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No. 2003994
return of the nun edition
>>>/ot/1965867 No. 2004015
>>2004007>not knowing infighting is apart of the culture ok retard
>>2004009if only AI-chan beat the cunt OP with the threadpic choice, would have been hilarious
(infighting) No. 2004199
>>2004177Boring ass take
No. 2004252
>>2004158I don't cheat and never cheated but it's so hard to feel bad for moids who've gotten cheated on. They'll use it as an excuse to emotionally abuse the next girl and then claim being overly restrictive is cause they got cheated on or constantly obsess over the ex that cheated and make everything about them
Even women can get cheated on by multiple men and handle it gracefully and leave, moids will forever resent women for their high school gf cheated. And you know what? Majority of the time it's directly tied in with the moids actions. Most "
victims of cheating" I know are emotionally neglectful moids who either ignored their gfs majority of the time for no reason or obsessed over other women, are shocked when their gf weeks validation from other men
No. 2004823
File: 1715827855579.png (9.34 KB, 64x64, Literally_The_Sorriest_Cop_On_…)

It's extremely rare for me to ever get offended but i think i'll never get over how insulted i felt when Disco Elysium gave me the sorry cop and boring cop types, they were way too precise with the descriptions and since then i always feel like such a loser for mostly being pretty grey over anything and people's feelings kek, even on things i hate. I feel placid as fuck, negative-thread-avoidant ethnicity.
No. 2004824
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I'm a serial dater. I'm broke because of the high rent in the area and I don't want to put any strain on my family so to save some extra money I go on dates with tifs or desperate lesbians. (I'm a lesbian I'm just not interested in them in the first place) I always appreciate the chivalry of insisting that they help pay most of the time and I have genuine fun in having one one conversations with someone. My more naive friends think it's very admirable with the amount of experience I have but in reality life is always more mundane. Despite hanging out with so many people, figuring out their quirks, and even going on further dates with them is boring. Like I’ve felt more isolated personality-wise than ever, maybe it’s because of the necessary first stage small talk, or how many of their interests don’t align with mines. It’s a trap I’ve put myself in and I know that it’s my fault, but food is food.I wanted to give some insight in this thread especially how I’ve seen /m/ fags thirst over tifs like they’re some nerd girl monolith.
Insane tifs are some of the most boring in my opinion. Their personality comes a dime a dozen. They’re interested in semi-niche internet media but haven’t picked up a book so any mentions of historical or current affairs leave them puppeting the same shit over and over again. They’re also the most hypocritical with other gendies and the most autistic. They behave without an ounce of social awareness in their body. It’s fun to see as an outsider with rose colored glasses, but being on a date and have them mention something like Welcome Home with the expectation that you already know it can be so cringe worthy. They also believe that other people around them are inherently more shallow than them, as if they’re in a video game and the cis straight npcs have struggled with nothing worse than seeing their parents argue. It’s also ironic because they always come from richer families but spend their money on drugs so they can LARP struggle. I used to fantasize about dating or having sex with nerdy girls, but their performance in bed and personality are awfully mundane. Maybe that’s a perk for you nonnies, but always be careful with what you wish for kek.
No. 2004846
>>2004826I'm not sure if i can really explain it well. The game has a lot of emphasis on the mind, almost all of it is dialogues, even with yourself. Some reply options may seem a bit goofy but i was being honest when i picked mine and as you do you come to unlock Copotypes, which also give you some kind of additional traits, they are not way too many honestly but they're written well, there is no way that they're not missing more relatable ones but personally i really felt pointed out by these.
I also suggest you to play the game, i went blind and i wish i could do it again! As the other anon said, pirate it because there has been some issues between the creators/publishers at some point.
No. 2004932
I just realized I have been using the wrong bra size for most of my 20s, i accidentally bought one that's one size bigger and it fits perfectly, haven't told anyone about it yet because I told my family i could buy my own underwear since i finished highschool, well why not confess my mistake to a bunch of strangers online, right?
>>2004009>AI-ChanNow that you mention her i realized that i haven't seen many more threads with AI op pics, either she got banned or anyone who tries to make a thread with AI OP pic gets banned.
Then again i haven't been very active on here lately so i could be wrong.
No. 2006048
>>2005865>>2006023i second this, come on
nonny lets all see
No. 2006476
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I wish I had cancer or a chronic illness so I have no excuse to live or work anymore, plus the amount of sympathy and understanding you get because you’re dying from it kek. I know dying of cancer is horrific and wouldn’t wish it on anyone mentally stable but holy fuck I can’t do this anymore, I don’t hav the strength to fight anymore.
No. 2006715
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i don’t think i’m ugly but i hate being average/plain. even if i do slather on makeup there’s still my awkward, apple-shaped body. i feel like i need to get a measuring tape and measure my proportions because they shift every time i look in the mirror
idk i just wish i was offensively beautiful. it’s corny and juvenile but i want to turn heads. and if i can’t have that i want to wake up with clear smooth skin PLEASE my pores are clogged and gross
No. 2006733
>>2006715Anok is such a real genuine beauty, so beautiful. It makes me seethe because I almost look like her (I’m not white I’m black don’t come for me) but I always get dunked on it for it. I’m glad people aren’t dunking on her for having those features and taking in her beauty. Almost no woman turns heads naturally, it requires a lot of painful beauty rituals and makeup. It’s all in the makeup and clothes
nonnie, and definitely the body.
No. 2006813
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I'm about to lie on my resume.
No. 2007030
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When I was in hs I had a brazilian coomer twitter friend who once sent me a jav link and since then I've been fixated on one specific moid. I don't watch porn anymore outside of his stuff. He's older and fatter and uglier now but the mere sight of him makes me want to plop my coochie on my phone screen and pull him out like it's a suction cup. It's so shameful.
No. 2007395
>>2007018This is a blessing
>>2006813Diabolical slut
No. 2007585
I don't know if this is the right thread but having to take care of my disabled brother throughout 9-18 was probably the worst thing I had to experience. It sounds really dramatic, but having to take care of him was like taking care of an oversized animal. He couldn't do anything. We were poor so my mom refused to get a proper babysitter and just made me watch over him after school, if I refused she'd blame me if we "didn't eat that week." He couldn't talk, he couldn't go to the bathroom on his own, instead he was wearing diapers as old as 10. He screamed over ANYTHING. he bit people, vomit over himself from overeating. Couldn't sleep by himself, would touch shit with his dirty food covered hands, pissed on the floor or leaked through his diaper,walk around naked,still had to get his ass wiped at 13, and ate nothing but chicken tendies of course. I don't know why but taking care of him put me in genuine distress back then. My mom wasn't much different since she frequently had meltdowns where she'd cry or scream over him. tbh that whole thing scared me into never having kids. Sometimes I feel bad for him, because there's something about slightly "aware" but non verbal children that's very uncanny to me. Like living a life you can't fully engage with.
