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No. 1649200
Recent news:
>Google removed all the Kiwifarms web cache, it is not indexed by Google anymore>Naia Osaki, the trans wolf, is sending a fake document (containing false allegations of CSAM in the farms) to every domains>Iceland and Chinese dropped Kiwifarms .top and .is >Registred on a new domain from Sao Tomé>Internet Archive ( wipped every kiwifarms archive, use instead>Destiny is going to sue Keffals >Changed the Tor link, every links (clearnet/deep web) are laggy for now due to heavy DDoS from the troons> Josh revived the .net site by using a DDoS provider from Portugal>Keffals asked his mob to harass the DDoS provider CEO, is now in touch with the CEO himself> Jim Watkins said in a recent stream that he bought KiwiFarms, no response from JoshTHERE IS A SCHIZOPHRENIC, PEDOPHILE TRANNY POSTING HERE. DO NOT REPLY TO HIM. He is the same person posting CP and all sorts of deranged shit on here. Often namefagging and avatarfagging, also post nonsense youtube links and shit, easy to recognize all his posts, do not reply to a-log, this will excite him even more. It gets him off to cause women distress and get attention. Again, do not engage, report all of his posts.
KIWIFAGS AT LEAST TRY TO INTEGRATE, that means sage your shit if it is not new milk and close the window if you have a Y chromosome.
JOSH SIMPS, he won't pick you, JOSH HATERS, you very likely have nothing new to say.
http://kiwifarmsaaf4t2h7gc3dfc5ojhmqruw2nit3uejrpiagrxeuxiyxcyd.onion - Tor link. It is recommended to use Brave ("Open New Private Tab With Tor") or Tor Browser Bundle on PC, and "Orbot" on your phone. Sometimes under maintenance. - dead, Chinese decided to drop them. - dead, Russian DDoS guard dead, Iceland sized it Up for now, still laggy - Up for now (clear cache, ctrl + f5 if any error appears) Might be dropped soon again (?)
Kiwi telegram: threads:
>>>/snow/1639557>>>/snow/1636927>>>/snow/1631130>>>/snow/1627717>>>/snow/998558>>>/snow/525536>>>/snow/1642877Archive KF thread on lolcowfarm (incase if you wanna see how Josh views the website)'d Josh thread:
>>>/manure/2733OnionFarms is a total shithole but hosts critical discussion of KF: No. 1649205
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>>1649200gonna post this again then, I think Destiny may be the person to actually harm this movement, since he hasn't been banned for anything yet and is making that video. Plus he seems geniunely annoyed by it all.
No. 1649215
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this is the CEO of the portugese ddos provider that josh is using rn, no charisma at all
No. 1649218
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>>1649215samefag, front view, still looks like he browse daily
No. 1649234
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>>1649225it's already gone
No. 1649238
>>1649234"Service Continuation Of Kiwi Farms…
My name is Hugo Carvalho and I'm the CEO of DiamWall, today I'm bringing an important statement that I never thought I would need to do anytime soon.
About our CDN…
Before even starting to talk about Kiwi Farms I think it is important to let people know what a CDN is and does.
We are only a proxy that filters website traffic and blocks malicious requests, we DO NOT host any website, we ARE NOT responsible for any website's content and we CANNOT control every service's content.
Everyone is free to register an account at our website, pay for the product and start using it. We DO NOT and CANNOT analyze every single website that starts using our services.
DiamWall is completely new in this market (we opened to the public one month ago) and this is not a good way to start for sure, nor is it the way that we wanted to start.
DiamWall was formed by a small group of people that worked for many years in this area with private customers and we created the best Anti-DDoS technologies that ever existed.
Now that you understand how it works, let's talk about Kiwi Farms…
The owner of Kiwi Farms came in need of DDoS Protection and because their website was offline due to DDoS, we didn't really know about their website's content. They had a PROBLEM and we had the SOLUTION.
Soon enough the reports started to arrive and we started digging more and more about this website, soon enough we found that Kiwi Farms hosts a lot of revolting content.
We do not think that is fair to terminate any service because of public pressure but in this case, we think there is some foundation behind all those requests and we really do not want to have anything to do with it.
So, after careful consideration, DiamWall does not feel like Kiwi Farms is a good fit for our company, which means that today we are SUSPENDING their service inside DiamWall's CDN.
Please be AWARE that this will not fix the issue, only delay it, they will find another provider that can protect them and will be online once again.
Best Regards,
Hugo Carvalho,
DiamWall CEO"
No. 1649247
>>1649200>>1649238he just fucking contradicted himself in a second, just like Matthew.
by the way i knew he was gonna pull the plug since its a new small company and dont want to be already seen as a provider of "luh mAliCiouS cOnTeNt". Hope it was just a test for Null and he finds another one that doesnt kneels for the trannies
No. 1649259
>>1649254I can easily say the same about pink pill and feminist theories but, oh well.
I hate to see the common denominator in all this bullshit are soy ladden leftist progressive men. I would pick shauvinist sexist to watch after my welfare than any of those limpwristed betas.
No. 1649270
>>1649238Opened to the public a month ago? Well I hope that your clunky, shit-tier service flops and that your investors are left holding the bag. He probably pussy'd out once Keffals started brandishing his "connections" (through Liz No Dong Fong)
I guess this lines up with what that other nonna said in the last thread about Josh being a tard and not being upfront about the drama and the troon brigade.
No. 1649282
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More infighting
No. 1649290
>>1649276>I don't think other industries are like this.The medical industry is definitely like this, and the DEA is investigating ADHD pill mills right now. You think they'll next go after illegal bathtub HRT sold to minors being sold out in the open?
The tech industry is long gone.
No. 1649291
>>1649275I was referring to posts like these:
>>1649099 >>1649112
That's not to say that Josh didn't give DiamWall a heads up. Maybe he did and the CEO is omitting details ("Oh my stars! I had no idea what kind of awful site KF was~") to cover his ass. It seems like a mess all around.
No. 1649292
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>>1649282they're eating each other alive and calling hotwheels a pedo
No. 1649301
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Elliot's response is to wash his hands instead of, idk, holding Lucas to task.
No. 1649302
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>>1649301then completely contradicts himself
No. 1649306
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I hate trannies so goddamn much
No. 1649310
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still don't see how these dumbasses supported this narcissistic troon tbh. Like his shit personality wasn't obvious from the start.
No. 1649313
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>>1649310kek this is what everyone was saying but you refused to listen because everyone not kissing Lucas's ass is apparently a "nazi, kf user, alt right" whatever.
No. 1649315
>>1649306I can’t believe they’re still drawing so much attention to it. People will now look for it and see the evil forbidden content.
Can anyone explain how keffals is behind the takedowns anyway? Surely other cows have gone full autist and emailed everyone even slightly connected to the farms
No. 1649316
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I just wanted to read about the doxed monkey sadist that recently got arrested, trannies are fucking cancer
No. 1649317
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>>1649315he isn't but he wants the clout
No. 1649319
>>1649308i love how they just skirt around the fact that the thing actually “taking kiwifarms down” is continuous DDOS attacks, which actually
is a crime, unlike anything on kf that im aware of
also slightly related question - i have no idea how directly keffals is involved in the attacks, but since they’re the thing keeping the site offline rn, couldn’t him repeatedly taking credit for taking the site going offline be pretty reasonably construed as a tacit admission of being involved in a felony lol? even if he genuinely isnt involved, repeatedly taking responsibility for the direct result of a crime seems like an awful idea, and if he’s not the one doing it he isn’t the one who “took kiwifarms down” at all
No. 1649326
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New telegram update. Josh is finally shutting down the telegram chat room so no more piss bear
No. 1649328
>>1649316I heard about that but I’m too scared to look at the thread. I think just reading vague descriptions of the videos would make me sick.
>>1649322NTAYRT but I can access it via my phone. A few days ago you could only access one of the urls with a certain type of internet and I think phone signal was one of them.
No. 1649344
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No. 1649353
>>1649282>>1649317Notice how the core complaint is that Keffals is hogging the limelight and the troon goons aren't getting their fair share? Narcs are no different from crabs in a bucket. I would laugh so hard if they began to trying to kneecap one another by grabbing at platforms or GFM neetbux. I'm so glad that this space exists to harvest all of the milk.
>>1649341>You're the security the security risk.Fucking this. Carvalho is hopeless.
No. 1649354
>>1649353You'd think if Kiwifarms were so dangerous, they wouldn't be having slap fights about dumb shit. In fact they'd be working harder to get it down instead of getting rid of on space, and declaring that "we won! It's dead!". Thats how I know this isn't about real fear or the "people kiwifarms killed". As soon as they think the site is down they start fighting about dumb shit. Meanwhile the actual cows who actually have threads, realize that wait, "the site is still here'".
Notice Keffals stopped going as hard as soon as his thread was locked, he did all those interviews sure, but before he was giving a play by play every mintue. He's happy HIS thread is locked and it's off the "clear net" even though it's not.
No. 1649365
>>1649354Last I went on there I saw Pamperchu admitting to wanting to fuck toddlers in the chat and was rewarded for it, I don't see how that isn't "dangerous" in your eyes?
aside from it obviously being cowtipping for them to engage with him at all
No. 1649392
Imagine being a cow with a 300+ page on the thread, going back years. Every few day Keffals screams, "WE WON! WE DID IT TROONIT! KIWIFARMS IS DEAD!" and celebrates, but you go lurk the telegram or other spaces and find out, "oh, the site is up, just slow, or janky or getting Ddos'd but it still exists" and Keffals goes, "Well it's not all the way gone, but we're just making it harder for them to come back" only to do this EVERY fucking other day. I really don't know why he hasn't been called out for this yet by an actual troon whose being "stalked'. It's really annoying the hell out of me, the idiots who don't see what Keffals is doing and how he really doesn't care about them, or what information he puts out there.
No. 1649415
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Well was back up before I could get to it.
R.i.p trannies got to them.
No. 1649432
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>>1649408There's a bunch of other threads like that that still show up on Google.
No. 1649528
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Matthew and Lucas are currently duking it out on Twitter
No. 1649550
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.st working ~90% of the time for me this morning.
this page still occurs occasionally on a clean browser w/o addons.
No. 1649553
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No. 1649554
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I think the troons are just jealous that Null would make a much prettier girl than any of them after years of HRT and tons of plastic surgery and he doesn't even use his potential despite being a programmer. They must be wondering why they can't "crack his egg" aka groom him into their cult.
No. 1649567
>>1649553I wish Twitter bystanders would understand this but it's rarely discussed. Doxing and talking about troons on a forum is perfectly legal, it all pertains to public information that these terminally online idiots voluntarily shit out.
DDoSing with multiple machines you legally own is illegal. DDoSing with COMPROMISED machines is even more illegal. By paying for a DDoS, you are most likely encouraging and funding black-hat activity, and causing an unknown amount of damage towards groups of people and companies. For the tranny commies reading it doesn't matter if you hate corporations, a lot of them hold a lot of information about the people who use their services and the people employed by them. Countless of people have committed suicide as a direct response to being implicated in data breaches due to black hat activity. People have their lives ruined over things like these. It is selfish to applaud this type of behavior.
No. 1649578
>>1649567there's two parts to how this is a thing. one part is how onision stays just on the side of the law (somehow) but is objectively evil. the second part is how punching nazis is considered a good thing.
kf does itself no favors with its own moralfagging: it's either free speech absolutist or not
No. 1649581
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>>1649200Looks like the rumours aren't true nonnies
No. 1649656
>>1649635This isn't a political website and it's also not "TERFs only". Plenty of the site is dedicated to non-
terf topics, in fact most of it is. You don't get to dictate the politics of this website and you do sound a lot like a tranny when you rage like this. Ignore people you disagree with and move on.
No. 1649694
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For anyone who was wondering "Why doesn't Null just tell the providers that lying trannies will come for them?" He does.
No. 1649702
>>1649694he needs to be in touch with someone who isnt new in this area, the DDoS provider from Portugal said that he started his company a month ago, his twitter acc has 6 followers before troons harrassed him. if he denied Keffals’ request nobody would ever buy his services and it would have a terrible representation for him since the troons will do everything to paint them as the bad guys.
Also i think that Josh must start his own DDoS protection company with Jim, since Jim is a wealthy fag he can create a DDoS protection for both Kiwi and 8kun
No. 1649713
>>1649712It helps to be completely irrelevant.
>>1649702Jim Watkins is an absolutely insane person, also I'm pretty sure he hates Null. Didn't he try to feed him to his pigs?
No. 1649717
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Journos are so fucking retarded, pure clickbait title. He doesnt even want to change the title of it but still has the audacity to add that No. 1649720
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>>1649717He's even on the disinfo beat too lol
No. 1649724
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this drama is gonna be fucking long
No. 1649726
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>>1649717"I write about disinformation", I think he means he writes disinformation. I especially like how they say that "the site was taken offline due to losing their DDOS protection" instead of "the site was take offline due to illegal DDOS attacks". Journos go on the wall.
No. 1649739
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took the liberty of having a peek at the dns records for some incel sites and whaddaya know
how many women have to die before cloudflare considers incels a threat to human life?
No. 1649740
I think farmhands should use kiwifarm stickers instead of red text when banning kiwiscrotes. They can’t act right without their precious stickers. Just red text with a top hat emoji, a moai emoji, or a trash can emoji.
>>1649720he looks like if Ted Cruz was a democrat instead of republican
>>1649306a $100 pair of pink headphones doesn’t make you a woman. maybe he can buy the rest of the razer quartz collection with his grifting money.
>>1649723> posting cp and drawn-cp:perfectly okay, normal, totally natural
> being literally the taliban, murdering women for wanting out of abusive marriages, punishing men for letting their wives outside without them:deserves freedom of speech
> telling a tranny (not even directly) that he will never be a real woman:literal act of terrorism, must be deplatformed immediately, literally worse than ISIS.
No. 1649765
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Josh trying to smooth things over with, which is a site full of lolicon and pedophile content. A bunch of drama happened over the past week or so coming to a head in the last 24 hours, culminating in the admin of mass-deleting new accounts and closing registrations because his userbase was upset and outright rebelling because they didn't like Kiwis (accurately) calling them pedophiles.
No. 1649779
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>>1649765, just saw this exchange, so didn't want to not post Josh
also taking the opportunity to tell a pedo to fuck off, but majorly inconsistent energy as always I guess?
No. 1649788
>>1649603As a large framed female with large hands and feet compared to most women i can zee why once or twice I've been asked if I'm trans.
For all the talk of feminism here this is very insulting to biological women who don't fit the sterotyped mold of titchy little wooman ooh look at her tiny little hands and feet.
Some women do have bigger bands. Adult human females come in all shapes and sizes, as do men. And some men are smaller than some women.
Is this where we've got to with women's rights? Women turning on other women if we don't fit the dainty delicate mold? It's like the hatred of trannies is driving them insane.
How do you think it makes larger framed women feel to be asked if they're trans? So much for the sisterhood.
No. 1649789
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Diamwall now has a bunch of positive reviews.
No. 1649802
>>1649306How soon until they try to get this site taken down too?
The funny thing is everyone outside of twitter and reddit hates trannies.
No. 1649820
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How fast do you think onionfarms would crack if the troon squad set their sights on it?
No. 1649830
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>>1649810Because transpeople are disproportionately horrorcows. Ever hear about Jonathan Yaniv, the troon with a period fetish who creeped on little girls? There was a whole subforum about him.
No. 1649832
>>1649798a bunch of narcissistic trannies complained enough to get KF kicked off cloudflare, DDoSed a bunch and about 20 hitpieces written about them being a nazi terrorist swatting site or whatever.
it's still up, but you may have to figure out tor to get there and do a lot of waiting and refreshing the page.
now you're all caught up!
>>1649802here, mumsnet or ovarit would probably have been next, but kiwifarms absorbed most of their momentum by not just immediately disappearing. now the trannies are infighting. also people who wouldn't normally care are starting to notice the trannies embarrassing themselves and creating free speech issues.
>>1649810those are the people who threw a temper tantrum about the site existing, and used their status as "marginalized folx" to make it look like they were righteous activists crusading for human rights. and the journos ran with it.
No. 1649836
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>>1649810>>1649830The current shitstorm was started by a troon trying to cover up the fact that he was flirting with teenagers and endorsing a website that sends illegal tranny hormones to people who are underage (otokono pharmaceuticals)
No. 1649842
>>1649836Keep in mind that
not doing this is bigoted and “like, literal genocide”
No. 1649911
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Not that I'm going to be shedding any tears on Destiny's behalf, but it's interesting to watch Keffals et al continuously pouring oil onto the fire.
No. 1649944
>>1649832The amount of cope in this thread is amazing. KF dindu nuffin! Muh free speech! Strawman! KF was always good boy and never had any problems before!
Keep seething, you tards lmao.
No. 1650073
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why the fuck is he dressed like the virgin walk
No. 1650127
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since we were gone…
KF got hacked.
No. 1650129
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>>1650127and before that Lucas trying really hard to bury the truth.
No. 1650130
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They are so annoying jfc, also they preach against doxing but have no problem doing it themselves
No. 1650147
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I asked this on cc but it's slow as fuck. This person on Twitter seems to be suggesting that anyone who so much as browsed Kiwi Farms could have had info scraped from their system. I'm not technically inclined, is this true?
No. 1650150
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>>1650147I'm not sure, but I just wanted to show the troonsite in question:
No. 1650168
>>1650147I dont understand how. I'm not super technically literate either, but that would be a metric fuck ton of data considering this supposedly happened during a time when KF traffic was at an all time high from even normies who had just heard about it on the news and wanted to see what it was all about. Also nowhere in Null's message did he indicate the script injection was there for a month. This tech journo or whatever is misunderstanding him.
I also did a Malware scan on my computer and got no results. It would show up, right?
No. 1650172
>>1650170Thank you
nonny. I didn't use a VPN when browsing KF, but I don't care if they have my IP address anyways because I know for a fact it has changed since my last KF login.
Still not doxed. Still a real woman. Get fucked, Keffals and co.
No. 1650192
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So this is the group on Twitter taking credit for the KF hack. Can someone please explain to us tech illiterate anons what the hell this means? It's a gif with some roots growing into the soil.
No. 1650204
>>1650192They are implying that the farms have been thoroughly owned. As in even if they come back they're just going to get fucked again.
>>1650201The Twitter account gives fed vibes. Like thejester type stuff. They are leaning into it and joking about it.
No. 1650220
>>1650218I'm a little worried since I can't even remember the email address I signed up with…I wasn't as savvy when I first registered as I am now.
Not super scared because yeah, it's gonna be an absolutely overwhelming amount of data, and I didn't really frequent the troon section (not sure if that would impact anything), but the paranoid side of me is starting to panic.
No. 1650232
>>1650222there's going to be another forum to continue that legacy
It’s going to have to operate much differently. KF was virtually untouchable for years, so this has been sobering to see play out.
No. 1650239
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>>1649200delusional trannies continuing to be delusional by not understanding how the internet works and removing a website.
No. 1650259
>>1650183They can't even match usernames with a IP addresses anymore, because everybody has moved to giant corporate websites that hide that information, and are generally too big to step in and dump it, though Reddit mods would. It's not like they're on Miyuki-chan's Anime RP Board anymore, and can see the IP displayed in public, or ask the mods to dump it. Those days are over. At most all they can gain is the city or county location of a KF user.
ETA: Almost to back up the futility of their IP address gloating, when I first went to post this, my address here had been banned for a post I didn't make. The internet is a big ass place these days, it's not like you're the one & only lolita or fan of x anime in your city anymore.
No. 1650263
So I went ahead and read up a bit more about XSS attacks in reference to this tweet
>>1650147And I'm very confused why this tech journo seems to think that the injected code could lead to info from a user's entire system being stolen, not just their KF credentials. Like say I was logged into another tab besides kiwifarms on a different site, is there something in this code that would allow a hacker to get my login credentials from that site as well?
No. 1650296
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No. 1650313
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>>1650304>All this drama, doxxing, cyber crimes, flame wars, swatting, jumping from country to countryBegun, the cow wars have
No. 1650334
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Jesse Singal's podcast episode about the farms is out. The second part is especially juicy about Lucas's potential doxer. No. 1650354
>>1650334Ah yea, i wish people/journalists would listen to his.
The UK doxer and who threatened keffals wasn't a kiwifarmer lmao and even admitted himself to Jesse that he had nothing to do with KF. KF knew about him and told him to fuck off.
Doxer belonged to small underground troll discord group. But even Keffals knew that, but decided to pin the doxer to KF anyways. Best guess is that Keffals wanted KF down bc of all the embarrassing shit and so decided to pin the doxer to kf.
Basically KF is getting a bunch of attention/blame due to someone who isn't even a member lmao>>1650334
No. 1650381
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seems like there will be no MATI nor back for a week
No. 1650384
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>>1650381they still believe that Vordrak shit
No. 1650399
>>1650373Especially when you remember that the 2019 breach that the usual suspects are drooling over was released by Josh on KF itself for a brief time as a lesson in hard knocks for anyone who didn't have their shit together.
After all of that, if you're on KF doxing people and your opsec still sucks? That's like sticking your arm in a bonfire and being surprised that it's hot.
No. 1650413
>>1650409>>1650410I see. Maybe it's better for KF to stay down for some time.
And also for Josh.
No. 1650417
File: 1663593452935.png (741.62 KB, 790x918, hQtBWfx.png)

