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No. 593276


Previously on the uwu small bun and shitty daddy dom trainwreck show:

Summary of her past:

>In her pre-internet days used to be a typical guido looking trash, was a bully in high school

>Discovered internet and got addicted to male attention so hard she dropped her education (film school) and became a Boxxy skinwalker
>Spent her days constantly attention whoring on Unichan, trying to be "the better Boxxy", pretended she's a "shy nerdy gurl uwu"
>Went on a vacation to Mexico with few unichan neckbeards. Obese one named Kenny stole her phone and posted her nudes on the net because she rejected his advances.
>Befriended an unichan guy (Ian) who would later become first lolcow.farm admin; possibly gains a mod status, uses it to know who is shit-talking about her on lolcow.farm (2014)
>Dated a seemingly normal guy, dumped him because her fanbase didn't approve she is dating a black guy and because he told her that she should get off the internet.

>Starts a youtube channel "shoe0nhead" supposedly for criticizing feminism - though she doesn't present any valid arguments instead uses her internet "fame" to shit-talk women and present herself as "not like the other girls".


>Almost 27- Still addicted to internet (male) attention- no education other than high school, no career prospects, no skills.

>No real personality either, changes her opinions constantly based on what will make her gain fans.
>Dates an obese guy with intellectual disabilities who treats her like shit - Desperately wants to be seen as a young girl.
>Acts like a teenager online even though she's almost 30, can't form argument worth shit
>Lies about her past, pretends she was a "friendless wallflower shy nerd girl uwu" even though she was a popular guido with tons of friends who bullied nerds.
>Still obsessed with shitting on women while she coddles men like babies, huge double standards
>Still a bully, now online, sends her fans to attack smaller channels and random people she doesn't agree with (never goes after big channels).
>Huge coward, will block you if you point out her hypocrisy. (She will block your followers too)
>Googles her name all day - finds comments about her that don't even mention her directly.
>Makes everything about her, can't talk about a topic without inserting herself in it.
>Has nothing to put on her resume except "dunking on terfs xd"
>Got dragged by Brittany Venti and some of her former alt-right chan buddies for throwing Lauren Southern under the bus for trans and leftist brownie points
>It failed horribly, and after June trying pathetically to backtrack, it reseulted in vid related and people on both ends of the political spectrum are sick of her shit now
>Still pulling her hair out while her bf flirts with other girls on twitter, the only defenders who seem to care about her getting roasted are her troon skinwalker fan Mayu and a few of her lolicon beta orbiters
>'Deunks' Brittany's video by lying again and trying desperately to cover up. Still no shame in sight.
>Her and her fanboys have been falseflagging the original Shoe vid in an attempt to cover for her

No. 593278

How's shuwu's weight doing? Is she actually getting fat? bost bics

No. 593279

So glad to see a new video, but disappointed that Youtube took down the first one.

Do you think Shoe0nhead's fans reported it?

No. 593280

File: 1527219741971.png (470.16 KB, 611x610, kek.PNG)

whichever one of you did this, i'm cackling. lordt please answer our prayers and have him respond

No. 593281

File: 1527219762755.png (277.99 KB, 943x380, so smol uwu.png)

yet another skinwalker coming to her defense

>so smol teehee

No. 593282

I'm losing it

No. 593283

Of course they did, or maybe even June herself did.

All of the nudity was censored. Who else would care enough to report it?

Maybe Brittany can make an appeal

No. 593284

she's probs sperging in her discord/her discord faggots are doing it for her. so she's either doing it manually or encouraging them to do it, i'm sure

i don't think she's getting 'fat' tbqh, but she's definitely normal sized, which she previously considered, and still considers, most likely, fat, so yes. doesn't distribute well thoguh.

No. 593286

"I'm screaming"
Why do people say this?

No. 593288

weird how Shoe has stopped showing her body since gaining weight

No. 593289

basic thot is a copy of shuwu are you surprised?

No. 593290

what are the odds on shoe never getting her disney princess waistline back?

No. 593291

File: 1527220126690.png (897.62 KB, 1032x473, dat moonface doe.PNG)

what she's showing now isn't doing her much justice. she looks like shes on predisolone, kek

No. 593292

high bc shes being blasted on the internet for not being skinny or even having been pear shaped and she's STILL not motivated enough to get her fatass to the gym. just like, yesterday she was like "fatty and i were going to go to the gym after dinner but we're too tired, we'll go tomorrow". she's always "tomorrow"ing.

No. 593293

File: 1527220195066.png (156.77 KB, 616x547, i its a joke i swear.png)

well that was fast

No. 593294

It looks like he's eaten half the steak and not touched any of the veggies. Unsurprising.

No. 593296

Is that thot implying daddy kinks aren't something that deserve to be made fun of forever? Simply having one makes you a lolcow

No. 593297

In what way… Was that a joke.

No. 593298

what's the most recent picture of her body we have?

No. 593299

how would that even be a joke? i hate that. i hate when people try to cover with "its a joke", but it's even worse when there is no "joke" that can even be conceivably seen. you're transparent as fuh, alicia, you lyin-ass hoe.

correct. dysfunctional faggots want to pretend it's all w/e, but this is a universal truth that is written into reality like basic physics

No. 593301

jesus fuck she is so cringe it's unfathomable

No. 593303

she's acting just like June. will talk shit about people, but as soon as someone with more subs calls her out, she becomes terrified and does the "i-it's a joke".

No. 593304

File: 1527220675172.png (405.35 KB, 396x595, stomach.PNG)

this photo from around christmas with very obviously strategic leg placement

it's really amazing to me how you guys can't just respect her pRiVaTe PeRsOnAl life?? she's not breaking into your bedroom and broadcasting your sexual habits so why are u highlighting the tweets that she thinks up, types out, then posts to literally hundreds of thousands of peoples feeds? you all are so invasive honestly

No. 593306


almost 10000 views in 2 hours, wow. is it picking up faster than the last video?

No. 593309

File: 1527220925087.png (575.16 KB, 435x579, this guy ugly.PNG)

samefag but there's also this photo from the same period but it doesn't line up with her figure from grocceries' vids and doesnt even match her figure when she's slim, so it's obv just shooped

and i just cant get over how ugly he is. like, it's fine to think your SO is incredibly attractive even if others don't, but don't lie to the whole internet about hwo every girl wants his cock. he ugly and can't think his way out of a children's corn maze.

No. 593313


We need to get her to embrace body positivity.

No. 593317

File: 1527221368554.png (240.05 KB, 595x502, u1VovvW.png)

those spider lashes and that white under eyeliner are doing her no favors.

also it's funny how she makes fun of sjw girls for using flower crowns and for having rainbow hair when the look she's sporting is no different.

"this filter makes your face whiter, your eyes bigger and face longer. fucking fat bitches on snapchat"

No. 593319

Because they're basic ass bitches.

No. 593324

i'm not familiar with snapchat's bullshit, so are we to believe the bunbun filter she's using in those above photos are likely making her face thinner? because it looks fucking enorme already, lmao

No. 593326

That filter makes your face shorter and rounder, because she has to be sm0l uwu

No. 593327

File: 1527221599269.jpg (114.7 KB, 1024x1024, CyFTPPqVIAAjTmk.jpg)

this bitch got her nudes on google images, what the fuck???

No. 593329

such a smol skinnyfat

No. 593330

i hate the coordination of this outfit. it looks like something a trap would choose. god her fans have no taste

No. 593346

i hope shoe gets fatter

No. 593347

Hey, don't be so nice to Shuwu. You should hope she gets OBESE.

No. 593351

how do we get her to? spam her with pro-body positivity shit?

No. 593359

it is inevitable that she will get fatter, she's pushing 30 and doesn't exercise. and preggle clearly doesn't care about her not being a size 0 anymore. he has gotten so enormous that she will always look "smol" in comparison, so i guess they both don't give a shit anymore.

No. 593361

Just pray that her and shrekkory don't break up until she "hits the wall"

No. 593362

File: 1527223626651.png (24.2 KB, 587x186, highschool.PNG)

Not sure if true, but this is from the new video.

No. 593364

no idea if that's true but I can easily imagine her doing it

No. 593369

She's never exercised or eaten healthy and her metabolism is finally slowing down. We don't need to do anything because she won't have the knowledge or motivation to lose the weight she gains.

No. 593373

File: 1527224311708.png (76.72 KB, 595x371, j.png)

No. 593376

File: 1527224680258.png (10.52 KB, 449x94, mkK2VoG.png)

No. 593377

praise based jenny. brittany should post this on twitter

No. 593379

has shoe actually gained weight or is it just a meme?

No. 593380

She should block out the wife's name tho. She keeps a low profile and I don't think she wants anything to do with this drama

No. 593382

File: 1527225068061.png (350.17 KB, 635x536, milky.PNG)

what is up with these sh0eonhead stans and why do they think they are the smallest thing alive?

No. 593384

File: 1527225292534.png (53.23 KB, 748x393, weight gain 3000.png)

She's said herself that she's gained weight since winter last year. There's a couple other caps that have been posted where Shuwu says she's gained weight.

No. 593385

I'm sorry but it just makes my skin crawl with her whole kiddy cute little girl shit.

No. 593386

File: 1527225399402.png (600.55 KB, 491x500, manjaw.PNG)

her fans are so delusional in every way. she keeps trying to shill herself as a young girl thot but shes got a huge fucking manjaw that she tries to hide. ngl all of her female fans happen to facially look kinda like trannies

No. 593388

Kek wow this girl's delusions and narcissism are through the roof. Potential lolcalf matetial

No. 593390

Honestly we might need a thread for the Shuwu skinwalkers. This chick, mayu, smol goth moth wife, etc all have cow potential.

No. 593396

discord anon, has she said anything about the second vid yet?

No. 593397

Does shoeonhead have a fat fetish? Seeing peggory balloon like he has and seeing her call skinny girls fat point to her being a chubby chaser

No. 593399

They act like them too, just like shoe does. I'm with >>593390

She unironically believes in the "girls over 110 are gross, but fat guys are hot" meme, it's tragic.

No. 593401

I think her calling skinny girls fat could be her projecting her fat fetish

No. 593402

Have we discussed why or who flagged brit's first video for sexual images of children?
I remember shoe specifically saying her sexual pictures that
were taken that 'definitely werent leaked or anything, were taking when she was an adult. Do you think shuwu thought she looked young enough for it to be considered CP?

No. 593404

does venti lurk here?

No. 593408

File: 1527227198388.png (Spoiler Image,431.54 KB, 635x523, 33381463_268274547049323_22740…)

I second this, please anons. I've been searching through this girls twitter and found the funniest shit.
>is a "huge gamer"
>plays support once every two weeks on LOL

No. 593409

No. 593411

kek this is so unflattering. how old is this one? she's horribly embarrassing.

No. 593412

If by "lurk" you mean actively participate, then yes.

No. 593413

File: 1527227650087.png (30.25 KB, 629x331, Capture.PNG)

shes only 20 kek

No. 593414

I'm thinking either Shuwu herself or her white knights did it since that's the same reason that Ralph Retort stream playing Brittany's video got taken down. It's pretty bullshit either way.

I don't think she has a fat fetish. From what she's said before she doesn't like fat guys (ex: https://juneskii.livejournal.com/7277.html ). Shuwu just likes to make fun of fat people to feel better about herself and all her failures in life. It's really noticeable when she only does this to fat, or even healthy sized, women since she likes to pride herself on how thin and "disney princess waistline" she is/has.

No. 593416

oof. sad that all these young women think that just because they're young they can do the little girl thing. like, no woman should be doing it, but it's especially tryhard when you've got a long manface and are trying to pretend you've got the face of an angelic cherub child.

No. 593417

File: 1527228303283.jpg (Spoiler Image,123.65 KB, 960x1096, C0CFRMpVEAE9Rx6.jpg)

And its tryhard when your naturally promiscuous trying to act leetle n smol innocent gurl xx

No. 593419

File: 1527228446420.png (955.88 KB, 696x885, brittanyventi1.png)

You'd be surprised on the number of fetishists who pride themselves on being exactly the opposite of the thing they're attracted to. Her fixation on her skinniness and the speed with which she calls healthy and even skinny girls fat is the sort of behavior I've only ever seen coming from fat fetishists, and I've interacted with a lot.

If she really did want to make fun of fatties to feel better, she'd focus on landwhales and those moronic "fat acceptance" activists that genuinely are disgusting to look at - not every girl who doesn't have abs. All of this, paired with peggory's immense size and his willingness to show it off in their videos together (the tight as fuck waistcoats and shit) makes me think she's a chubby chaser.

No. 593420

unrelated but where can i find these legging things

No. 593421

You'd have to ask brit

No. 593424

i agree. i think she has so little going for her, the fact that she was thin was all she had to boast about. her face is kinda busted, she's not intelligent, she's not sweet, not funny, not talented, so…

No. 593437

File: 1527233627182.png (14.38 KB, 575x123, IzKC3Rh.png)

Daddy Dom forgot to come to June's rescue yet again

No. 593441

File: 1527234487960.png (65.23 KB, 636x660, but her face is weird and she …)

No. 593442

lmao do they really not see that June is the bully here?

No. 593445

>“Brit making videos on June is some mean girls high school level shit“
>Brit exposing June being a mean girl in HS and bullying others while lying about it

Her fans are so fucking dense, it’s kind of unbelievable.

No. 593446


Lol I hate this incel-turned-tranny so much, glad he's getting shit too.

No. 593448

>“She has nice boobs but her face is weird and she is mean“

This is such a typical thing to say for a trans“girl” and wig0nhead fan. “bewbs are hawt amirite xD :3”

No. 593450

File: 1527235381436.png (293.73 KB, 578x539, no room to talk.png)

>"but her face is weird"

No. 593451

im honestly jealous of her
she's retarded to fall for a full blown fatty so now she can pack on pounds and eat whatever she wants I doubt he'd care..hmmm..

No. 593453

he's probably still an incel unless he's fucking other trans gals kek. on top of being balding /pol/tard and MRA… nice.

pls spoiler, the grease is triggering ;-;

No. 593458

OT but I like Brits fits. Where did she post this pic?

No. 593459

Be thankful you haven't seen his hands. Mayu posted a picture of him holding a canister of soup right before Shuwu made the Lauren tweet, and he had the grubbiest looking hands.

No. 593462

But anon, she's 2/10 to him now that she gained weight.

No. 593471

No doubt about it, she most definitely is here.

No. 593472

probably her insta, @brittanywears

No. 593484

wow, so smoll

i wonder how she's doing right now

brittany is literally the one standing up to a mean girl
revenge of the nerds except with a twitch streamer
>"but her face is weird"
first off, that's also bullying
second, britt's way cuter than shuwu

No. 593492

No…. I mean yeah they're kinda cringey but they're not thread material. That's just insane. You can't make a thread about every dumb smoll uwu chick you see on the internet. They're in the thousands.

No. 593499

File: 1527247737168.jpg (158.38 KB, 1702x960, 1111.JPG)

I can't find this video about Shreg lying and cheating mentioned in pert two, does anyone know how it's called? Is it still on Jenny's channel at all?

No. 593501

Wtf is with these "uwu so SMOl" lolicon girls/trannies and thier shitty AliExpress cosplay clothing????

No. 593502

File: 1527247950209.jpeg (188.55 KB, 1080x1518, orca-image-1527247854997.jpg_1…)

No. 593503

File: 1527248220665.gif (1002.3 KB, 500x264, asingletear.gif)

No. 593505

lmao bih the fact that you're now doubling down on this fake friendship shows how much of a leftie you actually are (not one at all). they weren't even real fucking friends. gotta say she looks kind of decent here tho aside from her right eye that looks like it's legit a lazy eye

No. 593511

that shit doesnt even look aliexpress tier, it looks like something you can get from dollartree at halloween lmao.

No. 593514

File: 1527248838498.png (636.93 KB, 740x492, CbIqNB1UsAE_tJn.png)

thats why you make a uwu smol bean general

No. 593516

classic kota-tier jaw cover

No. 593518

how convenient she posted this the same day brittany dropped her new vid

No. 593520

is shooped of old pics or are they actually together here?

No. 593521

File: 1527249327030.png (506.55 KB, 585x567, Capture.PNG)

tranny detected

No. 593522

le gamur girl xD

No. 593523

build a bear adoption certificate on the wall when your >20

No. 593532

File: 1527251634232.jpg (25.12 KB, 275x275, V0z5HjB.jpg)

They both look fucking ridiculous. I never noticed how long Shoe's fingers are, lmao. Also, how many times is she going to repeat this quote? We get it, you're trying to do damage control. It's obvious they were never really friends to begin with.

This shit is so transparent, she posted this today because Brittany just dropped her video and she's trying to take any attention away from that. Her fans that have seen Brit's videos and still don't see anything wrong with June's behavior are either too young and impressionable or just straight up in denial.

No. 593535

He legit looks like an awful transtard ((who is actually a dumbfuck AGP and ERPs on his own discord server)) RNG Remilia. He has his own thread here

No. 593545

Everyone should go like the "watch Brittany's video" comments so that they can rise to the top kek

No. 593550

Shuwu has really big hands.

No. 593553

Her eyes are so close together… I’m not generally one to nitpick at her looks in these threads but the ridiculous eye makeup really emphasizes the short eye distance.

No. 593556

does anyone have an archive of when june recently tweeted at rob kaufman?

No. 593568

Ewww, imagine looking this basic and being so overly confident. These girls are a pathetic joke

No. 593632

it'd be even funnier to see her delete them

No. 593639

>Constanly makes fun of "basics" that use the flower filter.
>uses a "so not basic" bunny filter.

No. 593641

File: 1527265035083.png (54.99 KB, 776x434, 3.png)

anyone want to find the stream? it be hell having to go through a bunch of drunk peasants podcasts for this ugh

No. 593644

File: 1527265326585.png (439.17 KB, 771x817, 1.png)

This is funny because shuwu claimed on the discord he was popular with girls in high school(yeah right).

Preg sucks but, I wonder how it must feel to have your gf make up stories about you constantly to her fans just to make you sound likable?

No. 593647

Probably this?

No. 593649

wow just reading the comments, everyone calling him handsome and good looking. I guess the skeptic community really is just full of fuglies. He was better looking back then because he wasn't as fat compared to today but, it's not saying much.

No. 593656

File: 1527266770839.jpg (33.06 KB, 628x156, droppedonhead triggered again.…)


No. 593660

>cheap pastel colored wig with dark roots
>fake septum piercing
>snapchat filter
>fake lashes
That's pretty much the standard look for the most basic ''edgy'' IG girls. You know, the same ones who think they're ~so goffic~ for wearing dark lipstick and a cat eye, lel.

No. 593663

shoe shives and her wks call brittany obsessed and yet she has the time and diligence to go through every single negative tweet about herself and individually block the people who like them. but don't forget that block bots are cowardly and totally beneath her!!!

No. 593667

File: 1527267520305.png (79.31 KB, 658x804, queen lolcow.png)

same anon but
>block bots? not okay
>manually blocking everyone who even dares to look at you the wrong way? okay

these tweets are from this year too

No. 593668

Nice find anon!

No. 593669

Remember how she even finds the tweets that don't refer to her directly!

No. 593674

this is why shoe shives is such a meme.
not because she blocks people. but because she already has all of the people blocked.

No. 593678

File: 1527268553862.png (525.04 KB, 689x514, 3F88CA7A-EEC0-423B-88B8-12CD34…)

She’s covering up the weird ugly bottom part of ha face.

No. 593681

File: 1527268794573.jpeg (5.12 KB, 119x89, 002D8AB6-4478-4B2C-A637-DE8DDE…)

Ugly bottom part still present. Kek

No. 593686

Yes shoe shives here rather spend hours searching "shoe" on twitter to block those who dare tweet anything critical or poking fun at her. That's way more respectable then just letting a bot do it!

No. 593691

File: 1527269620761.png (73.61 KB, 765x774, 1.png)

No. 593694


I feel like Shoe secretly hopes Preggy is gonna go back to this version of himself, one day…

No. 593696

File: 1527269897176.jpg (26.97 KB, 501x338, jiWTZrh.jpg)

She's claimed that she lied in the past so many times, how do people not believe that she's still a liar to this day? Why are they so defensive when Brit brings it up?

>I would lie that I had a boyfriend

You did. Don't embarrass yourself. And even if you didn't, is it not shitty to be a liar anyways?

No. 593697

File: 1527269970710.jpeg (73.77 KB, 222x277, 98728571-AA02-4A97-B7BE-C75FCF…)

how could you ladies not resist this absolute adonis?!? you all must be hairy lesbian feminists

No. 593701

That caption tho, what a hypocrite. Never change wig.

No. 593703

File: 1527270132560.jpg (33.71 KB, 501x338, Oo8znBn.jpg)

>''I was bullied at school but I can't remember any part of it! It's so strange!''
How convenient.
>I was quiet
kek, good one

No. 593711

File: 1527270605054.jpg (25.93 KB, 437x373, Q1Q7Y3I.jpg)

More ''middle aged woman grabbed my arm uwu'' bullshit. She brings this ''incident'' up whenever she gets the chance to. It's almost like those tumblr ~the whole train applauded~ stories that she makes fun of. She's so proud of being ''thin'' as if it's some kind of accomplishment, no wonder she's depressed now that she's gained weight.

Sometimes I feel like she sent those to herself. ''Do you get complimented on your eyes irl''…What? It's so specific, lmao.

No. 593713

File: 1527270754565.png (17.2 KB, 681x298, 1.png)

Her formspring is proof enough she's a liar. I wish we had access to all of it because I think she as being her most "honest self" during this time. none of her fans can defend this.


No. 593721

File: 1527270944329.jpg (111.09 KB, 512x512, d_LGsCyeVeEziOeMf8WO_yXodMMKQ2…)

>oh gog
is that a homestuck reference or am I looking too deep into it lmao

No. 593724

nope she used to like homestuck apparently.

although I wouldn't put it past her if it's just because the people she was talking to at the time liked.

No. 593726

Yes she loved Vriska and wanted to cosplay her and make vlogs as Vriska lol

No. 593727

If you click that link there's more

No. 593729

>my life is of the rails
Dose he mean shuwu drama? Is there anything else he could be possibly talking about?

kek, yeah, me too. Do you think she's thinking about young Grocery when they're having sex?

Lauren looks like cuck in this situation. Is she rally going to still pretend to be friends with someone who publicly disavow her, because of how "evil nazi" she is, and only change her decision when people were upset? I don't have any delusions that they were bff before, but now it looks like pure PR move. And it's such a bad move for Lauren, who looks like she doesn't have a little bit of dignity. I dislike Lauren even more then June, but god, she looks like a such a loser here

No. 593733

He was actually attractive in HS, but I imagine the Chris-chan tier personality you can see from his old comics/blog, and the fact that he's a slow learner (oh sorry I mean MENSA-level genius uwu) messed up his chances of social success.
It's funny that as his looks took a sharp decline and he turned into a neckbearded landwhale, his narcissism somehow went straight through the roof. How is that possible?

No. 593739

File: 1527272234023.jpg (14.42 KB, 460x160, 12.JPG)

No. 593741

sorry for samefag, this was in 2010 btw

No. 593768

ugh anon, use spoiler option

No. 593770

Is that Preg? He looks much lighter here. Also what does his shirt say?

No. 593771

File: 1527274147357.png (Spoiler Image,632.55 KB, 607x620, ugh.png)

No, it's Blaire White and his shirt says "Obesity is very okay if your a man".

No. 593794

File: 1527276598452.jpg (89.49 KB, 600x770, shuwu1.jpg)

this is first meme i've made, don't be mean, i'm so sensitive

No. 593797

got some Lois from family guy facial proportions going on there, shoe.

No. 593805

File: 1527277605147.png (54.84 KB, 220x322, xoJQtP7.png)

Reminds me more of Quagmire, to be honest

No. 593808

Fukcing kek I see it!

No. 593811

File: 1527278630403.jpg (53.74 KB, 960x540, TVZbkih.jpg)

And the back says "If your a fat woman, kill yourself landwhale owo~"

No. 593828

She looks legit brain damaged here wtf is up with her eyes

No. 593829

File: 1527281076252.png (25.59 KB, 719x300, 20180525_140438.png)

Even as far back as formspring

No. 593840

In Brittany's video she showed a part of Shuwu's cringey draw my life where she said something alone the lines of

>my sister was like 7000lbs when she was born unlike me who was born at like 6lbs[so smol] so nothings really changed

I was wondering if anyone's seen pictures of her sister? I'm genuinely curious if she's obese [by normal people standards] or if she's "fat" by smol shuwu bean standards.

Also if she's actually obese Shuwu's a cunt for saying that about her lol I'd be pissed.

No. 593841

post june's belly

No. 593844

Her sister is skinnier than her lol

No. 593845

Her sister is an athlete, anon, do the maths.

No. 593848

Omg why has no one posted the askfm post where June says she fought a girl and scratched her face up?

No. 593850

File: 1527282191950.png (51.66 KB, 720x305, 20180525_170313.png)

No. 593852

Her hair makes it look like she has a unibrow kekk

No. 593854

File: 1527282372464.jpg (43.92 KB, 800x589, sister.jpg)

Her sister is athletic, graduated college not too long ago, and is currently traveling through Europe.

Shoe also likes to point out how she's the only one in the family with perfect skin. She says that her parents and sister all had terrible acne except for her. But some anons think that's bs to make herself look better than them since her sister doesn't have any signs of having had bad acne from her current and old pics.

Do you have a cap?

No. 593856

Shuwu and Showo

No. 593858

>have you ever been naked with the opposite sex: nope
not to say this June wouldn't lie about her virginity but, I wonder if she honestly just gave bjs and made up the sex stories? It just seems pretty crazy she'd lie about her virginity for this long but, I guess I wouldn't put it passed her if it gave her male attention.

She strikes me as the type who would think that as long as she didn't get technically fucked, she remained pure no matter how many guys dicks she sucked.

No. 593859


>Have you ever kissed a dick:

No. 593860

I guess she was sucking dick with her clothes on

No. 593869

File: 1527283490999.png (14.54 KB, 720x259, 20180525_165728.png)

So much for sheltering over protective parents ( though she is catholic, so this might be a reach)

No. 593874

can you link where you are getting these?

