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No. 250674
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I wanted to say this in the other thread but its hit its limit
Is toxic tears really on benefits as some have said? Because she seems loaded.
cant lie im a bit jealous of her. She gets $144 per video, sells her own clothes AND people buy her stuff off her wish list and fuck, its the biggest one i've seen. TT's list has 10 sub categories-her CAT has its own wishlist long with "vivarium" which i am assuming is the spider someone mentioned?
Rather than spend that money on lipo she should take that money and use it to remodel the attic (another category which has its own wishlist) it would be more productive.
No. 250874
>>250872Because they don't know shit about health/fitness and stuff related to it. If they did they wouldn't be constantly searching for "fast and easy" ways.
I'd actually love to see her thin again. Just so she'd learn some disciple if anything.
Sage for answering most likely rhetorical question.
No. 250931
>>250674I don't know if it's different for N Ireland
but in Ireland if you're under 26 years old (I think) you only get 100 euros a week. I don't think she's on benefits because she wouldn't be able to pay rent or food etc and I can't imagine her standing in line for ages to collect her money, she'd probably complain of leg pain
No. 250939
>>250936LOL NIfag here.
I was on benefits years ago and every 2 weeks you go for a meeting and prove you're looking for a job. No standing in line, you go and sit and wait then sit with your assigned benefits person. Dunno what it's like in the south.
Sage for OT
No. 250956
>>250674I can't imagine she's getting liposuction on the NHS either - that shit isn't cheap.
That she's planning on getting it at all is dumbfounding. WHY can't she just cut the sweets and junk food and lose the weight like a normal person?
No. 250960
>>250956Too hard :'(
She's so damn impatient. A lot of times when you stop focusing on the scale and just EAT CLEAN, the pounds start to come off. But, no. She's too busy stressing over her weight and shoving her face full of cake. So unfair!
No. 251115
>>250939That's the same as here in England. You have to prove you've applied for 6 jobs a week. Used to keep a record with details in a book but apparently now it's online.
Here you get housing benefit and council tax benefit if you're on benefits.
However you do NOT get lipo free on the NHS. Like, lol.
No. 251460
>>251127I didn't know ofherbsandalters was on benefits. I always thought it was cringey that he/she still lived with their parents and constantly brought up how old they are. It's weird to me how (s)he is "diagnosed" with Aspergers but goes to goth clubs a lot. People with aspergers are extremely sensitive to noises and can't focus if something's too loud or if there are a lot of different noises going on at once, so you'd think they'd go insane at a club.
Also idfk what to call them. He said he was a trans dude and I was fine with calling him a guy but he said in a recent video that he is "actually agender"….yeah no.
No. 251562
>>251115Are we sure she's on JSA (or the Northern Ireland equivalent) and not some kind of disability benefit?
I find it really hard to believe she's going to meetings where someone from the Job Centre treats her like she's not even a full human (which was my experience of being on JSA and is very similar to everybody I know who has eve claimed it) without making a massive rant video or something.
Also if she
is on JSA and VidIQ is accurate about how much money she makes on each video then it looks like she might not be declaring her youtube earnings on her tax forms, it's not a huge amount but given how many video she makes it would count as regular income from self employment (I'm not 100% sure on this bit but she might be able to top that up by applying for tax credits) which could cause some serious issues if the tax office find out, and she'd get a massive fine.
No. 251612
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>>251127>I feel like Kaya could easily be living from the UK's benefit system.if she is she is a rarity and will clarify. I didnt want to reveal
this but i am on disabilty benefits and i do not get my rent or bills paid for because disabilty is different from housing and i live in the cheapest county in england.
I was made redundant and diagnoised with depression and bi-polar disorder which i am on heavy medication for and i have been struggling for the past few years and i am desperate to go back to work because living on these benefits is miserable. i am always short every month and as someone who doesnt drink, smoke, have a car or go out i am short because i dont qualify for full support, not because i am overspending any money i get.
This was why i initally questioned how she could be on benefits because she doesnt have any kids-and those awful tv shows that show people on benefits with loads of money living the high life are of those where the parents have had like, 5+ children.
the only way you can qualify for the top end of disability is if you are in a wheelchair or have mobility problems, you dont get it for mental health issues. so i highly doubt TT is getting a lot of money for depression. however from what i understand the benefits allocation vary from country to country so her being in NI may mean she gets substantially more than someone in england.
also you have to declare any substantial earnings if you are on benefits (in england, earning money through patreon would mean her benefits would be taken away and she would be arrested for fraud).this is why i thought its more like what
>>250873 said.
I cant lie I aint even hating on her like i say i'm just totally jealous. I know its not nice to read horrible comments on you but if that would mean living in a nice house with hot running water, being able to shower and having a computer which isnt 15 years old and keeps crashing on you I would swap with her in a heartbeat.
it took me a whole year to save for a discounted pair of demonia shoes-so i would be shocked to learn if she just got by on benefits alone.
also not trying to make this a blog post but as someone who is on the system (and desperate to get off) the idea someone could live the life of riley on it is baffling.
tl;dr=a lot of us on benefits are struggling, so if she is on benefits its clear she is getting money and gifts through other means.
No. 251780
>>251748She's been talking about how she has a strap on and a feeldoe and giving everyone lovely mental images of her trying to fuck a tall gangly trans woman (from what little I've seen of her in the vlogs she looks tall and skinny, and Dorian always talks about how her gf is a skinny bitch)
Another recent video was her responding to a hater with a lot of cringy whip cracking and talks about spanking…
In her Pretty Reckless vlog, her and her gf were being so loud and obnoxious, swearing on a public train and acting like 13 year olds. Not like fucking 30 year old adults. It was so awkward to watch.
No. 251816
>>251750Has she said how spergy she is? It might be really mild and only has a few traits. If she was full on she couldn't do clubs. Why would someone with social awkwardness seek out being surrounded by situations she can't deal with.
Conclusion: Lying or mucho exaggeration.
No. 251946
>>250784The Louvre museum give her a VIP pass, but the cemetery didn't give a fuck .
I don't really know how to feel about this.
The rule of the museum say that you should not where an outfit that put a lot of attention on you, and in all cemetery in France you have to ask an authorization from the city to take picture in the cemetery ( like for a photoshoot ) or if you want to make a video in it .
No. 251951
>>250451>>251596I like OfherbsandAlters in terms of his/her openness about his/her life but the thing that really annoyed me had to do with when he/she came out about how he/she was sexually abused by her uncle when she was a child but didn't want to press charges against him and the fact that he may start preying on his/her other younger female relatives because he has a mental disability and I'm sorry but it was absolutely insane to hear about that.
Like what the hell? He/she probably doesn't realize that he/she sounds like a straight up enabler if he/she insists on staying quiet about something like that. I think he/she did say that he/she tried to tell his/her mother but she didn't care about it but still, mentally disabled or not, sexual molestation is never okay.
Sorry for the mini rant, it's been on my mind ever since she made that video back in November of 2016.
No. 251960
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I don't think she's learned anything from her experience in Paris.
No. 251983
>>250939Ah I was on benefits in Ireland couple years ago and they make you stand in line outside of post offices to collect your money. I think it's a humiliation tactic.
So how much money did you get every week in NI? would it be enough for Kaya and her boyfriend to live off?
No. 252163
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>>252155I think I found her gf. I FB searched Dorian and found an account with 2 mutual friends (two goth girls from the same city as her), but the account just had a weird photo of a dog as a profile picture. "Dorian Nothing Bridges" was the account I found so I clicked into it and it wouldn't show me photos but it did show me the friends list.
Searched thought it for a minute and then I found Phryne who's profile is open and she talks about her "boyfriend" and links to Dorian's page all the time.
So yeah. This is her girlfriend I guess.
No. 252263
>>252231>>252239Funny how self entitled she is when she
doesn't work or pay tax or pay bills. Also throws a tantrum anytime she gets hate because god forbid we don't lick her ass. Can't believe she's like 30? Yet acts like girls I know who are 18. I feel concerned about how she will cope in the real world but doubt she will ever actually get a job, she will probably move out if she finds a partner she can sponge off.
No. 252333
>>252146I can't judge her on that since I live at home too and I don't pay for anything but I do routine cleaning for my parents like vaccuming the whole place, taking out the trash, washing dishes, and mopping/sweeping just to give back since my folks can get a little too busy with their work.
I do agree though, if you're going to be staying with your folks, at least do something to make their lives a little easier.
No. 252581
>>252330I haven't seen his stomach but his arms look muscular. I'd say he's more bulky than fat. It's kind of weird though because his arms look fat
and muscular. It's like muscles just added to his fat without getting rid of the fat
No. 252587
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>>252581Maybe he's going for the strongman look. These people sometimes look like fatties but they can lift cars and shit.
He's just lacking definition in his arms.
No. 252588
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>>252581>>252330Found a few pictures of him shirtless, this one seems more recent
No. 252590
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No. 252605
>>252588He seems to be the kind of twat who thinks liftig and munching some Whey protein powder makes you a beach bod god.
(I dont follow up on him at all but im gonna assume he doesnt count calories or do stuff like bulking / cutting considering how hes worked out for a while but still looks like a pasty potato unless he really poses /flexes his arms lmao)
No. 252612
>>252605Not sure about calories, but he does know about bulking/cutting etc., or at least he says so. He even had a fit-goth blog where he wrote what he ate, what workouts he did, etc., I think he stopped updating it after two weeks.
But yea, I agree somewhat. I know fitness/building muscle takes time and idk what he used to look like before, but the progress is a bit "eh" without a before picture.
No. 252626
>>252591Oh my god I thought he was caressing his man tit at first.
I think he looks pretty fit, in the most recent picture he's obviously flexing but still he looks pretty good. He talks about his weight struggle a lot so I doubt he will ever look super ripped/not chubby at all. I wish he could've given Kaya some proper diet tips for her and not just told her to eat the same shit that he does
No. 252799
>>250960>She's so damn impatient. A lot of times when you stop focusing on the scale and just EAT CLEAN, the pounds start to come off. But, no. She's too busy stressing over her weight and shoving her face full of cake. So unfair!this is fucking stupid advice especially for Kaya. she's so fat because she thinks "healthy" foods can't make you gain weight and eats an entire avocado with every meal.
She needs to learn that it's just calories in/calories out.
No. 252824
last thread hit reply limit, whoops.
anyways, re: TT
>>209562i remember seeing her post on the PULL forums all the time. iirc, she was like one or two years older than I was at the time? I'm 25 now, so I'd guess she's 27 or older. she is definitely not 22 or 23.
she really wanted to be the 'goth dakota rose' back in the day and her style has only degraded over time. she accessorizes like a halloween costume.
>newest video: 'what not to say to goth girls in 2016'because that's the only video she ever made that went even close to viral. fuck, she's really run out of ideas completely.
>>241696i get the same feeling, kaya is not a nice person even if she tries to act sweet. i think it's a combo of the fact that i regularly saw her contributing to catty forum gossip and…she wants to say stuff like 'people are always so amazed bcuz i'm goth but i'm also kind and bubbly~*~' but then she'll also say stuff along the lines of 'if someone pisses you off, kick them to the ground and set them on fire'. she seriously does not see the discrepancy.
>>242786jake&kaya are codependent af, if i had to guess. i've seen couples like this before, neither of them are confident enough to leave the other even if they're miserable. they've both built up certain parts of their identity around the idea of being a youtube power couple, which is honestly probably never going to happen for either of them but they've invested this much time in it already so oh well
i don't think jake was this e-fame-hungry before Kaya put the idea that they could go viral and become internet ~stars~ into his head. normally i'd be like 'anyone who thinks this is a good way to support themselves is dumb as a brick' but Kaya used to actually get a decent amount of presents and money from her followers, and watching that happen probably made it seem like a viable scheme from his perspective. however, neither of them have the charisma to pull in and keep an audience; the closest thing kaya's got is her 'gothgoth' cred, which is why her life seems to revolve around her style choices. it's kind of sad.
>>246099reporting the two of them for their their misuse of welfare would be a beautiful execution of justice. the people who actually need welfare always get tarred and feathered because of people like kaya and her bf.
>>247280gothic literature is really a nebulous idea imo. like for some people it's Anne Rice or Neil Gaiman, for others it's Laird Barron and Mark Z. Danielewski, and other people will tell you that the only 'true' gothic horror is stuff you'd find in a classroom, like Poe, Shelley or du Maurier. there's really so much thing as like a quintessential goth author so much as there are gothic themes which reoccur in almost all dramatic fiction–madness, murder, secrets, etc.
No. 252842
>>252826i've always heard her talk about how she
looks young for her age, but she never actually names a number, idk. i didn't pay too much attention to her then, so my memory's a little foggy considering it's been years, but i definitely remember thinking 'wow this girl should be a tad more mature' because she was older than me.
>>252829peachmilkytea was on there, you're not wrong. so was spoony and whatshername, the girl with the really thick castor oil eyebrows now.
peachmilkytea has been a lot smarter about cultivating her efame career than TT, though, she never said anything too bitchy & i think she was primarily there because of the whole 'dolly-style' association with cows like Venus and Dakota being primary sources of milk. a lot of the girls who tried to hop on that bandwagon (like mila, for instance…) took the approach of 'well, people don't like dakota because she's a royal cunt, so i'll just do exactly the same style as her and actually be a nice person to boot'.
No. 252881
>>252799Well, of course portions matter.
She gets frustrated after three days of dieting and just lets it go for a day, starting the cycle over and over again. In the cheat day, she probably consumes two days of her dieting period which obviously isn't helping her one bit.
Yes, she IS being impatient and does need to work on the whole calories in and calories out.
No. 252887
>>252866that doesn't make any sense if her reason for not wanting to reveal her age is that people will think she's 'too old' for goth.
like plenty of people wear their crazy alt-fashion shit well into their thirties or even later, man. and if goth is such a big part of your self-expression, why tf would you phase it out of your life because of your age?
No. 252910
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Amber Downs, aka PastelWeebScumPrincess on instagram. Allegedly cut a snake in half and raped a man I think.
No proof on those except lulz comments on her Facebook page No. 252993

