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No. 240809
Old thread
>>219802Recent developments:
- Anisa moved in with Ian
- Ian spends $200+ to show up to Tana Mongeau's meet and greet
- Grabs her by the arm and says "saaaaay n**ger" repeatedly until asked to leave
- Anisa films the whole thing
- Everyone continues kissing almighty edupz ass because "it's a meme bro"
- Sky Williams kisses Ian's white mangled dick but shits on Anisa
- Anisa is hurt
Please refrain from whiteknighting Ian and/or excessively shitting on Tana or vice versa. If you want to discuss her exaggeration of the events take it to her thread.
Ian's twitter:'s twitter: No. 240819
>>240809>- Grabs her by the arm and says "saaaaay n**ger" repeatedly until asked to leaveWait, I only saw the video where he poses for the pic with her and says it once:'t see him grab her and repeat it, please post it.
No. 240990
>>240978Not anon, but Chad believes himself to be more important/famous/relevant then he actually is.
He shits on people like Keemstar and is now on podcast with him, he talks about women in a disgusting way (any girl who fucks him is retarded tho)
No. 240997
>>240991Yeah, he practically kissed her ass. OT also, she kind of dropped herself in it about the whole "stalker" facade. Basically exaggerating that she had more security in her place than the white house, but apparently her stalker managed to get in there.
Shows how much of a liar she is, and it won't look good with the outcome of this situation with Ian.
No. 241015
>>240809k i just feel no sympathy for tana though those fucking cringe crocodile tears.
ian was cringe but none of what he did can compare to her crying or ian's fans thinking he's a genius
No. 241019
>>241018kek i don't even like ian i just think tana is annoying.
can you soften your hate boner already, fuck.
No. 241020
>>241019>can you soften your hate boner already, fuck.If you supposedly don't like him then this shouldn't
trigger you so much. Just stop trying to make him seem not as much of a shit as he is.
No. 241027
>>241020i mean, you seem really
triggered by me simply posting a video about tana and not calling ian every name in the book. i'm tired of shit talking him i just wanted to post about tana which relates to the situation he created.
i feel like ian
triggers your very core, you farmers ok?
No. 241032
>>241028damn maybe i am anisa.
subscribe to my channel please <3
>>241031> Ianfag.funny how i can keep claiming how i really don't like the guy but somehow dick riding him kek
No. 241035
>>241034yet everyone keeps replying.
can't complain about shitting up the thread if you keep replying with your shitty "gtfo ian stan!!!1!" comments.
No. 241036
Fuck off with all this shitty pandering.
No. 241037
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Don't worry guys, Anisa's boring slutty stream personality was just a character !!! We'll finally get to see the real her in her scripted YouTube videos!
No. 241040
triggered over femanons in this thread letting ugly prick YouTubers get away with anything because they hate themselves to the point of wanting to bone this gangly autist while simultaneously going hard on women for doing the same thing as him. Do you not see the problem there?
No. 241052
>>241048The "lol I ain't even mad" attitude while arguing tells me is anisa, plus we know she lurks cause she's talked about her pear shaped head
Shit talkings easy hiding behind anon, but remember when u got called out for making fun of that paralyzed chick then shit urself when she called u out….. Lmfao me too
No. 241059
>>241055I just saw it, ty.
I don't get why she would make fun of that woman for owning a lot of shoes? Does she think people who are paraplegic just go barefoot or exclusively wear velcro dr scholls?
She basically invited all of the insults in the word towards herself by publicly making fun of a random disabled person. Going downhill so quick
No. 241069
>>241042They are just reaching. I love how these threads quickly evolved from Cancer Crew threads to "Everyone who doesn't shit on idubbbz every 10 seconds is a stan and a dick rider" thread
Farmers here are fighting with each other more than actually enjoying the tasty milk that's going on right now
Not surprising since I'm sure mostly everyone here are newfags from Tumblr since they are openly threatening other farmers with reports. You don't see that shit in any of the other threads
No. 241085
>>241037pffft so no personality generic titty streamer was just a character. wow the reaching this girl does.
what is it with this faux intellectual bullshit thats so prevalent with "anti-sjw" types. all thats missing is she starts wearing glasses and ramps up her vocabulary with misplaced SAT words.
No. 241105
>>241069This thread really feels like tumblr ever since Ian dared to "mistreat" his gf on stream, its like everyones delusion of him secretly being a sensible sentimental perfect bf popped so they vent their disappointment here.
And suddenly hes racist and sexist and basically the worst human being ever, even though they were all over his dick before he got his gf.
On another note, didn't he say he wont ever make a cc on girls or something? Was that a joke or did he change his mind after he lost his virginity to pear head.
No. 241106
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looks like chad has moved in with dasha and cyr
No. 241107
>>241106Huh, I guess Chad and Cyr are somewhat close. That explains them tweeting together about Onion (over in Onision's thread)
Sage for OT
No. 241108
>>241106wtf why.
>>241095No, Filthy Frank is a character. Being fake to pander to your horny 12-yr-old fanboys so they'll donate isn't really a character bc her on-stream personality wasn't that different from her current personality.
No. 241147
Also Ian has never said he's making a content cop on Tana. It's just pure assumption. Ian hasn't said anything about the situation. He's pretty much letting her crash and burn on her own. At this point he doesn't even need to make a video.
Maybe he recorded it as a gag for one of his videos for all we know. But it's all speculation for now.
No. 241166
>>241095Her videos are "moderately self aware" because they're
scripted If she just filmed herself in the moment with no planning or scripting it'd be her same vapid self from the streams
Shes only saying this so she can distance herself from her embarrassing titty streaming rep
No. 241168
>>241166Samefagging but literally anyone who's like "the streaming was a character because she's so different in her YouTube!!"
Look at this broad, the YOUTUBE Anisa is a character. Just because she uses her real name now doesn't make her anymore "real" than her titty streams lmao
No. 241194
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>>241193He's always looked to me like someone who will be busted in a Walmart toy section on an indecent exposure charge in ten years.
No. 241195
>>241069>You don't see that shit in any of the other threadsI have in the old Taylor threads. There's a lot of white knighting for her.
The difference is that most threads here are largely targeted at women or really fucked up men (Onision), whereas, for some unknown reason, the CC dudes have fangirls here who transparently try to make up excuses for everything they do while also tearing Anisa apart for doing the same thing as them. You can even see this happening last thread, there is no "reaching" here. Naturally this is going to point out some obvious fucking double standards, which is especially funny when people in these threads were ragging on Anisa for constantly shitting on her own gender.
No. 241198
>>241194Also looks like he has hydrocephaly
Can't believe there are still anons here trying to defend this fucko and whining about him being bashed like c'mon, have some self respect
No. 241396
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>>241118her head shape and weird lips make her look like a cartoon fish
No. 241398
>>241195You have articulated exactly what my problem with this thread is, thank you.
Basically if you hate Anisa, you should hate Ian too because she copies him to a T. And if you don't hate Ian too then you're just as bad as her hating on women. I don't get why this guy has so many people defending his shitty autistic actions.
Joji is cool, Max is ok, Chad is fucking gross/unfunny and Ian is proving himself to be so far up his own ass that he thinks that saying something is a meme makes him invincible. And fuck, I guess it does since everyone's still riding his dick on YT and Twitter.
>>harassing a teenager and scaring her>> fucking hilarious meme bro No. 241410
>>241310agreed, she's literally trying to be his *~dream girl~*
Her goal in life is to be a girl that's "one of the guys" that everyone in the group wants to fuck. Think she played on the mens lacrosse team cause she loves the sport? nah
Plays league with her boobs out cause she loves the game? naah
Now she wants to be a member of the filthy gang cause she'll be the ~only girl with a dark sense of humor~
No. 241739
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No. 241801
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>>241739Wtf why he is honestly disgusting, his 15 minutes has to end.
No. 241812
>>241739i stared at this picture for 10 seconds because i couldn't process what i was seeing
this is what i imagine suzy from gg will look like in a year
No. 241902
late to the party but I'm curious about H3H3, i liked their vids but yeah Ethan has been getting cringier lately.
>>241828he looks like Tess Munster in that pic
No. 241905
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She liked that reply, what has she discussed that's controversial? Titty streaming and shit from Laci Green is nothing, why does she think so highly of herself.
No. 241916
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>>241901best boy joji, I wonder if he regrets working with Jontron and Ian for the dumb ~edgy~ crap they are doing now.
No. 241926
>>241919yeah like even if you don't disagree with his views he was still digging a fucking hole for himself and conveying his opinions in an absolutely retarded manner.
>>241901I'm actually surprised wow. Good job joji lol.
>>241905Oh boy I can't fucking wait. I hope she doesn't fucking say shit like "Oh it's not that big a deal! Racism is dead! If you complain about racism you're weak/looking for attention!" when she has, as
>>241908 said, complained about "white people religions" being forced on her, and also mentioned in videos that she was bullied and called "towelhead" growing up. I might actually respect her a little if she goes against her boyfriend's trends and makes a legit video about her experiences with racism.
No. 241931
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Why does she think she's American now.
No. 241934
>>241901I love Joji
>>241905She'll probably come up with some shit about how racism "isn't a big deal!" or say something about words/racial slurs not meaning much in an effort to excuse Ian's bullshit.
No. 241935
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Everything she says is dumb. She's not fucking Muslim, she said so herself. She was just raised Muslim. Lebanon isn't affected by the ban anyway PLUS she's not from there in the first place.
No. 241955
>>241937>>241943>Did you know that everyone is oppressed and kill all men and fuck white people and punch people who you disagree with?>OPPRESSION TEST: Can you drive to McDonalds not in hijab and get biggest Big Mac value meal? If yes: Not oppressed>I wonder if they came back to life and saw a man marching on DC wearing a pink pussy on his head how fast they would eat cyanide>You realise you are trying to reach out to people who will absolutely never listen to reason, right?>I know :(Doesn't matter if it's not strictly anti-SJW or pro-Trump, he sounds like a fucking tool regardless and his tweets reek of "everyone is stupid except me". This isn't the first time he's gone on passionate rants against pro-women stuff either. It's always suspect when people (Anisa comes to mind) get riled up about this stuff, like for goodness sake, a bunch of women marching doesn't affect you in any way, get over it.
>He just has the wrong audience for this shit because his audience is young people and young people are devoutly liberal.His audience seems to be lapping it up on twitter.
No. 241962
>>241937Considering Joji actually went to the women's march, I don't blame him for being put off by Jon's whining about it.
>>241948>like how he attacked PBG?What's this now?
No. 241978
>>241977Holy shit, I can't believe I didn't notice that. The "would've = would of" fuck up is like one of my biggest
triggers. And this dumb bitch went to college??
No. 241986
>>241962Ok so Jon did like a live stream where he was being obnoxious re: politics saying that Mexicans should stay in Mexico and make it nice. So PBG on Twitter made a tweet posting a pic of bombed Syria and said something like "jontron logic: just stay home and make it nice" or something to the same effect, not tagging Jon.
Then Ethan
No. 241987
>>241986(Phone crashed) then Ethan from H3h3 sticks his nose in to stir drama and says (because PBG didn't tag Jon) something like "wow you're not a real friend if you're slamming Jon and didn't even tag him so he could see it"
Then Twitter blew up and Jon acted all morally superior and PBG ended up saying like "we weren't friends anyway, haven't been for a while", ended up apologising to Jon who majestically accepted this peasant's apology (ugh) and was basically publicly licking wounds on his Twitter from fans creating a hug box seeing if he was ok
No. 241988
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>>241962he replied with "we aren't friends" to ethan's last reply but he seems to have deleted it since. i'll look for the screenshot of that tweet later
No. 241996
>>241993Yeah, that's what I never understood.
AFAIK, both of his parents are Iranian immigrants, so his stance on immigration is…odd. To say the least.
No. 242015
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>>241985>I honestly think Joji is the most rational and the smartest youtuber out there right nowConsidering he's been on YT since 2011 and hasn't been involved in any youtube beef or drama despite being a big name, I'd say this is a fair assertion. Arguably his biggest misstep was when he deleted his Jojivlogs and apparently got mad at his fanbase for not being able to separate him from his character, but he's actually learned from that mistake by just distancing his personal life from fandom altogether. Not sticking his nose into everything like Ethan, Jon, Max, Ian, etc. is a smart move.
No. 242023
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>>241973can't picture ian or chad saying something like this tbh
No. 242032
With all this Jontron, H3H3 talk maybe someone should make general "edgy" youtubers thread? I think it'd be easier then seperate threads for them and with Ethan licking Jontron's ass, it makes sense to keep them together.
>>242015>>242023I know we suck Jojis dick alot here but he's the only good one, so he deserves it tbh
>>242029Fuck I can actually hear him saying that
No. 242039
>>240863she drew Ethan from H3 on her board. I wonder if they'll ever do one big collaboration with Ian and Hila.
Her face looks really fat in this too.
I follow her on instagram and she always seems so much Skinner…
No. 242061
I always thought Ethan was more moderate in his views/willing to pretend to be more moderate. I think he's the kind of guy who can't see peoples' faults after he befriends them, hence the ass licking.
>>241935She's so stupid it hurts.
No. 242072
>>242065I don't think Ethan should stop being friends with Jon over that shit. I just think Ethan's behavior over what PBG said
>>241988 was a bit extra.
No. 242086
>>242082just the way he tries to be the internet police/dad
like who cares if some guy said some shit on twitter why are all these guys so thin skinned.
No. 242117
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>>241905lol Ok, Anisa. I'm sure the video is going to be about how everyone is a pussy and needs to stop being so PC, because of course she needs to suck up to Ian. I love how she must've forgotten about her tweets last year where she whined about white people and being an oppressed POC.
>>242083That shouldn't surprise you. He shit all over everyone for "bullying" other Youtubers and then went on to make videos about Leafy and shit on him with Ian. I guess it's okay to pick on people if you think they deserve it. lol
He's a hypocrite and his content hasn't been good since he became the moralfag police of Youtube. The only reason I really still watch his videos are because I like Hila.
No. 242132
>>242083Correct me if I'm wrong but Jon was only talking about deporting illegal immigrants right? Unless you mean with the whole travel ban thing, Jon said it was poorly implemented. Israel isn't even one of the countries banned.
>>242117Did Ethan delete his leafy videos? I never could find them, searching leafy on his channel didn't bring shit up. But Ethan's whole deal is really pretty hypocritical. His "reaction" videos don't amount to much more than bullying, since often the subjects of them see his videos and delete or retaliate accordingly.
No. 242138
>>242132He made it unlisted after awhile because he thought it was too personal and thought it was hypocritical to say what someone can and can't make fun of. It was basically just backpedaling and came across as preachy as hell honestly.
Other people have reuploaded it on Youtube though if you wanna see it. I believe it was titled "The Leafy Rant". Here's his video about why he wanted to unlist it though.
What was the point in even unlisting it when he went on to make fun of Leafy in other videos and openly supported Ian when he made the Leafy video where he roasted him to hell and back?
No. 242251
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>>242015>>242023I mean it's good that he's not a hateful moron but am I the only one who finds these really cringeworthy?
People who don't own up to how their "satire" is being taken by people and then - ever at one point later in their life - regret it
trigger me to no end. I just can't respect them, they're basically admitting to being humongous, ignorant idiots. Whereas people who have questionable content, but never change their views can't be proven to be idiots. They might as well have actually "solid" reasoning for their controversial perspectives as long as they remain somewhat consistent
No. 242339
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>>242251I don't find it cringeworthy at all, I'm glad Joji apologizes for the more offensive stuff he makes. Also worth noting that he's probably refering to the stuff he made when he was a teenager there and, y'know, people have a right to regret shit they did as a teenager. Your reasoning is kind of fucked and sounds like you're just reaching to be mad tbh.
No. 242343
>>242251>People who don't own up to how their "satire" is being taken by people and then - ever at one point later in their life - regret it Except Joji has always been critical of his own fandom and how they react to Frank.
>I just can't respect them, they're basically admitting to being humongous, ignorant idiotsHe was a damn teenager when he started doing youtube.
No. 242415
>>241905Is it bad that I’m super skeptical about all this? yeah, she has Muslim descent. But appearance wise she looks like any other Plain Jane in the street. People who shout racist stuff are 90% of the time complete strangers, and you’d have to google this bitch to know that she has a Muslim descent. I just don’t see her getting harassed on school or on the streets by racist douchebags, cause again she looks like any other girl in tiny shorts.
Maybe in America. But Canada? Uh… I’ve faced people making fun of me for my nationality, and I have friends who have dealt with racist shit too so I know it does happen… but her? I don’t know.
maybe i'm being a dick here, but i'll go with the other anons saying its bullshit just to further her agenda.
No. 242416
>>242415>maybe i'm being a dick here, but i'll go with the other anons saying its bullshit just to further her agenda.of course it is. please, be less naive.
That you even have to ask this…
No. 242417
>>241901 i don't care for his content but reading these threads make me like this guy a lot!
also, jontron thread when?
No. 242478
>>242415I mean I don't doubt the "abyad"/"towelhead" stuff she mentioned in her Labels video, but I think there's a difference between ignorant kids taking cheap potshots over each other based on what they know about each others' families and actual straight-up racism. She probably mentioned that her family is Muslim growing up and people were like "kek towelhead!!" bc kids are dumbasses and are easily amused.
>>242471Bc Ethan didn't really change much. He deleted his Leafy video but from what I remember, he supported Ian's Leafy video and was still totally on-board with giving Leafy shit.
>>242472Apparently her mother is Muslim too? At least, I remember Anisa saying her mother converted.
No. 242498
>>242478I mean, her family doesn't seem totally broken, so mom is gonna mom. Maybe her mom felt that being a moderator was justifiable enough not to mention it to her dad? Plus, if she converted she might be more lenient than someone born into the religion?
This is all speculation on my part, if anyone knows more, please share.
No. 242512
>>242509also possible. i did say above that this is just my speculation.
that kind of situation is pretty believable to me though.
>mom finds out about titty stream>becomes mod to keep watch on daughter>doesn't tell dad bc fears he would do what he did>eventually dad finds out anyway, does what he didthis kind of homelife where dad's word is law also breeds the kind of 'i hate my own gender' types; i've seen it happen before.
No. 242524
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>>242508not that anon, but here's this. I got taken advantage of by a guy just like him when I was 15, so it really makes me despise him. But he's not funny or relevant anyways, so whatever.
No. 242541
>>242471ethan is criticizing other people and acting all high and mighty even though he's a shithead and joji is reflecting on his personal past mistakes and regretting it.
how can their actions even be comparable? joji isnt pretending to have the moral high ground like ethan likes to think he does. also he's not sending hoards of rabid dumb fans to attack others because of his supposed superiority.
No. 242545
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>>242524>>242530what the fuck did i just read?
No. 242559
>>242556Fine, alt-right is a stretch, but his views on immigration seem to align with Trump's and make little sense considering he himself is an immigrant. The point is it's bizarre how minorities shill for right-wing opinions.
Also, calm down.
No. 242562
>>242555i looked into who shoe0nhead was and i cringed pretty hard. christ what is it with all these self hating bitches sprouting up like weeds all over the internet.
i get it you need to be speshul and important so guys notice you and shit
No. 242563
>Fine, alt-right is a stretchThe fact that you have to clarify that it's a 'stretch' is proof that it's just baseless slagging off on the guy. But come the fuck on. Just because someone is a minority and doesn't prescribe to what you think they should or thinks immigration should have stricter rules doesn't mean they're a jackboot neo-nazi, especially when it's clear they are liberal in the first place. It's disingenuous and I found it annoying.
Milo, Blaire, whatever, those dudes clearly are on the the right side of issues/get into bed with alt-right but don't lump someone in with a bunch of people when all they've said is something about immigration because you think it 'aligns to Trump'. Does China and a lot of Eastern Asia align to Trump to since their immigration policy is strict as well on refugees?
No. 242569
>>242563Jesus Christ, get off his dick. All I know about Jon is that he behaved like an ass during GamerGate and now this. Liberal or not, he's an insufferable shithead.
>>242564No, she just looks like a boxxy clone.
No. 242579
>>242569Maybe if boxxy was fused with a mule
>>242545Are you surprised? Any guy who goes on /pol/, be it "ironically" or not, is guaranteed to be a motherfucker.
Considering how many girls he's done this to, he may be worse than Onion. I'm glad his shitty show got canceled. The people who were more or less sucking Sam Hyde's dick a while ago should read those posts.
No. 242776
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I wonder if he posted this on his instagram just to annoy people.
No. 242782
>>242562not whiteknight shoe but she seems like shes mellowed out since her earlier videos, she even acknowledges that those aren't really her views anymore, shes more centrist now and calls out a lot of alt-right people on her twitter
sorry i just sperg when she get lumped in with that crowd
No. 242793
>>242775yeah like it's not even the first time he's done it, there was a 'controversy' in 2014 when he called someone retarded, who cares.
It feels like someone is samefagging by constantly talking about Jontron, just make a thread?
>>242006>>242569>>242001 No. 242813
>>242775>>242793It's already been stated that it's not simply his opinions that are the problem, it's the fact that he goes about them in an incredibly obnoxious and nonsensical manner while acting like he's the only person with sense. Why even white knight for such a prick?
>resorting to crying "s-samefag!">not being aware of the GG threadFuck off.
No. 242822
>>242776kek I love it when he
triggers the white boi portion of his audience
No. 242841
>>242824It's been up for 10 minutes now on his youtube channel.
Is anyone going to watch all 57 minutes and give some notes? Edoops's voice grates on my ears. Skimmed a bit of it and he mentions the rest of the gang.
No. 242882
>>242793/snow/ has received an influx of new users recently and it doesn't help that there are a bunch of Tumblr centered threads either
/pt/ seems to be the only board not affected probably because there aren't any Youtuber threads there that has a huge fanbase filled with underage femanons that would rather shit on other farmers than enjoy the milk like this one
>>242841>Ian explains where niggerfaggot came from>Anisa acknowledges his relationship with Max>Ian mentions how he takes the 1st amendment seriously and envies anti-PC comedians who do the same>Originally wanted to be a YouTuber Gamer>Max encouraged him to keep doing Kickstarter Crap later became close because of this>Discuss other Youtuber and shit>Likes to "stay out of drama until it emotionally builds up and explodes into one video and never speaks about it again"(On the topic CCs mostly the LEafy one)>Talks about how he led up to the famous Leafy CC>Regrets the Fine Bros CC because he just jumped on the trend>talks about Vidcon experiences and meeting the people he made videos on, felt uncomfortable meeting one of the Fine Bros because of the video he made>Still thought Vidcon was a pretty positive experience>People don't really approach him unless he is with the Crew>Talks about how amazing HtB, Max, and Joji are(obviously doesn't mention the fat cunt no one likes)>Max will always be his friend and etc because he was the firt popular guy to find his videos and actaully likes his work to the point where he can quote most of it>Talks about how amazing Joji is for the last few minutes because he was the one who helped H3 and Ian get pretty popular>Mention how they appreciate Youtubers helping others get big in comparison to Leafy or Ricegum who became popular because of YouTube's shitty site and algorithmSo some old stuff and some new stuff
No. 242885
>>242882I've been coming to /snow/ for ages. Stop fucking whining, there have been many threads where farmers argue with each other. Just go to the Taylor/jvloggers/kooter/transtrenders threads.
>because there aren't any Youtuber threads there that has a huge fanbase filled with underage femanons that would rather shit on other farmers than enjoy the milk like this oneThis is especially amusing since you're responding to an anon who is attacking other anons for enjoying Jontron milk. Genius.
No. 242918
>>242547What is his official Joji music account?
>>242387YES! There are so many "anti-SJW" youtubers including the cringewhorty Jontron lastest breakdown kek
No. 242921
>>242918his soundcloud:>>242387Would we just create an Anti-SJW YouTube thread in lieu of this one, or could we keep this thread for Anisa/Ian/Chad/Max/Joji and make another one for anyone else?
No. 242928
>>242925I agree
Funny how it's "Filthy Fank gang" minus Joji because the rest of the guys (and Anisa) became characters themselves like the gang in Always Sunny in Philadelphia.
No. 243035
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>>242812The only thing I took away from it is further confirmation that Joji is a sweet guy and that Ian is looking more and more like an alien.
The comments were pretty disgusting. It's bad enough they worship the ground this guy walks on, but now they're also praising Anisa and calling them a cute couple.
>>242885The people who say this thread is infested with tumblrinas have obviously never checked out the cancer crew tags on tumblr. If this place did have that audience, there would be absurd amounts of Ian ass kissing. They'll toss Jontron aside, but Ian could probably straight up beat Anisa within an inch of her life and they'd still love him.
No. 243036
>>242885Low quality milk
>>242813Go to the jontron thread on /ot/ ?
No. 243114
>>242960Second this.
Tons of material including Onion friends.
No. 243385
>>243126People play characters for various reasons, just bc Joji does it to distance Frank from himself, doesn't mean every Youtuber does it for the same reason.
Ian may not be playing a character like Joji, but its still not 100% his real life self when hes doing the idubbbz vids. Same goes for Ethan, every youtuber exaggerates their persona for entertainment purpose on yt. Idk why some people here are like yea Ians absolutely like idubbbz in real life when you can clearly see that he acts differently when he doesn't play his role or whatever you wanna call it.
Hes still kind of a piece of shit for dating the spineless pear head and pathetically trying to coax her into drama with Zoie, I'm not defending him or anything.
No. 243408
>>243385>when you can clearly see that he acts differently when he doesn't play his role or whatever you wanna call it. Not really? We've seen vlogs of him and he still comes off as a smug autist. One interview doesn't suddenly make him this calm sensible person, especially when you can counteract that with the podcast Ian did with Phil.
>Hes still kind of a piece of shit for dating the spineless pear head Anisa is basically him. It's kind of fucked that the only fault you can come up with for him is that he's dating her when it's fucking obvious they're peas in a pond.
No. 243455
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>>243126>Chad>Ian>AnisaWhy is Max best friends with trash?
No. 243526
>>243517Nope. I bet he's been shown on camera at some point but he's not recognizable so nobody has any way of knowing.
People seem to think it's this dude at timestamp don't buy it
No. 243537
>>243531Oh boy, another post from someone who hasn't actually read these threads and assumes we're all a hivemind. I never thought Ian was cute and, disregarding Anisa, finding out he's not actually playing a character is legit reason enough to find him gross. This "y'all are just jealous" posting got old two threads ago.
And rehashing the same old "I'm gay I have osteoporosis lol niggerfaggot" memes over and over again while opening boxes is not hilarious content. There's a reason Ian had barely any subscribers until he shat on Keemstar and Leafy+leeched off Filthy Frank's popularity.
No. 243542
>>243541lmao this SJW witch hunt is pathetic, you guys are like a broken record at this point. Sorry if trashing Ian
triggers you so much, go to your safe space here fam: No. 243545
File: 1486041543670.jpg (62.22 KB, 719x719, 145678987654345.jpg)

