File: 1518669942532.jpg (81.43 KB, 600x907, moo50.jpg)

No. 503384
First thread:
>>>/snow/93507Previous thread:
>>496075Facebook: Twitter: & Snapchat: mariahmallad
Twitch: Stories Archive: Drive: Please keep the discussion about Momokun, her lackeys have their own thread here
>>>/snow/386826The basics:
>”body positive”, but photoshops her body. Resorted to getting liposuction to keep some semblance of figure (and failing miserably) all while lying by saying she's exercising >so laughably bad at making cosplays; gets 90% of costumes commissioned/bought and then makes gloves so she can credit herself as a talented cosplayer and claim her money is "hard-earned" >does "boudoir"/softcore porn shoots to hide how shitty her costumes are>thinks she's hot shit; delusional about her level of fame where she'll loiter around booths/other cosplayers or pretend to be a con guest>has to beg for money, con passes, or just ghosts at cons despite +$10k/month on Patreon>Spends chunks of her Patreon income on food, drugs, alcohol, etc. rather than on actual cosplay>pretends to know about the series she cosplays, despite evidence proving otherwise; will tweet profound essays to prove her expert fan knowledge>Has lewded young characters for the attention; backpedals after backlash >Goes on crazy media tirades against people like old fuckboy KBBQ, old photog, yet preaches about being nice to everyone>constantly goes on pity party rants or videos, trying to make people feel bad for her about things that are happening to her when she’s done the same>Lies about attending collegeRecent:
>OhNips, artist who designed "punk!Mei" etc. for Moo, decided to provide milk and "no longer associates">decided to """""redesign"""" her OC Moomoo and released Moomoo sets. >Moo's Red Riding Hood Set was stolen from French artist MyOppa, MyOppa calls this out>Mariah possibly spergs on Vamp's account after MyOppa copyright theft (typing is suspiciously similar to Moo's style)>debuts RoadHo that's very similar to Nigiri's, further confirming Moo wants to wear her beloved cosplay mom's skin>confirmed as a guest for a Mexican con>still trying to take credit for KBBQ's work on her Saber cosplay>does a bunch of awful lewd sets for February including a stuffing herself into a "forest" that shows off her labia and latex she's spilling out of>new cooking set shows off Moo's laughably poor acting skills, accidentally look like slavery/domestic abuse shots No. 503397
File: 1518670807623.jpeg (356.48 KB, 1080x812, 1518051222059.jpeg)

Let's not forget Moo's totally new, totally original design for Moomoo!
No. 503403
File: 1518671065770.png (125.75 KB, 471x413, Screenshot 2018-02-14 at 9.04.…)

No. 503410
File: 1518671587266.jpg (Spoiler Image,48.46 KB, 600x586, CjzLIIsUUAA2U5T.jpg)

>>503407Methinks she's been scoping Doxyonta (artist who did Susu's merchandise art) ever since she discovered him. He has a Undertale game with this character. She will most likely lewd her.
No. 503418
File: 1518671884146.jpeg (96.2 KB, 750x660, 23C59A05-C81D-4209-8A5D-E67DE3…)

>>503410can confirm, she’s been liking his stuff
No. 503428
File: 1518672557186.gif (3.7 MB, 421x750, 5236EB45-A006-461D-B1FA-E9D894…)

No. 503441
File: 1518673753347.jpg (320.86 KB, 1333x2000, 27913174_1261718993973047_7075…)

No. 503442
File: 1518673766485.png (Spoiler Image,1.3 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180214-214715.png)

No. 503443
File: 1518673781194.jpg (284.2 KB, 1333x2000, 27983331_1261718953973051_7041…)

No. 503444
File: 1518673808534.jpg (255.71 KB, 1333x2000, 27907554_1261718863973060_7135…)

No. 503447
>>503442O-oh god.
will it be one of those c-strings or forever censored in an attempt to get more patreon subscribers?
No. 503451
File: 1518674072180.gif (544.53 KB, 275x154, 1497329314288.gif)

oh wait mb,
'''''''''''''''''''oc cosplay'''''''''''''''''''
men will never cease to amaze me that they can fap to even the frumpiest of things.
No. 503453
File: 1518674473113.png (15.68 KB, 480x118, Screenshot 2018-02-14 at 10.00…)

No. 503455
File: 1518674687024.jpeg (Spoiler Image,195.83 KB, 1080x1846, 303A8504-FB9F-4BC5-BA53-571091…)

>>503442the uncensored version is disgusting
No. 503464
File: 1518675400754.jpeg (212.23 KB, 750x1088, 1CE3B03C-2D7B-4691-8F1A-6606FE…)

She posted this in the katsucon 21+ group
Dropped my pic in original comment
No. 503466
File: 1518675507866.gif (1.64 MB, 300x225, 1485972270811.gif)

>>503442To the anons who predicted that she would get naked because of her patrons leaving, can you tell me the winning lottery numbers?
No. 503470
>>503442Any so the nudes begin?
Also I just honestly don't understand why she didn't get lipo on her arms. Does she just not see the huge arm slabs in the mirror?
No. 503480
>>503442This isn't "implied nude". It's a straight up nude with pasties.
How long until she's doing literal porn?
No. 503484
File: 1518677507321.jpeg (1.13 MB, 1149x1359, 4812DEE6-BD9F-4C68-BAE7-56877B…)

>>503464That wig is already falling apart, it's gonna be in pieces by the time she gets there.
I can't wait. Is anyone going?
Also I fucked up posting sorry please forgive
No. 503495
>>503466I was one of the ones who predicted it, but holy hell I didn’t think she would actually go through with it. Maybe I should buy a ticket.
For all her kicking and screaming about how she “doesn’t have to take her clothes off for attention”, it sure is nice seeing how much of a hypocritical cunt she has become.
No. 503551
>>503397This is fucking amazing lmao
>>503410>>503418God I was puzzling my head sore thinking why she's suddenly into Undertale and Toriel of all characters but this explains everything. I swear every fucking time she picks up something that's not casual mainstream flavour of the month stuff (Undertale's bandwagon passed almost 2 years ago) you know it's to suck up to someone she can profit from.
>>503442Guess she has been noticing the Patreon dip as well! But oh yeah it's not nude because her nipples and vajayjay has been covered with eensy teensy stickers uwu
>>503466To be honest Mariah is way too predictable. She's following the generic behavioral patterns of an online attention whore. But at this point she's way too malicious, crusty and unlikable to appeal to neckbeards to win them back, when she was still gaining them she still had this certain cute chubby geek girl appeal. If neckbeards want the sexy slut type they go for Nigri and other chicks, not some doped up starfish-shaped landwhale who starts twitter fights.
No. 503570
File: 1518691702794.png (128.87 KB, 1440x805, Screenshot_20180215-054449~2.p…)

Mariah you really shouldn't be patting yourself on the back for buying damn near 35K followers and counting.
No. 503571
File: 1518691724567.jpeg (182.99 KB, 750x696, BDABD397-537C-44A8-8543-0818CB…)

while momo has totally finished her katsu crunch my dudes, the person who was actually working on her cosplays has finally finished
No. 503575
File: 1518692090022.png (951.16 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180215-044108.png)

I can't fucking stand her facial expressions in any of her shoots. Did you guys notice her licking her fangs in every second shot? We get it. You have fangs. Next pose dumbass.
Thanks to the anon who sends these drop boxes btw.
No. 503576
File: 1518692279784.png (Spoiler Image,1.24 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180215-045646.png)

@ the anon who was stressed about her nipple im pretty sure you can see her areola a little bit here if you zoom in.
No. 503577
File: 1518692770853.jpeg (119.45 KB, 584x783, 06D86D0E-C4F2-42FF-8FE5-860CC4…)

>$700 sword
No. 503590
File: 1518695225224.jpg (174.14 KB, 632x874, 324cea01d02efa2c285f8d7a11f422…)

Her Lucoa set is just her with her mouth open in 7 different angles
No. 503599
File: 1518696144883.png (616.79 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180215-125950.png)

>>503594So 115€ is around 140/50 $.
Anyways Moomoo is lazy af if she is willing to pay 700 instead of 150 so she doesn't need to put some work into it.
No. 503601
File: 1518696297989.jpeg (127.77 KB, 750x581, 83972FE4-E88D-4FB4-9F59-3E65AE…)

never forget “they aren’t gay!!!”
No. 503620
File: 1518699368295.gif (4.56 MB, 275x207, 1517103442431.gif)

>>503455Next thread pic please
No. 503680
File: 1518706139685.png (328 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2018-02-15-06-45-01…)

>>503660They accept anyone that wants to join. Most people praising her cow "forest" but there were a few comments worth saving.
No. 503892
File: 1518717585363.jpg (87.99 KB, 1056x976, IMG_7216.JPG)

>>503879As sad as it is to admit, I don't think MyOppa will do anything about this. I hope this screenshot is real. Not sure how real it is. If it is, I'm hoping she really does pay for what she did.
The only way Mariah will bring the issue up again is if well known people bring it to her attention. Think about it. Mariah stayed VERY silent until SSS, Ohnips, and Bunny joined in on it. Even when the tweet had over 2k retweets she ignored it. I hope more well known people call her out on this because I'm sick of her getting away with lies and stealing. All it does is give her a bigger ego and make her think she's untouchable.
No. 503999
File: 1518723579140.gif (748.44 KB, 220x183, nope.gif)

>>503410This is fucking disgusting. wtf.
I'm not even shocked Mooriah would like this utter trash.
>>503442She always has to hold up her nasty cow tits with her arms otherwise they'd be at her belly button.
No. 504117
File: 1518728739774.jpeg (164.85 KB, 900x1200, DWGnHPoVoAAkfVu.jpeg)

LOL someone just accidentally doxxed her on twitter.
No. 504167
File: 1518731608512.png (531.8 KB, 975x847, you card.png)

>>503384I am honored you used my pic for thread 50.
>>503428This needed like 346346 spoiler and warnings. Fucking ugly stoned bitch.
No. 504245
File: 1518735299846.png (2.61 MB, 750x1334, 05E0A70C-A66B-4A70-9599-1B73BB…)

the cow has arrived on the east coast
No. 504277
File: 1518736849788.jpeg (1.67 MB, 3444x1815, 4788BCFB-1015-43F4-ABD4-905439…)

Art anon here.
Keychains finally came in, and they look great. I might make the text on the side that you can feel the drawing on, rather than behind the clear side like pictured. I can do double sided but I’m pretty sure both sides would just end up looking like the lighter gloss side, and in reality I liked the darker vibrant non gloss side.
Also they sent me three of them instead of one for some reason.
No. 504288
File: 1518737377093.jpeg (113.92 KB, 640x1136, image.jpeg)

