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No. 374615
Last thread:
>>360315Anisa-only thread, please. Non-pear related Youtuber discussion can go in the following threads:
Youtubers General Thread:
>>260800Recent developments:
>Anisa continues to abuse the American immigration system to get around the fact that she's not eligible for a visa>has BDD despite feeling free to refer to other women as "whales">confirmed that she has had elevator sex>sperged about feeling irrelevant when her bf's fans aren't interested in her, despite wanting to be popular for her own brand/content>commissioned art for her shitty t-shirts despite being "an artist" herself>"MY BOYFRIEND ISN'T A TRADESMAN REEEEEEEE">livestreamed possibly her worst haircut yet while sperging about such things as urine and dog weiners with the stylist>k4iley and Momma Johma confirmed for visiting the threads>still hasn't chosen an identity to stick withLinks: No. 374619
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Her "fans" said she looks like Howie from Benchwarmers kek
She's really getting mixed reviews on her Instagram. Oddly, a large handful are telling her she looks Asian/like an anime character. They HAVE to be trolling.
No. 374660
>>374619>Oddly, a large handful are telling her she looks Asian/like an anime character. They HAVE to be trolling.This was literally her goal. She must be relishing in those comments.
The ENTIRE time she was getting her hair done, when she wasn't memeing and talking about gross shit like "Blitz's weiner", she was talking about all these different "cute asian girls" she'd seen recently and how they had the ~cutest hair~. It was mind-boggling when she kept emphasizing on their race.
Like, she was talking about how she feels uncomfortable surrounded by beautiful girls, and last time she was at the salon, she saw this ~azn goddess~ and she had the prettiest hair under a 'typical New York hat' (whatever the fuck that means) and she felt so intimidated. Then she talked about a group of asian girls she saw who were "the cutest things" and all had "the two buns on their heads" and how she wants to try that style. Then she sperged out about seeing other "asian foreigners" with really pretty hair and actually slipped in 'oriental' a few times. It was truly wtf to witness.
But we all know her ultimate goal is getting Joji's dick. This honestly SCREAMS of her trying to be ~*kawaii*~ and get his attention. Major secondhand embarrassment.
No. 374665
>>374615>>confirmed that she has had elevator sexI think my favorite part of this is that we got to see how rapidly she can do her personality swap. She literally went from wholesome, Marzia-wannabe housewife with her DIY vids and acting all innocent and shy about sexual things on stream because that's how she wants to project herself to potential Ian fans, to, when she was with Chris, being SEXUALLY LIBERATED AND INFORMED like Laci and outright telling all her hoe stories like she was an entirely different person. It's just hilarious that she'd slut-shamed SO many other girls and then used her own sluttiness to try to flirt with Chris and be sexy.
Let's also not forget how she told Chris and the internet she fingered one of her ex's asshole and fucked him with a dildo before she'd do anal. So glad some anon uploaded all of that to Youtube. :^)
No. 374694
>>374656lmao. nah anisa, we all know you used that "london trip" as an excuse to not buy that return ticket to Canada and stay longer than you were supposed to.
i know she says she's going back on Monday, even though that's well over the two weeks she was allowed to be in the US, and which is going to give her another strike when she's literally already flagged in the system as being a risk. girl's dumb af. does anyone know, has she said anything about what she's going to do once she gets back to Canada? she herself said she was told she wasn't allowed entry back into the US unless she had a visa. does she realize how well and truly fucked she is?
No. 374850
>>374839Plus while Joji isn't insanely good looking (at least in my opinion) he is still way out of pear's league in looks.
Hell, I think Ian's autistic looking ass can do way better just appearances alone. Anisa looks like she should be the gf of some old pedo based on how she acts and her gold digger ways.
No. 374867
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I think the only way Anisa can save this haircut is if she curls it, bangs included. Kinda like pic related, but it would be shorter. Please, put some volume in your hair, Anisa. It will flatter your face more.
No. 375010
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>>374867I think you're wrong. Even with a stylish and big haircut, where her hair ends still emphasizes her odd shaped head. I think you need to have a small face and long neck to pull it off. She needs to pull those bangs to the side and slap in some extensions. If she has to keep the bangs, then tease the sides of her head so she doesn't have the accentuated pear like dip.
No. 375024
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>>374867I made this with this a similar hair, excuse my poor shoop skillz boyz
No. 375032
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I did another one with the ghost hair, just added a bit more volume since her hair is a bit similar, she should have listened to her mom and dyed it black. it suits her better.
No. 375041
>>375038>she's narcissistic enough to believe she could snag him.thiss!
true dat fam! Anisa is beyond pathetic yes I do agree she is quite delusional. She only snagged Ian because he was lonely virgin boy who was desperate for some china, if Ian wasn't such a loser back then he would have probably upped his standards a bit more, but also he is a piece of shit who really has poor to none social skills and probably doesn't even know how to approach a girl, I guess that was anisa's golden ticket to some idubbbz dick.
No. 375055
>>375041Yup. Like a classic liar/cheater, Anisa has never backtracked about saying she wants Joji to "penetrate her", but every single time somebody brings that up on lolcow she either gets all chatty on stream about how Ian is super sweet to her or she's the sweet one "making food for my man", buying coffee for Ian, me n Ian plan on moving to NY, etc etc.
Cheaters always try to make it up to their partners but never apologize because she doesn's feel bad about saying/thinking it, she only feels bad that Ian and the whole world found out.
It wouldn't surprise me if she actually tried to hop on Max's dick too.
No. 375084
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Ok, this is fan service!!
No. 375089
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No. 375097
>>375089"I am not a titty streamer guys"
"its a social experiment guyz"
"I am one of the boyz"
No. 375105
>>375100Like a mom's 'that just ended feeding her baby' body. That's what this blouse? says to me, I'm ready to just take my tit out and feed more babies with these saggy old fellas here. Pregnancy clothes.
Maybe she beat us to it and got pregnant to win her citizenship.
No. 375113
>>375089She's not a titty streamer guys! You're just being mean sexist trolls don't you know? Because shes wearing something that shows off her chest doesn't make her an attention whore. She's just expressing herself on her stream, duh!
But you know Anisa is the only exception, other girls who do it are obvious sluts because they aren't one of the guys like her.
Plus its just part of her 'interesting dichotomy'. She has tons of female fans who can totally relate to her. But she can't relate to them because shes too special and unique compared to the average girl.
No. 375132
>>375098It looks way better than the toddler t-shirts but it does look like a mom top. It's weird, she goes from dressing like a 14 year old to dressing like a 40 year old. Since her appearance is essentially her brand, she really needs to put more effort into her presentation.
Anisa, you lurk here so here's a tip. Follow more girls your age on social media and pay attention to what they're wearing.
No. 375135
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>>375024lmao this is a bit too 80s, I didn't mean thiiiis curly, but A for effort, anon (and it made me laugh so 'sall good)
She did put a bit of volume/curls on her hair for this stream though, so I do think it's already waaay better than what it was straight out of the hair salon.
No. 375138
>>374665The funniest part was witnessing Chris's second hand embarrassment and nervous
judging you laugh after she said those things. This bitch has no self awareness. None at all. It doesn't make you look cool or interesting, Pear. It makes you look like a cumbucket.
No. 375150
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>>375128this thread is from like half a year ago, but some of the reaching lol.
No. 375159
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I've been noticing a lot of people here defending Ian but don't forget Ian called Anisa's parents home ~ghetto~, called Anisa's mom a bitch and he also slapped the pear.
They're both disgusting people who deserve each other.
No. 375165
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Why even announce your nudes are somewhere out there? She's so desperate for the attention she has to self-promote her nudes to then cry about it.
No. 375166
>>375161But, like imagine being spoken to the way Anisa's Mom speaks to her. I imagine she attempted her same cruel humor to Ian an he wasn't into it.
I'm not trying to defend Ian, I just think Maureen is a bitch. Idk how that info was released though?
No. 375168
>>375055The only reason she didn't publicly say that she wanted Max to penetrate her is because she had been stalking the cancer crew for ages, she acts now like she didn't know the cancer crew until like last year (a bit before dating Ian), but she had been stalking them for so long she knew that Max wasn't single and she assumed Joji and Ian would be single.
So hey, I guess stalking people does make dreams come true.
Anisa should be careful though, bragging about Ian's cuck manners and his HUGE money will only attract more gold-diggers like herself, and maybe smarter better looking gold-diggers. She has shown us so much about what Ian likes and how Ian lives that any hungry broad that sees her stream/social media could steal her man from her. Wearing a padded bra is the first step.
No. 375172
>>375166Well no doubt Maureen has severe mental issues (not OCD or any of those illnesses Dr. Anisa diagnosed) and she takes it out on her
problematic mental daughter but Ian was in Maureen's house, he should have been a bit more respectful.
But hey, if Anisa allows that kind of disrespect to her family and to herself just to have a ~famous boyfriend~ she can brag about on social media to get more likes then I guess it's all good.
No. 375188
>>375185It's like having a baby. Maybe she thinks getting a dog together will make him want to stay.
Didn't she say he "acts" like he hates blitz? I doubt he'd keep the dog if they broke up.
No. 375219
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Flirting with the ex, again Anisa?
No. 375226
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SO THAT'S WHY ANISA'S BEEN SO DOWN LATELY. Akaadian upgraded and he's sailing yachts and stuff.
Look at that body language. Look at the life she could've had if she hadn't cheated with Idubbbz.
Poor Pear, that's why she's been pushing Ian to spend even more on her and that's why she wanted to go blonde.
No. 375232
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>>375226Holy upgrade! She's a cutie!
Sucks to suck Anusa! Maybe try not being a cheating asshole?
No. 375243
>>375228No, but a really close friend of Akaadian.
Maybe not flirting with him but trying to start drama with him/them.
Pear must be craving that Alissa Violet + Jake Paul kind of drama.
No. 375253
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LOL at how she dressed to impress "Ian ehr, I mean Idubbbz" on their first dates while still dating Akaadian AND traveling with him (surely he paid for everything except the plane ticket she "accidentally" booked a day later).
>>375246Because he thinks it's ghetto, he doesn't like her parents and he's too good and busy for that.
But really, I think it has to do with the fact that he only cares about having sex with her, he despises being around her family and her when she's not naked. He's that kind of boyfriend that doesn't work on the other details, he only goes for what he wants. Ian wants the sex, Anisa wants the fame.
No. 375257
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They actually travelled together to TwitchCon but Pear had her own agenda for when she was left alone.
ANDDD KARMA, it must really hurt Anisa to see him happy living a good life with such a beautiful girl.
No. 375511
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The girl who made a monetized video and begged for money on several streams because of her alleged 'abusive ex-boyfriend' and when telling the story she name-dropped everyone who didn't 'support her' except the abusive ex-boyfriend…
Jesus, Anisa just gets a whole other spot in the hypocrite attention-seeking hell.
No. 375556
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Her twitch followers hate her now so how can she say that she makes more money off of twitch?
Also, I love that Zoieburgher put her in her place with numbers since Anisa cares so much about "numbers".
No. 375666
>>375663Let's hope someone knows this mystery girl. But if that's the case, it's obviously Anisa stalked her.
Remember that "Superwoman sucks" meltdown on her stream? And that was all because Idubbbz once said he liked her, imagine what Pear would do if she actually saw interaction between mystery girl and Ian.
No. 375675
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If y'all are going to try to troll anisa, can you atleast try harder?
She cheated on akaadian, she doesnt give a fuck about him.
On an unrelated note, im not trying to be mean but anisa looks like she has this weird smell to her. Just polish up a lil, girl, damn.
No. 375684
>>375675Wouldn't surprise me if she created that account herself to "clarify" this. Bad grammar and using the same emojis. Smells like rotten pear.
Akaadian's relationship has been going on for a bit now, and coincidentally someone asked her about it TODAY? I'm not buying it.
No. 375687
>>375684Also, time stamp is totally the hour in which Akaadian's cute couple pics were posted here. If it were one of her fans, they wouldn't have to create a fake account to communicate with her, clearly they have no problem letting her know how much they love her ugly ass brows and hair and everything, why go all incognito to ask her about Akaadian. And why would someone post that on a pic that wasn't recent? NICE TRY, ANISA.
But then again, she messed up by admitting to be stalking Akaadian and checking up on his account when she doesn't follow him or his gf. AND admitting to check up on lolcow so frequently she has to do this.
No. 375988
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Anisa just posted a vid on snap where she's shaking one of those chicken noise makers and Ian is screaming at her to knock it off. Idk why she thought it was cute to post that it's kinda sad.
No. 376001
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>>375988Wow, showing the entire world that your boyfriend prefers being alone browsing shit on his computers than spending quality time with his gf on the last day they'll be able to spend together before she goes back to Canada for god knows how long.
She could've been with a much hotter buff dude in a yacht but here she is, in crack den looking house with her greasy autistic bf yelling at her from another room while jerking off to Joji pics.
No. 376019
>>376001yeah, ian seems completely disinterested in her at this point, and anisa's being a cunt and showing the whole world. she knows ian doesn't want her. seriously wouldn't be surprised if they didn't bang once that whole time tbh.
when anisa was streaming that one time with her tits hanging out in that sheer romper monstrosity, talking with men about her bras and shit and drinking beer after beer, she reminded me of some sad middle-aged lady who wanted to feel desirable again lmao.
No. 376024
>>376019Oh, I thought she NEVER drank alcohol. I guess that's another lie to the Anisa book of lies.
And yeah, that video is her way of showing off to other men "how mean my abusive boyfriend is, he doesn't even look at me on our last day".
No. 376041
>>376030I feel embarrassed for Ian. This video makes him look like such an autistic manchild.
I mean he is but still.
No. 376042
>>376034it's all good anon, just ignore them some anons like to be nitpicky about petty shit such as a username, pay no mind to them, thanks for actually taking time uploading these milk worthy vids. Keep up the good work!
anyways back to topic, I wonder how long till they break up? tbh I give them 2 more months at best.
No. 376063
>>376030he's such a baby screaming like that. i get that it's frustrating, but geez. she's stupid to continue shaking it.
what a healthy couple.
No. 376068
>>376048tbh it really isn't that milk worthy, usually the ones where chris is involved have the most milk. you should watch nonetheless and see for yourself.
>>376063its clear he is really
triggered by her, I mean who spends their time in a computer knowing that your significant other is leaving the next day. I mean shouldn't they be together but then again Ian is a dumb little autistic manlet. then again anisa choose to go to ny with chris before meeting Ian again. this girl is a true slut and she is so bad at hiding it.
No. 376224
>>376030It looks like he's trying to edit?
So basically, Anisa Honey, he's trying to work so he can make money so he can support you because you're annoying, uneducated, and the only thing you're good at is trying to be other people.
Let him work.
No. 376367
>>376359>>376361Nobody cares about your relationship with your brother and nobody cares if you expected Ian to be an angrier person?
Sorry for being mean but sometimes it's better to not write stuff if you aren't adding anything to the thread.
No. 376373
>>376352Oh definitely, also AGAIN she's showing every single aspect of 'their' house, she's basically asking stalkers to do their job on Ian's house. The hairdresser too, she showed the name and everyone can google that up, logic says it's probably near Ian's house, so all those crazy stans are way closer than they think thanks to Anisa. While Ian wants to hide from the public, Anisa is attracting them to their house just because she wants to be 'in the picture'.
She's probably already writing her next video "How my famous abusive boyfriend manipulated me, ignored me AND KICKED ME OUT OF THE COUNTRY"
No. 376388
>>376379It's okay if you think Anisa is honest and funny but what does that have to do with your brother? And why did you feel the need to share that? It certainly didn't add anything to the thread.
I don't think anyone here thinks 'everything' she does is manipulative, imagine saying that she cut her hair or that she sells shirts to destroy Ian (which is what you're suggesting) by making him look 'autistic'. THAT would be crazy. But I think most of the people here actually post what is very explicitly a lie coming from Anisa, so maybe you're misreading these threads? There is evidence of her being manipulative, using boyfriends, being fame and money hungry, painting herself as the victim, and other things, so it is safe to assume she will do it again and to none other than one of the 'biggest youtubers' who is also her boyfriend. I don't understand why you have to get so
triggered about it.
ps: If you like Anisa and you hate us "anal ass bitches" maybe this isn't a place for you.
ps2: If you already expected a response like that why did you post it anyways?
No. 376416
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>>376379I agree with what
>>376388 said, after all this is a thread about Anisa and it has been proven she is prone to lie, cheat and make everything about her. Comments like yours are one of the reasons we got autosaged by the mods in the first place.
No. 376484
>>376359>>376361a relationship between brother and sister is much more different than a nonplatonic relationship between two people from different lives learning about each other and spending their moments together trying to create a strong bond and work through problems, when they arise.
his screaming is flat out aggressive and embarrassing and she's making the situation worse by shaking the chicken around when he told her to stop. nothing was over analyzed, the situation was flat out unhealthy.
No. 376696
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No. 376714
>>376030Anisa has the most infuriating laugh. I honestly don't known how Ian can stand her unless she's a super freak in bed because there's literally nothing else redeeming about her personality. She's not intelligent, uneducated, has 0 direction in life and isn't funny at all. And it doesn't seem like she's particularly good to him either.
I'm in the minority here but I don't think she's ugly tbh. She's perfectly average and in terms of looks I think she's about on par with Ian. Being sexually attracted to her is the only reason I can think they stay together but she's off to Canada indefinitely, so…
>>376696>>376709lmao is this really Chad's dick? I can believe it from that apparent fupa.
No. 376718
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No. 376937
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Good stream
No. 376938
>>376922watch anisa say this on her stream
"its not his dick guys, its a dildo he got from his fans"
No. 376945
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By "mix of both" she's saying it's both professional and personal. Engagement perhaps?
No. 376948
>>376945No way Ian's going to tie himself to that. He's with it to hit it and that's all.
If I had to guess, I'd say it's her announcing she's going back to school. She's been talking about it lately, how she wants to finish her degree and how she's otherwise directionless because Youtube and twitch are both failed endeavors at this point. That she could potentially get a student visa, which is what she needs to enter the US again, is juuust a ~coincidence~. :^)
No. 376950
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>>376945engaged to ian?? hahaha wow now this I gotta see thiss! guess the grease fam will have new competition. haha oh man this is gonna be good!
No. 377121
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lol which entertainment visa do you guys think she wanted to file under
No. 377211
>>376968how is she so stupid? does she not know how to use google? when i applied for an overseas visa i just looked up any questions i had. no wonder she's treating her US visits so whimsically, she has no idea how fucked she really is.
how strict is US border control for canadian immigrants?
No. 377238
>>377019I'm not saying it was ever an easy process. I'm saying it's becoming MORE difficult. Even skilled workers like programmers, doctors, and scientists can't get a temporary work visa because they're reluctant with the "america first" policy.
If a scientist can't get a visa why the fuck would they give anisa one
No. 377441
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No. 377447
>>377444"Anisa-only thread, please. Non-pear related Youtuber discussion can go in the following threads:
Youtubers General Thread: >>260800"
No. 377470
>>3774471. Joji is not on the same level of fame as Pewdiepie, Markiplier, et cetera, so this is probably not relevant there
2. Chad's dick had a place here, why not this?
3. Why do some anons take lolcow so seriously? Chill the fuck down, it's just a funny thread for entertainment. When there's no Anisa milk, we should be able to sparsely mention other milky stuff about the former crew members
No. 377585
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>>377573I think Chris went up to Ian's place to hang out with Anisa or something, could be wrong. Anisa talked a lot about wishing Chris would come and see her.
On the subject of Chris, I think Laci moved down to SoCal to be near him and he seems like a good boyfriend.
No. 377614
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No. 377670
>>377665>>377666Shit that actually makes sense, with her 'announcement' video and all.
Gotta get that visa and financial support.
I wonder if she'd stay after her papers are done, she'd have alimony so i'm guessing she'd be able to do whatever.
She'd probably freak if Ian makes her sign a prenup.
If Ian indeed propose he's probably the saddest, most depressed guy ever, i almost feel bad for him.
No. 377788
>>377709She's so jealous of every female who's on youtube/twitch/TV and are doing way better than she is. Laci Green, Superwoman, Tana Mongeau, Zoie Burgher, Brittany Venti, Kacey Tron, Amy Schumer, Sarah Silverman, ETC. That list goes on and on, she has talked shit about all of these people while playing the "Trust me I know what I'm talking about" card when she clearly has no idea what she's talking about 100% of the time. And then she brags about bullying and trying to ruin their careers.
AND on the list of people she thought of using for whatever reason and failed so she started publicly shading on are Keemstar, Leafy, k4iley, Kat&Max, all the edgelord community, Zoie Burgher, etc.
It's clear Anisa is a toxic and highly immoral person when she does all this publicly, the evidence is there on video and then she has the nerve to play victim. People who don't see how hateful and malign she is are most likely Idubbbz fans that will accept anything Idubbbz says he likes. Anisa is so deranged to think she has fans when clearly it's just Idubbbz fans trying to meet him the easiest way possible, through the attention whore girlfriend he has.
No. 377793
>>377665I think that's what she wants people to think, that they're getting married or some shit like that.
In a way, I hope they do get married, Anisa would be the nastiest deceitful bride (she wouldn't be able to wear white for obvious reasons(because she's done everything in every single hole in her body and… bc white makes her look so much wider and manlier)) and Ian would be the most autistic, unhappiest groom.
Can't wait for the wedding stream and snaps.
But most likely she'll announce some dumb shit that she overhyped because she has had a whatever life that even adopting a dog is a big announcement (also because they gave her so much shit for buying from breeders remember? so now she's going to adopt because 'i'm anise and i do everything everyone tells me to do to get more likes').
No. 377797
>>377614Why does she keep posting selfies with last week's makeup and the greasiest hair ever? Also those greasy ass fingers, great way to go extra nasty.
Does she think Ian or Chris will be like "Yes, send more of these Crisco selfies, please".
So much money spent on makeup and it's just embarrassing to watch but I guess you can't make a silk purse out of a sow.
No. 377811
>>377797my favourite part is
>sorry flying =/= showering ;*uh can you imagine publicly announcing you don't clean yourself? I can't
No. 377857
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I'm surprised no one posted this yet…
No. 377893
>>377797>crisco selfiesu absolute beast lmfao
seriously why do her fingers look like they're straight dunked in water? wash your hands at the airport restrooms maybe?
No. 378177
>>377857Calling it now all her selfies are going to be her doing angle shots and filters that make her nose look smaller because shes going through this "i want to look like a cute Asian girl" phase and will wear more "xD anime!!" T-shirts.
Even with her ugly merch, she's trying for that aesthetic now when her personality and appearance does not fit it at all.
No. 378389
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No. 378412
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"My dog could be dying but since this is all about me, let me tweet how the cyclist was rude and how scared I am before actually helping my dog, maybe this will get me more likes"
No. 378416
having a dog myself, i understand that accidents can happen, however there's no reason her dog should have been off leash and/or far enough away from her in whatever setting she was in where this was even fucking possible. she's so irresponsible.
No. 378419
>>378416Yeah, even if it's an off-leash area she should've been watching her dog especially if that dog was on a bike path. If this were a baby, she would be in jail for neglecting her child. Not to mention all those other dogs she abandoned as if they were trash.
She probably cried her way out of this as well but seriously the more Anisa shares a bit of her life it gets worse every fucking time. She's nowhere close to being a role model or even a good person, she's straight up a nightmare.
No. 378523
File: 1503575176769.jpg (528.62 KB, 1059x1556, Screenshot_20170824-074345.jpg)

