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No. 43615
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I'd like to see if OP will go with their promise.
No. 43616
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Here you go. These are blue with perhaps some gray/silver-ish tint to it.
No. 43617
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I don't like threads like these but I need advice anyway.
Do you guys know how to make your eyelashes longer?
No. 43618
File: 1437868395913.jpg (27.96 KB, 660x492, liner.jpg)

ahh I love your eye shape! You should try eyeliner that gets thicker as it goes out (thinner in the inner corner and progressively thicker) with a slight wing. something like the picture one
No. 43623
File: 1437922895095.jpg (8.16 KB, 186x183, image.jpg)

Yes. And if you have prominent dark circles it will make those much worse.
Pic related, my eye colour makes it impossible to use blues or greys.
No. 43626
File: 1437958233918.jpg (5.07 KB, 243x136, e.jpg)

having small eyes sucks because you have to be even more careful about how you apply your makeup, making sure you don't do anything that will make them look smaller
having eyes as dark as night doesn't help either because using eyeliner on your waterline doesn't accentuate any color but rather how small and dark your eyes are, lol
the only thing that helps is how you use liner on your top lid, and becoming an expert at how to do a wing seems to be key
I didn't do it on my eye here, but I try to focus my liner on the outer corners of my eyes and line them very thinly on the rest
No. 43628
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Someone help me with mine?
No. 43629
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These are mine.
No. 43630
File: 1437960653723.bmp (49.38 KB, 218x77, i2.bmp)

Samefag here. Just to say no gold/brown/red makeup tones, too pale for that.
The only thing I do is line the outer side of my eyes but I'd like to play around with colors.
No. 43634
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One eye is slightly bigger than the other and it bugs the shit out of me. Anything I can do to make them look more balanced?
No. 43638
File: 1438024850439.jpg (44.07 KB, 368x125, IMG__201507208__013207.jpg)

Sorry accidentally click reply
No. 43641
File: 1438029707863.jpg (78.63 KB, 700x452, tumblr_nrgui2uXc91qllucco2_128…)

Truely the most unfortunate eye shape, which I happen to have. Always looking like a frumpy bitch and eye shadow cannot be seen.
No. 43643
File: 1438032673821.jpg (152.03 KB, 1280x1024, Nicole-nicole-richie-101324_12…)

>the most unfortunate
about that…
My eyes look like this without any makeup on.
No. 43653
File: 1438099324725.jpg (258.67 KB, 602x647, MYXJ_20150728114910_save.jpg)

Makeup suggestions? Also my eyelashes are very long and go all over the place so tips to manage them would be appreciated.
No. 43659
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No. 43664
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I hate my eyeshape because I feel like I don't know what to do with them. But then again I just suck at makeup.
No. 43665
File: 1438763654664.jpg (Spoiler Image,26.65 KB, 268x149, hey.jpg)

hay what eyeshadow work best for my gorgeous dark chocolate ebony eyes
also tell me im beautiful
No. 43671
>>121403Ah I cant keep up with the lolcows! I didnt mean nyannerz but Annchirisu. I doubt nyannerz lurks lolcow but I am suspecting annchirisu does. I'm this anon btw
>>121400this is offtopic but this also doesnt really deserve a thread but I found this video of Annchirisu btw I spot annchirisu or am I blind?
>>121370>>121371she complains of having dark circles so this all makes me suspicious of her being annchirisu. This gives me another reason to hate on her tbh.
No. 43674
File: 1438795885340.png (230.83 KB, 365x297, shitfuck28345834.png)

I can see it.
Maybe I'm full of shit idk but I think these look exactly like her eyes.
Anyway, I don't think your under eye area looks that bad. Photo is kind of washed out so all I'm seeing is eye bags, not dark circles. I don't think you can hide actual eye bags like that, and I think they're cute anyway… but when I have discolored skin around my eyes from not getting enough sleep, I just apply my regular liquid foundation and then some good quality, light (just a step lighter than my foundation), creamy, yellow toned matte eye shadow. It covers them up pretty good. Sometimes I use it around my whole eye area if I'm looking particularly trashed. I have some natural baggage under my eyes too. The matte powder reduces shine which makes them appear less swollen.
I only know how to do my own makeup though so who fuckin' knows what it would look like on someone else. Definitely stay hydrated like the other anon said cuz my eyes are the first thing to look like shit when I don't drink enough water.
No. 43675
File: 1438798488701.jpg (10.09 KB, 595x100, eyes.jpg)

already make up on but what makeup suits best for this eye shape?
No. 43677
>>121408the eyeliner shouldn't go that far down for your eyeshape because it makes them look a bit droopy (unless you like that, then it's totally cool)
correct me if I'm wrong but you seem to have a round eye shape, if so there are tons of suggestions online for this shape: Even though this youtube vid didn't really help me, it may be helpful to someone else
No. 43679
File: 1438822057016.jpg (23.99 KB, 481x262, we.jpg)

Half way wouldn't be bad as long as it's flicked up into a wing, kind of like a cat eye. Lining the entire top lid across is fine too, it's the way you flick the wing that has the greatest effect on your eye shape imo. Flicking it up looks better.
For example, the girl in the image went for both a droopy look (which I guess was to widen her eye to make it look bigger) but by adding the flick and turning it into a cat eye it looks nice.
No. 43681
File: 1438883710853.jpg (400.67 KB, 1000x487, share.jpg)

Could someone kindly tell me what my eyeshape is? I watched >>121410 video and still couldn't figure out which one i am.
No. 43683
File: 1438977397962.jpg (109.09 KB, 1944x323, IMG_20150807_205352.JPG)

I also still can't tell from the video. Can someone help me out? Also what makeup would be the best for my eye shape?
No. 43684
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Damn. That kind of reminds me of mine. Always look half-open with a mess of uneven eyelid creases.
No. 43688
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Kind of like mine?
I have mascara but what makeup suits best for this eye shape?
My friend told me I should really get an eyelash curler.
No. 43690
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I wear glasses all the time that make my eyes look huge - not sure if that changes anything though…
No. 43691
>>121421I agree with >>121422, you have round protruding eyes, kind of like nicole richie. She is very fond of smudging shadows and liners on her lower lash line., I think that circle lenses would work well on your eyes if you want to consider that.
No. 43692
File: 1439063112671.jpg (46.65 KB, 480x541, we.jpg)

Yours have an almond shape to them because of the way they seem smaller in the inner corners when compared to the outer corners. Though you also have space beneath your iris, which is great because if you line your waterline with dark liners it won't make your eye look smaller.
Winged eyeliner would work well, though it should be thin because you seem to have a small amount of space between your lid and brow, with the thickest part of the wing being towards the outer lid.
For example, the top image would probably close of your eye and make it look as though you had black shadow on instead of liner, while the bottom would emphasize the liner and give a different shape to your eye.
No. 43693
File: 1439187451360.jpg (Spoiler Image,29.94 KB, 740x206, image.jpg)

I have literally the worst eye shape and the baggiest eyelids. Also the worst skin because of years of untreated cystic acne as a teenager. I'm basically cave troll status and I've accepted this. However I would like to learn how to do more than mascara, since I'm 23 and I should damn well know better by now.
No. 43694
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Hey Anon, I dont know how "extravagant" you dress but a smokey eye look like in the pic hides baggy eyelids pretty good
(cont because pic))
No. 43695
File: 1439205205132.jpg (21.17 KB, 567x276, 19d993d96df1b494efd7a524d0b55f…)

You can also buy yourself these double eyelid tapes , they lift your eyelids so it wont look baggy , also they are pretty cheap (you can buy them from amazon/ebay)
No. 43696
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Whats my eyeshape? :( I seriously have no idea. Ive had different people tell me different things. Also, I don't really wear eye makeup except for mascara so what makeup would suit my shape? Thanks in advance
No. 43697
File: 1439251806141.jpg (183.46 KB, 700x390, eyes.jpg)

My eyes are quite a challenge.. as you can see, I have 2 different eyelid types. I also have very little lid space when they're open, they're quite hooded. Any ideas on how to make them look more even?
No. 43699
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I have hooded lids and a lot of space between my eye and my eyebrow. When I open my eyes properly the underneath part of the eyelid is hidden.
What are your recommendations for my eye shape, and how should I contour my nose? My only solutions have been either to attach it to a crease cut like a drag queen or attach it to my eyebrow which looks wrong
No. 43700
File: 1439395214836.jpg (1.07 MB, 1584x1366, 2015-08-11 21.01.28.jpg)

Any ideas what I should do?
No. 43701
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Can someone help me figure out my eye shape/what would look good on me? I don't use eyemakeup so I'm lost. Thanks
No. 43706
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Tips for me?
No. 43707
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No. 43712
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No. 43715
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Stay away from lining above your water line as that can close your eyes in. Unless you want to utilize lid tape, just line on your tight and water line. Also curl your lashes before applying mascara and nice looking lashes can hide some lack of symmetry in my experience. If you are daring you can also try a cut crease depending on how much space you have between your lash and brow. does not have to be as dramatic in the pic, but you get the idea, I hope.
You could probably do anything. A simply cat eye would look nice and you would just need a decent mascara since it looks like your lashes already have a decent curl. Also get your brows groomed professionally if you are clueless about doing that. Oh and for eye color, if you want your eyes to be a warmer brighter brown stick to golden tones and if you want a cooler darker brown lean more to purples.
Post a pic where you aren't doing a o_o face.
Get your brows groomed, I can see stray hairs. Otherwise stick to a thin line above your lash or just tightlining. You don't have a hooded eye persay, but the area above the crease seems to stick out so I would avoid a cat eye (unless you like it for whatever reason.) If you want to bring out the blueness, stick to orange tones when going natural. You could even try blue mascara since your lashes aren't too dark, but it's not for everyone.
No. 43717
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Here we go.
No. 43719
File: 1439849081478.jpg (111.65 KB, 677x1000, eyes.jpg)

Too shy to share my own eyes, but I have deep set eyes a lot like Emilia Clarke's. It makes my under eyes look SUPER dark (but it's just shadows) and then I have those weird kind of "nasolabial folds" around my eyes/nose. (Hopefully that makes sense.)
Is there anything I can do minus a shit ton of concealer? I've found that Laura Mercier's Secret Camouflage watered down with some moisturizer helps, but I want them to be less noticeable still…
No. 43721
File: 1439850998753.jpg (586.32 KB, 933x1400, 20140115133533780.jpg)

oh god how I hate this kind make up, it makes you look so aged and whorey
bright and more natural make up will make you look fresh & cute
No. 43722
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No. 43724
File: 1439855954163.jpeg (20.55 KB, 420x700, make up eyeliner.jpeg)

you can make natural make that is suited for your features - different blush, eyeliner etc. I just don't like black make up, it looks good only on photos. Though maybe it's a cultural thing, here where I live it's just considered vulgar.
As for pink - it's just an example, when choosing a blush/eyeshadow you need to take in account your skin tone and only after this pick the right fleshy tone (peach, brown, yellow etc)
For hooded eyes - Aoi Yu makeups are nice, she always looks fresh & natural, almost bare even though she's always professionally done.
No. 43725
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No. 43726
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Where do you live anon? I'm in the US but also South Asian so heavy eyeliner is nothing out of the ordinary for me (and much easier to wear on a daily basis as a result. My mother especially likes it when I rock a wing straight out of the 60's. Not those brows tho. Ew.) If you don't have dark hair then you should avoid black liner, but when you do have dark brown to black hair you kind of have to use black liner. Brown just looks weird (and even blue or purple looks odd if not used right.)
No. 43727
File: 1439863034217.jpg (22.94 KB, 330x490, nude makeup1.jpg)

I live in Eastern Europe. People here seem to have quite conservative idea about beauty. Many of my friends would only wear mascara and liptint. Men also prefer this kind of look. Heavy make up is unwelcomed at school/workplace and considered unattractive, it's kind of associated with white trash/chavs/however you call them.
That makeup you posted looks cool but it's hard for me to picture a person like that on a street. Here most women wear something similar to the model in my pic, brunettes often emulate Dita von Teese makeup.
My makeup is similar to what I posted earlier - thin eyeliner and pale eyeshadow. I guess I'm more into skincare than makeup.
No. 43728
File: 1439863832495.jpg (69.69 KB, 600x863, dita-von-teese.jpg)

Ah I see. I also don't give a fuck and work at a make up store so I can get away doing more extreme looks. I used to do nude make up regularly but got bored.
Dita's makeup is fairly heavy, but because it's vintage pinup inspired it's just more paired down. She's a good example of what you can do if you have smaller eyes.
No. 43729
File: 1439865345792.png (872.05 KB, 1152x720, betty draper.png)

Yes, retro makeups are usually great for smaller eyes. January Jones in Mad Men is also a good example - she looked amazing on the show, while in real life she's so plain.
No. 43733
File: 1439938916902.png (108.15 KB, 841x83, Screen Shot 2015-08-18 at 5.57…)

These are mine.
Usually I do a cat-eyed black liner and then pair with either gold/iridescent shadow on the lids or white/sparkly eyepencil on the inner corners of my eyes.
I've been told that my eyebrows are kind of out of control, though. I'd really appreciate some feedback/tips.
thank you.
No. 43735
File: 1440189681806.jpg (115.31 KB, 1145x427, Photo Aug 21, 4 37 10 PM.jpg)

I usually do winged eyeliner but my uneven eyelids always fuck up my wings lol. I've always wondered if I should get eyelid surgery to even them out but I don't think it's worth it…
No. 43745
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I have puffy eyes
No. 43746
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ever try these? They feel really nice and refreshing and they reduce puffiness.
No. 43748
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No. 43750
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No. 43752
File: 1441146786074.png (2.18 MB, 1848x812, eyes.png)

What the hell?
You look a bit terrified and/or tired though. But greenish eyes like those are pretty beautiful.
Any coloured eyes are nice. I use circle lenses to achieve this look.
No. 43754
File: 1441153858264.png (93.58 KB, 371x155, Screen Shot 2015-09-02 at 12.2…)

I'd like makeup recommendations!
Normally I do some very minimal - bbcream, light eyeshadow, natural eyeliner and mascara. I'm not very neat at drawing on myself - I'll post up a second picture of my usual makeup.
How much should I pluck my eyebrows? They're very big, I normally just get rid of little straggly hairs and ones over the bridge of my nose.
No. 43755
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>>121487My god, my face looks terrible in that!
I recently hacked off all of my hair and am regretting it, so I haven't been putting much effort into appearance.
This is how I usually do my eye makeup. There isn't very much because I feel like the more I put on, the higher likelihood I will mess it up.
No. 43757
File: 1441155664511.png (262.04 KB, 369x438, Screen Shot 2015-09-02 at 12.5…)

My face is just kinda weird.
No. 43762
>>121491>>121492I don't care all that much if people know I lurk here.
Was just hoping for makeup recommendations, I'm not very good with it.
No. 43764
File: 1441488853961.jpg (44.67 KB, 722x220, IMG_20150905_232151.jpg)

