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No. 1854114
For all the attention seekers, grifters and other assorted idiots in the alternative community
Most recent cows:
-ToxicTears (Kaya), veteran youtuber, one of the OG "goths", used to get hundreds of thousands of views but her channel has dwindled, now she constantly makes excuses not to film and when she does it's usually an unboxing or a Q&A or GRWM. Has been pretty active on TikTok lately
-Jude Bishop, OF thot and ddlg pedo-pandering pickme who is also "goth", has her own thread but crosses over here too, publicly thirsts for Jake
-ItsBlackFriday (Freyja), goth youtuber, country hopper, terrible planner.
-Psychara, witchy instagoth who fries her hair
-Of Herbs and Altars (Dorian), goth youtuber who does videos on her ana and drugs past (now published about it too), believes she can fuck ghosts
-Adora BatBrat, instagoth who likes posting provocative stuff for shock value
-Ruadhan, youtuber, rambling shit stirrer
…and other cows who are discussed but not necessarily producing significant or frequent milk.
>>1705825 Kaya/Jake/Kat thread #1
>>1715677 Kaya/Jake/Kat thread #2
>>1764493 Kaya/Jake/Kat thread #3
>>1808521 Kaya/Jake/Kat thread #4
>>1832500 Jake/Kat thread #1
Jake and Kat threads have re-booted to exclude Kaya, Kayaposting has returned to Altcows.
Previous thread:
>>1727907Updates from last thread:
>>1728150 Kat von D collaborating with Marilyn Manson.
>>1728883 Word salad from Dorian about how imagining vampires made her a boy, but she won't get the sausage procedure.
>>1738786 Kat von D hosted Marilyn Manson's birthday at her house.
>>1741118 IBF had her second accesor-err, baby.
>>1755852 Mamies OF was leaked.
>>1765968 IBF back on the pity farming grind, hoping to get food from her neighbours?
>>1773916 Reeree returns to Instagram.
>>1774524 Reeree's ex threatened to sell her nudes.
>>1776445 Allegations of Jake sexually harassing the leading member of Eyes of Nocturne.
>>1776605 Allegations quickly withdrawn as Jake supposedly apologised and made up with the woman.
>>1785410 Dorian's and Ash's blogs from their youth were uncovered. It's not all weedsmoke and roses like she says.
>>1802572 Kaya's patreon is in fact, for her bills, even if stated otherwise. Have you made your pledge, altizen?
>>1807146 Kaya travels internationally while sick with COVID, gets tattoos as well.
>>1812801 IBF is ungrateful that her family didn't sort out a spacious, modern, furnished house for two adults and two kids. Mr Owl is working as a cleaner to support the family.
>>1817593 IBF does an easter egg hunt at night, at a cemetary, with only her husband. Goff shit. She left eggs behind for someone else to clean.
>>1824003 Reeree starts an OnlyFans.
>>1825655 IBF tries to crowdfund her WGT tickets by selling her artwork on eBay, starting at $150 each.
>>1830247 IBF selling another painting, tagging it #notverygood, pity harvest has been poor this year.
>>1832076 The campaign fails, as $600 does not cover a WGT ticket, as well as flights+stay NZ-DE.
>>1832209 Oh wait, asking followers to fund her travel was just a joke. Laughter all around.
>>1834564 Kayas suspected new fling - a TIM.
>>1836085 IBF collaborates with Avelina de Moray on a tacky jewellery collection.
>>1845166 Kaya shows off tit bruises, presumably caused by the TIM,
>>1849121 Reeree ruins her face.
>>1849963 IBF goes to a steampunk festival to show off her lack of knowledge on the scene, and to sulk about not going to WGT.
No. 1854115
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Kaya is dropping hints that she is interested in someone.
No. 1854117
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>>1854115 ..but is also denying that she's dating anyone. Maybe she's not dating the TIM, but the stuff they posted online made it seem like they hooked up, at least.
No. 1854134
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No. 1854162
>>1854151Yeah, she's being careful with her wording. Alongside playing dumb,
>If I'm dating someone and want y'all to know about it i'll tell yaCould mean she's dating someone but doesn't want to say it, or noone at all.
No. 1854177
>>1854117Tehe, just girly things showing bruises in your nips for all to see and posting photos at a beach all cosy with "not a man".
Maybe the tim didn't like being an accessory for kaya
No. 1854182
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Tim is looking for new job .she not going won't him .
No. 1854205
>>1854182Is it only a student or does being trans take up too much time to commit full time?
Whatever happened to the elf dude she was hanging around with? Did she trade Grant for Slimelight and elfboy for Tim?
No. 1854232
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Tim looking for extra money
No. 1854235
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No. 1854484
Thanks for making the new thread nonna, it looks good
>>1854117A couple of months ago in her IG Q&A Kaya said she
was interested in someone but the spark fizzled out. She also said that there was a guy in her IG followers that she knows IRL and is '100% her type' but she was too scared to ask them out. I always assumed she was talking about her regular tattoo artist Spooks because there was a subtle implication that their trip to zoo was a date and you can see her friends teasing her about it in her London vlog. Clearly things didn't go further than that.
Duchess is probably some fall back option that's been in the picture for a month yet they seem very forward and sexually aggressive so things have moved very quickly. Kaya's probably very receptive to that attention but holds back on calling it dating just yet.
>>1854235Lol it's super easy to find their FB and they've got their home town on there.
No. 1854570
>>1854484That's the impression I get as well, he's sexually forward hence the speed. I actually think elfboy likes her too (and probably others) but he seems the type of guy who's very shy in terms of relationship/sex so he didn't put any moves on, and Kaya didn't realise since she's very forward and friendly.
It's definitely easy to think sexually aggressive = into you but imo Kaya has probably been overlooking people prior to "duchess"
My theory about her past crush is she was into Grant* since he has the long black hair romantic goth look she likes, possibly the tension there led to their friend breakup
(*I think that's his name)
No. 1854740
>>1854232Did Kaya not give him the tip to open up a patreon and live off of that yet? (I’m joking i know he has not a big following)
>>1854484Thanks for paying attention anon and connecting the dots! I hope she finds a cute dude and drops the tranny but she said she “might” have a crush
No. 1855131
Jazmin bean was on Instagram live
>claims she has no more beef with melanie martinez, nobody knows about their good relationship "cos why would I tell you" but is also sick of the questions
>claims she's not an industry plant or nepo baby, her musician father wanted nothing to do with her and wouldn't even pay child support, and her mother stopped being a musician to raise their 3 kids and get a day job, thought interscope wanting to sign her was a scam
>admits she's so chronically online that she constantly needs "normal people" to review her music before she releases it
>wants to move to la, says she knows there's crazy people there but wants to go cos "that's where the money and fame is" kek
>is comfortable saying her age now but as a minor she wasn't cos of grooming situations and having to hide her age. Says her next album is all very literal, so her generic ass single from it in the last thread was about the grooming
>she's not doing the sickly sweet pink and gore anymore, thank god, but also claims her new style is theatrical and epic. Right after releasing that bland single? K
Was also on live with some TiM called Moon dyeing her hair, and her detransitioning TiM friend salvia, nothing interesting though she still calls salvia a "she"
No. 1855450
>>1855159>>1855261Right for people who claim it was all them when they had help, why hide it because clearly it did help, downplaying it is giving insecure or smth
>>1855131Oh and samefag I just remembered, like a day later kek, that she thinks she has autism, and there is a big correlation between that and being genderspecial so I'm not surprised
No. 1855487
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No. 1855649
>>1855487Kaya would be incredibly frustrating to be friends with, let alone date. She's so fucking useless.
>>1851354Lol she's been back in Belfast for over a week and there's no sign of the car vlog. All she's done is hang out with friends on 2 days - that's it. What the fuck does she do all day kek? No wonder she's cagey about how she spends her time and refuses room mates. Any body living with a fat slob will eventually get verbally
abusive because it's really tough to live with people like that, especially when they cry that they will change but nothing ever happens. I always thought it was sus that she refused temporarily living with one of her many family members in Belfast during her crisis in 2019 but now it's clear why.
>>1854182Duchess, an aspiring actress (eyeroll), is 6 years younger than Kaya and probably just as aimless and 'free-spirited'…something tells me they are going to struggle living together and paying bills. That's even if Duchess can pull Kaya away from living 15 mins away from Mummy without getting accused of forcing her away from her support network. Why does Kaya keep getting into LDRs?
No. 1855901
>>1855889she got overwhelmed with the goth community as far as i know, hence why she deleted all of her content related to her Drac Makens persona. I know there must be more personal reasons into it but we will never know for sure. Even though i get why she would do this, i hate the fact that she didn't keep her videos ups. She had and still has many fans out there (and haters as well sigh). That's why i'm trying to recover most of her lost media, not for a public reupload necessarily but to share in a private form to anyone that might want to have it as well.
as of now, she makes art i think and has a private ig account.
(Sage goes in the email field ) No. 1855955
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No. 1855977
>>1855955If she wasn't so desperate to show off she just had
seeeex then people wouldn't think Duchess is a woman basher. The tit bruises happened 3 weeks but she's going to have to deal with domestic violence speculation for months because she couldn't cover up for a while. She's backed herself into a corner because it's way to early to introduce her little BDSM buddy but she's already spammed a million stories with their tag and people are waiting for the honest car chats she promised. Duchess just came out of a long-term LDR and Kaya has regressed a lot this year so I think it was a mistake to over-commit when they barely know each other.
No. 1856430
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Away again
No. 1856677
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Begging works for her all the time free hair colour by Lisa
No. 1856717
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She said she wants to move away from her cutesy gore aesthetic, so ig her new aesthetic is bag lady
No. 1856833
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>>1856677Her IG story spam was so criiinge, it had 'just turned 18 and getting crunk on Dad's Smirnoff because the house is free!' energy. She hasn't spammed a night in since last year, she's definitely feeling delicate after we said her Belfast mates are drifting away. This was excessive and felt very intentional, like she's trying hard to prove she has friends. Kaya is such an irritating, obnoxious drunk; it's like she gets charged up from sitting at home for days and all her annoying energy gets charged up. She started acting like she couldn't bear to have a tequila shot during a drinking game and her friends, tired from doing real jobs, sounded a little irritated.
As if you're weren't happy drinking just before", "Is it
that bad?"
>>1856430How hard is it to get Lisa to do your hair every month? Even Duchess used to be a hairdresser so they can bleach and colour Kaya's hair now that she's going to be a frequent flyer.
I'd say either Lisa got sick of giving Kaya freebies or Kaya is too lazy to drive to the hairdressers.
>>1856381Duchess was dating a pretty and fashionable Polish girl up until 2 months ago, someone who was goth as well and doing a STEM degree (unlike Kaya she's got some direction in life).
The girl deleted old couple pics on her IG but like you've noticed, Duchess hasn't.
This whole situation reminds me of Jake looking for his meal ticket out of Wales on Bebo and VF, freshly broken up and looking for desperate girls online. He was talking to lots of girls and weighing his options but Kaya eventually became his most viable option after stringing her along for months. I wonder why Duchess is rebounding so quick and what the actual intentions are…
No. 1856985
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No. 1857006
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It's tim birthday coming up so are they going on holiday together.
No. 1857110
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>>1857006Kaya making a shameless reference to pegging in the lead-up to her trip. Guess we know what Duchess is getting for his birthday…
No. 1857443
>>1857419Tried for a long time to give her the benefit of the doubt after the breakup and living in the studio but it's enough now! There's no excuse to not pack! She needs to get a serious grip. There's only so much you can blame on executive dysfunction
I know this has been said 100 times but still very frustrating
No. 1857524
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I blame the enablers as PATRONS keep giving her the lifestyle
She been in London every few weeks Sinch march been on 3 hoildays so far .not worried about cost of living.
No. 1857566
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No. 1857583
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No. 1857609
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No. 1857615
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No. 1857626
>>1857420oh they are definitely going on holiday together, also
desides is he ESL or just a dumbass?
No. 1857632
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No. 1857634
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No. 1857635
>>1857374She's missing Slimelight this Saturday and both her and Duchess were seen packing in their stories. I think illiterate anon made a random guess it was his birthday but I think it makes sense actually. Kaya said she's travelling somewhere that's not London or Barcelona so she's probably going somewhere new or special with her new friend to celebrate - maybe back to Vegas?
The pegging comment was mostly tongue in cheek but she's been super open about her sexuality for months so I wouldn't put it past her to make dildo jokes on her TikTok now she was a 'girlfriend'.
>>1857443She's been back in Belfast for 10-12 days and didn't do any work while she was there. She saw friends on 2 or 3 days and posted IG stories, that's it. She can't multi-task for shit so while she courts Duchess her job suffers and responsibilities are forgotten.
Remember this is the same idiot that had to wake up at 4:30am on her birthday so she could finishing filming and editing 2 videos before partying and catching a flight at 5am the next day (she was awake for 27 hours or something). All this rushing and stress is self-inflicted.
No. 1857652
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No. 1857665
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Little late on the Wednesday hype train, aren’t we Freyja?
No. 1857711
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>>1857659Kaya could have made an effort to hide Duchess' face and identity but instead she posted intimate photos, her hickeys and tagged/cross-posted heaps of stuff with die__herzogin. Better yet, she could have held back from posting any of Duchess' trip if she wanted zero questions about her dating life. We know why she did this: she was high on oxytocin, wanted attention and Duchess needs the followers.
Inb4 she says they're just 'gal pals'. They've known each other for a very short amount of time and their touchy-feely pics look different to how she feels up her Belfast friends in a drunk straight girl way.
>>1857583Girl…you have a Mac laptop. You can literally do your Plush planning anywhere in the world.
>>1857634In actuality you and your mates are laughing over the fact you've turned your life into a soap opera for Patreon which in turns keeps the lights on and keeps the cocktails flowing. You know full well what you're doing and now you've gone from playing dumb to acting all indignant - stfu. You outed yourself before you were ready to go public and now you're getting whiney and blaming others. If your friends do get 'scared off' it'll because you don't have any more clout or they're sick of you, not because of your haters lol.
'watch out y'all', Kaya's super pissed because we've figured out her little game. Her little display of attitude is so lame and unfunny.
No. 1857751
>>1857635Kaya is 30 years old. You might not have realised it was a milestone birthday since she didn't announce her age and her long time friends were no where to be seen. Didn't she fly out the vegas ones for Amber's birthday? Weird.
>>1857652Weird immature response from weird immature adult. Secure adults don't have to post their personal relationships online for validation be it romantic or platonic. Shock horror an influencer posts coupley looking photos and bruises on her nips and her fans that give her money because life was so unfair to her innocently ask if she's now dating someone. How dare people show interest in some possible positive news? Or maybe kaya knows her fans will get pissed off knowing she's collecting their pledges to buy herself companionship and putting all other responsibilities to one side.
Maybe when kaya hits her 40s she'll feel like she's finally had a satisfactory "youth" and will grow up.
No. 1857794
>>1857735She posted vague progress updates when she should have got her audience more involved with the design process - it's all shrouded in mystery. She dicked around way too long and now the iron is no longer hot; by the time it's ready people will no longer be interested/able to afford it.
>>1857751I was referring to Duchess' birthday (that was illiterate anon's guess
>>1857006). It seems like this will be Duchess and Kaya's first time travelling together so it must be for a special occasion (like a birthday). Kaya wouldn't reveal where she was travelling to but said it wasn't London, Barcelona, Las Vegas, Prague or Scotland.
>>1857769Kaya is the living version of the stick in bicycle wheel meme. It reminds me when she would defend Jake's right to identify as goth during the Goff Wars on Twitter and waste hours and emotional energy over it.
I think you might be right; Kaya's been single for over 18 months so she's more than ready for a relationship but there's evidence Duchess just got out of a LTR and isn't ready for anything serious. I think this will end in tears and heart break…
No. 1857876
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Kaya quietly deleted a bunch of stories with her spergy rants over pictures of her rolling her eyes - fugly, wax-faced bitch. She blamed her hot-headedness on being hormonal but it's clear we touched a nerve regardless. She posted a video (with her favourite filter which emphasizes how naturally frog-like she is) which was particularly cringe. I don't know how to download it but I wrote a transcript-
>'I've literally posted pictures before with guys who are literally fucking gay and yet everyone says, "Omg, what's going on between you two?" and then a whole big thing spirals where everyone thinks I'm dating them. It happens with so many of my friends and we can all laugh about it but at some point you're gonna make people uncomfortable. Just please…please just let me have people in my life without debating whether it's something more than a friendship! Please, it gets exhausting. I have said so many times if something is going and it's at a point I want people to know then it'll be my decision to say so but like…sometimes it is just someone I'm friends with!'
She knew how stupid she looked here. She doesn't provide a service and barely makes content so the main thing she sells is her life drama. She chooses to post queer-bait and hickeys because it generates engagement however the downside is she has a very parasocial, invasive audience. You made your bed now lie in it.
Also, I think she outed Elf-Boy as gay. He's the main guy she's taken pics with post-break up (Kuro is bi and taken and we know Grant isn't gay…not fully anyway).
No. 1857895
>>1857615>we're all doing our best to get by these daysThen how come your patreon is just crickets and your content is repetitive unboxings and makeup when you remember to upload at all. Since she loves travel and partying she could become a travel vlogger or something, she used to do that anyway. But that'd require effort and ~multitasking~ and her current one (1) task slot is taken up by duchess.
>all my patrons are angelsThey sure have the patience and understanding of angels kek
>>1857876>people are so nosy about my private lifeBut you want people to know about your private life, specifically every single minor inconvenience in your life, for patreon sympathy bux. When it comes to relationships though, even though you were showing off boob bruises, suddenly omg you guys are sooo annoying! You could just ignore those questions altogether instead of desperately fending them off.
No. 1857974
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>>1857959He's definitely not straight but there's no solid proof he's gay. I've got Grant down as bi as multiple nonnas said he's dated women, including an American in an LDR. Hearsay is all we have to go on. Regardless, Kaya clearly fancied him and it's no coincidence that Duchess looks like him. Kaya likes long faces, tall, skinny and dark hair.
I found this IG story on an ancient altcows thread, sounds like they've known each other since childhood. I can see why their friendship survived so long, they're both awkward airheads who like spooky stuff, super girly 00s culture and social media. Grant understood her job because he was somewhat of an influencer himself and in later years they collaborated a lot.
>Wouldn't be surprised if Grant self posted when he was getting made fun ofMy tinfoil is that Grant was the one self-posting that Kaya used him as a photographer and photo editor for free, I could sense the scorn
No. 1857978
>>1857974Kaya uses everyone in the end. Link to her livejournal was posted in Jake's thread. 20 entries in it unless she's deleted since it was posted. Many entries talking about John from MAG always buying her little gifts and shit and hanging out with her when Jake was working.
Funny how she would do updates and completely blank on entire days not knowing what she did and there's other entries people claiming she was cheating on jake. Taking drugs with older guys taking her photos.
It's jarring how her recent escapades in London mirror her and Jakes documented times there. She has not grown up. Her main value and interest in life is having the energy to dress up to pose and take photos. She's had no growth in over a decade. Also her old photos she romanticises so much for being thin etc look like shit. Kayas ugly.
(reddit-spacing) No. 1857979
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>> link for anyone interested
No. 1858263
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No. 1858375
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Does this look like Scandinavia or Finland to anyone? Kaya touched down about 12 hours ago.
So many holidays. Gee her life looks nice and easy…
No. 1858514
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>>1858375It's Sweden. Specifically the Arlanda/Stockholm area.
No. 1858523
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>>1858514>>1858375seems about right. She posted 25 hours ago at Heathrow on insta, forgot to screenshot the post
No. 1858544
>>1858538Bitch did you look at Peter Steel? The disrespect.
>>1858514Awesome snooping anon! I never thought you could find out this information only from a silly plane picture
No. 1858572
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No. 1858594
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Matching couple hair I see
No. 1858709
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No. 1858715
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She hanging out with the upper class goths
No. 1858720
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No. 1858803
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She with Adora's friend simon.
No. 1858812
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It's patreon that is paying for this hoilday.she mixing with Simon.will she be mixing with adora.
No. 1858824
>>1858720I walked past a tranny in the street the other day and they look so embarrassing irl
>man body and posture>man face>giant titsAt least Kaya's TIM didn't go too far with the boobs but still very embarrassing to be seen with one in public.
>>1858724NTA but it's a term Adora made up to try and signify basically herself and her friend group as somehow bring classier than other goths, UCG.
No. 1858869
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So chave from east Belfast
No. 1858901
So it looks like Misukina
>>1858715 is a Finn who does Twitch (with an actual schedule) while studying full-time. Ellaedria
>>1858720 sounds English but is based in Stockholm, another streamer/model. Both of them have done the linguistic dance around labels and have 'goth
style/aesthetic' in their IG bios. Looks like they've been friends with Duchess for at least a year so Duchess is probably trying to introduce Kaya to her European circles. Is Simon 'coalcandy'?
>>1858812>>1858856Agreed, Kaya has a doughy, chinless face and is at least 20kg overweight while Duchess at least has cheekbones and some definition to their face. It's clear who the more attractive one is. Also Duchess dresses to their body shape better and suits the PVC goth club wear more.
>>1858869What kind of cryptid is this? No wonder Kaya's hair is always down…When it's up you can see her terrible posture and Dowager's hump in full glory. At least she wasn't too lazy to put eyebrows on.
>>1858872Lmao, brutal
(Integrate by using proper pronouns for men) No. 1859031
>>1857443latefag, but the more she alludes to or uses ‘muh executive dysfunction’ as the ultimate excuse, the more I tend to believe that it’s all just self-diagnosed bullshit. One simply doesn’t get to cherry pick which areas their disorder / dysfunction affects, when it "strikes" and to which extent. Somehow, and conveniently enough, kaya has that superpower.
I typically don’t question someone when they mention they have a mental disorder or health issue, but, sorry, it simply doesn’t work the way she’s selling it. It almost even makes a mockery out of people who actually suffer with execdys.
No. 1859186
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No. 1859209
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No. 1859290
File: 1688664293877.jpg (212.25 KB, 900x1272, 1683128276.jpg)

>>1859221to be fair the line up doesn't look too goth except And One, Gothminister and maybe one more. They're probably there to party.
No. 1859308
File: 1688668202536.png (581.33 KB, 696x1181, Screenshot_20230706-193035.png)

Kaya only there for drink and party
No. 1859310
File: 1688668441555.png (867.17 KB, 720x1071, Screenshot_20230706-193415.png)

No. 1859316
File: 1688670110768.png (691.91 KB, 720x1176, Screenshot_20230706-200226.png)

No. 1859322
File: 1688670684100.png (427.01 KB, 828x1792, 16D2ACC4-6D92-467A-9204-CA26CF…)

Reeree is doing a q & a and she “explained” a little why the OF
No. 1859354
File: 1688673891635.png (576.65 KB, 667x1055, Screenshot_20230706-205133.png)

No. 1859355
>>1859310The fact he is doing the typical troon skinwalk your significant other routine with the red hair, when they have only known each other like 2 months by Kaya's own count is creepin' me out like imagine
anyone you've known for 2 months who starts trying to look more like you
No. 1859361
File: 1688675119123.png (745.28 KB, 720x824, Screenshot_20230706-212526.png)

No. 1859518
>>1859186I love troon candids.
>>1859322Reeree's descent into OF whore is honestly one of the most depressing recent developments in these threads.
No. 1859563
>>1859322This is so delusional, and pathetic, and sad.
How can it ever feel empowering to be objectified? It’s an oxymoron.
How can it count as overcoming past trauma and conquering abuse, when you’re essentially abusing yourself
further through dumbing yourself down to nothing but a mere sex object (and in of case, a cheap and easily accessible one too) for a bunch of pests and pervs to consume? You’re just reiterating everything your abuser was feeding into you.
One-upping your abuser is becoming strong and
independent, and
successful in each area of life, with dignity, integrity, and poise, despite the damage. And being happy.
No. 1859612
>>1859563She doesn’t realize this but it says so much about her. She needs therapy and not plastic surgery and online whoring. It gives me a stranger feeling that she seems so hypersexual and horny now in my opinion it shouldn’t be (necessary) in a healthy stable relationship.
>>1859518>Reeree's descent into OF whore is honestly one of the most depressing recent developments in these threads100% agree
nonny No. 1859658
File: 1688725321174.png (722.21 KB, 720x1118, Screenshot_20230707-101934.png)

