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No. 896573
PlasticandProud/PlasticnProud/Alice Amor/Ariana McMillan (pnp, Ariana, scorpioasshoe) is a 25 year old plastic surgery addict, ex Instagram “influencer”, and full service sex worker in philly
>Vapid narcissist and obligatory BPDfag, “doesn’t care wat u think” but will have a defensive spergout and be mad for hours over the slightest rustle of jimmies
>has a botched nose job, lip lift and boob job that all have scarring from improper aftercare, had to have boobs redone and are still wonky
>gets her lips injected to the point of them resembling sausages, posts side by sides showing her progression from normal human being to blow up doll constantly
>quit her steady paying job to be an Instagram influencer, paid for boobs with credit, began prostituting herself shortly after, forces her spineless boyfriend to go along with it, aborts his baby and jokes about it on Snapchat
>shaved her head in a manic episode and regrets it a day later, wears cheap wigs daily
>has a mysterious rash after having unprotected sex in Dominica and calls it psoriasis
Previous Threads:
Recent milk:
>pnp and doormatt go to dominica as “just friends”, posts pictures of them making out with her anus lips and doormatt’s plaque
>posts pic of her face down in the sand with some random local next to her, later posts ig stories about how she was raped by him and sells her Snapchat with the intention of telling people about it
>says doormatt was responsible for not babysitting her, breaks up with him, says she’ll never see him again as she slobbers and cries on snap
>literally gets back together with him two days later
>continues being an escort before getting tested, gets tested a month later for HIV and is “clean as a whistle”, doesn’t get retested afterwards at any point
>ig gets deleted, moves to twitter to promote her “sex work” which includes low quality videos of her and her prolapsed lips attempting to be sexy with premade and custom videos
>a mysterious rash appears
>calls doctor, tells her to get off lamicital, pnp refuses and looks up pictures of psoriasis, convinced that she has it. Begs for money to go to the doctor since she makes no money as an escort and doesn’t have insurance
>texts a picture of the rash to the bitch who does her lip injections, who sends it to a dermatologist, and “”confirms”” it’s psoriasis. Pnp never sees a doctor about a formal diagnosis or another test for HIV/other std’s
>uses psoriasis as her identity because bpdfag
>continues to fuck Matt and her clients/other sex workers (one pisses on her while she rides the face of a dirty old man) with open sore rash covering her entire body, concentrated around her pubes
>only has one client currently that puts up with her pus pockets, has to rent out living room to her friend to make rent
>friend moves in to living room and pnp texts her that she needs to move into their shit stained decrepit basement and keep their animals in the basement at all times, friend only needed to stay for 3 months, friend blasts her on ig then removes it to avoid pnp having a sperg out
>adds a snake and a kitten to her animal horde consisting of her roommate’s two cats and her cat and dog, has admitted she doesn’t walk the dog when she’s depressed (always) when she can’t afford 600 dollars in rent and begs online for a literal dollar
>Ariana’s rash disappears and never mentions her lifelong psoriasis diagnosis ever again
> cuts open a chipmunk and stuffs it, admits she has dead animals in her freezer for years.
>Starts using her escort page again, takes pics of her looking like a MTF
>Only has two clients, admits she “hates working” on snapchat
>Faked eating her friend out when a client paid for her to go down on them
>Is moving with just matt and no roommates, will somehow make rent
> is currently at her family reunion in vermot posting baby pictures and pictures of her grandma next to videos of her slapping her tits and shoving dildos in her ass for sushi money
>Ariana’s IG is back, she posts her sw shit there and loses followers instantly. Does cringe things like tag companies that used to work with her to get them to notice her, however no one does
>Snapchat gets banned, makes private ig account instead, barely updates it like the snap
>Ariana makes an onlyfans that produces horrifyingly bad porn that she makes in her living room while her roommate is home, sells it for 7 bucks
>Bleaches her hair after dying it black, dyes it red, intends on going blonde in a bpd episode
>Barely “works”
>Posts a caption about how her lip injector who she thought was a “friend” used her, most likely cutting Ariana off from free injections in exchange for ig promotion now that pnp is losing followers and posts dirty grimy “sex work” pictures
>Pnp outs her lip injector after no longer receiving free/discounted injections for bringing business in, because Ariana can’t keep a decent image online to save her life
>Talks shit about Dollskill, gets blocked, immediately tries to save face by posting pics of herself modeling for them
>Wants to become a suicide girl, says they ‘reached out to her’, anons confirmed this is not how the process happens
>Got a “normie job” in retail, unconfirmed where
>Promised a “double creampie” in a threesome with two other guys (possible matt and her only client or matt and aaron), still has not happened yet
>”psoriasis” flaring up
>Skinwalks cotted>Brings up old beef with other philly sw (possibly almondmilkhunni), latinamilk is no longer following pnp either
>Moves into studio apartment where the train goes by literally every 5 minutes, thriving
>Dyes her hair blonde and hates it immediately
>Does molly on live while looking like a toothless grandmaNEW MILK:
>Rash is Back >No word on “normie job”, Ariana continues to stay home all day on ig>Does a shoot for Spencers, looks ridiculous and is mocked, spergs out on twitter >Says she would give her psoriasis to a fucking BABY >>891310>Confirms she got her boobs half off from theplasticspa, talks shit about them >Isn’t posting new content on onlyfans, her only source of income>In two back to back tweets claims she’s thriving, the other saying she can’t afford her fillers currently >>895883>Manically dyes her fried blonde hair pink less than a month after getting it done>Is already planning getting 12k worth of surgeries when she can’t even afford a 200 dollar doctor visit for her rashSocial media:
Ig: plasticandproud
Ig (deleted): Plasticnproud
Reddit: Airkilla321
Onlyfans: No. 896608
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This dumb bitch now thinks she has lupus as well and still doesn’t think she should go to the doctor
No. 896609
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Delusion at its finest
No. 896615
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>>896608She’s such a moron, let’s pretend she does have goddam lupus for a minute, GO TO THE DOCTOR?! She’s so arrogant she thinks she knows better than the doctor , meanwhile she’s bathing in murky water, exfoliating her face off, and sulking. I can’t do the mental gymnastics necessary to understand her mental processes. I find it funny though that her skin was always something she took pride in and now karmas taking a steaming shit on her face, body, and genitals.
No. 896617
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guess she removes her dentures when she bathes
No. 896618
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No. 896619
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That upper lip though… looking more and more like the Joker everyday.
No. 896621
>>896618you know this girl just sits on her ass all day getting high and webMD'ing every little symptom.
also evidence she hasn't gotten a blood test for HIV if she's NOW announcing she's getting a blood test. even though "she doesn't broadcast everything she has done" or whatever she said regarding going to the doctor before.
No. 896719
>>896712This girl has so many variables to work into the equation that it could honestly be anything.
Her rape + unprotected sex, breast implants, absolute shit diet, drugs/alcohol, the fact that she seems to rarely shower/bathe until after all this “psoriasis” shit came up, her lack of care about her general health at all. Or it could be any combination of these things. The sad thing is that most, if not all of these things are her doing though and she has the ability to have prevented or try to find a solution for all of it but she’d rather have something to whine about all over social media as if anyone gives a shit and can’t see right through her.
No. 896723
>>896696right? thats what i thought too, she LOVES to be the one to say "see i was right and you were wrong". she'd love to be able to shut this shit down but she wont because…? i think shes scared shitless and doesnt want to know if its anything serious, so she can live in denial.
whatever it is, watching it progress is glorious. shes such an absolute cunt to everyone she interacts with its impossible to feel even a little bad for her.
No. 896756
>>896712“BrEaSt ImPlAnT iLlNeSs” what’s the scientific name for that? Oh it’s not recognized by the medical community so there isn’t one. and it’s just talked about by women who “self identify” with it. Sure you could have an issue SOON after surgery caused by some fuck up during or your body rejecting it but there is no “breast implant illness.” Pnp would’ve had a reaction fucking sooner not her tits done
again and had no issues for how long it’s been. you sound fucking stupid. Honestly. Wish you could be banned forever for being an idiot or reposting the same bs never going to happen tinfoil without stating or saging. Go away.
No. 896822
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She can easily take an hiv test at home if she's concerned about embarrassment and hates doctors but she's a lazy bitch
No. 896829
>>896821“It’s HIV. End of conversation.” You sound as delusional as Ariana. No one knows why she is sick, including her and ESPECIALLY US. We can only speculate, to say we know for certain is just insane.
I still can’t believe she said she is going to get a blood test- I have thought she never would. But then again… she’s said she’s going to do a lot she hasn’t done so let’s not hold our breathe.
No. 896931
>>896846My thoughts exactly. Didn't she cop out last time because it was a male doctor? Which is understandable imo, but there's no way she can even be honest enough with
herself to lay out her lifestyle and habits honestly. I'd guess doctors get this all the time and are used to it though? Time will tell… wouldn't it be crazy if there was radio silence from her after she gets tested?
No. 896935
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More on Lip Bitch
No. 896961
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she tries really hard to have this weird “cute” porn thing going on with her “watch me whimper” head ass but looks like a bimbo and the clash of aesthetics seems really unappealing except to maybe a really specific niche audience into weird ass cute bimbo porn
No. 896972
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No. 896988
>>896972No, you're disgusting and the feeling is probably catching up with you. You clearly never fucking actually wanted to be a sw/camgirl, but didn't think things through, so now you're stuck in this shitty situation you've created.
Literally who fucking posts this on their sw twitter. Something is super fucked with her health, so I wouldn't be surprised if her libido is fucked as well, but she sure as fuck isn't ace.
>inb4 she comes out as "guyz i think I'm grey ace" No. 896991
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Why is she even trying to get a new tattoo with the way her newest one looks? I doubt a tattoo artist would be willing to tattoo skin with so many obstacles to avoid.
No. 896992
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No. 896994
>>896988This is literally her mentality, “I think I have HIV but I’m too scared to seek the truth”.
Exactly, she’s stuck with this stupid identity she’s created for herself. She admitted this several tweets ago that she looks at other people’s identities and takes them on. Stupid Unoriginal Bitch.
No. 897010
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>>897004It's telling how she refers to herself as 'we'.
And look at that hair and liner. Tf
No. 897046
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I know this is 2 days old but her decade ago to now photo.. “now” photo should really be the one she took that day and posted just before it showing her real face.
No. 897086
>>897022Huh…where have you been? She has like a million wigs and destroys them instantly. There’s no hope for this cow.
Her only effort to staying relevant is getting off her meds and committing to a full manic lifestyle. She needs to realize that the only reason she was almost to 100k followers was bc people loved watching her sweet sweet combination of drug use, fillers, and social media addiction type spiral. People love watching bad people unravel and ruin their lives. She’s so yesterday, no one really cares anymore.
No. 897094
>>897090yeah, she clearly doesnt know what shes talking about. paying a deposit when you book in advance is completely normal. but she is in philly where everything is backwards and dirty.
>>896935pretty sure it was confirmed the injector just stopped giving ariana and that other girl free injections for social media exposure. prior to that she had zero issues
No. 897095
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She’s live
No. 897106
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This girl is coughing her lungs out, smoking dirty bong water, and complaining about her lazy eye. She reads this thread for sure and it's just so sad. She needs to get out and do something with her life.
No. 897109
>>897095watched the whole live, highlights:
she didnt mean to dye her hair pink, diluted what she thought was dark purple hair dye with conditioner to tone her hair, turns out it was red oops
showed off her jars of free weed
broke her 7 year old bong!!!! by being retarded and flailing her blanket around
pretended to cry about said bong while also exclaiming she felt nothing, and was also totally in shock
started saying to matt “have you noticed that whenever you break things or hurt me or i break things i dont get angry anymore??”
immediately jumped on him to buy her a new bong for apparently breaking one however long ago
they made and hit a grav, had no idea how to use it and she got super defensive whenever people tried to help
matt made a funny joke whenever she hit it, some girl thirsted about him for it so he repeated it several times later on
they hit the grav a couple more times then end the live abruptly
No. 897139
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No. 897234
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Kek ok Ari.
No. 897313
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She somehow still tries to make the connection that psoriasis = healing quickly …? Huh!?
No. 897316
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Ari, you don’t look like this anymore.
You were almost pretty a year ago when that photo was taken. Now you look closer to your pre-op face. Better hurry and get that fat fill!
No. 897323
>>897241Learning to wield your vagina to get what you want is not the same as fucking some John for free weed. Learn that Ari, stop being a cheap piece of ass.
Off topic, but I hate how these SW hoes don’t want to be ostracized, judged or oppressed, yet the talk shit on women that don’t want to do what they do. Always sperging off saying “your pussy cost zero dollars and zero sex but mine pays for my ~lavish lyfe~”. They don’t make the differentiation that yes, non-SWers aren’t charging people for sex, but they’re also fucking people THEY WANT TO FUCK. Periodt.
No. 897368
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Wasn’t she called a simpleton the other day on here? Yay, baby added a new diss to her arsenal. She lurketh on.
No. 897391
Watch “Ariana and Matt take bong rips out of ice chest” on #Vimeo
No. 897408
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>>897391What in the back woods West Virginia…?
No. 897416
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She makes incongruent comparisons all the time. She’s so illogical. Like a nail tech isn’t a self starting career whereas sex work is, so it infact does make sense to reach out to people you look up to. She’s so repellant to her following and doesn’t even see it. I’m too lazy to look back in her twitter, but wasn’t she the one hitting up SWers for help?! And giving that advice to other aspiring SWers? Lmao, loser.
No. 897422
>>897416if you were friendly with a nail tech and were an aspiring nail tech why WOULDN'T you ask them how they got to be one as long as you're polite about it? Lots of jobs practically require you to ask around in the field for how to get started because the info isn't always easily found on the internet and plenty of people are happy to give advice because they're not afraid that a young newb is going to suddenly steal their long term skilled job.
a lot of the time people are only this precious about ~no free advice~ when they don't want people to find out that they don't actually have any wisdom to share.
but none of this matters because "don't ask sws for ~FREE~ advice" has been a popular sentiment on tumblr for years and ari would rather regurgitate it verbatim than form her own opinion.
No. 897423
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ok bully
No. 897522
>>897491Right?? I knew there had to be people that felt the same way. She really is an ugly
, ugly person.
No. 897634
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>really wish i could use emojis
>image board
No. 897668
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Her body is trying to do the noble thing and end her
No. 897672
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Wow… so much improvement…
No. 897675
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Whatever this girl has she needs to stop treating it like it’s on the surface. Her entire immune system is going haywire and all she can seem to care about is the scarring on her face. What if vital organs are being damaged because of this fearful neglect she carries around? It’s okay to admit fault. Face your fears and go to the damn doctor. There is no shame in getting an extensive checkup especially if you’re a respected sex worker. I’m sure doctors have experienced far worse during their lengthy profession and wouldn’t give two shits if you were raped out of country. All they would care about is running the results and seeing you HEALTHY. Aka doing their JOB. It is absolutely ridiculous to see this girl choosing to live in fear and paranoia. Honestly downright depressing.
No. 897735
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It’s not even about the medications though. She has no clue what she is even dealing with. Blood tests and skin biopsies are the ONLY way for her or ANYONE to legitimately know what disease she has. Bitch is playing with fire!
No. 897736
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when will this weirdo understand that people who are actually good with money and have great credit aren’t incessant about letting others know and having their wonderful money and credit skills validated on twitter and instagram? they just… do it. she’s like a teenager, it’s really just weird at 25 to still act like this much of a child.
No. 897754
>>897744Not defending her because she’s a fucking idiot and her credit is from her mom using her identity as a child as
>>897740 said, but her line of logic (or lack thereof) is about credit HISTORY from showing the ability to pay off a large loan (student loans, car loan etc) but that is different than what she’s doing, which is just paying off her racked up credit card bill. Her car loan, sure, although not sure why she’s still paying off her minivan, I thought it was older for some reason
No. 897755
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This tweet just openly displays her financial insecurity. If she has 4K to finish paying off her loans, and was confident that her job would continue to make her enough money to support her, she would just pay it. She knows it’s a bad idea to throw down 4K at once because her career is so inconsistent and shitty that she would risk being shit poor.
No. 897765
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Bought her car in 2015 for ~9700, 2016 was her nose job, end of 2017 was lip lift, 2018 boobs and countless fillers in between. Jesus fucking Christ girl, that’s a lot of debt in under 5 years. No wonder all her onlyfans money goes to bills
No. 897770
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Also sorry if someone posted this in the last thread already I didn’t see it
No. 897808
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No. 897809
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(2/2) she is so….. weak.
No. 897833
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This bitch needs her issues sorted lol
No. 897853
>>897833>>897833Ariana, since you definitely lurk, please please please go to therapy !!!!
Anons have been begging you to go to therapy for the past 10 threads
It will help
No. 897888
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Tinfoil but Ariana seems like the type of girl to threaten suicide if a man leaves her… She walks all over Matt and he tried to leave for another girl and she ended that as soon as she got wind.
No. 897958
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None of the other comments were about the disgusting dandruff-dander snowbank on her shirt. Stop lurking, Ariana, and do your fucking laundry.
No. 897999
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This petty skinwalking minimum wage bitch spends too much time trying to badmouth the_plastics_pa, when she's really just mad she's broke af and can't get more Care Credit surgeries.
No. 898117
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Her newest only fans video literally makes me want to throw up she looks so bad. She just writhes around grabbing random parts of her body with her disgusting rash all over
No. 898118
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The worst part of it all was her nasty Rashy puss
No. 898147
>>898117Finally bought some new panties
And holy fuck that tattoo looks like it was done in red ink. Actually the subject matter of the tatt is fitting for Ariana's self-destructive ass
No. 898206
>>898194That’s…totally normal. Some women don’t grow hair on their labia but many do.
I don’t understand the nitpick about her pubic hair when there is a fucking nasty rash all over her body and a tattoo that is infected and/or being rejected.
No. 898220
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No. 898224
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>>898220Can’t take any type of advice that isn’t sugar coated in superficial bullshit.
No. 898227
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When even a puppy doesn't want to be around Ariana. KEK
>>898222She been doing that alot. I think while her account was suspended but still up (she just had no access to her IG account) there were A LOT of people commenting "negative" things on her older pictures. So she turns them off after she gets tht rush of validation.
No. 898229
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>>898118Holy fucking shit. How is she not running to the doctor with her vulva looking so red and inflamed?!?! It’s the reddest, lumpiest part of her entire body. Yes her full body rash is gross but this is on another level. I wonder if her one client really is fucking that
No. 898238
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>>898224Funny how she always talks about other ppl projecting yet never realizes she does it constantly
No. 898253
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She edited the left picture. The right one is a recent screenshot. She looking like a granny with a tummy pouch
No. 898255
>>898247yes it can happen, google is your friend. additionally, she may have some longer hairs at the very bottom of her mons pubis stuck down inside the cleft which adds to the dark appearance.
i am willing to bet £5 that tattoo will fucking peel off, jfc
No. 898269
>>898125>sex workers shaveeww wtf, pedophilia much? not to mention nasty razor burn which must be 4 different stds
>sex workers don't shavedisgusting!!
you realize some people like bushes right? how childish must you be to voluntarily look at sex workers and get mad when she has pubes???
No. 898281
>>898171>>898272>>898269why are you guys sperging the fuck out over pubes when her red, inflamed rash & wart covered vagina is the entire problem, please take your body hair opinions to a place where people actually give a shit
that being said, her vagina looks mega infected and i can’t believe she’s going out and buying clothes and selling clothes on depop (MOST LIKELY without washing them first too) when her body and VAGINA are covered in THAT!! pubes aside, THAT is gross as FUCK!!
No. 898282
>>898253the caption she posted is so annoying, she repeats the same "when my hair is (insert), it'll be over for you hoes!" over and over. So unoriginal and boring.
Ari, you have been saying this for what 3ish years now? But you have literally never bested anyone or even gotten better. In fact, you have gotten worse each time you say that.
No. 898293
File: 1574811877152.png (861.3 KB, 1075x1117, 2CACF731-8FCD-475E-A9C5-D39B25…)