I'm kinda pleb when it comes to eye makeup. I usually do your typical winged eyeliner but I've been thinking maybe some kind of eyeshadow would fit me better. IDK where to start though.
No. 43766
File: 1441496701034.png (29.82 KB, 203x78, Screen shot 2015-09-05 at 7.40…)

i need eyebrow shape help. i feel like mine are too thin? please keep in mind i have a round face shape. also any eyeshadow recs would be great
No. 43768
File: 1458268422205.jpg (125.23 KB, 497x349, 2016-03-17 22.26.01.jpg)

I'm reviving this thread. Here is my eye. This is a pretty basic look for me, tho I don't always do the winged liner and sometimes I do more with my brows. I just need some ideas.
No. 43769
File: 1458271088377.png (57.47 KB, 257x99, brrrrrrrrr.png)

Muh eyebrows
No. 43771
File: 1458282656977.jpg (37 KB, 426x365, FullSizeRender.jpg)

Kay here's mine. Dark brown, the most boring color. I usually just stick to lightly filling in my brows and using a little bit of eyeliner on my upper lid + curling + mascara to make my eyelashes look fuller.
No. 43774
File: 1458309821698.jpg (87.12 KB, 419x364, tmp_25700-20160229_155255-1-11…)

I feel like I'm relatively good at doing my makeup, but I good be wrong. Although, this isn't the best example.
No. 43778
File: 1458318536586.png (204.47 KB, 593x567, 20160318_182306.png)

Any eyeliner tips?I want to wear kawaii eyeliner but my eyelids are too hooded.Any eyeshadow tips are welcomed too
No. 43779
File: 1458322505799.jpg (34.56 KB, 633x236, IMG_20160318_123048.JPG)

Farmers pls I'm so unfortunate, please help me.
How can I work with this?
No. 43783
File: 1458427927277.jpg (38.33 KB, 705x634, IMG_20151011_115108_060-12.jpg)

I want to experiment with heavier eye makeup on occasion but idk what shapes/styles would suit me ;_; any ideas?
Pic related, no liner vs liner
No. 43787
File: 1458437163818.jpg (642.52 KB, 1536x2048, CAM00139.jpg)

They're a bit big, some People say it looks like an alien.
No. 43789
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er. . . don't mind the bad quality and blonde wig
No. 43790
File: 1458445871959.png (73.9 KB, 255x138, Screen Shot 2016-03-19 at 8.47…)

Sorry if it's a bad pic, I'm scowling so I look more masculine than normally (I'm female)
I am really shit at makeup, so keep it simple.
No. 43791
File: 1458467230581.jpeg (Spoiler Image,323 KB, 2048x1468, image.jpeg)

Here's mine. Spoiler for low self esteem/wonky eyes and super heavy lids. My nose is slightly crooked too, but idk how to fix that without surgery because I don't know the first thing about makeup. Also what are eyelashes
No. 43796
>>121526I swear
>>121466 must be b8
Also maxlel at everyone opening their eyes at full capacity so they look like Steve Buscemi and saying uguuu big eyes.
No. 43799
>>121530No I wouldn't, sorry you tried to kawaii-fy your eyes itt. Nobody can give you solid makeup advice from a zoomed in photo of your bulging, strained eye.
>stop being so negativeBish this is lolcow. Stop.
No. 43803
>>121535I mean cows I know personally, too. Feels weird m8.
They're both shitstains kek. Now I feel like a lot of the recent cancer makes sense.
No. 43809
File: 1458585142597.jpg (Spoiler Image,68.63 KB, 791x368, WIN_20160321_132601.JPG)

Spoiler because of my terribad dark circles. Help with those would be nice, but I don't think they're going away. I also feel like I need brow help, but I hate how dark brows look on me.
No. 43813
File: 1458587912145.jpg (295.35 KB, 1293x1383, WP_20160318_11_58_09_Pro_LI (2…)

Like, you can still sort of see them up near my tear duct when I have make up on. Or am I being too critical of myself?
(I had a hard time finding a picture of me wearing make up that didn't have them hella filtered out, so excuse the grainy photo)
Currently I'm a ginger, but I'll probably lighten it out some more in the coming months to dry and get back to my natural sort of dirty blonde. I'll have to try the green, though. I've always been hesitant with green concealers because I feel like they're harder to blend than yellow is.
No. 43814
File: 1458590847835.jpg (Spoiler Image,902.35 KB, 1600x536, 12207581_899456836799506_80220…)

I have permanent baby eye wrinkles. Concealer just sinks into them and makes it crease horribly and I can't stop it from looking bad. My eyes also have different shapes and lids so lol good luck getting even eyeliner, me.
No. 43815
File: 1458593556148.png (1.14 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2016-03-21-16-48-39…)

I like your skin tone, you should just wear some shimmery nude shadow with a bit of tan or brown in the outer crease and some brown mascara. Pastels would look good if blended in at the corner instead of the brown
I need help, I have awfully dark eyes and olive toned skin, it's hard to find any makeup that doesn't look super dark and edgy. So far I just wear nude shadow unless it's a special occasion and then I like gold and brown
No. 43818
File: 1458600702348.jpg (62.41 KB, 960x355, how-to-cover-dark-circles-usin…)

The dark circles are probably caused by your skin being more translucent than other skintones. I'm pale and freckly too and the skin under my eyes is thin enough to show the blue tinge. Hydrating eye creams can plump up the skin and make them look less purple or blue. Cool metal is good at making them lighter - that's where the fridged spoon trick comes from - so applicators with a rollerball might help.
If you want to cover them, you need to use a peachy colour corrector that is 1-2 shades darker than your skin (don't worry, it blends). Apply it in a triangle shape under your eyes rather than a semicircle. Brighten under your eyes with a lighter concealer. Set it with powder.
As for your eyebrows, pluck a few strays and then use a blonde eyebrow pencil to fill them in with small, light strokes before you blend a little. You'll get more definition without getting huge dark brows.
No. 43823
File: 1458602687184.jpeg (97.95 KB, 971x513, image.jpeg)

Please someone help me and my bug eyes!
No. 43832
File: 1458612755043.jpeg (20.44 KB, 616x462, HGTV_Color-Wheel-Full_s4x3.jpg…)

Slightly OT but for future reference when you want to color correct, use the color opposite the imperfection on the color wheel (green for redness, etc.)
No. 43834
File: 1458614100365.jpg (Spoiler Image,2.45 MB, 2456x2035, tmp_16673-20160321_212958-1188…)

I've already posted, but I don't want make up advice this time. What color would you consider my eyes? Hazel with a dark blue ring? Or should I take a picture in a different light to see? This is just my reading light shining in my face.
No. 43843
all y'all sound salty as hell over this issue.
look, if you have any kind of experience with photography, color theory, etc., it cannot be disputed that lighting/environment affects how a subject appears. Even things that you wouldn't think of as 'reflective' are affected, like your skin (which is why you can look radiant and glowy under amber light and then washed out and haggard under fluorescents 2 seconds later), and eyes aren't any different. Especially when you're taking photos with a camera, if you're in a vividly colored environment, it will alternately bring out or subdue certain complementary or contrasting shades, and that's not even taking into account how color management can vary across different types of camera.
anon above might have phrased it pretty clumsily, but the rest of you kekking over 'kaleidoscope eyes' sound even more ignorant than her. You're exactly right, it's not rocket science: all it would have taken to educate yourself is thirty seconds on google.
No. 43844
File: 1458657766049.jpg (1.19 MB, 2320x735, tmp_13044-20160322_093816-1-11…)

The power of eyelash curlers. I should probably pluck his eyebrows too, but whatev. Curled my boyfriend's right lashes. I'm so jelly, ngl.
No. 43850
>>121582oh, Christ.
The fact that you really don't register the narcissism in spouting off bullshit about your eye color is ridiculous. You guys really went on rants over fabrics ~changing~ your eye colors. Your eyes aren't oceans ~with flecks of gold~. My eyes aren't brown (nor are they ~violet flecked emeralds~) and I'm not jelly over some mongoloids that feel the need to compare their eyes to summer breezes or wtfever.
No. 43853
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No. 43859
File: 1458686363815.jpeg (16.23 KB, 339x149, image.jpeg)

Welp to stay on topic here's a better photo of mine :P some say they're quite big, like a special alien. Not too good with cosmetics yet, but I'm all natural.
No. 43865
File: 1458773510552.jpeg (31.62 KB, 704x229, image.jpeg)

Here are my eyes, I have no idea what makeup will look nice with me. I'm half Asian so I think I have a strange eye shape.
What are some makeup styles you would recommend?
Also I got my eyebrows waxed, do they look okay or are they too bushy?
Thank you guys!
No. 43866
You have gorgeous eyes. I can't see the brows too well under the bangs, they look a bit dark and thick but I also don't know your other features, it could balance out your face nicely.
I personally would do lighter, shimmery shades on the lid (if your skin is good for that. Mine is very delicate and every tiny wrinkle/vein shows up when I use shimmer). To try and make a bit of socket depth I'd recommend starting at the outside edge and rolling the brush is small, circular patterns to get a nice, airbrushed effect with the darker shadow. With almond eyes I also recommend not to do a very deep hood colour, and not to draw it very far across the eye. At most, halfway - anything more and it looks too obviously like an artificial shadow. Pay close attention to your lashline, and try to blend some of the darker shadow against your lash line, moving outwards and every so slightly upwards, to try and meet up with the crease shadows. If you do this right it gives you a cat-eye like effect without having to use heavy liner. Eyeliner wouldn't be terribly thick but I know it's deceptive to put it on yourself, my eyes look radically different open to shut. Double check before you touch the brush to your skin, relax your face and stare straight ahead in the mirror. You'll see very quickly if what you were going to do is actually going to end up in the wrong spot.
No. 43867
File: 1458777215655.png (123.57 KB, 592x160, Screen Shot 2016-03-23 at 7.44…)

Thank you so much!
I will defiantly try out your advice. Shimmery shades are really pretty too. My skin gets a bit paler in the sun light but I dont have veins show up near my eyes. (my cheeks are awful though) But I'll buy some shimmer shades next week!
Also, here are my brows. My face is kinda round/squarish.
No. 43870
File: 1461413000037.jpg (105.26 KB, 960x339, image.jpg)

Sorry about my eyebrows.
No. 43876
File: 1461436465246.jpeg (16.65 KB, 236x276, image.jpeg)

Don't wanna post my eyes, but they're similar to Ariana Grande's in terms of shape and color. Also my eyebrows are small and curved and I don't wanna mess with them because every time I try, they end up looking manly. Maybe I'll get the courage to post one of my eyes later.
No. 43884
File: 1462311007096.jpg (8.12 KB, 236x272, a6425dce9617d4b222d8b174ecb8fb…)

"Your eyebrows are sisters not twins".
They don't have to be perfect identical, but as long and you don't always look like you have one eyebrow raise all the time, don't worry too much about it. If you use >>121613 method, you can get brow templates and just flip the template make sure you place it right before tracing.
No. 43885
File: 1462511491279.png (126.4 KB, 500x182, eyes.png)

Sorry for the shit quality! I over tweezed my eyebrows awhile ago and I'm kinda scared to try again even though they're way overgrown (even more so than in pic related). What shape would look best with my eyes (also what is my eye shape, if anyone knows?) My face is oval-shaped, just fyi.
No. 43886
File: 1462552394381.jpeg (54.5 KB, 726x241, image.jpeg)

please no bully
No. 43887
File: 1463006734989.jpg (44.41 KB, 400x314, 7524942_s.jpg)

I think really smooth, groomed eyebrows like pic related would work well for you. Also be sure to wear lots of purple to bring out the green in your eyes
No. 43892
File: 1463106902388.jpg (109.95 KB, 969x920, 20160512_223140-1.jpg)

Meh, why not.
No. 43893
File: 1463114876631.png (85.31 KB, 373x189, 20160513_004436.png)

Tips? I'm new to makeup and want to find a way to not look so tired all the time.
No. 43894
File: 1463117495946.jpg (24.99 KB, 328x115, 20160513_012521.jpg)

I need to invest in falsies but otherwise I like my eyes. They're really small and a bit hooded, but I like how dark they are and that they're a bit almond-esque.
No. 43898
File: 1463147177928.jpg (140.94 KB, 550x450, viseart_06parisnude006.jpg)

You seem to have in between round and almond eyes so there's no real "correction" needed unless you have close set or deep set eyes. For dramatic looks look into a nice matte brown to deepen the crease in your eyes and your typical smokey eye, but my favorite look for almond brown eyes with curly lashes is a simple navy eyeliner on the top lid with a light coat of black mascara.
Slightly hooded and down-turned. There's plenty of tutorials on how to correct this with make up techniques. Avoid eyeliner on the bottom of your eye, it will pull down and close up the shape. Winged and cat eyeliner should be your best friend. You seem to have sparse eyelashes so try using individual lashes to open up your eyes without having shitty fake lashes. Try Benefit "Going Solo." They're nice and fluttery. To brighten up eyes use shimmering champagne. The best palette I've seen is ViseArt's Paris Nudes although it's freaking 80 bucks.
No. 43899
File: 1463148052966.jpg (56.67 KB, 505x354, makeup.jpg)

Apply makeup with your eye open. I have deep set eyes so a lot of lid space just disappears when my eye is actually open, half the blending is gone. I keep my eye open and use a very small brush with light product to map it out.
I'd also recommend avoiding the gradients that start at the lash line, pic related for two ideas. If you do what to blend starting at the lash line, don't do it horizontally (ie, darkest colour on the line, then getting lighter as you move upwards). Try and do it vertically (darkest colour on the outside corner, either side blending to a light colour.) If you continue the blending up to your brow bone make sure you keep your eye open so it doesn't do a zig-zag pattern.
No. 43900
File: 1463150388123.jpg (26.94 KB, 505x281, xCwXcI4.jpg)

i only do eyeliner because i'm not sure how to do eyeshadow with my eyes, but i really want to do eyeshadow …
No. 43901
File: 1463172220495.jpg (74 KB, 1544x579, IMAG0556_1.jpg)

I wish my eyes weren't as round and my eyebrows weren't pointy. They're naturally formed with an arch and I hate it cos I can't fucking do anything w them.
Anyone have any eyeshadow suggestions? My eyeliner game is wicked but I'm tired of doing the same purple smokey eye all the time (not in pic related).
No. 43902
File: 1463175213876.jpg (15.24 KB, 302x205, JazR1t7.jpg)

My eyes are super hooded, do those eye magic strips work? I've seen Japanese tutorials use them too.
No. 43905
File: 1463206152612.jpg (28.09 KB, 387x357, twiggy13.jpg)

Holy shit anon you have gorgeous eyes. I can look at just your eyes and tell that the rest of your face is super pretty. You won the genetic lottery, at least for eyes…
This would not help with making your eyes look less round, but honestly I think it's a desirable shape. Maybe make your bottom lashes more dramatic, either with mascara or false individual lashes. Almost like a toned down Twiggy. I dunno, sorry if it's not the best advice but it's what I would do if I had your eye shape.
No. 43906
File: 1463220977542.jpg (79.94 KB, 519x732, _20160514_130520.JPG)