Nigri posted this and there's very few mentions of moo thankfully
No. 504317
>>504291I’m interested in seeing how she’ll act now that she knows the cosplay community hates her. I’m expecting her usual bullshit, over the top, saccharine “Omg I’m literally crying right now. I love you guys and this community so much and feel so inspired now” posts.
Maybe she might actually play nice knowing that her reputation is the shitter and that saying the wrong thing will only make things worse. But who am I kidding. She’ll just play the victim as usual and whine about the mean bullies who make up lies about her.
No. 504326
>>504320Or she’ll say she is off the hook because she credited them once. In an instastory. And spelled their name wrong purposefully.
It’s disgusting how she blatantly tries to take credit for other people’s work and then gets all pissy when she gets called out for it.
No. 504401
>>504396Moo: Omg I'm a sex worker just like you!!!
Holly: Ummm, I'm an actual paid model.
Moo: Omg I'm a professional lewd model! We have so much in common!!!!
Holly: /internally screams
No. 504402
File: 1518743072254.jpeg (1.69 MB, 1242x1484, EE37DB1A-C5AE-437A-85F4-D04FAE…)

>>504386I’ll post the link to the PSD file to use to make them so anyone can have them, but which side should I put the text on? Any suggestions? Or leave it as is?
Actually, I’ll probably post both options so anyone can choose. Does Dropbox work with PSD files, anyone know?
No. 504418
File: 1518743971114.gif (10.33 MB, 421x750, BBC26AA3-FCDA-4CD4-B9DF-E173FE…)

>>504401tfw you’re in the middle of a conversation and some bitch shoves a chip in your face
No. 504439
>>504425make up and photoshop make her neckbeards dream girl, yes
>>504422somehow shes even more obnoxious in gif form
No. 504530
File: 1518750465219.jpeg (30.56 KB, 393x491, 3B54BDAC-DFD9-4D68-92CC-053966…)

>>503428I always think Moo looks like Judd Nelson. It’s not a good thing.
No. 504567
>>503442Much cosplay, so impress.
This dumb fat bitch, how long till she starts doing softcore porn?
No. 504572
File: 1518752442251.png (146.27 KB, 301x247, 1.png)

>>504530Basically if Momo lost weight.
No. 504598
File: 1518754327231.jpeg (250.67 KB, 750x1089, D0388755-CAA2-4423-99A2-0ADC33…)

No. 504662
>>504598Why does she always wear the same fucking thing????
Is it that hard to wear a nice shirt or skirt every once in awhile
No. 504663
>>504598Somebody forgot their grandmother.
How old is moomoo again?
No. 504671
File: 1518759424218.jpeg (86.08 KB, 747x671, FFE65CE4-6EF8-41B4-B705-1ABA59…)

>>504670Dropped my pic whoops
No. 504672
I'm so glad you're following through, I'm the anon from one of the previous thread who was excited for this
No. 504985
File: 1518801877009.png (1.59 MB, 1730x1318, Screen Shot 2018-02-16 at 12.2…)

>>504983All her stuff is on gonewild now.
No. 504992
File: 1518802111674.png (1.81 MB, 2254x1408, Screen Shot 2018-02-16 at 12.2…)

Who tipped over Bessie the cow?
No. 504993
File: 1518802154909.png (2.86 MB, 2560x1600, Screen Shot 2018-02-16 at 12.2…)

>>504981this video was probably the least sexy thing ever. The candy sucking made me think of a fat/feeder fetish.
No. 505005
>>504993she's going for the right audience, that's for sure.
>53 mehhah
No. 505007
File: 1518802672679.png (Spoiler Image,1.32 MB, 910x1406, Screen Shot 2018-02-16 at 12.3…)

>>505004Vamp and moo having a video together from this shoot.
No. 505009
>>505007This CANNOT be real.
No one could possibly think this pose and lack of smoothing in post is in any way flattering. Oh my goddddddddddd
No. 505013
File: 1518802874505.png (223.23 KB, 579x643, Screen Shot 2018-02-16 at 7.41…)

>>505007holy shit those stretchmarks
No. 505017
File: 1518803012626.jpg (10.55 KB, 250x145, Screenshot_20180216-114015.jpg)

>>504981so embarrassing
>>505007lmao i don't even have the words
No. 505020
>>505013girl calm down, stretch marks happen to the best of us.
you need to fuckin zoom to see what you talkin about. take a break
No. 505049
>>505007I understand the confusion due to the busted face, but that is Vamp 2.0, elizabethrage.
Happy Friday everyone, here is to another milky weekend from our milkiest cow!
No. 505056
File: 1518804375160.png (3.83 MB, 1242x2208, E9FE8C37-4EA1-4134-811B-CE1AD8…)

>>505025What was the point of this video it made me so uncomfortable
No. 505058
File: 1518804495751.gif (7.07 MB, 421x750, 59CD6C39-DE0F-4A72-A9B9-6A538C…)

ready to go whole hog
No. 505063
File: 1518804728355.gif (8.63 MB, 421x750, 2F4EA8BB-EF58-4E05-A276-1DD100…)

>>505058I hope she’s ready for another massive chin break out
No. 505082
File: 1518805445699.gif (10.76 MB, 421x750, E1158643-F821-4420-954E-79BD39…)

cosplay queen is heading down to the gazebo
No. 505149
File: 1518808109462.png (1.46 MB, 1532x951, thethristiscoming.png)

No. 505225
File: 1518810612780.jpg (102.5 KB, 768x1024, IMG_20180216_114921.jpg)

No. 505244
File: 1518811196513.png (800.24 KB, 640x1136, IMG_8245.PNG)

No. 505248
File: 1518811268264.png (460.78 KB, 369x718, Screenshot_2018-02-16-11-54-55…)

No. 505251
File: 1518811299544.png (386.31 KB, 314x716, Screenshot_2018-02-16-11-55-08…)

No. 505274
File: 1518811850736.png (471.6 KB, 1136x640, IMG_8248.PNG)

>>504981She's so fucking huge.
She thinks she can fool people with lipo and over editing, but those arms don't lie.
No. 505285
File: 1518812082048.png (613.71 KB, 371x900, Screenshot_2018-02-16-12-13-34…)

No. 505288
File: 1518812160495.png (632.01 KB, 1136x640, IMG_8250.PNG)

>>505279Seriously, she thinks she's so sexy
No. 505314
File: 1518813238552.jpeg (Spoiler Image,203.65 KB, 1920x2880, ewewew.jpeg)

From her cooking v day set, spoilered for her gross ass
No. 505315
File: 1518813296207.jpeg (200.57 KB, 1920x2880, gma tits.jpeg)

No. 505318
File: 1518813383696.jpeg (137.86 KB, 1920x2880, backfat.jpeg)

No. 505329
>>505321So she can claim she worked on it
(base apron bought from etsy)
No. 505330
>>505329haha, i like that interpretation.
our moo's so clever she altered it for the shoot!
No. 505334
File: 1518813964537.gif (12.69 MB, 421x750, 890ECC04-80FC-4FC9-BD67-9167A3…)

you literally can’t hear a word she’s saying because of the mask and the wind. vamps shooting, momo says something about her nipple, a huge chunk of paint has come off of her roadhog mask near the front exposing green
No. 505349
File: 1518814576695.gif (19.32 MB, 421x750, 3C749CEB-9B00-4CD6-A721-083ADF…)

a beacon of love and light to her fans
No. 505352
File: 1518814658074.gif (6.81 MB, 421x750, 233FE045-EE5B-439D-B9F5-BFDF52…)

>>505349But don’t forget what you’re really at the con for, rubbin Asian boys
No. 505354
>>505349That fake "gotta look loving and kind for cameras"
..and dang that's a big bitch
No. 505371
File: 1518815652473.gif (8.4 MB, 421x750, C7E55094-000F-454A-9B81-781E4F…)

No. 505376
>>505349I would absolutely hate if someone was up in my face like momo is even as a fan. their faces are like 5 inches apart.
Also that awkward moment when your 'fan's' costume is better than yours and more accurate.
No. 505380
File: 1518816197415.gif (9.9 MB, 421x750, B8660653-AB15-4F76-9C0E-C9B5CB…)

>>505376I’m starting to think she can’t NOT be right in someone’s face all the time
No. 505397
File: 1518816842179.gif (18.23 MB, 421x750, D42B275C-877C-4EE6-AB6F-84E87A…)

see that hog watch that scene it’s the emote dancing queen
No. 505420
File: 1518817798597.jpg (2.2 MB, 4032x3024, 20180216_142300.jpg)

First time posting. Enjoy
No. 505441
File: 1518818983889.jpeg (254.9 KB, 750x1071, EAD18BD8-8F2E-4552-8C65-E036C8…)

No. 505445
>>505438The dipshits that follow mariah wont know that.
>>505430 has a point
No. 505457
>>505430The original hentai was called Milk party, hence support the Milk party.
Momo is selling her keychains for $30 each, and these are going to be free to use and make and whatever else you want with the design, aka relatively cheaper and nobody profits.
Also it was supposed to be a “how does it feel to have your design stolen and not given any credit” sort of feel, and the fact we made a few small changes like “momo did to the original hentai cow girl and called it “her original creation.” (Aka, just changed the size of the horns.)
No. 505460
>>505457saying "support
the milk party" instead of support milk party was fucking stupid tbh. i think these are fucking dumb because the idea is ruined by poor design.
No. 505473
>>505456Why the "eww no"? In just trying to get some cute keychains while screwing over my favorite cow the same way she did to myoppa.
And sage your shit, don't bump the thread if you're not contributing anything useful.
No. 505476
>>505450Does it really matter if I left out "the"? Who cares.
>>505445I was giving background on the charm, I'm not the one who made it. I also don't disagree with that anon.
No. 505478
File: 1518821169722.jpeg (64.67 KB, 640x360, A650F2C8-5F0A-4A18-9E44-93599F…)

>>505469She does but to be fair that is actually how it works in the anime
No. 505484
File: 1518821450576.jpg (123.25 KB, 720x1173, DWDs0QCWAAA8Pc5.jpg)

Saw on my twitter feed, enjoy a nice throwback
No. 505501
>>505457>>505438Not a momokun lerker, but my impression seeing these better keychains is that Mariah stole the design of this art and simplified it for her OC
It honestly makes her look worse with all these allegations going around
No. 505540
File: 1518824889119.png (Spoiler Image,1.75 MB, 934x1402, Screen Shot 2018-02-16 at 6.47…)

No. 505567
>>504277I'm gonna legit buy two of these. Great work
>>504598She dresses like a fucking hobo. she looks like she smells bad here
No. 505583
File: 1518826598206.gif (14.25 MB, 421x750, 58691777-F400-4A0D-BCB7-C3DA6B…)

a bunny suit and a cow suit coming atcha
No. 505593
File: 1518826896379.png (367.57 KB, 1080x616, 20180216_212028.png)

i hate this
No. 505651
>>505642Stop samefagging, it's incredibly obvious when you're not saging.
Either contribute, or stop shitting the thread up.
What is with the influx of newfags every time she goes to a con? It's like she's telling everyone about it or something, trying to garner pity and get more white knights.
No. 505670
>>505651It's obvious. We know she lurks here. She is always looking for pity points. It's no surprise she is telling her friends about this site. I'm sure it's to the point they're tired of hearing her talking about it. It's like when she was on Twitch one time and spent most of the stream talking about this website and tried to debunk all the "rumors". It was funny when people in the stream told her to shut up about lolcow and just play the game.
And yet… still no statement about the MyOppa scandal. That's how you know she knows she fucked up.
No. 505671
File: 1518830906406.png (1.2 MB, 1773x1866, 1517009507418.png)

