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No. 1705825
Finally freeing the altcows thread from the meaty clutches of Jake Munro and related cows.
Meet the cows:
Jake Munro - Kaya's ex boyfriend, after dating for around a decade. Cheated on her with his girlfriend's tattoo artist's wife, Kat. Fancies himself a musician, though since his bandmates left, doesn't seem capable of producing music on his own. Used Joker-esqe makeup and mimicking other artist's makeup for attention on Youtube, but has since generally given the gimmick up as his popularity rapidly declined post break-up. Appears to be rapidly aging into the bloated corpse of a chav gordan ramsay due to a suspected alcohol and nicotine addiction. Has big dreams of being the next big V-tuber star. Occasionally scars us with his ugly nudes via a rarely updated OnlyFans account.
ToxicTears (Kaya) - Veteran goth youtuber, used to get hundreds of thousands of views, but her channel has dwindled down due to inactivity during the last few years of her relationship with Jake. Has a tendency to make a lot of excuses not to film, though seems to posting somewhat regularly again. Kind of an airhead, often anxious. Lots of old milk. Almost constant debate in thread in regards to her current cow status.
Kat Paine - Previously married mother of one, cheated on her tattoo studio owning husband with their client's (Kaya) long term boyfriend (Jake). You can find her posting heavily filtered lewds to her OnlyFans when she isn't tracing Disney coloring book sheets part-time at the tattoo shop. Her most popular phrases include: "Daddy! Shots!", "Drinks! Shots!" and incoherent giggling at Jake doing literally anything.
Updates from last thread:
>>1671891 Jake suspected of editing his gross nudes
>>1673680 Kat caught tracing Disney coloring book pages per usual
>>1673691 >>1681250 Jake briefly reconsiders donning his clown makeup for views
>>1681541 Jake goes off the rails with multiple essay long seething anti Kaya comments on YT
>>1682058 Jake continues to go off on commenters about his content and appearance
>>1681577 >>1684009 Jake got a root canal and claims to have a new Munro single finished
>>1686821 Jake doubles down on VTubing, spending thousands on gear for whatever weird reason
>>1686842 Kaya goes to London for an event and forgets her debit card
>>1687844 Jake continues sperging out about Kaya in comments
>>1687962 Kaya gets another bug tattoo for her "bug sleeve"
>>1688957 Even more sperging from Jake in comments about Kaya
>>1689736 >>1689494 Jake releases a very poorly mixed cover of Timmy Trumpets
>>1690867 Jake has a meltdown where he admits he thinks the cover is bad and claims that he "rushed it" even though it's been in the works for six months
>>1694001 Kat continues tracing Disney artwork very poorly
>>1694634 >>1696157 Jake runs into trouble with his VR rig and has to buy even more expensive gear
>>1696512 Kaya takes a short break post London trip, lots of speculation on what had her stressed out
>>1698516 Kaya said the "stresses" that she was trying to get a break from followed her to London. Said she plans to edit the film clips together and do a voiceover.
>>1698550 More hinting at what the "stress" might be, lots of speculation in thread
>>1698775 Kaya discusses how she isn't currently in a relationship, but would likely keep it private in the future
>>1700365 Jake's new VR equipment arrives and he manages to minorly injure himself swinging a cable around
>>1700509 Jake and Kat celebrate their one year anniversary at the Galgorm.
>>1700601 Spend their one night stay plastered, downing a bottle of champagne, a bottle of wine, and multiple long island ice teas
>>1700740 >>1701337 Jake gives us some unsettling foreshadowing into his plans for VTubing
>>1701745 Kaya is in the planning stages for a plushie release
Last thread:
>>1668686 (alt cows thread)
No. 1705879
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>>1705825Does this mean that Jake was re-listing old videos with high view numbers or? He suddenly had 350x his usual daily views on Saturday with no new video posted. I can't tell if he's intentionally inflating his monthly income or if he's re-listing old videos because he's strapped for cash and hoping people might still watch them. He wouldn't actually make the 6k off that as shown, but would have been 6k previously made off those videos before he unlisted them, correct?
No. 1705932
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Kaya is streaming outlast again, no sign of Jake making a similar announcement this time around.
No. 1705963
>>1705932Technically Kaya announced that first outlast stream after Jake said this, if we're keeping score of who does retaliation streams
See original post here:
>>1701669(sage) No. 1706193
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Which vtuber archetype does he fall under nonnies? Tbh, sounds like he isn't even entirely sure where he's going with it yet.
No. 1706591
>>1706193Man can't even be bothered doing the bare minimum to engage with this whole VTuber thing himself, he has to get his audience to hold his hand through the whole process, how obvious does it have to be that this is just another in a long list of attempts to insert himself into a trend that he isn't actually interested in himself, he's so disingenuous it's hard to figure out what he
is actually passionate about
No. 1706833
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>>1705825Ngl, it's kind of funny how much shit he was talking about Kaya's content just a couple weeks ago. Since then, he has released a, self admitted, half-assed cover that completely flopped on YT, and did one couple hour stream? Still love him trying to cope by saying he was "happy that youtube's algorithm has dropped him a little so he can go try new things" on stream too. It must really kill him inside to see her recent videos pulling better numbers than his.
>>1706591He can't be bothered to do his own research, can't be bothered to put on the makeup that got him a lot of his "snaccs" to begin with, can't be bothered to do much it seems. I remember other anons saying Kaya was the one who used pick all the tiktoks for him to react to previously too?
No. 1706979
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>>1706833Before the break up he had over 103k followers on Instagram. He hasn’t posted (besides his stories) since September. I know he wants to edgelord and be at 666 posts, but it’s just lazy. Content creator minus the content isn’t engaged enough
No. 1707044
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>>1706979He hasn't even posted to Twitter in a few days now. No new YT video in three weeks, no real twitter updates, no OF post in forever, etc. I think at most he's made a couple IG story posts a day. Lady Allura seems to be making more Jake content than Jake is these days. kek
No. 1708771
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A 2 hour video about why him and Kaya actually broke up. He said he’s going to a follow up with a q&a.
He starts off by asking he doesn’t care about lolcow and he’s now making a video so he can gives his followers ways to defend him online.
He’s talking about his finances and how Kaya didn’t give popularity. I’m only 7 mins in… and it’s giving bitter
No. 1708772
Kaya has just made a story saying something has come out and that she is going to have to respond to it and that it's already obviously false. I am banned from Fakes insta for calling him a snake ages ago and don't know how to check, does anyone know what she is talking about? if I've done this wrong in any way, I read all the rules and guide but this is my first ever comment.
No. 1708777
>>1708772I genuinely feel sorry for her.
She was trying so hard to keep calm
She feels she has to respond just to tell the truth and put things right.
Emily Boo said in a video at the beginning of the year "the truth will out."
No. 1708782
>>1708775He also keeps saying “ I have recipes and photos if you really need me to dig it up”
“Oh well I can’t get into my paypal, but I’ll try to pull it up for you guys”
And he’s going on about cleaning but her place is clean in her videos and everytime he posts in his place or hotels is a shit show”
No. 1708790
>>1708788Kek right on Thanksgiving! I'll try to watch but 2 hours is a long time for Fake to sperg, would any
nonnie summarize?
No. 1708802
>>1708790I’m about 30 minutes in. It’s not giving what he’s hoping. It’s giving
abusive ex that’s losing control. I’m glad she has the police involved
No. 1708806
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>>1708802Picrel, I looked in the description and he actually timestamped everything. He must've been getting most of Kaya's stories/tweets from lolcow or a friend, and taking notes every single time she made a passing mention of him. Hair in the bed was specifically mentioned on her social media.
No. 1708807
>>1708803Who’s saying she can’t defend herself? She’s very welcome too. I think she should. He can’t be allowed to set the only narrative on this.
I’d just appreciate it a bit earlier in the day.
But just to spell it out, I was trying to be humorous.
Calm yourself
No. 1708834
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So the police are involved, he didn’t deny it. They can’t stop you, but this is harassment jake. Fucking moron. Kek
No. 1708838
When talking about how Kaya was "unsupportive" of his anger issues:
>"I saw Kaya's fear to it as extremely excessive. I was like, what're you doing? I'm just a little annoyed."
>"She never dealt with it, I couldn't confide in her about it. It was just this nasty disgusting monster that came out of me that she had villainized and every single time I got angry, I felt disgusted in myself afterwards."
I think anyone would feel unsafe around someone shouting and throwing things. You should feel disgusted about that, Fake.
He's blaming the anger on "depression and anxiety".
He continues to describe his anger issues as:
>"An acute, and painful, and intense level of rage"
>"I can't help it. I'm not doing it because I'm an asshole, I'm doing it because I can't control it."
>"It's not something I'm doing because I want to do it. It's happening to me, and I'm just along for the ride. I'm not gonna be shamed. I had no control over it, it happened."
He then goes on to say that a psychiatrist believe it was caused by bipolar disorder, but was ashamed to take medication for it. He "dealed with it himself".
Kat, you better be careful with Jake around your kid, if he claims he can't control his anger. And if your son sees Jake's moid rage, it's possible possible going to think it's ok to do that and will take it out on YOU when he's a teenager.
No. 1708839
>>1708837She made a video about the police. He admitted on his Twitter that he’s been trying to contact her but she blocked him on everything (in his words)
I think it goes beyond the YouTube videos.
No. 1708841
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He was forced cause he’s losing money and followers
No. 1708846
>>1708806I only dipped into the video and looked at the 'anger issue' timestamp he had and holy shit it was the weasliest thing ever.
It was 'Well I never -directly- did any of my anger shit at her, and well I was young and also in a bad situation, oh and I did -warn her- I have anger issues and she was ' like I'm sorry but it's your job to deal with your anger issues in an appropriate way, and even if you're not actually directly targeting someone it's still fucking terrifying to deal with take accountability for fucks sake
No. 1708847
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Anything for the views, eh Fake?
No. 1708855
>>170884920 minutes into the video he's talking about her going to two GPS who denied her an adhd diagnosis she was seeking and then her dad paid for her to go private. She didn't engage with treatment or take medication. Talking about her laziness and how much he tried to help her behind the scenes.
I mean I've never been bought in by Kaya's bullshit hello lovelies shit or her crying about absolutely everything. She's a complete melt with no direction in life. A complete turn off. He's being too nice not saying that and then saying how she made him feel insecure. He's also showing texts between them. They were still in contact pretty frequently until recently.
No. 1708858
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>>1708837This is his response to that. Picrel
>>1708855In the "work and finances" section of the video, Jake did mention that Kaya was crying every morning and night before going to work at a job. He is really airing everything out.
No. 1708872
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“The cops came to my house and told me to stop contacting her…” what of his stuff does she even have? Did I miss that
No. 1708879
>>1708874Think it was more than didn't clean. I can relate a bit living with my highschool sweetheart and him never learning to pick up after himself even when it was causing you anxiety and stress. It is a lack of respect when someone won't work with you. Your living space is important. Let's not lie and forget that farmers have pointed out Kaya's ridiculous excuses over the years for doing fuck all.
She was seeking out diagnosis so she would have a cop out so no one could harass her over being lazy, but then she didn't want to treat anything or better herself. I'm no fan of Jake but I casually watched when he was doing his daily vlogs and only a blind person could see how frustrated he was with his girlfriend.
No. 1708880
>>1708872He claims a gaming laptop and a camera are missing. It's in "She stole my stuff and called the police on me".
I can't remember where it was in the video (I think it was in "I held her stuff"?), but there was a text screenshot of Kaya asking for some cameras, and Jake suggested to Kaya that she get a cheap camera to stream/make videos with. Wouldn't surprise me if Kaya took the opportunity to take a better camera out of the storage when she went to pick up her stuff.
No. 1708886
>>1708883Kaya was essentially unemployed, my ex was unemployed and I was the breadwinner. After you work all day and come home knowing your partner has been sat on their ass all day and expect you to pick up around them and do all this bullshit housework when they could have spared a bit of their day to prioritise time together and idk a bit of fucking romance. The romance was dead clearly.
We've got evidence of Kaya being a hoarder and messy on her own damn channels. I'm not surprised since the break up she's been aware of keeping her shit together. I doubt she wants to stay single and she's lived like a slob for years she's a lot of habits she's probably finally acknowledged she has to unlearn. The two of them should of broke up in their mid 20s.
No. 1708902
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>>1708901I literally am.
“You guys wanted an emotional video, well here it is” while he tries to squeeze out a tear kek. This video STINKS of damage control.
No. 1708912
>>1708910He goes on and on about how he had no friends for support during the break up and he was so alone
fake tears but now everyone’s telling him their feelings about Kaya? K
No. 1708927
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No. 1708930
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One of his first line after this is “ I made Kaya aware that I had anger issues”
The fuck is wrong with this guy.
No. 1708932
>>1708872God he's more insane than I thought, why??? would he escalate this with a video AFTER the police went to his house to tell him to leave her alone??!! Absolutely baffled at the level of narcissism on display here that he thinks he overpowers THE POLICE
Also this timing is very deliberate, posting on Thanksgiving when much of his viewership is american
No. 1708938
>>1708930He continues by saying “ I never hit her, but I vented my anger in an aggressive way. But I had no support system, no friends and Kaya said it was okay that I had anger issues. Anger is a
valid emotion. Everyone is understanding when you have mental health issues like depression and the emotions are softer. But once you’re aggressive people are less understanding. It didn’t happen often. I’m being demonized for it”
She was terrified of you, that is abuse moron.
No. 1708940
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>>1708938This segment of the video is called “ look guys no holes. I don’t punch doors anymore” no seriously. He’s blaming Kaya because he punches doors and can’t control his aggression. He doesn’t do that anymore until Kats kid won’t listen or won’t clean up after himself
No. 1708949
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Jake admits they pooled income and finances together and after he pays the bills he divides the money and deposits it to Kaya's account. Also Jake: here is a list of money I sent Kaya … What I would like to see is Jake's expenses. Show us what you bought Jake like the clothes and the hover board and the motorbikes with custom paint jobs and the new gear like cameras for your bikes and vlogs you bought and never used and all the studios you needed.
No. 1708950
>>1708949What about the eight years before this? Where were YOUR contributions then Jake? When Kaya financed your unemployable ass?
This is too much kek
No. 1708973
>>1708969Hi, I’m watching cause i hate myself. Kek
He’s saying when him and Kaya got together he was on welfare, and then had a job for seven months but got fired for anger issues.
No. 1708995
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Guys he was very very sad when he kicked Kaya out in late October to stay in a cold studio. He called her 2 hours later to come back. Then cheats with Kat. He looks like he took acting classes from Amber Heard. I'm expecting a bee.
No. 1708998
>>1708992Oh it gets better.
..I found her fear excessive. I would get annoyed. Like what are you doing? She would walk away and leave me alone and distance herself as far away from me as possible. She never dealt with it, I couldn’t confide in her about it. It was just a monster inside of me that got Villainized”
No. 1709016
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Kaya is very fragile, so after she blocked me on everything and called the police to ask me to leave her alone I am going to make a 2 hour rant video about her on my youtube painting her as some awful abusive woman. He did not want her on tour because he wanted to break up and she would have been in the crowd meeting people and getting covid and she would have given him covid. Kaya was upset and made it about her that she suddenly could not come on the tour because she would give him covid, this 2 weeks after he broke up/made up. Thus he kicked her out. AGAIN.
No. 1709028
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I'm dying of laughter. Kaya found Kat's hair in her bed and Jake needs to clarify it's HIS bed with the bill. He acts like it's silly she was upset that he cheated and not a big deal. He denies he cheated on Kaya for almost a year. Jakey boy, your skats love collage had a picture of you two with her dark green hair while she had orange hair since july all through the next year.
No. 1709037
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Jake is whining about Kaya's donation goal for London. "Can you imagine where I had a donation goal so you guys could pay me to go on vacation" You mean like that time you said you would only go to Australia first class or all the vacations you took this year and that tour last year no one has seen any footage of yet? Like that Jake? LMAO
No. 1709038
>>1708938That sounds so bad, people are supposed to be "understanding" when someone is being violent and aggressive? Just throw away all your natural instincts and be "understanding" to my rage issues I "can't control"
imagine putting that in a video and thinking it makes you look good. No people are not going to be understanding towards violence or aggression and that isn't uwu discimination, it's called survival instincts bucko
No. 1709050
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Kaya being upset in the video talking about her break up is her "playing this hard" and if he had known he would have not made his break up video like he did. Jake you are pathetic. You admit she is fragile and accuse her of playing hard ball in a break up video of a 12 year long relationship because she's crying. She's allowed to have feelings.
No. 1709053
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She changes her hair a lot. And as others have said, her hair was this color in July 2021.
No. 1709055
>>1709050what a cunt
i think his initial break up video was the most telling, he really thought he was "free"- no longer being "held back" by lazy old wet blanket messy kaya who can't understand his rages, now he's free to travel, fuck who he wants and get all those hot thin tall goth chicks his heart desires. then this doesn't happen, he ends up with skat and playing stepdaddy to her kid, and his views drop. Oh noes, it must be because kaya actually showed genuine feelings in her break up video? why is EVERYTHING kaya's fault with this little man?? take some fuckin responsibility fake. she was hurt, you were happy. now she's happy, and you're bitter and lashing out. get a life
No. 1709065
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So he tells her the shit in his garage is sorted, their stuff is not mixed up. She comes over, it's not sorted and she leaves. He then sorts it and claims he carried most of the stuff downstairs and helped it load into her car. Then suddenly his camera and laptop are missing from his boxes? I thought you sorted it Jake. Jake has probably 10 camera's but suddenly this one and that laptop she always used for years is your stuff and you are going to a solicitor to get them back? lolwut?
No. 1709067
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He's really really really salty about her housewarming gifts.
No. 1709076
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Poor Jakey, he worked so hard during lockdown for everyone else but himself. Even had a discord but that ended due to nasty rumours and it's all Kaya's fault. It didn't have anything to do with the fact there were very young girls there and you started posting your OF's dickpics all over the place now did it Jake?
No. 1709086
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Twitter isn’t on his side either. Didn’t go the way he planned, that’s for sure
No. 1709087
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This thumbnail is the best part. Kek. He’s reenacting kaya being freezing when he kicked her out over Christmas
No. 1709090
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So now he's pissed that after the breakup Kaya told him that she wanted to break up with him in 2016 but she didn't because he had no finances and would have been homeless. So ofcourse Jake takes this as that she did not love him and used him for his money after he started making a living of youtube. This dude's got serious issues.
No. 1709092
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"I'm not trying to demonize Kaya" but she's abusive and the most vengeful person I ever met and ruins my career on purpose and she does not deserve peoples patreons and amazon gifts.
No. 1709095
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"And all these crazy rumours. Just because I was drunk once on my birthday i'm an alcoholic." No jake you're an alcoholic because you hardly post anything on your instagram but when you do its 4 long island ice-teas in various locations.
No. 1709098
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It would not be Jake if he did not end on big promises he will not keep. There is going to be a munro single every single month next year. He also has loads of vtubing content which he will record in December and you can only see it later in January unless you're on patreon (fishing for some cash jake?). Also he had to make the video to adres the "parasites" ruining his career. It's not his fault you see, it's Kaya's and the parasites. I think Kaya should make a metal band called Kaya and the parasites and when she does better than Jake he can have another public meltdown.
