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No. 601732
Links: on the uwu small bun and shitty daddy dom trainwreck show:
>>593276>>588178>>579777>>584427>>572499>>563416>>554227>>544008>>526816>>509237>>485935>>457669>>439990>>393335>>271163Summary of her past:
>In her pre-internet days used to be a typical guido looking trash, was a bully in high school >Discovered internet and got addicted to male attention so hard she dropped her education (film school) and became a Boxxy skinwalker>Spent her days constantly attention whoring on Unichan, trying to be "the better Boxxy", pretended she's a "shy nerdy gurl uwu">Went on a vacation to Mexico with few unichan neckbeards. Obese one named Kenny stole her phone and posted her nudes on the net because she rejected his advances. >Befriended an unichan guy (Ian) who would later become first admin; possibly gains a mod status, uses it to know who is shit-talking about her on (2014)>Dated a seemingly normal guy, dumped him because her fanbase didn't approve she is dating a black guy and because he told her that she should get off the internet.
>Starts a youtube channel "shoe0nhead" supposedly for criticizing feminism - though she doesn't present any valid arguments instead uses her internet "fame" to shit-talk women and present herself as "not like the other girls".Present:
>Almost 27- Still addicted to internet (male) attention- no education other than high school, no career prospects, no skills.>No real personality either, changes her opinions constantly based on what will make her gain fans. >Dates an obese guy with intellectual disabilities who treats her like shit - Desperately wants to be seen as a young girl.>Acts like a teenager online even though she's almost 30, can't form argument worth shit>Lies about her past, pretends she was a "friendless wallflower shy nerd girl uwu" even though she was a popular guido with tons of friends who bullied nerds. >Still obsessed with shitting on women while she coddles men like babies, huge double standards>Still a bully, now online, sends her fans to attack smaller channels and random people she doesn't agree with (never goes after big channels).>Huge coward, will block you if you point out her hypocrisy. (She will block your followers too) >Googles her name all day - finds comments about her that don't even mention her directly. >Makes everything about her, can't talk about a topic without inserting herself in it.>Has nothing to put on her resume except "dunking on terfs xd">Got dragged by Brittany Venti and some of her former alt-right chan buddies for throwing Lauren Southern under the bus for trans and leftist brownie points>It failed horribly, and after June trying pathetically to backtrack, it reseulted in vid related and people on both ends of the political spectrum are sick of her shit now>Still pulling her hair out while her bf flirts with other girls on twitter, the only defenders who seem to care about her getting roasted are her troon skinwalker fan Mayu and a few of her lolicon beta orbiters>'Deunks' Brittany's video by lying again and trying desperately to cover up. Still no shame in sight.>Her and her fanboys have been falseflagging the original Shoe vid in an attempt to cover for herShuwu Saga Part 1: Saga Part 2: Electric Boogaluwu: No. 601784
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From Septic's likes
No. 601816
File: 1528133285402.jpeg (80.19 KB, 310x399, 6B7C3A80-1752-4501-815A-344276…)

Reminder that scarf girl is living a happy life right now and shoe is sucking off an obese manchild 24/7 and bragging about it on twitter
No. 601884
File: 1528138700733.png (815.02 KB, 668x1376, fee.png)

reposting some of her latest greatest hits from the end of the last thread. this lvl of self insertion is just too much coming from a 27 yo that couldve had a really great life that now tries to LARP as literally anything but herself
>>601855i can already tell hes the kind of guy thats already tired of her telling him she loves him/is bored by her worship and is just generally annoyed by her presence
No. 601888
File: 1528139144842.png (260.4 KB, 626x306, really.PNG)

june is such a cuck she gets him 4 softcore hentai tier 'art' pieces for his birthday, on top of expensive ass ipads. meanwhile the best she's getting is a fucking rock – literally.
in the vid he's very happy with the shit-tier art and cant wait to frame it to hang. literal onion tier white trash artistic/decor sensibilities. she's such a cool girl to get him artwork that he can jack off to in the living room!
No. 601897
File: 1528139710451.jpg (90.5 KB, 784x1014, nfA55mD.jpg)

>>601888I was trying to find her post about how being a cuck makes her happy because it makes Gurg happy and stumbled upon this. Girl needs to love herself. Is this what she thinks love is?
No. 601906
File: 1528140540697.png (628.23 KB, 1408x728, dnUQO4C.png)

>>601888>>601897found it. bonus contradiction bc why not
>she's such a cool girl to get him artwork that he can jack off to in the living room!it makes her happy! that's all that should matter! uwu goo goo ga ga
No. 601914
>>601906>>601906Everyone loves to see their S.O. happy, you're not fucking special, June. My god, she's retarded.
I'm surprised she hasn't added the ''compersion'' bullshit to her tumblr-tier sexuality description yet, because she loves to remind everyone how ~unique and different~ she is.
No. 601920
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>>601855Some comments from this video, lel
>>601904>They don't even see each other as equal beings. Of course not you silly vanilla anon, that's their ~dynamic uwu~
>>601888>It symbolizes us!!! No. 601924
>>601920KEK "are you pregnant" is already coming from men, oml, that is scrumptious. watch her try to get pregnant to save face instead of admitting she's a 'fatty' with no waistline.
>>601897JUNE, your 'wanda' is literally dyslexic and functionally illiterate. he STILL cannot spell, but "big words confuse" you?? jesus fuck she will let a truck run over her just so she can suck on his ass hairs, or really, any guy's ass hairs
>>601906tbqh i deal with extreme jealousy and she doesnt seem to have it at all despite claiming she did. guess she realized it's more on brand to be the "cool girl" that isnt jealous
No. 601959
File: 1528144339150.png (549.17 KB, 652x1244, Ob3BGcj.png)

He interacts with this girl more than he does June
No. 601972
>>601920>Greg is rocking that Shrek cosplaylol
also the dude insisting she looks 100 lbs when most guys have no idea what that even looks like on a woman… wew
No. 601979
File: 1528146278158.png (102.92 KB, 673x537, G3bejZ7.png)

take a shot every time june turns a conversation to herself
No. 601981
>>601920ooooooooooof that first comment
Honestly she's at the weight where no amount of jet black will make her look think. It's obvious and it's literally on her face now. It's starting to become round with fat and the updo didn't help.
No. 602007
File: 1528148772445.png (Spoiler Image,95.63 KB, 400x400, uwu.png)

uwu art
No. 602036
File: 1528151447080.png (256.79 KB, 641x503, V4vBgjd.png)

>>601884she deleted this tweet and then reposted it hours later with practically the same rebuttal, only instead of directly @ing them she screencaps their comment
lmao how petty and passive aggressive
No. 602049
File: 1528152899096.png (86.09 KB, 675x589, eEtJuBz.png)

>should have just let them do their own thing & focus on myself
she says this but 90% of her feed is her dunking on random strangers right now. or do those tweets not count because she can't use nobodies to her advantage?
june will always be an opportunist. she sees that bearing is getting some press so of course she has to jump in with her 2 cents and make herself look good.
No. 602188
File: 1528170126123.jpg (719.24 KB, 1920x2560, 18-06-04-22-38-41-648_deco.jpg)

Anything focusing on women is bad, right Shoe?
No. 602198
>>602036lmao their @s are still there, how idiotic.
>>602049Notice how she'll say this but never show any regret about scarf girl!
No. 602201
>>602198But anon scarf girl deserved what she got for drawing June as Hitler and stabbing the paper with the pencil.
That's waaaay worse than stealing someone's things and publicly mocking them with your friends. And definitely so much worse than destroying a birthday gift.
Besides I'm sure June never did anything prior to the Hitler drawing to lead to the girl thinking of her as a tyrant. It was totally unwarranted!
No. 602224
>>602188What…? I don’t get it. What is the problem? Why is she complaining?
She comes off as a really hateful person online and irl, not surprised she has no female friends.
No. 602252
>>602224See you gotta just imagine what an mgtow/incel would be like if given the opportunity to wear female costume. That's June. She is threatened by women in the same way as those pathetic lot of men. They alienate any woman with whom they come into contact and it's kind of a self fulfilling prophecy.
Now the "condescending" part, I'm not sure where I see that at all in the screenshot. I think she just pulled it from her list of adult-sounding words and just went with it.
Just a reminder there are women June's age with doctorates and professional careers, making it completely on their own in her city. So her insecurity makes perfect sense.
No. 602259
File: 1528180981638.jpg (82.95 KB, 357x412, pikacu-kurttur_818784_m.jpg)

>>602201>Be eccentric kid with unique interests in anime that lay outside of current day social norms>be bullied heartlessly by insecure teenaged wig>be upset for being publicly ridiculed and mocked, vent sadness by drawing >be flippantly fake apologized to receive insincere forced apology>See 10 years later your bully sucking alt right, misogynistic ddlg fupa while pretending to have interests in your interests you were so severely bullied for having. >mfw scarfgirlThis shit is so typical the person being bullied will always react in a not so bright light because they were fucking bullied therefore it somehow validates the fucking bully to some people its disgusting. This is in part why school shooters and teen suicides exist.
No. 602268
>>602259I hope Scarf girl healed and now enjoys watching people snatch Shoe's wig.
Also that video she made with her trans friend was disgusting. They were constantly giggling about how they bullied others.
Her trans friend is same as her, wanted to be e-famous bully so they made a TERF shittalking video only to be BTFO by Magdalen which resulted in whole channel deletion lmao.
No. 602274
File: 1528184741232.png (652.39 KB, 602x1832, never change you lame ass high…)

Can Shoe or her trans friend come up with an insult other than "lol ur fat"?
No. 602293
I know it was mentioned that she showed on Blaire vs Onision debate, but I don't think anyone posted that according to Blaire response they will be both (+Groceries of course) on vidcon?
Her superchat with answear is about 1:46:27, Shuwu said that she is on train and will watch later, and Blaire answers
>I can't wait to see you on vidconlink to debate with timestamp, new embarassing stories will come soon (vidcon is 20-23.06)
No. 602308
File: 1528195945782.gif (235.96 KB, 333x200,…)

>>601920Now these are the fans she desperately panederd to, by being ~better than the other (fatty) girls~ and ~muh uwu disney princess waist~.
Now they shit on her because she dared to cosplay a character that is thinner than her.
Bitch made her own bed.
No. 602310
File: 1528196571091.jpg (188.16 KB, 684x668, IMG_20180605_130305.jpg)

I actually want the wedding to happen.
Imagine the trash and cringe (and smell), there would material for days..
Pic related, this is what Shuwu and Septic wedding album will look like. Vanilla normies just don't understand the dynamic..
No. 602334
>>602330I believe that was in the last thread.
I know that the killstream where they react to the second Venti video hasn't been posted.
No. 602374
File: 1528209384863.jpg (89.91 KB, 1650x572, xDDD.JPG)

so0o0o0o0o gay you guys!!!1
What's with the female bihets being both extremely jealous of other women AND letting their men cuck them under the guise of bisexuality?
No. 602403
>>602382She has admitted that she is very jealous but she's still ok with threesomes because she's such a ~cool gf~ who'd do anything to please Preg.
To me it's pretty obvious that she's uncomfortable with having other people involved in her relationship. But she's so desperate to be ''not like other girls'' that she'll pretend to be into girls because he thinks it's hot.
Being what they call ''anti-feminist'' is actually perfect for her; she can shit on other women all day long for the most minuscule and irrelevant things and it's giving her attention. The fake ''I'm bi'' shtick shields her from criticism - that way she can insult and mock other women while simultaneously being ''attracted'' to them, so no one calls her out on it.
No. 602450
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>>602268> They were constantly giggling about how they bullied others. The reason June and her fans keep having to tell people she's so nice is because no one would come up with that conclusion on their own. She's a total bitch and a bully after all these years and she'll never change.
It's the same reason she makes stuff like this
>>602049 or pic related public. She could have easily apologized to Bearing through messages or privately talked to that girl, but she has to let everyone know what a wholesome smol bean™ she is. And even when she's making a spectacle of her "kindness" she still manages to be a narcissistic asshole and insert herself. She's been using that girl's tweet as a way to dunk on people and get more retweets/asspats, she couldn't care less about her.
No. 602469
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>>602274but she never called anyone fat to their face so it's okay!!1!!1
some more hypocrisy. june's making fun of this fat girl even though skeptic is literally her in adult male form. he doesn't have the excuse of being a dumb teenager like this girl does either.
bonus cringe from shreg's pedo ass. it should be a red flag when someone doesn't want to date in their age range, not an endearing quirky trait
No. 602481
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his punctuation is r/iamverysmart material
No. 602548
>>602469Shoe will be 30 in exactly 3 years kek
It’s like she thinks she won’t ever age, she is hilariously stupid and impulsive
Can’t wait for the inevitable shitshow to go down. Wig goes full blown psycho after being dumped by his ass because she is “too old” for him. Their relationship isn’t gonna last long, considering Preg seems to be sick of her shit already.
No. 602550
>>602481Holy shit, that uh; is hilarious.
Headonistic? It's hedonistic.
And wtf is a hedonistic SJW? What's he trying to say?
No. 602558
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>>602374june's obsession with screeching "i'm gay" every 10 seconds reminds of gay space prince lainey.
june loves dunkin on onion but they're more alike than she'd like to admit
No. 602560
>>602558How fucking lame lmao
Shoe is the embodiment of “How do you do, fellow gays?”
No. 602569
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>>602565imagine pretending to be bi and then basing your entire personality over a fake identity just to… stick it to teenage sjws? wow got'em, june
No. 602577
>>602569Morons like her are exactly the reason real bi girls get shit. And like you say its all a farce, shes so pathetic
>>602572This too!
No. 602580
>>602274That is exactly how Preg's arms look though.
>>602305>June seems like a 12yo with no identity or opinions trying to play grown up in a video.Don't say that, it's what she wants! Grocery is getting off to that idea this very moment.
>>602310I hope they do the collaring ceremony lmao.
>>602382Because lesbian relationships aren't "real" to these people, so it's not a threat.
>>602469He would like a 3 year old though.
No. 602691
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No. 602694
>>602469>>602469"luckily for you, yes" what the fuck why would anyone want to be with this retard? june, are you so fucking stupid that you can't see that he makes it OBVIOUS that your relationship has a shelf life?
does this bih really think just because he shat out a $5 gold plated engagement ring that she's set for life?
No. 602744
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lmao shreg and jun criticize women all the time for their appearances but this man can't because contra and blaire are trans?
No. 602751
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June dunks on this LGBT educator(?) like there's no tomorrow. Wonder what she'll say about her now that she has waifu Contra's support.
No. 602831
>>602572Apologies for OT and blogpost but it's funny, I've actually had sex with two different women (not 3-somes) in my life and I still wouldn't really call myself bi in public because I've only ever had relationships with men. (i know - no1curr - just wonder if any other anons are in this boat)
Really truly doubt june would go through with a 3-some (the one with the tattoo'd girl doesn't sound like her at all imo), let alone an actual sexual encounter/relationship with a woman. Especially not a relationship, you know, with saying things like this
>>602469 and all.
Another thing that shows her general inexperience with female friendships is the fact she doesn't seem aware women compliment each other on their looks all the time without calling themselves "so gay!!"
No. 602842
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she's 27 and types like this
No. 602847
>>602842and yet again, she doesn't block out their handle. shes hoping for another dogpile on leftists.
to her credit tho, i see women that are like around this age typing like this with phds and shit, so i'm just glad the rest of her life is reflective of this level of loserdom. that being said, she's too pathetic and i can't believe she hasn't gained even a modicum of self awareness/modesty after this whole brittany ordeal. i had no idea she'd really turn out ot be this much of a cow
No. 602851
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>stop crying
the audacity of her to say this when she handled the Brittany situation like she did.
No. 602860
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>amazing. bye
an absolute slam dunk, as to be expected from june
No. 602864
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june can rest easy, mayu has come to white knight his pwincess
No. 602872
>>602831Same, anon. I've been on dates with women and had sex with 2 women. I do consider myself to be bisexual, but I'm basically closeted because of my family. They would never understand why I might choose to be with a woman. I honestly think they would be more accepting of me if I was a lesbian. Only my older sister knows, and it's because she told me she knows without me bringing it up. It's not even something I talk about with boyfriends because guys turn it into a sexual fantasy EVERY TIME. They get creepy about it, and I am not poly, I don't have a threesome fetish, etc.
I know lesbians who have been REALLY hurt by girls like June for essentially leading them on while they sort their shit out. They like the idea of a female relationship, they don't actually want to go all the way with it. Because of that there is a bad stigma surrounding bi women.
June's contributing to it. I wish she would fuck off.
(blogposting) No. 602874
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lmao how fucking predicable
No. 602878
File: 1528248856842.png (158.85 KB, 633x531, VWJkmza.png)

funny that the same people calling brittany obsessed aren't also calling june obsessed with meghan murphy
also funny how june calls us "seriously dedicated stalkers" when she's no better for doing stuff like this all the time
No. 602879
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No. 602889
>>602885Exactly, she's going to just ignore the facts for her feewings uwu
She's too simpleminded to understand that it's possible to hold a nuanced opinion like that.
No. 602890
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of course she has to make this about herself reee
>kelly is cute because she's like me she's nervous and shy like me
it must be killing her to pretend to like another woman because she wants skeptic's approval/got called out and
No. 602903
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she thought this was good enough to tweet twice. does she really think that everyone who comes across her page cares about her DUNKIN on radfems? her followers barely care about that shit.
No. 602912
>>602889>>602885lmao you guys need to watch vid related of mags taking her bullshit down. you have no idea how much of a neoliberal she actually is. she thinks she's so "RADICOOOL!" for not wanting to wear heels and a skirt as if we all fucking love being in pain/uncomfortable
>>602903so if gays start joining christy conversion therapy bullshit rehabs en masse, it's fine because it's their choice? the fact that it's overall harmful to the gay community won't matter and we should support them and their choices despite it being personally and collectively harmful? ok june
No. 602916
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No. 602917
File: 1528250629684.png (23.48 KB, 419x212, slutwalk.PNG)

wow that's really sex negative of you june
No. 602919
File: 1528250751711.png (212.06 KB, 684x638, r5EweLs.png)

