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No. 616598
Links: on the uwu small bun and shitty daddy dom trainwreck show:
>>593276>>588178>>579777>>584427>>572499>>563416>>554227>>544008>>526816>>509237>>485935>>457669>>439990>>393335>>271163Summary of her past:
>In her pre-internet days used to be a typical guido looking trash, was a bully in high school >Discovered internet and got addicted to male attention so hard she dropped her education (film school) and became a Boxxy skinwalker>Spent her days constantly attention whoring on Unichan, trying to be "the better Boxxy", pretended she's a "shy nerdy gurl uwu">Went on a vacation to Mexico with few unichan neckbeards. Obese one named Kenny stole her phone and posted her nudes on the net because she rejected his advances. >Befriended an unichan guy (Ian) who would later become first admin; possibly gains a mod status, uses it to know who is shit-talking about her on (2014)>Dated a seemingly normal guy, dumped him because her fanbase didn't approve she is dating a black guy and because he told her that she should get off the internet.
>Starts a youtube channel "shoe0nhead" supposedly for criticizing feminism - though she doesn't present any valid arguments instead uses her internet "fame" to shit-talk women and present herself as "not like the other girls".Present:
>Almost 27- Still addicted to internet (male) attention- no education other than high school, no career prospects, no skills.>No real personality either, changes her opinions constantly based on what will make her gain fans. >Dates an obese guy with intellectual disabilities who treats her like shit - Desperately wants to be seen as a young girl.>Acts like a teenager online even though she's almost 30, can't form argument worth shit>Lies about her past, pretends she was a "friendless wallflower shy nerd girl uwu" even though she was a popular guido with tons of friends who bullied nerds. >Still obsessed with shitting on women while she coddles men like babies, huge double standards>Still a bully, now online, sends her fans to attack smaller channels and random people she doesn't agree with (never goes after big channels).>Huge coward, will block you if you point out her hypocrisy. (She will block your followers too) >Googles her name all day - finds comments about her that don't even mention her directly. >Makes everything about her, can't talk about a topic without inserting herself in it.>Has nothing to put on her resume except "dunking on terfs xd">Got dragged by Brittany Venti and some of her former alt-right chan buddies for throwing Lauren Southern under the bus for trans and leftist brownie points>It failed horribly, and after June trying pathetically to backtrack, it reseulted in vid related and people on both ends of the political spectrum are sick of her shit now>Still pulling her hair out while her bf flirts with other girls on twitter, the only defenders who seem to care about her getting roasted are her troon skinwalker fan Mayu and a few of her lolicon beta orbiters>'Deunks' Brittany's video by lying again and trying desperately to cover up. Still no shame in sight.>Her and her fanboys have been falseflagging the original Shoe vid in an attempt to cover for herShuwu Saga Part 1: Saga Part 2: Electric Boogaluwu: No. 616615
File: 1529570525738.png (1.82 MB, 2138x1288, ok.png)

>>616518>>616514>>616578this literally looks like a padded ass. i really think she's wearing padded underwear.
screencap from her video from a week ago for comparison
No. 616630
>>616615Her clothes look so cheap too. She has zero sense of style, how is she so bad at everything?
Also same thread pic as last one?
No. 616631
>>616615Jesus fuck how embarassing, looks like she wore a diaper and took a big shit
If she wants to be thicc so bad why doesnt she just work out? Then greg wouldn't be so disappointed when he takes her pants off
No. 616633
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>>616615literally kim k meme tier
No. 616637
File: 1529574505283.jpeg (326.56 KB, 740x825, 9BAB40EA-904F-421C-9C15-8C6E75…)

Lol saw this, possibly related…
No. 616696
>>616680>>616669Those are buttpads alright, look at how they move in the video, if her butt was fat and muscle it would jiggle while she was moving like that
Why did she wear aliexpress padding anyway? Does she think her fans are retarded?
No. 616697
>>616670I don’t think he ever did thirst after her to begin with, she really did take his joke too seriously.
I had my suspicions when he liked a comment I left on his “apology” video where I said June thinks she’s more important than she is. That and he has a gf who is cuter than June.
But either way, it’s hilarious. I think it’s proof that Britt’s videos made more of an impact than we think.
No. 616717
>>616680No doubt that once she hits 30 and realizes that her jailbait loli uwu shtick won't do it anymore, she'll pull the ''thicc'' angle, which will be just as ridiculous and deluded considering she's literally an inverted traingle shape.
I don't understand why she can't just be comfortable with herself, she always has to cling to some kind of trend.
First, she couldn't shut up about how ''T H I N N'' she was, because being really skinny was quite popular in the early 2010s. Then she was ''jailbait loli uwu'' because anime is now becoming more popular and is considered less ''nerdy'' than before. Next, she framed herself as the ''goth gf'' since that meme was hot during that time. She's gonna pretend to be ''thicc'' next, give it a few years.
She pretends to be what is popular/trendy at the time while sticking to her ''cool anti-fem gf'' image because that way, she won't appear like a basic bitch in her fan's eyes. She and skeptic are so vile towards girls who use snapchat filters and follow fashion/make up trends that are considered ''basic'', yet she is allowed to do it because she is so
different and
totally one of the guys.
Sage because this might seem nitpicky but what bothers me is how she puts other women down for enjoying the exact same things as her, and how hateful she is to women in general.
No. 616721 I feel so sorry for her socially awkward fans standing there and coming to see them. I mean how miserable you're supposed to be to be fans of those talentless lazy but desperate and owning cameras people that have nothing to contribute to anything? Why do they deserve your attention, money, time etc and why do you think they're any better than you at least? Ugh. Also I would be so embarassed to sit in front of people whose money I live off and admit it without any shame just like her and Preg in one of those videos. They probably think of them as total losers and they look like people they like to make fun of.
>>616500 This is a golden post.
And yeah those are definitely buttpads. Everything about her is so embarassing. But the trick has worked cause look at the replies to that tweet.
>>616701I think her fans are basic themselves at least mentally and so is Preg. So she's doing exactly what they want. It's fine with them when a girl is trendy but also ''understands'' them and says what they want to hear 24/7. They only call them ''Stacies'' when they can't get them and those women don't cater to them specifically. That's the logic of incels.
And those videos with her, Chris and a bunch of other dudes I've never seen. Turns out they're so cool and fun to be around and have dinner with! They're having such fun there, don't you see guys??? I mean at least June goes out of her way to present it like that. Lots of efforts and hype vs actual substance of it…
No. 616738
File: 1529589939989.jpeg (68.1 KB, 714x749, DgMPuVwXcAARGzU.jpeg)

Her fans think this is flattering
No. 616742
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She looks really tall here now i see why she doesn't like to wear jeans
No. 616762
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No. 616763
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This too
No. 616772
File: 1529593445835.jpg (79.96 KB, 604x1136, ayBoVs5.jpg)

Shreg and June literally look the same age here.
No. 616773
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The phonecase
No. 616789
File: 1529594839728.jpg (5.01 KB, 200x200, KYGtgs5.jpg)

>>616742tfw Chris Ray Gun, who is
tiny, has a more masculine body than your ''alpha male dom''
No. 616792
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>>616750>>616696it literally looks like she's wearing one of these padded hip-butt ''enhancer'' panties kek
No. 616800
File: 1529595810456.png (32.98 KB, 200x275, image.png)

Sage for offtopic, but I will never discuss June on Reddit again. This one chick got downvoted to hell, because she told those neck beards the truth about her.
No. 616801
File: 1529595922396.png (78.96 KB, 604x706, 2LeEtOb.png)

such an introverted and shy smol bun :3
she needs to rest for at least 12 hours after every social interaction you guys
No. 616813
>>616742Lmao look at Chris' arms compared to Greg's. How embarrassing.
Also both June and Greg look way fatter IRL. She looks overweight and he's just obese, he should just make her pay for a gym membership.
No. 616864
File: 1529601097705.png (322.38 KB, 638x706, u5780C0.png)

Finally, the June/Mayu rl meetup we've all been waiting for
No. 616871
>>616864Lmao what a loser.
Mayu is too.
No. 616884
File: 1529602177330.gif (126.34 KB, 481x481, 1529521784174.gif)

>>616864how tall is maya? how funny would it be he meets her and she isn't shorter than him? I'm not even big on the height debates that go on here but, it's hilarious that even her own obsessed followers need to double down on the 'smol' image.
No. 616908
>>616864God fucking dammit Maya is so cringy. If I were in Shoe's shoes I'd be so creeped out when meeting this chick.
Does anyone remember the incident of last year's vidcon with that "crazy hair" girl? I assume Maya will be as creepy.
No. 616953
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>>616940It's used to describe a body type that a really fit guy gets when he becomes a dad and is too busy to work out anymore. Pic related.
No. 616961
File: 1529605870853.jpg (123.11 KB, 1024x576, DDLw62mVYAANj4R.jpg)

>>616956I mean Shoe not Mayu like I thought we figured out June's 5'5" she and Chris are the same height. She was in flats btw))
No. 616981
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>>616864I guess that means Maya flew all the way from the UK just to be near June, since he's surely not notable enough as a YouTuber to be holding his own fan meetup.
Gee, wonder why June never refollowed Maya on twitter? I can't imagine.
No. 616985
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>>616969Don't forget she constantly talks about Greg's stronk arms. It's like she's attracted to muscles but is too afraid to hurt Gerg's fragile ego
No. 616996
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>>616742I think I have cracked the code about this picture. She uses angles and perspective to look smaller. If you measure the calves of each person according to their thighs sizes in the picture you will notice she is at the back, not to mention folding her legs to create an illusion of being smaller. That is why she the cut the feet out of the picture. They are probably posing much more on the front than her.
No. 617000
>>616996Looks like she's leaning back too.
>>616985>>nice arms>>616773Oh yeah, look at those arms. Such a beefcake
No. 617011
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No. 617024
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>>617016Maybe because the pics of her from last year were less than flattering.
She can't keep up the "17 year old loli desu uguuu" facade when she looks like an average 27 year old woman. It's easier to keep that illusion when half of her face is covered
No. 617029
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Looked at Preg's liked tweets on twitter and he acknowledges people he's met at VidCon and likes their tweets.
Shuwu, on the other hand, couldn't be bothered or just doesn't want people to find her "not to smol and princess-like" photos.
No. 617033
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Those butt pads aren't doing her any favours imo…
No. 617161
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No. 617164
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Is Ella now Contra's replacement?
No. 617167
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No. 617169
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No. 617175
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>>you are short
yeah… cause she's standing next to two people who were born male and therefore are typically taller than those born female… People are dumb. Day two of sporting sunglasses, Shregory too.
No. 617242
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her fans are so cringy
No. 617277
>>617233She used to beg for attention on 4chan, hacking forums and a forum centered around Boxxy. She knows who her audience is because she actively seeks those people out. She also loves to brag about how her audience is mostly underaged. She knows, anon, and she loves it.
>>617259She doesn't see transwomen as actual women, so she probably wouldn't be too nitpicky either way.
No. 617318
>>617277I would say the difference is she making money from the attention whoring, before yes it's obnoxious but a lot of insecure fucks like her go to male dominated spaces for validation.
When you add money into it, there is a whole knew meaning. She actively knows she's getting payed by lonely desperate uggos who watch her because she misinforms and tells them things they want to see/hear an "average" looking female say.
I wouldn't be surprise she treats all the fans that she meets like mentally retarded children cause she definitely sees herself(and preg despite being manchild himself) above them socially and aesthetically. I remember watching killstream a caller allured to this, that she thinks she's better than everyone around her.
I just think it's kinda fucked, like of course anyone who pays and takes her seriously shouldn't get any sympathy for being retarded but, it's just the fact she and preg probably go home and make fun of all them like they're better despite them not at all being and their fans will always remain oblivious to this.
No. 617341
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No. 617363
At 48:28 they start going through shoe's twitter to talk about vidcon. They share that image of Preg in that pirate costume and miss the chance to call him Captain Jack Spare Ribs.
>>616693They also forgot to add the last thread in with the list of old threads.
Here's the missing thread that didn't get added for whoever makes the next thread:
>>601732>>616864This'll be great.
No. 617383
>>617164>>617161She looks more confident in these pictures than she does in any pics with real women but…
I know June hates other women and is intimidated/jealous of them, and prefers to hang around men in dresses because she thinks they make her look better… but perhaps she should rethink this.
Even next to these obvious trans-males, she looks awful compared to them and they look far better groomed, younger and prettier. They have real hair, don't seem insecure, and are showing off their bodies/faces. She looks like a dumpy aunt.
No. 617391
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>>617341she looks like she could be their mom.
totally ~uwu forever 15 loli xD~ sooo young looking. lol
No. 617408
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No. 617451
>>617408> "thank you for your money!"> nicest person These incels will be over the moon by being treated somewhat decently. They'd probably brush off June being fucking rude with her patrons as "just a joke".
how funny would it be to have a chunk of their patrons pull off their donations after that. June and Greg are too conceited for two grown adults e-begging for money
No. 617477
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>>617046>>617164that hoverhand though
No. 617493
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Some fanpics
No. 617514
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No picture with Shuwu but Mayu got one with everyone else. Maybe Shuwu really did hide from her
No. 617607
>>617477careful wig, your fake bisexuality is showing
>>617493lmao what is this stupid head tilt in every photo? it just makes her bloated chipmunk cheeks more obvious.
No. 617642
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No. 617671
It's seriously so fucking embarrassing how every single one of her "girl" friends is a busted tranny, and her only real girl friend is one too.
>>617514lol @ mayo's butt chin, he looks especially crusty irl
No. 617740
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No. 617742
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No. 617743
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No. 617746
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No. 617766
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No. 617767
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No. 617781
>>617698>>617710Same, I agree completely. Her little friends are the same height and do the same exact thing too.
I wonder if Mayu didn't take a picture with her because she wasn't as smol as she expected.
>>617700lmao, I bet she hid it from him somehow. He doesn't seem the type of person who would know butt pads exist.
>>617766Isn't Arielle basically a TERF by June's standards?
No. 617791
Did june bring more than one set of butt pads with her? She's been wearing them out in the sun for two days now. Things must be getting kind of musty by now.
>>617514>>617542Ella legit looks like he's pushing 40. I get why he goes for the retro thing. It must suck being an 18 year old hon.
No. 617840
>>617802how old is this and where did you get this picture from? i've never seen it before
>>617797 one minute she's this tiny uwu smol loli and the next she has a big lumpy fake looking ass. from the photos i think she legitimately used butt pads. there's just no way that's from natural weight gain. plus, of course shuwu would say "hehe i only gain weight on my butt! smol tiny waist always!" because she's a delusional liar.
No. 617846
>>617514I swear trannies' greatest enemy is natural lighting. They all look so bad.
>>617840Iirc it's from shuwu's ex-boyfriend GMasterRed's, his real name Andrew (and she was together with him longer than she's been with septic), instagram account. That photo has been posted in previous threads before.
No. 617863
File: 1529654511438.jpg (70.19 KB, 1113x817, jv0DGjm.jpg)