No. 1709102
>>1709098>Kaya should make a band called Kaya and the ParasitesPlease, Kaya starting a band which does better than Munro would be the icing on the cake
Also appreciate you anons liveblogging the video to save us a watch. He really just makes himself look worse and worse every day and blames everyone else.
A lot of parasocial weirdos in the comments as always with male youtubers, youtube viewers seem to have absolutely no radar for narc
abusive males.
No. 1709164
>>1709146I'm guessing this, combined with mentioning she was denied adhd by two doctors is him claiming she is not truly adhd and is faking it. If you're not actually adhd then of course meds have the opposite effect. Plus this obsession with Kaya's supposed job as his cleaner is misogynistic as fuck.
What a hateful asshole he is.
No. 1709170
I am a tiny bit confused by everyone in this thread. For years we all agreed how Kaya was a lazy, whiny, depressed hoarder… but now that Jake confirms it, we all go to her side?
Don't get me wrong, I am only half thru this video and Jake is a narcissistic fuck, but I believe him when he says Kaya didn't wanna do shit?? She had the studio, nothing came of it basically. Her attic, or whatever the fuck at home, also not finished. The house content, also never to be seen. EVEN NOW, she literally does nothing but a few make up videos and an unboxing video FROM MONTHS AGO.
I am LOVING this milk for Christmas and I just wish there was at least a little bit more shit talking about Kaya as well, because they're both such idiots.
No. 1709171
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like to dislike ratio is not looking good for Jake
No. 1709172
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Kaya's like to dislike just for comparison
No. 1709186
>>1709170I think it's a case that he's using these traits to paint himself as the
victim and her as an abuser.
And, like you said, we already knew she was like that so really him making a "grand reveal" about it just tells us more about him than her. He's saying nothing about her that we don't already know.
All of these things would make someone annoying to live and be in a relationship with, but it doesn't necessarily make them a bad person. Plus it's just such blatant attack. He's not going to gain anything back from this. He knows that. He's lost his precious career that he built oh so well, so he might as well go all out and spill everything.
No. 1709190
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Jake’s deleting all the “negative” comments
No. 1709206
Love that he tries to paint her as the one obsessed with him and unable to move on when she's the one that blocked him and had to call the cops to try to get him to leave her alone after weeks of nonstop harassment. It's crazy to me anyone can watch this and not see the red flags he's quite brazenly waving.
>>1709153>She has her strange group of friends that she drinks withFunny. Sounds an awful like "belfast trash" anon who WKs for him here all the time.
No. 1709216
>>1709211Why are you responding to a random anon adamantly saying you are totally not jake when they didn't even accuse you of being him? lmao
Not that I think you are actually him, but I honestly wouldn't find it a stretch that he's made posts here. He clearly lacks self control, has anger issues and has now confirmed himself that he reads here. Dude is absolutely pathetic.
No. 1709222
>>1709219He punched the wall twice in 5 years and ended his angry outbursts in 2016 according to him. Kaya also cried and said everytime he asks her to clean he says it angry, so he made a point to always ask nicely so she couldn't do a gotcha moment.
Rather break objects he's paid for than smashing her face. Or they both could have broke up with each other but they were too codependent.
No. 1709269
>>1709262Yeah, Kaya never mentioned him by name, but everyone knew who she was talking about. She kept poking the bear.
>She probably got a shit ton of attention for it.That's why she's been dragging it out too, because the break-up drama is one of the few things keeping people watching her. It's what most of her followers ask about.
>>1709266Idk about that, Jake is now saying Kaya "stole things" and is showing receipts that he bought them as some sort of proof. They could've been gifts too but because he bought it himself, they're "his now".
No. 1709275
>>1709272from what I gathered stomaching as much of Jake's video as I could, he had boxed up her things but there were things in there he didn't mean to give her. My guess is she wanted to block him once she'd left as she'd finally gotten the last of her things and to wash her hands of him.
>>1709273Anyone with eyes could have seen that if they'd watched the videos they did with Kelly Eden, he's so gross
No. 1709276
>>1709273I just got there too, that's awful. I believe it, he was doing immature shit like making a vagina at a kid's birthday party. His public twitter tweets too. He probably made sexual jokes all the time.
>>1709275True that.
No. 1709280
>>1709279I know I've been in very similar situation. I was 16 when I met the guy I lived with. He worked the first two years then stopped working. It's just the genders flipped and my friends would rag on my boyfriend and saying how useless he was. I felt gaslit all the time, but I never cheated. I was 23 when I figured out my happiness mattered more than familiarity. My ex felt blindsided but we weren't even intimate anymore, and he was DMing his much younger brothers female friends on fb while I was at work all day. I was just his cash cow mommy.
I don't really have much sympathy for Kaya. People have to go through worse my ex was physically
abusive not just shouting at me. She had far more means and leverage than someone like me. She still hasn't fixed any of her issues she takes responsibility for. At some point you do need to grow up.
No. 1709283
>>1709280Anon, just because people have it worse doesn’t make what he’s done not
abusive. Yelling, throwing things, and punching walls and doors is
abusive behavior. You don’t have to sympathize with Kaya to realize Fake is just another
abusive scrote.
No. 1709284
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>"He may not have ever hit me, but I felt like he always made sure that I knew he could, and that more than that, that he wanted to."
This is why she was scared Jake, that's not "excessive". This is exactly what he was doing and him thinking it's something she should've been understanding of is messed up.
Also, screenshot from her video at the 42:37 mark. I guess someone could say this was "typed up and is fake", but I believe he was still punching doors right until they moved out.
No. 1709285
>>1709283I do realise its
abusive to feel like you have to walk on eggshells, but she's really clinging to this executive dysfunction label. Any medical professional will recommend treatment and a positive mindset which involves pushing through difficult tasks. Like for her to say cleaning was too difficult and she'd get stuck not knowing what to do, when by the sounds of it it's take away food containers and all the packaging from the shit they get. How difficult does putting things in a bin bag get?
No. 1709286
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on Kaya's video, it got removed obviously.
proof, lol.
No. 1709294
>>1709292Not sure how things work where she live, but unless you hire someone privately, i don't think that's a service the health system offers.
Of course there's things like body doubling, where you call a friend but it seems that it would've been a big issue with Stumpy being always angry.
That said, i'm sure she could've pushed herself a bit more.
Sorry if i don't reply in a correct way, i'm a noob.
No. 1709296
>>1709025I sincerely think she encourages him
it must be their pastime talking shit about kaya
No. 1709298
I'm thinking that perhaps Jake just didn't like the way that Kaya cleaned or sorted things. Some narcs get angry if you don't "do things the right way" and can be protective of their hoards (Both of them were hoarders). The few times she may have picked up or cleaned, he likely criticized her or said it wasn't enough, making her not want to do anything at all.
>>1709296Yeah seems like they have nothing else to talk about. All they do is get drunk together and he objectifies her. No substance in that relationship.
No. 1709313
>>1709310I don't think either are a
victim tbh I think they're both stupid twats. I've my own bias against a work shy ex so I can understand the frustrations, but I would never cheat on someone or go out of my way to betray them. It should have ended years ago but the milk is fun. I would have been disappointed if these two attention seekers would have kept quiet about their break up. And for this I thank them.
No. 1709319
Stumpy might've quit posting on OF because we dragged him for having weird ftm-looking penis kek. Sensitive about his dick size and height.
>>1709316And now he's with Kat, who is also taller than him.
>>1709318I can't imagine how angry he is about this and what he's doing to "control his rage" now.
No. 1709325
>muh anger issues>"i just can't control it"no, dipshit. it's not because you can't control yourself. your entire problem is caused by not being able to control others, and you just can't deal with that. so you lash out on others in an attempt to gain that control you desperately crave. you're doing the exact opposite.
>>1709305kek, this fucking baby manlet.
No. 1709350
>>1709345eh, no one is obligated to do anything, but i think he definitely could have shown her at least some basic human decency. not saying that kaya is some sort of a "perfect
victim" or anything, but it doesn't erase the fact that he's still a narcissistic idiot.
No. 1709351
>>1709350He got her driving lessons and gave her a car and let her stay in a studio he paid for. That's a lot considering he wanted to move on with a new woman.
What did Kaya do for Jake apart from initially give him clout cause she was more known. She even admits that they split MAG earnings but he did all the production, filming and editing. What did Kaya bring to the table apart from her aesthetics which went to shit for years since we all were commenting on it
No. 1709355
>>1709351she dealt with his narc
abusive ass?
she split her own money from YT.
HE fucking cheated on her and threw her out in the cold.
are you serious
No. 1709357
>>1709355>>1709354No it doesn't his violence and cheating and continued flirting and infidelity would have called for a break up in my mind.
At the end of the relationship when she was reluctant to go he let her stay in the studio. It's not his problem to house her. They were in contact until a month ago and he was keeping her stuff for him. That's a year on from the break up. He could have just kicked her out, stopped paying for the car, not let her stay in the studio, and box her stuff out and put it outside for her to collect. In all honesty what else more did she want apart from living with him and saying shit like he should have fucked Kat in a hotel when they were broken up. It literally was his house. Most people when they break up don't have their exes house sit she said it was so she would catsit Sebastian so even tho Jake hates cats, Kaya left him in Jake and Kat's care but she's mad a year later kat helped Jake separate her stuff out of boxes.
No. 1709365
there was a moid in here earlier (can't find his comment now) that was wking jake and saying this thread was a domestic violence support group or something. guess the vid is dragging in a lot of those guys here.
>>1709362she's stupid to not see that he's going to do the same to her eventually. these videos should have been red flags for her but she's such an idiot pickme she's likely standing by jake.
No. 1709371
The Barcelona thing is genuinely insane, and probably the most obvious and glaring sign that Jake was extremely manipulative and controlling. How did he think that was gonna make him look good? He literally said she didn't want to go, but he started the whole process regardless, and he framed it as her being ungrateful and not doing anything to help him with the move when she never wanted to move in the first place. Scary.
>>1709352Holy shit, kek. I need to know more about this.
No. 1709385
>>1709357Most people who lived together for over 10 fucking years live together a bit more while broken up until one of the parties that needs to move actually can move. Like normal adjusted adults.
Kicking out your partner just like that is fucking abuse and mental. It was not "his" house. THEY moved into it together and were renting it. It is easy to get a new house when you are in a couple, landlords don't like renting to single people especially in a bad economy. His name was just on the lease which he cleverly engineered.
No. 1709452
>>1709450That's a thing. Jake said that Kaya "doxxed" him. Kaya thinks he said that because she gave the address to Kat's husband while Kaya was staying there.
Surely Kat's husband should know where his child is going to be living? Especially when it's with someone like Jake. He'd have to know the address eventually.
No. 1709456
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a comment from jake's video in response to someone saying that he didn't need to air all of this out online. pretty disturbing imo.
No. 1709461
>>1709460I'd love to know. They're replying that or something similar to every comment that isn't immediately supportive of Fake, but nothing he said in his video about her behvaiour sounds
abusive. just annoying.
No. 1709463
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This part kaya goes on to say jake would scream and yell that people didn’t respect him cause he’s too short. Kek. Thats one of the many reasons she didn’t want to sleep. Not cause he’s short, but because he was narc rage about being smoll on a weekly basis
No. 1709500
>>1709460Thats the thing I dont understand in this, so Kaya was lazy, messy and mentally ill, that was Jakes reasoning for her being awful to him.. like okay I can understand that being tiresome in the long run but nobody forced him to stay and somebody being super lazy and unmotivated is not abuse lol.
Meanwhile Kaya is like Jake would threathen her, throw things in rage, punch holes in the walls and doors, make her feel super unsafe, flirt with all her female friends to the point where she felt like she couldnt take him anywhere, nobody around them liked him, doing financially manipulate her, constantly talk down to and about her
I dont get why so many people seem to be on Jakes side in this, just because Kaya is annoying and you dont like her doesnt justify this
No. 1709520
>>1709500>>1709516I'm the anon who said I'm confused by people not trashing Kaya more and I did have a change of heart after reading your guys' arguments and watching her video. What you said is completely true. Kaya is just mentally ill, while Jake is a an
abusive manlet.
No. 1709538
>>1709531Thank you.
I also just saw a comment on her video how Jake didn't wanna accept her mental illness (not cleaning) but was soo "sad" how she didn't wanna accept his (punching and throwing shit).
No. 1709554
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>>1709460Because actual DV research shows that moids consider “abuse” to be shit like the woman failing to meet her traditional role, doesn’t cook or clean enough, etc. They literally don’t know the meaning of the word because women are obviously not terrorizing them en masse the way they do to us.
Picrel from this article: No. 1709566
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No. 1709601
I hope she can heal now its all out in the open.
>>1709430 I second this she would end him
No. 1709606
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The comments on his video are going well. These all have 20+ upvotes before they are deleted.
No. 1709620
>>1709310>>1709318>>1709500People siding with Jake likely have behaved similarly and find that as a way to excuse it or are snaccs so far up his ass they'd simp for him no matter what he does. I agree completely that Kaya isn't always the most likable, but it's obvious Jake is a misogynistic,
abusive, nasty scrote. Kaya is just whiney and lazy. These two things are not on the same level.
>>1709341Hilarious he named this place and dropped hints he posts here. Hateboner anon being so unhinged and blindly seething at everything she does makes so much more sense now.
>>1709395>>1709396>>1709422Tbh anons here called almost everything. Jake is a walking wall punching scrote stereotype. Him hooking up with Kat before she could even ditch her last marriage is really only more evidence of this. He's been creeping on her friends for years and is now seething that she was able to make new ones. He's going to start isolating Kat as much as possible in the next few years. God forbid if Kat ever puts on a few pounds too.
No. 1709642
>>1709456Won't somebody think of the poor moid with anger issues! He was aboosed! God, these dick riders are so pathetic. He never even claimed he was outright abused, yet admitted to punching holes in the door like a fucking psycho and controlling his girlfriend to the point of trying to move to another country without her consent. These people want women to be as
abusive as moids are so badly that they need to make situations up.
No. 1709653
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>>1709606>>1709608>>1709610His comment section is very not in favor of him. It's almost funny how he's so up his own ass that he fails to see that he's dealing most of the damage to his "career" himself.
No. 1709658
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most people are shitting on Jake but the few fans he has defending him seem pretty braindead.
No. 1709660
>>1709653It was his awful "we broke up… anyway, stay tuned for new music and new videos and new merch!" video that shot himself in the foor in the first place. Followed swiftly by the Barcelona "pussy :P" drama. And now this two hour shitfest, which is going down like a lead balloon. It's hilarious that the majority of the damage to Jake's career is self inflicted.
He could have put up a brief, sombre "we broke up, please respect my privacy" informational video and left it at that, rather than capitalise on the clicks and the drama to try and self promote. He could have simply not splashed the fact that he was immediately shacking up with another girl in Barcelona all over his Instagram stories. He could have handled all of this differently and likely would have come out of it much cleaner, regardless of his treatment of Kaya.
What an absolute tool.
No. 1709664
Jake really is out there trying to paint himself as a victim because he just couldn't be bothered entertaining the idea of supporting his clearly mentally ill partner of over a decade. There were so many options both of them could have taken before it got to this point but the way Jake handled Kaya at her most fragile state really, really shows how entitled he thought he was to her, body and soul as a person. The fact that she wasn't "showing him respect" when she's essentially so ill she can barely function is insane to me, how can she show you Respect when she clearly didn't have any for herself? You sat and watched her fester in a home of filth you both contributed to and instead of helping or intervening or looking for outside help he did nothing, he just sat and let it rot and continued to let it rot until he eventually saw an out and took it. She clearly needed help, he clearly resented ever having to help her. There's so much talk of " she never cleaned, so I had to do it" and never any talk at all about them cleaning together it was a shared household, shared mess. I've been with my partner for 13 years, a couple longer than Jake and Kaya: if my partner starts cleaning in my presence I get up and help clean, if my partner starts cooking I get up and start helping to prep, it's a shared existence, what Kaya and Jake seemed to do was just sort of exist in each other's presence without ever communicating their needs to each other. They just let resentment build until Jake stopped seeing her as a partner, a lover, a person, she became just a shape in bed on "his" laptop that swallows money.
No. 1709667
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>>1709653The current like to dislike ratio on top of his video having twice as many views. He's definitely sinking his own ship.
No. 1709673
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No. 1709687
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Did he mention what was so bad kaya did that bunch people in Belfast know? But I love how kaya exposed his shit and said people hate him lol
No. 1709699
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Rotten Hollow just came out in support of Kaya on his insta. Jake wanted to skinwalk this guy. He's going to be seething when he sees this lmao
No. 1709706
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Like/dislike/viewing ratio ♀️(emoji)
No. 1709723
>>1709190His views of sexuality and family are absolutely fucked if he thinks his significant other needs to ""respect"" him like he was her father. There is no correlation at all, his obsession with trying to get Kaya to clean
his mess (since her own house is tidy where his is still a mess) is absolutely absurd
No. 1709725
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>>1709699Curious to see who else might pop up in support of Kaya publicly. So far we got Rotton Hollow and Roly
>>1709673>>1709703Nah, Jude is a pickme through and through. She's going to keep him on the backburner for a potential "daddy" if anything sours in either of their relationships in the future. Which is likely given both Jake and Kat's tendency to cheat and Jude consistently being dropped by her gross "daddies".
>>1709704Tbh hilarious because all he had to do is leave her alone and we wouldn't have confirmation that he's A. terrible at sex. B. insecure about his stumpy neck and C. is an insecure little manlet about his height. kek
No. 1709730
>>1709723yeh, plus her suggestion of wanting to split it 50/50 seems fair- she starts on the cleaning, he can then do the rest when she no longer can. It's sad to me that that had to even be
suggested to him (and he flat out refused) when it seems like a normal dynamic in any relationship where you live together??
>>1709704>>1709725at what point does she mention his neck?? watched through her whole video and don't recall her saying this kek
No. 1709733
>>1709202>I think a part of it is some anons have been in relationships with narcs or seen firsthand how it can suck the life and motivation out of someone Yep exactly this, a lot of us have been in situations or witnessed situations of affected motivation and psychology. It's very common, this is also why "just leave your abuser" is so difficult - at that point you feel complely deflated and incapable; it takes confidence and hope to make progress.
Abusive people make sure to infantilise you and make you
feel like you can't do anything so you don't leave.
Kaya struggling to achieve anything while mr anger issues was around makes perfect sense.
No. 1709738
>>1709734>>1709736thanks anons. i didn't watch his video because i absolutely cannot stand hearing this guys voice
that's hilarious though that he's insecure about his fucking neck
No. 1709739
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>>1709658guess this is confirmation his last remaining snaccs are truly braindead. kek
No. 1709748