>june calling another woman unfunny
>june calling an award winning comedian unfunny while she still makes vlogs for her audience of 12 year olds and neckbeards and tries and convince herself that she's in the entertainment biz
o i am laffin
No. 602937
>>602866It's okay anon, he's probably just borrowing from June's "list of adult-sounding words" she loves to randomly insert into her bs.
It's okay that they don't know the meanings of these words because it's unlikely their followers understand either.
No. 602940
File: 1528252149521.png (610.69 KB, 604x1572, 0lds3QI.png)

>june: replies to greg's tweets
>greg: doesn't reply, likes the tweets of rando women instead
No. 602942
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No. 602943
File: 1528252427611.png (35.28 KB, 442x300, PANDERING.PNG)

so embarrassing that you tweet it to 250k people, plenty of which happen to be bronies
No. 602944
File: 1528252450079.png (234.47 KB, 445x503, biggest poser.PNG)

you dont even fucking like anime june
No. 602949
File: 1528252622716.png (19.21 KB, 435x254, little sides.PNG)

gotta remind everyone at every possible juncture that she can meme unlike all those other girls, and is really hot and skinny
No. 602953
>>602940>My boyfriend doesn't even text me backHe liked that? lmaooo
>>602944Because anime mousepads are "ironic"
No. 603012
File: 1528257164873.png (251.88 KB, 421x460, 1525268045393.png)

>>602481>headonistic>headIts hedonistic not head on is tic.
Is he spelling shit wrong on purpose? RIP MENSA IQ. I knew he had learning disabilities but damn.
No. 603024
>>602049"A few people I need to do this with" she says.
Meanwhile, the person she is replying to is someone she tried to tone police and sperg out over because he criticized Shreggory and he couldn't defend himself.
Literally so obsessed with herself and trying to make herself look like a good person that she ignores she's talking to one of the main people she did this to. Completely disengenious.
No. 603045
>>602943She is still ski walking Boxxy. I believe it was one of her old vids she talked about Boxxy talking about MLP and then suddenly she liked them again. (Or it could of been in some of her comments on caitechan)
She has no personality so she is still just stealing Boxxys personality and traits because its what has gotten her male/online attention in the past.
It's also just another attempt at being so uwu smol and precious.
I hope Preg has nick jr and Disney with his cable for when he chains he up to distract her when he needs to jerk it to e girls.
No. 603050
>>603045i almost feel bad for her because we all know that's exactly what will happen. he has liked e-girl lewds when he has been with her, too.
tbqh, as someone who has been in an ldr, he should be satisfied enough w their online sex life to not at least publicly like those photos, but my partner wouldve just broken up with me if he preferred jacking it to egirls to us being intimate online, even. it's not like june isn't available for 'cybering' 24/7, but what do i know as a vanilla normie that doesn't like my men to make $500 a month max at 34, hoard dickcheese under his fupa, and disrespect me online
No. 603097
File: 1528263672383.png (Spoiler Image,659.88 KB, 668x1062, g8L4jJV.png)

she keeps tweeting about this artist in order to get asspats. now she's acting so scared like the kind, sensitive smol bean she is even though she had no problem making this tweet about some poor (gay?) dude being killed just a few months ago. but you know, she's totally shocked!
No. 603130
>>602879Yes and they should have to jump through HR hoops to get that option to not wear heels in a job unrelated to them! If they don't they must love em!
Sage for OT.
No. 603139
>>602878This tweet shows how shallow and stupid wig0nhead is, given ash hardells video, murphy's comment makes complete sense.
Just stop wig, you're embarassing yourself
No. 603142
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Shuwu gf
No. 603155
File: 1528267554078.png (17.24 KB, 637x123, g7q6rji.png)

>>603148she probably spends it on lots of eyeliner, f21 clothes and tickets to see shregory pregory every few months. someone here said she spends like 3k per wig and she has a buttload of wigs, so
can't find the exact post, but
>jewy voicewhat? is she jewish?
No. 603156
>>603139Lots of flats also aren't great for your feet unless you get certain ones. They can pinch your toes and lack arch support. Idk what Ash meant by "compliant flats" though. You can even say the same for lots of men's business shoes too.
And that doesn't even touch on the issues with dresses and make up requirements in some workplaces, probably shaving too.
Sage for more ot.
No. 603168
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>>603142She actually made her own…
No. 603194
File: 1528273579225.jpg (82.45 KB, 944x562, QtnGApg.jpg)

>>603168a bit more accurate
No. 603196
File: 1528273890473.png (2.49 MB, 1803x3596, Sargon&TF drama.png)

I found some stuff from the Sargon joke stream from last year. There was a bit considering how Thunderf00t reacted to it and then how everyone reacted to his reaction, so there's probably a lot that I missed.
Here's the stream that started this whole thing:>>603172There's also a youtube account that's called "June's Fan" (or something along those lines) that's also most likely run by her since all the video's on it were from her vlog days and are now all unlisted. I know at least one of the unlisted videos has been linked to in a previous thread. I'll look for that later.
No. 603220
>>603165I definitely agree with you. Just adding info to possibly further counter Ash's statements because a workplace letting people wear flats doesn't always mean letting them wear comfortable and supportive shoes and even if it does it still does not solve the problem of sexist wardrobe requirements.
Sage for OT
No. 603254
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No. 603258
>>603254what is "gay" about this?
also, i really hope they have a gift registry. it'll be so deliciously white trash and i'm excited.
No. 603318
File: 1528298280673.png (521.39 KB, 631x503, LPifmRD.png)

this reads like she tweeted under preg's account
No. 603326
File: 1528298642635.png (302.21 KB, 655x525, HuZnp7c.png)

>>603254meanwhile, greg's watching videos about menstrual cups kek
his sunglasses are tragic
No. 603342
>>603263Link for those of us who don't follow as much?
I wanna see what non-essential shit she's begging people for 'ironically.'
No. 603350
>>603254Sometimes I feel like June’s parents just don’t give a fuck about anything lol. I remember that Greg was apparently really rude and impolite when he met them for the first time. It was in the parents Q&A video on June’s channel I think.
I’d have a huge problem if my daughter was dating someone like him (plus keep in mind June’s mom follows her twitter so…she knows). But then again, any criticism you give June she dismisses with “ur mom gay lol ur a fat old cat lady xD”.
No. 603360
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No. 603366
File: 1528303862457.png (707.39 KB, 1350x1394, jainey gay for greg.png)

>>603258it's because she can't help herself! she's just tooooo quriky xD
she speaks like a teenage boy. just one of the silly boys teehee~ :3
No. 603400
>>602944> 1000/10 BDSM stuffAre you sure about that? The "BDSM" in the picture looks like the ones Tumblr girl takes pictures with for aesthetics instead of actual kinky life
Preggory is only using BDSM as an excuse to have her do all the work in the relationship, being ok with being cucked etc under the narrative "oh yeah it's bc we are kinky June the normies don't get it
I fucking lost it in one of Brittany'svideo with him saying DDLG is the most submissive a woman can be to a man. I'm pretty sure forniphilia folks would like to have a word on that.
No. 603437
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No. 603440
File: 1528311431448.png (181.61 KB, 636x1454, Dtf4ZW7.png)

june suddenly pretending to care about slurs so she can dunk on terfs is the funniest thing
No. 603443
>>603440Is she still pretending to research the topics she talks about? Because five minutes of googling reveals that there is no TERF branch of feminism and nobody self-identifies that way. Anyone who calls themselves a TERF is trolling, joking, or so new to gender critical feminism that they’re completely ignorant of the terms.
Oh I forgot, big words confuse her. Never mind.
No. 603452
>>603443>Anyone who calls themselves a TERF is trolling, joking, or so new to gender critical feminism that they’re completely ignorant of the terms.June always argues (well, screeches at) the lowest common denominator of any group that she disagrees with. It's more difficult to scream "haha look at this crazzzzzzzy dum SJW xD" in response to a well thought out argument. That would require actual thought and research and not just emotional shitposting.
When people
do try and legitimately engage her in debate, she'll block them. Either that or she'll use the tired excuse of "issa joke" and then block them before they can respond.
No. 603575
File: 1528320261589.jpg (233.25 KB, 1050x2048, DdrYD9IV0AANEep (1).jpg)

>>602944uggghh…. a new thicc secret for greg?
No. 603606
>>603538she only cares about homophobia if she can use it to her advantage ie making up sob stories about how the meanie lesbos and gays are oppressing the poor bisexuals in het relationships.
notice how she never talks about bi people with same sex partners?
No. 603714
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>>602374what a difference a year makes
No. 603958
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No. 604023
File: 1528367428011.jpg (541.46 KB, 1160x1464, second wave.jpg)

Did anyone notice how she is really keen on demonizing second wave of feminism as "it's women who hate sex xDD,". She pretends she has somehow discovered the real boogey-man - the second wave feminists who are now middle-age women she hates so much.
Makes her sound very ill-informed and dumb to anyone mature and educated.
No. 604039
>>604031She has never read a research paper in her life. She gets her information through 4chan memes. She sucks dicks but stays a virgin. She is quirky and dumb and isn't afraid to admit so!
She is shoe0nhead - better than the other girls!
No. 604050
>>604023Saying radfems hate sex for not liking porn is like saying vegans and the super size me guy hate eating for not liking McDonald's.
You can argue that the latter things should still exist without inaccurately framing the opposition, but only if you wanna be a vanilla normie I guess.
No. 604058
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>>604023She is so goddamn dumb. It's painful.
No. 604082
>>604023I remember in an older thread someone posted screenshots of her saying ''I used to think only the third wave was bad, but now I think they all are'', something along the lines.
She is so obsessed with her beloved trans folk that she'd rather spit in the faces of women who helped to improve lives for other women,
including herself, only because they are ''TERFs'' according to her….Let that sink in. I used to think ''internalized misogyny'' was made-up bullshit but now I'm convinced June is the prime example of a self-hating woman. I can't believe people listen to her, let alone
like her. She is such a hateful person.
>choosing to wear heels is oppressionsaid no one, fucking ever. (note how she said ''choosing'')
No. 604390
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Look at who I found in the comments of Gorillaz new video
No. 604442
File: 1528398945412.png (337.86 KB, 704x1232, T68uxCS.png)

i like how all day she's been dunkin on people and exposing their names even though
a. she promised not even a month ago she would stop
b. brittany exposed her for doing this
c. she can't handle when people do it to her
gotta love the random ~uwu i'm gonna donate funds buy my shit~ shill at the end so she can make herself seem like a good person in spite of this. in reality she's probably only going to donate like 1% of funds and spend the rest on wigs
No. 604445
File: 1528399276119.png (308.36 KB, 654x869, 5t1Yd6F.png)

i mean, if she didn't actively fucking seek out terfs she wouldn't have to deal with them. they're a niche group and she's neither trans or feminist. even ian miles cheong of all people gets this and called her out for for following a bunch of terf accounts.
on the rare chance that a terf does approach her, she just blocks them. so tough! meanwhile her trans friends are having serious discussions with terfs
No. 604453
File: 1528399973861.png (84.83 KB, 643x549, sc7RrB0.png)

>i try to jump on every opportunity that comes my way to do so.
in what world? she regularly spends her days making fun of people. rarely ever does she do something nice for others unless there's it's also beneficial to her
No. 604472
File: 1528401249928.png (17.44 KB, 619x137, v6wwUuy.png)

haha i'm such a good person i found the gofundme myself haha can't you see i'm such a good person? haha let me tell you how much of a good person i am
let me make a clickbait video for my neckbeards and earn $2,000 haha that'll really help you haha wait is this not about me?
No. 604475
>>604442Shoe0nhead's daily twitter routine:
>find random ass ''TERF'' accounts >''debunk'' their opinions by insulting or mocking them, don't present any actual facts or arguments >be a pussy by not @ing them directly but retweeting a screenshot with names exposed so your audience can still harass them >when asked to debate, end the argument with ''you're mom gay xD'' or ''lol bye''>to save face, post about how cute your boyfriend is and how ''gay'' you are or reply to a ~friendo~ ''I will protect u from dah bulliez!!'' with some cutesie anime gif>do more damage control by virtue signaling, posting bunniez :3, baby talk (''bideos'') and pretending to be smol and submissive uwuRinse and repeat.
No. 604509
File: 1528403841044.png (90 KB, 767x279, T783o2k.png)

>>604442one of them literally only has 6 followers. what does she do? search "TERF" on twitter all day? (hypothetical question, we all know the answer is yes)
such a nice smol sensitive bun uwu. what a bullied introverted wallflower uguuu
No. 604523
File: 1528404455249.png (377.33 KB, 972x1028, r5QUK0R.png)

>>604507don't forget she got buttmad when he criticized her.
>i never liked him in the first place even though i tweeted at him (stillgray) all the time for validation from his followers classic june
No. 604524
>>604390"Gorillaz is my favorite band!"
>Has seemed to only listen to Demon Days, seems to only know 4 songs on that albumn "I hate when they have featured artists this isn't the real Gorillaz!"
>Gorillaz is her fav band yet she doesn't understand that they are about show casing talent, being original, and having a new sound added to theirs "Humanz was too political!"
>her favorite album Demon Days was arguably way more political June is even incredibly uninformed about things she supposedly likes kek
No. 604528
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>june's fanboys: brittany's obsessed with june
No. 604545
File: 1528405688755.png (185.4 KB, 615x1618, iDmVuMQ.png)

>>604538>i didn't come to this party to get calledaubrey plaza all daybut only feminists humblebrag, right june? kek
No. 604569
File: 1528407438332.jpg (98.36 KB, 1340x775, 92uHs43.jpg)

>>604545>>604538>people tell me all the time that i look like aubrey plazajesus christ…stop embarrassing yourself, june.
No. 604578
>>604569how is her face getting mroe special needs by the day? it's not even like, aging that's making her look so much uglier, she's just actually getting uglier somehow?
>>604023she really wants to demonize all of feminism. this is what makes as dangerous, if not more dangerous, than self declared MRAs and male ant-feminists. she might not shoot up women herself, but her rhetoric can potentially mobilize/radicalize a lot of weirdos. and to their credit, a lot of male anti-fems and MRAs will say that they're okay with the 2nd wave and the 2nd wave was the last time feminism was relevant/good. they obviously are still retards that try to claim patriarchy doesn't exist, rape culture isn't a thing, etc, but at least they admit that the 2nd wave was good. june wants to completely turn them full on anti-woman so she can be admired and praised more for being the only good woman out there and gives no shits about how she's likely actively poisoning the minds of young men
No. 604580
File: 1528408210507.png (104.63 KB, 300x340, Jvb4A3Z.png)

>>604578>how is her face getting mroe special needs by the day? her eye makeup is super unflattering and makes her look like pic attached
No. 604582
>>604545Honestly Shoe's entire internet persona is built on humble bragging. She literally has nothing else to offer. I love how
everything she brags about is false though…it's probably just projection, lel.
No. 604583
>>604577Sarah Silverman looks way better than June too, not very similar.
June has a face only incel would like.
No. 604585
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>>604569She looks as droopy as Jenette McCurdy does now.
No. 604604
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>>604574she looks like cristin in the same way gerg looks like brendan
so not at all
No. 604608
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>>604445>>604569june's mid face area always reminded me of andy milonakis
No. 604615
>>604611>It's really strange to me how she's had so many threads.she had a hand in creating the site, what else do you expect?
Personally I'd say she's milkier than say, Anisa/Pixielocks/Momokun, who are all popular cows. Sure there's a lot of nitpicking, but what thread on here
doesn't have a lot of nitpicking?
No. 604624
>>604609I meant to tag this
>>604569 post sorry.
She also kind of looks like Mary Tyler Moore. I guess they all resemble each other because of Italian descent or kind of same type.
No. 604630
>>604617thank you. she's delusional about her appearance and shits on goodlooking and average women, more than 90% of cows on this site.
>>604611>>604609if she didnt gas herself up and knock every woman down when she isn't even close to being a goddess herself, she wouldn't get this many criticisms. and this isn't even nitpicking tbh, she isn't looking good despite her constant claims to the contrary. her entire career is built on nitpicking other women. it's fair game, and her face is looking permanently like that now.
No. 604637
>>604624Except that shoe's infantility shows on her face. You can kinda see she's got an unresolved childhood trauma that made her such a failure. I don't know maybe it's just stereotypes and prejudice but as soon as I saw her video for the first time I could tell she was desperate and craving attention just by looking at her face. It's in her facial expressions. I just used to know someone as desperate as her, to the same incredibly high degree. And she was resembling that girl to me. They have common facial expressions or idk what.
>>604630Nitpicking was saying that she doesn't look like Aubrey just because she doesn't look like that particular picture of her. People can resemble each other in many ways. You don't have to have exactly same measurments between your eyes etc for others to think you look like someone.
No. 604638
>>604604"We have the same hair so we must look alike!"
>>604569Why is she so obsessed with looking like Aubrey plaza? Is it because she's cute and naturally chill/tomboyish where as june has to pretend shes a coolgirl
No. 604649
File: 1528412621782.png (42.21 KB, 770x252, YuXnwoo[1].png)

which tweet did she delete it is not there anymore
No. 604651
>>604637That's probably why she btags about her fans telling she looks like ''14'' or ''7''. It's about her expressions and infantile look. Sorry to diappoint you shoe.
>>604645They do have something subtle in common sometimes.
No. 604653
File: 1528412906539.png (308.93 KB, 666x638, y7Vjn2q.png)