>>617797You can't magically gain a lot of weight in one place. She doesn't work out either, you can tell by her skinny thighs. When there's such a strong difference between ass and thigh size, it's most definitely fake, and as a result looks laughable.
Pic related is from a video from 2015 vs vidcon 18; she did gain weight since then, but again, you don't just gain weight in your ass without gaining any in your legs and hips, plus she isn't pear shaped so it's unlikely for her to begin with. I really hope it's a padded panty because if it isn't, that is one strange and unfortunate body type.
No. 617867
>>617791Ella's only 18 damn son maybe its the lack of elastin and collagen in male skin? combined with an unfortunate rugged masculine jawline (which would look great on him as a man) RIP though for tranny syndrome.
>>617167Disgusting, men constantly fetishizing women gross.
>>617863Seconding, she gains weight in her midsection and upper shoulder height area, her one asset is her thin exercise less legs that lack any muscle definition.
No. 617881
File: 1529656091359.jpg (63.25 KB, 735x718, VlZUrEo.jpg)

>>617477This is giving me Taylor Swift flashbacks kek
No. 617980
>>617766>>617781Wow, you mean June doesn't have Arielle blocked even though she's an evil terve?
>>617514Ella looks like Bruce Jenner in this
No. 618031
>>616801introverted doesn't exactly mean antisocial.
You can still say hi to random strangers lol
No. 618093
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No. 618109
File: 1529679734662.png (175.53 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180622-104058.png)

Her fans are dumb
No. 618115
>>617514Ella wouldn't look bad at all as a man, but
fuck, he looks rough. I refuse to believe he's only 18.
No. 618125
>>616615Those buttpads are embarrassing af. And she's paired them with the most ill fitting jeans I've ever seen. What a sight. I think she borrowed them from Blaire.
>>618022OT but Arielle stays ass-licking shoe, so not likely. She's recently tweeted about ppl saying terfs linked with anti-lesbianism but she'll never call out shoe for saying it. But hey, birds of a feather, shoe the fake bi, Arielle the fake lesbian.
No. 618129
>>618120Estrogen/HRT can age men rapidly. Trannies delude themselves otherwise because it does clear their skin up, make it smoother, make their facial hair grow less quickly. Men usually naturally have higher levels of collagen than women, and produce it for longer in their life time. Which is why a lot of guys in their 20s can still look really youthful. When they start taking HRT, their collagen production halts rapidly. Along with that, the HRT often dries their skin out (male skin is usually naturally oily which is good). That's why they get less pimples. But having dry skin leads to the degradation of the skins collagen more quickly, and since they aren't producing any more, they rapidly start to age and form wrinkles. Also, these men do not follow a skincare routine.
It never shocks me how fast trans males start to age after starting HRT.
Sorry for the pointless tranny sperg.
No. 618172
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>>618105>>618070theyre still really skinny for that ass but theyre slightly bigger than they used to be. she has always had like size 00000 legs so theyre like maybe size 0 now but those hip/butt pads fill out the upper thigh
No. 618224
File: 1529687402329.png (767.05 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_20180622-104556.png)

More screenies of her real ass
No. 618256
File: 1529689037215.jpg (97.05 KB, 424x615, flynnirl.jpg)

>>617920In all of these too lmfao
No. 618440
>>618438>Are her fans literally retarded?Not to come off as snarky, but seriously, look at them.
>>617740>>617514>>617033>>616996They all look like maladjusted, unsocialized weirdos who graduated from the institute of fedora tipping just like Preg. Youtube works for them because they can build a world where they can pretend like they're normal individuals. And clearly none of them are hot and are average at best.
They're not gonna know fuck all about Wig's photo manipulation, butt padding, or deceptive posing.
No. 618469
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No. 618475
>>618031plenty of celebrities (and """celebrities""") shoo away their fans in public because they value their privacy and downtime away from the public.
it can come off as rude but it's not as if june's always an angel to her fans. she's always posting about how anxious she gets from social interactions, so
No. 618478
File: 1529704252518.png (29.95 KB, 483x268, VduCtaj.png)

Paypig confirmed
No. 618485
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>gets upset when Brittany makes a video mocking her
>turns around and makes a video mocking someone else
No. 618488
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No. 618578
File: 1529712844962.jpg (99.21 KB, 764x1015, HHDYSxA.jpg)

No. 618579
File: 1529713019848.png (379.2 KB, 640x648, p6jIJeD.png)

No. 618586
File: 1529713747910.jpg (123.24 KB, 1080x1080, 013jWwU.jpg)

No. 618587
File: 1529713803484.png (85.18 KB, 269x281, disgusted.png)

>>618586He looks thrilled to be around dom daddy and lg
No. 618604
File: 1529714708455.jpeg (24.04 KB, 640x480, sniff.jpeg)

>>617802I'm sorry but there was never any proof that this was June. It was first posted ages ago on Unichan with zero context so I'm assuming it was just some picture they found on 4chan and re-posted in an attempt to troll that it's June.
No. 618612
File: 1529715432382.jpg (108.52 KB, 640x480, faith.jpg)

>>618610>>618611What? I'm not talking about the picture I posted. (That's real, it's her and her friend Faith.) I'm referring to the random butt photo.
No. 618629
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No. 618634
File: 1529718008207.jpg (124.15 KB, 1024x717, DgVj4UnUYAEDaH9.jpg)

No. 618689
>>618683they're desperate to believe june was a shy wallflower with no female friends uwu
>>618636agreed, and her eyeliner with her hairstyle only ages her, can't wait for the day where she'll be a literal prune with emo eyeliner and that hair and her friends will still insist she's jailbait uwu
No. 618763
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No. 618767
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No. 618769
File: 1529728423024.png (463.72 KB, 923x447, joon's fans.png)

No. 618779
File: 1529728848957.png (159.28 KB, 512x241, naYETCx.png)

17 years old uwu
No. 618782
File: 1529728924779.jpg (262.24 KB, 2048x1152, IMG_20180623_014040.jpg)

No. 618787
File: 1529729022278.png (388.95 KB, 720x1038, 20180623_014245.png)

Shoe stop trying to push that Flynn Rider bullshit. You're dating an obese neckbeard, time to face reality.
No. 618856
File: 1529735290956.png (557.32 KB, 588x586, iy9hostz2.png)

>>618792>>618822Redid it for more accuracy. Excuse shit photoshop skills
No. 618860
>>618830He's an alt-right, mra dickhead and a creep, you really shouldn't feel sorry for him.
side note: he'd fit in perfectly with the other neckbeards in that picture
No. 618873
>>618794She's getting breakouts too which you can see even with foundation
So much for her uwu perfect maintained skin, if her skin looks like that everywhere else butt her potato camera, god knows what it looks like with no makeup and an HD cam
No. 618911
File: 1529742090424.png (847.18 KB, 588x594, BgarA7Z.png)

When she's not wearing sunglasses she keeps on covering the second half of her face. See also
>>618767>>618634 No. 618991
File: 1529753862806.png (362.94 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180623-073328.png)

No. 618998
File: 1529754727725.jpg (41.79 KB, 1201x767, A63oQmS.jpg)

>>618992She does, it was pointed out in an older thread.
I mean,
god damn. No. 619016
File: 1529757160360.jpeg (469.12 KB, 1242x1927, 4459CB79-03C8-4EAD-A750-6A5F1A…)

>>618469Whats the yellow thing below her pits
No. 619025
>>618998she looks like an actual tranny here.
so much for being smol and ultra feminine unlike those basic bitches in sweatpants and messy buns uwu
No. 619082
File: 1529764749068.jpg (76.98 KB, 900x750, ronnie-radke-2.jpg)

>>619015Oh my fuck youre right
No. 619094
File: 1529766151891.png (691.42 KB, 1200x588, 2OmGXnY.png)

No. 619099
>>618856Next thread pic please
>>618962>>619024If she makes a video about Megan Murphy, Magdalen might still make a response to her. Magdalen has uploaded videos of Murphy's speeches before and they're clearly in the same online circle/share a lot of opinions Magdalen would probably be willing to defend against someone like June.
No. 619112
File: 1529768681650.png (16.72 KB, 634x111, QyRB3WT.png)

>>618962Exactly. She's scared because Magdalen is one of the few people who calls her out on her shit. Same goes for Brittany Venti.
She has no idea how to argue and yet she insists on getting into arguments all the time.
No. 619114
File: 1529769065276.jpg (44.4 KB, 565x551, vmqmXxc.jpg)

>>619094I still can't get over how perfect this comparison is. Visually anyways, since Shrek
actually cares about his wife and the donkey is
actually funny and likeable, unlike Preg and Shuwu.
No. 619174
File: 1529776007728.png (207.66 KB, 457x484, 20180623_130930.png)

Mama June thiccc uwu
No. 619223
File: 1529781759414.png (11.97 KB, 476x192, juneabs.png)

Is this the beginning of her accepting her weight gain? Looks like the start of some mental gymnastics to me tbh
No. 619263
File: 1529785429584.png (276.34 KB, 581x577, Screen Shot 2018-06-23 at 4.21…)

Who wants to bet Shuwu is lowkey pissed that Blaire's engaged too now.
No. 619282
File: 1529786196375.jpeg (26.98 KB, 429x343, images.jpeg)

> mama juneThere's only one mama June
No. 619316
File: 1529788282367.jpg (22.8 KB, 442x236, hDo0Xqk.jpg)

Found this gem. But isn't she so against showing cleavage on her channel?
No. 619319
>>619274Lol that was my first thought too.
I wonder if June is gonna get her makeup done by a professional for her wedding day or if she will wear her eternal boxxy eyeliner.
No. 619328
>>619321Same eye liner, cakey makeup, and shitty poo colored wig
She'll probably wear butt pads to the wedding too, gotta be appealing to other men on your wedding day
Will she pull a yumi king and cheap out too? Unless her parents force and push the wedding and do it themselves
She'll probably show her baby-butt forced clevage too, since she's so not sexual right?
No. 619330
File: 1529789245640.png (287.43 KB, 592x1014, 5FjhXeF.png)

>>619321She wore it for her engagement party so yeah. She'll publicize her whole wedding like she did the rest of her relationship. Don't wanna scare away the followers who came for ~antisjw Boxxxy~
No. 619331
>>619316Shoe is one fake cunt.
>You haven't had to sexualize your videos for viewsI'm sorry, what? There are a ton of ways to ''sexulize'' yourself online, it's not limited to showing cleavage (which she does as well). Do they
genuinely think she doesn't sexualize herself for attention?
She openly posts about her sex life, bdsm, that she ''worships his peen 24/7'', how loud they are when they have sex, her tits, threesomes, going to sex shops with greg….need I go on. I mean she pretty much admitted to sucking Preg off on stream. Come the fuck on.
This is pathetic.
No. 619336
File: 1529789942352.jpg (34.71 KB, 600x526, 2mwLWQC.jpg)

>>619316samefag but
>I'm not superior to anyone, except Steve ShivesThat aged horrifically, Shuwu Shives.
No. 619406
File: 1529795422981.jpeg (77.34 KB, 750x437, 5B32E422-8E28-4B37-A070-7E22D0…)

No. 619412
File: 1529795659269.jpeg (461.65 KB, 750x891, 24A2456F-B17C-4439-8BDB-8230EE…)

>>619094He even has an ogre gut
No. 619421
>>619274Most likely.
The guy Blair is with actually enjoys being around her, and being loyal to her.
No. 619474
File: 1529799024891.jpg (144.03 KB, 829x1000, shuwu vidcon.jpg)

No. 619485
File: 1529801707437.png (524.92 KB, 1272x1068, DMrTxT1.png)

>>619406Nazi fetishism how qUiRkY
No. 619493
File: 1529802541401.jpg (71.62 KB, 959x476, shuwu.jpg)

wow shuwu gave her wig a trim! definitely brings out her features.
No. 619516
File: 1529804504475.png (899.23 KB, 1107x513, unrelated pic.png)

>>619507So what you're trying to say is that Shreggory used June's bday as an excuse to look for new gfs?
No. 619517
File: 1529804523922.png (428.34 KB, 720x1043, 20180623_214045.png)

She's tried to get Metokur's attention a good amount of times.
No. 619550
File: 1529807198462.png (33.25 KB, 540x183, Screen Shot 2018-06-24 at 12.2…)

>>619535Oh sorry you're right. I thought I saw other anons in earlier threads calling it Klinefelter syndrome which is XXY so I got confused. Many XYY males are fertile, unfortunately. I was hoping that nature was going to weed out Greg's genes from being able to reproduce.
No. 619557
File: 1529807887601.png (59.42 KB, 291x233, 999439861.png)

>>619550>>619550….what is she even talking about? xyy syndrome isnt rare really, plus it doesn't make you an ALPHA MALE? it actually can cause issues? june, you're dumb. surprise.
No. 619566
>>619557>>619557symptoms found quickly on google are:
an autism diagnosis.
attention difficulties.
delayed motor skill development, such as with writing.
delayed or difficult speech.
emotional or behavioral issues.
hand trembling or involuntary muscle movements.
hypotonia (weak muscle tone)
greg clearly has many of these qualities such as autism and VERY weak muscle tone since he's all fat lol
No. 619568
>>619557"Boys with XYY syndrome typically have normal intelligence, although, on average, IQ is 10 to 15 points lower than siblings. Affected boys may exhibit mild delays in reaching developmental milestones. Learning disabilities have been reported in up to 50 percent of cases, most commonly speech delays and language problems. Reading difficulties are common due to an increased incidence of dyslexia.
In some cases, affected individuals develop behavioral problems such as an explosive temper, hyperactivity, impulsivity, defiant actions, or, in some cases, antisocial behavior. There is a higher rate of attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder and a smaller increased risk for having an autism spectrum disorder."
This describes Greg well. June is just trying to delude herself into thinking XYY equals alpha because an extra Y chromosome must mean he's super manly and full of testosterone right? :^)
No. 619582
File: 1529809374792.png (427.19 KB, 644x1039, i4k1Udy.png)

>>619568Did someone say dyslexia? She seems to have a complex about #1 Skeptic's disorder
No. 619590
File: 1529809729088.png (33.86 KB, 661x303, aWdzor4.png)

same anon but yikes
No. 619597
Be warned anon.
No. 619611
>>619582> says DDLG 24/7 you don't get it> DDLG invokes infantilizing the sub> "I want to tuck my daddy dom in bed and read to him like a mommy"Logic 10/10
>>619568Does anyone remember that screenshot of Skeptic saying their parents didn't know how to raise a genius so that's why he developed slow?
Idk I think it'd be so much better if he just toned down his ego, accepted his disabilities and owned them? Like
> yeah,I have this disorder and dyslexia, I have had difficulties in my education which I've done my best to over come I've seen plenty of youtubers come forward about disorders like schizophrenia, bipolar, autism… there's a lot of room to talk and it seems to be a better community than
> ~Skeptics hur dur look at those dumb SJWs and religious pplGod knows this shit got pretty old pretty quick
But I guess he'd have to get rid of his obnoxious personality so what do I know
No. 619670
File: 1529813656477.jpg (340.22 KB, 1437x2048, DgZ8Yv6VAAAgWiJ.jpg)