What can I do about my eyes? They're very sunken in and kind of clash with my tall nose bridge. Bad undereye circles (shooped out), any eyeshadow looks horrible.
While we're at it, any advice on what to do with my hairline? It makes me look like my middle aged brother. Eyebrows too, if it's not a problem. I just got into makeup and I'm clueless, pls help.
No. 43907
File: 1463221751386.jpg (21.05 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg)

the first thing you should do is do something about your eyebrows. they should start where your eye starts. theyre too far apart.
if you dont know how to draw them in use those eyebrow templates. google it if you dont know what that is.
it would be nice if you could get some natural falsies too.
for undereye circles use a coral/ orange concealer- it cancels out the purple
No. 43909
File: 1463239591588.jpg (111.02 KB, 1500x1280, 9OeiNdr.jpg)

A lot of advice is 'fix eyebrows' would a device like this work for that?
No. 43911
File: 1463245934438.jpg (354.16 KB, 1054x564, 2016-05-14 19.09.31.jpg)

Ok, I look like shit, I don't know how to make-up, I wear glasses and the fact that my eyebrows are totally asymmetrical drives me crazy. What can I do?
No. 43915
File: 1463260919977.png (322.25 KB, 639x369, ayeaye.png)

Please excuse my messy eyebrow, they're usually this unkempt 70% of the time unless I go and get them waxed into some sort of shape, but because they don't have a lovely natural arch to them as most of yours do, they're pretty much straight across in appearance.
I feel it's really hard to do my eye makeup properly because of my lack of height in brow, I do kinda like the birthmark I have at the side of my eye; but I don't like how deep-set and semi-hooded my actual eyes are.
Is there a way I can make them look more alluring and less intense?
No. 43920
File: 1463317423277.jpg (250.83 KB, 841x345, 20160515_090016-1_noexif-1.jpg)

My front facing camera is pretty shitty, sorry. Also I do have eyebrows, they're just bleached
No. 43921
File: 1463318119931.jpg (89.61 KB, 630x281, Mona-Lisa-detail-eyes-cropped.…)

Your eyes look like the Mona Lisa, I kinda love them
No. 43922
File: 1463318478202.jpeg (45.54 KB, 783x319, image.jpeg)

Is there anything you guys can recommend on my eye shape? They are very slightly hooded and my eyebrows are fucked up from over plugging in the past… I don't know what to do with my make up…
No. 43926
File: 1463341203434.jpeg (155.57 KB, 1280x960, image.jpeg)

Oh god this has only made me realize how bad my makeup is today haha.
No. 43929
File: 1463357352416.png (235.87 KB, 402x284, shoddy.png)

Why not, I lurk enough, I'm all for new things
I never quite know what is happening with my bangs also, apologies!
No. 43935
File: 1463364070503.jpg (29.91 KB, 357x226, MYXJ_20160513105626_save (3).j…)

I never know what to do with my eyes. Sorry for the poor quality pic.
No. 43936
File: 1463370509506.jpg (41.98 KB, 300x178, 2016-05-16 04.47.26.jpg)

Fuck me those are some beautiful eyes.
Like goddamn, I never really understood it when people talked about how eyes on their own could be so aesthetically pleasing, but yours really are. Everything is so well proportioned and balanced.
No. 43938
File: 1463386936260.jpeg (Spoiler Image,32.89 KB, 564x252, image.jpeg)

sorry for bad skin/bad quality/BAD
my hair is dyed a dark brown (also I have pretty long lashes, they're just blond-ish)
I'd like for my eyes to look bigger. do your magic guys!!
No. 43942
File: 1463407226717.jpg (46.86 KB, 904x649, v5STtGf.jpg)

Sorry for the bad quality, but could someone give me advice on which eyeshadow colours would look good on me and just generally what I could do makeup-wise? I feel like eyeliner looks terrible on me :/
My hair is a medium to light brown and looks golden/reddish in the sun.
No. 43945
File: 1463421040108.jpeg (71.41 KB, 459x612, image.jpeg)

Help guys, what should i do with my horrible eyebrows, they are thick and long like an old Mans, how do i manage them and what shape would be nice for my eyes? Also what makeup would suit my eyeshape/colour?
No. 43951
>>121678Oh come on, don't act like you don't know that all you have to do is brush up and lightly trim the hairs.
I s2g this self post thread is so stupid.
No. 43957
File: 1463534705060.png (258 KB, 618x268, Screen Shot 2016-05-17 at 9.22…)

posting this makes me kinda iffy but i really need the advice
No. 43960
File: 1463583032187.jpeg (Spoiler Image,153.72 KB, 531x381, image.jpeg)

any advice would be awesome. my hair is red if that helps!
No. 43963
File: 1463585074154.jpeg (1.29 MB, 3024x3024, image.jpeg)

What eyeliner style is best for me, fellow farmers?
No. 43967
File: 1463600469167.gif (1.84 MB, 400x300, giphy.gif)

No. 43968
File: 1464040686737.png (234.6 KB, 392x321, 1457063117227.png)

thank you guys for the eye advice!
I agree on the eyebrow management parts, but I'm a bit biased when it comes to the bangs, since I just had them done about 6 months ago and I hated my previous look, which was just a sideways parted band that made me prone to picking my forehead more
No. 43969
File: 1470453615651.jpg (496.16 KB, 2048x2048, PicsArt_08-06-05.18.17.jpg)

Sooo, this thread seems pretty dead, but I'm still gonna try lol
No. 43973
File: 1471786423290.jpg (547.63 KB, 1589x594, augen.jpg)

sorry for bringing this thread back but besides putting on mascara i never do anything with my eyes makeup-wise. I experimented with eyeliner before but it always ended up way too heavy-looking on me. any tips?
No. 43977
File: 1472841929375.jpg (112.7 KB, 1233x605, meh.jpg)

Even though no one has posted here in a couple weeks I would like some advice. I don't hate my eyes but sometimes they make me appear…man-ish? And the lines under my eyes make me look older otl; Sorry if this sounds too whiny but I'm at a dead end guys.
No. 43985
File: 1472891948895.jpeg (27.34 KB, 650x221, image.jpeg)

Dropped pic lmao
No. 43997
File: 1473492368013.jpg (66.58 KB, 688x419, hooded eyes are suffering.jpg)

So I just went though and clipped my eyes out of a few selfies - idk how I feel about selfposting but advice would be nice. Hopefully this doesn't make me a cow lmao. I've used eyelid glue in the past, but it didn't really work for me, would tape be any different? I'm just considering going for a blepharoplasty at this point.
No. 43999
File: 1473516425294.jpeg (31.27 KB, 688x208, image.jpeg)

I actually really do need help here. I'm Chinese and white and I got stuck with this horrible monolid/hooded lid combo that makes me look like a extremely bored old woman all the time. In order to look good I need to use eyelid tape, but I can't express how much I fucking hate it.
I like the results, but I'm sick of buying it, I'm sick of it sliding off, I'm sick of having to get it in precisely the right place and wasting 1000 tapes in order to do so. The thing I probably hate the most is that I can't wear eyeshadow cause it fucks up the sticker.
I can't wear normie makeup without tape (or at all really) cause it just looks like shit.
I need to have some second opinions. Should I get eyelid surgery? Would it fix my retarded eyelids? I honestly love the deep eyelids other people seem to have but I know that's unattainable.
I also have a prominent eye bag under one eye, which gives me the shits.
No. 44000
File: 1473517372518.png (550.72 KB, 672x634, makesummerdreamskinfood.png)

I don't think there is any reason to get surgery, anon.
Why not try something like pic related? She seems to have similar eyelids to yours, and the first one I think looks absolutely adorable, but they are all simple but effortlessly cute imo.
No. 44001
File: 1473517822086.jpg (175.96 KB, 1200x1727, selma-blair-at-stella-mccartne…)

Also, I just wanna say your eyes remind me of Selma Blair, who I think is beautiful. she doesn't tend to do super dramatic upper eye make up, but seems to do really heavy under eye liner a lot, which looks great on her eyes imo
picked a more flattering photo lol
No. 44003
File: 1473521985615.jpg (31.16 KB, 666x239, image.jpg)

Can someone help me? I'm clueless…I think I have almond shaped eyes?
No. 44005
File: 1473564185012.png (148.28 KB, 310x198, Capture.PNG)

>tfw really sunken eyes
literally the worst thing of my genetics
No. 44006
File: 1473569451917.png (1.24 MB, 640x1136, image.png)

No. 44017
File: 1477610444187.jpg (44.25 KB, 385x175, eye.jpg)

Sorry to bump the thread, but shitty make-up anon who doesn't know what to do with droopy eyes. Thanks in advance to any product recommendations or advice ((Also I know my eyebrows are shit never plucked them so they are unshaped nightmares))
No. 44022
File: 1479878102036.jpeg (8.92 KB, 303x135, image.jpeg)

No. 44023
File: 1479878427269.jpeg (19.19 KB, 512x217, image.jpeg)

Ignore the glasses, pic that best shows the exact type of line. You have to start like right at the end of the coloured part of your eye for the best effect because then it's like the line curves up continuously. I don't have any idea what I'm talking about though.
No. 44029
File: 1479919179929.jpg (108.83 KB, 340x410, 22162053_5732.jpg)

I see what you're trying to do by extending your eye shape upwards but imo it would be better to do it with eyeshadow rather than dark eyeliner. Black, blocky eyeliner makes eyes look smaller. If you used a subtle brown eyeshadow where you put your eyeliner and maybe a smidge of eyeliner, I think your eyes would look larger and more awake.
It depends on what is making your eyes look tired or sunken. If you have shadows or eye bags, covering those and creating a good base for your eye makeup would be the first thing to do. Colour corrector and concealer can take away some of the tiredness almost straight away.
If it's just your eye shape, you need to balance it with eye makeup. A good way to work out how to do this is to find a celebrity that has a similar eye shape and find pictures of them in good styling. The good MUAs generally adjust makeup to suit the client so finding a celeb with similar eyes will give you a ton of inspiration.
One thing I would always suggest is to do your eyelashes. An eyelasher curler and a good mascara will work wonders. Sometimes your eyelashes point downwards at the outer corner of your eye and this adds to the "droopy" look.
No. 44032
File: 1479955146477.jpg (21.01 KB, 515x129, IMG_2368.JPG)

Any help with eyeliner/shadow? I always just do mascara, whenever I try anything more it just looks weird to me.
No. 44035
File: 1479971843542.jpg (180.08 KB, 640x985, 75ba83f01d2a7266dd83fb9f2dcf55…)

No. 44039
>>121770Nothing, do you have any tips?
No. 44042
File: 1480009744588.jpg (78.29 KB, 500x241, 20161124_124140.jpg)

I could legit use makeup help, to be honest. My eyelids are prominent, but so is my brow bone (neanderthal brow lol), so I have a really hard time wrapping my mind around eyeshadow and liner. :(
If it's hard to tell from this kinda shitty picture, my hair is brown and my eyes are gray. Any help is appreciated!
No. 44045
File: 1480022744943.jpg (20.03 KB, 480x480, 11137745_458035737692370_54803…)

yes, she has a very large/high crease like you do, so you may be able to copy some of her eye makeup looks
No. 44050
File: 1480033487401.png (52.84 KB, 310x72, 23r5.PNG)

i'm trying a new eyeshadow what do you guys think?
No. 44055
File: 1480089944303.jpg (120.41 KB, 1440x537, IMG_20161125_152549.jpg)

Pls help anons
Am aware my makeup is a bit shit, need your recommendations! My eyes are sort of small and need a bit of a boost.
Sorry I didn't fill in my brow scar, getting product to stick to it can be a pain (product recs for that would be welcome too!)
No. 44058
File: 1480103346813.jpg (64.97 KB, 559x458, WIN_20161125_13_45_36_Pro.jpg)

i always go for rosy nude colors for eye shadow because that's all that seems to look good on me.
any different color recommendations?
No. 44060
File: 1480116960306.jpg (20.69 KB, 640x640, faf73f3cb4764f0ba91c7012dc662b…)

I think bold colours like pale blue or coppers could look good! But worn sparingly, in liners like pic related.
Thank you anon, that's nice to hear! They only just grew back after the wax from hell back in June.
No. 44063
File: 1480191807877.png (70.75 KB, 260x137, Capture.PNG)

I know my eyebrows suck, I'm still trying to work out what I'm doing there but my natural ones are even worse, pls help me look like a real girl
No. 44066
File: 1480211742853.jpg (247.71 KB, 758x481, silk-eyebrow-extensions-toront…)

A full on picture might be better but imo >>121797 is right and I think that you need to use natural strokes when filling them in so it looks like hairs and not a solid block of colour.
If you have thin eyebrows naturally, you could try eyebrow extensions just to add a little more shape and structure. It looks less obvious than filling them in.
No. 44069
File: 1480254108570.jpg (11.06 KB, 261x219, 1459658919246.jpg)

>I'm sure you are a lovely girl but here's my judgement and I hope you enjoy it because I can't anymore haha
Fuck off.
No. 44076
File: 1480330548638.jpg (196.95 KB, 960x1280, UFDJupZ.jpg)

No. 44080
File: 1480353413495.jpg (22.24 KB, 571x147, FullSizeRender.jpg)

I'm interested what you guys have to say.
No. 44087
File: 1480363688608.png (110.77 KB, 381x123, 565463456.png)

I think some darker eyeshadow and liner would make your pretty eye color pop more, some copper and purple shades I think could work
Maybe some mix of a light cat eye and some highlight on the inner corner of your eyes would look nice
No. 44089
File: 1480369896003.jpg (32.32 KB, 475x305, IMG_6490.JPG)

Tell me everything I'm doing wrong. I have eyeliner, very light shadow and mascara (Also my skin is shit because the moisturizer I was using did not do me any favors.
No. 44092
File: 1480376510618.jpg (430.56 KB, 1280x720, 16-11-28-18-36-58-691_deco.jpg)

So I like hardly ever wear any makeup,and if I do it's a bit of nude eyeshadow and bbcream. I would really like to know how I should do my brows and maybe get help on a simple eyeliner style that would work best. Not really shown but I have hazel eyes and wear glasses 24/7.
No. 44093
File: 1480404274121.png (18.76 KB, 386x381, image.png)

-Eyebrow too round and too long down on the side
-Looks like you applied new makeup over old makeup (what is going on with that black under your lower lashes?)
-Your eyeliner is unflattering because it makes your eyes look even more round
I would try filling in the brows more from the inner side where they meet to make them look longer and less round.
Try a bright/neutral eyeshadow to even out the color on your eyelid. Consealer below your eye.
Try a thinner/longer catwing to make your eyes look a bit longer. Don't put a lot on the lid itself, most should be on the side. Straight line, not a wing that does upwards too much. And do it from the inner corner, don't start from the middle.
Maybe something like this photo would work for your eyeliner.
No. 44094
File: 1480406280284.jpg (97.18 KB, 500x666, tumblr_inline_mvq2hhD1EG1qbo4d…)

