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No. 49329
>>49328Where did you get the nose job done? People always say stuff like "go to South Korea or Lebanon to get it done, they have loads of good plastic surgeons!". But is it worth to travel to another continent just for surgery?
Something I've always been curious about - do people you knew before notice your nose job and ask about it? And do you just tell them the truth? Has anyone been rude to you about it?
No. 49331
>>49328good luck on your jaw surgery if you ever get it done!
I'd personally like a breast lift, I think. my boobs have always been saggy, idk why. it's pretty depressing. they're also small, which I have no issue with (I really like small boobs) but combined with the sagginess they just look sad to me. my bf says he loves them, but I think he's just trying to be nice lol. I'm worried about pain and healing afterwards, and the cost…
No. 49337
>>49329If you live in the U.S. I would recommend getting your PS done there. South Korea has some good clinics, but a lot of the doctors actually go overseas to the US to study anyway. Also, you'll have to factor in the cost of a plane ticket, a hotel (which you'll have to stay in for an extended time during recovery), plus the actual procedure. Also, if you're non-Asian the results might not suit you.
I've had some non-surgical work done, laser treatments and hyaluronate injections for the dark circles under my eyes and dermal fillers to straighten the bridge of my nose. I really like the results but it was obvious that my face looked different and people did notice, but everyone was positive, at least to my face.
No. 49341
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I got a nose job two years ago and I'm very happy with it. It looks rather natural so nobody noticed the difference.
I need to save up for a full facelift though. I might need one at the ripe age of 30 because judging by my genes I have a "sagging" face. Hooded lids, sagging cheeks, nasolabial folds, small mouth that might just disappear. Sometime I pull back the skin on the sides of my face and it looks so much better it makes me want to cry. Even a headband that slightly pulls up my brows improves my features. Once I got complimented by a friend whilst wearing a towel turban after a shower. She said she never noticed I had such beautiful eyes. I told her that's because my eyes don't normally look this way. The towel only stretched the skin on my face.
I really need one but I'm scared of lifts… They're fucking expensive, the healing process is long and painful and I haven't seen any convincing before an after photos. They either look false or I don't see a difference at all. Plus I'm afraid some butcher will destroy my entire face.
I suppose no anon here is old enough to have experience with face lifts but if you know people who've done it I'd be thankful for any advice.
No. 49342
>>49329An average place in Europe lol. 8K€. I was advised to go to a clinic within an hospital because it's generally safer in case something goes wrong. I don't know if it's worth travelling because I've never done it for surgery purposes that's why I'm asking.
No one ever mentioned it. I guess it's a cultural thing because people here hate to speak about what makes them slighly unconfortable. But I've noticed I'm treated in a kinder way now. Like older people speak in a softer manner to me and guys are less rude. It's the world we live in ig ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
>>49332nah gurl it'll be ok. They told me I would spend at least one day sleeping at the hospital, but I finally went home the same day I got the operation done. I did the customary "lay upwards for several days" because I was told so. I believe it had an effect on decreasing the swelling; you'll really notice the difference (don't be scared if it looks bloated and bulbous immediately after the operation! It looks best one year afterwards). I truly felt nothing. I recall no pain from the post op period.
>>49336 It took me a couple of week to recover iirc. It could have been less but to be safe I stayed in bed / at home for the recommended time. A bit boring but that's about it. I've seen post-op pictures online and other girls seem to have got these bruises around their eyes. So not everyone's experience might be as rosy but I can only speak for myself.
No. 49343
>>49328I had neck liposuction about a year or so ago, due to the fact i have a super weak chin i always had a double chin or that neck "slope" where you no separation of jaw to neck. I looked fucking awful.
After I healed, I can tell I look way better in photos but i always wonder if doing it wasnt enough and i keep thinking of more surgeries i could get :/
No. 49348
>>49347Yeah I wrote about wanting a facelift
>>49341 Why do you consider fillers to be the better option?
No. 49349
>>49347I kind of want both. I'm 24 and already getting grown lines which I'd like taken care of but I also want a few surgeries to alter parts of my face I've always hated.
The anti-aging side is pretty minor for me but I'm all for fillers since it's much less invasive.
No. 49351
I had a nosejob 2 years ago, and I have had fillers in my lips and tear troughs.
Fillers are great. I'd rate my nose job a 5/10. I was expecting my nose to look way different, but I realized that the kind of nose I want (tiny, small, upturned) would look bad on me. My nose looks better now, it was crooked before (slanted to the side because I broke it as a kid with a hump). I like the fact that it doesn't look like I got too much surgery and the difference is barely noticeable (my parents can hardly tell). It just looks like a "straighter" version of my old nose. To be honest, the only reason I feel disappointed is because when I photoshopped myself with my "dream nose", I realized I would have looked like a pig.
Would I get more surgery? No. I'm happy with everything else. Maybe a facelift when I'm 50. Until then, only fillers, which are AWESOME.
No. 49353
>>49351But aren't fillers extremely expensive since you have to get them twice a year?
I'm also scared my face might look worse once the fillers wear off in case I can't afford them anymore.
No. 49354
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>>49351Your old nose sounds exactly like mine and I know what you mean about the dream nose..Mine is already kind of upturned but big (and crooked and has a hump) and it being upturned is probably what I hate most about it. I don't know, I'm starting to accept it because I know I'll never have money to fix it and I think it'd be impossible to get my ideal nose (pic related)
No. 49359
>>49358yes, I got done legs + armpits + groin
good fucking shit because I never have to shave them anymore since then. and you know when you shave but still the area looks a bit dark because of the hairs' roots? Well that goes too. Soft baby skin.
But the big cons are 1) time consuming (legs would take 1h30-2h, armpits or groin 1-1h30, I guess arms will be something in-between. 2) also price per session, mine charged around 200€ which is around a bit more in $, but it can range from 50 to 600 depending on the place according to the internet. 3) also in spite on what they said, it hurt ;_; You get "heat pinches" so bad they feel like ice
The dr said I was a super good candidate because I have dark ass hair yet I'm pale as fuck. And the machine works on a hair-vs-skin detection basis. I've been meaning to get my arms done since a couple of years, but I've been postponing it since my life got busy as hell.
No. 49360
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>>49355tbh if it's about the concave-to-covex slope it's a HUGE difference
yet if it's about the size or width idk eh. I don't think you can "thin" it much…
if you have an aquiline (beak/hook) nose, I'd also ask how making it upturned would look. the septum shave + upturning did wonders to my mediterranean nose. pic related because it used to look like that and now it's normal.
No. 49361
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Hoping to get a nosejob in a few months, but I'm worried about how my family and friends will react. I hate my nose so much that I avoid going in public and seeing people I know face to face, but everyone insists its "fine" but my nose looks like pic related on the left. I'd give anything to look like the right.
No. 49362
>>49351I've wanted tear trough fillers forever! My undereyes are super dark and hollow, they completely ruin my eyes.
How much did you pay for it and where do you get it done? Can you get them injected by a dermatologist or a plastic surgeon? Did you do extensive research on where to get it done or does it not matter?
thanks m8
No. 54088
>>49362Not that anon but you should get them done by a plastic surgeon who is an expert at facial contouring. That area is very sensitive to bruising.
Depending on how deep your hollows are, the doctor will likely take one syringe or a half for both eyes to start. Then top ups a few months later. The price is per syringe, which you should be able to find based on where you're located.
No. 54807
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I finally spoke with the surgeon I want for my nose job. He asked for 10000 dollars. There's no way in hell I could afford that, and apparently he keeps raising the price as time goes on since I've seen other works of his on realself from 2-3 years ago and they paid around 6000-7000. I'm sad because he's a top surgeon and the only one who can do the deed in the way I want, and I don't want to settle for the second best (a local surgeon who charges 5500 and is kinda good, but not nearly as good as my first choice). Let's see, I have to be patient and keep working. I don't want to go for my second choice, then 80% of chance the nose doesn't come out as I want and I'd have to start saving for the first doctor paying even more. I just need patience.
No. 54837
>>54832Anon, shut the fuck up.
You know nothing about that persons life, their expenses, if they have mouths to feed, or others to care for.
Seriously, did your parents ever teach you to not be so ignorant?
No. 54838
>>54832That's a lot of money to nearly everyone? I've had more than 10x that in my bank account and I'd still balk at the idea of spending it in one go.
If your parents taught you to save properly, you wouldn't think so little of so much money.
No. 54839
For anyone that isn't as lucky to have been as spoiled as a few other anons here:
Many surgeons, even top surgeons, accept financing as well as medical credit cards.
This gives you the option to make a 20% down payments and have fixed monthly payments within the surgeons chosen pay periods. Most surgeons will allow the 6,8, and 12 month pay periods, but they have no interest. There are 24 month and above plans that require interest, but the monthly payments are low and fixed, so the interest is included in every payment.
For a $10,000 surgery, for instance, not full counting the possibility of your surgeon requiring a certain percentile of a down payment:
6 month plan: $1,667 a month
12 month plan: $834 a month
With a 24 month plan with, say, added APR because it's no longer within the promotional period offered by your surgeon,
you're looking at fixed payments of $485 a month with a total of $11,640 due to added interest.
There's also a 36 month plan that would lower your payments to $347 a month for a total of $12,492 because of interest. Or a 48 month plan for $278 a month for a total of $13,344 because of interest.
These are good options for those who are devoted to the surgery, but cannot gather a large sum of money in a short enough time period. Many can turn their nose at the added interest, but if you're truly serious about getting these things done soon, an extra $3,000 is nothing to you if your payments are entirely fixed at an affordable amount every month. It'll be like adding a car payment every month, another bill. Plus, you can save up enough for a down payment of a few thousand and then put everything else medical financing.
I will probably regret sharing this since some anons are completely delusional and out of touch with reality and will more than likely get really stupid ideas, but here we go.
No. 54840
>>54837>>54838If you read the post I quoted or this
>>54810 you can see that the poster is very serious about doing it. $10,000 is nothing honestly - especially for something you consider vital for your well being. You can save that in 3 months. It just comes down to personal responsibility.
You lot remind me of those stories who let their loved-ones rot in jail because they can't rack up $20, 000 bail
No. 54843
OT but
>>54840> $10,000 is nothing honestly - You can save that in 3 months???
How high are you right now anon? I'm in a good position for your average early twenties earner, working crazy hours, and I could put away 1k at most per month if I lived on cabbage and kept the lights off.
No. 54844
>>54843Lets say you earn the average wage a year in my country for a 20-35 year old. ($75k) or $1500 a week
>Buy house, mortgage is $500 a week>Have house mate only pay $300 a week between us for everything>Buy car in cash rather than credit>$30 a week for fuel, $20 a week for phoneLeaves ~1200 a week lets say you spend 250 on fun things
Thats 11k every 3 months.
I'm not saying that it isn't tough don't get me wrong but when people say that $10k is a lot of money I immediately think they're one of those people who live week-to-week in an apartment they can't afford with a car they can't repay.
No. 54847
>>54844>$1500 a weekWell, there's your issue.
$450 a week is a respectable enough wage in my first world country for a young adult.
$8.99 is our minimum wage per hour, and 0 hour contracts are common.
No. 54848
>>54830>>54839Thank you for the info!
>>54832Not everyone is wealthy, anon. If you can get 10,000 dollars in a heartbeat, good for you. But you sound really sheltered and you have to understand that not everyone is as lucky as you are.
>>548441500 a week? Where do you live? Here the average job for a young person gives you 600-700 a month at best. Again, you're sheltered, but consider the possibility that there are different realities. You remind me of those rich people that go on saying that "if you're poor it's your fault!"
No. 54850
>>54848I live in Australia btw
You assume immediately that I was sheltered rather than making good choices with education / work experience. My family has never lived in a home for more than a few years because of finance problems. As a result we were always moving between houses and schools as a kid and never enjoyed the luxuries others enjoyed.
I don't want this to turn into some kind of "oppression olympics" but assuming I was sheltered simply because I have made wealth for myself says a lot about your maturity and look on life.
No. 54855
>>54850I didn't assume you're sheltered because "you made wealth for yourself", I assumed you're sheltered because of your attitude. You basically jumped in saying "Lol you can't afford 10,000? That's because your parents didn't teach you how to save" like it's nothing. You also made fun of "those people who live week-to-week in an apartment they can't afford with a car they can't repay" that says a lot about your maturity.
Sad to pop your bubble, but as other anons said, for the average person 10,000 dollars
is a lot of money, even with all the "saving money" in the world, because not everyone has the same possibilities and not everyone lives in a country with such good income opportunities. So just admit it was pretty ignorant of you to say that things.
That says a lot about your maturity and look on life.
And if the average job in Australia seriously gives 1500 a week, welp, I'm moving there.
No. 54864
>>5484475k is not the average for Americans 20-35.
Phones as well are not $20 a month here. We're talking between $50-$100, sometimes more, a month. Most already own a car, and you can't trust cars you pay for in cash here so they're probably credit. So car payments on average are between $200-600 a month.
Most Americans within that age range can't afford a house either.
Seriously, stop. Your ease is not a reflection on the lives of others.
No. 54868
>>54850>>didn't your parents teach you to saveAnon please. Your parents couldn't even afford to stay in a home, and you're here lecturing others about their parents.
Btw, I'm guessing you are a student and not one of the people making $75000 per year. If you have over $1000 expendable per week, then go see the world outside of Australia.
No. 54874
Very long post but. Former surgical success story here checking in.
If you're serious about surgery, plan everything out down to practically a god damn itinerary. Always overestimate rather than underestimate.
I've never been unattractive, but due to a facial injury caused by abuse while still in development, I had a soft tissue deformity caused by the blunt force trauma. It fucked with me because I always noticed something became off and it was getting worse over time. Others seldom noticed, and although I never had problems with guys, I never felt like I was quite anything beyond called "hot"–this I'm chalking up to the natural gravitation towards symmetry. It was just human that something wasn't quite perfect enough for other people.
From the injury, I developed something called ptosis of my brow. One eyebrow is permanently frozen up, causing the other to droop down to overcompensate for the other and although my sockets were completely aligned, it gave my eyelids a slightly asymmetrical appearance that drove my art-oriented brain crazy. Basically, it makes you look like you're raising your brow 24/7 and no amount of overcompensation with makeup or otherwise will fix it. It's either Botox or surgery.
Second, on the side I was hit forcefully, the soft tissues began to expand further, causing my jaw on that side to appear wider and longer. Although only slight, for the more aesthete of us this is fucking torture.
My nose was deviated from the injury as well. It was a nice shape but the swelling and inflammation from it being broken made it more bulbous, and my nostrils were stretched out farther from when they had to enter through them to operate on the extreme injuries.
As well, I wanted a breast lift just to keep everything good and perky, because my breasts are large and were beginning to droop a little.
So, I mapped everything out. I did a ton of math. I cut expenses, I got a better paying job, and I hauled ass.
For three surgeries, I got them done at once by an in-state doctor. My breast lift, a brow lift over my drooping brow, and fixing my jaw. About $6,000, $3,500, and $6,500 respectively. So, I payed $16,000 of my hard earned and saved money off the bat. Healed in a month, the changes although subtle made a huge impact on my confidence and facial harmony. Symmetry makes all of the difference!
Now, for my nose, I refused to skimp on quality and I urge you all to do the same. I got my nose done out of state with Nassif, and I do not regret it. $16,000 and worth every cent. I feel like my appearance is almost restored to what I would look like had I not been abused.
You have to have realistic expectations and I'm sorry, but a lot of you are extremely delusional. You won't get your "dream nose," because you weren't made to have your dream nose. The only way you'll get your dream nose is if your dreams are logical and realistic. You cannot expect to be sculpted like clay.
My advice is to work on the things you can change now if you're waiting for or yearning for surgery. Your weight, your skin, your hair and nails, your nutrition, the quality of your makeup, etc. This way you can max your already existing potential, and you won't be so clouded by delusion and depression. You can't expect for your life to be transformed from a fucking nose job. Do the things you say you are going to do when you get "fixed" NOW. Put the effort in so you can work your surgical changes around what you are now, now the other way around.
Bleh bleh etc.
This is lame but I'm not really good at organizing or curating my info but I do have a lot of experience and knowledge of all of this! Any questions and I'm all fingers to keyboard. I'll try to be friendly to make up for all the usual lolcow vitriol lol.
No. 54890
>>54874Thanks, captain obvious.
By the way you sound delusional, from the way you described your face it sounds like it was fueled by insecurity more than anything concrete.
No. 54905
>>54874Glad to hear you had success anon, and completely agree with your advice to other anons. I wanted a nose job, but when I went for my consultation, the surgeon urged me to think about it because it suited my face and surgery for a minor issue (small bump I can see from angles) might not be worth the potential risk. He told me exactly what you said to do anon: lose weight, do my hair, nails, and makeup. I started using keratin treatments on my hair and have been learning how to use makeup better. Got some new clothes, and am taking vitamins and losing weight. I had to go on antidepressants before realizing the doctor was right.
While I would still love the
perfect nose, just doing my hair has made a huge impact on my appearance…and I get the feeling a lot of anons have unrealistic expectations like you said (I mean, WTF constitutes a potato nose here lol and this obsessions some anons have with natural "wrinkles" aka nasolabial folds).
Nose jobs are one of the highest risk areas to fix, despite being one of the more common plastic surgeries. It's not uncommon for people to need revision surgeries. Echoing this anon here, in that you don't want to skimp on this kind of surgery. Revision surgery often costs double, and may take 2 or more procedures to correct .
No. 54944
>>54911What in the honest to god FUCK are you talking about you psycho schizophrenic bitch? Lmfao this is the plastic surgery thread and I've never said anything about boyfriends. I'm a lesbian. I've never had a boyfriend. You're seriously nuts, you must be confusing the god damn surgery thread for the voices in your head. "Lecturing" people? I'm giving advice from experience in a plastic surgery thread you idiot. That's what threads are for, boo. Discussion.
Go stroke your angry bitchclit somewhere else.
Or try harder. I really don't mind either way.
You're obviously one of those weirdos that tries to pretend to know what anon you're addressing because of your rampant paranoia. Get that schizophrenia checked.
No. 54979
>>54892I remember someone posted a pic here of a black woman who had Korean facial surgery and it looked really good. The after pic was dolly and gorgeous. Specific aesthetics is different from doctor to doctor and what the patient was going for anyway.
Iranian doctors are probably the gold standard for multicultural aesthetics and reducing needed revisions though.
No. 55032
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>>54979With some googling I found this.
After pic obviously has makeup but you can see they greatly reduced the nose size and chin size.
No. 55033
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>>54870Your comment is confusing since most asians are probe to wider more round nose tip and thicker skin around the nostril area. Korea is the perfect place to have rhinoplasty on a wide bulbous nose.
No. 55045
>>55033The asian wide nose tends to be rather flat, a work on a flat/semiflat nose is easier from a perspective… While a tall, westerner long and wide nose is more of a bitch because when you deproject it (to make it shorter) you also make it wider so it has to be a very good surgeon who can close the "nose roof" bones and reshape them. It's quite hard to explain and I'm not a native English speaker so sorry if it's messy.
An advice, to everyone: look for real reviews. Some doctors even photoshop the after pictures, so always make a fuckton of researches before choosing a specific surgeon to lay his hands on your face. Go on Realself or Facebook groups, look specifically for 1+ year after reviews, to see how the nose changed and if it's still solid (a nose can be reduced of max 30% of its original width, otherwise it slowly collapses. I'm speaking for the people interested in a wide nose reduction). Have realistic expectations. Don't stop at the before/afters posted by the surgeon on his site. This was a general advice.
No. 55053
>>55032Good find anon. I think her features look so dainty in the after pic, yet she still looks like herself in the eyes.
She didn't look terrible before though, which brings it back to "working with what you have" to have a good result.
>>55044Just get a proper surgery, everything else will not give you what you're looking for.
No. 55086
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reee I just want a rhinoplasty and hyaluronic acid fillers already but I can't afford them/are too scared to do it.
Should I just wipe out my savings? I fantasize about doing it all the time. I have ~7k saved up.
No. 55090
>>55084>>55062Literally just got it done. tl;dr painless, 100% recommend
I kind of did consultation then just went for it in the same appointment. I was given an option of 1 vial, 2, or 3. I went for 3 to just get it done. He said it's possible I may need another go with one vial but generally it's just part of his "you accept these terms and conditions" speech. Cost for 3 was $1500
So for the procedure… Again, I hate needles and after this I am totally fine and prepared if I need another go.
>got numbed with cream cause I'm a pussy>wait>numb with icepack>wait>get grid placed>numb with ice some moreAnd ready to go. SIDENOTE: This specific doc mixes the Kybella with numbing shit. If you're nervous about the burning definitely make sure your doc does this cause I swear to you I felt no burning at all.
>get through 10 or so injections>feel nothing or the equivalent of the teeeeniest little pinch (truthfully here. Not like when nurses say "k only a pinch!" and then give you a fucking ow jab. These needles are crazy tiny, smaller than a butterfly needle)>I am me so I got woozy from anticipation and nerves, not at all from pain>had to drink a juice box and lay back, chill..>get the rest of the injections done quickly with just one more break Done. Even with pausing for wuss breaks it only took about 5 mins. He warned me that it'd burn for 3 minutes starting around the 5th injection. Didn't happen.
Then he put some alcohol on a gauze pad and had me hold it between the icepack and my chin. I started to feel some warmness but not burning.
About 1 hour after my appointment now. I feel numb and a bit of tightness and soreness. A bit bullfroggy looking but nothing that anyone else would notice as a hideous abnormality.
Yep so about a month before seeing some results. I'll probably do an update here if I remember. I know this shit is scary and we're all insecure bitches so hoping I can ease some fears as it was truly nothing.
Last little note, anyone afraid of needles get yourself some Emla cream. Really takes the edge off.
No. 55098
>>55090Yeah always get things done when mixed with the numbing shit. I don't know how people survive without it. The pain alone would make my skin react. I'm also super sensitive to needles. How long did each injection take?
I want to try this because I have a double chin when I squeeze my neck in while looking down, and I often do this. but I don't think I have enough fat to get a visible change that's worth it yet, maybe 1 vial. Let us know how it goes in the post swelling. I heard the first two weeks are the worst.
No. 55129
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>>55098He had 5 syringes full of the stuff and then did them super quick, I really couldn't even tell if he went over some places twice, 0 pain. By his hand movements I could tell he was speedracering it though. Without any breaks I'd say it'd take 2 minutes for all 3 vials.
Originally I spoke to the guy who did my rhinoplasty and he didn't recommend lipo, so he set me up with another doc in his office who does Kybella. Rhino doc said he expected one session since I really didn't have a lot of fat. I figured one session = one vial, but after meeting up with the doc who does it I needed about 3 vials to get results. He said 3 would burn the most and may give me the result I want in one go, but if I was feeling too wimpy I could go for 2 and then probably another 2. I just went for 3, didn't feel any burning at all which totally surprised me. After he was done and I sat 5 minutes with the icepack he let me know that the fat burning was finished with. But yeah the cost… definitely be prepared to spend $2000 even for a small bit of fat. The vials cost around $600 each.
Here's some photos. Currently the area feels sore and numb to touch. It got bigger and I feel like a goblin now but the majority of the swelling is gone in a week. I can feel it jiggling when I move… weird. I've been told I have thick skin so I probably won't get results like the before and after girl but it would be nice. I love how defined her chin is now, she had to have 3 or 4 sessions though.
If you're prone to fainting make sure to eat before going and stash some applejuice or something. I was lucky my doc had juiceboxes handy haha. Also he recommended Zyrtec the night before and Motrin p.m. right before the appointment and continue both for two days after.
No. 55169
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So, I know I need a breast lift. Hell, I've always wanted a breast lift. But I don't know anymore, I feel like there's no right option for me - either leaving them as is or getting surgery. For reference, I'd say they're between stage 2 and 3. They've always been that way, no children or weight fluctuation, just bad genetics.
I am very embarrassed and hate how they are currently, to the point where I won't let anyone see my naked body and it takes a lot of work to make them look okay when I'm clothed. Not to mention, it's impossible for me to go braless because it's extremely uncomfortable.
But with breast lifts, from what I've seen, the nipples are always uneven or differently sized and/or differently colored than they were before - making them look 'frankenstein'd'. Or the nipples look too big or have large scars around them. The breasts afterwards are boxy or too round and look unnatural or, and this is what I'm most afraid of, still look somewhat saggy or deflated. I'm also very afraid of scars because I tend to scar bad and my scars are all reddish-brown even after years of fading (my other skin is very pale and you can see my veins clearly).
I don't know…I still want to get a breast lift but I'm so nervous about multiple things and I haven't found a doctor yet that I look all aspects of their work. Any anons have experience with this subject?
No. 55188
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>>55184Yeah, tbh, I'm not as worried about scars (they'll fade eventually…) as I am about the overall appearance - fullness, symmetry, etc. I don't know much about the implant + lift combo but I've been looking it up…This is a picture I got off realself and these look alright but to me, but they aren't very full/round/still look elongated/???. This effect seems very common and it's something I definitely don't want. I wonder if getting implants with it fixes that? Say, if pic related did get implants too, would the nipple be placed higher?
I'm kind of in the same boat as
>>55186, I just want perky small boobs (which I think if I got a lift, they would be since they aren't that big as is) and I don't want to worry about them drooping in the future or when I have kids or whatever.
No. 55210
>>55169I had the same breasts as you and got a lift with implants and holy shit I'm so happy. Yea I've got some scars but they're faded to nearly nothing a year after and look extremely natural.
I looked for months until I found my doctor, it was a lot of leg work but I'm glad I waited. He asked me for photos of exactly what I wanted, so I provided him some of what I was aiming for and I'll be damned if he didn't get it spot on. As for scar fading, I used this and after a week my scars had faded an extreme amount. I was still healing (after the wound had sealed and the stitches dissolved and I was given permission to use lotions) I used this and the purple/red healing skin calmed down within a day. would def need implants as well, I was going for a DD but my doctor gave me D when I was under the knife because I specifically requested a non-beach ball look and going bigger would have screwed me over. If you can find a good doctor, he will listen to all of your concerns for symmetry and size and do what's best under the knife. Plus most doctors offer free corrections if you're unhappy because of sag/uneven positions.
No. 55229
>>49328How can I do research if I don't know anyone who has had work done and live in a small European country with poor internet representation?
Most people use all the conventional social media platforms but nobody really wants to talk about plastic surgery there. We do have one old school forum but you're not allowed to post names of clinics/drs there. Lots of doctors have websites but I can't really say how reputable any of them are, and since it's such a small community they all inherently look kinda shifty since they don't get much lip service. We don't have realself or any similar platforms. AFAIK surgeons here are fairly reputable and are known worldwide for tranny surgeries.
So far I've only managed to find recommendations for 3 different surgeons with whom I'm planning on having consultations, is that enough? Also, I kinda have to get it done this year since I'm moving soon and it'll be twice as expensive abroad so I hope they can pencil me in for surgery soon after the consultations (whomever I pick, that is). I'm only having my nose done and I don't think it's going to be a big procedure (shaving down the hump and a slight tip reduction, nothing else). I'm planning to get it done around May/June.
Do you think it's doable? How should I go about planning this? Sorry for the stupid q's, I've never done this before and want to make sure everything goes well.
No. 55241
>>55169i have the same breasts as you and it's always been an area of extreme shame and sadness for me. they're full on the bottom, empty on the top, and it's difficult to find push-up bras that work for me.
just wanted to let you know you aren't alone. out of curiousity, what cup size are you?
No. 55410
>>55288I'll look for the photo since I may have deleted it but when I find it I'll post it here.
>>55409I've never heard of it before and my search can only find stuff related to "" so my best bet is that it's fake/blown out of proportion. My doctor was super thorough in telling me every single thing that can go wrong with my surgery and I had to sign the documents after I'd read every possibility. I don't recall anything about "breast implant illness" but I can look back in my file and see if I can find anything about it on the sheets I was given.
No. 55611
>>55607I have no advice but I just wanted to say I have the same problems, if you have the cash you might as well go to a clinic and talk through a consultation.
One day I hope to afford a nose job and fillers.
No. 55778
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>>49328I have a consultation for sliding genioplasty in an attempt to fix my hideous small jawline. I might get cheek implants too.
No. 55779
File: 1488049338719.jpg (31.9 KB, 718x341, orthognathic-surgery-virginia-…)

