File: 1662384274341.png (190.19 KB, 1490x901, 7aed9a4cd4219860ed193b2c96efee…)

No. 1636927
KF has been dropped from CloudFlare and now the Russian DDoS-GUARD service has proven insufficient under the onslaught, in effect driving the site off the open web. However, the Kiwi Farms tor page:
http://uquusqsaaad66cvub4473csdu4uu7ahxou3zqc35fpw5d4ificedzyqd.onion/ - still working for now. You need to download and run "Tor Browser Bundle" or Brave Browser (select "Open New Private Tab in Tor")
Kiwifags visiting: this site's history, audience and culture are not the same. You are not blending if you just show up and it is not funny to sneak into the girl's room.
There is a schizophrenic CP-spamming tranny who keeps posting. Causing women distress is how he gets his pathetic dick hard. He is a subhuman degenerate, Keffals shit in a different sock. If you see something that doesn't add up, report and ignore, don't engage, it only encourages him.
Josh simps, he won't pick you, Josh haters, it's all been said before.
Prior threads:
>>>/snow/1631130>>>/snow/1627717>>>/snow/998558>>>/snow/525536KF thread on lolcow (see how Josh and others there view this site)
http://uquusqsaaad66cvub4473csdu4uu7ahxou3zqc35fpw5d4ificedzyqd.onion/threads/lolcow-farm.11942//manure/'d Josh thread:
>>>/manure/2733OnionFarms is a total shithole but hosts critical discussion of KF: No. 1636932
>>1636914It's sad but I personally feel like, the site existing at all bothers Keffals and will make him still whine. I also think him boasting online about it, will just make more people download the brave browser and post JUST in his thread or the TIM threads to spite.
Honestly, if Kiwifarms keeps the site up, plus the streams, I think it'll manage. Or maybe I'm hoping. Keffals disgusts me so much, that he can't "Win". Even in the end he's a sorry person and seems deeply unhappy and stupid, so he'll end up cancelled himself and be disowned from the community. People probably aren't going to milk the KIWIFarms things on youtube until they are sure the site is gone NGL, Kiwifarms being gone, makes me want to give up all these "spaces", because it feels like a ticking timebomb. All you have to do is whine, lie and whine, there's nothing you can do. Keffals flat out involved Josh's mom, troons are talking about what crimes they are going to commit online, even Mister Metakour has been pushed off of twitter. All by the most annoying troon. Kiwifarms isn't perfect NO, Josh is a bad person, but dammit, It just seems so dark now. Like you can't say shit. You can be racists, hateful towards women (on twitter no less) and just disgusting, JUST don't talk about troons, in specfic a 6ft troon named Keffals.
Anyway, going to post this again so nonnies who are interested can figure it out…
http://uquusqsaaad66cvub4473csdu4uu7ahxou3zqc35fpw5d4ificedzyqd.onion/ - still working for now. You need to download and run "Tor Browser Bundle" or Brave Browser (select "Open New Private Tab in Tor")
Also why is 4chan able to exist and be googleable?Is it because it's more trans friendly or something? I hear more bad about 4chan then KF
No. 1636960
It's completely astounding to me how much power mentally ill men in dresses hold over the internet right now. I've been using the internet since the 2000's. I've lurked Kiwifarms for years. I've seen all kinds of disgusting, degenerate, offensive, racist, homophobic, and straight up illegal activities on websites on the clearnet that are accessible to anyone with a few keystrokes entered into search engines. At most, what's happened to these websites is getting their social media pages banned and getting kicked off of their domain. They easily get new domain names and cracking down on a few fedposting users keeps them up. Think of all the things Kiwifarms had before the troon train came to town and demanded they get erased from the internet:
Kiwifarms allowed people to say every racial slur under the sun, and they kept their web domain.
Kiwifarms allowed people to post gore and videos of people dying, and they kept their web domain.
Kiwifarms allowed people to post that women should have no rights, and they kept their web domain.
Kiwifarms hosted hundreds of doxings, and they kept their web domain.
Kiwifarms allowed people to post or link to all manner of grotesque porn, and they kept their web domain.
Kiwifarms allows people to criticize trannies and hosts a thread on a child groomer selling bathtub gin estrogen: .NET DOMAIN BLOCKED, .RU DOMAIN BLOCKED, RELENTLESSLY DDOSED, ONLY AVAILABLE THROUGH TOR (FOR NOW).
No one thought transgender should be treated as a serious identity for a long time outside of a few niche tranny "community" websites. Even liberals laughed at them and wouldn't use the "preferred pronouns." In a few short years they went from weird people and laughingstocks to a legitimate identity who are our moral superiors and more real "women" than actual women.
I wonder what the typical normie thinks of all this? Do they get a sense of political mood whiplash? A lot of them are probably too nervous to ask questions about what's going on and who's pushing all this.
No. 1636961
>>1636932>so he'll end up cancelled himself and be disowned from the communitytroons can't get cancelled under their current protection though
Even just suggesting to cancel one will get you flagged for 'hatecrime' and cancelled in retaliation. And it really doesn't matter for what reason the target is being cancelled. whether a proven pedophile, groomer or just a ignorant pest, doesn't matter.
No. 1636976
>>1636966nonononononononono, we can't do that nona!!!
cancelling him would make him suicidal and then you'd be a bigot and responsible for hate crimes and cyberterrorism, that's illegal. if you tell him he's wrong about anything, his fragile mind might just crumple into bits! and then that would be your fault for making him feel bad for being wrong.
god i hate this fucking timeline
No. 1636993
>>1636927I'm honestly real fucking sad about this. Never really used Kiwi Farms but it's so wild and fucked up that the one cardinal sin that can get you kicked off the internet is insulting troons.
This is probably wishful thinking, but here's to hoping that this place isn't next.
No. 1636997
>>1636986Onionfarms is slow due to too few users (even in past times where Kiwifarms was down for long periods) and the posts are noticeably lower quality than what you'd find on Kiwifarms.
The site's creator also has a personal, petty beef with Josh and it sinks into most of the things he writes. The overall tone resembles a 13 year old schoolboy picking a fight with another kid over bullshit reasons.
No. 1637036
File: 1662390572735.png (463.9 KB, 2174x1094, 8u8vRbq.png)

>>1636927Seems like their plan is to lie low for a bit until this all dies down?
No. 1637042
>>1637036I think this makes the most sense and I'm surprised it took them this long
The troon threads were always a mess or would turn into a mess the moment it came to other people's attention
No. 1637049
>>1637038why would you envy them all they have is internet attention. Keffals is 100% going to join the 41% despite KF closing down
>28yo>looks 40yo>looks worse than a middle-aged man who worked on construction all his life>has no SO>ugly as shit+post op trans which significantly reduced his dating pool just to other mentally ill troons>no career>no goals>no family>afraid of mean words Even if it takes us another 5 years, we win at the end someone with such a miserable existence on top of being a troon isn't going to turn 40
No. 1637050
>>1637039It's trash, if you miss KF do what
>>1636932 said and install Brave and just browse KF on Tor. It's kinda slow but it works.
No. 1637063
>>1637045I mean the one not run by Null (not
My concern with doing this long term is that it filters posters who aren't schizo retards like me. I mostly browse Beauty Parlor and that is filled with just regular people, many of them boomers, who probably can't be bothered with Tor.
Tor is such a pain to use because it's so secure too, it isn't made for convenience because it's bizarre that you'd need to to access fully legal content that you don't care about giving your IP and what not to.
This situation is so strange.
No. 1637064
>>1637049You're right
nonnie, not just that I don't think troons exactly have a long expiration date. How could they when they're an amalgamation of drugs, extreme surgery and necrosis? Couple that with a sedentary lifestyle and poor eating habits and you've got a ticking time bomb. If they weren't so predictably degenerate I'd express more sympathy for them.
No. 1637075
>>1637069I mean it's not exactly hard to make certain posts KF look like a threat or a possible threat but that's what you get from not over moderating and allowing personal but easily searchable information to be shared
>>1637070I'm finding it stupidly slow
No. 1637076
>>1637024I was referring to websites where you could buy drugs, purchase time with a prostitute, traffic wild animals, etc. You can easily find these even today on the clearnet. Craigslist had a subsection that was used for prostitution for YEARS until it was taken down.
My point was that Kiwi Farms NEVER offered the ability to do any of those things and didn't encourage it, yet was taken down because some crossdressing men got their feelings hurt. This shows the insane length companies will go to in order to protect them as an untouchable class.
No. 1637078
File: 1662391376530.png (221.1 KB, 250x432, troon.png)

