File: 1554364938326.jpg (510.6 KB, 1005x1536, Liam_Hemsworth_June_2016.jpg)

No. 112469
File: 1554367199934.gif (Spoiler Image,997.77 KB, 500x298, Lapiscine.gif)

No. 112472
File: 1554376998805.jpg (33.07 KB, 500x616, Michael Biehn.jpg)

Michael Biehn when he was young (Terminator, Aliens,…) will always be the hottest person ever to me.
Okay scratch that, Michael Biehn at his current age is still attractive, he just looks so comfy.
I don't care that he's older than my dad….
No. 112473
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>>112472Just look at this guy, badass with a heart of gold.
No. 112474
File: 1554377333828.png (919 KB, 768x1024, daniel-bruhl_768x1024.png)

>>112464I've been obsessed with Daniel Bruhl lately.
He was even more qt when he was younger.
No. 112476
File: 1554378697006.jpg (39.33 KB, 604x459, Johnny.jpg)

It's amazing how buttblasted men get when they finally understand that women like men with pretty faces, they thought they were the only one who got to enjoy beauty, sorry dude, but nah.
No. 112477
>>112474You're absolutely right. He often seems to play villains but he just looks too kind hearted for a villain.
>>112475Show us your dick or gtfo
No. 112480
File: 1554383344868.jpg (47.4 KB, 800x526, you're smaller.jpg)

>>112478Typical scrote response. Begone.
No. 112487
>>112484I think it depends on your own age and preferences.
When I was 18, I mostly liked the way 18 year olds looked but now I'm 30 and I like the way 30 year olds look and 18 year olds seem like children to me.
Of course there's always exceptions.
No. 112490
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>>112472Why does he always play psychos outside of those two movies?
No. 112492
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No. 112496
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>>112474he's aging pretty well so far, for a guy who doesn't really have defined features.
No. 112501
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Fletcher and Wyatt Shears of The Garden
No. 112502
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I would do anything and everything with Daniel Sharman
No. 112507
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can't believe no one has posted keanu yet
No. 112513
>>112487Same. When 18 I was like "don't you have to take care of your children or something? Gtfo old fart" now that I'm 29 I find guys my age attractive. Tbh 18 yo are still hot to me, but if I had to choose, I'd take the 30 something home.
>>112507Oh yessss
No. 112514
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No. 112527
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>>112490haha true, I loved him The Abyss too despite the funny moustache.
He also plays soldiers a lot wich is awesome (Navy Seals, The Rock)
No. 112562
File: 1554494106371.gif (1.79 MB, 500x250, 91143FAC-C12F-46ED-B1C4-4F47FE…)

TY to the anon in the fetish thread for this beautiful gif.
No. 112609
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No. 112645
>>112609Wrong thread, mate.
Here you go
>>107593 No. 112709
File: 1554708690407.jpg (243.04 KB, 720x861, 0233.jpg)

Some of his politics give me the impression that he's not very bright, like wearing a HeForShe badge kek. Lucky for him he's a qt.
No. 112725
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sami frey
No. 112803
File: 1554815286975.gif (914.85 KB, 500x700, giphy (2).gif)

Surprised that a
Andrew Vanwyngarden wasn't posted, I find him cuter when he doesn't have makeup on and his hair is long.
No. 112806
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>>112502same… I also like Beau Mirchoff. He is kind of like a bootleg Daniel Sharman.
No. 112842
File: 1554861554265.gif (2.07 MB, 540x288, tumblr_osagvvUWfg1vt257ho3_540…)

Tyler Wade from the Yankees, he is too fucking hot jesus christ.
No. 112892
File: 1554987260179.jpg (1.01 MB, 1920x1080, 3902_adrien_brody.jpg)

maybe not conventionally attractive but I have no shame. He's been my #1 since I saw him in King Kong
No. 112903
>>112892I was scrolling down /g/, saw this thread and tought the exact same thing without seeing your post, anon. Holy Damn.
The only difference is that mine was seeing him at the Oscars for The Pianist.
No. 112919
>>112892Oh yes anon, Adrian Brody is a beautiful human being.
>>112903I think I first saw him in the pianist. I feel like I have a thing for guys with cute, big noses.
No. 113067
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Oscar Isaac
No. 113068
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No. 113090
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Would give up exactly one kidney for a night with him.
No. 113093
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No. 113110
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>>112609Chandler's oddly cute, but yeah, wrong thread if you're talking about Beasty boy.
No. 113111
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Also why wasn't Acchan posted
No. 113112
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Still cute.
No. 113121
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>>113111Man, he is my exact type personified.
No. 113122
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Maybe not attractive by all standards but I'd fuck the shit out of Podrick Payne from Game of Thrones, his dorky ass facial structure is cute.
No. 113128
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>>113111>>113121Same. I feel like I'll never be content with any guy, knowing that somebody as perfect as him exists… I'd even fuck 50-something year old Atsushi nowadays lol
No. 113130
Samefag, but that
>>112562 was mine lol Mads is also a very, very beautiful man
No. 113137
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>>113128I'd be content with a guy who just had long hair that he actually takes care of (…like 99% of women, standards are so low for men).
Actually on that note, can any fans recommend a concert dvd when his hair is still long? Or just tell me the years when it was long? I only casually listen to their music so I have no idea of timelines etc.
No. 113207
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Andrej Pejic before he trooned out
No. 113233
>>113093Alright, where do we make it?
/g/ or /ot/?
No. 113258
File: 1555426893474.png (182.33 KB, 1600x1200, mcfly.png)

i've never been into femdom, but something about young michael j fox just makes me wanna tie him up and slap him across the face
No. 113271
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Especially in Bates Motel, though. I have a weird thing for fictional men who are really fucked up about women.
No. 113290
File: 1555452077235.jpg (158.37 KB, 675x900, 1538688374705.jpg)

>>113227 or read the posts above…
But his name is Atsushi Sakurai, you're welcome.
>>113207Seconding this.
>>113231You made me remember an old post somebody made in the gender critical thread that I found pretty good: see pic
>here's andrej(a) pejic, genetically gifted male turned beloved troon model, with a woman. it's hard to find a pic of him without strategic hair in his face, but imagine his head size and shape if he had his hair pulled back completely
>their shoulders are at very similar levels, so his body without head isn't even much taller than hers, yet he appears so much taller than her overall, and she's wearing a hat!
>his hands are so much bigger in every way despite them both having small wrists and slender builds
>her pelvis is wider and so much lower down than his, compliant with the information in >>305079 both of their legs match the information in that graphic too. they have similar skinny thighs, but hers looks more feminine because of the way they naturally bow in
>his shoulder to hip ratio and adam's apple (duh). note that they gave her a bulky jacket and bodycon skirt to hide the likely fact that her shoulders are probably tiny compare to his and her hips much wider. they know exactly what they're doing! On his own he might look convincing, but compared to an actual girl, not so much.
I'd say it's a shame he trooned out, but it was always rather clear that he's a flaming fag, even though he claimed to be bi, so nothing lost for us girls lol
No. 113399
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jerma985, even though he’s compact
No. 113427
File: 1555623937584.png (173.36 KB, 357x484, 2019-04-18 17_44_25-erik von d…)

young greasy erik von detten circa early 00s
shame he didn't age well
No. 113431
File: 1555635218865.png (1.78 MB, 1197x775, Erik-von-Detten-Brink[1].png)

>>113427he's so incredibly generic German dad now kek
No. 113437
>>113431I think he aged well he just isn't
cute anymore, ya know?
No. 113444
File: 1555663920302.jpg (73.7 KB, 521x1200, 1555395916208.jpg)

Adam Driver. Not conventionally attractive but damn. He looks quite a bit like my boyfriend so it is easy to imagine fucking him. I desire him for his large frame, powerful voice and intense acting.
No. 113460
>>113459nta but it's /attractive/ men you want to fuck
not dudes that look like a big toe you're not ashamed to say you'd fuck
No. 113461
>>113460This makes me question why op made it so strict with only conventional men.
Do we need a third thread for "men-who-I-find-attractive-and-am-unashamed-to-say-I'd-fuck-but-some-salty-anon-will-shit-on" now, too? Should just be an "unashamed to fuck" general thread. Some of us aren't ashamed of having different tastes.
(Nta btw but I also have weird tastes and am
triggered because of it lmao)
No. 113462
>>113461yeah i guess i hadn't thought about there only being this and an ashamed to fuck thread. i have some unconventional tastes mixed in with
>>113427 but i'll keep the weird ones to myself for the sake of this thread lol
No. 113623
File: 1555989240121.jpg (74.58 KB, 724x493, rxf4q5w.jpg)

>>112892Really… just delete "Men you're ashamed to fuck" and make a "Unconventional Men" thread. People can talk about their shame in the posts.
No. 113652
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linus wordemann is so hot, i wish all male gingers would look like this. it's not fair
No. 114016
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I'm a shallow bitch, so I'm gonna say: Chris Hemsworth
No. 114041
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>>114016Not shallow, you just have working eyes
No. 114196
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Bill Skarsgård. He looks kinda creepy and cute at the same time.
No. 114416
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he's not conventionally attractive but he's cute and nice
No. 114637
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Since I've first saw him in Stitches years a go and seeing him again in that hot wings interviews, I kinda of just want to see him tied up and suffering lightly.
Funny enough I don't wanna do it lol Like I just wish it was an invisible force, like in the MV. I am too pussy to hurt anyone
No. 114655
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>>114646Well, he looked like a teenager when he was one, he doesn't look like one anymore, imo.
But really there isn't a single lolcow thread that you won't get shamed for whatever it is hahah
No. 115071
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No. 115162
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Imagine cheating on this cute funny nerd boy with fucking Jared
No. 115170
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I want CallMeKevin to whisper dirty words in my ears while he doms me lightly.
I don't even watch his videos, but I put them in autoplay just to hear his voice.
No. 115184
>>115170Same anon
He also gives off big dick energy
No. 115186
>>115173I don't think he's ugly, but his features do make him look perpetually sad lol.
Next thread we really should just title it the "unashamed to fuck" thread though, since this is the second time we've run into this subjectivity issue.
>>115184I think this is the first time I've witnessed this phrase being used in an actual sexual context.
No. 115189
>>115184He definitely does not. He seems very soft and insecure and you can see it in the videos where he talks about his life.
It doesn't change the fact that he seems like a genuinely good person.
No. 115207
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I think Olly belongs in this thread
No. 115227
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No. 115277
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No. 115283
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I w i s h
No. 115290
File: 1558486612696.jpeg (369.25 KB, 1242x1546, 5761F895-7FF6-472F-B9C6-C0DA1C…)

