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No. 1832500
Since 80% of the previous Jake and Kaya thread was just baseless speculation and Kaya just isn't that interesting anymore, I'm splitting off Jake into his own thread.
Meet the cows:
Jake Munro - Kaya's ex boyfriend, after dating for around a decade. Cheated on her with his girlfriend's tattoo artist's wife, Kat. Fancies himself a musician, though since his bandmates left, doesn't seem capable of producing music on his own. Used Joker-esqe makeup and mimicking other artist's makeup for attention on Youtube, but has since generally given the gimmick up as his popularity rapidly declined post break-up. Appears to be rapidly aging into the bloated corpse of a chav gordan ramsay due to a suspected alcohol and nicotine addiction. Has big dreams of being the next big V-tuber star. Occasionally scars us with his ugly nudes via a rarely updated OnlyFans account.
Kat Paine - Previously married mother of one, cheated on her tattoo studio owning husband with their client's (Kaya) long term boyfriend (Jake). You can find her posting heavily filtered lewds to her OnlyFans when she isn't tracing Disney coloring book sheets part-time at the tattoo shop. Her most popular phrases include: "Daddy! Shots!", "Drinks! Shots!" and incoherent giggling at Jake doing literally anything.
>>1808524 Allegations about Jake's behaviour on tour come out, he threatens 'legal action' on person who puts a video up.
>>1808526 >>1808527 >>1808528 Jake makes a response, publicly names the
>>1808858 The video about the allegations gets put back up.
>>1809547 Jake starts deleting/privating old vlogs and videos with Kaya in them.
>>1809574 It backfires and tanks his Socialblade score.
>>1809793 Jake's instagram is now at 80.1k followers.
>>1811571 Jake boasts about a bunch of 'Branded Content' he has in the works.
>>1811773 It's just a punkrave 'collab', as usual he takes the worst pictures ever for it.
>>1812214 Kat shows off one of the sketches for a tattoo.
>>1812320 It's terrifying.
>>1812680 Jake gives off Oompa Loompa vibes in his punkrave ad on his latest video.
>>1812676 In addition, he also rants in a stream about how 'unfuckable' his parents are.
>>1814063 >>1814092 More blatant art thievery by Kat.
>>1816425 >>1816491 Ol' Stumpy has a tantrum during a livestream when someone says his 4070 isn't that great a gfx card.
>>1816511 He then proceeds to be an absolute creeper to a character in the game he's playing.
>>1817336 Jake finally makes a studio tour video. No one cares.
>>1817389 Summary of the video.
>>1819042 Some comments from the video.
>>1819420 Kat makes a spelling error on a tattoo and doesn't seem to notice.
>>1823295 Jake makes his VR Tuber Debut…
>>1823319 It's bad.
>>1823412 Really, really bad.
>>1823420 Comparison of the old 'scammer' model vs the new one.
>>1824239 Even the old fan made mock up is better than the shit he paid for.
>>1824344 During his birthday stream Jake boasts about how many view he'll have by this time next year.
>>1824663 Second Vtuber romp.
>>1824744 Dropbox link for those who wanna scorch their retinas without giving him the views.
>>1824839 He's bleeding youtube subs now.
>>1824844 Drunken Birthday vacation 2.0
>>1824850 Can't forget the Long Islands.
>>1824852 Kat filters their pic, jake does not.
>>1824880 Cheaper restaurant/room this time, wonder why?
>>1825387 Day 2 of drunken vacation
>>1825391 Hanging out in the same places as last time.
>>1825598 Meanwhile, the Vr Tuber videos aren't raking in those huge views he thought they would.
>>1825729 Kat is sporting a ring on her left hand that looks suspiciously like an engagement ring.
>>1825815 Vr tuber comments are…mixed.
>>1826729 A Random Snacc encounter in the wild.
>>1827224 Jake decides to do a live VR stream.
>>1827263 Comments section is super cringey.
>>1827268 Some quotes from the stream.
>>1829104 The return to OF no one asked for.
>>1829153 1 like in 2 hours. (And only 2 almost a week later.)
>>1830119 Even discord doesn't care.
>>1831977 Kat leaves a selection of toddler snacks at home for her hard working man.
Aaaand that brings us up to current! (Hope I did this right!)
No. 1832553
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Thanks for the new thread nonny!
Jake is streaming VR as Patrick Bateman and quotes him "you can always be thinner… look better" and follows with "that is such a true thing to say". He has been openly fatphobic and starting to lean back into subtle pro-ana rhetoric again. I wonder how that makes all his fat snaccs feel, like Lady Allura and Maz.
No. 1832669
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He posted this on twitter a few days ago, the level of delusion is mind boggling
No. 1832689
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He's always trying really hard to play up Kat's appearance and how she's so hot and "his ideal body type" and everything. In fact, thats pretty much the only nice thing he ever says about her. That she's hot. Tbh seems performative to me, like he's trying to convince everyone and himself that he's satisfied with his Aliexpress basic alt girl. While Kaya is out and about getting lucky with gorgeous goth people, I can't imagine he's not jealous to a degree. He had no down time as a single person like Kaya has. He got tied down to some glorified coloring book tracer with horrible music taste immediately kek. Didn't get to taste the fruits of the single life at all while Kaya is mingling and socializing more than he ever will.
No. 1832692
>>1832553Every time he looses weight he goes anti fat people but soon he put it back on he so fragile even if you mention weight or exercise he goes off on one.
>>1832669Ironic what did he tell kaya after breaking up? You have to get a job Ha look at him now. He end up loosing his loyal snacks to the change in content
>>1832689 I purely belive he only likes her cause she easy and thin and probably doesn't say no to him where kaya was bit more vocal in what she wanted to do/didn't. I'm so glad kaya posting all these pictures her with hickies,Kissing girls,parties everything that jake wanted I bet he hates seeing it lol.
No. 1832741
>>1832669What was it he said to Kaya? She’d have to get a ‘minimum wage job’ like it was the worst possible thing? Oh how the tables have turned!
No. 1832746
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Doesn't he have to stream for 7 days to become an affiliate? He has over 50 followers and has streamed over 8 hours, but the guidelines say you have to stream 7 or more days in a 30 day period…Which he hasn't done?
No. 1832747
File: 1684832250366.jpeg (271.71 KB, 1170x1596, IMG_3351.jpeg)

He’s released another single. No video as yet…
It’s fucking awful. Truly terrible. It starts off with a sample of someone saying ‘you’re born alone, you die alone’ and just gets worse from there.
No. 1832748
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No. 1832773
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I wanted to resurrect this gem from the first thread. Maybe he needs to give himself a rewatch kek
No. 1832841
>>1832773does he have a neck when he starves himself? maybe he should go back
>>1832838maybe he’s embarrassed of it, as he should be
No. 1833069
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>>1833055He's talking really fast and not really holding a conversation with the chat but more like rapid firing his manic stream of consciousness at people.
Anyway, he has been working on a new avatar.
No. 1833279
>>1832689kaya was his ideal body type, too, when she was a teenager… he doesnt care if someone is pretty or has sex appeal (I don't see the "young scrawny cybergoth kaya was gorgeous" hype. I actually think she looks best now with a more romantic vampira look), as long as they're skinny. and if they have boobs I guess they're "too fat." it's so
triggering as someone who had an ED and believed this as well because I was a dancer and boobs and curves ruined your "elegant line" and you needed to be light enough to land quietly and pick up, etc.. I wonder if Kat even menstruates and if Jake sees no period as a bonus?
well, hopefully Kat never gets pregnant with Jake's evil seed because I could see him totally icked out by her changing body, and she carried huge with Isaac. I know she got her weight back down to even thinner than her pre-baby body, but 9 months is a long time to be gaining and having interesting discharge/hemorrhoids going on down there, and Jake will lose his boner for her the second she sprouts fatter tits and "shows." also Kat needs a lot of "you're so hot!" validation obviously with the onlyfans and pole dancing, maybe that's why it didn't work out with dean.
No. 1833369
>>1832500Thank you for the new thread anon! Finally free from "belfast trash" anon constantly derailing threads too.
>>1832746He's been streaming past midnight to have it count for two separate days so he could get affiliate quicker so he can access receiving bits and sub money sooner. He said so in one of his "cyberpunk" streams.
>>1833069How does it just keep getting worse and worse? Is his fakeboi snacc Aiden reworking his ugly avatar for free? It's hilarious how Jake was ragging on Kaya for "scamming her fans out of money and gifts" when his snaccs basically do just as much if not more? Maz might as well be his social media manager at this point and does most of the clipping of his streams for him as well as running his entire discord. Worst part is that she's actively paying HIM to do so? It's even worse than working for free. lmao
No. 1833710
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Dunno if old milk but aside from one picture where she has her hand over her face, it seems he’s scrubbed Kaya entirely from his instagram.
No. 1833919
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>>1833069Holy shit, he's so self-conscious about his receding hairline! Wtf even is this hairline? We made fun of it in the last thread. He must read here every day. Fuck you Jake, your hair and yt career are never coming back.
No. 1833925
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>>1833919He started combing it over or editing it to not look as bald. Now I can't unsee it.
No. 1833995
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>>1833919It's kind of funny because when he was on stream talking about how he wants to start using steroids for fitness purposes he claimed he has no issues with his hairline yet. I'm honestly kind of skeptical that he isn't using them already considering his obvious pro-steroid stance on the matter, feels like he is more so fishing to see how his fanbase would react. Here's the clip of him talking about steroids and "other people's experiences on it" from an unusually first person narrative. Curious as to what other nonnies think, do we think he's playing off already being on them? No. 1834064
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>>1833069Looks like this shitshow new avatar is going live next stream and babyhead is getting retired already.
No. 1834075
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>>1834064He prefaced that it's broken at the moment, and not finished, but…Dear god…
No. 1834076
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Another view. Apparently the eyes don't work yet and the mouth wasn't moving. Even for a proof of concept this is…so bad…At least the baby head avatar had a sort of stylized look to it but this just…It's a sleep paralysis demon.
No. 1834078
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>>1834075lmao actual fucking jumpscare
nonnie>>1834076I guess the head is back to being semi proportional, but holy shit. How does this keep looking worse? Seems like he's slowly moving away from it looking anything like him too? Went from a creepy babydoll head to a haunted porcelain doll head. kek
No. 1834087
>>1834079I wondered that too, but they look more clear on the new one, and the neck is also…shorter somehow?
Wanna know the best part? The new av is FIVE FEET TALL. He actually said that in the stream.
No. 1834149
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>>1834076It’s less chibi but it reminds me of these cheesy 90s porcelain faces that people had on their walls
No. 1834157
>>1834078Omg how did it get even worst! At least the baby face one is viewer friendly. That new one ugly as shit I never seen such a bad design I can see he going for the knock of joker vibes. Funny thing is he probably would been better of keeping the scammer one. I Wonder how much this new one cost? I bet it take him a week before he goes back to baby face one.
I noticed with the baby face one he been cheerful and almost cutesy talking in a way I can almost bet with the new avatar he start talking like the joker or being creepy having a full personality change.
No. 1834163
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>>1834149kek. We need a vtube version of a "steal his look" meme.
>>1834153He acknowledges the psychological effects, but said he "isn't worried" about any of the physical ones in the video clip. He seems pretty well versed on how to use them and how they might affect him, but it really just feels like he's trying to convince people it's totally okay for him to be shooting this shit up for vanity muscles. Hopefully his balls shrink to the point he won't make the mistake of getting kat pregnant.
>>1834157He claims to have made the new one himself, but did credit Maz for the face work on stream. I think he's just swiping assets and mashing them all together into this new abomination.
No. 1834195
>>1833995This is really worrying. He says when he’s on about cycles that you look really good when on steroids and that ‘everyone respects you’ he is OBSESSED with respect.
Total tinfoil but I think he’s started to confuse respect with fear, he’s tried money, he’s tried fame and none of them have garnered the respect he thinks he deserves so now he wants people to be afraid of him, if they’re afraid of him, they’ll do what he asks and if they do what he asks, then they must respect him.
The idea of Fake, on steroids, with his well documented anger issues, with a child in the house is absolutely terrifying.
No. 1834220
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No. 1834338
>>1834195>Total tinfoil but I think he’s started to confuse respect with fearIn
>>1834220 he says he respects adults because they could hit him for being an asshole, so it follows kids will respect you if they know you'll hit them, which means he's equated fear with respect for a while. Also implies he doesn't respect people if they can't beat him up. Playground bully Andrew Tate ass mentality. Reposted this bc it turns out the video I was trying to remember him saying this in was posted to the thread kek.
No. 1834360
>>1834251His logic is really hilarious in essentially says
In response to being asked what’s frowned upon that you wish wasn’t
>we should physically educate our children>you slap dogs when they do something bad, why not children? >if I do something bad as an adult people will hit me, so again why not children >makes a slap noise then imitates a child cryingDean it’s time to get full custody brother
No. 1834370
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>>1834220He tries so hard to claim things like this are a joke. Lately he keeps talking about how "nobody gets his jokes". Like no, what you're saying just isn't funny dude. Or maybe what you said didn't go over well so you have to play it off as a joke. He must believe people are seriously dumb not to notice his true feelings behind all the misogynistic and violent "jokes".
No. 1834392
>>1834370The thing is the only way this could even remotely be a joke is if he gave off the opposite kind of vibe but the man is so incredibly negative, violent, angry and
toxic that it is fully 100% believable that he means it when he says that kind of heinous shit. I look at Jake and I see his content and I think " yeah,that does seem like a guy with a hair
trigger temper who would be fully comfortable striking a child" he doesn't exactly scream stable home environment.
No. 1834450
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Jake has a new sugar mommy. Anyone know who this Clair Niven is? She has been dropping thousands per stream and isn't even a snacc, no green name. Just some total rando with money dropping it for no reason. Kek, retards shouldn't be allowed to be rich. She should research who she's supporting. They need someone to manage their funds, because if you have that much money and you had half a brain cell, you'd realize there are a lot more righteous and intelligent places to put your money. Jake would never ever dream of donating someone $50, unless they groveled with thank yous on return. Remember when he did that "donating $100 to random streamers" video and he didn't get a the thank you reaction he thought he deserved? He ended up talking massive shit about how unthankful that guy was for his $100.
No. 1834482
>>1834195yes, Kaya confirmed this in her response video where she said he'd get angry about his height like at least once a week and say people don't "respect" him because of it. it's not like he was even around that many people to be complaining about relationships lacking respect, and it's not like they'd pat him on the head like a child when he did interact with people.
what does he think respect means? I think you are right, he wants people to cower in fear. when he went out in his faux goth attire they probably stared at him for looking ridiculous. now with his ugly face, neck, and head tats he looks like unstable white trash who got the shitty tats in prison. that's not a "cool" thing either, Jake, as those who spend time in jail were stupid enough to get caught.
No. 1834538
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>>1834455Yeah this "Clair" person is definitely just some troll account. Probably Skat from the other room.
No. 1834710
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>>1834538>>1834665well the horrible spelling and aversion to cussing certainly reads as Kat kek, that would be some crazy tinfoil though
No. 1834753
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>>1834710That would have been premium dairy but sadly it looks like she's a real person. I found her channel pretty easily - she's got an overweight German Sheppard and she is subbed to Kaya as well.
She types like a fucking 10 year old - no wonder she watches Jake.
No. 1834771
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>>1834450Wait she paid him 500$ to keep his clothes on?
No. 1834895
>>1834859Claire and Kat are cut from the same cloth - the alternative version of an aging Live~ Laugh~ Love girl.
However Claire seems a bit…simple. She's dumber than Kat. She keeps talking about literal shit and her request for Jake to keep his clothes on seems to come from a place of genuine innocence rather than sassiness.
No. 1834922
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>>1810489I checked Fake's Patreon before and he took down his 'goals'. He must have realised his dreams of Patron funded travel and touring are dead in the water so it's pathetic to keep them up. Also, it was easy to guess how much he was making on Patreon by looking at his ever decreasing goal percentages (this is what helped the Graphtreon algorithm guess his earnings accurately). I think we can confidently say his first goal was $1000 (he's too full of himself to have a goal with three digits) which means that when he was at his lowest percentage (74%) he was making roughly $660 including tax (if my math is mathing). His patrons will take another hit as the new month rolls over. He's really putting all his eggs into the Twitch basket but there's no stability there.
No. 1834924
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>>1834753>she's got an overweight German SheppardSo her dog got fat and sick from being fed her shit and died. Truly an incredible story of setup, confrontation, and resolution. Jake's newest sugar mommy, everyone.
No. 1834954
>>1834924Christ what a disgusting human being. Is this her idea of funny?
I found her pics on social media (through her husband's FB as she very freshly deleted her account) - she looks a rough late 30s and she's married to some dude who looks 60. I think we found out where the cash is coming from - some leathery old sleazebag who'll give his princess whatever she wants as long as she continues to touch his penis.
Jake must be over the moon that he got on the radar of a cashed up and dangerously bored simpleton.
No. 1834976
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The new avatar reveal. It looks like a snake with a comb over.
No. 1835058
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>>1834954Forgot to post this before - the FB pics match the profile pic, heavy shooping and all. The Youtube account she donated from is active, she just changed her pfp and channel art today. I'm doubtful someone hijacked her account, I think she's just an unhappily married outsider who's desperate for attention and excitement and happened to come across Baby head Munro. She's not even thirsting for him like the other senior snaccs - she's just an attention/novetly seeker more than anything.
No. 1835181
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>>1833710And just like that, it's gone. What should we make our puppet do next, nonnies? How about delete all your pics with John. He hates your guts, dude.
No. 1835244
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>>1835202Except he's continously let it drop below 666 the past year or so. It's pretty obvious he watches here and even heeds some of our "advice".
No. 1835543
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she types like a fucking boomer. and that anorexic body checking pose kek.
No. 1835577
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>>1835543>>1835546It's even more obvious on the side that she doesn't have any tattoos on too. You'd think she'd have at least a little muscle tone from doing pole as her fitness routine or carrying her toddler kid around. It's honestly pretty weird at her weight.
No. 1835584
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>>1835577>>1835543Bonus pic from the wedding they attended. Jake's lil gut and kat's underbite on full display.
No. 1835599
File: 1685202758603.jpg (266.01 KB, 1200x1500, Creepy.jpg)

Jake has been following a bunch of weird hypersexualized vtubers/anime girl content creators. Considering his insane body standards, fake things like this are probably what turns him on. Moids are so sexually retarded kek. No wonder he spends so much time in VR, he's probably watching straight up hentai. There's a pretty big market for that considering most VR users are fail males.
No. 1835614
>>1835577>>1835584kekkkk wtf? i'm bigger than her and have smaller arms. maybe she's just an odd one who carries their weight on the upper arms lol
and can someone tell me what the actual hell that face is meant to be on her arm?? it looks like a retarded knuckles (Sonic)
No. 1835665
>>1835599Good grief, it's wild seeing the changing porn trends of the 2010s.
It's weird he'd follow a dommi-mommy with huge, pendulous breasts on Twitter when that's the opposite of what he's attracted to in real life. I guess it's not too dissimilar to when women get off to himbo anime beef cakes but date skinny guys with gamer boy arms in real life. The difference is that men are much more likely to go full coomer-brained on this shit and let it ruin their romantic/sex life.
Jake's been watching hentai for a long time now - he would repost a lot of shit he was into on his Tumblr (wish I screenshotted) and I'm pretty sure at one point he spoke about how hentai was enough to satisfy his sexual needs so he didn't need as much physical action.
I guess it's not really surprising why someone like him was drawn to VR in the first place…
No. 1835682
>>1832741please let this be a thing, this would be absolutely hilarious! how fucking ironic that he has to eat his words…
nonnie, that's pure nightmare fuel right there. it looks like a 14 year old emo got their hands on photoshop and vroid studio kek
>>1834360wait, he thinks we slap dogs when they do something bad? no the fuck you don't??? that's animal abuse, my dude. he can't even be trusted around animals, much less children. jesus christ.
>>1834771massive fucking kek at someone donating $500 just to tell him to keep his clothes on!
No. 1835855
>>1835584who the fuck wears a leather jacket as a main part of their outfit to a wedding where everyone else is clearly dressed really smart?! Even Kat managed a smart dress (can’t tell well enough from the photo but it looks more appropriate than what stumpy is wearing)
You can clearly see another guest there wearing a waistcoat and shirt, but Fake is clearly to eDgY to dress smartly for a wedding
No. 1835880
>>1835844allegedly he also said he prefers dumber women in a stream! bc kat is dumb as rocks. when he was with kaya he was like "I find intelligence sexy!" and that's when he was actually doing well on social media because many thought he was a stand up guy who valued women for the "inside" stuff, too.
most men never admit they like dumb women, they'll use euphemisms like young, naive, ingenue, "soft" or "submissive" etc. but kat is older than he is so she has no excuse due to age lol
also his obsession with the nurse from silent hill, it's not like it's a flat chested character. and kaya I remember reviewed some kind of bra to make her boobs look bigger, she wanted bigger ones, and would say at least with weight gain she had boobs now. and he teased her for not having any "bounce" the way big boobs have.
he is such a lying liar with his supposed new interest in "mature women" who happen to be stupid, and not have any boobs and no curves except for in their bingo arms.
Jake, Kat isn't a "hot trophy gf" she is too average to even be "washed up," and makes you look desperate and it's why your career tanked. you should have been a single fella, not a home wrecking douchebag, and your life and appearance of a life would have been better, too!
it's amazing how he screwed himself over in every angle. kek!
No. 1835901
File: 1685246094165.jpg (26.72 KB, 1080x190, Screenshot_20230525-143623_You…)

>>1835058Between all the poop comments, she said this out of nowhere. Maybe her husband gambles and she's throwing money away to get back at him lol.
No. 1836005
>>1835727Kek cannot unsee this. Dat lighting.
Standing next to doughy Jake makes her cheekbones and defined jaw look much more masculine so she'd probably have to play Spike.
>>1835880>Most men never admit they like dumb women, they'll use euphemisms like young, naive, ingenue, "soft" or "submissive" etc.Absolutely, they secretly value the shallow stuff like looks, being super agreeable and lack of experience more than they want to admit. Kat is already in her mid-30s meaning she's already gone through her major growth and changes so, unlike an 18 year old, her personality is fixed at this point. A 35 year old who is mentally and emotionally stuck in her early 20s (when she peaked in life) is probably Jake's perfect woman then.
He's become a lot more mask off since the exodus of most his younger snaccs so I'm not surprised he finally admitted he desires dumb women on stream.
nonny noticed he only praises Kat for her 'hotness' and body and it's dead accurate. He did call her the "most accomplished woman I know" in IG stories once…but that seemed like a dig at Kaya more than anything. I laughed when he called Kat his 'best friend' in a recent vlog…Of course she is, she's your
only friend!
No. 1836014
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Surprised no one mentioned this he talks about his a fury now and dragon dildos, collars and him twerking uwu and showing of his thick body ‘mount me’
ugh I can see where this is going
How long until he chooses a fury avatar and hyper sexualises it
No. 1836033
File: 1685269321139.jpg (89.58 KB, 2220x732, animepfp.jpg)

>>1836023That reminds me of his classic "anime pfp" burn he attempted at a hater. I made some revisions to it.
No. 1836038
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Nonnas, the new sleep paralysis avatar was live on Twitch 14 hrs ago. Head over to JakeTwitchStreams if you want to see it in motion (if you don't plan on sleeping tonight…), I grabbed some caps before.
No. 1836047
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>>1836038Kek at the fake freckles and blackened teeth that make him look toothless. He's made some weird aesthetic choices and now the avatar looks
off - it's reminds me of a k-pop idol who's had too much plastic surgery. I guess it's an improvement on the last model?
He said he's added some updates to the design that we'll see next time - he has new hair, clipping issues with his clothes have been fixed and he will be able to emote more (right now his eyes are a bit emotionless).
No. 1836106
>>1836047its amazing how everything he does is below par or complete dogshit yet always expects validation.
>>1836005>A 35 year old who is mentally and emotionally stuck in her early 20s (when she peaked in life) is probably Jake's perfect woman then. Because thats where he is now, and will remain 10. 20 years from now.
No. 1836187
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This is so fucking ugly and cringe. Her work and aesthetic is embarrassing.
No. 1836191
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>>1836038While searching for Jake's old tumblr I stumbled across the Sim's porn account by accident and noticed some things (before anyone gets mad I'm
not the anon you think I am). I wasn't around for the MAG days so I didn't realise they made sex avatars in their own image (among a virtual gothic polycule).
It's hardly shocking that Jake gave himself a swimmer's build, brooding model face and blonde hair a la 2013 Jake (the placement of the piercings was the only way I knew who it was based on) - I guess he's been virtually living out his ectomorph, pretty boy dreams for a long time. I can see a resemblance with the VR avatar - a super femme face with dainty features and a slim body. However even after revisions his current avatar still looks like a soulless masquerade mask which is particularly jarring in his shadowy Silent Hill world - it desperately needs some shading and dimension like the other avatars.
No. 1836223
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>>1836187How is that emo? That's hipster Alice.
She should do the Elsa designed after her next. Aliexpress Alt Elsa.
No. 1836251
>>1836047You're being very generous comparing it to a k-pop star who did too much plastic surgery.
Or maybe it shows how old I am because all I see with this new avatar is Jeff the killer from the classic Creepypasta stories kek
No. 1836299
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Clair is back and donating $2k+. She needs a financial caretaker.
No. 1836347
>>1836038omg kek at the side view. his avatar has bigger tits than most girls i know. his avatar really does highlight all of his insecurities, and the way he's overcompensating for it kek
>>1836047how does he think that the most recent model is an upgrade? it's straight up terrifying. i would take baby face model over nightmare fuel model at this point, honestly
No. 1836446
>>1836187>>1836208Uhm, no. Look closely.
The linework is wonky af. Look at that poor eye, the hat, and the tattoos – those are especially bad. However the linework is executed poorly overall, in its entirety. She couldn’t even manage to do the thicker lines properly. It’s as if she was drunk while doing this.
Then, the Nonna in
>>1836217 is absolutely right – the shading, the light / shadow makes absolutely no sense. Aka executed with error.
And lastly, the figure is disproportional as per usual. And fair enough, it’s a cartoon, cartoons can be intentionally disproportioned. But if you look closely, you’ll see that this is not the case – it’s not a conscious design choice, but an obvious error, lack of skill and knowledge.
At this point, I don’t understand how she even gets clients still.
No. 1836451
>>1836014I’m sorry, but this is straight up degeneracy.
Also, if he honestly thinks that
this is a "job" or a career prospect that’s gonna rake him money in, he’s clearly retarded, royally.
No. 1836490
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This edit has been around for like a decade. So she adds a hat and glasses and calls it good. She fucking BUTCHERED the tattoos from the original too. How does she manage to take already horrible existing art, and then make it even worse?
No. 1836493
File: 1685335288642.jpg (728.14 KB, 3464x3464, yikes.jpg)