No. 593875

>slept in the same bed as opposite sex
I doubt it was just blowies, ladies, it was probably dry humping and french kissing and other run of the mill "fooling around" but as long as there was no PIV she's still a pure trad waifu uwu

No. 593877

No. 593879

File: 1527284104529.gif (944.21 KB, 474x270, c63.gif)

Preg probably still thinks he's her second boyfriend.

No. 593880

File: 1527284123104.png (780.04 KB, 490x907, Untitled.png)

No. 593884

kek, she has the exact same proportions as "fatfuck mcgee"

No. 593886

What is the likelihood that this is shooped

No. 593887

Yeah but I highly doubt that these are her real proportions

No. 593888

Well now, she’s looking the same size as “Fat Fuck McGee” here.

No. 593890

Glad I wasn’t the only one who saw thissss

No. 593891

lmao she's standing farther away from the mirror so she still looks smaller than Pregory

No. 593893

Gotta give that smol illusion. Try harder, Junkey!

No. 593894

File: 1527284511547.png (286.55 KB, 324x600, shoeELA.png)

Here's the ELA

No. 593895

She's trying so hard to make her waist look smaller by lifting her leg up

No. 593896

So she's lost all the weight?

No. 593897

nice "street walker wear" shuwu uwu

also her shoulders are so wide wtf

No. 593898

File: 1527284632374.png (41.16 KB, 582x394, thatculttho.png)

She hasn't, people in discord are going for the "wow she's so jealous" "lol kink shaming" No one has talked about the cheating allegations.

But the way they think is funny and childish. "someone is betraying this server D:" lmao

No. 593902

wait wasn't the an asfm where she makes fun of girls who do this to get her "disney waistline"

No. 593904

But…but…she’s just so blessed with hummingbird-like metabolism. That doesn’t slow down your mid-late 20’s, right? Right guys?

No. 593905

Those shorts are high waisted, she's lifting her leg, and she's known to shoop her pics. Don't buy what she's selling anon.


No. 593906

Ew, they have him as Daddy Skeptic…

No. 593910

It was high waisted pants/shorts :3c which her hypocritical ass is wearing rn

No. 593915

what is this autism?

No. 593916

i'm going to break down this image right now because i feel like people are missing the super obvious and accurate details:
1. she is majorly sucking in her waist.
2. the pixels are super weirdly fuzzy on the sides of her waist, so it might be sucking in + photoshop.
3. some people have noted that her hips and legs are positioned super deliberately. i also want to mention how her thighs and legs have packed on pounds, not even close to "toothpick"ish anymore. don't get me wrong, her lower legs are still creepy and bony but all the fat is packing onto her upper body and upper thigh area.
4. look at the right side of her waist, doesn't that look weirdly rounded in? hmm.
in conclusion, shuwu is getting more desperate daily to fool people into thinking she's tiny, "sooooo skinny uwu" and is not becoming a wrinkly chunky raisin.

No. 593918

What am I supposed to see here

No. 593919

File: 1527285325505.jpg (18.63 KB, 182x261, 1409685927674.jpg)


No. 593922

File: 1527285390289.png (8.98 KB, 485x145, shuwu.png)

How abnormally heavy do you think she is now? 125?

No. 593923

please refer to >>593916

No. 593924

its funny they think Brittany took the screenshots. they actually think shes pledged. Keep calling her obsessive too lmao

No. 593925

They really think the Russian spy is Brittany and the idea of fraud cards haven't crossed their minds. You almost want to feel sorry for her fans since you know they are the types to fall for the most blatant scams and lies. I guess that's why they fell for Uwiguu's stories.

No. 593926

Remember how someone there found us and linked her threads but she said not to look at them. They're really not very smart lol.

No. 593927

why can't these girls just work out instead of trying to live in la la land, she has so much time in her day to exercise. Idk how you can't feel ashamed at yourself when you need to sit and edit your photos to make yourself look "smol" for your army of neckbeards.
My guess is 130. which, can look good on 5'2-5'3 if the person is healthy but shuwu is fucking gross skinny fat borderline chubby
The thread is a good filter for all this, I can't believe none of her fans have dared to lurk here even once. It makes it really easy for Brittany and the fact they think she's the mastermind to all of this is hilarious.

No. 593930

File: 1527286018027.jpg (233.1 KB, 975x387, 11dHwLL.jpg)

It might hurt their feelings seeing other girls post mean things about their idols.

The safespace is real.

No. 593942

>tfw ur the prettier older sister
>tfw ur still a bitchy mean loser

I really think a lot of her woman-hate stems from her not liking her sister. Even baby June couldn't handle not being the center of attention 24/7

No. 593958

man no hatred for her sister because she's clearly much more smart and successful than june but they both have such unfortunate faces.. can't imagine what the parents look like. they just have the WEIRDEST faces. june can cake her face with makeup to try to hide it sure but the bizarre facial structure is clear.

i also don't believe june's skin is as nice as she pretends. you can tell she wears foundation in a lot of her pictures, and her videos are super low quality which is oh-so-convenient for hiding face texture lol.

No. 593960

>that penis in the bottom right corner

dick sucker confirmed

No. 593964

File: 1527288476979.png (556.03 KB, 921x533, her mom.png)

Some anons pointed out how her dad looks a bit like Preggory, so it's probably her dad's genes that fucked them up since their mom looks alright (that or their mom drank while she was pregnant).

Shoe also said in some ask.fm that she doesn't get acne ever and then in the same sentence said she gets acne on her chin.

No. 593965


>>have you ever been naked with the opposite sex: nope

>not to say this June wouldn't lie about her virginity but, I wonder if she honestly just gave bjs and made up the sex stories?

Have none of you ever just pulled your underwear off while wearing a skirt for some quick action? It's entirely possible to have sex without being naked. Hell, I don't think I had sex with my clothes off for quite a while (No place to do it with out parents being home, etc. )

No. 593968

File: 1527288654671.jpg (79.94 KB, 720x485, kl.jpg)

I think the dad fucked up their genetics. pic related it's June's mom in her prime

>Video has evidence of her bullying a nerdy girl, making fun of a mentally ill man, screaming "nigger" and saying racist shit and dating a married man

uMM WoW sHeS sO jUsT JeAlOuS

No. 593972

File: 1527288828024.png (23.61 KB, 876x145, rep.png)

some of the bigger youtubers are commenting on the new video

No. 593974

her mom is much better looking than shuwu and her sister. something about shuwu's face looks so exaggerated and ugly. her sister's face is less annoying in my opinion than shuwu's. hell, even her dad isn't that bad looking.

No. 593981

File: 1527289473365.png (28.67 KB, 825x213, everything i dont like is phot…)

i'm really liking the shuwu defender's comments
it's like watching an olympics gymnastic team

No. 593984

LMFAO this angelina cunt is truly saying "shuwu did nothing, you just photoshopped it all!" please kill me i can't handle these morons anymore. imagine being that delusional.

No. 593985

File: 1527289913103.jpg (61.97 KB, 720x960, 22886185_1672531686112291_1161…)

I can kinda see how the sisters inherited the lower half of his face.

No. 593987

his eyes are really close together too

No. 593991

why is everyone on twitter saying Jenny is a liar and shouldn't be trusted? What stuff has she lied about?

No. 593993

well Jenny is kinda a psycho which is why most people choose to ignore her even when she's telling the truth. She lied about Shuwu's age saying she was 17 and said that Preg was a pedophile

No. 593994

confirms it for me. seems to be much more compression/contrast on both middle sides of hips/upper thighs, and especially on the one very curved side of her stomach, while the other side of the stomach seems relatively untouched.

No. 593996

i don't think she lied about june's age, she just didn't know. just because people are sometimes a little wacky doesn't mean a stopped clock isn't right twice a day. the fact is that june never denied anything jenny ever said.

No. 593997

Jenny believed a rumor that Shoe was 17 when she started dating Skeptic. Shoe and her fans turned that into a meme. The fans completely ignored the evidence Jenny had about the cheating and the confirmation Skeptic and Shoe made the same way they are trying to ignore Brittany's videos.

No. 593999

105 was abnormally heavy but she also said "i normally am between 100-110"

No. 594000

actual retoucher here. this bullshit proves nothing and is pure autism. sage it next time or better yet, don't even post it in the first place. it has the same level of legitimacy as horoscopes. you only see what you want to see.

No. 594005

> bigger youtuber
Uhm… are you sure about that?
As far as i know Repzy gets 8k views per vid MAX. Even Mundane Matt is doing better.
But yeah, it's good to know that Repzy is on our side.

No. 594006

yeah, Rep has mostly quit youtube. Does a video every so often.
I hope more youtubers will pay attention to Brittany's video

No. 594012

I'd consider 500k subscribers to be big

No. 594014

what if they were driven mad by russian discord anon putting out names from the discord for people to blame and then shuwu ends up kicking her own supporters out of paranoia?

No. 594018

Shuwu has already started removing pledges after the discord leaks.

No. 594019

theres 2 spies

No. 594034

Maybe, possible slightly more. Her weird and awkward fat distribution doesn't help when trying to figure out how much she is now.

No. 594035


No. 594072

he has multiple vids from the last month with 20,000-100,000 so he's not that unknown though he used to be more popular.

No. 594113

File: 1527305580097.png (2.07 MB, 1080x1766, Screenshot_20180526-002854~2.p…)

No. 594115

File: 1527305840235.png (1.02 MB, 738x1210, Screen Shot 2018-05-26 at 9.06…)

didn't she shit on girls who wore high waisted pants..

No. 594116

June's FTM friend before transition

No. 594117

j00n comin in w the strategic hand placement to make herself look thinner i see

the tragic thing is that if she hadn't been such an "uwu i'm a disney princess and you're a fatty" type i doubt anyone would care that much but she's so specifically gone out of her way to yell at girls for wearing something as harmless as high waisted shorts that now it's hillarious

No. 594118

Omg she looks like a fucking rotisserie chicken fuck june learn to shoop better

No. 594119

his face looks like he just smelled a nasty fart

No. 594120

This picture looks so… sad for some reason

No. 594122

she looks 30 going on 40

No. 594124

lol she sucks in her stomach so hard but her newly gained fat on her lower gut area and hips + legs gives her away.

anyone else love how she has so much fat on her body except on her lower legs so she just has the weirdest body proportions ever? and her big ass manly shoulders too.

No. 594125


There's just…so much happening here.
Here wearing a typical chubby girls got to outfit of a black top and high waisted bottom to slim herself while sucking it in, Preggory sucking it in as well while lifting up an arm to seem thinner instead of holding wig

No. 594126

they both inherited the 2 miles between his nose and lip.

No. 594127

File: 1527306664514.jpeg (28.36 KB, 346x309, 5B3E3887-5FDB-42EC-97CF-88D5E4…)

okay wait what’s going on here? Is she wearing shape wear and high waisted shorts to make a fake waist? Or did she get a size too big to look smol? Or is it photoshopped?

No. 594128

She's sucking it in, if she wasn't she'd be filling those jeans

No. 594130

File: 1527306870783.png (194.99 KB, 230x363, ass.PNG)

she doesnt tho. it's obv shooped, she just doesn't think having proportionate lower legs is hot, so she isn't shooping them accordingly. but as far as her hip/thigh gain, that's just not where she has ever gained weight if you look at her photos. even when she was fat before, her proportions/frame have never looked like that.

heres her figure in july when she claimed she was really curvy and had lots of hips/ass, but again, she didnt. you don't just magically grow hips and lose inches off your waist esp when shes shown to be apple shaped/inverted triangle after you gain 20 lbs and do 0 exercise

No. 594131

Because she's desperately trying to appear smol and happy even though she's internally fuming

It looks like she shooped that area. Wonder why she suddenly decided she wants to be like Fattfuck McGee?

No. 594133

How do you think shoe's body now looks compared to how it did in those nudes

No. 594135

File: 1527307270210.png (794.4 KB, 496x588, kek.PNG)

her in nov of 2015 from gregs account, this is when she had her ideal figure that she loved so much and infamously claimed she had a "disney princess waistline" and "VERY wide hips, long fingers and legs, and a small waist", "32-23-36" all during this time

yet no disney princess waistline or wide hips are found here.

door nudes werent her. i think the only one that really was was the boob photo in the makeup mirror

No. 594136

Yeah I definitely think she shooped her waist because we have proof her whole uwu tiny waist bullshit is bullshit lol but I do think she has a weirdly proportioned body.. all the photos I've seen she just looks kind of off. But I mean, it is strange how her hips look so.. dumpy? Like in that CN tower pic you can actually see the shorts are sticking out wider than her body so maybe she's trying to make her hips look big and shooping the waist way smaller to lie that she has a """"Disney princess waist lulz ur all jealous"""" or something

No. 594144

File: 1527308292504.png (340.64 KB, 1194x1302, shuwus fanbase.png)

Shuwu finally starts censoring people's names again (definitely because Brit called her out for it) and this is how her fanbase reacts, kek

No. 594147

File: 1527308646567.jpg (19.21 KB, 474x473, laughingintooblivion.jpg)

what if june was intentionally trying to become "thicc" because she realized preggy is only into chubby cam girls?

No. 594149


Her fans are just as cancerous as she is. Perfect.

No. 594150


No. 594151

Shrek and Donkey both look a little more toned than usual. They're definitely not thinn, but they're getting ready for something appearance-wise. Is their wedding coming up soon?

No. 594155

Maybe she wants to get married in June, lol

No. 594172

File: 1527313982118.png (412.66 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180526-013911.png)

June had a "hobby" once

No. 594174

File: 1527314095163.png (800.6 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180526-003931.png)

Lil shuwu's proportions are cursed af

No. 594180

File: 1527314526982.jpg (21.37 KB, 200x410, 200px-Goddess_Bunny.jpg)

um excuse you??
that is a

look at those wide hips!

fr though she looks like goddess bunny with her arm to leg proportions, no disrespect to him

No. 594185

Why the fuck are her arms so long and gangly if her long ass philitrum didn't make her look underevolved this will finish the job

No. 594191

wow such a smol stringbean built like a bird

No. 594192

File: 1527316265968.png (1.02 MB, 1080x1217, Screenshot_20180526-033000~2.p…)

shrek looking ass

No. 594193

File: 1527316411950.jpg (4.53 KB, 181x182, 1524771663063.jpg)

I remember her bitching about how fat girls use it to minimize their waist, the irony

No. 594194

i love how all he posts are photos of himself on his account

No. 594195

idk what it is but god i hate his teeth

No. 594198

File: 1527318042220.png (572.23 KB, 719x1125, 20180526_030015.png)

Lol nooo shoe claimed 90-109 pounds was normal for her multiple times

No. 594199

last three digits of my post = her weight in lbs by january

No. 594200

No. 594201

File: 1527318567761.png (111.33 KB, 720x763, 20180526_024054.png)

Found another pedophilia is anything but a mental illness post uwu

No. 594203

Omfg so she legit is going to be slowly gaining each year and become a fatass with preg. This is hilarious, to see where she came from and how she is today, younger shuwu would not approve. The fact she use to call women at her size now fat only 2 years ago is amazing.

No. 594204

File: 1527318676391.png (116.44 KB, 720x1226, 20180526_025741.png)

Now we know why june's body looked grotesquely skinny in old pics it was because she was literally starving

No. 594205

someone should ask her how much she weighs now and if her views on being fat have changed

No. 594208

File: 1527318885763.jpeg (194.06 KB, 1200x1200, DeGlo9jXkAAZgTE.jpeg)

No. 594209

File: 1527319007343.jpeg (82.96 KB, 1024x870, DeGcBFeXcAEJaUX.jpeg)

No. 594211

He looks legit unhappy to be there probably layed down on the glass floor hoping his big ass would break it and he'd be able to escape

No. 594212

S o y g i r l

No. 594214

She changes her ideal weight depending on how much she weighs lol

No. 594216

File: 1527319381569.jpg (27.14 KB, 800x238, _20180526_031951.JPG)

>took little girlfriend on a field-trip
UwU just like a wittle child how precious

Am I the only one grossed out by the wording of this?

No. 594217

>took THE little girlfriend
excuse me the THE part makes it even more ew

No. 594219

>Field trip

No. 594221

File: 1527319930274.png (989.4 KB, 720x1017, 20180526_032924.png)

Even jesus isnt safe from her thottery

No. 594222

File: 1527320224998.png (458.72 KB, 720x1148, 20180526_015232.png)

Found an interesting post didn't peg shuwu as the type for fictional crushes

No. 594227

Looks like shuwu's not so little anymore.

what an anime dork lul.

No. 594228

What will Venti's part 3 be on? Hope she mentions shoe's rapid expansion

No. 594229

Lol hasn't she made fun of weaboos and there waifus and shit? Then there's this

No. 594243

File: 1527326238182.png (281.89 KB, 387x419, kek ok.png)

bih, cut the shit. you "fat" like all the girls you made fun of. this is the karma you were dealt for being such a nasty bitch to normal sized women. you aint thicc and we all know it. i pray she goes full charlotte charms

No. 594244

it's like that engagement never happened, huh

No. 594248

He wishes

No. 594253

Holy fuck her body is so strange

No. 594254

holy shit does greg only have like 5 clothes in his wardrobe? i swear he keeps wearing the same shit in every photo lmao

No. 594264

File: 1527331053496.png (425.48 KB, 904x844, vl3mFA4.png)

he spent all his budget on bing bing wahoo toys.
either that or he really believes june's lies and is cosplaying full time as a lumberjack

No. 594278


Imagine waking up to this in your bed laids.

No. 594279

she looks like she's wearing a fucking diaper in the bottom left

No. 594287

That’s the ddlg aesthetics. It is intentional!

No. 594294

Brittany if this is real please tweet this,
what is this fucking pedogate bull shit.
Its a fetish uwu,
too bad science shows that its literally something wrong with the brain. Its not just a fetish like wanting to be whipped or have your nipples twisted until they form a black hole.

No. 594302

on bottom right pic, preg looks like he's wandering how many dicks his fiancée sucked with those lips

this is so gross
I hope Brittany will make part 3

No. 594304

nta but it's real
here's a link so her fanboys can't say it's photoshopped

i bet this is how she tries to justify greg beating his meat to shadman's cp of underaged disney girls

"it's just a fetish!!!!!"

No. 594309

Jesus, he always looks so fed up with her.

No. 594312

File: 1527340988430.jpg (27.99 KB, 620x400, 0DD1akn.jpg)

How the fuck does she still have followers and how come she has never been called out before? I guess that's the treatment you're blessed with when you're a woman that coddles men 24/7. I swear, there's nothing (mostly) men do she won't excuse. She's excused rape ''jokes'', cat calling and now fucking pedophilia? Does it get any lower than that?

No. 594315

I don’t think this is photoshopped and her body actually looks good. It could be the way she’s posing though. But if she gains ~5 more pounds she’ll look chubby.

No. 594318


maybe he thinks with his stupid brain that he looks more "manly" by making this face?

No. 594319

File: 1527341749684.png (146 KB, 843x427, 7ldg7DK.png)

silly anon, it's okay when june gains weight and dresses like a "streetwalker." it's just that other women aren't allowed to be larger than a size 0 or go outside without a burqa!

june's allowed to do anything she wants without criticism, but watch out for her rage if you dare act like she does

No. 594320

>the world loves women
>they treat them like retarded women who don't understand consequences

>the world

Lmfao, June, your flat ass would be getting stoned in the Middle East, you'd be forever alone anywhere in asia, you'd be hunted down in afria, MOST of the planet, HATES women, but if june hates the idea of women not being treated awfully maybe she should go to saudi arabia. I'd even pay for her ticket and living expenses

No. 594330

I think if June was better educated she would understand that the world historically hates women and if women really are treated like retarded children, it’s not because they are loved.

No. 594333

>the world loves women
>the world
Christ…how is this a real tweet. She has the audacity to refer to herself as ''socio-political commentator on feminism and women's media''

When she says shit like this, you can tell how sheltered and uneducated she really is. This post is not even two years old. I want to see her even try to defend it.

No. 594334

She doesn't have experience speaking with other women, so she likely just speaks from experience. People treat her like a retarded kid, and in her mind it's because she is a woman, when in reality it's because she acts like a retarded child. She is a sheltered rich womanchild who lives on the internet, so what can you really expect from her

No. 594337

File: 1527344278204.png (207.66 KB, 590x840, Ubke5wR.png)

No. 594349


well to be fair at her age i was this tiny too. i weighted 100 pounds. i ate plenty and wasnt anorexic, so its possible.

No. 594350

File: 1527345897686.png (67.72 KB, 797x535, 1.png)

No. 594352

Her body looks like an eggplant

No. 594355

File: 1527347041949.png (283.27 KB, 674x1158, KJk6TsX.png)

surprised june hasn't gone off on this yet in her usual onision-style narc rage. this whole brittany drama has really tamed her, at least for the time being

No. 594375

>And no shoe fans, I didn't tag her. You know why? Cos her response will be a bunch of bullshit not worth reading.

I guess this dude isn't aware that she is going to respond regardless. Our crazy bitch Wiggy frantically searches all variants of her name all day.

No. 594376

File: 1527348992980.png (164.82 KB, 652x1092, june's lapdog.png)

No. 594377

File: 1527349005317.png (88.7 KB, 664x644, june's lapdog 2.png)

No. 594378

File: 1527349071535.png (109.37 KB, 671x891, june's lapdog 3.png)

No. 594383

Maybe I'm reading too much into this but LGF ("little girlfriend") is what real pedophiles call girls they're lusting after or grooming. It started on well known pedo forums like girlchat.

I mean maybe it's just a coincidence. Or maybe not. You decide. Just google "lgf" + "virped" and see the kind of posts that show up and how similar they seem to groceries. Or just look at the second page of this post and see how the term LGF is used: https://www.scribd.com/document/30958795/Pedophile-Symbols-and-Codes

No. 594384

I just don’t understand how she can say she “really doesn’t like Lauren” but is perfectly fine with being friends with June, who really isn’t that much better than her. The only reason Libfems give June a pass is because of her terf sperging and her fake nice uwu no bulliez pls attitude.

No. 594398

It's pretty sad how RantingF's whole friendship with Shoe is just attempting to condition her.
You're right, libfems are obsessed with being "nice" to everyone and making every little thing such a big deal in general

No. 594407

File: 1527350545748.png (23.52 KB, 635x273, El5lXW0.png)

No. 594413

fake news

No. 594415

imagine brittany grinning at how she's managed to make lolcow users accept her her over june after even 4chan wouldn't touch her as their waifu lmao

No. 594420

File: 1527351324988.jpg (60.06 KB, 750x696, c284145641ef924c06c5cc16fa78bb…)

No. 594422

sigh. the amount of new subs the last 30 days is 70% less than the amount of new subs the previous 30 days. The sub count did not go down

No. 594424

libfems are the biggest male apologists, just like june. also, i love that claudia is too stupid to realize that this is a totally one sided relationship. she's out here defending wig while wig spends all day going "HURR FEMINISTS!! [alt right dogwhistle] [MRA/MGTOW praising]" for cash. she actively shits on the left and feminists while praising absolute fucking nutjobs like mras and claudia really wants to defend this dumbfuck? ofc, because ultimately, all that matters to libfems and this faction of the young left is that she defends trannies and their fetishes

No. 594426

This dude wrote a whole ass article on how he doesn't know how to interpret percentiles.

No. 594448


She's built like one of the Worm aliens from Men in Black

No. 594474

>she's not "smol" you're just fat


No. 594475

i hope shes not being serious

No. 594477

can we move june to /pt/? she's getting pt level milky tbh

No. 594478

I remember Sarah Butts using that same terminology. Gross.

No. 594482

Isn't most of the milk just old and being brought up now? Right now she's just getting fat and being her usual self, the twitter letter was the only real recent milky thing, the rest is all old. Having a desperate alt right Twitch streamer make videos about you isn't really /pt/ worthy imo

No. 594483

I think she should be on /pt/ simply because she took part in making this site. It feels justified.

No. 594484

is she? she's not onion level or anything. though she may get there if she stays with the other shreg long enough

the only pt worthy thing she's done is mod here and that was years ago. otherwise she's just a sensitive little shit and huge hypocrite/liar like the rest of /snow/ cows

No. 594491

I definitely see her heading to onion level eventually, especially with her and gregs attitude towards pedophilia and obsession with judging women together

No. 594501

File: 1527358903194.jpg (37.71 KB, 624x795, sir-eatsalot-limited-edition-e…)

I saw this and thought of Grocery.

No. 594505

her old insta embodies the basic bitch trope like nothing ive ever seen

No. 594511

It was just an act! She was an unique shy snowflake who just pretended to be basic, duh.

No. 594517

It reminds me of a slew of pedo threads I remember being posted on /r9k/ that were like ">tfw no little girlfriend" with pictures of random kids a couple years back.
Would be funny if it was Preg behind that putrid shit.

No. 594518

It's totally real i spent my time last night rifiling through her entiiire askfm for hot takes before she could delete anything super juicey

No. 594519

but anon she had to pretend she was basic because all her friends and everyone at high school were pressuring her ;-;

No. 594527

File: 1527361285274.png (140.6 KB, 719x998, 20180526_023801.png)

Also found this beautiful copypasta

No. 594528

"I was and still am a living cartoon, silly boys! Look at my tiny cartoon nose and impossibly small body! I am a disney princess, look at my waistline! I will defend you from the boolies AND suck your cock!"

No. 594532

File: 1527361732671.jpg (1.47 MB, 500x290, BVFj5ng.jpg)

>I was and still am a living cartoon
The delusion…

No. 594546

>>593696 didn't she claim she's bi at some point

No. 594552

Kek at the what shampoo do you use question below…she uses LeWig

No. 594553

File: 1527364020000.jpg (9.67 KB, 223x368, rUjEiK8.jpg)

Yeah, but on ask.fm she claimed she is ''bisexual demiromantic sapiosexual'' or some shit like that. I'm not joking. I'll try to find the post.