>>1637064just look at him, 28 yo and he's this fat, deformed, and has a hunchback. It shows you that no matter how many horse piss hormones, and how young(keffals started at 16) you drink it will never make you a woman, let alone a pretty one.
No. 1637094
File: 1662391704606.png (1.16 MB, 942x1080, I DEMAND NULLS HEAD.png)

>>1637084imagine going so far as to cut your dick to play pretend you still look like a middle-aged man
No. 1637097
>>1637070The thing is that I just want to have a couple kiwifarms tabs open with my account logged in, not constantly copy paste links every time I close the browser.
I don't even know how to get Tor on android, do you download the main Tor Browser app?
No. 1637105
File: 1662391928757.jpeg (23.98 KB, 300x250, 1647277879841.jpeg)

You kiwifags really need to read the rules and learn to sage No. 1637148
>>1637070Already happened.
A colossal """she"""-oger appears at Josh's mom's home carrying a literal machete, though that was to cut up Josh and not his mom. Completely fine behaviour according to twitter troons btw.
For me it's 100% some violent tranny hurting or harassing his mother, especially after how Josh mentioned how much he loved her on his last podcast.
No. 1637152
>>1636960>>1637059The problem people are not cohering here is that scrotes give AGP troons ALL the power to do what they want. That's why troons can come in to any male space and groom any gaggle of 'loli girldicks' before the shit metastasizes and goes nuclear.
Even shit like Lockheed Martin, ffs. Troonizm is a cult among scrotes that operates to their benefit… but people keep separating scrotes from troons structurally even as they keep saying they're the same thing biologically, acting as if troons are some aberrant freaks disconnected from standard, 'normal' maleness and 'healthy' nigels (actually they aren't). There's too much TE without the RF part now, I see this in the Robbie thread especially
It took tumblr-variety troomers 11 years to do what women have struggled to even get a crumb of for 6,000
No. 1637155
>>1636927Honestly I usually have several doubts as to the "groomer, groomer, he's a groomer!" of popular streamers, but at this point, has cuckals done anything to really disprove it? It all seems pretty conclusive to me.
The thing about places like KF is that it's basically hydra. Cut one head off, two more take its place. Fucking troons I can't remember the last time KF really crossed my mind. I'm more concerned by the MSM now popping up to defend this fucking child predator but I guess this shouldn't surprise me
No. 1637162
File: 1662394173780.png (2.69 KB, 336x43, Capture.PNG)

>>1637110Honestly, nobody "likes" Keffals but twitter troons. You'd think something this huge would be covered all over youtube, but it's not. I 100% think it's because Keffals. At most people will like or retweet. Sure there's "big" people on twitter supporting Keffals (former FBI person), but who besides fucking Vaush or someone is even caring?
Keeping it real, by now I'd thought that it'd be a huge thing online and everyone would be talking about the evil doxxing site. People could talk about Josh/Kiwifarms in terms of Chris Chan online with zero issue.
Even Someordinarygamers (a popular youtuber) said that Keffals was doing to much when he saw him posting Josh's mom and left twitter (last I checked). In a way it's a good thing that they won't talk about Keffals, he'll just be scrambling to find some little bit to post about. The site is slowly building it's way back up.
Them not talking about Keffals hurts him more, people are going to get sick of hearing him whine about Kiwifarms or he'll possibly run to other threads and defend horrible people and get pushback from that. Anyway, if you don't want your posts in certain areas of Kiwifarms to die, (Beauty Palor nonnies), Please post the link and teach people you literally just have to download brave and open an privite tor window. It's that easy.
No. 1637172
>>1637164They're doing it because they're deranged AND men. They can't hide their male desire to dominate everything around them because they're fucking men, and at the end of the day there's no "female brain" in their skulls.
>>1637168This reads like
>can you dumb fucking pricks please stop giving more ammunition to journo kikes for five god damned seconds? No. 1637191
>>1637188That’s not how it works though. They
wish it feminized their brains. I swear to god if everyone had to take a class on anatomy & physiology, especially the endocrine system, this would have never gotten this far, because what they want is literally impossible. It’s why I peaked.
No. 1637200
>>1637190I mean, I feel like he lives a normal life where he is, he chooses to be a shut in and he can't trust anyone. He could change his name, only use "Josh Moon" on Kiwifarms, not show anymore current pictures, he says where he is he isn't reconized and he's never spoken about any run ins with anyone or drama irl.
So he COULD have a seperate life and a online life, he's just some fat fuck honestly
No. 1637204
>>1637196I don't mean political extreme.
>>1637197He absolutely does not have a unique skillset. He is a subpar coder with a fair grasp of internet infrastructure. What are you on about?
No. 1637206
>>1637197I don't know, it's not easy to change your name without a paper trail and he tried to get regular work and it simply didn't work. I think he has insane stalkers we don't hear about.
He has at least one pedophile with federal agency connections targeting him because kiwifarms posts evidence that he's a pedophile and that he works for the feds.
There's probably more of them, he gets stalked by pedos due to his stance on child porn and lolicon alone even when he doesn't hassle them personally.
No. 1637216
>>1637206Yeah, Josh is fucked. People will find him, name change or no, people are wildly optimistic about that. If the troons don't do it, Vordrak will, or someone else. Only thing he could do is find work with a company that embraces him for who he is and in current year yeah right. Who would hire Josh when you can hire an offshored Indian guy with no baggage who is possibly more skilled at a lower price?
>>1637207Yet, although finding a host is probably the least of his problems. I don't know why people are saying China, though, Russia is the obvious choice.
>>1637212>>1637213lol no
No. 1637232
I see the Josh simps are out in force.
>>1637220Yes, you can absolutely find someone after they change their name. You're right though that people aren't sure where he is at right now (even what country) due to his paranoid level of opsec. None of that helps him get a job though much less live a normal life.
No. 1637237
File: 1662396264568.jpg (109.37 KB, 1300x680, Who_Radicalized_You.jpg)