Kat, retire.
No. 1836612
>>1836187its ok. not decent, not great, just ok. while thicker lines do hold longer, when you compare it to the edit its clear she did that to hide janky lines, which is clear with the hat and details. how shes drew alice's glasses make no sense perspective-wise. and as stated she failed miserably with alice's tattoos because when you compare it to the edit she opted not to do the smaller ones and details because she knew she would fuck up. the shading looks incomplete and what is that grey thing on alice's arm?
overall i give it a 5/10 at best, but depending how much she charged for it, 3/10.
No. 1837303
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So he made an entire video out of getting huge donations? I don't know what sort of person would want to watch a man be donated $2k+ for 4 hours of playing literal videogames and dancing around like a retarded cartoon. I haven't watched the video, but if I'm adding this up correctly he has made more than $10k in less than a week for 4 hour work days. Meanwhile most of his viewers are breaking their backs with normal jobs, longer hours and less pay. I can't imagine it doesn't sicken some people. Seems like a weird thing to make content out of.
No. 1837598
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>>1837303Summary of video
>Reveals new avatar and points out that his butt is normal sized now, it's taken 40 hours of work and still needs more tinkering–says he realised he has to make his own facial expression animations >The avalanche of gifted subs starts (there's 100 by the end of the stream)>9 mins in – Clair’s first $500 donation>Clair’s second $500 dono –Jake promises a 12 hr stream next week (6 hrs on YT, 6 hrs on Twitch)to honour her generosity >The third dono comes through - Clair pays $500 to say, 'No thank u please keep your clothes on'>He says yesterday was his first affiliate stream on Twitch, wants to become partner ASAP>Jake positions his VR camera up high so he looks like a little kid before thanking his audience, yells 'Uppies, UPPIES!' while jumping (I think he was trying to convey humility…but it’s weird), says Kat is working out downstairs >“Other streamers get jaded with $100, but me? I just do this because I love it. (Camera zooms into his face) I don’t do donation goals or say ‘hey, give me money’. I’ve streamed for free a looot!”>Less than an hour in and he gets his fourth $500 dono from Clair (she makes multiple accounts to donate these huge sums)>He says his avatar was made from assets and he had to learn Blender and Unity to put it together, he credits Maz for drawing his hair, tattoos and makeup>Wants to be able to change his look with the click of a button (just like Filian!!!) in order to play dress-ups in clothes and makeup from his old music videos>Someone called ‘Bob Your uncle’ donates $200, Jake nervously laughs when he realises 'Uncky Bob might be Clair…’>Tries to play 2 games but fails as they are both multiplayer, tries to do a comedy bit making light of his friendlessness and ends up looking pathetic>Finally finds a solo horror game called The Smile Room No. 1837608
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>>1837598$2200 from one person…through 5 accounts…during one stream…
I've only seen this kind of simping from men - Clair is an anomaly. Enjoy it while it lasts Stumpy, although I'd be nervous if the bulk of my earnings came from one chatter.
Clair is going through mania and/or was born or married into wealth. Once she moves on to her next hyper-fixation Jake's fucked.
No. 1837753
>>1837331he's trying to become a Wife-Guy again (he was like a G rated sexless Wife-Guy with kaya, inseparable, referenced her, no flirty references to anyone else other than his fan base, HATED e-girls, etc.) and it's always the Wife-Guy who is having a torrid love affair with someone else.
LOL @ "no one else I'd ever want to f*ck" if Belle Delphine or any of the hot 22 yr old E-thots he pretended to make fun of invited him to their bedroom he would be there to check out their ahegaos in real life. this guy is porn sick and nasty. no way he going to be together forever with approaching middle age Miss Skat when he found her by cheating on his 10 yr old relationship.
he is insecure and capable of doing anything to feel better. he thinks 31 is over the hill, see who he cheats with when he's 40 to prove he's still got it. I can understand why he'd reassure Kat so often, as she knows she can lose him how she found him. remember how his mod was like "we need to respect he is in a relationship" when someone tried to
meow at him or something in the chat? lol
No. 1837835
>>1837765>>1837608I truly dont think this is real. He JUST SO HAPPENS to get someone willing to drop $2k on him right when he's trying to become a D-Tier Vtuber? This is a stunt to try and jumpstart his career.
He gets to brag about making a bunch of money at the same time no one will be 'mad' because 'wow look at this loser hater wasting their money' if it was a fan people would be more judgemental and even the 'digs' are such soft punches only a 12 year old would be upset.
Why else would they be sending such high amounts and making separate accounts to keep sending them? It really makes no sense.
No. 1837929
>>1837835Jake may just be lucky that this woman is getting revenge on her gambling husband with these donations. Based on anon's research upthread she's real (kinda reminds me of Trisha Paytas in both appearance and behaviour)
Cut forward one month when her husband checks his credit card statements and reverses all the charges, hope Jake isn't spending that money yet
No. 1837963
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Do you guys want to see something sad?
Amy Lee tried to celebrate a milestone (happy 3yrs and 2 months I guess?) and have a moment with Jake but was ignored when Mumma Clair started waving money around.
She paid $10 to repost the same message before she finally got some acknowledgment from him. I know it's sad that a 50+ yr old woman wants to draw attention to a 38 month sub milestone but it clearly means something to her: she's Jake's most loyal snacc and watching his streams and supporting him probably gives her the purpose and sense of community she's missing IRL.
No. 1837988
>>1837608>>1837929Something is definitely off about the whole thing. Why would she even need to make five separate accounts to keep donating? Why haven't we've seen this Clare person before? Something isn't right.
>>1837963>>1837973She's one of his most dedicated mods too outside of Maz and Aiden's weirdly obsessed selves.
No. 1838028
>>1837598> I don’t do donation goals or say ‘hey, give me money’He can’t really survive a stream without throwing an indirect passive-aggressive jab at Kaya, now can he? Move on.
>>1837608>>1837835>>1837988To me, this seems rather odd too. Some never-before-seen woman appears out of thin air and suddenly throws all this money at him, creates multiple accounts, writes up some gibberish etc. That’s not how things usually work.
And she’s allegedly thirsting over what? A poorly done Emily Boo lookalike cartoon? It’s not even
him in the stream, it makes no sense.
Also, I apologise, but judging by the photos
>>1835058 she doesn’t come off as a person who can afford dropping 2,2k on a random stream. Even as a form of revenge.
This seems staged. How did the Nonnas find her accounts? Were they linked? How do we know it was
actually her and not someone (Fake) posing as her?
No. 1838108
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Not quite sure what he was trying to achieve by making a whole video dedicated to him being donated thousands of dollars (about £1776 after conversion) but it’s not improved his views any…
No. 1838112
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And only 31 comments and 340 likes. I wonder what the dislikes are?
No. 1838225
nonny. I don't think that Clair girl is a real person, the pictures could have been taken from any social media site to make a fake Fb account.
I have an icky feeling that that money is not legally acquired and that somehow, the person behind "Clair" decided to throw that at a small Youtube channel inconspicuously (because the algorithms don't care for Youtube channels that are slowly losing traction) for I dunno what. But there's definitely another end goal there.
No. 1838309
>>1835058Call me a terminally online
terf who thinks everyone's a tranny but she (or her weight + filters) gives me a tranny vibe. Could be an old washed up HSTS who lives with his rich closeted moid whose brains has been completely fried by the drugs they consume. It would explain the sudden dropping of cash on a new hyperfixation as well as the lack of brain power behind the messages. I could imagine this being Tim Petras in a few years honestly.
No. 1838348
>>1838309Yeah you’re right, it’s giving terminally online
terf. Jesus Christ
No. 1838384
>>1838309Oh, Kim Petras wishes he'd look like that
now. She gives me the same vibes as that crazy German woman who claimed Eric Harris was his husbando an posted videos of her hugging a pillow with his face printed on. Anyway, the donations are suspicious as fuck but I do love the fact that he wouldn't even touch with a ten foot pole the women that simp for him. It says quite a lot about his audience.
No. 1838400
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>>1837988>>1838028>>1838111>>1838225As much as I want the 'Kat is Clair' conspiracy to be true there's good evidence to suggest Suga-Mama Clair is real…but I will admit I have some doubts.
I looked up 'Clair Niven' on IG and found her straight away (girl loves a duckface selfie). Her full name is on her account so I quickly found her husband: they share the same name and they follow each other. She has not made her married name public on other platforms so I blurred it out in the pic and she's not a cow so we don't need to reveal it. From there I found her husband's FB and his account is legit (he has almost 4k friends and the pfp matches his IG). I already posted the couple pics earlier and there is direct mention of Clair's name on there as well. There are clues that his wealth may come from property.
The Clair Bear Youtube account was established in 2017 and has a handful of vids. The earliest video was posted on Dec 2019 and shows a dog playing in the snow with people talking in the background, you can clearly hear someone saying Clair's name. All the other videos were posted in 2020 except for one that was posted in the last 3 weeks (some Disneyland footage). The three year break looks a bit suspicious but neglecting your personal YT channel isn't unheard of. The time she posted that video seems to line up with when she got obsessed with Jake and in the last couple of weeks she has changed her pfp multiple times - this looks like the behaviour of someone who’s very aware of their YT presence (she is probably lurking).
Searching her full name on Google pulls up a search result for a now deleted FB account where you can still see remnants of her bio where she boasts about all the international travel she's done (did she really have to go to Antarctica?). It didn't go unnoticed that she has a pic of her Benz as her channel art on Youtube – like Jake she likes to flex her wealth and be obnoxious. She’s clearly someone who doesn’t have to worry about money so maybe it’s not surprising she dropped thousands on stream?
>>1838309Lol her IG pfp disproves your theory
No. 1838461
>>1836033Underrated comment. Love this.
>>1837753He reminds of Jake's hero Ryan Reynolds, the ultimate Wife Guy™ (with a shady past). Remember when he cheated on Scarlett after meeting Blake on the set of Green Lantern? How could you wreck your marriage over the human equivalent of unsweetened porridge? He had a long history of dating charismatic, talented and gorgeous women close to his age like Charlize and Alanis but ultimately what he really wanted was the bland, trad girl 10 years his junior. He loves the #couplegoals life and excessively praising his wife with his trademark brand-safe, Imgur humour. It's always variations on 'thanks for being the most beautiful wife and the best Mom to our kids!' (more like 'thanks for being a hot, young mombie to our 4 crotchlings and letting me project my hero Dad complex on you'). It's nauseating when these types reap the benefits of being beloved, loyal hubbies for their careers and egos and cheat in secret - opportunistic scum.
>>1837988I think $499.99 may be the max amount you can donate in a single stream on Twitch (the maximum to a single creator for the week is $2000 I believe). Twitch doesn't seem to care if you make multiple accounts to work around that though.
No. 1838471
>>1838400>since she isn't a cowIs Xena the dog that supposedly died from "eating her poop" from her "sometimes I poop on the floor" story? Honestly this woman seems more of a cow than some cows who have their own dedicated threads. Shame she doesn't have more active social media outside endlessly talking about poop in Jake's streams, I bet it would be a goldmine.
>>1838461As far as I can tell there is no limit on donations on Twitch, so there is really no reason she should be making all these sock puppet accounts if the donations are legitimate. I'm seeing mixed information on how much of a cut they take though it appears to be anywhere from 30-50%.
No. 1838702
>>1838400Okay, that is a pretty thorough investigation, Anon. Thank you for your time! Shame though, that it does look like an actual person donating from her actual account, and not some imposter…
However, I will stand by my "wealth" argument still. Not on a single photo nor video thumbnail, which showcase their home (I presume), does it give the impression that they’re even upper middle class, nor tbh much of a middle class, simply (though I guess it also depends on where you live). They don’t look poor, but also not with all that money to spend on a single stream. And the Benz is probably just an image off of Google.
What if it’s just some mistake? Let’s say Clair had a bit of day, was drunk off her arse, or high as a kite, or just simply not quite feeling herself, and you know, that wasn’t a conscious choice? Maybe she truly did get interested in Jakey boi, but spent one too many dollars by accident, or due to being under the influence or smth? Would also explain all the nonsense she’s typed. Maybe she weren’t okay at the time being. Things happen, kek.
How do these Twitch donations work though – can they be revoked?
No. 1838732
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Feel like I need to lighten the mood a little. Let’s enjoy Jake’s new and improved avatar, with its janked up hands, and oompa loompa legs. To keep it relevant to the Clair debate, she was mentioned in the comments. Someone was kind of demanding that she get in there and drop more money.
No. 1838838
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>>1838732>well Clair better start throwing money at himDamn, really talking about a human like they're some sort of cash dispenser. The Gothic Ace is a regular and has been known to be retarded with money as well. Making multiple donations so that Jake can pretend that the sound jump scares him.
No. 1838846
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He frivolously deletes comments but always makes sure to leave rare ones that diss Kaya. I hate men that refer to women as "upgrades" as if they're a shiny new computer part or something and it pits them against eachother unnecessarily.
No. 1838858
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Notes from the May 30th Twitch VOD (sugar baby edition)
>Celebrates the 100 subs milestone on Twitch – gifted subs start stacking up during the stream (more than 150 are purchased, mostly by Clair)
>At 1 hr in he celebrates a ‘Level 10 hype train’ after Clair gets into a money-spending frenzy, the chatters go nuts
>Between 3:38:00-3:43:00 he visits ‘The Fungeon’ and adopts the Velvet Thunder fursona …things get disgusting really quickly, he talks about making an under-aged ‘pup’ dance in a cage until it dies while he fucks a pig on the bed amongst other degeneracy
>He mentions that his Velvet Thunder short on YT (edited by Aiden) was immediately restricted due to content, implies he can’t make any more clipped content with the fursona
>At 4:00:00 he checks his phone for notifications as his VR wrist screen thing was broken for the last hour, after some silence he says he has just seen the donations from Clair and Amy (more silence and staring follows). He is in genuine shock at the amount and will not say how much out loud (it might have been a direct dono via the streamlabs link – pic included), he thanks them sincerely
>He makes an emotional speech, “Today it was especially hard to leave the house, it’s been tough on Kat and I’s relationship. Don’t worry, we’re not in any trouble…but I work from 10pm to 2am and that’s mummy and daddy time you know?”…”I only finished the Youtube video at 8:30 which meant I only had half an hour to get to the studio to set up for this stream so I missed out on valuable time with Kat”
I noticed that Clair was absent from yesterday's stream - there was noticeably less activity and buzz. His success is dependent on Clair's chaotic presence and spending or else things fail to get off the ground.
No. 1838871
>>1838846>complete upgradeRidiculously disrespectful and also false. not that we can rate Kat fairly since being a cheater, drunkard and serial tattoo tracer kinda makes it difficult to be unbiased.
Like even if she was a decent person she could have stepped in at the point Jake made Kaya live in a freezing studio during a pandemic, she just sat back and watched all that go down. Then putting her child in the household of this manbaby with serious anger issues. So yeah it's impossible to rate her fairly since her personality is dogshit but regardless, that comment should not be left public and it's very petty of him to leave it there
No. 1838902
>>1838858Underage pup dancing until it dies??
Wtaf is this?! This is disturbing
No. 1838913
>>1838702There's something so peculiar about her…
She drives a very nice car and has been to every continent on the planet…but she's got the mental age of a 16 year old on Red Bull and laughs about poop. It's obvious that the wealth doesn't come from her and it doesn't look like she comes from old money either. From the tacky displays of wealth I get nouveau riche vibes from her.
Judging by the age gap between her and Fat Hulk Hogan I think she might be a sugar baby. Initially she probably loved the status and freedom of being a childless, woman of leisure who got wined and dined by a grateful old divorcé but now she looked like a chronically bored 40 something woman with no friends or passions. Finances may never be an issue for her, but money can't buy you purpose.
I think she's going through something right now so I do feel some charitability towards her. She's only been acting unhinged for the last three weeks so maybe she'll calm down and return to her senses soon.
>>1838859She wasn't too mental on the stream 2 days ago: her thoughts were much clearer and her spelling had improved. Maybe she's slowly coming down from her mania? Fundamentally she's still a stunted person. I think she has been shaped by a profound lack of discipline or responsibility which makes her seem quite childish and simple.
>>1838871One day Isaac will learn about his selfish mother's cowardice and how it ruined so many lives around her. She left that relationship with zero class: threatening to slap Kaya, getting fired and being exiled from friend groups. That retard deserves
everything that happened to her.
>>1838881The Clair arc has been nuts nonna. She just came out of nowhere and no one knows anything about her yet she's quickly become one of the most entertaining characters in this shitshow. You can tell Jake is just as weirded out by her as we are and interacts with her carefully. There were a couple of moments where she scolded him for being sexual or childish and he quickly apologised in this meek, serious voice like a little boy-
"Sorry, I didn't mean it". His whole shtick is that he's inappropriate and horny so it's funny seeing him put his tail between his legs. It's still unclear whether Clair is actually offended or whether she doesn't realise her tone makes her come off as aggressive sometimes.
>>1838902He was trying so hard not to laugh as he made up this fucked up shit on the spot. How is it funny to talk about a puppy sex slave forced to dance and piss itself in a cage? He also talked about furry anal gang bangs and bathing in a bath full of cum. That's some nasty coomer shit.
No. 1838921
>>1838858>>1838913jake the degenerate
Now is he faking being into this fury shit or is he into? it cause that so over the top and immature about it I honestly think he into it.
And admitting it hard day in relationship the cracks are showing aye. If his work schedule is 10-2am when does he see kat and the child? Assuming she works full time and the child at playschool
No. 1839123
>>1838921I thought Kat only worked part-time.
On days she is working it seems he only has a few hours with her and Isaac before he has to be at the studio at 9pm for streaming. I think Saturday is their only family day.
He's doing his 12 hour stream now if anyone is interested. His 6 hours on YT just finished and he's heading to Twitch now.
No. 1839127
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Kat is always using Aiden/other mods as some sort of third-party messenger to communicate with Jake while he streams. And then Aiden spends $2 just to relay her message? This isn't the first time that she does this. His mods are always like "Kat says hi!" however she's NEVER come to say hi herself. It's bizarre.
No. 1839142
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>>1839123Got some screencaps of the YT stream.
He barely got any money in the first 4 hours, mostly chump change and gifted subs here and there. The most he got was two superchats worth $20 and $10.
Eventually Clair arrived on the scene and donated $300. A mystery newcomer called 'Desertrat Gaming' showed up and gave $350 all up - this is the first time someone has out done the Queen. Desertrat has a snacc badge next to their name but I've never heard of them before. Chat suspected it was Clair undercover but they protested, 'My name is Will. Not suspiciously someone else lol lol love ya jake'.
Jake visited some really cool worlds - a Japanese palace with cherry blossoms, a fishing world with clear blue water, a realm with Eldritch horrors amongst lots of others (much better than furry sex dungeons and in-world cinemas).
>>1839127Ew I hate this. of course Skat uses the public discord to try involve the snacc pacc - it must be some grifter tactic that Aiden is too dumb to see through.
No. 1839570
>>1839556I think you're onto something. Reminds me of that jazz metal cover band or some shit where the lead singer mysteriously pissed on a man from the audience's face out of nowhere, while he coincidentally had a gopro cam attached to his head ready for the occasion. They obviously arranged it beforehand for $$$$ because it was his specific fetish. Basically sordid goings on behind the scenes that the audience are unknowingly exposed to.
Definitely would explain the bizarre nature of his furry comments and her huge donations.
ref for random pee story:>In response to people asking whether the concert-goer knew what was going to happen, the band insisted: ‘Yes. Several comments made about peeing prior to it actually happening. Invited to stage.’ No. 1839648
>>1839556You can go to his Twitch now and watch all his VODs (previous streams), there's no paywall to access old content like there is on his Youtube. You have to put up with some ads but everything is still up there so far. Go to
>>1838858>Between 3:38:00-3:43:00 he adopts the Velvet Thunder fursona and things get disgusting really quickly…Find 'VTUBER VARIETY MADNESS' VOD and jump ahead to the timestamp above.
I think it's unlikely that Jake is a full-on degenerate who jacks off to underage puppy vore - I know he's making a mockery of furries and the sexual depravity of the more extreme parts of the culture. It was supposed to be a gag…however I won't lie, it made me really uncomfortable when he had to mention the 'barely legal pup' being forced into sex work until it dies. It was that little detail that made him crack up the hardest (it's almost as if young women and children don't face this reality everyday). Most of his chatters love Velvet Thunder and encouraged it. I don't think Clair made any comment about it though.
No. 1839657
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Jesus she is gaunt. Her jaw/neck look like they'd snap in the wind, or by a tap from Jake. The weird face shrinking filters she uses really accentuate it. I'd tell Jake to feed/provide for his malnourished twig better, but he can't even feed himself. He constantly brings up how little he's eaten that day as if it's an accomplishment and how "skinny" dancing around in VR is going to make him.
No. 1839662
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>>1839657she got that filler "mustache" big time, a lot of her friends and the women at Meraki get work done so it only makes sense that she would too. Clair's donations going to good use.
No. 1839698
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>>183914212 Hour Stream Pt II notes
>He resumes the stream on Twitch (you can see him breathe a sigh of relief when he sees Clair is present) and a spending frenzy ensues, there is a 'level 15 hype train' >Jake mostly spergs about J-Rock, sits in the in-world cinema and does escape rooms >He mentions that his Portugal trip and tummy tattoo were cancelled because of some bullshit about healing with the VR body gear>Jake thinks all his Twitch followers, different from subscribers, have been gifted 1 month subs, a chatter says any excess gifted subs will go to (unwilling) randoms on Twitch lol>Clair tells a fascinating story about dog shit and reveals she's 33 (with the mental age of a 12 yr old and the face of a haggard, middle-aged barfly)>Ends by saying he has a wedding with Kat this weekend and may not stream tomorrow, also mentions that his family day (Saturday) may move depending on his schedule each week>He confirms he will do a RL reaction stream once a week on topics of HIS choosing, he also got shitty at a chatter asking him about playing video games ('ok listen…it looks like I do have to keep repeating myself') - says he will eventually play games as a 2-D head and in his in-world form No. 1839732
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>>1839657She looks like jeffree star kek
No. 1839796
>>1839657It's honestly kind of bizarre how gaunt her face is and how shapeless she is overall when she has those lunch lady arms. She might just be one of those girls who carry all their weight in their shoulders though? Tbh earlier in her appearance in the threads I thought she was kind of cute, but she's been looking particularly rough and dehydrated lately judging by
>>1835577 and
>>1835584 Jake really seems to suck the life out of ppl
No. 1839801
>>1839796Looks like she has an eating disorder? I know jake all about weight loss atm maybe she joining him or
triggering her
No. 1840042
>>1839732agreed, it's uncanny. same super skinny body type, the tattoos all over, and masculine face caked in makeup, green hair. she needs to get a Gucci track suit and be an impersonator.
I dont know how looking like a manorexic is an "upgrade" to Jake and his male fans, it makes me question if they are hetero, not that there's anything wrong with it, kek
No. 1840043
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>>1840042He's supposedly bisexual and was a big jeff fan at one point kek
No. 1840153
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>>1840142>>1840043reposting this gem from an old altcows thread. kek
No. 1840155
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>>1840153this was made pre headwound tattoo, but it's honestly kind of uncanny at this point.
No. 1840176
>>1839657These two act like borderline ana-chans. Jake made an interesting comment on stream yesterday:
'If I made a female version of my avatar, it’d have to be my ideal type of body on a woman. Everyone in VR chat wants a 4ft 10 chick with giant titties, the tiniest waist and a huuuge ass – I don’t want that. The female version of my model would be the kind of girl that I like, which is my gf - slim, elegant and beautiful'If any other guy said that no one would bat an eyelid but we all know Jake and how he projects his self-hatred and orthorexia on to others - this reveals so much more than being 'loyal' to his bony gf.
Once someone mentions weight or diet in chat it sets him off - he loves divulging in his obsession. On stream he also talked about how he weighs his food and how he's actually been losing weight since he started V-tubing (
'I lost half an inch off my waist so far, that's a lot maaan').
He did some boring calorie counting on stream and mentioned that he doesn’t go to gym to get huge, he just wants to get fat off his body through strict exercise and diet.
>>1840153A masterpiece. Just like Nate Schwandt Jake is also a vain man-whore with a wandering eye.
No. 1840180
>>1840176>'If I made a female version of my avatar, it’d have to be my ideal type of body on a woman.Yeah this faggot would have trooned out by now if he had his "ideal body type".
>Everyone in VR chat wants a 4ft 10 chick with giant titties, the tiniest waist and a huuuge ass – I don’t want that. The female version of my model would be the kind of girl that I like, which is my gf - slim, elegant and beautiful'Unashamedly promoting his ana-agenda and body shaming his biggest fans, many of which are short and chubby women. His content is so fucking unhealthy for a woman's mindset and he doesn't deserve a platform to spread his insecurities.
No. 1840235
>>1840176One of Kaya's stories in her 3 hour relationship video was about how Jake went to eat some chicken in the middle of the night, he left it on the counter so it went off, in the morning she pointed it out and said 'aw, your chicken' and he went absolutely crazy, iirc he was smashing plates and she had to run across to a neighbours house holding her cat to escape.
This does suggest he has food issues to me, like his late night binge was caught and he was so embarrassed he lost it.
Kat probably does represent an ideal body to him since she's thin, and he has basically never been thin except for briefly when he was skinwalking Jeffree star. And Kaya used to be very thin.
I would guess he's probably a binge eater/bulimia and he tries to exercise it off.
No. 1840372
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>>1839961I've skim-watched a few of Jake's streams to make my hate collages and I'm starting to see the appeal of VR: there's basically infinite worlds to explore and you can take your time to interact with each environment and have some unique experiences. VR streaming won't give you immediate gratification like TT or IG 'reels', but with the right streamers guiding you it has the potential to be much more immersive and entertaining. Chat can ruin the experience (it depends hugely on who the demographic is and how mature they are) but that's a problem on most streams. I can see V-tubing overtaking gaming streams soon enough - it can get really boring watching gameplay while the talking head in the corner zones out and barely engages in communication, at least VR gaming has a bit of novelty and engagement to it.
>>1840021I tried to watch Filian before and
hooo-ly shit I didn't make it 5 minutes… It's just a cat girl who talks in a loli voice, wears predominantly school girl clothes and
accidentally flashes her crotch to chat. The comments in chat are frequently sexual and she likes to respond with this coked-out, camgirl laugh - YUCK! How are these streams not 18+?? This is sex work and she is a pedo-factory.
I wonder how long Jake has been watching her. Interestingly her fans are called 'snackers'…
No. 1840386
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"Daddy wanted to fuck Tinkerbell"
What the fuck, Jake.
No. 1840434
>>1839127peak parasocial relationship happening right here
>>1840235wouldn't surprise me tbh. He's usually salivating and ranting about mcdonalds and other garbage tier food late at night in his streams.
>>1840386I honestly wonder if Kat is going to start having late night guests over while he's "hard at work" vtubing since "mummy and daddy time" isn't happening outside photographing grotesque OF content every other Saturday.
>>1840372It's pretty obvious he's been watching filian for a while now, the "snackers" thing is pretty damning and he's constantly trying to get her attention these days too. Dude is clearly a degenerate hentai watcher and that's further proven with his weird little girl sex roleplays with kat and the vtubers he's following. He really shares a lot of parallels with Onision to me tbh, I really hope he and Kat never actually have any kids of their own.
No. 1840517
>>1840502kek no on Twitter Jake follows a bunch of hypersexualised Vtubers clad in latex with physically impossible body types and jiggle physics
and also Filian, the loli in a schoolgirl outfit known for her pantsu shots
No. 1840519
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This account that he follows posts literal VR porn and now he wants to fuck Disney characters. Jake, touch grass.
No. 1840572
>>1840176LMAO slim, ok, beautiful is not the word, and Kat has only ever been arguably elegant was on her wedding day to another man LMAO, even then the Great Gatsby theme was kind of Kardashian from wish.
her typical fashion sense is so tacky, her tattoos are juvenile, the porn thing and type of porn costumes (a cow, stripper, wannabe Belle Delphine gamer kitty girl and now tinker belle) isn't exactly peak sophistication lol.
if any other guy said this, I'd assume his girlfriend is extremely insecure and mad that he was caught lusting at whatever the body type he is bashing to make her feel better. the specific criticism makes me think he hates women who happen to be on average, short, and have curves. he is calling that less than elegant is making him sound like a gay fashion designer. he is a Troon lover. if I were a MTF I'd be feeling super validated right now, like I have a chance with him due to my lanky proportions.
No. 1840578
>>1840572"If I made a female version of my avatar, it’d have to be my ideal type of body on a woman, which is my gf"
His content creator coomer to troon sex worker pipeline is starting.
No. 1840646
>>1840645He said all the same shit about kaya and people were calling for them to break up years before they did I wouldn't hold my breath. Kat and jake have known each other a few years and now have been together for over a year. He'll drag this shit out for years if Kat maintains a job and if he gets her pregnant.
Also any slim anons find it hilarious that Kat gets called bone rattling. How fat are some of you
No. 1840685
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>>1840468I need brain bleach after reading that
>>1840519I wouldn't be surprised if Jake follows porny V-tubers in hopes of 'collaborating' with them one day on Fansly. He wishes he could make the same money as them without taking off his kit.
>>1840185There's nothing wrong with having a thing for lanky women (even Kaya made a TikTok about how she likes 'really skinny guys who look like they're dying') but Jake talks about it like it's the most important feature in a partner - commitment to staying thin and undereating is a virtue for him. It's one thing to appreciate your partner's body in private but it's weird when his thin fetishism creeps out whenever he publicly speaks of Kat - I can't really think of personal attributes he has praised in Kat. It's funny how Jake struggled to find a nice thing to say about Kaya's features in the Boyfriend tag video but he could probably list all the body parts he likes in Kat with ease.
It's tragic that Jake and Kaya both stopped being each other's type within the first half of their relationship.
No. 1840897
>>1840875>like 5'7Does that mean jake is even smaller than 5'7 since he appears to be a little shorter than kat? Male height doesn't matter to me
because I'm lesbian lmao but fake clearly has body image issues about both height and weight, kaya has said he's raged about his height often. He claims 5'9 but is bro 5'6?
No. 1841034
>>1840519>>1840685I really have to wonder if the
sims porn was his idea given his obvious interest in all things hentai and porn at this rate. Would not be surprised if he stoops as low as to make porn with his shitty vtube avatar.
>>1840776It's literally age play shit which is basically pedo rp. Absolutely disgusting, especially for two mid 30-somethings raising a toddler together.
>>1840875>>1840897It's really hard to say at this point because there are photos of him and Kaya beside eachother and seeming the same height if not him slightly shorter. Kat always seems to be bending her knees a bunch in her photos to Jake while he stands up straight. Maybe he's just permanently hunched over like a gorilla from only working out his upper body? Maybe the dude is shrinking? I have a feeling Kat is taller than 5'7" and Jake is likely closer to 5'9" and is one of those dudes who "rounds up" though.
No. 1841041
>>1840875holy shit! if she is 5'7" then he and dean are like 5'4". definitely proportioned like midgets, farmers have long suspected it, but Jake really wants us to think he is 5'9?! HAHAHA! kat is always wearing flat converse shoes with him and bending her knees in pics next to him. she is definitely taller than him. I dont know why but I thought she was even taller than kaya because she doesnt ever wear heels next to him.
no wonder he "prefers" tall women because women over there are all as tall/taller than he is. her weight is weird to randomly mention. most women wouldn't want to volunteer their weight, even if they like it because what if they go over… there's a lot of baggage about weight and measurements. it's a very backhanded thing to compliment on women.
No. 1841042
>>1841034oh dear god
nonnie, you're probably right that he came up with the sims porn idea. god help us if he decides to do some cringey vtube porn (though i think it's just inevitable at this point)
also massive KEK at the whole height thing. it makes so much sense and it's fucking hilarious
No. 1841049
>>1840685he has said he prefers dumber women since meeting kat lol, so there you go. ideal body type, "beautiful", and dumber.
he actually complimented Kaya physically a lot in the beginning, called her pretty, sexy, liked her "good bum." the boyfriend tag was like 6 years into their relationship if I recall correctly, and while he struggled to say he found her attractive other than "tall, slim, goth, all my favorite things" after she looked like she was about to cry, he was saying she was really good at YouTube/social media and talented at most things she attempted to do (but wouldnt stick with like art and taxidermy). also he was proud of her for being in a segment about goths on The BBC. he's got a little coat tail riding in him. I'm surprised he is not trying to be a tattoo artist now.
No. 1841197
>>1841071how is she gonna be a "trophy wife" if she's not even engaged to the loser? more like a participation badge live-in girlfriend who also has to go to work and raise a kid AND tend to jake's semi absent ass now that he sets his own schedule to be away from her and the kid. he may have been cucked into raising dean's son, but she is getting a whole lot of nothing out of the relationship. maybe that's why Jake is so smug. I said it before, the vacations are something for Jake too, he never gets her anything expensive for just her enjoyment. the nicest thing he has ever bought for her is a pole lol. they are such a low budget couple.
I hope she dumps him for being shady as hell with the "I hate big boobs, tiny waists, and big asses! I only ever want to fuck my gf!" and sharing her weight like a weirdo. she probably got the vibe that he jerks off to anime porn with those proportions because why on earth is he following those accounts, his public hate of e-girls and DDLG ended up being a kink of his, and so now he is over correcting to make her feel better about anime girls. it's embarrassing! he is not thinking of her integrity at all and is sharing that she is insecure.
No. 1841233
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>>1840875>>1840897>>1841034Here's a pic of Jake standing on his tippy toes and Kat bending her knees so he can appear taller. They both seem to be wearing similar shoes too? There's no way he's a whole 3 inches taller than her.
>>1841230According to him both his parents are short, fat, and "unfuckable". Sounds like he takes after them both tbh.
No. 1841334
>>1841333If you check the friends list of this acc look for Phoebe, thats his sister.
Sorry for spam
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>>1841309don't give them advice and no she doesn't, she looks like Jeffree Star
>>1841333Jake's "thinspiration" wow he really used to be unashamedly ana and is slowly leaning back into that and pushing it on his viewers. Funny how his thinspiration is some Asian twink with an entirely different genetic makeup than him. Also his old alliterative scene kid name was fucking retarded. Syn Scream, kek.
No. 1841433
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>>1841380That's Miyavi, a Japanese musician. You can see the chokehold he's had over Jake since 2004 - he's heroine chic personified, likes gender-bending, outrageous fashion and he's renowned for his virtuosic guitar skills.
He caught the J-Rock bug at 14 or 15 and continued to skin-walk Miyavi long after he stopped being a die-hard fan. He's copied Miyavi's look with the straightened bangs and hat a few times now and has admitted himself it looks shit on him (kek at the Johnny Two-Hats moment).
As he transitioned into his early twenties Jake tried so hard to remain as androgynous and small as possible and starve the man out of himself - it seemed like it was quite a dark chapter in his life. I think you are right nonna, he is slowly slipping back into pro-ana tendencies: Kat is his new thinspiration.
>>1841224He has had life-long issues with self-obsession, delusions of grandeur and jealousy. He talked about how his younger brother was tall, skinny and sporty during their teenage years and how that jealousy caused a lot of tension in the house. Then he became a vain young man, drooling over models on VF and fantasizing about being a J-Rock star exploding mastubatory guitar riffs over screaming fan girls - he saw his body as an obstacle to that goal and did his best to punish it at the detriment to his mental health (and his relationships).
>>1841202That's really sad, I'm pretty sure she's just a teenager. I hope Jake had the decency to shut down that unhealthy comparison straight away. Jake should stop talking about his gf's weight and 'hotness' unless he's trying to make his younger snaccs as miserable as he was at their age - what a nonce.
No. 1841436
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No. 1841437
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No. 1841438
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No. 1841441
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Jake Munro is still a bully, but his luck is running out. Some things change while others stay the same.
No. 1841528
>>1841437skinny legends. kat looks like she could lose a few compared to how Jake and kaya looked in this pic. but nothing lasts forever.
why did Jake start bulking up? his arms are SO stubby looking now. it's unfortunate that he went from one body extreme to the other. he is not going to get that waif boy look back at 30 something. he lost all neck lmao
No. 1841575
>>1841333going through those old pics, he really looks like a mtf. maybe it's just the longer pink hair, but he just looks like a trans fag KEK or at least a gender-bender
and the way-too-low boxers to show his pubic bone… wtf???
>>1841433that upper right pic of fake really makes him look like an anachan girl, damn. just waiting for the 'i'm transgender' video to come out (if he ever drops his shitty macho man persona…)
No. 1841593
>>1841437Kaya is obviously at least an inch taller than him, maybe even two judging from this photo. It's very possible judging from
>>1841233 Kat and Jake are actually the same height at around 5'8" but one rounds up to feel less of a manlet and one rounds down so she can be his tiny uwu babygirl. kek
No. 1841707
>>1840645Jake says he was prepared for the shitstorm and repercussions to his career when the cheating scandal went public but I don't think he realised he left one cage for another one.
On stream he spoke about how 'the wee one' frequently woke him up with his crying and you could hear the slight resentment in his voice. In fact, he doesn't mention Isaac with the same warmth in his voice anymore.
I noticed Clair didn't show up in his last two streams so he barely made any money. His audience was mostly made up of the same regulars who come every day and toss him $2 or 100 bits every 15 mins or so.
Even after all the excitement of the 4 figure donos last week he knows that nothing is guaranteed. Most streamers don't jump in with both feet and no day-job: they take it slow and wait for it to become steady before they commit (especially if there's high living costs and children involved).
Even if one of them
did want out of the relationship right now they wouldn't be able to afford moving out. Kat would have to move back in with her parents and Jake would have to go back to social housing (an anon confirmed Jake and Kaya previously lived in government subsidized housing area).
>>1841437He would have been 19 here (nearly 20) - he almost looks like a child from how much he was starving himself. I think he was near peak orthorexia- running to and from work, only eating bites of food and highly irritable to everyone around him.
Kaya might have only been 17 here. I remember she constantly talked about dieting on her tumblr (even she looked like this) and was always sick and puking from illness in her teens. This made her already skinny frame look frail and you can notice it a lot in certain pics.
Their aspirations in modelling and stage performance during such a formative period really fucked with their heads and self-worth.
No. 1841720
>>1841707sounds like he might have to get a minimum wage JOB, like he told Kaya. I'm front row here to see it.
Kat should move out. Jake's not a provider. living with her parents will at least get her consistent help with Isaac and she can save money, and play the field and not waste precious last years of her 30s being miserable with Jake the serial long term monogamist who is too stubborn and cowardly to just break it off and will eventually cheat when he gets too horny. I know the same can be said of her, but even she can do better than Stumpy Munro. Kat, get yourself a man that lets your 5'7" ass wear heels!
No. 1841762
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>>1841707His views on YT have never been worse too kek. Here I thought it was bad when he couldn't break 20k views in a week, but he hasn't even crossed the 10k point in an entire month already. If claire's donations were legit, it's likely the only real money he's made in a long time. At this point he'd almost be better off taking that job at tesco. Maybe then he'd at least be able to have a little "mummy and daddy time" with Kat.
No. 1841833
>>1841807in the smile room video i guess someone asked if he had eaten and he's like "there's several ways i could answer that but very little" or whatever and idk if he wants ppl to be concerned or he's trying to push the narrative that he's losing weight/toning while off camera.
pretty sure he's mentioned that he wants muscles with a lean torso but he wide lol. very curious of what he looked like before the alt stuff as he's built all of his aesthetics off other ppl and none of it seemed to be successful for him cos now he's a poorly designed vr thing.
No. 1841887
>>1841833>"There's several ways i could answer that but very little"I noticed that phrase too - he's definitely drawing attention to his new eating habits and weight-loss deliberately. He's always prided himself on being able to lose weight easily so I'm not surprised he's back on his bullshit.
I guess the V-tubing is a workout compared to reacting to content/playing games from a computer chair so I'm not surprised he's losing muscle mass but getting thinner.
He seems to swing between wanting to be a buff 'daddy' (Kat's 'type') and wanting to be a slender twink, forever youthful and able to model more extreme/femme styles.
>>1841762He's really banking on the fact one of his vids or clips will go viral and he'll get thousands of subs over night. I've heard him encourage the snaccs to generate funny clips for his Twitch and I suspect he also encouraged them to gift as many subs as possible so he can force people into his channel. He has hundreds of subs now but it's unclear how many will remain after the month when they stumble across the comprehensive Jake Munro dossier.
>>1841787, >>1841872,
>>1841881He was miserable and tired when he was ana and he was incredibly uncomfortable in his skin when he was a fat normie in 2017. I think he looked best when he was average weight with eyebrows, J-rock hair, make-up (not clown paint but guy-liner) and 'bi-curious' fashion: somewhere in between the two extremes.
He's currently in his worst era looks wise - his eyes look really small and tired without make-up and his limp grey hair make him look so old. If he chilled on the gym supplements he could probably look a lot better.
No. 1841963
>>1841867Judging from what has been said in streams, it seems like they mostly order takeout and keep snacks around for Isaac. We've all seen her "good job" note to him accompanied with toddler snacks and he's constantly talking about mcdonalds or other fast-food in stream. It's kind of no wonder he felt like he had to starve himself to get down to normal weight like in
>>1841437 because he seems to eat a lot of trash.
No. 1841971
>>1841887he honestly looks like he's aged 30 years, not 10. the gray hair and sunken tired eyes make him look far older and middle-aged.
>>1841963also damn. not only is it unhealthy to eat out constantly, it's also EXPENSIVE. i don't know how much kat makes but i'm assuming it's not much–they could likely get groceries for a week with what they spend in three days, based off of fast food and delivery costs. no wonder he's so fat, kek
No. 1842099
>>1841971I agree the guy looks much older than 32, he's been looking old, dehydrated, and really worn out lately. Anytime we catch a glimpse of his real skin texture filter-free I'm a little horrified. Probably due to a mix of his poor diet, smoking, and drinking habits.
>>1842076He complains about his stubborn belly fat too, but that's definitely due to his diet. He can use steroids all he wants, but he's still going to keep some fat along his midsection if he's eating fast-food all the time. Kat definitely looks more skinny-fat than she does toned and slim judging by her weird lunch lady arms too.
No. 1842212
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>>1841963I'm surprised to hear they eat takeaway so much considering Jake lost so much income - I guess they're too good for frozen veggies and tuna bake (which any idiot can learn to prepare). If you're too lazy/unable to cook dinner why wouldn't you get ready-made meals? It's cheaper and healthier than the junk I assume they order. You're way less likely to make impulsive food decisions and you can look at the nutritional info for every option.
>>1842099 Bodies are weird and every woman is different, skinny in some places and fat in others. I've got thinner arms than Kat despite having a higher body fat percentage and a bit of a belly.
I'm reminded of a question in the Kibbe body types test where you are asked to catergorise the composition of your upper arms and thighs. I think she would fall under E due to the wideness and fleshiness despite being skinny overall.
She's also pushing her arm against her side in this pose and she's contracting her bicep which adds to the
squish lol.
Picrel to demonstrate point.
No. 1842286
>>1842255>Fat upper arms in women if they’re otherwise skinny is usually caused by high estrogenI couldn't find a credible source on that one chief. I know it's associated with increased fat in the lower body and creates that classic ‘pear-shape’.
You're right though, it is nitpicky and all women will experience some age related sagging here eventually. I picked Natalie Portman for my reference because despite how petite she is certain anachans would look at her arms here and call her fat. When Kat lifts up her arms for photoshoots she doesn't have much excess fat or skin hanging down so they're not really 'lunch lady arms'. They just look unbalanced compared to the rest of her body as she has a boyish figure and her head is so small kek.
>>1842280She had a toned stomach at one point but I don't know if she does her pole classes anymore. I get the impression she does it casually at the studio gym while Jack pumps iron and watches her for 'motivation'
No. 1842470
>>1842325The lower body refers to the hips, glutes and legs but in the context of describing a pear shaped body it's just referencing the thighs, not the full legs.
I have noticed in some medical contexts apple and pear shapes are only used to describe the middle. It doesn't help that the silly fruit body theory of the 000s had changing definitions for the shapes and have added to the confusion lol.
No. 1842557
>>1842500It’s always weird and facepalm-worthy to listen to someone bitching and crying everyone a river over ‘muh though schedule’, when they’re self-employed. Especially the kind of self-employed Fake is – when you’re a streamer and low-production reaction video creator.
If your schedule doesn’t work for you – change it. It’s that simple. You’re the one setting it, there’s no boss that is dictating you when to do what at which hour, without any compromise. It’s entirely in your hands.
And sure, with things like streams there are timeframes that are better and more beneficial to pick, but there’s still plenty of room for tweaks. You can pick those out and plan together as a household – when one is streaming, another one is doing something else, and then you meet in the middle. And with things like YT you can be flexible to the max, because it only ever matters when the video will be published for everyone to see. Everything in between is improvisational.
But here’s the catch, you have to plan
together, taking into consideration what your other half needs to get done, prefers, etc. And Fake the raging narc has no understanding of such concept – considering the other’s wishes. That, and also immersing himself in work is his obvious coping mechanism he’s had all this time. When there’s a situation that doesn’t sit well with him, he escapes into his studio to work his arse off, instead of facing the issue and looking for a solution. It’s just escapism, and the kind he conveniently holds against the other person later on, because he’s also a passive-aggressive bitch. It’s not down to scheduling but shitty coping mechanisms and lack of life skills.
No. 1842632
>>1842500The studio is an entire hour drive from the house they are renting? Sorry Kat, I guess it makes sense she wouldn't have "much to show" for her work-outs as I can only assume it's rare for her to even make it out there. It's likely only doable on days Dean has the kid as it's not like Jake is going to stay at home with him to let her go an hour out on her own to work out. Which is obviously for the best given Jake's attitude towards misbehaving children and his very short fuse.
>>1842557Jake's current streaming schedule on twitch has him out at the studio Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays for four hours at a time. Does he have a set streaming schedule for YT? I can't seem to find one listed anywhere on his social media.
No. 1842761
File: 1686222620895.webm (13.8 MB, 720x1280,'T EAT THE FOOD…)
Uploaded to not give him views
boy pussy shit so disgusting
No. 1842883
>>1842796I know right! It was the size of a decent sized house. He would been better of buying a house then constantly renting a studio. didn’t he at one point he had 3 studios or is the 3 studios the one he has now? Or have I just made that up
>>1842761I feel dirty after watching that. Looks like he be going down the femboy anime fury porn any day soon ‘moist boy pussy ’ well we know what he been lGoogling at then. Looks like he just done one with howls moving castle shorts to get those weeaboos to find his content
No. 1843007
File: 1686259596760.jpeg (76.75 KB, 828x1109, IMG_1162.jpeg)