Im happy blitz is okay, but im just not a fan of how she used this as an opportunity to gain sympathy.
Also is she trying to get bark box to sponsor her on youtube?
No. 378546
>>378523he's so CUTE
I agree though, it'd be one thing if she told the story after she knew Blitz was okay but I think it says a lot about her that she immediately thinks to tweet about emergencies that come up in her life.
No. 378677
>>378662"hey guys, coconut head here."
She's not even hiding that she lurks here full time.
No. 378697
>>378662We don't even have to watch this video to know this is her new way of starving herself "because I'm so fat".
She won't follow through though, remember her Insanity videos? Remember her fitness chronicles? Remember her fucking channel that just can't pick on one topic?
My guess is she just wants to be seen as a vegan to gain vegan followers (and again, to starve herself and not look so mentally ill while doing it) like she did with the "mental health videos", "the fitness videos", AND ANY OTHER NICHE VIDEOS.
No. 378711
>>378697oh my god anisa get help
three years ago i went vegan. i told everyone that it was because i wanted to criticize the lifestyle and because i wanted to say i've been vegan.
it was just a front for my anorexia and i lost 15 kg when i was already underweight. she's obviously just doing this cause she wants to ~relapse~
veganism is incredibly overhyped. a well balanced omnivorous diet is just as good. i guess the best part of being vegan is you poop more since you're consuming so much fiber
i can't believe ian's dating her. FF made a vegan video, what are you doing anisa…
No. 378731
>>378711There are plenty of vegan people who don't suffer from eating disorders. In fact, I know plenty of people who went plant based and it really helped their disorder coupled with therapy.
You sound like Anisa, spewing anti-vegan rhetoric to be
edgy and so against the lifestyle lol.
No. 378741
>>378736Ffs this bitch thinks she's going to collect enough data on her little crash diet to take down a plethora of medical research lol.
Her neck beards are really eating this shit up too! So cringe.
I guess I just don't understand why everyone says vegans are the problem, always pushing their views on people. When it's generally the opposite? I'm not vegan but I've met plenty of vegans who seriously live and let live. I'm not going to try to convince vegans to not be vegan bc how does that effect me? She must be REALLY thirsty for views.
No. 378832
>>378770Ian used her shitty dog painting to decorate the squirrel trap (along with a Hitler painting and his own shitty one from an unboxing), so it did involve Anisa.
>>378830I don't think she's necessarily anorexic - but it wouldn't surprise me if she was doing it, at least partially, to see if she could lose weight. She's obviously very insecure, and she reads here where people call her fat/boxy/etc. She's so desperate for validation, even from people who won't like her no matter what she does.
No. 378842
>>378731someone's a little
triggered. the fact of the matter is that a lot of people recovering from EDs use(d) veganism as a disguise for their illness. elle tayla, brianna jackfruitson, unnatural vegan, izzy the fruitbat, freelee. the list goes on. i said my comment with the context of anisa having a past of disordered eating. if it were anyone else, i wouldn't think much of it honestly.
>>378734if she really feels like she has to restrict herself to a vegan diet to lose weight, then i pity her. she did insanity, she quit. she's done normal dieting and she's at a healthy weight but she still wants to go vegan. maybe it's not as obvious to other people, but this is a massive red flag. i'm pretty sure she's still unhappy with her body and probably binges.
No. 378856
>>378842I agree 100%, the fact that she's obsessed with being desirable to men makes her want to lose weight all the time, she has always disguised it with "I care about nutrition and fitness and it was my minor in college so I know". But if she did care about this we would've seen it in her fitness videos (gym, insanity, etc) or her cooking videos (cinnabon rolls, shepherd's pie, burritos, etc… she never cooks "healthy" or even "nutritious"). I agree this is a red flag, she's going to be vegan to just go "socially acceptable anorexic" and then get more likes about her body/looks.
Yeah, the fact that she's publishing it on youtube and instagram is for the likes and views (as many of you have stated here). But that is the biggest red flag of it all, we know how insecure and superficial she is, she doesn't care about her health, she only cares about "being pretty" and getting likes for that.
Pear will start losing weight and complain about it in social media to get sympathy while at the same time showing full body shots in the mirror, "i've lost so much weight but my boobs stay the same, boohoo" (she'll definitely forget about her BDD).
But common sense is this time she'll get saggy, lose even more hair, have even shittier skin, and her teeth/bones will get brittle.
No. 378861
>>378844I think it's sweet of you that you're trying to help Anisa not be the biggest fail ever. But this is the 8th thread on her and the only "advices" she follows from lolcow are those about her appearance. She doesn't care about her content or even being a better person.
If she doesn't listen to her parents, her succesful friends or even her succesful boyfriend, it's not a case of "rookie trying to figure her way out on the internet" it's more of an "i think i am better than the rest and i don't need your help" problem (proof 1:when chris told her to stop caring about gossip, content that is irrelevant to her channel and 'the numbers'… Anisa went full on spoiled brat because "she was right and chris wasn't". Proof 2: whenever she mentions lolcow she's just mad because they call her fat or ugly… because that's the only thing she reads here that she cares about). She's far from improving because of that huge toxic ego she has.
No. 378864
>Pear will start losing weight and complain about it in social media to get sympathy while at the same time showing full body shots in the mirror, "i've lost so much weight but my boobs stay the same, boohoo" (she'll definitely forget about her BDD).i can see this happening…
i'm kind of projecting because i've known 2 people who are remarkably similar to anisa. one guy was a former PT who was very buff in his peak, but now he's obese. he's ranted a lot to me about his diet, and he says he consumes 1000 calories when he's dieting because he "goes hard" then he binges on pancakes or whatever is on offer on campus, and then he considers going vegetarian thinking it'll solve his binging problems.
i feel like a decent amount of people here don't know much about the difference between disordered eating and a full blown eating disorder. one is remarkably worse than the other, but disordered eating is still horrible. armchair psychologist: i'm pretty sure anisa has been struggling with her eating for several years now. she dieted in her teens, and she's still doing it now. that's possibly 10 years following crash diets. i think she's far too into it to cure it with veganism unless she works to fix her relationship with food.
No. 378881
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>>378875And Anisa only calls out lolcow when apparently she gets hate from every website.
No. 378908
>>378898Ok well it's possible she could come up with a healthy and balanced VEGAN meal plan and yet still lose weight. She definitely DOES need to lose at least 5 pounds in fat or alternatively gain some weight in muscle.
Food is very important in that equation.
No. 378922
>>378908yeah, it's possible. but i think people like her should talk to a therapist to work out this issues because it's all in her head. i'm sure we're familiar with boogie2988, fat dude who just got a chunk of his stomach(?) removed to help him lose weight because he's morbidly obese. a lot of people have told him to go vegan/keto/paleo/low calorie/liquid/other fad diet and it hasn't worked because his eating disorder is all in his head. obviously pear is waaaaaay better off than he is, but she needs to sort out her psychological issues before they plague her for the rest of her life.
and i don't think she needs to lose 5 pounds in fat or anything. she looks like she's in the middle of the healthy BMI range. but she is an apple body type so her waist to height ratio is pretty important. although she looks healthy, and is relatively tall so i doubt its an issue. it's just something that apple shaped people have to worry about in the future. No. 378961
File: 1503614863351.jpg (41.14 KB, 478x599, 0aca76981e3f3e7e5552314176e929…)

