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No. 1808521
Meet the cows:
Jake Munro - Kaya's ex boyfriend, after dating for around a decade. Cheated on her with his girlfriend's tattoo artist's wife, Kat. Fancies himself a musician, though since his bandmates left, doesn't seem capable of producing music on his own. Used Joker-esqe makeup and mimicking other artist's makeup for attention on Youtube, but has since generally given the gimmick up as his popularity rapidly declined post break-up. Appears to be rapidly aging into the bloated corpse of a chav gordan ramsay due to a suspected alcohol and nicotine addiction. Has big dreams of being the next big V-tuber star. Occasionally scars us with his ugly nudes via a rarely updated OnlyFans account.
ToxicTears (Kaya) - Veteran goth youtuber, used to get hundreds of thousands of views, but her channel has dwindled down due to inactivity during the last few years of her relationship with Jake. Has a tendency to make a lot of excuses not to film, though seems to posting somewhat regularly again. Kind of an airhead, often anxious. Lots of old milk. Almost constant debate in thread in regards to her current cow status.
Kat Paine - Previously married mother of one, cheated on her tattoo studio owning husband with their client's (Kaya) long term boyfriend (Jake). You can find her posting heavily filtered lewds to her OnlyFans when she isn't tracing Disney coloring book sheets part-time at the tattoo shop. Her most popular phrases include: "Daddy! Shots!", "Drinks! Shots!" and incoherent giggling at Jake doing literally anything.
Previous thread:
>>>/snow/1764493Updates from last thread:
>>1753822 Gareth, a previous member in the MUNRO band calls Jake out on his ego and for choosing to go solo.
>>1752635 Kaya goes to Nevada, USA and Jake brags about shutting himself away to learn how to make music in his bedroom.
>>1708771 Jake uploads a 2 hour and 15 minute video 'breaking his silence' and makes an utter ass of himself in the process
>>1708772 Kaya posts an Instragram story addressing Jake's video, says she'll be responding to it soon
>>1708797 Kaya posts a short video on youtube to say she's watching the video and taking notes, and will respond as soon as she can.
>>1708806 Jake's video had timestamps, suggesting he was stalking her socials and lolcow for every mention of him.
>>1708834 Jake says he's already contacted a solicitor (lawyer) about the items Kaya 'stole' from him.
>>1708841 Jake defends making his video because his 'character' and 'success' were being attacked.
>>1708847 Snacc points out Kaya's making her own video, Jake say's he'll respond to it.
>>1708872 Jake confirms the cops told him to stop trying to contact Kaya.
>>1709086 Twitter isn't having any of Jake's bullshit.
>>1709171 Jake's video is getting almost as many dislikes as likes.
>>1709190 Jake deletes all negative comments on his video, as per usual.
>>1709247 Kaya uploads her 3 hour response video the same night, says she might delete it and make a more composed video later.
>>1709606 The comments section of Jake's video is turning on him.
>>1709608 >>1709610 >>1709653>>1709658 Braindead Snaccs defend him on twitter.
>>1709667 The likes on Kaya's video already exceed Jake's with only half the views.
>>1709673 Roly posts his support to the video, confirms Jake's behaviour from past experiences.
>>1709699 Rotten Hollow posts support on Instagram.
>>1709725 >>1709756 Jake's instagram starts feeling the hate.
>>1709802 More confirmation of Jake's shitty behaviour from random people who met them over the years.
>>1709943 Anon posts a detailed breakdown of Kaya's video.
>>1710001 Don't invalidate Jake's mental health!
>>1710106 Jake's plushie shows up for sale on Mercari.
>>1710200 More recap of Kaya's video.
>>1710213 Kaya debunks Kat's lies that she wasn't kicked out by Dean.
>>1710217 Jake can't keep up with deleting the hate on his instagram pics anymore.
>>1710226 A reddit thread about the drama is created.
>>1710293 Angela Benedict comments her support to Kaya.
>>1710307 Jake couldn't have let Kaya stay in their house because he needed somewhere to fuck Kat.
>>1710310 Melanie Murphy comments her support to Kaya.
>>1710343 Jake's brother comments on Kaya's video.
>>1710344 >>1710348 >>1710357 >>1710354 Jake starts to respond to comments finally.
>>1710373 >>1710385>>1710377 More support for Kaya, this time from Vampirefreaks.
>>1710400 Jake is bleeding subscribers.
>>1710507 Emilyboo makes an Instagram story about Jake.
>>1710716 Jake says he'll delete his video if she does, asks people to get ahold of her for him.
>>1710730 Privates the video, gives Kaya 25 minutes to do the same.
>>1710757 Kaya wakes up to Jake's bullshit yet again.
>>1710792 Jake gives Kaya more time since she just woke up.
>>1710787 Meanwhile, Kat posts selfies.
>>1710867 Roly roasts Jake with a selfie.
>>1710881 Jake's ultimatum doesn't go over well.
>>1710897 Jake say's he's moving on, no regrets and hopes Kaya will private her video too.
>>1710961 Kaya isn't making any decisions yet, hopes he'll really move on, might keep the video up because abuse survivors have asked her to.
>>1711055 Jake's instagram is losing subscribers.
>>1711454 Jake bans comments on one instagram pic so people move on to another.
>>1711574 Jake decides not to move on, will 'address everything' instead.
>>1711686>>1711575 John's comment to the whole situation.
>>1711739 Kaya finds out Jake's plan to 'address' things, says she's just tired and wants to be left alone.
>>1711741>>1711788 Kaya says Jake tried to push her out of doing Youtube many times.
>>1712035 People are now tagging Kat in comments.
>>1712055 Luxeria shows her support for Kaya.
>>1712073 Jake was so nice to Kaya during a past medical emergency that she almost hoped she would have another serious health issue just so he'd be nice to her again.
>>1712087 Kaya posts about feeling sick after an 'eye opening' day, deletes story shortly after.
>>1712338 Commentary/reaction videos start showing up on youtube.
>>1712342 >>1712343 >>1712423 Kaya confirms the Cops know about Jake's video.
>>1712451 Kaya's instagram story suggests something happened, but she never elaborates. Anons suspect the cops might be involved, hence the silence.
>>1712483 More evidence of Jake's creepy behaviour.
>>1712512>>1712513 Kaya is living in fear of what Jake will say next.
>>1712515>>1712770 Skat privates her OF Instagram.
>>1712935 Kaya says she's not doing very well mentally right now.
>>1712951 Skat's plagiarism gets called out on Twitter.
>>1713021 Jake's plan to destroy Kaya's reputation only brought her tons more views, subscribers, and Patrons, and lost him a ton himself.
>>1713039 People start posting hate on Skat's tattoo shops page.
>>1713308 Kaya is planning to go to therapy after everything that's happened.
>>1713391 Working copy of Jake's original Breakup Video is posted.
>>1713411 Kaya goes to the hospital for unknown reasons.
>>1713613 Jake gets his stomach tatooed, whines like a little bitch about how it hurt.
>>1713616 Anon finds pics of the tattoo.
No. 1808524
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No. 1808530
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No. 1808533
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I noticed this comment and realised I never see him taking pictures of Isaac or even mention him anymore
No. 1808536
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No. 1808538
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No. 1808541
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No. 1808545
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kek i guess we will see?
No. 1808546
Nice thread summary, OP.
I wanted to add a few things that were posted in Altcows so they're easier to find/reference:
>>1802572 Kaya insists her Patreon is for bills only and not supporting the making of her online content
>>1802625 Said Patreon mentioning funds going to videos
>>1803107 Kaya insisting her travel doesn't cost much and is mostly covered by other parties
>>1805139 Summary of Jake's new blog, whining about noone wanting to work with him and having to sell his bike to fund more mediocre music videos
>>1805341 Jake promising VR content again, this time in May
>>1806363 A video was uploaded alleging that Jake sexually assaulted Nicole from Eyes of Nocturne, but it was taken down due to Jake calling a solicitor
>>1806374 Original maker of video explains the situation
>>1806378 Jake immediately named the
victim in response and claims that it was a "misuderstanding" that has been resolved
>>1806713 After this incident, Jake deletes a few videos from his channel that featured Kelly Eden
>>1807891 Proof of deleted videos
>>1808431 Some videos that featured Kaya were deleted also
>>1807146 Kaya admits during livestream that she traveled, partied, and got tattooed while sick with COVID
No. 1808547
>>1808542Ah, nothing 'milky', and posts are saged. Not the anon you mentioned doing those things in past? but I can understand how annoying that must have been. Had these saved for any lazy nonnies to see she's seemingly doing well. Cheers!
>>1808533I don't know but its been obvious for some time of his indifference.
No. 1808599
File: 1681492975903.jpg (73.34 KB, 1138x784, socialblade.JPG)

This is a no-brainer and not particularly milky, but I got curious about Fake's socialblade stats and he's still slowly bleeding followers with nothing to engage the current ones and not actively promoting himself. He's not gaining back the ones he lost either, nothing he does is making up for the hits he keeps taking. And as mentioned in
>>1808546 he's having to sell his bikes just to make music videos that no one is watching and barely crack a few thousand views. His career is dead and he's either delusional enough to believe it isn't, or we're witnessing record levels of cope. Enjoy joining the workforce again Fake, especially with those shitty face tats!
No. 1808858
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The video that had Jake taking legal action is back up.
No. 1809194
>>1809191Nah, I'm the noob anon who made this thread/forum here and haven't seen a new one made in some time so decided to bite the bullet so we can all come together and get at it again (I had no idea wtf I was doing and just copy/pasted the last one for the 'about section' and randomly selected the image)
Im sorry nonna
No. 1809196
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She made her OF account on instagram public again kek
No. 1809198
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No. 1809199
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No. 1809445
>>1809168That isn't what she said
nonnie, she said she had received an offer to go get lipo in Korea, but didn't take it and kind of regrets not taking the offer now. She said if she ever got the offer again she'd take it too though, but also still plans to get back into the gym.
>>1809196>>1809339tbh agreed. Her underbite isn't even noticeable when she doesn't do that weird gaping fish mouth thing. I was going to say this is actually a pretty flattering photo of her, but it also looks like she's straight up squatting with her whole coochie out? kek
No. 1809547
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Looks like Jake is on another deleting spree atm.
No. 1809558
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>>1809547Quick math using this screenshot from an old thread, but if he was at 750 videos just four months ago, plus the 15 videos he's uploaded since then, he's deleted 25 videos in total already.
Funny side-note, but Kaya has uploaded 11 videos in the past four months compared to his 15. Not as many less as a certain anon would lead you to believe. Her videos are often twice as long as his are too. kek
No. 1809574
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His little deleting spree has tanked his socialblade grade. Not sure how accurate or representative social blade is tbh but seeing it go from B to D and knowing he’s done it himself is amusing. Just like everything else since the break up it’s his own actions that have turned round to bite him.
No. 1809607
>>1809574Happened to notice one of the videos he deleted was the 'vlogging in drag" video, conveniently after someone was making fun of it just a few weeks ago here:
>>1797978Kek, Jake really is our puppet at this point. The way he lurks and acts in response the things said here.
No. 1809716
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>>1808521Following up on Grant after the tin-foil in the last thread. I did some more snooping and noticed some things.
He has three Instagram accounts: gthornetattoos is his work account, thistle_mourning is where he sells his crafts and his main account had the previous usernames grantr2d2 and grant.thorne but is currently hidden. He is still not following or followed by Kaya and has limited comments on gthornetattoos. Also, he hasn't posted to his TikTok for 3 months despite usually being quite active on the app. The evidence is stacking up that he is the one who sent her spiralling after her Vegas trip. Wasn't he one of her oldest friends? They've known each other for at least 10 years and he seemed to be an important character in her post-break up revenge arc. It was a public show of tattoos, photoshoots and TikToks - rather cute.
No. 1809717
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>>1809716He used to have 'Four Oracles Tattoo' in his bio but that's gone now. It's a bit vague whether he still works there but 4oraclestattoos no longer follows him and neither does its owner Kat Hardy. He had been working at the studio since Oct 2021 so its a bit suspicious to see these changes in the public business accounts. Interestingly if you peep his profile pic you can see he is twinning with Kaya.
No. 1809721
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>>1809717The timing of this post on Kaya's FB was interesting: it was right after she 'spent most of February rotting in my own misery in bed' and it seems like a slight towards an artist she knows personally.
No. 1809747
>>1809618Not to mention Kat seemed to stop with the e-girl stuff and moved into lingerie right after it was suggested here on lolcow (i'm to lazy to go back and link the post).
I worry about how miserable, dense, and under the thumb she must be but then I remember that she knew all to well that she is a homewrecker with history, lowers my sympathy bar.
No. 1809792
>>1809730Ah! That answers that then!
I honestly don’t think Kaya would have ever come out with a tell all on Fake if he hadn’t done it first and she was subsequently backed into a corner of staying silent and allowing his version of events to become ‘the truth’ or airing all her dirty laundry in public. She would have continued to vague post (which had the added benefit of driving him absolutely crazy) but she never would of put his Willam Dafoe inferiority complex on blast like she ended up doing. She had no need to, she was clearly ‘winning’ in the public sympathy stakes which is the only reason fake had his tantrum in the first place.
For all her faults she has at least tried to maintain a modicum of dignity during all of this.
No. 1809807
>>1809765I'm not sure. She was nuts about Harry Potter and completely ignored it after she came to the wrong conclusion that "JK Rowling is a
TERF bitch". It's not the same as a friendship but it shows she can easily see someone as evil and adjust her attitude. So it could be something bad or it could be something silly.
No. 1809830
>>1809807I have my own personal tinfoil that Kaya still likes Harry Potter but publicly denounces it since her fanbase is annoying and would scream she's a
TERF if she still liked it. I don't buy that she got rid of her HP stuff since she doesn't get rid of anything really
No. 1809834
>>1809817I don’t recall saying anything about her work ethic or her Patreon but go off…
There is a world of difference between making the occasional vague reference to your ex being a dick whilst never mentioning him by name and making several vitriolic posts directly naming your ex and then going off on a two hour rant about how they never cleaned your house.
If you stack up the individual actions then Kaya does come up on top in the dignity stakes. Even if it is a minuscule amount He’s literally showed his whole arse on the internet throughout this thing.
No. 1809839
>>1809817Nitpick all you want about how lazy she is, but like
>>1809558 mentioned she's uploaded almost as much as he has these past 4 months. If not more if you count overall video time. Sure Jake also streams more often than her, but Kaya regularly does Q&As with fans and does a lot of other social media updates. Their content updates aren't as vastly different as you always seem to make it out to be.
>>1809835Doubtful, he was hanging around and potentially seeing this pretty and heavily tattooed girl around the last year Kaya and he were friends. I can try to see if I can find the photos of them together, but they are likely deleted by now.
No. 1809866
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All of the above.
No. 1809906
>>1809892It's also been stated multiple times Kaya also makes an effort with her other social media posts, instagram reels and tiktok videos. She's not strictly a Youtuber and I think some anons focus way too hard on the YT aspect. Jake barely posts to insta and his twitter is boring and like
>>1808599 shows he's hemorrhaging what few followers he does have. Kaya at the very least keeps her audience engaged on multiple platforms, Jake put all his eggs in the Youtube basket and those videos aren't performing well at wall.
No. 1810080
>>1809937I remember someone on YouTube being up in arms about Jake's leaked nudes and how even if he is an asshole it's not right, it's revenge porn, etc. so maybe kaya has that attitude about it?
also she probably just wants to move on and not be reminded of it all. if Grant did this, it's very shitty and I wouldnt like it either.
her vague liking of a post above was about "tattoo artists who dont creep on girls" maybe someone had allegations against Grant.
I really want to know the scoop on this.
No. 1810086
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Hello, filters
No. 1810088
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>>1810087Oops dropped image
No. 1810138
>>1809937Kaya got home from Vegas right at the end of Jan. She made Instagram stories on the way home saying she was dreading some real life shit on her return. The OF leaks were dropped on Mar 16th so I don't think this is what
triggered Kaya's month long depressive episode. I guess Grant could have leaked them elsewhere first then dropped them here over a month later? I'm doubtful though. Also, there's no way he would use his real name on Kat's OF - Jake would have recognised his name instantly and gone nuclear, publicly attacking him on all social media.
No. 1810188
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Was looking at the shout-outs at the end of Fake's latest video before: as expected his list of patrons are growing smaller by the month but he actually has a ton of members on his channel .
I'm baffled that people are clicking the join button and paying 4 USD to become an 'Official Snack' wretch - the perks are so basic. He has 369 members so that generates 1,476 USD a month of which Youtube will take a 30% cut. That means he gets 1,033.2 USD.
Kaya made broken promises about setting up Youtube memberships months ago but made some excuse about how she's still trying to come up with perks. I have no idea what she's waiting for - basic ass chat emojis and loyalty badges are the bare minimum you need. Now that she's posting more frequently she could easily get a grand a month too.
No. 1810191
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>>1810086lmao, he's so weird trying to pass off skin smoothing filters as "hydration". This is like the "no makeup" girls making their "woke up this way" posts.
>>1810080Tbh the vibe I get from it all is that Grant had some sort of allegation come out against him around that time, but who knows what. That short tattoo artist girl that would hang around them both is still following Kaya and Kaya is following her, but no way to tell if she still follows Grant or not with him having everything on private.
No. 1810195
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>>1810191 Grant and the dwarf are still following each other.
She's also following thistle.mourning despite the fact he deleted all his posts. Privated, no profile pic and a full-stop for a name…yeeeeah this guy is guilty or scared about something.
No. 1810306
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The recent update with the recent allegations and lawsuit threat.
Nothing has come from it regarding Jake, and prettycringey seems to have done their homework regarding the situation.
No. 1810315
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No. 1810336
>>1810332Everything about this photo is awful. Kaya's inability to dress in a way that flatters her weight, her crackhead friend in the background, and the other friend being swallowed up by Kaya's "dancing". This should have been saged and spoilered, gross.
Kaya has been quiet all weekend, that I've seen. I had a look to see where this was from, it was an Instagram tag from monster queen.
No. 1810344
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Saw this the other day and rolled my eyes. Figured since we had a good candid of her actual torso, it could add to the conversation. Any bets on whether she completely fails to start up at the gym again?
No. 1810364
>>1810359meth is a burger drug
nonnie, it doesn't have the popularity in Europe like it does in the states. it's even barely mentioned, most drugs of choice here are coke, ketamine, and MDMA. light blogposting but I work in the courts and I have never seen a meth charge
No. 1810420
>>1810344SighShe sounds a bit defeatist here which is disappointing but I guess it is to be expected. She's had such a shit relationship with her body over the years; the struggles with dieting, stints at the gym, dressing in cutesy styles that don't suit her body and feeling unattractive in her partner's eyes. Plastic surgery is probably common in her social circles so that would have definitely fucked up her body image. PeachMilky had a nose job and breast augmentation a few years ago and I think she was the one who gave Jake and Kaya that free trip to Korea which included surgery. I do remember Kaya being on the fence about the offer but ultimately seemed confident in her decision not to do it.
At the end of the day Kaya wants to maintain her current flexible lifestyle which means it will be very difficult to slim down the old fashioned way - catching up on life experiences is more important to her than regimented eating and fitness plans. Unfortunately I think she may have missed the free surgery boat for good.
No. 1810425
>>1810361Pretty sure Lisa is a Kraut but she's been in Belfast for a while.
That b&w photo is super unflattering for all of them but she actually scrubbed up quite well for Monster Queen. Lisa and Kaya's make-up look much better when seen in color.
No. 1810464
>>1810387Kek. Can't believe I missed this shitshow while I was at work.
>>1810454100% this. "Belfast trash" or "crackwhore" anon has been desperately trying to spin this wild tinfoil that kaya is doing all kinds of hard drugs forever now (even in the alt thread in the past couple days). There's absolutely zero evidence of her doing anything besides drinking. Tbh a lot of the nitpicking and tinfoiling have spiraled out of control a bit lately without any receipts. Spamming random photos isn't really milk either.
No. 1810478
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>>1810302I'm trying to work out how much he gets through his other streams of income and it's impossible to tell how much he gets from Patreon. However there are lots of little clues online.
He's got 4 levels of memberships with the cheapest costing a buck and $25 being the top tier. His Patreon claims that the $10 tier is the most popular - press X to doubt. I think Patreon included a feature where you can lie about your top tier. Also kek at the
FREE signed print in the most expensive tier.
No. 1810481
File: 1681760901644.jpg (95.34 KB, 1067x464, EzhuzdN.jpg)

>>1810478By scrolling through his posts on Patreon you can see what posts are locked behind the higher tier sub paywalls and how many people have liked it. It doesn't give us exact numbers as not everyone in that tier will interact with a post but it paints an image. I think Patreon takes an 8% cut when you're on the Pro Plan (this plan enables membership tiers so I assume this is the one Jake has).
Exhibit A: Music
He covered the weeaboo anthem 'E-Girls Are Ruining my Life!' back in August 2020 and through the likes we can ascertain that he made at least $1,510 - pretty impressive right? Sadly his most recent cover 'Freaks' only made a measly $65 - that's not even enough to cover the costs of the music video.
Sad trombone sad effect No. 1810483
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>>1810481Exhibit B: Audiobooks
In Aug 2020 75 suckers liked 'Interview with the Vampire Part 8' which means he made at least $750 just for reading out loud. Fast forward to Feb of this year and you'll see only 6 patrons liked Part 9 - that's $60 before processing fees. Kek at the time gap between Part 8 and 9.
No. 1810485
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>>1810483His 'about' page hasn't been updated in years and the intro vid has been private for at least a year now. You can tell by the references to the tour and comedy-gaming channel that it was written pre-break up.
Jake, man…you've given up on your Patreon and it shows. Stop being a lazy bastard and sort out your page - it looks hella unprofessional.
No. 1810489
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>>1810485He has a list of monetary goals for his channel.
Do any of you nonnies know how to guess the targets?
No. 1810498
I have no guesses but thanks a lot for screencaping all this. I share my opinion with
>>1810454 , I can't wait for this man to hit rock bottom.
No. 1810639
>>1810203doesn’t he still have a space separate from the house to film the vr stuff? with the loss of revenue from deleted vids, waiting to release that content until may seems dumb.
also i like how the default vid on his youtube is a year old and is him coming off a “break” to promise a whole bunch of stuff, most of which never happened lol.
>>1810478he’s not consistent with any of those things, you know he’d be sharing ppl who got the pix & idk when the last time he came out with new ~merch~ was, so paying anything over a dollar is a scam.
No. 1810705
>>1810483His stats plumetting will never stop being funny, thank you for the screenshot comparisons
nonny >2020: 75 likes>2023: 6 likesFrom my estimates of other creators, about 1/3 of patrons will interact e.g. a video will be viewed by 3x the number of likes, but that only gives you uhh 18 patrons at the "most popular" $10 tier rn
No. 1810707
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>>1810672Interesting support comparison
No. 1810713
File: 1681784103440.jpg (69.79 KB, 500x891, youre boring man.jpg)

2005 called, to ask why the hell you think this game holds any relevance within the streaming community at this time.
He'd get more views if he streamed League of Legends, Halo Infinite, Hogwarts Legacy, etc., etc.
No. 1810810
File: 1681800818551.jpg (52.11 KB, 316x161, jqH40u4.jpg)

>>1810797Ya boy don't pay for pussy, but we will
Can't wait to see those narc tears
No. 1810817
>>1810639I think it's been confirmed that he has at least 2-3 additional rental spaces besides the House he's renting. There's definitely at least one "studio" he still has set up for VR that's been sitting unused forever and the garage he uses for his bikes that Kat seems to do all her pole practice in as well.
>>1810712The e-girl plush was the second plush that did not get funded, the Goth Jake plush is the first one that actually did and did extremely well, reaching 451% funding. I remember because it was heavily discussed in the old threads as it was happening and makeship even gave him like an extra week to try to reach 100% funding. This was pretty soon after their break up went public and his fanbase took a nosedive due to his poorly received "we broke up" video. I can dig up receipts from the old alt cows threads if anyone is interested, but it's old milk at this point.
No. 1810889
File: 1681821320221.jpeg (51.23 KB, 750x245, E2F7A5AC-3749-4464-87F1-732D6D…)

Here’s a little “explanation” why she’s been so absent lately, also interesting how she’s mentioning revamping her patreon, almost as if she’s reading here kek
No. 1810916
File: 1681826066386.png (527.66 KB, 864x1529, tattoos!.png)

>>1810912Looks like it, nona, if she's able to get tattooed not even 24hrs after such a thing. Totally sub to her Patreon so Kaya can get even more tattoos, though.
No. 1810921
>>1810916She booked this appointment weeks ago, she's getting the back of her other leg done.
She was vague about why she had to go to the hospital but it seems like it was just a little scare and nothing to cancel a tatt appointment over.
Looks like she's going to a new studio that specializes in trad design.
Nice misspelling of nona btw, that didn't go unnoticed
No. 1810927
>>1810921Quick, someone shitpost about Jake so the WK's don't claim we're distracting from the cheese they are splurging about.
I'll start: how dare he play resident evil 4??! Oh wait, someone already said that. Oh, I know! He missed a stream Sunday because of branded content filming. Grr, what a slob. How dare he do an off schedule stream instead to make up for it.
Or maybe we can like, wait for him to actually do something milky for worthwhile discussion. Idk, just a thought. This is a Jake, Kaya, and Kat thread after all. It's not a competition. They each take their turns giving milk, so if you don't like that one of them is considered a cow then you are on the wrong site.
>>1810927I was just making a point that she's not gonna cancel an expensive appointment that she's probably put a down payment on. I don't know what you were expecting.
Milk has been dry lately, we'll have to wait until next month for the launch of Jake's VR career and Kaya's next round of partying
No. 1810959
>>1810956Unnecessarily aggressive right?
I don't even think anyone even brought up the missed Sunday stream (or cares). It was oddly specific, something an avid Jake enjoyer would say
No. 1810973
File: 1681834784909.jpg (226.74 KB, 1080x1672, EOALFRo.jpg)

Kaya's new tattoo
Her tattoos are a bit all over the place but I think this piece is beautiful on its own - it's incredibly detailed
No. 1810978
File: 1681834961387.jpg (161.79 KB, 1080x1842, GvK5D8p.jpg)

>>1810973It's hard to tell from the previous pic but it's on the front of her leg and not the back, at least that's what it looks like some this Instagram story
No. 1811034
>>1811028Agreed. His silent hill arm tatts are gonna age like shit. I can't believe that tosser is gonna get the other side of his head done - as if the unintentional head wound wasn't fugly enough.
Kaya's best tattoos are the conjoined twins, head thorns and hand spider. The bug sleeve is slowly growing on me as she adds to it. The leg sigils kind of remind me of that awful colour splash tattoo trend of the 2010s - I definitely prefer designs with clean lines.
No. 1811289
File: 1681867784817.png (1.42 MB, 1173x797, jakesleeves.png)

