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No. 188304
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Ant sized, but I found this on /hm/ ;^)
No. 188307
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I like all of them except fat cunt. He's kind of disgusting.
Ian is the hottest and funniest in my opinion though.
>>188303Same. I thought I was the only one who had an experience like that in high school.
No. 188308
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>>188304Here's a better version for you
No. 188309
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In case anyone missed this picture of Ian's junk in the other thread.
Yes, it's real.
No. 188312
Ian's the bae. Joji seems like a fuckboy underneath his edgy internet persona. Max's face is super cute but I don't care for him or that emo hair at all.
>>188304>>188308These are rlly nice.
No. 188313
>>188310>>188311>>188306I honestly don't understand what people see in Joji that's attractive not even in an ironic sense. His internet persona doesn't help things either.
He looks like a broke ass Erza Miller, and he's a fuccboi.
No. 188315
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>>188311Fat cunt is a social retard who needs better "friends", but gets the ones he deserves
Max is stupid but ambitious
Joji looks like pic-related and it's obvious he hates himself and his life
Ian's always given me the creeps, and you're probably right, anon
No. 188324
>>188317Going by his personal twitter he seems to be a huge wigger (or whatever the term is for asian dudes) and is super into the whole instagram/drake/baseball caps/ghetto side ho bullshit. But like
>>188319 says it could just be "irony", but who knows.
No. 188325
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He's attractive and I'd totally bf him, he gives me slight creeper vibes though
Too much of a fuccboi
Not sure why people ITT are saying he needs a haircut, his hair makes him more attractive IMO. I could be slightly biased though because I've been thirsting after him since his pranker days in 2012.
>Fat Cunt
His name is literally Chad and that's slightly funny to me.
No. 188328
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i love these dudes. i thirsted after ian after i first found him for about a week lmao. max seems cool, joji eh, i have chad on and he is quite literally a 'fat cunt'
No. 188334
>>188332Yeah and for the rest of us, who aren't fucking spergs, I appreciate
>>188330 that sort of information. Not everyone is obsessed with your shitty internet crush anon.
No. 188337
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I miss how Frank hung out with Prometheus, Red Dick and the Shaman and did cool stuff together, he was even funny just by himself. Alas… he abandoned them to become friends with a bunch of manchildren who have a bad influence on him and make him attend stupid jackass parties where they do just plain filthy shit without being funny or clever about it.
No. 188344
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>>188327>"chigger">all my laffsbtw, when y'all gonna hop on the MDE crew's dicks too?
No. 188349
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>>188337I was just about to ask , what happened to the old crew?
I don't mind new guys, but I miss his old crew
No. 188358
>>188344Sam has fucked a number of girls from 4chan apparently.
He's hilarious, and genuinely right-wing.
No. 188359
>>188358He's the REAL DEAL(tm)!!!
Sam backhandedly called Filthy Frank a fake phony when he was on the Needle Drop podcast.
Thought this might be of interest to this thread.
No. 188363
>>188313Wasn't there a thing where he said he was related to Ezra (cousins)?
idk if true but they share last names, look similar as fuck.
No. 188364
>>188363Holy shit I had to look him up cause I was thinking of Ezra Koenig so I was confused, but I now realize Ezra Miller is that kid with the bad case of gay face from We Need To Talk About Kevin.
Either way he's way more talented imo.
But could they be related? I thought Joji was half jap half aus.
No. 188367
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>>188364This is the source.
Feel like he's just lying though.
No. 188370
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I actually think fat cunt is pretty qt
No. 188371
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Max is moe.
No. 188375
>>188367>>188363Jesus you guys are fucking dumb.
They're obviously not related. Ezra Miller is just a chinky looking jew, meanwhile Joji is genuinely a jap. They look similar but it's not way weirder than other celeb look alikes
No. 188377
>>188358Yeah. He hosted a mock Google cast once about how to get laid with girls you meet on 4chan and some other guy with him claimed that "nerdy 4chan girls with low self esteem" were easier than hookers :/
Made me feel icky as I quite like Sam.
No. 188385
>>188380There is something rumor that Ian is dating her. I don't get where this is coming from other than she follows him (he follows her maybe?) and they've retweeted some shit to each other once or twice.
I'd be shocked if Ian had any interest in her. Seems like the exact opposite of what he'd probably be into considering she's just a generic Twitch whore.
No. 188386
>>188385I believe it's confirmed since they're linking each other's IG on their profiles and a stan asked her and she said confirmed it for them.
Honestly he follows so many titty streamers on twitter so it's not a huge surprise just kind of disappointed since I was expecting Daria or something.
No. 188387
>>188386Really? You have a screenshot or anything where she confirms it?
If it's true, I guess disappointed is a good word. I figured he'd end up with some girl who was cute and smart but pretty down to earth and maybe even average looking.
No. 188389
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>>188386Most guys with even an ounce of fame (or infamy, in their case) usually go for the most inflated pair of tits they can get. There are exceptions (Zuckerberg married his longtime gf who's a normal-looking lady) but it's usually some big-titted bimbo for some reason. It almost feels like they're trying to prove something to the world.
No. 188395
>>188394It is a little disappointing (in a lulz worthy way), but I don't know what everyone expected. Dude was an admited virgin 2-3 years ago, doubt he got his dick wet since then. Now that he's relevant he can fuck whatever hoe he wants, so of course he's gonna go with a catty drama slut first.
I wouldn't be surprised if they met at a con and hit it off from there. She dumped her boy toy sometime after/during August, so they likely met at vid con or some shit.
Kalel 2.0?
No. 188396
>>188395She also deleted the pic of her and said boy toy that she posted Aug 17th on her insta just now. LOL.
Sage for samefagging
No. 188397
She looks good so he wants to give her the D. If he is chronically underfucked then I'm not surprised he picked attractiveness over diamond-in-the-rough ~personality~.
I think he's a funny guy, but I've always felt that the sarcastic confidence was put on. Combined with the high risk of him falling in love with actually getting laid means it might be RIP iDubbbz hello Ian 'everyone this is my lovely bf ian that ive infected with my basic bitch personality' Shrimpson.
No. 188398
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>>188397I wonder how this plays out. This is probably his first girl friend, so I doubt he's gonna know how to handle someone of this crazy-cunt level. I look forward to any milk that comes of this.
Based on twitter feeds, she was dating some twitch streamer akaadian for some time and they went to twitch con (Sept 30th- oct 2nd) together (pretty sure they shared a room and went to dinner together during), but then after the con it seems they broke it off or something. Twitch con is located in San diego, so I wouldn't be surprised if idubbbz was there.
Guess she found a new meal ticket.
No. 188400
>>188393Exactly. It's kind of annoying. I'm sure there are plenty of normal sweet girls out there with huge tits if that's what he wants. Why go for some shallow titty streamer? gg for thinking with your dick, Ian
>>188395God damn, he really admitted to be a virgin 2-3 years ago? kek
Well, I guess it doesn't surprise me then. Like
>>188397 said, I always felt his confidence was just for show. In BTS videos and other unplanned stuff, he's fucking awkward as hell. He stumbled over his words or just stares off into space while trying to think of something witty.
>>188398On the one hand, I'm anxious to see if there's any milk, but I don't want to see Ian get hurt by some crazy cunt.
No. 188402
>>188388get outta here how2basic
this is no place for egg man
only ovary
No. 188403
>>188400I, on the other hand, can't WAIT for the milk.
Unless of course
>>188399 is right.
No. 188404
>>188403It might be pretty shit milk
Ian quietly stops doing collab videos because she thinks his friends are gross, stops making rape jokes etc.
No. 188405
>>188404That would be great.
I know a lot of ya here are sweet on him, but I love it when a hypocrite finally outs him/herself publicly.
No. 188408
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>>188407good point, but honestly the 3-4 people posting in this thread desperately wanting milk on idubbbz and his "new gf" are getting themselves way too involved. it just sounds like you guys are projecting when you say how shitty it is that someone like him would pick a titty streamer over a girl with a nice personality who happens to have big tits. y'all are being salty as fuck that your mancrush has someone who you think has more goods than you, at least in the looks department (ie tits). kind of like leafy's fans, but in a more subtle and passive aggressive way. also, isn't this girl one of those "i'm not a feminist" types? wouldn't she be okay with ian making rape jokes since she'd be a massive hypocrite for letting herself censor what he has to say? i know that anti-feminist thing may be a front but i don't think she's awful enough to do that
>inb4 robot No. 188409
>>188408>>188408>getting themselves way too involved>on lolcowIan's whole shtick is seeing past the superficial bullshit, making witty comments, and generally being on a higher plane of irony than everyone else. Dating a hot mad bitch tit streamer and potentially having her lead him around by the dick could be the milky end of iDubbbz as we know him.
I think she'll pressure him to tone it down a lot because he occasionally makes some fucking gross videos, and I doubt she's into her boyfriend doing that.
No. 188411
>>188408No one is projecting and getting salty because they've got a thing for Ian. It's the hypocrisy of it. He's ragged on people numerous times for being shallow and superficial and now we see he's dating someone exactly like that and being like that himself since he's clearly dating her for her tits. That's the issue here.
>isn't this girl one of those "i'm not a feminist" types?No, she's one of these "tehe I'm not like those OTHER girls" types. Even if she said she wasn't a feminist, we all know it's because she thinks that's what her drooling guy fanbase wants to hear.
No. 188413
>>188412So he's truly beta as fuck.
Wonder how long it will be until she shows up in one of his videos.
No. 188414
>>188412God, what a betafag.
I can totally see now him kissing her ass and bowing to her every whim when it comes to his videos and friends.
Let's hope Frank and gang can keep him from becoming a total cuck.
No. 188415
>>188414Doubt they'll do anything. None of Anthony's friends did anything when he was with Kalel. You don't fuck up bussiness relationships because of some side pussy you don't like.
Although I could see Chad saying something because he's a loud retard.
No. 188420
>>188415At most I think Chad would be snide and make jabs about it on his twitch streams and maybe Twitter, otherwise he'd keep his mouth shut, he doesn't want to bite the hand that feeds him.
Relationship wise for all of them: I think George lives on a string of side bitches that are scattered in America, Australia and Japan, on GuruGossip they confirmed he fucked Kimmi Smiles when he went visited and went to PAX AUS.
Chad was messing around with a girl Named Ashlee a couple months back and now gets nudes on the regular from multiple girls.
Max was with Xantia for 5 years before they broke up and now he's with Katt.
Ian now has his Twitch whore girlfriend which is probably something he has been after for some time considering how many tit streamers he follows on twitter.
When George posted his latest "LOSER READS HATE COMMENTS" all but Max were single and it was said in video.
No. 188422
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And so it begins.
No. 188423
>>188422Meh, they just started dating, it would be kind of strange to release info about their relationship in such a manner so early. She did state in one of her insta pics that she didn't want people asking questions abuy it. It also could be that ian specifically asked her not to address those questions.
Give it a couple months. But I'm kind of surprised it's a guy bringing it up.
No. 188424
>>188423Sage for samefagging.
Not sure how I fucking missed the last sentence. LOL. Anyways, you're right, so it begins
Also, someone in the comments asked her where she was moving to along with some other dumb questions and she completely ignored the moving related one.
No. 188425
>>188424>>188423She's gonna tease and milk this for some time, apparently she said on a previous stream she will do a cooking stream with him in November, I wonder if he'll take her to Australia when he goes there to film to meet the rest of the boys.
She wants to do more YouTube, she jumps on the dick of a guy with one of the fastest growing channels and does an AMA a few days after them dating goes public knowing full well people will be watching for any mention of him and spam her with questions about him.
On her latest stream she spoke about how they got together/met and it was one of the most retarded things I've ever heard. It's starts at 24:35
No. 188426
>>188425it's almost sad how obvious she is leeching. nothing is below this girl, she is straight up disgusting.
She has been talking about wanting to grow her youtube channel, uploading every week, pushing herself more and more into youtube and lo and behold she drops her league stream BF to leech of a youtuber.
Her whole use and dump technique has worked before and gotten her tons of attention.
everything she does is scarily for attention.leading Gross gore on, dating guys who have the fame she wants (league guy and now this poor sap), bending over in front of the camera, twerking on stream, "not like the other girls", whining about how "hard" it was to be a "boob streamer" and how she is "different and not slutty now!" although once the hype of that blew off she went back to tits and bending over in front of the camera. I have known some of her ex friends and she is overall just a gross person who will throw anyone under the bus for a short time in the lime light.
No. 188430
>>188427>>188429The lame part for me is that she only says this to be "different" and not be criticized. She has said conflicting things like
>haha I show them bc I'm a whore ;) and like attention hehe u can't criticize me now!
>I REGRET doing it it was WRONG, that's not me, I will dress modestly now! I'm a real gamer girl ;)
>OK well I just show them now BECAUSE I WANT TO She has done this whole, I'm not a "booby streamer anymore!" stick a few times now by the way, lame af. She throws women under the bus for wearing tank tops or whatever to act superior for a while and once the hype of her being "a real gamer" wears off she goes back to showing her tits for attention.
If you haven't known her long enough you probably haven't seen this pattern yet.
No. 188433
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>>188430She said this in AMA comments section and then on stream she said she went back because she was bored, does she always change stories whenever asked about tit streaming?
>>188426I wonder if he knows about the shit with Gross Gore and her bringing a white knight in and crying on stream, he would find that pathetic if it was a girl he didn't want to fuck, he's embarrassing.
Anything specific from her ex friends?
>>188428So when Ian ~~saved~~ her she was still dating someone else? and is making it out like it was a chance meeting, when it's clear as day she probably slide into his DMs and was more than likely cheating.
>>188432Yeah, she pretended to be talking about a skeleton doll she got, she's wants to talk about Ian so badly.
No. 188434
>>188433Yeah. Not sure if she was in contact much with ian prior to the con, but I wouldn't be surprised if they had a thing prior.
Akaadian hasn't seem to make a comment on anything about it yet, and I doubt he probably will. He still has all the pics they took together up on his twitter though.
No. 188435
>>188434I don't think they were in direct contact, but she made it clear she wanted Ian's dick, it's starts at 2:40 it also appears she's only ever tweeted at or about Ian and none of the other boys, interesting seeing as she said FilthyFrank was her favourite youtuber.
Well, I hope it wasn't cheating, he seems nice and it seemed like he really liked her.
No. 188437
>>188436Why would she want to change? She's said she would multiple times in the past but she never does because being a titty streamer/youtuber is easy. Now she can just leech revenue from her new boy toy.
Maybe she's just a lazy skank like Kalel. :^)
No. 188440
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>>188439brain dead fangirls who are seeking ass kissing points instead will probably bring in more money, longevity and inflate your ego like nothing else, pretend you care even a little bit about them and they think the sun shines out of your ass, because it's the closest they'll get to Ian himself caring about them.
I can just magine her moving in with him when she's moved to California next year and doing daily vlogging or even shit like the Girlfriend/Boyfriend tag, she's gonna milk him dry and if he bends over backwards and allows it to happen, he deserves it.