Same nightdress Sinch last weekend.
No. 1859670
File: 1688727023924.png (990.52 KB, 717x1107, Screenshot_20230707-114858.png)

No. 1859684
File: 1688732476103.png (850.23 KB, 509x905, 67656756765.png)

Kayas troon trying to look creepy on his instagram but just looks like a retarded horse
No. 1859709
File: 1688736496170.png (1.2 MB, 700x1122, Screenshot_20230707-142719.png)

Both in red .she got new grant
No. 1859711
File: 1688737306575.png (1.24 MB, 720x1124, Screenshot_20230707-144106.png)

No. 1859739
File: 1688740579305.png (595.88 KB, 720x812, Screenshot_20230707-153504.png)

No. 1859741
File: 1688740724512.png (749.16 KB, 707x796, Screenshot_20230707-153516.png)

No. 1859750
>>1858594To all the insecure nonnas thinking they look like troids, here is the picture to disprove your fears. Despite Kaya having unfortunate fat features and a large body, it's still obvious who's a real man here
>>1859322Nothing says "doing things for me" like beating blackmail threats then coping about it
>>1859361Kaya run, don't walk away from this Troon. Don't use this time to prove yourself the best handmaiden vs those evil lolcow terfs. Imitation isn't a sincere form of flattery when the troid is skinwalking you. Half of us peaked from troid abuse and know this shit is just the start. If you're not creeped out by skinwalking you should be, and it will only get worse.
Jake is not a good benchmark to judge relationships on, not being him doesn't make a scrote good by default. Troons are inherently narcissistic so it will likely be close to early Jake rn. I wouldn't be surprised if the Duke reminds kaya of Jake and thinks this'll be the "good version" who'll listen to her
No. 1859776
>>1859741Kaya a few metres from her skinwalking troon and experiencing separation anxiety kek, meanwhile the narc continues to visibly pose and "act female" by sticking his tongue out, eating food slowly while posing with said food, or grinning inanely for every photo/video
>>1859750>Kaya run, don't walk away from this Troon. Don't use this time to prove yourself the best handmaiden vs those evil lolcow terfsTo use the insufferable meme format going around on Instagram reels
>Dating a troon to prove you are the best handmaiden of all (we can't intervene, it's a canon event)(format basically signifying a common mistake many people go through but is character building/formative)
No. 1859814
>>1859749I know right she can't zip it up on the ribs time to get a size up
>>1859670Not a single one these photos is a flattering for kaya how unfortunate
No. 1859853
File: 1688760730415.png (540.28 KB, 677x651, Screenshot_20230707-210423.png)

>>1859814 it's way too small
No. 1859857
>>1859853Kaya still hasn't figured out she's been overweight the past 10 years there's no hope she knows how to dress herself. Poses photos the Troon looks better, I'm sure it grates on insecure kaya this fling won't last.
>>1859741Kaya looks insecure af in this photo, wonder if she'll be falling over drunk and dry humping them or will she be asking the Troon for a wee chat then gurn about feeling ugly. Methinks the latter
No. 1859861
File: 1688761908085.png (858.36 KB, 720x1113, Screenshot_20230707-144458.png)

No. 1859890
File: 1688767867306.png (308.49 KB, 720x809, Screenshot_20230707-230814.png)

No. 1859936
>>1859750>calling "duchess" the dukeKek nona
>Don't use this time to prove yourself the best handmaiden vs those evil lolcow terfsYeah when she said stuff like "I love Harry Potter but hate evil
terf jkr and won't play the new game!" I thought it was to appease her subs, but she's gone handmaiden supreme. And I hoped she was having a fling but they do appear to be dating here. Now I just hope he doesn't hurt her during sex "accidentally" out of jealousy for a real woman or some shit. As much as I think kaya is an annoying ungrateful whinge, I don't think she deserves a troon boyfriend. But she's used to dating an insufferable narc so maybe she doesn't see red flags.
No. 1859994
>>1859956Exactly. She says it herself – she’s been stealing other people’s phones to film and take photos. So, everybody else in the group (tent) manage, but Kaya can’t charge her phone to save her life?
Also, almost everybody these days owns some sort of a powerbank – something one’d definitely take with them when travelling.
Especially if you’re a social media "influencer" and it’s your entire gig to keep your phone charged and utilised at all times, kek. She’s such a twat.
No. 1860021
File: 1688785838687.png (205.54 KB, 1440x1658, charging.png)

>>1859994I feel like not many people will bring a powerbank to a festival, but most festivals have charging stations as this one does, picrel.
No. 1860049
File: 1688788584180.jpeg (351.92 KB, 1123x1896, 03660746-0287-464D-B624-FE8493…)

This is just really depressing to see, honestly.
No. 1860164
File: 1688813862052.png (885.17 KB, 720x1221, Screenshot_20230707-211801.png)

>>1859956 she is lazy .when rest of group Is in big tent out in field dancing her red boots outside other tent she in with getting love bits and drinking is more important.
No. 1860179
File: 1688816308053.png (818.34 KB, 697x1014, Screenshot_20230708-123743.png)

No. 1860184
File: 1688817108417.png (866.43 KB, 717x1037, Screenshot_20230708-123613.png)

No. 1860243
File: 1688827591838.jpeg (216.61 KB, 1116x1956, C50E57F3-E537-4ED7-AF8A-6C32F2…)

What is the point of posting this? A pity party? Or an attempt to e-beg into getting a new place?
No. 1860298
File: 1688832541240.png (990.31 KB, 720x1205, Screenshot_20230708-170954.png)

Omg there is no hope for her
No. 1860337
File: 1688836526640.png (872.6 KB, 720x1148, Screenshot_20230708-181410.png)

No. 1860382
File: 1688841036908.png (1 MB, 720x1226, Screenshot_20230708-192533.png)

No. 1860445
File: 1688848004059.png (538.83 KB, 720x1044, Screenshot_20230708-212639.png)

No. 1860476
>>1860298 oh geeze what happened to her she use to have some dignity.
>>1860337 not the jaw paint paint phase again it makes her look awful from the side thought she left that behind with jake
>>1860382 honestly didn't even realise that was her at first at least this outfit better then the tit tape nonsense and the red fit
>>1860449 of course she on drugs/taken them recently she turned into a everyday party groupie. I still think when the incident with the spiked drink I do think she was so mellow about the whole thing was cause she been experimenting else she was had a 2 year melt down like her moped.
(learn2integrate) No. 1860735
>>1860449>takes boots off to sit in tent with friends>lazy whore!>takes selfie showing off blacked out teeth for costume>why is she making a face… must be drugs!Like don't get me wrong Kaya is a cow but the nitpicking itt is both hilarious and wild sometimes.
>>1860361Her and Jake used to match outfits too. Making it very obvious they are dating even if she wants to play dumb.
>>1860542It's the Jake thread, everyone was telling you to post about her here. Also you were WKing Kat and got banned. kek
No. 1860769
File: 1688879694686.jpg (539.91 KB, 575x419, R99nXsz.jpg)

Just realised Duchess is on a leash kek. This must be purely for aesthetic and fun - Kaya exudes little to no 'top' energy.
No. 1860789
>>1860769This is the most poorly disguised relationship in history, I have no idea why she was faking being angry at her followers for speculating, unless she was simply
triggered by the fact everyone sees this dude as a dude ("who is that guy" questions), despite the titties
No. 1860798
>>1859031It's annoying isn't it? In her Punk Rave haul vid she said something along the lines of 'ADHD brain is great because whenever you order stuff online you totally forget what you ordered so it's a surprise all over again when it arrives'. Stop talking out of your arse Kaya, this is a common experience with online shoppers (especially when you order as much stuff as her). She talks like some self-diagnosed twat on TikTok and makes no effort with her ADHD management - this is what makes people doubt her diagnosis and struggle to empathize with her.
>>1859670It's disgusting watching IG stories and seeing Kaya and Duchess eating chips like a pair of rhesus monkeys, stuffing their faces as quickly as possible. The candid videos are very revealing, it's no wonder Kaya is bursting out of her clothes
why? I hate these cluttered, BDSM looks she assaults our eyes with every time there's an event. I get that she's trying to score some more Tommy Vowles freebies by piling on every gifted piece she owns but it just looks like shit and undermines his brand. I agree with a previous nonna that said she suits romantic, softer looks. Also that swimming suit she uses for the club, pool and for daily wear must reek of chlorine.
No. 1861024
File: 1688927008821.png (571.04 KB, 674x540, Screenshot_20230709-192250.png)

No. 1861100
>>1859354Kaya looked really uncomfortable and miserable here…but then all the snacks provided the perfect distraction and source of unending dopamine
>>1859670After hassling the members of group too often to borrow portable batteries and phones they probably started giving her the cold shoulder. Kaya is used to being treated like a spastic toddler in groups but this older alt crowd seem childless by choice and found her immaturity annoying; they just wanted to listen to music and have fun.
Eventually she just hung out with Duchess the whole time and barely talked or interacted with the others
>>1860382They look like they smell like shit and they're probably bloated from eating 7 bags of chips each. I think Kaya keeps snarling in order to get into 'dom' space or something kek. It looks extra retarded when she winks at the same time. Kaya, pls don't…
No. 1861110
File: 1688934853962.jpeg (179.84 KB, 828x1424, 48EAED6B-738F-474B-B567-5164B9…)

The duke is brushing Kayas hair. For the love of god can she use a different filter please?!
No. 1861163
>>1861153Did you get lost on your way to a Drag Queen storytime or something? A man with estrogen tiddies is still a man, cry harder about it (and have a look at transwomen crime statistics while you're there, they are generally
worse than cis male averages)
No. 1861259
>>1861179>Then she said people were being mean to her about overusing the frog filter like some whiney babyMaybe it's her lame attempt at being quirky and she's sad nobody likes it kek
>picked up a frog with her pissy handsAlso seems like she wants a lame attempt at being a disney princess, like oh nature loves me, but comes off as crusty. Like how she had a ~plant mom~ phase but collected literal weeds off the sidewalk in a bag that festered forgotten in her hoard pile for months till she found it. She's such a woodland fairy, you guys.
No. 1861423
>>1861176>>1861220>>1861179>Kaya overuses some dumb frog filter>These people don't deserve frogs!>we should gatekeep frogs!>she obviously doesn't know anything about amphibians at all!>Poseur frog lover!>she totally touched a frog with pee hands! (doesn't provide any receipts)Can't tell if we need a Kaya containment thread after this altcows thread is full or what. Any actual milk on Kaya or other cows always gets drowned out by tinfoiling, nitpicking, infighting, and general retardation. It's a real shame because there's so much potential with this cringe troon bdsm relationship she's engaging in rn. Like
>>1860769 >>1861024 is just too much. kek at the nonna who has dubbed him "the duke" though.
>>1861405She's a total handmaiden for sure. We've all seen the anti JK Rowling sperg she posted to her IG story already. This was even before she met him. I don't foresee Kaya peaking anytime soon, if ever.
No. 1861471
File: 1688990155177.png (451.2 KB, 671x625, Screenshot_20230710-125211.png)

No. 1862067
File: 1689056108637.jpg (129.51 KB, 833x770, Screenshot_20230710-155231_Sam…)

One year ago she was a elegant dressed goth vs now
>>1860298 No. 1862076
>>1861612Anon, our first introduction to the duke was his biting her tit at the slimelight they met at when she was handing out those party favor syringe shots. He might be skinwalking her, but he seems equally estatic at having a woman find him sexually attractive as some sort of lesbian larp.
>>1862067To be fair she appears to be out eating here at a normal looking establishment whereas the topless nipple tape pic is a photo of her and her troon getting ready at an alternative music festival. Camping music fests are always crawling with skimpy get ups and girls in pasties. It seems she was more trying to be "lol so quirky" about the fact they had to paint themselves out in public because their only other alternative was likely slathering paint all over someone else's tent.
No. 1862092
File: 1689059916958.jpeg (202.73 KB, 1289x2320, E932EEB6-9A9C-4A38-8957-93C485…)

God she is dumb.
No. 1862128
>>1862113The matching paint and tit tape was soon covered with her and the duke's actual outfits,
>>1860382 >>1860769 that was just another subtle couple photo on Kaya'a part, she wasn't actually walking around like that.
No. 1862147
File: 1689076125959.png (1.14 MB, 700x1152, Screenshot_20230711-124513.png)

No. 1862162
File: 1689078881047.png (370.65 KB, 720x1015, Screenshot_20230711-124920.png)

>>1862148Why do she get so much free clothes.but always use same outfit.that hoodie was freebie she lives in it .
No. 1862323
File: 1689098781974.jpeg (429.22 KB, 828x1218, 42315929-B4AA-43EF-9CC4-317AF1…)

>>1862309That red thing looked like shit in the beginning of the year already
No. 1862388
>>1862309I thought she was gaining weight back too, which can happen to anybody but it was such a sore spot for her and her confidence which seemed to improve after the break up like here
>>1600893, I wonder if that's another sign of regressing to pre break up kaya
No. 1862393
>>1862388Same fag to add there was another pic of her in a crop top and sweats, which I remember cos she'd expressed being insecure of her tummy and never wore crop tops
same but I can't find it now
No. 1862404
File: 1689103623284.png (4.56 MB, 1170x2532, 83271EA4-4908-4B48-8596-261A67…)

Nice posture…
No. 1862474
>>1862404Dude, the way her silhouette is on that picture, it's like Homer Simpson with his beer belly dressed in a goth outfit. Also do yourself a favor y'all and don't zoom on her face, it looks worse than on all her selfies with or without filters. And I've seen some shit at WGT before.
Hopefully soon 1. She picks up her gym hours again 2. She learns to layer clothes so they fit her figure. Either or.
No. 1862538
>>1862404A series of unfortunate chins.
The Duke's makeup make it look like he has a boil on his neck too.
No. 1862592
>>1862128 said. She wasn't running around topless the entire time and I didn't even compliment her outfit? Calm down. lmao
>>1862147>>1862323>>1862404This red outift is definitely one of her worst. Whoever posted that last pic must absolutely hate her. woof
No. 1862850
>>1862756nta, but everything we've always complained about Kaya was exactly what his video confirmed. She apparently actually is that nasty to live with. they were basically roommates for years with how emotionally distant they were from each other, which was painfully obvious even before the breakup. He did them both a favor and broke up with her, then spent a fuck ton of money supporting her for nearly a year after the breakup. I've literally never heard of a scrote doing that. He could have just said "fuck off, go live with your mom, get out of the spaces i pay for". And how quickly he moved on? It's not really that quick, considering the relationship emotionally ended years ago. Kaya herself said she wasn't upset about the breakup, only upset that she wasn't prepared for it. Everyone is so high and mighty about how he moved on, but it's really not that surprising. And look, she's running around public with her tits out two years later, still floating on the Patreon support she snagged from the breakup. They were both definitely shitty to each other, but that's how break-ups usually work. She's not some damsel in distress. She's a lazy cow who got a giant L when her sugar daddy kicked her out.
No. 1862930
>>1862850>And how quickly he moved on? It's not really that quick, considering the relationship emotionally ended years agoYet he wasn't emotionally mature enough to actually END the relationship when his feelings ended, so he cheats on her instead and makes a big fiasco. And for some reason that's justifiable?
Let's not forget that he was vocally talking about bringing Kaya on tour with him up until about a month before the tour. A few months before that he bought her an exquisite pair of earrings for her birthday. What has he ever given Skat? His "time" and a stripper pole. Imo, all of that goes to show how quickly it blew up and ended. I don't even think Jake saw it coming the way it did.
No. 1862947
File: 1689177990614.png (505.03 KB, 720x790, Screenshot_20230712-170441.png)

I blame the enablers of patreon
For all for this …
No. 1863002
File: 1689184543632.jpg (79.09 KB, 580x580, m_640243067dfcc2734d98941b.jpg)

>>1862998Killstar Spells Skater dress in red
No. 1863010
File: 1689185607691.png (774.03 KB, 720x1056, Screenshot_20230712-191426.png)

No. 1863069
File: 1689191489795.png (815.6 KB, 705x884, Screenshot_20230712-205152.png)

No. 1863084
File: 1689193792134.png (412.39 KB, 670x871, Screenshot_20230712-213043.png)

No. 1863105
File: 1689196411488.png (836.66 KB, 709x1049, Screenshot_20230712-221414.png)

She is just lazy noting else
No. 1863114
>>1862850Kaya is a sad lazy slob and a troon handmaiden, but there's absolutely no reason to put Jake on any sort of pedestal in comparison or try to excuse his
abusive and nasty behavior over the course of the relationship. Even if they had broken up before he cheated on her with Kat, Kat was a married woman with a family. I'm glad that all the other anons are in agreement about Jake at least. Kaya is a cow, but that doesn't make Jake not a disgusting scrote either. The "sugar daddy" bit is rich too considering how the majority of their relationship he leeched off her. He was only making money the last year or two, which of course is why he suddenly has the gall to leave her.
>>1863002I don't understand why she runs around wearing this when it's obviously two sizes too small for her. Like, why not buy one that actually fits?
No. 1863179
File: 1689200178719.jpg (1.04 MB, 736x612, ruDEgE3.jpg)

>>1863124It's from the Subkultfestivalen Facebook page, the gallery is the newest post.
No. 1863226
File: 1689203304014.jpg (540.66 KB, 1080x2190, Yikesss.jpg)

Every time I remember this tragedy exists (I searched for her once so she always shows up when I click the search bar) she has something new to laugh about istg
No. 1863252
>>1863211It's pretty obvious they were both terribly codependent. Neither of them would have left each other, Jake without having another woman waiting for him, and Kaya, only if Jake left her. As much of a sloppy trainwreck she is right now, she's ironically better off since the relationship ended. Mind you, that bar is on the floor. kek
>>1863226I've really got to wonder how she affords to look this retarded and unemployable without a job or income. Do her parents still support her or something?
No. 1863543
File: 1689225689980.jpg (624.26 KB, 415x619, vewmO5F.jpg)

>>1862404Built like the Penguin and looking mildly retarded.
This is a good contender for the next thread pic.
No. 1863786
File: 1689276306009.jpg (2.09 MB, 1080x2160, LI0IOxL.jpg)

Saged for derail but I thought you nonnas would find this funny.
I was looking through old altcows threads and found this gem. It's from August 2019 and features baby Elfboy meeting his YouTube idols at Summer in the City. It's so bizarre that 3 yrs later Kaya is partying with him every month in London as a single woman.
No. 1863961
Also, what she describes here is a classic textbook case of procrastination, with sprinkles of depression and anxiety. Not "panicky stressy ADHD paralysis".
But of course, gotta make it out sounding like you actually have a full blown "raging" disorder, a real force majeure, because otherwise it doesn’t sound sexy and convincing enough of an excuse.
You’re just a lazy, entitled, immature spoilt brat with the most basic of basicest cases of chronic procrastination and self-pitying childishness. It’s not that deep. But you wish it were.
No. 1863971
>>1863786Nitpick, but god they’ve let themselves go…
But interesting find, Nonna. It definitely is peculiar how life pans out sometimes, kek.
No. 1865683
File: 1689526126685.png (654.71 KB, 700x1239, Screenshot_20230716-174812.png)

No. 1866740
File: 1689612781045.png (832.31 KB, 489x886, 798987897897789.png)

The only time Kaya posts anything to social media is when she is drinking with friends. what does she do all day? Just sit around watching tv and youtube until her friends finally have time to party with her?
No. 1866864
File: 1689620802400.png (840.77 KB, 673x1020, Screenshot_20230717-200539.png)

>>1866740DON'T think any work be done if Tim is over
No. 1866869
File: 1689620940949.png (587.61 KB, 712x1160, Screenshot_20230717-201024.png)

No. 1866992
File: 1689631590343.jpeg (257.82 KB, 1170x2016, IMG_2830.jpeg)

Oh Mamie, those are eyebrows girl
No. 1867024
>>1866992Is this mamie hades doing a new style? Well her makeup skills are still the same old skill level
>>1866425Wonder when he'll start the gofundme for "gender affirming" hair transplants
No. 1867124
>>1867024>>1865683kek. Not sure how much better he'd look with the dylan mulvaney hairline. He could have been a decent looking goth dude though, real shame.
>>1866922Are you okay anon? What is this weird poop fanfiction you are writing?
No. 1867171
>>1866864How is bro getting so much time off work to eat chips and drink with Kaya?
He did say he lost his job 3 weeks ago
>>1854182 so he probably got fired for taking too much time off to party and travel for sex. He's definitely enjoying Kaya's Patreon money…a lot.
I bet Kaya will eventually get Duchess into Youtube so they can 'work' together when he moves to NI. Problem is they both seem like airheads who will enable the most lazy and gluttonous tendencies in each other…
>>1866740Another month has gone by with no YT videos or streams. No worries, just keep slamming that tequila back and posting IG stories - the patrons won't know the difference.
>>1867124I got the sense that anon knows Kaya IRL as the poop jibes sounded quite personal and venomous…or it could just be some scat-obsessed random projecting lol.
No. 1867236
File: 1689661023324.jpeg (139.93 KB, 828x1355, D96D3D0F-2E18-48A8-A3AB-0DD33A…)

>>1866992The lacefront oh my and she said she went to a salon for that
No. 1867243
File: 1689664312423.png (1.74 MB, 1450x844, jakelikesfartsiguess.png)

>>1867127kek. ngl, I thought it.
>>1867171There's been an awful lot of fart and poop jokes all over Jake's content lately. Not that I think it was actually him, but could be a snacc. Could also be that one "does a weed" anon too though. They're always presenting weird scenarios as hard fact.
No. 1867350
File: 1689686713410.png (811.97 KB, 720x1093, Screenshot_20230718-142536.png)

No. 1867448
File: 1689701491902.png (677.85 KB, 603x1176, Screenshot_20230718-183029.png)

No. 1867463
File: 1689703559817.png (444.59 KB, 574x926, Screenshot_20230718-190614.png)

No. 1867468
File: 1689704214159.png (300.47 KB, 632x1117, Screenshot_20230718-190609.png)

This is what her Patreon is paying for.
No. 1867622
File: 1689724046878.jpg (460.21 KB, 1080x1892, JLPa0a0.jpg)