Any and all versions of Anthony Padilla, but particularly him with his long curly hair.
No. 115392
File: 1558627548802.png (120.69 KB, 454x299, 80182BB5-5744-411C-B2AA-23D082…)

this motherfucker was so cute when he was young but wow did it fade. a real shame. he's good in everything he was in.
No. 115393
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This man!
No. 115414
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I'd bang both at the same time (then and now – they aged quite well)
No. 115417
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In his prime during lost, I’d do anything for
No. 115418
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No. 115421
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>>113111ugh I had a big crush on Atsushi before. he is very good looking. Buck-Tick has some nice songs. check em out, people.
Now, whyyyy wasn't Jonny motherfuckin' Greenwood posted? I love his angular face, his hair, his eyes, and I'm a sucker for tall slim guys. and his forearms and hands are nice from intense guitar-playing. Sharona, you lucky, lucky gal.
He looked very nice in the 90s and he still looks very nice. google it.
No. 115432
File: 1558667944943.jpg (47.67 KB, 529x386, IMG_1867.JPG.jpg)

he peaked around jericho imo, this stupid haircut was so hot to the 13 year old me kek
No. 115433
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>>115421also while on topic of radiohead, not sure if thom yorke is supposed to go in this thread or the "ugly guys you'd fuck" thread but either way i find him very cute and would love to mommy him and his cute lazy eye.
No. 115437
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>>115421>>115433on that note, let's not forget about ed
No. 115461
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hes just so pretty
No. 115470
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>>115461he's still attractive now in an old man way but 90s louis is sooo attractive to me.
No. 115471
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>>115433>>115437Jonny poster here. yeah Radiohead is a handsome (and very endearing) band. Love em.
You guys see the pics of Thom when he was a bleach blonde babie? when it was long and kinda metal? So cute and hes such a cool cat. I cant stop drawing these guys.
No. 115497
File: 1558768696249.jpg (107.81 KB, 462x750, tumblr_l1o6mmTDBy1qbqb1do1_500…)

>>115471aah that pic is one of my favorites anon :') but my personal favorite thom look is the ginger hair circa 1995 and the brief period of time right after in rainbows came out where his hair was long ang shaggy without being gross. pic not from those eras but it's just breathtaking.
>>115472nta but as far as i know no one knows anything about the details of their relationship. def possible though but i hope it's not the case
No. 115498
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>>115497Love that haircutting shoot. I drew 4 of the pics from that shoot. The first looking like shit-garbage then they progressively got better and 'good'.
I am not quite sexually attracted to Thom-Thom but he is looking…sensual in this pic. What do you think?
I think the red hair was in 1996 before he shaved it the year of OK Computer ('97). I might be wrong~ and i apologize ahead
No. 115499
File: 1558772985104.jpg (56.53 KB, 640x390, tumblr_nrpf54TJaX1qe86azo1_640…)

please…one more and i'll stop posting Radiohead. Dont want to make people angry. This pic is just PURRRRR
No. 115516
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Ben Barnes. Especially after playing a sexy killer in Punisher.
No. 115518
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>>115516Though I'm not really that into him. He is just nice to look at. I only fantasize about less conventionally good-looking men, like Driver. Also older men in villainous roles, such as Jason Isaacs, Tobias Menzies, Mads Mikkelsen etc.
No. 115519
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>>115518Men with capital M. Not pretty bois.
No. 115523
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>>115498 i think bleach blonde is thom's most unflattering look to date, but he's had his cute moments
No. 115537
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Louis Gareel.
No. 115545
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I fell in love when he was in Girls and Catch 22 is killing me
No. 115571
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>>115518>>115522My two biggest crushes, uggghhh.
No. 115788
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>>115571This guy's face always reminds me of this monkey.
No. 115821
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Dad Logan's great and all but IMO he looked best whenever he was less scruffy and more stylized.
The pointy hair's cute and iconic and I like him having a beard that wouldn't chafe my face.
No. 115823
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>>115792I remember when Tumblr was freaking over this photo since some weirdo imagined this is what Cumberbatch would look like if he were jizzing.
No. 115830
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I wanted to watch a 80's horror film, and all I got was this lousy lady boner.
No. 115838
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>>115823this is literally all that i see.
No. 115882
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No. 115896
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>>115277Oh man he really did it for me in soa. I also didn't realize he was the same kid from skins
No. 116001
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I don't know anymore.
He's just so non-threatening, like a huge puppy. He also has a terrific singing voice and funky dance moves and is extremely good at research and obtaining useless dorky knowledge.
No. 116058
>>116001I have a huge crush on bdg!
I love to just binge watch his videos.
No. 116314
File: 1559870838287.jpeg (704.79 KB, 1242x1345, 8C4F29B2-66D1-4CAD-A89D-9FCBC1…)

his “fuck you” attitude, the manspread he does wherever he sits, the fact that he’s taking care of his body and doesn’t drink or do drugs… i bet he fucks like crazy and that adds to it. 10/10 would happily join his cult
lowkey afraid that an anon is gonna be like “don’t you know that he does this horrible thing” bc every man crush i have ends with me finding out that they’re actually trash
No. 116315
File: 1559870907620.jpeg (1.11 MB, 1242x1902, DFCAC682-FFE2-44AF-A352-696629…)

>>116314i also find him really funny and here’s another picture for good measure. his dogs are very cute also
No. 116357
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>>116334we're baby
>>116339i posted that specific pic to show his body, which is looking p good for an almost 40 year old imo
>>116344i'd never seen his vines lol i love the airport ones
No. 116401
File: 1560027562481.png (314.58 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_2019-06-08-21-57-44…)

One for the two other BDG fangirls in here, today's gift to us
I'm fuckin wheezing
No. 116431
>>116401That shirt is A LOT.
I want it.
No. 116466
File: 1560122558135.jpeg (83.44 KB, 500x650, 5DD028C6-ACC5-4CAE-8CAF-4FD5C9…)

Blake Ritson. I love his voice, his eyes and his usual haircut and everything unbelievably attractive to me. Usually I’m not into older guys or facial hair but I think he actually looks better when he grows a neat beard, and I couldn’t believe he was nearly 40 when I saw recent photos of him. Like DAMN.
Found him after watching a Dark Souls voice actor video and his picture instantly caught my eye.
…I do think he’s better at voicing younger characters than villains due to how youthful he naturally sounds. He did a gravelly tone for Count Riario which felt uncomfortably limiting because he clearly couldn’t raise his voice without changing the tone.
No. 116508
File: 1560192299681.jpg (155.94 KB, 1024x576, blake-ritson.jpg)

>>116466wow anon, what a gem. thank you for sharing. how can someone be this pretty?
No. 116518
>>116508>how can someone be this pretty?eye bags, nasolabial folds, broken potato nose, balding…
Not very pretty and definitely looks his age.
No. 116539
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>>116466>>116508What the f#ck! I absolutely love Blake as well. Weird seeing him posted here. I have watched/listened to him in pretty much everything. (Check him out in bbc radio play War of the Worlds) His voice is something alright. I actually recently cut all his scenes from Da Vinci's Demons. Hours and hours of just him. You might call me a bit obsessed.
No. 116544
File: 1560240728529.jpg (61.72 KB, 330x550, robert-pattinson-bio-photo.jpg)