If he opens up his PO Box again, the fangirls will send her shit and demand that she appears in videos and opens it with him on camera.
I couldn't really take his newest Kickstarter Crap seriously because of all this happening, it's like he shit all over everything he has built because he wanted to get his dick wet.
No. 188445
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> When you don't know if the guy who donated $3000 likes feet or not so you put shoes on off camera to have an excuse to show chat your feet>>188444I do agree she's super into it, she recently followed Max on Twitter and Max's girlfriend Katt on Instagram, it should be noted, no one else but Ian follows her, Not even Chad and he's a streamer.
I think he might want a relationship with what he said on Philip Defranco's podcast, I don't think he's got a lot of experience in the dating/sex department, he might of still been a virgin until his year.
No. 188446
>>188391Sam has a couple of videos with him and a girl on his youtube.
He also has a taste for traps apparently.
No. 188448
>>188447Honestly doesn't change my opinion of him (largely positive).
He's a 4channer, everyone knew he was going to be a sexual degenerate of some kind.
No. 188449
>>188446Is this the same girl who was playing TF2 in one of the KSTV videos?
I feel like Sam has a long string of short-lived relationships (ex.
>>188447), but obvs not on purpose. I hope he and Charls find kind and supporting lifelong waifus like Nick has. They all deserve it. <3
No. 188451
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>>188449Sam was involved with that girl who had short hair (pic related) and a tripfag called "Marky", another girl.
Sam apparently was into some pretty kinky stuff, but Marky's current boyfriend is a fat Asian guy who, if Marky doesn't do as he says, beats up his mother and claims that Marky made him do it. Pretty sad, but Asian men are like that I guess.
No. 188453
>>188449Sam has had at least three but maybe five different girlfriends that have appeared in his videos.
The Indian one in the Apple Store vid
The girl in the Hungry For vid
The girl in KST
The girl he did a lot of driving vids like the McDonalds one and the pizza threats vid.
I also recall some other white girl who shows up in one of his vids. He calls her into a room and yells at her or something. Might be a hidden vid now.
>>188451Sam denied ever having anything to do with that girl but she's definitely his type: petite, almost boyish channer.
No. 188455
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So I finally caught one of her streams live, it's hilarious how she's fully clothed whenever streaming with family members.
Ian was one of the mods, I bet he loves it when people in chat wonder how his girlfriend's pussy looks and I bet he loves it even more how he's not allowed to ban them because of Anisa's rules.
>>188450She did clothed kinda serious Vids before, but ever since getting with Ian she's really pushing youtube and how much she wants to do it, how happy she is doing it and it's clear she wants to fully transition into YouTube, quit streaming and is using Ian to do that.
Yeah, she's 23 and in no way looks it.
No. 188464
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Ian liked this dumbass tweet of hers and any respect I had for him has slipped away completely at this point.
>>188463I think Max is very underrated imo he's just looked over because his style of videos isn't like Ian or George's and is more physical based, when the fact that they're all even together is because of Max.
He's also one of the prettiest guys I've ever seen.
No. 188469
>>188464Bonus info, momokun and raihnbowkidz follow each other and raihnbowkidz has liked momokun's tweets in ocassion.
Birds of a feather….
No. 188470
>>188467I like her father is a muslim (or whole family I'm assuming) and she essentially sells the way her body looks to neckbeards online.
I'm starting to think neither of her parents must know about the things she really does on stream, this
>>188455 kind of convinces me too
No. 188472
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>the delicious irony of this girl simultaneously getting up in arms about slut shaming and using mongol as a deragatory slur in the same tweet
No. 188476
>>188475No one is defending the other petty bitches, anon was pointing out that it's a 'pot meet kettle' situation. She's trying to come off as morally higher than the other girls, but at the same time calls them a racially derogatory term.
Everyone involved is 100% retarded, her more so, because she's to stupid to realize the irony of her word choice.
No. 188477
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Katt seems to know whatever it is, I have a feeling it's Ian/moving related.
No. 188478
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There is also this one, but she said it 5 hours ago and nothing has happened.
No. 188481
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>>188477Update wtf is happening also her getting all buddy buddy with Katt, she's in this for the long haul, imagine if they go on couple dates because you just know Ian is gonna take her to Aus.
>>188480I think so, they seem pretty friendly with each other on Twitter. What's the info on kida_chan?
No. 188483
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>>188482I can't wait to see what a train wreck that'll be. Ian is too fucking awkward to do shit outside of his ironic maymay skits.
I imagine he'll just stand there the whole time, awkwardly pushing up his glasses and side eyeing her tits.
No. 188484
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the day when I came to /b/ and I got some nice potential milk instead
No. 188506
>>188491Her Mother mods her Stream as well, so she sees all the shit they say about her and seems to be okay with it, it's an interesting relationship, she can call her Mother a cunt on stream as a joke and she's okay with her doing that.
She really talks about Ian, the filthy crew, youtube etc at the end of her stream. till the end.
No. 188537
>>188515I don't get it? Are you implying they slept together?
Kimmi is friends with frank and max (her channel is even on max's youtube rec page). I don't know much about kimmi, she's some has been youtube singer, but I was under the impression she was dating someone who was not joji.
No. 188547
>>188537It was confirmed on the filthyfrank GuruGossip thread they fucked and she was basically crawling for his dick afterwards and he was kinda stringing her along.'s a link to thread, you'll need an account to view it tho.
No. 188659
>>188642and she's not very attractive either, not a great combo
damn just saw this thread, Ian could do better
No. 188660
I was talking with some guy friends about idubbbz and his gf came up, and they were bending over backwards to defend him ("it's fine, maybe he likes her personality!" "he knows what he's doing!" and when i pointed out that he probably didn't know what he was doing bc he's inexperienced, they switched to "let him make mistakes!"). I wasn't even being mean, I just pointed out that dating a Twitch girl seems a tad hypocritical of him. They love calling out other Youtube guys for being hypocritical or being dumb about their relationships but the moment someone they like does it, it's not a big deal.
>>188642I agree, she's done some dumb stuff but I don't think she's malicious, she just lacks self-awareness, it seems.
No. 188705
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>>188483Ian is so awkward he still relies on memes when showing his girlfriend affection and getting her stuff.
The stream with both of them is happening on Thursday, I don't think I've ever seen Ian have any prolonged filmed interaction with female at all, let alone one he is dating, this is gonna be so good.
No. 188722
>>188681>>188682>>188690>>188691She lead on a dude for views, then got upset when he actually fell for her. Reguardless of how retarded the guy is (which he is, he eventually got banned from twitch for other reasons), her motives were purely selfish, and when things got to real she refused to pull on her big girl panties and deal with it like an adult by talking to him in private about how she really felt. Instead, she got butthurt that she would eventually look like the bad guy (turning him down after leading him on) and talked to him on stream in an attempt to make him look bad to his own auidence. She couldn't even do that herself so had some neckbeard white knight come in to defend her.
She also had a shit fit on her own stream in response to his first video (talking about his feelings for her), that vod is deleted though.
No. 188803
>>188705I actually think sending memes/gifts is cute, don't you guys share memes with your s/o?
but yeah that stream is gonna be weird af
No. 188818
>>188803People do corny stuff in relationships all the time, sure. But stale memes from 2 years ago are… cringeworthy, for sure.
>>188784It's worse than an Achilles' heel. It's like Achilles promoting himself as an the best immortal warrior to his compatriots, but then screaming "MY WEAKNESS IS MY HEEL" once in front of the walls of Troy.
No. 188831
Oop, someone's newly ex is not to happy. if he's finally put two and two together and realized he was cucked at the twitch con.
No. 188851
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Old Ian pic for anyone who hasn't seen it.
>>188803I think it's more that Ian is so fucking awkward he can't exist outside of his memes and ironic/edgy humour so it's basically become a social crutch for him, him doing it outside of the filthy crew or his Vids just comes across as weird or awkward and looks sad if you compare who he portrays in videos.
No. 188856

>>188642Obviously in stream she is going to try to be likable to get money (duh?). Some basic run downs about her
1. Gross gore drama
>yes gross gore is an idiot and a piece of shit as well btw
>Raihnbowz is smart and realized that she can use Gross for views just like she uses other top players. She started being active in his chat, which lead up to talking to him, which lead to skyping for hours a night with him. They had mutual interest in eachother, they planned on meeting at some con in Cali, he got excited, started treating her as if they were an item. She got mad at this and started ignoring him. He made a video saying he was upset about it. She got mad at that video, raged super hard at him. He made ANOTHER video saying he was sorry. A few hours later, this video happened (on live stream).
>TL;DW Raihnbowz used Gross Gore for views, he grew attached, she said they were never anything, they argued, a group of random streamers were there for it.2. I'm not a boobie streamer!
>bends over in front of camera, showing both breasts and ass. deliberately shows feet or shows inside her whole shirt. This is her "normal" stickt ]
>makes video (linked)
>does this for more attention, gets tons of money from neckbeards bc she is a real girl gamer at first. Then it fails.
>HOWEVER that video did not get much views, so what does she do? She creates a new video, labels it 'boobie streamer' places 'boobie prep' and a pic of her cleavage on the thumbnail to catch attention. That sounds like something that she completely is against and proclaiming she won't do anymore….no ?
>She also then uploads to r/videos calling it 'preparing to be a booby streamer' but it didn't get many views… so not 12 hours later someone else submits it and she shows up straight away.
>TLDR; after she cashed in the beta buckcs She is not back to "being a booby streamer" because she stopped getting attention from that I didn't finish watching her latest video but it starts about how her "boobs were an inconvinience to her" (when she has small breasts, she has even said so herself, lol) and how she wanted to play only with boyz!!
Basically her whole thing is to "act" like one of the boys and she isn't like the other girls!! She backtracks 24/7 just for attention (I have huge real tits! JK I have small tits…JK they are huge omg!) and uses men (streamers and players) for attention over and over again. I have seen her throw away friendships with someone I was close to just because they clashed over her stupid im not like the other girls attitude. just a gross person in general, so money hungry. BTW I Stole a lot of that greentext from reddit but its good info
No. 188873
>>188871Well I guess she 's only using Ian for views.
But he seems so smitten with her.
Well I think it's not going to last long.
I don't think this will end well, either.
There will be drama.
No. 188877
>>188871I have a feeling it'll be for awhile, but she seems to be pushing the relationship into the open, In this
>>188506 vod
She spoke about how he is vey private and even him putting her in his Instagram bio was hard for him.
She wants the spotlight and e fame that comes with being his girlfriend and he doesn't want anything around his relationship or private life to be public.
No. 188879
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>>188751Do you mean @this_is_lala?
He posted this pic of her not long ago which drove fangirls crazy.
I don't think Joji could seriously date anyone though, she might just be one of his many side hoes.
No. 188913
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>>188883Joji isn't gay, he just likes to fuck with people, tumblr fangirls think he's bisexual because of how he fucks with people on twitter.
Neither is Ian and Max, but I haven't ever gotten a gay vibe from any of them tbh
No. 189027 wonder if she slept with ian at twitch con. Her ex (who she was dating during her twitch con visit) seems to be having some issues.
If she did… oh ian you poor gay retard.
No. 189058
>>189027damn I wonder if this is simple post-breakup salt or if she actually did cheat on him.
>>189036he's probably bi or at least somewhere between bi and straight, most straight dudes I know, even the open minded ones, are totally put off by the idea of kissing a guy. they're also put off by the idea of eating vomit though, so who knows lol.
No. 189065
>>189027 Not poor Ian, he was following her on Instagram and Twitter before all this, he would've known that they were together.
>>189058You have a point there, kinda like that part in hair cake where joji and Ian kiss then after Max laughs Ian wipes his mouth and joji doesn't give a shit.
No. 189069
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New Frank vid is fucking hilarious. Wheelz can get that pussy any day of the week!
No. 189102
>>189090I wouldn't be surprised if it was, I think Anisa is his first proper real girlfriend.
There are fans who think he lost his virginity between meeting up with Max at E3 and growing his hair out and getting new glasses, I think he just got cooler friends and that helped him
No. 189162
>>189090He said he was a virgin 2-3 years ago. I dunno if he's fucked since, probably not since he clearly doesn't know who should qualify only as a hookup. She probably came on stronger than any of the other chicks he's met and he figured since she was nice and making advances she was an easy fast way to get a girlfriend.
Dude was desperate for pussy and fell into a trap. Check your condoms everytime Ian.
No. 189315
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Poor socially awkward Ian, he doesn't know or doesn't care that he's being used.
-RIP Ian's personal internet anonymity-
No. 189448
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The stream has started and she is covered
No. 189462
>>189424god I know right
She's not even that cute she's ugly as fuck
No. 189465
>>189462I honestly think she's cute but my standards are low because I'm fuckin uggo lol.
>>189448So far the stream isn't too awkward.
No. 189540
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one of the mods is super salty about them dating just like the situation with gross gore. im rdy for dramu
No. 189546
>>189540Lol. Somehow I feel like this whole thing won't end well for her at all. Ian's fans aren't gonna stick around after they break up, and her current fanbase is just gonna move on to the next booby streamer.
Unless she plans on marrying him (which doesn't seem likely at this rate) she's gonna end up worse than when she started. Somehow I don't think she realized how much ian doesn't give a fuck about what people think about him. It's to the point he's socially inept in many ways and probably wont/doesn't want to change. I think she got more than she bargained for.
No. 189552
He picks on how she says things/what she says, calls her names and treats her like she's retarded, its pretty uncomfortable to watch if you know that she's his girlfriend, but she lets it happen.
The only time she actually put her foot down kinda was when he called her a cunt in a joking way, but still he did on her own stream in front of her viewers, it was completely disrespectful imo
>>189545This is honestly lovely to watch thank u anon
No. 189570
>>189552She's dating Ian of all people. What else would she expect? It's how he acts, probably why he's never had a gf before. And she is retarded, so.
I mean Ian prob has a lot to learn about how to behave in a relationship but being a social retard who doesn't care about anything is his personality.
No. 189573
>>189570This stream just really shone a light on how socially stunted and retarded Ian is with women.
He has a sister, I didn't think it was as bad as it is tbh
No. 189577
>>189573he has a sister?
>>189570i wonder if she was hoping he'd be really sweet in person or at least not quite as retarded as he is
No. 189587
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>>189577It's real because he answered it before he was gayretard/niggerfaggot Idubbbz
>>189584Also the White Knight that defended her in the Gross Gore drama is one of them and was active on this stream and I think played LoL with Ian.
No. 189678
I wonder how she dumped her ex. Dude is still trying to move on., would you consider it emotionally cheating if your bf started flirting with another girl in person and on social media, then broke it off soon after and imwmediately started dating said girl?
I don't know if I would, but hot damn that would devistate me.
No. 189745
>>189678idk if I'd consider that emotional cheating, but I'd definitely be hurt that they probably hadn't been into me in a long time and were just keeping me around because they were used to me.