Anon no, those drag brows and that eyeliner look horrible on round eyes. The eye is not a flat surface so drawing an elongated line on round eyes makes it look really weird since one half of the wing will be following the eye shape and the other lying flat on the temple.
Doing makeup isn't about 'fixing' your natural features to make them look like what's desirable at the moment, it's about embracing them.
Look into softly arched brows and eye makeup that enhances your shape. Pic related is a good example.
No. 44099
File: 1480629226666.jpg (Spoiler Image,45.5 KB, 470x435, IMG_20161201_234113.JPG)

Really shit quality
- Is this eyebrow even a eyebrow?
- How do I eyelash? Mine look like fucking tight-lining in the pic because their so small and straight.
- How do eyeliner?
- what is my eyeshape?
No. 44101
File: 1480635006527.jpg (61.62 KB, 1007x484, _20161130_170941.JPG)

I've got hereditary super dark eye circles and wrinkles under my eyes which get terrible when I smile. they're also small and beady and they look even worse on my wide as fuck face. I'm totally new to makeup and don't know shit so any help would be appreciated!
No. 44111
File: 1480890931012.jpg (21.99 KB, 480x171, sessnn.jpg)

I feel my eyes are quite close to each other. This is how I do my makeup daily. Any recommendations how to make them look farther apart?
No. 44120
File: 1480912699220.jpg (35.06 KB, 643x249, IMG_20161204_231936.jpg)

I hate my eyebrows. When I was like, 14, I started getting them done at this nail salon that would wax them super thin, and I think that messed them up permanently. I try growing them in again but I usually resort to penciling them.
But anyway, I'll take any suggestions, I suck with makeup.
No. 44127
File: 1480964619406.bmp (Spoiler Image,369.11 KB, 545x231, ugh.bmp)

dropped pic sorry
No. 44130
>>121857the white liner draws attention to the inner corners of your eyes and makes people realize they are so closer together. i would try as hard are possible to make that entire area matte, would even avoid mascara in the inner corners/at the nose. and focus only on up-turned wings and longer eyelashes.
also bangs usually draw attention towards the nose/center of the face, so if you did grow out your bangs as a result your eyes might seem wider set. but if you don't want to , thats fine. maybe try a side-sweep instead though.
No. 44136
File: 1481018844818.jpg (362.17 KB, 1192x688, kju6554fhj.jpg)

How to do my makeup properly with these heavy ass lids?
No. 44138
File: 1481023262157.png (174.35 KB, 592x558, ok.png)

I'd think you get better advice if you posted your own eyes, tbh.
No. 44143
File: 1481125258791.jpg (Spoiler Image,447.28 KB, 1001x732, 2016-12-07 15.21.57-1.jpg)

So I'm going out with my friends tonight and I trust you guys to give me good advice. I'm really clueless. My eyelids are hooded, my eyes are very deep and my eyebrows grow straight across and I think it all makes me look really manly and ugly.
I usually wear glasses so my eyes are rarely seen. On a normal day I'd wear gold or neutral tone eyeshadow and a little wing but lately the wing has been making my eyes look really old for some reason?
Since my eyebrows don't have an arch is the only option to shave the outter half off?
No. 44144
File: 1481125610827.jpg (Spoiler Image,17.96 KB, 167x167, Snapchat-2000236041-1.jpg)

Obviously the last image was with 0 makeup so here's one with makeup for comparison, if that makes a difference.
No. 44146
File: 1481150289877.jpg (569.27 KB, 1001x732, mspaint.jpg)

Your eyebrows don’t need an arch. Emma Watson didn’t have one as a teen and it looked fine. Just clean them up a little bit and maybe give them a tiny arch by removing the hair in the middle. Other than that use eyeshadow with a base (!) instead of winged eyeliner on the upper lid and leave your lower lid alone. Chose a color that’s not too harsh (brown, grey, ….). Anons already posted tutorials for hooded eyes.
You can use a tissue/hankie (sorry, I don’t know the english word) to create a neat line (green line on the pic) with eye shadow. Use a blending instead of an eyeshadow brush for application.
No. 44147
File: 1481150767374.jpg (1.23 MB, 1512x2268,…)

Your eyes remind me of Jennifer Lawrence. Copy her.
If you can't tell, she has extremely hooded eyes and a straight eyebrow shape.
No. 44148
File: 1481150935812.jpg (175.97 KB, 500x500, jennifer-lawrence-makeup-4.jpg)

No. 44149
File: 1481151787026.jpg (60.62 KB, 590x613, Jennifer-Lawrence.jpg)

Yeah but she has full lips, a small nose and an overall attractive face shape. That's why she can pull off emphasizing her hooded eyes instead of concealing them. They are her unconventional, special feature because every other part of her face is attractive. Same with Nicole Kidman. Also, her eyes aren't as round as anon's. Not all hooded eyes are equal. They come in different shapes and stuff.
But you’re spot on about the brow.
(added pic that's more fitting for anon I think)
No. 44154
File: 1481317200154.png (99.21 KB, 300x598, eyebrow brush.png)

Cool! I'm >>121882 and >>121879)
I forgot to mention that you could look up tightlining on youtube. Applying eye liner this way can be very flattering on hooded lids but it takes some practice.
Also, long curled lashes open up hooded eyelids. If you have small eyes (can't tell on the picture) use one of those brushes that come with eye brow gel instead of a normal mascara brush (I mean use an eye brow gel brush with mascara for your lashes, not the actual gel). Even if your eyes are big it's easier to navigate around hooded lids with one of these instead of those huge mascara brushes.
Emphasize the lashes on the outer corner.
I really like the Benefit They're real brush for this purpose but it's rather expensive and the mascara itself isn't worth the price.
I'm glad you found a flattering look. It took me years to figure out how to do my make up.
No. 44155
File: 1481334254690.png (445.79 KB, 647x316, myeyes.png)

roast me
No. 44157
File: 1481335568484.jpg (175.53 KB, 647x316, fb.jpg)

pluck the parts in red. you don't have a good arch, so i recommend you leave the sparse hairs circled in blue, and fill them in a bit to act as your arch.
purple eyeshadow brings out the green in hazel eyes, as does black liner in waterline.
No. 44163
File: 1481383219739.jpg (14.49 KB, 512x288, audrey-hepburn-1953-100~_v-var…)

What anon circled here >>121890 aren't your eyebrows. It looks kind of dirty.
Otherwise you have amazing eyes so I wouldn't do too much with them. Little bit of concealer, lashcurler, mascara, maybe some eyeliner on the upper lid and done.
Audrey Hepburn’s look would work well, too.
No. 44164
File: 1481386932929.jpg (339.52 KB, 2204x636, DSCI2051.JPG)

Can you help me with make up? I usually wear thin eyeliner and mascara
No. 44166
File: 1481402015990.jpg (86.21 KB, 364x364, thick-eyebrows.jpg)

anon, there's a huge difference between aesthetically thick eyebrows, and eyebrows that are not naturally thick, just unkept and with sparse hairs everywhere. If you took out the sparse hairs, your eyebrows are actually quite thin in shape. notice how pic related's eyebrows are very neat with nothing out of place.
No. 44168
File: 1481405979478.jpg (82.72 KB, 626x223, 2016-12-10 16.36.13.jpg)

any suggestions, farmers? it's not straight on, but you still get an idea. my eyebrows are minimally filled in today - i've done heavier ones in the past, but it seems a bit much for my face.
No. 44172
File: 1481424907442.jpg (85.37 KB, 494x445, 20161210_212849.jpg)

I usually don't wear eye makeup, and never wear eyeliner because I can't see well out of my right eye, so I'm hopeless when I pull my left lid down.
No. 44173
File: 1481431657806.jpeg (234.14 KB, 2288x1088, image.jpeg)

Plz be gentle I know it's bad.
I'm hopeless tbh. Brows are grinned but not shaped and no makeup at all because I don't get it. The birthmark between my eyes doesn't help either lel.
Is there anything I can do?
No. 44174
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Looks exactly like Eva Green's eyes to me.
No. 44176
File: 1481438689394.png (103.75 KB, 719x167, 20161211_013400.png)

I usually have winged liner and want to try something else that isn't a smokey eye.
No. 44182
File: 1481496732062.jpg (Spoiler Image,282.11 KB, 1173x469, 2016-12-11 17.47.29.jpg)

How do I make my eyes look more even? Also, how can I improve my brows?
No. 44193
File: 1481840523879.png (281.2 KB, 496x348, f4DpFfW.png)

I posted a picture yesterday then got scared and deleted. Let's try again.
Make up: Concealer set with translucent powder, eyebrow pencil, eyebrow gel, eyelinerand mascara.
Eyebrows look over plugged naturally. I only plug individual stray hairs.
What I don’t like: Almost everything. I have short thin lashes, hooded lids, my eyes are small, droopy and constantly red (no allergies, got tested).
My Eyebrows seem to be too high above my eyes. I also have massive genetic under eye circles.
My eyes combined with my small mouth give me resting bitch face. I wish I could make myself look friendlier and a little bit more open.
First pic: morning, natural light
Second: evening
No. 44194
File: 1481857152829.jpg (185.69 KB, 620x520, fb.jpg)

high eyebrows are feminine, so don't worry about the distance. your arch though is too close to the inner part. you can either fill them in thicker and make the arch closer to the outer corner.
i don't have hooded lids, but i think this might work, to create a cut-crease look like this and do it a bit higher than your natural lids. it should look good since it will rise your eyes a bit.
No. 44196
File: 1481902052645.gif (226.69 KB, 393x521, shortywaistfat.gif)

>The eyebrows match
>the nose bridge
No. 44197
File: 1481916681660.jpg (6.88 KB, 205x149, eye.jpg)

My eye colour is grey/green. I'd like to look cute if possible.
No. 44198
File: 1481918476285.jpg (5.21 KB, 205x149, ms paint.jpg)

I like your eyes, actually. I love the little fold of skin above your eyelids (I guess what you would call the 'hood' part?). I think that it makes people look very youthful.
Honestly, the only thing I would do makeup-wise is fill in the outer parts of your eyebrows to make them fuller & less arched. Your eyes look great as is. Maybe just a small flick of eyeliner following the downturn of your upper lid. Or I also find that sheeny, sand-coloured eyeshadow works well on hooded lids.
Smokey eyes or heavy eyeshadow is not your friend though.
Not sure if the same person, but I would pretty much recommend the same as above lol. Fill in the brows (mostly on the bottom & outside) to make them less arched and fuller. Then do a small flick of eyeliner "puppy-style", ie. more downturned than upturned. Here, I even drew you a shitty diagram.
No. 44199
File: 1481920464855.jpg (20.96 KB, 311x517, _20161216_183345.JPG)

Idk what to do with my brows
No. 44205
File: 1481923249020.jpg (52.78 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

I think because of your downturned eyes you might be able to pull off a subtle variation of that double winged eyeliner thing that asian people do. Tread with caution though since it can look really dumb on white people, and I'm just going off of a small picture here.
Also, go for brown eye makeup all the way. Your natural hair colour is so light that black will just look hookerish and overdone.
In terms of brows, yours are a good shape, just super light.
Also, you have nice skin.
No. 44206
File: 1481923949938.jpg (19.15 KB, 311x517, double puppy liner.jpg)

Here's a shitty line diagram for you too
No. 44207
File: 1481926283847.jpg (384.66 KB, 625x824, enhanced-buzz-16984-1376321718…)

>>your arch though is too close to the inner part.
Thanks for pointing this out! This might be the main reason why my facial expression comes across as arrogant. It looks like I'm constantly raising my eyebrows, basically judging everyone.
Guess I’ll have to figure out how to fill them in without creating the instagram drawn on eyebrows look.
My mom also has similar eyes and she was in her prime during her 30s. She still looks younger than other women her age. However, her other facial features are cuter than mine. Thanks, dad.
Wow thank you. That's so nice to hear. I don't think I ever got complimented on my eyes. Though now that you confused me with >>121930 I’m questioning your judgement :D Her eyes are much cuter. Not fishing for (more) compliments, I see why you might have made the mistake but she has less excess skin and her eyes aren’t droopy which is why I think the cut-crease you recommended will work better on her.
And a big yes to sand-colored eyeshadow.
>> Smokey eyes or heavy eyeshadow is not your friend though.
When I was 13/14 I would only line my lower lash line. Thinking about it still makes me want to go back in time and slap teenage-me.
No. 44209
File: 1481928937107.jpg (126.84 KB, 1000x647, FOTD-Neutral-for-Hooded-Eyes-0…)

Fuck, you're right. Don't know why I got your posts mixed up, sorry.
I agree. Cut crease might work on almost hooded eyes but if there’s too much excess skin it looks weird. When I use eye shadow I apply a light shade over the entire surface and a medium shade on the outer corner, pointing upwards. Kind of like a replacement for winged eyeliner. Couldn’t find an accurate picture but this might give other anons with hooded lids an idea.
No. 44212
>>44210Or you could invest in a serum (M2 Lashes, Revitalash etc). I didn't want to believe the hype but I bought it anyway because I was desperate and in
does work. Your lashes won't resemble fake lashes if they are short and thin to begin with but mine did get longer and fuller after two weeks. They kept growing until week 6, since then I’m only preserving the current length. Unfortunately the long lashes start falling out if I stop using the serum so I have to keep applying it every 2-3 days. But it’s worth it. Still cheaper than lash extensions which could also be an option if you’re rich.
I heard the eye brow serum is shit though. I’d use brow gel and get them dyed professionaly in a cosmetic studio.
Or you could try the soap-trick in the youtube video. It works.
Btw. I also really like your eye color, especially combined with your hair color.
No. 44213
>>44212Slightly OT but are there any "small" eyelash curlers?
The average one is slightly too wide for mine and I have hooded eyes so they're hard to reach
No. 44214
File: 1482061332341.png (106.21 KB, 1000x1000, s_curler_1000x1000.png)

>>44213A lot of japanese drugstore brands do mini eyelash curlers, but frankly speaking, they don't do much. Though Shu Uemura came out with their S-curler and I quite like it. I always take the white rubber off the top when I use it though.
No. 44215
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How do I curl my lower lashes? They're long and I tried a curler but it was too difficult. How does Jo do it?
No. 44222
File: 1482156276669.jpg (84.16 KB, 359x192, WP_20161219_13_48_11_Pro[1].jp…)

>>44221I'm pretty bad at descriptions so here's a picture of them. also sorry about the shitty lighting.
No. 44223
>>44222First: You have beautiful eyes and I’m jealous.
You need to be careful not to make your eyes look droopy by applying eyeliner to the outer corner of your eyes. Either try winged eyeliner with the tissue method or do tightlining.
I find eye liner markers like this one to be the easiest regarding application. Liquid eyeliner is definitely the trickiest. Pencil eye liners are ok but a marker will give you a cleaner look.
Additionally you need to lengthen the outer part of your eyebrows with an eye brow pencil.
No. 44224
File: 1482198095602.jpg (14.72 KB, 516x160, 148219559121494.jpg)