>>243541>says nigger repeatedly We've only seen a 3 second long vid of the situation and it cuts off right after "nigger". Ian stans are straight up cancer at this point with their constant derailing, rehashing the same excuses, and whining over lolcow bashing this unfunny faggot. I have never seen this much whiteknighting for a person on here before and it just shows how much leeway guys get
>girl says something shitty>"lol what an ugly dumb cunt fucking bitch I hate her">guy says something shitty>"he's just playing a character, he was influenced by his girlfriend and bad friends, he was nice in this one interview so it's okay, his only flaw is that he has a shitty girlfriend, sjw's are just triggered, it's a meme, also his pasty inbred face is soooooo dreamy~" No. 243546
>>243544>before they went to shit You mean before they started trashing your shit tier husbando?
>tumblrNice try, but that place is swamped with Ian fangirls. Maybe you'd be happier there.
No. 243576
It's just assumption. The OP is going with what Tana (a known liar) said on her video. That's the point. And stop whining about derailing when people are doing it with the Jon and H3h3 situation as well. Stop saying everything you don't agree with is cancer.
No. 243774
>>243545Nigger is just a word it doesn't mean shit whether it coems from a chick or a dude what does mean shit is when said chick or dude tries to make out it's a big deal, bitches at others for saying it and generally be's a cunt about it which the bitch did, Idubbz didn't. People are laughing at her for being so offended and biased because she happens to be a moron who's female not because she is female.
No. 243786
>>243779>>243777Perhaps I missed something because of
>girl says something shittywhich I considered all women since anon did not specify anisa. Calm yo tits fam I'm not defending nor targeting edubbz I couldn't give a fuck about his mediocre content.
>>243531This post couldn't be more true.
This thread is starting to shit itself with anons targeting edubbz whiteknights and
I'm going to stop bumping this thread and just lurk because the hysteria is immense
One anon mentioned earlier that this thread is not a hivemind but ya'll convincing me it is. Everyone here's becoming volatile at the drop of a pin and childishly telling each other to go back to tumblr or fucking reddit. P a t h e t i c.
No. 243798
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I thought the Ian and George not being close friends theory was stupid but now that I'm rewatching their videos I can't help but see how much distance is between them
No. 243814
File: 1486090644086.png (382.59 KB, 1242x1571, IMG_6172.PNG)

Perfect girlfriend Anisa makes her man his breakfast and decides to share it with the world because she's just such a perfect girlfriend~~
Can we just ignore the spergs in this thread and report any off topic shit? It's getting out of control.
No. 243833
File: 1486093042186.jpg (78.87 KB, 612x667, 1481684630595.jpg)

>>243814Wow, a girl who's just "one of the guys" AND can cook? Ian is so lucky to have such a perfect girlfriend. /s
No. 243861
>>243786>This post couldn't be more true.This thread is starting to shit itself with anons targeting edubbz whiteknights
That stopped until the anon you're responding to started that shit up again. Are you really this obtuse?
No. 243865
>>243814How old is this bitch again.
Why is she so desperate to show everyone what a clumsily cute gf she is, must be insecure as fuck.
No. 243890
>>243798Might be because they're both the more reserved types, they gel better with loud abrasive outgoing people like Max than with each other.
Or it could be because Ian is a weird sperg who looks at Joji as being youtube famous, while the other is down to earth and couldn't give two shits about that kind of thing.
No. 243942
>>243866>Since you seem to have not known about Pyro's roast of Anisa, that already gives away that you haven't been paying attention or been in these threads much either.Yeah I haven't and neither has
>>243769 anon so spill pls instead of bitching about how I haven't been up to speed.
No. 243959
>>243932Good on him for being social and not having his life revolve around youtube or youtubers. Youtube "friendships" seem so fake, superficial, and self-serving tbh.
Case in point, Ian and Anisa's relationship.
No. 243968
>>243865way before internet ~famedom~ Anisa has been desperate for popularity.
She was willing to step over anyone and forget those who she thought would ruin her ~rep~ even good friends or family.
shes been a liar her whole life, and really is desperate for attention and to seem way cooler that she really is.
yes, she is insecure as fuck.
shes not the hardass she wants everyone to believe she is, girl is sensative af
No. 244028
>>244002you are expecting too much of all these "stans"/underage femanons from whatever fucking site they are pouring in from
They bring their teenage hostility from their hormones here to ruin whatever good the earlier threads had with the defense forces or lynching other "stans" while pretending to discuss the milk when they actually aren't discussing the milk and just jacking off to whatever person they like
No. 244094
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>>244088Uhp…I gotta feeling this is her responding on twitter to the comment that
triggered her in that thread. So predictable. She can't stop herself.
No. 244106
File: 1486149070507.png (311.74 KB, 1081x1017, Screenshot 2017-02-03 11.08.33…)

>cow chop
Don't fucking fool yourself, Anisa. Your channel is shit.
No. 244154
File: 1486153093401.jpeg (15.15 KB, 1153x71, anisamaybe.jpeg)

>>244137No, but that is a very good idea. I'm new, how do we go about getting an admin to do so? I was about to say "Not sure what someone would get out of pretending to be Anisa", but then it immediately dawned on me how much shit it would stir up, especially considering the fact they basically admit to emotionally cheating, long term, on the ex.
>>244150That's probably true. This girl sure loves vague phrasing when discussing drama, it reminds me of 15 year olds on Tumblr.
No. 244169
>>244137lol sorry, I wrote "i know for a fact" and that was me being dramatic.
however, we've discussed in last thread how much her head looks like a pear and all of a sudden she starts calling herself a pear at the same time…
>>244154I totally never saw that post
we should deff get an admin to ip check, but im also new and n00b lol
No. 244185
>>244174 >>244183
That's because it's from a different thread, I linked it a few replies up but here it is again. It's at the bottom:
>>>/snow/219802 No. 244205
File: 1486160066987.jpg (1.74 MB, 3992x2340, wtf is an owlcat.jpg)

I'd like to point out the horrible anatomy on Anisa's traced art and in doing so create a much more fun "mascot" than a cat with an owl hat
No. 244220
>>244205fucking kek,
your version is cute as hell anon!!
also how obviously traced is that, none of her art has ever looked remotely as good as that. what a dum dum
No. 244225
>>244221if by "old twitter" you mean raihnbowkidz she "rebranded" a while ago and changed her twitter handle.
r u even lurking? lol
No. 244249
>>244205Oh, god, I went to art school with girls like this. They were the best artist in high school, they get to college and realize they're a small fish in a huge pond, can't handle being one of the shittier artists in class, drop out and inflict their garbage, traced art on the world via deviant art. Then they'll shield their tender egos in an echochamber of dickriding fans who can't tell the difference between shit and actual talent.
Anon's tripod cats>Anisa's tard-owl-cat hybrid.
No. 244374
>>244094just like when you put in the clip of the girl saying "i don't like reading" in your "SHOOK" video anisa? holy shit you're such a fake bitch
>>244106why you gotta talk shit about dunkey anon
No. 244505
File: 1486215080059.jpeg (19.69 KB, 708x173, sadasfuck.jpeg)

Hey Anisa
Dude, he could easily take a week of antibiotics and solve the problem. Plus, gas caused by H.pylori is pretty minimal. Belching, as opposed to burping, takes effort. My mom taught me how to belch like that as a kid, it takes less effort to burp and stifle it than go out of your way to belch like he does.
How old are you? You've been dating for, what, a few months? You're already confident you're "not going anywhere"? Either you'll cheat again, he'll get bored/cocky or the relationship will inevitably burn out after a period of time because that's what the vast majority of relationships do. Jesus, you think like a teen girl.
This isn't a romantic fairy tale, you sad fuck.
No. 245069
>>244505Medicine - Ian would starve to death if I wasn't around to cook for him, let alone taking his medicine on the regular.
Ian and I - You wouldn't believe how well are relationship is going, not gonna get into it.
Sad Fuck - Happy Fuck ^.^
No. 245070
>>244205>>244220LUL… drew that cat from an existing photo, but yeah… my 3 years of University are all a waste.
>>244378Check socialblade. I'm on the up and up. The salt in these threads fuckin lift me up.
No. 245100
File: 1486282577679.png (950.57 KB, 2489x1071, Screenshot 2017-02-05 00.13.47…)

>>245070>socialbladegood idea, ty for providing more milk ^_^.
No. 245115
Oh god, the idea of Anisa replying was sad, but the thought of some Idubbbz fangirl whiteknighting for her is seriously bumming me out.
>>245070>>245069If this some Edups/Anisa dickrider, for the love of god, your mother should've done the world a favor and eaten you while your bones were still soft.
No. 245201

OOF. Sure, I get where she's coming from; context does matter, Tana is a dramatic cunt, etc. However…bitch, how do you even know Jeff Dunham's material? He's possibly the shittiest comedian ever and you chose HIM as your example of edgy, race based humor? Fuckin' a, the cringe.
Also, how the fuck does she not know how to spell "Holocaust"?
It's unfortunate that she's encountered Islamaphobia, that sucks, but just because someone's a PoC, that doesn't give them the authority to tell black people "If you get upset by somebody saying the n word, you're giving it power, get over it." It's just as ridiculous as Tana feeling deeply wounded by Edups dropping the N bomb; neither one of them is black, it's not your place to tell black people how to feel about that slur. Jesus.
Also, I didn't get why everybody was ragging on her looks on lolcow, she always looked hot in her photos, but after watching this video…that…that's one average bitch.
TL;DR: Anisa makes trite AF comments on racism, cites her heritage so "Get over slurs, they're just words", has shit taste in comedians and is a 6/10.
No. 245208
>>245201Her "waaah I've been a victim of racism" whining falls flat when she's dating a painfully stereotypical white dude who says racist and homophobic slurs frequently, which she supports. And she can fuck off with this "it gives them power" reasoning, she's not the authority on how POC should feel. She's also in no position to act like she's been hurt by being called a "towelhead" when she's called trans people "trannies", a word that's pretty well known by now to be a slur against them. And she can easily pass as a white girl.
Hypocritical cunt all around.
No. 245222
>>245208Yep, exactly. Ethnic/religious/racial minorities aren't a monolith, having Lebanese heritage doesn't make you an expert on what an
entirely different community faces in terms of prejudice. I'm Jewish, I've dealt with Antisemitism, but if my boyfriend dropped the N-word on the regular, it wouldn't even occur to me to say "You guys, I've heard people say 'kike' and I was fine, so y'all need to get the fuck over it!" in his defense.
Freedom of speech IS important, censorship IS fucked up, but just because you have the right to say something doesn't mean that you
should say it. Displaying basic human decency is pretty fucking important, as well. Being a dick for the sake of it is not admirable, it's just immature, it's just something that ~~edgy~~ teens do in an attempt to test society's boundaries.
If anything, after experiencing the hurt of people discriminating against her/loved ones, she should have an easier time empathizing with others, but, nope, "LOL TRANNIES".
No. 245236
>>245222>but just because you have the right to say something doesn't mean that you should say it. Displaying basic human decency is pretty fucking important, as well.This is a factor that seems to be lost on the "edgy" anti-SJW types. You can say whatever offensive shit you want, that's your right, but freedom of speech doesn't suddenly exempt you from criticism or give you free reign to insult people like an autist and expect no flak in return. If you're with a buddy and they say something like "bruh, can you not say
insert slur when we're together, I'd appreciate it", the decent thing to do is just be considerate. This is just basic common sense.
No. 245239
>>245236Yes, exactly. Couldn't have said it better myself. I don't agree that I was being an SJW like
>>245233 thinks, I really think this stuff is just a matter of basic social skills, human decency and common sense.
No. 245240
>>245233Their points are right though and drive home how full of shit Anisa is. She basically picks and chooses what's offensive and what is "just a joke". She can't use the POC card to act like a victim of racism one moment and then turn around and say the people offended by the racist shit Ian does are just
triggered SJW's who can't take a joke.
No. 245504
>>245070If you went to uni for 3 years and barely learned to trace a photo of a cat, then yeah, I'd agree that was a waste
pot callin' the kettle salty
No. 245939
>>245431Maybe she was always a bit chunky, but used flattering angles to her advantage before, maybe it's her chubby face combined with unflattering clothing, maybe she's actually putting on some pounds, but she actually does look like she's filled out a bit in the "Am I Racist?" video. She's definitely Suzy 2.0, except Suzy has her own money. Anisa's sucking that Edups dick for a roof over her head and video equipment.
>>245504I only went to art school for 2 years and I'm better than this bitch. That's not saying very much, I'm not particularly good. Hey, Anisa, get your meal ticket to throw an actually talented artist some cash to draw something decent.
No. 246004
>>245939I took one art class in high school and I'm better than her tbh, either she really didn't pay attention in school or she's gotten really rusty (OR she just sucks at translating her skill from traditional media to digital).
>>245940It'd have to be pretty fucking good for me to like it because I think the whole situation is petty as fuck.
No. 246081
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>>245960Huh, weird, I saw this yesterday. I dunno, I haven't seen anything from him on my TL since then, maybe he changed it.
>>245962 >>246004
But, yeah, I definitely agree. It'll have to be entertaining as fuck. If it's on par with his Toy Channel Content Cop, like, if it's just a lazy dig at someone/Tana, then I'll probably unsubscribe. His shit's gotten stale ever since the Leafy CC. It's just him fumbling around, trying to find new formats that work and all that's resulted in was the shitshow that was "What's in the Box" or boring videos of him "interviewing" his famous Youtuber buddies. Dude might've peaked.
Not that anyone would acknowledge it if he DID peak for another 6 months. He'd get by, riding that "OMG IDUBBBZ, CONTENT COP, SO GOOD, GOD OF YOUTUBE, CAN DO NO WRONG" wave because: people are fucking retarded.
No. 246095
>>245940what's the point of doing that, honestly? Tana's fans are really young/obsessive and they won't give a shit bout what that fag has to say. if anything it'll just make them like her more because she'll probably cry about it and say he's attacking her, then they'll stan the fuck out of her.
don't see how he could do anything funny with it considering 1. he's not and 2. he's working with a run-of-the-mill basic bitch. the potential mediocrity is p exiting tho.
No. 246118
File: 1486414255047.gif (984.82 KB, 320x196, tumblr_msvhu3VnVe1qat8sbo1_400…)

>>246095I mean, you're right. Idubbbz and Tana don't have the crossover audience that he had with Leafy. If he drags her, her fans will crowd around her to shower her with love and attention in "her time of need". She's not interesting as a subject, she's not being a total cunt within the YT community like Keemstar and Leafy, all of her flaws are obvious and they don't require an in depth critique. I'm
hoping he doesn't go in on her because, I mean, how could it
not be boring? I used to really enjoy him and his content, I personally thought he was funny and clever, but shit, as of late, is making me lose respect for the guy. It's probably pointless to hope this new video isn't total shit. I
do like your attitude toward this, though.
No. 246146
File: 1486418088877.png (386.22 KB, 596x593, Untitled.png)

It's probably old news but Kimmi and Joji probably aren't fuck buddies anymore
No. 246189
>>246118exactly, haha! can't say i ever got into his videos though. i always thought his
EDGY, NON-PC PERSONAAA was a bit excessive. guess that's part of the reason why i'm hoping it'll be a mess.
No. 246194
>>246185they're both fucking idiots.
I really hope someone tears idubbbz ass for saying n
** because "it's just a meme". I hate how his autistic fanbase praises him for everything he does.
I just hate it when people can get along with anything.
No. 246204
Well, fuck, that was boring as hell. His little stunt didn't make a "FREEDOM OF SPEECH, BRAH!" statement or come across as "Oh my god, he went so far out of his way for the lulz! GENIUS", it just came across as a pissy guy holding onto a grudge who knows he can easily bait this basic cunt into an overreaction and milk that for the views. It feels petty, self indulgent, lame, smug.
Also, he's getting lazy. How the fuck was that even a Content Cop? He skimmed over her shit content, but we don't NEED an in depth look of her content either, I wanted something good. Somebody who really deserved to get roasted, somebody who had it coming. Tana's existence means fucking nothing to me, thus, him bitching about her hypocrisy does nothing for me.
God dammit, Idubbbz. You fell flat as fuck.
No. 246206
>>246199Yeah, I was peering at that towards the end and sighed. Anisa's contributions just irritated me: shitty art, shitty camera work. Idubbbz's content is going downhill ever since she came into the picture. I guess his capacity for wit was directly correlated to how much of a sad virgin he was.
Thanks, Anisa.
No. 246207
>>246204I agree, she's really not relevant at all in terms of the 'circle' he's in, I just don't care about 'she said, he said'.
That being said, I enjoyed the video, it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be, but holy shit he looks AWFUL in it, did he not shower that day ??
No. 246213
>>246185I actually liked this video, though i still completely disagree with him going out of his way to bother tana at a meet and greet with her young fans.
His best point imo was the fact that if tana had just called him out for making a shitty cringy joke like the autist he is instead of over dramatizing everything and crying about how victimized she felt, she would've btfo of him and he would have nothing to say on the matter, and if he did complain about her shitting on him for an unfunny joke he would be the one to look like the crybaby.
No. 246214
>>246186the fact that he went through all that for such a lame/easy target… lol, and nothing will come out of it.
>>246194it'll probably never happen. everyone in their community~~ will just spout that "muh free speech, social statement, don't lash out @me just b/c u don't understand my superior form of comid e" bs until ppl stop caring.
No. 246216
File: 1486426335519.jpg (62.83 KB, 801x328, dumbdumb.jpg)

>>246185His dumb as fuck fans.
Jesus Christ, learn to think for yourself!!!
No. 246221
File: 1486426483144.jpg (50.27 KB, 721x542, 6tlrx4749trx.jpg)

>>241040He might be a prick but he's not ugly. I'd do him tbh and so would all of you
No. 246222
>>246207My feelings exactly. She's a member of a section of Youtube that I forget exists for the most part. I just…I just don't care. She insulted him, he baited/pranked her, she did something dumb, he did something dumb. Wow, such entertainment.
And, yeah, I kept staring at his hair/skin, mesmerized by how shiny and greasy he looked.
No. 246228
>>246221Ian's looks are all over the place. A year or so back: No, I would not have fucked him. No way in hell.
Now? Some days I would, some days I wouldn't. Today, in his CC, he looked fucking horrible, but he looked pretty hot in his Leafy vids. I'd hit it if he looked like that. I like skinny, pale nerds, but they gotta put SOME effort into their appearance.
Also, while I'd fuck him (depending on the day), I wouldn't date the dude. I probably wouldn't even tell my friends I'd fucked him.
No. 246240
>>246146There was never any confirmation that they were to begin with.
>oh they may have shared underwearHe did that with Max too tho.
No. 246254
File: 1486429254433.gif (Spoiler Image,1.32 MB, 322x242, he did that.gif)

>>246236those likes are just his fanboys that think every thing he says is truuu af (despite the fact that all his claims are super obvious). remember the likes on the leafy one? only him and leafy had a common fanbase so it, like, did something. his and Tana's are v different.
No. 246258
>>246185i disagreed with some aspects of the video, i still don't think just anyone can say nigger like they say faggot/kike/etc, at least not yet. but i did enjoy it, really finally has some solid video proof that tana exaggerates about everything.
>>246197again, though, anisa is a retard cameraman. and ian going to such lengths for the meme is autistic imo. not gonna lie, both tana and ians channels are sometimes interesting to watch for me, but theyre still both cunts. every youtuber has dirt on them
No. 246261
twenty-six year old man targeting a teen. It truly is pathetic
No. 246303
>>246262Yeah but he paid for the ticket, merch and to travel there & wtv, might as well make his video. Just because all the other drama hungry yt channels already made a video about it faster doesn't mean he can't, since it's his own story.
Also this thread is so bad.
No. 246306
>>246301If you look at his comments section, it's just his mindless fans cheering over how he's "destroyed" Tana's channel. No, this shit's been out for a week and her fans don't care. There is no crossover for Tana and Idubbbz audiences, it makes no difference. Plus, he didn't really call her out on anything (the point of a Content Cop episode) besides her hypocrisy and exaggeration, which were already well documented.
Nobody's destroyed.
Fuck, I swear, all of the Leafy fans that Ian used to mock have swarmed to his channel and switched their diehard, obsessive loyalty from Leafy to him. His fanbase is now exactly what he used to hate.
No. 246315
>>246303Funny how this thread and the other thread are completely night and day
Like what's the point of calling these threads the cancer crew threads when the other crew members don't do anything milk worthy
There is no point
I also find it hilarious how everyone claimed to love Ian's Content Cops threads ago, but as soon as he does one on a female YouTuber they hate it.
No. 246317
File: 1486436176472.jpg (35.68 KB, 720x271, c2e33a45-054c-4d09-84c1-c437cd…)

I didn't even know who this Tana bitch was until this, it's like Ian deliberately sought her out because he's desperate for attention and asspats.
No. 246320
File: 1486436270542.png (1.82 KB, 121x96, wew.png)