It's even worse if Raihn pulled the whole "Oh I just need to be alone for a while to figure myself out!" all while already committed to being with Ian and getting with him immediately afterward. A guy friend of mine went through that and he was fucking ruined for a while.
I have to wonder how the rest of the cancer crew feels about this. Probably just glad he's getting the puss puss.
No. 189813
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>>189505This is the best comment.
No. 189917
>>189891Holy shit, it was.
The parts with copyrighted music just get muted so she purposely took it down or Ian requested her to do it because it showed how much of a social retard he is with girls.
No. 190030
>>189917I bet she took it down on her own accord. I don't think ian gives enough fucks (maybe he does). But the stream really shows that their relationship isn't as peachy as she's making it out to be on twitter/instagram. I'm actually embarrassed for her with how Ian treats their relationship in public. If I were her I'd be humiliated.
Gotta get dat youtube revenue I guess.
No. 190064
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>>190030This was on his subreddit, She also said he won't be on her stream again, which is very believable and totally will stay that way.
Also "didn't advertise it" she put it on her fucking Twitter.
I've already seen fangirls talk about how they are relationship goals!!<3 and how much they love Anisa and just being fucking dumb about this stream and not seeing it for what it really was, a man treating his girlfriend like dogshit and her taking it, in front hundreds of viewers and its being swept aside as that's how Ian acts!! He's our niggerfaggot lol!!!
It's embarrassing, I dislike her but she was treated awfully and on her own stream and you could tell she was uncomfortable or wanted to say something and didn't.
No. 190076
>>190068Yup. I'm wondering if he's like this all the time with her. She did say he called her house ghetto (and her little brother heard it) when he showed up, and then proceeded to call her room ghetto on stream.
Did she assume he was gonna flip a switch and behave differently on stream?
No. 190110
>>190086From what I remember it was along the lines of that. She kind of played it off, like 'haha hey gaiz guess what ian said when he came over…'
They also didn't seem that flirty on screen (at least on his side) and seemed unsure of how to physically engage with each other (she did most of it).
I think it would have gone better if they had played a less intensive game. He really seemed focused when playing LoL (and she was focused directing him) which didn't really give them room to relax or talking material to reflect on. Even a game neither of them had played before would have been more entertaining.
No. 190152
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I've already seen a ton of girls on tumblr posting/reblogging clips of the stream with really positive tags calling them cute and saying they loved the stream.
No. 190162
>>189552>>190159I'm australian and we call everyone cunts and its nothing; ian hangs around max a lot who's australian so maybe its rubbed off on him?
Anyway i haven't seen the stream so i don't know the context of the shit talking.
No. 190165
>>190159I think what made it akward was that they clearly weren't at that point in their relationship. It usually takes a few months to understand one another's boundries. Ian clearly has no experience with dating, and is probably relying on her to guide him. She on the other hand probably doesnt want to come off as controlling and scare him off by correcting him and thus she lets him be retarded. Her mistake was bringing him on stream before they had established any boundaries.
But let's not forget that this stream was just for her to show him off. Lol. That's the part that makes it cringe for me.
No. 190167
>>190159I get where you're coming from anon, but like
>>190165 said, they're a new couple and I think that might've been one of the first times they'd met in person, if not -the- first time. She occasionally seemed torn between wanting to be cool and go along with his jokes and wanting to stand up for herself when she thought he was bing too mean. I didn't think it was super awkward either, just amusing seeing her obsessed fans getting salty in the comments over the fact that she has a boyfriend and making fun of him.
No. 190171
>>190167>>190165Got you guys. Definitely kinda weird to show off a brand new relationship like that before they've gotten to know each other's boundaries and all that. Especially if they just met.
If she's just showing him off for views/money and he's an autist with dating, the relationship probably won't last or it'll last way longer than it should.
Think I'm going to continue to follow this even though I don't watch his vids… it's kinda entertaining.
No. 190198
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interesting way to look at it Anisa, but alright.
Here's some more things I remember from the stream: Pink_Sparkles dropped by in chat and Anisa acknowledged her, Ian didn't then she said something along the lines of "aren't you gonna say hi to Pink_Sparkles? Or say something nice about her boobs?" Ian got all stuttery and deflected.
The second time he got all weird about sexual stuff She said "we've exchanged bodily fluids already" or something similar(she was referring to her touching his ear wax it works in context of the convo) and he acted like she just said the nastiest shit ever "Jesus Christ, do you actually think about what you say before you say it?!"
No. 190224
>if not -the- first time.They had already met in person before. She said they met at twitchcon, that he 'saved' her from some dude who was trying to get her into his mustang/car. He drove up in his jeep and then they went to get dinner together. Btw, she was dating Akaadian at the time. Ian and her immediately started flirting on twitter the next day, which lead to her dumping her bf some days later.
You might want to read the thread starting from
>>188378 so you can catch up with what's going on.
No. 190244
>>190132Seriously. Idk why you guys feel bad for her. She's using him for his fame and wanted to get some twitchbux and cred from having Ian on her stream, I'm glad it was enough of a disaster that she deleted the archive and doesn't want him on the stream again (though I doubt it'll stick).
I'm sure Ian's a shitty bf but she's a shitty person, so.
No. 190312
>>190224I am caught up, I just forgot the twitchcon thing lol oops. That's weird as hell to get dinner with a guy while you're still dating someone else.
>>190198He's probably just awkward about sex stuff but I did used to suspect he might be asexual, because of how he said he "wasn't much of a sex guy" on Philip DeFranco's podcast, and how mad he got about the asexuals thing in his Rape Quiz video. I know the sex comment on the podcast was him just deflecting the question because he was a virgin, and the asexuals thing in the Rape Quiz video was just for a gag, but I wondered if he might be asexual either way.
No. 190326
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I know it's not relevant, but every time I see Yoahi, I think of this.
No. 190783
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LOL why doesn't she just use a picture she took of them together? it's embarrassing that she used a fan screenshot and made a post about it to push how ~in love~ They are.
With how much she's sucking up to Katt, I wouldn't be surprised if she's trying to do all the same kind of pictures Max and Katt have with each other.
I also wonder if it's before or after he called her a cunt.
No. 190877
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>implying fat cunt isn't best boy
No. 190892
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>>190877Spoiler this shit jesus christ
No. 192326
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>>190894Show mama that idubbbz face
No. 192538
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No. 192578
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>>192538Samefagging. This is her art from 2 years ago.
No. 192656
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Boys are at PAX Melbourne, minus George and plus Ted, Chad's main moderator on his stream.
>>192538> My own artwork> (I hope you enjoyed my artwork as well)>>192553Yeah it's traced and so poorly done, a 13 year old in a school manga club could do better.
I think she's just trying to get ass pats wherever she can tbh fangirls won't stop hyping her and now her shitty artwork can get hyped as well
The podcast will entirely consist of: how they are not like ~other~ girls, being edgy and anti pc as much as they can, how hard titty streaming is and how girls rag on them more and boys are just so nice!!!1!1!
No. 193371
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I wonder if Joji will come later along for filming shit after PAX AUS.
Ian seems like the kinda the guy who will end up cheating on Anisa tbh I know we talk about him being pussy whipped, but he also looks like the kinda guy that would cheat/break up first once he see that he could be fucking more than one girl consequence free after he's gotten confident with having sex and being with women.
>>192664Find some rich streamer/youtuber/e famous guy to leech money and fans from whilst getting patreon money for shitty artwork, cosplay or some gaming/pop culture blog so people can't say they don't work hard or earn their own money.
No. 194143
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Found this on some fan tumblr, I assume she talked about it on her livestream, funny how she wouldn't want him on the stream physically because she wants to "make it on her own" but still talks about him on it, knowing people will watch her for Ian mentions, she so transparent with this shit.
> not wanting to fuck on the first date
So that was their first date, when she went to Twitch Con with her previous boyfriend and she got tacos with Ian.
She had a boyfriend and Ian would've known, they're such shitty people.
No. 194187
>>194143This honestly sounds like their describing a date between two high schoolers.
And yeah that's lame as hell that Anisa would cheat and Ian would just go along with it.
No. 194236
>>194202Him being a robot would make so much fucking sense, being a virgin at 25 when his channel had blown up massively and would've been getting offers left and right, acting like a social retard around girls and being just generally awkward as hell.
But I still think that once or if he ever gets comfortable around and being with women,
He'd fuck around heaps because it's like he needs to make up for all that time he wasn't having sex.
No. 194950
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>>194948Here's the pic talking about him blocking her
No. 195489
>>194236how do you know he was still a virgin at 25?
Ian is really cute, I find it hard to believe that he's gone that long with getting some
No. 195497
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>>195489He answered this on his someone linked it earlier in the the thread. It was 2 years ago tho, but he looks like he's new to dating…
>>188401here's the link if you want to see cus i realized it doesn't show his name.
> he also looks like a beta but you can think he is cute all ya want anon. No. 195528
>>194143What a piece of shit. I don't particularly like Akaadian, he's a bit too dude-bro for me, but way to make yourself look like a self-centered slut. Even humouring the idea of sleeping with someone else on the first date WHILE you're still with your boyfriend is just fucking stupid.
I'm convinced Ian knew she was dating Akaadian, or at least knew she was with someone. Even if he didn't at the time, he can't be as retarded enough to not know after. Why would you date a cheater as your first gf?!
No. 195883
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They haven't fucked yet, unless he hit it raw the first time, but because of this tweet and her saying on the stream they did, she fell asleep when Ian was playing Hearthstone.
Ian is such a retard, he is spending time with what is probably his first gf and plays videos games next to her.
>>195489He use to look like this
>>188851 and with his social retardation it's not surprising he didn't get laid, when he grew his hair out and got new glasses he was focused on his channel.
>>195528> why would you date a cheater as you first gfBut anon, she's not like other girls.
No. 196018
>>195883this is really cringy.
I would be embarrassed to date her.
I thought Ian was cool but I guess ugly girls with big tits are his thing.
No. 196029
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>big tits no
No. 196037
>>196029dude what the fuck she looks gross. horse mouth AND brick body? she should at least go outside and tone her body instead of sitting on her ass playing video games.
>>196034uh why would she mention that? she looks the same with and without makeup but actually looks better without because her brows finally dont look like they were sharpie'd on and the lack of awfully drawn eyeliner.
No. 196217
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This was at Twitch Con on the third of October, on the 6th was when Ian first liked a pic of Anisa on her Instagram, this might've been taken the day she cheated on Akaadian with Ian.
>>196026There was another who stayed at her place? There was this moment from the stream with Ian where they tried to log into Hearthstone and someone else's login stuff was there and Ian went very serious faced and they both went quiet Anisa said something like "I don't think he played it when he was here…." it was quiet and had that awkward tone, I thought it was just awkwardness because it was from Akaadian, might've been from the other guy.
>>196018its hard to respect Ian, his content, his opinion on anything knowing he's after girls like this but like
>>188389 said it's pretty common for guys like him to do shit like this.
No. 196969
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I bet they're going to eat tacos at the same place she cheated on her Boyfriend with Ian the first time<3
No. 197060
>>197038I thought he'd meet a girl through Max and his friends tbh but they're probably smart and normal not a tit streaming, cheating, try hard, dumbass e fame vampire.
Which stream with Max did he say he liked exotic girls? Was it the "I won't roast hot girls" one?
>>197051That's not joji just a random fangirl sucking up, his real twitter handle is @sushitrash George hasn't followed her on either of his twitters or his Instagram.
No. 197097
>>197052Half white half lebanese so yes she's not "exotic."
Do guys get a sense of comradery when they're eskimo brothers or something? Haha guys remember when she cheated on you for me and then I got cheated and dumped for youtube $$$?
No. 197127
>>197060Yeah it was the "I won't roast hot girls" one.
>>197073Seriously half of what she says are memes. Embarrassing.
No. 197397
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Why does she look so fucking old here? I don't understand.
>>197127Thank you, do you know where a vod of that stream is? I remember seeing one on YouTube, but I can't find it.
No. 197471
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She appears to be inserting herself into more Gross Gore drama, because the girl it's about "reminds her of her little sister"
I swear, if Ian does a Content Cop on Gross Gore it'll be obvious he's completely obvious he's whipped.
>>197430Damn, that would've been good shit for this thread, thanks again anon
Also on that stream, from gurugossip:
>Ian having more Chemistry with Joji across a Skype Call then his actual gf in the flesh No. 197483
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>>197479I just generally blamed lot of what he does on his extreme awkwardness more then anything.
But I will admit anon, since posting that, those pictures of Max and Ian together at PAX recently with Ian touching him/holding Max's bag did give me some gay vibes.
No. 197532
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> mfw it turns out Ian is gay and used a titty streamer as a beard.If it ends up that way, I may actually feel a little bit bad for her.
No. 197590
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>>197397she literally looks like pic related. why would u only bleach the ends of your hair is the real question
No. 197599
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>>197590So she can dye it purple, cuz she wants to be cool like those instagram hos.
No. 197628
>>197483this in combination with what
>>197471 said about Ian having more chemistry with Joji than Anisa makes me genuinely wonder if he's gay. He's probably just really awkward with women but I'm honestly hoping he's using Anisa as a beard, it would be hilarious (although I'd feel a little bad).
No. 197865
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she's really milking their relationship on her stream lol.
No. 197940
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>Haha im not like other girls haha I love memes>>197628Lol I'm both those anons, seriously seeing those pics and the anons on here getting gay vibes made me go back and look at stuff from a different angle.
If he was actually gay, I don't think he'd ever come out.
>>197865Why did her viewers need to see this? Did she just randomly whip out her phone, send him that and showed chat thinking she's Such a sexy, cool, hilarious gf?
With how awkward he is, I doubt she's even felt the outline of his dick over his clothes, with the lights turned off.
No. 198001
>>197940this is so fucking tryhard
christ we get it youre not like other girls
No. 198077
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Decided to look into her Instagram and I find it hilarious she deleted the picture of her and Anaakian at Twitch Con(thank you anon for pointing it out) to try and cover up that they were there together, but didn't delete the old pictures of them, she's not hiding that they were together, she hiding that they were together at Twitch Con.
I'd feel bad for Ian for dating someone like her if it wasn't his own choice.
No. 198192
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Wtf is this. Unless Chad has had beef with GrossGore before it looks like he's straight-up whiteknighting Anisa.
No. 198265
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why mention spit facts if this thread isnt about best boy michael :(
No. 198301
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> mfw I don't feel sorry for anyone in this situationGrossGore is a fucking disgusting individual, so it doesnt surprise me he would do something like this. Getting involved with someone like him comes with a truck full of consequences, it's not something you 'can't know' it's the status quo. I don't feel sorry for people who attention whore themselves around but don't want their family to know about their shitty/stupid behavior so tough shit for her.
Fuck around with assholes and get fucked.
No. 198310
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>>198194Jfc she's not even subtle about it. Why would she butt hurt if her mom found out? She probably already kmows.