Also let's not forget
>''shoot me if I ever show cleavage on shoe0nhead''
This is from her shoe & skeptic channel kek

No. 594558

File: 1527364524277.png (578.81 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180525-233538.png)

She would never say it was a wig in older posts she would just go with the compliment pic related

No. 594559

does this lying ass, dick thirsty thot have a 'bisexual' shirt on? fucks sake she could not be more like lame

No. 594560

File: 1527364569098.jpg (99.97 KB, 523x1228, zxWl95m.jpg)

note that these are all from the same year lmao

No. 594563

Your sexuality is straight. Having threesomes to appease your fat fuck boyfriend =/= bisexual.

No. 594568

>>593696 didn't she claim she's bi at some point

No. 594571

File: 1527365982184.jpg (28.92 KB, 842x537, 185RtRr.jpg)

her make up in this picture legit triggers me.
pic related is tbt when Shoe made fun of that HuffPost's girl's eyeliner lel.

No. 594581

lol wow she really is a massive hypocrite. i wish she would just admit how shitty her eyeliner is. she has a natural talent for making it look really bad honestly.

No. 594588


No. 594591

File: 1527368084033.png (582.01 KB, 720x977, 20180526_165416.png)

No. 594593

why does she have no self awareness? or is she purposely lying about herself constantly?

No. 594594

File: 1527368367761.jpg (117.12 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

If by "living cartoon" she means pic related…then I could agree.

No. 594596

lmao did she even ID as bi before shreg and his wandering eye came into the picture?

never forget ~i'm demisexual but say i'm bi to sound less snowflakey~

No. 594604

File: 1527368911332.png (40.64 KB, 715x407, 20180526_170353.png)

No. 594608

File: 1527369227208.png (101.05 KB, 720x706, 20180526_165706.png)

Even Ollie can't be the subject when the topic of being smol is brought up uwu

No. 594610

File: 1527369263862.jpg (16.34 KB, 218x320, shitty.jpg)

her eyeliner looks chunky lol she's more like the first one

No. 594611

File: 1527369327597.png (49.65 KB, 648x385, RgsmTsa.png)

>i would still fondle a boobie or two
she's 10 years too late to the "i'm only bi to please guys" trend

(sorry for the reposts)
speaking of late trends..
boxxy eyeliner on point

No. 594614

>I'd fondle a boob because ik my beta male fans like lesbian porn and i like be sexualized by them

No. 594616

File: 1527369446696.jpg (45.78 KB, 641x296, 20180512_221503.jpg)

No. 594617

same anon. link so there's no photoshopping accusations

No. 594618

>even my rabbit makes me look smol uwu
Jfc she's obnoxious.

No. 594621

File: 1527369798079.jpg (195.92 KB, 546x427, wtf.jpg)

strange how she goes from being completely truthful and honest to making up such laughable false statements. huh.

No. 594622

File: 1527369901922.png (30.77 KB, 160x175, aOlUziZ.png)

>super smart
>sex god
>perfect hair
>perfect peen

No. 594624

File: 1527370433561.png (61.34 KB, 719x593, 20180526_172537.png)

I really think June has some kind of body dysmorphia her obsession with her own body and the bodies of other women is just too sus tbh

No. 594630

probably, and any feelings like that she has are only going to be exaggerated when she has a shitty boyfriend who seems to also only base her worth on if her waist is small enough

No. 594632

File: 1527370899946.png (59.65 KB, 720x583, 20180526_170528.png)

Speaking of shitty bf

No. 594634

Don't forget that he told her she should come up north to meet his big friend, aka his dick! And this was supposedly their first interaction!

No. 594635

Wow, he sounds like an ass. I will never understand why girls always fall for dickheads like him instead of a nice gentleman like me, fucking bitches.

No. 594639

why does she think this is cute? i wonder how her family feels about her dating this douche.

and special ed greg should be the last person in the world to call someone an "airhead" jesus christ. as annoying as june is at least she's smarter than him

No. 594641

hahaha, "special ed greg"

No. 594643

Yes we hate skeptic cause he’s “ alpha” and not a sperg that shoe is probably using for his family’s money, a literal cash cow.

No. 594644

File: 1527371747869.jpg (101.71 KB, 1115x528, shreg.jpg)

No. 594645

File: 1527371794694.png (78.28 KB, 1076x400, wow5dollars.png)

Shuwu's discord mod Aunt Daddy is triggered over the leaks, pretty funny. Still think it's Brittany

No. 594647

File: 1527371899938.png (13 KB, 451x118, itsBrittanyBitch.png)

No. 594648

so how does this alpha swooning appeal to her fanbase of betas? i guess they just all believe themselves to be alphas too?

her entire persona though seems revolve around being the "attainable hot girl that's a loser just like you!" except she's not hot, or a typical shy loser. part of me wonders if she went for shreg bc she thought he'd appreciate her more than a chad would since he's an ugly fatty with a learning disability

No. 594650

discord anon, is this a woman or not? can we get a larger look at this autist? they look pretty touched already from the thumbnail but im just curious

No. 594652

It makes so much sense that their fans are this retarded and still think Brittany is responsible for everything.

No. 594653

File: 1527372544660.png (19.81 KB, 125x127, shashan.png)

yeah, she's a grill.

No. 594655

I'm curious who gave Brittany the discord namesss

No. 594658

File: 1527372721871.jpg (160.33 KB, 826x1548, they're all gay.jpg)

well if aunt daddy would stop being a ~coward~ and stop listening to june's commands, she could read here and see that brittany is just being spoonfed by farmers

she'd also see that it's possible to have fraud cards and not have to pay, but gotta follow mama june's every word

"no don't fuck with them just leave it alone"

No. 594659

interesting. there's a legit phenomenon of all of her female fans being uggos with manjaws/some masc features. i wonder if she actively ignores any women more attractive than herself that try to suck up to her/befriend her.

have they spoken about lolcow yet? have they said anything about brittany's newest vid? have any of them mentioned coming to this thread or even noted the updated ED article?

No. 594662

File: 1527373052468.png (17.67 KB, 584x162, iguessshewasdebunked lol.png)

No mention of the actual website nor these threads. Just calling Brittany a lolcow although they're all lolcows spilling that milk. Nothing about ED either.

I mean yes many have seen it, all they're saying is repeating what Shuwu said. They discredit the evidence with "old news" and such. But again they dont mention the cheating allegations.

No. 594667

>there's nothing to respond to, it's all the same!!!
>i didn't actually watch it all
ok, mark. wow, she would have fags named 'mark' wking her and paying for her to be able to get fucked by a guy made entirely of gelatin

what percent of these people are male? 90%?

No. 594668

Not even watching it all the way through, this is like cult behaviour. It's obvious they're to afraid to see anything bad regarding shuwu. Are they the same types of people when their favorite celebrities are revealed to be terrible people, they just keep being in denial? This really is onion fans bad holy shit.

No. 594669

do they mention ollie's cage? the schizo dude? june's finndome kinkshaming?

because none of that is even a year old. actually most of the stuff mentioned by brittany is fairly new.

No. 594671

Sounds like a healthy bdsm dynamic to me thumbs up

No. 594672

File: 1527373763929.png (50.18 KB, 715x463, 20180526_170424.png)

Lol What hasn't June claimed?

No. 594676

Hard to say when most don't have actual selfies as their avatar.

Nah, course they don't. Too valid about Ollie so it goes ignored.

No. 594690

File: 1527375669623.png (63.96 KB, 714x482, 20180526_023534.png)

Can we get this juxtaposed with the "i was preppy and popular and joined volley ball"

No. 594697

What are you talking about? She's bleeding milk left and right with her cringy "so smol bdsm princess uwu" talk, anti-terf spergouts and blocking escapades during her damage control mode. She's only gonna go downhill from here and it's going to get even better.

>haven't logged in since 2012
She's lying so hard she got shit falling off the corners of her mouth. I'm not gonna out my sources because she'd go after them but she's definitely lying. She was an active mod and her stupid "I didn't really even go there what was that board's name again, lol-something? I totally forgot because that's how little I had to do with it lmao!" is a boatload of excrement.

No. 594701

File: 1527376611383.png (35.88 KB, 705x252, 20180526_165348.png)

TDLR; The Stacy Brigade abandons June so she has no choice but to make nice with people she probably ignored/treated like dog shit or risk being an actual lonely wallflower. Beautiful.

No. 594708

Tell us more about her active moddding please.

No. 594710

File: 1527377241676.png (237.23 KB, 1230x1190, V9uoxpo.png)

she's such a bad liar too. she uses the word lolcow all the time too. and even called onion a histrionic lolcow

No. 594711


Maybe she's so use to hating other women and being so jealous of them that when she actually likes one as a friend its weird to her so she thinks any admiration for a women has to be sexual.

No. 594713

She was literally only "goff" in middle school MAYBE year 1 of HS

No. 594717

Nope she claims all of highschool seveeal times just by saying "high school" and only specifying when she needs to (Brit exposing her) while also claiming being a stacy at the same time lmao

No. 594720

Samefag but she also claims goths/metalheads/emos and it fucks me up

No. 594723

she was basically Avril lavigne in middle school and a year of HS.

No. 594726

You would think ones sexual orientation is something you can keep straight…not our shuwu!

No. 594731

File: 1527379686323.png (173.57 KB, 720x957, 20180526_200435.png)

When she talks to an actual goth person she doesnt mention ever being goth and even berates him a bit "weirdass goth club" why would she do that if she enjoyed being "goth" and thanked the alt kids for taking her under their wing? It's weird to me.

No. 594760

File: 1527382516551.jpg (112.64 KB, 640x800, GUV1bS2n0YJliVPWjXDqQjJMS0Vk3M…)

She was never goth. She was Avril Lavigne alternative. Now she's literally this meme.
Im 26 and I saw other girls go through her exact timeline of crappy fashion phases, from 'alt' 'slutcore' to hipster to this…going on 4chan does not make her not a basic bitch.

No. 594777

Despite June being a dicksucker, I think on some level she really believes she's a pure asexual nympho. She strikes me as a woman who's never orgasmed and fucks solely for male validation.
That's not to say she doesn't enjoy it though, when her elephant seal boyfriend is flopping on top of her or when her head is a shelf for his neck-breaking fupa, I bet she feels real small uwu.

No. 594780

Oh i know she's basic anon it was just weird that she didn't try to sponge up all the attention and make it about herself like she usually does "oh lol i was goth in highschool friendo so i know what you mean XD"

No. 594784

isn’t asexual nympho an oxymoron

No. 594786

File: 1527384197739.png (35.99 KB, 718x443, 20180526_032703.png)

Which is wrird because she wasn't half as obnoxious about her ex

No. 594789

File: 1527384337680.png (40.94 KB, 720x396, 20180526_194912.png)

Lil June was a thief

No. 594793

File: 1527384987380.png (36.86 KB, 628x355, xNSEtXA.png)

youtube's two biggest fence sitters supporting each other. how quaint.

No. 594795

File: 1527385130914.png (94.58 KB, 627x225, ZwIbknv.png)

no comment :^)

No. 594796

Lol that boob job thing might not be so far fetched after all her mom looks hella flat

No. 594803

I feel sorry for whatever fence Boogie is sitting his fat arse on

No. 594804

This is all amazing.

No. 594831

Yeah Mayu this is creepy but you literally basing your entire self off of shuwu isn't.

No. 594833

Mayu is not so self aware is he?

No. 594837

That retarded face he always does kek, what does he think he's putting across with that spazzy shit?

No. 594841

i guarantee you he does it because he wants to look manly and tough.

No. 594847

He's trying to copy the smolder that Flynn Rider does he never did this in old pictures

No. 594866

lol didn't she make videos against the types of girls who only want assholes?

she's literally the embodiment of what mgtows/mras hate

>sheltered white girl

>never had to face a day of misogyny in her life
>goes for douches and lets them cheat and walk all over her
>puts down healthy mentally stable men for being beta
>gets money for doing nothing but making 1 shitty video a month
>mentally unstable
>"invading" male spaces

No. 594875

File: 1527393031961.png (Spoiler Image,155.2 KB, 500x566, squart.png)

greg's expression kind of reminds me of the squart guy's face, honestly. Especially the teeth

No. 594903

Disgusting. But maybe I just don’t understand their hot, complex BDSM dynamic because I’m such a vanilla normie faggot.

In all seriousness, she probably has some kind of mental disorder or just rock bottom level self esteem, because this isn’t normal. I’ll never understand why some women like her enjoy being disrespected.

No. 594908

Hmm I wonder if Boogie is aware of the fact that Shoe attacks and ridicules a channel owned by a woman with brain cancer and man with schizophrenia. But she’s such a good person though!

How the hell is she not getting shit for this. To be honest I feel like Youtubers generally don’t do any research on the people they’re following or they’re just purposefully ignoring their snakey behavior. So much for being ~rational and skeptic~.

No. 594912

I truly believe she wants him to fix her up with a secure stable living situation to comfortably hop to before she turns 30 (he's too ugly/old to leave her). She needs her mommy and daddy at 26 cause its a struggle to live on her own obviously. There's a reasons she calls Shreg "daddy".

No. 594915

It's enough for her to be an icky TERF, that's all the reason they need to bash someone!

No. 594925

File: 1527399868955.jpg (130.97 KB, 1111x756, uwusippycupu.jpg)

>Goth loli
>baby talk

Is Venus shading shoe?

No. 594928

does venus even know who shoe is lol

No. 594950

>she wants him to fix her up with a secure stable living situation to comfortably hop to before she turns 30
youtube isn't a stable career. he doesn't seem to be rich or even stable now and he certainly wasn't before yt.
>(he's too ugly/old to leave her)
but he doesn't have the ego to match. she already knows he's a divorced cheater too.

not trying to argue with you anon, you very well may be right. but she def didn't choose the best man for the job kek

No. 594951

File: 1527401887076.png (118.35 KB, 750x1256, IMG_4710.PNG)

Shuwu flashing her pure innocent shy under boobs and her not so thin waist. Must suck being her and constantly sucking in her stomach for years now to impress preg.

No. 594954

As horrible as it is, she's probably not going to survive very long and we'll see how June feels about that. I hope she feels horrible and sorry for her hypocrisy. Someone needs to call her out for that.

No. 594965


Is she running that blog too?

( https://shoe0nheadhot.tumblr.com/ )

No. 594986

File: 1527404884893.png (236.19 KB, 649x468, C6dPd0k.png)

No. 594987

well… she must be like, what, 9 years old there? some of you guys are ridiculous….

No. 594990

sorry but her body looked absolutely bizarre at a young age and it still is now despite her desperate attempts to be "hot"

No. 594994

Yup, going 100% tranny pandering now.

No. 594996

I've never seen a child with such odd proportions that didn't grow up to have the same proportions/that didn't have a literal deformity, tbqh. Those are not normal proportions. No one would be criticizing her if she wasn't so gross to normal, pretty women with nice figures when she had/has an exceptionally weird one herself. She mocks women with normal, nice bodies to a fanbase of 971k. She asked for it.

No. 595001

preg still hasn't defended her yet?

No. 595005

Probably pretending it never happened, especially since it draws attention to his cheating and probable pedophilia.

No. 595011

She's such a pathological liar that at this point it's hard to tell if she's making the stuff about her bullying people up just to seem like an edgequeen and show off how totally anti-weeb she is, or if she actually was a fucking sociopath growing up. I'm guessing she was a bully, did a lot of mean shit but exaggerates it for her audience.

Don't reach like this anon, it's cringy

I've seen enough relationships like this to safely say that Greg doesn't give a shit about shoe and ignores her for the most part, which is why she's so insecure she's always trying to show off their relationship and openly send shmaltzy tweets at him. Her "so small tiny disney princess uwu" act is so aggressive because she's desperate to appeal to Greg to keep him around. All while he jerks it to camgirls and probably cheats on her, being embarrassed that his vapid guidette girlfriend is spewing pro-trans clapbacks and other retarded publicly stuff on her twitter.

No. 595014

>Her "so small tiny disney princess uwu" act is so aggressive because she's desperate to appeal to Greg to keep him around.

She's been going on about how smoll her waist before she met Greg tho.

No. 595023

Agree, she’s always been obsessed with being a “skinny Disney princesu”. She started the whole “lol I totes look like a teen xD jailbait Loli uwu” when she started dating Preg afaik.

No. 595025

Everything about her suddenly makes sense

No. 595028

Jesus, you’re right. I completely forgot about him during the situation.
Damn…he hasn’t even acknowledged that something is going on, let alone defended her. This is actually just sad and embarrassing.

No. 595030

lol tbh he'd probably leave fat0ngut for Brittany at the drop of a hat tbh

No. 595047

File: 1527415099700.png (58.99 KB, 312x384, LankyKong.png)

No. 595053

but isn't he protective alpha male?

Isn't it funny that all "alpha males" love to brag about how they would take care of their family, hunt tigers and be vikings, while living in XXI century in first world countries, where they don't have to do any of this things.
Meanwhile, little Brittany is to much for Shreg to handle

No. 595059

did preg ever liked any or brittany's pics on twitter before she started going off on wig?

No. 595061

Yee, he even flirted with her publicly. It probably stings wig0nhead so much.

No. 595062

anyone got screenshots?

No. 595063

This isn't a very good video but it is recent and I haven't seen it posted here.

No. 595064

No. 595068

File: 1527419712329.png (376.84 KB, 835x623, ok.PNG)

No. 595072


No. 595078

Imagine forcing yourself to be friendly with crazy people because you rely on the money they pay just to be near you. Top kek.

No. 595092

That's where idk other anons agree with, I think shuwu completely knows how retarded her own fans are and likes manipulating them. When she told them not to view these threads for example without giving any explanation on why and they just go with it.

That's why idc if her fans ever come to the realization that she's a fucking fraud, I like watching these sheep people act so typical to the point we can call out what they're going to say when they're trying to defend her.

What gets me is just she's making so much money off of stupid people with easy talking points and being 5/10 with easy video editing, I can't deny I'm a little envious of that.

Or am I giving her too much credit? She is dating Preg which means she's pretty retarded to some degree, I don't think she gains anything from being with him as far as money and attention goes so she must actually like being with him, is her self confidence really that low or is she just really fugly when she isn't caking herself with make up and using filters and a shitty camera?

No. 595109

>or is she just really fugly when she isn't caking herself with make up and using filters and a shitty camera?
Yes. Also she's incredibly immature for her age (in her political opinions and behavior), and uneducated. Preg is basically as good as she'll ever get.

No. 595120

Of course he is super alpha male, you dont understand that complex dynamic they have.
He knows shuwu has humiliation fetish, therefore he stops his alpha protection mode to make his sub happy!

No. 595128

It’s a pretty unfortunate thing for her young audience to be witness to. Greg’s nowhere near a model example of a good partner, but June tells the world he is.

Most fat learning-disabled unemployed divorcees can’t get the female “ideal” that June sells herself to be.

Anyway it won’t bode well in the long run. Greg has proven to be unsuccessful in a marriage once. June has yet to be in a real relationship unless you count the long-distance Internet BDSM roleplay they’ve been participating in for a couple years now a real relationship.

I think it’s hilarious that June’s never had to pay: car insurance, grocery bills, rent, etc. And the first time in her life she’ll be testing that out with her Patreonbux will be in a marriage with a man who invests his expendable income in cults and toys. LOL.

No. 595129

File: 1527432673008.png (395.73 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180526-003515.png)

>shoe has better things to do then criticise a nobody like myself
Lol excuse me shoe only goes after people who are nobodies or huge celebs basically ensuring that she wont get a clap back (except that time with leslie jones lol) more racist shoe takes

No. 595134

No way he'd try anything more than just jerking it to Brittany. He doesn't seem like the type to appreciate women who speak up for themselves or don't let him walk all over them. Those are usually what he calls "fatties" because they don't feed into his twisted illusion of himself.

No. 595140

This is just another example of June's skin walking ways. Boxxy liked MLP and talked about it in videos, so ofcourse June had to follow suit and suddenly be MLP fangirl.

Its creepy to think of how obsessed she was with Boxxy at 20 years old. That's usually behavior of a young teen. I don't like to play online psych, but, her maturity level is so unsettling.

No. 595148

File: 1527436542662.png (448.78 KB, 616x696, hina.png)

a bit ironic coming from somebody with <100 followers. also why does it seem like all her female WKs are gAmEr GiRls?

No. 595153

Imagine learning about all the shit June‘s done, her lies and bullying antics and still being like “bRITTANY IS JUST TRYING TO BE RELEVANT!!1”
Really shows you the kind of people that follow her.

No. 595185

tinfoil but I have this theory that Brittany decided to make a video and expose June because she obviously browses lolcow, has seen her thread, and wants lolcow on her good side, so she picked a widely popular thread and decided to make a video on it to please farmers.

No. 595192

I'm pretty sure most anons aren't pro-brittany, just pro-anti-june. Brittany is a fame hungry thot on her own

No. 595196

File: 1527440815743.png (689.14 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180527-130643.png)

No. 595198

that and I think she was annoyed that more of the alt right type of guys liked June despite her being a ~centrist~ whereas Brittany went to the unite the right rally and still isn't their favourite. It works out well when the person you're jealous of is also actually still a very shitty person

No. 595206

duh it's pretty obvious when she posts

I honestly could give two shits she's just doing it to get fans and attention herself, she put in the work to make a decent vid that none of us bothered to do and brought out milk without cowtipping. Also ED guy deserves some credit.

I'm just happy some people are being informed about how fake shuwu is and that there is a video and article about her shitty timeline of lying.

These threads are kinda all over the place because we had to cover old milk while following how she is currently, it's hard for newfags to really get an idea of how shitty she is unless they skim through most of the old threads, so having stuff that's more accessible up it good.

No. 595214

File: 1527442258579.png (639.41 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180527-132718.png)

Smol pear™ uwu

No. 595217

wtf is that elasticated necktie, which is back to front?
Those sunglasses with that hair is so mid 2000's it hurts.

No. 595220

even robbie white (his drag name is blaire white) has a curvier figure than shuwu, omfg.

No. 595226

omg the clip from 1:40 - 1:52 would have been hilarious to have at the start of Brittany's video

No. 595227

she has actually very short legs. she just lies that they're long and wears those big 5 inch ridiculous heels to make them look longer sometimes.

No. 595229

she's the perfect example of a inverted triangle body shape. Wide shoulders that go out farther than hips, no ass, skelly legs, gain weight above waist and/or stomach region.

She's the type that would look so much better if she was athletic, too bad it's too much work for her uwu.

No. 595230

Dem shoulders of a linebacker, tho.

Ooops, I meant small petite goth pwincess uwu

No. 595234

File: 1527443448431.jpg (611.04 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180527-134748_Chr…)

I swear the self awareness on these people is below 0. If screenshotting peoples public posts is stalking, then wouldn't this be the same?!?! Lmao. They are as unaware as her

No. 595236

File: 1527443605941.jpg (29.79 KB, 443x367, scarf girl.jpg)

No. 595237

not mention wig caps people constantly all the time as well. By their logic she stalks ton of terfs and others for simply disagreeing with her.

No. 595240


No. 595248

I can’t breaf

No. 595262

File: 1527445837494.png (296.07 KB, 587x1548, stalker.png)

No. 595273

HAHAHA its not like there is an image board that keeps Britrany informed of lolcows like you mayu. Nope not at all. Must be STALKING because you are so self absorbed you can't think of any other possibilities.

No. 595283

Fucking kek @ that Mayu Person calling Brittany a stalker. He’s one of the creepiest Wig clones out there.

No. 595304

File: 1527449340459.png (41.68 KB, 591x493, lol.png)

No. 595313

Shuwu retweeted it

No. 595319

These people take themselves so seriously, makes all this so much more fun.

No. 595323

>30 min kinkshaming video
Shoe’s fans are retarded. I truly mean this when I say it. They’re almost like Jake/Logan Paul fans. Their idol can do no wrong and when someone dares to criticise them, that person is either “jealous”, “obsessed” or a “stalker”. They believe this artificial, pandering persona that she’s been building up for years and there is no way they will look at the other side of the argument. They are literal SJWs.

No. 595336

Did she really? If so it's gone already lol

No. 595343

File: 1527452342226.png (678.26 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180527-161513.png)

>I never drink i just did it for a video

No. 595344

She wouldn't have been in high school in 2010 so she never said she was goth at the time.

No. 595346

lmao Maya can't even get back at them because it's true and only repeat what she was told. "So shocking!" Maya is truly daft. Shoe really knows how to pick her audience.

No. 595347


Lol @ the mainstream media comment. This is the level of woke I have come to expect from her fans…

No. 595357

All they have to say now is that she’s “obsessive and creepy uwu”
June herself was once stalker level obsessed with Boxxy/Catie and to this day wears her skin, but calling June out on her shit with points everyone defending her ignores is totes obsessive
And Mayu flattering himself when she got the pic from here is great kek

No. 595362

File: 1527454297655.png (615.02 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180527-160933.png)


No. 595369

why is she such a worthless cunt?

No. 595377

holy shit, I vaguely know this girl irl. She was a major weeb… aka the type of girl Shoe would have bullied during high school. Ironic

No. 595380

File: 1527456036005.png (478.79 KB, 601x653, dunking on rantinf.PNG)

She's dunking on RantingF now lol

No. 595399

gross, you shouldn't need to say this kind of thing to a fellow adult

No. 595400

File: 1527457225894.png (86.86 KB, 1080x425, Screenshot_20180527-183757~2.p…)

h-haha just in case p-please dont block me

No. 595412

Just got through watching Brittany Venti's second video (had no idea the first one got flagged and she has to appeal it) and I think it was a lot better despite her teetering off a bit here and there.

But I'm curious if Shoe is going to address this in her next video because the videos are getting quite the views and it's not going to be something that's going to be easily forgotten or buried despite what her white-knights and fanboys/fangirls are trying to do with their flagging and "LOL You JUST JEALOUS uwu"

No. 595413

Yeah, June. The world leaves women so much that the men on women rape statistics are off the charts. (And countless more not even reported.)

I hate this bitch

No. 595415

>I do not like girls romantically or sexually

Then…why is she calling herself bisexual??