this is described as a "thread for cringe" so i thought i would share one of my favorite alt channels to cringe watch. she's not goth but is 21 and looks/acts like a 15 year old scene kid from 2009. some highlights:
-got a bunch of retarded finger tattoos when she had basically no other visible mods/tattoos, dooming her to a life of working at hot topic (featuring a pizza slice, a puzzle piece that looks like the autism speaks logo, a cupcake, a cross and an ohm symbol)
-has giant ass buck teeth, a wonky eye, and is fat so she's generally hilarious looking
-does 3edgy5me storytimes that are obviously completely made up/exaggerated (
-is 21 and lives at home while working at spencer's and some newspaper job with her mom, no aspirations to go to school or do anything besides sit in her parents house trying to become a youtuber
-does pretty sizable hauls and tries to make it seem like she pays for everything herself (even mentions in a video she has "bills to pay" even though it seems pretty obvious her parents pay for everything
-has been dating her bf for 5 years but they act like they barely know each other and filmed an extremely cringey boyfriend tag (
-has old ootd videos with ugly mismatched outfits where she literally flashes her ass by accident but for some reason hasnt taken the video down
anyway there's not much milk or anything but she's just generally cringey and its kind of surreal to watch someone who is scene in 2017. i like to watch her when im bored so i thought id share. also sorry if this post is super long, i just wanted to give enough info.
No. 253017
>>253014Sorry I misread read that as 13
sage for me being dumb
No. 253476
>>251957Some peopld don't have the noise sensitivity issue as bad as others. I have it extremely bad and it's def the most prominent and hard to deal with symptom for me but I've read it's not so bad for other blokes with aspergers.
Dorian talking loudly on busses/not being socially "polite" could be their biggest issue since they do come off as socially inept in videos even when they're just vlogging in their room. If they're going to clubs and don't have the noise sensitivity problem then that sounds like it would be pretty nice if they don't have to talk to many people and could just drown themselves in the music. I'm kind of jealous that they can go to clubs with no issues. I'm basically a shut-in because of how sensitive I am to noises.
No. 254400
>>254081I remember her saying she was studying it and she's still in school? But she's also learning or has learnt film? No idea
>>254358Ugh she over shares so much she did a few months back when she went to a guys house to bang him.
No. 254540
>>251460Oh they're really trans? I always thought they looked like Razor Candi and Eden's not-as-pretty cousin. I don't watch their videos, because they're boring AF. But this one started out really cringey.
Anyone have pictures of their girlfriend?
>>251960To be fair I've been dressed up in tons of cemeteries. But I'm respectful and don't film or turn it into a fucking photoshoot. I think black Friday got kicked out mostly because she was vlogging.
>>253227My goth friends and I all have jobs. Not just bartenders like me. I have friend who are nurses, EMTs, work in office jobs, chefs, etc. You need to have some kind of skill set and if you don't just work BOH.
No. 254670
>>254653Thanks anon!
Wow, an 8min video about something like this. I know she has issues, but man…
No. 255958
>>254636I had a giggle at this, but maybe it's a just very Irish humour idk.
People are saying she's got serious problems but it sounds like a reasonable response from someone whose socially anxious. Sounds like she didn't have contact with the other Irish youtubers since and she's trying to clear up the misunderstanding.
No. 256088
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>>255910Why does he constantly walk so far ahead of Kaya?
Who leaves their girlfriend so far behind when walking home at night time
No. 256761
>>255959>>256062Not from the North myself but know lots of young people from both Ireland and the North who occasionally sound vaguely British or straight up American due to having moved around a lot or watching foreign TV when they were young, though most of them just ermmmmm, pick up the annoying upward inflection like?
South Dubliners are notorious for having this exaggerated fake accent to show everyone how worldly and well-travelled they are. Maybe Kaya's trying to do the same.
No. 257051
>>257028>>257020>In Sweden people watch a whole lot of American television and they don't have weird Swedish/American mixed accents.This girl is Finnish, from Finland, where she's lived all her life: is Irish and sounds American. Always has, even when he lived in Ireland.
Yes it does happen.
>>257029Nobody mentioned British people. Stop inserting yourself into every single conversation about Ireland and the Irish.
No. 257069
>>257051I was only saying that because people who aren't American watch American TV without developing an American accent. You don't hear British or English people sounding American because they fucking watch the Kardashians or Friends or whatever.
No. 257090
>>257029That's irrelevant. You didn't grow up with exclusively American television, you had BRITISH channels (BBC, Channel 4, ITV) and you produce a shit-tonne of British shows, documentaries, films…which have their own festivals and award shows to promote/celebrate them. You might have watched the odd American show.
Ireland has far less tv channels (and the north has even less again) and most of these channels just broadcast re-runs of American and British shows (like think The Big Bang Theory for hours). Unless your parents only allowed you to watch the only Irish language channel we have, the only Irish soap opera we have, re-runs of Father Ted or the Irish news, 95% of your entertainment came from American/British/Australian media.
It's a completely different situation altogether. Most of your media is made by people with your accent, for people with your accent. While the majority of the kids who grew up playing on the streets in Ireland have heavy accents, introverted kids here would be heavily influenced by American/British media.
A lot of Irish people speak with this faux American/British accent purely just to sound clear when talking to people outside of Ireland. Even a lot of American slang has made its way over here. But you can guarantee that people like Kaya or OneyNG as
>>257051 mentioned speak in heavy accents while talking to their families.
People say Kaya speaks with an American accent and personally I don't hear it, she sounds northern to me but suppressing her accent a little to be understood, nothing abnormal. She isn't trying to sound "cool" or "well-traveled" (that's a big reach anyway), just trying to be understood from my experience. Her boyfriend, on the other hand, is completely suppressing his accent which is strange and makes me think he's doing it to fit in better with the British band scene.
>>257064? what
No. 257125
>>257063>>257102>>257109>>257116Point is we've had this argument a million times before and it always results in 'la la la I don't believe you so that means it's fake' when there are people who speak like that and they're not doing it on purpose, both native and foreign alike. You can't police others on how they should speak because you'll just end up sounding like a butthurt BBC newscaster getting upset over people not speaking propah English like himself.
I'm getting a bit annoyed at people who refuse to accept that accents do change and not everyone will sound the same even if they do come from the same area. Just because you've personally never seen it happen doesn't mean it doesn't happen at all, and it's pointless to argue and attack a person for speaking the way they do when it has nothing to do with their personality.
For the record, I'm not
>>257090, I'm
>>257051 and yes I do speak with a 'fake American accent' because I was raised in mainland Europe where I went to an international school. I'm not ashamed of it, it's just literally not relevant.
No. 257204
>>257125No one said that accents can't change. We just said it's probably fake if you've never moved around and listening to a few American tv shows won't change shit. Did you sound American before you went to an international school? Probably not. You have to be mostly around people that speak a certain accent for you to adapt that accent. Living in Europe and watching American tv isn't going to make you sound American. I watch British shows all the time and most of the video game characters in the video games I play have British accents but I don't sound British at all.
I don't understand your "it sounds clearer" excuse. The accent that's used in the region/country you're in is the clearest accent for that place. I've traveled to the UK and many people misunderstood me because of my American accent. If Kaya is sounding clearer for YouTube then that doesn't explain why other people who don't do YouTube put on an American accent.
No. 257219
>>257102>>257109Not angry, anons, just trying to explain to people outside of Ireland what she's talking about.
Saying that she's trying to sound "cool" or "well-traveled" as some above have claimed is a huge reach and is boring to discuss (I thought the above post might clear it up and end the derailing, my mistake I guess). Kaya's voice is irritating but it's not unique, other Irish youtubers do it (Melanie Murphy, Riyadh, Seán Burke, Anna Saccone…check them out).
>>257204I think you might have been trying to reply to me. You only started watching British tv after your American accent had fully developed so of course you wouldn't pick the accent up. I have relatives who moved from the north and those who moved as teens still have a typical Antrim accent and those who were children when they moved developed a Dublin accent. Kaya is probably referring to watching American tv as a child. Hope that's clear for you.
No. 258159
>>258020I think it's fine. I mean, with the exception of black friday (whose videos I love but she and her husband have no concept of time/place appropriateness) I don't think most goth youtubers go out in their gothygothiest unless its a festival/concert/party situation.
…or for the internet. Like, if you were going to show your face to the entire world, wouldn't you want to wear your best? So I can why people go all out for youtube, because they want to look their best and frankly, nobody watches goth youtube videos to be greeted by a goth wearing workout clothes or their pajamas. One exception to this is Angela Benedict whose personal style is more toned down and vlogging style is very casual.
No. 258550
>>258020I mean, wear whatever the hell you want, same with makeup
But I think anyone with a job knows that you can't go full blown goth (costume) to work, unless they allow it, obviously. I just feel like it would take too much time to put on all that makeup and get up earlier etc.
Also what
>>258530 said.
No. 259122
>>258020I find mostly younger goths (15-20) go ott most days of the week. Shit, I used to plan elaborate outfits when I'd just go to school and then go get high after school. I food this because I was too young to go clubbing and I didn't have a job.
But I really couldnt care less if they want to dress ott in their day-to-day life. Props to them for putting in the time and effort.
No. 259597
>>258020Probably an unpopular opinion, but I love Black Friday's style. I love how she's very traditional with her white face paint, pikes and crazy hair. I do find her house a little tacky though.
I suppose it's hard to have a whole creepy-looking house when your home decor only comes into shops once a year lmao.
No. 259598
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do you think Kaya can go back to the way she was with her diet?
No. 259606
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>>259598Nah, you're forgetting her T H Y R O I D
No. 259631
>>259598I actually think she looks better in the second picture.
Her problem is the extreme insecurity and lies that makes it all funny.
No. 259827
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Stuff like this pisses me off because you KNOW her fat lazy ass didn't pay for any of it and it was just handed to her.
No. 260121
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>>259827Kek didn't someone sperg out on her for this?
No. 260122
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>>260121then she posted this melt down sperg kek
No. 260363
>>260122That is absolutely pathetic. She can't handle a single lick of criticism.
I have thought about this though. She has got Patreon supporters… do they really think her content is worth their money? She posts countless Spooky Box openings which is the same boring ass video every time, free clothing hauls from expensive brands that she barely bothers to try on and what else… shitty reaction videos? God Almighty I'd be asking for a refund.
No. 260430
>>260122>what's the fucking deal?The big deal is that nobody likes a person who brags a lot. Especially when that person doesn't work to obtain what you do, most people work their ass off to buy things like this and they don't brag about it to people who aren't as well-off as them.
God her attitude is so shitty. If you put yourself on the internet, you have to expect some kind of criticism. You can take the constructive stuff into account or you can choose to ignore it, but stop passive-aggressively calling people out for opinions they're well within their rights to have on someone so public.
I find it fucking hilarious to read her angry rants and juxtapose it with her "hello lovelies~" voice and persona she fakes in her videos. I'd love to see a video of someone reading her aggressive posts while adding little clips of her trying to act sweet in the middle.
No. 260520
>>260397I think that most every day Goths don't live "goth 24/7". But the thing that a lot of people find annoying with TT is how she just comes off as a poseur as a "goth". She never talks about the music, she doesn't go to Goth clubs (granted, there may not be many where she lives?), and the fact that she always uses the word "Elitist" to snap back at people who make little critiques on her. She just comes off as a little disingenuous with Goth. Like the only reason she calls herself one is because of her taste in fashion and for a lot, it's just an insult because Goth was never about fashion (at least not the main part of it). And after hearing what her boyfriend thinks of the Goth subculture, I wouldn't be surprised if she felt the same way.
I'm not saying that a Goth YouTuber has to talk about nothing but the music or talk about the subculture 24/7. Angela Benedict doesn't do that, she may occasionally talk about the music but she mostly shares stories of her younger days and it feels like you're listening to an older friend sharing their live story. Or even BlackFriday, she takes her viewers on occasional traveling vlogs and she at least exposes people to the music by playing it in her videos. TheGothicAlice talks about all kinds of subject matter.
All I've seen from TT is talk about makeup, 100 box openings, and the occasional reaction video and even then, she doesn't even say much.
I don't hate TT, I just feel like her content has gotten stale recently but then again, I don't care about makeup and box opening videos so I guess for the people who like that stuff, good for them. But I just feel like making nothing but those kinds of videos get rather boring and it just feels like she doesn't have all that much to say you know?
No. 260582
>>260520I have to agree on this, well said
I wonder if she would change her style if she "could". Her following are mostly other goths (I assume) and she's been doing it for years and it's the only thing she's known for
No. 260600
>>260397I think that most every day Goths don't live "goth 24/7". But the thing that a lot of people find annoying with TT is how she just comes off as a poseur as a "goth". She never talks about the music, she doesn't go to Goth clubs (granted, there may not be many where she lives?), and the fact that she always uses the word "Elitist" to snap back at people who make little critiques on her. She just comes off as a little disingenuous with Goth. Like the only reason she calls herself one is because of her taste in fashion and for a lot, it's just an insult because Goth was never about fashion (at least not the main part of it). And after hearing what her boyfriend thinks of the Goth subculture, I wouldn't be surprised if she felt the same way.
I'm not saying that a Goth YouTuber has to talk about nothing but the music or talk about the subculture 24/7. Angela Benedict doesn't do that, she may occasionally talk about the music but she mostly shares stories of her younger days and it feels like you're listening to an older friend sharing their live story. Or even BlackFriday, she takes her viewers on occasional traveling vlogs and she at least exposes people to the music by playing it in her videos. TheGothicAlice talks about all kinds of subject matter.
All I've seen from TT is talk about makeup, 100 box openings, and the occasional reaction video and even then, she doesn't even say much.
I don't hate TT, I just feel like her content has gotten stale recently but then again, I don't care about makeup and box opening videos so I guess for the people who like that stuff, good for them. But I just feel like making nothing but those kinds of videos get rather boring and it just feels like she doesn't have all that much to say you know?
>>260579Yeah, I did discover Toxic Tears around 2014 when I watched her Goth tag video. She seemed interesting so I stuck around watched but I kind of stopped watching her regularly around the time she moved into her new house and was doing nothing but haul after haul video.
I want to believe that her interest in Goth is legitimate but I just don't get that impression from her. I know she's been into Goth for a long time but when I look back, she seemed more into Cyber Goth and I've found that to be more a part of the EBM/Industrial dance scene if that makes sense?
I dunno, this all just my opinion. Again, I have nothing against her and wish her well but it's just that when it comes to "Goth" YouTubers, she's not my go to channel as her content just isn't meant for people like me I guess haha.
No. 260610
>>258020Fellow Goth here and in my usual day to day life, my outfits are more on the simplistic, minimalist side of things. I usually let my accessories and boots give me that Gothic flair. The only time I look a little more dressed up is during the Winter as that is the best time I am able to layer things but even then, it's not as OTT as some others.
I personally think BlackFriday's style looks pretty neat. I like her batnest hair and the way she uses accessories to give character to her simple outfits (when she's not wearing her brand name stuff in full). This was one of my favorite looks she's done No. 260640
File: 1488319431982.jpg (57.69 KB, 564x752, c18e292abd0232206df752b6960cc2…)

>>258020I've always really admired tradgoth for its commitment. my ma was one, but even she admitted that she could never keep up with true ethereal goth ideals, and this was back when she got spat on for having a nose ring.
I think costumes just for sitting in front of the computer showing off is fine, because dressing up is fun, like you would dress up more than usual if you were going to a show.
I always feel 'not goth enough' because I wear ulzzang makeup instead of white greasepaint and lipstick but the fact is i have no clothes that aren't black and i love goth lit/music/decor/history
If you are goth at heart you can't really escape that
No. 260929
>>260121Fuck im totes jealous of all that kat von d make up especially as it isnt cheap (i dont own any but i know its real expensive)
I really hope she doesnt moan about not being able to afford stuff when she has stuff like this.
No. 260934
>>259827Hold on….
i remember watching her lipstick video when i was bored and she said how she didnt like kat von d's liquid lipstick because it was dry compared to jeffree star's lipstick which she did like. Yet shes got tons of kat von d's liquid lipstick there so am i right in assuming someone else bought all this for her?
No. 261001
>>260987Where is it stated? The pictures and her reply has given the idea that its all hers.
If its only stated in the video this would explain why everyone thought it was all her own.
No. 261705
>>261655The more weight she lost the more uptight she got
>>261696She's only ever mentioned Opeth and Meshuggah iirc so not really?
No. 261778
>>261712Yeah, Reeree seems more of a darkly inclined Metalhead than "Goth" Goth.
I think that the only notable "Goth" youtubers who's ever mentioned or talked a bit about the music is Angela Benedict, BlackFriday, TheGothicAlice (in an earlier video she did), Allison / The Goblin Queen , and Ofhersandaltars.
Toxic Tears, her boyfriend Jake Munro, and ReeRee seem more into the Metalhead scene.
No. 262313
File: 1488496736711.png (1.8 MB, 1559x952, goffik_pink_lipgloss.png)

>>259827Okay so I began calculating the price of all of this but I got exhausted halfway through and I don't recognize everything. Grand total so far is $2,099.
One thing I don't understand is why she uploaded a picture of her whole makeup collection when the title is about how she bought new products. I guess so that we can't figure out what exactly the new items are, but what's the benefit of that?
Btw this is why people hate you, Kaya.
No. 262323
>>260600There are no goth clubs in Ireland but there are a few alternative bars in Dublin (Gypsy Rose, Fibber Magee's, Bruxelles) and weekly there's Club Hell. She's in Dublin often. You'd think with such a tiny scene she'd be attending anything remotely related to her interests.
But we all know she's not genuinely interested in the goth scene so w.e
No. 262550
>>261946I think she said she liked some metal in one of her earlier videos back when she lived in her old house (her setup was brighter back then). But yeah, I do remember her mentioning her love for 90s-early 00s pop
>>262145Oh yeah, I can't believe I forgot about her. She seems to be a big 80s fan what with the Cure and Siouxsie and Banshees haha.
No. 263089
>>263084That's cold. No heating or anything.
You can easily look up apartment prices in Leipzig. To include heat, perhaps roll it up to 250 Euro per month for a 1 bedroom apartment there.
No. 264280
File: 1488820258085.jpg (12.25 KB, 589x106, lardy.jpg)

It's your heart crying out from beneath the lard caked around it, Kaya.
No. 264374
>>264367that was posted above already
>>260121 >>260122
i'm interested in
>>264332>you can see blackfridays responses No. 264385
>>264379after she saw that post that she was caught meta tagging she tried to get rid of all the eugenia tags. but she missed some. if you right click and page source and then ctrl+f keyword twice on this video about how she styles her hair you see that she forgot to take eugenias name out of her keywords on this video. she left all of the other big youtuber names in her tags tho.
No. 264659
File: 1488867779759.png (33.89 KB, 558x641, blackfriday-tags(cropped).png)

I thought I'd leave this here for the sake of convenience.
No. 264856
File: 1488912320351.png (12.37 KB, 353x216, kaya_willy.png)

posting caps since the above anon wouldn't
No. 264858
File: 1488912378680.png (30.54 KB, 547x283, kaya_willy2.png)

>>264856I thought that was really ironic coming from the most hot-headed youtuber I know.
Also I'm really disappointed in Black Friday.
No. 264866
File: 1488913379769.png (27.04 KB, 570x289, kaya_willy3.png)

>>264858This Renee girl sounds insane and doesn't word herself very well but I agree with her. Kaya's really vain and snobby, the only reason why she posted it was to brag about how much money she has to spend in front of her teen fans. She backpedaled and said that the makeup was actually given to her by a friend who was throwing them out (firstly, ew and secondly it would explain why they're all really old…) but that doesn't explain why the caption is "Got new makeup today" instead of "My friend gave me some makeup today", it's purposefully to convince her fans into thinking she bought all of this herself, once again to brag about money.
Kaya only posted this in the first place because she's got a ridiculously bad temper. It's obvious in almost all of her posts on fb and insta. She knows all her teen fans are going to run to defend her and that this Renee girl has none (kind of like Onision with his shitty polls) She knows that they're going to flood this Renee girl's shop with 1 star reviews and she's rubbing her little fat claws together with the anticipation of it.
It's even more obvious what her motive is when someone in the comments suggests a boycott and she just says "I have no comment on that". Like as a fellow "business owner" as she puts it, should she not be condemning boycotting someone's income over something so petty??
God, she's such a raging bitch.
No. 264875
>>264856This is kind of ironic
>>264858At least they're showing their real personality, imo. You have more than 30k fans and someones simple comment like this makes you this mad? They can't take any criticism at all.
Makes me dislike them even more.
No. 264898
>>264894I wouldn't be surprised lmao
In one of the videos where she shows old looks/styles she has one at a club and she says that was the night she met "her man" as she calls him
I get not wanting to appear in her videos cuz it's not really related to him (beauty, I mean) but she makes him out to be a total hot god among men and like… nah son, not with you at least
If Kat von D said "hey gurl wanna fuck" she'd probably ditch her boyfriend in a hot beat
No. 264911
File: 1488919653517.jpg (108.44 KB, 599x599, hhHV2PJ.jpg)

>>264894This is on her IG, supposedly of her boyfriend?
No. 264928
>>264919Yeah stuff like this shows the real type of person she is
Just like all the money she kept from fans who wanted to fund her first wedding
No. 265283
The youtube/ instagoth community brings such shame and embrassment to the goth scene. You know it's bad when Mallgoths of the late 90s-mid 2000's were less insufferable then these girls. Even if they gave no shits about the actual music, they'd at least still show gratitude actually being able obtain (extremely poor quality) makeup, wore any goth fashion they could find until the clothing fell apart, and actually made an effort to express themselves through things like writing, art and enjoying music in some form.
Instagoths contribute nothing to the subculture outside a hedonistic / ultra materialistic lifestyle and ideal. There is no actual purpose (outside of money, bragging rights and attention) in them sharing things like hauls, the same basic makeup tutorials, reviews, tags and reaction videos over and over and over again after so many years. So few of them actually offer the scene any fresh ideas (in all creative fields. Yumi King alone makes more of an effort to share DIY ideas and tutorials), discuss anything of importance or depth, or have any degree of self awareness or at least humor about what they are doing. On top of being liars and hypocrites ("Lets shit on Nu Goth when we all have the same generic peter pan collar dresses on our wishlists!" "You can't give us constructive criticism because our art makes us special" etc)
I feel so bad for the next generation seeing these girls as role models. There is nothing admirable in watching 20 different people discuss the same brand of bathbombs.
No. 265449
>>264911Does anyone know what app or service this messaging system is? Cause she says he doesn't have facebook or social media in general
I would break a rib laughing is this was actually her gay friend that appears in her videos lmfao
No. 266287
File: 1489093115634.jpg (119.83 KB, 939x610, antichristen.JPG)