>how everyone made a 17 year old kid into an internet punching bag it just makes me goI like how she says "everyone" so she can skirt responsibility. She still makes fun of teenagers regularly though, not sure why she's acting above it.
>>604637>Except that shoe's infantility shows on her face. You can kinda see she's got an unresolved childhood trauma that made her such a failure.wat
>Nitpicking was saying that she doesn't look like Aubrey just because she doesn't look like that particular picture of her. If you compared any picture of June and Aubrey they still wouldn't look alike. They just don't have similar features, point blank. They don't have similar personalities or vibes either.
June continually humblebrags about looking like Aubrey and people here are responding. It's not quite nitpicking imo. Unnecessary? Yeah, I guess.
No. 604662
File: 1528413393502.png (58.39 KB, 599x239, Fd3MCjS.png)

>>604649Is it this? it's a deleted tweet
>>604658I guess? I just don't see how it's mean to say she doesn't look like Aubrey.
No. 604695
File: 1528415279883.png (2.23 KB, 344x21, mzkdRKv.png)

>>604649>>604662Sa but yes it's this tweet. She's got so fucking
triggered by this one tame response that she had to delete her entire tweet.
Can't let your cult know that someone disagrees with poor Shuwu!
No. 604714
File: 1528417008661.png (103.96 KB, 664x846, ptsd.png)

jesus christ june. this is literally andrew dobson tier
bonus mayu
No. 604771
>>604453>>604472So does she want to be a comedian or a political activist?
She should donate that $2000.
>>604714>ptsdLiteral tumblr-tier
No. 604925
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this literally could have been made by a 13 year old on Tumblr
No. 604958
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Kween bootleg
No. 604961
File: 1528439399909.png (21.48 KB, 119x118, 407cbdac-7134-4ba9-972c-691073…)

>>604957Got this for you anon, happy fucking birth
No. 604965
>>604923These are so bad…I’m just hoping nobody
actually wears these in public.
Gotta love the “libtard” and “conservatard” shirts, as if any true conservative would watch her. Most of them are edgy anti-feminist teens with a trap fetish. But of course, June has to pander to them as well.
I love how she is totally cool with conservatives but can’t respect the fact that “Terfs” have opinions as well. By definition, conservatives would disagree with like 85% of the shit she posts about: sex work, transgenderism, degenerate bdsm, lgbt…the lost goes on. They don’t like her. She doesn’t hate “terfs” because they are critical of trans issues, but because they are women that don’t pander to men like she does. Their mere existence makes her so fucking angry that she goes out of her way to find tiny accounts and blasts them on her twitter.
No. 604986
File: 1528443406723.jpg (320.58 KB, 1020x1568, jji.jpg)

Have some recent discord screenshots. Nothing milky, just June being cringe as always.
No. 604988
>>604958Oh, I see, it was originally "ready to cry". That makes sense.
"Shy, bi and ready to die" just doesn't make sense. Why DIE?
No. 604990
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>>604986ty anon.
>no but lol. just ignore it.lmao they really are like a cult
>why is ethan altright now?>cozying up to the altright is a big miss steakhuh, she had no problem cozying up with "delightful" pol early in her career
just like she was happy to retweet ethan earlier this week so she could leech off his fame.
>>604988because she's just so quirkily depressed and anxious uwu ;w;
please send buns
No. 604992
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>>604986>all videos this month are gay related>this month is gayShe's trying
so hard to convince everyone that she is bisexual
June is the Rachel Dolezal of the LGBT community.
No. 605004
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>>604961Even her shitty webcam videos can't always hide it.
No. 605027
>>605018I know what you mean. It's because Shoe sucks their dicks. She doesn't provide actual, intelligent commentary, it's mostly just really shallow insults towards women whom she disagrees with (pretty much anyone who isn't focusing on male approval 24/7) shielded under the ''it's for entertainment!!'' excuse. She constantly has to remind everyone how ''submissive'' and ''cute'' she is, acts like a childish retard when she's with greg to make him look like the ''intelligent one'' and go on rants about how mean and horrible the world is towards the poor menz :(
Of course insecure ass men like her fans love that. That's why she's never called out.
No. 605052
I haven't seen this posted yet. He basically says Brittany lost all credibility because she lied. Meanwhile, he's okay with shuwu lying about every single thing. Shoe's fans have such an extreme double standard for her that it's legitimately cult like.
>>605018Same here, anon. At least it seems like people in her community are more aware of her bullshit. And just in time for the shit show that is Vidcon.
No. 605055
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>>605052it was i think, but i don't think this was.
why do shoe and the uwus keep ignoring that most of the vid is comprised of recent events
No. 605086
File: 1528463276358.png (331.98 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180608-022455.png)

>>604988Even the thinn one isn't hers she's just monetizing obscure memes jesus june it's not hard to come up with original merchandise
No. 605102
>>605052yes, i feel like vidcon might be a little more
problematic for her than she expects. i do think people will ask her about it
No. 605109
File: 1528466502244.jpg (21.27 KB, 480x360, baked potato.jpg)

>>605103>tfw your functionally illiterate, fat 2/10 'fiance' with earth-shattering levels of entitlement that you spend all day publicly praising doesn't defend you, doesn't help you, doesn't acknowledge you, can't be arsed to not make a face of total displeasure while wearing your merch for a photo that you intend to make public>>605104this
No. 605112
>>605104i agree, but when she prides herself on being "so gay! i'm totes
bi guys!" she should at least get the colours right.
No. 605155
>>605018She is punishing herself already anon. Sure, she might get some cash money and incel worship, but she's already made her life into shit.
She is forcing herself to be an in an unloving and unfulfilling relationship.
Hasn't really made progress career wise- in fact her career the way it is now is bound to fail especially when she reaches 30 judging her audience.
Nobody mature can take her seriously either, she is a commentary channel but is unable to actually debate anyone. She lives on criticizing others but can't deal with being criticized, she seems to have breakdowns often.
As she said herself, her mental illness is a big part of her "personality" which is alarming because not only does it imply she still has no personality but also that she is going to cling onto something that is hindering her from living an adequate life.
No hobbies, no usable skills, not even an idea what she would like to do in life and she's 27. She's addicted to internet shitposting which should actually take a small part of her day, not 24/7.
Also clinging to teenagehood. It's not about looking youthful for her, she actually wants to be a teenager forever. That must bring her more and more anxiety in her life as she realizes that IRL, she is considered an adult woman already.
That's why she tries her hardest to project image of her being a teen on the net and why she panders to the lowest of the low - incel neckbeards and the like might be the only one who don't mind her being the way she is. Though, even that's changing because there are younger and more "fresh" girls appearing to steal her attention.
So for all the farmers who are currently struggling - working and studying hard, going to therapy and battling with their mental illnesses - your life might be hard and seem bad compared to Shuwu's lifestyle of pandering and getting easy beta bux…but you are building something that will last - a good foundation.
Her, on the other hand, is very flimsy and has a expiry date - if she doesn't change anything, it's gonna all fall down once she reaches her 30s.
No. 605238
File: 1528476801347.gif (504.27 KB, 1080x1080, d65ZmnW.gif)

>>605202>I was a shy wallflower in high school>I'm an introvert>I used to have really bad social anxiety
>Entertainment has always been my dream job since I was a childThis is how you know this bitch is lying. I get that not all people who are introverts, have social anxiety etc are the exact same, but i'm pretty fucking sure being the center of attention is not something shy or introverted people crave. This is such bullshit. Not to mention she's been attention whoring internet boards for over a decade now. June confuses being introverted with being insecure.
No. 605251
File: 1528478182857.png (302.85 KB, 590x900, shoe doesn't get gorillaz.png)

>>605232I know she's stated that she didn't like Humanz due to it being too political. Not too sure about only knowing four songs on Demon Days, but she only talks about that specific album when the subject of Gorillaz is brought up and rarely, if ever, talks about their other albums.
No. 605254
File: 1528478299503.png (143.35 KB, 644x1187, Y1cyNZh.png)

>>605232couldn't find the "too political" tweets
No. 605384
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>>605004just your average 17 year old. nothing to see here n.n
No. 605392
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No. 605409
File: 1528488720264.png (19.75 KB, 506x258, 9qQBSi3.png)

feminists are now on par with scientologists and antivaxxers. great hot take there, june
>>605406you're acting as if greg is some prize himself kek
No. 605423
File: 1528489621736.png (84.03 KB, 644x658, r1OYjQ0.png)

Imagine totally owning!!1! XD someone after they were diagnosed with brain cancer because they're a TERF
Imagine totally owning!!1! XD someone after knowing they're a schizophrenic vet with PTSD because they talked to you
yeah you totally owned that brain cancer victim, pal.
delete everything. go live in the woods.
No. 605438
File: 1528490407888.png (125.94 KB, 645x589, vBbK1Dk.png)

this woman, unironically, 2017: “this homeless vet is suffering from schizophrenia lemme troll him in from of my audience of 200k lol”
sane rational human: “asshole”
this woman, unironically, 2018: “shitzo got em”
she's so predictable. she keeps mass tweeting about this low hanging fruit that's already getting a lot of (deserved) flack in order to make herself seem like a good person. she'll truly leech off any popular happening.
No. 605476
>>605384she really is ugly when she doesn't have the low quality cam and filters and perfectly planned strategic poses.
imagine her in 10 years.. almost 40 and i'll bet 500$ she'll still be living like she is now and she will still be going uwu don't i look like i'm 16??? i'm still tiny guys pls see me as a young loli who's just becoming a teen now!!
No. 605510
File: 1528495410812.jpeg (344.27 KB, 750x861, F6F74A61-D3B1-4436-B812-03B792…)

>>604923Actually a little in awe at how tasteless this merch is
No. 605514
File: 1528495722703.jpg (53.29 KB, 807x454, bojack-horseman.jpg)

>>605384>>605389she has both the looks and personality of bojack horseman
No. 605555
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>>605462Nah, she'll be that 40 year old
working at Hot Topic.
No. 605576
File: 1528501379921.png (173.22 KB, 319x357, 70wuHd1.png)

>>605389her fans at vidcon did her no favors with these pics
No. 605590
File: 1528503460426.jpeg (44.28 KB, 480x360, 0235A0C0-850F-4048-ABC6-D7A77C…)

No. 605613
>>605587Hahahaha I thought that was a shitty smoky eye because it was grey until you pointed that out. the sweat from her hooded eyes must’ve melted the liner and glue together to make such a mess
Doubt she even knows how to do a Smokey eye seeing that she only wears liner and never any shadow.
No. 605658
File: 1528510865016.png (173.94 KB, 636x323, snake1ngrass.png)

>>605590>>605590looks like a certain someone was inspired by your post, anon
No. 605661
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No. 605680
File: 1528512378908.png (82.05 KB, 656x696, dsMEZpi.png)

Using semicolons in every sentence isn't going to make your functionally illiterate ass seem any smarter, you windbag.
No. 605687
>>605055>10 years ago>in my 20sUhh…. pick one or the other June? It can't be both.
It sounds like she doesn't even know when those videos are from.
No. 605693
File: 1528514002630.png (21.91 KB, 874x200, QlV0eS8.png)

>>603075this is kind of late, but here ya go anon.
No. 605695
Her reddit AMA is funny. There's one where she says she "educated" her mother on the wage gap. Condescending cunt.
No. 605711
File: 1528516454945.png (614.04 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180527-161358.png)

Cringe from old insta her fucking hip bones sticking out uggghhh
No. 605772
>>605711So she had a period where she went into ana-chan territory.
So much about "naturally wast metabolism!"
No. 605794
File: 1528529837819.png (719.98 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180527-161229.png)

>>605772She also took up dieting around this time even though she was already horribly skinny
No. 605799
>>605714She is
>>605794This was from last year, right? Or is it older?
No. 605821
File: 1528535072061.jpg (33.42 KB, 548x566, qgotGyZ.jpg)

>>605794>>605772>>605711>horribly skinnyI wouldn't say she was ever
that skinny. pic related is from the same year her diet plan was posted. She was quite slim but not ana-chan tier. I think you guys are gassing her up a little much, she loooves hearing how 'dangerously thin ;-;'' she is lel
>>605793I definitely agree though that she has body image issues though. From her old instagram and you can clearly she's always been obsessed with her weight/figure and how ''smol and dainty'' she is. She still is today, she constantly has to bring her disney princess waistline up (which is laughable because her waist is not small and has never been, she shoops quite heavily), and also the fact that she's sooo much smaller than Greg.
It makes sense that she'd date a lard ass, not because she likes ~dad bods~ but because she is unhealthily obsessed with her appearance.
You can tell she doesn't actually find him attractive though and would rather date a ''chad''/muscular guy, because she's always trying to convince herself and everyone else how ''strong and manly'' Greg's doughy arms are kek
No. 605833
>>605821You're right she isnt that skinny, maybe others think so because shes pretty shapeless.
Do you think they will still get married?
No. 605836
File: 1528539760869.jpg (93.5 KB, 569x961, Capture.JPG)

septic liked this tweet lol
No. 605895
File: 1528550802616.jpg (53.81 KB, 960x942, FB_IMG_1528498977271-1.jpg)

Reminded me of her.
No. 605921
File: 1528555316288.png (71.03 KB, 720x581, 20180601_201342.png)

Lol i hate shuwus fans
No. 605936
File: 1528556620051.jpg (22.22 KB, 198x198, image.jpg)

>>605836Oh my god Greg really doesn't give a shit about June, liking a tweet by some tranny thot disrespecting their relationship. I know its a joke, and in another context it would be fine, but given the amount of cam girls he thirsts after its just disrespectful.
I honestly don't understand why he has so many egirls chasing his dick and waiting in the rafters for their relationship to crumble. He must be a big tipper, cause it can't be for his personality or looks.
No. 605946
>>605936Tips + attention + they like cucking june
Ot but I knew a girl like june who pretended to be the coolgirl cuck who let their bf fuck other women, I kept fucking her bf until he left her for me then I dumped him, girls like june deserve to be cheated on anyway tbh, I'd feel bad for her if she wasn't such a complusive liar and didn't go out of her way to bash other women so damn much
No. 605967
>>605821I sort of blame the internet and her fanboys for the obsession with being “smol” and “dainty”. Since her days on unichan, they have been using those kinds of descriptors to talk her up and prove that she is ultimate waifu. Some of those guys were pretty stalker-ish level white knights. So, I feel like part of that was a form of positive reinforcement to her to want to project that image.
Also septic might be a more attractive guy if he corrected the strabismus. I wonder if he’s ever looked into it, or even mentioned it at all?
No. 606084
>they like cucking junelmfao this
knowing that you are cucking the attention-starved, humble bragging bitch must be satisfying in a way
No. 606086
File: 1528572247865.png (515.63 KB, 636x1244, iKVUWYB.png)

June spent all of Friday night DUNKIN on an ancient political lesbian even though she is unironically a political bisexual.
sidenote: does she only own books she can meme on? does she ever do anything crazy like read for pleasure?
wow june, you're so much better than everyone you don't even have any hobbies! good job!
No. 606094
File: 1528572643811.png (631.88 KB, 632x1168, mayu the creep.png)

>she's just a basic woke™ trans activist honestly.
But this describes June to a T lmao. Why use the term "guilty pleasure"? Talk about a superiority complex.
No. 606101
>>606086>Dyke separatist politics for lesbians onlyFrom the summary I've read, this book describes hardships lesbians go through and advocates lesbians focusing exclusively on lesbians.
Why is June so bothered with this? Why does she want to force lesbians to cater to men? What does she get from demonizing a minority of women who are attracted to other women and don't have interest in men?
As a hetero woman, I don't understand her logic. I would ask her, but she blocked me on Twitter already.
No. 606128
File: 1528574194340.jpg (59.29 KB, 332x811, mNCu3FL.jpg)

>>605921>Your boyfriend looks like a 90s disney princeI got a good laugh out of that, thanks John.
>>606090Agree. Preg sounds like a straight up incel with his weird hip-waist ratio obsession.
Also how pathetic that he likes a character only because of the size of her hips kek
No. 606144
i feel like everytime we catch preg liking and tweeting camwhores, she starts reading lesbian separatist literature
No. 606196
>>606086Remember when she said she was reading the scum manifesto and would make a video about it but never came thru?
I doubt she can read anything besides tweets
No. 606202
File: 1528579592386.png (351.53 KB, 891x537, 4qLRB5q.png)

>>606196I guess she couldn't find any Cliffsnotes on the book kek
No. 606221
File: 1528581430224.png (1.01 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180609-185644.png)

No. 606231
File: 1528581993149.png (659.22 KB, 900x900, 7W7NyY9.png)