>>378893If she REALLY thinks she can get Joji, she's delusional. This was the last girl he was linked with.
No. 378994
File: 1503616475098.png (501.76 KB, 913x554, laurenjoji.png)

>>378985>>378985Just in case she deletes it.
No. 379025
>>379013never said it was for male attention. i said she uses men, and that's not even debatable.
kalel is hardly an ethical vegan. that's what she presents, but she just jumped on the bandwagon when it suited her. i actually used to be a fan of hers in like 2009, when she was just becoming Kalel Cullen. i very clearly remember her old videos (like christmas hauls where she got leather bags/fur boots) where she talked about fur being okay and how she liked leather (mocking animal activists) and, when she tried her hand at being a hardcore beauty guru, used animal-tested brands because "it didn't matter" and she liked the makeup. hell, i think one of the examples is still out there. she did a shower routine video, and talked about herbal essences, and how she didn't give a fuck about them testing on animals because their stuff smelled good.
she got tons of flak for not acknowledging she was using products from companies that tested on animals (because this was when being cruelty-free really hit people and people went all-out with their pitchforks), so she made it a thing to point it out in every video where she could get ~hate~ that she didn't care. then she realized, "fuck, i'm way too late on this bandwagon," got kabuki and became a ~cruelty-free, ethical vegan goddess~. point is, she changes skins as easily as anisa. is she more dedicated to wearing hers? maybe. but it doesn't change that they're very similar.
No. 379029
File: 1503619269851.png (121.61 KB, 750x901, IMG_3819.PNG)

Gotta love how she has to talk about "her boyfriend" every five seconds, and gotta aboslutely love when shoe0nhead ignores her.
No. 379031
>>378994Ohhh, so that's the girl on the rooftop photo in his Insta LMAO
Well, what can I say… she
is beautiful as fuck and draws really well. Unlike Anisa.
No. 379039
>>379033Exactly, I kinda hate that haircut already (plus: it's been super common for the last few years, it's literally nothing special, why are they so in love with it?), but on Ian it looks
especially bad, WTF?
No. 379042
>>379039because it's edgy nazi hair omg
never mind that it -has- been the standard male haircut for like, at least three years now. so annoying.
No. 379059
>>379025Yeah and I bet she ate animal products before she was vegan TOO. Go figure?!
Don't be a moron. She is very much so an ethical vegan NOW… a materialistic, homie hopping, attention whore yes, but also an ethical vegan who does NOT buy leather products or even use non-vegan makeup lol. Do some research before you make an idiotic comparison.
No. 379072
File: 1503621843770.jpeg (244.35 KB, 1242x1028, 1503621723438.jpeg)

>>379029Yes! Shaved sides, Anisa, you made him do it! It was so scary for him too I bet, he's never done it before and it's not at all the most basic male haircut available!
No. 379121
File: 1503625479914.png (108.89 KB, 750x695, IMG_3829.PNG)

Still with the modelling story, smh. Also, again she was lurking here so she decided she was in "a strict diet" not crash dieting. The girl asked her if it was a good way of losing weight, and of course Pear didn't reply, it'd be too obvious to admit that she's trying to go "cool anorexic".
No. 379152
File: 1503628075649.png (55.94 KB, 640x629, IMG_5725.PNG)

>>379146Does this count?? Lolololol
No. 379171
>>379152omg, why would she push only one boob? it looks so weird to only have one boob.
long hair did make her face look better tho
No. 379215
the placement of the tattoo seems so awkward. like she didn't want it to be a tramp stamp so she moved it over a couple inches.
also her boobs in
>>379152 kill me every time
No. 379284
File: 1503640922920.png (185.42 KB, 585x598, IMG_6983.png)

Commenting on others being unoriginal. Ok Anisa.
No. 379287
>>379284It bothers me a lot that she pretends to be "poiltically informed because my dad is a lawyer" (that's like saying you know about creating content because Ian is a youtuber) and always having to say that she's "leaning to the left" when she's not even American (canadian left and american left are not the same, idiot), and because she clearly loves Trump.
Also, it's dumb that she's making fun of these anti-trump people when she herself repeats that same "message" every single time "the left and the right are the same thing and they're both evil" but then she's all on ChrisRayGun's Twitter Ctrl-C + Ctrl-V "IM LEANING TO THE LEFT" "ITS DUMB TO CALL ME A NAZI" "IM ACTUALLY ETHNIC NOT WHITE"…
Stop trying to join the edgelord scene, Anisa, stay on your strict diet videos. Remember what your viewers always say: Nobody's watching because they care about your opinion, they're here for you to show your bra.
No. 379352
>>379152>>379198>im a somewhat thin white girl, that makes me a fitness modelAgain, the fact that she has the audacity to call herself one, if any of you have seen real fitness you know what I am talking about. Your arms, butt, mid section has to be completely toned. Its not about looking skinny or attractive(even though most certainly are, unlike Anisa), then they would just be regular models.
I think the reason why this pisses me off is she thinks she knows how hard being a fitness model is for food (which she call dieting ugh) and workout routines when she has no idea.
No. 379358
>>378662Dod anyone else notice how she said how she took a nutriton course. She said she didnt know everything but she has a good start.
Okay, but in her workout videos she claims to be some nutrional goddess.
Make up your mind, you inclusive cunt.
One day they're all going to realize shes lying trash and they will turn against her.
No. 379591
>>379479She's trying so hard to hide her past by "talking about it" but again here she is picking some "controversial story" playing victim, blaming alcohol, blaming her friends, etc.
Anisa, dear, it's not the "wild side" that people don't like, it's the horrible person you are that nobody likes and then you go and make this a public story which just paints you in a more repulsive way. Go get mental help, bitch, stop telling these shameful things to your 10 year old viewers.
PS: confirmed bi slut in video, explains why she talked shit about bisexuals before.
No. 379611
>>379284i dont understand this. she has said in past streams she hates trump and his presidency is stressful for her but now shes defending him?
she doing that meme that chris and his "rational" yt-er posse do where theyre constantly defending alt right fags and neo nazis cause free speech (because both groups vehemently hate sjws) even though the "rational" fags are left leaning.
shes basically trying to appeal more to chris with "i'm so rational and open minded" shit
No. 379657
File: 1503698541459.png (69.22 KB, 1043x283, Screenshot 2017-01-29 23.07.09…)

>>379609Whether or not she's white passing is debatable but it doesn't help that she obfuscates it herself when she posts shit like pic related one minute and then straight up says "I'm white" other times.
No. 379665
>>379657what a dumb bitch. her mom is as white as a person can be. and i'm like 99% certain she's talked about celebrating christmas in past streams? why does she have to lie so much?
lmao, i wonder… this was a few months into her dating ian… ian was obsessed with superwoman - who's super proud of her heritage and culture - when she met him. anisa's shown that superwoman's still a store spot for her by sperging out about her at the mere mention of the girl. i wouldn't be surprised if anisa being all 'PROUD MUSLIM' had been her trying to imitate superwoman's pride and appeal to ian's brown chick fetish.
No. 379693
>>379665Yes, exactly this. Also she has compared herself to spanish/italian girls, even saying she is proud of that because Marzia is italian and she's super hot.
Be proud of being white passing but don't play the ethnic/religion card just to get sympathy/excuse yourself for racist remarks.
>>379672Obviously "katie" doesn't know bc it's either a fake story or she thinks Katie wouldn't find her youtube channel (she's doing the jake paul "victim of bullying/peer pressure" act before Katie/Anita/Zoie/Sky/all these people she has called out respond to her outing her as being the bully/lesbian/biphobic/shit person she is). I hope these people respond to her, I can't wait for her to get called out on her lies, she feels so safe behind her camera persona.
No. 379736
>>379699Just because there's a lot of people who do it doesn't mean it's okay. Anisa does it a lot when it's convenient for engaging with her audience. She wants the "white edgy views" but some other times she only wants the "minority views". The fact that she chooses when to be white/conservative/bully and when to be arab/muslim/victim just shows what a hypocrite she is, and as many sjws have already pointed out: dumb privileged white girl.
Also it's pretty lame of her to dare say she's a proud arab/muslim when she has stated she was always ashamed of being arab and that she left her religion years ago. So again, that she now uses it for views or to just temporarily join these ethnic/religious groups to justify her hate tweets is quite pathetic and disgusting.
No. 379740
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Let's talk about her awful photoshop skills to make her hair look "better" and skinny out her huge manly shoulders + arms.
If you were going to photoshop yourself why even leave that dirty face like that?
No. 379753
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Aw, our cow couple made it into the gif banner.
No. 379755
File: 1503706240222.png (975.57 KB, 1440x1080, 8M0psDt.png)

>>379740kek!! omg the edges hahahaha it looks like a magazine cutout holy shit!!! wtfff omg the browws girl the brows I guess anisa is back to block brows maybe anisa is rock lee lost sister hahah block pearlee gosh she is beyond help at this point, ladies we are reaching the point of no return here
No. 379853
File: 1503714618572.png (70 KB, 719x706, IMG_0635.PNG)

It's funny how the oh so judgemental Idubbbz stans make fun of the dog painting without even knowing that Anisa is behind it. Proves that she is bad at art even to a blind eye.
No. 379971
>>379943I genuinely think she looks kinda cute in this stream, without the tons of poorly-applied makeup.
>>379968she usually wears heavy and poorly placed contour/blush and it makes her whole face look really different. I'm pretty sure she's not bloated or anything she just has a round face naturally.
No. 379984
File: 1503727844776.png (156.13 KB, 279x251, wtf.png)

did she just give up
No. 380019
File: 1503734316503.png (361.61 KB, 1236x663, idiot anisa.png)

Stupid bitch got owned by her own follower. Bet she quickly googled everything that was referenced to not look like an idiot but it was too late.
No. 380027
File: 1503737590465.png (143.55 KB, 750x1083, IMG_3900.PNG)