>>1811034>>1811073Honestly his silent hill sleeve has been absolute shit from the start as seen in older photos. I also don't get why he started getting the dragon sleeve removed and then left it all patchy for years now while covering the rest of himself with more awful tattoos. It definitely seems like he can't settle on any one theme or style, instead opting for something different for every limb or segment of his body. Honestly wouldn't be so bad if he actually got quality work done or didn't do color. So far the half finished Baphomet on his stomach is his best even though it evokes the krampus more than baphomet imho. lmao
No. 1811366
File: 1681879998551.jpg (11.14 KB, 433x287, Screenshot_20230418-215039_Ins…)

>>1809196Skat needs to work on her posing. Why is she like hulking out with her chest? Also she needs to start dressing her size, that corset is way too small. Yes they are supposed to cinch you, but they're not supposed to cause your fat to bulge out like this.
No. 1811385
File: 1681884082943.jpg (97.31 KB, 993x1084, Wtf.jpg)

>>1811366So unflattering, kek.
No. 1811552
File: 1681921116784.jpg (34.1 KB, 839x789, XF2976g.jpg)

>>1809793He was at 106k before the break up and today he's at 80k - fantastic. I couldn't find any screenshot evidence for that one but multiple nonnies confirmed it in the Altcows archives.
Nothing makes me happier than seeing the Graphtreon stats though - this one hurt the pocket and the ego most. A couple of days before the cursed 'WE BROKE UP, NO MORE ALT TIKTOK & 2022' video went up he had 347 patrons which went down to 260 on January 31 and 229 at the end of February. I love seeing the graph take a nosedive.
Someone screenshotted the beautiful moment he hit 491K on Youtube but fell back to 490K the next day…and never stopped freefalling
No. 1811571
File: 1681922985214.jpeg (65.24 KB, 1290x439, 9D3B7B86-D44E-4090-A0F3-91BB47…)

oh joy, can’t wait to see what this ~brand content~ will be so i know to avoid whoever agreed to work with this twat. like how did they look at his falling stats and go, yes we would like you to talk about our thing lol.
so busy and so little to show for it.
No. 1811773
File: 1681938897485.jpeg (1.11 MB, 4095x2730, 43D66D10-AF8B-409B-B042-1404AD…)

>>1811738wonder how much they paid him for this garbage lol, their customer photos look better than this. why is his face so grody, wtf is it with him and that ~i’m cold~ self hug pose, he couldn’t put in a contact or something?
No. 1811781
>>1811773I'm glad they haven't featured him on their main instragram account
No. 1811843
File: 1681943649385.png (163.01 KB, 640x589, 234678.png)

>>1811552It's funny because as anyone could see his patreon was already on a very steady decline for a solid year before he released that video and tanked it even further. Also funny that he went from a peak of 462 patreons all the way down to barely breaking 70 at the beginning of the past couple months. He seems to still be losing a few patreons each month so he's likely to drop down even further.
>>1811826I don't like Kat either, but nitpicking her arm fat in a 4 day old post isn't milk. We already know she's a dumb cheating whore, you don't need to continuously sperg out about it.
No. 1811867
File: 1681945504684.png (326.06 KB, 1170x2532, 4B551BE7-484D-456B-941A-9FA509…)

Punkrave operate an ambassador programme, is it possible cakes ‘isn’t actually as exclusive as he’s made it out to be?
No. 1811960
>>1811867the conditions are basically have 20k followers and like spooky shit. he does not qualify for being “hot as hell”. will be interesting to see if they actually post him on their instagram.
did he mention a discount code in the video?
No. 1812034
File: 1681966136469.png (355.69 KB, 1402x909, punkrave.png)

>>1811984kek, you are projecting so hard
nonnie, who is this desperate for a scrote? It's not unusual in threads for body nitpicking to be a bannable offense tbh, kat just isn't that interesting of a subject so it's been pretty dismissible so far. Your nitpicking wouldn't have even been that out of place if it wasn't done across multiple samefagging posts four days after the pic in question was posted. Did Kat hurt you personally or something? She's a bulldog faced whore, sure, but you seem so weirdly invested in raging out about her.
>>1811773He's done a collaboration with them before that resulted in a lot of negative comments on their post featuring him. They might not repost this one to avoid negative attention, or maybe they're also desperate for the interaction. The photos were pretty shit the last time though, you can't even make out what he is wearing.
No. 1812044
>>1812034>samefagging posts They aren't, I'm actually the OP of the nitpick. I'm going to keep doing it, too.
>four days after the pic in question was postedWhy do you keep acting like that was forever ago? Sorry I don't check the site daily, kek.
No. 1812125
>>1811773If any other of you nonna's or your friends or whatever have done this sort of volunteer work known as being a brand ambassador… I
HIGHLY doubt this was a "paid partnership" as he claims.
No. 1812131
File: 1681995995123.png (694.18 KB, 1080x1890, Screenshot_20230420-075657.png)

saged for speculation but you think she's deep cleaning for elf boy to come around?
deep cleaning is some wifey shit for sure, and she's had plenty of friends over without the need for a "deep clean".
or maybe it's just a hit back at fake who says she never cleaned? kek.
No. 1812139
File: 1681998027206.jpg (370.12 KB, 1929x1447, MTXX_MH20230420_104209305.jpg)

Sage for autism, I got bored at work so here is some shit editing kek
No. 1812201
File: 1682007306671.jpg (302.38 KB, 1080x1127, HrQ2Qby.jpg)

>>1812173You've hit the nail on the head - the neurosis is unbearable to watch sometimes. Hopefully she takes your advice.
>>1812131Interesting tinfoil about the mystery guest but there's 0 romantic tension with elf boy. He's gorgeous but I reckon there's more heat between her and Spooks, her hot tattooist from London. They've hung out during her last two visits and they look pretty cute together. He 100% looks like what I envision her type to be - punk version of Marilyn Manson
No. 1812214
File: 1682011006564.jpg (133.21 KB, 1077x1744, 20230420_101430.jpg)

I really can't stand her soulless traced line art. How is she not embarrassed by this? ANYONE can do this. 5 year olds can trace.
No. 1812245
File: 1682017868407.png (433.6 KB, 863x1518, Home Is Where The Work Is.png)

>>1812173Couldn't even last two hours from that whining post, kek. It is a rare nice day in NI today, so for anyone else it makes sense to take a break and enjoy it, but all she does is take breaks to enjoy herself in some capacity.
No. 1812297
>>1812271One good thing out of this video is that she's finally decided not to pressure herself with doing the same type of videos, the highly edited ones etc. (which we know from five she plans on doing, only one gets released and the rest gets put on the "To do later" pile, and that's even a generous comparison), and some old school unscripted YouTube vids.
I don't mind that, as long as she finally releases some regular stuff. Even just showing us some of the DIY jackets she used to work on or whatever. She's a content creator, and it feels like there's been a lack in creativity lately.
No. 1812312
>>1812034it's not "desperation for a scrote" it's called not being a misogynistic piece of shit who thinks it's cool to cheat their way into relationships that hurt another woman and think you come out on top as "not like the other 'boring' main girlfriends/wives" because you're showing your shit on onlyfans that's got no fans! LMAO
and if you were as good as picking up on "samefags" as you think, I'd be banned already, because I'm not samefagging, I was replying.
why is it so hard for you to believe more than one person would have something negative to say about Skat? meanwhile you're the one WEIRDLY invested in defending her. it reads like you either want her or want to be like her. the best way to make it go away is stop coming to her defense. you move, we move. get it?
>>1812044thank you nonna. imagine thinking Kat is so unproblematic that you can't fathom anyone else calling out her armpit chunk or ugly ass face on lolcows. this isn't a body positivity board lmao.
No. 1812320
File: 1682027211189.jpg (12.8 KB, 222x286, KEK.jpg)

KEK. Did Kat run a portrait of them through one of those awful "anime" filters and then trace over it. The baby's face is killing me.
>>1812131>>1812201Curious to see who it actually is, but my guess is either the elf, the tattooist, or the cute Dutch girl she was making out with at monster queen. You might be right though
nonnie, as this was the only person she went on a one on one outing with.
>>1812312Calm down
nonnie, it isn't that serious. No one is even WKing Kat here.
No. 1812326
>>1812266Video summary for people who don't want to watch…
Starts off by saying she is filming on her phone as one of her camera batteries is dead (she has a total of 4, two are missing and one is at a friend's house). She admits that in the past this type of thing would make her abandon filming but she pushed through the discomfort as she needed to make content.
She's been stressing a lot about Youtube lately - she's always anxious about the type of content and timing of posting as she is losing subs. She says she has lots of exciting, big ideas for content but wants to hold off on making it because she feels it will have limited reach. Says she realises views and ad revenue are more important but she's hung up on stagnant sub count. Vows to pump out the content she wants regardless of whether it does well in the algo.
She says she's been shadow-banned on Instagram since Jan and she's struggling with the algorithm on every platform. She has a ton of vlog footage but it takes so long to edit that she feels she needs to film more short-form content to get out quicker (clearly she is struggling here). Says that she's mustered the motivation to do more vlog editing tonight and has plans to record a video tomorrow.
"It's the best of times and the worst of times" - despite all the fun she's been having there's a looming dark cloud waiting to ruin things, a mixture of things she can and can't talk about.
Recently she woke up with heart attack-like symptoms at 5am and needed to go to the hospital - experienced chest pains similar to the ones she had on stream a few years ago but much worse. Had multiple tests at the hospital - ECG, bloods, x-ray. Docs found scarring + fluid in her lungs however that did not explain the symptoms. She thinks she's gotten a new chest infection since she recovered from Covid, says she's wheezing all the time
She had some accommodation plans for London fall through, seemed extremely frazzled at the idea of renting a room rather than free couch-surfing. She's also worried about her rent increasing and confirms that she's still paying for the studio.
No. 1812331
File: 1682028515111.png (287.4 KB, 720x1640, Screenshot_20230420-230624.png)

No. 1812408
>>1812326Thank you for your sacrifice
nonnie. I knew it she still has that studio. Such a waste of money.
No. 1812429
>>1812293>>1812297So optimistic, let's see how long gross whinge sessions keep people entertained
>>1812326Losing subscribers already? Didn't last long.
No. 1812548
>>1812139I love this Steal His Look fashion mood board! the baby doll with long iced tea and the headwound tattoo is everything. I would like to see a Steal Her Look for the ladies, too! theyre not as legendarily horrible as fake, but they have their moments, like Kat's tired e-girl cat ears and g string, a pole, probably the same Long Island iced tea and smokes as accessories, Mulan tattoo on the thigh, and then Kaya's admittedly aliexpress goth club wear that's so cheap it falls apart, those fishnet bike shorts, spooky box jewelry, and bug tattoos. kek.
No. 1812676
File: 1682088150955.jpg (26.83 KB, 423x367, yFE9uRi.jpg)

Was watching Stump's latest video with the PunkRave ad and had to get a shot of this abomination - distressed, goth shit-catchers. I don't know why he continues to pick clothes that draw attention to how short his legs are compared to his body.
I caught a bit of his stream on Monday and there was this weird moment where he ranted and raved about how his parents are 'unfuckable' and 'unbelievably fucking ugly' and that it was a miracle that he is 5ft10 when his parents are 5ft4 and 5ft1. He was laughing like a lunatic but you could see the pain in his eyes - the short comments clearly still hurt him.
Oh, and for the nonna who was curious earlier he indeed has a PunkRave discount code in his Youtube description
No. 1812679
>>1812676honestly i think it's a "i can wear this, my legs aren't that bad" denial sort of thing. like a fatty trying to squeeze into too small outfits convinced they're not as fat as they really are.
is he actually 5'10"? i recall some older photos of him with kaya and she was in platforms and he was considerably shorter than her, that didn't look like 5'10" to me lmao
also who even talks about their parents that way?? he's even grosser than I thought trying to sexualise them
No. 1812680
File: 1682088819940.jpg (87.52 KB, 722x407, bdwihvy.jpg)

>>1812676At one point he does this little jig with the pants and I lost it.
He looks like he shit himself while waiting for the toilet.
No. 1812684
>>1812679There's always an excuse for why he looks short - the angle of the camera, Kaya's shoes, his proportions. I feel like there is a side by side pic of the two of them that proves that he was the same height or shorter than Kaya. Honestly no one gives a shit about height as much as him but his insecurity is textbook Napoleon complex and you can't help but laugh. When Kaya confirmed the big penis envy that sealed the deal for me.
Yeah I actually felt sorry for him when he spoke about his parents - he needs therapy so badly.
No. 1812697
File: 1682090827595.jpg (22.79 KB, 600x343, brahams.jpg)

>>1812320It looks like Brahams from The Boy kek
No. 1812701
Children of the Corn type beat
No. 1812888
>>1812326This post is a great example of why I dislike Kaya.
Everyone else with anxiety and depression is expected to follow through with their obligations no matter how stressful it is. They're not allowed to take off work at the drop of a hat, or turn in projects late, or any of the things Kaya uses her mental health as an excuse for. She has money. She has plenty of spare time. There is no excuse to not sign up for some therapy, or failing that, psychiatric assistance. As far as I know Kaya has NEVER taken any steps to treat her own mental health, but she constantly uses it as a crutch to excuse procrastination or just straight-up not doing what she promised to.
If you use your mental health as an excuse that often, and for so many reasons, then you need to admit it's a problem worth addressing. She has been wallowing in her own self-inflicted misery for years and people should realize that she's never going to actually get better unless she starts acting like an adult instead of a whiny teenager who thinks they can get out of their shift with 'my feet hurt, can I go home?'
So - probably never going to actually grow tf up unless she loses her patreonbux.
The hospital thing is also deeply sus in my opinion. If a professional can't find ANYTHING to explain her symptoms, it just sounds like she's evolving into a hypochondriac.
>>1812326 No. 1812904
File: 1682117013845.jpeg (Spoiler Image,21 KB, 200x445, 83603984-E80A-4C67-81C2-0AF70F…)

>>1812680the whole thing was terrible but that part made me laugh, what was the point besides confirming he’s a stumpy troll. his lighting was the only thing he could bring into that empty space, no cool ~goth~ props or whatever?
also i was going to see when the last time he posted to onlyfans and found a bunch of nudes lol. not sure what has already been posted but this is one of the funniest and looks very shopped.
nsfl, not my screenshot
No. 1812953
>>1812904This is such a low quality dickpic, definitely the kind people can get for free any time of day
I actually completely forgot about (brain protected me by erasing the information) his onlyfans, definitely played a part in his downfall.
No. 1812957
>>1812676>I caught a bit of his stream on Monday and there was this weird moment where he ranted and raved about how his parents are 'unfuckable' and 'unbelievably fucking ugly' and that it was a miracle that he is 5ft10 when his parents are 5ft4 and 5ft1. He was laughing like a lunatic but you could see the pain in his eyes - the short comments clearly still hurt him.He's actually mental, how could you describe your parents this way? Like specifically in sexual terms like
unfuckable how revolting. As if the attractiveness of your parents means anything.
No. 1812975
>>1812679Kaya was taller than him and he couldn't stand it. He blames her for giving HIM body image issues. Kat is taller than him as well, but she makes herself small and stays in his shadow like a "good daddy's little girl."
No. 1813109
>>1810485 Hi anaon here that pointed out Kat does lace and corsets these days, and less e-girl stuff, and the timing coincided with a suggestion on the board that it would pay off much better for her.
Without addressing the fact that, if right, it means she (or he) is actually still trying to make her onlyfail happen, Jake actively admitted to lingering here. More of the criticism and mocking, less of the advise. Please?
No. 1813120
File: 1682149638557.jpg (201.17 KB, 847x423, 9pIJcHy.jpg)

>>1813118That's his phoenix tattoo after a couple of sessions of laser removal. It was one of the first tatts he got and he never got it coloured in. He plans to have it covered up with new work this year.
It seems like he has a lot of tattoo plans this year for a
broke guy - the rest of his stomach later this month, left side of face and head, his domestic violence leg sleeve by Kat and possibly a back tattoo.
No. 1813133
>>1812904he looks so weirdly bloated and discolored in this screenshot, like some mildly waterlogged cadaver with its dick out. kek
>>1813113>>1813109>samefagging>interacting with old posts>trying to mini-mod>"cow-propping"While it's appreciated you at least know how to sage, you might want to learn the board culture a bit better newfag anon.
No. 1813160
File: 1682161317740.jpg (33.25 KB, 400x565, ZoozC2l.jpg)

man it took a lot of digging but this was the only older picture i could find of them together with them wearing more flat shoes… i can't tell if kaya is wearing flatter boots or not but fake is and she's leaning back and still appears taller than him. I'm not buying that he's 5'10"… I know kaya has said that is her height so i think he's maybe 5'8" at most?? what do you guys think?
No. 1813180
>>1812676He spoke about his parents' genetics and decision to procreate with such venom: of all the genuine grievances he has with them he brings up the thing they can't change in such a gross, public way.
Kaya is friends with some of his family on social media so I've seen some recent pics of them. Jake made it sound like his Dad is a disfigured beach ball but honestly he looks alright for his age, in fact they look very a like in terms of facial features and body type. I think I saw a pic of his Mum but I'm not 100% sure it was her. He seemed particular hateful of her genetics and brought up that she's been overweight her whole life in the aforementioned stream. It's clear that the siblings inherited her tendency to gain weight easily but they look normal, not hideous by any stretch of the imagination.
No. 1813211
File: 1682173782805.jpg (261.19 KB, 569x896, 0JxDTVk.jpg)

>>1813160I think I remember this shoot. This pic is really old, probably from 2013.
They rarely pose side by side like this. Stump does look shorter but he has a wider stance and he's tilting his head. The shadows and weird poses make it really difficult to get a clear idea.
I pulled up this classic pic from London Edge 2018. They're both standing tall and wearing the same NewRock Neptunos. Fake always uses so much bloody pomade in his hair so it's hard to see where the top of his head is. Kaya has a fair bit of volume here from the crimping but I still think it's obvious she's a little bit taller - not by much but enough to make Jake look like a hobbit if he doesn't wear platforms.
One of the best things about the response video in November was when she confirmed all the insecurities we've long suspected - at 1:01:10 she said he'd rage about his height weekly and complained it was why no one respected him. She also made that petty TikTok.
No. 1813273
File: 1682183382122.jpg (249.92 KB, 672x479, arOVTLX.jpg)

>>1813241If you think she looks miserable at London Edge in 2018, you should have seen her in 2017. I remember watching Psychara's London Edge vlog which features Jake, Kaya and some other familiar people and Kaya looks so sad. She has this forced smile the whole time and she's just a statue on the dance floor while everyone is enjoying themselves. Meanwhile you can see Jake in the background spending a lot of time with ReeRee and not really mingling with the others. Kaya confirmed she was miserable here in a later video but attributed it to body issues - I think that's only part of the story…
>>1813250I think you're right. I found that story in her response video (timestamp 27:40).
She said she was invited to London Edge and Jake was her +1 that year. They were all at the after-party at Electrowerkz when a model approached her for a lighter and smiles. Jake exploded at her when they got back to the hotel, threated to dump her and refused to come to convention next day. The next day an upset Kaya tells a friend everything that happened. Her friend then tells her that Jake had been inappropriately flirting with her the whole convention. An hour later Jake emerges from the hotel as if nothing happened and slides his arms around Kaya's waist, much to Kaya and her friend's shock.
My tinfoil is that she's talking about London Edge 2017 and the friend was ReeRee.
No. 1813276
>>1813273More evidence: Kaya has no video of London Edge 2017 on her channel despite it being an important, social event for her career. She has video for her 2018 attendance but it's mostly just her talking over clips of her shopping.
I could have sworn Fake used to have a London Edge vlog on his channel but it might have been deleted in the recent evidence purge.
No. 1813278
>>1813277I can't believe he had the nerve to scream at her in the hotel room - what an
abusive maggot. He really does ruin everything
No. 1813291
File: 1682186204174.jpg (51.64 KB, 1080x609, Screen_YouTube.jpg)

>>1813273He was literally dancing next to/with ReeRee while Kaya stood there awkwardly.
No. 1813362
File: 1682196303375.jpg (778.43 KB, 4096x4096, 23-04-22-22-45-42-723_deco.jpg)

She says she's tired of being sick and gets something else bedore even recovering but still goes out constantly
No. 1813382
File: 1682199308854.jpg (75.76 KB, 923x994, 20230422_143231.jpg)

Has Skat gotten work done on her face? She looks different in her wedding pictures from a few years ago.
No. 1813408
>>1813211It's kind of funny because even if he was 5'10" it's not that unreasonably short for him to be that deeply insecure about? Definitely leads me to believe he's slightly shorter than that (and Kaya) and is one of those guys who adds an inch. kek
>>1813273>>1813291This checks out tbh. Thanks for the related receipts. I kind of wonder how many other instances of him creeping on her friends can be documented.
>>1813382She looks the same tbh, just not heavily filtered like we're used to seeing her. You can even see up close like this how her bottom lip sticks out farther than her top due to her teeth. If she did ever get work done she should get her jaw/bite corrected because it makes her whole jawline and mouth look prematurely jowly and old, especially with those marionette lines. I forget though, how old is Kat presumably again? In her mid to late 30s?
No. 1813536
File: 1682221531077.png (1.3 MB, 993x1252, katpaine.png)

>>1813382I couldn't find what year her and Dean got married, but judging from a lot of her other pics she looks the same. She just looks very different because of all the filtering and editing. Top row are her more edited pics and bottom row are similar b&w images I could find. Middle is just a rare recent completely unfiltered or edited pic.
No. 1813537
File: 1682221705123.png (1.55 MB, 1429x856, clown.png)

>>1813536OT, but while I was grabbing those other pics I noticed something I thought was kind of funny.
No. 1813541
File: 1682222201526.png (1.19 MB, 1270x819, kTjke.png)

>>1813537She certainly has a type. It's funny how Jake started dressing like her ex and got face tattoos like him too after he got with Kat.
>>1813211Also judging by this photo of Jake and Kat together and how much she has to bend her knees around him so they're the same height, we can only assume she's actually 5'10" as well? Or if Jake is hypothetically 5'10" is Kat on the cusp of 6ft? What a tiny baby girl. kek
No. 1813567
File: 1682226506409.png (189.37 KB, 536x331, dean2.0.png)

>>1813541>>1813556honestly jake's dean cosplay in his "breaking my silence" video is pretty spot on. kek
No. 1813573
>>1813537KEK this is a hilarious observation.
>>1813567So funny how Jake has NEVER been caught dead in plaid until Kat took him shopping. Sort of like how Kat has NEVER showed interest in being a "gamer girl" or "kawaii" until she started dating Jake. I guess that's what happens when two people who lack their own identities come together, they put on their skinwalker suits and pretend to be eachother's type.
No. 1813639
File: 1682242839529.png (4.49 MB, 2370x1676, jmfans.png)

>>1813636NTA, but it was discussed in a previous thread I believe. Kat supposedly had cheated on a previous boyfriend with Dean, then we all know she cheated on Dean with Jake. Not sure if there are any more details, but this anon seems strangely familiar with the previous ex, so maybe they have receipts. Does make me wonder a bit if she's got even more history cheating prior to Dean too though. Given how Jake was always trying to get with all of Kaya's friends and cheated on her early into the relationship, her and Jake seem made for each other. Just two serial cheaters "in love".
>>1813211>>1813541Had a peek at some fan photos from when he was touring and I feel like they are pretty telling. kek
No. 1813658
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No. 1813678
>>1813658like kaya or no you cant ignore how utterly awful it is to see a woman apologise for any inconvenience she caused when (in medical opinion and all likelihood) she was spiked.
This is telling of an utter lack of self-worth and/or fear of disappointment - both of which she appears to display by result of an
abusive relationship.
I for one hope this does not deter her lust for life. i don't want to see the goblin win.
No. 1813684
>>1813674It's too much of a coincidence that it happened to her friend as well.
I hate that it's impossible to prove what drug is in her system. Hopefully the venue can review security footage and have those gronks identified and prosecuted. It makes me sick that these men are prowling about at all times - Kaya is so lucky she was with people who could help her
No. 1813687
>>1813658I just read that on her IG. Tbh I agreed with
>>1813419 when I saw the concert pictures yesterday. I understand trying to catch up on what she missed during her relationship, and that she didn't ask for her drink to be spiked, but she's supposedly wheezing the whole goddamn time since her Barcelona family visit.
My priorities would be elsewhere at the moment.
No. 1813696
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>>1813678Another of her posts. Very fucked up that
she feels guilty here.
As someone who has been spiked before, the most likely thing that happened is she collapsed on the floor and kept drifting in and out of consciousness. I was also partly paralysed and had difficulty moving my limbs for the next 12 hours or so. If you're spiked the idea is you don't become a sloppy drunk but you're basically an animal who has been darted, I agree it's sad she's worried about what she may have done rather than be angry at being spiked in the first place
No. 1813702
>>1813658I respect her for taking this stance, a lot of people cause hysteria by being extreme with their experiences of being spiked.
Most spiking incidents don't involve drugs, it's usually a scumbag scrote putting vodka into drinks because it's almost tasteless and there's deniability when the girl who was drinking at a venue gets "too drunk" rather than foaming at the mouth obviously drugged from GHB.
I don't have any reason to believe she's lying about being spiked so I believe her, but her 'idk maybe I was maybe I wasn't, all that matters is working out how I got to A&E' attitude is refreshing.
No. 1813771
File: 1682265623326.jpg (659.42 KB, 583x838, SzmwMOR.jpg)

>>1813727Kaya updates her Instagram stories everyday (unlike Jake) and tends to overshare. She comes off as apologetic more than anything, probably due to the embarrassment from puking, stumbling and slurring her words around lots of people. It does sound like she was roofied from her symptoms.
It's easy for women to forget that venues like this are a hunting ground for scrotes with date-rape drugs in their pocket. For the sake of her young audience who think that the world is made from sunshine and rainbows, I appreciate her openness here.
>>1813732It's interesting to see how much shoes, proportions and body composition can affect how tall you appear. Back when Jake was skinny-fat he almost looks petite despite being 5ft10. Kaya with her long limbs and slight figure looks so much lankier than Jake in every picture, even in flat shoes.
Ever since both of them gained weight you can see they've both struggled to find flattering styles. Kaya never leaves the house without tall shoes as she relies on them to lengthen her legs and look more willowy.
Jake really needs to stop piling baggy jumpers upon baggy crotch pants - it does his body no favours. He also does this wide toddler stance that pisses me off, it just makes him look so cartoonish and squat.
No. 1813794
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No. 1813822
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>>1813795She hasn't said, hasn't tagged anyone, and this is the most she showed them. Looks like three other people, so maybe it was a couples date. The only couple i know of that she is actively friends with in Belfast is Lee and Amber
No. 1813835
File: 1682274594723.jpg (284.46 KB, 1080x1920, KvcccOv.jpg)