You're not alone. I've found myself pushed further right and have a fiery hatred for the left now. I cannot stand the blatant hypocrisy they display when they say they're the counterculture of oppressed, powerless groups yet get massive companies to cater to them again and again. Where are all the right wing white supremacist KKK transphobic companies and websites I'm told exist everywhere?
No. 1637238
>>1637212Josh's political views are poltarded garbage. You can tell he grew up with pol chuds and absorbed their ideas. He generally doesn't mention it on mati because he thinks politics are depressing and nobody wants to hear about it. He used to be lolbertarian but moved off that after realizing the ideology is unworkable and used by pedophiles and sex pests to legitimize their cooming. He hasn't shaken his schizo, doom and race opinions though.
He isn't an incel though. He's had sex and a girlfriend and he opened the site for radical feminists after they were kicked off of every other place, and due to this and the nature of the farms he has been talking to women normally for years. He sees women as equal to men and as normal people like everyone else, which causes some friction with the poltarded part of following who are insane alt right incels. He often talks about how despicable incels are, idk how these people do not get the message. They even superchat him misogynistic crap sometimes and you can hear him cringe IRL when he reads it.
Anyway, his poltarded politics is combined with radfem opinions on porn and the objectification and general plight of women in society dominated by men. He's also weirdly asexual and thinks porn and coomer posts are gross.
He's weird and off-putting in some ways, but pleasant in others. It's not simple.
No. 1637250
>>1637242He's extremely racist and antisemitic, and moderately homophobic, and buys into the pol memes like Ted Kaczynski. But he's not religious in the slightest.
He's anti-porn because he sees it as damaging to both consumers and the people starring in it, and an expression of misogynist social forces. He doesn't think women belong in the kitchen or anything, because he sees them as equal to men.
I don't think that's a conservative position.
No. 1637253
>>1637251Josh has had normal IT jobs in the past but can't handle a boss and being a wage slave.
I think he also thinks all IT jobs are infested with trannies and doesn't realize this is not the case outside the US.
No. 1637254
>>1637234Josh himself will say he is unemployable and that people will hound him to the ends of the earth, I don't know why that is a controversial statement. If he moved back to the US (assuming he is not there already) and took quite paranoid measures to stay off books, perhaps he could get some shitty local job but one which his autistic ego wouldn't let him do probably, he won't flip burgers, come on. In a legitimate tech company, he is not going to hock it. If he were a gifted programmer, maybe. He's not. That's a meme. And if you don't see him as being incel-ish then I don't know who you have been paying attention to. Probably the guy on the podcasts.
>>1637236Deranged simpery
>>1637238Whether he's actually had sex or not I don't really care, it's not some accomplishment and it wouldn't change who he is and his fundamental attitudes towards women. He does not view women as equals, he favors "trad"/complementarian gender roles at least
sometimes but his politics have never been coherent, he's characteristically all-over-the-place. Gong back years, he has a low-level contempt for women that is just obvious. Maybe he is trying to "do better" as the troons say but to me his catering to a female audience has always been inverse-pickmeism at best and a touch of autogynephilia at the worst. Josh has his uses and he is to be commended for keeping KF and fighting the good fight against the troons, but this is an insanely optimistic read of his attitude towards the female half of the population. I genuinely don't understand why some of the user base here is such rabid fans of the guy. Some obviously don't actually know him from regular interactions on the forum but just occasional hearings of the podcast, etc. but some are just his pickme brigade from BP I think. But keep it simple. Say, just look at how Josh has acted towards this site.
No. 1637258
>>1637254> Maybe he is trying to "do better" I think he changed his mind because he had regular contact with women. People grow up.
>his catering to a female audience has always been inverse-pickmeism at best and a touch of autogynephilia at the worstWhat the fuck.
No. 1637272
>>1637266> So you think if Null had a girlfriend he would tell people? No, but he also wouldn't say he is single if that's not true.
I don't remember him talking about his relationship status either way though, if anything it seems to me he's generally uninterested in that.
No. 1637278
>>1637262> Oh it's you again. The one who keeps repeating over and over "YOU DONT KNOW HIM! YOU PROBABLY ONLY LISTEN TO THE PODCAST!". Newsflash: you don't know him either. Nobody here has ever met Null or knows anything other than his internet persona.True, but you either know him from a carefully curated presentation, or you know him from generally interacting and observing him over the years in an environment where he lets his guard down. It's not the same. I'm not claiming some special insights into the guy other than that. The idea that he logs off and goes and lives some normal life is just beyond retarded though.
>>1637263I agree.
>>1637264Kind of true, he is careful about what he does and says publicly because the social capital he has is important, and he is more mindful of that than many social media personalities/cows. But that doesn't mean he
would nevar lie, it just means he curates things carefully about himself. Which is fine as
>>1637266 says but when it comes down to whether the guy can be trusted, fuck no, again, I'd say people only need to look at what he tried to pull with this site (lore, but semi-documented in the /manure/ thread in the OP and some ancient /meta/ threads that were linked a while back)
No. 1637295
>>1637277>>1637283Yes, unfortunately making Tor easier/faster is incompatible with keeping Tor secure. It is actually way easier and faster than it used to be though which makes you wonder about security (if your life/not going to prison depended on it, you might be wise to worry, but as nonna said, it's just a gossip site lol)
>>1637284I just said
> I'm not claiming some special insights into the guyIf anything, it is the people I'm arguing with who are claiming to know him. So call us all cringe. Also I think people are implying I'm a tranny or I'm cheerleading for the downfall of KF? Neither. Not from the clique either. I just think the Josh simping is out-of-control and call it like I see it. I don't see why that should be a controversial opinion. Josh getting persecuted unjustly by the trannies doesn't make him a better or less cringe person.
No. 1637299
>>1637297Can you open a Tor window in brave mobile? Sorry I’m retarded and coming up with nothing.
But really, the only way is to spread the word and help people understand why privacy is important, and that tor isn’t this scary evil thing.
No. 1637312
>>1637306>>1637307She's not buying drugs off the darkweb, anon, who cares if the feds are listening in this particular case? But yes, be aware, doing this stuff on mobile or whatever is
NOT going to be the same.
>>1637297Do you know what's going on with Tor2Web, anon? is supposed to be a clearweb gateway but isn't working (see
>>1637299I think the Tor feature may not be on mobile. It is not a thing I think on Brave on my Chromebook at least. Get an app called "Orbot" and set Tor to "VPN mode", it's a bit more of a pain in the ass but it works. IF people want I will make a little guide with some screenshots?
No. 1637341
>>1637122I've never heard of this channel before, but this video is a good summary of the situation and is very normie friendly without being too long. Far too many videos on internet drama think they need to be over 2 fucking hours long when the situation can be summed up more succinctly. Also, not surprised to see yet another Brit take a hard stance against trannies.
TERF Island indeed.
No. 1637342
File: 1662398962306.png (4.98 KB, 215x87, 2022-09-05_19-29-40.png)

The website formerly known as Kiwifarms rebranded, please use the new name uquusqsaaad66cvub4473csdu4uu7ahxou3zqc35fpw5d4ificedzyqd when referring to it.
No. 1637354
File: 1662399434009.gif (10.06 KB, 100x100, OSHITWHO.gif)

>>1637352H-holy shit y-you're one of those super internet mistresses, th-this is like seeing an albino animal out in the wild…!
No. 1637359
>>1636932I gave all of the websites a try overall….
Chan is basically a clear rule, you don't say shit about your sex and you also avoid boards own by trannies. I never been banned on 4chan for spouting I hate troon shit on specific boards. Some boards welcome it. It's different turf on all different places.
Kiwi farms, they are surprisingly more diverse and more open to discussion than lolcow and chan combined. This made people flock to it because you can't really have a convo without some anon legit sperging without adding anything new.
Lolcow, this board has better quality posts than both of them which means we will probably go down soon if this is troon's wishes. Why do you think we have to hide the hate for mtf thread? We all know it is coming… We should be rooting for kiwifarms for our own sake if you enjoy this website.
No. 1637361
>>1637352Maybe everything returns to where it started…unironically things were way more censorship-resistent back then.
How did that used go?
cmsg newgroup alt.flame.troons
No. 1637402
>>1637398>"He's a nihilist," repeated Arkady.
>"A nihilist," said Nikolai Petrovitch. "That's from the Latin, nihil, nothing, as far as I can judge; the word must mean a man who… who accepts nothing?"
> "Say, who respects nothing," put in Pavel Petrovitch, and he set to work on the butter again.
> "Who regards everything from the critical point of view," observed Arkady.
> "Isn't that just the same thing?" inquired Pavel Petrovitch.
> "No, it's not the same thing. A nihilist is a man who does not bow down before any authority, who does not take any principle on faith, whatever reverence that principle may be enshrined in."Turgenev,
Fathers and Sons, ch. 5
No. 1637417
>>1637393Now that's downposting
nonnie, a dead man serves no one. They just want him to become moot 2.0. Or hotweels 2.0
A fate worse than death if you think it through No. 1637429
File: 1662401415886.png (35.53 KB, 627x113, Screenshot 2022-09-05 14.09.01…)

>>>/snow/1631251>>1637417> mootgot gf, works at mainstream tech company, sold out his site
> hotwheelssense of mortality got him and now he is a moralfag about political shit, goblinish desire for clout still the same
I don't see either outcome for Jersh.
No. 1637437
>>1637432I'm one of the ones who've been hitting Josh the hardest. I wouldn't call him "lazy" though
>>1637435And yeah, I called it a "useful" trait. Perhaps admirable. Certainly not adaptive, kek.
No. 1637446
>>1637438what link? you just have to replace the '' bit with
http://uquusqsaaad66cvub4473csdu4uu7ahxou3zqc35fpw5d4ificedzyqd.onion/ though
>>1637441> 0 benefit to their lifeNonnie, what? Kiwi Farms provides Josh with a huge audience of people who praise him and massage his ego constantly. That's certainly a "benefit." I don't know whether he could make more money doing other stuff or not, the money stuff is opaque, but I think for the benefits to his ego as an otherwise unexceptional specimen at best alone, then if he's able to ride or die, that's plenty of motivation. I mean come on.
No. 1637462
>>1637433Do you think if he can get a decent amount of users on TOR he'd be fine with being on the Darknet for a while? He's not even making money from it. If i was him, I'd be shilling the fuck out of how to access the site for those who want to get on it. Just cut out the talk about Keffals which isn't even a "Win" for Keffals. Without Kiwifarms he has NOTHING to talk about. All he'd due is lurk other threads or take stories from troons claiming "Kiwifarms punched my cats" and defending them, ignoring or broadcasting the fact that a lot of these people that are talked about ARE sick in the head.
There's some cows people aren't going to stop documenting. Like Chris Chan, Kevin Gibes, Chantel (who handled being watched better then most Scrotes do) and I would'nt be surpised if someone made a whole website to talk about Keffals. I doubt Josh is just going to give up on the site after a few months, I also doubt it's going to "Die" because he's going to keep in contact with those who want to keep in contact with him. As well as if he keeps the weekly podcasts/videos. There's a lot of people who are basically "banned" from everywhere but still have people show up when it's time.
No. 1637466
File: 1662402326084.png (795.48 KB, 1336x971, KEKals.png)

