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No. 360315
Last thread:
>>340026Anisa only thread this time, guys. Non-pear related youtuber discussion goes elsewhere.
>Anisa scrambles to put together a new identity when her edgy yt commentator personality falls apart>has over 9000 mental illnesses clinically diagnosed by a school counselor, no wait a psychologist, no wait a uni hospital psychiatrist…? yeah that's the one>expressing fear that Ian will dump her soon>planning? a trip to UK >also planning a trip to LA to see her fucktoy instead of seeing her boyfriend>commentator turned entertainer turned beauty guru turned diy turned Links: No. 360321
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Anisa's current patreon making them mad $$$, don't spend those $3 all in one place now
No. 360345
>>360321This is obviously old since its for Raihnbowkidz, but she didn't shut it down so is she still doing a "Patreon live chat" with her
round of applause one patron or has someone been subconsciously paying her three dollars every month without remembering?
No. 360363
>>360321>>360347Holy fuck this almost made me cry.
How much is her monthly income anyways? That always puzzled me.
No. 360374
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Second picture that comes up when you search her name. Obvious sucking in/contorting
Oh god! No! This BDD was killing her!
No. 360379
>>360378The only social experiment was her parents creating her, SIIIIIKE.
Biggest fails of the century.
No. 360383
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I feel bad for Ethan and Hila having to put up with this and pretend to like her.
No. 360385
>>360372How does she keep gaining foliowers and subscribers but get less and less likes and views in her twitter and youtube?
Is she buying likes and views??
No. 360391
>>360328How can she afford traveling? She can't.
Chris paid for her recent trip to NYC
No. 360395
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>>360372most of her videos are being denied demonetization so she's making like $26/month on youtube kek
No. 360416
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She lasted a good 4 months without popping her tits out, Rest in Pieces
No. 360463
>>360452Yeah but how is her subscriber co but going up but her views stay the same.
Is she buying bots
No. 360547
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>>360539She forgot to delete this one.
No. 360549
>>360547Lol @ the
triggered reply. She didn't delete it because she's got these minions fighting for her.
No. 360554
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I think what is sadder is that she left around half of her commenters feeling lonely as fuck wondering where to get help, how to deal with OCD or any of her self-diagnosed illnesses.
You can see in her description she didn't even bother to put up some links to hotlines or websites… when her video is about talking to others and asking for help.
This girl doesn't care if her fans actually suffer or kill themselves, she just wanted to sit on your table for a bit because she thinks your problems are just themes/content = money.
If there's anyone in here going through some deep mental crisis you know you can always reach out to close people (not youtubers) and there's always websites where you can speak anonymously to professionals. And ignore Anisa, there's always shitty people like her exploiting your issues, I'm 100% sorry you had to experience this but there's real people who care and want to help. Also, it's okay to use medication if you need it, fuck what this ignorant bitch said about them changing your personality… I mean look at her, she's not even taking drugs and she changes her "personality" every single day.
Be smart, be safe.
Some links here and you can google for local ones too: No. 360562
>>360557yeah, she's probably scared zoie's and scarce's fan will come after her AGAIN.
But there's this video where Anisa gets shitted on for making fun of a bigger youtuber/streamer (also someone she begged to be part of her all female team) at anisa making fun of zoie for owning just one bra when she uses the same dirty padded bra on every stream/video.
No. 360567
>>360562lol @ ihopppz telling anisa not to hang out with zoie because it wasn't a good idea for anisa to associate with her.
because associating yourself with and DATING the fucking pear is such a good idea, ian. they're both cunts.
No. 360569
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>>360557>>360562update: found her old facebook post and she did privatize it a fucking coward lol
No. 360681
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Here's the deets on her hot topic pins and patches jacket (which is brand new, with tags). Where's she getting the money for new jackets and U.K. trips??
No. 360688
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The Kylie wax figure looks like a prettier Anisa and it's kind of messing with me wtf.
No. 360725
>>360681Okay, maybe a gift from her parents bc they noticed their autistic daughter is walking around with the dirtiest tiniest overused clothes ever?
But more importantly, the fact that she pretends to like these bands which she has never listened to, clearly? Like sure, Anisa, you thought RATM and The Doors would get you internet points except you have no Jim Morrison there and that RATM one is soooo low quality, so like where did you buy these shitty fake pins? You wouldn't be supporting and promoting piracy now would you?
No. 360734
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Another reason for Anisa to be hating on K4iley (Pear couldn't like or share any of the successes kailey has had these past days bc she's super jelly obvs) and now kailey is super buddy buddy with Chris. Makes sense tho, Chris and her have much more in common than Anisa and him.
It seems like the only reason Anisa and Chris are friends is bc 1) she annoys the life out of him so he has no other choice but to respond and play along 2) he puts up with it bc he wants that idubbbz close
No. 360765
>>360734I can't stand his voice. He tries way too hard to sound like Billie Joe from Green Day.
Sage for ot
No. 360766
This is old. This is Anisa on February on Bunty's podcast, not letting bunty or his guests speak and contradicting 100% everything she is right now.
-boasts about being a female commentator (she isn't one)
-overexaggerates her hockey and lacrosse stories, saying she was bullied for being a woman (but there were other girls on the team)
-makes fun of a guy on her lacrosse team that "went to an ivy league university but came back and didn't have a good major"
-says her stream was about being "an unlikable person" from the beginning
-says she hates playing the victim card bc female creators do that like Tana or the mandela effect girls on her video bc 'they're idiots'
-talks shit about grossgore
-says ian and her talked things from the beginning to not hide their relationship but that they agreed on not having a business partnership (ian keeps her a big secret and she's still leeching off his name and friends, so they both lied if they did talk about it)
-said that tana didn't recognize ian when they met her and she was like "she didn't recognize me either" (why would tana recognize you, anisa? pls)
-said no one should expose someone if you have skeletons in your closet…
-etc. etc. No. 360776
>>360681she got 200$ from someone on stream and said she was SO happy because she had a video idea planned all the money would go to funding it
$200 worth of shitty hot topic shit
No. 360836
>>360681This is literally like those memes where you step into a Forever 21, find something you like and then realize it says something stupid on the back/has a bunch of dumb patches on the ass. Who likes this? Patches and pins on a denim jacket are cute if its just a
few. I can't even imagine her walking around like that, it probably all makes noises like jingling while she walks.
No. 360853
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walmart version vs versace
No. 360999
>>360984Ya I don't see it happening unless Sky's video drops.
Also, although keem seemed to have really disliked her at the beginning, it looks like his opinion has changed a bit and was acting quite cordial with her in some recent tweets.
No. 361046
>>361030To be sucessfull on youtube you need to have personality. Most people don't actually care about the content, they care about the persona. Like… let's think for a second on all the sucessful female youtubers… Tana's content is shit but her audience actually enjoys her being a mess, embracing being a hoe, watching her blogs with her friends and giving a fuck, ohm Liza has a cheesy sense of humor that most people enjoy has a cute relationship, interesting friends or Nikkietutorials, she reviews the same shit that everyone reviews but people wacth her because they like her!. She hasnt found her self yet, she just adopts personalities, doesn't have any friends to call her on her bullshit, her content is all over the place, she's clearly lying about everything, she doesnt work hard enough and well, gave up on her decission of not being a titty streamer, that shows lack of character… She really needs to do something else. I actually feel kinda bad for her.
No. 361331
>>360681>>360836I agree. This looks like utter shit and patches are NOT cheap, especially not this many. It's too fucking much going on. Spread out 4 color coded (like black and white) patches maximum on your jacket and let it be. It's not supposed to be crazy like this except for metal battle jackets which is something else entirely.
>>360727>penis haircutahahaha
No. 361779
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Dying at her old insta pics and tags. She was so anorexic her goal was to be a fitness model. At the time, she was fucking a bunch of LAX players so this explains why this was her personality at the time lmao. Glad to see she used to own up to being a camwhore tho.
No. 361789
>>361779She used to have a waist.
I think she's lying about Ian liking short hair. His longtime crush Superwoman has really long hair.
No. 361924
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She tweets like a 12 year old girl.
No. 361965
>>361936Where tho?
Everytime I look at her twitter her retarded ass fans are praising her for literally nothing.
No. 361975
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>>361965Even she knows it and does nothing to improve, just tweets and cries about it. She'll have to "wait for the creativity" and by that we know vlog/share every single thing related to Ian (if she does go visit him) to make her channel at least relevant.
Speaking of Ian, she didn't even congratulate him on his bday, she can tweet h3h3 but not her own boyfriend? Maybe she did say happy bday to him personally but I mean, she's constantly talking about him and using him for views but she can't even do one nice thing for him like a small tweet? He went to Canada for her and what did she do? Oh yeah, plan a trip to visit chris ray gun or to the uk.
Well done Pear.
No. 361980
>>361975>Speaking of Ian, she didn't even congratulate him on his bdayIt was Ian's birthday? Goddamn, never would have known. She didn't acknowledge him at all, just went on babbling about herself like usual. She's honestly been acting like a single girl since she left San Diego. She -talks- about Ian all the time, sure, but in a way to remind us that she has a famous boyfriend, nothing that indicates she actually cares about him. And then on-stream once, she was like, "This is probably going to sound bad, but I think the distance actually works for us." Why, pear? Because you get all the benefits and don't have to show any sort of affection? I'm sure, if confronted about her nothing even saying happy birthday ffs, she'd say something about Ian not wanting her to do anything publicly and that they had a nice skype date or something, but I'd call bullshit on that. She's just a lazy piece of shit who cares only about herself.
No. 362005
>>361998Perhaps because idubbbz fans are also hoping to see filthy frank or h3h3 in his videos. Idubbbz is way more famous than Anisa but they both leech off other youtubers.
>>361980And maybe Anisa didn't wish him a happy birthday because they broke up, i mean, if it was my boyfriend's birthday i'd still be happy even if long distance instead of being all crappy and making the "frustrating tweet all about me". Maybe her improv trip to san diego is to win him back not to actually visit him.
No. 362012
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Okay but anisa is likeing tweets that say it's her best work but it says mora in the corner.
So she's stealing art now?
No. 362018
Next video: "My experience with Kleptomania and mythomania"
No. 362041
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>>362037considering anisa's history of recreating things she did for past bfs with her current bfs, wouldn't doubt it lmao. wonder if ian got a rainbow cake, too!
No. 362056
>>362053Stop it kailey, you're
triggering our misinformed OCD & BDD!
No. 362063
Kailey. We have lies on top of lies. to comment?
No. 362070
>>362069Totally what she wants, the twitch competition is starting.
To be fair though, I think Kailey will win, it takes balls to publicly defend someone as shitty as Anisa. I think we can all agree she's brave unlike "I-never-apologize-because-you-misunderstood-Pear".
No. 362071
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I think Kailey and Anisa tried to blame who they think is the creator of the threads…in the last thread.
Like nah, girls, but thanks for letting us know how much you hate kaceytron and brittany venti.
No. 362084
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Oh nevermind she really is this fucking retarded
carry on
No. 362088
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>>362087idk you're giving her too much credit, what kind of idiot actually fills out the email field.
kind of ot but lol no wonder she's friends with anisa, she must be making like what, $6? Two girls that have so many fans not willing to pay for their shit content, they're two pears in a pod
No. 362090
>>362084How does she not realize how fucking embarrassing it is to publicly sperg out about a website with an anonymous userbase? You can't "call out" anonymous people lmao. She just looks bitter.
>>362087I hope it's the latter lmao.
No. 362091
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>>362084how many buzzwords can she think of and gush through her fingers onto twitter before her brain explodes?
>posts about how much shes laughing to hide the butthurt>forum websitegurl… embarrassing.
No. 362141
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>>362100Obviously anon, can't you tell? These photos were strategically planned to create an ~interesting dichotomy between herself and her viewers~
No. 362199
>>362153It's so sad, Brittany is what Anisa strives to be.
Brittany genuinely is trolling and playing a character in her boob streams, anisa is just a dumb slut lol
No. 362250
>>361975She's so flipfloppy about her opinion on her content. One day she'll proudly say "
my videos are like a portfolio of all my abilities guys including talking and fake crying" and then the next day she'll say "