>>898117>>898181I’m cackling at that one tit that got distracted and is looking off to the side they look just like Squidwards eyes in this pic
No. 898300
>>898117We’ve never really discussed her heinous nipple tattoos. Those are so fucking ugly. Her whole life is a goddamn parody. Of course her already wonky, rock-hard rubber tits have THOSE tattooed on them. As if they couldn’t get any more unappealing, let’s slap some mandalas on ur nipples.
Gasping at the whole body rash. She IS a disease. Wouldn’t touch her with a ten foot pole. Are these pics supposed to be “empowering”? Like maybe don’t post pictures of a full-body rash on ur aspiring SW account, dummy.
No. 898307
File: 1574813446134.jpeg (64.23 KB, 750x312, 5EB1E59B-7011-47B7-BA72-D80DB4…)

HAHAHA Can someone make a compilation of how many times she’s said iTs OvEr 4 U hOeS !¡
No. 898310
File: 1574813631810.jpeg (77.3 KB, 750x351, 8507A902-54C4-4302-8FE6-DC5274…)

I don’t think baby girl know what “sheepish” means lmao. Cute.
No. 898315
File: 1574814597803.png (4.78 MB, 1242x2208, 36EA1722-043C-42B0-A293-8BC116…)

No. 898319
File: 1574815117119.png (883.77 KB, 750x1334, 9F46D719-19DD-4767-BCD6-8979EA…)

Talking about how she can’t eat “on the go” because nothing is gluten and dairy free. Man this girl is the definition of pathetic. She’s so… un-empowered . All her efforts to fool people on IG but it’s obvious she is a weak, insecure cry baby wah wah wah :,(
No. 898322
File: 1574815465581.png (1.61 MB, 750x1334, 3136F8CE-A88A-40A3-9522-35BB25…)

>>898319She can’t commit to anything for a fucking second. Remember this list of foods she was going to only eat (capped)..? That was YESTERDAY!!! Already going to go get Boston market?? I wish I could live life a day in her shoes, just to know what it’s like to have her tiny brain and struggle with tiny things.
No. 898326
File: 1574816311662.png (1.95 MB, 750x1334, 616A7ECE-D13D-41B0-AAD2-EB464D…)

She says she will post pone her diet until after the holidays because it’s just too hard (baby voice). Her ability to come up with excuses is astounding. That has to be in the same vein as her mom’s pathological lying. It’s so delusional, she believes her own bullshit.
No. 898329
>>898118Holy FUCK that is DISGUSTING!
I cannot believe she’s so dependant on her whore money that she cant quit working for a month until she looks less like a goddamn leper.
Like you whore yourself out and left yourself no savings for times like this??? So you have to immortalize forever how disgusting full body rash looked??
The internet is forever ya dumb cunt!
No. 898340
>>898330How… is this generational? You’re begging for an okay boomer.
I agree that this is pt worthy stuff, she’s karma incarnate
No. 898352
File: 1574820771103.jpg (520.91 KB, 1080x1871, 20191126_200302.jpg)

Omg. Look at this goblin! Hahahahahaha. Ugh, so good. Hahaha. WHY would you put this on the internet?!?!??? Kek. And while trying to parade as a sEx WoRkEr?!?!?! Lolololol. She's so gross, man. There are so many beautiful and talented women out there that aren't covered in hiv rash. Give them your money instead. Yikes × 1,000 to this bitch.(Pure autism)
No. 898355
File: 1574821528241.jpg (38.87 KB, 800x213, 20191126_181410.jpg)

No. 898361
File: 1574822410836.png (290.06 KB, 750x1334, 1BE813BE-6D2F-4481-A776-399297…)

tinfoil but i feel like all of her “i’m so cheap i thrift and hate paying for delivery and don’t wanna pay off my debt in full even though i’m rich” act online is her trying to convince everyone who calls her out on here for her reckless spending that she isn’t irresponsible or dirt poor lol. like a month ago she talked about how she was dropping $400 on one outfit and another $150ish on makeup? alright, you’re so cheap and frugal girl.
No. 898469
File: 1574858765193.png (1.94 MB, 1226x2048, Screenshot_20191127-064426.png)

The wicked witch wants to move
No. 898508
>>898498>“Glad I started being less selfless”top kek
remember when she was talking about how she only JUST started acknowledging homeless people the last time her grandparents were in town, and now she’s soOooO empathetic that she’s straight up crying in her car over them being alone for thanksgiving? she’s gotta be off her meds.
No. 898524
File: 1574872006854.jpg (613.67 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20191127-081805_Ins…)

Kek at this bitch crying because she gives the homeless "everything" she has on her, "but it's not enough (sniffle)". Bitch, how about you buy clothes for the homeless, if you're so bent outta shape. She spent over $100 thrifting these terrible outfits reminiscent of elementary school, when she could have bought a fuckload of socks for the homeless and passed them out. With all her extra time, you'd think someone so "empathetic" would stop being "selfless" for a moment. Top kek that she has no idea what selfless means.
And she says she's hoping to "finish taxidermy school"… This misshapen Franken-Goblin never even started school, so she's certainly not finishing anything. I love how crazy this scaly bitch is.
No. 898528
File: 1574872333401.jpeg (217.02 KB, 750x418, A425494C-6E09-4D1B-9F0E-FDF3BE…)

>mAn MaDe PhArMaCeUtiCalS
>does drugs
No. 898533
File: 1574873971142.jpg (137.55 KB, 1067x441, Screenshot_20191127-085622_Sam…)

Her "vegan" friendsgiving is with several equally generic looking bitches and bony faced Aaron. They can all sit around and take selfies together. For someone that supposedly isn't a "normie", this bitch sure wears some basic af clothes.
No. 898537
File: 1574874630116.png (286.52 KB, 1080x1620, Screenshot_20191127-090603.png)

Her thrifted clothes had stains on them and she put the used boots right up on her kitchen counter. Also, does she know that regular chicken/beef/soup broth is "bone broth"?
No. 898559
File: 1574878919247.jpeg (114.39 KB, 1171x546, BCC87C0B-2A23-4778-9496-33F767…)

>>898558Double post but just searched them both and this pops up, kinda hilarious considering both have no friends bc they talk shot about everyone that comes into their lives lol
No. 898581
File: 1574883429894.jpeg (355.67 KB, 2048x2048, A0BB1246-F603-4A8F-9B4B-7680BF…)

No. 898582
File: 1574883511870.jpeg (132.8 KB, 750x843, 93CCCF5C-FBD5-4140-BCFE-D32269…)

>>898559I find the fact they mutually interacted kind of hilarious.
No. 898584
File: 1574883711853.jpeg (167.99 KB, 749x1105, 3C1DF496-0170-4D54-ABC6-F1F301…)

>>898582>>898558Still the same attention whoring mindset. Also a major KEK at her planning to go blonde in this post. Probably because she felt ugly and couldn’t make content without doing so. She truly never changes.
No. 898594
File: 1574885701557.png (5.8 MB, 1242x2208, 6EC20942-A222-42A6-8F3A-41D02A…)

Oh my god… the flap…
No. 898669
God, that took me a while to go through all the threads. I have only one conclusion.
How the hell she chose to be a sex worker if she completely lacks sex appeal. I don’t even where to start with this, she is the most unsexy person I’ve ever seen in my life. And she’s gross and delusional. She’s like a combination of Victoria Bella-Morte and Luna Slater, except somehow she’s more gross, more nasty character-wise, and more unsexy and unappealing than both of those cows combined. Fuck, to have Luna Fucking Slater be sexier than you. That’s just hard to grasp.
Wasn’t she supposed to get a normie job? Or she’s still trying to milk the sex industry to try to see if she succeeds in anything? It’s like she doesn’t realize at all that she has zero sex appeal and no matter what she tries, stripping, sex, cams, she will never be a success. Her boyfriend is the gross Matt and somehow he is the better looking one in this relationship. It’s just insane.
No. 898670
>>898669She got her identity based on her weakest quality (sex appeal). It’s like fat Georgia picking being a dainty fragile anorexic as her identity.
Smh cows have no self awareness.
No. 898704
File: 1574905471509.jpeg (391.38 KB, 1157x959, B6930D84-EE2C-4409-B828-1B457F…)