No. 2007586
>>2007585If it can help you nona i know that a lot of brothers and sisters that had to take care of their disabled sibilings felt the same but are scared to admit it. I understand that things like that are delicate but i can't imagine putting that pressure on another child, i hope you get to enjoy your life now
No. 2007659
After HS i moved out from my insanely controlling home to live with a relative. I was so hyped about finally getting to socialize outside of school, i swore to myself i'd get a gf or bf. I also am autistic and had no idea of how to even approach someone, so i'd just stare INTENSELY at this girl in my class. I would not break off eye contact even if she stared back. I did this as a kid when i didn't know how to talk but this time it felt really forced, and a part of me told myself to stop. We had a friend in common and she never complained or seemed really bothered (i think) but i'm sure it wasn't fun to have someone regularly stare at her like that. The worst part is that i'm capable of being pretty funny with people i have crushes on, but for some reason i tried something different. And it wasn't even a 'real' crush, i was just desperate to develop one after my years-long infatuation with a girl ended, so i picked the first girl i thought was pretty. Later in the year i genuinely developed one (on another girl in my class) and didn't repeat this, i just tried to not seem too flustered around her, thank god kek
Yesterday i read a thread of women complaining about shit autistic moids do and i was mortified to find an example similar to this story. I periodically remember it and cringe so bad i feel physically ill and want to hurt myself
>>2007585I have relatives in this exact situation (they live in a place with little to no support for such children) and it makes me want to sob. That last phrase is extremely real, on top of the hardships of caring for a low-functioning kid, you can't help but wonder how they experience the world and if they feel pain from not being able to really engage with it. It's tragic, you're not dramatic at all for feeling this way. I'm glad you are able to focus on something else now, hope your brother gets to live the rest of his life in a decent state
No. 2007852
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When I get a redtext mentioning how schizo or retarded or autistic I am I feel like a cut character from Girl, Interrupted. It's a good feeling. Yeah, I am a retarded psycho… that's why I feel so at home on these boards.
No. 2007856
>>2007852You have to be a retarded schizo to browse the boards and also want to be a farmhand so you’re
valid as fuck
No. 2007938
I just can't figure out of I'm pretty or ugly. I guess I'm just average.
>>2007852Kek, based anon.
No. 2007959
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I feel like such a loser when my mom walks in on me sitting in bed at 7 pm with my earbuds in. I have a job, I have the right to be a lazy retard when I can but it still makes me feel like such a loser. I don't even miss having a social life anymore, every time I see someone now they annoy the shit out of me and I can't stop thinking about how much I want to leave. Having no social life makes me feel abnormal but at the same time I have enough fun on my own, I don't even sit inside all day I just don't have friends I actually like spending time with anymore.
No. 2008126
>>2008029I don't really see that here for tims, it's either IT, game dev or wellfare autismos
>>2008026he got nearly 1k worth of stuff, my boss was so happy when I sent her the numbers!
No. 2008392
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apparently everyone in middle school and high school had conspiracies anout me being a lesbian based on the way i acted around boys. in reality i’m straight and my behavior (me being standoffish and uncomfortable) was a result of trauma and abuse. kek i am glad that i had a short stint as a local lesbian icon even though the people. i went to school with were retarded.
No. 2008430
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I decide which side to take on wars by comparing the beauty of their males. I'm still baffled about what's going on in ukraine because both sides look identical.
No. 2008434
nonnie, except I'm stuck on Israel and Palestine. Literally both ugly, don't care
No. 2008435
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>>2008420I don't use 4chan
No. 2008444
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>>2008443I also find soyjacks funny but everytime I go to 4chan and adjacents I feel like my brain is getting rotten the same way you can feel you're getting sick from someone who sneezed near you outside. it's bad for the soul
No. 2008491
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>>2008435wojacks and soyjacks are fucking ugly. I dont save ugly shit to my computer or phone. I'm better than you
No. 2008523
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>>2008519Its okay anon I like nonpolitical obscure soyjaks too. Which one are you?
No. 2008538
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>>2008523Probably spicy or salty
No. 2008552
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>>2008538That's awesome I'm umami
No. 2008557
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Coffee/Tea is best consumed in the evening, not the morning. Nonnies with a 200+ iq will understand
No. 2008558
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>>2008523Nta but my favorite ones are the ones about a very specific topic usually made by genuine non meme schizos
No. 2008560
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>>2008558Same. I also love it when animals are soy'ed.
No. 2008561
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>>2008552>>2008558These are cute. Weirdly enough, I actually hate wojaks compared to soyjaks
No. 2008582
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>>2008560I love this one, would definitely rather be in a room with bear over any male.
No. 2009211
>>2009131I would advise not to. Its best to keep it as a hobby rather being a vtuber yourself
I've worked with vtubers and the novelty and magic wears off quick when you see what the actual reality is being a vtuber fan and being a vtuber having fans is very different especially if you're a female vtuber (coomers,people doxxing you for "archives",creepy moids asking for fetish shit) sure there are good sides but it's best not to sugarcoat it
No. 2009453
>>2009211I appreciate your concern anon but I'm not worried about any of that. I know any vtuber friendships I potentially make would be shallow at best and harmful at worst. I mostly just want an excuse to be able to play games guilt free again and I think streaming would allow me to do that. It would also alleviate my loneliness although again I know the chat would mostly be a faceless crowd of retards. I already made a design anyway, and if I end up not liking streaming, I stop. No harm done.
>>2009214That's nice anon! I hope you can go back to streaming again someday.
No. 2009486
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I love pretty material things and organizing them and taking pics of them like pic related. Especially stuff that matches merch of my husbando. I feel like an autist when I do it tho.
No. 2009499
File: 1716138764502.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.93 MB, 1284x1793, IMG_0119.jpeg)

I slept with my coworker. It seemed like we had a thing for each other from the start, but I chocked it up to him being a very charming, genuine listener, maintains eye contact type person. Then the other week my other coworker confessed that coworker 1 had begged him to stay at the bar with us and not leave him alone with me. The other coworker left lol and me and coworker 1 talked in the parking lot for a min. The other night we all went out again, me knowing coworker had a crush on me, and while smoking outside together coworker was obviously frustrated. He confessed without being explicit that it was hard to be around me. Long story short I told him I felt the same. We stayed up all night talking, him mostly telling me how he watched me and just liked the way I carried myself, how I was nice, etc. Then we set an alarm for early this morning to seal the deal. He had a big curved dick and was shaking with nervousness the whole time. It was so cute. I’ve never slept with a coworker so let’s hope this goes well (it won’t!). SMH.
No. 2010310
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I love larping as an ancient woman when I make flatbread (it’s the only bread I know how to make kek)
No. 2010358
>>2010347Yeah but i'm not even from places where things like that happened and i understand what you mean but i was really convinced to do that sort of stuff, it wasn't just some kind of weird occasional thought, i'm just glad my depression won over it and that i was born a woman i guess. I wasn't even one of those weird girls that would romanticize those people since i had no idea they even existed, it just feels like there was something weird in my brain back then and sometimes when i see how certain moids act it reminds me of when i was younger.
>>2010353To be honest i don't mind if i'd have someone tracking me down from this now kek i'm just not too sure if it would have been too much for what it's allowed.
>>2010349Thank you, sounds stupid but i kind of wish i could have offered my mental illness to experiment on how to prevent those things but all i can do is just feel guilty about it.
No. 2010361
I'm the same and I did actually "get help" which kinda fucked me up
had a shitty experience at the loony bin I guess I got what I deserved. Right now I'm just coping and trying to move past it, even though some people would think I don't deserve it. I mean, what's the option, to kms? Not able to do that sorry.
No. 2010372
>>2010361Yeah, i've gone through therapy but it kinda sucked here, i actually got better when i got older, my hormones got balanced and had healing friendships, i'm sure there are much more issues to it but i really think that my high testosterone had a big impact on it somehow, anyway i hope you can get to feel well too nona, i'm not mad at you, just at me, haha.