>>1813822It's someone who has a covered up a smiley tattoo.
It could be Lisa and her man? Lisa is not heavily tattooed like a lot of her other friends. I don't think Lee and Amber explore Belfast night scene very often lol
No. 1813913
>>1813829Agreed. I mean she used to hang out at people's place before. If she doesn't want to feel lonely, she could do that and maybe bring some editing work with her if she feels like she can't do anything if she's home alone.
Especially since she's feeling poorly, she got worse off going out than staying in with her ADHD brain.
Besides, as some people mentioned here, she's getting too comfortable with drinking, and drinking doesn't exactly boosts your immune system.
No. 1813915
File: 1682286408833.png (516.37 KB, 932x441, Schermopname (1148).png)

Bro is proportioned like a 2 year old baby, just catched the stream end on YT. Looking very uninterested and depressed lol
No. 1813961
>>1813906Kaya has stated she's 5'10" and I'd be more inclined to believe a woman's stated height, back when I did online dating every single guy added 2 inches, bit embarrassing when they are shorter than you but claim to be the same height.
Jake is probably 5'7-8 imo.
No. 1813988
>>1813961agree, as a short woman I have stood next to a short man and he told me he was 3 inches taller than we both were. such an awkward thing to correct which emboldens them to lie. I'd call it out now, though.
>>1813967KEK he would be such a mean dwarf, too. like one of those promiscuous ones who only wants to date "tall girls" and rags on the little person community due to self hatred. he already does the semi-midget porn hahahaha
No. 1814063
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Kat's latest traced image. She does this thing where she flips it and then changes details very slightly. For example, added pointed ears, changed the facial position/expression ever so slightly, added fangs, etc. Then she finds other images to layer above/behind it, like the castle and bats. I don't know what non-artist needs to hear this, but that is a fucking pathetic and shameful practice. That does NOT make an original piece, that is still tracing. If anything, it's even worse and a spit in the face to original artists. I hope she gets caught and sued eventually.
BTW Jake, the piece on your leg is just another traced/layered/flipped piece. Still working on finding all the sources. But did you really trust your fake artist of a girlfriend to design you a tattoo?
No. 1814073
File: 1682311505608.jpg (208.7 KB, 830x797, sz8QrZt.jpg)

>>1813536Looks like she got married at the end of 2017 (credit to the nonna who originally found this article a few threads back). Kat's a terrible human being but she made a beautiful bride - she looked her best here.
She definitely looks more full in her face and figure here but you have to take into consideration how thick the beading and material is on her dress. I originally thought she was pregnant in these pics but her kid was born in 2019 so that doesn't add up.
I always thought Dean was a big and tall guy but he's even shorter than Stumpy. Stump would definitely be the type to force his bride to wear flats on her wedding day - he can't be upstaged with his Demonias and fauxhawk.
Her face has hollowed out a fair bit since then from aging, weight-loss and booze.
It's so fucked that she's cheated twice, each time in such a selfish, social-climbing way - I'm surprised she still has female friends.
No. 1814077
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>>1814063Source: some 11 year old Deviant Art post KEK.
She thinks she's so fucking smart changing the position of the layer ever so slightly so that the lines don't always match up perfectly, but it's blatant and always will be. She can't actually draw for shit.
No. 1814080
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>>1814073I don't think Dean is actually shorter as Kat seems to be wearing open toed heels at the wedding. She's likely close to the same height as Dean otherwise, he just has a similar bloated look to him as Jake. Meanwhile she has to bend her knees beside Jake? My best guess is Dean is either the same height or at most an inch taller than Jake. Hard to say without seeing Kat's full shoe. Jake definitely doesn't appear 5'10" to me unless Kat is 6ft. Also what are the real odds of all his female fans being his same height or towering over him at 5'10"? (
>>1813639 ) Are Irish women all giants? kek
No. 1814092
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This looks familiar!
No. 1814093
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No. 1814102
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No. 1814110
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>>1814092This is so blatant it's almost absurd. I wonder if Meraki tattoo Belfast is okay with artists like kat paine tracing and stealing other tattoo artists work.
No. 1814117
>>1814073I don't know if beautiful is the word, but I do love the dress and theme of her wedding. she was wearing high heels on the day and is a very tall woman. if she wore heels and stood next to Jake she would dwarf him. she has said she loves "stripper heels." it sucks that he is so insecure that she likely won't ever be seen with him without flats.
yeah I dont know how she has female friends, but they all seem like clones of one another and not very bright.
No. 1814120
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Couldn't be bothered to change the color scheme on this one either.
No. 1814123
>>1814110wow if I were the original artist or the client, I would be so fucking pissed. it's blatant copying
Kat just can't draw so it's just a shitty version. what is that, a pole or a hoop? and just adding more flowers doesnt make it your own, Copy Kat. she's so shameless she didnt even change the figure's tattoos or hair or leotard. incredible.
No. 1814145
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>>1814102The other foot too lmfao omg I am crying at this.
No. 1814152
>>1814120the lips. I'm screaming
nonnie. This whole thing is a mess, definitely one of her worst. I can't believe someone is stuck with this disaster covering their entire thigh.
>>1814145she gave her a lil pig hoof. KEK.
No. 1814155
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Uhhh nonnies? Where is the pole going? KEK.
No. 1814173
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>>1814120I just realised Kat tattooed this eyesore on her friend Samantha who has already made some appearances on the threads. You can actually see Kat making this disasterpiece at the UK Tattoo Fest in Jake's lastest vlog.
The Belfast alt scene is very incestuous and it seems that Samantha was the photographer of the infamous 2016 Hex Bomb shoot. She has been photographing Kat for at least ten years and has stuck by her through cheating and bullying scandals - bffl amirite. She's given her lots of money to scratch ugly tattoos into her skin but this tattoo is probably the ugliest - the backwards farting butt cat.
No. 1814243
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Kat's tattoo style is just an inferior imitation of her ex-husband's craft. He actually has a distinct flair to his work and decent technique while Kat's janky clip-art looking scratchings don't reflect an artist who's supposedly been in the game for almost 10 years.
She steals other people's art, creativity, livelihoods and boyfriends. As Liz Lemon said, "You can't keep people with no shame down" ~
No. 1814264
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No. 1814270
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>>1814173Samantha has a photography fb page called "Art Drenched Design" in 2016 she done a shoot with kaya and Jake together.
No. 1814284
>>1814173You'd think Jake would be posing for the picture beside Kaya and not so far away.
Was this when Jake and Kat were already cheating on Kaya and Dean?
No. 1814301
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>>1814076>I'm definitely thinking she designed her own god awful back pieceMost definitely. This isn't Mark's drawing style at ALL. It is 100% a Skat collage of random traced works. Knowing that she designed it herself, makes the fact that she chose Mark of all people to tattoo her entire back down to the ass very interesting. Pretty much anyone in that shop could execute that tattoo.
No. 1814407
>>1814284>Was this when Jake and Kat were already cheating on Kaya and Dean?This is the official story from both sides of what happened in 2021 (saged for heavy autism) …
Jake's side: At 10pm on October 2nd or 3rd, he broke up with Kaya for the first time. He told her to leave for a few days to go stay in the studios. Two hrs later he texted to say sorry and brought her home in the car, crying his eyes out. He says he was not talking to Kat at that point and the last time he spoke to her was at a 2018 Halloween party.
In the weeks that follow he says he is busy with cleaning and tour stuff. Kaya does not change her behavior at all and that makes Jake feel numb to everything. He admits 7-10 days before the second and final break-up he starts flirting with Kat online. On October 21st or 23rd he had a big fight with Kaya and broke up with her the next day, 3 weeks after the first break-up. He was going to wait until after the tour to do it but he had reached breaking point. After the break-up Kaya left to stay in the studios and was out of house for a week before the tour. During that week Kat came over and started a sexual relationship with Jake. 2 days after tour went out with Kat
Kaya's side: She claims they never officially broke up for those two hrs at the start of October. She said he only asked her to leave the house so he could figure things out. Kaya thinks she saw notifications from Kat on his iPad
before the "first breakup", if not very shortly after. She said she could tell that it was an inappropriate message and that they were talking back and forth. She did not open the sexual iPad texts because she had been scarred by a long history of searching his phone and finding evidence of him talking inappropriately to other girls . Apparently he would scream at her if she confronted him about it so she learned not to bring it up for the past few years. Immediately after seeing the notifications she indirectly confronted Jake, asking him if he was talking to any girls: he vehemently denied it. Kaya has no proof of
when this incident happened but distinctly remembers telling a girlfriend about the texts at one point.
She confirms that they had an argument one night after he told her she was not coming on tour. She says part of the reason she was angry was that she didn't trust him to go on tour without cheating on her - Jake gets very angry at this. Kaya retroactively claims he was gaslighting her because she knows that his relationship with Kat had progressed by then. At 2am Kaya says Jake angrily storms out of the house without a word. She called him to ask where he went and he said he was in North Belfast. This did not mean anything to her at the time but she found out later from Dean that Kat lived in North Belfast. The next day he returned and they broke up.
There was tinfoil that Jake had been cheating on Kaya for a year but both parties dispelled that myth.
No. 1814415
>>1814243Agree with this anon. A tea-leaf and a half and defiantly worth scorn as not just a poor artist but a thief.
But is there anyone who has sympathy or did she get what she deserved?
We know that Jake horded all his money once he earned more that Kat and that even before then controlled finances. If there is no returning to Dean and no family then imagine trying to leave him based on the coppers thrown at your onlyfail and your rubbish 'art'.
We know Jake reads here but if Kat did, she'd have ran a mile by now surely - if she could.
For all she seems a nasty piece of work when threatening to hit Kaya having stolen her long-term partner, Kat does not appear very bright and thus prone even more to easily being manipulated and controlled than Kaya may have. Maybe the silly moo genuinely thought Kaya to be the bad guy?
Ill also be amazed if any women - no matter a history of cheating would bear her all for so little online. I think it's his doing. Or at least by this point. its beyond degrading to do that to yourself.
And yes, this is a long rant with no milk so my apologies and my thanks to the anon that strives to find the art so we may mock the time away.
No. 1814549
>>1814407They didn't dispel that myth Jake just lied. In the first "love collage" Kat made of her and Jake there were shots of them in bed with the colour hair she had a year before: dark brown and dark green. She had pink and orange hair during late spring till they started "dating officially" and then she had a blueish green.
We know they were cheating for a year. On top of that even someone as retarded as Kat is not going to leave her husband who she as a toddler with and who she works with in his tattoo studio for a 2 week fling with Jake the Stump.
No. 1814558
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Guess Jake is getting tired of her bony ass and is now having her "give the illusion of thick thighs."
No. 1814786
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>>1814549I was just going off what was said in both videos. Jake is a lying prick but the 'cheating for a year' allegation is not waterproof.
I found Jake's Instagram story where he shows off his birthday gifts (from May 2022, before their second Barcelona trip). Unfortunately there's a filter on the video but you can see she has orange and blue hair in the photos. You can see her standing at the Sagrada Família in her orange phase.
When Jake went on tour (beginning of Nov) Kaya found blue hair on the bed - when she confronted him he gas-lit her and said 'believe what you want'. 10 mins after that Dean texts her, "Are you and Jake still together?".
Jake refused to tell any of Kat's side of the story but Kaya confirmed Dean 'caught' Kat and that she has text messages from him confirming that he threw her out of the house (she won't release them out of respect).
I think Kat and Jake were planning to tell Dean and Kat after the tour as Jake would have been too stressed to deal with it beforehand - that backfired big-time. I guess Kat thought she would have a month to plan her escape.
While I don't think they were fucking for a year, Jake could have been sexting for months - 10 days seem to short a time to spark an affair. If Jake really wants us to believe his story then he needs to provide timestamped evidence of the initiation of the affair (I'm sure his opener was classy as hell). He has a long track record of secretly chatting to girls online, maybe in the hopes of meeting Kaya's replacement. I wish these women would come forward with receipts.
No. 1814822
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>>1813835Looks like it was Lisa.
Tinfoiling here but…is it possible Kaya and Lisa were specifically targeted that night?
No. 1814834
>>1814830Kaya said Jake fucked someone from work early in their relationship.
Peachmilky met up with Kaya and posted pics to Instagram when she visited NI in 2017 or 2018 however Kaya was not invited to Sophie's wedding in September of last year. I checked Insta and Kaya and Sophie are following each other but I'm not sure if that's been the case this whole time. Peachmilky does not follow Jake.
I think Sophie was one of the many friends that Jake potentially creeped on - Vox, Ari (mainlyboredom), Kelly, Dre, ReeRee and more
No. 1814839
>>1814835I think we all know the answer to that question
In Jake's mind it was only lucrative to leave her once he'd gained a large enough following off of the back of Kayas audience. His mistake was assuming that audience liked him enough to stick around after he threw a hand grenade into the relationship. He rode her coattails to the end and now gets incredibly bitter if you point it out as if he didn't use to tag all his insta posts #toxictearsboyfriend
I know it would be major cow tipping to have it stem from here but I look forward to the day Kat's obvious art theft and tracing gets properly exposed, it is absolutely atrocious she's gotten away with it for this long. It's so fucking blatant.
No. 1814854
>>1814415Honestly, the dynamic reminds me vaguely of the projared (sex-pest) and holly conrad (pick-me) situation where Jared cheated on his wife and left her for Holly (minus the sad attempt at a poly relationship). I think Kat is the type who saw an opportunity to social climb into a relationship with an "influencer" who would shower her with vacations and gifts and took interest. Getting to "win" over another girl and be "picked" over the previous 10-year relationship was likely just an ego boost for her on top of everything. Her comments about Kaya's weight or wanting to slap her really screams pick-me behavior too. I feel like, like Jake, she's likely the type to flirt and put out feelers to find new relationships all the time too, especially considering her history of cheating. Makes me side-eye this
>>1814301 situation all the more. With Jake's career taking a steep nosedive after the very public break-up and the vacations every other month drying up, she's probably back to looking for greener pastures. I imagine she'll be the first to cheat out of the two of them too since Jake doesn't seem to have many options outside his weird and often somewhat geriatric fans.
>>1814835Exactly what
>>1814839 said. He's been using Kaya all along and didn't feel comfortable dropping her until he was the one making bank, had a solid following, and had (in his own words) new "pussy" lined up. If any of Kaya's friends had taken the bait a year or two before her and Jake broke up I don't doubt for a second that he would have pulled the
trigger sooner. Kat seems to have been the only one with low enough standards and a desperation for clout to actually see Jake as some sort of "prize" to be won.
No. 1814879
File: 1682419836915.jpg (260.67 KB, 1080x1769, Holly.jpg)

>>1814854>Jake doesn't seem to have many options outside his weird and often somewhat geriatric fans.His only local option would be big old beak-nosed Jude at this point. Literally everyone else is out of his league or already privy to his bullshit. He'd never go for a fan unless they were popular online or something because they don't have clout to offer. Funny you'd mention Holly though. He has still been trying to keep ties with her over the years. If he started giving Holly the time of day, she probably would lose her mind considering how sad and homely she is now. But I'm sure that would be one of his last options, she's not nearly pornified looking enough for him. Oh also she's as cuckoo as the birds she enjoys so much. That would be a pretty crazy cow crossover though.
No. 1814888
>>1814854I think the nose dive of his success was him joining OF and saying he just filmed a sex tape not even a few days after the breakup video. And in the video being so happy and saying how many plans he has just after ending a 10 year relationship.
On side note about his OF soon as I saw his nudes I lost interest in him ( I used to watch his videos during his peak cringe)
No. 1815043
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She is never going time it could be lot wrost .
No. 1815061
>>1815043Scrote mentality. Let's not
victim blame women for rapist scrotes being rapist scrotes. No one should be at risk for getting drugged by a stranger when going out in public. Also, learn how to type apologist-chan.
No. 1815063
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No. 1815140
>>1815130No, I didn't miss it but as this anon points out
>>1815132 , her inmune system could have been compromised after her sickness (perhaps her friend's too). Or maybe there was something wrong with the drink itself? I don't know, that's why I wanted to hear different opinions and not stick to the spiked narrative which she seems to fully embrace.
No. 1815223
>>1815122Speaking as someone who has blacked out before (alcohol, but same memory wipe effect) I was coherent and functional for a while after my memory stopped working right. It's not like you just shut off and can't function. Your memory just kind of stops recording after a point, and you can still seem normal or at least not completely effed up. And if her friends or someone else got them to a hospital, I highly doubt they were just normal drunk seeming. Obviously they were acting in a way not normal for either of them, and someone was concerned enough to get them to a doctor.
And Kaya hasn't said she's 100% sure she was spiked, she's maintained the 'maybe I was maybe I wasn't' stance, tho she said the hospital seemed to think it wasn't just being super drunk.
The embarassment and anxiety is something Kaya has talked about for a long, long time, regardless of drinking. It's something people with anxiety deal with a lot. And not having any memory of how you were is terrifying. People could tell you anything and you can't prove or deny it.
Tinfoil, but another scary thought is someone could have recognized her and thought it would be fun to fuck with her. She's a highly visible person and there's plenty of people shitty enough to do something like that just to fuck with someone.
No. 1815235
>>1815225It's honestly sad to see you blinded so much by your dislike for kaya that you immediantly jump to
victim blaming and absolutely refuse to even consider it's possible, especially given how nasty scrotes are and how common it is for them to pull shit like this. I wouldn't even wish this on kat or any other cow. It's pretty obvious this wasn't a regular "they got drunk situation" and many anons have come forward saying they've had similar symptoms or experiences when spiked. Her exaggerating or not, she was in the hospital and even her friend believes they were spiked.
No. 1815253
>>1815236and don't come on lolcow and expect farmers to side with a
victim-blaming scrote.
No. 1815270
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>>1815043There's always an uptick in inflammatory comments after a failed Jake stream
No. 1815299
File: 1682472793170.jpg (87.47 KB, 1284x2282, 343074977_768941724735279_4679…)

>>1815043That one was so obviously from one of ye salty anons, because as she said a predatory fuck trying to drug and harm a girl is obviously the fault of said girl for daring to leave the house.
This one is obviously one of the anons raging about muh flights in this thread, when they're dirt cheap since it's such a short journey. Be less obvious.
No. 1815336
>>1815256>>1815253It's definitely hateboner anon. There's no reasoning with them. Definite scrote energy though.
>>1815308>>1815316It's kind of funny if you think about how he's done a complete 180 and is desperately trying to hide his hideous visage behind some cheap vtube avatar now. It seems like he really had some kind of delusions of grandeur when his career peaked near the tail-end of his relationship with Kaya (him calling himself Kaya's "rich boyfriend" kek). He was likely riding the high of the massively successful first makeship plush, the band's upcoming first real tour, and the "break the jake" streams. He had Jude and Kat actually reciprocating his advances too, so he likely thought he could just go on tour and sleep around while he and kaya were "broken up". When shit hit the fan, he double downed on making Kat the new girlfriend so he can spin a new "family man" image and try to pass off their affair as "tru luv". Now he's shot himself in the foot multiple times with the "break up" and "truth" videos, clearly struggling with his self image which ultimately killed his OF, and has lost subs/followers by the thousands, patreons by the hundreds, etc. Still lookin forward to his cringe vtuber arc tbh.
No. 1815349
>>1815043It is beyond shitty someone took the time to
victim blame her directly. it is NEVER a woman's fault if someone else spikes their drink.
No. 1815402
>>1815122Call me cynical, but I reckon her and her friend had too much of a substance and both went to get it pumped out. That's why Kaya is so defensive because let's be real if she actually got spiked why is she not milking this more? Kaya has a free pass to be a
victim and she's not taking it, something ain't right.
No. 1815430
>>1815207Ayrt I said I feel sorry for Kaya and her friend, I just think that the situation could have another explanation since she couldn't be tested for that matter.
>Lol you sound like a scrote who thinks women who get assaulted are "asking for it".You seem to be putting together different posts and pretending it's the same person. I would never suggest something like that. Don't be so condescending, anon.
No. 1815445
>>1815402Pretty sure she's being defensive because she and her friend just got drugged by some scumbag scrote at a gig and people are
victim blaming her for it, but hey go off anon. Tbh, I feel like she's handling it surprisingly well, it's an extremely scary situation to be in.
>>1815430NTA, but I think some nonnies took the possible scrote anon's bait and got annoyed over it considering some of them have been
victims of spiked drinks themselves or have known people who were. Judging by other
nonnie's personal experiences and knowing what a couple friends of my own have told me about their experiences and symptoms of being drugged, I genuinely believe that's what happened here. Especially if Kaya's blood alcohol levels were not particularly high. Her being ill and drinking wouldn't account for her friend to also end up hospitalized, so that rules that out. Alcohol poisoning isn't the cause if her blood alcohol levels weren't that high. There aren't many other things besides a spiked drink that would cause these exact symptoms and experiences in two different women at the same bar, the same night, who don't have outrageously high blood alcohol levels. It's unfortunately very common at seedy pubs and clubs, all it takes is a moment and your drink can be compromised without you knowing.
No. 1815466
>>1815445Someone put a snake in the hen house but your comment brought a lot of sense back into the thread, thank you. The accusations of lying and/or covering up a drug OD are baseless and quite sinister.
To the young nonnas here - what happened to Kaya and Lisa is a crime, whatever the intent and whatever the substance put in the drink. While there are always things we can do to protect ourselves, the guilt and responsibility lie with the perpetrator/s.
No. 1815494
File: 1682508178358.jpg (463.21 KB, 427x534, aifgY1j.jpg)

>>1815399I looked up one of the bands that played and saw this on Instagram.
Does BYOB mean bring your own drink?
No. 1815502
>>1815494Drinks don't get spiked by the barman (usually), so byob or bar doesn't really affect the end result
>>1815499give it up, you think she would announce it on her influencer social media if she knowingly took some shitty drug?
Wouldn't take much for someone to surface a video for evidence. It is
incredibly believable and fairly common to get spiked, it's a ridiculous thing to contest just because you personally refuse to feel concern or sympathy for Kaya.
No. 1815504
>>1815466THANK YOU.
So much silly back and forth about was she spiked or did she get too drunk, maybe take drugs? If it was anything other than being spiked why on gods green earth would she post about it full stop.
"i took drugs and ended up in hospital but if i make up a tale my insta will get more views". pffft yeah right. 2 + 2 = 5
No. 1815518
File: 1682513361282.jpg (671.3 KB, 1080x1736, lqPzAtR.jpg)

Looks like Kaya is picking up her mystery guest at the airport. Taking bets on who it is - Elf Boy, Gyaru Miley or Punk Tattooist?
No. 1815551
>>1815518Male or female i don't think it will be anyone that she is having any sort of relationship, in the most casual or non-casual sense, because if she was seeing anyone she would keep it on the low. Sorry to poop the party because, yes, i would love it if it wasn't true if only because i want to see what toys jake has left to throw out the wee baby man-let pram about whoever kaya eventually dates. mmmmm soooo talll kek
abusive men never can let go of control. long after they supposedly moved on. he wants her be both alone and lonely.
hope there 'hot' anyway because mr 'lurky in love' might feel the need to shout about his new pussy being his true love bffl if he spots her posts and cant wrap his head around the above.
No. 1815826
File: 1682546181546.png (810.79 KB, 507x828, birthday.png)

>>1815466And as soon as there's some sense brought back to the thread the snake is back doubling down on a new "she's definitely doing hard drugs!" and "her friend spiked their drinks for funsies!". Because you know, women totally do roofies for fun. The unwavering hatred this anon seems to exhibit towards someone as benign as Kaya stinks of vendetta to me.
>>1815605Wasn't there some evidence of her actually being a bit taller? Maybe all her "daddies" have just been obscenely tiny manlets, but I remember her being the same height as they were.
>>1815518Unfortunately nothing remotely milky, just a surprise bday for a friend by the looks of things. Like
>>1815734 said.
No. 1815827
File: 1682546345500.png (393.45 KB, 505x915, bday.png)

>>1815826It seems her and Kerri are still friends despite what the one anon was trying to say too.
No. 1816095
File: 1682582717782.jpg (229.62 KB, 1080x1903, TEv2Ph5.jpg)

This must be Kaya's way of giving back to Amber after she invited her to that Vegas getaway with her US friends. It's nice to see Kaya make such an effort to help organize a surprise: it wouldn't have been easy getting such a big group together. It mirrors a similarly elaborate surprise Jake did for Lee's birthday in a vlog which has since been removed from his channel…
Jake has definitely seen these photos on some throwaway account by now and I bet he's seething that Kaya got Lee and Amber in the break-up.
This was their most solid, long-standing relationship with a couple. It was a perfect union with both couples being quirky, creative souls who met through an LDR and who do YouTube for a career in NI. Jake pissed away all those years of friendship by not taking full accountability for his awful role in the break-up or acknowledging how toxic and harmful he has been to others over the past 10 years.
No. 1816242
File: 1682608158687.jpg (61.77 KB, 671x356, uHkBF8W.jpg)

Jake has unlisted 33 videos from his vlog playlist. 33 out of 158…very sussy wussy
No. 1816265
>>1816159Correct me if I'm wrong, but weren't the last two times Jake even got to see K was the time where she was entirely too busy to spend any time with him in Germany and he ended up staying up alone all night eating mcnuggies and got robbed? And then the time he housesat for her while she was on tour or something? At least that second time he got to hang out with her on a speedboat for most of one day I guess. kek
>>1816242So he's deleted at least 25 videos recently and unlisted at least another 33. Makes you wonder just how many other videos got deleted or unlisted when we weren't paying attention. He's also dipped under 429k subs on YT a few days ago and is still bleeding the usual 2k per month.
No. 1816320
>>1816265He did the San Diego to Nashville car trip with Kay in January last year (the only time she had for him was a gross 26 hr moving trip across country where he could help drive/carry shit).
I totally forgot about the chickie nuggs and second Nashville trip - I rewatched that vid at 2x speed and it's saaadder than I remember. He said he spent a lot of time hanging out with Koli while K was touring or whatever. I was scratching my head over why a female would spend time with Jake and it finally clicked - Koli is K's gf, she was obligated to hang out with/follow him on Insta.
It's weird how hard he broadcasts that K is his bestie and makes this ridiculous effort to visit - it's the only time he's ever done that for someone and most likely because K never gave any pushback.
When I would watch his old vlogs I always thought it was so rude of him to remark that he didn't have or want close friends yet 2 seconds later he would be hanging out and rehearsing with his band. Mate, these are the people you spend the most time with outside of Kaya - how can you say that?
No. 1816335
File: 1682617796071.jpg (11.87 KB, 412x266, F6XkfEk.jpg)

>>1816320While we're shitting on Nigel No Friends, I found this group while looking at a long abandoned FB page he had for his vlogging.
He's the only member…sounds about right…
No. 1816379
File: 1682621289808.png (164.46 KB, 527x435, gamegrumps.png)

>>1816335KEK. This needs to be included in the next threadpic.
>>1816304>>1816347Jake is still a huge Arin fanboy too.
No. 1816425
File: 1682625626277.jpg (306.9 KB, 699x237, JCYKYyf.jpg)

Ooo Stumpy is angry - I just caught him having a tantrum, 5 mins into his stream.
He got a new 4070 graphics card and someone in chat said it wasn't good (not in a troll way). This triggers something in his brain and he Hulks out, cursing out the poor chatter and blocking them. For the next 5 mins there are a lot of f-bombs…
Here are some quotes…
"I spent 600 cunt-fucking dollars on a new 4070 and this absolute fucking horse cock sucker says this"
Isaac audibly screeches in the distance
"Suck my fucking dick…go choke on dry shit, fucking idiot"
"Why do you insist on fucking my stream, YouTube…for FUCKS sake"
"How about you choke on my big fat fuCKing cock YouTube, does that make you fucking moist at the cleft, you fucking cunt?"
"Why is none of my FUCKING tech working?"
He then talks about how he wishes he could game on a Mac and it's PC that's the problem. He self-soothes by mocking meanie PC masterrace people.
No. 1816452
File: 1682627460212.jpg (118.37 KB, 486x442, NQvcUaz.jpg)

>>1816437He perpetually looks like he just stepped off a 72 hr flight.
No. 1816491
File: 1682631625620.png (1.15 MB, 1258x688, jakestream.png)

>>1816425Clipped it for you nonnies. Sorry if the volume is really low, I didn't want to blast Jake sperging out about horse cocks and moist clefts where others can hear it. No. 1816496
>>1816493It's crazy because if he'd just listen to people he could avoid having a lot of issues in his life that he does. It's really no wonder he has no friends.
>>1816491Interesting how he said that his ethernet cable has been "compromised" and is torn. How exactly did it get torn Jake? Funny how he has so many technical difficulties and broken equipment. Really brings us back to when Kaya's shit was always broken when they were still together.
No. 1816511
File: 1682633264381.png (968.86 KB, 1271x711, jakestreambonus.png)

>>1816491>"daddy's here baby"Here's a bonus clip of him being a creep as soon as a female character appears on screen. Of course he has Ashley in the emo get-up too. No. 1816570
File: 1682639880155.png (925.69 KB, 998x661, 230034.png)

>>1816554No, since it was at the very beginning of the stream his mods deleted it very quickly. It might have been something about Isaac being in the room unattended? There were a few times you could hear Isaac screaming in the background, but Jake later said he was in bed, so who really knows.
Skipped along to the end of the stream and there's no new updates. He briefly mentions the Interview with a Vampire book reading and shills his YT membership for access to his old streams, but that's about it. No v-tube updates, music video updates or anything like that. All in all he got one $110 superchat from a snacc in a 4 hour stream. He somewhat sullenly said "it felt like the old days in here for a second" when the superchat was gifted too, lmao.
No. 1816729
>>1816491>>1816511Thank you for the effort, archivist nonna. This will come in handy one day.
It's funny that the guy who frequently slags off low-life chavs displayed some pretty 'white trash' behavior himself. All it took was a comment and some technical issues to set him off and darken the vibe of stream. Your job is to entertain Jake, not put people on edge.
No. 1816777
>>1816729agreed. I bet that he will lose some subscribers due to that. it's something that would turn me off entirely, to see someone I support totally raging at a fan with such
abusive language and banning them. and it's definitely
triggering seeing someone lose it like that. who wants to follow someone who is that angry over tech difficulties or an honest comment about something he bought? no thanks rageaholic.
No. 1816785
>>1816782I mean, he literally referred to Kat as just "pussy" early into the relationship and offered their sextape to the highest bidder on OF (but no one was interested I guess kek) and she still stuck with him. I'd kill to see what their initial flirting/cheating texts looked like because he's typically rather vulgar or grotesque about sexual things and she's borderline illiterate.
>>1816784Hope whoever Kat cheats on Jake with is a better role model for the kid at least.
No. 1816812
>>1816807He likes dumb women because they are less likely to challenge him. Plus he likes to feel superior. If she ever grows a backbone and starts questioning his behavior she won’t last 5 minutes, he’ll slap her back down into her ‘place’ quicker than she can blink. And lord help that child when he starts answering back. I really do worry about that, you can have the patience of a saint and still get exasperated with kids, he can’t handle his tech not working, there is no way he’s going to be able to hold his temper once that kid hits 5 and 6 and starts testing boundaries.
I felt so sad for the little boy, he’s trying to sleep and he’s got that manchild shouting obscenities in the next room. Nice Fake. Real nice.
No. 1816825
>>1816807>In the stream he was talking about how he prefers dumber womenWhy does this not surprise me…
Isn't the vast majority of his audience female? They're in a parasocial rut and need to
wake up >>1816812>He likes dumb women because they are less likely to challenge him. Plus he likes to feel superiorAnd Kat went after an aggressive sex-pest e-celeb for her own selfish reasons too. Marriage was not quite as exciting as she thought it'd be and Mummy wanted to feel sexy again so she jumped at the opportunity to cheat when Jake sent her that first heavily edited dick pic. Then came the promise of fancy cars, holidays, bottomless Long Islands and being a porn star - so glamorous! She let her pussy do the thinking and ditched a 4 year marriage with a young child so she could live her best life but it wasn't long before the scandal ruined most of her life and the lust wore off. I'm sure when she wakes up to Jake's face in the harsh morning light she often wonders if she fucked up her life for good…
No. 1816939
>>1816923Nta, not a scrote, and I'm definitely interested in the sorts of people Kaya surrounds herself with. Casual drug usage would make her already shit work ethic even worse, and she hasn't exactly been consistent while going to all the places drugs are commonly taken. This is a
valid tinfoil, but there is obviously no proof, yet. And it's not like they splurged ad nauseum about it, so don't be so sensitive.
That being said, Lisa is all but a confirmed habitual drug user. You can see it in her face, she always looks haggard. Unless she has a terminal illness we don't know about, she has definitely abused in the recent past, if not currently. Kaya used to say she hates getting drunk, but now she does it regularly and lies about the frequency. "Atta girl!" her all you want for living her best life, but she isn't immune to developing a drug habit, especially when a close friend normalizes it.
No. 1816945
File: 1682693037374.jpg (86.02 KB, 1077x1271, Screenshot_20230428-094430_Sam…)

>>1816939>looks haggard so must be drugs!!!Man, Jake must be on every drug under the moon to look like this then.
No. 1816973
>>1816963Not biased, bored. There's a whole wall of nonnies going on about how they think Jake looks, the second something else comes up you've got to redirect. Just because I'm trying to stay on topic with the Lisa tinfoil doesn't mean your point about Jake isn't
valid, try using more than two brain cells.
No. 1816987
>>1816802There's a reason why he's still bleeding a couple thousand subs every month. So much for "I had a good day because I made it a good day". kek
>>1816973>nonnies discussing new milk involving title cow itt>old rehashed tinfoiling about a kaya calfThese two things are a little different anon. Interesting how you aren't bored of an old tinfoil, but are tired of new jake milk. Totally not biased though!
No. 1817021
>>1817013I actually personally know that anon. She does hard drugs and eat shit, and because of this became super retarded. One time she tried to make foot porn, but no one was interested in it and now she's obsessed with it.
Source: trust me sis
No. 1817050
File: 1682704260623.jpg (81.58 KB, 1080x1370, Discord.jpg)

>>1817015Apparently a they/them genderspecial. Funny picking the name Aiden though.
>>1817034Honestly would welcome a containment thread at this point. "Belfast trash" anon and "they roofied themselves for fun!" anon can talk themselves in circles if they aren't the same retard. Boomer "do weed" anon can join in too. kek
No. 1817355
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>>1817353why is he built like this. keeek
No. 1817357
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>>1817355also the absolute state of the place
No. 1817363
File: 1682738304040.jpg (123.62 KB, 347x234, QaZGu9E.jpg)

"Sometimes the most bands can do is just perform and shit - deal with it. You pampered, privileged, uninformed little ffff-"
You're neither young or charming enough to pull off the attitude. It's giving unsettled Karen more than rebel.
No. 1817368
File: 1682739300832.jpg (22.54 KB, 282x340, 1647930909444.jpg)

>>1817355>>1817357>>1817365he looks like that one photoshop from an earlier thread. my sides nonnies.
No. 1817389
>>1817336~ Video highlights ~
3:51 - Shows off pole that he bought for Kat (watch out girl, he'll expect it back when you eventually cheat on him)
4:16 - Shows off potential podcast room upstairs - says he doesn't actually like anyone so he suggests people who have friends can rent it from him
4:30 - Kicks away some boxes before showing off the 'storage' room (read: shit tip), makes claims it'll be a recording studio or rehearsal space one day
7:42 - VR room tour and unprompted disrobing where he shows off his mutant baby man body
11:18 - Had plans to have a gaming channel set-up in that room but no one can stand him enough to join him
13:27 - "I'm
moving away from reaction content but I'll also
continue to do reaction content when v-tubing" - lol
No. 1817395
File: 1682742148930.png (247 KB, 969x702, lmaowhytho.png)

>>1817389ngl I skipped through and missed the disrobing bit. why the fuuuck did he find this nessicary lmao
The whole video feels like he's just trying to show off his toys and how "rich" he most definitely still is. Not losing subs by the thousands and having to sell his bike to afford to film another music video or anything. Nope.
No. 1817442
File: 1682751824451.jpg (79.91 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20230429-030542_Gal…)

Hot goth Boi
Mans a thumb
No. 1817444
File: 1682752763452.jpg (54.52 KB, 1080x622, 52013c5f6a2e284247dd53ea384bf1…)

>>1817442Not only is he a thumb, he's Dan's gross club thumb.
No. 1817454
>>1817395It’s giving stumpy! Kek, he’s got bigger tits than Kat.
I hate how he acts like having no friends and being so insufferable that no none can stand to be around him is some sort of achievement.
No. 1817462
File: 1682756375676.jpg (253.83 KB, 1010x840, Y19M3B7.jpg)

His studio is freaking massive - the ground level with the gym and garage (which looks like a rundown Mexican slaughterhouse) and the office level with 3 rooms. Wonder what the square footage is on that: that can't be cheap in a cost of living crisis, especially now he can't go halves with Gaz.
I got some caps of the garage before the break-up and it looks like he's had it for close to 2 yrs now as he filmed Demonic Headcase there. The VR room was originally gonna be a place for Gaz and him to film motorcycle content but he's gone through so many changes in plan and broken promises I forgot that.
He got so shitty at Kaya for storing her stuff there when he had a whole ass room to himself (the biggest office). Remember Jake, she threw out her furniture and brought her stuff to the garage because she thought she was moving into a big house with you - I think she's entitled to have a few months to sort and collect her stuff and scooter after she found her home.
No. 1817466
File: 1682758057866.png (403.44 KB, 1139x938, studio_before_and_after.png)

>>1817462kek thank you for these before pics anon. Really drives it home how much of a pigsty he's made of the place since then.
No. 1817495
>>1817462Omg that place is fucking huge. He has 3 large rooms on top of the garage it must cost a lot. He only turned one into a studio the rest is empty after 2 years. You are right
nonnie he made it sound like Kaya's stuff was in the way and she was making his life complicated. What a prick
No. 1817507
File: 1682775163404.jpg (430.95 KB, 1336x841, Ifq7yFs.jpg)

>>1817462It looks like it costs roughly £500-600 a month. In the last year and a half Jake has barely made content there apart from the Tide music video, the PunkRave 'haul' and the few seconds of it we see when he picks up his bike (3-4 vlogs). I guess he would argue he's been using the personal gym there and that he was trying to get the internet sorted there…but it's still been a long time and he's sunk thousands into it by now. It's mostly been a pricey motorbike garage and storage unit all this time. This isn't to dissimilar to when Kaya didn't fully complete her studio space transformation or film anything in the 'green' side for 10-12 months.
I did a bit of digging and it looked like at one point Jake was paying for 6 spaces - garage, new house, Kaya's studio, his music studio, the gaming studio (which Kaya also lived in) and the clothing studio. It's crazy how lavish his spending was then between the properties, bikes and tech - it's not surprising Kaya got into a serious shopping addiction at this time. They are both clueless with money and it shows.
Jake must have got rid of everything except the garage now. Kaya still has her studio which I'm surprised by. They've both had their creative spaces all this time and it's equally frustrating to see them squander it's potential.
No. 1817508
>>1817357The fact he would basically make Kaya cry daily screeching at her to clean when this is how he keeps his own space
(aside, as someone from London I'd love for that much space for art projects and photography, absolutely wasted on this turd)
No. 1817524
File: 1682777094332.jpg (145.83 KB, 1080x1957, LMlWxgL.jpg)

I've got no sympathy at this point. She was heading the right direction by making the car chats video when she was struggling with focus and feeling ill but when she went out to a gig the next day I lost my patience. She's been repeating the pattern of getting ill then going out and making it worse for a while now. Actually, I think she said she's had her cough for 2 months straight and constantly has to have lozenges on her. Her will-power is non-existent despite a paid gig coming up in just over a week.
No. 1817569
>>1817353He comes off so insufferable in this video. Look at all my expensive heavy weights! It's a ~ necessity ~ for my ~ physique (lol) ~ ! Look how much I bench! No1curr you fag, get to the cutting stage already kek
Ty for the dropbox
nonnie No. 1817663
>>1817656Well, there was that part in the middle of the video where he inexplicably started to insult the viewers in a weirdly aggressive way before cutting off…
The whole video was just confusing, honestly. The “studio tour” veered off to focus on his motorcycle specs, then on a sudden strip down to brag about his muscles, then on trying to justify the mostly empty rooms. The sad part was the focus on money. Did anyone notice how he kept switching between bragging about the expensive shit he buys to complaining about how expensive everything was? He wanted to show off, but it all just made him look desperate for validation.
I don’t know. This whole video screams “midlife crises” to me.
No. 1817768
File: 1682814043740.jpg (49.57 KB, 504x912, uuuh.jpg)

>>1817663I definitely get that feeling too. He's obviously incredibly insecure and depends on his snaccs to stroke his ego. It's why he immediately goes into meltdown mode at the slightest bit of criticism or even just someone telling him the truth about his overpriced equipment. It's probably why he can't keep any friends outside Kat and why he says he "doesn't like anyone". He hung out with Kat's friends husbands that one time in his studio so he could show off his toys to them and then never again. Kat gets a pass because she's his "trophy" girlfriend and seems to be mindlessly agreeable.
It's also kind of sad how he always shares these very parasocial fan stories on his instagram, but he doesn't actually interact with his fans in the discord at all and mostly ignores them in streams if they aren't the ones who drop superchats or gift subs. With the exception for the ones who
trigger him of course. kek
No. 1817779
File: 1682815975648.png (24.26 KB, 415x723, its7.png)

>>1817768These are his only five messages left in his discord. The first being his "it's 7 inches" in regards to someone calling his dick "cute and small" in one of his OF pics. I completely forgot all about it and it's funny all over again.
No. 1817816
>>1817336this was bad, boring and shows how much of a mess his life is. has all that space and can’t even decide how to make use of it, spends money on things to bring the best content to his subscribers (kek), still whining about not being able to do the music video he wants, wehhhhh. what happened to being a one man operation and how he’d do everything himself just to get stuff out?
really enjoyed that comment about how shitty ppl come into his life, leave and continue to be shitty so he doesn’t want to associate with them.
No. 1817832
File: 1682827532101.png (191.05 KB, 468x324, urblocked.png)

>>1817829excuse you anon? He pays $79.99 cunt fucking dollars every month for pro tools ultimate because he's a real musician and you have the audacity to tell him to use Reaper? Go choke on dry shit. Enjoy your block.
I'm sorry anon. kek No. 1817876
>>1817832lmao, he probs would block over that
also, he's looking super rough these days. anger is not good for your skin boo boo.
No. 1817888
File: 1682839417082.jpg (35.74 KB, 1080x375, Screenshot_20230430-082259_You…)

Who gonna tell them kek
No. 1817889
File: 1682840505994.jpg (64.19 KB, 583x316, YljOSeZ.jpg)

>>1817663He's lost a lot of control in his life and it shows in his content- he's tetchy, extremely defensive and is horribly condescending to his audience (he blamed them for not 'appreciating' the new content he tried). Compare a pre-break up react video to a more recent one - the energy is quite different. He just went mask off in the newest video with the outward almost threatening aggression and flexing as a defense mechanism. I think that's why the video came out after 10 days, he was tossing up whether to show his true form.
We caught his tantrum on stream this week by chance but it makes you wonder how often he flies off the handle at minor shit and rage.
>>1817816It was so funny when he kept trying to explain why 'The Tide' didn't do well - it's such a cope that it's the money holding him back. He's made heaps of low-budget music videos for Munro and they've all done pretty well. 'Pursuer' came out in 2020 and was filmed by the band. It's obviously a product of Covid as they are all in different houses but it's got over 100,000 views.
No. 1817917
File: 1682851159847.png (155.6 KB, 720x1640, Screenshot_20230430-113837.png)

No. 1817920
>>1817917She really just doesn't get how to be an adult does she.
Stop trying to fish for people to offer you a place to stay, save up like an actual human adult and stop expecting everyone to foot your bill.
Can't afford a hotel? Don't go.
No. 1817921
>>1817917She knew to post the flight prices this time kek
>>1817920Agree. Usually you have friends where you know you’re always welcome. If she has to ask this way and expects charity it comes off as begging or guilt tripping people.
No. 1817936
>>1817920She's lucky she knows people in London but she shouldn't abuse that generosity - I cringe when she says she stays with people for 'free' on top of the free drinks and flights. In past threads people said she tested her friendship with PeachMilky by bumming too many lifts. I hope at the very least she treats her friends to meals out and buys them decent gifts. She's in a very unique position where she can be sick (or have a depressive episode) for weeks but continue to stay at home getting paid by her 632 patrons. I'm pretty sure she can hold off on the tattoos for a few months and be able to afford a hotel room split with a friend.
>>1817921She's definitely coasting on pity 18 months since the break up. That charity will eventually dry up if she makes these clubbing travels a monthly thing while saying she's stressed about bills.
No. 1817997
>>1817355Hooooly hell. When you’re already a short and wide person, you should not wear horizontal stripes. It’s confusing that a dude who is so painfully self conscious can put these clothes on, look in a mirror and go yep this is what I’m wearing.
>>1817656Yeah he sure proved that he totally cured his anger issues.
Very calm, much zen
>>1817524Yeah it’s getting a little bit much. She could even turn being sick into content so there’s no excuse at all. She could do a “what I do in a day when ill/to feel better” vlog or something. Make some soup for fucks sakes.
>>1817768If you see this phaythness, for christs sake, go outside and talk to another person. Have a conversation.
>>1817917OR how about stay the fuck home until you’re not ill anymore? No one wants you spreading your plague around public places.
No. 1818027
File: 1682874627991.png (361.25 KB, 1080x1080, A for Effort.png)

>>1818019She broke her two day streak of trying to stay home, nonnies. This is starting to give "uncontrollable mental disorder" levels of dysfunction, with how hardcore she is self sabotaging right now.
No. 1818039
>>1817987Better yet, why doesn't she finish the pink side of the studio and film content there? She's been settled in her new house since May 2022 so what's stopping her from driving to the studio to work? Partying and (prolonged) illness is the answer. Her junk pile is there too.
She must be swimming in cash because that studio costs around £500 a month.
No. 1818094
File: 1682884820856.png (1.03 MB, 720x1640, Screenshot_20230430-205752.png)

Brooklyn Bay Diner Unit 2, Port Retail Park, Redlands Rd, Larne BT40 1AX
No. 1818180
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No. 1818250
>>1818186I'm not sold on it either. If she does have it, then it's wildly out of control and she doesn't care, since her life is enabled either way. If she doesn't have it, then she has seen enough ADHD memes to appropriate a mental disorder that would otherwise explain her complete lack of discipline in every aspect of her life. Either way, she is incapable of the self control needed to be an independent, functioning adult. She does a good job pretending though, the neverending complaining pulls in enough people to keep her lights on at least. More, actually, since she still has that £500 studio (fancy storage unit).
Maybe she has a different mental illness though, because you'd have to be retarded to walk out in the rain all day after being sick for two months straight.
No. 1818255
>>1818221b…but anon, her boots are totally fat! It's also definitely milk!
>>1818250I don't know, she definitely acts like an unmedicated person with ADHD. She's clearly impulsive, distracted, has executive disorder, etc. It's not a reach at all that she'd have it. It's definitely no excuse though and she needs to reign those behaviors in and make herself a routine or schedule. Not to armchair, but it wouldn't surprise me if she also has some c-ptsd from her 10 years of living with Jake as he stomped about smashing their shit and screaming. It's not uncommon for people who lived in stressful or
abusive situations. She's always panicked and apologizing when she thinks she's done anything remotely wrong, even when she hasn't. Her constant chasing of adventure and going out is also pretty obviously tied to her new sense of freedom after the relationship ended, she seems to be kind of chasing that bump of serotonin it gives her. Girl just needs to get a good therapist and get properly medicated tbh.
No. 1818278
>>1818186She admitted to doctor shopping to get her ADHD diagnosis but I do believe she has it. She comes off as very polite and well-spoken but when she gets candid she has spoken of struggles unique to ADHD (easily distracted, avoiding tasks that take sustained effort, unable to prioritize tasks appropriately etc). She's also talked about being very loud and bouncing off the walls as a child. Most of us have been watching her for a long time and we've seen go through something much bigger than "Youtuber burnout" - she has complex inner turmoil relating to things like hypersensitivities, perfectionism and low-self esteem which affects her emotional regulation and productivity.
All this was exacerbated by the fact she had an unstructured childhood with too many freedoms and was spoiled rotten by her mother. Post-school she was not expected to join the workforce or attend further education and she didn't start working until she was 20 (she said she couldn't get one earlier because she was somehow
too young). In 2014 she had the luxury to muck around on YouTube as a full-time project until she finally got monetized and after many years got into a steady rhythm. When she treated YouTube like a job and consistently pumped out a dozen Spooky Boxes and some Killstar hauls she probably made just enough money to get by but it's probably what killed her drive to do it.
She is the way she is from her neurodivergence but also from her unstructured, solitary lifestyle and being enabled by Jake and others.
No. 1818361
>>1818250She turns 30 next month and she still doesn't realize she's losing income by going out for adventures at the rainy beach when she's still sick. Slimelight is in less than a week and I'd keep the fuck away if I saw her there.
>>1818287I think she definitely struggles with it. Why do you think she doesn't film on days she lost her Canon batteries? It's because she doesn't want to film on her iPhone and would rather wait to get a higher quality picture with her Canon, missing her deadline. There's plenty of examples where the 'conditions aren't perfect' for success and then she delays projects and disappoints people. I think her excuses are more than just laziness, there's deeper reasons why she does this to herself.
No. 1818367
>>1818285I called it tinfoil for a reason, retard. We already know he lurks incessantly, is it really hard to imagine that he'd post too?
I didn't even say everyone who posts is Jake, just that I wouldn't be surprised if the nitpick-anon was him trying to sow seeds of insecurity. That really so farfetched?
No. 1818370
>>1818366We've questioned whether she should be a full-time influencer for a long time. She has a sweet but highly sensitive disposition and the internet is an awful place - it's not the best job for her. I always saw her working with animals for a long-term career tbh.
Her fans have fully supported her in the break-up though and now she has the money to put towards ADHD treatments, therapy and looking after her physical health (her recent heart issues must be at least partially related to stress). I see the recent partying as a sort of cry for help - it went from being a celebration of independence but now its an escape from responsibilities, one and a half years on.
No. 1818392
Getting some bad vibes from some recent posts so apologies in advance to normal nonnies
>>1818040>One hour from herok stalker chan
After looking at her stories she's in a spacious, hilly, green location and not actually on a beach. Is it a crime to take a fucking walk?
>>1818094What the fuck is wrong with you?
Why are you posting the address you fucking weirdo?
>>1818367The amount of videos he's privated or reacted to after being posted about here is literally in the dozens, my bet is the posts about her finances are him since he made a whole video about the same topic, Kat is probably here too since she's a shit for brains pickme
No. 1818413
>>1818383I'd like to see proof too. Even if this was true this would have been at least 10 years ago. There's lots of evidence of her body-shaming on tumblr from this time though - she's definitely no angel
>>1818392It's a famous beach in NI. She also posted some Instagram stories where she did some GoT tourism nearby. Some of us have connections to the region and can recognise these areas.
I am not the
nonnie that posted the diner location earlier: that was definitely over-stepping the line and I 100% disavow that. You'll notice that clipped-edge screenshot anon usually posts without comment.
No. 1818456
>>1818447Lisa could actually be seen carrying Kaya's patchwork hoodie for her in the Instagram stories so let's dispel that one lol. Kaya's an idiot but she wasn't exactly walking around in slip dress.
Also I just need to say…There's so much unproven tinfoil about Lisa being an untrustworthy junkie but it's clear she's the mama hen of the group - I can see her looking out for the group when they get a bit wild
>>1818453I think Kaya put the circle on there in the original post. The image is cropped but there was a song about dinosaurs playing in that story.
No. 1818477
>>1818370Unpopular opinion because this thread is full of Kaya WK's since the breakup, but I've known women like Kaya, and she doesn't seem sweet to me at all. She has always seemed like a typical two faced mean girl- shallow, frivolous, condescending, selfish, impatient, and entirely self absorbed while being unable to handle criticism. Her friends are all useful tools and she throws them away when they aren't working for her anymore. Like how she constantly uses IG stories to try to bum accommodations from mutuals, and how most of her friends are tattoo artists. I wouldn't be surprised if she dumped Grant because he didn't like the way she used him constantly for photo shoots. Her "sweetness" just looks like a manipulation tactic to me, and if you don't see it then congratulations on never being used by another woman like that.
As far as "partying being an escape from responsibility" goes, nonnies seem to forget there was two entire months between the breakup and the breakup videos where she was actually doing nothing. Not working, and definitely not laying there heartbroken since she has admitted to having no feelings for him for years. She was upset because she had to actually work and take care of herself and took those two months to even acknowledge she had to do that, and that was because of an arbitrary deadline fake set because that's when he wanted to post his breakup video. She was looking for a rental, sure, but NI is very small, and she has admitted that there wasn't very many options for her to chose from within her parameters. She stayed in that gaming studio for nearly eight months and barely posted videos. She got settled in her new place and now does everything she can to leave it.
Another rarely acknowledged fact is how often she was hanging out with Grant and Kerri when she was supposed to be moving house before the breakup. She wasn't some sleeping beauty trapped in a tower, she is a lazy cow who spent a year avoiding work and went all "hell hath no fury like a woman scorned" when her chosen scrote decided he didn't want to drag her ass through life anymore. She is a grown ass adult who cries and e-begs on the internet to get what she wants, which is now a proven personality trait independent of scrote influence. It's obvious which of you nonnies are here because of the breakup, but other nonnies who have been here longer are well familiar with her behavior patterns and don't bother excusing it. She lives a privileged life and finds every reason under the sun to complain about it.
No. 1818505
>>1818477>this thread is full of Kaya WK's since the breakupOr maybe some of us have been here the whole time and seen what a leech Fake was and how much of a hinderance to her he was. Lolcow isn't a hivemind and not everyone who doesn't vehemently hate her is new.
>I've known women like Kaya and she doesn't seem sweet to me at allOh okay so all of this wall of text is just projection then, good to know.
No. 1818614
>>1818370This 100% tbh. I really think a change of pace would do her some good. Even a part time job could help add some structure to her life. A job in something like animal care would probably feel more fulfilling and help with that need to constantly chase that sort of serotonin high she gets from partying and going out. I don't think her lifestyle now is completely unreasonable (yes lazy and unstructured, but not horrible like some), but it's pretty obvious she's chasing a feeling and seems lonely or unfulfilled when she's home alone. She needs direction and therapy.
>>1818477You really wrote a whole essay.
>>1818505Right? Not a kaya WK, but I find her somewhat boring and fairly benign. Jake was clearly some form of
abusive, is openly misogynistic, was the one who cheated with a married mother, tried to shill his bad porn etc. I get they are both cows, but c'mon.
No. 1818666
>>1818617So now anyone who doesn't think she's scum of the earth like fake makes her out to be is a white knight? The world isn't that black and white anon, I can feel empathy for her without thinking she's the greatest person. And quit redditspacing, you're outing yourself as a newfag
>>1818662yeah the Jake milk has been pretty good but then we get a retarded paragraph about ebil Kaya and posts about her ankles and rumored foot fetish work (which we've still yet to see a single shred of proof for). So yeah I'm all for separating them, I'd rather read about an actual cow than one that's devoid of milk.
No. 1818753
>>1818717>the fact that he bought her a pole to "stay in shape" made me groan so hardI def side eyed that too. You bought her a pole to stay in shape but no other actual exercise equipment? Like you sure it's not just so you could have your own personal stripper whenever you wanted? Kek, the man couldn't be more obvious.
Also, wasn't that his Valentine's present to her? Like "happy V-Day Pussy, stay skinny and slutty for me." Kek.
No. 1818783
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>>1818717I was actually thinking about that the other day when I saw this old photo of Jake and Kaya. His treatment over was a lot better when she was a skinny little twig. He used to have an old video talking about how much he loved her. Once she started puffing out, his treatment of her in those videos started to have this vague undertone of scorn. Meanwhile, he was sitting there looking like the Pillsbury doughboy. I wonder how long until we start noticing that with Kat. She doesn’t seem inclined towards getting heavy, but the background radiation of being pressured to stay thin might start getting to her.
No. 1818862
>>1818783Wasn't this picture from one of their first days out in NI? Kaya would have been 18 here and Jake 19 or 20 - these would have been the best days of their lives. When they first got together both had little going on in their lives (Kaya was doing nothing after school and Jake was unemployed in Wales) so their online romance took center stage. When they moved in together initially they seemed very happy together when there was zero stress and everything was novel. This was the 'mean girl' phase of Kaya's life where she enjoyed her status as an sporadic alternative model (probably the first time she was celebrated for being a super tall/lanky girl) and was definitely spending too much time on tumblr and bullying fat, 'unaesthetic' people. They naturally settled in a traditional dynamic where Jake was the bread-winner and Kaya was a stay-at-home gf who worked when she wanted.
Then 'second puberty' and depression from full-time adulting hit these two pretty hard in their early 20s. Jake had more experience with self-sufficiency and had worked a few jobs before he came to Ireland but his anger issues still exploded and unfortunately Kaya was
victim to that rage.
Very few people stay together in their 1st and 2nd relationships because your motivations, goals and interests change a lot in that transition period between your teens and mid-20s. It's clear that these two didn't grow together and, as they started working together more closely, it really tested their relationship - you can just watch the resentment grow over their online career. Kaya has also hinted in the break up video that she stopped finding Jake's appearance and aesthetic attractive and it's obvious that Jake felt the same, probably for a
very long time.
No. 1818876
>>1818866Don't get it twisted - I still think she is an irresponsible woman-child.
Kaya the once chronic home-body suddenly can't bunker down at home and watch every single episode of 'It's Always Sunny' for 2-3 weeks in bed while she lets her body recover. She essentially gets paid sick leave because her brain-dead Patrons pay her monthly regardless of video output. She can even do half her job in bed,
social media. For her that means posting memes with the caption 'SAME', a video of Sebastian here and there and some nostalgia post from 2013.
She made the call to go back to London that second time while sick and came back at the start of April. We're now at the start of May with a new round of partying due to begin and she's
still sick. She says Jake is the reason she lost all her friends but I think a lot of them couldn't put up with her behavior anymore.
No. 1818878
>>1818783I saw that, in Kaya's very first videos with Jake I believe they are still on her channel, he is using this soft breathless voice and he says in every video, "love you baby." in the zoo video he calls her "sexy lady." if he holds the camera he focuses on her teeny tiny ass and even does an upskirt shot from behind. she is like, "what are you doing?" looking quite serious (and so young, she must have been 16 years old) and he is like, "but it's a good bum!" at the beach he tells her she's a mermaid and she looks pretty. he was a different person toward her in these clips. I believe part of it was to hide what a shitbag he is, and also opportunistic as he was using her to move to ireland and have a change of scenery, so maybe he laid it on thick to put his best foot forward to "love bomb" as other anon said.
kat may not put on weight easily, but if she stopped smoking that sure would certainly do it, or another pregnancy (God Fucking Forbid), and one thing for certain is she will age and it will show even more than it is already. what is he going to do, there isn't a way to shame a woman into looking younger, unless he likes the appearance of fillers and Plastic Surgery Face. I think he is a misogynistic scrote who thinks women are "cheating" by using surgery, though. he likely thinks they should be able to starve themselves and work out until their skin no longer sags.
No. 1818883
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>>1818866KEK. Anger issues anon, it isn't that serious. Not saying you are him by any means, but you sound like jake when he was having that spergy meltdown over someone saying his computer part was mid. Thinking kaya going for a walk and having her friend carry her jacket (two days after being sick) is boring or nitpicky isn't WKing. A lot of us are acknowledging her shortcomings too. Breathe.
Also part of the reason she went out (and took off her jacket) was to get photos for her collab with tommy vowles, a harness/jewelry designer who works with a lot of alt influencers.
No. 1818887
>>1818866Grandma, watch your language and go ask your doctor (of modern medicine) if you don't believe it. Brace yourself because the common cold and lung infections are caused by mostly VIRUSES, not being cold. Viruses are typically spread through direct person-to-person contact or inhaling small droplets in the air. These droplets are often known as aerosols.
Once inhaled, the rhinovirus attaches itself to the cells inside the nasal passages. It then replicates itself, spreading more virus particles throughout the upper respiratory tract.
Exposure to cold weather does not make people more susceptible to common colds.Viruses, such as rhinoviruses and influenza, cause colds and the flu, not the weather.
Unless you are already immunocompromised, then there is some evidence of reduced vitamin D levels making it harder to fight off infections as it plays a major role in maintaining the immune system.
During colder months, people may also spend more time indoors. If these spaces do not have adequate ventilation, people may have a greater risk of breathing in aerosols from others with common colds.
But yeah, fucking Kaya, man!
(infighting) No. 1818964
>>1818883"(two days after being sick)"
She's been sick ever since she took her trip to Barcelona, in her car ramble she admits to be wheezing the whole time, and to have some fluid in her lungs.
It's about as responsible to go on an "adventure" in her state as someone doing a hike after they sprained their ankle.
Especially since she's supposed to be at Slime light this weekend. She can't continue to go to those events halfway sick and contagious, this is a bad fucking look.
No. 1818973
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>>1818862I stand corrected. From the date we can guess she's 16 or 17 here, leaning towards the latter (I have faith her parents waited until she finished school for Jake to come over).
Bonus comment that creeped me out. They went on the outing with some guy who's old enough to be her Dad. He looks like he's 40 - why is this old ass guy hanging out with a child?
No. 1818979
>>1818964Her car ramble was 11 days ago. She was sick in bed two days ago with allergy or cold-like symptoms which could have very well just been the tail end of her illness clearing up. Even so, if she's been sick that long, she's well over the point of being contagious. Her symptoms around the time of the car ramble sounded like bronchitis tbh? Which definitely can occur after having covid, but isn't really a contagious illness itself, but more so a result from another illness. Also, she went outside, with a jacket, and took it off for a photoshoot for a collab? The nitpicking is wild tonight, but I'll agree she hasn't been the most responsible in the recent past in regards to her health. Her walking around in public with covid was absolutely dumb, but that doesn't make her permanently a biohazard
nonnie. kek
No. 1819042
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Some comments from Flake's latest video.
I included the first one because it's good advice for people like Jake who can't retain friends.
I noticed he deleted the unsolicited gym advice one lol.
No. 1819065
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His latest video has gotten the least amount of views any of his videos have gotten in like 6 years. On par with the pathetic view count of his old vlogs. Back to square one kek.
No. 1819203
>>1819188How the fuck is pointing out that Jake uses terms like inbred stupidity? Have a snickers,
nonny. You're in a shit mood today kek.
No. 1819223
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Get your shit together moron. If you act like a retarded child we'll treat you like one.
No. 1819249
>>1819163I was gonna post this earlier (tabbed out after the nikado porn) but to put the winter virus argument to bed, the reason why viruses spread in the winter is because viruses live for a longer duration at low temperatures, iirc 4c or under means the virus can survive in the air and on surfaces for a long time. In higher temperatures, even 15c the virus will have a short lifespan. So a virus that has been propogated through the air will hang in the air for a long time during the winter, indoor or outdoor, be breathed in by more people, who then can transmit it person to person while symptomatic. Obviously there is an issue when multiple people in a warm indoor setting are sick, but the primary reason viruses spread in the winter is due to longevity of viral cells in cold temps.
In the summer the indirect virus transmission is much more difficult due to the short lifespan. for the viral cells in the heat.
So in summary, it is not the clothes you are wearing but simply the environment you are in.
No. 1819269
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>>1819225That's the spirit. Both are lolcows and the internet's a stage - as long as they keep doing milky shit I'm going to point and laugh.
I checked out their Patreon accounts earlier and they're both tanking. Before the new month clicked over Kaya was at 632 patrons and Jake was at 78 (a loss of 38 and 10 respectively). They've both been super annoying this month and I hope that gives them a bit of a reality check.
No. 1819348
>>1819092My favorite thing about the posts made here today are that people are pointing out that A) Jake’s most recent video was crap with low view age, B) Jake’s body is laughable, and C) Jake’s words and actions make him look stupid.
In one of his old videos, he shared his top three fears: Looking stupid, having people criticize his body, and being mediocre.
This guy must be living his worst nightmare every day!
No. 1819420
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Nonnies just when I thought she couldn't get any worse at her own job. Meraki, get this failure of an artist out your shop. If anything, she makes your shop look bad between her controversy, being widely hated, and her extremely subpar work.
No. 1819484
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>>1819291His only other income is streams and YT subs/views, none of which are doing much better. The one RE4 stream I caught he only made a single superchat that was $110 from a snacc that apologized for not tuning in for a long time. Otherwise his YT views should be netting him around $500 a month at most, and as another anon pointed out he is likely making around $1k off his YT paid subs. Factoring in the cost of renting his home and studio? It's pretty obvious why he had to sell his one bike already and is considering renting out spare rooms of the studio. Jake's slowly going broke right before our very eyes.
Kaya was making up to $7k off patreon right after jake dropped that last video putting her on blast that ultimately only resulted in people rushing in to support her. She's dropped down to making a maximum of 6k since, but is likely making quite a lot more than he is off patreon alone if you look at the number provided. Her views on her channel seem to be netting her close to what he has been making too even though he uploads less frequently. She would definitely be smart to start uploading more regularly and making YT membership an option to diversify like you said though. Her uploads and streams are so sporadic, she needs to buckle down and make a proper schedule if she doesn't want to squander away her support.
No. 1819588
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>>1819042He replied but deleted the comment not long after as usual
No. 1819597
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>>1819452They are both Thumb shaped
No. 1819600
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>>1819588Poor Jake. First he's traumatized by willem dafoe's giant pp and now it's danzig's saggy nips. kek
>>1819484Just noticed if you click around the tabs, his hidden earnings appear. I tried with kaya's too, but it didn't work, I guess since she never had the earning visible like he once did. It looks like he's actually only making a little over $230 a month off patreon currently.
No. 1819605
>>1819420Omfg she spelt it WORD WIDE not WORLDwide! How do you miss a whole ass letter
Sorry but dyslexic people shouldn’t be tattooists if you can’t spell or even copy your ‘own’ template and still not notice you spelt incorrect then there no hope
No. 1819607
>>1819420>>1819605holy shit, I didn't even notice and thought that
nonnie was just poking fun at her sloppy linework. She really tattooed this mess onto someone's entire forearm, they can't even get this covered up. Multi award winning artist though! lmao
No. 1819614
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>>1819612That isn't true. The streams are available to his subs that pay for a YT subscription to his channel. The only content he offers on patreon are music clips and the audiobook readings he suddenly picked back up. People are mostly just paying him a dollar for a shoutout at the end of his videos, doesn't seem anyone is doing the $25 tier either considering
>>1819600 No. 1819631
>>1819420>getting an illiterate tattoo artist to do word art on your bodyDoes everyone in that shop have shit English skills? You'd think when a client wanted words tatted they'd recommend one of their artists who could spell so this didn't happen. She must be dyslexic actually since there is no way that
wordwide mistake would be missed otherwise.
No. 1819637
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>>1819597She's got a real thick turkey neck on her
No. 1819669
>>1819600Be careful with Graphtreon - it can be misleading…
As you can see Jake had his earnings public on Patreon between April 2018 to April 2019 (the green columns). I think at this time people could pledge whatever amount they wanted.
However, Patreon made big changes to the platform in April 2019 and allowed creators to make tiered sub levels and add perks. It's likely Jake added tiers and hid his earnings soon after (I'm not sure if this feature was always available or not).
This website calculates the 'Earnings' figure by analyzing the earnings per patron data between April 2018 to April 2019 (the green columns) and coming up with an average figure to guess the current number. In reality, the algorithm does not take into consideration the different tiers as it's going off old public knowledge. For that reason the $238 is completely inaccurate and there is no way to know exactly how much he is earning - only Jake knows that unfortunately.
However I think the graphs anon posted earlier could give us some clues
>>1819484Graphtreon has some weird, secret algo that generates the estimated earnings. I've heard mixed opinions on how accurate these predictions are but I think it can be useful. For example the most Jake can earn is $1700 if all 68 of his patrons paid $25 but the algo somehow knows this isn't likely and includes certain probabilities into its calculation.
No. 1819677
>>1819667Go listen to Kaya and her friend Fifi talk in her last vlog - you can easily hear who has the stronger Belfast accent. I find it quite interesting that Kaya has lived her whole life in the same area of Belfast.
Kaya has largely lived life inside her bedroom doing a very solitary job, has quite a lot of foreign friends (specifically Americans) and consumes a lot of American media - I'm not surprised she sounds so American.
Jake has moved countries multiple times (England to Wales to NI) and done call center work mainly talking to people from South Africa. His life experiences have created quite a unique accent that distinctly sounds Australian. I've noticed in his 'react' videos (exclusively) he uses US words/pronunciations and generally sounds more like an American - it's all apart of the over-the-top persona he puts on I guess.
You'd be surprised how many youth in English speaking countries sound much more American on average just through cultural osmosis alone- in Scotland, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Canada…everywhere
No. 1819807
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Didn't someone say she admitted she had covid on her recent stream when she went to slime/Barcelona/last vlog?
No. 1819814
>>1819807It was this post. She has tried to say she tested negative by the time she flew back to London for Slimelight, but I doubt it given how she was positive in Barcelona then almost immediately flew to London after.
Here is the original post:
>>1807146 No. 1819827
>>1819721Jake, unlike Kaya, hasn't stayed in one place his whole life. I think he's originally from SW England but moved around too much to get a regional accent. He has said in a past video that his odd accent is a hindrance because people in NI don't realise that he, like them, is from the UK. He plays up English or American twang when he wants to but for the most part he can't help how he sounds.
>>1819769Expatriate-chan here. I've met a lot of people who've moved countries during their formative young adult years, as Jake has, and have an accent that's a bit all over the place.
He's been exposed to two very strong accents - South African and Northern Irish - and has an audience that's 50% American. You can clearly hear the influence on his voice
>>1819814Oof that's a bit of a Jake moment - so defensive. Is she gonna pretend like she didn't have Covid directly before her VOLUNTARY trip to Slimelight (flights not covered)? Next time she can show her Covid test stick because her word doesn't mean much lol. By the way, do you have the link to the London vlog?
No. 1819842
>>1819837Oh whoops I meant to say the
stream with the 'failed goal' for the London vlog. I don't know if anyone grabbed the link before she unlisted it.
You're right though, both London vlogs will probably never see the light of day - it's been thrown in the too hard basket.
No. 1819851
>>1819842 you go,
nonnie. She mentions it a few times throughout the stream, but becomes more frank about it later on in the stream. You'll notice at the beginning she is very defensive about all the lolcow criticism she has been getting, kek.
No. 1819859
>>1819807good to see retards are cowtipping
>>1819851sorry for possible spoonfeeding request, but I'm a half an hour in and I still can't find where she says she had covid. Do you know what general time mark because her anxious rambling is giving me a headache.
No. 1819867
>>1819863Thank you
nonnie! So we do have verbal confirmation on her having covid. Does anyone know exactly how many days passed between barcelona and slimelight in london? Judging from her instagram posts she was in barcelona on the 25th, and slime light was April 2nd? I'm not sure how it works elsewhere, but where I am from and work, the time they legally make you quarantine now is only 5 days. Does anyone know what and if there are similar laws in the UK or London specifically? She might have technically been clear if it was 5-7 days after, but it was incredibly stupid and careless of her to be running around Barcelona sick still. I get that she didn't want to have to reschedule the trip to see her dad again, but she really should have.
No. 1819895
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>>1819858Perfect, that's what I was looking for. I wanted to get more info on the London vlog as it was brought up in the 'exposé' videos in November and I wanted to know who was telling the truth. I've got timestamps for when they address it below:
I've had enough - Breaking my silence1:39:31-1:41:50
Jake Munro - His lies, his abuse, and finally telling the truth2:22:10-2:24:50
If anyone cares I've made a visual timeline of Kaya's London travels because I couldn't even remember what trip the infamous London vlog was promised for anymore. It looks like it was intended for the first time she went to Monster Queen in October last year.
No. 1820074
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Seems Jake went on a crash diet and somehow managed to lose a bunch of weight recently and yet somehow still maintains his freakish proportions and girthy neck. Oh, and he shaved his bush I guess. lucky us.
No. 1820077
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A new double spookybox unboxing, yawn. Apparently Kaya forgot how to edit, because this whole video is fucked, kek. And here is a comment from an unlucky fan, i guess she isn't so sweet in person.
No. 1820128
>>1819827>He's been exposed to two very strong accents - South African and Northern Irish - and has an audience that's 50% American.Nah, the call center job was such a long time ago and not for very long. He lived in Northern Ireland with a Northern Irish girl for ten years though, and another NI girl now, if anything he should sound something between British and Northern Irish, his voice is fake.
Also his audience being American is irrelevant since they aren't speaking to him.
>his odd accent is a hindrance because people in NI don't realise that he, like them, is from the UK. Northern Irish people do not consider Brits to be "like them" (check out Irish history for some fun reasons why) specifically if he has an
Irish accent he would be considered "like them"
Also he has spent his entire time in NI shitting on it relentlessly and calling everyone chavs, so regardless of accent he is unlikely to be popular.
Weird thing to defend imo unless you are also a fake voice-haver.
No. 1820139
>>1819721jake is full of so much narc rage he regularly shits on uk (and possibly other) ppl for their accents/pronunciation and how unintelligible they are.
>>1820074it feels edited lol, still doughy in middle, this is also before the blue hair so not even new. between no brows and whatever is happening to his hairline, his forehead is comically huge.
No. 1820161
>>1820074it looks like he forgot leg day lmao
skinny legs and stumpy ass arms and thumb neck-face. torso not even chiseled. the starvation only affects his legs.
No. 1820199
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>>1820077her new unboxing video already has more views than his studio tour. Jake is going to be seething.
No. 1820221
>>1819868That's Kaya all over, self centred. Official guidance in UK is 5 days off work from your first positive test, my work place still doesn't want anyone positive in but people are using the new guidance so as to keep earning money.
Kaya has the freedom to rest and recover and instead she has spent the past month out and about sick because she deserves to spend her patrons money on partying. Wouldn't be surprised if she's compromised her immunity and will develop severe long covid.
No. 1820242
>>1820234Maybe learn to integrate? We don't need you shitting up the threads with multiple commentary posts, it fills the threads quicker.
>>1820219Also consider what
>>1819867 said. She admitted to being covid positive in Barcelona, but was most likely not covid positive at slimelight as it was a week later. Not trying to WK her here, but it doesn't seem like she's intentionally lying, but more than likely believed herself not contagious after that week.
No. 1820284
>>1820077Not much going on in this video, she said she recorded a video about her incident (bar drink spiking), but isn't sure if she will upload it because she doesn't want unsolicited advice. She mentions rent again, said she doesn't want to work on her home anymore because she isn't sure if she will stay there. Rent prices have exploded, and still continue to, so I wonder what she expects, considering how diffitult it is to rent a house as a single person with an "influencer" job.
>>1820276bot bump moment
No. 1820297
>>1820128In his 2 hr response vid he said he worked at an infosec company called Veritas for 4 years working the South African phone lines in his early 20s. Jake also addresses his accent in a video due to all the comments he gets (
What's Up With My Accent?). He says his accent became more American when he changed his vocabulary for his audience (
3:46) and he thinks the Aussie comparisons come from the melding of the English accent and US speech patterns/terminology (
Meanwhile Kaya has admitted she has a 'strange, mixed accent' and that she assumes most people in NI think she's American and even some Americans have too (
Accent Challenge video at 1:03).
They've spent the majority of their 11 year relationship living and working together in a bubble, heavily influencing each other's accents and being admitted homebodies that shunned the Belfast scene to stay at home consuming lots of American media. They interact with American content creators and fans for work and have American friends (like Amber). Also take into account how young they were when they first lived together (16 and 18) and how their accents were still malleable at that time.
With their history I don't think it's that wild that they both sound the way they do. Jake is hungry for fame but I don't think he's been faking that odd accent he's had for the last 10+ years.
>Northern Irish people do not consider Brits to be "like them" (check out Irish history for some fun reasons why) specifically if he has an Irish accent he would be considered "like them". Things are a bit more complex than that; Unionists would proudly call themselves British while Nationalists dislike being British subjects and consider themselves Irish (there's some who consider themselves both but there's lots of shades of grey too) .
You're right that people from the north will generally have a shared accent regardless of political/national identity and immediately recognise a fellow local when they hear it.
I'll amend what I said before: Jake said he was disappointed when locals often viewed him as
American rather than
>s-sounds like anon is a fake voice-haver!Ahh there it is, it all makes sense now. I'm getting major small-town, zenophobic vibes from you. Perhaps you need to get out and meet more types of people.
Autistic rant over. Back to the milk.
No. 1820305
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…Has Mark not noticed the mistake either?
This is not a good look for Meraki Tattoo
No. 1820307
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>>1820284Saw this comment, and they are right. She started and ended the video teasing the prospect of dishing on the roofie drama that her YouTube audience doesn't know about.
No. 1820326
>>1820307Oof harsh (tbf the woman probs had no idea what happened). I can't find the comment anymore so Kaya must have been deleted it.
Kaya brought it up in such a clumsy, hasty way with bone xylophone music tinkling in the background so it was confusing to anyone who didn't know what happened. It came off like she was trying to plug her Instagram by teasing drama fuel rather than discuss a traumatic event and the reality of going out at night as a female. I hope she does post the video - her real side is a lot more engaging and the story should be told
No. 1820356
>>1820307>People don't care as muchBut still be ready for advice, but remember, that people don't care, but they'll still write advice.
>Advice==feedbackNot every comment/feedback is an advice. People can share their experience or give advice to other commenters or rant about women's experience and fears.
But, still, people do care, and they feel entitled to give unsolicited advice.
Honestly, that commentary smells weird, if you know what I mean.
No. 1820362
>>1820305An easier fix but there's no apostophe in the
Don't either, wonder how much that person paid to have typos permanently emblazoned on their body
No. 1820365
>>1820356"people don't care as much as you think they do" is such ill intended advice in these times where people get doxed within hours of appearing in the background of a tiktok, where 5000 people can quote tweet dunk you in minutes, like she absolutely should be careful what she posts, especially if it's likely to generate 1000 asshole comments (which it absolutely would based on what some people were saying here, immediately jumping to denial and
victim blaming)
No. 1820377
>>1820224It was around week last year,
nonnie. She uploaded her house reveal on May 10th.
No. 1820465
>>1820307She doesn't want unsolicited advice to avoid being roofied? Probably she doesn't want to trip herself up in more bullshit lol.
>>1820377So she's been in a proper functioning home for a year now and not much has changed.
No. 1820495
>>1820471Jake strikes me as somebody who has a very fragmented cultural identity. He's hasn't visited Wales or his home town in a decade and has been estranged from his family for years (and continues to talk shit on all of them bar his sister).
I don't know why he alienates himself from his home of 14 years (crazy right?) and mocks the people around him - it's this weird defense mechanism born from the fact he's English, 'goth' and an intensely individualistic, public content-maker. He resents this country for his own personal failings and it shows. It's obvious he considers Belfast as a pit stop before more exciting places like LA and Barcelona where everyone will suddenly wanna be his friend and money and fame beckons!
If he ever wants to move on from his current shitty existence he needs to radically accept that Northern Ireland is probably the best place for him and start the 'family man' chapter in his life where he learns to be a better person for his partner and step-child. Staying in his lane, leaving Kaya alone and working in the bike garage rather than next to wee Isaac's bedroom is a good start.
>>1820489Really? I mean, the woman seems to repeat the same 3 words (Sangria! Drinks! Shots!) so I don't have a great idea of her accent. I can't say I've noticed that change in Jake.
No. 1820504
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Kaya is on route to London…with a saucy book
No. 1820619
File: 1683234701596.png (239.11 KB, 530x955, abuserssupportingabusers.png)

>>1820520Apparently it's about some girl summoning a demon, the demon wants her soul, but they bang it out and eventually fall in love. Seems like 50 shades of grey but oOooSpOoKy. This is adult fanfiction dot net tier "literature" at best. You would think she'd have better judgement after dating an
abusive man for so long, but I guess she just has shit taste.
On the subject of
abusive relationship dynamics, did anyone else catch that Jake liked this tweet in full support of Johnny Depp being a poor innocent abuse
victim? Not surprised he's in support and likely relates to the alcoholic misogynist womanizer tbh.
No. 1820735
>>1820651It's still up there.
How embarrassing.
No. 1820846
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No. 1820871
>>1820860just my edit for laughs,
nonnieshe definitely doesn't have a single funny bone in her body and isn't nearly self aware enough to do something like that
No. 1821024
>>1820619Thought Jake would have heard Heard was vindicated on tiktok as some deranged Johnny depp fans got the request for the closed files in the American trial and it was all the
abusive Johnny Depp shit that got him convicted at the first trail in the UK. She is a
victim lol. Thought Jake was all over tiktok.
No. 1821032
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I love that her fans are on to her bullshit. She has the audacity to use the raised eyebrow emoji like this is isn't a good suggestion for her. You can throw around pysch terms all you like Kaya, the point still stands that your output has slowed and you need help if you want to pump out higher quality videos quicker.
You have a captive audience who want to see you succeed so what better pool of people to pick an editor from? There's gotta be at least a few hundred out-of-work editors watching you. You could hire some homebound or disabled person who is willing to work for a lower rate for their Goff Qween. You'd be giving a job to a long-term fan who knows what editing decisions you like in your videos. Obviously you'd need to vet well and it takes a lot of trust to form a working relationship.
No. 1821075
>>1821032the passive aggressive tone of the question doesn't particularly read like an actual fan question tbh
>>1821037She said in her unboxing video that she feels like it's often cheaper for her to stay in london than at home because she stays with friends, the tickets are cheap, and the venue is paying her to host the event, etc.
Hiring an editor would be smart though. She should clear out that unused studio and channel that money into something that would actually benefit her channel. Even if it were just twice a month for vlogs or something, it would be better than where she's at now and shouldn't break the bank.
No. 1821080
>>1821078Ikr? That anon was being way too charitable to Kaya.
Kaya has high living costs from living alone in a 2 bedroom house, the diesel guzzling Jeep Renegade (which she uses a lot), fairly regular meals/nights out, near monthly tattoos, expensive clothes (I noticed she was wearing $270 Naked Wolfe sneakers in her Vegas trip) and cosmetic treatments like waxes and hair salon visits.
The only reason London is cheap is because the club covers her flight (I think that's the extent of the payment) and she can stay at mate's houses while getting 3 tattoos during her stay.
Kaya is a spoiled brat with cognitive dissonance.
No. 1821083
>>1821080inb4 her clothes are from sponsors, her hairdresser is her friend, she does cook at home etc etc actual frugal queen.
Her London trips may not be as expensive as assumed, but it's true that her daily living costs look to be way above average.
No. 1821090
>>1821080Oh, and the $/£500 a month studio. How the hell do you forget about that giant moneysuck? She'd probably blame it on issues with
object permeance from her ADHD and the stress from not knowing where to move the hoard piles too. Maybe she can hire her Mum to be her personal assistant so she can watch her expenses.
No. 1821097
Smells of jealousy in here, why don't you try and earn more money rather than cry on lolcow because a goth girl goes (comped) to slimelight a couple of times a month? Nothing she does exceeds what I have seen normal, non influencer friends do in their daily lives. You're out here hallucinating a lifestyle which doesn't exist. If a £45 flight, overnight stay and drinks makes you seethe with jealousy then work on your finances so you can achieve that too
>>1821080Literally hallucinating "waxes and hair salon visits" when?? has she posted about waxes (never) and she regularly thanks her friend (one of those girls she hangs around with constanyly) for doing her hair, obviously for free
>>1821032For the ableist anons who are probably the same broke bitch anons, she's explaining she doesn't hate editing like the anon question infers, she isn't using is as an excuse but explaining the reason behind her putting it off is not because she doesn't
like it, adhd people put off things they love all the time.
You complain she goes out with her friends, then if she doesn't you complain she's lazy, just sort out your lives so this goth girl living a very ordinary life doesn't invoke such jealousy.
(are you lost?) No. 1821108
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>>1821097…Why are you even here? You sound lost. The private 'Coven of
Toxic Tears' Facebook group is that way.
We'll talk about a 10+ year public influencer in her thread however the fuck we like and we have receipts to back it up.
Your 'normal, non-influencer friends' don't rely on public donations to pay for their partying and luxuries and neither do we. Her behavior invites criticism and ridicule whether you like it or not.
>Literally hallucinating "waxes and hair salon visits" when?? has she posted about waxes (never) and she regularly thanks her friend (one of those girls she hangs around with constanyly) for doing her hair, obviously for freeKaya talks about treatments she gets in IG stories and chatty GRWMs - here's some evidence retard.
Also, I don't think it's ok to get services for free from her respectable, employed friends - that's undermining their labour and is extremely disrespectful.
>She's explaining she doesn't hate editing like the anon question infersEditing is a big part of being a YouTuber: she's been doing this full-time for 10 years and not much has changed. If she finds she's stagnating then she actually needs to accept help but she's allergic to advice and incredibly stubborn. That's why her career won't grow how she wants it to.
No. 1821170
>>1821155>>1821108I like how they were so proud of their "receipts" when it is one singular screenshot showing she got a wax a year ago and had a bad time, describing it as "terrible" and "embarrassing" sure sounds like something she gets all the time, got me there!
>Also, I don't think it's ok to get services for free from her respectable, employed friends Her friends offering to do services for free or mates rates/discounted (likely her tats are all on influencer discount for promo) is something they are choosing to do from free will, there is literally no moral problem here
No. 1821171
>>1821170End of the day it is noteworthy how little Kaya has done in the last decade towards her own earnings. To get so defensive over a fan asking about an editor is stupid. It wasn't passive aggressive. People working for money isn't abuse.
There's entire threads to evidence kaya ebegs. When she got dumped her ex paid for her accommodation until May of last year. Now she's in a big house in Bangor one of the more expensive areas to live in NI, she hasn't earned it. Such a joke to actual working people the amount of breaks and time off from doing literally anything Kaya needs.
No. 1821178
>>1821170Nta, and also not sure if it's from the content referenced, but i do remember her talking about being embarrassed at a wax because she got recognized before they started. The way she talked about it was definitely from the pov of someone who regularly gets that service, and really didn't want to actually have a connection like that with the person doing it.
Also, it's definitely muffed to use your friends for their services like that. I pay and tip all my friends who have businesses because i respect their work.
No. 1821192
>>1821178She's definitely posted about her wax appointments here and there. It's not been archived because it's nonmilk. I don't really understand why saying that she gets these procedures is such an outrageous thing.
Does anyone have actual proof of her getting friend discounts then? Or is it just assumed?
No. 1821206
>>1821178Thanks for confirming that for the anon who clearly didn't watch the TikTok. The only reason that Kaya brought up her waxing session was that something embarrassing happened but otherwise she's not going to update us every time hair waxed from her cooch lol. She has casually mentioned getting waxed before so I assumed she gets it from time to time.
>>1821192None of us have proof. All I know is that Lisa works in a hair salon chain in NI. Her tattoo mates definitely give her discounts and I'm sure it's something they insist on because they like Kaya.
I will say that Kaya regularly shuttles her mates around to gigs and adventures so I will give credit where it's due. She has also said she likes getting people little gifts so maybe there is some balance there in kind gestures.
However, these services are definitely not
free and if she is truly struggling to pay rent then things like tatts and hair treatments need to go.
I have professional working friends who are a lot more broke than they should be because they love getting regular manis, salon hair-cuts/colour and eyebrow shaping. They like looking and feeling good and are aware they can reign in the luxuries, but they'll never be questioned like Kaya because they're not public figures and have a
stable, high salary.
No. 1821229
>>1821127There's definitely money to be made from TikTok. Kaya is probably already in the Creator Next program as she has over 100k followers on TikTok, regularly makes posts and gets at least 1000 views every month. Once you're in you can make money from 'gifts', tips and affiliate marketing through branded content (advertisers find you on the Creator Marketplace). There's also a Creator Fund which, as of Mar 2021, distributes $300M to creators based on views and engagement. You need at least 100,000 views per month to be eligible and I noticed Kaya got 700k views on a video 2 days ago.
I don't know much about Instagram monetization. She has 161k follows on there so she has a lot of eyes on her IG stories. I find it a weird coincidence that she has the exact same number of followers on her Instagram as on her TikTok lol.
>>1821132She defs needs to cross-post to shorts more and increase her earnings with basically no effort.
While I find her output on YouTube underwhelming I can see she's making a decent effort on other platforms post-Jake. Remember when Twitter used to be her fave platform? She almost used it like a diary during the pandemic and used it to talk about ADHD stuff a lot. She made the right decision to jump ship (even though Elon is currently trying to monetize posts on there, keyword is
trying lol)
No. 1821322
>>1820077>it's so cute>oh that's really nice>that's very cuteNice to know her content hasn't changed either lol
Though is it just me or are spooky boxes lighter now
No. 1821334
>>1821229Tiktok pays 2-4 cents for every 1000 views. So on an average of 15k tiktoks she gets 30-60 cents. Tiktok is dying just like vine because you can't keep advertisers happy and you cant pay your creators enough. It will be gone in 5 years tops.
Instagram does not pay anyone. you only get money from brand deals and things like that.
No. 1821356
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So it's confirmed one of the people she stays with in London is her tattooist. They went from a professional relationship to a personal one rather quickly…
No. 1821526
>>1821334Welp, views don't earn shit. I heard TikTok takes a 50% cut on the 'diamonds' you get from gifts. There are so many goths and alt people to compete with on there anyway so I guess Twitch/Youtube streaming is the way to go.
Kaya makes a huge point of the fact that she's not just a Youtuber but a 'content creator' however it was her apology video that quadrupled her Patreon numbers and saved her career. I think a large amount of her audience have been with her for a long time but a lot of them weren't giving any money or very little of it.
>>1821507Her Patreon numbers are almost back to where they were at in November last year (before Flake made his 'clap back' video and she gained like 200 patrons kek). She knows people are morbidly curious about her break-up and hearing about any harassment or legal updates. Her car rants vlog did so well because the title alluded to new drama with Jake (ultimately it related to being at the mercy of algorithms).
She'll always be thinking about her next big video that will blow-up and get a lot of attention. Spooky Box and GRWM are her bread and butter but she needs sensationalized content if she wants to make money.
I think she will post the roofie video by next month and she's probably already thinking about how to make a video of the friendship bridge-burning, even if she just indirectly talks about creepy tattoo artists.
No. 1821636
>>1821613Her room transformation vids and vlogs seem to do quite well. The only problem is that these videos require a lot of editing and, as she refuses to hire an editor, events that happened 3-6 months ago are still waiting to be put into video.
She's getting the most money she's ever gotten in her career (600 patrons) but a lot of her content is still very safe and familiar - GRWM, Spooky Box, hauls, Q&A. She can do the sitting-on-her-arse content AND experimental stuff because her patrons will support her regardless - she's not a slave to the algo anymore. For example she can drive back to the Antrim coast by herself and film her exploring some secluded beach or mountainside - that way she won't get distracted by being around people and she'll satisfy her cottage-core loving audience.
I don't know if she'll have another boyfriend for a long-time. I think she has a lot of trust issues from being cheated on
twice by Jake. She was also cheated on by the bf she had before Jake (she famously mocked the
other woman for being fat on her Tumblr back in the day).
No. 1821644
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She's apparently staying with Roly for Slimelight this time around. Tbh tho, I don't entirely get why anons are so weird about her crashing at friends places. Like you don't want her paying for hotels because it's a waste of funds and you don't want her crashing with friends because she's a mooch? Her friends don't really seem to mind? But I guess we'll see if that ever changes in the future.
No. 1821653
>>1821644Ew she's getting a bit too comfortable with the brow-less look…she looks like a grumpy egg. She has nice skin so she doesn't really need make-up but w/o brows she's effin ugly.
Her travels overseas will become more frequent so I hope she doesn't over-rely on the same people too much. I hope she knows it's a given to foot the bill for meals out and tidy up when you stay with someone a few nights. Her social awareness is not great at times and she has this delusion she's super poor (yet she got 3 tattoos on one of her visits).
The most cringe thing was when her accom plans fell through last month and she was forced to reach out to 'mutuals' through IG stories to beg for a place to stay. You'd think at that point she'd just pay for damn hotel room for a few nights, even if it's a bit expensive or further away. She could even head home a bit earlier. By her own admission coronation week is a bit of a nightmare time to go to London.
>>1821650Do you really think the girl that owns a Jeep (who mainly drives in urban Belfast) and that has sent more stuff to landfill than all of us on the thread combined gives a shit about the environment?
No. 1821665
>>1821644What happened to her lips? Did she have them done
>>1821653Yeah I noticed how good her skin is recently she used to have bad skin and made videos on it glad she was able to get that sorted I bet that nice for her
Yeah no eyebrows looks vile on everyone not that hard to draw two lines or even get temporary tattooed ones done in a salon, same with jake just grow them back already
No. 1821669
>>1821665She's always had nice lips (it's her best feature by far) but I must say they have that 'filled' look here.
>Yeah no eyebrows looks vile on everyone not that hard to draw two lines or even get temporary tattooed ones done in a salon, same with jake just grow them back alreadyJake looks really menacing with the face tatts, no eyebrows and a flannel shirt - he looks like a wife beater. Being jealous of Dean really fucked with his head and he has made some terrible aesthetic choices. Whatever turns Kat on I guess…
No. 1821726
>>1821720An expression which almost entirely loses its effectiveness without eyebrows, hence the commentary about her looks. But see this post
>>1821100 since it's a great response to yours
No. 1821952
>>1821941yes london is so very far from ireland. It's not like she's taking a private jet
No. 1822214
>>1822184Her mom watches her cat. Someone already asked her this in a Q&A. Stop trying to make a dairy farm out of nothing, it's making you look really desperate
nonnie. Kaya has done actually milky things, let's focus on that instead of making shit up.
No. 1822228
>>1822176Let's take morals out of it. The CEO or celeb is getting paid a shit ton to show up somewhere whereas Kaya loses money on her party travels. Yes her flights may be covered and yes, she might never have to pay for a drink (I hope she safely accepts drinks from strangers), but she's still shopping, having meals out, getting tatts and hopping on the tube while she's there. She's gets defensive about going to London in videos because she knows it's mostly been for pleasure not business and she's not been vlogging any of it (or releasing that footage at least). Actually…has she vlogged any trips since last year? This is the content her fans would love to see. They've been giving her thousands of dollars to see her flourish and party and deserve to see it. Instead they've been giving the same shit quality vids back when she had 150 Patreon subs.
The moaning is starting to creep back in her videos and it's evident she has squandered her Patreon bux (it's happened to many YouTubers) and needs to scale back her lifestyle.
No. 1822250
>>1822247The cat couldn't stay in the studios because it wasn't allowed to be there.
Drop it already.
However Kaya and Jake did go through half a dozen reptiles, insects and rats when they were together. In previous altcows threads there are allegations that they didn't look after their pets well. Some of their snakes were a lot smaller than they should have been due to potential under-feeding and had squalid living conditions. Jake claimed Kaya was too lazy to clean Sebastian's kitty litter or feed him so he had to step in and look after her cat. I hope she's a better pet owner now but I don't think she should ever be allowed to hoard animals like that again.
No. 1822254
>>1822247You're the same annoying anon that always tinfoils dumb shit and tries to pass it off as legitimate milk, aren't you?
>>1822250Someone like Kaya def is best only having a single "humans only" kind of cat like Sebastian at most. Hope we never see her having another one of those animal hording phases and she knows better by now. I can't imagine Jake being exceptionally good with animals either given his behavior around the toddler and the mess we've seen around his home and studio. Wish Kaya would let us get more than just a glimpse of her place, but from what little we've been able to see, it seems she's at least smart enough to clean the spaces she puts on video or in her stories.
No. 1822255
>>1822250Sorry but who the fuck are you to mod the thread? Her gay little q+a about the cat wasn't posted here? We're not all kaya fans following her socials. Cats aren't like dogs, they're territorial and easily stressed, hopefully her mum stays at her house for Sebastian, wonder how often the cat gets left in while kaya goes off. Maybe it would be happier with her mum.
Kaya seems very shallow and frivolous. She treats animals like aesthetics. She never really mentions then. Always thought she was an animal lover but idk.
No. 1822263
File: 1683439676937.png (976.69 KB, 1017x905, kuro.png)

>>1822255NTA, but she literally talks about Sebastian all the time. You don't even have to watch her Q&As very regularly to know this tbh.
She's been out having dinner with another pretty boy alt model dude, named Kuro. He has a gf tho, so I don't think there's actually any real tinfoil to be had here, but I don't recall her hanging out with him before? Unless I'm somehow mistaken.
No. 1822266
File: 1683439900948.png (201.78 KB, 509x912, rolylux.png)

>>1822263Also claims to have had a good work day while over at
>>1821644 Not sure if she means another collab video or in general, but I guess we will see. Gonna kek if it's just her counting "answering work emails" as a good work day tbh.
No. 1822276
File: 1683440965385.png (152.49 KB, 535x472, pastweek.png)

Only Jake update is a complete lack of updates. It's been almost a full week since he's done literally anything. His last Patreon exclusive of his bootleg audiobook was two weeks ago. His studio tour video that flopped was just over a week ago and his last stream was last Sunday. It's been an awful lot of radio silence from him lately, even the discord is dead rn. No tweets or IG posts or anything either?
No. 1822281
>>1822263I'm pretty sure he went to Monster Queen with her the first time. He's cute but like with Elf Boy I assumed he was gay lol. I'm still waiting on Slimelight pics so I can see their outfits
>>1822268>>1820074You're forgetting this
amazing thirst-trap from 3 days ago nonna.
Didn't his supa-fast internet come through on the 5th? He's probably gonna go to Portugal first for his b'day then begin his VR debut.
I caught a stream where he said he was gonna have to start streaming at 3am NI time in order to try get more American viewers. That'll mean driving to the bike garage at weird hours or sleeping there in order to make his VR career work kek
No. 1822282
>>1822281I definitely thought he was gay too until I found his fb. To be fair Jake looked super gay when they started seeing each other too. Can't tell if she has a type or ? kek
>>1822281Oh true, he did get his super! fast! internet installed recently. I might have missed some recent stories, but they seem so few and far in between lately. At least with him streaming out in the studio poor Isaac will be able to get some peace and quiet when they put him to bed. No more Jake shouting about sucking horse cocks and eating dry shit or whatever he's always on about while the poor kid is just a few steps away in the other room.
No. 1822308
>>1822306no, you don't understand! Kaya is such a dumb lazy bitch that the plane will emit at least 3x the emissions simply from having her onboard! Also Kaya roofied herself for funsies and totally does the weed all the time with her toothless junkie friends! She also hates her cat because she is such a stupid dumb lazy bitch!
insert other inane ramblings from weird seething and baseless tinfoiling anon>>1822299Now that you mention it, he and the girlfriend don't seem to even have any photos together which feels a little weird with how heavily photographed he seems to be. Maybe she's just a private person though? I still get gay vibes, but it would be really funny to see kaya link up with one of these petite little lesbian looking guys she's been hanging around lately.
No. 1822311
File: 1683448075024.jpg (397.31 KB, 1080x1811, PlBmSmF.jpg)

Our first look at the Slimelight outfits. Wowza, this is the most racey look yet. I love the fishnet make-up and body-suit
No. 1822318
>>1822308She's very private compared to him, he seems like the type of guy to have 5000 friends on FB. I wonder if she was at the event.
Looks like it's a very new relationship -they've been dating since April and he's still in her 'recently added'. He could have just got off the dating apps?
>>1822315This is an improvement from last Slimelight - this is the right amount of dark, outrageous and sexy.
No. 1822322
File: 1683449200110.png (727.38 KB, 1022x907, kuroslimelight.png)

>>1822311Here's a couple more from kuro's stories. Second is from a clip showing Kaya talking to elf boy while sitting in between him and kuro. Her outfit definitely looks a million times better this time around. The netting around her face isn't terribly flattering and I hate the ugly dragqueen-esqe wing, but it's still leagues better than the weird granny panty thing the previous time.
No. 1822329
>>1822328Just ignore them
nonnie, it's the samefagging seething newfag anon that people have pointed out before. It's cute how they sperg out on others for "trying to mod the thread" and then turn around to try to mod the thread though. kek
No. 1822562
File: 1683487425041.jpg (473.12 KB, 1080x1920, iLgMJTP.jpg)

Looks like she caved and got an air b'n'b
No. 1822580
File: 1683489512032.jpg (134.49 KB, 1080x1900, Screenshot_20230507-145712_Ins…)

>>1822385Yeah tbh I think she was hoping the netting would act like a contour, but instead it just made her face look kind of long and weird? It also pinched in her weak chin making it look more double chinned than normal tbh. The outfit overall isn't bad but she'd have been better off just doing Jake's old "paint on a jawline" makeup trick than using the fishnet tbh.
>>1822562She split the room with kuro too. Not sure if elf boy was there too or mot, but he was with them the entire night and it looked like it was just those three leaving together at like 5:30am?
No. 1822583
File: 1683489613730.jpg (151.3 KB, 1077x1871, Screenshot_20230507-145840_Ins…)

>>1822580Tbh elf boy is taller than I expected too.
No. 1822635
>>1822615They all look great tbh, Kaya living her best life hanging around with cute goth boys. Outfits and makeup are perfect imo, a little bit cyberpunk and not looking like shein/aliexpress garbage
(inb4 someone starts REEEing because I said something positive)
No. 1822656
File: 1683497489774.png (275.2 KB, 1237x913, tommyvowlescollabandvideo.png)

>>1822635I've been pretty critical of her on and off, but damn I really just want to see her hit the gym a bit and release content more regularly (edit the goddamn vlogs kaya!). She has potential, she just needs to keep that energy moving her forward and not fall abck into bad habits and lazy content. It looks like she has a collab-haul video coming with that harness maker she took all those outdoor photos for and if
>>1822266 is another collab video, she'd be back on a decent track, besides the vlogs of course.
>>1822637I can definitely see it anon. It's kind of funny because like Jake he's in a self-named band, "KURO". I feel like Kaya needs to be careful around these types. He is pretty cute tho, but I think I prefer stupid eyebrow having elf boy. kek
No. 1822708
File: 1683503636886.jpg (151.02 KB, 1076x1506, Screenshot_20230507-185334_Ins…)

>>1822692Nah, he's just an Asian twink in makeup.
No. 1822830
>>1822709In his last moto-vlog he said he no longer felt the "incessant desire to show off how awesome my life is" and that he probably won't vlog his birthday. I read this as a subtle dig towards Kaya and her highly documented social life but he's also trying to control his reputation now that he's rebranding.
In general he implied he'll be less active on social media but he'll do the odd IG story or tweet if it relates to his work.
Ugh, when I was watching that vlog I remembered how arrogant and snarky his tone is…
"And in case you guys have,
nothing to do, you can watch me play games"
"I will be doing PHub comments again, you guys seemed to like that. I've had fun ideas before but,
you guys didn't seem to think they were that fun"
What fun ideas, Jake? Like the video where if you laughed you'd change your name to DaddyDumpy for a whole week on Twitter? It was unpopular because your dwindling fanbase know you're just gonna edit the laughs out of the video anyway. That schtick is old af.
No. 1822842
>>1822830>no longer felt the "incessant desire to show off how awesome my life is"Fucking hilarious considering when they first started dating his idea of couple goals was "posting eachother online often", which he literally stated in the first breakup video.
>Ugh, when I was watching that vlog I remembered how arrogant and snarky his tone is "And in case you guys have, nothing to do, you can watch me play games"He has always made weird subtle digs like that about his viewers. There have been times when he said his regulars have "no life" for attending his streams so often. Wonder how that makes Maz, Lady Allura, Amy Lee Allen, and Aiden feel. They're there being unpaid mods every single stream. More than his chat even needs at this point, it's a fucking ghost town in there now aside from them.
No. 1822945
>>1822842Funny how he was so eager to vlog and photograph all his vacations and resort getaways with kat early on when he had the funds to do so, but now that he has to sell one of his bikes for travel money he's suddenly very anti vlogging because a lack of "incessant desire". He's so transparent. kek
>>1822911>>1822913>>1822918samefag anon, please, I'm begging you to finally learn how to respond in one message. Also kuro has a girlfriend, read above. I'm pretty sure he and elf boy met through kaya the last time in passing and she's the hinge friend in them all hanging out together this time around.
No. 1822962
File: 1683536809817.png (211.81 KB, 515x900, sidkayakuro.png)

>>1822913they all seem roughly around the same height as far as I can tell. Elf boy's shoes are chunkier, but Kaya's got a higher heel in the back and kuro is wearing nearly flat boots by the looks of things, but is likely around an inch shorter. Still taller than I imagined, both boys look kind of petite, but maybe I'm just too used to seeing Jake's weird gorilla proportions itt. kek
No. 1822975
>>1822969The guy's absolutely jaded about NI (which makes him sound like a snob) and losing so much financial support from his "snacks" - not to mention Kat's son that they probably share custody for - he can't do another Barcelona birthday trip or any trip abroad really.
If he would stop acting like NI is a bore and actually go outside to touch grass, maybe he'd finally do something outside of his comfort zone with his content/music.
No. 1822977
>>1822969The guy's absolutely jaded about NI (which makes him sound like a snob) and losing so much financial support from his "snacks" - not to mention Kat's son that they probably share custody for - he can't do another Barcelona birthday trip or any trip abroad really.
If he would stop acting like NI is a bore and actually go outside to touch grass, maybe he'd finally do something outside of his comfort zone with his content/music.
No. 1822981
File: 1683540227678.jpg (198.38 KB, 1080x1860, Screenshot_20230507-163626_Ins…)

Why does she think she owns this tattoo? She didn't creative the quote it's from addams family ofcourse other people are going to use the same quote
No. 1822984
File: 1683540615097.jpg (206.63 KB, 1080x1751, Screenshot_20230507-144855_Ins…)

No. 1823002
File: 1683544359274.jpg (151.81 KB, 1080x1586, Kuro.jpg)

Gave Kuro's music a quick listen and his vocals blow tbh. What's with these dudes, like Jake, who assign themselves so much main character energy that they think they are talented enough to front a band named after themselves when they aren't very good vocalists/musicians? They really do just wanna be front and center.
No. 1823015
>>1822911 and that was my only contribution kek please stop being paranoid and move on anon it’s annoying
No. 1823049
>>1823028>cluttering up the board with your autism>tinfoils that elf boy and kuro being gay together and they're just stringing kaya alonglmao
>>1823002At the very least this one seems like he can keep bandmates and guests in other music acts as a guitarist sometimes. Some of his glamor shots are really hilarious though ngl. Curious to see if he becomes a reoccurring character in her circle of friends or not from here on out.
No. 1823112
File: 1683562572264.jpg (630.71 KB, 1194x318, 0Rwr2XS.jpg)

>>1822981While her fans would have copied this in droves I'm not surprised it went viral on the wider web: it has a certain 'nouveau goth' quality that makes it easy for algorithms to push on to people and their Pinterest tattoo boards. I guess that's the risk you take when you get a quote from popular movie franchise for your tattoo.
The original was never horrible but some of these copies have been executed much better.
I found the two tattoos on the right on Facebook and they were done in the last year. The carbon copy tatt was from 3 days ago and must have been what promoted the IG story lol. I hope the girl who did it sees that she has angered her Goth Queen and puts her head down in shame.
No. 1823139
File: 1683565201031.jpg (133.34 KB, 788x445, gHojOCp.jpg)

>>1823119It's the combination of the similar font (Kaya's writing is just thicker and in caps), similar frame with the same bead placement, the web at the top and the exact same spider. It has the very specific 90s-00s alt aesthetic (albeit Tumblrised) which makes it easy to spot when people copy it. In fact, there has probably been a new round of copycats now that the noughties are in vogue again.
I did notice Kaya has very similar tattoos to one of her friends she met up with in London - they both have teeth (near the elbow ditch) and scissors on the same arm. I wonder if that goes against her principles.
No. 1823151
File: 1683566211094.jpg (73.95 KB, 600x1084, siamese-twins-skeleton-tattoo.…)

>>1822981>>1823139She have a melt down once she realises she just got a common flash tattoo done but I'm sure she say it only got popular because of her
No. 1823158
File: 1683567337876.png (1.43 MB, 863x1343, a fridge only has 90° angles.p…)

No. 1823160
File: 1683567837204.jpg (Spoiler Image,156.85 KB, 1024x1024, MTXX_MH20230508_145428216.jpg)

>>1822311I'm so sorry, saged for pure autism.
No. 1823213
File: 1683571843632.jpeg (9.13 KB, 262x193, 9EA766DA-81B1-49C0-AA0A-32209B…)

>>1823160I love you non i might be tipsy though full disclosure
No. 1823228
File: 1683573102602.jpg (185.94 KB, 1080x1935, EWCuY0M.jpg)

Portugal will be wasted on these drunks.
Seeing as Jake has a penchant for being scammed let's see how well he fares in the tourist hot spots after a long day of bar-hopping.
No. 1823295
File: 1683580082907.jpg (69.69 KB, 1079x611, Screenshot_20230508-140754_You…)

The cringe is so fucking real, nonnies.
No. 1823420
File: 1683591546725.png (187.46 KB, 987x591, v1VSv2.png)

>>1823412the new one is somehow worse than the one the scammer made?! I can't nonnies.
No. 1823427
>>1823295Most of the tattoos look miles better on the model then on him, the're not faded and blurry. But the ones on his left are have this weird white background and then that weird gap between the textures…And that face. So low res, and the disconnect between the muscular frame and this childlike anime head…It's so bad.
The silent hill world is, admittedly, very cool, and if he wasn't such a petulant fuckwad I would actually enjoy watching someone exploring the world. But it's him, so…
No. 1823434
File: 1683593635027.png (58.58 KB, 448x606, vtuberjake.png)

>>1823412>>1823420It's absolutely unreal that he spent thousands on this endeavor only for it to look like this. lmao
>>1823427The Silent Hill world is a free public VRchat world someone made and literally anyone can explore, you could probably find videos or even streams of people exploring it tbh! The only thing he seemed to have paid for beyond the hideous avatar is that weird mash-up apartment in the opening scene that he also made a point to say was "very expensive".
No. 1823492
File: 1683599193104.png (318.74 KB, 1283x638, clipping.png)

>>1823485the body is pretty awful too tbh. They made the man tits so big and wide that it's constantly causing clipping issues with the arms and hands. The middle screencap had my sides in orbit from the sheer massiveness of his vtuber bosom. The weirdly tiny waist and wide lady hips are also super strange? Like what even is this creatures body shape.
No. 1823496
File: 1683599433610.png (118.61 KB, 962x655, bbljake.png)

>>1823492I almost forgot they also gave him a huge ass for some reason? KEK?
You can also see where the head is sloppily attached at the base of the neck from behind. But they did get one thing very accurate, those wee stubby lil legs.
No. 1823519
File: 1683601278560.png (207.89 KB, 828x1792, 18251435-951E-46D6-B8A7-4EC92A…)

>>1823515His avatar looks like those apple face recognition emoji things
No. 1823529
>>1823492Baby head Munro - I want to smack that doll head off his dumpy bod.
>>1823420The Nigerian scammer model had some sex appeal at least - tall, proportional and a decent face (despite the shitty chest tatt).
This janky baby man is fucking terrible though, so much worse - the baby-bearing hips and lumbar lordosis were interesting additions.
>>1823515The fake laughs were grating af. Please stahp Jake.
No. 1823572
File: 1683604989700.png (110.86 KB, 320x272, delulu.png)

>>1823515Excuse the autism, but it's kind of funny how hard he sperged out about how "it's not ash it's snow in the game, the movie is wrong you dumb fake fans reee" and was so very loud and proud of his gatekeeping in that moment. Only to, minutes later, crack a joke about the car trunk being "smelly" and implying the body was in the trunk when any real SH fan knows that Ito confirmed she was actually in the back seat the entire time. Like wow, way to be a fake fan Jake. kek
>>1823552It's pretty obvious it's a mix of him being too lazy to keep up the "goth" persona he built his fanbase off from considering his very brief stint trying to be a "hunky british lad" for a week or two in his shit tiktok reaction vids. He also definitely seems super insecure in regards to his looks lately. It's like when he felt he first bagged Kat he was riding some sort of narc high, was over confident and quick to post his ugly nudes all over OF, twitter, and discord. But he admitted he fell off when he gained a little weight and he hasn't seemed to be able to get that confidence back completely despite occasionally scarring us with his gross and possibly edited thirst traps. Honestly, the avatar could have been a really smart move on his behalf with what little looks he had quickly diminishing and his tarnished reputation online. He could have used this as a chance to reinvent himself a bit, but instead it's just an incredibly half-assed attempt at making even lazier content.
No. 1823577
>>1823552yeah he didn't even try to hide his work ethic, he would pretty much complain about having to put makeup on for views, threatened never to do it again because he "hates makeup" despite launching his channel as a "beauty channel" initially. it is much like he is threatening now to never to vlog again, though he tried to blossom into a vlogging channel over so many years, investing so much in drones and cameras/lenses/all that crap.
so his new endeavor is an obvious "out" of having to dress up or go anywhere, a way to be lazier about making content. I wish his fans would wake up. surely there are more likable people out there with edgy loner vibes to get inspiration from.
and is he even going to work on music that much more? he over-promised so much, then every music related thing he releases he admits sucks, but he blames not being able to afford better production or rushing it out. blah blah blah.
support actual talented people! Jake revealed he doesnt give a shit about anyone but himself. I would say my prediction of his next step but I don't want to give him ideas/encouragement. let's just say he will continue to bitch out on his supposed beliefs as long as it brings in cash. he's too good to work for a living doing things he is not 100% excited about, but not too good to screw over an audience with bullshit if it will be less effort.
No. 1823590
>>1823577It has been interesting watching him become more "mask-off" in regards to berating and acting incredibly condescending to his own fanbase lately. It feels like there's at least one instance of him acting bitter and disdainful towards his viewers every new video or stream now. Really makes that "I had a good day because I made it a good day" quote at the end almost surreal in tone. lmao
Also, the majority of his fans did wake up already. Most of his YT subs aren't even active accounts, he gets very little views compared to his follower amount, is still losing subs on patreon and YT too. The rupturing has definitely slowed, but it isn't over yet, but he does have a small group of very hardcore "snaccs". Honestly feels like he's just going to fade into obscurity at some point with his ever dwindling subs and viewership. He's clearly banking on one of his shitty music videos to go viral or this vtube thing to salvage his career, but it's been an incredibly sad attempt so far.
No. 1823599
File: 1683610641092.jpg (153.05 KB, 689x301, JYRFPSE.jpg)

This world is very alien to me. Looks like male v-tubers are mostly anime boyfriends for lonely people and they come in every flavour; vampires, angels, femboys, demons and high school tropes. There's even deaf mute v-tubers who stream without talking…with thousands of subs.
I must say a 2D talking head in the corner is much easier to watch than virtual Jake running around and pretending to vlog while running and acting out of breath. I feel like this VR stuff suits a group of friends with a goofy dynamic, not some loner talking to himself in the mist.
Is he streaming exclusively on YouTube?
No. 1823620
>>1823319I wouldn’t be happy if I spent thousands and this was the out come it just looks unmatched the background compared to the avatar looks bad and having a ultra smooth baby face they would been better giving him some texture to the face it just looks off
>>1823420 looks like they didn’t complete the tattoos all the way or was that just a glitch
All in all he has a lot of movement and you can see him walking which a lot other vtubers don’t they just have a picture that would sit on the screen and occasionally pull a face. He could save him sled lot of money if he just done that.
No. 1823635
File: 1683615301703.jpeg (159.65 KB, 1170x2122, 08C3EC1F-734A-4654-9F69-601411…)

That nose though.
No. 1823641
File: 1683616259320.png (166.12 KB, 739x508, 2398923.png)

>>1823635it's even worse from the side
>>1823620It's weird because while the model has over all movement, it really lacks in the facial expression department. Really makes it look all the more like a creepy babydoll head slapped on some malformed action figure body. kek
No. 1823647
File: 1683617307927.jpg (120.74 KB, 767x384, 7t8AUJU.jpg)

It's giving 2013 emo edits Elsa
No. 1823698
File: 1683626003642.jpg (186.04 KB, 1079x1598, 1574632921_youloveit_com_froze…)

>>1823641I feel like an avatar like this would have been impressive in like 2009, it really looks like lowpoly nintendo wii graphics. I understand it needs to be so to not be too heavy on the generation and upstream, but this is why people opt for anime avatars with a lot of expressions and hair movements as opposed to a lowpoly 3d render within a game environment.
What I found annoying was all the Youtuber jumpcuts, you generally don't see jumpcuts in animation since the idea is it has a seamless flow which resembles reality, the jumpcuts make it look shoddy
I got a crazy long ad for rebuilding a mosque followed by another long ad for solar panels, gives you an idea how low jake is on the youtube totem pole since with big youtubers I will usually get ads for brand names and not random niche stuff like that.
I kinda do like the idea and I like the cute avatar in theory but I think the blending of the tattoos, lack of facial expressions and overall quality of the avatar needs some work.
If you're going cute 3d animation you need to get a higher quality render like picrel, this is what people are used to seeing. The bar is lower for anime so I don't get why he didn't opt for an anime style. He should get this avatar upgraded if he wants to expand his viewerbase outside of his snaccs, since overall it does not have the wow factor.
No. 1823707
>>1823641They really nailed his five-head at least.
The worst part is that he is actually HAPPY with this. Like, this probably went through tons of revisions and fine tuning and this is the final version. I could see if this was like, an early test or something, but the man green lit and paid for this AND is proud of it! From the artists fiver page, they seem to be able to do better looking stuff then this, so was this the best they could do, or was this -actually- what he wanted?
No. 1823708
File: 1683628824974.jpg (7.93 KB, 603x97, 945776534.JPG)

>>1823684Peoples grandkids? Who knows, I can't figure it out either.
No. 1823787
>>1823684I have no idea. The older women and gays 30+ thirsting for him will get nothing out of this they want to see him. The late 20 somethings, unless they are huge nerds they also won't be interested in something so juvenile and the teens early 20s are used to better quality from fellow teens with teen personalities.
He's going to make 2 of these and store it in his garage with the rest of his shit he never uses.
No. 1823843
>>1823496To me it looks like it is a female body base with just extra arms and shoulders. Small waist, wide hips, big bum, and a full chest.
The way the vest hangs on it makes it look like there should be boobs. Just add clevage and it’s done.
Also it feels like the avatar is the wrong size for the game/world? It looks like a giant walking around compared to cars and stuff.
No. 1823856
File: 1683648459274.png (8.65 KB, 160x330, IMG_2516.png)

>>1823295I’m WHEEZING- They really took the old default IMVU avi and slapped some tats and eyeliner on it holy shit
No. 1823983
File: 1683662581473.jpg (272.46 KB, 1080x1710, Screenshot_20230509-145614_Ins…)

The reason he feels he needs to hide behind the baby doll head is obvious. woof
No. 1824069
File: 1683668331566.jpg (90.4 KB, 1004x782, malding.jpg)

>>1823983Has he always been balding?
No. 1824109
>>1823983What is this lemonsucking face kek
I wonder if he has eyesight problems for real because how do you upload a photo like this intentionally
No. 1824239
File: 1683694891594.jpg (310.25 KB, 1440x3040, 8arv4Ea.jpg)

Remember when one of Jake's fan did a VR mock up of him? This actually looks pretty cute. I don't know why Jake didn't use this free prototype to start his v-tubing then graduate to something more professional if it became successful.
No. 1824257
File: 1683698385374.jpeg (118.84 KB, 1170x2036, 2F4714BB-7BD9-4B38-A440-2F436A…)

Sebastian plush is still happening.
No. 1824343
File: 1683714547485.jpg (Spoiler Image,70.77 KB, 708x907, Screenshot_20230510_032232_Chr…)

>>1824069Yes, he's been balding for a while now. He seems to try to hide it with darker hair dye over the receding hairline, and by combing it forward. Good thing this accurately captures the comb-over.
No. 1824442
>>1824344will be surprised if he’s still doing it by then. the amount of hobbies he picked up, sank money into and blasted onto the internet about how great the content will be, then just faded away to not be mentioned. where’s his drone? the electric skateboard? travel vlogs?
he bought all that gear, an avatar he hated, the hilarious avatar he’s currently using and the space in the vr world just so he can point at shit and ramble about his superior knowledge of a fucking video game.
No. 1824663
File: 1683757083859.jpeg (58.6 KB, 734x417, IMG_0853.jpeg)

I’m trying to figure out the connection he’s trying to make between this particular game and cutesy imagery. Who is this uwu thumbnail supposed to appeal to?
No. 1824685
File: 1683758728384.png (101.36 KB, 735x582, jake.PNG)

>>1824663I feel like he's thirst trapping for new viewers who are unaware that this is some old bloated potato and not some cute goth boy. The video starts off with his avatar being shirtless.
No. 1824691
>>1824663the fucking emojis kek, is he trying to appeal to 10 year olds
>>1824685imagine being so autistic that you're attracted to an avatar. but I don't think even his most desperate viewers are going to get wet for that ridiculous polygonal first gen sims looking render.
No. 1824706
>>1824663I like how there is a point in this video where he declares that he doesn’t care whether or not people like it. If he doesn’t care, then, why bother posting it?
I will say this, though - he does seem genuinely happy doing these videos in comparison to his others. And it is slightly more interesting. But not in a “I want to see more” kind of way. More like “Oh, finally something different than his usual garbage.”
No. 1824783
>>1824744Bless you
nonnie for your good deeds. So what are his plans when he has explored that map fully? VR react vids? lol
No. 1824831
>>1824685There's no way he's going to retain his 400 something YouTube memberships - those people mostly signed up for sassy Alt-TikTok reacts, not whatever this is. He hinted he would start a new channel for his VR stuff if it didn't take off on his main. I bet he still thinks he's shadow-banned because he stopped getting 6 figure views and nothing is ever his fault.
God this video was boring as hell. He just retreads the same steps as the main character from the game and then pretends that the monsters are
more than reactionless props. The VR world tour has been a doozy, exacerbated by the fact he's alone and not exploring it with anybody.
>>1824783He will probably react to stuff from that couch in the apartment lounge room. It's probably best he stays seated so he doesn't draw attention to that deformed body of his.
His limited range of expressions and lack of eyebrows really hinders his performance - he really shot himself in the foot by not requesting a more human looking head.
I guess he'll probably get into VR gaming and virtual chatrooms?
No. 1824839
File: 1683775242364.png (234.9 KB, 455x402, subs.png)

>>1824831Judging by the "thank you" at the end of this new video he's at 388 YT subs, down from 394 he had own stream just two weeks ago. He really is bleeding subs and followers on every platform and social media at this point. It's a slow bleed, but -3 subs a week isn't great for his numbers in the long run.
>>1824731I fully suspect that he's hoping that with all the long-awaited new Silent Hill content coming out in the next year or two that he can ride that wave of hype back to the top. There are plenty of girls thirsting over pyramid head thanks to dead by daylight making him popular again, but I don't really know how interesting in a weird dolly headed man baby they would be. kek
No. 1824844
File: 1683775876568.png (1.95 MB, 1548x804, jakebday.png)

interested My apologies anons, I am clearly too tired to be typing rn.
Anyways he and Kat made it out for his bday today. Going to drop the screencaps in the order they were posted.
No. 1824850
File: 1683776192298.png (1.25 MB, 1023x913, caliu.png)

>>1824844it's still super weird how Jake always finds it nessicary to post all of their drinks, but never any sights or food or literally anything else? So far it appears his birthday has been: eat cheese and drink champagne, flex half naked in front of hotel toilet, selfie time with kat, drinks, more drinks. kek
No. 1824852
File: 1683776345762.png (1.06 MB, 1027x798, filter.png)

>>1824844bonus kek of kat sharing that selfie jake took with a filter thrown over it to smooth them both out
No. 1824880
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>>1824850I will give him credit though, he's definitely been more mindful of money lately. Maybe why he's hesitant to do any vlogging again in the future? They are staying in the "classic" room which is the most basic available in that hotel and the restaurant they chose for their night out is pretty quaint too. It's definitely a far cry from the lavish trips he was taking kat on when they first got together.
No. 1824886
>>1824850>>1824880So he's back in Barcelona? I thought he said he was going to Portugal.
I guess he'll go there later this month to finish his tummy Krampus.
He's laying low on social media because he stumbles into controversies and faux pas without even trying. If he's smart he'll keep things that way. He can't afford to take anymore massive subscriber losses or else he'll lose the bike studio or his 'pussy'.
No. 1824896
>>1824731>>1824831>>1824865This overestimating his success with VR is very reminiscent of MAG.
He used to say shit like he wants MAG within a year or two to be in the top gaming channels or whatever.
The guy does not understand that success on YouTube is either based on pure algorithm luck or an incremental build of your community and banking on them sharing your content and supporting you financially.
Considering the poor quality of his avatar, I doubt the algorithm luck would do anything, and for the second, he antagonizes the viewers too much.
No. 1824956
>>1824942Reminds me of when Jude stayed over at Jake's house when he was dating Skat.
Kaya's situation with Kuro seemed platonic but Jude had been overtly flirty in the lead-up to the sleepover and during the stream they did that night. If anyone comes off as the other women it's Bish0p.
No. 1824960
>>1824956Definitely didn't get any vibes from kuro and kaya's time together that it was anything other than platonic. Maybe he is bisexual or something, but they definitely have more "hanging out with the girlies" energy together than anything. kek
She has had some fans dropping comments here or there about elf boy already though.
No. 1824965
>>1824850they dont show food because kat doesnt appear to eat. he likes that she is drunkorexic. he seems really inspired by her not needing to eat much so they can feel a stronger buzz when they drink. and it hurts his feelings when people called him a fatty. I remember he used to vlog the nice dinners out with Kaya and he'd say "I ate way too much" every single time. like do you know what an insult it is to your shut-in amerifag viewers who eat portions bigger than your giant head multiple times a day?
but back to kat and Jake's drunken love diet, they dont seem to care about food, unless it's disgusting hangover food like CFC.
Drinks! shots! sangria!
No. 1824967
>>1824961I don't think elf boy crashed with them at the airbnb, just left the club with them at like 5:30am or so. Sleeping in isn't that weird after being up partying all night? Are you trying to allude to something
nonnie? lmao
No. 1824969
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At least ReeRee and Kaya are still on good terms.
No. 1824972
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>>1824969Jake follows her using his band account for some reason. She doesn't follow him anywhere kek. I bet she has some tea on him.
No. 1824974
>>1824969Funny how all these old friends have made a reappearance in her life now that Jake is gone. Meanwhile Jake lost what few people could stand to be around him before, including his bandmates.
>>1824972Wasn't she the one anons figured out was the friend Kaya was talking about earlier itt in regards to jake creeping on her friends?
No. 1824979
>>1824975>>1824977You can find the alt thread here
>>1727907 nonnies, there's already been some discussions about her and this there.
No. 1824981
>>1824961It looks like Kuro is from Scotland so he must have booked his airb'n'b way in advance and offered to share it with Kaya when her accommodation plans fell through. Elfboy could have crashed with them if their place was close by. Elfboy seems
very homosexual to me but I've been wrong about Kuro and Grant so maybe my gaydar is way off.
I remember initially thinking Kaya had met someone in London because she kept flying over so often but now it's clear she just really loves the city and knows quite a lot of people there. There was a IG post/story where she said her English friends wanted her to move over permanently and that she was flirting with the idea.
This all reminded me of an anecdote someone shared in an old thread about how Jake very coldly told them he was going to move to London soon and was prepared to dump Kaya if she didn't want to go with him. It'd be funny if Jake watched Kaya achieve his dream and all he could do is narc out and seethe, anchored to a country he hates (and where everyone hates him) with a partner and child.
>>>/snow/308531 (if anyone was interested in reading the full story)
No. 1824989
>>1824981There's no way Kaya survives living in London or the area around it living on her own with how expensive it is, and I don't wish on anyone to have Kaya as a roommate. As friendly as she appears, she's still an "influencer" who barely pulls out content which is very uncertain for any roommate to have when paying the monthly rent.
I mean, realistically if Kaya is already complaining her current living arrangement and their audacity to raise the rent (apparently the girl hasn't heard about the enery cost crisis), London is not in her budget.
No. 1824992
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>>1824969>>1824974I noticed that peachmilky also commented on Kaya's IG to publicly gas her up (sometime last year).
There was speculation that Peach and Kaya were not on speaking terms - Peach didn't invite Kaya to her Belfast wedding and Kaya apparently ignored a comment Peach made on her response-to-Jake video. I found out that the wedding took place a month or two before the response video was released so I suspect PeachMilky felt guilty for not inviting Kaya when she was in such a bad state (plus vindicated that other women had been harassed by Jake and she was not alone). I'd say they had an honest chat in the aftermath and became friendly again. PeachMilky is potentially the woman involved in the 'eye-opening night' Kaya spoke of in 2021 but I doubt this will ever be confirmed publicly.
No. 1825018
>>1824981Goddamn, the comments in the old thread describing how Kaya wouldn't try on any of the clothes in her clothing haul due to "body issues."
Cut to now and Kaya is wearing skimpy outfits and posing confidently for photos and videos, what a stark difference.
Jake truly sucks the life out of everyone he meets.
No. 1825093
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Just a quick little present for Jake's birthday.
No. 1825387
File: 1683840821877.png (1.78 MB, 1537x908, day2.png)

>>1824844day 2, more flexing in front of the toilet, another selfie with lat, more drinks, drinks, drinks, but hey this time it looks like they ordered an appetizer at least?
No. 1825391
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>>1825387they also went and sat around on the beach like the last time I guess.
No. 1825416
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>>1825387>>1825402genuinely looks like a chav naked mole rat
No. 1825598
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429k subscribers and this is all his VR can scrounge up views wise when it’s all still shiny and new.
No. 1825602
File: 1683869037249.png (34.44 KB, 1470x713, jakestats.png)

>>1825598Hasn't been able to break over 20k views for over a month now. His studio flex vid is still sitting at only a little over 6k views even though it's been up for weeks already.
>>1824839 he's also likely losing a handful of paid YT subs per month too. His numbers just keep dropping lower and lower. I swear it wasn't that long ago he was making at least a few thousand a month between YT views and Patreon, now he's barely scrapping 1k a month max.
No. 1825609
File: 1683870094750.png (23.76 KB, 1465x491, 6monthsago.png)

>>1825602Couldn't find a proper old screenshot in the threads of his patreon stats, but there was an old YT one. Six months ago he was just under 100 patreons and likely making around 1k-1.5k, his YT views were possibly netting him around the same. So his YT and Patreon income has likely been halved in just six months outside of superchats and subs which seem to be dwindling down over time too. Note that this was also before he dropped the "breaking my silence" video (he dropped that roughly a month after these stats) which got him a lot of views, but also a lot of negative feedback.
No. 1825695
File: 1683889242243.jpg (154.21 KB, 1080x1283, 20230512_035951.jpg)

>>1825689Looks like one of those Asian beauty apps that makes peoples heads smaller.
No. 1825729
File: 1683893938872.png (326.11 KB, 750x1334, FEBEC9F0-ABE4-4F77-A57C-B9F0A6…)

>>1825726I’m guessing you’re talking about the ring she’s wearing?
Does anyone know if she usually wears any rings? I’m blocked so I can’t check kek
No. 1825757
File: 1683898015583.jpg (134.73 KB, 1080x1175, Screenshot_20230512_142654_Ins…)

>>1825729Engagement rings are usually worn on the left hand. She's wearing her engament/wedding ring on her left in this old photo.
No. 1825789
>>1825729I think you might be right nonna. Jake is taking the selfie with his right hand so that's Kat's left side facing us (Kat only has her left arm and back of hand tattooed). She was wearing some tacky Claire's Accessories rings in the other pics but this ring does have that gaudy sparkler look. Proposing at the aquarium (one of their 'special' places) on his birthday seems like something Flake would do.
Also…can anyone figure out what word is tattooed across Kat's hands? It's driving me nuts.
>>1825782Granada, Seville, Valencia, Córdoba, Madrid… there's so many beautiful cities in Spain yet he's only visited Barcelona (close to 10 times at this point).
If anyone should be a frequent visitor to Barcelona it's Kaya but he seems weirdly territorial of the place. I can totally see him pissing all over the Gothic Quarter, weeping over his broken dreams.
No. 1825798
>>1825789Agreed with you
nonnie, Andalusia is so nice (but I haven't been to Barcelona yet). But he probably won't go there ever because of the lack of people speaking English there and him not making an effort to learn some Spanish basics kek
No. 1825815
File: 1683907152266.jpg (117.57 KB, 1460x548, P79MKrs.jpg)

Here are some comments from his VR vids - the snaccs on the left trying to be polite about his avatar and the haters on the right who went out blazin'. He's quick to delete naughty comments so it's hard to catch them all.
No. 1825994
File: 1683921086622.jpeg (70.92 KB, 828x1163, 9E223C1F-B34A-4599-9565-1E1FF4…)