>>55778I might go for full on jaw surgery to get results like this, this girl has a similar issue to me I think
>tfw will never have angelina jawline No. 55780
File: 1488051523288.jpg (91.86 KB, 770x1056, 26-Renaissance-Painting-Reasse…)

>>55778If this is you, you look like one of those women in renaissance paintings. Not trying to insult you. I like it.
No. 55781
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>>55607Ugh same, it sucks. My eye and eyebrow are lower on one side of my face. I avoid taking photos because it looks like I had a stroke.
No. 55859
>>55853I've been saving for 3 years. I haven't bought almost anything in forever. I shop second hand. I don't drink, smoke or do drugs. I haven't been on holiday in years.
I've wanted a nose job since I was 15, I'm 24 now and I'm only getting it now thanks to savings and living like a pauper. I can't find work but like hell I'm gonna let that stop me.
No. 55874
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>>55778>>55780Same person again. After playing around with a plastic surgery simulator, i think i will need double jaw surgery (upper jaw brought forward, lower jaw forward and down). Any opinions?
No. 55882
>>55874I think you look better in the after, but you still look good in the before too. Frankly, actual surgery results are often not as perfect as Photoshopping/fixing in an app. Likewise, you'll want to think of how creating a more desirable sideview will change your frontal view.
As for me, I'm going to have to start saving for gum surgery. Since I got braces, despite caring for my teeth regularly (flossing, brushing, even using professional dental tools and expensive tooth brushes/tooth oils) my gums continue to receed. I've spoken with a variety of dentists and orthodontists who told me it's normal to have gum issues after braces. Will need to save around $20,000+ usd for this ughh. Will probably get it done when I'm in my early thirties, when I have more expendable income and a husband to take care of me after surgery. Until then, it's not
that bad, but I still get tooth sensitivity when rinsing with cold water (use room temperature now) or having my teeth cleaned.
No. 55889
>>55871Yes yes and yes. Loans are interest free and I don't have to pay them back yet. I'm also saving for a visa fee to straya.
When you're desperate you get creative basically. I sell old camera equipment, clothes, jewellery on etsy with the help of a friend who's good at peddling and shilling. People ask me if I'm a smackhead lol.
I sell at flea markets, save birthday and Christmas money, do odd jobs of the respectable variety online. Currently I've 5.5k saved, and that's in euros. When my loan installment kicks in I'll have 8k. Oh yeah, I don't pay tuition, I'm on a scholarship. I'm pocketing my loan so that helps a lot.
No. 55890
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What procedures are best for under eye bags? It's like I have permanent aegyo sal and it's fucking horrendous
No. 55919
>>55891Something tells me this belongs in an entire other thread.
Just a thought.
No. 55954
File: 1488407996996.jpg (Spoiler Image,13.83 KB, 394x264, userimage-1874202.jpg)

Has anyone had any experience with Dr. Grigoryants? My appointment is with him on June 1st and I'm freaking out. My nose is bulbous + somewhat wide-nostrils and all I want is a cute small tip, narrowed nostrils, and a little bit of a curve.
I'm also pretty nervous about the consultation. I'm 18 and I'm terrified he'll tell me to get lost, which I've seen happen several times from surgeons I've worked for in the past. Pic related :/
No. 55959
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>>55957I guess this is a better representation of what it looks like
No. 55964
File: 1488428135636.jpg (29.28 KB, 400x233, userimage-1874262.jpg)

>>55961Because I think it'd look good on me basically lol. I don't want some tiny itty-bitty barbie nose; I just hate the bulbous tip and the slight flare my nostrils have. Something cute like pic related or even something more extreme like Ryan Newman or Shenny Kaplan. Of course I know I won't get their noses but something similar is what I want.
No. 55982
>>55954Ayyyy Grigoryants is my dream surgeon, I'm saving up for him! Good choice girl :) He's very skilled with potato/bulbous noses. He asked me 10,500 dollars, my nose is similar to yours but wider and kinda long and requires a lot of attention because it's not an easy work. How much did he ask you? (If you have already talked to him via email, I did it)
My only advice would be: wait. You're only 18, your nose is not 100% complete yet, so you might want to wait for other 2-3 years. It's not like you have an horrible nose as it is. I have to say that it's already cute: nostrils are aligned with lacrimal ducts, so they're not large. Tip is not small but not too large either. I haven't seen the profile but you would only need some smaaaall definition and that's it. Have you saved up money already?
>>55961It's fine, anon only needs some tip definition, and the doctor she chose is one of the top surgeons worldwide so she won't come out with a voldemort nose. She can have a nice and natural looking enough job.
No. 56003
>>55978I'm sure your face really matches your cunt personality lol
>>55982I'm currently saving up and have a little over 1/4 of the $10,000. Tysm for your message though was so sweet and I really need some extra support right about now :) it's awesome you're going to see him though! Did you already have your in person consult? The lady told me starting price is $9500.
>>55994My bf says the same thing so that's the only factor that would make me reconsider.
>>55999Yes wtf? Why would I even edit the pic besides cropping the rest of my face out? What exactly would there be to gain from me doing that when I want actual advice?
No. 56031
>>56006Listen to other anon and look at your older family members on both sides for an estimate. Mine is starting to get a little bigger at 26, but I don't think my ears will change much.
Also they say that being an alcholic doesn't actually make your nose bigger, but I still feel like most alcoholics have big noses
No. 56034
>>55994Yes, noses grow when you're getting older, but nothing dramatic. Our noses at 50/60 will be bigger than at 20 or 30, but slightly.
>>56003You're welcome :) Yeah I'm giving myself 2 years at max to raise up the sum, I seriously can't wait, I'm going to be 22 this year and I feel like I've had this ugly nose for too long, lol. I want to do this asap. Are you from USA?
Because I'm from Europe so I just emailed the doctor to ask about the price and he asked me to send pics and describe the work I would like to be done first, then told me everything. He was very helpful. The price is kinda high and it will be a big journey going to USA from Europe to stay a couple of weeks to get surgery, but you know what they say, you get what you paid for and I'd rather pay more and go through this to get my dream nose than paying less and staying in my country to have a meh job. I envy people with a hook nose so much, 99% of times it's already small, they just need a small bump shave that every surgeon can do and they're okay.
No. 56107
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>>55129Kybella anon here with an update. It's apparently been 18 days, the initial swelling took about a week with the worst being on day 2. Day 2 was "stay in the fucking house something looks medically wrong with you" territory and all other days were passable as just being an unfortunate looking girl. I've been at my original contour for a while now and it's been tightening up daily.
At this point the numbness is mostly gone. After about a week I felt hard lumps which are slowly going away and they're mostly on the right side now. I think once all of those fuck off my jawline will look even better.
I do have thick skin under my chin, and only fat is affected by Kybella, so I'm not expecting a miracle but I am quite happy with the results I have already. People with thin skin seem to be the lucky ones who get that tight shrink wrapped jaw.
I'm due for my checkup this week but if one more syringe is recommended I'll be doing it later in the year since right now isn't a good time for me to be rocking the bullfrog look. Will update in a month or so.
No. 56115
>>56107Thanks for the update anon, is the swelling proportional to how much fat or vials you had? I want to try this sometime but am scared I'll look like a bullfrog.
Unlike Taylor R I can't stay home or hide under sweaters whenever I get something fixed.
No. 56119
>>56115I think so but not positive. If you do have it done try to get it on a Friday and that'll get you over the worst of it on the weekend. I'll be living with my boyfriend soon so that's why I'm waiting if I need another session, but yeah at least for me day 3 wasn't bad enough to hide from my family or coworkers.
>>56116At the risk of getting tagged as 32" waist chan, I've been underweight my whole life and don't eat like shit, as I mentioned in that post I didn't expect that result due to my skin type but I'm quite happy with the shrinking I've already got.
No. 56120
>>56117You can be skinny and still have a double chin. As you age, fat starts to settle there no matter how low your bodyfat percentage is. Often skellies need just a small fat part removed, either by Kybella like on the chin or freezing it elsewhere.
>>56119A Friday in winter sounds best for this, so I'll probably wait for next winter.
No. 56128
>>56034Sorry this reply is so late! Yes, I'm from the US but it's gonna be expensive shelling out the money to go to Cali. The thing is, I sent him a picture that was actually quite flattering of my nose because initially I thought it outlined the big tip but I realized after he said to "Avoid rhinoplasty" that the picture actually highlighted it in a flattering way lol. But I know exactly what you mean! There's a girl where I work who would have such a cute nose if her nose didn't have a bump :/ I'd love to keep in touch if you ever do get the procedure done because I'm pretty nervous about it :)
>>56069I literally have no idea what you're talking about. I put concealer around my nostrils to help with redness but besides that there's nothing done to it.
Does anyone have any other info on Dr. G or have you gone to him ever? There's some info online like at makemeheal but I still would enjoy some anecdotal stories.
No. 56157
File: 1488839960741.jpg (44.69 KB, 340x509, Rhinoplasty-before-267942.jpg)

Just found a picture of a lady with very similar features to mine (except for the unsavoury makeup, obvi). Thought my nose was too big for the dr to give me a small one, she had the exact same thing that I want done and it only took one surgery. Such a big difference. Can't believe my luck, I'm over the moon!
No. 56160
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I want to be taller. Being 5'2 I feel like a femlet around my cousins 5'7 and above. Fuck the smol is better shit. Limb lengthening sounds like an alternative. Problem is I'm not sure where to go and how much does it costs, also seems the post op recovery is long and with loads of possible complications.
No. 56191
>>56160I'm 4'11", but most people assume I am 5'3" or so. I've had countless people asking to prove my height (generally having me stand back-to-back with another person who is 5'2"-5'5"). All I can say is:
try heels and keep good posture. With 3" heels and good posture I can easily pass for 5'4"-5'5" (unless stood closely with another person of that specific height).
I've looked into leg lengthening surgery out of curiosity, but it probably isn't the best idea. You are basically bed ridden, there are terrible scars, and it only changes height maybe 2 inches.
No. 57478
>>57473 but also it might be your selfesteem? I used to think I had a really fucking huge nose and was really insecure about it. After gaining some selfesteem I'm not bothered by it anymore and think it looks fine
No. 57493
>>57473Not really, sometimes I'm just bothered of how wide my face looks and I've even started shooping it slightly. I don't follow Korean trends though, maybe I will forget it as soon as I fix my nose. This also answers to
>>57478 No. 57900
File: 1491828894111.jpg (Spoiler Image,150.76 KB, 471x830, Screenshot_20170408-090453.jpg)

My ears are deformed.
No. 57906
>>57901Just like CL! ^^
No… seriously now,
>>57900 your ears are fine. Stop worrying
No. 57917
>>57900Aww, they're so biddle! Some chicks with dumbo ears would kill for cute little ears like yours. As long as it doesn't effect your hearing it doesn't make a difference.
Also, you aren't one of those jackasses like me who gauged their ears and got stuck with cat-butts so thats another plus.
No. 57979
File: 1491927164855.png (Spoiler Image,226.84 KB, 303x601, ear.png)

>>57900>>57934The top of your ear looks normal and the smallness is really cute. If you ever feel bad about the top of your ear, you could always laugh at mine. You can see where it got smashed in my mother's womb giving the illusion of a small point to the right of it. Plus, no one has ever said anything about it!
No. 58919
>>58897He makes his money from harvesting your insecurities like
>>58902 says, of course he wants you to feel you need more work done.
This idea that consultations are in your best interest is bullshit, at most it's just to see if giving you the work you want could end badly for them in any way.
I would really like some experienced advice on where is strategically best to get fillers in my face, but if I go for a consolation they will probably just say everywhere.
No. 59139
>>58897Don't get any work done by him. A rule of the thumb is that if your surgeon tries to jew you from the beginning, he will jew you all the way. He will milk you all the way.
I've had only once plastic surgery, but have friends who have gotten more. None of our surgeons have ever said anything of the sort. They know returning customers are happy ones who can trust their surgeons, they don't have to trap customers. My good friend was getting work on a keloid and her surgeon did the jew shtick, so she had a totally unnecessary filler done. He then tried to talk about her stomach sag, she had had a kid like 5 months beforehand or so… She changed surgeons and mentioned it the new one, he said he wouldn't work on such sag, since the skin hasn't even receeded.
No. 59230
File: 1493389097609.jpg (Spoiler Image,115.07 KB, 2531x699, CdKzGLX.jpg)

Any suggestions for tip reconstruction?
My nose is long/bulbous and looks very similar the image in the middle.
I'm worried that the tip will end up looking "pinched" because the rest of my nose is pretty wide.
also sage, because I'm a newfag peasant.
No. 59585
>>54874Thanks for your effort in detailing your story anon.
I've had troubles with allergy and swelling for over 3 years now. And before it didn't affect me that much with my antihistamines, however over time, I've noticed a slight drop in my cheeks (I'm assuming age related issue?) which pulls at the corners of my mouth. So anytime I'm not consciously trying to subtly smile, my face will be very angry looking as my lips are thin and I have fat cheeks that pull on the corners, giving me a stern look. Also, the general shape of my face is very wide, especially m lower jaw. This would not be a problem on itself but coupled with swelling (due to allergy and/or antihistamines), I look bloated constantly. So not only do I look angry, I also look horrendous. Like an angry chipmunk. As you can imagine, thin lips/small mouth, swelling, wide lower jaw, is not a good look.
I mean, I could even handle being ugly but it just fucking sucks that whenever I go out, or if I'm ever in deep concentration, people seem to think I'm glaring at them, so I'm constantly been met with death glares. This has affected much of my socializing with strangers to the point I will avoid going out simply because I don't want to get death glares from others that probably think I'm death glaring them when I'm just in my head thinking about uni work.
I think another thing might be my hooded lids which also give me an angry look. And right now I'm deciding on which part of the face I should fix.
Do I get lip fillers which will not be permanent, look trashy on most people and possibly not change much in terms of my bitch face?
Do I get a jaw shave which will most likely change my appearance the greatest, but is intrusive and high probability of something going wrong. It will also cost the most and hurt the work. However, changes are permanent.
Or do I get something to lift my hooded eyes? I am already happy with my eyes, so I'm scared doing something to it might change the shape and make it look worse as it's the only redeeming feature I have at the moment.
Sigh, I don't know. People probably won't read this but I so indecisive. And going to Korea all alone without knowing the language seems so scary. Especially the healing process all by myself :(
No. 59625
>>49328If they made something that was literally a weight loss surgery I'd get it in a heartbeat even if it put me in debt.
But all those options either have horrendous side effects (I've witnessed some of them first hand through an ex's mom.) and don't teach you to keep it off which can mean complications down the line so…
diet and exercise it is desu
No. 59794
File: 1494034233958.png (290.68 KB, 1100x218, IMG_5395.PNG)

My earlobes are super attached, exactly like the far right image in pic related and it looks awful, they make they bottom of my face look huge and I cant wear my hair without having some peices covering it and also I cant even wear tiny stud earrings without them taking over the whole of my ear and looking ridiculous. I've tried looking to see if theres any kind of surgery to fix it but I haven't found anything. I thought about stretching them but theres not even enough skin to do that, any advice?
No. 59867
>>59794I don't have any useful advice unfortunately, but just wanted to say I have the exact same problem. I tried to pierce my ears when I was 14 but it just couldn't be done because there was not enough earlobe space.
My ears are both abnormally tiny to the point where they look kind of deformed too, so I've been hiding them behind my hair my entire life. Updos are a faraway dream.
No. 60496
>>60493I had a nosejob:
>acquaintances from class I'm barely on speaking terms withI lied and said I couldn't breathe properly so I had to have it done. I don't owe them an explanation, they can draw their own conclusions all they want and I really couldn't care less about their opinion.
>fatherTold him straight up and let him help me plan, he'd known it a year before the surgery so it wasn't really a shock to him. He made sure I know what he thinks about it but also said I'm a responsible adult and it's ultimately my decision. He likes the result and is glad I chose a good surgeon and researched well.
>bfHe's been with me through everything, took care of me when I was convalescing. He likes it and admits it does suit me better.
>mumTried to scare me out of it and tried to get me to cancel my consultation on account of the doctor being 'the grim reaper who's just going to kill me on the operating table'. I had my dad tell her, but we aren't on speaking terms anymore (for an unrelated reason).
>other familyWished me a speedy recovery.
>everyone elseEither won't see enough of me to notice or won't care.
That's it in a nutshell. I should probably mention my family are Slavs and ps is still very much a D-list bimbo starlet thing over here so YMMV.
No. 60753
>>60493i got mine before moving away from where i used to live lel so only family members saw the before and after. my mom went with me to korea for it and she definitely likes my new nose better. my dad didn't like it much but that's because my old nose resembled his i think.
i'm asian and other people of my ethnicity actually reacted well and wanted to know what i got and where. none of my boyfriends have cared much and say that my nose fits me. the friends i do tell can't believe it's not my real nose. i would've thought they could tell because it's pretty high and triangular but whatever.
but you do you, anon! my nosejob has been the best decision i've ever made though tbh
No. 62257
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Has anyone here had any experience with buccal fat removal that they're willing to share? I'm really interested in getting it done but I'm not sure if it's right for me.
No. 64711
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I booked breast reduction surgery today.
I've wanted to do it for a while as the back pain and inconvenience of having big boobs has gotten too much. I'm only 5'1" and am currently a 34E (UK). Planning on going down to a C cup and I can't wait to buy new clothes and eventually exercise comfortably
No. 64734
>>64732>hyphocraticu wot
also, dump
No. 64741
>>64706>but I emailed Dr. G months ago and he said I should avoid rhinoplastyHe told that to me too. I was puzzled at his "You have a nice nose", I don't know if he meant it literally or as a "you're a good candidate", because it would take some courage to say that my nose looks good lmao.
Anyway, best of luck! I'm happy for you, dr. G has a very good reputation and I would've chosen him if I weren't poor kek
No. 64759
>>64732>>64732My ex
I considered getting mild unnoticeable PS and he went on and on talking about how "oh its so unattractive if you got it even if it looked good id find it ugly plastic surgery is so ugly" but the next day would talk about how hot kpopers are, then complained about how insecure i was about my body, claimed id still be insecure after the surgery, etc etc
Basically, men are idiots, plastic surgery is ugly to them, but only if the woman is open about it
No. 66149
File: 1501989676898.jpg (125.44 KB, 1981x1071, Plastic-surgery-in-Korea-is-ve…)

Does anyone else want to go to Korea and surgically reconstruct their whole face?
I was reading stuff and watching videos about how small heads and small faces are most desirable. Head size can never be changed but I figure if you make your face smaller than it compensates for it?
I have a big face, big jaw, bigger nose (especially when I smile), big chin and big forehead. But honestly all I want are 3 things:
- lip lift
- rhinoplasty
- chin/jaw shave
I think those alone would make me look so much better. But I want a lip lift because it's so feminizing. I'm not a huge fan of the Korean after shots but for fixing my nose and jaw I'd really like to go there. I'd want a closed rhinoplasty and for them to only shave off the bump, that way they could do it at the same time as my lip lift. But then again I have a non-Asian nose so it's not as flat and I can't risk having it fucked up! That's my only downfall I guess. But if I had to choose between only one surgery I guess I would choose the lip lift, even though my chin is big. You can only really see how big my chin is when I smile, and it's not like it protrudes, it's just long. But my ideal situation would be to have my closed rhinoplasty at the same time as my lip lift that way both insecurities are taken care of.
sorry for the blogpost!
No. 68643
>>68627she got a jaw shave, eye surgery and maybe a nose job, she just helped the features she didn't like on her face, it's not like she was some poor insecure little girl who is now addicted to plastic surgery, she might have looked cute "in her own way" before but this was her own choice, you only saw her once, when you see yourself everyday your flaws are going to get bigger and bigger, I think she looks pretty before and after, and if she is being safe and not doing this out of mental illness more power to her
>>68595>long philtrum>large jaw>large noseall of these are common features, you don't have to have a "FUCKED UP FACE OR YOU'RE JUST INSECCUUURREEe" to see small problems and just want to fix it, this isn't a melanie martinez mrs potato head music video about a young girl who gets her face and body done and now shes still unhappy even though she looked fine before, if you think that plastic surgery is only done by insecure mentally ill women and that no one should get plastic surgery because they look fine in your opinion youre retarded, you sound like you're on onision level
>getting sad at a girl who did something that made her happy just because you prefer her before>telling people that 3 small facial procedures to fix common features means they are either fucked up or have a fucked up facejust go, you sound like some pathetic guy who rants and raves against plastic surgery then goes and faps to women who have had it
No. 68654
>>66149She was already cute tbh. The jaw shave was so unnecessary.
Lip lift leaves a very nasty scar and the result is very subtle, you should do it with a very reputable surgeon and do a lot of research. In USA a lot of surgeons are good with that.
Same for rhino, do a lot of research.
Avoid jaw shave, it's dangerous and in 10-20 years you may have a lot of problems.
>>68579Avoid jaw surgery, as I stated above. Too risky and it's not worth it + big possibility of problems in the future. Your face needs that support and every surgery that touches the bones of your skull should be avoided.
No. 68668
File: 1507329604515.png (664.99 KB, 638x331, chin_2.png)