What the fuck is this guy's deal? They're claiming to be responsible for the hack but they're being really cringy and spergy about it. They have like a dozen tweets about how they're going to post everything and nothing's happened. Larp or real?
No. 1650425
>>1650417Looks to me like the average clout-chasing troll.
inb4 these rabid ‘l33t hax0rs’ dox some unsuspecting mother who was just browsing the Beauty Parlor section
No. 1650428
File: 1663595031105.jpg (188.02 KB, 1296x968, SamAndMilo.jpg)

>>1650387>>1650389"his mom" on kiwi farms likes to throw pedo accusations around, including at the band Evanescence. would it be fair to call him a kid user? maybe.
No. 1650435
>>1650417I am going to assume this is a LARP unless they actually produce data that has not already been in public circulation.
Josh makes reference to all user avatars being changed to another site but does not name the site. That site is, a fediverse instance which is full of lolicon and pedophile content. Josh chose this as the instance he was going to use while KF was down evidently because he had a prior connection to it's owner. Some KF users did not like that was run by at least one open pedophile admin and full of this kind of content, so they called it out. users got very, very mad at being called pedos and atttacked KF users on their leading to some back-and-forth. While the use of the poast avatar is hardly proof, the simple explanation here looks likely to me.
Josh's referring to the attack as "sophisticated" is absurd and cope on his part as is his claim the attackers would have to have deep knowledge of XenForo and Rust. All they would have to know is the basic outline of the database schema and routes of XF (easily found online) and be able to read Rust code in a superficial way which probably any experienced programmer could do even not knowing Rust.
The core security vulnerability was not properly sanitizing HTML input in a hand-written BBCode parser. This is an outrageous level of incompetence. That Josh is not a good programmer has been known since the 8chan days but this is just beyond the pale, showing he has no business whatsoever within a mile of security-sensitive code. This would be scandalously bad in 2010 let alone in 2022. His writing this chat was driven by his ego, basically, an he far exceeded his level of competence.
As for risk to users, I really wouldn't worry. Nobody is going to be going after you unless you are a high-profile namefag, and even if you are, you only need worry if you use an email address which is readily connected to your real identity, otherwise the worst they will be able to do is get a rough location as to where you last logged in* but only if you were not using a VPN.
*IP addresses are logged when you log in to your account, not each time you access the site, in addition to the IP address you registered the account from being permanently logged.
No. 1650444
>>1650435Very informative.
DDOS guard would show me my IP, browser and device info when I load the site and yet you say it is not visible to the hackers? Seems unlikely.
No. 1650450
>>1650444samefag as
>>1650446 reply, to clarify I see what you were saying, your current IP address you were using like your browser info is logged on the server (in the /var/log/nginx/… file) but like the browser info it is not getting logged by xenForo itself in the database that belongs to XF, which is the thing that was compromised.
No. 1650524
>>1650520I don't even think anything of substance came of the last hack even though some people embarrassingly left their full emails. Josh allowed people to delete accounts in that case (he usually does not) and some did and some users left the site (many coming back under new names) so the real damage done was to people's confidence in Josh. Hopefully people did not have said confidence this time around and were using due protective measures of a VPN and most importantly not an email address linked to your real name. But again, unless you were high profile running around doxing people, you are not gonna be the target of some 160,000 users and a couple thousand active users. And if you
were running around doxing people, and not taking due precautions, live by the dox, die by the dox, and you have nobody but yourself to blame. Most people I think though who were playing for keeps over there were smart enough to use protection.
No. 1650533
>>1650528Not exactly, nobody can do anything with your IP
alone, but it can be useful as
confirmation if they have other information to pull together a dox, which is why it is wise to visit these sites from behind a proxy, "defense in depth." But I agree with the general sentiment here, it is not going to be the end of the world 99+% of the time. Basically I don't think anyone has anything to worry about at all unless they were both high-profile and not conscious of their security in
more than one way.
>>1650530Could easily be a case or two like this although I don't recall specifics. A few people even used .gov email addresses which is hilarious to me.
No. 1650540
>>1650536Because porn sites given that's a multi billion dollar industry are mostly run by paid professionals who actually know what they are doing unlike Josh who is clueless and also too paranoid and abrasive for anyone else to work with him for any real length of time beyond a small inner circle of sycophants. Although Ashley Madison (site for "sugar daddying") got leaked and there were some .edu/.gov/real name emails there too of scrotes who richly deserved it. It's always funny to me when people are so arrogant thinking think they will never get caught that they don't even take basic precautions. Several lolcows doxed on KF used their same names/emails for porn sites showing all their degenerate fetishes, etc. Remember the first rule of not getting doxed is
No. 1650591
File: 1663602974020.jpg (118.61 KB, 548x1200, kf gunted.jpg)

Allegedly the whole reason why Josh made a new chat which is where the security vulnerability was located was to spite Ethan Ralph. (Although in fairness it is partially xenForo's fault because they do not send Content-Security-Policy headers in the relevant place. Still though Josh allowed injection of HTML in his handrolled BBCode parser which is unfathomably stupid, not doing this kind of thing is what every competent programmer is focusing on from Day One of coding something that takes input from potentially hostile sources.)
No. 1650646
File: 1663605490058.jpg (33.05 KB, 596x328, iBShrmT.jpg)