>>1867286She's packed on even more weight recently and the festival videos were very revealing. She's been wearing the same party outfits for months and they've clearly become more tight and ill-fitting (especially around her neck, arms, underarms and stomach).She looks like a blackened sausage bursting out of its casing here. She also looks terribly uncomfortable, as if the belts are restricting the chip bloat and the mesh top is cutting off circulation. She needs new clothes in a bigger size.
As long as she courts Duchess her 'career' will be on hold. When they're apart she prioritizes dying her hair, doing her acrylics and not much else and when they're together they act like teenagers, partying or going to the fairground. Either way she doesn't do any real work for weeks at a time.
>>1867509This bitch has 574 patrons and earns up to USD5000 a month, that's more than a nurse in the NHS. Imagine being a patron of Kaya, doing a real job that benefits society and watching Kaya out-earn you while drinking away your dono money. Anyway don't worry anon, she had 915 patrons at her peak 18 months ago so she's lost 341 people since then. People are realizing that she's never going to change and they're losing sympathy. It doesn't help that she gets snappy and defensive when people ask her about money or content output.
She even said it herself
>>1857609, she knows the money won't last forever but she's just going to enjoy it while she can instead of using it to support herself so she can take more risks with her content - YOLO!
No. 1867656
>>1866922>>1867286Are we really speculating about a cow's pooping habits? This has to be the same "frog gate" anon. It's all so random and autistic. kek
>>1865683>>1866864>>1866869>>1867448>>1867468Wasn't the duke begging not too long ago for money because of job troubles? Kaya must be paying for almost everything for him at this point. Old habits die hard I guess, but you think she would have learned from the entire Jake experience those first 6 or so years.
>>1867507She already does that on her random days home. She needs to slow down and spend some of her patreon bux on therapy and learn some real coping mechanisms and problem solving skills instead of trying to distract herself from her problems.
No. 1867660
>>1867653It makes her disproportionally small head look even smaller compared to her giant, blocky body - it's extremely unflattering. You need a cut jawline and a defined chin if you want black neck paint to look good.
Also it makes her look like she's trying to emulate Jake lol (especially with the dodgy tooth paint and contacts).
>>1867656>She needs to slow down and spend some of her patreon bux on therapySeeing a therapist would mean having to challenge her thinking and behaviors and do the work to change and she's too stubborn for that. She avoid building coping strategies, ride out her 'high' and then crash into a depressive episode after the Duke dumps her, a friend leaves her or she gets Covid (again).
No. 1867729
>>1867507>she's going to get very depressed once her friends go back to work and she'll have to stay home for a week or so.Pretty sure this is what's happening, hanging out with friends and troon is her only routine or reason to get out of bed, she does need something else in her life to form structure so she doesn't become (already is) reliant on the outings to get her motivated. Art or some hobby, skill, course, part time job, volunteering, book club, anything else just to give her structure. I'm happy she's finally enjoying her life but it seems a bit unhealthy now a year after getting her own place to solely be doing wacky adventures and nothing else. Also the troon is making me question her life choices big time, since she seems headed for Jake 2.0 but worse because he can go online and call her a
TERF transphobe whenever they break up, and set an army on her versus cis male Jake who only had his snaccs and petty complaints about their finances to use against her.
Anyone who's read the mtf thread knows trannies will use ONE time their partner misgendered them, or simply didn't praise them sufficiently, as proof of aboos and twansphobia so it's dangerous territory
No. 1867732
>>1867622 the mesh arms and belts look tight and painful and the black ink looks tight and dry af she must been so uncomfortable.
>>1862404 oof that person who uploaded that clearly wanted to embrass her. I bet that be the last we see of the red dress.
>>1863786 she looks nice in this well dressed everything fits her hair looks nice
No. 1867739
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>>1867448Good grief, she looks like a middle aged builder called Barry.
No. 1867756
>>1867753she looked much prettier and toned down last year. I wonder what happened, I guess she doesn't fit the more elegant clothes anymore key
Her friends probably side eye her a little but she has money and probably payes for shit.
No. 1867768
>>1867751Yeah, smoking a drug that makes you hungry all the time definitely led to her losing weight "kaya is doing weed" anon.
>>1867756>she looked much prettier and toned down last yearHonestly her "red era" has been pretty awful for her. I agree she looked best last year, but considering her friend's aesthetics I'd imagine they influenced her if anything.
No. 1867796
>>1867770>>1867773If Kaya smoked weed, Jake would have wasted NO time using that as a point against her and we would hear about it endlessly: "Kaya never cleaned and was lazy because she smokes weed!" He already talks massive shit about his brother for smoking weed and shits on anyone who smokes weed in general. He has some sort of ingrained stigma towards it.
Personally as far as I can recall I can't remember her ever talking about weed. Too bad Jake is a little bitch who hid all the MAG content because he's afraid of his past.
No. 1867866
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She 30 years old no hope for her .
No. 1867923
>>1867768Regularly smoking weed actually suppresses appetite.
Her and jake smoked weed. Its funny that the ones pointing this out get called boomers, when we're not the naive idiots. No one is saying weed is bad and gross, but it's pretty ridiculous to spend others income (her patron bucks) on an illegal substance that obviously does nothing to motivate her.
>>1867796Jake smokes it too, doesn't mean he can't be a hypocrite about others use with it. He's more of an alcoholic though. They'll both be doing party favours with their new mates.
No. 1867945
>>1867923>They'll both be doing party favours with their new mates.Jake doesn't have any mates nonna. Just some lolicon catboy vtuber named "kitty mcpancakes" online and kat by the looks of things. The guy barely leaves his house and when he does it's to go play around in vrchat from his studio.
I think it's more so how people are bringing up that Kaya smokes weed without ever posting the receipts? She never talks about it and there's no screencaps or anything backing up this claim unlike the drinking. It just comes off as reaching or tinfoiling claiming it's a cold hard fact when there's zero proof of it being true. You'd think she would have slipped up somewhere with a friend posting a photo or a clip or something of them smoking or even what they were using to smoke in the bg. She spams instagram stories all the time, you'd think it would have happened by now.
No. 1868010
File: 1689801858378.png (984.45 KB, 720x1217, Screenshot_20230719-222040.png)

>>1868004Both are back at that house again .been out all day..she off to London next week..
glorified lifestyle .
No. 1868066
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No. 1868150
>>1867403I mean a woman doesn't have to be feminine. It is unfortunate though that when she's next to the troon I sometimes have to enlarge the image before I can tell which is which, even when they don't match outfits
>>1867622>She even said it herself >>1857609, she knows the money won't last forever but she's just going to enjoy it while she canAnd then she'll be back to square one having to rely on the goodwill of Internet randos, except this time it'll be after they've all watched her piss away their support so that goodwill's gonna vanish. The fuck will she do then, beg her friends for crumbs?
>>1867653She picked it up from jake who also has no neck and started doing it to carve himself a jawline, but it really doesn't work.
No. 1868237
>>1868227It's mostly likely illiterate anon doing what she does best.
It's a shit screenshot from Kaya's IG stories where she did some urbex with the Duke. Looks like they'll be fucking around Belfast until they head back to London for Monster Queen on the 28th.
Will Kaya do any work before she leaves? Probably not. Will she hold hands and intimately pose with Duchess and sperg out at anyone who asks if they're dating? Yes.
No. 1868276
>>1868227>>1868237It's always the same anon spamming screenshots of her instagram stories. You can usually tell by the filenames. They did it in the old threads too. Just like how you can tell
>>1867622 and
>>1867739 is likely the same anon due to their gibberish named jpgs. kek
>>1868271>scrounges like her maWhat do you mean? Kaya financially supported Jake for many years, it wasn't up until the last couple years he was making bank and financially supporting her. He was a complete bum when they met. It's pretty obvious she's paying for the troon now too. He was begging for money not too long ago. Funny how he can afford to be away from his restaurant job all the time all of a sudden and afford all these outings and activities with Kaya. She's so stupid paying for these men and falling for this shit again though.
No. 1868278
>>1868276I wouldn't have noticed if you anons didn't point it out but since the troon was begging for £25 on his Stories, there's no way he is paying for festival trips, flights, piercings etc she's definitely footing the bill. My guess is her female friends pay for themselves but I doubt he is. He also may well have quit his job since generally employers don't let you take two weeks off in the summer, peak time for a lot of places. Must be tru luv just like scrounger Jake doing exactly the same thing when she was a teenager, muh can't bear to be apart
attaches the suckers Kaya really should have got therapy before jumping into another relationship which so far is exactly matching the last one.
No. 1868426
>>1868302And that is what is so shocking. It's been how long now and yet her fans still want to fund this waste of space for as long as they have? Parasocial relationships are hell of a drug aren't they? Because even though it's true that Kaya wasn't scrounging off who she was dating, she's scrounging off her stupid fans who don't see her for the gluttonous leech that she is. Her content when she does upload is so lazy and so shit and it's like what the hell is wrong with her fans who willingly throw money at her? Do they actually like this bare bones content that she does? Or supporting her in general when she hardly does fuck all?
It's disappointing because we were rooting for Kaya to find normalcy again after leaving Jake but it feels like she hasn't learned a damn thing.
No. 1868467
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No. 1868701
>>1863084>>18631059 days later and it seems like she's still "allowing herself to not work and recover (from a weekend abroad..)". New content ASAP my ass, it's obvious she's still not working as she's posted 0 whiny stories about having to use her laptop for an hour. Last youtube video uploaded on June 18th.
She's not been doing any q&a or follower interaction in general, why does it seem like she's almost hiding from her audience? Is she stalling her announcement about the duke? She posts him endlessly but seems to not want to announce that they're dating.
No. 1868726
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No. 1868757
>>1868751Looking forward to her becoming a
Terf like the rest of the sane people in 1-2 years.
No. 1868851
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No. 1868855
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No. 1869051
>>1868706You're projecting way too hard anon. That nonna wasn't even defending kaya, just saying her behavior is typical for teens/early 20s which if you haven't noticed, kaya is not. Chill.
>>1868751I don't know about worse than Jake yet, but there's definitely a pattern to her relationships that seem super codependent and
toxic. It's weird we see her paying for the Duke and him immediantly skin walking her already. Jake used to wear her clothes when he was an anachan and they occasionally did that "twinning" outfit thing a lot too back in the day, but something about this guy definitely reads more "wants to wear you skin".
No. 1869275
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No. 1869364
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begging for London
No. 1869369
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No. 1869394
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No. 1869488
>>1868679It's no wonder most of Kaya's new friends are under 25; the Duke is 24 and ElfBoy and Kuro appear to be early 20s. She has the salary of a full-time nurse but all the free time of a bum so now she can drink and party whenever she wants and younger people will gravitate towards her.
>>1869369I get secondhand embarrassment when I see Kaya wearing clothes way too small for her. This unintentional squashed underboob dress is particularly unforgiving on her brick body (not as bad as the red dress though). She should have returned it and gone a size down a size if her heart was so set on this style.
No. 1869628
>>1869488I get secondhand embarrassment every time I see her next to the troon, they do not look good together and she looks like a dumbass to even be dating that creepy man after finally exiting an unhealthy relationship with another narc. Very
I was rooting for you, we were all rooting for you like this is a disaster kek
No. 1869777
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No. 1869797
>>1869777Prepare for more pics of her bare chest with taped nipples at one other party that will obviously make her need a 10-15 day break of posting content because consistency, nonnies.
We love to see it.
No. 1869833
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No. 1870155
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Random nitpick but I think it’s hilarious that Kat von D wore a trash bag to church. Guess there’s nothing else to do in bumfuck Indiana but join the church choir.
No. 1870664
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No. 1870676
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I dunno. Maybe it has to do with her all out (with bars, concerts, nights out, parties and drinks) or nothing lifestyle? It might be a crapshoot /end sarcasm
She sounds absolutely entitled, it's annoying.
No. 1870682
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>>1870676I blame the Patreons they enabler her as it's free money .
No. 1870688
>>1870676>>1870682Kaya doesnt seem to understand if you just laze around doing nothing but watch tv/screens all day and sleep, your brain is also going to become slow and foggy and youre going to be even more tired. Your brain needs something to do to function properly, little to no routine or responsibilities makes you so sluggish. Ive been there myself with depression, im sure many here have, the only cure is getting up and doing something, give yourself a schedule - and ofcourse therapy which im pretty shocked she havent gotten at all since the breakup.
Also if you do nothing for weeks and weeks and just lay around, and then suddenly you go out a full weekend of intense drinking, social interactions, loud music and being active, ofcourse youre gonna be super tired. You just went from 0 to 100 back to 0. She needs a routine so bad
No. 1870692
>>1870676Waiting patiently for Kaya's girlboss era because the awkward clumsy forgettable character arc is getting boring now
>>1870688Yes exactly this, she has no routine or goals, I have no problem with the partying (unlike some other anons) and would do the same if I was her (minus the creepy tranny) but she desperately needs a routine in her downtime too. This kind of 0 to 100 lifestyle as you say does a number on anyone, there needs to be goalsetting, structure and achievement outside of the random fun and adventure times. Otherwise the downtime is naturally going to seem depressing because there is no structure or achievement within it. Even taking up painting or something would give her some downtime self actualisation.
No. 1870756
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Off to London tomorrow to party
No. 1870763
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No. 1870840
>>1870676Oh boy, she's back on her hypochondriac shit. Has she even tried to work on her health issues before it escalates to hospital visits? Why doesn't she take a 30 minute walk or jog everyday, cut out all caffeine and take a break from clubbing? If she's actually concerned she needs to talk to a GP and start making lifestyle changes. Remember in 2016/2017 when she was convinced she had hyperthyroidism or Hashimoto's disease and that it was the source of all her health issues (namely doubling in size)? She was openly talking about it in tweets and videos well before any tests or results and it was very cringe. I think the tests eventually showed she didn't have it and you could tell she was devastated she didn't have an excuse being fat. She's constantly looking for pity and excuses rather than recovering.
>>1870682You're brain dead because you wake up every day with no plan you lazy bum. She's barely posted in the last couple of weeks because she's been so distracted by the Duke and making herself sick with anxiety because she keeps putting off introducing him to her increasingly antsy audience. It's obvious he's been with her the whole time she's been back and she's probably been introducing him to family as well as shopping, drinking and lounging around.
>>1870688Good analysis nonna. I don't think she's ever had therapy but I think it would change her life, more than any meds.
>>1870763You barely have any connection to your Patrons, you only notice when you 'see the names of some new lovelies who've just subbed'. Kaya's constantly breaking promises for streams and content but she gets out of it by groveling via IG. She just let down her patrons this week by bailing on the Sims stream. Her enablers want to see her turn into a Belfast grannie with a hoarding problem who shuffles around outside in her pajamas by her 40s - she's well on track.
No. 1870904
>>1870858The cherry on top of that IG story is that she's actually trying to sell us that she recorded two videos that she will edit in London.
Every. Single. Time she's been in London she's done fuck all except for partying and making cheap IG stories (which is still not content as far as I'm concerned).
She's lying to herself and to us, she won't hold herself accountable to actually do work while there. She didn't the last three four times she was there, why would that suddenly change.
No. 1870916
>>1870692NTA, but hardly anyone on here has a problem with Kaya’s partying per se. What anons have a problem with is her repeated e-begging and scamming, that is founded on endless baseless complaints, over-exaggerated stories and situations, made-up problems, fabricated excuses, and, sometimes, flat out lies. The constant "woe is me", "the world is out to get me", "I’m a piss-poor battered wife, help me figure life out", "muh disordered brain" (which 2/3 licensed professionals agree to that she doesn’t have) etc etc. Topped off with the lack of even an ounce of respect towards her patrons that, out of their naivety, gifted her this lifestyle, with she utilises to just wasting away and further degrading.
She pops online on the daily crying everyone a river about how all of this unfair mystical life burden is rendering her incapable of functioning and completing even the most basic of human tasks, so please please be so lovely to pay my bills and I promise I’ll open a Spooky box for ya. Then turns around and runs with that money to travel and party and get wasted with some troon for days, with not even being arsed anymore to do those insta Q&As. Then comes back and cries again.
This is the problem everyone’s having. Her lies. Like the time when she flat out lied about needing 1k or even slightly more than that to fix her car, because she’s piss poor, but having the car is so important for her mental health, as she needs to see her mum and friends who live in a different town. Then, turns out the car were to be repaired for free, she just scammed her followers of that money.
No one on here has a problem with her friends, who party as frequent as her, but are employed, self-sufficient adults, who don’t lie and scam their way into their lifestyles. Partying in itself is not an issue.
No. 1870937
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>>1870904Context for the nonnas who didn't watch the IG story from 10 hrs ago. Kaya put off the Sims stream so she could put out a video before she leaves for London but as expected, she broke her promise. Transcript below;
'Hello lovelies, so I was originally planning on editing a video and putting it up tonight but then if I did that then I'm going to be away in London for a good while and that would mean I wouldn't have any other videos for a little while so instead I decided to record another video tonight and that means I can just edit both videos while I'm in London and have a bit more content while I'm away and that's what I did so whenever I get there tomorrow I'm going to edit the first one and try to have it up. Right now I need to shower and pack (pulls a face) but I've been like sorta packing but it's all in little piles and hasn't been packed away but I'm working on everything. I am tired, I've had a busy couple of days, we're getting there. So sorry it's taking me longer than I thought to get a video up but one is on the way but I decided to prioritize having a bit more content than getting one out tonight'
Let's see if she actually posts that video after she arrives in London. Fans and hate watchers alike are used to seeing back-to-back broken promises - her word means nothing.
No. 1870945
File: 1690358752101.jpg (94.1 KB, 1051x751, 80247497645687.JPG)

Freya is moving. Seems she got her hoard back.
No. 1870949
>>1870942>kaya's new girlfriendYou mean the duke? That's a whole man
>>1870945What was the situation with her horde in storage again? Was it still in europe or temporarily in storage while they lived in the borrowed home from a family member? I can never remember the timeline of events what with her seeming to move at least twice a year.
No. 1870950
>>1870949 I am not getting into an argument about this, not everyone on lolcow is a
terf, get over it. I am here for gossip only. Let's move on.
No. 1870990
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Had to kek at maimagi asking americans what they mean if they say “I don’t cook”. She sounds dumb by trying to sound so ~danish and european~. I’m not a burger myself btw
No. 1870995
>>1870692Agree with you
nonny, hopefully she lurks this thread and takes advice,I'd love to see her get her ahit together
No. 1871028
>>1870664 does she ever take her makeup of? She always has crusty eye makeup for days.
>>1870676 I bet she start claiming she has chronic fatigue syndrome but she tired cause she never had to work a day in her life and she done to much partying she 30 she probably reached her peak it was bound to catch up with her.
>>1870682 why tag lush? To get more freebies?
>>1870937 soo basically more excuses not to upload or film when she is at London? I don’t get why people send her money she just lazy af how can she not make a bunch of YouTube short videos of her putting on a outfit or of her cat or even showing a Starbucks drink rather then making a big song and dance about having to edit
No. 1871058
>>1870945I'm like the other
nonnie confused. Wasn't the storage an apartment in another country? Her life is such a shitshow
No. 1871066
>>1871058>>1870949Her belongings were in Wellington, NZ. She was supposed to move to Dunedin back in Nov 2022 but the plan fell through because her car broke down. That's when she moved into a house offered by her family (and made a video to moan about it), her original rental was cancelled as she couldn't drive to it and her junk stayed in storage. She said she was quoted $7000 by the moving company in her second attempt, I wonder how much she paid now.
>>1812801 No. 1871074
>>1871066Thank you
nonnie! I could not stand her moaning about the house in that video I've blocked it from my memory. I would have been ecstatic if a family member would have offered this house to me.
No. 1871338
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No. 1871444
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She's back in London, chilling in the Duke's bed with his cat. Looks like she won't have to couch-surf by harassing her mutuals at the last minute anymore.
>>1871028Tuesday would have been the perfect day to post as she hadn't uploaded to YT in 5 weeks at that point but of course she makes up some lie about
strategically saving content for later. I wish she'd just be honest that she left filming to the last minute and ran out of time to edit. She'd rather lie through her teeth than admit it was because she was too busy entertaining her gangly friend for the last two weeks.
>>1871293I have to grit my teeth when she makes her long-winded excuses. I don't know why certain nonnas continue to hold out hope for this eternal lolcow. She's rambly, whiney, flakey, lazy and lacks any integrity; no one would want to be friends with someone like this IRL.
No. 1871482
>>1871465Kaya has posted stories of Sebastian staying at her Mum's place in the past. She says he gets on ok with Sunny, her Mum's dog.
I have no idea if the Duke has roommates. Considering he's an ex-hairdresser who flits between bar jobs and creative projects there's a good chance he still lives at home, esp considering he lives in London.
If the Duke ever moves to NI he'd have to give up his cat as Sebastian can't share his house with other cats (unless Kaya gives him to her Mum).
No. 1871520
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So Freya rented a truck and drove it herself.
>>1871472I think she's going to stay semi-active online as she can't let go of any e-begging opportunities. I'm expecting her to make a new house video and drop an amazon wishlist link, it worked for Kaya (although both of them have whole storage units filled with goff crap).
No. 1871529
>>1871338Has she never heard of a deposit? Also if they contact you again shouldn't you make them pay for the unpaid video instead of taking their next request?
>>1871444>strategically saving content for laterThis makes no sense to do unless you normally upload often so you space the videos you have evenly apart to prevent one really long break until you can film again. But kaya uploads sporadically so there's no break in pattern to space out, it's just how it's always been for her so she should edit and upload the moment she has anything for her fans and also the yt algorithm. Her brain is totally out of shape when it comes to both consistency and sticking to a task, if she ever knew to considering she got with fake out of high school and probably chose easy subjects.
Her best strategy is to film every moment she thinks of it (new idea? Don't wait on it, act. Film and snap pics when you're out in case something could be turned into a vlog) then edit and upload them promptly using something like the pomodoro method to stay on task instead of sitting on them.
Eventually this could actually result in a habit or routine but at the very least it will increase the rate of video creation + make the process easier as her brain gets the pathways created and reinforced along with creating proper dopamine responses due to (re)learning skills along with successfully completing tasks.
If kaya is going to sit there and claim she wanted a diagnosis, she better start pushing herself and trying methods like the pomodoro one to overcome her handicaps and get shit done. After the diagnosis comes the hard part, but it obviously does lead to better quality of life if you work at it until it becomes second nature
No. 1871532
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>>1871520This comment got me wondering how they don’t see that she uses the kids to drum up engagement. She now only gets more likes and commentary when she features Severine and Montrose vs just her tired old self.
No. 1871552
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>>1871544ugh both names suck. Montrose sounds just like Chartreuse (I remember her loving the liqueur which is really weird) and Severin is a company that makes kitchen devices in my country so I cringe at both.
No. 1871562
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I assumed she moved her shit from Scotland, but no. Does anyone know about her Germany junk? Did she move that to Scotland, or what happened to it? I'm a bit lost earlier in that timeline.
No. 1871762
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>>1871740It seems to me she does. Also, am I crazy or does Montrose have brachycephaly? Freezer said here
>>1871520 that the transportation of her stuff took 26 hours of driving and that she took Montrose with her. It's not a good idea to expose a baby to long periods of time in a vehicle or in any place where you can't change their position. I know she divided the trip into a a couple of days but it's still probably a lot of hours all at once and not the right place for such a small child. And of course he can't develop brachycephaly only in a couple of days, but maybe Freezer and Owl could be neglecting him in that aspect.
No. 1871936
>>1870990KEK. Not particularly Danish, but a Northern eurofag, and I absolutely agree with you at how ridiculous and retarded her theatrics and mental gymnastics are sounding.
> Oh I just can’t grasp what do people mean if they say they can’t cook? "I don’t cook" – what does that even mean??1! Must be exaggerating. Bitch, if someone says they don’t cook, it is exactly what they mean, burgerfag or not. Is she trying to pretend that if we’re oh so hygge over here, that we don’t have processed foods, or precooked ready-made meals easily accessible at the store, or that it can’t be our SOs cooking for us, not everybody enjoys cooking, like… if you’re a woman you’re obligated to cook? What is she even on about?
Also, eating out once a day isn’t all that expensive – it heavily depends on what you mean by "eat". Half the people with a regular arse office job do it. A lot of Southern (and even Central) Europeans have it in their culture even – to have breakfast / lunch break out.
No. 1871949
>>1870937Every time she whines and dances the dance about getting into the headspace to edit or "omg edit1ng!1!!" (or "finding the time" for that matter, like in this case) it’s just maximum cringe.
Here’s the thing, her videos range from low-production to extremely low-production. AND they’re
short. Her latest one is under 10 minutes, which, by the YT standards since forever ago, as well as the algorithm, is considered not even worth bothering.
The only type of editing that she does in her videos is either removing the so-called "bloopers" – the "uhmms", and brainfart moments, perhaps swearing, or the occasions she’s leaving the frame to fetch something. Another type of "editing" that she uses is to insert a uniform clip filmed on another occasion, or some type of image.
Doing this ^ type of editing work would take you around an hour, if not less (depending on the amount "uhmms" and prepwork like finding what images you want to insert). I’ll give you 2, if you’re being extra slow and scattered and/or a newbie. That’s it. What is there to edit?
She’s always talking about her editing as if she’s doing post-production for a bloody Spielberg movie, or a Nolan blockbuster. Like get a grip. Her excuses are tailored towards teenagers.
No. 1871965
>>1871936thank you Danish anon for your perspective, I'm glad we're on the same page. She almost sounded a bit trad with that post.
>>1871569>>1871692I think this anon is lying key
No. 1872080
>>1872039Pretty sure in one her resent videos she said she wanted a 3rd child. Pushing it big late isn’t she 37? I don’t think the children’s names are bad he probably just be called monty when he older or choose his middle name if he has one. I thought she would of called him Gomez or some Addams family name.
>>1871964 She also said she was going to be on twitch twice a week every week a year ago she lasted like 1 week now it funny she mentioned coming back after some one on here few days ago mentioned about it. Money must be getting low by now for her to think about ‘working’ tbf I don’t think jake goes on his discord much he just lets his mods and bots run it for him.
No. 1872115
>>1870916>What anons have a problem with is her repeated e-begging and scamming, that is founded on endless baseless complaints, over-exaggerated stories and situations, made-up problems, fabricated excuses, and, sometimes, flat out liesArticulated perfectly. Apart from being more free-spirited and body confident she's experienced very little growth or change in the last 18 months…it's been really disappointing to watch.
>She runs with that money to travel, party and get wasted with some troon for days and can't be arsed to do insta Q&As anymoreSocial media engagement is the easiest part of her job and she's barely posted in the last 3 weeks. She's going to keep losing fans and revenue if she continues to hide away and dodge questions about the Duke. She doesn't seem to be flourishing in this relationship so far; she's getting foggier, lazier, fatter, more distant and increasingly ill-tempered and snappy to her audience.
>The time when she flat out lied about needing 1k+ to fix her car which was ultimately repaired for freeThanks for reminding me nonna. That was low, even for Kaya. I also remember the time she had the fundraiser goal for the
London vlog which may not have been a lie but had the same stench of greed (she was earning $6-7k a month via Patreon at that point).
No. 1872243
File: 1690572861056.jpeg (131.35 KB, 828x1028, 64848FA2-98AC-4CCB-9C06-5DD427…)