>>606221lmao the fucking bisexual flag in the back. She really is like Lainey. Next thing you know she'll come out as some Tumblr gender.
Even with the excessive filters she looks better here. She needs to nix the spider lashes and Boxxy cosplay. It's 2018 ffs, even actual Boxxy has moved past that.
No. 606243
File: 1528582821165.png (191.55 KB, 632x1052, 3wsYTma.png)

>>606226>>606235Reminder that June has perfect skin is totally not a fat, basic bitch who relies on filters and that Shreg would dump her and deem her unfuckable if she even dared to think about using them uwu
No. 606255
File: 1528583947015.png (660.82 KB, 1141x1522, ktJ7lTr.png)

>>606243another reminder that june has the skin of a goddess but is supportive of other girls with acne uwu
No. 606258
>>606094holy fuck I thought this was Suzy Berhow for a minute. she has a thicc trabby doppleganger who is less inbred looking than her.
>>606221new wig who dis*
No. 606285
File: 1528585234687.png (92.47 KB, 622x560, hhshUba.png)

>>606258June apparently
hates Suzy. Or hated her at some point
No. 606362
File: 1528588443943.png (120.78 KB, 654x1084, this is mean uwu.png)

some more lauren southern drama
No. 606374
File: 1528588826603.png (63.91 KB, 636x532, vBRdlp9.png)

>>606362lmao the backtracking…
No. 606431
File: 1528592529237.png (92.29 KB, 656x548, Xp2WDxW.png)

No. 606433
>>606431the way she fetishizes women liking women is so fucking disgusting. her and plain could not be more similar.
>>606255shes such a piece of shit. you'd mock girls with acne whether or not they covered their pimples, you asshole. they dont cover them thinking "they're invisible now!", they cover them to draw less attention to the pimples. shes such a hateful cow.
No. 606470
File: 1528595557651.png (42.61 KB, 675x421, YW71NWJ.png)

hm, I thought June was above fatshaming now? What's with this "hehe fatty doesn't eat vegetables" quip?
Could it be? Has she not matured?
No. 606471
File: 1528595583199.png (269.73 KB, 614x826, Zb3lG0P.png)

No. 606512
File: 1528599770028.png (120.78 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180525-213247.png)

Before smol bdsm bun waifu it was smol elf on the shelf waifu ft. Other bullshit
No. 606517
File: 1528600533657.png (181.45 KB, 648x526, zVvBzL8.png)

On the topic of June using filters
>Snapchat why are you giving me a longer, slimmer face? I ALREADY HAVE A LONG SLIM FACE uwuBut it's other women who humblebrag. Riight No. 606521
File: 1528600970977.png (10.13 KB, 493x150, n1vKaaf.png)

>what an easy job
No. 606523
File: 1528600997197.png (18.46 KB, 490x314, 1o1lXSq.png)

No. 606526
File: 1528601066482.png (25.51 KB, 492x296, kCTlMr7.png)

No. 606534
File: 1528601644154.png (363.41 KB, 628x1112, 39QDRmj.png)

owo what's this?
She calls herself a political Youtuber but didn't vote in the election? But then she said earlier that she voted for Stein. She can't keep her lies straight.
No. 606536
File: 1528601720820.png (12.73 KB, 498x177, eWEyEit.png)

Still pushing the uwu so smol 'n shy stuff even though she's obviously outgoing
No. 606573
>>606521>i respect that hustleLmao. This greatly contrasts the other screencap where she said she wouldn't do findom because she "has a father and morals," or whatever the fuck.
Does she have any consistent opinions on anything?
No. 606577
File: 1528608547906.png (51.55 KB, 667x412, UCYw5yI.png)

>>606573she's only playing nice because brittany made fun of her hypocrisy in the last vid. the "easy job" line is pretty catty, she obviously still doesn't respect findoms despite being a degenerate herself.
No. 606596
>>606577Lel, she only accepts BDSM/kinks when it's men shitting on women. She can't stand it when she sees it being the other way around.
Also, this is rich coming from the bitch who bullied a schizo with ptsd then refused to apologize for her mistake. June is way too quick to be holier-than-thou. Kek.
>i has morals but it okay to bully mentally disabled people uwu~* No. 606602
>>606523This gave me a headache while reading.
>there can be a billion genders >only 2 sexes exist Typical pandering by Shoe. She probably believes “Demi girl” and “non binary” and all that shit is legitimate.
This is tumblr-tier retardation, holy shit. June is just an SJW with a hatred for women/black people.
No. 606606
File: 1528612357079.png (108.7 KB, 650x808, wmOd8Yr.png)

>>606602> She probably believes “Demi girl” and “non binary” and all that shit is legitimate. Well yeah, she identified as ~demisexual~ at some point and maybe still does. Then again June can make fun of anyone she wants while doing as she pleases.
>met my bf online and didnt even know what he looked like before i got a crush on him.Holy shit is
this why she thinks she's bi/demi? She's too much I'm dying. Why is she like this
>black mexican chinese demi sexual transgenderAnd of course she's made fun of someone for doing the same thing.
No. 606652
File: 1528620109617.png (107.86 KB, 646x894, jAPZCUJ.png)

>>606648>"there are people being killed on their countries for being gay meanwhile im a 27 year old woman about to get married to a man and i cant even come out to my mom"Uh alright then June. She left these tweets up though.
No. 606661
File: 1528621053710.png (253.34 KB, 595x373, niggawhy.png)

>>605254>not having gorillaz-gorillaz at the top of the list or even on it>mfwDoes june really call herself a gorillaz stan?
No. 606664
>>606606out of all the snowflake identities to come from tumblr/aven, demisexual is probably the most bullshit
of course june would
No. 606679
File: 1528625490568.jpg (99.06 KB, 1024x766, 3GLxqNu.jpg)

>>606657these threads aren't any more nitpicky than the rest of the board. just you wait though, the dumpster fire wedding is coming soon. it'll be pouring milk any day now if we're lucky
No. 606883
>>606693>gay people don’t like bisexualsSomewhat OT and not really defending June but if a “straight” girl/guy wants to have sex with someone of the same sex and that person is equally as “straight” and also just looking for sex then why does anyone, gay OR straight, need to feel in any way judgemental about it?
I get that it’s pretty stupid to go around telling everyone you’re bisexual when you aren’t actually looking to have sex or a relationship with a person of the same sex. But honestly who gives a fuck.
(stop derailing) No. 606894
File: 1528658078264.png (734.68 KB, 640x1136, IMG_3765.PNG)

New video is coming soon apparently. Also, it looks like she toned down her looks
No. 606908
>>606894it has already been posted, anon
>>606221i still can't get over how obviously filtered/blurred that picture is
No. 607059
>>606577>complaining about feminists being camwhoresHow is that any different from men who hate women and yet pay prostitutes for sex?
>>606652I'm surprised she doesn't delete more, considering the amount of stupid shit she says, but alas, that would require some more self-awareness on her part.
No. 607062
File: 1528670851648.png (45.23 KB, 630x349, NxjmCKq.png)

>personally i don't understand the "im proud to be (race/gender/sexuality)"
Huh? Just a few days ago she was saying stuff like "kill the hets" repeatedly while proudly having her bi flag on display. She sure seemed proud then.
June will really go wherever the wind blows, won't she. She's a total blank slate.
No. 607070
File: 1528672039769.jpg (112.31 KB, 887x644, droppedonhead.jpg)

>>606853Hey ED guy
I remember seeing this months back, this is all I know I hope it helps, if I find more info I will post but heres the jist of it, shes a few comments down while you are here
wtf happened with sssniperwolfs article, seriously some ass licker turned it into a waifu fanfiction, please look into it No. 607204
File: 1528686566756.png (182.58 KB, 640x576, rationaldis.png)

No. 607232
>>607182she's just bitter women get paid to hate men and still get worshipped by good-looking men and she blows all her money on a fat greasy neckbeard and loses any pride,dignity and self-respect she had and men still hate her lmao
wonder what she'll do when she becomes the bitter middle-aged women glancing down young women she hates so much
No. 607235
File: 1528690906625.png (309.39 KB, 652x822, i'm the cool girl.png)

>insanely sexist
No. 607236
File: 1528690930147.jpeg (177.65 KB, 598x1139, ECE02772-580C-4DCD-94A6-C516C1…)

Well a wig ain’t gunna fix your balding head June
No. 607242
>>607236what bitch? you can't even show yourself on a good camera without makeup, so much for your ~skin~ you claim to take care of so much
also "I was never good at makeup"
june, hunny, most of your jobs revolved around makeup, literally almost every video of you, you have your eyes smothered, blended, with fake lashes and all that, who is she fooling?
No. 607261
File: 1528693101457.png (30.97 KB, 637x252, XqZQDws.png)

>someone else is mentioned
>june makes it all about herself
of course
>i'm jealous
it's not like anyone is holding a gun to her head and forcing her to live on the internet
No. 607265
File: 1528693281005.jpg (56.19 KB, 748x420, IMG_20151022_002441.jpg)

>>607242>june, hunny, most of your jobs revolved around makeup, literally almost every video of you, you have your eyes smothered, blended, with fake lashes and all that, who is she fooling?Well I mean, just because she
attempts to apply makeup doesn't make her any good at it. Kek.
We can all see her raggedy raccoon/boxxy look that she's been applying for years and conclude that she still hasn't improved on it one bit. Then there's that photo of her farther up the thread where you can clearly see the eyelash glue on her lid…
The fact that she's even worked at makeup counters before genuinely worries me. I feel bad for whatever customers came in hoping for a great makeover but came out looking like knock-off Amy Winehouse.
No. 607266
File: 1528693437460.jpg (111.48 KB, 841x589, byebyeeye.jpg)

>>607253…but that's… but she.. but .. !!
No. 607268
>>607236>>607266Shit, it's almost like most people don't have entirely symmetrical faces!
I would assume most people have hair and/or don't rely on tearing down other women to feel attractive, though.
No. 607279
>>606894She shooped this hard. This is a more attractive version of herself in a universe where her eye sockets are more even, her skin isn't sallow, and she actually has a nice head of real hair.
She went through the trouble of enlarging her eyes and lips, shrinking her nose, but did fuck all with those gangly eyebrows and chicken neck?
No. 607289
File: 1528696200147.png (Spoiler Image,460.53 KB, 622x752, 11wFuhC.png)

At least it wasn't Disney incest porn this time
No. 607303
File: 1528698772574.png (139.47 KB, 631x567, qOvhZjX.png)

>june: i'm not a gamer!
>also june: actively seeks out commentary on video games to complain about
and nice job blurring out the name there bud
No. 607313
File: 1528699889521.png (91.63 KB, 671x553, hn6hdWo.png)

>>607303Shoe Shives is getting bold.
If someone tweeted this to her though she'd throw a fucking fit lmao
No. 607373
>>607236Jesus, what's wrong with her?
Shoe, post a picture without make up, filters/shoop and a wig. And without that hat you wore when you were asked to do it the first time.
She's exactly like Leafy. Makes fun of other people's looks but is so insecure that she has to hide her bald fucking head and FAS face behind wigs/hats, filters and a 480p cam, like leafy hid his chin behind his mic lol.
I can't get over it. Imagine being
bald and attacking the way other women look, kek.
No. 607400
File: 1528710336077.jpg (4.28 KB, 359x91, j3VmPiF.jpg)

>>606894>>607388She is smiling in the picture on the right, so that may not be the best example.
Nonetheless the Photoshop on her lips is so obvious lol she made her upper lip bigger and also enlarged her bottom lip
No. 607403
File: 1528710585704.jpg (58.85 KB, 520x549, sfsf.JPG)

She is now making huge drama over some dude's opinion on video games
(his criticism is pretty valid regarding overuse of the same themes in certain genres that focus on storytelling imo)
June, he actually plays video games and don't. Why do you act like you are the expert and somehow more right than he is?
No. 607405
File: 1528710688953.jpg (38.78 KB, 553x407, Capture.JPG)

Fucking pathetic how she tries to forcibly insert herself into a discussion of something she doesn't know shit about.
No. 607406
File: 1528710757548.jpg (14.49 KB, 529x89, Capture.JPG)

oh pleaseee
No. 607468
File: 1528716203203.jpg (51.82 KB, 548x511, xfsf.jpg)

Anyone knows which video is this screenshot from?
She pretended to be a ~gamurgirl~ who plays SSB
>i main zss
of fucking course
No. 607472
File: 1528716523593.jpg (21.23 KB, 493x231, Capture.JPG)

>>607468Even though doesn't show dates, google says this was from 14th September, 2015
So during gamergate, she posed with her 3DS and pretended she's into video games. Then few months later she claims she doesn't play and she's gonna sell it. lul.
No. 607478

>>607296Probably because most men don't know she's wearing a wig. I remember in a livestream that Brittany Venti was a part of (I think it was the "Kumite" or something like that) and in it, they got to a point where they talked about Shoe and Brittany mentioned that she wears wigs and the male guests were very surprised and genuinely didn't know.Not sure about the makeup thing but it could be because her video resolution is so outdated that one wouldn't be able to tell what exactly her makeup looks like.
>>607373I think she knows that if she ever showed what she really looked like on an HD cam that she could easily afford, her viewers would definitely think differently of her since a lot of her viewers believe that she genuinely looks like a 12-15 year old (For some reason…).
>>607424Or at the very least, those who play games and know what they're talking about lol
>>607468That's from her "Manspreading" video she posted back on January 7, 2015. She talks about her the game for the first few minutes of the video. But yeah, she's not a gamer and never has been, at least not during her YouTube career. She's only talking about gaming right now because it's in the middle of E3 weekend.
No. 607480
File: 1528717085825.jpg (85.56 KB, 1317x786, Capture.JPG)

In this video from October 2014, she wears a Mega Man shirt and claims that video games were her entire childhood but that she's not a modern gamer, that the most modern game she played is TF2 but only for 0.3 hours though that she loves playing Halo 2 on Xbox.
She then classifies herself as a "nostalgia gamer".
And then since Gamergate has been happening she's "kinda getting into it again" and that she's gonna get a 3DS because she is a "nintendo fag" (how??)
No. 607553
>>607480i like how she went out of her way to order a megaman shirt. remembre the classic "I WASNT LIKE THE OTHER GIRLS. I PLAYED HALO 2 WITH MY SISTER ON THE DAY OF PROM INSTEAD OF GOING xD"?
i figure the only reason why she didnt take the gamer girl persona too far was because she was afraid of being called out for not being knowledgeable like a nigri or s/t
No. 607581
>>607478Men are also horrible at telling apart makeup and bare faces. They probably think she only wears eyeliner.
No. 607640
>>607265True, I meant she kept trying to make it sound like shes ~some innocent uwu girl who doesn't like and know anything about makeup, so not like other girls~
When she isn't repeating the same trailer trash eyeliner, her makeup is okay, not awful, though she applies her fake lashes on so awfully, on HD cameras her makeup is cakey too
No. 607654
File: 1528735316362.jpeg (74 KB, 745x809, 491D02E3-173F-4299-ADE2-4F612E…)

>>607480In the video she says “I paid $25 for this shirt. Never played Megaman in my goddamn life.”
No. 607726
File: 1528740584929.png (87 KB, 627x484, cocksucker.png)

>>607313sucking sargon's scrote again I see No. 607856
File: 1528749930268.jpg (173.79 KB, 1266x1050, dK1G1X8.jpg)

>june: digs up a year old picture of herself with lefty youtubers that mostly ignore her nowadays
meanwhile they were all at the same wedding with june nowhere in sight. why does she have to insert herself into every group.
No. 607865
File: 1528750228300.png (127.57 KB, 460x660, g54VloB.png)

She's going after some teen again. Who cares if some weeb kid doesn't like you. She needs to let things go and maybe not quote them for her neckbeard followers to attack
No. 607891
File: 1528751134946.png (505.29 KB, 582x469, golden showers.png)

>current year discoursedoes June know she's a Russian bot?
No. 607894
File: 1528751242426.png (199.69 KB, 665x631, tZUamYT.png)

Gerg uploaded some weird Chrischan-esque sing along shit. It's worse than his Chrischan-esque comics. Idk how to embed videos, but MENSA level genius, everyone
No. 607934
File: 1528752812108.png (291.4 KB, 631x455, cd6LlmL.png)

No. 607996
File: 1528757155692.jpg (457.05 KB, 2048x1536, DDBzMHYUQAEliEt.jpg)

>>607990this one?
>the look on Dan Olsen's face>his smile and optimism: gone No. 608066
wow june, thought you said like a year ago that you never play video games and never really did as a kid much either? but i guess you're totally one of the boys right, one of the cool online gamer guys who are getting harassed! totally june, you're so cool and such a unique gamer girl. u w u
No. 608076
File: 1528761417491.png (253.76 KB, 616x383, z4HcEUt.png)

>here come dat big gayjesus christ she's so unfunny it's painful No. 608086
File: 1528762058550.png (305.96 KB, 641x490, 1476044822024.png)

>>608076>straight boring white girl with no hobbies or interests jumps on the lgbtq train because she's too insufferable for literally every other shitty social groups, so she picks the easiest one to be in and needs it for a label/identity to make up for her lack of personalityand normally this is saved for teenagers still trying to "find themselves" but shuwu is 27 and doing this.
No. 608096
File: 1528762455613.png (20.6 KB, 620x144, p5MHsqw.png)