Black Friday putting her second apartment to riveting use with her stack of free bathbombs.
No. 266686
>>266309For real?? I mean shit, does anyone really care that much about makeup and would want to watch a long ass video about it? Considering she always talks about makeup anyway, you'd think her fans may be getting a little… Bored of it? I dunno…
>>266549I didn't hear about the Motionless thing but eh… I will say if she does this interview and asks him what some of his influences are and he mentions any legitimate Goth bands, I would consider him a Goth but yeah, his music definitely isn't.
No. 266692
>>259598I don't think she may be able to go back to that body (on the left) because if she did lose a lot of weight, there's a good change she'd have quite a bit of loose skin. At the most, I feel like she'd have a more voluptuous (in the actual sense) type of build.
I agree with another person that I think she looked good in the second picture.
No. 266758
>>266409Because it seems completely illogical to rent another apartment solely for videos. Why was her other place not enough? What could she possibly want to make videos on that would require a whole new apartment? Like someone else said it just seems like a waste of resources. Not to mention unfair on someone else who might actually want the apartment? Sure it's her money and she can do what she wants, but then why hate on Kaya for all her hauls and makeup if it was that simple? Also there's her bitchiness toward "Renee" as shown here
>>264858 She has, what, 400k+ fans but she blows up on this woman just because of a tiny negative comment about her? AND THEN reacting to Onision and claiming he's just wanting attention from Eugenia whilst the entire time using her name in metatags to get more views herself.
No. 267232
>>267217It's a good way to avoid having to admit she doesn't listen to goth music by blaming elitists
>>266549This reminds me of how in one of her videos she said she can't stand Christian Death but went to a Christian Death show and raved about how amazing it was. So
No. 267239
>>267236She's just a really really negative person
Look at her twitter and it's just her complaining constantly
She is always the victim and everybody else is the problem - bitching about that girl in the video is just pathetic why did it need to be mentioned? She has so many fans to lick her ass and will attack anybody who says anything remotely negative - I feel really bad for the girl who posted that she's probably been getting all sorts of awful messages
Also couldn't help but laugh at how exhausted she said she got from jumping on a trampoline
No. 267260
>>267236I dislike elitists as much as the next person but the way she (and Jake) throw about the term bothers me, like it's their way of getting out of having to explain what makes them goth. They both know deep down they aren't but just have a liking for the aesthetic (well Kaya does, Jake just looks chavvy let's be honest) Goth most definitely isn't about appearance, goth to me is first the music, the mindset and the lifestyle. Then the appearance. I actually liked TT when I first discovered her because she was encouraging newbies to the scene to do what they like regardless of "goth rules" and listen to what they want etc etc it was refreshing to hear but then as I continued to watch her I realised she was only saying it because she herself doesn't listen to it nor even
like it. Jake even said he hates the subculture and thinks the music is garbage. I imagine Kaya thinks the same.
No. 267413
>>267260Same here. I used to like Toxic Tears as well as she seemed like a breath of fresh air but then you continue to watch and learn more about her and her transparency when it comes to Goth and you just start to notice certain things.
And I'm sorry but her reasoning for not wanting to talk about Goth music was BS. Seriously? BlackFriday made a video about Goth music and it was fine. No one bitched at all except for the people who were insisting Emo bands should be included (which weren't many). In fact, most Goth Youtubers who've made videos about the music didn't receive any form of hostility at all so that is just a poor excuse. Even when she mentioned the Cure example, it's a bit reaching because everyone knows The Cure made a few Goth albums before moving to 80s Synth/Alternative.
I feel the main reason why her and Jake are so adamant on Goth being intrinsically about the appearance is because they don't interact with other Goths (because "elitism" on music) and so they got into an echo chamber that got/gets fueled by their young fans.
I get that she wants to make videos about what she likes but come on now, if you're not into the music, just say so and be done with it. There's no point in sugar-footing around it so if she just came out like her boyfriend did, people wouldn't ask her anymore to talk about it.
>>250451 No. 267429
old blog of itsblackfriday. Music she lists is Lady Gaga, Adam Lambert. No goth music there. is that a marilyn manson poster behind her? No. 267459
>>267429>>old blog of itsblackfriday. Music she lists is Lady Gaga, Adam Lambert. No goth music there.Was she claiming to be goth then? If not, then I don't see the issue here.
A few people in this thread seem to think goths aren't allowed to like listening to non-goth music in this case of TT
>>267236 . Goths (even TT) are allowed to have likes and interests outside of the subculture to be fair. And liking things outside of the subculture does not make one a lolcow on that basis alone: it doesn't even really add to a lolcows lulzyness. So why is it being pointed out on here as a way to take away from their goth cred/bullshit? These girls have done a lot of legit shit stuff to talk about on here: why grasp at straws over shit they liked before they called themselves goth or stuff they like outside of the subculture? They're not claiming that non-goth stuff is goth or makes them goth, so what is the point of bringing it up?
No. 267476
>>267459That's not what we're trying to say at all.
Of course goths can like other music and have other interests outside of the subculture, as I said above (
>>267260 ) I initially liked TT because of that very thing - she wasn't ashamed to admit she had other "non-gothy" interests and encouraged others to do what they want, which was nice to hear. But as I also said as you continue to watch her you realise she doesn't seem to be into the music
at all. I think she's only ever mentioned The Cure and Sisters of Mercy, pretty much the two most well known goth bands out there… Now that's fine, if she isn't hugely into the music fair enough, but why not just say that? Why does she keep skirting around it with bullshit excuses and claiming anyone who dares question her on it is an elitist? It's no different than calling someone a poser, really. Her boyfriend even openly admits to hating the subculture and the music, and she says goth is more about the look - all of which are downright insulting. I think THAT is everyones problem with her - not the fact she likes other things, but that she doesn't seem to like goth music at all.
No. 267479
>>267459Yeah no you've completely misunderstood my post. I wasn't criticizing TT for having a taste in music that isn't goth, that would be ridiculous. I was explaining how she refuses to talk about goth music in her videos (the subculture she's supposedly interested in) but is perfectly happy talking about her interest in 90s pop. Why is she more comfortable talking about one over the other? Why does she fear backlash for liking bands that are not "goth" enough but is fine talking about bands that are definitely not goth (wouldn't that attract even more criticism?)? It's pretty obvious that she doesn't like goth music at all. If she were open about it and said "yeah I just dislike goth music" instead of constantly implying that she has some kind of super secret interest in it, I'd respect her opinion more.
TT isn't a lolcow because she doesn't like goth music. She's a lolcow (imo anyway) because she's two-faced, bitchy and lazy. As you can see above, she constantly complains about her really fucking easy job, routinely bitches about people on her fb in a passive-aggressive way and her online posts are a huge contrast to her "~hello lovelies~" persona that she parades on her YouTube channel.
No. 267491
>>267479To be fair, she wouldn't be criticised for talking about 90s pop or 90s pop bands, the way she would be criticised for talking about or, in this case, not talking about goth music. No one gives people shit for saying they like 90s pop bands or jumping down anyone's throat because the said Britney made good 90's pop even though she came at the tail end of it (a ridiculous comparision, but I've seen goth music discussions get this nitpicky). But if you call yourself goth and say you like a band whose music isn't goth but parts of their aesthetic is (i.e. Evanescence), you're seen as a poser even if you never said said bands were goth. I don't blame her for avoiding the topic altogether because people will jump down her throat regardless of what she says about goth/when she says it. If she all of a sudden started talking about it, she'd get shit for avoiding it this long and would get shit even if her points were well informed. Also I don't disagree with you saying TT is a lowcow for the reasons in your last paragraph. My issue was with how people were nitpicking over her handling of it: she's be damned if she attempts to talk about it and damned if she doesn't because she is widely disliked by many for other reasons.
>>267476>>I think THAT is everyones problem with her - not the fact she likes other things, but that she doesn't seem to like goth music at all.She avoids the topic completely, but I don't think it's fair to assume (and therefore hate her) that she doesn't like the music because she refuses to talk about it.
No. 267497
>>265940Oh man, Daniel from astrovamps is a such a cunt.
>>266447She could interview local and lesser known bands. I think that would make for fresh and interesting content amongst the 101 Killstar haul videos.
>>267491No one thinks your not goth for listening to other music. I fucking love hiphop and ska. You're not goth for not listening to goth music.
No. 267517
>>267491>She avoids the topic completely, but I don't think it's fair to assume (and therefore hate her) that she doesn't like the music because she refuses to talk about it.I don't hate her. And that's the thing, she doesn't even have to talk about it, she could do as BlackFriday does and play it in the background of her videos. How hard would it be to do that? Unless of course she doesn't know any bands beyond The Cure and SoM. Honestly, everything points to her not liking the music. It's also hard to believe she'd be in a relationship with someone who hates the subculture and music if she didn't feel the same way to some extent.
Her entire attitude toward elitism is odd too. Sure they're a pain in the ass but why would what is essentially just a select few people in a large subculture bother you so much and to the point of saying you wish you weren't goth/could transition out of it/etc? It screams insecurity.
No. 267651
File: 1489264729853.jpg (38.94 KB, 600x468, blackfriday.jpg)

>>267622Holy shit, she looks great with the white and black hair.
No. 267767
File: 1489276652948.jpg (41.64 KB, 525x700, xG2IqzS.jpg)

No. 267809
File: 1489281419541.jpg (36.3 KB, 564x600, full.jpg)

Goths are in no position to judge emos and scene kids.
No. 268122
>>267724Eh, she's an okay person and actually knows/talk about goth stuff
That's like, your personal opinion. No one HAS to dye their hair black or any other color to be goth. I admit it looks odd, but not horrible. Same with the glasses, she probably has to wear them or can't/doesn't want to wear contacts. Not everyone has to be a goth stereotype.
No. 268253
>>267459I also wasn't saying that I hate Toxic Tear. I've never met her so why would I? My point was pretty much the same as
>>267476All I was saying is to me, it just seems like she's only into Gothic fashion and that's totally fine but I don't consider her a "Goth" because it's just obvious she doesn't like Goth music. You can be a Goth and listen to other kinds of music. Heck, I like 90s music like she does. Many Goths don't say crap like that and it's only a select few that do and no one wants to put up with them anyway so?
The issue is that if you claim to be a part of a subculture that is MUSIC-based, then you should at least enjoy the music a little otherwise what's the point of labeling yourself as such? It's claiming to be a Metalhead but you don't listen to or enjoy Metal music.
This goes back to the simple concept of Goth vs Gothic. It makes me cringe when I hear people say things like "Goth has been around forever" when that isn't true. What they mean to say is "Gothic" has been around forever. Goth as we know today really didn't become a thing until the 80s. Sure, there were snippet origins from some earlier bands like The Doors but for all intents and purposes, it was the 80s that breathed life to Goth as we know today.
Toxic Tears to me, is just Gothic-inclined at best. It's obvious she likes the makeup and Gothic/Dark look and that's fine but that's where it stops in my opinion. To me (and a lot of others), Goth isn't centered around the fashion, it's more of a secondary thing. Without the Music, there would be no Goth subculture and if people like me are going to be called elitist for thinking that, fair enough I guess.
I agree with
>>267479 that if she just came out and was honest about not liking Goth music, I'd have more respect for her and I'm sure others would as well. Most people who don't care for her most other Goths and I feel like it's because of all the aforementioned above and just all around transparency.
Her excuses for not talking about Goth music is just asinine because again, it's only a small select few of people who will be all nit-picky about certain bands and even then, her fans would just berate them anyway so what's the big deal? Hell, if she wanted to subtly show her support to the music, she can do what
>>267494 suggested and play the music in the background sometimes or even during her outro. I think the main issue people have with her is that she comes of as just some girl who thinks that just because she wears black and likes a few dark things, it automatically makes her "Goth" when really ,it just makes her Gothic/Darkly inclined. Not to mention her boyfriend is outright vocal about his dislike of the Goth Subculture and I know that some people can date despite having vastly opposing views but it's just kind of subtly obvious TT shares some of the same sentiments.
Notice how out of most Goth YouTubers, she's the only one who gets this particular kind of criticism. Even Sebastian Columbine didn't get this kind of criticism when she was still active in the subculture. You can tell she tried giving the subculture a shot by trying the music. I remember when she made a video about Goth music and it was pretty good but unfortunately she took it down.
Whooh, sorry for the long ramble but I hope this made a semblance of sense lol In short, I don't hate Toxic Tears but honestly, I just think of her more as a Gothic/Darkly Inclined person than "Goth".
No. 268254
>>268137I just watched it and I think they brought up some good points. The guy spoke some truth that while makeup is fine and all, there's not much substance behind it if that's all that's being talked about.
And hey? Maybe it doesn't have many views but it can always catch up but even then, I won't be surprised if it gets overlooked because it's not about makeup or hauls.
No. 268257
>>267651She looks realy nice with those eyebrows but I guess I'm too used to the way she does them now and I think they go well with her style but I'm curious what she'd look like with those eyebrows and the way she does makeup now, I think it would look nice. But yeah, she looks pretty nice with white hair.
As for her old blogsite, I don't think it's really relevant because it looks old and she did admit in her earlier days, she was into Visual Kei and she listed 3 bands that are big in that scene (Malice Mizer, Moi Dix Moi, & Candy Spooky Theatre). It's not a crime to get into the music a little later in life.
No. 268328
>>264894I can see a guy not wanting to be involved in her YT beauty stuff in the least, most normal boyfriend wouldn't and she's described him as being very normal and not into goth stuff whatsoever. Except for her tag videos her channel is all about makeup so no reason to involve him.
But then I saw this
>>264911 and…I'm not really sure anymore…
No. 268431
>>267236Just to expand on your point, yes, if people have an issue with her its because of her definition of goth. I just watched the video without reading your comment so have now edited mine.
Her emphasis of "goth is about the look above all else and goths have always been appearence based" but she doesnt seem to understand why is probably the reason people disagree with her. She seems to think goth is to do with being pretty and "peacocking" when for a lot of goths it was about going against what society thought as acceptable and most goths actually dont want attention(irony i know). She also doesnt understand how goth looks tie into the music and how many of these looks evoled from the bands at the time (siouxsie and the banshees, the cure etc)
I know in this video she is saying she doesnt talk about about it because "elitism" but I think the real problem is that shes very inconsistent, I've seen her other videos and she does seem to have very strong opinions on what does and does not constitute "goth" (as well as in this one) which I think is why she is getting negative comments if indeed she is getting any. BTW this is coming from someone who likes her.
Also I agree with another poster that her BF looks more chav than goth which is ironic given this video.
No. 268490
File: 1489367494697.png (1.03 MB, 682x737, black friday.png)

Wow, ItsBlackFriday must have lost weight, assuming she isn't wearing a tight corset. She tweeted that she had lost 5 kg. Good on her.
No. 268795
>>268431>"goth is about the look above all else and goths have always been appearence based"Whaaat? She said this? Totally deluded, isn't she? Appearance may play a part but the music is what defines a goth "above all else" - you can't change the facts to suit yourself, Kaya. As someone else said above, she's gothIC but not what I would consider a
goth because she clearly has no interest in the music.
No. 268944
>>268934They both constantly complain about chavs in the way they think they're better than anybody who isn't super goff
Then again Kaya complains about everything, constantly
No. 269070
Here:'s fucking making a bag for TT for everyone to buy, just like she did with reeree and is doing with fatmakens
No. 269103
>>268795She didn't outright say it like that but everyone knew what she meant. She says it after she talks about why she doesn't talk about Goth music which honestly was a poor excuse to begin with.
>>268861I'm starting to think that's how they think too and it's worse because it's seeping into her fans to think the same lol
>>268934I guess in layman's terms but I think she probably sees him differently because in their earlier days of their relationship, he looked more alternative both in face and clothing style whereas now the only alternative looking thing on him is his makeup and hair.
No. 269105
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>>269070Holy shit that broad is ugly
No. 269312
>>268795Totally agree
>>268934She probably doesnt see it because they probably think chavs, like goths, all look the same. They also probably believe all chavs look like jeremy kyle guests. They probably also think him having lip piercings and purple hair makes him goth
but if you asked the average person I bet you would get a mixed result.
I just think its kinda ironic as TT puts a lot of emphasis on appearence her BF cant even be arsed to make the effort.
No. 269317
>>268861Oh, I didn't see the post got deleted, just for context in case some people didn't see it;
TT said that she thinks you have to look/dress at least a bit alternative in order to be considered goth, if you dress like a "normie" and like goth music then she sees you as "someone who appreciates goth music" lol
No. 269344
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>>269105Jesus lord, it's a shame you can't surgically raise your facial features up your face.
Still kinda uggo tho I guess.
Also goddamn, those man hands.
No. 269348
File: 1489486142134.jpg (58.59 KB, 336x550, Sarah_Jessica_Parker.jpg)

>>269344not that it would be much help, but those short bangs are not doing her any favors. Sarah Jessica Parker's hairstyle is sorta the only thing that could keep that face under control.
No. 269369
>>269362Unless he has a brand or anything he has no reason to care? The majority of guys don't seem to care about social media because they have IRL things to do.
Maybe he knows that if they brake up he would get a lot of hate from her fans.
Idk honestly
No. 269377
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With no makeup
No. 269412
>>269105Something about her eyes really bother me.
I followed her for a while but then all of her house renovations got on my nerves. She's making her house all goffic. To the nines.
No. 269463
File: 1489499386153.jpg (223.52 KB, 1080x1349, guessinggame.jpg)

>>269105i've seen them before and I still seriously can't figure out whether it's a tranny or just a really unfortunate looking woman
No. 269465
>>269439By posting cooking videos? Like the millions of food channels out there alongside "let's try" crap?
Cooking channels are pretty good when devoid of personality I suppose
but she's going to look pretty lost in the fat girl vegan post count regardless unless her goth looks can pull up for it somehow, though I'm not sure how anyone can just listen to how she speaks like that alone.
Goth cooking with chronic overbite perhaps?
No. 269470
File: 1489500379029.png (703.09 KB, 810x668, y.PNG)

>>267236Samefagging to kingdom come here
But she couldn't even be bothered to wipe off the foundation from her jumper prior to hitting the record button?
She just looks dirty.
No. 269475
ofc she uses a picture from when kaya was 20lb lighter
No. 269482
File: 1489501316918.png (529.28 KB, 831x462, Screen Shot 2017-03-14 at 9.15…)

>>269475fuck nvm it's all shoop
she looks like a bad cosplay of the promo image
No. 269566
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>>269544yea, even these look better if they were lower
No. 269726
File: 1489523009941.png (38.41 KB, 570x275, itsblackfriday_twitter.png)

ItsBlackFriday's husband got a zebra skull. Isn't that illegal in Germany? Don't you at least need a permit or something like that to import/own skulls of exotic animals?
She and her husband also talk about it in this video No. 270209
File: 1489604061985.png (210.1 KB, 1242x2208, IMG_2974.PNG)

100% sure she lurks
No. 270234
>>270146Because he is thirsty af for views and fame
He's so cringey and has said multiple times how he's going to be really famous soon, he already thinks he's the shit though
No. 270395
>>270275I think he feels that because he looks alternative, it'll be enough to get him YouTube famous but besides that, let's play channels are pretty much everywhere so it's definitely luck-based. It's pretty much been the trend ever since PewDiePie got famous for it and soon after, Markiplier & Jackscepticeye.
I can only recall one Goth Youtuber who does videogames who goes by the name PushingUpRoses but unlike Jake, she has this odd, quirky sense of style and she makes videos talking about the ins and outs of games which can be interesting for those into that.
No. 270548
File: 1489635090731.png (2.22 MB, 1204x1570, image.png)

>>252993>>255943late ass reply but i agree i love the cringey scene cows. i was just watching through her older videos and holy gingivitis batman. lol at the entirety of this video making absolutely no sense No. 270661
>>270275Is he really that bad? I've only followed him for maybe two days before I unfollowed because of his boring content and that was a year ago.
Has he gotten worse or something?
No. 270998
>>270989What's with the question mark, he said it outright that he hates it and the music.
>>270995Does it look like she has willpower?!
No. 271021
>>270995Shit, I lost 20 lbs after I first went vegan 5 or 6 years ago. But I also have almost no sweet tooth and rarely go out to eat. Idk she should just cook at home and not binge on sweets.
I never had cravings for sweets, so I don't understand why people act like it's super hard to just cut down on them. Anyone here have a sweet tooth? Is it like trying to cut back on cigarettes?
No. 271245
>>271027Are "elitists" their excuse for everything now? jfc
Both of them are trying to defend/excuse themselves so hard it's becoming really sad. I'm starting to believe they're only using "goth" to have a target audience rather than being interested in it at all. They're really acting like children.
No. 271337
>>271332I think they just want to be special snowflakes who are so spooky and tough and not like any of the big bad chavs or "normies" out there
Also when are they going to tidy their house
No. 271570
>>271190Jake looks sooo hideous in that video thumbnail. I'm just like, vomit in my mouth. He's so butt ugly.
>>271551black friday also uses eugenia cooney's name as a tag to get more views. just because she does it doesn't make it right.
No. 271905
>>271855Another poster on the old thread said they doubt they have a sexual relationship and personally I'd be surprised if they did.
Jake makes it no secret at all that he's into skinny girls. He talks about it right in front of Kaya and with her self esteem issues, she probably isn't confident around him anymore. Jake also used to be a lot thinner and had a more obvious alternative appearance. Now that he's buff and has a more chav-like style, I wonder if Kaya still finds him attractive anymore.
And considering how self absorbed they both are, they probably aren't intimate in other ways either. They really don't seem compatible with each other and they probably only use each other to try to be more popular so they're afraid of breaking up.
No. 272008
>>271706I actually remember them bragging about being called a goth power couple on their gaming channel
Which is really funny since they look and act so uncomfortable together - only thing they have in common is their whining
No. 272017
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she looks like Boy George
No. 272026
File: 1489835941895.png (163.8 KB, 480x800, Screenshot_2017-03-18-04-17-24…)

I don't like Nazis but she's really someone to talk about "gothcards".
No. 272027
>>272017those chins tho
>>271905i think Kaya would be fine if they broke up, she has far more followers and supporters. Jake's likely the one who's afraid to break it off with her because at least with Kaya he has
a very slight chance at YT fame
No. 272056
File: 1489843969084.png (654.09 KB, 1242x2208, IMG_3102.PNG)