I'll admit, Robert Pattinson is pretty cute.
No. 116625
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>>116508>>116539Right!? I had to share him here. I don’t want to fuck him though, just admire him from afar and listen to his voice. It’s kind of fun feeling such a silly crush, I consider it another reason to be happy each day. He really ticks my boxes for soft eyes and looking sharp, I like that over more rugged men, heh.
No. 116637
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>>116625I feel the same with not really wanting to fuck him. My heart really really wants Blake but my pussy only desires Adam Driver. I'm equally obsessed about them, but in different ways.
No. 116638
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I think Jerma985 is cute…wholesome too.
No. 116639
>>116638Samefag but I see this was already posted.
>>113399Good on you anons, loving this hunk of a man.
No. 116673
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>>116637Blake thread when?
No. 116713
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Rewatching Buffy. I'd love to have James Marsters take me all ways as Spike.
No. 116731
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I want to take Godfrey Gao out for a night on the town and then go absolutely nuts on him in a fancy hotel room
No. 116732
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I'm pretty sure this guy in Bring it On is the reason I've fallen for so many douchey but gorgeous dudes with guitars.
No. 116924
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>>116673I refuse to believe they didn’t know what they were doing with Blake going shirtless for most of Season 2.
No. 117028
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matt mcgorry is the most annoying and sanctimonious male feminist ever, but i wanna domme him lol. i think his body is perfect
No. 117048
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I just found out I was drooling over some 32 year old guy at age 13.
He's 40 now, but he aged well. I didn't even know he was that old when he made the X-Men movies.
No. 117059
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>>117052oh shit now I can't unsee it, lol.
No. 117060
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>>117048He was perfection in Penelope
No. 117624
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he was perfect then, not the biggest fan nowadays
No. 117626
Do you have a fave movie with him?
No. 117627
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I posted Till from Rammstein in one of these threads as a joke but their guitarist Richard is actually so handsome.
No. 117641
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>>117639The what now sis?
No. 117642
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>>117641>>117639>>117627id take either one of them tbh
No. 117669
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I see your Till and I raise you… young Trent Reznor.
No. 117674
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No. 117682
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they'll always b a spot in my heart 4 these pretty emo boys
No. 117683
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Young Ville.
No. 117686
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No. 117696
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He was hot back in the 2000s and he's still hot now. I'm embarrassingly weak for him.
No. 117699
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Mediocre show, but I keep watching for him
No. 117700
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>>117699And I'm enjoying the show and the boys in Peaky Blinders, particularly the fashion/hair
No. 117703
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>>117702Huh, that's actually super accurate
No. 117706
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>>117699Same but for Merlin
No. 117735
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>>117643>>117694Go away. Thread for ugly males exists for a reason.
No. 117746
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2013 Harry.
No. 117753
>>117746I liked him with long hair. It was cute.
>>117748He definitely looks more mature but not greasy. I thought he was really hot in that gucci campaign last year.
No. 117762
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>>117748>>117753He definitely looked greasy with long hair sometimes but I was into it. I prefer him with shorter hair though.
No. 117784
>>117768Hair is important but Harry has the dimples and cute factor. I think everyone knows Zayn is better looking but he's not so approachable, I guess? Like he's handsome in an intimidating way.
Man I feel like a 12 year old debating this but still.
No. 117785
>>117762I think Harry does look cute. If you'd see a guy like him standing somewhere like in this pic, he'd definitely stand out in a positive way.
Most 1d fans are white girls, so it's just natural that they prefer the pale, boyish and approachable type over middle eastern looking and bearded Zayn (who dates Gigi Hadid).
No. 117786
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Old hugh grant lately man he’s a cutie to me
No. 117791
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>>117048I also had a giant James McAvoy crush when I was young. I had so much pictures of him saved in a folder, like the creepy 13 year old I was.
He is not the most handsome man ever but there is just something about him.
No. 117792
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Would watch skins again just to see his bratty character. He is super qt in the X-Men films too.
No. 117795
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>>117792He was gorg in skins. So was Maxxie
>that scene in Russiaooh man
No. 117799
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>>112475I've always had a crush on him growing up then I started having wet dreams about him and man…
>>112475liking someone's appearance =/= objectifying them
Funny how women can find men attractive and still acknowledge that they're human being
No. 118230
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>>117801Even slightly chubby 2019 dad!Jules is prime fuck material. God, he's perfect.
No. 118242
>>118230He looks like he lives in a trailer and hits up high school parties
Have standards anon
No. 118249
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Michiel Huisman looked so good as Daario Naharis on GoT, so rugged and sexy!
No. 118251
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did someone already mention chris pratt or was that a different thread? I'm not super into him but this gif really does something for me, it's mainly those delicious thick thighs but he has a handsome face too. I know a lot of people either enjoy him tubby or jacked but I enjoy this middle ground.
No. 118264
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>>112464I'm absolutely in love with Iwan Rheon /
Ramsay Bolton No. 118277
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>>118264Oh god anon! Back then I adored him as Simon in Misfits.
No. 118293
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>>118253I would enthusiastically and unironically fuck Pennywise.
No. 118307
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>>118242To me he will always look like this babie
No. 118360
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I went to watch A Cure For Wellness in the theaters but couldn't concentrate on the plot because Dane DeHaan was so aggressively attractive. I've never swooned like that before in my entire life.
No. 118361
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>>118360dehaan is kind of a basic bitch crush, but oh man, I feel feel it too
No. 118391
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I find Cr1tical/penguinz0 incredibly attractive. Both adorable and sexy as hell.
No. 118410
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Young Marlon Brando was literally flawless oh god
No. 118453
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I love Charlie Day but tbh the idea of fucking his character from Always Sunny turns me on even more. I love damaged men, someone save me from myself
No. 118474
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even though his SJW act is beyond cringey, ezra miller is perfect to me (facially)
No. 118497
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Young Nick Carter. Blond guys are my weakness.
No. 118503
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Samwise is cute, but young Sean Astin was so fine.
No. 118514
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>>118497Same, anon. They're so sexy. I still want Sawyer from Lost to bang me and I still have a thing River Phoenix.
No. 118541
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>Manny Montana
His voice and accent just gets me every damn time. And his relationship! Their love for each other immediately made me fall in love with it, too.
Funny enough he’s nothing like any man I ever found attractive. I’m usually attracted to ‘white dad’ kind of men (slightly chubby, kinda hairy, 40<) so this is new.
No. 118544
>>118542>>118541ugh same! I even sank low enough for fanfiction bc I couldn't get enough of those half smiles and eyes and just the body language of the character in general.
tbf he is def my type, too bad I'm an europoor
No. 118545
He's so god damned sexy, ugh.
No. 118547
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>>118542>>118544Yeeess, god. Even though Rio is an
abusive piece of shit and he’s more of a plot device than an actual character.
But god, he’s so hot.
(And I actually thought about posting this as ‘ashamed to want to fuck’ exactly because of this character. Because I really am ashamed of being so attracted to the typical ~bad guy.
No. 118562
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Started watching htgawm and…he has such pretty eyes. Watching him make out with guys is kinda hot too lol.
No. 118595
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Dacre Montgomery, especially as faux Rob Lowe. Hooooooly shit.
No. 118631
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I want Whang to ruin my life
No. 118636
>>118631As a straight older bro.. I must confirm.. The Mustache and Soul patch makes him better then Dali or Guy Fawkes.
Personally I can't grow a proper beard. Maybe at 50+ I'll get something resembling Keanu.
File: 1562601282702.jpg (163.55 KB, 1005x1200, first of all how dare you.jpg)

>>118635no you're lost, justin's so bangin when I look at him all I hear is percussion bro. listen to the music of your heart you'll hear it too <3
he has a wildly amazing personality also so you can't talk me out of this, it's not a phase mom
No. 118642
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>>115821basically u want this
No. 118650
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>>118644>>118645I need this dick and I need it NOW
File: 1562606961201.jpg (74.52 KB, 1280x720, 1562084908413.jpg)

Addison Anderson - the Guy narrates all the Ted-Ed videos
No. 118665
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It’s too late to wish to fuck him, but I can’t get over this face
No. 118779
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>>112464I want to climb Alex Wolff like a tree ever since I saw him in Hereditary
No. 118840
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I would absolutely destroy young Christian Slater
No. 118841
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>>118840hell yeah good taste anon
No. 118846
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dacre montgomery both as himself and as billy hargrove lights my fucking ovaries on fire. he's such a sleazeball. i love that he's into older women too. would happily let him pump and dump me if he wanted to.
No. 118851
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I really want to fuck data from star trek TNG.
No. 118853
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>>118846ugh yes anon, top taste, top top top taste. Dacre is cute but ok whatever. It's Billy that does it for me. Like you said, he's such a sleazeball, such a douchebag and he looks so kitsch… I keep replaying gif related because of that tongue and that moustache.
No. 118858
>>118846He's so pretty, especially his eyes and the retro perm.
I was surprised to see his body was more guy next door than I expected though.
No. 118868
File: 1562852678759.gif (1.96 MB, 300x168, tenor.gif)

>>118853there is no god because i can't sit on dacre-as-billy's face
>>118858>>118863this, he is buff. you may not think he looks like it because he doesn't have the bodybuilder look where they dehydrate themselves to make their muscles appear more defined, but billy is easily the most ripped guy on the show
No. 118870
>>118863>>118868You're both right I should have said I expected the Hollywood dehydrated type of buff instead of a realistic, strong muscular body
I expected him to ottermode for some reason though
No. 118873
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This is now a Billy appreciation thread.
No. 119022
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Logan Lerman
No. 119125
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I've been into Seth Rogen lately
No. 119130
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>>119103dolph lundgren is literally the 80s dreamboy. on that note, rutger motherfucking hauer
No. 119310
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Matthew McConaughey in True Detective, specifically. i want to have a messy, drunk one-night stand with Rustin Cohle and have him ghost all of my texts.
tangential, but he has this bizarre YouTube channel where he used to upload vlogs with the video titles cut off because he's an old person. No. 119318
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Aiden Turner is so fucking gorgeous I can't stand it. It's something about his eyes, they make me swoon everytime. I'd ride him all night long if I could
>>119022Damn I forgot about him, he's really cute
No. 119329
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Nick Cage when he was younger
No. 119333
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>>119329I like the faces he makes
No. 119345
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>>119130When will those hair styles make a comeback?
No. 119351
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>>119310Matthew Mcconawhatever has always radiated BDE to me. Would fuck anytime.
No. 119356
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>>119345i hate star wars but Luke is eye candy
No. 119371
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Yeah Rami's attractive but I'd give anything to fuck his character from Mr. Robot, especially while he's doped up
No. 119385
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>>119377always happy to meet another connoisseur of fine men! I have a bf who is pretty similar to Elliot but is all but straightedge at this point in his life. It's….. upsetting
No. 119398
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Jason Becker, he's still very cute, but his disease renders him wheelchair bound.
No. 119412
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Lee Pace irl and as Thranduil in the hobbit
>>119319So hot omg
No. 119414
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No. 119415
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One more pic
No. 119418
>>119385ah yes, i know what you mean. I'm single currently but I have said to myself that I wont date drug using men ever anymore (i quit drugs myself 2 years ago) but like…the attraction is there.
>>119390Tbf he looks better in movement. You gotta watch the show.
No. 119419
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Ryan Magee from Supermega is so fucking hot to me. Though the other day I showed a photo of him to my friend and she said he looked like a hobo lmao
No. 119420
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>>119343I mean why would I post him in the men you're ashamed to say you'd fuck thread when I'm not ashamed? there's plenty of men in this thread I think are gross but I wouldn't say they don't belong here because attractiveness is subjective.
No. 119446
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I know he's not conventionally attractive (in case someone bitches itt) but I definitely wouldn't be ashamed to fuck him. He's so funny and his views on things are spot on. I can't stop watching his podcasts, he's honestly my dream man. I just want a funny guy to laugh at dumb shit with.
No. 119478
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>>119419Ryan Magee? from super mega? good taste anon, the supermega boys (Harry and Jackson included) are so damn cute
No. 119522
>>119393>>119393Nta but the thread title says attractive men you want to fuck, not "conventionally attractive men only"
If anon thinks rami is attractive and wants to fuck him, she has every right to post him.
No. 119537
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>>119130ughhhh so gorgeous. reminds me a little bit of James Spader when he was young, he also had that romantic poet look to him
No. 119589
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>>119575dacre is very soft-spoken and almost shy in interviews, it's very cute since it's so different from billy.
>>118840i just rewatched heathers and i'm thirsting so
i understand it. though he looks great in his old age too, honestly. he was hot as mr robot, kinda sleazy.
No. 119590
File: 1563504706720.jpg (194.04 KB, 1000x563, mr-robot.jpg)