>>2010364I sincerely hope that no other girl felt the way i did even if i can't know, but it's good that we all went through without doing anything harmful.
No. 2010391
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>>2010377Then let's make this a good life together ♥
No. 2010400
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>>2010391thanks nonni I'll try
No. 2010443
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Years ago I went to meet a guy and he started restraining and basically sexually assaulting me, but he stopped despite really wanting to go further because he complained that my genitals smelled revolting. I went to a doctor after that and apparently I had a case of bacterial vaginosis that happened to be completely asymptomatic to me personally, like I couldn't smell it and it didn't feel uncomfortable at all but I just had this random infection even though I never get any issues like that. The BV cleared up easily after that with little fuss. It feels like some sort of bizarre divine intervention.
No. 2010843
>>2010838yeah you have yellow fever but that's ok
nonnie we still love you
No. 2010893
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this banner is so freaking cute
No. 2011042
>>2011040I can't say
It'll blow my cover
No. 2011225
>>2011017Normally i agree but one time i had a moid somehow realize i was a woman despite playing a male character in an mmo and saying nothing. I'll never know about it but there was another random moid who asked me to teach him stuff and he sounded weirdly interested in me so i don't know if he was gay or he also suspected something kek.
In all fairness my character was kind of a pretty boy instead of whatever manly thing so maybe that gave it away.
No. 2011521
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I kinda like bowl cuts on blonde guys
No. 2011811
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I… “enjoy”(?) reading manga about twisted romances like picrel. Do I think they are good? Hm, I wouldn’t say that. Do I like the characters or feel sorry for them? Usually not really. Do I hope for them to end up/have a future together? I want to say no, but usually the MCs are so damaged and/or twisted I can’t see them be with anyone else. But what I can say is that I find the way these types of stories subvert expectations over and over again interesting, making them pretty unpredictable enough that I want to see where it goes and they are almost always very obviously aware that the situation(s) are messed up and don’t tend to romanticise the relationships presented. Sadly, they either usually get axed or the mangaka get tired of it so they almost all the time get an extremely rushed and unhappy ending with several loose threads, underdeveloped character and not following up on the hints of the story behind why the characters are so messed up.
(I also almost posted this in the consoomer thread because I misread the title kek)
No. 2011915
>>2011240Yeah that thread is so bad and the fact that some mistakenly think they're real posts is embarrassing. I guess there's a lot of autists on here.
>>2011225I'm pretty sure they realise more often than not, they just don't usually say anything, but that's a weird one.
No. 2013078
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My step-father was and still is objectively ugly. Him dropping me off at school during my childhood was a semi-nightmare because I was embarrassed that he was so ugly and always had a bad attitude. Made me glad that I knew he wasn't my biological father, just so I could proudly tell people that I wasn't related to him.
No. 2013575
File: 1716349404239.jpeg (782.48 KB, 1958x1312, 5E97462C-0041-4FF1-8F81-76E6E7…)

I’m being a reverse-scrote rn. Spamming male imageboards with hotties
No. 2014215
>>2011240Idk, I go in the "post like a moid" thread to shit on men and make fun of them. I have no problems sounding like a man anywhere else. You guys just overthink it IMO. I remember one anon on CC bragging about having an uncanny ability to spot moids, then accused me of being one on some random, unrelated post I made before hers. I wasn't even infighting or anything, lmao.
It's especially not rocket science because everyone assumes you're a man online unless given reason to believe otherwise (like arguing in defense of feminism/against incels - this even happens to actual men, using certain lingo, or if you're somewhere like reddit and your post history is about otome games or other feminine things and/or your pfp is something girly, etc).
No. 2014414
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I've kekked too much today… i hate myself
No. 2014782
>>2014692>pale with brown eyes and dark brown hairYep. This is the predator male phenotype for sure
No. 2014826
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I wish this thread was like when I was a little Catholic kid and you'd go into the confessional and admit your sins and the priest would say "Say 12 Hail Marys and go in peace". Then I'd feel good about myself.
Anyway Holy Cow, Cow above Cows, forgive me my sins as I sin against other Cows. I literally hate everyone. I would kill myself but that's a sin but I mostly do it because fuck everyone I hate I'm going to keep living, fuck them
No. 2015025
>>2015019Literally nothing wrong with this unless the professor is married.
>>2015020Weird projection?
No. 2015081
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This is gonna be me at my husband in like 10-20 years if I ever get married. Just can’t imagine myself being attracted to a guy over 35 that wasn’t fictional
No. 2015256
File: 1716416651998.jpeg (60.68 KB, 736x860, IMG_2055.jpeg)

I often fantasize about forcing those Andrew Tate anti-feminist type of moids to under go full MTF tranny surgery til they pass and locking them alone in a room full of random men so they get to experience "living life on easy mode" and "being put on a pedestal" like they believe we do.
No. 2015295
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I hate this channel. Its so selfish but it causes me feel such existential dread for other peoples lives. I sometimes am recommended it by youtube and seeing these kids with horrific disabilities who live in existential horror being spinned as something "inspirational" and "heartwarming" makes me want to scream. I hate how when people talk about disabilities its always either "they are a blessing" or "they are a burden". It's never about how horrible existing like this must be for these kids. Its especially evil how many of these briths can be detected and prevented through abortions but retarded pro-lifers think not being born is worse then essentially being a highly intelligence plant that feels pain and emotions. I mean imagine being a child watching your peers having fun playing in the grass and sun with their toys and friends whilst you're wheelchair bound in a shitty diaper and cant speak. Now imagine being so fucked that you cant even kill yourself. There is no escape. It's the closest thing to hell possible
No. 2015657
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I honestly wish I could ransack this opulent tranny’s home and money and give it to women who are struggling and in need. This is probably more of a vent but it genuinely pisses me off so much these trannies are able to build careers and dreams off of caricatures of women. I don’t want your feminism if it isn’t extremist or radicalized
No. 2015878
>>2015268NO!!! He knows where you live, knows your working pattern, knows you car and therefore probably knows the license plate. If things go pear shaped you're going to really struggle to get away from him.
>>2015262The moid loneliness epidemic does seem to be mostly made up of these Andrew Tate types and there's been a spike in moidicides, so there's a good chance that most of them will off themselves. Trannies are holding out of a delusional belief that their axe wounds will transmutate into a real vagina one day, when the other crab-bucket Reddit troons drop the pretense that castration makes you more horny they won't have anything left to live for.
No. 2015918
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>>2015912Nta here's the pic off of twitter
No. 2015924
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>>2015918Cartman-sama….. Is it really you? You've lost so much weight… Now you're so kawaii…
No. 2015929
>>2015918Alright but what's with that anon calling him anachan and all those terms lmao, is this a reference i'm not getting or just them being weird?
>>2015924Damn, it's been too long since i watched Nyan Neko Sugar Girls
No. 2016043
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>>2015924Raku chan….noo.South Park is cringe desu ne
No. 2016070
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>>2015918I want the real skinny Cartman
No. 2016130
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I found the business card scene in American Psycho very relatable even if i know it's kinda stupid, i feel insecure everytime i see someone memeing about it kek. I always obsess over subtle differences and perfection even in the simplest things that would look the same or not important enough to any normal person.
No. 2016168
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>>2016165It was like this but the opposite way around.
No. 2016171
>>2016165..nona you're evil
why do you hate faggots so much? who do you hate more - trannies or fags?