Fatty's kicking off
No. 272094
>>272075Sounded like she was talking about herself lol
So what's the issue? Someone was mean to him and now she's pissed?
No. 272355
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No. 272357
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Why is she talking like this? Like she's above everyone who was bitching about her when she's exactly the same or even worse? Stop trying to get attention from Gothic Charm School too you fucking leech.
No. 272387
>>272357Complete bullshit. You can't quit goth if you were never part of it in the first place. She's the one who always went out saying "goth" this and "goth" that when she never had any fucking thing to do with the real goth what so fucking ever.
Kaya, I know you or Jake will see this eventually. If you want to quit goth, then stop calling yourself goth you dumb bitch. You and Jake brought all this all on yourselves by mislabeling yourselves and getting your fucking panties in a bunch when people try to correct you. Your douchefuck boyfriend is getting back the bullshit he spewed out, he had it coming to him.
Again, if you want to quit goth, stop calling yourself goth. You only care about the fashion anyway. Keep dressing how you want, I don't care, but if you still mislabel yourselves as goth and get offended when someone says something, its your own dumbass fault.
No. 272419
>>272387I'm inclined to agree with all this. Notice how out of all the "Goth" Youtubers, she & her boyfriend are the only ones who get these kinds of reaction/comments.
BlackFriday may resort to underhanded tactics to get her views (Eugenia Cooney tags which frankly, she doesn't even need as she is the "Go to" Goth channel on YouTube) but she and her husband don't get these criticisms because whether people like it or not, you can tell they are really into the Goth subculture for more than just "Oh I like to look spooky and dark".
Angela Benedict doesn't get this because she knows her stuff and presents a more subtle Gothic look that can be relatable to others who don't go or don't want to go for an OTT look.
SebastianColumbine when she did identify as Goth may have gotten some slight trolling but you could tell she was genuinely interested in learning about the Goth subculture.
TheGothicAlice, I've heard some people call her pretentious and a bit snooty. Personally I don't think she means to come off that way but regardless, she clearly is into the Goth subculture hence why she doesn't get this kind of "hate".
I can't think of any other big or well known goth YouTubers but I digress, notice how most do not get this kind of "hate" because it's clear as day that they are legitimately into the Goth subculture unlike Kaya & Jake who as you keep looking at their videos and their freakouts on social media, they just come off as only into it for the look and that is all. Again, it doesn't make you Goth but just darkly inclined and I don't understand why that is a bad thing to say.
You don't "quit" Goth. you're either into the subculture or you aren't. It's not a personality for Pete's sake.
And I agree, Jake is reaping what he sowed. IF you're going to try to intentionally piss off people who are a part of a beloved subculture, don't complain when you get a push back.
No. 272425
>>272387>Again, if you want to quit goth, stop calling yourself goth. You only care about the fashion anyway. Keep dressing how you want, I don't care, but if you still mislabel yourselves as goth and get offended when someone says something, its your own dumbass fault.This. Anyone who says even the slightest thing against them (or sometimes simply just asking a question) is branded an elitist by those two. It's like they're totally offended by the audacity of being questioned about their contribution and involvement in the subculture they both adamantly claim to be apart of. "What?! You're questioning
ME about my involvement in the subculture!? ELITIST! I DON'T HAVE TO PROVE MYSELF TO YOU! BE GONE WITH YOU!" I've never seen anyone get
so worked up over "elitists" unless of course they're insecure as fuck.
"There are so many elitists in the scene" = there are so many goths who just want us to show an interest in the subculture they know and love. Bottom line: they both know they're posers (for want of a better word) and claiming "elitism" toward anyone who doubts them is their get out of jail free card, so to speak.
No. 272610
Awww she had her little spew and cleaned most of it up
I was going to respond to her gothic charm school post with this :
was going to answer her gothic charm school post with -
Make sure you read this then No. 272742
>>272714I really don't have the faintest idea but it's embarrassing when there already was a word used to describe people who liked to just differently. "Alternative". As far as I'm concerned, Jake is a metalhead who likes to dress Alternative or Darkly Inclined.
But you're right, you don't see this with the Metalheads.
No. 272957
>>272745Killstar just churns out the same shit smothered in occult symbols, catering to the hipster goth / nu goth trend. Not to mention they are overpriced and bad quality. Admittedly
some of their stuff is ok but for the most part it's just whatever is trendy at the moment, goth I thought was meant to be about being original not wearing the same shit as the next person.
I do own a fair few items from alt brands but they're lesser known or bought cheaply on ebay. Otherwise the rest is from typical high street stores like h&m. Almost everything I own is second hand. This has always been an issue for me - these big YouTubers shouldn't be doing sponsored hauls of overpriced brands, but encouraging their followers to look in regular stores/thrift stores/ebay etc etc for "goth clothing" - you could just be in plain black but if you add the right accessories, boots and if you want makeup and hair you'll clearly look gothic without wearing Killstar or Punk Rave…. on Kaya's IG she had a picture of her outfit (this one
>>272017 I believe) where she stated almost all of it was bought on ebay for less than £15. WELL THEN - why not make a video on this more often? she only spits out haul and unboxings anyway.
No. 273065
>>272988I think she also had something Kaya doesn't - confidence and comfort in her own skin and tastes
Kaya just drapes herself in everything and anything she can to be "2 spooky for u" as well as them ridiculous platforms she wires to hover over Jake and everybody
No. 273272
File: 1489969866550.png (613 KB, 1532x654, kayabooks.png)

So Kaya showed off some books that she'll never read. Said she has "no idea" how to talk about them. People do book related videos all the timebut of course she has to have some dumb excuse because she never knows how to talk about ANYTHING except makeup or clothes or fucking boxes of junk.
No. 273387
File: 1489980247875.png (510.08 KB, 961x711, jake-possibly-cheating.png)

Has anyone looked for Jake's facebook? I searched for it last night and I found this. It says he's in a relationship with some Jennifer person. If you look at other photos o the page he talks sort of flirty with another girl. It also says he's an "Escort for hire". Does anyone know if this is a legit page? I don't know why anyone would imitate him but I want to make sure and I want to know what the fuck this is about.
No. 273523
>>273356I agree with you on the milk part. It's been a long time since we had any milk from any other cow than Onion or Margo. I hate to say this, but you do know where you are. People nitpick constantly on others, and this thread still isn't as bad as some others.
Also, she is fat. There's no meat. If she had any she wouldn't look so chubby. As long as you're not a hamplanet it's not that bad.
No. 273557
>>273356One of Jake and Kaya's minions?
>for posting make up??She purposely arranged her very expensive makeup simply for a photo. That in itself was stupid, but why take a photo of makeup at all anyway?
>jake strikes me as nu goth i feel like ous dont recal chavs iin their tracksuits and caps in a gaggle out side of a store smoking with a carry outNot all chavs look like that. In the same way not all chavs are wankers. "Nu goth" is basically hipster goth, i.e. trendy goth that has elements of chaviness to it. There's no way anyone would look at him and think goth.
>as you can see when jake gets naked in his video you can see hes not fat and kaya isnt fat eitherNo one's said Jake is fat? He's been described as buff here, but he does have an appearance of someone who's bulked up over the top of his "fat". Still I wouldn't necessarily call him fat. Kaya on the other hand
is fat. There's no getting around that.
>frejya had euginia tags before the onision drama????This was wrong and hypocritical of her. She claimed Onision was just trying to get attention/views from Eugenia all the while doing the same with metatags.
No. 273562
>>273379who is vox?
>>273557they think all chavs look alike so most likely they think that as long as you wear black = you're a goth
No. 273628
>>273562Vox is their video editor for their terrible gaming channel
I've also noticed her and Jake have a weird flirt thing going on or maybe it just seems that way next to his 0 chemistry with Kaya
No. 273703
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Here are the full screenshots from the conversation Kaya was cherry picking in her twitter meltdown.
No. 273704
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No. 273705
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No. 273706
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No. 273707
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No. 273709
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No. 273710
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No. 273791
>>273670I don't think people dislike Kaya because she's fat, they dislike her because of the excuses she makes for it. Granted, it's hard to know what she does offline and for all we know, she may be trying but it's hard to take that seriously when she makes posts about her going out to eat and posts pictures of unhealthy food that can contribute to weight gain. And then there's the fact that she seems to give up on exercise regimens if she doesn't see results fast enough and if I remember correctly from an older video she made, she sometimes crashes and just caves into eating which obviously will put the weight back on, especially if you're not moderately active to stave off the weight.
I generally think of Kaya stopped talking about her weight endeavors, people wouldn't bring it up that much. Some people are just annoyed when she keeps talking about her weight struggles when she's making posts that give the implication of why she is the way she is now.
As for Jake, no one thinks he's fat. He's obviously bulky and he knows his stuff on bulking though it feels like he's more of an arm guy as from what I've noticed, that's the only part of his body with clear mass and slight definition.
But anyway, at the end of the day it's not their weight that people don't like about them, it's just how they come off.
Kaya = Whiny and poseur-ish (when it comes to Goth)
Jake = Narcissistic & Arrogant
No. 273799
>>273718Yeah the people seemed chill for sure. Why is it even being discussed though? It's clear as day that Jake isn't a Goth, just a Darkly inclined Metalhead. I have to agree with one of the comments in the post of why doesn't he just label himself a "Metalhead". He clearly likes Metal and has opinions on most of the sub-genres of Metal music. For fuck's sake even the name of his gaming channel is "METAL ASS GAMING" He's the clear cut definition of a Metalhead.
It's just laughable how he gets so bent out of shape when people don't think of him as a Goth when he shares no inclination of it. Oh so just because you wear black and Killstar, that automatically puts you in the Goth bracket? I know this comment comes off as elitist but I mean… For real. It just gets annoying when people like him complain and say things like Goths are arrogant pricks just because they don't include genres of music that have nothing to do with it in the first place because that's what he's upset about. That Metal music isn't put in the Goth category.
No. 273826
>>273799A far cry from "all goths are dicks" isn't it? Compare that to the way Kaya handles any criticism.. And he insulted an entire subculture, of course they're going to be annoyed and want to discuss it.
He's probably eager to be labelled as goth because it'd get him more attention on YouTube. There's plenty of alternative guys but very few goth men on YouTube, also it coincides with Kaya ("Goth power couple" and all that).
In fairness there
are goth metalheads but it's a hybrid whereby BOTH genres of music are enjoyed. He clearly only likes metal and not goth music, so it's pointless insisting on being called goth (then getting pissed / crying "elitist!" when people point out he's not!)
No. 273893
>>273871Right? She cherry picked one part to make it look worse.
They just don't want to admit they're only in it for the fashion. Honestly I think if Kaya didn't have a YT channel she would have hopped on the next bandwagon / next fashion trend.
The majority of their fans I believe are mall goth types likely into metal or emo music, who blindly idolize them and can't see the hypocrisy in their words, therefore won't question it.
No. 274259
>>273826Exactly! If you're going to go so far and piss of an entire subculture, the people in said subculture will speak up. Sorry Jake, you're not that famous to just say anything you want with no repercussions.
And you're most likely right. The only reason he's eager to be labelled as a Goth is just for more attention. There aren't many Goth guy YouTubers so he's trying to run with it but not many people are buying it because it's clear he has no interest at all and now he outright admitted it. Like
>>273871 said, he doesn't like Goth music, he doesn't like goth clothes, and he hates Goth people yet he still wants people to consider him a Goth? Sod off mate and just stick with the Metal scene.
And knowing him if he ever sees this, he'll twist it around and say "This is what I was talking about, Goths are elitist cunts" and to that I say, no my friend. Goths are open and love seeing new people come to the subculture who are genuinely interested in what it's about. We love helping out Baby Bats and exposing them to awesome bands (and it's not just 80s stuff neither). We just don't like when people bastardize the subculture.
>>273826 I know that there are genuine Goth metalheads who like both Goth music and Metal music and that's great. That's the definition of a Goth metalhead. One day you want to listen to some Bauhaus or Sisters of Mercy and the next day, you want some Iron Maiden or Mastodon. Heck, some bands have legitimately fused Goth and Metal together like Paradise Lost, Moonspell (earlier work), Tiamat, and Theatre of Tragedy to name a few. It's rare when the genre actually is legitimate because most "Goth metal" bands I see are people labeling Symphonic Metal bands like Nightwish or Epica as Goth metal just because the singer (usually female) is wearing dark makeup and a corset. But I digress.
Most Goths wouldn't have a problem with Jake if he was a legitimate Goth metalhead but he isn't, he's just a Metalhead (and it's fine but don't call yourself Goth when you don't like the one thing it's centered around which is music). I just hate when people like him try so hard to push the music out as if it's nothing that important when that's not the case.
No. 274263
>>273871Exactly, if that doesn't scream "Poseur", I don't know what does lol I actually did talk a little to the girl who she lashed out at and she's actually a sweet, pleasant person. She just doesn't like how Kaya makes the subculture look like it's only about buying this, this, and this and offers nothing of value or substance for the subculture she claims to be a part of. I mean sure, there's nothing inherently wrong with buying things you like and it's natural to want to show it to others but if that's all you have going for you, it kinda says something about the person doesn't it? So I understand why that girl was annoyed with Kaya, she was just the first person to be vocally upfront with it so to me, she has guts because Kaya is pretty popular and you knew she was going to unleash her minions.
>>273893I agree. If she wasn't on YouTube, I have a feeling she would've hopped to the next alternative bandwagon as well (I'm thinking Kawaii).
And you're right, I never really looked at her comments before until a few days ago and majority of them are young, mall-goth looking girls who give her lots of praise with no rhyme or reason other than her looking "beautiful". So I'm not surprised Kaya has an inflated ego with her "Gothness", much to the point that if anyone calls her out or questions it, she'll scream and point "ELITIST! ELITIST! SHUN! SHUN!" and unleashes her minions on the nonbeliever lol
No. 274284
File: 1490116608511.jpg (116.19 KB, 903x600, JamcybA.jpg)

This is going to seem super elitist but he never really looked goth before anyway. Looks far more emo here. Long lost member of BVB…
No. 274359
>>274303you're not the only one
Also, that tv lol
No. 274448
>>274368Are you serious? Just wow… What is "elitist" and saying if you don't like Goth music, you're not a Goth? It's the fucking truth. Goth is a music based subculture first and foremost and that will never change no matter how much they dislike it.
Literally, people are saying you can dress however you please and still be Goth as long as you enjoy the music. How is that elitist? This is just… Ugh.. I can't even lol
No. 274533
>>274483Well she needs to get over it and accept it. That or try giving goth music another chance. I notice how people who complain about Goth music always harp on about the 80s bands like The Cure, Bauhaus, Specimen, or Siouxsie and the Banshees and that's fine but what about 90s Goth music? Have you tried that? The Wake? London After Midnight? Big Electric Cat? Nosferatu? etc. I could go on. Or heck, what about modern? She Past Away? Drab Majesty? Solemn Novena?
I'm just saying, there are touches of Goth music for practically everyone if they look for it and I just get annoyed when people bitch about Goth music when they are only bitching about the 80s stuff.
No. 274681
File: 1490144998369.jpg (141.51 KB, 768x768, pIsj2cvt4rWpylthRRMWWF-JIxxxu8…)

