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No. 1715677
Meet the cows:
Jake Munro - Kaya's ex boyfriend, after dating for around a decade. Cheated on her with his girlfriend's tattoo artist's wife, Kat. Fancies himself a musician, though since his bandmates left, doesn't seem capable of producing music on his own. Used Joker-esqe makeup and mimicking other artist's makeup for attention on Youtube, but has since generally given the gimmick up as his popularity rapidly declined post break-up. Appears to be rapidly aging into the bloated corpse of a chav gordan ramsay due to a suspected alcohol and nicotine addiction. Has big dreams of being the next big V-tuber star. Occasionally scars us with his ugly nudes via a rarely updated OnlyFans account.
ToxicTears (Kaya) - Veteran goth youtuber, used to get hundreds of thousands of views, but her channel has dwindled down due to inactivity during the last few years of her relationship with Jake. Has a tendency to make a lot of excuses not to film, though seems to posting somewhat regularly again. Kind of an airhead, often anxious. Lots of old milk. Almost constant debate in thread in regards to her current cow status.
Kat Paine - Previously married mother of one, cheated on her tattoo studio owning husband with their client's (Kaya) long term boyfriend (Jake). You can find her posting heavily filtered lewds to her OnlyFans when she isn't tracing Disney coloring book sheets part-time at the tattoo shop. Her most popular phrases include: "Daddy! Shots!", "Drinks! Shots!" and incoherent giggling at Jake doing literally anything.
Updates from last thread:
>>1708771 Jake uploads a 2 hour and 15 minute video 'breaking his silence' and makes an utter ass of himself in the process
>>1708772 Kaya posts an Instragram story addressing Jake's video, says she'll be responding to it soon
>>1708797 Kaya posts a short video on youtube to say she's watching the video and taking notes, and will respond as soon as she can.
>>1708806 Jake's video had timestamps, suggesting he was stalking her socials and lolcow for every mention of him.
>>1708834 Jake says he's already contacted a solicitor (lawyer) about the items Kaya 'stole' from him.
>>1708841 Jake defends making his video because his 'character' and 'success' were being attacked.
>>1708847 Snacc points out Kaya's making her own video, Jake say's he'll respond to it.
>>1708872 Jake confirms the cops told him to stop trying to contact Kaya.
>>1709086 Twitter isn't having any of Jake's bullshit.
>>1709171 Jake's video is getting almost as many dislikes as likes.
>>1709190 Jake deletes all negative comments on his video, as per usual.
>>1709247 Kaya uploads her 3 hour response video the same night, says she might delete it and make a more composed video later.
>>1709606 The comments section of Jake's video is turning on him.
>>1709608 >>1709610 >>1709653>>1709658 Braindead Snaccs defend him on twitter.
>>1709667 The likes on Kaya's video already exceed Jake's with only half the views.
>>1709673 Roly posts his support to the video, confirms Jake's behaviour from past experiences.
>>1709699 Rotten Hollow posts support on Instagram.
>>1709725 >>1709756 Jake's instagram starts feeling the hate.
>>1709802 More confirmation of Jake's shitty behaviour from random people who met them over the years.
>>1709943 Anon posts a detailed breakdown of Kaya's video.
>>1710001 Don't invalidate Jake's mental health!
>>1710106 Jake's plushie shows up for sale on Mercari.
>>1710200 More recap of Kaya's video.
>>1710213 Kaya debunks Kat's lies that she wasn't kicked out by Dean.
>>1710217 Jake can't keep up with deleting the hate on his instagram pics anymore.
>>1710226 A reddit thread about the drama is created.
>>1710293 Angela Benedict comments her support to Kaya.
>>1710307 Jake couldn't have let Kaya stay in their house because he needed somewhere to fuck Kat.
>>1710310 Melanie Murphy comments her support to Kaya.
>>1710343 Jake's brother comments on Kaya's video.
>>1710344 >>1710348 >>1710357 >>1710354 Jake starts to respond to comments finally.
>>1710373 >>1710385>>1710377 More support for Kaya, this time from Vampirefreaks.
>>1710400 Jake is bleeding subscribers.
>>1710507 Emilyboo makes an Instagram story about Jake.
>>1710716 Jake says he'll delete his video if she does, asks people to get ahold of her for him.
>>1710730 Privates the video, gives Kaya 25 minutes to do the same.
>>1710757 Kaya wakes up to Jake's bullshit yet again.
>>1710792 Jake gives Kaya more time since she just woke up.
>>1710787 Meanwhile, Kat posts selfies.
>>1710867 Roly roasts Jake with a selfie.
>>1710881 Jake's ultimatum doesn't go over well.
>>1710897 Jake say's he's moving on, no regrets and hopes Kaya will private her video too.
>>1710961 Kaya isn't making any decisions yet, hopes he'll really move on, might keep the video up because abuse survivors have asked her to.
>>1711055 Jake's instagram is losing subscribers.
>>1711454 Jake bans comments on one instagram pic so people move on to another.
>>1711574 Jake decides not to move on, will 'address everything' instead.
>>1711686>>1711575 John's comment to the whole situation.
>>1711739 Kaya finds out Jake's plan to 'address' things, says she's just tired and wants to be left alone.
>>1711741>>1711788 Kaya says Jake tried to push her out of doing Youtube many times.
>>1712035 People are now tagging Kat in comments.
>>1712055 Luxeria shows her support for Kaya.
>>1712073 Jake was so nice to Kaya during a past medical emergency that she almost hoped she would have another serious health issue just so he'd be nice to her again.
>>1712087 Kaya posts about feeling sick after an 'eye opening' day, deletes story shortly after.
>>1712338 Commentary/reaction videos start showing up on youtube.
>>1712342 >>1712343 >>1712423 Kaya confirms the Cops know about Jake's video.
>>1712451 Kaya's instagram story suggests something happened, but she never elaborates. Anons suspect the cops might be involved, hence the silence.
>>1712483 More evidence of Jake's creepy behaviour.
>>1712512>>1712513 Kaya is living in fear of what Jake will say next.
>>1712515>>1712770 Skat privates her OF Instagram.
>>1712935 Kaya says she's not doing very well mentally right now.
>>1712951 Skat's plagiarism gets called out on Twitter.
>>1713021 Jake's plan to destroy Kaya's reputation only brought her tons more views, subscribers, and Patrons, and lost him a ton himself.
>>1713039 People start posting hate on Skat's tattoo shops page.
>>1713308 Kaya is planning to go to therapy after everything that's happened.
>>1713391 Working copy of Jake's original Breakup Video is posted.
>>1713411 Kaya goes to the hospital for unknown reasons.
>>1713613 Jake gets his stomach tatooed, whines like a little bitch about how it hurt.
>>1713616 Anon finds pics of the tattoo.
(Hope I did this right, didn't see anyone else making a thread so decided to try my hand.)
No. 1715684
>>1715677 kudos on the thread pic
nonnie, made me lol
No. 1715712
>>1713989Phrasing cracked me up (Obviously one of his crowd) - mate if someone had sucked a few holes, they wouldn't have been outted as not only
abusive but also sub-par in bed to his fan girls. Might as well make up for over a decade of lost time.
No. 1715752
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so psyched to hear more tacky, badly produced trash from this wanker
No. 1715755
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Jake's got over a million views from the 19th, but he didn't release his video until the 24th…What did he unprivate to bring that view total up that much? Also he's lost 7k subscribers since last week.
No. 1715787
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>>1715677dorians message on kayas video
No. 1715788
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>>1715787emilys message on kayas video that people couldnt be bothered to look for
No. 1715789
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>>1715787and an interesting reply while i was looking for emilys comment.
No. 1715825
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The thumbnail to his break-up video will always crack me up. This is what happens when a man monetizes your relationship and uses you for content. Take note Kat, you and Isaac are next. He monetized your flat ass since day one. He doesn't know love, only ego.
No. 1716029
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No. 1716051
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>>1716042Looks like it’s been taken down. The blog is still up but like you said, that would be giving him a view he doesn’t deserve.
Also found this in the comments of his stupid half assed Timmy trumpets video
No. 1716143
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I'm a Kaya's mum fan lmao
No. 1716318
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Putting her down while simultaneously using her for content. Some things never change.
No. 1716386
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Can't blame her at all. Some time alone finding herself, away from drama, will do her good.
No. 1716441
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>>1715789>>1715902Tbh, the best part is that he isn't even making that much off the video. Right now his stats are messed up from him unprivating an old video. Looking at what's left, he's made anywhere from $963-$1,100 max. But at the cost of him bleeding 1k subs every day since releasing that video and he's also losing subs on patreon as well. It's a quick cash grab for the holidays, but ultimately it's going to hurt his "career" severely.
I know that a lot of people have made the onision comparison already, but this is so very reminiscent of his decline. It's almost deja vu.
No. 1716443
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Munro fans have shit taste in music as expected. He posted others who had him alongside Corpse husband and the like too. lmao
No. 1716464
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Random grabs from her video. Interesting to see she's still reading pretty much all of her comments.
No. 1716465
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No. 1716468
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No. 1716493
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I'm glad she's feeling better and taking care of herself.
No. 1716558
>>1716539I only looked the comments briefly, apparently he laughs when she describes the way Jakes
abusive, like the driving and punching walls and doors. And the way she aired their sex life is gross.
No. 1716577
>>1716572A disgusting narc will ALWAYS have other
abusive moids and pathetic pick-mes that will rally to their cause. It’s a good thing, really - makes it easier for the rest of us to shun them.
No. 1716598
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Jake is hiding replies calling him out on his Munro announcement kek
No. 1716607
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I’m disappointed that Destiny is putting his feet in his mouth. Shouldn’t be surprised. Scotes gone scrote. I don’t really know much about him but he ripped Keffals to shreds so I wanted to like him.
Maybe he’s just butt hurt cause his wife is dry af too No. 1716623
I hope his wife leaves him and takes his shit with her.
No. 1716634
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>>1716607>>1716623NTA, but apparently they're in an open relationship too? Both sound like cows. lmao
No. 1716818
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Love the little nod to Jake's 'insult' about her friends here.
No. 1716894
>>1716057>>1716429Which boss was he struggling with? First boss depends on which way you go in the game.
Did Margit beat him up? if so; lul. Little Piss Baby Mans
No. 1716902
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>>1716029I never knew he had a seven rings cover video somehow. This look gives off predator
No. 1717506
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Forgot the pic
No. 1717612
>>1717336Thank you for sharing your wisdom.
Now we can confirm that Jake is in fact, a little bitch.
The last time I killed him in co-op we had him dead before phase two
for non elden ring gamers:
Jake Sucks at everything he does. He's a shitty partner, terrible musician, can't keep any friends, and cannot even fight an easy boss without raging.
No. 1717645
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>>1717506Seems like he's also trying to cover for his recent inactivity by making it seem like he's been busy doing productive things and not just spending the past couple months harassing kaya nonstop kek. We currently have big promises for three new munro songs before Christmas and a vtuber debut whenever he feels like getting around to it. It's really no wonder he put the video back up, he's probably hoping to coast through the holidays with whatever money it makes.
Really enjoying seeing the telltale signs of him beginning to go broke though. He stopped hemorrhaging subs by the thousands, but he's still only making $40-50 a day again off that video which is pretty pitiful.
No. 1717737
>>1717721It's exactly this, his downfall was all on his own. Majority of people found him through Kaya and left through Kaya after he uploaded that first break up video where he acted like a cunt. His content has been lazy forever, but took a dive too when he stopped wearing the goth facade for views.
He's not terribly good or interesting at streaming, his music has obviously taken a dive with his bandmates leaving. I'm not sure what else he has to offer besides becoming a smalltime vtuber and public meltdowns on social media. Kat better start considering picking up more hours at the shop.
No. 1717811
>>1717721I know a few youtubers who do that, they'll bulk record videos one day of the month then spend time editing them and scheduling them to release throughout the month.
Mostly it's people with kids or a in-person job they need to go to.
So that's the only way they can make videos. It's cheaper to pay the baby sitter to take the kids out of the house for a few hours one day so they can get work done then it is to do it multiple times in a month. Some people really don't want their kids showing up in videos. Either by walking in the background while mommy and daddy are filming showing their face, or listening to coco melon and baby shark on repeat in the other room.
But wasn't Jake doing that before he started dating Kat?
No. 1717889
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I know she's a mess but she's calling Fake out. In her story, she shows that her tiktok got reported and she managed to restore it
No. 1717949
>>1717506This is after releasing a song that he admits was badly produced but he thought people wouldn't notice, like
I'm shit but hire me The narc brain is fascinating
No. 1717951
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Why is he speaking about himself in third-person, or did Skat pussywhip him into access to his socials?
No. 1718232
>>1717951He thinks it’s a good idea to respond. Again.
Fitting that his nickname is “Stump”, because he is as dumb as.
No. 1718257
>>1718232How can he respond?!
She was very diplomatic. She even defended him at points and she said "that's how I felt" several times
It doesn't leave him a leg to stand on.
He's an utter moron if he makes another video
No. 1718284
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This will forever crack me up bc like 75% of the fans he has left use anime profile pics or are as ugly/even uglier women than based op. Not to mention, that fucking ratio lmao. 118 likes on op, 4 likes on his grade school reply.
No. 1718309
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>>1716049When you have a long island ice tea hangover and the sun comes up
No. 1718561
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>>1718429It's no wonder he's planning to hide behind a vtube avatar, dude's face is slowly melting into his neck
>>1718559oops sorry liked this one slightly better
No. 1718621
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>>1718561He showed his new stomach tattoo for a moment on stream. Watching him pull his pants down from where they were pinching him (you can see the imprint left kek) and suck in before pulling his shirt up was a real treat. Spoiler cause he's gross.
No. 1718631
>>1718625It's unfinished. I don't hate the design tbh, and it definitely seems better than the rest of his tattoos at the moment, but it clashes so much against the washed out lineless tattoos that cover the rest of his stumpy little body.
>>1718626Not to sound like a kaya wk, but she's mostly just adding to her planned bug sleeve. The head tattoo was definitely a choice, but so far the execution of her tattoos have been pretty solid minus the script on her hands. I don't know what Jake has been thinking, everything he's had done has been a blotchy grotesque mess minus this new stomach tattoo. Even though this one is probably the best work he's had yet, it looks so out of place. This had to have cost him at least 1k so far too.
No. 1718639
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>>1718621>>1718631Sorry for samefag and tattoo sperging, but I was just thinking about how this almost reads more like a krampus tattoo rather than baphomet? I think I'm going to have to take back what I said about not hating the design after all, lmao.
No. 1718683
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No. 1718697
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No. 1718824
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No. 1718833
>>1718824lmao, kat looks like she smells something awful and jake is doing the usual facial contortions to make himself look less bloated and sad. What kind of 30+ man duckfaces? Also, seems he has to raise his nonexistent eyebrows so his eyes aren't covered by his sagging forehead
>>1718561ngl I used to think Kat was out of his league before, but with every unedited pic he posts of her I'm beginning to think they're actually pretty looksmatched. Ugly inside and out.
No. 1718845
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>>1718839Maybe she just has an ugly smile because of her underbite? but yeah kinda.
No. 1718883
>>1718860You know you loose 100 hairs a day
nonnie? I doubt she 'planted' it.
No. 1718929
>>1718924…and he also said he wouldn't go to therapy or do anything about his anger that's meaningful, so until he does actually learn how to handle it (when very recently he was freaking out about being unable to beat easy Elden Ring bosses and broke a controller) he's not addressed his anger at all.
"Her mom had a four bedroom home" OK, do you believe what Jake says, or no? Because Jake also supports that yes she was living in the studio, not her mom's four bedroom home. You either believe what Jake said or tinfoil that Jake was lying on this specific thing, pick one
No. 1718934
>>1718924Are you WILLFULLY ignorant, or just lacking critical thinking skills?
The “literal receipts” Jake showed are proof of nothing more than he purchased items and sent Kaya money in the last couple years. Gifts are also purchased.
Kaya never mentioned his name, meanwhile he’s posting shit like “Kaya did the worst thing a person can do” which I guess is not cleaning? Cause that was his main gripe in the video.
Kaya also had an email from their landlord describing damage done to the property which does a pretty job refuting jokes claims of not punching holes in doors anymore cause someone sure did it.
Kaya cried and bubblered as you say because joke had time to plan, and he has no fucking feelings other than anger. Kaya had his hit piece dropped in her lap, who wouldn’t want to be relatively quick in responding when he’s accused her of actual crimes?
I’m not a Kaya fan, I think she’s boring af. But she’s pretty benign. Joke is malicious.
No. 1718942
>>1718924If you're going to come in here guns blazing at least try to do it with an image, evidence, screen cap, anything at all. It's an image board.
Can you even show us any of these "posts"? Because I'm 99.9% certain the only person who has actually posted anything in relation to the breakup is Jake with his paragraph long whinge fests in his comment sections over the last year.
Oh, do you mean when she vaguely and very gently answers obviously weighted questions about their previous relationship when people are asking? Because the two are absolutely not the same thing and to suggest as much is just being willfully ignorant. Nice try though
I know you wanna defend your rapidly aging favourite thirst trapping goth daddy but you should do it with something tangible and real instead of a claim that's obviously discredited by anyone whose been paying attention which is most of the people in this thread.
No. 1718950
>>1718947Awk away and fuck weird wk anon. Kaya IRL is pathetic and a whinge and a conceited stuck up bitch even tho she looks like she's going to age into a typical Belfast granny stuck in an estate and doesn't look like she has good dental hygiene.
Kaya is a fat lazy bitch. She wasn't cheated on when she found Kat's hair in her bed she was already dumped and returned to feed her cat and not get her things because why end it with a cheater when you could drag it out for over a year and make it the only interesting thing about you for an entire year. Has she even vlogged any of her shite trips to London this year or the Galgorm, Northern Ireland most over hyped Spa?
Like waah my ex bf called me lazy cause I did fuck all for years not even housework. Feel bad for me!!!
No. 1718974
>>1718839>>1718845WOOF, yep
if she didn't have her biological kid next to her in this picture, I'd be convinced that's a tranny
No. 1719050
>>1719001Nah. Kaya even admits herself her relationship wasn't physically
abusive. She was upset because her bf would get mad and shout at her after she did nothing with her life during her 20s. She's has a few holidays that any peer her age could do whilst working a real job. Her YouTube content is lazy and low production anyone with a real job could film the shite she does.
She had all the time in the world to realise her bf was a shit head if by her own mouth he ruined every putting. Like fuck me she didn't have work keeping her distracted. She doesn't hang out with friends from that period of her life, she's got new druggie friends from Belfast and has kept social media friends in England because they haven't been used by her due to them luckily not living in the same country.
Kaya's a tramp. Without YouTube she'd just be a benefits scrounge like her ma
No. 1719069
>>1719058Anyone who's ever tried to get meds off the NHS knows this is BS. NHS will do everything they can before giving you meds that are even slightly addictive or have recreational qualities.
>>1719066hi Jake
(hi cow) No. 1719075
>>1719069Literally getting tablets off the NHS is the easiest thing ever. Where are you from?
Not Jake but will reort for the hi cow. Belfast isn't that small that anyone that knows Kaya has to be Jake or one of the cows specifically talked about itt. Didn't realise so many farmers are retards
No. 1719112
Oh hey look, this
>>1715714 anon mentioned here is back. You should really change up your wording bud, you're really easy to spot.
No. 1719114
>>1719047>>1719050>>1719052>>1719058>>1719075>>1719078Nonnie I say this with genuine concern. Go outside. Take deep breaths. In through your nose, out through your mouth. Get some camomile tea.
Maybe you should ask Joke how he magically got over his anger issues and implement his tactics cause you’re coming off more than a little pressed.
Bare minimum, try not to stand out like a sore thumb. Change up your phrasing. Integrate. As you’re so keen on rules, I’m sure you’ll recall that is one of them
No. 1719139
>>1719132What hypocrisy? Jake was an emotionally and financially
abusive narcissistic cheating moid for years, Kaya got depressed and got fat and stopped doing anything as a result. Those are not in any way the same. Your insistence on disliking Kaya no matter what she's done to better herself, and blaming a woman for staying in an
abusive relationship, is why people think you're Jake. If you want to think she's the same as ever, look at her channel. She's uploading regularly, active on IG and tiktok, so what in your eyes would make her not be a "twat"? Or are you just gonna admit this is all vendetta posting? Cause it's getting really sad.
No. 1719205
File: 1670267279302.png (Spoiler Image,2.54 MB, 1170x2532, 73595651-6A8A-4957-8EFD-D998D6…)