loony troony posted this the other day. I kek’d
No. 1872246
>>1871484Mai hasn’t been milky since the Psychara fallout years ago. She’s very careful with her online persona, portraying herself as the ultimate ethereal elven danish cottagecore ghibli princess.
On recent news she just got married in her house and is spending her honeymoon in some Swedish town with her farmer Viking looking husband. No milk, especially compared to Maras sporadic outbursts online that sometimes yield interesting info.
No. 1872526
>>1872523No you're right that she mentioned Mr. Owl works as a cleaner. But before all of this, she said that Mr. Owl was in medical school trying to become a heart surgeon. That's why many of us are confused about this. Either he is still in school and doing the cleaning as his side job until he finishes school or he dropped out. Maybe some stuff happened during the covid lockdowns that got in the way of his schooling?
>with it being so small any kind of alt scene is going to be even smaller which you know she'll moan about. She was already trying to use her kids to scrounge up a few thousand to make the trip to WGT. Let's not pretend like things are all that great for her kids when she obviously has her priorities all backwards.Yeah, she really needs to start putting her kids first, give them a chance of stability. She's so desperate to move to a bigger city to be around more goffs but she doesn't realize that she can't do that with only one source of reliable income coming in (Mr. Owl). And obviously she doesn't make enough from her donations to supplement the costs neither, let alone to supplement an increase in their living expenses if they move to another, more expensive country. At least in NZ, her and Mr. Owl's families are there that could potentially help if they need it. Plus what would happen if something happened to Mr. Owl that stopped him from going to work?
There's just so much she needs to think hard about for the long haul.
No. 1872532
>>1872523It was brought up in the last thread. No proof was provided but multiple nonnas seemed to corroborate they
heard about it (comments linked below)
>>1817574>>1872526>Freyja mentioned Mr. Owl works as a cleaner but before all of this, she said that Mr Owl was in medical school trying to become a heart surgeon. Either he is still in school or he dropped out. Thanks nonna. I do remember talk of him studying something in university back in 2019. It would have been extremely stressful studying medicine during the pandemic so it's understandable if he dropped out however being a cleaner isn't going to be enough to support a young family with potentially a third little one planned. He must be in his mid to late 40s now so I hope he has a plan as Severine will need expensive, life-long care
No. 1872538
>>1872532I'm not saying it's bad idea to study medicine at 40+ but isn't being surgeon requiring manual proficiency? If path in NZ reassembles how it looks in Europe he would be like 50 by the time he would be performing surgeries which leaves him with very short carrier span even if he has no potential underlying genetic neurological problems that could affect hand control. It's a risky carrier bet requiring a lot of work and time.
>>1872526She could have had nice prosperous channel if she had stick to her one video every week motto that she still has as her profile graphics at yt channel. And stick more to videos from events than unboxing packages from brands as it's unlikely like you are going to receive package every week. She has been producing one video like once in a quarter in average for last like 6-7 years.
Keeping all her stuff in storage for years also was a financially questionable - she could have sold all that stuff trough someone when it became clear and obvious that she has no possibility of having all of that shipped to NZ any time soon. Her collection of shoes and clothes was enormous. Selling hem even for 10 percent of original value would be better than waste money on storing them for years. Not to mention getting some stuff she kept in the UK stolen.
No. 1872565
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I found Kaya in the Monster Queen IG stories…
Everything from the waist up looks alright - make-up, hair, the fluffy bolero and fishnet sleeve combo- but everything below is hideous. It looks like she's wearing a giant goth diaper and the Tommy Voles belt makes it look like the band is almost up to her sternum - it's a really unfortunate pairing. As she gets older the layered, ripped tights are starting to look really silly on her. How is she this bad at dressing herself?
No. 1872642
>>1872569Kaya is in it for the alt aesthetic as opposed to the music or the og fashion so
>looking hidious, scary, scruffy, zombiefied and sillyisn't what she's going for. She might never have gone for glamour I don't think, but she certainly is going for "hot" alt girl and always has been. Alternative shocking hot fashion is what killstar/aliexpress goths want
No. 1872653
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I don’t know about medical school but Mr. Owl graduated from this music college in 2020. No. 1872894
>>1872642OK, I get that she is not huge into gothic rock. Still unless she is exclusively into country music or gospel and unable to even remotely enjoy industrial, EBM, aggrotech/hellectro and other genres where artists and fans look like corpses reanimated by occult practices or nanorobots and cyborgization there still are remaining few important things
1. She was and still seems to be into Razor Candi aesthetics and that is a very specific aesthetics that is too much even for many scene members and not all of her outfits were screaming sexy but for sure were screaming strange and grotesque
2. How was she able to survive inside Monster Queen for even few minutes without running out of venue with her fingers plugged into her ears?
No. 1872927
>>1872646She talked about wanting to grow it out ages ago but I don't think she has the patience or will to see it through. I agree that it doesn't suit her face, especially when she throws all her hair up in a messy bun. She only seems to get done up once a week (if that) so must of the time she's in that baggy patch work hoodie with no eyebrows - I don't know why she doesn't have a more low maintenance haircut.
>>1872894Ntayrt but I think it's obvious she just gets hammered and tolerates a lot of the music at Monster Queen - she's mostly there to party (tbf some of the music I heard in clips was garbage). If you look at her main playlists on Spotify they don't really feature EMB and the like. I looked up Slimelight and music-wise they seem pretty inclusive; they have rooms playing goth/industrial/dark 80s, dark electro/modern EBM and electro/trance/EBM in the main area. I can see her fitting in there better.
She'll always be a witchy cottagecore girl at heart but you can see the influence the goth clubs have had on her fashion and lifestyle in the last 12 months (for better or for worse…)
No. 1873058
>>1872653Mr Owl has a music degree while freezer has what… a theatre one was it? The future is looking pretty bleak for them kek. If they wanted to pursue creative careers maybe popping out 2+ disabled kids and neglecting a luckily large online following isn’t the move.
Like the other anons I distinctly remember her mentioning him studying medicine more than once, might have been on a video and a livestream. I’m confused why she would lie about it.
No. 1873123
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Her last upload was 6 weeks ago and less than 10 mins long - she has no right to complain that the algorithms are working against her. I wonder if she's actually going to work on the new video today or whether she's still recuperating after partying at Monster Queen 2 nights ago. As
>>1871949 stated she's probably putting off basic editing work that takes 1-2 hrs of concentrated work (maybe 4 if you're as inefficient as Kaya appears) and vaguely posts about brain fog to IG as an excuse. Does the Duke ever encourage her? His unemployed ass has all the time in world to travel and party so why doesn't he help Kaya with her job?
No. 1873376
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No. 1873404
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No. 1873454
>>1873138When being tall is your personality…
Also, it irks me that someone who frequents London as much as her always has to wear platform shoes. Why doesn't she get a pair of Skechers or Nikes (in black of course)? You can cover so much more ground in such an interesting city and it's way better for your feet. I guess these Killstar goffs tend to frequent the same places over and over again (Camden etc).
>>1873193She's lucky a lot of the OG goth creators left so she has way less competition on YT however she's constantly falling off the algorithm. With strategy and hard work she could be pulling 6 digit views again but in 2023 it's clear her passion and drive is drying up.
>>1873341From memory she listened to them a lot in her youth. When she was 13 I think one of her emails or usernames had Nymphetamine (I won't judge too hard, we've all been edgy teenagers)
>>1873404Oh goody, more spooky box club shite. Hard pass - all the fake child-like whimsy and wonder will do my head in.
No. 1873825
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No. 1873836
>>1873717Their photographers do appear to hate her tbh
>>1872565These are fucking awful and make her look a lot heavier than she is. she looks so much better in the little clip of her walking
>>1873138 No. 1873875
>>1873836> She looks so much better when she is wearing 4" platforms, walking away from the camera so you can't see her front, and wearing black, flowy clothes that hide her entire torso definition It's definitely all about the angle, and she stops posting as soon as she can't find an angle that doesn't show off how much weight she gained. She is very self conscious about her weight gain, it's why she covers up her upper arm flab in every outfit she wears.
This time she can't blame ADHD medication though, it's this super cozy lifestyle kudos enabling Patrons.
No. 1873932
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No. 1873954
>>1873764She's fundamentally a stunted pleasure-seeker with an aversion to introspection and self-growth. She made some TikTok last week about how she's living her best life now but what happens once the money runs out, the Duke leaves or her friends out-grow her? Her happiness wasn't earned but bought and paid for by her patrons and she's developed zero healthy coping mechanisms for when they decide to stop being doormats. Kaya, go get fucking therapy like you said you would.
>>1873932Why doesn't the cat have a leash or harness on? They must be very close to the Duke's house if he is willing to do that. Does he live in one of those houseboat looking things behind? That might explain why his internet is so shit
>>1873825 I remember Kaya posting pictures of them paddling in shallow river as well canals a couple of months ago.
No. 1874010
>>1873981Still, they're not going to be in the next town over. They're probably a few hundred metres away from the house. It's highly unlikely it's more than that.
Also, Duchess has posted a story of herself walking past this houseboat lined canal when she was enroute to Belfast 2 months ago.
No. 1874029
File: 1690855293081.jpg (988.75 KB, 792x670, kE2wSwB.jpg)

>>1873932Look at those houseboats bumper to bumper on a narrow river -now that's a glimpse into the housing crisis in London rn. I hope Kaya realises how fortunate she is living in a 3 bedroom house by herself with an SUV and a rented studio.
No. 1874072
>>1873825 nonny posted the first screenshot of her waiting for the video to upload. There's a second IG story of the upload process being at 30% only and Kaya added the gif of a girl laying down sperging out to describe how she feels about it.
Poor privileged housebound with no responsibilities-Kaya forgot that when you're elsewhere than your comfort zone in NI, that not everyone has great internet service.
(sage your shit) No. 1874102
>>1874010You insist on using
she with a man
No. 1874149
File: 1690883640048.png (605.24 KB, 694x642, spookybox_july23rd.png)

>>1873376>>1873404>>1873825It's almost 24hrs since she allegedly started uploading the video, and there's still no video published.
According to the screenshots (BST, picrel), she was
at 0% 23hrs ago, and
at 30% 20hrs ago, which makes it – the net where she stays at uploads circa 10% per hour. Since 30% was 20hrs ago, the video should've been long uploaded by now.
My tinfoil is that it is all staged and there is no video to be uploaded. She hasn't edited shit, since, as we all know, she can't be arsed to fulfil her influencer duties while on trips. Especially on trips to London. She can't even post photos and stories, because, according to her own word, she can't "multitask"
>>1850820 and she's used that justification on more than one occasion.
The reason why she'd need to stage something isn't because of patreon guilt, but because Spooky Box is a sponsorship and that always comes with a deadline. The last day of the month sure looks like deadline material, and that's why the "31" on the calendar app icon is strategically visible in every story. This isn't the default icon layout. I was wondering what excuse will she likely be using while away, and it surely looks like it.
The foundation for this tinfoil lies not only in the stated above – deadline with a company + can't be arsed, preoccupied with the Duke + previous behaviour. But because I can't believe it for the life of me that there is NO public space in London – a library, campus, business centre, cafe, or those Internet cafes even (or what are those called these days, a public place full of computers?) etc – that one can access on a Monday to upload the oh so important video. I refuse to believe it, it's bs. Also, if she cared about having it uploaded, couldn't she have crashed into Luxeria and Roly's like she used to, or some other friend's, and uploaded there? It smells weird.
No. 1874174
>>1874164If she had a work routine, everything would be so much easier for her. If she did 2 days a week she still has 5 to slob out and go out with mates.
Its not rocket science is it?
No. 1874190
>>1874149>Spooky Box is a sponsorship and that always comes with a deadline. The last day of the month sure looks like deadline material, and that's why the "31" on the calendar app icon is strategically visible in every storyGood eye nonna, this sounds accurate. She's done 2 Spooky Box videos this year; Candy Witch & Hearth Witch (90, 91) on March 8th and Cryptid Cuties & Doll House (92, 93) on May 4th. It looks like a box comes out every month so her pattern has been to double stack then review the following month…however she broke the pattern by not posting a double unboxing in July.
>My tinfoil is that it is all staged and there is no video to be uploaded. She hasn't edited shit, since, as we all know, she can't be arsedIt does look like Kaya is trying to cover her ass instead of admit she missed the deadline because at this point, she's embarrassed herself so much. It's almost 1pm in London and there's radio silence on her socials. She's probably out and about with the Duke but internally stressing about the video fail. It's clear she didn't wake up this morning and rush off somewhere with better internet to upload the video.
Ultimately I don't think she'll ever lose the partnership unless she gets cancelled or shit talks the company online. Kaya has been reviewing Spooky Box since its inception back in 2015 and as far as I can see she's documented every one. Judging from the views she definitely pulls in a lot of business. If you type 'spooky box club' into YouTube and filter this year's results you'll see she dominates the feed; she gets tens of thousands of views while everyone else gets a few hundred at most. In her own words these videos are easy to make because the format is so familiar to her. I have no idea why she left filming and editing so late…this drama was so easily avoidable.
No. 1874277
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The sweet schadenfreude of seeing Kaya's Patreon numbers drop as the new month ticked over…
I know a few patrons will trickle back in the next few days but I've noticed the lovelies are unsubbing in larger numbers each month.
'Creating Youtube videos'…lol. It should be 'Pay for my air tickets and cocktails'
No. 1874282
File: 1690902095072.png (3.08 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_2895.png)