No. 595417

I think it's a little bit from column A and a little bit from column B. Sure, she probably takes advantage of her very young fanbase but I also think she genuinely wants to be liked by young people. Probably because she thinks she belongs in Gen Z herself kek.

Wasn't she friends with girls 5 years her junior in like high school? Yeah… June has always been immature and latching onto youth.

No. 595420

>NO! I will not act like an adult and do my job or provide for myself to help with my job! I will instead show this to my fanboys and hope they tell me how I'm somehow the right one in this situation since I let them think I might touch their dick one day!

No. 595424

RantingFem apparently deleted her twitter cause she was getting too many people complaining about her being friends with shuwu.

Professional victims her and shuwu both.

No. 595427

Because boring straight girls want to be part of the lgbtq trend to make up for their lack of personality.

No. 595429

i love how that dude ignored june's kinkshaming in the video. i guess it's only okay when june does it though?

No. 595435

June also targets people like Brittany did. She's been "obsessed" with hating people like Steve Shives and Magdalen Berns. Not to mention her inserting herself into popular events like Gamgergate, Bullyhunter and the Cunt Dankula shit despite the fact that she's not a gamer, was a bully and helped censor free speech with Candid. But June's never obsessed or an opportunist like Brittany! Nope, nothing to see here

No. 595440


uWu0nhead would NEVER do something like that…

No. 595454

File: 1527460905993.png (142.18 KB, 652x1196, waa waa.png)

No. 595458

LMAO June shits on commies constantly to appeal to her right wing and centrist fanbase

No. 595459

The worst thing that happens to them is getting "attacked" on twitter what a bunch of self obsessed babies. "Oh no she can't tweet for a few days );" is that all they have to their lives where they need to make a huge deal about it? Jfc get over yourselves and find a hobby.

No. 595461

She's tried to appeal to every political faction and has ended up pleasing nobody but the radical centrists

No. 595467

File: 1527462001225.png (52.22 KB, 754x631, fanart.png)

No. 595475

File: 1527462507876.png (138.32 KB, 630x578, LbkgLRg.png)

Can you imagine June showing up to Pride on Greg's leash, looking for a bi girl to join their poly relationship?

No. 595480

>Can you imagine June showing up to Pride on Greg's leash, looking for a bi girl to join their poly relationship?
Yes. That's all pride is at this point. That, furries, troons, and gay men pozzing each other in public.

No. 595520

Kek I love this so much

No. 595525

File: 1527467249651.png (105.75 KB, 637x499, ULL1QmR.png)

yeah june, it's not like you ever go after easy targets at all

No. 595586

File: 1527473159950.png (39.31 KB, 632x334, S3HZmhr.png)

i'm surprised june hasn't made this about herself yet, given her love of inserting herself in drama and her whole situation with brittany

No. 595597

june there's a difference between having a problematic past vs completely bullshitting your entire life to fit the persona you presented yourself to pregeroy

No. 595600

File: 1527474519933.png (44.77 KB, 1249x162, lol.png)

No. 595607

I like how youtubers want others to take their "jobs" seriously but, also expect everyone to be ok with them using their public image to say shitty things without having any sort of backlash. Like tough shit, it's your own fucking faults you don't now how to manage your social media, that or at least learn how not to give a fuck when sjws harass you on shit instead of whining about it on twitter and making it into a bigger deal than it was.

OT unpopular opinion but h3h3 is garbage now. I use to like them in 2015 but, now their fans are teens and leddit cancer.

No. 595616

File: 1527476546042.png (57.93 KB, 683x427, pY7zZkJ.png)

all of this. they want all the perks of being rich and famous without the drawbacks. sure, real celebrities complain from time to time about the press but when was the last time you heard an actual famous person whine as much as these z-list youtube stars do? and real celebs go through much more scrutiny

it's extra funny since most of them make a career out of ~dunking on~ and dogpiling random internet strangers with dumb opinions, but they can't even handle even a taste of what they make others go through. obviously this applieds to june too and her recent vacation

and yeah h3h3's video output is almost as bad as shoe0nhead's. feels bad man

No. 595619

She is definitely hinting at this being the same thing happening to herself right now. She just doesn't want to say it directly for obvious reasons.

Anyone have the caps/videos for these things? It should go in a new video!

No. 595626

File: 1527477911078.jpg (114.76 KB, 749x1083, DeP_HB_XUAAkU2B.jpg)

Even his cat does it!

No. 595646

This isn't even tinfoil lol it seems pretty obvious and its sort of worked a bit at least on some anons given their surface reactions from past wig threads.

Tbh she's Venti's pretty lulzy herself what with being an octaroon and supporting white supremacist marches among other stupid shit she's done and not being able to differentiate herself from her fucking titty streaming character.

Wig on the other hand was proven to be a literal bully in school this is pretty sick imo, and justifies her getting double hate. Sure she lies and does embarrassing cringy shit but actual bullying is some fucked up shit that I find difficult to be redeemed.

No. 595667

File: 1527483115129.png (160.25 KB, 628x762, narc rage.png)

she just can't handle that some people don't like her.

>ive just been collecting salt about claudia

no june, you were collecting salt about yourself

No. 595680

File: 1527485529131.jpg (81.64 KB, 750x751, IMG_20171121_193639.jpg)

I know the facial similarities between Leafy and Shoe have been meme'd a lot by even her own fanbase, but I just realized that comparisons between the two can run even deeper than that.
>both have/had cancerous fanbases who attack and dogpile objects of interest
>said fanbases are largely underage
>both crank(ed) out generic shit videos
>Shoe in the generic "LULZZ SJW FEMINIST REKT xD" style
>Leafy in the generic commentary video style (the only difference being of course, that Leafy actually cared about pleasing his fans to some degree and stuck to a regular uploading schedule.)
>both have made fun of people with obvious mental disabilities
>both tried to play the ignorance card when called out about it
So what do you guys think, does Shoe deserve the title of female Leafy? Is Shoeafy an even greater meme than we thought?

No. 595688

She absolutely does. Someone in another Shoe thread referred to her as a female Leafy before and it honestly makes so much sense.
I’d add
>Both can’t handle the tiniest bit of criticism
>Both use “anti-insults” to make fun of others while simultaneously appearing “nice and not too harsh”

No. 595690

You're forgetting that Leafy made his money, and completely left the internet at the peak of his popularity. For that reason alone, he's infinitely better than shuwu.

No. 595693

Can't argue with that lol He's pretty set for life if he's smart with his money. Wonder if June will do the same. Though I honestly don't see Venti's videos damaging her reputation that much what with all the fans coming to her aid and giving her a pass.

No. 595694

Yeah, and I just remembered that Leafy, despite possibly being disingenuous about not knowing that TommyNC2010 had autism, still had the decency to put a video out apologizing to him and admitting he was wrong. While June refused to apologize about the schizophrenic vet with PTSD and even calls him a "shitzo" to this day.
So there we go, Shoe is quite literally even worse than Leafy. That says something.

No. 595695

even if june's good with money, she has greg around and we all know how he responsible he is on that front. :^)

either way, i don't think she makes anywhere as much as leafy did

> Though I honestly don't see Venti's videos damaging her reputation that much what with all the fans coming to her aid and giving her a pass.

it won't, brittany is a nobody compared to idubbbbz.

No. 595712


I hate the popularity matters, as if the things feature in Brittany's video would be considered more credible if they were coming from Idubbbbz or Keemstar.

What a time we live in.

No. 595716

>June, do you have her contact information? I'd like to stay in touch with her.

>I have her on skype, but I won't give you contact info. I just wanted to talk about myself and how I can talk to her. Me me me me.

No. 595727

honestly this cat is so cute and looks so sweet that I'd probably put up with greg for a small amount of time just to cuddle him (the cat, not greg)

No. 595754


Is this cunt actually retarded? She literally did the same thing to Lauren a few weeks back. Just cause she said she was sowwy she thinks she's got moral authority here?

No. 595755

um anon get a grip, SHE didnt do it, it was the mean leftist boolies that MADE her do it. she had no choice at all!

No. 595780

>Is this cunt actually retarded?

Are you really asking that question? Of course she is.

No. 595785

File: 1527502637217.png (19.8 KB, 618x181, uh20s.png)

Idiotcin, whom brittany named as a discord leak to troll, made a reasponse video i guess.

>>in my twenties

ur still in ur twenties june

No. 595787

Gotta love how she's narrowing in on the highschool thing and ignoring all the other valid points. Classic June.

Another thing: YT was created in 2005 so it was def a "thing" when she was in highschool, although not nearly as huge as it is today. Not to get too spergy, but if she was born in 1991 then she was still in highschool around 2007-2009. YT was just getting traction around that time. June should know this because Boxxy, aka the person she skinwalked, was getting big on there around that time.

No. 595789

Here's the vid she's mentioning I think. Correct me if wrong discordanon

No. 595792

If Brittany only focused on her high school self, it would be understandably unfair because we all sucked in high school. However, the point of it was to show shuwu been a liar and hypocrite and hasn't changed her behavior. Most people who watch the video get that point because we all know people in our lives who are like this, using that same bs tactics for years and watching others who don't know them well enough fall for them. Shuwu wants to isolate her fans from the truth for that exact reason, if they were too look more further into how she was only 5 years ago, they'd see she's not at being honest with them.

If anything, her fans need to realize she's just playing a persona, whether you think that it is morally right for e-fame whores to do that is up to you, plenty youtubers are completely different when they aren't around fans but, shuwu wants hers to remain completely oblivious.

No. 595794

>>June gives me a huge boner, so she did nothing wrong

No. 595796

this guy just takes shuwu's word for it without questioning anything she says at all while admitting there are plenty of things he didn't know about before the vid. So yeah, typical shuwu fan.

No. 595799

File: 1527505217481.png (313.79 KB, 586x506, disgusting.png)

someone lost their fucking leg but of course she can't be serious about it, she has to be a cute smol girl and insert googoo gaga baby speech at least a little. she has to draw attention to herself somehow


you're almost 30, june. i'll give her credit for at least sharing the donation link

No. 595800

is this a transwoman?

No. 595811

File: 1527507075686.png (18.04 KB, 839x127, AHbIESk.png)

No. 595815

I like how this is the only point she focuses on. Completely ignored the bullying evidence, her lies, everything. It’s really obvious that she’s just trying to gloss over everything to make Brittany seem “obsessed” with her.
I expected Wig to react like this.

No. 595816

File: 1527507730568.png (15.75 MB, 3398x12558, shoemarina.png)

No. 595817

LMAOOOO oh this is too good

No. 595824

No. 595826

I love how she's only narrowing down on this because 1. She doesn't want to bring up other points and 2. Its an ego stroke for her "BRITTANY THOUGHT I WAS SO YOUNG LOOKING SHE THOUGHT I WAS IN HIGH SCHOOL IN MY 20s" does it matter? It's actually worse you were acting that way when you were in your fucking 20s, of course someone is going to assume your 16. It's honestly not far off either though, a few of those vlogs she was 18, right out of high school. How does this defeat the point that you weren't some lonely neet you like to paint yourself as?

Also that means she was using the N word that late in life. It's shitty when high schoolers do it but, they're immature. She used that word worse than Tana did and she was only 16 while wig was apparently 20. Just overall gross person, the fact that her lib fans will defend this is insane.

No. 595827

Oh man, Contra. She didn't start dunking on TERFs till right around the time Contra came out as Trans, huh? This is too perfect.

No. 595861

She still uses the “n word” to this day. The fact that libs aren’t burning her at the stake baffles me.

No. 595864

File: 1527513046374.jpg (120.48 KB, 1143x903, nowig0nhead.jpg)

I'm dead bc this killed me, good job anon!

No. 595871

File: 1527514326761.png (737.49 KB, 585x557, uwu.png)

No. 595877

>fellow friendo
Why can't she just be serious and mature about one thing? Someone is getting their fucking leg cut off from a severe accident and it's just still uwu a fellow friendo needs some help! I hate shuwu

No. 595921

where is that from

No. 595926

Comment section of the response >>595789

No. 595933

so this orbiter has another vid on brittany. but nope, he's not obsessed. only brittany is obsessed

No. 595939

File: 1527523996913.png (33.64 KB, 1012x166, retarded.png)


>how could she possibly be so dumb

I truly have no words

No. 595941

imagine how funny it must be rn to be Brittany, knowing these guys deluded themselves into thinking they were so special that Brittany actually made an account to snoop into their chat when she merely just got screengrabs online.

The absolute state of shuwu fans

No. 595957

File: 1527525938498.png (34.08 KB, 707x423, received_2041781506085953.png)

Kek also kink in public dispute that was in the last thread confirmed

No. 595958

Did this person actually just out themselves? Lmao peak stupidity

No. 595959

File: 1527526111737.png (54.34 KB, 260x221, mwgHIhm.png)

>we can tell you were in the discord chat Brittany!!!

No. 595967

File: 1527527031091.png (11.62 KB, 905x91, seriously dedicated internet s…)

i like how june herself said that brittany isn't getting the info on her own and yet her fans still insist that brittany was ~in the discord chat~

No. 595984

Shuwu deserves more hate that Leafy 100%. He's way less of a cunty snake than she is, he just made shit content, she makes shit content and is also a lying disgusting snake.

No. 595989

what a fucking dumbass

No. 595998

Exactly, Shuwu knows all about us and is probably reading this right now but since she doesn't want her fans to view our threads she doesn't correct them at all lmao. Even though she mentions in that blog post that Brittany didn't find this stuff herself, the "internet stalkers" did. So many of them keep saying Brittany is obsessed, lmao.

No. 596004

These fucking dumbass whores keep centering their attention on the BDSM points. That's barely any of it. They're selectively choosing what they think are valid points and it's exposing how dumb these white knights are.

No. 596015

File: 1527531964081.png (246.21 KB, 634x740, 5Nt8tS7.png)

wow, great debunking there june.

and yes, 2014 ended. it's just that she never grew up or broadened her horizons. she's still desperately latching onto the same shit that made her popular back then

No. 596023

while Brittany is doing a good deed, I wonder what her intentions are. she tried feuding with keemstar for exposure (then tried to expose him, which was a nonevent) she also tried exposing kaceytron, the twitch streamer who she was heavily ''inspired'' by. i guess she struck a gold mine with june(read the rules & usage info)

No. 596028

File: 1527533041958.jpg (182.36 KB, 960x720, 7BH534i.jpg)

there's a lot of photos of her drinking out on the internet

No. 596029

June is so creepy in this licestream with Boxxy and spergs on random guy who innocently suggested they shouldn't talk about the boxxy persona because of the strife it caused boxxy "lol no one even knows who he is"

No. 596030


imo it's definitely for attention, but who gives a shit since it's making June tear her hair out

No. 596032

Smoking too she says she doesn't likethe act of smoking but then she's doing "Xtreme Vaping" with scepthicc and lauren southern

No. 596038

>2014 never ended

June wishes..Back in 2014 she was only 23 and relatively fresh on the Youtube scene.

Now she is nearing her 30s, constantly hanging onto the old fame, a slave to an obese retard and a prime cringe material.

No. 596040

Does trichtillomania make it impossible for hair to grow back? I’ve never seen it before so just curious, I guess. Polite sage.

No. 596043

File: 1527535233352.png (10.99 KB, 623x90, imaginebeingthisretarded.png)

this comment under Brittany's video made me laugh out loud

No. 596049

Trichotillomania can be permanent because it damages the hair follicle, and given the extent of shuwu’s balding, some of that hair loss is probably permanent. She really did fuck her scalp up.

No. 596058

Where's this from, anon?

No. 596060

What video of June's does the screenshot of her in the black shirt with rolls in her belly come from? (OPs picture)

No. 596099

She wishes she was boxxy so bad. It's been like 10 years almost and she still tries to be her. I mean, I wish it was still 2010 as well but June needs to seriously get a life and a real personality and style.

No. 596102

More proof that shuwu's fans are the most stupid on the internet, and given the stupidity of the internet that really means something.

No. 596151

File: 1527543800334.jpg (579.27 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180528-173540_Chr…)

Apparently discord logs which are basically open to the public of u pay 5 bucks are illegal. Lmao

No. 596157

As a long time member of the BDSM community and lifestyle I want to say she acts like such an out of the norm obnoxious newbie. In the community a couple of our rules are don't bash kinks and don't vanilla bash. A core of the community's identity is finding a judgement free zone from a society that deems our actions and desires very worthy of judgement.

I don't know what trophies or medals she thinks she's earning everytime she goes off about "IM A BRAT U VANILLA NORMIE, I LIVE THE LIFESTYLE 24/7 YOU VANILLA NORMIE" it's fucking cringey and I hope to god people don't think we're all that fucking obnoxious about it. She makes it seem very much like a "goth loli kinky waifu uwu" fad for her, I sincerely doubt she'd continue the BDSM lifestyle into a new relationship.

No. 596158

shuwu's fans are going to contact the cyber police on Brittany. consequences will never be the same.

No. 596159

File: 1527544281840.jpg (87.89 KB, 1027x657, skii.JPG)

same cancun unichan meet up as seen on her juneskii acct

No. 596168

File: 1527545126132.png (161.41 KB, 465x355, 13338520414.png)

back in the days of the 'sharpie in pooper' meme she made this

No. 596171

come on guys we all know we wouldn't be shocked if she really did shove a sharpie in her ass in the past because she's always been so attention starved and desperate to pretend like she's a ~unique gurl who like totally understands 4chan's 2011 humor and knows every maymay in history uwu!!1~

No. 596185

it's not there anymore, she must have deleted it

No. 596201

didn't you know anon? vaping and smoking are totes different
except that vaping can actually damage your lungs more depending on what substance is focused on in substance reports kek

if she can't keep her mind up on anything, then it's her fault for not only ruining her reputation but also her health in the process (not just mentally)
after seeing the shitshow backpedaling her and her highschool buddy showed on stream for the internet to see?
i cant say i feel any sympathy if her health goes to shit, her weight gain is the first step of this cascade of effects soon to come
she had so many chances to turn a new leaf and she didnt

especially after throwing so many of her unichan friends under the bus in the process before running others like Lauren southern under the bus too. screw it, let us revel in her being taken a few pegs down tbh
she needs to get humbled

No. 596205


We're still a few years off on that Backtracing technology, the guy working on it dun goofed.

No. 596228


>we dont air it out in public because that's socially braindead!!

Coming from someone that threw Lauren straight under the bus when you could argue that Lauren is also risking her fanbase and future political aspirations by never publically calling out June for her opinions that disagree with Lauren's and by sticking up for her numerous times. But, she didn't exchange the same respect back.

Does she actually think that people on Lauren's political side dont shit on Lauren for being publically friends with Shoe? Oh. That would require her to think about someone other than herself and her predator boyfriend.

No. 596259

She thought bdsm was cringey and laughable before getting with preg anon then all the sudden it's "BEEPBEEP OUT OF MY WAY VANILLAS XD"

No. 596270

What's funny is in that one interview the other girl asks her if she uses binkies and diapers and she freaks out saying "oh ew no!", but then those two start backpedalling and saying "it's completely fine if you're into that!" kek the only people she'll shame are vanilla normies

No. 596275

It's mostly the fact they're both so loud about it. I've seen youtube channels dedicated to bdsm and neither of them parade their relationship the way preg and shuwu do, if anything they just use their experiences to educate viewers new to the community, that's it. They remain generally private.

It's obvious shuwu and preg get off to attention and mainly think Preg likes it because he's the definition of a man insecure about his masculinity and needs his gf to tell everyone how "masculine" and "alpha" he is for being a dom despite the facts most male doms in the bdsm community that I've seen aren't at all manly, in fact I'd argue a lot of them ironically are the opposite.

OT but I will never understand bdsm dynamic for this reason, to me if a guy wants to call himself a dom he has to be physically strong. I guess i don't understand the mental gymnastics that's need to find a obese manchild "dominate"

No. 596276

Did anyone ever buy her not like other grills™ mpdg nerdy persona before? If so, HOW?

She's the literal physical embodiment of trashy popular chick who bullies everyone.

No. 596284

Lol at shuwu's Disney princess waistline.

Anyway is Preg supposed to be a compound of "predator" and "Greg" or are you just making fun of the fact that he looks pregnant?

No. 596288

That's why I wanna make a review video on their totes BDSM video. She acts like this makes her super special or something when really she's just like anyone else with a kink. Except most people tend to just keep it to their damn self.

No. 596290

just wanted to say i used to be a casual fan of june (watched her videos, didn't follow on twitter though) before reading this thread and i always avoided it on the snow catalog bc i assumed it was just feminists upset about her videos. i only decided to start reading it when i drifted out of my anti-feminism phase. without knowing her past, her attitude and shit i would never have changed my view on her though. i appreciate the digging you guys do to bring stuff to the forefront that the casual fan would never, ever see. now i've wached some of her videos now and i can't fathom what i saw in them. so thanks <3
sage for no1curr

No. 596293

File: 1527555256097.jpeg (22.23 KB, 386x303, 6A032388-6555-4FC4-96EE-225FB9…)

>mfw when Shreg makes a sexual comment about them in their videos, and she does that fake high pitched laugh and jumps on him and covers his mouth like she doesn’t want anyone to know “omg daddy so l00d oWo” but keeps it in the video because she loves it

No. 596299

Reminds me of how she always tweets about calling him daddy but on her ask.fm said she uses a "private nickname" and censored it in the video where they write down their nicknames. Preg looked so proud to show the camera too.

No. 596300

Why not both?

No. 596303

Do it anon!

No. 596304

What video anon?

No. 596305


>Preg looked so proud to show the camera too.

it was probably something very creative like "fuckdoll"

No. 596308

File: 1527556331122.jpg (1.29 MB, 2576x1932, 15275563178141290707298.jpg)

Made some shuwu fan art for you guys.

No. 596310

No. 596316

God she's so gross in her best DDLG get up for the bideo too uwu

No. 596320

I think a lot of anons who have ended up itt feel that way. That’s why I’m fine with Brittany being the one to make the call out. Even if people question her motives. Most of her fans only know her from YouTube and so YouTube will be the place they learn not to support her.

No. 596322

She needs more call outs tbh

No. 596323

File: 1527557298392.jpg (47.36 KB, 630x454, fat fucking canadian.jpg)


ah, I see she worships his peen 24/7.

No. 596324

Do you think brit will do another video on her?

No. 596326

She probably shouldn’t. Not now. The 2 she made were good anyway.

No. 596327

Why do you say that anon?

No. 596328


Downloading video right now where they review 50 shades of grey. I hope to make it a short video and such but still be informational and call them out. I'm on mobile doing it. Crossing fingers rn.

No. 596329

She did a really great job covering all the points against Shoe in her last 2 vids. Unless other big names join in on the convo with vids of their own, it actually will start to come across as obsessive because would be repeating herself. Then others will be afraid to publicly contribute because it might look bad to.

Imo she should wait unless there’s some major new milk.

No. 596330

Apologies for the OT in advance but since kink/DDLG/pedophilia is such a big part of Shoe's persona there's something I feel that needs to be clarified.

Pedophilia is not a mental illness. The best way to describe it is a cultivated rape fetish. Pedophiles know how to manipulate social discourses and will wring the narrative that they're "broken" for all it's worth. In reality, pedophiles (the male ones at least) absolutely hate women. Their attraction to children is their desire for partners that are naive, dependent on them and that they can control/feel 'big' in comparison towards. They think adult women are all gold diggers and whores. The whole "broken brain" thing falls apart when you actually ask any pedophile how they feel about women or at LEAST how they envision a romantic relationship with a child.

I used to work in the public sector processing people coming in and out of my country (it wasn't a super cool job. At the core we were glorified tax collectors). The one piece of advice we were given about spotting pedophiles was that if you were a woman, a pedophile would be most likely to attempt to intimidate you, act coldly or otherwise verbally abuse you. If you were a man, they would be submissive (almost frightened) while engaging with you.

No. 596332

Oh I see and agree, I meant will she make another video if anything else major comes up.

No. 596333

receipts for the contra thing?

No. 596334

Brittany said herself she has enough to do a part three and might do one after a while in a recent stream.

I agree she should wait before doing another video. It could damage her credibility if she goes in again too soon.

No. 596338

File: 1527558283717.png (137.18 KB, 350x219, thumb-350-792811.png)

Godspeed, anon.

No. 596342

File: 1527558569678.png (476.7 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180528-214927.png)

God is this the thumbnail?

No. 596343


Thank you. I'm in a hotel with no laptop so I'm working with what I've got and will do my best to ensure it's a decent video.

God Greg is so retarded though. MENSA intelligence my ass.

No. 596346

I know this is OT but that is super interesting.

No. 596350

>The one piece of advice we were given about spotting pedophiles was that if you were a woman, a pedophile would be most likely to attempt to intimidate you, act coldly or otherwise verbally abuse you. If you were a man, they would be submissive (almost frightened) while engaging with you.

It's terrifying that this sounds like so many shitty men I've encountered.

It's speculation. Pre transition Contra was a pretty dude and I think there's an old post in June's askfm about being attracted to prettyboys. She only started dunkin' on terfs regularly after Contra came out as trans. She rides his dick on twitter and seems to crave his approval while he kind of ignores her. That's about it.

No. 596354

File: 1527560534549.jpg (29.78 KB, 640x480, zLCfSw6.jpg)

shoe with the kenny guy she led on before he leaked her nudes
you can blatantly see how she was leading him on

No. 596363

File: 1527560877274.jpg (52.33 KB, 751x361, armoured paedo.jpg)


>can't be bothered to iron out their backdrop

>apparently don't know what white balance is
>let's leave the whiteboards all washed-out when we show them to the camera it's not like we can move the lights and/or adjust the camera settings it's not like we're raking in patreonbux from our paypigs or anything
>some of the worst royalty-free music this side of a spiderman and elsa video
>Preg's laugh somehow makes him sound even fatter than he actually is
>he won't stop make his "I'm a disney prince, you've got a dad in me uwu" face
>June talking about cooking as if she didn't tweet out a picture of that time she made two slices of bread for dinner
>"I eat Italian every night" "OHMYGOD (covers mouth like a bashful Japanese schoolgirl)"
>June's "little" voice

I think I hate these people.