I'm SO confused about youtube guise it's like I make a completely different video from the last everytime isn't that so dumb"It's like she doesn't know which one will gather her more sympathy
No. 362345
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Lmaon shes trying too hard and anisas dumb ass believes it
No. 362348
>>362340Lmao okay
Sge legit just made a shittier version of those animals with ptsd about the war memes. All sge does is rip off memes. Shes trash.
Side note her hair looks nice, but shes tucking in that ragedy ass metallic shirt into her shorts. She never fucking wore it until people said she was so metal lmaooooo thus video is shit.
No. 362350
legit just thrashier Tana.
No. 362353
>>362340nice metallica shirt, pear.
she reminds me of one of those edgy middle schoolers: "eughghhh i loAVEEE metAL and ROck anD RoOLLLLL plz give me attanetion or i'll slIT my WrIsTs hahHA" or "HEhHAH iM so cccRRAAAZZZYYY and quirkYYYY!!"
i feel like her instagram bio as a teen would be "im a psychopath but i can't help it uwu~"
No. 362375
Chick should just get off the internet. It’s super obvious that she still doesn’t like herself and isn’t comfortable with who she is, and likely doesn’t even know who she is yet, considering all the personality changes and content changes. Bitch get a real job, focus on your dying relationship, and figure yourself out in a way that doesn’t involve getting your ass licked by teenage strangers online. You’re a fucking wreck and it’s pathetic to watch.
>>362363I believe it. She’s total trash so I’m not surprised she associates with and dates garbage people and has fake trash friends.
No. 362380
>>362340Why is she doing storytime videos now?!?!
Didn't she say story time is lazy and cheap?
No. 362404
>>362401She's talked about this situation before and she's constantly blaming Anita H. in many streams before this vid.
She's always saying she had/has no friends, but she knows what she did to deserve that, it wasn't like she decided to stop being friends, she was crazy, she even admitted to her rage in plenty of her streams.
Look, everyone in Edmonton must know this old story. She involved their parents too. Don't believe this video.
No. 362407
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Tell her what you think, guys. She wants to hear, guys. She totally WONT delete your comments, guys, cause she wants to hear what you think.
No. 362408
>>362403Ian totally kicked her out of the country when she was at the lowest point of her "career".
"My experience with manipulative antifem boyfriends"
No. 362409
>>362408She'll throw in lolcow info…
"He liiiiked other whores ig piiiiiiiiiics while we were togetherrrrrrr"
No. 362443
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Putting a signature on artwork you traced.
No. 362448
>>362443Just like how she stole that drawing for dolan duck.
Who made the one she traced?
No. 362458
>>362434she could not have asked for a better chance than dating ian… and she managed to blow it lmao
>>362443to be fair the anime art it was traced from has some really shit proportions. doesn't excuse the god awful tracing though, looks like a child did it.
No. 362461
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Old buy remember to always be yourself or a mermaid, guys.
No. 362488
>>362340I don't understand how Anisa can constantly complain about her channel having no direction when she never bothered to attach a concept to her videos. She needs to realise that the reason she can't find success as a Youtuber is because she has no niche. Look at her peers:
>Joji has 'Filthy Frank'>Ian makes fun of people/stuff on the internet and opens boxes>Max used to do prank calls, then made sketches, also has a gaming channel and a pokemon channelVloggers vlog, beauty channels do makeup, etc. But Anisa doesn't have a "thing", she just does random ass videos that have no flow. She'll never be happy if she can't figure out how to define what her purpose on youtube is.
No. 362540
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Her latest tweet + the evidence
No. 362559
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No. 362582
>>362565she stated she couldn't film it… but really she just didn't because it was shit and everyone made fun of her here.
she also said she was going to record something about her lacrosse experience but didn't post it because it was boring and she was sweating a lot lol.
No. 362611
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>>362607nice one anon, lmfao
No. 362615
>>362588Honestly it sounds more like she wanted to be there out of pure fear of being left alone… as in, she chose to stay in the car creeping on the guy, to know what he's doing, who he's with. After all the guy went to a strip club, she was probably jealous… (that is if this story is true and she actually stayed in the car)
Then there's the second theory that she used to go to these strip clubs with him until she got in trouble for throwing stuff at the strippers so she got kicked out and had to stay in the car (she has bragged in her streams and videos that she had been kicked out strip clubs).
Thinking like Anisa, why would he want to see other boobs IF I ALWAYS HAVE MY TITS OUT 4 FREE?
So Anisa was the stalking psychotic gf, big deal, don't blame the guy, don't blame the friends… not even her parents must believe this bs story.
No. 362737
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When will she realize her videos and opinions don't matter?
No. 362863
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no wonder pears youtube channel is doing so well with all of her oRiGiNal ideas
No. 363033
>>363030almost feel bad.
if you're reading this, pear, the keyword was "almost." nobody actually feels bad for you lmfao
No. 363220
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No. 363291
>>363220Obviously this story is BS. Why would your receipt or whatever show Ian's last name? Unless you sneak a pic, it's not believable.
As for Ian's story, idk. Didn't Anisa say he sleeps until 4pm? Unless she's ONLY referring to his days off… idk I think the dumbass would let the cat out of the bag. I can't trust that she keeps anything private.
No. 363389
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The jacket looks awful. Why would she make a DIY video on this? Why can't she pick one theme to focus on for her youtube channel?
No. 363394
>>363389The jacket is just plain sad coming from an adult but it's sadder that she made Idubbbz, ehr, Ian like this post to get more likes and so that people stop mentioning how Ian keeps her a secret.
Very sad that she's working so hard on looking like this "i'm happy and i love life" person when just a couple of days ago she was totally "imma kill myself, im so lost" videos and tweets. And the one pathetic thing that made her "be happy" was k4iley white-knighting her. This girl is just a never-ending sad cycle.
No. 363395
>>363389her makeup looks so bad!
i know she's trying but she's still not doing herself any favors. those brows are still so bad- she needs to go to like a real brow bar, not just a sales associate at sephora or ulta, those girls aren't always fully trained.
and her falsies look dumb with the rest of that makeup and yeah it's just not good
her hair looks like a helmet
and i wont get started on the jacket
No. 363407
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>>363396>>363402homegirl is straight up jacking tana's style. her looks, her storytimes.
why is she doing this?
No. 363419
>>363396She was saying in her stream the other day she thought Tana was really, really pretty lol.
Anisa if you're going to copy someones look, at least pick someone who is good at makeup.
No. 363472
triggering me how nobody mentioned her gorilla pose yet.
No. 363502
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Chris is just ignoring the fuck out of her. He even posted something 2 hours ago and still doesnt give a fuck about anisa.
I would get tired of someone too if all they did was lie and try to fuck me.
No. 363526
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>>363499Nope. She got that one almost immediately after getting a pitbull puppy called Mahka which also mysteriously disappeared. It looks like she got the pitbull with her ex bf, broke up with him at which point the pitbull vanished, then got the boxer. I'm actually a little worried for these dogs if she just keeps getting them in new relationships and then disposing of them. What is she doing with the dogs?
No. 363562
>>363529Yeah, like she only cares about people thinking she loves her pets for social media points. Like those past cats she loved, the parrots, dogs that disappeared, etc.
If she's planning on having kids liiiike maybe first don't treat pets as if they were literal stuff?
No. 363570
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Better she copies Tana Mongeau than her bragging off about this no makeup, no filter look. We can totally see yesterday's makeup on, dirty slimeball.
And if that isn't the unsexiest forehead and pose… oh wait, but she was a model, she knows what she's doing.
No. 363584
>>363581HAHAHA FUCK, so true.
She'll also stop buying hot topic stuff and start dressing "bad and boujee".
No. 363585
Someone save this receipt, pls.
Guess who doesn't give a fuck about her dog and mails Blitz to herself through strangers. No. 363587
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How is she going to get to those numbers if she forgot to @Idubbbz??!??!!!?!?
No. 363600
>>363591haha, silly anon, she would nEVER do that. she only did that during her streaming days to "troll bait and create an intERESTING dichotomy between viewer and streamer" !!
besides, why would she even bother? "the shock value is no longer there"
No. 363664
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The cheapest for her most beloved doggo Blitz
No. 363812
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>>363785She should be in San Diego in 2 days
No. 363859
>>363587Help me hut 50,000 subscribers so now my videos get 10,000 views instead of 6,000.
Shes so stupid.
They only care about ian or your tits or they're bots, dumbass.
No. 364006
>>363994uhhh, anisa would jump at the opportunity to collab with ian, anon. that you believe otherwise makes me think you're some kind of crazy anisa-stan (if those even exist lmao).
it's ian who wants no association with her. whether because he's embarrassed of her or because she's just his fucktoy or for some other reason, who knows, but he wants very little public association with her. the one time he made an appearance on anisa's stream, he said something like, "just because i'm here, i don't want you guys to give her money."
he doesn't want her leeching off his fame any more than she already does. ian would never agree to collab with her.
No. 364029
>>364006I think it's a bit of both.
While Ian personally may not mind going out with a titty streamer, he knows he would lose cred with his "boiz" if he let her leech of his fame.
Anisa is a prideful idiot. Part of her "one of the boiz" act is pretending to be independent. She probably repeated told Ian that she doesn't want any help and will make it on her own. Also, she desperately wants respect and to fit in with her fellow commentary ytubers, and they would never respect her if she namedropped him every video.
No. 364043
>>363994i don't like anisa whatsoever, and i've been very vocal on these forums about it, but saying this isn't really fair.
you know we'd make fun of her for making a collab with Ian, we'd call her a "leechy bitch who's just using her boyfriend's fame."
but then on the other hand, if she doesn't collab with Ian we say she's "stupid and not taking advantage of her resources."
i understand bashing her on her obvious cases of retardation (like the damn dog, wth, pear?), but we can't keep going back on forth on our beliefs.
No. 364060
>>364006not an anisa stan, she's mentioned multiple times she wants to make it on her own without ians help. (im sure Ians doesn't want her leeching as well) I just think she should get some better exposure while she can before they break up.
>>364043you got a point there, she just can't win, so why not do what benefits her the most haha
No. 364081
>>364077I cringed so fucking hard. The jacket did not look good at all with the patches on and she mixed:
- Sailor Moon
- Pokemon
- nya cat
- unicorns
- an emoji patch
All in one fucking place
Try harder Anisa would you
No. 364085
>>364077There is literally not one good thing I can say about this video.
She has to stand with her legs spread pretty far apart to get a thigh gap, so I don't understand how she has a thigh gap in the thumbnail where it looks like her feet are together. Did she Photoshop a thigh gap?
The beginning was WAY too fucking close to her face, the most unflattering angle possible. And the ending was all kinds of embarrassing.
No. 364087
>>364077transcript of anisa looking dumb and embarrassing in this video
instant sharpie eyebrows popping @ yapear: "hi so today, we're going to be copying what everyone else has already done. and ruining a perfectly good jacket in the process. by the way, a cheap jacket, cuz i'm poor so pls tip me on my streams pllslsss"
insert some copyright footage and unoriginal 'artsy' vlogmom: "bitch what the actual fuck"
pear: "stuttering mess, as per usual"
pear: "we foUND A pErfEctly fine jacKEt to fuCK UP"
fireworks.gif and cheering.mp3pear: "sO these are my patches. completely unoriginal and tumblr. i honestly have no clue what any of them mean, but im gonna act like i do, blah, blah, blah"
pear five seconds earlier: "i have no clue how to do this ahaha so ig we'll figure out together"
pear now: "dont forget to map out ur paTCHES !!"
insert anime music over her fucking uppear:
makes common mistake "ahah im such a clutz uwu~ my bad, everyone notice how bad i am at this plsss ~~~"
continue weeaboo musica bunch of extra shit i dont care abouther trying to act cute and artsy with craAAAAzy editing skills No. 364094
>>364077I dont hate this video, but it's just not very good.
She looks nice and I liked the shopping part with her mom until she edited those dumbass fireworks in.
This is a normal health and beauty vlogger type video, it's just not that good. That jacket was cute before she cluttered it with patches.
No. 364120
>>364077Dear fucking god. I gave Anisa too much credit before watching this garbage. She just irons a bunch of "look at me im totally a geeky girl :3" badges.
I actually thought she was going to sew them you know, like you fucking suppose to do. She actually complains that ironing badges took "longer than expected!" Has she ever done an actual project of any kind? No seriously, she thinks 60 seconds of iron per badge is "a long time" and she went to fucking art school?
All those badges look like they're going to fall off next time that jacket gets washed but we all know she'll never actually touch that thing again because she just soulessly trying to find anyway to get more views.
I also doubt that jacket was 'cheap' and that she actually went to any flea market because that would be to practical for her. She just wants to present the image yet again that she's "low on cash" but in reality she has Ian and her parents paying for everything she needs.
No. 364125
File: 1501530937531.png (111.26 KB, 640x829, IMG_5626.PNG)