Her face looks chubbs. Look at Greg trying not to raise his eyebrow.
No. 619734
File: 1529816808786.jpg (17.02 KB, 398x343, ba dum tsss.jpg)

>a children's bookStar Wars or Jordan Peterson? ;^)
No. 619812
>>619517She's been trying to ride his dick since forever, so I like to think that Metokur pretends she doesn't exist just to piss her thirsty ass off. When the Venti drama was going down his followers were telling him to make a statement on June and Jim was mostly replying with "Shoe who?". It's strange though that he's ripping on every single skeptic retard but leaves Gregory and Shoe alone, despite them being perfect Internet Insanity material with their retarded BDSM relationship and shoe's pathological lying.
>>619525Like mentioned before, the skeptic group has an insider working for Youtube. Someone at Youtube accepted Venti's appeal to put the video back up, but someone else (the insider) overturned the decision and took it down.
No. 619845
>>619567>>619566>>619557I think she was just joking with that tweet but is so stupid she wasn't aware Jacobs syndrome is a rare allosomal disorder. Jacobs syndrome is sort of the poster of sex based disorders used to teach sex based inheritance same with male patterned baldness.
I've never encountered someone with xyy syndrome before but they appear pretty normal aside from the aforementioned physical traits. You'd have to get a karyotype to prove it, lower IQ is a common phenotypic trait that Greg shows, his dyslexia is very obvious and he mentioned he has a learning disorder in an old video. Honestly the fat man boob shit could just be because he has fat man boobs though. I wonder if they ever do a 23 and me type DNA test meme video this would ever be proven lol.
No. 619927
File: 1529848316990.png (650.61 KB, 720x1082, 20180624_095210.png)

>>619847I think they're ddlg because of
-The dynamic they're trying to push
-June has school girl/kitten/innocous outfits she uses for sexual play
-infamous leash that says "daddy's girl"
-Fuckin take a look at her June Lapine insta
-them getting defensive about ddlg in a video
-liking ddlg/ddlg-esque shops on etsy
No. 619928
But they never will out right say they are DDLG because of the very embarrassing/negative connotation tied to this branch of BDSM. Theu tease it all the fucking time, newfriend.
No. 619976
File: 1529855195701.jpeg (37.56 KB, 640x534, CNpUQCpUcAAbh9z.jpeg)

Found Shuwu being obsessive and retarded again this time with Davis Aurini. Uwu
Bonus points for her actually making that "ew my fat cousins picture" her profile picture on twitter. She even cropped it so the fattest cousin is in the background with her looking annoyed. Fucking grotesque.
No. 619980
File: 1529855512327.png (180.17 KB, 720x1125, 20180624_095146.png)

Behold June's favorite item on Etsy:
No. 619985
File: 1529857008671.jpeg (135.23 KB, 572x1032, DAF867A5-E1DF-4608-818B-7A7442…)

>>619927Also Greg has referred to June as a little on Twitter
No. 619987
File: 1529857207979.png (1 MB, 831x615, Greg comparison.png)

I just don't get it. How does Greg manage to look so consistently bad? This man literally does not have one good angle.
No. 620020
>>619980See,the problem here is not being into buttplugs. The problem is so openly into buttplugs that anyone on the internet can find your etsy and find this kind of shit.
Imagine someone from her family surfing the web do to think of a wedding gift and they find this kind of shit.
No. 620041
>>619927Pretty sure it's obvious they're ddlg, nta but seems like the anon just meant they're ddlg some of the time but ~24/67 bdsm cock worship~ supposedly all the time.
>>619980>>619985How can people this cringe make livings from calling other people cringe?
No. 620044
File: 1529862003881.jpg (104.83 KB, 197x339, MubpCBs.jpg)

>>620022Wig gets so fucking
w e t whenever someone says ''Greg and his daughter'' or ''You look like a 14 year old'', of course she won't admit it, but she loooves it and humblebrags. She's encouraging the comments too, she acknowledges them, replies and always talks about how ''''young'''' she looks.
Have her fans…ever seen a woman in her 20s? Do they think any girl over the age of 19 looks like a wrinkly leather handbag?
She absolutely looks her age. At best. Her shitty skincare and lifestyle seem to be catching up with her now.
Pic related is what they think a ''teen/middle schooler'' apparently looks like, fucking kek
No. 620065
>>619927>>619928They've confirmed it before, check previous threads.
>>620044>Have her fans…ever seen a woman in her 20s? Do they think any girl over the age of 19 looks like a wrinkly leather handbag? You're overestimating the level of intelligence neckbeards have, especially when it comes to women.
No. 620071
>>620044>Do they think any girl over the age of 19 looks like a wrinkly leather handbag? Yes. Yes they do.
Her fans are the type of faggots that truly believe the 'hit the wall' thing at 30 and believe that the girls they like just roll out of bed looking the way they do in pictures, no foundation, concealer, powder, I bet you anything they think her lashes are real.
Same as the guys that think heavily makeup wearing trannies with perfect lighting and filters really look that way, and that whole 'wow you look better than real girls!'
Her fans are completely delusional retards cut from the same cloth, and it's pathetic she gets such obvious smug joy from their ass licking. It's like you're getting complimented by the lowest of the low, who gives a shit what they think anyway? They don't know shit about attractiveness.
No. 620082
File: 1529865389807.png (119.59 KB, 609x1167, 20180624_143646.png)

>>620019>>620020>>620041The best part about this is the sizing goes from small-large… bruh how big is Shuwu's butthole
No. 620098
>>620071>>620044Yeah, those guys who believe that (in reality pimply and awkward) 14-18 phase is the hottest and "prime" age for girls. Her audience is mostly very unsocial and I don't doubt most of their knowledge of the other sex comes from the internet and movies.
I actually think movies play a big role in this phenomenon of men thinking women turn to hags once they pass 30.
They always cast 25-30 year old women to play teenagers lol. Young characters are almost never played by teenagers or girls in their early twenties, so when they need a character that looks older, they cast much older looking women so they won't look the same age. And that's why a lot of people think 15-year-olds look like 25-year-olds and 25-year-old look like 35-year-olds.
So I think that might explain all the "omg you're such a teenage jailbait" shit.
No. 620112
>>620098They definitely don't live in reality and their perception of the opposite sex is really fucked up by tv/movies and social media. They think people that look like models on instagram don't put any effort into their appearance, they just look like that with no work.
We've talked before about June's shitty camera really helping hide and distort her flaws, and her fans
want to believe what she tells them because they crush on her. If she tells them 'I get mistaken for a teenager' it just puts in their minds that she is so youthful and it must be true because she says so. Same with 'I'm so short' 'I have perfect skin' 'my figure is perfect hourglass with a dream Disney waistline, lol so weird' and their perception of her is altered to just blindly believe it. Men are so retarded when it comes to attraction it's fucking unbelievable.
Also women look so good in their 30s right now, saying they turn into Baba Yaga pisses me off. Skincare, hydration, and nutrition is such a huge thing now women in their 30s look great, and men are barely judged on losing their attractiveness as they get middle aged. Even Brad Pitt doesn't look as incredible as he did 20 years ago, which is fine, but women get judged so harshly on their aging even if it's been like two whole decades.
That's another reason why I hate June's 'evil jealous
30 year old women grabbing my perfect waist and demanding I be fat and old and ugly like them poor me' because her retarded fans have another reason to shit on older women.
No. 620127
File: 1529869708734.png (794.39 KB, 711x797, howold.PNG)

>>620116Tried one with both of them out of curiosity after seeing this.
No. 620154
>>620137fucking my sides her mom looks younger than her
Shoe honestly think she looks like a teenager, but in reality she looks like someones 40 year old aunt who takes Zumba classes
No. 620204
File: 1529873926564.png (1.64 MB, 1080x1413, Screenshot_20180624-175842~2.p…)

No. 620216
File: 1529874809642.jpg (330.12 KB, 1200x1200, 69698696986986.jpg)

No. 620225
>>620216>>620204You can tell how much she loves collabing /taking pictures with trans women because she knows she'll look better than them (as any woman would). Shoe doesn't have any female friends because she feels threatened by them.
She's that girl that surrounds herself with below average looking girls to make herself look better kek
On a side note, where's the lauren collab at?
No. 620228
File: 1529875304084.png (Spoiler Image,1.58 MB, 1080x1620, sketch-1529874835283.png)

No. 620234
File: 1529875521238.jpg (221.57 KB, 800x1052, shuwu old age.jpg)

No. 620308
>>620280Blaire passed better before the facial feminization. She's gone full Gigi now. I'd fucking cry if my face looked like that AFTER PS.
>>620274Because her behaviour screams desperate and pathetic. Compared to Blaire, who very much has a dgaf attitude and routinely speaks her mind regardless of popular opinion or backlash, Wig desperately tries to come up with the most pandering content ever and if someone dares take issue with it she blocks them immediately.
No. 620361
>>620308glad i'm not the only one who thought blaire looked better before the face surgery. it looks like a blow up doll now
>>620120>>620116shuwu looks fine for her age, to me it only feels like she looks so old because she constantly spergs about looking like a 13 y/o loli waifu when she doesn't. her neckbeards clearly like her fine the way she is, she'd be less annoying if she admitted to looking like a normal grown woman and would shut up about it
No. 620366
File: 1529881375699.png (716 KB, 568x873, creepu mayu.PNG)

Mayu looks so "creepu" without angles
No. 620419
>>620308I agree. I was watching some of Blair's older videos a few days ago and she actually looked very passable before the nose job (going off camera anyway). The nose job just makes her nose look off and it's more of a distraction now since she does face cam.
But yeah it does seem like her and Shoe are like opposites. Blair tends to speak her mind and stand by them whereas Shoe will say whatever to pander to an audience and then shit bricks when people call her out but masks it with "LOL meme".
>>620293I'm not really sure if Blair's body is actually hourglass shape or if she's wearing shapewear and padding. I mean some of her fashion looks like that of a drag queen and she could've learned how to pad from tutorials and whatnot with them. And before she got her implants, she used to double push up bras and use makeup contour to create a illusion of cleavage.
>>620210I wouldn't say hideous but she looks WAY different than what you see in her videos, it's kinda eye opening. Kinda like with Ella.
In her videos, Ella looks extremely feminine but after seeing those pics posted above, she looks a lot more masculine than you'd expect. London (Ella's friend) always looked more masculine to me even in videos to be honest. There was just something about her face. And the way she talks too but that's mainly because I've never seen or heard of a female acting like she does with the loud voice.
>>620361Same. That old video of hers when she did her first Q&A (the one where she was wearing that white fur shawl), she looked quite pretty there I thught. The nose job just did her no favors and she should've left it alone.
June is not ugly, she's not gorgeous but she's not a swamp beast either (lol Shrekory). But the problem is she cannot dress to save her life. Her fashion sense is all over the place and so mismatched. Nevermind her subpar makeup which only ages her more as she gets older. but yeah, if she just owned up to being a normal, grown woman, she'd be far less annoying.
No. 620461
File: 1529884991412.png (525.72 KB, 927x383, YbJlCgr.png)

>>620204Somewhat related but what happened to her planned video with Lauren Southern?
No. 620463
File: 1529885051574.png (43.94 KB, 564x374, qUHTxCJ.png)

No. 620474
>>620461> hentai loli gets destroyed by huge beast man> love u guysAmazingly, the first comment is somehow less creepy than the latter (still,LMAO at June being called a fucking loli at 26/27)
>>620463June can't stop speaking in meme language, its like she almost never can speak seriously about a subject
No. 620503
File: 1529888694462.jpg (205.51 KB, 1200x900, DgffWhCV4AEk6X_.jpg)

No. 620505
File: 1529888883695.jpg (169.04 KB, 1200x900, Dgcewd-U0AAJ1Ef.jpg)

Greg and June with their fellow fencesitter
No. 620509
File: 1529888952472.jpg (205.05 KB, 1200x1031, DgeVPdbUEAARR3a.jpg)

No. 620511
File: 1529888964218.jpg (143.93 KB, 1024x856, Dgcevx0U8AAG8w-.jpg)

No. 620552
File: 1529891399822.png (166.79 KB, 1148x642, 0ZsvW24.png)

>>620112>That's another reason why I hate June's 'evil jealous 30 year old women grabbing my perfect waist and demanding I be fat and old and ugly like them poor me' because her retarded fans have another reason to shit on older women.I find it funny how she's always always always shitting on old women and boomers when they were the only people who bothered to show up at her engagement party kek.
That must have been hell on earth for forever young loli June.
No. 620580
>>620509The fact June is almost 30 makes this picture even cringier
>>620505Boogie-post surgery is actually pretty much alike to Greg's "dad bod lumberjack with a bit of muscle"
No. 620663
File: 1529895642030.png (43.71 KB, 593x357, not like the other gurls.png)

Go ahead, shit on me, I don’t mind, I’m the Cool Girl.
No. 620686
File: 1529898870092.png (589.13 KB, 924x552, qJj4DKt.png)

This pic was posted, but not this caption.
>will my opinions on guns change??
Since when has she ever talked about guns? Didn't she pretend to be into shooting because her ex was a gun nut or something?
No. 620715
File: 1529901503423.png (297.34 KB, 736x756, 0yT4buW.png)

No. 620728
File: 1529902382927.png (38.48 KB, 566x352, Djz9EEv.png)

No. 620731
>>620728Even if the guns aren't loaded you can get banned for not following proper gun etiquette at ranges?
Does she also not know what "sperg" comes from? She's so dense.
>>620715>>620722Agreed, but at the same time it's difficult to take seriously given his attitude about literally everything else.
No. 620785
>>620511A lot of (mostly male) YT commentators who don't talk about politics follow her and she seems overall respected. I can guarantee you it's 100% because she is a woman and nothing else. She gets special treatment. These guys constantly call out other youtubers that do exactly the same shit as her (pandering, fence-sitting, ''sjw'' tendencies) but she doesn't get called out because she's female, so they give her a pass, lol. Talk about female privilege.
She has no charisma, brings nothing new to the table, she is painfully unfunny, screams constantly and her content is beyond boring and repetitive. What I don't get is how they aren't tired of her pandering yet, doesn't it get annoying and obvious as fuck after a while?
No. 620789
File: 1529912056116.png (232.47 KB, 616x1221, Ddt5ZEX.png)

Uh oh, looks like RationalDis pissed off June again.
>Make the Left Great AgainWhat happened to June being a libertarian? Or a centrist? Or how about ~not caring about politics heehee~ despite having a political channel? I wonder how long she'll keep pushing the lefty act. She was doing just fine when she was only courting fellow fence sitters.
>There was a professional film crew on-siteWhat?
>>620785She also knows how to kiss serious ass. She may be an absolute bitch to randos and even her own fans, but she knows how to play nice around the right people.
No. 620790
File: 1529912150073.png (35.26 KB, 578x288, HsJDEIk.png)