No. 2016273
>>2016258Amerinonnie… please say sike. It’s not even in Maryland what are you talking about kek. Washington is the official name of the city, and it’s in its own “District of Columbia” (not any state), so people call it “DC” for short. However, its metro area expands into Maryland and Virginia, which is collectively called the DMV
t. DMV native
No. 2016455
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When I was a teen I used to think that the trope where a guy falls in love with a girl in a guy disguise (started with Mulan, but is also a manga trope) and then get relieved when he finds out she was female all along because that means he wasn't gay, actually meant he WAS at least bi because he still fell in love with someone he thought of and saw as a guy. So he simply must be gay on some level!!111 My fujo friends agreed.
Adult me now knows pheromones exist, and that people can identify sex subconsciously, and that even if Mulan had really been a guy if the only parts that were "attractive" were the parts that read as female and the parts that didn't disgusted Shang that still very much means he's straight. The same way a weeb would find a drawing of an anime girl hot, but he wouldn't fuck a piece of paper nor does it make him papersexual.
No. 2016465
>>2015295I don't mind the channel, but I've also always had a liking for people with abnormal conditions. It's a bit "let's watch the freak show" on my part but with curiosity and no ill intent kek
Honestly most disabled people with low IQ don't need much to be happy. They're simpler than average people. People with high IQ are actually FAR more likely to be depressed and suffer from it. So even though those kids may seem sad to you for missing out on things, they're not even aware of it and are genuinely happy doing simple things. It's definitely worse for those who have physical conditions while their IQ and mind is normal.
No. 2016481
>>2015295How often do you watch it? I love this channel and my main complaint is that the creator seems to be interviewing a lot of self-diagnosed women who are calling themselves autistic or BPD when they clearly aren’t.
As for the disabled kids, the videos don’t shy away from the harsh realities of the situation, with a lot of parents talking about their honest fears and concerns and the kids often talking about how hard their lives are. It’s not all “disabilities are beautiful and special!” I know the channel owner spent many years working as a teacher in special ed and he’s so great with kids, I think this is just his genuine life calling. He seems fine.
No. 2016497
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>>2016291That sucks for the residents since they don't get to vote.
Maybe I'm just not impressed because I live here, but am I the only one who feels like the U.S. capital is pretty lame compared to other countries? Look at what other countries get. Even the state capitals are cooler than DC. Yes I understand the historical importance, but what's there to do except see some big white buildings?
No. 2016526
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>>2016522Like this sort of thing. Imagine rocking up here to get your passport renewed
No. 2016552
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>>2016522I don't mind old buildings, like picrel is from the 1600s. I just think our capital as a whole is so lame. But again, it's my country so I'm probably just disenchanted. There are probably foreigners living in nicer countries that would love to see the Washington monument or White House.
No. 2016767
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>>2016497Hard disagree, coming from another DC anon. Our city is full of beautiful architecture, no ugly sky scrapers thanks to our building regulations, it’s clean, it’s well-planned (unlike other American cities) with public transportation so you don’t have to rely on cars, it’s very green. Have you been to any European capital cities? I like their historic architecture, but they’re dirty and overcrowded. I also wonder if you’re a transplant. I feel like non-DC natives move to DC for work expecting their lives to suddenly become like West Wing, only to be disappointed since you’re not really a part of the culture, don’t know the cool spots, mostly interact with other transplants, etc. Sorry for the sperging, but man I love DC
No. 2016794
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One of the things that stopped me when I was an anachan was finding out that the only men who actually prefer a truly underweight woman to a normal woman (ranging from thin without too much bone showing to slightly overweight) with breasts and an ass are ugly creeps. I thought all the disgusting attention I was suddenly getting was just a matter of my location, but no. That's just how it is. Most men will fuck anyone/anything, but they still have preferences. Fat ugly pigs and elderly nonces love super thin women. Anorexia fetishists are never the attractive moids, it's the 45 year old balding fuck with a non-functioning dick and a beer gut or a decrepit, sallow form. Picrel, the owner of that "Skinny Gossip" site, is what peaked me on this particular topic outside of anecdotes. Young, thin moids with hair on their heads prefer women closer to average. I'm scared it makes me seem like a pickme, but if being female means I'll always get creeped on by some kind of moid, I don't want a life sequestered to special attention from the worst of the worst.
No. 2016818
>>2016794You're alright
nonnie, i'm glad that you found something to get out of that situation and i feel like you are saying this hoping that some other girls who may be struggling with it can find it out as well and i think it's nice.
>>2016800Probably a matter of power, they aren't or feel as physically strong as fit young men, so they seek feeble girls, specially ones who feel insecure and are not able to fight back. A lot of moids like that are also borderline pedophiles and like extremely skinny and small women because it reminds them of undeveloped girls.
No. 2016908
I wanted to work for the FBI as a tween, so I started trying to get on their good side by advertising myself as an innocent 13 year old girl on instagram. I would get tons of creepy messages, and I would chat with these men like I was completely unaware of their intentions. When they made plans to meet up, or sent inappropriate photos, I would screenshot, and submit them to the FBI tip line. I thought they’d be proud of me for putting a stop to so many pedophiles, but two female agents visited me and had a very serious talk about what I was doing being extremely dangerous, as I wasn’t an agent pretending to be a kid, I was an ACTUAL kid. They were kind, but told me that I have to stop, or else I’d be the one in trouble for soliciting adults. The fact that I would get in trouble for reporting too many pedophiles made me mad, and killed my dream of ever wanting to be an FBI agent.
No. 2016944
>>2016792I also love men who reek of loneliness and low self-esteem
nonnie, no idea why but it's so hot. Especially when they're older and lonely and have probably completely given up hope of finding love. They will grovel at your feet for any ounce of affection and its really refreshing after dealing with young scrotes who still all think they're hot shit.
No. 2017013
valid but she's not wrong
No. 2017178
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I deleted my twitter a few months back. I miss looking at fanart of my husbando, but I would probably fly into a schizophrenic rage if I ever had to witness the fandom again.
No. 2017221
File: 1716506210482.jpeg (193.76 KB, 500x595, IMG_5528.jpeg)

I have this recurring fantasy where I take my husbando’s corpse, dissect his torso to expose his muscles and internal organs, embalm him, and display him like one of those cadavers at biology museums.
No. 2017568
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>>2017560>I don't think that's fair for the environment!I actually hate trees and the environment in general and I'm glad when forest fires happen because it means less greenery. Knowing that keeping all my lights and electrical appliances on all day and night not only makes my landlord pay more at the end of the month, but also damages the environment more, makes me happy. Sometimes when I'm bored I start fires outside in the yard and try to get it to spread to the forest like in picrel.
No. 2017628
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>>2017623I swear you normies will see anything one inch outside the box of conformity and normalcy and you'll scream "BAIT!!!!" Sorry it's so unbelievable to you that I set fires for fun. Sorry that you live such a closed-off life that you can't fathom someone being a pyromaniac. But yeah, I'm the one baiting by sharing my love of fire-starting. It's totally bait. Whatever you need to hear to sleep easier at night.
No. 2017640
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>>2017628>>2017568Are you the woman in picrel?
No. 2017643
>>2017640What the hell is the "woman in picrel" we need more context than that because I don't know what the hell I'm looking at
>>2017638I love them so far as I love any potential fuel for the flames. Watching fire spread out is exciting for me and it leaves me feeling mentally aroused, like a cat about to pounce on a bird. It's a good way to relieve stress as well.