>>246300>>246303lmao, are you two autistic or was my post too dumb for anyone to get it? I meant that it doesn't take more than going on over to her channel and watching one of her shitty videos to tell that she over exaggerates everything.
No. 246322
triggers you so much?
No. 246331
>>246322Also samefagging, but
>I also find it hilarious how everyone claimed to love Ian's Content Cops threads agoNo, they didn't. His content has been ho-hum ever since the Leafy content cop, you'd have to be a blind worshipper to argue otherwise. The fact that his stuff has been gradually getting worse when he started dating Anisa is a coincidence.
No. 246350
>>246331He caught lightning in a bottle and blew up despite the rest of his content being nowhere near as good as the Leafy Content Cop. He's not really worthy of the amount of attention and praise he's receiving, he's probably feeling a ton of pressure to keep churning out shit that's just as great when he doesn't really have it in him. He's probably worried that everyone will realize he doesn't regularly make Leafy Content Cop tier quality, the older shit is what he's actually capable of doing. He's probably super nervous with all of these new viewers expecting consistently fucking awesome videos and they don't get that he's really never been as good as they think he is. High, unrealistic expectations and him, most likely, feeling pressured explains the drop in quality these past few months.
But his dickriding audience members don't care. He could post a video of himself farting for 20 minutes and they'd call him the God of Youtube.
No. 246362
>If you look at his comments section, it's just his mindless fans cheering over how he's "destroyed" Tana's channel. No, this shit's been out for a week and her fans don't care. There is no crossover for Tana and Idubbbz audiences, it makes no difference. Plus, he didn't really call her out on anything (the point of a Content Cop episode) besides her hypocrisy and exaggeration, which were already well documented.
Nobody's destroyed.
I spoke too soon. Max and Ian's fans are bragging about how her sub count is dropping at an insane rate. Socialblade says she's been losing subs since December, but, yeah, the Content Cop is doing damage. I actually feel bad for her. People are so fucking stupid; everything Ian pointed out was already well known among the people aware of Tara's channel, none of this shit is new, but Lord I of Dubbbz declares her an enemy of the state and the mob mentality kicks in. Fucking pathetic.
No. 246367
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They don't even have an overlap in fanbases and she's still lost over 1,000 subs. Wow.
No. 246388
>>246370I did like the point he made about how people won't say "nigger" but they'll gladly say "faggot" retard" and not care who they hurt.
Also all his fans brazenly using "nigger" as an insult in the comments (something Ian has never done as far as I remember except to insult himself because Quaffine said it to him first) are completely missing the point. I think what that other anon said about Ian's fanbase being full of Leafy fans is pretty accurate.
No. 246395
>>246370Not to be a dick, but I don't think anything he said about race/slurs was original or provocative. We already know the n-word is basically like the IRL version of saying "Voldemort" while you can say towelhead without serious ramifications. Sure, you'll feel gross, like I felt gross just writing that, but I literally can't write n*gger w/o censoring it because of how shitty it'd make me feel. It's on a different slur level and we know that, he's not brave or original for pointing this out.
He's not wrong about context, either. Is Leonardo DiCaprio a racist because he dropped a million n-bombs while filming Django Unchained? No, they're lines, it was in the context of a movie. That's obvious, as well, and Tana
is fucking stupid for thinking that the word alone is what makes someone a racist. Idubbbz uses "n
ggerfaggot" as a callback to a funny moment (somebody used the term to insult him) in an older video, he also acknowledges that fans who think it's funny just* because he's saying a slur don't get the actual joke and are idiots, so him using that slur in his video isn't racist based on the context. He's not using the world to devalue somebody based on their race.
However, he's white as fuck and isn't in any position to dictate how black people should feel about that word. Anisa, despite being 1/2 Lebanese, also doesn't any business trying to dictate that shit because
being 1/2 Lebanese isn't the same as being black and you can't flash your PoC card and try to lump your ethnicity in with another minority group when you want to get away with being a dick. Saying "It's just a word, you're the one giving it power by being offended" is something tonedeaf, sheltered white people say. Only the most oblivious white people use that argument while they're lecturing others on something they can't possibly, personally understand. Not tryna be an SJW, it's just a fact: a white dude is never gonna fully grasp what it's like to be black.
And, yeah, Tana is two faced and is just her pandering to her audience. I feel like most teen girls do this "Love, equality, tolerance, don't judge people, don't bully, love yourselves, blah blah blah" bullshit and, meanwhile, they're just as catty as teen girls have always been. It's a flattering, self-serving public persona. However, a teen girl saying some bitchy shit that I'm
sure Idubbbz could handle emotionally (unless he's
that much of an insecure, fragile little pussy) doesn't call for harassing her in person. Knowingly using his platform to destroy her channel as an act of revenge is not a balanced response. It doesn't matter that Tana exaggerated like a motherfucker.
He knows what Content Cop does to channels, he knows the power he has and he decided to react to a girl being kinda cunty by trying to destroy her livelihood. Destroying someone's career is not a reasonable response to a girl being catty and saying "I'd be happy if he broke his legs". I keep seeing fans trying to justify what he's doing by citing that mean quote. No, it doesn't work that way. That's like shooting somebody after they slap you. Ian is just being a brat and a bully, he's high on a power trip.
Rant over. Sorry for length.
No. 246414
>>246395I never claimed his points on the n word were original, I just said that I think he was making some good points and I even clearly said that he ultimately has no right as a white person to dictate how black people feel about the word, so why did you literally just expand upon what I already said??
Also Tana's channel is not going to suffer that much, let's be real. Everyone's always been pointing out how little of an overlap her fans and his fans there are. I watch both and I'm going to continue to watch both. And ultimately Tana is making a "career" off overexaggerated stories and (sometimes) lies. I'm not saying Ian's channel is any better either. They're both youtubers that don't make very original content, does it really matter if either of their channels die? No. They've already made a fuck ton of money anyway, who cares.
It's just YouTube, it's not that deep.
It's so funny how you guys complain about Ian stans but then make Tana out as this innocent little teen. She's 18, she's legally an adult. She's fine, chill out lmao.
No. 246423
>>246414>but then make Tana out as this innocent little teenExcept no one has done that. Pointing out that teenagers are retarded is a simple fact. And there definitely is something wrong when a man in his late 20's goes after someone who isn't even 19. Only someone who's a teen them self would argue that teens are functioning adults.
>Also Tana's channel is not going to suffer that much, let's be real. It already has and she now has a target painted on her back. There is actual proof ITT that she's already losing subs, but sure, be obtuse.
Try to lower your hackles and not lash out, sis, anon wasn't being mean to you.
No. 246430
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>>246425But Anon, Ian is just such a step up from her ex, I mean can you compare?
No. 246437
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>>246430Oh gross. This just makes anons like
>>246221 look all the more embarrassing.
No. 246440
>>246414>Also Tana's channel is not going to suffer that much, let's be real.You haven't seen the comments on her "the N word" or recent videos, have you? Ian's the new Leafy, his legions of slobbering fans are already swarming on her.
I felt satisfaction watching Leafy get destroyed because he was a complete cunt with too much power who infested most of youtube, but this just feels brutal. She's not a roasting or dramawhore channel, hell I never even knew she existed until this whole mess. She's low hanging fruit that most of idubbbz' fandom had probably never even heard of but now despise with a passion because he tells them what to think. And all because she told him to kill himself, something he's no doubt been told many times by others before? Petty as fuck.
No. 246441
>>246440She reminds me of a chihuahua. Likes to bark, prissy, but basically harmless. I mean, she makes videos and she lies in them. She embellishes her life and is turning a profit on it, and I can respect the hustle. She's not hurting anybody all the way up there on her high horse. Keemstar made false pedophile accusations at people and instigated witch hunts. Leafy routinely made fun of children and autists. I'd say that's quite a leap from a teenage bimbo telling idubbbz to kill himself for saying nigger. If he devoted his entire channel to nitpicking hypocrisies his viewership would drop like Leafy's.
He could have made an entertaining video with the same points without focusing on this girl. But of course there has to be some big drama behind it to get the views… Too bad it backfired because everybody made videos about it before him.
No. 246466
I liked the content cop but he still comes off as a salty autist for reasons
>>246441 and
>>246249 mentioned. It's like watching two retards going at it and over the internet no less which makes it look even more stupid. How far the human mind has come.
No. 246496
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I thought the content cop wasn't as good because of all the other youtubers jumping on the drama bandwagon. So it wasn't really a surprise and most of his points had been made in other videos before he got the chance. it's a bit cringey seeing all the comments especially on reddit calling him a god and unstoppable. Maybe it's because most on the content on YouTube is pretty trash at the moment in comparison. I still like his videos though and I'm going to continue watching them, I thought that it was still a funny meme despite how autistic it was.
No. 246499
>>246185I'm a snake was the only funny moment
But it was really fucking funny tbh
No. 246535
>>246533>while the video itself didn't do much>>246529>It's just a meme and not meant to be taken seriously.See:
>>246440>>246367>>246362I mean do you people even bother to read this thread?
No. 246546
>>246440This. Ian is absolutely the new Leafy.
He criticized Leafy for being a rampant bully who attacked low hanging fruit and, meanwhile, couldn't handle being bullied himself.
Then what the fuck is Ian doing going
so fucking far out of his way to bully and purposefully hurt a chick's career just because she said "go kill yourself" and "I hope he breaks both his legs"? You'd have to be one insecure motherfucker to even care that this irrelevant bitch talked some shit about you, yet this Content Cop was one giant "Bawww I fucking hate Tana because she was mean to me" rant. He wants to bitch out Tana for hypocrisy? Then what about that, how is that not hypocritical? You want to insult people all day long, but feel the need to harass and take down her channel because she insulted you? You wanna use your channel to convince your fans to destroy someone? Goddamn, that feels a lot like some Leafy shit.
He can't take the high road, he's just as bad as any asshole YouTuber who came before him. He went after an easy target because "the hypocrisy!!!1!!!1", but is pulling shit he criticized Leafy for. His fans are fucking sad cunts with a mob mentality.
I'm sad to see all the "he's untouchable", "he's unstoppable", "god of youtube" shit go to his head this fucking much. Don't buy into your own hype, Ian, for fucks sake.
No. 246553
>>246546. Remember how Keemstar was "Untouchable" before, too? Remember how everybody pissed their pants at the idea of getting on Keem's bad side because he had the power to make or break channels? Then he attacked one too many people, threw around one too many pedophile accusations and his own friends turned on him. Then the entire YT community turned on him. Dude's reputation has never recovered.
Buying into your own "Untouchable!" hype doesn't go well. I hope if Ian continues down this path, he get's his comeuppance.
No. 246578
>>246562A content creator can choose to be a responsible human being by making a point to tell their fans "don't fall into mob mentality mode, don't just go along with everything I say, think for yourselves". He preaches the importance of critical thinking while lecturing Tana, so why can't he take a second to lecture his own fan base about their blatant, shocking lack of critical thinking skills?
OHHHHH that's right. That AdSense money. He just doesn't want to bite the hand that feeds him.
Plus, John Kuckian (sp?) and others have exposed her shit well beforehand and anyone who was even vaguely aware of her existence knew about her tendency to lie, exaggerate, etc. Nobody cared until the dickriding legion of Idubbbz fans got the go ahead from their lord and master.
No. 246584
>>246579>lmao you just described Ian. Remember when he, in all seriousness, told Keemstar to kill himself? Where's your karmic justice now, psycho?Just some more shit that totally destroys Ian's "I'm doing this because I hate hypocrisy" reasoning. Dude is a
huge fucking hypocrite. He's contradicted his own points multiple times in this video.
No. 246589
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>>246586Yeah you've got a point about the Baited drama. There were still some people backing up Keem. I didn't like Tommy c much in it and thought it was pretty scummy when he posted this video and used his kid in the thumbnail though. Very strange seeing middle age men fight over internet drama. They're both retarded.
No. 246590
>>246586Nobody compliments Keemstar, nobody
likes Keemstar, but I think he's managed to repair his reputation a little. While Clown is clearly still pissed about what went down with Baited, he's not, say, trying to destroy Keemstar's career and discussed shit with him like a civil human being on a newer Baited episode. Leafy, Grade and Keem have mended past shit. People still recognize that he's a total shithead and tell him so all the time, but he seems to be trying to be more self aware and exhibits a bit more impulse control. He's not deliberately fucking with people anymore, as far as I've seen, he seems a bit more humble. I dunno. I wouldn't trust the guy, but I think he learned his lesson and is making
some kind of effort to be better.
No. 246604
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Why couldn't Ian have made a content cop about someone who deserves it, like Onision or Ricegum? I get no satisfaction seeing him ruin the life of some chick I've never even heard of until now and whose worst crime is apparently over exaggerating stories, telling him to kill himself (babbys first internet insult), and being hypocritical about the N word. This also just makes him seem petty and hypocritical considering 1.) He's been told worse things than to "kill himself" and 2.) He has also told people to kill themselves before. I see defenders of this video say she deserves it for telling Ian to kill himself, where's Ian's "deserved" comeuppance for doing the exact same thing then? And if he's so desperate to make a CC about a woman, why doesn't he take a look at his own awful fucking girlfriend?
If he had made a video targeting people in general who are hypocritical about slurs, that'd be fine, but this is just shitty of him. I don't know how people can defend this.
No. 246627
>>246604>And if he's so desperate to make a CC about a woman, why doesn't he take a look at his own awful fucking girlfriend? I've heard he follows loads of Titty Streamers, so I think he actually appreciates their "hard work". Relying on giving teen boys boners while playing League of Legends as a career and being completely devoid of any real creativity or talent is perfectly acceptable, apparently.
Honestly, I'd bet good money he totally felt a sense of wicked glee going in on Tana because she's the kind of girl in High School who would have laughed at a guy like him. She's the kind of girl who'd have asked him out as a joke. His angry beta side had to have gotten some kind of kick out of punishing the kind of girl who he'd have jerked off to on a nightly basis while simultaneously seething over the fact she wouldn't go to the dance with him.
No. 246635
>>246623>content cop isn't harrassmentYes it fucking is, have you seen the comments on her videos? How naive are you?
>Anyone who paints tana as innocent or even just "not guilty enough to be target of CC" in order to try to criticise his stupid fucking CC video - that's not the way to do itI don't even know who she is and I've yet to see any decent justification for why she deserves this. The "she told him to kill himself" shit has absolutely no weight when he has done the exact same thing. He's in no position to call out hypocrisy when he's a hypocrite himself. And you
are defending him by the sounds of it if all you took away from my post is "no, Tana isn't innocent". What's your beef with this bitch?
No. 246640
>>246627He also probably felt glee when he saw that Verified icon beside her Twitter name when he read her reply because wow opportunity!
If it were just an unknown girl tweeting the same reply, it's likewise creepy if he showed up at a public event where she's at just to taunt her.
Anyway, I was thinking, what if Tana was the one to show up at an event he's in and she calls him out in public for using a racial slur… I think she would have come off really immature and petty because she had taken the Internet fight so far. Also crazy. So why would this not apply to Ian as well?
No. 246644
>>246640It does totally apply to him. He looks immature, petty and, yep, unhinged. His fans applaud the lengths he went to for the lulz when if she or any other YouTuber had done it, everyone would be giving them side eye right now. Oh, lionizing Idubbbz and treating him as an untouchable, infallible god among men…so healthy and normal.
He points out at one point in his video that she should've called him out as unfunny and immature for the stunt, rather than crying on camera about feeling like her life was in danger. That was just a self deprecating, defense mechanism so he can seem self-aware and dodge people pointing out how fucking stupid and autistic he was for doing that. If he was actually self aware, he wouldn't have driven miles and spent hundreds of dollars for a "joke" that could've miserably failed.
No. 246645
>>246635You act as if her career is over. As if Ian just murdered her dog. The backlash she is getting is comments and a few unsubs from her channel. Stop being so o over dramatic.
Next week someone else is going to do something more retarded and the Internet is going to forget. Just stop.
No. 246651
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>>246645Yeah, because Leafy's career is going
great ever since he got Content Cop'd. He's been steadily losing subs ever since, commentary channels laugh at him to this day about how much Ian wrecked him. Leafy's been used as a cautionary tale ever since.
It's not a few unsubs, it's been 10k subs in less than 24 hours. All because she was kinda, sorta mean. Don't try to cite her hypocrisy, Ian was hypocritical multiple times throughout the video, too. The point is that he
knows he has the power to seriously fuck over channels and him doing this is an abuse of his power on YouTube. It's not a balanced, reasonable response to what she did, he should've just roasted her over Twitter or something, laughed at her stupidity and moved on. He's being a fucking dick.
No. 246675
>>246672…Uh, yeah, everything you just listed has been covered by John Kuckian and other gossip channels long before. Idubbbz never once touched on the assistant thing. Ian didn't expose her, multiple other channels did. He gave zero fucks about her and her sketchy shit until she tweeted a High School insult at him/talked shit in a livestream and DARED TO INCUR THE WRATH OF IDUBBBZ. Don't try to act like he's being noble by taking her down for what you listed when that, along with her history of using the n-word, was public knowledge. Nobody unsubbed like crazy until Ian
triggered the mob mentality reaction that comes along with a Content Cop.
No. 246683
>>246648Oof, I couldn't get through it. She's like a knockoff Ellen Page. I feel like her whole vibe is "I saw Juno once and that's everything I want to be."
I also couldn't take the podcast hosts constantly sucking up to her. "She can run with the boys". Oh my fucking god. Nope, that's not condescending towards women whatsoever. "Herpaderp, Anisa curses and plays vidya, so unique, not like the other girls, derp derp."
No. 246726
>>246717What point are you even trying to make? Who cares
when everything came out, the point is
it already came out. How could Idubbbz expose her when all of this dirt was
already exposed and thoroughly covered by tons of drama channels. Also,
again, dude didn't even touch on the real sketchy shit surrounding Tana. He literally just focused on "Bawww she told me to kill myself for using the n-word, bawww muh free speech."
Anybody who was subscribed to Tana/aware of her channel already knew:
-she treated her assistant like shit
-she shorted her assistant on pay
-attacked her assistant in a video
-had a history of using the n-word, that she didn't use the colloquial "nigga", that she would use "n*igger" to try and insult people.
-that she exaggerates/lies
-that she uses clickbait like a motherfucker
Anybody who didn't know who she was wouldn't know these details, but then, obviously, they wouldn't be the ones unsubbing from her. This information was all released, discussed, covered, what have you. Ian exposed jack shit and her subscribers are fleeing in droves because they have zero critical thinking skills. "I know this shit and don't care–OH, IAN HATES HER. UNSUB."
The intensity of your dickriding is disturbing. I need you to know that.
No. 246730
>>246720It wouldn't have fucked up his content cop so bad if he had covered some of the more serious bullshit she did, or went in to the moral ramifications of selling fiction to your fans under the guise of reality. He just didn't want to put in the effort imo.
Of course it's not really "fucked up" because it's having the desired effect, Tana has lost 10,000 subs and counting. Most of his fans are going to say the video was amazing along with other youtube creators, because let's face it, they're his colleagues and not going to hold him to the same level of scrutiny.
The content cop made me laugh a few times, especially that exeggutor bit. Unfortunately it didn't save the entire video, which comes off as so fucking half assed. He can only get away with it because he's the meme god to a lot of people.
No. 246739
>>246730Agreed. The girl isn't innocent, he could've done a super scathing critique of her…and not just her, but storytime channels as a genre…exaggerating totally mundane stories and telling them in the most boring, roundabout way to make sure the video reaches the 20 min mark. He could've dragged her ass for preaching love and tolerance while treating her assistant like fucking shit.
But, no, it was just about his own personal beef with her and even that wasn't particularly interesting. I'll admit, I liked the "I'm a snake" bit, but 99% of the the video was either dull or petty. He somehow made me feel bad for a girl who's as dumb, basic and shitty as Tana Mongeau. It's kind of impressive.
No. 246748
>>246743Cool black and white thinking, bro. Not taking Idubbbz's side MUST mean I'm a fan of Tana. Criticizing Idubbbz MUST mean I'm on her side, right? That's the only explanation? Despite the fact I just clearly laid out facts about Tana that show she's a cunt? I must love her? You fucking idiot.
I've been a fan of Ian's for a good while and dislike Tana, but I'm still capable of knowing when he's being a twat about things
You're acting as though the video heavily focused on outing her as a liar, as though his whole agenda was to finally catch her in a lie and
expose her once and for all. Aha, gotcha! Detective Dubbbz on the case.
This was Ian using his platform as a method of retaliation because her tweet pissed him off. The people saying "Omg she told him to kill himself!!" are idiots, I don't think he was deeply wounded by that. He saw her, an idiot who dared to criticize him, and realized how easily he could rip her apart. She's low hanging fruit, fucking with someone who's too stupid to be able to defend themselves is hardly entertaining. It's just sad. It's a Leafy move. He didn't expose shit, it wasn't made as an expose video. He just used her as a punching bag and as an opportunity to explain to the world why he's not a bad guy for dropping n-bombs.
I even agree that his point about context, but the video was made because he had a grudge and it ruined it for me. Every previous Content Cop was made with Ian as an outside observer who was not involved in the drama, allowing him to seem like a voice of reason. This was drama between him and one stupid girl, he abused the power of Content Cop to take down a girl who was hardly relevant…because she annoyed him. I seriously doubt he would've given a fuck about her if she hadn't criticized him, so I don't buy your theory that her wanted to ONCE AND FOR ALL OUT HER WITH COLD, HARD PROOF.
He was just being a dick. Y'know, it's fine if someone you admire pulls a dick move, right? Stop idolizing the guy so much.
No. 247074
>>246829are you dumb? tana publicly attacked and shit on her assistant who had no following and no fucking hugbox like tana has. she did worse to the girl than idubbbz did to her. stop pulling that she's a teenager, it's irrelevant in the cases that anon pulled up (like cleaning up after her dog ew). she can make her own rational decisions but she decides to be a lying cunt instead.
also, are you all forgetting that she lied about idubbbz assaulting her? putting her in a chokehold, not letting her go, screaming "NIGGER"? if there wasn't video proof, he would be in hot water, especially as an older male. what she did is slander, and i hope she gets karma for that shit.
don't come at me as if i'm an ian stan, though, you dumbfucks. i think his content cop was weak as shit and john kuckian created much better "exposed" videos on her. idubbbz focused so little on her actual content that it seems like it /was/ reactionary to her little tirade on twitter. he could've had a more substantial video if he included more of her stories and her general assholery and uh i dunno charging $100 for tickets and $35 for a shirt when she goes on and on about doing it ~for the fans~ also lying about her stalker and lying about the nail salon that stole her money.
god that part still makes my blood boil, she tried to ruin the livelihood of a small business - her fans flooded the salon's yelp page with bad reviews. why the fuck are do you all care if she loses her career over the content cop? she deserves to have her career destroyed to be fucking honest, she adds nothing of value to youtube and she tried to do the same to other people. not like she would be out on the street either, she has money from exploiting her 12 year old fans and from her parents.
god she's so stupid she could've ended idubbbz if she was released a REAL video instead of crying about "NIGGER!" and exaggerating / lying about the details. even if she didn't know how to react at the time of event, she could've calmed down and talked about what idubbbz did being autistic and pathetic, because it IS. how she owns up to saying a slur in the past and idubbbz driving 9(?) hours to say it to her isn't funny just…cringy.
i wish someone would expose idubbbz. he's not untouchable like all his fanboys believe, he's strategically hiding his derpy gf and how fucking retarded he is under the guise of "it's just satire guys i'm only pretending" but no one really has the power to sway the internet like that at this point
No. 247114
>>247083what is the point of comparing her to two of the worst people on youtube? she's still a horrible person, just because other people do worse shit doesn't excuse her actions. i'm actually slightly older than her - she's not a fucking kid, she knows what she's doing by manipulating the situation with idubbbz. "visceral" hate lol the worst i did was hope her career ends because of the way she tried to end other people's, you know like what she wished for idubbbz's? except she also said she'd be happy for him to break both his legs and told him to kill himself. but i'm the insane one. k, tana stan.
>>247083she occasionally pops up when i watch beauty gurus. you're not the arbiter of what is and isn't youtube cancer lmao
No. 247118
>>247074pewdiepie has the power
except pewdiepie likes him :(
it makes me sick to think how happy all this attention to ian must be making anisa
No. 247120
>>247094Exactly, she's not adding anything of value just like the thousands of other worthless under-the-radar channels. She's insignificant.
>>247118pewdiepie would never lol, he's given ian shoutouts in vids before.
No. 247127
>>247074I still don't think she deserves to have her career ruined. I'd heard of her before this, I knew about her past fuckery and thought "Wow. That girl seems like a total asshole." I never really thought much of her past that because she was just some cunty girl. I'd say the only thing that even approaches being shitty enough to warrant having her career wrecked is the salon+fan fiasco, but only if she'd encouraged her fans to do shit like that regularly.
Content Cop destroys your channel, your career/finances and your professional reputation. That's huge. That's something you resort to doing to somebody
thoroughly shitty like Leafy or Keemstar who repeatedly hurt and harassed other people. Tana's just a standard bitch; she lies, exaggerates, pulls catty shit i.e. attacking her ex-assistant/friend in a video after they had a falling out. We've all known somebody as cunty as Tana and we just eject them from our lives, we don't try to
ruin their livelihood. That's some sociopath shit…and I used to be friends with a sociopath, they would literally try to destroy somebody's life because they'd been slighted or they just felt like going after somebody to feel powerful. That's what Ian's done with Tana.
Keemstar and Leafy seriously deserved that shit, Keemstar kept doxxing people and accusing them of pedophilia, thus, putting their lives in danger. Leafy was attacking vulnerable people and hiding behind his undeserved popularity. Plus, Ian roasted them
without the intention of ruining them. He was just calling them out.
Now he
knows he can ruin people, now he's on a power trip and you're right, it's fucked that he's viewed and treated as untouchable. It's fucked that people are too afraid to call him out on becoming a petty piece of shit with this recent Tana drama. It's not so much a matter of it being Tana that he's going after, I'm more pissed off about the fact that he's realized the power he wields with Content Cop and is abusing said power. This was something he should've done on a much smaller scale, he should've roasted her on Twitter and thoroughly embarrassed her, teaching her a lesson about humility and thinking before attacking people. Instead, he was like "This girl displeases me, I shall ruin her career." I take real issue with him recklessly using Content Cop as his personal revenge machine for any little thing that pisses him off. I take issue with the fact he planned the downfall of this random bitch since
October after a single tweet (seriously, what the fuck?). I take issue with him now believing he can do whatever he wants without fear of repercussion because everybody is enabling that attitude. I take issue with his fans being a horde of mindless zombies who do his bidding.
Tana sucks, Tana deserved some kind of karmic justice, but this was too much.
No. 247149
>>247139Yeah, I was gonna say we have witnessed something like this before with both Keem and Leafy, but, really, this is like if you
combined the shitty power that Keem and Leafy had pre-Content Cops. I guess it's kinda like Highlander; every time Ian takes down a big YouTuber, he absorbs a large part of their fanbase and grows more powerful.
I think this most recent shit is proof that Ian's ego had swelled up to an unhealthy size and I'm
sure watching Tana's sub numbers drop like crazy fed his ego some more.
This can't last forever, like, it never did when people were acting similarly in the past. If he continues down this path, he's bound to fuck up at some point and crash.
No. 247159
>>247145Yeah, I literally just said that it's not so much about Tana, it's the fact that Ian's realized he can use Content Cop to kill people's careers if they piss him off and that you apparently don't even really need to do that much to set him off. It's also fucked that people are making it worse by feeding into this "Ian is a savage, unstoppable, untouchable force" mythos.
>>everyone drew their own conclusion on itYeah, bullshit. You even said it yourself: she was hurting before the Content Cop because she was exposed by people like John Kuckian. Her subscribers learned all that dirt about her, more dirt than Ian covered, and she didn't hemorrhage subs. Idubbbz makes a Content Cop on her, addressing some of the same shit that's been covered before and suddenly her subs are fleeing in droves. It happened with Leafy; anybody with a brain knew he was shitty and his content was
awful, multiple channels called him out on it before, but he didn't crash and burn until Ian made the CC. The sheep listen to Ian's take and automatically agree with him. He even called them out on it after the Leafy CC, he said something about how if you were just realizing this shit now and only unsubbing because of the CC, you were a fucking moron. At least 3/4 of his audience are mindless drones.
No. 247164
>>247158Yeah, when I was 18, my impulse control was absolute garbage, I lacked common sense, I was immature as fuck, y'know, just like 99% of 18 year olds. If you'd pitted me against a 26 year old guy, I'd have come out looking like the idiot, too. Ian's an immature guy, but he easily has the upper hand against an 18 year old girl who doesn't seem particularly smart to begin with. It's not a fair fight, really, and I do sympathize with her on that level.
No. 247166
>>247163>he's a talentless hack who doesn't deserve this much fucking praise.I think he's talented to a certain extent, but nowhere near as talented as somebody like Filthy Frank and definitely nowhere near as talented as everybody seems to think he is. He's overrated as fuck, he's still riding the hype from the success of the Leafy Content Cop, but if you just look at the past four months of content he's put out, you can clearly see he's unable to keep up that level of quality. I think (at least I
hope) it will slowly dawn on people that he's not as great as they initially thought he was. The Internet, especially YouTube, turns on people. If you keep acting like a total dick, one by one, people will start getting turned off. Eventually, somebody will speak up and that will encourage more people to speak up and then it builds into a trend of "we hate ____ now". I mean, we've seen it before. It's a cycle.
No. 247168
>>247158reported for continuing to talk about me and not at all about the subjects of this thread and the people relevant to it.
>>247139maybe h3h3? of course he's not on idubbbz's level, but i see the same kind of support for his kind of content. "vape nation" is everywhere and there seems to overall positive feelings about him. i haven't watched his videos except for "hugh mungus" and the one with idubbbz though, but they also seem to be commentating on other people's stupidity for laughs. h3h3 seems to be nicer, less critical and edgy than ian so maybe his comments aren't as entertaining to audiences and a single vid of his won't explode in the same way.
No. 247181
>>247164i also give her some leeway - i don't think anyone one can blame her for how she reacted in person. but this fight is different from one irl, such a situation with younger you. she had time to plan and think about what she was going to say, and she didn't have to go on stream in such an emotional state. but she chose to paint him in a very bad light.
another thing is that she's also fought unfair fights before - her assistant is the around the same age and completely unknown.
>>247173actually i don't think she is an adult at all? i still feel like a kid as well and don't think of myself as mature even if i'm older than her, but the things she's been doing are not just immature but outright malicious. i'll excuse the usual stupid story times because it gets her views and moneys and it's not a big deal in the grand scheme of things, but attacking people and wishing bad things to happen to them publicly is something you should know not to do at that age. there are plenty more teenage youtubers and i think very few act in such a heinous way like she does.
has content cop always gone for morally bad youtubers or just bad content though? because i remember jinx reload and the toy channels, and i don't think they were near the same level as keem/leafy. either way, this CC came out petty and weak.
No. 247185
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>when the farmers start to produce more milk than the cows
No. 247191
I just realized something:
We all noticed how rushed and lazy the Tana Content Cop was, how it wasn't as good as previous episodes. I mean, Ian clearly put SOME work into it, showing up at her event to bait her and get footage took time, money and effort, but the video itself was still pretty bleh because it felt like it was all thrown together last minute.
Ever since October, Idubbbz fans have been anticipating the next CC episode and everybody assumed it took so damn long to happen because he was working hard and doing research. I personally assumed the videos he released in between were boring and lazy because he was focusing most of his effort on the larger, bigger project. Everybody was like "Oh, he's working on an Onision/Ricegum/GradeAUnderA one!"
Then we get the Tana Mongeau episode and it's crap. The majority of the effort he put into it was clearly done a week beforehand because that's when the event took place. This means Ian was basically doing jack shit for four months, his other content was lacking in quality because he was just being lazy or didn't have any good ideas. I thought he was pulling a ColossalIsCrazy move by working really hard and putting time and effort into research, that the Tana CC would make up for how much of a petty autist he was at her event, but in reality: the guy wasn't doing anything other than shitting out some lazy, mediocre content once or twice a month.
That kinda speaks volumes to me.
No. 247198
>>247181>has content cop always gone for morally bad youtubers or just bad content though? because i remember jinx reload and the toy channels, and i don't think they were near the same level as keem/leafy.Originally it was just him doing a critique similar in style to his Kickstarter Crap videos, but instead of critiquing e-beggars, he was reviewing poor content while also making some jokes at the content creators expense. It wasn't really malicious. Even when he went after the Fine Bros, it wasn't really a scathing roast. The bullying tone started with Keem and Leafy, but it felt justified because both were essentially terrorizing the YT community and making it a shittier platform for
everybody. He was bullying them, but it felt like he was doing it for all the right reasons, he was a champion of the people who was standing up to these big channels who had serious influence. He mocked their content
and really went in on them.
The Tana one is just a personal vendetta. She talked shit about him and he…as I've said before…knowingly used Content Cop to hurt her channel and brand. He almost definitely wouldn't have used her for an episode if she hadn't directly insulted him and that's why it feels so different and unjustified. He's using CC to hurt content creators who've offended him rather than taking on that "champion of the people" role that was admirable before. Her content was definitely worthy of a roast, but he didn't attack her because she'd been hurting the YT community and being an utter twat to everybody and getting away with it. She'd already been exposed and her channel was suffering. It's different from his original CC's and it's different from the Keem/Leafy CC's. This is the first time he's just used Content Cop to get back at somebody over some personal shit and
that's why it's so petty and fucked.
No. 247201
>>247197Well they are more than welcome to attempt to meet him and make their own shitty videos about it, but until then……
It's also not about the fact she told him to kill himself, its more of the fact she tried to start shit and then couldn't handle it when they did retaliate. Can't handle the heat, get out the god damn kitchen.
Any way, this is dumb back and forth and milkless, next.
No. 247205
>>247181I just wanted to add that one of the big reasons he went after Keem/why bullying Keem felt justified was because Keemstar was out of control, wielding DramaAlert as a weapon that he could use to destroy channels if you pissed him off. People were afraid of crossing him and he was getting away with fucked up shit, he was untouchable.
Now Ian's seen what he can do after he crushed Leafy and is wielding Content Cop as a weapon to destroy channels if they piss him off. Now he's being lauded as untouchable. He's basically pulled a Keem, he's become the very thing he criticized.
All of the Ian stans who applauded what he did to Keem and Leafy are basically now applauding the new Keem+Leafy. Great jobs, guys.
No. 247210
>>247205Look at all the arguments from people praising and justifying his actions both ITT and on other sites. They all sound 12 years old, like they just came from reddit, and were former fans of Leafy. Even more alarming when anons like
>>247201 claim to be 26.
No. 247217
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I swear the filthy crew tumblr fans are on another level.
Why does this thread seem to have more people sperging out then other threads? It's embarrassing at this stage.
No. 247222
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>>245109Called it. I had an inkling that anon was an Anisa troll. Still she is actually as stupid as that anon so it is difficult to tell. Many vietnams died in the holocost.
No. 247223
>>247210>>247217>>247219Ughhhh. Ughh, I'm legitimately disturbed by people being that delusional, easily impressed, obsessive, and willing to blindly praise/follow Ian (or whatever flavor of the month they worshiped before and will worship after).
Seriously, I almost
have to believe that these are easily impressionable and influenced teenagers or else I'll lose faith in humanity. If you think anything Ian says is a mindblowing, new perspective from a wise, old soul, then I'm gonna have to pull a Tana and tell you "Kill yourselves". Your average adult has not only already considered the shit Ian is applauded for thinking, they've also most likely realized it's a dumb, poorly thought out, immature idea. The whole "You're giving power to a slur by being offended!" thing is typical of naive, teenage, suburban white kids. "Context matters" is not a revolutionary idea. "You shouldn't bully others if you're an insecure twat who can't handle being bullied as well" is on par with an ancient, Greek philosopher? Are you fucking with me? Hell, most of the time, the shit that comes out of Ian's mouth are belches, calling something "gay" or dick jokes.
For fucks sake.
No. 247241
Tana is still hemorrhaging subs, but her views have been rising at a steady rate. Obviously, she just got a fuck load of publicity and I'm sure people are dropping in on her channel out of curiosity and that initial peak in curiosity will inevitably drop off, but…part of me hopes, in the end, all Ian accomplished was getting this girl more views and, thus, more money.
Trust me, I don't like her, but hear me out: how funny would it be if the first time Ian tries to fuck up someone's channel on purpose, it only ends with more money in her wallet? I'd just love to see his gloating stans reactions to their master actually failing at what he set out to do.
No. 247244
>>247223>Seriously, I almost have to believe that these are easily impressionable and influenced teenagersRest assured, the majority of Cancer Crew blogs on tumblr state their ages and they're almost always in the 14-18 range. They also are incredibly impressionable and seem to flip flop on opinions at the drop of a hat
>Ian is so gross for using slurs all the time>ugh he was gross to Tana and Anisa>I'm really starting to hate him lately>but I'm still going to reblog gifsets of him because ????>new content cop comes out>OMG MY BAE WAS SOOOOO HAWT>HE WAS SO RIGHT ABOUT LITERALLY EVERYTHING EVEN THE SLURS>HAHA DIE TANA YOU CUNT THAT'S WHAT YOU GET FOR TRYING TO HURT MUH EDOOPS>I'm cool with this white straight fuckboy using slurs and stuff he's just reclaiming them and giving them less power omg excuse me while I go jerk off to Joji/Ian fic Even their "favorite boy" in the group seems to change every week, it's bizarre how damn fickle they are, like they all have ADD.
Also, seeing stupid teenage girls worship basic youtubers seriously gives me the creeps because it shows how easily they could be taken advantage of by these dudes. And there are like barely any well-adjusted, normal, not-sleazy, not-douchey youtube famous men.
No. 247254
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He reminds me of pic related in the video
No. 247255
>>247244I'm can't stop grimacing after reading that. My face is, apparently, stuck in a grimace now. Forever.
>Also, seeing stupid teenage girls worship basic youtubers seriously gives me the creeps because it shows how easily they could be taken advantage of by these dudes. And there are like barely any well-adjusted, normal, not-sleazy, not-douchey youtube famous men.That's a legit concern to have. My partner and I joke all the time about how YouTubers are all pedophiles, that the second you have a semi-established channel, you turn into a pedophile. You have no choice, it's in the rules and conditions. Before, when I was a fan of Ian's, he'd say "God, why bother, it's just going to turn out he's been fucking 12 year old girls the whole time."
I'm not saying I think any of the Filthy Crew are sexual predators, but the point is you really never know. Plus, yeah, the obsessive, "bae is perfect, bae can do no wrong" mentality is setting them up for someday finding themselves in their idol's DMs and then, bam, a grown man is asking them to send nudes.
Nothing about his fanbase is healthy or normal. Like, nothing. Everything is extreme, everyone has a black and white POV, they're all incapable of independent thought. It gives me chills.
No. 247258
>>247254Haha! Oh, god, that's so dead on.
No joke, I went on YT, typed "Tana Mongeau" into the search bar and one of the first results was a live watch of Idubbbz's sub count vs. Tana's sub count (petty as fuck, what do you expect) and literally 9 out of 10 comments in the chat box was something along the lines of "IF UR WHITE N LOVE SAYING N
All of their avatar pictures were white teens. Ian made some legitimate points about slurs and context, but these dildos only heard "SAYING N*GGER IS FUNNY" as the video's message.
$10 says
at least one of his fans has gone to school feeling emboldened by Ian's liberal use of slurs and gotten their ass beaten to a pulp.
No. 247264
>>246589I don't see why you mentioned that thumbnail. Tommy himself and Dave have both said that thumbnail was made after Keem said Tommy was begging for money on his stream. He made that as a joke because of Keem's ridiculous claims.
Sage for OT.
No. 247267
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Half of me is thinking "Yeah, I could see that. We got played", the other half thinks "Why would Tana sacrifice her subs? She'd get views, but…that sub loss, tho."
Also, wouldn't Anisa lose her shit over that?
No. 247276
>>247272Oh, absolutely. In the Tana CC he tells her she should've basically turned to him and told him he was an unfunny, tryhard autist for what he did, but missed her chance. To me, that screamed "Hey, I know about 1/2 of you are gonna call me out on this, so lemme just get in inb4 so I can shield my fragile ego."
>The whole foundation of the Leafy CC is "Don't bully if you're too insecure to handle being bullied">Constantly proves to be an insecure beta>Goes in on Tana for her hypocrisy>Is bullying an idiot teenager for saying "Go kill yourself" and "I hope he breaks both his legs and loses all his subscribers">Same behavior he called Leafy out on>Is hypocrite while bitching out a girl's hypocrisy>Creates infinity mirror of hypocrisyPlus, there's even more instances of blatant hypocrisy in his anti-hypocrisy video. Dude puts on the same smug, too cool for school, smartest guy in the room, faux-tough, faux-apathetic facade that certain desperately insecure nerdy guys use in high school. I'm sure y'all knew one of them back in the day, too. Ian manages to somehow come across as desperately nonchalant.
No. 247354
>>247284Oh god, I remember that. I remember him saying something like "I
really need you to like this, you guys" in a joking, but still obviously genuine, tone. He'd finished the "Bad Unboxing" series, "Kickstarter Crap" was getting played out, he couldn't completely rely on "Content Cop" as his bread and butter because then he'd just be a cunty drama channel, and now, on top of having no regular format, he had so much new attention on him with such high expectations.
It was so clear he was actually desperate for audience approval, but "Haha, I'm in on the joke, I
know I look utterly pathetic, so you can't hurt me by pointing it out!"
I remember feeling really bad for him at that point.
Meanwhile, the Idubbbz subreddit was excitedly gibbering to each other about how "What's in the Box" was actually some form of brilliant, experimental, abstract, performance art.
Yeah, you guys, sure. It was bad on purpose. Sure.
No. 247366
>>247326Yes. Yes, that would be actually impressive. He couldn't call it "Content Cop", but it would be the same style. He's at this insane point of his YT career where he gets a million asspats for anything he does, I would seriously admire him if he pushed the boundaries of his "unstoppable" status, tried something new and risky and called out the rampant idiocy within his fanbase. There's so much material there and it would actually be positive:
-the edgelords who just want to see Boss Beta tear down somebody big so they can live vicariously through him and feed their schadenfreude quota would be baffled, but go along with what their god commands.
-The insane fangirls would just nod along, as per usual, and have super duper serious conversations about how "Edoops really needs us to stop/change, you guys, lets do it for him" on Tumblr.
-Misc. assholes who got butthurt would unsub and, thank god, good riddance. Get the fuck out, all they do is contribute to the cancer spreading within his audience.
It would be daring, unprecedented and funny as hell. Ian or Anisa, if you ever see this: Do it. Fucking do it. Don't be a pussy.
No. 247565
>>247516Because Anisa doesn't really have her own personality and opinions. She's one of those girls who switches who she is depending on who she's dating and/or hanging out with. I gotta say, she and Ian are made for each other when you realize they both come across as insecure, desperate for approval, but also putting up a front, hoping it will trick people into thinking they can't be bothered to care, that they're too cool for school. They both care. A lot.
Ian has a more developed personality, is more opinionated and less prone to compromising his beliefs to please his partner, so Anisa is just adopting all of his views and opinions.
I remember doing that when I was 17 and then realizing that you can't make somebody like you by acting as their mirror. That's not how relationships work. She's too old for this shit, but she's also too old for most of the shit she does. She's immature as fuck.
No. 247575
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Kek everyone had forgotten about that by now and yet Anisa brings Sky up AGAIN and reminds people that he shaded her in his vid AGAIN, her and Ian can't seem to let shit go.
Also Anisa and all the edgelords being all "muh freedom of speech!!1!1 muh censorship!!11!" About Ian's vids removed from trending topics, it's a private company you retards, it can do whatever the fuck it pleases with its own website.
No. 247578
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Samefagging but really Anisa?
No. 247590
>>247571Yeah, I saw her old twitter and it's like night and day compared to her now.
Growing up, 99% of my friends were guys and I absolutely saw myself as "Not like the other girls! I can only get along with dudes, chicks are just about catty shit and drama! Not me! I alone walk this path!"
I was an idiot. Dudes are just as drama prone and catty (see: Ian) and I've, obviously, met tons of women who are interesting, smart, funny, cool people. Plenty of them would even be categorized as "basic bitches". It's some immature, underdeveloped thinking that stinks of sexism when you think "cool, interesting, funny"="Male traits". Thinking you can't be feminine and funny and rad is stupid. Thinking all women are boring, drama whores is stupid. I mean, this is obvious to most people. You guys know better, but chicks like Anisa are in their 20's and still convinced that to be considered funny and interesting, you have to cater to the beta virgins' REAL GAMER GIRL WHO'LL SAY FUCK AND MAKE A FART JOKE BUT HAVE PERFECT MAKEUP AND TITS fantasy. It's a fuckin' bummer.
No. 247594
>>247578HeaddeskJesus, Anisa. You made a whole career off of using your body to make money. I honestly don't give a fuck if you do it, I have a few sex worker friends, you can do whatever you want with your body, but that's the point. Throwing shade at a girl for showing more skin than you did back in your streaming days (because that was
so long ago, right?) is utter retardation. You can't use your body/sexuality to make money and clutch your pearls when another woman feels comfortable dressing that way. It's hypocritical as fuck. Wait…I thought your boyfriend
hated hypocrisy? Oh noes!
No. 247617
>>247609Haha. I know the vast majority of farmers barf at the idea of even seeing Ian shirtless, but I think he has his days. In his older videos, he looks like a classic, unfuckable beta, but when he put on some weight, grew his hair out and wore contacts in his two Leafy vids and I was like "Yeah, I'd hit it."
In the Tana video, he looks like he's slipping back into unfuckable beta mode. Maybe it's because he has a girlfriend now and doesn't feel like he needs to try? He'd just started dating Anisa around the Leafy vids release, so he was still trying to impress her, but enough time has passed where he can feel fine about going on camera looking like a shlumpfy, greasy mess.
Again, during his
good days, I could see myself hooking up with him. I actually kinda like nerdy, pale, slim (not emaciated) guys. It's funny, because my boyfriend is the complete opposite: Alpha, muscular, olive skin, has had a beard since he was 13. My guy's a fucking babe and I'd keep him over Ian any day, but I still have a soft spot for the pale, nerdy types I dated when I was younger.
Ian's voice is a huge turn off, though, and he'll always have cracking, 13 year old, nerd voice. Can't do shit about that.
>>247618Dunno what to tell you. When he puts on a bit of muscle mass and isn't a walking skeleton, has a decent haircut and wears his contacts, I think he has a handsome face. Can't really help what my brain is interpreting as handsome.
Would I fawn over him? No. Would I pursue him? No. Would I date him? No. Just saying that when he makes an effort, I think he's actually a handsome guy. Thing is, he hardly ever makes an effort, so…yeah.
No. 247624
>>247618Samefagging. But, yeah, this is a good example, I think, of when he's putting forth some effort and would be fuckable material. He's put on enough weight where he doesn't look like a fucking alien, he looks proportionate. Flattering haircut, showered, not hiding behind his glasses (or awkwardly adjusting them. I fucking hate when he does that), dressing like a grown man in his 20's.
That voice is still there, though, and is guaranteed to instantly makes pussies dryer than the Sahara desert.
No. 247664
>>247634>"streaming days" it's only been a few monthsShe's acting like she wasn't one step up from a camgirl a few months ago. Bitchy little comments about Tana showing skin="I am insecure, so I will imply this girl is a slut so I can feel better about myself for just a moment."
But you're "not like the other girls", right, Anisa? Chicks like you think "all the other girls" are the ones who are drama whores and catty, but you're just so above it all that you can only hang out with men, because men
never act like catty little bitches. Right?
Fuuuuck ooffff. Seriously, fix your damn brows.
No. 247674
>>247617Oh God, his body. Paper bag over his body, srsly…
To me he looked the best in his Leafy Content Cop video. His old look is stupid. And his hair in the Tana Content Cop looks greasy af.
No. 247676
>>247674…Are you replying to me as though you're disagreeing, but literally repeating the same things I said? Why?
I said more on it here, too. We're on the same page, if you misinterpreted my post somehow.
>247624 No. 247680
>>247675Oh, yeah, totally. I just have low standards. Meanwhile I'm dating an objectively hot guy who is the opposite of Ian in terms of appearance. Fuck liking different sorts of people and fuck "whatever floats your boat". That shit's for losers.
Come the fuck on. In the video example I posted, he looks perfectly nice. The guy has good bone structure, nice eyes, he has the potential to be a good looking guy, but he slides back into his standard beta mode and dicks himself over. Again, sorry my brain is interpreting his face to be handsome and that it offends you for some reason.
No. 247685
>>247679Eh. I have shitty vision and have had glasses since 2nd grade, though I've opted to wear contacts for a long time now, and I don't adjust my glasses like he does. Not saying there's really anything wrong with him doing it the way he does, I acknowledge it's kind of irrational for it to irk me, but for some reason it does. Maybe it's his gangly, awkward hands just randomly popping into frame, distracting me as I try to watch.
I actually can't remember him ever calling himself out on doing it, but I'll take your word for it. He's addicted to self-deprecation, he couldn't get by in life without it.
No. 247691
>>247686>Because he's genuinely ugly and it's bizarre so many anons here still want to fuck this alien looking shit headHow do you not get that what people find attractive is subjective? That's why there's terms like "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" and "whatever floats your boat". Everybody has different tastes and it really shouldn't bother you so much, the fact that it does is more bizarre than some people thinking he's attractive. It really shouldn't matter to you. Also, saying "I'd hit it" is pretty different from being one of his batshit fangirls, rubbing one out to tumblr gifsets and fanfiction.
>Also telling that so many anons will shlick over him while insulting Anisa's appearance in the same breath.Yeah, again, what you find attractive is completely subjective. You can think Ian's cute and Anisa's ugly, you can think Ian's ugly and Anisa's cute. It seriously doesn't fucking matter. Everybody agrees they're both assholes, but you're focusing on people having different tastes and acting like a
triggered spaz.
Chill the fuck out.
No. 247697
>>247691>Also, saying "I'd hit it" is pretty different from being one of his batshit fangirls, rubbing one out to tumblr gifsets and fanfiction. You're the one writing essays on how attractive he is and getting
triggered over being told that he isn't, hun.
No. 247705
>>247701>>247701>UR MAD>N-NO UR MADYou're both fucking idiots and you both sound
triggered, shut the fuck up.
No. 247724
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>>247578Is it really more skin Anisa
No. 247732
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This is the image Ian has as his wallpaper in the Tana Content Cop. It legitimately looks fucking awful. I'm totally self-taught and I can shade better than that (hell, most high school beginners can shade better than that with some direction), if she really went to school for art then the money was fucking wasted.
No. 247737
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>>247724Yeah it's not more skin at all lol. It just makes her sound fucking salty/envious of Tana.
No. 247758
>>247740Oh, for sure. They're both idiots and assholes, but Tana beats Anisa in the looks department.
I just think it's so weird that Anisa clearly felt threatened enough by Tana to go out of her way to slutshame her when her boyfriend was only posing with this chick to troll her. How insecure do you have to be to feel like you need to throw shade about the amount of skin Tana's showing in a picture with your guy when it's not like he's going to try and get her number afterwards. It's not like seeing a photo of your boyfriend at a party, in a suggestive pose with some random girl. What is there to even feel threatened about? Ian clearly hates her. Just…what?
No. 247767
>>247191So true, Idk how his fans don't see what a lazy piece of shit hes been lately. It might be because of his gf or because hes at a point in his career where he doesn't have to put in any effort anymore, so he just slacks off Idk.
I can't believe its been 4 months since his last cc and this lazy, petty, unfunny Tana vid is the best he was capable of coming up with since then?
Its also been almost 3 months since his last kickstarter crap and 3 weeks since he put out any vid at all.
On top of that he looks horrible, seems to have lost any amount of weight/muscle he gained during the jinx or whatever hes called incident and apparently even showering is too much effort.
Its funny how hes trying to pull a h3 with Anisa and jet instead of putting out better content now that hes got a "legit" streamer/youtuber at hand his channel quality goes to shit.
No. 247769
>>247737omg and an unfortunate body to match an ugly face
how shitty for her
No. 247785
>>247767I'd wondered if he's just focusing more on his relationship/life outside of YouTube, but I also get the feeling he's burned out.
After he got a ton of exposure and positive attention from the Leafy CC, you could see him TRYING with "What's in the Box?" to meet the high expectations. It failed as a format, but you can clearly see that the guy put a lot of time and effort into it. He was still posting videos at a somewhat regular rate.
Then his channel's quality just drastically dropped. Once everyone hated on "What's in the Box?", he proceeded to just release lazy "Yeah, I'm just gonna hang out with my famous YouTuber buddy and film us having a boring conversation" videos and they weren't very frequent. The appearances he made on Ethan's channel were a bit more entertaining, but those were Ethan's/Hila's ideas and work. When Ethan was featured in an Idubbbz video, he'd steal the show and his presence just emphasized how little Ian had to offer in comparison as an entertainer. Showing up on Ethan's channel as a guest is doing the bare minimum, it's basically just you advertising your channel.
Then the highly anticipated CC comes out and: Bleh. Lazy, clearly thrown together at the last minute, not funny, boring, petty and kind of weird. Just a disappointment.
My guess is he's feeling a ton of pressure from his newer audience members who want him to ALWAYS release shit that's Leafy CC tier quality, but he's simply never been that good
all the time. If he had been, he'd have blown up way earlier.
>Feels pressure: makes "Whats in the Box">Fails>Feels bummed, stressed>Releases lower quality content due to feeling down and stressed>More pressure from fans who just want a Leafy CC 2.0>Becomes more bummed, stressed>More pressure from fans. WE DEMAND A NEW CC, WHERE IS IT.>Is pissed at Tana, decides she'll do fine as a CC subject.>Puts the majority of his effort into baiting Tana, that's the only part with any real energy, tosses everything else together.>Clearly not feeling as passionate about his work>Looks like shit in the video, has been neglecting to take care of himselfTo me, it screams "I'm not having fun anymore, my hobby turned into a shitty job. It's drudgery. I'm procrastinating. I'm stressed, I'm disheartened over my content's quality, my fans are cancer, I can't even be bothered to shower before going on camera. BURN OUT."
I can't really blame him. Other YouTubers describe how shitty it is when it isn't fun to make videos anymore and how much the stress takes a toll on them, both mentally and physically.
>Its funny how hes trying to pull a h3 with Anisa and jet instead of putting out better content now that hes got a "legit" streamer/youtuber at hand his channel quality goes to shit.The girl can't even film shit well, she's a garbage cameraman. Also, Hila is legitimately half of h3h3, she's not just Ethan's little helper like Anisa is for Ian. She's certainly not capable of picking up the slack if he gets burn out, she has zero talent or creativity.
If he does have burn out, which I really think is the case, he's probably just going to rest on his laurels and rely on the hype surrounding his channel so he can just rake in income without really having to do any real work.
Sorry about the length, I'm really, really shit at being concise :(.
No. 247805
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pls excuse shit linework
No. 247809
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>>247578yeah judging from her old twitter she loves to slutshame to make herself feel better.
ps: i didn't know we started a new thread so i've been gone for like 20 days and everything turned to shit here lol
No. 247849
>>247664Of course she's not like the other grils fam she's wearing a starwars t-shirt, the only person I know who unironically wears starwars shit not because it's relative now is my fucking 45 year old father because star wars was very much relevant 30 years ago.
It's exactly like those stupid NASA and Nirvana shirts faggots wear these days when in reality they hate STEM despite relying on such technology for everything and their publicity is exactly what Kurt Cobain blew his head off over. They symbolize obliviousness.
Can you fucks shut up about edubz being totes not attractive it's completely irrelevant to Anisa's buffoonery.
No. 247853
>>247849OT but I fuckin love space and now I feel like I can't wear NASA shit because people will think I'm a fake bitch because of all the people wearing NASA shirts because "the logo is cool".
>>247851I never even noticed him pushing up his glasses a lot because I do the same thing with mine, I think he was just hopping on the self-deprecating humor trend bc he knew that's what his fans wanted to see.
No. 247879
>>247877Because he… dubbed over content back in the day
Or did you mean "why else would he use a moniker"?
No. 247901
>>247685He adjusts his glasses in a very specific way - he does it with his knuckles, not his fingers.
It's how someone who gets, or used to get, their hands dirty often would do it. (people who do manual labor or cook a lot etc.)
No. 247947
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>>247937>it's another one of these posts>inb4 an Ian stan agrees with this and the thread derails once againAccept that not everyone likes your reverse pear head husbando for a myriad of valid reasons beyond "baaww Anisa", anon.
No. 247952
>>247578"Streaming days" when it has barely been a month or two since she stopped being a titty streamer, but also really Anisa?
Tana appeals to a teenage girls fanbase who's used to lurk on, while you "showed skin" in front of neckbeards for fap material. The two things can't compare.
No. 247982
>>247935Oh my god, I think you're right. A friend of mine is dyspraxic and there's always been something about Ian that's reminded me of him and I couldn't quite put my finger on it. They're both skinny, tall and gangly, so I thought it was probably just that, but now I'm like, oh, shit, no. It's the combination of them being so gangly and having weird as fuck coordination.
Now I just feel like kind of a dick for hating on a dude for something he can't help.
Oh well.
No. 247997
>>247792>>247737>she has no curves and it's crazy how a push up bra can do wondersOh, man, I know. I thought she had HUGE tits before, but she's not even average. She's like an A cup. How much fucking padding was she using to achieve her streamer tits? Like, 1/3 of the cup would have to be padding.
She is also really shaped like a board of plywood. That's unfortunate. I always felt a bit self conscious about not having awesome, hourglass curves, but shit…I'm Marilyn Monroe compared to her. I don't really get how she drew in all those neckbeards in her audience. I guess, her appeal was: It's a chick.
No. 248031
>>248020He's pretty much admitted he was a virgin until Anisa. He definitely doesn't seem like the type to even have friends who are women, yeah, it's like he's one of those guys who view women as an alien species. I don't think it's so much a matter of he can't afford to have high standards, I think it's more like he's so new to dating and women, in general, that he seriously doesn't know any better. I mean, I think most of us can say our first boyfriends or girlfriends were fucking lame. Mine was a total fuckboy idiot, I look back on it and wonder what the hell I was thinking. His beta virgin brain probably saw Anisa and thought "W-wow, s-she's really cute. She likes video games? Oh my god, most girls don't like video games, so coooooool."
No. 248094
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Meanwhile this is also happening …
No. 248118
>>248094Fuck yes, this guy gets it. I hope tons of Joji fans baww their hearts out over this, but I hope more stop for a second and realize
why people think they're cancerous and maybe take steps to stop being such idiots.
No. 248136
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>>248118I mean… take a look at this.
He's totally right lmao
No. 248137
>>248120No, I don't think she's innocent. I knew about her fan's mob mentality with the nail salon ordeal, but I'm pretty sure the power of Ian's fanbase>Tana's fanbase. Correct me if I'm wrong, I'm not as familiar with her fans. Leafy had an infamously obsessive, dedicated audience with a shitty mob mentality and Ian still ruined his channel. Ian has to know that he has a ton of power on YouTube, he has to be one of the top 5 YouTubers in terms of how easily he can influence his fan's opinions. He wanted to do the same to Tana that he did to Leafy and that feels like an abuse of that influence to me. While Tana tried to turn her fans against him, I don't think anybody would believe she had enough power fuck up his channel, whereas, with Ian's rabid stans, it's a very feasible thing to achieve. Basically, I think she's a dick and deserved some kind of shit from Ian, but to know you can absolutely ruin someone's career and do it because they pissed you off just seems like overkill. I think he couldn't roasted her over through a few tweets and really put her in her place, but…yeah, I just don't like people who have a lot of power, who abuse that power and revel in feeling untouchable. Just grosses me out.
No. 248151
>>248137Like tana hasn't ruined people's businesses before? Sure, ian can kill a channel but tana has done this as well to multiple people's jobs and reputation. She kinda reminds me of keem in the sense that she was at a spot where she thought she was untouchable and people had to be worry about her making a story time about them.
In my opinion, she got what was coming to her. Maybe you shouldn't build your career out of lying to gullible teens.
No. 248166
>>246185this is gold
tana is a lying dumb bitch,edops destroyed her
No. 248168
>>248151Again, I'm not as familiar with her as a YouTuber; I knew some key things like her using the n-word, treating her assistant like shit, the nail salon, the lies/exaggerating. All of that shit is fucked, yeah, she isn't an innocent, helpless lamb.
I think you don't get that I'm not really defending
Tana, I'm not upset that Tana, herself, got fucked over. I'm more grossed out that Ian clearly knows he has the power to successfully destroy a person's channel with a single video and it's gross when one person has that much power and influence and uses it for petty reasons. It's an issue of ethics.
If Tana deserved to get fucked over that hard for the reasons you list, then Ian's just as bad at this point.
No. 248173
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Oh shit, it's Anisa, y'all.
No. 248198
I believe he really meant half of the stuff he wrote.
His fans are annoying and act dumb.
But he wrote it too harsh - so he's backpaddling to save Jojis image.
No. 248299
>>248298I can see it.
She kinda looks like Emmy Rossum's retarded sister. (sorry emmy)
No. 248312
>>247805>this is the second woman i've ever touchedi died
and that is one pretty mongoose.
No. 248325
>>247805Something's been bothering me since the Tana Mongeau CC came out: Snakes don't kill Mongoose, Mongoose kill and eat snakes, but "lol she's Tana Mongoose and I'm Ian and snakes and lol and superimposing our faces on animals"
fucking love this farmers sketch of the scenario, but I don't think Ian or Anisa thought out the "Tana Mongoose versus Ian the Snake" joke.
Or I'm nitpicking. Whichever.
No. 248363
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Michael from VSauce is doing another collab with Ian.
No. 248369
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lol so RANDOM XD anisa!! she's the walking stereotype of those girls in high school who only hang out with and pander to a group of guys. she doesn't play video games except for zelda and pokemon / watches "geek" movies except for star wars, marvel/DC, etc. but talks about how much of a gamer grrl and nerd she is. she's not being like those other sluts…but sleeps with most of the group anyways.
>>247937>you're not allowed to change your opinion of people what is with you dumbfucks spamming this same rhetoric like it's some enlightened realization. some anons have always disliked idubbbz. others, like me, started to when they realized how shitty his content has become and how much of an spergy asshole he is irl (e.g. his "caveman" comments to casey neistat, not willing to make CCs on hot girls, the way he interacts with anisa on stream…).
but no idubbbz is a static entity and could have not possibly changed over the course of months.
No. 248374
>>248369Is she photoshopping her photos? Her face in photos looks so different than when she's in a video, it's like two different people.
I'm like you, anon, I liked the guy/his content, but it seems like he's gotten super arrogant and petty. I don't know if I just never noticed it before or if he really has become more of a smug dick recently. He has the talent of somebody who should have around 100-200k subs, but got lucky with a a few great videos and beneficial friendships with larger YouTubers. It's very obvious he can't maintain the level of quality you'd expect from a channel of his size, he's gotten lazier and less entertaining since the Leafy CC dropped. I unsubbed after the Tana CC. I'm done waiting for his shit to get better.
Plus, yeah, watching him act like a complete autist while streaming with Anisa clicked something into place for me, like, I had this epiphany where I realized "Oh, god, I know what this dude is really like. I've met guys like this before. Oh, no, that's just sad." I haven't been able to shake the feeling ever since. I just see a smug, spergy beta who only recently lost his virginity to a I'M SUCH A NERD LOL KLAATU BARADA NIKTO AMIRITE GUISE type now.
No. 248413
>>248409Thank you, yes, this.
I have a feeling if Ian keeps this shit up, in 6 months to a year, people are gonna get tired of him using Content Cop as a weapon like Keemstar used Twitter/Drama Alert. Some people will start feeling uneasy and annoyed, then somebody is going to finally pipe up and roast his ass.
It will come full circle. If Ian doesn't check his ego, it's practically inevitable. It's the nature of YouTube.
>Youtuber does something shitty, people laugh and/or give asspats>YouTuber gets away with shitty behavior>Youtuber feels powerful, intimidates others>People are afraid, don't wanna incur their wrath>Anger finally outweighs fear, somebody finally hits back>Everybody turns on YouTuber, orgy of hate ensues>It's the hip new thing: Hate ____>YouTuber is humbled and humiliated>New YouTuber takes their place No. 248416
>>248413I think it's more likely Ian will run out of high profile people to content cop on, his fans will realize everything else he does is bland and mediocre, they'll eventually lose interest, and he'll just peter out like Epic Meal Time.
One look at any comments section on his videos pretty much gives away that they're only there for content cops and desperately trying to make memes out of any video he makes. This will get old after a (unfortunately long) while, his shtick is not sustainable in the long run.
No. 248419
>>248416Actually, yeah, you make a really good point.
Nobody's coming for the "Comedians eat __ while riding __" episodes. His videos in between CC's is mediocre at best, he just happened to catch lightning in a bottle with Content Cop.
I hope he's investing his money wisely, imagine trying to go back to a normal job and have to explain you have barely any work experience and a 5 year gap on your resume because: YouTube.
No. 248421
>>248417>Can anybody think of any really big, longtime YouTubers who've maintained their success while also being complete bullies and cunts? I personally can't. Leafyishere?, and a lot of the commentary crowd e.g pyrocynical, nfkrz, Lt corbis etc. I suppose they aren't exactly longtime but are worth mentioning because their sub counts are decent.
Though it should be noted that with most for example leafy his content is very much individualistic he doesn't collab with others since his shit is basically him complaining about some stupid shit to himself or talking shit about some kid or stupid person.
>You can be catty from time to time, but most people prefer to work with nice, stable adults. This is completely true and a solid reason why people became hesitant of certain channels like that of leafys and distanced themselves from his channel, H3H3 did some serious damage to his channel but luckily twelvies are an easy demographic to prey on.
No. 248423
>>248190>>248198I don't doubt that Josh Pan hates his fans. Listening to the radio thing they did, all the guys minus Joji were complete condescending rude pricks to every person, particularly the girls, that called in for Joji, to the point where they seemed jealous and bitter. I think the only section of his fandom that Joji has little tolerance for are the cringey memers who say "ey b0ss xD" to him, he seems to take everything else in stride.
I wouldn't blame him for hating his entire fucking fanbase though, they're seriously creepy and disrespectful.
No. 248427
>>248421>Leafyishere?, and a lot of the commentary crowd e.g pyrocynical, nfkrz, Lt corbis etc.I was thinking more along the lines of somebody like…Markiplier. Like, getting popular and staying popular and their sub count exponentially growing. I mean, I guess, I'm not actually even that familiar with Markiplier and couldn't tell you his sub count, I just know he's incredibly popular and also nice.
But, yeah, commentary channels are drama central; they're constantly shit talking their peers, they constantly start shit among themselves. Leafy is bleeding subs like a motherfucker after being a dick for so long and receiving some karmic justice. I've seen people resenting LtCorbis' becoming arrogant. H3H3 has had to seriously fix his image and makes and effort to be nice to everybody ever since his flub with Leafy and Pyro. If your channels main draw is "I bully my peers and destroy their channels", like…phoo, nobody's gonna have your back if somebody finally comes for you.
No. 248428
>>248423I replied to one of Josh Pan's "Joji hates you guys" tweets agreeing with him and he DM'd me saying something like "Oh my god, what are you thinking, you can't reason with these children. They'll come after you. Godspeed."
He genuinely dislikes them.
No. 248433
>>248430That's true, Max rides Ian's dick hard, but yeah, like you said, most Cancer Crew fans don't care about him. Plus, Ian's made jokes about how Max's channel is dying, so I don't think Max has much YouTuber clout.
>Philly D would probably shill for him as well. I don't really get why Phil seems to try so hard to be in Ian's friend circle, he comes across as a dork trying to befriend the edgy cool kids.Yeah, what is that? 3/4 of the time I even hear Ian mentioning Phil, he doesn't sound crazy about the guy, he'll kind of mock him. There's a chance Phil wants to Ian to like him/to join the "cool kid club" because of that popularity. People wanna be friends with/fuck cool, popular, trending people. If Ian faced some kind of Leafy-esque fiasco, would Phill jump in to defend him or would he look around at the shift in attitude towards Ian, notice it would hurt his brand to associate with the "Most Hated YouTuber of the Month", stand back and do nothing? I kinda feel like it'd be the latter, Phil's a business savvy guy.
Like, do dorks try to befriend the edgy cool kids if they suddenly become dorks? Nah, they'll look for the new crew of cool kids.
No. 248436
>>248434girl why you lyin
>>248435speak for yourself
No. 248438
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No. 248439
>>248436I'm not about to impulsively post a screenshot of a private conversation, something he obviously didn't feel comfortable posting publicly in a tweet even if it wasn't anything special, just because you think I'm a liar.
Seriously, just let me think it over.
No. 248440
>>248438>who's man is this?>who is man is this?First she says "could of/should of/would of" and now this. Goddamn, she's retarded.
And of course Max comments on her posts now.
No. 248443
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>>248438Only 14 year old's are trying to steal your boyfriend, Anisa. Stop being so goddamn insecure.
>>248440>First she says "could of/should of/would of"Oooooof. I know she's in her twenties, but going by everything else I've seen her do/say, I'd have easily guessed she was a dumb 17 year old.
Get a grip on basic grammar, Anisa, and then you might deserve a bit more respect.
No. 248549
>>248523Yeah. I think it's a lot of people hopping on the bandwagon because the genre is popular with viewers and because it's pretty easy to do in comparison to other genres. You just bitch/rant about YouTube drama, current events and maybe shit you personally hate. I feel like even I could do it. Only a few are actually any good or original, the rest really do just copy each other.
Right now, I'm subscribed to more film review/analysis channels (i.e. Bobby Burns, RalphTheMovieMaker, Lessons From the Screenplay), than commentary channels. That's just my personal interest, though, I love film, but it feels like there's so much more potential as a YT genre. You can do comedic reviews, serious plot analysis, break down color theory in movies, screenplays, etc. Not just "Bawwww, this channel sucks, fuck them, they copied my shtick and talked shit about me".
No. 248626
>>248438>>248443 google the meaning of "whose mans is this"
the use of it as a phrase online got popularized on "black twitter"/NYC (where it originates irl) twitter and then pasty nerds and suburbanites got a hold of it, which is why she's still using it wrong, and in the cringiest possible way, and her fans clearly don't understand it either judging from their "yours xddd" responses
No. 248635
>>248626Oh, like a "Whose asshole boyfriend is this, somebody come collect him"
Yeah, she still spelled it "who's" and (I dunno if it's just because it's her using it or what) made it cringey.
No. 248738
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Some dumb shit happened with Zoie and her vlogging at the CNN building and Anisa decides she needs to weigh in.
I don't understand Anisa's need to add her opinion wherever she wants and doesn't she and Zoie hate each other?
Also her tweeting about walking to Starbucks again, Ian doesn't let her drive the Jeep, yet she called it "my car" in a response tweet to that blurry pic of Ian on top of it.
No. 248753
>>248738>Some people see a blonde well put together young girl and have an odd natural hate for themI just looked it up and basically Zoie got in trouble for filming without permission, a black man is involved (called her out on her shit, I guess) and the guards/police were nicer to the guy so Zoie is crying racism. Like, for once, Anisa's right: it's not a matter of racism, Zoie was just being a dick, but that tweet…
It seriously sounds like she's sucking up hard to Zoie, despite Ian's No Zoies Allowed Rule, while also trying to say "Hey, as one hot girl to another, I know the struggle. People are mean to us for no reason. Probably jealous. Poor hot girl, you couldn't have acted like an asshole while the guy was polite, it's systemic beauty based prejudice."
You were right for one second there, Anisa, and then
had to fuck it up for yourself. You can't stop yourself from looking stupid, can you? It's a compulsion.
No. 248766
>>248738>Also her tweeting about walking to Starbucks again, Ian doesn't let her drive the Jeep, yet she called it "my car" in a response tweet to that blurry pic of Ian on top of it.Dude. It only makes sense
if your partner and you share a vehicle. If your guy doesn't even trust you behind the wheel of his car, it's not yours. That's about as weird as a kid pointing to their parent's car or a stranger pointing at a taxi and saying "Yeah, my car." No, it fucking isn't. You didn't pay for it, you don't drive it, your ass just rides around in it.
What's the point of even lying about something that mundane?
No. 248803
>>248766it's an extension of her possessiveness of him and her obsession with ensuring that the whole world knows that she is dating a youtuber with 3.6 million subs.
Also I wonder if Anisa has proven she can't be trusted behind the wheel of a car or if Ian is just a) protective of his car, or b) doesn't think much of her and just
figures she'll wreck it.
No. 248847
>>248803True, very true. He could just be protective, that wouldn't be too odd. Still, I choose to believe she was like "Hey, let me take over for a bit" during the road trip to SF and it was just followed by an uneasy silence as Ian tried and failed to figure out a nice way to say "Baby, you really shouldn't drive heavy machinery."
>>248810>>248818He totally would. As much as he definitely likes the free access to heavily padded breasts, I can also see her making a petty ultimatum to "prove his love" because of her insecurity/immaturity (ONISION STYLE) and the second an ultimatum is made, you're daring the person to say "Okay then. Not you."
>>just look at their streams together.Oh god, they made more than one? I know they made two and she scrapped the first take (how much more autistic could he have been in the first one?), but have they made more horribly awkward streams?
No. 248855
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>>248845because of shit like this, it's more interpretation then it being actually said, but if a guy lets his girlfriend walk in total 2 hours to get Starbucks when she could just drive there in his car and with how Ian is, it's not exactly a stretch to think he wouldn't let her drive his car.
No. 248859
>>248855>Im going on a hike to retrieve my grande >coconut milk mocha macchiato >wish me luck,>god speed.bitch why
and has she always spaced her tweets like that? reminds me of ian's
No. 248883
>>248855Before I got my own, every single dude I'd dated let me borrow the their car whenever I needed to. I've dated some assholes, but they never made me walk 2 hours for a coffee. He either has to be a pissy, inconsiderate ween or he's concerned she'll mow down a family if she takes his jeep.
It can't be because she has a Canadian license, driving with one in the US shouldn't be an issue whatsoever. I thought about that for a sec, but it makes no sense. Their relationship is bizarre.
>tfw bae has 3.5 million subscribers, makes at least 6 figures a year and won't even give you uber fare No. 249019
File: 1486809932130.gif (1.49 MB, 300x300, 1485075022796.gif)