Laci and Chris rave about avocados and guacamoles → Anisa brags about eating "quac"
No. 380033
>>380027that just looks like smashed avo, not guacamole
comments on her new video are good. lots of comments on her shit haicut, another saying it's become a basic bitch channel rofl.
that haircut is honest to god horrendous and i love it.
No. 380048
>>380032yeah too bad she got herself into his trap, don't want to sound too
triggered but it's so typical… He probably asks girls who wear band T-shirt to name the fourth song on the 3rd album, too
No. 380071
>>380048this. i personally love that her fanbase is full of nasty little spergs who highkey hate her because she's a girl but still want to see her tits and put her in ~pigtails~ lmao. dudes like that are so fucking creepy.
what was the guy even trying to say? he's also a batman actor? he's a kindred spirit with dead people? why even entertain people like that anisa.
>COMISIONARthat sounds like a fucking evil dinosaur in a children's show. why
No. 380167
>>380161lmao @ her opening the stream by whining about being so poor she can't afford to eat and has to starve herself and hasn't had food in 4 days. what a coincidence that it was her most lucrative stream in a long time. by my count, she made at least $150-$175 last night in donations (i think her top donor was $75? and there were other people tossing $15-$20 at her randomly). considering she's making $0 from youtube, and on previous streams, she was lucky to get a few $5 donations, that's an accomplishment for her.
i'd say she knows what she's doing, but all she's doing is whining and getting the sympathy of sad little neckbeards.
No. 380185
>>380177well, her goal WAS to look asian, so mission accomplished?
although she wanted to attract joji by doing it, not wrinkly old white men like yumi's fiance/husband/daddy/whatever.
No. 380299
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Jesus, first she's all "quac" and then she's making fun of "millennials". She really is that dumb.
No. 380307
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>>380299I thought she liked it?
No. 380318
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Didn't she say she would never use racial slurs even if she doesn't think they're offensive bc context is key? But I guess it's okay in a "fUnnY anIsa JoKe :^)" context?
No. 380382
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>>380376Why would she even share that? Also, what's up with the 100% victim lies AGAIN? Anisa struggles so hard to make her life "interesting" but she sucks at it, she only likes to make up this big horrible stories to have an excuse to wallow and beg for money. She needs to be in a mental hospital, for real.
PS: saggy nasty lying ho
No. 380429
>>380391It was established that her mom is her biggest hater, so her liking it means nothing.
Maureen is fucked in the head, maybe she was the one who started Anisa threads in the first place.
No. 380440
>>380430She has struggle with anything you can imagine! Someday she's going to say that she has skin picking, breast cancer, has suffer racism, human trafficking, she's missing a lung because she had to sell it cause they were oh so poor when she was growing up!
Chill, Anisa. Be glad with what you have, you don't need to create these lies to look like you are interesting. If you want people to believe that put some effort on your work! on your own life!
No. 380442
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Hahaha predictable Pear, using excuses to take naked mirror selfies. What a pathetic closet slut.
No. 380511
File: 1503798583357.png (1.02 MB, 750x1334, IMG_8444.PNG)

>>380508lmaooo. I'm fucking dead. Anisa's so k a w a i i, guys. :)))
No. 380515
>>380511S U G O I ! ! !
She look so totally natural here! Is she half japanese!?
No. 380561
File: 1503802124738.png (101.21 KB, 642x540, sketch-1503802077428.png)

That can't even be considered "confronting" for fuck's sake. Extra kek, look at the angry comments on that tweet.
Anisa really is trying to jump on that edgy alt-right bandwagon with Chris
No. 380564
>>380561Yeah, that shit she keeps retweeting and talking about on stream is not going to look good if she's trying to get that visa.
It's even dumber because all her social media accounts has her real name now (should've stayed with raihnbowtitz, dummy), so it's really easy for the US immigration to find her dumb and radical opinions everywhere.
No. 380594
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She's got the Asian fever. What a fucking joke.
No. 380709
File: 1503827246529.png (249.72 KB, 1242x1707, 1478531159871.png)

Just clarifying that yeah she created an account to ask herself the Akaadian gf thing on her IG since he clearly hates her since she started cheating on him with Idubbbz.
Crazy bitch.
No. 381022
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No. 381025
File: 1503863636705.jpg (812.15 KB, 1040x1560, Screenshot_20170827-154714.jpg)

Lmao at how much stress she's putting on her foot to make it look like she has an ass and toned legs.
Lmao at her chunky arms.
Lmao at her "being healthy" when she always says she doesnt eat barely at all. Shes such trash.
I'm really starting to believe her fans are either retarded or live in denial about her because they want Ian.
Shes going to end up in the hospital and start posting sympathy selfies.
No. 381040
>>381025lol, "no makeup because it's the gym" but she only takes full mirror selfies at the gym, not even working out, she mustn't have full body mirrors at her "ghetto house".
Also, stop it with the ridiculous hairstyles that make her head look 100% deformed.
No. 381043
>>381022>>381025Her thighs, arms and full face say it all.
She looks like a typical white girl who has an average bmi and lives a stress free life. One would think you'd be happy with yourself but, nope Anisa needs all that fake pity attention because at the age of 24 a hard day is "driving her parents to the airport in the morning" and
gasp eating vegan. So hard. Poor baby );
Also she needs to show off that shes in the gym for one day proves her lack of real activity.
>inb4 anons triggered for calling her white kek No. 381050
File: 1503866306613.png (51.2 KB, 750x455, IMG_3981.PNG)

Says the girl who only dates "successful" and somewhat famous guys. She's trying so hard to brainwash her followers, I don't know if they notice the irony of her tweeting stuff like this without having anything to call her own and non-stop letting the world know "i'm idubbbz gf".
No. 381111
>>381087The vegan journey is the laziest idea she has come up with, she's just using the vegan tag to get into an "unexplored" and very prolific niche. Behind the videos, I'm sure she'll be piggying out and starving herself, going back and forth like this whole two years BUT on video she'll lie about how she feels better bc she's lactose intolerant, gluten sensitive, etc etc.
Just like today's gym selfies, veganism is just an image she's creating but the evidence points to using avocados/weights/female friends/mental health as props.
No. 381184
>>381114I don't think Anisa will ever really be happy with herself. Happiness is more than skin deep, and she of all people should know that because she's constantly trying to reinvent herself into becoming someone she likes/feels comfortable being. Getting a new hairstyle, going on a new diet, working out to change your body, yeah all of these can make you feel good but if you don't like yourself it's just going to be another thing eventually.
She seriously needs to cut the temporary stuff to feel good and truly accomplish something to
actually improve her life and for once feel good about herself. She is so shallow and immature and it shows with these emotional band-aids she slaps on, hoping eventually one will work.
sage for armchair psychology, maybe it's all bullshit but these are the vibes she gives me
No. 381282
File: 1503890593010.png (462.69 KB, 1243x573, anisa fights.png)

>>381184She'll never be happy because she doesn't want to be happy, she only wants fame and money. Also, she judges herself a lot because that is how much she judges other people but she's terrified of the feedback which will lead to bad "reputation" which makes no sense because it seems like everything she publicizes herself makes her look pretty bad.
Remember how much she gave shit to these girls and many other ones too; criticized their bodies and their lifestyles and then when she got called out she played victim? But now, it's okay for her to be a slut, to show how to be anorexic, to 'change' her style, use people, and the list goes on and on. All of her younger fans should be careful listening to this evil hag using the feminism card when it's convenient for her nasty antics.
No. 381285
File: 1503890889157.png (219.12 KB, 685x354, 1479083048386.png)

>>381050Anisa, the I would never use my boyfriend's success for my own.
Anisa, the I'm not a slut unless it's a person who I can financially leech off.
Anisa, the I have such a long history of success by stealing and cheating boyfriends.
Also notice how Ian is saved as IDUBBBZ on her phone. Most sane people would never date a girl like this but I guess that's Ian's problem.
No. 381291
>>381286wouldn't surprise me if she did though, she called Akaadian, Akaadian, soooo… I do think she always wants people to know "I'm dating this
insert internet username, he is famous"
No. 381303
File: 1503892242914.png (308.53 KB, 730x433, jmjmj.png)

In what state of mind would you show people a video where you look like a downright tranny
No. 381305
File: 1503892603563.png (6.05 KB, 320x69, c.png)

Is that Maureen?
No. 381309
>>381304To the people that were wondering if she was kinky or good in bed for Ian to like her, apparently Ian only likes girls that kiss his ass and dress up as cops.
If Anisa-stan could do it, so can you!
No. 381378
>>381286if he connected his number to his snap, then his snap name would be whatever she set his contact name to
but if he didn't, why didn't she change it herself to his real name?
No. 381384
>>381378Anisa probably would say some shit like, "i just never got around to changing it."
Even though she made him change his instagram bio, how he responds to his old jokes to make her feel better, how "he never liked to spend money" and all of a sudden is spending lavish amounts on her because she cant get her shit together and admit her goal of becoming a big youtuber is just a pipe dream and all shes doing is draining the life and money out of everyone just to make a few "fans" haooy so they'll tell her she's a kawaii, skinny princess.
No. 381397
>>381378I dunno I never change anyone's name in my snapchat because it's not worth the time. The number thing is a good point though, I wouldn't be surprised if his name in her contact list is "idubbbz" lol.
>>381384I distinctly remember him saying, I think in his old, that he likes to save money and thinks everyone else should, too. His soul must be destroyed realizing he fucked up and asked a money-sink to be his gf.
No. 381406
>>381303Well to be fair she looks like an alley hooker tranny ALL THE TIME (no offense to trannies out there) so there's really nothing new to that. What really bothers me is how stupid she is to think she can 1) edit while talking/trying to show off 2) to the only people that would be her possible views BUT now that they've seen the video before it being finished they will probably not even click on her sad tweet "Im not so proud of this video but i put my whole heart on it PLEASE LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE AND TELL ME IM PRETTY".
What a fucking dumb cunt.
No. 381721
>>381708Being a bit shy isn't the same as social anxiety Anisa fuck off. People with social anxiety don't typically do stuff like livestream their haircuts while chatting up the stylist about dog weiners (or livestream in public in general). Also I thought people were just being petty when they said her neck is huge but her traps are massive wtf.
I doubt she'd lie about a story that Max and Katt were directly involved in but I can imagine how fed up they'd be if she did lie lol.
No. 381728
>>381708Not to mention, the narrative in this video contradicts the previous one. She wanted so badly to go to drunken parties with a bunch of strangers, however, "I had social anxiety really bad in high school, guyssssss"
Keep those hypocrisies a-comin', Pear!
No. 381745
File: 1503942964349.png (12.73 KB, 293x199, ig.png)

The neckbeards are leaving
No. 381751
>>381745They warned her, she didn't listen and she's still in denial with her excuses "Ian likes short hair", "my mom is very critical and she likes it", etc.
For someone that has to ask her followers and friends to make a decision, she messed up big time by not listening to them this particular time.
No. 381796
>>381782I agree with this message, she should go back to what she is good at which is tit streaming. she shouldn't have shun out zoie and other tity ladies, they even gave her a chance to be a part of their crew and this bitch thought she was too good for that but yeah its all she is good for showing her pad tits even her mom called her out on the padded bra. Anisa should have stuck to what she was good for, which is showing her tits in camera.
Anisa I know you read this place heres a piece of advice for you,boo. go back to being a tit streamer its all youre good for. You DON'T have talent, charisma nor uniqueness. all your good for is to show those tits of yours. nobody cares about your opinions, Ian is only with you because you get his dick wet and because he is autistic piece of shit that doesnt know any better. Also try not to judge others for the SHIT THAT YOU DO AS WELL. if you're gonna be a slut by all means be a slut but dont call other girls out for it. you're not funny nor charming this is why chris decided to go for laci instead of leaving everything for you and if superwoman ever gave Ian a chance trust me honey he would drop your ass in a second.
No. 381802
>>381782100% agree with this.
Also can we talk about how Ian and Anisa were so fucking critical of Tana Mongeau for being a storytime youtuber?!
And now Anisa is
trying so hard to garner a similar platform.
Fuck say what you want about Tana, but at least she's GOOD at her job and has mastered the storytime genre.
Pear just doesn't measure up to what people are looking for when they come to a storytime video.
No. 381806
>>381802The funniest part about her trying to hard to do story time is how terrible she was to Tana about it and claiming the video was her idea and helped Ian alot with it.
Also i dont hate in storytime youtubers, it's an easier niche to go for but you still have to have talking skills.
Legit the only thing anisa has is mentioning who her boyfriend it.
No. 381824
File: 1503951761517.png (689.11 KB, 581x602, Untitled.png)

So pure!
No. 381830
File: 1503952067486.png (113.36 KB, 388x489, 3.png)

All of Anisa's life aspirations in a few sentences. Truly pathetic. And yet she failed at most of these things. Except being shat on. Lol
No. 381877
File: 1503955639002.png (215.35 KB, 624x265, 1503954526702.png)

That photoshop gets worse everyday. Hair cropping, cropping shoulders and arms AGAIN.
And then the eyes and the green edges, why the fuck? were you hiding your lazy eye and pyscho look? and also trying to hide the fact that you cropped your fat?
No. 382030
>>381964That sounds horrible, I'm sorry you had to go through that.
It's interesting to see Anisa complain about abusive, manipulative, aggressive, toxic and racist ex boyfriends when she is exactly that.
No. 382124
File: 1503972987600.png (50.08 KB, 640x400, IMG_5753.PNG)

That is your job you dumb shit. You appease to the audience.
No. 382127
File: 1503973057252.png (49.63 KB, 640x508, IMG_5754.PNG)

Her "more my age" shirt. She looks fugly in this pic.
No. 382152
File: 1503976547967.jpg (647.33 KB, 978x1233, Screenshot_20170828-231235.jpg)

Someone mentioned how she was putting stress on her leg to make it look like she has an ass so she took photos from the thigh up.
Are you trying to pretend to be thick?
No. 382153
File: 1503976680503.jpg (741.51 KB, 1072x1266, Screenshot_20170828-231256.jpg)

Or are you pretending to be skinny by popping your hips back and squeezing your thighs together to make it look like you have a thigh gap.
Your arms are still fat here, babe.
Lmao she hates herself more than we do.
No. 382154
File: 1503976770934.jpg (129.72 KB, 900x1200, DIW5qZkXoAERmPS.jpg)

again with the denim shorts
No. 382160
>>382154Its kind of weird she put on her stinky ass short shorts and went in her parents bedroom to take hoe selfies.
Lmao is she 14?
ALSO i think it's super funny that the only recent picture Ian has liked on her instagram is a picture of blitz. Hes tires of her hoe asa trying to loom fuckable to 13 year olds too.
No. 382164
>>382161LMAO this girl checks lolcow everyday, since it was mentioned here that "she doesn't have a full body mirror in her ghetto house". SHE'S BRAGGING ABOUT HAVING A MIRROR, OMG, KYS.
So much effort in showing off a mirror and a clean room but she can't change her uniform or her nasty personality. Priorities, people, fucking priorities.
No. 382170
>>382166Not fat as in obese, it's just the fact that she's squeezing them against her body to make herself look smaller and to make her boobs look bigger.
She also photoshops her body a lot so the main complaint isn't that she's obese, it's the fake body positivity she portrays in social media when really she hates her body and judges other chubby girls for looking like "whales".
No. 382207
File: 1503982866622.jpg (47.7 KB, 800x602, 6687685.jpg)