No. 198643
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>>198310i'm looking at this girl's ig and why does she do her lips like this. they look like a puckered asshole stop. she's really fucking obnoxious from her twitter too.
sage for off-topic
No. 198652
File: 1479188843520.png (109.21 KB, 1242x644, IMG_5203.PNG)

I bet she starts heavily promoting/using her Snapchat, which she hasn't really ever done before I don't think, so that when she's in San Diego and it's suddenly filled with videos and pictures of Ian and her it won't look as bad, she's gonna use it as a quieter way to milk and shill their relationship.
>>198192Chad has a deeply inflated sense of e fame and self worth, thinking it gives him the right to shove his unwanted opinion where it isn't needed.
But this is just pure white knight bullshit seeing as Ian has said fuck all about this drama.
>>198643Her hair is disgusting, it looks so ratty and her mouth looks so dumb, how is that sexy? I don't understand.
shes also the other streamer Anisa is doing the podcast with as well, not surprising seeing as they are both obnoxious try hards.
No. 198681
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>>196029dat waist-to-hip ratio
No. 198691
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No. 199341
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>haha god I'm such a meme i know buzzwords haha this is humour >>199106She's a total cunt.
She told this story about a former friend who was complaining about cat calling and talking about how horrible it is, did she sympathise or anything like that? No.
She told the viewers this is what she said to her: "You must be a 10/10 because I walk around town, I lived downtown a long time, ain't nobody talking about my titties y'know like nobody's screaming at me as I walk by, I just don't think it's a real thing and if it is then I guess I'm just really unattractivelike maybe people think I'm a dude"
I think half was the story and rest was just to her viewers, She couldnt comprehand her friend getting catcalled because in her mind her friend was uglier then her, even tho she said she believe herself and her friend were both 5/10.
No. 199410
>>199388Holy shit bitch needs braces, is this the same person as
>>199341 and
No. 199419
>>199410Lmao no that's bowbeauty, a sad cow in the same vein of foreverkailyn.
>>199341Home girl has too many teeth in her mouth.
No. 199490
>>199435She is one of those girls that go
> hehe i'm a real gamer gurl , not like the other girls ;)) cat calls are compliments and I'm a meninist hehe her audience eats it up so hard, she's just a major panderer with no real personality
No. 199511
>>199371the mouth of a horse, the body of a fridge, the nose of a proboscis monkey, the hands of an alligator, the hair of a streetwalker, the brows of a sharpie, and the wit of a 12 year old boy first discovering
how undeveloped and primitive can someone be? what a keeper.
No. 199572
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>>199502She was friends with LEAFY? That's fucking hilarious. What a fake bitch.
No. 199902
Someone enlighten me how
>>196029 tits
can become
>>196034 tits
She's a fucking wizard to turn a literal flat log into what looks acceptable.
Reading through this thread is seriously upsetting I love idubbz and filthy frank it sucks to see Ian with such a shameless slut like when you find out your friend at school is friends with a cuntish bully. Her being friends with leafy and hating on H3H3 just goes to show how moronic and fake she is.
>>199511Savage anon kek this is cream material.
No. 200025
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She looks like an uglier female version of Ray William Johnson here.
Anyone watch Ian's new vid? It was actually kinda shit imo, it felt like a weak topic and he just bitched about it and didn't really say anything insightful or funny.
But I also don't trust his opinion anymore and find his videos hard to watch after he got with her.
>>199511Fuck, anon this is amazing.
No. 200060
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>>198265Digestion begins in the mouth.
No. 200604
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>>200421God, I can't believe she's actually copying him down to a T. I wonder how he feels about it. I hate her "tehehe look at me cuss i'm not like those other gurls i'm just one of the guys XD" bullshit.
No. 200631

>>199511> and the wit of a 12 year old boy first discovering icanhazcheeseburger.comThis is weirdly my greatest complaint.
she lacks a personality, she acts exactly like Ian down to the speech patterns you can't really pull the cool aloof tomboy thing about makeup since it's something you can't fuck up. Another thing i don't really like about her is that she seems to be really fucking disgustingly sexual another unrelatable, unappealing trait. There's plenty of sluts who harp on about sex it seems to be a phenomena in some women.
>I don't know how people do this for a living these makeup cancer thingsYou do it for a living everyday, you already said in the video and are a cam-whore so it was the entire premise of the boobies video you fucking bullshit artist.
>>196034Another thing that i find disingenuous is how she presents herself as shy. I
>>196029 Have
>>197397 a
>>199341 feeling
>>199388 she isn't fucking shy irl
>>200025otherwise she wouldn't be uploading heaps of selfies and then calling the culture she latches onto "cancer" that's not how shit works and not to defend instagram ffs but she has no right to undermine a culture that she is fully invested in herself.
She had a small back and forward with Brittany Valenti on twitter and I hate to say this but i agree more for Valenti at least she is a grill gamur and twitch-whore this chick is simultaneously one but pretends to be greater by wearing a fucking t shirt, there are a handful of females on twitch and YouTube that wear goddamn t shirts when streaming and rank at the very least silver in CS:GO it's not a phenomena because she decided to wear a shirt in order to be successful on twitch you need to either be a whore, play games decently, or have some wit or anything decent to talk about.
No. 200660
>>200631 I don't really mind her sluttiness. That's fine with me. It's her denying that she's being slutty and then gets offended when people call her out for being slutty.
She probably feels pretty safe with Ian as her boy toy, seeing as he ass blasts people that try to fuck with him. It will be interesting to see what he says about her when they seperate (sorry Anisa, if he isn't gay, he's gonna want to taste some other puss before he settles into married life).
That video though, she pretty much demolished her. So catty it's delicious.
No. 200732
>>200730Vag not bag
sage for correction
No. 200756
File: 1479453905315.png (87.81 KB, 500x398, the-im-not-like-other-girls-st…)

>>200660Sure Venti represents the argument as catty because of her bitchy intarnet gurl persona but it's a legitimate argument; she is a hypocrite and one lacking a sense of humbleness.
>>200632They are quite a special kind of cow in my heart as well i'm on board with this idea.
No. 200940
>>200756sage bc off topic, we could also just post nonfamous not-like-other-girls, from personal feeds or just out in the wild. There was a thread on here for personal neckbeard pics/experiences (can't find it now sadface) and it was pretty fun/cringey.
Start with that one girl we ALL knew that went to prom in converse sneakers
No. 200990
>>200940I'm fine with personal cows, but I think it would be best to start off with well known ones and then
incorporate personal ones.
I'd also like to add emilyispro to the list. Twitch runescape streamer who once lied about having cancer for donations, now denies it ever happened and throws a fit everytime anyone brings it up (this makes her a prime target for trolls).
No. 200999
>>200996>at least she is a grill gamur and twitch-whore>Sure Venti represents the argument as catty because of her bitchy intarnet gurl personaI didn't make that apparent enough?
Even if she's a parody her point in the video is still valid.
No. 201139
>>194948This guy seems really genuine it sucks that she dumped him for Ian he seems like a decent bloke I hope he'll be ok.
>>201100>i'll never understand famewhoresWhat's there to not understand anon, famewhores latch on to what ever is selectively gratifying for themselves and the fan-base they want to be apart of forcefully.
No. 201198
>>201079 video.
Anisa says it first, I bet she has an iron grip on him, she doesn't want to lose her biggest stepping stone, e fame wise Ian is miles above Akaadian and comes with a huge built in fan base filled with edge lords, alt right and anti SJW people who she can pander to perfectly.
I wouldn't be surprised if she was territorial as fuck with him and would be catty to new girls similar to Cry's gf, but that's in a reality where Ian can have functional friendships with women and isn't a Retard.
No. 201215
>>201198Did he even say it back? I couldn't really tell, and then she hung up so fast.
So where is she? It's definitely doesn't look like her room.
No. 201224
>>201198I'm interested to see how Idubbz fanbase would respond to her since every YouTube video I've seen of hers has a substantial amount of dislikes, the comments have some pretty negative shit too i'm surprised she doesn't disable them. I don't believe his fan-base would eat up the content of a twitch whore.
>>201198She's a whore for outwardly publicizing something so personal, that phone call sounded very personal idk maybe i'm overreacting but I find it disrespectful.
>>201215There's a unpacked suitcase on the bed in the background it looks like she just moved.
No. 201240
>>201215Air BnB, They don't stay with family because they need to learn how to act like a real couple and have sex now that she has birth control.
>>201224Fangirls don't like her at all, or Ass kiss her so severely to point of pretending they like her more then Ian.
Fanboys are just happy he's getting laid, it's like all of them are getting laid.
People just don't know about any of the Akaadian stuff, her history, or seen the livestream with them, think her milking their relationship on her livestream is cute rather then what it is.
She's gonna move in with him when she moves to San Diego next year, looks like we will be seeing her mug around for awhile at least.
Thank you for catching that anon
No. 201243
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No. 201362
>>200421This video should be put on a cringe playlist.
Her obvious idubbbz act aside, acting like she totally doesn't care about makeup and just accidentally got tons of expensive shit from sephora is grating my nerves.
"I'm totally not like the other girls shit piss fuck, look at this cancer I am putting on my face guys please give me attention"
No. 201381
>>201362It's crazy how fast she is latching onto Ian's type of humor. During her livestream yesterday, I forgot what exactly happened but Ian was like "hey that's pretty…..ummm yeah" and then she was like "Heyyyy that's pretty good," and Ian was like "no…"
Also I don't know if she always talked like this because I didn't watch her before but in twitter she likes to talk about how "autistic" something is or is calling people "cunts" a lot. I don't know if she got this from Ian.
No. 201433
>>201349Man, I had so much respect for Ian.
He seemed so much smarter than this.
He'll get bored of her soon enough, right now I'm sure he's just happy he has someone to fuck. when the honeymoon phase is over he'll be gone
No. 201441
>>201433She said she's moving to San Diego in a couple of months, I wouldn't be surprised if they move in together, we'll be seeing her mug around for awhile, unless they break up before then.
I was watching the parts with Ian and she tried to show him some editing/streaming "magic" Ian made out like she was trying to impress him with some crazy, cool thing so she's trying to show that she's as smart as him and it's clear he gets annoyed by that, he's probably one those guys that wants a dumb girlfriend so he can always feel smarter and more superior then her.
Someone asked about Zoie Burgher and Celestia and she went a bit awkward said they were in LA then said she would go to LA next week to meet with a few different streamers and didn't mention meeting them at all, odd considering how hard Anisa defended Celsetia and she did/does a podcast with her.
No. 201515
>>201266Yes but it's indicative of Idubbz fanbase reaction to her I believe she thrives from all sorts of attention but I don't think the fanbase are stupid enough to lap up her bullshit as lolcow saw straight through it.
>>201362>acting like she totally doesn't care about makeup and just accidentally got tons of expensive shit from sephora is grating my nerves.precisely.
>201381Ian doesn't touch "autistic" with a fifty foot pole because it's rather fucked up to joke about I think, juxtapose it to cancer which he constantly talks of which refers to the nature and growth of cancer rather than the actual sufferers of cancer ergo it doesn't target cancer sufferers which is a shitty thing to do. He did do that whole bald shtick though which seemed to be making fun of himself more than cancer.
Autistic describes nothing and only targets socially awkward people in internet L33t speak sure its fine to joke about it when anonymous but there's a certain degree of fuck up that it makes you look like to joke about it with a character or ubiquitous mouth piece.
>>201450She doesn't seem like the kind of gal to settle down with to begin tbh.
>>201478Ffs she's a moron why does she always involve herself in internet drama? Does she have no real hobbies aside from titty streaming does she attend university or have a part time job? If these tit streamers had jobs on the side or were studying full/part time they would be relatable characters but they all seem to milk it rather than wanting to contribute anything worth while.
No. 201867
>>201515>Ian doesn't touch "autistic" with a fifty foot pole because it's rather fucked up to joke aboutNah he straight up called Anisa autistic during her first stream with him.
>>201736You're probably right. Women are new territory for him. He's gonna get walked all over. Even though I'm a fan of him I've gotta say I'm kinda hoping this ends in a trainwreck, purely for the sweet milk.
No. 202297
>>202258Exactly. I like makeup and I usually get makeup from Target, why on earth would someone who doesn't care about makeup go to Sephora? And I like how she claimed she wouldn't talk to the lady at Sephora because she's "terrified of human interaction". She's only saying that to be quirky and relatable, if she was actually socially anxious she wouldn't be asking the sales associate to apply makeup for her in the first place.
Also the way she used her beauty blender made me cringe out of my skin.
No. 202307
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>>202297I had to go back and watch what she did with the beauty blender. Jesus, she's retarded. I wish I could shove it down her fucking throat.
If you don't know how to use a makeup tool, it takes like two seconds to google or look up on Youtube. There's no excuse for her being this stupid.
No. 202309
>>202307she was just trying to be funny. im surprise she didnt go full ian and fuck up the make up on purpose.
but i guess she has to keep the looking "pretty" or no one would watch her
No. 202357
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Anisa just posted this on twitter and when someone asked what she was referring to she replied "the pill."
…what is that supposed to mean? Is she pregnant? She's always so annoyingly cryptic on twitter. If you're going to share at least be more specific.
No. 202733
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>>202694I don't think she'll gain weight the way Suzy has, she trying to get fit and go back to how she looked before (pic related) but that might change once she moves in with him and gets comfortable.
>>202414Ian's own videos I don't see her getting involved in either, but trying to be in videos with the whole crew I could see happening, seeing its more of a group thing and maybe doing couple streams with Max and Katt.
No. 202734
>>202733God, she looks so old and haggard.
I doubt Ian's crew would be down for her being in their videos, except for maybe Chad since he seems like such an ass kisser. A few people have mentioned that none of Ian's friends have even followed her on any of their social media accounts, not even on their personal ones.
I imagine they can probably see how gross and retarded she is and don't want to be involved with her "gamer gurl" antics.
No. 202759
>>202739I'm one of those anons, and uh. The pill can help with a lot of things anon. Sounding a little bit anti vaxxer there.
Back on topic though, come to think of it, we have seen a few of ians real life friends, but he's never introduced them, even when they collab on vids, like the storm drain one. Find it weird how open they are about this very fresh relationship.
No. 202789
>>202733She actually looks great here imo. I like athletic bodies though, I know that's not popular here.
>>202759I think some of the unnamed people we see in vids are people he hired. I remember him saying on Philip DeFranco's podcast that he didn't have any friends that lived nearby and he had to hire cameramen off Craigslist for videos. I don't think he really has irl friends aside from the Cancer Crew and Radjor, back when they filmed together.
>>202750I'm trying to decide if "goffick" edgy or "Leafy" edgy is worse and I'm fucking struggling.
No. 202943
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They broke up already?
No. 203179
>>202983I wonder why Ian didn't let her stream at his place? His set up is perfectly fine and he has good internet connection shown by him streaming with Max.
Instead she flies back in order to do her job, something her boyfriend could've helped her with.