He started to get copyright claims, too, apparently?
No. 1843018
>>1842761>>1842909>Howdy folks welcome to femboy hooters. I'm simply named green. I've got the moistest boy pussy in the whole place. (slurping sounds) What can I get you? How about one slice of pizza? Here you go, would you like to eat it off my ass? Oh, I know what you want. You want a nice big 6in hotdog. Yeah, stick that in your mouth. Uh, we also have literally a burger patty touched directly with my dirty femboy hands that have been touching asses all day… of my coworkers! Yeah, my coworkers that work real hard. Oh, look there's one right here. Oh hey coworker how is it going I'll stay down here. Could you serve the customer that's up there? Hi my name is red, nice to see ya. That was my coworker green that's down there. (whimpering moaning with slurping sounds) Never mind what he's doing! Let's see what I got down here that I can give ya. We have some uh, anal beads? (picks up dango) That can go on your hotdog. There you go anal beads and a nice long sausage! You came to the right place.This 32yo man really thinks this is peak humor and good enough to clip as a promo for his twitch streams.
>>1843007He's been getting hit with it on Twitch too, entire areas of audio have been cut from his streams due to using copyrighted media.
No. 1843089
>>1843026>He remains super wound up post stream so he goes to the living room and watches V-tuber compilations By wound up he probably means turned on from his snaccs thirsting over him and by vtuber compilations he probably means virtual hentai.
>while making art (I've never seen him create artwork lol)The art must be the wankstain he leaves.
No. 1843096
File: 1686267116893.jpg (Spoiler Image,74.84 KB, 600x909, Andy-andy-sixx-and-black-veil-…)

I realised fake has the same man baby torso as Andy Biersack did (idk about current Andy) picrel
No. 1843129
>>1842761…what the fuck did i just watch? i need bleach, stat. how does he think this is funny?? how is it worth views??? he's really going downhill, and fast. this is so fucking cringe. it's only a matter of time before he starts doing gay furry femboy vtuber porn, i say it'll be a month max before he goes down that rabbit hole.
>>1842889very good point nonna. his studio is absolutely huge, it would be a really nice space to live in honestly. i'm looking at apartments currently (i'm from the us) and one, they're tiny, and two, they're expensive as fuck. he's very lucky with that big of a studio space… that he doesn't seem to use much of the space for anything but storage. kek
>>1843026sorry, he turns a 30 min drive into a 15 min one? i hope he gets pulled over one of these days and maybe even gets his license suspended. i agree with the other anons that he's likely on
something. maybe not coke or hard drugs like that, but this is not normal behavior.
No. 1843222
File: 1686276782897.jpg (24 KB, 1080x274, garbage content.jpg)

A comment from his femboy hooters clip that he deleted.
No. 1843274
File: 1686282612204.jpg (223.88 KB, 1080x1889, Screenshot_20230608-204550_Twi…)

>>1843259He has another new regular, some they/them vtuber with an obviously female presenting avatar and personality kek. She's been chatting regularly, thirsting over his avatar, and in his discord helping him figure out how to be vtuber.
No. 1843356
>>1843281Jake has spoken about how he'll eventually be streaming with 'trusted V-tubers in his community' so I'm sure Catsper will be his first collab.
Jake's getting his first VR paycheck soon and wants to update a lot of channel and pfp art, emotes and some other stuff I can't remember. He also realised he needs to pump out more regular content on IG reels, YT shorts and TikTok if he wants to get on the algo but short-form content is clearly not his strength. He went on a bitter tirade against zoomers today even though they are the prime consoomers of VR and V-tubing. This is not gonna go well…
No. 1843366
>>1843356Yeah Jake has invited "Cat" to join him in VR. I'm sure Kat is going to love Jake playing with this new "Cat" who thirsts for him kek.
As soon as he starts posting this dumb shit on tiktok he'll officially have become what he hates, short form content for short attention span zoomers. He's going to end up despising his own content once he realizes this isn't the key to fame, as usual.
No. 1843483
>>1843018This is the gayest thing I've ever read, he definitely watches gay porn. Like the amount of focus on dicks and asses.
>>1843253Was just wondering how people are taking this…badly kek
No. 1843727
>>1843483he will delete comments and keep going cos he can’t help try prove ppl wrong lol.
skipped through his new cringe gross comment reading video. makes comment about how easy it is for women (assuming in porn) to lay there & do nothing & then criticize the man’s performance. goes on rant at end that ppl aren’t watching vtube content, blames youtube, says he’s going to keep doing it as it makes him happy and he’s passionate about it, major fucking cope.
apparently he will be doing one face vid a week but no reaction or tiktok related things.
No. 1843818
File: 1686358366331.jpg (Spoiler Image,96.7 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20230610_015338_Ope…)

>>1843274>they them>avatar looks like a typical edgy instathotEvery time
No. 1843882
>>1842761>>1843018I’m sure this is
exactly the kind of ~famous rich YTber / musician boyfriend~ Kat has left her stable, non-delusional, "true love" (or whatever it said) tattoo artist and shop owner
husband and
father of her child for. KEK The karma must be burning.
No. 1843984
File: 1686388755170.jpg (151.04 KB, 653x443, 15U1slk.jpg)

>>1843727Oof it's worst than I thought. This is more stale than the alt-tiktoks videos (at least then he can talk about 2000s music and subcultures). I can see the PHub comments series losing steam pretty quickly after the horny 14 yr olds get bored and move on - there's not enough to talk about and he rehashed a few of his grumpy old man opinions we've heard a million times before. Still, he must be elated this newest video got 3.5k views, he usually struggles to hit 1k in 12 hrs.
His return to IRL react content coincided with another dip in subs kek - no doubt he'll get mad and take it out on his fans in an upcoming video. The majority of his subs left because of
him and are never coming back so I don't know why he's taking his rage out on the remaining snacc pacc (who already donate in every way they can and watch him daily). His negative energy drives away most of the newbies who continue not to sub.
No. 1843985
>>1843882Well when she got with him he was slim popular on YouTube on tour had loads money he most likely was a upgrade but now his mask is slipping he gained weight not as much money YouTube going down the pan and clearly doesn't spend as much time with her. Got called out by his ex and multiple YouTubers for aggression narcissistic behaviour and even a alleged sexual assault during tour. His band members all ditch him. Older content like how he spoke about hitting kids resurfaced not long ago. She must be getting alarm bells or regrets leaving her ex husband and breaking up the family for what.
I wonder if she tells people that her boyfriend a YouTuber. I would be embarrassed telling people that my bf did this new content or letting them see his channel the first thing people watch would be a shorts video these days. Before the tiktok he used to strive to have unquie content which was different from others what happened jake?
He become what he hated a sell out
No. 1844093
>>1844038don’t want to give him any ideas but that terrible fem boy skit he did is definitely worse than him making shallow makeup/outfit content and talking about how awesome his music career was going to be.
didn’t he have plans to shoot a music video last month? he barely promotes it cos he’s too busy convincing us he’s so passionate about vtubing lol.
No. 1844154
>>1844132Tattoo shops are very sex positive, accepting spaces so I hear it's a common career choice for people who have formerly done or currently do OF, camwork and stripping…but Kat would still be a black sheep in their industry.
It must be weird if your tattooist-of-10-yrs colleague cheated on her husband to pursue a Youtuber and start an OF under her full name in her mid-30s. Most of her childhood friends, colleagues, clients and family have seen her naked (even if some of them didn't want to they might get sent pictures by moid trolls) and that will forever change how people perceive you. It hasn't affected her career as much as it hurt Jake's but she'll have to worry about Isaac being bullied because his mum does public ddlg shoots. Uh why couldn't she have stuck to dom/sub, it's way less creepy.
No. 1844263
File: 1686429526079.png (4.61 KB, 912x158, keeek.png)

>>1843984>Jake uploads new face video>people start unsubbing even fasterkek
No. 1844407
File: 1686444967834.jpg (106.19 KB, 1080x1972, 20230610_175633.jpg)

So now Skat has True Love on her knuckles for Dean, and Daddy's on her lip for Jake. Some jokes just write themselves.
No. 1844486
>>1844038I think the end of kat would do him a favor, professionally. the type of person who watches him with a crush doesn't want to hear him drool over some other chick who he cheated on with his ex of 10+ years. wholesome guy with a girlfriend he doesn't show any PDA with = yes! what a catch. wannabe porn slut he was cheating with on said girlfriend = no thanks, I think I hate you now.
he would have probably been fine if he had just been single for a while. but no, he continuously shoots himself in the foot every time with his "kat is so hot", "kat has the perfect body here is her weight and height", "kat keeps in shape doing pole," no wonder he keeps dropping subscribers. no matter what, as soon as I see someone I like even just a little bit act like they like someone else, the ladyboner is gone. finished. no one wants to vie for attention from some average guy on the internet anyway and spend their hard earned money to buy that alcoholic bitch more drinks. the ones who still support him need a psych evaluation or a conservatorship, god damn.
No. 1844544
File: 1686464638897.png (76.04 KB, 511x917, cope.png)

Jake shared a clip from the Joe Rogan show saying, "Let me tell you this joe. You will never, never in life. Meet a hater, doing better than you." The absolute cope of it all. We've all seen how strung out and desperate he's been acting with his measly 2 likes on OF and utter inability to break 10k views on a YT video. kek
No. 1844743
File: 1686506705164.jpeg (89.7 KB, 1290x686, IMG_5353.jpeg)

>>1844643that’s his own fault for hyping it up and then delivering the lowest effort, terribly lit and posed pix that made him look bored and dirty. he’s been taking ppl’s money for months with very little content, completely abandoned that side account he had for ~spicy content~ and probably turns ppl off on a daily basis to where they are actively disappointed that he’s not the hot gawth daddy they initially followed and are leaving in droves.
meanwhile his viewers are “concerned” about him so no stream. maybe sitting in a room screaming at videos or games for hours on end attempting to regain lost revenue and whatever status he is trying to get on twitch is why he’s ‘burnt out’.
No. 1844828
>>1844803>>1844802He's definitely gone full onision now where he leans into being a weird loser, like incest jokes
and fantasising about his brother dying (even though his brother has been seen standing up for him online within the last year) man has serious issues and not in a cool, interesting way like he imagines
No. 1844830
>>1844803>>1844802He's definitely gone full onision now where he leans into being a weird loser, like incest jokes
and fantasising about his brother dying (even though his brother has been seen standing up for him online within the last year) man has serious issues and not in a cool, interesting way like he imagines
No. 1844970
>>1844802>He says there's no way that someone with 400,000 subs can be getting 1k views on vids and that Youtube is playing games with him.Love that he conveniently forgets how he managed to lose around 70-75k subs on youtube in just the past two years alone. How he is still currently losing thousands each month with no end in sight. But of course it's not him and his horrible mismanagement of his online "career". No, it was totally his lazy ex girlfriend! The haters! YouTube is out to get him! He'll keep pointing the finger at anyone but himself. kek
>>1844828The parallels between him and greg are amazing to me at times. Both of them have the same gross sense of humor, like it's never developed beyond being a teen boy listening to eminem and watching south park in the early 2000s. Both seem to have similar gross tastes in porn and hentai (and seem to lock themselves away from their partner in their "studio" to partake in it kek). Both have absolutely no business being around children. Both have obvious anger issues and similar body image issues. The obsession with RESPECT. It goes on and on. Oh, and can't forget his rapidly diminishing fanbase that is quickly only becoming only the most inbred backwoods terminally online mfers being the sole source of his income. Really cannot wait for him to reach the "selling the studio and moving into a smaller house" portion of his downfall tbh.
No. 1845006
nonnie, as bad as kat and fake are… i think people are more willing to not bat an eye at of/ddlg shit. as bad as that is, i think it's because it's so common to do sex work. hell, ddlg is a really common fetish/kink/fantasy/whatever for people, as shitty as that is.
i think people are less willing to turn a blind eye to gay furry vtube tiktoks that are borderline obscene. anywhere on the internet, where literal children can find it. at least kat's onlyfans is behind a paywall, and iirc her of insta is private? at least there's some effort there to hide it from kids. for jake with those retarded ass tiktoks… yeah. a literal 13 year old could find that shit on their fyp. he makes no effort to make age-appropriate content for his allegedly 'family friendly' channel.
>>1844803>tens of thousands of people apparently like his content>6,500 likes on instathat's… only six thousand likes. not
tens of thousands. how fucking retarded is he, he can't even do basic math? fucking kek
>>1844970i think he forgets that when you point one finger at someone else, three fingers are still pointing right back at you kek
No. 1845231
>>1845022He has good reason to hate his mum after what she did to the family and after she left I doubt she even wanted to keep in contact. He's spoken about how he was mostly angry at how she played his Dad yet he'll never acknowledge he turned into the same beast as her. He'll say the circumstances were different but he was the same selfish, secretive bastard gaslighting his 'loved ones' while quietly planning to jump relationships. Mate, you fucked Dean's wife while she was married and it was confirmed you were sexting her weeks before - you're a homewrecker who broke up Isaac's parents.
He's talked about how his Dad is very superstitious and into woo-woo which hurt 'muh rational brain' and how his bro was a loser who was wasting his life and potential. I can see why it might be frustrating to spend lots of time with them but these are not compelling enough reasons to cut all contact from his family and shit-talk them online. We've all seen his bro reaching out on social media and I'm sure his Dad wants to see his self-exiled son after a decade: it's sad to watch Jake ignore them.
He mentioned that he never talks to his sister despite the fact she's the only sibling he 'likes'. Wouldn't you make an effort with the
only family you have in this world? Back when he started becoming successful why didn't he use his wealth to buy his sis a plane ticket to see him? It just shows you what he values most in this life.
As much as I dislike her I think Kat and the wee lad could be the key to Jake's salvation and reconnecting with his family. His family aren't perfect people but clearly, neither are him and Kat. They're never going to be best buds hanging out every weekend but he can at least have a good enough relationship where they can come meet Isaac or he can fly to Wales and have a lad's weekend. I hope he's learned some lessons from his break-up, one of them being that family has been there from the start and will continue to be there after all the hard times. He might as well get over himself and make an effort before his Dad kicks the bucket.
No. 1845382
>>1845231Abusive scrotes like Jake don't change for the better due to a partner unless their partner breaks them. It's the only thing a person like that responds to because every action and thought they have is marred by the mentality that makes them
abusive in the first place. They need to be properly broken so you can start with a good foundation or you'll be building on
toxic sludge that will infect any good habits you create. It's why
abusive scrotes can't be sent to couple's therapy or they end up learning manipulative techniques. They essentially need cult deprogramming or a mind break
No. 1845636
>>1845231Great summary, Anon. What’s amusing though is if Fake despises his brother so much (to the point he’d blissfully watch him die an endless amount of times on a stream) solely on the grounds of "he’s a loser who’s wasting his life and potential", then it’s the toppest of megakeks, because he’s projecting SO hard. No wonder he fantasises witnessing his brother’s death on repeat, we all know he’s a fiercely self-loathing bastard.
Fake, we all know you’re reading here, look at what you’ve turned into
>>1842761 >>1836014 . YOU’re the disgusting loser that’s
wasting away his life and potential, and all the resources you’ve accumulated over the years. It’s you. And maybe a sprinkle of karma. Bloody kek.
No. 1845825
>>1845472Also very amusing to suggest that a woman that broke up her
own family is the key to reuniting Jake with his, kinda seems like she's good at the opposite of that. I doubt his family want anything to do with him after he has been shitting on them publicly for so long. And violently too, fantasising about his brother dying? Doesn't he have a song called matricide too? That's grounds for disowning, can't come back from that shit
No. 1846204
File: 1686704944662.png (211.07 KB, 497x894, delusional.PNG)

>I have the strongest face in FBT vtubing
How delusional is this idiot?
No. 1846293
>>1846204tbf I think he’s meaning to say "physically strong", like a face that withholds the most amount of gear weight for hours on end.
But he is delusional nonetheless kek.
No. 1846475
>>1846372Yeah, I caught the start of yesterday's stream where he talked about how he rigged up the Elgato on the headset for superior sound quality. He said he's never seen it done anywhere else and basically right after he said that the adhesive came loose and dropped the mic. He dicked around for 30 minutes while he desperately tried to MacGyver it back on and got super cranky at anyone who suggested using tape (chill Jake, they can't see how bulky and heavy it is and they were just trying to help). He didn't have any back-up glue or adhesive tape in the studio so he finally caved and used his shitty older mic lol.
No. 1846659
>>1846204>>1846475lmao. Clair's money well spent. Good to see he's still buying and ruining his semi expensive equipment.
>>1846372It's okay, dude's thick tree stump neck might actually be the strongest in FBT vtubing.
No. 1846775
>>1846660I would be surprised if he bothers with OF again after the utter embarrassment of only ever getting two likes on his big "comeback" post. kek
Patreon and music probably just fell to the wayside while he's up all night roleplaying as femboy cats and furry dungeon masters or whatever is his new "passion project". It's hilarious how he obviously thinks so highly of himself but this is going to be his legacy.
No. 1846902
File: 1686820564538.png (1.23 MB, 1459x866, katofx.png)

>>1846898not to nitpick kat's body or anything, but she honestly looks like she's been putting on some weight lately too? I wonder if he's been bringing up how much he adores her slim body so often lately as a way to keep her thin. Really hope she's not pregnant again.
No. 1846906
File: 1686820845938.png (113.93 KB, 511x917, katpainedesign.png)

>>1846902bonus kat update, this absolute mess of cobbled together flash art she traced off the internet. Yet another floating disembodied hand coming out of a collar bone.
She's also been posting more solo selfies and photos of her alone with Isaac with no Jake in sight. Has me wondering if he's began sleeping during the day to make up for his late nights in the studio "watching vtube compilations" after streams.
No. 1847075
File: 1686849946054.jpg (192.96 KB, 1080x1794, AZDJODn.jpg)

