasim was accused of being a man too, and she looks undeniably female
No. 2128254
>>2126833Cool, you can say that these women also have strong jaws, wide shoulders and low brow bones and would be accused of being male by retards.
>>2127082Diana had a big honker, short hair and no perfectly shaped angel skull, time to do a transvestigation on her.
No. 2128832
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No. 2128887
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قَسَمًا بِٱلنَّازِلَاتِ ٱلْمَاحِقَات
وَ ٱلدِّمَاءِ ٱلزَّاكِيَاتِ ٱلطَّاهِرَات
وَ ٱلْبُنُودِ ٱللَّامِعَاتِ ٱلْخَافِقَات
فِي ٱلْجِبَالِ ٱلشَّامِخَاتِ ٱلشَّاهُقَات
نَحْنُ ثُرْنَا فَحَيَاةٌ أَو مَمَات
وَ عَقَدْنَا ٱلْعَزْمَ أَن تَحْيَى ٱلْجَزَائِر
No. 2129070
File: 1723247857553.jpg (85.36 KB, 1079x787, 1000001730.jpg)

Look at Janjaem Suwannapheng. She looks annoyed. I'm sure she wanted a rematch with Yang Liu after getting beaten by her in the IBA championship match. But the Algerian intersex sports movie boxing script got in the way of their rivalry.
Janjaem and Yang Liu should both go pro and ditch the amateur boxing shit
No. 2129098
>>2129096cry me a river
Khelif is the first gnc maghrebian woman having a gold medal and you're just seething behind your laptop
No. 2129099
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>>2129083no the other asian boxer accused of being a male is Lin Yu Ting (and she's so fucking hot for some reason)
Retards are seething on her but she started boxing to protect her mom
No. 2129103
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>>2129083 i agree that janjaem looks very masculine too on some pictures but there would never be any tranny accusations on her because she didnt fought against a russian woman at the time where IBA elected their new russian president
No. 2129114
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>>2129109taste of victory yummm im tasting those salty westerners tears
No. 2129145
>>2128886> "karens"> "blatant islamophobia"> "You vindicated what every TRA ever said about you"> "I'm glad I see you for who you are."> "As you love to say: cope and seethe"I'm Switzerland about whether Imane is intersex or not, but I'm sure your chromosomes scream "neurodivergent". Cringe af.
>>2129103> there would never be any tranny accusations on herNever doubt transvestigators, no one is safe.
No. 2129153
File: 1723253010260.jpg (338.94 KB, 1080x717, Screenshot_20240810_032255_Sam…)