>Tumblr is now whining about Joji not being a good or nice person because "waaaahhh he doesn't like us!!!"
>the entire reason Joji doesn't like them flies over their heads and they just act like entitled cunts
He's still cordial to them and gives them the time of day, what more do these creepy stalkers want?
No. 249081
>>249008Edoops is absolutely becoming the new Leafy, it's very strange to watch. I don't think he even knows that it's happening or maybe he's in denial.
Congrats, Ian, you just convinced about 1/2 of your subscribers, close to 2 million people, that "SAAAAAAAY N*GGER" is a super hilarious meme. You're just fucking lame at this point.
>>249019They want him to date them all of them, yet at the same time, only one of them. They wanna feel special, more than anything.
"Oh my god, my prince chose me? He loves how I base my entire sense of humor off of 'Joji did it so it's funny' and then repeating it over and over. He loves how I make bizarre fanfiction and digital art and comment 'Nawwww look at Joji and Ian kiss, I love my boys', he's not creeped out at all. HE LOVES ME."
Also, they don't actually want to date him. Dating him would mean dealing with a complex human being who isn't just a personal meme spouting machine, who has flaws, personal struggles, who farts in the bed, and they definitely don't want that, even if they think they do. So, really, they DEMAND that Joji let them maintain their obsessive, fantasy universe. If he says "I don't like your behavior, y'all are being a bit extra" then
>>249081>cancer crew fans are obnoxious, invasive and shit but guess what? you’re a fucking YOUTUBER. that’s what happens. how ungrateful can you be? that’s some immature shit. if you don’t like the attention and praise, DONT MAKE CONTENT. it’s that simple. my spiteful ass is about to stop watching/listening altogether.^^^^ Actual comment from a tumblrina. Apparently you waive all rights to be a human being and have privacy when you post shit on youtube.
The even more baffling thing about this is that Joji has stressed repeatedly over the years that he's just some uninteresting guy who values privacy and being at arms length with his fanbase, yet these idiots still act shocked when it turns out that maybe he doesn't like it when they dig up and share "rares" of him of when he was a child like he's some kind of collectible item.
>>249462>that unflattering thumbnailYeesh, she needs to stop doing that.
No. 249623
>>249462>>249541>make a fitness video>don't show yourself working outHonestly, this video is the YouTuber equivalent of posting "Goin' to the gym. Arms and back day. Might use the sauna" as a tweet. Boring as fuck & completely pointless.
Of all the things you could make a video about, why would you make a work out video where you don't work out. Did she think anybody would enjoy this or is she just that unimaginative?
Ian called Tana a basic bitch while dating a painfully ordinary girl who is nowhere near as interesting as Tana's storytime videos and, trust me, I HATE storytime vids.
>>249468>cancer crew fans are obnoxious, invasive and shit but guess what? you’re a fucking YOUTUBER. that’s what happens. how ungrateful can you be? that’s some immature shit. if you don’t like the attention and praise, DONT MAKE CONTENT. it’s that simple. my spiteful ass is about to stop watching/listening altogether.Damn you, George, damn you for not eating up our obsessive attempts to violate your privacy with a smile, damn you for not thank us for being obnoxious. Damn your immaturity for not appreciating my own blatant immaturity. GODDAMN YOU. REEEEEE.
This bitch needs to learn there is a difference between having a healthy appreciation for an e-celeb's work and…whatever the fuck it is she's doing. Most people can watch a Filthy Frank video, appreciate it, laugh and not trade "rares" like we're a member of an online pedophile ring trading CP. For fucks sake, STOP WATCHING. DO IT. I'm sure the dude would prefer it if she threw a tantrum and stopped being a fan. Ughhh.
No. 249661
>>249462>I dont want all my videos starting out with me eating food Well…..don't then…just don't edit it in the beginning then.. i dont understand…
anisa u so quirky and funny /s
No. 249775
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Naturally Ian undresses in the new vsauce video. Here's one for the stans.
I bet you could fry up some killer empanadas with that grease.
No. 249959
>Tumblrina finds screenshot>Zoom in, enhance trope initiated>Schlicks herself to a closeup up Ian's pallid, unwashed stomach>The sight of crumbs in his bellybutton sends her over the edge>Falls asleep, content>Ian senses the schlickening occurring all over the country from his seat in a computer chair, surrounded by piss bottles, in a dark room, alone>Deep shame overwhelms him once he realizes what he's become>Downs a Code Red, it's not enough>Calls Anisa while she's out on her daily two hour walk to Starbucks>"Bring me home something stronger">"Okay, baby, I lo-">Hangs up on her>Curls up into a ball, stares into the shadows of his bedroom and yearns for a simpler time, a time when he still had integrity >Weeps No. 250029
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>>249775Idk why Ian keeps looking off cam. Michael is awesome.
>Well don't do you. Do what we say.Whenever Ian is on cam topless, I am reminded of Schindler's List.
No. 250034
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>>249959>"Okay, baby, I lo-">Hangs up on herI'm fucking dead.
No. 250081
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Where's Anisa?
No. 250094
>>250081shes the one taking the pic KEK
jk she's probably not allowed to hangout with ians cool friends like ethan and hila
No. 250103
>>250098>>250096That's basically the first thing that pops into mind when I think of her now: walking, pretty much neglected/ignored by her boyfriend who can't be fucked to give her uber fare and won't drive her because he has to sleep until 3pm.
Though it's unlikely since we know she uploaded that retarded fitness video a day ago and she filmed it in her "ghetto" bedroom in Canada. I thought they moved in together already. While part of me thinks they'd be stupid to move in together after a few months of long distance dating, I'm also kinda snickering.
My friend and I used to call this one girl "The V-Slayer" because she'd fuck virgins and they'd always fall in love with her. It's typical of virgins. Hell, I remember being infatuated with the first guy I kissed. I have a feeling they were just rushing shit because Ian is insanely inexperienced when it comes to relationships and Anisa is a V-Slayer with her sight set on a wealthy e-celeb.
No. 250118
>>250103They're also rushing shit because anisa wants all his influence points and if she lives in LA with him she can be friends with his friends and in the face of all fangirls
It's also not the first time she dropped everything and moved in with a bf, if i remember correct she dropped out of college at one point to move in with a bf at the time who lived in another province
No. 250155
>>250134I think it has been mentioned ITT, but I can't be sure. I know she went to art school for a bit. She seems like an illustration major. No offense to anybody, I was one, too, I just remember a lot of Anisa types. From what I gather, she dropped out. It also seems like she jumped around a lot with majors or schools since she mentions studying different things all the time.
I can't hate on her for dropping out since I've dropped out and gone back 3 times. I can't hate on her for switching up majors since a lot of young people do the same thing. However, I
will hate on her and mock the fact she seems like a talentless moron who's too arrogant to acknowledge she isn't smart, interesting, funny or creative enough to make a career as a YouTuber/Streamer.
Fucking up at school doesn't necessarily mean you're dumb, plenty of people aren't any good at school, but she does comes across as uneducated and lazy. She needs to get a real job, stop relying on the internet for cash and stop yearning for fame and attention. There's nothing wrong with working a normal, boring job. I'd respect her 100x more if she did that instead of focusing entirely on YouTube and Twitch, at least it'd prove she has some common sense. I've always respected YouTubers who work a day job and have a channel as a hobby more than those who are clearly setting out just to get money and attention.
No. 250178
>>246546>>248409I think it's different because he didn't just pick Tana out of the air as an easy CC target. She initiated it by, apropos of nothing, shitting on him on Twitter and telling him he should kill himself for sometimes saying niggerfaggot. That combined her with being a huge hypocrite made her get what she deserved.
I do agree that his fans are becoming like a Leafy army though. He should tell them to shut the fuck up.
No. 250207
>>250178Right, but the whole point of the Leafy CC is "Don't dish it out if you can't take it" and what screams "I can't take it" more than throwing time and money into an (idiotic) prank, plus, making a video to destroy a channel all because…a clearly stupid 18 year old girl who should mean nothing to him said "kill yourself" over twitter for saying n*ggerfaggot. That's hypocritical. He's bitching out a girl and fucking up her career for being hypocritical by being hypocritical.
Also, he made a point of how saying "kill yourself" was fucked when he's said it plenty. Yeah, I get he was criticizing how she preaches love and tolerance and then says "KYS" while he's at least consistently rude, but people keep bringing it up as though it's justification, as though he was so wronged. It's not and he wasn't. Tana shit talking you shouldn't rustle your jimmies and it CLEARLY rustled his. He doesn't really have a right to tear down a career when he's just as flawed.
I really wish he'd say something to his fans and try to nip that shit in the bud, but I think he's a pandering pussy at this point. He won't.
I think if we keep talking about this, though, everybody's going to be pissed, so…yeah.
No. 250210
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>>250178>Ian stans are still reaching to excuse him of his bullshit>ignoring that he also tells people to kill them self >ignoring that he's also a hypocrite>ignoring that he went out of his way to ruin Jinx who did nothing to Ian to incite itIf you're gonna wish death and ruin on Tana then you should be doing the same for edoops, you biased POS.
No. 250216
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>>250215Yeah, here. Bear in mind this happened before Sky started trashing Anisa. This was actually when he was still trying to stick up for her.
No. 250224
>>250216Jesus, I don't even like Sky, I have no opinion on him, really, but this made me feel bad for him.
Imagine a very popular YouTuber insulting you the same way a 13 year old would insult somebody and +1,000 people like it. It's fucking lame and everybody immediately goes, "Oh, well, that's Idubbbz so LOL"
I don't know how, but he made me hate him even more. He made me lose even more faith in humanity.
No. 250226
>>250207>a clearly stupid 18 year old girlWith a huge Youtube channel and fanbase and even an "international tour".
>Also, he made a point of how saying "kill yourself" was fucked when he's said it plenty.It's a different context. He says "kill yourself" in videos in a clearly ironic and bantery way. She basically said he is a racist and racists like him should kill themselves/break their legs. It's way more personal. Just like the N word is contextual, I think "kill yourself" also is. Calling someone out as an alleged racist is way more career-ruining than pointing out hypocrisy. Allegations like that have ruined a lot of e-celebs and real celebs.
Also I don't even like 90% of his videos and am not subscribed to him, I just think he was in the right here.
>I think if we keep talking about this, though, everybody's going to be pissed, so…yeah.It still seems like the hot topic to talk about. Everything else is just shitting on Anisa for being dumb and shallow (which she is, but she's still pretty boring).
>>250210>ignoring that he went out of his way to ruin Jinx who did nothing to Ian to incite itHow did he try to ruin him? I thought he just made fun of his shitty content. Obviously he went further with Tana, but Jinx just seemed like a typical Content Cop.
No. 250227
>>250226>but Jinx just seemed like a typical Content CopContent Cops ruin people. They've even joked about Ian making Jinx homeless. You can't be this dumb.
>It's a different context. He says "kill yourself" in videos in a clearly ironic and bantery way.Except the time he said that straight faced to Keemstar and someone who donated money to him.
>Calling someone out as an alleged racist >""""alleged""""He's done little to prove he isn't racist fam.
No. 250234
>>250227>Content Cops ruin people. They've even joked about Ian making Jinx homeless. You can't be this dumb.I don't see how they could ruin people just on their own. It's pretty easy to take them in stride I think. One's reaction to Content Cops is what ruins them. If you put yourself out there making videos, especially putting a personal spin on things, you should expect people to criticize your work. Also, Ian doesn't usually do it in an overtly malicious or personal way (except maybe Tana, but she made it personal first).
Does lolcow "ruin" innocent people by criticizing them or discussing shitty content of theirs? I could call you hypocritical by saying you're trying to OMG RUIN IDUBBBZ'S CAREER!!! by posting in threads like these, but it's really all the same thing. It's perfectly valid freedom of speech, just like any of his Content Cop critiques.
>Except the time he said that straight faced to Keemstar and someone who donated money to him.Are you using Keemstar's own manipulative "dude I helped you out, how can you do this" defense? He obviously was not saying it to some poor helpless guy.
And nowhere in the Tana video did he act like saying "kill yourself" is fundamentally bad, just that she said it to him. If he acted like she's an awful person just for saying "kill yourself", then yeah it'd be really hypocritical, but he never tried to act indignant just over the phrase itself.
>He's done little to prove he isn't racist fam.Proving a negative seems kind of hard. Saying niggerfaggot as a humorous in-joke (after someone else called him that) doesn't seem racist to me, though, even if one wants to argue that it's still offensive to do that.
No. 250236
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>>250226Do you not realize what content cop's do? It's practically a synonym for "idubbbztv destroys a youtube channel and their career". I mean, Chad even said "you made Jinx homeless" to Ian in one of their videos.
>Calling someone out as an alleged racist is way more career-ruining than pointing out hypocrisy. Yes, I'm sure Ian's fanbase just dropped him like a hot potato when they found out their white hero who says "nigger" and "gook" all the time was called a racist by some blond literal who.
Nice to see Ian stans play the obtuse card again, it seems to be their only defense.
>It still seems like the hot topic to talk aboutNot really, it's just fanboys/girls coming in to kick a dead horse with the same weak excuses and mental gymnastics. Bottom line, you're free to condemn Tana, but at least be consistent and give him shit for doing the same thing as well. Otherwise you're a biased hypocrite.
No. 250238
>>250229Exactly. Sky wasn't screaming "OH MY GOD MY ENTIRE IDENTITY IS MY SEXUAL ORIENTATION", which could be irritating. I'm queer and even I'm like, holy shit, don't just be Jenny the Lesbian, be Jenny who also happens to be a Lesbian among many other things.
By focusing entirely on Sky's sexuality when he was just making a flirty joke, Ian proved all HE sees Sky as is "That gay man". He projected and revealed a gross part of himself.
No. 250239
>>250236>Yes, I'm sure Ian's fanbase just dropped him like a hot potato when they found out their white hero who says "nigger" and "gook" all the time was called a racist by some blond literal who.If an instance of him being (IMO) genuinely racist were exposed, I think a ton of his fans would drop him and he'd lose public acceptance.
>>250237>I doubt this place has close to 6 million people viewing it. Holy shit, your reaching is laughable.Of course it doesn't, but if it did you and I would still be posting the same shit. You know what I mean.
>>250235>He told a fan to kill themselves during a livestream and wouldn't apologize, he's a cunt.If that's true that's definitely shitty and would make me lose respect for him (though still doesn't make him a hypocrite in this context, since his argument against Tana isn't that she said "kill yourself" or is a cunt to fans).
No. 250240
>>250234>And nowhere in the Tana video did he act like saying "kill yourself" is fundamentally bad, just that she said it to himYou can't just use "she told him to kill himself, she deserves it" and then back peddle with "o-oh, it actually isn't a big deal or the reason Ian made the video", broski. Once again, by that reasoning, Ian deserves to get torn apart for saying "kill yourself" to others not in jest. But you're not rooting for that, are you?
>Saying niggerfaggot as a humorous in-joke (after someone else called him that)>implying he's only said "niggerfaggot" once >implying he doesn't casually say "nigger" all the time in his videos>implying he didn't make a blackface jokeOkay, it's clear you haven't actually watched anything of his and don't know what you're talking about at this point. Just stop.
No. 250243
>>250240>You can't just use "she told him to kill himself, she deserves it" and then back peddle with "o-oh, it actually isn't a big deal or the reason Ian made the video", broski. Once again, by that reasoning, Ian deserves to get torn apart for saying "kill yourself" to others not in jest. But you're not rooting for that, are you?Again, it's the context. She told him to kill himself because he's a racist.
If her tweet was "idubbbz is a racist loser who should lose all his subscribers" instead, never once mentioning "kill yourself" or leg-breaking, he would've done all the same things. The "kill yourself" part is completely irrelevant. He never harped on that.
I'm not gonna say he isn't an asshole necessarily, but he's not a hypocrite.
>>250240>>250241>implying he's only said "niggerfaggot" once I know he's said it way more than once. I'm just saying it's part of his Youtube character because of how it originated.
>not having any actual interaction with black peopleLol, great argument.
I don't personally think anything you listed is racist or indicate he is racist since they're jokes and done in the context of sketch comedy. I'm not gonna get into an argument about that though, so I won't mention "is/isn't a racist" again. I just don't see any hypocrisy.
No. 250244
>>250234>Does lolcow "ruin" innocent people by criticizing them or discussing shitty content of theirs? I could call you hypocritical by saying you're trying to OMG RUIN IDUBBBZ'S CAREER!!! by posting in threads like these, but it's really all the same thing. It's perfectly valid freedom of speech, just like any of his Content Cop critiques.That is an insanely terrible argument.
Ian has almost 4 million subscribers who are painfully loyal to him, scarily so. There is one guy who has shown a consistent habit of pettiness, insecurity and immaturity who STRONGLY influences close to 4 million people and all of YouTube as a whole. EVERYBODY on that platform is riding his dick hard because of his current popularity. He gets a pass for everything. Everything he does is praised, 24/7 asspats, just because it's him. He's not held accountable or criticized by his peers.
Ian has an INSANE amount of power and he does not use it responsibly. That is fucked.
Lolcow does not influence the internet nearly as much as you think it does, I seriously doubt it influences the internet like /b/ does and it's not as if we're setting out on a raid like they do, either. This is a thread where different people discuss their takes on a certain subject, we aren't purposefully setting out to ruin Ian's career, we aren't descending onto his fan's Tumblr's and somehow successfully changing their minds about him. We do not have the power that Ian has.
We don't hold sway over a significant portion of the internet, but ONE IRRESPONSIBLE, PETTY GUY DOES. That should worry you.
No. 250256
>>250251Everything was back on track till
>>250178 showed up and refused to stop despite getting rekt repeatedly and knowing fuck all about what they're talking about.
No. 250263
>>250255>because they're said in completely different ways No, they're not. You can't go "oh Keemstar's a shit so it doesn't count when Ian tells him in all seriousness to kill himself", because Ian is also a shit so him being told to "kill himself" has about the same amount of weight. You also specifically used this as a reason for Tana being targeted and deserving of what Ian did to her.
>I think it's different because he didn't just pick Tana out of the air as an easy CC target. She initiated it by, apropos of nothing, shitting on him on Twitter and telling him he should kill himselfYou can't even be consistent in your argument anymore.
No. 250269
>>250263Yes but you can swap "kill yourself" with any other phrase for intense dislike. People say kms/kys all the time nowadays because it's almost always used figuratively.
"Idubbbz is a disgusting motherfucker and I hate him" or whatever carries the same kind of weight. I didn't mean it like her using that specific combination of words made her deserving, though I see why you think I meant it that way. As I said in
>>250243, if her tweet was "idubbbz is a racist loser who should lose all his subscribers" I'm 99% sure he would've done all the same things.
As for whether he uses it ironically or unironically (a separate issue since that's not what he went after Tana for and that's not what my problem was), even though the Keemstar one was pretty unironic, it's maybe too edgy even for him but still pretty justified given what a douchenozzle Keemstar is.
No. 250272
>>250266Believe me, I've considered doing it, but I don't have an established channel. It would fall into the deepest bowels of YouTube. If it DID pick up any traction, I'd be set upon by all of the insane Ian stans. I'd get doxxed, I'm sure of it.
That's part of what I'm saying about throwing your power around like he does, by using Content Cop like a weapon and proving to others you're willing to seriously, negatively impact their life if they irk you in some way, you silence any opposition that could have some sensible things to say when you go too far. You make people afraid. He's a bully and his fans are fucking crazy, that's what happens.
No. 250286
>>250276There's been no goalpost shifting. As I said, my problem was not with Tana specifically saying "kill yourself" to him or anyone. So even if he went and literally murdered Keemstar, it's irrelevant to anything I brought up. All I said is she deserved it because she threw shade at him first, and accused him of being a racist.
And is it petty? Sort of, but it's not really just a vendetta since he had so much material to work with. I'd say enough material to make a Tana CC even if she didn't attack him. If he made a video about everyone who insulted him, it'd be a different story.
Dating Anisa does seem pretty hypocritical of him and I can't speak to anything else he's said or done.
No. 250287
>>250274I'm, like, possibly the least tech savvy person out there, so I'm not sure how hard it is to obtain somebody's IP address, but I know making a throwaway email with an alias wouldn't stop anybody from finding that.
How fucked is it that random assholes like me have to seriously take that into consideration. His fans are so unhinged and have such misplaced loyalty, I could put my loved ones at risk.
To any Ian fans reading this thread, think about that. Think about the overall attitude that Ian fosters within his audience. They could swarm my partner's job with phonecalls or some shit, there could be real life consequences…all because I had the gall to call out their favorite memelord. Or, hell, I could directly incur Ian's wrath and his recklessness could set off a lynch mob mindset.
I'm so grossed out that Ian's created this unhealthy environment on this platform. The second any established YouTuber wants to call him out on something, they'd have to worry about their livelihood. UGH. IT'S SO GROSS. This is supposed to just be fun entertainment, not Putin's Russia where any dissenting voices are punished.
No. 250290
>>250288Oh, damn, learn something new everyday.
I'm gonna think about it now. I don't have any film equipment besides a mic, so I could just hobble together some shit and do a voice over (which would be smarter anyway). I vaguely remember how to edit a video, I had to do it for a job a few years back. The real thing I have to think about is quality, like, could I personally make a good enough argument and not make an ass of myself.
It's definitely worth considering.
No. 250293
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Guhhh. Ethan fanning the flames AND taking advantage of the anti-Tana mob mentality. So classy. So charming.
No. 250298
>>250294Anyone who says "Well, she deserved it! She called Ian a racist, wished he'd break his legs+lose all his subscribers and KILL HIMSELF", seriously, stop. She's a total asshole for dropping N-bombs a few years ago, she's pulled some dick moves, but this shit is going to follow her around forever. Somebody who might've otherwise have hired her, years from now, might find a whole slew of memes that just portray her as a racist. That's not a fair punishment for mistakes she made when she was 15. If we all were held accountable for every shitty thing we did as teenagers to this degree, all of the Ian stans would suddenly change their minds about how fair this is.
This doesn't just effect her channel, this effects her whole life. She was already exposed for the n-word shit, Ian didn't do that, but Ian just spread this shit across the internet like wildfire. Just because she pissed him off, he made her the "SAAAAAAY N!GGER" girl.
No. 250299
>>250298I wasn't exactly talking about the Tana thing specifically, but just the current climate on youtube that has been getting worse and worse with every month. These are grown (incredibly imbalanced) men starting or getting into petty arguments and "beef" with other youtubers over fucking everything. Leafy, Keem, Pyro, Ian, Max, Ethan, Ricegum, Jontron, etc. they all behave like teenagers. The fact that there are millions of people out there who adore them is alarming.
To Tana's credit, she's at least acknowledging on twitter that she fucked up rather than trying to pretend like nothing has happened. Seems like the vitriol she's getting is more pronounced than the shit Leafy got, which is weird considering I doubt most of Ian's followers even knew who she was before this.
No. 250305
>>250299Oh, I know, I was just looking at that meme Ethan posted because "LOL FUCK HER, LOL ATTENTION" and thinking about how 20 years down the line, somebody she doesn't want seeing this is gonna see it (or other, similar memes).
The whole commentary genre is a fucking cesspool of petty, immature dudes. They spend all of their time switching up between lashing out at strangers and then lashing out at each other. I haven't seen this kinda drama since my late teens, but some of them are in their 30's and loving every second of it. None of them try to talk to their fans about not being a mob of mindless assholes, maybe 1-2 of them make a point to say "Hey, don't attack this person", none of them talk to their fans about thinking they're infallible. Like, Joji does, but he's moved away from being a commentary channel and, to my knowledge, has stayed out of YouTube beef. The rest of them are toddlers.
>>250304>Tana probably reminds them of the popular girl that bullied them in middle school.Yeah, I said at some point ITT that I'm sure Ian felt some kind of wicked glee shitting on Tana and turning 90% of YT against her because she was probably the kind of girl who'd have asked out on a date as a joke and made him go home and cry while still jerking off to her.
No. 250326
>>250318Oh, that's definitely a part of it. Ever since the Tana CC dropped, I see white fans using the n-word, partly because it's a meme now and partly because Ian used his basic, suburban white dude "You're giving it power by choosing to be upset" justification to give them permission to use this word. They seem giddy about it. Doesn't seem to occur to them that a white dude doesn't get to be the authority on that, even if Ian was black, it wouldn't be his place to speak for all black people by deeming it suddenly fine to say.
Tana was a nice dummy for them to take out their anti-SJW/progressive left anger on. She doesn't really know what she's talking about, she's not very smart to begin with, she seems like a perfect example of virtue signaling. They can easily beat her in an argument and cheer about showing up those idiot liberals. If Ian ever had to debate an educated, progressive, black person on the subject, he'd most likely lose. Terribly. She was a convenient stand-in.
No. 250333
>>250326Samefag. I also have noticed certain things Ian does that encourages groupthink within his fanbase. Onision was recently criticized for how he stresses anybody who disagrees with him is an idiot, which subtly pressures younger, easily influenced fans to think "I don't want to disagree with him because that would mean I'm an idiot."
Ian does the same thing. He's so sure of himself when he discusses certain things, he comes across as smart, he points out how his enemy is
so stupid, so when his impressionable fanbase, which is filled with younger and younger fans everyday, see a 26 year old guy they're weirdly loyal to telling them why he's absolutely right about something with a very confident, smug tone and stresses how dumb (whichever person he's shitting on currently) is, the fans think "I don't want to be dumb, I want to be smart and right, I want Ian to like me."
I don't think he's trying to do that, I don't even think Onision was consciously doing that, but it creates that dangerous mob mentality. Nobody wants to be the one person who's wrong, they don't wanna feel stupid.
No. 250348
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I wonder what would happen if Joji had a falling out with the other 3. Not like a massive youtube drama thing (Joji would never), but if he just quietly stopped following their social media or working with them. Their fans, particularly the tumblr ones, would notice and there's some overlap between his and Ian's fanbase. Would it cause a civil war? Would it be the one thing that could possibly get people to turn on Ian, or at least examine his behavior more critically?
No. 250351
>>250348I honestly feel like Joji is already moving away from the group a bit. It might just be because he's focused more on his music, they might just be growing apart or he's realizing they're dicks. I've always felt like Ian was more invested in the friendship than he was, anyway. Also, Joji's more liberal, like he went to the Women's March and has expressed opinions that lean more left while Ian is more right-wing. Not conservative, not really alt-right, just more "I want to say slurs and feminists are the worst". Before, you could have those friendships and politics wouldn't get in the way, but these day it's harder.
Chad's moving away from the group and is more focused on Baited and Cyr and such. Ian's blowing up and Max is riding his dick the whole way. I think they're naturally drifting apart.
I wish Joji would say something; about his own fans, about Ian and about Ian's fans. It would cause an uproar from the Tumblrina fanatics. I could see 15 year old boys being very confused about which side to pick. I think it would cause some kind of hilarious Cancer Crew civil war. Youtubers would pick sides, Ian would bawww hard, fans would clash against clans. The shitty part of me wants it, now.
No. 250361
>>250351I feel like Joji says things by not actually saying things, so he might actually show where he stands on the whole thing, but it will fly over the heads of his retarded fans.
He did the video where Pink Guy beats on a Nazi, this comes after Richard Spencer got socked on camera, that clearly shows he's on the "Beat up nazis side" and not the "muhfreedom of speech!! Hateful violent libtards!! " his right wing fans are retarded and don't realise that it shows where he stands.
The picture he took in front of Hidden Figures.
He went to the woman's march and didn't tell anybody but wasn't afraid of being filmed or shown there.
I could be reading into things, but it seems to me he usually prefers not to completely verbalise what he believes because of the backlash it will cause and just shows it in his creativity and art.
No. 250366
>>250351>I wish Joji would say somethingHe strikes me as the type who would rather avoid conflict so I don't see that happening. And yeah, he's definitely moderate to left leaning. One thing I appreciate about him is that he takes jabs at basically everyone, Tumblr SJWs and anti-SJW neckbeards alike. I knew something was up when he clarified at the end of that Feminist Bruce Lee vid that he's not ragging on feminism and that it's good for people to stick up for their rights. After being bombarded with all these commentary channels shitting on feminism, the fact that he went out of his way to say that even while playing Frank stuck out. Also,
>Filthy Frank is the embodiment of everything a person should not be. He is anti-PC, anti-social, and anti-couth>anti-PC>the embodiment of everything a person should not beI mean that says it all.
>>250363I think he's starting to grow out of that sense of humor. He said on that podcast with Anthony Fantano that he has way more fun doing stupid videos like Illegal Crawfish Racing with his friends and would rather do that than the edgy stuff.
No. 250374
>>250361I don't get the Hidden Figures reference. What is it about? I don't live in the US, so I don't know, sorry.
Also, I feel bad for Joji when Ian calls him a gook.
No. 250387
>>250374It's a movie based on a true story of three black women working as scientists for NASA who were very influential, but never recognized. That's what I've heard at least, I haven't seen it. It's something that anti-PC people would likely see as obnoxious, liberal propaganda. So Joji just posing in front of the poster was pretty weird. Since he seems pretty left of center, I assumed it was a little wink-nudge-nudge about his stance, I don't know if it was him poking fun as liberals or if it meant nothing was just sort of random for the sake of being random.
>Also, I feel bad for Joji when Ian calls him a gook.Joji seemed fine with it and I thought it was probably because they were they all saying offensive shit BECAUSE it was offensive, they thought it was funny/edgy and Ian wasn't saying it to be mean or cruel.
Sad thing is, Ian probably took "My friend is fine with me using a racial slur, he's CHOOSING not to be offended, so all minority groups should do the same. Get over themselves, stop being PC, respect my freedom of speech!!!! and this means it's okay for me to use slurs" when, in reality, no. My partner and I will make crass jokes about me being jewish, but it's because I know he doesn't mean it in a bad way, it's a joke, and he'd never assume this gives him permission to say things that could hurt other people. It's a matter of tact, being sensitive, respecting other people's boundaries and appreciating the importance of human decency. Ian seems to think it's a battle between his freedom of speech and hyper sensitivity when it's just a matter of being a decent person who understands they're hurting people by using slurs willy nilly and encouraging kids to do the same. Just because your friend lets you call them that, it doesn't give you carte blanche. It's a case by case basis with people, they'll let you know their views on it, so his whole "IT'S ALL OR NOTHING" attitude is stupid. That's an oversimplification of a very complex subject.
No. 250391
>>250387Interesting to note that Joji has voiced irritation with the white subset of his fanbase before. He pointed out that a lot of them are hypocritical, in that they'll gleefully lap up any racist remarks made against POC, but the second Joji makes fun of white people as well, they all shit on him and hurl "hurr I bet you have a small dick, gook" insults right back. I think he does have issues with white people who aren't just as critical or self deprecating towards their own race as they are to others. Ian spouting racist slurs while not really showing any signs of criticism towards white people at the same time may be off putting for him.
>I don't know if it was him poking fun as liberalsHe said he loves fucking with people, he probably enjoyed all the different interpretations and the "lmao he's being ironic, n-no way he saw that shit, w-what a troll" comments from the idiots who think he's an alt-righter. He did post that picture not long after unfollowing Jontron after the latter went on a rant against immigration and the women's march, so who knows.
No. 250397
File: 1486994240285.png (321.84 KB, 502x524, pearwoman.png)