No. 596364

This is great! lmao

No. 596366

Can attest to-I remember reading a paper some time ago about pedophilia and how its not a sexual orientation(this was at the time pedos were trying to argue their sexuality is the same as LGB and get protection which is sick) but is in fact as you say, a fetish. I wish I could find it again but in it the doctor goes onto detail how it differs from sexual orientation as is in fact learned and to do with the attitudes you outline of pedos hating women. Worst thing is some time back when I visited 8chan I saw how pedos talk about women and children and how they can gain access to children, saw a horrific post from a pediatrician looking for advice on how to abuse this womans daughter, this is why I hate shoe claiming this stuff is harmless. saged

No. 596369

Oh shit, anon saying Shuwu has a fatty fetish might actually be onto something

No. 596370

her shoulders are so broad she's like a fucking NFL player. her childish cringy clothes only make it more obvious.

No. 596373

File: 1527561679078.png (803.45 KB, 600x600, 6a2.png)

Oh I so hope that when brittany makes her next video she adds this, or better yet does a video on this joke of a human being.

No. 596378

honestly, I think that her shoulders look a lot worse next to gorg because he has 0 shoulders for his size. it's so unmasculine. I have big shoulders but next to any manly looking man you'd barely notice it.

No. 596380

too bad I think contra likes guys

No. 596385

contra is bi. he used to be mostly into women but i think he's into both now, probably mostly into men now because it affirms his feelings 'as a woman' or whatever. if joon was an actual leftist he'd probably go for her

No. 596388

File: 1527562570526.png (31.91 KB, 582x287, contra.png)

No. 596393

obvi a joke, i think. nick has mentioned a million times how obsessed he is with thin-ness and how it's unattractive to be fat, how he's a huge hedonist but one that's obsessed with appearance and sveleteness. he has never seemed to be into fatties and pretty actively gives off the impression that he's really into slim people

No. 596396

Exactly shy asexual wallflower who cuddles with guys on beds and lets guys take pictures of her in the bath uwu

No. 596397

File: 1527563084460.png (46.49 KB, 469x372, okkk.PNG)

samefag but here's him salivating over what a twink he was. i think it's super unlikely that he'd actually be into a shapeless blob of shit like greg

No. 596403

Oh my fucking god, how is hontra such a delusional, narcissistic, faggot? I hope he and every other transbian gets a botched castration ala remaleia.

No. 596407

Yeah june posted that she has always been into skinny metrosexual or hunky tall guys and on her old formspring(?) She also posted that she finds long hair sexy and the two celebs she wanted to fuck were Jared Leto and Jake Gyllenhaal sooo

No. 596410

i think we can consider this case closed. she was always into ottermode metro boys. hontra is exactly the type of guy she'd go for. throw in the fact that he's got a youtube following bigger than greg's, is, admittedly, pretty cinematographically talented, is more intelligent, and more clever than him, and it's pretty clear that she's def frothing at the bit for him. but as nick says, he has never even had to try to get laid, so her despo, beta targeting, wiggy wiles don't work on him. she has just always had to show up and have losers fawn all over her. doesn't work so well in contra's case.

No. 596451

implying mentally ill twinkhons are rational

of course being an autistic tranny won't get you laid. doesn't stop you from thinking it would lel

No. 596477

File: 1527573435521.png (407.74 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180529-015336.png)

June draws terribly

No. 596478

File: 1527573469265.png (594.94 KB, 720x835, 20180529_015242.png)

So this is basically what Juneky has deluded herself into believing Sceptic's like

No. 596479

What is this shit? This is a rare tbh

No. 596480

thats a big lad

No. 596502

File: 1527577673280.jpg (254.81 KB, 995x1546, enxxRVF.jpg)

More lies and pretty much proof that Shoe doesn't know anything about what she daily talks about.

No. 596504

Her defense to this will probably be ''I WAS JUST MEMEING XD ITS ALL JOKEZ plz no bully uwu''.
Doesn't matter if it's serious or not, you still talk about politics and most importantly, you still lie about it. Plus, the two videos were not satire.

No. 596509

Why doesn't she just become a girly channel and actually start learning to do her makeup and fashion properly? She should have never gotten involved in the political side of youtube.

No. 596510

But anon, that wouldn’t have garnered her the male attention she so desperately needs!

No. 596514

That would also mean working on being able to give good advicebto other women.
Shuwu-chan doesn't want that! She wants to do bare minimum to get sweet beta bux while shitting hard on women to compensate for her bald head insecurities.

No. 596519

She's honestly ugly, boring at best/cringey and annoying the other 99% of the time, and italian. Why would anyone watch her videos over any other beauty guru's?

Plus, no one likes her besides men and other self-hating bpd thots.

No. 596532

That would mean her target audience would be other women and Shuwu can't breathe without male attention.

No. 596551


Totally not political though guyz uwu

No. 596554

shes so fucking unfunny holy shit

No. 596558

File: 1527586850470.jpg (130.87 KB, 640x426, shoeandpals.jpg)


this is all I see

No. 596560

why is the OP thumbnail spoilered in catalog?

No. 596561

what the actual fuck is that hair

No. 596565

File: 1527588203760.jpg (58.68 KB, 612x612, 19424758847510.jpg)

She's not actually ugly she just makes herself look bad. She used to be really cute.

(Also, What does being Italian have anything to do with anything? Or is that just some racism you're casually throwing out there?)

No. 596569

File: 1527588689147.jpg (61.87 KB, 536x800, 1439851713_doubt.jpg)

>She used to be really cute.

No. 596570

Lauren looks like Granny from Looney Tunes with her hair up…how unfortunate.

Wiggy looks like Bugs Bunny on the other hand kek…also what's up with that wig???

No. 596573


That project was doomed right from the start. It was not him, it was his heart.

No. 596574

>(Also, What does being Italian have anything to do with anything? Or is that just some racism you're casually throwing out there?)
it's not racist to call out trash guidettes for what they are, besides, italian is not a race. italian american culture is gross. and she's just as much irish as she is italian, really

its funny bc the same men that praise them would shit on left leaning women for making a similar sketch with this embarrassing caliber of humor, but because they're basically right wing (including wig, idc what she says) it's "YOU TWO ARE SO HOT AND FUNNY XD FEMINAZI HILLARY SUPPORTERS BTFO'D!!!"

No. 596575

If the OP image is a video or a gif, the thumbnail is spoilered

No. 596576

File: 1527589531007.jpg (77.34 KB, 433x594, Spencer Rice E1 Party 2010 Tor…)

No. 596577

>Hillary won't judge me if I get thirty late-term abortions…on purpose

woooooow that's hella epic xD

It's not like getting a late-term abortion is a very stressful and painful experience both physically and mentally…
Nope, women are just evil demons who love aborting on purpose and want to do it as much as possible, especially late term.

So Shuwu, how about this "hot take"?

No. 596581

Wow, that’s rough. They even have the same chin shape.

No. 596588

>italian is not a race.

oh ffs, it's you again. didn't we already go over this?

No. 596589

she really loves to play up this idea to her fucking loser fanbase that women are having abortions for funsies. she tweeted out like literally half a week ago this livestream that Terri Strange did titled "abortion is awesome" (terri is actually great) as if terri strange, the fucking lesbian, that wants nothing to do with dicks, is having abortions left, right and center. she's all about demonizing women and misleading men into hating them, including women that aren't even fucking having abortions.

No. 596593

t. triggered italian

Anyways, guidos are shit and I would never take beauty advice from one.

No. 596594


Probably why she threw Lauren under the bus. She's so thirsty for CancerPoints.

Oh and I'd love to see Shreg's face when jUwUne brings her over for a threesome.

No. 596600

File: 1527591690724.jpg (58.2 KB, 800x998, IMG_20170602_003915.jpg)

…what the fuck? Is that supposed to be funny?

No. 596602

The /r9k/ tripfag? Huh, interesting.

No. 596610


Honestly I really hated her before the election but afterwards I couldn't fucking stand her because she really showed how much of a heartless cunt she is.

Creationist cat made a vid about her later backtracking cause she's actually ~such a lib totes a mama of the lgbt community~. He stated in the comments that he thought her heart was in the right place but I think it was her just covering her ass per usual. No one with good intentions post-election would have posted such vile shit.

No. 596612

>calling her a guidette is racist guys

This reach, kek

No. 596667


The drawing was something I found upon searching shoe0nhead on reddit.

No. 596669

Why are the shots of Lauren clear but Shuwu is blurred? Did she bring her potato camera on set so that she could keep her ~aestheticc~?

No. 596695


Has June ever been funny?

No. 596747

Isn't that a tranny mod of /fem/ on 8chan?

No. 596752

Holy hat you’re right. I thought my computer was just acting up - but all of her shots are blurry. Is she really that insecure that she had to bring her fucking 480p cam to the set?

Also m, I just noticed how enormous June’s hands are. God damn. So much for being smol and dainty uwu

No. 596757

File: 1527609074365.png (123 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180529-114106.png)

Gross how can anyone think her current fashion sense is anything but cringey? Her outfits always look so haphazardly put together and cheap.

No. 596759

>i want to look exactly like her
the skinwalking knows no bounds

No. 596764

On the 8chan /Shoe0nhead/ board, there's a post talking about how Shoe and Swami were close friends, from 2016. I posted it in the last thread but no one responded.

No. 596765

probably a tranny lol

No. 596767

No. 596768

Post it again, anon.

No. 596775

I remember watching that vid a couple years ago and I was always under the impression that they didn't film together. As in, Shoe sent her potato-quality footage to Lauren. You never see them together in the same shot anyways. Besides, it wouldn't make any sense to use two different cameras for one video.

Literally buy anything from romwe, forever21, or aliexpress. It's that easy.

No. 596780

File: 1527610363754.png (403.24 KB, 566x704, 20180529_121242.png)

S m o l p e a r b u n

No. 596806

File: 1527611760950.png (103.06 KB, 621x595, FuZzmf6.png)

June's obsession with this SJW is weird. I don't like even Matt like that, but 99.999% of women would choose him over Shreg 2.0 in a heartbeat. Sure, he's cringe but his heart is in the the right place and he probably makes good money that he won't eventually blow on toys and doomsday gear. It's almost like June knows she's wasting her best years on some retarded pedo slob and is overcompensating.

Another note: June has been ~dunkin on~ Matt for years. Why aren't her stans calling out this obsession? Brittany hasn't even been making fun of June for a whole month, yet she's already been labeled that. Interesting!

No. 596818

Isn't it obvious that guy is hotter than preg

No. 596821

this is why i think june stuffs her bra her titties are so inconsistent in these pics

No. 596825

File: 1527613082887.png (513.87 KB, 650x1194, KmbTRFE.png)

>my friend release a new video? better make this all about me and my idiotic boyfriend

Flat-earthers, creationists and now… anti-trans conspiracy theorists? What totally relevant and not at all easily debunkable group will this MENSA level genius cover next?

No. 596827

>Why aren't her stans calling out this obsession?
because their pwecious shuwe can't be a lolcow, it hurts their fweelings.

notice her same fans will make fun of other obvious cows like onion, someone who is getting to be chris chan level documented(ok maybe not that close but, I just needed an easy comparison) and no one bats an eye or calls that stalking or obsession because it's fucking onion, capping is stupid shit is hilarious to many people and shuwu has become this for others as well.

People have a harder time accepting her for who she really is because they first have to admit they fell for her bs and liked their videos at some point. But, you can't really blame her casual fans who only watch her youtube, her twitter followers should all nuke themselves for being able to read her tweets and not ever thinking she's cringy. not surprisingly most of her sjw/libfem fans are her active twitter followers.

No. 596840

>"they're a fascinating community"

Anyone else would be like "wtf lol" at this shit, but for June and her mensa level boyfriend it's so fascinating and it needs a research video where Preg can show how much smarter he is than few crazies.

>tranime girl

Pinnacle of June's fanbase.

No. 596842

Shuwu saga part 1 is back up

No. 596850

and it's still age restricted content for nudity?

No. 596851

File: 1527614965314.jpg (24.8 KB, 1249x154, jdkjsd.JPG)

Got this from Brit's video (part 2)

"Of course I'm gonna defend him from harpies"

wow june

w o w

No. 596859

File: 1527615541023.png (111.65 KB, 425x287, puke.PNG)

That board is so unfortunate in every regard, jesus

No. 596862

she's about as funny as onision. she's lucky she's not a dude otherwise she would have gone nowhere with her anti-sjw/feminism shtick

No. 596865

10 bucks she posted this herself.

No. 596866

Funnily enough, this Tranime Girl is actually talking to TERFs these days and trying to hold a conversation. Wonder what June thinks of that!

No. 596870

>”using him for money”
>implying Greg makes more money than her
Fucking kek, the delusion. She wants him to be “alpha” and “dominant” so bad.

No. 596878

File: 1527616763573.jpeg (9.65 KB, 128x108, EE03DD2C-5603-4947-A078-44FFB7…)

Do you think shoe wishes she was a tranny girl? She has a penis envy vibe to her

No. 596887

File: 1527617861850.jpg (27.22 KB, 526x468, q0IL1ET.jpg)

Trashy Aliexpress collars and knockoff j-fashion, how classy.

Also side note, remember when Shoe said she'd never show cleavage? :-)

No. 596917

Being a man isn’t uwu smol though anon, quite the opposite, so no.

No. 596918

>duck face, forced cleavage, caked in makeup and fake hair

just like every other fake hoe in 2010, get originality june

let me guess, she posted these herself? 99% of people don't give two shits about them, I dont know why her and greg are so stuck in their own ego, it's similar to shay-gnars delusions about how, because she shot a sex scene once she's now a porn star

reminds me of that weird post of someone claiming them in their family watched junes candid, which barely got any views and joked about how she was a star, or when greg supposedly said he was scared shadman was going to draw them

they have fans, but they have these delusions about themselves thinking they're some amazing atheist level celebrities

No. 596919

prolly, with gregs troon fetish, mixed with how she always wants neckbeard attention, most likely

No. 596923

I remember a while ago preg liking brittany on twitter,does anyone have pics of that to send to shuwu?I'd really wanna see hear react to that

No. 596924

Why hasn't he come to your defense throughout all of this, June? After all that's how relationships work, right?

No. 596935

>when greg supposedly said he was scared shadman was going to draw them
This didn't happen, that was Dankula and his fiancee since she was wearing a kigurumi. Of course Shuwu tweeted about it though because she wants to hint at wanting that to happen to herself.

No. 596937

File: 1527621255671.png (210.55 KB, 784x784, PqSH4kC.png)

I know what you're talking about but can't find it. Found this though lol

No. 596940

Was this when Brittany and Jessi were friends with June or is this them taking the piss
I know Jessi and Brittany are still friends now (probably)

No. 596949

File: 1527622246311.png (83.2 KB, 502x343, UVykUHI.png)

No. 596956

Didn't the alleged hefer that had a threesome with them on Halloween in Colorado say June was barely involved?

No. 596981

That tweet where he claims only men call him fat and ugly hasn't aged well. I wonder if he's beginning to realize all the ego pumping shuwu did to him is going to bite him in the ass more and more considering he's extremely unattractive and she's only projecting what she wishes he was.

No. 597005

File: 1527626063283.png (202.38 KB, 904x500, hT1YGph.png)

>never saw the videos
of course

>i think she's a total stalker


No. 597009

June wishes to be anything neckbeards claim to want at any given moment. I wouldn't be surprised if she takes all that sour grapes traps>women shitposting at face value.

No. 597044

lol, the girl next to Brittany was 14 so he either prefers Brittany or a 14 y/o

No. 597046

File: 1527629833851.png (67.91 KB, 680x548, lsTPJ3F.png)

did june drop contra as her token trans friend or something? and is this ella person here to steal his spot?

No. 597050

>don't you need dysphoria to be trans?
Kek. June is a TERFz!!!1!

No. 597066

Potentially funny clip for anyone thinking of making a vid.

2:07 - "you go on twitter and then your favorite celebrities are ruined. they're just ruined after you find out these bizarre things that they think."

No. 597073


Why is Wig so obsessed with trannies? Does she want to fuck them or what is going on?

No. 597075

Ot but i feel like she posts these things to get attention from slightly attractive men, like how she calls out shadman and PJW, and men being pieces of shit, unless they're feminist or submissive men, doesn't seem to be a turn off for her

She only gets a tiny bit of attention from ugly ass greg who she constantly tries to convince herself and everyone else is a manly sexy man and totally not a fat hair pregnant lesbian, is she getting tired of her fat neckbeard orbiters?

No. 597081

Myself and a few other anons have said before that she keeps transwomen around to make herself feel better in comparison. Because at the end of the day they're still men and will always be defect versions of 'women.'
So there's no threat of competition.
Wig don't seem to give a fuck about female to male trannies.

No. 597086

but isn't she friends with the ftm dennis guy?

No. 597102

File: 1527634652686.jpg (14.98 KB, 423x267, 64guq.jpg)

Venti is 100 times bigger lolcow than Shoe. She's a person of color trying to pander to white supremacists.

No. 597108

Her best friend since middle school is a FTM transman anon…

No. 597109

yeah, but she never talks about ftm problems. it seems like she only screams about mtfs, probably because they make up 1/2 of her fanbase by now
and june is a woman trying to pander to mgtow and incels. how is that any better? hint: it's not, they're both lolcows

No. 597112

I also think a big part of it is that it's just an easy to issue to support that she can use to hate feminists over for being terfs but she can also use it to say that she's a centrist because someone properly right wing wouldn't support it. If she gets bored of terfs and stops claiming any individual trans people are her friends then she'll drop the issue entirely, as far as I've seen she's never done any advocacy or donating or anything like that

No. 597115

true, but she's not a hypocrite. she's a cashcow looking for paydirt, but she isn't carefully crafting a certain persona and contradicting herself constantly along the way. she's a total lolcow, but she doesn't back down and she can handle the heat. that's the difference. wig cries booli when held accountable, whereas brittany is mentally strong enough to face the consequences for her retarded pandering, she just doesnt care

No. 597118

i can't believe i'm defending spenny but he doesn't deserve to be compared to shuwu

No. 597120

Both pander but, shuwu also has her cringy relationship with a divorced manwhale cheater who thinks he's flynn rider and they parade their cringy "24/7 bdsm" dynamic and her orbiters jack off and self insert as preg.

Also, shuwu is 27, Brittany is 20. If Brittany is still pandering to guys with /pol/ memes in her late 20s, then she's close to maybe competing but, shuwu is going to be onion tier within 1 or 2 years.

No. 597134

>Brittany is 20

Really? She looks the same age as Wig and acts like her too.

No. 597139


>Brittany defending Lauren Southern


No. 597142

Italians are white.

No. 597143

Brittany went to the unite the right rally last iirc, some of what she says or does makes Lauren look like an ~enlightened centrist~. Obviously she'd defend Lauren over June, the letter stuff was just the tipping point for her to find stuff to put in a video so it was credible and justified

No. 597144

I can’t find this comment.

No. 597145

in the comments, go to "newest first" you'll find it.

No. 597146

Cheap wig from China, some clearance forever 21 clothes, skater skirt, thot collar, and converse to prove you are not like other girls.

No. 597155

was searching for some shit on June and found a whole 40 fucking minute video. watched like 6 minutes of it and it's pretty accurate so far


No. 597169

Haha, kek’d

No. 597170

That is Agatha, and /r9k/ waifu. She is like 18 or 19, if not 20.

No. 597174

I am 100% positive she used to have a thread that was created a year or so ago. I think it was deleted bc I can't find it anymore. There's a newer one that was made 3 months ago, but it's not the same one.

No. 597189

File: 1527641573129.jpeg (143.69 KB, 800x1186, D3A02AC6-833D-4E20-9640-BE16B0…)

>what Preg actually looks like when he makes that face

No. 597191


No. 597198

there's an alt right snowflake thread that was created a year ago where brittany is mentioned. is that what you're thinking of?

No. 597215

File: 1527643145578.png (54.42 KB, 831x131, Ahmxx0k.png)

don't think this was ever mentioned here.

this is a response to shreg (aka ajaxbongo) on a vid about how the simpsons predicted the end of the world. greg took that seriously. youtube's #1 skeptic right here, guys

No. 597223

anyone else find it weird that very few people (in the Youtube comments and on Twitter) are focusing on the clip where she was screaming "nigger" and talking bout black people having a reputation for rape? i think it's worse than the scarfgirl bullying, and it would be very difficult for her or her WKs to defend.

tbh that may have been it.

No. 597224

lots of her white knights are betas who don't care about racism though
her pathetic paying discord buddies are willfully ignoring everything she's done though.

No. 597240

Has she ever acknowledged Greg’s history of Kool-Aid-drinking Doomsday evangelism? I’d like to see how she could spin it in any way that doesn’t make him look like an adult baby with no mind of his own. In my experience, people with cult mentalities don’t just grow out of it. Aside fro actually getting psychological treatment those kinds of people tend to just drift from one radical obsession-based identity to the next.

Back when that CrazyHair chick snuck into their hotel room at VidCon there was a rumor about June and Septic doing coke. Any chance there’s validity to this theory? Wouldn’t surprise me coming from a loser like Preg, and it would explain why June is so hung up on their relationship if they’re getting high together. Also explains the overtly public displays of sexuality. Sage for basically tinfoil.

No. 597275

well, at least she can buy wigs and never sleep, or convert to Judaism but she would lose nazi attention

No. 597276

No. 597305

aggy and brittney venti are both jewish

No. 597322

I swear I only see Donkey's face in her now.

There's literally no actual drama related to her. She makes troll videos yes, but lolcow drama? Not really. Making people bothered and angry with her videos is her thing, that's why it's called trolling. I actually like that there exists a woman doing callouts because female lolcows often get a free pass due to their orbiters protecting their precious princess. Just look at all the men defending shoe at the moment and even the /cow/ board barely talking about her.

Despite being a fence sitter she's still the poster girl for the alt right because of the trad waifu uwu angle. They embrace racism.

No. 597324

Venti isn't jewish, she's a basic mixed girl that wears blue contacts

No. 597327

I doubt that the alt right even likes her. June is a wannabe trad Waifu thot and she rants about “muh trans issues” daily.
The only thing they’ve got common ground on is misogyny and racism, plus she’s too much of a fence sitter for them to like her.

No. 597338

File: 1527661808871.jpg (64.83 KB, 800x774, acLoJlK.jpg)

good point. from what i've seen most of her fans are enlightened centrists. but june very much did pander to /pol/ early in her "career" (and still does) and has more right leaning fans than left, so that should count for something

No. 597349

No. 597393

File: 1527666532769.png (552.01 KB, 640x514, GkBrHoi.png)

No. 597400

She's made videos about bdsm, is into ddlg, sucks hontra's dick, and is fucking a beta retard (out of wedlock at that). Most men in the alt-right think she's a liberal, coalburning whore, which is true.

No. 597404

Yeah the meme about June being alt-right or 'trad' really needs to stop in these threads. June's fan base is centrists, individualists/'liberalists' lol, mtf trannies, neckbeards, beta males like Kenny from unichan who fantasise about having sex with her and skin walkers girls who want to be her and get a slice of the attention.

No. 597406

you guys fail to realize though that she still tries to cozy up to them. they don't actually like her for the most part, but remember, this is a woman who still calls /pol/ 'delightful' so they'll think of her favorably, and she DID try to pander to them a lot but dropped it when she thought they'd never get over fucking a black guy. and a lot of the alt right is ok with trannies because theyre tranny chasers just fyi

No. 597409

Don't we have caps in previous threads of her trying to show off how trad she is and how she tweeted something along the lines of "it's ok if people don't want to be trad but i like it for me" or some shit?

No. 597410

>she looks the same age
lol, shuwu wishes
>and acts like her too
yeah, shuwu is pretty immature for her age
brittany is a proper troll, shuwu tries to be but gets scared and then pretends to be an innocent little flower again, she's fake as shit
at least brittany is legit, i respect that
brittany>shuwu all day erryday
>they embrace racism
well maybe claudia brown (ranting feminist) should be a bit more concerned about it at least
why is she so quick to forgive shuwu for disgusting racist comments? she's white so it's not her job to say it's no big deal anymore
basically if her lefty fans defend her against those videos, just point out the racism
her centrist fans might not care, but the lefty ones ought to

No. 597411

yes she also posted stuff multiple times about how she preferred it in the 50s

No. 597412

Boopy June blogs has been updating new videos recently.

No. 597417

"i've never told someone they are fat"

No. 597426

>She's a compulsive liar. What did you expect?

No. 597441

Remember when shuwu was sperging out over rational wiki?

No. 597444

File: 1527678041537.png (1.46 MB, 1743x1858, rational wiki.png)

She also tweeted out the stream, but I can't seem to find it. There's a ton of tweets from her fans editing her article. Funny how she felt comfortable going after this article and not her ED one or any of the points in Brittany's videos.

No. 597448

File: 1527678498753.png (1.68 MB, 1743x2516, crowder is a liar uwu.png)

I remember her getting upset over the Sargon thing. I'll try to find stuff on that. She likes to tweet out conservative comments that she finds under her videos or on her twitter and go "looks like a bideo of mine got posted on conservative facebook lol." Anywho, here's what I found on the Crowder thing.

No. 597449


I remember one point she made is that RW said she used slurs against black people and she called that a "heavy lie". Maybe she didn't call a specific black person anything, but she does use the n word, even with a hard r, to be a stupid edgy fuck, which is what I believe the article meant, that she uses a slur against black people, i.e. an anti black slur. Not everyone is gonna see this as a grave offense but it's not a "heavy lie" either.

No. 597456

File: 1527680119027.png (15.88 KB, 296x135, you start fires in micorwaves.…)

No. 597458

File: 1527680194069.png (43.62 KB, 578x267, microwave firestarter.png)

No. 597459

June please, we've all seen what you feed your pet elephant seal.

No. 597469

File: 1527682153704.jpg (72.08 KB, 1165x1467, 8NqVbOe.jpg)

Regarding her audience, she did a poll a few months back. I think it's fair to say that most of her audience are just edgy centrists/liberals teens and immature people in their 20s.

No. 597485

File: 1527684001535.png (45.9 KB, 478x279, tried and failed.png)

She was planning on it with her June Lapine channel.