I have downturned monolids that fold inwards so it always feels weird to do an inch of eyeliner just to have barely any of it show.
For eyeshadow tutorials that tell you to shade your crease, I've always shaded up to that fake crease that you can kinda see if I open my eyes wide, but it's barely more than my eye so it doesn't feel like I shaded anything at all. I try shading up to my barely-existent brow bone, but then I've basically turned my entire eye area into a shaded window. Up to where between my brow and my eye should I shade?
No. 44226
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>>44225My bad, what do y'all think I should do?
No. 44228
File: 1482201133704.jpg (12.26 KB, 516x160, anon.jpg)

>>44224Hooded eyes don't really work well with eyeshadow for this reason. Lucky for you though, you can pile on the eyeliner without it looking too overdone. I think that your eye shape would look good with a heavy & upturned liner, which would also help to even out your eyes if shaped strategically.
You'll want to go thicker on the outer top of your left lid (assuming that the picture isn't mirrored) to make it seem higher up & on level with the right one.
If you continue your eyeliner line down to the inner corner (like a cat), this will also help to balance out any asymmetry. In your case, you would want to do a bit of a longer flick on the right side than the left to give the illusion of pulling that eye down a bit.
Also, filling in your brows a little can improve your look a lot.
Pic for you.
No. 44229
>>44228I've always gone with the puppy eye look, but I'll have to try the upturned look some more along with working into the inner eye. Thanks, anon!
I usually do some filling in to do the flat brow look since I have a teeny tiny forehead that I don't want arches to bleed into. This is just a no makeup pic for the sake of the thread, but I appreciate the advice!
No. 44231
>>44222Just practice a bunch of times with a light brown liquid liner.
Or, if you're going for a black liquid liner as your end look, then apply light brown liner first. Then not only can you trace the shape in the darker colour, but you can fill out any unevenness that you didn't get the first time.
No. 44233
>>44229You're welcome, I hope that my advice ends up being something that you like on yourself and will use!
And yeah, I didn't really think about whether you were already doing your brows or not when I phrased my comment, sorry for the assumption.
>>44232Tim pics??
No. 44234
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>>44230Ah okay, here you go! Please forgive my pig-looking nose.
No. 44235
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>>44234 Nvm here's a better picture. Also please forgive the weird eye twitch, it's an eye condition which I have no control over.
No. 44237
>>44235Definitely pluck the strays on the inside of your eyebrows & fill out the rest of them a little. Also, get a good foundation & skincare routine.
For eye makeup, I would probably keep it simple with a good dose of mascara & maybe a small eyeliner wing if it's subtle. There's not much that you can do to minimize a lazy eye, unfortunately, and harsh eye makeup will just draw more focus to it. All you can really do is own it and try to make the rest of your features as nice as possible. So yeah, eyebrows and skincare.
No. 44239
>>44238Sage for long skincare ramble incoming.
If you're not cleansing then that's where you should start. Most people typically use one, soap-based cleanser at the end of the day before bed, which works through the soap molecules being able to dissolve both oil and water (which don't readily mix). So it strips the oil barrier off of your skin, along with any dirt dissolved in that oil, and washes it away with water. If you're just washing with water and not soap, then you're only cleaning off the things that dissolve in water.
What has recently become more popular, and something that I would recommend, is oil cleansing. So the logic here is that oil dissolves in oil, water dissolves in water, and soap-like substances can dissolve in both. So doing an initial cleanse with oil will loosen more dirt, sebum & makeup than soap alone would, especially if you massage it into your face for a while & work it into the pores.
You wash the oil off still in the end by using a regular, soap-based cleanser.
So it's effectively a two-step process for cleaning the skin. (1) Remove makeup with oil of choice & massage gently into skin for a few minutes, (2) Rinse off with regular drug store face cleanser & water.
The brand of cleanser that you use doesn't matter, since there should be none of it left on your skin once you're done rinsing. As for what oil works best, I personally use baby oil because anything meant for babies is probably going to be gentle & noncomedogenic. I've heard that mineral oil is another popular one to use.
After you wash your face, it's important to replace the oil barrier that you just removed. You do this through moisturizing. If you're pov like me then you can just use a bit of your face cleansing oil as a moisturizer. Creams tend to give the best results though.
It seems kind of counter intuitive to be taking oil off of your face, then putting it back on, but really the goal here is to get rid of the acne-causing gunk that gets suspended in the oil barrier after a day or two without getting rid of the oil barrier itself.
Hope this wasn't too drawn out.
No. 44240
>>44238Definitely pluck between your brows, but you should check out the skincare thread. You really need to get a good cleanser, exfoliate, and get some moisturiser that isn't bb cream. I'm on mobile so it's a bit if a pain to find it, but do go check out the skincare thread.
Sage for non eyes post, I just think you could benefit greatly from good skincare.
No. 44241
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what should i do differently?
No. 44245
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what do
No. 44250
File: 1483459699325.jpg (88.84 KB, 960x388, WIN_20170103_10_06_01_Pro.jpg)

the naked3 palette is my usual go-to but i'm looking to switch it up.
still learning to perfect eyeliner because of my dumb mole on my right eye.
No. 44251
File: 1483461506201.jpg (113.44 KB, 650x650, 12EE3CAA71D2F1F0291BF3967AB83C…)

>>44250Your eyes remind me of Britney and Jaimie Lynn Spears so you could get inspiration from them…
Do something with your eyebrows. They are way too far apart.
I'd also recommend a visit to the doctor because you seem mildly cross eyed. Might be a sign for impaired vision.
No. 44252
>>44251my eyebrows have been a struggle for years. I'm half Mexican and grow a total unibrow so I'm not quite sure how to fill that gap without them looking wonky.
that and i have a slight moon-face.
and my vision is actually pretty good despite needing reading glasses (but that's more for smal deets in my emboidery). i just have unfortunately wonky eyes.
No. 44254
File: 1483477725257.png (101.86 KB, 275x265, 1461464747801.png)

>>44253because this is /ot/ you dumb fuck. it's literally just pictures of eyes and anons looking for makeup advice.
just hide the thread or go back to /pt/.
No. 44255
>>44252Try using your point and index fingers as an measure. If they juuuust touch the inner edge of your brow you should be good.
I line mine up with my tear ducts since my hands are tiny and don't give as good of a measure. That may work for you too.
No. 44260
>>44251>>44250Omg I agree with anon, your eyes are similar to Jamie Lynn's. Since your eyes are big but slightly droopy (those can look really cute), line your waterline with a black pencil (or dark brown during the day), do your usual wing and try with a pop of color in the inner corner of your eye.
Try with a too faced palette, it has classic browns and some cute pinks/peachy colors/purple or cute green shades that I think will suit you, your eye color is beautiful btw.
About the mole, well tbh it's not noticeable at first glance, it's small so just cover it a little with a primer.
No. 44266
>>44265I'm saying who cares. Why are you so upset about this thread fam? It's not hurting you, it's a few girls posting photos of their eyes. There was no reason to necro the old self post thread to whinge in that one too.
Ignore it if it bothers you. Don't be the guy who can't let others enjoy a thing just because you don't like it.
No. 44267
>>44266>gee it's just selfposting why are you so upset about itReally faggot?
I bumped it because if you're gonna selfpost, don't pretend it's anything else.
No. 44268
>>44267So salty holy shit dude.
Gonna necro more threads to continue your tantrum or keep it contained to two threads?
You are so unreasonably mad about this it's really weird.
No. 44270
File: 1483512641731.jpg (47.32 KB, 303x485, IMG_0872.JPG)

Stay mad fam.
No. 44273
>>44272They aren't the only anon pointing out the pointlessness and carelessness of this thread, albeit the only angry one though.
Please refer to
>>44262You guys aren't very smart.
No. 44275
File: 1483569919783.jpg (23.11 KB, 639x253, IMG_4759.JPG)

The pic is potato quality but I think you can get the idea. I feel like my eyebrows look noticeably different and I don't know what shape is best. Also I'm still working on using eyeliner, not sure if winged would even be good
No. 44279
File: 1484255496189.jpg (132.52 KB, 1024x1024, IMG_20170112_143936.jpg)

Lol Hi Tsuruko.
No. 44280
File: 1485162088357.jpg (42.98 KB, 899x304, IMG_1244.JPG)

my eyes aren't the same, on one the upper inner corner is what i would imagine "normal" is, and the other one is creased. this makes wearing liquid liner awkward, so when i do wear it i usually only start the line at the part of my iris that's closest to my nose… and i used to wear shadows and such just below my eye but now i find that causes me to look much older than i am. most often i wear a cut crease with neutral colors, sometimes sans mascara.
i always wanted to have thin brows, but i'm not sure. this is the thinnest i have ever had them.
No. 44285
File: 1485285583563.png (133.21 KB, 500x192, Screen Shot 2017-01-24 at 1.24…)

I've tries a lot of different stuff, but the look I like most on me is black on the outer edges and white on the opposite (tear duct) side. I put eye liner from the top where the pupil is, around the side no wings to the bottom again where the pupil is. So half on top and half on bottom.
Not sure if thats what I shoudl be doing though. Also, one eye/brow is shaped different from the other. As you can see, one brow naturally raises up and that eye is more open, where as the other one is more squinted. Not sure why. I think my eye sockets are just asymmetrical.
No. 44286
>>44285I have the same eyes and brows as you. I've found what works for me is to pluck the under/inner edges of my brows slightly so it's straighter, and I don't use eyeliner on top of my eye at all. I use a dark brown shadow to wing out from the bottom… like a standard eyeliner shape but upside down, if you understand? Then the lighter shadow in the corners.
I've been a makeup artist for years and I just don't recommend top liner to people with round/deep-set eyes, I don't think it flatters them. A nude pencil in your waterline will help them look bigger, too. :)
No. 44288
>>44282The best thing you can do for under-eye skin is using cold green teabags on them, drinking lots of water, and getting enough sleep! Using creams will actually make the drooping worse, as you are constantly tugging lightly on very delicate skin.
The things in creams that actually benefit your skin are all found in food - Vitamin E in sunflower seeds and healthy fats in nuts & avocados… to help avoid wrinkles, avoid refined sugars. And wear sunglasses in sunlight!
tl;dr I studied this and skin creams are (generally) a waste of money, as their effects only last as long as you use the cream. Eating a beneficial diet will last much longer.
No. 44289
>>44275Your eye shape is perfect for winged liner. A good tip is to start with the wing and work inwards, rather than the other way round.
As for your brows, if you grew the wings in so they were of a similar thickness from bridge to tip I don't think you'd notice a difference at all. Right now your eye is drawn to the centre because the weight of them is unbalanced. Hope this helps!
No. 44292
File: 1485288719903.jpg (8.27 KB, 275x106, imageedit_1_7417903233.jpg)

>>44290Sorry for the wobbly AF line but I literally just mean these few hairs here (pic related) - so you keep the length of the brow still, but it doesn't come down so far over the inner corner of your eye.
No. 44293
File: 1485289138096.jpg (5.86 KB, 276x117, imageedit_5_8314696941.jpg)

>>44291can't find what I'm looking with a quick Google, so here's what I do (pic related). So the weight of the liner is underneath, rather than on top, then brought in to blend into the edge of the upper lashline.
>>44291 No. 44294
>>44285You have ptosis!
While your eyes are actually quite symmetrical, the nerve issue in your brow that causes it to remain constantly raised changes the shape of one of your eyelids and makes them appear asymmetrical.
Just thought you'd like to know.
No. 55977
File: 1488456435725.jpg (224.91 KB, 2221x976, IMG_20170302_130249_01.jpg)

>>44294Can someone help me fix the wonkiness of my eyes, please? I have no idea what to do.
No. 55989
>>55977i have eyes that are kind of similar to yours, downturned, hooded lids, eyebags and all
my eye makeup routine is as follows:
swipe on some tonymoly eye brightening base under my eyes, before I apply foundation
use a light brown eyeshadow on the lower rim of my eyes & sweep it up into a small wing. blend.
use a white or peach-colored shimmer eyeshadow on the browbone/inner corner of my eye
add a slim line of dark brown pencil eyeliner to the outer 'v' of my eye & smudge it up into the eyeshadow
apply mascara. i use lengthening mascara on my lower lashes because my top ones are stick-straight and the effect of eyelash curlers never lasts through the day, plus falsies irritate the snot out of me. but by focusing on the lower lashes, you can increase the overall amount of area that your eye appears to take up on your face. the highlight on the inner corner and browbone also contribute to this, plus the wing seems to 'balance' the shape of my eyes.
No. 57366
File: 1490966462370.jpg (49.09 KB, 924x294, IMG_7405.JPG)

Could someone help me with my eyes? They're uneven and super small. I'm wearing thin eyeliner and mascara in this picture
No. 57389
>>57366Your eyes don't look uneven and small anon lol
Anyway, I like them. Just use an eyelash curler (or a better one if you already use one), because your inner lashes are going downward and if you want larger looking eyes, that's pretty much the easiest way to get them.
Also, I still think the eyeliner is a bit thick around the corners of your eyes. Try making the line even thinner, and then creating a wing like
If you want it a bit thicker around the corners, then maybe try blending some eyeshadow in that area for a more gentle look.
Good luck anon!
No. 57397
>>57366Wing that eyeliner! Your eyes have a nice angle that would look great with a wing.
Also try eyeshadow right around the eye (not inner corner) and pull it up at the outer corners, I think it would look nice.
No. 57500
File: 1491173202527.jpg (230.54 KB, 1045x511, 20170402_184447.jpg)

What can I do to make my eyes look good? How should I do my eyebrows? (Yeah I know I have a pimple on my forehead)
No. 57505
>>57500You have pretty eyes, but your eyebrows are a mess. I'd recommend going to a salon to get them shaped, and them maintaining them at home with tweezers.
For your eyes, you need to use an eyelash curler. Try some mascara too. I can't say what else to do though, because it would probably depend on your eyes/eyebrows after you make these changes. Good luck!
No. 57544
File: 1491203275284.jpeg (82.91 KB, 917x389, image.jpeg)