Kaya had this on her insta stories
No. 1719220
>>1719195Yes it is, well done. There was no reason to split off from altcows, milk ran out almost immediately.
>>1719165Kind of wanted to make 32, hoping to put Kaya/Jake discussions back in altcows but I don't think people want to leave this thread even if it's stale.
No. 1719231
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>>1719205That was on there, also. I tried to find the tweet but it couldn’t have been something Jake wrote unless he swiftly deleted it (which wouldn’t surprise me), so has anyone else got an idea what this could be about?
No. 1719321
>>1719285Also "report
No. 1719360
>>1719220why? thank god it was divided! let's make an altcows 32 to talk about the other cows and let this shitshow only here, it's easier to find.
There's more goth wannabes like mamie hades on tiktok now and they're begging to be discussed
No. 1719367
>>1719283>calling kaya's "strange friends" belfast trash>claims to know them, refuses to bring receipts>aggressively defended binge drinking>thinks "sucking clit" is a proper insult>referring to themself as "us">obsessed with Jake's talking points when attacking kaya (fat/lazy)>entirely too invested and angry>always glosses over Jake and KatI used to think it was just some desperate snacc, but now I'm not so sure. It's obvious it's the same anon each time too. We already know Jake reads here, I honestly wouldn't put it past him to post since he clearly can't control himself, but if it isn't him,
nonny needs some serious help.
>>1719360agreed, milk about literally anyone other than jake/kat/kaya gets lost pretty quickly. With all the drama surrounding the videos right now, I think the containment threads seem nessicary. Maybe once things die back down they can go back to alt cows though.
No. 1719410
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>>1719402lol it's another can't laugh at vids react video. This was in the comments. He is such a pathetic controlling narc. "I would love to keep everything private" No you do not fake. Don't talk about respect when you are such a scrote.
No. 1719414
File: 1670283979344.jpg (196.5 KB, 1080x873, Screenshot_20221205-154320_You…)

You fucking posted it first, bro. Without giving her ANY warning. You can't control someone's reaction to YOUR instigation like this. That's like taking the first punch, and being surprised by getting punched back. Then cowering down, and being like "I'll stop if you stop!"
No. 1719437
File: 1670285613162.png (67.04 KB, 1021x538, Untitled.png)

She's smarter than she's being given credit for. Probably too nice for her own good and stayed with the "broken" boy out of pity or a sense of responsibility.
No. 1719441
File: 1670285764139.png (26.31 KB, 789x213, Screenshot 2022-12-06 at 01-12…)

>>1719410Just saving this here for future reference when he can't stop himself from having a hissyfit when Kaya is doing well.
No. 1719443
File: 1670285893847.png (591.47 KB, 718x1325, Polish_20221205_190655446.png)

A response to fake's tweet about how he is currently taking jobs mixing and producing music. I love how the enternet is staying on his ass. Whenever I see his physique, I can't get the image of a 2 litre carton of milk out of my head.>>1719410
No. 1719446
>>1719050>She was upset because her bf would get mad and shout at her after she did nothing with her life during her 20sHe wasn't shouting at her to encourage her(?) did you even watch the video. He went crazy smashing plates because she said 'babe, your turkey' after noticing he left his plate out overnight, she had to run across the street holding her cat to get away from him. He punched walls and threw and broke objects in anger frequently. He would drive erratically on the way to Tesco just to frighten her. He drove all their friends away by being a wet blanket and sexually inappropriate.
He wasn't 'shouting because she is lazy' or some shit, he used it as an excuse to take out his anger issues on her. He could have spent money on a cleaner any day of the week. He could have been encouraging and kind (the only way to actually help someone) but opted to be violent and angry while doing nothing to help her, and apparently that's her fault according to sub-100 iq snaccs like you.
No. 1719472
>>1719380>>1719412lmao why are you so mad? Just make another altcows thread and have a nap. It really isn't that serious.
>>1719416Seriously. The first Jake/kaya thread filled up in just a week. Things might quiet down for a bit during the holidays, but Jake has already proven himself obsessed.
>>1719446I want to add that there have been MANY people who have come forward with stories and experiences about his behavior too. Other content creators, fans, and ex fans have all been sharing negative experiences. Yet Jake has literally no one on his side except for the woman he cheated with?
No. 1719565
>>1719001exactly. depression is a bitch, not to blogpost but tl;dr is that when i'm depressed, the last thing i want to do is clean. combine that with living with a stumpy midget… yeah. i can't blame her too much.
>>1719104it doesn't make it okay, that's the problem. some people are geniunely so fucking retarded and deluded, they think fake is this shining angel who can do no wrong. it's disgusting, and they all need serious mental help.
>>1719165nonnie, this is the jake and kaya thread. if you want a new altcows thread then make one kek
>>1719410'out of respect' KEK THAT'S HILARIOUS. come on fake, we know you don't have any respect whatsoever for kaya. fuck off and go back to your ciggies and vanilla ass sex.
>>1719444so… make a new thread? it's not that hard kek
No. 1719732
File: 1670313238659.png (161.14 KB, 583x394, demonetized.png)

>>1719710Honestly seems he could have been throwing a shit fit because YT demonetized his latest reaction video. kek
No. 1719808
File: 1670325897678.png (675.61 KB, 641x554, lumberjake.png)

>>1719732>>1719789It's the same flannel he was wearing in his kaya bashing video. Almost makes me wonder if he filmed this on the same day given his past filming habits.
No. 1719852
>>1719699Kaya is lazy though. She's retroactively stating she's now had mental illness throughout the majority of her 20s along with sucidial thoughts etc etc. At what point was she going to go and get help for it why did her bf have to be the one to fight with her to go to therapy. He even would eventually admit defeat and was the only one cleaning their living surroundings. Your environment
triggers your mental health something shocking. Adults would realise they'd have to take responsibility for their own surroundings. Kaya is irresponsible af. Her parents really should have intervened sooner, she's nearly 30 and she has like zero life skills. I take it she never wants kids because could you imagine
No. 1719871
>>1719864Hmm, truly a mystery.
So when she was with jake she was lazy, depressed, isolated, fat, sad and nasty.
Now she is without jake and is more active, happy, friendly, lost some fat, cleans her house.
Wow, I wonder what happened!
No. 1719900
>>1719891Jake's a mess too, but he worked in concentrix from 2013 to going part time in 2016. He did a few different campaigns, but was never let go by the company. Moved different departments. He worked, cleaned their home and filmed in his spare time. Kaya lived with him during that time, she herself hardly filmed was not working and now we know she doesn't clean or do anything. Is it really a cause for celebration when a near 30 year old woman is able to clean up? She's been out of her parents home for years now, she's only know getting that she's responsible for herself?
FYI me saying this is not saying Jake is doing the opposite and better. He's went from having a gf that acts like an incapable minor to having a gf with a minor. Man's mental
No. 1719925
File: 1670338391984.png (305.98 KB, 864x651, Screenshot_20221206-094549.png)

>>1719900Tbf if i supported the household with my income from a full time job, kept track of finances to keep bills paid, spent literally all of my spare time working on filming and editing for a YouTube channel, and also was the sole house cleaner while my partner sat in bed on a laptop all day watching me do all that shit I'd feel used and unappreciated too, especially if they also weren't putting out. Like, she failed every purpose a life partner has by not being available emotionally, financially, or intimately. She can cry executive disfunction all she wants, but I'd want out too if i had a partner like her. Lockdown obviously being the reason that relationship lasted longer than it should.
Kaya psycho rushing to get a three hour sobfest tea video uploaded tracks with Jake saying she's the most vengeful person he's ever met. We all remember how she milked the scooter being stolen for 15 minutes as a golden goose to do absolutely nothing productive for months and kept tweeting about how obsessed she was with getting back at people who dared to randomly steal her shit she probably left laying out in the alley instead of closing behind her garden gate.
No. 1719943
File: 1670340143874.png (525.59 KB, 458x464, Screenshot_20221206-101621.png)

>>1719920I think it went here,
nonny. This is all of her shit that she didn't leave behind to get thrown away, but not useful enough to put in her new house. She's said she has stored all this stuff in the studio she's never actually worked in and wants to sell it all because she doesn't have room for it in her new house because she's already bought all new trinkets to decorate it with.
No. 1719945
>>1719926It's not against rules to retroactively bring up stuff especially if other things have came to light.
Like yeah Jake's a short ugly shit head. Kaya's a tall useless bitch. They can both be losers for completely different reasons. So of course they're never ending break up would be gay af.
No. 1719954
>>1719852So, even though Kaya sought help, she didn’t seek help in the way you - or Stumpy - thought was the “correct” way. So she’s useless. But Stumpy - who admits yelling at her, throwing things around her, and generally having anger issues, went to ONE therapy session for his problem and decided he didn’t need it. Then magically “cured himself”. And he’s golden.
Stumpy stans are a piece of work.
No. 1720004
>>1719954Kaya sat on her ass doing nothing for multiple years. That's not depression that's willfully being a lazy useless bitch. They were never short on money. They both were never short on time. Its not like kaya had to let her mental health deteriorate to keep on top of her livelihood or other priorities. She got dumped and it took her over a year to cut ties with Jake. She said he was harrassbing her while she was in London but by the looks of it Jake was trying to get her to finally lift her scooter. She thinks it's
abusive if she has to deviate from any of her endless free time. She needs to get a life.
No. 1720012
>>1719925By your own logic Jake could have gotten off his lazy ass and dumped her years ago for all that if he was so miserable, and without being a cheating homewrecker in the process. So why should we consider him a
No. 1720024
>>1720012Who called him a
victim you dipshit
No. 1720210
>>1720206No harm to you but it's Kaya and Jake's responsibility to manage their mental health not farmers. Maybe the two of them should stop victimising themselves so much and then people on the outside wouldn't be so critical on them.
They both lost more than a decade to each other and everyone else could call it that they were
toxic together. We're not the ones that need a dose of reality.
No. 1720241
>>1720004Kaya needs to get a life, but Stumpy is the one whose been rage posting about her in his comments, made an unprovoked ”tell all” video after a year, and exclusively takes his whore to all the places Kaya introduced him to?
Okay then.
No. 1720366
>>1719852You must have not watched her video. She reveals that she started gaining a lot of weight due to antidepressent medications and even mentions being on and off various other medications including anxiety meds throughout their relationship. She tried to get help throughout, Jake is the one who refused help for his "probably bipolar" that he claims to have just magically wished away.
>>1719859>>1719863My bad, I didn't watch the new video and was just going off the thumbnails, kek. I didn't even realize he had taken that stupid sad posed photo separately from the video. That just makes it so much worse.
>>1719871>>1719952Exactly this. The anon you both are responding to are being intentionally obtuse. She was the breadwinner for most of their relationship. She almost left in 2016, but stayed. Then he love bombed her with money in the end up until Kat wanted a piece and he felt he could finally throw kaya out as he was the one with money now and had a new piece of ass lined up.
No. 1720394
File: 1670368566000.png (741.86 KB, 494x787, Screenshot 2022-12-07 at 00-14…)

What I like about this picture is that even with the chad filter his fat face and neck still are popping out on the sides.
No. 1720423
File: 1670370744188.png (855.45 KB, 688x649, noneckjake.png)

>>1720301made me think of another man-child born without a neck, then I created this atrocity. thank you anon. lmao
>>1720394fantasy vs. reality
No. 1720426
>>1720423Oh god,
nonnie! Next thread pic nomination. Kek!
No. 1720430
File: 1670371193724.png (369.8 KB, 563x433, StumpyDoodle.png)

Seems legit. LOL
No. 1720472
>>1720394Didn't know Roosh V bleached his hair and got tattoos. Hmm
>>1720423Who is that originally? Work of art btw
No. 1720906
File: 1670405042380.jpeg (357.43 KB, 845x1263, 5527C18D-3849-4BFC-B641-0A3831…)

Fakes subs continue to plummet, 9k since he released his video.
No. 1720915
>>1720910Jake doesn't go to see live music because
a) the attention is not constantly on him and he can't fucking stand it.
b) you go to things like that with friends and he has none.
No. 1720923
>>1720906He's so stupid, the video views might pay rent for the month, but the longer he leaves it up the more he'll keep hemorrhaging subs and hurt himself in the long run.
>>1720910tbh Jake probably only clung to dir en grey like he did because he wanted to skinwalk their 5'3" vocalist at the time. kek
No. 1720990
File: 1670413716199.png (29.64 KB, 1114x535, howlowcanyougo.png)

>>1720974I know he made something like 25-30k off that first plushie drop alone. Then there was all the "break the jake" streams on top of that too. Kind of hilarious considering he'd be lucky to scrape together a hundred bucks during recent streams and his second attempt at a plushie failed spectacularly. He must have really though that this was going to go on forever. lmao
>>1720906His patreon is in rough shape too.
No. 1721085
Plenty of my musician friends including myself will tell you that no, we still listen to music between projects at the very least. It gives inspiration for riffs, drums, singing styles, lyrical flow, everything. Not doing it is limiting yourself, because you never really develop or continuing developing the 'ear' for how the music is put together/produced, you never hear anything new, just whatever you work on/put out so you become stale.
It's why his music sounds stale, samey, and his most recent cover was shit.
No. 1721545
>>1721442Kek, first Christmas and he can't afford to buy her anything. Wonder if the buyers remorse is kicking in yet.
>gift of timeHe barely puts out YouTube content, she works part time and they live together. How much more "together" time do they need?!
No. 1721655
>>1721613Beating her under the guise of it being kink, of course. I'm sure he's gonna double down after Kaya called him 'vanilla' kekek
Daddy Shots is gonna need lots of Long Island Iced Teas to forget the visage of Fake choking her and crying while calling her by Kaya's name this holiday season.
No. 1721858
File: 1670472710725.png (341.07 KB, 1082x773, spotify.png)

>>1721803She literally just went and saw The Hu live, they're a folk metal band. There's also a big Jack off Jill backpatch on her jacket? And any quick peek at her posted playlists basically proves you wrong? Not to wk, but you're literally talking out of your ass unsaged-chan.
No. 1721982
File: 1670489924945.jpeg (225.67 KB, 1179x896, FD25CE0E-6069-48AF-A3E6-292CC0…)

He disabled comments on his video. Sorry if this is old milk.
No. 1722184
File: 1670517765807.jpg (197.97 KB, 1344x860, munro.jpg)