>>608086but anon she didn't know what her boyfriend looked like before she was attracted to him! that totally means she's demisexu- i mean bisexual.
just because she's not attracted to and would never date the same sex doesn't mean she's not lgbt, silly :^)
No. 608150
>>608122>fakeboiidk about that but, def some binary tumblr gender once it's mainstream enough
>this explains why i can't related or get along with girls despite being so feminine!just to fuel the "not-like-the-other-girls" attention.
No. 608163
>>608122>>608150I doubt this since her entire shtick is "I'm such a perfect model-like feminine submissive princess!"
She takes pride in dressing and presenting herself as feminine, because the other girls she's "not like" are the icky ugly feminists with short rainbow hair who don't care about their appearances! She's always going on about how she loves trad gender roles and is soooo submissive because that's what real women are like!
No. 608176
>>608122Nah, she gets off too much on being "not like other girls". Someone mentioned it in a previous thread or so - she likes to be not like other whatever. If she went the transtrender route, she would alienate too much of her fanbase.
Back when she was still sucking up to betas on Unichan she was "not like other girls, but (still) a lot like Boxxy". Then Boxxy moved on with her life and June became a "better Boxxy" who kept espousing what neckbeards wanted to hear: antifeminist, alt-right drivel. Now she realized the community she was pandering is too extreme (probably by watching how Lauren Southern being cannibalized by the very people she was sucking up to), so she decided to become "a leftist who's not like other lefties". However, she still doesn't want to lose her old followers, so she picked the easiest target - radical feminists/"terfs", because they're not liked by either side.
Also, I don't think Preg would stand to be engaged to a fakeboi, and she sucks his chode too much to risk that.
No. 608238
File: 1528770033425.jpg (45.47 KB, 600x544, shoe0npride.jpg)

>I'm such a LGBT I even let my boyfriend put it in my butt that makes me kind of gay right?
No. 608250
File: 1528770697729.png (282.48 KB, 669x783, uwu.png)

share to all your facebook moms
No. 608291
>>607997Is that Lindsay? The nostalgia chick?
Is this some old picture I had no idea they were even friends, Lindsay has not said anything of shoe recently, is this just old?
No. 608311
File: 1528777189929.png (73.81 KB, 640x646, BCfFvPF.png)

>>608291ye it's from vidcon last year. this in the replies. if shreg really did say that, then he has some nerve. june and him both practically brag about how little effort he puts into his vids. it shows
No. 608713
File: 1528826717854.png (1.17 MB, 979x1408, oh greg.png)

No. 608872
File: 1528834683755.png (182.24 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180612-161432.png)

>>608863She still talks about it too lol.
No. 608877
>>608872>nobody else would find her attractive but himBitch, where did he even say that?
She's just jealous because Preg does nothing but neg her at every turn and treats her like a replaceable hole the second her waist goes over an inch to his liking.
No. 608882
File: 1528835623828.png (698.21 KB, 1284x890, Fra10Jq.png)

>>608863>>608872But she doesn't find it insulting when talks about Preg's ~dad bod~? She's basically trying to convince
herself that she's attracted to the Shreggory's 'ol beer gut on a public platform.
If I didn't know any better I'd think her tweets to Armoured Chrischan were patronizing. To put it bluntly, she sometimes talks about him like people talk about disabled children.
No. 608886
File: 1528835849831.png (380.25 KB, 714x562, x45qEef.png)

>Greg's such a smart boy even though he can't read or write! Gotta catch up with him wink wink No. 608922
File: 1528838716924.jpg (21.01 KB, 402x469, Y7gNzps.jpg)

>>608886>schovanistEvery time June brags about her ~IQ2high4u boyfren~ I remember this tweet kek
No. 608943
>>608882oh my god the part about how everyone should be envious of her because apparently feeling a fat disgusting overweight stomach on your back is the best thing ever
i'm going to throw up
No. 608946
>>608877This is exactly the case
She hates women getting treated how she treats greg/men in general, because well, she hates women, she also hates men getting treated how she treats women
No. 608958
>>608886June doesn't have the attention span for the dedication page let alone the book itself.
>Richard Dawkins Could he be anymore of a stereotyphical athiest neckbeard?
No. 608980
She'll get dumped for a 19 year old camwhore by the time she's 30 and "too old" for Preg.
She won't even have white knight neckbeard orbiters by then because she'll be too old for them also. They'll find a new teenage/early twenties girl to orbit by then.
She has no college degree, a shitty film making portfolio, and hasn't worked a real job in years. She doesn't even have the discipline to get an education or work towards an actual career. She's fucked. If she wasn't an obnoxious bitch, I'd feel sorry for her.
No. 609161
>>608882>muh dadbod!!kek, i get so much schadeunfreude knowing june, the ultimate boxxy skinwalker attentionwhore, will get married to some fatfuck leaf with no job, shit genetics and chris-chan levels of aspergers and mental deficiencies.
all those years of fishing for male attention and THIS was the best she could do, feels good fams.
No. 609220
>>609216"im tired i've been doing this for 4 years"
then stop??? oh right you have no talents or skills so you have to keep doing the same videos over and over
No. 609226
File: 1528862899604.jpg (99.75 KB, 700x700, argNXQy_700b.jpg)

>>609216you'd think after skater skirt gate and anytime she lies about her measurements and shoops she's stop being obsessed with trying to convince herself and everyone she's a pear
June, you have big boobs, wide shoulders and chest, a wide waist, narrow hips, a flat ass and skinny legs, your hard bolt ons are 4xs the size of your ass
didn't she say sword girl had "no tits" as well and now she's claiming she has small tits, most likely due to the recent bot obsessions with small breasts and large hips, any girl with small tits knows not to claim another girl with actual small breasts has "no tits" as if something is missing, but she hangs around fat retarded men, she probably things just because a womans tits aren't bigger than pregorys they must be small, but it somehow doesn't apply to asses since she keeps convincing herself she has large hips and ass and they're wayyy smaller than pregories, even pregory has a better w/h ratio than her
No. 609260
>>609247And its funny because back in the day she was obsessed with her boobs, maybe it has to do with the fact skeptic is always liking women with small boobs photos? Syren cove, cutepup, the spanish chick, even loli
And she claims skeptic chea- I mean messing around with camgirls doesn't make her feel insecure
No. 609273
File: 1528868742699.jpg (588.52 KB, 2800x1867, boobs.jpg)

>>609216>small boobsbitch what? are we really gonna….
No. 609288
File: 1528871259031.jpg (43.91 KB, 1527x430, fSWbE1G.jpg)

>>609216Wow, the shoop becomes really evident when you put the the picture side-by-side with the video. She gave herself a whole new face.
>Refined/reduced nose tip>Increased lip size, whole new top lip>Edited eyes>Completely different face shape; a lot shorter and way more rounded>Skin filtered to oblivion Insane. No wonder her fans don't notice this shit if like 85% of them are male.
No. 609300
File: 1528872526530.png (57.68 KB, 578x566, 20180613_024838.png)

Oh idiotcin
No. 609305
>>609278Who is she even talking about? Who said she had "no boobs" let me guess is it the middle aged women who grab her 32 inch waist and tell her to eat a burger again?
Wonder how long it will be before she gets her implants removed
No. 609311
>>609222if she's going to make stuff up I wish she'd avoid stuff everyone can see. everyone sees she has a curvy chest. this makes her look unstable, kind of.
also is her obsession with having small boobs and stuff tied to greg's pedophilia? he likes "lolis" aka children so she's trying to convince everyone she looks like a child naked too? if that's the case, very gross. she must live in a very dark place. 6 years ago she got rock hard implants partly for male attention, now the trends have changed and she needs to pander to men that don't like boobs, so she's probably tearing her hair out and contemplating an implant removal lol.
i wish she would love herself and just be proud of who she is instead of desperately try to keep up with what guys around her want. she would be a lot happier that way.
No. 609313
>>609311I think June just wants to be a ''curvy pear shaped loli with small boobs and big hips'' so bad because that's what Greg and her animu neck beards like. She's desperately trying to convince everyone she looks younger, not like a child, but to fit the ''sexy loli'' aesthetic.
She just changes her style/things about herself based on what gives her the most attention from men. What else is new.
No. 609322
>>609216Didn't she do a video about same subject before
>Wah wah SJWs want token characters as representation of diversity in ther movies and they are never happy wah wahYes, we've known this since 2014, what else is new?
No. 609324
>>609314Well that would just fuck up her ribcage or make her implants explode
>>609316She hates when women get treated how she treats men and cries when a woman treats a man how she and greg treats women
No. 609329
>>609322samefag but
She automatically got more than $2000 for making this video with a boring recycled subject and no actual value at all.
Her fellow YouTubers are struggling with the algorithm and have to upload quality videos often to attract views so they can get some money.
Cherry on top is that June also screwed them over by trying her hardest to shill Candid app, that later got used as a tool to demonetize videos. She didn't even give a proper apology to her Youtube friends for such a large screw up. Instead she acts like ~uwu i have PTSD~ poor victim.
I guess she's what people mean when they say "selling soul to the devil". She gets easy money for fuckall amount of work, but in turn she gets no personality and integrity and has to stay a pandering womanchild, stuck in her room forever.
No. 609330
File: 1528876639202.png (632.02 KB, 1080x1405, Screenshot_20180613-044911~2.p…)

she retweeted this then unretweeted it, probably because we can see the fucked up lower teeth.
she then retweeted another tweet with a different screenshot (of the same thing) where her lower teeth couldn't be seen. kek.
No. 609331
File: 1528876734325.png (160.79 KB, 523x388, Screenshot_20180613-044911~3.p…)

closer one
No. 609343
>>609329>>609216I genuinely don't get why anyone who isn't a desperate edgy teen would watch her. Her content is so repetitive and stale. She makes every topic about herself. Every video can be summed up with ''lol these stupid women xD look how different and cool i am :3''. Her voice is annoying and she's constantly screaming. On top of that she is not funny and speaks like a myspace teen.
How do people watch, let alone
pay money for this shit show?
No. 609345
>>609288Well, even though it's shooped as fuck the hair looks nice and I still think she looks better with lighter makeup instead of the thick chunky eyeliner she always does.
>>608076Is it just me or is she trying to be female idubbbz now? She's even talking like him in her most recent video.
No. 609367
>>609331The fuck is wrong with her bottom teeth? They look literally rotted. She's too young to have teeth this damaged.
>>607996>H.Bomberguy, >Contrapoints? Why are leftist Youtubers hanging out with Armored groceries, especially H.bomberguy who's made his views against Greg obvious he doesn't seem to hate the guy like he does Sargon of Akkad but he definitely holds some disgust for his narrowass views. How old is this photo?
No. 609370
File: 1528885314502.jpg (34.74 KB, 456x494, Untitled.jpg)

>>609330Her hands look like old woman-s hands, even the shitty 280p webcam can't hide it.
No. 609399
File: 1528892710677.png (404.8 KB, 624x757, 20180613_082529.png)

Someones getting a turkey neck?
No. 609463
>>609456Nah she's just lazy, doesn't know how to take care of herself, and still eats like shit out of delusion one day it will go to her flat ass and non-existent hips
Or maybe it has to do with skeptic cheating on her with syrencove, whos chubby and has small tits and is pear-shaped, I low-key predict june will become syrencoves skinwalker or some other cam hoe skeptic is messing around with
No. 609504
File: 1528904778353.png (297.28 KB, 432x473, not political.PNG)

i rt people complimenting me on the fact that my content is political, BUT DON'T COME FOR ME BECAUSE I AM NOT POLITICAL!!!!
No. 609507
File: 1528904931844.png (155.87 KB, 432x391, ouch.PNG)

shes looking so rough. not saying this to be a bitch, but she genuinely looks about similar age in this photo to my 55 yo mother in law
No. 609519
>>609399All of her wigs are AWFUL. All of them! For someone who definitely has the time and money, why doesn’t she inform herself better on how to wear and style them? I know black girls who wear front lace wigs and they look very real and high quality. Why not take advice?
This goes for make up too. She never tries anything new and her eye makeup hasn’t improved in years. It’s always the same heavy liner with lashes.
I feel like June just doesn’t care about
anything, everything is so half assed, from her content to her appearance.
Sage for nitpick, but it just gets on my nerves how little effort she puts into anything. No wonder she has no interests or hobbies.
No. 609679
>>609531exactly, and has never backed up her biness with anything at all. it couldnt be more clear that she's only 'bi for the guys'.
>>609549tbh as someone with treatment resistant depression, i get being boring and having no hobbies, despite having the time to develop hobbies so i understand feeling that way when nothing brings you joy, but she kind of does have hobbies, they're just incredibly stupid and boring and revolve around men entirely. the only things that bring her joy are DUNKIN on poor old women and getting her ass licked by ugly speds online
No. 609749
File: 1528920522613.jpg (28.85 KB, 566x626, vUuknJS.jpg)

>>609216I've said it before and I'll say it again but her videos are about as funny as Onion's. No wonder half of her fans are horny teen boys.
I have no idea how you guys manage to make it past a minute of this shit good lord.
No. 609764
>>609679Eh maybe you're right. I probably was being harsh and I take that back but I guess it's because I can't imagine not having anything to do to break away from social media for a few hours or a day. I mean she pretends to be this anime girl so why doesn't she at last watch some anime? lol
>>609701Yeah exactly. Her friends/acquaintances seem to have something to be into that's not tied to social media so it makes them mildly more interesting.
No. 609775
>>609311>also is her obsession with having small boobs and stuff tied to greg's pedophilia?Greg like em young, but he's always liking curvy women with big tits on Twitter.
I think she's just obsessed with being smol/young and has been long before Shreggory Preggory came into the picture.
>>609349>(in hope it wouldn't get views)Reminder that Britt's second vid is almost at 100,000 views :^)
No. 609777
File: 1528922206231.png (70.27 KB, 635x387, czWmSJ6.png)

>see guys? i can laugh at myself
No. 609779
>>609216I thought her next video was suppose to be with lauren?
What happen with that?
Also, just like everyone else is saying, I can't wrap my head around how she can get away with the exact same unfunny content and still have this amount of views per video? neckbeard thirst is strong I guess.
She doesn't add any substance or new ideas or concepts to any topics she tackles, she just repeats the same shit to the point she uses clips from her old videos.
No. 609788
File: 1528923393590.png (367.2 KB, 640x916, Hz7oNaA.png)

No. 609827
File: 1528925296493.gif (1.92 KB, 290x240, udt.gif)

No. 609846
File: 1528926190963.png (85.76 KB, 477x439, UCu6r0O.png)

Which one of you sent this ask
No. 609848
File: 1528926244608.png (25.16 KB, 483x243, WOx5E1i.png)

No. 609850
>>609840Derrick is a lesbian but also hates women/is misogynistic, how fucked up is that?
>>609841Someone mentioned she would do Boxxy impersonations on random unrelated forums with mostly male userbases such as hacking forums. She was also confirmed to post on /soc/ dating threads.
>>609846Yeah, and then she followed that tweet with 5 other tweets berating someone who wasn't impressed with some game
No. 609865
File: 1528927013317.jpg (116.6 KB, 943x833, Capture.JPG)

>>609855She also had a board on 8chan would post there herself too even though the boards was littered with creepy posts talking about how they want to fuck her.
Pic related, June samefagging about herself + shilling board about herself on 4chan's /b/
No. 609869
File: 1528927258143.jpg (515.55 KB, 1365x2048, 1413513416630.jpg)

>>609865trashy asexual shy guido wallflower
No. 609875
File: 1528927393789.jpg (79.24 KB, 640x640, 1430678873875.jpg)

hahah look at that flat chest
No. 609880
>>609869>>609875There is always new pictures of her old self in these threads…
Which makes me conclude that she posted like 1000+ pictures of herself on the internet, mostly to anonymous imageboards too , jesus…
No. 609888
File: 1528928051527.jpg (26.4 KB, 546x307, Capture.JPG)

No. 609891
File: 1528928190319.jpg (70.13 KB, 539x632, Capture.JPG)

whooops there goes June's patreon money :^)
No. 609900
File: 1528928616428.png (89.59 KB, 668x706, 16exf45.png)

Greg responded to Theryn's tweets about taking a break but didn't say a peep about his
fiancee's ~pwease send buns~ breakdown a month ago. Jesus christ June, open your eyes.
>>609891But anon, making him happy makes her happy :^)
No. 609916
>>609898But his bitch fat harpy wife didn't let him spend their savings on star wars toys after he got them into debt for being in a dumb cult.
June is a cool fiancee though. Spending $1000 on a SW toy is a part of the BDSM dynamic.
>>609901No wonder her wigs have been looking like party city shit tier
No. 609955
File: 1528931547830.png (67.58 KB, 316x364, z3JqEtK.png)

>>609950nta but it says so on his Patreon. Though I have no idea if he's monetized and how much he makes on merch (probably not much). June in comparison makes over $2000. She makes 2x more than him and buys him toys. So alpha! No. 609957
>>609507"She bi. I never proved that i just said so. Believe me."
So much like "I'm bi. I only ever been with guys and cannot see myself with a girl but I'm bi believe me"
Lol oh June
No. 609979
File: 1528933332193.png (813.52 KB, 628x1432, jW7pb6D.png)

Cow crossovers
No. 609991
File: 1528934307928.png (387.89 KB, 647x593, goffic gyaru.png)

No. 609994
File: 1528934471097.png (584.29 KB, 1363x605, side by side.png)