totally a man guys!!!!!!!!!!
No. 2129170
>>2129168Dude, are you retarded or can you just not be bothered to do research? company that scouts boxers during the Olympic Trials came out and publicly stated “she” passed the chromosomal exam.
No. 2129181
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>>2129174Are you just coming up with random names? Did you read the actual article?
No. 2129185
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>>2129181same article retard
No. 2129205
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y'all are acting like Imane gave bruises to Yang Lin and left her toothless but they were actually smiling and cheering each other at the end of the fight. You are a bunch of pathetic loosers like those westerner fighters who cried over her
No. 2129245
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>>2129225das a man. now hol on a minit, anon wants to suck a girlpeen? she wants to open those flattened testicles like opening two loves of bread buttering a sandwich and chow down on that microPENIS? now ain’t that crazy!???? in 2024 everyone going down including the micropenis suckers and das the truth
No. 2129268
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wow! good to see you're all still at it, truly inspiring
No. 2129317
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This is supposedly a “woman”. Holy sit, they really are allowing trannies in women’s sports and there’s nothing you can do about it but watch while they have their useful idiots call you a conspiracy theorist or internalized misogynist for seeing the obvious. This is a man in plain sight.
No. 2129339
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This is a muscular woman, this is the “gnc” woman they should be praising you can fully tell that this is a fucking woman with some muscle built on her from hard work albeit a little rough in the face probably from all of that exercise and enhancements, that’s what a proper usage of enhancements looks like not like fucking “Imane” or “Lin”. They’re literally defending men, it’s so disgusting and disappointing to see and nobody cares because they’ve already set the transphobic narrative to shut down dissent. Conspiracy theorists are honestly on to something with this rule the world conspiracy, they are so right this is some fuckery unfolding in front of eyes. There’s no coincidence that ex-tif thread was made right after this controversial topic, it’s these ex-tifs running around harboring the same female hatred they had when they were transitioning and they never properly healed it. You chose the man as a representative for you, a woman who does not look like that, for why?? What reason??? What mental illness??
No. 2129355
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The brow ridge, the jaw, the lip/mouth shape, the shoulders, the gait, the y chromosome. You cant spell Imane without Man.
No. 2129375
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If you see anything other than a man I don't know how to help you
No. 2129389
>>2129372I don't know why so many anons desperately want to believe Khelif is just a woman, if they're genuinely ignorant it's willful at this point. Most of the thirstposts sound like inorganic overcompensation.
>inb4 but the tests results were fake!!how many times would establishments fake results to remove a woman from the top spot compared to the reality that is trying to push your "best" (doped up, genetic freak or otherwise) into an easily-bested niche category?
No. 2129391
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This guy shows up at your front door and asks to make an arrangement with your father for your hand in marriage, wyd?
No. 2129408
>>2129383because Khelif isn't a 'troon' as in someone who's independently transitioned. Every human being is or would be either XX or XY outside of an intersex condition, there's no true hermaphroditism, just a pair of gonads that should be testes OR ovaries. When people say the tests prove Khelif is XY they're saying he's got undescended balls in there and the outer genitalia may have been ambiguous or very female looking - he might even have a vaginal pocket (but it won't lead to a uterus and he won't have ovaries), leading him to (actually) be assigned female at birth then raised as a girl. Khelif's family had a good chance of not knowing. I don't know what Algeria's taboos about sex are like but he could have easily never told them he never had a period when in his teens if it freaked him out. But on that note, no teen girl could be so unaware they're the only one who doesn't bleed when they should have female friends around them, so I don't buy it with sympathists say Khelif must be devastated to discover this all
now so that we should let it slide. This big sperg is to say Khelif's family didn't troon out their small child like an American one for clout or perversion and the factors allow for them genuinely believing they had a girl that they can't publicly poon out when they discover she has no periods and looks and punches like a boy.
On another note, one thing I want people to understand is that if there is a Y chromosome in a person AT ALL, they are male, no matter how many extra X chromosomes may have mistakenly copied into them during conception, for the trannies out there who genuinely try to muddy the waters by pretending they have more X's than they do Y's. And there are no genetic conditions where an XX fetus develops a penis and/or scrotum-looking organ to become a very male-looking but sterile "man"
you can have poor, masculinized daughters due to TiFs continuing to take testosterone during pregnancy. They're obviously still not male though. Mosaicism is a thing (that is not a disorder of sexual development) but that's really having bits of a second, genetically different person embedded in you.
No. 2129455
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No. 2129469
>>2128886Taking a few days off Lolcow transvestigation discourse, interacting with normal people and coming back to this thread really gives perspective on how absolutely mentally ill these people are.
>You vindicated what every TRA ever said about you, in the worst possible way, loosing all credibility in the process. It's sad. TRAs always paint "terfs" as being racist, homophobic conservatards and anons really held up that stereotype. At first I was sure it was just /pol/scrotes baiting but ovarit being overran with this discourse and anon mentioning the discord server proved otherwise, it's just people completely consumed by obsessing about the gender ideology. I also lost my respect for J.K. Rowling completely for calling her a troon, even if she was intersex that wouldn't still make her a tranny. In the past she probably would've had enough sense in her head to know better but years of terminally online twitter discourse rotted her and her followers' brains irreparably.
Anyway, congratulations Imane, I hope she's an inspiration to young women in Algeria. The way her nation has cheered her on during this has been really inspiring.
No. 2129490
>>2129482NTA but was that ever confirmed? If the Russian tests aren't trustworthy, surely there was another test result one could look to?
I'm neutral on the whole thing, but I agree a lot of TERFs handled this horribly.
No. 2129492
>>2129469Nonna oh how much better you are than all of us. You think we all sit here refreshing the page all day like mad just waiting to type something racist, we surely don't interract with the world and don't have lives.
The accusing everyone of being conservative, racist or homophobic because they see male traits, not masculine woman traits, in a person shows more to me how your percetion of people is screwed. Everybody but you is evil and stupid, everybody who disagrees with you must be a rightwing nutjob or at least homophobic!1! People can't independetny observe male trains and come to a conclusion, there must be some evil ideology controling them.
>>2129490They said they measured it in india as far as i remmeber and came to the same conclusion.
No. 2129496
>>212949310mol/l is allowed level for troons and dsd scrotes, which is twice of normal levels for women.
>muh IBA is corruptbut IOC isn't corrupt too? when they literally allow US and China dope their athletes to hell and before they removed sex verification despite opposition of majority of female athletes
No. 2129503
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>>2129493Labs in two different countries (Turkey and India) tested Imane. The IBA may be funded with corrupt money, but they even allowed the benefit of the doubt and let her compete after the first test in 2022 showed a male karyotype.>The athlete who has ignited a worldwide controversy in Olympic women’s boxing was disqualified from the 2023 International Boxing Assn. world championships in New Delhi after two tests, one in India amid that tournament and a prior test in Turkey in May 2022, “concluded the boxer’s DNA was that of a male consisting of XY chromosomes,” according to correspondence the IBA sent in June 2023 – more than a year ago – to the International Olympic Committee.
>The June 5, 2023, letter, spotlighting Algeria’s Imane Khelif, reads, “This situation epitomizes the importance of protecting safe sport, and the integrity of sport in which the Olympic Movement is jointly committed to.”>3 Wire Sports has seen the letter and the tests No. 2129509
>>2129503That's shocking. So, now what happens? Is women's sports basically over now that they're just straight-up going to allow men who were raised as women?
If this is true, and it spreads, I can't help but feel like instead of the media retracting all its positivity for this person, it'll just embolden TRAs and make them think even more that it actually is stunning and brave for moids to dominate in women's sports (and they definitely won't want to restrict it to intersex thirdies who didn't know they weren't female until later on).
The biggest joke is that if that happens, inevitably, all the actual female athletes will just fuck off, leaving it to be men's sports v2. Then come the think pieces titled shit like "Cis Flight: How Boxing Went Trans" and Reddit threads asking shit like "Why are there no cisgendered women in sports anymore?".
No. 2129642
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> Middle eastern women just happen to look like men! It’s cool I promise it’s normal!!!
No. 2129649
>>2129644>but allowing him to participate in sports with women is insane/thread.
Or at least it should be.
No. 2129661
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>>2129503I posted this
Sorry for writing "her" once, I don't consider this person a woman, that's abundantly clear to me. Probably just a mistake from reading various reports.
The IOC are at fault here for having no standards at all for gender testing at the Olympics. The IBA notified the IOC of these test results, but since the IOC severed ties with the IBA, the IOC then chose to do… absolutely nothing. They've reverted to turning a blind eye to everything because they are too afraid to take a stand for fairness in women's sports.
No. 2129677
>>2129672Please, you support male beating women up in the ring, as long as they're a
poc of course !
No. 2129715
>>2129165Do you know many males with slim waist and narrow shoulders? Why do you never compare her body with male boxers? If you put them side by side it becomes obvious that she is female. This thread is just full of larping overweight males from pol who are mad because a muslim woman could easily beat them in a fight.
>>2129153Her build here is very obviously female.
No. 2129734
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>>2129715>Why do you never compare her body with male boxersFucking kek, they look exactly like Imane
No. 2129791
>>2129774I'm algerian and i lived in algeria for 10 years. It's a predominantly muslim country, but dont get me wrong, the hijab is not mandatory. If you to go Algiers, women are not always putting their hijabs, there's women with short hair, women wearing suits. Hell, even one of my neighbors was a tall and masculine woman wearing a tracksuit, and she was violent as fuck like a man.There is some regions where you see more extremists, mostly in the south of Algeria. It is still a homophobic country. They don't fuck with LGBT shit. It's the first time we have a masculine woman representing the country, if she didnt got all of these backlashes and stayed unknown, the population wouldnt be that much supportive. But since westerners are attacking one of us, it will grow our pride even more.
No. 2129849
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tonight is gonna be her final fight too
No. 2129860
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>>2129849btw for the nasty people who will call her a man, she fights to protect her mom, something that you "muh XX" cows would never do behind your screen
(ban evading) No. 2129867
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His coach loves the feeling of balls on the back of his neck. Kek.
No. 2129883
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>>2129875she's definitely female, unlike the retarded scrote you are.
(scrotefoiling) No. 2129925
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Anyway, the tests exist, they were run by independent labs and non-russian journalists have seen them.
No. 2129935
>>2124176Just because I can recognize that she has a rare genetic condition does not make me an insecure tranny.
That femininity point is such a reach too. People can choose not to alignwith made-up gender norms and still be emotionally stable.
Honestly, this thread seems to be attracting tradthots. What a waste.
No. 2129942
>>2124196You have such utter hatred for someone who has no impact on your life. It is rather sad.
At worst, she has an intersex condition. Dehumanising her by calling her a 'freak' does no favors for your argument.
No. 2129948
>>2124222Do you get all your daily news from Fox?
The opening ceremony was featuring the Festival of Dionysus, the Greek God of Wine and Festivity. The Olympics has Greek roots, and France is known for its wine, so it seems to be a pretty spot on display.
Why do Christians think that everything is about them?
No. 2130026
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'Transphobia' kek, they're not even pretending to care about the specifics of intersex cases anymore. This was always about forcing males in female sports
No. 2130044
>>2130033Intersex male (XY
and natural T levels in the male range = testes). And same, i hate how conservatives and less intelligent GCs focus on irrelevant, superficial details. The only worthwhile thing they uncovered is that picture of Khelif wearing a crotch guard during a training session, which is weird but whatever
No. 2130068
>>2130033>I still don't get if Imane is an intersex man (so at least one Y chromosome) or an intersex woman (XX or otherwise)No one does. The IOC really messed up by not verifying the IBA's claims before the event. Also, it’s more complicated than just XX or XY. They probably still allowed her to participate because she isn’t trans, and they can strip her of her medal later. It’s the easiest solution for them, even though it screws over everyone involved, including Imane Khelif. They truly don’t care about women.
>For some people with DSD, the Y chromosome is not a fully formed typical male Y chromosome. It may have some genetic material missing, damaged or swapped with the X chromosome, depending on the variation.>When it comes to being male or female, what is usually crucial is a specific gene called SRY - which stands for ‘sex-determining region of the Y chromosome’.>“This is what is called the make-male gene. It’s the master switch of sex development,” says Dr Emma Hilton, a developmental biologist who studies genetic disorders. She is also a trustee of the Sex Matters charity, which argues Imane Khelif and Lin Yu-ting shouldn’t be competing until further testing is done.There are some people born with XY chromosomes who have lost what Dr Hilton calls the "make-male" gene.