This IG story is a couple of weeks old but does anyone else get grossed out by Kat's tongue piercing? Is it migrating or is the placement just super low? Doesn't the risk of enamel damage increase when the tongue piercing is that close to the tip?
Peep the double row of shark teeth
No. 1847107
>>1847075>>1847077It could also be from messing around with the piercing, like fiddling with it too much I mean. It can loosen the gap a smidge and then leave the piercing hanging off center due to gravity.
That is unrelated to Fake's mic/VR set thing, but her being just as incapable of not fucking up something she spent money on like that tongue piercing feels like they really belong together.
Over 30 years old and the both of them and both incapable of not fucking up one thing they invested money into, or thinking things through.
Sure you still make mistakes in your 30s, but doors/opportunities to patch things up/make a real living also start closing on them.
No. 1847207
File: 1686870058967.png (345.25 KB, 724x905, 8953489.png)

>>1847200I mean, Jake basically did that to Kaya despite them getting fat together. He puts a ton of value into Kat's slim figure and perceived fuckability and has said very little about her "good qualities" otherwise. God forbid if Kat were ever to actually gain weight, though I stand by thinking she already is judging by recent pictures like
>>1846902 not that I think it's a bad thing, but that Jake absolutely would.
No. 1847367
>>1847207lol yes, he blamed Kaya for his poor body image especially his neck LOL, because she didn't compliment him enough? but Jake would flirt with her friends and other strange girls in front of her, and cheated on her. that's a lot worse.
yeah Jake likes women to be so skinny that they lack any curves at all. Kat is rounding out in places. it could be a positive thing, maybe she's trying to quit smoking? but Jake would probably rather her continue to take the risk of emphysema and cancer if it means less eating so less body mass going to her breasts or hips. jerk.
honesty he sounds very gay designer when he talks about big boobs, tiny waist, and big butts being inelegant, only likes tall slim shapeless women. no one has ever kicked a hot chick out of bed for having an exaggerated hourglass figure.
No. 1847828
>>1847826Kek, washed up. An unintentional metaphor for Jake himself.
Also, the music video for anyone who cares: No. 1847835
File: 1686961704275.png (4.88 KB, 570x104, wtfright.PNG)

I never knew this thing happened but it's horrible.
No. 1848225
>>1848071That’s such a weird position to take anyway. Straight men are generally attracted to breasts because they’re a sign of fertility, same as wider hips and generally feminine attributes. Every coomer has their “preference” but there’s nothing wrong or weird about men finding boobs attractive. Fake is just so narcissistic that he thinks something he doesn’t personally find sexy is somehow wrong or bad, worthy of being shamed. Newsflash Fake, the woman you’re dating has a bum that nobody would write home about. For a self described ass man you’re scraping the bottom of the barrel.
*sorry for double post forgot to sage
No. 1848246
>>1848071something wrong with men for being attracted to secondary sex characteristics exclusive to grown women… only into asses, which men and children also have…
Jake is a raging closet faggot confirmed
No. 1848687
File: 1687103869364.png (243.06 KB, 703x964, Screenshot_20230618-165758.png)

No. 1848827
>>1848687On stream Jake said Dean got the kid over the weekend so Kat must have made this post to validate Jake as a loving and involved father figure. It's all sunshine and rainbows now but in a few years Isaac will be old enough to use Google and it's not going to end well. Nonnas should blur the kid's face even if Kat doesn't.
It was unfair of Kat to bring Jake into Isaac's life so soon after her marriage break-up but as the most hated woman in Belfast she had little choice. I don't know if she's on good terms with her family anymore, especially with her father being a minister, and I'm sure Dean's family want nothing to do with her every again.
>>1848727We know little about Dean but I know he runs his tattoo studio 6 days a week so maybe the work load and hours took a strain on the marriage. If there had been abuse Jake would have definitely alluded to it in his November video (he just said it was 'Kat's story to tell' and moved on very quickly). Jake on the other hand had domestic violence allegations made against him and we know his harassment of Kaya escalated to the point police were involved.
I hope Jake does get help for his emotional regulation issues, for the kid's sake but also his own. He recently brought up that story about seeing a psych at age 24 and being told he may have bipolar but not escalating that potential diagnosis: that was almost 8 years ago. There was signs of some growth on that stream. He did acknowledge he there is 'something wrong with him' and that he's probably neuro-divergent and should seek help for it instead of self-medicating by ranting on stream. He admits he drives people away and finds it hard to sustain IRL connections which is why life is simpler for him with less people around him.
No. 1848841
>>1848687A sticky plaster … wtf
That's not even cute nickname its almost a insult
No. 1848846
>>1848840I doubt it she hasn't been in the scene that long, the drummers name is Gary, he's slept with a lot of underage girls when he was 17-20ish, the scene is full of dodgy people there was a post on FB of all the Belfast bands who got exposed 2 years back, sluts cropped up a few times in discussion.
mike the singer all I know of him is he goes for younger mentally ill girls fucks, leads on and chucks.
No. 1849065
File: 1687145862499.jpg (1.53 MB, 915x1405, UlXxsRL.jpg)

>>1848860SighHow disgusting…allegations like this are so rampant in some scenes. It's like these men just throw away their moral compass if sex is involved. This just reinforces the fact I will never allow my future daughter/s to attend a show without a trusted adult - children should not be exchanging phone numbers with these grown men or attending after parties.
I'm sure none of the
victims ever reported the sexual assault/child abuse and that window has long been closed.
I did some digging and I think it's a bit eerie how much Jake looked like the lead singer a few years ago - neck paint, similar make-up and hair and matching clothes. I think the S.l.u.t.s guy and his shock/horror looks preceded Jake by a couple of years at least so I guess we know who copied who. Has this ever been noticed before?
Bonus snacc who recently cosplayed Jake in the bottom right.
No. 1849106
>>1848827We'll see if the stream realization brings him somewhere or nah. I reckon he's just like Onision, incapable of admitting a wrong to make amends. So while he can attempt to try and not fuck up with new people, there's no way Fake will ever patch things up with people in NI he might have had a chance to make a collab with for his music.
It's not bad to be selective of whom you hang out with as friends, and whom you spent time professionally. But Fake has to start from scratch, and without neglecting seeing a therapist for his anger issues.
No. 1849332
File: 1687188922842.jpg (100.29 KB, 660x989, DK0HNvPXcAAXJvk.jpg)

>>1849065I'm not sure if they're copying each other so much as they're both piss-poor copies of this guy.
No. 1849787
File: 1687231718927.png (138.28 KB, 512x850, someday_I_will_wear_your_skin.…)

>>1849332Jake was passionately caressing pics of Kyo on stream just week actually. kek
>>1849387Chris Motionless has the audacity to be over 6ft tall so by Jake's standards he's probably a stupid cunt for that reason alone. Kyo is only 5'3" so obviously less
triggering to his stumpy short man with a short dick body image issues.
No. 1849794
File: 1687233096744.jpg (183.96 KB, 1434x732, nobodyaskedforthis.jpg)

Apparently he has a wheel he spins/goals of some kind now. "Stream naked and post proof on OF"….God please don't. Some of these goals are just…So ridiculously dumb and pandering.
No. 1849811
File: 1687236584026.png (427.42 KB, 497x688, jakejumpscare.png)

>>1849794kek at all last ditch OF promo ones "50% off OF" and "stream naked with OF proof". Just imagine this stumpy lunatic hopping around with his flaccid little shrimpdick flapping about is hardly appealing OF material. Or is he admitting RPing as the child molesting furry character "velvet thunder" gets his dick hard?
No. 1849860
File: 1687246498706.jpg (50.81 KB, 1080x1079, 3032_Chrome.jpg)

>>1849811>>1849794"Stream naked" actually already happened, I'm surprised nobody mentioned it because it was milky. He started the stream naked, and his snaccs seemed pretty into it. But after a little while he randomly admits that he actually has NO kinks, doesn't like foreplay, and just needs a few minutes of penetration to finish. People in chat started calling him vanilla and he got upset about it, and shortly after went and got dressed.
No. 1849870
>>1849855So this Mike guy is into underage girls, mentally unwell exploitable women and incest? What a fucking degenerate - toss him in burning hot oil. I'm going to try find that evidence he slept with his cousin, Northern Ireland is small but not that small. This guy sounds worse than Jake.
>>1849860This man is desperate to get his kit off! Keek. Only a small part of his fanbase thirst for him so he needs to stop trying to merge the OF and VR together. However I have noticed when you click the VR category on Twitch there are a lot of streamers (particularly femboys) who pander to a horny audience. If that's the case Jake is better off making ~spicy content~ as his virtual self.
At least he's open about the fact he's vanilla. Kaya's been posting pics of people covered in blood kissing and choking memes on her IG stories for months so it'll be interesting to see if she
actually likes that shit with her new play partner if she's never had a chance to experiment with that before. She's 30 so she should be less susceptible to meme-ified, porny sexual violence trends that younger women get pressured into by boys.
No. 1849874
>>1849872Oh shid you're right, cunt's been on a deleting spree. I know Twitch deletes old VODs after a certain time but he knows we've been trawling his vids for tea and cringe. I guess his videos won't auto-upload to his channel after streams anymore.
A while back he did mention he wants to eventually archive all his old Twitch VODs on a Youtube playlist behind a paywall.
No. 1849926
>>1849855I know this is unsaged proofless, but actually my first impression of them hiring Kaya (who looks beautiful in comparison to these guys) is they thought they'd all have a chance with her while filming, she's actually quite reserved in terms of relationships and sex and has stated she doesn't do hookups so they wasted their money kek
She looks great in the video though. Most musician scrotes have shit morals so it's unsurprising if true
No. 1850480
>>1850472Put “sage” in email field and don’t use a name anon
But yea I think you’re right. Just one more proof she doesn’t have many brain cells.
No. 1851385
File: 1687468421144.jpg (123.27 KB, 572x528, pcXNtPh.jpg)

Jake is live rn and it looks like he's back into gaming streams - he's in his home studio with the PS5 hooked up to his PC. He looked relieved to be working from home again but it sucks for Isaac trying to sleep next to that chatter at 1am.
No. 1851447
>>1851385This Claire person is a sad sack of shit to be giving away this much money to this person.
Its honestly pathetic…
(namefagging) No. 1851476
File: 1687478351269.jpg (27.85 KB, 607x516, yUmfTCl.jpg)

>>1851447Jake was about 2 hours in and I saw she had donated close to $2000 (I thought Kiedra Gerl was one of her alts but it looks like a real person, the rest are all here though) and the snaccs went wild like they used to during the cultish #breakthejake frenzies. Clair is crazy but I do like the fact she's got Jake's balls in her hand and can end his career if she wanted
No. 1852034
File: 1687569755449.png (61.02 KB, 493x900, pls no.PNG)

No. 1852038
File: 1687569983973.png (13.76 KB, 599x295, his retweet.PNG)

Seen that he retweeted this little gem. kek.
No. 1852041
>>1852038Yet he's the one who (quite literally) sabotaged everything himself.
Also you're not a special snowflake, Jake; everyone is different when it comes to their childhood memory. It's normal. kek.
No. 1852110
>>1852038Jake Munro is not like the other boys! Kek
His lone alpha wolf bullshit is always funny too. If no one can stand you, your bandmates all left, everyone else sided with your ex girlfriend, etc. You might be the problem Jake. It's also kind of notable he's constantly shitting on his fans and family when they are the only people outside Kat who seem to support him.
No. 1853081
File: 1687728142121.png (1.1 MB, 706x881, doggo.png)

I can see she tried to apply the contours of a chest plate on the dog, if anything I honestly thought she fucked up and left a line behind.
Also his poor arm is all janked up.
No. 1853135
File: 1687734602412.jpg (770.33 KB, 3464x2309, mediocre.jpg)

>>1853081I thought color was supposed to be her only redeeming factor as a tattoo artist? The color looks horrid. Here are the traced and layered images she stole, too. Her practice of haphazardly collaging other people's art together is so funny because you can always tell that's what she does. Her designs lack any sort of cohesion and creativity at all.
No. 1853377
>>1853316Her best one was the WORDWIDE dinosaur. The fact that her own shop shared it and no one noticed the worst spelling mistake ever the shop clearly is one those ‘don’t go there’ tattoo shops. But she could easily say she hasn’t copied the artist she copied the Disney character that’s how lot of these colourful Disney tattooist get away with it just awkward that it the first Google search and you find what she stolen. Every single colourful Disney tattooist Is shit at tattooing it always bold fat lines and bright colours. If you look at this for example they tend to distract poor line work with bright colours
>>1853135 you can see she made a mistake in between the dogs chest and left a line and on top the dog head a random mistake line going onto the scarf, the colours on the coat are patchy and the dog ears and she didn’t finish the black outline at the bottom of the scarf, the right patch of hair is more neon the the left side and she forgot to colour a small patch of grey on the dog paw around her fingers. I feel like she needs to get her eyes tested maybe it time for glasses kat?
I could point out at least 15 things about this one
>>1836490 No. 1853726
File: 1687812343159.jpg (181.76 KB, 1080x1560, Screenshot_20230626-134059_Dis…)

An update from Jake's discord regarding Clair specifically, without actually specifying her. Every time she donates the chat starts popping off. Hilarious and ironic how Maz specifies comments like "adopt me" as cringe, while Clair is the one talking about diarrhea dripping down her leg and and feeding poop to her dog. Jake is just trying to protect his precious new pay pig the best he can. He really sucks Clair's pussy every time she's in the chat. I noticed snaccs that have been there for years come in and get ignored, then Clair comes in and Jake makes a HUGE deal. He's blatantly picking favorites based on how much they donate.
No. 1854381
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No. 1854651
File: 1687920285803.jpg (289.75 KB, 1079x1810, gone to shit.jpg)

Looks like his IG has officially become a shitposting account? Just dropping dookie after dookie of drivel.
No. 1854726
File: 1687937510871.png (690.36 KB, 575x768, truluv.png)

>>1854509>>1854559dude is definitely aging like milk. Added his new tattoos to that old edit from one of the old threads. The Gordon Ramsay comparisons are still alive and well I guess. kek
No. 1854742
File: 1687941030225.jpg (587.15 KB, 3464x2309, wankingtofurriesconfirmed.jpg)

Take a look at this account that Jake follows on Twitter. Absolutely fucking grim what he's become.
No. 1854743
File: 1687941710743.jpg (Spoiler Image,977.16 KB, 3464x3464, furryporn.jpg)

>>1854742More examples of what this account that he follows posts. Spoilered for literal furry porn. So this is what Jake "no kinks" Munro is into now.
No. 1854993
File: 1687980974575.jpeg (90.17 KB, 1170x796, IMG_3559.jpeg)

Yet another avatar in the offing…
No. 1854995
File: 1687981023317.jpg (575.09 KB, 3464x2309, 508.jpg)

Today is Kat's birthday and Jake is spending it going on a vtuber thot follow spree.
No. 1855014
File: 1687983296238.png (499.55 KB, 496x882, Screenshot 2023-06-28 at 22-14…)

>>1854995lol that's the only thing she's posted. Guess the love bombing is over. All that is left is probable debt and furry porn.
No. 1855037
File: 1687985539732.png (131.33 KB, 501x903, jakeprestream.png)

>>1855014Jake is posting again. He uploaded some clip from VRchat moaning about furry asses 20 minutes ago then this. I'm beginning to think he completely forgot Kat's birthday, it's already like 10pm over in Ireland. Wonder if Kat won't order his nightly chicken nuggies as a result. kek
No. 1855046
File: 1687986554809.png (333.51 KB, 861x699, furrybootyjake.png)

>>1855037Dropbox link for archiving purposes like Jake spent Kat's birthday sleeping in after streaming final fantasy all night. Waking up to spam follow furry and vr e-thots, then off to watch himself work out in the mirror before streaming some more degen shit tonight from the studio. Curious to see if he love bombs her over the weekend to make up for this. He's live now on Twitch if anyone wants to tune in.
No. 1855262
File: 1688021384864.png (403.2 KB, 1626x873, jakestreams.png)

>>1855037>>1855046Stream highlights from tonight:
>Jake got scammed again, I missed the details but it appears to be VR related again>It was Kat's 35th birthday, he got her "a big card" for her birthday and called her "an old lady" lel>Blamed Isaac for not being able to do anything else for her b-day saying he was "grumpy" all day>also worded it as "we got isaac today" so it appears her and Dean have shared custody.>promised to post the "big card" to instagram after the stream but never actually bothered to>says he's been very busy preparing a single and a cover recently>Also mentions he's participating in some kind of VR "talent show" in attempt to get Filian to notice him>said meeting loli VRtuber Filian irl would "be insane" and would be like "knowing the face of god">said he's bringing Kat "somewhere special" next week to make up for her birthday. Said She's stuck working in the tattoo studio "all week".>Said that his gift to Kat is "time together" and that is what they always gift eachother>Has a meltdown over the lighting in a room because "it will look SHIT in YT shorts">Next world isn't open to public, he whines about that for a few minutes and tries to break in but fails>bitches a bunch about the trending worlds always being the same>Third world sends him into another mini meltdown about it "looking like shit" reeee>Goes to 7-11 world and throws hotpockets and doritos all over the place for the lulz>Says he misses Japan, only "kind of" misses the USA>continues boring world hopping, wheel spins and lands on "story time" eehs and uuuhs for 15mins>Finally something interesting happens, he tells the full story of his trip to Berlin.>Basically he got pickpocketed by an old German woman at the bar he was eating chicken nuggies at.>He missed his flight in the morning because he was "still drunk". Didn't notice his wallet missing until he had to pay for his taxi.>Was still drunk most of the way home, said he only sobered up "5 hours later".>Complains about Germans and said they are all rude, like the French. Doesn't want to return to Berlin.>Also complains about Germans not speaking enough English. kek?>Says he might "cut the stream short" because 33 viewers isn't enough and will ruin his viewership stats that he is trying to raise>Goes to a Zelda Majoras Mask world and proceeds to spend the next 20 minutes exploring it while talking about how much he hates Zelda games and calling them bad.>Hosts a watch party for some "to catch a scammer" video. Interrupts the video to sperg out for at least 20 minutes about VRtube scammers on fiverr again.>says hackers must get "mad pussy" and goes on and on about how cool hackers are>starts to go through random VR avatars to do new character skits for IG reels and YT shorts>sexualizes the female avatars, "hehehehing" while jumping up and down to exploit any jiggle physics>Weird drawn out storyline about gay knights and a child abusing bus driver as "skits">Jake doesn't know who Professor Layton, Jolyne Cujoh, and other popular media characters are>Spends over one hour randomizing VR avatars and doing the same boring or awful skits the entire time>Raids some new VRtuber girl with jiggle physics named Kelly, her content is equally as "lol so random"All in all this stream sat around anywhere from 20 to 30 something viewers and he only got 11 new subs, 10 of which were all gifted from a single snacc. No other donations except maybe a 100 bits thrown his way. He blamed this on him not promoting the stream enough and seemed pretty put off about it. It was an extremely boring watch, but I guess we at least have confirmation on Kat's age now.
No. 1855282
>>1855262duh she is 35, she was born in 1988 as her Kat Paine 88 monicker suggests. idiot anons were like "more likely she just likes the number." then I remarked, she "likes" 88? only a white supremacist would choose that number (retorted by "zomg what does that have to do with anything, not everything is a DoG wHiStLe FoR nEo-NaZiS") for being chronically online gen z trash, some people are so stupid.
anyway, wow if their gift to one another is "time" why cant they just spend time together on her real birthday? I know the kid makes things unromantic but they could have done something family oriented, bought her flowers, dinner with friends AND the kid, they can like sit at a high share and eat some fries and color at a restaurant, or got a sitter, watched a movie and opened a bottle of wine late when the kid is sleeping and gave her birthday sex… most adults just need a little bit of affection and appreciation on their bday and go to work the next day, it doesn't have to be a huge week long rager of a vacation, but he'd rather be streaming unsuccessfully instead of giving his old lady birthday kisses and head. trouble in paradise?
No. 1855297
File: 1688026602004.png (951.85 KB, 940x628, kimreiko.png)

>>1855282I'm definitely not surprised she's 35. It's weird that anons in old threads didn't believe it as she absolutely looks 35+? I thought the "our gift to each other is time" was laughable too. Both of them work jobs that allow them to make their own schedules. Jake is a failing YouTuber/VRtuber and Kat is a (usually) part time tattoo artist, part time mum. It's a little absurd they don't regularly have plenty of time to share with each other. I'm kind of curious if Kat is picking up more hours at the studio to make up for Jake's failings. He also did an awful lot of talking about buying more expensive VR equipment because he wants to get another new avatar "Jake 3.0" and have full eye/mouth tracking. According to Jake he is currently using buttons to change the expression of this creepy mask avatar he's currently using.
It's also wild to me that Jake spent all of Kat's birthday following and interacting with various e-thots, working out by himself in the studio, and salivating over furry and young anime girl avatars. He even raided this girl and went on about how nice she's been to him and how he's excited to talk to her more. Happy birthday Kat! lmao
This girl's content is super cringe too, here's a clip of her stream and her thanking Jake a bunch:
>if you guys aren't following Jake I'll punch you in the BUTTHOLE No. 1855299
File: 1688026986343.png (5.63 KB, 609x168, lel.png)

>>1855297>>1855262Sorry I called her "kelly" in the highlights, she goes by "kim reiko". Watching the stream all the way through has melted my brain.
No. 1855572
>>1855311She's a brain dead pick me and a single mum that means she has low asf self esteem and is insecure which explains how:
-1 she's legit dressing up like a teenager trying to be cute and uwu innocent while being a middle aged bitch with a kid.
-2 Fake won't stop screaming to his fans how he only has eyes for her and would NEVER dream of fucking another girl
-3 She still stuck by fake even after kaya exposed his cheating and shit behaviour to 300K + people online.
I bet money she's convinced that he would never treat her like he did to kaya cause she's so not like that "fat useless bitch ex" and that she's thin and "hot" enough that jake would never wander around or check out other girls kek
I hope he makes you a single mom of 4 kids with a scrotum sack looking belly and a busted vag from a fourth degree vaginal tear,Skat.
(reddit spaced spergery) No. 1855631
File: 1688079022495.jpg (135.91 KB, 728x505, 2ydtKTO.jpg)

Is this his first VR stream with 'friends'?
Does anyone know anything about these losers? Their mic qual is sinfully shit and they're boring af, typical weeb trash. Anyone who appears aside Jake must be desperate for easy simp money from the likes of Clair.
( KittyMcPancake5 , ZOMBI3GUTS and chocovaniart )
No. 1855658
File: 1688083411859.png (596.85 KB, 1044x856, 23903290.png)

>>1855631Just some random group of twitter degenerates with bigger followings than him. One is some lolicon catboy vtuber (my apologies to those who know what a tenga is), then there's yet another basic e-thot, then you have the edgy guro artist. Exactly the types you'd imagine would associate with someone like Jake tbh.
No. 1855664
>>1855658>lolicon catboy…guro artist…Seek therapy.
You're right anon, it sounds about right that he attracted these types.
I wonder if Catsper, or whatever the fuck he/she/they is called, was spurned. Maybe he's reluctant to stream with snaccs.
No. 1855679
File: 1688086496075.jpg (691.55 KB, 3464x2309, cringe.jpg)

>>1855658>into lolicon, hides face, broad chest with no breasts, speaks in an over compensating high pitched voiceyeah this one seems like a man. they only stopped in for a tiny bit during the stream and then left due to "internet issues" kek
his three guests seem like a trio of streaming buddies and Jake is trying to self insert
No. 1855681
File: 1688086877584.jpg (229.41 KB, 1080x1549, fugly.jpg)

>>1855679and the pretty boy cat prince demon senpai who tries to sound sexy with a deep and gravely voice is actually just some total uggo in cringey gaudy cosplay
no wonder these inbreds need to hide behind avatars
No. 1855710
File: 1688089953479.png (137.06 KB, 516x921, 2891219.png)

>>1855679>>1855681kek, I think you are right nonna. Remember when Jake was calling Kaya's friends "belfast trash"? He's really scraping bottom of the barrel for "friends" these days. The pedo catboy "kitty mcpancakes" definitely sounds like a whole mouth breathing neckbeard too. I missed the gross loli larper's voice though.
Kat's IG story is full of seven stories trying to fill her time slots at the studio tomorrow. Still no birthday card post or any more mention of her birthday. I'm fully expecting a budget stay at the galgorm like
>>1855309 said. Isn't that what they did for their last anniversary too?
No. 1855715
File: 1688091579485.png (166.21 KB, 440x790, kittymcpancakes.png)

>>1855681Yeah he definitely looks like a lolicon. Interesting that the "girlfriend" never shows her face but he will.
>>1855714Agreed, that anon is doing too much. Kat is a homewrecking skank, but that post is weirdly scrotey.
No. 1855832
>>1855714NTA but 35 is way too fucking old to be larping as ‘daddy’s little baby girl’ especially when you don’t look youthful at all have the face of a scabby alcoholic and a kid.
> muh innocent children As much as I hope fake and skat’s DNA doesn’t get spread I admit it would be precious to see fake drown in poverty and go get himself ‘a minimum wage job’ while seething that his ‘thin trophy ‘ gf is wrecked from childbirth kek
No. 1855966
>>1855923No, it won't.
Fucking hell, some of you are too invested in some internet drama.
No. 1856131 just went live 20 mins ago.
He announced Jake 3.0 is in the works, he got in touch with a VR chat avatar maker along with a whole team of people. He's also making a lore video with his 'friends' and song to go along with the debut.
Clair is in the audience today and gave him 20,000 bits and 35 gifted subs. Jake said he will be going to L.A. at the end of the year and 'can't wait to meet Clair and some other snaccs'.
No. 1856419
File: 1688204290455.png (264.94 KB, 1049x769, irlvsvtuber.png)

>>1856401>16yo girl gets into relationship, stays with manipulative abusive partner for the next 10 years>34yo married woman cheats on husband and father of her child with man in a very long-term relationshipC'mon anon, you can't be serious. Kaya obviously has her own shortcomings and that's why she is still discussed in the altcow thread, but Kat is actually a massive piece of shit all around. There's a huge difference between staying in a shit relationship because you feel trapped or due to sunk cost fallacy as it's all you've ever really known and being a full ass adult woman with a husband and child who is known as a serial cheater at this point. I don't agree with the scrotey borderline a-logging anon upthread, but let's not act delusional. If you really want to dunk on Kaya so bad though, the altcow thread is the best place for it.
Anyways. I never realized "Jake 2.0" was actually modeled after one of his old makeup looks as the avatar manages to look nothing like him. Also, Jake is considering growing his receding hairline out now? Scraggly neckbeard era Jake is nearly upon us, he's already got degenerate terminally online crew.
No. 1856428
File: 1688206635926.png (43.01 KB, 490x145, omnomnom.png)

>>1856422My bad, she was 17-18? Regardless the point still stands.
No. 1856446
>>1856439This isn't a Kaya thread, it's a Jake and Kat thread. Stop derailing it with this shit and take it back to altcows. This thread was specifically created to get away from the infighting,
victim-blaming and just general 'which one is worse/they're both bad' arguing that the last thread Jake and Kaya thread devolved into.
No. 1856556
>>1856428Nonnas are right, Kaya was 16 and Jake was 18 when they met online in 2009 and they had their first IRL meeting at the end of that year. These early interactions would have been documented on Bebo, VF and Myspace but they are now lost to the sands of time so I just have to go off things said in the boyfriend tag and whatnot.
>>1856401>Idk how Kaya is better than
I don't like Kaya but you should read through her old Livejournal from Oct 2010 - Jul 2011. You can see how hyper and childish (in a rawr-x way) she was when she first got with Jake. Kaya basically moved in with Jake straight away when he came to NI in 2010 eventually dropping out of college that year and being unemployed until she was 21. While initially fun the realities of poverty hit them hard: Jake's rage and inability to hold down jobs, welfare, depression, rocky relationship etc. Her parents really fucked up by letting her move out before she finished education, she would have really benefitted from living with them until she matured and could support herself. I have zero respect for her parents, they've also been letting her do fetish photoshoots alone with creepy men since she was 14 or 15 where she was illegally supplied alcohol and driven to sometimes far away locations.
Bad parenting decisions led Kaya to become stuck in perpetual teen-hood but at the very least she didn't get married to Jake, have babies or cheat. On the other hand Jake and Kat were so 'checked-out' and selfish that they had to line up new partners and cheat.
No. 1856716
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No. 1856748
>>1856716Filtered the wrinkles out like crazy.
Isnt' Claire German btw?
No. 1856758
File: 1688255811565.jpg (436.11 KB, 1079x1743, Screenshot_20230701-165717_Fac…)

>>1856682lurk more and you'll see why we hate Kat, weird accusation about being "picked" tho
>>1856748Did Clair say she was German? She's from Cali kek.
No. 1856767
>>1856716Judging by kayas livejournal posted
>>1856556, Kat'a body looks like what Kaya wanted herself to look like when she was younger. Her 20 journal entries are pure cringe and her wanting to be underweight while admitting to being unhealthy and lazy. Also speculation she slept with someone while dating Jake in the early days. Frequent comments about other women's looks.
(derailing) No. 1856849
File: 1688267326943.png (859.39 KB, 516x922, kat_bday.png)

>>1856716Damn, looks like they did jack shit for her birthday tbh. They met up with two of Kat's friends, but there's no dinner, no drinks, or anything else in sight. Just a couple shots of them sitting on a couch.
>>1856767The alt thread is
>>1854114 anon
No. 1856851
File: 1688267447146.png (1.29 MB, 1022x899, kat_bday_.png)

>>1856849Most of the birthday posts just look like this. And here we thought he'd at least gift her an overnight at the galgorm.
No. 1856857
File: 1688268345599.png (511.12 KB, 559x706, katshein.png)