>>119563oh man. I wasn't feeling the weird Billy posts (granted I don't watch the show) but this pic is adorable.
>>119589I'm the anon thirsting over Rami (I thought he was considered traditionally attractive lmao) but you just awakened my lust for Mr. Robot
No. 119628
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>>119590>>119610yes join the questionable daddy squad
No. 119629
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No. 119630
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>>119629Alec Utgoff can get it
No. 119634
>>119542yeah the others are too lanky and well….too white and generic looking (oops)
You take one look at Ryan and you can just tell he's got something interesting about him. Sure enough he's a quarter Arab. He looks like he could build you a house too which is always nice.
No. 119635
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>>119633the 80s glasses are a huge downgrade imo
No. 119723
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I want him to be my dad, but I also want to fuck him (but not as my dad, because god no).
Why? Why is this man so attractive? I'm not even attracted to David Harbour as an actor. I only care for him as Hopper.
No. 119724
File: 1563657123569.jpg (142.88 KB, 1021x1200, 5vgtF14.jpg)

sergei polunin is absolute perfection. male ballet dancers have such perfect bodies - super jacked men are revolting
No. 119729
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im pretty sure im going to be attracted to jeff goldblum even when hes 90 years old
No. 119731
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>>119727ahhh, glad someone thinks the same. i love how they always wear super fitting tights so you can see all their leg muscles and bulges lmao. they're so elegant too. i'm also obsessed with vadim muntagirov, he handles his partners with a lot of care during pas de deux. that shorts guy is a srs qt
No. 119736
>>119724His tatts are bad (swastika like thing in the middle and a wolf head?)
But I agree that type of male body is perfect. Slim and muscular at the same time
No. 119738
>>119729lol it's okay anon, i'd fuck him too.
oddly i find him more attractive now than 20 yrs ago but i kind of have an older man thing.
No. 119742
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>>119729I think he was hottest in Independence Day but he could still get it.
>>119629I’ve not seen Stranger Things but what a cutie.
No. 119748
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>>119742Wow is forgot he used to be so attractive. He reminds me of a young Drew Pinsky. They're both over the hill now
No. 120047
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been watching killing eve and they're all quite attractive and charming in an offbeat way - but i thought sebastian was so beautiful
No. 120048
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>>120047kenny's character and look is my ideal too tbh
No. 120057
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>careless whisper plays in the background
No. 120117
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No. 120161
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>>120117A-anon, did you read my mind? Because I was just on my way to post him as well lmao
Really had to vent because I had a pleasant wet dream about him today after binge watching Metallica interviews and concerts from that era yesterday.Absolute yes about this one.
No. 120166
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>>112464Peter Steele of Type O Negative, something about him is just really attractive to me
No. 120271
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I've been a fan of RedMinus and his animations for like a decade and never knew how he looked until recently. He's got this devilish look to him.
No. 120279
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>>120277Yes! I actually really like his raspy voice, though. lol To me, he's a rare example of an artist who looks better than their self-insert.
No. 120351
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No. 120357
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>tfw no qt jewish blonde poet bf
No. 120358
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young jake gyllenhaal was honestly perfection. i have a sexual reawakening every time i watch donnie darko
No. 120373
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Rory Culkin.
No. 120377
>>119723hell yes. I was so attracted to him in s1, less so in 2 and 3.
I'm also attracted to him as Hopper but not so much just as himself.
No. 120378
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>>120048nayrt but I like Kenny too. I like the shyness and the way he's embarrassed about sex related things, plus his face is cute
No. 120379
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Donald Glover. about to start thirst watching Atlanta foe him tbh
No. 120490
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No. 120511
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Luca Turco, an Italian actor from a show my parents watch sometimes. His character is always wearing rolled up dress shirts which, for me, is a huge turn on and makes him so goddamn delicious
>>120379Fuck yes anon, I love Donald, especially with a slight stubble like in the picture
No. 120528
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cant get through a Death Grips song without getting wet. Not sure if it's for this thread or the "men you're ashamed to say you'd fuck"
No. 120546
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>>120528Omg. Anon… yes.
The other DG lads are decent too.
No. 121310
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He's not bad looking, but his voice makes me want to get pregnant
No. 121498
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Bailey Smith. AFL player.. He's only 18 but something is so cute about him and he's look is usually not my type but ughhhh he looks like he could be a Hollywood sweetheart from 90's. Thats what his look reminds me of.
No. 121499
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>>121498I don't care what anyone says the mullet cut on men is fkn sexy as hell. would fuck
No. 121551
>>121499damn idek who this is but yeah. Also agree, mullets are hidously tacky but also can turn a sexy man into The Sexiest Man.
>>121519me too and thats why im suddenly into him
No. 121553
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he's so attractive it upsets me sometimes
No. 121556
>>121498He looks like a 16yr Australian guy from the outback
Y’all need to go outside and meet decent looking men
No. 121557
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I know he’s taken but fuck
No. 121574
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i know some prefer him as dale cooper, but i thought he was a grade a qt here
No. 121585
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He's taken but I still wanna fuck. Damn. I'd even do him when he dresses in drag.
No. 121811
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I watch mma for one reason. I don't care if he roids. Paulo should've been a model instead of beating people's faces in, but it is what it is.
No. 121825
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90's Keanu is basically my ideal man
No. 121826
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>>121825also, this scene in My Own Private Idaho where he's wearing a collar…
oof. He's super hot in that movie
No. 121828
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>>121826>my own private idahoi miss river. he was fucking beautiful.
No. 122153
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>>112464 Owen Hamze, Irish model and face model for the character of V in the new Devil May Cry game. I know its super cringe but he is really attractive to me.
No. 122155
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Timothy Olyphant is just perfect
No. 122156
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Nick Snider. He’s a drama channel now and still attractive, but I looked up his old modeling pictures and heart eyes
No. 122317
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Hugo Becker from that french nextflix show The Very Secret Service. He wears suits all the time in the show so I melt everytime I see him
>>121310Damn anon yes, he's got sexiest baritone I've ever heard
>>121574He's always been a cutie, but I love him in the suits he wears in Twin Peaks, he looks so sophisticated and handsome
No. 122378
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>>121310speaking of depeche mode, alan wilder has always been a fucking hottie
>>121553who is this anon?
No. 122486
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alden ehrenreich. he plays han solo in solo a star wars story. I watched the movie for donald glover and now I've seen it I want a lando calrissian/han solo/me 3 way
No. 122512
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Emmanuel Delcour, chef, fitness personality and porn star.
No. 122518
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>>122378He is hot, but at first glance I thought this was josefin asplund (image spoilered for being ot)
No. 122528
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>>122512He's purdy; throwing my own choice of a porn star.
No. 122530
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>>112473He kinda reminds me of Mark Hamill's character in Knightfall
No. 122605
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>>122530Those two've always looked somewhat similar
No. 122610
>>122528patrician taste anon. lance is such a good boy.
>>122605the 70s was an amazing era for twinks.
No. 122615
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Sometimes he looks like Hiddleston + Law, sometimes like a rat
No. 122627
>>122615True as fuck. Fell for him in Austenland where he was charming as hell. And then watched Northanger Abbey where he had the cutest role. Like, mr. Darcy can go choke, Henry Tilney is where it's at.
No picture can do him justice. You don't underSTAND. The. Charm.
No. 122629
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Long haired Justin Tudreau is pure wow
No. 122651
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I hate myself for being such a basic ass bitch for thinking he's hot but he's just so gorgeous
No. 122658
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>>122651Chris Evans is everything I want in a husband. I know we shouldn't trust Hollywood men under any circumstances but ny heart, I wanna live in his Massachusetts home with his dog and cook breakfast everyday.
but I also want to be destroyed by Sebastian Stan
No. 122849
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>>119727I’ve seen men comment on a build like this saying "he looks like a 16 year old" like ???? hell no just because a man isn’t a grossly swollen lump of protein doesn’t mean this is the build of a scrawny teenager.
Also this thread needs some more Blake
No. 122851
>>119727Male ballet dancers can mess someone up, during high school this kid (gay) got on a fight with the rugby team
He fucked them up, the team was off for the season.
No. 122965
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>>122851Omg, speaking of ballet dancers, I've always been massively infatuated with Roberto Bolle. The most amazing body I've ever seen and such a gorgeous dancer too. Damn those male dancers and those strong thighs and hips of theirs
No. 123009
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No. 123040
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I’ve always thought Patrick Fugit was such a qt. He’s so cute I want to punch him in the face.
No. 123047
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Just watched And Then There Were None, too bad he didn't last long
No. 123054
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anons in the cute guys thread introduced me to nick mullen. he belongs in this thread too. he's so cute, I would jump on his dick in an instant given the chance.
No. 123147
>>123139someone asked this in the cute boys thread about Nick too! the answer's no, it's not a self post (at least mine isn't). also, you must live somewhere with a high population of beautiful people walking around if he's your idea of 'ugly af'.
you know, I've been told by a few anons on here now that the guys I like are average/nothing special. I'm just not into guys who look like they belong on the cover of romance novels, but I thought the guys I liked were AT LEAST considered attractive by other women, but apparently not? Is my taste in guys that basic? lmao
No. 123148
>>123139someone asked this in the cute boys thread about Nick too! the answer's no, it's not a self post (at least mine isn't). also, you must live somewhere with a high population of beautiful people walking around if he's your idea of 'ugly af'.
you know, I've been told by a few anons on here now that the guys I like are average/nothing special. I'm just not into guys who look like they belong on the cover of romance novels, but I thought the guys I liked were AT LEAST considered attractive by other women, but apparently not? Is my taste in guys that basic? lmao
No. 123149
>>123139someone asked this in the cute boys thread about Nick too! the answer's no, it's not a self post (at least mine isn't). also, you must live somewhere with a high population of beautiful people walking around if he's your idea of 'ugly af'.
you know, I've been told by a few anons on here now that the guys I like are average/nothing special. I'm just not into guys who look like they belong on the cover of romance novels, but I thought the guys I liked were AT LEAST considered attractive by other women, but apparently not? Is my taste in guys that basic? lmao
No. 123162
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>>122851So beautiful, I've always wanted to dance like this.
>>123139WTF. If that's ugly, I wanna know what kind of guys you're surrounded by. I get everyone's got their own type, but damn anon. I'd totally smash. Looks like Georgian cutie I've been crushing on for over a year now.
No. 123172
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>>122849He looks so very different with his hair parted or slicked back. I do prefer him with bangs.
No. 123173
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I am absolutely obsessed with Adam Driver. He is not attractive at all in still pictures, but when he moves and speaks, I just love to look at him. I could watch him peel potatoes.
No. 123181
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>>123173Same Anon!
I'm obsessed too, mainly when he's playing Kylo Ren (I'm so excited for the last one).
His acting is so captivating and emotionally endearing I love the way he speaks, I randomly watch film clips of him just talking it's so satisfying.
It would be hot watching him prepare a potato salad.
No. 123225
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>>123173>>123181>>123200I only find him cute because he looks like Teddy the honking cat from YT. And solely for that reason do I find him endearing, else he's just the drawn-from-memory discount Keanu.
No. 123241
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>>123228I never liked beards until I fell for Riario. But now I even prefer that kind of a short, well-maintained one. On dark-haired men at least, I don't care for blondes. I even convinced my bf to grow one, and now he doesn't ever want to be clean-shaven anymore.
But at times, I do like a pretty Blake with just a stubble.
No. 123242
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richard armitage in north and south is everything
No. 123245
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>>123242He is quite striking. And what a perfect nose! I tried to watch that Robin Hood series just for him but couldn't stand it.