What does "a break from the usual" mean?? What's her usual???
No. 364188
File: 1501538256124.png (23.94 KB, 747x159, sure ya do.png)

No. 364189
>>364188Ooo boi
>>364187They did. She even zoomed in on a patch that was about to fall off in the end of the video
No. 364248
File: 1501545648523.png (203.85 KB, 540x306, Screen Shot 2017-07-31 at 5.00…)

>>364077her makeup is terrible she looks like shrek's wife like gurl… those eyebrows have too much tint on them, dem lips girl she looks like she got a botched lip job or something. She is def poot.
No. 364288
File: 1501551533404.png (37.8 KB, 640x349, IMG_5633.PNG)

Let's get some Qs rolling
No. 364346
File: 1501559692578.png (62.18 KB, 1168x266, Screen Shot 2017-07-31 at 8.52…)

b-b-bbbut pear chan didn't you say you were "one of the boyz"??
No. 364349
File: 1501559905628.jpg (263.79 KB, 1300x957, 755.jpg)

>>364077>calling pins buttonsof course she did.
surprised she didnt call the patches "badges"
No. 364389
>>364370I feel bad for Ian, even if I'm not a fan, we know she forced him to buy her these tickets "because she has been so stressed out she needed a mental vacation with my boi" but really she just wants to vacation here and brag about it in social media and slowly work her way to marry him to live in America and live the California dream. Very transparent interests and probably why Ian is so private about this.
Imagine being Ian listening 24/7 to this dumb potato talk about her "creative video ideas", re-telling all of her other boyfriend Chris Ray Gun jokes, appropriating shitty internet memes, imitating everything Ian does, forcing Ian to buy her these shitty clothes and then complaining non-stop about her insecurities.
I wouldn't be surprised thought if Idubbbz was too afraid to break up with her, she does seem like the psychotic gf that would stalk him and threaten him to death or send him dead rats… Or heck, she has already suggested the suicide option in all of these last videos.
No. 364400
Idubbbz was at her stream today, poor guy. Ever since her online meltdown last week she has been forcing Ian to be nice to her online, liking her instagram pics, liking her videos, appearing on her stream, and telling her how he likes HER CLOTHES. Hahahaha like what? He can't tell her she's pretty or that he loves her, he says "I like your shirt/I like your hair".
And as soon as Idubbbz left the stream, she's straight to calling Chris non-stop, saying "he's probably fucking Laci" and saying that Chris should change his content because he's pidgin-holed himself and she knows what she's talking about because she stopped being a titty streamer (LOL, when did it stop?)… Some things never change. Anisa is still taking all that LA dick as fast as she can, still hiding the fact she begs for money when showing her boobs in front of a camera.
No. 364439
>>364429>>364430A few streams back she was like, "I know George, er uh, Joji is in New York right now" like she has a single clue what the fuck George is up to lmao. And someone asked her if her and Ian would move to NY and be near George or something, which is when she made that comment about George being like a wandering stray cat? but said she'd love to live near George.
Yeaaah, I'm sure she would considering it's his dick she's been after all this time lmao.
No. 364446
>>364429Didnt she make him buy a house so she could move in after dating for like 3 months?
Now its been like 9 months (most likely longer because you know they were fucking around behins Akaadians back) and shes going to force him to pay gor everything just so she can live in new york?
What a selfish pig lmaoooo.
All this girl does is lie, cry about chris, and make ian sat nice things to her on stream to make people believehe actually cares about her.
Bet it wont happen though, she talked all that shit about how much ian cares about her and hows hes going to move to canada until she can move back to the states. Surprise, that shit never happened. Lmaooooo
No. 364458
File: 1501570689881.jpg (74.94 KB, 640x640, IMG_5636.JPG)

She looks like the product if Suzy (Game Grumps) and Poot had bred
No. 364639
File: 1501603849984.png (79.6 KB, 640x764, IMG_5637.PNG)

Ewwww wtf
No. 364698
File: 1501609702211.png (131.33 KB, 792x255, 28YfaUI0Qwy8sYxmXeaBFw.png)

can't catch a break.
No. 364707
>>364698hahaha oh! i found this ( google is amazing.
No. 364720
File: 1501611869890.jpg (87.11 KB, 450x600, groucho_marx_by_zetcom.jpg)

>>364639oh god, those block brows. k4iley, since you lurk here now, tell your friend to lightly go over her inner corners if at all. this shit looks like sharpie and it doesnt help that theyre massive. she needs to trim them because right now, she's looking like groucho marx.
No. 364753
File: 1501616423728.png (76.6 KB, 640x635, IMG_5638.PNG)

Why does she write "new video in my bio" in her bio? Some lazy shit.
No. 364843
File: 1501627536774.png (91.53 KB, 750x625, IMG_2852.PNG)

What an idiot. Maybe because CCR is 60/70s music?
Self-diagnosed poser.
No. 364848
File: 1501628171860.png (26.04 KB, 616x220, surejan.PNG)

>>364843Um, right, Anisa, CCR's songs were featured in movies and shows like Forrest Gump, My Girl, and The Wonder Years… things set in the sixties and seventies.
Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, she's a retard.
No. 364854
>>364843>>364848oh my god…she really tried to come be all "haha look how cultured i am about music" but ended up making an ass of herself
CCR was literally active from 1967 to 1972 why the hell would they be considered 80s music, she's so goddamn STUPID i lose brain cells every time she speaks
No. 364859
>>364854Yeah, whenever she posts something I just end up wishing I was blind and deaf.
She was making fun of that imaginary girl/boy conversation "to win all boys hearts hehe" and she's now that same girl she was making fun of.
And again instead of accepting she was wrong, she keeps lying. American wars? Haha bitch what? Did you mean the civil war? She doesn't even know what the vietnam war is or where it took place or what? Jesus, Anisa's sister please send your sister back to elementary school.
The things she does to get dick always come back to fuck her in the ass, like quite literally now.
No. 364870
>>364848>>364843LOL you can't make that shit up
It's like the fake gamer girl stereotype with extra steps
No. 364871
File: 1501631194363.png (27.1 KB, 578x73, sad.png)

>>364869"…that's so sad i don't even know what to say"
maybe you shouldn't say shit, Anisa
No. 364872
File: 1501631463715.png (17.18 KB, 221x110, i love art.png)

The girl loves her art, okay? CCR IS 80s ART AND "AMERICAN WARS" ARE CULTURE.
Also, has anyone noticed how she uses the nisserr username since 2011 (still her snapchat username), who wants to bet she thinks it's a funny quirky way of not saying the n word?
No. 364986
File: 1501647085470.png (1.89 MB, 1793x911, Untitled.png)

streams with gross orange shit on her face, beautiful
No. 364987
File: 1501647195034.png (700.94 KB, 721x724, Untitled.png)

holy shit this stream is just b a d
No. 364988
>>364986i actually feel queasy. who doesn't realize they've got food smeared all over their face?
No. 364999 highlights:
+Customs detained her for 3 hours because she didn't buy a return flight and she got away with it because she shook a lot and cried that she "wanted to see her boyfriend". She gave them all her info on Ian to pass.
They haven't booked their Europe/London tickets yet either. Their vacation is "up in the air"
+Threw half of her chicken sandwich away after being caught with gross shit on her face
+Ian DOESNT live with his parents <- she made heavy emphasis on this
+Ian went to school for BUSINESS, HES NOT A PLUMBER OR ELECTRICIAN!!! (she rants for 5 mins about this)
No. 365009
>>364999That electrician rant went on for well over five minutes lmao. But good breakdown. She was so offended that people thought Ian "did a trade" it was insane.
Someone also asked if she met Joji, and she said no, she's never met him. And that totally contradicted her lie in that one stream where she talked about meeting him once….
No. 365015
>>365010She was playing it off with her fake laugh where she sounds like she's going to cry, but she was definitely offended. Ranted for about ten minutes just saying, "Ian was never an electrician or a plumber, I don't know where you guys are getting this stuff from lol. He was never a -tradesman-, he went to school for -business-. I KNOW HIS EDUCATION HISTORY." Just repeating it over and over again so everyone knew her bf NEVER WORKED IN A TRADE EW. It was pathetic.
I wouldn't doubt if she is classist. Both her parents are lawyers, her dad is the head of some sports organization in Canada, and we've all seen she's generally a golddigging whore. Just when you thought Anisa couldn't be a shittier person kek.
No. 365017
Anisa describes her and Ian's first date: During twitchcon
- she's shy and doesn't do physical things on the first date
- Ian is dense and doesn't know signals unless girls are super touchy
- she isn't Ian's first(?, gf, sex, isn't described)
Ian's real birthday is in October, turning 27 this year
No. 365018
>>365003She's ranting about it because she wants people to know he's more educated than her and makes more money… which is dumb considering she's always bragging about being the one with money…
Also, it's impossible she spent 3 hours in customs… she would've lost her flight. She did probably cry her way out of the big lie about staying for 2 weeks tops. Like we all know she's going to spend more time in the US and London probably isn't going to happen (traveling to London is just an excuse to pack a bunch of shit to stay longer in the US without having to admit to staying for a longer time)but if they did take her to the backroom she's probably being marked down in the system as a suspicious "tourist" after all their relationship is way too new to be taken seriously, they know she's trying to get the american citizsenship.
All lies with this moustached food-on-her-chin garbage person.
PS: did anyone catch that disgusting smile when someone said her relationship was better than Max/Kat's. She totally believes that… so sad, she wants her relationship to be validated so bad that she'd compare "me n ian" to "friends' relationships".
No. 365019
>>364999there was also the part where she said there's a red flag on her for entry to the US, which she says she "has to get fixed" because "it's bad". bitch gonna be put on a do not fly list. she then said TSA told her next time she tries to comes in the US, she needs extensive proof that she'll be returning to canada, or else she can only come back when she has a visa kek. she's basically banned from the US after this trip.
god bless america.
No. 365038
>>364987I'm glad she streamed outside of her shitty room, but seriously she is super cross-eyed, she has a fucking dark stache and has the biggest wrinkles I've seen in a 24 year old.
I'm starting to think she smells like shit too.
Today's stream was just very enlightening on who she really is physically… but she's still with the verbal lies.
I think a few months ago she said on stream that Ian's birthday was on July so she was expecting to pass his birthday in Canada with her? Someone remember this?
No. 365039
File: 1501652296155.png (Spoiler Image,1.74 MB, 1334x750, IMG_2860.PNG)

I think the hand touching the nose/face is just her trying to cover her mouth herpes.
No. 365042
File: 1501652428737.png (525.32 KB, 1222x772, screen.png)

It's pretty shitty looking but I think it's relevant
No. 365049
File: 1501652978657.png (1.4 MB, 1334x750, ew.png)

>>365039HOOOLY FUCK, ew.
At least she could put on more makeup to hide that STD.
No. 365064
File: 1501657388100.jpg (157.91 KB, 508x366, anisa jomha leafy.jpg)

Yo what if idups is fucking anisa because she's literally female leafy
No. 365067
>>365064Very likely, she's also starting to accept the maxmoefoe resemblance comments and she has been hinting that Idubbbz likes (in a sexual way) Leafy and Max so that is why he likes her. Imagine your girlfriend saying to the world that you're gay so that's why he likes you as a "manly" woman.
All this time we thought Idubbbz was destroying people with shitty content… but no, he's being passive aggressive towards them: Leafy, Tana, Keem. He secretly loves them all and so Anisa wants to be all of them.
No. 365100
>>364986im laughing so hard
wipe ur face with a napkin when ur done eating BEFORE you stream your face, anisa.
>>365009>she said noyikes. does she have multiple personality disorder or something? girl's just straight up bad at lying.
>>365023she has dark brown eyes how can u see her pupils on the camera? ive used hard opiates many times and they dont make you scratch your body let alone just the nose. thats quite a stretch, friend.
No. 365111
File: 1501671603177.png (1.29 MB, 1366x768, anisa.png)

>>365100I don't want to make this a competition of who's done the most drugs lmao, but it's a known side effect that opiates cause a signature "itch". For a lot of people - me included - it manifests in the face, especially the nose (imo snorting has something to do with that particularly). But it can happen all over your body. This is easily found on google, my friend: a few examples.
Anisa was just concentrating on her nose, and combined with her pupil contraction, it made it look sketchy af.
Her eyes aren't dark brown, either. Maybe you're watching on a shitty device idk, but they're a sort of hazel color. Very easy to see her pupils. Pic related. I'd get a pic of her in darker lighting where the tiny pupils are still visible but I don't have the patience to sit through her entire stream lmao.
No. 365121
>>365042Her skin is light brown, her foundation is white and at least 3 shades too light for her skintone, that's why is looks so ashy and patchy.
Stop trying to be white, Anisa.
No. 365137
File: 1501678028957.png (31.54 KB, 750x182, IMG_4016.PNG)

tfw your most popular video is you showing off your body for views because ~~body dysmorphia~~
No. 365327
>>365242i wonder if this is secretly anisa trying to spread rumors about herself using drugs because that's what ~j o j i~ does. she said something in the stream about joji smelling like cigs/weed. the anisa has hazel eyes thing also sounds way too flattering kek.
is anisa's next personality going to be a bad bitch drug-user?
No. 365346
File: 1501699594256.png (1.33 MB, 1366x768, dafuck.png)

people actually donated this much money to her back at the height of her tittystreaming days? who does that?
No. 365347
>>365346if it makes you feel better that list is the same in the present, she doesn't get as big donations anymore.
She also said on stream she makes less than $40 on YouTube
No. 365352
>>365324the fake laugh is real, jesus christ
leafy: titties
No. 365397
>>365324Ironic how she likes Leafy. Not surprised this dumb biddie likes him, but ironic.
Didn't she say that Leafy "knew" she was a "troll"?
Aka he knew she wanted the attention.
No. 365402
>>365224w0w the dichotomy is TANGIBLE here
seriously, why can't she just own the titty streamer thing? every titty streamer does it for $$$, no exceptions, it's nothing to be ashamed of unless you have daddy issues.
No. 365503
File: 1501716271717.jpg (814.89 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-08-02-19-19-20…)