No. 597486

Well that didn't last long…the channel is already deleted.

No. 597508

Alt-righters actualy rather hate her. Whole skeptic sphere got on their shit list over bulling rageafterstorm from the internet.

No. 597527

>can't actually cook
>can't actually draw
>~~I'm kinda ok at drawing and cooking, these are my talents UwU~~

I know a girl IRL who's an international champion athlete and very good at painting, but is ten times humbler and nicer than Shuwu. June needs to get a grip on reality.

No. 597548

>bully b list celebs
oh that's cute

No. 597604

Sad. Was hoping to laugh at her bad makeup skills.

No. 597626

How do you start a fire in the microwave…

No. 597638

File: 1527696176115.png (22.06 KB, 1673x75, coffeefire.png)


literally chris chan tier behavior (he started a fire in his home with a coffee maker)

No. 597648

File: 1527696918417.png (30.46 KB, 635x306, youdyslexicfuck.png)


lol he even got her name wrong, he put "sh0e" in the last bullet when it's shoe0nhead not sh0eonhead. what a loving boyfriend. surprised he didn't tag her oops account

No. 597751

File: 1527705377449.jpg (96.72 KB, 640x426, unimpressed-dog.jpg)

>don't always need like genital dysphoria
so in addition to being a panderer june also believes in the "female penis"
good to know

No. 597769

Is boopyjunevlogs in on it now?

No. 597780

File: 1527707052260.jpeg (300.47 KB, 750x938, DC4FB292-B7D9-46F3-A7B1-72656E…)

I’m laughin. I anticipated it in the video description but I didn’t expect it in my comments. June defenders will LITERALLY excuse racism.


No. 597809

She literally said normal people when it cut to the white chick? Lmaaao

No. 597815

Yeah the og vid

No. 597831

File: 1527711328566.png (989.27 KB, 1299x617, june van gogh.png)

>ok at cooking
>can draw kind of
>bullying blist celebrities
but pwease no boolie june it's the last thing she needs right now ;w;

No. 597834

why do you lie like that

No. 597847

File: 1527712937383.png (332.18 KB, 656x940, Y0FohLS.png)

so ranting f, a "feminist", won't support TERFs who attack women's looks but will support an anti-feminist like june who… attacks women's looks all the time? would like to hear her defense for this, but she would just delete again when asked :^)

No. 597854

File: 1527713331374.png (114.37 KB, 678x940, MskxOeZ.png)

>shoe is a leftie
talk about fanfiction

No. 597861

I remember when she made some tasteless jokes about being molested by greg when she was underage to bait femininsts then deleted the tweet like the fucking attention seeking coward she is, this is what made me hate her in the first place.

No. 597862

File: 1527713923575.png (596.25 KB, 680x886, 7bM8ode.png)

No. 597865

Jesus Christ, how utterly horrifying

No. 597869


I wonder if cutepup sends Preggy some secret nudes now that her parents made her delete her camwhore account.

No. 597877

He really has a thing for absolutely pathetic women doesn't he?

No. 597905

File: 1527716446691.png (405.68 KB, 666x1020, 02Bk4RV.png)

>i don't talk about race

No. 597907

File: 1527716645415.png (195.04 KB, 667x655, zR7TnMU.png)

what was the point of blurring out the name and why did she basically make the same tweet blaire did right after she replied to blaire?

No. 597919

Because she got criticized for leaving in names when she doesn't bothering @ing people because anyone can just search a persons name up regardless, it's just her not wanting to get dogpiled herself but, wants her neckbeard army to attack others

Either way, she still forget to censor names every other time she caps so it's really just her trying to seem like she's not some drama sperg. In a few days she's going to @ someone or leave a name in depending on who it is.

No. 597920

I keep seeing this point and I have to say: this board didn't invent the word lolcow, she's an ex-channer where the word was thrown around a lot. Kiwi still uses it, it's a whole subforum. Its not exclusive to here nor would being here be the only reason it was a part of her vocab. I 100% believe she's lying but we don't need these newfaggotry excuses.

No. 597931

She already admitted to being a mod here so what’s your point?

No. 597932

that's not what I was saying? June was pretending to not know the name of the site, lolcow.farm, even though she uses the word lolcow frequently. Those tweets alone don't prove that she goes here, sure, but that's not what I was trying to say with those caps. It's just funny that she's suddenly pretending not to know the phrase lolcow (lol farm or something? tee hee) when she uses it all the time. That's it.
This too.

No. 597945

File: 1527718397884.png (49.75 KB, 702x539, 20180526_170637.png)

Jesus christ

No. 597970

I literally just said I believe she's lying thus I know she was a mod here. My point was in my post, reading comprehension. Fuck off dicknut.

Well, that's valid, but I've seen the same thing expressed in this thread previously, before she was pretending to not know the name. Some people here really do seem to think this is the only place that uses the term, and it isn't. If that's not your point, then fine.

No. 598012

>(((crab people)))

No. 598030


Acting as if acknowledging institutional racism without getting all defensive is the same as guilt or self hate or being a race betraying crab person jfc. When these two act all incredulous at tweets like this it kind of makes them sound like ~professional victims~ but I guess it's only bad if feminists do it.

No. 598033

File: 1527723068005.png (423.01 KB, 964x664, lPi42Cg.png)

cow crossover

No. 598037


Also as a self deprecating antifeminist you would think she would also be a crab person of sorts

"Bitches, am I not right my brothers? Heh…hehe. I'm not sure though maybe you should ask my dom daddy bf he is so super smarter than me."

No. 598055

>black men aren't overrepresented among rapists

No. 598057

that doesn't change the fact that she used to actively pander to the altright before they found out about her black bf.

i mean, lefties mostly dislike her and have nothing in common with her, but that doesn't stop her from trying to pander to them with her ~TERF dunkin~

No. 598101

I feel like there are a lot of lefties itt who are buttmad that june is also very much a lefty. Misogyny isn't just a right wing thing and it never has been.

No. 598132

File: 1527728281497.png (48.93 KB, 484x399, En3N9zr.png)

how is she very much a lefty though? honest question. she doesn't have any firm political beliefs besides hating feminism and i guess being against hillary clinton during the election? there are plenty of lefties that i don't like and who are misogynist (like contrapoints), but i'm not going to deny that they're left. i assume other anons are the same.

she used to call herself a libertarian and wrote for a libertarian publication. then she said she had no political leanings and that she hated politics. then she went with the whole enlightened centrist meme. she's called herself ~economically conservative and socially liberal~. not saying she's right leaning or anything, it's just that she doesn't seem to have a political identity period, she just parrots whatever her followers want to hear atm.

despite being a ~sociopolitical commentator~ she just latches on to whatever will get her the most male attention and flip flops constantly.

No. 598134

How was she pandering to the altright? She always just talked about feminists. By this metric guys like sargon are altright too.

No. 598144

The sex/kink positivity, tran pandering, terf hating, fake bisexuality, etc. are all very liberal things. She's a fencesitter on all legitimate issues, but she's still generally left-leaning.

No. 598150

File: 1527730414603.png (199.24 KB, 627x513, 6zjKtmH.png)

even though she threw a temper tantrum after brittany called her out, 90% of her twitter feed is still her dunking on twitter randos. amazing

fair enough those are all liberal things, though i'd argue her trans pandering/terf hating is just another way for her to shit all over feminists. once she gets bored of terfs, she won't give 2 shits about trans rights.

admittedly i was thinking of her stance on more legitimate issues, because she really doesn't seem to have genuine interest in that sort of stuff or really anything that she can't make about herself. the sex/kink stuff, the trans stuff and the fake bisexuality are all just different ways for her to talk about herself.

tl;dr i think she's more interested in herself and her image than politics which is why i hesitate to call her a lefty/anything other than apolitical.

No. 598154

Calling pol delightful, defending conservatives when they're attacked but not doing the same for leftists unless it involves her specifically, attacking blm constantly, etc

No. 598156

LMAO, no they're not. They're all centrist bullshit.

No. 598159

huh? terf hating is relegated to the libfem spaces of the internet.

people outside tumblr don't care about terfs unless it has to do with hating feminists in general.

No. 598167

and coddling mgtow and mras constantly who are primarily alt-right despite her supposedly thinking mgtows are mockable
if you just took away all the daddy give me cummies and troon pandering she would be your standard alt-right attention desperate thot

No. 598168

Hating "terfs" doesn't make her a leftist and isn't a lefty specific phenomenon. Loads of right wingers hate "terfs". She chooses to dunk on terfs because she thinks she'll get asspats from the right and left, and she does. There are plenty of reasons why the right dislikes radfems and she knows this. And the majority of conservatives are turning on the gender issue anyways (esp men) because they realize that supporting trannies means reaffirming their idea of neurobiological male superiority shit. For the most part the only conservatives that are ok w radfems for disagreeing w trannies are Christians, and a good portion of the young right aren't even Christians now, so. "TERF" bashing doesn't make her liberal by proxy.

No. 598171

I think some anons in here desperately want her to be something other than a leftist because they don't like the idea of sharing political views with her.

No. 598172

Exactly. And cultivating friendships with exclusively right wingers until what, last year, all bc she wanted contras sack? What kind of "I'M ACTUALLY A HUGE LIBERAL" bashes every leftist online, avoids making any alliances w them, and exclusively tries to establish friendships with right wingers with conservative clout?

No. 598177

sharing what political views though? she doesn't have any

TERFs are hated all over, yeah, but no other group puts as much effort into hating them as tumblr/twitter libfems do. you'd think they were terrorists with the way they're talked about over there.

No. 598178

When has she ever espoused leftist talking points? She allies herself with people like Lauren Southern, but only denies it when it gets troublesome.

No. 598181

No, you just don't know what an actual leftist is. We share political views with unpalatable people all of the time, but she has recanted her "liberal" status on Twitter multiple times anyways because "wow libs r too craaaazy, u guis! I'm too sane for them!!", etc. Being a huge racist that denies undeniable and historically proven institutional and environmental racism and exclusively attacking civil rights activism despite white nationalists literally killing people and countless blacks being extra judicially murdered isn't lefty at all. If you think she's a leftist because she wears dumbass collars outside and LARPS as a bisexual to get beta tongues wagging, you're mistaken.

No. 598188

File: 1527732920671.png (160.61 KB, 570x513, what is this shit?.png)

No. 598193

>90% of her twitter feed is still her dunking on twitter randos. amazing

Isn't it though? I really thought that whole ordeal with her gay little letter and the subsequent fallout would have bestowed upon her some much-needed self-awareness, but alas, she learned absolutely nothing. I guess you couldn't expect much more from a true and honest lolcow like June.

Also it's true, her 'transactivism'/terf sperging is nothing more than an extension of her own misogyny, this could really not be any more apparent. In many ways, transwomen and misogynists have much in common, so it should surprise absolutely no one that they have an ally in June, given her very vocal and vile opinions on women. It has nothing to do with leftist politics for her. It's just pure convenience. Also convenient that trans/gender issues are somewhat of a hot topic and well.. she is a performer on YouTube/Twitter, don't forget that is her only actual 'job' if you can even call it that.

No. 598196

Actual left would see BLM demanding welfare, declare them enemies of working class and get them executed.

No. 598202

You're delusional.

No. 598203

Thank you. 100% agree but must say >>598196 makes zero sense.

No. 598206

she claims be turned on by his beer gut and canadian lumberjack dadbod, but always portrays him slimmer than he is. makes ya think

what are you talking about, anon

No. 598208

File: 1527734371029.png (73.24 KB, 673x581, geSIQ6H.png)

related. bonus imaginary angry old women jealous of june's smol disney pwincess waist

No. 598210

File: 1527734695180.jpg (86.87 KB, 671x800, such daddy, very dom, wow.jpg)

No. 598212

File: 1527735288365.png (337.59 KB, 647x569, vxFNAL4.png)

No. 598221

this made me feel sick to my stomach. she's the most nauseating thing i've ever known. "friendos" shoves down everyone's throat how SMART PREG IS!!!! PREG IS SO SMART F R I E N D O S none of you can comprehend his genius!!!!11

No. 598255

Jenny was told by Ken Logan (I believe that's his name?) that Shoe was under aged and that Flubber Fluhrer had been grooming her and she trusted that he knew what he was talking about. Jenny didn't just make it up. It's a simple case of misunderstanding, but it's not like June has ever impulsively accused or attacked based on information given to her by others that she didn't verify, right??

June does that shit constantly, but she's still painted as a skeptic, whereas Jenny does it once and she's batshit and not credible etc etc

No. 598278

Did Skeptic delete that tweet about being above marriage? Lol

No. 598282

File: 1527742083730.png (458.71 KB, 671x1000, 0Y0ckzT.png)

seems like it. found this while snooping though kek

No. 598286

It could not be more clear that the only reason he proposed was because she has been heavily hinting that she will be his housewife/stay at home baby momma when the YouTube cash dries up.

No. 598287

No. 598292

Didn't think Family Guy could get even more hideous but also doesn't Gurg remind you of Brian Griffin?
>Failed artist
> thinks theyre smarter than everyone but is actually really dumb
>Uses women
> extremely pretentious

No. 598295

Theyre both even self important athiests!

No. 598297

Unironic family guy fan art of yourself is literal chris-chan shit. The neckbeards who stan this cringey thot and allow her to prosper should suffer eternally tbqh.

No. 598300

File: 1527743720652.png (51.43 KB, 180x170, 51c39625-b8cf-49db-87bf-391908…)

Just fuck me up fam

No. 598301

File: 1527744214774.png (58.13 KB, 720x502, received_2043187539278683.png)

June being classy and tasteful again~ uwu

No. 598315

shuwu is really on another planet, she tries so desperately to pass it off as a "dad joke" because inside her head she feels insecure and doesn't want anyone to see the truth that preg isn't as great as she always lie he is.

No. 598336

File: 1527749779755.png (180.88 KB, 644x1196, 56wq879.png)

tfw you screw up your sick burn and have to backtrack

No. 598345

She is so fucking immature holy shit
Do people really unironically follow her and actually like her as a person? I mean she’s admitted multiple times that she essentially has nothing of value to offer in debates and doesn’t care about politics, so the only reason you’d follow her is because you like her as a person, right? If that’s the case, that’s even more depressing.

Imagine being almost 30 and behaving like this. What a complete failure.

No. 598349

She's a really shitty person with no spine, no real opinions, or dignity. I just can't understand why RantingF stans for her so much. June just isn't a nice person.

No. 598356

File: 1527753078300.png (259.38 KB, 639x409, 5VO5lKh.png)

No. 598357

File: 1527753133861.jpg (135.31 KB, 1200x901, BKxYfTl.jpg)

that dusty vest

No. 598358

File: 1527753216772.jpg (131.88 KB, 1200x901, RiOGKQg.jpg)

No. 598359

that wig is so fucking bad

No. 598360

June legit looks mentally handicapped. The FAS isn't helping either.

Why does Preg always look at her with this face as if he's disgusted with her? Fuck I guess i'm just too vanilla and normie to comprehend their loving, complex bdsm dynamic

No. 598362

She goes from being so cunty and rude to her retarded''uguu i'm such a sweet smol loli uwu i lov my boyfren :3''shtick in a matter of minutes, it's ridiculous. What a mean-spirited, deceptive person.

No. 598364

File: 1527754532427.jpg (12.92 KB, 591x110, giHeuRD.jpg)

>my talents include bullying uwu

This tweet is like a month old. A whole new level of retardation.

No. 598365

File: 1527754536166.jpg (52.76 KB, 720x960, 15380642_1228110613894228_8835…)

This boxxy skinwalker gives me the creeps.

No. 598367

File: 1527754695707.jpg (150.83 KB, 1180x1600, 1290702807618.jpg)

Catie is a genuine star wars fangirl, shoethot is not.

No. 598368

The fact that the skinwalker has her own skinwalkers is even worse.

No. 598369

Her face looks weird from this angle, like it's too plastic aka she got a full-face plastic surgery.

I know she hasn't gotten anything done to her face so shit's weird yo.

No. 598377

File: 1527758296547.png (234.41 KB, 392x400, oXJOYX0.png)

>why does Preg always look at her with this face as if he's disgusted with her?
To be fair, he has that constipated brat look with or without June. It's even in his Twitter pic. His face is probably stuck like that by now, poor thing.

No. 598378

I actually think that he's trying to look hot..

No. 598388

File: 1527760600558.png (100.87 KB, 643x477, dunkin on anita.png)

No. 598403

>That lint on the vest
goddamn groceries get a fucking lint roller.

No. 598416

File: 1527767321384.png (67.46 KB, 671x547, KwSqYiY.png)

She's buying drawings of herself and Preg again.

No. 598419

This is when lauren got cornrows lol

No. 598421


No. 598431

Her wig is looking really fake here

No. 598435

She should not be correcting people’s English as a burn. She mispronounces basic words all the time.

No. 598449

>hates anime
>commissions pic of yourself from someone who draws in a heavily anime/~kawaii~ influenced style
classic june

No. 598451

B-but anon, when June does it it's so she can be Preg's burikko babygirl uwu

No. 598468


Holy shit, yeah, Catie WAS a star wars fan, and june who hated star wars suddenly started liking it when she became a boxxy stan/skinwalker.

Kaufman doesn't realize just how damning his interview has been.

No. 598477

Her face is so punchachable, why does she always go for the same, retarded middle school side bang? It makes her hard to look at and like basic trailer trash, she can switch out all the wigs she has that apparantly cost fuck tons of money, I don't know why she only ever chooses that one

They're both prone to making unflattering hideous faces and not knowing how to style themselves

June looks like she smells like yeast infection, shit, and dollar tree perfume, skeptic looks like he smells like shit and dirty laundry, I doubt he even keeps good hygiene

No. 598483

No. 598489

I'm fairly new to this thread and I find it hilarious she's from the same city as me. Anyone have any clue the town she's from in Long Island? I wanna judge her from which town she was raised in. Definitely reminds me of one of those HS bitches I went to school with.

No. 598490

lake ronkonkoma (?)

No. 598507

File: 1527782332088.png (78.51 KB, 629x999, Ge9XtWo.png)

Her baby voice is horrifying, make it stop

Someone in a past thread dug up her old resume. This should help

No. 598511

>Learned how to offer the customer a seat.
Wew, June.

No. 598516

do you think if preg ever tried to make shuwu eat the doo doo would she leave him or would she eat the doo doo?

No. 598518

I wouldn't put it past shoe to eat her own shit off of gregs yeasty chode just to prove how not-like-other-girls she is

it would be even funnier if she boasted about it on twitter and claiming girls who don't do that are vanilla normies

No. 598519

She'd eat it, find a way to humble brag about literally eating shit and try to make it seem like she's a totally awesome True Sub with No Limits.

No. 598526

Lake Ronkonkoma, Suffolk county

No. 598528

Of course she had to make the convo public and let everyone know that she also gave the artist a tip so everyone can know how great of a precious smol bean she is. Wouldn't you rather send that as a DM if you didn't have another agenda to let the internet think you're a good person? Not June…

No. 598536

I hate her clothes jesus the Disneyland polka dot dress with teal shoes triggered the fuck out of me and the red dress at the dinner table looked like a table cloth with a doily sewn to it fuck

No. 598537

File: 1527785125536.jpg (165.77 KB, 1098x582, Brit shuwu.jpg)

Brittany Simon, the girl that did the BDSM collab with Shuwu, on her opinions of Shoe's vapid, not very thought out content.

No. 598542

This girl is a cow too as we've seen in past threads

No. 598543

Sage for OT but Brittany Simon needs her own thread

No. 598550

LOL she might be a minor cow, but she's right and you can tell she doesn't like June, kek

No. 598553

lol savage

No. 598562

>in the majority of the content i have watched of hers her content is very well thought out
i feel like i'm living on a different planet than shoe's uwus. how do you watch her uneducated screeching for ten minutes straight and come back thinking her content is well thought out

No. 598564

Because her fans are the dumbest on the planet.

No. 598569


a) Be 12 years old


b) Be a neckbeard who likes womeb who shit on their own kind


c) Be same as her

No. 598575

Pretty OT but as a Gorillaz fan, shuwu better be eating her words now after what she said about their newer albums sucking. Their newest music video so fucking good. sorry I can't help but post.(no one cares)

No. 598587

File: 1527789031945.gif (1.7 MB, 350x266, 1342493576090.gif)

oh god i fucking cringed at her "little voice" at 0:40.

No. 598615

i hate using this word but 1:53 is fucking cancer

No. 598631

File: 1527791283253.png (203.66 KB, 692x843, gK47cSY.png)

Gotta remind everyone daily how much she's attracted to Skepthicc's dadbod

No. 598637

God she is so pathetic. Someone should tell her to retire from the discourse the next time she does one of her uguu loli spellings too.


No. 598639

File: 1527792168331.png (15 KB, 479x115, IZ2sQat.png)

okay, i snooped some more and found nothing. it's gone

No. 598647

I think it was deleted pretty recently. He must have gotten in some trouble.

No. 598650

I guarantee it's because he was exposed, he just wants to pretend it never happened though.

No. 598678

>healthy men who work out are unattractive for looking masculine

oh ffs, funny how these people cry about double standards and how evil feminists always defend women, but I wonder how they'd react if someone said women with butts and boobs look deformed and fat

they sit around pretending low-t men flopping on their ass and eating cheetos are big burly manly men for being fat and lazy, but remove womens femininity if they don't look like damn anime characters, why do they create these delusions of whats feminine and whats masculine in their head ?

No. 598684

Thank you all for the info. Unfortunately I don't know much about the area or anyone from there but I have gone to that mall. There are good parts and bad parts in that area. I'm assuming she grew up spoiled. Wonder if I'll ever encounter her with her fat BF one day kek.

No. 598689

Aren't Shreg and Junkey planning to pollute Canada with their presence after marriage? Don't think you'll have privilege of bumping into them, sorry anon.

No. 598694

He prob hurt his gf, I’m mean fiancée’s feelings and made her upset. It even hurt my feelings to read. Lol.

No. 598695

File: 1527794960109.png (17.53 KB, 756x232, shreg.PNG)

>implying fatty will ever actually take responsibility for her and sponsor her
idk about canada but in the uk and us you need to make a certain amount of money a year to be able to sponsor your spouse to make sure they dont become a leech on the govt. i dont think shreg makes enough tbqh and he DEF doesnt want her there. there's no reason why she cant stay for months w/o the visa already. this is all just future faking, which is why he flip flops so much and makes no real effort to move her along. there is no reason why they can't be married already and live apart, even. all he does is talk shit about marriage while also making no effort to make them being together/living together more of a reality. he's dragging june along until she hits the wall/until he finds new prey that he can do the same shit to: fuck for a few years, keep them hanging on the line with dating and engagement until he finds the next hoe.

this reads like him to a T, tbqh

No. 598707

File: 1527795533296.png (110.34 KB, 679x623, wn60Sfz.png)

No. 598724

This is easily one of the most obnoxious things about him. Who the fuck does this tub of lard think he is to be coming after other people for their appearance? He looks like he injects bacon grease directly into his bloodstream. Humble yourself.

No. 598743

File: 1527798490339.png (9.32 KB, 495x138, lel.PNG)

I love the video description too, this is great

No. 598768

File: 1527799781899.png (292.07 KB, 611x571, efqPcBr.png)

Good timing

No. 598790

Thank you captain obvious

No. 598792

June deadass fucking was into ottermode twinks not even 5 years ago

No. 598799

Why is she listening to music she originally thought was shit?
Maybe instead of being a retarded contrarian she could have actually listened to the album first instead of jumping on the crit train just because she thought that would make her coolgrl at the time. Jeeeez.

No. 598805

her face is so punchable. matches her deformed annoying personality perfectly.

No. 598812

best video ever made >>598483

No. 598828

File: 1527803807158.png (33.94 KB, 645x294, 9VfBMEI.png)

>unpopular opinions video
that would require having actual opinions

No. 598831

They look related, both have that tardface.

Maybe instead of the daddy/little schtick they should switch to incest play, that way if they have retarded children it would fit the theme.

No. 598845

jfc, she's such a cunt

I know people say it a lot, but she really does look like a character from the animated Lorax film. And her wig is extra shiny here.

No. 598849

be careful, she might take your statement as proof that she looks like a uwu cartoon character aka a "cute" big eyed anime loli. but yeah, she legit does. it sometimes creeps me out. she also looks like thing 1 and 2 from the live action cat in the hat, doesn't she? now that thought scares me because thing 1 and 2 terrify me.

No. 598868

File: 1527805581034.jpg (24.49 KB, 1274x720, 636632172198387503-Roseanne.JP…)

sage for mostly OT but
>can't read the news without seeing Pregface

No. 598872

File: 1527806094696.png (189.06 KB, 256x292, uwu.PNG)

she really does. it's uncanny. no childlike, big eyes, just creepy as fuck with fassy features. your eyes are too small and beady to look like an anime, june. you only look like ugly cartoon characters come to life.

No. 598879

File: 1527806270729.jpg (245.37 KB, 1280x1280, 399a8227-8382-4fc6-8668-fdd3f1…)

>>598872 please refrain

No. 598882

YOU JUST CREATED MY NIGHTMARE I have a legitimate fear of thing 1 and 2 and that image is both hilarious and scaring me at the same time. i'm thinking of making a little compilation of her and them just to show further proof because like you said, it's UNCANNY. no jokes here i'm scared lol

No. 598884

June is a Demon Dayz elitist. Which is funny, because Demon Dayz is really political, and that's the reason she said Humanz sucks.

No. 598885

File: 1527806667017.jpg (75.69 KB, 1181x954, woUUuWz.jpg)

more like not even yesterday. she's still thirsting over that contra dick

No. 598890

Even as a troon Contra is still more masculine than preg

No. 598891

Inb4 "muscular guys are gross XD"

No. 598892

gj anon. this is hilarious.

No. 598896

File: 1527807753189.jpg (57.74 KB, 549x547, thing 1 n 2.jpg)

shuwu without pounds of eyeliner has the same tiny creepy eyes as them as well.