>“These people don’t make testosterone. They develop a very typical female anatomy,” Dr Hilton says.>So a test that identifies XY chromosomes does not offer a complete picture. And in the case of Imane Khelif and Lin Yu-ting, the IBA has not disclosed details of the way they were tested.>However, Dr Hilton also says that in most people with DSD who have XY chromosomes, the SRY "make-male" gene is present.>These people usually have testicles which are often inside the body.It's a really good article about DSDs. No. 2130157
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No. 2130158
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oh ting we are so fucking proud of you YOU DESERVE SO MANY GOLD MEDALS
No. 2130169
>>2130162kys twitterfag
lin's head will be my trophy
julka won
No. 2130176
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>>2130169>julka wonmy ass lol
No. 2130206
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The voice
No. 2130211
>>2130208Head trauma.
Not to tinfoil but if anyone remembers gendercrit radfem Magdalen Berns who died of an aggressive incurable glioblastoma a few years back, she was a boxer.
Contact sports and their head hits literally scramble brains.
Poor Magdalen would have had a field day with this lurch.
No. 2130286
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This interview with a supposed Professor of Biology (specializing with sport related stuff) irritates me, fuck off with the vague bullshit! Wtf is a "problem with her chromosome"? Spill it! No. 2130290
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>>2130286Attached wrong pic, sorry
No. 2130599
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>>2130596Is picrel male or female? Quick
No. 2130605
>>2130599At first glance man but now that I'm looking at the picture it could pass for a stud. Tbh pictures and even videos can be easily manipulated in this day and age.
I think this is a very butch stud
No. 2130606
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>>2130603Pretty sure if she didn’t have noticeable boobs you’d have half of retards itt claiming she’s 100% male, her and Imane’s faces are not really that different. 'The eyes in particular are eyes only a woman has' means nothing.
No. 2130609
>>2130604this. lin literally pushed esra yildiz's neck on the line in a way it couuld choke her with his pressure. he also did punch her in back of the head. referee didn't react when he did it. did imane or any other boxer do same shit? no
imane is closer with height and physique to other contestants in this weight category. lin sticks out as sore thumb, a lanklet male with not that much of muscle mass, compared to women in his category, especially in finals stage. julka and esra are pretty similar in build, nesthy is more packed looking because she's pretty short. but still, they are all clearly female and nesthy was the actual gnc asian woman, not lin.
his male height in featherweight and longass arms didn't give women a chance. julia should refuse to fight him imo.
No. 2130655
>>2129469>You vindicated what every TRA ever said about you, in the worst possible way, loosing all credibility in the process.TRAs who claim to be
victims of genocide, TRAs who promote surgery and HRT to children, TRAs who are against female right and spaces, they're all vindicated? And
they have credibility now? Wild. Because of TRAs, plenty of confirmed males have stolen opportunities from women in recent years, so the fact that several representatives claimed Imane to be XY did not seem like something impossible or surprising for the times, so it's not surprising either that many women including JKR believed it. If there are doubts about who's telling the truth, the only obvious solution is to test again, because it matters whether this person should be allowed to compete. Most of the anons itt who disagree that Imane is intersex hide behind racism accusations or "she was raised as female anyway" type of argument which is literally TRA discourse. If the failed test claims had been about a white athlete, everybody would demand results because the thread wouldn't be about race and patriotism and "take that westerners reee"
No. 2130656
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The retardation at Ovarit continues. First they never said that Imane was trans (yes they did, but soon realised it wasn't possible in Algeria so pulled an intersex condition out their arse that they can magically diagnose through blurry pictures), now she has a dick - as if that would be acceptable in any way, shape or form in Algeria.
Honestly, I feel like all this foaming at the mouth retardation has peaked me, but the other way around. All these Karens who couldn't help going after the one brown girl (they are literally obsessed with her, can't help sperge about her religion and country showing exactly 0 knowledge of either) have truly peaked me but the other way around. They peaked me out of radfemism. I hate that they proved every TRA talking points ever ("they are obsessed with genitalia, even women born female aren't good enough for them, they are exclusionary, they only like white feminine women dadada). Congratulations to all the absolute fucking retards for proving TRA correct of all fucking people. Talk about loosing all credibility.
So a woman born with a vagina can be male suddenly, a woman too good at her sport can only be a man, a woman too masculine presenting is a man reeeeeeee! If you defend Imane you can only be a troon!! Omfg. That ignoring that Imane lost a lot of her matches, never achieved much until she trained a lot in recent years. Ignoring the fact she won mainly through points, not brute strength, the fact that Carini lied about her breaking her nose (she stepped in with an existing injury, duh it will hurt if you take a punch) and have trained with Imane and knew her so knew she was a woman. Ignoring every fucking fact and pure basic logic. The fact that Imane never caused any serious injury (sAfeTy iS wHy wE wAnT tO kNoW kek yeah retard right).
Fucking hell, congrats. You lost so many of us radfems with your retardation. You are truly the bigoted hateful group everyone warned us about.
No. 2130672
>>2130656current state of lolcow. if it's a white troon or dsd scrote they'll demand testing instantly, yet when dsd scrote (khelif) and blatant incel male (lin) they'll defend them in women's sport.
it's same shit happened with semenaya. and his participation mostly robbed african and black western women of titles but everyone made it about muh white wahmen being mad.
mods, fucking give me permaban, i don't want to use this website anymore. 5 years ago lc would actually defend woman unjustly robbed of titles by troons and dsd scrotes. twitterfag brainrot runs deep. lolcow is over
No. 2130674
>>2130672samefag, but in case of lin
valid excuse that khelif has (as imane was raised as woman, bc of no testing, Algieria is poor) id not
valid. taiwan is a developed country and they did it on purpose
No. 2130722
>>2130715if you talk about lin, then you're retard as his appearing in tokyo was also highly controversial.
if you're thai i'm sorry for you.
and retards in my country were calling mexican female judoka a man when she was just unfortunate looking yet she's clearly female
No. 2130763
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And it's the same shit happening aaaaall over again..
No. 2130777
>>2130763sex testing in the 1960s wouldn't be as advanced as it's now
poland had a dsd scrote win medals in women's sports during 1930s though and it only came out after his death
No. 2130783
>>2130763>1967Almost 60 years ago? Surely sex-testing methods haven't improved at all in such a short time frame, right
nonnie? Imane was also found with a Y chromosome from tests done by TWO separate labs.
No. 2130899
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>>2129469Hey anon I also took off a week after this whole Imane discourse happened and coming back here after a week really opened my eyes to what a
toxic energy draining shithole this site is.
Unironically some of the anons here sound more racist and misogynist than actual incels with the things they are saying.
There is no getting through to them no matter what you say, just look at the replies under you. They repeat the same stereotypical racist and misogynist shit while calling themselves "radical" feminists. Its very obvious at this point they are a reactionary movement who only cares about protecting tradthot women and tradthot women only so no matter what you say they will always give you the same automated responses like "Reee shut the fuck up pickme/handmaiden/troon/retard she is tranny/man. All brown women wear hijab and all Asian women are short reeee, you bitches must be ugly that's why you support Imane"
There is no point in talking to these people anymore because they are reactionaries so they aren't listening to what you are saying instead they are thinking of ways to insult you or silence you.
What begins with evil can only be strengthened with more evil, this site was built for the sole purpose of gossiping about female cosplayers so even now if they try to re-brand themselves as more feminist their original racebaiting and misogynist roots are still there.
Ever asked yourself why there are more anons in this site who are in support of Trump than against? Ever asked yourself why anons rage more at libfems than tradthots (both are bad but anons reacting with more seething at libfems is very telling).
Exactly, either way I won't be on this site anymore so I won't see whatever "intelligent" take a cultist tradthot will give me for this post.
(P.S twitter is now filled with reactionary right-wingers and tradthots so stop calling people twitterfags you dumbfuck tradthots)
No. 2130914
>>2130905What's next are you going to claim the women at mumsnet and ovarit (and every other platform) are 4channers too? How long will you keep on moving the goal posts.
>>2130907That was never even implied you retard imagine if the roles were switched and someone defended a very masculine butch white woman and someone (a retard like you) replies something like "oh anon you must think all white women look like men then"
No. 2130920
>>2130917>strawman funny this is coming from the same people who believed Imane was trans at first and after finding out she she isn't now are falsely claiming she has a penis without any proof or claiming she has whatever Semanya has ,again no proof on what condition she has.
Why don't you keep bitching about twitterfags since you are obviously stuck in the year 2016 despite twitter now being a right-wing shithole made for the best pieces of crap like you.
No. 2130943
>>2130933How the hell is saying that he's a woman
valid in any way shape or form ? Caitlyn Jenner also claims to be a woman. He won't show his test because it says XY on it.
No. 2130968
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Typical male bhaviour, choosing "violence" instead of providing proof. So you're telling me to believe that this true and biological woman failed to provide genetic testing due to muh privacy shit but will go and sue people who are saying that he's a man? Why would a woman need to sue, if she was a woman? Sounds like typical clocked moid.
No. 2130970
>>2130964you are a seething white moid /troon I recognise you because you posted the same things on 4chan, atleast try to be more subtle next time. I know you are going to try and deny it kek.
Also no, no white troon has ever gotten this level of hate and media attention that Imane has. She is literally being bashed more by the media than white troons ever have.
You are a self victimising troon who is upset Imane is being defended by some people and you are making it about race.
>>2130965Least mentally ill gender-critical be like:
No. 2130971
>>2130941This doesn't prove shit, by saying that a woman is someone who says that they're a woman, you're playing the gendie's game.
I'm no doctor just because I claim to be one, there has to be proof somewhere, you can understand that?
No. 2130978
>>2130974We're asking for actual links and documents, not for words that can be biased. Of course if I ask HIMane to prove that he's a woman he will simply say "BUT I AM ONE!! SEE??"
Provide the fucking documents that for some reason, you refuse to show. People don't give a shit if you're intersex as some sort of bigotry, it's only fair to everyone competing against him. Other women will provide them frame zero if asked, why can't he do? Don't try to feed me the privacy lie, if you go a worldwide streamed event with other people, it should be public and mandatory, if you don't want to do that, stay in your place and beat up random dudes in your local gyms.
No. 2130984
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>imane trolling bishits and trannies into thinking he’s a woman
No. 2130989
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>>2130708>buff and strong female athletes Where? those are men. There’s plenty of buff and strong female athletes that people know are women because they are women, these things are not.
No. 2130998
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So, isn't this person just intersex? Like, is it possible to be born with XY and still have female genitalia due to a mutation? I'm very confused about this whole thing, but the way beckies and libfems at Twitter and TikTok are reacting to this situation (defending this athlete to obsessive levels, witch hunting, getting extremely aggressive) is already a bad sign. I need the facts
No. 2131006
>>2130998There's not even proof that he has female genitalia, yes that thing that you're saying exists and it's called Androgen Insensitivity but those XY individuals grow up fully women because they have
total androgen insensitivty, meaning they don't look masculine in the slightest and they don't even develop pcos, their bodies don't produce any male hormones at all but their dnas are like that and sure as shit, they don't look like Imane.
No. 2131034
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Khelif's coach confirmed that he there's a 'problem' with his chromosomes and hormones. It's pretty amazing how he insists that Khelif is somehow fit for women's competitions even if another professional had to pair him with a man to not harm female boxers during sparring. I wonder if this is enough proof or if it's still racist homophobic GNCphobic anti-Algerian karen propaganda.>>2130984My sides
No. 2131054
>>2130899Are you smoking weed or what? Their side
>>2130290 has literally admitted that Imane has a "problem with chromosomes and hormones"! Personally I find it highly suspect that someone with XY chromosome, even if they seemingly had a vagina at birth, can grow up into an adult not knowing that there is SOMETHING wrong with their reproductive system (the lack of menstruation would be noticed no matter how backwards the country is). But even if we delude ourselves into thinking Imane is a totally blameless irregularity of nature like you seem to want, Imane and the algerian trainers etc have known the lab results for quite a while and have known that Imane's medical condition provides a boost to athletic performance over regular women. Even if such people with DSDs don't choose to be born the way they are, they need to acknowledge that they have have been under the effect of what you can say is "natural doping" and shouldn't compete with women! Doing otherwise makes them an opportunist cheater.
No. 2131067
>He goes on to continuously assert that Khelif lived as a girl and has a “girl’s sensitivity,” but adds that Khelif has a “special” body type. When asked if individuals with “XY profiles” have specific physical advantages over those with “XX profiles,” Cazorla refused to say whether males were generally stronger than females.Kekkk no rational argument as to why we should accept that a male who is too strong to even do sparrings against women should be competing with them. Just vibes, 'she has a girl's sensitivity', 'think of her distress'. He sounds just like some anons