>>505473>>504610Charm download link Here: be ready to go and I attached some instructions on how to order from Zap Creatives! Do whatever you guys like.
No. 505699
File: 1518833501647.jpeg (217.2 KB, 750x1051, 191B0A22-12E6-49E3-B392-22A2CC…)

No. 505701
File: 1518833842375.png (107.69 KB, 743x723, IMG_1761.PNG)

>>505371You think it's related?
No. 505703
File: 1518833896884.png (1.17 MB, 1427x1075, bitchbeencaught.png)

>>504981when you get caught stealing designs and original content
No. 505707
File: 1518833972686.jpg (16.89 KB, 256x256, IMG_1130.JPG)

>>505380She's clinging onto Holly because Jess isn't there.
Holly has always been known as discount Nigri I guess.
No. 505715
>>505710Yep, she loves to pretend that she's an irresistible temptress because she can't hold a steady relationship to save her sorry life.
Being an easy lay around guys as trashy as she is means that sometimes she succeeds.
No. 505728
File: 1518835689780.png (1.54 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180216-184253.png)

I guess the girl started crying because she met her cosplay idol…
No. 505729
File: 1518835726648.png (1.04 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180216-184240.png)

Huge up close
No. 505732
File: 1518835849304.png (1.46 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180216-184930.png)

The translation?
No. 505762
File: 1518838971805.png (423.21 KB, 463x1067, what.png)

>>504981While the production quality was actually pretty good… what even was this video?
No. 505782
File: 1518840572158.jpeg (383.87 KB, 2048x2048, C81D0D04-BA7E-49C5-B79B-32C4B1…)

Look who's back!!
No. 505785
File: 1518840662579.jpeg (507.03 KB, 1242x1682, 2403146B-5EDF-4741-8C3C-B6E90C…)

The fat squished underneath her pit… She has to be in pain all the time.
No. 505786
File: 1518840718513.jpeg (560.77 KB, 1242x1853, 1B1841E1-A9A9-437F-845C-DCB1A3…)

Her fans know what they really care about lmao. Also this caption is low-key creepy.
No. 505794
>>505790she is super self conscious about both fupa-chan and hankhill-kun.
flannel-kun is a two for one solution that hides both.
No. 505803
File: 1518841662980.png (9.82 MB, 1242x2208, 6712CDB1-6C74-43D0-9084-479478…)

Hard to see but the hard says “surgery can help”
She zooms In on it and makes a face before stuttering a half cut off “I already got it though”
No. 505829
File: 1518843911522.gif (4.32 MB, 421x750, 3CE5706D-C5AF-4713-B232-FF5E12…)

>>505756Yw anon I was hoping people appreciated it and hoped it was annoying, plus she’s so hard to cap sometimes and some of her stuff is more horrific in motion so it all helps.
No. 505840
File: 1518844972161.gif (8.55 MB, 421x750, 9656AE57-03A4-4BA4-B419-FDAC07…)

No. 505855
File: 1518846541376.gif (5.3 MB, 421x750, 6E8AADAA-8D44-43EE-A02C-D26FCA…)

>>505803I already got it tho gif
No. 505880
>>505855She's probably high as fuck right now. That wig is going to be ratty as fuck by the end of the night.
These leaked videos really show how against her body she is. Her photos look nothing like this. We can all accept that some photoshop is acceptable even if it's bad, but she's having her entire body manipulated whenever she can.
No. 505882
>>505880she looks like a different person, and i dont mean that as a compliment
even in her face alone
No. 505883
File: 1518848839487.gif (9.46 MB, 421x750, 43B6F35A-4ED8-4D4B-B551-153D78…)

Carrying the girl she usually shoots her pochaco/sonico sets with
No. 505889
>>505883If she does something and doesn’t take video of it
Did it really happen at all
No. 505897
File: 1518849910234.jpg (65.74 KB, 506x928, 894914894189.jpg)

is this really a con? what the actual fuck
No. 505924
File: 1518852586820.jpeg (106.35 KB, 750x644, F3412EAF-3F59-4A62-B059-A5D7E8…)

blah blah more sabah project hype, and a lolworthy retweet.
thanks for reminding us how ~highly you think of yourself momo. sometimes begone thot just means you want the damn thot gone
No. 505926
>>505786Oh god…this guy!
He's pretty creepy and white knights. A lot.
No. 505930
File: 1518853206386.png (837.23 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180217-094003.png)

those arms are HAMMY
No. 505938
File: 1518854054738.png (380.83 KB, 528x553, creepass.PNG)

>>505926Honestly I was wondering about him, he's in a few RT's she's done and he just seems so cringey.
No. 505942
File: 1518854247463.jpeg (1.4 MB, 1242x1870, 55068A67-5AF6-478B-9978-6ECB77…)

>>505912We all learn anon lol. I love going to local cons, but god knows I would never fly out for… this. It's nothing different from any other con except you pay an assload to go. Would rather shell out the money for Mag if I was really that desperate to sperg at Gaylord.
>>505926OT but I looked thru his IG a bit and he genuinely seems unstable. It's entirely devoted to talked about female cosplayers and how in love with them he is, how much he "misses" the ones that he's taken pictures with at cons, and how much they care about him. And gives them fanart and stuff. It's really spooky.
No. 505961
>>505959Nah they seem to
love it
But that kind of "out of pity" love
But let's not throw the thread OT,k?
No. 505964
File: 1518858100855.gif (1.65 MB, 500x281, giphy.gif)

>>505936footage of momo loving her "fans"…
No. 505966
>>504277>>504402>>505671You guys are free to take your traced re-stolen art project out of here, bans are being issued on counts of derailing, encouragement of cowtipping
>>504314, and failure to adhere to board culture. This is a final warning.
Stay on topic.
No. 505977
>>504187 Yeah,a lot are there,like Byndo Gehk,Bindi Smalls,Stella Chuu,Kaybear,Danielle Bagle or whatever her fucking last name is!
So yeah..practically a big chunk of her "idols are there
No. 506024
File: 1518869549171.png (2.64 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180217-040835.png)

Found this from ALA though
She's really lucky she had her stomach shaped and sucked because her natural overhang would be disgusting
No. 506046
>>505897For anyone not familiar with Katsucon, think of it this way.
Imagine the dumbest college frat party you can with unlimited alcohol and each room in the house is hosting its own mini-party with even more alcohol.
Now add cosplay to that and there's Katsucon.
It's like Momo's heaven on Earth and odds are we're never going to be rid of her after this.
No. 506085
File: 1518880622789.png (2.55 MB, 750x1334, ADDC3ADD-634F-43C3-B9BC-D0057E…)

She’s going to look like a football player wearing all of saber, I can’t wait.
No. 506098
File: 1518882199783.jpeg (145.11 KB, 1200x800, 04948DDB-9F2C-4788-A1A5-0ACB83…)

No. 506116
>>505897>>506046Pretty much this. I've attended Katsu since its old location in DC and it never got this bad until certain types of cosplayers started attending. Now it's been synonymous with being a party con. It's basically the same cancer killing Magfest prime. Imagine lots of drunk people and half dressed cosplay thots, all fighting for attention. That's katsu now.
>>506085Very excited to see this disaster. Hope there are some candid shots.
No. 506119
File: 1518883333833.gif (2.07 MB, 320x179, 1338903936523707793.gif)

>>506087Please, and thank you.
No. 506164
>>506129>>506116Let me tell you guys about Colossalcon…
We've got Nigri and Momo and other costhots flying out here to bumfuck Ohio because "waterpark con".
A few years back it was fun and laid back, now us locals can't even get a fucking room because it's overrun with people like them. It's the worst.
No. 506165
>>506116You anons sound like some boring fucks tbh. Alcohol and party cons are absolutely fine and are fun as fuck with the right people. It's the shitty cosplayers that are buying shit from China and spreading STD's that are the problem. Like Moo!
Let's keep trashing Moo instead of looking like a bunch of beta-cucks who need to get back home before 10pm so mommy can warm our milk for us.
No. 506197
>>506165>beta cucksFound the 4chan pseudo alpha
Most of us go to cons to enjoy fandoms and costumes, not slog through crowds of drunken normies. I don’t want to pay hundreds for the same experience I could get going to a bar or club at a fraction of the cost. Momo is one cow but her mentality isn’t hers alone and is poison to the community.
No. 506227
>>506197>>506202>>506204>>506216>>506221>>506225this petty derailing shit is how we got demoted to snow, get the fuck out of here with this stupid shit. it gives us a chance to see moomo acting like a damn fool, so appreciate it for that.
more on topic, did anyone else find the candid roadhog pics not as bad as they expected? especially the videos, her back looks pretty smooth - filter magic or surgical smoothing?
No. 506233
>>506227We won't know how we got demoted till the townhall tmrw. Too much speculation.
BUT YES. It's weird. But not consistent all the time. She probably holds most of her fat in her arms or stomach so while her back has rolls it's not where her fat goes first.
No. 506318
>>505732spanish anon here, it means dirty encounters of the third kind
marranos means pigs but its also adjective for dirty and nasty
No. 506352
File: 1518896745024.png (1.21 MB, 640x1136, image.png)

>>506345Found a tagged photo in IG
No. 506369
>>506357Thats probably why she isn't showing it off like her more revealing cosplays, even though this is suppose to be her DREAM COSPLAY.
>>506351Reminds me of her Camilla 2.0 tbh. Rushed it while at the same time hyping it up, but it was PURE GARBAGE and literally held up by binder clips.
No. 506376
File: 1518897880152.jpeg (147.55 KB, 960x720, 752039ED-7767-4DDA-AC34-4F1460…)

Oh boy
No. 506388
File: 1518898764600.jpeg (200.57 KB, 750x1020, 64407693-76AB-4D66-AB1A-BD3B05…)

No. 506391
File: 1518898865201.jpeg (204.58 KB, 750x1012, E4F9196F-B2B2-419B-B5F6-495D64…)

No. 506392
File: 1518898885610.jpeg (69.37 KB, 750x338, 887E9F03-3970-4EA1-876D-D2D37F…)

No. 506394
File: 1518898967444.jpg (55.09 KB, 720x960, 1518585635247[1].jpg)

>>506364>>506388>>506391i'm not seeing that side armor she worked so hard on…
No. 506401
>>506322Bingo,that's what I'm saying to all the people who are like "I feel so sorry for her,she doesn't know what she's getting herself involved in"
Like,NOPE,I don't feel sorry for her,these naive teen fans of hers are old enough to know between right and wrong,and when this fangirl of hers comes to realize momo is a scumbag and it's too late,that's on her ass
No. 506404
File: 1518899326038.png (131.11 KB, 750x1291, IMG_6568.PNG)

Did she cut the bangs with a nail clipper
No. 506405
File: 1518899398651.jpeg (1.32 MB, 1242x1993, 1DF2D201-A4EC-456E-8E46-7BA78F…)