What do you guys think about plastic surgery in men? I have a big nose (not large, just big nasal bone) and weak chin (not as bad as pic related). This makes me have a younger looking face which, combined with 5'6 and skinny/ottermode, makes me feel like I look like an eternal teenager. Those jaw sugeries can fuck you up pretty bad, so I never considered it, but I have thought about rhinoplasty plus chin implants. But at other times I think I'm overreacting and it's unnecessary.
No. 68669
>>68651>>68668for big noses, it depends, big noses can be very attractive on men if it's not some witch level nose, for the jaw/chin implants, you can do it just don't go full ken doll and look like a crazy botox tranny
being skinny isn't that bad, most women love skinny men, a lot even prefer it or muscles
No. 68680
>>68668Most women don’t mind if a man’s nose is large, small, or anything in between. Some even prefer large noses. Both men and women tend to dislike severely receding chins in their partners, but you said your chin is “not as bad as pic related”, so I doubt you’d get a large benefit from surgery.
Many women, including me, actually prefer thin men over Hulk Hogan types. I don’t know where the idea that women will only date men who look like they’re ready to enter a bodybuilding contest came from. Skinny men tend to look good in suits. This is why men from ethnic groups prone to having thin, angular bodies like the English and the Japanese tend to look male clothing models without even trying when they wear them. Just make sure it properly fits you (tailoring helps a lot). If it’s too baggy you’ll look like Hugh the human coat hanger.
No. 68685
>>68668idk why people are saying "i prefer skinny guys! i hate muscles!"
people have such low standards for men, it's depressing
just go work out, you'll look and feel better and lifting a few weights won't make you bulk up unless you're eating a zillion calories a day
personally, i think overly-skinny men look a little ill and bad without clothes on
No. 69297
>>68662You can have your face paralyzed if the surgeon fucks up with your nerves. If not, you can still have some spot on the lower half of your face that will stay insensible, because at least one nerve will be touched.
You can also experience jaw pain, trouble to chew, osteoporosis.
Regarding the aesthetic, you may have an innatural result, and/or an uneven jaw. Also, skin will sag since you take out a bit of the original structure of your face, so a lifting is mandatory.
You can look on Realself and see with your eyes how many people have been ruined by V line surgery. Remember that it's a new surgery, so even when people say they didn't experience any side effect we don't know how the situation will be in 10, 20 years because we have no data of it. Just avoid, most of the people that consider the V line have absolutely no need for it… Especially if you're in the West. Look at Keira Knightley and Olivia Wilde.
No. 69320
>>69299Here are my questions
Does it feel funny?
Does it feel like cartilage?
What happens when it disolves? Did the skin on your bridge stretch?
What filler did you use?
How much did it cost?
No. 69387
>>69370Not at all. I guess it depends on the individual person.
If you hate yourself you'll probably keep wanting to "upgrade".
No. 69395
>>69370It depends. Some people feel insecure about an actual flaw of theirs (for example, let's say their nose) for years, then fix it through PS and finally feel good about themselves.
Some other people, instead, are unhappy with everything in themselves, or have unrealistic standards of beauty (see: human Ken etc.), and end up becoming addicted because their body dysmorphia is so bad it's never enough for them.
No. 69447
>>69345You made me super scared of getting a jaw shave. I mean, I would only get it if I were rich but now I think I'll just deal with my square jaw. It sucks but at least by checking out this website made me solidify my choice in wanting a nose job. I think my dad would kill me if I got lip injections so I'm currently saving up for a nose job and might get a second job for it since I want to be able to afford it ASAP. It's been an insecurity of mine since I was 11 and I almost always burst out crying when I see profile candid shots of me. My nose is too big since I have small eyes and lips. I wish I had big doe eyes and mouth but we can't all be blessed.
How much is a nose job in Ontario? Or for nosejons in general should I go to an American doctor? Or just find whatever doctor I believe would do me the best ?
No. 69454
>>69424I don't know anon, sometimes I look at my face and start coming up with more and more things I'd like to do in the heat (and insecurity) of the moment (lips, jaw botox, even lip lift) but then I rationalize and realize that if the nose job goes well and balances my features I won't need anything else. Maybe you only think you'll come up with a laundry list of procedures because your nose makes you insecure so you assume you'll need more than that, but imo if the surgeon does a good job you'll quickly forget about any other procedure. A nose can change an entire face.
>>69447There's nothing wrong with square jaws, don't let absurd beauty standards sway you. Just open a random model website and check how many of them have a square jaw.
Look at this post
>>55045 for what regards the surgeon choice
No. 69466
>>69320Apologies for the late response!
>Does it feel funny?Getting the actual injection feels weird, yes, but afterward it doesn't feel like anything is different at all. A bit of soreness for the first couple days perhaps but that obviously dissipates.
>Does it feel like cartilage? It just feels like part of your nose, doesn't feel any different from your normal nose structure at all.
>What happens when it dissolves? Did the skin on your bridge stretch?Well it's been a little over a year now and the filler is just now beginning to dissolve to the point that I can feel the nose graft again but it hasn't started to show through again yet. The skin hasn't stretched or anything like that.
>What filler did you use?Juvaderm
>How much did it cost?I think it was about $600? They didn't use the whole syringe in my nose though, the little bit of extra left over they put in my nasolabial area lol
No. 71933
>>71920I thought he was a decent doctor because he didn’t want to put in nasolabial fillers because he said I didn’t need them but he thought the masseters was a great idea and didn’t say anything about it not working.
Sucks because it was expensive af and I have a Kota tier jaw.
No. 71940
>>71933How much did it cost? I wanted to get it too, maybe, in the future.
And if it didn't work don't worry anyway, Kota's jaw isn't bad by itself. It's just her facial features that don't work well with it. Slim jaws don't look good on anyone, beauty is more about balance than "ideal features"
No. 72425
>>72339im pretty nervous about getting sick/throwing up after waking up from anesthesia, did you have any problems past nausea? i really dont wanna puke with a clogged nose
>>72366i live in buffalo new york so its not a really popular surgeon or anything hahaha
No. 72524
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question about lip injections.
So I got some lip injections (pretty subtle, my lips after injections look like the ones on the right). My lips just look like the shape of my natural ones, just slightly more plump on the bottom all around.
I like the "round" shape of lips like the ones on the left. Not the size but I can't really describe it very well, they look more "round" vs "wide". I was wondering if it's possible to achieve a more "round" look with my lips with injections/how would I ask for it .
My injections are going away now, so the next time I go in i'd like to try to get a more "round" shape if possible. I get half a syringe done everytime, thanks!
No. 72540
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>>72524you would need multiple visits. It's attainable. Personally I've never seen lips from thin to the ones on the left that would look good, though.
On the other hand, here's Cindy Kimberly. She had thin lips, yet somehow she pulls off the intense fillers look.
I kinda like my thin lips, but what bothers me is the space between them and my nose which is definitely too big. I'm pretty cute from side profile but when you're looking at me en face, my philtrum is ridiculous. Wide nose is not helping.
I thought maybe lip fillers would harmonize this area. Or is there any procedure that would help?
No. 72557
>>72540A lip lift for sure would fix, and it's permanent. The top lip will also look more plump.
Generally a philtrum is considered long after 1,5 cm (0,6 inches), with the ideal lenght being around 0,4 and 0,5 inches (1,1 cm)
No. 73013
>>72977All the three clinics you mentioned are blacklisted.'d tell you to avoid Korean clinics, especially for the nose. Where are you from? What is your race? I think you could find much better in the West
No. 73037
>>72987It's not an awful procedure, the worst and most time consuming part is the numbing, but it only took a little under an hour for the total procedure. I had about 50 numbing shots in each armpit, and I hate needles, but my doctor was very nice and good at distracting me. I didn't feel the Miradry machine itself at all the first time, but the second it did burn me in one spot and I got more numbing. I had both sessions, of course my insurance would not pay for it (they were willing to pay for a dangerous medication for the rest of my life though, go figure). First round was $1900, and the second was about $1000, so I would make sure this is a last resort or you have some extra cash because there is a risk it won't work for you. If you have good insurance, you may be able to jump through hoops to get your sweat glands cut out for cheaper but I was too fed up to deal with that.
For me, it worked great though. A year out and my sweat is very minimal. I don't sweat at all in the winter, and in the summer I do sweat a little, but it doesn't have that funky cat piss smell and is a normal amount when it's really hot. I can finally just use hippy deodorant and be fine. A lot of the hair in my armpits didn't grow back, I have a big stripe in the middle of both with absolutely no hair, I'd like to eventually get the rest lasered off. My armpits were weirdly textured and lumpy until recently, though, and the swelling can be pretty bad for the first couple weeks. First time wasn't too bad, just regular irritation swelling, but the second time my right arm had a lump the size of an orange under it. I would suggest getting it done in the winter, you definitely don't want to wear short sleeves right after, or possibly even for a couple months. Pain wise, it wasn't anything a couple tylenol couldn't handle: for a few days I felt like I had a rugburn under my arms. Things will feel kind of weird there for a few months, kind of like there's still some numbing, but it isn't bad. I didn't end up having any more sweat anywhere else, like some people reported.
No. 73576
>>72329As an update, i had my rhino 10 days ago and its been nothing but a pleasant experience. No problems with anesthesia, and had pretty much no pain the entire time (i didn't even have to take pain meds!)
I got my cast off and stitches out 3 days ago and i'm already in love with the results despite it being super swollen and my smile being weird from a numb upper lip. If anyone is considering going through with rhino, do it! the recovery was so easy and its already made a huge different in how i look
No. 73599
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Anyone here had a lip lift?
Sometimes I rise my top lip a little bit with my finger and I can see it would improve my looks tons. But I have rather thin lips, I'm afraid the top lip would overpower the bottom. Overall, I look very much like Sophie Turner (except my long philtrum). I have exactly the same profile, with lips "in the back" and a strong chin. I don't know if I like it, when I smile it sometimes looks really ridiculous (crescent moon vibes). I'm afraid a lip lift would fuck it up even more…
No. 73601
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>>73600okay, gonna dump some. This is from the same woman (from realself)
No. 73603
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No. 73604
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all of those are performed by the surgeon that specializes in lip lifts in my country, he's supposedly one of the best in Europe.
No. 73616
>>73604What's his name? I'm in Europe
>>73603My philtrum looks like the one on the right (her post-op), should I go for it? Her philtrum was really long, mine should be fine but I'd like a shorter distance from nose to mouth like this
>>73602 No. 73617
>>73616It's dr Osuch in Warsaw, Poland. From what I've read, he's not doing surgeries on people that don't qualify (I think the philtrum has to be longer than 1,5 cm?). You can have a consultation via email though and just ask
There's a girl on my radar on instagram, @scorpioasshoe, she had a lip lift (and many more procedures). She's very open about it. I think her scar is very visible, but maybe she wasn't too keen on taking care of it.
Idk, this procedure is tempting, but anything permanent scares me. I'm afraid it'll end up botched or I'll just miss my old look. Eh
No. 73695
>>73635i had 2 weeks off after the surgery and by the time i was out in public again, i looked completely normal. i had no more bruises and the swelling was "gone".
i put gone in quotes bc although my nose and face looked normal by that time, there actually still was some swelling. thats the swelling most doctors say take about 6 months to go down and i found that to be true. its just that i dont think it actually looks like swelling, more like in those 6 months your nose kind of "finds itself" and makes itself comfortable, you know haha.
No. 73716
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can anyone give some advice on the emotional aspect of getting cosmetic surgery? now that i'm working, i could probably afford the nose job i've always wanted, but it would be such a huge life decision for me personally (even though what I want isn't that massive, just the tip, exactly like pic related). I'm not even sure what I'm afraid of, it's not a fear of not liking the result, or regretting it, or the surgery itself. It's more of a fear of just taking the huge step.
No. 73735
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>>73716Working on the tip is much harder than just shaving down a hump, not many doctors can do that effectively Do it, it will change your life in a positive way. If a tip is worked by competent hands, the results can be spectacular.
No. 73741
I really, really, absolutely need to get rhinoplasty, chin reduction and jaw shave, maybe also a fat graft to my face.
I am 26 coming 27 and although my skin has no wrinkles and seems in okay condition, my nose and structure has changed a lot from when I was say, 23. My nose has grown into this fucking stupid shape, with a bump on the bridge on both sides, the tip drooped and deviated septum with the nose appearing to growing to the left of my face slightly (loss of symmetry). I fucking hate it. It's a fucking cunt. I used to have a nice nose, button nose. But gravity and the shitty aging cunt process appears to have fucked it up for me. How unfair.
I have hated this nose for a long time. Aside from the nose however, it is not my only problem unfortunately.
My jaw seems to have sharpened more and become more angular with the left more prominent and strong than the right (more asymmetry, fuck me), so hence the desire for jaw shave to correct this fuck up.
And the chin seems to have become more prominent than when I was younger which is ridiculous. So that's why I see a chin reduction necessary.
Fat graft to the face I was considering because after going through the trauma of medical surgery a long while ago I lost a lot of weight and have become very slim that it has stabilised at a weight I cannot seem to increase. So I have lost face fat which made me look more youthful and I miss it a lot. I really get so depressed when I look to my reflection and then compare to how I looked even few years ago. I don't want to look how I do now I absolutely loathe it entirely. It's not me and not what I consider even remotely beautiful.
And as a woman, I believe it is empowering to be beautiful. How I look now does not empower me but I feel oppressed and extremely unhappy.
There are days I do not go out because I think to myself I'm too ugly even though people say I'm not and I can take a good picture at times but its only because of certain angles. I have nice things to wear and such but I don't bother anymore, there is no motivation anymore because I think to myself, what is the point to dress oneself in beautiful things if one is not beautiful or feel beautiful themselves? It doesn't fit.
I am considering arranging surgery for this year and going to South Korea to get it done. I have explored which is very good for information regarding plastic surgery and is a must read for those considering it.
From reading this forum I am very much considering mvp clinic in South korea.
I am also not Asian, but white. I read this place is good for foreign clients as many have gone there and is a clinic that can specialise in foreign client surgery.
Anyway, the one thing that I will really get is rhinoplasty If I decide not to do the others.
Rhinoplasty is the most important on my list. However I would like to get the nose, chin, jaw and fat graft all done in the one operation.
But then again, perhaps it is wise to get one done such as rhinoplasty and see how that goes first before getting much more done.
What are your thoughts on this and any advice?
Also, as I mentioned before, forum.purseblog is an essential read up prior for those determined to make plastic surgery happen.
I mean, if you can live life looking young And beautiful, then why live it looking older and uglier? Its no fun to be an old hag.
I think getting plastic surgery on some features is like refreshing yourself and wiping away the negative impact life has had on you that accelerated the loss of your beauty, such as stress and deprived sleep, shit diet etc.
And can make you feel a whole new better self.
No. 73770
>>73604fuuuck i've been wishing that a procedure like this was real. i really like my top lip from straight on as it's pretty big. i don't have a long philtrum either, but my top lip protrudes in a way that they disappear from a higher angle like hers in the left.
how much does something like this cost?
No. 73772
>>73716its not as dramatic as you make it out to be. as soon as the cast is off (usually one week) you're pretty much good to go, and its not that you'll regret it or hate the results, but you might not be 100% happy with them because you have an idealized version of your future nose in your head that surgeons probably wont achieve.
if you're okay with throwing that much money on a small change like a tip lift, go for it. personally I wouldn't do it unless you also wanted proper work on the bridge itself, its just not worth the effort.
No. 73791
>>73777She's not that ugly…
Btw I'd kill for that nose. Since I'm going to the same surgeon and my nose looks already better than that girl's I'm crossing my fingers for a similar result.
Do you know when the rest of your face looks nice and you know your nose is just ruining the balance of your features? That's me. I can't wait, for real
No. 73811
>>73791Yeah I totally see what you mean, some people's face only need one little change to become really beautiful.
About this girl, she is not hideous but the shape, size and placement of her features make for a very uninteresting and not eye catching face.
No. 73847
>>73811weird question but are you referencing anything (articles, doctors, pseudoscientists, etc) when you talk about the level of interest certain features/placement of features can pique?
sometimes i wonder why certain features isolated are considered conventionally unattractive, but on specific faces and in combination with other features can give an extremely beautiful and fresh appearance (a wider nose, for example)
No. 73863
>>73819Not totally sure, havent talked to my dentist yet.
Did you have this, and if so, care to share?
No. 73891
>>73888If you don't have anything worth to contribute and can only provide a "don't go to SK" without even giving reasons for Why other than this stupid race one, shut up. You sound ignorant and bigoted.
SK is plastic surgery capital of the world, with cosmetic and PS surgery tourism booming. Russians, Europeans even US citizens largely go to SK. WHY? The surgeons are more skilled, the price is way cheaper even with travel and accomodation costs factored And the aftercare is great. I have read WHITE people going to SK FOR PS and have been very pleased with the results.
I have no idea what you're talking about and I don't think you do either. Do your research. You're spreading misinformation.
Your reply isn't helpful to anyone so refrain from posting it.
Kek "if you're white, don't go to SK" telling others what to do ignorantly based on race and won't even supply an explanation although I already know what that explanation is ~ 'dont go to SK for PS if you're white cause they aren't experienced with white structure so it will be bad.' Even though sk has many foreign clients for PS and PS tourism is booming there. Jfc.
No. 73894
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>>73891Its not even that, it seems like they only have skills for giving people the ideal korean beauty standard face “ayy lmao” which i dont think anyone but koreans want
No. 73896
>>73891Firstly, relax.
SK medical tourism IS booming, but you’re being completely decieved if you believe for a moment that they have a large western clientele. Their industry is fueled by the chinese and SEA patients who fly to korea for surgery, NOT white or african americans/latinos/ect. If you want to see what koreans will do to perfectly fine faces, I suggest you go look at celia and sonia leslie, who both got standard korea noses and their faces look absolutely fucked now.
Not only that, but you clearly aren’t doing enough research if you’re planning on going to banobagi or mvp, both of which are well known for upcharging A LOT to foreign customers and are known to botch a huge amount of surgeries. If anything, i’d recommened TP.
The reason I said “if you’re white, don’t go” is mainly because you’re completely wasting your time. I don’t know where people have gotten the idea that Americas surgeons are ineffective and inefficient, but we have some of the most skilled and best trained surgeons, and the price WILL NOT differ drastically if you were to get procedures done in america. For reference, I asked 3-4 clinics in south korea for quotes and was told for rhinoplasties alone it would be ~7k, not including the ~1k for a plane ticket and ~1k for a week in a hotel. You’re better off staying in your own country where you’re safe and don’t run the risk of someone completely butchering your face in attempt to make it look like how every plastic face in korea does, with no regard for your ethnicity or facial balance.
No. 73898
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>>73896TL* sorry
and here’s what sonia and celias rhino end results looked like (they’re both black)
No. 73900
>>73896>>73888>>73894This advice is not informative or effective.
I think I will stick to Purse Forum and I'm glad I found it, it's really good and the advice there is given by experienced, intelligent, mature Ladies who know what they're talking about.
Seriously, everyone considering PS here, please refer to Purse Forum and read many threads in the plastic surgery and asian plastic surgery section.
>>73896You assume I reside in America. I don't.
You also failed to mention there are a large majority of Russians equal to those numbers of SEA foreigns who visit SK for PS.
I am also not black. Black profile and structure is different from that of white. When in consultation one should bring a good sized (A4) clear picture of The kind of nose/noses they like/ want in order to give the surgeon a good idea.
Did it ever occur to you anon that perhaps this was The kind of nose she wanted? Maybe she brought an image showing a style of nose like this or perhaps she didn't show images at all hence what you call 'a fuck up.' There are many variables. Maybe she did not go to one of the more well known acclaimed surgeons. The example you featured is irrevelant.
Foreigners get charged more in SK compared to the rate for locals because foreign clients such as white aren't used to haggling/ negotiating for a better deal.
Even if foreign is charged more it still works out cheaper than PS in the west EVEN with the costs of travel, translator, accomodation.
Client can negotiate lower price with the consultant if they agree to promote the clinic with their before and after pictures and through social media, give good reviews, model for their clinic to promote etc.
Client can also bargain with the consultant for better deal by saying - 'oh that is out of my budget unfortunately. I only have (blah blah amount here). Thats a shame, I was really hoping to do business with You, your work was just what I was looking for, but the price, I'm afraid I will be going to (insert clinic here) instead as they offered me a more reasonable/ competitive deal and similar work' - they will be so desperate to not lose business and serious client, they will lower the cost.
Even if you tell them 'either give me the local pricing or I walk out to go to another clinic' will work because competition is high.
If a foreign client even brings a Korean friend with them or pays for someone Korean from some friend service to attend the consultation with them, the price will be much, much lower and the client won't be exploited as you highlight.
Also, if you source your own translator and accomodation independently and separately rather than opting for one of those package deals including those necessities specifically for tourists, it will be cheaper.
So yet again, you're telling me stuff that I know more about.
No. 73902
>>73896American plastic surgery is not the best. Although I did not explicitly mention that American surgeons are ineffective and inefficient, this is not the point.
The point is, SK offers cheaper in comparison for better results.
With everything involving serious procedures, it requires a lot of research and you have to know what you're doing. If you don't, it can result in fuck ups like the one you mentioned.
Don't go for the clinic most advertised, don't go for the clinic full of people waiting in the reception to be seen, don't go ahead with a clinic that during consultation, the surgeon is still in their operating theatre gown.
Why? If it's most advertised - Needs business, not good work. If it was good it wouldn't need to advertise so much
The clinic full of people in reception will most likely not spend much time on your surgery and you'll just be seen as another piece of flesh, then it's 'NEXT!'
The surgeon appearing in their surgery gown during your consultation is likely rushed and doesn't have much time due to the large number of people which equals a higher chance of fucks ups and, do you really want your surgery rushed?
Etc these are just some common sense things I would think.
There are many top surgeons in the world in SK. Why would a surgeon do their business elsewhere when they can do it in the plastic surgery capital of the world where business is prolific and potentially make more money?
Also, personally, I will be close to SK within this year so flights will not be the cost you detail and will be very cheap.
No. 73903
>>73896Banobagi was mentioned here and the anon said they loved their results and would recommend. In fact I recall numerous anons recommending Banobagi. But you're saying it has a high possibility of doing botch jobs. Though it worked for an anon here. Banobagi wasn't so much a choice of mine but I had simply put it into my considerations list because of the feedback of it here.
MVP was mostly my no.1 choice and was influenced by a woman who had surgeries there and would recommended it heavily, even returning to the clinic herself.
With your mention of TP I have added it to my considerations list. I will have a look into it. So thank you for your suggestion and also for a little bit into your own personal experience with consultations and quotes you added.
Much appreciated anon.
No. 73904
>>73896I just looked up Sonia and Celias.
They're huge koreaboos so it's understandable why they got a nose done like that. They probably had an image of a k pop idol as reference to show their surgeon kek. But they are pretty (I think they are anyway). Maybe You mean their faces are fucked now because they don't bear the features that resemble their ethnicity. But I believe this is the nose they wanted because they're huge ass koreaboos anyway so standard Korean surgery nose or not, it was more than likely their intention and preference.
No. 73911
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I want what this girl had
No. 73913
>>73902i'm not sure why you're shilling the fuck out of korean PS clinics and using "they're the plastic surgery capital of the world" as a reason why everyone should go there to get surgery done. like another anon pointed out, most of their clientele comes from SEA - not the western world. they're obviously skilled when it comes to asian features, but to think that they could do better on a white face than someone in beverly hills is a bit of a reach. i'm not saying it's 100% fact that they'll do worse, but you have no reason to think they'll do better, either.
a close girlfriend of mine went to south korea to get rhinoplasty. for reference, she is mixed, but her nose was stereotypically "asian". they pinched the fuck out of it. it looks exactly the same as every other nose job that comes out of south korea, but it didn't balance well with the rest of her features at all. south koreans have a technique and for the most part it works - for people with asian features. to think that the same technique can be translated across different ethnicities, however, is pushing it. that, in combination with the fact that their standards of beauty differ from western ones…
No. 73915
>>73911this looks like a really misleading before and after - it looks like she's purposefully mashing her chin into her neck to create the double chin look lol
it looks like she got fillers, but tbh the biggest difference in my opinion is her skin texture… thanks photoshop?
No. 73917
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>>73891>The surgeons are more skilledMy sides. I guess you didn't see the amount of fake looking ugly MJ noses and crooked jaws after V line.
Also, many many many SK clinics are guilty of doing what is called assembly line surgery, with zero care for the patient afterwards (especially if things go south) and tight schedules to make everything fit into a week, even multiple surgeries.
Most clinics also shoop the fuck out of the post-op pictures. If this seems appealing and trustworthy to you, go ahead
No. 73919
>>73917Again, there are countless success stories and many happy caucasian clients from their results in SK.
I could say the same thing about ~amurican~ plastic surgery results being botched if one just takes a look at the countless fails celebrities of Hollywood have suffered. If American plastic surgery is sooo superior, then how come so many celebrities (use this as an example) who have access to the best resources, have botched surgeries? Actually the results are so, inferior, in comparison to the craftmanship found in SK.
Kek post examples of SK plastic surgery results on white foreign clients then we'll talk.
>>73918Exactly. She didn't show a picture for reference and she followed what the surgeon wanted. That's like going into a hairdressers without a visual reference for what you want AND agreeing with them to do what they want. That's fucking stupid.
If they're not going to give you what you want, you walk out and find somewhere better. Considering they went to fucking Cinderella PS clinic which only produces and specialises in gangnam unnies, they're not going to get any better result. The results they got is a reflection of their stupidity because they went to a gangnam unnie clinic and didn't do much research when there are plenty of good PS clinics in SK.
Your criticism is negligible because you are bias and don't even consider the contributing factors that lead to bad results, as I mentioned in the above, those twin sisters went to a clinic that is well known for shitting out the gangnam unnie look. Kek please
No. 73944
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>>73923But Banobagi is suggested and recommendeded here and you anons have such priceless advice
>>73926Come on, that was 2014, 4 years ago from now time travel anon. At least try to find some relevant up-to-date incriminating articles. Policy and procedure could've changed a lot since then especially with this 4 year old exposé being potentially dangerous for business and rep.
No. 73960
File: 1516828037099.png (2.98 MB, 1420x1440, 5942e8a8e4fee_Capture_2017-06-…)