>>609779I was wondering about that, too. Maybe she thinks she doesn't need to make it anymore since her braindead audience seems to not care about her lying and shit behavior at all.
>>607894If I didn't think Preg was retarded before I sure do now. This one is the best of the four he posted. It legit made me cackle.>>609482pic4youwu
No. 610017
File: 1528935930406.png (322.38 KB, 641x467, FaKM1kP.png)

>>605055>complains about Brittany posting about her highschool/college years>continues to make multiple posts about her highschool yearswhat is it june? either you want that stuff talked about or not
No. 610023
File: 1528936163182.jpg (169.75 KB, 1300x1816, a7xgate.jpg)

>>610017Yeah she posted about having a thing for synster gates (lead singer of avenged sevenfold) yet another twinkish metal boi
No. 610031
>>610017Ok the mop on top of her head looks so fried no way it is a wig
>>609997I want a crossover of kikichan and kiko kannibal. Holy fuck this is the kind of shot you post online when you're 12 not… whatever age she was at the time.
>>609955Greg is insufferable. 'DDLG dynamic! But my more "successful" sub buy me toys'" I half want them to go to be acquaintances with other BDSM. For the grunge.
No. 610044
File: 1528938215379.png (71.02 KB, 694x551, 20180613_210009.png)

>>610024Speaking of which
(Also shuwu's first blowjob practice?)
No. 610062
File: 1528940085633.png (524.61 KB, 639x601, pRW3baS.png)

>>610044friendless loser :'(
>>609484If this pic is anything to go by, then only on the top teef
No. 610063
File: 1528940115943.jpg (129.19 KB, 1200x797, munkustrap_cats_tour_photo_by_…)

>>610051She looks kinda like a rejected Cats character
No. 610115
File: 1528942767187.png (64.02 KB, 641x469, NSNbuMJ.png)

June making fun of people for blocking again
No. 610197
File: 1528950621771.jpg (149.52 KB, 1136x640, image.jpg)

Being flat gives you such a complex. I've mostly come to accept and love my flat chest after years of hating it, but I still get insecure about it.
I can't believe that she would drag sword girl for her body and then turn around and claim that her tits are small too because she wants to appear smoll and uwu. She puts down other women, but skin walks as them for attention. Is there anything she won't fake?
No. 610228
File: 1528954057410.png (25.06 KB, 529x189, ZxGR26O.png)

>>610220>there was a girl over there being dark, not that i have anything against being dark but i mean….oh june
>makes fun of the girl for spending all of her money on toys (yugioh cards)sounds familiar!
No. 610229
File: 1528954177348.png (353.09 KB, 566x800, 1521148380955.png)

>>610197My small chest sister I feel you, joon obviously has c+ cup titties trying to be a smol loli pear with her 30" chest and 35" butt uwu
I bet she wouldnt be able to live with being actually flat chested tho bc without her meat sacks shes not a feminine small waist hourglass disney princess.
No. 610285
File: 1528958933139.jpg (149.25 KB, 800x800, cute bra.jpg)

>>610264If your boobs can create cleavage and fill out a shirt/dress then they aren't small to me.
>>610269I personally dont believe she has fake boobies because Italians have big boobs and broad shoulders which she has.
No. 610296
File: 1528960497850.png (766.41 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180614-040408.png)

she's definitely doing this to prove her "goth" phase
No. 610297
File: 1528960547365.png (939.49 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180614-040411.png)

No. 610299
File: 1528960577463.png (1.21 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180614-040414.png)

No. 610309
File: 1528961639717.png (36.21 KB, 480x372, NTvuaF5.png)

>Is this her real hair or what?
No. 610347
File: 1528968998951.png (471.88 KB, 892x684, shoeonhead1.png)

what the fuck is happening to her face?
No. 610357
>>610354(talking about onision)
at 1:46
>he's an absolute drama lolcow No. 610363
File: 1528972206023.webm (2.11 MB, 640x360, gettin-old.webm)
She just retweeted this video.
>She's doing it for male attention and she'll learn when she's older.>Haha isn't that stupid, right silly boys? I'll crave male attention until the day I die.She'll never change, will she.
>>610354Here ya go
>>594658 No. 610371
File: 1528973726816.jpg (160.33 KB, 826x1548, admin confirmation.jpg)

>>610354yeah, "lol farm made in 2012"
How fucking stupid of her to boast about being a mod here. Did she her discord is super safe?
No. 610374
>>610285>italians have big boobs, lets ignore the fact most of her family has small tits and the fact they're complete bolt ons! Shes italian so they must be realGuess nickis minajs ass is real too since black girls have big butts, and so is kim ks since shes Armenian
I'm Italian and I have small breasts and narrow shoulders, guess I'm not italian or had a breast reduction huh
There reaches a point where you go out of your way to call obviously fake tits real because you think women of her race all have big boobs, you must be retarded as fuck
No. 610378
>>610374Can we not get
triggered by every little thing and continuously derail the thread?
No. 610473
File: 1528986347689.jpg (53.58 KB, 600x600, CfFoVa0UsAIqEvj[1].jpg)

>>608943Was she inspired by sssniperwolf? I sure hope not, from what I've read her obese boyfriend cheated on her multiple times but I hope June grows a spine before Preg comes close to it.
No. 610778
File: 1529008578911.png (Spoiler Image,744.8 KB, 511x959, 15348572158.png)

>>610497>the truth is that fatties are even more entitled and worse boyfriends than regular menFuck if that aint the truth
No. 610852
>>609901I honestly feel the reason why she doesn't invest in higher quality wigs is because her fans never talk about how her hair looks. I've never seen any of her fans mention her hair looking off or anything like that so why bother? But yeah… It's obvious she put that money towards the SW toy.
>>610024Because LOL Wearing black = Goth to people like this, I'm so quirky and gawf teehee.
>>610296Which is pathetic because there was never anything Goth about her. She's the equivalent of Avril Lavigne, poser pop-punk with no musical ability lol
>>610453Exactly. I'm willing to bet she has never even heard of a band like Bauhaus, Sisters of Mercy, or Alien Sex Fiend.
No. 610880
File: 1529015754819.png (59.21 KB, 584x279, QrIuJM7.png)

The political bisexual talks about political lesbianism
>MGTOW for chicks No. 610925
>I'm dating a bisexual girllol no you're not greg
(at least he didn't claim to be engaged)
No. 610944
File: 1529018571566.png (236.23 KB, 1168x1196, ZQ42U6V.png)

>>610762If it were anyone else but June, sure. But she's familiar with chan culture and loves using autistic as a pejorative
No. 610946
>>610882>>610880So she made this move because she obviously lurks Magdalen Berns' twitter more than she should and she knows Magdalen doesn't support ''lesbianism as a choice''. Magdalen told her she gonna respond if she dares to make another video on ''terfs''. So that way she avoids her response while talking about ''terfs'' and sending her fans to their small channels. She wanted to rant about her beloved radfems so bad because she's the biggest and the most desperate attention whore on the internet alive and male attention is like an air to her while radfems are diametrical opposites. She's clearly trying to resolve some unconscious unresolved trauma here because nobody would care as much as she does.
I really hope she'll get the revenge she deserves for getting away with everything. That's so unfair she's got almost a million of subscribers.
No. 611026
>>610882Hey june nice one it's not like it's literally like your other videos at all except with a different subject
She did not make up any original jokes on the matter and literally the only argument she formed here is "penis on vagina makes baby" when she could've talked further into this.
Also "yeah I got all these books about it to prove it's not another strawman but I won't said a word on them teehee"
Come on. It's pride month! JWhy don't you make a storytime video about coming to terms with your so-called bisexuality that is not made up for LGBT brownie points? :)
No. 611039
File: 1529021940655.png (546.4 KB, 1128x644, aRan5bG.png)

>>611029Because she's incredibly unfunny and has to rely on cheap tricks like screaming and ~qUiRkY fAcEs~ to convince her audience of 12 year olds that she's funny.
She's always tearing down actual accomplished female comedians when she'd never make in show biz in a million years.
No. 611056
File: 1529023327333.png (373.94 KB, 578x602, 9yZbpBN.png)

No. 611058
File: 1529023425514.gif (3.97 MB, 600x342, joon.gif)

From her Twitter
No. 611136
File: 1529027969064.png (270.86 KB, 583x473, XMknWUN.png)

>>611117She tweets at him often even after he publicly disavowed her and basically admitted to using her as a political pawn. He doesn't typically respond and when he does, people here read his tone as dismissive.
June started sperging over TERFs partly to get his attention/approval.
People here have said that she likes twinky/otter guys, which Contra is.
Add that all together and farmers (mostly jokingly) assume there's some sort of unrequited love drama going between June and her trans waifu.
No. 611141
File: 1529028354257.png (127.95 KB, 467x569, barf.png)

>ddlg isn't daddy/daughter uwu
No. 611339
>>611056oh she retweeted this
it's cringe how she's trying to pander to the LGBT so hard and all of a sudden.
No. 611347
>>611058This clip made her look so much bigger than I even thought. So much for being smol and having a "flat chest" or whatever. I already knew she was putting on weight but having a video version of her like this really shows it especially in the torso/belly area.
I'm surprised she put this in her video considering how it totally goes against her "I'm tiny" image. She looks like she's on the heavier side of normal.
No. 611352
File: 1529049277415.png (275.24 KB, 320x436, thinn.PNG)

No. 611436
File: 1529063065562.jpg (10.08 KB, 250x250, 6sHL7b9.jpg)

>>611056>''Can't see myself dating a girl''>''I'm heteroromantic because I don't feel attracted to girls''>''I'm only sexual with people I love and therefore only with men''>BIG GAYThe mental gymnastics are out of this world. June is like those sjw trans trenders (milo stewart, ash hardell) but she's faking her sexuality instead. That's probably why she made that apology video and believes ''a billion genders could exist'' (her own words).
>>610882Kek…the political bisexual making a video about political lesbians. I'm done.
Her LGBT pandering is so fucking annoying and I'm not surprised why
actual bisexual girls have such a bad rep considering people like this cunt exist.
No. 611439
>>611432No, because anon in
>>611378 said that she ''fucks dicks''. It's not like she isn't attracted to anyone at all. Not being able to get women is not the same as not being attracted to them at all
No. 611440
>>611056sage for nitpick but i'm laughing at how skinny they drew her.
that alone shows you how delusional her fans are lel
No. 611444
>>610197Don't generalize. I have small boobs and I hate and avoid clothes that make my boobs look bigger. It just looks ugly to me, I simply prefer it looking smaller. I would hate having bigger chest.
Sorry for OT but such a generalization because of your own messed up head and lack of confidence is stupid.
(no one cares) No. 611478
>>611439If you think women are attractive but have no interest in dating or fucking a woman (except to fulfill your man’s mff fantasies), you’re not really bisexual. Most straight women acknowledge that other women are attractive in my experience (or at least I do, and I consider myself straight)
Incels have never had romantic experience with a woman, but they want to and do for the most part want to be in a romantic relationship and date them seriously
No. 611486
File: 1529071127182.png (560.92 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180615-093913.png)

No. 611584
>>610882>>610904They're really low enough to do this during Pride Month, hm? Not shocked at all.
And June: YOU. ARE. NOT. BI.
No. 611688
File: 1529088561907.jpg (44.86 KB, 1080x400, laugh.jpg)

> june would fuck a turd just because it's attached to a neckbeardFucking jesus anon I love you
No. 611689
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No. 611738
File: 1529091947805.png (81.39 KB, 646x698, 1vVB8u6.png)

>>611726June on the other hand.
Get ready for June and Grocery Store Hallway
No. 611742
>>611689Is that the party HER parents are paying for? Lmao
>>603254 ok then June:)
>>611648I half wish not bc June doesn't deserve the attention but I would love that
No. 611754
File: 1529092762019.png (57.26 KB, 663x583, XMY4z5d.png)

>outrage cow is my brand
yeah it is june, but not in the way you think
No. 611762
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No. 611821
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No. 611822
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No. 611823
>>611815What makes it even funnier is that they brought pedo roleplay and greg consentually cheating and june pretending to be ok with it since shes a cheater herself faster than the engagement party after the engagement
Its way past the 90 days the wedding was supposed to happen,"immigration" my ass
No. 611869
File: 1529101303249.png (68.19 KB, 640x476, L48zq0q.png)

Calling Tomi Lauren and Trump supporters cute. What a lefty
>>611864That's what people claimed in the past threads. Farmers also said that Gerg's parents still contact his ~evil gold digging ex~ but never mention June.
No. 611879
File: 1529101828896.jpg (55 KB, 858x201, hm.JPG)

>>611823>Its way past the 90 days the wedding was supposed to happen,"immigration" my assI'm guessing they didn't even get their marriage license yet. And it's simple, they just need to show their ID and Preg needs to show his proof of divorce document and that's it.
No. 611886
File: 1529102086129.jpg (13.21 KB, 712x81, 879.JPG)

>>611879Meanwhile June pretends how there is soooo much paperwork to do, she needs to move upstate because of it…
(As it couldn't be solved by simply staying at his place for a month)
No. 611896
File: 1529103072910.jpg (198.1 KB, 886x864, 898.jpg)

>>611886There is no minimum income requirements for sponsoring a spouse so it shouldn't be a problem for Preg, unless he is receiving autism bux.
Again, they could have done all the paperwork in one month if she stayed at his place, I have no idea what's taking so long and why does she need to move upstate NY??
No. 611897
>>611886Soooo she’s moving to Buffalo. Fastest way to get to Toronto and the surrounding environs.
Good luck with going from LI/NYC to the shithole that is WNY, June, I’m sure you’ll just love it there.
No. 611920
File: 1529104680599.webm (1.41 MB, 640x360, good day in canada.webm)
No. 611946
>>611648I have a feeling she won't. Her first video got flagged and taken down and the second one didn't do as well as the first one in terms of viewership. It may feel like a waste of time for her because not much changed since those videos.
>>611722Pretty lame and doesn't help her claim. Has she ever talked about her staring at girls or having girl crushes when she was single?
>>611726I can't help but feel that the only reason he's staying with her is because she's the breadwinner and she can buy him all kinds of expensive Star Wars crap, the thing that his ex-wife was not having (spending their savings on expensive toys).But as soon as the next best thing comes, I won't be surprise if he dumps her.
No. 611955
>>611864> the second one didn't do as well as the first one in terms of viewershipJust checked. Her first video has 90k views while the second one has 103k views.
>I can't help but feel that the only reason he's staying with her is because she's the breadwinner and she can buy him all kinds of expensive Star Wars crapYeah plus she has a much larger following than him. He's probably gained a lot of fans through June. Since he's an egomaniac he must love all that sweet attention
No. 611974
- Shoe, 2018
No. 612036
>>612023There are some cities but pretty much yeah kek.
I wonder if she'll get her very own swamp house like Onion. The transformation is almost complete.
For real though she seems to be a shut in aside from the occasional Starbucks run and she """""""works"""""" from home. It doesn't really matter where she lives
No. 612066
>>611058>>611352Such smol trad ~uwu~
Also wtf is that gif shes has the worst
sO rAnDom "humour" is she trying to say she doesnt wash or something?!
No. 612183
File: 1529124390306.png (35.97 KB, 654x256, 9G04oPp.png)

Announce your engagement right after tweeting a camgirl.
No. 612184
File: 1529124556046.png (417.44 KB, 598x1016, qbd1WBs.png)

No. 612199
>>612184Isn't she exactly 5'4? She's average height for a woman, kek.
Imagine being so desperate to be seen as "smol".
No. 612201
>>612020she's gonna have to clean everything, she barely does shit on her own dunno why she has this fantasy about being a housewife, she can't be a housewife nor a career woman, then what? she's useless
>>611896>>611886that's what gets me, I just don't get it, and considering they didn't even have the fucking engagement party until half a year AFTER the engagement, more than half a year actually, over the lame party, for something that happened half a year ago, I highly doubt it will ever happen at all, same with marriage unless it's some jaclynglenn and richie type "fancy cakes as wedding cakes" stuff
like shit, you'd think after 6 months which is more than enough time to wedding plan, she would have said something about the wedding, turns out it was for the engagement party which usually happens, you know, after the engagement, not half a year later
are they even trying
they're either
1: the biggest procrastinators in the universe
2: super lazy
3: greg is too lazy to get any work done so makes june do all the work, then later either tells june she can't stay with him and june doesn't wanna publically announce her fat ugly bf won't let her stay in his apartment for a bit, or greg lied claiming she has to stay in her state or whatever and june isn't ready to hear the fact her fiance, and pretty much no one wants her around
4: they know they can't handle what it takes to be a real couple, june isn't wife material, greg isn't even fucking man material, most of their relationship relays on the internet, memes, and greg fucking other women and june pretending to enjoy it
No. 612208
>>612184Shoe you have man shoulders and a deep voice, you’re not fooling anyone.
This smol:3 obsession is so weird and it’s going to be really creepy and try hard when she’s thirty. Hell, it already is.
No. 612221
>>611444Putting down women with larger breasts because you prefer flat chests makes you a dick.
You're doing exactly what sh0e does.
No. 612300
>>612201>considering they didn't even have the fucking engagement party until half a year AFTER the engagement, more than half a year actually, over the lame party, for something that happened half a year ago, It's not them who are organizing it, it's June's parents. They probably want to hurry up and marry June so she can leave the house.
>Honey, congrats on getting engaged! When's the wedding date?>We still haven't decided, mom3 months later>So honey, when's the wedding?>We still don't know the exact date, sooo much paperwork to do.another 3 months later>What about wedding June?>Still doing all that paperwork, mom.>You know what, we are throwing you guys an engagement party No. 612305
File: 1529147150125.jpg (30.85 KB, 1216x183, Capture.JPG)

from kiwifarms
fucking sad to be this much obsessed with yourself.
No. 612306
File: 1529147274377.png (191.19 KB, 690x1725, 1515307624800.png)

hehe so random and cooky :33
No. 612314
>>612306Her parents are so great at parenting! No wonder she is what she is now.
Why ask such questions? She mostly talks about herself already. This reminds me of 2000's magazines for teenagers obsessed with celebrities. 50 stupid facts like these about a celebrity you worship to waste your time reading. I'm pretty sure she was one of those teens and had tons of such magazines or something like that. Now she's doing the same thing as a ''youtube celebrity''. Yikes. Victim of celebrity culture. She's desperate as hell and her fans must be even more so. I feel sorry for them.
No. 612343
>>612306I'm 106 and 5'1 and I'm honestly nowhere near as thin as she used to be. I'm definitely more 'normal' looking, so I really think she is 5'4. I know everyone distributes differently, but 106 on an actually short girl isn't as skinny as she was, js.
how old was she here? this reads like literally an annoying 14 year old, and even then, i would've been annoyed by it. i'm guessing she was at least 20? the pandering is so obvious.
>i dont like flowers and i dont wear makeup and I LOVE BUYING THINGS FOR PEOPLE so you dont need to hold down a job or have ANY marketable skills to land me, silly bois!! here's a million mentions of my bellybutton, naked body, and my panties for you to jerk it to!!!jesus fucking christ she'd lick the shit off of any man's sack so long as it landed her some positive male re-inforcement
(no one cares) No. 612372
File: 1529157763678.jpg (30.66 KB, 584x592, DyvNkhD.jpg)