>>1709746i noticed that too, she was saying his camera and laptop are better so why does he want those ones? but if he wants her off youtube then it's clear he wants to prevent her from making videos/good quality videos and editing them easily. lmao what a snake, leeches off her, gets "famous" through her, then sees her as competition. he's SO SO bitter he will only ever be "
toxic tears' boyfriend/ex." boo fucking hoo fake
No. 1709756
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>>1709747>>1709752Even his IG is getting overrun.
No. 1709800
>>1709761Its so funny cause he thinks he a sex god so glad it has back fired couldn't happened to a nicer guy.
I really hope this soils his failing YouTube career. Fucking idiot could of re built it if he kept his mouth shut and moved on
No. 1709802
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Starting to see a lot of comments from people who have met them saying Jake was very rude in person too, especially if you were a fan of kaya. kek
No. 1709831
I don’t know if this has been shared here, but I found this video that has a clip from MAG where Jake is condoning hitting children. It reminds me of when he tried to blame Kaya for not liking children. In the clip Kaya disagrees with him, which proves that his dislike of children was of his own accord. Also, how could any mother want their child to be around someone like this?
<iframe frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0"width="788.54" height="443" type="text/html" src=""><div><small><a href="">youtubeembedcode nl</a></small></div><div><small><a href="">Uno regler</a></small></div></iframe>
No. 1709912
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He's already lost 1k subs from his already dying channel since uploading that gaslighting mess of a video. LMAO
>>1709891>tries to paint Kaya asa gold diggerThe pure irony of who he has chosen as his new partner. Kat wouldn't have jumped ship on her shop owner husband if it were the Jake from pre YT "fame". I wonder if he's the only one who doesn't realize it. Will he expect her to return all the money, gifts, and drinks when one of them inevitably cheat on the other too?
No. 1709932
>>1709914Stumpy said he would post another video if Kaya posted a response, but what the hell is he even going to say?
>K-Kaya's lying! She totally had orgasms!>So what if I flirted with her friends? Kaya flirted too, a guy SMILED at her!It's just going to be a bunch of lies and he-said she-said.
>>1709926I'm not sure if Kaya wants to bring that up, since it would drag Kelly into this situation and could make her annoyed and cause more internet drama. Kelly's already a cow with her own thread and she defended Dahvie Vanity.
No. 1709943
>>1709247I refuse to give Jake the view so someone else can do the breakdown on his video if wanted, but here's Kaya's 3 hour vid broken down as best I can. Sorry for the longpost, feel free to ignore, but this is for those who want every drop of milk without watching a 3 hour vid.
- "He's finally gotten angry that he's not doing as well at the minute, and I've been out living my life and having a good time, and he's pissed about that and wants to drag me down."
- Doesn't deny that he got lucky with a viral video or put work into his channel but highlights that she was successful first and her fanbase lent itself to his channel/s before going viral.
- Got together with him at sixteen, feels as though she missed all of her formative teen year experiences and her full twenties.
- States that he didn't have to stay with her if he wanted to break up, but the way it happened was horrible.
- Debunking plenty of claims Jake made regarding setting up her attic space in the old house, not using her studio anymore pre breakup, and other petty shit he said about her living situation post-breakup, such as a couch, about some heaters, small amounts of money, moving her scooter, etc.
- States numerous times that a lack of communication was a huge issue, and healthy communication would have solved a lot.
- Jake's "evidence" of Kaya gaslighting him makes no sense, and none of his "proof" stands up. She never trashed him by name like he did with her.
- "If I wanted vengeance, why wouldn't I have told everyone this (the video contents) from the start?"
- Her name had been on the lease for that house along with Jake's when he broke up with her.
- Around 2016 she had wanted to break up with him due to his anger, toxicity and behaviour with other girls. Stayed with him as she knew he wouldn't have anywhere else to go. That period of being "desperate to leave him" passed, and she "learned to just deal with his abuse again".
- Says that Jake told her she wasn't able to go on tour due to her mum's health, or saying she was "too delicate and fragile" for tour, which was not true. The way that the timeline matched up, she could have gone with him, and he told her she wasn't going. She was upset as she had friends/fans who were expecting to meet her at the shows, plus she had concerns about him cheating on her while on tour. Jake got mad at her for telling him this, and accused her of not trusting him, but he was actively involved with Kat at this point. She doesn't know if they were fucking but their relationship had progressed into "something". After this argument, Jake stormed out and didn't come home for hours. When Kaya called him to ask where he was, he says he was in North Belfast. She can't prove it but looking back she realises that's where Kat lived. The next day, he broke up with her. "Make of that what you will".
- Jake had messaged her while in America that she was not allowed to use the house, then told everyone that he'd given her permission to do so. Would message her all the time to tell her to take messages and comments down all year prior to the breakup.
- Kaya denies doxxing Jake, stating that she gave Dean the address of the house while she was staying there. Denies trying to incite violence against him, with plenty of messages back and forth discussing "that paranoia" with him. "If I wanted to do something horrible, I would have done it" - regarding being a "scorned woman" left alone with all of Jake's belongings in their home while he was on tour.
- "he's an angry person, I wouldn't want him around a child" - states this was an opinion given to Kat's husband when discussing Jake. Apologised for it, but it wasn't a lie.
- Denies raising money to "go party in London" as it had already been paid for (in the summer) and the donation goal was just a fun thing that they did, dating back from MAG days, and was in fact for the most recent London trip. Didn't hit donation goal, wants to put a vlog up for what she did manage to record, but says that she was dealing with Jake's harassment in London which ruined most of the trip.
- Jake also harassed her during her trip to Galgorm.
- Kaya couldn't tell you a single thing Jake has done this year but highlights how clear it is that Jake has been keeping tabs on her and what she's been up to. She had him muted everywhere post the breakup "while we were pretending things were civil". "He apparently has plenty of time to be checking up on me".
- Post breakup he moved her remaining stuff into the garage with his motorbikes, which he had the only key to, and Kaya could only access when Jake was there. She didn't want to be around him, so this delayed the collection of her stuff and prevented her from getting to it while she was living in the studio. Admits to there being some of his stuff in "her" boxes, but he was the one who had boxed it all up to put into storage, not her. He'd told her that he'd sorted through it all, that it was separated, and that Kat had helped go through her stuff. If there is anything left of his in those boxes, its his fault as he'd said it was sorted.
- Discusses the camera and laptop situation, states that they were gifts. Also says that he had gone into the box that the camera was in to steal something else from her but left the camera, meaning it clearly hadn't meant enough to him at the time to retrieve. Highlights that it's been a year, and that he started harassing her about these items after she'd collected her scooter, which was her last "tie" to him. The timeframe of that harassment and his video come after he'd finally lost the last piece of control over her.
- Contacted the police initially to clarify that Jake didn't have a leg to stand on regarding getting her camera or laptop. She says they asked some further questions about him which they noted down. Then says that the police have been involved for much longer than Jake realises, has had visits from them and done risk assessments discussing his ongoing harassment. She has also started talking to a Solicitor rather than deal directly with Jake and blocked him everywhere following the collection of her scooter. Says it would cost Jake way more money than the items were worth if he pursued them in court.
- She says she didn't leave because she was weak, sentimental and clings on to things longer than she should. That she was afraid of "something like this" happening. And also a sunk cost fallacy of "it's been so long, leaving now would be wasted time". She didn't know how to get out without it all going to shit, and she didn't feel strong enough, didn't have someone to "hop" to afterwards like he did with Kat.
- Apologises for the length of the video, says Jake is the nastiest person she knows, and that even all of this isn't everything.
Mental health:
- Jake would "scream" at her to clean. Discusses ADHD diagnoses and how ADHD and executive disorder gets in the way. States that yes she was messy but clear that they would both make a lot of mess, "would live in squalor", and he would eventually blow up, scream at her and "clean" by shoving things out of sight.
- "He took symptoms of my mental health issues - depression, anxiety and ADHD - as a massive mark of disrespect." He would research "solutions" along the lines of "How can I -make- my partner do XYZ". Said that she was "broken and needed to be fixed" once. Felt like he didn't believe that her ADHD diagnosis was real. He was angry that medication didn't work. Thought that medication would change and Jake would "stop hating me". Tried three different medications. She is now trying to get more help with ADHD via the NHS but this is taking time.
- Begged him many times to go to therapy. He went once, didn't like it, refused to go again.
- Had been feeling the pressure for making content for her own channel to "keep them afloat" for such a long time, and when his channel finally took off had a thought that "no good can come of this". From the second he started making money, it was a weapon against her. "Your boyfriend is rich, you can take a break" she was told, so she took a break.
- Moving in 2021 was incredibly stressful, both with regards to the move and Jake's aggression surrounding it. Was on multiple anxiety medications. Breaks down when explaining that she would see friends around this time as she was "so desperate for an escape from the situation and from him" and the friends made her feel safe. Acknowledges that avoiding her problems this way wasn't good.
- Stress and anxiety ruined her appetite. Several weeks before the breakup states she had basically stopped eating.
- The last house move was going to be a re-start of her Youtube work, had a full plan that she'd explained to him about restarting her ADHD medication, trying to make it work, restarting Youtube, etc.
- Tried to be there for him when he would get very depressed or in a very dark place, to the point she worried about him hurting/killing himself, and would invent reasons to come check on him when showering etc.
- "not being able to clean doesn't justify everything he has put me through"
- Extremely unhappy with Jake telling the internet that she had been suicidal. Denies that she threatened to kill herself "if he broke up with me". Said that at the end of the relationship she was in a bad space mentally and felt suicidal - he then broke up with her and threw her out. Said it was just as well she reached out to a friend to talk to, "if that hadn't happened I don't know what would have happened". She messaged Jake the next day to ask to come home, after he hadn't bothered to reach out to check on her all night, and he said no.
- She discusses a time living at another prior house where she was holding a razor while in the bathroom, staring at it, "I wanted so fucking badly to be dead". She didn't do anything but went to wake up Jake to tell him how afraid she was, about how badly she wanted to die. This was something she struggled with a few times during the relationship, but if he was angry with her about anything at the time then she says he didn't care. She is upset about having to talk about this, but feels that she needs to discuss it since Jake already brought it up to the internet and tried to weaponize it against her.
- Says that Jake has had problems with alcohol for years, but doesn't want to get into it further.
- "He will stomp all over everyone to get that success" with regards to Jake being success and money driven person.
- Throughout the relationship up until the last 2-3 years, all of their money was equally split and was "our money". This included MAG which she admits he put most of the work into but succeeded thanks to her own fanbase, and situations such as her own channel having a successful merch run.
- When he started earning a lot more money towards the end, he would push her into buying things or having things bought for her. "What do you want your rich boyfriend to buy for you?" "She spent all of my money… you wanted me to? He's just trying to use that against me now." Later says "if I had known he would use this against me, I never would have taken him up on the offer."
- £23,000 motorbike, £10,000 motorbike.
- Finances were equal until he was the one earning considerably more, at which point it became "His money" not "our money".
- "We were together for almost twelve years, he had money for maybe two of them." - regarding "she was only with me for my money" claim. Make it make sense.
- Worried about his trashing of her reputation with his video tanking her income, worried about "losing everything all over again, exactly like last year when he fucked me over last time."
- "his idea of supporting me was throwing a lot of money at things and trying to push me into things I didn't want to do." Later in the video Kaya discusses Jake's sharing of multiple "supportive" messages post breakup, most of which revolve around him offering to pay for things which she never took him up on "because I knew what he was doing, that he would use those screenshots against me later. Which he has."
- A lot of pressure around MAG being successful as Jake was so desperate to be rich and famous, especially when the third member left. Kaya would put more and more energy into MAG and drifted away from her own content as a result. Setup alone for MAG sessions was stressful due to Jake's anger issues.
- Jake wanted her to stop doing Youtube. Told her years ago when she was the bigger channel that she didn't deserve the subs or fame she had. He would should and scream about "always being a +1" or "only being ToxicTears' boyfriend" while tagging his pictures "ToxicTearsboyfriend" and then denied in his video that she contributed to his channel growth.
- Debunks Jake's claims of "I paid for everything for the move to Barcelona". Kaya paid for the services that never came through as the move never happened. She had to take out a Paypal loan, to put into his bank account, to prove that they had enough money in the bank to the Spanish Government to be allowed to go live there.
- Felt that she couldn't bring up any issues with him as he would say "I give you all this money, I buy all this stuff, I pay all our bills". Admits she never earned as much as he did, but she split everything with him for much longer than the timeframe where he earned more than she did. He claims there was no financial abuse but she says he used money to control her and the relationship constantly.
- Jake got jealous of complements given to Connor regarding his input with the band, to the point he discussed dropping him from the band with Kaya. Pure jealousy, Jake has to be the center of attention.
- Denies having a shopping addiction. She was pushed into a certain lifestyle by "rich boyfriend" and states at one point that she would fill the void left by not being in a loving relationship with purchases. "Nobody loves me but at least I have a nice dress".
- Jake apparently got the timelines for Kaya's jobs wrong but she says it doesn't really matter. Not sympathetic at all about Kaya struggling with the jobs and not enjoying them. Says that he "let" her leave her dayjobs, and this was only when her Youtube was doing well.
- Reconnected with friends that she "lost when she was with Jake because no-one could fucking stand him". They couldn't stand being around him, or he would flirt with them and be sexually inappropriate which would make them uncomfortable - this went on through their entire relationship to the point she couldn't have female friends. Male friends were threatening to him and he'd put on a "macho show".
- Found out about things she didn't even know about after the breakup from female friends she thought would be "safe from him". He would touch people inappropriately, she would catch him at times being inappropriate with people.
- Has gone places she otherwise wouldn't have felt she could have, such as Slimelight club night in London, because of him "flirting with everyone and making her miserable" because that is what he did whenever he went out, especially if drunk. Way too "touchy feely" with girls when drunk.
- "There is a reason he has no friends, and it's not my fault."
- He would say horrible things about Kaya while with others, to the point they didn't want to spend time with them.
- "We came as a package deal, it was so co-dependant, so yeah there were people I lost touch with… and now they're back because Jake's gone."
- Admits that she would defend him if anyone spoke badly of him, but this led to friends not digging deeper into his poor treatment of her as they presumed that they had something deeper going on and there can't have been any issue if she would defend any negative comments towards him.
- Reconnected with friends over lockdown away from Jake, which is where the co-dependency started to end. Went out without him more, which she felt a lot of tension and resentment from him for, and says she felt like it was because he was losing some control over her. Broke down to him about "not wanting to lose my friends".
- Had caught him cheating on her with "a girl from work" in the early years of the relationship. Regularly caught him flirting with girls online and had begged him to stop.
- Kaya does not believe that Jake was not speaking to Kat prior to their breakup, She had spotted a "gross" comment on a thirst trap picture from Kat appearing on his ipad. Admits to having looked through his phone messages in the past - every single time finding what she expected to find in terms of messages to/from other girls - but says she did not open the message from Kat. Admits not the right thing to do, was actively working on trying to stop doing it. Every time in the past she would find messages to/from other girls and confronted him about it, he would turn it around on her for going through his phone and make her the bad guy and get away with it. The message from Kat was inappropriate and sexual, and clearly in response to something he had said but she didn't open it to see what that was. She confronted him about it, "she is married and has a child.." and he denied anything was going on.
- Figures that there were probably other times Jake cheated on her during their relationship but she was only aware of the one time prior. "Other times I suspect he did something but he denies it".
- Had to go back to the house to look after Sebastian while Jake was on tour, after they had broken up. This was when she found all of Kat's hair all over the sofa, and in the bed, along with cumstains on the sheets. Jake says he got together with Kat post-tour, yet this doesn't explain all of her hair around the house while he was -on- tour.
- Ten minutes after confronting Jake via text over the hair in the bed, asking whose it was, Kaya got a message from Kat's husband asking "are you and Jake still together", which is how she put two and two together there. Kaya talked with Dean quite a bit so that they could both piece together what was going on. Apparently Kat had been talking shit about Kaya previously, calling her a "fat useless bitch" and saying she was going to slap her.
- Apparently Jake had agreed to keep being with Kat secret for a year.
Anger issues/Abuse:
- At London Edge convention afterparty, attractive guy comes over and is pleasant to the group but not flirty, Jake throws a tantrum back at the hotel and refuses to attend the convention the next day and threatened to break up with her. This, despite him having flirted with Kaya's friends at the convention himself earlier that day - she had begged him to stop, he denied doing it, continued anyway. He then turned up at the convention later acting like nothing had happened.
- When moving house in the middle of 2021, she felt unable to help as he would scream at her until she broke down. When trying to clear one of the bedrooms he was yelling, screaming and hitting things. "And that always really scared me."
- "Something that he would do, he was aware that it scared me, if he was angry at me and we were in the car together he would drive in a really aggressive, stressful way that really really scared me. He knew this as I would sit crying and shaking in my seat as he drove in this really scary way and yelled at me."
- "He may not have ever hit me but it felt like he always made sure that I knew he could, and more than that, that he wanted to." Would yell at her while punching doors. "Feels like he wants to hit me but takes it out on something else." He tried to say that the door-hitting didn't happen - it didn't happen in the most recent house. Has an email from previous landlord furious about damage to the house - "Damage to walls and door of the room used for music room". Most of the holes were the bathroom door - the bathroom was the only door that locked, so she would go in there and that is the door that got punched more.
- "Is he lying about this (violent rage) rarely happening or does he not remember?" A month prior to moving out of previous house, smashed plates around the kitchen and screamed, after being reminded of food he'd left on kitchen table. When they found out they were being evicted from yet another house prior to that, she grabbed the cat, ran out of the house to a neighbour she was friendly with as he started throwing and smashing things in rage. (There are so many stories like these peppered through the video..)
- Would lie awake after a fight at night thinking "if he finally snaps one day, i would probably die. he could kill me with one punch."
- She basically lived for the moments he would be nice and affectionate to her. During lockdown he had grown generally aggressive and unpleasant, and one time she pretended to be asleep when he came to bed after streaming so as to not deal with him. He brushed her hair and kissed her forehead, and that meant so much to her that she continued to pretend to be asleep so that he would do the same thing, "because it was the only time he was nice to me. when he thought i wasn't awake to experience it".
- Says he would make massive decisions to "save their relationship" such as moving to Barcelona and announcing it without discussing at all with Kaya. While talking to a mutual friend while drunk, when it was mentioned that Kaya didn't seem very keen on the idea, Jake said "nah she'll be fine once she's there". When friend said "you can't force someone to do something they don't want to do", Jake replied "ah, but you can manipulate them" - Kaya heard this story from that friend post-breakup.