>>382153What the fuck is this pose? Looks like she has to piss really bad.
I honestly have never felt this embarrassed for a cow before, but her bullshit is just too much.
No. 382248
>>382170I realize it's not obese, but there are so many things to judge her body over instead of just calling her normal sized arms fat, I just think people should hate on cows for what's actually there and not make up things about their body to hate
ex - she has wide shoulders and a weird neck/head ratio, so use that instead of calling her arms fat when they just look like normal arms
No. 382258
File: 1503988174390.png (1.53 MB, 1920x1080, greasy.png)

>>382249shes just being greasy and quiet
No. 382261
>>382258Oh wow, she truly is an artist.
There they are! those crazy psychotic eyes.
No. 382270
>>382258"it looks bad because i majored in traditional art!"
all these excuses mm boi
No. 382414
>>382407Just watched, and wow, just when I thought Anisa couldn't be even shittier. She's just like, "hahaha, that's Darren, THE BAD BOYFRIEND"… Meanwhile, that guy she's showing is a pro sports player with a career and reputation of his own. is his twitter.
I mean, we all know she's evil, but to post an ~exposing~ video about someone who has to worry about their own image, then show his pictures on her stream, and to do all of that in such a passive-aggressive and shady way is especially low. The dude was basically slandered by Anisa. If she were a bigger channel with more fans, her fans would go after that guy.
Anisa is basically an unironic brunette Trish Paytas at this point lmao.
No. 382467
>>382456now that you guys mentioned it I was snooping on her many AMAS and she was practically making fun of keemstar saying "lets get riiiiight in to the neeewws" while putting a hang rope as she said it. isn't it ironic that this is the SAME GIRL that asked keemstar for a fucking job (aka a chance to be part of the baited podcast) which he replied with "LOL" as in no thats never gonna happen slut. pear is so dumb.
here's the vid the keem thing happens in 1:16
No. 382639
>>382629It bothers me that she's been using Kat this week to show that she "has female friends" when she completely ignored her these past 7 months?
It's funny she's always doing stuff like "see, Kat and I are friends, you are wrong" but it's even funnier how all her content is to please us or show us "lolcowards".
No. 382645
File: 1504029548556.png (57.34 KB, 750x465, IMG_4246.PNG)

>>382639Anisa still reading lolcow everyday.
They said Kat and Kimmi were shading me bc I have no girl friends so I will force Kat and Kimmi to act like they like me".
Pathetic Pear. Very predictable that she only cares about the gossip and her looks, meanwhile her personality is still shit.
Who wants to bet her approach to Kat and Kimmi is mostly because of Joji?
No. 382647
>>382645God, she could be a little less transparent.
I almost feel creeped out posting here now, knowing Pear reads our every last word like a desperate stalker.
No. 382653
>>382647I know, it's scary to think Anisa is a crazy stalker but that's how she met Ian so she thinks she's doing stuff the right way.
Trust her, she majored in stalking and pleasing 101.
No. 382698
>>382456I remember a tweet of hers actually after the Leafy content cop where she said that she has a "soft spot" for leafy
ew. She was even sucking his dick after her boyfriend killed him.
No. 382746
>>382709She'll read this, follow jessica and pretend to be friends/huge fan but then slut shame her and talk shit about her saying "she shows more skin than I do".
Predictable Psycho Pear.
No. 383214
File: 1504111705935.png (143.15 KB, 749x1020, IMG_4280.PNG)

Rude Anisa once again grabbing any opportunity to mention Idubbbz is her boyfriend and act like this happens all the time. Way to go, keep making fun of your followers.
No. 383217
>>383214Man, what a bitch.
Ian's a cuck.
No. 383231
>>383214It's so funny to me how she claims that she doesn't want Ian's fans and that she wants people to follow her for her own content when she CONSTANTLY talks about Ian (usually namedropping him as Idubbbz) on Twitter and Instagram all the time. Does she believe that people
aren't influenced by how much she talks about him? Her not making a collab video with him is a genuinely credible action if she didn't feel the need to mention him on all of her other social media platforms anyway, which will lead people to her channel anyway.
No. 383258
File: 1504117561714.png (70.2 KB, 640x544, IMG_5759.PNG)

Yuck I hate the smell of hypocrisy
No. 383295
>>383214Shes never said mates before either?
Get off of max's dick.
No. 383338
File: 1504125028322.png (36.3 KB, 697x583, phN0WA0.png)

>>383214it's funny because this exact thing happened to Anisa's ~~youtube husbando~~ joji (someone on the subreddit who knew him sent him the Filthy Frank Anime opening on Facebook) and joji didn't publicly humiliate them. It's amusing that she wants his attention so badly despite being so completely unlike him.
No. 383352
File: 1504126928969.png (536.01 KB, 898x598, IMG_7897.png)

No. 383354
File: 1504127057151.png (579.4 KB, 863x594, IMG_7898.png)

Girl fix the mustache
No. 383363
>>383354I was looking at some older Rainbowkids streams and she used to look kinda pretty. Like wtf happened from one year ago to now that she looks so unattractive now?
Like, she's kinda pretty here. I honestly want to know wth happened.
Is it just the WALL?
No. 383459
File: 1504136413237.jpg (149.7 KB, 640x640, 1501054022352.jpg)

>>383352It's 'holding up' because you had to reiron everything like a retard because you don't know how to sew despite trying to be a housewife for your autistic boyfriend.
She couldn't even bother to try and make it seem like the patches are still in the same spots as her video. She's so fucking stupid.
No. 383488
File: 1504139488039.png (153.45 KB, 908x514, s.png)

Damn anisa is such a bitch, after he fans on twitch made fun of her drawing of Katt on stream, Katt went ahead and drew Anisa for her as thanks but bitch can't even retweet it
Imagine being THIS insecure that you don't want to give other girls attention
No. 383491
>>383488lmao @ that being shady af tho
anisa did a shit job, so katt made her a stick figure
No. 383552
File: 1504152140603.png (121.04 KB, 737x983, IMG_4355.PNG)

It's really sad when she now struggles to find how to mention Ian without saying Idubbbz. Like this guy cares about Ian's gifts? that wasn't the question, dumb Anisa.
No. 383574
File: 1504158122451.jpg (299.56 KB, 750x1038, IMG_8911.JPG)

>>383562>>383571Anisa has a reason to be worried lol. Ian likes her tweets more often than his own gf's.
No. 383583
>>383574Yeah, and this girl follows both Idubbbz and Anisa, even though she is clearly close friends with Idubbbz only.
And guess what? Again, salty Anisa can't follow back. She can say all she wants about "being friendlier to females" and "i'm not a jealous person" but as always, her actions speak way louder by copying this cute girl's style and then justifying her actions with "Ian likes short hair" LMFAO.
No. 383588
>>383583looking at her tweets, she's actually legitimately funny, too. has her own sense of humor and style, seems like one of those laid-back, chill types. if i were as shitty and ill-matched to my bf as anisa is, i'd be threatened by her too tbh. i can't blame anisa for being salty over a cute and uniquely funny girl getting her bf's attention.
but her being weird and going ~single white female~ over this chick and wearing her style like a new skin is creepy. it's one thing to feel threatened by a girl and insecure in your relationship - that's proof your relationship's no good. it's a WHOOOLE other thing to take the feeling of insecurity and go crazy and emulate the girl who's making you insecure instead of leaving/fixing the situation that's making you insecure.
anisa's solution to everything is to fix her looks. i wonder if she ever realizes that it's her personality that needs fixing. it's probably this girl's personality and genuine humor that would draw ian in, if anything. sad.
No. 383593
>>383590Probably her new "age adequate clothing style" will be straight up a copy of this chick (as long as she can afford it lol).
I think being close to Anisa would be scary as fuck, like it got me thinking that maybe she always says she 'got away' from all these toxic people (exbfs, friends, etc.) from her past but now it all points out that she was the toxic one that everyone else broke free from. She probably copied everything everyone else said/did, was extremely jealous and violently aggressive, a psycho stalker, the constantly talking about her insecurities, the feeling of being so unique and untouchable and the endless lying, it all sounds a lot for a friend or even a boyfriend to put up with.
But since Anisa is a compulsive liar, she likes telling this "I was the victim but now I'm doing great" story.
No. 383609
>>383574The funniest part about this for me is that those two girls who replied are part of the Anisa fandom.
Every stream and video they're there watching and anisa even mentions them by name.
No. 383618
File: 1504165495525.jpeg (212.99 KB, 1920x1080, 1504165297341.jpeg)

im laughing so hard at her reddit page, it's all about making fun of her.
PS: u guys, she's having another AMA, excited for another excuse for lazy content + a bunch of lies about her "interesting life"
No. 383706
File: 1504187393248.jpg (217.13 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_20170831_094313.jpg)

>>383574Ian's been liking her tweets since 2015. Why couldn't he just get with her instead? Maybe afraid he'd scare a good one away with his virginity?
No. 383749
File: 1504192927552.png (104.72 KB, 740x851, IMG_0717.PNG)

Luckily for this girl she is petite and cute enough to actually pull off the dumb henlo smol bean thing! The fact that she liked Ian back when he really looked like an autist virgin is amazing too, it means she probably liked him because of his personality! Take notes, Anisa!
No. 383771
File: 1504196309958.jpg (158.25 KB, 900x1200, DDsIlYCUMAA7own.jpg)

yeah wow no wonder anisa is so bitter this girl is cute
No. 383779
File: 1504196988422.jpg (165.55 KB, 480x428, anisa jomha hot new memes .jpg)

>>383774it looks like bean lives in norcal while ian in socal
knowing anisa though she looks down on her cus she works at starbux
No. 383796
>>383779Given how petty she is though and the fact she's stuck in a different country, I'd imagine it still bothers her.
And maybe that's why she got so ~annoyed~ when a barista spelled her name wrong at Starbucks the other week kek.
No. 383802
File: 1504198182792.png (45.17 KB, 740x403, IMG_4365.PNG)

Someone couldn't sleep last night, I wonder why. So tired of her constantly begging for a pity party on twitter.
No. 383807
File: 1504198695813.png (99 KB, 750x907, IMG_0718.PNG)

She plays nice with Anisa whenever she @s her but she can see through her shit just like most people can. I'm suddenly in love with her.
No. 383888
File: 1504207493779.png (65.95 KB, 522x315, IMG_0730.PNG)

It's so funny finding this Taylor girl's account now and realizing how much Anisa has been a copycat of her the whole time.
No. 383990
File: 1504217690188.jpg (340.69 KB, 1080x1496, Screenshot_20170831-180914.jpg)

>>383807Lmao that girl is fake af too
No. 384021
>>384004"People are on to my bullshit, feeeeel sorrry for me guysssssssssssssss"
You got a subreddit. You were happy it was started. Now you're bitching. Everyone's subreddit is shitposts. And you WANT to be in the public eye?
No. 384029
File: 1504221725933.png (483.3 KB, 2464x570, Screen Shot 2017-08-31 at 4.21…)

No. 384031
anisa's insulting her own fans. not one of those people on her subreddit is from lolcow lmao.
No. 384033
File: 1504221874276.png (24.42 KB, 613x222, metallica shirt.png)

No. 384039
>>384034Brilliant! It's time to save Princess Anisa from her tower now, run off before she gets more online hate from the career that
she chose!
No. 384041
>>384034Do yourself a favour and read these threads since the
very first one.
Your knowledge about Anisa's past/current behaviour patterns will grow and you'll finally understand the reasons behind the existence of a lolcow thread dedicated to her.
No. 384042
File: 1504222394668.png (1.15 MB, 1816x1632, Screen Shot 2017-08-31 at 4.23…)

oh Anisa always seeking comfort in the neckbeards and the edups fan girls
No. 384043
File: 1504222466024.png (74.03 KB, 750x637, IMG_0747.PNG)

Even Anisa's fans are able to see the humor in some of the reddit posts. It's her own fault for believing that she has a big enough fanbase to have a subreddit. There's probably only two cows on there and the only reason that it's flooded with that dumb meme content is because theres no other fans putting up any other sort of content. Just get your neckbeard to take it down, Anusa. Maybe when you get over 2000 views regularly you can leave it up again.
No. 384048
File: 1504222717930.png (280.26 KB, 2262x382, Screen Shot 2017-08-31 at 4.36…)

>back to lolcow
>they actually think we post shit on that shitty redit page of hers
and the milk just keeps on coming ladies
No. 384050
The subreddits dedicated to channels like h3h3, Filthy Frank, iDubbbz, even Pewdiepie, are filled with love, fun, praise, plus the occasional constructive criticism.
Anisa's subreddit is filled with posts mocking her, with the only positive posts being about how her and Ian "are so cute together" (ew).
Now Anisa & Anisa's fans, ask yourselves why this must be? What's the pattern? There are reasons for this phenomenon, you just need to think and search a lil bit.
No. 384051
Hello to all of Anisa's fans here to defend her! Here's a good thread to start reading
>>219802 and you can go up from there! Enjoy!
No. 384094
>>384093not yet, her most recent video is her talking about mistakes she did in the past
here's a pastebin of the recent videos, also the link to the thread in the temp site in case anyone wants to take a peek and a video compilation where she basically talks trash about everyone No. 384218
File: 1505003916685.png (325.57 KB, 717x399, uuano.png)

>>384129This needs to be here.
No. 384268
File: 1505012839004.jpg (496 KB, 1936x1936, ed58fa12422b3a84437d05f737a811…)

Her bitching about Laci's photo being too sexy should probably be here too
No. 384273
File: 1505014004607.png (2.7 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170909-222214.png)

No. 384274
File: 1505014033966.png (638.09 KB, 713x800, Screenshot_20170909-222214~2.p…)