No. 620796
>>620715Holy shit Fupa Ryder is such a hypocritical dumbass, god forbid you waste resources memeing guns for your faux maga debate but if rich daddy Musky uses the Falcon X launch (which literally was a test to carry cargo specfically hence why they put the chery Tesla in there because why the fuck not, opposite to fupa they do things to engage an audience & make them learn through actual entertainment and literal groundbreaking discoveries)
I just hate these fake mensa ass neckbeard fatties who try to critique these projects with 1: nothing of value to say 2: shit on it bc too many libs hyped it (this is a frequent one and how tf are you gonna claim being smart/an intellectual if you're gonna reject any advancement in human history bc MUH LEFTY) 3: Moot points, Cringe disses & dry tweets ala 'hurrdurr rich guy is sending his tesla thru the asteroid belt!!! Greggy no like it not smart 4 da wurld'
No. 620828
>>620504It's the makeup. She looks so much better without it.>>620686Ugh! Does this mean I have to watch a video with Shoe in it?
No. 620836
>>620789>June represents the libs and is doing this as an experiment to see if she is willing to relax her position on gun regulation.How will filming a dumb meme video make her change her position on gun regulation?
Her "positions" are so easy to change depending on the person she is sucking up to so why would people even care?
No. 620839
File: 1529924386865.jpg (60.35 KB, 810x539, IMG_20180625_125636.jpg)

>>619517>>619812My tinfoil is that she was crushing on Jim (who was known as Internet Aristocrat before he became Mr Metokour) and tried to get his attention and admiration hard.
Then it turned out that Jim has a girlfriend and had a cringy moment where he fucked his gf during a GamerGate stream. Shuwu's heart must've been broken when she received this ask lol.
(And then some time later she braged how she sucked Grocery's dick during a stream uwu)
No. 620842
>>620715>>620722Nope its bullshit grandstanding trying to pretend as if you care about natural resources when you really don't give two fucks.
That experiment was to test the capabilities of weight in the barely explored environment of space as well as space travel an eventuality that will exist in the next 30 to 50 years.
The only way space travel will become a method of transport is if it gets enough investors and positive PR only dumbshits would look at the experiment Elon Musk pulled and say its a "waste of resources" what a lame, 1 dimensional excuse to come across as informed and smart as expected of groceries, the single digit IQ learning disability stricken who thinks successful entrepreneurs with degrees in STEM are childish. Don't farce concern about resources when you know nothing about them or how to manage them.
No. 620860
File: 1529929990684.png (60.62 KB, 572x430, K0HB459.png)

No. 620878
>>620860>I saw multiple people I follow make fun of you guysoh no! :( someone
made fun of Shoe and Greg?
So…Shoe can make heaps of videos making fun of feminists, sjws, cosmopolitan writers, zoe quinn, radfems, random people, but if someone does it behind her back in private that's a problem? Shoe's entire career is based on attacking people and making fun of them (hence her ''it's entertainment'' defense)? Jesus how retarded is that toxic fem girl
No. 620901
>>620860These retards are behaving like the "lefty" backstabbed them while all he did was criticize Shoe and Blaire on the gun thing.
Oh he hung out with us yesterday, he shouldn't criticize our opinion ever again!! Sooo skeptic and open-minded..
Plus June publicly denouncing her friendship with Lauren was much more of a cunt move but I guess it doesn't count because she was a pwessued uwu bun bun smol girl ;___; :33
No. 620922
>>620839Yeah, she really tried to lick
his balls back in the day. I think June was desperate to latch herself to any one of those guys tbh, maybe Skeptic was just a coincidence.
No. 620951
>>620922Fat Septic is just a consolation prize.
Real prize would've been Jim, or more recently, a detransitioned Contra lmfao
No. 620957
File: 1529937970109.jpg (248.73 KB, 1152x880, 2013shoe.jpg)

Have some "retro" June tweets from 2013. Nothing' really changed.
No. 620976
>>620957The amount of narcissism always amazes me with June. She is so self-absorbed it's unreal.
>i tried hard to look older tonight and someone thought i was in high school>''what grade are you in honey?''Man, she must have a serious internal complex to be this obsessed with looking ''young''.
I still don't get why she thinks she looks younger than she is? Her face is not youthful looking
in the slightest. It's really long and narrow, she has no upper lip, a large philtrum, small-ish close-set eyes, huge horse teeth…youthful features are practically the
opposite of hers.
if she thinks it's her
skin that makes her look young, oh boy, that'll hit her hard soon.wear some spf and lay off the silicone meme moisturizer, june.
Could you imagine what will happen in a few years, when even her ego-stroking neckbeard fans will realizes that calling a fully grown 30yo woman ''jail bait'' is delusional and retarded?
She'll have nothing to offer since her whole act is based on immaturity, it's already starting to not be cute at 27, imagine once she's thirty and still yelling ''YOU'RE MOM GAY xD'' for a living. Her ''career'' is not going to last for very long and the lack of male internet attention will probably drive her nuts.
I guess that's the karma for being such a cunt to other women and promoting it to your very young, impressionable fanbase.
No. 621034
File: 1529943883757.png (833.55 KB, 720x843, 20180625_121811.png)

Here it is. It's just captioned "gahn". But if she really had a strong stance against guns or if they scared her, she wouldn't put them on her insta captioned with a cutesy uwu spelling.
No. 621038
>>620857His girlfriend (Jade) is just as much of a troll as Jim is. He better pray she'll never leave him.
>>620860Just who are they talking about?
>>620877His KF dox was fake as far as I know? He's been spreading fake doxes of himself for like 10 years online. Jade is the only person who knows who he is IRL. During Gamergate someone managed to doxx her and apparently made threats towards her and Jim, making her quit internet 4ever and Jim retreat from Gamergate. Jim keeps saying that it's because people started milking the movement for money that he left but I think it's a half-truth, his primary reason for leaving must've been because of the threat of being doxxed.
>>621028To be fair the story isn't that they fucked, people were talking about how Jim fingered her. But they could just be fucking with their audience because like I mentioned, they both like to piss people off with controversial stuff.
Sorry for the stupid Metokur lore, shoe has always been notorious for trying to suck his cock (ever since GG) so I felt it was appropriate to list what kind of a person we're talking about.
No. 621135
File: 1529949482590.jpg (306.94 KB, 1204x1170, internet aristocrat.jpg)

>>621041Here you go anon-chan~
This is when he was known as Internet Aristocrat. I think she tweeted him even more but I guess she deleted them.
I will now begin compiling June's tweets towards Jim's current account.
No. 621144
File: 1529950139924.jpg (18.69 KB, 628x118, metokur.jpg)

>>621135Okay so samefags here, there is tons of tweets mentioning Jim on his new account by her, it would take like 5 MS paint collages to finish it.
You can find them here, it's just her shitting on other people and being "JIM!!!!! LOOK AT ME!!!" No. 621146
File: 1529950330329.jpg (11.45 KB, 275x275, 1514087697252.jpg)

>>621135Thank you, based anon.
No. 621153
>>621149She did mention that what made her wet for Grocery was how his voice sounded.
So being wet for Jim's voice first confirmed.
Septic being a consolidation price confirmed too.
No. 621167
File: 1529951514711.jpg (39.27 KB, 574x242, heartbreak.jpg)

>>621155Here is a juicy tinfoil.
She got the ask about Jim fucking Jayd3fox on November 2nd, then one day later she tweeted how her bunny can sense when she's upset kek
No. 621172
>>621135funny part is he never really acknowledge her besides when he wanted to confirm gossip stuff and commented that he liked Brittany's video on a stream once. I'd love if her threw more shade at her, he definitely hates the skeptic community in general and always made sure to separate himself from them, especially when he started going after mras.
The problem is, preg and shuwu aren't milkly enough for him. Maybe in the future when their channels start dying or they have another candid moment.
No. 621322
>>620552>XY stealing wamenhoodWhy is she so fucing cringe? but that's exactly what those men are doing and always have done. Trying to oppress women in another way that isnt considered 'sexist' when it is.
Also, wtf is a boomer? I only think of those monsters from Left4Dead when i hear it.
No. 621328
File: 1529962456795.gif (2.29 MB, 275x180, 1515310459970.gif)

>>620796>Fupa RyderBless you, anon
No. 621359
File: 1529964818416.jpg (91.65 KB, 1200x600, DgkTQ1bU8AAGoy0.jpg)

No. 621402
>>621359Shit even SHOE looks better than that thing in the middle..
No. 621517
File: 1529978531475.png (65.06 KB, 779x521, SdPzAPr.png)

No. 621534
of course she pretended to have trypophobia back in 2013. is there any trend she won't hop on?
No. 621554
File: 1529982692281.png (972.69 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_20180625-225527.png)

Found this. I'm leaning toward the Boob job confirmed crowd now.
No. 621557
File: 1529982865776.png (864.4 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_20180625-225444.png)

Who is this guy?
No. 621565
File: 1529983484333.png (850.37 KB, 673x701, watinthehell.PNG)

oof this is so bad
No. 621578
>>621554>>621558Kek june wishes that were her
>>621561This seems about right for shuwu
No. 621588
File: 1529985630171.png (557.48 KB, 720x846, 20180625_232307.png)

June being disgusting again.
No. 621689
File: 1529996219812.jpeg (253.52 KB, 1242x1083, 93B33147-B3FD-4F8D-B596-A26EE0…)

>>621359and HE has the audacity to call REAL women ugly lmao good job mayuwu
No. 621731
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No. 621732
File: 1530002142587.png (240.44 KB, 567x359, 0wOYI6F.png)

No. 621734
File: 1530002250094.png (283.31 KB, 603x647, IRENUNf.png)

No. 621737
File: 1530002486158.jpg (143.49 KB, 1200x800, DglkX6ZU0AAvpve.jpg)

No. 621744
File: 1530002935591.jpg (82 KB, 1200x629, DgQPx4dU0AAlvis.jpg)

No. 621749
File: 1530003647309.jpg (645.64 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180626-110125.jpg)

No. 621751
File: 1530004151437.png (464.07 KB, 1248x1036, VrYCFyh.png)

Sure. Nothing's more humble than screeching "I'm so such a smol forever yung loli feed me compliments" all the time
No. 621761
File: 1530004915251.jpeg (722.01 KB, 1242x1232, C0C94B0C-7186-48AA-BE17-A0C45B…)

>>621689Apparently, Groceries unfollowed Mayu on Twitter, geez I wOnDer WhY
No. 621808
>>621761Lmao, Preg can't even keep up the pretense of being friendly towards the catfishing tranny even on the internet.
It just makes me smile knowing that Preg and Wig were super fucking uncomfortable the entire time, despite trying to paint themselves as being
so progressive regarding trannies.
Yep, weirdos like Maya are who they're backing and attracting. I hope they lure in some more ugly trannies for next con, maybe a few more autistic neckbeards and unattractive women too.
No. 621817
>>621732this is the same person who bullied a girl because she wore a Harry Potter scarf in high school, everyone.
Now that it’s less nerdy to like Harry Potter, she jumped on the bandwagon. Opportunistic cunt.
No. 621832
>>621732Can anyone steal her jacket and yell "JACKETGIRL JACKETGIRL WHERE IS YOUR JACKET NOW?"?
For great justice.
No. 621840
>>621359This hairstyle shoe does
triggers me so hard, what the fuck is that supposed to be
No. 621841
>>621840The long bangs at the sides are supposed to slim down your face, especially hide your cheeks. A lot of Moon face asians do this illusion. (I should know because I do this a lot too lmao)
But the updo + bangs? Idk
No. 621898
>>621843>>621841The updo/bangs combo is what I don’t get, she leaves out this long ass strand of hair in the front and tied the back into a low bun, it looks absolutely laughable lmao
can’t believe she wears it in public
No. 621970
File: 1530024794403.png (293.95 KB, 384x445, 20180626_105214.png)

>>621949>>621749This is getting sad.
No. 622005
File: 1530027837411.jpg (112.32 KB, 1197x961, YG5c6nC.jpg)

>>621749>>621970>>620216Top motherfucking kek who are you trying to fool, June?
>hiding waistline/hip curve with hand>creating distraction with sunglasses, jacket and bag strap >hiding half of your body behind Blaire's sleeve (lol! why is it just hanging there? this is the most obvious one)She's already hopping on the ''thicc'' bandwagon, predicted it
No. 622042
File: 1530031858117.png (580.36 KB, 720x837, 20180625_102448.png)

>>622005I remember her posting that she had her grandmother's body type. (Her dad's mom.) This was probably to deflect because her fans know what her mother's body looks like/looked like. Pic related June's mom during Halloween a long time ago.
No. 622047
>>620511fuck why
i actually like jack
why must this picture exist
No. 622068
File: 1530034788246.png (416.7 KB, 720x571, 20180626_133956.png)

No. 622107
File: 1530038305956.jpg (11.9 KB, 497x72, swerfonhead.jpg)

Saw this under Riley J Penis video on ''SWERFS''. Where does she ''send'' these people from? I checked her twitter and didn't find a mention of this video. Discord?
No. 622130
>>622107>SWERFsI can understand trans issues but men have literally no place to comment on women's sex work issues, point blank period.
June is a woman making videos on women's issues for men to watch. There's something very strange and antagonizing about it overall.
No. 622154
>>622114I agree. I remember when that one anon leaked the discord messages, she straight up said ''I used to think only the third wave feminists are bad, but the other one's are just as shitty''….because they didn't support trans women and sex work I assume.
June genuinely, truly hates women and all she cares about is male attention. There's a reason why she had such a massive hate boner for ''fat girls'' and now all of a sudden, wears butt pads to appear ''thicc'' and curvy.
What a sad, pathetic person.
No. 622172
>>622130Same anon. My thoughts exactly.
>June is a woman making videos on women's issues for men to watch. There's something very strange and antagonizing about it overall.You hit the bull's eye.
>>622151Yeah. You would think people exaggerate in such threads. Not her case at all.
No. 622178
File: 1530041888595.png (1.76 MB, 1024x768, pol meetup.png)

>>622068Sage for OT, but with the people BV hangs with, she shouldn't be talking.
No. 622181
>>621808Anyone remember when they said they were open for threesomes and that one creep sent a nude of himself? lmao
>>621817Not only that, but people in her circle usually make fun of Harry Potter fans for tying everything to HP. In fact, she's probably done it herself before.
>>622114>>622154Agreed. What happened to her to make her this way? It's really pathetic. I hope she hits the wall soon just so she can reflect on her life soon.
>>622151It's hilarious but also sad because if she's really reading these threads, she knows of all the legitimate non-nitpicky complaints about her behavior, yet she does nothing about them at all. Because she'd rather continue lying to her fanbase than actually improve herself. I wouldn't hate her anymore if she actually did that.
No. 622183
File: 1530042228763.png (142.41 KB, 707x414, 20180626_114334.png)

Shuwu trying to sound like those edgy nihilist memers. How cringe
No. 622270
File: 1530048145249.png (162.1 KB, 606x958, 6dYJpRe.png)

she sounds like such a child when she tries to argue and she's almost 30.
"lmfafo fdgs sit down"
wow, got 'em
No. 622337
>>622142The thing is I've watched his newest stuff and his voice does not sound like that.
At first I thought he had just sped the audio up, but no- he has just made his voice lighter, I assume to sound more feminine. It sounds fucking weird.
No. 622343
File: 1530052398622.jpeg (5.08 KB, 257x196, download.jpeg)