Data from the hacking starting to come out maybe?
No. 1650648
File: 1663605515196.jpg (39.25 KB, 592x620, sNM4i6h.jpg)

>>1650646Samefag. Pic of the email they received.
No. 1650687
File: 1663608135598.jpg (40.65 KB, 375x636, Screenshot_20220919.jpg)

>>1650584Kek if you search KF on tiktok this is the top result.
No. 1650696
File: 1663608709269.webm (9.02 MB, 576x1024, 3baed0b79a82a4ebaeb9abfa49cc6b…)
>>1650687If you scratch a troon, a pedophile that forces his 3 yo son to call him mom so he can masturbate to it bleeds
No. 1650732
File: 1663611033908.png (237.72 KB, 393x636, chloe.png)

Winter posted this on post. Is shit about to hit the fan or are they just removing their names but still carrying on as usual?
No. 1650735
>>1650732is some shit happening? Is Keffals involved in some shit he doesn't want to go down for? Or is HE involved in some shit and trying to save Keffals? Also isn't this his boyfriend?
Wow, I feel like something big is about to happen on Keffals end. The telegram (kiwifarms one) is saying some crazy shit but I don't know whats true. And they probably should stop accusing people of serious shit before it happens.
No. 1650743
>>1650732>>"Garner any sympathy"Also, notice he's not even blaming it on Kiwifarms or anything this time (you can assume), this whole movement was about Kiwifarms doxxing and harassing people. Now he's being harrassed to the point he has to do all this, and then saying he's not asking for sympathy and saying Keffals isn't involved.
Something is up and I'm going to be mad if it's not, kek. I want drama.
No. 1650747
>>1650738I imagine you refer to:
>>1650435>>1650446>>1650450(also learn2sage + lurkmoar)
No. 1650749
File: 1663612320464.png (16.26 KB, 576x127, Capture.PNG)

I found this looking at one of the "Drop Kiwifarms" people who was treated badly by Keffals. He's a fucking famewhore, ratioing some idiot who isn't even known means NOTHING. So it's all a powerthing to him.
No. 1650777
File: 1663614899331.jpg (34.16 KB, 749x339, IMG_20220919_151028_872.jpg)

No. 1650804
>>1650802Basic Becky is as Jewish as her ability to get
victim points, nonna
No. 1650824
File: 1663616925502.png (31.89 KB, 530x344, twittards.PNG)

No. 1650829
File: 1663617321229.jpeg (17.33 KB, 432x324, 7CABB8E8-FED0-45E5-881B-A49305…)

>>1650687"terFFss reaVVy are FFad vhat veir biVVoteD webvvFITE kiwiFFarmvs iff down"
No. 1650837
File: 1663617742645.jpeg (31.29 KB, 386x246, DF91BB88-10C1-44B2-9777-79FCA0…)

I have some super helpful tips for you, Blaine. You can get the accessories in pink, too. Just follow the picture, moid.
No. 1650844
File: 1663618165385.png (454.02 KB, 750x879, idle mind byproduct.png)

>>1650777>Yogurt doesn't know Kiwi Farms has warlocks and sorcerors of its own, and at least one bard. maybe some druids.Josh shouldn't have taken the seal of Solomon off the board though.
No. 1650846
File: 1663618326073.jpg (84.42 KB, 1055x541, IMG_20220919_160849_829.jpg)

Josh has been saying he had a family emergency and on multiple posts (that I know keffals read) he mentioned that family emergency still exists. The way he phrases shit is so disingenuous and autistic. Also did the hacker delete the site? Or is that a flat out lie as well?
i always felt the family emergency was a lie/half truth. Null probably did have something to deal with, but just wants to take a week off after all this. I also don't think he's going to be gone a whole week
No. 1650856
>>1650839Shayna yesterday claimed we dox sex workers kek
>>1650847Besides my worry of the risk it may cause lokcow, the flat out lies is what makes me pro kiwifarms. It's like watching a bunch of people tell stories and everyone believes it. I saw a furry gloating that "call outs have went away, since kiwifarms has went away" you know, people showing proof of folks wanting to fuck or kill animals, are now just allowed to do so now. Those call outs
No. 1650859
>>1650852That’s what he said and no reason to really disbelieve it- while I appreciate knowing wtf happened not if it gives idiots a tutorial on how to fight the site. But it’s good to watch keffals flailing around trying to stay relevant by making an 843 episode video series of “how I am a
victim always”.
No. 1650865
File: 1663619162789.jpeg (57.96 KB, 732x732, 1662874297850.jpeg)

No. 1650878
you summon a demon in order to tell it what to do. like, for example, "make the schizo tranny go away"
>>1650846it would be the smart move to fake it, let the trannies get bored after a week and his community couldn't really pester him about it. so there's probably a real family emergency.
No. 1650887
>>1650749This was in response to this
>>1649302 Lucas hogging the spotlight (as always) started pissing off a lot of supporters since he didn't do shit. Matthew even called out the retarded ratioing kek
No. 1650892
>>1650738Samefag as before re: IP retention, a helpful nonna linked you to my earlier posts
>>1650747 As one more thing I believe Josh's stated policy is 2 weeks retention. Whether this is just the XF database or his server logs too I dunno but so far there is no evidence they have the latter. Finding your IP from the server logs would be non-trivial and maybe impossible depending on the what you were doing. Again I would not worry at all unless you were both a big name kiwi and had bad opsec in which case I'll just laugh.
I trust Josh neither to be competent or honest, though. His statement about the hacking has several omissions or exaggerations to salve his ego and I do not trust him to competently set up log rotation either but luckily that is the least of people's worries. I still think everything will be fine.
>>1650744Link to the pastebin? (I'm assuming that is allowed, links to KF which contain dox are allowed) I'd like to see if it contains anything new or is 2019 rehashed.
No. 1650898
>>1650893Yeah skimming that it looks like a regurgitation of old Vordrak content about Josh's family and for some reason about weev (who has an account but isn't active or linked to KF.) The second link is to a thread on See
>>1649765>>1650435Josh/KF have a lot of enemies. Not just troons. A lot of right-wingers/wignats hate him and the site too plus randoms who have threads. There are some technically competent people included. (I deliberately say only "competent" bc as someone else said this is basic bitch script kiddie stuff.) Could be anyone. The simplest explanation is to take the hackers use of the poast logo as a claim of responsibility. Not proof, mind you, but makes the most sense as far as I'm concerned.
No. 1650916
>>1650900>>1650894> Looks like this hacker was completely incompetent post-breach.Yep total skid shit and Josh is out there saying it's "sophisticated"
>>1650900Could be but that would be contradicted if any leaks or claims of responsibility come out with left wing/troon rhetoric (part of why I think the claims so far are BS) … it could be either but I'm going with the most obvious and simple explanation. Occams Razor etc. Some of the poast people are
incredibly mad at KF and strike me as skiddie types. But you could be right.
No. 1650926
File: 1663620951976.jpeg (86.65 KB, 640x530, A57A3ED8-5B74-4011-9E3F-EC89FC…)

You are not allowed to post King Crimson. Go take a bath.
No. 1650948
>>1650942Yes (according to Josh). The IP that
you created the account with may or may not be included in the leak though as it was thr first one. I am not sure if Josh did something about this or not but xenforo seems to keep it by default. I would not trust him to competently address this for the record.
No. 1650954
>>1650939>>1650941>>1650942>>1650943>>1650945Blaine. If she was busted by the police with CP, she wouldn’t be still posting on twitter.
That woman doesn’t care about you and probably doesn’t even think of you in the slightest on a day to day basis. You aren’t that important.
No. 1650960
>>1650956Everything will be fine.
T. prolific poster who actually
has doxed people and was in the 2019 leaks
No. 1650980
File: 1663622398341.png (432.5 KB, 583x411, 3CD77CEE-5798-43C8-871A-0DEF67…)

No. 1651050
>>1650839not sure if you havent been lurking or not but its never been about doxing or harassment. keffals wants proof he's a groomer and supports sending unregulated drugs to minors without medical or parental permission wiped off the internet.
any site that points this out/archives is a target, kiwifarms was just the most accessible and easiest to digest version of his antics so it went first
No. 1651054
File: 1663624958232.jpeg (48.31 KB, 828x312, FE9CC41D-4E3D-4578-83BA-9CF509…)

Don’t you have another site to scream about, Schizo?
No. 1651067
hello nonnies, OP here
> THERE IS A SCHIZOPHRENIC, PEDOPHILE TRANNY POSTING HERE. DO NOT REPLY TO HIM. He is the same person posting CP and all sorts of deranged shit on here. Often namefagging and avatarfagging, also post nonsense youtube links and shit, easy to recognize all his posts, do not reply to a-log, this will excite him even more. It gets him off to cause women distress and get attention. Again, do not engage, report all of his posts.
I assume most of y’all didn’t read this.
Stop with the useless clap backs, report and move on. Replying to him only makes him more excited and more retarded, let him feel like his existence is meaningless instead by not giving him any attention.
No. 1651089
>>1650732>>1650735There was an
nonnie here digging up dirt on him I think this is why he's stepping down.
Nonnie must have gotten some good info on him. I wonder where she is, if she still comes here.
No. 1651092
File: 1663626089954.jpeg (69.87 KB, 828x609, D07B4BB9-C31E-49ED-8599-958FDE…)

For a site nobody pays attention to, they tell the truth about Blaine. You’re just mad you can’t get back on Onion, and the fact that all the scrotes will have Kiwi Farms back eventually. Also, you will never be a woman, unlike your cousin you larp as, moid.
No. 1651101
>>1650858>>1650127that's it for a week supposedly.
No. 1651107
>>1651085Pretty much everything worth knowing is in the OP and on the message.
Only notable event I can think of off hand not mentioned in either is bobposting of DIYHormones is passing the site onto someone else.
No. 1651112
>>1651104> they are liars who will never be real women and/or men.Come to think of it, is there a
single TiF anywhere near this goat rodeo? The timmies only tell on themselves with their male socialization.
> Josh is bad at tech, his chat gets owned by a vulnerability that any first year CS student would laugh their ass off at> Dubious leaks out now, maybe more to follow, you really have nothing to worry about unless you used your real name or something and were highly visible posting stuff trannies and other KF haters don't like> KF will be down for a week. Josh had a family emergency. No details but sounds like a death in the family. Hopefully his mom is OK, she always seemed like a nice lady. No. 1651138
>>1651050As much as I hate KF this is the truth. Keffals got outed hard by Kiwis and that's why he went nuclear despite KF being around and doing this shit forever. Keffals wants to be a big streamer/social media person too which is why he's going after Destiny and co.
Part of me thinks Null should have locked the Keffals thread once the heat got too much and then unlocked it when Keffals went elsewhere. But that would ruin Josh's FREE SPEEZE sperging and may not even work.
No. 1651154
File: 1663628854366.jpeg (77.07 KB, 768x412, 1663621676983.jpeg)

Someone said here
>>1650950 in the mtf thread that bobposting got swatted? Or was it the brazilian guy who was actually making the bathtub HRT? The shirts are in Portuguese and from what I can gather it's health feds?
Anyone have a source for this?
No. 1651216
File: 1663631369114.jpg (132.97 KB, 1080x394, rro.jpg)

Tranners on 4chan's /lgbt/ are already brainstorming ways of keeping the HRT wiki up even if bobposting really jumps ship. No. 1651255
>>1651141My suspicion (though without concrete evidence to back it up, mind) is that bobposting got reported to relevant authorities and is now trying to do as much damage control as possible before shit hits the fan. Of course, he(?) was also was VERY open and proud about it on social media so I don't think he's gonna have much luck there!
His insistence that nope this had nothing to do with Keffels I swear nope nope all me makes me think he's trying to save Keffels from legal culpability as he's expecting that he's at high risk of being raided. All speculation on my part for now, will be interesting to see how it unfolds. Curious if the accountability shield holds when it's a matter of providing life changing drugs to children.
No. 1651260
File: 1663634295523.jpg (27.7 KB, 595x181, Screenshot_20220919_200316.jpg)