Rewatched part of Jake's video, and noticed that when he's talking about how they didn't have separate savings accounts, he intuitively regrets not having opened a secret savings account. He only reflects on the option that they could just each have had a private account, completely above the board, as an afterthought. Honestly surprised he didn't edit it out, it makes him look conniving as fuck.
No. 1722216
>>1722184And you know, if she did this, there would have been hell to pay.
It's very sneaky and underhanded
No. 1722343
>>1721111He's 100% jealous of anyone with more success than him, especially if they're seen as attractive. He hates current alt music and automatically discounts it all because he's an old, elitist prick and treats it with as much disdain as he does the zoomers in his "reacts to" videos.
The number of times he would go off on rants during his streams about how "soandso-frontman is only popular because he's tall/thin" is also astounding. Like it isnt even about the music at that point, its pure aesthetic and jealousy of it.
No. 1722492
>>1722184If he's talking about not opening a secret second account it means he opened a secret second account and is pretending he didn't because he's such a "good guy
victim"L. This man has not one scintilla of creativity or originality and that includes his lies and accusations.
No. 1722633
>>1722184>>1722492If they didn't have separate accounts, why would he have to send Kaya money in the first place? Something doesn't add up here.
>>1722450>>1722504It really doesn't help the video he decided to introduce Kat with is quite literally titled "GETTING DRUNK IN BARCELONA WITH MY GIRFRIEND" and basically any time he posts her to his social media it's them with drink in hand or her falling over drunk.
No. 1722776
>>1722736"We don't have the kind of time to just sit in the house and drink all day"
What do you mean???? Seriously, you do YouTube for a living and stream, SITTING DOWN. What a fucking troglodyte… They post about doing EXACTLY that all the time.
No. 1722789
File: 1670562629518.jpg (394.13 KB, 905x787, drunkgoth.jpg)

>>1722763Let's not forget the 'Drunk Goth' series he did on his channel. And the streams he was drunk during, including the one where he apparently got emotional and poor Kaya had to trundle him off to bed before he made more of a fool of himself. (Still wish someone had clipped that…)
No. 1722878
>>1722736"We both have professional jobs" lmao is he talking about his youtube/streaming job or his failing music career?
"We both have friends, social circles" is also hilarious considering he said literally in the same video that he has no friends because he doesn't like having friends
No. 1722902
File: 1670580284673.png (1.18 MB, 1843x939, keep drinking jake it wont bri…)

>>1722789Really interesting too isn't it, that if you search for each of them individually + the word drunk, there's no shortage of Jake drunk, but Kaya at most just posted about absinthe at the oddities museum.
Worth noting when I searched "
toxic tears drunk" I got Jake and Skat's Barcelona video and Jake's 2 hours of whining, meaning he's still tagging her for hidden SEO purposes. But she's the leech, huh Fake?
No. 1722928
File: 1670584382412.jpeg (428.03 KB, 1170x1565, 0EC70F8D-4065-4A6F-A1A6-92B18A…)

10k subscribers gone. And it’s not like they’ve all jumped ship to Kaya either, she’s gained what 2k? Seems like people can smell arsehole and don’t want to stick around for when he next shits the bed.
No. 1722952
File: 1670586473541.png (474.32 KB, 590x928, hollyconrad.png)

Cow crossover. Noticed that Jake has occasionally liked Holly's photos from time to time on twitter. I guess cheaters are his "type".
>>1722902kek at the filename
No. 1722983
File: 1670591979380.png (362.29 KB, 509x832, kidsgettinghurt.png)

>>1722742more of jake laughing at kids getting hurt. Seems like one of the only times you genuinely see him smile
No. 1722984
File: 1670592072525.png (832 KB, 515x915, stream.png)

>>1722983guess it's how he spent his time at the end of his stream
No. 1723681
>>1722928-10k on a video with less than 200k views is so bad, he is immune to "signs" like this or he wouldn't keep torpedoing his career.
The fans who unsub are the ones who often were stans before, like it isn't casual viewers who kneejerk unsub. It's the more dedicated fans who pay close attention.
No. 1723735
File: 1670650973413.png (87.53 KB, 702x642, gawfboii.png)

>>1722983This is up there with that time he called himself a "hunky british lad". What are these people smoking. lmao
No. 1723772
File: 1670656611374.jpeg (107.58 KB, 1284x302, 37DD315A-39B7-424F-B12C-A1925A…)

2 days ago and hasn’t broken 10k views
No. 1723782
File: 1670658295558.jpg (75.58 KB, 591x298, angela.jpg)

No. 1723883
File: 1670678271672.jpg (104.31 KB, 830x224, amnesia.jpg)

Fake's streaming Amnesia right now. Really has his finger on the pulse of the horror games scene, doesn't he? Seriously…There are so many games he could be playing, and he is going through the stale old trends still.
No. 1723893
File: 1670680527398.jpg (137.66 KB, 918x522, comment1.jpg)

No. 1723894
File: 1670680550291.jpg (118.85 KB, 936x426, comment2.jpg)

No. 1723999
>>1723894>saged for spergOkay Kaya has a point here. Abuse
victims are often in love with their abuser, or they think they are. Every so often their abuser will do something kind, or show a glimmer of redemption the
victim will latch onto and use that one instance of decent human behavior to validate all the shite their abuser puts them through. Watched my mother go through it. In a LTR the
victim may also cling to the past, believing their
abusive partner can go back to being the incredible person they fell in love with. Fake was/is a manipulative, angry cunt who likely tore Kaya down mentally and emotionally. She wasn't stable to begin with and he fucked her up even worse. Trying to claw your way out of that situation is a monumental battle and should not be regarded as "you just gotta wake up and muscle through the horror". Not everyone can do that when they're crippled by fear and sadness. Sorry nonnies I just hate that whole "you could have left any time" bullshit. When you're in a fucked relationship and scared, abused over years it's not always obvious.
No. 1724041
>>1723894>it's your fault for being abused you should have left
>actually you should read about why victims don't leave>I'm sorry for being snappy Did she really apologize to that stupid youtube comment? I hate social media so much this bitch should have gotten punched in the jaw for telling an abuse
victim she needed to grow and it was her fault some unhinged moid abused her throughout her relationship. But instead she gets an apology? Kaya grow a spine, you were abused and he was a wickedly bad person and you don't need to fucking apologize to random people on the internet who decide from their comfy bedrooms it was acktushly your fault for "not being strong enough". The fuck.
No. 1724114
File: 1670697124598.jpeg (Spoiler Image,101.58 KB, 738x812, B059E398-BAF1-4B1E-AD76-D077F3…)

>>1724085 sort of already takes about , but I can’t get over how big and bulky her jaw is
No. 1724574
File: 1670738436647.png (227.9 KB, 378x363, 00002139.png)

>>1724114not sure why you posted this nitpick unsaged and spoilered tbh, but I'm kind of surprised anons are defending this photo in particular because she looks awful here. There's definitely something off about the lower half of her face, kinda like it's been punched in? I figure it's probably just her underbite tho, it's been pretty noticeable in other photos.
No. 1724617
>>1724609I mean, we aren't. Though tbf we've also never seen Kat without caked on makeup or heavy filters/editing so it's really hard to compare the two in the first place.
give Kat another 11 years with Jake and I'm sure she'll look worse for wear too lmao
No. 1724619
File: 1670744766287.jpg (800.63 KB, 1080x1879, Screenshot_20221210-234511_Ins…)

>>1724617Correct. Here's Kaya 10 years ago, before Jake took his toll on her life. Skat will follow suit.
No. 1724657
>>1724646Kaya looks fat in
>>1724619 tho
No. 1724669
File: 1670750093442.jpg (109.43 KB, 648x972, d4pj47m-e0f6e3ee-2b7a-4e35-95d…)

>>1724657>can't see her body>"kaya looks fat"kek
No. 1724680
File: 1670752332523.png (652.96 KB, 843x886, 00340589348.png)

>>1724673This is the last time I spoonfeed you lmao
No. 1724681
>>1724678I'll reserve judgement for a video of Kaya in motion kek, she photoshops her photos a lot.
>>1724680So she was a teenager. Kek and people call info from the Jake breaking his silence video old milk. Kaya biggest achievement to date is how she looked as a teen. Class.
No. 1724682
>>1724674 "unfortunate dad features" wtf are you even talking about?
I don't care about either of their weight tbh bc this isn't the ana thread. Kat is not attractive to me in any way because she is constantly eye-fucking the camera, it looks desperate and weird when you are in your 30s with a kid. She is 100% one of those "teehee I don't really have any women friends, girls don't like me" pick-me types.
Kaya occasionally looks great and genuinely alt rather than just porn-star pick me goth like Kat but I don't think she dresses for her shape. She looked really nice in a more casual kind of way here though
>>1716493 and she has improved her style so much this year, I used to think she looked terrible but have actually wanted to copy some of her make up looks over the last six months. Amazing what a difference ditching a scumbag can make.
No. 1724689
>>1724681As if flake doesn't either? His is to hide his very obvious bloat, yikes. Everyone photoshoots their stuff and if you claim you don't you're a fucking liar, lol
>>1724684Oh look it's one of flakeys braindead snacks.
No. 1724690
>>1724686Well you should go back and read them because her dad features have came up before lol.
>>1724688It was asked if the photo of her in the contacts was the same year. I didn't asked to be spoonfed another photo of her from her "best" era but cool you've got those photos so handy to share. Fan behaviour.
No. 1724692
>>1724690 Just because you've been waving your hate boner around for years here doesn't make it any more true.
Curious what you make of Skat's nose Lol-at-the-end-of-every-sentence-anon? BC side by side Skat's nose looks much more large and unpleasant to my eye's than Kaya's.
No. 1724694
>>1724692Weird language to use on a board of cows. Kaya isnt off limits in this thread you weird cunt, how about get over your throbbing boner for Kaya and get some taste lol.
I have to admit I haven't really noticed Kat's nose as much because I'm not fixated on hating some random because some ugly cunt is shagging her. I've saw Kaya's face over the years from irl and social media and her nose has always been honking to me. Also I hate her facial jewellery but I get that's part of her aesthetics, personally I just find they make her look awkward and unclean.
No. 1724700
>>1724690You asked a question and got an answer, what more do you expect?
>>1724694No one's off limits here, you just make stupid fucking posts. Skat is as much apart of this saga as flakeys Photoshopped OF's unfortunately.
No. 1724753
Incoming tinfoil, but didn’t Kaya say that when Jake did the “cleaning”, he just threw everything in to bags and boxes? And that Kat helped him sort them?
I might be wrong here - and I know Kaya is the one with a medical file that says ADHD - but isn’t the making of doom boxes (just throwing stuff in bags and boxes never to be sorted while cleaning never to be touched again) and not being able to sort threw stuff and put things in there places kind of common for people with ADHD?
Add in his impulsive decisions to jump on every trend, aggression as the emotion he is closest to, tendens to be violent, and plan a million prodjects that he nerver have the motivation to follow through with, get studios and bikes he never plays with…
To me it sounds like there might be someone else that would need to go to thearapy (like that’s ever gonna happen) and look in to a diagnoses as well… not that is could excuse any of his bad behaviour, and he would absolutely uase that as a money pit to milk his followers, but wouldn’t it be funny considering how he talks down to Kaya end here mental problems?
*English not first language, sorry for made up words, spelling and grammar. I suck.
No. 1724756
File: 1670766305036.png (610.23 KB, 720x1640, Screenshot_20221211-134323.png)

No. 1724783
>>1724702>Again you seem confused where you are. Youre on lolcow. >Seriously you weird fans need to get more creative."weird fans" reminds me of "weird friends" and someone in particular who uses "lol" as punctuation.
>Sorry I haven't suddenly given Kat's socials a good deep diveYet you care enough about the drama to post on lolcow. You seem confused where you are. You're not better than anyone here.
>Far as I can tell Kat doesn't speak or update on anything.She updates her socials often, mostly Onlyfans. And she doesn't speak because she has nothing good to say.
>So giving enough of a fuck to hate her would be an effort. It actually comes very naturally. Btw, learn to integrate, Fake.
You are fucking transparent and stick out like a sore scrote.
No. 1724788
>>1724783Kaya and Jake have been lolcows for many many years for their weirdness, the two of them acting like perpetual
victims and being shite goths. Kat is the catalyst that made the gruesome twosome finally break up, something that shouldn't have lasted as long as it did. There's not much milk in calling Kat ugly and a cheater like that's known that's immediately innate in this drama. Talking about the actual two cows is a hell of a lot more interesting than reading more vendetta sounding posts about how ugly Kat is when Kaya isn't much better or worse depending on your view.
Also who fucking cares if someone uses lol at the end of a sentence. Is that milk? Is it milk that in a Kaya and Jake thread some users will hate Kaya?
Report for hi cow. You guys really would love direct attention from Jake, well I'm sorry I'm not him but you can tell me to fuck off, hopefully it makes you feel better. Maybe give you enough energy to put a bit of litter in the bin.
No. 1724831
File: 1670773209330.jpg (688.72 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20221211_163935_Gal…)

I am rooting for Kaya, but the last 2 days she is kinda whiney about her job as an influencee.
No. 1724833
File: 1670773263888.jpg (446.18 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20221211_164045_Gal…)

>>1724831And this one today
No. 1724846
File: 1670774408402.jpg (238.39 KB, 1080x922, 2_Instagram.jpg)

Yikes. I'd learn to smile with my mouth closed if I were her.
No. 1725297
>>1725145Oh god it’s you,
Anyway, I saw this pic on her Facebook with Sebastian, and I can’t stop laughing
No. 1725301
File: 1670809783177.jpeg (232.64 KB, 945x981, 04807462-47A7-4154-824F-790C5C…)

Forget to post
No. 1725310
File: 1670810237710.jpeg (232.72 KB, 1169x1130, 959DA61E-A1AE-4ABD-8DBB-F05182…)

Too cute!!
No. 1725319
>>1725282Tbh, wouldn't take any issue with team anti Kaya if salty anon wouldn't go on these massive sperg fests about random shit with no receipts. They always seem so desperate to turn the conversation onto Kaya to the point of making shit up (e.g. her "belfast trash" friends being crackwhores) or being a contrarian about stupid shit like "binge drinking is totally normal". I'll agree though, as much as I want kaya to do better post break-up there's still a chance for her to produce milk, it's just been awfully slow and boring on her end outside any Jake involved events.
>>1725297>>1725301>>1725310Sebastian is cute, but this isn't milk and doesn't need to be posted here, especially unsaged. Please read the rules and integrate.
No. 1725470
>>1724756looking cozy with the cute (in comparison to Jake) dude in the xmas sweater. Jake, do not trust your fugly slut!
tin foil but what if they’re swingers now, so that’s why jake isn’t bothered. it’s the only thing that makes sense given he has 0 friends, no interest in friends, and severe jealousy issues.
No. 1725495
File: 1670839802410.jpg (59.04 KB, 435x717, 00023-002304.jpg)

>>1724756>>1725470The body language between her and the dude Jake wishes he looked like is definitely extremely cozy. If you crop the picture closer they definitely look like the couple out of the four of them. I bet Kat isn't going to be allowed around this dude anymore in the near future. kek
Jake would never be a swinger. He's too vanilla and would never allow another man to cuck him, even if it meant he got to sleep around because it would eat him up inside wondering about the dude's penis size and possible height. He's more the type to try to be in a "one penis policy" throuple relationship if anything. Let's pray it never comes to that for Kat's toddler's sake.
No. 1725554
>>1725509Just look at his face in that photo though, you can tell just by looking at him that he doesn't want to be there, it's the same look he had around Kaya and her friends. He just can't stand not being the sole center of attention. You just
know he wanted to meltdown about how close Kat and that other guy are, just think of Kayas anecdote about the attractive goth guy asking her for a lighter and giving her a smile- that sent Jake spiraling so badly it almost ruined the whole trip. It's genuinely only a matter of time, I hope Kat has more of a backbone and ditches him over his inevitable impotent rages.
No. 1725767
>>1724753That’s what I was wondering. Jake was apparently just as messy as she was and does not claim to have adhd. So in his case rarely/barely cleaning actually
is a flaw in his character and he’s projecting all that “lack of respect” on Kaya, who he clearly has never shown respect to. Fascinating how the ‘lazy slob’ narrative stuck more easily to the woman in the relationship when he wasn’t any better.
No. 1725770
File: 1670874935613.png (567.77 KB, 720x1640, Screenshot_20221212-195453.png)

No. 1725889
File: 1670884085767.jpg (34.79 KB, 1001x138, Uglythings.jpg)

Finally, an explanation why "Lady Allura" is so obsessed with Jake! She is also so annoying kek. She only ever talks about food or parrots Jake's opinions.
No. 1725918
File: 1670886019361.jpg (596.68 KB, 1079x1791, Brynn.jpg)

>>1725898Kek, I knew you'd be the first to respond. There's one anon here that's obsessed with her being a tranny. As a woman, I know another woman when I see one, even under the filters. She's like in her early 20's, not a teen. Her fat distribution is 100% female and has hella cleavage. Unless the filter is providing that too? Kek. Show receipts or stfu and find somewhere else to project your weird issues.
No. 1725977
>>1725770Jesus fucking wept, Amy Lee Allen’s face needs to come with a jump scare warning.
Also, I swear I just had a stroke trying to understand what the fucking gremlin was even saying, it reads like they’ve got Kat and (the child) hostage in the next room and they’re sending out superchats as ransom notes kek
No. 1725987
>>1725770"Amy lee" using the "little man" to help drum up stream donations? I wonder what the context of what was going on in the stream. Weird that anon dropped the screencap but nothing else.
>>1725918>Hella cleavageCringe
She is a girl though, her Facebook has a couple of younger photos of her in between all the shit Jake edits she spams everywhere. I can kind of see the confusion given her extreme abuse of filters though. Lmao
No. 1726044
>>1726010Agreed. Also, tinfoil for speculation only: probably collecting all that money to save his ass for possible court fees if - IF - his dumbass still desides to make a response video.
Skat gonna guilt trip him and she's gonna have to scoop him up off the desk in his tear-induced drinking episode 2.0
No. 1726083
>>1726068I've managed to tune into all his past streams before he privates them except for this one and he absolutely doesn't get large donations like this regularly anymore. Judging by the "top donation" board on his layout, it looks like these all came in around the same time too with only small donations prior. Many of the original "break the jake" donators aren't even around anymore. This is what makes me wonder if he was shilling some kind of sob story in order to drum up larger donations or maybe even milking the drama? He's been trying to paint himself the
victim for quite some time now.
No. 1726146
File: 1670906201858.png (36.91 KB, 887x753, happy anniversary.png)