- He got angry with her after breaking up with her and throwing her out of their home, when she didn't clean the whole place up on her way out the door. Also that he was angry that she didn't say thankyou after collecting her stuff from him after he had been trash talking her in comment-rants online.
- Discusses comments other people have pointed out, from the "boyfriend tag" video where it was mentioned she had to gather up her things to avoid them getting broken. Compilations people had made of his aggressive behaviour. Discusses times her mum had to come pick her up after "he'd done something awful" but "didn't ask too many questions because she knew I wouldn't want to say anything bad about him".
- Says that Jake turned up randomly at the studio post-breakup, after Kaya had discussed her mum's cancer scare, saying if she said anything else he would throw her out of the studio. "he had so much fucking control over me, I didn't get to process any of this properly. I didn't get to be angry…. I for the most part had to stay really silent."
- Says that she "wasn't allowed to be angry" during their relationship. She had to bottle it up, only he was allowed to be angry.
- Jake complained that Kaya never comforted him, but she says it's very hard to comfort someone when their only emotion is anger and using you as an emotional punching bag. Says the only time she's ever seen him "hurt" as opposed to angry, was when "things went down with John and MAG" which pushed her into defensive mode as response to his hurt.
- Jake says that it is okay to punch doors in anger and that he isn't doing anything wrong, and that he had warned Kaya prior to their relationship about his anger issues - Kaya highlights that she was sixteen at the time.
- States that Jake would be careful to yell at her over the phone or in person, presumably so that there was no paper trail of his anger post-breakup. Says that he told her in person that he was "proud that he cheated on me with Kat, proud that it got him out of a
toxic relationship".
- Discusses yet another past incident when talking about dealing with the police, where she followed him into his studio after an argument to try and talk it out and he slammed the door on her so hard that it connected with her feet. He then shouted at her for crying about being hurt.
Sex life/body issues:
- Denies that they never had sex for a year. Says the longest they went was during lockdown when things were really bad and tense between them, and that was six months.
- Says that she would compliment him regularly, comment on his hair, outfits, weightloss etc. So him saying otherwise isn't true.
- Around the time of the last house move, they -were- having sex, "even at times when I wasnt in the mood I would still go with it anyway because I didn't want him to feel bad". When she would decline sex due to not feeling in the mood - adding that the only time he was really affectionate was when she felt he was chasing sex - he would go from cuddly to rolling away from her in bed ending all affection.
- Was made to feel that it was her fault that she wasn't interested in sex with Jake, to the point she went to the Doctor about it, worried that "dryness" was medical - it was not, she just wasn't into it. Her sexdrive has "increased incredibly" since the breakup.
- States early in their relationship Jake would call her fat. Later he would be more subtle about it, giving her shit for not going to the gym. Mentioned Jake knocking her hand away from food at a party saying "dont. calories" and then said "things like that were common with Jake."
- Towards end of relationship, she told him she didn't feel good about her body. He replied "You know I don't mind that." Insecurity about her body and how he viewed her body and commented on it, made it hard for her to initiate sex or get intimate.
- Wasn't his appearance that put her off of sex, it was his anger issues, him only being affectionate when he wanted sex making her feel used, the thirst traps he would post online, his desperation for other female validation, underage girls thirsting over him.
- He would yell about his height very regularly, how "no-one respected him because he was short". He has a weird obsession with penis size in other people, getting extremely angry when finding out about other men being well hung. Does mention though that he doesn't have any issues himself, but weird that he gets so bent out of shape about other men having big dicks.
- Sex wasn't very good, for her. Very little foreplay, and if there was any then it wasn't very good. Didn't go down on her but complained that she didn't go down on him often enough. Sex very vanilla - Kaya doesn't consider herself vanilla. "About 20 minutes of "pounding" in about 1-3 positions". Very dry, painful. Faked orgasms - surprised he didn't know - only came a handful of times but was concerned about hurting his feelings.
- He was strange regarding sex and discussing sex. He would get weird and storm out during sex scenes on TV in movies, etc. She didn't bring it up or discuss with him "due to his existing insecurities".
- Jake responded to being asked to be a little rougher in bed, with "and end up as a part of #MeToo? No thanks". Incredibly weird thing to say.
No. 1709961
>>1709943Well damn. That was a lot to read, but thank you for the summary.
>>1709952This shit had me dying tbh, just like that one anon who always assures us Jake and Kat most definitely don't post here, but Kaya and Kaya's friends most definitely do! Lil dude really told on himself. lmao
No. 1709964
>>1709956My narc-relationship-trauma and desire to see this mans career go up in flames is your gain.
>>1709962Honestly the whole thing was painful to watch in places. She literally breaks down talking about it, it's so fucking sad.
I hope Jake rage-drives himself into the sea.
No. 1709982
>>1709971Should we be worried about how quiet it is on his side?
There really isn't anything he can say in response is there??!!
Your predictions will probably be spot on
No. 1709985
>>1709982He's probably busy smashing the place up in a narc rage, no doubt he will have plenty to say in return but you can guarantee he is SEETHING at the stuff about sex, his height, his insecurities etc.
I'm truly not looking forward to his response because I'm sure he's going to be horrible about Kaya and try to hit at her insecurities too.
No. 1709998
>>1709995Can we actually?!
No. 1710001
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the irony lol
No. 1710002
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when you go look at her profile there's like 3 posts and 2 are about him
No. 1710004
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>>1710001more of his recent replies
No. 1710010
>>1709989You don’t understand, Nonna, Kaya’s inability to be anorexic was
abusive and entirely disrespectful towards him, the poor lad.
No. 1710015
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His fans really show what kind of person he is. You attract what's similar to you and the lot of his fans are pathetic
No. 1710025
>>1709943You’re a saint,
nonnie angel. Thank you so much for doing that, a huge effort! I’m kind of speechless. None of it was terribly shocking (I did raise my eyebrows quite a bit at some parts though), i just feel sad for her that while she is trying to move on, he’s still so obsessed with her that he has to keep being a full perpetrator. Antagonist. His insecurities are GLEAMING.
Obviously he’s going to respond, I just have hopes that she laughs it off and never mentions him again. She said her piece, finally. Let him drown himself now. Any reply he makes is just going to be a laugh anyways. Grow girl, rid yourself of that little rat. No more crying over this bloated dickwad.
No. 1710063
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My favourite part of Kayas video is explaining Jake having a fucking meltdown because William Defoe has a bigger dick than him.
No. 1710106
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Ain’t nobody want this lol!>1710095
No. 1710117
Halfway through Kaya's video, it's interesting because it actually seems like he's the most insecure, selfish, angry man and he couldn't express affection towards her properly due to his mental state. He has anger fits over the kost absurd things, as mentioned by recap anon. Over turkey leftovers, over a man smiling at Kaya.
I actually get the impression he is probably crying into his monster energy right now after watching the video, after desperately provoking her for a year, here is the response you wanted Jake and it's probably painful af.
She gains confidence as she works through the content in the video, I think it's important for her to get it out and it's very clear the problem was him. It actually seems like he did care about her but he's seriously mentally ill, untreated of course, and that led to the most absurd behavior, like how he is torpedoing his life right now.
No. 1710195
>>1710153god, there were so many unintentionally funny bits to that video. Jake losing his shit over Willem Dafoe having a large dick and Kaya just being completely dumbfounded by the over-reaction had me dead. I know she was only trying to be honest, but she absolutely dragged the pathetic little loser.
Did anyone else catch the bit about Jake having "not very nice things" to say about Kat initially before eventually hooking up with her?
No. 1710200
>>1710195The fact he didn't speak to her all day after she was laughing about William Dafoe supposedly having a big dick, imagine being so insecure.
Being affectionate while she was asleep is insecurity too, exactly as this anon
>>1710180 said, caring about your SO is "weakness"
I'm this anon
>>1710117 and after watching the whole thing, my opinion is the same. He's mentally unwell but refuses to address it so projects it on everyone else.
Some stuff recap anon didn't mention:
Interesting how Kaya confirmed a lot of stuff posited in this thread: she did think him taking Kat to all her favourite places was intentional, she specified Barcelona was very much "their" thing and some other place he took Kat was somewhere she had expressed she wanted to go.
He was harassing her on her most recent London trip, she has been ignoring him other than noting his online rants about her and discussing them irl (sounds like she's been reading the thread, or a friend sent her the screenshots, since those were deleted fast)
She mentions he is hated in Belfast and references the reddit thread where they're talking about how much they hate him.
She and Dean met up a few times post-breakup (she refers to him only as "Kat's ex" or similar, not by name iirc) to compare notes and figure out what was going on, but this wasn't until a few months after Kat was revealed to be Jake's new girlfriend.
The "hair in the bed" was actually hair on bed, sofa, and cum on the sheets (ew) as previously mentioned. Kaya was very offended and viewed it as intentional since she was supposed to visit to look after the cat (Sebastian)
Kaya was offended Kat went through her boxes of stuff (why would she even need to?) while Jake was sorting them.
The camera/laptop obsession: she does use that camera for filming and has done since 2020. Jake has expressed multiple times that she doesn't "deserve" her fame and her Youtube channel, so there is some idea that trying to take her camera is some attempt to attack her channel.
Kaya views his video as an attack on her channel and income, hence rushing out a response.
He very much forced the whole "moving to barcelona" idea including some idea he made up about her starting an art shop in Barcelona, despite Kaya only viewing it as a hobby. It seems almost like Jake has a really fixed idea of what he wants to happen and if anything defers from that, he flips.
Jake has been harassing her via every platform, text, calls, everything since the breakup.
Kaya has a solicitor who she asked for advice, and has also been in touch with the police since October since she wanted to know if he had any grounds with the camera/laptop shit (they said he doesn't) and they did a risk assessment with her based on his previous violence.
While she states many times he never hit her, she states towards the end of the video that there were incidents where things he would throw or break would hit her and hurt her, he also slammed a door hard on her foot the one time she tried to go after him when he was angry versus avoiding him.
As recap anon mentioned, she was afraid he would punch her and describes him as "very strong" and thought one punch could kill her, so the violence
around her still frightened her very much.
No. 1710213
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Lol Kat trying to pretend she wasn't kicked out
No. 1710216
>>171000316 is the age of consent in the UK so it was legal but whether that kind of age gap is ethical is another thing. I had a 19 nearly 20 y/o bf when I was 16, that relationship lasted 7 years and guess what, he was
abusive as fuck too!!
No. 1710217
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Looks like Jake gave up on trying to remove the criticisms from his most recent insta of him and Kat. I wonder in his next video if he's going to start banging the " She's using her toxic fanbase to harrass me!!!" Drum
No. 1710219
>>1710213Fuck, I think I like Kaya now. the being-a-fake-goth grudge I had against her now seems so little and petty compared to how dignified and based she is acting now, spilling all the beans without any fear or extensive planning and screenwriting like Jake did because she just has to tell it to the camera. If that's acting, she deserved a fucking oscar, any sane person who compares the two videos will see that.
And all because Jake thought it would be a good idea to make that video full of lies to try to "destroy" her… If he only had left her alone as she stated time and time again that she wanted no contact with him, as far as having a solicitor and the police involved…
He brought it upon himself KEK AETERNUS
where did Kat post that?
No. 1710223
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I honestly think this shows a lot on the depths of truth in kayaks video. I've watched both and to see her fellow friends even comment who have spent time with Jake speaks volumes.
No. 1710228
>>1710213His instergram still there I think this person was blocked
I saw on the other thread that jake has bipolar dud he admitted this? Im not giving him my view
No. 1710232
>>1710200 I'm sure most people who have been in
abusive relationships can relate to so many of these anecdotes but especially for me the financial control, control over moving somewhere to isolate you further and driving dangerously/threatening to crash the car when you disagree with them - all this stuff is so textbook. Coercive control is reportable to the police now Kaya, if he does anything collate as much of this stuff as you can and take it to the police. His own video basically admits he was aggressive and coercive. No. 1710241
>>1709395Many yrs ago, narc bf was still friends w his exes and had “beautiful” female friends, seemingly mentioned it to make me think hot girls threw themselves at him or surrounded themselves with him…. a 6’ 250 lb computer nerd. We met online and I was expecting to meet a more mature type, not that chubby, musician as we met on a music forum, but dude didn’t have a job.
anyway it was ok for him to go to coffee dates with his ex who was his “best friend” even though she said whack shit about me (I shouldn’t tell my bf if he can do drugs or not, I don’t love him for who he is.” That’s a lovely stoners sentiment, but at the time shrooms and cannabis were illegal and I wasn’t old enough to drink yet. I thought it’d be better if he did things other than drugs in his free time. Anyway, one day I invited him to my friends birthday where I’ve never even kissed this dude, he was my platonic friend since high school and I knew I wouldn’t see him again bc jealous bf. My bf said “wow I didn’t know you still hugging your guy friends closely. thats pretty intimate. And you just stared in each other’s eyes…” yes we had been good friends and never shared any inappropriate affection.
He also complained that I gave him a cooler bday present (I knew this friend longer, he loved pirates, sponge bob, it was kind of a gag gift with a long candy necklace involved, with Mardi Gras beads, but my bf was jealous, seeing green. seemed annoying the my friend who was trying to get my h to take me on the most romantic date chose someplace “very expensive.” and so not only was a terrible flirt, I preferred my platonic friend from high school over him as seen by thoughtful gift, and I was a princess expecting to be taken somewhere expensive, receiving my friends “blessing.” :/
(:/) No. 1710293
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>>1710272>>1710270(Not the Anon, but I capped it anyway.)
No. 1710307
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No. 1710310
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>>1710272On that note, Kaya seems to have some popular people speaking up for her. Like other anons said it speaks volumes. The majority of comments on fakes video are negative now. Little mans hands couldnt delete them all fast enough
No. 1710316
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He bought all this expensive stuff, but couldn’t get a housekeeper. He had all these receipts, but none stating he ever helped with HER mental health.
No. 1710343
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No. 1710344
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No. 1710345
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No. 1710348
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Little man his brother reacted at Kaya het video
No. 1710351
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No. 1710354
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Oh he's starting to respond to comments,let's see how long it takes him to melt down completely
No. 1710357
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>>1710348Jakes brother leaves by saying “ I know he hates me, but I can’t find it in me to hate him”
Jake can’t seem to keep everyone in his life. He hates everyone. Hopefully Kat is reading this.
No. 1710373
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“Didn’t you watch the fucking video?”
“I’m not going to get a mature response from you”
If this is how he speaks to people he doesn’t know imagine living with him.
Having a receipt doesn’t prove that those things weren’t a gift and he’s not getting that threw his thick skull. Especially after admitting in his video him and cat were the ones to go through the boxes and split everything up. He’s just telling on himself in public
No. 1710377
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Even VAMPIREFREAKS came out to support kaya. I didn’t even know they still existed.
No. 1710382
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Sorry I’m lost. Who’s this?
No. 1710383
>>1710373These comments are all gone now, I checked a few minutes ago that insta post had 200-something comments, now it's down to 190 something
Edit: just checked, 200 now. Will he be able to keep up?
No. 1710384
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>>1710377the egg hatching photo is cute tbh
No. 1710385
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“…A child you didn’t flirt with..” woof. I have a feeling more people are going to come out with stories of their own very soon
No. 1710391
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It's so fun how easy Jake makes it to discredit the things Jake says in his own video, remember how much of a song and dance he makes about MAG and how he did all the work boo hoo poor jakey ? They did hire an editor, Vox. There were three other people involved in the making of MAG and he can't bring himself to credit a single one of them, Vix and the work she did for him, all the time she spent? Meaningless. Utterly meaningless to him and even moreso now that he's deleted it all, again, without input from the three other people involved in it's creation. Sincerely from the bottom of my heart fuck this man, I wish him every misfortune.
No. 1710395
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The “toxictearsboyfriend” hashtag she was talking about in her video. Very telling and obvious what he was doing here. He was a nobody
No. 1710400
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He’s lost 2k subscribers since Friday. Fake, Fake, Fake, this really hasn’t gone down the way you hoped has it?
No. 1710406
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>>1710226Found this in the reddit thread. kek
>>1710400I love how majestically this whole thing blew up in his own face. He really thought he was doing something.
No. 1710412
>>1710373If he wanted to get rid of her soo badly and she was oh such a bad person, why not just say "fuck those 1200, it was an expensive lesson not to let her touch
my stuff without being there" and the end? He just NEEDS a connection to her, it's all just an excuse.
No. 1710424
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Looks like #munrogirlfriend never picked up lol
No. 1710430
>>1710419Textbook narc, nothing anyone else does is "cool enough" and they need to drag you to your face about it
>>1710426There's no way she doesn't see it but she's in too deep now. She literally destroyed her marriage and home to be with a pathetic narc obsessed with his ex who isn't even good in bed lol explains why their only fans looks as hot as day old oatmeal.
Jake is an abuser, men like that don't act magically nicer in a new relationship, so he's already been abusing her. Probably every compliment she gets is with a dig at Kaya included. He's straight up obsessed.
No. 1710435
>>1710354Honestly even if Kaya
did steal the camera and laptop, good for her. In all seriousness, this idiot doesn’t get that he doesn’t have to harass her to “get his things back.” If you find out you’ve been blocked on everything maybe take it as a fucking hint to consider it as a loss. Whining over 1.2k when you’re claiming you’re successful is retarded as fuck. Kaya may have taken his money but he took her money and fucked with her mental and physical health.
No. 1710443
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>>1710428Funny enough, Kat has done this. One of the only smart things she’s done.
No. 1710445
>>1710443That means she active on her let's be real
Hi kat
No. 1710463
>>1710419sax is one of the most post-punk instruments ever, he's such a fool, he never has ANY idea about what he's talking about smugly
>>1710440I follow kelly's threads too, so I'll try to get the receipts that I remember exist in her own threads. For example: once Jake and Kaya were in the US hanging with Kelly and Dee in a toy store. Jake was following Kelly all around like a puppet on a string. At one point they enter an isle, he or she, i dont remember, picks up a toy that moves on it's own, Jake automatically starts making gross innuendos at Kelly. The girls all go eeeeeew. I'll get others soon.
>>1710444Yes! And now that we KNOW Kaya is reading us here: do this Kaya. Mail him or have the equipment delivered to him by someone. He will then have NOTHING to connect him to you, if he still tries, I bet he can get arrested.
>>1710450I usually don't like the out of the blue "hi cows" but it is clear that very specific anons were him and Kat. Kat was that really dumb one that couldn't spell to save a life and wrote like a chav stereotype that was insisting that Kaya was hated among Belfast's underground- which was proven to be false, as even real life accquaintances are coming out in support of her- and that she only hung out with cokeheads. They even tried to double down and say she and her friends were doing crack. That must be why she only writes SHOTS! and DADDY! because she's nearly illiterate.
No. 1710464
samefag to add
