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No. 1418508
Okay, where to start on this one? For the uninitiated, Ethan Oliver Ralph, known to his detractors as "the Gunt", is a obese, alcoholic, late 30s fading-from-relevance "alt right" podcaster. While he was always a loathsome individual, Ralph had his moment in the sun riding on the autism singularity that was GamerGate, and he was, at least before sliding into complete degeneracy, not an entirely inept host and he had pretty impressive knowledge of politics and even the occasional actual interesting opinion and witty put-down. His "Killstream" experienced some modest success and outsize reach, being able to land big names like Richard Spencer when the name Richard Spencer was still ascendent. Things were good. However, continual legal problems, serious issues with women, and a losing battle with cheeseburgers and Maker's Mark have over the past half-decade put our gunted friend on the collision course with outright Christian Chandler-tier lolcowdom featuring a supporting cast of some of the trashiest people imaginable.
Ralph is known for having an ongoing blood feud with Joshua Connor Moon a/k/a Null admin of the Kiwi Farms, and this enmity has contributed to Ralph joining the likes of ALR, Yaniv, Chandler himself, and Isabella Loretta Janke (briefly) in getting his own entire board, but as you will see, it would be hard to make the case that it's undeserved. Honestly the minutiae of how Ralph got famous and the various friends and enemies he made along the way is boring and would need a huge explainer if you were not into boring IBS shit to begin with. This is probably why Ralph hasn't gotten a whole lot of love over here, too: many seem to consider him a lolcow of interest only to scrotes. This would be a serious miscalculation, though: of late, at least, his bovine antics have centered almost entirely around his idiotic actions and consequent legal problems surrounding his would-be harem of damaged young women, his illegitimate progeny, and his clownish and pathetic flexing on mainstream social media. In short you'll love to hate him. Guntlore
>studied Political Science and could probably have become an entry-level GOP political operative or something like that>tasted clout during GamerGate and moved rightward; blogged and involved in various behind-the-scenes gayops including the doxing of Brianna Wu/John Walker Flynt>tried to PA /baph/ against perceived enemies, instead they catfished him and released his pathetic dick-pic>Internet career paused in September 2016 – arrested for being drunk in a hotel lobby and assaulting a female cop>started the "Killstream" after jail, booked a lot of big names, gained outsize influence and decent income from donors>built more clout off shitting on Baked Alaska and Mundane Matt. >was (briefly) the biggest late-night stream on YT (mid-2018)>banned after YouTube cracked down on hate speech; the infamous "Healstream" included a debate about Holocaust denial, drawing mainstream media attention and leading St Jude's to return money that was intended for child cancer patients>this got him broomed from YT; migrated to Dlive, then, then YT-socking, then back to Dlive, trovo, odysee, etc. The list goes on…>gets into slapfights with other IBS boneheads, but this is mostly boring>got into a literal slapfight with a trooned-out YouTuber called DigiBro, but we're getting ahead of ourselves>antics lead to a falling-out with Null over a joke stating Ralph needs to be "sacrificed to the corn" to produce lulz, the two of them fight over who is acting more "like a woman.">Ralph dabs on Josh for his incel crytyping about wanting a tradwife, and it's off to the races, a blood feud begins that continues to this day>in similar spectacular (and repetitive) fashion Ralph burns every bridge available to him, while continually making a fool of himself publicly due to alcoholism and simple ignorance>can't take criticism whatsoever, explodes into narcissistic rage, character-assassinates and leaks against whomever he thinks has slighted him>cowardly, won't engage with his critics, notorious for blocking people on social media>released a sex-tape in summer 2020 to "own" his GF's e-BF, got a year's suspended sentence as (one of?) the first men convicted of revenge porn under a new VA law>after the Chris Chan incest tapes dropped, Ralph, who lives the next state over, drove up to Charlotesville to stalk his fellow fat pervert, but was chased out of the motel where Chris was staying, but somehow lucked into the arrest footage you have probably all seen.>ego-size proportionate to his bloated body, likes to give illusions of "living the high life" with steaks and cigars, only succeeds in embarrassing himself to anyone who knows how these things work IRL.Ralph and his women
? Mystery alien looking girl with big forehead ?