No. 365587
>>365524That balding forehead must be huge if it looks this big from this low angle.
The cheeks were already big but deff looks like an avocado now.
It's wonderful to think she has modified her webcam to look different on stream, also putting on a higher place to get the full saggy cleavage and the lights, goddamn. Disgusting.
No. 365591
>>365586I think he's way too blind to notice how a manipulative relationship works, if his money starts quickly disappearing, when she starts showing how much she wants to hang out with his "famous" friends (for her fame hungry interests) and his family and friends become "all toxic people he can't hang out with" he'll probably wake up.
And it's a big if.
No. 365714
File: 1501734305725.png (107.37 KB, 640x869, IMG_5649.PNG)

How do you say "we finally bought"? You didn't buy shit.
No. 365727
>>365503I dont care that they're dating, it's a miracle any of us find anyone that can put up with our shit. My issue is how she uses him and then plays the victim. Im sure she loves him, but only because he's useful ya know? Remember when Ian went to canada for canada day and she said she didnt post anything because they had been a part for so she wanted it to just be special? Why isnt it special now? Probably because she has to post this picture to show off what he does for her while making it seem like she helps. Dude she was begging for money on stream saying how broke she was so you know she didnt pay for the plane ticket(plus an extra one because her dumb ass booked two) and now a switch? Like all she does is name drop him for attention and obsess over chris because she's lonely.
I legitimatley dont think she realizes what she's doing.
No. 365728
>>365727She gets so much adoration from people who dont care that her content isnt progressing and she just makes shit up. Non of her stories line up. It's like the pretty girl in school who has a shitty personality and thinks she's wonderful because people tell her she is only because they want to fuck her.
Reality is going to fuck her up.
No. 365777
>>365735She clearly has been a whore for quite a while, even before titty streaming. You can see those pics of her "previous lives" on her social media from before.
Why does she try so hard to be seen as the tomboy only and not the whore? Because she's done horrible things being the latter so she's trying to hide that, hiding her true self behind "serious" relationships with "important" men, be it through literal relationships with them or only engaging with male "friends".
She said on her last stream she wants to win more female viewers that's why she has been doing the makeup/diy/mental health videos… you see, to Anisa "girls" are only superficial and dramatic, "dudes" on the other hand are into sports, "cool music", videogames and sex. So now she wants "female" money too, don't be fooled, Anisa only cares about that and having a "boi" who will "protect her" from her own sins.
No. 365784
>>365777>>365735Extreme insecurity will do that to a person.
She's not trying to become a better person which is why I dont feel sorry for her.
people on here say some really mean shit about her. People call her fat and ugly and just constantly mock her apperance. I get the insecurites make it hard to read that shit, but that's all she focuses on, not the people who are wondering why the fuck she acts this way. Better brows wont make people like you, anisa, people who only focused on how ugly they think you are are just going to find something else they dont find attractive about you. Fix how you fucking act and people will like you more.
Stop just throwing shit content out there because the 20 people who are actively up your ass on twitter like it regardless. Stop saying shit impulsively like youve admitted to doing multiple times. Stop lying. If you really love Ian you wouldnt use him the way you do.
Better yourself holy fuck.
No. 365800
>>365735>>365777>She clearly has been a whore for quite a while, even before titty streaming. You can see those pics of her "previous lives" on her social media from before. 100% this. When she was the "seemingly normal, tomboyish Canadian girl who liked hockey," she was only that way because it was what the famous men around her were like. Anisa has a very clear pattern of changing her personality to replicate that of the famous or rich (this part's important) guy she's with at the time. And Anisa's been with lots of guys.
When she was the normal girl who was into sports, she was actually just dating pro sports players and going to their LAX and hockey games and posting obsessive shit about them all over social media like a groupie so everyone could see she had a ~famous bf~. She hasn't even bothered to delete any of it from her insta/fb/her old persona's twitter, anything.
She also did this 'moving for a guy' thing once before, and dropped out of school and left everything behind to be with this guy (who she, just like with Ian, met while seemingly in another relationship). That ended horribly, but it was fine because she had her titty-streaming fans to boost her ego and feed her new personality. At which point she started visibly whoring herself, but the person she was never really changed. We could just see it more clearly now.
Then she started dating guys like Akkadian in the League/e-sports scene who could get her further recognition, before she cheated on him with Ian because Ian had more fame and could get her on the Youtube scene (even though it didn't really work out how she'd hoped, Ian's still giving her money and buying her expensive things and that's enough for now). She's always been a famehungry, golddigging whore and always will be. Better question is why she's -always- been like this.
No. 365814
>>365805Yeah, Ian should sign a prenup… or he could do the same to her and when they break up he can claim stuff that wasn't his like Blitz or her computer since everything is shared.
Has anyone noticed how she brags a lot about Ian and his friends but can't actually introduce him to her female friends? She projects this huge fear of them ratting her out on her whorish ways.
No. 365818
>>365814Oh, definitely. She's horrified of him finding out what she's done, and it shows in how she dropped literally every female in her life once Ian came into the picture. Like, I don't think her dropping Zoie and Celestia was just because "Ian thought they were a bad influence," that sounded like an excuse to me and like she needed someone to blame because Anisa can never do anything wrong. It's more like she didn't want Ian to know the person she really was behind the scenes of her titty-streams, which they knew because they'd all done the same shit.
And she tried sooo, so hard to be this ~virtuous~ person once she got together with Ian, completely rebranding herself and only making "wholesome" videos (until it stopped getting her money, lmao).
That being said, Ian also avoids introducing her to his friends. But I don't think it's because of the same reasons. More like he's embarrassed of her imo.
No. 365826
>>365818Right, she's always playing dumb "zoie and celestia forced me to be like this, my audience forced me to be this way, society forced me, my illnesses made me do things i regret, help me Ian".
And to the Ian friends thing (or maybe not his friends but his circle), she didn't waste any time on trying to meet h3h3, max, jontron, keemstar, she has hinted at wanting to be friends with Marzia (maybe why they want to go to the UK to "destress and meet up with super close friends pewdiepie and marzia") and now she wants to meet joji but we all know joji and ian are not so close anymore sooo…
No. 366066
File: 1501783575477.png (94.12 KB, 640x666, IMG_5650.PNG)

This is mean. Stop getting her hopes up.
No. 366072
File: 1501784346087.png (147.43 KB, 750x1038, IMG_2885.PNG)

Old but remember how fast she responded when accused of cheating? I wonder when and who will admit to the cheating first.
No. 366192
File: 1501795558563.png (4.04 MB, 2090x1612, Screen Shot 2017-08-03 at 5.22…)

is she wearing this pokemon hat to be ~ironic~ or does she actually think it's cute?
No. 366203
File: 1501796220187.png (577.22 KB, 748x433, super srs streamer.png)

>leaves a clip of her dancing with her shirt open and tits out as one of the "reward videos" for people who donate money to her
No. 366212
File: 1501796805335.gif (857.75 KB, 498x278, hMAiuvR.gif)

>>366207while her fucking foundation looks like a luchador mask hahahah really Anisa is one dumb pear. Instead of making fun others she should check her shit first. what a bitch for reals. Now she is skype calling chris while she is with Ian I mean one would imagine that after months of not seeing your boyfriend you would cut ties with everything to catch up on lost time, man anisa really makes dumb choices
No. 366215
>>366197Unwillingness to be around Ian continued; ask Chris to go to Warped Tour with her because she has two tickets, meaning only they would be going
together fuck Ian
No. 366220
File: 1501797101653.png (636.61 KB, 719x407, Untitled.png)

Not a titty streamer, no no.
No. 366238
>>366124I think
>>366072 is talking about Anisa & Chris cheating
No. 366267
>>366220Anisa can't titty stream because she forgot to pack her one and only padded bra so she'll have to show the sucked in belly and the dirtiest shorts she has… might as well stream naked, look at those toddler size clothes.
But let us all prepare for the please-validate-me-BDD bikini selfies in Ian's, er uh, me-n-Ian house, she said she was excited to go to the beach.
No. 366314
>>366307I definitely think he only started following her as soon as everyone found out that she was Ian's girlfriend. But if you asked Anisa she'd probably say he was a
huge fan just like Ian lmao
No. 366332
>>366218It's very likely he is doing it because of Ian but also because now Anisa's just a couple of hours away from him and it must terrify him to think she might suddenly appear outside of his house, at the middle of the night, threatening to harm him or herself bc he didn't answer the skype call. When long distance calling he can play it off by saying he was busy.
Better keep this girl happy or ELSE.
No. 366333
File: 1501817590266.jpg (117.86 KB, 750x910, IMG_2888.JPG)

This bitch hasn't uploaded in a while and it's all shitty content but she's gaining subs?
Hahaha nice try Anisa, asking Ian to buy you subs?
No. 366336
File: 1501817963153.jpg (137.62 KB, 750x1040, anisa?.jpg)

Meanwhile these two Anisa "viewers" are still being shady right after Anisa published all those cutesy couple pics and talked non-stop about being in SD with her boi idubbbz.
No. 366372
File: 1501826975523.png (40.63 KB, 750x259, IMG_6764.PNG)

Joji's talking to you pear
No. 366444
File: 1501847135409.jpg (284.56 KB, 978x869, Screenshot_20170804-074445.jpg)

That gross 12 year old is attacking her instagram again
No. 366456
File: 1501849416863.jpg (177.05 KB, 1071x1037, Screenshot_20170804-082210.jpg)

This was on a video that had literally not nothing to do with him
I hate his retarded ass fans
No. 366495
>>366444>gross 12 year old kek!
I actually find their shit hillarious sure they are hella retarded but its funny I bet it
triggers the ugly avocado bukake pear
btw friend this post has nothing relevant so sage your shit m8
No. 366511
>>366498It was definitely
>>366495 who wrote that. Kek.
No. 366562
File: 1501868689191.jpg (443.14 KB, 1200x1200, roastedpearnisa.jpg)

>>366558yeah it def sounds like her, specially the "dude" thing. She came here to burn some random retard and she got burned instead, here's your roasted pear miss
No. 366602
>>366564"I'm not pear." *says 'retarded' unironically
Sure sure.
No. 366608
>>366372This is definitely aimed at Anisa since she's using it like 24/7.
Now that he's sort of "attacked" Anisa, Anisa will tell Max to be nice to her bc "some bullies on lolcow are making fun of me", just like she forced Chris Ray Gun and K4iley.
No. 366709
>>366687She obviously isn't a Pokemon fan, on stream she couldn't even name all the eevee-lutions in her shirt so she made a joke pretending to change their names.
She just wants the "geeky girl from hot topic" look to gain subs. She changes "personalities" depending on, what she thinks, her audience's interest is. You can totally see this from all her apologetic tweets and the constantly asking her followers for advice and ideas for content.
No. 366772
File: 1501892873394.jpg (64.34 KB, 640x640, IMG_5657.JPG)

>>366736Left (to me) is a pin. Right is a button.
Idk what's it "supposed to be".
No. 366803
>>366772 said but she was calling all the pins buttons because she's a retard. Even the pins on the right aren't referred to as buttons anymore in any shop.
No. 366804
>>366613What the fuck is this? All his shit sounds the same.
>>366616This isnt a k4iley, ian, chris, or max thread either anymore but here we are.
No. 366839
>>366838Look at the title of the thread retard
If you want to discuss the cancer crew you can make a new thread
No. 366844
>>366566She has twitch emotes of Vi and someone asked what they were. Why does she keep the emotes when she only had the puppy for a minute?
But she definitely keeps up with the thread. Whenever something is mentioned here, she subtly addresses it while streaming.
No. 366847
>>366845I think you're reading that wrong. Two separate ideas:
1)this is an anisa only thread
2) and like on past threads (even if it wasn't exclusively anisa) when Anisa got a lot of shit for being dumb, someone always derailed the topic to joji, max, etc…
Red herring derailing.
And if you READ the description of this thread it does say:
"Anisa only thread this time, guys. Non-pear related youtuber discussion goes elsewhere"
The fact that you're getting very
triggered at this and calling everyone a retard for not wanting to engage on your own topics makes me think you're an Anisa stan or something. Chill the fuck down.
No. 366853
>>366847i'm not
triggered, you are. you're jumping down everyone's throat for mentioning joji when
in past threads it's been perfectly fine.
>>when Anisa got a lot of shit for being dumb, someone always derailed the topic to joji, max, etc…>>makes me think you're an Anisa stan or something >>Pretty sure Anisa is in here trying to derail to save her ass. AGAIN.i never noticed this on past threads. you're being paranoid with these anisa conspiracies lmao. chill the fuck down.
No. 366858
>>366853You truly need to get that anger management checked. You've been talking to different people this whole time.
And you also need to learn how to read.
Now if you have nothing to share to the ANISA THREAD and just want to get
triggered calling people retards… maybe go comment on joji and max youtube's videos, I'm sure they'd love it and you'd feel more comfortable there.
No. 366879
>>366874I agree with this 100% fighting each other wont fix shit, the thread was going so well and then this we need to focus on one main thing and that main thing is getting Anisa milk, if joji and etc get discussed just let it slide and not make a huge fit about it. But if we keep doing shit like this, they will be like "ahh yes they are pretty much destroying eachother" pls this has to stop bois
sage for ranting
No. 366889
File: 1501915400595.png (30.65 KB, 640x288, IMG_5658.PNG)