No. 123346
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Saw It Chapter Two this week and holy moley this dude
No. 123352
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No. 123355
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No. 123360
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I know I mentioned him earlier in the thread, but hnnnng goddamn this man makes me feel something… I primarily like chicks
No. 123462
>>123359You must be a troll. Not all of us find attractiveness in the most superficial of features such as how hot or pretty someone is.
Or maybe you are some kind of a turbo feminist, who thinks that with women being under so much pressure to look good, less-attractive men shouldn't be desired by anyone.
No. 123470
>>123360I've been rewatching this series and I'm with you on that.
Something about Gawain gets me going, too.
No. 123476
>>123470I find Tancrede pretty cute, and my more shameful one is De Nogaret. His character is an atrocious person, but hilarious.
>>123474Not everyone finds Hollywood beauty standards attractive.
No. 123492
>>123462>You must be a troll. Not all of us find attractiveness in the most superficial of features such as how hot or pretty someone say that on a thread literally revolving around physical attractiveness
>Or maybe you are some kind of a turbo feminist, who thinks that with women being under so much pressure to look good, less-attractive men shouldn't be desired by anyone.are ~the feminazis~ wrong? I've never seen a woman demand a man get plastic surgery and threaten them if they don't. I'm not even a feminist just to make it clear. This is an attractive man thread based on physical attractiveness and most of these men aren't attractive. Go back to sucking yeasty poop covered chodes june
No. 123495
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>>123480I'm a completely different person than who you originally replied to. Attractiveness is mostly subjective, but has a baseline of symmetrical and balanced features, which a vast majority of the men in this thread do. People don't chose who gets their rocks off.
No. 123516
>>123495not really, a fat guy with acne, a pedo stash, pork roast sunburn skin, greasy hair and a receeding jaw and hairline with symmetrical features isn't going to be as attractive as a man who is fit, with a sharp jaw, well groomed facial hair but slightly asymmetrical features
when people talk about attractiveness they usually refer what a majority of people would find attractive. A lot of these dudes especially the last few have weird frog like features and are styled horrible with hair and facial hair that doesn't fit them
No. 123519
>>123508I couldn't show my face or vagina even if I wanted to.
>mannish hands
>>123516>isn't going to be as attractive as a man who is fit, with a sharp jaw, well groomed facial hair >but slightly asymmetrical featuresBut that's what I was referring to. Most guys in this thread look like traditionally attractive men with a few "quirky" features.
No. 123553
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>>120117I believe this man is peak masculinity for me.
However, scrolling this thread and no MichaeL Fassbender, DAMN!
No. 123588
>>123587Point out the guys you think are ugly so I know if you have shit taste or not.
But come on, this is /g/ you don't have to be a nitpicky bitch everywhere on this site.
No. 123605
>>123595>>123594These attractive men ARE objectively attractive to me. But I just find them too boring to fantasize about. Too uninteresting to appreciate more than a second.
It's all just really subjective. Maybe he has an amazing deep voice, nice hair, strong domineering presence etc. then it doesn't matter if he has wrinkles or a huge nose as well. Maybe I shouldn't have posted my personal faves on a "conventionally attractive, but ONLY YOUNG AND PRETTY!" -thread. Sorry for that. Couldn't we just have a single "post your man crush" -thread?
No. 123607
>>123605>conventionally attractive aka young and prettyfixed that for you.
You can post your old farts with lopsided faces in the weird crushes thread. Also sage when you aren't posting content.
No. 123666
>>123605the issue is how low women's standards are, you can post any handsome guy you want but most of lolcow chooses to post nasty old men who dress like fucking clowns? meanwhile ask 4chan to post attractive women they'll all post ig thots and supermodels, it's definitely unfair
>>123595complete opposite, old men cheat more and ugly men think they deserve supermodels, it's always ugly men who are bullies too. Anyone who has gone to public school knows this
>>123604love yourself anon
No. 123714
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>>123666>old nasty men who dress like clownsUm, alright then
No. 123725
>>123666And they'll ALL be 25 at the absolute oldest, more likely under 20.
I cannot fathom loving myself so little that I'd wax poetic about the deep maturity of old men when even average uggo guys wouldn't touch a woman over 30 no matter how mature and deep she is.
No. 124201
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>>123612I think you anons are attracted to femininity and/or youth in men, so you think a feminine hand could be male. It's possible, although unlikely. My hand looks like a scrawny guy 21 or younger at best. I should have held something like a can for a reference. My wrists are only 5.5" in circumference. People tell me I have tiny hands a lot too.
we all have thing for hands, my type is just different… pic related No. 124203
>>123587>bird beaksI have one, what's your point. Consider anons find these things attractive because they're not conventionally attractive themselves. I'm not a model, it doesn't make sense I'd be a attracted to one because I'm so genetically different from them.
>haircutsUnrelated to facial structure. Styling shouldn't play a huge part in acknowledging if someone's "canvas" is attractive.
>>123590Human genetics are diverse. People are attracted to the things they're attracted to because chemicals being released in their brain are telling them the other person is a good potential match to their own unique code. If everyone was attracted to the same things as each other, we'd probably all look alike, or worse, would have many more children with genetic defects. If I'm a carrier for something like cancer, and another person carries the same set of genes, I'm more likely to find that person repulsive through indicators like scent or what not. There isn't a one-size-fits-all on attractiveness.
No. 124238
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>farmers think till lindemann is hideous but think harry styles is handsome
i officially denounce this board
No. 124256
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No. 124257
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>>124238He was definitely a bit hunky in the 90's, and so were Richard with his titties.
No. 124261
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matty healy.. saw him play about a week ago and wanted to jump the stage and tie him down
No. 124464
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I'll probably get roasted for this one but oh well
No. 124578
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>>112464i'll get trashed over this but wonho from the kpop group monsta x. his physique is no joke. he's my ideal type seriously. a pretty boy who's also masculine.
No. 124579
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They’re gay but I can’t help it
No. 124625
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Max from Catfish
No. 124657
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I want Charlie Barnett to throw a gauntlet into my puss puss so bad
No. 124663
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The best Chicago fire man
No. 124722
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Aarif Rahman. Apparently Chinese people were saying he has a horse face when he played in Princess Silver, pffft.
No. 124745
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>>112464'Push' Puttichai Kasetsin. Thai actor, model, DJ.
No. 124747
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>>124626Because people have been getting roasted in this thread a lot lately
>>124498I agree
>>124745He cute
No. 124775
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Does anyone know his social media other than Facebook?
No. 124778
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>>124775Don’t post photos of random men and expect us to dox the poor guy for you.
Also what is he? Inbred American and 17
No. 124781
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>>124722He looks better with facial hair because it makes his face look less horse-like
No. 124798
>>124778I love that you thought this was a random guy lol
He's in the UK, in his twenties and engaged to a cow with her own thread on here
No. 124900
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Weeb time
No. 124913
>>124900very unflattering picture.
2.5D is just too weird for me though, uncanny.
No. 124915
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Marat Safin
I kind of debated putting him in the shame thread because he was or still is a fuckboy, has a couple of illegitimate kids by different women and possibly is the baby daddy to Aida Garifullina's daughter (she won't say), and has slept with a bunch of groupies when he was younger according to gossip on LSA.
Idk he's just 'different' and usually Russian men look like potatoes pickled in vodka. I know he's Tatar though but whatever.
No. 124920
>>124917lol I forgot this board has a weird aversion to older men.
Not into the delicate fem types personally.
No. 124924
>>124915No idea who he is but pretty hot.
As long as you can divorce his hotness from his character it's fine.
I still love Tom Cruise in his movies no matter how crazy he is in real life.
No. 124932
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Andrew VanWyngarden from MGMT. He's so dreamy and beautiful and I wanna ruffle his hair and pinch his cute cheeks
No. 124935
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>>124913True, but I enjoyed the thigh view.
It's kind of weird that there aren't more weeb tastes itt but I guess those people stay in /m/.
No. 124940
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>>124920older men are hot
the guy you posted is just ugly
No. 124944
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I want a time machine to go back and fuck Kerouac in his prime.
No. 124945
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>>123590>thinks dacre montgomery is low standardsthe fuck? are you one of those weirdos who only likes guys who look like adrien brody?
No. 124947
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zac efron is ridiculously handsome now, though he needs to fuck off with his current styling (the bright blonde.) he looked best in 2018
No. 124948
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>>122512He looked just as good or even better when he was younger.
No. 124986
>>124954>>124978>>124980i would have DEFINITELY fell
victim to efron bundy if he approached me
No. 125000
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Rufus Sewell in The Man in the High Castle.
No. 125011
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>>125000He's all dried up now. The past is way to go.
No. 125013
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well the gymnastics are back and i've been enjoying it thoroughly. i ESPECIALLY like this hot bit of stuff, nikita nagornyy of russia. he's the same age as me but unfortunately he's married so i fancy him a little less now. not usually my type but i can appreciate the wide shoulder, tiny waist that most men in gymnastics have.
No. 125026
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>>124940jeffrey dean morgan is such an attractive guy, he was even moreso before the weightloss. in his forties he was fucking gorgeous
No. 125036
>>125013but then you realize they're all manlets.
They are cute though. Loved when they were singing on the podium.
No. 125054
>>124980>Richard Ramirez had rotting teeth>Rodney Alcala usually looked like a hobo and had a 70s perm that did nothing for himRichard Ramirez had good bone structure but that’s about it
Ted was definitely overrated in terms of looks but he was still better looking than those guys.
No. 125057
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>>125054I'd take Mr Alcala over Mr Bundy any day
Richard > Rodney >>>>>>>>>>>> Ted (the boring white guy)
No. 125339
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I don't know why but around every 6 months I get this sudden burst of obsession with Mads Mikkelsen, I literally can't stop thinking about him and how hot he is…
No. 125650
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Arnas Fedarivicus
No. 125652
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No. 125785
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Thanks to netflix; young Marek Kondrat. Do I feel bad about it? No. Yes. Maybe. Idk
No. 125948
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Young Julian Casablancas
No. 126005
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he plays ambitious, dangerous guys convincingly which sorta scares me but celebrities are a gamble anyways and I'm warming up to Jon Hamm
No. 126012
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it's really not that deep friend …
No. 126170
>>124915>gossip on LSAwhy do they have all the tea on almost everything? not even joking
>>125011wow that hair was super flattering for him, beautiful
No. 126233
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Stromae / Paul Van Haver
No. 126238
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>>118840I don't think he aged well but damn when he was young his weird lemon face was the cutest thing ever.
I never found him that attractive until recently because my bf bears a striking resemblance to him and now I'm obsessed… No. 126250
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fap fap fap
No. 126251
>>126250I'm screaming anon
Real talk tho I have a soft spot for henry cause he reminds me of my own aspie boyfriend. I just want the best for him.
No. 126987
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No. 127001
>>126639not that anon but you best not be joking, what do you mean personally? how is he like irl? gonna need some proofs here
>>126250lol well he still is way above feeb's league, poor dude. just hope he gets out of there someday
No. 127012
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>>124625They stayed at a hotel i worked at once.
Max is actually the sweet hardworking one and stays up on a laptop all night and Neev hangs out at the bar with girls all night
No. 127057
>>127001Idk what kind of proof you want. I feel like if you live in Brussels and are in the mid to late 20's range and have a decent social life, you know him. He used to hang out a lot around my old high school (it wasnt weird, my high school was in a very populated, lowkey fancy area of town) when I was in my senior year.
He's quite normie, also he does coke sometimes. I hung out with him like 2-3 times a few years back with an ex hook up of mine. He usually hangs out with the Charlotte Abramow crew (the photographer girl who does all the work for the pop singer Angèle).
No. 127469
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loud autistic screeching about women finding some older dudes attractive ensues
No. 127470
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No. 127504
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>>112464he's gay but oh so gorgeous