Only a pornsick man would push his horsepiss moobs together for a photo - then send that photo to a journo to attach to an article about him.
There is not a trace of female in this picture.
No. 1637474
>>1637462I doubt he will give up, either, and I bet he will get a decent audience on Tor. Not the same audience, not growing as fast maybe, but the core will be there. And I am sure he is making money. It's not just $20 memberships, he has a couple of people who give him substantially more directly too. This whole debacle if anything will be good for his grift, not bad. Which I don't begrudge him as long as he uses it to keep the site up and doesn't fuck off with the money. Which I also don't think he is going to do. It's about ego more than money with him is my take.
> A surprisingly dark day for the web. I think messing with doxes is playing with fireBanning doxing is an extremely slippery slope. Social security numbers and bank details, etc. are illegal to post. They don't post them. Good. Addresses, contact info, etc. are perfectly legal. They are also almost always trivial to find if you know the person's name and even a rough location and age. So ban the posting of addresses, if you're really looking to stop people from swatting people, you haven't done much. Would you then ban the posting of names, etc? That would be a step too far for me. Doxing families, doxing in excessive detail (I don't know how I would define that), etc. might be a step too far but just throwing around a suggestion to "ban doxing" isn't really helpful and presents a lot of issues if you're going to go that route. It won't really help the situation with the actual bad actors, and doxing has it's uses both in exposing bad people and in leading to interesting content about cows. Ban doxing, it wouldn't be the same place.
No. 1637499
>>1637483Because Josh is "likeable" he's a fat chubby unoffensive looking dude, who seems to have a tad of intellegence. Even when he's an asshole to some users, it doesn't change anything. Keffals isn't likeable and would'nt be likeable if he chopped his dick off,because he comes off like a scared little snitch crybaby.
He's a famewhore, he's not smart, he only looks "okay" from one angle but he's tall and built like a fallout new vegas monster.
He's not well spoken, he has NO redeemable qualities. He's just a troon and he's going after someone transphobic, once he stops doing that nobody is going to care about Keffals. No matter how many articles are written or breadtubers support him, or vaush, or CNN or whatever. Just like Dave Chapelle, they rioted, they got mad but in the end nobody cares.
No. 1637503
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>>1637499Josh is adorable compared to Keffals
No. 1637509
>>1637499not even breadtubers want to support him it's either trannies or people that had threads on the farm like Ralph, Keffals is retarded enough to burn bridges between the lefty community, after all this started because he banned Destiny off twitch. These troon enablers are all ''love and tolerance'' until one of them cancels another and then takes their precious gold away.
>>1637503leatherface looks like Vogue model compared to Keffals
No. 1637537
>>1637530>>1637530honestly, their point on how the internet has been monopolized kind of struck deep fr me as somebody who has been shitposting since the 2000s
>>There are no new groundbreakers onlin anymore because breaking ground in the new internet's corporate parking lot is not allowed.Chilling to me, anyways.
No. 1637542
>>1637531I was halfway joking about him wanting Chantel but the way he talked about her, isn't with hate or anger. Same with Shoeonhead.
>>1637530Mister Metakour, Nick Rekita and some others have active threads on the site and they still get along with Josh fine. I think thats what makes him have this following. They can put a cracking voice to the "face", they see him get along with other people they like just fine. Scrotes are simple they just need someone to "look" up to. Thats my Mister Metakour has so many fans and people you'd never think would like him but do. A lot of nonnies hate scrotes, but navigate Kiwifarms just fine because we aren't going to shrivel up and die because some dick haver is saying dumb shit.
Lots of people are, it's just the men with dresses and the men in the dark with power, who can't handle it. Lolcow doesn't talk about people with much power, whose going to rise up about here? Shayna? Moo? Nobody cares about actual women being talked about. Sure we have our
terf threads but you have to know about the site to find them. We've become more known for Creepshow now.
No. 1637545
>>1637538I personally blame mobile posting for the destruction of the internet as we knew it. In particular, everything really went to shit as the iPhone got adopted. Dramatic drop off in the content. Massive shift from anonymity and pseudo anonymity to "yeah let me just post my whole life on the net." So Facebook I think really just fucking destroyed the net beyond repair and twitter really pushed it even further.
>>1637541christ if they come for da chanz I don't know where the fuck I'm supposed to go. All the places I used to lurk got shut down or hollowed out. Reddit is fucking garbage unless you are in the places that are really pretentious and shut out newposters. That's another feature of the nuNet I hate – everything HAS to cater to the lowest common denominator now. It's like going to a music board and wanting to discuss the Beatles or something.
No. 1637555
>>1637538>>1637531he likes it because he made a big deal of the "girl boards" being the "future of the site" a few years back
>>1637538He really did want to monopolize all lolcow discussion on his site and freaks out about any competing/"splinter" site, it's why he wanted to get his tendrils into this site, too. If admin at the time had taken him up on his "generous offer" to host us, we'd be gone. Actually would have been gone a while back, the CWCki always goes down before KF does due to being a lower priority hosted on the same infrastructure.
No. 1637556
>>1637549thanks for putting it more elegantly than me, yeah, gatekeeping really keeps people who are interested in a topic from being diluted from a bunch of fucking retards.
>>1637551Always IRC still. Wish my communities hadn't migrated to discord. No shit I don't know what the fuck is going on but we have a user who transitions a year since ~2015. I don't know what the fuck is going on anymore
No. 1637562
>>1637162Thing is, this situation should appeal to the anti-trans crowds but they also don't seem to be hearing much about it unless they are here or on 4chan and that's easy to lop in with KF
I think there's too much put on moving the site to some free speech protected country. It probably won't achieve anything if you even manage to find such a country so you might as well explore all of the avenues available
It's sort of stupid to turn this into some big free speech issue when there are plenty of other sites that allow the same discussions
No. 1637575
>>1637563Same but that's just because I fucking hate trannies more than I hate Josh and KF. I really actually have nothing big against KF one way or another
>>1637566most youtubers are all parasitic leeches anymore. Even the entertaining lets players (which were all leeches) are now boring and it's all just reaction content at all. it's fucking trash. Can't even take it
>>1637570>years agosurely they're past their half life then kek won't last much longer
No. 1637580
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>>1637563At least we were there, anon. It was a special time in history. I have actually thought in the past and even today though that reworking some drama discussion into running on very old school NNTP servers (protocol USENET was based on, with or without actually connecting to what is left of USENET) might be a way to avoid the centralization problem. UX wise it is not all that different from a chan, really, or could be hacked together to act like one. Vichan even has some vague support for "NTTPchan" but I don't really know anything about it other than I saw it in the Vichan config file. We could get really old school if need be. It could be fun.
No. 1637582
>>1637563I liked Kiwifarms for the same reason I like here It peaked me even more, it introduced me to certain people/ideas and it's entertaining. I'd never heard about Terry A Davis or Abby Brown if it wasn't for these places. Or some of the weird dramas, or communities.
>>1637574The troon threads on here bring scrotes but we don't talk about many scrotes as Cows, the ones we do are ones who are well known. We also don't dox, not that it matters because they'd want us down if we were like Kiwi. Reminder that people blamed the deaths on Lolcow too. I think on that petition, we are listed as a website that "Killed" people.
No. 1637588
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Surely cancel culture won't come for us next, right nonnas?
No. 1637608
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No. 1637612
>>1637603Well, we can change that! It's something I've been interested in on and off for years but this might be motivation to implement something. I have a bit of an idea of how I would do it, too, and server space to do it. Setting up an NNTP server and some of those things is not terribly difficult, actually. I ran one in the 90s. I think you can even run it over HTTP(S) so as to be able to still be behind Cloudflare. Getting people to use an unfamiliar interface, that can be a challenge. If you are interested in this stuff maybe we can talk about it. I love this stuff.
>>1637609Are you on the current LCF Discord? If so give a shout and I'll ping you.
No. 1637618
>>1637612im nta but im in the lcf discord, would also like to learn more.
also kf is gone again, can people only access it now through tor?
No. 1637632
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Seems to be some questions over validity of it
No. 1637642
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No. 1637649
>>1637632>>1637634Yeah this was a gayop to make Keffals look bad. Allegedly it is a photoshopped letter that had to do with Drachenlord (German Chris Chan.)
>>1637619>>1637630>>1637615Oh that's right, the official LCF Discord is gonna be totally shut soon and not taking new people now. Let me think. At a minimum we could talk in somewhere in /ot/ for now maybe.
>>1637618Give a shout I'll say hi.
No. 1637675
File: 1662407924867.png (236.36 KB, 269x408, 1658615845539.png)