No. 2018081
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>>2017829Can't even exclaim a love of digitally stalking people any more
No. 2018082
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>>2018073how are there suddenly so many of you popping up recently, there must be something in the lolcow water supply. like picrel is what the average middle-aged man looks like and somehow there's at least 6 of you drooling over this
No. 2018089
>>2018076I like those suggestions nona but even then I seriously don’t know why, this is definitely a first for me. It’s not like I can’t get guys my age so it isn’t a desperation thing either. I haven’t had the best experiences with guys my age but nothing ~traumatic~ so idk. I think hormonal reasons could be ruled out because this has been going on for months and months.
>>2018082Yeah yeah thanks I knew I’d get shit for it but I can’t help how I feel. I’m not proud of it and recognise it’s weird.
No. 2018122
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Cathy is like hello kitty or Kuromi to me despite, or even partially because, of her middle aged ‘it’s wine o clock’ vibe
No. 2018123
>>2018073Something for real. I’m 30 and my boyfriend is 15 years older
(but in great shape/great skin so don’t try to come for me nonnas kek) and that’s about as big a gap as is appropriate with older male/younger woman relationships provided the younger party is OVER 25 and that’s just logic come on! I would never have gone for my guy at your age, NEVER. I still liked pretty boys my own age back then. You’ve been memed into it by media I fear. A 60 year old…..he has to be ugly too I just know it
No. 2018166
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How do some husbandofags willingly look at (and even admire) fanart (often incredibly detailed and popular) of their husbando shipped with another OC? That’s like a form of self-harm.
No. 2018170
>>2018166It's cute and I like seeing similar autism out in the wild. If I wanted a husbando all to myself I would
and have kek make an OC.
No. 2018430
>>2018417I agree with you. I guess the reason they don't move the shit threads to /sty is because there's not enough farmhands to moderate another board being frequently used.
>>2018424It'd be okay if it was funny harmless bait but the fact that 10 controversial topics are discussed week after week in a clockwork fashion is really boring and it's crazy how some anons still fall for the obvious bait and respond to trolls. Why am I seeing people talk about loli/shota for the 100th time for 100 replies. Unpopular opinions really fucks with the health of the board, especially since the dumbass shit anons migrated there to camp.
>You can hardly say innocuous things anymore without people infighting over itIkr. What's worse is when schizo anons try to connect the dots and accuse you of being different anons for some reason. I had someone in the vent thread today respond to my vent accusing me of being another anon and then calling me a dumb tryhard. It's bizarre. The topics of threads are shit up by the constant attempts to bicker and derail with spergouts.
No. 2018711
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i do want to try this weird hyper-femme bimbo core fashion shit someday. issue is is that i live in a hyper-conservative state with very little culture or forward-thinking. also i fear i'll age out of being able to make it work before i can get out. trying to stash away money and upskill so i can get something higher paying in a year that lets me leave but i don't know kek
No. 2019712
>>2019707theres still time for you to delete this
nonnie i really don't wanna see you get dogpiled on
No. 2019871
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Girl Eliot Rodger is making me feel things I’m ashamed to feel.
No. 2020300
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I want to dress like simplykenna. I honestly forgot why she was considered a cow.
No. 2020304
>>2020057>an Ukrainianwhat language did you ask in?
No. 2020350
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bad for anti-racism reasons i know but ate him up i fear(global rule #4)
No. 2020572
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>>2020562Picrel says 2 days ago but she was probably last seen posting this in /g/ kek
No. 2020691
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My first crush was a tif I mistook for a guy online. Despite her long hair and makeup, she had a naturally flat chest and strong jaw. She never talked about trans shit. I couldn’t clock her and thought she was a goth pretty boy. One day she posted a picture of her hysterectomy. I ghosted her and cried myself to sleep that night.
No. 2021404
I once cussed out a stupid friend of my ex over text but I did it from his phone and never heard anything about it again.
>>2021239Me too
nonnie, fitted tank tops are alright but the rest makes me autistic.
No. 2021825
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I used to call myself Misa in 7th grade because of Death Note. I even made a replica of the notebook with a shitty spiral notebook. A normie classmate saw it and thought it was a hit list but I just wrote my cringe sequel to my first novel in it
No. 2022148
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I firmly believe all adult cosplayers and lolitas are mentally ill.
No. 2022272
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After dating an AGP and getting into an argument with an Aiden online and having her tell me that I was just mad at her because she passed better than me (her username was literally something like prettypinkprincesspolkadots) I have realized that you guys were right about everything and I have become so disgusted by troon culture that I have decided to detransition. I’m finally free. I’m never dating a moid ever again. It’s one thing to lurk on TERF forums, it’s another thing to actually experience the things that they’re talking about in real life. Thank you, genuinely.
No. 2022759
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(Not jinxing) but idc about dying of a disease that slowly kills me. I would hate to be those people who live in and out of the hospital constantly having tubes plugged up their bodies and treatments that arguably make their condition worse. I would finally be able to enjoy my life without any worries or having to suffer any longer
No. 2022998
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>>2022782feel bad for you because if you do get something really nasty you aren’t gonna be able to even kill yourself and will just have to wallow in your pain. just don’t come here and bitch about it if it happens to you nona, you can try to act tough but we will be able to smell the tears through the screen
No. 2023020
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>>2022994life out in the pastures is quite nice, actually
No. 2023060
>>2022998Can’t be anything worse than what I’m already going through. Why can’t you believe in your fellow
nonny to be tough and strong?
No. 2023117
>>2023085Google doesn’t have her bra measurements you fucking retard.
>>2023078If you can get yourself measured I would definitely do it. If you can afford it get bras that are tailor made because you can have a specific size of breasts but the bra can be so uncomfortable because of your chest, torso, shoulders, back. I can’t even wear normal bras I have to wear sports bras because my breasts are small but the retail bras rarely fit me properly and feel too restricting. Band, bust, cup, all of that. You can get measuring tape for your body online, at retail stores, etc.
No. 2023143
>>2023117Thank you for your kind advice
nonnie(s), I'm definitely gonna go down and get a bra one day because I want to wear more of my open neck blouses without the edge of my bra peeking through
No. 2023251
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When I was a kid I was SO seethingly envious of Britney Spears. All of the boys I liked were in love with her, she seemed to have the perfect life and I was so fucking jealous of her. I was trying to get my showbiz career off the ground, and it never went anywhere besides some regional theater because my parents were (rightfully!!) skeptical after some initial talks with agents and were worried about letting me meet, travel, and work with adults alone and I was so fucking mad at them that I never got the chance to be a Disney/Nickelodeon star or get a head start at a pop star career. I thought such horrible thoughts about a lot of performers that I was jealous of and I had wished for Britney’s downfall so hard, that when I was older and she had her public meltdown in 2007, for a moment my stomach dropped and I felt panicked and paranoid that I actually caused it to happen, kek. I knew it was a ridiculous thought to have, but I still felt a little bit guilty because of it
No. 2023379
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>>2023362interacting with people in imageboards only furthers my misantrophy
No. 2023416
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I still lurk 4chan for the best blackpills. Men know eachother best and will be honest when they believe they're alone. Pic related, a rape enthusiast.