No. 506411
File: 1518899642135.png (78.43 KB, 274x320, 409.png)

>>506409Vamplette's future cosplay
No. 506415
File: 1518899849158.png (1.63 MB, 750x1334, C71E98CE-2101-46CD-96C8-D9A63B…)

>>506227I took this pic yesterday but forgot to upload it. Look at her fucking belly
No. 506416
>>506409mariah stuffin her face with candy. nobody's surprised.
and vamp drinking something with heavy cream. no wonder she's gaining weight
No. 506417
>>506391>>506404Cosplay Granny.
>>506409This profile view of Vamp looks like Luna Slater's boyfriend Lurch with blonde hair.
No. 506426
File: 1518900782490.jpg (138.22 KB, 900x1200, DWQ3_DVW0AANUwh.jpg)

No. 506427
File: 1518900977473.jpg (123.84 KB, 675x1200, DWQsXPgXcAAny9e.jpg)

When you see it..
No. 506428
File: 1518901096197.jpg (60.35 KB, 360x480, IMG_1035.JPG)

>>506426The blues are different shades and oh god I can't get over those damn bangs.
No. 506466
File: 1518903579896.gif (9.74 MB, 421x750, 058DBC93-498F-4E27-B8CB-0CC606…)

No. 506469
Can someone explain to me how her tits look relatively small in
>>505318 but like huge hanging cow udders in
>>505323? I can't wrap my head around that difference. Are they all length and no volume?
No. 506474
File: 1518903958163.png (1.02 MB, 640x1136, image.png)

She's gonna shoot in SF next month
No. 506477
File: 1518904023876.jpg (16.81 KB, 325x251, mysides.jpg)

>>506466>>506468How pathetic is this cow to take such pride in a costume she had almost zero to do with making??
No. 506478
File: 1518904055298.gif (17.38 MB, 421x750, 7D1EB1A6-BF1A-467D-BE8F-984325…)

No. 506479
File: 1518904154646.jpg (86.7 KB, 600x600, FIGURE-006243.jpg)

>>506470The whole chest piece should be smaller, but it seems that kbbq was afraid to make it too small for her considering how fast she gains weight (or maybe just on purpose) and at the end made a massive chest plate.
No. 506509
>>506494The issue is that it was commissioned probably 2 lipo sessions ago. She's had that chest piece for months (around when she first got Guzma I believe) so with how much her weight/size fluctuates it probably would have fit perfectly if she wasnt addicted to lipo.
Also I'm
triggered by the extremely visible hoop skirt.
>>506405 Once again her 'fan' outdoes her from the neck down. Just get like a thin bridal petti to go over the hoops. Also GET AN IRON I'm so
triggered No. 506518
>>506405>>506426>>506466why is she wearing the side armor here but not
>>506352>>506364>>506388 No. 506524
>>506479I think it looks weird because the part where the cape comes together it behind her chest piece. Making it pop out more.
It looks fine here
>>506405 when she is wearing the cape over the chest plate like the actual art.
It looks like Mariah's lack of attention to detail was the culprit once again (what a surprise).
Although, I also wouldn't be surprised if she gave him measurements of her body without a waist trainer and she's probably wearing a corset or something under the dress making her waist tinier than it actually is.
No. 506541
File: 1518906388018.jpg (2.13 MB, 2560x2560, 18-02-17-16-59-30-788_deco.jpg)

>>506474I'm just going to list off some things Mariah would have benefited from when "making" and wearing this cosplay.
>Binding her chest before putting on her armor. It would help with not only making the chest piece lay better but it would be accurate to the character.
>Letting someone else make all her armor.She would have been better off letting KBBQ make all of the armor because as it is, it doesn't look uniform.
>NOT doing that dumb "weathering" shit to the armor.She made her armor look far worse buy "weathering" it. It looks cheap and is inaccurate to how Saber's armor looks in official works.
>Clasping the cape over the chest piece. I have no idea why she thought it went beneath when it's show to go over it. Pic related.
>Using a not so poofy petticoat instead of a hoopskirt.The white fabric seems thin, so it would definitely look better with a petti than a hoop skirt. Also, again, it would be more accurate considering that Saber's dress isn't all that poofy in the first place.
>Buying a prestyled wig from a decent seller.She needs to do this in general but especially with Saber. It looks sloppy and drags the quality of her already mediocre cosplay down.
>Pay more attention to certain details.Like how the cloth part of that black leather belt goes over the dress and not underneath. Nor is it attached to the base dress.
>Appropriate makeupLight foundation, natural looking, short falsies, tightlining her eyes, softer brows and some carmex for her ashy ass lips would have been much better. It fits Saber better than what she had currently going on.
That's all I could think of from the top of my head.
No. 506552
File: 1518906903580.jpeg (297.78 KB, 747x1082, E6ADA283-A8D7-40DC-8315-00AE44…)

No. 506571
>>506552yeah nah it's definitely not supposed to pop out like that and I don't know why she thinks it's ok. it looks like it's falling apart like her shitty Mei boots.
this could've been an ok cosplay -not amazing, but ok - but in typical Mariah fashion she has to terminally fuck it up. not just with the chest armor, but neglecting to pack the rest of the fucking costume….
No. 506668
File: 1518915242528.jpeg (261.61 KB, 731x868, 098C4370-DB9D-483C-A13E-96F78C…)

>>506665No she paid $700 for mordred which is another sword from the fate series
No. 506694
File: 1518917613467.jpg (6.02 KB, 268x188, images.jpg)

that's what she was reminding me of
No. 506698
>>506678the fangirl looks like she could be her little sister or cousin
in before mariah starts calling her that
No. 506723
File: 1518920081346.gif (5.39 MB, 421x750, 3A614F0A-EC17-4578-8664-F88E9A…)

if no one takes a picture of you taking pictures are you even a photographer?
No. 506729
File: 1518920277481.gif (7.93 MB, 421x750, 7BF34BCD-B5B2-4B97-B8BB-37BA96…)

Blowing smoke and grabbing Asians faces, typical momo stuff nbd
No. 506746
>>506723Those. Fucking. Loafers. Does she own more than two pairs of shoes? Holy shit.
And why is her fucking neck as thick as her head?!
No. 506751
File: 1518921588264.png (2.15 MB, 750x1334, B474393C-524A-4CFE-9EC3-67B08B…)

Y’all know this is going to her head
No. 506835
File: 1518927796529.png (935.45 KB, 640x1136, IMG_8276.PNG)

Okay but why her tiddy falling out.
Probably so she can take "sexy" shots.
She really can't do a cosplay without finding a way to slut it up.
No. 506896
File: 1518930855350.png (1.36 MB, 720x1193, Screenshot_2018-02-17-21-11-17…)

No. 506897
File: 1518930885680.png (613.33 KB, 720x1194, Screenshot_2018-02-17-21-11-22…)

No. 506903
File: 1518931525068.png (1.13 MB, 720x834, Screenshot_2018-02-17-21-19-40…)

No. 506935
>>506903photos like this proves that she's a nobody. You think yaya, jnig or even lesser known cosplayers like Steff, or Phil Mizuno could stand in the middle of a busy con hallway and have literally NO ONE even looking in her direction? If there were a bunch of people taking pictures in front of her there would also be glances because people are nosy. it just shows how little people care about her cosplay and her as a person.
So much for having 'totemo legit' 100k followers
Also her prop isnt peace bonded so she's breaking those con rules as well since i'm pretty sure Katsucon has a rule that all large/weapon props need to be checked.
No. 506941
File: 1518934553196.png (327.34 KB, 357x626, Screenshot 2018-02-17 at 10.14…)

did fupachan break a boning channel already?
No. 506946
File: 1518934815688.png (119.16 KB, 154x434, Screenshot 2018-02-17 at 10.20…)

i dunno if this was posted yet got jfc
No. 506948
File: 1518935095910.gif (393.75 KB, 540x299, 1506346876262.gif)

>>50694622 and so busted.
No. 506950
File: 1518935129577.png (325.64 KB, 595x622, Screenshot 2018-02-17 at 10.24…)

I knew that chick seemed familiar. She's a girl who tags Moo in e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g.
No. 506951
File: 1518935216271.png (239.92 KB, 599x623, Screenshot 2018-02-17 at 10.27…)

No. 506964
File: 1518935980922.jpg (129.55 KB, 921x867, 894948489.jpg)

>>506951ok this is way too much
No. 506971
File: 1518936336547.jpg (20.02 KB, 544x370, dPlzTty.jpg)

>>506964So Mariah wants to wear Nigiri's skin, and this girl wants to wear Mariah's skin. Amazing.
No. 507013
>>506477Yeah seriously every time she does a "bigger build" like this she acts like it's a huge accomplishment that she made a costume that's not based on sex appeal and how "hard" she worked for a cosplay that's 90% commissioned.
>>506668I don't get why she can throw $700 on a fucking sword but insists on ruining her wigs herself. They always look awful with straight-chopped strands of hair, ratty look due to excessive product being used and the wrong color almost every time.
>>506964To be honest this person seems to be pretty unstable/socially impaired judging by her social media.
No. 507019
>>507002She also wore the chestplate wrong it looks like and it
triggers me. Like why is the cape behind it instead of in front of it like the official art? It makes the chest piece look chunkier than it actually is.
I don't know how this girl could ever be proud of her "big builds" when she makes barely anything for them. Where's the fun and joy in that? The worst part is she acts like she's doing the actual cosplayers a favor by wearing what she commissioned from them. Thinking she's some walking advertisement yet she continues to take credit for other people's work.
She calls herself a "weeb with a sewing machine" but she never even uses her fucking sewing machine. The irony.
No. 507027
File: 1518942764549.jpg (308.53 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_20180218_033136.jpg)

Those bangs are atrocious.
>>506950Endo is diagnosed only with surgery. She's playing it up for attention.
No. 507031
>>506903I feel like this could have been ok if she had not worn the cape, secured the chestplate correctly and had a hoopskirt that actually fit correctly. This one is way too big and to get the right shape for Saber you pretty much have to custom make it.
I still think she wore the cape to cover up the fact that she didn't make the back armor.
Basically moo took what could have been a mildly decent costume and turned it into a shitshow
No. 507049
>>506903I feel a little bad that this was her “dream” Cosplay and yet it doesn’t look anything special… the dark eyebrows, ten uneven bangs, the plainness of it all.
I know it sounds just like general levels of mean that we always are when I say it but I genuinely feel a smidge bad for her. It’s a such a huge let down of a costume.
No. 507266
File: 1518973184108.gif (6.95 MB, 421x750, 953135E4-E980-4AB8-8FD2-0B6BF1…)

day three has started
No. 507275
File: 1518973656307.gif (7.02 MB, 421x750, 62020978-7BF9-4E42-82F5-21C8E2…)

“When your friend is a low key celebrity so you have to wait”
No. 507285
File: 1518974199814.gif (7.6 MB, 421x750, 3B899431-85D1-4F70-89A4-9D6A8E…)