(responding to the troon)
No. 1637690
File: 1662408204485.png (214.92 KB, 266x407, 1658615930792.png)

Nice resident troon for ants. It makes me… LE SAD!
No. 1637696
File: 1662408291714.png (546.28 KB, 484x642, LA CREATURAAAAAAAAAAAA.png)

Is this meant to be a boast
No. 1637729
>>1637594Tbf Cecil McFly has a very good voice modulater kek a lot of people haven't caught on that they're trans
>>1637675For a sec there I thought this was supposed to be Cecil Mcfly. The blue and black hair matches the colour of the furry pfp from Erika, so this who is posting?
No. 1637740
>>1637724Should be interesting to see what happens
once his 15 minutes fades. The other twitter trannies are already testing the waters of cancelling him
No. 1637758
>>1637747they are now that you mention it, he probably has fetal alcohol syndrome
and the disgusting rotted meth teeth too, you can tell he never had money for dental work lmao
No. 1637771
>>1637766open tor and put this in the browser url bar
http://uquusqsaaad66cvub4473csdu4uu7ahxou3zqc35fpw5d4ificedzyqd.onion/Have you waited until it says connected to tor? It took like 2min for me on brave browser
No. 1637813
>>1637801Its running fine for me when I use Brave, just a bit on the slow side.
I'm just catching up on all this drama now. All I have to say is this shit has made me hate Keffals and troons even more than before. There is no peak, it just keeps going. Josh and the dumbass moids there are shits, but troons winning is the worst outcome.
No. 1637814
>>1637808It's not just the barrier to entry. Brave is stupidly easy to use and probably a lot less scary than TOR itself
But how many people on Beauty Parlor and outside found KF purely because they googled '[name] drama' or just the name and KF popped up?
No. 1637821
>>1637814Kiwifarms has been making quite a name for itself recently. People will find it.
>>1637813Troons never win because they have to live with being troons.
No. 1637826
>>1637821Has it really though?
Your average user is going to look at it being banned on the clearnet, possibly the shit on Twitter and look the other way
No. 1637836
>>1637827It's not really "gone", but it used DDOS-GUARD, which is a somewhat half-baked Russian Cloudflare alternative, which apparently wasn't up to the task of dealing with the tranny DDoS. I don't know how many shady DDoS mit services exist that will take Josh's baggage and be willing to put up with the high-profile nature of the site. The content isn't really the issue, lots of worse things are on Cloudflare even itself still, it's the high profile stuff.
>>1637830Tor isn't that hard,
No. 1637846
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>>1637834Idk if it was the troon stuff in this case, see picrel. Also how the fuck is basically calling in fake bomb threats not a crime?
No. 1637867
>>1637851You might have to refresh a few times to get through but it's up for me. You have to open up a private window with TOR in Brave, a normal tab won't work.
>>1637853There is many
TERF sympathetic users here and lolcow is first and foremost a drama site where Lucas' sins are aired out for the public to see (albeit in a less organized format with imageboards being set up as they are). They even had GC communities like Ovarit on their radar because "how dare women resent being told that a progressive society requires that they sacrifice their own safety for the sake of a male's delusions and comfort".
No. 1637869
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If someone recreated KF but made doxxing forbidden, it would probably stay up.
Big tech has no excuse to ban dox-free gossip without going mask off and showing that they want to censor women.
No. 1637870
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>>1637860>reduxx did a pretty good write up, BTW, feat. based Kiwi Kween former lolcow tranny CommieDGurl absolutely savaging predatory troon culture
No. 1637892
>>1637876Posting addresses. Keffals' argument is that posting addresses enables swatters and other bad actors to prey on
victims. It's sort of true.. not all addresses posted on KF were obtained through a public website like whitepages.
No. 1637896
>>1637853Null said something pretty thought provoking.
Trannies are mainly motivated by three things: exerting power, fetishistic behaviour and hatred for women.
Now that they learned that they CAN lie to get completely legal websites banned, there is a good chance some will aim for lolcow. Not because it poses any threat or whatever, but because they derive sexual gratification from attacking women. Why do you think they went after random feminist reddits? Those places were utterly irrelevant, you could simply not read them and they would never affect you. But they all shut down because sexual deviants got something out of removing them. What?
I think it's sexually motivated.
No. 1637904
>>1637892> not all addresses posted on KF were obtained through a public website like whitepagesNo, some were earned, lol. But still. Nothing illegal about it. As to Keffals argument it enables swatting, not really, it's pretty easy to find someone's address if you know their name and even a vague idea of their location and general age, so it's kind of bullshit but also kind of true. The low-effort gay back-and-forth swatting that has been going on (mostly
not targeting trannies) has made me think twice before posting people's addresses now because I don't want some idiot using my doxes to do bullshit like that. It's sad, really. Can't have nice things.
No. 1637909
>>1637905Josh has been known to self-post here but I'm not sure it's that. The dedication of his simps is impressive and pathetic. It shows up in all sorts of ways e.g. the "highlight" feature which brings you to highly-updooted posts is straight up useless in any thread that Nool posts in because his lackies give him so many stickers for any idiotic thought.
>>1637908But loads of true & honest subscriptions.
No. 1637915
>>1637897That is true in the USA, but I've heard that Canada is fucked because that kind of information isn't made available to the public in any kind of registry (because it might put the, get this, SEX OFFENDER in danger).
>>1637898You're absolutely right and that's why the forum was able to stay up for as long as it has. Normies don't really understand the difference between compiling publicly available info (often times published by the cow himself) and doing sketchy, actually illegal shit to access sensitive info like Social Security, account passwords and banking details.
Then you have those that cry about how others will use that info to abuse cows (might as well sue Whitepages, I guess).
No. 1637921
>>1637904Ehhh I've definitely seen threads get into uncomfortable areas led by the majority. The Janke stuff was pretty memorable, everyone had it out for her
Granted, I don't engage with 'popular' threads frequently other than taking a quick look, but when they become 'popular' you get into uncomfortable behaviour territory very quickly where harassment seems to be very acceptable
>>1637916I think the reaction stickers work fine to get the quality of the post quickly. The problem a lot of other sites with reactions have is that they're basically meaningless
No. 1637923
>>1637576Same, I've had a bunch of niche communities get absolutely ruined by troons. Some have been female dominated, some male, it's all the same sorts of people (troons) ruining them but in different ways.
It feels like there's fewer and fewer places to go every day. It used to be so easy to hop into a hobby online and get involved with groups IRL to make friends. Those days are gone.
No. 1637928
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>>1637916Stickers, ever a controversial subject. I think they are kind of cute and fun and sometime serve to police people from being just abject idiots but also they serve group think and fuel the egos of people who act insufferable. I don't know what to think about it.
>>1637921The Janke shit was strong meme energy for sure. People (read: moids) who were way worse actors than her got less attention. I wonder what it would have been like were she not a girl who tried her best to present herself as someone the likes of the average kiwiscrote wanted to fuck.
No. 1637933
>>1637612 too; not a discordfag, tho.
No. 1637934
>>1637930An echo chamber would likely develop anyway, unless you split the threads up
If the majority of the user base has similar opinions, the minority opinion is going to be filtered out in some way, completely ignored or attacked and won't be seen again until the next person comes and then repeat the process
No. 1637941
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I love you anyway
No. 1637951
File: 1662415876160.jpg (802.53 KB, 1080x1390, Screenshot_2022-09-05-15-09-12…)