>>363587Her views are increasing but subscribers are decreasing?
No. 366892
>>366889She's only received 157 subscribers since she posted the pic of her amount of subscribers at the time.
I'm guessing (not serious) she bought 150 with the $6 she makes a month and 7 were from K4iley's "shout out." Does anyone know the actual rate per subscriber? Based on what I've seen from edups, he'd prob make fun of her BAD if he knew she paid for subscribers.
No. 367020
>>366286way late, but
22:00 is her talking about how she's a ~makeup goddess~ now, but isn't a beauty guru, heavily implies that that's only because other beauty gurus are shitty people and throws a ridiculous amount of shade at them.
40:29 is her pausing the music video she's watching to be a cunt for no reason and make fun of the rapper's eyeliner. BECUZ ANISA'S AN EXPERT NOW GUISE.
chris skype-calling her happens a bit after that. idk exact timestamp because twitch won't load past 41:00 for me (can streamers just cut off a recorded stream at a certain point? lmao) but i remember it was only a few minutes later.
No. 367249
File: 1501973765524.png (77.23 KB, 637x773, IMG_5662.PNG)

This is seriously scary. Don't hurt children like that. Don't don't don't.
No. 367253
>>367249They can use it as example of what's NOT an eating disorder.
"Kids, going on a crazy diet and exercising because you're insecure about yourself is not the same as anorexia. Learn the difference or you'll end up looking dumb like this bitch."
No. 367430
>>367424Nah, whenever she's with Chris Ray Gun, she's just flirting with him and staring at herself on the monitor. And Chris is being as loud as humanly possible as if Ian were to overhear their conversation and come in and congratulate him or something.
Nothing new.
But if someone got some milk from that stream today, please share.
No. 367433
File: 1502001135274.png (651.13 KB, 856x848, Screen Shot 2017-08-05 at 11.2…)

she criticizes others for their makeup and she has some messy make up going on right now, I am not nitpicking but yeah she talks about makeup as if she was an expert now and shits on beauty gurus, I think all the bullshit praise "fans" give her got to her head and she actually believes she is good at it. what a mess
No. 367452
>>367449She calls Amy Schumer a "leather wearing whale" = she's cured of BDD and she thinks she's a comedian now.
Seriously what is wrong with this girl?
No. 367454
File: 1502008146842.jpg (Spoiler Image,78.31 KB, 599x804, BXstGpSCAAAnwjx.jpg)

>>367452oh that's not all this girl also talked about fucking in an elevator with a guy and chris called her an exhibitionist and she said that it was fun. She goes and calls other girls sluts while she has done a lot of things herself. I also found this candid picture on her old twitter account. its funny how she changes her style as she changes her boyfriends. No. 367465
File: 1502008739983.png (139.83 KB, 372x600, thefuck.png)

>>367454on that twitter, i found this.
i get that it's supposed to be 'lol, autocorrect', but… i'm like 90% sure that's a text from a guy telling her he was going to cum (shoot) on her face later? that was her bf at the time. why would she post that even if it was an 'lol autocorrect' moment???
No. 367469
>>367465Considering she casually didn't save this person with a real name (Big bubble? wtf?), maybe it wasn't her boyfriend? Is there evidence this is her boyfriend? This could be just a nickname for a guy she fucked or a client (if he's actually telling her what he wants to do at night, could be a client).
Either way, she's clearly bragging about having someone wanting to cum/shit on her face. Very sad.
No. 367472
File: 1502010194490.png (570.1 KB, 602x612, hoenisa.png)

>>367469i think it's this guy, who's a pro LAX player and whose nickname is 'bubba'.'s all over her twitter when she was in her "i'm going to be an LAXer's/hockey player's wife :)" phase. pic related isn't evidence that he was her bf, exactly, but he bought her a ring for valentine's day? doesn't count out him being a client or fuckbuddy tho.
No. 367474
>>367472Lmao and she always makes sure to say how she had to always oay for everything with all of her exs because they didnt have money
Also how she was sad all the time with them.
No. 367475
>>367471>it's okay to be a hoe and all but it's not okay to be a hoe and judge other hoes for being hoes.EXACTLY THIS. this is what anisa does wrong with literally EVERYTHING.
when she """stopped""" tittystreaming, she was so judgemental and mean toward other tittystreamers, like she was better than them.
a recent example is now she thinks she's a beauty guru and constantly makes fun of other girls' makeup in really mean and catty ways, despite struggling with makeup herself.
there's startling evidence anisa's always been an actual hoe since she was in her teens, but she actually has the nerve to make fun of girls like laci green or even her """ old friends""" like zoie and call them sluts and whores when her own past is shaaady af.
goddamn, she's such an evil bitch. all she does is drag other girls down for doing what she does, herself.
No. 367483
File: 1502011607087.png (56.47 KB, 640x454, IMG_5666.PNG)

>>367454Looks like you should take your own advice, Anisa.
No. 367491
File: 1502012702157.png (11.21 KB, 665x126, anorexia.png)

>>367483god, these tweets are hard to read.
No. 367494
>>367491Drinking game:
Go through her old twitter and take a shot anytime she mentions that she's full, ate too much, or has a food baby.
No. 367498
File: 1502013272447.png (67.65 KB, 640x689, kek.png)

I knew something seemed familiar about the first tweet….
Laci better watch her back. September's coming up. Anisa bout to show up at Chris' house with a big pot of sancocho and crawl into his bed.
No. 367504
>>367498>Laci better watch her back. September's coming up. Anisa bout to show up at Chris' house with a big pot of sancocho and crawl into his bed.kek made me laugh so hard!
more like she is gonna sancocho him instead hahahah damn Anisa is bad, have you guys seen her facebook its filled with many good milk.
here's the link No. 367554
File: 1502022087508.png (68.07 KB, 742x863, IMG_0772.PNG)

>>367553God damnit dropped pic, my bad.
No. 367590
>>367584i doubt it, just autistic as fuck
>>367588yeah, seriously. since anisa is allegedly his first real girlfriend, it makes me wonder if he just doesn't know what a healthy relationship looks like. dude needs to wake up and see that he's being used because he appears to have no spine when it comes to her.
No. 367756
File: 1502040843189.png (31.75 KB, 509x348,…)

>>367504Is this Anisa's OC?
No. 367782
>>367555Yeah, definitely using the hockey lingo but it's the "tonight" part that really tells you what they were going to do.
Makes you wonder what kind of lingo she uses with Ian and Chris like "yeah, burp on my face, you retard, vomit your free speech on me, yeah boiiii"
No. 367794
>>367791HAHAHA FUCK. She told that story in her stream? With her mom as a mod? Does Ian know this? Imagine Ian's family listening to this, lol.
With which abusive hockey/lacrosse/gamer/youtuber boyfriend did she do this?
No. 367814
>>367791>>367794>>367813Found it: 01:25:51 kek: 00:52:32 Maureen's gold digging ways
01:04:45 Anisa asking Chris if he wears his glasses during sex
No. 367821
>>367814I love you anon.
Goddamn, that's just… Fucking why, Anisa? And then,
>"I shoved a dildo in my ex-boyfriend's ass once. The guy wanted to… do stuff, and I said the only way that would happen is if I got to do it to him, and he said fine. So I did, and I thought it was funny."REAL CLASSY GF YOU'VE GOT THERE, IDUBBBZ.
No. 367826
>>367814Well if Maureen is like that, what would you expect from Anisa? It's a Jomha household lesson.
She says it like it's a universal normal thing that everybody does or even talks about "marrying up is an accomplishment" HAHAHA no wonder she is so desperate to marry ANY californian/american guy she meets, so she can get at least one "accomplishment" in life.
Well now I feel really bad about Anisa's dad, like knowing his whole marriage was a scam and then he has to father this stupid girl.
No. 367831
>>367814>>367821>>367822which ex do we think it is? anisa has had so many at this point, can we even begin to guess?
i think my favorite part of this though is that she's only ~sexually open~ with chris because that's laci's schtick and anisa so desperately wants chris to be attracted to her kek.
No. 367834
>>367831I thought about that too. She's trying to look like she knows a lot about sex and that she can be kinky and sex creative.
But again, Laci is at least educational about it and focuses on informing both sexes, Anisa is straight up disgusting and even more so with her bragging about sexy stuff to just blue ball men like Chris and her twitch audience… and then she's dragging others down when they're sexier than her. This girl is seriously messed up, her idea of what is sexy and when she's supposed to be sexy is just scary.
If they're going to Warped Tour today that would mean yesterday's stream was the foreplay and today there will be definitely fucking.
No. 367835
>>367814No wonder Anisa hates herself so much. She blurts out this embarrassing stuff to try and sound cool and then sometime later the realization of how retarded she is must sink in and she gets depressed all over again. Shoving a dildo up your mans ass is something you should take to the grave, no one needs to know that you idiot. She hates herself and her content so much and yet keeps doing the same stuff over and over.
Also, how can anyone watch this, all they do is fucking argue. Anisa says something stupid, Chris shrieks 'Whaaat? What are you talking about, what does that meeeaaannn?!' and she pretends to laugh and says 'Listen, listen, listen' and then rants about some rant of killing him and trying to be funny while he stutters all over the face. It's horrible. I feel bad for her sometimes because she obviously hates herself and has no idea what to do with herself until I actually watch her and remember how obnoxious she is.
No. 367838
>>367832I don't think Ian is that dumb but maybe he's dating her because he thinks he's being a good person by tolerating and helping the needy? You know, like he feels better about himself being around sad and pathetic Anisa who has zero accomplishments and is just straight up embarrassing?
Maybe we've been misreading Ian's stance, he doesn't actually care about any of her life because the little that he does know is already enough for him to feel like he's doing great at life.
No. 367847
>>367834>If they're going to Warped Tour today that would mean yesterday's stream was the foreplay and today there will be definitely fucking.oh, definitely. you could visibly see how flustered Chris was getting when she was talking about all of her exploits, and she was relishing in it. it was absolute foreplay.
how fucking nasty does a girl have to be to talk in very graphic detail about their sexual history with a male "friend" in her boyfriend's house while he's probably off in the living room playing video games alone or something? especially when said boyfriend is long-distance and you only going to get to see him for a week or two before you leave the US for good (Anisa's not allowed back in the US after this and she knows it), but you choose to spend that time trying to be sexy for another guy and blast your sexual history all over the internet in the process, and literally leave your bf to spend an entire day with this dude at a festival where you'll no doubt be drinking and doing questionable things?
i knew Anisa was scummy, but not THIS scummy.
No. 367871
>>367838We can all agree hes never really been around girls or had a girlfriend. I think hes got an opportunity and is rolling with it. He probably doesnt even like her hes just too autistic to break it off, i've seen the likes of him before.
I mean its not like it requires much effort on his part, he doesnt even have to look at her very often since its long distance.
No. 367880
File: 1502054455225.png (12.83 KB, 322x37, stan.png)