I think someone may have mentioned it in passing (forget if it was on here or another site) but for the record and to put this to bed the pastebin doxes were posted before the hack. It is probably either old milk or someone putting names of people they don't like in as KF users. 28 seems a little young for Marvin although he is from Baltimore. I don't know enough about the other people to say anything, they are all basically nobodies.
No. 1651299
>>1651295the picture is, drumroll, on KF and I can't get it. he's admitted it's him though, posted it on KF when drunk or something like that.
>>1651294see the part in the OP about the insane tranny
No. 1651309
>>1651300An XSS attack can't harm
you if you're not logged in, but the target of the attack in this case was KF itself, and the database which contains among other things user emails and recent IP addresses. If you have logged in within the past 14 days you should consider your IP address potentially compromised (but see above, that doesn't really matter that much) as well as your email if you ever had a KF account (but you used one not directly linkable to your real world identity, right?) and possibly the IP first used to register the account, but most importantly if you are not someone important there you have nothing to worry about. The extent of the compromise at KF is not really evident so this is a worst-case scenario that people are going with here.
No. 1651321
>>1651307Ah I see, thanks for the info.
I wasn't logged in for 2 weeks I think, I wasn't a frequent poster, sometimes I would just log off and forget to log back in. My e-mail is a burn one, super generic name, that I only use for KF.
>>1651312I was thinking something like this. Null shat the bed pretty hard with his sloppy coding of that stupid chat, so since I heard the news I'm torn between laughing at him and getting slightly concerned because the troon mob is fucking vicious and they won't stop until they can destroy everyone who doesn't agree with their clown spectacle.
No. 1651326
>>1651321Yeah, the only people who have anything to worry about I think is people who were
very active in doxing or posting stuff that troons don't like,
and had bad OPSEC. Random Kiwis have nothing to worry about. And yes, Null shat the bed
hard. Basically in layman's terms he made it so if you structured things in a certain way you could put computer code into your chat message and get it to be executed, so you could gain administrative privileges.
No. 1651332
>>1651330Bingo. Josh also ignored standard practice of using Content-Security-Policy headers and didn't know that the rules for content in <meta> tags are not the same, etc, etc. Really, really elementary stuff. But his unforgiveable sin was not properly sanitizing user inputs, which is hammered into the most novice webdev. He is just not good at this stuff at all and surrounds himself with nothing but sycophants who fellate and/or are afraid of him so he doesn't get any negative feedback at all. It's a recipe for disaster. And if the cap in
>>1650591 is to be believed, this is all about one of his dumb vendettas, too.
No. 1651339
>>1651334The Josh-Ethan Ralph vendetta is a bit much to admit a quick summary but basically Josh made a joke that Ethan, who is very thin-skinned, didn't like and Ethan lost his mind. Things escalated and An out of date summary of Ethan can be found at
>>>/snow/1418508 although sadly the thread is dead and out of date but he is milky enough to have his own KF
board which he obviously hates Josh for, but there were various back-and-forth gayops going on centered on the chat, and Ethan would read stuff out of it on his show which pissed off Josh so he wanted to protect his precious chat hugbox.
No. 1651353
>>1651332The fact that nobody on the site had the balls to confront him when he was doing retard tier shit with the site's coding is hilarious but a little frustrating, yes. If more experienced and knowledgeable people stepped up and told Null what's what, maaaaybe he would't be in deep shit now. Granted, he's been in deep shit for years now, this is just another layer in his fucked up cake of a life.
>>1651347I remember back in the day Dynastia and other big name users would all congregate there and suck Null's dick hard. Some pickmes would also make an spectacle of themselves, like OwO What's This, Casual Seppuku and others. It was really cringe and idiotic. The fact that this fucking chat was basically what finally did KF in is hilarious and sad at the same time holy shit.
No. 1651356
>>1651353Nobody can vigorously criticize Josh without getting banned, except Josh's inner circle of fellators and fellatrices as you mention, and they got into the inner circle by not criticizing him. But in fact the thread where he announces he is going to write this shit in Rust is filled with people telling him it is a bad idea to do so and why and politely, too. But what is someone going to say? "You don't have the skills, look at what a mess you made of 8chan?" He's not gonna react well, and there goes your KF account for nothing while he goes and does the stupid thing anyway.
P.S. Wasn't OwO a tranny? Since you were around. But the picture you paint of those days and the chat culture is very accurate.
No. 1651359
>>1651358ayrt and I agree which is why I was pointing out people politely told him and he ignored it and that telling him
impolitely wouldn't have worked either, it's lose/lose
No. 1651360
>>1651347Mr. Freeze Peach reacting like this to mean words is absolutely hilarious, thank you for the context.
>>1651353Appreciate the link, thank you!
No. 1651375
>>1651205Have optimism. Keffal's hyper obsessiveness that got KF shut down can and will work against him. Autism is not a one way street and the grooming shit will come out whether he likes it or not.
And believe it or not, grooming accusations are a troon's weakness even if it doesn't seem like it.
No. 1651382
File: 1663641271393.png (1.08 MB, 1280x720, Screenshot 2022-09-19 at 22-34…)

>>1651273According to the scrotes at Kengal's Playhouse aka Onion Farms, AnOminous is not only an old fat fuck but a furry gamer (Alleged YT) (WikiFur page that got taken down)
No. 1651384
>>1651356Yeah, I never disliked Josh in particular, but he ground my gears by being a hypocrite on a lot of his major talking points. Like "I am deeply mistrustful of internet daddy culture, but also be my fren, no being mean to me" or "consumerism makes people into degenerate addicts, now buy my collectables to support the site." I rolled my eyes at it for the most part cause of how he handled most of the attacks and stalwartly stood by users in spite of all the shit that got piled on him, but learning how colossally he fucked this up has really lowered him in my estimation.
Of course, farmers will just accuse me of speaking ill of the sorta kinda dead, but oh well.
>>1651353 No. 1651387
>>1651358"Don't be mean to Null and he won't be mean back!"
He's the admin of an edgy stalking drama forum run by /pol/tards and incel scrotes who call each other nigger as a term of endearment. Come the fuck on.
No. 1651390
>>1651384pls learn to sage
> Of course, farmers will just accuse me of speaking ill of the sorta kinda dead, but oh well. Josh's pickme squad (which was most active during evening hours in Serbia) has been curiously absent recently. Just saying. He is 100% reading this thread, though, and that he gets to read the likes of
>>1651340 pleases me.
No. 1651394
>>1651356I thought OwO was just a average looking woman trying too hard and the tranny stuff was shitposting. But yeah, there were lots of talk about she/he/it being a troon. Wouldn't be surprised if he was really one.
OwO was a mod for some time and I remember it caused a small infighting in the community because half of the users loved them and the other half absolutely hated them. It was entertaining to watch OwO sucking Dynastia's flab dick for a little clout tho.
No. 1651395
File: 1663641769481.png (1.49 MB, 1030x1167, 0E542C25-663C-4DCE-968D-AA969D…)

This is the person who keeps self-posting and apparently has warrants for his arrests and has been banned by both Onion and KF, which is why he shits up this website and This man is a loser and no one wants him around on the internet, not even by other losers exactly like him. Just stop already, everyone is laughing at you lmao
No. 1651398
File: 1663641933330.jpeg (329.69 KB, 750x785, 3C4F0062-E2F2-41AF-BEBD-D7581B…)

I have no idea who this is but apparently this is probably him without any of the makeup/tacky hair dye and 2009 myspace fat girl angles lol
No. 1651421
File: 1663642880934.png (34.15 KB, 600x289, Screenshot_2022-09-19 Clara So…)

The fucking nerve of this tranny.
No. 1651439
>>1651421I find it funny that not long ago this same tranny was so "scared" of his life that he decided to leave one of the safer, if not the safest, country in the americas to go get buttfucked by some irish tranny.
I look foward to the threads here or on KF whenever Lucas gets fucked by his own hubris. It's gonna be great.
No. 1651464
>>1651347it's seriously aggravating slowly watching kf turn into a bunch of edgy newfags circlejerking over MUH DEAR FEEDER PROTECTING MUH FREEZE PEACH!!1 when jersh has banned so many legitimately good posters in the last year or two alone just for making a joke he didn't like, iirc the fool was one of them. i don't want the site to die, but it's only going to continue to rot if it somehow survives the twitter mobs
>>1651382onion farms aside, anominous being old and fat is not news
No. 1651472
>>1651464This tbh, the Josh-worship got exceedingly out of hand and is probably a part of why he fucked up so bad, driven as that was at least in large part by having a big ego. The thing is, most of the people who were giving him so much glory just wanted to be able to say "nigger" (some would say as much) and had no idea of KF and it's culture beyond that nor did they make any contributions of note, while a lot of people who made good threads, did good dox work, etc. were thrown out or just got sick of the bullshit from Josh and others. Some of it is because a community never stays the same as it grows larger but a lot of it was due to Josh just going with where he could get the most money and clout with uncritical fans. KF will survive in some form I am certain (worst case on Tor) if only because without KF I don't know how
Josh will survive, but he is certainly due to wake up one day and see his empire of dirt with new eyes. If he really did lose a family member and is back in the US, that might be a wake up call and I'd be curious to see if it has any impact.
No. 1651502
>>1651456In his defense, almost no one knows how to properly program anything. How often do we deal with random issues even in critical systems which have had teams working on them over decades? Almost the entire state of software is a fucking disgrace, but this isn't the thread in which I should elaborate.
>>1651486An "anti-woke" business would just ban them for insulting Donald Trump instead of trannies.
No. 1651523
>>1651519Has nothing to do with anything. He's going on to use xenForo despite them telling him to fuck off (IANAL but seems dubiously legal although he said that he is going to keep using it until his homegrown forum software is ready, which hopefully now will be never as it would just get owned even worse than this) and stock xF not doing proper CORS because they didn't expect some weirdo who is bad at coding to make a chat plugin that dealt with .opus media files has nothing to do with their licensing regimen.
>>1651520That's not who that anon means, anon.
>>1651521Rest in peace, unironically.
No. 1651533
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And for everyone that argues with the schizo tranny, there’s a reason every nonnie says not to engage him. He gets a thrill invading spaces he doesn’t belong. As one nonna said, ignore him.
No. 1651536
>>1650646Google has a pretty obnoxious password manager and will send you reminders if you're still using passwords already implicated in data breaches (e.g. you saved the password and email you use for Amazon that is the same one that was leaked during the Wattpad breach). The timing is most likely coincidental. It'll be all over Twitter if a verified dump (that is not identical to the 2019 breach) is released.
Reminder that everyone should be using a password manager. The inbuilt browser ones are alright but standalone ones are much more sophisticated and often come with their own apps for your phone and desktop and even a browser based one. Don't use the same password for every single website. It doesn't matter who you are, plenty of people underestimate how much being implicated in a breach can fuck you over. No. 1651541
File: 1663651919216.png (183.05 KB, 732x1166, 1663647089335555.png)

This random twitter user claims to have access to leaked info from Kiwifarms.
No. 1651542
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No. 1651556
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>>1651523>License on xenForoI believe you can keep using the current version but you can't use newer ones. It's weird and I'm sure some GNU poster would know more.
>>1651541Shouldn't these be hashed or am I thinking password like a retard?
>>1651472I find it ironic that Josh is sliding towards the very lolcowdom the site laughs about.
Looks like bobposting is gonna try and hide so they don't catch some sort of drug trafficking charge. I'm not sure how admitting that you're shutting down right after someone dug up dirt of you getting estrogen esters from China isn't damming to anyone with a quarter of a brain. Makes me wonder if they meant "homebrew" they meant making it soluble for injection. No. 1651570
>>1651541This looks like it is the 2019 leak again
>>1651563I'm looking for it too, found places that expect payment and I'm not doing that. Don't reply to the other anon replying to you it's the tranny.
No. 1651574
>>1651112Bex. She has been discussed here for getting KF removed off of Unsurprisingly, she got no credit for doing this.
>>1651138>Part of me thinks Null should have locked the Keffals thread once the heat got too much and then unlocked it when Keffals went elsewhere. But that would ruin Josh's FREE SPEEZE sperging and may not even work.Unfortunately, hindsight is 20/20. Barely anyone foresaw CF dropping support of KF considering they host ISIS and monkey torture websites. I heard that the reason why they dropped 8chan was because Jim Watkins insulted Prince personally but I can't verify this.
>>1651547>>1651548>>1651549NTAYRT but I was able to find and confirm the info about Josh's grandmother. Not posting links because some schizoid troon will use them to harass a grieving family who have no idea what KF is.
No. 1651824
>>1651709Amongst the Twits, it doesn't take much to be excommunited. Something small like an off color joke made 10 years ago would be enough. Hell, a person could be spotless and the right figurehead says 'uwu she's
abusive take my word for it' and that's enough. These people eat each other alive for clout, I imagine just the threat of that is enough to keep them in line.
No. 1651998
samefag as
>>1651969>>1651971just found that his grandmother passed on 20 August, so hopefully we can put this to bed. I'd like not to talk about it too much, just close the loop here.
Requium aeternam dona ei, Domine, et lux perpetua luceat ei. No. 1652006
>There's no confirmation that his grandmother died, only something the troon said which is not to be believed for a second without evidence (i.e. an obit) I was looking myself for an obit for grandparents but could not find one either through Google or are two obituaries online - a short one on a Florida funeral home site and a full one on a Virginia funeral home site. She died in Florida on August 30 and was buried in Virginia on September 9. Her husband survived her.
She's buried in the city where she was born.
No. 1652010
>>1652007Maternal, I think he has nothing to do with the paternal side. I found it on a people search/aggregator site so there is nothing there but her dates and I couldn't find an obit but I guess
>>1652006 did
No. 1652040
>>1652037Hrmmm alright I'll go with you, but if it turns out to be wrong I'll be throwing out told ya sos like no tomorrow.
Anyone asking for it to be posted; Josh is shit but his grandma probably wasn't, let the dead sleep.
No. 1652077
>>1651544Based, I refuse to use online password managers and just keep mine in a neat little book near my PC.
Anyone who trusts some company to keep a log of ALL their passwords is begging to be fucked.
No. 1652078
File: 1663703878746.png (111.4 KB, 612x413, Screenshot_2022-09-20 Clara So…)