>>2131056You're not funny or smart or even a good baiter. Yawn
No. 2131086
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I have another tinfoil, the girl next to Simone is definitely one of those Blaire White type trannies. I can just detect it and sense it, something is not right with that one especially with the makeup it just has that look. Simone 100% is a woman though (and cute because she’s mini, hotter than your ugly ass shitty tomboy butch taste that ends up 9 times out of 10 being a moid like Imane KEK)(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 2131094
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>>2131086Samefag. I know she’s mixed with enchilada, but idk.. I’m starting not to trust anything anymore. Everybody lies
No. 2131096
The sad truth is that Imane is a man with an intersex disorder, but the waters are so poisoned now that one side won't accept it because of how the other side has been acting (false accusations toward actual, unrelated female athletes -especially the gnc ones, uneducated accusations of transgenderism, etc) on top of the existing push for tranny bullshit.
It's a win for trannies because TERFs have had their talking points and large sectors of their movement completely overtaken by deranged right wingers who have the same backward ideas about gender as trannies. Even in this thread, you can get called a racist tardwife for pointing out Imane is male, and that's because that group were the loudest throughout this whole discussion practically everywhere and they shat everything up with retard takes, racism (though I feel like both sides were virulently racist tbh), transvestigation, outright lies, etc. I wouldn't blame anyone who hasn't already been peaked to take one look at all this bullshit, and just choose to believe Imane is a woman uncritically. Rare instance that being right doesn't end up mattering when the presentation is completely fucked.
No. 2131149
>>2130606It doesn't matter how feminine or non-feminine Imane looks. You can be a gnc female and still be female. You can be a hyperfemme HST who passes and still be male. Performing gender roles or not has fuck all to do with someone's biological development.
It doesn't even matter if Imane has dick and balls or does not. What matters is if Imane went through male puberty. It's totally possible to have external vulva and living as female but still have that testosterone advantage.
I personally think Imane is an intersex person and the genetic advantages blur the line too much of what is fair in women's sports where 99% of them did not go through male puberty. People with nothing to hide wouldn't have an issue sharing test results, hence why I've decide not to side with Imane. I think there is something unfavorable in the results hence why we're not seeing them. It's not impossible that Algeria either chose to ignore the intersex condition or did not understand it and assigned Imane afab. Now that they have a star athlete, ofc they're not going to do anything to tar that newly earned honor.
I don't think Imane is trans BUT I do this case can be weaponized and used to support the trans movement by allowing more male puberty people to beat up women in a socially acceptable way.
No. 2131161
>>2130725NTA but come on, transvestigating masculine female athletes is as old as the sports competitions themselves and predates current day gender discourse. As far as I know one of the reasons why the Olympics gave up the gender testing was because it was abused to target female athletes out of spite and the results could be misleading.
>>2130978>HIManeactual british boomer level insults I am dying of cringe, this has to be bait at this point
No. 2131169
>>2130899>tradthots>radfems bad>Reee shut the fuck up pickme/handmaiden/troon/retard she is trannyThis is how we can smell the 4chan on you.
The people coming here and suggesting Imane was a troon were the idiots from 4chan, or uninformed people asking "Hey I'm not reading this whole thread, is Imane trans or intersex or what?\"
No. 2131189
>>2131164Khelif's coach did confirm Khelif's chromosome/hormone 'problem' in a french article. If only you had clicked on the link..!
>they've seen much more aggressive and powerful female boxers than Khelif, what about their testimonials? Olympics boxers are less skilled and agressive than professional ones, generally speaking. And testimonals are important, but ultimately we shouldn't let males compete with women just because
some women think it's alright or feel like being nice to the weird male.
No. 2131373
>>2131151Didn't this already happened? I'm really sure it did but it was a couple of years ago.
Also that reminded me of that UFC troon who fractured a woman's skull, tweeted he liked doing it and getting his ass handled by a woman in the finals from pure technique on her part. The crow was yelling "kick him in the balls!!" It was really fun.
No. 2131582
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Imane's trainer admits Imane has XY chromosomes. They tested Imane in Paris after he got banned in 2023 by the IBA and the results came back the same as the IBA's.
2024 Olympics: "Imane Khelif was devastated to discover all of a sudden that she might not be a girl!" is in French. Google translate for English is said to be ok.
No. 2131637
>>2131582Truly the breadth and depth of retardation on this thread is astounding, this and other articles with confirmation he is male have been posted for several days but a bunch of morons keep shitting up the thread with 'so who can prove she's XY, huh?' takes every hour or so instead of clicking the links and reading the articles. Also 'you can't tell someone's sex via observation, only through newfangled science' another retard take.
He wasn't shocked to find out he's not a girl since he doesn't menstruate and would have noticed by his mid-teens at the latest. The Taiwanese moid who also won gold has a public instagram where he presents himself as completely male, shows himself training with/sparring with men constantly and wears the male uniforms in photos where there are two other uniforms, but the people here want to cape for moids so bad they will insist those of us who can see reality and don't want moids beating women at the olympics are the real retards. I'm just hoping this is all summerfags from twitter or 4chan /tttt/ baiters because otherwise wtf happened to lolcow?
No. 2131650
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I love how she decided to get a plastic surgery after her win! She’s beautiful and there’s nothing you can say to bring her down you evil sexists
No. 2131672
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>>2131637>I'm just hoping this is all summerfags from twitter or 4chan /tttt/ baiters because otherwise wtf happened to lolcow?It's /tttt/ baiters who want to rile up le evil terves, the previous thread got posted on their turf and they also spammed wojaks at some point
No. 2131699
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No. 2131714
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>>2131709this is how you all look like right now
(scrotefoiling) No. 2131732
>>2131711That’s what a tranny would say, but I don’t go around incessantly troonfoiling with somebody I disagree with. Use your words faggot, I’m not a right winger.
>>2131714>if you believe they’re a male you are a tranny/male????
No. 2131858
>>2131078Imane Khelif competed in the welterweight category, she can't weigh in above a certain amount and this is pretty middling
Plenty of biological (white) women are taller than 5'10"
No. 2131970
>>2131904The paris hospital test ordered by 'her' own trainer isn't enough for you? I guess only American tests count now. We even know the make of the test from Turkey and how many cells were tested, but apparently the only way to not be a bigoted
TERF karen is to only believe in scientific testing that comes from the US.
No. 2131986
>>2131978It was already posted in the thread by another anon more than once, lurk more and don't be lazy.
It just came to my attention that both the letters from the two respective athletes' legal rep have been released threatening the IBA not to release or disclose the tests publicly, but I'm sure both boxers have very legitimate reasons why they're threatening legal action if their chromosome test results are released publicly despite being honest to god XX women.
No. 2131997
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>>2131992Why don't you go read the articles detailing the results of the three genetic tests posted in this thread already instead of asking to be spoonfed?
Anyway here's part of the letter about Lin Yu-Ting
No. 2131998
>>2131997I already made my position clear, I don’t think the IBA or the Daily Mail are
valid sources
No. 2132001
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Here's the one for Imane Khelif but it's in French, it says basically the same thing as the other one does though. Basically threatening not to reveal any test results because they're private and could harm Khelif.
Now why would an XX woman who passed those tests and is female be 'harmed' by that? I guess 'her' own trainer coming out and saying 'she's' a real girl just with a 'chromosome' problem and on testosterone lowering drugs to get them out of the male range was a mistake though.
No. 2132013
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>>2132003they're doing it on purpose, this specific anon's been at it for days. just ignore them.
No. 2132123
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Here's the original article in french. Her coach, georges cazorla, contacted an esteemed french hospital which noticed a "problem" with her "chromosomes".
No. 2132187
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>>2130989These are British boxers Claressa Sheilds and Savannah Marshall, who have zero relational to this whole mess. Are we gonna transvestigate them too because they, addressing the elephant in room, not conventionally attractive/what society deems as feminine looking?
I’m not even saying this in defense of imane and the other Taiwanese boxer, it is just insane to me how fast people on this thread immediately want to use troon logic and the most disgusting agap arguments about how any women who isn’t a anorexic waif is functionally a tranny, and that sexual dimorphism phrenology sperging, muh jawline, is a complete legitimate way of determine this. This is what 40 year old crossdressers say to convince themselves that they pass- all but a tiny silver of women look like them/troons anyway
No. 2132188
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>>2132187Why do gendes keep roping black women into their mess ? Never heard of that boxer before, but she does not look like a man at all she looks like a buff woman.
No. 2132191
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>>2131017plenty of pics of Imane with stubble or a 5-o'clock shadow. In picrel, the skin texture is obviously highlighted by sweat, but there's no way Imane doesn't shave every day. I know plenty of lovely women with PCOS, none of them have an issue to this extent.
Anyway, who cares about looks. Chromosomes don't lie.
No. 2132245
>>2132218her 'condition' is having to endure the ingrained misogyny of society. if woman has 1% of masculinity = man… is their thinking.
people hate when they don't see a conventionally attractive and sexy woman win.
she is a typical woman and that's what they hate, that she isn't there to win while conveying this society's unconventional beauty standards.
No. 2132272
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>>2132187Claressa Shields is pretty curvy for someone with her degree of muscle, with rounded, soft facial features and a short midface, which is typical for many women, but not men. Savannah Marshall also has a feminine build and rounded, short features if you go to her Wikipedia page and look at her photo. Imane Khelif is taller, broader/more rectangular and mannish in body and 100x more masculine in face than both of those women with his strong jaw, massive nose, long midface and huge head.
Once again, you people are racist, misogynistic and projecting your own ideas on others. Your constant need to try and use black women specifically to legitimize men passing themselves off as women is bizarre and mentally ill.
No. 2132713
>>2132272>>2132289>>2132325I’m the OP I specifically chose a photo with TWO women, that has very little in common (even different heights) so the race, phrenology ect wouldn’t be a factor in the discussion and the first thing that 3+ anons to do is latch on to the black woman, completely ignore the other woman, and screech that it’s racist to even touch a black womans name in this discussion. The troon argument you are all referencing involves picking very average black woman and saying “yt supremacy” dictates they are “trannified” for their arguments, not professional athletes and everyone on this board is well
aware of this, but hey. The need to screech in bad faith is more important than having a normal discussion I guess.
>muh face blindnessI never said they looked masculine. I said they didn’t look conventional which means marge sectors of society will call them masculine including many retards on this board if that pic posted to the TiM thread without context.
>muh photo vs videoMost of the arguing here is based on photos, usually seeing one shitty quality photo on a cell phone is even for someone to make a snap decision so what is your point?
No. 2132769
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>>2132713>completely ignore the other womanBut we didn't? Reread
>Savannah Marshall also has a feminine build and rounded, short features if you go to her Wikipedia page and look at her photo.She looks nothing like a man, and you know that. Neither of them do, they're not even androgynous lol. But it's not lost on anyone in this conversation how your type always has to drag in a black woman somehow. Stop trying to gaslight, you constantly do this and play
victim about it.
No. 2133099
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Posting here instead of gender ideology because this is a containment thread, but trannies are retarded. Of course I wouldn’t support her if she was trans, are you retarded? There’s a massive difference between a bio woman being accused of being trans vs a man who just wants to beat on women
No. 2133122
>>2133102They don’t have an obligation to do anything, I am pointing out that using arguments about fucking jawlines and limb lengths is playing into the most retarded aspects of tra talking points, and majority of normies see what they see anyway irregardless of weather you or I think these boxers are attractive or not, no female boxer is conventionally attractive because of what is required in terms of low body fat and building up muscle. I have no idea why this is so difficult to accept. Btw none of this is unique to the current zeitgeist, I’m old enough to remember 20 years ago before all this tumblr tra shit existed when they were casting a lot of skinny Russian/Ukrainian women for fashion shows with very typically Slavic square shaped jaws, strong features ect everyone was as saying this new crop of models looks like ugly teenage boys. It’s not about picking straws do they actually look like men, are they really men, do only stupid people/moids see men and/or women, it’s propping up autistic tranvestigation phrenology nitpicking and then top that off the usually accusation of everyone I disagree with must be a moid ect
Also for anons arguing you can see who is tranny no matter because muh evolution and proportions what are you gonna do when the plastic surgery industry finally perfects bone remodeling surgeries? It will probably cost 500k but some rich tech troon will be able to have it done, what then?
No. 2133143