No. 127534
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>>115071I've just started Supernatural because it's ending and I straight up spend half the time he's on screen just thinking 'wtf… he's so hot…'.
Makes me feel like a basic tumblr bitch but what can you do.
No. 127597
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thot all yall joker ladies could appreciate this
No. 127647
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>>125026I've been rewatching GA and his role as Denny completely destroyed me all over again
I had no idea he was Negan in twd until just now and it's a relief, I can feel better about finding Negan hot now I know it's about the actor and not some weird attraction to his psychopath character.
No. 127687
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No. 127688
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hated the character, loved the acting
No. 127689
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>>123040i had the biggest crush on him in cirque du freak
No. 127840
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>>127833what movie is it? I want to watch some movies starring a younger joaquin, all I've seen is joker so far
No. 127841
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>>127647I love JDM. I've seen the majority of things he's been in except grey's anatomy funnily enough. would you recommend the show in general?
I find him hot as negan and to the character in general. no shame tbh. my favourite character of his was john winchester though.
No. 127856
>>127840That one is Gladiator.
Check out To Die For.
No. 127864
>>127856thanks anon
probably gonna watch these over the weekend
No. 127932
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Joel Kinnaman
>>127534Dean in season 1 was my first crush, 10 years ago. I'm 22 now and he's influenced my type. Everyone I've dated has looked like him in some way.
No. 127985
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ohtani the baseball player
he has a really cute face but he's actually huge and obviously very strong
i normally dont give a fuck about sports stuff but then i saw him bat and it was over for me
No. 128187
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Looking at pictures of Bruce Lee without that terrible bowl cut made me notice how handsome he was. Wow what a babe.
No. 128199
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>>127856watched these movies now. enjoyed them both! ty!
I'm gonna binge more joaquin movies. I saw 'her' the other day and 'joker' too. he's so fucking hot tbh
No. 128258
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Only in this role.
No. 128353
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he's so cute
No. 128411
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Louis Hofmann
No. 128488
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No. 128489
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>>128488Same person, I'm about both
No. 128505
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the only reason to watch ahs
No. 128506
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>>128505he was peak cute in season 2 for me.
No. 128519
>>128489Handsome, who is it?
>>128488The dyed pale hair/black leg hair combo looks funny though.
No. 128542
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>>128506even though it was his most boring character in the entire series i agree.
he looks the most attractive to me when he’s crying lol. such a qt.
No. 128548
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>>128504Fucking beautiful right? He's one of the few men who can pull off drastically different styles. I'm sure he had works done but god damn is his doctor a genius.
>>128519Cosplayer/model Xing Ye aka Wan Yi Hua
ig: wanyihua
weibo: No. 128564
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>>128412don't mind me adding a better pic
No. 128682
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fuck me daddy
No. 128763
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I would definitely have sex with Henry Cavill but I don't trust him??
He seems like the type that's into weird fetish shit like sucking on toes or gross ageplay
No. 128779
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>>128763also he's past his prime
No. 128781
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Edward holcroft but only in this role (alias grace). He looks meh without the hair like this and gentleman attire is an automatic +
No. 128790
>>128776but look at his body now, success truly breeds jealousy babe.
>>128763>implying that's not the best partBut I think it's the teeth and serial killer smile. he's handsome but there's also something off about him aside from the fact that he looks like a legit creep.
No. 128793
>>128790I think anon was more getting to the fact that due to being fat in his preteen years he's probably got a complex regarding women. Bullying probably fucked him up so that's why he can only sleep with teens.
Shame because he is super fucking attractive. Won't argue there.
No. 128797
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>>128794dropped the pic. btw do you prefer younger joaquin or older (like 40+)? I think he was gorgeous in his 20s/30s but a whole other kind of sexy now he's in his 40s.
No. 128806
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>>125948young julian was gorgeous
No. 128852
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>>128794Omg if you haven't seen Quills yet, you must anon. Not only is it a really good and thought provoking movie but Joaquin plays the hottest priest you'll ever see. I know when I was watching it I was blushing like crazy at all his scenes and thinking sinful thoughts lmao. He's fucking irresistible in that movie
No. 128853
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>>128852I wanna leave kisses and bites under his collar ughghhhh he's so perfect
No. 128865
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god i love him so much
No. 128889
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>>128865He usually looks like a hobo these days but American Psycho Christian Bale was prime Bale.
No. 128945
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>>128889True. He and Matt Damon looked awful in Le Mans 66'
No. 128958
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>>128849what? take your meds.
>>128793Oh yeah, though iirc he was never bullied because his fatty kun phase didn't last long.
came here to post this tbqhwy, he looks like a blue eyed zaid malik or whatever his name is or is it just me?
No. 128986
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>>128865>>128889He used to be so hot. IMO hottest Bale is a tie between Reign of Fire Bale and The Dark Knight Saga Bale.
No. 129003
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Yuri Chursin, but only as Napoleon.
No. 129044
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>>128822he does pick some great roles. I just saw 'inherent vice' and loved it.
I thought he was very sexy in 'you were never really here' but I do like him chunkier, compared to his skinniness in 'the master'. the ripped hollywood hunk was never did it for me either so I much prefer joaquin's physique.
No. 129100
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Idk if I'm gonna sound like a basic bitch for this lmao….Abel Tesfaye, aka The Weeknd, is the perfect blend of both strangely adorable and wickedly hot to me. His voice literally makes me wet I can't help it. I bet he's kinky af in bed
No. 129102
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>>123173>>123181I've always had a thing for him.
No. 129103
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Dean Winchester in seasons 1 & 2 of Supernatural.
My first actual crush, god I'm so nostalgic for those years. I was in love with the show, and it was really interesting in the beginning. Became a mess later on, and Dean looks and sounds completely different and does nothing for me after s2.
But god was he hot
No. 129104
>>129102Post this weirdo in here
No. 129126
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>>129100i get serious fuckboi vibes from abel so I've never been attracted to him, but he is a good looking dude.
>>129102valid>>129103i lost it at a recap in one of the later seasons where they flashback to the first episode of season one. they had to redub the "dad's on a hunting trip… and he hasn't been home in a few days" line because Jensen's Dean voice has gotten progressively deeper and deeper as the seasons have gone on, to the point that it wouldn't have been clear that it was him talking in the original clip.
No. 129129
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>>127534 and I'm up to season 9 now and honestly he's still just as hot to me. He did develop a batman voice but he's aged surprisingly well so far, one of the rare occasions I'll concede to it because old men are not my thing.
Sam on the other hand… guy needs to go hunt down his receeding hairline. At least his body is nice.
No. 129130
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>>129126>they had to redub the "dad's on a hunting trip… and he hasn't been home in a few days" wuut, I need to go through and see this. I loved how lighter the earlier episodes were.
he was the definition of "pretty" in his early 20s. I remember being so frustrated that I'd never get to fuck him lol
>>129129Oh yeah he definitely looks great for his age. I'm sure some people prefer him now, I just love the young cheeky version. His looks changed so damn quickly though, every season he looked different
>SamI actually liked him the most for the first few episodes, when he had bangs lol. The curtain hair doesn't do it for me
No. 129135
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>>129129>>129130haha, I found it. only it's "I think dad wants us to pick up where he left off. saving people, hunting things, the family business". Start of S2E1 and S8E1.
No. 129246
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Didn't mean to tag that other anon but, here's my contribution
No. 129262
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>>129258Keanu belongs itt for sure.
No. 129280
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>>129167they're not hideous, I can see why they still have fans especially when some of them have been following since 2005. jensen is still handsome and misha isn't bad looking (though he's looking old these days). not really a jared fan but he was cute when he was younger in the early seasons
No. 129705
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I was always confused about why anybody would swoon over a little bitch like Captain America. I guess it was the character I didn't like, because Chris Evans acting like an arrogant prick got me wet as fuck.
No. 129718
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Henry Fucking Cavill
His face
His hair
His body
His warm awkward smile
I have never found a male celebrity attractive until now
Even if live action DC movies suck donkey cock,he is the best Superman so far
No. 129725
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Young Charlie Sexton has made me weak since I was in my teens. And he's aged kinda cute.
No. 129726
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>>129706Arrogance does little for me and I'm usually a sucker for goody two shoe characters, so my sudden attraction for him came right out of left field. Even though his role had no gratuitous sexualization
that last shot of him on top of Marta was all I needed No. 129737
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God young Al Pacino from the 70s just does things me. I think it's those eyes, big and deep and intense. I rewatched the Godfather the other day and I was so captivated by his beauty - he's got a subtle charm about him, and his soft boyish voice is so cute
No. 129742
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aaron taylor johnson specifically when he played count vronsky in anna karenina
literally any other instance i think "yeah, ok" mostly because he's standing next to his hobgoblin 60 year old wife who looks like a rotten vegetable
i'm pretty upset about that
No. 129802
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>>129725I see your 80s singer and raise you this one.
No. 129803
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Sam Heughan, but he only does it for me with his hair long. It's like as soon as he cuts it off, I'm not as interested, which is shallow but whatever.
No. 129806
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>>129718>>129727These anons feel it
>>129724 >>128763 There is something off about Cavil. He gives me ascended beta male vibes. Pic related plus the fact he dated an 19 year old when he was in his 30's reflects the typical behavior of loser men.
No. 129815
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I had forgotten about him for years until I heard of KOTOR getting a movie adaptation. I loved this dumdum.
No. 129824
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>>129806But he's still hot though
Elvis Presley was dating teenagers back then yet no one says anything (I find him ugly in my opinion)
No. 129825
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>>129806True, he comes across as a straight up r/redpill incel in interviews.
No. 129832
>>129825that makes sense though
I find the straightforwardness of some men very attractive. I get this in south and east euro countries. In the UK a lot of guys just hold back and ask for permission for absolutely everything and it's just not attractive. When I ask them why it's always along the lines of "I do't want to seem creepy/rapey/get reported"
There is a nice balance between too straightforward and a complete pussy, and extreme feminists are making men pussies
No. 129938
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I love cultured men, they remind me of this lecturer I had a crush on.
No. 129939
>>129850I've had my fair share of weirdos insisting on me going out with them.
How the fuck do they expect threatening me, making me feel uncomfortable and basically coming up to my face like they're ready to fight me, to work? Men are fucking strange
No. 130034
>>129999>>130008I've never found him especially attractive, even in movies. I live in Ireland and he looks exactly like every 40-something man on the street who is tall-ish and in decent shape. Plus allegedly, he's a fuckin psycho so there's that.
No. 130055
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This Russian actor, Vasily Stepanov. He was is one movie a decade ago then apparently it got to him and he fell off the radar. His face is perfect though
No. 130063
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>>130061Yeah, it's what defines the Russian look
Fun fact they got this guy Kirill Zaitsev to play an American in a show about an American cop going to Russia, because he looked the most American out of everyone they could find (including Americans). He has a really Germanic look. It was godawful listening to a Russian trying to imitate an American speaking Russian though.
No. 130100
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>>129705>>122658>>122651Young Chris Evans is hot. Though he's one of those people that will look good at any age
No. 130145
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Young Damon Albarn is my dream
No. 130158
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A huge part of it is because he's from my city and I think he still lives here lmao. His voice is deep af, he goes hard, and he's a Sagittarius, my second-favorite sign.
No. 130169
File: 1577886070701.jpeg (Spoiler Image,205.68 KB, 699x1086, 285014FC-59FD-4E00-B224-E17B7F…)