>parents who don't want their children to mutilate and sterilize themselves are infantilizing UwU
He deleted some of his stupid fucking tweets criticizing the guy, but this one is still up.
No. 1652083
>>1652077Yes using one that stores your shit online is dumb. I use KeePass which stores it locally on my machine and copy the file to a USB thumb drive so it is safe. It works pretty well.
>>1652078Keffals is going to get his in time, just wait.
No. 1652116
>>1652097you’re right, but there is a certain logic to it regardless - using a different name and possibly finding someone to help him/be used as a proxy who can be the name on all the paperwork once things have cooled down would probably not be an awful idea for him
also just throwing this out there, i was enjoying the dylan mulvaney thread on kf and i was wondering if anyone thinks he’s worth his own thread here? i know there’s the mtf thread, but thats mostly trannies in the news and on reddit, mulvaney is a very big influencer in his own right and i think an egregious enough cow to have earned his own thread - just wondering if anyone else would actually post in it lol
No. 1652125
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Update from Null.
No. 1652139
>>1652112They will bend the second they mention trans hate and "muh opression".
>>1652125Link parents didn't move from a shithole to get a new version of this bullshit.
>>1652116>ProxyThat would imply that people would be willing to do this. You have to remember that these people will be treated worse than Infowars, unless someone has fuck you money and doesn't need to work for a living (like my broke ass) who would help him? Null probably has a higher chance getting a drug addict to do this for him then the average person.
>>1652131Two words: Alex Jones.
When the neo-Bolsheviks kick down regular peoples doors. I am going to laugh and say I told you so while they regret this and have a moral dilemma because they have been programmed to listen to the media.
No. 1652167
By running a stalking website over the cover of a lolcow comedy website.
I've been thinking about the Troongeddon and KF a lot and I keep coming back to the same thing: Regardless if what's happening is "right" or "wrong", Null brought this on himself by not taking the reality of his site seriously and planning ahead years ago.
Even before this liberal deplatforming nonsense, the internet was shrinking and becoming easier to manipulate. In addition, the nature of KF meant it was ALWAYS going to get enemies who would fuck with it. Null was always destined to be banned from payment processors, etc. At no point did Null realize this early, instead betting on reality having his back despite the mounting evidence that no, big tech and liberals were gonna severely limit him eventually.
There absolutely were steps he could have taken to prevent this, like having a primary source of income not tied to forum donations, taking better care of hiding his personal info, not sperging about his private life constantly (he had no reason to divulge that his grandma died). He should have reined in his community better to deter fedposting and insane people giving the troons ammo to villainize KF further. This site does not have anywhere near the same problems, which doesn't mean Lucas wont target us next, but so far he hasn't and it'll be harder to claim we caused people to suicide because we try and enforce the no-cowtipping policy. it's not perfect, but we don't have mods and an admin who encourage it like dumbass Null did with Ralph, DSP, etc.
tl;dr - As dire as this Keffals shit is, Null still deserves criticism for being lazy and entitled and acting righteous was going to deter psychotic libs from trying to destory his life. On top of KF already having a garbage rep.
No. 1652172
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This was posted in /pt/. Anyone wanna make bets what absolutely horrific thing landed him a kiwi thread kek? He has a male name so I'm gonna bet illegal degenerate shit. There are no innocents with a thread especially not one who managed to somehow get thatbsoread around
No. 1652210
>>1652187YES, THANK YOU!
They really bet everything on a conservative revolution stemming from Trump's win, to the point that Qanons just assumed Trump would pardon them for breaching the capitol. The online right was so drunk on dunking on hysterical liberals, they thought said libs could never fight back effectively. Which was a profoundly retarded take even in the hubbub around 2016.
The saddest part is Null had real opportunities at the height of Magamania. There were lots of people and orgs he could hook up with to network and protect himself with. Instead, he just let /pol/tards flood the site and suck his dick and assumed he would always have access to their cryptobux, which slowly stopped being the case as the paypigs started leaving and your avergae /pol/lack being too stupid to understand crypto in the first place.
No. 1652220
>>1652172I know exactly who that is. His name is StarKiller or something like that (not exactly) and he is a schizophrenic from Indonesia obsessed with the YA book series
Mortal Engines. He is harmless as far as I remember. Analog Devolved is a KF user who is his personal troll. He has been running around the Internet posting weird shit like this for a couple years now.
No. 1652232
>>1652199He shouldn't have said anything, period. Go to the funeral, and if something happens to KF just make a quick update later at night from his phone or whatev. True, the troon vultures could still find the obituary, but if he didn't say anything they wouldn't think to look for it. The thing about opsec is it's impossible to be airtight unless you're a glowie or go full Ted K. Good opsec is about not leaving breadcrumbs as much as hiding what you can.
>>1652222lmfao all you Kiwichuds think anyone who's mean to Josh is a gash-haver. Truth is, until Null decided to call haram on grifters like BakedAlaska and Nick Fuentes, the trolling against Trump and the right was paltry compared to non-stop libbashing. Even when KF got a Biden Derangement Syndrome thread, the average Kiwi couldn't admit that Trump didn't care about them and they were taken on a ruse cruise, or else they'd be bullied for being a Twitter lefty.
No. 1652244
>>1652231Another thing, Null needed to know how to compromise and yes, even take things down as needed. The Christchurch footage was absolutely not worth the trouble it caused, in fact I still vividly remember Null making a big stink about a seperate, non-lurker subforum dedicated to murdercows and shooters epcifically so they could be discussed without being given fame.
Lo and behold, Christchurch happened and said subforum vanished. Null was so desperate for users he kept up murder footage and got tons of unhinged r/watchpeopledie edgelords, when all he had to do was not fucking host the file.
What moral superiority does hosting that video get anyone? Null claimed to not be a free speech absolutists too, btw.
No. 1652255
>>1652247They're not illegal under US law, but they attracted a bunch of right-wing spergy edgelords as did the discussions post-2016 US Election but in fairness the whole internet got mega-autistic about politics at that time, only Josh catered both deliberately and not deliberately to a particular sort of /pol/tard audience. You see a lot of them outright saying "thank you Josh for giving me a place to say nigger", straight up, not even making a parody here. I'm all for a wide spectrum of political discussion and I'm no leftie myself but those people bring nothing but toxicity. And the lolcow discussion, I like Ethan Ralph as a cow but that brought a lot of refugees from 8/cow/ who are in a 24/7 state of ayops and that didn't help matters either but remember that was all connected with a personal feud/vendetta Josh had with the man, and the political shit with Josh's autistic freeze peach ideas, so yeah, pretty much every bad turn the site took in the past 6 years+ is his own fault. I could go on.
>>1652250My tinfoil is that he was selfposting. It's let up recently, as he has been busy, and it tended to be focused in hours that he would be awake in Serbia. Plus we know he is
reading or at least has people telling him what gets posted here about him given how in the first few threads he directly adjusted some of the stuff he was saying and doing seemingly in response to stuff posted in these threads.
No. 1652260
>>1652247Once again, it's not about something being right or wrong or legal or illegal. Loli porn is
technically not illegal because it's a fictional depiction of naked cartoon children and not real ones. But it's still worth nuking anyone who posts that shit because it brings in the wrong kind of crowd and gives ammo to people who can fuck with you. Even if you can effectively fight back, you have to ask yourself whether it's worth the headache. If the Christchurch video was actually of some Dem sentaor doing something super-illegal, then yeah, keep it up. But nobody but hyper-spergs wants to watch kill footage.
Null's whole frozen peach act is just a grift to get more people to give him money and attention. It's not about ideals.
No. 1652262
>>1652253His BPD is on the upswing.
Or he found some lost coupons for pizza dn diet coke.
No. 1652267
>>1652260> Loli porn is technically not illegalReminder when his fediverse instance got taken down he went straight to which is full of loli and pedo content even though he tried to say he was against that stuff before. When criticized his response was "any port in a storm" as if having a twitter clone at hand was more important than avoiding sites with open pedophiles for admins. And that whole debacle lead to a lot of inter-site drama that
may (emphasis may) have been the impetus for people to hack his ass. So many of his losses come from unforced errors on his part.
No. 1652278
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I cannot believe [I can] how many websites where you can threaten and harass and discuss plans to murder women on, websites where you can openly discuss your lust for children, websites you can discuss and share monkey torture, etc that stay up… but a site laughing at trannies is what's absolutely forbidden.
Women-hating men who live out the most sexist, degrading stereotypes demand you consider them equal and control internet speech.
Never give these freaks an inch. Never let them into your lives. Ever.
No. 1652285
>>1652279But he didn't
need a fediverse instance, he had the telegram, etc. It just shows he has no principles. The ensuing drama when the lolicons of got really, really mad at Kiwis calling them pedos was pretty funny though, I must admit. As is the fact that it very well could be them who hacked him (simplest explanation given that they put their logo up as everyone's avatars) is also hilariously fitting.
No. 1652288
>>16522741. There's already troons on lolcow, it's one of our worst kept secrets
2. Troons have bad attention spans, eventually they'll move on and go back to jerking off to porn or playing too much video games. And this site is anti-troon enough that they probably can't go to any other thread or else they'll be reminded of how gross they are. Despite the front they put up, trannies really are inches away from suicide at all times
No. 1652303
>>1652268A fair point. Any offshoots or resurrection identifiably tied to Kiwi is going to be dead in the water, though. I'm surprised they haven't just tried to rebrand already.
>>1652274Maybe some but I doubt that, long term, enough will for it to matter. This site cracks down hard on a lot of things that are (or were) commonplace on Kiwi Farms, and despite the general focus being the same I can't think of many things about this site that would appeal to KF scrotes. They'd probably go to rDrama or something instead.
No. 1652304
And if Null didn't have the defenses to fight back then he should have considered the unconsiderable, closing down tranny threads. Not defending troons, but you need to pick your battles and Null wanted to fight everyone at all times.
No. 1652311
>>1652300Lul Josh has every sign of a troon-to-be. From his soft facial features to his autism to being too obsessed with the internet and computer shit to not getting any sex.
>>1652305I'm on rdrama and the place is flooded with kiwifugees because the owners are just like Null and obsessed with active user numbers and e-fame. This thread and the KF threads on rdrama are like night and day, the stuff I've brought up here get immediately attacked by the Null Defense Force as they spam Not Real Woman at me like I'm actually a tranny.
No. 1652323
>>1652308Not OP but you got me thinking about another unnecessary hit KF took for itself, caused by lack of moderation and sane site atmosphere. I have no doubt that a shitton of Kiwi "evidence" is faildox taken as holy truth, and good old fashioned photoshop. Doesn't happen all the time, but the sheer number of morons who look at a random Discord screenshot and assume it's true was pretty high. It takes little effort to fake a Discord chat pic and the nature of Discord means you cant archive it and the offender wont give access to their personal acount to prove it, nor will they let in people trying to harass them to the private servers they posted it in, allegedly.
Dont get me wrong, KF had lots of accurate info and did have value in exposing genuine creeps and criminals, Keffals included. But Null let the site be overrun by what we call vendetta-chans posting complete horseshit occasionally puts the rest of the site's accuracy in the toilet for normies, even with receipts.
No. 1652330
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Forgot pic
>>1652311If Josh turned troon he'd look exactly like her, you can't unsee it. But all memes aside yeah if he were, say, a jannie on SA or that gaming forum who's name escaped me, any place that was or has became super pro-troon, he'd be on estrogen already.
No. 1652355
>>1652342Obv I can't comb through KF looking for examples, but you can't verify authenticity of discord screenshots which are used a lot. >>1652325 did it for fun and got away with it.
Then there's the Gunt forum where even with Ralph being a white trash scumbag, Kiwis still exaggerated shit like his arrests and even the sex tape to essentially deplatform him, too.
No. 1652356
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>>1652304Nah. He should have banned doxxing and made it a rule that pictures of children must always be censored. That alone would have made it much harder for the site to be framed as dangerous. Men in dresses shout the loudest but nobody likes them and there is heavy demand for sites that allow women to discuss their antics.
No. 1652368
>>1652356Fucking hell, remember when Null allowed a thread on Ethan Ralph's son who was LITERALLY JUST BORN? What the fuck do you get out of a thread obsessing over a 1 day old fetus!?!? It's okay though, KF is just a comedy forum haha guys just chill
>>1652356Did this atrocity come from a Aphex Twin music video because jesus christ
No. 1652386
>>1652368The discussion in the baby's thread is about the parents. Basically no different than we talk about Baby Fern in the Alice thread.
>>1652374You're probably the tranny but for the record they absolutely did not.
No. 1652391
>>1652388Null > troons
Although that is a very low bar to clear.
No. 1652412
>>1652353Threads vary as to whether they have an accurate address. What made the site hated was its excellent SEO, and connecting pseudonyms with real names. No one wants their handle or their real name Googled then have a top result be the most unflattering information about oneself.
People invoke dox because it's easy to get others in a panic about it, even though in the United States it's usually trivial finding a current address for someone if you have their real name.
No. 1652445
>>1652412I'm curious as to how Doxbin stays up. I wouuld assume its because their team is more competient than Josh.
>>1652427Technically there's the rules of nature request…. If you were underaged and stopped being a cow you could be removed after a user vote. I think it's only successfully invoked once in the history of the fourms.
>>1652247>NZYeah, they sent him a court order of which he promptly replied in the typical American way, fuck off.
>>1652167>deplatformingTo be fair, the only way to deal with these people would to be to hit back. That's not very effective when the aparatus of the state is slanted against you.
>>1652260If Null wants to die on that hill, let him. Personally, I think that the issue is that American society as a whole wants the first amendment to go away. Imagine what the average person gets personall offended to the point of calling the cops on you for. It's not hard.
No. 1652456
>>1652453> I heard that it was an attempt to prevent the userbase from making Discords.It even tried to look like Discord. While Josh sort of has a point that Discord seems to lead inevitably to drama and gayops it just seems like another manifestation of his megalomania and wanting to centralize all lolcow discussion on himself.
>>1652451He was thinking with his swollen ego is what he was thinking. I still can't get over how hilariously trivial the attack was but my favorite part is when he called it "sophisticated." His userbase might buy into that or be afraid of commenting to him otherwise but I hope that his bullshit getting emasculated ITT by actual women who know tech suitably shames him.
No. 1652461
>>1652453 >discordBrainrot. I know IRC was around but why would they want to use literal spyware?
>>1652456I mean, it's sophisticated in the sense he didn't "anticipate it" I guess. He literally would have been better off with a seperately hosted IRC client with hashed IPs. Even I saw this coming and I know jack shit on tech.
No. 1652468
The writing has been on the wall for a long time and once Null fucked himself by allowing doxing it was all over. The doxxing is what differentiates KF from sites like this, Reddit, those forums where middle aged women who still use the term “snarky” while gossiping about mommy bloggers.
I know there’s concern about the Keffals army coming after LC but even if they did they have no leg to stand on. The right to doxx just wasnt worth it in the end and never has been unless someone’s actively a threat in which case it needs to be done somewhere else than a gossip forum where people are fixating on Chris Chan’s genitalia in the same breath.
No. 1652471
>>1652446I wonder what he is trying so desperately yo hide if he's this invested in bringing down KF. I mean, people didn't get KF's attention for nothing. As you said, he's a lolcow and the way he keeps tweeting misinfo about the hacking is some pathetic shit. He tweeted something about the script being in the KF server for a month and said ''KF looks very owned'' as if he wasn't pulling shit out of his ass.
>>1652455Yeah, lolcow confirmed!
No. 1652479
File: 1663719135588.jpg (1016.06 KB, 4096x2731, FPY_TwcWYAEJWPT.jpg)