>>612306>i lov tanning beds :3>i take 2 showers a day sometimes around 5A professional ''beaty'' specialist and skincare enthusiast, everyone. RIP shoe's skin.
>ive been the same height since i was 12 >.>Serious question, does she have some kind of complex or mental issue because she's the older sister? This post is quite old and even then she was
so obsessed with being smol and tiny uwu. She was always talking about it, even in old videos. It's pretty much her entire personality at this point. It's not normal to be this obsessed and delusional about yourself, get help June.
No. 612411
>>612343Shes definitely 5'4
I've never met someone as obsessed with being smol as she is, and the best part is that she ain't even small, maybe the reason she avoids women so much is due to the fact that they'll make her look like a giant and there will be more pics like the laci green and chris one or the one with the 5'4 girl with short hair
No. 612479
File: 1529169676281.png (2.5 MB, 1355x1487, fsfdf.PNG)

No. 612486
File: 1529170723987.png (198.62 KB, 631x861, IMG_8760.PNG)

>>612485Only two tables for an engagement party? That is super depressing. Wow. :(
Also wtf is this pic? They drew Greg so fat haha
No. 612489
>>612485>>612479Man, Greg really can't style himself for shit. He always looks so greased up. At least Wig isn't wearing some tacky lolita aliexpress shit.
Why did they choose to use a winter-themed fanart without colors and lining? It really doesn't fit the rest of the theme…Sage for nitpick/irrelevancy.
No. 612539
>>612485That last button didn’t make it for the photos :’(
Lol he just fat. I bet the photographer advised him to just leave the bottom of his shirt unbuttoned to avoid a pregnancy scare
No. 612540
>>612184She really thinks she's a cute smol loli, doesn't she? lmfao.
>>612343I think it depends on bone structure. Her bones are huge for someone 5'2" so if she really is that height she can be heavier but still look kind of thin.
>>612397Since she doesn't always wear wigs around Preg, I wonder if she gets him to pull some hair out for her. Us vanilla normies will never understand!
No. 612546
File: 1529178184543.jpeg (100.97 KB, 675x1200, Df1bvN1UEAAyZi3.jpeg)

Reminder I hate alcohol and NEVER EVER drink unless it's for teh memes! X33
No. 612549^^^video
Their party sounds so dead, who is even attending it?
No. 612552
File: 1529178491496.png (631.38 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180616-154726.png)

Wtf fuck is this? Are they writing names on peoples cups? "Kathy something"
No. 612557
>>612485In every fucking photo he does he's sticking his thumb in the pockets of the jean pants that barely fit him and it just looks like he can barely fit his thumbs in and it
triggers me
No. 612558
File: 1529179385867.jpeg (223.84 KB, 441x685, B43E94F2-F593-4E22-B4FF-CC6AC2…)

god this hairstyle is so fucking ugly holyshit he is so unattractive
No. 612563
>>612549greg, shoe, her parents & presumably her parents friends. so no one. this is so sad. ordinary couples invite their own friends to their engagement party, but shoe doesn't have any.
it's just cringy. if i was shoe i honestly wouldn't even bother with this wedding/engagement stuff - it just highlights how far behind she is compared to other people her age, and embarrasses her further.
No. 612568
>>612485He's not getting married in that outfit right?
June's is passable but he looks like he's just attending the wedding lmao
No. 612589
File: 1529182719335.png (531.37 KB, 633x489, 4QW3e25.png)

No. 612593
>>612590At least splenda and yumi seemed to like eachother a bit and weren't half as shitty as these two.
>>612589omg, that's horrible
No. 612597
File: 1529183130563.webm (1.08 MB, 180x320, @ArmouredSkeptic.webm)
No. 612598
>>612411Why are you acting like 5'4 is tall? Also, if she's 5'4, how tall is her husband?
>>612485>>612589He looks to be over a foot taller, assuming she isn't wearing heels.. so you're telling me he's 6'4 plus? It's possible, but I can bet that fence behind them is around 6 foot, not 7.
Why are anachans always lurking this site, pretending like short, skinny girls are always WAY bigger than pictured. It's fucking cringey. Suit out your body dysphoria with a therapist instead of projecting it on thin e-tards.
No. 612600
>>612593You're right. Splenda is a fucking creep but his and Yumi's interactions, as awkward as they are can be endearing at times. He does occasionally show a little consideration for her, which is more than I can say for Greg.
(Saged for discussion of other cows)
No. 612603
File: 1529183434607.webm (686.53 KB, 180x320, D.webm)
No. 612677
>>612601>>612598why are you two so weirdly
triggered? laci is 5'1 or something so a woman that's 5'4 will look considerably taller. no one is saying she's enormous, just that in comparison to 5'0 or so women she'll seem a lot taller SPECIFICALLY because she tries nonstop to exaggerate and draw attention to her 'smol' height. you both are sperging for literally no reason.
No. 612700
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No. 612705
File: 1529190259678.png (439.8 KB, 632x496, fDgOhTD.png)

No. 612706
File: 1529190290764.jpg (188.56 KB, 1200x901, x5kIltB.jpg)

No. 612707
File: 1529190317411.jpg (168.91 KB, 1200x899, VLlz9VD.jpg)

No. 612708
File: 1529190368895.jpg (205.74 KB, 1200x900, OVDEMmh.jpg)

No. 612709
File: 1529190398732.jpg (207.13 KB, 1200x900, M8ydQkb.jpg)

No. 612713
>>612700It's just their dynamic anon u filthy normie
>>612707You know you fucked up when your trans ftm friend is more fuckable than your fiance
No. 612720
>>612707this is so sad. the three of them at one table and then june's parents friends/family at the other table.
her parents want her to be normal so badly.
ugh this is so depressing, she also looks hella her age.
No. 612725
>>612709>>612707her cleavage is a mile long. "i have such smol boobs you guys! ^-^"
>>612706those eyelashes are absolute abortions
>>612708the food looks good. better than this bitch deserves. i'm sure grocery was upset to not be snacking on rotel and ramen and a tryhard glass of scotch (on ice ofc).
No. 612729
File: 1529191008069.png (257.22 KB, 636x418, TeIGMsQ.png)

Have any of her YTer "frens" sent their well wishes? Or is it like the Brittany drama where no one other than Mayu the skinwalker came to her rescue.
She always makes a spectacle over congratulating/praising them so you'd think they'd do the same for her.
No. 612737
>>612677Follow the thread replies if you can't make sense of why we are saying what we are saying
I'm specifically calling out the anachan who said
>the best part is that she ain't even smallNow why does her calling herself 'smol'
trigger you so badly? Is that what is considered 'milk' nowadays? wtf
No. 612746
>>612726i'm ntayrt with your first annoying post, so i didn't say shit. and 'sperging' has been used here longer than june has even used it for so ??? that anon was just saying that there are plenty of short women who will make someone average look a lot taller in comparison, especially when those AVERAGE sized women talk nonstop about how tiny they are but are then out-tinied by other women that are on the shorter side. you're certifiably insane for getting this pressed over that anon's post.
>>612723isnt it on her right hand?
>>612737you're obviously a whiteknight that's trying to disguise yourself as two different morons, which explains the annoying lack of sage and disproportionate outrage. it annoys a lot of people, as it annoys people in the onision threads when taylor lies about her height and can't stop spamming her videos with how "smol" she is despite being taller than her mom and sister while claiming they're both taller than her, yet no one questions that. it's annoying because it's a. a lie, and b. obnoxious specifically because june is obsessed with infantilizing herself to an audience of creepy fucks.
No. 612751
File: 1529191805218.png (68.79 KB, 1340x545, a.png)

>>612746nice double post ya autistic
No. 612772
File: 1529192742794.gif (1.04 MB, 396x222, tenor.gif)

So all grocery has to do is hit a retweet button, tag wig, and this happens:
>>612184>>612199>>612200>>612202>>612208>>612343>>612397>>612411>>612598>>612601>>612677>>612726>>612737>>612746>>612751Please for the love of god just stop about her height. It is so stupid, fuck.
No. 612776
File: 1529192918200.png (724.67 KB, 572x1024, swhHvjI.png)

>those lashes
No. 612803
File: 1529194589259.jpeg (397.77 KB, 750x743, F7E7AEA7-2AB3-45B4-94F8-C0C30F…)

>June pretending to be Lindsay Ellis’ friend.
Such a liberal
No. 612805
File: 1529194646972.jpg (190.59 KB, 1200x1069, lXJTLhj.jpg)

No. 612828
>>612708> when your sister has a better looking hunk to fuck> when your sister looks better health-wise than you> when your ftm bestie is wearing casual on your engagement party> when you have no friends to invite despite you are famous> when 99% of the party is your parents' friends> when the guests are obese and you are triggred by even 2 pounds of extra weightfeels karma, man.
BTW why didn't she invite Mayu the skinwalker lulz?
No. 612850
>>612708it's interesting how you can really see how pathetic someone is when they're around their normal successful siblings.
Her sister looks nice and less of a nutjob, same with her bf. June and preg look like freakshows next to them.
No. 612858
>>612816you just know all those old people who are shoe's parents friends went home and talked shit about this entire mess.
>>612805these neck wrinkles seem out of place for someone who supposedly looks like a teen, june!
>>612828her sister's boyfriend is pretty hot. must suck being the failure in the family. no wonder she lashes out at strangers online.
No. 612872
File: 1529198438720.png (659.12 KB, 666x580, 5BuMSc8.png)

>>612864hm no bratty pics this time around.
No. 612962
>>612700oh yikes, how pathetic
she pays him to let him treat her like shit, junes a sad sad bitch
No. 613047
>>612486They had to use fan art because there are no nice pics as evidence of the engagement because of how dumb Greg is or how little he actually cares.
Not that there has to be a photographer or that your engagement can’t be private, but usually people book a professional to take pictures for events, announcements, etc.
I bet her dad was like searching all of June’s public social media for an appropriate pic to use and that was the best he could find. SAD!
No. 613055
File: 1529210262457.png (185.78 KB, 334x498, 1526178947601.png)

>>613047>I bet her dad was like searching all of June’s public social mediaYeesh. Let's hope not.
Wonder how many of those party guests are familiar with her online activities lol.
No. 613087
>>612776Oh god she couldn’t even lay off her awful 2007 eyeliner for her
engagement party?
No. 613132
>>612837That's exactly what it is. I remember coming across a random FtM vid ages ago about how she hates her arm, and it looked just like that. Except June's friend has more muscle so it makes it much more obvious.
I'd rather not have someone's arm alert me to their genitalia situation.
>>613122That's several levels of sad if that's the case, and it sounds completely plausible.
No. 613267
File: 1529247669530.png (25.21 KB, 583x222, 1.png)

The artist June was talking about earlier attempted suicide and of course Shuwu makes it all about herself. Seriously, fuck her.
No. 613281
>>612707I wonder how many of her relatives know of her shenanigans? Must be really awkward for them. And how sad if Greg's family didn't attend the party
>>612700She's engaged to a gold digging man baby. If anyone ever accuses Brittany or anyone else who is critical of her jealous, whew
No. 613288
File: 1529248990222.jpeg (50.59 KB, 325x422, 2633A484-6DB1-44C4-A450-F4AB60…)

No. 613294
>>613267This genuinely pisses me off. It's all ''I,I, I, We, We, We,'' with her.
>we tried to save him. we tried. we couldn't. fuck.I thought I couldn't possibly dislike this bitch more than I already did, but
fuck me. How is it possible to be this narcissistic and egotistical that you have to insert yourself into
his suicide?
What exactly did she do to save him…?
No. 613308
File: 1529250470264.jpg (8.65 KB, 379x374, 0mXIe6Z.jpg)

>>612707>>612805When your ftm friend has a more masculine physique than your fiancé
No. 613312
File: 1529250758534.jpg (19.06 KB, 584x159, 2cGJtOh.jpg)

>>613305It's @rizzydraws. Pic related is what June replied to.
No. 613319
>>613294>What exactly did she do to save him…?She retweeted his gofundme which did help a bit but she acts like she was right next to him trying to revive him or something.
>>601884>>602036>>602450>>604453>>604472Since she was already planning on making a video, we can probably expect one soon.
No. 613369
>>613335>>613288Underrated post. That's what I see everytime I look at groceries' photo.
>>613335Probably that she could not contact the person and reach out as she was unaware.
No. 613403
>>612708Could she have attempted to take a more unflattering photo of another woman? Too bad that falls flat because she's still cute even with her eyes closed and about to take a bite. Although I'm sure to Wig this was just ~le ironic funny photo xD~
>>612700I hope he takes her for all she's got.
>>613267>the one day i'm not on the fucking internetIt's funny because I bet she was on her phone on social media every chance she could get and just pretended like she could do without the internet for a day. I'm not sold.
I only wish a "friend" or someone could have been there to drop some Wig candids, every single one of these pictures with her in it looked shooped on some level. Especially
No. 613607
>>613471Won't surprise me if Greg convinces her one totally goes with the other and not that it's two completely different dynamics.
> "Don't try explaining it normies it's like explaining emotions to an ant shoe. Btw can you buy me another star wars toy?">>613518Yeah she definitely took the other tweet down bc it came off very self centered.
No. 613614
>>613513Probably because she realized what a self centered cunt she sounded like and the cringe comment made her worried others would think the same.
The second tweet is way more toned down even though it's still attention seeking.
No. 613627
>>613518The grammar in this is so weird and confusing. “I & others.”
Why not just say “we” or “many of us.”
No. 613639
File: 1529275272916.png (271.56 KB, 1080x1920, Hahah.png)

>>601732I stumbled across this kek
No. 613682
this relationship is worse than yumi kings lmfao, at least yumi king still gets things out of it, like not having to work, not having to provide, still gets materialistic shit, etc but still has to endure splendas pedo tendencies, emotional abuse, and ddlg
june gets nothing out of it, gets cheated on, doesn't do shit for the engagement except a party half a year after the engagement, hosted by junes parents, and june gets humilated even more
I wonder if junes parents are gonna throw the wedding to
No. 613691
>>613682Sadly enough, this is true. Maybe her parents will force them to do it so that she doesn't end up in engagement limbo.
No. 613702
>>613058we have a butthurt anon in here, accusing everyone that is saying 'hey, June is short/thin.' of being the same person.. despite being caught double posting
>>612751that same anon keeps using Sage, the consistent typing format, and spamming the thread with 'like-minded' opinions, agreeing with themselves…
meh I get how June can be rage inspiring but we must have retards in here with personal vendettas if we are seriously getting offended that a short/thin girl calls herself 'smol'.
(side note: looking at her partner, wouldn't you think she would feel pretty fucking 'little' comparably?
>>612589 maybe that's where it stems from. i assume when you live with a person who is almost twice your size, you would feel pretty small)
(stop infighting) No. 613713
>>613706annnnnd they're back…. or you never left in the first place.
stop spamming the thread retard.
No. 613776
File: 1529288074097.jpeg (113.65 KB, 750x1010, 6E5F8FB4-0F70-4CA0-8F7A-44A541…)

i like how this woman in the background had her headphones on. what a great party, june lol
No. 613882
File: 1529305593133.png (127.94 KB, 720x1172, 20180617_034353.png)

No. 613888
>I had a video planned on them "being gay is haram"Yeah right, she said here
>>604453 that nobody can do shit about their situation.
How fucking slimy to pretend to have a video planned just to paint yourself in a better light. Not to mention I highly doubt she would make a video criticizing Islam, she's too chickenshit for that and would rather shittalk women for the 1000th time.
Someone tell her to release the video regardless. Lets see how she tries to dance around the issue because she doesn't want to anger her libshit friends by criticizing Islam.
No. 613953
>>613882Ok, now this is really rage inducing.
Like other anons said she makes everything about her but the fact shes now doing this with someones death is just-like how much evidence do her braindead fans needs to know shes a total cunt?!
No. 613955
>>613267>>613882She sounds like she's reaching so fucking hard to suck up pity for herself.
>oh poow liddo shuwu its not your fault~ theres nothing you could have done you were a good frendo uwu :3 I'm amazed she didn't ask anyone to send buns uwu.
No. 613992
File: 1529325550568.jpg (304.93 KB, 840x1644, june does it again.jpg)