Right when Anisa talked about how she wants Ian to keep his glasses and not get lasik and asked if Chris fucks with glasses, guess which little sneaky mod said something. Please tell us why this would be soooo interesting for lolcow.
I just get this weird vibe that K4iley is here all the time and she's the one giving us the Anisa milk.
No. 367918
>>367906>>367913not to mention, she's:
1. in her boyfriend's house, where he's nowhere to be seen
2. she only has like, a week left with her bf before she has to leave him to go back to another country for an indefinite period of time, but chooses to tell a guy she knows and all of the internet some of her sex stories instead of being with him
3. clearly flirting with said guy as -always-
i like how chad came into the stream while all this was happening. maybe someone will tell ian what a colossal mistake he's making by being with hoenisa.
No. 367924
>>367906I don't believe the dildo story. It just sounds like her trying to sound edgy again. The fact she thinks that and having sex in an elevator is something cool and to show off about just shows how much of an empty hole she is.
I'm sure she's making her parents proud.
No. 367927
File: 1502061274174.png (11.08 KB, 720x244, howcome.png)

asked Chris why he doesn't defend his gf from anisas constant jealousy fueled rants about her
No. 367992
>>367971I love how she's going to cook on stream but lift the camera over her head to show off her padded bra as well.
*notice how she is casually cooking for her man right after the cutesy couple diy cooking tutorials by marzia
No. 368010
>>368006He wasnt her boyfriend?
Remember on stream a couple of months ago where she said shes never been with someone she wasnf dating? Lmao lying whore
No. 368030
>>368006LOL "Anisa edgysex Jomha" but also "Anisa the puritan housewife", poor girl. She'll never be accepted in the youtuber's wife club, she's super trashy, everything she does/says just makes everyone want to throw up but she hasn't noticed that's a bad thing because she's into guys pooping on her face.
Anisa is going to be 30 soon and this shit show she does will follow her forever. At this point looking for a job or going back to school must be a dead dream, I mean, who would hire someone who looks, talks and does such things like her AND brags about it like accomplishments?
Stay sexy, stay classy Anisa.
No. 368045
>>368021lol she got butthurt when people in chat called her out for fucking up the steak a bit
also fucking hell she puts in so much butter and salt on everything.
No. 368055
>>368021could not agree with you more.
the fact that she considers herself a 9/10 cook is hilarious. she did so many things wrong it was painful to watch.
No. 368061
File: 1502073628935.png (98.12 KB, 640x899, IMG_5668.PNG)

That caption…
No. 368067
File: 1502074162670.png (414.26 KB, 639x357, anisajomha.png)

WHY IS SHE COUNTING OUT LOUD LIKE A LITTLE KID? That was 100% cringe worthy material.
Also, the way she handled that salad was nasty and that steak looks really badly seasoned and cooked.
This is the perfect evidence to point out that she's actually stupid and has a huge ego. This is offensive to all chefs and cooks out there
No. 368075
File: 1502075157208.png (1.48 MB, 1271x715, anisa jomha the not titty stre…)

Anita Jomha quit titty streaming she said
someone should save that stream, she'll delete anything with ian in it
at 0:8:10 she calls ian over because she couldn't find something. He finds it immediately, she apologizes, and you can hear them kiss of camera. She obviously pretended not to find it to bring Ian on the stream because Ian=More Views.
No. 368076
File: 1502075259621.png (1 MB, 1606x704, Untitled.png)

"I just don't know where to put you guys!" angles it at her tits
No. 368078
File: 1502075394605.png (1.23 MB, 1189x684, Untitled.png)

Amy Schumer is a whale she said
So is Anisa a red whale?
No. 368089
>>368078Anisa and Amy are very similar and not just on the body (although Amy has a butt).
It's funny how she hates Amy for having all that she dreams about though haha fame, money, and a hot boyfriend (because "she married up and my mom said you should always marry up"). If we were doubtful about her aspirations in life, there you have it, she pretty much lets us know every single stream what her only dream is.
Also, Anisa making jokes about a bad "whale leather wearing" female comedian is just the saddest projection ever, like she's complaining about the same thing she's trying to do: the shitty comedy, the wide masculine face and body + catty attitude, the I'm not like other girls, the way over public sexual life and the never fitting clothes.
She's just so slow and ugly on the inside to realize it that it's just sad.
No. 368094
>>368093Innocent my @ss, besides being a whore and denying it "bc whores are shit", she's also an aggressive bitch that used to beat people and choke them just for staring at her or bc she was jealous, there's a stream about this
This girl is fucking nuts
No. 368101
>>368095until the guy reaches the point where they're like, "THEN FUCKING DO IT, PLEASE PUT ME OUT OF MY MISERY". i hope ian reaches that point soon, but he's such a sad little autist that i think it'll take much, much longer.
he was so sad on the stream today. he just seemed like a normal dude, but he kept thanking anisa for making him food over and over again and it was… really sad. appreciation is sweet but dude was reaching a whole new level. he reminds me of one of those divorced 40 year old dads who lose everything in the divorce including their dignity, except he's the BEFORE picture of the divorce.
No. 368103
>>368102that's a question no one wants to know the answer to, anon.
hoe's a liar, we got that already.
pls no nightmares tonite.
No. 368109
>>368102Maybe not finger but definitely lube that up and dilate the anus.
She had said she has never done anal and yesterday she admitted to it.
No. 368114
>>368111Yeah, obviously that's why and the fact that Kat has a real job and real friends/relationships so she's too busy to even notice Anisa. Also it must've been pretty annoying for Kat to listen to Anisa say stuff like "I don't do girl stuff hehe", "I don't know how to be friends with females", "I'm new to girly stuff like makeup" 24/7 on a fucking island. Kat was trying to be a good gf and welcome her into the group, what did pear do?
Apparently Kat wanted to do cute stuff like oatmeal masks and Anisa was "so freaked out" about it bc she has never done stuff like that.
TLDR: Kat was trying to be friendly and Anisa was too busy trying to 1) appeal to the edgy side of youtube and 2) instead get fanart of ~me and ian~ that she totally blew Kat off.
No. 368133
File: 1502085155687.jpg (1.87 MB, 1920x1920, Pearhoe.jpg)

Anisa's stream.
>peeled herself (1:12:09)
>someone in chat said "stop trying to be funny/you are not funny" anisa replied "that's hurt my feeling"
No. 368140
Without realizing, anisa already expose idubbbz's house one by one. Now kitchen.. maybe tomorrow is livingroom
No. 368311
>>366372 applies to when it's done on friend's photos, etc too
No. 368376
>>368346She wants Anisa's manchild audience… Probably using Anisa's followers to create an interesting dichotomy between Anisa's nasty image and her more polished extra virgin look. Lol. Simple as that.
I thought she was her fan/friend too but that constant sabotaging her makes me doubt it, so that, and she is always begging for free stuff and for sugar daddies on twitter.
They understand each other but secretly hate each other.
No. 368565
File: 1502146121781.png (802.87 KB, 790x555, anisapt.png)

>>368066>>368556Cannot be unseen. If Anisa actually had a chin, she'd literally be PT.
No. 368666
File: 1502159019373.png (927.28 KB, 640x1136, IMG_5669.PNG)

That nose texture…
No. 368703
>>368642My bad lol.
>>368568Anisa is honestly not THAT ugly stop reaching.
No. 368712
>>368666Look at how flat she is in that pic. Who does she think she's fooling when she goes on stream like this
>>368133 ? How does IAN feel about it?
No. 369006
>>369001i agree, but i don't even think she used to look better tbh, mostly lighting/cam quality (it wasn't always as good/big)
>>368992why no sage
No. 369155
File: 1502251791663.png (496.45 KB, 720x405, Untitled.png)

Don't miss the stream! Should be called thinning locks and bald patches.
No. 369157
File: 1502252466677.png (334.53 KB, 721x401, Untitled.png)

No. 369285
File: 1502279475127.png (103.39 KB, 750x698, IMG_4054.PNG)

cough cough
No. 369446
File: 1502300833188.png (66.31 KB, 640x610, IMG_5672.PNG)

Why did she ask??? All of her streams are of her just talking to the camera
No. 369452
>>369233Hahaha she's not wearing a bra so people here stop saying she only wears padded bras. "THEY ARE REAL BOOBS, GUYS". Always trying to please, this little special and unique camwhore.
(Also maybe bc she was washing that one padded bra she wears 24/7/366)
No. 369457
>>369285Pretty sure Max, Katt and now Kimmi saw through Anisa's bullshit and changed their minds quickly after initially liking her.
Kudos for them, nobody needs toxic people like Anisa.
No. 369786
File: 1502334226803.png (1.51 MB, 750x1334, IMG_6795.PNG)

She just mentioned that the leafy content cop was her least favorite. Geeee I wonder why?
No. 369792
>>369788The worst part was Anisa seemed 100% used to it. It seriously is understandable why Anisa is so messed-up and in constant need of validation and why she turned to promiscuity, thinking guys could fill the void in her life. Her mom seems actually psychotic. Like, she was legit bullying her, joking about her dying, saying she was ugly, a bitch, had no brain, calling her a bunch of names and spamming insults in her chat while egging everyone else on to do it, too. And Anisa just laughed like it was totally normal, completely unaffected. That's not normal behavior, the fuck?
No. 369835
>>369786Okay, but what the fuck is that thing? There is no way you can convince me this bitch is hot in bed. I wouldn't dare be near that not even if she was kinky in bed.
Look at those crazy googly eyes. Those pieces of gum on her mouth. And add that voice. NAH BITCH.
No. 369837
File: 1502343425400.png (22.94 KB, 589x62, retardedanisajomha.png)

The tweet was written by a severely uneducated person, we know grammar isn't her forte. But even a baby knows that it's shepherd's pie.
No. 369848
File: 1502344883702.png (696.46 KB, 942x653, anisajomha.png)

Picking her nose while cooking. Classy!
No. 369870
File: 1502347648878.png (28.24 KB, 749x156, IMG_6767.PNG)

Max, Kat and now her fave joji.
She must be dying inside.
No. 369885
File: 1502351080758.png (145.88 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_20170810-104106.png)

haha shoes on there and anisa isn't. Guess they arent as close as she'd have you believe..
No. 370034
File: 1502378401940.png (626.79 KB, 752x426, golum.png)

She is actually legit balding, holy shit.
No. 370037
File: 1502378921439.jpg (959.53 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-08-09-22-50-23…)

No. 370043
>>370037>>370038These two pictures were so obviously forced. I'd imagine for the first one she had her snapchat camera ready…she'd swoop in from behind Ian, already smiling asking for a picture! As soon as Ian as in frame and before he can properly look nice she takes the picture. It doesn't matter if it looks nice, all that matters is that Ian is in the picture. As for the second one it is just a candid pic. Creepy, but I guess it doesn't matter since they're
dating. However, you see Ian's got his phone on him, can't dare to talk to/look at Anisa for a whole meal undistracted.
No. 370108
>>370104shitty care of herself and bad genes. we've seen she doesn't take care of her skin, sleeps in her caked-on makeup, wears said makeup for god knows how many days, used to party and drink a lot, admitted herself she has a shit diet, etc.
and combine that with just naturally bad genes (look at the fact that she's balding at 24, that's not normal), and you've got anisa.
No. 370111
>>370037dude, his "smile"… look at his lower lip, it looks like he was talking. it's all blurred.
anisa legit just got up from their table, snuck behind his chair, and took a picture. lmaoooo.
No. 370185
>>370170I'm not Anisa, you dummy. I just think he's qt but he might be a fool if he's dating fucking Anisa of all people.
>>370172I do what I want, bossy anon.
No. 370186
>>370132'Anisa only thread this time, guys.'
shouldn't really matter
No. 370306
File: 1502411967588.jpg (610.51 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_20170810_202548.jpg)

>>370034>>370134I think she may be straightening her hair on a daily basis. Tugging and burning your hair that much for so long tends to lead to hair loss. Found these old pics of what looks like her naturally wavy/curly hair.
No. 370363
File: 1502420566359.png (87.59 KB, 640x724, IMG_5667.PNG)