>>621749>>622199Thought of this. Shuwu really pulling out all the stops for creating thiccness where there is none
No. 622347
File: 1530052672320.png (143.27 KB, 477x474, F8012E99-6D9C-4A43-9BC9-6E40F5…)

I’m unfamiliar with these kind of boards so sorry for being a fag, but I’ve been lurking and I gotta say her jeans in these assgate photos or whatever look a lot like they’re specifically shaper ones—the waistline has the elongated look that those sort of jeans have
so yah, hope that helps:)
No. 622349
File: 1530052764463.jpg (34.62 KB, 554x1200, DgYYUouVMAAO--G.jpg)

i feel like this is what shoe looks like facially
No. 622445
File: 1530060776727.png (70.26 KB, 1129x367, bCYj2wQ.png)

>>622432Looks like she does on and off. And peep those NYR lol
>take youtube more seriouslyBut her YT is just a joke guys, don't take her seriously or anything.
>>622435Most (not all, but most) women don't get into prostitution because they want it.
No. 622628
>>622178someone wanna explain the fucking half drunk gallon of milk lmao
the guy in the front at the right looks pretty attractive tbh but all the dudes in the back… oof
No. 622649
File: 1530086257159.jpg (31.16 KB, 450x267, kKDcm03.jpg)

The ''skeptic'' community in a nutshell:
''I think a billion genders can exist, gender is a spectrum''
''I want to fuck traps, they're better than actual women anyway''
''I know Riley J Dennis looks like a guy in make up and calls himself a lesbian while obviously being a man, and I think that's perfectly legitimate because he's on hrt''
>Skeptics: You are a truly rational and smart individual.
''Trans women are not the same as bio women''
''Gender and sex go hand in hand, only 2 of them exist''
''The porn industry is dangerous and demeaning towards women''
''Nigger is a racial slur''
''Women in the west still face issues''
>Skeptics: Fuck off to tumblr fucking SJW, you are insane xDD lel swerfs/terfs get the wall
No. 622656
File: 1530087442529.jpg (59.53 KB, 468x542, N31HYOs.jpg)

>>622649Yeah June, you're
totally just a liberal, not an
sjw>a billion genders can exist>all genders are based on the two sexes topkek.
Her trans crusade is obviously just a pandering strategy to appeal to the greasy ''skeptics'' like Preg and any man who believes
>>622649 pic related
No. 622660
File: 1530087773281.jpg (161.74 KB, 1320x1000, Cd8gsPZ.jpg)

>>622656Samefag but Shoe always reminds me of this
No. 622690
>>622649How could traps have a "better ass than 90% of women"?
That's like saying they have more delicate shoulders than 90% of women, or a more feminine brow-ridge than 90% of women, or less facial hair than 90% of women. Makes 0 sense.
>the absolute state of skeptics No. 622697
>>622628It's a 4chan alt right / pol thing. Most minorities are lactose intolerant. By drinking milk, you show off your "superior white genes".
It's stupid. I know.
No. 622707
>>622435A lot of the concern lies in whether or not legalization/decriminalization actually makes it safer for the workers rather then simply legitimizing the buyers. Since prostitution involves being vulnerable in the best of times (many feel this way about sexual activity more so than, say, cashiering), many don't want to do it. If the amount of buyers whose desires are newly affirmed vastly outnumbers the amount of willing workers, it could run into problems of people acquiring workers from other channels. It also raises the question of whether an unemployed person should be pressured to take up prostitution like they would a waitressing job at a diner with a help wanted sign. Some would say the job offers are no different when some say they are.
And tbh it wouldn't surprise me if people like June cared more about the feelings and validation of predominately male buyers over the safety of predominately female workers.
No. 622724
>>622707If June read the first paragraph of the post you wrote and tried to understand it, her head would explode. Bitch can't even tell time from a watch.
Her only thoguht is "How do I seem more likeable to men? How do I show I am not like the other girls?" which then drives her to make shit video where she screams "HARPIES WANT TO STOP GUYS FROM SEEING SOME BOOBIE. BOOBIE GOOD. LEAVE BOOBIE ALONE??? YOU JEALOUS FATTY??? I AM SO QUIRKY." and reading out-of-context quotes from random people just to seem more smarter and "woke" than them.
Her "smart and skeptical" male audience eats it up, of course.
No. 622729
File: 1530103445497.jpg (64.52 KB, 810x368, IMG_20180627_144419.jpg)

No. 622891
>>622862They're ''better women'' because they're men who recreate men's idea of women which has nothing to do with actual women. Like they said, those trans guys they're talking about go through ''bottom surgery'' to enlarge their asses etc. They're misogynists who think of women as objects.
>>622649 This tweet speaks for itself. Who cares what these morons find attractive and who they think is better looking? Don't be the same level of desperation as shoe.
No. 622900
>>622892nah she's okay with it because they're still men no matter how you twist it, so she won't feel threatened since she doesn't see trans women as actual women (she'd never admit it though ofc). she only sees other
women as competition.
No. 622949
File: 1530126621025.png (297.1 KB, 457x510, kek.PNG)

No. 622955
File: 1530127074455.png (47.23 KB, 397x513, buttpads.PNG)

No. 622961
>>622900Plus, compared to transwomen she seems smoll and soft uwu
June's wet dream is transwomen replacing real women (except her, she is special and not like the other girls ofc)
No. 622969
File: 1530127718174.png (10.59 KB, 493x162, hypocrisy.PNG)

she released her "political lesbianism" vid some days ago, which she callls "mgtow for chicks" when advertising it. notice how she conveniently "lost interest" in the massively more milky MGTOW and couldnt bear to drag the mens, but is all about shitting on MGTOWism when women are doing it.
No. 622988
File: 1530129405202.png (1.03 MB, 750x1334, A73232BB-30CA-46CE-8F6E-52B71D…)

“But the menzzz!”
Pandering ass bitch.
No. 623008
File: 1530131141868.png (11.02 KB, 488x153, 6JhNtRf.png)

>>622969"I lost interest in them." More like "I don't want to alienate more than half of my fanbase uwu."
>>622988Does she not realize Terry Crews is an evul feminist? Surprised she didn't find a way to mock him
No. 623017
File: 1530131513224.png (116.92 KB, 579x238, oiOziTr.png)

>>622988Oh man this was also in her likes. Talk about lack of self awareness. Why does she hate Ben Shapiro again? You'd think she'd be all over his dick considering who she is
No. 623087
Not fooled by the padding
No. 623222
>>622862Sure. It's like the equivalent of when ppl go out of their way to praise grandpa for making it down a flight of stairs without falling on his ass.
Basically just trying to make them feel better. Which would be nice and everything if it weren't so transparent. It just comes off as patronizing.
No. 623357
File: 1530165118601.png (337.03 KB, 612x1160, sWTs2ds.png)

No. 623387
>>623357Amuses me how the smegma-sucking fans of Preg always get so defensive on his behalf. Because heaven forbid his actions are criticized, that could reflect poorly on their tastes in youtube personalities! Oh no.
No. 623391
>>623357Kek that guy is so
triggered Probably the type of person who would publicly disrespect their S.O like Greg does, because “a god deserves multiple slaves sometimes”, amirite?
No. 623440
>>623417Ok, this thumbnail… I guess this pose is her answer to Greg’s stupid DreamWorks smirk. Does she not understand how hideously big her hands are to be doing the “thinking pose”?
Also, why can’t she leave Gorillaz alone? She’s so dumb for saying she wanted more 2D vocal songs, Damon Albarn has literally 3 other projects where he does all the vocals. Go pick one of them up you stupid cunt. I’m sure this is a case of her having a crush on the 2D character or something. Lol
No. 623442
File: 1530181133138.png (105.63 KB, 574x662, fvNz3OI.png)

Someone's cranky. You could even say he's proved himself to be a petty little petulant child.
No. 623508
>>623506It's not the fact that she admits those things that makes her this way but the fact that she sees nothing wrong with that. She sees that as a part of her ''quirky'' personality that should be left untouchable cause she's so special and unique, not like those other normies that live a full life and have mental resources to do stuff. No wonder she's almost got 1 million subscribers. That must be a proof (so she thinks).
This narcissistic delusion must be a defense mechanism that masks her actual state just like people with personality disorders or whatnot have it. It is sad so I'm not bitching about it. On the other hand, the fact that she's involved in political debates and bullying of people makes a lot of difference so I think she should be exposed for what she is and it doesn't make me feel actually sad.
No. 623521
File: 1530193724368.jpg (155.41 KB, 1024x838, Cm_OaVrWcAAYgaH.jpg)

>>623440what could you possibly be talking about, anon? everyone knows shuwu has tiny children hands - just look at this pic
No. 623530
>>623521i love how she always covers half of her hand with Preg's or crops it out almost entirely, so that you can't tell how long and big her hands truly are, kek.
that infantile thumb grabbing she does makes me want to vomit. The fact that she straight up calls pedophilia a ''kink'' makes this even more disgusting to look at.
not sure if she's really into ddlg, I think she just has to appear ''smol, young and submissive uwu'' at all costs, that's all she cares about and it's her entire personality at this point. she's so desperate that she's willing to date a fat, retarded moron who publicly treats her like shit, has a tranny fetish and bigger tits and wider hips than her.
No. 623602
>>623417why can't she stop being so cringy
that fucking stupid "thinking" finger pose and her saying "whomst" out loud.. it's so horrible.
No. 623605
>>623417I like how she straight-up admits her usual fare is political at the beginning of this particular “bideo.”
So much for the “issa meme” excuse.
No. 623623
>>623417 "In denial about liking vocaloids", uhh, there is literally nothing similar besides that they've made characters for the music? She's so dumb. Albarn and others ACTUALLY sing, there is literally no similarity between Gorillaz and vocaloids. She couldn't even do enough research to know the difference but claims to be such a big Gorillaz fan? It's actually pretty offensive considering more work goes into Gorillaz albums than putting lyrics and melodies into a synthesizer.
>>623614I hate her. I'm guessing this is her attempt to strawman feminists (usually radfems) who say "women can't rape (legally)", because that's literally fact in multiple countries. In the UK, the legal code is written in a way that excludes women from raping, that is, penetrative sex with a penis is required to "rape", and women forcing themselves on men that don't consent is considered sexual assault. It's a legal distinction made by certain countries. Go cry about it to the men that made these laws, not women that are repeating the reality back to you, you absolute pissbaby.
No. 623625
>>623620well yes, but even the most radfems I know are protesting against that, even amy schumer is getting tons of hate from the feminists shoe hates so much for having sex with a drunk guy in college point isn't that this doesn't happen, but acting as if all feminists are evil and think women don't rape is insane and really shitty considering some feminists efforts
No. 623633
>>623625>>623625Of course it doesn't, I'm just saying, she has to strawman and twist everything. i wasn't calling you a pissbaby, btw, i meant her, lol. i've seen radfems simply explain how the legal code works in certain countries, and seen them demonized just for explaining it. but yeah, of course it doesn't happen beyond this. she just has to make it seem like she's the only SPECIAL AND SMART AND HOT girl in the world that is proteccting the poor widdle mans and will happily suck their dicks unlike the rest of the women in the world, who are all bitchy, hairy, and fat.
No. 623652
>>623598Yeah, for such a huge Gorillaz fan she claims to be, I expected her to actually explain the whole occult/satanist thing. Argument why it isn't meant to be actually evil.
Instead she just played into conspiracy guy's argument and her point at the end was "some people are into good things and some people are into bad things mmmkay?"
Her shallow arguments will flow over people heads again though because she purposely chose easy target again that's already overshading her with ridiculousness.
I can't believe people give money to see this shit though.
No. 623655
>>623614Back when she was 50 pounds lighter and Preggy seemed enthusiatic to be with her…
…How the times change…
No. 623671
>>623417>>623598>>623535>>623546Do people enjoy hearing her screech? She needs a better quality mic then cause her screams sound like shit. So distorted.
Also kek at how she says that Gorillaz was created for people who love Vocaloids but etc. I get it's meant to be a fun soundbite but it sounds morronic as Vocaloids are older than Gorillaz (or at least as we know them, with anime mascots and cutesy music videos). Agree that they are nothing alike. I expected her to explain the lore but it didn't happen. She's meant to be a smart debunker yet she does not see how cartoons being not real does not change the fact that they can affect people. She could say that the band is not meant to be emulated or does not glorify satanism etc. but she stops at cartoons not being real. Ok.
Sad how she's supposed to be into Gorillaz and has barely anything to say. A fake fan if I ever saw one. I literally cannot shut up about what my fave bands mean to me if someone is willing to listen (which luckily happens rarely kek). June has an audience and yet she does not say anything. Like why Murdoc is her fave? What does she think about the records? Best videos? and so on.
Do people genuinely enjoy her content?
I was disappointed by her voice. Not very uwu kawaii.
No. 623844
>>623442>>stop ruining our videosCan you imagine being so devoid of self awareness that you believe it’s the platform and not your own shitty topic selection/content, editing, talking points, etc., that makes a video “ruined”?
This man-child needs a handler ASAP.
No. 623976
File: 1530240315307.jpg (372.48 KB, 2048x1466, IMG_20180628_224404.jpg)

jesus christ her wig looks bad. June you realize you could get a lace front, monofilament or silk top, human hair wig for less than $1k, right? she's seriously letting herself get robbed lol.
No. 623980
>>623976she probably thinks she's too smol and different to go to a quality wig shop
honestly, it's not even about the wig quality anymore it's the same hairstyle thats really unflattering on her and gets more unflattering as the years go by, like she looks like she smells like hot dog water and a yeast infection
No. 623982
>>623980Jajajaja, I laffed so hard it came out in Spanish.
Agreed, and I don’t think Greg could help matters any. He looks like he could be wearing too much cologne or thinks he can get away with skipping a shower or two (or 5 with his greasy looking ass) and douse himself in it.
No. 623986
File: 1530241661233.png (420.33 KB, 750x1334, A4DA9FC3-D043-4493-8063-8AE54D…)

Another skeptic fail (his original question deleted, unfortunately).
My favorite part is how he really is outraged at being mocked for asking a stupid question. I feel sorry for June all of a sudden. Lawl
No. 624089
File: 1530251073169.png (76.62 KB, 603x585, jBBhVpW.png)

Spending four months every year in Shuwu's room = being totally immersed in American culture.
Got it.
No. 624098
>>624089By Americans he means shuwu and himself
But the dude is right, using new yorkers, or big urban city folks in general to represent Americans is like going to bangcock and claiming thats what all thai people are like, or going to amsterdam and claiming that's what all scandis are like and so on, urban people just tend to be shitty all over the world mang
No. 624109
>>624089This reminds me of that one video shuwu made (“compliments are harassment” or something like that) where she went on and on about “basic bitches with flower crowns” using “woke twitter” lingo phrases such as “sit down”. Kek.
Honestly Preg is so easily
triggered it’s insane. If there’s one thing about him that isn’t thick, it’s his skin.
No. 624124
>>624089Jesus.. what a miserable son of a bitch lol.
He's really exactly what shoe deserves.
No. 624206
File: 1530271169198.png (316.74 KB, 590x562, TSSBQV2.png)