>>2133122You are the one bringing up the attractiveness of boxers. It isn't relevant at all whether they are attractive. Attractiveness =/= femaleness. Men don't belong in women's sports because they are male, not because they're less fuckable to men.
>what are you gonna do when plastic surgery…Irrelevant. Test competitors for chromosomes, and disqualify the XYs. Trannies frankensteining themselves to look like a caricature of a woman has no bearing on whether belong in women's sports. The answer will always be: no.
No. 2133192
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No. 2133469
>>2132187kek idk how you could be a non white radfem at this point. i think that non white radfems need to realize some things aren’t for you. feminism was created by white women for white women. the only reason it was passed on to minority women was because of white women’s altruistic nature and the fact a lot of them see non whites as a sort of pet project to play with.
if radfem twitter and this place are anything to go by then most white radfems on here will become race feminists (racist feminists) and most non white radfems will just bitch about white women and non-white men forever. it’s sad how boring and cliche this place has become. i miss the genuine blackpilled feminists who bought fresh ideas and were up for debate. idk if this place went viral on twitter recently or something, but it’s become so boring and sanitizednow.
imane looks like every other dykey nafri woman. you can find her doppelgängers in casablanca, paris & montreal. same with taiwanese boxer, she literally looks like the stereotypical east asian dyke. nonas can go on and on about chromosomes and intersex people when there are millions of non-intersex, completely normal women who resemble these two ladies. are those women weird intersex freaks or trannies too? would you feel uncomfortable sharing a changing room with them?
imane, the boxers mentioned here, the random black women everyone is mentioning (weird how it’s always them huh?) are all women to me. but i think the bigger issue is that pretending all women are equal…and i’m not talking about chromosomes. just because woman A has boobs and can give birth does not mean she is equal to woman B. there is a reason why even the most e-girl type black girl still gets called masculine while white dykes are given a pass.
nonas talk about how we instinctively tell apart men and women from birth but maybe the alarm going off in your head saying that black girl gives you masculine vibes is because your brain is trying to tell you something?
is it a coincidence that nearly all “female”athletes banned for being high T are african? isn’t it weird that you don’t see black american athletes or black brazilian athletes being banned for this too? what’s the big difference between african ladies and black american ladies or brazilian ladies…oh yes, the latter are partially mixed due to sex during slavery. they still retain the african look (and end up looking masculine next to non black women) and although their T levels are higher than non black women, they still remain lower than african women which is why it’s rare for them to be banned from sports competitions in the way african women are. if sports officials were to ever to set a T barometer, black women would be effectively barred from sports competitions worldwide.
will be banned for race sperging but it sucks that i could have this conversation on /lgbt and not get banned. nonas will cope and respond with “of course racist white trannies would love your comment” but this would’ve been acceptable on LC a few years ago…
(go back) No. 2133563
>>2133469trying to make semenaya's and similar cases about muh white women again? it's tiresome at this point. in fact majority of female runners he'd rob from titles if he still competed are african or western black women and i care about these girls and women being robbed of honours more than about feelings of a dsd scrote.
it's ridiculous when you conveniently ignore that there was quite few gnc brown and asian women in lin's weight class and all were female, compared to lin. i saw too many asian women, tall, buff, tiflets etc and none looked like lin. only "women" who had very similar male skelton physique were east asian TIMs.
No. 2133776
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>>2133469You are retarded and racist. Imane is a man. So are Caster Semenya and all the "other African female athletes" who got disqualified (funny how most don't, but you freaks always insist it's every one to push an angenda).
This post is what happens when you are too stupid to learn about intersex disorders and how third world countries neglect children with them. You start babbling about an "African look", insisting there is a mysteriously high African woman testosterone level, and claiming feminism is for white women. Yes, I'm not surprised you're from /lgbt/ because all you men do is try to drag women, especially black women, down to your level. You probably also claim JK Rowling would've "been saved by T". I know we're easy targets since you grew up an ugly boy bashing the n-words and degrading them while pretending to be a racist woman on lolcow (you'd ban evade) in between streaming the most horrific porn known to man, but please never forget what you actually are, what the world thinks of you, and how much more stark it is when you stand next to us or any other women. Would love to see African women Anok Yai, Tolami Benson and Arya Starr next to stunning, brave trans women like Hontra Points, PhilosophyTroon or Hunter Schaefer. ♥
No. 2133891
Of course retards like this
>>2130899 >>2130656 with their unhinged tirades are now pretending not to see the new developments including Khelif's own coach admitting the chromosomes and hormones issues. Sad to realize that a lot of women prefer ignoring the truth and virtue signal about race (much like TRAs) even on lc of all places. We're not out of the trenches kek. And as always anons whining about muh racism prove to be the most racist of all
>>2132187 literally dragging completely unrelated women with no failed tests in the discussion.
No. 2134130
>>2134039So when anons question Khelif's sex due to failed tests, the coach's testimony and Khelif's physical features, it's racism, but when you drag random black athletes into the discussion purely on the basis that they're (supposedly) unfeminine and unattractive, you're just being inclusive in your examples? The mental gymnastics are insane, but whatever makes you feel better about yourself I guess
>>2134095>should we notice that everytime this happens it always involves minority female athletes?You missed this post perhaps
>>2125970 + the fact that this is not only based on Khelif's appearance
No. 2134166
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>>2134095>both womenNope, they're not. Argue with chromosomes and how intersex disorders manifest for each sex.
>black women have higher testosterone levels than all other races of women, this is not racism but science. For someone trying to talk down the thread about "science", you are extremely misinformed. Black women also have higher estrogen, which plays a role in their body fat composition and shape: in mind that even those women with high T don't even reach male levels or "resemble men" unless they have an actual intersex disorder.
And no, I don't actually need to compare black women to white women (no need for "cis" when we're all just women besides you) because it's obvious what you're doing. We know you're not a white woman, you're just some guy who sissy hypno'd and /lgbt/-coped himself into thinking he could pass as one even as he tirelessly defends his brothers, so stop trying to set them up to take all the punches reserved for you. Only you and other retards think in terms of white vs black women as if we're in some kind of war, and in general, only a man thinks that all women want to be in competition with eachother to impress his defective dick. You lump in men with black women to feel less like the hulking male you were born as, just like all other racist white trannies do. It's a very tired, common story.
Anyone can find a photo of a Nigerian woman of average height (5'4>) with the stereotypical "natural african booty" (scrotal porn term) or just an hourglass or pear shaped body and compare it to a Scandinavian woman of average height (5'9+) with a typical compact or "banana"/"modellesque" body type, or place a stick-thin, tall South Sudanese woman with a similarly compact/"banana" body type next to a stockier, shorter Welsh woman, or do the same thing with other groups (eg comparing a tall Mongolian woman to a short Pakistani woman) and delve into autistic graphs about waist to hip ratio by country, body hair growth, whose lips are plumper or poutier, whose vagina might be tighter, etc, but all of it means nothing because they're all women regardless, and you'd need to be on heavy copium to insist any of them are inherently male-adjacent. Also, only a delusional man would think straight hair makes him feminine or that a woman in a wig becomes male. You're a failmale, so of course you don't realize how many beauty-obsessed white and Latina women wear extensions and wigs, I can't fault you for that.
>LC has always had racist nonas, there were posts dedicated to bashing asian woman who dated white men back in the day. no need to ban evade because this site was created for women like me, not you. You mean the banned white incels trying to create artificial value for themselves? The ones who also spammed porn and posted about how scared they were of sex robots "replacing" them, and similarly got banned? Kek, now we definitely know where you come from, /r9k/ to /lgbt/ transplant. Keep seething about beautiful models, singers and athlete's girlfriends from your gamer chair and insisting that even if you can't pass, every woman must be a "divestor" or an Asian woman who wants white dick because you think your small dick is valuable. LC wasn't "created" for any one race of women, but even if it was, trannies certainly aren't included.
Men aren't women, no matter how long you try and lump us in with those of you who have fucked up hormones or horse piss pill addictions, or how many times you go on tirades about how "ugly" and "manly" even the most petite woman on earth must automatically be if she's black, Arab or otherwise darker-skinned/non-white. You cannot change that simple fact. Even the most purposely masculine women dosing testosterone end up looking miniature next to a normal man on estrogen.
No. 2134228
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ntayrt but
>why not post a photo of a black woman next to a white woman?
No. 2134244
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like sorry i think that person must desperately want black and white women to fight because this is all so silly
No. 2134248
>>2134247Agreed. I like how he ignored
>>2134166 and just reposted the same sad bait, then seethed more about dick and wigs kek.
No. 2134263
>>2134262A+ transcript kek
>>2134254Based on the above, who wants to bet that our guest is acting out because he's seething over the ricecel thread?
No. 2134308
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>>2134275>because LC hurts their feelings too much lmaoExcellent.
No. 2134517
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>They don't have a right to say I'm transgender. That's a big shame for my family, for my honor of my family and for the honor of Algeriakek Imane said fuck these troons No. 2134520
>>2134517Good. I'm fucking fed up by trannies.
What in the fuck happened to body positivity. We now as a society encourage people to get cosmetic surgery to fix a flaw and now we're all so fucking retarded about how people should look someone who is tall and with an ethnic nose is getting called a man. Fuck off lol.
No. 2134522
>>2134509>disjointed mid-coom crytypingNot reading all that
>But it's hypocritical to act as if what makes you a woman is your vagina1. In every language, the word "woman" was created to refer to those who have vaginas.
2. Any organism that's unable to reliably identify members of the opposite sex can't breed enough to dominate the biosphere.
Hope this helps.
No. 2134528
>>2134509anon can you please stop falling for bait, this site is filled with tradthots and white moids. The people making those posts larping as black women to hate on other races are very obviously white and are baiting you.
Anon go outside of this site and you will see black women show overwhelming support for Imane (infact black people and brown people were Imanes biggest supporters during this situation)
This is a
toxic cesspool honestly I would give you the advice to stop using this site. Trust me when I say that we have nothing against Imane. I am black and I was on Imanes side the moment this started. It makes me kinda sad when anons here fall for racist bait meant to divide
poc and think a actual black person wrote it and not a white male behind a computer.
No. 2134535
>>2134520>>2134517If you have XY chromosomes, you're not a woman. Being intersex doesn't make you a tranny, but knowing full well you have a Y chromosome and deliberately lying/pretending for years after the fact to get a leg up in sports definitely makes you tantamount to one.
It's not about an "ethnic nose". It is about him being male, and this being confirmed by three different countries now. I'm sick of TRAs. Men with disorders are not women, fuck off. Some of the bizarre patriots are also ignoring that he's robbed an actual Algerian female boxer of a chance.
No. 2134548
>>2134528Nothing in my post was hating on women of other races. It's literally the opposite. Also, it's funny how you're a totally legit black woman (and even think you have the right to speak for all of us and make proclamations about how we all feel), but you were conveniently silent or absent when some weird schizophrenic troon came in to bash black women in defense of Imane, but you're magically here now and it's solely to defend this athlete with a Y chromosome and agree with the person who's upset with the idea that women have vaginas.
Anyway, explain why India, Turkey and Russia all said Imane was male. Sure, Russia could've been a set-up, but India and Turkey years before?
No. 2134668
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My new tinfoil is that Imane must be backed by some tranny billionaire because that's way too much confidence from a supposed rural village "girl" whose supporters have openly admitted to "having wrong chromosome and hormones". I think it's all a conspiracy to gaslight people that XY people can be totes identical to women if they have believed themselves a woman since childhood, and over time they will muddle the requirements more and more. No. 2134687
>>2133476This was NOT bait. What the fuck. this thread's description says
>post all your Imane Khelif bullshitI was on-topic and dead serious. Farmhands are discriminating against me personally. Fuck the systemmmmm.
(ban evasion) No. 2134697
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>>2134668Can't Imane just?
No. 2134713
>>2134668Imagine doing all of this because you can't prove you're a woman.
Because you aren't. Moid behaviour.
If someone accused me of not being a woman, I would gladly go to a clinic and do some tests to prove them wrong proudly and embarrass them on a worldwide scale lol, Himane can't do that.
No. 2135165
>>2135126Male = Man
Female = Woman
This is literally day one shit, sir. Keep up.
No. 2135169
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>>2135126 >A 2017 study estimated that the incidence of Swyer syndrome is approximately 1 in 100,000 females.[22] Fewer than 100 cases have been reported as of 2018. There are extremely rare instances of familial Swyer syndrome.[23][24]>People with XY gonadal dysgenesis>Arisleyda Dilone, American director and actress[25]>Sara Forsberg, Finnish singer, songwriter, and television presenter[26]Here is Arisleyda Dilone.
No. 2135171
File: 1723635120069.jpg (24.78 KB, 306x543, 4B3A59B600000578-5622861-image…)