>>1856853Also find it hilarious that her big birthday was having a couple female friends over and flexing in a $22 SHEIN outfit. We still haven't even seen the card he got her for her bday. The bar is so low it's on the floor kat.
No. 1856859
>>1856767Yes she was annoying and vapid in her LJ but my point was that she was only 17 and her parents made some questionable parenting decisions when she was still a minor. Her Mum encouraged her to follow in her foot steps and become a model but Kaya could have been raped during her unsupervised modelling gigs at 15 and 16. On her LJ Kaya talks about hanging out with much older people who supplied weed and alcohol and waking up in her underwear at random house parties. She also talks about being given free stuff (like a latex nurse outfit) from moids she met on VF and hung out with IRL, there's unsavoury implications about what their intentions were…
She was doing mostly unpaid shoots and there was so much emphasis on looking 'fuckable' and thin which is why she put down woman as a hobby and was obsessed with diet pills and weight-loss. Why do you think she still struggles with body issues and self-esteem to this day, 8-9 years after she got fat? For years the main thing Jake and her mum praised her for was her body.
Her parents should have kept her at home until she was 18 and made her finish some kind of qualification so she wouldn't be reliant on some random Welsh kid with anger issues - what the fuck were they thinking?? I've never cared for her Mum and her 'baby-bird' bullshit online, she was a shite mum who allowed her daughter live with Jake at 16 and did jack-shit to protect her
(derailing) No. 1856921
File: 1688282668446.jpg (165.3 KB, 577x581, Screenshot_20230702-002333_Ins…)

damn so that heavyass VR headset is leaving an indent in his head already lmao
No. 1856998
File: 1688303439568.png (367.55 KB, 1334x750, EF67CB2C-F394-49A2-B11E-7D024C…)

Idk if anyone else noticed this but fake is eerily similar to onision and social repose
No. 1857025
>>1856968if anyone is a cow it's
>>1856682idk this post is reading snacc/Kat stan/cowposter to me
No. 1857048
File: 1688312137720.jpg (181.99 KB, 1080x1285, 20230702_074719.jpg)

Jake posted a clip shitting on JK Rowling's writing style, and at the end he says "you hate JK Rowling because she's a terf, hate her because she's a bad writer" which lowkey implied that she should be hated for being a bad writer rather than a terf. Jake received this comment, which he deleted. Honestly it would be so unexpected and based if Jake were secretly a terf, but he's probably too misogynistic to think critically and in depth about the trans movement. Also, could you imagine if a woman said what he said? Troons would be saying it's a dogwhistle, labeling her a terf faster than you could blink, doxxing her, cancelling her, etc. They take any tiny hint of terfism from a woman and blow it up, but men seem to get away things like that.
No. 1857397
File: 1688373962412.png (17.7 KB, 532x154, isntitironicdontyouthink.png)

>>1857048funny that he's always deleting comments yet he retweets this.
No. 1857398
File: 1688374144384.png (708.03 KB, 513x917, itslikeraaaainonyourweddingday…)

>>1857397bonus sad boy no sleep selfie
No. 1857414
File: 1688381210283.jpg (1.89 MB, 3464x1949, ZOMBI3GUTS.jpg)

>>1857397Rich coming from someone who immediately bans people for having a different opinion, like when that person disagreed about a computer part. Anyone who knows Jake knows that this isn't true at all, he actually has a really hard time understanding differing opinions. He's just trying so hard to put on a front for his new VR co-streamers. I almost wrote friends, but we all know that Jake views them as commodities and opportunities rather than friends.
Speaking of which, since the other two were posted, I looked into that zombi3guts girl a little more. She's overweight and constantly posts about how depressed she is. If there's anything we know about Jake, that's just the type of person he hates. Fat self-loathing women. So obviously he's not interested in being friends with someone like this beyond what she has to offer, which would be VR clout/collabs and gore artwork. Once his new "friends" start spending more time around him, learning about him, and see the tweet about "hiding behind an anime profile pic", it'll die out like the rest of his relationships, both work and personal.
No. 1857417
>>1857414It's very obvious he's only using this group to try to establish himself in the community and so he can have someone show him popular co-op games, participate in his dumb skits, etc. We all know he absolutely thinks all three of them are beneath him, but they are a means to reel in new followers as they all have decent twitter followings and eventually, maybe even help him get filian to notice him. Still keking over him comparing meeting Filian irl to "knowing the face of god". As if Filian's content isn't just brainless nonsense and loli avatar pantyshots. It's so very telling.
>>1856851Still no other sign that they did anything else for Kat's big 35th birthday. I'm beginning to wonder if they're even going to bother with their next anniversary at this point too. Yet Jake's planning a trip to LA to meet with sugarmommy clair? Something is definitely off here.
No. 1857731
I'm watching Jake's 8hr stream atm. He said he bought some expensive camera stuff and he will resume vlogging soon, starting with a trip to Croatia in August. He also said Jake 3.0 will debut in Halloween and as a canon event he wants to kill Jake 2.0 in spectacular fashion. There's an implication it will look different (I thought only the tracking would be upgraded).
>>1857692He said he's struggled in male friendship groups his whole life and was never fully accepted or invited to group events. He usually had an easier time with females (mostly Kaya's friends and now Kat's mates I guess) but he struggles with boundaries and being insufferably arrogant so they eventually leave him too. I noticed he seemed to attract women who have also been rejected by their female circles, they have some kinship with him despite the fact he can be really rude and snarky to them.
Ever since childhood he said he'd mostly draw anime art on his own and he'd spend a lot of time in his room with his door locked, avoiding his family and playing games.
>>1857417He said he'll be streaming Fortnite with someone soon, mostly likely the KittyPancakes neckbeard guy. I think the two other ladies will eventually stop associating with him, they'll resent him soon enough. Watch this space.
No. 1857765
>>1857731>got scammed again somehow>buying new expensive VR tracking equipment>trip to Croatia in August>planning a trip to LA to meet clair and other snaccsI guess we know why he didn't bother to get Kat anything other than "his time" and "a card" for her birthday. kek
He struggles with male friendship because he's always aggressively competing with other men, if not outwardly, inside his head (the "willem dafoe's big dick" meltdown for example lmao). Probably why he doesn't mind being around this loser "kitty mcpancakes" because he's immediately "the alpha" in comparison. The only women who can put up with him for any extended amounts of time was his heinously depressed long term girlfriend or brainless pick mes like Kat and Jude. All of his "mutual" friends with his ex ditched him as soon as the break up happened and so many of their mutuals openly talked about how they only put up with the guy because he was her boyfriend. The guy is a literal misery machine and I can bet you that Kat is feeling it right now too, especially after that bleak birthday celebration.
No. 1857955
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>>1857936The thing is he used to do things for her birthday and make a big deal out of it with her and him sharing the same posts back and forth endlessly on their insta stories. On her actual birthday he also spent all his time following horny vtubers and OF girls on twitter, working out and posting vanity selfies, and acting thirsty over avatar jiggle physics on stream. Of course he pushed the blame onto Kat for "working all day" and also them having the kid and him "being cranky all day". When snaccs were asking how he was going to spoil Kat, he wrote it off as "we're celebrating this weekend". Tbh, we saw him act similarly in the past with Kaya. I genuinely think he's already flirting with other women and chalking up their issues and lack of intimacy lately as him working so hard and the kid getting in the way. Kat is likely holding out on him hitting it big and I'm sure Clair's money is convincing her it's going to happen. It's going to be a spectacular shitshow when history inevitably repeats itself.>>1857936
No. 1857960
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Jake is even flirting with the lolicon neckbeard now.
No. 1857982
>>1857977He jumped to the easiest option tbh he was very desperate.
The way he would always flaunt how much sex he's having now and how his gf is 'the hottest' and 'the love of his life' it all screams insecurity and a pathetic attempt to make Kaya feel like shit even more. The way he responded to kaya finding hair and cum stains on the bed and sofa by saying that HE bought that bed proves that it was all on purpose he wanted to use skat to hurt his ex.
Their relationship will keep escalating and it's a sight to behold dating a single parent while you have no kids is always settling for less and it's starting to hit him kek
No. 1858064
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I’d love to know if this is Galgorm yet again
No. 1858108
>>1858064In yesterday's stream Jake mentioned that he and Kat were getting massages because 'she deserves it' but didn't mention the Galgorm (and you know he can never resist the urge to flex otherwise).
He barely mentioned Kat and the kid in that stream, he was in a bit of a mood. He was 4hrs late to his 12hr stream (a spin the wheel 'perk') and took the longest time to explain that it was because Kat made him babysit Isaac at the last second for an hour which led to him getting stuck in peak hour traffic. Oh, and he also had to buy snacks.
Also, did Kat really have to do hair, lashes and full make-up for a
massage? Girl probably hasn't been seen without makeup since she was 14. This is what the insecure bully girls turn into when they grow up.
No. 1858150
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No. 1858155
>>1857990She’s a certified piece of shit and deserves to be with an equally horrible person
>>1858124I hope kaya never bumps into them one day
No. 1858196
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>>1858064they are definitely at the Galgorm again. You can easily recognize the weird walkway structures and the matching roof behind them. Judging from her ig stories he actually did man up and get a nicer suite this time and not the cheap room like the last time. I couldn't find the exact pricing, but it looks like he spent at least 1k on booking this? Also, it seems like you definitely have to book this particular suite out many months if not a year in advance. It might explain why it's so randomly in the middle of the week and not on her actual birthday. So it's likely he booked this prior to him ignoring her for vtubing and twitter thots. Kat seems the type that this kind of occasional lovebombing will make her stay forever though unless she found better. I do have to wonder if she was working so many extra hours lately to help pay for the trip or to help cover bills while Jake is throwing his sugarmommy money at a dozen other things under the guise of it being "investing in his vtube career".
>>1858108Love that he wants to call him and kat "mum and dad" but when it comes to watching the kid in any real amount of time with kat not present he's extremely bitter and angry about it. How dare kat and isaac prevent him from spending every waking hour of his life poorly roleplaying as a furry catboy online or salivating over anime girl jiggle physics. You can definitely hear the resentment beginning to build up in his voice these days.
No. 1858238
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No. 1858255
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>>1858238she's been editing and filtering herself super heavy lately.
No. 1858459
>>1858238I dont want to
trigger anyone but she is looking… healthy. I think it's a positive thing to not be a bony ass, but she's almost getting some breasts here, a little back flesh, got swoll arms, etc. Jake the douche who failed at manorexia and wants to live vicariously through a stick figure he is dating, might not be as attracted to her as he was when she was a Skinny Legend.
No. 1858486
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>>1858459ngl I don't see much of a difference from before except maybe she looks a little softer, but that could be lighting/posing.
No. 1858510
>>1858495She's going to stick around as long as she doesn't have a better man lined up as an escape plan. She's jumped relationship to relationship for a while now, supposedly she cheated on her boyfriend with Dean when he was her boss at the tattoo shop? There's a pattern here. Jake was actively trying to cheat on Kaya all those years and probably would have loved to ditch her years back for almost any one of her friends, but no one wanted him until Kat came along. He's in it because he had limited options, wanted to rebound off Kaya to rub in her face, and she serves a purpose as his trophy "baby girl". Kat's in it because she was clout chasing and gold digging, but got stuck with him and is just trying to ride out the few benefits of being there. It's all about appearances and status for the both of them over all else.
>>1858500Some of Kaya's clubbing outfits are pretty trash, but we've all literally seen Kat's everything at this point. That thong pic is from her public instagram too. Anyone can go wandering through and see 90% of this woman's body for free.
No. 1858525
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>>1858517There was an anon defending Kat upthread and insisting on going on and on about what Kaya is currently doing even though it's entirely irrelevant to Jake right now. The anon you are replying to is just laughing about the hypocrisy of that anon doing so in light of Kat's public thong pics. It isn't that deep nonna. The report button exists and you can report WKs if you feel like that is the case too.
Anyway, to get back on subject, Jake's patreon is still bleeding subs, hitting an all new low of only 61 patreons this month. He's also down to 425k subs on YT and still losing the usual 2k a month.
No. 1858547
>>1858542>She has a great bodyHas skinny legs with fat arms and a flat ass and chest
>great tattoosIs covered in ugly tattoos
>has a sexy SG look.Has a long tranny face and greasy thin hair has no lips
>She's a mom Is a legit a shit mom risks having her kid around a man with confirmed severe angry issues and cheated on his dad creating a broken home
>looks better than you all. Stay mad.Is a 35 years old alcoholic that posts heavily edited nudes to her onlyfans and larps as a teen daddy's little girl
No. 1858553
>>1858542Oof Skat is
triggered kek maybe if you were not such a trashy pick-me onlyfails whore the farmers wouldn't have a major dislike towards you.Go get impregnated by Jake.
(infighting) No. 1858554
>>1858542KEK justify your decision to pay for her overpriced OnlyFails any way you need to, snacc.
Her great tattoos are fucking cringe, have you seen her hilarious back tattoo and Mulan thigh piece? At least the tattoos on her body aren't as bad as what she's putting on others.
SG is outdated and will hire literally anyone with a hint of alt. Set your bar higher, coomer.
>She's a mom and looks better than you all.Implying moms don't usually look good while assuming what we all look like? Scrotes stay scroting.
No. 1858557
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>wears heavy full face makeup and falsies to the pool
Literally for what purpose? What a waste of time. Do any pictures of her even exist without makeup? Jake's old lady definitely looks at least 40-45 without the makeup and filters. Probably with age spots and everything kek.
No. 1858592
File: 1688564401875.jpg (86.84 KB, 1045x274, Screenshot_20230705-064121_Twi…)

He's desperate for randos at this point.
No. 1858776
>>1858740It’s very clear that the ‘talent’ in his band were the other musicians. He’s useless by himself
Metal by numbers.
It would be interesting to hear what they would do without Fake running the show. He was clearly very threatened by Conor. I’d be interested to hear what Conor thinks of Fake. They don’t follow each other on anything anymore as far as I can see.
No. 1858800
>>1858592It's crazy that he's literally taking just about anyone at this point. You just know that if he were to regain any kind of popularity he'd be ditching kitty mcpancakes and the rest of the nobody twitter degens for filian and the 3Dtube elite in a heartbeat.
>>1858635>Not to WK>agrees with anon saying Kat has great tattoos, body, and is suicide girl sexyPick one nonna. That anon wasn't even calling out nitpicking and was straight up WKing her. I don't think Kat's body is bad at all, but we don't have to pretend like we all agree or that she's not somewhat busted in the face, has awful tattoos, etc. There's also a report button if you want to report nitpicking? ultimately it's for the mods to decide.
>>1858738I don't know how he would even manage a gig at this point. He has no manager, no friends left in the community, no backing band, etc. He'd literally be one sad guy doing karaoke over a backing track of his own shit music at best. Basically Jonny Craig, but without the goon squad backing him up. kek
No. 1858845
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>>1858592Just realized that this means they only stayed the one night per usual. At least this time he got her the nicer room and dinner package. Also funny how he's immediately liking memes mocking gold-diggers with children when he had one right in his arms just hours earlier.
No. 1859038
>>1858776>>1858800Yeah, and what happened to ‘a single out each month of 2023’? We’re at month #7 now, where’s all the new music he promised that’s all ‘lined up to be released’?
What about all his supposed work as a producer for other artists? The 24/7 hard work he’s allegedly locked himself up in the studio for during winter? When’s that going to see daylight? Anything??
He’s so pathetic and full of shit.
No. 1859050
>>1857990It’s crazy for a rational person, but not the kind of vain, hypocritical, social-climbing attention whore of a person Skat is.
First of all, she probably didn’t have much of an option to choose from when Dean kicked her out. Move in with her parents? Couch-surf with a child at her friends’? Fake had a nice spacious house, so seems like a win-win. Remember that she works only part-time.
And second, at the time, she was definitely convinced that jumping onto Fake is an "upgrade" – him being "rich and famous", and giving her that social media exposure, her being an "award-winning artist" and "model", kek. Definitely seemed much more lucrative and appealing than her stable and secure life with Dean.
No. 1859057
>>1859050Moving in with him was definitely initially a "win" for her even though it's likely to be short lived. He was showering her and Isaac with expensive gifts and taking Kat out on constant trips, vacations, dinners, etc. She was only working part time and he was home often, showering her with attention. The honeymoon period is very obviously over and the trips are getting fewer and farther in between, Jake is behaving more negatively towards her and even sounding resentful at times towards both her and her kid. He actively chooses to spend all his time terminally online lately, VRtubing or supposedly in his own words spending hours each day online "researching" other VR and Vtubers. She's still "hot" to him right now because she's thin and performs for his attention when he wants it, but it's pretty obvious his eye is already wandering. He strikes me as the type of guy who is always looking for something "better" because he feels like he "deserves it". He spent his entire relationship with Kaya, even when she was young and thin, cheating on her or attempting to cheat on her. Kat's lucky no one outside of his smelly looking snaccs want him. lmao
I do still wonder why Kat doesn't "model" anymore outside the rare OF photoshoot she does in the spare room. I'm still tinfoiling that Jake got weirdly jealous over her male photographers and so she stopped to appease him and avoid his shitfits.
No. 1859104
>>1859038thanks for the reminder anon, he was also supposed to do a bunch of goth songs, claimed it wouldn’t take him long to do and even said they were well in the works months ago. he wanted to film a music video in london and it never happened, just like many things he hyped and failed to produce.
he also said munro as a music thing would be brought into the vr stuff but considering he’s wanting to change his avatar again and dumping more money into expensive equipment, he probably won’t do that either.
No. 1859108
>>1859095>>1859091Actually, now that you mention it, he really hasn't seemed to gift her anything outside grocery store bouquets, cards, and a stripper pole. All their trips involve or benefit him and it's hard to say how much he's actually paying for these days too. Considering Kat is out here flexing her Shein
>>1856853 birthday fit and wearing that same skirt every other day, it really makes me wonder if she's a little tight on cash herself these days.
>>1859104Tbh it feels like he just wanted to get a single out every month to try to prove to his ex bandmates that he didn't need any of them. Just like how his views and subs on YT were all his own and not from him being Kaya's boyfriend. He is convinced he is the star of the show and is destined for greatness because he feels he deserves it. Dude definitely suffers from more than just that bipolar that he "cured" by thinking positively. lmao
No. 1859323
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Whining about the weather again. If he hates NI so much why doesn’t he just leave? Let’s not kid ourselves that it’s love for Kat that keeps him there, he can’t afford it because he tanked his own career.
Be careful though Kat, you and the kid give him the perfect excuse. He can’t leave because you can’t, because you have a kid with another man, you’ve trapped him. He’s choosing to live somewhere he hates because of you. You’re holding him back. You don’t respect him. Sound familiar? Don’t worry. It will.
No. 1859428
>>1859271exactly. and for kat being a much better fit for him romantically, he sure isn't showing his best side, like being generous and giving gifts she alone will enjoy. maybe it's him being true to his initial "ya boy don't simp ya boy don't pay" mentality. but that's his girlfriend now and has been for a while. nice gifts for her to enjoy is the decent thing to do instead of "time together" when he is the one putting a barrier between that as he creates his own schedule.
I don't think money is an excuse because he buys himself shitloads of expensive VR crap.
I dont think Kat is benefiting from being a "trophy" the way some anons describe. she should keep working so she can take care of her son and leave the narc and his negativity behind. but she appears to have her own issues… she fell for Jake's cheap flattery because I guess hearing about how hot she is was more important than co-owning a tattoo shop, keeping her marriage vows, and giving her son a secure family life.
No. 1859578
>>1859323>>1859364Kek, no kidding. First world problems when most places around the world are experiencing record high temps lately too. Jake can and will complain about anything.
>>1859377Cue "willem dafoe's big dick" tier untethered rage. No door in his general vicinity would be safe from his stumpy wrath.
>>1859428Kat was pretty obviously just something for him to obtain and show off. Now that he has her and the newness is waring off, he has to come to terms with the inconvenient and possibly negative aspects of her life. He'll grow resentful like
>>1859323 said, he's already showing telltale signs, he really can't help himself. I definitely think Kat thought she was signing up for a life of constant travels, being wined and dined in other countries, and getting to show off her "influencer" boyfriend. I imagine the reality is sinking in for them both now.
No. 1859581
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I keep missing his streams lately so no real milk that I know of or updates, but it looks like he's still streaming often with the lolicon neckbeard and the fat guro fanatic. They even managed to rope him into playing fortnite, something he's expressed is beneath him in past streams. It's like Jake is regressing. lmao
No. 1859704
>>1859572not sure who came up with the idea but he was definitely using kaya to leave and thought the move would be the thing to make his content better. cue all the things he was totally going to do there like his ~freak vlogs~ and showing off the clothes horde we rarely see now that he’s jake the vtuber.
anyone know the timeline of him throwing a fit that he wouldn’t be able to move & the relationship ending? just curious as i felt that he would have dumped her as soon as they settled in barcelona.
No. 1859879
>>1859704If I remember correctly he decided for them that they were going to move to Spain, I remember in one of Kaya's break up vids she mentioned she was hesitant and disliked that Jake told everyone at a party it was going to happen before she'd even decided she wanted to go and mentioned a friend spoke to Jake about her trepidation and Jake said something along the lines of " anyone can be manipulated" or something to that effect. They then ended up not being able to move thanks to a killer combo of Brexit and COVID so I seem to remember Jake's rage was directed mostly at the factors outside his control rather than at Kaya.
I do agree though: he'd have cheated on her in Barcelona
No. 1859970
File: 1688777466358.jpg (322.28 KB, 1080x1700, 2TNgyvW.jpg)

Kat body-checking during her one night stay at the Galgorm
No. 1860002
>>1859704>>1859879Absolutely, he was just using her. If he wanted to relocate so bad, it could’ve been any place in the world, but it was specifically Barcelona, not even just somewhere else in Spain, but specifically there.
And that whole story about it being his favourite city – I call it bs. He doesn’t speak any Spanish, he openly stated his disinterest in the culture, didn’t seem to really care about things like all the beautiful architecture, the local scene etc – but psyched to move specifically there regardless. Smells eerily of a NI 2.0. He’s only ever cared about the idea of an escape, sunny weather, and getting hammered.
Like I said, he just had a foot in the door with Kaya, so that is the only reason why it was Barcelona specifically. He would’ve used her the same way he used her to move to dreaded NI in the first place. Barcelona didn’t work out, so he decided to use her to move to his new house instead. In his mind they were long over, but he kept pushing the idea that they needed this new family nest to kickstart a new better life. With new furniture. Once he got what he wanted, he kicked her to the curb.
No. 1860026
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>>1859970She's built like an ever so slightly thicker Pumpy.
No. 1860216
File: 1688823400213.png (447.19 KB, 879x438, img_00032852.png)

>>1860158the make-up/angle is really doing her no favors lmao
No. 1860641
>>1860390Since he gets so few views…like if you get 5k views per video and lose 2k subs per month, how many people see his content I wonder and dip out? Like lets say 10k followers see his content (with the way social media is now, this is likely) 5k watch it and out of every 10k people, 2k unfollow. So 2/10 viewers are so offput they go out of their way to unsub/unfollow at the sight of him.
The fact he's been looking at stats like this for a year and still not tried to pivot to something people actually want to see.
No. 1860712
>>1860678He survives on denial.
Knee deep in debt I'm assuming
No. 1860733
>>1860678At his peak he was apparently making a lot of money, according to Kaya more than she ever made. It's probably why he was so cocky in that initial break up vid, he wasn't expecting a backlash, he felt he was on top of the world in that moment. After his numbers began to plummet and his plush didn't get funded, we saw him harassing Kaya desperately for old equipment, likely to sell. He goes on to sell his bike. He's likely burned through most if not all of his old YT money at this point. He's on his last leg and drums up this grand idea to relabel himself a vrtuber and go viral. He's making less than min wage off YT, Patreon, OF, etc. alone. But the snacc subs and now Clair keep him just barely afloat. Kat is paying at least half the rent for the house, maybe even the studio too since she uses it as a gym. I wouldn't doubt he's in some kind of debt judging his spending behaviors, but I think he's also making just enough to scrape by right now. Problem is his fanbase is dwindling more every month, he's alienated a lot of his old fans with his new content and his content isn't good, interesting, or clever enough to lure in any real hardcore new snaccs. I bet we're going to see him move out of his rented house or studio in the next couple years.
>>1860712Ngl, he really does seem the type who would take out a loan or something because he fully believes he's going to go viral sometime soon and be able to pay it back. kek
No. 1860906
>>1860733He's also a big spender, I mean the guy got ripped off on Fiver once or twice now? He bought a shitty PC hardware part that people told him it's not good hardware and he blocked them and started cussing them out.
The guy is literally a teenager in a 30+ year old's body, he thinks because an item has two or three zeros behind it that it's always trustworthy and a good investment.
To add to this, he most likely puts all his eggs in the same basket (probably doesn't have a side bank account where he saves money for a rainy day), the moment Clair or other snacks drop him, it's back to a 9-5 job for him.
No. 1861093
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No. 1861172
>>1859676He's got a Dead by Daylight gameplay video on his channel where he meets his new collaborators for the first time. You're right nonna, he put on his best show to be as edgy and charming as possible and they lapped up every cum and piss joke like the drooling idiots they are. He connected with Pancakes the most but I noticed he talked over the other two women a fair bit (surprise surprise).
>Jake has talked about how he's able to "fit in with any friend group by understanding their mannerisms"He may be good at hooking people in but he'll never be able to keep them. In Jake's mind these people are strictly professional partners but he craves friendships and will eventually try to form a deeper relationship. He'll start dropping the word 'friend' soon enough and I bet he wants to visit them IRL at the end of the year. However just like how his bandmates went from colleagues to friends to strangers I think we will see a similar progression here.
>>1859879>I do agree though: he'd have cheated on her in BarcelonaKaya would immediately flee back to Ireland in tears and Jake would be forced to return a year later when the scandal bankrupts him/Kaya's Dad threatens him/his mistress leaves him. In every universe he's with Kaya he cheats (even in one she stays stick thin) and fails.
>>1860002Yeah he'd definitely be one of those Brits who confidently uses the little Spanish they know but never bother to learn any more than that.
I challenge Fake to visit a Spanish city outside of Barcelona.
>>1860733Despite all the
baby girl shit and the ddlg dynamic Kat is more or less an equal in terms of paying bills. Jake may bring in the big dono money but she has more long-term stability as a tattooist. Jake audibly breathes a genuine sigh of relief when Clair (his boss) joins a stream and he has said he finds it incredibly hard to get car insurance or move house due to his work. I can't believe he has a son to feed but he stubbornly does v-tubing full-time and constantly upgrades gear despite only being in the game 2 months. The only reason Kat is still with him is because she's getting child support from Dean which means Jake doesn't have to get a call-centre job to make ends meet.
No. 1861349
>>1861282is clair a snacc/patron who pays for his content behind a paywall? she definitely qualifies with her huge donations. I dont know how she has so much money that she thinks throwing it at Jake is good use of it. wouldn't she rather buy some nice jewelry or something? travel? VIP concert tickets? invest? what a dull existence. I can see if Jake were a good person, but he is the last person I'd want to support, especially during his degenerate era. maybe 3 yrs ago if you're stuck inside and lonely during the pandemic and you saw him go viral being a wholesome goth guy with a likable easy going girlfriend who also went viral for her goth videos.
how on earth is he getting a big spender fan these days? it is unbelievable to me. but he is genuinely glad when she is in the chat I have read, so she's real. but ugh.
No. 1861373
File: 1688964223230.jpg (899.36 KB, 3464x1682, Clair Lore.jpg)

Speaking of Clair, she's been expanding beyond just talking about poop lately. She's been dropping what she calls "Clair lore" where she brags about accomplishments and makes big claims. She also said that she has a Rolls-Royce. At this point, I think she is mainly donating for the attention and ego boost. The whole chat kisses her ass, and Jake might as well worship the ground she walks on. I've never realized he was capable of brown nosing so hard. Clair probably loves that. She must not be getting nearly enough love and attention in her personal life for her to feel the need to spend thousands for this type of attention. It's actually sad to behold, considering we all know Jake wouldn't be giving a single shit about her if she didn't have the money. He'd be judging her retarded spending habits if he wasn't the recipient. Probably thinks she's a fool and terrible with money, and that he hit the jackpot. He only acts like he cares about her life because she's paying him to. She is still donating hundreds up to a thousand other other stream or so. She's probably thrown away like $20-30k by now.
No. 1861425
>>1861172I don't think Kat is getting any child support as it seems like her and Dean have split custody right now judging by Jake's comments in previous streams. It's not uncommon with divorced parents of young pre-school age children, but it could possibly change in the future once he is going to school. I don't even think she could get any kind of alimony as they weren't even married for very long.
>>1861373kek, so she's basically paying thousands to hijack the Jake show to talk about herself and sometimes poop? She gives me strange vibes, like those type of con-men on true crime shows who compulsively lie and use stolen credit cards to try to impress people and back up their outlandish claims. Who knows what the reality of things are outside of her obviously being the only major thing keeping him afloat right now while he desperately tries to go viral as a vtuber.
No. 1861438
>>1861425You may get spousal maintenance if one spouse has a significantly higher income than the other but this is usually for a limited time and I doubt is the case here.
If Dean and Kat have 50/50 custody then he most likely isn’t paying child support currently. This may change as the child starts nursery/school like you say. It only really truly works for the child if the parents have really good communication and co-operate with the other. I can’t see Fake liking that very much or Kat being capable of having enough sense to see maintaining a cordial relationship with her child’s father as a positive thing. In my opinion however, it’s almost always to benefit the parents rather than the child. Kids do better with a stable home and plenty of time with the non resident parent rather than being shuttled between two homes, two sets of rules etc never feeling truly settled. I wouldn’t want it for my kid.
No. 1861454
File: 1688987444374.png (3.17 MB, 750x1334, 48642214-5850-4759-BDA9-D5BD4F…)

Jake’s also back with the body checking content
No. 1861894
>>1861373she sounds like someone I know of who claimed they held several PhDs, were an AI professor, an author, a highly regarded poet, artist/painter, lived all over the world, athlete, speak several languages, and worked in Politics. but they are currently a real estate agent and their daddy cut them off this summer, and they almost got evicted.
it's likely family money and family purchased accomplishments and opportunities to brag about and embellish online or to anyone who will hear it.
No. 1862087
>>1861454It's weird how he has that dog-ear indent under his armpit like TIFs get after top surgery. Anyone else remember when he got butthurt over someone commenting on his "sagging nipple" placement and how to fix it with chest exercises? kek
>>1861823What a weird story to share with people, especially going into graphic detail? If it's true I can imagine it's partially why he seems to have such a weird relationship with sex and why he found it appropriate to craft a whole pussy out of play dough at a child's birthday party. The more I know the more I worry for the toddler who lives part time in that house with him.
No. 1862089
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New Kat tattoo horror I forgot to post earlier.
No. 1862094
File: 1689059930502.png (19.5 KB, 533x224, surejake.png)