No. 203340
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>>203324He lived with his parents(pic related) in 2014 in San Diego and he is still filming videos in the same room, I think he still lives with his parents he's just moved to a bigger room for Bad Unboxing and probably started paying them more rent or something for it to be cheaper then moving out by himself and renting a place with enough space to do his vids.
Hes probably waiting until Anisa moves down to properly move out so there is another person paying rent, seeing as all his friends have moved out of state.
No. 203532
>>203340Damn, it's kind of weird to realize he's completely different than how he portrays himself. Living with his parents, not a virgin but hardly experienced with women or sex, and is a beta fag. Good job, Ian.
I know it's fine to have an online persona, but at least there's some semblance of truth behind the way the rest of the crew acts online and how they are in real life without the cameras.
No. 203543
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>>203513post caps bud
gotta keep this shit on record
No. 203569
>>203544tbh i love it. hes always been a little unhinged and im glad he's embracing the crazy.
also, maybe its a homage to kanye west going crazy for the sake of "art"
No. 203678
>>203544This was shit, he already knows what's in the lockers, there isn't any surprise and it feels like he's running out of ideas and grabbing at straws to try and keep his audience.
When the new FilthyFrank video drops, it'll remind everyone who is actually creative, original and talented in the crew.
Also what is his issue with Philip Defranco? He goes on his podcast, it goes fine and suddenly he turns around and starts trashing him, but because it's Idubbbz it's ironic~~ and he actually likes him secretly.
No. 203893
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Suddenly pretending like she wasn't trying to meet Zoe and Celestia to try and start drama. Ian picked great
No. 203900
I'd block you too, you're annoying af
No. 203927
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No. 203928
>>203927LMAO REALLY ANISA???? What "content"?
>>203914Probably Zoie. Max's gf is all up Anisa's ass so I assume Max would be, too.
No. 203930
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>>203893She liked the bottom tweet, she thinks so highly of herself, her "comedic ability" and "talent"
>>203927You have made a AMA and a Make Up Tutorial and tit stream regularly, truely long lasting stuff.
No. 203959
>>203927She's a complete joke. People who write this shit are deluded and trying to make themselves feel better.
The only reason you've ever been relevant is because she's mooched off of popular streamers time and time again.
Get your head out of your ass Anisa and DO SOMETHING don't just SAY you're going to do something. So far you've been name dropping Ian like the thirsty bitch you are.
No. 203966
>>203903Please no, Max. I don't want to lose respect for you too.
>>203927Hilarious. Is she trying to convince herself that she actually has "content" or just trying to convince her retarded fans?
No. 204034
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>>204029it was only up for a couple of minutes, this is the only leftover evidence
No. 204058
>>204018Lol, wasn't she harping on some other twitch hos about them making fun of Celestia's boobs and shooping here
>>188472 ?
What a big fat hippo.
No. 204164
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No. 204365
>>188475Shouldn't it be "oncologist" oncogenes are taught about in entry level biology.
"cancer research scientist" isn't even a thing, now i'm intrigued by this catty bitch apparently in STEM.
No. 204442
File: 1480217173892.png (48.18 KB, 1055x195, this-dumb-fuck-i-swear.png)

>what we have builtOh Anisa. You're really not significant enough to be using this kind of language.
>>204438Filthy Frank is one of those things that is endlessly amusing to me but I would never recommend it to anyone because I know it's absolutely retarded.
No. 204906
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No Anisa, it really didn't need to be done, Zoie is incredibly self aware and knows what she does, but it's hilarious that Zoie blocks her and Anisa is making a parody video in response.
>>204442She thinks so highly of herself and what she has "built" it's amazing.
No. 204915
Btw, she still has her old youtube page up. for samefagging
No. 204940
>>204915i guess she's always wanted to be youtube famous.
all her content is shit though even now. thats kind of sad she never improved
No. 204943
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>>204909We really do have to blame Ian for this, she even confirmed it.
She has no original bone in her body and he encourages it, Ian truely isn't shit.
>>204915Good find, lol she's always wanted to do youtube then
No. 205403
I'm so glad I found a place that dislikes raihnbowkidz as much as I do.
I'll admit, I think Ian's cute and he seems like an okay guy but this definitely isn't coming from a "fangirl" type of place. Like if he was dating literally anyone else, I'd probably be happy for him. I just can't believe this is who he picked.
She's such a tryhard and it's painful how hard she's molding herself into an Ian clone. Like now with this whole "pouring food on myself" video she plans to release soon?? When I saw that I was like bitch byeeee, you are so unoriginal, literally just copying shit that Ian does with the filthy crew.
Oh god, I even just tried watching her "how to look hot like me" video and she really is just straight up acting like Ian.
This girl is so cringe. I honestly don't even think she's hot either. Like at least if you're going to pick an unoriginal, cringey gamer girl, pick a smokin' hot one Ian.
I really don't see this relationship lasting very long. She definitely just seems to be using him. They're still so early in the relationship but she name drops him any chance she gets. Why would you even bring him on your stream? If it was like, what, the second time you're spending actual time together, why wouldn't you just take that time to actually be together and get to know one another instead of whoring out your brand new bf to get viewers.
She's the w o r s t
No. 205409
Ok so she's gonna use this as an excuse to twerk but get away with "not bein like other girls~" and being "ironic" about it. Stop making fun of other girls when you are exactly the same if not worse.
No. 205641
File: 1480334713642.png (998.33 KB, 849x796, hot like me.png)

So I finally watched the "How to look hot like me" video.
She is copying Ian down to the smallest detail.
It's so creepy to watch.
her voice and accent are exactly like his.
She's so fucking fake too. Does she think pretending not to know anything about makeup will make boys like her more and subscribe to her shitty channel?
also her bedroom is gross. how does she sleep in there?
No. 205750
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>>205550bruh have you not been reading the thread. yeah she unattractive and has gross overly drawn caterpillar eyebrows but we all know shes a user with no original personality
No. 205993
>>205911Aaaaand it's trash.
She goes on a monolog at the end about how content creators should put effort into their videos to produce quality content… after she put together this shit. Her video was incredibly dry and boring, terrible lighting, uninspired camera work, idubbbz editing, no attempt to improve the visual quality of the video (it really becomes potato quality from 4:30 to 4:50), no personality at all in her delivery, and uninspired stock font for ending text. ~wow~ Anisa, your video is top notch quality.
No. 206089
>>205911You could see the cogs turning in her head as she tried so desperately to be funny, she probably had a loose script to follow but it felt so awkward and unplanned.
>>206033Only untainted one left, he's not following her on any social media and hasn't interacted with her, also the new video was beautifully done and you can tell how hard he worked on it.
No. 206121
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>>206110I dunno man, I'm starting to think there's some truth to the closet gay theory.
No. 206130
File: 1480430353372.webm (1.92 MB, 854x480, 1479345773123.webm)
>>206124I was referring to Ian with the "closet gay" thing, but I wouldn't be surprised if Joji is bi. He seems pretty comfortable engaging in homoerotic behavior.
No. 206243
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No. 206498
>>206106>>206142>>206221I find shipping real people creepy as fuck, but I gotta admit, there is a weird sexual chemistry between the two of them. Certainly way more apparent than what Ian's got with his current gf.
Does anyone know when he hooked up with Anisa btw?
No. 206510
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I'm so glad she can give us real quality content, the stuff that is missing from today's youtubers.
AMAs is where the real meat is at.
>>206498It's been mentioned a few times up thread but cheated on her previous bf Akaadian with Ian at Twitch Con this year and was in his dms previous to that.
No. 206537
File: 1480485032962.gif (1.1 MB, 268x168, 822d3073-f438-4c20-999b-f09011…)

>>206498>the way Ian stares at Joji/Max sometimesConfirmed for wanting that Gook/Aussie boypussy
No. 206785
>>206774 I have a theory its a subconscious thing. You think the guys attractive, so him being with another female becomes some kind of wack, cave man age, subconcious threat to you.
By pairing them with another guy you find attractive, the threat is gone, and now you can admire two attractive guys.
Simple and great. I apply this theory to everyone who ships straight males together instead of with females.
No. 206802
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>>206800It's okay anon, infighting is aloud.
No. 206929
>>206785It's because Anisa is an obnoxious tool, it's not that deep or necessarily due to her being a threat. Max has a girlfriend and plenty of fangirls here, but nobody's complaining about Katt because she's not abrasive and is actually likable.
Also Ian and Joji simply have a palpable chemistry. There's a reason it's the dominant ship (it weirds me out to use language like that in reference to real people) in the fandom, others have picked up on it.
No. 207334
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>>207137I'd say it's more shit like this, rather then the fear of being rejected by a guy they'll probably never meet irl.
Stringing along Kimmi could also show that may have done it to multiple girls and being like that is fuckboi behaviour.
No. 207342
>>207080The thing about Joji is, unless you know him personally, everything about him is pure speculation. Even his personal twitter is just memeing that should be taken with a grain of salt. Frankly I think keeping everyone at arm's length is a wise decision considering his batshit fanbase.
But yeah, judging from his personal vlogs and bts stuff with idubbbz/maxmoefoe, he seems like an alright dude. You don't acquire that many loyal friends by "being a douche".
>>207334>taking that seriously>implying there's even concrete evidence that he did string along KimmiWell there's your problem.
No. 207409
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>>206785Are you really trying to pretend to psychoanalyze people in an entire thread? I hope you're just trying to yank our chains because pic related is you.
No. 207457
>>207456Do you know anyone with side hos that was a good guy?
c'mon anon
No. 207461
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>>207457By that reasoning, I guess he was 100% telling the truth when he said all the stuff in pic related.
c'mon anon, stop being gullible.
No. 207473
>>207342I was just providing evidence as to maybe why people feel that he is a fuckboi, because
>>207137 felt a bit over thought and maybe it was just his attitude on twitter and how he may or may not treated Kimmi rather then what that anon said.
I personally don't really care about Joji beyond liking his stuff and thinking he's cute tbh
No. 207475
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i wonder why
must be her talent
No. 207479
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>>206724With every new upload, Ian increasingly looks like he's dying inside.
I heard somewhere that he's actually bipolar, anybody know if that's true? Might explain why he's so "off" lately.
No. 207483
>>207475All that hard work she has put into her content, truely.
>>207479I have never heard or seen anyone call him bipolar, it could be a reason? If it was, Ian would never tell us.
His sub reddit think it's all a big ploy and all it's planned and Ian is some fucking genius, rather then him trying a new direction and it not working out particularly well.
But that being said in his latest unboxing, with the Japanese characters on the side of box the full sentence is "filthyfrank help me" so he might apart of the lore or just fucking with people.
No. 207504
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>>188328Chad's a fuckwit who dick rode all three of them to get an inch in their videos. There's nothing funny about him whatsoever. I knew the kid. Kinda fat, very cunt.
No. 207515
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>>207504I get the impression that Ian genuinely can't stand Chad tbh
No. 207518
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>>207508Lmao nah Chad wishes tho, he was a massive fanboy of Max and gave him a million gold in diablo 2 (I think not 100% on what one) he also sent him gift/s for his po box, Chad flew from the Gold Coast to go to Perth Supernova to meet him irl and they became friends that way, Chad basically bought his friendship with Max to begin with and now they're actual friends.
He literally owes Max for everything in his life.
That pic is from when they were are supernova together with Max's former gf Xantia.
No. 207528
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>>207395>He's done a pretty good job of putting up a facade between his personal and public life.This. Just look at this thread, no one (myself included) knows much about him and it's hard to tell when he's being serious, so it's all just guessing. It's actually kind of a brilliant move on his part though, it keeps his fandom away from his personal life while also creating a weird mystique to him.
Either way, he's probably best cancer crew boy based on talent alone.
No. 207529
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>>207523I think around 2012/2013 maybe a little bit earlier, Chads 21 now, I think he gained weight and changing his hair really aged him.
No. 207596
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>>207529Jesus, and here I thought Chad could never even look halfway decent. Shame about his personality though, pic related.
No. 207624
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>>207529Chad would be a cutie if he were fit and wasn't such a fucking idiot.
>>207479I've never heard the bipolar thing before. That's definitely something he'd keep very private. I wondered for a while if he had an anxiety disorder after digging up this tweet from a few years ago. I think anxiety can be a symptom of bipolar so maybe you're not so far off the mark.
No. 207641
>>207624Honestly, the bipolar thing just sounds like a rumor started by a fan. How would a rumor like that even start? Arm chair psychologists or a blind item. Blind items can be legit, but no one has even offered up that it started from one.
I wouldn't be surprised he has anxiety, it's pretty common.
I think he's reached a peak, responsible for a huge audience, and now dealing with a relationship (a retarded one at that, she's pretty much using him, doubt she legitamately cares about him emotionally), he's probably having trouble finding his groove again. He's trying new things, so it's kind of no surprise they're not the same quality. He'll either crash and burn under the pressure or find another sweet spot for content and continue on.
It seems with most youtubers (with some exceptions) their content is part of the ever changing fads. They become CRAZY popular all at once (Ala simplynailogical), but once their idea pot runs out or they try new things their novelty run out and they lose their audience (Ala Xsparkage). Cancer crew is fighting against that, joji is the most protected because he has multiple projects going on that are loosely related and has networked successfully in the non-youtube entertainment industry. Ian is still in a pretty good spot, he's got a bussiness degree and has natural comedic talent, but he has to hustle to keep from fading. Max is in the worst situation, he pretty much has nothing that will continue on forever (plus he's pretty much an alcoholic), he's nothing without Joji or Ian, and Chad is fucked either way.
No. 207687
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>>207641It's a little impressive how distinct Joji's channel is compared to all the other big youtubers, he's one of the few who actually produces original content. Even Pewdiepie has to leech off his shtick.
>Max is in the worst situation, he pretty much has nothing that will continue on forever (plus he's pretty much an alcoholic)>(plus he's pretty much an alcoholic)Wait, what?
No. 207701
>>207687>Wait, what?I'm not that anon but I think they're referring to Max drinking a lot in his vlogs and being a lightweight.
I think his gambling is more of an issue then his drinking, he needs to stop these dumbass pack and case opening on YouTube and I wouldn't be surprised if he goes to the Casino when he goes out drinking, he needs to buy a house and stop renting so he won't go homeless when his channel actually dies, Max could've had a pretty successful gaming channel if he wanted, he's just so shit at time mangement and uploading.
No. 207819
Semi-OT but does anyone have any ideas for that "I'm not like other girls" thread that
>>200632 brought up?
No. 207838
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What do you guys think about Katt? She seems pretty cute tbh
No. 207841
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>>188481>imagine if they go on couple dates because you just know Ian is gonna take her to Aus.I wonder if Ian will go the maximum cuck route and do cringey skits with her/convince the other guys to involve her in the filthy crew.
No. 207921
>>207847I went back and rewatched Vomit Cake because I swore I remember seeing the normal Frank glasses and you do, Max is making a cake with real Frank up until 1:41 into the video and then it goes to fake sunglasses Frank with no explanation.
So Max and Ian actually are apart of the lore and I'm excited to see what happens next tbh.