Just a few more days until the one year anniversary of the break-up announcement. So far Jake has lost roughly 200 patreon subscribers (over 2/3rds of his subs) and 50k youtube subs. Wonder how he feels now that half a million subs are drifting farther and farther away. kek
No. 1726424
File: 1670947853053.png (972.01 KB, 720x1640, Screenshot_20221213-161036.png)

No. 1726427
>>1726420Wasn't he sent money for a figurine in LA because he hinted he had no money? Or am I remembering wrong?
I always thought he begged more than her
No. 1726429
File: 1670948369486.png (580.72 KB, 720x1640, Screenshot_20221213-161024.png)

No. 1726782
>>1726424It may be a tired and possibly irrelevant subject at this point, but dear lord do his tattoos look godawful. Sorry for the derail, I just can’t help it every time an image of his bloated mug pops up.
Like, it’s tragic. Especially for a narc who’s SO much obsessed with looks, the visual presentation of things, the facade, painting an image in every sense of the term, and micromanaging the way said image is curated… I just can’t wrap my head around such a poor choice. Of everything.
Like, the dude picked out these artists, worked out his ideas with them, a-okay-ed the designs and the placements, and paid them… to get all of that?? It makes no sense. Especially with how controlling and greedy he is. I will never believe he’s looking in the mirror every day thinking it’s good.
No. 1726822
>>1726751I don't remember him wearing his hair like this until fairly recently too. Before he used to slick it back or spike it up. Wonder if he's suddenly become insecure about his ugly wrinkled Gordon Ramsay forehead from reading here. Poor Jake! You all should really donate to the hair plug fund.
>>1726782He only paid someone for the atrocity that is his tattooed headwound. Kat did the ugly doodles on his cheek and by his ear. I feel like this point goes back to what
>>1726396 said about how he doesn't have any real friends to give him any sound advice. Kat actively helped him ruin his face even further and once they ultimately break up too, he'll be forever stuck with a reminder of daddy shots scribbled right in the middle of his face. kek
No. 1726857
File: 1670985644584.jpg (490.56 KB, 1080x1326, Screenshot_20221213-204010_Gal…)

>>1726843Lmao oh no he paid someone for the shrek castle. The scratchy bloodborne and X were all her tho
No. 1727281
>>1727259There's barely anything else to summarise, that's the thing. Jake was going off about Kaya in various comment sections and the whole breakup part 2 via videos happened. Most milk was related to them, there was very little mention of anyone else. I wanna merge the threads because this one is mainly commentary now.
>>1727277Altcows did die without them which will make people feel like there is no point to continue with altcows 32, but I like getting updates on other people like Dorian and IBF. Think I'll make the thread tomorrow, ran out of time today.
No. 1727347
File: 1671048026985.jpg (225.09 KB, 1078x952, 20221214_115529.jpg)

I think that Jake's change in appearance is solely to appease Kat and fit in with her friends. We already know that he's starting to look like Dean. Kat's entire friend group is like that. They all look/dress the same. Here's an example of Kat with two other women from Meraki. They wear their hair and makeup the same, nearly identical septum piercings. There's really nothing that feels "alt" about them.
No. 1727775
File: 1671084229412.png (1.05 MB, 1297x563, 00039.png)

His video really did nothing but help her channel in the end. Her patreon is up almost 200 subs since the video dropped and her videos are getting more views than ever. Meanwhile his are still barely breaking 10k in a whole week. Hope that end of the year one time money grab was all worth it Jake. lmao
No. 1728123
File: 1671134578973.png (603.07 KB, 720x1640, Screenshot_20221215-200229.png)

No. 1728358
>>1728171Can you not read? I said the anons constantly complaining about the alt cows thread being dead should consider finding new cows. Its pretty simple. I'm indifferent to the threads merging or staying separate because ultimately I'm just here to laugh at Jake who is more chav than alternative these days.
>>1728182I have the app that allows you to see the like to dislike ratio on videos and her videos perform better than his in that department as well. Last time I checked his "breaking my silence" video was about 50/50 on likes to dislikes which is hilarious compared to her being like 90% or more positive. He's bombed out his own career and accidently drew in more sympathy, views, and followers for her in the end. I feel like these last few big donations we're seeing are the death throes from the handful of remaining superfans of his. We saw a similar group attached to onisions hip until the very end too.
No. 1728386
File: 1671159142377.jpg (270.32 KB, 504x803, plaidlad.jpg)

No. 1728433
File: 1671166081863.png (16.79 KB, 735x132, MyGFandIgetDrunkInBarcelona 2.…)

No. 1728605
>>1728525Lmao are you lost?
When did the photo that’s the thread pic for the new altcows get posted? I must have missed it. It’s the one of fakes Snapchat?
No. 1728644
>>1728525>nothing wrong with that thoThis is a
TERF site, you're in the wrong place
No. 1729556
File: 1671295790023.png (67.4 KB, 238x182, thisfeelslikeafookincult.png)

I'm going through it all and this shit feels like a cult with all his 'snaacs' blindly praising/worshipping/dickriding.
Yet so far nothing milk worthy
No. 1729610
File: 1671306034020.png (151.88 KB, 258x217, kek.PNG)

Saged cause I'm not sure it's milk worthy.
He's currently streaming. Looks to be putting on the pounds and obnoxiously 'flexed' while stretching. How full of himself is this scrote??
No. 1729616
>>1729610looking like a fat butch lesbian kek
but in all seriousness he is getting HUGE now but sure he'll just claim its all muscle
No. 1729944
File: 1671353211701.jpg (172.98 KB, 1009x1711, Screenshot_20221218-024223.jpg)

His hair is lookin' reaaaal thin these days….
No. 1729965
File: 1671357394174.jpg (66.09 KB, 220x326, The_Boss_Baby_poster.jpg)

>>1729944he looks like the boss baby and not in a good way.
No. 1729982
>>1729616That's so mean to actual butch lesbians keeek. Fake looks like a chubby teen with some type of hormone imbalance that gives him a beard and a receding hairline while also retaining a pre puberty doughy face like
>>1729965 suggested. I'd like to know what he eats/drinks in a day to look this shit.
No. 1730090
File: 1671384303126.jpg (1.11 MB, 1080x1879, Screenshot_20221218-092006_Ins…)

My God his stories are so fucking boring now compared to how they used to be. "Family" is like his main personality trait now.
No. 1730396
>>1730392It's her copy & paste alt pinterest fashion. I don't think she's involved in BDSM at all.
I actually hate the way she dresses kek. It's so uninspired.
No. 1730640
File: 1671446829742.jpeg (1.06 MB, 1170x2089, 94CB06C3-4C14-4A1F-AB9F-903D48…)

I wonder if she’s going to go into any detail of his sulky behaviour at their group meet and greet?
No. 1730743
>Jake trying to pretend like his video didn't happenHe went out of his way to post that video
a year after he broke up with her. So no, no ones going to let him forget about it. Probably for the duration of his Channel.
No. 1730856
File: 1671474303690.png (56.08 KB, 340x443, PrinceGristle.png)

Was watching this annoying cartoon with a friend's kid, and one of the characters reminds me of someone…
No. 1731099
File: 1671490562028.jpg (239.59 KB, 507x824, whytho.jpg)

No. 1731134
File: 1671492320860.png (466.59 KB, 501x525, wtfisgoingon.PNG)

What the hell is going on with his hairline
No. 1731278
File: 1671506585146.png (1.39 MB, 1250x703, Screenshot 2022-12-20 at 04-03…)

In Kaya's new vid she confirms talking to the police and her solicitor regarding Fake in London. Really wonder what the hell Jake did behind the scenes that a pushover like Kaya felt the need for a solicitor.
No. 1731280
>>1723787now now
nonnie, let's not insult uncle fester like that
>>1724831honestly this just rubs me the wrong way, and it always has. i would love to have her job, to be able to work from home and make fun and creative videos. sitting down in front of a camera, tidying the area that's visible in the background… it really isn't that difficult. i get being mentally ill, but come on. i am admittedly more a fan of kaya than fake, but it frustrates me that she whinges so much about her very easy, very privileged job. sage for blogpost, but that's just my two cents on it.
>>1730606okay but… do we actually know
anything about dean? his hobbies, friends, social life, bad habits? i know fake and skat are terrible, i'm not trying to belittle that, but i honestly wonder what type of person dean is, and if he's any better than fake and skat or if he's just as bad as them, albeit more quiet about it.
No. 1731685
File: 1671908161939.gif (414.68 KB, 200x194, 1671499507552.gif)

Me when I was waiting for the site to come back up.
No. 1736784
File: 1672782709724.jpg (725.91 KB, 970x5126, Screenshot_20230103-135002_Chr…)

Skat continues making porn for a whole audience of 2-3 people. Why does she even bother at this point? How embarrassing.
No. 1736931
File: 1672800306843.jpg (80.62 KB, 1080x475, ScreenshotInstagram.jpg)

>>1736784Kat also follows Jake's sister on her OF account. What the fuck, is she socially tone-deaf? Imagine you have a sibling, a brother, and his new girlfriend forces their pornographic content into your field of view.
No. 1737107
>>1736784Sad thing is jake Is probably one off the two people who liked it.
Why pay for pictures and videos when she posts the same content for free on her Instagram once you seen one picture it is all the same
No. 1738143
File: 1672958986776.jpeg (376.74 KB, 1284x2023, 658E4637-F9BF-4034-A7BC-F3ABF8…)

No. 1738145
File: 1672959010107.jpeg (330.96 KB, 1284x2372, D5266632-0C19-4999-8BF0-8D6592…)

No. 1738200
File: 1672962449724.jpg (310.07 KB, 1080x1897, 20230105_153532.jpg)

The way Skat poses makes her proportions look absolutely insane. What is provocative about this pose, really? It is insanely amateur. Her head is so massive in proportion to her body that she looks like an actual bobblehead. Her arm is across her stomach which conveys insecurity, and then her other arm takes up the whole bottom right frame? Kek, use the camera timer, dumb bitch. Learn how to pose and maybe your OF wouldn't flop so fucking hard.
No. 1738273
>>1738250I understand, he’s shaped, berry weirdly, well to me in general, not sure is he’s a
Winks, but lol his body is awfully weird looking
No. 1738304
>>1738250He's male but a huge narc, insecure, photoshopped and filtered to the nines so the dick we see (and erased from our minds) in those photos looks fake because it is. Kaya's doing him a solid by not outing his fake nudes.
>>1737776I think a lot of snaccs might have had fantasies about him the same way people had crushes on Corpse Husband, but seeing his sexless, soulless, selfies where he stares blankly while holding his photoshopped dick would definitely disprove any imaginings of sensitive lovers. Women are big purchasers of erotic fiction, it's all about the imagination and you get a lot further with a female audience by being mysterious. The OF was such a nail in the coffin of his career.
No. 1738600
>>1738304I've honestly never seen a more sexless, passionless nsfw picture than Jake's attempts at only fans, his dead eyes staring directly at the camera while he poses his cottage cheese looking body as awkwardly as possible, the full exposure of his pube stubble so severe that anyone looking at it and imagining sex with him would also have to imagine the pokey carpet burn experience of having that bang up against you until HE came, not you. The awful filtering and editing as well where he'd wash it all in blue or red making his skin look
even worse as a woman I am still repulsed at the memories of those onlyfans leaks. They were poison to his career as much as they're poison to look at.
I'll also never forget when they hadn't announced the break-up and Kaya was talking about how intensely sad and depressed she was, how much of an awful place she was in mentally, how she never thought she'd feel better and no one knew wtf was going on meanwhile Jake the Snake was posting thirst trap insta stories of him flexing shirtless at the exact same time, that was my first taste of true disdain for him, it was so fucking tone deaf.
No. 1739111
File: 1673077458893.jpg (668.64 KB, 1500x1500, Cheap and Basic.jpg)

Nice Aliexpress costume, Skat. KEKEK. I can't stop laughing at how generic she dresses. Anyone else think it's weird how she dresses "kawaii" for porn but that isn't how she is irl? She is a poser who uses actual subcultures like kawaii fashion, gaming, and biking for her porn.
No. 1739193
>>1739111Since no new milk has been coming up of late about jake the fake, I'm waiting on a new video release of him bitching about us farmers talking shit about Kat the Skat now. kek. I doubt it, because he is that lazy.
>>1739186I am in agreement. But regardless of who picks what, both of their tastes are terrible. kek
No. 1739737
File: 1673183969602.gif (47.31 KB, 360x267, maxx.gif)

>>1739111boob window so empty it lookin like this mf
No. 1740757
>>1740400Idk why this point gets contested, anyone in the UK who has bought a vehicle through a finance agreement through the dealership which Kaya explicitly states, will have free servicing and repairs to maintain the vehicle.
Its amusing she embellishes and ebegs when she's probably more disposable income than 90% of her fans but if people really want to believe she wouldn't post receipts or bills for sympathy that's fine.
No. 1741375
File: 1673378738257.png (905.35 KB, 733x751, f60f7583cc30bbd97b2f06dc9d1a79…)

F to all the drywall in fake's house
No. 1741376
File: 1673378849983.png (829.89 KB, 736x763, c0d559145703c98600df9c2bdea252…)

she's definitely baiting for people to question whose hands these are and what her relationship is with them, and i hope it chaps jake's ass, good for her
No. 1741462
>>1715825I am late catching up to this thread but Anon… You are so correct. I'm sure others have noticed too that he's been montizing the fuck out of poor Kat and her son. Did she have an OF before getting involved with Jake? (I'm not making her out to be a saint here as it was hers and jakes choice to actively cheat on their partners.)
>>1715826RIGHT KEK I have taken notice of those stupid poses myself and it's cracking me up that he seems to be pulling these poses when he wants to try to pull in sympothy or like this anon posted
> Constipationkek
Also yeah what is with the 'x' on his face??
No. 1741504
>>1741490First, sage your shit.
Second, cute projection.
>Someone report this derailing faggot. No. 1741509
>>1741504ignore that anon,
nonnie its probs skat based on her grammar kek or jake himself with his narc rage zoid happening
No. 1741534
File: 1673394522062.png (234.03 KB, 471x793, riptodrywalls.PNG)

>>1741375lol fake really about to fook up em drywalls mate check it
im hoping for good milk when he attempts to sabotage by showing up since shes hosting
No. 1741582
File: 1673399667202.jpg (85.45 KB, 1080x465, 20230110_171243.jpg)

>>1741462He has been monetizing her since the very beginning of the relationship, with OF and "getting drunk in Barcelona with my girlfriend" vlog. She did not have OF before they got together. Seems like Jake would have learned his lesson about monetizing relationships after using MAG to push their "long term relationship comedy". When you monetize your relationship, it is no longer just your relationship. Everyone will be involved in your love life, sex life, home life, and inevitable break up.
No. 1741586
File: 1673400485394.jpg (70.62 KB, 1080x919, 20230110_172515.jpg)

Dumb bitch needs to get her daddy issues in check before being trusted to be a mother. Poor kid is being raised by a mentally deficient boozer. Get therapy, Skat. Isaac needs a mother more than you need a "daddy".
No. 1741615
File: 1673404442028.jpg (63.41 KB, 460x777, skatthepoledancer.jpg)

Doing it in a class is one thing, but I remember seeing a post where skat was doing this at a kids playground
No. 1741618
File: 1673404806857.jpg (96.19 KB, 454x821, ohdamn.jpg)

Skat released a video clip of events about a week ago on her Instagram account involving Jake and Isaac as well as with friends. And of course, the second vid in is of "drinks".
No. 1741623
>>1741376those are clearly female hands though
>>1741618kek he's so fucking fat lmfao
No. 1741724
>>1741158It was posted 5 months ago
>>1599269, just a screenshot of the breakdown of the repairs and interestingly enough it says costs selected £0.00 because she wouldn't have to pay it, she's just getting a copy of the servicing documents.
No. 1741759
File: 1673426095367.png (122.8 KB, 275x238, 0F977742-D72E-464F-8D86-BD6E16…)

bumping. careful scrolling anons, there’s cp.
No. 1741862
>>1741623>those are clearly female hands thoughI bet if Kaya got a girlfriend that would piss his misogynistic ass off even more than a boyfriend lol.
>>1741759I hate that I use this website sometimes.
No. 1742113
File: 1673471915917.jpg (841.51 KB, 1600x1200, Tracing.jpg)

Some of Skat's latest traced work. Still is from the anime Demon Slayer. I would love to see this talentless bitch actually draw something, for ONCE.
No. 1742385
File: 1673495880687.png (1.37 MB, 1290x830, Screenshot 2023-01-12 at 04-56…)

Everything about this is shit. The placement. The lining. The colours. Imagine the pain to end up with this.
No. 1742394
>>1742385It should be higher up and not ending up near the waistband/ass crack.
Like the poster above me suggested, I can unquestionably see it would have been a beautiful thigh tattoo, possibly wrapping up to the hip.
But, no. Kat's placements for almost all back pieces seem to be predominantly centred like this image. The colours are bland and lifeless.
No. 1742637
>>1742141Add that to the list of broken promises by jake
-more vlogs
-more bike videos/channel
-no more tiktok
-better content
Pretty sure a lot was promised in the breakup video too.
No. 1742852
File: 1673544551934.png (113.73 KB, 235x227, Screenshot 2023-01-12 at 18-26…)

>>1742392That really is one fucked up bee: missing wing, missing legs, weird leg and the antlers are in the wrong spot.
No. 1743309
File: 1673571163792.png (157.64 KB, 347x665, why.PNG)

No. 1743311
File: 1673571204587.jpg (87.51 KB, 720x1362, why.jpg)