>>623986he's so sensitive
No. 624278
File: 1530284860216.jpg (163.31 KB, 675x1200, DgzIShOVAAAlyvh.jpg)

No. 624287
File: 1530286092752.jpg (450.49 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180629-072754_Twi…)

Ugh is all I gotta say and of course they give her an uwu Disney princess waist.
No. 624617
File: 1530310823522.png (204.62 KB, 400x560, melman_icon-copy.png)

>>622111whats up with those awful faces
No. 624621
>>624287Other than the obvious #FailureInArt and #FailureInStyle Iwonder how many of her fans want to draw for instance Scarfgirl being humiliated, or Juwune gushing over Hontra, or Juwune DUNKIN on the 2 year old Shapiro tweet, or Juwune DUNKIN on noname twitterpeople who don't like her channel, or Juwune instablocking everybody, or Juwune fanboying Metokur (who is btw very trans-exculsionary, i wonder when she will address it).
Gotta love these selective moments to draw on paper.
No. 624628
File: 1530311765773.png (55.41 KB, 566x564, 9oUtsuE.png)

"they thought I quit months ago"
kek. if only.
No. 624711
>>624628LOL @ “we’re partners”
They’re more like children getting an allowance from big daddy Youtube. Youtube has incentivized uploading content by giving creators a share of ad-revenue. The agreement between creators and YouTube is completely one-sided. Creators are subject to any change Youtube might want to make. If this were a true partnership where Greg had any power at all, he would be able to break things off with YouTube and try with another platform.
It’s hilarious because people who make a career out of making Youtube videos are gaming a system that is in no way obligated to honor content creators. And the content creators COMPLETELY rely on YouTube lol. Like Greg can’t break up with YouTube and go to Vimeo. There’s no money in that. YouTube is the only way for him to do this. He’s completely at their mercy.
If YouTube stops working for him he’ll be forced to go back to driving buses, I guess.
No. 624988
File: 1530324542879.png (36.99 KB, 565x333, UhfMRH0.png)

No. 625352
File: 1530347942311.jpg (796.16 KB, 600x808, UIQjGrA.jpg)

>>624988What is she talking about? How stupid do her fans have to be not to see her constant flip-flopping? She can never stay consistent about any of her opinions, whether it's political or personal
She can BARELY stay one day off twitter, she literally said in the gorillaz video from
not even 2 days ago that twitter is one of her ''interests''?
…Or maybe, did the people on twitter laughing about her diaper ass get to her?
No. 625420
>>625352>maybe, did the people on twitter laughing about her diaper ass get to her?Most likely, considering she got that
triggered over skater skirt gate and begged for validation from her fanboys, who knows what was going inside her mind considering even several men made fun of her buttpads
But being june, no matter how much people hand her silicon pads to her, she will always resort back to the same cheating, male attention thirsty, delusional hoe she is, so I give her a few weeks before making another status on twitter humblebragging about her butt, hips or waist
No. 625806
File: 1530388269881.jpeg (122.4 KB, 1125x447, B797FC42-9538-4E47-8572-E80C80…)

No. 625891
File: 1530394079118.png (245.35 KB, 582x754, oGNYxEy.png)

>I don't talk about race>I'm just gonna post my videos and leave>>625352>Or maybe, did the people on twitter laughing about her diaper ass get to her?Probably. I think it's also because people were mocking Gerg's dumb posts and he threw a temper tantrum in response.
No. 625892
File: 1530394122650.png (276.82 KB, 588x1340, bPYOFcg.png)

No. 625908
File: 1530395748764.png (80.52 KB, 595x559, friendly reminder uwu.png)

No. 625911
File: 1530395945497.jpg (101.72 KB, 300x256, 9dYx21I.jpg)

>>625892Kek remember when June bitched about YT cringe compilations because they essentially ''add nothing to the conversation/use other people's content''?
All she adds to already existing content is ''lololol look at this dum idiot xDDD''. She literally
is a cringe compilation channel.
>>625908>I stopped talking about genderPic related
No. 626009
File: 1530407240606.png (176.18 KB, 874x852, wdaf.PNG)

this guy is rabid obsessed
No. 626024
>>626009>other june is uglyshe's better looking than him that's for sure. combined with
>>621689 it seems like he hates any woman that's not june.
does he not realize june would have bullied him in hs?
No. 626066
>>625892What's this? An individual is getting tons of praise and attention from the opposite sex simply because they trash talk their own gender?
It seems so…familiar…
No. 626161
File: 1530426137684.png (512.47 KB, 836x417, g2JaZg1.png)

"kill me if I ever show cleavage on my channel uwu"
No. 626174
File: 1530429161980.png (76.61 KB, 856x628, shuwu skinwalker.PNG)

>>626169at least shuwu still looks like the same person. mayo went from catatonic 14 year old girl to 14 year old girl's 45 year old father who kills women and wears their skins.
>>626160all of the edgy anti-sjw trannies act that way
No. 626178
File: 1530430379144.jpg (37.13 KB, 772x204, ugh .jpg)

>>626161why are her fans such morons. i'm fed up
No. 626180
>>626158what the FUCK is that wig for the love of god shoe, watch some youtube hair tutorials and drop the myspace 2007 cut. what a mess.
also at 4:43
>I once made a joke about you being the ''golden alpha'' and having an extra Y chromosome and someone took it dead ass seriouskek, she lurks 100%.
I hate the ''it's a joke XD'' cop out. She realized too late how retarded she sounded because she made it look like he had a genetic disorder that was discussed in the last thread.
No. 626201
File: 1530433224325.jpg (86.7 KB, 1465x775, oRmEn6l.jpg)

>>626158Shoe's entire career is based on others sexualizing her or her sexualizing herself. Of course she and her fans will claim that this is not the case, but it couldn't be more obvious. Just look at comments like
She has no value as an actual commentator - her only trait is being female, sexual and ''submissive''. She refuses to/can't debate, admits that she is uninformed on almost all topics she speaks about, doesn't bother to do research, has no entertainment value and is incredibly thin-skinned. Shoe relies entirely on being the token female in a male community.
Her fans are so delusional and thirsty that they desperately try to convince themselves that she's ~not like other female youtubers that use tits for views~ because shoe panders so hard to them. They're the lowest tier of lonely neckbeard men and ''not like other girls uwu'' women that are just like her.
Imagine if Shoe wouldn't dedicate her entire existence to male pandering and her channel would be normie level female youtuber - she'd get fucking fried by them for showing cleavage, wearing heavy make up, wigs, talking about sex and taking suggestive pictures. It's so pathetic and transparent and I'll never understand how much you'd have to hate yourself to appeal to that kind of audience.
No. 626204
>>626182Agreed. If these threads were inaccurate she'd make videos/tweets of herself and Shreg reading them and make fun of the things said here because she ''loves cringe'', as she always says.
It's why she pretended to not know the site's proper name in her discord and told the people in the chat and her friends to ignore the threads, lel. She's scared they'll see her true colors.
No. 626302
>>626158Not funny or entertaining. Why are her fans so retarded?
Love it how she has to put up with his sexist treatment all the time cause of what she said on the internet and her ''cool girl'' persona she plays for precious male attention
No. 626306
>>620204Blair's gun isn't even on target.
Sage for nitpick.
No. 626322
>>626266I always knew that she's a liar, but this is so blatantly obvious, how has no one ever called her out on it?
fucking cunt.
No. 626332
>>623614The original title for this video was Rape is Bad, btw. I wonder if she changed it because she realized what poor taste it was or she was forced to.
I love how she thinks that she needs to explain rape jokes and why people shouldn't get offended by them because the joke is 'rApe Is BaD duh lol' Would you say that to a fucking rape victim June? Would you explain to them why they shouldn't get upset at a joke trivializing their trauma?
This bitch thinks she's so smart and can condescend to tell other people, possibly victims, what they can and can't be offended by.
No. 626392
File: 1530462788114.jpg (46.91 KB, 578x619, Bvwg8AO.jpg)

>someone born with a womb
SJW confirmed.
No. 626485
>>626174Does June wear circle lenses? Considering her horrendous makeup, she seems like the type of person who doesn't even know what they are despite being sooo ~anime uwu~
What is the point of tagging her in this weeb post?
>>626201Those idiots literally think the only way to sexualize yourself is to show cleavage and present yourself as one of those basic internet hoes. But June is too innocent and kawaii for that uwu
No. 626615
File: 1530484570552.png (247.03 KB, 573x396, XUqW9IE.png)

No. 626616
File: 1530484585050.jpg (76.62 KB, 1200x829, DhCx_iKUEAAjIUW.jpg)

No. 626636
File: 1530486116113.png (260.45 KB, 926x399, o7LRpRz.png)

You guys think she's going to get married sometime soon? It seems like she's talking about marriage even more lately
No. 626696
File: 1530491155653.png (468.54 KB, 1157x489, 6LTulTi.png)

>pride shirt time
>no lesbian/gay themed shirts
>only sells bi/trans themed shirts
No. 626753
File: 1530495780343.png (425.65 KB, 570x526, fUq6vKv.png)

little firecracker
No. 626754
File: 1530495789977.jpg (142.79 KB, 1200x900, DhEEkx9W0AEoFs2.jpg)

No. 626775
File: 1530499457735.jpeg (330.77 KB, 750x913, 13191943-E63C-443C-8044-4D0712…)

Isn’t this the Anisa cuck? He thirsts for another cow too?
No. 626823
File: 1530503207201.png (148 KB, 540x585, no you are not.PNG)

No. 626921
>>626823>sorted into hufflepuff>wears slytherin hoodieA true fan, lmao. Not to sound all neckbeard-y, but I can guarantee you she has not read the books and is just jumping on the trend because HP is very mainstream nowadays, whereas before it was more of a ''nerdy'' thing - never mind she used to bully girls who were
actually fans of the franchise. She has absolutely no shame.
>>626917>Maybe if he was born in the South she would be wearing confederate socksKek, this 100%. Shoe is a picture book attention whore. She wouldn't care if it went against her morals either as long she can thrive on internet attention.
No. 626930
>>626754God damn, Shoe can't style herself for shit.
You'd think for someone who essentially makes a living off of her looks she would know that nothing she's wearing matches.
That godawful wig/hairstyle doesn't go with the headband at all. The glasses are
horrible for her face shape. The bangs are too long and overpower her face. The shirt and her nails is so out of place and random.
She has so much time and money and her some of her only interests are skincare, make up and fashion yet she still looks a complete mess 24/7.
Honestly I don't even think she cares about those things since she doesn't even know the
basics of skincare, never experiments with her style, never tries anything new….she is so boring.
Sage for nitpick.
No. 627023
File: 1530543314485.png (207.15 KB, 1090x540, 2lnDXKz.png)

No. 627067
File: 1530548782895.jpg (28.55 KB, 366x327, why-you-always-lying_o_6046735…)

>>627023Kek, I swear she had said stuff before I mean-she made an apology for comments she apparently made about BLM.
Also she admits, yet again shes dumb but expects people to take her thoughts on these subjects seriously? Fucking kek how can her fans not understand how much of an attention seeking thot she is?!
No. 627176
File: 1530557858697.png (544.67 KB, 464x697, armoured_skepticshrink_by_kari…)

is this supposed to be flattering?
I can't tell if it's fan art or just pointing out that greg is uggo.
No. 627202
File: 1530559872686.png (74.13 KB, 436x524, shoe_by_karisean-da0umw9.png)

>>627176that's possibly the only accurate fanart that exists of him.
No. 627288
File: 1530567279535.png (60.23 KB, 581x517, hqqy8Bd.png)

>not mentally draining or divisive
>pretty niche fanbase
Gorillaz are extremely mainstream/popular (or as she would say, normie), what the hell is she talking about?
And her non-feminist vids consistently get less views her "lul stoopid feminists xDDD" hot takes, so obviously a decent portion of her fanbase don't connect with her.
No. 627305
File: 1530568461524.jpg (62.93 KB, 588x639, would you like to sit on greg'…)

>downloaded a free font, typed out a very weak middle-of-the-road "I don't stand for anything" statement and put it on teespring
>designing great shit
>preg's star wars toy fund
>a great cause
No. 627330
File: 1530571189395.png (57.85 KB, 575x524, vtuluYn.png)

No. 627428
>>627288>>627328In her Gorillaz vid she said something like "those of you who are thinking 'gorillas, like the animal?', leave" as if there still are people in this day and age who haven't heard about Gorillaz.
Is she trying to make it seem like she's cool and unique and listening to some really obscure underground stuff, instead of a really well known mainstream band?
No. 627514
File: 1530585587960.png (13.32 KB, 377x157, xQvuLzk.png)

>>627508I'm sorry anon but what are you on? He sounds and looks 110% male. Even in his shooped pics he looks like a dude. Passing transwomen exist but he is not an example of one.
No. 627516
>>627514mfw even this hideous shuwu worshipping tranny admits that shuwu looks like a fucking who
No. 627747
File: 1530610959562.png (57.99 KB, 570x400, JjLZR8b.png)

>>627739but feminists control society! who else is equipped to stop those evil harpies other than june and her muh wage gap button?
No. 627777
File: 1530614875883.png (1.14 MB, 1437x1631, Screenshot_2018-07-03-05-42-47…)

Poor Derrick is being reduced to her token trans friend like always lul
Dunno why Derrick couldn't have just found this out themself, but no June had to make it public. "Look guys I make sure to care about trans people!"
No. 627810
>>627777Every single "friend" of her is only reduced to a tool she can use to gain attention. Once she doesn't have any use for them, she just stops hanging with them and finds a new tool.
In high school she jumped from one clique to another.
What happened to her friends during her university days and unichan days? She hanged out with them then suddenly dropped them in a second.
Then she went back to Derrick. She says they haven't talked for years but are now "gud friendos" just because she could use Derrick being trans for cookie points.
She even uses her retarded boyfriend for attention just to paint an image of submissive innocent waifu uwu, but cucks herself in the process lmao.
I know friends come and go, but with June you can see a pattern. Everything is used as a tool to gain attention, that's why she is addicted to internet so much.
No. 627827
File: 1530623171445.jpg (36.03 KB, 319x316, 1529931041676.jpg)

>>627777Didn't shuwu and her followers get
triggered over a male actor playing a transwomen? So it's ok if it's a pretty actress because she's more 'aesthetically pleasing to the eye' trans character but, a man portraying a realistic looking tranwoman is offensive?
none of them realize how shallow their opinions are, they literally base everything off how it looks or sounds instead of realizing if your going to be all for lgbtq it includes accepting the fucking gross looking weirdos included.
But no, lets just portray every trans person as a 10/10 instead of giving them realistic representations to relate too.
No. 627973
>>627780>scrots in dressesGo away, power dyke.
June’s catering to trannies and inability to see women as human are bad enough without us shitting on the trannies and elevating teh womynz.
No. 628056
File: 1530648343033.jpg (145.87 KB, 574x695, 1530632755168_mr1530648316109.…)