>>1710461You found it while I was typing! I guess it stuck in everyone's memory. It matches perfectly with the info Kaya gave us about him. It's on video, how will he spin this? kek
No. 1710466
>>1710430Yeah, Kat probably is really feeling that sunk-cost. I know abusers don’t change, but all of this mess (his waning popularity, further “damages to reputation”, etc.) could have been avoided if Fake moved on. It’s just baffling. He caused his own downfall.
Fake has spent a lot on Kat and her kid too, right? She better be ready for solicitors if she ever breaks up with him.
No. 1710470
>>1710467and Kelly, no matter what you think of her. If my friend's boyfriend said that to me, I'd be feeling so disrespected, so outraged
>>1710468yes! archiving nonnas, archive everything!
No. 1710474
>>1710463Are we thinking of the same one? The one that sticks out to me the most was the anon who described Kat's set in detail no viewer could know. Was about 2 threads ago.
Either way about it, there have been a few I am 80% sure were Kat or Fake, from their actions I'm pretty sure they've posted here. I mean hell, if I can't help but check multiple times a day despite never commenting till yesterday, surely that pair of narcs wouldn't be able to help read people talking about them.
No. 1710476
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No. 1710481
The discussion about her and Jake is on Kelly's first thread if anyone wants to see
>>1710473I think Kelly privated all of her videos.
>>1710480wtf are you on about? is K suposed to be Kat?
No. 1710497
Thank you, I'm a retard. I completely forgot about her until this very second.
>>1710493didn't she just kinda ghosted him after he went to the US to help her move or something?
No. 1710501
>>1710493I’ve tried looking back at the threads for specific posts, but some of the past recaps are crap.
From what I can recall, Jake visited America to help K move, like
>>1710497 said. He also stayed at her house to help her cat-sit while she went off to hang out with friends.
The relationship ended in ghosting, so no one’s really sure what happened there. It could’ve been Fake’s narcissist behavior that ended the friendship.
No. 1710507
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No. 1710518
>>1710444Yup massive hypocritical narc. Yeah she needs just to send it all to him and replace the stuff even if it was a gift originally just not worth the hassle and drama he causing and if she did the Sebastian plush now she should be a to replace the equipment asp
He would have no leg to stand on if she given it all back and yeah i agree of he gets the law involved she could smash him with the my name was on the house too, you kept my bike, you went though my stuff with out permission idk if stuff was stolen or broken on purpose, you stalked me. The list endless
No. 1710519
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You can see Kaya (black and yellow scarf) sat with the group, joining in and looking she’s having a good time and what’s he doing? Sat on a grit bin having a sulk. God he’s such a fun sponge.
No. 1710520
>>1710354God he's such a MOID
Deal with your mental health issues Jake.
Your life won't be fixed if you steal her laptop and camera back. It's not even a particularly significant amount of money and worth even less after years of use. You can buy secondhand equipment off eBay if you really want that particular model back, but we all know it's bullshit. Reminds me of an anon on here I read once talking about how her ex would harass her over a nintendo DS (worth like $50 secondhand). The actual items are irrelevant.
As Kaya states in her video, his current equipment is higher spec so it doesn't even make sense he wants these back. Like he just blew probably 1k on VR shit but is chasing some secondhand, well used laptop and camera?
He's just empty inside and looking for answers everywhere except
working on yourself which is the only way to truly be fulfilled. micromanaging, manipulating, harassing, shockingly is not the route to true happiness. He's also risking his relationship with Kat since even the most extreme, dumbass pickme is gonna have alarm bells ringing at this level of obsession with your ex.
No. 1710525
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KAya So mESsY
No. 1710531
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>>1710519Surely that only happened once, he's such a lovely vibrant spirit otherwise. The life of the party really.
I know some nonnies thought it was weird of Kaya's mom to make these posts, but now that we know what we know, I can understand mom's need to vent a bit as well.
No. 1710549
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>>1710519Even in the
thumbnail he's radiating furious narc energy
No. 1710551
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He clearly wants the camera and laptop back cause he’s broke and playing stepdad now. He’s manipulated Kaya for so long, he thinks he can get away with doing to everyone else. Good luck getting a “real” job, Jake
No. 1710573
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for those who are interested, the second time jake and kat met, kaya was there too.
No. 1710578
>>1710551Honestly I think it's more due to how he put on blast how obviously horrible of a person he is. Anyone with two brain cells can see it.
The only people defending him are his literally in denial snaccs
A psychologist once told me it's near impossible to help a narcissist recover. I wonder if there's anyway what with all this evidenced in the backlash, he'd ever stop, look in the mirror, and think 'shit maybe I'm the bad guy'
No. 1710639
>>1710613But that's the issue. You think (just like Jake) that her showing appreciation means her starting to clean. Not realizing it's a mental illness. A mental illness that cannot be treated by someone yelling at you to respect them or someone throwing money at you.
Instead of buying her shit, he should've given her an ultimatum - she either goes to therapy and starts intensively working on herself or they break up. But instead he decided to work on his "wealth" and when he finally found a dumb enough bitch to fuck him, he dumped her. Simple as that.
No. 1710640
>>1710634>doing things his partner needed to feel lovedNot sure how being choked is a need in order to feel loved? Kek
To each their own I guess
No. 1710666
>>1710573It doesn’t take away from what a horrible
abusive shitbag he is but my god the stumpy little short Deadpool makes me cry with laughter.
No. 1710673
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>>1710664Go watch a tutorial on where to find the clit, fucking sontaran
No. 1710686
>>1710640The only reason the sexlife thing came up at all, is because Jake honest to god whined on Youtube, in front of god and everybody, that he was sad because he wasn't getting enough sex and that partly justified the breakup.
Kaya responded with "honestly the sex was bad, imo", that she put out to spare his feelings, that she was made to feel bad and broken for not enjoying fucking him, and that she had talked to him about things he could do in order for them both to enjoy sex. Doesn't matter what it was, point is that she did give him a chance to make an effort for her and he didn't take it. She probably would have tolerated bad, boring, dry sex forever since it didn't actually sound like as much of a dealbreaker for her.
No. 1710691
>>1710677>>1710682If you would take a second to look up executive disfunction before you type acting like you know what you're talking about it would really help you not sound so painfully stupid.
But no continue teaching us how someone suffering from depression/adhd with medically documented symptoms of those issues is soooo much worse than an
abusive narc that most people who met him hate and say he's scum. You're totally right.
No. 1710697
>>1710691Never once has it been said Kaya is worse than Jake for being a loser. They both can exist outside of each other. I'm not a fan of either. Jake's a cunt, I would never date him on looks alone if he treated me how he did with Kaya I would have physically assaulted him. On the other hand I had an ex just like Kaya. Every day he was a
victim of some outside circumstance and paralysed from doing anything productive but had all the world to content himself with his online interests. I have a generalised anxiety disorder and was diagnosed with depression during that relationship. My ex saw me get my shit together, I stopped fighting with him and just started doing everything on my own. I took on the extra labour to sort my surroundings out and after a month of finally feeling like I can handle my own shit I dumped him and made us both go back to living with our parents. I knew I had the resolve to land on my feet in a few months chasing a paycheck. Kaya has the fucking Internet as a resource and can get money for nothing. I don't have sympathy for someone that has moaned for years about the same issues. Work on them and stfu.
No. 1710698
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>>1710461He's fucking deformed, instead of having a neck, his face just melts into his body. He's right to be insecure about this, it's gross.
Also, I know I might be reaching, but you know, patters. That thumbnail is weird. It feels a bit like a snub, him and the girl in the front, and Kaya trying to catch up behind them kek.
No. 1710700
>>1710697Again, 12 years.
Jake could’ve left and chose to cheat with a married woman and is trying to justify why.
Thats why he’s being hated. If you can’t see that, you’re just as bad as him
No. 1710703
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No. 1710704
>>1710700Again, I'm not wondering why people hate Jake? Never once questioned it. I don't condone cheating. I've got an outside perspective on two fake goths break up. Bewildered why they stayed together for so long since it was visible on camera in 2016 that the romance was dead.
The two of them aren't sad the relationship is over. They're both bickering about the wasted labour and income generated. They're both pouting over resources.
No. 1710710
>>1710697Did this partner of yours have a disability that literally prevented them from doing those things that needed doing or was he just a lazy cunt? Your story is intended to shit on Kaya but clearly highlights that Jake could have left her at any point if her inability to tidy up was that much of an issue. He needed her, their co-dependency was clear as day, and his absolute inability to just let her go speaks fucking volumes. Kaya has moved on and shown she can live outside of him, states that she is much tidier in her new home likely because she is happier and more able to deal with her mental health issues without him compounding the fuck out of them. Jake on the other hand is refusing to let it go.
>>1710704Jake is bickering about the wasted labour and income. Kaya is debunking his bullshit and lies, she was happy letting this thing finally die but Jake, again, refusing to let it go.
No. 1710711
>>1710641does he still have that discord? maybe they're organizing there to come and defend him here
>>1710649did you even watch his video? that wasn't what happened. She supported him for 9 years and he supported them only for the last 2, you fucking pickme.
>>1710674don't you realize that all of this is BESIDES the point? You're just going along with all the convoluted shit he tells about her life to make her seem bad. So what she didn't get the treatment she needed at first because she, who was suffering mentally, fucked everything up? Like, what do you expect from someone who is currently going through the problem. You'll learn one day and it'll hurt.
>>1710677It sounded better in your head.
>>1710673>>1710703this will hurt him SO much. Thank you.
No. 1710716
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No. 1710718
>>1710713None of the people he idolises and/or has tried to skinwalk have had beards. They've been slight, slim and fairly androgynous. Unfortunate.
And we all know he hasn't had an original aesthetic idea in his entire life.
No. 1710725
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No. 1710726
>>1710673You can’t cum if you aren’t turned on and your partner is just fucking you while you’re dry, virgin. The clit isn’t a magical button that makes you cum every time a dick is inserted.
>>1710669When she was addressing him being boring in bed she didn’t say it made her feel unloved. Everyone who disagrees with you isn’t Jake, if you want to comment on things she said on the video you need to watch it first.
>>1710675“We only use the word retard here to describe brain dead morons and if you use another word you’re definitely Jake”.
No. 1710730
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No. 1710732
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He is actually psychotic lol can't believe he's trying to make it out that it's been detrimental to everyone when really he just exposed himself big time. I hope she keeps hers up.
No. 1710734
>>1710730>I'll give her another 25 minutes to do the sameControlling, trying to be intimidating,weird.
If she doesn't private what can he even do?
No. 1710740
>>1710732This is fucking hilarious. I hope Kaya keeps the video up. He’s only hiding his video because his
abusive behavior has been exposed. We all know that if Kaya takes the video down he’s still going to talk shit about her.
No. 1710751
>>1710716>All I wanted was to move on, it was always my intention>harasses her for a year>tries to remotely control when Kaya privates her video (clearly it was gonna be privated at some point but he wants it now) by announcing a one-sided deal on stories, whereby his video being privated is reliant on hers also being privated immediately (again, obviously both videos are not gonna stay online so this kind of "deal" is not required)>basically calling for a ceasefire since his video backfired as expected and he can't handle the heatCoward, he started this shit and put her through fear and trauma by posting his video, and now he wants to orchestrate a truce like he didn't just launch a planned attack on her character and income?
Get fucked, Jake
No. 1710752
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>>1710742Kaya mentioned possibly remaking her video when she was calmer since the video out now is very emotional.
No. 1710755
>>1710531This is another manipulation tactic by this stumpy cunt. His video massively backfired, and now he's basically threatening her with it because he saw how much it affected her. "I'll private it as long as she does the same, if she doesn't, I'll publish it again" way to show your ass again, Jake. Also, Kaya didn't say she would delete the video altogether, she said she might replace it with a calmer, more put-together video. I hope she stands her ground and leaves it up, people deserve to know about the extent of his abuse. He's a fucking coward. Now I'm more inclined to believe the last anon raging about Kaya was Stumpy, kek. He's probably punching holes into everything right now.
>>1710730>"I'll give her another 25 minutes"FUCK YOU. Who the fuck do you think you are? God, I hope Kaya has a spine for ONCE IN HER LIFE and realizes the support she's getting is worth leaving the video up. Kaya, if this had gone well for him, he'd NEVER delete the video. He only wants to take it down because HE LOOKS BAD. Don't cave.
No. 1710757
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She was literally trying to sleep
No. 1710769
>>1710763I hope Kaya is lurking tbh because this is how
abusive narcs work. It's just retarded he's STILL trying to control and exhaust her.
No. 1710787
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Skat just posting selfies as if she's totally oblivious to all the drama
No. 1710792
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No. 1710804
>>1710802I’m assuming the dumb cunt putting the video up has dean and Kat fighting over child rights.
Will be interesting to see what happens on that front, this stuff doesn’t stay quiet around the area kek
No. 1710845
>>1710839The girl moved in with her son. She’s essentially stuck unless she has a backup plan.
This is why you don’t rush into relationships when children are involved.
No. 1710850
>>1710845I guess she could always…
>get a shitty one bedroom apartment Fake's wisdom coming full circle, kek
No. 1710861
>>1710854Learn to sage.
But you've got a point, she's been trying to fuck her way up the clout tree for a while, from what it sounds like.
No. 1710867
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This just made me laugh out loud omg Jake must be seething when he sees this
No. 1710869
>>1710867LMFAO i love it.
get fucked Stumpy.
No. 1710872
>>1710830There definitely seems to be overlap, they were still sleeping together, but Jake was dating Kat since earlier that year based on anon's putting their photo collage together with her hair timeline, like March iirc? So like 100% overlap based on what Kaya said.
I doubt Kat would really care though since overlap is a given in a cheating situation. The reasons for his "truce" are probably
>everything she said was true so there's no rebuttal (she filmed it at like 4 in the morning, with no preparation and in one take so, yeah it's true)>She was actually pretty kind about him considering which gives him nothing to rage over>Worried about dragging this on and losing Kat >the onslaught of negative opinion which he can't turn around No. 1710881
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Jake is scared, Kaya has mentioned someone in her video who has clearly got in touch with Jake and isn't happy. I would imagine Dean trying to get the kid from Kat is confirmed.
No. 1710888
>>1710881Imagine trying to mutually quell a shitstorm
you started. If Jake learned how to shut the fuck up he wouldn't be in this situation. Based off of how Kat looks
>>1710787 shit's not looking good for them lol
No. 1710895
>>1710890A anon said she has it saved
>>1708871I have Kaya's downloaded just in case.
No. 1710896
>>1710867I love it.
It’s very telling that most if not all of other YouTubers who have met him are siding with Kaya. The calls coming from inside the house Fake!
>>1710881Ah so that’s it, Fakes scared! Who’s of thunk opening this can of worms would backfire so spectacularly, eh Fake? It’s a real head scratcher!
No. 1710897
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No. 1710913
>>1710001Why does he think his manbaby tantrums are justified because he has “anger issues”? So does every other violent
abusive scrote wasting the earth’s oxygen. The fact that he can’t control his emotions is his problem and no one else’s. Go to anger management counseling or something.
No. 1710915
>>1710732Exact same as the first breakup video.
He’s trying to make out that people are just mad he “exposed” her and that he’s being altruistic AGAIN. Demanding Kaya - a literal abuse survivor telling her story - take down her video as a final grasp for control is so, so fucked. I wish his kissass fans would realize what a fucking creep he is and how he would throw any of them in front of a bus for cash.
Also, totally unrelated but kek at how in his video he put up a clip of crashing his bike and whinging about how expensive it was, when he was the one speeding round a blind corner and constantly screaming about torque on quiet Irish country roads.
No. 1710919
>>1710916combined with the video of Jake saying children and animals should be hit, Kat’s fucked. she can literally lose custody of the kid over this.
>shit stormindeed
No. 1710931
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No. 1710938
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>>1710886that and here
>>1708872 and here
>>1708858 in my experience with situations like this if the police are involved there is most likely a "No contact" or "non molestation" order in place meaning that the police have told Jake that he can no longer message, call or make any kind of physical contact with her (or get someone to do it on his behalf) a friend of mine had to get one of these when she broke up with her ex who started stalking her he then posted nasty things about her on his facebook and received a visit from the police so Jake most likely had a warning from the police about his video and took it down due to that I personally think this is what happened since he has explicitly been told by the police that he cannot contact her and they don't do that here without putting an order in place to uphold it
No. 1710950
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>>1710931In response to Roly's tweet.
No. 1710961
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No. 1710972
>>1710961Good choice.
I can understand if she takes it down eventually, it’s got to be embarrassing to have your private life laid bare like that and if she decides to take it down at some point then that’s up to her but it must be her choice, not something she’s forced into by Stumpy.
No. 1710977
>>1710972I can see it coming down eventually, much like how she removed her breakup video after enough time had passed. It will make less and less sense without his video being available to refer to, discusses a lot of private and personal stuff, and likely isnt something she wants to leave on her channel compared to the rest of her content.
I don't think she will re-record a version of the video currently up, but I hope that she has the forethought to at least script a potential future video should she want to put something more formal and cohesive together in future, while everything is so unfortunately fresh in her mind after being dredged up. She may not need or want to do one discussing Jake himself by name, but one discussing
abusive relationships without naming names if she wanted to keep a video up that others could relate to as they are with her current one.
No. 1711005
>>1710881Conor from Randomgothcouple???? I soooooooooo hope he quits the band. I quite liked Lynn and Conor until I found out he was in Fake’s band then I immediately unfollowed them.
Any association with Fake is only gonna drag folks down at this point.
No. 1711042
Tinfoil incoming. The truly messed up thing is that I think his video was more to get back at US than Kaya. He name dropped lolcow multiple times.
The alcohol comments really gave it away. Kaya never said shit about him drinking up until now; it was always us pointing out how he and Skat act like sloppy drunk college students.
Same thing about his looks. He's assmad because we rip him a new one every single time he posts a grotty, disgusting nude to his OF, or contorts himself for an insta pic.
Him leeching off her and owing all his success to her? I don't believe for a fucking second that he's honestly still getting a bunch of comments about Metal Ass Gaming. He reads these threads religiously and hates that we point out what a parasite he was.
We gloated over how he couldn't sell those stupid plushies of his ugly face, then he throws this tantrum a few days after Kaya says she's going to release a plush toy.
The one thing everyone here DOES agree is a failing of Kaya's is that she can be lazy. And that's what he chooses to make the bulk of his video about.
We live rent free in his head and he blew up what's left of his life to try to strike back at US. This time around, Kaya was just the collateral damage. I think that's why his dumb ass didn't consider that she'd bring up Dean, or Kat being a cheating whore. He wasn't even really thinking about Kaya's reaction, he was obsessed with seeing if he could make us finally take his side, or at least cut him some slack.
So, uh, how did that work out for you, Fake?
No. 1711052
>>1711042Tbh with Jake’s timing with his stories earlier seemed to be like he was reading here. When the
nonny posted Kayas story about being asleep a couple minutes later he made his post “lol guess she was asleep” so I think he’s lurking. (My schizo tinfoil though)
No. 1711055
File: 1669512670912.jpeg (78.76 KB, 1281x486, 29494F82-168F-4982-B005-D9987D…)