Can’t get over how badly she ruined her lips
No. 898705
File: 1574906208871.jpeg (199.69 KB, 750x554, 43129897-7FB4-480D-AB00-59D6B0…)

this is the equivalent of fake edgy fags wearing “normal people scare me” merch. we get it, you’re traumatized. find a real personality trait to identify with.
No. 899066
File: 1575000502193.png (203.02 KB, 750x1334, 31D1AAFA-B220-4A83-A8DF-8C6009…)

Kekekekekek. Wonder if she willingly spent it alone or if she was not/uninvited
No. 899258
File: 1575048843734.png (4.8 MB, 750x1334, 46E89DB6-7705-4951-B655-B0D2E8…)

Can't wait to see what kind of sperg out she's going to have later with the guests and all. Also, since when has wearing makeup during a "flare up" been an issue? She's been doing full faces all month.
Also, any word on the blood test she was gonna do? Or another lie? Kek Arianna, even if it's not HIV, whatever you have is clearly ravaging your body inside and out. Did you see the other anon post the risks of letting the kind of "psoriasis" you claim to have go unchecked??? Go to a fucking doctor.
No. 899283
>>899066Remember when she got stupid decked out/full makeup to go to a wedding for Matt’s friends and she SAT IN THE CAR THE WHOLE TIME taking selfies? lol
Great/normal girlfriend to have.
No. 899289
File: 1575052566452.jpeg (265.9 KB, 750x1091, E2E1F412-CDE7-4E05-949B-6FFCDD…)

She’s thankful for her pets….
No. 899428
File: 1575067877588.png (1.3 MB, 750x1334, A92A2461-57E3-4BD1-9BB9-124C61…)

>>899258she posted this on her story today and said
„Love my life. I love dying.”
maybe finally went to see a doctor??
No. 899456
>>899428She needs to wash her hands.
Anyway, I am guessing Friendsgiving didn't take place after all, or maybe she was uninvited.
No. 899501
File: 1575075021846.png (631.54 KB, 792x1170, Screen Shot 2019-11-29 at 7.48…)

>>899428lmao the blue one is lamotrigine, the rest literally just look like multivitamin capsules and possibly an advil. totally """dying"""
No. 899529
>>899428"waahhh i have to take so many vitamins, poor little me"
she is insufferable. like one of those is an actual script. i bet if she went to a dr she'd be taking a lot more than a few vitamins.
No. 899540
File: 1575080744252.png (4.93 MB, 750x1334, A9339757-D70B-4F1C-A0B3-058F2E…)

Thanks for the clarification pnp
No. 899683
>>899661>>899640Yeah fuck white people and their
nasty food!
No. 899698
File: 1575130562569.jpeg (119.05 KB, 750x1047, D62792C0-CF7B-4E5C-9246-3A7B53…)

I think she’s on drugs in this video, idk she just seems extra slow
No. 899722
>>899540She looks drunk af.
And the ibuprofen looking pill is an iron supplement.
That meal is shitty even for a vegan Thanksgiving meal. Soup kitchens gave better vegan meal options on Thanksgiving. But you really can't expect too much if this bitch is the cook.
No. 899732
File: 1575135547038.jpg (94.84 KB, 400x400, watermark-FRESH-START-VITAMINS…)

>>899730>>899428It's probably one of those vitamin packs that white trash and truckers buy at gas stations
No. 899739
>>899540is she drinking brandy when she blamed alcohol
triggered her flare up? smart as always.
No. 899850
File: 1575158556794.jpeg (95.99 KB, 750x533, AD046714-5707-4D14-88AE-76479E…)

She’s such a cringe lord, constantly flexing her poverty level income. Someone tell this scorpi whore that $1,000 a month is nothing to brag about. But hey, I guess that’s a lot of money for her considering where she came from. If you strive for nothing you’re always content.
No. 899867
File: 1575161845455.png (3.54 MB, 750x1334, 29DEBC43-7C42-40A7-81FB-D12E2D…)

Not trying to nitpick but I saw these eye wrinkles peaking through and started thinking about the fucking epic downward spiral ahead when she begins to show signs of aging. She is NOT going to be okay with accepting her being an old, washed-up, nobody.(Nitpick)
No. 899928
File: 1575172234990.png (1.2 MB, 968x968, Sera-romance.png)

Kinda sad she missed out on cosplaying as Sera from Dragon Age when she had the blonde hair.
No. 899938
File: 1575174744342.png (114.49 KB, 750x1334, FB647C3B-D1EE-4B94-B6A3-7CCA63…)

just had a vegan friendsgiving but is chugging bone broth now? i really can’t keep up. she’s one of those people who drags vegans through filth but then when she eats vegan food it’s plastered all over her social media how ~vegan~ and good for you it is. pick one already bitch
No. 899951
File: 1575177756713.jpeg (121.66 KB, 1125x874, 35049B5B-C508-417A-8D38-01FFE4…)

cutting out dairy in her diet is going swell!
No. 900073
File: 1575212437912.jpeg (176.69 KB, 1242x342, 8835B327-ED49-4C87-9C29-EEFCBE…)

No. 900165
File: 1575229384451.jpeg (Spoiler Image,167.6 KB, 1125x1423, abscessednproud.jpeg)

>>900073I'm impressed he can even get it up knowing that this is what he's about to penetrate. Can you imagine looking down and seeing your (hypothetical) shaft surrounded by these pus covered boils? Truly revolting.
No. 900166
>>896573Why is she so stupid and tries to do eveything at 1,000% and then gets overwhelmed and gives up. Just take a shot or two at first you fucking idiot, why make it so unpleasant?
She really has no concept of building skills and habits and being consistant with
No. 900259
>>900073In reality:
"I honethly don't know how my man'th dick game ith becauthe I really don't like thex. I jutht do it to look cool, complain about my thexual aversion, and make bad amateur thell phone 'porn'."
No. 900353
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No. 900354
File: 1575253108374.png (5.47 MB, 828x1792, 8A47476C-FACB-4B1A-9C92-7D0AC9…)

No. 900360
File: 1575254111631.png (303.03 KB, 750x1334, BA92217E-1909-42A7-94F2-65B1F3…)

pretty sure it’s cause you’re poor but ok
No. 900398
>>900354The single most honest thing she's ever admitted.
>>900360>he only gets one cos he's spoiledThe single most Doormatt thing she's ever admitted.
She's really on a roll tonight
No. 900455
>>900437Tinfoil: PnP copying Embodoe. embodoe and her fiance Myke Chambers seem to have a second home in Asheville (or nearby) as Chambers is opening a second shop there. Embodoe posts about the beautiful countryside home and PnP might've latched onto some idea about the place without researching into it.
NC would not treat someone like her kindly.
No. 900593
File: 1575307166995.png (1.98 MB, 828x1792, A75CCD11-C1EC-4ED3-8B9C-FA2C1D…)

No. 900595
File: 1575307492951.png (1.76 MB, 750x1334, AFDFEA52-F0ED-46AD-BEC3-3B32F9…)

Slowly turning into a horrorcow
No. 900604
>>900595why doesn't she just make a soup so she doesn't have to drink straight broth? I mean it's dumb that she even does this cus then she eats foods and drinks alcohol that
trigger her condition, so like what's even the point
No. 900617
File: 1575311018140.png (3.23 MB, 750x1334, BED241CC-9660-464E-9D74-3B1127…)

Or a real mattress maybe? Kekekek
No. 900625
File: 1575312907556.jpeg (355.17 KB, 750x815, 1ACCD4A2-E8E7-419E-B316-17A49E…)

Ah, yes, go buy some of the clothes she modeled in her rash covered body (some without underwear) then threw on the floor so she could take pics with the next items. Anyone have that's screencap of her wearing that blue dress side by side with a photo of it on the ground? Lmao.
This bitch is so grody. Imagine having to sit next to her on a flight and smell her nasty ass unwashed feet for hours. Gag.
No. 900650
File: 1575318449240.jpg (966.63 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20191202_152448.jpg)

7 years later, a more accurate side by side.
No. 900729
>>900625Dirtbag because also she “raffled” these pink shoes and never gave them away… now trying to sell them… sus cheap bitch should never be trusted or bought clothes from.
Also, fucking mega EW her feet are so grody, they look all sticky and clamy like frog feet. I picture her picking cloths up off the ground with her toes and then scratching her scaly head with them like a flea-ridden dog. Fucken troglodyte.
No. 900943
File: 1575375023062.jpg (1.84 MB, 1920x1920, PhotoCollage_20191203_06100584…)

From here private insta
No. 900952
>>900943my hearing is pretty shit so i never know what she is saying in her endless rambling videos. is this wall of text the way she talks in videos too? because then
oof, idk how someone could spend time around her and not have their energy completely drained from having to listen to her
No. 900974
File: 1575385950693.png (3.04 MB, 750x1334, CC2D926B-3C22-4D85-9ECC-370EC6…)

This bitch, always talking shit on Dollskill. Like move on! She’s so….uncouth.
No. 900982
File: 1575389029656.jpg (364.29 KB, 1896x814, IMG_20191203_170127.jpg)

>>900943>my lips aren't nearly as huge as they were consistently for the past two yearsokay
No. 900988
Sage for lack of milk, but I've gone through the comments on her posts to see what type of people are giving her virtual validation. Of course this delusional bitch deletes all the negative comments, but the comments that are left up are all from women who want plastic surgery and see Ariana as a "knowledgeable" person, even though a lot of her bought features didn't work out. I don't see any comments from men admiring her cake-faced "beauty". It's all insecure women that aren't happy with themselves and want to change things like their nose, lips, and get rid of nasolabial folds, so they're asking someone else that bought their facial features on credit. Despite the fact this bitch has some botched surgeries, a lot of women still see the change and wish they looked like someone else. Some of them are even being told by their plastic surgeons to not get more fillers, all while our favorite scumbag tells people about more surgery she wants to get, even though all of her surgeries had less than desirable results. The poor results are predominantly Dirtbag's fault due to lack of aftercare, but someone buying tits just because they were on sale really shouldn't be giving out any life advice. This is like the plastic surgery blind leading the plastic surgery blind.
No. 900989
>>900943”since this account is on his phone”
……sooo she doesn’t get that she can log in on that account on her own phone too wtf…? Is she really that stupid
No. 901003
>>900943This is the content she creates for people that paid?! No wonder she keeps slashing the price!
She should just market that account as her diary.
Btw, she uses Matt's phone for her IG journal entries and fake sex work shit since IG can block IP addresses for accounts that don't follow their guidelines. This considerate cunt would rather have DoorMatt's phone and IP address blocked than her own. I'm sure she tells him she can't lose her IG because she "makes money" with it, when she really just wants to pretend that she has internet friends that tell her how good she looks.
No. 901008
File: 1575394807070.jpeg (146.67 KB, 750x1093, 28C15590-DDF7-460E-ACE6-376B63…)

I forgot to post this yesterday. ~Hot new porn coming in?
No. 901012
File: 1575395373145.jpeg (125.65 KB, 750x720, 1F6DF979-E875-4127-A4F5-5706F3…)

How pathetic are these two tweets? Begging for asspats and follows.
No. 901109
>>901008>models clothing with disgusting rash>fucks old men with disgusting rash>parties, drinks, does drugs with disgusting rash>"uwwuu thanks for giving me time to heal, I just can't work because of my ~illness~, people who paid money that I already spent"Also re: reselling, I'm sure Depop wouldn't be pleased if she spread her
undiagnosed skin disease through their platform.
No. 901291
File: 1575425244989.jpeg (1.26 MB, 1242x1679, 47EB1A53-65D4-49C1-A81B-24A7C0…)

Any of this girls friends going to reach out? They probably realize she is doing it all for attention too.
No. 901309
File: 1575426383401.png (2.93 MB, 750x1334, 4CFF4BE9-C2C5-43BC-9665-B19C7A…)

Does anyone have her only fans? Kek
No. 901318
File: 1575427199620.jpeg (199.68 KB, 750x1084, 07CACABF-E1D6-4F49-9F19-30C553…)

Definitely going through withdrawals.
No. 901319
File: 1575427244328.jpeg (149.15 KB, 750x1082, 7128782B-FE7A-49D3-9FE2-D11AFD…)

>>901318Deleted this I believe.
No. 901321
>>901291She wonders why she's bleeding followers. Put some fucking effort into your content. Plan outfits, hair, makeup, get some decent lighting, use a real camera or self timer on your phone. God her shit is so messy and trashy. Even bbytrash as basic as she is doesn't post three shit tier makeup selfie a day begging for attention.
Are you taking your meds, ari? Because this looks like a manic episode waiting to happen.
No. 901345
File: 1575429182762.jpeg (354.54 KB, 1125x874, BA8902E9-89EF-4A5C-B1B2-E9BBEC…)

Because no one works with psoriasis, right?
No. 901390
File: 1575433664537.png (233.11 KB, 750x1334, 6F215AA0-5622-4DA9-960C-17BB2B…)

You probably have, they were just on medication like a normal person
No. 901396
>>901309>>901312If she uses her tears as lube, she'll be saving the planet.
Her pity pleas are really satisfying.
No. 901400
File: 1575434347939.jpg (269.95 KB, 1072x885, Screenshot_20191203-203559_Sam…)

Her response to someone asking her how to price their amateur porn because they see she's "successful" and they admire her. She is really fucking up her relationship with the only demographic that likes her.
No. 901402
File: 1575434586486.jpg (191.31 KB, 1080x535, Screenshot_20191203-204123_Sam…)

Kek at how she words fat grafting as an "investment", then uses her low self esteem to justify going deeper into debt.
No. 901423
File: 1575438876176.jpeg (199.63 KB, 750x1077, B13A9741-96BC-4CB1-B275-61164E…)

>>901345Can’t tell if her brain is fried or she’s just lying, but it has not been over two years since she quit her job
No. 901436
File: 1575441365383.jpg (Spoiler Image,168.31 KB, 597x599, Screenshot_20191204-012835_Twi…)

A video on her twitter promoting her of
No. 901446
File: 1575442245485.jpg (Spoiler Image,2.21 MB, 1920x1920, InShot_20191204_015031186.jpg)

No. 901455
>>901446wtf i was not ready for that
also why not share the whole vid anon?
No. 901507
>>901402We are literally watching a crazy person rationalize their addictions.
“I deserve fillers because my HIV rash makes me self conscious”
How about you INVEST in some blood work and a trip to the doctor?
No. 901508
>>901444Well… at least she’s honest enough with herself to know the only way she’ll sell XXX content is by appealing to the bottom of the barrel market - Food fetish, dragon dick and blow up doll aesthetic. She will do absolutely anything for male attention, Jesus.
But ya she aint going to make any $$ doing a classy traditional suicide girls shoot, so hey, guess the girls gotta make her filler money somehow
No. 901509
>>901444Well… at least she’s honest enough with herself to know the only way she’ll sell XXX content is by appealing to the bottom of the barrel market - Foot fetish, dragon dick and blow up doll aesthetic. She will do absolutely anything for male attention, Jesus.
But ya she aint going to make any $$ doing a classy traditional suicide girls shoot, so hey, guess the girls gotta make her filler money somehow
No. 901572
File: 1575475626551.jpg (782.99 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20191204-080358_Ins…)

Hey, if you can't get anyone with your beauty, you might as well try to get 'em with pity!
This crazy bitch episode is awesome.
No. 901577
File: 1575476058159.jpg (125.13 KB, 1066x407, Screenshot_20191204-080920_Sam…)

Buying the most useless shit when she has massive debt. Brilliant. And it's cool she's finally going to get new lingerie, but it doesn't matter if she's wearing designer lingerie. If she ever actually cams, she'll still have a shabby mess as her background. You can put a diamond in a brass setting, but it still is always going to be brass.
No. 901603
File: 1575478673599.jpg (2.56 MB, 3840x1920, inCollage_20191204_085743798.j…)

I'm sorry
No. 901640
File: 1575484122378.png (469.07 KB, 750x1334, B1B7D519-0854-46BC-B009-90EEE4…)

she’s so self righteous it’s ridiculous. this sounds so manipulative too, saying there’s no choice but to pity people? or.. if you hate bullies so much you could just ignore them instead of giving them your energy still by pitying them? sending your minions to attack your bullies doesn’t make you better than your bullies. this is just such petty middle school type thinking it’s crazy to me that she’s 25 and still acts like this.
No. 901668
File: 1575489610040.jpg (351.74 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20191204-115228_Ins…)

When you're trying to get people to interact with you despite being a self-righteous cunt.
No. 901669
File: 1575489689500.jpg (911.21 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20191204-115259_Ins…)

Guaranteed she's trying to convince her crazy self that we're all sad people with problems that deserve to be pitied. Riiiight.
No. 901670
File: 1575489759282.jpg (483.64 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20191204-115450_Ins…)

Bitter doesn't look good on you, girl!
No. 901683
File: 1575491534228.png (966.04 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20191204-133049.png)

"I get no joy from posting on Instagram" as she has a 100 slide story every day kek
No. 901696
File: 1575494021983.png (1.62 MB, 750x1334, BF4BC2B6-E144-466E-90E4-3E45F5…)

No. 901707
>>901670not to WK but dollskill are notorious for stealing designs and being trash. the owner could honestly have her own thread because she’s
problematic as fuck and abuses anyone who speaks up about dollskill.
No. 901726
File: 1575499023065.jpg (537.94 KB, 809x1653, Screenshot_20191204-173631_Ins…)

No. 901762
File: 1575503746704.png (545.19 KB, 750x1334, 7A1B05E7-548A-47D6-BF27-D783AD…)

Her lying is a fucking problem this is just embarrassing we all know this is far from the truth
No. 901818
File: 1575509904475.png (1.66 MB, 750x1334, E03124A9-7968-48DB-9A04-A94C59…)

>>901773she skin walks SO hard and it’s so obvious lmfao. pnp posted this in her story after embodoe posted pics in a pink wig on her own page saying “what hair color do you want to see me in next” (1/2)
No. 901819
File: 1575509949794.png (2.73 MB, 750x1334, AA1F6681-54B0-4219-92B7-8778AB…)

embodoe’s post (2/2)
No. 901836
File: 1575512365337.jpg (975.06 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20191204-181348_Ins…)

>>901572So she can beg people to follow her, e-panhandle, and straight up ask for money, but anyone who asks her to follow them gets a rude no. Makes sense.
No. 901839
File: 1575512641298.jpg (939.56 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20191204-181542_Ins…)

This explains why her art doesn't have the right proportions ever. I imagine it's hard to precisely Good thing she's blessed with "natural talent. " kek at her being a 25 yr old with the barely any work experience talking about her nature talent.
No. 901840
File: 1575512750248.jpg (1002.14 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20191204-181224_Ins…)

She's taking applications for the person she's going to skinwalk next.
No. 901881
File: 1575517741881.png (2.24 MB, 750x1334, CD254D6A-5705-45E5-8556-596845…)

Could you imagine if your life was this boring and depressing your list of things to accomplish to make you feel alive included bathing… this is laughable.
No. 901882
File: 1575517914461.png (1.76 MB, 750x1334, 562EE055-DB4A-422D-80B5-BBD93C…)

What a raging cunt, Ari, baby, did you take your mood stabilizers ? How do you fucking FORGET to take your crazy pills for days and days? She really self destructs hard. Also this cunty attitude is really bad for her following LOL
No. 902074
File: 1575562031454.png (3.57 MB, 750x1334, CDE5F9C7-F38B-49C4-A13F-4D717B…)

How’s that sardine broth tasting Ari ?
No. 902137
File: 1575573471977.jpg (331.98 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20191205_131154.jpg)

She's so pathetic (lazy) she can't even get a 58 pound box into her apartment. It comes in pieces, take it up stairs in pieces. She's so fucking lazy and helpless. Self proclaimed "badass" can't do the simplest of shit.
I can't wait for the day when Matt leaves her (because we all know it'll eventually happen) and this cow will get a real wake up call.
No. 902188
File: 1575584067723.png (447.54 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20191204-171938.png)

She keeps posting her onlyfans and this one was removed. She's going to get locked out if she keeps posting OF.
No. 902207
File: 1575586381229.png (1.86 MB, 750x1334, 5BA872AD-7536-4689-BF98-183D42…)

What the fuck is a side pocket
No. 902228
File: 1575587374334.jpg (157.98 KB, 800x337, 20191205_150841.jpg)

>>902207Seeing as it's listed with a number amount and right before another workout, it's probably a type of workout.
I came here to post that pic too
>>898537>>899938She's almost figured it out lol Ariana should pay these boards for always teaching her the basic knowledge she's lacking. Shall we instruct her on how to actually use the broth? (Jk pls don't do that)
No. 902239
File: 1575589054811.jpeg (117.32 KB, 750x573, 5CB9A324-AEDA-403C-BE53-B8CB3C…)

She really is a dumbass. She has a “Cheat Day Cuz I’m Sad” every. Fucking. Day. It’s actually laughable. Maybe her days feel longer cause all she does is sit on her ass all day so she forgets that she literally just posted the day before like a list of things she’s going to not eat…
No. 902245
File: 1575589295709.jpeg (61.73 KB, 750x285, F816111F-EF9A-4B2D-AC0F-E715E1…)

Ari don’t realize the only reason these little girls follow her is for the fillers/ plastic surgery thing. Once that goes, no one wants to stick around for a goblin roastie.
No. 902345
File: 1575604999076.png (1.41 MB, 750x1334, 751D1E32-B560-4A99-9BD1-D9D6FA…)

it’s so hard to believe she’s 25 years old….
No. 902346
>>902345Unless they are actively bothering her, there is no need for this. Even then… Can't handle a flame war? Disengage. If all the people she calls ugly on the internet decided to message her family, how would she feel? Such a beacon of positivity. I wonder if she posted this to her Twitter. She'd get torn to shreds.
What a pussy. Bitchmade and I bet she can't fight.
No. 902351
File: 1575605909491.jpeg (346.96 KB, 1214x1087, 7F8483A9-B659-4F26-B961-66F974…)

>>902345What is this bitchs issue? In what world is this the first thing you think to do? The problem is between you and the "bully" (which I don't even believe, they probably just said something she doesn't like) and not their mother. Even then, you just IGNORE them. Or vent on a certain website
wink wink This is the way psycho bitches react…. how did she even find this persons mother??? That is honestly a little scary. Scratch that, its A LOT scary. I could see this crazy bitch being a legit stalker or worse.
Work on your lack of empathy and rotten personality, Ari. Your looks peaked 3 years ago, its all downhill from here. Not too far downhill though, seeing as you're already at the bottom.
No. 902352
File: 1575606034712.png (2.09 MB, 750x1334, 8A5D05E4-0774-4209-B504-72C2AA…)

Her comebacks are so weak too, this bitch is always fronting. Fucking poser. She would never actually engage in a real fight.
If she’s referring to Lolcow, she should be glad we’re not reaching our to HER friends and HER family and HER work exposing how horrible she is. We at least keep it discretely on this sight. The only way normies find this sight is by stumbling upon it googling her name because she’s such an unbelievable raging cunt. Ya played ya self Ari.
No. 902369
File: 1575608654585.png (3.34 MB, 750x1334, 928DF596-7644-46CD-9D1F-29A8FE…)

>>902352I think she lurked and got her feefees hurt
No. 902498
File: 1575645962277.jpeg (181.98 KB, 750x913, 5ED850E2-C3A0-4905-8D14-AEB1E9…)

>>902358Nail on the head. Sad she can’t let shit go.
No. 902505
File: 1575646946267.png (2.52 MB, 750x1334, 6DEAB916-36D1-4074-B5C3-065F57…)

Deleted. Wonder why? KEK
No. 902540
>>902239Sage for non milk, but her IG stories are hilarious as hell now. The delusional ranting is daily comedy, on God. In the same pointless speech to herself, she's said celery juice is the "cure all", but says there isn't any scientific evidence supporting the pro-celery rant. Then she contradicts herself again by extolling the healing powers of celery juice on her full body staph infection.
She doesn't buy dairy, but will eat at the Melting Pot, pointing out, "Its really expensive (giggle)."
>>902345She legit is a snitch. Bragging about being a snitch doesn't go over to well with most circles. She's so edgy she looks up the family of people that don't like her and tells their mom that they were mean to her. Guaranteed the girl's mom had a good laugh with her daughter about what a Snitch Bitch Baby Huey Ariana.
There's something really satisfying about watching her go crazy over her self-diagnosed patchy infection. Snitch Bitch should just change her name to Patches and be the clown that she aspires to look like.
No. 902541
File: 1575653001029.jpg (814.2 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20191206-090515_Ins…)

Patches is at a new level of crazy.
No. 902544
*not endorsing cowtipping
No. 902548
File: 1575653803463.png (1.63 MB, 750x1334, 3E6E5A87-BA49-43B0-B488-D670C7…)

Isn’t she low key behind a nameless account as well? She goes to great lengths to hide her name for a reason. Then when someone has the balls to use their real name she exploits that to the fullest extent. She’s worse than any farmer.
No. 902574
File: 1575655793990.jpeg (125.65 KB, 1096x385, 77373784-270D-4B23-9465-BBE0C8…)

No. 902582
File: 1575656166088.jpeg (101.32 KB, 750x618, 49E0890B-99C4-4B54-9CBB-2F2D92…)

>>902574She’s trying her best to feel justified.
No. 902583
>>902574>lips were never smallExplain this
>>897265 ???
No. 902585
File: 1575656461388.jpg (1.22 MB, 1920x1920, PhotoCollage_20191206_12204678…)

Yeah she definitely lurked here and got hurt
No. 902593
>>902585> "People will try and insult me for the information I shamelessly share"I mean yeah. Funny how shes self aware of this fact but still like any other cow refuses to just not share her intimate personal info with internet strangers. In fact she tries to spend the next 3 paragraphs trying to say how not bothered it makes her. If she wasnt bothered by it then why make a whole essay stating all the ways shes wonderful? She wants to say anything she wants but doesnt think anyone else has to right to comment when shes the one who publically shares everything that ever happens to her. She even posts herself having mental breakdowns.
Just stop talking about every detail that happens in your life and maybe people won't be able to nitpick said details? It's not rocket science.
No. 902594
>>902585She's "struggling to stay afloat", while claiming to be rich, while going into debt for plastic surgery and fillers, while being a bone-broth drinking "vegan" that eats cheese at the Melting Pot because it's so "expensive".
Patches has no one to blame but herself for being a Snitch Bitch that gets what she gives. She's such a good person for hunting down someone's mother to complain about their 20-something yr old daughter.
Cool, can't wait until your family and DoorMatt's family gets amateur cell phone porn videos of you sticking shit in your scabby vag and crusty butthole for $12 and sees your e-pandhandling.
No. 902596
>>902593This exactly. Someone who relies on a following for income shouldn't act like this.
Look at latinamilk for example. What is her name??? Who tf knows!! Do we know every single psychotic thought that crosses her mind? Idk because she's not constantly sharing that shit!!! Oversharing Ariana just needs to shut the hell up and people will have less ammunition against her.
No. 902598
>>902585>if I was anyone else I would have killed myselfoh my god there are so many cows on this site (and then with other drama sights even more) they could have their own support group, or start a girl band and show us all.
How about before you try and wrangle a website (that you don't even qualify for the main board of by virtue of both not being famous enough OR an interesting enough of a disaster.) You focus on your interactions with fans and the people you consider yourself better than Arianna? Why does anyone owe you kindness when you don't seem to give it to even your most dedicated ass kisser?
TL;DR: "You are going to go your whole life thinking people hate you because you can afford more plastic surgery than them and because of that one time you modeled for Dollskill but it's really just because you are an asshole."
No. 902646
File: 1575665105762.png (598.74 KB, 1080x1755, Screenshot_20191206-153352~2.p…)