Who is this girl? Anisa seemed obsessed with her for a minute.
No. 370464
>>370132THIS. I've been wanting to post something similar, thank you, based rational anon. I feel like every time a pic of them is posted, ex-stans go "oh no, our poor Ian! So unhappy! So forced! (He would be happier with me uwu)" I'm always getting secondhand embarrassment reading those posts. He's awkward as hell so he will always look autistic in pictures.
Move on with your little crush, damn. Glad this thread is autosaged.
No. 370514
>>370428same. her parents being emotionally abusive explains pretty much 100% of her behavior - the sluttiness, the desperate need for validation, the lack of identity. that shit is probably why she developed bpd in the first place - classic case, really.
doesn't excuse her shitty actions, but she would benefit from some intensive therapy. since she claims to have all these disorders why isn't she seeing a therapist?
No. 370533
>>370514>parentsHer father seems completely normal.
You guys are being way too sympathetic towards her.
No. 370557
>>370514Her mom only started doing this type of stuff after Anisa started egging her on. Anisa is entirely to blame for her mom's behavior in the chat. There's no need to try and chalk Anisa's behavior down to her parents.
>>370533I agree.
No. 370706
>>370680LMAO. Oh my god. How self-unaware are Ian and Anisa? Shit.
>"I've seen a rumor floating around. A rumor that I kind of unintentionally started, and I just wanted to squash it. I am not, and have never been, an electrician's apprentice."Are you fucking serious, my man? It was an ongoing joke for-fucking-ever on his channel. The only place it was ever seriously discussed was on Anisa's ONE airport stream where someone asked her if Ian was an electrician and she sperged the fuck out about it, and in these threads. They absolutely lurk here, or, at least, Anisa does.
She was -actually- offended enough by the idea of her ~bf~ being a "tradesman ew", she obviously asked Ian to address it in his next video. Wow. That's just fucking pathetic, even more pathetic that he did it. It was so scripted and just… weird.
Blink three times if you need help, Ian.
No. 370744
>>370706He's not clarifying it just because Anisa told him. I think he's also clarifying that because he thinks he sounds super cool trying to make electricians look dumb "bc they are jokes, look at me giggle at my friend's career path", and also because he's been probably lying in his videos too and he's trying to hide that by clarifying the only thing he can be "honest" about.
Why is he or Anisa never clarifying that Joji isn't their friend anymore? That has been mentioned here and her stream far more many times than the electrician joke. Their silence speaks way more.
To all of you who were doubtful if Idubbbz would fuck his channel because of Anisa related decisions, here's the perfect example of how to kill your channel. It wasn't enough for Anisa to have Ian appear in her streams and tell her that he loves her, she forced him to adjust his content to be a second part of her stream… wow, yeah, I buy it, happiest youtube couple of the year.
(Is there a cancer crew thread without Anisa in it?)
No. 370756
>>370752And his address, and the amount of money he's making, the side of the bed he sleeps in.
This isn't Anisa milk exactly but it is happening because of Anisa.
No. 371006
>>370892sage but,for the record, I'm the one who made the post noting the lowkey ian stanning, and I can confirm I am not anisa, and further than that, have been here for so many threads and have made many posts bashing anisa.
call her our on her "abusive shit", of course, just annoyed at seeing "poor ian :(" attached to the end of it.
not anisa, i just really hate ian.
No. 371389
>>371386She's trying to appeal to her Alt Right spic crush, Chris.
Here's one of his tryhard unfunny songs basically saying something similar: No. 371390
>>371386TBH I didn't actually hate her as much until today. Seeing her pander to the alt-right so blatantly is so fucking cringe. Not to mention, she constantly uses her "im a Muslim girl" card to try to validate her arguements.
"See guys, the alt-right isn't so bad, they even let ME
a Muslim GIRL be part of their little club!!! :))"
I fucking hate her and want her off the Internet and back in Canada.
No. 371393
>>371386Silly sperg anon, don't you know that the best way to get ugly neck beards to like you is to align with their edgy politics. Duh.
What's more cringey is how late in the game she is on this. Anisa you could at least tried this like a year ago. Then you might've actually gotten somehwat popular to an even bigger list of delusion morons.
No. 371555
File: 1502587683375.png (149.89 KB, 539x567, Pear.png)

No. 371577
File: 1502591489193.png (223.42 KB, 584x600, k.png)

No. 371584
>>371555Fucking hilarious that she feels confident telling
anyone to "grow up" like she did in another tweet. I agree with her sentiment that not all white people should be treated as accountable but I didn't even read the tweet she was replying to in that way, if anything it's acknowledging that not all white people are accountable for stuff like Charlottesville and asking people that don't agree with it to speak up.
>>371577KILL IT
No. 371585
>>371577EWWWWWWWWWWWW what the fuck is she trying to make it look "haha its so derpy xD".
I hate how she wants to do merch after Hila from h3h3 started her own. Pear thinks shes on the same level as her or something.
No. 371596
File: 1502592697921.png (47.55 KB, 653x507, PsMr76l.png)

>>371386um whats the problem
some (no-name) sjw was telling white people (not everyone just white people) that specifically tehy should speak out against what happen. it's not appealing to the alt-right she actually has a point. the neo-nazis from charlottesville don't represent the billions of white people in the world. saying that they have the responsibility to apologize solely for the skin color makes you no better than the far right shit heads who go after muslims after an extremist does something
seriously its common sense. anisa's just jumping onto the bandwagon but i can't believe you guys are going after her on this… you could've at least pointed out that the tweet comes from a nobody and anisa was going for low hanging fruit. come on guys
No. 371603
File: 1502593034574.jpg (581.59 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-08-12-22-52-17…)

>>371577Unpopular opinion but I kinda dig it? It's actually stylistic, which makes me think she traced or copied it from somewhere. Note difference of style from this pic and even her more recent artwork.
No. 371625
>>371577Her most recent art proves that this can't be her original piece. Maybe she's showing someone else's sketch? Just compare it to the shit she made for Ian in his Tana video. No way she made this.
Side note– whoever did, it looks pretty cool actually and I could see it on a shirt.
No. 371634
File: 1502597436246.jpeg (292.68 KB, 1920x1080, 1502597310531.jpeg)

Seriously? Why does she keep posting this Bella Thorne style selfies, it's just sad and uncomfortable to watch.
No. 371648
File: 1502598792959.png (59.27 KB, 750x1056, IMG_3244.PNG)

>>371634Instagram vs. reality
No. 371672
>>371634TWO pictures and she couldn't fix the damn pockets????
Sorry for nitpick
No. 371860
>>371839yeah, ian sleeps on a single mattress on the floor; it was shown in one of his other videos. i just don't fucking get
why. surely he has enough money for a box spring and a cheapo walmart frame at least.
No. 371894
File: 1502647601976.png (543.36 KB, 575x580, Untitled.png)

No. 372084
>>371556>>371558>>371584>>371596this person is not asking white people to apologize for what happened at charlottesville. they're just saying that white people should speak up and not stay neutral on the situation just because the perpetrators are white.
I get anisa not having reading comprehension skills but come on guys.
No. 372130
File: 1502685351452.jpeg (94.8 KB, 640x854, image.jpeg)

No. 372169
>>372154#NotAllMuslims is different, that hashtag exists because media and politics always portray being muslim as a synonym to islamic terrorism. So muslims all around the world are using that hashtag to say that they're not terrorists.
#NotAllWhitePeople is ignorant if you ask me, because no one said it's all white people's fault , therefore they should all apologize… all the people directing their tweets to white people, if anything they are saying that being a nazi is obviously related to being white, so white people should also put a little effort in not being neutral or staying quiet? Example: Muslims saying they're not sympathizing and they condemn terrorism EVEN WHEN said terrorists are using their religion as the reason for their actions.
I haven't seen anyone telling #allwhitepeople 'should' apologize for what happened, if anything those tweets are saying that white people shouldn't stay quiet because that would be like giving nazis the benefit of the doubt on their actions (which, like islamic terrorists, they justify their actions through a 'greater good' be it because they think their religion is the one and only or because they think their race/skin color is the one and only).
The only apology I have seen is the one tweeted by Lorde, which was unnecessary I think but then again is the fact that she decided to share that with her audience that big of a deal?
I think the 'edgy' people on twitter/youtube are close to achieving something and they believe they're doing something 'good' but in the meanwhile they're just confusing their audience (most of their audience are actually radical conservatives)… Instead of calling out people for actually trying to do something positive about their country or whatever, they could be using their platforms to inform and to show how much they actually care about their country's politics. I have never seen these edgelords supporting a real cause or guiding their audience to get informed by reading books or assisting certain events or whatever, it seems to me they just like to call people dumb/retarded/gay/etc. and never give out explanations as long as they're behind a screen.
But hey, those are my two cents.
No. 372177
File: 1502695184622.png (175.88 KB, 750x1334, IMG_3862.PNG)

Just trying to be as literal and transparent as possible with you, anon.
Anyway, Anisa is reading here and getting worked up about us discussing her political statements.
No. 372180
>>372177Holy fuck, typical Anisa… literally nobody here said she supports neonazis so either she's hearing those rumors from other places OR she can't read and desperately wants to be the victim of these "horrible rumors" LIKE ALWAYS.
But then again, she is copying word by word all of the edge lords tweets when they say they "lean left so stop calling me ALT RIGHT".
It isn't as fun to protect with your life your freedom of speech when that speech isn't going your way, right Anisa?
No. 372183
File: 1502696724584.png (50.55 KB, 623x321, AnisaJomhaLiar.png)

Yeah, Anisa, show us those rumors. Or could you be modifying the story to fit your victim narrative? Your new edgy friends wouldn't like that or would they?
No. 372406
File: 1502732761614.jpg (153.96 KB, 1072x653, Screenshot_20170814-134527.jpg)

Im so excited
No. 372409
File: 1502733038124.jpg (426.77 KB, 1049x1843, Screenshot_20170814-134626.jpg)

Also she always likes basically every reply she gets on twitter except but the ones that arent completely kissing her ass. Sorry youve made yourself out to be an art goddess yet a fan made youre shit better and youre insecure about it.
Legit bet she steals some of that girls ideas and gives her no credit.
No. 372425
File: 1502734806888.png (29.81 KB, 620x120, lol.png)

>>372406I bet her ranty video will be about "whites were slaves too, so stop being dumb, grow up!" because "a lot of people were asking for a video" (literally one person and it seems sarcastic tbh).
But she's so desperate for the edgelord approval, she'll try emulating shoe0nhead, she even commented on her archenemy Laci Green's twitter.
Also, I'll call it out right now, she's definitely going to use some of the arguments we have posted here. Because this ignorant bitch doesn't care about the real problem except her being the victim, so she'll try to justify her 'two tweets that made EVERYONE think she's a NAZI'.
No. 372447
>>372177lmao @ anisa whining about """rumors"""
imo this just confirms she made ian go on that huge rant in his latest video about the electrician """rumors""" (the fucking joke he himself had started and was fine with) so she'd stop feeling bad about people joking about her rich bf being an icky 'tradesman'. i bet she gave him a fucking script to read off.
No. 372458
>>372425Anisa can't see that she doesn't have what it takes to be a political commentator. She once said she rather see that dumbass youtuber Sargon of Akkad debate than Ben Shapiro. At least Shapiro is skilled and more intelligent than that fat fuck Sargon. She can't see outside the youtube circle she wants to be apart of.
Watch her change her opinion of Ben Shapiro to match Chris's around 46:47
No. 372469
>>372458Honestly, Anisa doesn't have what it takes to be anything. She has tried almost every platform and almost every kind of content. She's boring, she's dumb, she's immature, she's lazy, she's troublesome with her language and her actions, she can't commit to anything in her life not even people, she complains 24/7, she asks way too much for her followers' advice, she babbles about stuff she doesn't know about, she isn't even an above average looking person for people to mindlessly watch her (except for maybe her boobs when on a padded bra, they have their own fans but not her).
She has had many opportunities to prove she's worthy of a following but no, she only wants Ian's fan audience (while saying and pretending that she doesn't want that but it's 24/7 "me n Ian this and that"; the same with her boobie streaming, she has her boobs out all the time and if not she stands in front of the camera, 360 showing the rest of her body) and to be considered part of the edgelord/political scene.
She only wants the attention, and wanting attention would be okay if she was 15 AND she had something to show off about. But nope, showing off your boobs and "marrying up" are not accomplishments, Anisa, that's only what mama Jomha taught you.
No. 372477
File: 1502739444777.jpg (206.65 KB, 470x560, 560.jpg)

No. 372478
File: 1502739485651.png (285.04 KB, 475x577, ew.png)

Sorry for the artist, but +20 bucks for this? Fuck no.
Also, what's up with the chinese? Joji won't be able to read that, Anisa!
No. 372495
>>372477Sailor Moon and and ugly drawing of sushi, she's such a NERD xD.
I think she watches naruto just to appeal to neckbeards. I don't think this hockey bar slut is an anime fan at all.
No. 372519
>>372458I watched that for 2 mins and saw her calling some comedian a whale.
her BDD must have not been bothering her too bad that day i guess
No. 372542
File: 1502744243793.png (30.95 KB, 581x101, predictableanisajomha.png)

LOL, she must've started the video and then read the "lolcowards" comments and decided she was not going to do it. Can she be working making videos when she's here illegally?
>>372478Why ask a white guy to make some google translate chinese phrase on your shirt? Does she think chinese and japanese are the same thing? because the references are way out of their cultural stand. Did she think making it look eastern asian would make her look weab, cute and cool? I definitely think this girl has no respect for any culture not even her own.
And again, she shouldn't be selling stuff in America if she's here illegally.
No. 372573
>>372568Chris: I'm not gonna wear that, it's r e t a r d e d
Anus-a: it's not retarded! Listen! Listen! Listen! Support me dammit.
Chris: no that's gay. I don't have to buy your shit to support someone
-10 minute argument-
No. 372593
File: 1502749380969.png (115.64 KB, 640x860, IMG_5680.PNG)

Awaiting her modeling pics
No. 372598
correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the point of merch to represent the youtuber in a recognizable way?? for example, if i saw a shirt that said "hey that's pretty good" i'd know it's an idubbbz shirt. how is someone suppose to look at this
>>372478 and know it's an 'anisa' shirt? it looks like some clusterfuck you'd fine at any store, nothing about it says "i am a fan of anisa". unless i'm just not getting the joke/concept. either way it's ugly
No. 372601
File: 1502749772011.png (1.03 MB, 1220x1188, Screen Shot 2017-08-14 at 3.24…)

okay I saw this on the artist twitter is it me or he tried to make the designs similar to this? I bet anusa said "I want it to look like that"
No. 372642
>>372636As many as it takes for people to stop seeing her as a sack of potatoes that's always naked and begging for money. She's smart too because her father is a lawyer.
Sad logic, sad girl. But her actions speak louder than her words.
No. 372660
File: 1502816135989.png (39.87 KB, 750x369, IMG_0569.PNG)

huh? part 2
No. 372668
File: 1502816468194.png (80.81 KB, 650x867, IMG_2837.PNG)