No. 2023479
>>2023468wtf are you me
nonnie i literally just finished doing that
No. 2023686
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>>2023468My favorite artist for a particular ship I’m obsessed with draws one of the characters as a tif and I kind of use that as an extra excuse to masturbate to piv sex of them (along with it being easier for me to get off to) even though they’re both supposed to be male
No. 2024040
>>2023771you are 1000%
valid for this but I keep this in the back burner of my mind. almost zero scrotes deserved to be called daddy
No. 2024070
>>2024068I didn't start driving until age 27 and no card or online banking until age 32
Cash is always king anyway
No. 2024076
>>2023072>because you aren’t special or built different sorry you had to learn this wayYes the fuck I am
No. 2024156
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>>2024118i dont have to be tall to suplex you. get in the ring anon and we will see if you still want to talk smack
No. 2024189
File: 1716910107653.png (Spoiler Image,247.8 KB, 666x801, 1716087007871.png)

My confession is that I think cutters are pathetic and deserving of ridicule. This is exactly the kind of response these attention seeking retards should expect. They parade around their degeneracy and then play the victim when the things they post publicly are mentioned. Of course if you show off your cuts in public it makes you look like a bpd tier freak. The correct response to this embarrassing behavior is mockery. These ugly cut up bodies are designated for landfills and crime statistics. Anyone with a body like this who thinks a man loves them is delusional. You just fulfill some sort of damaged girl/self harm/savior fetish he has. If their family loves them, they'd cry if they knew what their bodies looked like. Imagine not even having a body a mother could love because you're such an unstable neurotic failure. Even if you disagree, making your personal failures and mental illness public for people to use against you is retarded. Spoiler for cutting board thighs.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 2024592
I've always wanted to live off some kind of sick art project but I'm not original/creative enough to make something new and refreshing. What if I'm meant for the corporate cage?
>>2024464I get it
nonnie. It's awful what's happening but I don't need to see a bunch of war crimes every day.
No. 2024819
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As a fit woman I love watching anachans and fatties argue with each other. Neither of you will last a day in the wilderness.
No. 2025601
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The anon from unpopular opinions thread made me horny. Yes crush me, I’m tinier than you(Dumbass shit posting)
No. 2026678
>>2026667It always comes down to asking why they got said tattoo.
If it was an army thing to identify your body that's tragic but we have genetic testing these days you really do need to.
It it's to support something like art/a group/a fandom, why have it etched into you? Why not just get artwork on your wall or on your phone or on a shirt?
If it's to commemorate a dead relative then why not have a locket with their picture or adapt the Dios De Muertos traditom of dedicating a day of rememberence to them?
If it's a traditional custom, then why did you stop the ancient human custom of human sacrifice but not the etching your body to honor those ancient people?
Edit: You misspell one word and the entire meaning is lost
No. 2026948
>>2024189Honestly I agree
Also its really dumb to ban someone for confessing something “bad” or disagreeable in the confessions thread, this isnt preschool
No. 2026953
>>2024189I feel bad for her because she's right, they treat black women like shit a
lot. Also it's extremely rare for black women to indulge in this sort of thing, so I feel bad for her and wonder what happened for her to end up this way. She's in an online echo chamber. They look like tiger stripes, they aren't that bad btw so trying to "a man will never love you hahaha" her for being mentally deranged isn't anything but needless flaggelation.
No. 2027035
File: 1717031746301.webp (29.56 KB, 790x527, IMG_1710.webp)

>>2026974Do what you want but lip filler usually ages you and it’s pretty evident when it’s not naturally full lips. I have small lips too and I s still do the Korean gradient lips look.
No. 2027122
>>2027071That was the initial idea but the gradient effect makes them look less flat and 2d
Just try it before you bite the bullet and take the lip filler route
No. 2027276
File: 1717048420811.png (95.63 KB, 222x167, IMG_1695.png)

In my friend group, there is a bit that I’ve spent almost $200 in a gacha for a single character. This isn’t wholly true, it was a dude who had a crush on me that my friend group absolutely despised who gave me the money to do it and I never even asked for him to, he just did. I’ve yet to tell the truth to anyone ever about that, everyone just thinks I was once a gacha whale that totally spent that from my own pocket.
No. 2027444
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I dislike being that kind of person in a way, but I do enjoy in fact being and older virgin (20+ and going strong). Hearing some dating stories from other girls and women these past few days made me realize that I am truly blessed (since when was hetero sex so degrading? I was genuinely shocked to hear some stories irl, I thought it was only on the internet kek)
It also kind of gives me a sense of superiority and control over moids, which I'm very fond of. I can drop the "oh I'm waiting for marriage uwu" excuse and surprisingly both moids and women will easily leave me the fuck alone (I live in a turbo religious country so that helps too). Even though I don't think I'll ever want to get married, I'll use the excuse till the day I die kek. Dying a virgin doesn't sound that bad from what it seems tbh.
No. 2028147
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Obviously I hated the sexual parts of the anime but I still liked the violence towards the male lead even back when I watched this years ago. I'd kill for a non pedo/echii rework of this show but it'd never happen.
No. 2028192
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Sometimes I’d fart near my cat on purpose.
No. 2028207
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When this came out I though (for a very short period of time) that she was played by Rihanna
No. 2028539
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I love feeling sick because it makes me feel high. I feel so high right now. Vid unrelated
No. 2028779
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I watch that preschool show Bluey sometimes, but that's not the whole confession. When I watch this cartoon family of dogs, I feel kind of envious because I wish my family were as healthy and cool as the parents and their two puppy kids. I'm watching the conceptual childhood I always wished and used to cry at night to have.
No. 2028819
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I don't know if I'll be single for most of my life, but sometimes I really want a baby (preferably a daughter). but then I wonder if I could be a good mother or not
No. 2028908
>>2025603Proud of you
nonnie. My narc ex trooned out too, became an anachan and started drinking heavily, smoking weed and posting awful 'femboy' content on OF. He was admittedly a smart guy once but now he's completely braindead, his obsession with attention just took over his mind. Sometimes I think about how empty and depressed he is right now and thank the gods that I'm not that broken. But I'm also disgusted by the fact he's dragged random women into this, all vulnerable in some way, and continues to fuck 18 year olds even though he's nearly 30. disgusting.
No. 2029322
>>2029297Look on the bright side:
It was something discovered via accident and not intentionally screaming on the rooftops and demanding praise for his shit behavior
No. 2029824
I have been fantasizing about the same made-up OC-type husband in my head for my entire life. It is essentially the only subject in my daydreams or dissociation. Myself and this man, made up in my head, forever. And I'm a bit startled now, in my 30s, that this persists, and has been going on for so long. It's a coping mechanism, sure. But I find myself motivated by whatever I create in my head. I'm looking for this man in real life now, it seems. I'm wishing and praying and accepting that if he doesn't exist, so be it, I was meant to be alone. I realize I am terrible at picking partners because I won't settle for anything besides exactly what I want anymore. Now, I'm not plagued with the idea that I must be exactly what my partner wants. I don't give a fuck. I think ultimately I'd like to be alone, but I want someone of my most specific preferences to accommodate me for the rest of my life, and in turn, I will love them in all the ways I know how to.
I am aware of how demented this sounds. Well, probably not as aware as you are.