No. 507292
File: 1518974657852.png (179.94 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180218-091711.png)

caps taken from a group with her saber cosplay posted. kek
No. 507296
File: 1518974821113.gif (1.35 MB, 500x433, 1516335626163.gif)

>>507285The epitome of class, ladies and gentlemen.
No. 507447
File: 1518983854310.jpeg (240.65 KB, 750x1061, DCF18A02-2F37-49C1-88D9-53AC84…)

> stop bullying
> under a momokun picture
No. 507493
File: 1518985797514.jpg (17.48 KB, 344x383, 04f973717a839fe5a25fc5f35c93f6…)

>>506862>>507005I saw her Saber and her makeup made her look gray. It was weird.
No. 507557
>>507523yup, found here:
>>>/snow/386826looks like someone has already been posting about moo's munchie stalker in this thread too
No. 507572
File: 1518990088677.jpg (187.84 KB, 900x1200, prof.jpg)

No. 507584
File: 1518990703189.png (54.55 KB, 659x497, facebook comments.png)

No. 507594
File: 1518991282106.png (490.09 KB, 449x401, girls-laughing.png)

>>507572That breast plate just hovering above her tits will forever
trigger me. Nothing is fitted right. Her wig is sloppy and the bangs are fucked. It's hilariously plain and bad. It's literally a novice's first big cosplay; ill-fitted hoop skirt and all. It's BAD.
No. 507608
File: 1518992070305.png (382.17 KB, 480x472, 53516637373.png)

I know that there's a calves thread. But is still laughable the comparations between them in the quality aspect.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 507658
>>507629What's with these above average looking cosplayers dating below average guys who are also their photographers? I guess it kills two birds with one stone?
But like anon said I don't think Mariah cares whether or not he's taken. Plus he's a fuckboy himself. He tried to chase after some of my friends by using photo shoots as an excuse to be near them.
No. 507671
>>507572Put the cape over the chest plate!!! Why is she so dumb? The chest plate is clearly sticking out because the cape is right behind it.
>>507584Why does she keep insisting she "works hard" on her cosplays. Oh honey… you barely made anything on it! I'm sorry that you think making 15% of your own cosplay is "hard work." Yeah, maybe that's a lot more than you're used to doing but many of us cosplayers work on more than half of our cosplays!
Honestly, she can just say that she commissions everything and doesn't do any work. Hell, she could've used it as a way to talk about how she commissions because she's SOOOO busy taking so many classes. No one would care if she didn't do any work. It's when she pretends to be a hard worker when she clearly isn't is when people have a problem.
Just stop Moo.
No. 507736
>>507572what the fuck is wrong with her skirt. she is standing right!?!? someone explain this to me, i dont cosplay or wear skirts
and that fucking plate, god its like her whole cosplay is running away to the left side of the photo
No. 507753
File: 1518998646391.jpeg (205.34 KB, 750x1155, 2BCC79E7-B925-4089-A483-C61E05…)

Time to delete this guy from my page
No. 507754
File: 1518998662319.jpeg (142.18 KB, 669x1073, 6F5FD18C-19B9-494C-BED0-C16CA4…)

No. 507760
>>507753you should anyway, I watched this guy put his hands all over a very drunk girl in the hotel lobby of AWA, he never stopped even though she continuously pushed him away.
Even alerted staff and they did nothing.
No. 507771
File: 1518999248279.jpeg (226.87 KB, 750x832, 9BBE5D55-3B96-43AA-87BB-BA6525…)

roblox oof
No. 507779
>>507776oh ok, they are all shitty tho. also omar is so so so fucking ugly he looks like a 40 years old jesus lord
ok sage for ot
No. 507802
File: 1519000468778.jpg (211.35 KB, 1107x832, 541651489.jpg)

>>507771such attention to details my dudes
No. 507848
>>507771I seriously think this is literally the worst we've ever seen her so far. She looks 40 years old, bloated, ans high/drunk/has downs syndrome.
How does she allow shit like this to get posted on the internet???
No. 507849
>>507845someone said they arent allowed anyways, but im just amused its another thing shes screwed up
what a fucking joke of an existance.
No. 507857
>>507849She has to know it’s rough, she only wore it for a short amount of time (is already back into her pink wig, flannelchan combo on vamps story) and she hasn’t posted
any pictures of it besides the one on her instastory and that’s not even full body. The picture that was posted she’s only tagged in
No. 507864
File: 1519002377169.gif (5.69 MB, 421x750, 57A9488A-6C7B-4E8C-BA78-935D5E…)

No. 507923
File: 1519004542390.jpeg (2.07 MB, 1232x2134, 72EDB0B3-2420-4A17-B822-829A8B…)

No. 507949
>>507802She legitimately looks like she’s on hard drugs here. She’s so…grey and dead looking.
But she’s still fat so idk.
No. 507956
>>507880Seriously. I mean I’m sure we all have had some pretty bad candid photos at cons. But god damn, she looks bad in ALL of them.
Poor moo. Her ugly personality is taking over. She used to be so cute.
No. 507961
File: 1519005641472.png (1.71 MB, 750x1334, 8F0EEA66-D138-414D-BD24-1402DB…)

The ripples in her stomach
No. 507969
File: 1519006046654.gif (7.39 MB, 421x750, D7890228-F0AC-452B-BA4A-F203C9…)

birthday dinner for vamp, was a good friend and brought cupcakes, lead an annoying rendition of happy birthday (always annoying) and still with new bff holly
No. 507988
File: 1519006790466.png (3.85 MB, 750x1334, 54A17138-A6D4-4BDF-A453-2679FE…)

No. 507995
File: 1519007041427.png (3.22 MB, 750x1334, 191BCFDA-0899-4159-9EA8-2BC06F…)

>>507988the “plotting” is continued from vamps insta, I’m assuming the plotting was actually while momo was getting the cupcakes…but momo with the late response as usual
No. 508043
File: 1519008907626.png (2.12 MB, 750x1334, 00638DB3-CF7F-481C-9595-A597B1…)

No. 508067
>>508054look at it closer
Her stomach is almost as far out as her boobs and she just has her arm pressed to her side, there's still a lot of her that's hidden behind her hammy arms. It just looks a bit like she's smaller because she's wearing something with an open back so where that seem is almost looks like where her waist ends. Where he
r stomach roll is is also where her (probably control top) tights/leggings starts so it pulls her in but only there.
I'm also laughing cause now that i'm looking at the picture, that dude had perkier tits than momo
No. 508088
File: 1519010850566.png (2.34 MB, 750x1334, DB848DEA-DEF3-4C49-9BB3-A53DB2…)

look how tame her party is my guys! just a few friends! I’m sure she’s about to break out her laptop and start studying! See this totally isn’t a crazy party like the other nights of the con!
No. 508096
really looks like a blobfish here lmaooo
No. 508097
>>508093Yeah the cons over but it looks like they’re still at the hotel and everything.
>vamp said she wasn’t really into devilman despite momos pushing >makes everyone watch devilman on vamps birthday No. 508103
File: 1519011554726.jpg (41.38 KB, 600x626, DEP0ck1V0AAez-o.jpg)

>>507802Cat, if you can't take measurements and complete something for someone WHO WAS JUST AT YOUR FUCKING HOUSE you shouldn't be taking commissions.
I know this is Moo but holy shit, if she breathes her top will pop. She had to have someone lube her up for this blouse.
No. 508107
>>508097Ah okay!
But yeah,this weekend at Katsu for Momo looked very milky
Anyone know if her munchie fangirl stalker still around there?
No. 508123
File: 1519012848896.jpeg (187.31 KB, 743x744, 696BA0AC-63FF-4A45-A8F7-1BB09B…)

seams holding on for dear life
No. 508126
God damn, Cat does her no favors with her commissions, does she?
No. 508136
File: 1519013847897.png (181.72 KB, 269x471, Screenshot 2018-02-18 at 8.17.…)

No. 508142
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No. 508144
File: 1519014393043.png (236.75 KB, 289x588, Screenshot 2018-02-18 at 8.26.…)

No. 508147
File: 1519014439692.png (221.26 KB, 324x461, Screenshot 2018-02-18 at 8.27.…)

No. 508154
File: 1519014814164.png (429.18 KB, 534x577, Screenshot 2018-02-18 at 8.33.…)

No. 508155
File: 1519014851262.png (136 KB, 199x464, Screenshot 2018-02-18 at 8.34.…)

No. 508169
File: 1519016152370.jpeg (196.88 KB, 1200x1200, CD04DAC0-09C2-4002-8BC5-805985…)

do you think she needed help back up?
No. 508174
File: 1519016818507.gif (5.73 MB, 421x750, AEE71355-A881-4DF6-9AE7-BF51B1…)

Godspeed pinku wiggu you’ve held on this long
No. 508176
File: 1519017149391.gif (13.17 MB, 421x750, 333C9F39-2212-40E9-A3BD-A162EE…)

“Happy birthday Collette, I’m the first”
“Well actually everyone else was but THANKS!”
“No no, I’m the first, I’m the first bitch”
No. 508196
File: 1519019736151.png (1.82 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2018-02-18-21-49-59…)

From what I can kinda tell, her wig looked like a ratty mess from the back.
No. 508201
File: 1519020421284.png (582.49 KB, 599x599, Screenshot 2018-02-18 at 10.07…)

vamp's face is how i feel
No. 508210
File: 1519021117409.jpg (26.55 KB, 225x350, 337781.jpg)

>>508135That isn't SU cosplay, she's cosplaying Alexandrite from Houseki no Kuni.
No. 508218
File: 1519021627977.jpg (689.4 KB, 2200x3500, Lapis.Lazuli.(…)

>>508210nobody mentioned SU. she is dressed as Lapis from Houseki no Kuni, not Alexandrite
No. 508226
>>508220are you visually impaired? alex has teal hair
anyway her wig sucks
No. 508229
File: 1519023487477.jpeg (123.79 KB, 635x957, image.jpeg)

>>508210>>508220Aside from the bangs not even being cut properly and the wig being the wrong color, it's still obvious that it's fucking Lapis.
No. 508236
>>508229The wig itself isn't too off in color, but she probably should have gone with a deeper blue or even purple colored cellophane for the "highlight". The one she used is definitely making her wig look very teal instead of the deeper blue it actually is.
Otherwise it's a "meh" cosplay. The construction of the suit seems okay enough and it's flattering on her, I guess. Not nearly as awful as Mariah's recent shitshow of cosplays like
>>507771 or Vamp's poorly pinned together Lunafreya. Sage for off topic.
No. 508248
>>507728no I remember
she said she's a small size mens and then medium womens
No. 508254
File: 1519026693741.png (1.23 MB, 1424x1726, Screenshot_20180219-024229~2.p…)

>>508088>>508097Well, she's lying on Twitter and saying that's Saturday night.
No. 508301
File: 1519034948410.png (102.91 KB, 520x393, Screen Shot 2018-02-19 at 5.05…)

Got this from a friend's Facebook post during Katsucon and figured it was relevant.
No. 508308
File: 1519036468290.png (330.71 KB, 512x724, Karna1.png)