Kek these are clearly men.
No. 1637962
>>1637951Guessing this is from the Victory Stream?
When Josh and his autism gets the site back up in a month or two how is keffals ever going to get the momentum to take it down ever again? I feel once the Keffals Squad feels like they won only half would be willing for a true round 2.
No. 1637974
>>1637972Hmm. It is working for me right now so I don't think it's that.
> click dots in right corner> "open new private tab with tor…"> paste in http://uquusqsaaad66cvub4473csdu4uu7ahxou3zqc35fpw5d4ificedzyqd.onion/What happens when you try this? What platform are you using? The other stuff may depend.
No. 1637980
>>1637972download tor, open it. Make sure to hit "connect to tor" on the page that appears. Then click the onion link at the top of this thread.
if it doesn't work then try other onion websites to see if you messed something up on tor or it is just KF being down. KF is still intermittently down on tor so check again later if that is the case
No. 1637984
>>1637974If KF is not working try:
https://duckduckgogg42xjoc72x3sjasowoarfbgcmvfimaftt6twagswzczad.onionThis is just the Duck Duck Go search engine. Understandably people might be nervous about clicking random onion links so this is a safe one to try to see if the problem is with KF or your Tor connection.
No. 1638005
>>1637994How many users are on KF right now? I saw earlier in a picture there were 600+ but I don't have an account so I don't think I can check.
I guess the site is being DDoSed or something right now because it was working without a hitch earlier.
No. 1638011
>>1638008How much doomposting is there?
Anyone believe in KF or is it a black void all the way down right now?
No. 1638031
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What are the odds this catches on? It was on /LGBT/.
No. 1638060
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No. 1638134
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kek Lucas' typical illegible moid handwriting
No. 1638148
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>the based, man respecting variety
No. 1638151
>>1638143someone awhile ago (on kf I think) analyzed his daily online activity and between twitter and twitch streaming he spends over 10 hours daily online wasting away
he eats while simultaneously seething on twitter
No. 1638176
>>1638156Aside from CIA glowie Janke, there's that pedophile who works for that fed corporation Path.
Null made influential enemies. I'm sure there's letter agencies that are very unhappy about their employees having threads.
No. 1638288
>>1638188Like 50%. It depends on if the tranny squad loses interest and eats each other.
Null has been talking like he's pretty intent on the site staying up.
No. 1638364
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No. 1638377
>>1638351right. but i mean even dumping photo collages on Twitter. how about tumblr? any fucking site left, to just you know. post pictures? ah fuck this, it's getting more and more crazy. just a few days ago i wouldn't believe it all would happen
Maybe Josh should just to a video showing all evidence from Keffals thread. it can't be that one fucking nobody is just untouchable
No. 1638396
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No. 1638398
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No. 1638407
>>1638405There's nothing worth seeing there except speds REEEEEing about Null, but they can be pretty nasty with what they
do do, I'm only aware of the site because of some of the degeneracy the admin team has gotten up to has crossed my radar.
No. 1638416
>>1638364Lol, lmao even.
This tweet really speaks to Keffals' narcissism if he honestly thinks that Josh–who is in the middle of a family crisis–is hanging on his every word. Absolutely delusional, but then again, he believes that he is a woman.
No. 1638497
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>>1638397The funny thing is they probably could make something approximating an anatomically faithful vulva (not the full vagina and uterus though kek) if they were just trying to focus on actually recreating it with mostly the analogous tissue that is already present. But current axe wound surgery doesn't even try.
No. 1638519
>>1638066I think overall kf dying (well.. off the clearnet) is a net positive but I miss lurking the vinesauce thread too. the drama with GPM backstabbing vinny and organising that callout about him hooking up with a fan was a wild ride.
even if it's a pipe dream I can only hope Twitter and facebook are next to go down.
>>1638350it's obvious that it was more than troons from the start, Keffals is just powertripping and taking credit for others work.
No. 1638526
>>1638519Why is it a net positive you absolute tool? So they can basically do the same to this site and any site that tells troons to fuck themselves they'll never be woman? And documents their crimes?
You are an absolute retard. Nothing good comes from this. At all. You should all be worried about the precedence this sets.
No. 1638652
>>1636932at one point even the troons will not be able to keep this up. Kiwifarms is Null's whole life while the troons can attack anyone they don't like and who the SJW scream about
>>1637485>>1637863true. Like even for the LGBT and left winger bubble it is almost nowhere a theme. It did not even trend (expect for the "for you trends"). Most people have never heard of KF before and even now don't know about it
No. 1638653
File: 1662460596460.png (48.78 KB, 400x180, kiwi_chinese_new.png)

performance isn't great and is probably being DDoSed by discord trannies already, but top kek
No. 1638679
>>1638671We get it your retarded. Shut up.
Sure lots of richer terfs out there they just aren't as stupid as you or JK announcing it to the world which is why they wouldn't start such a site.
No. 1638696
File: 1662467178451.png (420.6 KB, 666x862, Untitled.png)

1. Kiwifarms was not founded by Josh
2. The Christchurch shooter never posted on Kiwifarms, he posted on 8chan and he livestreamed the shooting on Facebook
Journos are such fucking pests, they just get to make up lies like this and get away with it and there is nothing Null can do because he can't afford a lawyer and he can't even crowdfund legal funding because he would immediately be banned from all crowdfunding websites.
No. 1638702
File: 1662467639363.png (52.4 KB, 941x630, dumbitchbaby.png)

while i was scrolling on twitter i found someone's email @ DDOS-guard. it reads like a copy pasta to me that keffals probably has told his army to send around. this was a public screenshot on the person's twitter account. it shows the narrative that they are trying to sell to PR teams all over. having worked in PR myself, most of my life, i can guarantee you that the majority of people who work at PR departments are the most basic normie normies. it is now very clear to me that this whole fiasco was NOT investigated and they just went with the MSM narrative and didn't even let Josh defend himself, his website, and his community. this is slander.
No. 1638705
>>1638526Exactly this. What anyone thinks about Jersh or KF is immaterial at this point, it’s the principle of it, and the terrible precedent it sets for free speech.
>>1638699The people and outlets writing and publishing coverage of this calamity aren’t even doing the bare minimum in their research, you can’t even call them journalists in my opinion; actual journalists are people like Christiane Amanpour and Sebastian Junger, not these sensationalist tabloid hacks who consistently and erroneously refer to KF as a “right wing hate site”. It’s just a place without censorship, but I guess that doesn’t make for a compelling enough argument vis a vis the campaign to shut it done.
No. 1638718
>>1638702Apparently keffals prepared a "press package" post-swat, so that wouldn't be surprising.
>>1638710This isn't even new- years ago a troll group got the media to report on #sandylootcrew, which was a hashtag for obviously, painfully fake looters during Hurricane Sandy.
The media clearly hasn't adapted to the information age, where you actually have to do due diligence to make sure that you're not getting conned by randos rather than being handed stories by people and organizations that are acting in (relatively) good faith.
No. 1638726
File: 1662469469989.png (26.01 KB, 585x195, for fuck's sakes, emma.png)

if this gets mentioned during the show again Sam had better engage full Gen-X Liberal mode and explain to his audience why if there's nothing illegal you don't get to take it down.
that caller was so transparent, and Sam's "isn't there a law here?" question or two seemed like he knows something's off. (rainbow emoji lol)
No. 1638745
>>1638718can you imagine being “swatted” (aka police politely asking to search your house) and then preparing an entire press release about it despite being a literal nobody? How narcissistic can he be?
>>16386572+ hours after your post and it still smells like scrotes in here, especially the mansplaining journalism.
>>1638731begone troon/troon-fucker. Troons are cows.
>>1638479what the fuck is up with that child’s hand over his crotch? who approved of that pose, a pedophile? and how can a child that hasn’t even hit puberty still look so masculine (I don’t mean this as an insult but as a genuine question)? Boy moms are almost always narcissists so I wouldn’t be surprised if the mom brainwashed the poor kid into thinking “oh you like dolls? the color pink? boys don’t like those things.”
No. 1638757
File: 1662470952478.jpg (287.93 KB, 720x1065, 20220906_144713.jpg)