TT whenever she makes a video, or comes up with another circular argument for not making a video about music
No. 274941
>>274594 Here are some though I most likely will be repeating some people lol
Angela Benedict - Has a way with words, tells entertaining stories from her days as a goth in the 90s, plays some nice 90s Goth music & industrial and all around just a pleasant, enthusiastic person who knows what she's talking about.
BlackFriday - Despite the meta tag thing and her Paris museum thing where she should've toned down her look, she really isn't so bad. She has a pleasant demeanor, plays all kinds of Goth music in her videos, has made a few Goth-related videos that help Baby Bats learn more about the subculture from music and general advice, & has some interesting travel vlogs.
SnowyLowther - Very sweet & genuine, knows her stuff on Goth, and she talks about all kinds of subject matter. She did start with mostly makeup videos but she branched out and is just one of the Goth youtubers who is worth a look.
TheGothicAlice - Like another person said, she may come off a little rude and aloof but you can tell she means well. She talks about a wide range of topics that would interest a Goth/Gothic-inclined person so definitely worth a look.
The Goblin Queen - Very personable and very enthusiastic. She gives of a very friendly, open demeanor and gives some good advice. Her vlogs can be pretty neat too though she doesn't upload as much as she used to since she does a lot of work with her band Esoterik these days but still worth a look.
Accumortis - He's a smaller channel but he's pretty neat guy and probably one of the first legitimate "Goth metalheads" I've ever discovered on YouTube's Goth circle. He knows his stuff on both Goth music and Metal music which is refreshing. He also is into philosophical subjects that he shares every now and then.
Amy Nekrotique - Another smaller channel. She's more rooted in Industrial (she's said herself) but she's still worth a look. Very pleasant attitude and talks about a wide range of topics.
No. 275069
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This must be when she was a teenager, think she looks really cool here. It must be sad for her to look back on pictures like this.
No. 275092
>>275069yea I
would feel bad for her because it's clear she's miserable about the way she looks and longs to look like her old self again (explains why she keeps up all the old, outdated images of her on YT and Tumblr) but she just needs to CUT BACK ON THE CALORIES. It's insulting to people genuinely struggling with weight when she complains and gives up within a week
No. 275224
>>275092I have to agree. I think it's the fact of her making constant excuses and being impatient when she's in the mode for exercise that gets tiring to hear.
>>275127Is it really? Other than her making small annoying complains, I don't think she's blown up as much since that one lady called her out lol
I was watching a video by another Goth YouTuber who was saying that a Goth YouTuber shouldn't feel obligated to make Goth-related videos if they don't want to and while I agree that you shouldn't make videos that you don't want to make but if you never share anything at all about the subculture you claim to love (especially if you're on social media a lot), it just comes of as fake to me. :/
No. 275326
>>275127Honestly, she protests too much. If she just IGNORED this thread and the "haters" calling her a poser and a fake, she'd be happier and we'd probably get bored of not having new to gossip about, and stop.
but she keeps on beatin' that dead horse.
No. 275432
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No. 275433
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No. 275435
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No. 275437
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No. 275449
>>275444As someone who was on Renee's personal page, her page was always set to only be viewed by friends, then someone on her friends list sent screenshots to potato face (TT)
>>275443They did say not to shop there but I don't have screens of that. Their fans also left a bunch of 1 star reviews on the FB page as you can see mentioned, even though they've never shopped there. As of today Renee has deleted both her private and public FB page because of that.
No. 275455
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No. 275480
>>275465This is part of why I say the video is inaccurate, once she started dressing goth she was getting setup for siouxsie and the banshees:'s in 76, if you look at her style in 75 it's much more punk.
Which illustrates imo, that goth music and fashion were evolving at the same time, out of punk and into post punk. The two have always been symbiotic and fed off each other.
No. 275490
>>275465My post about siouxsie is even besides the point anyway because you don't have the word goth popping up until closer to the mid 80's and not really being widely used until the late 80's. Even the Batcave didn't pop up until '82.
To add on to Sioux's fashion, she was never trying to be goth really, which is why there's a good argument to be made for goth being a combination of stuff not just 1 thing. Goth has always been a culture cobbled together from other periods and aesthetics and art and literature, but it's always grown up out of the music (Bauhaus' Dracula connection for example)
In this quote, even as she's denying being goth, she implicitly links her fashion with her music.
Sioux: I've always seen these tags of convenience that journalists come up with as lazy journalism and a real cop-out, an inability to deal with something that they can't or won't understand. Call it what you like - punk, funk, new wave, goth, I don't care. I don't want anything to do with it. I would never limit myself this way, or use these terms to describe our music. Now if you're talking about people with a flock mentality and a need, that's something else. There are plenty of people like that. We're not liike that. I'm not like that. Juju was an African word for karma or luck. There's good juju and there's bad juju.
No. 275509
>>274594Angela Benedict, Caligo Bastet(?), Snowy Lowther (not sure if she fits the bill).
I can't think of any others off the top of my head.
No. 275709
>>275432>>275433Whoa. As if I wasn't put off by those two already, this just cements it for me.. What a pair of bitches. Lying bitches at that. I'm curious what these "rumours" are that Freyja alludes to? The metatags things is true and her mother
is racist (look at the shit she posts on her FaceBook). "She makes the community look bad" says the one who is essentially directing people to boycott someones shop hence their living!! They both have HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of fans but they zero in on one persons negative comment toward them? Fuck outta here, that's BULLYING. Not everyone's going to like you, get over it. They're using their popularity and status to shit on her business, seriously disgusting behaviour on their part. Boycott those two I say…
No. 275740
>>275509Snowy Lowther is wonderful. She seems like a really good person, imo. PLus she's adorabl af.
Offtopic, but why are goths these days so obsessed over calling each others posers and tourists? Since when did it become a contest to see who was the most insecure in their appearance and taste to start calling everyone else posers. Not a dig at anyone in particular.
No. 275782
>>275740Authenticity is always important in countercultures. It was always an obsession and it was devastating to be a poser. That label followed you.
"Elitist" is kind of a new one though. Back in the day, posers didn't have much of a platform to defend themselves against the gatekeepers so you had to up your authenticity or git out.
No. 275832
>>275740It's not about insecurity and exploiting it, well at least to me. If you're talking about people's comments towards Kaya/Toxic Tears & her boyfriend (because they're the only ones who get the criticism), it's just because of the way they come off. It genuinely feels like they just use Goth to make their living and naturally it's going to annoy or piss off those who are actually into the subculture. Their kind of mentality just cheapens the Goth subculture and people are going to be annoyed of it and their little outburst on Jake's "Fuck Goths" rhetoric was the least straw for a lot of actual Goths.
And on your poser bit, well think about it. What could potentially make someone be labelled as a poser. To me, all Goth is is just a word to describe the music and a fan of it while Gothic is just a word used to describe a theme, pretty much an adjective. You can be Gothic if you have a natural inclination towards darker things and this is what refers to the "Gothic mindset". I do not and will not ever think of "Goth" as a mindset because again, I just see it as a music form and it's fans.
The Gothic subculture can be home to both Goths and Gothic-Darkly inclined individuals because they can get a long for the most part. But I too am of the opinion that Kaya is just a Gothic-inclined person rather than a Goth. In the 3 years I've watched her, she just alays struck that vibe and when I heard her explanation for not wanting to talk about Goth music whatsoever, it kind of cemented that fact. Jake on the other hand, I never watched much of because he just gave off this narcissistic aura and it just turned me off. But when I heard that he hated Goth music in one of his vlogs, that made me go "Okay, so he's not a Goth, just most likely a "Gothic-inclined" person like Kaya) But then he had to take it further and generalize every single Goth as a "cunt" and well now, I don't have much of any respect for him.
I think the thing that makes these two so laughable to people in the subculture is that they can't take any criticism. I don't know about the Renee thing but after reading the above posts, it's so funny how she (Kaya) had to blow up one opinion about her and had to send her fans to destroy this girl's business. Seriously?
No. 276162
>>276074I watched a few minutes of it and only made it to about 15 before I just clicked off. It was just too… Bland and plus (and this is my own bias), I get tired of seeing the pre-packaged uniform look of big name alternative clothing labels, especially Killstar since everyone into that brand has the same thing so I just couldn't sit through an hour of that.
When it comes to long hauls like that, I like it better when they feature obscure stuff from thrifting or even DLC. That video just felt like a big product placement of big name labels and meh, it just isn't for me.
The video probably would've been more interesting if she just did it like she does her lookbook, it's better than looking at a mass pile of black.
No. 276168
>>276141Damn, I haven't heard of Hello Batty since her "You're not a real Goth enough… Discrimination in the Subculture" video and even that one rubbed me the wrong way a bit.
I honestly haven't seen many videos from her other than that one, her "Goth Tag", and her "I'm s Hipster?… Creepy Cute vs Pastel Goth vs Nu Goth" videos.
I took a little browse through her videos and hell yes she seems more embedded in the Lolita & Kawaii subcultures than anything. I'm not surprised about the Pastel Goth thing since that usually goes hand in hand with Kawaii (seriously lol).
I also too a look at her music playlist and I will say I love her taste in music (lots of 90s Alternative) but no Goth so from that impression, I'm going to consider her Gothic-inclined like Toxic Tears.
No. 276195
>>276176I remember that video. I do think that she got most of the basis but she did the one thing that so many Goth YouTubers do when they talk about Elitism. They never actually explain ACTUAL Elitism vs Non-elitism. They make it come off that anyone who talks about the music don't know what they're talking about and it's this kind of thing that makes people throw in the whole "Anything can be Goth" mentality (kinda like what that one video made by PitchFork shown above that joked about Kanye West being Goth & Instagram Filters being Goth and all that).
>>276184Now that is what I'm talking about. He actually went in and explained the differences between Elitist/non-elitist.
No. 276494
>>276261I actually saw her sponsor video as a good thing. The fact that she actually has a job outside of Youtube means she isn't desperate enough to accept any sponsorship from companies whose ethics she doesn't agree with just so she can get money.
I would prefer hearing that someone has the opportunity/integrity to turn down easy money from a source they don't support rather than a social media person who will sponsor anything and anyone just to get cash. If people on the internet can get their panties in a bunch over cruelty free products and vegan products, then I feel it's also Reeree's right to decline sponsors and also talk about it.
No. 276505
>>250451I suppose that's true. Considering her popularity, she could easily just be the alternative version of Trisha Paytas doing anything to get money but she doesn't so I can respect that.
And it's no hate at Trisha, she too has said she'd do mostly anything for money lol
No. 276989
>>276508she did, and she even mentioned this in the video (which I'm guessing you didn't watch)
she explains why it's shit (heh) and why a lot of people who talk about it never get to phase 2: because phase 1 is just the tea which makes you lose water weight, and phase 2 is truly disgusting and nobody wants to talk about it because they feel terrible afterwards because (in her words) it makes you "crap up a storm".
Reeree is insecure about her weight and tries hard to keep it off so I'm guessing that's why she tried but she also learned her lesson, too. And she saw how much bullshit other people were saying bc omg they loved the tea!! but in reality they just avoided the second half of the process
No. 277282
>>277106I can't remember where she mentioned this (instagram or a video) but she's on the shorter side and she used to be quite overweight and she struggled a lot to lose the weight and become thin like she is now, so her body image is something she's still working on
ah yes, ofherbsandaltars. I find them very eloquent in a funny way a lot of times but their videos can get on the longer side. They have a certain way of talking that seems funny to me, or witty, but I understand how they aren't everyone's cup of tea
No. 277517
>>277228I like Placebo myself but they aren't a Goth band, they've always been a darker alternative. Think bands like Cranes, Scarling, Interpol, My Bloody Valentine, and Zola Jesus. I've never heard of Nicole Dollanger but after looking up an image of her, I'm better she's dark alternative as well.
And yeah yeah, I know if she's lurking here, she'll probably be going "This is what I'm talking about when it comes to "Goth" music" and there's nothing wrong with liking dark alternative bands or non Goth bands. Just making an observation because I have heard some of the aforementioned bands mentioned as "Goth rock" bands.
>>277290That's what I'm saying lol It's clear as day they mostly like metal so what's wrong with "metalhead", it's an accurate description for them but then again, the only reason I can think of is that there are plenty of darkly inclined metalheads already so it won't make them unique lol See this is why I like YouTuber Amy Nekromantic, she acknowledges that she fits more into the Industrial/Rivethead scene than Goth because Industrial music make up the large majority of her favorite music (she even DJs Industrial electronic music) and even if she doesn't hit the "Goth" Goth note, she's still fun to listen to and has an awesome (Imo) darkly inclined/Gothic style. At least she's honest instead of skirting around the bush.
No. 277524
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No. 277605
>>277524I was about to post this myself but you saved me the trouble, thanks.
My god she can hardly go a single day without fussing about something. She says other people have problems when they bring up her weight but she brings it up all the time in the first place. "Can't imagine what's gone wrong in their lives to make them so fucked in the head" Maybe you're fucked in the head. Your always throwing yourself straight into drama and bitching about pointless bullshit. Hell, you even tried to ruin a person's fucking livelihood because they said something a bit unkind about you on their own facebook. This whole post is just another histrionic attempt at making her little fangirls smother her with praise. That sounds like what someone who's "fucked in the head" would do.
No. 277615
>>277524"There are some people right now…." = I lurk here
I don't know about anyone else but I'm not trying to make her feel bad about her weight. If anything we're trying to get her to see that it's the consumption of too many calories that's causing her weight gain and in turn causing her to struggle to shift it. Sure "treat days" are fine but only when you've been strict with a diet and exercise regime the rest of the week, instead in her case it seems (at least from all the pictures she posts) that she has treat days every other day. Even on her "non-treat" days she's still not eating right, like that plate full of avocados - a good fat is still a fat. Even in some of Jake's vlogs when they go out to eat he always mentions she ate too much. Speaking of Jake, she needs to stop taking diet advice from him - he eats to BULK up, not lose weight.
No. 277620
>>277524This is such a classic lolcow response, specially the "I'm losing weight. I'll continue to lose weight" without proof.
Those are my workout lines!!
No. 277681
>>277524She basically wrote an essay about us.
Hi Kaya! Eat a salad healthy salad.
No. 278209
>>277615Same, I really don't care if she's fat or skinny or in between. I'm just getting tired of her complaining or mentioning weight at all. If you've got it under control, just stop talking about it and do it. Show everyone they're wrong by letting the results show. Look at BlackFriday, she did just that as she looked like she has lost weight in her Zoo video (kudos to her) without talking about it nonstop.
Besides that, I don't care for her not because she's bigger but just because she comes across as whiny.
And that's true. A practicing bodybuilder is not going to have the same diet as a normal person and his food consumption will be different since he's trying to gain mass.
No. 278364
>>278292I tried giving their videos a chance back when they first started but it wasn't really my cup of tea but I'm very picky with Gameplay channels in general as it's not a niche I'm really into (I prefer video game reviews). I did take a look at their channel again and yeah, it seems they don't rake in the views and oh my Jesus The Sims lol I mean Sims are fine and all but I don't know many people who'd want to sit through those games.
I think the only reason Jake gets a lot of views is because of the click bait, especially if he puts "GOTH" in it. I used to like Kaya back then too but eventually I started noticing certain traits that just turned me off and they seemed to amplify with every time she uploaded a video so I just had to unsubscribe and move on. Luckily there were more worthwhile Goth/Alternative YouTubers to watch.
As for male Goth/Alternative youtubers… OH that's a hard one because there aren't that many but if I can name a few…
•This is Raven - He's from Israel I think and he makes some awesome Goth/Gothic themed videos and he clearly knows his stuff.•Caligo Bastet - He's another person from Israel. I personally think he's more of a Rivethead as he's into a lot of Industrial but anyway, he's pretty cool and I've followed him for awhile now. He used to make makeup tutorials for guys but moved on and started doing typical vlogging videos.•Kai Decadence - He's a fairly newer channel talking about Goth related subjects. Also one of the few Black guys talking about the subculture so there's that?•Sweeney Deville - He's another fairly new Goth youtuber and you can tell he's really into Goth music. He also has his own band too!•Accumortis - He's a pretty insightful guy for his age and he's a lover of Goth & Metal music respectively. He also makes some videos that lean more on the philosophical side.•Zeroy Cruciatum - Like Caligo, more Industrial fan but he knows his stuff on Goth music and he's made some interesting videos though he doesn't upload all that frequently unfortunately. Still worth a look!•Patrick SilverRose - He was admittedly like Jake at first where he was an obvious Metalhead who mainly liked the Gothic aesthetic and didn't like Goth music but he eventually moved out of Goth and now just identifies as Alternative (he made a video on this). If you like Metal music, he makes some videos talking about some of his favorites or some that he discovers and shares. that's all I've got. Like I said, there really aren't that many male Goth/Alternative YouTubers I've come to notice but hopefully you enjoy one of these guys, I tried to list some fairly active YouTubers.
No. 278367
>>250451>>278292Oh! Totally forgot one more male Goth YouTuber lol
•Cemetery Confessions - He's been around for awhile but he makes some interesting videos on the inner workings of Goth/Gothic and while he doesn't have many videos yet, I can definitely see him going places and it's nice to hear someone talk about things other than just fashion so yeah, I highly recommend checking him out. No. 278494
>>278364>>278292A channel I really like is GothCast. reviews a lot of gothic albums and things related to the subculture like books and movies. He's a fairly small channel and most of his content is on his podcast channel where he and his friend talk in dept about the music and a bit about fashion and other media as well. They know a great deal about the history of goth so it's worth checking out.
No. 278859
>>278364Holy shit, Sweeney Deville makes videos now? I used to talk to his girlfriend a lot a few years ago on tumblr and I always wanted to see more of him but he wasn't active on social media like she was. I had a mini freak out there for a second, I had completely forgotten about them. jeez. bit of a mindfuck.
Anywho, thanks I'll check out those guys. I'm more of a metalhead myself so that Partick dude sounds cool.
No. 280785
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Translation "I can post and talk about other people's private comments, but no on can post or talk about mine."
No. 281554
>>281374Idk, Sweeney's gf doesn't seem to be obsessed with being Goth or constantly talking about drama. She did get called out for being friends with Yuta Sakakibara recently after his pedo drama though. She is a bit weird though but doesn't she have issues or something? Remember her being hospitalised a while ago and disappearing from tumblr. Or was that just for being an ana-chan?
Sage for blogpost
No. 281560
>>281136I'm actually surprised he (Sweeney) who appears to be trad goth would date what looks like a pastel goth.
>>281397To be fair didn't she move to Germany and then later at WGT (I think) meet Matthias? It wasn't like she met him online, dumped Mr Owl and flew over there to be with him…?
No. 281768
>>281554The last time I looked her up was like a year and a half ago and she was hospitalized like every other week for some reason. She was already overcoming anorexia at that point so I have no clue what the deal was with that.
She's not obsessed with her subculture like Kaya but she does REALLY want to be like Emilie Autumn. I remember her all of a sudden becoming obsessed with rats and saving animals and feminism because of her.
She used to talk to me about wanting to look and be like other people, like, deliberately changing parts of her personality and makeup to be more like that person. Sometimes she would just talk about it without doing anything because she didn't want people to tell she was trying to be somebody else. it weirded me out.
But yeah, I remember her staying out of drama most of the time. Especially when friends of hers were called out on doing bad shit and she just straight up ignored it because it was ok as long as they were nice to her. She likes to whine about pointless shit most of the time. Very very nitpicky
No. 281789
>>281768Anon, you're coming across as nitpicky yourself if the only remnants of milk are from a year and a half ago. What friends of hers were called out? Do you have caps of your conversations with her?
>>281560In regards to Black Friday didn't she go to Germany, meet Matias there and then decided to move to Germany permanently, dumping Mr Owl and getting with Mattias shortly after lmao. But she insisted she fell in love with him AFTER dumping Mr Owl which is obviously a lie
No. 282041
She speaks German, has no job because of youtube paying her loan she got to go over there.
And yeh, she went to Germany, all photos of her trip over there had Mathias in them, so she was with him for the festival. Went back home, dumped owl who she was supposed to marry, went back to Germany to be with Mathias and got married in less than a year?
And she tries to tell everyone that the marriage wasn't for visa and that she had no feelings for Mathias at all, that they were just friends.
Pretty sure she thinks her fans are fucking retarded and to thick to put things together. Or she is that full of herself that she can play victim. She's on her way to being like TT imo. Especially with that last bs hypocrital post
No. 282116
>>282041The marriage doesn't help that much with the visa thing , I remember that old milk, she went to Germany and meet Mathias and a bunch of Goth people,then she went back to new zeland and wanted to go back to Germany because the Goth scene was bigger than in new zeland ,mr. Owl didn't like the idea so they broke up and she went to Germany , they didn't broke up badly as I remember him commenting when she posted in facebook her trip back to Germany , week's later she posted her new relationship with Matthias on facebook and I remember mr. Owl dad commenting something like "I'm not surprised"(because Matthias appeared in many photos with her) and many of her new zeland friends being just confused,some mr. Owl family members where upset obviously ,nobody seemed to know that they have broke up, after that mr owl deleted his facebook.and then make a new one
They seems to have at least a cordial relationship until this day
I don't think freiya cheated on Mr. owl but I think they didn't Have a great relationship to begin with ,because he started a relationship pretty fast as well, I believe she and Matthias really liked each other when they first meet but I don't think they fucked or something, I mean she wanted to live in Germany with mr owl, why would anybody want to live in the same place or Goth scene with the guy you fucked behind your boyfriends back. I think she married very quickly with mattiaa because he really wanted to marry her . I don't think freiya is a bad person for leaving her fiance to go to Germany you should do whatever makes you happy I don't think she is a bad person or malicious she is just very immature and insecure person,
Raising the ordinary to extraordinary
Sometimes the right thing for one person is the wrong thing for someone else
No. 282164
Not malicious? She and fatcunt had their fans go after some chips goth store because she had bad things to say on her friends only facebook post.
She is a shitty person that likes to start up drama and then step out pretending she did nothing wrong
No. 282433
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Kaya's new phase is sewing. I wonder how long it will be before she gets fed up with this and quits.
"Man may have discovered fire, but women discovered how to play with it."
No. 282451
Just watched Ofherbsandaltars' latest video and it's a shame he's feeling down. When I heard him talking about his "fat" body, I feel like his case may have been that his metabolism naturally slowed down and he said he lived off chocolate and probably at what he wanted without weight gain but once his metabolism slowed, he started putting weight on.
I mean, he is in his 30s now and that's usually when it happens. I don't get his talk about looks though, I'm guessing he has a serious case of body dysphoria because he doesn't look all that heavy?
Hopefully he feels better though his talk about sending psychotic messages to the medical place he goes to was a bit… Much.
No. 282467
>>282451He's feeling down because he ruined his metabolism by being eating disordered and drug addicted for half of his life. Now he's in his 30's and the way he lived before is catching up with him. Instead of doing something about it he exercises for a short time, makes himself puke up what he eats and then gets online to bitch and threaten with suicide when his body isn't instantly going back to how it used to be in his ana/druggie days.
Why would you feel bad for him lol?
Also, why does he always have to talk about fucking his girlfriend in the ass, and why does he have to talk in detail about the toys they use, or the piercings in his gf's dick? Dude, nobody wants the mental image of you fucking your girlfriend on a blow up bed in your parents' living room.
No. 282673
I would say at least she's trying to be
a bit creative and make her own shit for once, but give it a few days and she'll get bored and give it up
No. 282950
I know, when I saw that I couldn't believe it. Someone even commented that vid was PURE clickbait, the preacher appears for a millisecond and Jake acknowledges this in the comments saying ''gets views, bro''……!! Thing is, this is a catch 22 situation, he knows if he posts clickbait videos, 1: hell get more views then he would usually as his content is shit… and 2: he knows he'll anger people enough to get even more views…. Fact is, he has no talent, thinks he's amazing with no basis, is a very boring, predictable, uninteresting person with nothing valuable to offer in terms of entertainment or meaningful / insightful information. Why does he use clickbait? Hes dull af. And he leeches off Kayas fame (how??) in order to make money. It saddening to see people want to just greedily rake in cash and offer nothing positive in return, how they go to sleep every night knowing that they have had no real good and positive affect on the world, made no concerns to use their ''fame'' for a good cause… is remarkable.
I think the best way to actively give these people a life lesson is to stop watching their videos and fuelling their narcissism… though it is like watching a high speed train just about to fly off the rails.
Also, funny how Kaya had to remind Jake of their up and coming anniversary anniversary and the way he appeared to not give a crap.
No. 283028
>>282950Eh the way I see it is sure he'll get his views but eventually, his time will run out when people catch onto his tactic. Look at channels like Onision or Leafyishere, their views are starting to drop pretty drastically as of late (or not getting as many views as they once got) and the same will happen to Jake and possibly Kaya (if she keeps doing the same routine for the next say… 5 or 6 years), especially if one's fan base consist of teenagers who will most likely move on when they get older.
I really was geniunely excited for Jake when I heard he was going to do YouTube but I just wasn't feeling his videos (except for his top 10 game list). Outside of that, he's just kinda dull and their }Let's Play" Channel is just meh…
No. 283479
>>283151TT's views are still somewhat up there but yeah, probably not as much as they were years ago but I think we all know the reason why for that. To me, Jake's views were always sort of average on a slight teeter-totter scale.
I think with other alternative YouTubers coming in and sharing some worthwhile perspectives/opinions, it's probably contributing to their loss of views.
No. 284141
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>>280785Is that screenshot from the group run by the neonazis?
No. 284785
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>>283382I actually saved all those whiny ass instagram stories. If anybody wants to see the rest, let me know.
No. 284791
>>284785>apologizes>BUT pity meGeez, just say you're sorry. It's not that hard.
Honestly just dump them here? They might be useful in the future or something.
No. 284794
File: 1491377671940.png (559.94 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-04-03-14-16-53…)

>>284785>>284791Here's the second of five posts.
No. 284795
File: 1491377702796.png (839.37 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-04-03-14-17-00…)

No. 284796
File: 1491377755150.png (548.47 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-04-03-14-17-08…)

No. 284797
File: 1491377826744.png (603.81 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-04-03-14-17-20…)