All of these SK anons are going to end up looking like pic related
No. 73963
File: 1516828282997.jpg (233.17 KB, 1080x1080, omyjewelsofia3.jpg)

>>73960If it's a look you like then by all means go for it, just be careful I guess
No. 74002
>>73960>>73963>>73993The girl in the first pic - her nose is too long with the tip too droopy, pointing downwards rather than appearing to be "growing forward" with a slightly upturned tip. The length should've been made slightly shorter. And the cheeks are too puffed, too much fat graft or filler. Moderation is key. I honestly think this is an example of overkill and not within reason. It's just the style this girl wanted.
The girl in the second pic is pretty. She kind of appears a koreaboo's version of Kim K with white skin. Do You see it too? At the same time she looks dollish.
I mean this is clearly the image these girls aspired to, they're into the koreaboo lifestyle, you can tell by their dress style and pose. They even got the aegyo Sal eye bags.
No it's not a look I am interested in. All I want to do is refresh my appearance within reason and with what my natural structure and tissue will allow. So similar to how I look now except more refined, and fresh, youthful as myself 5 years ago or so.
No. 74005
File: 1516837733159.jpg (107.42 KB, 990x1280, FB_IMG_1497556598888.jpg.c83c8…)

>>74002I mainly posted that 1st girl as a joke, but that image looks a bit shooped (look at her eyes). Pic related is also her, which isn't bad looking imo, just very plastic.
>>73963 is Sofiia Ramazanova for anyone curious
No. 74009
>>74005Well I guess the Slovenian granny look was her ideal. Hairstyle + clothing + thin top lip + the flared Triceratop beak nostrils + facial expression + derpy smile and eyes = Slovenian granny.
This isn't a good look.
Nose needs shorter with a more petite refined, soft yet upturned tip and lesser flare of nostrils.
Don't know what the fuck she asked for and who she went to. I really don't think she spent much time researching. Maybe it's just her beauty ideal idk
No. 74018
File: 1516841867071.png (1.75 MB, 1080x1440, textgram_1516840605.png)

>>74017Hmm, I am definitely set on a rhinoplasty, chin reduction/shave and a slight fat graft to plump the cheeks slightly to recover the volume they had before and get rid of the hollows and dark circles around the under eye area.
But I'm not so passionate about the jaw shave. And even if I was to, I would only want a slight shave on the left to restore symmetry and balance because it's a little off.
But really, the rhino and fat graft are the major ones I want asap. So we're talking just 2 or 3 procedures here. I don't think a chin reduction is such a big procedure, but then I was considering DR Lucian Ion in London for that because their method is very little trauma to the bone.
But that's in London and isn't necessarily convenient because that's not where i'll be. SK for the surgery because it's more convenient for that time.
I put together a collage of noses I would like. There's a couple pictured that are similar to how my nose was before the cartilage of the tip detached from the bridge (droop) and lost its shape from the loss of collagen through aging.
This is a rough idea of the look im after, within reason of my tissue's capabilities of course.
You can see I like a nice fine, buttony nose tip. Thats how my nose used to somewhat be.
Maybe this image I have put together there are a few examples other anons like? Some images included,I spotted on here that I liked.
No. 74046
>>74018>collage of noses I would likeOkay but plastic surgery isn't a dress you can like on the hanger but take off when you put it on and see it doesn't look good on you. Take a look at YOUR nose, the one you have right now, the end result is just going to look like a better version of that. You can't take the nose off someone with a completely different face, slap it on yourself and think it's going to look as pretty when you aren't Angelina Jolie.
You sound like you have BDD and need to step away from the mirror and the internet.
No. 74049
>>74046tbh most of anons here sound like they would benefit more from theraphy than surgery (and I'm saying it as someone who posted here).
It's like using a small bandaid on a gaping wound.
It won't go away.
(of course, it's not always a case, surgery helps some people, but damn posters here seem super BDD.)
No. 74050
>>74046Did you even read my post correctly? As I stated
"There's a couple pictured that are similar to how my nose was before the cartilage of the tip detached from the bridge (droop) and lost its shape from the loss of collagen through aging.
This is a rough idea of the look im after, within reason of my tissue's capabilities of course.
You can see I like a nice fine, buttony nose tip. Thats how my nose used to somewhat be."
They're similar to how my nose used to be - the tip, before it lost its shape and flared which is inevitable and happens to everyone. The nose loses its shape, it droops, the nostrils flare and it becomes longer with aging. I wouldn't feature noses that were not similar to mine before it aged.
Don't reply me if you haven't understood the text i've written.
I'm not even going to validate your last paragraph with a response.
No. 74087
>>73946Reproducing the same cookie cutter nose style on everyone is not being a good surgeon. People have different faces. A good surgeon gives you the right nose for your face, not a copy/pasted MJ nose that depending on your original nose might indicate an excessive reduction that will result in a V inverted deformity and a consequent mandatory revision rhinoplasty.
Surgery is not a joke. As someone whose close friend got botched, I want you to consider that if they fuck you up it won't be just a money issue to try and fix it. Other surgeons may not be able to fix the mess.
No. 74109
>>74050The nose doesn't change with ageing, both facial symmetry and nose size is related to health and hormones. You can improve by stabilizing both. Also you said you are 27? (too lazy to scroll up). Ageing is not a factor here.
Other Anon is correct
>>74046 No. 74110
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>>74109Pic related
Judi Dench young and old.
No. 74158
File: 1517003857135.jpg (232.14 KB, 1042x422, 20180126_225457.jpg)

did anyone treat lip asymmetry with botox here? my lips look alnist exactly as in pic related. it doesn't make me feel super ugly but it does throw off the whole symmetry of my face which sucks especially when i take pics
No. 74169
File: 1517016935227.jpg (80.32 KB, 400x400, what-kinda-shit-is-that.jpg)

>>74109Anon, what? The bone structure changes and fluctuates from aging. Hormonal changes and imbalance can be age related also.
"As one ages the nose does not grow but it changes in shape, which often makes the nose appear larger.
As the support of the nasal tip weakens and the nose begins to fall, the nose appears longer from the side or profile view. Additionally, it will make an existing nasal hump appear larger or cause a small hump to appear as the tip falls." - Dr. Jonathan Kulbersh
And at late twenties this aging of the nose applies. My nose of now looks vastly different from my nose of 23. The tip which was once more upturned and "attached" to the bridge appears drooped. This is simply because of gravity pulling everything down and the tissues weakening because of aging.
No. 74170
>>74109Actually anons I haven't been quite so honest.
It's the nose picking.
No. 74180
File: 1517028468276.jpeg (Spoiler Image,412.09 KB, 1962x1209, 13DBD8E6-23B6-4B86-BB02-4D302B…)

Pic related is my chin because I couldn’t find a similar image on google. I have a crooked smile and I hate it. My chin is uneven when I smile with my teeth and it’s weird and crinkly. My jaw seems asymmetrical, but my cheek bones, eyes, lips, and nose. What can I do to get it symmetrical? I think it’s my chin I hate the most.
No. 74181
File: 1517029448971.jpg (126.33 KB, 638x632, fjm69u.jpg)

>>73735That looks like a great job! I pretty much dream of something like Mariyan Pashaeva. Her and her friend Sabina have the best nose jobs I've ever seen (pic related), so good that I don't even expect to have the same amazing outcome.. there are no before photos of Sabina (left) because supposedly she had her nose job when she was very young, but there are some of Mariyan and her nose tip was bulbous and droopy. worse than mine, this why i've gotten so obsessed with getting something similar.
No. 74182
File: 1517029485134.jpg (103.92 KB, 641x414, 2z.jpg)

>>74181some before pics of Mariyan
No. 74183
>>74046Yep, you are correct.
>>74018The pics you chose are somewhat bulbous…
No. 74184
>>74181her friend's nose looks fake at the tip and between the nostrils, it's too much. Better stay a little bulbous imo
>>74182I'm jealous of mari's looks in general but she doesn't look that impressive in the before pic. How'd she get so pretty? Besides the nose job lol
No. 74190
>>74180You look pretty, anon. I'm highkey jello of your teeth. And that asymmetry isn't as obvious as you think it is… I had to literally squint and focus to see something, and it's not that bad at all.
>>74181Are they Russian? I don't trust Russian surgeons… Their nose style is really fake most times, and they tend to reduce too much. The only decent slav surgeons I've seen are Ali Aliev, Glushko and Matolinets.
Consider Turkey instead, they still have some fake-style surgeons there but their top surgeons are on a whole another level, to the point that they're travelling around to teach other surgeons in Europe and USA their advanced techniques. And they're even cheaper in price
No. 74192
File: 1517069665250.jpeg (Spoiler Image,875.59 KB, 2840x2840, DC5036B6-4428-499C-93C6-653C97…)

>>74190It looks worse in selfies and other pictures because compared to the rest of my face it looks even more asymmetrical. I think it’s only my chin that really bothers me, now that I think about it. I don’t think it’s the bone, it’s a weird chunk of fat/muscle/tissue. Pic related is what I want my chin to look like. Top pic is what it looks like now, right pic is my ideal chin, and left pic is a more realistic chin. I used Facetune to edit my chin.
Thank you for the compliment though <3 I never realized how straight my teeth actually look until I took this pic.
No. 74196
File: 1517075160352.jpg (251.25 KB, 730x430, chin-filler-04.jpg)

>>74192Front camera is awful and tends to exaggerate asymmetries you weren't even aware of/can barely see at the mirror. Whenever I take a selfie with front camera my nostrils look really uneven, and I've never seen said asymmetry in the mirror.
Moral of the story, phone cameras are shitty and highlight asymmetries that are barely noticeable irl, so if your chin looks slightly asymmetric in a selfie in real life it should look completely fine imho. I still think you're fine and sadly I don't know much about chin surgeries… I'm going to get chin fillers (my chin isn't weak, but I have a cleft chin and I really dislike it so the plan is to fill the dimple and at the same time slightly elongate the chin vertically like pic related, because on top of that I have a moonface so it could give the illusion of a longer, less round face). Maybe fillers could do something to you too? In case you go for it get Radiesse only, since other fillers like Juvederm and Restylane have a more liquid formula (ideal for lips) while Radiesse is thicker and more resistant
No. 74198
>>74194>>74192Depending how your teeth line up with your nose and lips or if you have a midline deviation, you may have occlusal plane canting. This can cause asymmetries in the face which are most evident in the lower area of the face. You can see an orthodontist about it and get their qualified medical opinion, if that's the cause of the asymmetry.
The teeth are an important part of facial symmetry.
It can be easily remedied by braces.
Or you could simply get a chin reduction/ shave. You will only qualify for a chin reshape/ reduction/ shave if your occlusion (bite) is satisfactory.
You won't get the information you want here, as you've experienced how frustrating it is when anons can't simply give the answers you're looking for and seem pretty shit at answering others' questions. They only telling you their opinion instead of fulfilling your needs which is giving an answer/advice, not their opinion, to your problem. Kind of selfish.
Anyway, No one knows what will make you happy better than yourself.
No. 74202
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>>74196That actually sounds like a good idea, the Radiesse. It’s less invasive and it’s cheaper than chin surgery. Are you getting it done somewhere in California, or are you getting it done locally? Have you gone to a consultation yet? My only fear with the Radiesse is that it’ll just make my chin bigger. Also, I get what you’re saying about the front facing camera making everything look worse. My nose looks big in pictures but it’s actually perfectly sized in real life. But, when I look in mirrors I still see my weird chin and I hate it.
>>74198If you’re talking about the way I replied to that anon, that anon wasn’t trying to help me. Saying
>I lowkey hate you for that being your biggest insecurityis unhelpful. It makes me feel silly and stupid for speaking up about my insecurities. That anon doesn’t know anything about me.
As for the occlusal plane canting, I googled it and tried that stick test and it looked symmetrical. That’s why I think it’s only my chin. But thank you for the suggestion! Jaw shaving sounds terrifying and painful, I’ve heard of it because I used to watch videos about trans women getting FFS. So I’m glad my jaw doesn’t seem to be the issue.
>>74200This is actually really cute. My dad used to tell me that freckles are angel kisses.
No. 74207
>>74202I live in Europe, in a nearby city there's a very well-reviewed doctor who performs every type of filler so I think I'll head straight to him. I'm going to do it later though, because for the moment my priority is the nosejob. I'd like a permanent solution for the chin anyway, because spending 400 bucks once a year for a non-permanent solution is kinda annoying to me :( I thought fat grafts would be a solution, but contrarily to what I thought they're absolutely not permanent, and way more expensive than fillers!
Then there's chin implants, but ehh, I've heard they're kinda uncomfortable (like you can feel them under your skin) and fake looking most times.
What the doctor should do to you is inject a little bit of product to fill not the chin, but the sides of it, so it will look all even. When you get fillers you pay for the whole syringe, so you might start with a little bit of Radiesse, see how it looks and if the result is still too subtle you can go again and get a bit more of product injected, and won't pay for it because you bought the syringe the first time. Hope I'm making sense, I've been smoking today
>>74200There are girls who look lovely with a cleft chin! But I don't know, I never liked how it looked on me…
No. 74224
File: 1517123841940.jpg (163.31 KB, 633x600, 2m6029c.jpg)

>>74184>>74188Both of them have gotten A LOT of work done. Boob job, ass, nose, eyebrow implants, hairline, chin, and lips. I've seen this before photo of her going around but it's so unrecognizable that I don't even know if that's really her. Could be though, because Mari is a natural brunette, and I guess the eyes look the same. btw this after photo has a bit of photoshop. despite her nose already being tiny, she likes to shrink it even more.
No. 74232
File: 1517145058593.png (371.16 KB, 493x500, mariii.png)

>>74189The surgeon is from Mari's hometown Makhachkala in Dagestan and his name is Isa Davydov (at Klinika Al-Isa). Apparently he's skilled at doing noses, I remember browsing a Russian plastic surgery forum with pictures of his and work and the results were absolutely stunning.
Mari also said that the surgery didn't even require general anaesthesia, it was done on local anaesthesia and was just a reshaping of the tip.
No. 74244
File: 1517161552258.png (754.91 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180128-173958.png)

>>74232So it's in Russia. Ugh. Is it worth it or even realistic to go to Russia for a rhinoplasty even if it's with the ~ best surgeon ever ~? How would that be managed, travelling from UK to there? I wouldn't have a clue where to start; Flights; accomdation; costs; exchange rates; language barrier etc
I tried looking for that surgeon but I couldn't find. Instead I found this article, pic related. You can guess what she said after lmao heres the link. Read for a laugh No. 74245
>>74244So I’ve been doing some research on Russian plastic surgery, and I found an interesting article: Russia’s plastic surgery has been booming in a town called Ryazan. Apparently, it’s cheaper to get it done there than it is in other parts of Russia, like Moscow. I’d be a little scared going to Russia, because I don’t know any Russian. I’d like to, though, because the country is interesting to me. But you’d have to find a translator willing to go to the surgeon with you, and make sure the surgeon isn’t trying to scam you because you’re a foreigner.
The article brought up a good point: Vladimir Putin looks really good for his age. I’m not into older men, but I think he looks really good.
No. 74248
>>74246Yeah but at least in UK I could get rhinoplasty done in London without so much travel and be within a familiar environment. I'd only seriously consider going to Russia for that rhinoplasty if it was with that surgeon anon mentioned,"Isa Davydov (at Klinika Al-Isa)." But as I said, cant find.
Plus i'm looking to get more done than just a rhinoplasty. Which then leads me to South Korea since they seem to do a lot of procedures in the one op, which i'd prefer, it's convenient. But then again it's necessary to have a surgeon who is a specialist in a particular area like specialising in rhinoplasty in order to get best results with that particular feature. Which means you can't really have plastic surgery on all the areas you want in one operation since you can't have all the specialists in the one theatre at the same time, they're sourced in different clinics. Which sucks. I just want all the procedures done in one op and have it over and done with kek
Dont know what to do really.
Anyone know anything about good plastic surgeons in central Europe? Poland etc
No. 74250
>>74244The website of Mari's surgeon is
I'll see whether I can find the forum with the photos of his work.
But yeah, if going to Russia for surgery, one would probably have to hire a translator, unless it's some clinic especially catering to foreigners.
No. 74256
>>73617 This man should seriously sponsor me, lol. I always recommend him but he's just genuinely good.
No. 74262
>>74253>>74256I'm the anon who said i'd only go to Russia for rhino if it were with
Isa Davydov. But I think going to Poland for rhino with dr.Osuch is more reasonable and would offer the same good result, similar anyway.
Poland I know has great price and their clinics are good. Russia is much farther. I think going to poland is more realistic and accessible.
No. 74282
>>74259He specializes in lip lifts (something I'm interested in), face lift and rhino. I know a girl who did boobs with him, so I assume he's doing variety of work.
>>74264probably because the salary rate in Poland is low kek. I guess it's a good business to get surgery here, even adding the travelling expenses. I know Osuch has many international clients, especially from UK
No. 74299
File: 1517204141713.jpg (175.26 KB, 964x595, c.jpg)

This is Fatima, Mari's cousin. her features were the worst of all of them (that's why she's the least popular) but now she looks like Mari's twin. I'm pretty sure she had 2 nose jobs No. 74305
File: 1517216391843.jpg (273.72 KB, 960x960, ifwms0.jpg)

>>74299Whoa, Fati looks unrecognisable to how she looked in 2015, when she had already had one nosejob. She has also deleted all her old photos.
Well, all three of them look like clones now. I wonder if they've also fallen out with each other, because they don't seem to be following each others' accounts on IG anymore. Mari also used to post pictures together with Sabi and Fati, but not anymore.
No. 74306
>>74248The best bang for your buck is usually in Eastern Europe. I know of a doctor in Zagreb (Croatia) that's relatively well known for having done some work on local celebrities, in Serbia there's Ribnikar who's really experienced but he refuses to do anything that's super drastic, his rate is around 3000€-4000€ which is considerably more expensive than other doctors in the region, there's a young doctor from a clinic called Diva that's more affordable and I've heard he does good work.
There are also several doctors in Hungary but my Hungarian is really bad so I haven't looked into them much.
In France there's also doctors who will do it for 3-4k€ but you need to speak really good French and do a lot of research.
I got my nose done in Finland (with Ståhlberg) and I'm super happy with the result but it was 9k€ which may not be in everyone's budget.
No. 74308
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>>74305I know! i haven't seen her for a year, and I literally looked back and forth at the url a few times to make sure it was the right person. in some of her new photos it's insane how much she looks like Mari
No. 74311
>>74306Why did you pay €9K euro for rhino in Finland? What was the attraction?
I could afford it but I think they'd be as good as elsewhere and why pay more when you can get same result for less.
No. 74312
File: 1517223320448.jpg (20.78 KB, 480x432, RMEGG.jpg)

>>74192Girl you want to look like a hard boiled egg?
Your face is gonna be fucked up with a smaller chin I can guarantee it 100%
No. 74322
>>74299I wanna know what she did to get such a nice tan. Spray tan? Self tanner? Tanning bed? Laying in the sun? I am intrigued.
>>74312>>74309The egg cracked me up haha, no pun intended. But I think y’all are right. I still like what
>>74196 suggested though. Fillers would give me a chance to see if I like it, and they can always be dissolved.
>>74224Do y’all think she had something done to her chin? It looks like it to me. If so, what could it have been? I really like the chins of these Russian girls everyone keeps posting. And their noses, if I wasn’t comfortable with my nose I’d wanna fly to Russia and get myself one of those noses.
No. 74323
File: 1517246425012.jpg (101.06 KB, 768x1024, CnjrFLxVMAAVtgJ.jpg)

>>74312why does anon want to look like kim namjoon
No. 74360
File: 1517325562242.png (Spoiler Image,407.09 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180130-151816.png)

I'm getting my titties done in around 10days
My mum is threatening to disown me but I really don't care at this point
I have a really flat chest everyone is in my family have HUGE tits.
Literally when the doctor took a picture of my chest I gasped, I didn't even know it was that flat!
I'm hoping to go from 34AA to 34C if that's possible
I still don't know what cc to get, aiming for 350cc? Would that be too little?
If anyone knows please let me know!
I'm attaching a "before" pic for you guys to see
No. 74362
>>74360What did the surgeon say? He's the most qualified person to answer… For what I know during the consultation the surgeon should let you see the various implant sizes so you can choose.
I would say don't go too big, C cups at max. Maybe even B cups
No. 74364
>>74362 said.
I want to get mine done too if I'll ever have the money.
Hope you post a before after (if it wouldn't be too weird) since mine are only a bit bigger than yours and I'd get B/C too
No. 74373
>>74362Ehhh the doctor wasn't too helpful just was like "try these and see what you like"
>>74363Uh, Do u see how skinny I am? I don't think I'd qualify for a day transfer
>>74364I will defo post after pics! Just may take a while… not sure if I should post them right after the procedure or wait a few months
No. 74374
>>74373Meant to say fat transfer
No. 74376
>>74373If you feel comfortable, it would be great if you would share some update pictures and if you tell us about your experience and the size you went with! I wish you the best.
Also, one of my friends had her breasts done and they look and feel wonderful, so don't listen to
>>74363. It's your choice and I can understand why you're doing it. I think it just adds balance to your figure if you have very small breasts tbh.
No. 74434
>>74194"you assume thats the thing i hate the most about myself" -You, 2018.
"I think it’s my chin I hate the most." - You, 2018, the post above this one.
No. 75078
File: 1518645692220.jpeg (45.75 KB, 659x238, F5D5D4E5-EADC-4A2B-B8E0-7701C1…)

Anyone here had a jaw shave?
Where would you go for it?
What is the price?
I really want a jawshave to correct my assymetrical chin/jaw area to look like the smaller side.
As you can see my right side is longer, broader and less defined.
Please get back to me, its killing me everyday and i cant seem to find anything on google.
No. 75097
File: 1518686209371.jpg (27.95 KB, 500x281, Westley-Buttercup-in-The-Princ…)

>>75078Some of y'all crazy bitches. Your jaw wont get any more symmetrical. No surgery can achieve perfect symmetry, no surgeon will be able to promise you perfect symmetry. . You have an extremely symmetrical jaw already, what you are asking is not going to happen.
Ill phrase this again, your asymmetry is so miniscule that not even a filler would correct it. No surgeon can do perfectly symmetrical work. No injection can guarantee perfect symmetry, especially on a young individual. Pay attention do you chew more with the other side, your muscles might be less developed on the otherside and you can balance it out just by starting to chew right. Only a hackfraud is willing to operate that.
No. 75110
>>75078>>75079Girl just get masseter reduction with botox. Your jaw isn't even bad wtf. Jaw shave is risky and most times obvious, while with botox you spend less money and get the same result (but more natural looking) in a safe way. Look for a specialist in your area, try to see reviews on realself.
Jaw botox can even be permanent after the 2nd-3rd time you get it. Consider what I said
No. 75121
File: 1518726830158.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.4 MB, 2003x1477, 20180215_203030.jpg)