>>2135169Samefag, here is Sara Forsberg.
No. 2135173
File: 1723635184568.jpg (86.9 KB, 468x468, 159351126_153c3d.jpg)

>>2135171Here is Sara Forsberg next to a man (Jackie Chan).
No. 2135175
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>>2135173Here is Imane Khelif in a group of people.
No. 2135178
File: 1723635982429.webp (69.76 KB, 1200x675, 1200x675_cmsv2_c286631b-01c4-5…)

>>2135175Here is Imane Khelif on a man's shoulders.
No. 2135411
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No. 2135468
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>>2135390This really is just a contrainment thread for you trannies and their bad larps now, buh.
(infight bait/off-topic) No. 2135598
File: 1723658776649.jpeg (188 KB, 1024x1464, IMG_9207.jpeg)

>>2135175Dude I am not even trying to argue with you specifically but what is the point you are trying to make? Imane is taller than average? That means you are look like a man? The listed height for Imane is 5’10, a totally normal height for a tall woman. Irina Shyak is 5’10. Most Victoria’s Secret models fall into the height. I’m 5’7 and 5’10 is not even that tall visually when you stand and interact with someone of that height.
No. 2135919
File: 1723666785082.mp4 (1.65 MB, 576x1024, 0e36f45cda1c64222b0020c19cd106…)