I was growing my eyebrows out but it's clear that after like 2 years they're just gonna be sparse like this. Obvious answer is pluck the strays, problem with that is that it would leave one eyebrow way more arched/sharp than the other. My eyebrow hairs are dumb and grow in diff directions as well which makes it a bit hard. If someone could tell me where to tweeze that would help
Also, what style eyeliner? My eyes are uneven. Can't really tell here but left eye doesn't open as wide
No. 57546
>>57544use Revitabrow on your eyebrows if you want to fill in the sparse areas.
I think black eyeliner would look good on you, using it basically around your eyes, add a tint of black shimmer eyeliner in the corners and a tad of white near your inner eyes.
No. 57555
>>57546I tried that, and it never worked. The follicles are just dead there, RIP. It worked really nicely on my lashes, they were so long but ultimately I stopped using it because it's expensive.
I will give that a go with the makeup! I used to never line my bottom lid because I felt like it made my eyes a weird shape but maybe I was just doing it wrong and the eyeshadow should help. Ty
No. 57836
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not the best picture in the world but yeah. I'm having a little bit of a meltdown over how to do eyeshadow lately. I don't have large eyelids if that makes sense, but I have a lot of distance between them and my eyebrows and it makes everything I try to do look awkward or messy. I'd be eternally grateful for suggestions.
No. 57849
>>57836Agree with these anons:
>>57844>>57848Your eyebrows look really strange. I'm not sure how you even managed to get them so high up your head. You have pretty eyes, but the eyebrows are not doing them any favor!
No. 57862
>>57860ok. thats one issue, but why are they so thin and squared off at the inner corners? are you filling them in like that? if so, stop. they look like a combination between thin 2001 brows and current. squared off filled in instagram brows. its like you combined both the things you're not supposed to do with your brows.
and please curl your lashes and get less clumpy mascara that makes them look slightly longer.
No. 57885
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Having hooded eyes is depressing af
No. 57895
>>57885tell me about it…putting eyeshadow on the crease is the most retarded thing ever and yet the only way for us to make it visible, ugh
Filling in your brows and mascara should be some help
No. 57898
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Spent my whole life overplucking my eyebrows, now I dont know what to do with them. I usually just pluck under nowdays. My face is quite manly so whenever I put on eyeshadow I end up looking like a tranny lol. Any suggestions?
No. 57899
>>57898tbh you look cute, at least from what I can see
Get your eyebrows done (shaped), use some mascara and maybe winged eyeliner
No. 58197
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>>57898I would say just give a trimmed look to your eyebrows but keep them somewhat thick. Just my personal opinion tbqh, like other anon said except the winged part of the eyeliner. Dont do the cat eye/winhed thing. Just line it. I feel it would be too much for your eye.
Ive been practicing how to do my top eyeliner but I always seem to mess it up. I do thing where you pull your eye to the side and then just do a straight line but its always either too thick or fucked up. Any tips?
No. 58244
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Sorry for my flaky skin that shit is hard to get rid of (any tips? Already use moisturizer twice a day) and I did not realize of good my phone camera is.
No. 58246
>>58244I had the same issue with flakiness lol wear mousturizer whenever you can (during the day if youre not going anywhere and at night, eventually youll need less), drink lots of water and exfoliate 2 times per week
Your eyes are gorgeous and I like your brows. I'm sure you could rock very simple (ex. winged liner and some mascara) and natural makeup (just a bit of mascara, blush/bronzer)
No. 58289
>>58246Thanks Anon ! I'll try to carry my moisturize with me now so I can use it during the day.
And thanks for the tip !
No. 58290
>>58197Regarding your eyeliner:
I practied it for years now so I can do a good looking one in a few seconds. I don't pull on my eyelid and I try to do it in a quick motion without worrying to much how it turns out. Normally for me that works best. I feel like if I think about the shape too much I will fuck up.
I don't know if this helps you but maybe you can try.
No. 58291
>>58290 said also I use my eyelid crease as a point of reference. Don't pull on your eyelid das bad for the skin. Honestly you just gotta keep doing it until you're good lol
No. 58938
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I'm not good with makeup and everything I do makes my eyes look smaller? pls help?
No. 58971
>>58969Going through the entire thread, I sa
A maybe two girls that could be pretty, but you still can't see the rest of their features. It's a no from me.
No. 58976
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Please help me learn to makeup
Also eye bags for years and no clue on getting rid of them despite solid sleep nowadays
No. 59029
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eh, why not.
No. 59037
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i also need help badly.whatever technique or color i try,i still end up with dead looking eyes.also when i do an short-medium lenght winged eyeliner(eyelids down),either i end up with a crooked wing when i open my eyes(because of my eyelid crease?),or a low wing that makes my eyes even more droopy.any other farmers have the same problems?any suggestions?
No. 59042
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>>59037idk, looks good?
about the wings: you need to continue the line that your lower eye lid forms, hence the arrow. draw the wing with open eyes, it if goes over a fold, draw the wing over the fold and then add a line in the fold itself. i have severely hooded eyes to and it works out.
No. 59043
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>>59029and you have gorgeous eyes, anon.
I really wouldnt do much. Take a nude eyeshadow palette, use foundation, light concealer for undereyes and then enhance your lashes with mascara.
No. 59048
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>>59045that actually was suppossed to be some kind of eyeshadow, but youre right. without eyeshadow just a slight line of eyeliner.
>>59037also i actually realized that it would also help your eyes to take care of your eyebrows. No. 59053
>>59042im afraid to do the wing with open eyes (i generally use liquid eyeliners and its often a mess)but i'll try what you said a lot of times,thank you anon.
>>59048indeed you are right,i should go for a better shape.but im always too lazy for that hahaha
No. 59380
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Sorry I have a potato phone, and advice?
No. 67640
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Is there a way to make my eyebrow hairs grow in thicker near my nose? I used to pluck the insides before because I was delusional and convinced my eyes were too close together, but that was a few years ago now.
(It looks like I dont have any hair there in the photo, I do, but it's more visible in person.)
Am I doomed to just use makeup forever?
Pic related
No. 67662
>>67640If you've never had them ticker there, then most likely no, there's no way. If you overplucked them and they used to be thicker there, then use any eyelash conditioner, they work for eyebrows just as fine. You can apply castor oil and massage it into skin where you want thicker brows. Vaseline, aloe vera also are good for brows.
But as I said, you can't boost growth of something that was never there to begin with
No. 67700
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I know I need to fix my damn eyebrows but I also need tips on covering dark circles. These aren't even bad compared to other times.
No. 74719
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Anons, how am I supposed to wear eyeliner?
I've put my face through all the makeup apps, and every time I come out looking even older and uglier. Please help.
No. 74729
>>74719Anon start by shaping your eyebrows and tightline your eyes
Start with brown/gray and later if you want move to a more blackish colour
I recommend eyelash extensions in a cat eye (so shortest close to the nose/ longest at the end of your eye)
We have similar eye shape so I know what you are dealing with
No. 74738
>>74729Thanks for the advice. I'm not well versed on fake lashes so forgive me for a stupid question: do I need to use mascara to hold them together or an eyelash curler curl them together with my real lashes?
>>74730>earth tone eyeshadows to fill in the inner eye cornerAny reason? This contradicts the conventional wisdom of using bright and glittery colors.
Thank you too anon. Your advice is probably too sophisticated for me at this stage but I'll remember them for when I get more confident haha
No. 74750
>>74738I can't use eyeliner on my inner corner without looking weird because it's too sharp, using a dark shade of brown to fill in the area is more gentle yet still make that area pop. Using bright colours as a base before adding the earth tone eyeshadows is fine, but light colours tend to make the eyes look puffier so we have to be careful.
Also I'm shit at explaining and I'm not familiar with the terms in English, the steps I described (filling in waterline and between lashes) is called tightlining as said by
>>74729 No. 74752
>>74738>>74743>>74751Wtf, do NOT start someone who's never worn fake lashes before on singles. Please! To answer your question, yes, unless you're getting 'permanent' lash extensions, you must remove and redo them every day or you risk eye infection. If you want to start with falsies, I'd recommend getting some japanese lashes rather than western ones because they tend to be better made, and work better on asian eye shape. D.U.P is the best brand for that if you're going to go for it.
You can also get some permanent extensions if you're up for it. They will fall out eventually with your natural lash, but they stay in for a while.
No. 74762
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>>74760i think you should kill yourself, anon.
No. 74772
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Just recently started to use dark-brown pencil eyeliner and different eyeshadows. Wished I could make my lashes longer too. Still pretty lost with both fashion and make-up. Any tips, farmers?
No. 74773
Tbh I like my brown eyes, they look pretty under sunlight, and are the only decent facial feature I have. Brown may be the colour of shit but it's also the colour of chocolate, half empty half full.
>>74763Anon you sound like a Sarah McDaniel.
No. 74777
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>>74760>>Suicidal over eye color Is this real? Get help anon lmao
No. 74798
>>74760FX eyes is literally the best company ever and they will do custom made ones for your eye curvature.
I used to feel the same and then got ones in blue
No. 74806
>>74805I didn’t eat surgery lmao wtf?
Anyone that gets the implants is completely insane.
Laser destroys your retina
Implants can grow a protective layer around them and make you blind
So yes anon being blind doesn’t fix being ugly
No. 74815
>>74798>>74805Thank you so much! Firstly, it's nice that there's someone else that understands me. Secondly, the natural examples I've seen look incredible, in particular, the Honey Blue you posted, I'm so buying it!
>>74766Nah. Not after the kind anon posted a better solution. I've seen color contact lenses irl and all of them looked fake from miles away, however, the 9mmsfx lenses seem awesome.
No. 74821
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>>74760>>74764unpopular opinion but i'm only attracted to ppl with brown eyes. they're so warm and inviting, and make basically everyone look more youthful and more striking tbh. dark brown eyes are gorgeous. light colored eyes are usually ugly without a lot of makeup, sorry
>>74768agreed. they're so inviting. idk i'm kind of creeped out by green and blue eyes because theyre such cold colors. imo brown eyes look great w/o makeup and even better w it
No. 74827
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>>74824In my defense, I honestly didn't want to
trigger anyone. I just happen to have a strong dislike for my natural brown eye color and that's it. If others are happy with theirs good for them. But in my case, it's not that different from someone not liking their nose or some other body part.
I don't even necessarily dislike brown eye color on other people, for example Rachael from Blade Runner. In most cases though, I do find the color bland, again it's just my opinion and I'm sorry for offending anyone.
Have a nice day everyone!
No. 74828
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Colored eyes are beautiful on their own but I actually find them distracting? I forget blue/green eyed people's other features and only focus on their eyes. I will sometimes realize how boring and unattractive some of them are after a little while. Whereas brown eyes are so boring that I only notice really beautiful dark eyed people.
On the other side if you are beautiful AND you have light eyes you are going to look spectacular and if you put light eyes on an already beautiful person it's can be so divine and seductive.
No. 74834
>>74829>>74830>>74831Why are you so upsted? You litteraly posted 4 message in under 5 minutes lmao.
I said I find them beautiful on the right person, I literally wrote that if you're beautiful you're going to look stunning with blue eyes but otherwise they're distracting and people are going to realize that you're a boring ugly person with blue eyes sooner or latter.
Sorry about it, blue eyes =/= always attractive…
No. 74839
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> we already humored suicidal brown-eyed-chan.Akhtually, I have hazel eyes. It's still brown, but a slightly lighter shade of brown with a nice green hue on the edges of iris. Like pic related. If anyone has some makeup to recommend to bring out the green, that would be awesome!
And I wanted to use this opportunity to apologize for creating this mess. It was never my intention to throw this apple of discord between us here. We should all appreciate that we have healthy eyes that allow us to see and experience the world every day. While I do wish I had a different eye color, I'm also aware that it's superficial and vain of me to think that way.
Let's not fight ♥
No. 74842
>>74839To bring out the green you have to use pink, purple and plum eyeshadows.
Use purple and brown eyeliners instead of black, you might not feel like it make a huge difference but since they work better with your eye color it will look softer and more attractive to other people.
Also purple eyeliner can look really weird from super upclose (like when you are doing your makeup in front of a mirror) but from a regular distance it's really gorgeous.
No. 74846
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>>74842Great advice and all noted down, thanks!
I would have never thought of the purple eyeliner.
>>74843Yeah, I just wanted to say sorry, that's all.
No. 74850
>>74834>>74835>>74824Everyone talks all day long about how beautiful light eyes are and how boring brown eyes are in comparison, and no one cries about it. Why can't a few anons talk about how their preferences without y'all nagging about 'jealousy' just because they don't like light eyes?
>>74829>>74831If anything, all the weirdos rabidly defending light eyes are freaking out just because some people like dark eyes, not the people who are talking about their uncommon preference for brown eyes.
No. 74855
>>74854Same, I have a warm hair and a warm skin but my eyes are very very dark and more "cool" toned which i think make a beautiful contrast, they are also big and if I line them with a dark eyeliner they look really seductive and sexy.
I think those anons get upset about people prefering dark eyes because they have blue/green eyes themselves but since it's their only beautiful feature it fuck with their self esteem to know that some people don't care for light eyes.
No. 74857
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>>74854Yes, the thing about dark eyes is that they look constantly dilated because of the low contrast between the pupil and iris, and it ends up making the eyes look bigger as a result, so it looks a lot more innocent than light eyes where you can see the pupil tightly constricted. I don't have dark eyes, but I wish I had an eye color like this.
No. 74866
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>>74839You sound cute anon, I like you.
Btw personally I think that contrasts make your eyes stand out no matter the color. For example blonde hair with brown eyes and dark hair with blue or green eyes.
(It doesn't always work of course, like
>>74857 I really wouldn't see Anne Hathaway too well with blonde hair, so she looks good this way)
No. 74878
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my eyes are so deep, it is so hard put make up
No. 74880
>>74878>>74772>>58976>>57898Male here, best in the thread for the past year, very beautiful would fuck.
>>74878Natalia Poklonskaya?
(no one cares) No. 74895
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>>74878your eyelids look similar to mine.
here is a good video for the general shape that is best for eyeliner: otherwise I've found that most elaborate eye looks are just a no-no because they get lost in my mysterious abyss of an eyelid. A simple colour gradient to lengthen my eyes works, or with this eyeliner, or just eyeliner, or a heightened halo eye like pic related cause you can bring it up past your crease.
No. 74901
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Sorry for the spaccy looking pic, but I never know what to do with my eyes. Everytime I try something, you can't see the eyeshadow, or the eyeliner will print itself onto my eyelid crease. I can't tell if I'm just retarded at putting on makeup, or if my eyes are legitimately weird
No. 74902
File: 1518257064273.jpg (1.52 MB, 2660x1206, 20180210_105528.jpg)