>>130162Aquarius. My lifelong best friend is one, as is my bf.
Spoiled my personal ranking image because I don't wanna derail the thread too hard.
No. 130203
>>130169My top is gemini. Anyone I've ever been attracted to has been a gemini, it's really weird. Maybe it's the spontaneity. Then aries, but aries are total fucktards. They're the ones I'd fuck but can't stand
I'm also a virgo.
No. 130207
File: 1577977309525.jpg (2.56 MB, 2724x4086, LucienGreavesSASHAcon2016.jpg)

>>112464Lucien Greaves is an absolute bae, aside from being one of the nicest people he is a hottie too. his eye adds to it a lot too.
No. 130297
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>>130268I know, I audibly laughed. Now he's being transferred to somewhere in TX for a warrant they found on him.
No. 131423
File: 1579989312554.gif (1.2 MB, 270x280, 0e9ceaef-a242-4e3d-a7cd-297fdf…)

I already posted on him another thread a month ago, but I didin't know Clint was this freaking cute
It's really weird crushing on him considering dude's pushing a century
No. 131518
File: 1580193552521.jpg (58.21 KB, 564x564, 3866b6088ba51dc64af846746b5a9a…)

>>131423Hell yeah anon he was one hot piece of ass back in the day. Hell he still looks pretty good for his age tbh
No. 131526
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I'm watching all of his movies now
No. 131530
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>>131423He looks a lot like Jude Law in this gif tho
>>131437His son looks almost exactly like him
No. 131531
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>>131530He does, but imo og Eastwood is hotter
No. 131610
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The vocalist of Highly Suspect is seriously too beautiful
No. 131728
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No. 131769
File: 1580563123618.gif (975.77 KB, 500x281, LM6j44J.gif)

>>131423ugh love me some old hollywood studs. Marlon is my crush
No. 131801
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>>131769Old Hollywood studs are the best anon
No. 131803
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>>131769Here's another one
No. 132005
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Kostas Martakis, Greek singer, especially when young. Looks like a mix of Jensen Ackles and William Levy.
No. 132318
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Jorg Nink.I found him by accident and my jaw dropped.I'm not the type of person who thinks "damn I would like to fuck this person" as soon as they see them,but he evoked that emotion kek.He has a bunch of nice photos.It's a shame he pretty much disappeared
No. 132673
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Gavin Leatherwood. I love his curly hair and hunter eyes.
No. 132687
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Javier Bardem… I'm dead.
No. 132728
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Precious little Irish fellow
No. 132757
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Taika Waititi is a total dreamboat. I dream of hearing that cute little accent while I fuck his brains out
No. 132788
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>>132757I really like him too! I had no idea of his nationality and loved his accent when I heard him speak at the baftas
No. 133172
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No. 133175
File: 1582303861456.gif (1.72 MB, 332x404, jamie_outlander.gif)