>>1638726Is she lying out her ass or what the fuck is this?
No. 1638760
>>1638757Talk about being overdramatic. Jeezus.
>The cars in front of our house…"DOUBT
No. 1638768
>>1638763For such a polarising movement it would have always turned into a mess.
>>1638760I also love when the kiwis think that the info they share so freely couldn't possibly be used by someone to actually do this sort of shit
No. 1638772
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>>1638763You are retarded. Trannies don't give a fuck about optics, trannies themselves have terrible optics. Perverts in skirt are regularly arrested for harassing little girls in public bathrooms. Perverts in skirts can publically post about how much they love to masturbate in women's changing rooms. Perverts in skirts can be out in the open on twitter all day talking about how they want to murder TERFs and put CIS women in breeding camps and don't even get banned for it. Trannies have done a million times worse than Kiwifarms and NOBODY GIVES A FUCK.
No. 1638777
>>1638768It's not like they hacked her to get her personal info. A lot of this type of information just takes a few simple Google searches to find. Plus, she's obviously being an attention whore and overdramatizing things. KF users don't organize stalking mobs like she seems to be implying.
Also, on another note, anyone concerned about their privacy online should contact those directory sites (i.e. Radaris, whitepages, etc.) about removing their personal information. I got mine removed years ago and my dox is pretty much impossible to Google search.
No. 1638779
>>1638768>For such a polarising movement it would have always turned into a mess. You're probably right tbh, running a focused activist movement is important when the cards are stacked against you but seems to be impossible with social media.
>>1638770>I don’t think anyone was ever listening to womenReputable publications were starting to publish opinion pieces from gender critical authors and report on gender issues more honestly. If this does turn into another Gamergate situation then it will be a serious blow.
>>1638771>There's no resources about trans truths like kiwifarms, BECAUSE kiwifarms allows people to post whatever.There are a number of women-run gender critical outlets at this point, in addition to one-off websites that contain information about particular individuals like bardfinn. KF is a fucking terrible place to expose bad actors if the intention is for that information to reach normal people because the spergs that post on KF look like lunatics to normal people.
No. 1638785
>>1638783But Kiwifarms can?
No. 1638797
>>1638791keffels can't nuke an entire
terf island
No. 1638799
>>1638782>Those outlets don't have the breadth and scope kiwifarms has and you can't talk to other people there.If you just want to shit on troons then it serves its purpose, but if the goal is to make a case to normal people that trains are dangerous then you don't want either of those things because, again, the average person will be immediately turned off by the people and discussion on KF.
>I'm also not sure how many of their person centric articles aren't sourced from kiwifarms.There's surprisingly little overlap because those sites tend to cover people who commit real-world crime or are in positions of power (albeit often e-power)
>>1638783Normal people are more likely to read through a 4women article about a trans rapist than to browse through 1000 pages of shitposts about a twitter sperg. I mean, I love gossip websites but it's important to step back and think about how they come across to someone who isn't involved, especially one like KF which has a large and very vocal /pol/ contingent.
No. 1638803
>>1638799Some gossip sites also straight up forbid their members to mention KF or say that it's related to harassment/doxxing/whatever other scary shit here
I get the sense that some people need to explore the less extreme sides of the internet/gossip sites
No. 1638805
File: 1662473221752.png (75.33 KB, 585x501, ME ME ME EVERYTHING IS ABOUT M…)

>I exercised no undue influence
sure, and you pass too!
No. 1638819
File: 1662473897582.webm (914.41 KB, 360x270, clip.webm)
>>1638814Here is the clip
No. 1638824
>>1638803I just wish that people would gain some self-awareness and stop pretending that KF is some sort of activist platform rather than something that's at best a place to laugh at basement-dwellers and at worst can actively damage a movement by virtue of how fringe and obsessive it is. Like yeah, KF has exposed a bunch of grifters and predators, but its intensity, the way that it plays fast and loose with who gets targeted/doxxed, and Josh's failure to reign in the extremist portion of the userbase ensures that the actual exposure that they do won't make it to a wider audience unless the info is laundered by a more reputable outlet.
>>1638814Well thanks to KF's permissive attitude towards extremists TRAs can point to archives where out and proud WNs are participating in troon threads. This really is going to play out like gamergate, down to this exact line of thinking.
No. 1638835
>>1638830You can't have your cake and eat it too.
You either ban things that are socially disapproved of (nazis, transphobia), or you don't, but then you get (nazis, transphobia).
Kiwifarms couldn't exist as some kind anti troon website with extremely strict moderation of all other socially awkward speech aside from your one pet topic.
No. 1638837
>>1638797It's not a
terf island until it's free of every last troon.
No. 1638841
>>1638835>You either ban things that are socially disapproved of (nazis, transphobia), or you don't, but then you get (nazis, transphobia).So what you're saying is that you're a tourist scrote from KF who doesn't know how heavily lolcow is moderated
>Kiwifarms couldn't exist as some kind anti troon website with extremely strict moderation of all other socially awkward speech aside from your one pet topic.Heavily-moderated special interest communities have been the norm since before the world wide web existed…
No. 1638846
>>1638841They don't but you don't get what those meta threads being locked and preserved mean do you
No. 1638895
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sorry for the nonmilk but I thought this was so funny
No. 1638897
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No. 1638903
>>1638808They're 100% attempting this next if the site comes back up. It's the tranny MO of getting shit taken down
>>1638853Kek the resident schizotroon starts malding every time there's joshposting itt, i think he's legitimately jealous
No. 1638921
I'm getting DDoS protection messages from Vanwa when I try and access the .top site so I guess the slowness is the site being attacked and not the shitty Chinese hosting?
>>1638808Isn't Null not even in the US? I don't know that there's much that trannies could do with regards to framing him for a crime (at least in a way that matters).
No. 1638934
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>>1638722How have we reached the point of actual 1984 style information control? What horrific and vague guidelines under the guise of “ethics.” You can say and do anything as long as you say it’s to protect trans people from some unspecified threat.
No. 1638950
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Shouldn't Wikipedia be an unbiased source? At least in the first fucking sentence?
No. 1638955
>>1638950being unbiased is considered
problematic nowadays
No. 1638976
File: 1662481612537.png (162.47 KB, 649x671, tp3kmbn.png)

Mom's ice storm freak out story on the front page of Reddit
No. 1638977
>>1638959I'm only getting "Server not found" for .top
>>1638968Kek she wasn't wrong though
No. 1638981
>>1638968For all the shit farmhands get, they are single-handedly responsible for keeping lolcow from becoming another cesspit of angry scrotes and getting targeted.
>>1638976Even if it's true, doesn't twitter do the exact same thing on an hourly basis?
No. 1638996
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>>1638976Looks like it was getting some pushback, surprisingly. 1/2
No. 1638997
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>>1638996Tranny janny had to pin a comment about banning people for transphobia kek 2/2
No. 1639013
File: 1662484123141.png (1.96 MB, 1014x761, sx.PNG)

Which ones would you get?
No. 1639028
>>1638976>>1638996>>1638997reveddit link + sort by controversial shows a lot of the comments deleted by mods
>>1638999because it's exactly this, any questioning of transing a child so young is getting deleted
No. 1639038
>>1639014He can't, he managed to hunt down KF because important people with threads there had the interest to take the site down and used his tranny
victim complex as an advantage. LC doesn't doxx and most of our cows are fat bitches with failed only fans careers and 0 influence.
>>1639032I was playing with dinosaurs and godzilla toys
and wearing jurassic park shirts at age 4 I guess it means I am lizardqueer
No. 1639046
>>1638976>those cars in an ice stormwhat a dramatical nothingburger. also the thread was dead since 2017.
>wow, my kid is going to be cover of fucking NatGeo. Better make sure they look their very best!>shitty clearance rack leggings and tshirt for playing around in the yard and a shitty dye-job in a badly combed hair>but it's pink, so it's girly!tragically white trash
>>1639002go to the frontpage and change regional settings to everywhere
>>1639013kiwi fruit is the prettiest, and Archive Everything
No. 1639087
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No. 1639097
>>1639087See this is the thing this tranny is using as a shtick to get some sort of relevance
if the farmers are smart enough they would ignore him to cut him from any sort of attention so he can start eating himself and people get bored of him
No. 1639110
>>1639104also here>>1639101You think there are troons working at the warehouse or what is your issue? You will never know what 3PL he uses.
No. 1639131
>>1639088The .top domain is fine, site is down due to high traffic or the new mit not handling the DDoS
>>1639127He still has the .net domain. He said CloudFlare will transfer it to a registrar of his choice but he is afraid that whoever he transfers it to will fuck him over as well and he'll lose the most recognizable domain. If .top works for a while then I imagine he might put .net with vanwa but that'll be up to him. It's possible though.
Some anons seem confused but .ru, .net, .top, and tor all point to the same server. It is not a question of the hosting company, but of the registrar and the DDoS mitigation provider.
No. 1639141
>>1639132Can he keep up with this for months?
starving the attention starved troon from attention is the best thing here
No. 1639157
>>1639153He mentioned she picks shitty men because Keffals posted a mugshot of his mom that was from a domestic violence incident (where I'm pretty sure she was the
victim). He also told the story of one of her boyfriends burning their house down (with their cat inside, rip).
No. 1639159
>>1639140Yeah it's really not that interesting see
>>1639146 troons and other enemies have been DDoSing the farms for years, it comes and it goes. It is not hard to do or rather to find people to do it all it really takes is money, and not even that much money in the scheme of things especially with the amount Lucas has been able to grift. The byuu DDoS was interesting because it was unusually technically sophisticated which makes sense because byuu and his allies were technically sophisticated in a way that Keffals at least himself is not although he probably has allies in programmer socks who are. But they probably are just throwing money at the problem. DDoS is much cheaper to buy than to pay for proper mitigation for.
>>1639141Josh lives for this shit, he can keep it up. Literally what else is he going to do?
No. 1639167
>>1639163they should try to make a professional page about Lucas and the troon deathfat squad, no normal person is going to take all of the allegations as serious when it's written by a wannabe funny edgelord.
>>1639164what else does he have this is probably the most attention he has ever gotten in his life, once the kiwifarms high dies down he's gonna be so depressed he's going to 41%
No. 1639168
File: 1662490394410.png (64.14 KB, 754x424, 6f0a4b9b1577001dbea91b269eada6…)