>>627896>>628006Here is my sloppy edot using meitu app on my phone.
Artist did their best to portray her as a cute anime girl and even made her eyeliner look decent. ai tried to make it more realistic.
No. 628064
File: 1530648974539.png (1.2 MB, 1796x2047, Untitled-2.png)

>>628006my attempt at correction
No. 628237
File: 1530662051523.png (182.31 KB, 720x715, 20180703_195123.png)

The anon who was talking about her being wet for 2D vocals was right.
No. 628244
File: 1530662780454.png (320.67 KB, 646x370, 20180703_200607.png)

June in 2 years.
No. 628264
File: 1530664684713.png (1.12 MB, 655x1023, 20180703_200541.png)

Looks like preg's balding
No. 628273
File: 1530665235366.png (59.03 KB, 580x478, yfBddWv.png)

How much do you wanna bet this evil roastie in June's story is completely made up
No. 628275
File: 1530665480708.png (327.21 KB, 1053x1200, 85693051-6FD4-4FCD-923D-8B5B8F…)

>>628172okay okay i'm done with this
No. 628315
>>628275come on that face is way too short and heart shaped, and the cheeks are too small lol
get your head in the game.
No. 628322
File: 1530669859625.png (177.72 KB, 499x504, accurate shpoe.png)

No. 628345
File: 1530672567555.png (483.9 KB, 576x600, AkYEfz9.png)

No. 628368
>>628345If I was June I would ask Mayu to give me some space.
Talking about June all day on Twitter is creepy but mostly harmless behavior.
Meeting up once at a large public event and following June around is crossing a boundary, although maybe a bit expected.
Following June from one public appearance to another (after Greg unfollows) is actually approaching stalker territory and personally I'd be afraid of what would happen if I were to let it continue much longer since it will obviously have to end in a rejection at some point.
No. 628452
File: 1530683325904.png (98.78 KB, 714x568, 20180703_195052.png)

>"Collect your 7 dollar patreon check and go home."
No. 628466
File: 1530684684859.png (578.34 KB, 1080x561, deleted tweet.png)

No. 628476
>>628466what the fuck is wrong with this woman? what's funny about that? it has shown to be at least a little effective in liberia, the Philippines, colombia, kenya, etc. she LITERALLY thinks men have a right to sex and should always have access to our vaginas. this is the hill she wants to die on. mocking women's autonomy, again, and fighting for men to be able to fuck us no matter what. she's so fucking gross.
i really think she'd eat greg's shit if she thought he'd be happy with her for doing it.
No. 628508
>>628452wow, that's so uwu soft and cute from her ~
She just can't contain her inner guido.
No. 628515
>>628452 damn, she is impulsive and easily irritable. you’d think someone who makes a living off of making fun of ~le
triggered feminists xD~ and telling others to “pop a xanax” she’d be able to hold a normal conversation without adding a thousand question marks after every sentence. maybe take a few days off of the internet and get some fresh air, June.
No. 628525
>>628345>talented>informed opinions topkek.jpg
calling her funny is one thing, since humor is subjective. but what the actual fuck is her ''talent'' supposed to be? screaming into a webcam in her room at her parent's house?
No. 628543
File: 1530698941344.gif (822.93 KB, 234x154, wigonhead in dance form.gif)

>>628452>Shuwu tries to be sassy and land a zinger>Doesn't realise in order to do that you need to be smart and able to spell, just comes off as a dumb cringy bitch insteadOh shuwu, never change, kek.
No. 628630
>>628628dun dun duuuuun
Sorry, I never followed Kardashians.
No. 628645
File: 1530717087527.jpg (89.41 KB, 2175x657, WMbwcUZ.jpg)

>>628641forever young, 15yo-looking jailbait loli uwu~
No. 628654
File: 1530717916039.png (215.57 KB, 252x465, buttpads.PNG)

so bad
No. 628655
File: 1530717998877.jpg (118.11 KB, 1357x779, AQBEMTS.jpg)

At 25:10 they both start filming this random girl who is just taking pictures for absolutely no reason and talk about her…while they're standing right in front of her?? Why not just go up to her and talk, or at least get a couple of feet away to talk about her?
This might sound kind of nitpicky but it just comes off as really creepy and weird…like who acts like this in real life??
No. 628656
File: 1530718132404.png (707.04 KB, 777x363, smolbuncompetition.PNG)

Aw look, Mayu is a smoll bun too! Totally not a skinwalker though.
No. 628657
File: 1530718237688.jpg (64.51 KB, 1357x779, goihHMp.jpg)

>>628641>>628655Also zooming in on a random, innocent lady for obvious reasons…classic.
No. 628658
File: 1530718339451.png (429.36 KB, 468x474, wtf.PNG)

god she's so fucking awful. another zoom in and hold for like, 4 seconds of another heavy woman/"ugly" woman. the worst thing about june is that no matter how much she's criticized, she never changes her behavior. she changes it for 2 days then has the balls enough to think "that's enough" and goes back to her normal, shitty, selfish self
No. 628659
File: 1530718379156.png (143.94 KB, 720x819, 20180703_203611.png)

Source: Brittany's bideo. uwu
No. 628669
>>628654Shoe is becoming this
>>628658 slowly, so I don't know why she's hatin' on her fellow BBWs kek.
No. 628671
>>628237What I want to know is whether or not she was involved in the fan community and wrote Murdoc and 2D fanfics or did art about them.
I wouldn’t be surprised.
>>628245As the other anon mentioned, she probably has a thing for the character 2D and doesn’t know how to keep it to herself which is why I’m hypothesizing about the fanfics being out there.
Saged for tinfoil.
No. 628675
File: 1530719657636.png (229.66 KB, 332x330, lo.PNG)

june, a month ago, after insisting for the past 3 years that her boobs are big: "i have smol loli boobs!!! ^.^"
No. 628676
File: 1530719839132.png (321.11 KB, 715x397, ohno.PNG)

god forbid female content creators hold a group for aspiring female comedians. don't women know they aren't funny and are deserving of hate for wanting to make people laugh?
No. 628677
>>628676Lol they should’ve gone to the second one.
They don’t seem to know what “TMI” means.
No. 628678
File: 1530719968702.png (484.86 KB, 660x434, dfd.PNG)

june laughing/'cringing' while at the 'girls just wanna have funny' event
No. 628682
>>628676>>628678Why does Wig feel the need to comment on or ~cringe xD~ at
anything that involves women in a way, no matter how minuscule and irrelevant it is to her?
No. 628686
File: 1530720558426.jpg (77.95 KB, 1438x795, doggie.jpg)

>>628662Anon please. The dog doesn't give a shit that somebody is filming him, because he doesn't know what filming is, and he seems to be already busy smelling people anyway.
No. 628699
File: 1530721191835.jpg (124.37 KB, 1450x770, 4gbHi2W.jpg)

>>628675Also never forget
>bitches be using fashion tricks to have my waistline>i always get compliments on how tiny my waist is uwu>i need to check my disney princess waistline privilege>women grab my waist and tell me to eat a cheesburger >I have the same hip-waist measurements as marilyn monroefucking kek. Why does she have to lie about her body so much? It's so obvious and there is so much proof. She is so insecure it's unreal.
No. 628708
File: 1530721883007.jpg (85.28 KB, 1405x787, soccermom.jpg)

>people think I look 16 uwu~~>>628694Filming a dog isn't distracting it.
They're walking while filming and a dog happens to be in the view. They're not petting him, talking to him, or standing right in front of him in order to film him.
No. 628717
File: 1530722882735.png (264.41 KB, 703x879, 20180704_124840.png)

>>628699Her stans obviously don't know what flared dresses and skirts are. She has been getting compliments on her "huge hips" and "ass" since 2016.
No. 628727
>>628676Wow anon didn't you know shuwu is the
only girl who can be funny maybe she would make a panel or something on it if it weren't so ~cringe~ kek.
No. 628732
>>628675I swear I'm not an anachan but holy shit she looks bad. Everything about this is ugly.
>>628676>>628678She would get so
triggered if this was "boys just wanna make funny" and a woman was laughing at it. Why on earth is she cringing? Were the only attendees bigger than her or something? No wonder she doesn't have any female friends. She's such a sad waste of air.
No. 628740
>>628731she reminds me of zoe from sesame street every time she does that fake "cute" laugh. she really is trying to be a little girl. why is she so punchable
1:22 and 1:28 for reference
No. 628748
File: 1530725548756.png (719.19 KB, 904x601, dfd.PNG)

>>628742reposting this horrible waist shoop fail from her insta that gave her an elastic, wavy ass arm and totally fucked anatomy that went mostly unnoticed. and yet her orbiters claim she doesnt shoop and naturally has the tiniest waist ever, kek
No. 628769
File: 1530727752852.png (655.53 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180625-230510.png)

>>628750Ex constantly took her to the gun range.
No. 628795
>>628790Her waist was never small compared to her shoulders and hips to begin with, she was simply skinnier. She's an inverted triangle shape, or a rectangle at best. She
thinks she's a pear/hourglass with ~wide, birthing hips uwu~ but she's built quite proportionally. I think she's got some serious body dysmorphia going on.
No. 628816
>>628769which is why her being scared at the gun range seems like total bullshit. bitch is so fake.
>>628773shoe being scared of gun noises: 30:03 to 30:16 and 31:22 ( septic: "she was SO afraid of the gun" june: "yeah")
preg acting like he isn't some fat, middle-aged guy himself while he makes his remark: 23:15
greg thinking people being nice means they are flirting with them: 26:56 (you can also see his balding head when he leans forward after he says that, too)
maya in the background in the pink dress behind greg, sees them, and starts following them: 16:18
honestly i recommend watching the whole thing to anyone who hasn't seen it yet since there's just so much cringe, like this hand holding song that june sings in a baby voice (time stamp: 2:57) or june pretending to gag from sipping wine (time stamp: 18:42).
hooktube link for those who don't want to give them views: No. 628838
File: 1530733618442.jpg (972.42 KB, 275x207, uSFFbcA.jpg)

what the fuck is this cancer i'm fucking hollering
No. 628857
File: 1530735215083.png (1.14 MB, 1351x709, cryptkeeper.png)

>>628641KEK god these people look nasty in natural light.
also somehow blair is looking younger than our ~forever 15~ shuwu here, who's totes not 27 you guys really~ uwu
No. 628873
File: 1530736199721.png (342.73 KB, 500x564, Screen Shot 2018-07-04 at 23.3…)

>>628857yeah, more like 72
No. 628883
File: 1530737010926.jpg (10.75 KB, 606x295, lcFVv6c.jpg)

>>628876How has she been wearing the same eye make up style for over a decade and worked at a makeup counter and still manages to look a complete mess? That has to be some kind of achievement.
She doesn't even understand the basics of make up and she's literally making amateur mistakes with her eyeliner (that wing…fucking lol). For someone whose only interests are ''skincare, bunnies and make up'' she's failing on every single level.
No. 628886
>>628883>insterests: skincareDon't wash your face with a proper cleanser and use sephora wipes instead. Oh amd buy this $100 meme cream. Sunscreen? What's that?
>bunniesPut your bunny in a hamster cage and never research how to hold him properly. Don't neuter him and let him suffer for life
>makeupJust wear a shit eyeliner because you are "better Boxxy" and put some spider lashes with it. Apply heavy foundation but pretend it's your bare natural skin.
No. 628901
>>628731>>628740She sounds exactly the same lmao
What I don't get is how her followers don't find this cringe.
>>628896Eww, timestamp?
No. 628912
>>628476June honestly sounds like a dude. she is the worst type of person. she doesn't care about other women. she doesnt care about feminism. she doesnt care about anti rape awareness and other things very pro-women. she wants to please men. maybe she's a gay man trapped in a woman's body because she is so filled with self hatred?
it's hard to imagine a woman hating her own sex so much when men are legit the problem with 99% of things happening in the world right now.
No. 628918
File: 1530740975319.png (625.62 KB, 779x414, l3jc8Cl.png)

"Make the left great again xDDDD" even though she identified as a Libertarian less than a year ago
>>628731Goddamn Gerg's apartment looks cheap/tacky. Those SW toys on display. I bet she bought at least 1/2 of them
No. 628934
>>628918Jesus June looks like an egg lately, feels good
She had it coming to get fat and haggard
No. 628947
File: 1530743466044.png (59.36 KB, 581x481, ohUJU9z.png)

She's inserting herself into the Jaclyn Glenn situation like the drama cow she is. I swear she does this with any semi-notable Internet drama.
No. 628965
File: 1530744811989.png (445.32 KB, 584x818, rKv42Kn.png)

No. 629002
File: 1530748849101.png (96.23 KB, 601x507, 8LD1zkj.png)

Yeah, "scared." Just like she was shaking in fright every time she went shooting with her gun nut ex bf.
>>628769Oh wait.
No. 629028
File: 1530750380113.gif (1.26 MB, 352x264, Kagura_massive_puke.gif)

>>629002Just the thumbnail, I can't even watch. (Then again I can't stand more than 10s of most her shit.)
>so cute and smol, but also so cool and badass!! and she's totally a 'libtard' too, guise!! No. 629034
File: 1530750659446.png (42.83 KB, 477x367, e5HwK65.png)

No. 629035
File: 1530750716778.png (423.89 KB, 992x731, moron.png)

>>628965Nice recycled take. Did you think that up on your own, Shuwu??? She probably didn't even check statistics to verify this statement.
No. 629040
File: 1530751206042.png (19.34 KB, 483x187, jT38yDE.png)

"i've always been an anti-gun libtard uwu"
No. 629041
File: 1530751293605.png (24.74 KB, 481x223, Kqtdb7W.png)

"i've only been to the shooting range once teehee"
No. 629054
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No. 629062
File: 1530753703094.jpg (35.59 KB, 480x270, image.jpg)

>>629054Holy shit this "big scawwy boom boom machwine scawre me daddy" schtick is probably the worst and most obvious lie yet. You'd think she'd be a little more careful after Venti publicly humiliated her, but between this and the butt pads…. oooof.
Also Mayu is a sick creep. Legitmately feel bad for shoe knowing he's stalking her. It seems like something big strong daddy Groceries should take care of. Does he not care or is he too much of a pussy?
No. 629088
File: 1530756597264.png (740.76 KB, 907x563, gahn.png)

>>629061nah, i meant this one
No. 629089
>>629041she says "this revolver is cool", which def seems like this
>>629088 is hers
No. 629096
File: 1530757030700.png (451.26 KB, 426x476, Capture.PNG)

lmao such a cute loli
No. 629121
File: 1530760125459.jpg (547.03 KB, 2048x2048, 5b5cc265cf4135803a46b3a210120f…)

>>629096 she has like a lions face jesus
No. 629123
File: 1530760166512.png (771.13 KB, 596x550, biguwu.PNG)

she looks like a caveman
No. 629126
>>629118Does he really or does it just seem like he does because he's always pulling the over the shoulder look? It's one of the most flattering tranny angles there are.
I will say that his face looks better, which is really sad for wig even if he has had a shitload of work done.
No. 629147
File: 1530763053291.jpg (148.31 KB, 720x613, 20180704_205333.jpg)