There does need to be a point made about Max, Ian and to a lesser extent Chad and the videos they've done with fake frank and the fact that Max is his wife/widow.
No. 208085
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No. 208108
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No one is forcing you to do anything Anisa you idiot. Also calling Christmas a "white people festivity" is fucking retarded. Better go tell the many, many non-white people who celebrate Christmas that their yearly holiday traditions are invalid bc of their skin color.
>>208104Not as far as I can tell. He's kept his identity out of the public eye pretty damn well.
No. 208110
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>>207461>the contrast between kisses>the Joji/Max kiss is just a sterile peck>the Joji/Ian kiss is actually kind of intimate>Ian went in for itW-when will they kiss again? I need some tongue action.
No. 208184
>>208137She's one of those white-passing girls who switch it up whenever it suits them.
>>208169Jesus. Well might as well get that trainwreck over with right away. The sooner their relationship crashes and burns, the better for both of them.
No. 208342
>>208279Imagine fat ian.
>>208108Is she aware Christianity stems from the middle East? What a dumb bitch.
No. 208348
>>208342She most likely doesn't know that. Even though she said "white festivities" I doubt she knows that before Christmas, it was called Yule and really is a pagan/white holiday. She just wants to bandwagon and appeal to the minorities on twitter for brownie points. But her tweet is still retarded because Christmas is more about consumerism nowadays and is celebrated in plenty non-white countries and people of all races in America.
Sage for OT.
No. 208743
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>feeling intellectually threatened by AnisaShe always puts her opinion where it isn't wanted or needed and acts all prideful if someone blocks her, Christ she's insufferable.
>>208707>>208632Exact reasons I am no longer attracted to Ian tbh
No. 208756
>>208743Same here, I used to find Ian so hot, partly because of his looks (esp vidcon with a tan and longish spiked up hair in
that grey sweater) and his not-giving-a-shit attitude.
This new side to him just stops me seeing him as fearless and a badass but actually reveals him as a pathetic loser who was just putting on an act to make people like him. Probably to get attention from girls. Contradicts the whole reason I was attracted to him sigh
No. 208765
>>208743She seriously is so childish and has no sense of self-awareness or dignity. What has she ever offered that has been "intellectual"? Imo there's nothing wrong with stupid lowbrow humor/content as long as you're aware of it, which she clearly isn't.
>>208707I dunno, some of my favorite videos of his were from before he started collaborating with Max and George. I just think he ran out of ideas/inspiration.
Is Max ever going to release Super Trash Bros II, or did they never finish it? Or the OPM parody? I guess I should know better than to expect regular uploads from any of them lol.
No. 208801
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>>208756He seemed so untouchable and that he just didn't give a fuck and he's was just so goddamn hot, it's sad that's all gone now.
No. 208814
>>208807Different anon but I also think Ian is hot and I'll get some standards when I stop being so fuckin uggo.
>>208767He's just doing it to be edgy I think. Phil is one of the more generally inoffensive youtubers so he's calling out a non-obvious target to maintain an edge.
No. 208826
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>>208807You aren't the first person to tell me to have standards for thinking Ian is hot tbh but I'm ugly af and don't have any anyway.
But now he's just a loser social retard who gave up any form of credibility or respect to get his dick wet.
No. 208832
>>208807I never really thought he was physically attractive, but I always liked his "I don't give a fuck" attitude, which made him hot to me. Obviously, after losing so much respect for him, I'm suddenly repulsed by his Jimmy Neutron-like appearance.
>>208827I really used to love H3H3 back when they just did reaction videos. Some of their skits were fine too, like the waterpark one. When he started trying to become the whiteknight of Youtube though, I lost interest. Now with most of his newer uploads just being him whining about Youtube or some other bullshit, I just want his channel to die.
No. 208842
File: 1480927628082.png (332.08 KB, 540x530, d2c1c36a-8970-4aab-99c3-ee3f4b…)

>>208836please take your shitty "Joji is a fuckboy" meme back to gurugossip and stay there
No. 208847
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>>208842This is such a cute pic thank you anon
>>208832I thought he was cute physically because I like I said I have no taste, but this is exactly what happened to me, he's just gross now.
No. 208861
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>>208807maybe his forehead is just big? anyways i always thought he was frickin attractive. not sure if u guys have high ass standarts or it's just me
maybe it's his personality that makes me like him
No. 208871
Thank fuck for this thread. I am so glad I'm not the only one that feels this way about the idubbbz girlfriend situation.
She is also a Leafy fan but now pretends she hates Leafy.
Start at 9 min No. 208896
>>207816Wait, which retsuprae videos did he rip off? I'm a long time follower of them and have only seen a few h3h3 videos.
>>208871Lol didn't ian say something about how it was retarded for leafy fans to suddenly hate him after content cop?
>>208507Idk online personas are different than the real person. I still like Ian's online persona. Hopefully hood girlfriend never appears in his videos.
No. 208913
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>>208842Joji is cute!
No. 209004
>>208707I love his Kickstarter Crap, Bad Unboxing, and his earlier Content Cop videos. I don't watch Filthy Frank or any of those other guys, I'm a fan of Ian, not that crew. Who he's fucking in his personal, private life doesn't matter to me, there are people in this thread that say 'I liked him
until he started dating her, he has no standards, I'm so disappointed, I don't like him anymore.' That just sounds like a crazy jealous fangirl response. He has shitty taste in girls, what does that matter?
I don't have a problem with his latest videos, maybe enjoy them less than his older ones but that happens to almost every single Youtuber out there that has been doing the same stuff for years. He's trying new stuff and it's not that great, I'm not surprised at all and I'm fine with the mediocre stuff for now. I'll enjoy any drama with his gf but I think people here are taking it too seriously.
No. 209026
>>208861Idgaf about standards he's just my type, I like tall, skinny dorks with glasses.
>>208871Why am I not surprised that she's a Leafy fan?
No. 209095
>>208997lolcow isn't about shitting on people's looks for milk
It's about the shit they do and their shitty personality that produces the milk
>>209004>My idol can't do bad! Leave him alone!I love how it's totally fine to shit on other cows, but then people can handle it when it's a cow that happens to be someone they really like.
No one is making you stay here.
No. 209203
File: 1480986958301.png (226.42 KB, 1242x1288, IMG_5388.PNG)

I wonder if she read here because of her saying she drew it by hand and also this
>>206243>>209004Leave if it's such an issue for you.
No. 209450
>>209203Where's her left arm? And what's going on with her scarf-cape thing? And maybe I'm not familiar with the type of gun here but the girl in the picture doesn't seem to be pulling the
trigger, just holding it vaguely. 0/10
No. 209523
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Little bit hyped to hear Joji's going to be releasing more music soon. His serious stuff is sometimes hit or miss, but he's definitely got potential.
>>188314His nails look pretty clean and well taken care of, though. Unless long nails on men is just automatically gross?
No. 209560
>>209523they probably think long nails on guys is auto gross. i've heard plenty of women express their disgust for long nails on a man. i kinda dug his long nails though. idk they looked really nice to me i would paint the shit out of those
>>209538lol no she's middle eastern. she doesnt look white at all if thats youre meaning
No. 209765
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>>209523I think he has beautiful hands and he takes good care of his nails, Max said on stream once that him growing his nails out is an Asian/Japanese thing.
>>209523Im glad he has new Joji music coming and I think he said Pink Season is dropping at Christmas time or a bit after.
Here's a link to him being on a radio show and talking about it No. 209798
>>208842If he acts like a fuckboi then by definition he is a fuckboi, it's not a meme
what is your definition of a fuckboi
No. 209799
>>209769I heard his real name is actually Joji Kusonoki or something. He's a haafu, so all "Miller" means is that his dad is the white parent while his mother is Japanese.
He also said in one of his jojivlogs that he spent a fair amount of his life in Japan. Kansai dialects are acquired through living in that region.
No. 209818
>>209769It's just his name, What has his name got anything to do with how much he embraces his Japanese side?
George loves being Japanese and being from Japan, he tweeted and it's now deleted about nationalistic Japanese guys hating him and being angry at him exisiting and said something like "I don't understand, I look a little whiter but I'm just like you" about it
He also tweeted (also deleted) thinking about doing a filthyfrank episode speaking only in Japanese because it was tiring going from only speaking Japanese to then speaking English only for the show and said it would just add to the craziness of FF.
I think these were from when he was on holidays in Japan for a few months.
No. 209820
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>>209816i think it was in response to this
No. 209821
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>>209816This tweet is so obnoxious, that also sounds exactly like something she would say and think is hilarious and to rub other people's faces in it.
Someone replied and she @ them saying "my tweet bugged out :/" and that's reason why she/it was deleted.
No. 209831
>>209828It is a bit sad, those tweets were from awhile ago, last year or year before so he's probably in a better place with it now.
I think him being mixed gives him the ability to make fun of both sides and he loves being able to do that, but he is very proud of who he is and where is from.
He was born and mostly raised in Japan but I think he visited Family in Australia a fair amount when he was growing up.
No. 209883
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>Joji left this comment on Katt's post where she talks about how much she adores Max
>he still hasn't said shit to Anisa
No. 209923
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Okay Anisa.
No. 209959
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>>209818>>209831I've seen more than a few "wait, Frank is Asian/Japanese??????" comments on his channel, I wonder if that bothers him.
No. 210168
>>210000It annoys me how people in the GG thread somehow came to the conclusion that he isn't fluent in Japanese…
He was raised there for the majority of his life (and most likely born there as well), but just because he went to an international school and speaks nonsense/very little Japanese in his videos he can't be completely fluent? I find it really hard to believe and a really stupid assumption.
No. 210236
>>210168Yeah, his dialect and pronunciation is way too bang on for him to be a novice. It's also understandable if he's a little rusty in Japanese due to being in English speaking countries for the last few years. That whole thread is a hot mess of shitty assumptions tbh.
>>210196That compilation really should include the parts from this video.
No. 210258
>>209821'Diamonds are boring, ugh, I need something special because I'm so unique and special and I deserve it.'
May be reading too much into that but holy shit she sucks.
No. 210280
>>210278I used to go on pull before I found lolcow, but since have stopped. This is the first time I've ever gone on GG and the first half of the thread seemed alright but now people are writing paragraphs on paragraphs on baseless assumptions and playing armchair psychiatrist on a man that no one knows all that well since he fucks around 99% of the time on the internet and it's so cringeworthy. I hate how they're like "oh he's probably entp" or whatever the fuck lol. Like, how the fuck did you even get that? How do you even come to the conclusion that he's looking for a serious relationship? It's so fucking stupid.
I was hoping for something good on the thread but lol.
No. 210312
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>>210168I'm glad I'm not the only one who was annoyed by that. Calling him a fuccboi douche is one thing, but claiming he doesn't actually speak or know much Japanese seems like a low blow. Especially since people who are mixed race in general have to deal with the unfair stigma of "not really being ______/not being ____ enough" all the time.
No. 210319
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how important is youtube rewind? Max is pretty pissed about it
No. 210418
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>>206724What is happening to him? Is being in a relationship and suddenly becoming popular causing him to go nuts?
>>210333Wait, being a stan for an Asian dude makes you a weeb now?
No. 210852
>>209004THIS SO MUCH
who gives a shit who's he dating? it's not like you have a chance kek
I like him for his videos, the rest doesn't matter
No. 210895
>>210852Roasting other youtubers might as well be the talentless pleb's guide to becoming a youtube celeb at this point.
dubbbz is overrated shit
No. 210931
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>>210852Can you not comprehend the fact that everyone is shitting on him for being a hypocrite and not because they're jealous that he's taken? No one would give a shit if he was just dating a regular girl, just like no one bats an eye at Max dating his normal as fuck girlfriend, but Anisa is literally the type of girl you'd think he'd make fun of because she's a "gamer gurl XD", uses men to get ahead, and since dating Ian, has started copying him to a T. Dating her takes all the legitimacy away from his videos.
No. 210959
>>210941well he's actually voiced discomfort over being told he's not really Japanese, so. as someone who is also mixed, the discussion in the gg thread is irritating af
>>210945it's funny cuz that better describes the Ianfags ITT
>lol u just hate anisa cuz ur jealous ian is bae nerdy boyz 4 lyfe!! uwu No. 211088
File: 1481296446200.webm (2.63 MB, 854x480, 134455677666677.webm)
>>210931Yeah, part of what makes Ian so appealing is his confidence, intensity, and "being unafraid to shit on anyone" attitude imo. Finding out that he won't go after hot women, most likely because he wants to actually get in their pants and/or whiteknight (both are off putting), and is dating an obnoxious bimbo is just disappointing.
It's also hard to tell if his recent videos are intentionally bad or just him fumbling after gaining so much attention recently. Either way, they're not enjoyable.
No. 211408
>>211356Does this mean we can add Ethan to the list of people Ian has more chemistry with than Anisa?
Also Ian is pretty cute when he's all giggly.
No. 211495
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So I'm not exactly sure how important this is but let me explain to people who don't know.
Sky Williams is a youtuber I believe and he is friends with Zoie Burgher (Anisa and her had beef before, right?) if that's helpful at all I guess.
Anyways, Sky posted this about her. I'm not sure what they discussed but he was talking about how amazing and smart she is. They also talked personally about other things I guess. Some people in the replies who've spoke to her said how sweet she really was and all that bs. But apparently it looks like Anisa has talked shit about him on her streams?
First part: part: don't know or really care for Sky, but I wonder how fucking fake she is. I mean, I know that she IS fake, but didn't know how bad it was. I never watch her streams so. Maybe this isn't the first time she's spoke shit about someone and then became buddy-buddy with them? Probably the fame thing again.
No. 211502
>>211495>calling anisa intelligent>no proofkek
he probably just wants to get into her pants
No. 211512
>>211445Goddamn, they're awkward together. She is completely void of any charm.
He's aware that she cheated on her bf, right?
No. 211598
>>211495Fuck wow she's fake as hell lmao.
>>211551His and Anisa's babies would be pretty white anyways.
No. 211717
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You make it easy as fuck, Anisa.
Also Ian is visiting her again, seeing as he came on her stream to tell that story, I wonder if she'll stream with him again to kinda show that they are better together and how couply they are.
No. 211978
>>211971Kek he's a grown man.
He's capable of making his own decision, whether you like it or not
No. 211986
>>211717She sure tweets a lot about getting hate, what other drama has she been apart of aside from the boyfriend thing? Like, what are the details about her and this chick
No. 211992
>>211971Shit I dunno, if he's willing to be with a tryhard cheating whore who flashes her titties on cam then there are no depths he won't sink
He doesn't seem happy with her though, maybe once the initial thrill of finally getting his dick wet wears off he'll dump her
Anyone else find it weird that he was a virgin up till now? Why has it taken him this long to give it up?
No. 212150
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>>212105Fucking hell, this was amazing.
Maybe next time Ian will think twice about thinking with his dick.
No. 212169
>>212105This was so good, Anisa should've been quiet and kept her mouth shut but she just HAD to get views and get attention off shit relating to Zoie if she couldn't do a video with her because of her meal ticket.