No. 1743382
>>1742637Yep, should also add:
> happy wholesome family vlogs> a new song released every month of 2023 by the time he released the "breaking my silence" video, he allegedly had 3 songs wrapped up and ready to go for the first 3 months of the year. kek
No. 1743386
File: 1673578663705.jpg (679.38 KB, 1080x1486, Screenshot_20230112-185559_Ins…)

Jake said he needed a "mature" woman in his breaking the silence video, and was referring to this. I am fucking speechless.
No. 1743392
>>1743386This is especially cringe keeping in mind that
this is something she’s considering a legitimate (side) job.
Not just idk an occasional goofy mum-meltdown post intended for her friends to see.
A truly "mature" 34yo woman, mother of one, indeed.
No. 1743502
>>1743417next thread pic lol.
am really enjoying how much he’s dropped off in any activity besides streaming what i’m guessing is terribly boring gameplay b/c he needs the donations for survival. he probably can’t vlog due to the presence of her kid & definitely is living in the reality of that situation. meanwhile he collects revenue from patreon & onlyfans without producing content.
what happened to his stomach tattoo, the studio or whatever he slapped together for vr stuff., any of the music he claimed to be working on lol.
No. 1743537
File: 1673596420407.jpg (342.1 KB, 1000x677, 1000_F_257273212_pE8kVDKxeeYGO…)

Point bump don't scroll nonnies
No. 1743549
File: 1673599267045.jpg (Spoiler Image,19.79 KB, 300x300, miganmandarine.jpg)

>>1743311He is doing the same thing with his mouth as mikan kek. "cute", not.
No. 1743812
File: 1673636596785.jpg (122.06 KB, 1080x260, WholesomeFamilyVlog.jpg)

>>1743382> happy wholesome family vlogsMeanwhile, Kaya actually DOES put out her OWN family vlog. With her ACTUAL family.
No. 1743877
File: 1673642378980.png (513.49 KB, 680x479, 195.png)

>>1743812Now that she's a free woman she's starting to put out regular content. Hmm.
No. 1743965
File: 1673647167708.png (466.98 KB, 491x808, new_art.png)

No. 1743967
File: 1673647253883.png (388.64 KB, 495x829, plushie.png)

Possibly the plushie? (and other things)
No. 1743972
File: 1673647761891.png (701.87 KB, 700x871, no_free_feets.PNG)

"No free feets lol"
No. 1744349
>>1744293There's not much proof of her inviting Belfast men around because we're not paps and she didn't put it on an IG story. I've been told by a couple of mutuals IRL. Even a girl I worked with in Belfast who didn't know
toxic tears is a YouTube personality lived near her and her weed man told her lmao
No. 1744965
File: 1673737950750.png (648.3 KB, 494x824, eh.PNG)

No. 1744968
File: 1673737991556.png (709.81 KB, 486x821, eh.PNG)

No. 1744969
File: 1673738058989.png (496.63 KB, 492x890, eh.PNG)

No. 1744971
File: 1673738198879.png (635.03 KB, 495x830, eh.PNG)

Jake is streaming; Kat is working OnlyFans; Kaya outside the house.
(Tinfoil here… her friend seems to wearing a pink shirt that Kat was wearing in her previous kitty outfit? If not, ignore this bit.)
No. 1744988
>>1744968Her ass looks so bony. And Harley Quinn? Lol. Will this retard be original, ever?
>>1744971Her top has a heart cutout. Similar wt first glance, but it's not the same recognizable aliexpress garbage that everyone who plays kawaii for porn wears. At least Kaya's friends are legitimately into that fashion and know how to style themselves. Kat looks like a poser in a costume.
No. 1745009
File: 1673742017055.jpg (785.24 KB, 1080x1905, Screenshot_20230114-161832_Ins…)

Kaya is out partying with cute girls and seeing celebrities while Jake stays at home teaching someone else's kid to shit in the toilet correctly. Kek.
No. 1745982
File: 1673861611443.png (1.19 MB, 741x678, Katwearing a schoolgirl costum…)

didn't have a chance to post this when the farms were down. I noticed that Kat wore her schoolgirl costume from her onlyfans posts to the work holiday party tho. You can tell because of the cheap stitching and how it ties in the front. Imagine going out to a nice get together wearing this?? lmao
No. 1746137
>>1745982They seem almost kinda edited in the face or just that good with contour and makeup. It's kinda weird (to me) how they all have the same waves and middle split hair.
Blondie should go green so they can be the three gold-digging mermaids.
No. 1747895
File: 1674089704078.png (782.81 KB, 490x895, eh...ok.PNG)

A day or two ago, when lolcow was momentarily down.
No. 1747900
File: 1674089849295.png (703.49 KB, 829x880, monster host.PNG)

Uploaded on her Instragram.
No. 1747904
File: 1674089943606.png (28.27 KB, 1125x343, brokethejoke.png)

>>1747877Interesting how Kaya has managed to update her various social medias quite regularly lately and her content uploads seem to be becoming more regular too. Meanwhile Jake hasn't posted anything on YT in over a month. Doesn't really update any of his social media platforms save for a random IG story or bitchy twitter post. I guess he has done a stream here or there which must be his last bit of income coming in as his channel is STILL hemorrhaging subs and he can't break like 20k views without mentioning Kaya.
I wonder whatever happened to his big Vtuber reveal too? His onlyfans? His supposed new music from his band?
No. 1747906
File: 1674090054819.png (541.23 KB, 494x889, no milk.PNG)

>>1747877Kaya enjoying her mf self and this is the recent story from Jake.
It's a clip about some guy coming home, slamming his backpack on the living room floor with the song of 'Let Me Love You' by Mario playing. Sitting at his desktop and the MSN ping sounding off.
No. 1747907
File: 1674090197106.png (25.9 KB, 583x252, jakePC.png)

>>1747904This shit sent me too. Not that long ago Jake was blowing through thousands to get his Vtube shit set up. Now he's whining about a computer part costing $200. kek
No. 1747913
File: 1674090630229.png (839.65 KB, 1172x1024, realrayofsunshine.png)

>>1747906His entire media presence is him acting like an arrogant cunt tbh. Being around him seems exhausting. Dude really said "these kids gotta shut the fuck up. I was rockin' a sag in my baggy skater jeans before these beta cucks showed up on their mom's piss stick" unironically though. lmao
No. 1747915
File: 1674090703692.png (316.44 KB, 593x549, jakebitchingaboutjeans.PNG)

>>1747907If its not with his PC, he's whining about "trends".
No. 1747963
>>1746352>>1747900Wholesome, fun, creative.
>>1747906>>1747907>>1747913>>1747915Bitter, jaded and boring. Starting to see who the proper cunt actually is.
No. 1748107
>>1748068He's also been revealed as a predator who tried to groom underage girls. Maybe that is where he draws the line? Also it's totally not abuse when your girlfriend is lazy, duuuh.
Unsurprising that big brain "better than everyone" Jake is a Rick and Morty fan though. Bet he related to Rick too. kek
No. 1748387
File: 1674162657380.jpeg (190.1 KB, 750x1334, 11C681A7-786F-4A14-9E0F-19578C…)

Maybe a bit late (somehow couldn’t access lolcow although some other posts were made on these days) but Kaya posted a screenshot of her group chat to her ig story and while the contents of it aren’t interesting, I couldn’t help but notice the group’s name and it HAS to be about Stumpy’s penis envy lmao
No. 1748601
File: 1674187701797.png (64.72 KB, 782x194, kek.PNG)

Jake hasn't posted on his OF Instagram account since October 10, 2022.
No. 1748611
File: 1674188853676.png (295.91 KB, 641x267, YT_video.png)

>>1748387lmao, petty but hilarious.
>>1748601He got fat again so he probably won't be doing OF for a while unless he suddenly loses the weight again. He must be fuming that Kaya's new video got as many views as his last video did in just one day, compared to his measly 17k views in a month. The only real money he is making is off streaming right now, he better hope and pray that never completely dries up or Kat might have to go back to working full-time.
No. 1748955
>>1748611>He got fat again so he probably won't be doing OF for a while unless he suddenly loses the weight again.I agree with you, annon.
(Tinfoil) This is probably why he was refusing to believe Hugh Jackman got his gains from old-fasioned hard work through exercise and not through means of steroids that Jake wants to believe. kek
No. 1749212
File: 1674262096807.png (235.44 KB, 478x516, Screenshot 2023-01-21 at 01-43…)

Jake getting desperate for attention. He's even tagging Bishop now on twitter who hasn't posted on twitter since October.
No. 1749218
File: 1674262771534.jpg (242.34 KB, 998x810, fun vs le miserable.jpg)

Kaya going out to another rock show. Jake at home "remixing" old Munro songs, no one asked for, while still not putting out new content. lmao
No. 1749897
File: 1674353933816.png (396.7 KB, 511x849, image_2023-01-21_191725503.png)

No. 1750172
>>1749897How can it be a new single
if it's this, below:
>>1749218just him 'remixing' his band's own songs.
Desperation is a stinky cologne.
No. 1750179
File: 1674397598310.png (754.35 KB, 497x872, fucking laughing right now tho…)

The background laughing got me. But here you go, Anon. kek
>>1748657>Posting "abhorrent not so passive aggressive behaviour." No. 1750464
File: 1674442565430.jpg (208.97 KB, 1080x1813, rawsexualaggression.jpg)

get this girl a bf or something lol
No. 1750507
>>1750464Kek this
triggered me, I’ve actually witnessed an elephant seal mating season and it’s one of the most fucked up things I’ve ever seen
No. 1750590
File: 1674467906580.png (291.45 KB, 417x759, startagain.png)

Interesting that Jake's new track is titled "start again". Can't tell if this was something he started in the beginning of the new relationship and just took forever to finish or he's feeling regretful and wanting to "start again". kek
No. 1750591
>>1749317The love bombing phase is over.
Kaya has posted 5 videos since the breakup video and Jake has posted 2.
Kaya gained ~12k followers since the original break up video in 2021. Jake lost ~55k followers since the breakup video in 2021.
Kaya has been posting her adventures with friends regularly and is getting more confident with showing her body. Jake is avoiding being on camera because he’s self conscious about his weight gain.
Jake is doing exactly everything he and belittled Kaya for. And Kaya is doing the opposite of everything he belittled her for.
Seems like solid proof that he projected all his shit onto her.
What a miserable cunt.
I think the ultimate finisher would be Kaya making a Goth Reacts video. Bonus points if it’s a TikTok react. I mean, she was doing goth reacts videos 3 years before Jake made his and they did pretty well.
Pardon the sperg.
No. 1750612
File: 1674473713835.png (1.59 MB, 854x861, 02374908274.png)

>>1750591Tbh, besides the awful reddit spacing, your post isn't spergy anon. I agree too, it's pretty obvious he used Kaya as an emotional punching bag and scapegoat for any of his own shortcomings and insecurities. To be a fly on the wall at Jake's place now that he's stuck playing the role of sad, bloated, totally not an alcoholic step dad to Kat's kid. He looks the worst he's ever looked and seems absolutely miserable lately too. You just know that everything isn't how perfect they try to pretend it is on social media.
Slightly OT, but I also noticed that besides the somewhat reasonably decorated living room, (or the cluttered mess that is Jake's "studio") their house looks very scarcely decorated and what little they do have up looks dorm-room tier.
No. 1750841
File: 1674507017383.jpg (202.48 KB, 1080x1908, 20230123_115803.jpg)

This is how to digitally create art. It's fine to use a reference, but don't trace or outline. Take note, Skat.
No. 1750946
File: 1674519565133.jpg (80.75 KB, 466x485, 2390958.jpg)

>>1750806she has an underbite that's more obvious in some pics than others
No. 1750988
File: 1674525008597.png (148.46 KB, 721x408, image_2023-01-23_181322039.png)

Fake actually released two songs on the single. Both are horribly mixed. Most likely to try and cover up his terrible vocals.
No. 1751254
File: 1674538268413.png (16.52 KB, 334x206, carrie.png)

>>1750988>How many times?>Start again>FighterKEK. What even are these titles. This reads like a Carrie Underwood single or something. Hey Jake, here's a few titles to consider for next month's single drop.
No. 1751291
>>1750591> Jake is doing exactly everything he belittled Kaya for. And Kaya is doing the opposite of everything he belittled her for.Nta and as much as I agree with the general point and conclusions of your analysis, but purely for fairness points – we don’t really have any proof for this statement.
The things they’ve accused each other of were predominantly something that’s happened / is typically happening behind closed doors and when the cameras are off. What we see and what we’re drawing our conclusions from is solely a fraction of their lives that they’re consciously choosing to display aka purely a facade. We don’t have the cameras running 24/7 at either of their houses, so the fact of the matter is – we don’t really know whether their accusations still stand.
Kaya might as well be living the most dysfunctional of lives on top of a stinky slimy hoarder’s galore "shit tip", being unwashed and dead miserable in bed for the bigger part of her day, and hosting coke-induced parties for foot fetishists the rest. OR she might be an absolute boss babe Wonder Woman on top of things, living her best life. We don’t know.
Same with Fake, perhaps he really is a happy renowned man, dad of the year, a person who’s defeated his anger issues and gone from being trapped in a broken, loveless, dysfunctional home to living and thriving in his new lovey dovey "wholesome" nest – an agenda he’s trying hard to sell us. And the reason he hasn’t put out any content thus far, contrary to his own promises, is exactly that – he’s full time focusing on and enjoying his "family life" and doesn’t care about being an Internet personality anymore. He’s now "matured", remember? KEK.
Hopefully though, the really is the most miserable cunt he’s ever been, like you suggested, and all his recent life choices are biting him in the arse
hard. But the point is, we don’t really know the fuck they’re doing for the bigger portions of their days.
The only thing we do know is that Kaya is hanging out with her new group of friends quite frequently, and spending a considerable time on the daily chatting with them on the phone. The
quality of the time they’re spending together, granted their age, is questionable and up for subjective debate, as much as the choice of people to surround oneself with, but she does seem to be doing better at least in some aspects of her life, which is great to see.
Apologies for retardedly long sperg.
No. 1751305
>>1751291>apologies for retarded long spergNext time you think you need to end an essay long post about almost nothing with this disclaimer, maybe rethink hitting enter. lmao
Obviously this is a gossip site and we have no way for knowing what happens behind closed doors 100%, but Jake has provided plenty of evidence that he is as she and many others say he is. Kaya is a self admitted airheaded slob too. Is it speculation that he is miserable, sure. But just take one look at his bloated, exhausted looking face, his seething social media posts, his dwindling numbers, the lack of love-bombing or new content, etc. and tell me this dude is happy and thriving rn.
No. 1751357
>>1748387>And the reason he hasn’t put out any content thus far, contrary to his own promises, is exactly that – he’s full time focusing on and enjoying his "family life" and doesn’t care about being an Internet personality anymore. He’s now "matured", remember? KEK. A piss poor excuse and pure cope to deal with his lost fame. They don't even have Isaac full time. People have kids and still have to work. That is just reality. The reason he hasn't put out any videos is because he got fat and has no ideas (his own admission).
Also, I was thinking about how it's interesting the way he considers Kat so much more "mature and successful" than Kaya. Except Kat is the one dressing as "Diva" for OF and tracing coloring books for work. She seems mentally way more immature than Kaya. I think Jake sees a woman with a child and automatically assumes she is more mature than a woman without a child, due to his misogyny and mommy issues.
No. 1751375
File: 1674564383528.jpg (941.93 KB, 1079x1895, whereshegoing.jpg)

>>1748387>Kaya might as well be living the most dysfunctional of lives on top of a stinky slimy hoarder’s galore "shit tip", being unwashed and dead miserable in bed for the bigger part of her dayNah. She is consistently going to events and traveling, hanging out with friends (old and new), making content, and serving looks. She is on a flight right now.
>hosting coke-induced parties for foot fetishistsStfu with this ridiculous tinfoil or provide proof.
No. 1751655
>>1751291Can you PLEASE be less obvious?
Like clockwork nonas are ragging on Kat for a few posts and someone claiming Kaya does foot fetish stuff and is a useless slob who doesn't do anything despite her proving otherwise now shows up.
No. 1751752
File: 1674613182122.png (1.64 MB, 1357x850, maisie1.PNG)