I have extremely hooded eyes (and bad dark circles…) always covering half the makeup i put on.
But whenever i look up tutorials they always try to 'transform' hooded eyes into very almond looking ones e.g. smokey eyes, a lot of liner etc., but i don't want that.
How can i make my eyes look round, 'cute', just light , not sexy makeup?
I've been downright told by people that makeup doesn't suit me at all and i really do think it makes my eyes appear smaller…
No. 74904
>>74901see my post just above this about hooded eyes! you wanna get that different eyeliner shape, find a good eyeliner brand that dries fast and is waterproof to stop it eventually smearing up onto your eyelid where it touches. I like Essence brand or Nyx. Hold your eye for ages till it's definitely dry.
>>74902You could use eyeliner across the top of your eye without creating a cat wing and line your bottom waterline with white eyeliner, then apply mascara to your top and bottom eyelashes. colour correction or concealer under your eyes helps brighten the area too. nice brows btw.
No. 74908
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I know my eyebrows look like shit. Usually I have permabangs that hide them, so I'm not that self-conscious of them.
I also tend to have pretty bad dark circles too, no matter how much sleep I get.
No. 74910
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I’ll take all the help I can
No. 75398
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Help I'm ugly and have a male brow ridge and I wanna be hot
No. 75405
>>75398What the fuck anon you look gorgeous wtf
I literally have no advice or critique on this pic you look great
No. 75430
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>>43611>>75405>>75409She does have a prominent brow ridge, I recognize it because I have one too. It makes her eyes look deep set and from a 3/4 or side view it looks angled instead of flat. It's a generally masculine trait.
>>75398I suggest tweezing your eyebrows from the bottom to make them look a little higher and getting wispy bangs. I'm also looking into getting botox to lift my brows because raising them makes a ton of a difference. You're already on the right track with using light eye shadow and highlighting.
No. 75435
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I don't want to wear a whole lid of makeup but I do wanna not look like shit while wearing eyeliner. Do I need to pull it out further with my eye type so it doesn't get swallowed by my eyelid?
No. 75451
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Just got out of an abusive relationship where I wasn’t able to wear makeup for almost a year
Advice would be super appreciated
No. 75457
>>75451Soft brown liner on the lower lash/undereye from middle to outer, the upper lash has naturally a nice shape so just an eyeliner tick on the outer corners. Maybe light eye shadow but it's not necessary. Also you should actually go crazy on the makeup to make up for the year break but I'm just recommending a casual daily look here!
Congratulations on getting out of that relationship, sounds awful
No. 75469
>>75417>>75422Genuinely not trolling guys. I have a lot of the visible white of my eye and it makes them look droopy and I wanna have like cool looking sexy eyes with a positive tilt but it's hard when my brow ridge is so prominent
>>75430I don't know if I have the money to alter my face right now and I'm concerned plucking my eyebrows will make them look just thinner rather than higher if that makes sense? Like my brow ridge bone will become more exposed and prominent. In an ideal world I would actually get facial feminization surgery as a cisgendered female to shave the ridge but that doesn't seem reasonable or safe idk
>>75432I actually am not wearing false eyelashes this just was my 2am eyeliner remnants. But you're right about the drippings. Maybe less mascara?
No. 75472
>>75435I'm jealous of your brows and your eye shape is cute. Is that almond? Either way, you look like you don't even need eye makeup.
>>75469Don't do anything. Your brows are perfect this way (they're normal, no idea what the "man brows" anon is talking about). Eye shape is also good. I too have visible whites and it's cool. Seriously, if you're on lolcow and 99% of anons are telling you you look good, you better believe that
No. 75716
File: 1519850466306.jpg (217.08 KB, 1775x530, eyes.jpg)

My outer right eyelid droops more than the left and it's started to become really noticeable in photos :( like I have a lazy eye.
Any makeup talented anons here that can recommend eyeshadow styles that would balance out my eye shapes? I'm pretty incompetent when it comes to eye makeup, my go to is just mascara (see picture) - eyeliner has always been a disaster for me because 1) I can't do it evenly and 2) my hooded eyelids seem to look even worse and 3) I prefer a more natural eye.
There must be a style to even out drooping eyelids! Teach me!
No. 75727
>>75467I use a brow brush to comb my hairs before plucking; not completely upwards, slightly to the side, like how i want them to be afterwards.
Then i pluck all the hairs that are not part of my natural shape and then more at the ends to make them appear thinner, that's it. In the morning i just once wipe/comb over them my fingers from nose to end and the moisturizer makes it stick a bit…?
So i guess i'm just lucky with my natural shape; sorry that i can't help more.
No. 75737
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I have deep-set eyes and I always look tired despite using concealer (Urban Decay Naked if it matters). Any advice? Can't tell in this pic but my eyes are blue.
No. 75742
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Whenever I do winged eyeliner it looks off and weird shaped even if I apply it really evenly and have a subtle wing. Do wings just not work with my eye type? Also I have a slight lazy eye which is annoying.
No. 75776
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>>75742You have a similar eye shape to mine and I think I see the issue. It has to do with where the crease for your kid ends. I would start by placing a mirror somewhere to that you have to look up while applying the liner. This way you can make sure you’re navigating beneath the crease in your lid. Then don’t angle the line until you’re clear of that area. Bring it out at 180° i.e. totally straight. Then flick up. Focus on the outer lid when lining and if you want to do the entire lash line, make sure is extremely thin along the inner half.
No. 75835
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can you guys help me figure out my eye color? I think they're just dark gray but some people say they look blue. (pics are a couple years old, my eye makeup is much better now. this was just the most clear and up close pic I had)
No. 75836
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>>75835another. I will say that purple eyeshadow and red eyeshadow make them look more blue. This is the laura mercier artist palette btw. If you have eyes that are gray/only show colors sometimes and want to bring out their color, I would recommend this palette as well as more neutral/clear/bright colors like in UD vice 3. The last couple years haven't had many like that, but violet voss hashtag/UD afterdark (on sale atm +25% off)/any of sugarpills' regular line/TF Boudoir Eyes/maaaybe KVD's new metalmatte mini (UD sonic is my most coveted shadow and it's similar to raw power).
sage for doublepost
No. 82486
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>>74760tbh I have light green eyes and I wish I had brown/dark eyes, they're so sexy.always wanted to have brown eyes. maybe it's bc i'm from eastern europe and blue/light grey eye color is the most common here.
Everyone wants what they don't have, trust me.
No. 84298
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Any tips? They're the color of baby diarrhea and I don't think they're one of my better features so I'd like to learn how to brighten them up
No. 84302
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>>84298Honestly it's got a really nice golden hue to it imo, my dad and brother have eyes like this and I think it's really pretty. A gold shimmer might bring it out, or you could go with a gem tone, I really like deep blue tones on brown eyes personally.
No. 84341
File: 1528237077132.jpg (363.78 KB, 720x720, wpid-photogrid_13614998654181.…)

>>84298your eyes are a gorgeous color.
Purple is opposite yellow on the color wheel, so if you wear purple it will bring out the gold/yellow of your eyes. If you want them to appear more green, then wear red. Or blue to look more brown (which is really a dark orange). You can also wear neutrals and smokey brown eyeliner for a more complementary and natural way to pop your eye color.
Your attached photo makes it seem you have plenty of lid space. This is a good thing and will let you experiment with more dramatic looks. Go darker in the crease if you want to make your eyes seem deeper/more inset. You have very nice brows, btw!
>>84301the best brow shape is your natural brow. If you try to fight it, you'll lose. There is plenty of flat brow inspiration out there. It can help elongate your eye shape and create a more intense look. It is also the beauty standard in many Asian cultures. If you have a longer face, a straight brow can be extremely complimentary. It can also make you look much more youthful, just like how severe arches can also age you.
No. 84343
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>>84301Look how much better Kirsten looks on the left, bad photoshop aside. Also don't forget that many celebrities with extreme arches achieved them as a by-product of botox.
this image was actually from a "celebrities' brows improved" article, they thought the right looks better. So I guess your personal preferences come into play. I think she looks angry and clownish on the right, personally.
No. 84344
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>>84301another example of their idea of an improved brow. Again, I think she looks vastly better in the before. Here is the link if you're interested try to photoshop yourself with different eyebrows on to see how you look. I have a feeling you look just fine, anon. Ignore current trends and work with your own features and natural beauty. Find looks suited to your eyebrows, instead of forcing your brows to look a certain way for certain looks.
No. 84359
File: 1528247607587.jpg (46.72 KB, 540x372, nyx-eyebrow-shaper-review-penc…)

>>84301i have big eyes too and i basically made my eyebrows go from straight to very high arched with this thing. i vastly prefer the way it looks. it lifts my face up and makes my face look a lot more sultry imo. just pluck any strays around the tail, leave the inner half alone, and then apply wax pencil and push your brow upwards into your desired shape
No. 84388
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>>84385>eyebrow choices on celebs hand picked for being better suited to straight brows, made by straight brow shills.No. It’s a legitimate article arguing for why these celebs should have arched brows. Click on it. It’s not a conspiracy. They even have a “brow expert” give their opinion.
>flat thick brows are the current trend.In what world? Arched, thick, neat brows are most idealized outside of some Asian cultures. Attached pic of what most people try to emulate and what media encourages.
No. 84393
File: 1528272398162.jpeg (90.15 KB, 620x637, C140943B-494F-4BAA-85F1-C01AA4…)

>>84391>barely archedAnon. What do you consider arched? Any more arched and those would be cartoonish. It’s an example of the “instabrow.” Idk why you’re surprised they’re thick, I said thick is in? Thick, arched, neat. I never claimed thin was in.
No. 84394
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>>84391Honestly these types of brows are just so so common and held up as the standard
No. 84395
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>>84391Versus a flat brow, more popular in Asian cultures, such as Korea
No. 84447
>>84341>>84343>>84344I wish I looked as beautiful as any of those women!
Jfc though they're meant to be improvements? I can see your point that the arch mightn't suit everyone. It does make them look more youthful and approachable when they have their natural brows.
>>84359Oh yes! I've heard a lot about that product. I'll have to get it and try it out. Thanks, anon.
No. 94924
File: 1536709098560.jpg (109.2 KB, 720x405, 18-09-12-00-34-58-775_deco.jpg)

Can't remember if I posted this here before but it's on my phone camera reel cropped so I'm assuming I was going to
Please give me makeup tips for this color
No. 97525
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I’m always tired
No. 97547
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Eye felt like joining in
No. 99058
File: 1540201890089.jpg (2.41 MB, 2664x1720, 20181022_115058.jpg)

Sorry about my eyebrow. Literally can't get it under control ever.
No. 99293
File: 1540390983309.jpg (70.6 KB, 998x945, Snapchat-361304693~2.jpg)

Is this just brown?
Idk what tones would look good
No. 99430
File: 1540564221531.jpg (75.13 KB, 563x177, 20181026_072830.jpg)

Are my eyes hooded, or are my lids just small?
No. 99434
File: 1540569787490.png (930.25 KB, 885x400, IMG_6115-3.png)

Makeup tips would be appreciated, I posted in the other eye thread a few months back and got some advice but I'm still curious about what would suit me. Right now I use Benefit's They're Real mascara in dark brown, a dark brown pencil eyeliner, and nothing else. I'm also scared of tweezing my brows even though they're asymmetrical, so I'm wondering if it's even an obvious asymmetry without it being pointed out!
No. 99452
File: 1540598717949.jpg (187.19 KB, 2560x1440, makeup2.jpg)

>>99434You're a pale redhead so I would avoid too harsh and dark colours. Use brown mascara and eyeliner which are softer and will complement your type. Avoid to line your lower water line since you have small eyes. It's better for you to use brown eyeshadow on your lower lash line and smoke it out. Stick to natural/earthy tones for eyeshadows.
No. 99456
File: 1540606132583.jpeg (38.65 KB, 667x265, 6E24DC1A-CFB3-4CA2-8B0D-B60A13…)

i’m not a huge wearer of makeup because i’m not good at doing flattering eye makeup on myself, i don’t know why but nothing seems to look good on me. does anyone have any tips? this is the clearest photo i could find sorry rip
No. 101397
File: 1543097155820.jpg (340.03 KB, 1081x655, 20181124_225539.jpg)

I desperately need help with my whole eye situation.
Not so much color-wise, but with everything else.
First off (even though it's not technically eye, I hope it's okay to ask here) my eyebrow. I really struggle to get it into shape, mostly because those upside down hairs in the front grow really weird, I feel? If I cut those that stand up the most down to one length there'll literally just be stubble and it looks odd.
Secondly, I feel like my eye shape is really… weird. I struggle to do a winged eye liner. The way it's shown in all the tutorials won't work for me. I can't even really put into words what exactly I'm struggling with but maybe someone can tell from the picture/eye shape.
Idk. I want to do some nice, more 'out there' eye make up from time to time but it never works out.
No. 103409
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No. 103412
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>>103409Not helpful but you look like Betty Boop (I mean this as a compliment)
No. 103467
File: 1545092676772.jpeg (1.07 MB, 1804x901, CDDF5BA8-786C-47E8-AD51-D43ECB…)

what shape would you guys say my eyes are? i always thought they were more almond shaped but they’re kinda big so idk
No. 103532
File: 1545204706099.jpeg (126.72 KB, 883x440, 3E611CAC-EA03-4AB0-98BF-F0650A…)

My eyes are very uneven. One of them looks droopy at the end and the other one goes upwards.
Is there any one to “lift” one so it matches the other one? Makeup wise this is my biggest eye makeup concern.
No. 103539
File: 1545212962223.png (393.74 KB, 711x263, eyes.PNG)

>>103532lol i had to double check to make sure you weren't one of my family members. she has very similar eyes.
i don't know what i could do with my eyes, besides clean up my brows a bit. i rarely ever wear makeup anymore because it just makes them look small.
No. 103571
File: 1545241773315.jpg (27.04 KB, 596x152, 20181219.jpg)

What kind of shape would you guys say my eyes are? I'm trying to find tutorials for make-up that will suit them, because when I try regular tutorials I do all this work and then open my eyes and it all seems to disappear, but after looking at pictures of hooded eyes that doesn't seem to describe mine.
No. 103572
File: 1545242911464.jpeg (665.2 KB, 1365x2048, 43937C7B-FD3C-489C-A151-AA8C1F…)

>>103409Your eyes remind me of krysten ritter very pretty
>>103571Hard to define, eggshape? Round almond?
No. 103593
>>103467Almond eyes don't have white underneath the iris when looking straight forward, round eyes do. It could be the angle you took the picture at though.
>>103571They're round and deep set.
No. 103605
File: 1545280815418.jpg (44.73 KB, 625x600, 7126f5cdac0961bba60716452dac9f…)

dumping some pictures.
No. 103631
>>103585Lmao get out
>>103564I’m not Asian at all.
No. 103727
File: 1545368740976.jpg (190.81 KB, 1080x521, 20181220_230205.jpg)

I really need to get better with eye makeup. Especially since I needed eye fillers to cover up the eye hallows. Unfortunately, most of my friends are minimalist or equally hopeless when it comes to makeup.
No. 103734
>>103731nta, but don't line your waterline, it looks bad most of the time. instead use a dark brown pencil or gel liner and smudge it to give it a less harsh look.
unless you wanna look like you're a tv sitcom teen from the 90s in which case please continue.
No. 103792
File: 1545422103883.jpg (23.8 KB, 302x352, IMG_20181221_214833.jpg)

Could someone help with my eyebrows? I have dark brown dyed hair but otherwise my features are pretty light and idk how I should match them. Should I go darker so it would seem a bit more natural?
No. 103807
File: 1545438243381.jpg (103.96 KB, 720x268, 20181221_162202.jpg)

>>103603That's exactly how it works though. Have you never read anything that instructs how to identify eye shape? Most of the stuff I've read uses that as a technique to differentiate round from almond eyes.
No. 103811
File: 1545439896585.jpg (22.08 KB, 480x240, landscape-1461601251-ghk-catey…)

>>103807anon, the whites underneath the eyes aren't the reason one is almond vs round. it's the shape.
No. 103814
>>103808>>103809I don't pluck them at that part at all, my natural shape is fucked up (i have no hair in the middle part and the outer corner is like a bush), so I've kinda given up with that since I'm afraid they'd look overdrawn lol. But thanks I'll try with a darker shade! I was not sure if it would look too unnatural.
I'd post a pic with both eyes but I'm too paranoid, sorry, I know this won't help me at all, but I do appreciate the thought.
No. 103818
File: 1545444840985.jpg (335.46 KB, 1200x1200, floating-inset-1[1].jpg)