LMAO he want's josh's attention so hard
No. 1639176
>>1639156seconding this
>>1639167>>1639163everyone who wants to lol at an ED-style writeup is going to read about this guy on the drama boards, if there's gonna be a Wiki it needs to be professional sounding, at least a little objective and sourced. I wouldn't mind contributing either but not at cross purposes like that.
No. 1639179
>>1639168the funniest thing is he was probably going to link to translifeline, which one of the trannies that they claim was killed by the farms called before an heroing and that the wife(male) of the
victim said is the real culprit of the troon setting himself on fire(such a male way to die)
No. 1639191
>>1639184they are always the
victims, never the perpetrators. On any other normal community that pedo tranny that traced a baby photo for his porn drawings would be bullied into leaving the internet but in the tranny community he's welcomed with open arms and excused because ''it's his way of coping''
No. 1639230
File: 1662492455835.jpg (596.83 KB, 1080x1135, Screenshot_20220906_212554.jpg)

Gonna be fun.
No. 1639246
>>1639234True. But please, the more troons are mainstream visible the more people peak. Let's see how normies take crying Keffals over bad kiwis archiving his shit when they have real life problems like gas prices and he get 100k for crying on internet.
Also reverted Streisand effect. The more you talk about something g the more people want to see it, doit might go exactly the opposite way Keff wants.
No. 1639250
>>1639221It scares me how nobody facts checks, I expect this from reddit, twitter and other places. However this Troon is going to get on TV and tell had the story.Nobody is going to look into it, woke blue checks will signal boost it and this will be how troons handle things from now on.
I honestly wish Josh or even his mom had some money to sue. Half the shit keffals is going to say cannot be proven. I feel bad for even defending Josh as much as I have, but I hope the site never goes down or away. I hope they never utter keffals name again
No. 1639251
>>1639097>if the farmers are smart enough they would ignore him to cut him from any sort of attention so he can start eating himself and people get bored of himIf this were an alternate universe where they were capable of being disciplined they 100% could've cut him down by posing as TRAs, keeping their info-collecting efforts private, and making a standard callout doc in Google Drive with all of the info and using TRA-typical language.
>>1637910nta but you have to achieve the bare minimum to surpass a scrote who hosted a safe space for pedos and ran a spinoff gossip forum. The culture on KF isn't even new, it directly descends from encyclopedia dramatica/EDF.
>>16379854chan constantly evades criticism that it's more deserving of than the communities that get hit with it; I think it's because it's too big/ubiquitous or because most terminally online people grew up with it or actively use it. Plus posts with dox, raid attempts, credible threats, etc. have been permabannable for years.
No. 1639266
>>1639262Troons are untouchable, but newspapers printing easily verifiable lies are a different story.
>>1638696 This is a clear-cut easy win defamation lawsuit.
No. 1639287
File: 1662494361735.png (33.03 KB, 644x252, Screenshot 2022-09-06 15.59.16…)

From kiwifarms
.net, this is very old school geek humor, see Perhaps indicates something is going to be happening there soon
No. 1639288
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works on my thing
No. 1639298
File: 1662494751598.png (121.67 KB, 644x572, Screenshot 2022-09-06 16.04.36…)

>>1639287Samefag, yep, he's doing something. Ukraine-based host or mitigation service.
No. 1639325
>>1639298yep, it is Ukranian DDoS mitigation: very good sign
No. 1639328
>>1639288You mean I have to get off my ass and turn my computer on to browse fucking kiwi farms?! Ugh
Fuck you, you stupid pedo-tranny!
No. 1639336
File: 1662496003182.png (124.99 KB, 717x334, Screenshot 2022-09-06 16.27.20…)

>>1639333possibly soon
No. 1639337
>>1639330> I don't really know what changed.Impulsivity because of a "Y" chromosome, but that didn't really
change, did it?
No. 1639360
File: 1662496981587.jpeg (99.26 KB, 900x686, C22BB1CC-DEB8-4223-9166-334F6B…)

>>1637951The Troon movement has made me find all men without muscular shoulders to be exceptionally repulsive. I just assume all men with small shoulders are secretly jerking off in their moms bras.
No. 1639386
>>1639230My grandma misinterpreted a tv show/news segment she watched and is now convinced that every single person who works out (even running) is addicted to working out, because "when you work out you release chemicals in your brain that make you addicted to it". What i'm trying to say with this is that people who consume anything from the MSM are retarded (sorry grandma), lack critical thinking, or don't have the means to do the research themselves. These are the people keffals is targeting.
It makes me sad that so much effort is put in taking kiwifarms down but when pornhub was hosting child rape and revenge porn they got a slap on the fingers. Honkhonk.
No. 1639389
File: 1662498667711.jpeg (30.19 KB, 721x383, FB46D9A2-D3A4-4D6F-885C-D7B0E6…)

KF now excluded from wayback
No. 1639398
>>1639390Kek maybe the crazy spam tranny is Jersh, those symbols are right up his alley
No. 1639417
>>1639389Fuck. There's also, but they'll probably target it too.I hope other obscure, unpopular archiving sites have KF in their catalog.
i know Josh would prob post archive as torrent for download, but this honestly fucking pisses me off. These archives are made specifically to archive shit, so it doesn't disappear from the internet. this is getting worse
No. 1639424
>>1639389I'd imagine is next.
>>1639418That's from the Telegram IIRC.>>1639418
No. 1639439
>>1639038>LC doesn't doxx and most of our cows are fat bitches with failed only fans careers and 0 influence. that's not what he cares about, keffals just wants the proof of him being a pedophile deleted because its the one thing that normies will never accept from him. he can cut his dick off and be an annoying piece of shit forever but that wont end the grift. but proof of him grooming no one other than his troon comrades would ever accept
thats why he's trying to get archives of KF removed everywhere and why he wants it down permanently
its never been about trans people or protecting his community. its about saving his own ass.
No. 1639456
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No. 1639462
File: 1662501307346.jpg (60.86 KB, 960x960, you did.jpg)

>>1639454And they wonder why people outside thier hugbox (read: twitter) have a hostile, at worst, and indifferent, at best, towards them.
No. 1639485
>>1639473Fuck off blaine I bet you didnt even contribute to the Keffals Offensive you clout chasing troon
>>1639474Or just do what he did too late and tell people to cool it. Then again, I bet a lot of problems came from KF jannies not giving a shit because Null chased away all the good mods
>>1639475Wont work, nobody would believe them. And the truth is KF is the Sperg Who Cried Wolf, making shit up as often as they hit the truth. Even other internet autists dont ever 100% believe everything KF posts which Keffals exploited to the max
No. 1639487
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>>1638031>Didnt realise ED was still around>go check it, this is on the front page, top kek>check out keffals page, wont post here because its all uncensored porn stuff>surprised to see a link to an link of extensive keffals dox including his address in ireland right now and keffals asscioates and a blog post of what hes been doing, someone is actually stalking keffalsman keffels really has pissed off some
No. 1639491
>>1639456thank you nonnies who repost what he says on telegram so the rest of us don’t have to join.
>>1639407I haven’t seen this speculation but this is interesting. It doesn’t make sense that cloudflare dude keeps mentioning that they regret dropping the daily stormer even though (based on what I’ve read) the daily stormer was encouraging violence, yet as soon as there is “threat to human life” he suddenly thinks he needs to pull the plug on KF.
>>1639463I do not side with kf scrotes, I just happen to be against trannies and there’s a common enemy. One day, as you’re cleaning Lucas’s am hole, you will realize that trannies are more dangerous than the average man. A TiM’s existence is peak male privilege. Imagine if any other (actually) marginalized group of people tried to take down KF—nobody would give a shit. All it took was a pair of man titties and a trip to Ireland just to get mainstream news covering this.
No. 1640481
File: 1662533022675.jpg (324.52 KB, 1080x1056, Screenshot_20220907_084158.jpg) Twitter/Twitch buys his shit. Comments are really fun.
No. 1641057
File: 1662569184221.png (258.81 KB, 1248x563, Screenshot 2022-09-07 12.47.13…)

Keffals is the most gullible autistic moid in existance.
No. 1641126
>>1641057Wasn't there proof that one of the "
victims" an heroed because of Brianna Wu, not KF?
No. 1980808
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