>>1745133>>1745220 stale milk, but skat tattooed Maisie Williams and Sophie Turner back in 2016.
So this might be a very subtle dig. I am sure they were walk in appointments though as tattooing dates can be done by pretty much anyone with a tattoo gun and a working hand, kek.
i'm sure fake uses this claim to "actual fame" to make himself feel better about actually dating skat when their affair was leaked, kek.
No. 1751837
>>1751357Yeah I remember him trying to characterize Kaya as a bad person for not liking or wanting kids, as if she brainwashed him into not liking them as well, but now that he’s free of her, he wants kids!
yet he’s the one who couldn’t resist saying on his public channel, conveniently deleted, that people should hit their kids to teach them to act right while Kaya was like, “I do not agree with that…”
He’s such an idiot. Let’s hope kat is not stupid enough to have a second child, with Jake of all people. If there is a god or higher power… please let the chain smoking and excessive alcohol consumption pickle their reproductive organs rendering them infertile. we don’t need to him passing his mental illness down into the gene pool and using a baby as a prop for a wholesome goth daddy come back. his brain dead fans would eat it up, too.
No. 1751886
The post was too long to screenshot on my phone, but from Munro's Facebook page is this post. Please enjoy the subtle hints at how deeply unbothered he is really guys honestly for real (s) :
"The release of the recent single 'How Many Times?' marks the end of Munro being a collaborative effort. As most of you know, Munro started out as solo project in my guest room when I first moved to Northern Ireland. I had basic, mostly second hand equipment and severe depression but I had a passion to make it work as an outlet for my creativity. Some years later, I would convince Conor Mooney to help me write some fresh tracks for Munro starting with 'Matricide' in 2019 and ending with 'How Many Times?' in 2022. We had some great success hitting over 1M yearly streams for 2 years running, a successful tour and some truly fun music video productions.
But that's all over now, Conor has departed and what remains is myself, the name sake of the band and the original songwriter. I've been buried deep in my studio writing some brand new material, spending hours and hours learning new mixing techniques and arming my DAW with professional plugins to deliver the best Munro tracks you've ever heard. February's song is already finished and the video is being shot solo in the next 2 weeks.
No more tours, no more music video set antics, no more rehearsals and no more songwriting hangout sessions. Just one guy, his studio and a primal desperation to make something people will connect with and remember after he's finally dead. I'll be firing on all socials as Munro, with content from the video shoots and my studio appearing on Twitter, Facebook, TikTok and Instagram as well as music video releases on YouTube roughly each month to coincide will the single releases.
While I will be able to deliver new singles every month, music videos may prove to be the hinderance to that schedule but I'll try my best. Anyway, I hope to see you all harassing me with unbridled ignorance and hatred on all socials, maybe a little support too and I can't wait to provide you all with some new music content. It'll be fun to pour my passion into something again for the first time since it was stolen from me for the past year. Whether you care about this or not, I'll be toiling away in my studio and releasing things the same way I always have, just with a little more added defiance to my attitude.
No. 1751910
>>1751752>This pic of a celebrity Kaya saw in a club is a dig because Kat tattooed 2 other celebrities from the same show 7 years agoSorry anon, but this is an incredible reach
>>1751908On top of wholesome family vlogs, on top of non-tiktok react content. Dude is doing nothing with his time.
No. 1751911
File: 1674642378208.jpeg (692.57 KB, 1301x910, D0745C7F-110A-494E-904B-54A57A…)

>>1751886Also. Jake's posts about all the new stuff he’s going to make is giving Michael Scott declaring bankruptcy.
No. 1751914
>>1751752Kek by that logic, my bartender friend who made Conon O'Brian a drink once is also "successful and famous". Like sure, it's a cool story. But has nothing to do with the success of your career.
>>1751886>I hope to see you all harassing me with unbridled ignorance and hatredYou get what you give, Jake.
No. 1751928
>>1751924If he tries to blame someone else he he dumb as fuck. he was the reason him and kaya broke up he was the reason his band members left cause he one else he can't act like it the passion was stolen he got himself into this situation
It's so clear he is regretting his decisions why else would he be so depressed. New relationship isn't cracked up to be jake? Tattoos didn't make you look good jake? You failed to look like the
victim jake? Being a 'step dad' isn't fun no more?
Give it a year and he leave kat for the next girl that gives him attention
No. 1751935
>>1751930>why is he still complainingTo be fair he still complained when Kaya was paying all the bills, he still complained when he was briefly wealthy, he's the type of guy who always complains.
Beyond that, he may have plenty of time, but he's clearly been lacking in motivation lately for whatever reason. He promised new improved content for YT ages ago now and he went from defaulting back to shitty tiktok reacts to now posting nothing at all. He promised a big vtube debut and blew thousands of dollars on it and yet he hasn't even mentioned it in what feels like months. He doesn't update social media hardly at all, and he's still bleeding subs from YT and Patreon consistently. His OF is dead because he got chubby again, his bandmates left him, his fanbase of dedicated snaccs is even dwindling down. I think he's trying to go all in on new music as a last ditch effort to salvage his "career" tbh. His snaccs have been throwing him some donations during his gaming streams, but outside of that he isn't making jack shit off any of his other accounts anymore. It's honestly only down from here for him and I'm sure Kat won't be in the picture as soon as she realizes he's going broke. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy.
No. 1751945
File: 1674650696225.png (625.19 KB, 640x589, 234678.png)

>>1751940The funniest part is, he could of had it all if he just handled the break-up with Kaya with a little more class. He can blame Kaya all he wants for his rapid decline in popularity, but the reality is he's done nothing but continuously shoot himself in the foot. The first round of break up videos weren't great for him, but he still could have weaseled his way around it. Instead he doubled down and started harassing Kaya and parading Kat around as his new self proclaimed "pussy". It's still insane to me he thought that last "breaking my silence" video was a good idea, but I'm glad he showed his whole ass to a wider audience and it ultimately ended with him being completely humiliated. Will be fun watching him go broke in 2023.
No. 1752039
File: 1674660695126.png (77.34 KB, 672x625, new post.png)

No. 1752052
>I hope to see you all harassing me with unbridled ignorance and hatred on all socials.Is that an invitation? Or is this some weak attempt to gain 'sympathy' with his
victim mentality? Regardless, this part in his paragraph was not needed and comes off as a teenager.
>It'll be fun to pour my passion into something again for the first time since it was stolen from me for the past year.Allow me to clean this up:
For the past year, my passion was stolen from me.
kek He is delusional.
I'm tired of this guy pointing fingers and blaming others for his own downfall.
No. 1752237
File: 1674679077547.png (359.53 KB, 593x677, we see you.png)

Twitter is the only place he has credited the artist for his covers. I noticed this when he didn't share the artist on his instagram stories or Facebook so had to dig.
No. 1752309
File: 1674686609758.png (278.96 KB, 720x1640, Screenshot_20230125-224255.png)

No. 1752338
>>1752237Tinfoil but, is the ripped off head supposed to be Kaya, symbolically? It looks quite a bit like her in the same way the monster thing looks like Fake. It would make sense with his mindset. I haven't listened to any of his music so I can't speak to symbology there beyond the titles.
Also do you think him and Kat have broken up? I'm blocked from his insta so all I see is what y'all post here but it doesn't look like they've posted together since Christmas and her pictures you've all posted have been on her bed.
Could this mean that he is now blaming Kat for his lack of 'creativity' that he thinks was stolen from him for a year? Idk, all tinfoil but it does seem to hint this way to me.
No. 1752473
>>1752356I was waiting to see if someone would say about the art looking like her and him and how he treated her like he was ripping off a gangreous limb (prior tinfoil was mine)
Also does anyone know if it was ever officially confirmed that they moved in together? She could have moved out and not said anything or be on the cusp,idk just speculating and trying to find out what exactly he is blaming this time on what has been holding him back for a year if not blaming it on Kat.
No. 1752507
>>1752338Sage for tinfoil as these might not be the true lyrics; but here is what I could make out for lyrics for the first track 'Start Again'
Any screaming I can't quite make out is surrounded by {} to show what I think I hear? The mixing is super shit for most of it which is unsurprising, kek.
until we win our prize
the end is nigh
no more
you can't escape your fate
what if I told you that you had this coming
would you regret all the shit you did to me
I don't really think you give a fuck
{the one voice that you never regret}
watch as there is
nothing in me
there are some born together
so lets, lets start again
can we redeem ourselves?
are we too far gone?
we're twisted beyond recognition
laughing manically
as the floor begins to crack
in this cosmic horror
there's no turning back
you can{'t} say that we had no chance
blinded by your arrogance
{give us this, our retribution}
no more sorrow for our human condition
{what came over me?}
so excitedly
lets not start again
{no more love}
{no thrills for you}
{some more screaming I really can't interpret as hard as I try}
(screaming puking noises)
there is nothing here
they're so grown together
let's just start again
{I take}
care over me
i shouldn't have given him the spotify click, but he's too up his own ass for me to not be curious as to what the lyrics are. especially as there are no band members left to tell him no
interpret this as you will farmers, i'm going to lay down and take some much needed ibuprofen.
No. 1752511
File: 1674701882385.jpg (1002.89 KB, 1500x1500, Happy.jpg)

Maybe Kaya met someone. She looks good.
No. 1752512
>>1752507You brave brave soul. You fell on a hell scape of a grenade to save us from any attempt. My respect. May your headache fade.
That's a mixed message but interesting. I will ponder on it but I thank you deeply for your sacrifice!
No. 1752523
>>1752507Ah such poetry. Truly his more knowledgeable bandmates and more famous than him ex were holding him back from being the true artist he is.
>screaming puking noisesThis deeply touched me especially.
No. 1752635
File: 1674718351143.jpeg (1.82 MB, 1170x1666, 26C1338E-877A-4A5F-AFEF-B01298…)

Forgot the image.
No. 1752885
File: 1674758980933.png (5.4 MB, 1170x2532, 5F9AF1BF-1CFA-4B6D-A5B9-4ADB7D…)

This was absolutely more shade towards Jake and Kat I’m here for it lmao
No. 1752954
File: 1674763091127.png (419.76 KB, 492x884, t.t.png)

No. 1752955
File: 1674763149467.png (164.11 KB, 485x888, t.t.png)

No. 1752959
File: 1674763259099.png (658.96 KB, 490x888, t.t.png)

No. 1752964
>>1752607She always posts heart gifs and she always horny posts. Subsequent posts shows she’s just out with friends being happy.
Has Kaya come out as not straight?
No. 1752966
>>1752959Daaaaaaaamn. This motherfucker looks
dead inside.
No. 1752971
File: 1674763677994.png (785.76 KB, 498x891, 2.PNG)

Not the Anon, but this is the beginning of the story. And I can see the shade myself as the other hands elegantly add onto eachother kek.
>>1752885 No. 1752978
File: 1674764227919.png (180.49 KB, 929x313, jake and kaya highlights.png)

>>1752668Your post made me take a closer look in the differences in their energy when it comes to their instagram highlights
No. 1753239
File: 1674773871017.png (10.57 KB, 593x95, Screenshot_20230126.png)

What in the what…
No. 1753248
File: 1674774089268.png (15.27 KB, 594x160, Screenshot_20230126.png)

Saged as not sure if milk worthy but got my eyebrows raising! This is Jake's recent likes on Twitter.
No. 1753288
File: 1674776038888.png (144.41 KB, 607x568, trustissues.png)

>>1753248Different anon, but larger screenshot proving he liked it just incase he goes back and unlikes it. I wonder if all the speculation that Kat will be trying to jump the sinking ship onto her next meal ticket is coming to fruition already. lmao
No. 1753306
File: 1674776641494.jpg (16.44 KB, 199x214, 37346.JPG)

>>1753288she's still in his insta bio, but watch this space
No. 1753324
>>1753248>>1753288so far all you nonnies been right on the money in the speculation department kek
>>1752813>>1752338>>1752372We have to come back to these tinfoil/speculation posts in the future
No. 1753363
File: 1674779994106.png (271.68 KB, 594x867, self diagnosing.png)

For context, it's about self-diagnosing oneself with disorders such as ADHD.
No. 1753375
File: 1674780713789.png (893.28 KB, 499x890, kek karma.PNG)

No. 1753626
>>1753592If there’s trouble in paradise, it’s understandable! If his new song and album art and rant on Facebook is about Kaya, if I were Kat I’d make him a single man for still obsessing over his ex. who does that? If it’s a reference to Kat at all, 1. boy, that escalated quickly lol, and 2. she’s not that down and out to put up with a
toxic relationship after only 1 year of love bombing bliss. so she could be on her way outtie either way. brace yourselves for some oversupply of dumped Jake milk is my tinfoil! Cheers!
No. 1753631
>>1753592Went to go look for myself and it seems more like he typically only likes the posts on her tattoo IG when it's photos/videos of her or him and not just her tattoo work. He of course likes all of her OF posts though. Reminds me kind of how he treated Kaya as a trophy gf early on when she was skinny and dabbling in modeling, but was never supportive of any of her creative work. Never change Jake. Lmao
The "trust issues" could be band related, but it does seem kind of odd to say the least. Given that Kat cheated on her whole ass business owning husband/father of her child for months before getting caught doesn't really bode terribly well for their relationship though. If a better looking dude with more $$$ comes through she's gone as quickly as she came. Kind of curious if Jake is getting insecure about her hunky tattooed boss age was looking pretty cozy with or something.
No. 1753633
File: 1674804661334.png (74.04 KB, 704x640, discord.png)

>>1752039Here's his discord snaccs reaction to the message so far.
No. 1753659
File: 1674812493890.jpg (44.34 KB, 584x304, predictable.jpg)

>>1753644It's funny cause the other girl he liked the tweet of is some OF belle delphine lookalike from Scotland.
No. 1753760
File: 1674833025109.png (685.73 KB, 500x885, thank you for the lemons.PNG)

Thought I'd add this here to the growing tinfoil and shade list kek
No. 1753770
File: 1674834588111.jpg (636.72 KB, 1079x1883, bad things.jpg)

Surprised this one hasn't been posted yet. Kaya and her friends flipping off the air, while Bad Things by Wednesday 13 plays.
"I only want bad things to happen to you."
No. 1753822
File: 1674839277673.png (438.52 KB, 828x1792, 2CB560C7-D816-4F03-81D8-4C92B7…)

No. 1753835
>>1753760I'm confused, but how is this shade at Jake?
>>1753770They were flipping off the trump tower.
>>1753822Now THIS is milk. Good catch before he deletes
nonny. He truly is his own worst enemy.
No. 1753873
oof!!! Ironic cause he probably read that and thought fuck you and sulked. Glad he called him out qnd the truth comes out he chose to go solo and sulks over his choice
Man up jake take responsibility of your own actions.
No. 1753876
File: 1674842166580.png (1.74 MB, 1250x839, Screenshot 2023-01-27 at 18-52…)

Jake is streaming. 20 mins in he is still trying to install the game like a moron and he's having a rant. "2000$ pc and 60$ game why is it updating on launch?!" He is also angry he did not get to spend much time with the kid so sorry they are still together. He needs to play that game NOW because otherwise all the other shills will be playing it… whine, rant, poor old Jakey. I can't watch anymore because I feel my life force getting sucked out so someone else keep tabs
No. 1753880
>>1753876Thank you
nonnie for taking one for the team
>He needs to play that game NOW because otherwise all the other shills will be playing it.Did he actually say this? Wtf lol
What is up with him on feeling like he NEEDS to be first with things as if he some trend setter pffft
No. 1753894
The tinfoil went full retard in this thread. how did this happen? What newfags are shitting up this thread?
There’s no way that jake or kat would ever leave each as that would admit that they fucked up their lives by leaving their partners at the time. The ONLY way I could see either of those two pretending they’re not together is for their onlyfans.
>>1753822I was wondering if any of his band members would say anything. Great catch
No. 1753918
>>1753822‘An awful lot of ego to fit in one band’
Gareth spoke some truth right there.
No. 1753919
>>1753893Kek update the game isn't running. He droned through system defender stuff, swore, whined it was the only thing he was looking forward to today, then it wasn't working and he had to end the live. Guy had a gaming channel for years and didn't think to install it before the live? Kek.
There was milk though, a mini rant about his music. Said it's the best stuff munroms ever made, and "I'm determined to prove to every shithead on the Internet that I can make good songs on my own" and claimed "for every achievement I ever achieved, they take it away from me by saying it was other people and jake just put his name on it". My tinfoil is that's what his bandmates said before they left him, as well as what we've been saying about his shit songs. He says spent a lot of time away from kat and the kid to work on this, spent money on new software and video backdrops and props, and rented a drum kit so he can learn to play it for the video "so you will all fucking see." See what I don't know, that he's talentless at the drums too? Have fun Fake. I know we will. He didn't even show the avatar he was complaining so much about btw.
No. 1753924
>>1753919YOU’ll SEE!!! YOU’ll ALL SEE!!!
He’s really leaning into that old man shouting at the clouds meme isn’t he. No one gives a shit about your rubbish, badly produced music Fake. It’s metal by numbers, it has no passion and no originality. Just like you it’s a poor facsimile of something someone else has already done.
No. 1753959
>>1753919>Spent a lot of time away from Kat and the kid.This is a sad way to admit his obsessive behavour to the point of isolating from his supposed gf and ready-made family.
And the rest shows he
does give a shit about the thoughts of others kek. So much for not caring what others think of you mindset. Sensitive wee manlet for a narc.
No. 1753986
File: 1674848036444.png (48.12 KB, 314x541, idk wtf this is.PNG)

Is he still not streaming? Because this is what he's currently listening to
No. 1754619
File: 1674902443873.jpeg (205.38 KB, 1170x643, 16B0338D-EB5A-4D19-A21C-D72B41…)

If there was an image in the dictionary dipicting the definition of a first world problem, this would be it.
I feel sorry for whatever EA customer service body gets to deal with Mr Entitlement here.
Fake, for your own good, go outside and touch some grass.
No. 1754654
File: 1674906877199.jpg (81.31 KB, 551x477, jake.jpg)

I built my computer 2 years ago for under $1000, have a pretty good processor but a so-so graphics card -way- under specs for this game, and it runs perfectly on my system, no issues. Maybe that $2000 computer he bought is a piece of shit. Since he seems to value money over actual quality.
No. 1754773
File: 1674921375487.jpg (476.59 KB, 1080x1901, Screenshot_20230128-155314_Ins…)

Good to see her still freinds with Amber and Lee (girl in yellow and the guy with arm up in the back) they used to be in her and James old vlogs. Hope jake sees everyone chosen kaya and knows how much everyone around him is with out him
No. 1755227
>>1755198He must be constantly seething.
Can't be a nice atmosphere in that house
No. 1755293
File: 1674958346722.png (184.72 KB, 478x743, Screenshot 2023-01-29 at 03-11…)

Jake finally showed his avatar. I don't know, it looks better than you do Jake lmao
No. 1755296
File: 1674958622662.png (25.89 KB, 478x208, Screenshot 2023-01-29 at 03-16…)

He mad lmao
No. 1755306
>>1755296People still use physical attributes as insults these days? Those aren't insults, Jake. But rather an insight on how you feel about yourself.
Abosultely waiting for Akira to clap Jake's cheeks harder.
No. 1755310
File: 1674959213753.png (17.49 KB, 595x138, keep bitching.PNG)