Who knew traveling meant Wi-Fi might not be reliable? It’s hopeless
No. 1874348
>>1874341I wonder if Kaya is going to head for a nervous breakdown soon. She's entered her 30s with no functioning adult skills.
If I was her I'd be terrified of the future, she's in rented accommodation and she even says herself she's YOLOing her youtube money away. Her popularity peaked on YouTube about 6 years ago, her breakup video brought in the most views in about 5 years and it didn't even hit 340k views. Her patron numbers are going down. She's ruined herself with all those tattoos she fixated on after the breakup. She just keeps redoing looks she's done for 10 years on YouTube, if you scroll her videos you'll see she hasn't evolved her style in over a decade.
Not even mentioning after 2 years of being single the first thing she dates is a 24 year old Troon.
>>1874168>>1874234Guess getting baked takes precedent over her job. Maybe kaya thinks up most of her excuses while she's high, not realising most people live in the real world and can see right through her.
No. 1874390
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Please patreon wise up stop supporting this begger .she not your friend all you are is human ATM machine for her lifestyle
No. 1874401
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>>1874390She's past like 8 internet cafés by now lmao
No. 1874425
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No. 1874428
>>1874390She can literally just copy the file to her phone via usb and upload via the Youtube app on her mobile internet. If her video exports are 40gb she's fucking up the export but more likely it's 1gb or less in which case whatever internet plan she has on her phone should be able to handle it. She's still in the UK so it doesn't count as roaming charges.
(She also can edit video on her phone instead of using a video editing program, phone apps do the same thing) like it's baffling to me she's lugging around a laptop and using restaurant wifi while updating us about it on…her phone…which she could also use to do the job
jesus wept etc
No. 1874467
>>1874450 I'm lost for words.i blame the enablers more they keep her living this lifestyle.
Wrost she going get .how bad her life is.she staying longer in london…
No. 1874508
>>1874395Might just be weight gain. She started to lose weight after the break up and started to pull off her fashion sense again, but now that she's been gaining it back she once again doesnt know how to dress herself. Course there's intentional grungy messy but then there's messy cos you failed what you were trying to do. And cos she used to shame people for being fat, and used to dress up a lot more when she was thin, maybe she really doesn't know how to dress for plus size. …Despite being plus size and being an alt fashion youtuber for years now.
>>1874434Watched the video at 2x speed, it was a big ramble about her struggling to do things.
>hello lovelies I'm soooo stressed and we're breaking the stress cycle with this video, I feel better after doing one bc it resets my stress clock>Had such a busy month, since my bday it's just been go go go. Recounts bday, slimelight, sweden festival, a "friend" came over for a week then "she" left (idk who, the Duke?), and going to London soon >It was all in the spirit of doing stuff I've not been able to do in my adult life so far. So im the happiest I've ever been, finally free to enjoy the world and meet amazing people>But when I'm not constantly busy and I'm home alone I'm tired, can't get out of bed, full of self loathing. Spent last night crying trying to summon the strength for this video which I've been trying to do for days>how much of this is depression, or adhd, or both, or just me sucking as a person? And people with normal brains will think I'm lazy, I haven't made a video in ages so i have no right to be burnt out.>But when I'm doing nothing, it's not in a relaxing way, I'm stressing about the fact that im doing nothing, telling myself to do things like this video but being paralysed. People with executive function wouldn't understand>even when I posted insta stories like sorry I wjll have a video soon I got snarky messages like "oh, again?" (kek)>But I need to get on top of it because bills and stuff keep going up I am soooo stressed>Not medicated atm, mentions the antidepressants and weight gain and that there was even a tumblr dedicated to any time she ate unhealthy food or had visible double chin in Jake's videos. (Why specifically in Jake's videos? Crack tinfoil what if it was Jake)>Also figured because of home life, no meds will help unless environment changes (referring to Jake probably).>Does want to be back on meds now but not possible. In 2020 saw a private psych cos of NHS wait list, £360 a session so could only afford two session. It's now £840 a session, no way is she dropping that so meds not happening.>It's probably tiring hearing me apologise over and over for being burnt out and disappearing for a long while but this is a lifelong problem, anyway sub to my patreon Idk if I want to summon empathy for this. I def used to around the time of the break up cos I was rooting for her to graduate from being a cow, thinking leaving Jake would do it. His miserable ass won't suck the fun from her life anymore and she'll have the kick up the bum to get her life on track. And her impulsive spending and partying instead of working, and being too lazy to even use the partying as content, was because she was finally free of him and getting him out of her system right? But a year or so later and she's still doing it, it seems she's regressing to pre break up kaya now with a troon in tow, mixed in with some genuine mental health problems that she'd rather keep herself busy (party) to forget about because its too expensive to actually deal with.
No. 1874525
>>1874508We have come full circle since before the breakup. The posts back then are a mirror image of the posts now. Kaya will never learn because she has no incentive, passion or drive. Once the patreon dries up she will find someone to mooch off of, no way this cow is ever going to do actual work kek.
The adhd is not an excuse. Like many other anons I too have it and you can still be a productive member of society if you try a wittle bit.
No. 1874532
>>1874508Thanks for the recap. This woman needs a self-improvement regime that includes a balanced diet and a regular exercise routine, that would improve her mental and physical state a lot. Too bad she's a lazy womanchild unable to commit.
>>1874179>>1874223I watched the entire video and the ramblings about James struck me as creepy too. I think she clearly misses him/that period of her life and maybe hopes that he watches any of the storytelling videos where she mentions him and reaches her out again? I think she's hitting the midlife crisis hard, how couldn't she? Still living with her parents and spending so much time alone with her nostalgic feelings. I'm pretty sure he is aware of her yt channel and I also tinfoil he got tired of her immaturity, besides, she changed her name and adopted all that non-binary bullshit a couple years prior to their definitive split, who could put up with that?
>>1874268She works hard indeed but do you really think she would be accepted in the goth scene again? Everyone must know her around Birmingham and most of the sanest people must have outgrown the partying lifestyle and be focused on their jobs and families instead, like James. The people left still hanging out at clubs could be mostly the ones she labeled as untrustworthy. I'm not saying that honest people over 35 don't go clubbing but the goth scene isn't particularly a place where you find decent men.
No. 1874533
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Rear-ee attempting to twerk to promote her of. I wonder how well it’s doing. Is she making full on sex tapes yet?
No. 1874536
>>1874230 this is an image board, we are not here for the thought police.
I agree with comments on emily boo and dorian, they are creating content without complaining about every little effort. Kata's patreon is continuing to fall, maybe that is causing some stress for her…
(sage your shit) No. 1874561
>>1874508Kayas a stupid bitch. Taking anti depressants and doing nothing to change her habits or lifestyle will of course do nothing just get her body accumulated to the derivatives.
Her biggest issue is that she left school earlier to be a lout and that's it. She tried working twice in a call centre jake got her in and at Lush. Before that she was doing cash in hand stuff for amateur photographers. She has developed absolutely no work ethic as an adult and has been able to rely on handouts to support her since she left home. She has no fucking idea what it is to be independent. The fact she acts like being with Jake wasn't a choice she made and she was almost grounded and now is running around like a child with zero supervision thinking this is the life. She obviously gets no gratification from her work and just admitted to gurning about her chosen profession of talking to a camera. If she was in any other industry and was crying about work any sane person would tell her to reskill and change profession but she will never want to do that.
I cannot understand the people that give her money, if they're genuine fans and care about her they should think about cutting her off and see if she can actually stand on her two feet. She is lazy. How many uni students have break downs doing dissertations to deadlines but they get it done. Kaya should know her fans expectations are on the floor. She didn't even dress up for her latest vlog and she's patting herself on the back for resetting her stress by filming. How has she not figured out how to film and edit something relatively close together so the content is fresh and she doesn't have to edit so much, and all her editing is is removing a cut from the raw file. Like how does it take weeks to produce this shite
No. 1874573
>>1874564It's really telling how she states you have to jump through hopes for an adhd diagnosis. Antidepressants are easy to get on the NHS and a gp can prescribe them. They probably over prescribe them imo, but she need an actual psychiatrist to sign off on her meds and if she took two different types and had two sessions it was so a medical profession could assess her. She says having telephone interviews and remembering appointments is impossible for her so she won't seek treatment. Why not just slap your name down on a list if you have such a cba attitude about fixing yourself.
Also weird she admitted to looking up different types of depression. Kaya must sit at home trying to think of possible excuses to use for herself. She'll Google a mood or an emotion and suddenly she's got a super debilitating medical condition and everyone should be kind to her. She also says she owes no one explanations about her medical history but like she has a patron which offers services she doesn't honour. No ones asking for a doctor report just the content. She's very manipulative.
No. 1874577
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>>1874508She is so full of shit. I googled therapists and I found Therapists in Belfast and most of them have a fee of 50£ an hour. Is she lying because she was too lazy too look or is she lying to try and grift her patreons for more money?
No. 1874581
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>>1874300With Kaya's Patreon usually 20-30 people unsub (deliberately or not) at the start of a new month and then 10-15 people sign up/return throughout the month.
This time she's taken a 63 sub hit which, granted, will adjust a bit over the next few days, but is much more than her average. I think this is indicative of how the 6 week dry spell and failure to deliver the spooky box video on time (as well as many other broken promises) was the final straw for a lot of her fans. Her Patreon is gonna bleed at a faster rate now so she really needs to start a streaming schedule if she wants to keep the house and Jeep.
No. 1874585
>>1874583Fuck didn't sage my bad.
Also meant supervision to be prescribing stimulants…I obviously need to take mine.
No. 1874603
>>1874573Correct me if I'm wrong.
She has an official diagnosis and her medical records will show the tablets she has tried. Couldn't a gp just prescribe her other medication? Would she need an psychiatrist's sign off for every medication?
She doesn't even have to talk on the phone.
Alot of gp surgeries now have an online form you fill out
No. 1874620
>>1874610>>1874603Her diagnosis is from a private doctor that her dad paid for her to go see after two public doctors refused to diagnose her. She cannot afford to go private again to maintain the frequency of visits required to get a medication/dosage sorted out. That leaves public as her only option, but the public doctors require a diagnosis from a public practice to prescribe medication to treat her. Kaya's "issue" is that public doctors are currently "expensive", but her real problem is that she has a 0% success rate getting one to agree that she has ADHD and not a chronic allergy to work.
She'd rather buy plane tickets, alcohol, and otherwise blow Patron support on hedonism.
No. 1874641
>>1874508>and being too lazy to even use the partying as contentThis bit gets me like people want to see fun vlogs, not more whining videos. She does a lot of fun stuff and she has made fun vlogs this year, but why not document the things she's been doing?
>>1874525>Once the patreon dries up she will find someone to mooch off of, I think it's obvious she is instead entirely recreating her
toxic relationship and the moid will be the one mooching. If he lives in a houseboat now he doesn't have much to lose by moving to her house, so it will probably happen before the end of the year.
This is why you get therapy
before launching into another relationship so you learn to recognise
toxic patterns. I'm sure there are cheaper therapists than that claim of £800, and self help exists - plenty of books and internet resources out there to educate yourself.
No. 1874739
>>1874190>If you type 'spooky box club' into YouTube and filter this year's results you'll see she dominates the feed; she gets tens of thousands of views while everyone else gets a few hundred at most. In her own words these videos are easy to make because the format is so familiar to her. I have no idea why she left filming and editing so late…this drama was so easily avoidable.That is what is so insane. She only has one fucking job. Just sit down, hit record, and talk a little about the items in this box. It's not rocket science and it's not hard neither, or at least it shouldn't be at this point considering how long she has been doing them. And this is coming from someone who thinks those videos are shit content to begin with but clearly there a lot of people out there who don't feel that way and give her the views so why the fuck is she being such a slouch on it?
I have to ask, do these Spookybox sponsorships pay very well?
No. 1874744
>>1874425 this isn’t even the original file she was trying to upload? The other one she was so desperate to upload was a spooky box how can she upload one with in a few hours but the other failing two days of uploading?
>>1874536 it falling cause she makes 0 effort to even upload a photo on there she makes no posts just expects free money. Then whines when it drops. I have zero empathy tbh if she is more then capable uploading a meme on her instagram story she more then capable to upload a cat picture to break her silence on patreon
>>1874649 I live in same area as her and also have adhd I came of my tablets for a good 3 years, recently I did a online booking to get a doctors appointment they rang me and I requested to be re try them and they gave me a month trial and assessed me via phone and then gave me a regular dose again I don’t see how she can’t do this? And why she acting like she can’t be given them again and has to spend 800+ I have no idea where the fuck she pulled that from. It just feels like she wants people to send her money for ‘treatment’ but she probably spent a lot in travel fare to upload this video, eating at the restaurant and getting drinks, London flight ticket, drinks at monster queen, festivals ect if she just save for few weeks she would have the money to have therapy
>>1874577 even a week with out spending she would be able to afford a few sessions.
When her and jake broke up didn’t she say she was restarting her medication so it been a year since she last tried she would be able to get them instantly if she bothered trying.
No. 1874750
>>1874649There are certain medications here in the UK that you can only be prescribed by a GP if they've been signed off by a psychiatrist. Has to be a psychiatrist, not a psychologist, therapist, counsellor, etc. Antipsychotics are one family of drugs you need to see a psychiatrist for, drugs to treat ADHD are the same.
I've seen an NHS psychiatrist once who recommended me two antipsychotics which my GP can now prescribe without me having to ever see a psychiatrist again. However, I think because Kaya went privately it works a little differently. Here in Scotland we have free prescriptions so filling a private prescription is at your GPs discretion - some will allow you to fill your private prescription on the NHS, others will make you pay the private fee. I'm not sure how it works in Ireland, but I assume she would need to pay for the prescription and have it sent by her psych. Although if she has a medical history of taking those drugs I'm wondering if her GP can just re-prescribe them (as mine does with my anti-psychotics). Any NI nonnas who can shed some light?
Sage for med sperg
No. 1874753
>>1874434>put off doing any work for weeks>make content about how you have been putting off workIsn't she just fueling herself? It would actually be better to ignore the content gap and upload an MQ blog or something, rather than this.
I like how she's insisting that she spends her days lying in bed, paralysed and unable to work, right after detailing a full list of how she's been partying and travelling for the last few weeks.
No. 1874779
>>1874390…So I think I tracked down where Kaya is staying semi-accidentally - I have Luddite tendencies but Kaya posted so many clues to her IG stories. I stumbled across a landmark on Google maps and immediately recognized it from a video she posted yesterday. Additionally, the Duke has his hometown in his Facebook bio (he is easily findable on Kaya's FB) and that's basically where the location is. I might just be romanticizing Ingerland but it's quite a pretty area.
Kaya made it sound like they were out in the sticks but they are in a town/village within Greater London. The grassy place where they were playing with the white cat is 15 minutes walk from the town centre which has cafes, shops and a library. I'm having a hard time believing she couldn't find a way to upload the video there.
I think
>>1874641 is correct in that the Duke will move to NI before the end of the year as it's apparent that he and Kaya are doing some kind of fast-tracked courting. They're spending so much time together in their home cities and I bet they've met each other's family and best friends.
No. 1874788
>>1874775She was sponsored by skillshare a few years back. She said she was interested in this course and that course but don't think she ever actually did any.
Surprise surprise
No. 1874803
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She very good at manipulative but she be still in London for this …
No. 1874844
I agree with various anons that Kaya is currently using medication procurement difficulties as an excuse, but to take it a step further, she said it herself in the video. She wants a "miracle pill" for all her problems. She doesn't want therapy. She has already decided what was wrong with her. She has self diagnosed herself a long time ago, sought out validation in the form of a formal diagnosis, eventually received it after having daddy pay for it, then stopped using the medication when it proved to not actually be a miracle pill and in fact triggered undesirable side effects.
ADHD isn't a disease, it's a mental disorder. That means medication can help, but what is more helpful is medication paired with regular therapy and solid routines that said therapist helps you keep on top of to avoid becoming a dysfunctional member of society.
She is actually lazy, even if she does have ADHD, because she isn't willing to do what she actually needs to do to handle it, like an adult. The only thing she responds to is consequences. She did that video because she is scared of losing her enabling patron support, not because she had a hard time filming. The entire 20 minute video is her harshly defending her (in)actions for the past two months and begging for more Patrons. It reeks of unapologetic entitlement, "How dare 63 Patrons unsubscribe from her lifeless Patreon"
No. 1874878
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Ironic that the top comment of her previous video was about consistency while she just keeps slipping further away from that. And ofc the troon's hickeys on display despite how mad she got about any questions on it
No. 1874886
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>>1874149You called it, nonna
No. 1874898
>>1874891If the weather is anything like in continental Yurop, she's probably dying of how humid and unpredictable it is, and her party drinking etc.
Aside from the belt (girl, loose the belt, seriously), that looks like a low maintenance look to me that she could at least do when she does her car vlog/vents instead of looking like a goblin without eyebrows.
No. 1874907
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It’s the eyebrow shape and alcohol bloat. Kaya could be so pretty
No. 1874946
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>>1874907>>1874920>>1874930Idk, there's her jawline there and she still looks haggard and bloated. Only another plus sized influencer is capable of finding Kaya's angle where her jawline shows up, kek
But her makeup and outfit are different here than what was in the Roly story, and that was only three hours ago.
No. 1874958
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looking on Mooseham's stories, these were actually posted an hour before the Roly story. Wonder why Kaya didn't share this one, kek. The timing is off for a complete makeup and outfit change, though.
No. 1875105
>>1875097Louis seems lovely and Lux is great, I've been watching her content since the early 2010s. Honestly super happy for her. The scene she was involved in back in the day seemed
toxic, so I'm glad she made it out happy and healthy.
No. 1875162
>>1874315Interesting, I thought there would be a zero lolcow talk policy on there. Please post screens if you can safely do so.
>>1874844It is curious how Kaya only talks about medication; the Russian roulette you have to play with it to find the best one and how expensive it is to see the psychiatrist who will sign you off in the first place. She's also always comparing herself to her friends who have ADHD, especially the ones who benefitted greatly from meds. First of all, these are people who've probably been working or studying most of their lives so they have a much more concrete sense of discipline and routine while Kaya has essentially been unemployed from 17 yrs of age (she did full-time 'Youtube' while raking in £10,000 a year at most, ma'am that's a side hustle). I don't think medication will ever 'fix' her for this reason. However, not a single word has been uttered about therapy and she doesn't want to acknowledge it when people bring it up.
>>1874907Megamind looking ass… I swear her head shape was never this fucked. Poker straight hair and high ponytail are the only looks that suit her.
>>1874946Moose is cute, I admire her fashion and it really suits her body type. This is the person who gave Kaya a free patchwork hoodie last year and she has her own clothes shop. In one of her GRWM Kaya casually said she had a collab coming up with Moose but that was like 9 months ago at this point.
If only Moose could donate some of her chin and jawline to Kaya kek.
No. 1875213
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>>1874965It's by a creator called Tommy Vowles and he's given her at least 4 pieces (2 belts and 2 necklaces). She may wear these pieces a lot but she has no clue how to style them well so they frequently get lost in her outfits (especially her clubbing fits). I was looking through Kaya's IG and it's obvious she promised Tommy a haul video 3 months ago. Tommy didn't send her his shit because he likes her or feels sorry for her, this was a brand deal and she clearly let him down. Kaya's had a long history of moaning that brands never give her a chance because she's 'goth' but we've seen a few instances where she fails to deliver branded content on time (namely Spooky Box Club and Oufer Jewellery).
No. 1875308
>>1874946She's looking like a thumb these days. The side cuts seem to accentuate the width of her head and the low ponytail draws attention to her fat neck. Also, those tufts make her look like a rockhopper penguin. This is her sign to wear a headband for the next year and grow it all out.
>>1875296She doctor shopped for her ADHD diagnosis so she can just blurt out psych terms and pull out the neurodivergent card whenever anyone criticizes her. One of her favourite fallback excuses for knowingly not doing tasks is blaming her 'ADHD paralysis'.
No. 1875351
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>>1875213 >>1875296
>>1875346Not only she failed to create content she was sponsored by brands she failed to make her final amazon gift unboxing video from her own fans she promised 8 months ago.
She just opened the shit never said thankyou. Just expects more money and gifts sent for nothing.
No. 1875383
>>1875351That's right, she never made that third housewarming gift video. Imagine being one of the patrons who sent her a gift and never getting a proper thanks and shout-out as promised.
I noticed she had the cheek to leave her new house wishlist in her Youtube description (it hasn't been taken down for the last 18 months). She's still hopeful people will buy her useless shit like an inflatable hot tub and a giant wooden wine rack. Priorities amirite?
>>1874739>I have to ask, do these Spookybox sponsorships pay very well?I went on the website and it looks like Spooky Box is run by a UK wife and husband team (originally a one woman show) so it's a tiny business. The boxes are pretty expensive (I saw there was a sold-out deal for 3 boxes at $163USD) so as long as the overheads for the business are low they can turn over a decent profit. I'm sure Kaya gets a small check for each box she reviews, maybe a few hundred £? I'm sure there's a lot of overlap between the Spooky Box customers and Kaya's fans.
I had a look at Kaya's old YT uploads and noticed she used to have a partnership with 'The Witches Moon' (another subscription box company) for many years until Nov 2020 when she uploaded a triple unboxing for them. It looks like they dropped Kaya after she let 3 boxes stack up, probably breaking contract. As far as I can see The Witches Moon is still active so Kaya lost herself an easy paycheck.
No. 1875399
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>>1874434Lol kaya wants an assistant but can't afford it. What in the actual fuck would an assistant be able to do for her? Wash her and do her makeup up and hair. Film content for her? Jesus christ.
No. 1875417
>>1875399If it's a remote assistant they could help with video editing, scheduling, reaching out to brands for sponsorships, posting content on Kaya's behalf etc. Alternatively she could meet up with a camera person IRL each week who could help her film and edit her content. Involving more people in the
Toxic Tears brand would force her out of her comfort zone, help her deliver videos on schedule and improve the quality of her content. This could really help her grow but instead she hides behind the excuses. If she got rid of the £500 a month studio she hoards her musty shite in she could afford an editor. She could go a step further and sell her scooter and old clothes and she could easily afford the 1-2 private psych appointments needed to qualify for new meds.
No. 1875436
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>>1875399She only replied to three comments on her video and I screen capped the other two.
The first commenter makes a good observation that Kaya seems to get depressed when she's at home, her
workplace, and that perhaps changing career where she can continue to utilize her creativity would be better.
Kaya pushes that suggestion to the side as well as the question about counselling, clearly a touchy subject with her. Instead Kaya insists that she has endless inspiration (useless to a Youtuber unless it can be turned into content) and the problem is executive function. She's so galaxy brained she's figured out the problem by reading WebMD and scrolling TikTok so there's nothing a therapist can offer her. Youtube is supposed to be her dream job but nowadays she's even struggling to post her play-by-numbers Spooky Box videos on time. There's no creativity to be seen in this year's videos either - it's an 'ideas' desert.
No. 1875488
>>1875449In three months it'll be two years since they broke up. I don't know why anyone expected her to change, though. She didn't want to work before they broke up, and she doesn't want to work now. As soon as she got comfortable in her new house, that was it. Sound familiar? As soon as fake was bringing in enough money to support their entire lifestyle, she ghosted her channel. All of 2021 she was doing, what? Laying around doing fuck all, and we took note of it. Here she is again, where she rotates between being literally anywhere but her house and laying in her bed for weeks at a time, "catatonic with stress". She's a broken record of shoddy excuses.
>>1875463She definitely doesn't have executive dysfunction. What she does have is a huge folder of ADHD themed memes to remind herself of her appropriated mental disabilities that she uses as an excuse not to work.
If i was a psychiatrist, I'd refuse to see her. She already has so many self diagnoses, there's hardly room for a professional opinion.
No. 1875519
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No. 1875549
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All she has to do is upload a bunch videos like this to YouTube I don't see why she doesn't ( for those without tiktok it just a bunch of clips of her drinking, friends,festivals,bbq and cats) YouTube doesn't have to be a huge thing like she makes it out to be.
No. 1875749
>>1875464I remember she said it's a parking lot by the sea that had Studio Ghibli vibes and it seems to be her go-to-place for car vlogs. I thought it may be a cruising spot because the drivers in the car park seemed to be checking her out before leaving (hence her screeching about the staring). For whatever reason there were a lot of people coming and going the day she filmed and whenever she fussed over them her paranoid energy ruined the video.
It's interesting how she moved from filming in the commercial studio to her home office and now to her car. I still have a hard time understanding why Kaya finds it so difficult to film and edit videos in the office 5 meters away from her bedroom.
No. 1875779
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I think the problem is that Kaya is on her own too much - I wonder why Kaya doesn't realise that. She spends days in that big house by herself, paralysed with stress and indecision, and she gets zero work done. At that point she's desperate for any excuse to run away from responsibilities and, when her social battery is fully charged, she drives over to her mates for a drinking or partying sesh. She then takes a few days off to 'recover' from socializing and then the pattern repeats. It's obvious she's not a self-motivated person (which makes her unfit for YT) and needs people around her to motivate and support her or else she just turns into depressive soup. Sadly she was at her most productive when living Fake and encouraged to do 4 videos a week and co-host MAG with him in order to pay bills.
If she keeps going at her current rate she'll revert back to 2021 Kaya that only uploaded 6 videos in 1 year. She's already gone longer than a month between uploads twice in a row.
No. 1875870
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Roly posted a pic with Kaya and says that 'she will be coming back in September to film some collabs'. I find Roly shrill and annoying but I will admit he is a hard worker and has the natural Youtuber flow so it puzzles me why he's hanging out with an unproductive, whiney sloth like Kaya who should have retired from YT years ago.
Kaya looks awful here. Her hair is greasy and it looks like Roly did her eyebrows with his non-dominant hand. She's also modelling two gifted necklaces - the Tommy Vowles posture necklace and an old, cheap-looking Spooky Box necklace - with what appears to be a bathrobe. She's really stopped making any effort with her job or life…
No. 1875909
>>1875749No ones going dogging in the daylight lol, she lives in Bangor, she's probably pulled off into a carpark beside the coast, there's a few dotted around because they have access to the shoreline. It's people going for walks or pulling over to eat something.
People are probably staring because she probably looks like she's having a breakdown on a phonecall.
>>1875779> There's a lot more to my lifeDoubt
No. 1875965
>>1875779I don't really believe she only parties twice a month (I guess she means MQ/SL/random gigs) and spends the rest of her time paralyzed in bed because oh no, I have to open a spooky box. Right now, she's out every day with the duke as well as meeting other friends, when she's at home she has no issue driving out for bubble tea, going to beauty appointments (hair, wax), getting tattoos, meeting friends and having picnics, going our for meals and drinks, she's playing games and making cakes. This paralysis only shows up when a video needs uploading, it's a fucking weak act.
The "ADHD brain" show isn't cute either, you ARE your brain, there's no funky little gizmo controlling you. Anon upthread was right, her diagnosis comes from an adhd meme folder made by kids on the internet who don't want to their homework.
No. 1876586
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No. 1876593
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>>1874434>'Whenever I'm home alone I can't get out of bed for days and can't summon the energy to make videos'Your life is totally out of balance and you have no sense of routine - it's no wonder you're struggling to get into the headspace to work. You're constantly travelling, hosting guests, partying and going out for drinks with days of decompression needed in between. You expend all your energy on your social life and waiting for the next event or hang-out which leaves you burnt out and unable to focus or work when you get home. You were diagnosed with ADHD 3 years ago…how do you not have strategies in place to stop yourself getting into these depressive ruts?
>'Years ago I was put on antidepressants and they did not help…but what they did do was make me gain a whole lot of weight in a short space of time and then the whole internet bullied me for it!'The antidepressant was Fluoxetine, which is not known for weight gain, and she only took it for a few months in 2014. She gained something like 30kg within a couple of months - of course people are going to comment your appearance, you're a Youtuber for fuck's sake. She continued to gain weight long after she got off the meds, peaking sometime in 2017 (pics are all from 2016). She also has a documented history of shaming fat people and gossiping on Tumblr and PULL so that invited even more hate. Kaya will never admit she's been a bully, only a
>'Not knowing how much is depression, and how much is ADHD, and how much is both, and how much is me just sucking as a person'…That's why you talk to a therapist Kaya, because you don't have the education or skills to differentiate. It's good she has kind friends she can talk about mental health with but I get the sense she over-relies on them when she should be receiving more professional help.
>'I'm having a great time doing all the things I've always wished I could do my whole life and I'm finally free to enjoy the world'I really hate when she bleets out this phrase repeatedly. What's up with her entitlement? You chose a life of poverty and misery when you became a full-time, consoomerist Youtuber who mostly does hauls and unboxings. Take some more accountability for the choices you made as an adult. If you wanted to travel, party and have nice things like tattoos then you should have got a stable job years ago and saved up like the rest of us. The only reason Kaya's free to do whatever she wants now is because retards continue to pay her monthly pity bux because of a public break up nearly 2 years ago.
No. 1876681
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Your local bag lady going out to buy 30 tins of cat food.
Is jazmin even a cow anymore? All her content, music and fashion is just sad and mid a bit like Jude bishop though at least Jude is cringe.
No. 1876784
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No. 1876785
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No. 1876795
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I just found ot in the duke's ig profile he has been begging on GoFundMe to have an operation to reduce his addams apple.
I find interesting one of the lines: "Thank all of my friends AND PARTNER for helping me realise who I really am", did he trooned out to his previous gf? I bet she ran scared after the initial shock kek.
Also, one year of begging, only 300 pounds, no one gives a shit about this weirdo, not even his friends.
>I am a trans woman and am saving up for a thyroid reduction/Adam's apple/tracheal shave. The funds go towards the operation where I will have my Adam's apple filed down, as well as all of the pre and aftercare from the hospital.
>This is the only operation I really need in order to complete my transition journey.
>I would like to thank all of my friends and partner for helping me realise who I really am and for helping me work towards a better me.
No. 1876801
File: 1691275305067.png (759.52 KB, 537x805, Duque antes de perder del todo…)

>>1876795Shit, I forgot to share this, I think I found his "hire-a-model" profile with pictures before trying to attempt fooling nature: it's not against the rules to share this, I don't post much here.
No. 1876963
>>1876784Fuckin' hell, my eyes are burning. Kaya's mates really need to be more honest with her…
>>1876785It's giving Jeffree Star circa 2009. He's usually capable of decent make-up but this is scary.
>>1876795It is revealing how little his mates have donated (if it wasn't for Adhithya's generosity the campaign would have been taken down in shame most likely). Couldn't more of his dearest and nearest step up and donate £5 here and there? Maybe he doesn't have many friends at all, just Insta mutuals and people he sees twice a year at festivals. The birthday e-beg post
>>1876586 does give us more insight into the type of person he is - entitled and attention-seeking (just like Kaya).
>>1876619I think Kaya is quietly helping him set up a YouTube channel so he can join her in the e-begging influencer life - I can see he's greedy for fame and easy fortune (Kaya is drawn to these men for some reason). He'll start featuring in her videos soon enough.
>>1876801He used to work at CyberDog and do modelling for them on the side. I did a bit of snooping and it seems around this time (when he was 18/19) he met Adora Batbrat for the first time at Slimelight and associated with her for years after.
No. 1877085
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No. 1877086
>>1877085they look dirty and smelly.
>>1876784This picture made me cringe so hard key the overdressing, the mismatching details and the fact she thinks she is hot shit in this but looks so messy and untoned. You can see she's struggling and can't hold herself up.
No. 1877111
>>1877080Over-accessorizing has been Kaya's trademark for years however this outfit is comically bad, on par with those creepy DDlg outfits from her pink phase. Most of her wannabe Club Kid fits fall flat and look really amateur for a host. She loves wearing those body suits but they look bad when you have zero curves and your gut hangs out - she needs a girdle lol. I will admit I like her make-up here, it's quite pretty
>>1877053He's been lurking and knows his IG stories will appear here. He's obviously being a troll and enjoying the attention.
What's Kaya's long-term plan with the Duke? They've spent weeks together, spent birthdays together and even travelled to Sweden - all within 2 months. Living with the Duke in his houseboat for a few weeks sounds like it'll be a challenge for Kaya and their relationship lol.
No. 1877185
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"Best friend" Yeah ok
No. 1877221
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Seems like wearing clothes that are not your size to go out is not just Kayak's specialty, she can open a club now kek.
No. 1877236
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Call it a nitpick if you must (idgaf) but what the actual fuck happened here? She used to dress so cute post-breakup but ever since she started going to Slimelight and hosting Monster Queen, her style has gone completely to shit.
No. 1877254
File: 1691350026132.png (855.16 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20230806-212619.png)