No. 384312
>>384218What the FUCKKKKKK.
"I have body dysmorphia :("
*spreads legs on camera
No. 384321
File: 1505022872692.png (370.04 KB, 717x404, 1347c96ca1a6cff31ea7756675097d…)

>>384218It's just a social experiment remember guys, she's just trying to create that interesting dichotomy between her and her viewers
No. 384352
File: 1505034464514.png (466.69 KB, 718x402, 94e07ca61e7361571f0923f86a917d…)

>>384218>>384321hahaha, this was one of the best moments of the temp thread. that fucking stream. the only thing better was the anisa fanboys fighting each other over who was the REAL ANISA FAN.
she literally just spread her legs or found a reason to look like she was ready to fuck the entire stream.
No. 384358
File: 1505036627304.png (134.19 KB, 432x456, 1505034598160.png)

>>384354I'm usually annoyed by people nitpicking her appearance on here but holy shit her profile is so weird. anisa…sis…pls don't get this haircut ever again.
No. 384374
File: 1505040963236.jpg (260.99 KB, 1080x1920, 31f8c9288155df20491f42c8c91477…)

We also can't forget Anisa posting this horribly shooped picture (look at her stomach, and the crease in her arm), which the sports player ex (Bubba/Darren) who "bad boyfriend" storytime video was about, commented on. She deleted his comment lmao.
No. 384434
>>384273Her pearhead case is so bad you can still see it despite the bangs.
That picture is overall bad, why did she post it
No. 384528
>>384500bpd as in borderline personality disorder? or bdd body dysphoric disorder?
man if this bitch has any personality it's hpd. she hits all the symptoms left and right.
i noticed a lot of the cows here are basically textbook hpd cases. but the borderline meme is the one everybody seems to hop on for whatever reason.
No. 384539
File: 1505072126790.jpg (231.96 KB, 1280x720, dat neck.jpg)

No. 384543
File: 1505072501874.jpg (8.41 KB, 109x146, spcl.jpg)

No. 384544
>>384528 i can see some symptoms of bpd. the cheating and relationship hopping, lack of identity, the lying, the EXTREME insecurity, self-victimization and attention seeking are all hallmarks of bpd.
that said i honestly don't think she has anything wrong with her, really. the self-esteem and body issues probably came from her upbringing. her mom is incredibly overbearing and critical of her. also borderline people tend to be reckless/self-harm/have suicidal thoughts and since she's such an attention whore we know she'd be up on twitter boohooing about cat scratching herself.
No. 384549
File: 1505072776605.png (262.91 KB, 1142x613, she doesn't lurk here guyz.png)

>>384539>anisa "i don't lurk lolcow bcuz negativity & haters are below me" jomha using one of our "mean memes :(((" in one of her vidsclassic anisa
No. 384551
>>384547lmao, it definitely is her, i agree. i hope someone saved that vocaroo because, given how much she stalks these threads, she might have seen we'd caught it and realized how much she fucked up and deleted it.
what a coincidence that her "bad bed" story involved shit and a very similar scenario.
No. 384559
>>384539She actually literally looks like Shrek. Like no joke. She's so unfortunate looking.
Usually I don't shit on her looks because her personality's bad enough that picking at her appearance seems dumb because there's already so much milk with the shitty things she does, but fuck, she's really really ugly. Was she ever pretty? What happened?
No. 384560
>>384551What really got to me was the moaning lmao, how fucking disgusting. I
really wonder what Ian thinks about this. What if he's into it, and that's why he's with her haha. Scat fetish idups ready to take on hurricane pearnisa, because who knows when he'll find another 20-something willing to play with her own excrement.
No. 384562
>>384549She took a huge dump on her fans on reddit because they were all making mean memes but here she is appropiating those same memes and making it "funny". Seems to me she was only mad because those memes weren't her idea, you can't hate those memes and then use them to get validation.
Stop confusing your followers, this is why they make those "mean memes", also because you look like crap all the time.
No. 384584
File: 1505074351904.png (103.18 KB, 750x890, IMG_4762.PNG)

So once again Pearnisa stole from her own followers. Can't even credit them and she's wondering why nobody likes her.
No. 384592
File: 1505074696474.jpeg (235.58 KB, 1080x1920, 1505074587210.jpeg)

Anisa made an account to shit on her own followers, omg. That's what celery and Anisa have been doing these past week to "focus on the positive". Check out the comments on her latest insta post.
No. 384597
>>384584What a rude cunt. You'd think she'd be nice to her very few fans who bother to make related shit to her.
She names drops us more then her own fans. I'd almost say she likes us more then them at this point lol.
No. 384613
>>384575It's weird, if they only know each other for such short period of time celery appearing in every video is sorta strange. Like they seem to record a vid every time they hang out, i don't think anyone would hang around pear if all she ever did was insisting on making videos, why would anyone hang around pear in the first place, it makes me think this chick is up to something. In that vid she made a joke about fucking Ian and pear got low-key
triggered. It'd be so funny if this girl is actually bi and only hangs around Anisa for edups cock.
No. 384680
>>384592How did they know it was olivia?
Im so confused
No. 384755
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No. 384759
>>384755>>384758I think it might be their trip to Australia?
and once again, ian ian ian iann. Her biggest fear in life is being remembered as someones girlfriend~ but all she does is remind people she is dating Idubbbz
No. 384761
>>384759Why would anyone give a shit she's going to another country.
Unless she was a big deal and she has planned to do meetups
No. 384790
>>384780You could always use an ad blocker?
>>384786She liked a comment saying "it's okay to be a little gay" on her video with Cecily.
No. 384824
>>384755>my little beanswhy did this make me laugh so hard
bitch think she got enough viewers to start giving them names? she gets like, 5k views per vid if she's lucky hahaha. and she's starting to use ~smol bean~ like she fucking coined the whole meme. also, we can't forget that this perfectly lines up with her trying to wear lilBEANtay's skin because she's threatened by the girl since ian likes her.
No. 384826
>>384812thats gonna be some gold shit there we will hit the milk jackpot.
So there's two possible milk worthy well 3 milk worthy situations, 1 the trip to australia (from what we have gathered max does not like her). 2 Ian being dumb enough to propose to her now that is gonna be gold lol that wedding is going to be a milk fest. 3 that "possible colab" this girl will step on everyone including her autistic boyfriend to hop on that joji dick only to be stopped by joji himself, I bet he is gonna act like a total dick to her or ignore her all the time he is there. So there is much promise of good milk in the future for us ladies.
No. 384831
>>384806martin shkreli the big pharma asshole who almost went to prison for shady business crap?
what the the hell
whats this dumb fuck doing with youtube losers?
No. 384841
>>384838>>384839guys even if this thread is auto-saged we need to sage still. so the new admin can see we can behave and sage our posts properly, it was one of the reasons our thread got auto-saged due to the constant bumping when there was no new info. pls and thank you
anyways yes it would be fun to see Anisa and Joji in the same room only for Joji to roast her and pretty much show how uncomfortable he is around her. milk worthy moment indeed!
No. 384844
>>384841look at this little hall monitor
there was nothing wrong with not saging either of those posts, don't sperg out about dumb shit.
unlike this, which is sageworthy
No. 384854
>>384844>look at this little hall monitorthat wasn't the intention but okay… Also I wasn't "sperging" I just want to get off auto-sage tbh and this thread has been doing so good lately. We even did an awesome job in the temp thread, we had a bunch of milk, it was nice to see us united, there was no infighting (aside from that anon from reddit and the mod) but between us farmers there was none.
sage for OT and retarded blabber
No. 385105
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Lmao anisa trying so hard to wedge herself with other cows and being ignored
No. 385156
>>385105"words don't hurt me so they won't hurt anyone else!" can you shut up anisa and stop interjecting your unwanted bullshit oh my god.
Also why are cows suddenly flocking to momokun?
>also onision No. 385158
>>385105Why should anyone even care if someone called her the n name? She's just "muslim" (haha) and has like a little ethnicity blood from her parents. She shouldn't feel offended because it isn't an insult that even applies to her.
Plus, just like other anon said she's probably lying. You can't tell me looking at her you wouldn't assume she's just white. Even pics of her when she was a teenager, no one would call her that insult without her first saying she's something because her looks alone, she just looks like a white girl.
No. 385189
File: 1505175430213.jpg (190.62 KB, 1055x978, Screenshot_20170911-201246.jpg)

Calling it now, Anisa is going to put off finding a job for as long as she can by saying,"I have a strong following! I might not make money now but I put in a lot of effort to make my 10's of fans happy" and then get pregnant by Ian so she can use it as an excuse to continue to not have to work.
No. 385190
>>385182When I first came across her, my first thought was white bread even after trying to read her last name. With basic knowledge of Muslim culture and names (as most non muslims do) I just thought it was a different last name. Maybe some specific heritage somewhere back there but nothing that wouldve affected her. Plus if you read her name jome ha, it's still passable.
She acts and looks white.
No. 385192
>>385190This. And grew up white. Think about the video when she talked going drinking at 15. Yes, she said her mom was strict and probably was in her opinion but, under a muslim household not only would literally all her privileges be taken away but, she'd never even attempt something like that at 15 based on what they are taught.
Also, I'm not shitting on modern muslim families, I am just saying they are much more strict then your average Canadian/American families and based on Anisa's retarded stoytime videos, her parents definitely weren't super religious because she's done some nasty shit.
No. 385201
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No. 385205
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She's so fucking dumb and transparent. Fuck off Anisa
No. 385206
>>385201I actually think she looks decent here. Pear since you love reading these threads, you look better with long hair and ponytail. The highlight is meh but, I guess helps those bland ass bangs.
Also, she actually dressed normal for a change.
No. 385288
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No. 385360
>>385288jesus it must be exhausting for her to try to be so ~not like other girls~ all the time. the "girls don't want boys, girls want (insert quirky thing here)" is a common joke, no one is suppose to actually take it as a serious comment on feminism
anisa if you take half the energy you put into hating women and put that towards bettering your personality then maybe people would respect you more
No. 385407
>>385288meanwhile, she's the biggest fucking hypocrite there is because she was that exact same girl .2 seconds ago.
i think anisa's going to undergo another personality shift soon. she's been reading everything we've said about her pandering to alt-right edgelords and that being one of her faults (as if she doesn't have thousands of others pls), and god knows she wants to please us. also, celery seems very very hipster and tumblr and anisa will start to mimic her like she's done with all her past friends/bfs. hence her trying to be the ~perfect, moderate, female-loving logician WHO'S ALSO FEMALE GUISE~
No. 385417
>>385413all five of them, lmao. the rest of the "TRUE ANISA FANS" are neckbeards who are all going to complain about anisa turning into a tumblrina feminist just like they did when she got her hair cut. it's like this girl
wants to lose her entire fanbase. and it's not like she'll ever have any fans to replace the neckbeards with since she's utterly unremarkable.
alternatively, she's changing to be lilbeantay in personality too, not just looks. except beantay can take a fucking joke.
No. 385423
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Kat telling Anisa the hypocrite to shut up in the most educated way possible.
PS: the past? Pear defines herself as idubbbz gf every five minutes and she loves it.
No. 385456
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No. 385476
>>385204right around the time of this post Anisa made a post on twitter about how Demi Lovato's (alleged) gf "must be a 10/10 if she bagged demi". jfc Anisa lurk less…
>>385456When did she tear the muscle? There are old-ish pics of her where her neck looks fine.
No. 385508
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Anything she writes or says, I always find myself thinking "shut the fuck up, anisa…"
No. 385515
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Is she trying to do that bon appetit meme? Because she's always trying to force jokes and she sounds retarded.
Lmao try hard
No. 385634
>>385596The only reasons Anisa lurks here are to make us like her by correcting everything she considers flaws. And bc she knows we'd be the first ones to find out who idubbbz cheated with, she cheated before so she's expecting us to have more evidence on her or idubbbz.
No. 385639
>>385635'I don't have time to cook lunch so i just skip it'
Bitch what are you busy with? You're a total NEET
No. 385646
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Lmao omg dat desperate need for validation… im throwing up in my mouth
No. 385662
File: 1505251739032.png (34.69 KB, 627x441, justcollabwithedupz.png)

>>385635lol @ her pinning this comment. it's just her validating herself as her views dwindle down to 1k lmao. and
>just collab with idubbbz!!!11literally proof that the only reason people still watch her videos is for the hope that ian's going to show up lmaooo.
No. 385756
File: 1505259559480.png (13.43 KB, 666x178, sooorefined.png)