Ian is so retarded for hooking up with a girl cheating on her bf and with her history of drama, but now the idea of his gf hanging out with other obviously attention seeking e girls is too much for him? he deserves no sympathy.
No. 212183
>>212105Oh god I knew it was Ian who talked her out of meeting up with them and into trashing this girl.
Like she was begging them to meet up then she visits him and suddenly not only does she cancel her plans but she also makes a shittalking parody/exposed vid which is totally Idubbbz style of gaining subs and attention.
And the funniest part is that everyone seems to be on her and Ians side on twitter, so not only does she get away with openly cheating on her bf but also with shitting on her friend and being a fake bitch in general. She really hit the jackpot with him.
No. 212383
>Anisa is a great person who does no wrong and should be respected as such. Stop leaving mean comments on her Instagram just because she is dating Ian>ANISA IS A WONDERFULLY KIND AND FUNNY PERSON WHO CARES ABOUT HER FANS AND JUST BECAUSE SHE IS DATING IAN DOES NOT MEAN YOU CAN GET YOUR PANTIES IN A BUNCH AND LEAVE A BUNCH OF RUDE COMMENTS ON HER SOCIAL MEDIA OK THANK YOUlol Ian stans are trying so hard to not come across as jealous or "like other fangirls" that they're fucking worshiping Anisa. It's so unfortunate that she has a safety net now.
>>212056Nah, she's not going to cheat on her meal ticket. Whereas I can see his ego getting big enough to fuck around with other women. Or men, more likely.
No. 212402
>>212383I hate when fangirls do this, the only reason they know about Anisa is because she's dating Ian, they wouldn't give a fuck about her otherwise, all want to do is collect good fan points.
>>212385>Ian's brainless underage male fans are defending him from Zoie on reddit.The fanboys on reddit are the worst, they think Ian is some youtube genius god who can do no wrong.
No. 212404
>>212402>they think Ian is some youtube genius god who can do no wrongYeah, they're embarrassing.
>idubbbz' new videos are shit because they're SUPPOSED to be, guys!>he's the Andy Kaufman/Alan Resnick of our generation, I swear!!>lol he can get away with saying nigger faggot, he's so edgy and badass!>he rekt Leafy and Keemstar he can do no wrong!Ian doesn't deserve half the acclaim and views he gets, his videos are unoriginal and the same 'youtube drama' shit you can find anywhere.
No. 212410
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She has to know it's only Ian fangirls looking for Ian mentions in stream.
>>212401>only men replying and agreeingHm.
>>212404When I lost all respect for Ian I actually saw that his content was basically overhyped reaction videos, everything is in reaction to other people's projects or things he has been sent, even Content Cop is a reaction, when he has tried original content its shit, like Panda documentary one, I've only seen it once because I get secondhand embarrassment from it.
No. 212424
>>212410I don't really understand why there's much hype about him. I found his content cops funny, but when I went to his channel, the rest of his stuff felt very repetitive and, yeah, just him reacting to other people's work. He's not really that different from Jinx, Pyrocynical, Keemstar, IHE, etc. Ian is funny and works well when collaborating with others, but his actual channel is meh.
Max may have a dying channel, but at least he makes videos about stuff he likes and tries to create his own original content rather than just be a dick towards everyone. Even Frank, who is supposed to be an asshole character who is equally awful to anyone, has never targeted specific people or cashed in on cheap youtube drama like Ian.
No. 212452
>>212410I actually love dumb shit like the panda documentary vid and wish he did more stuff like that. I really enjoy his content in general, but there's no excuse for the blind stanning on tumblr and reddit. It's embarrassing and a good portion of his fanbase is clearly underage.
>>212424I've been a fan of Frank longer than the rest of the cancer crew and I've always liked that he tries to stay out of drama unless its related to his own fanbase (and even then it's typically him having to stand up for someone/himself, he never starts shit).
No. 212484
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>>212465I know he's made some tweets about him, he refers to him as phillip defuckass but it could just be a joke.
No. 212514
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How many bridges had this bitch burned? I know Emmah has drama and issues but damn.
>>212105I've rewatched this so many times, I love it, I wonder if Ian and Anisa are just gonna ignore it or try and come up with an attack against Zoie.
No. 212518
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I'm weak so I won't do it but I'm tempted yall…
No. 212523
>>212514If Ian ever makes a Content Cop on Zoie, I'll assume it's for the sake of Anisa. I fucking hope he doesn't start white knighting for her and getting involved in her drama.
>>212518It just occurred to me that Joji subtly roasted girls who say shit like that in the "people I hate" video lol. How can Ian not see that she's a walking stereotype?
No. 212539
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who's this Getter dude Joji is spending so much time with lately?
No. 212541
>>211717so she goes and shits on anybody she likes but once Zoie made that twitter vid shes all like
"poor me! how can you hate me??!"
quite easily actually.
I actually feel sorry for Ian, imagine trying to have a conversation with this childish ass bitch
No. 212554
>>212551Oh man I bet him and Ian have beef and that's why they haven't spoken or interacted in a while!!!11!!
I'm mostly kidding. Mostly.
No. 212561
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I don't think Ian has ever posted Anisa on his Instagram and never will lol
>>212554>MostlyLol I don't think there is any beef, more that Joji is busy as fuck, I just found it weird because I'm sure there were opportunities to see each other and they didn't.
No. 212572
>>212554I was joking lol, the only thing I can think of that they could possibly argue about is if Joji doesn't like Anisa or something and he and Ian argued about it, and why the fuck would they?
>>212556>unresolved sexual tensionYEAH IT'S LIKE MY FANFICTIONS!
No. 212597
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>>212554How do you know hes staying with h3h3? Then maybe they did meet and just didn't talk about it online. Or maybe they're not as close as Ian is with Max, they don't have any similar interests or anything so maybe they just don't really give a shit about each other. Anyway I don't think Joji would be petty or stupid enough to start an actual fight with Ian over his gf. That being said he did tweet that a while ago and it just fits Ians current situation perfectly. I don't actually think the tweet was aimed at him idk but its stilk kinda funny
No. 212751
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She changed her twitter bio, I bet she giggled to herself thinking how hilarious she is for doing it.
She's also no longer linking her twitch and only her YouTube.
>>212597He said on that radio show he went on, he was staying with them and there is a Snapchat of him with them.
No. 212944
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And yet you promote your relationship with him any chance you get, always talking about him and mentioning him on stream, posting pics when he has never posted any of you and leeching off his fangirls.
It's only promo if your boyfriend is doing it, but when you do it it's love~~
No. 212989
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>>212944>everyone's pointing out that Ian doesn't promote herNo way that isn't eating away at her.
No. 213006
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>>212989Hope the sex is worth it, Ian.
No. 213465
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on a side note, i wonder how max's gf feels about anisa constantly making fun of celestia's face shape since they both have square faces. she defended celestia against gross gore, tweeted that she saw her like a little sister, and made a podcast with her. now she's been faving tweets that call her a blockhead and she even tweeted making fun of her square face awhile back. she's so catty.
No. 213571
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>>213465She's such a bitch, choosing dick over friendship and now talking shit about Celestia.
>>213224Fuck, she's so dumb.
How can she lack that much awareness?
What hilarious is that she made the "parody" video and talked about "making better content" and "expecting more", then finding out she was meant to be in the original Scarce video, throws it into a new light, I bet Ian coached her and told her to talk about making "good" content to seperate herself/brand from fame hungry e girls, because of him saying it'd be bad to "associate" with Zoie.
I think I respect Zoie and Celestia more then Anisa, they are upfront about what they want, who they are and don't try to hide it.
No. 213692
>>213653Good, he's such a cunt for no reason sometimes.
Also she's such a liar "I want to make it on my own" "I won't have Ian on my stream anymore" yeah, okay Anisa.
No. 213714 link for anyone who needs it.
I still think they have a weird vibe together, he thinks he's the smartest, funniest person in the room, I imagine that arrogance can get grating to be around.
She said his breath smelt bad and he called her a bitch, she said "hey!" But then he said "what a fucking bitch" and was all "don't blame me it's your mom's cooking"
No. 213720
>>213714Don't know if it's noteworthy but someone in the chat asked if she met Max and George yet and she said no. Ian said something about Frank but I didn't really catch it.
I wonder if Ian will really try to introduce her to them.
No. 213777
>>213775he seems so bored actually. there's no chemistry. i was expecting something hype, joking around, entertaining the stream, having conversations together, etc. it's the most boring shit while ian just focuses on the game.. sad.
ian needs a girl who has similar interests and a cool personality
No. 213787
>>213714>he thinks he's the smartest, funniest person in the room, I imagine that arrogance can get grating to be aroundIt's wild how apparent that is when he's around her. His arrogance is easy to overlook or even find charming when he's with the guys, but with her, it's just rude and obnoxious.
>But then he said "what a fucking bitch" and was all "don't blame me it's your mom's cookingReminds me of how he behaves towards Chad, which goes to show that he doesn't have much respect for Anisa.
No. 213801
>>213798not that anon, but i guess back when i really liked him (like a year+ ago when i was watching his videos) he seemed like the kind of guy who would be cool and funny irl and that his videos where more of an act, because most youtubers don't act the same in normal situations as they do in videos. his beta appearance and lack of experience with girls just made me think maybe he wouldn't just go for the lowest hanging fruit and instead find a qt but emotionally stable gf that shares similar interests.
i agree he shouldnt do a zoe burger video until he's broken up with anisa. he missed his opportunity for views and it would look really bad if he did it now. he didn't want to make a content cop about hot youtube girls anyways so i don't see why he would do it now.
i have mixed feelings about his attitude now. he was one of my favorites in the group but now it's weird to see how he acts towards anisa, like did you see when he was doing those little slaps on her face? she just stood there for an awkwardly long time until he said sorry
No. 213807
>>213784He has a sister which imo is even worse with how awful he is with girls.
>>213780>would probably disrespect or feel superior to any girl he is withYes, he so would, everything about him and his attitude towards girls says that.
>>213797He also probably doesn't want her releasing those screenshots of his gf begging Celestia to spend time with Zoie and make a video with her either, Zoie could hit back easily with shit, she could also ask Celestia for info on her, Zoie seems like she would play dirty tbh.
No. 213844
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He should be looking at his girlfriend the same way he looks at Ethan.
No. 213912
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>>213714Just watched this and, holy shit, they're boring. He seems to not give a single shit about her and ignored almost everything she said in favor of talking about the game. The part where she left and he didn't even do anything about it was so cringe. It's pretty clear he has all the power in the relationship while she's kind of floundering and trying too hard.
>>213833Yeah, I think some assume Ian's just playing a character on his channel when really that's just who he is. And who he is, at least when it comes to women or people he doesn't respect, is unpleasant and not engaging.
On a related note, listening to the radio show Joji did yesterday really hit home how vastly different he is from Frank, to the point where I find it hard to believe he even came up with the character. He seems pretty nice though, very chill and easygoing.
No. 213914
>>213912Joji seems so cute and modest compared to Ian now. I always had a crush on him but drifted to favouriting Ian last year. I'm so sorry I left Joji, you're obviously the best of the bunch.
Ian has made me lose so much respect for him. I wonder if he really is gay? Or like, because Anisa slept with him immediately, before properly getting to know her he has no respect for her straight up?
No. 213954
>>213714I don't know much about Twitch but her videos, even with Ian, don't even get 1000 viewers..isn't that bad? What's the point of continuing?
Also Ian seems so uncomfortable through the entire thing. They have no chemistry at all either
No. 213957
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>>213912>>213914>Joji is best boy confirmed.>>213948 Her telling him to apologise to a single person does nothing against his "image" he's still an arrogant cunt who acts as if his girlfriend is retarded and beneath him.
No. 213959
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>>213955Who would donate to her depressing streams.
Doesn't Ian hate titty streamers? Isn't that what Anisa is? I know she likes to pretend like her viewers are there for her shitty gaming but we all know they're not.
I wonder what Ian thinks about horny men giving his girlfriend money.
Why does he look so disgusted when she touches him? They haven't been dating for long, they should still be in the honeymoon phase but they just look sad
No. 213981
>>213959Ian is weird. It's almost like he's legit autistic and doesn't know how to behave like an actual human.
He also doesn't even try to hide it when he's annoyed or doesn't want to be somewhere, like in the prison themed Q&A portion he did with the guys.
No. 214028
>>213465Anisa of all people made fun of somebody else's face shape? Lmao she has the worst face shape ever. It's like a pear. Look at
>>213571 to see what I mean. She has no room to talk
No. 214033
>>213959What was the most awkward is at the end he was still salty about her telling him he had bad breath and he was saying Anisas smelled too and she kept blowing her breath in his face saying "no I brushed my teeth!!". Ian seemed like an ass in the stream but I feel like Anisa is pretty annoying. I feel kind of bad but not really considering it's a girl like Anisa and not someone with a nicer/more entertaining personality.
Also isn't is sad that her stream couldn't peak 400 viewers? For someone with as many followers as she does she should be hitting way more. Gross gore had a shit ton of viewers. (Maybe he had more followers though I can't remember but the difference is so vast)
No. 214182
>>214023He might just be very very uncomfortable with public displays of affection when they are coming from someone he is actually attracted to (i.e., he's willing to do gay shit on camera with Max and George because it's all for a laugh). Or he's trying to look all "cool" and aloof by never taking her seriously bc he's an autist who thinks that's what cool people do. I definitely have my suspicions that he's closeted.
>>214028I think her face is cute. She looks like a chipmunk (in a good way I guess?)
Doesn't quite make up for her boring-ass personality and general lack of talent though lol.
No. 214253
>>213006I was hanging out with a few of my male friends, they started talking about Frank's latest video and idubbbz came up, mentioned he has a girlfriend now and they immediately looked her up and started circle jerking about how hot she is. I said her tweets show what an annoying personality she has and the response was pretty much 'who cares, she's hot.'
So I think from a male's perspective, any of the shit is worth it if you're getting it in.
No. 214257
>>213959Well it's not like the touching is sweet or has any intimacy like you would with a significant other or even a really close friend. They have no bond or intimacy, and she's fake as fuck, only touching him so people will buy that they're a legit couple, but people aren't that stupid, they can all tell it's fake and he can't stand her doing it because he's too retarded to commit to the image.
Though if I was on stream with my SO and he fucking started poking me in the chin I wouldn't hide my annoyance either.
No. 214405
>>214259I think that totally depends on how mature a guy is and how experienced he is in the relationship department.
In my experience, guys who are virgins or have little life experience tend to focus on hotness and nothing else because they're so desperate. A mature grown man cares about more important things and realises looks are not the only important thing.
Saying that Anisa looks like a snaggletoothed, big nosed potato with tits. Honestly dunno why he didn't go for any of the other twitch girls who have tried to hook up with him on Twitter.
No. 214416
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>>214367>>214367I rewatched the vid because of these comments and Ian is literally the only one who reacts the way that he does, both Max and George are normal and there isn't a change in behaviour in Max as someone who didn't get shocked at all with either of them.