Honestly im not suprised by the subtle racebait anons have been doing about Imane or the one mentioning her "witch nose" considering this is what the person who lolcow loves and adores such as Azelia Banks had to say about brown women.
This is just tradthot white women, male trolls and black women who want to be white and racebait about other races of women but lose their shit if someone says something about them.
No. 2136048
>>2135919You typed all this shit and dug up an obscure clip from a bipolar schizo who shits on everyone just to prove that…what? Everyone who doesn't believe the unironically racist claim that Algerian women look like straight up men and have Y chromosomes must be racist tradthots, including "
POC"? No, that's you. Every time you claim non-white women must want to be white if they don't agree to you calling them and other races of women men, you betray your own mindset. Give it up.
No. 2136660
File: 1723689191860.jpg (46.44 KB, 720x158, Screenshot_20240815_043214_Chr…)

No wonder this thread is full of caping for a XY male, its overrun by tranny 4tards
No. 2136785
File: 1723697132669.jpg (39.36 KB, 482x338, gene.jpg)

>sued for cyberbullying
Have the cyber police been called? Did they manage to backtrace it?
No. 2137216
>>2136660kek the fact that you posted this without any context when that person is the baiting troon who AGREES with you ratfems and has been shitting on Imane throughout this whole thread and on 4chan. He is that retard who complains about how non-white "troons" are so much more privileged compared to white troons and I think I called him out on it before. You wish the people who are defending Imane here to be troons so badly that you are taking screenshot out of context.
>>2136785year 2024 and you're still sharing that shitty you done goofed cyberbully meme which was made to make fun of a girl which was abused by a adult man. You allll really care about women huh.
No. 2137531
File: 1723744941271.jpeg (968.09 KB, 1290x1724, IMG_0665.jpeg)

Total American Death
No. 2137571
File: 1723746016505.jpg (91.9 KB, 1178x624, GVB4m36WAAAklec.jpg)

>>2137531People in the replies are already massively coping by saying that she's from Algeria and she's afraid for her family if she roots for trans people yeah sure No. 2137606
>>2137601Filters can easily make a man in a wig and makeup look like a woman.
I don't trust that video is "raw" or "honest" because they even put eyeshadow and mascara on him in the "before" part kek
No. 2137652
>>2137589>his shit smelling familyHoly fuck you are all never beating the racist allegations.
>>2137630>than those other people.At this point i am convinced that you all are okay with falsely labeling her as a man because you hate third worlders especially the brown/semitic type.
Same goes for that anon who was acting in the previous gender critical thread like no one in Algeria would use this site and that we all live in mud huts.
Focus on actual trannies which are 99% white instead of attacking random people, retarded gc westies.
No. 2137701
>>2135178>>2137588more and more masculine looking with every picture my God.
>>2137531What if imane is a crypto
terf playing the long con
No. 2137858
File: 1723755572679.png (225.35 KB, 475x465, whatever.png)

>>2133122late but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it (possibly never). I'm slavic and was mistaken for a boy repeatedly in my youth due to dressing in mens clothes but I still don't look like a man post pubertally. These moids don't look like 'slightly mannish women' they look like straight up stereotypical buff moids, with nothing in common physically with women at all, plus Khelif's trainer and several other people have attested to him being fully male with naturally male testosterone levels and chromosomes, and him hurting women too much to spar with them even in training contexts (so he must be really vicious, as a female martial artist I trained with males just fine because they don't use full force while sparring typically).
>>2133469No you can't find female doppelgangers for this male in those cities. Because this is a male. Nor can you find female doppelgangers for Lin Yu-Ting.
>is it a coincidence that nearly all “female”athletes banned for being high T are african?No. It's because postnatal care is worse in Africa and genetic screening is rarer, plus the financial incentives are larger (Lin Yu-Ting is from a literal first world country though, making it more suspicious than usual).
Unrelated to most of this thread I wish this thread was also the Lin Yu-Ting thread because most of the excuses made for Khelif ('third world country bad medical care') can't be made for Lin Yu-Ting and yet here we have a moid illegally rabbit punching women and potentially almost killing them. A moid who doesn't even bother to try to 'present' female in a single picture, ever.
Oh by the way Khelif's dad posted his birth certificate saying he's female and it was stamped in 2018 (picrel), right after he became a professional boxer.
No. 2138678
>>21386661.depends on your preferred terminology referring to intersex genitalia. Like at what point in a mutant sexual development does a males stunted penis become a clitoris and at what point does a females fused labia become an empty ballsack and so on. So yesno
2. 0
No. 2138809
File: 1723805087706.jpeg (1.09 MB, 1170x1799, IMG_5672.jpeg)

This video is hilarious. Wearing the Olympic uniform and doing soft girly punches before it cuts to a feminine delicate pink video. This only looks worse imo like a man trying to prove he’s a woman because they like pink and flowers and dresses
No. 2140851
File: 1723925022785.jpg (18.22 KB, 220x316, 220px-Tennis_Nederland_tegen_V…)

This is a picture of Martina Navratilova. It's obvious what's going on here
No. 2140870
>>2137588>>2138809There is no way this is a woman. I cannot deal with this shit
>>2137858Ugh this is
sus as hell.
No. 2140874
>>2134668This is insane to me. The fact that trannies are so abundant, especially MTF speaks so much volumes. We can't have even real women in women sports because men are larping as women and the world is accepting this. I hate Elon with a passion, but I hope him and JKR find a way to countersue this absolute bullshit.
>>2134713Exactly. What's stopping 'her' from proving their hormones, XX chromosomes and anything else that makes a woman a woman?
No. 2140876
>>2135175>>2135178This is a man. holyshit
>>2135461Based as usual then.
No. 2141005
File: 1723934121556.jpg (98.26 KB, 1080x734, photo_2024-08-18_00-31-56.jpg)

Italian failmale pickmes are trying to stand up for Imane by reporting terfs (randomly, even if they don't talk about imane) to his lawyer….for what lol
I picture imane and his lawyer like a spoiled drama kid with his faggot butler lol
Yes there's a typo because they're so stupid they can't doublecheck but gee, summer was one hell of a time for a case like this to happen, too much free time on their hands
No. 2143140
File: 1724054472690.png (5.57 MB, 1920x12488, screencapture-reduxx-info-khel…) does have male chromosomes, according to his trainer. The Technical Commissioner of the Spanish boxing team said he was only a "match" when put against a man during a training retreat.
No. 2143182
File: 1724057330872.jpg (1.55 MB, 2560x3840, iga2.jpg)