Nora (Fatima Sial)
> British-Pakistani med student (yes, he caught flack or his involvement with her from his White Nationalist friends due to her heritage.) She and Ralph divorced in 2020 after an e-marriage in which they only met a handful of times which followed an e-courtship which started in like 2014 when Nora was 18 and quite possibly (although nobody's seen quality receipts on this yet) was instigated by Ralph grooming her while still underage. Ralph's involvement with Nora pre-dated his Internet infamy. Nora is not involved in Internet drama and actually seems like a really nice person. She's not had a word to say about Ethan publicly which chafes his ass big time. YGG.AdeZero (Adrienne Blaire)
> Needs no introduction if you are from that part of the Internet. ED editor and (poorly) aging pickme. They had an acrimonious breakup because Gunt wanted to fuck other (and younger) women (namely Faith) while allegedly under the impression their relationship was open. Ade disagreed and this kicked off exactly the kind of tempest popped off that you might expect from two gargantuan drama whores with substance abuse problems and histories of doxing their enemies. Hilariously, this ended in a court order that forbids Ethan from even saying Ade's name, a source of much hilarity for Ralph's dedicated "ayylawgs."Faith Vickers (Zoomer Girl)> Barely 18 at the time of her getting involved with the Gunt. She was an orbiter of various Internet figures after dropping out of high school with mental illness concerns (the nature and veracity of which are debated), a fashion sense that is something to behold, and gradually becoming more and more terminally online. Ralph was definitely chatting her up while underage and while nothing concrete that incredibly damning has emerged, using the word "grooming" is probably not uncalled for. Ralph flew Faith cross-country to see him in secret, where she moved in with him and he knocked her up. Ralph showed no interest in being a dad but a great deal of glee in showing the Internet that his dick worked (particularly with an 18 year old girl), this lead him to release revenge porn of Faith to "own" her ex-boyfriend, but he did so on livestream and thus to the entire Internet. Meanwhile, Faith was hospitalized on an inpatient psychiatric unit and waffling between wanting to go home immediately and refusing to speak to her parents. Eventually, she left with family and bore the child, Xander, with whom she is now raiasing at her parent's home. > Faith's father, Matthew (MWV), a California coin merchant and staunch Republican who bears more than a passing resemblance to Ralph, is an Internet drama whore of his own right with a Kiwi Farms account and has been through various accounts and websites vendettaposting against Ralph until Ralph became legally restrained from bothering the Vickers online at which point the legal autism is complicated but suffice it to say they are still glaring daggers and tweeting blind-items at each other on a daily basis and it's highly entertaining.> Ralph on 5/Jan/2022 became (possibly?) the first person convicted under a new Virginia Revenge Porn statute. He was given a years suspended sentence. He does not have to register as a sex offender contrary to some reports but he does have an ugly-looking conviction on his record, which probably doesn't bother him one bit because he's already unemployable and everyone hates him already other than his inner circle of paypiggies, fellow degenerates, and inexplicable simps like Rachel.Pantsu/"May" (Amanda Lynn Morris)> Enters into our saga during the tail end of Faith's time with Ralph in Virginia. Pantsu was a marginal (and horse-faced) internet figure who up until then best known for her relationship with DigiBro, a MLP and anime-oriented YouTuber who, to nobody's shock in particular, trooned out. She even tried to turn troon herself for awhile to keep him, but even with a boost from an unfortunate bone structure, she succeeded in only demonstrating that her pickmeism would stoop to no lows. Adopting a traddish persona to appeal to Ethan, she set about getting herself picked by the Gunt and even attempted to guilt Faith into a threesome. There are receipts. > Faith in the hypothetical menage-a-trois/harem would work while May would be responsible for childcare. Perhaps it is worth mentioning at this point that May is an obsessive collector of lolicon and has defended actual pedophilia on video. Thankfully for young Xander, Faith made the right call for once in her young life and the menage-a-trois became a folie-a-deux between May and Ralph. Before long the Internet was shocked by the announcement that May, too, was with child (and a natal woman, at that.)> Currently carrying with Ralph's (confirmed) daughter, who was conceived around the time of the Chris Chan arrest as another one of the key heralds of the Dimensional Merge. Currently she mopes around at home while Ralph goes to Vegas to gamble and (probably) fuck Alice. Does a tradwife LARP on Twitter but is a laughably bad housekeeper and cook. It's not clear to what extent her situation is sinking in yet but as of very recently she's still joyfully talking about how Ralph is going to be there with her through the delivery. Gorl.Female Orbiters