Before the break up he had 105k, and he’s lost 400 just today. Not going so well for fake
No. 1711063
File: 1669513032876.jpeg (130.67 KB, 1282x771, 8082C2A8-809A-414F-8811-AD7C82…)

“Today we’re going to figure out how much it takes to find out and how much to fucking around it takes to get there” kek
No. 1711122
File: 1669518217474.jpeg (291.7 KB, 827x1712, 84EFB441-64CC-4892-B09A-C6885D…)

Jake is a sore loser manipulating Kaya
No. 1711125
File: 1669518478262.jpeg (290.13 KB, 827x1700, C5BC1B2D-C04F-4935-A01F-875B6D…)

Next story in sequence from Jake the middle comment completely right about him this definitely is a manipulation tactic just like we’ve always seen. He will try and ruin his ex girlfriend (for having even worse mental health issues due to his abuse) but when he can’t take the heat he show his true nature a pussy
No. 1711128
File: 1669518557940.jpeg (188.54 KB, 827x1715, 22AEBC26-60F2-47BD-BF9A-4A27C5…)

Last in sequence what a moron
No. 1711148
>>1711129>>1711137>>1711144to be fair the newfags saged the posts which they shouldn't have.
For the retard newfags:
Milk is not saged.
Your comments on the milk have to be saged (you type "sage" in the email space of the reply)
No one gives a fuck about your personal life keep those blogposts for your tumbler
No. 1711173
>>1711161The timed ultimatums made public really speak volumes to how normalized being
abusive is for him
No. 1711178
>>1711055He just another 1k followers. It’s now at a solid 88k.
I’m amazed at his demise. Kaya must have been the one running things for him because there’s no way someone’s this regarded at destroying their own career
No. 1711254
>>1711209Jesus he looks like a wish version of Hades. Leave a
trigger or spoiler next time. That's truly terrifying.
All keks aside, didn't he also mention in a video with kaya he hated children and they both mentioned not wanting any? Odd how he's so okay with caring for a child now. Big yikes.
I also remember in a mag video that he said people in those ddlg type relationships were gross and mocked it and now his followers call him daddy (gag) he just throws so many red flags, I worry for that child being around them both. Dean you better swoop in and take full custody ASAP!!!
(sage) No. 1711281
>>1710972He’s such a delusional narcissist what the fuck did he expect to happen… He’s proven to be a liar untrustworthy and even more
abusive than we even thought. Hrm evil Kermit says keep the video up hahaha
No. 1711290
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No. 1711298
File: 1669531396445.jpeg (257.14 KB, 1284x1297, 4606CDBF-C210-426F-967E-391076…)

It but remember that one anon that had a hate boner for Kaya because she did feet pics for money?
You going to hate kat now or was it kat all along??
No. 1711339
>>1711281After watching that video, I put every intention I have to give into the wish that his dreams will turn to ashes is his mouth. He was only ever Kaya’s boyfriend and now he’ll only ever be her ex.
Side note: Good luck, Kat, and maybe rethink allowing an abuser to instill generational trauma on your child, you stupid bitch.
No. 1711399
File: 1669545315474.jpg (760 KB, 1500x1500, EditingOrEatingDisorder.jpg)

Skat's face shape then vs. now. Editing her jaw and neck to be tiny, eating disorder, or both?
No. 1711408
>>1711406Credit where credit is due considering how lazy Kat actually isvat tattooing it's a testament to Dean's training that she can do anything at all. Imagine taking her in as an apprentice, training her, falling in love, opening a studio together, having a child together and then she
cheats on you with Jake Munro one of the most disliked people in the goth scene online and in Belfast. A steaming pile of shit in human form. I feel infinite sympathy for Dean
No. 1711442
File: 1669552449677.jpg (122.99 KB, 1281x458, twit.jpg)

Did anyone find out who was the guy who said he was abused by Fake on Twitter? All I could find is that he's Portuguese but it doesn't seem to be any connection.
No. 1711454
File: 1669554655243.jpg (450.36 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20221127_131049_Ins…)

>>1711453Forgot to add the photo
No. 1711464
>>1711462This whole recent video debacle is a classic case of Jake desperately trying to control the narrative and failing, down to the 25 minute ultimatum.
He mentions the reason he wants her to take that video down because he wants to protect someone else from the shit storm, I personally think that person is Jake. If that isn't the case then why wouldn't whoever it was come to Kaya themselves and request she take it down? Why is it all going through him? Why does he get to seize control of the situation? He's so fucking delusional. He thinks what he's doing is smart, that's the worst thing about it, he thinks he's getting away with it.
No. 1711502
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>>1711358Jackie brown IS Kayas mom. I love her kek
No. 1711516
>>1711464Most likely it would be about kats son. If the social services or if dean takes her to court to get custody of the child he could show all the
abusive and aggression jake has admitted and shown on camera and straight up bragged about as well as video evidence of him saying he would hit children she could lose her kid for ever. It’s probably also put a damper on their relationship cause her name is rightfully getting dragged though the mud now and they should be happy celebrating the ‘one year anniversary’ but instead he was still obsessed with his ex thinking about realising a video all week when he should be moving forward thinking about kat and his new life. I can’t imagine Kat is impressed about this.
No. 1711573
>>1711566this is an imageboard, you still have time to delete this and post a screenshot.
>do it yourselfnah
No. 1711574
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No. 1711575
File: 1669566324497.jpeg (384.86 KB, 828x1010, 426AF61A-75CE-464C-B6BA-7C3DB4…)

>>1711566You saged right, but this is an image board, newfag.
No. 1711583
File: 1669566516613.png (128.96 KB, 894x688, snake.png)