Homegirl confirms she is lurking or has people lurking here and reporting to her things, cuz some nonnies talked about her shaved sides not too long ago.
No. 1877256
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This is a nice photo of her tbf
No. 1877258
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Of topic but it looks like Duke has a hand coming out his crotch kek
No. 1877309
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>>1877290Is this what you're referring to? Idk why she grabbed it like that while it was trying to get away, though caption implies it was injured, is she just gonna carry it around until she finds a vet?
No. 1877311
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No. 1877355
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Rafael’s daughter finally allowed to be in the same vicinity as her step mum and half brother. This was at Rafael’s birthday dinner. I’d love to know how the conversations went because Ashlee has progressive views while Raf and Kat are now fundies or something.
No. 1877450
>>1876586first, the shoddily applied makeup… yikes. second, what the fuck is that cringey pose? also 'muh dainty feminine hand' and the massive fucking claws. what a cringey wannabe, kek. you picked yourself a real winner, kaya!
>>1876593fucking yikes at how doughy she looks in those pics. the double chin and soft flabby arms look horrendous. i think she looked best after the breakup and she was forced to lose weight–but it looks like she's right back on track to gain 70 lbs again. i was on fluoxetine and it didn't affect my weight at all, so i don't know what she's on about. sage for autism but oh well.
>>1877236i absolutely love how she used to dress, it was that vampy romantic morticia vibe and it really suited her. compared to the pic on the right… yikes.
No. 1877475
>>1877236She looked good 12-18 months ago, the best she had in a long time. She had a dark romantic aesthetic and she'd lost a bit of weight so she had some face gains. Then she started going out to local gigs and got into her punk era - DIY chicken bone earrings and custom studded jackets - which didn't didn't really suit her but she was having a lot of fun with it. Now that she's frequently hosting she's in her BDSM, slutty club era and her outfits, both in the club and out, suck. They're messy, uncoordinated and unflattering now that she's gained 20 pounds.
>>1877258She knows the camera is there so she's sticking her head forward and sucking in her turkey wattle - we've seen what her real candids look like kek. Also, does the Duke have any friends or does he just tag along with Kaya to meet her Instagram friends in London?
>>1877344She has kyphosis from chronic hunching and a sedentary lifestyle spent mostly on her laptop. You could see her Dowager's hump clearly
>>1614974 when she got her head tattoo. Her long hair usually covers it and I'm sure that's why she'll never cut it. Exclusively wearing platforms whenever she leaves the house makes the problem worse but she has such a complex about looking stocky she can't live without them.
>>1877129It looks like it's heading that way. Things are moving so fast and I'm sure the Duke won't hesitate to use an LDR with an e-celeb to move out of the houseboat (reminds me a lot of Fake).
No. 1877484
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>>1877314>It seems like these people only dress up to have their pictures taken and then get smashed. The goth or rather alt scene in London looks fake as fuckYeah from the few stories she posted it seemed pretty mid, people just doing the sidestep each by themselves. Hopefully it isn't all boring but her half arsed coverage of places like monster queen make that seem boring too tbf.
No. 1877490
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>>1877315>Victoria the swanOh kek that just reminded me of her cringe Disney Princess wannabe shit claiming she had a ~special connection~ to this random swan who apparently was male but she had a twitter argument about it being female because it was KAYA'S special connection SHE knew the swan best!
when's this gonna happen with the Duke I wonder >>1877057Oh then I guess her horrendous style can be posted from time to time? I can smell picrel.
No. 1877601
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She just took it back to wherever she and the duke are staying. Wonder what illness she'll come down with from it and use it as the perfect excuse to not film for 2 months.
No. 1877653
>>1877642Her story doesn't even make sense. We know she "filmed" a spooky box unboxing and also put on makeup to film "another video" instead of streaming the Sims. Then she releases a shoddy, makeup free car vlog where she goes on the defensive for 20 minutes about how "big of a lazy shithead she totally isn't, but please sign up to Patreon" and it sounds like it was filmed right before she left.
Can anyone explain this? Because there is no way she thought she was releasing three videos while she was in London. It was already a Herculean task for her to just upload one, ffs, based on the epic two day adventure she went on through London to upload what was basically her begging people to not criticize her while she parties non-stop (anyone keeping track of her "once or twice a month" claims? Kek)
No. 1877701
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>>1877691She isn't invited to host Slimelight so she isn't going. Which makes sense because she is far too TikTok alt for Slimelight. Whoever got her a host position at that event probably pulled a fuck ton of strings.
She's actually due back in Belfast today.
No. 1877751
>>1877604I feel the same way anon, I'm so disappointed both in her dating a troon
and letting him suck all her energy so she is falling off uploading content, and is starting to look worse too. All this for some measly soggy troondick, don't their dicks get soft on estrogen? He has small tiddies so he must be on hormones.
And she was partying with so many goth cuties
surely there were options beside him.
No. 1877752
>>1877311>>1877601As someone from London, the idea of picking a pigeon up from the street and taking it home to "rescue" it is so crazy to me. There are so many of them and half of them have missing feet or whatever, that's just part of being a hardnosed street pigeon they don't need "rescuing" and any RSPCA or animal rescue would just laugh at her. Swans are protected species so the attention to the swan makes
some sense, but pigeons are considered pests/vermin.
No. 1877775
>>1877490Tragic. Her old dark kawaii aesthetic wasn't groundbreaking but she pulled it off better than whatever this is
and it's why I used to follow her. And either this angle is just flattering or she's actually calming down the lip filler.
>>1877601Why would you take basically a rat with wings home? If it really is hurt, these two don't strike me as people who could help. And is that the duke's houseboat or somewhere else?
>>1877604Same I was rooting for her also, leaving Fake and finally breathing life back into her content and making friends, but the downhill slide is sad to see. Does her decline coincide with meeting the Duke cos that'd mean she is
directly throwing away her new freedom from her leech ex for another leech and a tim at that.
>>1877653>it sounds like it was filmed right before she leftYeah in the whining in my car video she says she's about to go to London soon. And claimed she cried all night summoning the strength to film, if true thats pathetic and could mean she was uwu burnt out from already filming the other two. Yeah though where are they. Maybe she'll upload when she returns to NI, like nonas pointed out what if she was making up struggles so spooky box won't drop her from their pr list for no upload. Like making a huge thing out of uploading even though London has Internet cafes and libraries with public PCs?
No. 1877930
>>1877834He would've been a good candidate for kaya too if he's into women, that's what it was looking like when he started hanging out with her and bought her that bracelet. Wonder if they stopped hanging out, or kaya just doesn't post him anymore for whatever reason.
>>1877822>an easy layThankfully he isn't giving her more bruises for her to show off then get mad when people ask about it
>to leech offI mean he's been e-begging in his stories, wonder why he didn't just ask kaya to fork over some cash. Or maybe he has and it wasnt enough kek
No. 1877938
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>>1877601I think Kaya's efforts come from a good place, it's clear she genuinely loves animals and feels strong empathy for them but she fucks up sometimes as she's uneducated and acts on emotion (notably with Victoria the swan). I would love to see Kaya put that passion into a career and further her education in a meaningful way. She could move further from the city and work at an animal rescue (not one of those petting zoo places that has to constantly pump out baby animals for business), perhaps even starting her own one day.
>>1877785The two biggest clues were the interior of the Duke's house and the video with the cat on the canal (as seen in Kaya's IG stories); the horizonal paneling reminded me of a boat and the fact that an unleashed cat wouldn't be taken too far away from it's home. Better yet, Kaya semi-doxxed herself by posting the map of the journey she was on to find better wi-fi. I opened up Google Maps and zoomed in to the exact starting point from Kaya's map and it showed they were on a majour road not far from the hometown the Duke has on his FB. I scouted out the area and I'm 95% sure I accidentally found the buildings in the background of the canal video. I'm not going to say much more apart from the fact that there's basically no houses there, just lots of house boats and trees. Evidence attached. P.s. the pic of the man cooking is from random website for reference, not the Duke's house.
>>1877834Yes, Elfboy got her the gift and Spooks the tattooist went on the butterfly date. Unfortunately Elfboy seems to be into men and I think the sparks fizzled out quickly with the other guy. The Duke came on to the scene not long after.
No. 1877983
>>1877775Summing the strength to film oh for god sake. Someone needs a reality check tell me you never worked and are privileged with out telling me you are. Kaya you do know almost everyone has to work a soul destroying 9-5pm / 37-45+ hour jobs a week every week/weekends till they are late 60s even with mental health issues, disability and even homelessness and not get the luxury of ‘working’ 1 hour a month sitting around doing nothing but shoving food in face and watching Netflix.
Do you summon the strength to drive to Starbucks? To get food? To binge watch tv show? To go drinking?clubbing? Going to airports? Scrolling on social media all day? Going London? Online shopping? Festivals? Seriously pathetic you can’t turn the camera on for less than 10 minutes but can easily film up to 20 clips of videos on instagram and multiple pictures and responsive clips to asks . Get a grip. You get sent free shit monthly, you don’t have to work at all and stuff from fans by wish lists. You get free money from pateron for doing nothing and yet you still sulk and complain.
No. 1878204
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This won't last long
No. 1878206
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Kaya finally released the lazy Spooky box video she promised. Which confirms again that someone tells her about the consistency complaints here (or she even lurks here). Can't be assed to watch another serie of "Ouh!" and "Aw that's so kewt!" . Somebody else do a summary if anything new is mentioned in that video. I doubt there will be anything but one can only hope.
No. 1878230
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>>1878206There is nothing much to recap. At the start she just whines she still needs to pack and at the end she whines about still needing to put out vlogs and a clothes haul. The middle is just Oooooh and aaaah over cheap worthless crap. And honestly her eyes look glazed again to me. Is she crying all the time? Is she stoned all the time? Her face looks white and she didn't do her neck or chest so she looks like a clown again. I would not want someone like this presenting my products.
No. 1878237