>>1862089Also, kek at Jake retweeting this. As if we don't have evidence of his shit behavior on top of so many witness accounts from ex-fans and acquaintances alike.
Bonus, he's officially down to 424k on YT which now makes it almost 70k YT subs lost since the initial break up video dropped. Only 560 of which bothered to follow his twitch channel, his usual viewer count on both his YT streams is around only 30-60 each stream. His Vtube videos seem to only net him 3-5k views a piece, while his rare face vids at least manage 10-11k views. No new music, no patreon updates, no OF updates, etc. either.
No. 1862167
>>1861823Couple details I wanted to correct. It wasn't a TMNT tape that his parents taped over, it was a blank tape. And I don't think he said it was hardcore porn, he called it "artsy".
But that story left a sour taste in my mouth. The way he told it like it was such a funny story and a good time. Absolutely bizarre. In reality it can be extremely damaging to a child's psyche to see porn at such a young age. No wonder he's grown up with such a sick sense of humor, severe sex drive/relationship issues, and body dysmorphia.
No. 1862392
>>1862167If you add to this, his bizarre comments about his parents being "unfuckable" and wanting to kill his brother it definitely sounds like an early parenting issue that may have led to this insecure, sex obsessed manchild.
I read a Twitter thread years ago where hundreds of people were chiming in to agree that overhearing their parents fucking when they were kids traumatised them, I think it's not just porn but the awareness of your parents doing this (a child sees it as an extremely bizarre act) which causes mental damage. He probably has more than one story like that.
No. 1862728
File: 1689136952740.png (1.3 MB, 1068x592, jakemstream711.png)

>>1861454definitely feels like he's been editing his photos or using a muscle enhancing filter at least. This is how he looked on tonight's stream. Going to give a rundown of the stream when I can, but it seemed like a very boring 4hr game playthrough with very little interaction, donations, etc. When I checked he capped at somewhere around 60-something viewers at best, no new snacc subs either.
No. 1862752
File: 1689142255057.jpg (96.09 KB, 1080x637, 20230711_231019.jpg)

>>1862728Clair doesn't seem to have shown up, but this person who has been donating lately came in and dropped about $500 and gave out some memberships. Idk how people are comfortable seeing someone given $500-$1000+ just for a few hours of playing some little videogames.
No. 1862814
File: 1689157414615.jpg (3.34 MB, 6000x2000, Creepy Clair.jpg)

There is something legit creepy about Clair to me. The way she takes all her selfies from the same angle, makes the same face/poses, her demented editing skills, her crackhead makeup, the high key psychotic look in her eyes.
No. 1862823
File: 1689159906216.jpg (2.55 MB, 4243x2828, ewwww.jpg)

As it turns out, Clair's relationship with her husband is that of a Daddy/Baby Girl type relationship. So that explains why Clair zeroed in on Jake.
No. 1862828
File: 1689161381191.jpg (414.47 KB, 1080x1670, 20230712_042850.jpg)

>>1862823Clair is early-mid 30's and Thomas has adult children that are around Clair's age if not older. Thomas must be at least 65, this is an old picture of him. Jesus, that age gap. Always grosses me out when men date women who are the same age as their daughters.
Sorry to derail, but since Clair is sharing her "lore" I figured I'd add to it.
No. 1863067
File: 1689191215253.png (1.14 MB, 750x640, jakeytstream711.png)

>>1862728So the stream was actually extremely boring, but I'll give a quick recap regardless:
>"Just woke up from a nap." Sounds extremely tired or drunk, slurring speech, brit accent much heavier. Says he's exhausted.>snacc compliments his blue hair, he says it's the same color as "when ya boy went viral!!!">admitted to ignoring chat in past streams for "the goobs" (kitty mcpancakes and co.)>First $100 donation from Kiedra rolls in. He makes a massive show over it, pauses game.>Still heavily slurring his speech, voice cracking. She donates another $100 and it sounds like he might cry.>starts doing a valley girl voice and saying "nyaaa" a bunch? Like straight up anime weeb cat sounds.>Tons of boring gameplay with Jake mumbling over it, someone in chat finally asks if he's drunk and he responds with a tiny "nooo">Starts going on about how he needs a new graphic card for his home PC>gets killed in game, blames being bad at the game on him playing on a keyboard and not controller>"fuck why did you miss the ledge you dull cunt" literally shit talking the character he's controlling like it's her fault he's bad kek>More weird indistinguishable voice skits, this time with moaning, more "nyaaa"s>Even more bitching about his graphics card and frame rate>Kiedra drops yet another $100 and Jake says "wow" a dozen times, Keidra then gifts 10x memberships>Jake starts gushing about Kitty and says he needs to meet his persona "slutty momodi"?>uses a voice-changer and proceeds to do some awful skit as this character saying "I'd suck your fucking dick dude" as if to Kitty. yikes>falls in a hole in game, blames the game again, has a mini meltdown "I pressed the fucking dash button!">proceeds to immediately dash off a ledge into a hole again, stays silent this time, except for a deeply sad, heavy sigh. kek>bitches about his graphics card again, said he needs other pc upgrades, but that he is "saving" right now for multiple avatars including a 2D avatar because he and Kitty "have plans">another meltdown about framerates "this is the last time I buy a secondhand graphics card!">Kiedra donates yet another $100 towards "a new GPU" leading Jake into saying he needs to replace both PCs motherboards too, among other computer parts>Says PC is making a loud noise, graphics card is overheating, is going to "start bringing the one from the studio home with him every night">still ignoring most of chat just to listen to himself talk, more boring gameplay, more bitching>someone other than Kiedra finally donates, but it's only $2. Jake realizes it's been 4 hours and says times up and goodnight.All in all not very milky, but it seems Clair has some competition. It was interesting though, not one uttering about Kat or anything, just Kitty, Kitty, Kitty. Imagine your man choosing to ignore you for a lolicon neckbeard.
No. 1863068
File: 1689191388784.png (1.28 MB, 1053x588, doubtful.png)

>>1863042I don't know, he's looking anything but anachan in this stream tbh.
No. 1863168
File: 1689199611708.jpg (153.19 KB, 1080x369, Screenshot_20230712-034851_Twi…)

So I guess this is no longer happening?
Also, in one stream he said he was trying to make his stomach flat for when he gets his tattoo finished soon. Then in the VERY next stream, he said he's forgoing all tattoos this year to spend the money on VR instead.
No. 1863251
File: 1689205648755.jpg (994.75 KB, 971x1918, TikTok Garbage.jpg)

Jake has been quietly uploading all his VR garbage to TikTok and getting as little as 500 views. What happened to "TikTok is so easy to get views on"? Officially a quantity over quality sellout. Yet he still has the audacity to talk bad about people who use the platform and alt TikTokers, as if his use of the platform is somehow totally righteous and better than theirs. It's like he lacks any self awareness. He's throwing shit at the wall on every outlet possible and desperately hoping something will stick.
No. 1863253
File: 1689205794822.png (1.51 MB, 991x668, Kat's recent upload.png)

Kat posted this 3 days ago.
Why are you even a tattoo artist when you FORGOT his fucking cane
No. 1863266
File: 1689206633759.png (251.96 KB, 800x308, Kat's recent upload part 2.PNG)

>>1863253>>1863258Same-fag. I'm not sure but here is the post
No. 1863268
File: 1689206741051.png (585.22 KB, 799x706, Kat's recent upload part 2.PNG)

>>1863266>>1863258Sorry, here's the full version!
No. 1863269
>>1863253>>1863260>>1863268I could have
sworn we've seen this before…
No. 1863380
>>1862814She's very overweight and her bloated face makes her look much older than 33. That 30 year age gap between her and Hulk makes me sick…what do they even talk about? She married someone in their mid-60s so they are obviously gonna have more of a Daddy/daughter dynamic rather than a best friend or team mates dynamic meaning so their relationship will always be unfulfilling. No wonder Clair watches Jake almost everyday, she craves the laddish banter and cultural references amongst people closer to her own age. It's clear she has little to no IRL friends and may not 'hang out' with Hulk very much so she has to fill that void online. Most women grow out of that 'Daddy' phase by their mid to late 20s (if they have this kink) but Clair seems like she'll be one of those fucked up women doing DDLG in their 40s. I can't believe her self-esteem was so low that she married this old fart.
>>1863229He said the studio was dirt cheap as it's in an industrial estate (probably why he can't get takeaway delivered there and has to buy snacks at the shops before his streams). In an old stream I remember he said it was around £500 a month. Unfortunately for him the rent went up in the last few months which is why he considered renting out rooms but he's been quiet about that for a while.
I have no idea how he affords that new-ish, 3 bedroom house in Lisburn with all the holidays and shit he buys. Kat is an independent contactor who can't work full-time due to a child and Fake is self-employed and mainly relies on one subscriber to pay his bills - the stability is not great here.
No. 1863406
File: 1689217148890.png (637.1 KB, 639x664, jakemutates.png)

>>1863067Only caught the second half of today's stream. No sign of Clair again though he still has her old donations scrolling up top of the stream.
>usual world-hopping with assorted "skits" and obnoxious voices>goes on angry rant about the rain and how it prevents him from going out and doing anything fun>avatar keeps glitching out horribly>casting couch joke>more world-hopping and dumb skits including one about old people's kinks>Jake twerks in front of the moon>zooms in on his avatar's ass and makes a fart sound>"sorry that was super juvenile" Lady Allura: "You are just being you and we love it!" kek>naruto runs around, keeps applying a video filter and dancing randomly>happy birthday grimace joke at the mcdonalds world>plays skeeball for a while>ignores chat bringing up kat to talk about how much he wants to play videogames tomorrow>spends last 20mins of stream laying down on a couch>says he will start performing his own songs in VR and provide karaoke versions of his songs?>Says he isn't planning on doing shows for a while because he's in the process of writing "a bunch of new shit">has a new song coming out, hasn't named it yet, admits he's getting lazy with the mixing>apparently had promised snaccs a new vlog, but says he doesn't know what to vlog.>says "every day is pretty much the same, I wake up, mix or edit, discord with the pals, then me and kat fuck… around. hehehe. Then I'm here in the VR studio streaming. Like I actually work, I'm inside all day doing stuff for work.">says that he wishes he had vlogged the galgorm stay, and says that they accidently got that nice suite room. As in, he wasn't intending to book the nicest room for Kat's birthday, but it was the only one available at the time.>He and Kat are going on vacation in about two months to Croatia again>Says it's cheaper to go then because it's "off season" said they did the same thing for last years visit.>Ends up promising to vlog Croatia. Said they booked the same time, same hotel, same everything.>Said he hates traveling. Says he hates seeing other British people when traveling.>"The types of English dudes that go to Barcelona, such pigs." (kek the irony)>Says he's planning to go back to Barcelona sometime in winter because it's off season and the best time to visit.>Starts gushing on about "Eros" another scantily clad catgirl vtuber he's been following>Raids Eros, she's aggressively lol so random and straight up says "sorry I'm so awkward and a little weird tehehe"Only snaccs in chat talking at all were Lady Allura, ZombieSpooks, and someone named Pukee77. Though I'm pretty sure JadedSphinx was there moderating. There were zero donations, new followers, or anything of the sort while I was watching. Also, big kek at him finally talking about Kat on stream after so long, but it's only to mention their sex life or upcoming vacation.
No. 1863410
>>1863168He definitely has conveniently forgotten this promise. In today's stream
>>1863406 he mentioned a new song, but that it's still unfinished and untitled.
>>1863258Yeah he had been for a while, but stopped. He's talked about getting new work done as a coverup. But as another anon mentioned, he said on stream that he's putting off tattoos for a while to afford all this VR stuff he's supposedly got planned.
>>1863380Must be hard to rent out the rooms when you have no friends and are incredibly vocal about how much you hate Ireland and it's people. kek. I fully suspect we're going to see him start selling off all his equipment again as soon as Clair and other big spenders get bored and move onto their next fixation within the year or so. It's no wonder he's latching onto Kitty so desperately these days. Just like he did with his bandmates to use and discard once they no longer served a purpose.
No. 1863949
>>1863573>>1863643Well, it depends on what your own contract terms are. With commercial property (as in, premises not intended for living, not that you necessarily have to have a functioning business in there) – so, essentially, with what Fake has, they typically allow you to sublet as long as you inform the landlord and get a written "a-ok" from them. In most cases, there is no issue, they just want to make sure you don’t sublet it for something illegal or what ‘doesn’t align with their morals’ so to say. So, typically, Fake shouldn’t have a problem, granted he doesn’t act like he’s smarter than everyone.
With living spaces, yes, landlords tend to be more hesitant and like to put the "no subletting" as a default term. But terms can be debatable.
I’m a eurofag btw, both personal experience and also worked in real estate as a part-time side job. How things operate in NI may differ, of course.
No. 1864019
>>1863406>said he hates travelingthat’s funny, he claimed to be learning japanese at one point for a return trip there and had a bunch of plans to get tattoos by different artists. he only wants to go when the rates are low and couldn’t make it more obvious that he can’t afford the jet setter lifestyle he tried to portray. why leave the comfort of his studio where he can be virtually surrounded by the small group of ppl who feed him attention and dollars.
also, writing new music when he failed to deliver on other projects lol. do it already or shut up.
No. 1864025
>>1863406Was he supposed to stream today or is today his off day? I might have missed something, but there's no post anywhere and no sign of life on his YT either? Could have sworn he said he was going to finish returnal today. Maybe I was just too late or he cut it short today?
>>1864019He definitely also strikes me as a tourist who clearly thinks he's better and above all other tourists despite being just another shitty drunk english bloke. Which is funny considering he'd be pretty unpopular in Japan these days what with all the ugly face and head tattoos he couldn't even attempt to cover up. Would be hilarious to see him have an absolute fit over not being allowed into onsens, gyms, etc. though. kek
No. 1864708
>>1864584He's been complaining a fuckton about being extremely tired and did seem like he might have been drinking the stream the previous night? Maybe he was feeling hungover or maybe Kat made him "watch the kid" again. He does bitch an awful lot when playing the game though, it's always the controllers fault, the keyboards fault, the fucking game's fault, he totally pressed that button!!! reeeee
>>1864640Kaya hasn't mentioned the studio in absolute ages unless I missed something. I don't know if she's just pulling a heather sparkles and letting it sit there "out of sight out of mind" or if she actually got her things out and left. We likely may never know unless it comes up in a Q&A or in one of her car rants or something. I wonder if Jake initially got Kat a stripper pole there in hopes he could parade her around and rub her in his ex's face even more. It's not like they couldn't have it at the house where it would be much more accessible to her.
No. 1864738
File: 1689400058617.jpg (770.13 KB, 811x899, ecEoJ6M.jpg)

>>1863406I hate the way he talks about Kat, like a piece of meat. They are so incompatible.
>>1863949I vaguely remember it was the landlord who suggested he sublets some rooms as they were going to increase rent and they wanted to keep Jake as their tenant. Jake is way too paranoid to let strangers into that building so I think he'd rather just pay the extra money. Clair's generosity won't last forever though so he should chill on the spending and save where he can. I thought he would have learned from his mistakes from 2021…
>>1864584I checked his YT playlists and it looks like he was only live for 2 hrs which is out of character for him. I bet he got hammered enough to finish the game without breaking his keyboard and left as soon as he could. I've never seen him live when he's a 'sad drunk' but I'd like to.
>>1864708Jake has his 2 storey garage in the industrial estate (which has his VR studio, gym and bike) and he used to rent some spaces at another building closer to the city (he called it 'the Studios' from memory). While Jake no longer rents at the Studios Kaya still has her space (since Sept 2020). They no longer share the same building and live in opposite sides of the Belfast so it's unlikely they bump into each other.
Pic included with the spaces from the Studios on the left and the bike garage on the right and their current statuses.
No. 1864752
File: 1689406898704.png (403.44 KB, 1139x938, 1682758057866.png)

>>1864738Thank you for your knowledge nonna! The other studio looked pretty nice with all those big windows, minus that very smelly looking game room of course. I went back and looked at the last thread and it made me wonder if he has bothered to tidy the place up and make any headway on the promised "music studio" in that trashed room on the bottom yet. I imagine it's unlikely as he's already fallen through on his "one single a month" promise from earlier this year. His patreon updates stopped a few months ago now too. I suppose we'll see if he actually vlogs the trip in two months.
No. 1864765
>>1864752>it made me wonder if he has bothered to tidy the place up and make any headway on the promised "music studio" in that trashed roomHonestly it's probably messier than ever and I bet Jake and Skat's junk is still sitting downstairs next to the bike.
I noticed they haven't posted any IG stories from their house in ages and I wouldn't be surprised if that's also cluttered seeing as Kat's been taking on more shifts and Jake's clearly struggling with his work hours and having sleep issues.
>>1863068Jake started streaming from home recently and I was trying to work out what room this set-up is in. Jake's house has three bedrooms but Isaac has one room and Kat has the other for making porn in (originally Kaya's 'pink' room). I could have sworn he said he streams from downstairs so that must mean he turned his lounge room into a gaming room as the kitchen and dining room is an open plan area (going off what was shown in 'NEW HOUSE REVEAL'). I don't know why he had to sacrifice his lounge room - I thought the point of the garage studio was to have extra space for all his work and creative endeavors?
No. 1864874
>>1864815She wasn't staying in that studio, she only filmed her videos in it. She stayed in the gaming studio, which is coincidentally what this photo is showing
>>1864738 all her shit. The only "trauma" in her studio currently is the hoard of crap she is avoiding sorting through. Her "pity me I'm cold" IG posts were from her studio, where she wasn't actually staying at. The gaming studio was much smaller and easier to heat.
No. 1864914
File: 1689436414263.png (1.49 MB, 911x907, bedroom.png)

>>1864765Kat has taken photos in both the pink room and what looks to be their personal bedroom. Then the third room appears to be this room that Jake is using for streams and content. Pretty sure this means that Kat has shot her softcore porn in the same bed her son has slept which is likely the pink room. Also, what is up with their home decor? Why is the entire place decorated like someone's college dorm? Everything looks so sad and cheap.
No. 1864925
File: 1689437598171.png (1.48 MB, 782x914, bedroom2.png)

>>1864914Same bedroom with the same killstar tapestry poorly hung above the bed, but before they tossed the fake plant over the back of what I am assuming is supposed to be the headboard. It's kind of funny how you can often make out miscellaneous clutter in the corners of her and Jake's photos sometimes too.
No. 1864987
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No. 1864991
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No. 1865033
File: 1689451573220.png (339.25 KB, 541x694, Screenshot_20230715-205835.png)

No. 1865186
File: 1689466295446.png (220.9 KB, 864x764, Screenshot_20230715-201052.png)

>>1865107Sage for the cheese, but that's literally not true. She had access to it the entire time, from November 2021 to the end of May 2022, when she moved into her current pig sty.
No. 1865207
File: 1689468261630.jpg (19.63 KB, 822x644, 9ce4iGr.jpg)

>>1864765>Jake started streaming from home recently and I was trying to work out what room this set-up is in. Jake's house has three bedrooms but Isaac has one room and Kat has the other for making porn in (originally Kaya's 'pink' room)I fucked up here…
I re-watched the house reveal vid and the house has
4 bedrooms. Jake is still in his original studio upstairs. Sorry for the confusion nonnas.
I'm no draughtswoman (the stairway and bathroom are comically wide kek) but I think I have a much clearer idea of the upstairs now so I drew it. If
>>1864793 is right about Jake sharing a wall with Isaac then Isaac's bedroom must be the 'pink room'. The box room must be a make-up studio/porn room. I didn't realise Jake's bedroom had an ensuite until now either.
I love to know how much a 4 bedroom, 3 toilet detached house with undercover parking costs in Lisburn.
No. 1865242
>>1865207>I love to know how much a 4 bedroom, 3 toilet detached house with undercover parking costs in Lisburn.£995 pcm
I found his house. I'll screenshot for reference.
No. 1865253
>>1865250Damn nonna you're good. I lack this skillset lol.
>£995 pcmI must say that's a great price for what he's getting. It's certainly a nice house.
Still…how does he afford the bike garage and house(approx £1500-1600 a month) on top of all his toys, vehicles and insurance? He must have been burning through his savings in 2022 to maintain his lifestyle.
No. 1865298
>>1864987>>1865129I really have to wonder if getting her underbite fixed would resolve her weird jowl problem. It's not like she's actually got extra fat or skin there, it just seems like her teeth are causing that puffiness under her very hollow cheeks? Even fillers wouldn't really help, in the long run she'd just end up with a pillow face.
>>1865207So this confirms that Kat has shot her OF sets in the very same bed her son uses when he's over? grim.
>>1865270He WAS rich, briefly. Kaya stated in her "truth" video that when his YT career was at it's peak he was making more than she ever did when she was supporting them the years prior. The only issue is he peaked for a year or two before promptly shooting himself in the foot and losing mass amounts of subs, viewers, etc. The first plush was way overfunded and he likely made something like 20k if I remember correctly from that alone, but the second one never got funded even when they granted him an extra week or two on the deadline. It's kind of crazy to think if he had just handled things a bit differently he could have gotten out of this fairly unscathed and still likely making bank. He's been pretty obviously struggling as of late and I imagine Clair's cash is just helping him keep afloat. He basically spends any surplus he makes on other things immediately and says he has to "save up" for things like a new avatar, equipment, etc.
No. 1865302
File: 1689479285060.png (1012.11 KB, 514x917, daydrinking.png)

>>1864991>>1865033I love how her photos are always heavily filtered and contrasted, meanwhile Jake posts this. She's looking rough. Also love that their date consists of day drinking. kek
No. 1865354
>>1865033She looks old af in here she’s aged like milk.
It’s disturbing how this bitch is still doing DDLT while looking 40 Kek
Kaya is fat but she doesn’t look like a middle aged crusty Jeffrey star at least.
No. 1865364
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No. 1865366
File: 1689487966266.jpeg (106.8 KB, 750x1248, 5C3E1AA2-DE14-4101-AE37-E970DF…)

>>1865302Kek at the obvious wrinkles she filters out in her stories. Being an alcoholic is bad for your skin lol
No. 1865448
File: 1689496372707.jpg (1.02 MB, 1309x421, pBZX9to.jpg)

>>1864987Chris Motionless is the only celebrity I can think of with a super prominent underbite and while his smile is definitely fucked up, his teeth are still straight and he's obviously incredibly handsome. As far as I know he never got it fixed and seems like a very confident person, IRL and on stage. On the other hand I get the sense that Kat is very insecure about her masculine, bicycle seat face and underbite and overcompensates by never being seen without heavy make-up or styled hair. That self-consciousness comes through on video too; she has the demeanor of a nervy 19 yr old who hides behind fake laughs and being coy. Kat's teeth are crooked and stained too so maybe her 'rich boyfriend' can pay for the orthodontic treatment she should have gotten 10 yrs ago.
(I was partially looking for an excuse to post pictures of Jake's favourite musician on his thread lol)>>1865298He talks about replacing tons of components on multiple computers, new VR avatars, more tech for V-tubing, holidays to Croatia and the US later this year…that's thousands of dollars he needs on top of funding his current lifestyle with his gas guzzling jeep (which costs close to US$150 to fill with 'Super Diesel'), multiple rentals, extensive tattoo appointments and more. He's so lucky Clair stumbled across him in time because otherwise he'd probably be looking into casual work (with his face tatts he'd probably only be able to do bartending or asbestos removal kek) and punching doors.
>>1865435>The reality is if you post any home videos with obvious identifiers onto the internet, people can find youVery true, Jake should have known better than to show the inside of his home. I noticed Kaya blurs out her car windows when she vlogs from her driveway so she has a bit more sense however someone can probably pull up her address from her house reveal video with ease. Youtubers aren't the smartest or most cautious people lol.
Anyway the point is everyone here has been playing by the rules.
No. 1865459
>>1865244omg Jake is a dumbass for making it this easy to find his house wtf. He really turned it into a tip, looks very nice in the before photos
>>1865457This is why he's never left, no way would a man as insecure as Jake downgrade to a smaller space without room for all his bikes and filming gear etc.
No. 1865461
>>1865457I know sometimes landlords will be nice to good tenants and try to "fix" their rent at a certain point rather than go through all the trouble of having to kick the old ones out, clean and fix the place back up, find new tenants and hope they pay on time and aren't trouble, etc. I imagine it's likely the case with him, but would change very quickly if he suddenly started to struggle to make rent on time or anything. He really is genuinely stuck in this house in Northern Ireland right beside his most beloved Belfast. kek
>>1865459Still fully expecting the onision thing to happen where we see him have to downsize in a few years when the money really starts to dry up. He truly skipped a few steps by peddling his god awful onlyfans so early on though. He's also so incredibly stupid to have never owned property. The guy is going to be stuck renting for the rest of his life.
No. 1865500
>>1865489He'd have to sell a lot of his shit, give up the bike garage and be frugal if he wanted to go down that path and that was never going to be an option for him.
In 2022 he really said 'fuck it' and just travelled, got tattoos, had multiple attempts at restarting his career and coasted on savings as he planned his next move (actually he probably spent most of his time stalking Kaya and seething…). I wouldn't be surprised if Kat matched his earnings in that time.
Even with Mama Clair on the scene it'll take him years to build up his wealth again to where he can buy a house.
No. 1865674
File: 1689525421128.jpg (101.64 KB, 1080x969, 20230716_093847.jpg)

If she's been sick for 3 weeks why the fuck has she been going out so much and partying?
No. 1865811
File: 1689535670435.png (325.96 KB, 500x897, 23hrs ago.png)

>>1865674She wasn't sick 23hrs ago having "shots, daddy" with Jake kek
No. 1866164
File: 1689558974255.png (961.27 KB, 501x892, hairline.PNG)

Anyone have any recent pictures of his hairline? I'm curious to see just how far its receded. Thank you in advance.
No. 1866385
File: 1689573458892.jpg (767.14 KB, 1080x1744, Screenshot_20230716-225838_Twi…)

Lol @ Jake begging to collab with the troon, but getting ignored. He wants their fan base to be his so badly.
No. 1866466
File: 1689587129276.png (900.55 KB, 597x714, 0340053.png)

>>1865366Curiosity got the better of me and I tried to remove her makeup. I think I know why we never see her without a massive smoky eye and false lashes tho, even when swimming or at the spa. I was even kind of nice and left her eyeliner and drew in some smaller lashes.
No. 1866495
File: 1689593513307.jpg (650.49 KB, 1080x2032, Screenshot_1_YouTube.jpg)

Jake's chat is so dead at times that there are upwards of 5 minutes of silence. It's mostly just the mods talking to eachother. Towards the end of the stream Jake says "I followed a bunch of vtubers on Twitter and one of them is a kinky furry artist. Ah well they followed me back so I guess I'll keep it going" as if he was pretending like he was going to unfollow them about it, as if he didn't notice the literal zoophilia plastered everywhere when he followed the account initially?? As if his new friends Kreepy McPancuck and company aren't furries? As if he wasn't recently talking about spending actual tangible money on a whole new separate furry avatar? Kek, he's so transparent.
No. 1866736
>>1866480She definitely looks like a chain smoking mum. She'd match Jake even better once he's working at the Tesco.
>>1866495>>1866706It's been dead everytime I've managed to watch lately too. Same 3-4 people (Aiden, lady allura, jadedsphinx, etc) talking with maybe a hello or something from some lesser known snacc every half hour. I feel like we haven't seen Clair in at least a week now, I wonder if "daddy" cut her off or if she got bored and moved on already. Jake better beg her back. If he was stuck budgeting with her thousands in donations, he'll be completely fucked with just the few hundred scattered throughout the week.
No. 1866856
File: 1689620157945.jpg (2.73 MB, 4243x2828, ICK.jpg)

I am so fucking disgusted by this account that Jake follows. The video consists of two furry avatars. One of which spies on his nude "step-mom" with the most absurd proportions you'll ever see. The themes involve zoophilia, incest/family porn, and spying which implies nonconsent. Of course a fucking failmale troon runs the account, are any of us surprised?
No. 1867047
>>1866495This stream was available to non-members on YT last time I checked - he let some popular song play on stream and had to end his game early. He then spent the next 10 minutes talking about Angry Joe's history with copyright strikes on Youtube before ending stream.
That means less money for Jake and a chance for me to skip through the VOD and see how much was donated. You're right
>>1866706, he barely gets anything on days without Clair. KiedraGerl was probably the one who donated that $100 as his regulars consist of dog walks, retirement home workers and nannies, a working class demographic.
>>1866736I'm watching his stream on Twitch rn and even Maz commented on how dead the chat was. Jake sarcastically said 'everybody must have partied really hard over the weekend'. Nah Jake, everyone's just getting bored of your content and find it more stimulating to chat about random shit with the community.
No. 1867327
File: 1689681468650.jpg (427.88 KB, 1080x1128, S20.jpg)

This made me laugh. Really not the compliment she thinks it is. Jake has an infantile face because it's full/round and he has no eyebrows or facial hair, but the smoothing filters hide the deep creases in his forhead and spotty complexion. The result is some freakish Benjamin Button shit. Or like the creepy old kids from Akira.
No. 1867633
File: 1689725845405.png (1.74 MB, 1450x844, 1689664312423.png)

Grabbed this from the alt thread because it cracked me up. Jake subliminally curating a scat fetish audience confirmed.
No. 1867662
File: 1689729407238.png (245.83 KB, 560x527, jakepervin.png)

>>1866856Just waiting for the day he slips up and likes something sketchy tbh, kek. He liked this weird promotional clip of a avatar rig that's wiggling her hips in a skimpy outfit, boob jiggle physics out in full force too of course. He's such a pathetic coomer.
>>1867327Obviously he doesn't actually look anywhere near 12 (more like 42 if anything), but what a weird thing to say about someone you call sexy all the time and are subbed to their onlyfans. Lady allura might want to rethink what she's saying, or maybe she's trying to make nice with his new lolicon buddies or something.
>>1867633kek. That one anon who was weirdly descriptive about kaya's speculated pooping habits though. Can't tell if a snacc or just some autist literally poop tinfoiling.
No. 1867698
>>1867662>>1867327ew yeah so true
>you're hot>you look 12like no, pick one or the other
No. 1867962
File: 1689795111681.png (412.99 KB, 517x924, katpaineofx.png)

Kat reminiscing of when she still did shoots with a variety of photographers and not just sad self-shot lewds in various parts of Jake's rental home. Crazy how much just one year of Jake can do to a person.
No. 1868219
File: 1689827699906.png (769.42 KB, 611x663, edgelordmunro.png)