How is he this fucking stupid
No. 1711594
>>1711586I absolutely love this comment because Narcissis are very not self-aware well then attract the worst types of people just like them. She has a cheating problem and likes to level up her boyfriends like it’s a freaking simulator dating game. Well she chose wrong. I can’t believe she even has a child but honestly maybe they deserve each other I’m sure she’ll probably cheat in the future just like he did to his ex girlfriend Karma a bitch especially to those who never improve themselves and always need to be the
victim without ever working on any self growth. When he doesn’t give her views she will show she’s no different than him and he will probably never learn. Too late you lost Kaya you moved on quickly got your ego but accidentally found trash kat trash instead. Doubt Jake will learn meeting someone so similar to him lol
No. 1711600
>>1711574>Don't worry I'm addressing everythingOk he is still torpedoing his life and will probably lose Kat next. So much for his claims about letting sleeping dogs lie from not even 24 hours ago.
>>1711128Sounds like he's cooking up a response video since his narc ego couldn't take Kaya having the last word.
We are all seeing his manipulation in real time here.
No. 1711602
>>1711583The absolute best advice and this absolute oxygen thief says
I'll ignore it completelyAt least he is doling out his own karma, keep ruining your own life Jake. You could have left it there and "moved on" but of course not. Lose your last remaining fans and your girlfriend too, enjoy.
No. 1711614
>>1711574It’s messed up that he’s going to cause kaya more stress but it’s also going to be so funny when he digs his heels in more. Watching him fuck up his career now that he has no one to do damage control is truly a gift from the milk gods. I love it when
abusive scrotes get their comeuppance.
No. 1711618
>>1711614For kaya I think the hard part is over, she was terrified she was going to lose everything over his video. She's got everyone's support and even more patreons now.
Let him do it. It'll be fucking hilarious. Kat won't thank him for making another video, it makes things worse for her on the child front
No. 1711664
>>1711656>The fact he's blocked on everything and sees it nothing more than a hurdle to cross than a boundary set, is really telling and shows he just won't stopRight? He broke up with her, he kicked her out, then spends the next year harassing her and ignoring the clear boundary she has set. He obviously enjoyed abusing her so much and provoking her in the relationship, he doesn't want to let it go. He's just proving Kaya right to any remaining doubters.
His behaviour is honestly like the most stereotypical, low class moid (aka the chavs he has such issue with) who make their manipulation, abuse, cheating and personal drama their entire lives. There is absolutely no reason to keep this going, Kaya is obviously innocent and kind, he
is the bad guy and in the most pathetic way - bullying a woman who has done no wrong and just wants peace.
No. 1711665
>>1711358GOD the amount of jumpcuts and edits in this video is absolutely insane, there's a cut every five seconds I swear to god. We all know it's very crafted and scripted but he cannot help but ooze smug, bigger, narcissistic bitch vibes.
How can anyone view this and listen to the way he speaks about his viewers in the first few minutes and talk about himself and how he looks and think he's actually a truth telling good boy?
(sage) No. 1711686
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>>1711583Made me giggle
He's getting ratiod in every reply, also John's twitter likes are about him so that gif definitely is
No. 1711718
>>1711716Nope he hasn't, he's generally very good at completely ignoring or deflecting from actual criticism of his behaviour and turning it into a "oh poor little me"
victim narrative
No. 1711719
File: 1669574866461.webm (5.62 MB, 520x518, 1643028486708.webm)
This clip? :-)(:-))
No. 1711722
>>1711686Oh he’s learnt nothing has he? This is HILARIOUS.
Three thousand subscribers lost in as many days, you’d think that would give him a clue but no, he’s on one now and he won’t stop till he’s forced too. If Kaya hasn’t got a non mol already I hope she gets one.
No. 1711725
>>1711722In the grand scheme of things clearly Kaya is only going to gain patreon/youtube subscribers and do well after this, whereas everything is going to fall apart at the seams for Jake. I just hope he doesn't decide that's all her own personal fault and go after her.
Abusive men are known to ramp up violence and threats when they feel backed into a corner. Hoping she is safe and has good people around her irl as well as online.
No. 1711729
>>1711574This is either going to be:
1.Kaya is setting the police on me I am such a
victim and it is she who is harassing me
2. Kaya's video is affecting a little boy's wellbeing as he can't be with his mother anymore what an absolute monster
3. This drama has caused my girlfriend to leave me I'm such a
victim this is so awful for me
4. All of the above
I would bet money on it.
No. 1711739
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No. 1711741
File: 1669576239657.png (6.45 MB, 1170x2532, 63E4C1BE-FCF2-4116-AA72-A24C7A…)

And immediately after, i hope he just leaves it but i fear thats too much to ask
No. 1711743
>>1711583Yaaaas Jake-Daddy, slaaaay — you can do this!!! Make another video, address EVERYTHING and you will finally win everyone over to your side!!! Go meaner, crueler, take a full 6 hours to air ALL the dirty laundry and everyone will FINALLY see what an absolute saint you are for putting up with lazy, slovenly, crafty, greedy, userous Kaya for so very long with such good humor, only smashing a few plates and punching a few doors when it all got too got too much for you to bear.
Seriously Jake, I BELIEVE in you - DO THIS!! There’s no way it can fail!
No. 1711748
File: 1669576503898.png (207.37 KB, 492x801, reported.PNG)

Either that algorhythm is extremely sensitive or someone is reporting her posts and hoping something sticks. Saged because this isn't very interesting and could just be me tinfoiling.
No. 1711764
If he stopped now he could still have a career. I mean, look at social repose. He’s a POS but he regained momentum when he stopped talking about his ex. If Jake keeps this going he’s just going to keep tanking his career. I think he’s too far gone to let this go, though.
>>1711741Can’t wait till he starts saying that Kaya is making threats
No. 1711769
>>1711765Tinfoil again but maybe something to do with their other pets or even Sebastian? There were snakes at one point right?
This is an assumption of course but wouldn't be surprised
(sage) No. 1711788
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No. 1711793
>>1711684>I'm still convinced that the reason why Kaya took a break from youtube and her channel dipped like it did was because Jake told her to in an attempt to control her financially.Yeah she says in her video he literally told her to take a break. Then she struggled to get back into it for increasingly obvious,
abusive narc manlet related reasons, while he waved his cash about and unironically called himself "your rich boyfriend"
No. 1711801
>>1711793I think all of this is correct but I also think that his
abusive behavior caused her to spiral and some thing about narcissist is sometimes they’re self-aware enough to utilize the abuse at choice moments to keep the other person “smaller” almost. They are torn from being destructive to their partners to judging their partners for not being good enough. ITS VERY CLEAR that Jake wanted HIS channel to surpass hers. He clearly saw her as competition. It’s horrible to know people really operate this way. It’s destructive,
abusive and short sighted.
(learn2sage) No. 1711804
>>1711693I’m infuriated that I can’t remember what video it was, but there is 1000% a clip of him talking about self defence videos on TikTok (ie. “ladies here’s the moveset to do if an attacker comes at you like this”) and gawfawing about how they totally didn’t work and were stupid.
At the time I thought what an insensitive dickhead, shitting on women just trying to feel safe and pretending he knows ANYTHING about fighting. Now I think how freaked out Kaya must’ve been when he said weird shit like that.
No. 1711808
>>1711800For a huge chunk of last year she was finding a new place to live. She put out some content from the studio storage unit place but not much, and I would imagine more content starts to happen when she gets settled in her new place and if Jake finally leaves her alone and stops endlessly harassing her.
People talk about her like she's just a Youtuber but she puts out endless content on Instagram and Tiktok, that's been doing her well enough so far, so if she keeps that up or even improves then there we go.
>>1711801Someone's already said it I think but as soon as he started comfortably earning more than her, and it wasn't just a fluke and was stable income, he pushed her to "take a break" so that he could 100% financially control her on top of everything else. It's pure manipulation and control. Look how he's behaving now that he can't control her or the situation.
No. 1711823
>>1711808She's been in her place a few months and over to England a few times, wasn't one trip funded by her fans. Has there been blogs of those?
Idk if Jake's been trying to financially control her since the break up. Yeah he suggested she get a job and lower expectations but it seemed her more wanted her to leave the studio and get her stuff.
Guess time will tell with her content and hopefully we get the legal milk about all this police stuff.
No. 1711831
>>1711769They had a scorpion snakes and a second cat from what’s been documented. Snakes can live up to 20 years in age it’s so odd they never answer what happened to them not even oh they were re homed
>>1711771Oh defo prob kicked him out the way when no one watching or thrown stuff at him
No. 1711834
>>1711823In her 3 hour vid she talks about the "London trip donation drive" that took place during some of her her streams. She says she puts donation drive goals up on streams because that is something that they did back in the MAG days "to give superchats something to work towards". So like showing people who donate, where their money will actually be spent. She did the same thing when she started streaming again with a "repair my car" donation drive. The car had already been repaired, she'd already paid for it, but she gives her stream viewers an actual "thing" that their superchats and donations will be put towards or help out with. Rather than superchat-donating into the money pit void. The London trip would have happened regardless because she talked about it on Instagram a lot and way ahead of time, so it all sounded pre-planned.
She also said that Jake harassed her through most of that trip, so she didn't get much footage, but she'll try to get something out. Who knows if that will happen, or if it'll just appear in snippets in a future GRWM. The London trip prior, the one in the summer, she put some footage of that in her GRWM vid about two months ago.
She also posts Instagram stories whenever she travels, I'd presume Tiktok too. I feel at this point she's more generic influencer than specifically Youtuber so, as long as content is getting out there, she's doing her "job" even if it isn't earning her as much money or particularly what people on here want to see.
It's possible that she gained a bunch of sympathy followers and followers who just wanted to keep an eye on her for updates on the drama, and the recent situation will retain those people or gain her even more. People who like her content will stay once the drama runs out, and those that wont will leave.
No. 1711851
>>1711850I can see her making a video on Jake saying how he was super
abusive to her as well
No. 1711865
>>1711816To be fair he had a lot of control over her at that time. Financially and a studio she was staying in. I’ve seen a lot of contextual clues that really say that he was trying to keep her silence around that time.
And as valuable as those things were and as much as she probably wanted them I think she was more afraid of him in person. I think she was more afraid of her own safety at that point mentally and emotionally then just the status of her objects.
When you’re in a state like that you’re not really gonna think logically. But also it is actually kind of more logical to place value over your life and your mental well-being than the status of a bunch of physical things. No matter which way you look at that it’s kind of damned if you do damned if you don’t.
Maybe she thought if she deleted a bit he would be less reactive or more fair or something like that. As she stated she was hoping that he was going to come around to letting her just grab her things without him there since he had already sorted them.
No. 1711867
>>1711851I think you're underestimating how much of a cunt Kat is, Nonie.
He might have actually met his match with her.
No. 1711916
>>1711869What in the… I saw maybe one comment mentioning something about her ribs. if it was because he was being violent it honestly doesn’t matter that he meant to or didn’t. If he did he did. Choosing to lose control on your partner thinking it’s okay as long as it’s everything around them … that type of thinking still leads to targeting your anger at anything around you which often leads abusers to physical abuse for a reason. The psychology of it is fucked.
Maybe the ribs is her trump card. Because with narcs you can’t go all out because when they feel backed into a corner they often do the stupid crap Jake is doing. He needs to take a break. Projecting all this anger and blame on Kaya is not a way of taking accountability for your life in the present time and it’s very unbalanced. I can easily see how things must have been. I believe her when she says she took the brunt of it.
Excuse my armchair psychology and rambling Armchair: Everyone else is to blame. It’s projected outwards. He doesn’t work through his emotions internally. He’s being self destructive. Kaya also felt she was silenced for a long time yet she still did her best to work on her life. She has more reason to treat Jake the way he’s treating her. This is why it can be so confusing what is going on in these
abusive and
toxic relationships.
Unless you do what Kaya did and make this extremely vulnerable response video to bullshit most people would NOT understand without all the information. All anyone has to hear is some guy spent money on a women in any context and she’s evil lol Abusers are a distraction from our own self growth and they are terribly bad for us.
Ribs: Back to the point. What is up with these ribs? This is terrifying. If he truly did hurt her like that. She’s still being very classy and not pawning him when she could. In a way she shows gracefulness hoping Jake understands what that means.
Again excuse my armchair psychology and rambling. I want to know what happened to her poor ribs. If anyone can give details thanks.
>>1711788Well shit I was half-right. I'm still not sure enough on the time line for the other part I said.
Fucking moid. Saw that coming a mile away
No. 1711938
>>1711932It’s like you don’t understand what I just said or you’re pretending to not understand.
She was suicidal and was having mental health problems maybe she was fearing that seeing him would send her into a spiral.
There’s more than one way to look at this and you’re completely misunderstanding. She definitely was afraid of the way he was going to react when she was there he could be angry or violent and she didn’t know where that would go because it seems like the way he puts his anger out there is to make you confused as to where it’s going and like she said even though he didn’t hit her he like to remind her that he could .
Maybe she felt that seeing him would just send her back I think it’s healthier that she did not want to see him when getting her things and the fact that he desperately needed to see her so he could have a feeling of control. Narcissist will often do this one behavior they always make is bogus strange out of character even if they’ve known you for like 10 years and it could be a behavior their target or
victim has never done and they pull this bullshit character doubts what if she breaks my stuff first of all that’s projection because we know him to do you have a minute to breaking her things and to be violent.
Maybe he is only violent and reaction to her or at least that’s how she took it which is what she said. Think this is going over your head because it actually makes perfect sense why she felt uncomfortable to be around her
abusive ex-boyfriend but you know what he might be Jake so of course it doesn’t make sense to you.
The fact is he also delayed her getting her things because he refused to work or respect her boundaries that’s telltale sign of an abuser actually. Like I said he already organized them they were isolated in the garage but why did he have a piss leave making up some bullshit about how she might hurt his crap when that’s clearly not something that was going to happen and it is a total smear campaign narcissistic play to get negative attention off of them.
Tell me do you want to have interactions with someone who tells lies to try and be the
victim I wouldn’t.
No. 1711944
>>1711940Oh he didn’t have to he chose to because he wanted a feeling of control over what she was allowed to receive as you remember he took one of the cameras he put himself in that position or at the very least welcomed it.
In my experience of
toxic relationships it is sometimes better that things settle down before you get your things.
No. 1711953
>>1711948Then why hasnt either of them said that, even Kaya corroborates Jake's telling of it. She delayed it and stalled because she didn't want to sort the boxes. There was a couple of known times she could have just got her shit and be done with it.
They were both talking to each other about their IG stories. Why even talk to him
No. 1711964
>>1711963A years ages why drag it out. Get your shit and then have a 1000 trips without ever having to worry about the fat stump again.
Toxic tears indeed.
Toxic life.
No. 1711965
>>1711916Don't use emojis here
>>1711926Such a weird reach what is wrong with you
No. 1712006
File: 1669592454001.jpg (344.07 KB, 1080x1151, Screenshot_20221127-153203_Twi…)

I think that Roly actually just enjoys being involved in drama more than he cares about Kaya as a friend. So, Kaya said that he would flirt with her friends all the time and in some cases didn't find out about it until after the breakup, yeah? Remember when she stayed over with Roly and Lux one night, and came home feeling upset and "fragile"? I definitely think that Jake was chasing that troon for a while, and they might have had a small fling. Luxeria has been VERY silent and unsupportive about it, while Roly is having a field day.
No. 1712016
>>1712006actually luxeria has left a comment on kaya's video saying they were watching it with roly. i don't think fake would actually be interested in a troon, like onision he tries to put on this front he's for equal rights and whatnot but he would still view lux as a man and not be interested kek, he's not bi like he claims either sooo
admittedly it does feel a little disrespectful of roly to post that but it may be in relation to something else?? or he's happy to see fake finally get his comeuppence.
No. 1712019
File: 1669592933139.jpg (262.57 KB, 1080x1024, 705_Instagram.jpg)

>"The guy with the screencaps to back up everything I said? Yeah pretty easy to believe me"
No. 1712023
>>1712019the guy who has kept all these irrelevant "screen caps" to use as a weapon against my ex in the future, in the video i clearly planned out carefully and showed no genuine emotion in*
fixed it for you, fake
No. 1712035
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People are out here just tagging Kat now. I wonder how long this relationship will last
No. 1712062
>>1711984>Honestly there are three kinds of people; lucky enough to have not had any kind of important relationship with a narc, have experienced the joy of a relationship with a narc and have the trauma to prove it, or you are the narc.Yes, as someone with many years of experience dealing with a narcissist, unless you have experience it is hard to understand how someone who supposedly dislikes you also insists on controlling your life and behaviour down to the smallest detail. She states in the video that he insisted on keeping her stuff un his garage with his bikes, which only he had the key to and she had to see him in order to get her stuff. Seeing him is obviously the last thing she wanted to be doing hence the delay, plus we can all witness and behold what he did as soon as she cut the last tie
2 hour sabotage video is uploadedFun fact for anons blessed to not have experience with narcs: this may never end, it may be decades of him trying to micromanage from afar and self-inserting into her life as he is doing now
No. 1712065
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The only fans Jake is about to have left are misogynistic men's rights retards and self-hating handmaidens.
No. 1712073
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No. 1712083
>>1712079Wow - good on you for being able to understand what this moid was saying! Between his abysmal spelling and atrocious grammar, I was completely lost.
Helluva fan base ya got there, Jake.
No. 1712087
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No. 1712109
>>1712083Lmao right? Jake only seems to be attracting retards. Totally not bc he's a retard himself
>>1712091He's too narc to ever be suicidal
No. 1712227
>>1711968Like honestly I hope Jake reads this because he’s the only one who will haha.
Why is he a
victim? People are making a big stink because he won’t leave his ex girlfriend alone and has petty reasons for drama and somehow shows he’s a huge asshole. What does he want? Like can he just stop and make content about shit that inspires him? Instead of like he cannot recognize he’s dragging himself back to his past. He’s making himself miserable. I’m done with this
victim shit.
People react the way they do because he has nothing but nasty distain towards his ex who is living her life and getting her life together. Are people not allowed to disagree with him? Like why does he not drop the fight and making weird I’ll give Kaya 25 minutes to do what I say. Come on man. Whatever you’re doing isn’t working and instead of being mad at us because we don’t support abuse you should see what it is that is just not doing it for ya.
You’re not aligned to your goals. Y’all need to MOVE on and KEEP relationships private ! People react STRONGLY to situations involving abuse because they may have known someone who has been abused or they were abused themselves. This is the way it appears to most people with emotional intelligence. Also who care what lolcow think. It’s doesn’t fucking matter. What matters is the truth and what you’re doing Jake isn’t healthy it’s not aligned to whatever it is you’re attempting to do. Why not make content with your new GF instead of about your ex GF.
Like do things that inspire joy. A genuinely changed person or a realistic sounding person who attempts to take accountability is more relatable than whatever it is that’s happening. I seriously think the both of you should try therapy no shame no stigma just go work on yourself in a safe environment. Genuine efforts of self improvement and even kindness dare I say or enjoyable content. People are human we don’t like the idea of anyone being hurt. Jake needs to get over lolcow and just fix himself.
At the end of the day it’s what you give your energy to. There’s no milk if all the suddenly everyone suddenly acts mature and works on being balanced in some sort of way. Give soemthing other than drama attention. People are just going to be sensitive to this for various reasons because abuse has been brought into it. Y’all put it out there and we’re sad for people who we didn’t know were hurting as much as they did. Maybe Jake takes comment s in here a little too seriously why he’s deleting all his content. Silly. Narcissistic Jake no one is after you and no one cares about you.
Narcissists love to pretend people are after them. No one here cares enough. It’s just silly the way y’all are acting online. Like people are literally out to get you? No they aren’t lol. Enoughhh. Start posting pictures of doing enjoyable actual things. I feel strongly for Kaya because I don’t believed she deserved to be harassed.
This whole she knew what to say and what not to say thing is bullshit she really said nothing and it’s not fair to blame her for every possible rumor just because she spoke to like her mother or some of her friends or something. Move on y’all. As long as you leave Kaya alone people won’t fucking care anymore ! No one cares because you have a way in which just really doesn’t take accountability at all and rubs people the wrong way. It’s a matter of credibility and to have that you need accountability.
No. 1712242
File: 1669609060432.png (62.73 KB, 865x642, Screenshot 2022-11-28 at 05-14…)