>>249462Says in the video that she wasn't very attractive in this pic back when she had an ED but honestly this is the best pic of her I've ever seen.
Like beside her videos being cringy as hell she's just not easy on the eye at all.
No. 250502
>>250255There's a difference between playing a character and playing up your persona for the camera.
Filthy Frank, Pink Guy, Salamander Man, ect.: Characters made by Joji.
Idubbbz: Ian playing up his personality for the camera. He overdramaticizes his reactions- he is not playing a character seperate from himself unlike Joji.
No. 250546
>>250391Oh, totally. He also makes fun of the anime fans who wants him to shit on jews, blacks, asians, disabled people, etc., but the second he touches FUCKING ANIME, they lose their shit.
It's either the same group of people or they just overlap with the "HAHAHA FUCKIN GOOKS HAHA…w-wait…w-what was that about white people not liking spicy food?? REEEEEEEE" fans. Oh god, how I love the bizarre hypocrisy of angry alt-right white dudes.
>"I hate safe spaces. GET INTERRACIAL MARRIAGE OUT OF GEICO COMMERCIALS OR I'LL BOYCOTT, GOD I CAN'T GO ANYWHERE WITHOUT THIS SHIT SHOVED IN MY FACE BAWWW">"Lol stupid fucking special snowflakes, those fucking…BAWWW JOJI MADE FUN OF WHITE PEOPLE. BUT WHITE PEOPLE ARE THE MOST SPECIALIST BESTEST PEOPLE ON EARTH BAWWW">"I hate liberals, they don't respect our freedom of speech. GET BEYONCE OUT OF MY SUPERBOWL, SHE'S MADE THE HALFTIME SHOW INTO A BLACK PANTHERS RALLY AND I WILL NOT HAVE IT. CENSOR HER."Joji just seems like a chill guy all around. I'm actually happy for his success. Seems like a well adjusted, cool dude.
No. 250561
>>250397Oof, oh no, that is a flattering pic of her. I don't wanna encourage an ED in ANYBODY, but some people (ugh, I'm the worst) have body shapes and bone structures that look best when they're very slender. When you're so straight up and down as she is, your frame doesn't carry weight at all. I can relate, I was shaped like a boy as a teen and looked best really skinny. When you've got a body like Scarlett Johansson, then you can be a bit chubbz and look fucking awesome. I feel like such a cunt right now.
I feel bad that she struggled with BDD and Anorexia, but I'm also a little bemused by how she thinks doing hardcore weight loss regimens that result in shedding pounds quickly while also trying to do that buddy system things that pro-ana girls love to do isn't her just falling back into the same habits. She'll lose the weight, then gain it back, then lose it and gain it back. You gotta be smart. I thought the 2-3 pounds a week thing was stupid/lame, but that's how you lose weight and keep it off. Surely as an expert in kinesiology and dieting and shit, she'd know that.
No. 250656
File: 1487028732211.png (Spoiler Image,309.41 KB, 1242x1226, IMG_6224.PNG)