>>1877938Even if her love for animals is genuine, ironically the way she acts about it is to the detriment of them and to herself if that pigeon is carrying anything
>>1878204That looks nice ngl. Tinfoil I wonder if the ~health kick~ is bc all the comments here and on YouTube about the car whinge video.
>>1878206I gotchu
>in a quirky sing-song way: I've been so tired these past few weeks haha (nothing to do w the constant trips and partying, right?) and then I have to pack bc I've been doing a million things and haven't done it and my flight is early tomorrow>double unboxing, witch cat and mortician>her usual method of saying nothing except squealing it's sooo cute it's sooo nice it's sooo sweet, and I can definitely see myself using this when she will never look at these again>as I mentioned in my rambling video (the car video I assume, so she filmed that before this one? The way we're putting more thought into her schedule than she is) I've been hella struggling recently so I'm sorry for the absence, I'm trying guys even if it doesn't seem like it, if you're annoyed at me for not posting well my self loathing is even worse.>when I'm back from London I have some hauls and vlogs planned I just need my brain to behave, anyway my patreon I will love you forever and ever (then why is your patreon so dead with nothing to offer kek) No. 1878256
>>1877980She's known as the Spooky Box girl so she'll never lose this gig however I must say I was totally unengaged during today's badly lit, badly edited unboxing. She filmed late at night against a window which made her brighter than the moon and the autofocus on the camera go off the hook. Historically Kaya has whinged about how hard it is to film and edit as the footage can look worse when uploaded but come on Kaya, this is literally your job. You can do better.
Honestly I think Emily Boo would reject this sponsorship because they have a bad Trust Pilot rating and it just looks like a box of cheap shit her 10 yr old daughter would squee over.
>>1878230I don't know if it's just the makeup but her eyes look scary, they're bulgy and slightly cross eyed. I think you're right about the crying, her voice doesn't match her face and you can see this video is an effort for her as she barely makes eye contact.
>>1878237Lol Kaya passed up the opportunity to stream (and make $$) in order to film this shit Spooky Box before leaving for London. If only she knew she would miss her deadline by over a week…She could have just filmed and uploaded this the day after she got back from London.
>>1878249Great, I'm hungry now. That looks delicious.
No. 1878286
>>1877938The curved ceiling and slanted walls definitely look like a hoseboat to me, the ones behind them in the cat video have a curved roof. No houses or apartments in London have curved roofs and slanted walls so that pretty much proves it.
I assume she just set that pigeon free (in a different area to where she found it) if she didn't just leave it in there shitting everywhere, it looked completely healthy in the clip and could fly and had both legs so I'm confused as to why she took it with her, maybe she is high after all like some anons suspect kek
No. 1878308
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The price of these spooky box s are
No. 1878314
>>1878308That was 40 quid a few years back.
I think spooky box club should be insulted by that video. It was rushed, she has dirty hair and shw couldn't be bothered
No. 1878360
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>>1878237>I'm aiming to have the Sebastian plush hopefully sorted by the end of August. If you support me on Patreon you'll see it before anyone else.That statement didn't instill a lot of confidence (nor did her mopey attitude). In her last car video she was much more upbeat and said she was going to finalize a date for the launch, most likely on Sebastian's adoption date at the end of Aug. I had a look at the upcoming plushies section on Makeship and the Sebastian plush is still not on there - there's only 3 weeks before the end of August so Kaya doesn't have much time to get her shit sorted. That said she still has a considerable following who uncritically support everything she does so I think it'll go ahead anyway, whether it's launched on time or not. I bet it'll be a basic ass design but it'll be hard to fuck this up.
I noticed Amber also has a campaign on Makeship however it looks like it'll fail despite Lee buying like 20 plushies (low-key cute) which is a shame because the design is an original and rather cute. Lee himself had a successful campaign at the start of the year and sold an impressive 1288 units (his sales even surpassed Jake). Even his fuckin' rabbits have fully funded plushies - Jake must be seething.
No. 1878564
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Kaya's back in Belfast with no events planned for the next few weeks (that she has said). Slimelight is on August 23rd, and she isn't lined up to host. The next Monster Queen is on September 8th, and she also isn't lined up to host that. Picrel, she's never hosted this event and there was actually a load of popular goth influencers at this event than anons upthread called boring, she just completely neglected to get photos with any of them.
Sounds like she is done hosting for the next month at least.
No. 1878624
>>1878612He probably love bombed her and she's become co-dependant already. She's too sensitive and emotionally stunted to deal with
abusive men. It's going to be a miserable couple of years to come for her.
No. 1878648
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Clean your nasty room, Jude. If that's how dusty her mirror is, I can only imagine the level of grime caked on those plushies.
No. 1878655
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Begging to get more to join.
No. 1878664
>>1878506Oh shit I didn't enlarge the image and thought it said £50, the price has doubled then even though there's less stuff in the boxes. Slight blog as a babybat when my only "connection" to the goth scene was these youtubers (who are all altcows now kek) doing hauls and unboxings, I really wanted a spooky box but tbh you could just remake one via hot topic. I also wanted killstar and dollskill goth in a box ass clothes, glad I'm out of that phase.
>>1878648In any picture she's shown of her room and her stuff, any light pink things are practically grey. She always looks like she smells too.
No. 1878741
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Not so milky but so fucking sad. The kid looks definitely not normal. And she wants another? Blows my mind.
No. 1878745
>>1878741She has some sort of chromosomal deletion syndrome right? Forgive me if im saying something retarded here but can that not be seen in scannings before the child is born? Seems cruel to have a child like that on purpose.
Anyway im glad to see theyre doing their best to take care of their disabled child at least
No. 1878855
>>1878745Medfag here, yeah they definitely could’ve and should’ve.
Prenatal testing is provided and encouraged by most (good) doctors. Prenatal testing can help the parents figure out if the baby will have any genetic disorders/abnormalities among other things. Imo it should also be encouraged for the parents to get genetic counseling beforehand but that might just be me.
I don’t know how they handle it in Europe, but that’s how it is in the US.
No. 1878860
>>1878853I think you’re talking about genetic counseling… Genetic counseling and prenatal testing are drastically different things.
Genetic counseling is ideally done before the baby is conceived to determine the chances of x, y, and z disorder. Prenatal is done during and is usually partially covered by insurance… Most people only pay a couple hundred for it.
W/out insurance it can get pricy, around 1-5k but to be brutally honest, don’t have kids if you don’t have the money. Childbirth alone is expensive, it’s naïve to think it isn’t and make irresponsible decisions that’ll effect both you and your child.
No. 1879049
>>1879046She definitely has shit taste in men. The troon might not be as
abusive or jealous as Jake was just yet, but he absolutely seems like another clout chasing deadbeat loser.
No. 1879054
>>1879049He already bruised up her tits and has made himself the center of Kaya's life in 2 months. He's way more
No. 1879059
>>1879054Is it
abusive just for them to hang out so much so soon? Don't fall into Kaya's weird trap of labelling everything she has control over as
abusive. She has choose this man to fixate on and is happy to spend her income to go see him. I mean a sea separates them, she's willingly pursuing this.
Just think it's funny how she does stare after him in group photos and looks so insecure. Later down the line it'll probably be his fault she feels self conscious and he made her go to uncomfortable situations blah blah blah.
No. 1879066
>>1879054Of course, titty hickies and spending all your time together for two months during the honeymoon period of a relationship is so much more
abusive than jake's violent meltdowns tearing up their house and breaking their things. Oh, and actively cheating or trying to cheat on you with nearly any other woman that crosses his path. Let's be real, as much as I like to shit on the duke too, this is blatantly untrue. Though there is plenty of time for him to show his true colors, he is already skinwalking her.
No. 1879128
>>1879096Behind a tranny alone is the biggest red flag. Inheritedly insane. Their entire woman cosplay is always a skinwalk of someone and it can change target and he quickly changed his target to Kaya. Trannies are narcissists by default and based on fetishes. Love bombing is a feature of narc bonding, getting her emotionally hooked on him early so it's harder to leave. Already she dreamy eye at him so it's working. It's only going to get worse from here. Associating with a tranny always turns out bad, and many times the women choose a new identity too, so Kaya may pick up NB or something safe (let's hope something she can easily drop).
How big a handmaiden Kaya has to be to allow a troon in her life. This is not gonna end well. she will be pressured to stay when it gets bad to avoid being labeled a
TERF which is always looming cause anything can be "terfy". This is gonna be morbidly interesting chapter. Kaya you fool. Why a tranny of all people?
No. 1879161
>>1879159Former fans of Jake ITT can attest, he was always trying to help her learn skills and provide her with the equipment and space she needed to work. Also, he admits he is a messy person, but he also cleans up after himself and the strain of working all day plus cleaning up after her would get old. Anyone who saw the daily vlogs can confirm that they are bookended by apologies for missing a day because he spent all day cleaning the house. Literally when has Kaya ever mentioned cleaning anything that wasn't directly related to a project she is working on? So, yeah, after years of working, pushing her to work like he was a personal life coach, cleaning up after her, and getting zero returns for it? I'm surprised he waited so long to drop her ass. Jake isn't a saint, but they were both shitty to each other. She definitely is no
victim of domestic abuse. Anon upthread was right, she had a live in maid and went full
victim "woe is me" when he broke up with her. Real
victims of domestic abuse supported her and keep supporting her and it's so rotten that she is skinwalking their trauma for patreon bux.
No. 1879228
>>1879161Agree they're both shitty people, and they've both continued to be shit apart from each other, Jake's house is a tip and he's regressed even further to a manchild who likes ddlg and furry shit now while Kaya is as lazy and whiny as ever and has a new leech moid sucking her independence from her
and sucking her tiddies green apparently. Kaya did say she feared for her safety during his tantrums though, while all Jake cared about was himself. Breaking objects when angry at someone can be a red flag that they'll move on to people and its good that didn't happen at least.
No. 1879230
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No. 1879261
>>1879233Eh Jakes still an
abusive asshole who were constantly making Kaya feel unsafe, threatened her, punched holes in the walls and smashed stuff, screamed and yelled at her, belittled her and talked down to her, flirted with other girls right in front of her, made her friends so uncomfortable nobody wanted to hang out with her, made fun of her weight and appearance, neglected her emotional needs for years, made her feel like she couldnt live without him and was worthless if they broke up
Yes Kaya is extremely lazy, immature, a slob and a professional whiner. Shes still a cow in her own right and youre allowed to not like her at all. But saying she was just as
abusive as Jake is just ridiculous
No. 1879268
>>1879128You're right, she totally is enamored with him. It's clear that she never got actual closure from finally calling it off with Jake and didn't learn proper ways to deal with being alone and she latched onto this TIM who was lovebombing her. It's not gonna last and she'll be too dickmatized to think rationally. She stuck with Jake for so long and there's a good chance she'll do the same with this dude.
>so Kaya may pick up NB or something safeI can see this happening as well. You're right that usually when women are coupled with TIMs, they usually call themselves essentially non-women as well. That or they become poly (to please their BF).
No. 1879321
>>1879233>She never changed nonnies you were just manipulated.I think the truth is more she does the typical thing people do in relationships which is let themselves go, but actually speedruns it in this instance. Picking shitty narc partners isn't helping since they don't give a fuck about helping her thrive, you know duke just wants efame and a place to stay.
Even though her friends are hot messes, she still was doing well when they were her main social contacts, she definitely has a problem with being lovebombed by obvious narcs and then freefalling. She needs to be single or find someone who actually helps her thrive.
Also imo the
muh she didn't clean is still weak, nobody is getting harmed by a messy home and Jake could have picked up a fucking broom at any time kek
No. 1879332
>>1879112Unfortunately in western culture it's considered normal to have kids late, and having kids early means you're irresponsible or a whore. (I strongly disagree with this but that's the culture, add to that everyone is encouraged to have a 15 year long fuck around phase) Nobody does the math, have a kid at 40 and you'll be 60 when the kid is 20, 70 when they're 30, and life expectancy drops significantly past about 75 so, looking at being deceased when the kid is only in their 30s. imo it's better to have them early and get it out of the way, I've always thought this (I'm not biased, I have no kids)
However she was just unlucky, these abnormalities are very rare and she is caring for the child well.
No. 1879359
>>1879159Believe us anon, we know lol. I don't like Jake, I think he's a narcissistic edgelording creep but I think it's clear that he never physically assaulted Kaya or battered her. As much as I don't like him, I do remember how he would try to help Kaya with her weight loss goals having her go to the gym with him and giving diet tips (I think this was back in 2018?). He also helped her set up her studio for recording. He actually was quite supportive in the beginning and it was Kaya being a sloth of a human that more than likely exhausted him to not be as supportive like he was in the beginning for her when he saw it wasn't going anywhere. It sucks to admit this but Kaya like you and other anon said, is not a
victim of domestic violence, she's a lazy, gluttonous asshole who is taking advantage of the kindness of actual domestic violence survivors to pay her way in life of doing absolutely nothing.
And the fact that she hasn't even tried to better her life and actually do something is all the proof we need. She's been partying for like almost a year now, is not doing her "job" which is arguably the easiest job ever (unboxing videos are not difficult, sorrynotsorry), and is now dating a walking red-flag. She just sucks.
No. 1879373
>>1879367Agreed. "It's only abuse if it's physical" is a very scrotey mindset to have. Jake was extremely emotionally, verbally, AND physically
abusive. Domestic violence LEGALLY INCLUDES destruction of property.
No. 1879397
>>1879230Does sis realise just how much she complains, all that could've been 1 sentence like hey guys there were issues with my reel but I managed to get it on tiktok, and it's even worse in longer videos like the car one or even in random videos where she'll open it with a complaint or excuse like the recent spooky box one. But as anons were saying somewhere itt complaining probably
is her content atp.
No. 1879413
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No. 1879619
>>1879373>>1879367It started because an anon said not to use the term
abusive for basically everything kaya has control over. There's no proof tranny has been physically
abusive she was showing off her bruised nips with pride ffs. Kaya makes completely retarded decisions of her own volition. People need to stop treating this 30 year old woman as a teenager just emerging into the real world. She left school early ffs. She's not very bright.
No. 1879630
>>1879619Okay thats fair, but people are legit saying Jake wasnt
abusive now which is just not true. I agree you shouldnt throw the word abuse around willy nilly, there is zero proof the tranny is
abusive. And Kaya needs to pull herself together and not make excuses for everything, that is also true. But with all that said, Jake was
abusive towards her and I dont like how people are beginning to defend him by saying "who wouldnt be frustrated when shes so lazy and messy" and "jake was never psysically
abusive towards her so its not a big deal", that is some SCROTE mindset and it needs to gtfo
No. 1879634
>>1879630It's fair for people to assume there was more to just Jake controlling Kaya's life for ten years and she had her own hand in the mess she lived in. A lot of couples who get together young don't pass the living together stage its where ingrained habits and stuff comes out. They were both messy and I can imagine young adults getting immature and argumentative over boring annoying chores. At some point you need to grow up and take responsibility. They should have broken up years ago when they started piling on the weight and speaking openly about depression. They should have had a look at themselves. Jake for a period seemed like he was trying to push the both of them to do stuff. And he helped her financially during the break up when he didn't have too and let her stay in his studio space, kept her belongings which she refused to pick up until she involved the police for some reason. But no police for her getting spiked in a bar lol.
Anons are getting frustrated with Kaya. She could literally just stick to a consistent schedule for her job and then people wouldn't analyse where all the delays are coming from, but then most of her content is talking about her uselessness so fuck knows
No. 1879637
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Reeree spoke on her story about domestic violence and explained a little bit about her ex relationship where she got abused.
>she thought (her family too) that she will either be killed or kill herself to get out of it
>got s bone broken in her face because she confronted ex about cheating and was convinced it was her fault
>his ex send her a message about filed DV against him and Reeree got gaslighted by him that it’s not real
No. 1879665
>>1879619Are you fucking crazy? No man who cares about you will bruise your tits like that especially after knowing you for a month. Stop watching porn
nonnie. Sadists are abusers. And normal people are highly uncomfortable with masochists for obvious reasons. The way he inserted himself into her life is also a big sign he's got an
abusive personality.
No. 1879666
>>1879665Kaya is not a
victim, she was proudly showing those bruises off
nonnie. Women can be into BDSM too you know.
No. 1879669
>>1879665 nta but what if she just went to a sex club and it wasn't the Duke? Considering the scene she adapted too I wouldn't be surprised if she at least gone to one club. there is roughly 7 adult clubs in London. I went to one and there was a join in bit where u could get tortured/smacked in front of everyone.
>>1879666 yeah that was annoying and then she was getting annoyed people kept asking like no duh. She always films when she has a bruise to show of.
No. 1879684
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>big HB event
Anyone know what's going on in London in September?
No. 1879704
>>1879669>in bit where u could get tortured/smacked in front of everyone. This would set off my fight or flight and I would start defending myself kek, idk what's wrong with BDSM freaks (take it to OT if you disagree) but it is definitely used as a cover for domestic violence in relationships. "she consented"
Reminder link: use "sex game gone wrong" as a way to get lenient sentences for killing their wives, but some women are into it so it's ok.
>>1879666Some women are into being a tradwife doormat too, doesn't mean it's good.
No. 1879709
>>1879684>we're so excitedIs he DID or is he already calling him and Kaya "we" despite her not doing so publicly yet, but he's not inserting himself into her life according to anon
>>1879672A narc troon lovebombing you into funding his life
is him inserting himself into her life, I bet she's paying for the mooring and bills on his boat too since he doesn't have a job anymore. He's her new pet snake.
No. 1879735
>>1879709Then everyone giving Kaya money is in an
abusive relationship with her.
No. 1879737
>>1879709She's an adult, stop making her such a
victim. It just enables her.
No. 1879766
>>1879737>only children can be victimsDamn, better empty the prisons since the majority of murder and violent crime is done by adults to other adults, but adults can't be
victims but no worries
It's pretty obvious a woman who left an unhealthy relationship of ten years and did zero self reflection or therapy before jumping into another one is likely to suffer the same events all over again. This is a proven pattern.
And her saying she likes kink stuff while never having any experience with kink stuff since, unlike Jake she was actually faithful to her significant other and he didn't do that stuff
>>1879677 doesn't mean she actually knows what she's getting into.
People are too keen to shit on Kaya without looking at the situation fairly, inb4
he paid for her 0 celcius studio he forced her to live in during a pandemic as proof that Jake is a saint
No. 1879770
>>1879766Why quote stuff that was never said? Why are you here if you are WKing her? Do you donate to her patreon since she is such an abuse
victim? She's an adult who can consent to bdsm activity, she CHOOSES to spend her own money on the troon, who by the way is what, at least 5 years younger than her? She has a toy boy who roughs her tits up, begs online and is shameless about it. Stop defending her.
No. 1879776
>>1879770People can dislike Kaya and still clearly see she's sliding into an
abusive relationship. Go pickle some herring salty-chan.
No. 1879778
>>1879735they absolutely are. look up finansial abuse and parasocial relationships,
"influencers" will leech you dry and think nothing of it.
remember 100 pound donations on Kaya's and Jake's streams? remember Jake followers who tweeted that they donated a large part of their wellfare check?
it would probably be better if people got something in return, but Kaya's patreon is a wasteland.
No. 1879781
>>1879766When Jake and Kaya got together people were telling Jake, Kaya was cheating on him. Read her stupid livejournal she feigns memory loss on entire days and then will talk about smoking with older dudes she's modelling for and hanging around people at parties so they'll buy her shit.
Jake moved over and got a house while kaya was still at school living at home. She'd wander over to his while he was at work and hangout in his attic on her laptop doing fuck all. Sound familiar.
Calling a spoilt brat like Kaya a
victim is such an insult to people who struggle daily while having to work. Kaya lives off handouts and gives back sob stories as compensation. She's absolutely pathetic.
No. 1879787
>>1874508everybody itt: 'wow kaya needs to get some fuckin' therapy'
kaya in literally her next video upload: 'im trying to get therapy it's just soOOooOOoo hard!'
well being a massive failure at anything you attempt to finish is hard, too, pick one.
all this confirms is that she's in the thread obsessively. inb4 'nu-uh', she was literally a pulltard trying to become a #gothgoth dakota rose 10 years ago, why on earth do you think she ever left these communities
No. 1879824
>>1879791i'm new to jake's version of events but ffs it sounds like he gave her/spent tens of thousands of dollars on her considering he was the only one with a 'real job' and she could not get her shit together even ONCE in over a decade. girl saddled him with a $1,142.80 cleaning bill when they moved because she couldn't be arsed to pick up after herself. she didn't deserve to be cheated on, but she 100% deserved to be dumped after that and it sounds like jake just didn't have the balls.
i feel almost sorry for the anons who fell for her post-break-up pity party sob story. jake wasn't holding her back. she's been exactly who we've been criticizing all along.
No. 1879838
>>1879824I'd still take that "version" with a grain of salt. The nonna that did that recap decided to avoid mentioning that Fake mentioned during the MAG years how much he hated his job (he almost mentioned that every playthrough), and how he quit/was fired from one of em after punching a locker (after an argument with a colleague or superior).
It's one thing to say he tried to adult for the both of them, but it's another to deny the scrote definitely behaved in a very different manner behind closed doors/when not on Kaya's his or MAG's channel. If he really cared that much about them, nothing prevented him to address this to either her or her mother, so she can have a talk with her, have a real "intervention". But from what we know from screenshots, Kaya's Mom couldn't stand him either.
As much as he tried to adult (and still tries with his new gf), he's still as much of an immature, self centered idiot who got his hands on money thanks to fortunate circumstances.
No. 1879867
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No. 1879884
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Oh beggy Kaya must need money..
No. 1879887
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No. 1879907
>>1879838>tried to adultNTA and I do agree with you, but you sound like a sped with "muh adulting".
>>1879887Glad the pigeon is away from Buffalo Bill. Even flying rats don't deserve that fate.
No. 1879914
>>1879796With this context in mind, it makes a lot more sense why Kaya's content started to drop quite a bit around that time. I think the most she was active was during 2012-2013 but maybe I'm wrong and she was always slow with uploading content, it's been years.
I do remember that Jake was working in a call center or some type of office-type job where he was able to help support them at the time whereas Kaya only worked a short while before quitting. Putting all this together, it's no wonder she has such a poor work ethic because Jake was the breadwinner and this wouldn't have been as bad if Kaya kept working on her stuff but as we all know, she didn't do this.
>>1879838>but it's another to deny the scrote definitely behaved in a very different manner behind closed doors/when not on Kaya's his or MAG's channel.>As much as he tried to adult (and still tries with his new gf), he's still as much of an immature, self centered idiot who got his hands on money thanks to fortunate circumstances.While this is true anon, at the very least Jake is doing something. And sure he complained about his job a lot but considering where he was working if it was the call center, I can't hate on him for that because call centers suck and can be emotionally draining. And at the very least, he did try to stick it out as long as he could compared to Kaya who lasted only a day or three (can't remember but I know it wasn't even a month) at the retail shop.
There's no denying that Jake is a douche but he's a douche with a drive and it's the drive that we wish Kaya had or would've developed by now when the relationship ended.
No. 1879924
>>1879887I feel like this is a lie. Kaya I'd supposedly an influencer and asked for pigeon rescues. If she found one and this isn't made up would she not name the organisation?
Did any anons in Kaya's discord see if she responded to her fans discovering lolcow? Just wondering if the cow herself has addressed it. I mean it's pretty obvious she lurks
No. 1879941
>>1879924Yeah I got that impression too, girl picked up a completely healthy pigeon (alert, can fly, etc) while high, took it home to the boat and then released it when she sobered up.
No rescue is gonna take a perfectly healthy pigeon (and imo I doubt any pigeon, they need space for animals which aren't considered pests)
No. 1879957
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No. 1880031
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>>1879731Plus if they did pay her I'm sure they'd expect promo on her socials in return but judging by how boring she makes clubbing look
>>1877484 >>1877573 who'd pay her for that.
>>1879796>I'm not even sure what her niche isGoth consumerism and lifestyle I thought. Plus I guess now car complaining? She has a very similar video to the recent car complaining one 3 months ago picrel. (There's also another one but it's not the usual fluff cos it's about being spiked)
>>1879867Her every update about work is just littered with complaints. Hey guys I finally recorded something but it was just so annoying look at me go all across london and miraculously not find wifi, hey guys I edited a video and when I accidentally deleted it I just gave up instead of retrying, hey guys I saw all your comments but I can't figure out how to see some of them whoops anyway sub to my patreon I'll love you forever I promise despite my patreon having 0 rewards except discord.
No. 1880190
>>1879914>>1879918Without wanting to derail too much, basically yeah, it all comes to Kaya being enabled by her parents to do whatever the hell she feels like without accountability.
Probably something for OT to talk about how poorly her parents did to get her to develop into a functional adult.
No. 1880216
>>1880214wtf anon she just uses filters
>>1880205 she's nasty. Close to Tuna and her "skincare" bullshit kek
No. 1880247
>>1880214It's just filters. To Kaya's credit I think she'd be honest about any work and procedures she gets done. Her skin looks pock-marked as shit in her newest video which is weird because I don't usually notice her acne scars
>>1878237 >>1879230She sucks at vlogging but these short, highly edited videos with voice-overs are ok. These shouldn't be too hard to pump out once a week considering she's constantly partying, travelling and going to new places now that she has money and a car.
>>1879918She chose to live in those studios for 7 months - all her family come from Belfast so I find it
very hard to believe her Nan, Mum or uncles/aunts couldn't put her up for a few months. She also refused to look at any share-houses which prolonged the house hunt. She had a whole ass rented studio as a workplace and storage room but she needs a 3 bedroom house too? Make it make sense. I bet Kaya would moan that she needs a private rental for Sebastian but he ended up staying at her Mum's house for half a year away from his owner.
Kaya's strongest skills are in begging and milking pity and she saw the opportunity to maximize financial gain by larping as a hobo.
No. 1880300
>>1880049I thought it was hilarious. There are no women there just men and troons and it's about
abusive relationships. They all hurt her. Looks like a
TERF video to me lmao
No. 1880351
>>1880248Yeah I thought this too she starting to get a lip curl and her upper lip looks different no shame to her cause they look nice she’s always had a fuller bottom lip.
>>1880280 she only had one good song imo which was saccharine rest her songs are meh
No. 1880640
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>>1880300It's a case of being accidentally based because Jazmin is a tif herself who wants the tit chop and claimed she was on the waiting list to get it or something
Meanwhile her tim friend is having a crisis kek picrel
>>1880351Def agree
No. 1880736
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Oh, ffs. It comes off like she’d prefer to be at the festival than at home with her kids.
No. 1880775
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>>1880736You’re ready too much into this anon.
Picrel- isn’t it weird that Adora is wearing fetish wear together with her son?
No. 1880837
>>1880775I don't think that's her son lol. Pretty sure that's one of her current boy toys who she teased was her 'midnight snack' in an older pic.
I found evidence of Adora in bed with the Duke from 4 years ago
>>822145Was he a former boy toy or was she just being provocative? He was apparently in a long term relationship at the time and I'm pretty sure she was still married. Back in the day Adora posted quite a few photos with him where she calls him a cute goth boy and was clearly thirsting after him. If she pulled a move on him in bed there's no way he wouldn't have cheated.
I know Kaya has hated Adora ever since her disgusting Halloween costume blunder so I wonder how she feels about her partner's long-term association with her. Is the Duke still following Adora?
No. 1880841
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>it didn't fit cos I'm just so smol
>there's an imprint on her hand like it was tight
No. 1880843
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From Kaya’s latest reel. I know they’re song lyrics but the material writes itself kek
No. 1880901
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Like mother like daughter.beggy Kayne
No. 1881055
>>1880736Oh boohoo. Woe is her cuz no festivals but before anyone thinks she is complaining, uh, her kids are nice too!
I live in Germany, my husband and I had tickets.
Lucky me I have been sick all weekend.
Told my husband to go without me and have an awesome time.
There's always next year and so on.
And the age range is huge there.
Sorry Freyja, you decided to move back to NZ and pop out 2 children, and travel from there is expensive.
But focus on your kids for now.
Goff is not everything, enjoy what you have got. SMH.
(learn2integrate) No. 1881208
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>>1880843Lazy is a permanent state for Kaya.
Here's a lovely shot of her looking like a landwhale. She must be getting pretty comfortable in her skin because half the time she's brow-less and greasy af. She wouldn't have been caught dead like this 2 yrs ago but she's really let herself go now.
No. 1881251
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I swear to fucking God, this woman-child will die because of the foreign shit she touches. You're supposed to identify the mushrooms before grabbing any of em, foraging is not like plucking flowers.
No. 1881289
>>1880990She has 2 young children and probably is tired af. Everyone would look like shit.
She is a cow, but the nitpicking in this tread about age and appearance is getting annoying.
No. 1881302
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Begging hoping someone give it to her or buy one
No. 1881314
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Never saw someone e-beg this hard. Reason for go fund me: needing money for bills and groceries and permanent housing.
Can't she go back to OF and make money off guys with a belly fetish?
No. 1881331
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No. 1881342
>>1881294>Can she leave fucking wildlife alone? You're not some magical forest fairy KayaThis is the girl who's given fries and ice cream (or whatever she's snacking on at the time) to birds.
How very Kaya to rip out random mushrooms for pictures - she likes the idea of the cottagecore life but it's always just a passing aesthetic and mood, not a real interest.
>>1881304Kaya complains she can't afford doctor and psych visits but she spends hundreds in monthly studio costs, has regular meals/drinks out and wants fugly handbags like this for $62USD. You need to learn to lie better Kaya.
>>1881331Kek at Kaya's gut sticking out past her boobs. As evidenced by her recent car video she still thinks 2 months of Fluoxetine 9 yrs ago changed her metabolism and made her fat. Just like with her ADHD she'll never see any progress unless she is honest with herself and takes more accountability.
No. 1881391
Does anyone notice that when Jake's life starts spiraling, the "Kaya was never abused he was just frustrated!!" Shit gets posted here more regularly? Interesting. Sadly, I was one who actively posted positive things about Kaya during the initial breakup, applauded her body trimming down and excited to see her content picking up. At this point she had no romantic interest and seemed to be growing. Fuck was I wrong. She let this tranny into her life and shit went downhill FAST. I think Duke has been involved a bit longer than we know. Her style and attitude changed, her drinking ramped up and she now just fawns all over him. Completely absorbed to the point she's neglecting her business. Stupid stupid stupid. This asshole clearly doesn't give two shits about her, has been shown begging on social media shamelessly and uses her for clout. If he gave a shit he'd try to get her back in the saddle, make content with her or SOMETHING aside from being sloppy at goth parties. He's going to ruin her, she's going to ruin herself chasing this tranny about and get nothing but a broken heart with more sob stories. I really had hoped for better but that's fading fast, think it is for a lot of her fans, too. Her priorities are clearly jammed inside the Duke's grundle and she's too codependent to pull out. Woman needs fucking therapy, stat. As for whoever is going on about how Kaya was never abused, fuck right off. No one wants to argue that shit and you're whining into the void. Jake is a fucking monster, he's now starting to out himself as a sexual deviant and it's obvious he's beginning to wear on Kat in the other thread. Fuck off over there and rant, see where it gets you. "He paaaaiiiddd to keep her hooouuusssed and cleeaaanneed and and and" Shut. Up. It's the same song and dance. You'd be amazed what anyone with a guilty conscience would do to preserve their fan base after cheating during their LTR, multiple accusations of sexual harassment, AND their ex coming out to finally say how horrid they truly are. Imagine what would have happened to him if he DIDN'T extend those "niceties" to Kaya and just booted her out. He'd be at the Tesco right now with all social media bux gone and Kat gone. Don't forget Kaya had to hire a lawyer to get Jake off her back. They're both sniveling, greedy idiots but Jake has a genuine malicious streak who advocated for striking children ON CAMERA. Fuck… rant over. I'll take my ban if warranted.
No. 1881453
>>1881391I guess it's a bit of a derail-ish but since
>>1880837 posted old Duke stuff, I got curious and checked his old IG stuff. He used to do YouTube stuff, his makeup, singing too (the link in the IG bio disappeared, probably with his coming out as a TIM), and he did modeling on a runway once too.
And now, like Kaya, like many of the more important altcows, there's nothing left but ebegging.
It's kinda boring how predictable all of it is.
No. 1881460
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No. 1881534
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>>1881520Sorry forgot to add the photo. She looks nice in this video makeup looks fresh and clean. Hair looks nice and outfit nice much better with less accessories
No. 1881603
>>1881391>He paaaaiiiddd to keep her hooouuusssed and cleeaaanneed and and and" Shut. Up. It's the same song and dance. You'd be amazed what anyone with a guilty conscience would do to preserve their fan base after cheating during their LTR, multiple accusations of sexual harassment, AND their ex coming out to finally say how horrid they truly are. All that money was donations from his desperate snaccs too, they used to donate so much to him and they are not wealthy, unlike Claire who at least is burning through her husband's money and not their own hardearned money.
And he followed that by making lengthy videos accounting every expense for years and harassing her for her old laptop and cameras back, even though he has mountains of equipment. People confusing that for kindness is wild.
No. 1881921
>>1881573NTA but they're specifically referencing the anons who talk Jake up, like he wasn't
abusive and was a "maid" to Kaya and was such a saint to her during the breakup. Unless that's you, in which case it would be weird that you apparently don't care enough about Jake to even bother glancing at his thread while simultaneously talking him up in Kaya's thread. That would read as being a snacc.
No. 1881990
>>1881310Adora dressed as a rape
victim for Halloween a few years ago and Kaya made a statement condemning her costume and long history of being inappropriate online. Statement can be read here
>>1070806 and the costume in question can be seen here
>>1068952 (it's revolting)
>>1881453He's got quite the online trail. He appeared on some UK show called 100% Hotter in 2018 and there's an interview with him floating around. He studied dance at college and used to be a hairdresser.
No. 1882000
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No. 1882089
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No. 1882100
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But Freyja’s mom always gotta be in the comments for no reason
No. 1882123
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No. 1882168
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No. 1882363
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I hope she’s able to pick the sport back up even though she’s not nimble anymore. On the other hand, I hope IBF shares vids of herself falling on her fat arse.
No. 1882478
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>>1882102You can find it on Facebook and it looks like it was filmed in the aftermath of some transformation reality tv show (they are a dime a dozen in the UK). This is a 5 yr old video so he is still 'Casey' here. It's a little over 90 mins so I didn't watch all of it. The interviewer is mad awkward but to the Duke's credit he is patient and cordial with him.
He mostly talked about his jobs, aspirations and what it's like being goth. He talks about his long distance relationship with a girl called Gina from Luxembourg. It seems like she is a German speaker and that's what inspired his Instagram handles der__schwarze__engel and die__hergozin. This screenshot
>>822145 from June 2019 shows he was dating someone since Nov 2016 so we can assume that's Gina and he dated her for a while. There's no trace of Gina (xxgraveyardbabyxx) on his IG anymore so maybe they ended things on bad terms? After Gina it looks like he had a pandemic relationship with a Polish girl which only ended a few months ago (she has featured a few times on his IG so I can get a rough timeline of their relationship).
Just like Kaya he is a serial monogamist who is no stranger to long distance. He likes his Euro-goth chicks while Kaya likes her English goff guys.
No. 1882574
>>1882089Instead of looking spooky this just looks like even her reflection is judging her outfit. Why has she pushed a belt right under her breasts, if she's trying to get the illusion of bigger boobs
maybe the Duke has a thing for that considering how much he bruised hers it just makes her torso looks stumpy just like Fake's.
No. 1882597
File: 1692186771067.jpg (66.25 KB, 821x601, 647355345.JPG)

>>1882592Anon, what are you smoking?
No. 1882631
>>1882089It's a cool concept but it's been executed terribly - it's cringey rather than cool and spooky. Kaya no longer has Grant to take her pics and Photoshop them and her other artistic friends are all busy with full-time jobs so she has to do her shit photoshoots herself. Kaya likes to think she's a creative with an innate knack for design/aesthetics but I see little evidence of that.
>>1882123Do cats like going out for car rides and pram excursions? I watched all the IG stories and he looks a bit scared. Also, I wonder how Sebastian is coping with all of Kaya's travel and having to live at her Mum's so much. At this point her Mum should just keep him.
>>1882148I love a gothic gull wing brow but these don't suit her at all. You can tell she's trying to go for Morticia but she just ends up looking like a man in drag.
No. 1882733
File: 1692203476828.png (776.53 KB, 688x1176, Screenshot_20230816-173135.png)

No. 1882742
>>1881934>>1881948>>1882168>>1882592Some of the anons here are wild. Between pearl clutching weed anon, unsaged essay anon, non-milky photo spam anon, and now troon handmaiden anon? It's hard to have a real discussion about Kaya's actual milk. At least the farmhands are on top of it.
>>1882651>>1882663>Kaya still has a much nicer face>I'll give Kaya a little creditYour comments are going to
trigger someone nonnas, kek. The duke could have been a cute man, but he definitely seems sketchy and weird. It's hilarious that anyone would claim a towering and lanky man is more feminine than a woman simply because she's a little fat. There was a somewhat noticeable decline in Kaya at the very beginning of their relationship (weight gain and much lazier than normal), but she seems like she might be getting a tiny bit of a handle on things again. Curious to see how he affects her in the long run, but judging from her prior relationship I can't imagine it's going to be any good. She needs to learn real coping methods, go to therapy, and make a schedule over all else.
No. 1882821
File: 1692212572374.jpg (242.05 KB, 1080x1781, Screenshot_20230816-200206_Gal…)