>>74360Im back with a quick update!
I got my boobs done on the 10th and so far the recovery has been okay
My bandages has been taken off today and this is the reason for this pic
It won't fully heal for another 6weeks so I will probably come back and post another pic as an update instead of this shitty one
I went for 380cc under the muscle teardrop shape
If there's any questions feel free to ask!
No. 75122
paid for these? they're not even very large. they're also spaced too far apart. you're literally going to look the same.
No. 75123
>>75122They were just done 5 days ago. Implants take months to drop/settle. We have no idea how they’ll look once fully healed. Not everyone gets a boob job to have huge tits.
>>75121They look great so far, anon! I think you chose a great size for your frame. Once the drop I’m sure they’ll look very natural. Thanks for the update!
No. 75129
>>75124Are you male?
>wahhh not big enough>wahhh too far apart>I'll casually ignore the previous posts They look fine, other than the expected fake look from the post-op.
>>75121Good for you anon! Keep us updated
No. 75142
>>75134>>75124>>75122Gosh you seem really upset about my decision. I'm very happy with what I've got. They look huge to me even too big I'd say and yes they are wide set because that's how they were before, that's not going to change.
>>75123>>75129>>75125Thanks girls! I do hope they will settle well and I will keep up with updates with anything :)
No. 75143
>>75142They are beautiful, excellent choice. Don’t listen those jealous cows. Plastic surgery it’s only meant to better what’s already there. Surgeries will never be perfect. poster had naturally wide set boobs, surgeon can’t change that but just make the boobs bigger. People think plastic surgery is a magic fix but it’s not, it’s just a help.
Thank you for having the guts to post despite knowing some girls aren’t very reasonable here, I’d love to get one too.
No. 75148
>>75134Are you the same sperg who flips their shit everytime some anon says they dont mind their small breast?
Anyways, i think they look super pretty and i hope your happy about them.
No. 75152
>>75151don't worry anon, it's probably just the person
>>75149 and
>>75148 mentioned. there's someone who absolutely
hates small breasts for some reason.
No. 75154
>>75134>"tiny wide-set breasts">"if people didn't know she had one they would still make fun of her small breasts"They're not even tiny, lmao. She's thin and was starting from very flat breasts. Not every girl who gets a boobjob is aiming to round bolt-on pornstar boobs.
>>75121They look really good, and this is coming from someone who heavily dislikes breast implants. The shape is really nice, they look natural and perfect for your body frame. Good choice
No. 75161
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>>75122>>75124>>75134Are you literally retarded? If you do not have a lot of breast tissue, like anon, you can not get giant titties on the first surgery. Even if she had wanted giant milkbags, it wouldn't have been possible.
Where the fuck do you think the skin will come from and suddenly fill in something like 590cc ? You do realise you need something to have the implants in, like FUCKING SKIN? You really want Anon to have tiny A-cup nipples on 590cc implants??
The patients anatomy determines can an implant be centered, if the mammary fold is already located high centering the implant is difficult. On skinny women the lower edge of the muscle needs to be cut and is often released from the ribs to aid it, not much else can be done.
If you dumb fucks knew what you were talking about, you'd know that the implant should match the breasts dimensions and characteristics. You can't put in a giant ass implant and call it a day. The breast width, diameter and position need to be considered on the chest wall and those will limit the options, a good surgeon will inform you of how much he is comfortable putting in. Placing a very large implant under a small and narrow breast, like you are suggesting, will result in a refund gap and a visible implant edge.
I am so done, you long titty no nipple havin ass bitch.
No. 75162
STOP. REPLYING. TO. TROLLS. that post is almost a day old shut the hell up. especially shit like
>>75161 you're derailing and it's not funny.
No. 75163
>>75162>complaining about replying to day old posts on a slow imageboard on a year old threadTBH, I posted that as I wish more people would know the realistic results of plastic surgery and what are realistic expectations. Even if they are trolls, someone will take their posts as actual expectations for surgery results. We have a ton of underage b& kids on the board who post their weird body dysphoria levels delusions. The obsession with things like "nasal folds" and "haggard" a lot of farmers have is unsettling.
Plastic surgery is a touchy subject as it is and it takes months and sometimes years for the results to show. Everyone who participates should be aware of this. The amount of consideration surgery takes is made seem very minuscule on lolcow.
No. 75191
File: 1518972611257.jpg (Spoiler Image,49.54 KB, 437x538, face.jpg)

So I'm entirely unphotogenic and tend to do weird things with my face when I get my photo taken, but I had this picture taken of me yesterday and I'm really upset with how masculine, long, and horse-like my face is. Does anybody know anything about procedures that shorten the face or jaw surgery when one has a decent bite? From what I've read it seems like a person has to have a pretty messed up bite to be a candidate for these types surgeries but mine is okay.
No. 75206
>>75191Anon you have the stereotypical tench girl face?
You seem to have really good skin and a nice haircut.
Pls don’t compare yourself to photoshop
You’ll never be able to win against it
No. 75234
File: 1519087708025.png (Spoiler Image,1.06 MB, 1233x579, Before and After.png)

>>75195Thank you for the tip! You might be right, I almost never know what to do with my face in pics so it could (hopefully) just be a bad angle/expression.
>>75204I actually recently cut it from mid-chest to just above the chest for that reason, but hadn't thought about going shorter! I always thought if it were too short it would make my face look even longer, but maybe it's something to consider.
>>75205Thanks anon, you're right, I'm honestly so jealous of girls who have short baby faces so it's tough.
>>75206Thank you, I really appreciate that.
I did a (shitty) edit of what I would rather look like, and I think it looks better, but I'm not sure if this is just my BDD talking.
No. 75247
>>75234Your hair is so pretty! I can't cope with it. I can never make my hair look like that. Also agree with everyone, your natural faceshape is a winner.
The girls with babyfaces (online at least) are 89% angles. A lot of the time they have completely ordinary faces outside of selfies.
Plus some of the ones with tiny chins are legitimately a bit freaky looking outside o' selfies.
No. 75256
>>75234Your shopped jaw is so disproportionate on your face. I actually laughed when I saw it . Your jaw looks great on your face, it's by no means as bad as you think.
It's prominent, but it's no Jay Leno.
No. 75284
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>>75234I think that your jaw seems enhanced both by the pose and the expression. With a frontal picture and a neutral expression I'm sure it would look way different.
Anyway jaw shave is crazy, if you're really bothered maybe try to overline your lips a little bit so that they will "fill the space" (that, or lip fillers). Some people think that Kylie Jenner got her jaw shaved when actually all she did was getting lip fillers, this is a good example of what I mean when I talk about filling the space in your face
No. 75286
>>75121These are going to look beautiful in a year. Once your muscle loosens up again and they drop into place, they’ll be so nice. To the anons saying they look weird, when you cut into the muscle for implants (I’m assuming you went under) the muscle shrinks up in defense. Freshly done breasts will be incredible high on the chest for at least three months.
Anon who just got them done, be sure to do your post surgery massages and wear a sports bra for a month or so. I worked at victoria’s secret for a decade and I’ve also had mine done(350ccs and teardrop, I adore them) and I saw so many young girls that had wonky boobs because they didn’t do the proper after care
No. 75293
>>75121I am also not a fan of boob jobs in general, and your look really good! Even post-sugery swollen they look good, damn, imagine in a year. Awesome choice, my sincere congratz.
Also, I'm a 36B and I understand how you feel with your boobs. Legit happy for you, it doesn't happens often on the internet.
No. 75319
>>75234that edit makes you go from 20s to 30s. If you shave off that much it just makes you look like a grandma.
Only thing I noticed is that your smile isn't completely centered. Did you ever have braces?
Anyway youre cute, don't stress so much.
No. 75511
>>71940Shit, sorry anon, I barely go outside snow and pt but if you’re still here after 2 months:
60 units masseter Botox - $600 (all CDN)
Tear trough fillers - $600
Nasolabial fillers (I got them done later) - $300
The nasolabial filler moved around and sometimes made them look even worse. Probably try a different doctor if I do any again.
No. 76349
>>75124Anon, they looks great! As far as fake breasts go, they look pretty damn natural. I'm sure it'll be even better after a few more months!
>>75122>>75124>>75134They're not too far apart, lots of breasts are like that. They're spaced that way because that's how her natural breasts are. If the doctor tried to artificially bring them closer together it would look awful. Nobody is going to make fun of her breasts unless she's in 8th grade. I am almost exactly the same size and nobody has ever made fun of my chest because adults don't mock other adult's breast size, that would be super weird and immediately isolate you from your peers.
No. 76350
>>75121Your boobs look fantastic anonette!
They look similar to mine (natural), so don't look fake at all. At least to me they look real! :)
No. 76456
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>>76454I've seen good looking outcomes at GNG. Dr Seong seems pretty good, too bad flying to Korea for me would be crazy expensive.
People who get botched either go to shitty doctors or ask for the fake effect. That, or get too much work done. I've observed that at some point PS stops making you look better and starts making you look worse. Ask for a natural effect and choose a reputable surgeon
No. 76659
>>76458Ayrt and that's good! Please update us, especially for the rhino. I won't go there bc of distance but I'd like to know anyway.
>>76473I know right? That's the goal of plastic surgery for me, enhancing what you already have. You recognize a successful nosejob when the after looks more "in line" with the rest of the face while the before looks almost unnatural, as if their original nose didn't belong to their face and the new one does.
No. 76756
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>>73576wanted to give another update since the its been almost 3months since my rhino and the swelling is pretty subdued nowadays
still some unevenness (especially when i wake up) but it usually goes down throughout the day and it seems like its at the point where it'll just keep getting slightly more refined in the tip for the next few months
the tip was rock solid for the first month and its still a tad bit hard now but it can atleast wiggle a little bit and touching the nose definitely doesn't hurt anymore
overall it's been a super easy process! the only hard part is the mental stress of constantly thinking the brief moment you poked your nose has ruined its shape forever lmao
No. 76799
File: 1521735891968.jpg (Spoiler Image,46.12 KB, 597x373, SlGuNMgy.jpg)

>>76760thank you!
>>76761like the other anon said i really didn't mention it and most people generally don't assume you've had a nose job even if they notice a change
i told my close friends and parents and they were supportive but i didn't tell my coworkers or other acquaintances and i basically just came back after ~10 days and no one seemed to care or notice haha
>>76781i just went with my gut and made sure my surgeon wasn't someone who did a ton of different things and only specialized in facial plastic surgery
honestly i was probably a bit hasty with my decision because i hated my nose so much, i only visited 3 doctors so i'm not the shining example of well thought out decision
>>76797yeah i was told i had pretty normal skin, any swelling i've had post 1month is definitely only noticable to me because i'm constantly staring in a mirror
my doctor was doctor sherris in buffalo, ny and the total cost with hospiptal and anesthesia was 6.5k
No. 76803
>>76799Wow anon nose jobs in my country are 15k+
What country do you live in?
No. 76807
>>76803yeah i live in america!
obviously in cities like LA and NYC it'll be a lot more expensive like +10k but buffalo is pretty small so it wasn't very expensive
No. 76920
>>76799>buffalo nyOT but I used to live around that area and actually dated some filthy punk who lived not too far from that clinic.
I don't know whether to be fascinated by the fact that someone on lolcow is from that slice of world same as me, or that any competent plastic surgery could actually be found in buffalo.
No. 76957
>>76954I know the only reason I started hating it is because I was bullied so bad for it. I know it's not
that awful compared to some huge beaks, but I can't change the way I think about it. I think my face is nice, and my nose detracts from it all.
>>76955I would never make fun of anyone's looks, especially to a child. I'm kinda the same because my nose runs in my family (my dad and his brother got it from my grandad, so me and my uncle's kids have all got this nose) and part of me feels like I'm erasing my heritage by getting it done.
No. 76961
>>76952My mom used to crush my nose when I was little to try “fixing it”
Love her and empower her and she will be ok with herself.
The media may ruin it though
No. 76983
>>76961My great aunt was a medicine woman back in the old country and she used to do this. People would bring their babies over to her and she'd massage and pull and pinch specific body parts to shape them while the body was still soft. Over time she could help straighten limbs (rickets or other nutritional deficiencies I guess) and fix noses.
My mom knew some of her techniques and did this to me as a baby, apparently I was born with an outie bellie button and she turned it into an innie. I guess it works, though she says it takes months.
No. 77353
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I've overcome my dysphoria over my facial features and my body. I used to want a rhinoplasty, but I've accepted that it's not the worst nose in the world and I actually like it.
But the two things I cannot overlook are my undereye hollows and the discoloration on my skin. They are objectively ugly. I really want to get the fat fillers done and maybe some kind of laser on my face? Or peels? I don't really know what to do to even out my skin. I don't really have acne or pitting, it's just kind of dark and scarred in some areas. Any ideas?
Also, are fat fillers dangerous at all if I go to a well reviewed plastic surgeon? Thanks!
No. 77441
>>77354I use 5% Glycolic Acid Toner, but I still feel like it's not doing much for me. I don't know if there is any cosmetic procedure to make your skin flawless, but i would throw money at that so hard
>>77362I think I'm going to elect for Restylane fillers and do them yearly. Anyone have any experience with this and are there any risks or tips?
No. 77677
>>77463i feel like sometimes i see celebs that look really plasticy or old after fillers, ie. kylie jenner
is this only like overusage of fillers or badly done?
No. 77728
>>77677It's often a combination of both. Some famous doctors in Beverly Hills etc. still have no idea of how to tone down (some even love and encourage the "plastic effect"), and some people don't know when to stop with fillers and botox.
>>77719>ID clinicHell no.
No. 77825
>>77816It was 430 for 30 units (15 each on either side)
I have a fundamentally square face so it didn't change that, but it's def more defined, the bulkyness around the jaw is gone and I can see a little bit of cheeckbone definition for the first time. The doctor recommended I do 40 units and I think I might go back and do the additional 10.
No. 78207
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ugh ive wanted a nosejob since i was 12, currently in the process of saving. i really want something just like Gemma Wards shape but thinner. my nose is already got a similar shape but nostrils are too flared… i love Gemmas wide/almost nonexistent nose bridge. the only reason id like mine to be thinner is my eyes arent as far appart as hers are. a thinner version would suit my face just perfectly. Id like a nice scoop side profile too, im unsure if thats possible with this nose though. ill have to see what can be done…
my mom constantly tells me that my nose is fine how it is and almost gets angry at me when i bring up wanting a nose job. its honestly really upsetting to me and makes me very sad… i know she has good intentions but i dont understand why some parents cant be accepting of their children getting surgery. i could see the concern if it was something crazy and drastic, but a nosejob is a fairly common procedure. and if itll make me feel so much happier in my own skin why cant she be supportive?
sorry for blogpost, have to vent somehow lol
No. 78224
>>78207Remember that pro-tip for the perfect nostril width for your face is that they should be aligned with your tear ducts. Gemma's nose is very cute. Not sure about the scoop, it depends from your starting point and your face (it can look good on some people, not so good on other ones) and apparently the perfect nose is upturned at 106 degrees.
Also I can understand, I haven't told my mom I'm gonna get a nosejob maybe next year because I know she would raise hell on Earth.
No. 78432
>>78122I think it can look weird. I've seen photos and sometimes it swells or makes your nose look bloated.
Wanting to vent a tad and share my experience in case it's helpful for any anons out there with the same issue.
Years ago I had a surgery to correct tuberous breasts. If you don't know what that is (lucky you) it's possibly the worst breast shape you can be born with, pretty much classified as a deformity. I could not fit a single bra and I couldn't wear low cut tops without public scrutiny to the point it made me suicidal so there was no way I could "love and accept myself", if it's bad enough society leaves you no option to do that. It was surgery or nothing.
I didn't have any assimetry in my case but they were pretty bad (sagging down to my belly button) and my doctor warned me that it would be challenging due to my skin being very thin and a lack of fat on my breasts, which would make my implants more obvious than usual.
I went with it anyway and came out with beautiful, round perky breasts, though I didn't have my dream cleavage (this is typical with tuberous breasts even post op because your breasts grow so wide set it's impossible to have a cleavage even with the best of push up bras unless they're dds). I had an aerola reduction as well. They eventually dropped until around two years after I noticed unless my nipples are hard, my breasts go half way back to their tuberous form. My areola is so large again. They're not as bad as they used to be by any means, at least they're not sagging one bit but it's their shape that bothers me. When I come out of the shower, they're perfect. But once I get warm and relax I realize they will never look more than "odd but decent". No matter how much I try. I also have some hard lumps on my breasts from my implants. It's not my doctor's fault because he did do a great job but it's exactly what he warned me about, I don't have enough fat to hide them well. I can't put on more weight though because I'm at my ideal right now and I'd go over it…
On top of that I lost pretty much all my sensitivity. I don't feel anything, at all. So here's a very strong warning to anyone who's considering it, this is a real risk. For me it was worth sacrificing for my mental health.
Because of my body image issues I've only gone so far with my ex (girlfriend). She knew and didn't care. I'm now getting somewhere with a guy and I'm pretty afraid. I don't think most guys could look past something like that, they're already pretty anal with the "natural" thing, they wouldn't understand why would I get a breast surgery that didn't even make them look good. When I had tuberous breasts I was most shamed by dudes, they'd pretend to throw up when they saw me. I think I currently look great in a bra but once it comes off I don't know how any male will react to this.
It's shitty feeling this way after having spent so much money and sacrificing so much. At least I can now wear whatever I want.
Blogpost over, I hope it was helpful!
No. 78435
>>78432As another anon with toobie boobies, genuinely thank you for writing this up.
So overall you do consider it worthwhile?
No. 78437
>>78435I do! You'll have to accept your breasts will never be 100% round once they settle and that you'll probably never get to show off cleavage or look like the average girl but it's still very worth it. Not only for your mental health, they also used to stick to my skin (gross) if I didn't wear a bra as saggy breasts do and I felt their weight so much more. The implant gives them support to stand on their own and you won't have to worry about them sagging even with age for many years to come.
I can also fill bras now which increased my comfort, my boobs would escape them before, it was annoying. Even physical activity was an issue before because of their shape and floppiness, not anymore.
No. 78589
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>>78511Sure, sorry if my post was confusing, English is not my native language. This is the example pic for ideal nostril width
No. 78590
File: 1523284967856.jpg (44.08 KB, 634x381, article-2671205-1F2B6299000005…)

>>78589>>78511And this is the example for the ideal profile/tip rotation
No. 78758
>>78715Thank you for the response, I''d never seriously considered medical tourism but it would be silly to assume the
best doctors were all the the US and you want as good as possible for your face. I think I will try the fillers first and if I like the result get a lip lift.
No. 78858
File: 1523471593534.jpg (91.98 KB, 750x564, britney-spears-1 (1).jpg)

>>78589That nostril width looks far too narrow.
Imo there is no mathematics for it. A good surgeon will take into account eye width, lip size, bone structure, etc etc. It's not paint by numbers.
Unless the rest of your face is "ideal," then there's no point trying to achieve an "ideal" nostril width kek
look how much worse Britney's nose job looks than her original because it doesn't look like it belongs on her face
No. 78875
>>78858That nostril width seems fine to me, if you look at it even without the lines it's proportionate to her face. Of course it isn't set in stone, like a nose a couple of millimeters "wider" wouldn't look too bad, but most surgeons do use the tear duct alignment rule because it takes into account the proportions of your face. It also explains why people with wide set eyes can look good with a "wider" nose. And as
>>78860 said, even if the rest of your face isn't ideal, a nice nose can only help. If it's achievable in a safe way, why not
No. 78895
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>>78890>her sister aged much betterIdk. She is only 27 but looks easily mid 30's. Maybe some of the fast aging in Britney is genetic.
No. 78902
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>>78895her sister aged better as in, compared to Britney. I feel weird though because I think it also is related to the fact they both have more mature facial features. I don't think Jamie has aged badly.
No. 78930
>>78886>>78895>Maybe some of the fast aging in Britney is genetic.Britney had her peak when she was 19 and this is what happens to people who peak early.
That combined with how popular tanning was back then and all the stress from her break down.
No. 78942
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>>78930Britney still looked good during 2016. I think she got a fuckton of work done recently. And her peak was definitely not at 19.
No. 78945
>>78942Lol I wouldn’t use this as a reference at all.
She co directed this music video to only shoot “on her good side”
She peaked in toxic
No. 79163
File: 1523652974442.jpg (23.74 KB, 320x320, 18298807_1908523006094607_3661…)

>>79146Check the instagram of doctor Farshid Mahboubirad. Unless this is the look you're going for, the answer is a no.
No. 79166
>>79146In Turkey it depends, there are many good surgeons and the prices are relatively cheap because their country is poor when compared to first world countries. As for Iran, personally for what I could see I couldn't find ONE surgeon not obsessed with the fantasy nose fake MJ bs. In Israel I've seen nice noses, by a doctor called Jacob Barr, but couldn't find a lot of info, so nah.
Tldr: Turkey can be worth it, Israel nah, Iran strong NO
No. 79186
>>79146Two of my family members got nose jobs in Turkey (they live here) to remove a bump/make their nose less convex.
Their new nose look completely natural and fit their face well.
I don't know which surgeon it was (and calling them to ask would be pretty awkward…) but I believe it was done in Ankara.
But I guess part of choosing a surgeon really depends on your nose type. Turkish surgeons are likely experts at removing bumps on noses but if you have an African nose for example they might not have much experience unlike an American surgeon.
No. 79205
>>79204Wait until you can afford an experienced and well reviewed surgeon. (Being thin with no ass is way better than a scarred,uneven or lumpy ass from a botched augmentation)
Get a fat transfer, you may have to get some fat first. You should plump up or tone up your thighs too so your ass doesn't look like its bolted on
Only go to a real doctor
No. 79231
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I really want tear through fillers but I'm afraid that once they go down, I will have a bunch of wrinkles and loose skin there.
I don't know if this concern is reasonable, but I imagine thin eye skin being stretched out by fillers may leave permanent damage….
No. 79237
File: 1523721815344.jpg (29.08 KB, 476x348, epicanthalFoldOU1.jpg)

I have some weird type of underdeveliped epicanthic fold (dunno how I'll describe it).
Kinda like pic related just even stronger. I have double eyelids (I'm white but might have very minor Asian and turkic ancestry which I assume must be the explanation) but the inner corner of my eye looks like the kid in the picture but with a little more space from the inner eye to the epicanthic fold.
The child in the picture also had a bit of the fold on the bottom of the eye, but mine continues even further. The skin is also really thin and dark. Does anyone know what this actually is (if its an epicanthic fold) and if there is a treatment for stuff like this.
No. 79256
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>>79237I have it too, and I'm also white (French with Hungarian/Slavic ancestry) It got less noticeable as I grew older and my eye shape changed/I lost the baby fat on my lids, but it's still there. It goes down and blends into my tear troughs. As a baby it was really visible, pic related.
I don't think you should do anything to it! It looks cute and makes your eye shape all the more unique. Just learn how to conceal and do your makeup to flatter it, maybe some highlight in the inner corners.
No. 79257
>>79247Like if they stick out of the skull? Not really. But my eyes are probably on the bigger side of normal if you mean size.
>>79256It does look qute, but I'm just scared that it's going to look ugly as I start to age. It sort of casts a shadow around my eye and makes me look really tired. I absolutely hate parts of it, even though I want to keep some of it.
No. 79561
Anyone else wanting/have any experience with… pretty much removing breasts/mastectomy/top surgery? I wish I had a pretty flat chest, I'm a B cup, planning on having breast reduction pretty soon. Hoping I can have periareolar to reduce scarring, but it depends what the doc says, it's very dependent on tissue elasticity. Have been saving up for years and I finally have enough. I'm a little worried what my closest family will think of this, but at least my closest friends are pretty understanding and supportive. I don't consider my self trans, but I don't like having visible boobs and I have been binding my chest. I just like an adro look, it's how I feel the most comfortable and confident.
>>74360Darn, I'm legit jealous of your small breasts, lol! I hope your surgery goes well, tho. What kind of implants are you getting? Since you are pretty slim, wouldn't tear-drop shaped implants look the most natural, perhaps?
No. 79874
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I have this type of lips naturally (they just have more volume). Is there a way to make them straight instead? Maybe a lip lift, or is it only possible with fillers?
No. 79875
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>>79874This is my ideal shape, I have the lip plumpness. But sadly I am cursed with the ugly shape
No. 79907
>>79874>>79882I can see the appeal for them because it makes you look smiley without actually smiling with your muscles but I've heard horror stories about how some girls who got this done can no longer fully close their lips anymore.
I certainly don't understand these plastic surgery trends, they seem like something that can easily go out of style within just a few years (like aegyo sal eyebags or yaeba fangs)
No. 79933
>>79874I have these exact same lips and I hate them so much.
I wish I had a less defined cupid's bow, I feel these type of lips make me look really overdone the moment I put on lipstick.
No. 80420
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Any anons that had their teeth done?
If I'll ever save up enough money I'd get my front tooth fixed, it's a bit crooked, not noticeable unless you stare but still annoying.
Also, small fangs. I think they can look cute but I've read they can give you issues with speech?
No. 81113
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>>81094>>81104Curious about this as well. It seems so invasive though.
To answer >> 59157 's question, I actually did cool sculpting for my chin/neck to try and get rid of my double chin. I did see results, just not as extreme as I would have liked. It cost me about $1700 for the one session, because it was 2 spots (left side of chin and right side of chin). There was only one place in my town that would even do the chin one ("cool-mini") and basically other places I spoke to would roll their eyes at me for even wanting to do it because I'm otherwise petite, I just have a fat face. I was actually feeling pretty good about my results until a year later my brother posted this picture of me. Obviously it's a bad picture, but its also very clear that I still have fat there, I hate my profile.
It was nice because it was totally non-invasive, I went to work the next day. But for $1700 I'm not sure if it was worth it. Both of my parents are very jowly and have chins, so I know it's only going to get worse as I get older.
No. 81154
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Do any of you have experience with chin/jaw surgery? My jaw is big and yet flabby and i have a huge witch chin that sticks out when i smile. it looks like i have an underbite even though i don't. idk how to go about that because i'm always told not to mess with bone structure, and i don't wanna end up with a saggy face/nerve damage…
No. 81206
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>>81113anon, is that you in the picture?No hate, but it does look like you have some weight to lose.. (from looking at the rest of your face and neck, not just the chin)
What do you consider 'petite'..?
Also you have a cute nose :-)
No. 81208
>>812065'3", 115 lbs currently. Even when I was younger and weighed like 90-100lbs though I still had that double chin! I've always had fat cheeks too.
Thanks though! Seeing everyone talk about rhinoplasty makes me thankful I like my nose. Everyone's got their own battles.
No. 81209
>>81154i hate when before/after photos do this.
>diff lighting>diff hair>diff expressionshe could be jutting her chin out in the first one but we'll never know. so fucking misleading.
No. 81225
>>81206A double chin is fat that usually can't be lost due to genetics or general stubbornness. It's pretty disingenuous for people to say weight loss helps it only for those losing to be disappointed when they discover their double chins are still there even at normal BRO.
Kind of like sagging breast. Chest exercises help but in most cases there needs to be surgical intervention to regain lift.
No. 81263
>>81113>>81094>>81104>It seems so invasive though.Does it? I saw a few videos and it doesn't look bad at all. I think lipo can be real fucking dangerous and invasive, but only around tummy area and close to major organs. What's the worst that can happen for a double chin, getting a hole in your trachea? lmao
I really wanna do it too, even when I was a 15 BMI ana-chan I still had the fucking double chin. Almost all my fat was gone and it was STILL there, it never goes away. Fuck this, I'm getting it removed as soon as possible.
No. 81314
>>81208hm wow that's really strange then. I get that the chin is mostly genetics but hmm… Good luck is all I can say haha (maybe some stretches could help a litle?)
I'm sure you look better in more flattering photos though :)
No. 81388
File: 1525213035311.jpg (Spoiler Image,144.46 KB, 2048x2048, 31743693_2037767689585419_2966…)