>>1868111It was roughly 2 hours of actual stream time and maybe 15 minutes total of his shitty music over some intro and outro video footage of his ugly avatar in the silent hill world. He peaked at 36 viewers about halfway in and only made maybe $36 before Twitch takes their cut of it. kek
Here's a recap:
>Says he's finally at 600 followers (doesn't really mean much if you can only get 30-35 average viewers though Jake)>New avatar is going to be a "jester jake" since "the joker" is already a trademarked character>Wants to pay the guy who made his apartment room to add more rooms to it for whatever reason>wants to make a dedicated wall to the "most worthy" (his words kek) as in the people who have donated the most to him>Says he really wants a happy meal, said he posted a grimace shake video and he's sorry it's late>Goes to an akihabara world and immediately starts punching anime girl avatars in the face>rides a horse around? Screams A LOT, obnoxiously, like a whole child.>Dances along to the Haruhi anime opening. Says he's never heard of it. Is wheezing once it's over.>gets donated 100 bits. (About $1)>Starts whining about how small his VRtube studio room is. Keeps accidently bumping into the walls and smacking his TV.>runs around building to building acting obnoxious, more yelling. Chugs a beer, fakes being drunk.>punches and stabs some other anime girl avatars, holds another at gunpoint, refers to them as "bitches">gets 5 gifted subs (roughly $25)>"let's see what else we got around here, what else can we hold at gunpoint eheheh">rides the horse again. more obnoxious screaming.>Whines about how he wants to go back to Japan again and starts speaking hilariously poorly pronounced Japanese phrases>Flirts with a "stacked redhead" (his words) anime girl avatar, says she looks like she shops at "kids gap" (ew?)>"Oh an alleyway, wonder who's back here gawk gawk gawkin… oh a force field. Guess we can't see which anime girl is scraping up her knees.">Tells snaccs to make memes and gifs of him for him>"Hello tiny child" proceeds to beat a child avatar? (he comes back and does this at least three times throughout the hour he spent in this world)>starts sniffing the "camera" aggressively saying he "can smell a bitch in the chat" before calling the whole chat "bitches">Gets donated 1000 bits (about $10)>says he still wants to make music videos in VRchat after watching some para para video>He starts stroking a pink tree? "a man can rub a pink shaft if he wants to. It's not gay. I'm just helping out a bro. Like you and your best friends are out in the woods, a lil sack action, you know." >gives fellatio to some kind of light stick prop?>More god awful Japanese. Starts really whining about how hungry he is.>Randomly says he smells like beef? then immediately goes "just kidding I smell like Versace" (lolsorandom)>Pretends to put a giant pen prop up his avatar's ass?>Gets mad that he can't figure out the maps interactive game and leaves. The couple of snaccs that are active in chat seem disappointed. >ends up going back to it immediately to "speed run" the game he didn't finish>Gets angry again and gives up after running around acting annoyed for 15 more minutes. lmao>Finally goes to a new world after nearly an hour and a half in "akihabara". Jumps to a world called "chubby apartment" says he's disappointed there is no "chubby hidden within" this world?>Keeps world jumping and complaining the entire time. About the worlds, about how small his VR room is again.>Clarifies that he wants to use the larger room (the one full of rubbish) in his studio, the one he previously promised to become a music studio as a new VR room, but needs to buy plush carpeting and multiple base stations to make it usable. Complains about the cost of doing so.>Goes off on a rant about how much he hates Five Nights at Freddys. Absolutely seething that anyone, including children, would enjoy the series.>World jumping still. "We got Halo? maaaan I think you mean GAY-lo! eheheheh.">Has a meltdown over there being "no good alice in wonderland" worlds.>follows that up with a random awful rick and morty impression?>Says the "resort world" he ended up in next looks like a kingdom hearts level. Makes a bad joke about Sora and Riku "running a train". (Mind you Sora is only 14yo and Riku is 15. Gross.)>Wanders into some busty looking anime girl avatars, Jake proceeds to lose his mind and zoom in on their breasts while shouting.>Next world is a very nice beach house. Jake says this is "the kind of place he wants to move to in the future" (absolutely delusional kek)>begins a skit referring to himself as "baby boy" and saying his parents are away from home for the weekend so he's going to "create some chaos">opens a closet in the house and says "seven minutes in heaven anybody?" before shutting the door and making gross slurping sounds and moaning>complaining about being soooo hungry again>Jumps a few more worlds, nothing interesting happens besides him making furry jokes and complaining about the worlds.>Is obviously getting very irritated. He goes back to his apartment world and begins "so… I'm going to call the stream here for a bunch of reasons…">"Uh, number one, 32 current viewers is fucking destroying my view average and I'm trying to hit partner here. So I'm going to limit how much time I stream here to that amount.">"Number two, there's a bunch of editing for some cool videos I'm working on with Aiden at the moment. So once I get those out hopefully we'll see some more amazing people in here and we can back on the path to partner.">"I'm also crazy super fucking hungry because this idiot forgot to eat before the stream started">"Also, I need a shower. I'm super fucking sweaty from cycling.">Makes a promise he'll have something more fun planned for when he VR streams again on Twitch this Friday.>>1868202Not to burst anyone's bubble, but the end scene setting was the stripclub from Silent Hill 2, Heaven's Night. The figure dancing on the stage is one of the bubblehead nurses. It's still absolutely cringe though, but very Jake. I'm also wondering why he even bothered to make a new intro/outro with his current avatar as he's promising a Jake 3.0 avatar very soon.
No. 1868220
File: 1689827902176.png (791.97 KB, 988x648, totallynotaboobmantho.png)

>>1868219Let me know if there's ever any bits you guys want clipped or screenshot btw.
No. 1868221
>>1868202>Do you know if it was another vtuber putting on a show or if it was just like an avatar programmed to put on a show?It was a random avatar dancing on loop with her back to the audience and the 'camera' near ass level. She was swinging her booty around and doing slut-drops, fully clothed thankfully, as VR Jake watched with legs splayed.
It looks like it might be his new ending credits animation on Twitch. I guess it was just one of the many things he's sunk thousands into over the last few months.
>>1868219Ah, well there you go. Good catch nonna, I'm not super familiar with Silent Hill. Still, he had this creepy animation commissioned to satisfy his coomer tendencies.
No. 1868225
File: 1689828903489.png (747.44 KB, 1140x606, jakeoutro.png)

>>1868221I'm familiar to the point that I can tell you Jake is kind of a fake fan despite having a whole shitty Silent Hill sleeve tattoo. A lot of the info he gives on stream about the series isn't even correct? Definite "played it once as a kid" vibes and just ran with it for the aesthetic (and sexy big tittied zombie nurses I guess). And of course the second one would be his fav where the main character is a shitty, self-centered man who murders his terminally ill wife because she isn't "nice" to him anymore. And on top of that a lot of the monsters are centered around his repressed sexual desires and guilt. Anyway enough SH sperging, here's a screencap of his new ugly outro. lmao
No. 1868367
File: 1689869099365.gif (667.31 KB, 220x220, beef-ava-ryan.gif)

>>1868219>Randomly says he smells like beefIt's a reference to an old Vine. The man really has his finger on the pulse of modern culture.
No. 1868509
File: 1689896763852.jpg (192.19 KB, 1080x1476, Bigfoot.jpg)

Nitpick but wow those are some massive feet.
No. 1868510
File: 1689896896742.jpg (2.84 MB, 4032x3024, PeggyHill.jpg)

>>1868509It's giving Peggy Hill feet. So she has no ass like Hank and huge feet like Peggy, lol.
No. 1868633
File: 1689921010023.png (120.94 KB, 289x240, jakekittynco.png)

>>1868241>>1868382His whole schtick seems to revolve around senseless violence towards women and children, absolutely disgusting or degenerate sex jokes, and outdated lolsorandomXD memes. It's really no wonder he's only managing 30 something viewers each stream. And it makes even more sense when you realize the general demographic of his snaccs seem to be middle aged American white trash too.
>>1868367kek. Thank you nonna. His constant "old man yelling at the youth" tweets and rants on stream really aren't helping him any either. He just comes off as an out of touch and grumpy bitter old man even though he's only in his early thirties.
On topic of his dwindling views, his most recent YT video is sitting at a very pathetic 2.4k views even though it's been up for two weeks already. Seems his new VRtube buddies aren't netting him new viewers and his old subs still aren't interested in his new trash content.
No. 1868659
File: 1689927164307.png (752.08 KB, 693x525, ytstream7-20.png)

Recap of his stream last night:
>Starts the stream showing us his "new avatar" which is just a recolor of the last one and some downloaded accessories
>Admits he just did all the work on it just earlier today despite him claiming it's been in the works in previous streams?
>Keeps referring to the avatar as his "new boy" and his "little boy"
>Starts looking for artwork to steal and edit onto the avatar's clothing of the Jester from Devil May Cry
>Bitches about how low res old PS2 game artwork is. Blames his shoddy Silent Hill sleeve on how low res the official game art is.
>settles on running a mask someone made of the character through some filters in photoshop
>Struggles for 5 minutes mixing up his left and right when trying to figure out what color the jester's eyes are
>Clair donates $100 and he gushes about her a bunch. Says he's sooo happy to see her today. (I bet after yesterday's $36 stream. kek)
>Continues making his ugly edit of the jester mask. Occasionally interrupting to keep saying Clair is SO AMAZING.
>Clair donates another $200 and he starts the dramatics, nearly fake crying and flailing around a bunch.
>Keeps gushing about her and says that he's "super flattered that she's still using the profile picture he painted for her"
>Also says that he's contacting his world-builder to update his apartment to make a special wall dedicated to the highest donations and that Clair's name will be on top.
>Calls her "the angel from the west" and calls her "THE Clair bear"… "cause there's no one else like you"
>Goes back to copy pasting his filtered abomination onto the downloaded hoodie, bitching about how much he hates "designing" avatars
>Keeps doing various impersonations, shaggy from scooby doo one moment, Australian the next, then a heavy Irish accent, commenting on how much Kat hates when he does the Irish one.
>Someone donates $2 and all he says is a very quick "ah thanks so much" mid sentence, a far cry from his treatment of Clair
>someone asks if he's been drinking and he says "oh I just had a couple glasses of wine"
>Clair donates another $100 launching Jake into more "Clair FUCK goddamn claaair!"s
>Jake spergs out about his clan "Munro" tartan being used on his avatar's clown pants?
>Has a weird amount of pride in his clan heritage despite loathing his parents who gave him that lineage in the first place
>Still gushing over anything Clair says, laughing at any dumb joke she makes and responding "that's super cool Clair!"
>Says Kat is actually German and not actually Irish. Also randomly states that she hates birds?
>Adds a patch to his avatar's pants knee makes a "I give a lot of blowjobs heehee" joke.
>Clair starts telling her weird made up stories and Jake just awkwardly laughs and plays along calling it "Clair lore"
>Clarifies that he is still purchasing a "professional avatar" that will "look similar to this, but better".
>Says he is waiting getting the new professional avatar in a few more months.
>Starts talking about the anime girl avatars tits again as he's scrolling looking for a downloadable bracelet.
>Clair donates yet another $100 and Jake goes through the usual theatrics, calling her a "beautiful person" this time
>keeps making "bananas make you poop" jokes back and forth with Clair?
>Spends 10 minutes hiding his screen while he pays for more accessories for his avatar
>Finally gets around to playing Returnal after an hour and a half of him fucking around in photoshop
>Clair donates $200 from one of her secondary accounts named "Bob Knob"
>Jake starts flailing around yelling "goddamn" again before admitting to chat that "Issac is here. It's why I have to be so quiet".
>A lot of very boring gameplay and Jake bitching about the game the entire time.
>Clair donates another $400 and Jake flips out again, yelling, looking like he might cry, etc.
>More boring gameplay, Jake finally finishes the game. He launches into his theories about what the ending means.
>Jake cuts the stream a little short at 3.5 hours since he "beat the game". Gushes about Clair a bunch more before saying bye.
He did say he "sincerely hopes everything is okay with you" to Clair at the end there. Not sure if she's going through something, if it's in regards to one of her deranged stories, or what. He basically only streamed for Clair today, with her donating a total of $1,100. Otherwise the only donations he got was like $2 and two gifted subs. His attention was almost entirely on Clair too. It's kind of funny and a little sad because Lady Allura was trying so hard to get his attention, even acting like a spam bot to advertise his patreon, discord, and twitch links for him, but all he could talk about was clair, clair, clair of course. kek
No. 1868664
File: 1689927493659.png (567.86 KB, 725x1365, jake3.0.png)

>>1868659A peek at his "new" Jester Jake avatar.
No. 1868665
File: 1689927571687.png (1.04 MB, 1186x667, jakeps.png)

>>1868664him filtering someone's art to be his own. Wonder if he learned this trick from Kat.
No. 1868666
>>1868633One thing I've noticed about all successful influencers is they do their research. They keep up to date with current trends and topics (which last about 24 hours these days so you need to be fast) fashion, social and political and also the general vibe of how people are feeling in the world.
Then, when people view and interact they will find recognition and response to these current events, even if it's indirectly or jokingly, the awareness is so important. That includes listening to followers and their reactions to your content and changing it if needed.
Then you have Jake who may as well be posting to a void in 2005, absolutely no connection to what people want to see, hear, how they feel. Nobody wants to see all the stuff anon recapped above, and if anything that type of edgy content expired around 2010 when the internet stopped being a niche shitpost and art zone and more a place everyone started to use.
Nobody wants to see this stuff because it is self indulgent and offers no reaction or response to what is actually happening in people's lives in 2023, simply put most people feel vulnerable and are not in their best mental and physical health, the way he is both very violent and very sexual with his NPCs is disconcerting and unsettling, and not in a "cool goth mysterious" way but more in a "literal danger" way. People right now need reassurance, recognition and comfort and he offers the opposite
(you can have this advice for free Jake since I know you'll never use it)
No. 1868673
>>1868659>someone asks if he's been drinking and he says "oh I just had a couple glasses of wine"This tells you how much he binge drinks usually, I am drunk on a couple of glasses. Wonder how much he counts as "actually drinking"
>He did say he "sincerely hopes everything is okay with you" to Clair at the end there. Not sure if she's going through somethingI know fellow snow cow Kathy would get big donations from people who were literally getting admitted into the psych ward so I would assume most high donors are very literally on the edge of sanity, most sane people have survival instinct to prioritise themselves (food, shelter, etc) which donating to ecelebs is the opposite of. I'm surprised the transactions are still going through and her scrote hasn't noticed she's spent a house deposit or car or 40 designer bags worth on a shitty Twitch streamer.
No. 1868700
File: 1689931892085.jpg (410.49 KB, 648x1284, gtywJaL.jpg)

>>1868659>Clair starts telling her weird made up stories and Jake just awkwardly laughs and plays along calling it "Clair lore"I think there is some truth to Clair lore. For all we know that story about interning for the UN in university is true (it's proudly in her Facebook 'about' section) - people can change a lot in a decade and she went on to study personal training and marry her sugar daddy. Anyway, I finally caught some evidence that she's having relationship troubles, confirming what we've known all along. I wonder if her hubby discovered her expensive source of escapism or whether he keeps her credit card topped up with no questions asked.
Once again she talked about shitting and wet wipes A LOT - this bitch must have Crohn's or something.
Chat engages with her now and again but it's clear they don't know her well. Clair has said she's not in their Discord and she's too weird to properly fit in with the group. She's
that girl.
No. 1868754
File: 1689944954208.png (2.67 MB, 750x1334, IMG_7873.png)

God his hairline is getting tragic
No. 1868771
File: 1689949132401.jpg (31.77 KB, 984x204, 20230721_072004.jpg)

>>1868768Nah, Amy Lee is still around. In fact, just grabbed this quality piece of cringe from the last stream.
No. 1868776
File: 1689950540538.jpg (110.79 KB, 400x400, rawr.jpg)

No. 1868830
File: 1689959166188.png (1.93 MB, 3464x1922, 20230721_100709.png)

Clair randomly said this out of the blue and everyone ignored it. There have been reports of women trying to kill their husband this way. She's so charming and not insane.
No. 1869090
>>1868830She's already talking about dating new people here
>>1868700There's something so off about her
No. 1869400
File: 1690057647893.png (841.92 KB, 720x1116, Screenshot_20230722-212853.png)

No. 1869461
>>1868991It was hinted he likes 3d NSFW stuff with
the sims porn, spoilering in case I summon that one anon but I wouldn't have guessed furry. Guess he kept it well hidden but now that kat is starting to get boring, and now that in vr he might be able to live out his kinks, he can't contain himself apparently. I wouldn't be surprised if he unironically used the sex rooms in vr chat and stuff like that.
No. 1869559
>>1869363Tbh as much as I dislike Kat, both for her personality traits and work "ethic" (or absence thereof), I genuinely hope this is what’s already happening. She better turn her radar on and start looking for other options asap.
We can all agree, that she’s made her bed and that karma’s being served. But with how fast Fake is further spiralling into degeneracy, in the long run, no one deserves to be part of that shit, especially Isaac, who should be nowhere near that wanker.
No. 1869662
File: 1690109499047.png (921 KB, 704x1042, Screenshot_20230723-115218.png)

No. 1869708
>>1869662>>1869677Between Jake's combover hiding the ugly truth and Kat filtering this to hell and back Jake does look like a grumpy 20yo with his 40yo mum. kek
>>1869642>only has her looksWhich she seems to be becoming increasingly insecure over judging by her filter abuse, constant heavy makeup even when swimming, and posting or reminiscing over older photoshoots compared to dropping new pics. I feel like Jake is already starting to do a number on her.
>>1869679Literally the guy's only irl social interaction lately.
No. 1869756
File: 1690132414499.jpg (258.77 KB, 1080x1896, 20230723_101406.jpg)

kek her long feet, bony legs, and thigh flab hanging loosely. so kawaii!
No. 1869913
File: 1690158073957.png (558.27 KB, 512x916, sundaybumday.png)

>>1869756Kat's selling more pics of her butthole on her day off I guess.
No. 1869980
>>1869677KEK so true. So tragic.
>>1869679When the initial photo was posted, ngl was even a bit intrigued she’s got to go to a shop event on her own and have a time with friends/colleagues… perhaps even something milky could’ve come out of that… but here he is again, the controlling grumpy gremlin with his ever enthusiastic face. He’s the death of each party.
Like if you hate it SO much, why can’t you just stay at home and chat about poop with Clair? No, gotta press one’s control claws into everything.
No. 1870023
File: 1690186469421.png (41.42 KB, 553x412, metalvocalisthere.png)

>>1869400>>1869662This must have been the outing he said he had promised to go to so he had to cancel his stream last min. Also said the new avi should be ready by monday and that he will pull some extra long streaming hours soon to make up for canceling. Not sure why he waited until the last minute to cancel tho as the way he worded it sounds like he had promised to go a while ago.
Bonus him trying really hard to get that eros girl to notice him again. She seems to be his main target lately even though her following seems pretty small.
No. 1870028
>>1870023Kek, his intentions are so obvious, as if he weren’t in his 30s to talk like that. Also, being so so very nice, but also gotta flex right in the beginning, lay out your entire bio.
Should’ve also mentioned that he’s rich and famous, owns xyz, built so and so, then it’d make up an entire ratchet dating ad.
No. 1870040
>>1870028Tinfoil, but it definitely feels like the honeymoon period has been coming to an end and the reality of dating a 35yo mother of a toddler child has somewhat set in for him. I fully expect he's going to be desperately looking for someone new before she hits 40 and Issac starts developing his own personality and attitude. Jake already made some offhanded comments calling her "an old lady" and bitching about watching the the kid on stream.
Have to wonder if his end game with wanting to "fly to America to meet fans" is in hopes he can secure a new life outside the supposed bane of his existence, Ireland. He's always on about the USA like it's some grand haven for him and if he were living there he'd have so many artists to work with, things would be so different, etc. With his comments about dreaming of owning a house on the beach, I could only hope he'd end up somewhere in Florida too.
>>1870028Either a dating bio or a poorly written resume. Love how he manages to make it all about himself and flexing his "credentials". kek
No. 1870056
>>1870028Right, I hope Kat is doing as much extracurricular work as Jake obviously is. Rarely will you see him be even half as pleasant as this
>>1870040Oh absolutely, his endgame is so obvious. He will not get it either, Kat (and Kaya) is the best he will ever get considering he's so selfish and insufferable. He also is completely delusional about the cost of living in the US, there's so many bills he isn't accounting for, health insurance, everything costs a bomb from keeping a car running to groceries to travel, there's a reason americans are money and work mad and it's because there is absolutely no quality of life there without a high, regular income. In europe you can coast along pretty well on a low or irregular income, in the US you'd be homeless with the same.
No. 1870059
>>1870040Sorry if this has been talked about before
I can't bring myself to watch his streams, does he really talk about the kid with disdain?
No. 1870303
>>1870218so much for that ~happy family~ vibe he wanted to sell viewers and then never made any related content. he used to say “wee lad” or whatever & boasted about something given to the kid or sharing an interest. hooking up w someone that has a child when you want no part of said child is so gross & selfish.
was she taking booty pix w her son in the same house?
No. 1870551
File: 1690274291938.jpg (628.41 KB, 1080x1461, 6_Instagram.jpg)

The way she's holding her ass to give the illusion of having cheeks. Always cracks me up when people do this pose.
No. 1870560
File: 1690277455569.jpg (283.23 KB, 1080x842, Screenshot_20230725-022814_Twi…)

Of course the man who lives and breathes misogyny is threatened by fucking Barbie KEK.
No. 1870672
>>1870560To be a snob for a moment I don't think Jake is mature enough to sit through and appreciate a Nolan film, even this blockbuster biopic (shit he probably doesn't even get the themes of the dark knight). Not saying it takes a genius to watch Nolan's films, especially his blockbusters, but Jake doesn't strike me as the type of guy to know nor care about history nor capable of watching a long biopic about character dramas, let alone sit there and appreciate the directorial signatures of Nolan vs a Spielberg biopic let alone stylised barbie movies. He strikes me as the guy going "why doesn't Nolan just write linear? Time jumps are confusing!" or "well if /I/ were there I'd blow the other ship up to save myself her der". Frankly most moids calling themselves film buffs on the internet are idiots too, but jake inserting himself here is even more laughable.
Not saying you can't just sit there and just enjoy a movie but I seriously doubt this man who can't go 5 minutes without a sex or scat joke and is unable to get other people is then able to sit there and get empathetic for a whole film about people and nuclear destruction
No. 1870813
File: 1690328773085.jpeg (383.47 KB, 1792x828, IMG_1889.jpeg)

Working on his new avatar. Can’t tell if he has furry ears, horns, or both.
No. 1870834
File: 1690330473792.jpg (41.21 KB, 689x689, avatar_0776.jpg)

The new avatar is a total eye sore. Not sure why he thinks piling on as many accessories and putting all those different patterns and colors together looks good. Sometimes less is more. But then again, he hardly knows how to dress himself irl so of course he'd come up with a fashion disaster like this.
No. 1870843
>>1870834Holy fuck, sure the clothes are ugly… -But the face is still hideous. Who the hell is he commissioning for this garbage and how much was it?
Not to say that he didn’t contribute to this ugly ass design, but you’d think that any vtuber model creator worth their salt would try to make it in a style that doesn’t look I don’t know… Terrible?
No. 1870903
>>1870813>>1870834Is this avatar supposed to be some sort of a clown, but from the 2000s’ mall-alt / scenekid era? Why is it dressed like this?
If the goal is to create an original character that is based off of Fake, wouldn’t it make more sense for it to resemble a so-called "metal vocalist", which Fake claims to be, or have its looks inspired by Visual Kei or the styling of Dir En Grey – what Fake repeatedly cited as the origin of where his musical and "fashion" interests took off, or where allegedly
everything started for him? Or at least perhaps dress it as one of his most recognisable / popular looks that made him "rich and YT-famous"? No?
What is this weird dated thing?
Also, why is its entire torso on display? Ew. That is besides the face. Total eyesore, absolutely agree.
No. 1870939
File: 1690357297277.png (1.13 MB, 1252x1292, shitshow.png)

>>1870834It's been two months and he's been through this many awful versions of his avatar already. Can't wait to see what garbage he ends up with after dropping thousands more on a new "professional" one. Especially if this is the blueprint.
>>1870857Too accurate. He truly is slowly transforming into a furry. kek
>>1870865>He’s making it himself in Blender using copy paste from Google imagesHe is spending money on assets still. All the clothing he bought and is customizing with shitty edits of google images. It's why the textures look so completely fucked, but the overall shape of the clothing items aren't entirely fucked.
No. 1870941
File: 1690357886292.png (702.45 KB, 518x923, polecontent.png)

>>1869913Her self shot promos always look awful tbh. This angle is doing her absolutely no favors. Also, it looks like they are even piling up random junk in the background of their gym now?
No. 1871029
File: 1690379901340.jpg (34.33 KB, 640x632, e8886ef7850bbd2d7241107f847551…)

>>1870834Upon first glance I thought he'd gone for a worse joker from black butler. It looks different but this seems like the style he's badly going for
>>1871024Agreed, it's fake either stopping her from possibly getting more fame and followers than him and/or preventing her from being alone around men she's working with. Especially men she'd be half naked around
No. 1871287
File: 1690414448948.jpg (119.38 KB, 1124x1074, EyfNHnOXMAUMNN-.jpg)

>>1870834Instead of making a janky scene kid persona that looks like he designed it himself, he could've commissioned someone who designs AND makes scene kid personas. They'll have experience in making them look less janky, picrel. Still busy and still kind of an eyesore but the cutesy simple anime style makes it a little easier to watch in a 2 hr stream. If he's so obsessed with vtubing surely he'd know that, but maybe his ego would've been hurt if he let someone else design his myspace joker wannabe avatar for him?
No. 1871315
File: 1690418472246.jpg (174.5 KB, 1080x904, ZWJ1xeM.jpg)

Jake streamed briefly on YouTube in an attempt to bring over more viewers to Twitch (where he is currently streaming);
'Now ya boy is just here to tell you might be missing out on a genuine, wholesome good fun time where I make dick jokes and fart jokes and I fall off stuff'
He also made sure to distance himself from YT by calling out the tea channels and the people who watch them ("It's easy, pathetic and gets a lot of views"…"and on the other side, you have the people who watch it. Would the tea channels make it if you didn't watch it? Hmm???").
Getting lectured by Jake on the morality of trashy YouTube content…that's fuckin' rich…
For starters, there's no smoke without fire. The tea channels attacked you because there were serious allegations of domestic abuse and proof that you cheated with a married woman and, as a public figure, you're gonna be under extra scrutiny. Also…didn't you make trashy TikTok react content laughing at teenagers? You always defended your actions by saying they were fair game as they put themselves out there yet you cry when people go after you. You're no better than the drama channels. Stop trying to deny your past and stfu, you've been scummy too.
No. 1871339
>>1871332>>1868219>there's a bunch of editing for some cool videos I'm working on with Aiden at the momentWonder if and when we'll ever see these. It's been one week already and no sign of them yet. On a similar note, he's uploaded one whole video in the past month and it's performed the worst of any of his content yet. It was at 2.4k views a week ago
>>1868633 and is only at 2.6k views right now. Poop and fart jokes might be getting Clair to donate a few thousand every week, but it's absolutely not bringing in any new viewers.
No. 1871477
File: 1690451782512.png (1.44 MB, 1023x915, kattattoo.png)

Kat got more work done on her backwards kanji, hand growing out of neck, back tattoo. Not sure how much they can salvage of this mess with shading, but massive kek at the side view where is just ends abruptly.
No. 1871478
File: 1690451919011.png (1.43 MB, 807x849, katpfilters.png)

>>1871477she also has been laying it on extra heavy with the filters this day. Her heavy eyebags have mysteriously disappeared.
No. 1871498
>>1871477As a former tattoo artist and someone who loves Irezumi it is
so hard not to sperg about this. GodDAMN this shit is ugly.
>>1871478KEK, someone must be feeling her age to try and knock ten years off like that. If she stopped fiddling with filters and tried treating her eyebags she'd probably look a bit younger. I found that I did when I started using creams to treat mine.
No. 1871640
File: 1690482903041.jpg (653.02 KB, 1080x1365, Screenshot_20230727-111602_Chr…)

Wtf is this supposed to be on the side of her face? Teeth?
No. 1871823
>>1871640Was so distracted by the rest of this mess (that butchered Kanji lmao) that I never even realized how the teeth don't match on either side. The longer you look the worse it gets.
>>1871751She also supposedly left an old boyfriend for her then boss, Dean, at the tattoo shop she started at. She has a history. Her big beefy boss is already dating the co-owner of the shop, but we all know kat's blatant disregard of homewrecking.
No. 1871881
>>1871477It's wild that we caught 2 spelling errors from the same studio in 6 months. Tattooists shake in their boots before lolcow…
>>1871837I might be wrong, but wasn't this Mark's design? The head has clearly been done free-hand while the other parts look copied/traced. I've never liked this design (too many weeby elements) but it looks slightly better now shading has started.
I had a look through an older thread where some amazing autistic nonnas first ripped apart the design and I had a good laugh. The oni girl design has been copied so many times but it looks so much better in the reference images here
>>1773014 No. 1871906
>>1871892>Comparing their artstyles side by side makes it seem apparent to meTrue, true.
If it's her design then she was most likely the one who printed out the stencil and didn't check (or care) if the kanji was facing the right way. Poor old Mark got the blame for that one but it was really Kat's carelessness to blame.
No. 1871922
>>1871477Kat’s got some serious pudge going on in these candid unfiltered body shots. Nothing’s wrong with being thick, just haven’t realised she’s been applying slenderising filters as heavily. Also, her actually having all that chub in arsenal makes her pancake butt and flat chest even more unfortunate kek.
>>1871483Again, might be the heavy filtering, but imo she actually looks better without the heavy falsies and more minimal makeup. If her goal is to look younger, she should lean more onto changing the way she does her daily makeup and what the other anon mentioned about skincare
>>1871498 Filters may do the job for her for a single instagram image, but she spends most her time irl still, and everyone can easily spot the difference kek. That go to makeup look of hers ages absolutely anyone, so if that’s not what you want to achieve, why do it?
No. 1871971
File: 1690524857133.jpg (1.53 MB, 804x1042, U4nBneh.jpg)

>>1871922There's an old Flickr photoset from Feb 2014 where her body is unrecognisable. Her hair and makeup combo is unflattering but she looks like she has some tits and ass here and I think she looks a lot healthier when she's a bit plump. This is almost 10 yrs ago so she would have been mid 20s. I think she lost a fair bit of weight at some point during her marriage so she's got a little bit of weight-loss sag in her face. I don't think it looks terrible but I agree that the full face of makeup does her no favours, it's super harsh.
No. 1871983
File: 1690526680777.png (605.5 KB, 391x652, 23i403912.png)