>look like this >>626162>call out "cis" people for being "non-passing"Kek. The audacity of this man-faced troon.
No. 629152
File: 1530763530851.png (72.11 KB, 297x263, hKVUsSk.png)

>>629147holy shit. and to think that june
purposely panders to this sort of person.
No. 629175
>>629147>non passing cis people This guy is so fucking nuts it’s unreal.
>>629152He’s the creepiest shoe fanboy by far. This is so gross…he legit needs therapy.
Also never forget that
this is the same person who called Brittany a “stalker”.
No. 629184
>>629042tbf, she is more like 26/27, I believe.
imo the diaper is far more offensive.
No. 629187
File: 1530765584260.png (318.29 KB, 520x645, 2928272919276373.png)

Shuwus fanbase consists of:
>obsessive delusional trancel(s)
>ddlg not like the other girls skinwalkers
>the usual fat neckbeards
>autistic fanartists
I would end my career if these were my stans.
No. 629193
>>629172Where the fuck does this guy
>>626162 get this audacity and why is he so fucking vile lol
Like what happened to him?
No. 629202
File: 1530766733436.jpg (248.08 KB, 1175x720, 2929272713738.jpg)

>>629172:^) I wonder if Mayu is lurking? I noticed that in pretty much every selfie he posts, he does the same steep myspace angle. Possibly to take attention away from the lower half of his face (and onto his spacious fivehead.)
I bet you if he took pictures at a straight on angle like in that candid pic of him further up the thread, it would be easy to clock just how fucking masculine his jaw is.
I don't know where this dude goes off ragging on women's looks when he still looks like a fat neckbeard.
This kind of behavior is so reminiscent of Shoe.
No. 629211
>>629202>This kind of behavior is so reminiscent of Shoe.Exactly. Probably why he obsesses so much over her. You can tell he feels very threatened by women and tries to cover it up by calling them “ugly” (no matter how attractive they are he will find a reason to nitpick).
Shoe is like the token “cool girl” to him because she behaves exactly like him, so she gets special treatment.
Both of there existences are just so sad and pathetic.
I know youtubers
hate to hear this but they have responsibility when it comes to their audience. Her audience is like 80-90% male and very young. Shoe is
creating people like Mayu by portraying such awful, degrading behaviour to other women and herself. She directly enables and supports people that pride themselves on treating women like shit and she enjoys being the “token girl” in the crowd.
Life is gonna hit her hard soon because the very people she panders to believe that women are “washed up and useless”/“hit the wall” once they reach their 30s. No sympathy for her.
No. 629238
>>629172It looks like the account is public again.
>>629187Isn't this fan art by the same person who did a presentation (girl is in college btw) on their bdsm dynamic and how they are a great example of a healthy bdsm relationship? I swear her fans are milky enough for their own thread.
>>629001Why does she lie so much? This whole video is just easily proven lie after lie.
No. 629278
>>629001The way Wig walks at 1:37 holy fucking kek
she looks like a guy making fun of the way bimbos walk or a drag queen. how is she real lmaoo
Her and blaire pretending to be scared at gunshots gave me major second hand embarrassment. Their reactions are so fake (especially Shoe's), it made me cringe.
No. 629279
File: 1530783100578.png (144.43 KB, 473x571, HqNrdP1.png)

>>629096Damn I figured farmers were nitpicking when they called her eyes "beady" but they really are on the small side. Contrary to what she believes all that eyeliner actually doesn't help ~enhance her almond eyes uwu~
Can't believe she's still impersonating Boxxy in the year of our lord 2018
No. 629282
File: 1530783801637.jpg (79.38 KB, 328x233, jJBqVTX.jpg)

>>629279June has been bragging about her ~big almond eyes~ nonstop in her old videos and all over Her eye size fits her face and is average-small. I don't know what she's on about.
It's the same thing with her non-existent ''tiny waist uwu''. It's like she's trying the fake it till you make it kind of technique: tell everyone you have something you actually don't over and over until they start to believe it.
That's why her little orbiters always compliment her on things she has already mentioned before, kek. She needs some healthy self-confidence and lay off the narcissism.
>thinking black liner all over the lower waterlines of the eye and the inner corners makes eyes look biggerlmfao that's our make up enthusiast and ''Beaty specialist'' Shoe0nhead!
No. 629286
File: 1530784399693.png (172.53 KB, 590x726, vCzxTc3.png)

>feasting on the cringe
lmao Shuwu is always so fucking bitter over female comedians. it's like she's eternally bitter that they've made it while she's stuck pandering to trancels like Mayu
No. 629291
>>629286Oh my god why do these people care
so much about female comedians? If you don't find them funny just ignore them?
I never hear these people ''cringing'' at Jimmy Kimmel or Kevin Hart (who both have ~cringeworthy~ bits as well. They're always laughing at female comedians because ''all they talk about is muh vagina''.
I'm not into those comedians either so I ignore them…it's that easy. These ''skeptics'' and their intentions are very transparent.
No. 629297
File: 1530786049838.jpg (34.49 KB, 572x403, 1477821532924.jpg)

Man yall are pathetic dedicating this much time to hating on someone that has zero impact in your life.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 629301
>>629286>>629298This is such an American/western thing.
Never in my life had I heard that women aren't funny before I started using Youtube and look at american-populated sites.
I actually thing there are more famous female comedians than male where I live (Slavic country). All over TV, talk shows, game shows.
No one grows up with this women are not funny stereotype so women are perceived and expected to be funny in the same way men are.
Sage for slight OT but I thought it was interesting how much a stereotype can change what people see and how women perceive themselves and are perceived. I even heard redpill bullshit about how women are biologically meant to not be funny because of courting and so on. Fascinating.
No. 629302
File: 1530787258595.jpg (6.39 KB, 154x304, 96jqf5.jpg)

>>629279>Big almond eyesHoly fucking shit she is delusional. Even with her makeup on she looks like Sarah Jessica Parker from South Park.
No. 629305
>>629301I am also slavic and I completely agree! I know more female comedians than male ones. They are very successful here.
>I even heard redpill bullshit about how women are biologically meant to not be funny because of courting and so on.Funny you bring this up, Greg is actually a strong believer in this theory, lol. Wouldn't be surprised if Shoe agrees, too. I think it was mentioned in the ''women aren't funny/ghostbusters'' videos on her channel
No. 629351
>>629309Cause he's tall and obese, he makes her look small in comparison. Ever notice how pissed off she looks when she's next to a girl smaller than her?
As far as dating someone better looking, I use to think she was out of his league but, this past year her weight gain and aging…they seem pretty equal on the ugly department and that's with her caked in make up. Plus, I can't imagine there being many attractive tall guys who are fans of her since her content specifically caters to fat lonely bitter ugly men who think a woman having "edgy" opinions is original and doesn't mind rehashed content as long as they get to jack off to some thot since that's the best they can do.
Think about this, shuwu's obsessed stalker fan isn't even some basic ass lonely guy, it's a fucking mtf skin walker who has a caveman forehead. All her male fans are lowest of the low, she'd never be able to date any of her fanboys if she wanted someone at least average looking. Also, don't think she's want to because it hurt her ego to date someone like that, just look what happen with her and Gmaster.
No. 629383
File: 1530801445108.png (1.03 MB, 950x479, 457.PNG)

>>629309which of these handsome devils do you propose she dates?
No. 629393
>>629351>>629309In her meetup video, there were a couple guys who were alright looking (at least better than Gregory) and I imagine online there are more. The problem is they're all slim/fit and shorter than Greg, so she'd look even taller and fatter next to them, and wouldn't be able to play up the "uwu forever 15 yr old loli agegap". Instead, she would be constantly insecure about her bf being more attractive than she is lol.
As a result, she has to date a loser manchild neckbeard, who ALSO is fat and ugly. It's almost tragic and I feel bad for her.
No. 629466
File: 1530809116194.png (109.65 KB, 696x795, 20180705_124251.png)

>>629123I think I cracked the code on that long finger thing.
No. 629488
>>628825The way she pretends to have liberal opinions that Preg then convinces her to reconsider through ““logic”” and the power of his dick reminds me of Alan Colmes when he was on Hannity and Colmes. Like she’s pretending to be this weak dummy liberal just so manbabies like Preg can feel better about themselves when she concedes to their superior manly opinions.
A lot of her supposedly liberal opinions are just her bandwagoning whatever gets her the most praise and least confrontation at the time, but I can’t help but feel like this is a part of it too.
No. 629518
>>629461I'm so sorry for you girl… That's Idiotcoin from the previous threads. You can see him waving a fucking cardboard cutout of his avatar face in the vidcon video.
(7:15 is the timestamp)
No. 629527
>>629279""""""""""big almond eyes"""""""""""
she wishes so badly that her eyes actually were big.
No. 629559
File: 1530818895672.png (209.04 KB, 539x304, 1501172079461.png)

>>629543That was the part that made my soul die is he trying to out cringe June
No. 629641
>>629466tfw your index finger is slightly longer than your ring finger
feels bad but i have a way more feminine body than shuwu so it's okay i guess
No. 629700
File: 1530828043066.jpeg (213.48 KB, 750x414, 0C8DC6C3-2804-41AD-82D9-916E1E…)

This was the only remotely attractive person who associated with Greg and June during vidcon, but he wasn’t even a fan. He just recognized them then helped them out.
No. 629809
File: 1530838719486.png (102.5 KB, 195x283, 888777.png)

I think you guys are hyping this dude up a lil bit too much here
yeah he's better than preg but yous are talking like he's an adonis, he is literally just a average guy
No. 629848
File: 1530841530391.png (59.36 KB, 580x596, yhctkGu.png)

"that's so rude uwu" says the person who makes fun of people for $$$
No. 629862
>>629848>its literally just plastic surgery YES, and if you still cant understand why getting PS is self-loathing then you're lost, or in her case being disingenuous. just as getting a tit job is born from insecurity, so is getting a zombie dick.
and you better believe shoe is the same type of bitch to then turn around and shame girls for getting plastic surgery, since that's "tricking" the poor males.
No. 629943
>>629895It's almost like one of those awful hallmark movies where the girl is about to marry this shitty guy until they go on vacation and she meets a local hunk.
Honestly he is a qt 3.14 and seeing him next to skeptic was so sad. Cute fit friendly boy with a nice smile, hard cut to slobby greasy rude fat fuck Groceries. Ew.
I don't think she was attracted to him at all tho, she very clearly only slobbers over gross cheesy-dicked men so she'll look cute in comparison.
No. 630033
>>629848Ash Harrell is deeply mentally ill, sorry. She refers to herself as a woman (her twitter bio says “wifey”) and feels that removing her breasts makes makes her “comfier”. She’s not trans, she’s not on hormones and she isn’t doing it for medical reasons.
If you’re a woman and having breasts makes you uncomfortable there’s something wrong.
Of course June defends this shit (even though she made fun of ash in the past). Her virtue signaling is pathetic.
>it’s just plastic surgery How can someone be so close minded? I swear June sees everything so one-dimensional it’s crazy.
There’s that guy who’s getting surgeries to look like Kim K, is that also “just ps”? Plastic surgery enables and supports body dysmorphia in a lot of cases. A lot of people that have body image issues get ps but it doesn’t cure their
mental illness.
>>629862> shoe is the same type of bitch to then turn around and shame girls for getting plastic surgery, since that's "tricking" the poor males.100%.
I’ve always disliked June but she’s gotten absolutely unbareable now. her attitude about everything is so smug and one sided. She always talks about ~engaging in dialogue with people with different perspectives~ yet she only talks to trans trenders and libfems because she can’t debate for shit and she agrees with their views on transgenderism anyways. She’s obviously only doing it for the brownie points and so that she can say how “open minded” and non judgemental she is. It’s all very fake.
She’d never talk to a “TERF“ in a normal, civil discussion, though. The only responses they get are “bye lmao” and “you’re mom gay xD”
No. 630051
File: 1530858834254.png (222.28 KB, 845x424, 1yysNw1.png)

>>630050Haha "Le America is such an evil shithole meme." lmfao, this thread is about June being a cunt tho.
>>630050why does preg = every single canadian ever
i'm canadian and literally nobody i've ever seen wears canada stuff or anything, you only see that stuff on canada day. maybe in the winter you see people wearing those canada olympic mittens and like warm canada bran clothes but that's it.
>>630051trudeau is a pathetic cuck and has no brain but that doesn't mean the US is perfect either
No. 630064
File: 1530862143563.png (37.21 KB, 558x346, Qn5LZmF.png)

No. 630068
>>630064>shoe you are literally one of the nicest nicest e-celebsImagine being this dude. Just…no words.
I love how she didn't even comfort them all she basically said was ''followers go do this so i don't have to deal with him'' and her little neckbeards still call her ''nice person'', lel
No. 630073
File: 1530863707055.png (145.86 KB, 582x792, WyBe17P.png)

why does she have to lie about every little thing?
No. 630077
>>629383Lol can't believe that Idiotocin went to Shuwu's meet up he's really hard up for chicks
Remember when he rationalized Shuwu's smol loli thing as basically "she's just realizing how hot she is"
No. 630085
File: 1530865434559.png (150.86 KB, 893x877, what.PNG)

>>630064>"what do you do when you're lonely and no one cares about you?">"idk talk to someone who cares about you"????????
censored self out oops lol
No. 630088
File: 1530865978958.png (81.94 KB, 623x490, OhBo4Uy.png)

>this rat
the nicest youtuber everyone.
>bet he can't
that's because she doesn't have any political opinions other than "feminism is gay lol"
she always gets so butt mad when left leaning dudes don't praise her. this guy is even anti TERF so you'd think she'd go a little easy on him kek.
No. 630096
>>630088>what political opinions i hold rather than ''feminism is gay lol''>''I'm a liberal and I make a living off of making videos about socio-political commentary''??
Pick one. You can't align yourself to a political leaning and call yourself a commentator and simultaneously claim that you don't hold political opinions.
It's so sad how proud she is of the fact that she's a pandering fence sitter with no real opinions besides shitting on anything woman related.
woman, not
feminism. This is the level she's at.
No. 630098
File: 1530867754165.jpg (37.04 KB, 784x276, OyO7qAw.jpg)

>>630096It's literally in her youtube channel's description.
How retarded does she think her audience is to not see through her lies? Oh wait…
No. 630107
File: 1530868995497.png (170.49 KB, 500x375, DFB5ED67-803B-44EA-8117-CBE8B9…)

>>629147 We should really have a thread on this worthless faggot in a dress. The audacity.
No. 630122
File: 1530874517780.png (29.74 KB, 584x309, uOMGqYE.png)

More narc rage. What happened to ignoring Twitter aside from posting new bideos?
No. 630134
File: 1530875738409.jpg (280.34 KB, 1200x1500, uwupost like a pro.jpg)

>(canned audio of children going "yayyyyyy")
No. 630143
>>630137Oh, come on.
They're the same as any shitty Redbubble-esque t-shirt.
Machine-made before being machine-pressed, there's barely any humans involved in this stuff.
And even if there were, it would be idiotic to add "Third world sweatshops" to the list of shuwu crimes.