> IP2 Alice (Holland Proudfoot) - profoundly disturbed 21yo, animal abuser, overall complete degenerate to make Bella Janke look like an amateur. Fucked Baked Alaska and a couple of weirdos notable only to people who care about IP2 shit (I don't) but pretty clearly did it for clout with a side of daddy issues in each case. Or daddy issues with a side of clout-seeking, idk. She is a sad case when you think about it and Ralph is almost certainly fucking her, they hang out on his trips to Vegas. May has made some weird sexualized "mommy" remarks about her, too. Probably the most conventionally attractive woman who's interacted with Ralph recently, Alice is plainer than her simps believe but cleans up well, however she can't string together coherent sentences let alone nondegenerate behavior. She specifically denies having a threesome with the two of them and more generally denies sleeping with anyone recently, including Gunt.> Rachel Wilson (Rach4Patriarhy, Rachel Huizenga) - aging tradthot, prolific abuser of filters. Accustomed to take the moral high ground and panic-tweet stuff about lesbianism, period blood rituals, and the Satanic nature of feminism. She doesn't mince words about porn (based stopped clock?) … except when it comes to Ethan Ralph. Defended him on Twitter while Ralph was tweeting that Faith had a "loose pussy" and awaiting trial on charges for revengeporn-ing her.> Isabella Loretta Janke - Ethan simped for her publicly (with Dax Herrera) praising her "great tits" and claiming she was being unjustly persecuted by the Kiwis. She did not deign to appear on the Killstream.> Peyton Higgins - some thot, looked stupid at the last meetup, is on IP2 now or something> @LoveIsA4LetterWord / Jen - late 40s at best, sends money on a daily basis, meets up in Vegas to fuck Ralph, got trolled when Ralph's payserver got leaked, not much is known about her.They are all in all an incredibly milky crew.
No. 1418670
>>1418638Spite. Faith Vickers was with Ralph to spite her father (who is just like Ralph) and her ex. May is with Ralph to spite Digibro and Kiwifarms/Null cause she wanted to be the Kiwifarms e-girl for a long time and tried to go after Null for a while. Getting with Ralph is a great way to get attention from Kiwifarms and also get back at Digibro.
Their story of how they broke up is that Digibro left the door unlocked and some crazy dude broke in and tried to kidnap May with only a roll of duct tape. People have been speculating that this dude was a simp for May and mentall ill and that she conned him into "abducting her" because she was tired of Digibro acting like a tranny pussy and letting everyone into their house. She was hoping Digibro would man up and valiantly defend her honor from the intruder, but he did nothing, like the total beta he is. So she dumped him and got with a guy who is the opposite of that in her mind. A total wigger who takes swings at cops and will "defend her honor" violently if must be. She wanted someone really aggressive and "manly" after being with passive troon Digibro. That's my theory at least.
She also wanted to get married and have her own kids to molest/groom with Digibro, but he never paid off his debt and so that never happened even tho they were engaged. I assume this is why she got impregnated and engaged to Ralph so fast. Now she has to stay with him because otherwise she would admit that she made a huge mistake.
No. 1418671
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Sadly I don't think Alice is willing to get gunted. In this clip she sounds truly disgusted by the idea of sex with Ralph and May.
No. 1418672
File: 1642332051123.webm (1.68 MB, 640x360, I_can_do_better_than_Ralph.web…)
>>1418671But then again, here is a clip of May saying that she thinks she can do better than Ralph…. so maybe there is still hope. Ralph just needs to offer Alice enough meth in exchange to hop on the Memphis micro.