There's a jumpcut after joji gets shocked with Ian holding his biceps but you can for a spilt second see that Ian was going to fully wrap his arm around Jojis body OR point at the computer screen, but seeing as he just got shocked and was holding his arms, the former is more likely then the latter imo
>>214384That actually makes a lot of sense, I think you're on to something anon
No. 214430
>>214384kek I remember there's a part in one of Filthy Frank's vids where Chad is like trying to get Ian to say "hey, that's pretty good" and Ian just immediately shuts him down. I got the exact same vibes when he said "let's not do that" to Anisa on the stream.
>>214416The enthusiastic consent part of the gentleman's guide is also suspicious, Ian like pinches Max and then looks really excited to kiss him, while Max and Joji are simply just playing along. Shit, there may actually be something to this closet queer theory.
No. 214448
>>214407i didn't like how ian acted in the stream, i think it was a little much but i agree with this. why would you want to just be someone's free advertiser ? just using "idubbbz" or ian in her stream titles and whatnot brings her the attention from his fans who wants to see ian in a more normal day to day situation. im so glad he told them not to donate to her because i'm sure a handful would have liked to. i think it's scummy that she brings him onto her stream thinking she'll get the big bucks because of his name. call him an asshole but i can almost half respect his disinterest if he is actually realizing what anisa's about.
honestly, if he dated any other titty streamer with no drama nobody would give a shit, but anisa has just a bad history and rep so i can't accept it
No. 214484
>>214416I don't want to sound like an intense fan "shipper" or whatever, but when Ian started doing videos with Max and George I noticed that Ian would laugh at everything George said. And if not laughing, he would look at him grinning his head off.
I always put it down to admiration. Like, "aw how cute, Ian's probably buzzing that he's in a video with the incredibly successful Filthy Frank right now". He looked like he was meeting his hero.
Whether he actually has a huge crush on him is debatable, but if he's groping his biceps comfortably then that's kinda interesting. Especially since he doesn't seem comfortable even touching Anisa on cam.
Or maybe he just has a stick up his arse and thinks he's too good for any woman, and just does gay shit because it's sort of a meme between them all.
No. 214492
>>214484He barely pays attention to Anisa but when George said he looked handsome without his glasses during that one Maxmoefoe stream he looked so fucking pleased.
>>214489It was actually George and Max that were fanboys of Ian, despite his channel being much smaller than either of theirs at the time. Max found Ian's content and thought it was hilarious, and then showed it to George when they met up.
>I wonder if he'll ever reach a point in popularity where he feels like they're beneath him and starts treating them the way he treats Chad, Anisa, Defranco, etc.That would legitimately be heartbreaking. Max and George love Ian, I remember Max getting drunk on stream and saying pretty much verbatim "I love Ian SO much, I'm so glad his channel is getting more attention." If Ian ever ruined that bond I'd be sad as heck.
No. 214499
>>214492"Pleased" is an understatement, he was practically giggling like a blushing school girl.
>It was actually George and Max that were fanboys of IanAh, I didn't know that. Ian's already surpassed Max in subs and popularity and is still very close to him, so I don't think that'll be a problem. And I simply can't see him being a dick to George considering how beloved and respected he is.
No. 214504
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apparently some tumblr fangirls don't care if anisa's a whore or not lol
No. 214557
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>>214416Don't forget this moment. Ian fucking went in there for that kiss.
>>214515Looking at Ian's twitter, I noticed he acts like a cunt to Chad, a smug cunt to Anisa, and really friendly with Max. He's commented on Joji's Instagram before, but since Joji doesn't really reciprocate or comment on Ian's IG/twitter, he probably doesn't feel confident enough to bother Joji too much. I never noticed this dynamic before, but it's interesting to see Ian actually be humbled by someone.
No. 214623
>>214616>I don't think that shows he's "autistic" or whatever, I can be the same waySo you're also a self-absorbed autist who doesn't know how to behave like a decent human being in social situations and not make things awkward for everyone? You're supposed to grow out of this behavior when you stop being a teenager, sis.
I honestly find it hard to believe there are still anons thirsting for Ian after watching that stream. Like good grief, have some self respect.
No. 214665
>>214476not an ian stan i can just understand why you wouldn't be lovey dovey to a money grubbing whore. i've said many times that him acting like an asshole wasn't cool, but they're both at fault for having no chemistry. calm down. just because someone brings up one redeeming point doesn't mean they are a fan.
i don't even enjoy his content anymore but i keep up with the thread because it involves the whole gang.
No. 214671
>>214669it's not right but it's not right for anisa to cheat on her old boyfriend with him either and hope to get some big bux off of the idubbbz name. i think they're both using each other and that's why it's no a genuine relationship, sorry for pointing out anisa's shit personality and not just ians.
the only person i know he treats like shit is chad but i haven't really seen many of the gang videos tbqh. like i said im not a huge fan or anything so i don't know the whole story but have watched a good amount of videos.
but if you still want to call be an ian stan go ahead, though i don't particularly care that much for him, i just prefer him over anisa obviously. even when gross gore was being an ass i still preferred him over anisa because he was actually entertaining.
No. 214692
>>214623I don't know what exactly you're referring to, like please "sis" show me where he's been a straight up dick to a random person.
I haven't watched the streams either so I can't really comment on them but I know some people mentioned how like Anisa was poking his chin or something and he seemed annoyed, so apparently to your logic he has to pretend like that shit isn't annoying? Or he has to pretend to act nice Chad if he's annoying him? Sorry not everyone likes to live in sugary little world where everyone is nice to each other all the time.
Maybe if you show me an actual example, but from what I'm thinking of, I can't think of a time he's been rude unnecessarily. And how do you even know how real the shit with Chad is? That whole group is always fucking with each other. Are you going to call Max a bad friend now because he calls Chad fat all the time?
No. 214719
>>214557I bet that was his first kiss, too.
>>214561I actually really miss Ian's old gaming videos lol. Sure it was pretty low-effort content, but he always came off as chill and nice in them. That's the Ian I had a crush on. He's better-looking now IMO but his attitude is often obnoxious.
>>214692Not the anon you were replying to but he started slapping her in the face a bunch because it "looked good in the viewfinder" and then didn't apologize. Obviously he didn't hurt her but that's a pretty fucking annoying thing to do lol. He can't act like a child just because she does something mildly annoying back. As for the Chad thing, I don't think he hates Chad or anything but I doubt he respects him as much as he respects George (which is understandable because George creates a lot of things and has a lot of talents whereas Chad largely relies on the popularity of others).
No. 214786
>>214692>I haven't watched the streams either Watch it. There's a reason there's all this criticism for him after it, he is incredibly rude to her from the get go.
You sound like a very autistic and thoroughly unlikable person though, so I wouldn't be surprised if you're still riding his dick afterwards.
No. 214895
>>214623I'd still fuck Ian.
>>214874People are sperging out in this thread, holy shit. Sure Anisa is annoying af, but ian chooses to stay with her. Ian is a dick to her, but she chooses to stay with him. Babbys first relationship will not end well.
No. 215072
>>214918hey, the gay talk made me realize that ian isn't an arrogant shit when around joji so that's something
>and posting cringy pics of the crewall I see are regular pictures of them
No. 215094
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>>214692Chad actually said on twitter recently that he feels self conscious about being called fat all the time and Max genuinely apologized and they exchanged "I love you's", it was pretty cute. Regardless of the sketchy way they met, it's clear they're very close and Max really likes the guy. Ian is just a jerk to Chad on twitter, I mean it's kinda obvious in their videos that he has a weird animosity with him. Probably because he doesn't like fat people.
>Or he has to pretend to act nice Chad if he's annoying him?That's what being 'civil' is and it prevents making things uncomfortable for others. In the real world, especially with people you work with (and on film, no less), you don't get the luxury of acting like an immature cunt because you're annoyed by someone's presence (worth noting that Ian's irritation with Chad doesn't seem all that warranted or fair since Max also goes overboard/full autistic Aussie in videos and he doesn't ever bat an eye to that). If Max, Joji, and even Chad can be civil, then so can Ian. As it is, he's basically a manchild who seems to think he can act any way he wants without consequence.
No. 215192
>>215164I do feel bad (mostly because I'm uglier than her lol) but at the same time I agree with
>>215189. She basically created a personal hugbox on Twitch of people willing to throw praise and money at her.
No. 215753
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Didn't she say her Dad went off about her tit streaming because a sibling told him how bad it was and that's the reason why she doesn't do it anymore, but posing to show off your ass in your underwear is okay?
That doesn't exactly add up.
No. 215764
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>>215753>tfw anisa's attention seeking ass posts a photo of her actual attention seeking asshow she constantly acts as if she isn't like any other twitch attention whore is astounding. pic related
No. 215816
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>>215807Yet he has no qualms being openly affectionate with Max and Joji.
Is there even a picture of Ian and Anisa together with him smiling?
No. 216023
>>216021I was just about to post this
And at 9:50, Ian asks Ethan what it's like filming and creating content with his significant other (Hila).
Really makes you think…
No. 216033
>>216026Damn anon, lol what a lying bitch
Even her mod MRGOOGLES or whatever his name is, was calling akaadian a cuck when Anisa was talking how her Ian got together when they did their joint stream.
It's clear she cheated, she just knows it'll make her look like an asshole.
No. 216036
>>216021They were openly saying Taco Bell earlier in the vid so the censoring was clearly just a joke.
>>216031She's a fucking hypocrite. Maybe you shouldn't have made fun of Celestia's face shape, eh Anisa?
No. 216420
>>216090so by that logic,
>woman says something stupid >dude beats her up till she's in the hospitalnow that's totally reasonable anisa! if she started the argument, its her fault right??? right edgy 15-year-old boys who hate SJWs?
fuck this dumb bitch. even ian would know better smh she's trying so hard
No. 217101
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She looks better with dark hair rather then that ugly purple ombré thing she was trying to pull off.
>>216775She tries so hard to seperate herself and sees herself as "other" from women, it's very sad she hasn't grown up in that aspect at all, no doubt she'll fuck it up with Kat somehow, it'll be awkward as fuck and Ian will eventually have to choose between Anisa and his friends.
No. 217355
>>217323any of his humor to me is drowned out by his irritating everything else
all i see when i look at him is the definition of a fuckboy i'd enjoy emasculating in public tbh
No. 217420
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another unprovoked jab at celestia. what has celestia done to her???
No. 217479
>>217420Someone actually did.
>>189320 and
>>214028Stop shitting on girls prettier than you Anisa, no woman feels "intellectually threatened" by you and your humor is 2009 tier.
No. 217594
>>217420She didn't even defend her, just brought attention to herself why is she such an insufferable asshole?
Celestia overall is better looking then Anisa, I bet it burns her ass how Zoie has her little group of E girls who are all supporting and backing each other and getting more fame off of one another and she could've had that, but she listened to her asshole boyfriend who ignored her and just generally took pleasure in trying to humiliate her on stream (hitting her in the face etc)
No. 217833
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>>217817>relationship goals 2k16>vapid tryhard slut having to try and understand her gross literally autistic boyfriend>"goals"Jesus.
No. 217847
File: 1482219562768.png (159.67 KB, 578x499, Screenshot 2016-12-20 at 08.37…)

anisa liked this tweet. could you imagine a child coming out of this mess of a relationship? i wish
No. 217951
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This savage twitter answer
No. 217963
>>217817she really wants everyone to know that she's dating Ian.
I wonder if she's gained any popularity since dating him. He doesn't promote her at all, I bet that really eats away at her
No. 218027
>>218016I think someone already said that Anisa is/might be moving in with him in a few months. Doesn't he still live with his parents though? kek
I definitely think they're going to start doing videos together at some point, although I would hope he'd be smart enough not to upload them onto his channel. I doubt he really wants to since he seems embarrassed to be dating her, but she'll probably pressure him to do it or withhold sex to punish him or something.
No. 218489
>>188311ew joji is probs the ugliest after fat cunt
max is cute but ian imo is the most attractive
No. 218495
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>>218488yeah the whole video is good, I just wanted to pin point the part with her being a dumbass
No. 218698
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No. 218758
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>>218560I've seen a lot of fanboys expressing confusion at their relationship and calling Ian a hypocrite but general fanboy opinion is mostly along the lines of pic related. A lot of them are probably teenagers who think relationships are purely for sex and don't see how Ian having someone like Anisa as his first gf could fuck him (and his content) over.
No. 218784
File: 1482369127747.png (332.27 KB, 1242x1610, IMG_5495.PNG)

Why is she so far up Momo's ass? She's always tweeting her and sucking up, I wonder if Anisa will try and be a cosplayer, she probably shits herself whenever she gets a reply.
>>218698This is art, bless u anon
No. 219797
>>218459george is actually hideous jesus christ i have no idea what any girl (esp the ones in this thread) see in him. his face is overall too harsh and he looks like he needs a shower. max >>> ian >>>>>> george
>>218758ew men are so gross.
>when the booty fine lol no. she's average at best. if you have your pick of girls why not fuck someone actually hot and not pearhead-chan. paper-bagging it would only be a minor improvement since you would still have to see her fridge body.
also the only similarity between ian and her is that they're actually both retarded cunts. anything else is just a trait she stole from him lol
>>219787let's be real ian you're too scared of zoie's evidence (and too much of a beta cuck even without that) to make one.
No. 219803
File: 1482392877058.jpg (308.69 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_oi5jqzMh4X1vk22t1o1_128…)

>>219797>max >>> ian >>>>>> george >George that low>Ian above anythingI have no idea what anyone sees in Ian, he has a fivehead, close set eyes, the body of a victim of Auschwitz, and the most bland basic ass face. Add his shitty personality into the mix, and he is easily the worst. Joji's face actually has character and personality. There's a reason he has the most fangirls out of the group, fam.
>and he looks like he needs a shower>implying they don't all look like thisBetween Max's vomiting and Ian's burping, they're all gross.
No. 220153
File: 1482450830693.jpg (113.52 KB, 640x788, IMG_0827.JPG)

i knew she was a meninist & "i'm not like other girls" girl but this just doesn't make sense. didn't she say ian "saved" her from some guy harassing her at twitchcon and she jumped in his jeep? also, she keeps changing her story on how they first met 'cause she doesn't mention this anymore…
No. 220474
>>210236holyshit, this is the best thing I've seen in a long time.
Also, yes his japanese is very good.
No. 222011
>>216023Not gonna lie when Ethan said that he and Hila are best friends that was very sweet. And then when he's going into relationship talk about love and fighting Ian looked pretty absorbed.
You gotta kiss a few frogs before you find your prince, Ian. Not that he's a prize, but it's a good lesson for this dude obviously in his first relationship.
No. 222044
>>220153Is this the video where the girl replies to the guys, right? Anisa is so dumb she couldn't even realize that this
is an acted sketch and the author didn't even have the slightest intention of making it pass as "real".
So yeah, you didn't discover the American continent, Sherlock.