No. 598898

with her eyeliner smeared off she legitimately looks exactly like leafy lmao

No. 598899

File: 1527808363813.png (1012.55 KB, 828x1040, XH0GIFZ.png)

she looks like leafy even with eyeliner on at times. not sure if this was taken with shit camera or what but there's something off with this pic

No. 598906

This is seriously uncanny

No. 598923

File: 1527810509056.gif (3.24 MB, 600x338, shreg.gif)

No. 598940

I thought y'all were bullshitting about her having a "baby voice" but fuck, bitch sounds like a senile old women.

No. 598968

Save ollie

No. 598972

File: 1527813983848.png (4.7 KB, 346x49, bangsonhead.PNG)

Some June discussion on Brittany's stream rn
also >"at least I can have bangs" re: wig0nhead has me laughing

No. 598986

I love how even shrekkory with his learning disability having ass can hold june's rabbit correctly and june can't

No. 598992

That poor, poor bunny :(

On a related note, one thing brittany forgot to mention, and probably most signififcant when talking about shuwus rabbit was that the worst thing you can do is keep them on their own because they can get depressed and as they are social animals and it can be fatal.


So really shuwu is the shittiest pet owner and that rabbit looks depressed and im not surprised being handled by the missing link in such an abhorrent manner.

No. 599018

please stop wailing. You're a big girl now

No. 599024

uhhh wtf? how is that anon's spot on criticism 'wailing'? greg has YELLED at the rabbit before when rabbits can literally easily die of shock. rabbits die from like, anything.

which btw does anyone else think june only chose rabbits because every other girl is obsessed with dogs and cats? she obviously isnt sensitive or caring or competent enough to care for a rabbit, so she obviously doesnt care about him. i mean, rabbits are the worst pet option for someone as lazy and inconsiderate as her, so imo, the only reason she chose a rabbit was, yet again, to feel speshul and "not like those other girls!!!". i feel like a lot of girls go for reptiles for this reason, and the only reason why june hasnt done the same is because reptiles are at odds with her young loli sweet baby girl schtick

No. 599028

File: 1527819673532.jpeg (741.32 KB, 2448x2701, 2C33A5DD-3666-48FC-BD39-23BEC1…)

Made a fanart for Shuwu. Too lazy to colour though.

No. 599031


>all of those "tee hee is that your daughter" comments they encourage

wouldn't be surprised if they do.

No. 599032

Sage for tinfoiling but I've had the feeling for awhile now that Shoe doesn't actually give a shit about Ollie at all and just uses him as a prop for uwu smol bean act. That might explain why she tries to act like an expert bun queen but mishandles Ollie and keeps him in substandard living conditions. She can't actually be that stupid, she has to know that this is borderline animal neglect.

No. 599037

File: 1527819884559.png (45.65 KB, 645x359, 8R9WzkH.png)

cats probably remind june of old ladies and we all know how she feels about women past the age of 30

No. 599042

Oh shit I typed up my post before I read yours. >>599032
I see we've both come to similar conclusions. :^)

No. 599085

because this pet fretting is facebook mommy tier- Justify how him picking up the rabbit is handling it in an "abhorrent manner". If he twisted its arm off while laughing that would be abhorrent.

No. 599089

Iirc if you hold a rabbit wrong you can break its back since they have really weak and fragile spines. That's why a lot of anons bring it up as an issue.

No. 599096

pffff have you seen how seven year olds handle animals? If they were so weak to get hurt by as in gif, there would be rabbit holocaust

No. 599097

Tbh preg is holding ollie better than his actual owner does june never supports ollies bottom and religiously holds him with one fucking hand or cradled like a baby the only thing preg has to do is hold ollie to his chest instead of suspending him in midair

No. 599109

File: 1527824264931.png (182.63 KB, 638x789, xRbYIuC.png)

>mishandles Ollie
anon, stop it. june is an expert at holding rabbits.

No. 599111

Did you not bother to read the rest of the post so you'd have an excuse to bitch?

No. 599127

you're an idiot. they DO die often from children not knowing how to handle them. rabbits can easily die of shock, literally, and ollie could've died from shreg screaming in his face, or improper mishandling, which june often does. they DO die often and easily from improper handling, which is why they're typically not starter pets. maybe read about rabbits before spouting off. they're susceptible to sudden death. they die from baths, loud music, dogs barking, etc. they are easily frightened and tend to freak out, kick and wriggle when picked up, especially improperly, and that alone can cause spinal injury, not to mention them potentially dying of shock just because they're frightened by a stranger picking them up quickly, etc. just because you associate children with rabbits doesn't mean they aren't affected or fatally injured/fatally mistreated by them. rabbits are prey and tend to retain the same frantic insticts even as pets.




No. 599142

Rabbits don't die from stress that easily unless they're really badly bred, cmon

No. 599150

Fuck Greg holding the rabbit and looking down at it so lustfully is giving me /mad/ Of Mice And Men vibes.

No. 599153

write another few teary paragraphs - i am literally just talking about how he lifts the rabbit up while completely supporting it, there is no stress or strain on any part of its spine.

I don't care how shit and frail rabbits are - if it was make of smoke it would still hold together the way he lifted it

thanks for those… sources? kek. As you like anecdotes here is a video of a rabbit running off after getting swept by a cheetah (0:40)(derailing)

No. 599157

That's not true at all.

No. 599164

This, no1curr about that stupid rabbit.

No. 599174

File: 1527827360403.jpg (64.53 KB, 705x1132, shoe_0n_head_by_zombie8oy-dby0…)

I want to die

No. 599180

File: 1527827744239.png (284.84 KB, 911x399, LASLoNO.png)

You can see Shreg's beefy daddy arms in the her sunglasses lens uwu

No. 599183

File: 1527827871656.png (265.71 KB, 911x385, h9r0EQB.png)

>That eyeliner
>Those eyelashes

No. 599187

that wig is so tragic. literal party city tier.

is she wearing circle lenses now or just a very cheesy shoop?

>my skin is AMAZING
>shoops 99% of pictures ruthlessly
ok june

No. 599188

>write another few teary paragraphs
That projection. My post was releveant to brittany's video unlike yours where you sound like a desperate white knight.(derailing)

No. 599189

File: 1527828118464.png (637.36 KB, 1280x720, 5xc19ponaff01.png)

The virgin Mumkey vs The Chad Skeptic

>calls goth youtuber hot

No. 599190

5 bucks says sceptic made this is a fit of possessive autistic rage there are even spelling mistakes lol

No. 599191

wut?? he has made fun of trannies multiple times but has reeled himself back in bc of junes sperging. at the least, his somewhat recent reasoning would be considered TERFy af

No. 599196

File: 1527828375644.png (38.78 KB, 605x271, Rr0i4wz.png)

>or just a very cheesy shoop?
June would never betray her dear Gurg and use filters. She's not one of those nasty unfuckable women he hates so much. n.n

No. 599198

10 bucks says that Juwune blocked Mumkey because Preg got upset another guy called her hot.

No. 599200

File: 1527828527532.png (43.35 KB, 635x275, 9xxDA51.png)

A brief moment of self-awareness, except not really

No. 599201

File: 1527828545641.png (144.32 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180601-004822.png)

Wew, lad

No. 599203

ugh, the misplaced hyphens are giving me hemorrhoids.

she knows her faggot fans want a woman exactly like that bc they want to be worshipped like gods despite being fatties and greasy faced special ed incels with no accomplishments. to chads she'd be a nightmare but she knows her fanbase isnt made up of chads.

No. 599208

No. 599240


No. 599249

It's not true self awareness because she's just using these traits as a "uwu smol clingy bean" instead of a legit self reflection

No. 599253

File: 1527833484161.png (32.11 KB, 636x218, animu.png)

No. 599261

June's only hobbies consist of the internet and her boyfriend that is actually really fucking scary

No. 599262


>Greg: your favorite band sounds retarded

>June: uwu fuck me daddy

wow. such dynamic.

No. 599264

Wouldn't put it past her tbh she's blocked/unfollowed people just because sceptic has

No. 599266

File: 1527834910896.png (27.28 KB, 473x251, jkIdVQf.png)

No. 599267

File: 1527835235700.png (Spoiler Image,1.01 MB, 1027x1920, sketch-1527835091926.png)

Found an actual nude of June! Her Disney Princess WaistLine is to die for!!!!!

No. 599270


this is so pathetic, holy shit. she's actively burning career bridges for her retard boyfriend that doesnt even defend her, support her, or seem to want her

No. 599276

>cats probably remind june of old ladies and we all know how she feels about women past the age of 30

Too bad for June, she's 27 already and time isn't stopping…

No. 599277

File: 1527837648672.jpg (68.51 KB, 928x739, image.jpg)

Literally all I know about Mumkey's gf Sheepover is that she draws a cute sheep and that automatically makes her a superior gf to Shoe because at least she has one talent.
Gurgle wishes his content was half as good as Mumkey's. Somehow Mumkey's videos manage to be less exceptional than Septic's, and Mumkeys purposely being exceptional. He's also cuter than Greg and is in better shape than him despite his alcoholism.
Honestly would believe that Greg made this himself it's so delusional.

No. 599283

Is this the actual resume she sends when she's looking for a job? There are fucking typos in there.

>Beaty Specialist


>when a customer is comfortable they tend to talke


No. 599284

Uh… why are you sucking mumkey's dick so hard? The fact that he's marginally less cringey than skepdick means nothing, he's a cringey fag too.

No. 599287

Comedy gold

No. 599288

File: 1527839291749.png (370.82 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180529-122436.png)

June is a child you guys no booli uwu

No. 599289

Who else loves how she calls/ he acts like he is an "alpha male" when one the first things he said to her was, "oh you like chubby bellys? I must have a chance then hehe"

No. 599292

I like that comment juxtaposed with the screenshot of her laugh lines and horse face in full view

No. 599293

These are the type of comments Wig gets wet over.
People are either blind, delusional or retarded to think she looks like a teen or a child, or that she is ''tiny''. She looks like a transvestite horse.

She loves the fact that Skepdic is fat because it makes her look smaller than she is, and we all now that's what she loves to hear, lmao. I highly doubt she's attracted to his lard ass beyond that.

No. 599294

Why does no one ever talk about the stupid chain he wears that combined with the slicked back hair makes him look more italian then June lol

No. 599300

File: 1527841349593.jpg (87.73 KB, 1000x591, sad trombone.jpg)


>I'm into GTL:

>Griping about Star Wars
>Thicc secrets
>Liking camgirl tweets

No. 599302

You guys ever notice that June does a lot of mirroring when she'a talking to someone who is more articulate than her? she'll even copy their mannerisms and gestures creepy creepy

No. 599345

100% this.
>guys don't need six pack abs
i love how these girls with shit taste assume us women who like fit men have expectations that high. it's really rare for men to be able to get six pack abs naturally, it's attractive but, when i say i like fit guys i'm not saying i'm into fucking models. majority of us just see fit as masculine which…compare that to tubby boys like shreg it's true but, he thinks being tall is enough to be seen as "alpha" or "manly".

No. 599374

liking muscular men is fucking natural I don’t know why shoe frowns upon it so hard. Its pretty natural to find men with even a little bit of muscle more attractive than tublords like preg because they at least LOOK as if they protect and provide

No. 599376

>idk why shoe frowns upon it
Because she's insecure about preg. Why else do you think she needs to compared him to fictional men? It's pretty obvious she's trying to compensate for what he clearly lacks and probably will never approve on.

There are plenty women who do like fat guys but, I've never seen them have to go out of their way to compare them to non fat guys. It kinda makes her attraction to him seem manufactured. As much as I hate Preg, it must kinda sucks to have your gf constantly project you as something you're not. Maybe that's why he's trying to act like he has a huge ego. But I'm probably giving him too much credit. It's just as believable, considering how slow he is, that he honestly thinks he's attractive. They both lack self awareness because their fans are fugly trolls who think anyone average looking is hot.

No. 599392

oh my god, these two can really bitch about absolutely anything women do for fun

No. 599398

samefagging, but it's laughable how june has the gall to brag about having no hobbies yet she and skepdicc feel the need to whine about everything women do in their spare time. june probably feels like she can't have a hobby or she's at risk of losing her "not like other girls" cred.

No. 599402

Saged for ot, but Contra seriously just looks like a dude with longish hair (he reminds me a little bit of Titanic). Why doesn't he put any effort into passing, not even makeup…?

No. 599409

Exactly, and these are the same people who demand you to call them a ''she''. I mean at least Riley J. Dennis puts a little bit of effort into looking more feminine, even though he still looks like a man. But Contra is a whole new level of trans trender.

No. 599412

This legit sent my sides into orbit

No. 599417

Jesus, that made me realize that Preg looks like a hairy, even fatter pyrocynical.

No. 599434

this is just my batshit personal tinfoil but i think it's because rabbits are so defenseless and don't prey on anything and june wants it to reflect on her and make her seem extra harmless and nonthreatening to mask her narc behavior. it only occurs to me because there are 2 people in my life vocally obsessed with bunnies who are also super manipulative narcs.
yeah it could be a coincidence and obviously most bunny lovers don't have some weird subconscious ulterior motive but it is a small pattern i've noticed.

No. 599522

File: 1527870050349.jpg (43.57 KB, 420x615, image.jpg)

She tries to act like Greg is muscular all the time tho so I don't get it. She's always posting pictures of his flabby arms like "destroy me daddy owo". Even she prefers muscle. It's weird that she wants everyone to buy this "Greg is a big strong alpha daddy" lie when he's toeing the line of obesity. It's even weirder when she makes body positivity posts about it cause I thought he was a big strong alpha daddy? Why does his fat need to be lifted up? Women prefer fit men because it gives off the image of strong provider and protecter, while a flabby greasy man like septic just looks lazy.
Pic related, how June sees Skeptic.

No. 599524

File: 1527870385685.gif (1.76 MB, 424x249, 8387423.gif)

was (s)he born male?

No. 599529

File: 1527871934809.png (87.92 KB, 264x275, Uo3YfD8.png)

never forget
>do i pass

No. 599530

that'd explain why she loves trannies so much.

No. 599545

File: 1527874667943.jpg (129.06 KB, 634x866, 1412117936516_Image_galleryIma…)

June seems to think muscular equals jacked body builder, she really doesn't understand the fit spectrum at all, anons. Also, a lot of times she alluded to liking the ottermode body type or just skinny twinks. For example, she wanted to bang Jared Leto.

No. 599547

Samefag, but Jared Leto is also 5'9". Lol.

No. 599558

Tbf I think Leto was even a lot more twinky when she said it a few yrs ago. He got more muscular recently. She still loves twins tho

No. 599560

Any examples?
That'd be really stupid because guys who want a "not like the other girls" girlfriend probably want her to have nerdy hobbies like them.

No. 599571

File: 1527878014455.png (1.44 MB, 1731x940, egg.png)


arent those old pics?? contra does makeup better than shuwu does imo

No. 599572

Is it just me or does his make up make him look MORE masculine?

No. 599573

hontra always looks comically bad smh most drag queens are more effeminate than he is

No. 599578

File: 1527878828818.png (414.63 KB, 542x418, weioght.PNG)

hontra gonna get a nosejob apparently. tbh with makeup he looks pretty decent. still doesnt pass, but looks alright. he gained weight. looks like a pretty dude that gained 10 lbs tho

No. 599580

File: 1527879120632.jpg (58.83 KB, 439x640, jared leto 29jan10 06.jpg)

Youre right lol

No. 599583

Loll there's the bdsm vid where June times her reactions and even copies brittany's mannerisms (the finger typing thing) then there's the crazyhair stream where she screams manipulation right after Blaire does it might be reaching but just something i'ved noticed

No. 599615

>''guys dont need sixpacks uwu i lov my obese lardtub bf :33''
>''preggy says if my measurements aren't exactly those of a pear shaped animu loli princesu i'd be a 2/10 to him ^w^ also look at these fat bitches xD''

So basically, men can be fat as shit with 0 muscle, but any woman who doesn't look like a cartoon is ''fat and ugly''? got it.

No. 599616

June in a nut

No. 599621

Samefag but my favourite part of this all is that the women they call ''fat'' essentially have the same body shape as shoe lmao

Also how fucking sad is it that she has to lie about her measurements/body type in the first place kek

No. 599625

I'm convinced her fans don't know any women irl. How do you see that cap and say with a straight face that she looks younger and smoller uwu than the average mid to late twenties chick.

No. 599628

i'm so fucking sick of people lying to women like june this way, i see it on my shitty instagram feed as well with this one photoshopping hoe i've followed for a long time. it's the most flabbergasting thing ever. i'm truly speechless at this point. people seriously do not own brains.

No. 599630

File: 1527884975175.jpg (159.04 KB, 1668x916, Ou2wHRl.jpg)

Shreg lies about his body measurements too. He legitimately thinks he's thinner than Amy Schumer which is ???

No. 599636

Does it really surprise you that a fat literal retard would also be delusional?

I hate to wk Schumer but she looks much better than Greg of were gonna compare those images.

No. 599642

File: 1527886615298.png (69.39 KB, 655x497, zMAFOAG.png)

love how she somehow managed to insert herself into this person's coming out story. classic june.

No. 599652

Does Shreg have reverse body dismorphia? He thinks he has muscular arms. He thinks he’s thinner than someone who is nearly half his weight. He thinks his disgusted face is hot/charming.

Where does this come from?

No. 599661

he's just another delusional narcissist plus june's narcissistic ass worships him no matter how he cheats on her and treats her like shit because she is desperate and also delusional lol i'd say that's where it comes from.

No. 599723

File: 1527894763788.png (80.78 KB, 720x918, 20180526_172634.png)

The d e l u s i o n

No. 599724

samefag/ Plus June not understanding mental illness uwu

No. 599727

but anon, she's a depwessed anoxious wallflower with OCD and ADD! of course she understands mental illness

No. 599729

File: 1527894989909.png (515.36 KB, 659x515, how do you do fellow gays.png)

june, you're a straight woman in a heterosexual relationship

No. 599732

Soon she will be 27 guys

No. 599735

She's also claimed to have a lot of panic attacks on askfm which i doubt she has nothing to be panicky about

No. 599741

File: 1527895816986.png (74.3 KB, 634x548, NZszLhT.png)

people have been saying she's 27 here for almost a year now so I thought she was turning 28 kek.

of course she said that. what's she going to claim next? that she has an eating disorder? or maybe schizophrenia (or as june would say it "shitzophrenia")?

but she never glamorizes her mental illnesses or acts as if they're a major part of her personality. nope, nothing to see here. she's not one of those dumb tumblr sjws or anything

No. 599745

Wouldn’t trich be considered self harm?

No. 599752

yeah but june has no brain so go figure

No. 599756

File: 1527897542490.png (44.12 KB, 635x449, fd30V1h.png)

she changes her tone so quickly if she can get some good press from it

also she makes fun of autistic people all the time

No. 599761

File: 1527898034190.png (12.98 KB, 641x103, how do you do fellow gays 2.pn…)

No. 599762

Was thinking this same thing, didn't she permanently scar her head by pulling out her own hair? How is that not self-harm?

It's amazing to me she doesn't even understand the one mental illness she actually has. So, was it "worth it" June? jfc

No. 599765

>screams about worshipping a fat ugly white guys dick 24/7
>"teehee everyone like me pls heteros can die XDDD I'M EDGY

No. 599767

File: 1527898541531.png (64.96 KB, 720x515, 20180601_200957.png)


No. 599768

>not worth scarring your body over temporary feelings

There were so many ways she could have written that without sounding completely vain and vapid. Besides the fact that trich IS considered self harm, being so ignorant as to say something that ultimately shames those who have self harmed through cutting and will have permanent scars because of it is so shitty. "I'm the perfect skin disney princess waistline waifu uwu. I've never ever had a pimple and scars are icky! What do you mean I'm trivializing the compulsions that drive people to self harm and being a condescending little bitch by implying it's way more important to prioritize maintaining the appearance of your perfect little loli babygirl skin~"

No. 599769

Imo those sugary starburst drinks she drinks on the reg and Preg’s stationary lifestyle are forms of self harm too. It’s just about temporary feelings tho~

No. 599782

wow, there's plenty of ways to deal with your anxiety without resorting to permanantly damaging your hair follicles :)"

No. 599784

Hm I thought they were “crazy persons” not “friendos”

No. 599788

File: 1527900738195.png (218.35 KB, 636x702, zFik0S9.png)

No. 599789

Ew her mouth is so gross looking for some reason

No. 599790

Shut up about filters June ya snaggle-toothed human incubator.

No. 599792

File: 1527901666566.png (226.17 KB, 644x1152, IN9Q12R.png)

tfw when ur lefty crush @s you and you have to play nice

really though she'd be a lot meaner if someone other than rationaldisconnect replied. she just told someone yesterday "retire from the discourse" and "ding dong ur opinion is wrong"

No. 599797

Those poor kids. Can you imagine the genetics they are set to inherent? Not to mention being raised by these two?

No. 599803

this is fucking amazing brittany please share this

No. 599809

File: 1527903204483.png (142.77 KB, 647x507, 9R16B2T.png)

No. 599812

ahaha yes, lefty "friends" please keep calling her out!

No. 599814

What's the bet this guy posts here?

No. 599816

It's all the dicks

No. 599817

File: 1527903823448.png (32.81 KB, 596x180, Screen Shot 2018-06-02 at 11.4…)

I love how her fans feel the need to write (jk) in their replies to her statuses because they are afraid she might take it the wrong way and block them.

No. 599832

File: 1527905697299.gif (3.12 MB, 480x360, giphy.gif)

>The guy fawkes mask in the background. She's done boxxy impressions, her user name is a 4chan /b/ reference, she used to be into hacking shit. Huh. It's almost like she's trying to fit into some kind of demographic or something.

No. 599847

Wasn't she claiming bisexual just a minute ago? Guess by "bi", she meant "I'm self-loathing enough to accommodate my SO fucking other women, and will even pretend to be into it to alleviate any guilt he may feel :3".

No. 599851

File: 1527907857265.png (507.57 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180527-131226.png)

Reminder June had no female friends guys

No. 599886

This guy gets it. Sh0e tries to virtue signal to keep up her "libtard" persona but her true colors always shine through.

No. 599894

File: 1527913253641.png (17.46 KB, 639x119, codL5SR.png)

She had this tweet up for a hot second. Rationaldisconnect really got to her, huh.

No. 599905

Seriously can someone explain how this bitch can call herself a liberal?

No. 599913

She loves broadcasting her degenerate BDSM kinks and tries to insert herself into the lgbT community so I guess that makes her a liberal uwu. Could you imagine any conservatives/right wingers taking her despite all of that though? I couldn't.

No. 599925

File: 1527916036589.png (255.11 KB, 621x507, SLEGCti.png)

So much for blocking out people's names when you dunk on them. How long did that last, maybe a month?

No. 599927

How fucking pathetic. You are a straight woman that likes the idea of girl on girl action because your boyfriend is into it. That is not bisexuality.

No. 599933

Why june so you can scare and mock them?
Gosh, she seems like one of those girls who always want attention to her mental illness but dismisses or mocks others, the type that goes on for days about ~mental health awareness uwu~ but only when it's their mental health, and all while worsening the mental health of everyone else

No. 599938

Preg your damn gut is bigger than amys entire upper body

Did shoe like this too? Amy is curvier than june and thats sad, I just dont get what they want, they go after sad potatoes with u shaped boobs like lexxynichelle but shame average bodied women and acting as ig any woman who doesn't have a bmi of 20 or lower is a big fat landwhale

No. 599959

File: 1527919552017.png (19.29 KB, 631x209, gBAOrZY.png)

Incel pandering, wew

No. 599970

A very dedicated shuwu stan

No. 599972

File: 1527921319486.png (84.37 KB, 476x854, rational disconnect fna.png)

kek i love how rationaldisconnect went for her throat w that tweet. his fans are going in on her, lmao. rationaldis doesn't like you and doesnt want your vagene, june.

No. 599974

How does anyone not see incel as an insult?
>inb4 she starts preaching non-stop about how incels dindu nuffin and we're all just incelphobic misandrists

No. 599977

let's not get into this. It means different things to different people.

No. 600001

File: 1527927113891.png (76.04 KB, 325x321, BUai3md.png)

Oh god she's going to be especially annoying about her fake bisexuality this month, isn't she? Countdown to her showing up at a pride parade with Shregory and his leash

No. 600005

File: 1527927694862.jpg (113.83 KB, 523x1450, puDlQVJ.jpg)

I love how she basically admits to lying in the ask at the very bottom.

June is the epitome of ''straight people wanting to be included in the LGBT soup''.

No. 600010

File: 1527929231804.png (19.55 KB, 633x157, 3XUqJkk.png)

>can't picture myself dating a girl
>i'd date a girl if I wasn't with greg


can this mythomaniac go a single day without lying

No. 600034

is it just me or is her wig basic cap / not even monofilament? The part looks strange. I don't get it.

No. 600059

Was she asking because she doesn’t have an opinion about this on her own? I think a great idea of forced diversity in the media is June pretending to be bi on Twitter.

No. 600060

We need a bot like the one in the Onion thread for June’s deleted tweets.

No. 600067

“I cannot see myself ever dating a woman and have no desire to”

Ok then why call yourself bisexual since you can’t even relate to actual bisexual people’s experiences dating? If you’ve never dated a woman, don’t intend to, never had to come out of the closet about who you’re seeing, etc… literally what is the point of trying to wedge yourself into the LGBT community.

She’s never been to pride before (because she’s straight). Doubt she’ll go this year.

No. 600069

I’m YELLING. Someone call her out on this shit. She can only say that because she IS with Greg. She wasn’t dating or even flirting with women. She went from being in a relationship with one guy to being in a relationship with another.

Like June… stop. STOP. This is the reason bisexual people don’t get taken seriously by others.

No. 600091

File: 1527948442260.png (83.97 KB, 652x370, R3VTnMa.png)

Never say never.

No. 600100

Why did she feel the need to ask him publicly on Twitter. Aren’t they best friends? Is she hoping to have a posse of people looking for them there?

Same with >>599642

You’re supposedly good friends with this person. What’s with reaching out over something personal publicly on Twitter?