Shadman decides to draw Tana and Ian, nothing graphic but I still put a spoiler on it because it's Shad.
No. 250688
>>250657I won't be surprised if he draws loli Tana getting raped by Ian at gun/knife point because of her saying she was afraid if he had one.
Or some other depraved shit his fanboys are clamouring for.
In other news, Max is STILL uploading France "blogs on his second channel, pack openings on his Pokemon channel and games on his gaming channel, not a single thing in his main channel, because he knows people will call out him on not having any of the shit he promised out yet, the same shit people donated thousands to him for.
No. 250701
File: 1487033720270.jpg (145.68 KB, 1401x784, goodgodwhy.jpg)

>>250679Yeah, when I first heard the "LOL IAN'S HAIRLINE" comments back in November, I stopped to really look at it and thought it looked like he just had a big ass forehead. When he shaved his hairline and you could see the clear outline of it from the stubble, it actually seemed to prove that his head is just a really unfortunate shape.
Then I saw the screengrab. I edited it when I sent it to a friend for dramatic effect, but…fuuuuck. Leafy had a point.
Also, Ian, WASH YOUR HAIR. JUST WASH IT. Do it! You have short hair, it takes 5 minutes to dry! You can wash it in the sink if you're really dedicated to the anti-showering lifestyle. Your clothes are always fucking covered in little white bits and I assumed you just had a lint problem and couldn't be fucking bothered to wipe your goddamn shirt, but now I'm pretty sure it's dandruff. Now you know if you move to wipe it off, your head will just shake more flakes loose and it's an exercise in futility.
No. 250703
File: 1487034074471.png (Spoiler Image,154.8 KB, 480x854, 1474821142002.png)