I can't believe she managed to make five posts on her story just whining for sympathy.
No. 285469
>>285465I know he was discussed in the last thread but still don't know who he is lol
Are there any other interesting altcows, or are we stuck with TT & Jake?
No. 285677
>>285022I don't really judge her as a person as I've never met her, I just judge her content which has been pretty samey and dull ever since she moved to her new home. Prior then, I didn't mind the makeup because she didn't do them so much but then during the move and after, she just became a product placement channel and I just got bored because there just isn't anything to relate to. That's why when her boyfriend announced he was doing youtube, I was looking forward to it because I thought he'd have more to say but nope, along with him confirming my suspicion (Is not a Goth, just darkly inclined who hate the Goth subculture and just the overall way he comes across). I will admit his music is good though even if it's not something I prefer.
I agree with the others that he should just work on the music and make an album or something.
No. 285680
>>285022But then again, you could be right that she's been around for a long time and if you don't do anything other than things relating to your looks, you'll get stale inevitably at some point. I mean, I feel the same happened to SebastianColumbine though she doesn't upload as frequently as she used to.
And whether people find her ambitions of film as "cringe". at least she has goals and aspirations and I really like that.
No. 285777
>>285745Yeah her moving vlog was interesting though I won't lie, I did get annoyed when she kept complaining about being discriminated for looking Gothic. It's kind of the same deal with BlackFriday when she had the Louvre incident.
Like I get that they like looking over the top all the time but there are some situations where it's more appropriate to tune it down just a tad for a few hours.
I just remember Kaya complaining about getting turned down for how she looks and it's just… Well if that was happening you should've toned it down just a bit. No one is saying you have to stay that way, just do it for the meetings and then you can splurge back when you're done with said meeting. Obviously it all worked out in the end but still.
No. 285895
>>285879Mmm I'm not sure how the people they tried to buy from would know that unless they visited their old house?
But whatever the case, I was just thinking that all she needed to do was tone it down just a bit until they got their house. It seemed stupid to make a big deal over something like that you know?
No. 289127
>>289105She's one of the only goth youtubers I think seems nice and would want to chat to, I do also think kaya would be nice just super awkward and insecure
I think her video explained Kaya so well she has to be uber goth all the time and any comment she screams etlitist if she ever encountered a actual nasty person she would have a break down
No. 289613
>>289101Whoa whoa hold the phone. You are so wrong on that claim. Have you seen her comments section? She responds to a lot of the comments and gives out friendly advice to those who ask. She's probably one of the least stuck up Goth YouTubers out there currently. Even with all her knowledge and the fact she did live through one of the pivotal eras of Goth, she still manages to be humble and helpful. I think people may think she's "elitist" just because of how she expresses her views but believe me, she really isn't.
>>289105This here. I think that's another thing about why Angela is a breath of fresh air. She doesn't feel like she has to look all over the top to prove her interest for the goth subculture. I'm not saying it's bad when people do that but for awhile now at least on YouTube, it seemed like all the bigger goth YouTubers were all over the top looking, in comes Angela who has a more down to earth, relatable subtle style but still manages to show just how much goth music means to her and it's just a breath of fresh air to break up the OTT trend. And even when she does go OTT in some of her outfit videos, it still looks so refined and simplistic. Just all around relatable.
>>289398Well going off the stories she's shared about living through the scene in the 90s, I don't blame her for feeling the way she does because in a lot of areas, the goth scene isn't as thriving which must be a culture shock feeling for her (and other older people who talk about this). That plus she's going to be pushing 40 soon so it's normal for her to reminiscence of her younger days. So I get where she's coming from as where I live, I never ever see any other Goths and there aren't any Goth events neither.
No. 289615
>>289565LOL That is so flipping true. I just joined Instagram late last year and my word, so many "Goth" girls who look the same wearing the same makeup and especially the Killstar dresses. Though I do still manage to find a rare few who actually are genuinely interested in Goth which is always nice to see.
The guys aren't much better though because all I tend to find are Metalheads (Black Metal being the common) who just put "Goth" or "GothGoth" in their tags.
No. 289888
File: 1492014007538.png (319.36 KB, 621x559, freyja.png)

>>250451Nice photoshop there, Freya.
No. 289963
File: 1492023084153.jpg (55.41 KB, 314x396, Elvira.jpg)

>>289903I think it's supposed to be Elvira related? At least that's what it reminds me of
No. 290337
>>289800Yeah kinda true but it only works for so long until people catch on. One has to read between the lines or in this case, her content both on YouTube & Twitter to get a grasp of what she comes across as.
>>289824Again, check out her comments section, she really does come off in a humble way and is always willing to lend a hand to newcomers or people with questions. It's just her accent that may make it sound "holier than thou".
And like another person said, she's one of the few bigger rising Goth YouTubers who actually gives the time of day to her watchers by responding when she can. That's something a lot of them don't do.
>>290182Pathetic. But who cares really? He just confirmed what we've all been thinking lol (Okay most of us who aren't mindless fangirls/fanboys of TT & Jake anyway).
No. 290339
>>289888Oh I didn't realize it was shopped lol I will admit, I'm not the best at subtle touch ups like that. But I guess I'd let it slide for artistic vision. And yeah, I'm with
>>289963 that the first thing that came to mind was Elvira.
>>289995Aw I actually like her hair lol I would love to see her try subtle smokey makeup at some point in the future though, I feel she could pull it off.
No. 292129
>>292125Wicca is actually isn't a serious religion.
It was made up so that a dirty and masochistic old man could have sex legally outside of marriage. Gerald Gardner routinely had sex with all his "High Priestesses" yet Wicca doesn't have a stranglehold on witches or witchcraft entirely.
But it's not like a real witch would go and brag about being a witch or show it off. Especially when business is at stake and every and any religious idol or deity is robbed and held up as a novelty display.
Sage for blog post
No. 292562
>>292557I agree, it just looks ridiculous to me. When I was younger and more into the scene I'd wear stargazers white powder over a foundation and concealer that matched my face, it was subtle but still gave a nice pallor. Why anyone would want to look stark white is beyond me, and to contour that with black just makes it look dirty. I think many OTT goths are so hell-bent on expressing their gothy-ness every waking moment of their lives that the concept of dressing appropriately for the occasion is completely lost on them. I experience an overwhelming sense of second-hand embarrassment whenever I'm a witness to it. Sage for blogpost,
OT: I believe Friday has claimed that no foundation is light enough for her skintone so white is what matches it best (kek) and she's said several times that it is best to use a foundation that looks good on your skin, implying that this is what she's done with the white. SO GOTH ONLY WHITE MATCHES MY NATURAL SKINTONE yes many points for that.
No. 292644
>>292630It's just a stereotype so I don't think it'd affect them a lot?
It's kind of her "thing" so I don't think she cares. Iirc she also said she doesn't take it off and also sleeps in it?
No. 292654
>>292630There are so many flavours of goth, hyper-pale caucasian vampire is only one of them (and the one that's most cliché) so there are plenty of other types of gothic aesthetics to go for imo.
>>292644Ugh I recall her saying something like that too and it grosses me out SO MUCH
No. 292781
File: 1492380978099.jpg (74.22 KB, 601x601, 16908880_241640212964801_61365…)

Am I the only one who finds this picture funny? I am saying this as someone who usually finds reeree's fashion appealing but theres something about this picture which screams "Hi may name is ebony dark'ness dementia way"-i'm assuming its the wonky mask
saged for no contribs
No. 293053
File: 1492422305531.jpg (83.69 KB, 292x353, 1454471747861.jpg)

I find it so funny how seriously some people take this subculture, as if it were a religion or lineage or some shit..tbh I think it's ok to be "goth for the fasion" I mean who the fuck actually cares besides the little in group you hang with?
Sage for no contribution
No. 293056
>>293053It's just a little insulting because the music really was the forefront of the subculture and it seems like each passing year, these kinds of people are trying to push the music away when there is some seriously good stuff if given a chance.
I do agree that one shouldn't take the subculture too seriously but some of us can't help it at times as we really love what the subculture was built around.
On the whole "Goths who are only in it for the fashion", I generally don't care about that too much but I don't consider these people "Goths", just Gothic or Darkly inclined and I genuinely don't mean it in an insulting way. It's been said a million times but it's just the same as someone claiming to be metalhead but they don't actually like any metal music, just the look.
"I mean who the fuck actually cares besides the little in group you hang with?"
In the grand scheme, most likely no one. I personally don't know anyone IRL who likes Goth music but that's why the internet is great for those of us who want to talk and share it with others who like it.
No. 293110
>>293053Well what's the point in doing anything if you don't take it seriously, at least to some extent? If you like the fashion but not the music that's fine, but don't call yourself a goth then. Call yourself gothIC if you have to. Goth has always been about the music first and foremost, and as others have said it's insulting to try and push that out.
>>293075Oh god it's not just me then. I can't put my finger on it but she irritates me so much.
No. 293282
>>293056I typically find the people who are in it for the fashion give up goth. Every few years there's a new group of "posers". Like when numetal was popular, when the craft came out, and now instahoes.
TT I think feels like she's stuck being goth. But she's also more receptive to listening to different music, unlike her chav boyfriend.
No. 294359
>>293110I understand what you mean, given that explanation it makes more sense to me now, forgive me of my ignorance on the subject lol I rarely ever go on these threads bc I find all the people (the cows) incredibly annoying and self righteous
That being said it's ok to take something seriously but idk in my honest opinion it's a little annoying to see people whos whole lives revolve around it, like theres people who treat being goth the same as being in an actual culture but I also agree with you that more people should support what actually made it a thing in the forst place which is the music.
No. 294408
File: 1492586897955.jpg (49.55 KB, 500x334, tumblr_on1kq7hbod1s310c6o1_500…)

Tbh the only thing that bothers me is that only her face and chest are white, the rest of her body is "normal". I know she can't paint herself 100% white but..yea.
No. 294425
>>293495Yeah you're situation is pretty common with people who are only into Gothic fashion but don't know much of the music. I've noticed that it's always people who are into metal and so when they finally listen to what Goth music sounds like, they are taken aback, I was the same way only I was coming from the Alt. Rock craze.
But if you're open, there are osme heavier Goth rock bands that you may like. I'd recommend
-Paralyzed Age
-Voodoo Church
-Sisters of Mercy
-Fields of the Nephilim
-The Tors of Dartmoor
-Dreadful Shadows
-Diva Destruction
No. 294430
>>294359We understand but just know that most of us who are into the Goth subculture, it doesn't rule our lives 24/7. Like a lot of have said, it's mainly just the music, we love listening to it and if we can, go out and see these bands play. That's why a lot of us get annoyed when we have those people who are only into Gothic fashion but not Goth music, the thing that the birthed Goth and calling themselves "Goth" when they aren't, they're just Gothic.
I think the only person of the YouTubers who gives off the impression that bask in the Gothic lifestyle is BlackFriday but in fairness, we don't see what she does off camera and I'm sure she's just low-maintenance as the rest of us lol
No. 294624
>>294463Yeah I was also surprised she didn't interview an actual Goth band member. Well, hopefully she will explain how they aren't a Goth band or something like that so people don't get confused but seeing how she doesn't like to outright say things for fear of losing fans, she probably won't and it's most likely going to make people think Motionless in White is a Goth band… Ugh, I can only imagine what the comments section is going to be like lol
I think the only Goth youtuber who has interviewed a Goth band member on their channel is Victoria Fashen when she interviewed people like one of the members from Drab Majesty, Cemetery Whispers, and Astrovamps so there's that?
No. 296036
>>296034Holy shit seriously? I'm not listening to the entire hour but wow that's really fucked up.
>>292614Watching a video of hers confirming she has a form of autism(lel) kind of explains how she comes off as haughty and snobby when really she's just awkward I guess?
No. 296532
>>296452I feel the same about IBF. the transformation videos are the worst like the Kylie Jenner one especially. She claimed to not know who she even was but then went on to make the same jokes everyone else does like "I have her OLD lips!" She's just desperate for attention. Matthias actually seems to be genuinely into the subculture so I wonder how long he'll hang around for before he gets fed up with her and the shit she pulls.
>>296474Same here, a lot of my friends started to tone their looks down in fear of being attacked.
No. 296789
File: 1492892895953.png (736.41 KB, 589x592, reddrac.png)

Okay so I know Drac Makens isnt as mention worthy on this board as some of these other people, as she doesn't engage as much in drama online and keeps herself from constantly mentioning other people or hang anybody out.
But her obsession with Kat von D is pretty pathetic, she literally want to be Kat and follows her like a saint.
Kat von D doesn't like Jeffree star? Now Drac dislikes Jeffree star
Kat von D gets an obsession with red and wears full red outfits? Now Drac is obsessed with red and wears full red outfits.
Kat von D is constantly talking about vegan to an obnoxious level? Drac Makens is now vegan too!
Not to mention she thinks her art she spent 10 dollar clay on deserves to be sold for a hundred dollars on instagram.
She really needs to gain her own personality and also a spine, she cannot take any critism at all and everything about her screams adult-baby to me.
She lives with her parents who give her everything, and her boyfriend gives her stuff constantly too.. everyone in her life is basically babying her 24/7 even though she is an adult. I honestly thought Drac was 17 when I first discovered her because that is how she comes off, but she is from 91!
No. 296828
>>296818Now im not trying to be that guy who immediatly says everyone is lying online, but who the hell isnt borderline and manic online nowadays?
Also people with borderline tend to make that 110% their personality and blame it for everything. They could be buying icecream and make borderline be a part of why they chose vanilla.
I'm not saying having borderline isnt hard, but im a bit tired of people milking it for all its worth
No. 296854
>>296452The woman who made the comments about TT and IBF awhile back is the one behind the Goths for Sophie calendar, I wonder if that's why Black Friday ignored the tweet? If so that's fucking petty.
>>296789Yeah it was pathetic to witness but the vegan thing really took the cake
No. 296898
>>296789she is really so ugly, she never posts full body pictures either
>>296452I wanna read these comments, but I can't find them on the video, damn I wanna see what Angela Benedict said about Black Friday lol
No. 296935
>>296828>>296907Actual diagnosed BPD anon here, one of the core symptoms of being borderline is having identity issues. She could be clinging one to KVD because its probably an identity that she likes. If Drac actually has borderline personality disorder, she'd need a specific type of therapy to help her 'identify herself.'
Basically, you don't know what it means to "be yourself"
No. 297096
>>296898All the comments on the video are gone now wtf
When I saw them the first time Angela's comments were already deleted
No. 297144
>>296898I actually saw the comment before they were deleted. She didn't say anything derogatory about IBF, all she said was that she was surprised that someone like her who talks about getting harassed for being Goth would act rude to a mother who lost her daughter for being Goth. It was something along those lines. Again, wasn't derogatory or drama-related, just observational. Unfortunately I don't have a screen cap, I didn't think the video would delete comments if that's what happened.
I did see where Angela was coming from though. I mean the poor girl was killed for being Gothic.
No. 297346
In this video she's filming herself showering. Come on, she's 44 and still doing this stuff. Maybe she's having a mid-life crisis.
>>297302I'm Scandinavian too and I find it creepy. lol. Most women in their 40's don't post their boobs online.
>>297306Yeah the M'era Luna vids were… strange. It's weird and disrespectful to act like that. She's really immature.
No. 297514
>>297502She said bad stuff about the Sophie campaign?
Actually now that I think of it, where does all the money from it go to?
No. 297777
>>281855I've seen her at WGT exactly the same evening she got to know her husband. That was before she moved to Germany. They were totally flirty from what i have seen and heard from a friend who talked to both. I've also heard that she slept over at his room one night back then, one of my friends stayd' there, too (rented appartemend with several rooms or smth. like that).
Also, her husband is not as sweet and intelligent as he's trying to act. When he's drunk you see his true nature. Grabbing other girls ass when she's not around etc. She's said to be always ashamed of him when hes drunk lol. On FB he used to always beg for shit like a ride to festivals etc. If someone trys to help out, no "Thank you" in sight.
I know all this shit because i had friends who live nearby and saw them from time to time. But the last time i talkd' to them about this stuff was about a year ago. Nobody believd' they would stick together for so long tbh.
No. 297818
>>297306>>297346>>297502>>297517>>297777Adora flirts with random guys all the time.
I remember a while ago she and this guy on insta would dress up as albinos (wtf) and pretend to be married. I think it was supposed to be an 'alternate personality' called Adora Albino lmao
No. 298117
>>297799I remember ages ago I saw her talk about her apple diet where all she eats is an apple a day for 2 weeks to loose weight if she gets too "fat"…
I think most people would agree that "diet" is what youd call an eating disorder
No. 298160
File: 1493062663805.jpg (139.75 KB, 960x960, qcIvgbr.jpg)

Latest design from TT, once again completely unoriginal and cliché…
No. 298203
File: 1493068303588.png (51.5 KB, 590x155, STORE_LOGO_TOXIC_TEARS.png)

>>298160Speaking of which something I wanted to ask
TT seems really against pastel goth and says its not goth which, ok, i dunno about that kinda thing. But I always thought her logo was a pastel goth design? As far as im aware pastel goth doesnt just refer to colours but a sort of creepy meets cute (which i know can be applied to other types of goth) but maybe im wrong?
Also quite a few of her YT fans are pastel goth, wonder how they feel about her views.
No. 298545
>>298369I watched one of her videos when she was at a goth music festival in europe (she has several on her YT) where she was surrounded by other goths who also had very exaggerated looks but the difference was she was making more noise and had this very "look at me LOOK AT ME!!!" thing going on. I assume its just her persona. There was no one else being as loud and in your face as she was (least not on the video).
While there are goths who dress loud but in fact are quiet I get the impression that partly, if not completely the reason she dresses like that is because she likes attention. I mean I aint hating i'm all for goth fashion but I find her personality to grating and childish.
No. 299088
>>298675You have my sympathies, I know a lot of goths dress the way they do because its their personality, not because they want attention its usually the opposite its a shame shes so well known.
>>298907Yeah dont, i could only manage a few of her vids shes so fucking annoying. And you are right shes totally one of those "if you dont like me its because you're jealous!". I checked out her instagram yesterday and all her recent pictures are her with her bolt-ons out, shes upping the attention seeking schtick. She doesnt seem to get most people dont dislike her for her style, they hate her because she acts like a petulant child.
No. 299349
>>299088Honestly, I feel that the only reason she's so well known is because of her age which I mean yes, I can admit that from a glance, she looks good for her age, I will be honest there. And her avant-garde makeup skills are really good too all things considered. But if she was doing this younger in this day and age, I feel she would've just been an even bigger niche than she is now because look at Instagram, there are so many Over the top looking alternative models.
And I suppose the other reason is because of her boob pictures. I don't follow her on Instagram but I know that girls who expose their breasts on their will be drowning in followers so lol
Actually, I did watch one video of hers. It was when she was singing at some club. Her singing was… Ugh… Let's just say I wasn't a big fan, sounded way too monotonous and devoid of emotion/passion. So nah, I'm good haha.
And yeah, that's what people like her need to understand. Not everyone hates you for the sake of it, they most likely don't like people like her for obnoxiousness.
No. 299551
File: 1493271746925.png (1.63 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-02-24-03-20-45…)

I've been meaning to post these here for a while now but I keep forgetting.
Here's some pics from Kaya's story.
No. 299555
File: 1493272068593.png (2.27 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-02-24-03-20-51…)

No. 299562
>>299555lol okay now that's a bit creepy
and her hair looks mat? Or is she wearing a scarf or something?
No. 300512
>>293053honestly i see it as a little similar to lolita…and lolitas get super mad when people jump on the subculture without having a true understanding of the fashion and the history behind it, right?
it's ok to like goth fashion but don't try to act like you're ~~so gawff!!~~ basically. like goth is a subculture that evolved around music, so if you claim to be goth you should probably like actual goth music
No. 300643
File: 1493416482023.jpg (47.84 KB, 823x196, gSsV9me.jpg)