He always bitching about something.
No. 1755318
File: 1674959701284.png (178.13 KB, 478x758, Screenshot 2023-01-29 at 03-33…)

>>1755306Apparently Jake blocked him a while ago and unblocked him to insult him just to block him again. He's watching the #jakemunro tag lmao what a manchild
No. 1755367
File: 1674965438562.png (176.76 KB, 593x617, and here we go.PNG)

No. 1755372
File: 1674965722943.png (155.15 KB, 595x530, what is going on.PNG)

Anyone have any idea what this could be implying?
No. 1755409
File: 1674969673954.png (252.44 KB, 589x827, gagged.png)

>>1755372all you have to do is click the post and it will show you the thread.
No. 1755427
>>1755310is living with someone who literally traces images & takes money for poorly tattooing them on ppl.
so flattered he dropped big bux on what will be a musical abortion to show us how talented he is. dude could just put effort into doing stuff & putting it out there but instead has to be the cuntiest narc at all times.
idk what he said to the person who made the v -tuber avatar, what they should look like or what they advertised as their work, but it’s not bad. he just has no personality so what was his plan for content? he can’t come up with an excuse so defaults to blame shifting & pitching a bitch fit.
No. 1755465
>>1755293I'm dying. How could he be this dumb and fall for this scam when their work looks like an old sim model.
>>1755310>looking for quality work on fiverrOh, this is how I guess. Kek
No. 1755475
>>1755293Eh, I mean it isn’t great but it’s better than I could probably do, it’s the face that lets it down, the rest is alright. That said I know fuck all about vtubers so could be talking out my arse.
The trouble with Fake is he places tremendous amounts of value on HIS work but next to nothing on the work of others. Look at him and Kaya, they have a similar subscriber count (only 30 odd thousand between them since he publicly shat the bed) they used to get similar views now hers are better (particularly since the aforementioned shitting the bed), they both follow a tried and true format, him reactions and her GRWM/unboxings, similar lengths, similar quality etc etc yet he is so full of himself that he genuinely believes that he is more ‘deserving’ of money and success.
Now with this avatar he’s outsourced the design, probably to the cheapest person he could find as he doesn’t value other peoples time and skill and is kicking up a stink when it turns out that if you pay peanuts, you get monkeys. Here’s an idea Fake! Why don’t you learn how to make these avatars? You are so very clever, you could learn to do it in a day and show everyone how easy it is couldn’t you? Just like your going to ‘teach yourself the drums’.
No. 1755496
>>1755475It's funny because he also never likes ANY of Kat's tattoo posts, only liking posts of herself, him, or her OF ads on her alt IG. It's bizarre how insanely insecure and unsupportive he actually is, even with those actively in a relationship with him romantically or just as friends. Just look at how he also treated his bandmates.
Curious to see how the next few years will play out. I don't think he would ever leave Kat, but I absolutely wouldn't be surprised if Kat leaves him in the near future. The life she signed up for was Jake spoiling her with trips, dinner, and bottomless drinks, not him jeopardizing her career by being an unhinged cunt on the internet, ignoring her and hiding away in his office to "prove the haturz wrong" and blowing all his money on whatever new cash grab career move he's plotting for next (but never follows through on). I also can't imagine how their walls and doors have been faring as of late.
No. 1755639
>>1755621The math ain’t mathin’, didn’t he also say he made one in The Sims?
Tinfoil but what if he posted this one so people can cheer him up how it doesn’t look that bad, so he can get a tiny sliver of validation?
On second thought he probably wouldn’t have done it that way though, his ego wouldn’t allow for anyone else to get credit for something he has worked so, so hard on kek
No. 1755674
File: 1674994694117.png (312.69 KB, 1080x538, Screenshot_20230129-121143.png)

He got what he paid for if he only shelled out $500. He just has no concept of finding or paying actual artists properly. Again, if he could have been bothered reaching out to Vtubers, it even viewers of his that watch them or doing literally any research longer than 10 minutes he could have asked about credible artists or waited to find a solid, verified artist that he actually liked the style of but instead he decided he had to jump straight in, buy all the gear and spunk money up the wall on an avatar he hates because as always he's decided that a man can be an island and he can do it all on his own. He made a big deal about how he was going to break into Vtubing on his own and this is what you get, a mediocre man complaining about his mediocre career and mediocre choices even before he's started.
No. 1755676
>>1755639It might have been a "pay half now, pay half after completion" sort of deal which is not unusual for commissions tbh. It's hard to tell for sure as it does look like there was an attempt at his actual tattoos made on this model which Jake wouldn't have been able to do in a sims game as far as I know. Either way dude is thousands of dollars in the hole on this vtube thing between the model and equipment now and it doesn't look like he'll be debuting it anytime soon.
Also funny he's had to blow a bunch of money on computer parts recently and he still can't get dead space to run. Hope some kind of terrible fate befalls his music equipment next. Kek
No. 1755713
>>1755674I follow some artists who did a lot of VTuber models for Twitch streamers.
If he paid 500 I don't know why he is soo suprised by what he got. It was to be expected if you did ANY kind of research.
Just a quick google search like the one this anon did will tell you that. Also going to Fiver for that is… a choice.
No. 1755730
>>1755728 he blocked me a while back due to me roasting him for 2 weeks straight. He’s an
abusive narcissistic piece of shit with a Napoleon complex, a shitty band and an even shitter YouTube channel . I know he lerks on here or his bitches do so … Hi Jake.
Im not gonna stop. You need to be taken off that very short pedestal and take accountability for what you’ve done
No. 1755786
File: 1675007205889.jpg (374.61 KB, 1080x989, Screenshot_20230129-074157_Twi…)

>>1755728>>1755730Namefagging hi cowing emote using male retard.
>I'm not gonna stop.You should.
No. 1755978
File: 1675022920484.png (517.04 KB, 494x890, kaya.PNG)

>>1755296Meanwhile… Kaya is enjoying herself in Nevada, USA. Recently going to a Goth Night and recently playing in the pool enjoying herself.
So… I agree with
>>1755328 on that he comes off bothered and keeps stoking the flames like an idiot.
You'd think Kat of all people would smack him upside the head and talk common sense to this idiot but he probably doesn't respect her enough to care about her opinion. "But–but Kat! I
have to prove these hAtErz wrong!." kek
No. 1756020
File: 1675026463727.png (778.97 KB, 493x889, smug bitch.PNG)

No. 1756023
>>1756020Samefag. He's talking about the band. Seasonal effect disorder. Thinks it might be
triggering some weird semi-bi polar issues within himself. Wanting to kill himself, then hours later saying he'll be skipping around. Then going all manic again. Says how most the year he's stable, but not always.
Saying he'd rather yeet himself into a wall than his fireblade.
But what I can tell you is that, wish I could say its depression, but I was incredibly not motivated to be productive during this weird episode that I feel it was from my 20s as I couldn't afford to lay there with my face in the pillow as rent needed to be paid. So I told myself to program myself to keep working.
But it's been really weird, I've been obsessive to work in the studio. Not trying to prove haters wrong. Fuck what they think. I'm trying to prove myself wrong.
(Literally typing out anything that stands out to me during his Live Stream.)
No. 1756024
>>1756023Still going off his Live Stream:
I was like in the depths of being a Youtuber, working my ass off being a youtuber which we all knows doesn't matter in the end how hard I worked.
It's not about how hard you work, but how squeaky clean your reputation is. And that he doesn't care about his reputation. As it was never his plan to stay as a YouTuber, at least forever. Blames him losing fans being his age.
Made a comment how he "doesn't want to be a 40 something year old youtuber, get real, no one cares."
I'm one of those weirdos who WANT to be famous, to get gratification, etc. Been really leaning in hard.
He's now giving shout outs to his new members.
No. 1756031
But yeah that's why I been leaning so hard in the music thing because it would be super nice to be a musician. And, its you know, Munro pays a couple of my bills. So if I can get a consistant merch line– and ramp up fucking Patreon back up again. Release more frequently to Itunes and pay half at least half of my monthly outgoings.
Being able to pay for anything from my music would be great.
I bought a flight to Barcelona, Spain with Munro earnings.
Talking about a Splushie release but made no promises.
The wee lad as become my shadow. Following me everywhere and even sitting on me like I'm his chair in the living room as we watch Sonic. When I'm not arround he asks where I am and if I'm not around he insists he goes to see me. I love every second of it.
Being scammed by a fucking Nigerian on Fiverr.
There's that cliche that they are scammers. (He feels they branched out to Fiverr. kek)
Okay, sorry farmers. I no longer have the mental energy to keep up with this idiot.
No. 1756033
>>1755931No problem
nonny, no shame in not being a twitter degen and not knowing how the app works tbh. kek
>>1755978>>1755990I love that he was talking so much shit for the past year about how lazy and awful she is and how superior his content is only for us to end up here. Ever since she was able to move into her new home she's been on the road to turning shit around for herself and when she finally dropped that last tell-all video and blocked him everywhere (and got the cops involved) she's never seemed happier or healthier. Jake seems like a whole tapeworm. Wonder if we'll slowly see Kat begin to decay if she sticks around for long enough.
>>1756020He's trying to minimize him "losing popularity" on youtube saying "it isn't the first time I lost popularity on YT and probably won't be the last". He really thinks he's going to make a comeback after all this. He also is trying to paint himself as a perfect stepfather and supposedly has been spending all his time with Isaac despite him saying otherwise online?
He's talking about vtube now and how he got scammed off fiverr. He said he found a "Nigerian" artist on fiverr and told himself he didn't want to be "prejudice" against Nigerians despite the "Nigerian prince" scams. He straight up said "Maybe Nigerians are trying to redeem themselves by becoming creators on fiverr".
No. 1756065
>>1756037kek. After all of this and eventually the scammer's account getting deleted by fiverr. Jake goes onto looking for an animator for a music video on fiverr and is surprised how cheap it would be to hire someone $250 for a whole music video, what a great deal! "And it looks like PRO-ANIME!" He goes through a bunch of them and slowly goes on to realize all of the material is stolen. He's upset that he can't find an artist to professionally animate an entire music video for cheap. Has been going on and on about it, says "Nigerian scammers have INFESTED fiverr".
He's finally playing some random horro game now. Keeps making jokes about putting his dick in things. "You find a garbage bin, there's nothing but a brown sludge in the interior. Put your dick in it. Put your dick in it. Put your dick in it and ejaculate." I really wish I was making this up.
No. 1756075
>>1756065He's now saying he has a lot of "travel plans soon". Is going back to Barcelona soon to get his stomach tattoo finished. After that he's bringing Kat to France. Also says he has plans to go to a spa soon.
Now he's singing the Drake & Josh theme song very poorly. He's saying he's always wanted to do a cover of the song and how it's such a great song. Talks about how amazing it was when they were on Zoey 101.
Now he's singing creed and puddle of mudd songs very poorly. Has been making weird sex jokes throughout the past few minutes. Dude acts like a whole man-child. I don't know how much longer I can listen to this trash. Honestly he sounds kind of drunk. He's doing a really bad Rick and Morty impression now. lmao
No. 1756106
File: 1675034207934.jpg (171.76 KB, 766x631, mysteryhorror.jpg)

>>1756075Dude is slurring constantly at this point. Still making constant sex jokes, moaning out a "just the tip padre" for seemingly no reason. More sex jokes. More terrible Rick & Morty impressions. More bad singing. He asked, "How many impressions can Jake do in one stream?" Too many apparently. He's definitely either drunk or manic, maybe even both.
"Dude, So Issac has been watching this show recently. The miraculous tales of lady bug and chat noir I believe is the name of the show. That is the horniest show I've ever seen. It's like one slip away from being an S&M porno you'd find on pornhub. The face expressions, the innuendos, the camera angles, it's like just fuck already. The skin tight outfits and everything." Rambling about how horny a children's show makes you is one way to end a stream I guess.
No. 1756112
File: 1675034638472.jpg (187.22 KB, 1100x613, endstream.jpg)

Okay so he's finally wrapped up this nightmare of a stream. A few details at the end here. He's hired another artist off fiverr to do a new vtube avatar, he plans to do VR chat with it. Expects it to be done in eight days. Said he's pursuing this because "apparently I can't do reaction videos anymore because youtube has made them unpopular".
Is going to stream again Tuesday. Said February is going to be very busy, going to be filming a music video while in Barcelona. Another small detail is him apologizing for starting the stream late, said he just made it back from Kat's parents house. Also said he won't be able to do any longer streams in the future because of "the way his life is".
No. 1756219
>>1756023>>1756024>>1756075>>1756112>rent needed to be paid. So I told myself to program myself to keep working>I'm one of those weirdos who WANT to be famous, to get gratification, etc>it would be super nice to be a musicianYou and everyone else, want a medal? Sounds like he just wants the title and lifestyle of musician cos his music is passionless and mid. Is him insisting he can do the best music ever cos he's solo now a cope?
>Not trying to prove haters wrong. Fuck what they think. I'm trying to prove myself wrong.What happened to your sperg about proving to the haters on your last stream
>>1753919, are you embarrassed we laughed at you for that?
>blames him losing fans being his age, doesn't want to be a 40 something year old youtuber, get real, no one caresThere are many older youtubers, keep reaching for why your fans are leaving you
>Is going back to Barcelona soon to get his stomach tattoo finished. After that he's bringing Kat to France. Also says he has plans to go to a spa soon.Will he do all those on the cheap too while expecting high quality? Or e-beg, like he begged his fans for a first class plane ticket cos he's too good for third?
>>1756106>Still making constant sex jokes>the kids show miraculous ladybug is almost an S&M porno you'd find on pornhubHe's always seemed immature about sex, wonder if it's related to being a boring lay according to kaya kek, and hasn't drawn the line at his kid being there before. Like making female genitals while they were playing with playdoh
>He's hired another artist off fiverr to do a new vtube avatar, he plans to do VR chat with it. Expects it to be done in eight daysFucking kek not only is he still using fiverr, he expects the artist to rush it. Can't wait for it to look worse than the first one.
No. 1756236
>>1756224I'm not sure, but it was CONSTANT and like really awkward and forced. Like calling a "cuckoo clock" a "CUCK-koo clock" and giggling to himself over it. The weird "put your dick in it" chanting, innuendo on innuendo on innuendo. It was honestly really bizarre to watch. The creepy rant about how horny the children's show was really drove it home too.
I don't doubt he's really bad at sex though considering he did claim once "ankle grabbing is the best" in one of those awful OF posts. KEK
>>1756228He had that christmas cup next to him the whole time, but I don't recall him taking many sips from it or anything. He was slurring his speech a lot and in general acting kind of strangely. I know he's always pretty beady eyed, but he looked like he could hardly open his eyes, maybe he was just extremely tired? Or maybe he got a lil tipsy at Kat's parents house before he hopped on. Who knows.
No. 1756259
>>1756023What happened to him being able to cure mental illness through sheer willpower?
Watching him spiral in real time is delightful. No one deserves it more. I just hope Kat isn’t brain dead enough to stick around with her kid before he can do any real damage.
No. 1756408
File: 1675068581704.jpg (240.45 KB, 1079x1156, Screenshot_20230130_084918_You…)

He is absolutely seething 24/7 kek.
No. 1756414
File: 1675070678897.jpeg (774.09 KB, 1147x1341, 064D2E1E-33FB-4CC3-A649-1488A8…)

But it’s perfectly ok to want cut price professional work isn’t it Fake?
No. 1756436
>>1756408This man is in his 30's and responsible for a child and
this is how he conducts himself? He really should just pack it all in and move on, leave the internet and get a normal job. No one this unpleasant gets famous for any good reason. The only way this man will see fame is when he inevitably snaps and ends up charged with a crime
No. 1756475
File: 1675085245282.jpg (61.87 KB, 1079x332, YouTube.jpg)

>>1756408He deleted that reply. Must have done so after you posted the screenshot. He really does lurk daily huh.
No. 1756497
File: 1675087394296.jpg (791.53 KB, 964x5808, Screenshot_20230130-060152_Chr…)

>>1756493The amount of likes she gets is truly embarrassing. She should consider lowering her price. Or just face the fact that her content isn't good and quit.
No. 1756510
>>1756475I knew he would kek, I only posted that as a little experiment to see if he lurks here. I suppose now we know for sure that he checks up on this thread very frequently.
If you're reading this Jake - which I know you are, fuck you, you're an
abusive pos and I hope you lose every single one of your dwindling fans. What is it you said to Kaya? "You'll have to get a minimum wage job"? Well perhaps you'll need take your own advice before long kek.
(Board rule 4) No. 1756586
>>1756517This. I don’t like Kat just like the majority of us. Really nothing to offer & has shit behavior. I have a close friend who’s made only a few thousand in a month, minimum likes on the posts. I’m not subbed, but scrolling just to compare to Kat’s, seems to float between 5/6 likes per post. Apparently she gets good tips thru direct messages too.
I’d like to hope Kat isn’t making any money, but it is possible. Is there anyway to see any stats? I know OF is big on privacy though
No. 1756672
>>1756614Also pretty sure there are specifically some very successful alt YouTubers who are older ( 40's and over). There is a demographic of people who appreciate the presence and content of "elder goths"
If he had any self awareness what he should really be considering is that his specific brand of content cant last as he ages, it's already at the point where he seems less like a snarky young guy and more like a miserable old boomer yelling at the clouds. He can't be 40 years old and slurring dick jokes on stream. The older he gets the less tolerant people will be of his bullshit. He's at the point now where his teenage audience is growing out of him and he's too old and unpleasant and irrelevant to attract the attention of the generation that will follow them. He can and will very easily fade into obscurity.
No. 1756853
>>1756408Jake just proving that likely ex fan right with his butthurt response.
The vtuber fiasco is so…as an artist it's obvious you will only get scammers when you are on a website called
fiverr where people "work" for peanuts aka make cheap vector art, premade, stolen, ai, traced etc stuff for £15 or whatever. It seems like he doesn't even understand what he's trying to commission since vtuber art is supposed to be an appealing, ecpressive, 2d anime character, not a 3d low poly game model, and rigging and expressions should have been in his initial request, not an afterthought since that's The Whole Point - it copies your motion. It's like he didn't even do 5 seconds of research.
I'm sure you can simply type
vtuber artist into Twitter and find a few artists. Or look at vtubers on Youtube and see if they credit their artists in the info box.
He's actually more dense than I realised for this whole thing even to happen. Kaya truly was the brains of the operation and now he's teamed up with a fellow sub 100iq person he is endlessly spiraling and his life will literally never recover from this. He's gonna be like onision shouting into the void of like 2k remaining hate viewers in a few years. Everything he does is so moronic and disrespectful, it becomes clearer every day why Kaya was unmotivated and depressed with him, and bounced back so successfully now.
No. 1757072
File: 1675138334729.png (389.76 KB, 497x888, o.o.PNG)