Love that she listened to us she looks way better in these last few days then she has done All year and she being productive and filming tiktoks I have High hopes for her hope she sticks to it this time(still doubleposting, nitpicking and spamming non-milk)
No. 1882929
File: 1692222091703.png (764.75 KB, 720x1198, Screenshot_20230816-224257.png)

No. 1883009
>>1882742>pearl clutching weed anon, unsaged essay anon, non-milky, photo spam anon, and now troon handmaiden anonKEK don't forget illiterate anon and "Jake wasn't
abusive" snacc anon!
No. 1883133
>>1882742>>1883009The non-milk spammer is illiterate anon. I was really hoping hellweek would purge her.
Btw anons, thread's filling up (with kaya spam), any threadpic suggestions?
No. 1883264
File: 1692291612392.png (1.16 MB, 692x917, Screenshot_20230817-180143.png)

No. 1883372
File: 1692300660962.png (426.55 KB, 720x1128, Screenshot_20230817-203052.png)

No. 1883373
File: 1692300856894.png (382.73 KB, 720x1079, Screenshot_20230817-203119.png)

No. 1883694
File: 1692346954526.png (413.44 KB, 711x1132, Screenshot_20230818-091906.png)

No. 1883807
File: 1692364537895.jpeg (1.57 MB, 1170x2081, IMG_6265.jpeg)

Kaya looks completely miserable in her new tiktok. Sorry you had to do your job?
No. 1883849
>>1883807The concept of that trend is very fun and cute, where you act like a video game character being customized. She came off as awkward and annoyed, plus the clunky transitions between layers felt like a load of steps were skipped. Maybe the outfit was a bad choice for the trend, but it felt more like she couldn't be fucked to do it right.
Not to mention, she has been uploading TikToks to Instagram and YouTube. That means she's not even using her professional editing program, she's just going on the TikTok app and editing with that basic, glitchy crap. I guess she needs it though, since TikTok was built to spoon-feed you through the editing process. To do the same thing (but better) in a professional editing program like Resolve or Final Cut Pro, you need to have a fucking clue. Based on her full length videos, she doesn't know the first thing about professional editing. Does anyone know what editing program she uses for her full length videos?
No. 1883864
File: 1692375173624.png (188.12 KB, 511x828, 564565656446.png)

Im gonna have to unfollow Kaya now shes become a total handmaiden shitting on real women while worshipping a troon
No. 1883871
>>1883372Of course that dumbass never read an actual book. She’s a casual fan at best, why is she even this personally mad at JKR?
It pisses me off that “old hag” is her go to insult. Everyone who simps for trannies is a misogynistic retard. I hope she ends up with a troon version of stumpy and wastes the next 20 years of her pointless life.
No. 1884454
File: 1692469273190.png (135.97 KB, 671x1107, Screenshot_20230819-192227.png)

Get your money ready to support her .with cat plushie
No. 1884470
File: 1692470910139.png (1.17 MB, 720x1099, Screenshot_20230819-194803.png)

Patreons are paying for her dinner out …
No. 1885127
File: 1692549746665.png (482.55 KB, 712x1085, Screenshot_20230820-174419.png)

No. 1885131
File: 1692550039067.png (734.41 KB, 711x1145, Screenshot_20230820-174824.png)

No. 1885166
>>1885117I’m wondering when the handmaiden nonna will take the hint that this is a
terf site and finally leave.
Small tip- you don’t have to virtue signal on an anonymous site, you’ll get no points for it.
(infighting/derailing) No. 1885187
File: 1692557296402.jpg (879.28 KB, 1080x1803, vampyr.jpg)

>>1884470We're well aware that patreon pays for everything in her life anon. You can stop posting every basic boring milkless post of hers and stick to the interesting ones. It's really shitting up the thread.
>>1885131>>1885154Not the Duke, not sure who these two are, but Kaya linked the op's profile.
No. 1885506
>>1859750I agree, being skin walked by anyone is creepy. I've personally experienced it with a former female friend and that was crazy and dysfunctional enough. she had borderline personality disorder and was capable of lots of rage… but imagine an unstable man taking their aggression out on you when they realize that copying your style and fucking you still isn't going to make them a passable replica of you, at the end of the day they have no identity.
they can hurt you physically in addition to emotional abuse. this guy probably is very troubled. the more "fun" they seem at first, the worse off your relationship will end. it is a form of lovebombing. I think kaya is vulnerable to narcissists/sociopaths. it's a pattern she needs to break, but I think she focuses too much on the physical and doesn't seek stable and safe people, just people who are "fun" and familiar in a
problematic way.
I wish she would get some therapy.
No. 1885738
File: 1692633391951.jpg (1.74 MB, 1080x1968, XimkIIA.jpg)

>>1883849I'm not sure what editing program she uses for her YouTube videos but her latest IG story might give you a clue if you zoom in.
Looks like she's editing a drag inspired GRWM.
No. 1885899
File: 1692652001083.png (546.76 KB, 700x952, Screenshot_20230821-220828.png)

No. 1886075
File: 1692670568287.png (430.14 KB, 938x628, gothiquehoarders.png)

>>1885976Tbh, the kaya stuff would be milkier if people would stop posting literally any little nitpick and photo in regards to her. She's a troon dating mess, but it buries any actual milk under derails and OT. I agree IBF seems like the bigger cow here though, it's a shame details on her drama aren't always readily available because she seems just as bad as Kaya, if not worse since she's also a fat lazy hoarder, but also a (possibly negligent) mom with very questionable priorities. She's already filling their new place with all kinds of stuff including this musty old organ. I don't even think she knows how to play the piano or organ? Also she's supposedly taking up ice-skating again and believes this will help her lose weight.
No. 1886274
File: 1692707624046.png (464.04 KB, 720x940, Screenshot_20230822-133448.png)

No. 1886309
File: 1692713542149.png (168.63 KB, 642x216, MS Paint _ Microsoft Paint Onl…)

No. 1886407
>>1886403Or, and stay with me on this, she had already used the plumping gloss earlier that day, and was reapplying as it began to fade. Don’t turn into the “ she’s obviously using weed because she’s hungry and has red eyes, there no other explanation!” tinfoil
No. 1886426
>>1886420I’m here for the drama, but I want the drama to be legit. No tinfoil. I see evidence in the video that she’s using lip plumper. I see no evidence that she’s had a straight up injection, especially since every personality trait that she exhibits shows that she goes the cheap and easy route whenever she can - because, as stated multiple times throughout this entire thread, she is lazy. Just because someone doesn’t agree with you doesn’t mean they’re WKing. No need to get emotional or
trigger in-fighting over it
No. 1886461
>>1886439kek idk about that I mean have you seen Skat's teeth they're literally like grey
if you think that's what "smoking from birth" teeth look like you definitely are spending too much time online being tricked by beauty filters and I suggest you go outside and talk to real people sometimes
No. 1886628
>>1886309>>1886403>>1886420NTA, but there's not even a noticeable difference between her lips? She overlines them a lot when she does her makeup. This doesn't really look like filler at all. Kaya is still a cow, but this is an unfounded tinfoil at best.
>>1886439Her teeth don't look like a long-term smoker's teeth at all (literally just google it), probably more coffee and tea staining if anything. They looked nice and white in the 2019 screencap.
No. 1886651
File: 1692756352151.jpeg (65.26 KB, 1182x559, IMG_2304.jpeg)

>>1886628Here’s a photo comparing her lips with the gloss and without it, from within her most recent video. To be fair, the lipgloss does make her lips puffy enough that it looks like filler. I can see why people would think she got an injection.
No. 1886721
>>1886651kaya has always had good lips naturally. they're her best feature. pillowy, soft looking, and feminine, great lip shape. it's why she looks so good in all colors, even black, maroon, or bubble gum pink. they dont look like they have been injected at all.
and no I'm not a kaya white knight bc I said one nice thing, I am disappointed she hasn't accomplished more on YouTube to beat Jake's subscriber number and patreon. she had such an opportunity with everyone wanting to help her pay for a new house, furnish that house, subscribing for content about her cozy goth cottage core life, eating healthy home cooked meals, while Jake eats KFC and kat eats cigarettes and long island iced teas, and they're stuck with a kid.
but now she is hanging with the troons and getting drunk regularly. I dont want her to have alcohol bloat and shitty skin from drinking and stuff. she looks best and happiest when she's doing everything in moderation. also I was hoping to be able to buy a Sebastian plushie soon… it is almost fall so maybe the launch date will be a clever one for black cat season. I hope it does really well. I wanted to buy like several to piss off Jake. but I may only be able to afford 1 in this economy. -_- there are better causes… yes, I need to touch grass lol
(-_- please do) No. 1886809
File: 1692787677770.png (565.15 KB, 720x1145, Screenshot_20230823-114951.png)

No. 1887357
File: 1692864107232.png (14.03 KB, 668x140, IBFghoststories.png)

>>1886075IBF is trying to insinuate her new place is haunted already, by ghost children no less.
>>1886759The LJ is ancient milk anon. Kaya is pretty transparent about being pro cosmetic surgery these days too, but her lips don't look enhanced beyond the plumping lip-gloss. This isn't really worth sperging out about for days with no real proof regardless. Give it enough time and we might actually see her opt for lipo or something though.
No. 1887359
File: 1692864627549.jpg (212.13 KB, 1176x906, 002304923.jpg)

>>1887355Can't believe you tricked me into following these two just to check anon. She's still liking them all.
No. 1887378
File: 1692868668021.jpg (29.18 KB, 289x477, 3498573.jpg)

>>1887374Are you smoking crack anon? She has liked them all this month and that IS the most recent one.
No. 1887586
>>1887479Ngl thought that anon was just retarded, but considering they lied about
>>1887359 not being the most recent post, I guess the "anything is milk" anon is reaching new levels of desperation. Anyone with eyes can go and see she's liked the posts.
No. 1887694
File: 1692909239037.jpg (787 KB, 1080x2190, Screenshot_20230824_212519_Ins…)

Kaya reshared this from the pink girl and I genuinely can't figure out kayas outfit. Is it a bikini that she's wearing belts and a skirt over, is it a leotard, idk qhat it is. Yes saged for non milk I'm not random screenshot anon kek
No. 1887746
File: 1692913253811.png (99.95 KB, 720x1131, Screenshot_20230824-224141.png)

No. 1887776
File: 1692916418038.jpeg (311.66 KB, 1125x1811, 2BF6765A-68AD-4C49-A607-A9237B…)

KVD filmed a new music video ‘Vampire Love’ and had all her friends in it. From Charo to a relative nobody called Alexandra Merino. She’s the one who’s a clown in this pic. She was at the D.C Capitol on Jan 6th and posts stories with weird right wing takes on Instagram. I guess Kat doesn’t mind since birds of the same feather flock together.
Also I noticed Manson’s not in it. I hope they fell out.
No. 1887892
File: 1692929660210.png (209.86 KB, 410x386, ttytaugust.png)

>>1887746She's finally getting the Sebastian plush into production and has uploaded four videos this month? Kaya is in rare form for once, but we'll see if she actually manages to keep this up.
No. 1887927
File: 1692934919820.jpeg (481.56 KB, 1110x1835, BD33E1D5-50EC-445F-92D9-45C5C1…)

>>1887821I’m came to know her when Alexandra was Kat’s 10th anniversary of the KVD makeup line muse.
She fell off for me until I saw her complaining about losing sponsors and followers due to the Jan 6th thing. After that she went full covidiot conservative until her main account got banned.
Now, she only gets to taste the influencer lifestyle when Kat throws her some crumbs. KVD loves being around people who worship her so is probably going to associate with Alexandra despite her possible liability.
I have a video on imgur of Alexandra’s take on the ‘Shiny Happy People’ documentary. (can’t seem to be able to share it here) She basically says that it’s a liberal attack on Christianity and the practice of homeschooling. She totally ignores the actual horrendous things that are revealed in that documentary.
No. 1888081
>>1887892Sage for no milk and blog
But how can her subs find her entertaining? She post the same type of vids and this screenshot shows it;
Video whining about being lazy
Blabbing while putting on makeup
Expensive spooky box
Clothing haul.
I subbed to her for the breakup drama and thought she may start doing something interesting but like nonnas said, back to her old ways, mindnumbinly boring and lazy. The only video that was interesting was the vlogging about going out etc. Unsubbed cause ain't no way I'm gonna sit through her privilege ebegging ass rant about "ugh my brain" and half hour of nonstop excuses. Bless the Nonnas who can stomach it and post the details here.
(not your personal blog) No. 1888210
>>1887694Kaya kind of has the proportions of a shorter girl (like not elongated/lanky) which is giving an optical illusion that the two girls on either side are really tiny, rather than Kaya and moid being tall and the two on either side being normal sized
>>1887746Shipping date means people will likely get their plush in January versus before Christmas, guess it doesn't really matter but shows that procrastinating slightly less would have made a difference here
>>1887927Is this the same one that Lovelylor got "cancelled" by lolitas for accidentally liking the photo of or am I confusing right wing cows
No. 1888358
File: 1693003868811.jpeg (557.25 KB, 1120x1966, 1495CB01-F49F-4458-8C02-F22D1F…)

>>1888262Oh, yes. She’s unhinged. People have short memories so she might start gaining traction again if KVD keeps putting her in the spotlight.
>>1888304What the story behind that?
No. 1888456
File: 1693014951999.jpg (1.05 MB, 1080x2054, Screenshot_20230825_202917_Ins…)

Jazmin is going on tour, she's got some money behind her it seems now with all these locations, plus the more professional music videos and the new airbrushed poppy music. Did something change with her label?
No. 1888552
File: 1693034661989.png (161.07 KB, 446x444, jb120201.png)

>>1888456I know she's ruined her face lately, but is this really the best photo they had for promoting the tour?
No. 1888617
File: 1693047238482.png (985.95 KB, 720x965, Screenshot_20230826-115528.png)

No. 1888675
>>1888593Thanks for sharing. That was an interesting read. Between that, Kelly Eden, and Dorian; the Lolita community sure seems
All those scandals were
valid, for sure, but it turned into borderline bullying.
No. 1888706
File: 1693067096005.png (748.98 KB, 700x1073, Screenshot_20230826-172548.png)

No. 1888711
File: 1693067731537.png (1.17 MB, 720x1206, Screenshot_20230826-172621.png)

No. 1888751
>>1888653Some annoying anon just spams pics from Kaya's story no matter how irrelevant it is.
>>1888706Now this is pretty milky imo. Kaya is going full fetish mode kek. I like how she posts things like this and baits people into wanting to know/see more, but DOESN'T plaster her ass all over the place like Skat does. Honestly if Kaya were to start an OF now, it would blow Jake and Kat's OF out of the water and probably make a lot of money. Especially considering she's doing hardcore stuff like caning and not just poorly shot softcore vanilla shit like some people. Not that she should, but if she did.
No. 1888759
File: 1693072378512.jpeg (364.12 KB, 1170x2078, IMG_3030.jpeg)

I think this is soft proof she’s going to link clubs
No. 1888884
>>1888751>I like how she posts things like this and baits people into wanting to know/see more, but DOESN'T plaster her ass all over the place like Skat doesInstead though she gets weirdly angry and defensive when people take the bait and ask about it, like when she showed her titty bruises from the Duke but hated anyone noticing, which do you want sis
>>1888864You can be large in stature but have short looking proportions. Like Henry cavill and his short baby arms, his arms are still longer than a short person's but small on him, or if you're tall but chubby like kaya that can make you look shorter. Maybe thats what nona means?
Sry, I'm an artfag No. 1888903
File: 1693087432640.png (1.29 MB, 720x1224, Screenshot_20230826-230504.png)

No. 1888944
>>1888711I hate this look on her. You can tell she's really taken with the BDSM chic style but she just looks like the stripper boots Patrick meme. Wearing the Tommy Vowles belt much lower than it should be won't hide her pot belly - she needs to lose weight if she wants to pull off skin-tight bodysuits.
>>1888850Whenever I see a full length pic of Kaya it always looks like she's using those Korean baby-head filters kek. Also her torso is much wider and longer than I thought. You're right anon, her proportions are weird. Without the boots you wouldn't be able to tell she's almost 6ft.
>>1888759It looks like she went to an event called Kinky Circus at Libertine, her favourite gay club, where the Hodor actor (Kristian Nairn) DJs. She wasn't there to practice legit BDSM, she just wanted to wear her dominatrix costume and get complimented by gay men. In one of Kaya's stories Fifi's boyfriend picks them up from the club and hands Kaya a riding crop and calls it her 'kink device' as Kaya sings WHOOORE (I don't know how to upload it to lolcow). It's obvious Fifi was the one drunkenly spanking Kaya's ass for a bit of fun and Kaya's trying to bait people into thinking she's wilder than she is
>>1888903It's just a big, sad flat ass and those ripped tights make her look smelly and trashy. Not sure why she posted this…
No. 1889014
File: 1693107071991.png (1.38 MB, 1336x835, vanessaalexandra.png)

>>1887776That ex suicide girl Manson defender (and semi notorious starfucker) who attended his birthday party at Kat's house is still posting unhinged things all over her social media. I've got to wonder who it was she was supposedly going to LA to see, but I imagine it's some kind of Z-list alt celebrity that stood her up and not likely Manson himself.
No. 1889098
>>1889014Imagine being a grown adult and posting this.
>>1889088idek who this is but it seems like pickme ego death, like she does everything for male approval rather than genuine passion and is finally realising this is not a winning strategy.
No. 1889161
File: 1693149702040.png (415.75 KB, 720x939, Screenshot_20230827-162331.png)

No. 1889267
File: 1693170534747.png (497.52 KB, 720x1210, Screenshot_20230827-221040.png)

No. 1889365
>>1882089>>1888617Kaya's magic changing ass. Is it mad confidence or pure delusion she'd have an ass worth showing when all she's down for a decade is sit on it? She's got a fucked up jaw and neck from her slothly lifestyle kek, whys she think her ass is safe?
>>1888903>>1882089>>1888711>>1888617There's probably way more examples but it's always same anon posting 'good' photos of kaya with no caption. Weird. Wonder if they're the same anon obsessed with Kat and always hoping it's Jake making all the mean comments about fat Kaya's body. Do we have both or just one of the gruesome twosome using the farm to shade each other? Half the time it feels like Kaya is directly answering the thread through her content. Hilarious
No. 1889400
File: 1693191279896.png (955.37 KB, 676x853, vanessadaveyhavok.png)

>>1889014>>1889088Another LA update from this cow. She salvaged the trip by using another one of her connects and supposedly got to dance with Davey Havok of AFI.
>>1889098She was posted about in the previous thread, but it all got buried with the rest. She had a lot of old milk including doing a "miscarriage" themed suicide girls shoot and claiming to be in a serious relationship with one of the guys from the Japanese metal band dir en grey (she had a big weeb phase back in the day), but it turns out she was just a delusional groupie and he ghosted her causing her to have a very public meltdown at the time. These days, she's 40 years old now and still caping for Manson in hopes he'll invite her out to things and introduce her to other celebrities like KVD. Otherwise, she still lives at home with her mom and works a part time retail job when she isn't attempting to starfuck or post selfies of herself crying.
No. 1889404
File: 1693191742661.png (607.37 KB, 640x944, vanessaripwilliams.png)

>>1889088>>1889400Also the megamind forehead is really emphasized because she's always taking photos from way up there to hide her actual shape.
No. 1889906
File: 1693277439597.jpg (68.89 KB, 565x720, romandirgecomics.jpg)

>>1889400Didn't recognize who this "roman dirge" was at first, but apparently this guy is the one who made the comic "Lenore: the cute little dead girl" that was sold at Hot Topic in the mid 2000s. Basically a less successful and less notable Jhonen Vasquez.
No. 1890196
File: 1693330445870.jpg (521.71 KB, 1297x463, vn4gjlG.jpg)

The Sebastian plush campaign is live on Makeship and it looks like 1 person has already bought 6.
No. 1890219
File: 1693332285322.png (867.63 KB, 720x1215, Screenshot_20230829-190614.png)

No. 1890224
>>1890203She's a welfare queen so I doubt she can even afford 1.
It's probably some outcast fan who's trying to buy Kaya's time and attention.
No. 1890231
File: 1693332667438.png (1.08 MB, 720x1249, Screenshot_20230829-190620.png)

She sooner be out then sort out video but just begging away.
No. 1890255
>>1890231Goff jump scare. Lots to unpack with this latest lewk…a Wednesday Addams costume cut up with scissors to look slutty along with a gorilla coat, pigtails and diy cobweb boots.
Looks like she's off to film TikToks and maybe take some MQ/SL promo shots.
>>1890238$30 for this junk. There's dozens of cuter, more unique designs on Makeship that cost the same amount of money as this basic ass plush of some random Youtuber's cat.
No. 1890266
>>1890196The eyes are weird. It makes it look ugly.
>>1890219Why is she looking like a clown? Is it halloween already?
No. 1890278
>>1890219Gotta slap the kooky fun frog filter on to slim out her face for that prefiltered content on the go!
>>1890231She's really dedicated to her ripped black tights. Just makes everything look trampy
No. 1890299
File: 1693340434543.png (715 KB, 714x1209, Screenshot_20230829-212022.png)

No. 1890308
>>1890224Crack tinfoil Claire switched sides
>welfare queenI think that's been said in the threads before too, how do we know that
No. 1890338
>>1890299Oh look, kaya's body has changed size again.
>>1890309>>1890266Are we surprised the design is shit? Look at the designer ffs
No. 1890545
File: 1693364344523.jpeg (701.1 KB, 2048x2048, 53CCCEC1-64D2-43C8-8F70-E0FD73…)

Kay Von D shared that she’s homeschooling Leafar using Christian Curriculum.
That’s funny to me just because in the past, she shared how she hated her religious upbringing. Her parents were 7th day Adventist missionaries and she rebelled from them with tattooing. They sent her to Provo Canyon because of that.
Poor Leafar, stupid name, no vaxx, and no proper education.
No. 1890620
>>1890231>She sooner be out then sort out video but just begging away.Illiterate-chan is that you? While I generally get the criticism of her work ethic, she seems to be shooting promo for slimelight on this outing. (Her outfit IS horrendous though.) She's released five videos this month, which is unusually good for her too tbh? Cows like IBF only release twice a month and Freyja doesn't even do any hosting gigs on the side or much of anything at all. I have to wonder why the fixation on this particular cow sometimes. Maybe it's time for a ToxicTears containment thread?
>>1890309Ngl, I think it's kind of ugly too. The wings were a cute idea, but there's something really off about the overall head shape to me. I feel like a different eye shape or style could have really helped make this cuter too? It's kind of funny though that it's already one third of the way funded with 21 days to spare in comparison to Jake's last plush failing to get funded in an entire month's time. Kaya's really lucky her "lovelies" are so supportive of her, she seems to be trying a little harder lately at least, but we'll see if she keeps it up.
>>1890545Poor kid is going to end up so detached from reality living in this weird little bubble they've created.
No. 1890686
File: 1693393095010.png (925.48 KB, 720x1236, Screenshot_20230830-115933.png)

No. 1993392
Simply gothic, Kirstie, YouTuber with very childish appearance, who moved to USA from UK just because her boyfriend wanted it, they know each other from Instagram and they met just a few times, last time in 2022 xD She left everything behind, also her business, she cannot work, cannot re-open her business, cannot drive, doesn't know anything about america and is totally dependant on her bf. There will be some tea, I'm telling you.