>>1712232Yea fuck off back to where you came from if you can't bother to read the god damn rules of this image board you dumb bitches and newfags. I'm so sick of your shit fucking everything up.
No. 1712250
File: 1669609684082.jpeg (1.83 MB, 1170x1823, 7EBF95FE-FB34-446D-B6C3-FCFA2F…)

>>1712248You also can’t comment on the photo of him showing of Kat anymore lol
Guess he finally got tired of hiding comments
No. 1712259
>>1712248It's currently 4am in the UK and when I looked after seeing this it was still offline
>>1712087So he put it back up sometime between around 1am and 4am. Literally does not want Kaya to sleep.
However, keep it up dude, barely 24 hours after claiming you wanted to leave it and move on.
>>1711128Keep showing your
abusive patterns of behaviour to the world to ensure more people believe Kaya and follow/sub/patreon her. I'm sure the police will have an interesting shift checking out your videos too.
No. 1712338
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A couple of people have started to post videos and shorts calling Fake out on his abuse, including the girl he quoted on his IG when he took the video down initially.
No. 1712343
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No. 1712383
File: 1669618063263.png (30.63 KB, 637x218, lmao.png)

>>1712248Honestly hilarious he thinks he can use his career suicide video to keep bullying or manipulating her when it's performing so horribly. He must really be incredibly desperate for those views and any money they may bring in.
Her video has over 50k more views than his does, has only a miniscule 529 dislikes in comparison to the 15k likes, while his likes to dislike ratio is almost even now. Then there's the whole matter of him losing 4-5k subs since uploading his video while Kaya has actually gained 1k subs since? But yeah Jake, keep that video up, it's really working wonders for your reputation. KEK
No. 1712406
>>1712264Be real with you these possible pick me girl types that have narcissistic boyfriends that are still obsessing over their ex are gonna push for stupid shit like this not realizing this type of nastiness towards the ex isn’t like a compliment and idk if anything she’s just as immature and doesn’t get this has all the red flags plus I have no idea how serial cheaters like her operate but I’m sure there’s some kinda
toxic unhealthy messiness
(sage your shit) No. 1712423
File: 1669622707388.png (309.93 KB, 1080x845, Screenshot_20221128-080155.png)

Not sure if this is relevant to the current goings on, but Kaya has spoken to the police twice since his video went up.
No. 1712451
File: 1669630765844.png (1.32 MB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20221128-101650.png)

I have huge sympathy for Kayak at this point, Jake's purposefully making this a huge ordeal. Hopefully we'll get some more context unless it's now all a police matter
No. 1712459
>>1712453His fans are nuts trying to two side this, your partner being messy is annoying sure but it in no way justifies domestic abuse. It to me also feels like an excuse, he is clearly pre disposed to violence. That response to her is completely abnormal. I don’t believe it’s just going to be her who falls
victim to him and usually unless stopped people like this do graduate to more extreme behaviour, he is a time bomb.
No. 1712483
File: 1669635783468.jpg (185.65 KB, 1096x774, Untitled.jpg)

More evidence of him creeping on other women. Might explain last night.
No. 1712512
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No. 1712513
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No. 1712515
File: 1669640630004.jpg (119.5 KB, 915x347, stalk.jpg)

No. 1712552
File: 1669645354396.jpg (338.27 KB, 1080x1218, Screenshot_20221128_141821_com…)

A channel I follow that covers drama has just put out a video about the situation(Self-poster, doesn't know how to sage or embed.)
No. 1712616
>>1712603Does Fake have any sponsorships on the line? I know his follower count is dropping but is there more at stake career wise. I wonder after the recent Amouranth domestic abuse situation that played out live wether twitch will be looking to ban people who are
problematic like that.
No. 1712690
>>1712552This is a really good video she really broke down so many behaviors that a lot of people aren’t recognizing are
toxic and it’s sad that they aren’t. I like how she goes in about not holding things over peoples heads in a malicious way in a relationship because it’s sullies your relationship lol. She supported him with half her income for their entire relationship. Like I like how she’s saying like why is he even making a video to say she was messy more control over her? I’ll give you 25 minutes lol Jake just leave her alone it’s harassment.
No. 1712733
>>1712730No worries
nonnie, and apologies to the whole thread for subjecting you to the thumbnail of his ugly flabby mug.
No. 1712750
>>1712747You’re clearly new here and didn’t watch the video.
Kat has stated, more than once, that she’s wanted to physically harm Kaya. She’s lied, she’s cheated and manipulated her way out of things. You’d be daft to think she has nothing to do with jakes video and effectively ending his “career” out of blind stupidity and jealousy
No. 1712770
File: 1669661211023.jpg (181.7 KB, 1080x1047, Screenshot_20221128-104552_Ins…)

Skat made her IG porn account private. She's scared.
No. 1712800
File: 1669663695157.jpg (62.85 KB, 676x134, 1642614893997.jpeg.jpg)

>>1712796I just found this from a previous thread too, conversation between Fake and an old Mod from his discord. How he's trying to convince people he didn't cheat is beyond me.
No. 1712803
>>1712800you beat me to it I think its around this thread
>>1421505 that he started to crack with telling on himself and that he cheated
No. 1712823
>>1712805I could be completely wrong but I think his former moderator Major leaked these. And yes
>>1712816 I believe it ended with "but you don't know how miserable she made ME feel!!!"
No. 1712846
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Came across this on FB.
No. 1712864
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>>1712846Emily Boo shared this one as well on instagram
No. 1712935
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>>1712451a continuation from this
No. 1712951
File: 1669675563330.jpg (399.76 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20221128-230046.jpg)

Just noticed this, wonder if she's freaking out about it?
No. 1713020
File: 1669679252316.png (125.67 KB, 718x877, YT3834.png)

>>1712951>>1712952Before his video dropped, this would have been "no cowtipping", but his dumb ass brought his BS to a wider audience and ultimately did this to himself. There are so many newfags spilling into this thread from him namedropping lolcow multiple times. I imagine he thought namedropping would result in snaccs WKing for him here, but it obviously had the opposite effect. His fanbase is dwindling and very few seem to be on his side now. Even all the top comments on the video don't favor him. kek
No. 1713021
File: 1669679395872.png (18.9 KB, 1103x526, patreon.png)

>>1713020Bonus, him trying to destroy Kaya's reputation ultimately only made her more money in the end. This must drive him absolutely insane with rage and jealousy.
No. 1713033
>>1713020This is exactly it, he just couldn’t help himself and tried to manipulate his snaccs into parading over here and WKing his name clean, but that’s not how it works…
Jake, you may have the bank statements, but lolcow has the receipts.
No. 1713039
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>>1713029I don’t know. This feels wrong.
No. 1713102
>>1713090There was a slim chance they could have fired her due to all this (I mean real slim) and it would have been Jake's fault if that happened.
They might just rally around her now and think of her as victimised
No. 1713148
>>1713090Okay I totally agree some people have acted a bit nutty. Buuut on the other side people are really sensitive to abuse and abuse allegations.
Jake did this? What was Kaya supposed to do remain silent herself on what she been through when he tried to wring her out… it’s like he doesn’t know how the world works.
I still think they are taking lolcow way too seriously like a couple of high schoolers. It’s narcissistic what are they afraid of ? Online trolls. Just clean up your act. Lapse of judgement, leave your ex alone. Why is it so hard for narcs to move on? Why does he need to hold any of these things over her head in a public way bringing everyone of her flaws into it. It’s not mature…
So like I feel like he could risk demonetization if he keeps using his account to harass her and there is real legal anything protecting her from him. They’re acting like a bunch of squirrels. Just leave your ex alone. You nuked yourself. People have opinions. You chose
abusive ways to deal with your anger. Hope everyone goes to therapy. Move on ppl. Move on everyone.
No. 1713308
File: 1669700410347.png (59.88 KB, 1308x400, kayacomment.png)

Found this comment by Kaya on a commentary video where she said she is planning to go to therapy after all of this.
No. 1713322
>>1713308That’s good that’s she planning on therapy. She has a lot of shit to unpick thanks to that prick. It could really help her. I hope she does do that.
Jake really is finding out about fucking around isn’t he? Who’d have thought his 2 hour internet bitch fest would have real life consequences for his new girlfriend? He opened her up to the full on crazies of the internet, she might even lose her job.
Or maybe that was his plan? He seems to want his women dependant on him, I can just hear him dripping poison about how he’ll get her her own shop but why doesn’t she just take a break? All she’ll have to do in return is clean! He’s rich you know… he’ll support her and the kid. Who knows with that fucker?
No. 1713372
>>1713322Honestly I feel like things with Kat are either going one of two ways in the near future. Either she doubles down on being a braindead pickme and stays by his side despite the shitstorm he has created and how doomed the future of his online career now is. Or, she uses this whole thing as an escape plan to bail on the sinking ship, telling her coworkers and whoever else who is still in her life how awful Jake has become to her in light of the accusations. Finding her a new knight in shining armor to hop on the dick of and ride off into the night with per her usual MO. This next year of Jake spiraling out of control is going to be an interesting watch. kek
I wonder how far all his seething and raging has set back his big vtube reveal? Imagine if he spent as much time actually working on real content as he did harassing, stalking, and making videos about Kaya.
No. 1713374
File: 1669713627870.png (300.42 KB, 587x718, salty.png)

Definitely not salty at all Jake.
No. 1713402
>>1713021Wow this makes me so happy lol
He totally shit the bed and now has to roll in it!!!lovely!
No. 1713411
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No. 1713428
>>1713411I just saw this, I reckon it's due to the stress of her cunty ex being…well, a cunt.
I know that Kat is awful too but part of me hopes she sees this treatment of Kaya, puts 2 and 2 together and realizes that this could be her as soon as the honeymoon period is over and she becomes another emotional punching bag for him and dumps him. She won't, but I can dream of him being taken down yet another peg
No. 1713433
>>1713391Thanks for the link
Wow 3 minutes and 55 seconds is what he ‘devoted’ to the end of his almost 12 year relationship and most of that was spent bitching about people asking questions. ‘The era of Jake and Kaya’ god he’s such an insufferable prick.
Shall we do a round up of some of the things that he said he was going to be doing in 2022?
World tour of tattoos? Nope. Just got some shit ones in Belfast didn’t you Fake?
Organising a team to sort out your Patreon, exclusive merch, sorting your fan Mail etc? Nope.
Munro taking up a larger portion of his time, European tour, tour documentary, nicely lit video of the band playing their set? Nope, nope, nope and nope.
New plushie? Didn’t get funded.
‘Showcasing’ good alt TikTok’s? Nope.
Loads of vlogging and motorbike shit? Nope, didn’t do that either.
What a productive year he’s had!
No. 1713456
>>1713432I always found it weird that he went for a woman with a child, now I’m wondering if it was purposeful, that he wanted access to someone vulnerable to hurt
Tinfoiling a bit but he seems the type to have some real vile intentions
No. 1713475
>>1713463Small blog but as someone who was abused as a kid by a step dad you very much can do both. You can buy silence from kids (because what would you rather a present or getting hit again) and spoiling the child monetarily looks good to outsiders., makes them less suspicious of you. I mean just think as well about what Kaya said as well, he would abuse her and also brag about being the rich boyfriend and try to buy her stuff. Even after they broke up he kept trying to buy her incessantly. Spoiling his
victim with stuff to justify the abuse is his M.O, he made it clear in his video he sees it as justification.
No. 1713508
>>1713199exactly this. People already think we're all crazies and psychos here, the last thing we need is proving them right. I agree that people must know about her plagiarism. small blogpost, but my work is drawing shit and I like tattoos, if I found out I was being plagiarized or if I found out one of my tattoos was straight up plagiarized from someone I would fucking hate the tattoo "artist" responsible and I'm guessing all of her
victims would. So I agree on gathering all of the receipts here, her employers likely are aware of this juicy drama and are checking here, who wouldn't? What she does online splashes on them. They'll see by themselves, just post here, don't go out of your way to send them messages, it enforces the impression we are bullies, which isnt the case.
>>1713372yeah, but I bet on her ignoring it all, because she agrees with him, she thinks like him. I truly think he found his soulmate in this heartless bitch
>>1713431They must be endless bashing Kaya together and planning what they'll do in desperation
>>1713456I don't think so, but wouldn't put it pass him. It gives the impression that he just didn't thought that he'd have much contact with the kid, much less having him live at his house, but it was a way he found to seem wholesome after the break-up, no change about liking kids. As
>>1713475 said well, he must be abusing the kid already, it's the only way he knows how to interact with people. If he can't control his angry tantrums when adults say such innocuous shit to him like "babe, you turkey" imagine with a kid asking all kinds of things, some that doesn't make sense, all the time. Poor kid
No. 1713532
>>1713508On that note…who's to say Kat isn't already an
abusive parent. Look how she conducts herself. Could be she's got company in the abuse now. Of course it's just speculation but I'd bet she's at least neglectful
No. 1713613
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Nothing like the past days‘ drama but Jake got his stomach tattooed (picrel), sadly no pic of the result as of yet.
I wonder if he’s in Bilbao as he boasted about earlier this year or if he settled for one of the mediocre artist he’s frequenting in Belfast.
No. 1713616
File: 1669736488081.png (4.07 MB, 750x1334, 86642D15-58C2-4381-95EF-243386…)

Sorry for samefagging but I did some minor digging and found the artist and he’s actually in Bilbao?! That would explain why Jake has been relatively quiet and didn’t already put out another video.
The artist does some pretty decent work though, I’m very surprised Jake chose this style as it doesn’t fit with the rest of his tattoos imo, looks way too sharp and saturated already kek
No. 1713737
>>1713618right? it looks fucking nasty. and the tattoo looks odd against the smudged mess above it
i expected his belly to look a lot bigger but he is lying back so that's not saying much kek
No. 1713774
>>1713616The linework looks really wonky.
Total douchebag for going to get tattooed after all the shit (and collateral damage) he has done
No. 1713788
>>1713781You're right. Really nice work.
Damn I wished Jake more ugly tattoos
No. 1713803
>>1713799It’s also a traditional style tattoo vs the realistic style tattoos he has.
It clashes. badly. I get getting tattoos that you like but personally I would try to keep it all consistent.
No. 1713823
>>1713809>She acknowledged years of abuse and mental illness for years and did nothing to combat itDo you hear yourself? You understand mental illness and abuse are both things that significantly impede your life and improving your life? An abused, mentally ill person is in a very different headspace than an independent, healthy person living in a peaceful evironment. It is like dragging yourself out of a well vs just getting up from the ground. It's a huge process of restoration and rebuilding, it's not so simple as
just improve your life! >teach adults how to properly adult without having toddler tantrums.Where did Kaya have a toddler tantrum? Jake was the one chimping out, smashing plates, objects, walls at the slightest provocation. Kaya was out there bringing picnics to swans and shit. The only tantrums were (and are) being performed by Jake.
No. 1713861
>>1712016Skat looks like a troon so its not much of a stretch, really
also he would love the opportunity to intimidate and abuse a physically weaker mentally ill man, lol
No. 1713931
>>1713918Anyone wanna guess who's calling her at 08:59?
This was filmed on the 23rd so that's the day before Stumpy posted his video, right?
No. 1713969
>>1713918she says in the description of this one that she also wants to go back to posting regular content.
that along with her saying that the police were involved, and discussing her options really makes me think she's getting the law involved.
Stumpy's fucked he's aired out so much of his own abuse and admitted to having anger issues. It'll be his word against his in court with those videos up.