No. 600126

Wow she's so embarrassing

No. 600152


Well uWu0nhead thinks 9 days is a couple of weeks so by her standards, yes.

No. 600155

What a joke she is! I know some mentally troubled people can have identity and character issues due to their problems etc but hers is tied to the way she presents herself to the public and how much they would like it or find quirky-interesting. I usually don't diagnose people but this is some narcissistic problem that causes this faux intended to be likable self.

Meanwhile, Magdalen Berns got beaten up in public for either being a lesbian or an outspoken ''terf'' or both.

No. 600168

>Why did she feel the need to ask him publicly on Twitter
Attention. Like everything else she needs to let everyone know what a smoll crazy bisexual she is-though we all know its a lie, shes trying to keep up appearences

No. 600248

She doesn't truly care about pride parade or hanging out with that person to ask them privately, but she is in perpetual mode of playing a character so she has to show everyone how she is going to a parade with a friend!

No. 600333

File: 1527971997008.jpeg (104.24 KB, 738x505, EAA3A720-0D4B-4625-9130-E4F53C…)

Did anyone actually watch their Han Solo review? I don’t really think I can bother with it. But I’m curious what Greg would criticize about it. I might be biased in thinking it was good because the guy who plays Han Solo is a SERIOUSLY drool worthy hunk.

No. 600371

File: 1527975690921.png (509.2 KB, 679x657, HwDHmMC.png)

another day, another one of june's tweets contra hasn't replied to

No. 600374

File: 1527975784918.png (280.26 KB, 626x840, mHw8mAg.png)

>"i don't talk about race uwu"
>talks about race everyday

No. 600376

File: 1527975905141.png (503.54 KB, 660x1244, how do you do fellow gays 3.pn…)

No. 600415

I'm fucking raging

No. 600426

countless blacks being extra judicially murdered - wanna cite that?

June is definitely a leftist - I think she embodies the modern left perfectly, tons of histrionics a focus on feels over facts, very short attention span. Maybe she doesn't espouse all the lefty talking points, but June certainly acts like a lefty.

No. 600429

These. I only hope others see this, im annoyed so many people are dumb enough to fall for her theatrics and Bullshit.

No. 600434

>Meanwhile, Magdalen Berns got beaten up in public for either being a lesbian or an outspoken ''terf'' or both.

god damn it, seriously? but fake bisexuals like shuwu are the ones who matter during pride month, not actual lesbians being gay bashed.

No. 600442

Bisexuals in het relationships have such annoying victim complexes, almost as annoying as asexuals

No. 600444

does the gif play too fast for some people im wondering?

No. 600456

File: 1527985939943.jpg (37.69 KB, 737x458, HtBxoZZ.jpg)

Agreed, it's very pic related. Especially when their definition of bisexual is "I would kiss another girl in front of my s/o to pander to his lesbian fetish, but other than that I unironically hate women lol" like June.

No. 600474


hontra just looks like a 40 year old queen now
what went wrong in the womb?

No. 600522

Contras new video is so obviously about Blaire and Blaire-lites, it's pretty brave of June to respond favorably to it. Unless that friendship truly has died. Or is she too dense to realize who the video is criticizing?

No. 600531

He probably thought he could look better than real women if he transitioned, he looked much better before.
Its also interesting apparently his politics a few years ago where the exact opposite of what they are now

No. 600549


Nice try but she's definitely alt right not lefty like the rest of the , liking gays and transpeople for brownie points doesn't make her any less of a"skeptic" community she's an alt right sperg.

She constantly pushed anti-feminist trad, and MGTOW views all over the place, being feels over reals is hardly something individual to leftists plenty of right learning and alt righters get emotional over racial shit like IQ and ethnostate bullshit.

No. 600551

Anon you sound like one of those people who thinks there's a nazi hiding in every closet. Get a grip.

No. 600553

His new voice grates on me so much.

No. 600559

Nah, I agree with them. Anyone who thinks Shoe is a lefty hasn't been paying attention to the meat of what she says and who she makes fun of. The person who insisted she's a lefty just focuses on her "Cool Girl" persona.
She's obsessed with clumsily trying to get in good graces with /pol/, but never 100% commits because she's also scared of the backlash she'd get from anyone who's even halfway right-minded. Being an actual alt-righter really means isolating yourself to that community, because pretty much no one else will have you, and Shoe's too desperate to be liked by the internet at large to take that path.

No. 600560


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 600581

OT but does anyone know if there's a thread on Hontra?

No. 600594

there is, just scroll the catalog since it hasn't been active for a week or two

No. 600597

I wonder why.

No. 600611

it's almost like mentally unstable people drift from one extreme to the other

No. 600699

So she didn't receive any backlash for that old video where she was saying the n-word, but Tana Mongeau got so much hate for it a few years ago? I know the situations are a bit different but still

No. 600731

No. 600755


Notice Blaire didn't defend JuWune in any of the recent drama. I think because she knows she would have been next one under the bus.

As for that insufferable charisma vacuum CancerPoints, LO fucking L. Bitch is so jealous of Blaire she can taste it.

No. 600770

Did anyone defend her at all…? Aside from that creepy Mayu guy and Ranting F? No one in the skeptic community came to her defense. Not even her fucking FIANCÉ.

No. 600771

Except Tana as a teenager during the entire drama, and Shoe0nhead claims she was in her 20s (post-high school) when those videos with her "friends" were made, and is currently in her late 20s when she's "dunking on people" and using the N word casually in her tweets.

No. 600783

Keep in mind Tana's fans are mostly teen girls and twitter SJWs, and a lot of them are most likely involved in the YouTube beauty community (and we all know that they're one of the most sensitive groups on the platform). So naturally, she's gonna get a lot more backlash for saying the n-word than someone like Shoe, who's in the ''skeptic community'', where most people don't care about racism to begin with. I know June wants to be an uwu leftie so bad, but it's not working out for her because she is part of that community. ''Leftists'' are never going to accept her anyways.

Shoe has never gotten real backlash for anything. The only time was her candid sponsorship, but that was only a brief freakout and she back pedaled when shit went down, so no one really cared anymore.
It's absolutely crazy how being a young woman that excuses everything men do and purposefully puts herself and other women down can shield you from any type of criticism. Brittany made very valid points in her videos on Shoe, yet she's ''obsessed and jealous''…implying anyone would ever envy a bald, fence-sitting college dropout, engaged to a fat retard who pays more attention to twitter thots than her. Must be amazing.

Her male followers love to hear her shit on ''fat ugly bitches'' while having an ugly, obese boyfriend. They fucking hate women and it shows. Her female followers are either carbon copies of her (smol qt goth uwu) or other, self-loathing women.

No. 600794


Nope. People like Ian Michael Cheong and Margaret MacLennan were actively ripping on her. Send buns uWu was a running joke on my timeline for a while there. According to the Discord leaks she was pretty butthurt about that.

No. 600799

I feel like Hontra's political commentary is an excuse to dress up as these entirely unfunny characters and subject people to his autogyneshit.

No. 600801

That’s the thing, there’s almost nothing to be jealous of Shoe for except-
1. She barely has to do anything to make money- which is hard to be envious over when she spends all her extra time crying in her childhood bedroom and making horrible financial decisions.
2. She has some good physical features, but they don’t really mesh in a way that makes her outstandingly attractive imo. Almost anyone could be at her level if they wore the same cartoonish amounts of makeup. It’s just men who are easily deceived by that lol.

No. 600813

Which is funny since shoe seems to think the majority of her fans are female lol

No. 600818

File: 1528038059142.png (643.98 KB, 1024x1616, shoe_to_by_josephsk-dajlirj.pn…)

And Shuwu~

No. 600841



HontraPoints thread for anyone who wants to discuss him

No. 600843

Agreed, it's awful and made me more sympathetic with Blair White. No wonder Shoe liked the video, shoe loves anything that shits on women more attractive than her (which at this point, lets face it, Blair is.)

No. 600851

Blair's a guy

No. 600853

What are her horrible financial decisions? I haven't kept up on those.

No. 600854

Whoever made this gay shit should be waterboarded. At least they made Anime Blaire accurate with the man face

No. 600860

Yeah, blair is a man. Honta is clearly jealous of him because he's less of a hon AND gets more attention, but I doubt june is jelly. At least she's, you know, female.

No. 600861


No. 600864

Even if Blair is a man, I do think Shoe is still jealous. Blaire is travelling, her career is on the rise, she's outgrown Shoe, has a new life in California and is rubbing shoulders with celebrities and real youtubers (not just low level "skeptics") and I mean, Blair does look a lot better than Shoe - better groomed, full head of hair, prettier (less horse-y face.) Blair has surpassed Shoe which is why they are no longer friends and I do think Shoe probably feels a lot of resentment and wishes she was in Blair's position.

Also, imagine having a more horse-like man jaw than a trans male. Poor shoe. That's why she's currently surrounding herself with the manliest of trans, she only looks decent next to them by comparison.

No. 600871

File: 1528043681801.jpg (51.77 KB, 960x768, PpcDodN.jpg)

>Preg's Arms
I'm fucking dead. Where's his 38 week pregnancy gut? Do they genuinely think he looks like this? I can't…

I love how they made Shuwu a Loli, even though in reality homegirl looks like a linebacker with higher testosterone levels than Blaire.

No. 600874

This is actually really true.

No. 600876

KEK are you robbie or one of his orbiters? I hate shuwu as much as the next farmer, but come on now.

No. 600883

I'm not that anon but I agreed with them above, compared to shuwu Blair is less annoying and ugly etc.

No. 600884

no I don't really care for him and I've only watched his videos once for like one min. But Shoe is just that much of a loser lol

No. 600923

I also think it's worth noting Blaire likely absorbed some of June's older more /pol/-y fanbase when he became popular by not being a fencesitter, and she's probably jealous of him for that at the very least.

No. 600926

Regarding the grooming and appearance thing, I sometimes wonder if women like June envy how MTT’s get a pass for things that she as a real woman would get no end of shit for from her fanbase. She herself has insulted women for wearing push-up bras and using filters because of ~fakery~, but when Blaire has his breast implants practically falling out of a low-cut shirt, shovels on the makeup, photoshops himself and gets plastic surgery and fillers and lip injections it’s all fine because he’s trans. He openly gets to use the full power of modern technology to turn himself into a sexbot but if a biological woman does anything to enhance her natural appearance she’s a fake whore. For someone whose life revolves around getting positive attention from men, that has to sting a little.

No. 600949

>sh0e looks up at me w/ cute face

Had to look at the tweet date because I was stunned that he was actually saying something complimentary about her. Not shocking it's over a year old. Nowadays the tweet would be

>Little idiot looks way up at me with her dumbfuck ditz face and huge teeth bared

No. 600955

File: 1528048945601.png (13.24 KB, 604x107, OyuDXgX.png)

No. 600958

But anon, this Han Swolo doesn't have the perfect dad bod like Pregory.
I don't think the review is out yet.

Also I just realized, the image of June with jelly rolls is actually from a video last summer…anyone has pics of her from this winter's 20 pound gain?

No. 600970

File: 1528050290446.png (148.68 KB, 630x688, *italian lecturing*.png)

>my med culture

HAH! I mean if she REALLY wants to go there, she's still got no excuse to be a failure to launch.

>Due to the lack of support and care from the state, the individual is dependent on the support of his

or her family, and within this economic dependency, a psychological dependency also develops. As such, economic
dependency promotes the development of psychological dependency.

>The definitive departure of young people tends to coincide more or less with their marriages and

finding stable jobs.

So sorry Wig, you're more than financially stable with your betabux and you have an engagement. You're just taking advantage of your family and refusing to emotionally mature because it's convenient for you, not because it's "culture."

No. 600972

Her little friends, Dankula's fiancee, and syrencove did, but they don't make content for that community so I guess that doesn't count. They were saying Brittany is creepy so they're going to block her lol.

uwu tradwaifu

No. 600978

looks like she saw that peter pan syndrome video

No. 600992

File: 1528051622169.png (54.69 KB, 645x393, Q4O8Dxc.png)

Shuwu complaining about YT yet again. Looks like she won't be doing ~sewwww much better~ than her college peers soon like she loves to brag about

No. 600995

File: 1528051838758.png (136.43 KB, 654x838, QoAo68r.png)

No. 600997

Is he chopping off his dick or something?

No. 601025

File: 1528053411792.jpg (26.07 KB, 500x305, 37dRuba.jpg)

No. 601042


In the past few months Blaire has been photographed with Caitlyn Jenner, was invited to the premiere of the latest season of RuPaul's Drag Race and got a shit ton of praise from the left, right and centre for her LGBT in the Middle East video.

Considering Theryn Meyer seemed to go full retard after becoming friends with Cuntra I wouldn't be surprised if shuWu has lost Blaire's trust and at the worst possible time too.

No. 601056

File: 1528054741341.png (70.24 KB, 309x301, how do you do fellow gays 4.pn…)

>no hets allowed month
just when i thought she couldn't get more annoying. jesus christ june, you're heterosexual

No. 601057

Does this mean septic is banned? or is she suggesting he's a ~bisexual~ as well

No. 601060

File: 1528055080310.png (35.17 KB, 1153x385, Gf1gZKa.png)

honestly i'd be more willing to believe septic as bi than june because of his trap fetish

No. 601081

File: 1528056090782.jpg (191.09 KB, 1500x736, BUY DAT MERCH.jpg)


>june complaining about logan paul when her merch looks like it was designed in MS Paint

No. 601106

File: 1528057200153.png (518.84 KB, 854x692, vjK8gBO.png)

so a straight woman is going to talk about political lesbianism for pride month? thanks june, the gay community really appreciates you covering this extremely important, hard hitting issue.

it's especially funny since june is no better and could be called a political bisexual kek

No. 601175

That shy wallflower is wearing a fucking thong btw uwu

No. 601183

Which one of us should message that guy and get pics to confirm?

No. 601184

All these children.

No. 601191

Surprised she's not talking about the Onision/Blaire stream like she did last time

No. 601197


She's not talking about the stream because it's obvious Shoe doesn't care about Blaire anymore and vice versa. When shoe left for the 2nd time after the venti videos went out Blaire was releasing her own videos and having for in down town LA.

None of the skeptic youtubers she claimed she was close with like Blaire came to her aid.

No. 601203

Poli lesbians have a lot in common with bihets like wig, they perform sexuality for ulterior motives and neither are actually attracted to women.

No. 601208

File: 1528061038310.jpg (29.99 KB, 248x350, faces_of_shoe_by_spookypandagi…)

You have some artistic talent and you… you just waste it?

No. 601214

These have already been posted in past threads.

>some artistic talent

It's very mediocre, maybe you could say that if the person who made it was below 16

No. 601231

She still tweets at Blaire nearly everyday. Even if they don't care about each other anymore, it's surprising that June isn't acting like the opportunist she is and using this situation to her advantage. Plus she doesn't seem to like Onion boy in general

No. 601249

File: 1528063677950.jpg (75.3 KB, 500x393, image.jpg)

No. 601265

File: 1528064958061.jpg (126.07 KB, 816x979, pretending_to_be_gay_redux_by_…)

Shoe atm

No. 601272

File: 1528065232765.png (62.9 KB, 720x352, 20180603_183323.png)

She really is delusional

No. 601281

I could've sworn he said he was bi at some point. He and June were going on about ~bisexual master race~ or something.

He apparently said "1 out of every 10 people are gay and that kinda weirds me out. I've had sex with 10 people, so statistically at least one of those dudes was gay" but I'm guessing that's just poor word choice.

Did he post a picture of himself he called "obese" or something? I find that hard to believe.

No. 601285

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Yeah, he posted a pic from 7 years ago it was on his old ass website that is now gone, and June posted a 7 year old pic too. Yeesh.

No. 601288

She looks a lot like her sister here tbh.

No. 601293

LOL In what world does he seriously believe that? He has a protruding ball-gut. Amy at the most has a slight pudge.

No. 601295

Lmao she looks like a homely dude from Costa Mesa that plays in a surf-rock Christian band here

No. 601296

She did show up towards the end of the stream and donated to her livestream so there's that?

No. 601299


I thought the Caitlyn Jenner thing was a joke? Blaire has spoken out before about not liking Caitlyn, and the picture was posted on April Fool's Day.

No. 601302

It also helps that Blaire is more consistent than Shoe is. Shoe always seems to backtrack on things if someone big calls her out on something. The same happens to Blaire like when she made that Vegan video and she got reamed hard by the Vegan community but she never budged from her stance on the issue.

No. 601308

I don't think it was a joke because in a debate she did with another trans Youtuber named Miss London where they debated about Children Transitioning, she brought up her talk with Caitlin Jenner again. So yeah..

Saged for being off-topic.

No. 601318

Lmao what about your straight trans friends you fucking dumbass (I know it's a joke but that doesn't help).

No. 601324

This is true. Shoe hardly gets backlash at least on YouTube it seems and on Twitter, her fans usually dog-pile smaller people who speak negatively of her. Heck even the Candid scandal, I actually never even heard about until I came to this board so she did a good job keeping it hidden because had I not come here, I most likely would have never known about that.

>> implying anyone would ever envy a bald, fence-sitting college dropout, engaged to a fat retard who pays more attention to twitter thots than her. Must be amazing.

I seriously wonder how June would respond if someone actually told her that if she tried to label them as "SO JEALOUS". There really isn't nothing to be jealous about on her specifically when you see she has nothing really going for her.

Sounds about right. I feel Blaire knows that if she gets involved with Venti thing, Venti may very well target her next and dig up dirt on her so it's best to just ignore it. Besides, she actually has things going for her unlike Shoe by comparison.

No. 601325

just want to add that shuwu has posted tons of photos/thumbnails for her videos with super face altering filters and of course her massive eyeliner that makes her small ass eyes look bigger to match her bizarre huge upper cheeks so she is a massive hypocrite too.

No. 601337

>I seriously wonder how June would respond if someone actually told her that
She sort of already responds to those types of criticisms. She'll screencap negative comments about Greg and she'll reply with banal stuff with "no u" or "ur mom gay" or some obviously insecure rants about how special ed Greg is the smartest person she knows and how much she's into t h i c c guys. She regularly brags about how much better she's doing than the people she went to college with and how Youtube is a real job and her one true passion.

Either way, no matter how you try and challenge her she'll end up going on some twitter narc rage rant. She doesn't take kindly to criticism at all

No. 601341

slight ot, but blaire mentioned getting a tv pilot on the stream. it really brings home how washed up skeptics like june and preg are, their community has totally moved on from them and any success they wanted is going to the people they tried to boost to look good. june's teen fans might be fooled by her, but at the end of the day people who can give career opportunities to someone like her don't wanna deal with her shit. the best she'll get now is the guest role at mythcon where they don't want her speaking onstage.

No. 601354

Oh right, she did mention that (the tv show). Yep, it's obvious that Blaire has much more lasting success than June who's pretty much stuck in the skeptic sphere which is most likely going to expire when she hits her mid 30s.

No. 601393

that mtn dew gut rubbing against shuwu's tit is the best part

No. 601400

He has a protruding ball-gut
This made me lol
Guys like him with completely irrational and unjustified levels of confidence compared to looks or ability aren't really that uncommon in provincial backwater places like where I assume he comes from. They are brought up like little princes and don't really get into experiences that let them learn how dumb they are until it's too late.

No. 601404

He's from Kingston, Ontario. According to farmers, his daddy is actually a rich dude in politics or something.

>They are brought up like little princes

His brothers were posted here and they looked normal too. So maybe not?

Greg is a stupid asshole because of himself alone. Nothing that will change that. If getting into debt and divorced over a fucking cult didn't humble him, what will?

No. 601416

File: 1528074878283.jpg (167.7 KB, 1024x832, g0zGunu.jpg)

sa. Found the pic

No. 601420

>He's from Kingston, Ontario. According to farmers, his daddy is actually a rich dude in politics or something.
This fits the stereotype, in my experience it's usually the older brothers who learn this and are treated as the favoured son.
When they are old it's too late to learn humility and common decency so his divorce and cult weren't early enough.

No. 601422


No. 601430


for some added realism someone should give blair blackface and a big floppy dick

No. 601435

dislike blaire but he has a small dick he has said, still, needs more manshoulders, bad bolt ons and terrible contour

No. 601463

File: 1528080405267.jpg (159.49 KB, 944x1858, mHel1LG.jpg)

Do all of her fans think women turn into Baba Yaga once they're older than 18? I know they're mostly tweens and neckbeards but still… come on, the woman looks her age

No. 601465

she does not look like she is 18 at all. her face in the second photo looks like any average 27 year old and she uses her thick ridiculous eyeliner as a trick to make her eyes less small and beady. it's pathetic that her """fans""" aka brainless ugly neckbeard orbiters and brainless bitches similar to june aka ones with mental issues are feeding into her delusions. but then again, i also think a lot of them don't really look at her actual face much. like, she dresses like a 5 year old and uses that 12 year old emo phase eye makeup to distract and i think these retarded fools are blinded by it. and of course her male orbiter losers will just look at her boobs and her skanky outfits for preg and go "omggzz xdd so hot like the lolis i jerk off to in my mommy's basement!"

No. 601468

File: 1528081090499.gif (998.58 KB, 500x588, tumblr_osqlwsl8oy1r4xqjbo1_500…)

like this is another avg 27 year old. i dont see a difference between the two tbh. it's 100% the styling that fools these retards

No. 601489

>a fake bi dragging fake lesbians

No. 601495

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No. 601496

because she means she'll be moving to her family's vacation home instead of staying in long island, not actually living with special ed greg, lel

No. 601498

File: 1528085630960.png (190.15 KB, 750x1334, IMG_4773.PNG)

8. Claims that people often mistake Ollie for a dog… yeah sure shuwu everyone thinks your bunny is a dog despite you even saying that he's actually small but you're just soooo tiny hehe that he looks large compared to you.

No. 601499

this is one of her most unbelievable lies yet, and she has a lot of them. she's delusional to think anyone would believe this, jesus christ, june.

No. 601500

File: 1528085896516.png (655.45 KB, 912x556, YKvXs8N.png)

well at least that's more dignified than the ones with animu fanart*

*animu fanart commissioned by june herself

No. 601501

It's proof that she really does just create details about her life and tries to shove it down everyone's throats no matter how insanely impossible

No. 601504

Why someone would want a cartoon of shuwu and preggory on a t shirt is seriously beyond me

No. 601505

File: 1528086698185.png (191.05 KB, 632x894, YqlHfNG.png)

June acting like she doesn't make up unbelievable stories all the time. This is no less believable than her "angry old jealous hag grabs muh disney princess waist and tells me to eat" stories

No. 601510

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Literally minutes after mocking someone for talking about the gender binary she starts seriously talking about "nonbinary gender stuff"

God damn her fence sitting knows no bounds

No. 601520

Deleted already?

No. 601557

Well it's true lol He looks like he's pregnant. I don't care for Amy but the idea of him being thinner than her is just LOFL and he's delusional. I seriously wonder if he'd have a huge ego if he wasn't dating Shoe.

I agree. I'm not gonna say that Shoe looks old but she doesn't look like she's 18, just a woman in her mid 20s. Sometimes I feel her fans are just embellishing to kiss ass.

No. 601574


I wonder if June saw his brothers. What were her thoughts after realizing she got the ugliest one?

No. 601575

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>for us
Even if June was bi what laws affect her? She's jumped from het relationship to het relationship, is marrying a man and has never shown attraction to the same sex. It's not like she'd be stoned to death in another country like actual gay/bi people

No. 601579

She could look youthful for her age but the reason why all these neckbeards call her a teenager is because of her act.

She constantly does the "ADHD Boxxy" mannerism thing, talks like a dumb teenager, wears shitty teenage makeup and bad weeaboo clothes, living with mom and dad etc.

Women in their mid and late twenties don't mind being told they look like they are 21, but I think nobody normal at that age likes being told that they seem like a teenager.
At least speaking from my perspective, someone telling you they thought you were a teenager seems embarrassing, especially when you already have a career and lead an adult life.

No. 601580


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 601582


A lot of people did. Blaire provided another photo showing she was at the event with her. I'm guessing despite not liking her an opportunity to network was good to pass up.

Meanwhile shuWu was photographed with Sasquatch so she's got that going for her, which is nice.

No. 601583

File: 1528097439079.png (329.31 KB, 469x400, XH8jBXz.png)

My fucking god, she's gonna be extra obnoxious this month. I hope Brit exposes her fake bisexuality in her next video, if she does one. This shit is annoying and almost insulting.

No. 601588

"we we we, us us us" why is she acting like she can speak on behalf of all lgbt people? Idk if June is actually bi or not, but I feel like most actual bi people (especially ones in het relationships) are aware that they have a significant advantage over lesbians/gays/trans and don't have as much room to speak when it comes to these issues.

Like, June, you never have and never will experience hate for your "bisexuality"

No. 601621

He can’t drive to her?

Also, why can’t he be the one to move closer to the border? Why does it have to be her? Idg this relationship at all.

No. 601622

No. 601624



No. 601625

File: 1528110782310.png (471.88 KB, 892x684, CJroThZ.png)

The face of an average 17 year old uwu according to Shoe and her uwus

No. 601626

Now I can totally see why she uses that shitty ass 480p cam for her regular videos. It slims her face and makes her beady eyes look bigger.
June always brags about her ''huge almond eyes'' when in reality…you can tell they're rather small, especially without make up. Smae delusion as her ''disney princess waistline''.

No. 601629

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I love how she's wearing a loose, baggy shirt this time, since Brittany used the ''muh waistline'' fat rolls meme as her thumbnail picture for part 2 kek

No. 601631


What's with that weird necklace?

No. 601635

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No. 601637

Greg’s criticism of this movie is literally: 2/10 it was too brown!!


At 18:30 June says, “This is why I only make videos 2 times a month. People get tired of it,” in relation to Star Wars movies coming out once a year.

No. 601649

i hate so much that she actually manages to make him seem charismatic and intelligent in comparison to herself

No. 601653

File: 1528115282616.jpg (27.52 KB, 500x375, CzHltCw.jpg)

her baby voice returns
(can't embed timed links sry)

No. 601674

KEK nice mumu

No. 601687

Is she pregnant?

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