>>385669but anon, she's trying to look more ~refined~. probably not AT ALL because we compared her style to a toddler's.
lol @ this comment she tho, she was wearing literally a basic brown t-shirt in this latest vid. i'm almost positive that person was trolling her and anisa thought it was a compliment.
No. 385770
>>385756Yes pear, tops where we can see through them to see your gross push up bra is "refined".
Not that we ever have to worry about pear ever getting a job but, she totally the type who'd think a top like that would be suitable for an office job. She's so trashy.
No. 385783
>>385756I liked the top on her. The colour suits her although her push up bra was distracting. If she just wore a normal bra, they wouldn't poke through the shirt.
I thought the video was alright except for a few things:
WTF is vegan bread? Most sliced bread you get from the shops is vegan… unless it's some Canadian thing where they butter everything? It looks like she's getting gluten free bread? Why? I understand if she's checking if she's gluten intolerant, but say gluten free, not vegan… I believe GF bread is higher in calories because they substitute the gluten with fat… so ordinary vegan bread should be lower in calories, right?
How does she not have time to cook but can leave lentil soup to simmer for two hours? Lentil soup is one of the easiest things you can make.. 20 minutes prep max just throwing whatever left over rotting veg you have. It's not like she has a job, either.
Pro tip: instead of lurking here, make lentil soup. That way you're saving money, excessive sodium and using up veg.
I liked how she said how she felt bad about getting vegan stuff because of the social stigma. I think a lot of people need to hear that to end the stupid "im vegan" circle jerk. Also, more importantly how it's kind of hard to follow that lifestyle when others have to go out of their way to accompany you.
It being economically is such a joke. Who knows, it might be different in Canada but beans and tofu is so much cheaper than the equivalent calories in chicken breast.
I think her not finding a vegan diet satiating to the point that she's overeating is a sign that she isn't meeting her macros. But I think that it supports my belief that she has an issue with binge eating and just can't be satiated eating a regular 2000 or whatever calories her TDEE is.
Good on her for finding out she's lactose intolerant.
And I agree that meat substitutes aren't as satisfying as normal meat. But I'm not vegan so I haven't done much researching…
No. 385821
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Ethan and Hila both liked this tweet.
Bet if they do they'll have a good outcome and Anisa will change her views to fit theirs. shes a lazy piece of shit that cant take responsibility for shit that happens to her.
No. 385847
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People were talking shit about her hair and brows so she asks for their opinion/validation AGAIN. It's a never ending seeking-for-validation cycle.
Give up, Anisa, they only want to see your boyfriend not your ugly face or shitty content.
No. 385876
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Why does she always buy tops that are too small for her? The shoulder seam of the shirt doesn't match up with her actual shoulders. They make her look even bigger then she already is. Refined my ass, since when are crop tops "refined"?
No. 385877
>>385876She thinks she's smaller than she actually is.
I know plenty of girls with her body type or similar, they dress for their size and look fantastic.
You dont have to be a smol kawaii bean to look good. She just needs to love the body she's in.
No. 385947
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Can we please make this a filthy crew thread again? This bitch is fucking boring, no wonder we're still autosaged. I know there's not much milk on joji or the others but still like. And Anisa I know you lurk here so ..yeah he would never associate with you , heaux.
No. 386012
>>385947it's been repeatedly stated by farmhands in the last few threads and here
>>377766that anisa gets her own thread, and filthy crew go in youtubers.
how many illiterate newfags are going to ask this?
No. 386039
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>>385870>that denialShe's retarded. That hairstyle looks bad on her and her denial is just making me feel less sorry for her. Also, Ian is probably just being nice by not telling your hair style looks like shit.
Lauren Tsai knows what style works for her. Maybe that's why she got that joji dick before you did.
No. 386048
>>386046Relax, Hall monitor. It is related to anisa since she namedropped "George" so much and openly admitted she wanted to fuck him.
Also it's funny comparing her to other prettier girls.
No. 386066
>>386057wtf, since January? That's like 8 months, i'm amazed, i thought Joji was a complete fuckboi.
But then again,he might have 9 sidehoes
No. 386074
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Anisa is seriously a retarded lurker, the only thing she decided to comment on was to this girl bc she mentioned veganism AND since lolcow mentioned the bread she was desperate to bring it up "don't know if it's a canadian thing". Bitch, why don't you look it up? Ask professionals? Oh yeah, you're Anisa and you think you can do better than everyone else.
Honestly she's getting to that point where I don't even feel shame or pity for her, she's one of the dumbest and nastiest people I've seen on the internet and she seems proud to be like that.
No. 386122
>>386074Yo she's been at that point for me for a long time. She chooses to trial and error everything instead of looking it up then talks shit about it. Shes the worst.
It's a constant pull between who she pretends to be and who she actually is.
No. 386126
>>386066I think they might have a sort of relationship where they're together when they're physically together - i.e. when George isn't recording or doing shows or traveling, and Lauren's not modeling or going to events or showing her art - but when they're not together, they see other people. Like a lot of celebrity relationships tbh since they have so many people who want to fuck them around them and can't maintain the long distance thing.
Lauren also tries to present herself as one of those cold, ~cool~ girls, and probably wouldn't care if George didn't want something exclusive because she's too focused on her career to really care all that much, but she does want to be with him to some extent. Just the vibe I get.
But I think it's why they would work together as a couple right now since George
doesn't seem the type to want to settle down to one chick yet, and someone like Anisa would never be okay with that. Not that that's necessarily a bad thing, in Anisa's defense (even though she's hardly the paragon of monogamy given her history of cheating), but she and George would want different things from a relationship. Not to mention he goes for models and Anisa is… well, Anisa.
No. 386157
>>386027??? aren't the kids back in school
>>386126even if joji wanted to stop being a fuckboy long enough to give someone like anisa a pity dicking, she has literally nothing to offer him (or anyone). no job, no higher education, and certainly no intellect, wit, or a personality. she only got ian by virtue of him being an awkward autistic virgin. she should chill out and be happy about that.
No. 386202
>>386048Thank you. You're the most reasonable anon on this board. I figured it was related anyway. Just looking at that picture is going to make her seethe.
>>386157You're the hall monitor so wouldn't you know? I bet you're the same little dweeb who called me out for not saging. I know your life is dedicated to this Anisa thread, but It's not that serious. And as you heard we're not coming off autosage anytime soon so you I'm sorry to ruin your little wet dream but it's not gonna happen so might as well post Joji hanging with other chicks.
File: 1505341284318.png (521.51 KB, 813x586, IMG_8323.png)