Does anyone else have any breast lift experience? I got mine three years ago, but as time goes on I'm just feeling really unhappy and disgusted with how they look. Pic related, you can see they are uneven and the scars just make them look very unattractive. I'm worried if I try to get a revision they might just turn out worse. Any input/advice is appreciated.
No. 81399
>>81388I think they’re absolutely fine.
If you want to get them changed because they’re not your ideal and you can afford it, then sure look into it. But if you think other people will judge you or think they’re bad, you’re mistaken.
No. 81425
>>81388Adorable tits, 10/10If you're really that dissatisfied with them, maybe figure out why they became asymmetrical first?
I'm not very knowledgeable in the art of titty modification but I guess something happened to make them become crooked after three years
But I would like to repeat that I personally find them adorable the way they are, just saying No. 81468
>>81397Thank you!
>>81399Thanks, yeah a lot of it is concern that future partners will find them unattractive, though they aren't my ideal either.
>>81425>The art of titty modificationlmao. They actually were noticeably asymmetrical soon after the procedure but I thought it might correct itself and kind of just accepted it at the time. But thank you, I'm glad people don't find them as horribly offensive as I do.
No. 81618
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>>81263Well, maybe invasive isn't the right word. I guess I just can't imagine when I would have the time to take off to sit at home with a lumpy/bruised/swollen face after chin lipo.
No. 82109
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Are there fillers for facial asymmetry and if so what are they called? My chin is wider on one side and one of my eyes (or maybe it's my browbone?) looks "droopier" than the other. It's not that bad but sometimes I feel like I look like I've had a mild stroke and when I've told people close to me they say "oh yeah i see what you mean!" instead of just denying it lol. When I did that thing where you mirror image your right and left side to make two symmetrical faces, I look like my own ugly sister.
It's not something I'm horribly insecure about but I wouldn't be against paying a few hundred to take pics from more than one angle lol. I know a doc could answer my question but I'm stuck on preliminary research.
No. 82196
>>82195Yeah, that was mentioned here
>>81997 and other anon got angry at it for some reason.
No. 82252
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Plastic surgery related:
This picture of Mary Kate Olsen scared me so badly. What did she do to her face? She's only 31.
No. 82254
>>82252Wtf, she's so busted, she looks like she was recently resuscitated.
She always had a longish face compared to her sister but it seems liker her features are moving further from each other every years.
No. 82262
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>>82252They honestly look like mother and daughter, not twin sisters.
But I don't think its plastic surgery related. Don't forget MK was the first person Heath Ledger's masseuse phoned when he overdosed. Her face is the result of decades of drug abuse and not eating. Besides that, they are both really heavy smokers which ages you awfully. I think the major differences are MK's neck, sunken cheeks, and smaller eyes. I think her makeup doesn't help, either. Ashley looks great, imo. No. 82276
File: 1525981494304.jpg (90.57 KB, 1200x630, 645807-avant-mary-kate-olsen-a…)

Mary kate and Ashley circa 2008
It's crazy to think they once looked a like
No. 82277
>>82276I wonder what they hated about their noses so much?
My humble opinion is that both would look better if they ate. The hollowed cheeks make both of them look gaunt and ill.
No. 82278
>>82276Yeah I remember seeing them on the cover of a magazine and thinking how beautiful they became. Then they got more cat like. Can't say for sure if it's plastic surgery because you can tell from childhood that they had strange features, but their chiseled face has to be plastic surgery. They have unnatural face proportions. I'm sure Ashley gets lip injections and they probably receive small procedures since they look too different. Gotta say that drug abuse and anorexia is responsible for at least a portion of MK's crypt keeper look, but you can't look THAT bad without taking a scalpel to your face.
>>82252 Her jaw line is like twice the size of Ashley's.
No. 82281
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MK and Ashley during early '10s
No. 82285
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>>82281They look like members of a cult who were allowed out for the day. How does this happen in only 8 years? Much older benefactor who's paying for a certain "face"?
(same pic as
>>82262 cropped for comparison)
No. 82295
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>>82293The drugs, partying, and everything else obviously didn’t help but imo Lindsey Lohan is botched as fuck
No. 82309
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>>82285Sage for super ot but this pic honestly scares the shit out of me. It’s some June & Jennifer Gibbons (“The Sient Twins”) shit
>”According to Wallace, the girls had a longstanding agreement that if one died, the other must begin to speak and live a normal life. During their stay in the hospital, they began to believe that it was necessary for one of them to die, and after much discussion, Jennifer agreed to be the sacrifice” No. 82343
File: 1526060966973.jpeg (311.35 KB, 1330x614, 475F8BBD-84F3-4072-AF14-B81C56…)

>>82329If you cover their eyes, they still look like twins. If MK wasn’t so skelly and had aged better, the only difference would be their eyes.
No. 82344
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>>82343Same pic, just the eyes now.
No. 82397
File: 1526133375604.jpg (Spoiler Image,2.92 MB, 2343x3288, 20180512_143928.jpg)

Does anyone here have experience with getting fillers for smile lines? I'm only 22 so I feel like I'm too young to already be developing fine lines around my mouth. It looks even more prominent when i put on foundation due to creasing.
No. 82399
>>82398I have been using retinoid products for a few months plus a bunch of other skin care products that supposedly reduce fine lines, but nothing has really changed imo.
I don't want to have to resort to fillers because they're quite expensive (to me atleast) but I'm starting to think they may be my only option.
No. 82422
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>>82397Your lines are fine. Chill. It’s normal and unnoticeable. You look like the after, already. Unless you’re going for a mannequin look?
No. 82424
>>82397Wear sunscreen to protect the skin from further damage. Unless someone is literally holding a magnifying glass to your face they won't see these lines at all.
Your skin on your upper lip is lighter, is that from bleaching? waxing? avoid using chemicals on your face other than foundation, concealer and gentle cleanser (pure water-based etc) as this creates skin damage. Btw your skin is lovely and healthy, glowing, just giving advice to avoid lines in future. What you have there are like 1% visible if you're looking.
No. 82444
>>82422Okay okay maybe I'm being a little paranoid about them. I guess I just find them more noticible because I look at my own face more than anyone else does (obv).
>>82424I honestly never noticed that my skin was lighter on my upper lip. I do use an eyebrow razor on that area to trim any tache hairs haha, so maybe that has something to do with it. Anyway thank you for the advice anon!
No. 82771
>>82757Jeez, that explains.
My former classmate had really weak jaw and poorly developed face, her parents were health nuts, and their diet consisted mostly of soups and pourees.
No. 82801
>>82737That video is pretty terrible
>there is no non surgical way to fix a witch skull>you can get a angel skull through jaw surgery This has to be a shitty advert for surgery
No. 82805
>>82801I couldn't agree
more. Jesus christ.
No. 82808
File: 1526575949095.png (154.41 KB, 338x271, wrecked.png)

>>82737>tfw i had a witch skull and got both jaw surgery and a nosejob and i'm still hideoussomeone put me out of my misery pls
No. 82813
File: 1526579566231.jpg (146.59 KB, 430x473, Cr-1.jpg)

>>82737The creator of that video supports and vouches for the plastic surgery industry. All his videos are ridiculous to the point it seems like propaganda. His channel encourages BDD, self hate and unhealthy body image "goals".
It pissed me off how he labeled an example of a man with Graves disease eyes as unattractive, the guy has a fucking disease that makes his eyes bulge out, it's not his fault, leave him alone you crazy fuck! That's like if he made a video about perfect body proportions and he throws in a cancer patient and calls their body unattractive.
This is the girl who was used in the video, I think it's all about the angles
No. 82871
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Has anyone gotten a face lift?
No. 82960
>>82904>>82870I have to agree with
>>82900Where do you get this notion from that for women old==worthless? My neighbours are unmarried, in their forties and they have plenty of friends and are valued for their personalities and their work (they're both nurses).
Are my female professors wortless because they're old? Are female politicians worthless because most of them are old? Are grandmothers wortless because they're old?
Stop defining yourselves by your looks.
No. 83517
>>82813Nah, the guy in question I'm fairly sure is in no way implicated in the cosmetic surgery industry - he's apparently part of the crowd, which is an incelesque website that is really autistic and obsessive when it comes to facial dimensions and harmony. They're part of the, sluthate and PUAhate coalition, but their ascertainment of facial attractiveness is pretty solid. Whether or not you're attractive does indeed predicate a great deal on the progression/development of your maxilla (upper jaw) and mandible (lower jaw) - almost every female and male models and actors alike have very good forward facial projection.
Is it really encouraging self-hatred to merely identify what makes a person unattractive? This is coming from a witch.
>>82808You'd have to get maxillofacial surgery to correct a witch skull like lefort I, II or III, but it's expensive, dangerous and time-consuming (have to wear braces for one year before and after surgery).
No. 83568
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How realistic would you anons think this is? I'm concerned about how short my jawline is, but these transformations seem almost too good to be true. Anyone have any experience?
No. 83569
File: 1527428454988.png (881.61 KB, 960x899, a5_orig.png)

No. 83573
>>83568Although the girl's profile looks sharper now, it looks REALLY out of proportion
I wouldn't do it unless you have a long chin or something. It looks really weird with small chins (based on the pics you provided)
No. 83574
>>83573It's long from the front but really undefined from the side.
Thanks for the reply anons!
No. 83665
File: 1527531960052.jpg (66.92 KB, 480x600, rapp.jpg)

So I went to get a consultation for tear trough fillers, and I thought I'd share my info here if anyone was interested. I'm only 26 but I don't know what's happening with my undereye area. Mine isn't nearly as bad but the closest I can think of is disgraced internet gurl Alison Rapp's eye bags. I'm terrified mine will end up that bad. Basically what I feel like happens is that I have very round cheeks and when I smile it pushes up against the eye tissue and creates "wrinkles". I also get bad eczema around my eyes and when I'm having a flare up they look even more dry/wrinkly/sunken. I can't even wear concealer under my eyes really because it just sinks into the lines and makes it look worse. She also asked if I'd had my thyroid checked recently? Anyways:
>Estimate I was given was $600
>On me she said it would probably last about a year
>Would possibly be swollen/bruised for a couple of weeks
>Avoid Advil/Ibuprofen/etc, take Arnica pills up to 2 days before to help with bruising
>Tear Trough is the issue, even under eyelid surgery wouldn't fix it
>It would mostly just affect the inner most corner, not so much the lines created by smiling. Would at least make it so I could wear concealer.
>Said we could also try some botox to try and relax the lines created by smiling if I wanted
I'm broke right now so I'm gonna hold off for the time being, but I just wanted to know if that was even a possibility. It's frustrating because I have a real baby face otherwise, and I feel like in the past year or so I've developed these crazy old lady eyes (also when the eczema started appearing). Ugh.
No. 85048
>>85044there's many reasons not to get plastic surgery but male interest is not one of them. male interest is infact a reason
not to get it.
No. 85063
>>85044>it's lyingThen so are a lot of things, like nicer clothes, hair styling, makeup, etc. Everyone is selling themselves.
The other two points are related to each other and not really applicable to most plastic surgery procedures, since most of them are done on features that have nothing to do with health and are done to fix imperfections that have nothing to do with bad genetics. A big nose (or small breasts, big ears, thin lips, weak chin, what have you) do not indicate bad health or bad genes, we just find them unattractive, generally speaking. Not to meme but a lot of beauty is a social construct.
But to meme further, I'm worried by my emerging nasolabial lines and I hear some back and forth on whether or not to get fillers or a face lift. Sorry if this has been asked before.
No. 85084
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>>85073>Facial features you mentioned like a big nose, thin lips, and weak chin are an indication to your health thoughTo a degree. But you can't underplay the role of genetics. I have the exact same eyebrows as my mother. No amount of tongue exercises or orthodontics will change that. My "tongue posture" didn't give me my lips, my grandma did.
No. 85877
File: 1529603260683.jpg (45.14 KB, 723x283, nosejob.jpg)

I've wanted to get my nose done for about 10 years now. I have a somewhat bulbous nose which is visible on the side and super visible from the bottom and round alars/nostrils like the left pic. I really wanna get the tip of my nose shaved to be slimmer and my alars fixed so they melt into my face. The only problem being I really don't want an implant or anything put inside. Not sure if the model in the pic had anything done, just posting bc she looks like she had a similar nose to me in the middle picture but most of her pics look like the one on the right.
No. 86154
File: 1529838231838.png (53.82 KB, 500x326, rt-thedreamcioset-this-nose-jo…)

>>85073>>85085>Facial features you mentioned like a big nose, thin lips, and weak chin are an indication to your health though.The partisans of orthotropics always say that, but they only use extreme examples like in this video
"Oh but if you have a big nose it's because you are/were a mouth breather, otherwise you'd have developed properly and now you'd look like a model!"
What about people like girl in pic related? She has all the traits of the "angel skull", with a projecting face and a nice jawbone, yet she has a big convex nose. So is she a mouth breather or not? I look pretty similar to her and I've never been a mouth breather, I can't even fall asleep when my nose is stuffed and I have to breath through my mouth. Yet I still have a big nose, because my parents have a big nose.
I think there might be some truth about orthotropics (
some), but listening to Mike Mew and his followers, you'd think genetics aren't real and the only reason you have thin lips or a big nose is because your mouth posture is shit.
No. 86208
>>86154Mouth-breathing has nothing to do with nose size. I have a small nose and had breathing trouble for like 10+ years and couldn't breathe through my nose.
One thing that changes the shape of the face is where your bite is. I was using the wrong place for my resting bite (closed mouth) for a while until I checked different positions and found the right place in the mirror. That had barely any effect over all but my face is more symmetrical now.
Lip size and nose size are genetic imo
No. 86219
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>>86218forgot the attach, lolfail.
No. 86411
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>>86408Most plastic surgeons try to make your nose proportionate to your face, because it looks the most appealing and natural. Sharp, small Barbie noses don't fit everyone
No. 86413
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>>86408It's possible BUT it costs a lot of money. Be prepared to spend 10-27k
No. 86526
>>86413Also what are you talking about, lmao 27k??? Like what? Revisions with top, highly experienced docs with 20+ years in the business price their revisions around $20k - I'm sure some can be as expensive as $25k. But no primary rhinoplasty will EVER be more than $16-18k, even with the most highly specialized surgeon, unless the surgery center/hospital has incredibly expensive fees, in which case it's not worth getting your primary done. $20k for a primary rhino? I mean, are you fucking kidding me?
The doc I went to has been practicing for 30 years, gives talks internationally and workshops, and is one of probably a handful of face-neck surgeons that can handle any case given to him, including mine. He priced me at $16.5k, as are most of his other primary cases.
No. 86573
>>86525>>86526Agree with you.
>>86411This happens if the surgeon takes away too much tissue from your nose in order to make Barbie nose.
>>86408Here is a good example. Barbie noses rarely look good but Bella is an exception.
No. 86574
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Samefag, forgot the image
No. 86661
>>86657Risky if you don't know the market well, and I say that as a Serb. Especially if you want lip fillers, a lot of filler doctors here are just aestheticians who inject and shill biopolymers to cheapskate women who later end up with ridiculous sausage mouths cause the thing doesn't dissolve, and have to get it removed surgically after which their lips look disgusting.
For a GOOD nose job here you pay around 3000€, which is considered expensive by many, but cheap by many foreigners. And yes, there are a few doctors that locals trust but they're not nearly as well known (both locally and internationally) as some others who have been known to give bolt on titties, bad lipo or even no nose job at all (I heard of a girl whose nose looked literally the same pre- and post-op, and she wondered why she experienced no pain) to local starlets.
Though the plastic look is actually something many women here want in the first place since a lot of women are really tall and like to tan, so looking like a buff Kim Kardashian is something of a beauty ideal. These women will praise a doctor for giving them what they want but when people read the reviews and then opt for that doctor they get disappointed.
No. 86823
File: 1530456260790.png (757.13 KB, 738x479, Eye.png)

Recently had my first cosmetic procedure done! Ever since puberty, I've had a prominent blue vein under my eye that has annoyed the heck out of me. It just made me look tired, in addition to spawning some pretty dumb comments occasionally when I didn't bother covering it up with make up ("have you gotten a back eye, Anon?") I've tried in the past to find someone to laser it away, but always got rejected on the grounds that it was too big/too close to the eye. But FINALLY I found a trust worthy clinic where a they wanted to give it a go! It's been 3 days since I got it done and it's healing nicely. The swelling has gone down a lot, there's a lil' bit of a scab/wound where the vain was closest to the skin, but nothing to worry about (I was warned of this) and I just have to keep it clean and out of sunlight while it heals. I'm so happy that vein is gone!!! Oh, how such a small thing can bring so much joy… Good bye, fucker! I won't miss you~
No. 87054
Hopefully guys can get feedback too! I'm old but really want to improve my ugly face. There is SO much I want to do to it, but I only have so much money. At the moment i'm talking too a surgeon in Madrid about rhinoplasty and chin augmentation to give me a bigger, wider, taller chin. In the meantime, I wonder about whether I could get some improvements in my face from fillers? (in the cheekbone area to lift my face, and maybe to make my jawline wider) and maybe in my chin as a 'test drive' before getting genioplasty. Surgeon is called Alejando Nogueira btw.
>>87054You look like that 24yr that’s dating some underage girl.
Learn how to dress properly, here’s a link.
Your face it’s ok, the seedy looking clothes and expressions are your actual problem.
No. 87166
>>56006 My grandma was a real beauty in her youth,
when she got to about 60 I noticed her nose looked different, so i think for most people it is past menapause age. This was at a time when there was no suncreen, effective skin care etc, yet she really is one of the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. She was my dad mum so my aunties were all beautiful looking women and many people have said my dad was handsome, so it is all in the genes, but I cannot be the only one who looks back at pics at old relative and wonder how they had such nuce skin and teeth without beauty products? my grandma only wore make up for occcasions, she used ponds cold cream but her skin was flawless, I can recall men gawping at her when she was late 40's. Sorry for blog post, I was going to make a thread on beauty before the Billion dollar market came into place, but was not sure how to go about it.
No. 87169
>>72524Yes, The first time I asked the injector to focus on the outline and she said this would give me less of a round plump look, and she said that she could give me 0.5 so my lips would look plumper, but she advised me to wait until my lips settle down and then decide as the fee would be the same, so yes it is possible. I live in the EU, so the products used go be a different name in the states, it was a new filler out that she used, but I don't think that made difference as it was still a HA filler at the end of the day. I went and got my lips plumped up 3 weeks later, I would love to show you, but I cannot figure out how to edit pics on a google chrome, and I am not brave enough to post my entire face, I am already aware of all my flaws lol.
No. 87171
Has anyone had vampire facials ( PRP) where they use your plasma with micro needles to improve your skin, or has anyone had CIT which is meant to increase collagen. I have had 2 doctors that I know on a personal level say that it does not work, but these doctors are men who are not really interested in beauty, A girl at work claimed to have PRP and her face does look amazing, her skin looks clear and more plump all over, she looks about 5 years younger. I want to have a procedure to make mu skin look younger and clear, I don't have spots or large pores but without makeup my skin looks dull. I like the pale flawless skin look. I have 5k saved for ' Fun thing'but am willing to delve into my other savings or use credit cards, if there is anything that can give me skin like filters can. any anons out there have any advice, my skin is clear and pale no pigentations marks or big pores etc, I just want it too look clean, fresh, and younger, that blond russian sister has lovely skin, is all make up or did she have skin treatments? My skin is really getting me down, to look decent I have to wear foundation or use a a filter, it feels so deceptive, I don't want to conned out of money but I am prepared to do what it takes to have better skin, I want skin like a filter, Ironically when I was younger I did have good skin, now it looks dull and is getting me down and affecting my confidence, I am play a competitive sport and last year when i won my first ever adult medal, instead of feeling overjoyed I was dreading the picture as I knew it it would be in the paper and on local TV, but thankfully I was all red and sweaty with my hair messed up, I would rather people see THAT, then me smiling with dull pale skin. Any ideas?
No. 87182
>>87171Chiara Ferragni has been getting PRP sessions for a while and her skin is still shit.
Good skin is 50% skincare 50% genetics imo, invest in good skincare and don't beat yourself too much about it if you still aren't 100% satisfied… There's a good probability that other people don't even notice
No. 87195
>>87171I have not done the Vampire Facial but I have gotten dermarolling with PRP. I can attest that it works, I saw and felt a very noticeable improvement in my skin. I can't comment on how it works with acne scarring since I don't really have an issue with acne, but it did make my skin softer and much more plumper.
The Vampire Facial seems like a rip off though, just go get a regular dermarolling session with PRP, it's much cheaper and basically the same thing. If you want, you could dermaroll at home for practically nothing (that's what I do these days). You won't get the PRP but dermarolling without it is still really beneficial and super cheap.
Also, there is enough scientific data out there that shows dermarolling boosts your collagen production and improves your skin texture. This blogger breaks it down very well: that being said, it's not going to magically make your skin look like an Instagram model, and it is not a quick fix. It takes several sessions over the course of about a year before you really start to see/feel the results. Age and diet will also affect how fast and how well you see results. If you're a 35 year old smoker with a crap diet, your results won't be as great as some 30 year old who never smokes and eats fairly well.
No. 87544
>>87543Probably, since blindness is also a risk for tearthrough fillers.
Why would you get those done? They always look awful.
No. 87882
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Going to South Korea for a month with the money of my cheater ex husband.
If you are in South Korea or know of good treatments for skin or w/e let me know
I’m open to recommendations and really need a pick me up
No. 87950
>>87229I went to Dr. G and it was insane how quick and abrupt he was with me. I put off going to do surgery with him for a year. I ended up going to see Dr. Davis which is one of the best plastic surgeons in the world - literally, I mean, the guy does international talks about rhinoplasty, how to do complicated cases, workshops, etc. constantly - and somehow I scored an appointment with him (in the past it was like a year wait). When I went to go see him, he showed me 10 revisions he had done of Dr. G's failed work - he has dozens more - and told me he's seen lots of broken hearts come in after getting surgery with Dr. Grigoryants.
This is mainly targeted at ANY girl (or guy) considered rhinoplasty. A bad surgeon, a bad surgery can fuck your life up. Dr. G, for example, pays realself and other sites to take down bad reviews. He has less than 15 years of experience. He does his surgeries in 2 hours as compared to an expert's like 4-6 hours. And often times he won't do your revision. It's a conveyor belt process.
Make sure your surgeon is DOUBLE board certified - make sure your surgeon has at least 18+ years doing RHINOPLASTY (so if he's mainly been doing breast augmentations but suddenly started rhinos like 5 years ago, he's not your guy) - most certainly should be some kind of ear, nose, and throat doc - and please, if money is an issue, save up. You don't understand the world of pain you could go through if you end up having to get a revision. A lot of top docs with like 20+ years of rhino experience cost like 20-25k for a revision, which is actually reasonable. A 16k primary rhinoplasty is worth it for a perfect nose that will stay perfect forever.
No. 87961
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>>87950I knew something about Grigoryants put me off. Regardless I wasn't a fan of his nose style. Thanks for the extra warning, I'd seen backlash here and there but this cements it. And he is expensive too.
I was actually thinking of heading to Argentina to see Dr. Hernan Chinski. His noses are BEAUTIFUL.
Has anyone done medical tourism? I really think Chinski is my buy but the trip makes me nervous.
No. 88065
>>87961Not saying it was bad previously, but I really like the after. Side profile is super cute.
On another note, I really want a lip lift but most of the reviews on realself (while there are some decent results imo) haven't given me the confidence for a consultation. I'm also wary of a permanent scar to be left under my nose…have any other anons considered this procedure?
No. 88072
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>>88065I have. Personally I'm going to try my results with lip fillers first, if I find my look oddly foreign in the mirror I will know that the fillers will dissipate. If I like the fillers enough to try more than once then I will seriously consider a lift. Will the fillers be a direct comparison? No. But sometimes people end up disoriented seeing how different they look, so even if fillers are just an approximation I get a faint idea.
Here is another Hernan Chinski before/after.
No. 88077
>>88074in case you are serious look at his site more closely: look at the results on the instagram too of the before/afters look too subtle (like there wasn't anything wrong with the nose but obviously the patient really wanted a change) and I found one I didn't like (she had a small nose and he should have made it bigger than he did IMO) but over all I like his work. Every Dr that does rhinoplasty seems to have their own style. I'm sure there are other great Drs across Latin America that also do great work but as a point of cultural difference many of them don't maintain personal websites beyond contact information and listing where they were educated and what their accreditation is. Chinski shares a broad catalog of his work.
On this point has anyone done any other sort of work done via medical tourism? My mom is getting her spider veins lasered in Tijuana later this year, I might get something non-invasive like a laser facial or something.
No. 88078
File: 1531284886309.jpg (208.46 KB, 702x637, IMG_6017.jpg)

how many of you guys have lip fillers? pic is my lips, i'm looking to get fillers to make them a little plumper and more proportionate to my other features. is it possible to get natural looking fillers? i'm so scared they're gonna look fake, especially from the side (like a duck).
No. 88079
>>88078I think natural looping lip fillers are possible. Everyone has a 'look' that they do or become known for, either because its their taste or because its just what people demand. I think the super full pouty Kylie lips are in now so that is what most Dr.s are familiar with but that doesn't mean finding someone who can product subtle results is impossible. Look at this video, I think her results look nice and natural.
This is who I'm getting my lips done with actually. I hope I like the results, I'm kind of worried that I won't feel like myself but its worth a try. It took me entirely too long to find someone who wasn't flaunting big ol' pillow lips as examples of work they were proud of.
No. 88110
>>88078I think your lips are cute just the way they are! do whatever makes you happy though
>>88079Kylie dissolved her fillers and she looks way better and so much younger now imo… so idk if super full pouty lips are in right now, the trend seems to be on its way out actually
No. 88115
File: 1531319856827.png (77.49 KB, 300x211, me.png)