No. 1757397
File: 1675183895034.png (819.47 KB, 494x892, skat.PNG)

No. 1757399
File: 1675184102885.png (32.65 KB, 596x257, jake.PNG)

No. 1757400
File: 1675184143158.jpg (7.07 KB, 220x229, 73564.jpg)

>>1757397her edits always crack me up, every pic is yassified
is she lazy-eyed or is that just the effect of all the warping and editing?
No. 1757437
>>1757403And the ‘toxicity’ is usually people standing up to them, or getting sick of their shit and telling them to stick it. I bet this is aimed squarely at Gareth/the rest of the band who clearly got fed up with his raging ego.
>>1757072Total tinfoil but I wouldn’t be surprised if it was him kicking out because he’s frustrated. He’s had a narky few days bitching about his vtubing avatar and lashing out in the comments. Kaya is his punching bag, makes sense he would try to bring her down to make himself feel better. Especially when she’s in Vegas.
No. 1757463
File: 1675188689425.png (3.04 MB, 828x1792, 7E97C14C-DBF3-4C5E-A9A3-C12B63…)

What does this mean
No. 1757578
File: 1675196284871.png (570.75 KB, 512x835, image_2023-01-31_131759873.png)

No. 1757649
File: 1675198511548.png (1.7 MB, 1250x703, shittip jake and the blowfish.…)

He blurs his background but you can clearly see cans on the desk behind him and the floor on the right is covered with a bunch of shit. Is he going to blame Kat for this "shit tip"? He's at home all day and can't even be arsed to keep his back ground clean for his streams.
He is starting the stream talking about he figured to do some stuff mixing. Great you did that Jake before advertising to do this professionally for other people. He compared his song with other bands like Architect and his song sounds just as professional!
No. 1758034
>>1757397Oofff. That is probably one of the worst of her selfies.
She looks like an English bulldog.
>>1757475She’s probably trolling the people in here that think she’s getting dicked down anytime she’s somewhat happy.
No. 1758190
>>1758167Hmm while I’m sure he does lurk it might be a coincidence this time, in his previous stream announcement
>>1756020 he said he’d do a “mystery horror game roulette” which would have been quite random so that might be the reason he used this wording.
>>1758182Oh my lord she needs to be added to the new thread pic please
No. 1758266
File: 1675260700795.png (1.71 MB, 1030x2171, jakesnewvtubeavatar.png)

>>1758190>>1758257I got stuck in a zoom call all morning and somehow this got away from me during. kek
No. 1758335
>>1757649I know he's never been the picture of great health but I can't believe how pudgy he's gotten. It's hilarious to me that he's such a defensive shit talker when he's really just a little fat boy sitting at his computer.
Actually I want to see pictures of him as a kid, I bet he was super fat and got picked on all the time. Cartman ass motherfucker.
No. 1758390
File: 1675272565716.png (1.37 MB, 1080x1080, 2.png)

>>1758335Here he is, kid version.
No. 1758402
File: 1675273367058.png (98.1 KB, 807x700, spotted in the wild.PNG)

Spotted in the wilds.
No. 1759378
File: 1675361564300.png (372.43 KB, 490x882, whats the tea.PNG)

Wonder what it could be now.
No. 1759379
File: 1675361652683.png (556.2 KB, 489x887, what in the what.PNG)

No. 1759386
>>1759379Why does she like dramatically vagueposting lol, is she preparing to say that she once again spent all day filming then lost the footage because she doesn't know how technology works
I hope she isnt slipping back into that, but that's what it reminds me of
No. 1759465
File: 1675368876197.png (925.79 KB, 1147x834, Screenshot 2023-02-02 at 21-13…)

This is the weirdest looking penguin I've ever seen. Also those flowers are supposed to be narcissus. I guess now we know what happens when she does not trace something.
No. 1759558
File: 1675376628859.png (172.69 KB, 1352x598, highlights.PNG)

Nothing interesting. Just uploaded 'highlights' from his streams.
No. 1759633
>>1759386>>1759402She just got back from a week in vegas and had to take multiple flights to get back home. I don't think it's all that outrageous she's tired tbh. Jet lag happens
>>1759465Honestly one of her better tattoos. Kind of curious where the design came from though as we all know she has a tendency to swipe designs off google.
No. 1759909
File: 1675402924419.png (20.05 KB, 598x161, jake.PNG)

No. 1759912
File: 1675403144400.png (692.18 KB, 491x888, skat & her son.PNG)

With Jake no where to be seen. kek.
No. 1760007
>>1759909It would be great if Jake could refrain from sucking his own dick
constantly He is possibly the most insufferable creature on this planet
No. 1760020
>>1759386Objectively she appears to have a network of support as opposed to being trapped with one of the most miserable YouTubers on the platform. I’d imagine lack of enthusiasm to make videos isn’t as easy to slip into now.
>>1759909Sounds like he’s being extra passive aggressive about this
>>1755367. Also, that’s a tall order.
No. 1760212
>>1760061Why reach for hypotheticals and what-ifs when there’s actual flowing milk coming straight out the tit between Fake and Skat? Ragging on Kaya for her past behavior is overplayed and boring. That milk is dry - get over it.
>>1760147He lovebombed her, got her to move in so now he’s back to the status quo. Have fun Skat!
No. 1760437
File: 1675463651313.png (1.04 MB, 495x889, is your face any good.PNG)

No. 1760661
File: 1675480444053.jpeg (106.71 KB, 688x649, 12C08F73-12BC-4F01-96FE-AC3137…)

>>1720423Don't forget this beauty . Added heavy face smoothing.
No. 1760688
>>1760007that’s what makes it so great when the thing he tries to hype just flops. very telling of his personhood lol.
hasn’t he been streaming on youtube? so invested in learning or whatever though.
No. 1760951
File: 1675523050441.png (178.15 KB, 1181x834, umm how about no.png)

KEK More like you're the one who scurries back into your pathetic hole, Fake.
No. 1760972
File: 1675526193192.png (116.96 KB, 388x475, you make no sense dude.PNG)

why is this fool always playing old ass games? the last release for Bioshock was around 2016. If he's wanting to break away from TikTok reactions this is a piss poor attempt.
No. 1761154
>>1760951It's interesting that Jake keeps responding emotionally like this when he honestly doesn't have to prove himself kek (But to 'prove to himself' I suppose). And instead ofde-escalating arguments, he's fueling the flames. Further interesting that he is blind to him self-sabotaging his online presence further.
>If you suddenly deleted it [Twitter account] and vanished no one would care.Projecting hard.
No. 1761351
>>1758617As a paragraph this would only be acceptable if a 15 year old wrote it, this is a fully grown adult living the life
he crafted for himself - making the content he chooses and living with the partner he chose, talking about when he's "finally dead" like godamn for someone that pestered Kaya so much about her mental health, he's in deperate need of some antidepressants.
No. 1761550
File: 1675608754328.png (132.94 KB, 595x570, kek what a joke.png)

No. 1761552
>>1761550It's like his snaccs choose to ignore his red flag behaviours and jump to his
victim mentality soon as he's being 'bullied'.
No. 1761553
File: 1675609082921.png (814.26 KB, 490x887, 1053116219.png)

No. 1761558
File: 1675609339409.png (891.16 KB, 493x883, just stop.png)

No. 1761581
File: 1675612786346.jpg (510.32 KB, 1080x2125, Screenshot_20230205_165844.jpg)

Raging Fake?
No. 1761650
File: 1675621391788.png (218 KB, 598x1029, LOLWTF.PNG)

KEK this is rich
No. 1761747
>>1761731Yeah, how dare her take a trip with “other people’s money” But it’s totally fine for jake to do it. And how dare her be having a bad time after getting off holiday. Also, how dare her for posting about it while simultaneously not telling strangers on the internet exactly whats going on!
I hope you hate yourself as much since you’re living off your boss’s money and whining to strangers on the internet about how you cant afford a trip.
sage your non-milk whining.
No. 1761754
>>1761747Not that anon but it's getting annoying you can't even level the tiniest amount of critique about Kaya or people are getting butthurt.
What's different between you and Jakes snacks atm?
Yes she is doing better, good for her! She looks great, good for her! But she is also a bit whiney.
No. 1761845
File: 1675643136421.png (713.23 KB, 516x896, new ink.PNG)

No. 1761846
File: 1675643360979.png (27.17 KB, 593x634, iishhh.PNG)

No. 1761847
File: 1675643549470.png (342.5 KB, 550x638, Kat Paine.PNG)

Was Kat Paine ever THE owner at Hidden Hand Tattoo??
No. 1761859
File: 1675645267028.jpg (379.03 KB, 1046x1159, Screenshot_20230205-170015_Twi…)

I love the comparison of these next to eachother kek.
No. 1761904
File: 1675649918046.png (3.88 KB, 109x106, Screenshot 2023-02-06 at 03-17…)

>>1761846This never gets old. Is she finally taking it all off in a desperate attempt?
No. 1762185
>>1761831I did and I stop followinging her because of it. She doesn't do it ALL the time, but still a lot over the most basic stuff.
And no it's not milk. But it is getting annoying that you can't even saythe littlest thing about it or people here are right on the fence about it.
No. 1762208
>>1762185Why do you need to say something that you know is not milk? Just to whine yourself about whiney Kaya?
Btw some nonnies here act like jake is their ex, and not Kayas. The fuck is this shit
>>1759378. Kaya is just as usually whining in the void and that's all
No. 1762262
>>1762208There are at least 2 anons who point this out. It's not just me who is responding.
But I'm sorry to offend the Kaya fanclub.
No. 1762339
File: 1675701991220.jpg (642.45 KB, 1600x900, dem jowls.jpg)

>>1761845Oh my god, her saggy jowls… She really is more like a bulldog than a cat, considering her drooping jowls and always baring her bottom teeth.
No. 1762398
>>1762262There's many anons who find Kaya annoying and probably ugly. She's been a cow for years. Critiquing here or calling her a moan doesn't mean people think Jake doesn't moan. They're not the antithesis of each other. In fact they're horribly alike. They're the fucking gruesome twosome. Jake's had a new girlfriend for over a year and living with her and her son, and yet Kaya's fans still think of Kaya and Jake as Kaya and Jake. You cannot fucking mention one without the other.
Think it's only fair to allow both the fucking cows in this thread to be discussed independently of each other.
Like Kaya is ungrateful sounding. When's the last time she actually had to work for something? When's the last time she worked a 40 hour week. She comes back from a Vegas trip miserable and looking sympathy ffs. What the fuck happened now lol
No. 1762469
>>1762398Thank you
nonnie. This is exactly what I mean.
No. 1762522
>>1762363Could you repeat that, hon? All I could hear was the sound of your jowls slapping angrily as you huffed and puffed over an observation that has absolutely nothing to do with you.
This is the Jake and Kat thread, not the "
triggered fat bitch" thread. Check Meta, or try a diet, if it bothers you so much?
No. 1762529
>>1762398>Jake and kaya are horribly alikeYeah being a bit of "a moan" is exactly the same as being an
abusive cheater manlet scrote. Incredible that people can tell the two apart really.
No. 1762825
>>1762522Oh man I’m quaking in my boots I need to go lie down in my bariatric bed
>>1762629Yeah and every time they get called out they say how fat the anon must be and gets well
triggered they really need to get a grip. Self projection much
No. 1762832
nonny. Read what I am replying to. I didn't think I needed to note my sarcasm because it's pretty obvious that Kaya and Jake are no where near the same level of cow at this point.
No. 1762938
>>1762861I need to chill too. Lets collect ourselves, get in our zen and wait until some milk comes out. I'm sorry. My bad, also,
No. 1762998
>>Feeling positive. Removing toxicity from his life over the last few months.4 days later… Responds emotionally and dishes out
toxic vibes.
Waiting for him to have a moment of self-revelation so he can remove himself.
No. 1763648
>>1743386The only way she could be considered "mature" is as a cringe out-of-touch mom trying to be "one of the kids", because that's exactly what this is. Kat doesn't have the natural charm necessary to pull off something like this.
Also I just realized she's wearing that stupidass catgirl costume and she's actually trying to do the ahegao face. She's trying to be trendy but years fucking late, and she's trying to look sexy but looks weapons-grade retarded.
>>1743393>>1743485I'm glad Jake shacked up with the flatass monosyllabic alcoholic wannabe alt e-girl laughing-stock he built his minor e-fame on ridiculing. Honestly the funniest ending to his career. Keep up the incredible life choices champ.
No. 1763667
>>1745982This is the Basic Bitch of alt looks. It's just Basic Bitch with dyed hair and cartoon tats.
The Stepford Alt-Wives.
No. 1763713
>>1751945This is such a great point. The end of their relationship could've been a minor blip of awkwardness after which they both could've peacefully gone their own ways. All of this drama was absolutely unnecessary and it's entirely Jake's fault it happened this way.
He could've sat Kaya down and told her he didn't love her anymore. Could've acknowledged the bad things he did, apologized, said the best thing to do is just go their separate ways. Could've let her stay until she found suitable housing. Could've calmly given each other back the property they were borrowing. Could've agreed for the sake of both their careers not to air dirty laundry in public. Would've been uncomfortable but life would've gone on afterwards.
None of that happened because Jake is a seething rage machine that can't conceive of handling anything difficult in a calm controlled way. "Me angry, me lash out. Me throw controller. Me punch wall." He bitches about how Kaya won't shut up, but if he hadn't dropped her on the sidewalk in the middle of an Irish winter and given her a modicum of respect during their breakup she wouldn't be pissed off or have any urge to vent. Petty as her references may be she's absolutely justified. If you're gonna be shitty expect people to talk shit about you.
No. 1763717
>>1752507I love it when a creator is raging and seething, says they're gonna go create something, and what they create is nothing more than more thinly veiled raging and seething about whatever pissed them off. I've seen it happen several times and it's always funny as hell.
>{TO MEEEEEEEEEE}>(screaming puking noises)LMAO
No. 1763756
>>1752634>>1752642>>1752668What's funny to me, and what I'm sure has Jake extra enraged, is she's living the life he wants to live. She's been out and about in the world and traveling. He's stuck at home. She's been making a variety of content. He's been making the same repetitive shit over and over again. She was broke but now apparently has a comfortable income. He was buying motorcycles and equipment and statues, now he's pinching pennies. She's unburdened by a child, as she's always said she wanted to be. He has to be quiet and is otherwise weighed down by a child, which he's pretending to enjoy but has always said he despises.
He sees Kaya living the life he wants to live, whereas his attempt to be "free again" have left him more tied down and burdened than ever before. I can believe he hatestalks Kaya because of this as much as because of her making negative references to him.
Poor boy got hoist by his own petard.
No. 1764048
>>1761792>All she does is whine.>>1761823>She complains all the time.She's been doing plenty of shit without whining. Every time some
nonnie tries to claim "All she does is whine" and doesn't acknowledge the content she's made it just makes you look like an axe-grinding faggot. Stop it.
In the months after her breakup I was more sympathetic towards her complaining given the nightmare her life was at the time. I figured she was just fishing for comfort from her followers. (Relying on your followers for emotional support is a terrible fucking idea but she was desperate and I get it.) But now that her life has improved it's starting to seem like she keeps purposely bringing up the drama to create social media interest.
>>1748387>>1752971>>1753375>>1757072I can understand if she posts a response in self-defense against the false claims he makes, but if she's truly intent on moving on she needs to stop making petty grudge-posts and just act like Jake doesn't exist. People like him enjoy seeing blood in the water, and every time she reveals that he's getting to her that just makes him feel like he's succeeding and encourages him to keep talking shit about her.
Grey rock his ass hard unless something needs addressing and just post feel-good shit. She's too old for the whole "boo-hoo can't film my battery died" act that's somewhat endearing in adolescence. You're a fucking adult now, it's not cute when you whinge about everyday inconveniences that all adults deal with on occasion, it just makes you look immature and incompetent. And you don't need to burn down Jake's reputation with your clever little digs, he's perfectly capable of burning his reputation to the ground all by himself.
There, are you happy now
nonnie? Do you finally feel validated? Did my criticizing Kaya loosen up that vaginismus enough to rip out that dry tampon that's causing you to shit up every thread with interchangeable posts about how completely whiny and lazy Kaya supposedly is over and over and over again?
I will accept your snarky clapbacks and accusations of being a chode-sucking snacc now.
No. 1764256
>>1764048I wonder whether Jake has broken his no contact, she went strangely quiet after the Las Vegas trip and we know nothing sends him into a rage like Kaya being free and having fun. Most of her past whining was actually fair in context, remember when she posted about missing cooking or something and then we find out it's because she literally lived in a commercial studio space with no kitchen.
Same as her lack of motivation to make videos at that time. She is very sensitive and seems too kind to speak about her issues unless pushed (like her 3 hour response video) so I do think there is a reason for a lot of the emotional dips and whining.