>>372627she should be flattered. max is hotter than she is.
No. 373033
File: 1502848277485.png (121.09 KB, 640x651, IMG_5686.PNG)

Holy forehead wrinkles and mustache…
No. 373039
File: 1502848490389.png (152.76 KB, 640x677, IMG_5687.PNG)

They really deserve each other. YUCK.
No. 373042
>>373033Those fake smiles and the dad hold on her shoulder. Body language says so much about their unhappy relationship.
I wonder what geeky super expensive Disneyland thing she made him buy her.
No. 373048
>>373043probably some white trailer trash thing she'll brag about for ages but never use since she only owns one dirty padded bra, one pair of cheap shorts and three shitty shirts.
"i like that Ian doesn't spend on things that we don't need."
No. 373073
>>373039Their body language does say a lot. Their heads pulling away from each other. Ian is so disgusted with her body that he can't even hold her waist or her back. His smile is saying he's tired of this shit. The stiff arm, stiff legs pointing away from her. Basically his pose totally says "let's get this over with".
It's a bit sad that her pose is the complete opposite of his (even if her smile is fake AF as well). But only a bit sad, since we know Anisa's interest is on his money, his internet influence and the American citizenship so… they kinda deserve each other.
No. 373083
File: 1502851407530.png (440.32 KB, 625x703, anisajomha.png)

I love how she's quick to point out and act ashamed of Ian's clothing style but the dirty ass clothes she repeatedly wears every fucking day aren't a reason to be ashamed.
Embarrassed by your one and only, Anisa? I'm sure he's way more embarrassed of you but doesn't tweet about it.
No. 373114
>>373039She looks so boxy omg and her boobs look extra padded.
Tbh she has pretty nice legs, she should accentuate the one good thing about her by dressing up properly
No. 373158
>>373033I think she looks miles better here. The eyebrow is better and a lighter hair color actually softens her face, alonsige with the curls.
Hey Anisa, I know you lurk, so keep this look up. Also, more natural make up suits you better.
You're welcome.
No. 373164
File: 1502865340224.png (517.5 KB, 1212x667, 5D2D4FE7-48C8-4BEC-A7B0-599F65…)

>>373039Anisa should've just stayed a booby streamer, clearly her content is shit and she's just known now as idubbbz's girlfriend and that's how it'll be unless they break up and then she'll fade into obscurity
No. 373205
File: 1502875061461.png (488.42 KB, 638x734, IMG_5243.png)

One of idubbbz's 10 year old fans let Anisa be in the photo with them
No. 373425
File: 1502907696287.png (93.74 KB, 750x701, IMG_3267.PNG)

She's trying so hard to sound friendly and polite to her followers on twitter, it just makes me think she's the biggest hypocrite ever.
Also, why does she promise she'll post all of her hot ideas if she hasn't posted anything in a month? Like wouldn't it be better to stay silent and post when the video is up?
Why does she like to pretend she's doing stuff while fooling everyone and herself? A good housewife wouldn't do that.
It just shows what kind of a person she is.
No. 373428
File: 1502907936320.png (55.95 KB, 628x438, IMG_5672.png)

Someone wants to make her a subreddit ……
No. 373429
File: 1502908198584.jpg (344.61 KB, 1058x1154, Screenshot_20170816-142907.jpg)

>>373428She already has one and has commented in it before. Lmao she's trying to pretend like it doesnt exist.
No. 373587
File: 1502924242454.png (456 KB, 582x658, lurkeranisajomha.png)

Confirmation of Anisa and her followers still lurking here:
1) changes hand sign
2) doesn't smile with her horse teeth
3) someone "compliments" the size of her hands
No. 373634
File: 1502928278901.png (975.92 KB, 1188x658, Screen Shot 2017-08-16 at 8.04…)

No. 373712
File: 1502933940281.png (92.16 KB, 640x619, IMG_5688.PNG)

She needs to:
A) change her shirt
B) stop with the gross faces
C) get a manicure her hands are gross
No. 373740
File: 1502935372263.png (457.43 KB, 738x659, anisa reddit.png)

>>373738Great comments. She can't complain about lolcow when she literally gets hate from every website there is. Give up, Anisa.
No. 373771
>>373764What can we expect from ignorant and on a high horse, Anisa.
She thinks nazis and people against nazis are the same. I hope she does go to college so a fucking classroom actually shits on her and she learns something for once. She keeps brushing off the comments of others when she says something stupid or hurtful and it's about time she actually shuts the fuck up and listens.
No. 373787
File: 1502937659794.png (716.52 KB, 714x691, balding.png)

>says stylist says she has a lot of hair
No. 373809
File: 1502938429901.png (63.6 KB, 750x380, IMG_3890.PNG)

I really hope she grows her hair back out at least to bra length. This lord farquaad haircut is not doing her any favors.
No. 373817
File: 1502939032103.png (2.62 MB, 1920x1080, soccermom.png)

No. 373832
File: 1502939878615.jpg (54.69 KB, 640x640, 13267606_1745160642388899_1439…)

>>373817Why didn't she just grow it out and go back to this style
No. 373839
File: 1502940584852.jpeg (155.1 KB, 1334x738, 1502940501649.jpeg)

Just gonna offer this for the next thread pic.
No. 373840
>>373827>>373833GOTTA GET THAT JOJI D
circle lenses next?
No. 373847
>>373840LOOOOL, definitely in it for the Joji d.
Ian's going to regret paying for this haircut.
No. 373850
File: 1502940996294.png (105.69 KB, 324x226, before anisa jomha.png)

I think I liked it more when she looked like an ogre. Now it just looks like she wants to fuck Joji so bad she had to turn full on weab.
I honestly think the hairstylist was having the time of her life ruining her head.
No. 373878
File: 1502942901696.jpg (Spoiler Image,698.2 KB, 1152x2048, IMG_0578.JPG)

Off-topic Chad chode.
No. 373884
File: 1502943249808.jpeg (14.69 KB, 275x252, 1496312200448.jpeg)

>>373878anon pls my poor fairly innocent eyes
No. 373931
File: 1502951923426.png (2.83 MB, 1920x1080, 1502939032103.png)

>>373817I think the bangs will look a bit better when they're longer
No. 373938
>>373931Nah, her bangs accentuate the bottom part of her face, making her face seem heavier.
Also, remember she has a wide neck and huge back and now she's showing only that: cheeks, neck and back. Now add the way she dresses to this equation and you have a bad case of "is that a pedo man dressed as a little japanese girl?"
Maybe she was trying to look like Max to attract Ian more and maybe attract Joji.
No. 373958
File: 1502957706470.png (234.24 KB, 355x444, itriedlol.png)

>>373817I tried to give her a more flattering style lol her new bangs are so tumblr sjw-esque
No. 374049
File: 1502975016321.png (45.48 KB, 596x482, fAjHrzJ.png)

>tfw no bae
No. 374073
>>374046The funniest thing is she probably is mental but, from having a huge ego, not from BDD. People who are in their mid 20s who have no real job or education normally have terrible self confidence due to their lack of usefulness, which is an understandable feeling. Anisa on the other hand thinks because has some fans on her nonexistent channel and is dating a "youtube celebrity" makes her successful.
That's why whenever she does advice videos its cringey because she is in no place to give anyone advice.
No. 374112
>>373817why did she do this
>>373824i was just about to post that. beat me to it.
>>373958really pretty wow. she fucked up big time
>>373987yeah she needs to start dressing her age. she looks dumb in her graphic tees
No. 374134
>>374117She posted on snapchat 20 minutes ago that she just woke up. She still has makeup on tho?
So she's lying or shes gross as fuck and doesn't wash her face.
No. 374169
File: 1502990065795.png (184.16 KB, 750x1072, IMG_3283.PNG)

Huge body, tiny head -> trying to show off more skin and wear more makeup to hide it. Supposedly happy with what she got done yesterday. Very manly in all those pics if you ask me.
She must be soon leaving for Canada, just like last time, she did her hair a bit before leaving… can't afford stylists in Canada? Or who is she trying to show off for back home? Second boyfriend or is she soon going to meet up with Chris?
She talks about wanting to do everything for Ian and Ian is everything but she just keeps showing us (the world) how she only wants Ian's money and his fanbase, by spending his money on her superficial ideas.
No. 374192
File: 1502992230488.png (1.79 MB, 1080x1485, Screenshot_2017-08-17-10-45-43…)

Not trying to be THAT person, but those creases… damn
No. 374202
File: 1502993031324.png (126.26 KB, 750x1068, IMG_3892.PNG)

Lmaooooo the girl who did her hair just posted this terrible photo.
No. 374215
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>>374202Oh my god, this is def not a good look for her, she really looks like coconut head!
Also she can soon hide those terrible brows she can't draw on her face.
No. 374217
File: 1502993927228.jpg (125.4 KB, 901x1200, DHcmKm5UIAQ5Go2.jpg)

Its like caveman trying to look "innocent" and "cute". You guys are right, she's trying to look Asian to get that filthy cock.
No. 374237
File: 1502996512277.png (669.87 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170817-204513.png)

>>374192 is it just me or does she have a bit of a lazy eye? It's like one eye is looking at me and the other is looking at all her shitty life decisions with regret
I feel a little bad for her but am also happy her stylist was so shit, I mean she gave these poor children horrible mom haircuts in pic related
No. 374238
>>374192I thought she looked nice for once
>>374202Then I realized she just knows good lighting because her face is still super fat and crusty, she just knows how to hide it in pics. Wash your face, your so gross.
Legit how are you going to be cute in the new pics but actually an uggo in person?
No. 374247
>>374192>>374202why does she cake on so much foundation and concealer? doesn't look like she has skin so bad she needs so much of product it flakes away, ew.
First of all, Anisa, exfoliate and moisturize, dear. You look like you use just water to wash your freaking face.
No. 374285
>>374278Yeah, that article is at least a year old. That was the first time she openly lied about everything. She tried to disguise her boobie streaming and begging for money, and blame it on her "audience", she says her mom was there to like help her but really it was because her family thought she was a camwhore, she says she's one of the biggest twitch streamers and she's not, played the feminist card that she now despises bc feminazis are disgusting, blah blah, all lies.
Also, her mom is there to be a mod but she's Anisa's biggest bully? Hahaha like what, my guess is Anisa pays her a part of what she earns on stream and that's why she never misses a stream just to be a mod and make fun of her daughter. Easy money while promoting herself like a cool pimp mom.
No. 374287
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This ones kinda cute. Like ghost in the shell vibes.
No. 374291
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How many haircuts can you get in the span of two months?
Leave your hair alone, pear.
God knows there are a lot of other things to fix.
No. 374354
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No. 374381
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>>374202Jesus Christ, this is the most unflattering haircut she could possibly get. I can't understand how someone can be so retarded as to assume any haircut will look good on them instead of realizing some only flatter certain face shapes.
No. 374383
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>>374354That or the Berries and Cream guy from those old Starburst commercials.
No. 374448
File: 1503018858286.jpg (29.47 KB, 491x899, b02a365690b29a569c07f83e696946…)

>>374192she got that medieval peasant man haircut. damn grl
No. 374456
>>374211>>374270i am fucking crying
>>374453agreed. she looks like a rat, gorilla, and a pear all at once. with bread crumbs for skin on top of it all.
her groucho marx caveman brows and 200 dollars worth of patches and a jacket should be the least of her worries appearance wise.
No. 374457
>>374453>>374456BUT GUYS, ANISA IS POOR. she's getting $40 a month from youtube :((( and only one or two of her 50 consistent twitch viewers sometimes donate $1 or so every five streams. and after getting the haircut, those 50 viewers will disappear by half because they were only holding on long enough to see if raihnbowtitz would return to her hot boobie-streams. but they were all angry at her yesterday and spammed her in chat to loudly make their disapproval known and said she went from a hot girl to a soccer mom, so they're gone now.
seriously tho: how the fuck does anisa plan on making any sort of living at this point???
No. 374465
>>374457Leeching off her boyfriend's money? That's an easy one, I think we can all agree that was her plan from the start. She has done it with every other boyfriend.
If she actually cared she would've planned something or looked for a job or something, but no, she only pretends to 'work/look for a job/future' so that people think she cares. When in reality she loves spending Ian's money mostly on dumb things like coffee from Starbucks and shitty clothes… but also she's planning on making him buy her a house and take her to Europe, remember?
She is a gold-digging slut. Gross Gore was right and nobody dared listen to him because he was being 'sexist'.
No. 374616
>>374614Had to fix the links.
ACTUAL new thread: