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No. 1764493
Meet the cows:
Jake Munro - Kaya's ex boyfriend, after dating for around a decade. Cheated on her with his girlfriend's tattoo artist's wife, Kat. Fancies himself a musician, though since his bandmates left, doesn't seem capable of producing music on his own. Used Joker-esqe makeup and mimicking other artist's makeup for attention on Youtube, but has since generally given the gimmick up as his popularity rapidly declined post break-up. Appears to be rapidly aging into the bloated corpse of a chav gordan ramsay due to a suspected alcohol and nicotine addiction. Has big dreams of being the next big V-tuber star. Occasionally scars us with his ugly nudes via a rarely updated OnlyFans account.
ToxicTears (Kaya) - Veteran goth youtuber, used to get hundreds of thousands of views, but her channel has dwindled down due to inactivity during the last few years of her relationship with Jake. Has a tendency to make a lot of excuses not to film, though seems to posting somewhat regularly again. Kind of an airhead, often anxious. Lots of old milk. Almost constant debate in thread in regards to her current cow status.
Kat Paine - Previously married mother of one, cheated on her tattoo studio owning husband with their client's (Kaya) long term boyfriend (Jake). You can find her posting heavily filtered lewds to her OnlyFans when she isn't tracing Disney coloring book sheets part-time at the tattoo shop. Her most popular phrases include: "Daddy! Shots!", "Drinks! Shots!" and incoherent giggling at Jake doing literally anything.
Previous thread:
>>>/snow/1715677Updates from last thread:
>>1753822 Gareth, a previous member in the MUNRO band calls Jake out on his ego and for choosing to go solo.
>>1752635 Kaya goes to Nevada, USA and Jake brags about shutting himself away to learn how to make music in his bedroom.
>>1708771 Jake uploads a 2 hour and 15 minute video 'breaking his silence' and makes an utter ass of himself in the process
>>1708772 Kaya posts an Instragram story addressing Jake's video, says she'll be responding to it soon
>>1708797 Kaya posts a short video on youtube to say she's watching the video and taking notes, and will respond as soon as she can.
>>1708806 Jake's video had timestamps, suggesting he was stalking her socials and lolcow for every mention of him.
>>1708834 Jake says he's already contacted a solicitor (lawyer) about the items Kaya 'stole' from him.
>>1708841 Jake defends making his video because his 'character' and 'success' were being attacked.
>>1708847 Snacc points out Kaya's making her own video, Jake say's he'll respond to it.
>>1708872 Jake confirms the cops told him to stop trying to contact Kaya.
>>1709086 Twitter isn't having any of Jake's bullshit.
>>1709171 Jake's video is getting almost as many dislikes as likes.
>>1709190 Jake deletes all negative comments on his video, as per usual.
>>1709247 Kaya uploads her 3 hour response video the same night, says she might delete it and make a more composed video later.
>>1709606 The comments section of Jake's video is turning on him.
>>1709608 >>1709610 >>1709653>>1709658 Braindead Snaccs defend him on twitter.
>>1709667 The likes on Kaya's video already exceed Jake's with only half the views.
>>1709673 Roly posts his support to the video, confirms Jake's behaviour from past experiences.
>>1709699 Rotten Hollow posts support on Instagram.
>>1709725 >>1709756 Jake's instagram starts feeling the hate.
>>1709802 More confirmation of Jake's shitty behaviour from random people who met them over the years.
>>1709943 Anon posts a detailed breakdown of Kaya's video.
>>1710001 Don't invalidate Jake's mental health!
>>1710106 Jake's plushie shows up for sale on Mercari.
>>1710200 More recap of Kaya's video.
>>1710213 Kaya debunks Kat's lies that she wasn't kicked out by Dean.
>>1710217 Jake can't keep up with deleting the hate on his instagram pics anymore.
>>1710226 A reddit thread about the drama is created.
>>1710293 Angela Benedict comments her support to Kaya.
>>1710307 Jake couldn't have let Kaya stay in their house because he needed somewhere to fuck Kat.
>>1710310 Melanie Murphy comments her support to Kaya.
>>1710343 Jake's brother comments on Kaya's video.
>>1710344 >>1710348 >>1710357 >>1710354 Jake starts to respond to comments finally.
>>1710373 >>1710385>>1710377 More support for Kaya, this time from Vampirefreaks.
>>1710400 Jake is bleeding subscribers.
>>1710507 Emilyboo makes an Instagram story about Jake.
>>1710716 Jake says he'll delete his video if she does, asks people to get ahold of her for him.
>>1710730 Privates the video, gives Kaya 25 minutes to do the same.
>>1710757 Kaya wakes up to Jake's bullshit yet again.
>>1710792 Jake gives Kaya more time since she just woke up.
>>1710787 Meanwhile, Kat posts selfies.
>>1710867 Roly roasts Jake with a selfie.
>>1710881 Jake's ultimatum doesn't go over well.
>>1710897 Jake say's he's moving on, no regrets and hopes Kaya will private her video too.
>>1710961 Kaya isn't making any decisions yet, hopes he'll really move on, might keep the video up because abuse survivors have asked her to.
>>1711055 Jake's instagram is losing subscribers.
>>1711454 Jake bans comments on one instagram pic so people move on to another.
>>1711574 Jake decides not to move on, will 'address everything' instead.
>>1711686>>1711575 John's comment to the whole situation.
>>1711739 Kaya finds out Jake's plan to 'address' things, says she's just tired and wants to be left alone.
>>1711741>>1711788 Kaya says Jake tried to push her out of doing Youtube many times.
>>1712035 People are now tagging Kat in comments.
>>1712055 Luxeria shows her support for Kaya.
>>1712073 Jake was so nice to Kaya during a past medical emergency that she almost hoped she would have another serious health issue just so he'd be nice to her again.
>>1712087 Kaya posts about feeling sick after an 'eye opening' day, deletes story shortly after.
>>1712338 Commentary/reaction videos start showing up on youtube.
>>1712342 >>1712343 >>1712423 Kaya confirms the Cops know about Jake's video.
>>1712451 Kaya's instagram story suggests something happened, but she never elaborates. Anons suspect the cops might be involved, hence the silence.
>>1712483 More evidence of Jake's creepy behaviour.
>>1712512>>1712513 Kaya is living in fear of what Jake will say next.
>>1712515>>1712770 Skat privates her OF Instagram.
>>1712935 Kaya says she's not doing very well mentally right now.
>>1712951 Skat's plagiarism gets called out on Twitter.
>>1713021 Jake's plan to destroy Kaya's reputation only brought her tons more views, subscribers, and Patrons, and lost him a ton himself.
>>1713039 People start posting hate on Skat's tattoo shops page.
>>1713308 Kaya is planning to go to therapy after everything that's happened.
>>1713391 Working copy of Jake's original Breakup Video is posted.
>>1713411 Kaya goes to the hospital for unknown reasons.
>>1713613 Jake gets his stomach tatooed, whines like a little bitch about how it hurt.
>>1713616 Anon finds pics of the tattoo.
No. 1764494
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No. 1764496
File: 1675967051382.png (159.65 KB, 489x890, Jake1.PNG)

Jake is being unproductive as well, only rehashing his underages snaccs reactions to his garbage music
No. 1764504
>>1764496Jake really has nothing going for him kek
He bought all that expensive gear for VR but shelved it to get back into music… again
No. 1764525
Lolcow was down for me during this time but Jesus fucking Christ does anyone remember how bad Kayas kitchen(?) looked in her vlog, specifically the part where she has her parents over for Christmas. I would HATE to live with her. Even after months of living there it still looks like a war zone.
>>1764507I have no doubt he is still whining about "his" laptop or camera or whatever the fuck it was. It's his one good reason (in his head) to keep in contact with her, so maybe that is making her days bad? But she did mention a lot of times that it has nothing to do with him so who knows at this point.
No. 1764646
>>1764525 Yeah I wasn't sure if I was just being OCD about it but fucksake, it was messy.
Kudos to
nonnie for the thread pic, I think you might just rupture a vein in Jake's forehead with that.
No. 1764734
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And just like that I lost the smidgeon of sympathy I gained for Kaya…
No. 1764779
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>>1764494>>1764501I'm in the same agreement nonnies.
No. 1764791
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No. 1764832
>>1764792iirc she mentioned letting a drunk man in or opening the door to him some time ago, seems like he's got attached
(unironically I blame Jake, since she has no radar for violent drunks due to living with one for so many years, same way those who grow up in
abusive households tend to pick partners with red flag traits which are familiar to them)
Idk what I would do here if it's a next door neighbour, maybe ask other neighbours for advice?
No. 1764842
>>1764832Same Anon.
Perhaps I was too cold and detached in my response and I am apologizing for that. Seeing your perspective made me take a step back and realize… you're not wrong in your thinking/opinion
>Growing up or living in an abusive household having no sense of a radar situation.I also would have no idea how one would operate under that situation with that kind of background. …I can only hope she doesn't allow it to escalate further.
No. 1764848
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I wonder if they asked this because of snake and skat, kaya's reply doesn't really imply it though
>>1764734Didn't she have an obsessed with with Harry Potter phase, crafting a Niffler and banging on about being a hufflepuff. Performatively doing a 180 for your troon followers doesn't gain you much kaya, it's a game from a franchise you've liked that mentions nothing about trannies in the content. Or is it still infused with twansphobe essence?
No. 1764885
>>1764734What is she going to do with all her huffle puff stuff? She was so obsessed with being a hufflepuff and didn’t even read the books or watch the films lmao.
I remember in one of jakes vlogs while they’re in town checking the mail, and there’s shops and things to do all around. it’s a gorgeous sunny day but she looks kind of bummed out, no makeup, likely depressed, but Jake took the opportunity to appear as a “good boyfriend” and asked her what she wanted to go shopping for, and she sheepishly replies, “huffle puff stuff,” and cracks a shy smile like a little girl.
I was fooled by the gruesome twosome and the unhappiness of their relationship because he did make sure to buy her whatever she wanted, or at least filmed himself doing so. definitely not worth being abused over, but he had people believing he was a giver.
No. 1764944
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>>1764936With Jake finally shutting up for a rare moment the "Kaya is the worst!" anons are really running wild with any scraps they can get I guess. Poked around and the rest of her Q&A was pretty boring, though she confirms that she isn't interested in or seeing anyone right now to at least put those tinfoils to rest.
No. 1764946
>>1764507It's normal if you constantly feel sorry for yourself.the universe will give you ample reasons to keep you in this state if you think of yourself as a
victim.tinfoil but I lived like this for almost 10 years, constantly horrible shit happening until I stopped feeling sorry for my self.sorry for blogpost
No. 1764965
>>1764936The reason why I complain sometimes about her being whiny is because I hate Jake soo much and I want him to suffer. Which means I want Kaya to be fucking happy for once. If I was Jake I would be enjoying her constant "this bad this is happening, been in bed for days" stories.
Why can't she just complain to her millions of friends about how bad life is atm? Not saying she needs to be fake, but stop sharing soo much crap?
If the reason she shares soo much of her "bad days" is because she wants people to know the reason for not uploading then I call bullshit because there is ALWAYS something with that woman. I just want her to be better.
No. 1765007
File: 1676030964848.png (2.26 MB, 1342x1406, kaya_kitchen.png)

I went to the vlog anons were talking about and… this is what
>>1764525 considers "bad" during the holidays? This is completely normal for holiday cooking, at this point I assume your house looks overly sanitized like it came out of the Stepford Wives or you have maids do everything for you. There's absolutely a lot of things to say about Kaya, but commenting on someone's kitchen while they're cooking a holiday meal isn't one of them. Try harder nonna, maybe you and foot fetish anon can team up and come up with better nitpicks sometime.
No. 1765335
>>1764968There’s a difference. Yes, people can get caught up in a hundred activities, and their living space can turn into a mess
temporarily, for a fixed period of time. The keyword here is temporarily, not constantly or permanently. That’s firstly.
And secondly, as far as the "infinite bad luck" and "the world is out to get me" goes, sure, some people do have the worst of luck and unhealthy, unproductive coping mechanisms, MH issues that make everything more complicated, having grown up in a bad environment and not knowing any better etc etc. But normal people just live with that and deal to the best of their abilities. Perhaps vent to a friend or a loved one. But not use that as an
everlasting guise for doing jack shit all the time.
Somehow none of those h0rribl3 most tErriBle things that just leave you petrified in bed to "decompose" for a week, that should not be forgotten about yet kept in secret, ever happen when she’s out and about and partying with her friends, or trinket shopping, or doing something genuinely enjoyable. It only ever happens when she’s back and expected to fulfil her responsibilities, or in need of extra money. That is the issue here, the
underlying motive, not that everyone here thinking they’re perfect all the time.
No. 1765425
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No. 1765430
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No. 1765568
>>1765564The new video was pretty much one big cope about how he'll never be rich and how the system is fucked.
>>1765563Also fascinating how they're so focused on how Kaya and her mum make money. Who else can we think of that's obsessed with money?
No. 1765591
>>1765570>It's probably not a snacc, the few males fans he has wouldn't put this much energy into defending him. It's not his brother, his brother can't type for shit. It's not any of his friends, he doesn't have any, as he continuously reminds us.We know it can't be the “Shots” and “Daddy” spewing alcoholic Kat because she can't type for shit either. My tinfoil - by a long shot - is that its
most likely Jake; someone who helps run the fanbased Discord; or possibly a delusional “snacc” who appears to be obsessed with him.
No. 1765610
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>>1765598Wouldn't doubt it for a second tbh, I'm in the very dead snacc discord and she's absolutely obsessed. Almost all of the posts in the thrist trap thread are from her, often multiple posts a week though it's slowed down due to him barely pushing out any content lately.
No. 1765619
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My own personal tinfoil is that alot of the Kaya wank in this thread comes from this lady and her white knight of scrote. I've seen them orbiting Jake and licking his asshole every which way and discrediting anything Kaya had to say even with proof. It hit me just now that the typing style lines up quite a bit.
Also unsaged to bump CP, be careful nonnas
No. 1765625
>>1765565Sorry, I'm being stupid.
Is he with or against Andrew Tate?
I don't want fake in my yt algorithm
No. 1765644
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Random, but does anyone else remember Massive Head Wound Harry from 90's SNL? That's legit all I can see, with Fake's fucking awful head tattoo. What a bullshit poser. Ugh.
No. 1766137
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No. 1766178
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Since he weirdly set the video private not long after uploading, here is a reminder that he did in fact upload it.
No. 1766200
>>1766137Jesus he looks like he's strung out on hard drugs or just drunk off his ass.
>>1766178Did anyone download it before he removed it?
No. 1766750
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No. 1766843
>>1766661>schools teach unimportant things…True, they'd rather give you dumb activities than teach life skills like finances and confidence building
>…like mathOh
>The normie world is the Matrix and you need to escape, which you can do by being an edgy and different outcast, being an influencer is the easiest way to escapeLegit sounds like something a 14 year old would say because they're having a hard time at school. I'm to cool for my math homework, I'm gonna be an influencer that'll show my normie classmates!!
No. 1766844
How ironic, talking about education and I make a spelling mistake
No. 1766945
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ofc he still supporting killstar
No. 1767223
>>1765567Great he going become more of a narc ass hole then he already is.
Prepare for rage
No. 1768086
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The only thing posted for Valentine's Day all day were some porn advertisements from Skat. Aw, does Jake not even get you generic flowers anymore?
No. 1768101
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No. 1768115
>>1768101Woooooof those roots look baaaaaaaaad.
>> Aw, does Jake not even get you generic flowers anymoreShe has to go toOF for validation because she's not getting it from jake anymore
No. 1768367
>>1768101can’t afford to get her hair done as often as before eh…
and that she’s in kaya’s pink room is so sycophantic.
No. 1768441
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Just in case anyone here for some reason didn't realize Jake is already a misogynist.
No. 1768575
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>>1768517It's funny because all he did post during the day was something about the new Flash movie coming out and him bitching about Rick and Morty.
He did like her most recent post on her IG from four days ago so I don't think they're over by any means, but he's clearly over the honeymoon period with her.
No. 1768765
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Definitely been reading here. They sound like teenagers on Bebo! And kek at the filter on his face.
No. 1768830
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>>1768765kek she shared his share of her post. They both definitely seem desperate to prove the haturz wrong.
No. 1769061
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Here's Jake being a voice for ALL "creators". Notice how he keeps saying we instead of I, to avoid accountability. It is pure protection about how (in his warped little mind) ALL creators must sell out and make what viewers want in order to be popular. Jake, you do not speak for all creators. There are so many niche artists and creators out there. Real artists make art from their heart, not what they think will get views. This makes you just sound like a money hungry sell out/poser, not a creator. You don't want to create, you just want attention.
No. 1769170
>>1769061He hasn't even TRIED in years to do something other than his reaction videos and the recent trainwreck where he was babbling while hungover and bloated. Risky content is better than no content and half-assed bloated, hangover content.
He's telling viewers what they want to see instead of letting them tell him what they are interested in watching.
And who the fuck is “we”? He has no Yt friends or acquaintances that want anything to do with him. He's so far removed from any sense of creator community.
I can't believe how much of a cow fake has turned out to be.
What a fool.
No. 1769370
>>1769170He does the cheap tiktok reactions because he can be lazy and his dumb teen followers watch it. He is incapable of putting effort into anything, there's tons of ways to be creative and grow a following but it takes effort and a creative mind.
What a whiney little bitch.
>I wanna make bike vlogs but people don't watch themThat's how it is, Jakeyboy. You can't just decide what's successful. He grew an audience of teens being drawn to his channel because he's an edgy (fake) goth youtuber with lots of makeup - so mainly for his aesthetic and lack of alternatives because there aren't many male goth youtubers. Of course his viewers aren't interested in bike vlogs. Jesus christ kek. There would have been so many ways to do something creative, even gaming. But he is so shallow and unlikeable, he just went the easy route and grew a userbase of braindead tiktokers. And now he complains that he's stuck.
>>1769254I also think goth is not that popular anymore, you still see loths of it on instagram but it'll never pull as many viewers as a few years ago.
No. 1769397
>>1769370He's gonna be like every other hasbeen Youtuber posting into the void unless he diversifies. All his content is tiktok reacts yet he doesn't
use tiktok - it is the best place for an influencer to grow their audience right now, what he does is akin to running a "instagram reacts" facebook page in 2015, e.g. the time he should be jumping on a comparitively new, growing platform (Youtube started in 2006!) and making content for it, he sits from a distance throwing peanuts.
He could post bike content or whatever and the algorithm will serve it to viewers interested in that. There is no excuse of "this is what people want" like you could make videos solely of owls and Tiktok will find an audience for them.
No. 1769403
>>1769061>>1769170>>1769370Exactly what this last anon said, his current audience isn't the same audience who would be interested in random bike vlogs. A mass majority of them found him slathered in his dead clown makeup spouting his "I had a good day because I made it a good day" shallow positivity. He's too stubborn and stupid to see that a lot of the fans who jumped ship did so because they began seeing through the facade when he started spewing nothing but negativity these last couple of years and then the video slapfight that occurred with Kaya that ultimately made him look much, much worse. He can bitch and moan all he wants about the internet meanies, and how it's totally the algorithm, but at the end of the day it's him that's the problem.
If he truly enjoyed and wanted to make his bike vlogs, he should just do it even if it doesn't get views. Find a new audience now that he is a rapidly aging bloated husk, I mean "british hunk" compared to the "goth daddy" he once was? It's hilarious that he seems to feel so entitled to views when his content was always garbage and low effort though.
No. 1769423
>>1769403>>1769397This, he was just lucky that at some point his low effort garbage gained momentum. Also like we've said a million times before, he only ever became popular because Kaya was popular before and he could grow an audience based off hers. Cows like him never even acknowledge the luck they had to be able to work comfortably from home and earning way more money than they should for what they do. No, they're entitled to it.
It's completely his own fault that he spent so much money on useless crap and failed to adapt to new trends and platforms like you said.
No. 1769534
>>1768765would be more amused at the monkeys dancing if it wasn’t so forced and pathetic. the fuck were either of them doing that she threw together this last minute ~look how happy we are~ post and he just slapped it on his story with that bold faced lie.
>the best parentyea, the same dude who bitches that he can’t make content laughing at kids getting hurt cos it won’t be monetized, big fucking doubt.
No. 1770174
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No. 1770175
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No. 1770176
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No. 1770177
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No. 1770359
>>1770174 Fake, you're not in a 'band' anymore.
You're a solo artist. A band implies a band of equals that share a vision, shared work, and shared rewards.
No. 1770365
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No. 1770380
File: 1676655939561.png (665.12 KB, 490x887, weird face.PNG)

He is worse than Kristen Stewart when it comes to facial expressions
No. 1770463
>>1769061Shits on tiktok
Only does tiktok content
Said he is uploading music to tiktok
Make up your mind.
If it wasn't for tiktok you wouldn't have any content to create or have income.if he wasn't so anti everything he would get more views. Tiktok is not the issue it's the poor effortless content you created over the last year every video Is the same it wouldn't be hard to add some bike videos in but that's to much effort isn't it and it easier to point fingers and bitch about it
No. 1770585
>>1770456Not sure how he'd pull off a tour solo. He'd need to find a backing band and knowing how unpopular he is with everyone, it seems unlikely he'd manage to scrounge one up at this point. Would be funny if he pulled a "singing poorly over a backing track" tour tho.
>>1770463He's going to be salty when he realizes tiktok doesn't pay worth a shit too. People think YT is bad, Tiktok seems to pay even less than it's competitors. I won't get into what social media pays the best since we already know he reads here. Lmao
No. 1770708
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No. 1770710
File: 1676689516843.png (430.89 KB, 496x884, poser 2.PNG)

Did he burn his flannel shirt or skin walking someone else now kek
No. 1770711
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No. 1770797
>>1770711Love that combination of careful angling, pants down low enough to show pubes to pretend he has hip definition, and very obviously holding his breath… Sorry Fake, you still look like a doughy midget with a headwound.
Also, the complete lack of any cohesion with his tattoos makes it look like a kid who just put on every page out of their stick on tattoo book collection.
No. 1770805
>>1770708>>1770710I'll agree with the other anon that the dark hair looks way better on him than the neon monsters Inc colors kat have been putting in his hair lately. The emo cut meets comb over look however is really doing him no favors.
>>1770711Really wish he'd keep the shirt on. No amount of sucking that gunt in will give the neckless stump any sort of sex appeal.
No. 1770855
>>1770805agree about the dark hair, he looks better. the blonde/grey with colorful streaks make him look like an overweight middle aged lesbian. his hair style still makes him look like he wants to speak to a manager, though.
looks like he is feeling himself a bit more, painting his nails, they dont look tobacco stained, putting on his Jeffree star makeup, no talk of boozing it up every other day with kat. maybe he is realizing alcohol is aging and high in calories.
No. 1770878
>>1770708He looks good when he makes a effort and looks clean
>>1770855 lol you described his old hair perfectly
No. 1771045
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No. 1771047
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No. 1771048
File: 1676739378638.png (779.23 KB, 492x888, generic tattoo.PNG)

No. 1771056
File: 1676740409420.png (1000.27 KB, 496x892, kaya1.PNG)

No. 1771058
File: 1676740468536.png (614.96 KB, 493x886, wtf.PNG)

Everyone and their sister is now making music videos apparently
No. 1771315
File: 1676765490559.jpg (973.13 KB, 1080x1872, 55_Instagram.jpg)

The very attractive owner of Meraki, Mark, that Kat looked cosy with in past pictures tattooed her entire back today. My tinfoil is that they will cheat on their partners together. Seems extremely possible.
No. 1771327
File: 1676767105754.jpg (318.58 KB, 1080x1564, MARKM.jpg)

>>1771315For reference, here's Mark. Seethe at those abs, Jake. Kek.
No. 1771368
>>1771327holy kek this guy is exactly how stumpy little Jake
wants people to see him. too hot for Kat tbh
No. 1771433
File: 1676777309888.jpg (10.87 KB, 400x400, 714f42207e2d70defa081bcc7a9b55…)

>>1771315Is this picture flipped or is the kanji on the girl's forehead actually backwards?
No. 1771500
File: 1676781780958.png (Spoiler Image,1.82 MB, 1170x2532, E69EDC7A-90AD-420C-AEA4-A0A47C…)

Not related at all but wtf is going on with my thread? After like thirty seconds , my screen keeps deleteing half of the conversation? Anyone else? What do I do?
No. 1771544
>>1771315Kat is a lot boxier in candids than all her over-edited "shoots", I honestly almost didn't recognize this back as hers. Not such a thin hourglass shape after all is she?
>>1771327>>1771495You just KNOW that Jake is seething and malding over this beefcake tattooing his topless girlfriend's back and asscheeks. We all know how insecure he was about Willem Dafoe's rumored big dick and judging by the shadows of this dude's swim trunks he's a threat in that department too. Watch out Jake. kek
Not to mention Kat's history of cheating and hooking up with her last tattooing boss turned husband.
No. 1772054
File: 1676845629698.jpeg (228.46 KB, 828x1338, 25AF0AE9-FB18-4B67-936D-4CEE1E…)

>>1771315Why does it have a chest-vagina with teeth? Is it an homage to Fakes neck-dick?
No. 1772170
>>1771437>>1771896KEK. Skat and her new boss truly are a match.
>>1772054I was thinking the same, but then figured I was missing some context as to which character is being portrayed. It really does look like an angry chest vagina with eyes kek. Should colour it in blue to match with Fake.
>>1771433What is the proper kanji meant to mean in English?
>>1771315I don’t know, I’ll give it the benefit of the doubt – perhaps it’ll somehow come together in the end, once the piece is finished. But so far it looks very poorly executed, as far as the design / artwork goes.
No. 1772404
File: 1676882481743.png (1.74 MB, 865x1054, acompletemess.png)

>>1771047underbite really on full display here kek
>>1771315tbh doesn't look awful at first glance, but the longer you look at it the more fucked up you realize it is. I think the deformed hand coming out of her clavicle and the backwards mangled kanji are the most hilarious parts though. Dude might be good at building muscle but he's absolutely shit at drawing unless the design is another cobbled together from internet flash Kat special. Really wonder how much of this mess can be salvaged when shaded and colored in. sorry for autistic mspaint picrel, but it's too difficult trying to type out every little fucked up detail without direct visual reference.
No. 1772802
>>1772675Yes, tracing other people’s work and then tattooing it onto someone is plagiarism, and thus considered "illegal". There are slight exceptions to the rule, which apply to any sort of artwork – like when you add an
element in as a homage, or as a part of a collage, or for context etc but there is nuance as to how you make those references without crossing the lines and stealing another person’s work. And also maintaining your own piece as original.
Also, there is stuff like tattooing a band logo, or like the symbolics of your favourite football club etc.
Ideally, or let’s put it this way –
a respectable tattoo artist should provide their own original work, strictly their own designs, and that’s that. Even if, let’s say you want a Mickey Mouse, the artist should make their own artwork of Mickey, but in a way that it’s still obviously recognisable as Mickey. Not trace it from a colouring book. Same with illustrators, painters, fashion and merch designers etc. Or, like you’ve mentioned, you commission the author of "Mickey", or at the very least – ask for the original artist’s permission.
But mind you, not every tattoo artist will agree to tattoo another person’s work, even if it’s legally obtained or is the client’s own masterpiece.
No. 1772836
>>1772585It’s actually shocking and equally sad to hear that tracing is commonplace among hundreds of tattooists in the UK. Where I’m from in Northern Europe such "artists" are marginalised and are basically considered back alley ink masters, so you know what you’re getting. No normal / decent-looking shop or even independent artist would allow for that.
Having that said, Skat’s piece does really come off as something executed in the way that you described. It explains why everything is disproportionate, warped, having placement and design mistakes, and various other errors that other Anons have pointed out previously. Not to mention the wonky lines. I don’t know, perhaps the guy has some sort of "technique" to somehow salvage the piece as he continues to work on it, but so far it’s pretty bad.
I was puzzled for quite some time as to what kind of shop would hire such an unprofessional, unskilled, talentless, good-for-nothing serial plagiarist like Skat, but it’s all starting to make sense now. Birds of a feather.
No. 1772878
>>1771315>>1772836I'm a burger and it's a mixed bag here tbh as I'm sure it is anywhere. There are legitimate and very talented artists then you have the scratchers with their wobbly lines and googled flash art. Kat's linework is absolute shit, but she's good at camouflaging it with tons of vibrant colors and dramatic shadowing. Not sure about whats his face, her boss though.
I am kind of curious if Kat is spending the multiple thousands of dollars for this giant back piece or if she's worked out some sort of "deal" with him. She only works part time right now and Jake isn't really making much outside the few hundred tossed his way each stream at this point. You just know if Jake had anything to do with paying for this tattoo they'd both be spamming it all over their social media.
No. 1773014
File: 1676952698922.jpg (518.22 KB, 2072x1252, tattscollage.jpg)

>>1772404Yes I think you are completely right. It's a cobbled together mess. Also hilarious she now has a bigger demon tattoo than Jake has. He can see how puny his is every time they have doggy style sex.
No. 1773038
>>1772802>>1772836>>1772878Ah man. Aspie
nonnie >>>/meta/53136 is gonna be so
triggered when they see this.
No. 1773172
>>1773038Why did my post upset you so much, when you can't even get right as to who I was referring to? Bringing up a 4 day old post from another board to call someone
triggered, do you not see any irony in what you're doing?
No. 1773198
>>1773172Just having a bit of fun,
nonny. Most certainly not upset, but sounds like someone else is. How fitting; in a thread about the ultimate projector. Now THAT is irony.
No. 1773209
>>1773198Your posts make less sense the more of them you make, just get over the fact that I called someone out for a recognisable formatting style already.
>>1773120I thought the girl was cross-eyed until I realised she had snake eye pupils. The way her head is drawn makes her look flattened.
No. 1773213
File: 1676980888719.jpg (110.35 KB, 619x351, Screenshot_20230221-040117_Chr…)

>>1772054Omg it has an extra tooth in the middle. 5 teeth between the canines. KEK.
No. 1773355
>>1773109>maybe he did pay for the tattooDoubtful. Jake would absolutely want to show it off and "own the haters" if he had anything to do with her ugly new backpiece. Knowing his history I imagine he's probably pretty bothered by the whole thing considering this
>>1771327 is the guy who had his hands all over his topless girlfriend. Jake is the extremely jealous and insecure type, plus knowing kat's history I really doubt he's suddenly okay with things like this and willing to shell out thousands for it too?
Not to mention Jake's monthly income would likely just barely pay for a tattoo of this size.
>>1773213>>1773230kek good eye anon. I really doubt any amount of color or shading is going to save this mess.
No. 1773630
nonnie. I was pointing out that multiple people in this thread use “Reddit” spacing and there’s no reason to sperg about about it. You made an idiotic comment about nuking this thread and rejoining it with Alt Cows because there’s “no milk” in this thread when there has been rougly 1500 post compared to the, what, 20 posts in Alt cows since the thread split up? And your respone to that was “wahhh Reddit spacing”. I was originally asking for moderation when newfags were spamming it up, which was
triggering for you, and that’s okay! kek. But okay,
nonnie. Okay. Moving along.
No. 1773691
File: 1677033210167.png (335.88 KB, 482x812, image_2023-02-21_192749147.png)

The pose he is doing is very douchey but that does seem to be Fakes thing.
No. 1773798
File: 1677038766376.png (114.94 KB, 249x300, Flowerhorn2-249x300.png)

>>1773691He looks so fishy in that picture for some reason
No. 1774168
File: 1677073015885.jpg (225.11 KB, 1284x2282, 332034723_750420919679934_9327…)

>>1773691Still managing to look ugly under all that editing
From Kaya's stories, it must be a relief after 11 years with that wet blanket to be around people who enjoy fun
No. 1774567
File: 1677107998356.png (629.37 KB, 490x891, jake.PNG)

No. 1775537
File: 1677210533801.png (559.67 KB, 599x521, katshoot1.png)

so kat did another shoot recently…
No. 1775562
File: 1677214161634.png (516.92 KB, 494x488, rebekah_kat.png)

>>1775538the one anon that claimed kat was hotter than rebekah was lying lmao
No. 1775597
File: 1677220929539.jpg (840.34 KB, 1080x1878, KayaOF.jpg)

People have been pestering Kaya to make an OF. I honestly think it would be so great if she did, because it would be way more successful than Jake or Kat's OF account. Even if she made a no nudity account or a joke account for Sebastian. It would just be another example of how she is more popular than them.
No. 1775684
File: 1677236613690.jpg (140.41 KB, 432x792, RDT_20230224_10363011137851072…)

This just got posted on r/internetdrama and I thought I'd bring it here. It wouldn't surprise me remotely if this was true and it would explain why the documentary he claimed was gonna get made, wasn't made and what put the final nail in the coffin with his bandmates.
Also if someone had some spare time and felt like being super sneaky, they could pretend to be Fakes manager (ik he doesn't have one but they wouldn't) and call to discuss booking him for a future gig with the companies mentioned and see how they respond.
No. 1775692
File: 1677237435201.jpg (659.61 KB, 1047x1847, Screenshot_20230224_111658_Chr…)

Second part
No. 1775698
>>1775684Watch out kat your boyfriend not loyal
This so gross glad you posted this on here spread the awareness and yeah makes sense he was hyping up a tour movie hopefully someone has the footage to expose him
No. 1775722
>>1775721She did indeed, it was clearly deeply upsetting to her and rightly so. He has always given me rapey vibes but more and more proofs come out.
Also if anyone can find that post I'd be interested to see the comments, I haven't got a lot of time today and I burned through most of my spare time trying to figure out why the images wouldn't upload despite being within memory size regulations and ended up resizing them which worked.
No. 1775730
>>1775722He gives me that typical emo alt 40 year old vibe that dates only 22 year old and humor is peepeepoopoo dicks.
I'm sure this will end up happening eventually
No. 1775774
>>1775692Remember Kaya posted a vague story on insta saying she found out about something and it made her feel disgusted.. do you think it was about this?
Wasn't he with Kat at this point?
No. 1775828
File: 1677255389979.png (83.5 KB, 1819x1094, unddit.png)

>>1775824decided to grab the deleted OP comments
No. 1775861
File: 1677257947017.jpg (297.27 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20230224-165840_Fac…)

No. 1776028
>>1775973Interestingly it seems he reached out and apologised AFTER I posted the story here. Which says to me that he is lurking, saw it, knew exactly who was being spoken about and did behind the scenes damage control as the post I submitted was posted yesterday with the
victim's direct permission, now today about 6 hours after I posted it here, the Facebook and reddit post has been deleted.
I doubt he would have seen the Facebook post as I doubt they'd have had him on their fb, that reddit isn't super active, nor do they often discuss Fake, that leaves here, we have had many past confirmations that he lurks here through his actions so its safe to assume.
No. 1776046
>>1776028He lurks here daily, if not hourly.
Jake sexually harassed a fan while on tour in November 2021. Jake and Skat celebrate their one-year anniversary in November 2022. He was sexually harassing people while already in a relationship with Kat.
I truly believe that he had sexual encounters with fans on tour, likely young ones. There are a few that come to mind that I won't be posting because they may be under 18. I believe no tour footage was ever released because he's afraid that observant people will notice something. Tim Rather states that the harassment took place in front of many band members and his photographer at the time, K. They should step forward before it's too late, they can get in trouble for complacency. An apology doesn't legally make harassment okay.
No. 1776051
>>1776046K, release the tapes!!
He definitely lurks, the fact it was deleted so soon after being posted here. Was it really an apology or did he threaten them? It was a warning post, not a "I want a personal apology" post and since when has Jake responded with kindness? We've seen how he flips his lid in the comments, the drunk posts he wrote about Kaya. Would love to see what he actually said to result in the posts being removed that fast
No. 1776055
>>1775861>Jake reached out and apologised, which is a better outcome than going to court.Yeah, for Jake. Not the
victim. He undoubtedly messaged her by threatening or manipulating her into backing down, even if there was an "I'm sorry" involved. Damage control by any means.
>For the benefit of mental health, we don't talk about this event any further.That doesn't sound resolved at all, sounds like she's being forced back into silence. As
victims often are.
No. 1776223
File: 1677295328854.jpeg (106.96 KB, 1284x582, DA5E1F08-FA6B-4AB6-B81C-355FD7…)

Haven’t check up on Jake in a while. Great to see his channel is at an all time low. Even putting on that terrible clown makeup again didn’t help.
No. 1776296
>>1776055Absolutely. To both.
The fact that the initial post was simply a PSA (and the kind that mentions the incident itself just briefly and rather vaguely, and rightfully so), but quickly escalated to
> removing this per victim’s request > "not to cause her any more stress and anxiety with this" and > this won’t be discussed any further "for the benefit of mental health", speaks volumes that the poor girl is absolutely
terrified at the fact that Fake’s contacted her
again. This definitely comes off as it wasn’t just some polite, nicely put together dm expressing deep remorse, but more likely threats and further harassment.
Actually, I’m pretty much convinced he started harassing her again, and understandably, she begged the the promoter to take it down out of fear that Fake will go on and / or take this even further. Because, what other reasons can there be? The post is pretty vague as far as details go, and just focuses on Fake being blacklisted. No names were named, he can’t sue anybody for anything as there were plenty of witnesses to this etc. He’s vile and absolutely unhinged. I really wish there were a way to make him bear actual responsibility for this.
No. 1776373
>>1776296Although we do not know if he apologised when it happened or now
But if he apologised recently that puts a strange thought in my head. The fact he knew who to exactly message with in few hours must mean he kept tabs on that individual? Potentially stalking them to see if they would realise the info. Like others are saying he could of threatened them for a while and they finally felt safe to speak about it just for them to get dismissed by taking it down. And just because he apologised it doesn't mask the fact what he did to the individual and others like Many of kayas friends as she spoke about before. More people need to call him out he doesn't deserve a get away card this is vile behaviour and can destroy lives.
I can only hope the individual realises an apology isn't good enough and puts their story back up for others to be aware of
No. 1776379
File: 1677315444078.jpg (110.85 KB, 1080x604, Screenshot_20230225-085622_Gal…)

Nice jake your now a angry cheating abusive sexual harassing dwarf
No. 1776404
>>1776398If it’s made up he will almost certainly start shouting about it. No way would he let false harassment/abuse allegations stand.
Time will tell on this one but I suspect his silence will speak volumes.
No. 1776418
>>1776409There's no proof of anything though. A literal random made two posts.
>>1776408If it's true his former band mates should confirm.
No. 1776496
>>1776418Fake has a planet sized ego and it’s very easily bruised. If the allegation were false or he thought he could weasel his way out of it he would have said something, he’d be screeching in the comments and gathering his ‘receipts’ to refute the claims. Truth is, he’s got form and it’s not that much of a stretch to think he got drunk on his own ‘celebrity’ or whatever whilst on your and got inappropriate with someone.
He was quite willing to fire bomb his own career to set the record ‘straight’ re Kaya so there is no doubt in my mind that he’d lose his shit over some ‘literal random’ making sexual harassment claims.
He’s guilty as sin.
No. 1776506
>>1776367If so, typical for jude to stay silent. She makes herself out to be such an edgy activist but when an American friend apparently did something inappropriate with girls in her discord, she cut ties but was very vague and spoke out about almost nothing on the situation, even though she was in a better position than the
victims to do so and used to keep harping on about saving the world.
No. 1776941
File: 1677377035426.png (1.11 MB, 826x823, lookslikeheisedited.PNG)

He looks so badly edited even his pores don't recognize him
No. 1776945
File: 1677377074727.png (620.4 KB, 486x884, alittlelate.PNG)

I'm almost offended.
No. 1777068
>>1776725This 100%. Pure scrote mindset.
>>1776941Kek at him painting over the mess of face tattoos kat gave him. Regrets jake?
No. 1777592
>>1776941what happened to never wearing makeup again because he hates it? how does he not get whiplash with how often he does a 180?
he is crazy as fuck. I would not be able to trust him out of both annoyance and concern. everything is says he just ends up contradicting as if he has no memory of his previous plans, opinions, assertions, and no sense of self. it's so flakey and aimless but he swears he is such a go-getter.
No. 1777667
>>1777640Considering Anne Rice has been dead for over a year, I imagine it'd be kind of hard to message her…
Though there may be ways to notify someone he's profiting off her work, but I doubt much would come of it.
No. 1777811
File: 1677435217909.jpg (318.7 KB, 1080x1872, 20230226_101320.jpg)

Toy motorcycles and tattoo guns. Since they want Isaac to be like them so much, next will be My First OnlyFans Playset™.
No. 1778197
File: 1677480204626.png (1 MB, 500x895, wtfff.PNG)

No. 1778280
>>1777927pretty sure kat has been showing her kid’s face for a while, real nice to have on your page along with onlyfans adverts. fake didn’t start doing it until it was pointed out that it probably wasn’t a good idea & then has been inconsistent just like everything else he does.
he is definitely trying to generate interest to make monies; the fact he even has a patreon comes off as e-thievery as i don’t remember the last time he promoted anything from there. anyone know how poorly his side instagram for ~spicy content~ is doing?
this twat really went for the whole ‘haven’t been active cos i get winter depression’ right after he said it was due to learning some kind of programming & then due to this spectacular song/video he’s putting out.
No. 1778366
File: 1677509911686.jpeg (564.88 KB, 750x1207, 1C051FD3-115B-4064-9963-170EF9…)

>>1778280The “spicy IG” sits at 806 followers and hasn’t been updated since he started it in October, but he also hasn’t updated his OF since then so there’s probably not much for him to post there
No. 1778449
File: 1677516592877.png (756.92 KB, 498x895, he looks like hell tbh.PNG)

If I didn't know any better I'd speculate he's been doing drugs. Cause holy shit.
No. 1778450
File: 1677516628796.png (427.55 KB, 593x526, kek what.PNG)

No. 1778457
File: 1677517862697.jpeg (430.2 KB, 1920x1920, 240243ED-6535-4C44-B02E-7A2C5B…)

>>1778197I watched some this and I had to stop because this woman autistic rage in the chat
No. 1778504
>>1778452Maybe but more like he wants to regain his following and to not look like a poser for his new music vid
Although I wouldn’t been surprised if him and kat did drugs at beginning of their relationship. I think his bad skin texture prob from lack of skin care and crap diet and smoking
No. 1778736
File: 1677545220483.png (278.52 KB, 596x430, goth.PNG)

Desperate enough to attemp making a 'goff' song.
No. 1778740
File: 1677545559913.png (398.76 KB, 497x891, skat with messed up back tatto…)

No. 1778742
File: 1677545587584.png (368.6 KB, 497x891, skat 2.PNG)

No. 1778743
File: 1677545646893.png (457.3 KB, 500x894, smh.PNG)

Surprised she's advertising it on her main account
No. 1778748
File: 1677545815538.png (1.1 MB, 495x892, harley outfit again.PNG)

No. 1778924
File: 1677560529890.jpg (458.48 KB, 641x1095, noasskat.jpg)

How is her ass so flat that it actually looks inverted? Like there is negative space where ass should be.
No. 1778935
>>1778748>wearing a littleforbig onesieMore gross ddlg bs
>>1778743She's probably hoping her beefcake boss will see it and be enticed kek
No. 1779216
>>1778743Her photos are not even that bad this picture prob the nicest she posted. but my problem with most the OF accounts is they are all carbon copies of each other with Harley Quinn or age play or or school girl they all try act younger and relevant with each new popular character. If she posted sets that were ‘classy’ (lingerie sets) and more catered to her age ranges she could get more views rather then acting like a 18 e-girl.
>>1779115 someone said on her before she could have active followers who are not liking her posts but are still paying or dead accounts who forgot they are paying cause I can’t imagine someone clinging to posting nudes only for two likes per picture
No. 1779328
>>1779216Think people tend to forget how many men orbit women online and if Kat is a tattoo artist she's probably got attention from randoms that have came into the shop she works at, plus just from school and growing up in Belfast, she probably gets decent enough attention. I know a girl in belfast with a far less Internet presence but she lives off her only fans through word of mouth.
Also her pole photos aren't horrible. Could you imagine kaya trying to hang upside down kek
No. 1779374
>>1779022In some cases and if you're hitting it super hard then yes for a lot of people but if you're kinda mid tier maintenance/boost dosing it, it can make you just kinda nervously internally and externally hyper and hyper fixated on creating shit things or playing like rythem video games or something. The effects aren't the same person to person, especially if said person had mental health issues like bipolar.
I do agree that steroids are much more likely, maybe occasional coke, I was mostly just responding to the person who asked about meth use in the UK, ik speed and meth aren't exactly the same but deeply similar.
No. 1779817
File: 1677651131246.png (22.64 KB, 613x546, toybackpiece.png)

>>1779328While I don't think Kat is outright ugly or anything, she's obviously not model pretty and most moids wouldn't bother paying $20 for a handful of implied nudes a month from someone who isn't. She's borderline illiterate, her shoots are repetitive and lazily rehashed egirl shit ("diva" cosplay kek), and she doesn't put forth any real effort to engage her very few orbiters as a SWer. It's pretty obvious she's not in it for the (maybe) $100 a month paycheck, but more likely as some kind of weird vanity project. She makes more tracing her disney coloring book tattoos easily. You're straight up delusional if you think she's making any kind of real money off her OF.
No. 1780169
File: 1677700669637.png (758.6 KB, 498x890, kek.PNG)

No. 1780202
>>1780169Is he sick or?
>she prepares his post stream meal and meds>he does nothing for Valentines Kat, girl, leave please
No. 1780563
File: 1677731591011.png (499.61 KB, 496x899, this is getting old.PNG)

It's obvious he takes multiple vids and uploads them based on him still wearing the same shit from Feb 24th.
No. 1780589
File: 1677734436280.png (17.14 KB, 713x190, jake_ytstats.png)

>>1780563Not sure why he still bothers tbh. He's still steadily bleeding 2k-3k subs a month and can't even break 10k views on his recent videos. He really must be hurting to return and shit out the same old rehashed bs as before. Whatever happened to the "new content" jake?
No. 1780764
>>1780742alcoholic drinks are full of histamine, and using antihistamines can help hangovers
not that this dumpster fire doesn’t have a cold, though
No. 1781525
File: 1677824984587.png (12.86 KB, 548x522, jakepatreon.png)

>>1780589His patreon is still losing subs monthly too. All time low at 73 subs this month.
No. 1781760
File: 1677859476215.jpeg (1.36 MB, 3464x3464, 0DBACC47-929A-4EFB-BF83-188B47…)

Looks like it’s alcoholic date night/afternoon again but this time with a mysterious third person
No. 1781796
>>1781760filtered his face to hell and back lmao
>>1781776he looks bored or annoyed he's not the only male and centre of attention
No. 1781847
File: 1677867023615.jpg (283.25 KB, 1080x2063, 20230303_100929.jpg)

She looks emaciated. Also kek at the hot dog legs angle. I thought people stopped using that angle in 2015.
No. 1781983
File: 1677880751044.png (772.75 KB, 498x894, drinks time.PNG)

>>1781760NTA, just confirming with this Annon that it's true.
"Drinks time." No. 1782332
>>1781760tbh my fav part is that she always has to bend her knees when taking full body photos with him so that she's only the same height and not taller. KEK
>>1781776>>1781805>>1782221>He's a plus 1 again>Jake's sulking. History repeats.The honeymoon period is clearly over already if their sad valentine's day was any sign. His insecurities and misery are going to seep into this relationship just like the last unless kat is constantly complimenting his lil pencil dick and flabby no-neck body.
No. 1782417
>>1782332Considering how miserable he was to Kaya and just in general while he was
successful I cannot fathom how awful he must be to be around now that his career and popularity are nose diving.
No. 1782586
File: 1677961271140.png (821.13 KB, 501x897, aged like milk.PNG)

No. 1782587
File: 1677961302114.png (1.09 MB, 498x895, 2.PNG)

No. 1782588
File: 1677961333443.png (514.35 KB, 497x888, i can't stop laughing.PNG)

No. 1782590
File: 1677961396601.png (452.29 KB, 502x894, no wonder i laughed.PNG)

His own personal shitty tracing tattoo 'artist' is doing this weird tattoo that just threw me into a laugh
No. 1782593
File: 1677961472246.png (458.18 KB, 498x895, missing teeth.PNG)

No. 1782679
File: 1677973161187.jpg (425.61 KB, 1080x1447, 5_Instagram.jpg)

Here's a better shot of the tattoo. It's like a girl with blowjob lips with a skull coming out the bottom with a broken jaw.
No. 1782680
>>1782679Thank you, anon!
This motif is so bad.
No. 1782880
File: 1677992055903.jpg (377.8 KB, 1080x1558, 52.jpg)

Jake & Kat did not attend the after party cocktails with the rest of the shop. Not only that, Meraki did not include Kat's booth in their story showing off all the tattoo artists booths. Everyone got shown except her. Maybe advertising her DDLG OF on her tattoo page was the nail in her coffin. No clue why she'd decide to associate that shit with her place of employment like that.
No. 1782897
File: 1677994666625.png (1.56 MB, 1137x912, merakibelfast.png)

>>1782586>>1782591He's wearing that coomer loli hoodie tho
>>1782880I'm not seeing any stories on Meraki's IG? Regardless, Kat is still all over their page so I highly doubt it. Also, the owners have these dolls of themselves in the tattoo shop on display too? I don't think they care about her lazy ass "implied nude" OF. It's more likely Jake was being his usual miserable self and didn't want her hanging around the beefcake boss who just had his hands all over his topless girlfriend or maybe he doesn't like someone else pictured. He was notorious for making Kaya leave events early or throwing a fit when she was trying to hang around other people if the attention wasn't revolving around him. Now that he's comfortable with Kat, he's probably just pulling the same old shit he's always done.
No. 1782916
>>1782880this is like a flashback from the Kaya days when she was invited to influencer events and he tagged along and they had to leave early because he was grouchy at not being the center of attention. no wonder he had a sour look in the pic earlier with the other couple. I didn't realize they were at a tattoo event for Kat's work. he loathes when the attention is not on him.
and he's done the same phony sh*t with the "I'm so proud of my accomplished girlfriend." I remember him posting one of the few public compliments he has ever given kaya way back when she was on the BBC for a segment on goths, but in actuality he cannot be supportive, it has to be all about him.
Kat will see. it won't be the last time she is kept away from enjoying being part of a group and having the spotlight.
No. 1783200
File: 1678050281995.png (825.58 KB, 499x893, uuck.PNG)

No. 1783201
File: 1678050343982.png (789.26 KB, 822x881, shit tip.png)

It always amazes me how quickly it takes them to turn a place into a shit tip.
No. 1783210
>>1783200That looks pretty good. The colour contrast bewteen red black blue works well.
If she sticks to this style rather then the colouring pages she could be a good tattoo artist
No. 1783212
No inspiration to colour the torn face and instead lets it bleed into the colouring of the skull.
I'm underwhelmed.
No. 1783366
>>1783212same, why is it all blue and red? I think it'd be more interesting if the face and skull were different colors. and I dont like the tattoo idea, especially on an
abusive asshole like Jake.
No. 1783480
File: 1678088672050.jpeg (251.96 KB, 1200x675, FBD4359B-41C3-4BD6-A62C-BB4453…)

bump for cp
No. 1783582
>>1783201Oh, trust us
Nonnie we farmers noticed. This isn't news for us.
No. 1783857
File: 1678138789309.png (25.97 KB, 597x245, boo-hoo.PNG)

No. 1783859
File: 1678138901506.png (766.5 KB, 491x889, what in fresh hell.PNG)

All she did was tattoo, seemingly, one person… you…
No. 1783860
>>1783859easy on the filters fake, kek
and all for show, he all know he was jealous he wasn't the centre of attention
No. 1783861
File: 1678138996737.png (527.36 KB, 495x891, not articulate.PNG)

No. 1783862
File: 1678139184275.png (118.98 KB, 356x429, wtf.PNG)

Posted tonight via his fanmade Discord server.
Me, wondering… How many recordings did he make in one setting because the outfit, makeup, etc., is still the same…
No. 1783866
File: 1678139439643.png (60.05 KB, 771x694, stats.PNG)

No. 1783870
>>1783857Right back at you,
No. 1783921
File: 1678144640569.jpeg (223.89 KB, 750x416, C8A0DB46-6DD4-4675-AEBF-65F1F8…)

>>1783857Here’s the tweet that had replies that made him say he’s disappointed, it’s now deleted but you can still find some of the replies if you search for his name/through his own replies (I’ll add another screenshot in the next post)
No. 1783929
File: 1678145687730.jpeg (1.2 MB, 4096x2730, E2FD8751-882F-4466-B10B-6D0D85…)

>>1783921I can’t figure out an adequate layout for the life of me so I’ll split it in two posts, I’m genuinely sorry
No. 1783931
File: 1678145820467.jpeg (1.29 MB, 4096x2730, D924E721-1BE9-467C-9385-60F5A8…)

There are a few more but I’m sure you get the gist and I don’t want to clog up the thread any further
No. 1783994
File: 1678154757238.png (75.37 KB, 594x756, one.png)

For those of you who are too lazy to search kek
No. 1783995
File: 1678154782010.png (77.2 KB, 595x658, two.PNG)

No. 1783996
File: 1678154811897.png (98.51 KB, 591x752, three.PNG)

No. 1783998
>>1783995"I can't condone self diagnosis"
Isn't this the same man who self diagnosed himself with bi-polar and "willed" it away?
No. 1784009
>>1783929why is he gatekeeping autism lmao
is he autistic or worried he might be? since when is mental health his cause? he treated his ex TERRIBLY despite her having an official mental health diagnosis from a doctor. he doesnt give a fuck about it. stupid phony asshole.
No. 1784022
File: 1678157862402.png (101.67 KB, 738x429, midline discrepancies.png)

>>1782593Did a 'thing' I noticed – and I am glad you all have noticed it too! – to show how she has midline misalignment.
Like Anon mentioned
>>1783890>He needs to spend the last of his dwindling funds on some teeth for this poor womanBecause correcting this deviation and decaying tooth, it's highly treatable!
The browning tooth (that seems to be pushed back?) shows signs of tooth decay. And untreated tooth decay is
drum roll higher in people who smoke cigarettes (alcohol also contributes and increases risk of preidontal disease.)
No. 1784071
>>1783859So she only did one tattoo the entire "fest" and on her boyfriend no less, also didn't win any awards either. Yeah sounds like a super successful event Jake. Notice he doesn't praise her for her talent or anything else, but her "beauty".
>>1783200The design is pretty awful and generic, the horn? zoom lines??? Whatever the fuck that is and the shading are all kinds of fucked up looking. She truly depends on going all out on coloring to try to camouflage her obvious lack of skill elsewhere.
>>1784022Her teeth overall look really grey which is pretty typical for heavy smokers. Her mouth must taste like an ashtray.
No. 1784181
File: 1678183686921.jpeg (247.08 KB, 1170x792, E6502473-9760-4FAD-A983-0E12BA…)

Looks like his latest assault on the ears drops at 9pm UK time.
Oh joy.
No. 1784333
>>1784330You can suspect a diagnose, but you can't self diagnose. I even read from self-diagnosing people "I identify myself as autistic" and the harm that's done with that is huge
Hate to say he's right with that. Why he thinks diagnosing himself with bipolar is
valid is another story.
No. 1784399
>>1783921There's a whole debate about self diagnosis and Fake isn't equipped to talk about it kek. There's a whole niche on tiktok for faking conditions for clout cos they want to ride the "everything is
valid" train like genderspecials. DID, POTS, fainting, autism, list goes on. And when called out by people who have these conditions, they whine that it's gatekeeping and fakeclaiming. Sure self diagnosis is needed sometimes if you have nothing else, the culture of it on tiktok just takes it to a retarded extreme.
No. 1784507
>>1784357>>1784399You know munchies existed before tiktok and will exist after? Self-diagnosis is not limited to mental illnesses
Please say you know it, please
No. 1784558
File: 1678226905557.png (602.56 KB, 497x892, should be interesting.PNG)

No. 1784560
File: 1678226962117.png (906.53 KB, 493x896, odd.PNG)

No. 1784562
File: 1678227029956.png (559.56 KB, 499x893, barf.PNG)

Someone take one for the team and let us know how trash it is
No. 1784563
File: 1678227066208.jpeg (155.55 KB, 1618x950, 32FBA26D-E545-48B1-BCE6-78A70B…)

I’m taking one for the team and listening to his new song. It is TERRIBLE. Dude is looking bloated as fuck and is wearing some squid game mask shit. He crawls out of the sea at the start. He should crawl back in.
He can’t drum for shit. You can see the wrinkles in his back drop. It’s very low effort for the amount he’s hyped it up.
No. 1784566
File: 1678227109362.jpeg (137.81 KB, 1590x992, 6FE7491F-85FD-471F-B2A7-1D7779…)

Squid game.
No. 1784567
File: 1678227138389.jpeg (126.83 KB, 1609x1040, 129C6259-B217-4462-86D8-B4E345…)

Sausage arms.
No. 1784568
File: 1678227179440.jpg (12.52 KB, 320x320, 334282132_166270102488109_3684…)

his new 'band' pfp
No. 1784570
File: 1678227222633.jpeg (159.21 KB, 1609x1034, BE6B4FEE-59C5-4407-A652-875069…)

Wrinkled back drop. You go to all
The effort of 4k and you can’t get an iron on your big red sheet? Tsk tsk fake!
No. 1784588
File: 1678228361826.png (353.65 KB, 942x527, Screenshot 2023-03-07 at 23-18…)

>>1784563I can't get over how he looks like a beached whale.
No. 1784589
File: 1678228455374.png (197.58 KB, 568x299, ARK Survival Evolved.PNG)

>>1784563Feels like he watched too many ARK: Survival Evolved game live action trailors. kek
No. 1784593
File: 1678228658523.png (394.24 KB, 467x857, the tattoo.PNG)

>>1783200Here is the concept drawing. IMO I feel it's not that bad, but like other nonna's have pointed out… there are a lot of things she could have done differently to improve it. The colouring did NOT do it justice because the colouring made the horn look out of place where here we can see how it almost seems like it belongs.
No. 1784596
>He crawls out of the sea. He should crawl back in.KEK
You're keelin me, Nonnas! keeek
No. 1784606
File: 1678229333961.png (81.29 KB, 817x232, MunroVEVO.png)

I didn't sage because I felt this was milk worthy.
This idiot went out of his desperate way to seem he is partnered with VEVO. The hilarious part is that there is absolutely NO verified or credited checkmark beside it as other legit 'VEVO' accounts have.
No. 1784634
>>1784606Here's where it gets interesting.
If an artist
already has a YouTube channel, their label or distributor can request a new Vevo channel with VEVO, which can be
merged with their existing channel as an Official Artist Channel (or OAC). It will be marked as verified by the
music note icon next to the channel name.These requests must be made directly to YouTube via the artist’s label or distributor. All content uploaded to either channel will publicly display on the single OAC once the merge is complete.
>>1784619Vevo does NOT allow labels to have a Vevo channel created.
He or someone else, may have went through a third party website called SpareMusic where they can pay a one-time fee of $49.99 USD, their request will be processed towards recieveing their own Vevo Channel. And then they'll notify him/them of the progress of the application which usually takes 2 weeks. Vevo's logo on the video, everything.
Refeshingly enough, the channel has not been verified as authentic (yet.)
No. 1784642
File: 1678231979377.jpeg (476.95 KB, 750x875, D9D2A375-61AE-45AF-BF89-FEE9D6…)

There is not one single bone to be found in his doughy face. Also, what’s going on with his skin, is it the lighting? He’s usually so heavy handed with the filters but lets this patchy redness slide?
No. 1784656
>>1784651>>1784643Hello, Nonnas! Same Anon!
Not nitpicking, but I respect your point-of-view!
There was nothing to prove upon uploading this other than to show that she simply has a midline misalignment and previous posts making comments on her teeth on why she doesn't smile often. Given the choice of photograph it's rather difficult to get correct placements of the lines due to the angle of her body, the positioning of her head showcasing her smile, and without proper radiographs.
The 'arbitrary' lines aren't made up or otherwise unreasonable but simply following the path of her philrum (which is the midline groove on the upper lip that runs from the top of the lip to the nose); and her nares (nostrils) to show the alignment.
Otherwise, I never posted it to shame the person in the photo nor to nitpick about her teeth. However, if she chose to get it corrected in the future she is in luck. :)
( :)) No. 1784662
File: 1678234912636.png (592.97 KB, 496x885, here we go again.PNG)

No. 1784666
>>1784181>>1784558>>1784562>>1784570The video is 4 minutes long.
It opens up to a dull coloured, blue filtered, bleak ocean front. Then with horrid 'edgy' editing, it switfy cuts to the top of the ocean at 0:13 seconds. Showing viewers inshore waves.
At 0:14 - The 'edgy' glitch editing brings viewers to his hand playing a keyboard with the same dull blue filter with what appears to be the same ocean front playing as a background filter.
0:18 - We see the ocean again. With the camera panning out over it.
0:21 - It glitches back out to his hand playing the keyboard again with the ocean filter playing simultaneously with it.
0:24 - We see what appears to be him, randomly washed ashore with no context. Shirtless, in nothing but his boxers and pushes himself up all while not showing his face.
0:27 - It quickly glitches out again in that same 'edgy' editing to him wearing some sort of mask that looks like he bought off amazon (a digital face changing mask one can get for parties or concerts that is LED light adjustable), a hoodie, and playing the drums. The environment looks to be his studio but it's blacked out with what looks like 2 LED ambient floor lamps from Amazon giving off a reddigh/orange atmosphere.
0:29 - Cuts to him now wearing a muscle shirt playing a guitar with the same 2 LED ambient floor lamps from Amazon. He seems to have a hood up with the same weird Amazon Digital face mask.
0:30 - Shows him playing the keyboard the quickly goes back to the view of his hands.
0:31 - Shows him without the LED face mask standing in front of a 80s - 90s red backdrop, doing some sort of jig that resembles a gorilla having a seizure with his arms spread out like he's waiting to fly away before slamming his head forward into an invisible brick.
0:32 - Frontal view of him on the drums, then quick bursts of editing to show all the clips within seconds of each other. With a random view of the ocean again as the drums pick up.
0:43 - You see him in front of the red backdrop finally singing with dumb facial expressions.
Here are the lyrics, based on what I am able to make out because his editing is lax (andm y hearing is also probably trash so I'm not outting that possibility) when it comes to raising the vocals above the tunes.
Complex decisions
While lacking precision
But my foundation is our perception
But in the wake of our over-correction
Stumbling into an impossible perfection
(He then goes into growling and I can't understand it.)
Oh, the tide is turning!
Oh, (something) is burning!
(Something) damnation
(something) falls and the foundation!
I eventually gave up because it's really difficult to understand what the fuck he is singing and what story he is trying to give.
Over all, his video failed to tell the story and the video gave no context at all on how his 'character' ended up on the beach as he keeps it in his studio kek
No. 1784671
>>1784658>One dimensional, grating and utterly devoid of creativity.This is the best description I've seen so far
I'm sorry you gave it a listen but I thank you for taking one for the team anon
May your ears seek retribution!
No. 1784679
>>1784666kek idk why but the lyrics kinda feel he's talking about his haters
I hope he releases the lyrics soon so I can tear it apart
No. 1784688
File: 1678237336027.jpg (99.18 KB, 499x894, kitkattheskat.jpg)

A shame you weren't in it like Jude was in that failed cover video, Skat. But luckily, you weren't - because his video was trash.
No. 1784700
>>1784695this is good tinfoil but one we can see his sausage arms and tattoos but you now got me wondering whyy he's bothered to wear a mask in the first place, you know??
i get the clips of showing the beach because the song is about a tide, but why show himself washed up on the beach with no clothes on and not go further to explain how he got there?
my head is spinning, nonna
No. 1784712
>>1784589I was just thinking this when I seen the opening video.
>>1784666Majority of artists might showcase a short feature of shots that are designed to tell a story, similar to a short film in their music videos. Now I've seen some ridiculous videos over the years - obviously - but this…what the ever loving shit is this?
Obviously he is allowed to make it into anything he wants and the video doesn't have to make sense, but this video makes absolutely zero sense. I'm pretty good at figuring out the meaning behind lyrics and music videos, but this one - I just don't get and the song isn't perfectly crafted to get stuck in your head either.
I, for one, am more likely to rewatch a music video more if it actually has a story.
I watched it to it's end and all the video did was keep focus on him without going into a greater extent. I'm left on a cliffhanger of what happened to him at the beach.
>>1784695Imma take a que from this anon and go bleach my ears with some faves!
No. 1784721
>>1784666>>1784658There was a previously mentioned post of him stating that his metal cover of Freaks - Timmy Trumpet was rushed or garbage after hyping it up for 6 months?
If this video and song is his best then I'm concerned
No. 1784727
>>1784702Samefag - good attention to detail! That detail went right over my head, Anon, thank you. <3
I know in Ireland that a solicitor refers to a type of lawyer so I hope she goes over that, too!
Any tinfoil guesses on what he could possibly be bothering her about still?
(I honestly wouldn't put it past him to continue bothering her despite him trying to bury the past, so to speak.)
No. 1784730
File: 1678241895866.png (24.47 KB, 490x257, he chose to go solo.PNG)

>>1784695Hopefully this answers any questions on this, Nonna.
No. 1784732
File: 1678241947436.png (164.88 KB, 536x615, truth about his solo…)

>>1784695And this one, the truth about his solo career.
No. 1784749
File: 1678244176576.png (Spoiler Image,66.09 KB, 345x157, gointintotheriver.png)

>>1784563>>1784588>>1784589>He crawls out of the sea at the start.>He should crawl back in.I hate how funny this is. All I could think of when I seen this is marge's "I'm goint into the river" keeek
>>1784666>>1784688Sounds like an amateur nu-metal band at best tbh. The spooky sounding synth is honestly kind of fun in a "might be stolen from a ghost song" kinda way, but the rest is giving trapt concert at a midwestern dive bar kind of energy. His vocals are weak and his lyrics are just laughable.
No. 1784784
Just listened to his song and it's… Meh. The keyboard sound thingy isn't thaaat bad (but not the best thing ever nor does it save the song) but the song in general is as generic as it can be, the music video is lazy AF and i find it funny how he has his face covered in the shots of him playing the instruments like "faceless band members" or something.
There were times when i couldn't quite tell where the beat was going, like this songs that have this beat and tempo and then they have a sudden change that leave you lost for a few seconds but you catch up to it quick but in this case i had a hard time catching up especially because he has this dramatic sudden change like at the middle of the song.
And don't get me started in
>>1784570 shots… The background is oversaturated, hurts my eyes and he looks so lifeless, he tries to move his arms and his body a little bit but he looks lifeless, like he's trying to have a certain face while singing and just looks cringe, idk how to describe it tbh, he had more "emotions" showing in the closeups of his face that look like
>>1784568You can really feel it's a solo proyect and not a good one btw. Feels empty and dead… Did he really spent a lot of money on this?
Oh and it's just been 6 hours since he released the video and he has only 1579 views, 439 likes and 66 comments of snaccs kissing his ass atm, idk about the dislikes tho.
No. 1784794
File: 1678251367526.png (152.86 KB, 494x621, image_2023-03-07_215225040.png)

Am I going crazy or does it look like his eye are enlarged. Like there is a filter or something. It's very off putting as is his choice in colors for the video.
No. 1784804
File: 1678252136661.png (33.01 KB, 1209x176, Tide comment.PNG)

No. 1784811
>Had I allowed more timeThis always seem to be an issue with him, as if he has some deadline
despite hyping it up for what seems months before release.
He had the time to use compressions and EQ to create ranges for
those dynamics. For each part. There can be overlaps but obviously
he will need things to still have their space when making
>I prefer the guitar and bass tone shining through-Welp, there we have it. This is one of the underlining issues-
he doesn't care that the vocals aren't loud enough.
>Vocals not being loud enough is a common complaint with metal.>I'm not going to have professional quality, I just get as close as I can.Wow. Ok, slow down there, buddy. This genre you just released isn't metal.
You come off more synth, dance/electronic and possibly nu metal.
No. 1784838
>>1784804And the excuses begin.
Claiming to not be a ‘professional’ yet at the same time he’s offering his production ‘skills’ for hire on twitter, not exactly advertising himself well is he? You too can have half arsed amateur production for £££!
And what the fuck is he on about that he’s on an island ‘surrounded by nothing and no one’? He lives in bloody Belfast, not some distant island yet to be contacted. Kaya goes to loads of gigs so there’s some sort of local music scene. Maybe you’re just a pretentious dick that no one really wants to be around Fake?
No. 1784874
File: 1678267496443.jpeg (139.92 KB, 750x654, DE45A09D-E75D-48A0-9C21-E39C73…)

Saged in case it’s not newsworthy but here’s what an ex-band mate has to say about them all “leaving” Muro
No. 1784882
>>1784730 He's such a fucking liar, he isn't playing the drums at all he's miming to a digital sample pack.
Hey Jake, since you read here - this is an instantly forgettable song by numbers and you can't write riffs for toffee.
No. 1784933
File: 1678277493403.jpeg (368.72 KB, 750x921, 9422321B-016F-4045-9AF1-D1EF50…)

>>1784874Gaz‘ comment is now gone, I wonder if he deleted it himself or if Jake is responsible.
Either way, Jake has left a lengthy delusional reply kek (picrel)
No. 1784936
>>1784933His narcissism shines through even in a simple comment like this. Can he not talk about anything normally and factually?
>reverted back to solo"Remember, I started this solo and having bandmades was just an era"
>songwriting needed to be steamlined"Conor held be back"
>what's best for my passion project that I created over 10 years ago"me, me, me, it's all me, my band mates held me back and I'm so much better solo"
>being able to write freely and independently"Conor held me back, again"
He tries to spin it as a wholesome post about the sweet memories but the whole thing stinks of finger-pointing and implying how his creativity cannot be free when working with others. He's lucky he found people that tolerated him in a music project, at least show some respect for that.
No. 1785199
>>1784700too lazy for any other styling perhaps lol. not that his look is anything, but considering how quickly the video was shot he probably had mad hangover face and couldn't be assed to cover it in makeup.
>>1784933>I can't wait to spend more time creating…videos/artworkliterally what else are you doing?!? no asked for any of this, your supporters are dwindling every day and all the hype you put behind the ~art~ you've put out is overshadowed by your shitty attitude and all the glaring errors that get dismissed with over thesaurused replies. at least when he was vlogging his chores and shit he was doing something.
also super gross that he was sick right before going to that tattoo convention and probably shared his germs with everyone. can't wait for the shitty ~goth~ songs he alleged making for laughing in one of his stupid reaction videos.
No. 1785389
File: 1678336088987.png (19.99 KB, 843x228, thetide.png)

>>1784796>>1785067kek at the number of views and dislikes. I don't think this solo career is going to be your new meal ticket jake.
No. 1785398
>>1784936ikr, he tries to come off so professional, mature, put together, polite and respectful, and time and time again just ends up being a massive narc and passive-aggressive fact-twisting jerk that he truly is.
Fake, seriously, with all the money you waste, just hire a pr person instead.
>>1785389> Munro Metal> latest single from the solo artist MunroHad to really emphasise those for whichever "amicable" reason.
No. 1785739
File: 1678398398196.png (16.76 KB, 528x501, 64percentloss.png)

>>1785421It's not the worst like his god awful "timmy trumpets" cover or whatever, but it's definitely not good either. I'd say there was potential if he was some kid in his early 20s, but as a 30 something year old man trying to scrounge up the remains of his decade old band into a "solo career" it's just kind of pathetic at a point. Ngl tho, would love to see how sad a new tour would be now that he's lost all his old bandmates and over half his snaccs. I just imagine a Johhny Craig situation, but smeared with bad clown paint. kek
No. 1785777
File: 1678401931341.png (1020.27 KB, 495x890, fancy a fag.PNG)

No. 1785778
File: 1678402047655.png (860.46 KB, 501x893, lazy eyed bulldog.PNG)

No. 1785798
File: 1678403962507.jpg (513.49 KB, 1080x1851, 9_Instagram.jpg)

Full makeup including false eyelashes even in the bath kek. She must be ugly as fuck without it. Also what the fuck is this horrible quality content? Blurry and so high in contrast that all the details are blown out.
No. 1785805
>>1785798for a sec I thought she was lifting her tit right up and the blue bubble thing(????) is a censor of her nipple kek
she looks like a blow up doll and no that's not a compliment skat
No. 1785901
>>1785840>>1785860Kek. Absolutely. The angle / positioning is so weird it almost looks as if it’s someone else’s hand awkwardly touching her face. Or someone sticking out a plastic tattooed arm onto her cheek as some odd dom thing.
She’s claimed on multiple occasions that she does modelling, semi-professionally to the least… well, for a model she sure can’t produce a decent-looking image of herself to save her life.
No. 1786054
File: 1678452798205.png (74.79 KB, 280x394, Eddy_scamming.png)

I can't be the only one who is instantly reminded of Eddy from " Ed Edd and Eddy" whenever I look at Jake
No. 1786193
File: 1678474691693.png (3.21 MB, 2048x1536, 94556B62-1DF0-47CB-9B25-377461…)

>>1786054I get resident evil 4 ramon salazar vibes especially when he used to wear that pirate jacket
No. 1786196
File: 1678474960751.jpg (382.74 KB, 1080x1020, Screenshot_20230310-190131_Ins…)

>>1786054For reference his freak vlog 2 he even had a matching hat but here picture the coat
No. 1786256
File: 1678482230312.webm (17.17 MB, 1280x720, MU.webm)
Sorry about poor quality, tried my best to compress it to post here.
No. 1786373
File: 1678494533809.jpg (861.89 KB, 1080x1926, kek.jpg)

Nitpick but Skat's taste in music is so hilarious to me. Shit like Lil Peep, Blink 182, and Doja Cat. Your basic bitch has embarrassing taste in music, Jake. She is the furthest thing from goth, and the most basic form of "alternative" there is.
No. 1786379
>>1786373It is a nitpick but… you
are correct kek
No. 1786518
File: 1678520606205.png (845.45 KB, 499x894, the adams apple.PNG)

No. 1786527
>>1786054>>1786193KEK. you are killing me nonnies
>>1786373God, I know it's redundant at this point, but it's wild to me that she posts selfies like this with her excessive underbite on full display. I used to think kat was kind of decent looking, but woof.
>>1786518Also kek at troony Taylor swift. The wonky wiggly eyes and cauliflower ear are also a nice touch.
No. 1787030
>>1786373this and he was flat out cruel toward Kaya for her taste in music which was not even bad. In the video “the boyfriend tag” he said her favorite music is “crap.”
I guess getting regularly serviced has him overlooking this, or maybe he subscribes to the idea that “hot girls don’t like good music” and kat is probably flattered to be considered a “hot girl” with no opinions that matter.
No. 1787047
>>1786570The song isn’t that bad if one likes the nu-metal of the early 2000s, and I can tell his influences are slipknot and korn rather than obscure heavy metal that never get radioplay.
the music video ruined it, though. the gesticulating and weird faces with uwu eyes was just cringe. and a more confident yet modest way to be a one man band would be to not show yourself in a weird mask playing each instrument.
at least he is keeping skat out of the passion project. It’s interesting that he featured Jude in the last one.
I think his fans will like the song and video.
No. 1787239
File: 1678619547087.jpg (9.11 KB, 240x250, 17ec00ca40bd79920cd904b1f1f781…)

>>1786256thanks for uploading it anon.
seems he felt "swole" at the time of filming because the video almost feels centered around his stubby arms. way too much focus on showing himself off.
No. 1787272
File: 1678630336623.jpeg (89.81 KB, 1170x493, 854B5A29-C5F3-4331-8DAD-B241BE…)

Says Mr Originality.
No. 1787320
>>1787272It's called nostalgia Jake. They did the same shit with remaking 80s media too. Things cycle through and through. They are going to do the same shit with today's new media. This isn't as deep as you think it is lil guy, kek.
>>1787233Pretty sure he can't open his trap without acting pretentious either. Gotta wonder if he's always been this level of unbearable or if it was aggravated by his brief taste of niche internet fame.
No. 1787640
>>1787534Not to derail but, do you live under the same rock Jake lives under, anon? There’s plenty of musical innovation outside of the mainstream, but I doubt Mall Goth Daddy actually looks for anything, and just replays 00s nu metal playlists on a loop, with the occasional Billie Eilish thrown in for relevancy.
Jake’s comment comes across like Old Man Shouts At Cloud… he’s got all the charm of a miserable old demented fart at this point: just endless complaining and nothing positive to say unless it involves blowing smoke up his own ass or more cope about his girlfriend who has nothing going for her in life.
No. 1787710
>>1787703There is lots of innovation going on you just have to look for it.
Seventy Thorns by Kim Dracula
Sleep Token
No. 1787795
File: 1678690937315.png (45.68 KB, 589x1142, his dignity kek.png)

No. 1787796
File: 1678691060758.png (161.54 KB, 498x892, uh huh.PNG)

No. 1787797
File: 1678691475298.png (306.28 KB, 706x829, kaya.PNG)

No. 1787890
>>1787797So much better, wow. She's giving Anjelica Huston vibes. As
>>1787869 said I'm not the biggest Kaya fan, but I'm hoping she matures a bit and keeps improving.
No. 1787922
File: 1678717742754.png (374.36 KB, 490x896, Kat's tattoos.PNG)

No. 1788320
File: 1678787048945.jpg (175.68 KB, 1500x1500, 71k0BNj9fL.jpg)

>>1787797looks nice and well co-ordinated but all I can see is picrel
No. 1788330
File: 1678789371639.jpg (264.25 KB, 1079x1797, Screenshot_20230314-031917_Ins…)

Apparently Kat will be doing an entire leg sleeve for Jake. Would he ever date someone he can't actually use in some way? He uses Kat as an Onlyfans prop and for her tattoo work, just as he used Kaya for youtube exposure & clout. How about go ahead and try your hand at her retarded little pinball machine, Jake.
No. 1788363
>>1788330those stumpy fat legs kek
nice cropping out of his small dick too lmao
No. 1788407
From the latest TikTok bore -
"Don't forget to go check out my new music video that dropped recently, go check it out the link down below. Shot it all myself, edited the whole thing myself on that computer, recorded it on those guitars, did the bass, did the drums, did the mix, did the mastering, it was 100% single, solo, myself.
I probably suffered for it but I don't live in the US where I'm surrounded by talented dedicated individuals who can help me realize my dreams."
So not content to shit on his ex-band mates he's also trying to piss-off the entirity of Ireland and the UK beacuase we're all so untalented to be unworthy of exhaulting him to greatness - Jesus fucking Christ :O(
No. 1788600
>>1788407If he hates Belfast so much could he not do everyone on this island a favour and fuck off the America? Why does he insist so hard on living somewhere he claims to hate so much?
He has no ties here, no family, no friends, no assets, no property. His girlfriend could work in any trashy tattoo parlour in America.
No. 1788664
>>1788407>I don't live in the US where I'm surrounded by talented dedicated individuals who can help me realize my dreams.More excuses to cover the fact he is not talented.
But please, do go on with your projecting.
No. 1788945
File: 1678872224642.jpg (Spoiler Image,144.4 KB, 748x1247, 1678789371639.jpg)

Samefag but it looks like she's barfing her own skull out because she has to look at this.
No. 1788953
File: 1678874679268.png (1.23 MB, 1174x935, jakeyt.png)

>>1788941I'd believe it. He's noticeably been plastering his hair down his forehead all the time again too. Was wearing it spiked or pinned up most of the time before or just completely unstyled.
>>1788945kek, can you blame her? For a guy who supposedly works out all the time he's got pudgy toneless thighs. Do some squats jake. Bulky biceps on your ham body is only making you look like more of a fat manlet.
No. 1788954
File: 1678874612450.png (1.23 MB, 1174x935, jakeyt.png)

>>1788941I'd believe it. He's noticeably been plastering his hair down his forehead all the time again too. Was wearing it spiked or pinned up most of the time before or just completely unstyled.
>>1788945kek, can you blame her? For a guy who supposedly works out all the time he's got pudgy toneless thighs. Do some squats jake. Bulky biceps on your ham body is only making you look like more of a fat manlet.
No. 1789010
File: 1678884581067.png (536.07 KB, 495x891, oof.PNG)

No. 1789013
File: 1678885149953.png (107.99 KB, 498x892, interesting1.PNG)

>>1784696>>1784702Nonnas, you two were right.
No. 1789221
File: 1678911877196.jpg (99.58 KB, 1080x1684, Kek.jpg)

The one cheating, homewrecking, knowingly dating a sexual predator, is now an expert on abusive relationships. KEK
No. 1789226
File: 1678912064664.jpg (48.35 KB, 1075x394, Screenshot_20230315-132620_Twi…)

Nobody will ever want to work with you again, Jake. They will Google you and change their mind. You're fucked, peasant.
No. 1789229
>>1789221i think she genuinely views kaya as the
abusive one and fake as the
victim>>1789226funny that when kaya has said she's off to London herself? what a creepy stalker he is
No. 1789230
File: 1678912986516.jpg (43.94 KB, 1079x848, Sc_Chrome.jpg)

Jake, your purchased pussy still isn't happy with all the space you've provided her. Needs a bigger bath. Provide better.
No. 1789256
File: 1678916024574.png (28.8 KB, 599x610, hmmm.PNG)

No. 1789259
File: 1678916569405.png (6.09 MB, 1170x2532, 9E4E8D9C-BAD0-4F0D-9C2E-135280…)

No. 1789260
File: 1678916581620.png (6.09 MB, 1170x2532, 9E4E8D9C-BAD0-4F0D-9C2E-135280…)

No. 1789262
File: 1678916617239.png (6.09 MB, 1170x2532, FECB61A1-16B9-496D-91C5-370CB9…)

No. 1789269
File: 1678917111323.png (Spoiler Image,4.59 MB, 1170x2532, D8B7EA75-D588-421B-90F1-E1006C…)

No. 1789272
File: 1678917202175.png (3.21 MB, 1170x2532, 235AAA33-A2BB-4D9C-AAB6-D7193E…)

No. 1789273
File: 1678917277894.png (572.67 KB, 1170x2532, 16AAF64A-BBC6-4A9F-9FF9-2CBB28…)

No. 1789274
File: 1678917332636.png (716.48 KB, 1170x2532, F6575A2A-5942-478C-9FD9-E19942…)

No. 1789276
File: 1678917374094.png (Spoiler Image,431.67 KB, 1170x2532, 48C41DC3-BD63-4D1D-962F-A0933B…)

No. 1789277
File: 1678917416108.png (571.98 KB, 1170x2532, 17F41C46-5BF8-4B50-A4DD-27C7E3…)

No. 1789279
File: 1678917496687.png (5.89 MB, 1170x2532, E2A76F2C-D38F-41F0-9C2D-E73E6B…)

No. 1789285
>>1789221>the victim lies to friends and family to protect the abuser>the abuser lies to friends and family to slander the victimI mean she's right that this is exactly what happened, but she's clearly braindead if she believes Jake wasn't the abuser in all this. The guy hates his own family and "slanders" them plenty too, his now ex bandmates, doesn't even HAVE any friends? Like Kat, wake up and look around you. Kaya kept pretty quiet up until Jake tried to drag her for views, but failed. Jake has been nothing but aggressive, smug, and manipulative throughout the situation. But hey, keep trying to rationalize why it was "okay" for you to cheat on your husband for a taken man. It worked out so well for Holly Conrad, I'm sure it totally won't happen to you too. kek
>>1789259>>1789269>>1789272>>1789273>>1789274>>1789276>>1789277>>1789279spoil this shit retard. Good job at paying for her and Jake's next round of happy hour long island iced teas tho I guess?
No. 1789286
File: 1678917763844.png (Spoiler Image,520.29 KB, 1170x2532, 99DB7FE8-1D3D-472C-8D10-EDF0C7…)

No. 1789289
File: 1678918107360.png (Spoiler Image,725.71 KB, 1170x2532, 15531931-19B6-46BF-9304-A33A85…)

No. 1789290
File: 1678918163446.png (Spoiler Image,699.75 KB, 1170x2532, 6CE37B7D-6BE2-447B-A6D0-4BAE7B…)

No. 1789294
File: 1678918274971.png (Spoiler Image,610.51 KB, 1170x2532, 03A6B64F-E851-40C0-8C81-DFF1F5…)

No. 1789337
>>1789221how the fuck was Jake abused if this is what she's getting at? even if kaya did something unsavory, him screaming and raging and breaking things is domestic abuse, not "being a fat lazy bitch" or whatever Jake has Kat believing constitutes an
abusive woman. and wasnt kat saying she wanted to slap kaya for "being lazy and fat" sounds like Kat is
abusive herself.
I dont want to blog post but my alcoholic parent, who had many issues, had a similar definition of "abuse" because I was a child instead of a live in maid/servant.
No. 1789358
>>1789279>>"I just want to live in stripper heels and lingerie"then why doesn't she? it's kind of a pathetic sidejob/aspiration at her big age when she has another job she is supposedly "accomplished" in, with as little of an audience as she has online despite being with someone with a mid-size Youtube channel for over a year now.
most people start in sex work then get out. did she used to do sex work or something and tattoos was her out, but she misses the money?
and I realize this could be her "OF character" but I've seen too many pole dancing photos when she is her regular self and she always looks like a skank.
No. 1789359
>>1789283the one on the bike looks like a concentration camp
No. 1789362
>>1789329LOL I love it. I think it's her paying homage to doja cat, because she's such a cool basic bitch like that.
but since she is a top alt cow, this is perfectly fitting. it should be in the next thread.
No. 1789372
File: 1678927626577.jpg (93.42 KB, 1080x1627, Lol.jpg)

Skat was very quick to private her whore account. They must check in here like, hourly.
No. 1789378
>>1789377>>1789372Why would she private her OF account when she already posted her OF content on her main account
Shit for brains this Skat
No. 1789433
>>1789412He did similar with Fran Bow and went back and played it on stream too. Funny how he hated everything Kaya liked up until he was no longer with her. Same seems to go for music? Kaya listens to a bunch of nu-metal and the direction his latest song took definitely mirrors that.
>>1789413The poor kid is going to grow up with his mom being a clout chasing alt OF bimbo and his stepdaddy being a misogynistic and deeply insecure angry twat who caused mommy and daddy to divorce. Hopefully his next step dad is a less embarrassing manlet.
No. 1789436
>>1789347seriously I thought it was going to be lewd/implied nude! wtf happened to her? I get that she doesnt have tits large enough to be scandalizing, and her nipples are white lol but I wasn't expecting to see her bare crotch! I guess she couldn't compete with the saturation of thots who actually have a body and can produce higher quality and more creative shoots. and still only 6 people care lmao.
she's living the nightmare of those who hesitate to have an onlyfans because they fear no one will want to look at them, and it's hilarious because she thought she had "won" by being some baddie side chick. more like pathetic haggardly aging mom next door clinging to her youth. it's extra cringe seeing her 34 yr old bony ass on a pole in Kaya's old pink room, in the house Kaya rented with Jake. no self respect, happy with leftovers.
No. 1789454
>>1789286Girls say they do this for confidence, however she's getting her cooch out for 6 likes. There is no confidence to be gained here.
I think they just do it to 1. compete with the porn their partner users (massive giveaway of a porn addict boyfriend) 2. compete with egirls they're jealous of and who will never notice them (skinwalking, well documented cow trait)
Objectively becoming a porn star for couch change is a terrible life move, but the people who do this are extremely internet addled and pornsick so they get something out of it mentally if not financially (clearly) in competing with the egirls and porn stars they feel threatened by, by being terminally online with coomer boyfriends. See also Sharla in the jvloggers thread suddenly doing porn after having a squeaky clean image until now. Insecurity is a hell of a drug.
Obviously some people are desperate for cash, but the vast majority who already have jobs and do OF for "confidence" definitely fall into brain addled/pornsick/insecure as above.
Also press L in the chat for the anon who paid for this.
No. 1789532
>>1789341do you mean you think they self-leaked on here? to take attention away from kaya? interesting tinfoil… I'm seeing it. I dont think anyone here would pay the $15 or whatever to see her putrid crotch shots, unless some depraved moid posts/lurks here, which we know one does, and it's Jake.
maybe he thought we'd say "oh wow what a looker she is after all, when she doesn't have any clothes on! the decaying snaggle tooth and bull dog underbite doesn't detract from her beauty at all when her flat chest and vag is out. lucky Jake!"
I feel sorry for her. she has like 0 self esteem and I can see the desperation written all over her jowly face and bony body. Jake likes that, easier to exploit her insecurities to get his dick sucked regularly. he's not lucky, he is pathetic.
speaking of tinfoils, the other thing is maybe kat wants to "get even" with some man in her life who didn't want her to be such a ho, like Dean or her dad. isn't her dad a Pastor or something? maybe that's why it's so worth it to show her puss for pocket change for her happy hour "DRINKS! SHOTS!" what a dreamy rebel. kek
No. 1789574
File: 1678968308688.jpg (101.24 KB, 1080x804, 418.jpg)

Anyone know what this "is now phasing her out with a new girl" is about?
No. 1789581
>>1789574the girl in the pic from March 3rd?
>>1781776next day
>>1782593wonder what's the source on this though,
No. 1789589
>>1789413God help the poor kid if these threads pop up kek.
>>1789433If Fake leaves soon the damage done ought to be minimal considering how young the kid is. Here's hoping anyway.
No. 1789656
File: 1678982004116.jpeg (114.25 KB, 1170x1345, 3F8798C0-B827-4100-84AF-36EA97…)

So k is still around. And about the only person interested in shooting his new music video.
No. 1789674
File: 1678984807771.png (344.5 KB, 2398x880, regurgitation.png)

At the end of it, I put where Skat regurgitated the same thing he said as she's clearly not articulate.
No. 1789683
File: 1678985491995.png (1.15 MB, 998x890, London Event.png)

Kaya and company of friends on their way back to London, UK for the Event.
While Jake locks himself away to become some super solo artist and Kat doing OF in their bedroom, bathroom, and studio until their next outting for an alcoholic date.
It does, however, raise eyebrows as to the why Jake suddenly has a very specific interest in finding a London based videographer when Ireland isn't incompetent! (My tinfoil is that he has burned bridges and no one here wants to work with him in Ireland so he has no choice but to branch out… despite the odds against him on internet search. kek He's fucked.)
No. 1789721
>>1789274this honest to god looks like a trans for trans couple. his proportions are just so small and stubby and hers are just so lanky and harsh. not saying all masculine women look trans, but the dichotomy here is giving either "midget and giantess," "t4t," or "mother and child," all of which are disgusting.
(sorry to anyone who saw me fuck up posting this 9 times)
No. 1789800
File: 1678997829066.png (184.71 KB, 492x893, lumpy stumpy chode.PNG)

No. 1789802
File: 1678997935888.png (331.72 KB, 904x461, oof.PNG)

No. 1789804
File: 1678998066601.png (83.91 KB, 250x207, live stream.PNG)

No. 1789805
File: 1678998167696.png (24.35 KB, 393x709, live chat.PNG)

Only 10$ donation with less than 100 watching.
No. 1789807
>>1789683I like that she isn't afraid to go without makeup. Seeing Kat constantly made up makes me think Fake requires it, or she feels so insecure she must be made up at all times. Quite sad really.
>>1789800Kek his temple tattoo looks like a moldy meatball.
No. 1789813
>>1778743 we can see she actually did advertise her OF content from her OF Insta on her main account.
'Little girl' girl running scared it seems.
No. 1789976
>>1789807I do remember kaya always traveling and being in his vlogs bare faced. I wonder if it's another aspect Jake found "disrespectful" "lazy" and "
abusive" in the relationship. while kat looks like she probably sleeps in makeup or waits until Jake goes to sleep to take it off then puts it on first thing in the morning.
No. 1789977
File: 1679018032106.png (17.22 KB, 596x549, a thing.png)

The full post. However, nonnas, nothing yet on the information regarding:
>He's phasing Kat out with a new girl that he's bringing on their date tonight.
No. 1789989
File: 1679019125796.png (12.9 KB, 620x522, Jake Munro-Goddard.PNG)

No. 1790016
File: 1679022387438.jpg (562.62 KB, 567x932, IMG_1625621715.jpg)

Waterford tattoo convention, circa 2015
No. 1790062
>>1790016ngl Kat looks pretty cute here. She looks genuinely happy and healthy. Such a far cry from the gaping maw and unfocused eyes in her weird OF photoshoots. Maybe the drug speculations have some merit.
>>1790028Tbh, could see Jake pulling a "one penis policy" kinda poly relationship with Kat. She seems like the type of woman who would be desperate to please and be bisexual for funsies. There's absolutely no way he'd allow his girlfriend to "disrespect him" by sleeping with another guy though. Not with how off the rails he went over Kaya just casually mentioning Willem Dafoe's dick. kek
No. 1790270
File: 1679069719671.jpg (67.49 KB, 1080x1594, 20230317_091340.jpg)

>>1790224James Booth and his girlfriend or wife, Samantha. They have kids together. James can be found in Jake's stream chat pretty often. Samantha is friends with Kat, so therefore James is Jake's "friend" by extension. Considering James isn't aesthetic and doesn't have followers for Jake to leech, he has never been posted or tagged in anything. His IG is private.
(don't post people who aren't cows or providing milk) No. 1790271
File: 1679069836595.jpg (169.82 KB, 1080x1296, Screenshot_20230317-091509_Fac…)

>>1790224Samantha is some normie that got a septum piercing a year ago and now fancies herself alt. Here's her with a very unflattering shot of Kat from their weird little Halloween party last year kek.
No. 1790291
File: 1679071716649.png (745.1 KB, 960x720, IMG_20171023688542.png)

Samantha M. (far left) & Kat Paine at the west cork hotel in 2017
No. 1790292
File: 1679071815839.png (685 KB, 1440x1430, IMG_201908104782.png)

Kat's friends, James Booth and Samantha(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1790369
File: 1679081261608.jpg (274.08 KB, 1080x1056, Screenshot_20230317-192512_Ins…)

Kaya getting cosy with one her tattoo artists he posted a story of them too. It's nice seeing her happy
No. 1790374
File: 1679081485780.jpg (228.7 KB, 1080x1934, Screenshot_20230317-192529_Ins…)

Posting this too cause she looks pretty and I want jake to see it
No. 1790398
File: 1679086510978.jpeg (124.9 KB, 750x1042, 8806A99D-45B0-49A6-9057-63685D…)

For anyone wondering, he did the sigils(?) on her heels
No. 1790615
>>1790369They make a nice looking couple.
And let’s face it, the bitch fit Fake would throw, simply because he’s tall would be hilarious.
Wouldn’t blame her if she was single for a good long while though, she’s been through the ringer and taking time to be by herself and build solid friendships after a decade long
abusive relationship is probably sensible for her.
No. 1790782
File: 1679173902467.png (124.12 KB, 505x894, what in the heck.PNG)

Is this guy watching his own motorbike clips??
No. 1790826
File: 1679179457698.jpeg (115.29 KB, 864x1539, glow up1.jpeg)

No. 1790828
File: 1679179489024.jpeg (114.45 KB, 864x1539, glow up2.jpeg)

No. 1790848
>>1790844We've never seen this side of her, she's living her life and having fun
Good for her!
No. 1791198
File: 1679212717936.png (365.67 KB, 515x846, monsterqueen.png)

Looks like she's friends with Chris again, wasn't some anon saying they had a big falling out? It's kinda funny to see Kaya living her best life, hosting events and surrounded by friends new and old. Meanwhile Jake has been radio silent now for days minus a story of him… watching his old motorbike rides?
>>1790782 No. 1791502
>>1791198I’m loving the irony: Stumpy tosses Kaya into the cold Belfast night without warning because “the fat bitch is lazy,
abusive and holding him back” (the Gospel According to Stump). 18 months later, Kaya is living like the rock star that Stump thought HE was poised to be, while he’s lost virtually all his money, clout, fans, career and reputation. Most ironic of all: If he’d just kept his narc mouth shut and not tried to blame Kaya for everything, she wouldn’t have aired their dirty laundry.
But a narc’s gonna narc - it’s in their genes. Hey, maybe it’s actually his Ma’s fault, huh?
No. 1791637
>>1789433Honestly, I hope Jake ignores the kid until he and Kat break up. The less he's involved the better because that's less of a chance for him to mess with that boy's mental health or self-worth.
Does Kat have primary custody or is her son with his dad more?
No. 1791753
File: 1679274457839.png (1.68 MB, 1522x832, 0000093434.png)

>>1791198Kaya has been posting a ton of stories out her out with friends, shopping and getting dinner at the Devil's Botany. Some dude even bought her a bracelet. kek
No. 1791868
>>1791597yup, he couldn’t resist hyping it up, paid for that hilarious avatar or whatever & hated it. it was one of many things he was totally going to do. forget how many videos he claimed would be put out weekly but feel like he already failed. must be busy with those ~goth~ songs lol.
he definitely has a gross crush on that one vtuber he’s shown in the tiktok react videos & probably thought he could either virtually hookup with her or collab.
No. 1791902
File: 1679295779025.png (631.04 KB, 508x914, mummies.png)

>>1791834>I'd be embarrassed if I were KatIf this is a bouquet he got her it looks like he's already skimping out on buying her the nicer bouquets already too. Gone are the days of receiving multiple bouquets of a dozen roses and trips overseas. Her man is too busy throwing thousands away on literal action figure toys and getting scammed online for his latest ego project. lmao
>>1791868He always ends up defaulting to the same old tired "goth reacts" to _____ memes because it's brainless and easy content to pump out with little to no effort. He has his last handful of dedicated snaccs do all the work for him and then sits and films maybe an hour of "content" before splitting it up into three different videos to drop every week. Tbh, he's kind of only prolonging the inevitable at any rate, sure he's making at least a little money off these react videos (1k a month at most) but he's still steadily bleeding subs and people are losing interest. Kaya's content isn't anything exciting either, but she at least seems to be getting out there and engaging in the lifestyle she's promoting, hosting events and networking a ton. I do hope she'll start using it to make real content soon though, even just vlogs would serve her channel well. People seem to genuinely love to see what she gets up to and her having a good time.
No. 1791912
>>1791902I was just going to reply that Kat isn't like the other girls you need to spend top dollar on, she is content with gas station bouquets of flowers and happy hour cocktails. drinks! shots! such a cool girlfriend.
I don't recall her receiving multiple dozens of roses from Jake ever. he prided himself on being her Rich Influencer Boyfriend, so where are those bougie $300 preserved boxes of roses that last for over a year? if she enjoys flowers so much, that'd be well worth it. but no, he is a cheapskate.
I've noticed he never spends money on things she would enjoy just for herself. the vacations, dining at Kaya's favorite restaurants, the cocktails, and hotel getaways are for his enjoyment, too. that's not a great sign that he's her True Love.
No. 1791926
File: 1679299256921.png (1.01 MB, 1011x820, lmaomybad.png)

>>1791912You know what? You are right, I went back through the old threads and these were the only bouquets I could turn up. I don't know why I had memories of him getting her nice looking dozens of roses, but this sad scraggly bouquet is all I could find. This is all she's received over the past year or so too it seems. Still the old love bombing days definitely seem over. Even their last anniversary was pretty sad in comparison to all the flashy trips and dinners to all of Kaya's old favorite places back when they first went public.
No. 1792062
File: 1679324308494.jpeg (743.7 KB, 3464x3464, 02C7EED1-930E-4305-8DCF-146462…)

All comments on her OF. Her comments basically just consist of Meg and Lady as well as her responding. $20 is nothing to me, but wow this was boring as fuck. I hope their drinks were better
No. 1792115
File: 1679332067261.png (216.09 KB, 501x894, jake looking like dean.PNG)

I can't unsee how he's looking like Kat's ex-husband/separated spouse, Dean (at least in this picture)
No. 1792119
File: 1679332324294.png (117.44 KB, 496x897, jake seething.PNG)

No. 1792168
File: 1679336527424.jpg (Spoiler Image,77.76 KB, 1080x677, Screenshot_20230320-112017_Chr…)

It looks like she's wiping her ass after having a shit.
No. 1792309
File: 1679353328660.png (149.94 KB, 655x878, sid_.png)

>>1792062I am convinced there is not one more person involved in this whole situation that is more pathetic than lady allura. She seriously seems to spend all her free time and money simping for these two losers, it's a little absurd.
>>1792119He's kind of sort of cute minus the absolutely retarded eyebrows. I get that he's going for an elf look what with the ear surgery and all that, but it does him absolutely no favors. Still, he's got a nice jawline and an actual neck (+ decent tattoos?) which is an obvious step up from Jake. kek
>>1792168LMAO. Entirely new version and angle for the classic "I'm pooping" pose. She genuinely looks deformed here, like her ass just melts right into her backroll and hanging titty?
No. 1792314
File: 1679353944835.jpg (38.9 KB, 508x674, IMG_20230321_021224.jpg)

>>1792309Men really shouldn't be allowed to style themselves.
No. 1792324
File: 1679355889646.jpeg (153.49 KB, 1168x1186, 883927DC-8981-434F-ACED-776968…)

Off topic
Omg! He has a neck, he seems to be a nice person, he aslo seems to have better posture than Fake !!!!his tattoos are already 10 times batter than Fakes already fading monstrosity on his neck !
Maybe I’m just being a fan girl, I hope he and kaya grow together!!!
No. 1792326
File: 1679355991272.jpeg (353.01 KB, 1169x1467, 2B55AEC5-DEA5-4646-829F-E6CDE4…)

>>1792324And he’s taller than Kaya, lol, jake will
Be pissed
No. 1792332
File: 1679356362523.png (106.61 KB, 427x766, lamiann.png)

>>1792324I hope Kaya teaches him how to do his brows. Really seems like she's got a great group of friends out in London now though. Curious to see what's in her future.
No. 1792342
File: 1679357363734.png (284.84 KB, 1021x722, 00345634.png)

>>1792335H's literally the tallest one in
>>1792332 and there's a photo + clip of his very male, no top surgery scars having chest. He does look kind of TIFy at times but he looks a lot more masculine in other photos where he is in less makeup.
No. 1792347
File: 1679357718484.png (414.35 KB, 1170x2532, 69F4EADA-FD25-47AC-9D44-9DA5F4…)

>>1792342I think I like this picture the best I honestly think he looks like a bit feminine is because of his makeup , regardless, he’s has a jawline and extremely chiseled features.gorgeous man
(sage your shit) No. 1792386
nonnie, sometimes I think semi femme goth men can be cute too if they could pass as a goth butch, but the reality is their maleness will be too obvious in person offline which will ultimately be off-putting and unattractive. I definitely read him as a TIF at first glance too before peeking at his instagram. I also get kind of gay vibes off him as he seems a bit flamboyant and seems to hang around that kind of scene, but he might just be bisexual? Either way, it's kind of cute that he bought a surprise bracelet for Kaya, I do wonder if he was who she was making out with at the party.
No. 1792388
File: 1679362861063.jpg (48.25 KB, 500x400, jareth.jpg)

>>1792309I feel like he's trying to do David Bowie's eyebrows from Labyrinth, but it looks off.
No. 1792401
>>1792388IMO he looks more like Daniel Ash.
Also idk if i just have brain worms but he looks ftm
No. 1792419
>>1792326>taller >is wearing platforms in picture the classic manlet cope, goth edition.
>>1792324 i hate his tats - particularly the belly one. it makes it look like he has stretchmarks. other than that, he seems okay for a guy but nothing worth creaming yourself over kek.
No. 1792422
File: 1679367239228.jpg (75.87 KB, 759x463, sid.jpg)

So I can't dispel the "ftm" thing entirely, but looking at his oldest tagged photos it seems he's likely only in his very early 20s as multiple people in the group photo have their ages listed 21-22 as of rn. Both of these photos are from 2018, so roughly about five years ago. My best guess is that he's also 22 as these appear to be his school friends? So unless he got keyhole top surgery at 17, I just think this is a younger still somewhat babyfaced man.
No. 1792475
File: 1679374365486.png (211.21 KB, 674x856, 2018.png)

>>1792466It's been like 5 years and he was a senior in HS back then most likely. Judging by other tagged posts, he was already wearing new rocks around this time in 2018, but definitely seemed to dress in a much more casual way. It looks like he's also a regular attendee at slimelight for quite a while now and I believe their age limit is 18+, so it's likely there where he cultivated his much more alternative look over the years. He works as a piercer now too which probably makes it a lot easier to dress however he likes. Anyway, this is pretty much all the information available on his IG so there probably isn't much more milk to it unless Kaya brings him up again in the future. kek
No. 1792654
File: 1679416152525.png (18.8 KB, 590x860, hmm.png)

No. 1792666
File: 1679416788862.png (592.35 KB, 501x895, fake got fat.PNG)

Aside from the retarded filter, he is becoming more and more like this thread pic.
Idk if his objective was to distract from the fact he has gained weight or what but it's obvious he as.
No. 1792669
File: 1679417093122.png (582.38 KB, 502x894, fake got fat 1.PNG)

No. 1792671
File: 1679417136255.png (266.29 KB, 503x893, jake got fat 2.PNG)

No. 1792685
File: 1679418184623.png (551.95 KB, 495x890, hotel.PNG)

31 minute drive from Belfast
No. 1792695
File: 1679419089916.png (51.3 KB, 495x897, o.O.PNG)

No. 1792696
File: 1679419149244.png (100.24 KB, 498x890, and i oop.PNG)

No. 1792702
>>1790270>>1790292Both of these nonnas saged their posts, and James and Samantha are relevant to the cows of Kate Paine Mclaughlin and Jake Elijah Munro-Goddard. (They were even featured in pictures with these cows.)
Sid, also, isn't providing milk yet others are freely dicussing him as if he is.
No. 1792745
>>1792551People discussing if someone is a TIF because there is NO FUCKING MILK is not "a sickness".
>cis people Bitch what? you're in the wrong fucking place for this retardation
No. 1792771
>>1792732Samefag; You're correct nonna, apologies for that! My mobile device autocorrected me.
His middle name is
No. 1792846
File: 1679435381210.png (691 KB, 501x897, rip no ass.PNG)

I can't unsee this now
>>1792168 No. 1792873
>>1792671kat and her makeup in the pool. more drinks! shots!
really though, her under eyes look so much more baggy and old because of how much makeup she wears and she's aging horribly because of all the booze. that's not "putting in effort." taking care of yourself is "effort." vapid bitch.
and Jake looks like a bloated neckless drunk. where's the effort on his end? pissing away money on hotels and liquor? what a provider.
No. 1793085
>>1792654his wording seems misleading (or maybe it’s just me) but the song has top plays FOR HIM, it’s certainly not beating actual musicians.
>>1792696love this, girl just wants to have fun & ppl wanting her to hookup or date can go write fanfic or something. she has mentioned before she isn’t looking & if she did happen to be with someone she’d probably be more private about it.
No. 1793105
>>1792883It really looks like he's got a total 1 inch of neck. He could have gotten tattoos around his shoulders/collarbones to create an illusion of a longer neck, instead he made himself look like a turtle.
>>1792745careful mentioning how dry it's been, sends the newfags into a complete spergnado.
No. 1793405
>>1792071Probably for the best. A Japanese Vtuber got bullied off twitch for publically saying she was thinking about playing the game.
Honestly, as much as Kaya loved Harry Potter before, maybe she's echo-chambering now to prevent people from attacking her.
If you want details, look up Pikamee
No. 1793410
>>1793236this was posted on her instagram and not his. seems like she is the one who wanted to share the pic so the followers can be like, "what a gorgeous bathing suit!" - lady allura. "you're such a beautiful boss babe!" - Megg.
I'm sorry but I just don't see the "trophy wife" thing, I see Attention Whore. and Jake can't afford a trophy. he won't even buy her anything but booze and cheap flowers. at least Kaya got any Hufflepuff crap and Kawaii accessory her heart desired when they went on trips, and she didn't even have to take off her clothes or put out lol. I think Kat's appeal is that she acts like she is unconditionally horny.
No. 1793412
>>1793085>>1793135The whole tinfoiling started because she was quite obviously making out with someone at the party and then the following day he was buying her a bracelet despite having just met. I 100% agree though that it spiraled, but the "he has to be a TIF"! anon just wouldn't let it go despite contrary evidence. It's very possible he might have been who she was making out with, but unless we see him making a return in the future, it's not that milky of a "what if" just yet. Either way it's nice seeing her having a good time and being surrounded by men much more attractive than no neck jake.
>>1793236Everything this
>>1793377 anon is saying is accurate. He reduced her to his new "pussy" right in the beginning of publicizing their relationship, back when Kat was still very much married too. I feel like this also shows still to this day with how he shows her off or only likes her photos of herself on her tattooing page, never any of the actual work she's done.
>>1793410It's definitely less "trophy wife" and more so trophy sex toy if anything. He wants people to see that he's got access to a supposed tall and skinny "model" again. The irony of it all is that Kat appears to be rapidly losing her looks or something while Kaya is finally regaining hers. Apparently being around Jake drains your lifeforce or something. kek
No. 1793439
File: 1679524161606.jpg (278.86 KB, 1080x1860, Screenshot_20230322-152425_Ins…)

I'd love to see Jake be bold enough to do something like this but he doesn't have the balls.
No. 1793606
File: 1679549055221.png (117.23 KB, 496x897, spain.PNG)

I feel she's now back in Barcelona, Spain.
On a side note it's interesting how Jake was wanting to finish his tattoo in Spain, yet he spoiled himself and his "pussy" at a hotel.
No. 1793614
File: 1679550884276.png (696.03 KB, 958x656, beforeandafter.png)

Jake has been so quiet on social media lately outside of the few drinking with Kat stories on IG lately. Noticed this though, the before and after of how many likes he gets on his IG posts from the tail-end of his relationship with Kaya and now. Must hurt. kek
No. 1793615
File: 1679550995547.png (869.82 KB, 912x634, london.png)

I'm sorry for posting more tinfoil fodder, but hmm at this seating arrangement.
No. 1793688
File: 1679569182779.jpg (81.13 KB, 699x1181, 9357565.JPG)

>>1793687don't believe it personally, but eh.
No. 1793696
>>1793615tinfoil: she's in a polycule with the lion, goth miley cyrus and the elf boy
(y'think Jake is zooming into all these photos and seething because I think he probably is)
No. 1793697
>>1793687She makes a few k a month on Patreon, and the London trip she was the guest host or whatever so they paid for her appearance. And trips with friends where they share rooms as she said, saves a lot of money. Flights between uk and europe are pretty cheap.
The Las Vegas trip was likely expensive but Barcelona/London trips are reasonable for someone living in the UK.
No. 1793713
>>1793688Lol she forgot to mention the patreon she's been coasting off of for months, loaded with empty promises for content and merch. Judging by how often she plugs her Patreon, I'd say she's running out of money. Must be expensive to barely work and go out partying/drinking every weekend with her gal pals, Kaya needs her patrons to live her best life you know.
Que flood of Kaya ass-kissers with screen shots of her IG stories showing the empty promises to work for real this time.
No. 1793746
>>1793713At the very least
nonny she's not spunking literal thousands of pounds up the wall on Vtubing equipment only to get swindled out of even more Brexit bucks by a literal Nigerian scammer and then?? Just have nothing at all to show for it?? Like yeah she's not exactly turning out regular daily content and yeah she's having a moan and dragging her feet, I get that's annoying but she's not actively burning a huge pile of Patreon money in an empty room with nothing to show for it like Jake, she's at least having a good fucking time with the money she has instead of sinking it into yet another failed,shallow and thus far invisible venture. She's out there working gigs which is more than we can say for Mr One Man Band. If we're talking broken promises here Jake is the king of the castle
No. 1793793
File: 1679586827396.png (687.62 KB, 864x1533, Tattoos! are the new Shots!.pn…)

>>1793746Lol Kaya's totally having a great time burning through Patreon money. She gets tattoos more often than Jake and Kat go drinking.
No. 1793803
File: 1679588148473.png (382.48 KB, 864x1534, wow.png)

>>1790828This is actually gross lol this thread is full of Kaya stans if getting this shit faced while your supposed to be a paid host at an event is "goals" and "living life to the fullest". And she had a full wardrobe malfunction while on the job, too. For someone who hates being asked to do onlyfans she sure seems ok with baring herself for money. This is just trashy, imo.
No. 1793818
File: 1679590105017.png (103.35 KB, 864x1143, White Girl Wasted.png)

No. 1793850
>>1793760>it's honestly disrespectful to Kaya at this point to keep comparing her life to Jake'sRight, because we are all so concerned about being respectful here.
>You're actively admitting the only thing actually interesting about her is her nearly two year old relationship drama everytime you line the two up and see who's the bigger cowThe relationship drama is the only really interesting thing about either of them to me. And probably to a lot of people, considering Jake's "breaking the silence" video got nearly 200k views while his other shit is lucky to get 10-20k. They were creating content together and publicizing their relationship for nearly a decade. As long as they are "influencers", they never WON'T be synonymous, at least to a degree.
No. 1793876
File: 1679594870079.png (231.8 KB, 864x1920, Sure, Jan.png)

>>1793850MAG only went on for a few years, and besides being a side character in some of his vlogs, she barely shows up on his channel and he barely shows up on hers. Their content split in 2017 when MAG died. More than half of their public relationship was spent actively not being in each other's content. But here's relationship drama for you, as soon as nonnies stop licking her asshole she does damage control and tries to remind people how pitiful her life is while she's literally walking around sunny Barcelona on vacation #3 for this year. She posted loads of whiney stories last year to keep her Patreon numbers up, there's no way she only now just got an IG stories memory notification reminding her she lived in Jake's gaming studio. But sure, keep reminding people that at some point in your life you broke up with someone who was sick of your shit and stayed in his studio instead of with her mom or friends who definitely had space.
No. 1793888
File: 1679595797190.jpg (139.04 KB, 1080x915, Retard.jpg)

>>1793876>besides being a side character in some of his vlogs, she barely shows up on his channel and he barely shows up on hersHis third most popular video features Kaya as his girlfriend. He wouldn't be doing "goth reacts" at all if it weren't for her. But sure, Jan.
If he wants to stop associating with her, he should remove all content that involves her from his channel.
No. 1793911
>>1793713I read this post in Jake's voice, somethin' about it y'know. Always obsessed with how much "work" Kaya is doing while doing barely anything himself
>>1793803I can hear your seething from here, are we supposed to be angry a girl's top broke while she was on a night out? I really hope this is Jake because the ironing would be delicious judging her for "baring all" when your partner is literally baring it all for 3 likes on Onlyfans
No. 1794011
>>1793696>tinfoil: she's in a polycule with the lion, goth miley cyrus and the elf boyKEK
>>1793828Tbh how I feel about it too. She's on the cusp of being 30 and has spent her entire youth under Jake's fun-sucking thumb. As long as she's safe with her friends I don't find her behavior too offensive or alarming, she's definitely a bit stunted and going wild for the first time in her adult life. I imagine she'll burn through this phase in due time too.
>>1793884Kek. I wonder how long they've managed to keep a low profile and blend in lately before letting one of their old catchphrases slip.
No. 1794031
>>1793965The only butthurt I see is the whining about how “but Kaya’s not doing anything!”, “Kaya’s grifting Patreon money!”, “Kaya’s actually getting tipsy at an event she’s hosting - at a night club! Wah!” What you’re not getting is that most of us aren’t particularly invested in Kaya - most of us just REALLY dislike the
toxic little stumpy troll Jake-thing and are enjoying seeing him fade into obscurity with his hag-faced whore. See ya!
No. 1794044
>>1794031Why do you speak as if this thread is a hivemind? Not the first time you're referring to "us farmers". It's really weird.
So has Kaya graduated from cow status then? If she's above all criticism should she be in the thread?
No. 1794077
>>1794061I meant the first time
>>1783582. I didn't disagree with you nor say anything about Jake. No-one is gonna take him away, no need to be so over protective over this thread.
No. 1794110
>>1794027He had a lot of money saved up, but I would say it's become fairly obvious those funds are quickly getting drained by the contrast between their early vacations and more recent vacations. They used to spend days away at fancy restaurants and expensive getaways. Now they get a quick overnight in one of the cheaper rooms and a few drinks.
>>1794031>>1794044>>1794061>>1794077Can you two stop derailing/infighting?
No. 1794145
File: 1679625789262.png (286.81 KB, 988x890, again.png)

I'm starting to think she applies the makeup knowing she's about to take the staged pictures
No. 1794228
>>1794148Did someone cheat on you with a pole dancer? You sound so irrationally salty on pole dance,
(infighting) No. 1794342
>>1794302Kaya has actually been active posting and going on adventures daily over the last year, I swear this anon!!! sounds too much like a certain person who won't stop going on about how "lazy" she is when she was just depressed to be living with a miserable, aggressive man (as explained at great length in her video about it)
She's clearly a different person now but you just won't let go kek
No. 1794419
>>1794416Got any better insults?Jesus
These are lame,go narc rage somewhere else you taint stain
(infighting) No. 1794456
File: 1679678456738.gif (1.68 MB, 320x179, Eating-Popcorn-Soda.gif)

This is so fucking grand kek
No. 1794547
File: 1679687798530.png (537.61 KB, 828x1792, 24019087-F13A-4C60-81C0-634919…)

Sorry if this is a nitpick but isn’t this shrek? Not Disney? I understand the source is from Disney (snow white) but this particular imagery js shrek? (Dreamworks) Kat is so retarded
No. 1794548
File: 1679688013892.png (4.65 KB, 877x228, thedescent.png)

Jake has been awfully quiet lately on all his socials. Only three posts on twitter in the past two weeks, instagram is quiet minus the handful of photos from his and Kat's getaway that one night. No new YT video in 10 days. I wonder what's been going on? Usually he's making grandiose promises and plans even when he isn't releasing content, but he hasn't been giving updates or interacting with anyone hardly at all lately.
I get the criticism on how slowly Kaya turns out new content, but she does at the very least keep all her socials regularly updated, does regular Q&As with fans, etc. when she isn't which helps her retain her subs and followers. Jake's still bleeding subs like a stuck pig and seems to be doing very little about it. He should be dipping under 430k sometime next month.
No. 1794551
>>1794547Use google
nonnie before you post. That's the magic mirror from snow white. The one from shrek looks like Conan O'Brien.
No. 1794601
>>1794548yup, if he spent half as much time actually making things as he does talking about them and how much they are going to be stellar content, there would at least be something to discuss.
instead we have yet another failure to make good on the words he puts out there to hype up whatever delusional snaccs are still lapping up his verbal spew. he seemed pretty confident he could churn out four ~goth~ songs but we get zero update on how they're going. where's the next riveting installment of him boredly reading interview with the vampire? onlyfans content? patreon update?
the pad is seething cos he expects the most for the least effort and not only is it taking away the money he probably thought would just keep rolling in for however long, but its taking the attention he believes he deserves and will never get it's his own actions
No. 1794693
>>1794610Me too, nona. I don't even particularly like Kaya and I haven't watched a second of her content in my life, I just hate
abusive scrotes and want to see them shat on.
No. 1794706
>>1794302Kaya SHOULD be going out to drink way more, she is single without a small child at home. Jake and Kat posting their binge drinking holidays and semi nudes to promote Kat's OnlyFail account is milk because he is losing support and money by the day, and they have a child to care for.
I guess that's the beauty of co-parenting… lots of free time to frolic drunkenly with your new "daddy" while your little one lives the rest of his days out of a back pack.
No. 1794852
>>1794359Not only sympathizing with Jake, the most permanently owned Goth on the internet but also sympathizing with landlords using cut throat letting practices, disgusting
nonny. Seek help, you sound like a pink faced baby boomer.
No. 1794858
>>>/snow/1425064Jake's also had history of fantasizing about being a landlord kek he doesn't even realise how painfully obvious his telltale signs are. 1. Calling Kaya a lazy cow 2. Language that distances himself ("You people here"/"You farmers") 3. Misplaced sense of intelligence over others and unecessary namecalling out of nowhere 4. Sneaky propaganda "They BOTH suck, but Kaya is way worse" 5. Who the fuck else would care so much about landlords kek
You're a fucking loser Jake, and smoothbrained too. We dont give a fuck about Kaya we just want to see your shitty personality get the shitty ending you deserve
No. 1795003
>>1793713>>1793746Both of these tbh
If she truly is coasting with nothing but patreon though, I hope she doesn't fall back on her whiny lazy cow behaviours, cos she might burn through the money faster than it's coming. She could become a travel blogger or something, and fund a travelling partying lifestyle by making content out of it. Kind of like how IBF used to do.
No. 1795007
>>1795003She seems to make a great deal as a tik tok creator too. I don't know why people get so obsessed with exactly how often she updates her YT channel - she's incredibly active on other platforms as an influencer and gains income through their creator programs. I do like the travel idea though, really something she should consider.
>>1794610That's why she's started to grow on me - I'm happy to root for a woman living her best life after an
abusive relationship, especially at the detriment of said scrote.
No. 1795089
>>1794601He finally made a new post to twitter again today, but it's just another "this munro song has this many plays!" which seems to be the only thing he's bothered to post about in weeks now. You would think if he was currently working on anything, he'd at the very least be giving little updates on how things are going like he usually does. The radio silence is definitely a little curious. Maybe he'll come back and blame it on his "seasonal depression" coming back like he did the last time. kek
>>1794706It's also kind of milky considering Jake is the reason Kat cheated on the husband and father of her child. The very foundation of their relationship started with Jake being the "other man" to a very married woman with a child. Of course people are going to be forever critical of that relationship.
>>1795003>>1795007I think she does have a little bit of a false sense of security because she's making a decent amount of money off patreon for doing so little, plus her sponsors and other possible social media incomes. I definitely agree that she should do travel vlogs at the very least, she always goes and sees all kinds of interesting things when she travels. I know it's not always fun to have to film during these moments, but even if she filmed just minutes of each location or place, she could very easily put together a half an hour vlog for her travels. I'm not a Kaya fan per se, but it would be nice to continue seeing her flourish now that she's away from Jake and make something of her channel.
No. 1795335
>>>/snow/1795089His own mother left him for another man, so either the irony is lost on him that he's become the very thing he hates, or he's actually doing this intentionally as a form of personal retribution
Or maybe I'm giving him too much credit and he simply couldn't think past his lil dick
No. 1795343
>>1795335I find it wild that Kat is like his mother… one day started exercising by doing pole-dance stripper strength training, became drunkorexic and smokes instead of eats, and got all skinny and waifish after having a baby. cheats on her husband… with Jake, someone with obvious mommy issues who even wrote a song about matricide. he's come around full circle. but he really thinks they are props to make him look wholesome and not creepy at all.
I honestly expected Jake to sleep around with barely legal snaccs and enjoy his freedom after being tied down to an unhappy 12 year long relationship. wasn't he supposed to travel the world with his band? but he just couldn't be alone! vaguely alt middle aged moms welcome! I totally didnt expect that. I thought maybe he and Jude would fool around since he's all secretly into DDLG and she may be disgusting but actually has a body like T&A (which later Jake said he hates boobs and only like ass. that's very sweet of him to only have eyes for Kat's titless boyish body).
but he fell in love with this mature woman and is raising her son she had with her ex. lol. he's a total cuck. gotta love it.
No. 1795348
>>1795343Pretty sure he and Jude did fool around at one point. She made some weird comment about staying at his place in a stream chat once and was in that shitty timmy trumpets cover he did. The filming took place when she was in between "daddies" and Jake wasn't official with Kat yet, so it's definitely possible.
It does seems his mommy issues trumped all, kek. That and when the news broke that he cheated with "Kat Paine of Hidden Hand Tattoos" I think he felt he needed to double down and prove it was "true love", just to show all the "haterz!" wrong. Tbh remembering his massive mommy issues definitely makes those "mommy, tummy ouchie" memes some nonna made a little bit funnier.
No. 1795478
File: 1679843431626.png (444.18 KB, 498x891, tattoo1.PNG)

She did it again.
No. 1795479
File: 1679843499287.png (1.38 MB, 1123x1123, Black Sheep Tattoo.png)

What I feel she copied it from.
No. 1795483
File: 1679843665048.png (585.9 KB, 947x743, source.png)

And here is the source of the image, dated 2021.
No. 1795493
File: 1679844122309.png (149.33 KB, 500x897, hers, finished.PNG)

No. 1795631
File: 1679856553341.png (7.37 KB, 593x157, wee lamb sick.PNG)

No. 1795678
>>1795479>>1795493It definitely looks somewhat inspired by it, but at the very least she didn't outright trace someone else's art for once. She sure did muddy up the color palette though? The bottle itself looks okay, but the muted dark purple banner against the overly saturated vivid teal and yellow looks terrible. The out of place "pearls" on the bottom of the bottle look odd too, like why did she outline them so much thicker than the rest of the bottle? Why is there a hard edge going through the light reflection on the bottle? Why does her "glitter" effect look so dirty? She's usually pretty decent with her use of colors, but this is a mess. Her work always seems pretty okay at first glance and gets more fucked up the longer you look at it.
>>1795631>hasn't done shit in literal weeks now>oh uh, I was totally sick with a cough that uh…>could threaten to take my voice!!!What's stopping him from teasing new video topics and music samples in the meantime? He was fine just five days ago when he was binge drinking with Kat on their overnight getaway. kek
No. 1795870
>>1795631so he's got nothing saved up for these regular occasions of something happening? can't do/post something that doesn't require use of his voice? how about some of that ~artwork~ that is allegedly being made to go along with the music that he claimed he's to make now that he's not being held back?
also how gross is this household where he is always getting sick, he's becoming the alt shay lol.
No. 1795896
>>1795839Seems like a bit of a reach tbh. Is it a fancy looking piss bottle with ugly pearls on the bottom and a banner? Sure is. But it's different enough that no one is actually going to go after her for plagiarism. Her tracing disney coloring sheets and other artwork almost to a T was definitely more damning and she still hasn't seen any repercussions from that either. Really goes to show you the kind of place "Meraki Tattoo Belfast" is though.
>>1795870It's kind of funny because he's pulling out all of Kaya's old excuses. "my depression" "I'm sooo sick" etc. but it's only okay when he does it of course. kek
No. 1795931
>>1795870alcohol destroys your immune system.
he's going to get cirrhosis one day.
No. 1795999
File: 1679903679821.jpg (69.45 KB, 1080x981, Screenshot_20230327-085159_Gal…)

>>1795483This is a really common design that gets used as a flash tattoo constantly it's a Harry Potter potion bottle.
Here one I found in 2 second Google search.
>>1795565 tbf both her tattooed one and the 'original' posted one both have spelt it incorrectly
No. 1796064
File: 1679915816484.png (60.81 KB, 864x454, Tattoo.png)

>>1795999All of you are wrong. It's a person's name.
No. 1796098
File: 1679919971569.png (170.45 KB, 496x894, hmmm.PNG)

No. 1796100
File: 1679920133008.png (82.98 KB, 501x897, kek.PNG)

It still sounds like garbage, even if you're incredibly late by saying it was created 'five years ago.'
No. 1797159
File: 1680020331207.jpeg (227.48 KB, 1170x2063, D503B1C3-94C4-4973-96A4-E2F782…)

No. 1797535
File: 1680043723813.jpg (75.79 KB, 1080x569, Screenshot_20230328-154420_Ins…)

Here's who ruined Kaya's lipstick.
No. 1797542
File: 1680044003735.jpg (213.42 KB, 1080x1849, Screenshot_20230328-154520_Ins…)

Although not explicitly stated, seems heavily implied.
No. 1797658
File: 1680051431767.jpeg (125.71 KB, 1284x2006, 6642C840-0C92-4334-AA38-FE29B2…)

Could just be friendly banter but this is the other chicks story over on insta
No. 1797709
>>1797658I hate that I want this to be real, kek. Kaya getting a hotter girlfriend than Jake would just be way too funny.
>>1797703There's no way one of those little plastic syringes would cause that much smearing. Something definitely rubbed her lipstick off. Even the foundation around her mouth, nose, and chin looks a bit rubbed off. I do wonder if her and Chris are just messing with people to throw the tinfoilers off the scent of elfboy though or something similar. If only there were pictures of Chris from later on into the party to confirm.
No. 1797759
>>1795478>felix fultonok, so obvious rip-off from the J.K. Rowling concept. When is she getting dog-piled and canceled for supporting a
No. 1797978
File: 1680075168279.jpg (116.11 KB, 1080x760, Screenshot_20230329-003143_You…)

>>1797901Not only that, he has a whole vlog in drag like a fucking faggot. Queer baiting troon.
No. 1798671
File: 1680154115670.png (150.84 KB, 1008x909, toxictears.png)

Kaya just got back from Spain, she did a Q&A every day that she was there and said that she has a travel vlog in the works for Las Vegas, London, and Barcelona. I guess we'll see if she ever gets around to it? I have to say though, her positive attitude has been pretty refreshing at least, especially in comparison to Jake's constant negativity. Now if only she'd make some solid content. kek
>>1795631>>1795678He announced he was feeling better already, but besides that there is still no new video, no real social media updates? Did I miss anything? It's already the end of March. I'm assuming he's abandoned his vtuber dreams already.
No. 1799028
>>1798716She was streaming pretty regularly recently, but this past month she's been traveling almost non-stop so I imagine it would be very difficult to do. Not sure what her plans are for streaming in the future, but she did say she was going to have some vlogs in the works and posted a photo of her editing another spooky box unboxing video? We'll see if she ever actually gets around to posting any of the vlogs though, she seems to struggle editing those the most and has admitted doing the unboxing videos are "easy".
>>1798800Not to sound like a WK, but have you watched her streams? I recall her reading out even the one dollar donations and acting really gushy and grateful like she usually does. Maybe it is all an act for money, but she tends to get really rambly and sentimental over every little thing.
No. 1799458
>>1798800She did a casual stream the day before she left for London, and just chatted. She did say she plans to steam again soon once she's done travelling.
>>1799028She does read the $1 chats and she also frequently just reads/comments to the chat in general. The only time she doesn't keep up with the regular chat is when she's playing a game and she doesn't have a chance to stop and read everything.
Also, most of her streams have just been spur of the moment or not super planned in advance things and I recall on more then one occasion Jake doing a spontaneous stream right when she'd announced she'd be streaming that day. Let's not pretend for a minute that this isn't a level of Creep he would absolutely stoop to.
No. 1799815
File: 1680287469245.jpeg (359.46 KB, 1170x2078, 8CF6A0C8-0375-4C28-B555-9DCE2E…)

Kaya is at Deans studio.
Seems like they are still on friendly terms.
Bet Fake LOVES that.
No. 1799823
File: 1680288379447.jpeg (177.54 KB, 1170x2026, FD4231AC-9340-4A18-B03A-F9020B…)

>>1799818So she is! That isn’t a clever move. Not if she’s hard up for money.
No. 1799833
File: 1680289376903.png (48.69 KB, 756x1170, MQ GRWM Transcript.png)

>>1799823She said she was, and she's already been e-begging on YouTube about it
No. 1799999
>>1799024While everyone's going on about Kaya's money situation, is anyone gonna mention near the start of the video how she found out "just how shitty human beings can be" the last day of her Vegas trip? Really makes you wonder what Jake did cause her reluctance to mention who makes me think it was him.
>>1799859A Ryanair flight from Belfast to London is like $65 and she clearly stays with friends. This feels nitpicky.
No. 1800098
File: 1680311847583.png (376.19 KB, 864x1249, Missing Grant.png)

Forgive me if this has been noted already, but has anyone noticed Kaya and Grant don't follow each other anymore? His two active Instagram profiles don't follow her and she doesn't follow him. Also, this was the only post i could find with him in it, and it's just his arm. I remember she had a bunch of posts with him, but now there is more Jake on her timeline than Grant, kek. I wonder if he's the awful human being she was alluding to?
No. 1800262
>>1799999I also don't think it's Jake related, but someone else. I'm kind of curious if it was something about people back at home or on the trip with her however. Also, just how bad is this supposed thing for her to be as upset as she was. It was pretty strange how deeply it bothered her.
>>1800098Good catch
nonnie. Kaya did seem pretty stressed out when the whole thing went down and Grant was trying to show up at Jake's place looking for his cheating wife. I feel like if Grant did do anything crazy we would have heard about it from Jake however. Could be possible Grant backstabbed Kaya after the fact though? Or maybe he was involved in the Kaya shit-talk back before his wife started fucking Jake? Lots of possibilities.
No. 1800265
File: 1680317752235.png (128.42 KB, 589x809, transalliemunro.png)

Jake's socials are still silent per the usual this past month. He did like this post today though. kek
No. 1800270
>>1800265That's one of his merch artists he follows, so it's not a random like.
>>1800262It is very strange, what could possibly make someone catatonic with stress for over a month? People normally can't afford the luxury of being upset and also not working for weeks on end, it's insane she still has patrons.
But Grant is her gay friend she toodled around with before/after the breakup. You're thinking of Dean,
nonnie, Kat's ex.
No. 1800280
File: 1680320853819.png (33.13 KB, 864x612, Grant's Insta.png)

>>1800274It was hard to find, i had to go through their mutual dwarf friend's followers. Looks like these are his active profiles now.
No. 1800281
File: 1680321054729.png (493 KB, 732x527, missingposts.png)

>>1800274Here's a couple of the posts that were taken down by Kaya featuring Grant. The links provided are dead. Can't seem to find anything on what he possibly did, but it seems likely to have been him as they have been close for some time.
No. 1800282
File: 1680321117924.png (21.93 KB, 757x444, grant.png)

>>1800280Thanks nonnita! His personal account is set to private which is odd given how open he used to be. Nothing interesting on his tattoo account.
No. 1800342
>>1800281The one who posted Kat's awful onlyfans content had a G as their first initial, but that happened after the Vegas trip so I don't think that was why. Tho it's possible Jake did something shitty at the end of that trip (since he tends to do stuff like that) and maybe a separate issue happened with Grant and we are conflating them incorrectly.
I think Kaya had a crush on him for a few months which she alluded to a couple of times, but no clues as to what may have caused this friendship breakup
No. 1800374
File: 1680345836220.png (593.92 KB, 864x603, kek.png)

>>1800328She's just uploaded one video, but it's only her fourth video this year. And it isn't doing very well, guess she's lost the algorithm. At a rate of one video a month, she's definitely not supporting all of these expenses she has been burning money on with her AdSense. Thanks, Patrons, kek.
No. 1800410
File: 1680349790203.jpg (158.82 KB, 1600x900, fakeartist.jpg)

Skat's latest traced work. Someone tell this dumb bitch that adding line art over a picture isn't drawing. I'd love to see her try to draw something without a tablet or tracing, with paper and ink. I need to see exactly how shit of an artist she is, kek. This wouldn't fly in most art communities, weird how she gets away with it in the tattooing industry.
No. 1800416
File: 1680350209465.jpg (231.59 KB, 1080x1787, marksart.jpg)

>>1800410Note how Mark uses multiple references to create the original design. She should take some lessons from Mark on how to design a tattoo. May I suggest… some private lessons? KEK. Now THERE would he a career and life advancement for you, Skat. He works in your industry, has a more stable and mature career, owns a shop, already has kids and has shown to be a good father figure (unlike ol' 'punch to punish' Jake), AND he's hotter in every way. Do what you do best, opportunistic whore. You know it would be an upgrade.
No. 1800599
File: 1680378859343.jpg (168.44 KB, 1080x1385, wtf.jpg)

Nitpick but her hair looks genuinely retarded like this.
No. 1800660
File: 1680385947395.png (346.95 KB, 720x1640, Screenshot_20230401-225150.png)

No. 1800783
File: 1680402526822.png (580.74 KB, 864x1920, Drag Queen.png)

Kaya doesn't look like a goth girl tonight, she looks like a drag queen, kek. Plus, she's the most basic person tagged in the event Instagram stories, everyone else is dressed in their freak best. I doubt anyone is giving her a second look.
No. 1800933
File: 1680429384343.png (62.09 KB, 864x946, Lazy.png)

Last time Kaya had a job it was Lush for barely a week and she quit because retail is hard, i think she would much rather e-beg. I bet she deletes this comment, last thing she wants is people telling her to get a job again because "being a YouTuber is a real job!" Not the way she does it, kek
No. 1800934
>>1800346You can't really say the flights are £65 for sure since the prices vary by a lot and are almost guaranteed to be way more expensive if booked last minute (which it seemed like that's what she did?)
Kayas been known to be shit with money and a massive consumer before the breakup, I don't see much change in that. I wouldn't call what she's doing lavish though, either
No. 1801001
>>1800918me trying to figure out how slimelight has both
plenty of goth girls hotter than Kaya and a 50+ clientele, I guess it is a separate bar to the club and the people at the bar are older?
Buying drinks for others is a thing in the UK, I don't know why you think it's not…
No. 1801014
>>1800366Anyone notice she only tries to get photos when she's with people?
Maybe Grant got tired of being used as her camera boy. She would constantly go out and make him take photos of her, but Grant hardly got shots of himself. There are loads of photos on her wall that Grant took. I agree, it probably was a very shallow friendship.
She hardly hangs out with the dwarf anymore, either. Maybe they both got sick of her complaining so she moved on to her latest group of party friends. Also, notice she surrounds herself with almost exclusively tattoo artists and piercers, likely so she can beg for them to work for free because "exposure!" and "friendship!" Kek
No. 1801017
File: 1680449174602.png (547.38 KB, 864x1920, uncomfortable.png)

>>1800783Found a better look at her makeup choice for the evening, it's something else alright. When the unknown alt model hopeful strikes better poses than an established influencer, kek
No. 1801489
>>1801327kek. feels like that one anon who would always act contrarian and outright make shit up is here again tbh.
>>1800342I'm almost tinfoiling that "belfast trash" anon could have been Grant. They kept alluding to knowing Kaya and Jake and seemed weirdly invested or bitter over seemingly nothing, yet wouldn't give us any real details as to make themselves identifiable.
>>1801014>Anyone notice she only tries to get photos when she's with people?This isn't even remotely true though? She literally takes selfies all of the time. She was alone all of her Barcelona trip and was posting all kinds of photos and videos?
No. 1801532
>>1800961When was the trip “Ill advised” by her friends?
Idk seems like a flex that people are subbing to her Patreon and are happy with the amount of content she’s providing, even if it’s minimal. Otherwise they’d unsub? I don’t see the issue. Conversely, it’s hilarious looking at Jake and Kats lack of content and shitty attempts at launching their OF careers. At least Kaya doesn’t have to show her tits for money.
No. 1801535
>>1801532Kaya posted a story that featured a screenshot of a conversation between her and her friend(s). In there she said she's going to/wants to go london and her friend said something akin to "aren't you sick?". Sadly the story is gone and I didn't save it so this poor description is all I can provide.
Weird thing to post tbh, I think she had made up her mind by that point anyways.
No. 1801550
File: 1680523290510.png (36.74 KB, 720x1640, Screenshot_20230403-125957.png)

>>1801532 it was on her IG story if you go to her new tiktok it's there
No. 1801573
File: 1680529622526.png (117.61 KB, 864x1126, shadow banned.png)

>>1801568Kek are you mad that not everyone likes Mommy Kaya anymore? She's still a cow, she's been one longer than Jake. Look, she's crying on Twitter right now about how unfair it is that Instagram doesn't like her showing off her tits and is begging people to fix it for her. She even posted the tweet to her Instagram stories to get people to interact with it for her.
No. 1801673
>>1801512You're not whinging online trying to fleece people for the drink though there's a difference.
She even posted her free service with a garage to pull on the heartstrings of people that give her money for nothing.
No. 1801684
File: 1680546754666.jpg (103.99 KB, 1080x759, 20230403_113149.jpg)

>19 year olds in their physical prime
Stop creepily obsessing over kids and youth and grow the fuck up, Jake.
No. 1801709
>>1801535 Well, it’s an image board so if you’re going to bring it up it should include the proof.
>>1801550 Ty for sharing I did not see this on her socials yet. It’s really annoying being the friend that has to hear someone complain and then actively make dumb as decisions that lead to more complaining.
>>1801557 In the same paragraph you said she showed her tits at a paid gig then said that she doesn’t get paid to show her tits while Jake and Kat do…while having next to no engagement on their OF platform… I can’t follow the narrative that’s trying to be spun. It just sounds like a hate boner, and anyone that questions the retarded logic is white knighting?
>>1801557 again, this is an image board. If she’s showing it off “all the time” why is it not on when kats tits are slathered all over the board? Or are you talking about covered tits? Are you Mormon?
>>1801622I guess I don’t get how she’s being painted as lazy while Jake is literally making the most lazy shitty content, promises content, never does it, and is actively offline while still expecting to retain his on Pateon subs? She’s still making way more content than she did when she was with Jake and was at her most milky. That’s just facts.
IMO the only relevant milk is her going to slimelight while she’s sick, ignoring her friends advice and whining about rent increases like she’s the only one experiencing it. Everything else is soured milk.
No. 1801711
File: 1680551209291.png (1.35 MB, 720x1640, Screenshot_20230403-204622.png)

No. 1801746
File: 1680553903576.png (286.29 KB, 864x1501, not a look.png)

She has one angle where she doesn't look like a rectangle, and Darren did not snap it, kek. This outfit just isn't working for her weird body type. Maybe she'll try harder when she hosts the next Slimelight
No. 1801763
>>1801532excellent point, Kaya gets paid subs despite barely any content, keeps her clothes on, goes on vacay every month! meanwhile Jake and Kat did full frontal nudity and still no one wants to subscribe to them, lmao. perfect karma.
in addition to embarrassing onlyFail porn with their genitals online forever, Jake wasted money and got scammed on his v tuber ambition, he has to lock himself in a studio for hours on end to make his shitty one man band music, and he's back to wearing makeup for YouTube despite saying he will never wear it again because he hates it and didn't seem to care that the majority of his fans liked him just because he was a guy in goth makeup. subs still continue to dwindle despite his desperation. no wonder "someone" is complaining about kaya again kek
No. 1801801
File: 1680559012623.jpg (52.82 KB, 1080x918, Kekk.jpg)

No. 1801855
>>1801833Nearly posted something similar earlier, elf boy really gives me "far superior version of Jake" vibes. he's skinnier, prettier, seems to have a fun personality and sense of style.
idk if they are even interested in each other but the fact elf boy is so clearly an upgrade will be enough to rile our hobbit
No. 1801858
File: 1680564943895.png (441.31 KB, 538x523, whoever took this picture hate…)

>>1801846No kidding, this is what she chose to wear in Vegas
No. 1801867
Ngl it's kind of funny how the weekend seems like a free for all for the couple of anti-kaya anons itt. It's no wonder they seem so angry she's out living her life, traveling, partying, and has a growing network of friends in the alternative and creative scene. They are seriously in here doing math for her not even pictured drinks and making shit up like "everyone at slimelight is married and 50+". Kek
>>1801801I hate how much this made me laugh.
>>1801846Tbh I agree. I think the more loose fitting or flowy tops and slim or exposed leg silhouette suits her best. It's cool that she's feeling herself, but a lot of her club wear fits look kind of sloppy or ill fitted. I do really like her hair lately though.
No. 1801880
File: 1680567672505.jpg (169.24 KB, 1600x900, Cheap.jpg)

Get Kat's whole look for less money than Kaya spent on drinks at Slimelight! (The tops are slightly different, hers has some silver hardware. But tops like this are very trendy right now and can be found everywhere.)
No. 1801891
File: 1680569675665.jpg (49.37 KB, 1080x871, prostitute.jpg)

>>1801886KEK oh definitely. Let Skat get scat on your face for less than the cost of booze she needs to get drunk!
No. 1801896
>>1801718Right and I included a response to that post……………
>>1801880Good work,
nonnie No. 1801968
>>1801858Can someone explain the problem here?
Las Vegas is in a desert. It's normal to see chicks dressed out in sports bras and gym shorts in the spring and summer. Especially if Kaya's not used to the climate she's going to be sweaty.
The fish nets look like they'd be a little uncomfortable, but so is breaking in a brand new pair of doc martens and people do that all the time.
No. 1802084
File: 1680606115489.png (250.62 KB, 720x1640, Screenshot_20230404-120147.png)

No. 1802085
File: 1680606193610.png (162.58 KB, 406x694, chunky is not helping.png)

>>1801968It's her body type, not the style. She constantly dresses in a way that works against her weight instead of with it. Those shoes are cute, but the white of the platforms adds giant underlines to her weird proportions and makes her entire body look even more like a quarterback compared to her head. Here's the shoes from another angle, making her legs look like tree trunks. And the skull jacket here is also cute, but again it works against her by basically killing her torso's outline and making her bottom half look even bigger. The whole outfit makes her look short and stubby even though we know shes a fucking giant, and that is such bad coordination it deserves a metal. It just looks awkward and childish, not like a fashion influencer on a vacation.
No. 1802089
File: 1680607914566.jpeg (29.06 KB, 1170x269, B7D40A8D-7FFB-4224-87D4-D2DD33…)

Angling for tickets to Australia again?
No. 1802090
>>1802079Yes, yes, Kaya was using the poor, kind hearted, giving Stump like the using
abusive ogre she so obviously is. Kaya evil, Stumpy angel. We hear you.
No. 1802116
>>1802090That post reads more like a clarification of Kaya than a defense of Jake,
nonny. There's actually loads we haven't gone into from the milk Jake gave us about Kaya, so if nonnies want to bring it up then they should. Just because he's a cow doesn't mean we should ignore milk he gives us about another cow. Unless I'm wrong and completely misunderstood the point of this website
No. 1802144
>>1802133It's a recount of Kaya's hoard storage, what is the "literal" comparison? C'mon, esl-chan, just because they were involved doesn't meant that everything's a comparison now.
>>1802140While Kaya is definititely more out & social, participating in the alt scene and doing all the things Jake held her back from, I can see her going back to her old roots at the same time. I'd recommend the Kaya WKs to read some old altcow threads, you will see that some things haven't changed.
No. 1802158
>>1802144You're right. On one hand, it's nice to see her live her life and do all the things Stumpy stopped her doing, however her job is relatively easy, there isn't much excuse to not make content. So many youtubers are really interactive with their patrons. Birthday shout outs, their names in videos, Skype calls etc. What do her patrons get?
Rent and bills and her lifestyle need to be paid for. Plenty of people have mental health issues and have to work. Sometimes 70-80 hours a week.
Granted people wanted to help her last year to get out of that situation but she's not in that situation now and has to get her priorities in order
No. 1802160
File: 1680620516447.png (273.53 KB, 720x1640, Screenshot_20230404-151950.png)

No. 1802170
File: 1680623261531.png (699.02 KB, 720x1640, Screenshot_20230404-121939.png)

No. 1802172
>>1802158I agree, she really seems to be milking her patrons like it's just expected for people to want to pay her bills for her, how dare they stop, Mommy needs money to go to London and party.
I'm confused though, how did stumpy stop her from doing all of those things? When they came into money as a couple from his lockdown funded viral sensation, they couldn't go anywhere for ages. As soon as it started lifting he was buying her stuff to do things independently, like the studio she still has, her car, the scooter she doesn't use anymore, furnishings for that studio, blah blah. I'm all for calling a cow a cow, but I'm missing how he supposedly kept her locked up away from the world. It sounds more like he was trying to get her out of the house as much as possible. Don't worry Kaya WK'ers, Jake is still a super big meanie face and Kaya is your bae, I'm just confused why he's being blamed for preventing her from following her dreams when literally paying her with tools to do them benefited him by getting her to make her own money instead of spending his.
No. 1802229
>>1802172Newfags could lurk the old threads and see for years how Jake would moan Kaya wouldn't want to do anything.
He worked different campaigns in a call centre for years even got kaya a job there that she didn't last at. Then she gave up at Lush and that's been her out of the workforce for near 10 years now. Jake was working, filming in his free time and doing the housework. Kaya even admits she didn't do any work for MAG just sat for the audience to appeal to her already established fans and he split everything equal with her. He even paid for her driving lessons, her scooter lessons before they broke up. He made sure she got some life skills. There's a weird narrative he kicked her out in winter to be homeless but they broke up in October and he continued paying for her vehicle and letting her stay in his rented property. Idk about you but when you break up with people you don't actually owe them anything. Jake kept her stuff too which she was refusing to collect even though she had a big fuck off jeep etc. She was dragging her heels about getting her stuff. She's lazy and useless tbh. Honestly her mum didn't step up to take in her daughter. They'll say because the mum was sick and there was no room but she's more than one bedroom and if your mum was having a cancer scare and you didn't work or live with someone would you not be like "hey mum why don't I come and stay with you and take care of the housework" but nah. Her mum had abnormal cancer cells found during a routine gyno appointment and got them burned off then took to social media to support her daughter in the only chavvy social income way, by slandering the ex online that provided a fuck load more than the useless ma.
No. 1802243
>>1802229let's see…
>He worked different campaigns in a call centre for years even got kaya a job there that she didn't last at.he didn't last there much either, he was always complaining about it and left eventually. they're really not different to each other when it comes to real jobs
>Jake was working, filming in his free time and doing the houseworkFilming what? at the start and for a long time kaya was the one filming and putting out youtube videos/content. he only began to film those shitty boring vlogs because he thought it'd get him popular and even those were minimal effort at best. And housework? like when he shoved everything away into boxes and considered that cleaning? kek
>Kaya even admits she didn't do any work for MAG just sat for the audience to appeal to her already established fans sure he may have put the effort into MAG but by the sounds of it she wasn't really interested in doing it and it's like she says, the real reason is gained any traction was because she was in it. I don't really see the issue there? i'm sure fake encouraged her to be in it for that reason anyway
>He even paid for her driving lessons, her scooter lessons before they broke up. He made sure she got some life skillsonly to hold it against her later. and what life skills? how to avoid narcissists in the future? kek alrighty then
As for the rest, I really can't be bothered addressing it because at this point it's laughable. glad you took a few minutes removing fake's stumpy chode out of your mouth to share that with us, though.
No. 1802254
File: 1680631750008.png (271.63 KB, 720x1640, Screenshot_20230404-190726.png)

patrons be paying for two more trips in may to London
No. 1802261
>>1802243He was there for a number of years, while doing youtube.
Filming his shitty little vlogs anon. What does kaya film? He also made music etc and pursued his interests while working.
How did he hold getting her driving lessons and a scooter against her? She know has a licence and he got her the car and paid for it until she felt comfortable taking it over. He helped her become mobile. That's one of the main reasons kaya is doing shit now she has a car. She use to use peachmilky and her ex to bum lifts off to go to that butterfly place and get drunk and high at the exes dads house cause they had a hot tub and they would talk about how their going to be rich and famous. They're shallow af.
No. 1802278
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>>1802261The Gaslight Gospel as dictated by Stumpy. And ever the narc shall sound.