>>300564I watched a bit but got bored. Clocked this comment on the video though, the stale "you're just jealous!!" argument I see. No, we're not jealous, it's because people like TT who do constant hauls from expensive brands like Punk Rave are pushing the misconception it's expensive "to be goth", that to look goth they need to buy from those brands, and that goth is the aesthetic only. THAT'S our problem!
No. 300843
>>300168Yeah I saw her video but I don't think her comment was a dig at BlackFriday. People have been calling that band "Goth" way before even BlackFriday talked about them. I think Angela's response was totally good. "Listen to some real Goth music, then listen to Motionless in White and you'll understand the difference" or something like that.
And I did watch Friday's interview with Chris and she never considered or called them a "goth band". Heck, when she asked Chris about his musical influence, he straight up named early metalcore bands along with AFI. He did mention The Cure but uh yeah, I don't hear Cure influence in their sound but that's just me lol
No. 300848
>>300643Of course TT agrees, that's the only video she ever does so it doesn't mean much lol
As for the original comment, it's not always because of jealousy, sometimes they genuinely just get tired of same pointless haul videos of the same thing we've already seen 50 times of that tacky Killstar dress lol I think the the "jealous" argument is just redundant because that's not always the case, especially when it comes to subjects like this.
No. 302786
>>301959yea i thought that was in really poor taste. like, was she trying to prove to people that she was dealing with personal family stuff?
lmao that she was all stoked to open a 'store' to shill her shit to her ~fans~ and it's already been put on hold.
No. 302837
>>301959>>302786Eh I wouldn't say it was that big of a deal, it was just a sideview of a casket with roses and no people or anything could be seen.
Her store though, that shit is going to be insanely overpriced if she ever gets it up and running
No. 303356
>>303281You can reply to a post by clicking the number of the post.
No. 303379
>>303376no. I asked if you have screenshots or anything of what happened in this post
>>303350 since not everyone follows her
No. 305363
File: 1494016773027.jpg (84.07 KB, 573x527, dorian's breakdown 1.jpg)

I've been reluctant to post these for so long since I know Dorian (of herbs and altars) and I considered him a friend. We were close once, but his behaviour now is fucking ridiculous.
He's gotten "fat" due to some medication, and because he's no longer anorexic skinny he wants to die, and keeps posting and posting about how much he wants to die.
Every single time he posts about how he's disgusting and nobody cares about him, so many of his friends (including myself) comment telling him we love him regardless of his body but he blows us all off and ignores what we say, continuing the stream of suicidal self-righteous bullshit.
I'm sick of it. So now I'm posting. If he sees this, he will probably know who I am since I've been arguing with him on his recent posts, but I'm beyond caring.
I'll sage my posts until the last one since there are quite a few.
No. 305364
File: 1494016820830.jpg (33.91 KB, 566x566, dorian's breakdown 2.jpg)

>>305363He changed his profile photo to a casket.
No. 305365
File: 1494016862025.jpg (84.96 KB, 482x685, dorian's breakdown 3.jpg)

>>305364Didn't like being told that said casket photo was a little bit insensitive.
No. 305368
File: 1494017003567.jpg (119.94 KB, 536x687, dorian's breakdown 5.jpg)

>>305367Please note the people telling him they care. There were lots more comments below these ones, all saying how much they love and care for him.
No. 305519
>>305488I think she's a tattoo apprentice?
Also this Dorian bitch is a mess lmfao
No. 305886
File: 1494074207757.jpg (111.81 KB, 493x728, moan moan moan 1.jpg)