>>2140851such a weak bait. posting a (retired) female athlete who is openly against troons and dsd males in women's sports and trying to transvestigate her is ridiculous.
any ugly female (XX) athlete is transvestigated by scrotes now when threy praise troons and dsd moids
giving women what they deserve. currently majority of /sp/ scrotes do this to iga świątek when she's just not the prettiest and attractive woman (for scrotes). but they defended khelif and lin en masse. i don't understand what they want to achieve with this, honestly
No. 2143190
sorry for replying to days-old posts
>>2124214From the article:
>Male athletes with DSDs are sometimes actively sought out by national coaches because of their tremendous “natural” advantage over biological females.This fucks me up
>>2124222>America lies and has its own interests in mind and so does France.This, your own country lies to you all the time, it's not just muh Russia that does it.
No. 2143476
>>2137858There are non
sus reasons why the stamp is from 2018. I had no birth cert and needed it for marriage, got it issued then. Imane needed no birth cert until she went into a (semi?) professional career.
It's not a legit proof for deceit. A lot of people in some countries are officially born on the first of the month, because they were born at home and parents registered them later (don't ask me why that is a thing, instead of using the actual birth date, idk).
No. 2222699
File: 1729838303293.mp4 (7.08 MB, 720x1280, zG6tlWDfoS5gR0QN.mp4)

Twitter is laughing at Imane Khelif openly going around showing off his malenesss with his body language. I have been to Arab countries and live in a country with a big Muslim population, and no Muslim woman "from a conservative country" would greet random dudes like that, lol. No. 2222763
>>2222746>xy=males, xx=femalesI'm really sick of this bullshit. Someone shared two picture of women with XY chromosome itt (
>>2135169 ), now according to your logic these women supposed to be male right? But they aren't because they're feminine and attractive. You gender criticals aren't any different than TRA but keep in denial
No. 2222853
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>>2222798>>2222801My thing is none of you bitches have this Smoke for manly looking rugby player Ilona Maher I wonder fucking why!? That bitch looks like David hasselholf in the face but because she’s white and wears a red lip I don’t see none of you bitches calling her a man or asking to see her chromosome makeup. You bitches just only accept GNC women when they are white fuck off
(derailing) No. 2222856
File: 1729847783350.jpeg (24.65 KB, 450x540, IMG_3705.jpeg)

>>2222853That’s a man to me
(derailing) No. 2222858
>>2222853Imane Khelif is literally a male with XY chromosomes. His trainer admitted it. There is no question. Stop fucking racebaiting, stop trying to frame this as suspicion due to being Arab.
>butbutbut ilonaWho gives a fuck? Test that white athlete as well, then. I do not care, test them all. Whatever the result, we already know Imane Khelif is male, so rest.
No. 2222869
>>2222866Make the Lin Yu-Ting thread. It won't change what has already been confirmed, you're not a woman when you were born with dick, balls and a Y chromosome kek.
Even the male support/assistants were carrying him on their fucking shoulders and being handsy with him like they would another male, and now it's been proven. I'm sick of the gaslighting.
No. 2222878
>>2222872What does that have to do with Imane Khelif? Stop schizoposting.
>>2222874Hermaphrodites don't exist. Intersex people are not hermaphrodites. There are intersex disorders that only affect
males and intersex disorders that only affect
females. They aren't brand new genders or sexes.
No. 2238633
File: 1730737501734.webp (17.47 KB, 680x117, imane-1-1-1.webp)

Algerian Boxer Imane Khelif Has XY Chromosomes And “Testicles” : French-Algerian Medical Report Admits trannies on suicide watch.
No. 2238899
>>2238633Based nonnas were right all along.
The false-flagging troons itt can eat shit and go 41%
No. 2239055
File: 1730747443842.png (361.71 KB, 755x826, imanekhelifwomanextraordinaire…)

>>2238633Just came here to post this but you beat me to it, I'll post the longer screenshot anyway since I took it already (yes all of us theorizing it was 5-ARD were correct). Those of us who were sane have been saying this since way back and got called misogynist and racist not to mention this was so controversial it had to be moved off the other gender and olympics discussions threads lmao. Will nonnies ever learn to stop falling for this guilt tripping about our ability to recognize sex?
Thanks Reduxx, now do Lin Yu-Ting.
No. 2239073
>>2238633>Aoudia also noted that doctors suggested Khelif’s parents may have been blood relatives.>At birth, male babies impacted by 5-alpha are often incorrectly assigned female due to the presence of deformed genitalia that sometimes takes on the appearance of a “blind vaginal pouch.”>Without access to a proper clinical examination, males with 5-alpha may incorrectly believe they are female into adulthood.I don't think I ever posted in this thread because even here "she" was defended by many, so despite my obvious thoughts about it I nevertheless worried about wrongfully saying this about an actual woman… but in the end they just catered to a muslim incest moid whose shithole country believes that anything that looks crippled must be female…? Part of me thinks that Algeria did this on purpose to stop an actual female athlete from attending.
I found an old interview in which she talks about playing football despite girls in her hometown not being allowed to play, nobody ever really saw her as female. She also only started boxing at 16 and already placed high in the world championships only 3 years later. I very highly doubt that the trainers in her backwards town are so amazing that they got her to a level others need a lifetime to achieve. She simply was a moid with moid muscle battling girls.
And sadly I also don't think those 1000s of twitterfags who called the italian girls pain a lie of a bad fighter and muh yt womenz tears will ever give her an apology.
No. 2239081
File: 1730748600163.png (470.97 KB, 800x425, CHINESE_ATHLETES.png)

>>2239055>now do Lin Yu-TingIn China nobody believes that their athletes are female, they're all just clowning them.
In a way it's nearly racist to claim that this is what chinese (or algerian) women look like, especially since there are some actual female chinese athletes who look completely different next to them.
It's pathetic that those moids agree to this scam just to get a medal, they clearly didn't bother at all, not even growing out their hair or getting rid of those obvious gamer glasses.
No. 2239088
>>2239073What about the poor Chinese boxer who was robbed of gold? What about the Polish boxing prodigy who was about to pull off a borderline miracle and get gold out of nowhere as a dark horse (and first Polish boxing medal in 3 decades) but was rabbit punched by Lin Yu-Ting instead and beaten around the ring like a marionette? I wonder if they will ever get apologies? People in the media still are not even addressing that not one, but two olympic gold women's boxing medalists this year were moids who knew they were moids and don't even 'live as women' in their normal lives. All they say is 'they're not troons.' Okay they're not but they may as well be, on principle it's the same issue of moids stealing women's gold medals because they want to and can.
>>2239081Yu-Ting isn't Chinese but Taiwanese, though. They definitely don't normally do this in Taiwan.
No. 2239100
>>2239096Yeah but Taiwan doesn't normally do what China does (the photos in
>>2239081 is what I'm referring to) which is send moids who don't even pretend they think they are female en masse to women's events to troll other countries.
Taiwan might do it out of wokeness but I don't think they did it for trolling purposes.
No. 2239123
>>2239107His face and body clocked him but there were at least 2 things that should have fully confirmed it long before any of the other news stories came out: first the fact that he and yu-ting both declined to appeal to the international sports arbitration body (if they were female they would have appealed) or to just release the results of their karyotype tests, and second the fact that in his daily speech the olympics organizer in france admitted that they are intersex implicitly right when the controversy first started.
The fact that nonnies here knew these moids refused to release their chromosome tests and still believed they were female was unbelievable tbh but it always happens.
No. 2239338
File: 1730753287585.jpg (178.29 KB, 736x891, 6c1921b8d9c76c5e89489cc58e1fe2…)

>>2239113>swearing up and down that akshually all algerian women look like hulking males!! Not Algerian but I'm from one of its neighbours (same ethnicity) and I have literally never met a woman that looks like Imane Khelif. If anything Maghrebi women usually have soft features (round cheeks, round or almond eyes, full lips, medium nose). The average Algerian woman looks far closer to the random Algerians in picrel than Imane Khelif. You can really tell very few people here have ever met an Algerian or North African period. Algerian women I'm so sorry people are assuming you look like that man
No. 2239409
>>2239338>Algerian women I'm so sorry people are assuming you look like that manImane doesn't really matter because I'm in a European country and people think that just because we have big eyebrows and slightly hairier legs than average we're automatically masculine anyway. Now it'll be even worse because of him.
>I have literally never met a woman that looks like Imane KhelifI have seen some who have a similar face but never someone with a similar body. But they're not the majority at all.
I was scrolling down too fast and thought the woman in the middle looks like Doja Cat for some reason.