No. 2029899
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When I was anorexic I was so retarded I was legitimately triggered by ReviewBrah's "running on empty" intro. I was also probably schizophrenic and thought there was a mass anorexia conspiracy that was hidden in all media
No. 2029912
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I’m have a crush on entities that aren’t human (they are so cute it might be an angel, a demon idk but it’s intriguing me). It’s a one-sided kind of thing
No. 2029952
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it makes me really happy to see young girls getting into mlp:fim. i genuinely think this show has great female representation (though they are horses, but still). such good, strong friendships and life lessons.
No. 2030323
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I've always wanted to be one of those urban legend/spooky stories women. I don't know why, it just seems fun to walk around being melodramatic and scare people.
No. 2030669
I want for there to be more love in the world, but I don't currently embody that love.
I am constantly comparing myself to others. During this time of high stress, I have become more insecure, and started to feel upset that people are in positions that I am not. Their abundance reflects my lack, in what I could be. I guess my ego has had me in a chokehold during this stressful time, I haven't had time to introspect, pray, or journal, and I've become unconscious, and it's lead to me becoming a little more judgemental, insecure and angry.
I'm constantly comparing myself, feeling the need to be perfect to be worthy. It's not even a thought I chose to have. I don't know why I have to 'be worthy'- there is no end goal, right? Unless perceived worthiness is some way to feel self realised and purposeful, to feel safe and in control. I'm not sure. I need to do some inner work. I don't want to be this way forever. I want to love myself and others. There is a little mean ogre in me that projects my lack and frustration on the world around me, but the part of me that watches and makes a choice is good. I hope I get back to that awareness and love soon.
No. 2030691
>>2030673All of those women are wearing filters too.
I'm not against makeup btw but the full-face makeup you see on women on social media looks shit irl.
No. 2030740
>>2030691 said. its not the make up, its the filters. in real life makeup always looks dusty and crusty, dont fall for it
No. 2031069
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Been off social media for months. Highly recommend.
No. 2031571
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>>2031069I never used social media in the first place
No. 2031585
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>>2031574well i guess it's in part due to how much i've been teased for them all my life, i really hate being told i look like a linebacker. and i remember sitting next to other girls on the bus and they'd get angry that my shoulders were so wide and bumping into them…my mother also calls me a wideback. but also when i buy clothes i normally have to get something that's too large for me so it'll go over my shoulders, and that results in my natural curves not being visible at all. i feel like they're wider than my hips too, which gives me a really masculine silhouette (which isn't a bad thing for a woman to have but i have a…babyface (?) so it just looks dumb on me. maybe if i had a really cut, thin face i could rock the androgyne aesthetic)
No. 2031660
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im 25 just solved my first sodoku
No. 2032581
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when i was 17 or so there was this artist, picrel, called starpatches on tumblr. i remember her opening commissions and making a post (since deleted? i can't find it on her blog) where she was complaining about needing money and how her followers never comm'd her, blah blah blah. i was dumb and 17 so i sent her this long message on how she should maybe lower her prices because her art wasn't worth x amount, i didn't say that but that's what i meant, and i sent her more complicated artists charging less. anyway i've always blamed myself for her quitting uploading her art kek she posted this sad meme to her twitter and just went ghost from the web
No. 2032716
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I wish all trannies would die. Sorry not sorry, mods can slap this with “baiting” but no woman would have to deal with them ever again and that would make me happy
No. 2032821
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I wish i could lick myself life a dog. I love the taste of my arousal fluid. I actually avoid certain foods so it taste better. I masturbate and average of 2 times a day, and afterwards instead of showering i start fingering off the lube and then i start licking my vag goo off my fingers till theres none left. It doesn't turn me on, i just think it taste good. Its like a snack.(spamming hornyposts)
No. 2032842
>>2032840maybe your taste buds are busted
what do you taste like
No. 2033090
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I'm very worried for Mexico's next president (Claudia Sheinbaum) who will be Mexico's first ever female president.I hope nothing bad happens to her considering how Mexico is a massive Narco-filled shit hole.
No. 2033243
>>2033090She is with the narcos. She is a sock puppet of the current president who literally bows down to the Cartel de Sinaloa. Do not pity her, or the other female candidate. Both are garbage people following orders from organized crime that has destroyed this country.
>>2033154There is no way she would've lost when the opposition had a fat corrupt retard with a sister that is in jail for kidnapping people. Elections in Mexico are a total circus, behind the scenes all candidates and members of the political class get along. They're all just following orders from organized crime. Dangerous criminals are the ones actually running the country right now. Also for my state there was another faggot Jew kike running for governor, immediately recognized the fucking >woldenberg last name and his first name is literally Solomon. All of these Jewish people in Mexico are fucking second/third gen Polish kikes with European imperialist and racist ideas. This faggot kike is even member of an hyper religious anti-gay anti-woman party.
(racebait) No. 2033272
>>2033257This too goes without saying. Try to interact with any Jew, specially as a woman, you will get ignored at best but very often straight up insulted in your face lol.
>>2033263Yes, nothing will change. I wish she was actually in charge of anything, even the narco or whatever, but she's just a puppet so not even girlboss material. Meanwhile the Amerilards are happy we are being sooooo progressive. Absolutely ridiculous.
(racebait) No. 2033715
>>2033281Been hating them since forever, you were so real for this. Free my
(racebait) No. 2033749
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>>2033712I didn't know THAT side of noggers.
No. 2034093
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I don't have much of an issue with ftms/tifs and I actually sympathize with them. I admit I am biased since I met very few of them irl and they weren't the annoying chronically online types and also because I wanted to transition in my teenage years to escape from the societal expectations.
Can they be annoying, especially in fandoms? Yes.
Did they let rigid gender roles and sexism win? Yeah, in a way.
Will I condemn their decision? No. Imagine being pressured for vapid shit pretty much your entire life and wanting to break free from that shit.
Where I live, not engaging in bdd tier beauty rituals and not adhering to "feminine" behaviors will have you labeled a failwoman here. I'm talking things like shoulder length hair is not considered feminine, not wearing makeup besides maybe tinted chapstick, not wearing sexualized clothing, not getting god knows what trendy salon treatment every month, not living for moid attention, having A or B cup boobs and not getting plastic surgery for that, going to the gym (yes, here, touching weightlifting equipment will turn you manly according to your mom, relatives, grandma etc.). All of these will get you scrutinized by both men and women. Call me an NLOG all you want, I don't care atp, but I think drilling these stupid ideas and expectations on young girls can be damaging to the point of no return, especially since said young girls have a weak sense of self or poor boundaries. Either have people stop with that bullshit, or women should get comfortable with being a "failwoman" - detaching from being feminine, which is the harder option.
Maybe I'm sick in the head, but me being considered a failwoman, egotistical (for not bowing to moids or other conservative ideas), a bad woman or not feminine enough is so liberating to me that I consider them compliments kek.
No. 2034353
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I don't know how I'm not in jail yet
No. 2034446
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My first time at a gyno, I put my legs up like picrel (except I wasn't holding my thighs), and everytime I remember I get the worst rush of embarrassment. Luckily the dr didn't say anything except something about me being too dense and had me get in the right position.
No. 2034509
>>2034478>18 year old boys don't look like men, they look like teens. Weird ass.Sooo sweet of you to stick up for the virtue of 18 year old boys, but men will never return the favour so it's really just embarrassing for women when you do that. It's seriously, genuinely fucking humiliating that men will constantly talk about how women are repulsive and hit the wall at 25 and peak at 16 but women will talk about how 18-25 year old men are uwu little nonsexual babies and they couldn't POSSIBLY, because men only look like adults when they're wrinkled and balding.