>>103817dropped my image.
No. 103825
File: 1545449973224.png (102 KB, 340x276, Screen Shot 2018-12-21 at 10.3…)

>>103824i can see your pic. it's not the same as her literal crease.
No. 103952
File: 1545652608365.jpg (13.66 KB, 398x246, vUgNY2vzAPuvvj1.jpg)

>>103829Not who you're replaying to, but that's not a monolid. Here, have a before-after picture of someone who got crease surgery. Monolid means that there's no crease, whereas the picture you posted had one.
No. 107650
File: 1549585901793.jpg (159.77 KB, 1162x336, 20190207_182228.jpg)

Sorry for the necro. I am just posting another photo since I am
>>103727I have been trying to not line my water line and switch out any type of black eyeliner with brown. Trying. I've been doing the black eyeliner since I was like, 16. As you can probably tell from the wrinkles under my eyes, I am definitely too old for that gothy emo look. I'm trying to relearn how to do eyeliner better, but keep snagging my bottom lashes and smearing my eyeliner.
Is this a little bit better?
No. 108077
File: 1550042347583.jpeg (18.49 KB, 381x165, 388E8C3F-9503-4F19-B715-97E139…)

>tfw you’re born with wonky eyes and eyebrows
No. 108079
File: 1550042674337.jpeg (14.46 KB, 285x128, 8096F9FB-238B-4DA5-8856-247315…)

dropped pic, i’m an idiot
No. 108081
>>108077your eyes are so bright! i don't think your eyes look wonky at all, everyone has a bit of an asymmetrical face.
i think you'd look very nice with some smoky eyeshadow and a longer winged eyeliner.
No. 108086
>>108077>>108079You have beautiful eyes and good eyebrows!
In the first pic it looks like you have the brows filled in? If so, I think it looks really nice and natural.
>>108081 has good advice. But if you don't wear eyeshadow or don't like it, just a nice winged liner would be beautiful. I actually like the liner in your first pic, too! Maybe do it like that and smudge it out a bit for a lil smokey effect rather than the harsh line? Either way try not to stress about it, you're good.
No. 108218
>>108081>>108086>>108194thanks anons, y’all just have me the biggest confidence boost.
does anyone know of any tricks to make my waterline appear closer to my iris? it’s like i have an almond shaped eye and a round eye. i’d like to go for an almond shape on both eyes.
No. 108225
File: 1550176274249.jpg (912.81 KB, 1635x1186, 20190214_152930.jpg)

Idk my eyes feel so hooded and all make up looks crap on them. I have bushy eyebrows that are weirdly shaped. I used to pluck them out with my fingers until they were almost bald and i just stopped plucking/touching them, but o want them to have a nice shape…
No. 108227
File: 1550176501459.png (547.9 KB, 670x406, fvghb08_n.png)

Someone please tell me how I can look less intimidating. People always say I look scary but I that's not my intention… Most of the time
No. 108306
File: 1550258154353.jpeg (121.06 KB, 1499x452, FD4DB993-460B-4A7F-9074-22DBAB…)

i tried to crop a pic that had natural lighting. i'm fairly certain i have hooded eyes, if i ever try to do eyeliner it smudges at the crease throughout the day. i'm really pale with cool undertones and cool dirty blonde / ash brown hair
No. 108326
File: 1550264073785.jpeg (11.93 KB, 386x95, 6EA7DDC1-D578-44DD-835B-B232B3…)

>>108306I like your eye color. I would stick with neutrals, your eyes do look to be hooded so I don’t think I’d do anything too dark. You have close-set eyes like I do so if you are going to do eye-liner I would recommend ending the line 3/4ths from the inner corner.
I have very pale/yellowish skin (hard to tell from lighting but my veins are green), blue eyes and dark brown hair. I’m not sure what my eye shape is and I suck horribly at makeup. I think my eyes can appear very young (not in a good way either, more of a dopey young lol) and depending on how I do my makeup I look extra dopey. A.) what is my eye shape and B.) should I even attempt to wear eye makeup, or should I steer clear of it?
No. 108385
File: 1550328382980.jpeg (327.46 KB, 629x633, 0C815D85-D340-4D59-8C8E-B8BF75…)

>>108326honestly, you pretty much do have the exact same eyes as allison harvard and i am pretty jealous lol. i know nothing about makeup but i went and looked at some pics of her to see how she does her makeup, and she looks a lot less like a young waifish girl simply by putting on some mascara and eyeliner or some falsies. i think your eyes are lovely and you don't need to make up for their natural "dopey" youthful look, as you put it, but some falsies / a few layers of a nice mascara / maybe a cat eye go a long way for allison in terms of making her look more mature and elegant
attached a photo of the type of looks i'm referring to
(the third pic is probably a bad example because it's a candid with flashback so she looks kind of awkward, but i included it because it looks like she did a few layers of mascara and curled her lashes and i think that alone really plays up her eyes)
you both have a lovely eye shape and the colour of your irises is really nice too
No. 108550
File: 1550512736739.jpg (47.82 KB, 325x550, c5431c0922954b7199f6d739ace589…)

>>108548What you wrote describes my eyes perfectly, so when I googled what sanpaku eyes are…yup, I def have them. And I always wondered why mine aren't attractive despite not even being small
No. 108621
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>>108550Ugh, I guess we're just doomed then. I think I definitely have them.
>>108574>>108577It's hard not to be nitpicky on a website dedicated to nitpicking. I hope posting my eyes illustrates what I mean better? If I do my eyeliner any thicker than pic related and point it down too far it looks like korean/japanese "puppy" style eyes. I'm sure you've seen it. If I don't wear eyeliner my face looks masculine, plus I have awful puffy eyelids/bags.
No. 108635
>>108621>a website dedicated to nitpickingUh that's not what we're about.
No one irl is going to look at your eyeliner and think "omg korea/japan" that's just ludicrous. Your eyeliner looks fine the way it is though.
And your eyes are really gorgeous. They wouldn't look masculine at all without eyeliner or even with a thinner, more natural line. The only thing bothering me in this photo is it looks like you did the inner corner on one eye but didn't do it on the other. Get a thin liquid liner pen for that
No. 108642
>>108621I think you've hit a nerve lol
Eyeliner should be lifting your eye up, but of course weebs just can't accept that making your eyes look droopy on purpose is not a goood look.
No. 108644
>>108642nta but it's true. The only reason to wear eyeliner is to correct inferior droopy eyes into the ideal, upward slanted almond shape.
t. sad eyed bitch myself
No. 108682
>>108678I'm the one who posted my eyes
>>108621 and I haven't replied since. Everyone relax damn I admit I'm insecure but I didn't mean to project that onto other people's ideals of makeup/beauty. Thanks to those who replied with concrit I guess
No. 109283
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From a photo shoot.
No. 109293
>>108682Look on youtube for tutorials for protruding or prominent eyes. I have the same problem with puffy eyelids and how to draw eyeliner because my eyes protrude. I learned a lot from youtube tutorials in the past couple weeks. Before I didn't even know what my eyeshape was.
You have very pretty eyes, as a lot of people with large, prominent eyes do. I don't see anything masculine about them.
No. 109294
>>108621If I can ask, did you edit your pic, or are the whites of your eyes naturally that white. If they are, wow.
- girl with permanently low-key bloodshot eyes from contacts
No. 109299
>>109294not that anon but get the anti redness contact drops, they make a big difference. there's also some supplements u can take (eyebright)
I use lumify eyedrops. works real good
No. 109370
>>109333I am not sure. I know if you wear contacts, you need to use specific contact-friendly formulas. I have naturally dry eyes so I already rely heavily on eyedrops for comfort. As with most things, I imagine regular use might cause your body to stop producing enough tears, but I have not seen anything about this online.
>>109368So I pretty much exclusively use Bausch + Lomb eyedrops. They have Lumify which is for cosmetic brightness & is rather expensive, but their normal anti-redness drops seem to work just as well, and is exceptionally cheaper. If you are in the US, Walgreens, big box stores & some grocery chains have them in the pharmacy section.
Supplement wise I just use Nature's Way Eyebright. It is either with the rest of the supplements or by eye care products depending on the store.
No. 109398
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No. 111732
File: 1553465866548.jpg (491.04 KB, 1776x610, IMG_1009.jpg)

I hate my eyebrows. They're so uneven to the point that I brought it up to my boyfriend how one is lower than the other and how it annoys me. He said something like, "Oh, I thought you just raised one eyebrow when you posed for pictures." We'd been dating for almost two years when he said this!!! This was officially the tipping point for me tbh.
Is there a way to fix my brows so the lower one (that doesn't grow as high as the other) looks more like the one on the right? Another thing that bothers me is how the one on the right grows straight up at the front whereas the front of left brow grows to the side which also highlights how different they are.
I use Anastasia brow dip brow but even that doesn't help the fact that my eyebrows are completely different from one another.
Any advice is appreciated.
No. 112151
File: 1553979079088.jpeg (25.73 KB, 589x173, 56F33472-9638-4438-A8DE-EEBA7D…)

Please someone can help me? I always look tired in photos, I want a more awake and lively look
I try to curve my lashes but it's difficult
No. 112152
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my skin looks so bad right now sorry
I mostly just use lighter colored eyeshadows, pinks and golds and mascara to accent my eyes, because my workplace is what's considered "conservative" retail and really doesn't like me wearing much darker eyeshadow
I haven't plucked or waxed my brows in awhile, i almost always get them arched when I do, they look better with an arch, but right now they're more straight across
No. 112162
>>111732To be honest I wouldn't have noticed if you didn't say it - and no one's face is completely symmetrical so don't worry about it too much. If you're worried about it I would go see a really good threader/waxer and ask for their advice - maybe thin the higher one off a bit on the top to make them look more even? Or you could fill the lower one in a bit on the top. I have the same thing with the fronts of my brows - I use brow gel to fix them both growing upwards
>>112151What you're doing looks cute I think! Maybe try a mascara that's more lengthening than thickening? I like Glossier's lash slick for a thinner more lengthening look
No. 120815
File: 1564891353595.jpeg (29.71 KB, 504x243, 828B7227-3D89-4B96-A545-598353…)

I want to have longer eyelashes but mascaras never work for me. Also, how do I fix my eyebrows? I fucked them up a month ago.
No. 120816
File: 1564892090027.gif (Spoiler Image,70.17 KB, 589x218, 110mem.gif)

>>112151I am terribly sorry
No. 120817
File: 1564894062294.jpeg (598.36 KB, 2048x2048, 12B74556-726E-4B80-8679-58A1CB…)

my eyelids are super fatty and have a weird droop on the outer corner so my eyeliner never quite looks right. i usually facetune them to look like the bottom pic and achieve that round almond-y shape, but it makes me feel like a catfish. any tips?
No. 120818
File: 1564894135810.jpeg (470.97 KB, 1726x1757, 8E39F917-F5FB-478E-94B5-B7E6B7…)

i’m wondering what kind of eyeliner works for my eyes. i struggle with my inner corner because that area is really easy to look hooded even if the line is super thin. i’ve resorted to just putting tiny flicks on the outer corners lmao. pic related is no eyeliner, any tips will be greatly appreciated anons!
No. 120825
File: 1564899223867.png (472.56 KB, 677x474, Half-winged-eyeliner-6-landsca…)

>>120815you could get a lash lift. I can only see half of one of your brows here so idk about what to do about that.>>120818have you tried starting the line part of way down your eye? I have the same issue and that helps. I skip the inner corner and start where my pupil lines up with my eyelid. I don't leave as much blank space as pic related, but that's the general idea.
No. 120838
File: 1564913223062.jpeg (1.01 MB, 3457x2316, 683947CB-B5AB-4E94-B99F-690CD9…)

how can i make my eyes look less droopy and beady? i feel like the way i do my make up exacerbates the problem lol
No. 120844
File: 1564918052683.jpeg (267.47 KB, 1280x1280, E63B3561-7E18-425F-AEC0-7E573E…)

>>120842Shitty before and after example attached
No. 120854
File: 1564925549956.jpg (708.06 KB, 3264x1494, moi.jpg)

I'm of the Eurasian persuasion, and I am just getting into light eye makeup, so any help and pointers would be much appreciated!
No. 120858
>>120838Definitely get liquid liner and flick up for a cat eye. Apply a darker eyeshadow on the outer corner of your eye horizontal for a sexy cat eye or flicked upwards to make yourself look more awake. Make sure it’s > shaped (eyeshadow tapered and blended to a point)
>>120854I think you’d look good in East Asian rather than western style makeup, so softer pencil liner on top and outer corner of the lash line, fake lashes if you want to be extra, a soft pink or neutral shadow on the top lids and a little on the bottom lids. I wouldn’t do the puffy under eye thing though.
No. 120861
File: 1564929158316.jpg (464.61 KB, 4160x2080, 3Rv5c3m.jpg)

I want to start wearing eyeshadow but I have no idea how with my eyes.
No. 120872
File: 1564932070481.png (401.39 KB, 778x324, my eyes.png)

I don't know what is the best eyeliner type for my eyes..It's kinda hard to make them less droppy since my lashes are too big.
No. 120898
File: 1564942904364.jpeg (Spoiler Image,22.85 KB, 524x178, 339414EF-D4C1-4FDA-AAE6-225855…)

Sage for spergy self hate rant.
My eyes and eyebrows are difficult for makeup. I have this weird hooded eye / mono lid thing going on, plus my eyes are deep set af so whenever I curl my lashes I don’t get all of them and they end up looking wonky and always brush up against the fleshy hooded part causing a sweaty mess. My eyeliner and eyeshadow disappear under the fleshy hooded part of my eyes as well. If I do a cat eye, my crease disturbs it and makes it look like I have check marks on the sides. My eyebrows are unfortunate too and grow on the fleshy hooded area, so eyeshadow above the crease isn’t an option. I just want cute straight eyebrows but I honestly don’t know what my eyebrow shape even is (or eye shape for that matter — I think it’s hooded/monolid)
I’m thinking of just doing mascara and brown eyeshadow on the lid but it’s so boring. How do I make my eyes look bigger when I have no space for makeup? How do I do cat eye liner with small lid space?
No. 120902
File: 1564947393512.jpeg (18.63 KB, 287x201, 314FCD00-052C-49B9-A660-52B0D8…)

I don’t need advice I just want to be included lmao
No. 120913
File: 1564954514705.png (174.79 KB, 648x203, blek.png)

There are so many pretty eyes in here oh boy.
I have a weird problem where liquid eyeliner literally does not work because my eyes are constantly watery. I want to elongate my eyes because I have pretty white cheekbones/crane so should I just settle with using eyeshadow to create that effect?
No. 120921
File: 1564967192470.jpg (1004.26 KB, 2208x1140, 20190731_165331.jpg)

No matter how i do my eyeliner i look straight up dumb. What do i dooo
No. 120924
File: 1564969166289.jpg (106.1 KB, 784x329, 20190804_203736.jpg)

>>120921Some brown eyeliner would look lovely on you. Do me now