I want to put my hands under his kilt and fondle his thighs
No. 133205
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This guy, because I'm star trek trash and i also like long hair.
also, i really love those vintage wavy hair styles like
>>131835 great taste anon
No. 133226
>>133175I think I need to start watching outlander
No. 133253
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No. 133494
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No. 133530
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>>133175>>133226outlander has so many sex scenes too
No. 133531
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>>133519Shame on you anon, hating on that jawline.
This guy's also gorgeous to me.
No. 133538
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What a shame he's gay…
No. 133541
>>133534Yes anon, and
>>133531 is the guy Nero was based on.
No. 133544
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No. 133546
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No. 133595
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>>133529Rick Mora
I also love the guy from apocalypto
No. 133654
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>>133639goddamn, finally someone besides this anon
>>122153 agrees with me that he's hot (albeit in a weird way).
No. 133699
File: 1583197741147.gif (1.88 MB, 500x600, tumblr_nc54h80SQW1skeohxo1_500…)

just posted one of my wrestling crushes in the unconventional thread. hopefully this other one, sami zayn, is attractive enough to meet you ladies high standards for this thread
love this gorgeous ginger syrian canadian man
No. 133726
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No. 133727
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sorry for the little spam but he's just so attractive to me
No. 133728
File: 1583245489777.png (408.82 KB, 515x565, 70116714-BFB0-4D78-9959-6B0FE1…)

atsushi sakurai are you free on tuesday next week if you want to go on a date i am free next week on tuesday for a date with you in case you wanted to go next tuesday on a date with me on tuesday cause i am free on tuesday to go on a date with you
No. 133754
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Surely he's been posted before, but just came across these photos I hadn't seen before, and I'm in love for the millionth time.
No. 133774
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slightly ashamed of this. he's so boring
No. 133842
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Tall beard man.
No. 133896
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>>133866>>133885I agree that the beard helps a lot, I think his current look is really attractive though, just dont shave him
No. 134099
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I had a sex dream about this wrestler adam page the other night and have been horny now for 3 days thinking about him
No. 134174
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saw him in person years ago and i think he's so hot
>>134099yessss anon. him in those assless chaps at all out really cemented this crush for me too lmao
>>133699britney yeah gif
No. 134191
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>>112464So yummy
File: 1584295274603.jpg (487.93 KB, 2000x2999,…)

I've always had a thing for Haruma Miura.
No. 134296
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Travis can get this pussy anytime
No. 134352
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For me, it's young Michael Fassbender
No. 134407
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Willne. He looks like my holiday fling/crush too, and I really like his accent.
No. 134423
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I'm a sucker for Chinese historical dramas, and I got a huuuge crush on Yi Lai. I just find him so handsome, ugh.
No. 134429
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>>134426They look very different. I don’t even think elliot roger was physically ugly, but Will is just objectively way more pleasing to the eye
No. 134959
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Mr Sheffield from the nanny was kinda cute
No. 134980
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80s Anthony Kiedis was so beautiful.
No. 135022
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No. 135023
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No. 135029
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No. 135039
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>>135036young David Sylvian.
he was so handsome in his prime
No. 135040
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cutest smile
No. 135076
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I've been obsessed with froy gutierrez lately, something about his face and his voice really turns me on.
No. 135158
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>>135151hell yeah anon he was a massive cutie. mmmm those lips
No. 135278
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Frank Dillane
No. 135357
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Taron Egerton
No. 135429
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louis garrel. just saw little women this evening and wished he'd been in more scenes for me to drool over
No. 135442
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Pacho from narcos is 10/10/10 even though in the show he's gay as all hell.
No. 135455
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I want Evan Peters to smash me like an avocado
>>130145Gosh same anon. He's so charming
No. 135456
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>>132687yes bitch. he looks like he'd wreck you in bed
No. 135460
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there's something really nice about jude law. especially when he was younger - he looks like a classic greek you find in paintings or sculptures with those luscious locks and eyes
No. 135483
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joaquin in walk the line and gladiator makes me weak
No. 135495
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Nacho Varga from Better Call Saul, ay papí
No. 135516
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Young Christopher Plummer
No. 135541
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Jason Lewis as Smith Jerrod
No. 135544
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Taylor Kitsch, he is so hot in Battleship
No. 135545
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Nick Zano. mmmmmm
No. 135689
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>>133707Fuck I'm so jealous lmao. Have you seen him in And Justice for All? Jesus I was having heart palpitations throughout the whole thing because he was so damn beautiful and his acting was amazing. With his gorgeous thick dark hair and pretty lips UGH it's so unfair Iike I can't state enough how fucking perfect he looked in this movie
No. 135698
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>>135483I love him gladiator but I think in walk the line he was perfect. perfect performance and he looked gorgeous
No. 135760
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No. 135812
>>135544Agreed why does macho military man have to be my type, when those types of guys almost never like me
>>135760Sis love yourself a little more
No. 135971
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Alessandro Pierozan. He's seriously the most perfect guy I've ever seen and I love long hair! I want to cum on his mouth and chin so hard. I would probably die and ascend if he ate me out lmao (sorry for the thirst)
No. 135972
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And he likes cats and has a cute smile
No. 136035
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>>135698god he was perfect when he was younger. those eyes
No. 136041
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All I want is a cute and sexy vampire bf…
Why don't more men adapt this style, is there any woman who doesn't like it?
No. 136070
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madness luv
No. 136071
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Jake Gyllenhaal was a damn snack in the early to mid 2000s. So gorgeous and handsome
No. 136301
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>>136070This is in a similar vain, Eric from a 1960's PSA
No. 136302
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No. 136379
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Enrique Iglesias is kinda hawt
No. 136398
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No. 136402
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I hate his personality, but I find him attractive
No. 136807
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Loved him in Stoker
No. 136913
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Axl rose was so cute when he was younger.
No. 136927
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>>136913i know ppl say he did drugs and drank a lot but i think he'd age badly anyway.
No. 136943
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Wish i was alive in the 60s to see Jim Morrison live or something, he was pure sex on stage. He's like the ultimate rock sex god with the leather pants and baritone voice, so masculine and raw
No. 136968
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I have a crush on this YouTuber, Tom Harlock. He kind of looks like my ex, but with a much better sense of humour. He's such a cutie.
No. 136972
>>136971He is, he mentioned it in the comments on one video, and talks about dating girls.
I think he's more "flamboyant" in the way he talks which makes people think he's gay.
No. 137005
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No. 137015
>>137006Do you know what lust is? If a very attractive man was a well known rapist and child molester, would you still have sex with him?
>>137001Men shouldn't do that either. That's a big reason why this problem exists in the first place, and why hitting it and quitting it is so common place, because people made a culture of getting themselves off using someone else.
>>136998Don't start crying the next time someone doesn't commit to you because you aren't a virgin, or have a long history of sleeping with other men.
Also, a 52 week ban for that comment says a lot about the mods here.
File: 1587308053995.jpg (80.87 KB, 564x820, 1a23670040ce3adfaebc265200c568…)

>>137015>Do you know what lust isThe topic of this thread kek
No. 137020
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>>137019You're funny.
The only thing this thread could possibly hurt is ugly men's egos!
No. 137021
>>137020If ugly men's egos are bruised by women find other men attractive instead of themselves, that's a personal problem, but you're very much hurting yourself and others by promoting this type of content. You and/or several other lurkers consider this type of thing ok, so it mentally becomes common place with no resistance, then you seek other outlets promoting this behavior, but in a more radical manner, this raises the bar once just wanting to have sex with attractive guys isn't enough. One attractive guy comes your way, and you let him have sex with you when he tells you all you want to hear, and thus you've supported having sex with guys just because they're attractive. So then this attractive guy's behavior is now reinforced,and he goes on to do it again once he either gets bored of you, or immediately after, then another girl does the same thing, and so this man hones his craft of telling women what they want to hear, and keeping his good looks in check, so he can have sex with whoever he wants.
No. 137022
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>>137021Please tell me when in the future an attractive man will come my way and have sex with me anon, I'm so bored in these social distancing times.
No. 137035
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>>137032>>137028Uuuh, don't wanna be this asshole, but could you talk about this in another thread, or at least sage your shit?
No. 137036
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>>137035Alright sorry, here's a hot guy
No. 137049
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Well because this isn't the vent thread obviously? I mean it doesn't bother me to read about anon's problem, but this isn't the thread to post about this. You're derailing the thread. Stop this.
No. 137053
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Thanks for the reply anon. I know I'm not worthless, I'm a completely different person when they're not around, but it's just not nice to hear all the time. I did have a low opinion of myself all my life until I realised they just made me feel that way.
>Why not find other things to invest your money in? You can still order items right?
Yeah but what can I order? I already have several hobbies like fitness, languages, etc. Traveling used to be my way to make more friends and escape from my parents for a while but now I can't do that for the foreseeable future. Items won't make me happy, I just want some positive social interaction, in person.
>As for the work,you could start saving for when things open again, or could even work on using your money to make more money, so you don't have to work as hard.
I work part time as a freelancer, and part time on my business which is growing. I invest my money in the business and thankfully it's going well. I was going to move out but now I can't. It feels like a never ending nightmare, I will never escape.
No. 137056
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>>137053>>137055Starting to think that this anon is talking to herself…
Anyway, any anon that love men men with glasses?
No. 137058
>>137053I'm glad you're unhappy.
>>137056>Starting to think that this anon is talking to herself…That's what I thought kek
No. 137060
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Your post might be deleted by the time I reply haha. I'll make this my last post to avoid derailing the thread.
Thanks for your tips. The thought of finally moving out and being free once lockdown ends is the only thing keeping me going. It's just sad I've spent so many years so miserable.
No. 137161
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>>136943>>136944Good taste anon and totally agree.
May I contribute another musician that I would've seen in person when he was a hot fuck. Just the raw masculinity with his big dick energy gets me off like nothing else. So animalic.
No. 137166
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>>137161I'm so sorry but-
No. 216401
File: 1638913684771.jpeg (77.85 KB, 855x690, BB675A0F-2359-4D2F-BDD0-4005F4…)

My chocolate Papa