>>508301i was curious so i googled the character
No. 508403
File: 1519053325907.png (502.24 KB, 1080x1920, 20180219_171520.png)

This came up in a random Fire Emblem group. Hate for moo is truly widespread.
No. 508409
File: 1519054360212.jpeg (456.39 KB, 750x1004, DF0F9790-6A46-48AC-B44B-C8C633…)

No. 508429
Jesus, Whoriah, could you possibly be
any further up your own non-existent asshole?
No. 508433
File: 1519055941786.png (665.41 KB, 620x834, Sheena_Heroes.png)

>>508403A truly, truly astounding similarity
No. 508457
File: 1519057579559.jpg (3.99 MB, 4656x3492, 20180218_131654_HDR.jpg)

She was walking around in street clothes yesterday and hanging around Phil a lot while he was doing his meetup with fans. I was too close so sorry the picture wasnt the best
No. 508468
File: 1519058385429.jpeg (47.61 KB, 586x527, C3F374C7-DCC2-44AF-B927-CDC369…)

>>508457What are THOOOOOOOSE.
Are those her damn toes
No. 508470
>>508405It was.
>>508343Long story short, admin said that /pt/ is meant more for legendary cows and both her and the rest of the staff consider Momo /snow/ material so she's staying here.
No. 508476
File: 1519058887952.png (332.09 KB, 512x498, Dragée_portrait.png)

>>508433Candace is a closer fit
No. 508485
>>508403What is this person smoking? Even if momo lost 100 pounds she would look nothing like Sheena. The eyes, the nose, the lips… all different from her!!!
On the other hand I would love to see her try making this. But wait, she's not going to make it. She will probably have her Asian fuckboy a make it for her. I can almost guarantee she will start asking Greatwallofwu for commissions now that kbbq wants nothing to do with her.
No. 508534
File: 1519063074757.png (510.51 KB, 506x628, Screenshot 2018-02-19 at 9.57.…)

jesus more crust than a loaf of bread
No. 508546
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No. 508547
File: 1519063732218.gif (1.64 MB, 400x300, 1516041960190.gif)

>>508470So staff confirmed there's no reason except for their bias. Thanks staff.
No. 508549
File: 1519063829213.png (1.08 MB, 720x1188, Screenshot_2018-02-19-09-59-34…)

No. 508558
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No. 508561
>>507732I can believe this. I knew Noodles because he's within the SoCal photography circle. He wanted to keep her at a distance because he doesn't really think she's that great of a person and because of what she did to Nomisphotos who was his friend. He doesn't find value in her besides the fact she has a following but his photos of Tokki are a lot more popular now. And anon is right, he only works with her because Tokki really likes her for some reason. It's really not fair for him.
I don't have screenshots of him explicitly saying this but he hinted at it and other photographers confirmed this with me in our group chat.
No. 508564
File: 1519064826209.png (1.01 MB, 720x1144, Screenshot_2018-02-19-10-25-47…)

No. 508569
File: 1519064971116.png (5.25 KB, 386x73, snow.PNG)

>>508470>>508547encyclopedia dramatica was right all along
No. 508577
>>508564this pic
is could have been so cute!
No. 508593
File: 1519066065553.jpg (68.88 KB, 300x300, IMG_1783.JPG)

>>508558Lookin like a blonde version of Agnes
No. 508594
File: 1519066243843.jpg (12.01 KB, 240x240, VJecM_vc[1].jpg)

i think she looks more like simple jack
No. 508597
File: 1519066383405.jpg (271.53 KB, 1920x1080, TropicThunder_SimpleJack[1].jp…)

>>508594especially from this scene with her crusty-ass makeup and shitty wig
No. 508609
>>508597This is why I cringe whenever I see her try and give anybody advice on cosplaying and make up. She simply isn't good at either and is in no way qualified to give anyone advice. I've seen her comment on people's stuff and tell them stuff like "why don't you do this" or "why don't you do that". Like stfu Moo. What do you even know? The only REAL advice she could give to anyone is "buy all of your cosplays and be a thot."
She probably thinks because she has 100K followers it makes her some sort of genius. Wrong. Anyone can get to her level by being a thot and pandering to a market. She fits the chubby chaser niche and that's why she has a following. It's not because she's some cosplay genius.
No. 508620
File: 1519067673993.png (1.45 KB, 96x77, Gheb.png)

>>508476either her or this guy, honestly
No. 508642
File: 1519068673993.jpeg (205.46 KB, 649x1242, 0420C880-E64C-4D3E-A57B-A6CFE2…)

Good fucking god. Her face…
No. 508680
File: 1519070338483.jpg (88.94 KB, 649x649, IMG_7273.JPG)

>>508565Can't do caps of group chat out of respect for the group since I don't want them to all get attacked. This is just between me and another photog from before ALA. Sorry for the crappy edits. I wanted to cut out any name drops of other people and cut out the person's photo.
No. 508706
>>508468Apparently when choosing to buy food or buy shoes, she'd go for food. They're just rags hanging on for dear life now.
>>508470Throwing all that bs about watermarked images and nitpicking to justify bias, wew. They could've said so earlier but nope, they have to show us the atrocious backpedaling and dodging before sticking the landing.
>>508676>implying current pt threads other than Onion and maybe Raven aren't shitDidn't we try to change after the first move back to snow? And the admin team and farmhands never give their input for how to improve the threads other than "no watermarked images" and "stop derailing", even though we watermarked to stop Moo from posting the pics in the first place. They just don't like Moo threads, end of story.
No. 508811
>>508676It was all addressed briefly before ending the chat, but I clearly remember admin saying that Momo "belongs to snow", only a farmhand said that they consider Mariah pt worthy. It was still unsatisfying and inconsistent as an answer, and at first admin even seemed to be ignoring anons asking about Momo threads, since they had to repeat the question some other times. Plus as others said, Vicky Shingles and Raven threads are milkless and shitty and yet they're staying on the cow board, while Moo had to be moved because "nitpicking" while farmers already changed their behavior after the first move.
So yeah, it's clearly a bias issue, but as long as we still have a place to discuss Mariah eh, it's not that bad
>>508764It must've been a busy day, not enough instastories
No. 508813
>>508805Better yet, where's her MyOppa statement? We have all been waiting. I knew it was bullshit. She just wanted BunnAyu off her case because she knew that Bunny would ruin her!
Also, did she even do her 'homework' at all at Katsu? What's her excuse this time? "I was busy shooting my dudes!" ??? Or is she going to say she didn't bring her laptop because she had to go by plane?
She's so full of shit
No. 508826
>>508559oh lol there’s the gf.
too bad, moo. you fat slut.
No. 508833
>>508826That’s probably why moo didn’t post a ton of selfies with him.
>>508813Id like to know this as well. I wish more high profile people would put pressure on her to say something. I hope this whole thing doesn’t get swept under the rug like she wants it to..
No. 508862
>>508850For someone who always plays the POC card she is so insensitive. How is she so oblivious?
People this is the person that people outside of the cosplay scene see as our representative!!! I don't know about the rest of you, but I have a problem with that.
No. 508868
>>508862but anon remember she “can’t be homophobic” because she claims to be bi
probably “can’t be racist” because IM LEBANESE!!!111 never been there but you know.
No. 508905
>>508868Can't be a professional cosplayer because she's just a weeb with a sewing machine
Can't be a liar because she never specifically denied lipo
Can't be a thief because she asked the original source first and then commissioned one "slightly different"
Can't be a bully because people bully her
Can't be a lazy person because she is a dual major
Can't be a bad person because she is always surrounded by leeches
No. 508982
File: 1519086013090.gif (777.19 KB, 400x166, sipping my tea.gif)

>>508973go ahead, give us that milk
No. 509088
>>508975>>508982>>509083mariah took a second to tell me that she liked my costume and i thanked her & chatted with her for a second cause i wasn't about to start shit.
this girl was standing next to her, and her expression completely changed when she looked at me. she looked absolutely rip shit pissed when mariah turned to talk to me.
when i walked away, both friends that were with me asked me what the fuck her problem was and what i did, and i said i had no idea.
it's actually hilarious that it's this girl, it explains why she nearly went batshit on me just for being talked to by mariah.
No. 509120
>>508731you already kicked us to snow dude, who cares.
>>508741i think thats why she has a sour face in some pics. maybe didnt expect the gf to be there
No. 509140
File: 1519094998965.png (3.04 MB, 750x1334, D0C9476B-45A7-4981-B6AA-D89B93…)

Stay the FUCK out of my state you PoS.
No. 509165
File: 1519096565983.jpeg (113.12 KB, 750x490, 9C1772FA-CE08-4265-8229-B0E263…)

No. 509166
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No. 509167
File: 1519096593520.jpeg (153.4 KB, 586x910, CF37E828-DC92-49EF-B5A7-CE2C34…)

No. 509168
File: 1519096616186.jpeg (157.08 KB, 608x902, 9689F70F-B74D-4F13-95A9-789795…)

No. 509192
File: 1519098391491.gif (768.34 KB, 620x348, shion.gif)

She should have picked a brighter green and fluffied up those bangs. It could be the same shitty job she did on her Shampoo wig, but at least wouldn't look so flat.
No. 509196
>>509168>>509177The colour just brings out the grey in her face. Add in the eyebags, the bloating and the sagging and yeah, she really does just look terrible here.
Also, I can’t tell if it’s the lighting or my crappy eyesight, but does her teeth look a little yellow to anybody else?
No. 509211
File: 1519100380931.png (242.48 KB, 474x598, Screenshot 2018-02-19 at 8.19.…)

>>509196it HAS to be sleep deprivation more than anything else. Eyebags are unreal on her..
No. 509212
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No. 509245
File: 1519104639939.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.8 MB, 1200x1598, IMG_1103.JPG)

>>509167She would look so much better without those ugly eye bags….honestly quit with the lipo and get some fillers or something
No. 509249
File: 1519104908713.jpeg (140.25 KB, 574x1001, 618635D8-F56C-4EBA-858D-FFC1E1…)

>>509243didn’t someone say Nicolette doesn’t like her? kek
No. 509253
File: 1519105091614.png (234.12 KB, 1049x1254, 28312806_1862398600439344_1062…)

>>508301My friend was very artistically inspired by this post and allowed me to share their finished product here
No. 509255
>>509230>>509245Anon shooped her to hell & back and she still looks horrifying
Can‘t tell if it‘s the photo or her face that‘s just unsalvageable or if it‘s just a shitty edit
No. 509256
>>509255It's both, a quick shitty edit and her horrible face
I believe she's past the point of getting sleep to make those bags go away
No. 509298
File: 1519110756273.jpg (463.4 KB, 512x768, 39944961722_66922b73cb_o.jpg)

No. 509299
File: 1519110776715.jpg (252.98 KB, 1024x683, 26103987458_367a407488_b.jpg)

No. 509303
>>509249"im glad youre enjoying it!" when everyone knows she'd bitch anyone else out
brown nose harder please yirico
No. 509304
File: 1519111272242.png (449.08 KB, 601x600, Screenshot 2018-02-19 at 11.21…)

two blurry pics and then this lmao
No. 509306
File: 1519111379085.png (461.9 KB, 599x595, Screenshot 2018-02-19 at 11.22…)