>>305373He's been commenting under this photo during the night.
Again, people telling him he's more than his body and he's beautiful no matter what.
Again, Dorian being rude and blowing off everyone who tries to reach out to him.
Also, I'm using he/him because after knowing him personally for some time I've gotten used to it, but now I'm doubting if he's even trans at all since he's faffing about boob size and occasionally referring to himself as "she".
I also know the people he mentioned in
>>305363 and they've all grown up now and are living their adult lives while Dorian sits at home sperging on the internet. It's actually pretty sad. I hope he gets better.
No. 306365
>>306119Yeah, I don't mean to sound insensitive but this may be an attempt to get attention and sympathy from people.
Like how he/she claimed to be nonbinary for a while and started claiming to be ftm trans while still dressing and acting like a woman just reeked of transtrender.
He probably didn't get enough attention from coming out as trans since everyone is queer nowadays so that's one reason why this suicide thing came up.
At least I hope the talk of suicide is just talk. Despite everything it would be really sad if they killed themselves because they are still young and have a lot of fans who would be heartbroken if he died.
No. 307621
Kaya (Toxictears) used to be one of my best friends and while I haven't had much contact with her in recent years I figured I could demystify some of the questions and theories posed here.</br>
Concerning her weight, she's always had issues. And they've always been psychological more so than physiological. When I knew her best (around 2010) she was anorexic. She would talk at length about wanting liposuctions, and boob jobs and rhinoplasty. She was beautiful, but having a glam model for a mother and idolising Razorcandi had given her a very unhealthy view of what a body 'should' be like.</br>
Jake certainly didn't help. He had a sort of superiority complex, especially when it concerned people's weight.
He would scoff at fat people and needlessly compare himself and Kaya to others. "At least we're better than that" sort of thing. He encouraged her to eat less and would exercise excessively. Skipping meals and calorie-counting was their everyday.</br> </br>
She's materialistic and spoilt, there's no two ways about it. She has never held down a job for more than a few months at a time. Jake hooked her up with a telesales job where he worked, but she quickly grew bored of it and quit. She took a casual position as a Lush sales assistant but complained her feet hurt from standing and was fired after missing multiple shifts. She would talk longingly about wanting to find a sugar daddy to fund her excessive shopping habits, but despite many attempts she never managed to get that off the ground. To my knowledge Jake paid for everything, with occasional financial boosts offered by her mother.</br>To my knowledge she has never successfully claimed benefits, certainly not for any extended period of time.</br> </br>
I think her weight gain is a bleed-through of her greed and poor self-control. Now that she's garnered a following, she's got a the equivalent of a thousand little sugar daddies who'll buy everything on her Amazon wishlist. She can shop 'til she drops and eat to her heart's content because she has no concept of value or self-control. As long as Snapchat filters can make her kawaii and she gets lots of likes, she has no incentive to lose weight. As long as the dream of corrective surgery lies on the horizon she will never take the hard path to lose weight.
No. 307813
>>307621If this is true then it definitely makes sense why her weight gain was so dramatic. Someone who was anorexic and then started eating a lot would probably put on weight fairly quickly, especially if your metabolism is slowing down and because she was so used to being skinny, she may not have noticed it as quickly as others.
I wonder if Jake takes back what he said about fat people considering his wife is considered fat now though? Just saying, it's like a form of irony if anything.
As far as her having bad spending habits, it was pretty much over the moment all her fans started catering to her whims and she struck a goldmine. I think the real question is how long will it last because if I was in her position, I would have a rainy day saving fund or something because you never know what can happen.
No. 308006
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>>307951I'd say she was very skinny, particular here
No. 308531
>>307951Forgive me if I mislabelled her, I'm not very knowledgeable about the subject as a whole. While she's always had a sweet tooth, she possessed a self-awareness about her diet. She wasn't always strict, but would go through cycles of binge and starving. While I'm aware BMI isn't a very good measurement, she wore her low-score as a badge of pride.
Jake was a very unhealthy advocate back in those days. He smoked heavily and drank lots of water to suppress his hunger. He'd often skip meals entirely and ran to and from work (I think something like 3 hours a day?)
I always suspected Jake was a bad influence on her, but I was scared that speaking too negatively about him would drive our friendship apart. I only wish now that I had spoken up while I still had a chance.
The first night I met Jake we went outside to have a cigarette and he told me that he was unhappy in the relationship. He had a very high opinion of himself and in a candid moment stated that he harboured resentment towards Kaya for making him move to Belfast. He said that he wanted to move to London within the next few months and if Kaya wouldn't come with him he'd just find someone new.
I was shocked that he'd speak so lowly of her, just as an attempt to come across as nonchalant and 'cool' in front of a stranger. I thought it best to keep what he'd said to myself, in the hopes he would live up to his word and leave Belfast without her. But now here we are, 7 or so years later. Still in Belfast, still together :/
No. 308997
>>308531Interesting! But it never seemed to me that Kaya "made" Jake move, but rather he wanted to leave Wales badly? Why do you suppose he is still with her now then, using her for money or potential fame or…?
>>308657That could have played a part, but I believe she's gained weight because she doesn't know how to control how much she eats nor how to eat well. She relied on her fast teenage metabolism before and now age has caught up with her. She actually used to brag back then that she could eat whatever she wanted and never gain weight.
No. 309029
>>308997Oh, she didn't 'make' him move at all. He chose to move.
Jake is a very arrogant person. I never enjoyed spending time with him.
His ego always outweighed his talent and I think this frustrated him (illustrated in the "I'll just leave for London" conversation)
While I'm sure he had the purest of intentions in the beginning, by the time I met him he was jealous and unsatisfied with his place in life.
Both myself and Kaya were among the upper echelon on Vampirefreaks. It didn't mean much in all reality and we'd often joke about how fickle and pathetic the rating on that site was.
But then Jake would chime in with how he wanted to break in. He talked about all the photoshoots he'd someday do and boasted how he could and would easily be the top rated male profile on the site. The allure of 'fame' and recognition was a strong motivator, but he never made a dent - again his ego outweighed his talent.
Don't even get me started on the inane converstaions about his music. So much boasting about his ability, so many band names, themes and song titles. He treated himself like he was a brand, without even establishing a product.
His only notable achievement in life is that he's dating Kaya. If it weren't for that I'm certain we wouldn't be talking about him here today. He'd have vanished into obscurity a long time ago.
While I doubt he's benefiting much financially, I'm sure he is revelling in his newly found demi-fame. I suspect he has rescinded his lofty plans to cut and run, in favour of living in her shadow.
No. 309219
>>307621>>308531>Jake certainly didn't help. He had a sort of superiority complex, especially when it concerned people's weight.>He had a very high opinion of himself and in a candid moment stated that he harboured resentment towards Kaya for making him move to Belfast.Firstly, thank you anon for your posts. Before I came to this site I didnt know who jake was even though i had seen a few of Kaya's videos, and when I went to check out his channel I only managed a few videos because he really comes off as arrogant and thinking hes above everyone. And i'm not even talking about the spergy "I hate goth" vid he just comes off as insufferable and its funny that some anons say hes buff when he looks like a fucking potato.
Even though i'm no fan of Kaya I do feel a bit bad for her for having someone like that, I agree he comes across as very toxic.
Also on the ana thing-can confirm, had a friend who was anorexic and when they got older when they put on a little weight it looked pretty dramatic because of the effects the anorexia had left on their body, just more reason to avoid and get treatment for the disease asap (although tbh i dont think the weight gain on kaya looks bad at all, someone posted a recent picture of her and i think she looks cute tbh)
I wonder how long it will be until jake posts another butthurt video about not being considered goth. He seems more image concious than kaya by miles.
saged for no contribs
No. 309443
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>>305888Do you know what? She's not even fat really.
140lbs is slightly over average for someone Dorian's height.
She's literally just mad because she's not anorexic skinny any more. She's 31, her metabolism is slowing down and instead of dealing with it she's threatening suicide and telling people they better not call ambulances or try to stop her.
Please Dorian. Grow up. So many people care and you're still acting like this.
No. 309445
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>>309443Will post the related text post in the next post.
No. 309449
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>>309447/end moaning. For now.
No. 309519
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>>309449Back again. It's beyond pathetic now. It seems we're all giving up on trying to help her or get her to listen to us at all.
No. 311393
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Why would you have this as a thumbnail? She looks awful and 52 minutes is she for real? She's to boring
No. 311620
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Does anyone know what Nicole Greenleaf is up to or if she has any active social media accounts today? She was an alternative youtuber from Canada and her yt was perpetualxbones. It's still up, but there's not much on it. She also went by Drusilla Greenleaf. In 2016/2015 iirc she suddenly quit youtube, deleted all her videos and disappeared from the internet. I was so sad when she decided to quit social media, I really liked her videos, and I liked her voice it was really soothing to listen to lol
There's a youtube channel that uploaded her old videos No. 311878
>>311393Was that actually the thumbnail? She's since changed it then lol! She must be lurking
>>311815I didn't watch the video because fuck 52 minutes of pure materialistic shit, but does she mention that Renee girl in it? Her makeup/look is the same as the chatty videos she uploaded 1-2 months ago so she probably recorded everything together but uploaded the makeup haul later than the others. Hence why it seems like she's still mentioning it?
No. 312188
>>311878Yeah she does mention Renee, of course. She shows the picture (
>>259827 ) and says that a lot of people (is she lurking?) complained but one person got "really snarky" by accusing her of "destroying the goth scene".
She also heavily insists that this makeup was a gift from a friend clearing out her makeup collection but I still fail to see why someone would gift another person brand new and expensive makeup. On top of that, why didn't she make it clear in the original insta/tumblr post that it was a gift? She says "got new makeup today" instead of tagging her "friend" and thanking her, people are left to assume she bought all of it. That was her plan all along, to brag about all the brands she owns and how much money she earns from sitting on her ass.
I'm not even goth and I agree wholeheartedly with that Renee girl. The gothic subculture has never been about flashing brands but creativity. If I were Renee, I'd be pissed too at the likes of Kaya.
No. 312219
>>312188Yeah I thought it was suspicious too. I would rather think she bought it for herself tho (i dont think theres anything wrong with that) rather than had lots of people buy it for her because theres a couple of thousand pounds worth of make up there. Her friend must be pretty loaded if she gave her all of that.
I agree with what you said about the goth subculture, I think years ago that it was about creativity because it was much harder to get goth stuff so you had to make your own. Nowadays its edging towards mainstream or at least more visible so you have whole brands dedicated to "goth" and even well known make up brands doing dark unusual colours for this market.
saged for waffling.
No. 312240
>>312188>I'm not even goth and I agree wholeheartedly with that Renee girl. The gothic subculture has never been about flashing brands but creativity. If I were Renee, I'd be pissed too at the likes of Kaya.I was looking up different goth youtubers and so many are like this im not surprised people now think that the goth scene is one big marketing gimmick. Some are rediculous, as an example like thehauntedbat where literally every video is a haul video and nothing else. And its clear when they have watched each others videos because they use the same phrases to describe the products, it just comes off as they are all looking for sponsors. Funnily enough some make TT look moderate in comparison.
Having a few haul videos is ok, when thats all your youtube channel is it gets boring so they shouldnt be surprised when they dont get an increase in subs.
No. 312255
>>312219Don't think there's anything wrong with her buying whatever makes her happy either, but it makes me uncomfortable that she feels the need to brag about it to her underage fans. I'd more inclined to think it was a gift considering how some of the MAC products are limited editions from a few years ago (either that or she put her whole makeup collection in one photo to seem like she bought more than she actually did…very possible also). It's just the fact that she made it look like she bought it all and then when she was met with backlash she backpedalled and was like "Oh no! It was all just a gift from a friend!" why didn't you state that in the first place?
>I think years ago that it was about creativity because it was much harder to get goth stuff so you had to make your own.Yeah and I've always really admired that about the gothic subculture. I remember people not being able to afford to buy a whole new "spooky" wardrobe so they'd dye everything they owned black. It was a real statement.
>>312240Yeah exactly how I feel about Kaya. Her unboxing videos and random things like black bath bombs are incredibly boring.
No. 312513
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When you see it….
No. 312516
>>312513whoops, meant for
>>312188but i guess it kinda applies to your point too.
No. 312532
>>312219The friend that gifted TT all the make up is a makeup artist on YouTube. The boyish looking one that was in a lot of jakes videos for awhile because she was staying over at their house.
I love it when people go to other countries and complain that they speak their native language instead of whatever language.
No. 312932
>>312532Thats what i thought, the only person i know irl who has that amount of makeup is a wedding make up artist.
>I love it when people go to other countries and complain that they speak their native language instead of whatever language.huh?
>>312591I actually dont mind haul videos, what bothers me about the haunted bats ones is the amount she waffles on-like she will describe in detail what an item looks like while showing it in close up on screen or will drone on about stuff in detail which has no bearing on anything. I mean I hope I dont sound mean she seems like a nice enough person but given i've seen her in the comment section for all other goth youtubers and the fact she goes as far as to copy peoples reactions to things (even using the exact same wording and gasps) she seems like a bandwagoner. But also to be fair she is far from the only person doing this. I assume the point of haul videos is to maybe get sponsorship?
>>312596Most of the stuff in her videos she ends up selling in depop making me think she maybe only gets them to do videos?
Saged as THB isnt a lolcow.
No. 313140
>>312932I think
>>312532 was referring to
>>311013 but they didn't click the post number…
I think hauls are acceptable only if they're either thrift hauls or from "ordinary" shops to show that you don't need to buy from pricey brands. I also think reviews, e.g. for footwear, are ok but when it's just sponsored overpriced haul after haul then it just gets boring and pointless to me.
I also noticed on ebay Emily Boo selling a lot of the stuff she's shown off in videos, but as you say THB (and EB) aren't lolcows
No. 313180
>>313140Oh right thanks for the clear up.
Yeah also I agree with you on the haul thing. I do like subscription box unboxing because its good to see what you are getting for the money (although I did fall for the meme, decided to get a spooky box after I saw the earlier ones TT posted but got them when they started to get rubbish so quickly killed my subscription) I think product tryouts are ok but yeah I dont see the point in product hauls if they are out of the price range of the average person. TBH I think we both know the real motive behind these completely unbiased hauls, right?
>>313168Lol you are really white knighting reeree hard which is strange because from what i have seen here people havent really attacked her.
>I have no idea why she is making handbags with Avelina. She wrote that she doesn't get any money for the first order.Shes trying to get herself up and running as as a brand which tbh is what most goth youtubers are aiming for these days its clear to anyone with a working brain even you said yourself she is trying to model and has managed to bag herself quite a few sponsors (at least thats what i assume from all the brand haul videos shes does)
In fact she seems to be the most successful, maybe she was the one who inspired everyone else to do haul videos. The only thing I would say about reeree is that shes rather stiff and "proper" in her videos and comes across as having no sense of humour which is probably why other farmers here think shes arrogant and looks down her nose at people.
>>313169I actually suspect it was more for showing how
fun and
cool her personality was as she requests a lot of very girly pink stuff.
Curious tho, how does a wish list act as click bait?
No. 313751
>>313196She mentioned in previous videos when people have bought her stuff (some people bought her those expensive nude make up pallets, I'm pretty sure she also said some of the books in the background were also bought by other people) but the more expensive stuff sounded like its from people she has at least spoken to.
This is what annoys me about youtubers in general who have wishlists, especially YTers who show off their expensive stuff they have bought (not talking about her most recent video) yet have huge wishlists. I'm not sure whats worse-the fact some items are like £1 and under she could easily buy herself or the garden furnature and ornaments which are like £300+ which I doubt most of her fans could afford to buy her.
Also I guess farmers missed the joke about
>>312513, her main wishlist is 16 pages long, she has several wishlists including one for her
fucking cat filled with useless shit and yet she wants someone to buy her a book about
decluttering. The irony.
No. 315577
>>315424My thought exactly! At least she's showing that she can take on board constructive criticism once she's calmed down from her a Twitter/IG rage. She's definitely amongst us here.
Keep it up Kaya! Your channel might still have some sort of future after all.
No. 315639
>>313957Yeah the YouTube situation is definitely going to affect a lot of YouTubers and can be a wake up call. This is why I think it's careless to carelessly spend your money made from YouTube (if it's your source of income) and should be investing some of it because just like Myspace before it, YouTube will most likely not be around forever, especially with all the changes they're making.
As for the ReeRee Phillips thing, she never really bothered me. I just found her haul videos boring. Her lookbook videos were somewhat interesting (at least her earlier ones). The only thing that turns me off is that everything on her from head to toe is KillStar. No offense to her or anything, I'm just not big into styles that have to consist of walking advertisement though I do understand why she wears it.
But yeah I did catch wind of her Music Monday video and while I'm not a big metalhead, I think it's cool she's finally trying to branch out from all the clothing video because if she keept doing nothing but them, she's going to lose subscribers who are going to get bored.
That's what happened to me with TT. At first I found her content interesting but then I started noticing she only puts out haul video after video or makeup video after makeup video and I just grew tired of her content and unsubscribed like back in 2016.
Haul videos are just pointless to me unless they're thrift shops or ordinary places (Like another person said above). And if that's all the content you make (sponsored hauls or pricey hauls), I doubt you're going to last long unless you have luck and even then, people will eventually get tired of them.
No. 315664
>>315424>>314960I thought her stomach and face (no more double chin) seemed smaller, guess it's just me.
>>315577>>315639Same with me–I thought Kaya's vlogs were interesting but became bored after her channel just became hauls. I did like her latest vlog though and she says she plans to do more.
I'm also kind of hoping that this situation of her getting bashed for not listening to goth music will force her to listen to it to keep up appearances and she'll end up liking it. SOM is pretty basic/intro, but it's a start.
No. 316004
>>315985I saw someone saying the same thing about The Rougue + The Wolf. Some girl on IG said the three rings she ordered weren't as advertised and she sent them back. But then when the company received them, they claimed that they were worn and could not give her a refund. They were also shitty at responding to e-mails.
It's quite possible that these shops really DO send out their best work to promoters.
No. 316009
>>315664Well here's to hoping. It just seems dumb to consider yourself a Goth when you don't like Goth music and "Gothic/Darkly inclined" is a much better word for people into the dark but not the music.
But hey maybe she'll end up enjoying Goth music and that would be pretty neat because there are so many Goth bands to choose from and they aren't all 80s either. So I guess time will tell with her venture into the music.
>>315763"Goth since 10 years old" Eugh… I hate when people still that shit. Unless your parents/family or close family friends listened to Goth music around you, you are not a Goth at that age. Gothic inclined? Sure, but Goth? No, not likely. Sorry, it's just a pet peeve I have when I hear people say things like that lol
>>315985I'm pretty sure that they only do that to butt kiss so they keep getting sponsored. I've never bought anything from Punk Rave but I'm not surprised that the quality isn't as great as one would believe.
No. 316507
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>>316456I've found really similar things at h and m, and people always ask me if its killstar lmao.
lmao me too
i recently bought this velvet dress from h&m for 13€. my friend bought hers for 60€ from a killstar reseller and it's made out of super flimsy fabric and is sewn really badly
No. 316536
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>>316523Disturbia is another brand with terrible quality, I brought pic related from them and its so bad I cant wear it. Its made of this awfull stiff faux demin that is basically just 100% elastic and feels like cardboard, when I wear it it doesn't move with my body at all so lifting up my arms shows my underwear to everyone, despit me being extremly short. The buttons cracked in half when I first tried it on bc the fabric is so stiff you have to force them through the holes, it was around £50 but I got it on sale for £13, but im still salty over it
No. 318673
>>316658Yeah I feel the same on that as well. Like I said before, unless they were growing up around people who were into the subculture and showing them what it was, I highly doubt they or children in general knew what "Goth" goth was.
>>317279Plastic surgery huh. I always thought her Lolita friend looked fine but you know, sometimes you can be your own worst critic. Hopefully things go well.
>>318120Exactly. I hate clothing haul videos but the least one could do is wear the clothes. Body issues my ass, the clothes will be concealing it so just wear them. There's no point in doing a haul/showoff video if you're not going to show what the clothing looks like. If BlackFriday can do it (who's admitted she's not that confident with her body) than so can she.
No. 320936
>>320513Yes, because flying places to interview less known goth bands doesn't cost a heap of money.
Take Voltaire for instance. He's not going back to Australia because he can't afford it and you people are expecting a youtuber to fly places for interviews?
No. 322887
>>322794Idk what she uses, but kryolan makes blood eye drops. I use them all the time for costumes. They're not some big secret.
I don't dislike drac. She has talent and does some cool looks. But she acts like she's the most original, best make up artist ever sometimes. It annoys the piss out of me.
No. 322893
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My eyes sting looking at it
No. 322920
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It's Black Friday is the lolcow queen and if all of her "bats" weren't 13 year old Motionless in White fans she wouldn't have a youtube career.
First of all, every single picture she posts is a fat-girl-on myspace camera angle. Her videos are all shot in the same style, too. Just boobs and face because her gut is huge. And the fact that she photo shopped her boobs, her one big claim to fame, in that plunging dress photo is really pathetic. Normally I would think "hey, that's just marketing" but she really sells herself as a "love/be yourself"
inspiration which is clearly all bullshit.
Side point: I saw her crying on Twitter that the new youtube guidelines mean she "doesn't get enough money to live." Lmfao then rent out your EXTRA APARTMENT you entitled hog.
No. 322986
>>322920So true! Her make up is atrocious I don't understand why people love her make up I can't imagine how awful it looks in real life
She tries to look super sweet and innocent when she used fans money that was meant to be for her old wedding to travel to Germany as well as exploiting tags for views
I also don't buy into her claim she got spiked that time at a train station, she probably took something and it didn't agree with her
No. 323016
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>>322967>>322967Here's that mooolk about her crying YT "doesn't make her enough to live"
(Basically I recall TY advertisers like CocaCola pulling a lot of revenue from the website as they
just found out their ads were airing before like, "
problematic/racist/homophobic" yt videos. IDK that was my understanding.)
I'm just laughing because here is a 30 year old woman who considers talking about free shoes and black lipstick a fucking career. It's cool if this is your hobby but how the flying fuck do you think your opinion about a lipstick is so special/interesting that you deserve a paycheck? Oh, that's right, because you scam money off your teeny bopper fans so they live vicariously through you rather than purchase that shit for themselves. Got it!
And yeah she has two apartments, which is fine; it means you can rent one out if times get "tough" which, for Freya, probably means that she can't buy 100 things from punkrave in a week…oh boohoo :(
No. 323044
>>322920Yeah I saw that vid and thought back to a post on here about how she'd lost weight, guess she's piled it back on then lol!
I can't stand people who think they can live off their YouTube "fame". TT's another one. It won't be around forever and there's only so many hauls and tutorials you can do before it gets real fucking stale (already has for me, don't know about you guys…) and people unsub. If it's just for fun on the side of a REAL job then cool, but if you expect to live entirely on YT income you're a special kind of retarded.
>>322986Don't forget she was flirting with Matthias at WGT whilst still with Mr Owl and tried to make it seem all innocent.
No. 323386
>>323044The thing about her moving to Germany was incredibly sketchy.
She claims to have gotten on a plane, without any plans and just moved here..Um, no, I actually immigrated to Germany as well and I can tell you it is not that simple.
As the wife of a German citizen she needs to pass a language requirement and then will be given a residence card for either 5 years or permanently. Recently on her channel she said the German authorities gave her "3 more years to live here" which means that
1) she didn't pass her German language requirement or
2)she isn't on a spousal visa.
Spousal visas are actually not easy to get, I don't have one but I'm familiar with the paperwork.
She probably married him for the visa without doing any research into German bureaucracy, lmfao.
She clearly planned this all out, and def used Mattias as free rent/ a translating service into German life. Wouldn't be surprised if she left him, too. Word on the street is that Mattias is super flirty and was desperate to marry someone with e-fame. That's why they married so quickly in a lame ass court house.
No. 323421
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Aspiring Goth Model, it's black friday, showing us how to really embrace our inner darkness, or, the inside of an ice cream tub.
No. 323422
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The real reason she and so many others "go goff"
No. 323428
>>323386>Word on the street is that Mattias is super flirtyYea someone said above he grabs girls arses when he's drunk, what a catch lmao. Seems to me they're just using each other and it's not going to last long
>>323408>i dont even think she puts out. isn't she asexual?If it's true about Matthias then I doubt he'd be interested if she didn't "put out". In an old Q&A she did someone asked about how they have sex with all that makeup on and she didn't seem to suggest they don't, so…?
>>323423This kind of shit gives goths a bad rep, she and all the other big "goth" youtubers are making a mockery of us
No. 323471
>>323430Her weight is an issue if she wants to be a model. Part of modeling is making the clothes look good so that people will buy them. Right now the potato sack in my pantry has more shape.
I totally agree about the constant vlogging. I live in a super touristy area and people experiencing things through their phone screen is annoying as fuck. That's what her vlogs remind me of, the jetsetter "expats" who stand out like sore thumbs talking to themselves.
I hope she eats herself into Toxic Tear's weight class so we at least see a meltdown.
She's a really shit goth idol. Everyone I love from the darkwave era wrote music, and made art. She tears up t-shirts and is pure anti-intellectual consumer-whore. Nothing to idolize there..
No. 323478
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>>323471Here's Its Black Friday mentioning her modelling ambitions.
Goth models don't have to be a size 0, obviously. I just can't grasp the delusion of a cow not doing shit to improve her body before claiming to be a model.
Honestly I think her success comes from appealing to 13 year olds who will later cringe that they enjoyed her videos.
No. 323493
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>>323483 is blog post from way back in Nov 2014 about how she was going to start a great new diet, where she can eat butter and bacon at every meal!
Hmm how did that turn out?
It's Black frifri has no idea how to lose weight, it seems everytime she tries it's always through a fad (keto, atkins type) and not genuine work.
No. 323537
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>>323533IBF in 25 years after she goes trans and cant' afford white makeup to cover her disgust. thanks mum!!!
No. 323608
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It's Black Friday babybat goth-blog with the cringyyyest post about an ex boyfriend…
She has left her digital footprint all over the internet…and it's so embarrassing.
Back when she was just Freyja Macleod (not the pretentious Nicleod) spelling she has now. Come to think of it, she probably changed her name just to change the search results.
She should delete this website. It's like a teenager's diary but instead of being under the bed its online for everyone to see….
No. 323620
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scene kid alert
No. 323796
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>>323773They look sore as hell here
No. 324174
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Dorian has complained about her double chin, but I honestly don't think it's thaaaaaaaaaat bad
I mean, it's definitely there, but it's not Kaya lvls of fauty jaw
No. 324366
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>>324215Yeah these don't look healthy.
They probably get irritated from the constant smearing of makeup with a dirty beauty sponge.
No. 324492
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Fucking KEK. This all red get up she's trying to pull off isn't looking good whatsoever and she should probably stay away from granny smocks.
No. 324574
>>324366Jesus christ, I'm not even sure how to react, this so so so bad
She's going to end up with keloid scars (and they're not easy to get rid of) or something worse
No. 324577
>>324366>>324574holy shit, i rarely contribute in this thread but this picture made me gasp …
my sister got keloid scars from trying to stretch her ears and having it get infected, she had to get it surgically removed due to it getting so large…
they look covered in blood? just throw on a bandaid or something until they heal wow…
No. 324700
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Toxic Tears tattoo anger from a few days ago. The girl who got the tattoo deleted her blog.
No. 324771
>>323428Freya is super flirty too. She was all over my bf at wgt. She was pretty tipsy and he wasn't interested, so I didn't really care.
I'll be at wgt this year without my bf, so I'll let you all know if Matthias is a sleeze.
No. 324774
>>324700She's bitching about being fat again and just "eyerolled" at the advice she was given.
Kaya if you knew what you were doing you wouldn't be such a whale. Take the advice or suck up the fact you're a lazy fat cunt.
No. 324853
>>323386Aw I don't like hearing things like that lol I'd like to think that Freya and Mattias really do like each other off screen but I won't lie, the whole move always rubbed me the wrong way with how fast it all happened. Does anyone know how Mr. Owl is? Is he doing alright?
>>323423Aw I don't necessarily agree with that. I think it's totally fine to live Gothic-Inclined in day to day life, it just depends on how you do it. I mean yeah, maybe IBF does go overboard with it because she can but I think a much more honest look at someone living a Gothic Lifestyle rather comfortably is Angela Benedict.
Yeah I know she's been getting a lot of praise on this thread but I mean… Can you blame us who love her? She's one of the few who doesn't seem to feed off drama or have a large inflated sense of self. And looking at her occasional vlogs on her Instagram, she seems like a nice person to be around and a good example of how you don't have to look OTT to show your love to the Gothic side. So yeah, it really just depends on how the individual goes about it.
>>323428That's why it's better to stick with the smaller channels lol
>>323473Well I'm not going to lie, I actually do like some of the looks Freya has sported in the past. Yeah they do come off as costumey sometimes but I feel like she does put effort in and she knows how to pair clothing. But that's just my opinion, her style isn't going to be for everyone lol
>>323478Oh I don't know about that. I discovered her channel back around 2012 I believe (it was when she was still with Mr. Owl) and I didn't find her cringy (I was about 22). I thought it was neat to find a Gothic person who looked refined and came off as sweet. And her relationship with Mr. Owl was cute as well (they seemed to have nice chemistry).
>>323489I feel the only main reason she gains weight is because she dines out a lot. I mean I don't blame her, the food she shows in posts/vlogs looks delicious as hell but you gotta remember moderation is key. When I look back at her older videos before she moved to Germany, it didn't seem like she went out to eat all that much hence why she looked a tad smaller back then.
>>323624I don't even know anymore lol She's styled her hair in the "bird nest" style for so long now that I can't picture her with any other hairstyle lol
No. 324860
>>324771That's kind of a mighty big claim there lol Seriously?
>>324812It's probably her annoying 13-15 year old fan brats who cause the people to leave because if you so much as criticize or do something their idol doesn't like, they're on you like white on rice.
No. 324877
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>>324853I think the phrase 'dines' is a little bit too classy for her. Please. Her choice of 'healthy blogs' are disgusting. Not to mention opting for KFC or Macdonalds whenever she can. Give me a break. Oreos? Chinese dinners? Black Icecream - all junk food. I dont think she knows how to use a knife and fork. - oh wait maybe she learned that in deportment college…. hahahahahaha.
No. 324886
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>>324771 u are so full of shit , she is just very friendly but no in that kind of way you sond insecure as fuck , i been know her irl and she is really nice even drunk , all this hate freiya gets its just because she is fat or because of her age , i really dont get it, she is one of the nicest youtubers i have ever meet , her husband is kind of weird but not a pervert , and all this peopple angry about her leaving her ex are so dumb get over it, like her ex and her are in good terms, all this posts seems to be the same person that hates IBF , i get that she is kind of cringy but come on now
No. 324934
>>324919Different anon, but when you have a personal army of 489,603 subscribers and you tell them you don't like someone and not to do business with them I'd imagine it would be pretty damaging regardless of how you say it. The goth community isn't huge, so a lot of that girl's potential buyers probably watch IBF too.
Apologize in advance if I got any details wrong, I'm not that familiar with what happened.
No. 324997
>>324919She spread lies and told people not to shop at her store. Like
>>324934 says she has 489,603 subscribers and she is so petty that she went out to destroy 1 persons livelihood because someone didn't like her. It was a retweet thats all she was asked to do. Youre right that she has no obligation to the cause but she needs to stop pretending that she does so much good for the goth community when all she does is take. Also she didn't only ignore Sophies mum she tweeted complain about it too.
No. 325092
>>324886She was very nice to us. She was just what I thought was too flirty. I couldn't give a fuck if she's fat or how old she is. I honestly don't even really think she's that fat. Maybe it's because I have a lot of fat friends.
>>324860I mean she wasn't grabbing his dick or anything. More like playful flirting and not lusty, lets-go-fuck flirting.
No. 325125
>>324812To be fair, that girl
did steal her EXACT tattoo which is a really shitty thing to do and is looked down upon in the tattoo industry. As someone said it's ok if it's similar (e.g. the quote, lots of people have that tat) but it's like a copy and paste, not cool.
>>325092You have more restraint than me lol! I'd be telling her to back off. If it's true about Matthias then I guess they deserve each other
No. 325160
>>324877Oh I was talking when she went out to restaurants lol I forgot she did food blogs like that black ice cream thing or that Nachos/Dorritos mixed with Mountain Dew thing… I don't normally watch food related videos so my bad, totally forgot about that. That "Blackaroni cheese" looks kinda gross…
>>325084That's good to hear and oh, I follow ObsoletePleasures on Instagram haha Well hope they are happy together.
No. 325181
>>325159It was death rock revival though not trad goth, IBF isn't deathrock at all. The look of the model was a bit like Matthias but it was highly arrogant to assume she had something to do with it.
>>325164Dorian keeps going back and forth on calling his ex "he" and "she" so it was confusing to follow the story but it sounds mad, why would his ex be poisoning him? Whatever you think of Dorian that's pretty fucked up and hopefully something will be done
No. 325184
>>325181Yeah, I was getting Mattias vibes as well and I have to agree, IBF doesn't scream Deathrock to me, she never did. That was more of something Sebastian Columbine & The Goblin Queen were doing like around 2010-2011-ish? IBF always struck me as more trad inspired with a modern twist.
Well he does mention that she had a fucked up life but I don't care, it's still disgusting and inexcusable. You just don't fuck with people like that, let alone the ones you care for. It really sounded like this chick was just messed up in the head and just proves you have to be careful who you meet on the internet, especially when it comes to dating (since he mentioned he met her on OKCupid).
No. 325236
>>325230The ex was a mtf.
I really like Dorian, but I hate the voice they do when they're imitating a viewpoint they don't like, its like this preppy bimbo voice.
No. 325301
>>325164He looks a lot better here. I thought he looked bad before because he seemed sickly but he looks so much better now that he's healthy. The weight gain doesn't even look bad either. He looks pretty good with a fuller face.
It's really fucked up how his girlfriend poisoned him. He really needs to press charges or something but it seems like he's totally accepting of it. That seems even more fucked up honestly.
No. 325358
>>325301Yeah I don't understand the weight thing because he doesn't look that bad but then again, he used to be anorexic so maybe that's why he was never never used to having weight gain as he was to too used to having his skinny body. But yeah I'm very shocked and slightly annoyed with how he seemed to talk about this as if nothing happened (but then again, it's the internet, maybe he already had time to be pissed at her). As for pressing charges, this is the person who won't have charges pressed against his uncle who is pretty much a child molester because he's mentally challenged (it doesn't mean it should excuse him in my opinion) so yeah I'm pretty sure Dorian won't do anything about this neither.
>>325329I think TT weight gain was a more hot commdodity because she has been on YouTube for awhile now and it's just eye opening how she gained quite a bit of weight over the years though I think it's more so for people who watched her since her beginning who are most perplexed. Couple that with how much she complained about her weight gain and her pictures of unhealthy food or too big of portions of food and that's why people talk about it.
>>325336Nah I don't know about her supposed past about how she and Jake were rude to fat people back then because I discovered her later. It's just weird to see how much she gained and to be honest, I got annoyed of her constant complaining about it and how she would always shoot down suggest after suggestion because it just sounded like she was one of those people who kept making excuses for herself as she got bigger. I mean I know bodies are different but just like IBF who seems to eat a lot of junk food, TT did the same (with her pictures of food). Couple that with her complaining about feet pain and you know she doesn't workout all that much either.
The only difference between IBF & TT with the weight thing is IBF didn't complain/talk about it as much as she just owns it which is cool and if TT just did the same, people wouldn't say anything all that much.
No. 325403
>>325125Yeah, I was a little jealous. But generally I keep my cool. I don't like to be confrontational. I just want to drink beer and listen to music when I go to festivals.
>>325147I do genuinely like her. But lately she's been so far up her own ass. The peak of the deathrock revival was 2005 with Razor Candi and bands like Catholic Spit.
I hate to sound elitist, but my friends and i actually worked hard helping revive our local goth scene. Black Friday does what? Films unboxing videos? I miss when she introduced Bat Nouveau to people and created actual content. Sill think she had little to no influence on reviving deathrock.
No. 325475
>>325403I feel like IBF became more of a product placement when she moved to Germany. I can't help but notice that back when she lived in New Zealand, she was doing more varied videos because she wasn't trying to get endorsement, at least it didn't seem like she was so it made her feel more real which is what made me fall in love with her channel in the first. But ever since she blew up in popularity when she moved and started getting endorsement deals, it feels like her content has become lifeless and dull with the constant un-boxing, expensive hauls, and reviewing expensive products. I feel the only time we get a glimpse of her old self that comes across as real is when she's doing her travel vlogs or answering questions in her Q&As. I do like Freya as well, she seems like a cool gal but her content is getting a bit lifeless for me and it's the one thing I hate to see happen to channels. I get that it's her job but the sad thing is that with a place like YouTube, it'll grow stale.
I think this is why smaller channels are a tad better because they don't use YouTube as a primary source of income so they don't have to needlessly pander and can do whatever they want instead of being a walking product placement.
No. 326053
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I find this highly ironic considering its black friday was one of the few goth on-line personalities to NOT be a part of the Sophie Lancaster foundation calender..also I think she mentioned being bullied into retweeting something by them?