and another story time video coming soon
No. 386227
>>386215>>386218When you cry on the internet all the time about people who are mean to you people will go out of their way to be super extra to try and make you feel nice.
You legit only see comments like this on pictures of girls who demand attention and really insecure. She had to make people feel bad to get reactions like that.
No. 386231
>>386202There's no need to be so vitriolic towards them, even if they were kinda being lame. But why do you care about Joji so much? Please stop stanning for him, it's super embarrassing.
>>386222Oh, lord, I was expecting this video eventually.
No. 386269
>>386252and stuff happens to her so frequently that surely she can't think that people believe it
>>386257you sure are getting awfully mad over people telling you to stop stanning/talking about joji ?
No. 386270
>>386222Why make a video about this? she could've just posted ONE tweet about it.
"I'm not a muslim bc I want to wear tiny clothes and beg for money dicks on the internet"
"Also, I think I'm super rational and eloquent and above any ideology"
Not even teen girls behave like this, this girl really needs attention but like psychiatric attention.
No. 386278
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>>386222That hairstyle squares out her head and that and the color makes her look like a low budget Paget Brewster
No. 386290
>>386288well she
1) insults & strongly dislikes people who she doesn't agree with/ has never meet/ women in general.
e.g laci green, tana mongeau, again women in general ~catTy & bItchHy~
2) thinks very highly of herself, thinks she's articulate and artistic
e.g always mentions she went to university and how her father is a lawyer, believes to be fit for keemstar's podcast (podcast is bad enough), her tweets, can't draw + has traced (im using you guys' opinion i dont know shit about art tbh)
3) likes to rides people with large followings' dicks (figuratively and possibly literally)
e.g was seen almost crying and made a scene on stream when chris & laci began dating (hmmm), suspected to have cheated on ex akaadian with idubbbz, despite her efforts she can't get her favorite youtuber FF to notice her, ETC ETC ETC (???)
4) has no originality, no creativity, no voice, no spark
e.g keeps losing subs, has no opinions of her own, videos are all over the place (not to mention boring), awkward & stiff, not funny at all (humor is subjective but she just wasn't born with that knack)
5) lies
e.g lies about her BDD and how insecure she is (shows tits on stream and was literally spreading her legs in her last stream omg), said she was diagnosed by a university psychiatrist but lied again when ppl commented that that they aren't legit (correct me on this)
plus she sort of looks and sounds like sarah huckabee haha im sure im not the only one that thinks so
No. 386303
>>386222her videos are so damn boring. every video is her talking about a specific situation in her life and then ranting about it in a "chicken noodle soup" type of way. super vague, repeating boring, overused "inspirational" nonsense.
it kinda reminds me of when I would try to bullshit papers and essays in high school. I'd say the same thing over and over in different ways. technically, it all made sense, but at the same time it was just gibberish.
No. 386308
>>386237>>386305this is it for me too lmao. it was absolutely disgusting.
she was trying to flirt with chris and turn him on by telling him her hoe stories, and it was clearly not working. he was grossed out by her and for good reason. it just made her sound super sloppy and nasty. and then how she followed up with the elevator sex story with talking about how she fucked her ex in the ass with a dildo because she wouldn't let him do anal unless he let her fuck him, too.
i think my favorite part about that cringey-ass stream was that this was during her ~i'm a precious housewife~ phase and she was trying to be marzia 2.0 with her cutesy stuff and her cooking, and then in one stream, undoes everything by showing how much of a nasty, hypocritical (calling OTHER girls whores when she's whore #1) skank she is.
No. 386311
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Still eating that fake meat. Next update will be a repeat of "eating healthy and vegan isn't possible" and "I'm gaining weight".
No. 386315
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Pear is triggered by a twitch streamer making fun of another twitch streamer.
No. 386328
>>386320Nah, i think she lies because it's the only thing that has ever worked for her, that's basically how she got here. That's the only way she knows how to function or maybe it's the only one that has worked for her since she has nothing else to offer. No education, no experience, no personality, no style, no friends, no money, no looks, just lies about all of these.
She definitely knows she's lying but she can't help it, hence why she's always checking lolcow, to "debunk" the rumors here and share "her truth" before people see her true self, she lies on top of the lies that even she can't keep up.
No. 386330
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I love beantay. She sure knows how to trigger the pear.
Ps: no wonder Anisa had to say something about the pewdiepie issue too, she couldn't stay quiet and look dumb when beantay was referencing @idubbbz
No. 386437
>>386414Tried to look like beantay**
Anisa always manages to look crusty and cheap.
No. 386572
>>386558Yeah it's like she's not even really trying. She doesn't care. She just wants to say she did it as ammunition to make a video all about how "eating vegan is so unhealthy" and "I felt malnourished :(" (while ironically gaining weight from eating junk food)
I'm not even vegan, but even I know that of course it's a very healthy way of eating. If she can't figure out how to eat quinoa, veggies, and fruit; than she's even dumber than I thought.
No. 386628
>>386311>>386558how can someone fry processed frozen vegan chicken nuggets and some broccoli and think, "gee, that sounds like a healthy meal that's super balanced and definitely won't make me gain weight!!!" lmao
i think the problem is she was so used to eating really shitty processed foods before, and it's just transferred to her ~veganism~. so she's reliant on her fake meat and vegan cakes and sweets and generally shit food. add to that that she's been all, "guys, omg, veganism takes away alllll my energy :'( i have to eat sooo much more food to compensate and my faux meats and stuff aren't filling" which is a mental thing imo, and you've got someone overeating shit food. no fucking wonder she's gaining weight.
i kind of wonder if she's doing this whole "vegan" thing as an excuse to gorge herself guilt-free. if she gets fat, it's not her fault, it's the veganism. that's a total 'anisa' mindset.
No. 386646
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Calls Islam shitty when she's not a muslim, so muslims defend their religion on her video, what the fuck was she expecting? To be praised for being pro freedom of speech when she has talked shit about islam too many times. To be part of the muslim club when it is convenient for her but reject it when she needs to look cool? This girl can't be loyal to her own thoughts, how is she going to be loyal to anybody else? Disgusting person.
No. 386693
>>386691she's referring to the trolls mentioning allah. that hurt her feelings, same situation with her reddit, she is all up on the memes until she remembers she has to be the victim so she starts getting hurt by nothing. if she's not a muslim and she has said that words don't hurt her, why pretend to care what muslims say about you?
also why didn't she attack that follower that commented tho? "as a muslim i apologize"? go ahead Anisa, tell them how they're stupid for apologizing for an entire group.
No. 386695
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here are some of the comments from the "angry" muslims (i scrolled down and took these screenshots just now)
No. 386717
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Anus aka the queen of critiquing "line work"
No. 386719
>>386714I dont think it's delusion, i think it's her just assuming everyone will take her on her word, which they do and it's such a bad idea.
Anisa from 3 months ago is a completely different person and not in a good way. She wont admit to all the things shes said and done, she just pretends in never happened and shames others instead.
No. 386806
>>386798Personally I think Ian is like Pear and is just a lazy piece of shit. He should've made a decent amount of money from his previous videos and is probably content with spending his days doing jack shit. The only difference is he "earned" it while pear is doing nothing while mooching and living with her parents and pretending like her life is extremely difficult.
So i guess you can say Ian is smart in that sense, he lays low but, idk how anyone can still be a fan of his with lack of work. I use to like him but, its been a long time since then.
No. 386813
>>386798imo ian is kind of a one-hit wonder. he had his content cop series which everyone loved, he gained insane popularity and fame from it (and his collabs with george), but he peaked, and now he doesn't know what to do with his fame and popularity because he doesn't want to be
just the content cop dude anymore. he never was, but that's all his post-CC fans care about and they shit on him for anything different he tries to pursue like the 'what's in the box' series.
i don't believe even for a minute that anisa contributed to the idea for the tana CC. i honestly think she considers her filming the event to be 'giving ian the idea'. i do think anisa draining him mentally, emotionally, and financially has contributed to him not really having any kind of lust for life (and, by extension, work) anymore, which is also affecting his long gaps between uploads.
i'm not in the slightest an ian-stan even if i used to be an idubbbz fan, but anyone with eyes can see the guy looks and acts legitimately depressed. i think part of it is not knowing what to do with his career from here, but part of it absolutely has to be the effects of dating someone who's as horrible and toxic as anisa. i don't think it's a coincidence that he's gotten more and more unfunny and more and more depressed since he started dating her. you can actually see his decline over the past year. it's like physical evidence of what an unhealthy relationship can do to a person.
also, just my own opinion, but i think that both he and max are kind of directionless without george holding the crew together anymore.
No. 386815
>>386798>>386806yeah I think he just got lazy, I don't think it necessarily has anything to do with Pear. He probably realized that he can't really expect to make money off his brand of content anymore with the whole adpocalypse thing. I think he lost steam with the Content Cop thing because Tana's career wasn't fucked like Leafy's and she said she deserved to be CC'd. I think he just liked having power over people and the whole "making youtube a better place" thing was for show.
That being said, I wouldn't be surprised if dating Anisa has drained him.
>>386813>i don't believe even for a minute that anisa contributed to the idea for the tana CC.Agreed. Idk how she thinks she can just take credit for shit like that.
No. 386889
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>>386881Much like when she has to justify everything she posts. She doesn't get it, does she? Fucking blobhead.
No. 387243
>>387237She's talking like she's recording her progress from a nobody to someone big.
She's a 24yo NEET with no education or work experience who's only accomplishment is sucking dick of famous people.
It's like telling the tale of a young teenage Anisa wanting to be someone in life degenerate into what she is now, that's some sad PSA kinda shit.
No. 387286
>>387243>no education or work experienceHow dare you.
She was a waitress.
No. 387288
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>>387286anon pls my sides
No. 387289
>>387243I think it's hilarious she tries to make herself/her life seem funny but it's just sad that she has not control over anything she has done/does to this day. Also, she keeps losing followers everywhere even on her precious reddit thread that she love/hates because "memes are so mean".
And the clickbait titles and "stay until the end for surprise" tweets, she hasn't changed one little bit, she's just "creating sn interesting dichotomy between her tits and the audience".
Overall she's the dumbest and most boring person that has ever existed on youtube and it's very sad that she thinks people care about her failures and her snowflake attitude.
No. 387297
>>387237I dont believe her.
She says shes learned from how shes acted but plays victim when ever she can especially if you bring up an incident she caused.
I want to believe shes trying to change, but it all feels like a front so she can keep doing the same shit and when anyone says anything about it her fans wont believe you because "ShE mAdE a ViDeO aBoUt HoW sHe HaS cHaNgEd."
No. 387348
>>387237i especially like how her title defines her current stage in life: what the fuck
is this? she talked about how she's progressed to this amazing place and she has all this direction and she's happy with what she's doing, but…
what direction? what is the purpose of her channel?
if she were thrown in front of a marketing team, they'd have no clue what to do with her. she has no discernible brand or anything that defines who she is. is her channel DIY stuff? is it storytime? is it (attempted) skit comedy? what
is it?
if even anisa can't answer that question, she's not ~finally~ in a comfortable stage of her life. she's at a pit-stop with no direction from here.
No. 387409
>>387390yeah, definitely. she even had celery watching the thread while she was streaming and showing her and commenting on the important bits lmao.
anisa thinks we're all mean, bullying haters, yet our opinion is the only she cares about. i don't know what's up with this girl's mindset beyond low self-esteem that she cares so much about what people say on an anon image board. maybe it's because we're the only people who acknowledge her existence with any consistency, lolll.
but i actually find it kinda creepy that she lurks here. since every action she takes and every single thing she says is the direct result of something she reads here, it's almost like we're creating a new human being or something. it's weird af.
but what's important to note is that the only criticisms she cares about are the ones talking about her appearance. she only works on her physical appearance to suit our suggestions.
when we talked about her makeup, she got a bunch of new makeup. when we talked about her eyebrows looking bad, she went to a brow bar and started doing her blocky instagram brows. when we said her style was immature and unflattering and she was re-wearing the same, too-small clothing over and over again, she bought some new clothes and said she was trying to ~refine~ her style and look more mature. when we talked about how it's not cool how shitty she treats other girls and how she's treated her female "friends" horribly in the past, she befriended cecily out of NOWHERE just to give the appearance of having a female friend while still putting down other women on twitter and on-stream (calling laci a whore multiple times and insulting her in so many ways, saying amy schumer is a disgusting whale, talking about how the only women she can stand being friends with are lesbians, etc.).
she does all that work on her appearance per our recs, but she does NOTHING to fix her horrid, toxic personality. we've told her through these threads that it's her nasty behavior and meanness she needs to work on, yet she does nothing to fix who she is as a human being. she only cares about the easy fixes, the things that'll make her look good. she doesn't care about being better or being a good person, she cares about how others perceive her because she's a vain, nasty person.
No. 387480
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>>387442Nah it's right here. She gives a different story in all her Amas about how they met though.
No. 387488
>>387480"Muslim man reacts to laci green"
What does being a muslim man have to do with laci green? And why give an opinion on her and not her content?
Ah yes, Anisa aka "I don't hate Laci just her ideology" aka "my dad is a lawyer so he's smart" aka "my dad isn't white and i'm ashamed of being muslim so i have to mention it before people shit on me"
She hasn't changed at all.
No. 387498
>>386881narcissism? are you OK, anon?
any youtuber or whatever would love that kind of feedback because that is literally as good as it gets.
No. 387525
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I'm surprised she retweeted this because the girl is cute and her hair is nice. I think something similar would suit Anisa. Front bangs done right. It might not be ~idubbbz approved~ though.
No. 387529
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>>386813I have no idea why people on this site call Ian a one-hit wonder. This is a screenshot of his uploads since the Tana CC. With the exception of one video, they all pull in at minimum 3 million views. That's 60% of his subs, which is better than any other YouTuber I watch. In contrast here is FaZe Rain's track record: He has 5.1M subs. Also looking at their social blades, Ian's growth is remarkably consistent in comparison. This might be a good example, but I just wanted to pick someone who had a similar amount of subs to Ian. Feel free to prove me wrong if you can find a better example. I didn't feel as though Joji was a fair comparison since he's a musician now if you were wondering.
I guess you could argue that Rain is a variety YouTuber or something like that, but still very few channels manage to pull in a consistent viewer count. I agree that his video quality has gone down considerably since the Leafy CC, but that doesn't mean he's a one-hit wonder. One-hit wonders fizzle out after doing something good and fade into "obscurity" while Ian continues to rake in a lot of viewers with his very inconsistent schedule. YouTube videos aren't meant to go viral with every single upload. Some channels, such as Buzzfeed are designed with that in mind.
I find all of his videos with the exception of two CC's to be incredibly boring. I'm surprised that he can rake in so many viewers with each upload. I only watch his videos when they're posted here if you're curious about the history.
No. 387546
>>387533are you
triggered or something sorry
No. 387559
>>387529Honestly Ian isnt much different from a lot of youtubers who gained a reddit following; he could literally make a 1 minute video of him doing absolutely nothing and it still get at least 1 million.
You can argue that's because he has a strong following of people who will watch anything he makes but, it's less about him and his content and more about how subscriptions work.
People are watching his videos because it's there. It isn't what they want. You can see in his comment section that they just want cc and kickstarter vids because anyone with good taste knows his bad unboxings have gone to shit and his other content is not interesting to a majority of his fans.
But they watch it and like it because they are still hoping for some announcement on cc and because they all like to suck his cock because his fans consists of edgy teens and neckbeards who think he's 'savage' for pointing out obvious shit.
No. 387686
>>387627>>387664>>387665Bet there is a new video in a couple of days:
"New room/workspace tour! I decided it was time for me to develop more as a person. Hope you like my great ideas! Please like and share!!!! "
No. 387759
>>387695ah no, that makes it undeserved on her part, and frustrating on yours. If she was writing those comments to herself and then liking them / reposting them, that would be narcissistic :)
Perhaps you should take your own advice about smaller words, because big ones like narcissism seem beyond you :)
No. 387765
>>387759Wtf anon, what's with the HS tier snide smileys?
She favorites every comment that say nice shit about her, i haven't seen any yt who goes out of their way to find and favorite nice things on their comment section.
No. 387780
>>387759You're cringey af tbh. You sound like the hall monitor or an Anisa-stan.
And not that anon, but Anisa will pick through her comments, like the ones that call her pretty or tell her she's their favorite youtuber or (ESPECIALLY) the comments that reference Ian and say she's better than him (usually, "I used to be an idubbbz fan and that's how I found you, but…. blahblahblah… Now I don't watch Ian's videos but I LOVE yours!!!" kinds of comments), but she entirely ignores any other comments.
She ignores comments where people talk about how they can relate to any number of her made-up disorders and share their own sob stories (though she ALWAYS replies to the "thx anisa, i'm getting therapy now because of you!!" comments because she needs the asspats to feel like a savior and show people she's a ~good person~), comments giving her advice or constructive criticisms, comments that are jokes and have a lot of likes (which other YTers usually 'like' to show they have a sense of humor and connect with their audience), etc.
That she plucks out the comments focusing on her appearance or which feed her ego is pretty fucking narcissistic.
No. 387881
>>387770worked, didn't it?
>>387780none of which has anything to do with the original comment. I love that pointing out someone is going full retard rage over a cow is somehow stanning.
No. 387909
>>387902What she said a while back:
Everyone left home and she was all alone in her room cuz she booked an extra night and was bored so she decided to hit up ian to meet. And continued to talk about how nervous and awkward she was on the date because she liked him.
What she said in this stream:
She said she actually asked akaadian if she could go meet up with ian because she couldnt stand being in the room with him anymore (didnt quite catch why but srsly anisa, that is your boyfriend) And she said she totally wanted this meetup to be platonic. yeah right you fucking snake
No. 387911
>>387909hahaha oh my god, what a nasty whore. very coincidental she ~clarifies~ that in today's stream after posts like this were made
>>387436 not even a day ago.
get out of here anisa, you scummy, cheating hoe.
No. 387916
>>387913I honestly think she probably told celery or her mom to spread that rumor and ask that question in chat so she could bring it up and correct the story she'd told before that accidentally revealed she's a cheating skank. Of course she
is a cheating skank, but she's trying to correct every record out there and burn every receipt.
But we've still got them, Anisa:
>>375253>>375257>>375259>>375262>>387436As if Akaadian even cares about Anisa at this point. Look at what he upgraded to:
>>375226 No. 387918
>>387916Perhaps or perhaps it was actually just twitch people that actually know akaadian and heard his version before? She lost more than 100 subs today so I'm thinking it was actually akaadian fans.
Speaking of numbers, Pear has lost thousands of followers/subs everywhere in less than a month. Since she's a big fan of numbers and likes on social media, that must really hurt her huge traps.
No. 387925
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>>387916And here is a receipt from tumblr. One of her cringy fans posted about her initial story of meeting ian.
No. 387932
Just found the part in the stream where she starts talking about Akaadian, uh-er Matt. at 01h20m.
She talks so much shit about him it's insane. You cheated on him, Anisa. He should be the bitter one talking bad about you, not the other way around.
>says when they started dating, he was a lot younger than herAnisa was 22 at this time… how much younger than her could he have been if he wasn't underage? Ew.
>whines about how it was a weird relationship and how she spent sooOoOOoOoo much money on him, on going to visit him, and implies she was basically his sugar mama?>says she fucked up in the relationship a lot, they broke up twice, sounds like she cheated on him more than once and that's how she "fucked up" and what caused their breakups>second breakup was near the end of their relationship, then he asked to move in with her and she said yes because she was lonely?>they "tried to work things out" while living together for a month and a half before twitch-con "b-but we weren't really dating, we were just trying again and I was just lonely" Scummy hoe trying to retcon and justify her cheating.
>says "everything was falling apart and Akaadian was the only thing I consistently had for a year"So she used him as a crutch while she was putting herself together, before immediately dumping him for YTer dick. Anisa and Ian are so fucking classy.
>says they decided "things weren't working" AT twitchcon and "went together and shared a room platonically"LMAO
>but she still asked Akaadian for permission to go see Ian… hm…Also, no one that I saw in the chat brought up Akaadian even once. They didn't even know who she was talking about until she told them. She brought it up entirely on her own and people even asked her why the fuck she was even telling this story. She said because it was an "interesting story". She's just trying to cover her tracks.
No. 387938
>>387909>wanted this meetup to be platonicthey hugged and stuff afterwards, didn't they? for christs sake you don't go on spontaneous dates with men your age while you're at an event with your boyfriend that's just fucking weird. I bet she's trying to spin akaadian as being abusive with the whole not wanting to be in the room with him thing
>>387918holy shit anon I fucking wheezed
No. 387962
>>387939Yo, someone gonna create a new thread?
Post the link when you do
No. 387967
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>>387964Was it this? Also, told you this bitch was fat. Nice catch, Chris Manlet.
No. 387972
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Laci's pic was in response to this btw.
No. 387991
Somebody please make a new thread
>>387969Yeah it's gross.
No. 387993
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old and not very milky b/c we all know anisa's a lying fake, but i was just randomly looking through some old raihnbowkidz stuff because her stuff is a goldmine of cringe, and i found pic related. back when she was tittystreaming hardcore, she posted weight loss progress pictures to an entire audience.
not to be that person, but as someone who's been diagnosed with anorexia and BDD since i was 13, both of which anisa pretends to have, i can guarantee no one with those disorders would ever post body progress pics on a public platform. i'm - and many other people i know who suffer from the same illnesses - totally guilty of going through periods of near-mania where i show my body on anon forums and stuff for assurance (not assurance that i'm looking -good- tho like anisa, quite the opposite), but i'd never ever ever publicly do so. my face is cropped in those kinds of pics and i hide my body irl because i'm ashamed of it.
2015 is right around the time anisa claims to have been diagnosed by her 9000 therapists/psychs/counselors… but her actions don't match up with her alleged diagnoses. just makes me more annoyed with anisa.
No. 387994
>>387991seconding new thread. i'd do it but i'm anisa tier drunk atm and can't write for shit right now.
whoever does make the new thread, pls include anisa's ever changing story of how she met ian, and how she altered her story to now make it like she and akkaadian were only kindofsortofnotreally dating when she met ian at twitchcon. also that she asked akkaadian's permission to go see ian, and he gave it (anisa intentionally making him sound like an actual cuck in her new story). and she was sharing her hotel room with him so she was never alone like she lied and said she was in her original 'meeting ian' story.
let's also make sure we're mentionng that anisa is a cougar and possibly illegally dated a 17 year old akkaadian when she was 22/23 and goes after vunlerable men.
No. 388005
>>387994Question: the legal age of consent in Canada is 16. Would that make it still illegal?
Sage for kinda really off topic
No. 388007
>>3879096.37 she answers the question
"I was stuck in the hotel alone with nothing to do"
proof she's a cheating, lying bitch.