>>902582She's trying so hard to convince others that she's naturally beautiful when it's very obvious this isn't the case. It's easy to see that she still has tons of filler, especially in the upper portion of her face and her lips. The fact that Patches seems to be denying it is completely fitting bc damn let's be honest, this bitch has lost it. Sounds like she needs to change her name to plastic and embarrassed
No. 902674
>>902660Proof of Cowtipping is not allowed to be posted on this board…..
Keyword >posted
Not saying anyone should, just saying the anon who went on a rampage earlier needed to simmer down
No. 902703
>>902692there's no way she got the job. she is on instagram or twitter 24/7. she posts 100 stories everyday, without pause. there is no time she has available to work realistically. She would definitely post while at work, she did it with her last job. Same thing with the suicide girls thing. if someone asked her she'll have a perfect excuse as to why they accepted her but SHE rejected there offers.
reminds me of vicky shingles lmao
No. 902753
File: 1575677059145.png (540.85 KB, 750x1334, 1F53E529-586F-441C-A479-6AC637…)

They didn’t sell out quick..? They were ok her Etsy for a year+ kek.
No. 902754
File: 1575677103546.png (140.69 KB, 750x1334, 894566D4-A032-4F06-AB34-E9AA0F…)

Anyone have her private Instagram?
No. 902899
File: 1575718694494.png (198.97 KB, 1080x1330, Screenshot_20191207-045732~4.p…)

>>902741Having a lip lift doesn't make ppls lips magically inflate
No. 902902
File: 1575719072724.png (1.17 MB, 1080x1298, Screenshot_20191207-063346~2.p…)

>>902899Who does she think she's fooling? No filler?
No. 902965
File: 1575735854171.jpeg (301.46 KB, 750x1122, 9124643A-1B74-4FB6-A67C-AC134F…)

>>902899Her “treat yourself” mentality is so fucking dumb. No ariana, that’s not just “a nice pick me up cause I’m sad”, it’s having absolutely zero self control. Stop pretending. It’s embarrassing. And newsflash, you’ll always be insecure. No amount of fillers or fucking fat grafts will make you feel
beautiful and confident because you’re so hideous on the inside.
Also, what the fuck did she mean in her comment by “it’s all three LOL”?
No. 902983
File: 1575738403400.png (3.14 MB, 750x1334, 6AA8FF7C-080B-4E36-949E-99E17A…)

On the Live doing make up rn
No. 903013
File: 1575741772580.jpeg (574.98 KB, 750x1334, 3C492FA9-9C28-4073-9E1A-3768BF…)

Ari don’t forget this is what you really look like ALL OF THE TIME.
You don’t look like your Instagram pictures in real life. Ever.
You had your makeup done and still look like a scary monster + a frog
No. 903014
File: 1575741782112.jpeg (325.82 KB, 1242x1931, FA41E87E-6204-4D02-82E4-895F56…)

>>896573The profile killed me
No. 903019
>>903003her voice is HORRIBLE, her lisp makes me want to stab my ear drums. She'll also drag certain words out while lisping and it honestly makes me want to vomit. imagine
>>902646 fucking lisping away at you with her shit attitude. no wonder she was "bullied" (i'd bet she has always acted this way and been horrible to others first). i could not put up with it irl. she thinks she is such hot shit now, but her voice and facial structure give away her witchy sunken in face
No. 903062
File: 1575753754342.jpeg (818.49 KB, 1242x1518, F50DA425-D282-4D67-98A2-28FE30…)

“powerful work ethic”
No. 903067
>>903062samefag, you’re exactly the kind of person i was talking about in
>>903064 that facebook post is so old and you’re REACHING to make that relevant.
No. 903070
>>903036nta but ive started calling her patches too because it
triggers both ari and this thread. bonus points.
i personally would love to watch her meltdown on twitch and make it into one of those twitch fails clip. Patches gots one anon ready to sub already.
No. 903074
>>903067This has got to be the doxxer/patches freak
>>903070Dude it's literally just you calling her this, and no one is
triggered it's just super fucking weird that you've latched on to this cutesy nickname for her.
From now on let's all call her "spot" because it
triggers her!!! provide proof that ariana dislikes the name patches because this is a brand new thing as of yesterday
No. 903078
>>903074Damn anon you’re a real detective over here. I’m not the anon who started the patches shit, and I will also continue to call her patches. Don’t be a dumb bitch and pull the onision “give me the facts” bullshit.
Did yall seriously learn nothing from these threads and PnP? Never let lolcow know what makes you mad and upset or else anons are gonna run with it. Stay
No. 903082
File: 1575755868314.jpeg (1.05 MB, 750x1026, BB99748F-8CCF-417F-B081-D53C68…)

She looks like a big fucking idiot lmao
The outfit is atrocious
No. 903084
>>903078K it's everyone in the thread saying that you sound stupid. You do you though, ban evader. Keep on encouraging cowtipping, spamming the thread, "
triggering" everyone, and digging up ariana's old facebook posts…its super helpful and interesting and totally not going to get our thread autosaged again
No. 903089
>>903084And you keep infighting because you want to police what random anons call the cow to the point youre paranoid of any anon who says “patches”. A+ content.
>>903082“Please sir, may I have a nodder” or Milhouse’s flood pants come to mind.
No. 903108
>>903094If you're going to post nonmilk so much maybe you can just sage?
How tf are you gonna tell that anon to not pointlessly derail while derailing and not saging
No. 903354
File: 1575822707759.jpeg (484.12 KB, 750x1047, 84970ED5-4278-4ED0-B35F-8AAE01…)

You can see the aids rash on her stomach fucking kek
No. 903356
File: 1575822849621.jpeg (503.19 KB, 750x1009, FBC4D73B-5E11-4FDB-8331-771AA6…)

She literally looks like a clown with that powder white face and giant blue eyeshadow
No. 903412
File: 1575833015569.jpg (557.12 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20191207-211404_Ins…)

This is how big she wants her lips to be before she could even consider being happy with her appearance kek this is from her story yesterday
No. 903420
File: 1575835179574.jpeg (155.59 KB, 745x841, 9B753885-2856-4742-B8C4-9E39F1…)

I thought the point of makeup was to enhance your features, like make your eyes look bigger. She has somehow made her eye look like a tiny vagina. Those fake lashes are atrocious.
No. 903451
File: 1575842463034.jpeg (154.49 KB, 747x741, 51CACE70-E03E-47D1-AEFF-62C176…)

A different shot posted by her photographer friend.
No. 903452
File: 1575842562843.png (155.17 KB, 1080x821, Screenshot_20191208-165410~4.p…)

>>903420She's constantly contradicting herself. She takes pics and vids with a cell phone. Most of them have such low resolution that you really can't see what's actually going on. That's why she looked so bad in her spencers pic. They shot with a real camera and she didn't have the opportunity to edit it
No. 903535
>>903354So where do you all think she really messed up her looks? The lip lift? The filler?
There’s no way her or Aaron looks at these pictures (and the Spencer's disaster) thinks she looks better than ever.
Girl didn’t know when to stop and now she looks busted as hell.
No. 903572
>>903452So skillful at makeup–so much so that she uses a product that causes flashback to a photoshoot.
I hate wannabe muas
No. 903615
>>899428when you google "lamotrigine" the first suggestion is "lamotrigine rash"
could that maybe be what's going on with her skin?? it looks really similar
get yourself to a doctor you nasty boil covered bitch
No. 903648
File: 1575891391963.jpg (656.6 KB, 1080x1239, Screenshot_20191209-113606_Ins…)

lmao she looks like some sort of goblin witch
No. 903772
File: 1575918991050.jpeg (Spoiler Image,366.25 KB, 750x1292, C98C49F5-9CBD-4CC8-888A-80C660…)

>>903738Their candids used to be so wholesome. Now a days it seems they’re trying to portray the same thing by forcing it.
No. 903799
File: 1575926709318.jpeg (256.45 KB, 727x728, E786BC58-7B5A-43E6-86C6-92A572…)

>>903535The fillers went wrong somewhere. That’s when I think she truly lost herself. Even the lip lift was unnecessary but I can see what she wanted out of it. We all know her peak was during the beginning of her plastic surgery journey. She just got addicted to the image and publicity. Now she doesn’t even know what she looks like, poor thing!
No. 903814
File: 1575931603406.png (3 MB, 828x1792, 29B11EE4-267B-446B-AFE0-1E2DB2…)

>>903812Someone else can record it if they want but I don’t have that kind of room on my phone lol
No. 903830
>>903648The problem is she tried to fix her fucked up bone structure by having more and more fillers injected… which obviously did not work, she still looks like a goblin
Any reasonable person would've maybe gotten fillers once or twice, would've seen that fillers don't fix what they thought and looked into getting that awful over bite and that chin permanently sorted. But I guess for Ariana that's just too much money to 'invest'
No. 903886
File: 1575940676140.png (2.68 MB, 750x1334, 28BCBA78-F237-41E3-A226-4DFEF2…)

Her fillers are clearly not gone. She looks like she got punched in the mouth
No. 903903
File: 1575943504021.jpeg (164.5 KB, 750x664, A76B6BF0-9A26-4B18-AB98-DBD90A…)

Right after her "friendsgiving" she hosted. Newsflash Ariana: those people probably aren't your friends kek just more busted Twitter nude slingers looking for acquaintances that do something similar
No. 903948
File: 1575950311762.png (1.65 MB, 1494x947, Screen Shot 2019-12-09 at 10.3…)

it’s hilarious how this person is giving sage advice yet she’s still copping some kind of attitude. they even threw in a compliment but even treading lightly with this bitch gets you some kinda rude jerk off wtf-r-u-talking-about reply. if the person’s been following you for a long time, they obviously saw something about you planning to go vegan or whatever (idk the specifics). your followers just follow what you put out there patheticandproud, just sayin. stop actin a damn fool girl
No. 904156
File: 1576005915028.jpg (868.37 KB, 1080x1794, Screenshot_20191210-142345_Ins…)

Does anyone think pnp skin walked her pink hair from mia's hairstyle posted in July? Ik ari claims the pink was an accident but idk.
No. 904332
>>904177The biggest issue with her account is all the fake followers she bought before her big ban, and she’s been going ham trying to buy back all the followers who dropped her when she came back looking haggard as hell. Instagram has made a lot of changes and now inactive followers on your account will mess up your engagement. Basically, they show your posts to like 20% of your audience and if that 20% doesnt engage it wont show it to the rest of your audience. The girl has 50k followers and can barely get 20 comments on a post days old.
Her thinking she “beat the trolls” by turning off comments is just the final nail in her IG coffin.
No. 904339
File: 1576034609271.jpeg (276.57 KB, 750x1121, ADFC147A-4669-4C26-A49D-DFCB8B…)

Oh Jesus
No. 904435
File: 1576066811275.jpg (724.57 KB, 1052x1914, 20191211_095716.jpg)

Sage but this made me nauseous.
No. 904463
File: 1576078310976.jpg (692.54 KB, 1074x1773, 20191211_072915.jpg)

Sage cause I'm not sure if this is milk, but what the fuck
No. 904475
>>904451You must really look goblin if your getting offended by someone saying that about someone else. Lmao
She truly looks like a transgender goblin
No. 904572
File: 1576101793441.jpeg (451.73 KB, 750x2720, 8F66FDAD-E7D5-4D52-BBAB-FE7A04…)

Twitter dump
No. 904591
File: 1576105045027.jpeg (Spoiler Image,112.48 KB, 667x1015, 906F68FD-9BF6-4809-9E7C-7D094B…)

I’m sorry but LMFAOOO
No. 904599
File: 1576107429055.jpg (584.75 KB, 1080x2240, Screenshot_20191211-233345.jpg)

Just posted this on her story, getting a haircut like that would literally be the end
No. 904609
File: 1576109493015.jpeg (149.61 KB, 749x984, 87B61A9F-541A-4CC1-B32F-261BC9…)

The only reason why she’d bring this up again was to be able to get the sales she couldn’t before. Only half of the tshirt order sold so I’m sure she’s tired of having them sit around with absolutely not a single soul interested in buying. Kylie Jenner “rise and shine” wannabe ass.
No. 904624
File: 1576112280153.jpeg (1.38 MB, 1125x1935, FD71B5F1-71BE-4D48-9CDE-C48BC0…)

Private IG post.
No. 904632
>>904624"My annoying ass client"
"They're so kind and generous and respectful." "Our dynamic as a whole is really rare."
No. 904641
>>904624I see her parents didn't teach her that talking about the money you make, especially the amount, is completely classless and improper. It's totally trashy. Not to mention dangerous. What if someone decided to rob her? Not that they'd have anything to steal because I know this lying bitch speaks nothing but lies.
This cunt is the epitome of trash, she acts with zero tact or grace or class. I am ashamed that humans can be this awful.
No. 904644
>>904599i really want her to do this and bleach her brows and immediately regret it.
>>904632she should be thankful for having any client with the state of her skin, if she's telling the truth that is. also ew b/c why would you want to be close to someone with that kind of rash.
No. 904660
File: 1576121768361.jpeg (484.41 KB, 1125x1735, 726FA4DC-D7D3-4C62-BAF5-D5DDA7…)

Those implant scars still looking horrendous
No. 904676
File: 1576125645760.jpeg (47.73 KB, 1242x291, 03C0B342-3EBD-4A7C-9089-D7B0DC…)