QAA mentions Kiwi Farms, "the harassment site" and they play Jim Watkins drunk/demented rambling. 18 min.
No. 1652482
>>1652463I keep seeing retards on Twitter saying that ''I have info but me and my team are working on it'' for the past two days nonstop. It's like every tard on Twitter has a personal team of hackers and are ''looking into it'' as we speak.
The DropKiwiFarms account is an obsessed weirdo who spends all day every day posting screenshots from the Telegram chat and responding to kiwis by making retarded cringe tweets and the chinese kermit frog tweeted at him only the words ''shhh'' when he said something about the hacker crashing the site down while attempting to extract data.
So it looks like chinese block head is either lying to scare KF users or he's really into some criminal shit, as expected.
No. 1652511
>>1652506>not looking goodIt's also not good to shoot someone while they're trying to bang on your car window with a tire iron. Is it legal? In most US states yes.
So go fuck yourself or change the law.
No. 1652518
>>1652514Have you considered the fact that the first amendment protects unfavored speech?
Idiots like you are how we get trannies like Keffals dictating who can say what online to the major companies and not being tarred and feathered like the piece of shit they are.
No. 1652528
>>1652506I think tho, that people who want to hide things keep moving the goal posts, documenting ana valens and keffals weird tweets or discord posts about raping, breeding, and abusing "cis women" is called doxing by them. now they know it works to deplatform kiwifarms, they'll use it to take down anyone else. It doesn't matter what kf did or didn't do bc there were so many lies spread in the past few months, nobody cares if it actually occurred on the website or not, like that canadian press article starting that tarrant posted and live streamed the Christchurch massacre on kf, everything to do w near/byuu's not suicide, fed posting, so on.
I do think that Josh made a lot of retarded mistakes like the sneedchat but there's a lot more going on here than meets the eye.
No. 1652560
>>1652549Those addresses aren’t being posted directly into a thread full of people a-logging about the individual being doxxed. I realize this sounds fucking insane because LOGICALLY if someone wants to find your address badly enough they’ll do it without being spoonfed info on a forum but all these hosts/ddos protection services care about is optics and liability and “it doesn’t look good” is a
valid enough reason in their eyes. They don’t give a shit.
No. 1652563
>>1652558this, they fucking dox themselves lol, keffals and other terminally online retards cannot stop posting photos and telling the internet where they are and what they are doing constantly
they don't care about the """dox""", they care about the stupid shit they do being laughed at and documented
No. 1652574
>>1652567The first one. See
>>1650435 >>1650450 and some discussion around there
No. 1652583
>>1652572There's an awful lot of ''tech pros'' on social media alluding to the latter tbh, so the waters are really muddy about it. And honestly, I don't trust everything Null says because I don't think he even knows what really happened.
>>1652575Sounds about right. But Null's allegation that the hacker got nothing is a little out there. I don't think a hacker would go thru all the process of hacking and when actually accessing what they needed they would shit the bed this bad. Like, trying to get everything at once is something a complete computer illiterate person would do. I'm not buying this.
No. 1652623
>>1652598Occam's Razor:
Do not multiply entities unnecessarily.The simplest explanation is that someone from the pedo fediverse instance called (who were as a group sperging out
hard at being called by pedos by Kiwis) changed every KF pfp to the avatar as an own on KF, tried to download some stuff, failed, and fucked off.
No. 1652638
>>1652590One way to tell if anything is leaked is if any Kiwi Farms users report having their employer contact them with questions about their membership on the site, getting fired, or getting banned from any organizations they have memberships with (churches, local political parties, civics groups, clubs, etc.) So far, I haven't seen any reports of this happening.
Someone could hypothetically keep the information to themselves and a trusted group of people on a private discord if the hacker wanted to manage the doxing and harassing out of the public eye.
>>1652598If the data leak was successful, then it was either obtained by high functioning trannies like Elliot Fong Jones (the more coombrained and dumber ones cannot be trusted to control themselves once they have they info and stay quiet) or the feds. I've wondered if there are some "silent partners" in this whole operation who are tech trannies who have high paying jobs but don't mention politics much in publicly accessible online places. Martin "Martine" Rothblatt is a likely possibility of being a silent partner based on rich trannies I'm aware of. Feds might want to obtain the data as a means of free speech suppression or revenge for the thread on former CIA agent Michael Janke's psycho daughter if they hacked it. The feds can be VERY petty and vengeful about things like this.
No. 1652675
>>1652623my pfp never changed though and i was signed on at the time, just lurking
not important but i don't get it
No. 1652680
>>1652675AYRT I dunno, I'm just going off of Josh's own statement, I wasn't signed on "at the time" (whatever that means, you might or might not have noticed it if they maliciously changed all pfps and then Josh shut it all down soon thereafter) but Josh states
all user pfps were changed to the logo of "another website" which he does not name, presumably because he's clinging to the theory that some third party is trying to stir up drama between him and, which is not impossible, but I doubt it.
No. 1652692
>>1652661thats exactly what i was talking about, trannies are absolute fucked up individuals with poor impulse control and decision making skills, so if one of them have the data, its surprising they didn't leaked it all over the place
i'm still not convinced that the site crashed and no info was stolen, even if said info is only ips, emails and hashed passwords, it is still info and someone somewhere will try to benefit from it maliciously. i don't care if the attack was refined or just a slackjob, it happened and i doubt it ended in ''site-crashed-oh-well-nothing-i-can-do-better-leave'' type of thing
No. 1652697
>>1652690Absolutely. r/drama was one of the first fully trans supportive boards on Reddit, followed by r/badfemaleanatomy ( because scrotes pretending to be women complaining about large breasts but not dicks is totally legit.)
Either you suck the girldick or get banned. r/KotakuinAction avoids the ban by completely banning any and all discussion of the Troonacy. r/Instagram reality bans anyone who points out that it's a man, you can say absolutely anything. The moment you identify a scrote "misgendering" as they put it, you're banned and just this week, r/churchofthecurrentthing got banned because they openly refused to bend over and spread for the trannies.
No. 1652724
File: 1663728784012.png (31 KB, 1200x1200, 1200px-Urbit_Logo.svg.png)

What do you think would happen if Josh tried hosting KF on Urbit or ICP or another Web3 service that claims to support free speech? I wonder if they would let the trannies have their way or stick to their word.
No. 1652735
If by stalking you mean reacting to public fucking posts, then most facebook users are stalkers.
I just want to laugh at Scalfani and the Tranch!
No. 1652753
>>1652676>>1652679>>1652690>>1652697I hate rdrama but it is in no way worse than Kiwi Farms, even with Carp's little takeover plans. Kiwi Farms went from trolls into the Internet Police but with no consistent principles which is the worst combo
Also rdrama isn't as troon friendly as people think. It spams a bunch of gay stuff on the frontpage to keep away the /pol/tards, which doesn't work because they still come and spam tranny threads endlessly, like even more than we do and that's saying something. Just having a troon or two on the mod team means nothing, not that I'm really worried about any of this
No. 1652784
File: 1663733154860.png (98.3 KB, 835x698, marco.png)

>>1652253He elaborated a little bit on his stream. He said that he received an email from somebody (presumably important) who requested a phone call. Josh had/has already written some sort of statement about it which includes a quote from CommieDickGurl (you may recall that he asked for CDG's details on Poast – that was why) but he hasn't released it yet. He has stopped mentioning it so there is a chance that whatever it is fell through when he continued to get deplatformed…
I am a little bit optimistic though that there's still something happening. Although if everything fell through he probably doesn't want to show his hand. I suspect it's related to pic related. My theory is that Marc is connected enough to help Null get in touch with people who can help him fight back although looking at his credentials it really seems like he'd be aligning with a pretty greasy person… I can't really judge if this is a bad move considering that Joshua Moon and KF are too dirty for anyone to touch at this point.
No. 1652794
>>1652491That's not the worse part, the tranny also keeps tracks the hours and activity, with some google docs file, here is an archive link:, of the mods and some of the more prolific posters of the telegram channel.
Sinseer/Dropkiwifarms is an absolute mental case, from all the trannies in existance this man needs to be the first line to be locked up in some mental hospital, preferably after a lobotomy.
No. 1652797
>>1652784>Randazza represents multiple far-right figures, including conspiracy theorists Alex Jones, Mike Cernovich, and Chuck Johnson; and neo-Nazi, white supremacist, antisemitic conspiracy theorist Andrew Anglin. Randazza defended a participant in the planning of the violent Unite the Right rally who used the pseudonym "Kristall.night" (cf. Kristallnacht). Kristall.night claimed that a federal subpoena against the app Discord following the deadly rally would reveal her identity and expose her to potential harm through doxing.Randazza has defended Anglin in a lawsuit filed by a Jewish realtor in Whitefish, Montana, whom Anglin had published the name and address of on his neo-Nazi website The Daily Stormer. Randazza had argued that Anglin was not responsible for the subsequent harassment and death threats the woman received, as the personal information was protected as free speech. This claim was rejected by U.S. District Court Judge Dana L. Christensen, who noted that Anglin was actively encouraging and participating in the plaintiff's harassment, and that calls to violence against a private individual are not protected speech.
No. 1652804
>>1652797Oh fuck is this the smoothbrain that fucked up Alex Jone's Sandy Hook trial?
>calls to violence against a private individual are not protected speech.Not necessarily violence but this is what FREESPEESH nerds don't understand. The first amendmant is not a Get Out Of Saying Nigger Free card. There has always been cases where it hasn't saved someone from saying something, it's not a new phenomenon. If I scream KIKE at a Jewish guy on the street repeatedly, he's gonna call the cops and I'm going to get arrested for disorderly conduct, amendments be damned.
In order for the 1st to properly save you, you need good lawyers and an understanding of how the law has used the amendment so as to not walk into an unsafe position i.e. the shit with Alex Jones and Sandy Hook.
Obviously, this is all miles above the head of any of these terminally online morons including Keffals.
No. 1652815
>>1652784> although looking at his credentials it really seems like he'd be aligning with a pretty greasy personI know who
you actually mean but honestly, who is greasier than who in this situation? lol
No. 1652848
File: 1663736519998.jpg (86.1 KB, 1778x998, 5eb9e563240000a8078eaa3b.jpg)