The only way women can ever possibly fight the moid obsession with youth is matching their energy (without actually committing crimes). Criticizing them on moral grounds and taking an ethics based opposing stance only makes them gleeful about how jealous those old hags are. Older women who fuck willing and enthusiastic 18 year olds are doing gods work.
No. 2034762
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I have a legitimate crush on Hannah Berrelli from the Redfem podcast. What started as just a fun "oh she's cute" has developed into listening to all her interviews on Youtube and fantasising about dating her. Not sure she dates bi women so that might add an extra tragic doomed romance layer
No. 2034916
>>2034889"pussy ate" is not a grammatically
valid phrase. It literally does not work.
No. 2034990
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I have a practically perfect husband but I keep thirsting over this random ugly nerd from my past. Wondering if he still thinks about me, what it would have been like to fuck him, etc. I deleted his number and defriended him on everything but I still occasionally stalk him. Idk wtf is wrong with me.
>Husband: tall, nice, handsome, good career, not sexist
>Troll nerd: short, nice, ugly, shit career, reformed sexist
Wtf is wrong with me and how do I get these dumb thoughts to disappear forever? They resurface once every few years. I think it's just the lack of closure but bleh
No. 2034992
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I thought the Asian guy at my job was Korean for the past 5 months, and only now did I realize he's Japanese
No. 2035508
>>2035500that is so cute my gosh
when i was a kid i loved rubbing my eyes really hard and entering 'the secret world' where colours swirled and stuff
No. 2035531
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>>2035508Ayrt, the universal child experience tripping on phosphenes. Plus the mystical secret skill of magic-eye/crossview on random patterns and identical objects. And cheating at "ultra hard" find the difference pictures this way as well.
No. 2035655
>>2035278Thanks for this thought nonna, I have pretty bad anxiety and deal with insane intrusive thoughts often. I wonder if this has always been a part of that as I've always had urges to destroy nice things in my life with the most unhinged behavior. Telling myself it's just my brain being silly and I don't really want to talk to ugly incel man helped a lot.
>>2035003This would be a great idea if I was normal and responsible but I a need these boundaries or I will get way too into the positive attention and let things get out of hand. My current marriage is the first relationship I haven't set on fire by flirting with nerds.
No. 2036705
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I sometimes go back and check if anons I reported get red texted because they usually deserve it.
At some point I considered becoming a mod but my day to day life is too busy.
No. 2036741
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I giggled a little at this
No. 2036801
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My best friend from high school, who I haven’t spoken to in 5 years, texted me last night.
I’m not going to reply, the first reason is because every friend from my past has betrayed me or used me after getting back in touch with me, and I won’t go through that again. The second reason is that since we lost touch, I have done nothing with my life and have nothing to show for myself.
>haven’t made a single friend in 8 years
>currently have 0 friends
>still never had a romantic experience
>despite graduating with excellent grades in college, I am working an admin assistant job for pennies with no hope of ever being anything more than that due to having a degree that is useless without a masters
>I no longer draw, haven’t drawn in many years (which we used to bond over) despite having talent because nothing inspires me to draw anymore
>I have no hobbies to talk about, no interesting experiences to talk about, I live with my parents and my life consists of working, eating, and sleeping.
Meanwhile, she’s found success in the movie industry and lives in a big city with a vibrant social and professional life. We don’t live in the same universe anymore.
I want to leave the past in the past and not soil any more fond memories.
No. 2036841
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I wish I could look like a literal doll but my eyes aren't big enough and always look tired
No. 2037569
>>2037504Why do you give a shit about your ex's new girlfriend
Jealous much?
No. 2037698
>>2003994Chronically online story.
I was obsessed with this girl a long time ago (she's on social media, I don't know her irl.) I never felt envy in my life but for the first time, I saw her and I burned with jealousy. She was everything that I wanted to be and more. She was doll-like. I knew why I was feeling this way, because I hated myself. I'm an attractive person, but she was way beyond me. It's pathetic I know, but this is honestly how I felt.
But then I realized slowly… everything she posted was heavily edited/photoshopped. It was really good photoshop, but shop nonetheless. She was super meticulous about any photo that was posted of her, and I figured out why. I saw a video of her with her boyfriend where she wasn't in control of what she looked like and I got a real glimpse of her. She was just an average girl, still pretty but not like her photos, under all the makeup and filters. I almost felt bad.
Something about her made me hate the way she played on my deepest insecurities. It's like she knew exactly what she was doing. I ended up finding more and more about her, how she got where she is now. She had to do a lot of things to get where she is, and they weren't pretty. Then I really felt bad for finding out all of this, because she probably didn't want anyone to know. I'm very good at finding out shit about people. So I guess I'm the only one who knows this.
Moral of the story: social media is truly smoke and mirrors. I know that sounds obvious but sometimes it isn't. Don't compare yourself to anyone. I don't know why I put myself through this whole thing but… yeah. That is my embarrassing confession.
No. 2038575
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I’m a grown woman and I’m afraid to admit that I enjoyed this show
No. 2038707
>>2038647I said “fake and gay” while joking around with classmates outside of class once, one of the nerdier guys glared at me and I got scared he thought I was a board user and now I don’t say anymore board lingo irl kek. I think that on top of saying other board stuff around people like cuck or whatever made him
sus me. I don’t do it on purpose, it’s just kind of in my lexicon so I say it without thinking. Also I’m in stem so the likelihood of my peers recognizing board speak is high kek those types all run in the stem major group
No. 2039089
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i'm addicted to fruit and I can't stop eating too much of it. After dinner tonight I had a large bowl full to the top of cherries and blueberries, a peach, a cup of grapes, and almost a dozen large strawberries. every night i slowly just added more each time until now with my current portion sizes. I finally hit the point where it makes me feel sick and yet somehow I make the same mistake again the next night. Not to mention I also eat two fruits for breakfast and two fruits for lunch. Why can't I control myself around fruit… any other type of food I have normal self control, carbs, snacks, deserts, I have no problem following serving sizes and usually don't really want to eat more than that anyway. But I have no limit with fruit. I remember when I was 13 I was left alone in a room with a bowl full of tangerines while visiting my grandma, and I ate 12 tangerines and couldn't join family dinner because I was trapped in the bathroom with stomach cramps. What is wrong with me
No. 2039177
>>2039127I drink the most water of anyone I know, I carry a huge 32oz water bottle around and panic if I forget to bring it with me. I don’t think my fruit problem is connected though because I’ve been irresponsible around fruit since childhood, meanwhile the water drinking I only started doing as an adult after starting a med with thirst as a side effect.
I have a weird theory about how my fruit problem connects to another problem I have, though. I am naturally always severely constipated. I finally started on an osmotic stool softener because I was literally going to become permanently injured after so many years of constipation. Anyway, my theory is that since I’ve eaten ungodly amounts of fruit since childhood, my body acclimated to it and changed my digestion process to prevent me from just constantly having liquid shits. But it over corrected too far in the other direction.
When people suggest prunes for constipation I have to laugh because I eat a serving of prunes for breakfast daily along with the rest of my fruit intake and yet I’d still be shutting only 3x a month if I wasn’t taking stool softeners. This probably should have gone in the TMI thread.
No. 2040045
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I fell for the ugly man psyop, I am attracted to fat disgusting slovenly men. I won't act on it, thus further inflating their ego, but that's so shameful and horrible.