>>1871971I still think it's less weight loss sag and more her underbite giving her the illusion of jowls. She's only 35 and she was never obese as far as we can tell, nothing that would make her have enough loose skin for any real "weight lose sag" in her face. Bottom left might be the best she's ever looked even though her face looks edited. Her current body is looking pretty similar, though she may have lost some fullness in her breasts after having issac? I don't think she looks bad either tbh, but we all know how Jake likely feels about it.
Speaking of Jake, he uploaded some cringe clip to his Twitter account of him losing his shit and laughing himself into a fetal position over Kitty making fart sounds. Incredible content truly.
No. 1871991
>>1871983I witnessed the fart tomfoolery in real time and my god…it went on for
so long. The fart sound effects weren't even funny to begin with but Kitty stretched out that gag for at least 10-15 minutes. Jake was absolutely pissing himself, the hardest he's ever laughed. It was so annoying I had to keep leaving stream to wait for it to stop but I eventually gave up. I just checked Jake's YT channel before and the stream is available to the public. He streamed for just over 2hrs.
Not much to report aside from the fact he paid $700 on a new 4070 (lol) from Ebay so he could play Remnant with Kitty. Regardless, his PC continued to struggle and Jake got testy, moaning he'd have to drop another $700 to get a second one.
Also, Jake told Kitty a story about how in 2010 he ragequit some game and threw his controller so hard it bounced and damaged his guitar.
No. 1872632
>>1871991>new 4070Wasn't there something wrong with these cards? I think these were the ones with the useless cryptomining built in or something? There's something in the back of my mind that you shouldn't buy the 40 series
but I'm recovering from surgery and currently brain dead so i could be wrong. Knowing jake he probably just bought an expensive card without checking the usage for him anyway but I think there's something specific about this series that he shouldn't have touched as a "gaming" YouTuber
No. 1872817
File: 1690665563642.png (543.1 KB, 720x1152, Screenshot_20230729-221941.png)

No. 1872854
File: 1690670568117.jpg (9.83 KB, 236x296, lmao.jpg)

>>1872817Her face always reminds me of this kek
No. 1873545
File: 1690778633809.jpg (693.86 KB, 790x858, RNcjCBx.jpg)

Jake showed off the new jester boy avatar on stream today and I got some shitty caps. The design is a bit of a mess…I can't get over the tiny jester hat, bondage harness and purple fiddledeedees. He said he's also working on a topless version (mostly for Lady Allura I'm sure).
He announced that his streams will be 2hrs from now on. That'll change eventually but for now he needs more time to make music, videos and some behind the scenes stuff for his v-tubing. He also needs to work on his physical health as he is struggling with his mental health.
Isaac was out of the house so on his day off with Kat they had mimosas and Chinese food while watching horror (he said Penny Dreadful was worse than he remembered and that Evil Dead Rise was unwatchable and they had to switch it off halfway through). He brought up that he has been playing Resident Evil 3 with his 'friends' on Discord but avoided specifying who (Kitty and his gf most likely). He ended up playing Silent Hill 3 but mentioned that a new '4070 12GB with DDR6 ram' is on the way so he will return to playing real vidya gam soon.
No. 1873991
>>1873979I think he was trying to go for that creepy middle-aged man cliche where they tell a teenage girl she's
grown over the summer because she's started puberty (the anime coomer girl had breasts and ass spilling out of bikini) so he was being sleazy rather than fat/body shaming. Now that he's fully adopted the cheeky Jester persona I think he's going to be even more inappropriate and gross.
No. 1874108
File: 1690874172181.png (18.13 KB, 430x156, actualclown.png)

>>1874095He renamed it to "itsjesterjake" like he's some lame YTer from 15 years ago. kek
>>1874071I imagine it's for whatever he's had aiden working on for him for free that he's mentioned on stream a few times now.
No. 1874118
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>>1874104I found him on YT
No. 1874563
File: 1690930940965.jpg (607.79 KB, 1533x1080, Views.jpg)

It only took 3 hours for Kaya's video to surpass Jake's video from 3 weeks ago in views. Wasn't Jake supposed to stream today? Maybe being mentioned Kaya's video and seeing it do better than his ruined his mood.
No. 1875348
File: 1691047779206.png (30.77 KB, 1112x530, alltimelow.png)

>>1875177It doesn't appear he has unless he's just being really shit at promoting when he's live again.
>>1874118This new channel seems to be deleted or hidden at the moment too?
In other news his patreon dropped another 10subs leaving him at 55 total now. It dropped down to 52, but three people resubbed. He hasn't bothered to update it with anything since April last I checked, so it's really no surprise.
No. 1875349
File: 1691048040792.png (284.67 KB, 353x722, katp.png)

>>1874305probably just filter abuse. Kat's been really going heavy on them to erase her prominent eyebags. In a recent post her face hardly looks like hers.
No. 1875373
>>1875348The link still works for me nonna. Are you sure you're typing it correctly? Here, try this…>>1875349That is a hellish. Kat does have a epicanthic fold which is associated with East Asians (I noticed quite a lot of Irish people have it considering how small the island is) but this bizarre filter along with the odango buns makes her look like she's trying to change race or something lol. I'm getting uncanny valley vibes here too.
No. 1875642
>>1875633He's such a fucking weirdo with his irrational hatred of Irish accents while planting his ass in the country for over a decade. I would love to forcibly remove him from NI since he hates it so much but refuses to leave. And now he's claiming Kat is German. Get to fuck you piece of shit.
The reality is if he lived in [anywhere] he would suddenly have opinions about [anywhere] accents and people, he just hates everyone and the NI people are unfortunately for them, the ones in his vicinity.
No. 1875696
>>1875630I’d rather be Northern Irish with a ‘horrible’ Norn Irish accent as opposed to a stumpy Welsh ballbag who shoves on an obnoxious fake American accent.
>>1875642Wish we could deport him somehow
No. 1875736
>>1875630I'm with you nonna; she's Northern Irish but with some German stock. Paine is an English surname that's common in America and Commonwealth nations. I guess the name was originally brought over by the Saxons so if you go back far enough it's German lol. Maybe her Mum is the one with the closer connection to Germany? I'm doubtful though. I think people are right when they say Jake just hates all things Irish.
Interestingly the name Munro is Irish with strong evidence it originates from Ulster, the Irish province which Belfast is in. You'd think Jake would feel more at home considering how much importance he puts into distant familial roots.
>>1875696I must say I've grown fond of the Norn accent, it's a charming one that grows on you quickly. No idea why he shits on it so much.
Saged for derail.
No. 1875856
File: 1691122190645.jpg (981.57 KB, 2160x1956, MdXY7Rv.jpg)

Jester Jake's got a new Instagram and of course he's following Filian
No. 1875865
File: 1691123656102.jpg (3.85 MB, 3098x3873, pedo.jpg)

He also follows this account that is blatantly lolicon/pedo pandering. Half the content this Vtuber makes is about how "flat" its chest is, and they use a childlike avatar in skimpy clothing. Absolutely fucking foul. Something I've noticed about the VR community is that lolicon/borderline CP is extremely prevalent, people think they can get away with this shite because "they're just cartoon characters".
No. 1875922
File: 1691141017658.jpg (321.93 KB, 1080x632, Screenshot_20230804-022313_X.j…)

>>1875865Clip of Chibidoki complaining that only 1% of their viewers are female. Considering the pedo pandering, are any of us surprised that thousands of stunted men are into this and women aren't?
No. 1875964
>>1875932I just watched the short and honestly…good for them. They're likeable, look cute and seem to be in a happy and healthy relationship. I haven't watched much of their stuff but they always appeared more natural and comfortable together on camera compared to Jake and Kaya. Last time I checked Jake no longer follows Conor or Lynn on IG so he'll definitely flip his lid when he sees they got 7 million views in less than 2 weeks.
>>1875922Just when my opinion of him can't go any lower he starts following this shit. This is so vile…does he actually consume this content? This is even worse than Filian. Jake is going down a really disturbing, repulsive path…
No. 1876169
>>1875958>99% male viewership>sexualizing children>"in these people's defense"This has got to be bait or a scrote.
>>1875932When was the last time Jake had any real views on a video? His "truth" drama video that he deleted maybe? With his old shitty "face" react videos he'd at least get around 10k, but his VRtube stuff has been performing horribly on every platform he's bothered spamming it on. (Tiktok, YT, Instagram, etc)
No. 1876210
>>1875958>In these people's defense, the more you say something is forbidden the more some people will want to do it. And that makes it okay, how? And I don't even think that's true. Saying "you shouldn't be sexualizing kids" doesn't make a good person want to do it more.
>How many of these lolicon fans are really pederasts? Well considering lolicon specifically involves underage girls and pedarast means "a man who desires or engages in sexual activity with a boy", I'd say none. But let's rephrase your question as "how many loli/shota fans have paedophilic tendencies?" and I'd say all, every last one of them does.
No. 1876420
>>1875856how many accounts does this twat need to accumulate to rarely be used when they don’t get the attention he wants lol.
>>1876169this video from may 2019 with 103k views when he was actually going outside and filming things. towards the end he talks about the audio books he was going to upload to patreon which i doubt were fulfilled. the follow up vlog got 57k views and there are videos from several years ago that have more than his vr content.
No. 1876424
File: 1691207485323.png (784.17 KB, 899x651, jake the clown.PNG)

I double checked his followers. Kat not even following him. kek.
No. 1876470
File: 1691213002043.jpg (2.07 MB, 988x1246, rHHt3wZ.jpg)

>>1876420It's been a while since I watched Jake's old vlogs. I had forgotten what a good location the old house was in. They were a 15-20 minute bicycle/electric skateboard ride from the city, 3 min walk from a bus stop that could take them to the city, 8 min walk from the train station and 10 mins walk to Tesco. Additionally Kaya said she could 'probably see her childhood home from their house' implying her Mum was just a walk or bus ride away. Despite the constant complaining and whinging they were very fortunate to live in a highly sought after location where they could save thousands on public transport. And yes, it was very easy to tell where they lived from Jake's vlogs - he showed a lot of his neighborhood and a load of nearby landmarks. He was a dumbass for being so careless.
I Googled the old place out of curiosity and saw that it was
just put up for sale (like within the last day). It looks unrecognisable now that it's been painted and redecorated (and all the hoard piles have been moved or binned). Amazing what light coloured paint and open curtains can do.
No. 1876475
>>1876420>me and kaya have no friends here>because no one looks like us here>and if they do they don't go outkek at him going on a long bitch fest at the end of this video about how much he hates being in Ireland and claiming there's no other alternative people around and that's totally why he has no friends. Sure Jake. Personal opinions on his ex aside, she's definitely proven this to be a him problem if any.
>>1876424>>1876452I've noticed this too. I don't doubt for a moment she's at least a little embarrassed by his new content. He went from being an edgy and heavily tattooed "metal vocalist" who makes reaction videos to a grown ass man hiding behind a IMVU clown avatar making fart jokes with some gross american neckbeard pretending to be a catboy. His views, subs, and income are all dropping fast and he's hardly anything to brag about anymore. He's still averaging just 30 viewers a stream and only makes bank if Clair bothers to show up. Just wait until he can't afford the studio and other things and see how long Kat sticks around.
No. 1876480
File: 1691215028464.png (23 KB, 641x360, audiobooks.png)

>>1876420He did do at least one of the promised audiobooks, Call of Cthulhu, but never bothered to do the others. Randomly did The Raven by Poe and then only got part of the way through Interview with a Vampire before falling off it April of this year. Probably deemed it not profitable enough to keep bothering and was too busy throwing all his remaining snacc bux into this new VRtube delusion. His Patreon is likely only making him petty cash at this point. I swear everything truly rests on Clair's shoulders right now. As soon as she pulls the plug, he might genuinely be done for.
No. 1876678
File: 1691257740356.jpg (94.5 KB, 2208x1242, oflqzl61g9e21.jpg)

Limmy had the right idea.
No. 1876773
>>1876638This is a sentence that is making me reconsider all my life choices that have led up to this moment of me reading this blasphemous post.
>>1876699Imagine being cheated on in VR… the only appropriate reaction to that is going full Lorena Bobbitt.
No. 1876944
>>1876638>>1876699>>1876773Dude is really that desperate to bang filian, huh? Kek
I wonder if this goes back to him "collabing with others for OF" but immediately shacking up with kat instead. Maybe he's going to try to pull a "it's just for work babe and it's only VR! It's not real cheating". He's already surrounded himself with a bunch of lolsorandom vr titty streamers. Guess this is the closest he can get to how he used to try to cheat on his ex all the time with her friends, but without actually leaving the house?
No. 1877050
>>1877039Sims porn is literally just animated porn. And Jake DID make it. It was a joint venture and jake was the one editing and uploading it, as well as planning it out. Kaya was the one making the sims and handling the mods and such but jake was very involved in it, because he clearly thought they'd make a lot of money off of it. It was talked about a lot at the time it was being made, and also there was a brief period of time on their gaming channel where Jake decided to see how long it took to get a strike and posted multiple sims videos with their character Gooby Floob having sex with random sims.
Vr chat porn is entirely different, especially when full body tracking is involved, and he's already done a vtuber video while naked, as well.
No. 1877122
>>1877034>>1877031You are absolutely right anon, but that anon is quite literally the derailing "sims porn anon" that used to ruin the altcow threads before Jake got his own. Anons really need to stop bringing the sims thing up and interacting with this troll.
>>1877050Does Jake's stream even include a "mature audience" warning? I don't believe I've ever received one when tuning in unlike other channels he has raided.
No. 1877421
File: 1691367629480.png (268.6 KB, 443x510, flat as a clipboard.png)

seriously tho, why did he waste all this time wanting to be 3-D if the avatar's textures and expressions are as flat as a fucking clipboard.
No. 1877789
File: 1691445203218.jpg (410.12 KB, 1078x1917, 45226.jpg)

If that skirt were an inch shorter, her clunge would be hanging out kek. Gotta keep it slutty for work! Being the workplace whore helps distract from shoddy work.
No. 1877956
File: 1691472609016.png (472.7 KB, 669x373, lmao.png)

>>1877789Kat's trying to filter herself into Megan Fox or something lately. She managed to shave off half her jaw and chin this time around. I wonder if all the passive aggressive comments Jake has been making is getting to her or if she's been reading here like Jake has.
>>1877928>>1877936Pretty sure she's using filters to make herself look thinner here too resulting in her legs looking off. She looks thinner (in a weird long way?) than she did in her other recent story here
>>1875349 No. 1878502
File: 1691564064582.png (454.29 KB, 640x513, kittymcp.png)

Missed Jake's stream, but Kitty is on and is getting more views than Jake's sad average of 30. He's just playing fortnite and singing along poorly to puddle of mudd songs. I wonder how long it will take before Jake becomes openly bitter that Kitty is seeing more success than he is? kek
>>1878367I don't know if I'd call her handsome, but she could be cute in a mature older woman way if she dropped the creepy "babygirl at 35" thing and fixed her underbite. The filters are pretty out of control though. Bet she's having a hell of a time coping with being halfway to 40. She's going to midlife so hard.
No. 1878549
>>1878502>Missed Jake's stream, but Kitty is on and is getting more views than Jake's sad average of 30I caught Jake's stream. He's still in 2D form as he waits for a new mic as he broke the El Gato by stripping off the outer components to reduce weight and fucking up royally (and those things are not cheap).
He started off by reacting to zoomer meme compilations and, predictably, he got riled up and so began the depressive rants. I was about to tune out but Kitty joined him and the energy on stream became much more tolerable - this was the first time I've seen them interact without playing a game and I stuck around to observe the dynamic. They toned down their usual pervy, 12 yr old humour and it was much more pleasant. Kitty is definitely a cringey weeb but I can see why he's more likeable than Jake - he's more warm I suppose? He also seems to tolerate Jake's moments of wanting to be the smartest man in the room by acting goofy as a diversion lol. Jake streamed for 5 hrs (midnight to 5am-ish) and they chatted for most of it.
Not much else to report apart from the fact Jude got a new PC and wants to stream with Jake soon. The milk drought is set to continue as Jake has cut back on streams to work on other shit.
No. 1878734
>>1878549It's funny how Jake latched onto Kitty and his cringe crew in an attempt to siphon their followers, but it seems like it's potentially working in reverse.
Also funny that Jude is still orbiting him waiting for her chance. I wonder when Kat inevitably leaves when Jake's gone broke if these two losers will finally shack up.
No. 1879194
>>1879133NTA but this thread seems to attract some…
interesting anons. Jake calls Kat an old lady? Horrible misogyny! Kat posts a selfie? Old hag, slut, whore, bitch, etc etc etc. No point trying to find the logic to it, there is none.
inb4 whiteknight accusations. Kat's a cheat and a horrible role model for her son, and yes, the DD/lg shit is gross, but you can communicate that without sounding like a scrote. No. 1879275
>>1879194Considering we aren't a hive mind there are bound to be different points of views.
>>1879212I think people should dress however makes them happy at any age. But then again, when you have a toddler son and you're wearing a skirt that ends right where your pussy begins, as a casual work outfit? That's pretty ridiculous. It's starts going beyond "dress how you want no matter your age" and into the territory of "learn how to dress for your lifestyle and the occasion". That skirt was so short that all Isaac would have to do is stand next to mummy and he'd get a full on upskirt view. When mummy starts dressing as an e-girl in her mid-thirties when that was never even her style to begin with? Very questionable.
No. 1879284
>>1879275Different points of view are fine. I agree that Kat needs to dress more appropriately (especially for work) and stop acting like a 20something e-girl. Poor Isaac is fucked when it comes to role models (well, Dean might be ok, but he did marry Kat in the first place). It's bleak when a mother of a toddler is out there shouting "shots, daddy!" and doing OF shoots in the room where he sleeps. I just hate shit like
>>1878786 which is literally indistinguishable from scroteposting.
No. 1879294
File: 1691692952967.jpg (335.8 KB, 1080x1681, 20230810_114414.jpg)

Looks like Skat recently got a new Shein haul! The 2019 e-girls called, they want their skirt back.
No. 1879333
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>>1879275Literally this. We aren't a hivemind and there's no reason to derail the thread over it either. Best to report nitpicking and let the farmlands do what they will.
>>1879294She's definitely filled out a little, but it looks good on her outside the bad filters/editing imho. Her extreme face filtering has her looking like an entirely different person now though. I wonder if she happened upon anons discussing her eyebags upthread or something? Wish she'd embrace her age and stop the weird ebabygirl larp tho.
The tattoo from the clip this selfie is from has me dying too. What did she do to peaches nose?
No. 1879392
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>>1879333>>1879372Her coloring is usually okay, but her shading can be super fucked. This peach is very reminiscent of another one of her worst tattoos.
No. 1879552
File: 1691722116074.png (273.7 KB, 528x432, jakekittycollab.png)

Has Jake been skipping streams every other day or something lately? I know he cut his streams down to just a mere 2 hours each a few weeks ago, so they are much easier to miss, but I've tried to tune in at the regular times to find nothing on various days. I can't tell if he's just cutting the streams down even shorter and not promoting them anywhere on social media, or if he's just outright skipping them entirely with no warning. He really should be careful if he doesn't want his lone cashcow Clair to wander off on him. Also, apparently he and the lolicon are writing a song together? kek
No. 1879557
>>1879552Sorry for samefag, I just remembered about his discord and checked there for clues. According to his promo-bot on there, he hasn't streamed on YT since August 5th, so he has definitely skipped a few streams since then. Still no word as to why though.
So currently that means he's down to just streaming something like 6 hours a week. Hasn't bothered to post a new video in over a month. Hasn't even bothered to post one of his shitty "shorts" for well over a week. Last new song was released in May. Last OF update was his "vtubing while naked proof" in June. No updates from his patreon since April. All these big plans and promises and so very little to actually show for it.
No. 1879560
>>1879124I think he found a lot of bands he liked through Kerrang. Dir En Grey got on their radar in the mid-late 2000s so it's likely that's how he found them. These days he puts Trivium on a pedestal above all and thinks they're musically perfect.
>>1879102He hasn't vibed with Kyo's newer stuff but it's interesting how much he stole from the guy's aesthetic from 2018 to whenever he stopped wearing make-up. Same goes with Miyavi who continues to be a majour source of fashion inspiration only now it's for his new clown avatar (peep the long hair, jewellery and silly hat).
>>1879557He's becoming more fickle as time goes on. He announced he'd be cutting streams down by 2 hrs but then he pulled a 5 hr stream with Kitty yesterday. Perhaps the extra long stream was to make up for missing multiple streams?
I think he's overwhelmed with all his projects - lore video, music collab with Kitty, new YT videos (like his P-Hub Comments series), new Munro stuff and music videos. He also said he's going through some mental struggles, probs due to all the shit that's breaking or needs to be upgraded as well potential income woes with Clair.
No. 1879706
File: 1691764770515.jpg (399.02 KB, 780x1007, kpinsta.jpg)

>>1879333This other recent tattoo of her's is an absolute mess too. That dirty looking smudge underneath is supposed to be the light reflecting off the very "crushed ice" looking diamond.
>>1879657NTA, but okay, so she's wearing booty shorts to work? Who cares enough to reply to a 4 day old mistake.
No. 1879712
File: 1691765270167.png (2.36 MB, 1534x3066, 3191420-9664784570-Super.png)

>>1879333Posting the original she traced from so anons can see better how messed up the face is. This is not a hard character to draw, you can easily make a more unique pose for a tattoo. Sloppy work.
>>1879706She could so easily improve her work by working on her outlines at least. This one looks super amateur, I wouldn't post that.
No. 1879821
>>1879753Who gives a fuck whether it’s shorts or skirt? The garment is short as fuck, that’s the point. Get
triggered over semantics somewhere else and stop derailing the thread.
Back on topic, anyone have more information on what Jake said about his mental health? Kinda wondering if he’s reaching a breaking point, because it’s really unusual for him to be this unproductive.
No. 1879823
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>>1879333lmao imagine not being able to get a mario mushroom right. literally the simplest shapes
No. 1879860
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No. 1879927
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>>1879874Not sure, but I don't remember her making an appearance in the last stream I was able to tune into, which I believe was the one 5 days ago. I don't think it's been any more than two weeks at most, but her disappearance does seem to coincide with Jake cutting down on and skipping streams altogether lately. Tinfoil, but Clair was doing an awful lot of talking about her marital troubles before she went afk and Jake was expressing a lot of "I hope everything gets better for you" towards her every stream. So I wouldn't doubt for a minute she was donating such large sums as either a way to get back at her husband or as a way to cope with what seems like a divorce. Could very well be why she's suddenly absent from his streams lately too. The bank of Clair may be closed unless she's awarded money, which might be what Jake is banking on with him being so obnoxiously nice to her.
>>1879823She definitely botched the linework on what should have been the easiest portion of the tattoo. The line weight is all over the place on this one.
No. 1880143
>>1879874if by discouraged you mean raging that he’s not getting financial attention then absolutely lol. he has been using patreon and youtube streaming donations for who knows how long and had expected that to not only continue but increase to supply him with neat toys, tattoos and other material things he could “flex” to make himself seem interesting.
he’s only working on new face content now after how long ago he said that would be a weekly thing along with vr stuff? if he is actually having bad mental health it’s called facing the consequences of your actions (and lack there of), which he will whine about for views and revenue whenever he finally uploads something.
No. 1880194
File: 1691825178681.png (15.19 KB, 905x243, ytpatreon.png)

>>1880169I don't think he'd have one already, but it wouldn't surprise me if he's looked around online on occasion recently. Between YT and Patreon, he's likely making no more than something like $500 this month. Then there's whatever he might make when he does bother to stream. Which, if Clair isn't present, usually isn't very much. He doesn't get enough views on his "shorts" or "reels" for it to be monetized and we haven't seen him do sponsored content in forever. That "job at tesco" he was talking about might become a reality soon.
No. 1880255
File: 1691842821260.png (691.65 KB, 720x1191, Screenshot_20230812-131925.png)

Fake will be not happy how good Conor looks
No. 1880256
>>1879284>desperate middle agedWrecked a 10 years relationship and her own family at mid 30 to feel 'sexy' again
so it's true
>used up whore Is an OF thot that posts thirst traps on the same account she posts her kid and cheated on her husband so also true
>trying too hard to appear youngerIs into DDLG creepy shit and likes being refered to as 'baby girl' while dressing like a teen E-girl at mid 30 so guess what it's true again not to mention how much of a pick me she is
Didn't know this thread is full of thin skinned retards who report anything they don't like despite of it being factual and accurate the admins are fucked up too for indulging them. I'm a woman and i can't stand Skat's pick me pedo pandering ass. She deserves being ripped apart on here.
No. 1880745
>>1880256I'm on the same page. just because I'm a woman doesn't mean I need to "support other women" who are assholes like Kat when they harmed another woman and fucked over her own kid and her own husband just to get fucked by a new dick.
kat is a horrible person and a raging alcoholic, has nasty ass smoker's teeth and skin, and is aging like milk in the sun. she needs to grow the fuck up and stop trying to make it as some kind of "e-whore" and oversharing her sex life as "Daddy Jake's little girl" online for her son to find one day.
she deserves every one of these criticisms, they aren't "nit picks" if they're true. she dresses outrageously inappropriate for work. who is so sympathetic to this bitch that they would defend posting thirst traps like that? maybe some anons identify with wanting to be a side chick or something.
No. 1880753
>>1880255Sorry guys to be spoon fed is Conor one his old band members or friend? I tried reading back on old threads to find out but I can’t find anything.
>>1879860 he been oddly missing a lot of streams recently and working out a lot maybe there a new girl on the scene … if I had Someone like clair throwing money I would stream everyday all day
>>1879392 looks dirty with all the black shading thought she won awards with her colouring and shading skills? Nothing will beat her best spelling mistake step brothers WORDWIDE dinosaur tattoo kek and the fact that even her shop shared the image and didn’t notice it she missed out a whole ass letter.
No. 1880824
File: 1691932142982.png (443.83 KB, 585x855, Screenshot_20230813-140944.png)

This is Conor and lynn.fake ex band mate.
No. 1880949
File: 1691949070417.jpg (563.67 KB, 1080x1925, Screenshot_20230813-105113_Ins…)

Why is she trying to take a video of the pouring rain WHILE driving kek. Could that not wait? Idk about where other nonas live but doing this while driving is actually illegal where I'm from because it's a safety hazard.
No. 1881051
File: 1691960608433.png (947.85 KB, 720x1167, Screenshot_20230813-220417.png)

Fake not going like that ex band mate Conor got gift from killstar it's going be driving him crazy .nice see Conor doing good
No. 1881215
>>1880949because she's stupid as fuck. like legit low intelligence, can't spell, can't draw, can't do anything but trace tattoos, take selfies with a filter, giggle like an idiot, and make rash decisions to fuck men while she is in relationships because she likes that male validation from the scourge or the earth.
but that is the epitome of "elegance" to Jake lmfao
No. 1881736
File: 1692061206126.png (115.16 KB, 295x237, pornreacts.png)

>>1879860He did stream today finally, but cut it short again so I have no clue what actually happened. Honestly surprised he keeps streaming around 4-6pm CDT when most of his viewers are American and likely aren't even home from work yet. He didn't bother to promo the stream on Twitter or Instagram again either. Not sure why he even bothers anymore when he's pretty obviously halfassing everything.
In other news he also finally uploaded a new YT video and of course it's him reacting to nasty pornhub comments. I wonder how much time he spends "researching" porn "looking for comments". His content is truly bottom of the barrel these days.
No. 1881813
>>1881736>Not sure why he even bothers anymore when he's pretty obviously halfassing everythingIt's obvious he's losing his passion for VR-tubing - he seems to visit the same locations over + over again and he always looks so unenthusiastic when someone spins the wheel (probably because it always lands on 'listen to goth music' lol). He's only energized when Clair donates generously and gets the frenzied hype trains going but we don't see her very much anymore - she used to show up 3-4 times a week and that was enough to keep Jake's wallet nice and fat.
KittyPancakes is Jake's best shot at injecting some oomph into his streams. I bet he's waiting impatiently for Kitty's 3D avatar to be ready so he can revive his stagnating channel and try pull some more chatters.
>I wonder how much time he spends "researching" porn "looking for comments"Jake is definitely a pr0n addict but I think it's more likely he got these screenshots from 9GAG and reddit (pretty sure there's a dedicated subreddit). Screenshotting funny comments from porn sites was a thing 5+ yrs ago but Jake's only reacting to them now because it'll always be topical and attention grabbing. Last week on stream he told Kitty that the P-Hub series was somehow still monetized so he was going to continue making them.
No. 1881911
File: 1692094778782.jpg (Spoiler Image,22.99 KB, 200x445, degeneratretards.jpg)

These two retards are more degenerate and disgusting than i thought it's also weird how he didn't include her face in the pic kek this is the only leaked OF pic of her in it. why has nobody leaked her shit yet like they did with fake?
No. 1882163
>>1882097I hadn't noticed that, but her chest does look strangly skeletal and flat from this angle. This must be from before she put on a little weight and was Jake's "ideal elegant" body type.
>>1882098He's circumcised. Lots of circumcised men have gnarly scars on their shaft.
No. 1882621
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>>1882618I assume so as she posted about nip clamps but no way am I paying £20 to find out
No. 1882749
File: 1692205502100.png (430.99 KB, 643x551, jesterjake.png)

He's streaming right now with kitty, at hours where most of his fanbase won't be able to tune in. To numbers as low as only 20 viewers. Chat is almost completely dead. Clair is nowhere to be found or even mentioned anywhere now that she isn't donating. Lots of gross jokes and yelling per the usual, nothing interesting other than his view counts slowly getting lower and lower despite him celebrating 700 followers on twitch. Oh, and Kitty calls him "baby" now I guess?
No. 1882818
File: 1692212302745.jpg (235.88 KB, 1080x1349, Screenshot_20230816-195838_Gal…)

What the
The lips look so strange like Kevin the sea cucumber from spongebob
No. 1882922
File: 1692221331568.jpeg (150.71 KB, 1290x514, IMG_6655.jpeg)

>>1882749caught the end of his youtube the other day & idk what someone said to set him off, but he was ranting about how ppl can say anything online and you can’t just hit them (he was using far more colorful language), repeating it several times and noting that’s how thing were handled “back in my day”. it was cringe but also dude is just casually talking about assaulting ppl, like he ever punched anything aside from walls and electronics.
somewhat related, deleted instagram comment reply. why not find them and give them a knuckle sandwich instead of cowardly removing the comment?
No. 1883233
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