>>250656Better keep an eye out for Max posting or retweeting this, he did that before with fanart made of Ian fucking Leafy before he deleted it, pic related.
No. 250707
>>250678I hadn't even thought about that. Blerghh.
>"Ian, my love, I used to ban people for dropping the n-bomb in chat while I streamed, but I will fight for your right as a brave, pale twig-bro to be able to say it whenever you want. I am half Lebanese, so I will sacrifice my dignity and act as if I have the right to speak for not just my own ethnic background, not just a different minority group that I have nothing to do with, but ALL ethnic/religioys minorities! Huzzah! GO FORTH, IAN. I, ANISA, YOUR HALF LEBANESE GF JUSTIFIED YOUR USE OF THE N-WORD BECAUSE MY HERITAGE HAS SOMETHING TO DO WITH AFRICAN AMERICANS SOMEHOW. Sure, it's pretty fucking weird that you have an attitude about it. Like, you think the world is unfairly holding you back from something you deserve, that you seem to desperately want to use the n-word when it takes more effort by going out of your way to use it rather than simply continue to not use it like most people, BUT WHATEVS, IAN, MY LORD BAE, I TRUST IN YOU AND YOUR SHITTY RECEDING HAIRLINE." No. 250729
>>250712Right? Dudes have got it easy, I've got a lot of hair and it soaks up water, it takes so long to dry that I get sulky about having to wash it, but GUESS WHAT. I STILL DO IT.
Before I was just irritated that he didn't see himself on camera, go "Oh, I've got some white bits" and pick/wipe them off, but now I'm pretty sure he
1. has a dandruff problem, but gives zero fucks about it
2. can't find the energy to make himself look even slightly presentable, but is cool with driving 9 hours to SF to yell shit.
>>250725>Are these hypocritical fans usually ones who post on twitter or youtube?I've run into a robot on Franks twitter who said "Oh, wow, a girl on /r9k/. Don't you get enough attention in the real world?" after I mentioned the beta uprising and I kinda snapped at him, but later realized: that was most likely a horrible attempt at flirting. Poor bastard. So, yeah, those types are tweeting at him. I think the majority of comments are teenage boys who frequent 9gag and will eventually graduate to /b/, /r9k/ or /pol/ someday, but aren't quite there yet. Just a whole slew of shitty white boys bawwing over Joji making some lighthearted jokes about their animu and fragile egos. Yay.
No. 250773
>>250374>Also, I feel bad for Joji when Ian calls him a gook.Joji calls him a cracker constantly it's just banter anon, racist friend banter.
>It's something that anti-PC people would likely see as obnoxious, liberal propagandaOT but I did scoff when I saw the trailer for this film along with "the help" and other token black shit it screams white guilt sometimes but I've grown a little more moderate since then. The new series on Netflix dear white people caused the same justified backlash.
I wasn't aware Joji attending the woman march it's not something I support but it's cool to see him take both sides of the argument for and against PC topics in the form of his pinkguy frank persona. It shows how he's capable of seeing both sides of an argument.
No. 250779
>>250773Sage for OT, but while I haven't seen the Netflix show, I did see the movie "Dear White People" and if the show's anything like the movie, it's not racist or actually offensive towards white people. The whole movie is kind of sardonically commenting more on black identity, different ways black people tend to try and fit in with white society instead of being happy as themselves, but also criticizing one girl who runs the radio show on campus, "Dear white people", because she latches so tightly onto black pride due to shame/confusion regarding her biracial heritage, that she doesn't need to compensate and that she should just take pride in who she is. The title is just making fun of her "Fuck you across the board, white people" attitude when she is in fact half white. It does criticize white people, but not as a whole. It criticizes how some white people don't try to meet black people half way and also criticizes the shitty white people who are blatantly racist and refuse to do anything about it.
I saw so many people losing their shit over the show and I was like, man, I have a feeling they're just jumping to conclusions because of the title. Maybe the TV show is 1000x more Buzzfeed-esque, but I actually enjoyed the movie. Like, it's perfectly good commentary on race relations/black identity, it's not hysterical SJW garbage.
>I wasn't aware Joji attending the woman march it's not something I support but it's cool to see him take both sides of the argument for and against PC topics in the form of his pinkguy frank persona. It shows how he's capable of seeing both sides of an argument.Yeah, I've always enjoyed how he can don the Papa Franku persona to stand in the middle and poke fun at both liberals and conservatives, though he does focus a lot on how Frank is racist, misogynistic, etc. and is mocking the alt-right, angry neckbeard perspective. Like how Stephen Colbert mocked Fox News/Bill O' Reilly by playing a character parodying them. But, yeah, as a liberal, I personally love seeing the dumber aspects of liberalism pointed out and made fun of just as I enjoy it happening with the dumb aspects of conservatism. I don't just wanna watch stuff that reinforces my world view, so I love that Joji manages to do a great job of poking fun at both sides.
No. 250788
Ian's real full name is making tumblr rounds and his fans are shitting themselves, Can we put Ian's full real name in his info section next thread?
Also Pewdiepie was just dropped by maker for his edgelord shit recently and Ian I believe is still partnered with them, hope they drop his malformed alien school shooter ass.
>>250773>justified backlashIt is a 30 second trailer that's says "don't do blackface" then you have alt right retards saying it calls for white genocide, it's not justified.
No. 250790
File: 1487048717566.png (Spoiler Image,141.81 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_2017-02-14-10-58-11…)

Shouji ashimori?
No. 250791
>>250773>implying cracker is equal to gook, nigga, etc>going full nazi retard (see: everyone on the internet) over a satirical trailer because you can't handle criticism = justifiedReally, anon? Are you an "oppressed white male gamer"?
I am convinced anyone who defends Ian is as mentally challenged as he is at this point. Pasty, lanky white guys who are so submerged in their bubble that they make videos about how saying nigger is inoffensive are a dime a dozen these days. Go anywhere on youtube and you can find another Ian clone bitching and getting
triggered about trivial internet drama. Why is he so special?
No. 250793
>>250788Oooh, I bet he now wishes he'd addressed his fan's batshit behavior before it got to this point. Welp, that's what happens, Ian, when you let crazy fans run amok and never tell them you hate what they're doing because you are a pandering fuckwad.
>>250791>>implying cracker is equal to gook, nigga, etcThis. Thank you, I didn't know how to address it w/o writing a whole blog. Andy Warski's face keeps popping up in my recommended vidoes (god knows why) and recently he's been raging about Dear White People. If you have a "I'm a victimized white person, stop oppressing me by calling me a cracker/having a show that points out the shitty behavior of white people" mentality, then you're never allowed to call anybody a special snowflake ever again.
No. 250809
>>250788>it's not justified.Geh, it was obviously inflammatory though and gave a really skewed image of the actual show, a horrible marketing flaw on Netflix behalf. I can't justify the retards screaming white genocide but I can see why it had so much backlash in general from both sides.
>>250791Like I said i'm not justifying the extremist reactionaries only the general pissed off and ill informed consensus. And i'm not male nor am I fully white if that counts for anything in your eyes.
I wasn't defending Ian I couldn't give a rats what his opinion of the show is, anon brought it up so I gave my perspective on it.
>>implying cracker is equal to gook, nigga, etcReally why isn't cracker equal to gook or nigger? They are all offensive pejoratives what is your reasoning behind this? Pejoratives don't have a hierarchy of most insulting to least insulting.
No. 250811
>>250773Cracker is not even remotely equivocal to gook.
>The new series on Netflix dear white people caused the same justified backlash.>justifiedWatch Philip DeFranco's video on this, he correctly pointed out the reactionary "bawwww it's racist against white people!!" people are being knee-jerking morons who haven't done any research, much like the SJWs they constantly whine about.
No. 250816
>>250812>>why isn't this insult that has no historical weight or baggage in a part of the world where white people have always been the majority not the same as these derogatory slurs that were applied to minorities that were enslaved by white people at different points in history?Ok than explain to me why Yankee isn't offensive to northern state born Americans? The same logic applies. Stop with this white guilt there is a hierarchy to insults there isn't. "Don't be obtuse" isn't an argument.
>>250811I did watch Philip De francos vid and it was great, it was well thought out and I agreed with it. He explains why the backlash exists as is reasonable, the original trailer was reactionary.
No. 250820
>>250816>Ok than explain to me why Yankee isn't offensive to northern state born Americans?"Yankee" refers to geographical shit, not race.
>"Don't be obtuse" isn't an argument.Yes it is, you're deliberately playing dumb to argue that there is no difference between racial slurs when there absolutely is.
No. 250824
>>250820>Yes it is, you're deliberately playing dumb to argue that there is no difference between racial slurs when there absolutely is.This is your opinion.
Yankee has many meanings outside of geography, social class and race perhaps I should choose a pejorative native to my own country than in attempt to see how you deem it more intense in it being racist, or not since you apparently hold a scientific tool for measuring the offensiveness of pejoratives.
In my country people call Maori "Hori" while Maori call white "pakeha" both are equally as demeaning, classist and racist I would argue since they bring each down to the same level, each has historical significance but are disregarded as it's historical significance holds no bearing on current times the racial, classist and cultural qualities associated couldn't be more different in present times.
No. 250828
>>250824"cracker" AFAIK is a term made up by the African American community as some means of insulting their historical oppressors, it simply isn't the same as "nigger". Any white person who gets upset over it is being a baby tbh, they still have majority rule in America.
Besides Joji is half white so this argument is moot regardless.
No. 250829
File: 1487055574748.png (334.24 KB, 1230x1704, IMG_6214.PNG)

Forgot that I screenshot this exchange, Max thinks so highly of himself for running 4 channels, I use to think he was underrated, but with his smug attitude, drama seeking and constantly sucking Ian's dick, he's a shitcunt.
>>250823Possibly Jojis actual/Japanese name.
No. 250841
>>250829On the one hand, I can't fault a person for wanting to stick up for their friend, but on the other hand, people who go "MY FRIEND WAS ACCUSED OF SOMETHING, BETTER IMMEDIATELY SHOVE MY OPINION IN THERE AND BLINDLY DEFEND HIS HONOR AND STRESS THAT HE'S FUCKING GREAT WHILE NOT LISTENING TO ANY OPPOSING VIEWS BECAUSE LOYALTY" come across as very juvenile. You don't have to automatically do that, the situation has nothing to do with you and you're obviously coming from a biased perspective regardless.
Either way, Max is still a dick for being all "lmao I'm gonna post screenshots of the sub counter for victims of Ian's content cops and be all smug and gloating over their failure", he's like a catty cheerleader. Plus he gets involved with a lot of other twitter drama that has nothing to do with him, always putting his opinions forth like they're worth anything.
No. 250854
File: 1487060550565.jpg (12.03 KB, 480x360, IMG_9796.JPG)

His head is weirdly shaped. I thought everyone was exaggerating kek
No. 250907
File: 1487074500771.jpg (82.59 KB, 540x656, tumblr_olcxfcCUlB1vbyulwo1_540…)

fangirls on tumblr losing their shit over this photo because of ian's surname on it.>Worst VIP experience of my life.sure ian heheh so funny you idubbbs. hehe
No. 250910
>>250907They're being so hypocritical about the situation, like they'll fucking fetishize and stalk Joji within an inch of his life, but go out of their way to insist it's wrong to give out Ian's surname and that they need to "protect" him??
>that instagram postHe's certainly milking the Tana situation for all it's worth.
No. 250911
File: 1487075448848.jpg (50.27 KB, 604x453, heh.jpg)

old school ian for y'all
No. 250913
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No. 250914
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No. 250916
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No. 250919
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No. 250922
File: 1487076256807.jpg (56.59 KB, 625x300, vegetarian bodeeeeh.jpg)

I know the filename is an Onision reference, but that's the first thing I thought of, sorry.
No. 250924
File: 1487076424798.jpg (102.31 KB, 720x540, wonder.jpg)

he looks so tame
No. 250929
File: 1487076929421.jpg (65.91 KB, 604x453, baby ian.jpg)

No. 250933
File: 1487077556220.jpg (44.56 KB, 400x512, fdsfsdfsd.jpg)

No. 250934
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No. 250940
All these pics, thank you so much anon
>>250929He looks like he got bullied in High School lol
>>250928Him trying to cover that forehead looks like an old man trying to cover his balding scalp with a combover
No. 250941
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No. 250942
File: 1487078745839.jpg (61.51 KB, 300x926, dsadasdsada.jpg)

No. 250952
>>250913>>250924>>250929He looks like a dork loser in these and you can tell he knows it.
However, that actually makes him far more endearing and appealing imo. I can't stand ugly basic dudes who think they're hot shit and that's exactly what he is now. It's a shame.
No. 250977
These pictures are bumming me the fuck out, this was not a fun thing to wake up to. Ugh.
>>250841That seems to be a common thing to believe on YouTube. Keem, Tommy C and others will get all hotheaded and angrily insist that they'll defend their friends no matter what, they'll always stick up for them, if their friend is being attacked (that's dramatic cunt for "criticized") they'll jump right into the fray. They all think you're a horrible friend if you don't immediately take sides and throw your opinion into a situation that has nothing to do with you. They think they're being stand-up dudes and, wow, much honor.
I agree with you about how it's nice to stick up for you friends, but throwing yourself into every situation when it's none of your business, when it doesn't require
that much of a reaction, is pure high school fuckery.
>Lisa's being such a bitch and she stole Brandon, everybody yell at her or you're not my friend, a friend would take my side.It's fine to defend your friends, but you also pick your battles. Sometimes beef is just between two people and should stay that way. Hell, plenty of times with these drama loving cocksuckers, their friend is just being kinda criticized, sometimes by a complete rando twitter user, and they
still feel compelled to proverbially leap in front of them like a secret service agent taking a bullet.
I have a theory that the second you start receiving a lot of attention on YT and your channel surges in popularity, you stop developing as a person. These YouTubers all seem really emotionally stunted. Maybe the platform attracts immature, drama prone cunts to begin with, but you'll see someone like Onision and it's clear he hasn't grown as a human being since, like, 2008. The Cancer Crew, excepting Joji and particularly Max, seem like they stopped developing about 1-2 years back.
I guess once you start getting regularly told how fucking AMAZING you are by fans and by your dickriding peers, you start to think (even unconsciously) that there's no reason for you to grow and change as a person.
No. 250979
File: 1487084235283.jpg (23.03 KB, 200x605, full.jpg)

>>250977Sorry to ruin your morning, anon.
No. 250980
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No. 250981
File: 1487084347785.jpg (47.59 KB, 400x454, fasda.jpg)

No. 250983
File: 1487084882544.jpeg (118.21 KB, 399x522, thatheadbro.jpeg)

>>250979NOOO, IT'S SO DEPRESSING. He's so greasy and dorky and skinny and insecure.
I finally realized his head shape reminds me of Alejandro Jodorowsky's bizarre alien head. They're the only two people I've seen with it.
Except Jodorowsky's talent redeems him for having a bizarre head while Ian is just a dick.
No. 250984
File: 1487084983961.jpg (43.94 KB, 402x548, ian2009.jpg)

No. 250985
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No. 250986
File: 1487085116208.jpg (63.58 KB, 500x505, ian200999.jpg)

~future god of youtube~
No. 251005
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No. 251007
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No. 251037
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No. 251039
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No. 251159
These fans are dumb as fuck.
Hey they really shouldn't be this angry about it…
I mean, it's just a Meme, right?
Apply your own standards on this you freaking idiots.
No. 251205
>>251167At some point he needs to just shave it off and keep it that way.
PSA: If you're going bald, don't cling to your hair until the last 4 strands. You're not doing yourself any favors, I promise.
No. 251236
File: 1487096280584.jpg (81.33 KB, 700x468, sand.jpg)

caption this, pls
No. 251267
>>251236"As Ian felt the tell tale prickling sensation of a sunburn beginning to form on his freakishly white back, he continued to gaze with a furrowed brow and pensive stare at the sand as it slipped between his awkward fingers, finding temporary respite from his horrific existence as a gangly, insecure piece of shit in the trickling granules. 'I'll show all those bitches who won't fuck me,' he thought to himself, anger coiling in his belly, 'I'll show all of them. I'll call them cunts, make one known as that-chick-who-yelled-nigger, make another walk hours to get coffee. I will become a god among men; untouchable, unstoppable, infallible. I'll sleep in until 3pm because I want to, I'll refuse to shower because I want to and I'll yell slurs because I want to. Nobody will stop me. Someday…until then I will stew in my betafag, virgin rage and continue to plot my revenge. This is what you get when stupid girls don't let me stick my dick in them.'"
No. 251607
File: 1487113654976.png (364.7 KB, 948x689, 1487113270404.png)

Slightly OT but what the fuck?
No. 251622
File: 1487114272871.jpg (25.23 KB, 640x212, IMG_1108.JPG)