I put everything on a collage to, once again, show her hypocrisy more clear.
No. 613995
>>613992Also she should have just told that person something like "Hey , I'll make a video about your struggles."
Instead she's like: "Nope, I won't do shit. Everyone over here is powerless, so it's useless to make videos about you. I'll shit on terfs instead. Be grateful that I retweeted your gofundme."
After that person attempted suicide, she was said she was planning to do a video just to seem more empathetic even though she actually hasn't. Not to mention now she is using that suicide attempt to draw more attention to herself, disgusting.
No. 614104
>>613882LOL i can picture it like all her other videos with a cringe thumbnail and 25% of it being "western feminists this and that" and the rest is just her shrieking at the camera
What a great friend.
No. 614135
>>613882How the fuck did Greg not know she was cozying up to him when she tweeted about it so much? Does he pay no attention to his fiancee's twitter? Too busy looking at camwhores!
>>613888>highly doubt she would make a video criticizing Islam, she's too chickenshit for thatShe already did though, it's the "islamophobia isn't racist" one.
>>613995She should've just made it the first time he complained that western LGBT youtubers don't care at all about people in Islamic countries if she really cared. Just goes to show how little she cares about anything but her own fame.
No. 614221
>>614136June is just a dirty greasy hoe pretending to be "obsessed with being clean teehee" I really doubt someone who's obsessed with showering and lotioning would have a dirty ass room like she has, or the same thick dirty wig she's been wearing since forever, and being obsessed with male attention, or how she cuddled up with kenny when she was supposedly showering all the time
Maybe june fucking greasy neckbeards all the time has to do with her having to shower a lot
No. 614266
>>614221Don't forget her disgusting car, also from the time she was supposedly showering all day.
>>614255Good point, she used to say she preferred bi because she didn't accept other genders at the time, but now she does. Maybe she'll start saying she's pan?
No. 614276
File: 1529352335646.jpg (142.36 KB, 640x1046, image.jpg)

>Greg broke this news casually unaware that this person became a friend over the past few days
Oh my God he really does scroll right by her tweets to get to the good stuff how sad. He probably just saw a tweet about Rizzy while scrolling for cute e girls. "Oh that gay Twitter guy attempted suicide. By the way do you think Cutepup will suck my dick in front of you for pride month? :)"
If he was such a good friendo why didn't Skeptic know, or does he just not care about your life June? Is Skeptic that neglectful or are you exaggerating your interactions with Rizzy to look more sympathetic?
No. 614306
File: 1529355657730.png (101.2 KB, 576x458, poor mayu.PNG)

Looks like Shuwu forgot about her little skinwalker uwu
No. 614323
>>614306imagine being like
this and calling others ''obsessed stalkers''
No. 614528
File: 1529367867810.png (355.89 KB, 929x410, jlXpMd3.png)

No. 614532
File: 1529367917618.png (293.73 KB, 930x412, nqk22qT.png)

No. 614534
File: 1529367957464.png (404.72 KB, 928x403, zzOq0r0.png)

No. 614602
File: 1529370406106.png (542.48 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180618-210519.png)

No. 614604
File: 1529370704236.png (313.98 KB, 720x589, 20180618_211146.png)

Bulling and damage control since 2005
No. 614636
>>613132Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought the tissue for frankenpenis is taken from a thigh, not an arm? It seems like a much more logical choice for me.
Also, can we just stop fucking nitpicking on her height/weight/breast size etc.? June's cringy twitter content, videos and pathetic relationship with Preg are milky enough, her physical appearance (aside from ridiculous claims about her "teenage looks") is hardly worth discussing.
No. 614661
File: 1529373634841.jpg (28.47 KB, 250x332, image.jpg)

>>614636You're wrong mate, it's very common for them to use tissue from the arm. Derrick definitely has a penis.
Sage for irrelevance.
No. 614788
File: 1529386496339.png (384.84 KB, 924x412, KUuc8AN.png)

No. 614900
>>614604shuwu and her tranny friend are assholes but they're a cuter couple than her and preg
i ship it ngl
frankenpenis > preg's greasy chode
No. 614987
File: 1529419013209.png (343.52 KB, 719x553, 20180619_103521.png)

"DON'T pet Ollie here and here he hates that! BUT you can forcefully lift him in the air and suspend him with his legs dangling cause he loves that! uwu "
No. 615171
File: 1529437919403.jpg (45.74 KB, 720x960, sword.jpg)

>>615163it got flagged because of "Underaged nudity" from showing sword girl. Does anyone have proof that sword girl isn't underaged at the time of that photo? If not the video might stay down.
Someone in the old threads said pic related was her.
No. 615184
File: 1529438993300.jpg (17.26 KB, 480x480, 1514676239700[1].jpg)

>>615180yeah but that doesn't have her name to find our her age with. I reversed image searched the photo you just gave from that archive and nothing came up. Youtube is claiming to need proof to show she isn't underaged. Is there a way to do this?
No. 615186
File: 1529439139010.jpg (10.13 KB, 327x400, g4oFf96.jpg)'s also this archived thread. They say that they found out who she was in some thread before and her facebook.
No. 615232
File: 1529441048484.jpg (58.46 KB, 640x480, hSwF11A.jpg)

Curvy, smol, bi, submissive, little, manic pixie dream girl right here, Daddy! (Anyone know what time this would be from btw? I think this was around age 22-23.)
No. 615416
File: 1529450944274.png (428.11 KB, 582x384, grosspng.PNG)

No. 615417
File: 1529450962673.png (404.37 KB, 552x376, gross2png.PNG)

No. 615518
File: 1529460235175.png (96.13 KB, 720x458, Screenshot_2018-06-19-21-54-46…)

Shreg has a good life. Having a girlfriend who pays for your things? He's having a good old time at the airport with his free alcohol.
No. 615580
File: 1529465251425.webm (646.23 KB, 640x360, @ArmouredSkeptic-help.webm)
>>615518And she's against findom because…?
No. 615586
File: 1529465588697.png (15.85 KB, 627x139, xqrIP5X.png)

Just a few weeks ago she was complaining about Teespring selling shirts that say "fag" and "tranny" because she was angry at TERFs kek. How quickly her tone changes. What a great ally uwu
>>603440 No. 615627
File: 1529468500308.png (448.35 KB, 846x900, IMG_5207.PNG)

>they have literal dr seuss character faces like thing 1 and 2 in the live action cat in the hat moviethanks for making my night anon, can't unsee this
No. 615655
File: 1529473894569.png (60.48 KB, 774x456, shoestuff.PNG)

Found this lol courtesy of KF
No. 615656
>>615655>I desperately wanted to be friends with girls but they bullied me She’s talking as if every single girl in her school was part of her alleged bullies. I was bullied by girls in school as well, but I still had (only) female friends. She’s making it sound like these two things are mutually exclusive lol. I mean, we all know that she’s lying, but this just makes it more obvious.
She’s trying so hard to paint women as this “evil force” that she just can’t understand because she’s so ~unique and different~. Shoe dressed and acted like every scene queen hoe in the late 2000s ever, even when she was older. Very unique.
No. 615657
>>615518oh jesus, that’s embarrassing. so much for being “alpha” and masculine!
>girlfriend kek
No. 615663
File: 1529474906340.png (170.83 KB, 719x838, 20180620_020812.png)

"Skeptic from birth"
No. 615665
>>615655>i wanted girlfriends so badSo that's why she bullied a girl with poor social skills and nerdy clothes? Since June was supposedly an introverted wallflower herself you'd think she would befriend someone like her instead, right?
And if she wanted girlfriends so bad, why has she always acted like a raging bitch to every woman she sees? Why does she make a point to hang out in mainly male dominated spaces like unichan, 4chan and ~the manosphere~? Something's not adding up here.
No. 615675
File: 1529476419854.jpg (48.58 KB, 750x422, 1507844700989.jpg)

>Skeptic leaning into Lauren making autistic smirk instead of autistic scowl
>Shoe clinging to Skeptic with dead eyes
I'm no expert in body language but
No. 615678
>>615671Anon, you missed the point. Men like Skeptic are always brag about how ''''alpha'''' and manly they are, that's why he is so ''protective'' of her and the reason for their ''dynamic''. June said herself she's ultra submissive and he is very dominant.
But then she pays for his shit. That's not very alpha and manly of him, is it?
I'd have no problem with her paying if it wasn't for him being such a loser hypocrite.
No. 615680
File: 1529477415086.png (17.03 KB, 484x193, R2nEENO.png)

If Skeptic can afford it then why is June buying him drinks and $800 toys?
Does he do work other than YT? Because I don't think he can actually support his Star Wars addiction with his Patreon only….
No. 615685
>>615680Don't forget his camgirl tipping habbits.
He gets $900 a month from Patreon and does about 1(.5) videos per month. I don't think Youtube brings him more than $100-$200 per video so in total I'd say he makes maybe $1000 to $1500 per month.
Maybe his family bought him his apartment so he doesn't pay rent (he surely isn't saving up on food)… That's the only way I see him actually affording to buy those toys.
No. 615686
File: 1529478135360.jpg (10.3 KB, 201x251, it me, juwune.jpg)

>DDLG isn't about incest it's about being taken care of
>I have to buy my daddy dom drinks and toys tho
No. 615704
>>615675Does he take his photo face from Elsa from Frozen?
Chances in 10 years he'll look at old photos and realize how stupid he looks?
No. 615713
>>615655women are evil wah wah wah except me im smol and nice uwu
like she's basically saying she's not like other girls. she really is retarded and such a try hard holy shit
No. 615785
>>615764Her sister looks like a normal successful kind woman.
You can see June's crazyness in her whole face with just one glance.
No. 615804
>>615802Or even
In some pics she has distinguished, round upper cleavage and in others she doesn't. Wouldn't put it above Wig to tell someone to edit her tatas.
No. 615818
File: 1529498311563.jpeg (44.1 KB, 500x386, 62C7CECF-5CF2-4951-BD6B-EE9496…)

>>615655Pic related
>>615656June’s so painfully insecure that the mere existence of more attractive or confident women upsets her, so she might well consider herself “bullied” (bruised ego = bullying, right?) by every other girl in her school. The only way for her to not feel like other students are oppressing her is if she’d gone to an all-male school, and even then she’d probably feel threatened by the lunch lady.
No. 615824
File: 1529499001432.jpeg (79.19 KB, 800x450, E9AB8B2D-2F28-4655-BF93-7E83F2…)

>>615818She’s have to be trans to do that. Or at least a fake boy.
No. 615832
>>615671he fucking should, he's the alpha male manly dadbod dominant DDLG lumberjack daddy domly-dom after all, right?
can't believe june asserts that she's the sweet trad submissive wifey wife while she's the one providing and paying for his chubby toddler ass
No. 615843
File: 1529501380770.png (12.32 KB, 393x94, I9DcPbi.png)

>>615841She's just holding a Styrofoam cup anon lol.
No. 615847
>>614788You can see her bra, I think it's one of those stick on that tighten in the middle that give mega cleavage. Nothing wrong with that but kind of strange considering she wants to have uwu small bobs.
I know the shape of those bras and typically just plain strapless bras wouldn't have a cup stick out or be shaped like that
No. 615862
File: 1529504921807.jpeg (Spoiler Image,10.17 KB, 416x354, images (23).jpeg)

>>615847Hmm I think your right anon keen observation. So much for embracing a small youthful chest.
No. 615927
>>615686This. So much.
You look up DDLG meaning and
> DDLG, or dd/lg, is a relationship in which one person is the caregiver or "daddy" and the other is childlike. How does a DDLG work when the little girl is the one taking care of her daddy dom, buying him toys and supporting him financially? Skeptic is leeching off June so bad and she's just too stupid to realize that.
No. 615969
>>615666I'm pretty sure that was posted by Preg since there is capitalization of letters.
>>615663He's a skeptic all right. That's why he fell for not one, but two cults.
No. 616092
File: 1529525614042.png (54.15 KB, 643x461, 1526268472497.png)

Not a c u c k
No. 616182
>>616092Ffs there is literally no reason for her to share a sexual conversation like that publicly. Cease!
>>615969>He's a skeptic all right. That's why he fell for not one, but two cults.KEK
No. 616215
File: 1529533897239.png (444.58 KB, 658x572, shuwu's fanbase.png)

No. 616216
File: 1529533933231.jpg (236.87 KB, 1200x900, 4vWboVs.jpg)

a closer look
No. 616231
>>616228That's going to be hilarious oml
Imagine being this desperate to be friends with a narccisistic tranny
No. 616325
>>615656iirc it was impossible to have guy friends in hs unless they wanted to
1. Fuck you or
2. Fuck one of your friends
Unless you grew up together like siblings or something the only girls who were “one of the guys” were like butch-tier Tom-girls.
No. 616337
File: 1529542928700.jpeg (22.24 KB, 256x274, 7847734C-BFAB-4083-AC55-9240D0…)

>>616216What June and Greg wish their relationship looked like.
No. 616402
>>616325Shuwu's first blowies?
She said all her friends were metalhead guys in HS and she got into metal (Avenged Sevenfold lol) because of them.
No. 616414
File: 1529548192468.jpg (107.68 KB, 961x890, a99zQDM.jpg)

No. 616442
>>616393No, that's Billy the Fridge, a Youtuber as well. He got popular by collabing with Leafy at the height of his fame.
Billy collabed with Onision once or twice, that's why you remembered him from the threads.
No. 616489
File: 1529556473311.jpeg (811.23 KB, 2048x1538, 27C8CF95-3E0D-40CE-8CB1-7CA7EF…)

That Patreon vid of them doing a toast when all June says is, “We appreciate your money.”
Oh ok so not the people and their interest and care. Just what they can give you. I can’t even imagine saying this at a board meeting with investors. And this is way more personal than regular business.
No. 616500
File: 1529557702512.jpeg (120.31 KB, 297x406, 7EBD028F-68F2-494F-A03A-D32F69…)

Imagine being this guy.
>Be a respected loner who walks around everywhere with noise canceling headphones around neck in case of awkward situations
>Find cute girl saying everything you believe on YouTube one day
>Start paying her money so she will keep making videos
>Spend all day in her discord waiting for her to get on
>Vow to defend her honor across the Internet
>Read, like and respond to all her tweets
>Buy tickets to see her at vidcon
>Fly across the country and book a hotel
>Practice what to say at the meet-up
>Try not to run to restaurant where she agrees to meet everyone
>Show up late
>Can’t get near her
>Nothing is going as planned
>Forced to take seat furthest away from her at corner of table
>Her $3000 patreonbux wig looks a little lopsided from here but it could just be the angle
>Her boyfriend quiets everyone once they’re seared proposing a toast
>Finally… she cuts in. Opening her mouth to speak.
>Restaurant is too loud and you’re too far away to hear her
>Ask sexually ambiguous patreon beside you, “What did she say? I couldn’t hear her.”
>”Thanks for your money.”
>Consider putting headphones on
>Suddenly everyone’s posing for a photo
>Try to smile
>Watch your disappointed face become immortalized on Twitter by your favorite youtuber before you can even say hi to her
No. 616504
File: 1529558295629.jpg (78.94 KB, 404x753, IMG_20180621_071816.jpg)

>>616500100/10 anon
Seeing her fans this frumpy and below average looking is kind of sad and funny at the same time. No wonder they see Shuwu as a qt smol waifu.
Also >wig's eyeliner
No. 616510
File: 1529558742603.jpeg (207.87 KB, 800x1268, 5B9D8AB3-4085-4481-9406-02CBFF…)

June looks so wide now even with 2 huge shrek sized oafs next to her. How the fuck does she still call herself smoll???
No. 616514
File: 1529559095146.jpeg (385.74 KB, 1950x1326, E19D997D-110F-4676-8680-D7AA05…)

damn the wide angle is giving shoe a Kim kardashian shelf ass in this video kek someone who supposedly works out her arms look like she’s never lifted a 3 lb weight before smh
No. 616518
File: 1529559459851.jpg (77.6 KB, 335x556, IMG_20180621_073540.jpg)

Lmao look at this fat bitch wearing tricky high waisted pants, trying to pretend she has Wig Laporta's Naturally Perfect Disney Princess Waistline™
oh wait….
No. 616521
>>616514she looks like she's wearing diapers
what a weird bodytype
No. 616539
File: 1529561304439.png (88.73 KB, 170x253, 1526443010962.png)

>>616536June called this woman "Fatfuck McGee" so her standards are "ana-chan".
No. 616544
>>616191imagine being a 30 year old saying this type of shit
why can she not build herself to be a confident lady instead of some weird adult stuck in a bad teen phase
No. 616575
>>616521she legitimately looks like she's wearing a diaper lol
>>616510i'm not an anachan whatsoever but she is packing on the extra pounds like crazy and she has an ugly fucking body type. it's very obvious that's why people are calling her wide i think
>>616536 No. 616578
>>616514Is she wearing padding? Her backside looks hilarious with those skinny ass thighs
>>616510she's obviously posing like this to look shorter kek