>>509304if you remember this dude, he's the security guard she took a pic with in New York this past December
No. 509316
File: 1519114426010.jpeg (316.5 KB, 640x752, 762AA71D-EBB7-45B5-A74E-72752E…)

Swissfag here; thought i‘d share this random momokun that popped up on my feed
It says: „At an American cosplayphoto contest the pic on the right scored first place while the one on the left only second. Wtf“
OP got called out for not posting sources/receipts but the comment section also showed that momokun is considered a joke in the Swiss cosplay community
No. 509318
File: 1519114614818.jpeg (239.79 KB, 640x700, DE9C9B12-D50C-4902-AB15-D11AB2…)

No. 509330
File: 1519117796626.png (772.42 KB, 750x1334, A7776130-E045-4E1E-9D50-E4DC0E…)

>>509316This was originally posted on the FNN Facebook page. It’s a fake news/satire page.
No. 509361
File: 1519125381975.jpeg (41.82 KB, 249x324, 90CCA7D3-CE3A-4A81-8628-BD7F9C…)

>>509298It's like a hunched back but on her arm
No. 509414
>>509211I wish she would have made her eyebrows a much lighter colour for Saber.
It looks so bad because of her bangs and the wig in general. I just feel like, if she had made them blonde her whole face would look better.
>>509318Swissgerman is so funny to read kek
But thanks for the receipts! Good to know my neighbours hate her as well.
No. 509426
File: 1519137039424.jpeg (170.11 KB, 640x486, 47E5A1EC-0336-4A93-A6E2-8CF550…)

>>509414Haha welcome! Forgot to add these:
It reads: „i respect momo for what she‘s doing but she‘s just so ugly and not all of her pics belong on instagram.“
„She also has some good stuff but 90% is just nasty. Wouldn‘t want a woman like that.“ (<< that‘s a grossass poster tho since they already admitted earlier they fap to her so fuck that one.)
No. 509488
File: 1519144361550.jpg (127.06 KB, 800x600, 8-F12-06-10.jpg)

>>509414Saber's eyebrows are dark brown to black. Mariah would have benefitted from not filling her eyebrows in some heavily and making them a bit thinner.
No. 509748
>>509316sage bc super ot but wow i can't believe there's another swissfag here
hilarious that moomoo is considered to be shitty even in a small ass country like switzerland lol
No. 509776
>>509499I thought it was ok but I wasn't expecting much out of it because there was no way they were going to be able to fit the whole storyline into a 2 hour movie. The direction they went was kind of weird but it could have been a lot worse.
Since she's now obsessed with latex, she'll probably try to get a latex Lust costume. Everyone loses when Lust is a literal stuffed sausage.
No. 509786
File: 1519162511978.gif (3.78 MB, 421x750, C74EE964-D3D9-423E-A8E3-7DCAA9…)

>when con was so hard you have to go to the spa the next day
No. 509884
>>509826I just recently ‘found’ Nicole. But don’t want to follow her if this is the case. If anyone has proof, could you please post it in the cosplayer thread?
>>509786Still amazes me how she blows through money. Was A spa really needed Moo? I understand needing a day to recover after a con. Can be tiring. But a spa?
No. 509893
>>509748swissfag here too. if she steps anywhere near polymanga i'll pray for her to fall in the lake.
Had some friends fly over for katsu, been looking at the people in the background of their pics to see if i can spot mariah… haven't managed to spot her yet
No. 509929
>>509917Honestly I wouldn’t blame her for
wanting to stay home, a day without momo is probably a spa day for her.
No. 509936
>>509887I don't think Holly likes Mooriah much. Holly is an actual professional model who does nudes while Mooriah is a wannabe model who does trashy porn. Holly is likely only around Mooriah because Kerowiz is around Mooriah and I heard Holly and him are good friends.
Because Holly is already a working professional in the modeling industry I'm sure seeing a poser like Mooriah
triggers her. It's like if you're a professional chef and some kid comes along thinking they're a chef too just because they watch Gordon Ramsay videos all day.
No. 509939
File: 1519169681579.jpeg (386.07 KB, 750x940, 1F0C0917-086B-42A2-9428-A23219…)

No. 509953
>>509936holly is the cheaper nigri, please shut up
professional model? really now
No. 509965
File: 1519170704704.gif (12.98 MB, 421x750, 0573112E-E782-432E-A031-D53522…)

“So I went to get a Thai massage today and it was so good, loved it. But at one point she started stepping on me and I was like whathaveisignesmyselfupfor”
No. 509970
>>509939 idk if it's just me but i don't get why the forest lacing needs to go down into the crotch?? it looks ugly as fuck
i've made boned bunny suits before and i stop in the mid back
No. 509975
File: 1519171192611.gif (13.03 MB, 421x750, 96F2D218-B548-4E09-9EA9-D8F817…)

>>509965Guzma was supposed to get neutered today but they (vet) switched it. close up is her saying “no help me he’s crazy”
No. 509979
File: 1519171355140.gif (14.76 MB, 421x750, 79965BCA-8FF5-4141-B234-B4B2DA…)

>>509975Getting a facial tomorrow because “my skin is dead” “it always freaks out when I’m traveling” yeah nothing to do with caked makeup and roadhog mask ok
No. 510026
>>509666I'm sure someone's going to point it out sooner or later. My guess is by the end of the week.
>>510017There's so much work that needs to be done to her. She's like the whoopty car of cosplayers.
No. 510127
File: 1519179482941.jpeg (305.99 KB, 750x608, 036BE2F4-E547-4544-ACC3-10A8AE…)

No. 510132
File: 1519179592644.jpeg (371.05 KB, 750x967, ED28B9ED-AF8C-4700-AC68-788FA3…)

more Nicolette sucking up also I too have the damn lion king song stuck in my head now
No. 510177
File: 1519182012046.png (221.78 KB, 640x1136, IMG_2129.PNG)

Just saw this
No. 510228
>>510225You right.
Like, yes, he sounds like a creep, but that's the kind of customer she draws in with her content. A PAYING customer, I might add. I hope he unsubs.
No. 510269
>>509939For one, LOL what the fuck is going on with the butt area on that corset? It looks like a diaper
Secondly, notice how high the back comes? That style is made to hide any back fat spillage , I can't imagine what she would look like in a regular corset that didn't ride up her back so high
And lastly, is nobody going to talk about how she tweeked an older look here? I distinctly remember her wearing a bunny outfit exactly like this, it was a black corset with green-ish tights iirc. Just recently the old photo made its rounds on one of moo's posts where everyone was using it to compare her drastic weight gain. Coincidence? I think not. I guess she figured she would recreate the look since people liked it so much, despite the fact that it only looked good then because she was in better shape
No. 510273
File: 1519188270519.jpg (109.72 KB, 700x1048, aq5351L_700b.jpg)

I stand corrected, it was a black corset with blue tights and green hair
Still though, she basically just revamped and tweeked this look for her weird cow cosplay
No. 510280
File: 1519188852846.png (797.75 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180220-174642.png)

Never even made the shitty Camille corset?
No. 510284
File: 1519189241629.jpg (234.65 KB, 1215x717, bbr.jpg)

>>510277she could reuse it for riven and i'm calling it now before she does her
No. 510316
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I'm still pretty new to Instagram, but I saw this today and thought I'd share. Not sure if everyone just screenshots her stories through the archives are does so directly in the app.
No. 510386
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I know she won’t, but still
No. 510387
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No. 510388
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>>510387So is Moo colourblind and retarded now? This kind of shit doesn't just happen unintentionally.
No. 510397
>>510361I think it’s because everyone keeps saying she’s shady but like no one really posts anything about it and the search option just brings up mf and pp/monchichitanuki and how toxic that whole crew is w/ nicolette included so some anons are curious
Sage for not being about moo
But is it normal for the lacing to go that low??? Maybe that’s why her fucking vagina lips kept hanging out in the photo shoots and katsu because she probably laced that shit so tight
No. 510399
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No. 510400
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No. 510404
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THANKS I fucking hate it.
No. 510415
>>510404Hahaha oh my god
Mariah you fucking loser. This makes me giddy. She’s realizing how irrelevant she is.
No. 510419
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>>510404What an unnecessary mental image. Stay classy, Moo.
No. 510424
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No. 510432
>>510409moo will never lose followers because she keeps buying more. she was losing a few followers when bunny called her out but she immediately went out and bought more.
The only proof i need for this is that I have less than a third of her followers but my average likes and retweets are higher than hers.
No. 510609
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No. 510611
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Even her friends are like wow this bitch needs to fucking chill
No. 510655
File: 1519230051141.png (1.63 MB, 750x1334, 96BC14F2-E892-4D1F-BC83-87EC83…)

>concert for guy you lewded who didn’t acknowledge you but acknowledged your skinnier friend also it says tickets are almost sold out
>going to a con to cosplay bc that’s your job or whatever
No. 510671
>>510653Because Shad's gross fans love to dump money on gross women like Moo. Attention from him equals more cash in the bank for these lewd cows.
>>510655He's never going to notice or pork you, Moo.
No. 510913
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back to uhh whatever she does
No. 510946
File: 1519250885591.jpg (325.65 KB, 1074x1110, Screenshot_20180221-140601.jpg)

I seriously cannot get over this wig. It's so bad! And she looks absolutely bonkers in this.
No. 510953
File: 1519251482599.png (2.69 MB, 750x1334, 99410192-ED18-457F-B5F0-75EAD3…)

back to uhh..eating
No. 510957
>>510955She still doesn’t even
film herself working out minus the one tire flip video. she always takes a shot that looks like she’s sitting on the floor in that same room. given she could be stretching whatever but still she never even films herself…just the gym lmao
No. 511020
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>>508301I didn't think this post would be relevant 3 days later but she just tweeted this.
No. 511049
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she went and got an ~extraction facial which she said removed whiteheads from around her eyes which had been there like 10 years. Momo thinks facials are amazing now and everyone should get one once in awhile to “treat themselves.” she’s going back every four weeks and back again tomorrow for another thing. Forehead zoom in is “look at my skin, who is she?? Oh no those are my roots please don’t look”
No. 511061
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she can’t believe how much attention came from a tweet about wanting your titties sucked on!
No. 511129
>>511068Considering how servants are summoned with a knowledge/understanding of the year/age they are summoned into, and the fact that they automatically are able to speak Japanese (since they’re summoned in Japan), it wouldn’t really make any sense for them to have an accent imo. Certain servants at least speak with very archaic vocabulary which makes sense but accents… no that’s stupid.
Sage for fate faggotry
No. 511143
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No. 511177
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>>511143I still can't get over the shitty bang. Lmao I can't believe people pay for this shit.
No. 511180
File: 1519274054212.jpeg (527.06 KB, 750x826, 3A8F4D73-D720-40D6-A0C2-487959…)