I've been on the fence about a nose job for a long time, my nose itself isn't that bad or that big but it makes my face look masculine because it makes my philtrum look prominent. I don't know exactly how to describe it. I'm afraid to go under the knife for it and end up looking worse and having to get a rhinoplasty revision but I feel so ugly.
No. 88121
>>88120Oof, yeah. I'm in a similar boat to anon and we just have to accept the jaw or get it shaved.
The latter doesn't seem worth it to me.
But yeah, her nose looks fine actually.
No. 88125
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>>88120>>88121having a prominent jaw or a square face does not necessarily make a person look masculine
No. 88129
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>>88115I don't think you look masculine at all, but if you want a shorter philtrum a lip lift would do the trick better than a nose job.
Btw a squarish jaw isn't masculine in itself, it's features like strong masseter muscles, a thick jawbone, a long and square chin that are masculine, all features that Anon doesn't have (or at least that can't be seen in the potato quality picture).
No. 88130
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>>88086>>88110>>88111aw thank you! to be fair i like the size of my lips, but i'd like them to be a little big bigger because overall they seem too small for my face. like for example my real problem is my nose because from the side its cute but the front is kind of bulbous and my bridge is wide, so having bigger lips makes it less obvious. but i also just think that having plump lips would be super fun because i could wear lipstick and stuff!
No. 88133
>>88120Her face doesn't look remotely masculine jesus christ, her jawline is round and normal. Save the nitpicking for cows.
>>88129She looked way better and less masculine in the before picture assuming it's on the left. I honestly can't tell if right is meant to be after because it's such a downgrade.
No. 88137
>>88130You don't need big lips to wear lipstick…
>>88133Agree, it's probably some v-line worshipping kboo talking lmao
No. 88171
>>88079I came back from my lip consultation with Dr. Sanusi Umar from vid related and decided not to do anything. He told me the results I wanted (more defined cupids bow) were unrealistic with just fillers. He could make them plumper though, which gave me pause, I don't really want bigger lips just more shape. I asked about other aesthetic concerns and if I could use XYZ and he said he would not do them because I did not need them and looked fine as is. I was disappointed I was unable to get the results I wanted but was pleased by his honesty, he could have been a huckster and pushed me towards other procedures or said yes to my other requests and taken my money but instead advised me against spending the money on things he thought wouldn't benefit me.
So if any of you femanons are in Southern California near Inglewood and Redondo Beach I can recommend Sanusi Umar for being honest and biased towards natural results.
No. 88193
File: 1531403864833.gif (45.08 KB, 209x164, 79xi.gif)

My tits are small and weird looking. I've been self conscious of them since puberty. I wouldn't care how saggy they were if they could be just a little bigger. A that said, does anyone here have experience with fat transfer? I am very, very skinny, so I don't really have any fat to transfer to them, but I could try to gain weight. I just don't want any silicon for fear of it looking even worse/unnatural.
No. 88258
>>88256Are you sure because how does red lights make my fat go away
Also it's available on groupon
No. 88305
>>88237Yeah, I knew about this, and I'm okay with it. I really only need enough to go from shallow to full.
>>88303I'm a true pear shape. Any ounce of extra weight I gain goes to my butt and thighs. As I said above, my breasts are not only very small, but shallow, so the only bras that fit well are padded to some degree. Even when I was pregnant, my breasts never got any bigger, unfortunately.
No. 88314
>>88250I've been meaning to make a post about this, actually! I've had four laser lipo sessions in the past few weeks and it's made a significant difference for me.
For my first three sessions I got the backs of my thighs done because my main goal was to reduce cellulite. My thighs are now so much smoother and firmer. I'd say at least about 80% of the cellulite is gone in the treated areas.
My last session was a few days ago and I tried getting it done on my abdomen for the first time. For several hours after, my skin had these red blotchy spots all over and I was worried that they might be permanent but they eventually faded away completely. I lost about an inch off my waist with just one abdominal session. Went from 28" to 27". I know people say waist size can fluctuate quite a bit, but I always measure at the same time (i.e. in the morning without having eaten first) and I've never seen such quick and dramatic changes in my own body.
With a Groupon, the first three sessions were $100 which is a great price considering how happy I am with the results! Although, I should note that the practitioner said that I would get more noticeable results faster than most other people due to my body composition (I'm skinnyfat with a borderline underweight BMI).
No. 88814
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Aside from Dr. Chinski I'm also really liking the work of French Dr. Lionel Azan. He's a top rhinoplasty specialist in France and he's still cheaper than American doctors. The cost of travel and accommodations are the wild cards but would likely still bring you cheaper than a lot of American doctors. Why is plastic surgery so expensive in the states?
No. 89632
File: 1532564797212.jpg (Spoiler Image,231.22 KB, 1280x720, 20180726_021916.jpg)

My biggest insecurity are my boobs. I think they're really saggy(i'm young so i feel even more insecure about this)and that my areolas are really big and disgusting so i wanted to ask if they're really abnormal or if my view on them is a little bit screwed because i don't like them. I'm thinking of getting surgery but i'm quite scared of it. In the spoiler is a pic of my boobs and i want to know what you think
No. 89634
>>89632Your breasts are entirely normal. Check out if you ever forget what the average pair of boobs looks like. VERY few women have naturally round, perky, full, or symmetrical breasts.
No. 89661
>>89658Some jelly ass anons
Perfect tits are a reality for most young women, sorry you have ugly ones and need to tell yourself deformed tits are normal
No. 89664
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>>89661>>89663>Perfect tits are a reality for most young women, sorry you have ugly ones and need to tell yourself deformed tits are normalPerfect, most young women, choose one. If it is perfect it means it is probably in the top 5%, if it was the norm it wouldn't be perfect it would be the norm. Also I think a lot of men wouldn't call your tits 'perfect', 28 band size is pretty small and D cup doesn't automatically mean big. You have pretty small boobs and they are more likely to be perky, that is nothing to pat yourself on the back on. Bigger boobs are more likely to sag because of gravity and even exercise won't do much for them. Pic related to show that D cup doesn't mean humongous tits. If you were a woman, you would know this. Only a man would ignorantly use 28D as a means to brag. If a man looked at a woman with actual 28D's he would guess she had a B cup.
Her boobs are normal, they don't look tuberous or especially saggy and tbh I'd swap my small ones for proper tits like that anyday.
No. 89667
>>89665I know, but if it were an actual woman, they could just look down and see that 28D is actually smaller than average and what most normies who don't know anything about bras/boobs would call a B cup.
But yeah you're completely right!
No. 89668
>>89667True, I also just remember having anons arguing that 28D (specifically) was pretty large looking and large on a small frame. They couldn't get their heads around the bra size was already indicative of her frame size, and even after I posted pics, they said something like "we don't know how big the girls in the photos are", like what?
I was on /cgl/ like 6 years ago and the entire board basically had a bra epiphany so it's super weird to me when this stuff happens on here. I'd be down for a bra/boob thread too tbh.
No. 89669
>>89664Oh i see, so average size boobs cant be perfect?
Fuck off with your projection, not everyone wants big saggy udders
No. 89672
Fat girls with udder tits always try to spread the lie the bigger your hideous deformed tits are the better
Its about fullness, nipple breast ratio, perkiness, and roundness, which me and any young woman of a medium size has
No. 89675
>>89669>>89672>big saggy udders>udder tits…hideous deformed titsWtf is wrong with you?
She only said that D cups aren't as big as people believe them to be and that having perky boobs is more common if you're a smaller cup size…?
Nothing to get so riled up over.
No. 89680
>>89669Yes average can't be perfect, it is an oxymoron. Perfect is like 5% of the population, average is like 75% of the population to give an idea. If everyone can attain a certain standard of perfection, it isn't perfection anymore and it becomes average.
I'm happy for you that your ego and self esteem is so big that you need to REEEE about how perfect your boobs are when in reality they are on the same spectrum of normality as the girl you were putting down.
Lol the moment someone gets salty when they are called normal instead of perfect. It's normal for smaller tits to be more likely to perky, woopdiedoo. All sizes have pros and cons and barely no one has actual *~* perfect *~* breasts due to the nature of perfection.
No. 89685
>>89681>>89679So salty.
Yes if something is below average how can it be perfect? What most would call perfect is when bigger than average boobs manage to have the perkiness of small boobs. Which doesn't occur often without the help of surgery, and if natural doesn't stand the test of time.
Just be happy with your normal boobs and stop putting down other women with also normal boobs. You don't need to be perfect to be happy or be attractive.
Jeez is there something similar to manlet or dicklet syndrome for chestlets? Humble bragging, having a meltdown over being denied perfection, slinging rude insults in retaliation. The meanest things said to you was that you aren't perfect, while you called the girl who posted the picture deformed, ugly udder tits etc. Literally in retaliation to being called normal and denied perfection.
No. 89689
>>89685Normal tits are not below average, they are just normal and fit the body, making them bigger does not make them more “perfect” just because its more rare, deformities are more rare does that make deformed people perfect? Perfection is a meme anyway and different for everyone
And yes big udders are saggy or will get saggy very fast, fat sags which actually is true not this “perfection meter” you claim to have ownership of.
And no im not “jealous” i had big boobs when i had a fatter body, i much prefer myself skinny and fit with normal proportional boobs that stretched out fat saggy cow udders.
Whats it with bitches thinking everyones jealous lol? Getting Mariah mallad vibes.
And lol saying to stop putting other people down when you are doing just that yourself
No. 89692
>>89689I am putting you down by saying you are normal and not perfect? Mmmm kay. You started with the whole I AM SO PERFECT SHE IS SO DISGUSTING schtick, so no backpedaling, YOU started. You were the one getting offended about being called normal instead of perfect. Do I really need to start screenshotting your own comments and spoonfeeding them back to you because your memory is that short? You were saying she was deformed instead of *~* perfect *~* like you.
Your boobs are normal, not perfect. Her boobs are normal, not perfect. For some reason you are extremely salty it seems about the fact that you are on the same spectrum of normality as the poster of the picture is. You are normal, she is normal, get over it. If you interpret this as putting you down, then I feel sorry for you.
No. 89695
>>89680No, from what I've seen, most young women have boobs like mine, full, perky, good ratio, fairly symmetrical
Fatties and their insecurity about their dick tits
No. 89697
>>89692This is me
>>89669>>89679>>89681>>89689Lol you said normal size was below average and that big tits were perfect, sorry not everyone agrees with you, get over it
No. 89701
>>89697>Lol you said normal size was below average and that big tits were perfect, sorry not everyone agrees with you, get over itI said that most people consider big breasts that are very perky perfect, but that this doesn't occur often in nature without the help of surgery, and doesn't stand the test of time. Learn to read.
I said that D28 is a below average size. I should have maybe said specifically in Western countries though, it might be bigger than average in Asian countries.
I never said all or most or any indicator like that. I also didn't state that it is objectively perfect, just in relation to the majorities opinion. The only person who tried to make an objective statment is the 28D anon claiming to be perfect.
>>89695I'm a muscular chestlet, not a fatty, thanks for trying though. I just feel bad for completely normal boobanon who came here with her insecur(t)ities and then gets called deformed by some humblebragger. I know what it's like to feel insecure about my body or view my body in a dysphoric way. Last thing that helps is some misguided individual calling themselves perfect and you deformed, while in reality both are completely NORMAL. I used to think that girls with big boobs couldn't feel insecure and had nothing to complain about, but seeing this behaviour is kinda eye opening.
She doesn't need surgery, but you might need therapy.
No. 89714
>>89704I don't know who to reply to in this thread so this isn't a direct reply to you, but
Does anyone understand bra sizes? A 28D is LITERALLY the same size as a 32B, each band size increase lowers the cup size. If you were 32D your breasts would be larger than the 32B. 28D has exactly the same breast size as 32B, band size vs cup size is basically the distinction between where the material is focused, the cup may take up more surface area when 28D vs 28B, but the overall size of chest tissue that is covered is the same as 32B.
This is the source of a lot of women's bra confusion when they are wearing the wrong band size, and also men's confusion when they think D is big without considering band size.
This has been your bra PSA
No. 89717
>>89714It's not
literally the same size, just very similar. There is a distinct difference in the actual size, shape and volume of the cups between sizes. Sister sizes only work one cup size away from your regular size. A 28D in a 32B bra is going to be pretty illfitted.
No. 89718
>>89712I live in a western country not affected by the obesity epidemic and doesn't have many overweight people and the national average is still (the equivalent of) 34D. It's not just people getting fatter, wouldn't surprise me if it's because of the food. Girls are also starting puberty earlier and earlier nowadays.
Ana-chans at this point blame everything on the fat people conspiracy like alt-righters blame it on the kikes lol
No. 89734
>>89727In my country 13,3% of the population is obese, and most of those people are men above age 50. Not many pre-menopausal women :)The few women who are overweight, very likely aren't native because we are naturally lanklets and our culture is not fat-people friendly.
So sorry, not all women with big boobs are fatties like you cooked up in your conspiracy theory.
No. 89737
>>89736The statistics say that most fat people aren't native and are above age 45. Young native people are generally a healthy weight or underweight. Heck the amount of native young underweight people is growing (atm it's at 17%).
I don't live in Scandinavia.
No. 89767
>>89764also, i don't think anon is saying there are some kind of statistics that measure the bra size based by race and stuff.
she's trying to say that her countries bra size
including everyone is a large size, and also that over all native's weight is less, so she's going off of both statistics.
it's autistic levels of math but it makes sense.
like hypothetically if 80% of women are E cup and 90% of native women are under weight, and native women make up 32% of the population, it's not like it's hard to figure out what percentage of native women wear E cup bras.
No. 91731
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I am super dumb and couldn't find anything about this, but about jaw shavings
Is there a difference between like cuting a piece of the bone with a saw or something and actually shaving it, like when you file your nails?
If so, what's the difference for the results, aftercare, pain, surgery, complications and such?
Thanks in advance.
No. 91764
>>91740Sorry, I am ESL. What I meant is, if there's a surgery that just "sands/files" your bone instead of literally cutting of a fragment of it, like in the pic I posted.
>>91734>>91733I know of this, but it's temporary and doesn't do much if you have big bones instead of a "tensed" (?) muscle. I've taken x rays of my head, and I know that in my case is all bone.
No. 91771
>>91731I'm fairly sure the only method of jaw reduction is cutting pieces of the jaw off.
Any reduction in the mandible, regardless of the method, will result in sagging, and accelerated ageing by extension, as the bone serves as "scaffolding" for the soft tissues and removing parts of it results in less support. Another complication is nerve damage and subsequent numbness.
I won't go to South Korea for cosmetic surgery, I've known people who've gone to decent and reputable clinics and had their faces butchered.
No. 92341
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>>92325Fillers in your face are kind of risky if your doctor is inexperienced. Look at Taylor. She wanted to look youthful too and ended up looking like a chipmunk.
No. 92398
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>>92342>>92341After a few months her face went down, this is what she looks like now, I'm pretty sure she still gets face fillers but uses a different doctor.
No. 93816
I got bicycle kicked to the face during a soccer game when I was 14 and broke my nose. You can feel the fracture in the bridge of my nose. I've had breathing issues for over a decade and I'm pretty sure the mouth breathing is catching up with me.
Besides the asymmetry IDK how much fixing the fracture would improve the cosmetic appearance of it, since I'm pretty sure I just have a jew nose. Not even sure if insurance would even cover it at this point, because it's been so long.
>>49361 the before nose is literally my ideal nose LOL
No. 93894
>>93398It was around $1400 for me. Didn't hurt at all, just a pinch. They used a numbing cream.
>>93754Mine hardens and it feels like bone, though I personally can tell it feels a little different. I think Juvederm Voluma is usually used for cheeks, chin, aging, etc., wheras a different type of Juvederm is used for lips. Someone can check me on that, though.
>>93781My nurse practitioner recommended Juvederm Voluma over Radiesse because it lasts longer. But if I remember correctly, the Radiesse was a bit cheaper.
No. 94101
>>94086East coast US.
What prices do you see?
No. 94654
File: 1536433403999.png (544.17 KB, 924x552, 1536373953529.png)

This is an instathot that has her own thread over at snow but I figured I'd rather bring this here than derail her thread: has anyone here had fillers in their cheeks to soften the appearance of nasolabial folds? I'm scared for getting filler injected straight into them 'cause I've seen photos of ppl ending up with monkey-like faces and protruding mouth areas after it.
My nasolabial folds aren't horrible but they're uneven with one being deeper and "lower" on my face than the other which makes my face look kinda lopsided.
No. 94698
>>94654I've had it done and I'm very happy with the result. It was done by a plastic surgeon in Germany, the filler is hyaluronic acid called Juvaderm and I paid 450 € for the procedure. I didn't tell anyone except my bf and nobody has made any comment about it, so I guess it looks very natural. But it definitely does look different, the folds are no longer visible.
I recommend having some camouflage concealer on hand though, you might get bruises in your face like I did. They were not big but a very dark purple shade
No. 94737
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>>94654i saw that too and it confused me because i have high defined cheekbones (people besides me have told me this) and with me it seems like i have a crease BECAUSE of the way my cheeks are. kind of like brigitte bardot in some pics. not saying i look like her but it's a similar cheek/nasolabial area.
if they're saying the cheek injection will make the creases higher and less deep, i buy it, but if they're implying it'll just lift the whole crease away, that's bullshit
No. 94899
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>>94873I get what you mean anon, I have a similar problem too. Imo if you get too much done at once it might be "shocking" to your psyche, also there is no guarantee that you'll be happy with the results and with yourself. I don't know anyone personally who had ps to look like someone else but a good example of someone online doing this I can think of is that coser called Sayathefox. She alrdy had a nose job prior to getting her lips, jaw, chin, eyes,tits and nose done in Korea to look some what asiany, she looks like a completely different person now and she's still depressed or something. Her 2nd rhinoplasty looks painfully obvious and bad without photoshop. Idk if you want to risk all that
No. 94900
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I can't find any of her before pics that have not been retouched with photoshop
No. 95099
File: 1536841311991.jpeg (160.8 KB, 1100x716, 4C2E07AD-E0A6-45E5-9969-6B922B…)

are my nasolabial folds that bad? it may be lighting but they disappear most of the time. i think it may have to do with the redness in my cheeks, since i’m not wearing any makeup.
No. 95104
File: 1536843155122.jpg (41.06 KB, 597x283, smile-lines-1.jpg)

>>95099Nasolabial folds are literally folds. Most people have them if they are smiling and severe ones are even visible in neutral state.
You have protruding cheeks and no folds at all.
No. 95456
>>95439You can't love someone into loving themselves. Imagine how much happier she'll be once she gets it done.
Really look into those doctors though, search every possible site you can to make sure they're not hiding a dark past.
No. 97728
File: 1538956922884.png (Spoiler Image,131.3 KB, 566x251, jaw.png)

Hey guys, so i'm gonna be really personal here so please no "Ew ugly" or "please dont do it".
Ever since i noticed the shape of my Chin/Jaw, i'v disliked it, i'v always been adamant that i should try to love myself the way i am, but i just cant anymore, so i'v decided i want to shave my chin/a bit of my jaw to get my desired face shape.
I wanted to know what kind of surgery this is called because google wasnt much help, and how much money it would cost, sideeffects risks and so on.
Personal stories are welcome aswell, picture of what i want attached.
No. 97749
>>97728I wanted the same, but the recovery and risks are huge. It put me off it and instead I worked on making my face less bloated via massage.
It's easier to break your jaw after you've shaved it down, and your skin/fat doesn't sit properly on your face anymore. It's months of recovery where you're wearing compression tape around your face, the pain is immense and the swelling and bruising can make you even more depressed about your looks because it sticks around a while.
There are lots of videos on youtube promoting companies, but please just look at their timeline for healing and what they have to go through.
No. 97760
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>>97728Jaw surgery is very risky. If you want to slim you jaw, I would suggest opting for jaw botox seeing as though its temporary before going through with it.
No. 97762
>>97728Other anons are right. Don't break your jaw, because it's too risky. Use botox to shrink your masseter muscle and you could opt for a small chin implant.
Btw looking at the pictures, I realised that the after is pretty botched. Notice the asymmetrical jaw; with botox it would have been reversible but since it's a surgery the results are permanent. So be careful which doctor you choose.
No. 97803
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>>97760For me its my chin bones, i dont think botox will do much then.
>>97762I'm more scared of an implant to be honest, if my body rejects it and it will make my chin even longer, i'm being very careful, i have contacted a jaw surgeon from my own country and his results are great.
Pic related(His work, Chin reduction)
No. 97892
>>97728I can't really tell the difference between left pic and right. Actually that's the face shape I'd like.
Btw I was wondering if it's possible to use a chin implant to permamently fix a cleft chin?
No. 97911
>>97910nta but
>implying anyone who gets PS doesn't have BDbut seriously tho. of course anon has BD
like, that's why PS exists. it's just companies praying on insecurities and BD. there is no perfect body, there is no deal breaker body part.
tbh wanting to change for yourself is extremely stupid, moreso than wanting to change cause people support you.
anon is risking relationships due to her disordered thinking and everyone around seems like they just wanna help.
No. 97945
File: 1539138579657.png (42.09 KB, 414x321, QXQjQqz[1].png)