>>1652841Yes how dare we talk shit about Lil' Joshy in the dedicated Kiwi Farms thread
You Kiwiscrotes are so obvious to pick up on lmao
No. 1652947
>>1649200Man, imagine if trannies channelled their energy into something productive instead of seething at Null for weeks on end.
How many times have trannies prematurely declared victory at this point? KF has gone down a million times. It always comes back. This whole retarded slapfight is an unstoppable force against an immovable object.
No. 1652976
Thanks for the cleanup jannies
>>1652940Maybe no hidden evil but there’s bound to be some questionable things in DMs if they managed to get those
No. 1652999
>>1652997Not only* silencing
Also even my few friends who are usually pretty gender critical gave me shit for questioning this whole ordeal. It feels I'm the one going insane not clapping with everyone.
No. 1653014
>>1652997And irony of it all, this will be labeled as a win for "women".
You did donate to Keffals, dear fellow empowered female? You wouldn't want to be one of those traitor looking away from the discrimination of your bleeding peers?
>>1653008While true, it's in general due to how trannies are disproportionately more present on internet.
No. 1653019
>>1653015>If someone’s dumb enough to do that they have it comingI agree with the rest of your post, it's appalling that the pre-2010 tradition of "never posting anything personal online" is completely lost.
But I'm conflicted about "they have it coming".
It sounds like legitimizing harassment that many girls go through. Yeah it's dumb, mistakes do happen especially when children are on the internet earlier then ever and don't know better, never got the memo, and zoomers post stuff that will forever be there.
It's more on the parents or school.
"They had it coming" idk, I just can't condom that like it's just the
victim's fault.
No. 1653027
>>1652997Yeah but remember uh, uh Miku says Trans Rights! Most oppressed class. The hate crimes! 0.02% of all violent crime globally with nearly all of those happening in South America, even!
They just want to pee! Trans rights is letting transwomen in women's prisons and DV shelters! The transphobia of being denied, big yikes.
We must do more to protect transpeople! Protect transkids! Protect transwoman as they reach out to boys on Discord for pinkpilling and requesting HRT progress pics, and Yas Kween'ing 14 year old girls wanting to share their breast removal scar Tiktoks and irreversible HRT progress vids!
Yaaaas suppress legal databases updating and connecting deadnames and gender change names for those silly old sex offender crime registries, slay those records kween! Trans rights is free legal name changes from federally funded legal aid programs and non-profits yasss
No. 1653036
>>1653031Oh you're probably right yeah, I was making a more general stance about the idea of "They had it coming!" for internet harassment when one mistake can't be undone and may paid heavily while people aren't educated about internet safety anymore.
Hell personally I got doxxed because the association I was in credited me in their video (for the song) as "Surname [Nickname] Lastname" and people were dedicated enough to find that 20 views video. Yeah the guy who made that credit was a dumbass, but sometimes it's hard to be 100% bulletproof when internet is everywhere.
No. 1653046
>>1652107Then they'd caption it with some stupid garbage like
>gender neutral bathroom durrhurrThey'd have to be even more deranged and retarded than they already are to do something like that, but I wouldn't put it past them. It would be yet another instance of moids punishing a woman for something she had nothing to do with.
No. 1653061
>>1653036I’m sorry that happened to you nonna. I think you’re right and I was
victim blaming in my post
>>1653015 because I was just thinking about moids powerleveling by bragging about scraping illegally leaked SSNs off the dark web without thinking of the larger implications (besides, that other anon is probably right and all of that probably goes down on discord anyway)
No. 1653078
>>1653059There is a lot of bandwagoning retards jumping in on this thing. Mostly for virtue-signaling points. It's kinda cringe. The only information they have are from vendetta-chans on twitter and journofags. I find it funny that suddenly everyone claims they're somehow
victims of 'worst place on the internet'.
No. 1653120
>>1653117Same for me. EVERY site I used to enjoy using has been hijacked or fucked up by trannies in some form too.
>"Just go outside LOL" doesn't work anymore.Second that. I have to deal with trannies in my classes for the next two years and my university pushes this gender crap hard. I can’t wait to leave this city.
No. 1653135
File: 1663763045026.png (229.51 KB, 1713x1249, keffals.PNG)

>>1653095>>1653087Not particularly fond of 4chan, but while trannies are indeed numerous there, they're concentrated in specific boards like /lgbt/ or /pol/, but rare in other like /out/ or /ck/. Most boards including hellholes like /vt/ still dislike or laugh at them.
Even in /lgbt/ you'll find many trans who are more critical of their peers there, pic-rel, not many places they can speak without being pilled on, so they post there.
No. 1653216
File: 1663771426093.png (33.67 KB, 600x230, Screenshot_2022-09-21 Liz Fong…)

These "people" consider children being unable to block puberty a humans right violation, and then write shit like this.
When trannies commit crime:
>Ahahaha, take that transphobes!
When trannies are the victims of crime:
>Nooooooo, you can't do that, we should only be held to the legal standards!
No. 1653243
File: 1663773565273.png (262.96 KB, 598x801, no mail 4 u.png)

>none of us want you dead, Joshso obviously Elliot has the most graphic murder fantasies about Null. wonder how much guro he's commissioned.
No. 1653265
>>1653243What a fuckin hypocrite. This same logic can be applied to them easily when they say shit like "JK Rowling wants us dead! They all want us dead" like no… we just want y'all to stop abusing lesbians and female only spaces you deluded dingbats.
Lolcow probably will come to an end sooner than later, this site certainly peaked me and gave me courage to be a loud and proud
terf. I will remember it fondly.
No. 1653273
>>1653243LMAO. That's the account run by a 50-year-old schizo troon with an adult site he ran with his wife back in like 2007. He then spent his recent year harassing kids on various video games. The latest was Fallout 76 which he spent 16,000 hours on before he got banned. That game came out in late 2018.
Shame his KF thread was starting to get spicy.
No. 1653313
File: 1663777648887.jpg (64.46 KB, 1058x791, jolene goodlady.jpg)

>not even a poster on Kiwi Farms(reddit space)
(optimistic emoji)
No. 1653319
>>1653304I noticed this too, was up earlier about 4 hours ago and seemed to be running fine when I last used it. I didn't see any posts warning of a take down or an upcoming attack. I see nothing other than a generic 404 page now.
You can see a mirror of the account of's founder/admin Graf (A.K.A. Anime Graf Mays) here. There's nothing out of the ordinary in his last few posts which suggests facing an identifiable threat. He did make a post warning about having backup plans in case the instance goes down. It can be read here: Kiwi Farms' Fediverse instance is and that's still down and has been for a while. may have been targeted since a lot of Kiwi Farms users migrated there, and the troons may have noticed it also has a strong free speech supporting policy with lots of transphobic and far right members.
No. 1653343
>>1653338Make 1 email for every sus shit you subscribe to and never tie it to your phone number or your actual email. Never post your own pictures. Etc.
Its basic ops. Jesus Christ, I cant believe people are that fucking dumb. I can definitely imagine brainless zoomers who subbed to KF during the whole Bella debacle doing that shit but if you've been around chan-culture for more than 2 years you should know that for sure. I won't shed a tear for these morons.
No. 1653355
>>1653036Some schools put up student lists online for special activities, with years included, and never take them down. That's a huge tool to dox someone just because it hands basic info over in a tidy package, and boomer former teachers don't understand why it's a problem.
If you have a distinct name you can be fucked over so much more easily without even knowing. The best gift you can give your kids today is a boring name that tens of thousands of people have.
No. 1653393
>>1653389If he does release the torrent, I'm imagining a hundred different "KF" sites full of shady bullshit, a 123movies type scenario. I would want him to release the info, though, if KF were to look to be down forever. At the very least all the dox and receipts on people's behavior. As for working on a new forum I hope Josh has been suitably shamed out of ever writing code for one again, that's for sure, but however "ironclad" it might be, you're quite right, it won't be. I suspect what we will be seeing is him on Tor fighting off DDoS attacks of varying severity day-to-day, but enough to significantly degrade user experience, a lot of casuals give up, and a hard-core remains. Probably not all pleasant folks, either.
No. 1653395
>>1653362A few possibilities:
1. The site becomes Tor only.
2. The site gets taken offline completely and doesn't go back up.
3. The site goes offline, but eventually comes back up after several weeks or months once Null and some trusted friends and supporters build their own support network services. Taking the site offline would take the heat off of it and allow Null and others to focus 100% of their energy on building proper support and security resources instead of splitting the time between that and keeping the site up and moderating it. The new DDoS protecting and hosting services would also have the potential to become profitable businesses and attract other customers who want reliable support from pro-free speech companies.
4. Null is able to find reliable companies and put the site back up on the clearnet.
5. The site splits up into 2 or more different forums. These could potentially include the off-topic boards and articles & news becoming their own thing, the different lolcow sub-boards (furries, trannies, misc. web communities, DSP, Chris-chan, etc.) splitting off into one or more forums, and the people who want to post doxing information going their own way to have a dox friendly forum while doxing is not allowed on the main Kiwi Farms forum.
I think situations 3 and 5 are the most viable in the long run. Situation 3 would require money and a lot of effort that may be a hurdle too high. Situation 5 could allow Null to hand off the more controversial portions of the site to someone else and wash his hands of all future responsibility. He would get a more chill, noncontroversial version of the site to moderate as a result, and most of the community would continue to post there.
The most likely options to me as of right now are 1, 2, and 5. A lot of people who use the site enjoy the community there and don't have an interest in discussing the same content elsewhere like Reddit or 4chan, so there will be a continuation of the Farms one way or another even if Null's not involved.
Keffals, Elliot Fong Jones, bobposting, and the rest of the tranny gang are so vile that it would be a shame to lose to them of all the enemies Kiwi Farms has had over the years. I'd honestly rather have the site go down due to Ethan Ralph, Chantal, Melinda Leigh Scott, or Vordrak than any of them.
No. 1653440
>>1653292yes please kek, the tranch troons are all so disgusting and the alpaca milk sure flows freely. I always figured they didn't get posted as much in the MtF threads anymore because any drama on them was in a bigger KF thread.
Might be best to request it to be on autosage if you make a thread though
No. 1653445
File: 1663786224117.gif (1.85 MB, 260x300, 1654813606583.gif)

Did Null get kicked from poast too? Or did trannies manage to kill the site
No. 1653472
>>1653471I just said I was intentionally annoying, you're months late for this kind of discourse but;
Yes I have a therapist, PTSD from childhood and possible BPD but tbh my 'mania' is tied to what goes on instead of random, it's a current debated topic and not by me, I naturally sought more than one opinion on my brain. Unlike most trannies I got diagnosed, had a psych for years now, I still call her sometimes but I got nothing new to vent about.
What kind of idea do you have that I act like this irl? The internet is to act silly on, not take seriously.
No. 1653476
>>1653474Set off?
How would you know my emotions?
>>1653475Yeah thats what Im wondering too, seems like a fed set up at this point tbh cause I aint heard shit aboot it
No. 1653487
>>1653472You should probably call your psychiatrist again. You're not annoying or silly, just weird in the same way a schizophrenic writhing on the floor is weird.
Spamming is not a healthy hobby. You could learn a skill or hang out with friends with the time you waste here.
No. 1653490
>>1653475Probable that they've found the caller by now but still are working on gathering all evidence. We'll hear about an arrest in the coming months when this whole thing has died down one way or another.
>>1653481I think anon is talking about MTG, since that was a clear false flag in KF.
No. 1653547
>>1653481Exactly. That's I'd it even happened at all. Keffals is a career
victim, for all we know a police officer knocked on his door asking when one of his neighbours will be home and became the foundation of "kiwifarms are using the police to kill me and also Null has a drone fleet he uses to spy on the tranch"
>>1653419Cap. The hell are you going on the 24th?
No. 1653574
File: 1663792926038.png (88.46 KB, 651x537, Screenshot 2022-09-21 16.40.55…)

>>1653551I remember a simpler time.
No. 1653657
To be fair judging from the intensity the troon brigade larps as l33t h4xx0rs with no leak on sight imma assume it’s all hot air and not bother anymore
No. 1653708
>>1653704Sending people threatening emails filled with lies about a business partner of theirs and forwarding these lies to other customers of that service to make them put pressure must be illegal, there's libel, blackmail, harassment, probably more in that.
If Null was a millionaire he could probably sue those people if he could get their dox, but he isn't, so he will get libelled against by individuals and institutions without recourse.
No. 1653731
>>1653708What lies, though? Remember libel law in the US is very hard to meet the burden of actually libelling someone, it has to be
untrue among other things. Does Josh host the doxes of troons? Post transphobic rhetoric? Was he involved in swatting troons? Last one, no, almost certainly not, but try proving it with all the other shit that has been posted.
>>1653715>>1653721Private company, can do business with whomever they want, etc. I'm not saying this is a good thing, especially as it may be used to go after people much more sympathetic than Josh, but this is a nonstarter. Come on.
No. 1653741
>>1653737ayrt …
and have to prove that it was maliciously spread falsehoods. That's not happening. And actually, not really at all easy to prove that it harmed him financially all, first off does he want to open up his cryptocurrency records? And do you think that he got fewer donations, or more, after all this stuff?
No. 1653752
File: 1663802923797.gif (451.29 KB, 350x650, hanyu.gif)