>>904624$8k in four months translates to making $12.50 per hour assuming a typical 40-hour work week. She makes as much as a janitor at McDonald's degrading herself and posting her diseased crotch and body totally void of sex appeal permanently online. Congrats, you played yourself.
No. 904771
File: 1576159761759.png (213.6 KB, 804x1012, Screenshot_20191212-070448.png)

Doormatt could be cheating and keeping it from her. Look at all the shit she has put him through.
No. 904834
File: 1576173932845.jpg (744.02 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20191212-094801_Ins…)

PatheticandProud is on live rn making herself look like a clown… with forehead acne like a mf.
No. 904844
File: 1576174942510.jpeg (383.37 KB, 1241x1891, 6C8163ED-88D3-42D4-8320-465C12…)

From her live. Y I K E S.
No. 904853
>>904844she’s sperging about how she’s never bullied anyone because she was bullied growing up but one second later saying she’s been
abusive to her bfs in the past, please tell me someone is recording
No. 904859
>>904688yea they've never really been settled but they look like fresh ones here.
also who in their right mind would want to buy this after it's been on a body full of spots like that, how is it even allowed to be sold?
No. 904883
File: 1576182923343.jpeg (249 KB, 828x1567, E1964FA3-B4DB-4B46-B661-22E0EF…)

Just scrolling through this tattoo page and look who I found!! Ari you were destined to become diseased
No. 904889
File: 1576184404643.jpeg (240.71 KB, 2048x2048, C0C47706-47E0-4A08-9211-BBA70C…)

>>896573Ariana if all of your fillers are dissolved could you please explain the giant lip flap? Ugh Imagining this coupled with
>>904844 and her infected tattoo is just fucking disgusting. She's such a repulsive person.
No. 904902
File: 1576188414342.jpeg (634.94 KB, 750x863, A409F230-58AD-47FC-8504-C043EA…)

Gotta say this is probably one of her worst makeup looks yet
No. 904909
File: 1576188898769.png (2.38 MB, 750x1334, 09EA39A4-A771-4D71-9419-5035D5…)

A bully stick is like three dollars.
No. 904914
File: 1576190393474.png (Spoiler Image,2.76 MB, 750x1334, A0BF7270-5506-431B-8C61-F43D35…)

I love to buy porn of girls covered in open sores that have to make quirky/silly faces like an uncomfortable middle schooler.
No. 904941
File: 1576193056782.png (6.97 MB, 1242x2208, 8B14109C-06C3-476E-A215-8376C9…)

>>896573“As everyone KNOWZ i hath a condithon”
I cant even watch this cows stories anymore, it’s so sad she just perpetually sits around alone doped out her mind talking to herself. Is sex trafficking/abduction not an issue in Philly??? This is the perfect target, posts when she is alone, and her location is easy to guess if you are a local… like maybe it’s just Florida but you gotta be safer than that as a women which is sad but true
No. 904948
File: 1576195378387.jpg (696.57 KB, 1080x1735, 20191212_175802.jpg)

Lolz to this MAJOR SKIN WALK post. Latinamilk just shared in her stories the other day of her getting the eyebrow thread lift procedure, and showed us the whole thing and even went back for a touch up and filmed that too. This cow is such a fucking loser, man. She needs to get off the damn internet and get a life.
No. 904995
>>904624She just parrots the same excuses over and over but packages it differently. “Once I get a ring light I can make YouTube videos, once I move into a house with better lighting I’ll make make-up tutorials, once my psoriasis clears up I’ll make way more content, once my hair is long IS OVER FOR YOU HOES”.
It’s like she believes this weird pathetic make believe lie she has to tell herself everyday that her life has purpose and she’s working towards a goal so she doesn’t have to face the fact that sitting on your ass all day, getting high, gazing into your reflection and having no friends or sex drive is rewwy rewwy dupwessing.
No. 905007
File: 1576204260600.jpeg (550.71 KB, 1080x1844, 583AB7AF-3A24-4D9A-A5E1-7D4944…)

>>904963Gonna have to respectfully ask anon to never ever compare the works created or inspired by the brilliant H.R. Giger to this detestable cow ever again
>>904999Pic related. She has no figure, it's all smoke and mirrors.
No. 905038
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Nitpick but KEK sqaush.. she meant squash.
No. 905042
File: 1576210719830.jpg (1.07 MB, 1080x2053, Screenshot_20191212-231806_Ins…)

>>905038She definitely checks this site every second
No. 905071
File: 1576217377546.jpeg (197.37 KB, 828x1686, 35B006AB-AFF8-43F0-8DAC-4C7763…)

Was scrolling through reddit and came across a familiar pair of double lips. I’ve also seen her posted on r/badMUAs before
No. 905085
File: 1576224505213.jpeg (151.43 KB, 750x1032, 30C48384-2AD8-4D27-AFAA-B3C9FD…)

>>905071the comments lmao
No. 905176
File: 1576254089281.jpg (683.39 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20191213-080141_Ins…)

"Iths getting betterrrr! Thank you celery juice!"
No. 905177
File: 1576254216745.jpg (306.78 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20191213-080155_Ins…)

When you're such a cheap date that making $130 for cheating on your man is big money. Time to sell her butthole for $135 so she can really ball tf out.
No. 905178
>>905177She has diar-rear and has to wait it out. Too much prune juice.
Someone called her Ariana McMillan in her live yesterday and she freaked tf out. Her voice and speech patterns and high pitched laugh have been making me nauseous. Kudos to the anons that post milk here so the rest of us don't have to hear her. God's works.
No. 905179
File: 1576254494454.jpeg (503.76 KB, 750x1062, D4DC709B-6D8F-41B1-985F-93B6EE…)

LOL, “how god intended me to be”
You rearranged your face…
No. 905180
File: 1576254667774.jpg (334.3 KB, 1080x835, Screenshot_20191213-082930_Sam…)

Crooked Tits is starting to realized she's botched.
No. 905181
File: 1576254736144.jpg (498.33 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20191213-083029_Sam…)

The comments…
"You literally don't know what you're talking about."
Way to be likeable.
No. 905184
File: 1576255093928.jpg (Spoiler Image,653.04 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20191213-082941_Sam…)

I don't know what's worse, the unkempt bush, the staph infection looking rash that she never addresses with a medical professional, the poorly placed and different styled sketch tattoos on her body that she tries to pretend compliment her, or the way she's sucking in trying to fit in with the eating disorder kids, but I can literally smell this picture.
No. 905187
File: 1576255448235.jpg (Spoiler Image,558.45 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20191213-084332_Sam…)

No. 905189
>>905179She has to be trolling. She literally had everything on her face filled.
That’s so crazy she thinks she looks like she does in her instagram pictures all of the time.
No. 905191
File: 1576255719395.jpg (483.68 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20191213-084339_Sam…)

Sorry, I accidentally hit Spoiler on the previous image.
Not saying "vanilla sex" or "violent sex" is the issue, but it's hilarious how getting called a homophobe caused her to correct her insult to fit the target. And she really has a big fit over anyone with a different opinion. She's going to continue having a rough time in life and I can't say she doesn't deserve it, with her shit attitude. You have the worst karma and you deserve it, ariana mcmillan.
No. 905194
>>905187She knows aaalll about good sex, with her "sexual aversion" and "asexuality". Maybe saying that shit exposes the fact that you're just throwing around the trendy term of sex worker when you're really a skinwalking plastic surgery nightmare.
Ariana mcmillan liking horror movies makes sense with her horrifically botched body.
No. 905196
File: 1576256212060.jpg (224.18 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20191213-085608_Sam…)

Sounds like she's really having some great sex. Is she now pretending to be a masochist?
No. 905197
File: 1576256626961.jpg (243.41 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20191213-085952_Sam…)

The pity beg + bummed out emoji = no one will fly you out so they can get staph infection.
No. 905213
>>905177holy fuckkkkkk whyyyyy would she post about having diarrhea but going to see a client because she’s so desperate for money, anyway?
I feel like she thinks being so open and rank about her every bodily function makes her seem “relatable and honest” but in reality it’s just fucking off putting and no wonder she only has 1, maybe 2 clients that pay her such a small amount. Filthy! As another anon said, I can smell her through the screen! Gross
No. 905215
File: 1576261611026.png (933.87 KB, 1125x2436, AA357879-1FAD-4155-A799-DB284A…)

>>905214Forgot to attach screenshot
No. 905223
File: 1576262686310.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.48 MB, 1242x2050, D7300252-B9CF-4835-B7C6-1C9662…)

ari must’ve been over
No. 905276
File: 1576270254406.png (3.55 MB, 750x1334, 94CB090A-9D22-4CF9-9EDA-938A57…)

her new OF content, weird how she buys lingerie that accents her awful boob job when she can’t stop complaining about her awful boob job. poor mailman doormatt’s money going toward ugly lingerie that just makes her figure look even more like a wooden plank with bolt on tits.
No. 905285
File: 1576271386982.jpeg (184.11 KB, 750x1033, DF6405A4-35EF-4B46-B1BD-2C020C…)

>>905276Then she goes and says this Kek
No. 905304
File: 1576274059712.jpg (986.99 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20191213-135049_Ins…)

I almost feel sorry for her that she thinks some shit brand's cupless bra is the cutest "lingerie" she's ever owned. That gold thin chain connected to the bra is really tacky. Pair it with some more of your ratty thongs, then keep begging for people to pay for your shit.
No. 905308
>>905304nitpick i guess but what is with that hot pink color for the blush? this girl has no clue how to make a look that is cohesive, especially after seeing some of her outfit choices throughout the threads.
that bra also really, REALLY accentuates how lopsided her boobs are.
No. 905316
File: 1576275006496.jpg (556.35 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20191213-140244_Sam…)

You can also thank your employed bf for paying rent and working hard while your scummy botched body lays around all day whining to your phone. I guess you can stop e-pandhandling for sushi money now that you think you're living "comfortably."
Autistic sperg, but homeless people in large cities like Philly actually make around $20-$30 an hour panhandling. Maybe it's time Ariana Mcmillan made some real money sitting around and go sit on a busy street in Philly. Sure beats her 4 hr a week (or less), minimum wage "normie" job. No company will pay this bitch decently with a 1 yr gap on her resume. She likes to call it 2 yes, but unlike her, IG dates don't lie.
No. 905327
File: 1576275925562.jpg (527.61 KB, 1059x1554, Screenshot_20191213-141235_Sam…)

Professional artists listen to their customer's budget and work within it. Someone like ariana McMillan, who copies drawings from the internet, really isn't in the position to call out a potential customer in a Twitter post.
As for the other ridiculous posts below the first ridiculous post… It's sad how she tries to say she has no "female friends", when it's really just that she has no friends. It's delusional to imply females don't like her because they're jealous of being in debt due to botched plastic surgery or because she's <blessed>. Top kek. She has the nerve to trash the attempts of people online trying to talk to her (aka be her "friend") because she thinks she's a celebrity. Being on lolcow and pull isn't being famous, it's being infamous.
No. 905338
File: 1576276725371.jpg (356.55 KB, 1049x1092, Screenshot_20191213-143444_Sam…)

Keep posting on your "SW" Twitter how much you don't like sex and hate touch, then ask for people to fly you somewhere because you're a "fun toy". What a great businesswoman.
No. 905341
>>905323sorry i'm not well-versed in my instagram filters lmao.
>>905338something tells me she's terrible in bed–there must be a reason why customers don't return to her (besides the rash).
No. 905345
File: 1576277507475.jpg (450.18 KB, 1056x1370, Screenshot_20191213-145112_Sam…)

When your Twitter posts make so little sense that you can't even explain them.
No. 905347
File: 1576277859848.jpg (271.14 KB, 1080x1407, Screenshot_20191213-145610_Ins…)

If she's trying to be funny, it's not translating well. It really sounds like she thinks she's blessed with her physical appearance. Top kek
No. 905392
File: 1576284240701.jpeg (86.76 KB, 750x386, E4D89890-968D-4155-9858-64035E…)

Just Incase you needed some hard evidence this girl is a complete moron. This is some low, low IQ shit. She can’t just think about how someone might do this for 2 seconds and figure it out? Or even just TrY gOoGle like she likes to say to fucking everything. Also Lil Miquela is so old, I’m sorry this cow is so lame.
No. 905405
>>905392I- uh wow. Just… wow Arianna. Can I please just state the obvious and say; Lil Miquela is a digital avatar, a giant sim… of no one person. This one really hurt me inside.
What is with her and getting into trend conspiracys but hella late
No. 905444
Recording of yesterday's live
Pnp ranting about bullying. Obviously needed a boost from her insecure followers after reading the deep digs on this page. No. 905456
File: 1576296192677.jpg (448.36 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20191213-193154_Chr…)

Cant delete comments on Twitter kek
No. 905474
>>905179this shit is so annoying.
she literally has a whole new face.
she would definitely not be the cocky narcissistic bitch she is now if she had her old hagard face
No. 905512
File: 1576325864320.jpg (662.79 KB, 1080x2240, Screenshot_20191214-003208.jpg)

These were the least flattering things, also u can see the fanny sores?? Why do ppl buy this shit
No. 905636
File: 1576350508337.jpeg (Spoiler Image,172.26 KB, 750x819, 9FEDD2E9-8164-4899-8925-E3AC2E…)

These two tweets side by side make me chuckle
No. 905684
File: 1576360477073.png (343.32 KB, 750x1334, 861A70A5-3F52-4FBC-9C5C-8FC217…)

this is straight up covert incest, most people would be traumatized if their PARENT said this to them. her family really is pure trailer trash. no wonder she wants to fuck her own brother too.
No. 905736
>>905215>>905380Yeah you can’t just take them out and you magically get your old boobs back lmao.
The best she can do at this point is get them redone again in a smaller size + a breast lift.
No. 905748
File: 1576369625720.jpeg (75.93 KB, 749x322, 2A7F2896-DFDC-4FE9-B6C9-42CD8E…)