apparently people think tana fans are behind ian getting doxxed
No. 251645
>>251622Wow. Tana fans doxxed him? Really?
Ian's fans are geniuses.
I haven't checked out the tumblr panic because I just don't like going on tumblr, but how exactly has he been doxxed other than his fans discovering his full names been available online for awhile now? If anything, they probably wrote panicky "You guys, Idubbbz has been doxxed, don't tell anybody his name is Ian Washburn!!!" posts which were then reposted about 10000 times, basically
making his name more available. It's been posted twice now ITT, it was a well known thing. Quiet, but well known. Now that his tumblrina fans found out it's online, it
will be well known.
No. 251671
>>251649Weird, even Keem is being sensible about it. He's the first YouTuber I've heard say "What did she even really do to deserve the video?". He points out the rampant dickriding of the internet regarding Ian and his fucked up behavior.
The tone of it sounds like all three feel really iffy about Ian after the Tana video. I've said it before and I'll say it again, if Ian keeps this shit up, he'll piss off enough of his peers, they'll turn on him and the YouTube hate machine will eat him up.
No. 251672
>>251658It's the dreaded W-word. Pffft either all surnames are okay, or none of them are okay.
But srsly if only Tana did her research, that would have been a nice comeback, and it would have shut him up right there because he wouldn't see it coming.
No. 251679
>>251672Yeah, but I think the guys on Baited make a good point about how she was genuinely afraid and freaked out, how you can see how her first reaction was to flee to safety and hide behind people. Ian can say "You should've called me an idiot" after the fact, all of us can use hindsight to criticize her reaction, but if I was a dumb, freaked out 18 year old, it probably wouldn't have occurred to me to say that on the spot, either.
Maybe I would have, actually, but I'm a dick who loves confrontation.
What she should've done was called him out as lame in her video afterwards rather than sob like she believed her life was still in mortal danger. All she did was supply him with more material for his video. Then again, she didn't know it
was Ian at the time she made it, she probably just thought she could milk this random run-in for a storytime video and exaggerate details like crazy as per usual. She wasn't thinking strategically because she didn't know she needed to.
No. 251710
>>251685i mean, MDE used to just be a Tim and Eric ripoff group before they got their tv show green lit. used to be pretty tame until they got edgy. 99% sure Sam Hyde being alt-right is a gimmick but all the sexual harassment and physical abuse accusations on him might actually qualify him for lolcow status
nb sage dx etc for off topic
No. 251755
>>251744Oh my god, you're right. Even though Tana exaggerates like a motherfucker, she's entertaining. She's actually a good storyteller, unlike 95% of storytime Youtubers. Ian just nervously laughs while posing cringey, tryhard questions like "Are you a tits or an ass man?" to Michael in a boring video.
I'm not sure if he did the Leaf Me Alone. It never occurred to me that he could've drawn that until you mentioned it, but I'd wondered in the past why he never credited the artist.
I always got a "I'm just too smart for this world", sullen geek vibe from him instead of artfag. Like, grew up surrounded by geek culture, thinks that's the reason why girls won't fuck him when, in actuality, he's just a dick.
No. 251768
>>251762I watched a bunch of her stalker stories a few months ago and was surprised she didn't just spend the first 5-7 minutes rambling like every other girl in her genre. I thought she was pretty engaging and at other times funny. I like how Ian called her a basic bitch when she has way, way more personality than his own girlfriend. Fuck, Anisa doesn't even have her own personality. Meanwhile, Tana may initially come across a basic bitch her blonde hair and trite takes on race relations, but in the few videos I saw, she
is interesting. Good job being a superficial cunt Ian.
I was also surprised people seemed to be angry and hurt over the fact she exaggerates. When I watched some of her shit, I was always thinking "Ehh, I don't buy it", but it didn't really take away from anything. I'm still not a fan of her, but she's not a vapid whore like Ian makes her out to be and it's just nuts how she has more to offer as a content creator than Ian does.
No. 251782
>>251777Oh, absolutely. I can't count how many times I've been bored and somehow ended up in the storytime corner of Youtube, watching a video titled "I WAS ALMOST KIDNAPPED" and then it's some girl playing up the time she saw a creepy guy at the mall.
All of them do it. That's why when Ian zeroed in on her for all of that shit instead of the storytime genre in as a whole, it reeked of petty bullshit. The CC kind of plays as though Ian's exposing Tana as a liar, as if that's not par for the course with that kind of content, as if it isn't common knowledge and that he brilliantly baited her into showing her true colors by pulling his stunt at her event. Fuck no. She's no different from ever other storytime chick and he was just pulling an edgelord prank to upset her. He should've made a CC calling out the storytime genre as a whole while using Tana as a great example of the bullshit clickbaiting and exaggerations that run rampant in that corner of YT. That would've been him taking the high road, he would've had even more material to work with, it wouldn't have come across as cunty and sulky
and it would've worked as a more subtle and mature way to get a punch in if he
really needed to feed his need for revenge.
But no.
No. 251808
>>251801Yeah, basically if he'd been objective it would've been great. If he just came at her for her own bullshit behavior rather than clearly doing it for personal reasons, I could respect that. I was fine with Kuckian calling her out, fucked up behavior should be addressed, but when you stand back from a video and see that a guy with a rabid fanbase is being pissy because a girl criticized him, I can't condone that. Especially when you know he's wrecked channels in the past and could do it again just because his unstable ego can't handle somebody disagreeing with his use of slurs.
He absorbed all of Leafy's fans after he did that CC, so the obsessive lynch mob who ate up Calvin's shit is now looking to Ian for instructions. The fangirls who crush on Ian, who used to crush on Calvin, really need to ask themselves why it is they feel compelled to place guys like Ian and Calvin on pedestals, act like they're adorable and defend their shitty behavior to the ends of the earth. These are the kinda girls who are gonna end up in an abusive relationship, it's such an unhealthy mindset to have when crushin' on dudes.
No. 251839
>>251801Exactly the whole thing is so petty since Tana's a goldmine of poor decision making and he could have talked about storytime channels as a whole or maybe said something in the vein of "hey maybe telling a large fanbase of primarily young girls that you can get fame and money by playing the victim card all the time is pretty shitty" but instead he solely focuses on the one thing she attacked
him for. His ego is as big as his forehead at this point.
>>251744Somehow I doubt it because I feel like he would have made art for his channel before that and he never has.
>>251837>still an immature 16You have to be 18 or older to post here, anon. Just don't mention your age next time okay?
No. 251872
>>251866Also, if they're from New Zealand, they really have no business talking about racism in America with such authority or even insisting that Yankee is offensive. I'm an American and live in the Northeast, so I'm a Yank/Yankee in both senses of the word and, no, I'm not offended by Yankee. That's fucking ridiculous.
Race issues and racism in the US isn't the same as it is in NZ. In NZ, blackface doesn't have as strong of a racist connotation as it does here. Hell, in the Netherlands, wearing blackface is part of a holiday. In every country, they have a different past with race relations and racism and, thus, have different cultural attitudes towards both.
To insist "Ian didn't do anything wrong" regarding his use of the n-word when
>Ian's an American Youtuber>The anon isn't American/obviously isn't as familiar with American culture>The anon clearly doesn't understand how much awful shit is connected to the n-word word herejust makes them unqualified to speak on that issue.
No. 251877
>>251865jfc anon why would you curse me like this.
No. 251891
>>251880>>251889lol if anything cunt is way worse than nigger considering black men have historically had more power and rights than women of any color
like there are hundreds of thousands of women who are literally sex slaves in the us RIGHT NOW, they are literally kidnapping us off the streets to force us into prostitution, and all yall are so fucking dumb you're worrying about nigger and some fucking dumb asshole girl who literally gave no shits about ~racism~ and only called edups out to boost her own subs with drama
No. 251907
>>251902no, but throwing a fit over the use of nigger but being fine with gendered insults like cunt when there is more violence and death stemming from sexism than racism all while being a woman means you're fucking dumb and spineless.
if you're going to get on a high horse at least do so for yourself instead of trying to prove how much of a good little dumb white girl you are.
No. 251908
>>251907Really? Gendered insults? It's an issue of sexism for you? There's even an acclaimed feminist book called "Cunt" that delves into why women should be fine with it. We, as a society, do attach too much meaning to "cunt", just like we attach too much meaning to "fuck". It's not the same thing as the n-word, it's not a slur, Ian's argument was fucking stupid over all because "cunt" has more in common with "dick" than it does
any slur.
You're flipping your shit like an SJW because some women don't give a fuck about a word? That applies to them? I even said it's fine if you're offended by it, but it's not on the same level.
Now, seriously, fuck off back to tumblr, you're barfing cancer into the thread.
No. 251913
>>251911Pretty sure
>>251901 and
>>251902 are the same anon. Pretty sure they just agreed with themselves. Oh, Idubbbz stans.
No. 251914
>>251908lol so women need to get over the use of cunt despite the myriad of violence women face TO THIS VERY DAY but black people don't need to get over the use of nigger because 150 years ago they were slaves. lol this is so ridiculous. this laying aside the fact that cunt is also a slur, and there are plenty of critically acclaimed books and songs and everything else by some black people that talk about getting over the use of nigger.
seriously, fuck back off to tumblr yourself and make a white guilt post about how woke you are to your own privilege.
>>251910who says i'm defending idubz? i'm talking about the comparison of cunt vs. nigger.
>>251911this whole thread has been once big circle jerk about how poor tana was only attacked because she called ian out about using slurs don't even pretend it hasn't
No. 251917
>>251914If you think anybody's been crying over "poor Tana", then you skimmed the thread like a lazy fuck.
Also, if you're going to take the "you can't say cunt and also be against the n-word because women violence oppression blah gendered insults blah" stance, then you should probably read up on how feminism is all for destigmatizing "cunt" because acting like a word for female genitalia is as bad as the n-word just creates more of a negative association with said female genitalia.
When even Jezebel is writing about how we need to get the fuck over "cunt", you know it's not on par with a slur.
Sage for being slightly OT.
No. 251918
>>251914>this whole thread has been once big circle jerk about how poor tana was only attacked because she called ian out about using slurs don't even pretend it hasn'tIt hasn't, there's been a slew of different discussions and barely anyone has actually defended Tana. Anons have repeatedly pointed out that Ian went after her specifically because she told him to kill himself, which was incredibly petty of him. Can you not even read?
>i'm talking about the comparison of cunt vs. nigger.Anon only brought that up to point out that Ian's argument for using "nigger" is flawed. Why on earth are you getting pissy over this?
Also interesting you're going with a "pro-woman" stance while trashing Tana and implying Ian is not in the wrong for what he did in the same damn post. At least try to be consistent with your subtle white knighting.
No. 251920
>>251918HI think Ian's stans loved his "It's all or nothing" point because that anon is heavily relying on it as their argument.
They've been waiting for years to finally hear some kind of way to justify saying "faggot" in public, so they now, when they're called out on it, can reply "No, it's okay because I use
all the slurs. All or nothing! Edoooooops!"
No. 251928
>>251917there's an awful lot of defending of her arguments for there being nobody crying over tana.
i was unaware that jezebel hosting an article about reclaiming cunt meant that all women and all of feminism had decided that cunt wasn't a slur. lol there was just a massive mini-masturbation upthread about how joji being okay with being called gook doesn't mean any other asian person is, but some how when one woman is okay with using cunt all women should be?
>>251918if ya'll wanted to point out how hypocritical it was of idubs to go after tana because she criticized him, you could have done it without the off topic and dumb "oh and by the way tana was totally right you can't say nigger and nigger is totally worse than cunt" bullshit.
anon brought it up because they wanted to viture signal
>>251920lol i don't care about all or nothing, but if you're going to argue that one slur is okay to use while the other isn't, cunt is that one that by all logical means should be the forbidden one.
No. 251933
>>251928>there's an awful lot of defending of her arguments >you could have done it without the off topic and dumb "oh and by the way tana was totally right you can't say nigger and nigger is totally worse than cunt" bullshitNo, there isn't. I see people pointing out Ian is full of shit for defending his use of racist slurs, but not whatever you're implying. Tana wasn't even fucking brought up in the post you initially got
triggered over, it's literally all just been shitting on Ian. Claiming you're not derailing for the sake of white knighting him just makes this whole argument even more pointless and as though you're just deliberately trying to troll and cause more infighting for no decent reason. Stop wasting everyone's time and fuck off.
No. 251935
>>251928>there's an awful lot of defending of her arguments for there being nobody crying over tana.I haven't seen a single person defend Tana. At all. If anything, people are making a point to mention they don't even fucking like her. Repeatedly, people have said it's about how Ian went about the whole fucking thing, how he abused his power and easily influenced fanbase by using CC as a weapon to lash out at people when his fee-fees are hurt. You illiterate fuck.
>i was unaware that jezebel hosting an article about reclaiming cunt meant that all women and all of feminism had decided that cunt wasn't a slurMy point was if JEZEBEL the bastion of SJW values, the festering pit of manufactured outrage, will say "hey, cunt's whatever, move on from cunt, who cares about cunt"
then that's saying something. You're more outraged about "cunt" then Jezebel is. That speaks volumes to me.
>lol there was just a massive mini-masturbation upthread about how joji being okay with being called gook doesn't mean any other asian person is, but some how when one woman is okay with using cunt all women should beYou poor, stupid cow. I just "You can be personally offended by the word 'cunt'" in two different posts. I said it twice, but you can't be fucked to read anything you're replying to. Every response you have made it flawed because you didn't bother to read.
>anon brought it up because they wanted to viture signal Read my original post about cunt and the n-word. 3/4 of the post was about the word "cunt", at no point did I start weeping pure white guilt and go on about how I'm an amazing person because I abstain from saying it. I forgot, you're skimming shit, guessing what the anon was saying and replying without having the knowledge to make a decent argument.
No. 251964
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This was in Ian's likes, he probably thinks he's on some other level similar to actual comedians who use this for comedy and not to defend using slurs in everyday life, why is Ian and everyone who licks his ass, a fucking moron?
Also Sky is making a video on the whole thing, hope he destroys him, he won't but I want him a little dented.
Sidenote, Why does this thread attract so many fucking spergs?
No. 251966
>>251928>>251928Anon don't even bother. Although I dont agree with you about the whole "cunt" argument I do agree with you this thread has been defending tana from the start, just look at the OP wtf.
Ever since Ian started dating Anisa everyone all of a sudden hates him and his content and he's sooo ugly too. Fuck outta here. If you want to talk about the Tana situation, come to her thread. You'll find more open minded people there.
No. 251967
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>>251966This post is like some kind of parody.
>waaahhh everyone LOVED Ian before even though there were even people in the first thread who said he seemed creepy and now people only dislike him because he's dating Anisa and not, y'know, because he was a fucking douche to her in the stream they did together and there's all this evidence dug up of him being a slimeball. Nah, opinions aren't allowed to change and you only dislike him because ANISAAAAAAAA!!!!This pathetic point has been beaten down to death and yet you are still clinging to it. I fucking can't.
>You'll find more open minded people there."Open minded" is code for "Ian dick riders".
No. 251974
>>251971What's in the box was bad. I've always been a fan of the samurai buyer videos. The content cop was funny. Not everyone has to be a fan but to say his content has gotten bad because of Anisa is just bullshit.
I feel like if it was joji instead for ian the same thing would be happening. These CC threads are just cancer now.
No. 251980
>>251974>but to say his content has gotten bad because of Anisa is just bullshit. No one has said that. It's gotten bad because it's gotten bad. He clearly peaked with the Leafy Content Cop and has been downhill from there.
>I've always been a fan of the samurai buyer videosDUDE OPENING BOXES WHILE MAKING LAZY CHING CHONG JOKES SO FUNNY XDDD
>These CC threads are just cancer now.You're just bitter that this is the one place on the internet not blindly sucking your alien boyfriend's tiny dick, anon. Your opinion ain't shit. If you're
triggered, fuck off to reddit or youtube or, hell, anywhere else.
No. 251990
>>251988I'm enjoying this thread and others also seem to appreciate its existence, considering it's one of the few places that looks at the Cancer Crew critically. You could always just, you know,
leave if the presence of this thread is bothering you. Your whining certainly contributes nothing.
No. 251994
>>241410Sooo she'll be basically the new Suzy.
Lmao somehow she and Suzy match
No. 252006
>>251889 and I never brought up Tana nor do I give a shit about her particularly. Sorry that you think a synonym for "vagina" is such an awful thing to say lol. It's not polite but it's not a slur.
No. 252009
>>245201Woah thumbnail looks like tana mongoloid without makeup on.
Fuck did I accidentally crack the code of why Idubbz went so far to get to tana? Hes got a boner for that type it seems , dumb as a rock and similar face. Too bad Anisa has the worse off body and face (although tana looks 40 her body isn't too shot in comparison and she was able to find a niche and become "successful YouTube" without coatriding and dickriding for it )
No. 252060
>>251374I've always been baffled by Felix's massive success and popularity, but I've been more salty about him ever since he started shamelessly ripping off Joji. I know they're both friends and Joji is presumably fine with it, but seeing comments on FF videos that say things like "why does he sound like Pewdiepie??"
triggers my autism and annoys me out of principle
No. 252061
>>251954>>252004I actually haven't seen any anons ITT lately who think she's moved in with him, plus, she's made videos where she's still in her bedroom in Canada pretty recently.
I looked it up and it's not
that hard to move here, at least temporarily. I DO believe Anisa is too lazy to follow through with what's required of her and instead of just dealing with it would continue to take vacations every few weeks to see her boyfriend. Also, unless she applied for a visa and renewed her passport 2-3 months into their relationship and has just been waiting on that (which would be insane. You've dated a guy for 2-3 months and get a visa to move countries and everything? Jeeesus), their moving in together talk was probably bullshit. It'd take about half the time they've been together to get her visa shit in order.
Or, damn, they're just rushing the hell out of this relationship. I can see that, too. Either way, it was probably mostly big talk.
No. 252089
>>252087>"blacks"anon if you're gonna rant about race shit then maybe use "black people" or something, "blacks" is cringey these days.
sage because this is getting offtopic and ridiculous
No. 252113
>>252087sorry, samefag
that is to say all of the human rights blacks faced in america were justified because they were ‘niggers’ (and therefore not human). and all black people were niggers regardless of status. a free black man of some wealth and status from some non-US nation would come to America and be a nigger. these sentiments did not end after slavery, and some will argue that they have never really ended. the fact that people to this day still believe in James Flynn’s “””research””” on race and IQ (when everyone should be offended that it tries to masquerade as scientific) is testament to why black people are still sensitive about the word nigger.
systemic and historic oppression and abuse of women is not always tied to the word ‘cunt’. to try to make it out that women should be offended by being called cunts because it’s synonymous with vagina, i feel, trivializes the issues you’re are talking about.
like, in the Game Grumps thread there’s a video where Arin dropped off a black guy and actually had to sit in his car and say “nigger” over and over to “get it out of his system” why is that even necessary? like if you can’t look at a black person and not think of “nigger” then maybe we haven’t reached a time where it’s “just another word”. (side note: this is about “nigger” and not “nigga” which have become different things at this point)
>>252089i say "blacks" "whites" "asians" it's just a shorthand for me.
No. 252141
>>252113> like if you can’t look at a black person and not think of “nigger” then maybe we haven’t reached a time where it’s “just another word”. Right, agreed. Good post, anon.
Was thinking about how Ian throwing in that "You can keep treating black people like children if you want to, but I'm going to continue treating them like they're anybody else" thing at the end of the CC was such a very heavy handed attempt to browbeat the audience into feeling embarrassed by the idea of disagreeing with him.
>"If you think ____, then you're the real racist"And I think it actually worked with plenty of malleable people, that's what makes me sad.
I think Ian fancies himself as some sort of debate champion, a guy who can spin shit so well, he wins every argument. Meanwhile, he uses arguments that I've seen kids in middle school use and never argues with people in real time. It's easy to feel like a genius by preaching at your camera and stating your case without actually engaging another person who can question your points and bring up counter arguments as you go.
It's some Onision style shit.
No. 252147
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>>252144I swear to god, if anybody falls for that bait and starts arguing, I will fucking kill myself by OD'ing on facepalm.
No. 252151
>>252148Phone numbers? Oh shit, I hadn't heard about that. I need to look into it, but I'd assume some fangirl took shit to a creepy level after he was doxxed (aka some tumblrinas stumbled upon the fact his name has been out there online for awhile now) and did some detective work on There're also those websites where you can look people up by name and get their phone and address if you pay a bit of money. I'm gonna guess it's the latter since they got his dad's phone number as well, that his information hasn't been updated since moving out of his parents place and they're listed together. Or something. Again, I gotta look into it.
I don't want to be a shitty person, being doxxed can be dangerous and Ian's fanbase isn't known for their rationality or stability, but…I'm kinda enjoying the schadenfreude. If something happens, I'll regret saying that, but as of right now it's true.
No. 252165
>>252148I don't see anything recent, but somebody did really, seriously dox him 3 months back. No phone number, but everything else.
I just feel weird now after seeing all of his personal info, like I need a hot shower. Ugh. I don't like the guy, but it's such a creepy thing to do.
No. 252181
>>252175samefag but the discussion under my original post was nice to read. im just tired of ian stans complaining and then anons who dislike ian complaining about the stans complaning. we get it.
does anyone know what anisa's online friends are? she fucked up with zoe but she must be sucking up to some other 'famous' people to help her career right? or is it just guys she ass kisses hoping for attention?
No. 252194
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No. 252203
I googled this earlier today, it's a simple process that just takes time. Did she move her shit down there before even looking into this? Her dog and everything? She never looked into this shit before now? How fucking dumb and irresponsible can you be? My jaw is literally hanging.
No. 252207
>>252203Sorry, samefag, I'm still shocked by how dumb this bitch is. When you start discussing moving in together, you discuss the logistics, especially if you're moving into another country. They've been talking about living together for months and she didn't even
google the fucking steps to getting a visa? Not even out of curiosity?
Somebody please tell me what's wrong with her.
No. 252216
>>252208Of course. I need to stop thinking like a person and start thinking like a potato-pear if I want to figure out why Anisa does the shit she does.
She's totally cool looking idiotic if it just means she can get a humblebrag in. Anything for the humblebrag. Somebody please reply "Twitter isn't how you figure this out. You google it and go to an embassy or consulate. For fucks sake."
No. 252261
>>252060At least it's so blatantly obvious that even Felix's friends make fun of him for it. He's successful because he alters himself for what's trending and has an eye for it. Gaming commentary has gotten stale, but being an edgelord commentator is rising. He dickrides Joji har, and just copied him. Felix has luck and no shame to the point where he'll do whatever to stay relevant even shit that everyone else gives other YouTuber's crap for like the 10 minute thing or clickbait. Felix just gets by on being "the most subscribed YouTuber" and acting like it's all a joke when anyone who's paying attention knows it's not.
Sage for OT
No. 252277
>>252194I actually laughed out loud. Jfc. I wonder how she feels now that she's presumably looked into it and discovered that you pretty much need to be skilled/degree-holding or have American relatives to get a residence visa and her only choice is to marry Ian :^)
Speaking of Ian, did he really not raise an eyebrow at this situation at all? He didn't look it up or wonder "Hm I'd better make sure my gf can live here legally"? I know moving/immigration stuff is absolute hell but I can't help but revel in the schadenfreude.
No. 252280
>>252277I am right there with you.
I can't imagine Anisa being clever in any way, but what if she'd been like "How hard can it be. I'll move my stuff down there and we'll figure it out.", Ian says okay, she moves in and then she goes "Oh no, turns out we'll have to get married!"
Ian's high on life (and pussy) and says yes. They marry. They divorce. She takes half his Youtuber money and maybe tells everybody he hit her.
This is some fairy tale shit. Such romance.
No. 252302
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>>252299I tweeted pic related at her and pretty soon after she deleted the tweet entirely. She's probs freaking out.
No. 252366
>>252173>>252201This reminds me of that movie Van Wilder.
>>252148I stumbled upon Anisa's number recently, but it's from 2014. I don't know if she still uses it.
No. 252367
>>252299All signs point to: Ian doesn't really give a shit. I know somebody posted a video of one of Anisa's livestreams where you can hear him say "I love you" on his end of the phone, but that means jack shit. A lot of people will say that during relationships just because they think they need to or are supposed to.
He doesn't let her drive his car, we saw him treat her like shit in a 3 hour livestream which was the SECOND AND BETTER TAKE (still so fucking funny), we don't see any of his social media really acknowledge her anymore and now Ian, who I'm sure is a self described genius, let her move all her shit down here, including her fucking dog, without saying "Hey, baby, we really need to look into what you need to do to get a visa."? Before, I'd have said he was a classically shitty boyfriend, but letting a girl move countries without pointing out how much that actually requires is
fuuuuucked. After the Tana thing, I started getting a really strong narcissist vibe from him and it's getting stronger by the day. Gives zero shits about her, his opinion is the law, she's just a source of narcissistic supply. Ruuun, Anisa, ruuunnnn. Your legs are strong from so many Starbucks hikes, you can do it.
>>252302God bless you, anon, you are a hero.
>>252339This is the one time I hope these two assclowns don't read this thread, I hope they haven't considered this and both of them are just shitting their pants, thinking they'll have to get married. Also, if Maker sponsors the visa of the girlfriend of a guy whose video about how it's fine if he drops n-bombs went viral and made them cash, but acts like Felix is an irredeemable racist after shit taken out of context put him in the news, then I will
flip my shit.
No. 252393
>>252148Tumblr's losing its shit over this, they seem to be blaming Tana fans. Which is absurd to me, I doubt her fans are even smart enough to do such a thing.
I can't feel much sympathy for him, when you make a career of ruining other people's livelihoods this is bound to happen eventually. I also think the fangirls on tumblr are being hypocrites, like they had no problem uploading photos of Joji's parents (though it was later revealed to be fake) and stalking him, but they're treating a douche like Ian with protective kid gloves.
No. 252409
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if ian supposedly takes such an extreme precaution before uploading a content cop, why didn't he make sure anisa had a visa?
No. 252415
Yeah, it's not a good look when you are so meticulous and careful about your own safety but had a chick move to another country for you, leaving everything she knows behind, without even looking into visas.
No. 252429
>>252421Seriously, I found his info, like his full name, address, birthdate, family member's names, etc., earlier today and it said this person had doxxed him 3 months ago. Fuckin' Ethan was the one who helped make it happen with the business dubbbz picture, it's not hard to figure out where that came from. Once you do that: Uhp, his name is Ian Washburn. You pay $5 to a website and can get a shit ton of their info.
But, no, it's 13 year old fans of a storytime channel. Ethan fucked up, but let's start a fan war.
No. 252436
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I see you, Ian
No. 252437
>>252436Why do boys in high school look like such shlumpfy fucks? I'd get up 1.5 hours before school to shower, do my makeup and hair, get dressed, but these guys are all probably socks and sandals or beaten to shit skater shoes.
The second I saw him and his group of friends, I thought "The Beige Boys"
No. 252439
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No. 252440
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No. 252456
>>252436Why is this shit so funny to me. He sticks out so bad partially because he looks like a dingus and partially because he's totally alone. Did he not have friends?? That's kinda sad but he doesn't have to take it out on people via Kickstarter Crap/Content Cop
>>252452"rick" I think
No. 252489
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>>252459>pressing down hard and gritting his teeth>Just filled with unspent, school shooter rage.kek
one more
No. 252490
>>252479srsly anon
it's a scanned page…
No. 252495
File: 1487217600874.jpg (116.29 KB, 371x294, 2005 2006.jpg)

>>252489that's 2007, sorry.
No. 252526
File: 1487220673155.jpg (308.47 KB, 2048x1536, xIz4wmI.jpg)

>>252479This is not a new phenomenon.
No. 252553
>>252526Can any third level weebs decipher the quote on the far left, middle? The obviously weeby white kid? I'm so curious.
>>252545Thanks for letting us know
No. 252555
>>252553lmao you're welcome. i dont know why that anon was so
triggered by me saying i found it weird there's a photo of ian's yearbook signature online.
No. 252567
>>252558If only I could see where he is now. Probably subscribed to idoopz. Or maybe he's living in Japan but he's never learned Japanese beyond asking for the restroom so everyone sees him as this weird white guy with chronic diarrhea but in reality he's the most charming intelligent man to ever walk the earth. being constantly misunderstood humbles him and and he's able to marry an idol so they have to keep it secret which causes lots of wacky zany adventures through the city of tokyo until the season finale where he finds out he knocked her up thus ruining her career so he flees back to america where his family and dog have all died so he's once again left alone in this vast world to be misunderstood and truly alone
sage for brilliant sitcom idea
Who's emile heisch anyway
No. 252571
File: 1487232491558.png (324.41 KB, 1363x767, IMG_9799.PNG)

Found idupezz in bobs burgers kek
No. 252629
File: 1487248010661.png (62.42 KB, 1242x566, IMG_6244.PNG)

it's clear she lurks here, how long has she lurked is what I'm wondering.
She thinks it's funny that people think Ian treats her like shit, but hey it's just a quirk of his and how he shows his ~love~
>>251965Can this happen please, with ghost heads of Max, Chad and Joji floating near them, it should be the the image for the next thread.
No. 252664
File: 1487257984405.png (105.93 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170216-080740.png)

wonder what the argument is . . She thinks she's thicc and Ian thinks she looks like a chubby boy? It's probably the other way around, simultaneously self depricating for edge while also letting everyone know how hot Ian thinks she is.
No. 252685
>>252664Since it's pretty clear she lurks here, I feel obligated to let you know that you are not thicc, Anisa. You're on the chubby side of average, but you're shaped like a board so the fat distribution makes you look…y'know, like a chubby board. You should also know that it's not charming when you act like an embarrassing teenager on social media and your boyfriend only seems cute/quirky to you and his fangirls, the rest of us veer back and forth between "uncomfortable" and "laughing at your misery."
Hell, mt boyfriend's not even interested in youtuber nonsense, but he laughed his ass off at that stream and now refers to Ian as "that autist".
>>252569I actually met Emile Hirsch while he was filming Milk, a guy friend went to HS with him and we ran into the guy while bar hopping and HOLY SHIT Hirsch was an arrogant fuck. His ego was HUGE. I didn't even care to know him and he thought he was blessing us with his presence. I'm glad he's a washed up asshole now.
Sage for OT.
No. 252868
>>252823Part of me is irritated this shit with Felix went down because it actually
is a good example of how much context matters, but everybody's going to be citing Ian as though he's brilliant for pointing it out a week or two before. "Context matters" is connected to Ian right now in people's minds and it's ridiculous. It's not a revolutionary idea, it's not mindblowing, but he will be credited as a forward thinker. Great.
No. 252964
>>252766>hey chat, check this shit out>smacks her faceThe pleasure he takes in showing off to her chat what he can do to her, like her fanboys will never get to touch her and he can just casually do that, is gross.
Ian just likes having power, worship and the ability to whatever he wants because of those things, his attitude alone reeks that he was unpopular, bullied in High School and never got attention from girls.
>>252868His "all of it is okay or nothing is" has been hailed as this new and incredible thing when it's been said for the context of comedy for years, Matt Stone and Trey Parker is who I think of when I hear that, now edgy Internet children will think of Ian and how he said it's okay to use nigger, because it's "not in a offensive context"
It's incredible how none of the youtube edgelords who completely tore down Prank videos and blasted them for doing offensive shit under the guise of "it's a prank bro" can't see that their excuse for doing offensive edgy shit is "its a meme" is the exact same thing?
No. 252976
>>252964>>252939Yeah I don't like Anisa at all but jesus christ, my stomach turns watching him bully her and just smirk about it. It's terrible at worst and just plain disrespectful at best. Who the fuck does that to someone they're supposed to love? It's not even friendly messing around with each other, it's just Ian being a cock to her and her just sort of uncomfortably allowing it.
Makes me feel bad for her.
No. 252986
File: 1487292519768.png (137.01 KB, 1440x775, Screenshot_2017-02-16-17-47-01…)

>>252976I think this tweet makes it worse. Especially since all of her YouTube mealtickets like Chris and Bunty keep leaping in to be like "ur hot lol" when Ian never acknowledges any of it. She's not getting enough attention from Ian and when she does, it's shit like this.
No. 252992
File: 1487292898843.png (267.92 KB, 1440x1669, Screenshot_2017-02-15-23-30-52…)

>>252986Samefag but related
Posted a poll that said "am I considered thicc?" and here is the reply I was talking about in the above post. She said it was a "poll for an argument she's having"…Maybe with Ian?
No. 252996
>>252994honestly, like i see so many youtubers responding to her and jumping on her dick, acting as if she's apart of the community when she's not. she is the type of characer that these commentary channels would make videos on (which they would only if she was relevant/trending topic lol)…. meanwhile they only know who she is because she dates their god, lord and savior idoops. so, when they break up, she'll have some sort of ties to people in the community. she'll probably cling on to their association as much as she cans
but honestly, it's annoying to see youtubers i respect replying to her and sucking her dick, as if she's one of them, meanwhile they're only doing it because it's the closest they can get to ian.
No. 253000
>>252989Oh wow, Anisa.
Any sympathy I felt for her just vanished instantly. Somebody's like "Girl, c'mon…" and she starts lashing out with typical Ian insults. Fuck you, Anisa. Right in your stupid cunt.
She's either not getting the positive attention from Ian that would combat the need to go digging for compliments on Twitter or she's so insecure that he could tell her he thinks she's beautiful one hundred times a day and she'd still be like "Hold on, I need my followers to reassure me that I'm not a disgusting pig every 10 minutes."
She's mentioned dealing with Body Dysmorphic Disorder as a teen, but BDD doesn't just go away. The symptoms can get better with age, but studies show that it affects sufferers on a neurological level. Like, she's almost definitely still struggling with it and that means no matter how many compliments Ian gives her, no matter how many compliments people tweet at her, no matter how much weight she loses: it's
her problem, other people cannot fix it. Digging for compliments is like putting a bandaid over a horrible, deep gash.
Go to therapy.
No. 253034
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No. 253040
>>253030I was wondering if that was him trying to avoid setting off the jealous female fans, y'know, him trying to protect his girlfriend, but their relationship is otherwise public. His IG bio is just a tacky, HS bf/gf thing where he mentions her handle, so protecting her from scrutiny isn't the reason.
Or, damn, could it be that thing Hitler did with Eva Braun? "Baby, I can't openly date you or marry you, I need to be seen as available because so many of my female fans want to fuck me"? I could see him thinking like that. He'll openly acknowledge he's dating her, but won't post photos/reference her on the regular because he's got to keep his fangirls' fantasies alive. Gotta keep 'em thinkin' 'bout that bony, pale bod.
No. 253069
File: 1487301088602.png (15.08 KB, 459x127, Screenshot 2017-02-16 at 10.09…)

tfw u have to name drop ur bf constantly bc that's why you have 80% of your followers
No. 253072
>>253041>>253067I mean, even if she wasn't diagnosed officially with BDD, it tends to go hand in hand with anorexia and I don't doubt she had an ED, even if she had something more like ED-NOS rather than anorexia. Having an ED will seriously warp your perception of self and, yeah, BDD is on a spectrum just like any other mental illness. There are the people who get plastic surgery 10x and still won't go outside and there are people who obsess over their appearance, hate themselves and constantly seek reassurance. Shane Dawson describes how he has BDD and problems with an ED, he's talked about how much he fucking hates editing videos and looking at himself, but he's still a huge youtuber. I feel like Anisa very well could have it and her need to get attention and compliments and a job where she doesn't need experience/talent/a degree outweigh her insecurity.
>>253049Actually, you're right, anon. I think he wants to be the alpha of 4chan dudes. His disinterest in women is pretty strange for a typical, straight guy.
No. 253157
>>253141If Ian hates her so much then why are they dating? What is this? Are they fuckbuddies? Does Ian use her for sex and Anisa uses him for fame?
Ian reminds me of an ex of mine. I wouldn't call him abusive, but he constantly made jabs at me that weren't jokes and seemed designed for the sole purpose of making me feel bad about myself. My self-esteem suffered with him and I was made unhappy. It also felt like I couldn't tell anyone or vent, even to him, because it wasn't like he hit me or screamed at me. He just picked at me and "nicely" insulted me all the time.
I wonder if it's similar with them.
No. 253164
>>253157Oh man, I've had the same thing! Sometimes when I called him out on it, he'd make me feel like I was some hypersensitive dick who couldn't take a joke, but it was daily, constant digs and subtle, underhanded insults. It really picks away at you. This guy also seemed to lowkey dislike women and he'd admit as much, but "it's a joke, haha, you can't get mad". The more shit I find out about Ian, the more I realize I've dated this brand of asshole before.
>>253160Of course, Ian's a puss. I still wonder why Jinx backed out, he'd obviously have beaten him. Was he worried about looking like a
triggered, humorless bitch? That would be something to worry about, but he'd already done so by threatening Ian to a fight in the first place. As least come through and raise some money for charity. It's still so weird.
Also, I wonder what it's going to be like going to VidCon now for Ian and all of the people he's done Content Cops on. He'll turn a corner, uhp, Leafy. Turns a corner, uhp, Fine Bros. Turns a corner, uhp, Tana. He'll be surrounded by enough dickriders that he'll probably just feel like a smug prick.
No. 253198
>>253194Holy shit, that was on point. Thanks, anon.
Riding Ian's dick was a poor business decision that I think she's hoping will pay off eventually. Being a guest on Scarce's channel would've given her so much coverage, but instead she placed all her eggs in the Ian basket. No question, he was not looking out for her career, he just wanted to avoid any "Idubbbz has a titty streamer girlfriend who's friends/works with Zoie Burgher, a chick who's as close as you can get to being a cam girl without actually being one" shit. Dude's embarrassed by her.