Let me guess, either a vtumor or one of the TES faggots
No. 1653784
>>1653761> There are already articles claiming that Brenton Tarrant posted his manifesto on the forums which is complete bullshit. It is complete bullshit, but these people are not known for nuance.
> Plus, Byuu’s "suicide" was easily debunked and Lucas and the journalists keep parading it as fact.Well, the very fact that journalists are parading it as fact gives it a veneer of "truth" and journalists and others cover for using it as if it were true, same as the Tarrant stuff. AYRT re: Josh's chances of a libel action. They are dismal. Anything otherwise is cope.
>>1653770> onion farmsI'm assuming you are on some bad faith bullshit here but just for the record here Onion Farms is run by some seriously shady characters (Kengle, boomer mega-autist with a vendetta against Null; Naught, lolicon-posting CWC ween; Angry Canadian, literal wife-beater, lolicon brony AGP cross-dresser) the latter of whom has boasted about using IP addresses of people browsing the site to dox people, so I'd be careful there.
>>1653776This, though, I haven't even clicked to see whether this is the neko shota or the raping stockings with a knife Josh edgeposting, it doesn't really matter, it's fucking disgusting, it alone is enough for me to know I'd never want to be around his ass IRL, but it's also not that atypical of edgelord moids at that age. Boring. Old news. Everyone knows this stuff.
No. 1653790
File: 1663804512829.jpg (Spoiler Image,112.42 KB, 2048x1365, 1663793416658.jpg)

Imagine this being the face of the enemy. This is the sort of person trying to unperson you. This is who has vowed to destroy you.
No. 1653815
>>1653810I thought it was tangentially related due to that crowd being why kf is down.
Trulyboff topic is that autocorrect just taught me that I've been spelling and pronouncing a word wrong in a very stupid manner.
I've been saying tangenitally instead of tangentially. No. 1653823
>>1653750unfortunately he's only written for this on his substack, and part of it is behind a paywall, but it point out that the whole point of dropping cloudflare is to be able to DDOS kf and that that's illegal, as well as that kiwifarms isn't a 'hate' site: this two-part episode on kf (posted above) is very useful, especially the part in episode two where he points out keffals probably knew the guy who posted a sign saying 'kiwifarms in ireland loyalists' bullshit was not actually farms affiliated. post by freddie deboer isn't groundbreaking but it does point out that this righteous crusade is only going to succeed in starting another 'hate' site down the future and doesn't do shit could link to other blogs but deboer and singals are actually published authors, which should hopefully make them more 'authoritative' to normies, even if they're writing on substack. unfortunately no mainstream news site i know of is investigating this critically in the slightest, so the singal substack is probably the closest you can get
No. 1653841
>>1653837cringe tinfoil
>>1653823I didn't really look at his post before, but does he seriously just "she/her" Keffals throughout and not mention that he is a troon? I don't even know what to do with friends like those, who indeed needs enemies?
No. 1653842
>>1653841How is that a tinfoil? If they DID get the DB and are still sitting on it, why wouldn’t they use it as leverage and wait until they feel “threatened” again to dump it?
For the record I don’t necessarily even think they got anything but everyone trying to convince themselves that the hacker gave up after crashing the system and left voluntarily are on copium. No one knows for sure.
No. 1653846
>>1653842ayrt & I agree mostly but I don't see Josh silently assenting to this kind of blackmail nor the people who hacked him, if they are trannies (I think it far more likely they are who they say they are i.e., even if not
that remember that right-wingers have been attacking KF up to and including false-flag swattings for weeks now) likely to rest on their laurels and shut up about it.
No. 1653857
>>1653855Dunno if we will
know-know unless someone drops leaks, but smells of LARP to me.
No. 1653862
i watched keffals gloating stream, timestamped the part where they talk about needing to shut down "incel" and other extremist websites to "nip this in the bud" before its able to proliferate further lol are absolutely deluded if you think this is going to stop at kf
No. 1653863
>>1653855nope. the script was what
triggered the profile pic change. Josh literally posted the logs of when the script hit. it was active for no time at all.
No. 1653873
>>1653866Believe it or not, most people don't care about Keffals or KF.
Lucas got it trending by buying a shit ton of Twitter bots and having a few friends do some work. It's not hard to make KF look like ass, it already is. But the majority of people stopped caring after the bots stopped spamming because they have better things to do. It's why nothing more than deplatforming has happened to Josh.
If Keffals had real power, he would lure some scumbag Democrat to join and make it look like they are taking down some internet super-nazis. But even the clout chasers like AOC dont care.
No. 1653877
>>1653862Keffals wants you to be scared of him to demoralize you, because when you're scared you're less likely to have the energy to fight back.
It's a classic propaganda tactic and it's why I advise people to calm down. You don't know if sites like ours are gonna be next for certain, and unless you have a defense plan it's damaging to worry so much about it. Keffals is jerking his broken dick at all of you doomposting.
No. 1653888
>>1653750 is an article that explains what Kiwi Farms really is V.S. the false and exaggerated way it's been portrayed by journalists. It emphasizes much of the site's growth has come from emphasizing free expression, and this has become a rarer and rarer thing on the internet. The article is actually written by an MtF too, and one who opposes trans athletes in women's sports and using puberty blockers in children at that. Greenwald is an independent journalist who is part of a dying breed of pro-free speech and anti-censorship leftists. He has periodically covered the Kiwi Farms censorship debacle, but you have to search through his Tweets to find those posts. Some of them have been screenshotted or linked to in previous threads on Lolcow like pic related. Ctrl + F for "Greenwald" to find those posts more easily.
No. 1653889
File: 1663811550905.png (69.23 KB, 762x476, Glenn_Greenwald_on_Kiwi_Farms_…)

>>1653888Pic didn't show up even though I attached it LOL.
No. 1653907
>>1653855>>1653868>>1653870In Null's telegram post he told users to: "Assume any IP you've used on your Kiwi Farms account in the last month has been leaked". My guess is that Beaumont took that to mean that the script was sitting there doing it's thing for a month, which - as some of you already pointed out - isn't necessarily true.
>>1653873>Believe it or not, most people don't care about Keffals or KF.Pretty much this. The attention span of your average person has been reduced to "2 moar weeks" memery. Big Twitch drama just dropped so even casually online people have moved on to the next thing. The only people who still care about Man vs Kiwi are Lucas, his most devout pay pigs, terminally online troons, Josh, KFers and members of adjacent communities.
No. 1653909
>>1653902it creates a villain for the narrative that keffals et al have been weaving, have you seen how much he fucking spams everyday about him on twitter lol's much harder to pin that when the blame is shared between thousands of anonymous users
No. 1653940
File: 1663815769642.jpg (249.4 KB, 1080x1476, dt.jpg)

next target acquired.
No. 1653943
File: 1663815920583.jpg (303.61 KB, 1080x1428, ee.jpg)

have never once seen a social security number on KF, maybe the wingsofredemption or DSP people? or more likely, a fucking liar flailing desperately to deplatform and hide any record of his own shit.
No. 1653946
>>1653936I'd like to think he is. I know it's just wishful thinking on my part given his status. Unless he's going to live off neetbux until the day he dies or suicide what else can he do except bring it back? The YouTube money might help him sustain a shitty quality of life for a little while but his relevancy will erode.
>>1653940Aren't the people that operate that one weirdo libertarians? They aren't even hiding behind Cloudflare and have taken their protection into their own hands. If an actual pressure campaign starts I think they will fold pretty quick.
No. 1653951
>>1653946josh has been permabanned from youtube retard
also you realise that this site also utilises and similar sites extensively as well kek
No. 1653984
>>1652810Yeah, the tranny in question is goes by the handle of SinSeer, he handles the Dropkiwifarms twitter account, before this shitshow he was famous for having over 16000 hours (that's 91% of 2 whole ass years) in Fallout 76.
>>1652833I don't know, it was probably a good idea for a man who also thinks that chopping off his dick is a good. My personal theory, is that he is trying to collect any information he can about the users to try and verify it in case of any potential leak of KF users. At any rate, it's crazy.
No. 1654006
>>1653940>>1653943one day this tranny reign of terror will end and maybe it won't be pretty and fun for them
they might want to pull back the attitudes a bit
No. 1654022
>>1654013What a retard. Good luck going up against Rupert Murdochs empire. Even Matt Walsh and the Daily Wire would stomp this troons ass.
At this point, I'd welcome a fight between Keffals retard brigade and Matt Walshs cult.
No. 1654024
>>1654019No, but what he can do is knowingly go into this aware that Tucker can/will talk about it or fight back so Keffals can pretend to be a
victim again and maximise his grift. The difference here is that Tucker can't be taken down so Keffals can milk him for money indefinitely
No. 1654026
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>>1654013dems are soy and wiggerls r strong
No. 1654032
nonnie, troons are retards, and they absolutely will not get away with making a list of their enemies here because the enemies in question are all mega rich people with a large media platform or literal politicians/religious figures. I'd love to see them try to say JK Rowling, Tucker Carlson, the pope, Gary Glinner, and Destiny are all organising their hatecrimes together in the tranny sideshow thread
No. 1654033
>>1654008>>1654013>>1654028As nice as it would be for Fox to blow the lid off of Bobposting's and Keffal's DIY HRT racket, I cannot help but think it would backfire and direct even more money into Lucas' wallet. Remember that Eli guy with his med sharing ring that Matt Walsh called out? As far as I know Eli's uni circled the wagons and nothing came of it.
But damn, if Fox does go for it I hope that their reporters have enough sense to leave out the KF/Catboy Ranch drama and focus on the seedy hormone distribution operation.
No. 1654042
>>1654013please do lmao
as far as i'm aware tucker isn't afraid of the tranny menace and loves embarrassing twitter toughies
No. 1654134
>>1652077Yip. Mine's got Pooh on it. Pooh won't fuck me over.
Do not trust your passwords with Tigger tho. I've heard things.
No. 1654161
>>1654157Replying to myself because I hit the button before I was done.
Not to mention that TL started the media smear campaign against them back in April. Its not seen as
toxic as KF but they will just start ramping up the lies and get more MSM to repeat said lies.
No. 1654164
Just out of interest, I wonder how the Irish militias feel about being dragged into an internet slapfight?
They're all ultra-conservative and are unlikely to be happy about that stupidity being presented as a serious threat. The 'ra don't send "teehee gonna kill you" notes, and if they perceive it as either being used or somehow disrespecting them, especially to support a troon…that might be the move that comes back to really bite him. Or maybe I'm just hopelessly optimistic something will stop the grandstanding little shitbag.
>>1652353The really stupid thing is that Null has said over and over he doesn't give a toss about doxing any more but he never stopped it or made it widely known. Yes, some hard-liners would've quit but tbh most of them had already been shitcanned or gone anyway. He chose to die on a hill he was no longer even standing on.
No. 1654205
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Null's mailing address issue has been fixed according to telegram.
No. 1654221
>>1654205I was wondering about this, Fort Walton Beach is full of conservatives
and CIA agents who hate gays, trannies even more.
No. 1654227
>>1654164>The IRANoona, can I ask uh how Keffals picked a fight with the 'RA out of all things? Like I get that he has delusions of grandeur and all that but I'm not seeing anything where he claimed the 'RA was going after him or trying to ratio them.
It would be monumentally funny if he does get whacked by them, can you just imagine the press statement?
>We whacked this fella out there with a lovely pair of Kinky boots for shit talking us for a united Ireland! No. 1654234
>>1654164im a politically active irish catholic (as in from the country of ireland) and all i have to say is that none of you have any idea what you’re blabbering about regarding the IRA/unionist militias, its REALLY fucking annoying actually
for one thing, they aren’t all “ultra-conservative”, you’re just as clueless as everyone else running their mouths. the IRA is historically socialist, if you go to heavily catholic parts of ireland you’ll see murals of fucking palestinian flags and che guevara lol, UNIONIST militias are right wing - and they are the ones carrying out violence in modern day ireland, they’re all terminally online conservatives nowadays too, so if anyone is doing death threats or whatever it’s them
but IN REALITY, “militias” are a fucking non issue, we’re not a caricature we’re a normal first world country that has faced terrible brutality, day to day armed combat is not exactly a factor in people’s lives and it’s completely ridiculous and borderline offensive to think some fat canadian tourist is going to be “targeted” by a “militia” of which none of you are even able to decide whether it’s republican or not, in 2022
this is why the rest of the world thinks americans are completely shitbrain retards btw
No. 1654248
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>But people on the darkweb actually are and again, I have doxes of your families
No. 1654299
>>1654234First, apologies - I used the 'ra as an umbrella term. I meant the various loose militias/gangs/whatever that are still active in places like Belfast, it was just quicker to use a common expression. There's no insult intended.
But. Conservative doesn't only mean politically and the churches of any stripe are rarely in the forefront of any movement relating to sexuality or gender. I very much doubt the Catholic church is promoting trans rights which makes them conservative, not Conservative. Unless they are at the forefront of LGBTetc in which case I'll go back under my rock.
No. 1656651
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>>1653200>>1653170>>1653158Twitter actively prevent anything like this: New accounts and account with low social score get burried/hidden
2. Tweet's author can hide any reply they don't like, pushing them behind all the way down all replies, and behind a "see more replies". Basically no one will see it, most twitters just check the top answers and not load 30 times in a row. Tweets that get reported will also be harder to see. See for an example. Also all the way down there's even a "Show additional replies, including those that may contain offensive content".
No. 1696882
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>>1652220And my parents have become more strict, overprotective and controlling after discovering my thread on KF on June 8th 2021. They cut off my internet access and monitored me closely, as what Analog Devolved wants. And Koncorde and BatteryIncluded are smiling.
My mother, Wong Sow Kuen, believed the stuff coming from Analog Devolved and JustARandommer and Koncorde.