Did she shop at the goodwill for her grandparents wtf
No. 905821
>>905748Grandparents are the only people who actually support and regularly check in on her and they get.. a wooden turtle. lol. Someone needs to reup that photo of her complaining about having to draw them art for free and take away from her “paid time”.
Guess her fuck buddy Aaron means more.
No. 905883
File: 1576412803947.png (3.72 MB, 828x1792, CC6D72E0-BE3F-46B4-B7E4-4DAFEC…)

Going to ruin her hair MORE and then complain about it. Just let it grow!!!! LOL “wHeN I gRoW mY hAiR lOnG iTs OvEr FoR u HoEs” ok ari
No. 906002
File: 1576442269663.png (292.78 KB, 750x1334, FECA449F-57B3-44E2-A308-731451…)

couldn’t just leave it at “christmas present” had to flex how much money she spent by sprinkling in (Apple Watch). and by how much money she spent i mean how much old man dick money she used for it. insufferable.
No. 906038
>>906029>>906034Apple Watch series 5 starts at $399 and goes up from there. The older ones are like $200ish.
It’s probably a guilt-gift, lmao Matt’s like the gangster wife that’s constantly getting cheated on but sticks around for the occasional fuck and shiny new gifts.
No. 906066
File: 1576452800863.jpg (186.66 KB, 1075x619, Screenshot_20191215-152833_Sam…)

She can barely get out of bed for a a few hours to let an old dude put his wrinkly balls on her face for a whopping $130. You have to do something to get "fatigued", Ariana. Let's not get it twisted: Your "fatigue" is really just you being a lazy loser. Now go have fun pretending to be a cheap SW while we all laugh at you.
No. 906073
File: 1576455002205.png (1.47 MB, 750x1334, C687DE59-EAF8-4E7D-B071-EA4577…)

What nightmares are made of
No. 906076
File: 1576455998312.jpeg (105.02 KB, 626x969, C690034E-3DD5-4796-8518-57C1A5…)

>>906073She’s josh from Mr Meaty
No. 906117
File: 1576467036642.jpeg (71.33 KB, 750x541, D2AE5000-E63E-4B8D-85E9-7AB0D6…)

She is so bipolar, now we like the shaved head ..?
No. 906129
>>906117This idiot hasn't been happy with her appearance for a single day in her life. She just romanticizes her meticulously taken selfies so she can convince herself that it hasn't always been this bad. Newsflash Ariana: you shaved your hair off during a manic episode because you wanted to skinwalk someone else. You hoped you could somehow absorb their confidence by looking the same as them, but you regretted it within 2 days and immediately started using wigs and crying about what a terrible decision you had made. Your attitude is destined to poison any "look" you go for because you refuse to take advice from anyone and all that shines through is your crippling insecurity.
But no, you should definitely shave it off again. This time it'll work! Just like your expensive animal book inspired you to make more art. Just how you started creating quality videos after moving to a new apartment. Just how you started a normie job on top of juggling a new gig by Suicide Girls (and definitely not lying about that for the 2-second rush it gave you). Just like your seasalt baths are curing the undiagnosed disease that's currently ravaging your insides. And just how after your fat graft, you will definitely be satisfied with your appearance. You're doing great sweetie, really.
No. 906216
File: 1576511646950.png (2.66 MB, 750x1334, 1535B801-4F86-46C5-9C1B-F78E8D…)

She posted a long-ass story about moving out of philly.
First of all saying how she is going to move in with her family in Vermont and get dat grafts while in school. Her grandpa cAnT sAy ShIt about it bc she’s going to school soo.. even though his whole purpose of helping her get some education was to “invest in herself” and not her already botched face. What a bitch. Also, what a surprise that moving into her new studio apartment didn’t save her. She was so excited to move in there, and now all she’s talking about is moving to Vermont or somewhere out of philly. Her lease isn’t up until October 2020. If she moves of out Philly, guarantee she will have to stop sex work. I don’t see there being a big market in fucking Vermont and do you really think this lazy bitch is going to fly? Lastly, she admitted she makes 3k a month. That’s peanuts. And after taxes, she’s low income. Honestly hope she moves to Vermont, her BPD will be firing. Also, she didn’t mention anything about Matt moving with her…? Sounds like she’s moving in with her family. Hm..
No. 906283
File: 1576524402343.png (2.78 MB, 750x1334, 0A459F79-C8F8-4CDC-B581-6BA24B…)

I love how she never pays for a style or even blow dry when she gets her hair done
No. 906310
>>906283Fucking kek she keeps frying her hair.
She must have gone to some crack head alleyway salon bc no self respecting stylist would send her home with a head full of brassy bleached hair. Most decent salons include a blow dry/style with a cut/color service. Just imagine the type of place Ari’s stank ass goes to.
No. 906312
File: 1576526536093.jpg (882.45 KB, 1080x2240, Screenshot_20191216-195330.jpg)

No. 906313
File: 1576526573974.jpg (1007.56 KB, 1390x2540, 20191216_120009.jpg)

ahhhhhh it looks so dead, dry, and stringy. She doesn't understand hair at all, does she because her shit it yellow at the bottom & brassy orange at her roots and so fucking stringy & dead. I'm surprised she still has hair on her head! It's barely grown and she can't stop fucking it up, at this rate she's never going to have long hair
No. 906318
File: 1576527122582.png (5.64 MB, 1125x2436, FB3F0223-6E11-4285-B669-D8A333…)

She’s on her story talking about how she has ~* no excuse not to cam now (girl, your rash is a fine excuse. And talking about how she doesn’t feel weird on Ig live because she’s talking to real people in real time…. does she know what camming is? She’s already making video content.. camming is live w real people. She’s one of the dumbest people I’ve ever seen on the internet. I love watching her dumpster fire of a life.
No. 906333
>>906283Wait she gets her hair dyed/bleached and they dont blow dry it??
How are they supposed to know what the color looks like dry if they dont dry it? Wet hair color does not look at all the same when its dry and unwanted undertones can appear (which a stylist is supposed to fix). Where is she wasting her money that they just slap some bleach on her head, wash it out and call it a day?
No. 906336
File: 1576529450637.gif (1006.64 KB, 480x270, CompetentUnlawfulBanteng-small…)

>>906333They also left her ass brassy as hell.
No. 906340
>>906318Saying the stylist was busy and she likes to play with toner. Toner in her head is purple manic panic mixed with white conditioner.
This bitch doesn't know that purple dye, purple shampoo, and a blue/purple based toners are three totally different things. This is basic knowledge of hair processing…
No. 906357
>>906340>manic panic mixed with white conditionerI just cannot with this white trash retarded bitch. She’s online all day. Why not look up a basic tutorial of how to care for bleached hair.
Her ignorance of fucking everything is so bad because her narc ass thinks everything she does is right
No. 906362
File: 1576533783406.png (2.94 MB, 750x1334, 39A83D5D-187A-41F5-ABD5-A04D96…)

Again with the stupid necklace styling
No. 906363
File: 1576533921198.png (2.95 MB, 750x1334, 05A13480-E408-4FD2-9408-155824…)

Who does she think she’s fooling, I can literally she her rock hard duck lips with every move of her lisping mouth. She says she’s annoyed of people saying she def still has fillers bc “she can feel that they are dissolved and OH when you have psoriasis, your body metabolizes faster..” first of all, that’s not how it works, and second of all you don’t have psoriasis so.
No. 906366
File: 1576534861233.png (2.85 MB, 750x1334, 9A547E6F-121F-489F-9A6A-34A23E…)

she has such bad body dysmorphia wtf is she talking about all her fillers are gone?? the fuck
No. 906402
File: 1576539858118.jpeg (197 KB, 749x1113, E0DD1982-7D65-4AAE-BD9B-A606C3…)

She looks so grungy in the worst way possible, someone get this girl an oil blotter. All the open sores…bleh. and the comments, no one finds it sexy and is joking about her “pooping”
No. 906404
File: 1576540005037.jpeg (253.01 KB, 739x1105, BF07320E-1590-4911-BBE4-858E58…)

I love how she takes credit for clearing it up on her own. We all know this “psoriasis” has a mind of its own.
No. 906406
File: 1576540374006.jpeg (436.06 KB, 1229x1893, A48D1A08-2621-41DC-B598-10CC69…)

Ummm…so she dyed her hair already again? Kekkkkk
No. 906412
>>906406Didn’t she JUST say in her story that she liked to finally have her hair light blonde cause she has the
freedom to do purple, green, blue whatever tomorrow if she wanted to but she shouldn’t because that’d be absolutely FUCKING STUPID AND AWFUL . God I love her , she’s the best cow, such a fucking moron. What a waste of money, and all these chemicals and products are only further frying her hair. She literally can’t help herself. I knew she wouldn’t be able to hold out til it was long and healthy.
Yeah, it may be over for us hoes when your hairs long Ariana but we don’t need to worry about that cause you will literally never have it again. Ya played ya self.
No. 906422
>>906404yeah she totally cleared it on her own…. /s. its totally not just the natural cycle of whatever disease she has….
i love how she takes credit for it clearing up on its own, "look at me im so smart i dont need no dr" no bitch you have no idea what disease you have, never been diagnosed, so therefore you have no idea how to treat it. thats fine though, its funny watching her struggle through this. she
thought she was such hot shit, she definitely needed this to bring her back to reality.
No. 906436
File: 1576543912283.png (8.77 MB, 1242x2208, 3B41AB46-03AE-407D-A1BE-B62E61…)

How do you go on a rant about not getting your hair toned by a stylist/ using toner bc you can “do it yourself better with manic panic” then confidently go on live like this….
No. 906437
File: 1576543924370.png (7.57 MB, 1125x2436, D3653EC3-5A40-479D-9577-933D63…)

Bruh she’s on live right now and she’s so rude to literally anyone that comments in there? Even when they’re just asking a question and compliment her. She’s also using the Kylie filter on live lmfao.
No. 906439
File: 1576543994294.png (3.32 MB, 750x1334, 794D427F-A16B-4606-BF94-FE90F7…)

Let’s play a fun game of how many colors is Ariana’s hair. Jfc
No. 906448
File: 1576545835129.png (2.65 MB, 750x1334, C5921725-DED6-4710-B733-BC64DC…)

Here we go.
No. 906517
File: 1576553024024.jpeg (536.77 KB, 750x1076, BD2BC11C-0511-444B-A36E-CE3572…)

Somehow now it’s purple and brassy at the same time
No. 906534
File: 1576555232543.jpeg (113.6 KB, 750x767, 154EC16E-DAA4-45CD-BF99-1D3424…)

>>906363“My fillers are gone, I know body stfu” okay Ariana… how do you explain all the pics pre sept. 2016? Yes, you had a lip lift which makes people slightly more pouty, but that’s not what we’re referring to. The size is noticeably smaller. Honestly Idk why we even try to convince her, her body dismorphia is so bad, I don’t even think she actually knows what she looks like.
No. 906541
File: 1576555467107.jpg (Spoiler Image,608.17 KB, 1080x1683, Screenshot_20191216-230422_Twi…)

Ew kek
No. 906548
File: 1576557782895.gif (Spoiler Image,10.87 MB, 640x392, SmartSelect_20191216-224217_Tw…)

This looks horrible
No. 906550
File: 1576557936887.jpeg (Spoiler Image,111.07 KB, 750x627, 3860316B-9A8D-4D3C-970B-7EDA3B…)

Should I text her dad that she just uploaded a new fire clip(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 906664
File: 1576596385142.jpeg (121.86 KB, 750x759, C97EBD33-7F8A-4B90-933D-446BE7…)

Bro, you’re ugly. In every sense of the word.
No. 906665
File: 1576596406650.jpeg (44.12 KB, 750x205, 12843FDF-05F2-4B09-969D-9EA9F3…)

No. 906711
File: 1576604336952.jpeg (286.9 KB, 750x1173, 99F45680-12D5-4F4B-86EA-AED467…)

She changed her fucking handle, I’m dead, just so everyone knows her full body rash is “psoriasis” And not something sexually transmitted disease… god girl, get an identity.
No. 906734
File: 1576611436316.png (1.08 MB, 1284x2048, Screenshot_20191217-133558.png)

Nothing original, just shit she has put everywhere else first than her "exclusive inside peak of her life" private IG. Just proves how vanilla and boring she is
No. 906795
File: 1576620150806.jpg (2.1 MB, 1920x1920, InShot_20191217_170051652.jpg)

Ari be looking just like this when she smiles.
No. 906827
File: 1576625570934.png (879.29 KB, 804x1011, Screenshot_20191217-163204.png)

No. 906903
File: 1576638784603.png (3.27 MB, 1440x2880, Screenshot_20191217-211244.png)

Someone lurked and got hurt
No. 906906
>>896573>>906849Ah, white trash logic at its finest: why shell out for them fancy window blankets, when you can use a a $2 table cloth from walmart?
Goddam this bitch cracks me up.
No. 907058
File: 1576686619177.jpeg (133.61 KB, 1242x380, 0B2E3970-69E5-4A75-A3B3-787E76…)

She has the maturity of a 14 yr old. It’s like reading a two truths and a lie tween magazine. LoLz nervous laughter
No. 907083
File: 1576691266667.png (1.2 MB, 750x1334, 60B01C6C-1549-458F-9C75-0D113B…)

>>907058Wondering if this sperg out has anything to do with cotted. She posted a recap of her year and nothing mentioned Ariana as a friend, only this (from after Ariana wanted Cotted to live in the basement)
No. 907094
File: 1576692140584.png (3.46 MB, 1242x2208, A4258E16-D973-423A-9D0F-E8009B…)

>>907058She started this “tell me a secret” thing right after LM did it… Do you think this was “PBMIS” aka “PNP” revealing her deep dark secret? kek
No. 907096
File: 1576692434774.png (6.5 MB, 1242x2208, 2D637997-10AE-466F-849B-2B5B91…)