I have wideset and splayed breasts that hang low (The nipples don't point down it's just how they sit) and it makes me extremely unhappy because despite them being "Big" (32 DDD) they never look it (Esp OUT of bras when they're just naturally hanging) and getting cleavage is near impossible. Not to mention it's an unpopular size so finding even a normal bra is hard let alone one that gives cleavage. It just makes me really insecure when girls with B cups look like they have more going on because they get cleavage and it just looks better. It affects my self esteem and fashion not to mention I get really insecure when I have to take my bra off in front of my boyfriend so sometimes I just end up keeping my shirt on…
I want a breast lift but I don't know if it fixes this issue.
Pic related is my boobs on the top left
No. 99591
>>99585Migraine Botox is a very specific set of injections, you don't get to pick where they inject because the injection sites are pre mapped. And they go into your scalp. Botox is cheap now -and you can select your injection sites.
I also don't move my forehead at all, hadn't met anyone else that was the same.
No. 99596
>>99591I haven’t been to the appointment but isn’t there different types of migraines? I’m going to try and say it’s related to teeth grinding.
I had Botox injected in my masseters before and it’s $600. $1200 a year is not cheap to me I’m not filthy rich lol.
My forehead doesn’t make lines unless I really try and then they are just on the upper corners. My face movements are really partial to crows feet though. :/
No. 99615
>>99605I was told I needed to go every 6 months for masseters and he wasn't wrong, it wore off in about that time. Not sure about other areas as
that's the only botox I got.
>>99598The receptionist said he talks to you and "customizes" it so I'm guessing because there is different types of migraines. And from what I've heard from people that did it, it's mostly injected in the forehead which "works like cosmetic botox". Not sure if you even had it done or if it's different where you live but it definitely erases forehead lines.
No. 99636
>>99605I thought they lasted a few months. My practitioner lead me to believe they last around 3-4 months.
>>99596Wow, is it really that expensive? How much does a unit cost where you're from?
No. 99699
>>99636$8/ unit is good here and $10/unit is average.
>>99663Yes that’s what my doctor said it will be ~ once a year after your muscle is weak enough.
>>99651>>99649I had my appointment today and the doctor is fucking based. He is even going to inject my masseter and I thought that was a long shot lol. He filled out my insurance form and literally said we won’t tell them about the masseter and chuckled.
No. 99867
File: 1541031890080.png (Spoiler Image,5.44 MB, 1072x3336, pls_no_bully.png)

I hate my ugly cinder block-shaped face, what would you guys recommend I get done to fix it? I don't really know a lot about ps and am kinda lost as to what procedures I would benefit from.
No. 100301
>>100084>>100076>>99935>tfw you've already had a nose job and that's a massive improvement over the nose you had beforeObviously the bridge and tip can be worked on, but should I look into getting something else done? (like with my nostrils or w/e)
>>100103I've never heard of nose fillers before but I'll look into them, thanks!
No. 100306
>>100301Minimise the tip.
That being said if they fuck up your tip you will look like Michael Jackson
No. 100464
>>100301I think your nose would look pretty good if you contour it right. It's a little bit wide at the tip but with some shadowing it should look more narrow :)
I would look into getting your eyebrow shaped. I don't know if it's your expression or natural arch but in the first pic they look kinda surprised.
Also more flattering bangs could help.
All in all, you should work on your make-up and style. You're not ugly :)
No. 100900
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This SA guy's extreme ps. He's probably the only ps addict that did not become known for his plastic surgeries like Pixee Fox, the gay Ken Doll guy) he actually got kinda famous for his nail art
No. 100901
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I can't tell if he's trying to look white or asian
No. 100902
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No. 100906
>>99699Late to the party but would you post a before/after? I'm considering it but on google I find always the same pictures, I'd like to see more results lol
Also, I don't know if that would be covered but instead of migraines you could've said you have TMJ, with TMJ you get botox shots in the masseter so it would've sounded more legit
No. 100911
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I don't get how these ps addicts think they look good when they don't look like humans anymore. After 50+ procedures Pixee Fox finally ran into misfortune, she ended up with brain damage after her lastest nose job
No. 100958
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>>100911>she ended up with brain damage after her lastest nose jobWhat… something like that can really happen? How?
No. 101025
>>100999In my country surgeons give you a paper full of tests to do before the surgery, there's literally anything and some girls from the PS facebook group I'm into were even asking if they could skip some.
Is there any way to have yourself tested for anesthetic allergies even if your surgeon didn't request it?
No. 101047
>>101023My bad, I was remembering the case of a woman whose surgeon gave her coagulants for whatever reason, but it must've been a sort of unique case. Yes, you go in with an empty stomach, the only med surgeons might suggest you to take is Arnica for the swelling
>>101045Italy. Yes, if your gut is telling you to get that testing done do it, better to be safe
No. 101060
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My bf (stupid guy syndrome) thinks this girl is 100% natural, he says I'm psycho for saying that she had her whole face done. I'm certain she got a nose job, forehead, cheeks and lip fillers, maybe her eyelids and a lip lift. What do you guys think?
No. 101061
>>101060According to google, that's a mexican actress named Teresa Ruiz Narcos, so why should she have her eyelids done? did you mistake her for asian?
Nope, looks completely natural. Her lips have wrinkles, so no lip fillers, a lip lift is not that common and her philtrum distance is not that close, her forehead and cheeks look normal. If she did get any surgery it MIGHT be a nose job. Overall that is by far her most flattering pic anyway
No. 101064
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>>101061>did you mistake her for asian?You do know that eyelid surgery is not exclusive to asians right?
No. 101339
>>101028Don't. You said it, the work is natural and you look objectively good. What else? You don't need bigger eyelid creases to be prettier, and a round nose tip is better than a pinched one.
Stop right there and use those money for therapy instead, because I guarantee that the more surgery you get, especially after the first was so successful, the worse and more plastic you will look.
What's the name of this surgeon, btw? I wouldn't go to SK to get surgery because it's too far for me and I'm white, but I'd like to see this doctor for curiosity. I like to see natural results No. 104431
File: 1546219255371.jpeg (24.98 KB, 320x320, C1B20EC6-DC43-48B9-B923-36A79F…)

Has anyone here had a lip lift, or is seriously considering it?
No. 104544
File: 1546384015527.png (94.22 KB, 633x410, philtrum.png)

>>104431It depends. Some people have really long philtrums and need a lip lift. It makes them look more youthful most of the times. Measure your length from your nose to the lowest point of your lip and if it's avarage, get lip fillers or consider a jaw implant which makes this part to appear in realtion smaller.
No. 106165
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Does this count as plasic surgery? So for reasons (mostly involving a genetic mutation/condition) I've started on the journey of getting full dental implants.
I don't know just how long the process is going to take. Could be a few months, could be almost a year. I'm working with an oral surgeon and a prosthodontist and there is a treatment plan but with a couple surgeries and healing times and everything…. Right now I'm in a temporary set of dentures until I get the actual implants and I kinda want to kms atm. But hopefully it will not be for too long. I don't want to eat soft foods forever.
No. 106169
>>106117 You will need a maxillofacial surgeon specifically so that should narrow down your options. You also usually have to consult with an orthodontist as well since you have to wear an expander in between surgeries, so if you already have an orthodontist you trust ask them who they would recommend.
Otherwise, look at photos online for results you like and read reviews. In my opinion the best surgeons have usually done the most surgeries and therefore have the most experience.
No. 106239
>>106236 anon, i have the same thing except that mine was in teenage years and now my relaxed face looks slightly unbalanced compared to before. Botox isn't all that expensive ofc depending on where you're based, but as other anon said 100-300 should do it.
I wanna get something done to my lip corner, it droops just enough that i can see it but at the same time i feel ungrateful. I had no idea if my face would have stayed fucked up like that forever and it got so much better yet i still wanna change it, ugh.
No. 106240
>>106236sometimes clinics will apply the cost of the consultation toward the procedure. in other words, you pay for the consultation, and that money goes toward whatever service you get. kind of like a deposit. sometimes consultations are free. I definitely wouldn't pay $100-200 for a consultation about botox because that's almost as much as the cost of the procedure itself.
you haven't done enough research if you haven't emailed or called the clinics in your area to find out more. one thing I suspect they'll tell you is that if you get botox to make your eyebrows more symmetrical, you won't be able to move one of your eyebrows as much as the other, and this could actually inhibit the effect that you're going for. but i'm not an expert so take my advice with a grain of salt.
No. 106276
File: 1548178079274.png (1.14 MB, 1265x482, Untitled.png)

how important is jawline to cheekbone ratio to you guys? and how important is a nice jawline in general? i'm seeing a lot of bad PS where people are just going HAM on cheek filler and it makes their jawline look ridiculous.
what do you guys think? is it necessary to augment the jawline if doing filler? i hear people say "oh, that's masculine", but it seems like the most beautiful look is to have a rounded square jawline and high cheekbones, no? i hear a lot of people saying it's 'high test' in women. does it look masculine to you guys, or just aesthetic?
No. 106286
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>>106276It just depends on what sort of facial features you like. I don't like a super strong jawline or chin, but there's definitely a, like, "preferred" facial proportion. If you follow a lot of injectors on insta, you'll notice they will try to make the nose, lips, and chin proportionate in relation to each other (from the profile view).
>going HAM on cheek filler and it makes their jawline look ridiculous. How does cheek filler make someone's jawline look weird? They're two different spots on the face.
No. 106288
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>>106286>How does cheek filler make someone's jawline look weird? They're two different spots on the being like the first picture i put in my shitty ms paint collage. all cheekbone, no jaw width, comparatively. it looks very 'done' when the proportions don't match. i find what looks really masc is a masculine chin. that's what makes women actually look masc, i think. you can even have a very strong jawline and look feminine as long as you have a feminine chin (though a very very strong jawline isn't something i'd choose to have done)
older here, but audrey hepburn had quite a square jaw/sharp jaw, but small chin, so it looks very fem. the chin is everything, i think
No. 106356
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the only serious surgery i've contemplated is shrinking my areola, having a b cup and having my nipple almost cover the entire tip of my breast has always been disheartening to me. i'm happy with the color and size of the nipple itself, but man taking off my shirt in front of someone was always a dreaded moment. i haven't done it yet because i keep reading that the results might not be permanent/they could go back to their original size, i also have never been put under for a surgery before so it makes me a little nervous. i'm glad all my teensy nipple wishes can come true though and i can stop having dog noses on my chest since the procedure averages around 5k at the most.
No. 111259
File: 1552766612740.jpeg (Spoiler Image,31.24 KB, 661x175, 2F515132-746A-4710-8D73-66414E…)

I’ve wanted rhinoplasty since age 14. I have enough now for it, but my bf and some members of my family call me crazy and are fighting me doing it. I find my nose to be very wide and it just looks terrible to me. It’s bulbous and I want it to be sharper. Is it really as bad as I think? I don’t trust my family since they “love me” and probably don’t want to make me feel bad by saying my nose is fugged. But then maybe it is some kind of body dysmorphic fixiation. Should I just go in for a consultation and see what they say? Is it wprth it?
No. 111262
>>111259Absolutely dysmorphia. Your nose isn't the plastic surgery pencil thin nose, it's round and cute but not wide at all.
But if you want the straw nose go ahead I guess.
t. wide nosed bitch and your nose is ideal to me
No. 111463
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I want to get my nose fixed in Poland but I don't really know anything about the process. Is there anyone here with experience who can tell me what to expect, what doctors are good, their results etc.? I would be very grateful!
No. 111532
>>111468I'm 29 so my doc only used one syringe. But I'd like to go back and get a teeeeny bit more. I'm still satisfied with the difference from just one. They last for 18 months to 2 years
To the other anon worried about pain, it really wasnt that bad and you get used to it quicky. It's so worth it! I already had people asking me if I am in school since I got it done.
No. 116022
File: 1559431843591.jpg (254.48 KB, 400x962, botched asian rhinoplasty.jpg)

Canadian-Chinese fag here, I really want a nose job and I dream about getting it done almost everyday. For years I've looked up and researched many different doctors, Toronto has a lot of doctors but it seems like the popular ones (TCClinic, Jamil Asaria, Cory Torgensen just to name a few) have had deaths or botched their patients. What really scared me was seeing this poor lady's review for Cory Torgersen, he's very popular, got a lot of good reviews and yet he fucked up her nose. The top pic was her before, middle is what he promised and the bottom pic is what he did. I really want a NJ but I don't know if I can trust any of the Toronto doctors after seeing that shit. I don't have the time to go to Korea to get it done and I'm not comfortable with the language barrier plus there are a lot of shady ass clinics in Korea too. Can any farmer give me some advice?
No. 116044
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does anyone know of a way to achieve the 'cut in' look of stephanie corneliussen's cheeks? pic related
No. 116152
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Same anon, forgot the picture!
No. 116153
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>>116151>>116152There's also this actor (Park Byung Eun) who I'm convinced also had dimple surgery done. Pic provided–he literally doesn't even have to move his face to show his dimple, which seems a little off to me.
Alright, done with posting. Is this a common procedure though? And do the results usually look noticeable?
No. 116242
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>>116152Ew that looks so fake and ugly. Did Ariana get it done too?
No. 116249
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>>116242That's just shit makeup dried up.
No. 116303
File: 1559850355196.jpg (37.34 KB, 506x337, disappointment.jpg)

I want fake bigger tits so bad, but I'm terrified of general anesthesia. I guess I'll forever have 36A's.
No. 116305
>>116303Tfw when I lose weight my tits will no longer be saggy and "big"
Look at it on the bright side. Saggy tiddies smell bad quick (I clean them in the summer 3 times)
No. 116324
>>116305>Saggy tiddies smell bad quickwtf dude you sound like a fucking incel joking about big tits smelling bad. Big saggy tits don't smell bad, that's such a weird thing to say and what woman uses the phrase "saggy tiddies"? What the actual fuck. By the way even if you lose weight your tits will still be saggy but instead of being full and saggy they'll be pathetic and deflated.
t. deflated boob anon
>>116317Dove has had tons of ps but I never noticed the dimples as being strange. Pics of before and after?
No. 116327
>>116325Most people who go under knife are severly insecure. But not about that one thing - usually in general. Upon realizing how easy it is to change one thing, they want to change more - because their nose or whatever they got wasn't the problem, it was their lack of self-confidence and love for themselves. So there's always another thing, and another, and you're never pretty enough. You can always be even prettier… but on the inside, you're not feeling better, but just more pressured and disconnected with who you are.
That's why I won't ever do it. I know it would be a trap for me.
Also, sometimes our features may be harsh/big but in the end they compliment each other. If you have big bony features and you get a tiny button nose, sudennly your whole face may seem very off. I think that also factors to people getting more and more changed.
Of course it's not the case when you're pretty confident and it's just one thing bothering you. You get it done and you're happier now, it's enough for you. I don't think PS is bad, but it's definitely bad for very insecure people
No. 116328
>>116327Eh, not really. I had a nose job and it's absolutely the only thing I'll ever do. Surgeries are scary and recovery is painful, I'm glad I did it because I had quite the honker before but I'd never go under the knife, maybe get some fillers or something when I'm older.
Most people who have plastic surgery aren't addicts. If you look at surgeons' galleries they're mostly normal people who were not happy with one feature, often for good reason.
No. 116350
>>116324Except anything with a fold traps sweat and shit, it doesn't take a man or even experience to know this. If you don't regularly clean it in one day you'll smell. Further more there are bigger issues with having saggy tiddies and you know it (if you truly hve them). And by the way, I didn't speak for all breasts just my own. When I get fat everything goes to my breasts, when I lose weight they'll be cup B. Sure, maybe not cute for lolcow's standards or even normal ones but they'd be no longer medically saggy, as in sweat won't get trapped there.
t. big smelly saggy tiddied incel anon
No. 116391
>>116350Where do you live and what are you doing that results in significant boob derived body odour in 1 day?
This just baffles me, and I have cleaned old womens mega saggy boobs working in hospitals.
No. 117658
File: 1561657810565.png (378.93 KB, 401x362, 1511753482482.png)

Reviving a dead thread, but does anyone know anything about fat transfer for breast augmentation? I really want it done, im a 34A but i dont like the idea of implants. Anyone get it done? Costs? reccomend or no?
No. 117666
>>116350I wonder if this anon would have benefited from antiperspirant spray beneath the breasts
Or maybe they had a fungal infection.
No. 117755
>>117676i think you get forwarded to a surgeon by your doctor? im not american and don't know how much say the insurance thing has. i got my reduction when i was 18 and got it covered by public healthcare (i live in a euro country). i got sent to a clinic by my doctor and didn't have a choice in my surgeon. we did have a convo about size though, where i voiced my opinions. i am extremely satisfied though. it has been almost 6 years since the surgery and it was one of the best decisions of my life, but i had like.. 75H or 75I (eu sizing) and now have a 75D. once i lose weight i will probably go down to a c cup. i think it depends on your height, but proportions matter. although im on the tall side, my breasts looked huge and terrible. they didn't fit my frame at all. i wouldn't have gotten the surgery covered if i had an E cup.
idk how much this helped, but i wish you luck anon!
No. 117905
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I absolutely hate my big ass nose, Luckily my fiance is fine with how ugly I look without makeup and my nose. I want a nose job so bad but my fiance is 100% against it and will not budge. He told me to change how I think instead of how I look, but I'm crazy and I don't want to do that. I would have to accept my nose and think it's pretty. I don't want to force or delude myself into thinking that way. I just want to look good to myself and finally feel pretty.
No. 118957
File: 1562948449273.png (346.36 KB, 561x631, 1.png)

I stumbled upon this plastic surgery video and I felt like I HAD to post about it here because it just looks so bad.In short this is the before and after of a "facial feminization" surgery and it is seriously such a downgrade.The troon who did this looked more like a woman before the surgeries.Important to add that this was done at a surgery clinic in Korea which is kinda scammy and gives free surgeries to foreigners to promote itself.I also believe that the forehead reduction was unecessary and throws off the rest of the face totally off balance.The jaw reduction is just tragic and the extra skin is gonna stay there forever.He wanted to look like a woman and now he lowkey looks like taemin
in short be careful where you get your surgeries at and avoid doing surgeries that wont look good on your face cause this shit can't be fixed
No. 118958
>>118957They would have been fine with just a rounder jaw, I didn't notice they were trans at first.
The after looks like a Disney Channel teen star seriously, personal taste but I liked their original features.
No. 118969
>>118957Oh man this is heart breaking. They were genuinely beautiful before surgery. I don't understand why there's a mentality that think strong jaws can't be a feminine thing or look well on a woman. I thought this was a woman at first before I saw the adams apple.
Now? They just look like an ugly tween boy.
No. 118985
>>118957That jaw is ridiculous, women don't have completely diagonal jaws that sit like that. They could have gently shaved the side, and also perhaps brought the
sides of the hairline in instead of the top. I assume they are more used to surgery on asian faces because it kinda went from a beautiful girl with a strangely large forehead, to a more average girl.
No. 119136
>>118970>I wonder if they are happy with the results?this is the thumbnail of his first surgery video so i guess it.hopefully they dont regret it
i believe he did those ridiculous surgeries like the jaw and the forehead bc this shit is for free and they probably think "well it's free so why not?".ive seen other people promoting this clinic doing ridiculous procedures
No. 119341
>>106276Chick on the left looks bloated, it looks ok on the right.
I guess filler just makes some people look "bloated" in a way
No. 120792
>>120787an article i found says
small revisions 500-1.000 TL
fixing hooked noses 1.500-3.500 TL
rhinoplasty for both medical and aesthetic purposes 2.000-4.000 TL
No. 120870
Had rhinoplasty in Turkey. Go to a private hospital (that isn't exclusively for PS but one that serves real health concerns) like Acibadem and talk to an actual specialist who is focused on nose health. Plastic surgeon types can't be trusted and will give you a nose that may or may not look cute but you will most likely have breathing issues.
>>120785>do they get Non-arab patients?Well they are Turkish so they get more Turkish patients than anything…?
No. 121013
>>120946Do you think she's had work done? I know her family is rich.
Her face looks kind of bloated, and her teeth look like they've had a lot of money put into them.
No. 121234
>>121164I had permalip lip implants put in mine 6 years ago, literally just got them removed a few days ago. If you 'just want big lips' they're great. My natural lips were razor thin and the silicon implants worked a treat. Plus as a student it was more cost effective getting lip implants for £1000 lasting 6 years rather than £500 filler every 6 months.
Now I'm older the upper silicon lip implant shifted into my moustache area and I decided I wanted a more natural look. As they're silicon they were easily slipped out. Can get different mm widths too (I had the max 5mm one).
I don't know about the injectable silicon but I know all surgeons are against them as it's not easily reversible and there can be conplications. Unlike the implants, the injectables meld with your natural tissues and can produce hard balls that need to be cut out with scissors (Jeffree Star had to have this done). Go with implants!! Hope this helped anyway.
No. 121815
File: 1566130373630.png (90.67 KB, 340x340, Chin-Liposuction-before-270371…)

Waking this thread up since I'm getting my jaw/neck lipoed in a few weeks. I'm 27 and still have a round babyface (not in a cute way, in a "why is your face fat you look like a overgrown baby" way) that won't go away with weight loss..
Anyone gotten the same thing done/wants to do it too?
//pic from google
No. 121816
File: 1566130975438.png (113.99 KB, 340x340, Chin-Liposuction-after-2703713…)

>>121815Samefag, dropped the after pic
No. 121955
>>121924I'll update! And pretty much the usual reasons, if something gets fucked it's easy to just go back to the clinic, also it would stress me out to travel there and back for the surgery since I'll have to have a compression thingy around my head after it and I couldn't stay the night since I don't have time. I also really trust the finnish surgeon since he does this operation daily and I like that I could actually meet the surgeon before deciding, instead of just talking via email.
So in conclusion it's just easier and less stressful for me so I'm willing to pay more for that.
No. 122810
My lower face looks really similar to Bella's in the before here
>>86574. Does anyone have any idea what she got done to look so cute? It looks like more than just a nose job and lip fillers, but maybe that's the angle.
>>116059>cut sodium out of your dietthis will literally kill you anon
No. 123235
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I really want to get a brest lift but I'm always second guessing it because of the lollipop scars. Any annons have gotten one? Is there a way to minimize the scaring? Do you personally feel that it's worth it?
No. 123240
File: 1568264713529.png (88.6 KB, 314x150, breast-lift-results-sips.png)

>>123235depends on how you heal anon, I know a woman who has implants and you can barely see the scar unless you look really close, scaring in this age is pretty much a none worry considering how thin incisions are and types of scarring
No. 124348
>>123240I'm confused as to how I should feel about my saggy breasts.
I've slept with a lot of dudes and I've never had any be mean or say they dislike my breasts even though they look like what's on the left with giant saucerplate areola to boot. Right now my current bf loves everything about my saggy body.
I think I'd prefer a tighter body but I just don't bother sweating it because I know I'll never likely to be to afford stuff like this. Although I suppose if I wanted it badly enough I'd find a way to allocate the funds.
Does anyone else here have mainstream "unattractive" features but are kinda on the fence about doing anything about them?
No. 124737
>>124348The same as you. My breasts have always looked like that, ever since delayed puberty (had ED during puberty). I haven't had many partners. One said the second time we were together that I could consider fixing my breasts. It really hurt my feelings. I know they are not as bad as many breasts out there, and I have a good body aside from this one characteristic.
I dated him for years anyway. He would occasionally bring it up. I'm not keen on any surgery that has a potential side effect of losing sensation in my nipples. Breast lift (I'd want a reduction too) is a major surgery and the pictures of it turn my stomach.
No. 125753
>>125752Sorry for the blank post. I meant to ask if anyone has ever gotten laser treatment for undereye circles? Mine are genetic and terrible. If you have gotten laser,
is it permanent? Are there any permanent treatments?
No. 125755
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>>125754Wow, my phone is uncooperative today. Sorry for spamming the thread
No. 128125
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I’m really searching for answers in regards to what the fuck happened to her face. Does anyone know? How can we avoid something like this? She was gorgeous and she’s absolutely butchered now
No. 129755
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I have two "bones" sticking out of my nose. It looks like pic related, but worse.
I spend years trying to accept it, telling myself "oh yea plastic surgery is only for people who are not confident with themselves" but, thing is, I actually don't hate myself and still hate my nose. No one in my family has this sort of nose, I can't find the correct term for it online either (it doesn't seem to be a hump, my nose is very straight besides the bones lol) and I feel like removing it would be a huge relief for me.
However, I don't want a surgeon to break my nose in order to fix it. I would prefer the closed technique and no anaesthesia. Does anyone know if this is possible/realistic for my nose?
Also, would you guys choose plastic surgery if you had a nose like that? Sometimes I feel like I'm too picky, but I just really can't seem to like or even accept my nose…
No. 129756
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>>129755I have the same shit and its hard to accept it too bc i think it is really ugly and if i ever have an opportunity to fix it like getting a surgery id definitely do it
No. 129773
>>129756>>129757Thank you guys for your responses. The anaesthesia is the most scariest part for me. Idk why, I feel like I'm going to die while they putting me into sleep lol
Funny enough, irl no one ever told me that my nose looks fine or similar. Everyone sort of understood where I was coming from or why I would want to get surgery.
Guess I will just get it over with in 2020
No. 137953
>>94854i meant to reply to this a year ago but it's quarantine so.
the post said she has cheek filler to help with her nasolabial folds, but i think she also has them in the folds also + cheek filler.
idk what your face looks like and what you'd need. i have cheek filler but i don't have nasolabial folds. PnP could have also been injected in different spots than me to help with that. i think it depends on you and your face so you'd have to get a consult for that. pricing really varies but it's more about how many syringes are used, how much someone needs also varies