>honorable saber’s
honorable saber’s what?
No. 511183
>>511180Why is she carrying around Avalon? I don't think Saber is ever seen with Avalon because it's inside Shirou and Iri.
So much for your Fate knowledge Miss Superfan
No. 511218
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please stop her neckbeards
No. 511219
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samefag but now she’s breastfeeding sperging why
No. 511222
>>511219>How can someone's sexual desire be nastyIs she seriously this retarded? Pedophilia? Shit? Watersports? Inflation? Rape? DDLG? There are many sexual desires that are nasty as fuck wtf.
I'm just going to assume that she's trying to cater to her dumb ass fans.
No. 511226
File: 1519280006356.png (263.61 KB, 416x462, sorry dad.png)

>>511222shes in to almost all you listed kek
No. 511227
>>511226I'm trying my hardest to be surprised but I can't.
>>511223She's ignorant about 90% of what she talks about.
No. 511230
File: 1519280290986.jpeg (293.96 KB, 750x988, 597CC48E-F181-4A50-B2D8-951BA0…)

>Look at how popular I am!
How could anyone with any amount of following have a conversation with her when they know she is going to flaunt it for popularity points?
She wants to run with this crowd so hard but she spergs the fuck out about it instead of being cool.
No. 511232
>>511230is this bitch trying to imply shes blocking a spoiler, or is that some weird personal shit she censored
cause she posts spoilers all the time, and it pisses me off
No. 511235
File: 1519281039107.jpeg (220.85 KB, 550x728, DC7E28BD-242E-44A5-A6DE-3C2C69…)

>>511221YOURE fetishizing breastfeeding because you said you wanted to BREASTFEED in a sexual manner god
No. 511239
>>511235>>511221>>511219Ok I know moo’s gross desperation and posting attention whoring tweets is laughable but can you not go full tumblretard right now with your crying about lactation fetish?
We can laugh at moo without this kind of SJW buffoonery.
No. 511240
>>511235She's such a sad person i dont understand how her tiny brain thinks.
Breasts as food for babies is not sexual because it is being used for food. Saying you want someone to suck your boobs is inherently sexual because they are not your child and are not using it for food. It's real damn simple.
She could have gotten far by simply replying 'dont kinkshame me bro' with some joking anime reaction image but no she had to try and prove how 'totally smart double major genius' she is.
>>511239I think they're more upset at her flip flopping than the kink itself. She made an inherently tweet, and then tried to sperg and defend herself rather than saying 'i dont have to explain myself to you'
No. 511245
>>511239I’m not sperging just sharing her tweets?
she constantly frustrates with her flip flops. The only comment I’ve maid on the tweets themselves was that yes, she did want to breastfeed someone sexually or whatever but is now acting like lol I just like my tits sucked ur weird! sorry though
No. 511257
>>511219It's funny because moo is the biggest virgin I've ever seen. I take all her posts about sexual stuff even less seriously than the others because I know she gets it from hentai since she's too much of a damn garbage dump to actually get laid.
>>511235>it feels goodIt doesn't count if you read it in a manga, moo
No. 511259
File: 1519283845813.gif (2.94 MB, 421x750, 5437649B-68B2-4DF1-9570-7FB486…)

I know a lot of you avoid her ig but you should truly watch this one, gif related is her smacking her stomach and saying “get out of meee”
Tldw - she (looking pretty stoned) ate too much cake
No. 511260
>>511225I remember when during one of the first threads when Momo was making the Chun Li and trying to court the FGC some anon dropped in to say that the FGC hates sluts like her and really don't play around. How right she was, they seem to roast her during commentaries a ton of times. They're constantly fucking with DSP, why would a female version of him be any different?
>>511219>>511235>Calls it a sexual desire and how it makes them feel sexually empowered i.e. a fetish>IT'S NOT FETISHIZING BREASTFEEDING GAWD I'M SO DONE WITH YALL LMAOFor someone who has the constant need to be edgy and lewd she sure does backpedal a fucking ton after every statement she says.
No. 511313
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>>510399 Not much is posted from her FB page anymore since it's such a cest pool, but people DO have you pegged moo, try to act like a proud bitch all you want. The only "blood, sweat and tears" that went into the costume were you crying while trying to stuff your fat ass into it I'm sure.
No. 511314
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No. 511396
>>511392She does the cause no favors by trying to be all “teehee I just love getting my tiddies sucked by a dude”. It only perpetuates the idea that breasts are only for sexual pleasure.
It’s clear as day that she is just pandering to what she thinks her neckbeards want to hear from her. Her “big build” that she was apparently “so proud of” and “worked so hard on” didn’t get the attention and praise she wanted. So she is now back to trying to maintain some sense of relevancy in the only way she knows how: Acting like trashy fuck meat who is absolutely craving dick, saying anything she thinks men want to hear from her. Watch her start listing off some other taboo fetishes
No. 511444
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I almost didn’t recognize her in this? she still has her dumb face but I’ll give it to her that the facial helped her skin out.
No. 511565
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Seeing this circle around twitter. Wouldn’t it be funny if this was Moomoo. The cosplayer in question (cowbuttcrunchies) confirmed this happened and said the person (female) is reknowned for being shit to other cosplayers.
No. 511633
File: 1519331345173.jpg (399.39 KB, 1048x1337, Capture _2018-02-22-12-25-35.j…)

>>511565Adding to your post since I saw ModOkayCos retweeted this.
No. 511637
File: 1519331457563.png (164.53 KB, 612x1452, tweet3.png)

>>511633just made this little compilation to show pretty much everyone guessed momokun
No. 511640
File: 1519331660826.jpg (238.49 KB, 1080x1080, DWBnxAIU8AAsRNv[1].jpg)

i think moo was jealous because cowbuttcrunchie actually makes her own cosplays and is actually decent at it
No. 511641
File: 1519331708728.png (1.13 MB, 952x1190, cowbutt.png)

>>511635and this is presumably where she was standing
No. 511643
>>511641Oof, what a gorgeous costume but who's really surprised that Mariah is that trashy?
Do you think moomoo will address it? Cowbutt is a pretty known figure in cosplay, though admittedly a completely different sphere within the community since she actually makes costumes
No. 511645
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>>511641And Mariah retweeted this cosplayer before the con too. So she had to have known who she was
No. 511646
>>511641Why would you walk behind someone who is clearly in the middle of a shoot? How dense can someone be?
If someone did that to her she'd freak the fuck out and not think twice about dropping their name on Twitter about it.
No. 511658
>>511637I’m going to guess that she will either ignore it, hoping it will just go away, or deny it ever happening with bullshit claims of “I would never even think about doing something like that. I’ve ALWAYS been respectful of other people’s cosplays.” and will passive aggressively call the other person a liar with her condescending “Sorry you feel that way” bullshit faux concern. She will then run off to her neckbeard followers and try to laugh it of like “Lol the lies people try to make up about me”, followed by the usual “omg I’m crying right now. I love you guys so much and I won’t let all the hate getbto me”
Is that about right?
No. 511667
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No. 511668
File: 1519334140871.png (2.25 MB, 750x1334, EA17D56A-33D3-48FE-AD32-0209C7…)

kicking more props at a con near you!
No. 511671
>>511663Not even that. She’ll say it was an “accident”, but will then try to turn it on other girl with “It’s so fucked up for you to try to imply I did it on purpose. You should apologize”.
It’s what she does. She does something shitty, and now suddenly the victim looks like the asshole for trying to hold her responsible for her actions. Same with MyOppa: She steals their design, yet somehow they are wrong for not immediately answering her email that she sent to the wrong address.
No. 511683
File: 1519335043200.jpg (470 KB, 1035x1575, Screenshot_20180222-162930.jpg)

Yeah, where that statement u dumb cow?
No. 511712
File: 1519335971409.png (153.73 KB, 1232x766, fuckthecow.png)

lurking on this girls account. she's got nearly 18k, and it seems she's close with sss and bunny. not nearly as big as some but she's calling her out and she has support from bunny. may be fun to see where it goes.
No. 511732
>>511641I hope this takes off. I'm tired of big cos thots like Moo getting way with murder because of some SJW "no drama" bullshit. Nothing excuses a person from being a terrible individual and they should be called out for it.
CBC has brought multiple large cosplays to conventions. She is someone who's very aware of how her cosplay can restrict traffic through hallways, hence her standing within arms length for a wall for photos. Even common plebs know when someone's getting their photo taken you don't walk behind the, so as a cosplay Moo should certainly know this. Even if there was enough room for a person to squeeze behind her you still wouldnt walk there knowing there's a large piece of someones cosplay in the way. And I'm sure CBC had to step back closer to the wall when not asked for photos to avoid risking damage to the cosplay. So how the hell would Moo even get behind her?? CBC noted that both times she was standing near and not walking around the con. How the hell did Moo even get behind her unless she was purposely trying to be a bitch?
No. 511733
>>511725Gotta say, I agree. She doesn’t doxx anyone nor do her “white knights” go after anyone. She just spends most of her time crying to her neckbeards about being “bullied”. She always threatens to do shot but when the time come she tries to pretend it never happened and hopes it will go away by not talking about it. Even in that massive call out tweet practically no one came to to her defense other than Vamp and even then she got laughed at for for stupid she sounded and got called out as well as Moomoo.
People here seriously overblow what she is actually capable of doing.
No. 511734
>>511665They're still extremely famous in the cosplay community for their detailed work.
Twitter followers don't mean shit, anyone can buy them.
No. 511739
>>511725The op of the viral tweet doesn't have a way for Mariah to target that person because the account itself doesn't have information Mariah could doxx the person with. Some of the people not tagging her are commenting on it using their personal/ cosplay accounts which makes it easier for Mariah to use to stalk them and get people to harass them.
Clearly evidenced by the fact that there are people in here that are Fb friends with Mariah that there even people within her circle/group/whatever who are also afraid of speaking out publicly because of how she is. We've seen how she likes to create drama out of thin air like when she called out Steff over a private post or like how she went on that long bitch boy rant about a photographer who called her out for not crediting.
No. 511747
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Glad to see someone who looked up to her saw the light and ran off. More people need to do this. More people need to see she isn't someone to look up to. She's just a leech and a pretentious cunt.
No. 511753
>>511668oh dear… and here I was thinking we at Seattle would be safe from her
well, to say the very least, it should be interesting to see her in the lumpy, saggy flesh
No. 511791
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Katsucon 21+ thread that mentions Moomoo. Caught it before it got deleted.
No. 511798
File: 1519341001627.png (155.84 KB, 1180x760, twitterbeef.png)

>>511785>"She's done fucked up shit to my friends"> is friends with sss, bunny, and nanasushibear. mariah being shitty to the other girls in the lewd scene is no surprise, but i feel this is more proof to add.
No. 552242
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I remember when the Las Vegas shooting happened and Mariah just had to make the situation about her. Obviously she was grieving because she’s from Vegas and what not but the fact that she had to show off her donation to the gofundme page rubbed me the wrong way. This was all on her Instagram story, but I was lucky enough to fish it out on her Facebook. Like showcase your “hard earned money” by flexing your money you ripped off from your patrons, yeah that’s hard earned alright and when people gave her shit for it, she shut up.(post in the pt thread)