Double post but she skins walks LM so hard. She didn’t care about leaving Philly til LM actually did. I’m sure PNP is the hater being referenced too.
No. 907101
File: 1576693093162.png (2.51 MB, 750x1334, B77D4490-E035-422B-A6F0-21AB7E…)

Bullies people online constantly but wants her doormat to take responsibility of his actions in her dreams……
No. 907147
File: 1576698939053.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1020.59 KB, 1242x1827, 49A7AD42-9D49-4A1E-A3B0-7F2C50…)

No. 907226
File: 1576711262890.png (661.81 KB, 2048x1163, Screenshot_20191218-171954.png)

I feel at the beginning of this year she had a lot more friends, then she got her std and everybody left. Matt and Aaron don't even wanna be around her.
No. 907236
File: 1576712426234.jpg (778.29 KB, 808x2094, Screenshot_20191218-184023_Ins…)

No. 907239
File: 1576712568560.jpg (828.48 KB, 1080x1816, 20191218_154014.jpg)

I guess her garter belt clips don't reach her nasty, dirty socks, so she just leaves them dangling. Bitch doesn't even own anything to clip it to. Kek at her tackiness.
No. 907241
File: 1576712747033.jpg (494.94 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20191218-153823_Ins…)

She's sooo happy with her life and herself that she's constantly explaining herself and telling herself she looks good… but that she hasn't been happy with how she's been looking, but she's happy she got surgery so people would think she's "more" attractive. Her contradictions and insecurities are too obvious.
No. 907297
File: 1576718106048.jpeg (Spoiler Image,120.44 KB, 1124x629, 84265910-92CB-4578-9CE2-161D8B…)

she’s always claiming that Matt has a monster cock, but this video is definitely proving otherwise.
No. 907299
>>907241Your username and icon is pretty obvious too.
>>907297I think that’s just the angle.
No. 907316
File: 1576721365019.png (3.96 MB, 1125x2436, 40A8FC49-021A-48F1-8883-6436CA…)

Hmmm.(not milk)
No. 907320
File: 1576722405843.jpeg (Spoiler Image,677.63 KB, 1242x1100, F8CCFBB9-D047-47B4-AB52-26BFBE…)

Can we talk abt the difference between her neck color and face
No. 907322
File: 1576722902328.png (2.75 MB, 1128x1052, sharkjaws.png)

>>907316Kek, reminiscent of a shark's mouth.
No. 907323
>>907297>>907241i wouldn't be talking shit about other people if i were u. i hate pnp but at least she doesnt have the work "poptart" tatted on her chest. yikes girl check urself..
>>907297his dick is definitely above average i would say, but monster cock? far from it. pretty sure pnp just brags about it to make him feel good. it's really funny that his dick size is just about the only decent thing doormatt has going for him tho.
No. 907328
File: 1576724058408.png (1.7 MB, 750x1334, F2E1317F-A180-400A-BFA8-911F02…)

>>906734She can’t keep up with her fucking lies!
She literally was saying she’s chubby and it was hurting her brain. This is honestly so annoying
No. 907369
File: 1576729993793.png (7.28 MB, 1125x2436, 8767D54B-42D7-48EC-8466-090276…)

Why are the tears on this tattoo coming out of the wrong part of the eye?
No. 907375
File: 1576731129492.jpg (343 KB, 1077x1581, Screenshot_20191218-203248_Ins…)

Yeah sure Ariana Mcmillan, you definitely took this photo right before fucking your man so you didn't clip your garter to anything because it was about to be taken off… which actually defeats the entire purpose of a garter belt. Oh right, you're just trying to skinwalk sex workers. You have "sexual aversion" and you just buy this cheap lingerie to film content with someone you never fuck without a camera on. Then you leave the tags on to return them later. There's no other reason you wouldn't cut off an uncomfortable tag digging into your back. You really don't realize that for every person that "likes" to look at your mug on IG, there's like 20 people that are laughing at you being such a phony cunt. Her personality will always ruin any attempts to make herself look better.
No. 907396
File: 1576738899228.jpeg (188.4 KB, 750x1003, D4CE5C61-FE4C-4FAF-95D5-7A85AB…)

Kept the date in there to show you she looks the same lol
No. 907402
File: 1576739534528.jpeg (122.91 KB, 750x739, 512CB721-CDA0-4CD5-96E3-8BCE03…)

No. 907403
File: 1576739571156.jpeg (553.22 KB, 750x749, F88B7571-537E-430C-AC3B-781315…)

No. 907404
File: 1576739656913.jpeg (153.11 KB, 717x742, E3F873DF-6997-4F3A-A4F0-B3B335…)

God she’s been gorgeous foreverrrrrrr
No. 907422
>>907402>>907396LMAO omg this is literally what I picture her as. She looks like hating ass mean white bitch that hates she is ugly as fuck.
This explains now why she thinks she so cute after she completely changed her face.
She’s still this insecure girl and it shows.
No. 907496
File: 1576763378187.jpeg (557.58 KB, 1242x1861, 40B700FF-4596-4EA9-9B2E-0C3482…)

Going through a deep dive into her instagram is like looking at 5 different people every year that goes by since she started insta. This photo doesn’t even look like her
No. 907509
File: 1576766747389.png (303.8 KB, 750x1334, 07274626-2799-4311-BC1F-CE705F…)

Manic episode much?
No. 907559
File: 1576778387532.jpeg (97.13 KB, 1242x380, 054BB996-3525-461B-A516-08C41E…)

Countdown until she shaves her head again. I’ll give it until Valentines Day. Until then just fucked up baby bangs.
No. 907577
>>906340didn't she try to tone her hair but it was actually red dye?
>>904463if you change your account to a business profile, you can see how many people saved your posts. bc she's that much of a narcissist. also it's kind of a trend to make your business profile something funny
No. 907583
>>906849it's gotta be a shower curtain. for one, she's cheap and lazy. secondly, i had one exactly like that
>>907181it was discussed here that people look up her username and find this thread, maybe that's why she changed it? although pnp is hard to forget
No. 907640
File: 1576791342860.jpeg (296.22 KB, 3072x3072, 062841D6-F59C-4024-BE66-E05818…)

>>907402I swear she looks like gala darling sometimes. Not a compliment.
No. 907646
File: 1576792516482.png (2.92 MB, 750x1334, DF92AB0C-2BCF-4487-A2F5-E000BD…)

Hair is bleached again, she said she’s dying it purple. Again.
No. 907655
File: 1576794150006.jpeg (845.77 KB, 1125x1406, 44DF5F9F-8B23-4300-8B6B-A8B1C0…)

>>907239Kek I just saw an ad for those sketchy chinese websites and this same exact lingerie set was featured for a staggering price of $11. But keep trying to flex on all of us and brag about your money, Ariana!
No. 907662
File: 1576795772050.png (2.48 MB, 750x1334, A4F82B5E-F134-4574-B0B1-7A7410…)

>>907646Talking about how good her skin is “with no filter.” Yeah, ok.
No. 907682
>>907646It really bothers me that for some reason cows always think they can change the color of their hair like it's a video game selection. Bleached it to shit then put purple on it? That's totally fine!! I can bleach it again!!
Like no you cant. Once you bleach your hair to that point you've stripped everything healthy from the inside. Adding color prolongs the look of health but bleaching it again will at best make her hair look like ramen noodles. Hair is connected to your scalp and follicles that can get severly damaged. It's not some unbreakable thing that will just keep growing and growing back no matter what you do to it.
Pay a stylist money to actually do your hair and not slap on some bleach and send you home with drenched orange roots jfc oh wait she won't because she probably thinks she can do it just as good as someone who went to school for it.
No. 907733
File: 1576810984446.jpg (612.21 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20191219-184859_Ins…)

"My skin looks sooo good… And this is without the filter…" As if that stupid wannabe Kylie Jenner filter can't clearly be seen.
"I HAAAATE when people look at me!" Come on, Captain Obvious. You posting to the world that you think you're hot shit and not wanting to go out when your fake "psoriasis" is visible means you really don't like people looking at you? People don't get plastic surgery for themselves, they do it to fit in with society's unrealistic standards. Way to conform and then lie through your toothless-looking mouth. If she was watching someone like herself lie like an idiot, she'd go on a rant about how fake they are. Congrats, you fake as fuck, bitch. The word feminist really should never be used by that scaly puffer fish.
No. 907735
File: 1576811601302.jpg (820.79 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20191219-190434_Sam…)

She says you can't even see her psoriasis anymore… bro, you look like the leper you are with those red barnacles on your torso. I'm genuinely thinking she must be mentally slow for the compulsive lying and delusional rants to nobody. Ariana "Tall Tales" Mcmillan isn't fooling anyone with her fake psoriasisbutmakeitsexy bullshit.
She was never even diagnosed as having psoriasis. WebMD and sending photos to sketchy doctors will never be considered equal to a legit doctor making the diagnosis. I love how she tells everyone the internet isn't real life, yet spends her entire life on it.
No. 907740
File: 1576812213334.png (7 MB, 1242x2208, 0A702367-C8CF-4066-825E-793AED…)

No. 907833
File: 1576826523650.png (7.02 MB, 1242x2208, ACE1AC7B-A174-4358-8617-7583C6…)

Ari going on about how good her skin is with no filters then the filter glitched kek
No. 907887
>>907720She's intentionally wearing it wrong to hide the pus filled rash on her crotch.
Matt actually made porn with that and it will forever be on the internet.
No. 907915
>>907914And she has admitted countless times on IG to never getting her blood tested because she is scared. But than she claims she is for normalizing STIs yadda yadda, shes a dumb bitch.
This is why Ari is a horrorcow for me, she is so fucking disgusting, not even Tuna makes me this sick. Ari let another prostitute PISS all over her HIV rash. She makes me nauseous to look at, her open sores are nasty.
No. 907940
File: 1576868334829.jpg (8.44 KB, 208x67, Screenshot_20191220-104631.jpg)

>>907915100% agree anon, well put. Have you voted in the awrds thread yet? Maybe if she wins Best Horrorcow, us farmers can gofundme this bitch some $$ to get herself tested
just kidding. Too bad you can't crowdsource common decency and self-respect tho
No. 907973
File: 1576871479785.png (1.6 MB, 1440x2434, Screenshot_20191219-175220~2.p…)

No. 908114
File: 1576891478764.png (1.6 MB, 750x1334, 5692525A-5EE4-4683-AC93-3BFD99…)

pointing out how much of a job this is for you is a weird way to attract “clients” as a sex worker in my opinion…
No. 908262
File: 1576917513356.gif (491.61 KB, 480x360, both.gif)

>>907914 this article talking about how psoriasis affects people with hiv
No. 908366
>>908114I definatly think she tries to manipulate her young female followers into paying for her onlyfans/private insta/shit art/infected Depop cloths. I feel like even if you don't want her porn she expects you to pay her money just if you follow or like her. Which is fucking disgusting. I mean obviously why else would she have a Kardashian style "look into my life" insta that you have to pay to see. I hate that young girls feel pressured into paying for her lazy ass lifestyle because shes a huge cunt and will ignore followers, freak out over rando comments etc.
It's extra gross because I bet at least 30 people on her OnlyFans don't want her porn. And these people actually have to bust their asses at real work and educations while this girl gets to treat people like garbage all day and just sit at home not even showering or cleaning her room.
(People are stupid as fuck for paying her for anything anyways.)
No. 908405
File: 1576966866143.png (Spoiler Image,4.53 MB, 1242x2208, 560844F5-9A0C-43E3-A9D3-FE1E5F…)

Lmfao the unprofessionalism in her porn is astounding. Frogger and her laptop in the background
No. 908410
File: 1576969788084.jpg (328.55 KB, 1079x1648, Screenshot_20191221-180903_Ins…)

Laughing at how the artist drew her little apron she's wearing sideways to hide the rash.
No. 908499
File: 1576987587868.jpg (1.18 MB, 1079x1797, Screenshot_20191221-220416_Ins…)

I think I found her inspo in this MTF with the same sausage lips, same freckles…(namefag)
No. 908635
File: 1577034099967.jpeg (16.17 KB, 178x178, 3BD5BC80-BD11-4A41-9432-A41992…)

is she chewing on gum or something? or is her mouth just fucked up? this looks fucked up, weird and gross
No. 908653
File: 1577038133598.png (6.93 MB, 1125x2436, 4D352571-1769-40D8-942E-8062E9…)

Why does she and TND always call things pure? Like constantly.
No. 908849
File: 1577069113996.jpeg (524.33 KB, 750x1026, F63EF19A-3747-42D0-B0A4-8A1C65…)

I like how the person in the comments only asked about what lip colour she uses on her lips but she immediately jumped in talking about “I DONT HAVE FILLERS ANYMORE”
No. 908888
File: 1577072187358.jpg (823.06 KB, 1080x1769, Screenshot_20191222-223339_Sam…)

That line
No. 908941
File: 1577083402663.png (8.59 MB, 1242x2208, 6F05380E-6F4A-42C7-A738-8109E6…)

It’s as if she’s begging to get banned again.
You aren’t supposed to advertise your OF on Instagram, right?
No. 909038
File: 1577109960343.jpeg (200.32 KB, 750x727, B0413594-FD3E-4421-8B5E-61193C…)

>>908653because she's an idiot that has no vocabulary, also likely trying to convince herself of something. Queen of delusions. Pic related.
No. 909066
>>909038proud that his granddaughter is an e-whore? can't say i'm surprised, low class trailer trash begets more of the same. its golden that her
millionaire gramps turned out to be a fucking trailer park manager. you can't get more hick than that! the legacy of the mcmillans; trailer park manager, addicts, and prostitutes. what a family! the epitome of class kek.
No. 909073
File: 1577117799390.jpg (972.72 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20191223-081218_Ins…)

Her reasoning for spending her sweaty ballsack money on her mountain of garish face paint: "I know it's Xmas, but… I don't care".
What a "good person" you are, Ariana "Me Me Me" McMillan.
No. 909177
>>909167God you’re just as defensive as ari.
Take the L and move on, maybe try and remember to crop your username next time.