>>1825729I went through her story of photo shootings and it looked like it’s one of her regular rings.
No. 1826203
>>1825842She's totally devoted until a better offer appears in her dms.
They have this very temporary, shallow attraction to each other with no real intellectual connection - very common in teenagers but less so in 30+ adults. If it's true they're engaged after 18 months then the next 50 years are going to be rough - Netflix and booze will help somewhat with the mental incompatibility but when shit hits the fan these two cheaters will revert back to their selfish instincts and seek a way out to 'upgrade'.
>>1825782Tinfoiling here but I don't think Jake ever let go of his dream of living in Barcelona. He visits Spain to chase a high but I still get the sense he's scouting out the place. Marrying Kat would have the benefit of Irish citizenship and seeing as they've lost most of their friends and family they have nothing to lose. He'd probably do whatever he could to make it work, even virtual sex work with the IMVU gigolo lol
No. 1826228
>>1826203>his dream of living in barcelona i think he just wanted to get out of ireland and didn’t seem to have much of a reason as to why there of all places. just like he is going to london to make a music video, b/c no one else is worthy of working with him in the entirety of ireland. or how he wants to live in the us to speed on his motorcycle, since we apparently have magical roads free of traffic, construction or potholes lol.
i know the pandemic happened but if he really wanted to live there wouldn’t he still be talking about it? he ~lives in silent hill~ now where he can be alone and talk to himself and record it for youtube.
No. 1826259
>>1826228Once upon a time he seemed to have a 5 year plan (he even said he wanted to buy a forever home in NI) but now his future looks very uncertain. On social media he flits between wanting to live in London, Barcelona, the US and Australia but honestly he'll never be happy in any of these places - mentally he'll always be stuck in rural Wales.
>>1826237Why didn't he apply for Irish citizenship earlier? The Brexit referendum was in 2016 and negotiations commenced by the next year - there was plenty of notice of what was to come. I know he only visited Barcelona in early 2019 so he may not have considered moving countries until much later…but as a Brit living in Ireland during the Brexit uncertainty you'd think he would have considered his future and secured his EU citizenship. I know he doesn't think highly of NI but millions of people would have loved to be in his position and would have the common sense to not take that residency for granted.
Jake, an Irish resident of 10+ years, would have been eligible and could afford it with the money he was making in 2019 yet instead he wasted thousands on trying to move to Barcelona as a UK citizen. I'm surprised Kaya's family didn't intervene in the situation as clearly Jake nor Kaya could handle that situation like an adult. Ultimately Jake is the biggest loser here though.
No. 1826390
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No. 1826601
>>1826390in the US it was these online sites prescribing adderall. I guess they were being advertised on TikTok though I never saw one.
Kaya complained about adhd and mental health issues before the peak of the pandemic. The only reason to “fake” it would to get stimulants. I hear it’s harder to get those type of meds overseas. In the US it is currently difficult too unless you see a psychiatrist, but I guess they used to hand them out more readily. my partner who has adult adhd was given a beta blocker when they finally brought up their symptoms to their their doctor.
there’s a war on all controlled drugs, it’s very shitty for those who actually suffer, but rich young people usually are never short on adderal and xanax whether they have mental health issues or not. it’s practically a class/status marker unfortunately.
No. 1826729
File: 1684026796221.jpeg (Spoiler Image,255.02 KB, 1290x1803, IMG_4962.jpeg)

>>1826259he comes off as one of those ppl who think if they change things around them then they’ll be successful but they’re the problem.
here he is out in the wild next to one of his ~snaccs~ with the deadest eyes and crooked crispy hair.
No. 1826878
File: 1684052364209.jpg (123.23 KB, 1080x1763, x5FvNPL.jpg)

The snaccs who stayed on after the break-up are actually retarded
No. 1827104
>>1827068>>1827080At 30:34 in
Breaking my silence he talks about how he spent two years planning the move to Barcelona and how he spent thousands on a relocation service to help him get Spanish citizenship. It sounds like he made the application at a police station but stopped the process due to Brexit and Covid by Aug 2020. The UK left the EU on Jan 2020 but there was a long transition period until the effects formally kicked in by May 2021. He could have applied for NI citizenship in that time (we know he wanted to leave Kaya for a long time so that passport would have been a strategic tool) but he's never publicly said so.
I personally think he missed the boat so Kat is the quickest and cheapest ticket to a life in Barcelona.
No. 1827184
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She decided to talk about it after all.
No. 1827224
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did he only pay for a shitty VR avatar because he thinks VR chat is what Vtubing is?? i can’t imagine him doing anything more with it other than VR chat.. blew his money for nothing
No. 1827263
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>>1827224This whole thing just gives me secondhand cringe. Anyone who’s not watching, you’re not missing anything. Just imagine Jake saying “oh my god” over and over again while creepy fan make thirsty comments, and you get the basic gist.
No. 1827314
I'm the nona who mentioned vr chat earlier
>>1823929 and now he's on vr chat, could just be a coincidence but we all know he loves lurking here hmmmm
No. 1827355
>>1827268delicious rage that is not how you build an audience which is what he needs for views and revenue.
sorry for dumb question, but does the vr chat work like a youtube live stream?
No. 1827400
>>1827268I’m assuming that in VR world spending ‘over $200 on an avatar (which in Fake speech is probably $201) is really cheaping out? No wonder the head looks like one of them iPhone Memoji things.
I wonder how long Kats going to stick around now the shots money is dwindling?
No. 1827434
>>1827261Reading comprehension m8.
You used the word "in", I used the words "part of".
Something can be "part of" something, like Jake saying he's part of the goth subculture, and not be "in" something, like Jake saying he finds goths he's interacted with in NI boring, making it so he doesn't have a group to fit "in" (since fitting in means not being the center of attention).
No. 1827462
File: 1684136715971.jpg (97.21 KB, 621x621, drFe9F1.jpg)

>>1827434Ntayrt but you are incorrect.
Great Britain is the geographic term referring to the island also known simply as Britain. The term can also refer to the political territory of England, Scotland and Wales, which includes their offshore islands. Northern Ireland is not included in this definition.
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, also known as the UK, is a sovereign country made up of four separate countries: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.
In short, NI is apart of the UK but not apart of Great Britain.
>>1827433Gaz is Jake's former band mate
>>1827268Some things I caught in his stream:
>He's going to Portugal in 10 days to finish his Tummy Kramp >He'll be going to Croatia with Kat and plans to vlog the trip>Kat will finish the domestic violence leg sleeve and do his other leg as well>He admitted he lost almost all his audience and needs to build a new one from scratch No. 1827480
>>1827462I suspect Fakes version of ‘no money’ and anyone else’s version of ‘no money’ are two very different things.
That said, I wonder just how much of his spending is on credit cards/hire purchase?
No. 1827671
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>>1827433I know someone answered you already but it's worth noting he's also the same guy who wrote this, Gaz is a nickname
No. 1827738
>>1827184Summary of Kaya's video
-She says this was filmed 6 days after the incident, was initially reluctant to make the video due to the predicted onslaught of unsolicited advice
-She responds to the people saying she needs to stop partying or that she needed to guard her drinks more closely, she insists she took precautions and that people are
Events of Saturday night-She went to the venue with 3 other friends for a BYOB music event
-Watches 2 acts perform and bumps into old mates near the stage, after 11pm she stops remembering anything until 6am the next day
-She along with her friend Lisa are spiked at some point in the night, says no one else who attended the event was spiked
-She is told that she deteriorated very quickly and that she was vomiting everywhere, she was unable to stand unsupported and falls into a table at one point
-She usually has a high alcohol tolerance so her friends quickly realised that her behavior was not consistent with how much she had been drinking
-"No matter how much I drink I never vomit and I never have large memory blackouts", Monster Queen is the most drunk she's been in years but she can still recall most events of the night
- Lisa usually handles drink quite well yet like her she was vomiting for hours and was unable to lift her head, she notes that later in hospital Lisa came around much quicker and did not require fluids, she also remembers more of the night than Kaya
- Earlier in the night Kaya and Lisa pour their drinks into a collective cup to share
-As Kaya was much worse off she believes it was her cup that was spiked and she unknowingly shared that drugged liquid with Lisa, Lisa got some of the dose but Kaya got the brunt of it
-Lisa's boyfriend was called and he drove to the venue with his Dad to pick up the girls, when he arrived he said Kaya was barely responsive and looked dead
-Both girls are taken to hospital and immediately put into wheelchairs on arrival, they were still vomiting and at one point Kaya falls from chair and face-plants the floor
-Her friend tells her she vomited so much that eventually all that came up was bile and blood
-She was so dehydrated at this point it is hard to get blood from her but eventually she is hooked up to fluids and anti-nausea meds
-Kaya is awoken at 6am by nurses measuring her blood pressure (this is when her memory returns), a nurse tells her that her BAC was measured and it wasn’t that high (implies she was spiked)
-She eventually got home at 4pm but her nausea returns and the vomiting starts again, her whole body is covered in bruises and she couldn't move for days after
Aftermath and thoughts- She was annoyed that the hospital couldn’t test her for date rape drugs, she was referred to the police but they refused her as they require CCTV footage of the incident to proceed with the testing (Kaya says there were no cameras at the venue)
- Venue called Kaya to apologise and wants to look into changes to better protect patrons, some of the bands from the night reached out too
-Reflects on the instinctual shame she had of her behavior while drugged and how people perceived her on the night, as she processed the event she realised that she had nothing to be embarrassed about
-She continues to grapple with the anxiety, guilt and anger of being seen in such a rough state publicly, wants to feel safe going out again
-Doesn't want the incident to ruin gigs for her, it's been a year since she first starting seeing live music regularly and it's an important part of life post-Jake
-Confronts the reality she will likely be in the same room as the perpetrator again as the Belfast scene is small, expresses unease at the motivations of the perp on that night and if he stayed on to watch her deterioration
- Finished off by saying the London and Vegas vlogs are coming
No. 1827799
>>1827746The details of the story are disturbing and she's so lucky she didn't drink the full dose. She was with a group of friends which included a man so the rapey scrote that did it was dangerous and brazen - it makes me think that the intent wasn't to assault her but rather to humiliate and even seriously harm her.
Her break-up garnered the most attention she's ever received in her career and she's talked about how people tracked down where the studio was and banged on the doors during the night to intimidate her. She definitely could have gotten the attention of a psychopath who tracks her movements through Instagram/following local bands she likes (she spoke about how she was looking forward to the gig for months).
Kaya has the over-whelming support of the public apart from a few loser pick mes - you know who you are - and people have told her they want to track down the maggot who did it by asking around. I'm sure there will be much more vigilance in the scene now- any odd men who come to gigs alone and have little connection or history to the scene will stand out. In my perfect world there'd be a way to track who enters these venues by requiring registration via an app at the door or by scanning ID but there would be way too much push-back. Also drink spiking is so common I don't think these strategies would be enough.
No. 1827834
>>1827748It was BYOB, as she mentioned at the beginning of the video and another anon posted the flyer further up-thread.
It's not uncommon to combine drinks/mixers with your friends to switch things up a bit at these venues, when you get tired of what you've brought. "lmao"
No. 1827847
>>1827834Tinfoil, but if
>>1827799 is right and the perpetrator wanted to harm/humiliate her, I think that he would've jumped at the chance to do it at a BYOB specifically to try to eliminate the chance of people blaming outside forces (i.e. alcohol that she did not bring herself and that others have access to) and instead pin the blame all on Kaya with "oh it's just her being a messy drunk"
No. 1827861
>>1827847I agree completely. While you're at it, make me a tinfoil hat in the same shape as yours nonni. It does feel targeted, because a BYOB would allow some malicious ween to know exactly which drink was hers, to spike.
Diluting it with her friend's beverage likely prevented it from being worse but anons still out here getting their chucklefucks off because an "e-celeb" was put into serious danger. What is this world.
No. 1827880
File: 1684187255243.png (178.2 KB, 658x1120, Screenshot 2023-05-15 at 22.46…)

She posts shit like this then gets offended when people ask about OF. Now she is pulling the whole "haha i made a OF because people said I should make funny ones! now give me money!" calling it 100% she will make an OF.
No. 1827931
>>1827880The belief that by posting some sexy/pinup/tease style pics automatically obligates a woman to make an Onlyfans, is really sad. If every single pic she posted, or even the majority of them, were partial nudes or tease pics, then sure, it might be a financially wiser option to start an OF and charge for them, but why should she be obligated to do so when she just posts the occasional pic? And if she did make an OF, she'd likely get shit on for it here, have her pics leaked, etc. I just don't get why people think by posting, admittedly yes 'thirst trap' pics, you should just go straight to monetizing them. And again, if she did, she'd just get a whole new type of criticism for it.
No. 1827978
>>1827931This is purely a hypothesis, but I don’t think the majority of people asking her about an OF, especially after her posting stuff like the anon in
>>1827880 pointed out, are doing so because they feel she’s
obligated to have that sort of an account / space since she’s feeling flirty once in a blue moon. But because the general population tend to see it as a
natural progression from posting an occasional tease, then gradually more and more revealing outfits, to going around events with your tits and arse out, followed by posting even more suggestive thirst traps etc
Plus, you should also keep in mind that Kaya is a non-goth, and the majority (if not all) of her followers are too
and / or kids, and probably never seen anyone looking like
>>1822311 at an event before, so in their minds this is one step away from whoring oneself out on OF. Plus, people are just nosey. So, I don’t think it’s a matter of obligation for those asking.
No. 1828020
>>1827819Tbh, roofies can and will do what happened to her fairly easily, especially if they were being generous with how strongly they spiked her drink. Just google the symptoms of the drug.
>>1827831The hospital will not test for it, the police will if reported and with CCTV proof which the venue did not have, so she could not get tested. It's fucked up that there's so many loopholes these scrotes can slip through and get away with this kind of behavior, but it really isn't that uncommon.
>>1827880>she posts shit like this>then gets offended when people ask about OFNo one is entitled to her nudes anon. You sound like a scrote with the way you worded this. She's been very adamant that she's not interested in selling her nudes on OF and has joked about making one full of judgey Sebastian pics in the past to redirect the annoying "OF plz" scrotes to. Honestly would be really disappointed in her if she did turn around and suddenly make a real OF, but could care less if she makes a gag one to simply meme on the nasty scrotes in her inbox.
No. 1828095
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>>1810793she posted in her discord a few days ago that she received the plush in the mail and that folks in the discord would get the first look, so i guess we'll see what happens.
>>1811034also agreed, i think kaya's tattoos are much more cohesive and put-together than fake's. i don't think kaya has any color tattoos, iirc? fake's tats are gonna age poorly with the color and the muddiness. you can already hardly tell what the fuck is on the side of his head, god knows what it'll look like in ten years. at least kaya has cohesive themes going and has a tattoo artist that knows what they're doing when it comes to ink.
nonnie, this is fucking spot-on. next thread pic, please
>>1817120dear god, please no more sims porn anon. i thought they got put out to pasture a while back, could be wrong though
>>1823295well… dare i say his model almost looks better than his actual body? at least the model is semi-proportionate kek
No. 1828516
>>1828099i'd rather support her than fake, honestly. plus it's worth it to keep an eye on any milk she might post in there imo. not like it's money i
need for bills or whatever, i can spare the few bucks a month. anyway, what's the problem? kek
No. 1828597
>>1827738>>1827831I’ll preface the following by saying that I haven’t watched Kaya’s video on the subject, so I’m basing this purely on the transcript and the things that she’s stated before regarding the incident.
NI fags are welcome to correct me, but to me too this story sounds sketchy at best, but more so comes off as pure horseshit.
Perhaps NI somehow did go back in time (which I don’t wish to believe), and thus, to the locals, such storyline sounds all fine and dandy. Otherwise, it contains quite a bit of errors, if not outright false information.
In the EU, which NI was still part of not so long ago, if a person is admitted to the ER with the symptoms described, one will
absolutely most definitely be run for toxicology
regardless of their desire, and not simply that but in cito. This is the standard protocol as it is crucial to determine what to treat the patient for, what substances have been ingested, in which doses at which times, and in a lot of cases too, to fact-check if what the patient / their contact person has stated aligns with real life. If you don’t get those tests run, you’re risking giving the patient further health complications, or even their life. And no hospital will be willing to start any kind of treatment without said tests conducted. Idk what kind of bs is she on about with the whole CCTV thing. It simply doesn’t work that way, point blank period. It is a serious health risk and matter.
Additionally, and as part of the protocol, there may be a need to forward the gathered information to the authorities to prevent others from getting their health and lives in danger (for instance, say it’s a club night somewhere, and turns out they’re selling counterfeit alcohol to people etc – this must be acted upon asap). This is also why one will be run for toxicology regardless of them wanting it or not. Sometimes patients want to protect their dealers and not get checked. Sometimes they run away once they feel a tad better to avoid talking to the authorities. But this is besides the point.
Like the other Nona suggested, to me too, this sounds more like a self-inflicted incident. They went out, had a bit of fun, experimented with substances, and something went out of hand. This would also explain the whole weird tale of being brought downstairs and sat outside of the club waiting for someone’s dad (while being, allegedly, "barely responsive and dead-looking") to take them to probably some sketchy private facility, not the ER, so that they would get the most basic minimum assistance via fluids, while also avoiding getting tested. Pretty stereotypical.
Which is, you know, it’s their life, their choices, but why make a whole spectacle out of it? Because now you’re embarrassed that the whole venue witnessed you puke and face-plant everywhere? Feeling the need for damage control pr? You’re not a celebrity, get over it. No one would’ve cared to remember. Just own up to it, you’re all adults. If you wanted to experiment, then that’s what you did. You’re well now, and alive – that’s wonderful – learn and move on. Sorry for this being so wordy.
No. 1828820
>>1828782>>1828597the NHS are notoriously the worst they've ever been right now, huge amounts of staff left during covid, shit pay, huge backlogs, mistakes left and right (artist destinyblue went in for an operation on her ovary this year and they cut open the
wrong side like!) so I really don't think them not doing a full toxicology report on Kaya means the story is bullshit
No. 1828871
>>1828820I went to a+e a few months back in NI from work and while the wait was horrendous they take your bloods and your samples and try to diagnose wtf happened. Very weird kaya can only guess she was spiked. You would be told. The hospital had my blood and did tests I didn't get results back for another week or two because they found something else while doing routine checks.
Her whole story sounds strange. She's at a venue having a band night or whatever. They would have security. Belfast itself has good samiritans around the town and other services like medics hanging around outside of bars. She was apparently comatose but also left by herself outside and not one person at the event thought to check her until afterwards?
Also she was apparently blackout drunk by 11pm and her and her friend were low on drinks so they poured a dirty pint to finish it, yet her alcohol levels were low? Did she bring one drink to the event what
No. 1828978
>>1828970The samefagging is obvious and it sounds like you know absolutely nothing about either drugs or spiking. There is no party drug that makes you act that sick for that long. Taking a too-high dose of ketamine, cocaine or ecstasy (virtually the only things people take at nightclubs besides psychadelics, which have a zero percent chance of causing her symptoms) wouldn't cause prolonged blackouts and memory loss, especially without the factor of a hefty alcohol dosing. Date rape drugs, however, cause exactly the symptoms described, as reported by a bunch of anons in here and through easily searchable internet reports. Not a Kaya stan but shelf the
victim blaming til you've a bit more life experience.
No. 1829002
>>1828978I second that. I never got spiked myself but I once chaperoned some people from the UK in my home country on our Music fest national celebration day while we were in a small buttfuck town, we knew nobody but went to listen to some live music.
Some weird unknown dude offered a beer and other shots to some of the girls and one of the drinks (probably the beer because I had to down a shot and had nothing happened to me) was spiked. He was insisting on us staying and talked about hard drugs to get some of the boys to stay but we left all together.
One of the girls was barely standing and once we put her to bed, she puked her guts out in a trash can for hours.
It can happen anywhere, and the person who did that to Kaya and her friend knows it's not something you take yourself to have fun.
No. 1829008
*You don't take yourself and have fun. You give it to someone to fuck with them, literally or figuratively
No. 1829093
>>1828597Apologies for the incoming rant about spiking, but Kaya's story absolutely checks out.
I had a drink spiked in the London back in 2016 in a way that's pretty similar to Kaya's except I'd been for 2 pints with my housemate after work and then became rapidly messed up from whatever was put in them. My housemate literally had to carry me home while I was vomiting and unconscious and continued vomiting my guts out for like 24hrs. I had no recollection of finishing my 2nd pint and came around at like 3am covered in my own vomit having locked myself in the bathroom. We reckoned that the drink got spiked when housemate was getting our drinks at the bar as he pretended to be with some girls to stop a creep hitting on them, so we reckon they were the intended targets but the drug ended up in my drink because the guys didn't know whose drink was whose. Went to hospital because I also had blurred vision and asked for tests as it was 100% a spiking as I'd literally had like 1.5 pints of beer before I became unconscious, hospital staff refused to do it and said the police had to do it. Police refused to look into it without CCTV, pub that it happened in refused to give CCTV, so Kaya's story definitely checks out. The NHS and the police force in the UK and NI are ridiculously underfunded, and will absolutely not bother with potential spiking cases at all unless there's been way more criminal activity surrounding the case. I've literally had the police not bother with a sexual assault report right after it happened as the perp was right near damn police station, they don't give a shit unfortunately.
No. 1829104
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Jake just announced he’s back on onlyfans, view picrel at your own risk kek
No. 1829153
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And a thick head, KEK. 1 like in two hours, how abysmal.
No. 1829162
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The London vlogs are finally live!
No. 1829219
>>1829215>got spiked three times as a teen. I never pukedGood for you. I've been spiked and one of my main symptoms was vomiting. In fact, the vomiting is probably what saved me from being raped that night. He counted on me passing out, but instead I projectile vomited everywhere in his car.
Yeah, this stupidity is out of control. The idiotic hyperbole of whether or not she did it to herself.
So many of you are putting way too much faith in doctors, it goes to show what little experience you have. A lot of the time doctors don't give a shit about
victims. It's partly why women don't always come forward about assault. It turns into a huge rigamaroll filled with
victim blaming, dismissive doctors, and it can prolong the trauma.
Honestly? You sound like a scrote just here to make shit up and stir the pot.
No. 1829298
>>1829259100% agree!
Hospitals will do a blood test, put you on fluids, anti nausea and send you on your way, if there's nothing more 'sinister' wrong with you.The only time I recall spiking made the news in the UK was a girl who was left paralysed and the new 'trend' of injecting date rape drugs- can't remember if this was a myth or not.
If her blood alcohol levels were low then its probable she was spiked
No. 1829555
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At around 4:30 in her new video Kaya shows who smudged her lipstick we saw in that one photo from Monster Queen in March and it actually was that cute Dutch girl! She apparently gave her a lovebite, too.
I can’t believe no one has talked about this yet kek
No. 1829650
>>1829153His captions always send me further to the 'gay' side of the kinsey scale
>>1829219I've been spiked and didn't vomit, but I very rarely vomit, like three times in my life that I recall. I did black out, pass out, was partially paralysed for the next 12 hours, luckily I lived very close to the venue and some young guys who were not the people who gave me the drinks (all colleagues, it was an evil older couple who spiked me) walked me to the door and left. It could have been so much worse because I immediately passed out on the floor about one metre from the door once I was inside.
Different drugs are used, people react differently, but the fact so many anons have experience with this makes me side eye the doubters hard. It's not farfetched in the slightest.
No. 1829719
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>>1829645>a hot girlIf you say so kek
No. 1830094
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>>1829153Only two likes and it's been well over a day now. His snaccs don't even seem to be taking the bait anymore. kek
No. 1830097
>>1829555Meh, some farmer found out it was Gyaru Miley a week after Kaya got back from London so we've known for months. Otherwise that would have been a wicked surprise - that Dutch girl is gorgeous! I hope Kaya does some more snogging on Saturday
>>1829719Lisa's quite pretty - girl just needs some braces (and a new toof) and she'll have a nice glow-up.
>>1829768Absolutely, he thinks he 'upgraded' but really he's back to square one. Throw in a young child, a history of cheating on both sides and a fuck ton more bills and you get a doomed relationship dynamic. Their little drinking holidays can't keep them afloat forever.
In his VR horror vid he spoke about how
his friend Samantha made him a gift so I guess the self-described lone wolf is starting to claim Kat's friends as his own.
>>1830025Drink spiking is a contentious topic as it is but certain nonnies started talking about 'laced molly water' and were overly confident in the capabilities of the NHS and it started pissing a lot of us off - people felt they had to chime in with hospital/spiking experiences. I could be wrong but the 'self-drugging' accusations were so baseless it seemed like deliberate provocations to me. I think we've got a strong case for making two separate threads for Kaya and Jake and we've got 13 posts left on this thread before it locks.
No. 1830101
>>1830025They red text and permabanned the retards many hours ago if you scroll up.
>>1830097Maybe kaya should get over all her colds before kissing people or swapping drinks lol. Even in her low effort vlog she said its a bad idea to run around in little clothes in cold weather.
>>1829719That's Lisa, the aspirational methhead hairdresser
No. 1830114
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>>1830101It was only a 24 hour ban, not a permaban kek. Just try to remember to report scrotes & infighting as it happens rather than engage, which can be hard sometimes bc damn I love talking shit to scrotes.
>>1829336I've noticed this too, he doesn't shut up about steroids and is hyperfixating on muscles and working out. I think being with Kat is even worse for his self esteem because now he feels like he has an image to upkeep for her while Kaya was a lot more lax about that shit. I'm sure he doesn't want to start looking bad in comparison to Mark or his bodybuilding twin brother, Matt. It's only a matter of time before he starts doing steroids I think, if he hasn't already.
>>1830094He should seriously consider lowering the price. $35/month for a dead account with 26 posts is a joke. So much for his big comeback to OF after working on his body image So HaRd, yet still feels the need to blow his muscles up in photoshop despite supposedly being so proud of his physique? Dysmorphia is a bitch I guess.
No. 1830119
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>>1830114Even his discord of 190 snaccs didn't care about his OF comeback. It's just the usual couple of snaccs thirst emoting at his ugly lewds, Lady Allura is there though of course. I'm sure she's one of the 2 likes on his OF post, the other one was probably Kat. lmao
No. 1830343
>>1830114I’m not anti sex work but it takes a specific kind of man to be in a healthy relationship with a woman who does it and Jake is just nooot that guy. His self esteem is too low and he is too petty and jealous, there is no way this doesn’t end in flames. There is an element of competition too with him also doing OF and he has shown over the years that he can be really
toxic and competitive with a partner after immersing himself into what was their career. I have never been his follower so I don’t know but how much does his starting OF coincide with his relationship with Kat and was she doing it first? Because Kaya is why he started YouTube.
No. 1830807
>>1825093Looks like this will be the next thread pic?
I think the time has come to give our newly crowned Gruesome Twosome their own thread - they made up the majority of the milk in this thread and had it maxxed out in just over a month. There will be plenty more milk to come.
Altcows output has been sluggish so I propose Kaya updates go there (until we ever decide to make her own thread).
Jake and Skat thread - let's gooo!
No. 1830848
>>1830343agreed, I remember him going through his skinny emo boi phase and anons alleged kaya and jake were pro Ana together. Initially kaya was a rail thin teenager who could do some alt modeling, and Jake wanted that for himself. He also started shitting on her self esteem and made her feel like being thin was super important/her best attribute. Then he wanted to do YouTube like her.
I’m waiting for the day he tries to be a tattoo artist or tries to overshadow Kat in that field.
It’s funny how neither if their onlyfans does well.
No. 1831977
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During Jake's last stream someone made multiple accounts and donated upwards of $1,500. Kat made this note for him.
>your hard work always pays off
Something tells me she only wrote this because he raked in some huge donations today. Her gold-digging is blatant and it's hilarious how Jake doesn't recognize that? Or maybe he does and doesn't care, because he's using her as an emotional support sex doll. They both just have their own motives that have nothing to do with love and maybe they both just accept it at this point.
Also, he's so impressed by a little note and some little kids lunchbag snack packs? Guess mommy issues has men feeling impressed by the bare minimum, like kisses and a little bag of cookies.
No. 1831998
>>1831670Considering how this thread pretty much just turned into
victim blaming and speculation on Kaya's friends being 'crackheads', I'd personally rather have a Jake thread of it's own.
No. 1831999
>>1831670Considering how this thread pretty much just turned into
victim blaming and speculation on Kaya's friends being 'crackheads', I'd personally rather have a Jake thread of it's own.