No. 1418729
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>>1418711Do any of them have a gunt tho?
No. 1418757
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>>1418729I can't even imagine what goes through the mind of a woman who is willing to have sex with the Gunt. How do you do it without throwing up? I assume copious amounts of drugs and alcohol have to be involved. May and Faith both parted the gunt-curtain to get to the nasty small whiskey dick that lies beneath it and then actually put that inside them. I want to vomit just typing this out. You really have to hate yourself, having guntsex is a form of self-abuse.
No. 1418866
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>>1418508LoveIsAFourLetterWord (Jennifer Crosby) note very edgy discord paypig ID.
No. 1418885
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>>1418649Alice did indeed grow up in Russia which might account for her mild and difficult to place accent. She had a genuinely tragic childhood but is also culpable for doing some really depraved shit. She's a little reminiscent of a more extroverted Bella.
>>1418671God, you can tell in a 16-second video that she's completely deranged. Out of her mind. Even apart from her interactions with Ralph, Alice is a seriously fucked up individual who is probably milky enough for her very own thread.
Copied from tradthots thread
>>1416360> Holland Proudfoot / Alice's Room / hollietron / @transmikitaka / coffeecorgi / kittenslobber / based captain / darrk> 22 year old IP2 thot and ultimate NLOG/pickme> lived in Russia as a child/teen> comes from broken, alcoholic family perhaps starting to explain her weird attachments and borderline behavior> brother is also an absolute psycho, got arrested for arson at age 18> multiple arrests herself usually for stupid misbehavior when drunk, laughs it off as being for the meme> spraypainted a swastika on the wall of the hotel she was hanging out with other streamers at, was dumb enough to post it online for all to see> frequently gets so intoxicated on stream she winds up hurting herself and/or engaging in dangerous or provocative behavior, looked upon as a loose cannon even by IP2 standards> has become so intoxicated on stream as to lose control of her bodily functions, pissed and shat herself> claims rather too enthusiastically to have all manner of mental disorders including ASPD, has been forcibly hospitalized> so notorious for living in filth (picrel) "Alice's Room" became a bit of a meme for IP2 faggots> self-harms in escalating ways including stabbing herself (deeply) with a fucking fork> boasts about abusing animals, dog almost died while she was ignoring her and doing IP2 bullshit> livestreamed while locked in said dog's kennel as "penance", totally not fetishistic at all> previously was an unironic furry and otherkin> ddlg fanatic, weeb, lolicon, got into edgy Nazi shit again supposedly for the meme> has experienced with a mlm trans identity but reverted to being a regular thot> mannish appearance when not dolling herself up, after cleaning up, reasonably cute girl, attracts simps easily> fucked Baked Alaska, another degenerate streamer, failed e-journalist, and who is awaiting sentence (today actually lol) for macing some random bouncer and also in trouble for being at the Jan 6 riot> also got involved with Carlii, another IP2 degenerate, admittedly basically trading sex for clout> moved on to Chicken Andy, an even bigger degenerate and drug addict, with whom she squabbles constantly on livestream> most recent simp is shawnphase, a lolcow in his own right, who seems to have moved on to Elaine, he sure knows how to pick them> Livestreams degenerate behavior while claiming trad values, even tattooing "CHRIST IS KING" on her arm> doesn't shower, allegedly walked around in a sweater covered in her own vomit for days at a time> currently involved with Ethan Oliver Ralph, host of the Killstream and convicted revenge pornographer> he flies out frequently to Vegas while May, who is pregnant with his child, stays at home and tweets. There he spends time with Alice, not even trying to hide it.> But Alice is uncharacterisically quite about the whole thing > Regardless it's pretty clear they're sleeping together as Gunt seeks to develop his harem No. 1418887
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Also copied from tradthots thread, here's a breakdown of Rachel:
Introducing Rach4Patriarchy / Rachel Wilson (née Huizenga)
> 41 year old, putting on weight, abuses filters like they're crack until it looks uncanney-valley (picrel is not further manipulated)> 5 kids, oldest is 12, homeschooler, larps as a mommy guru> Last known occupation: Clinique Special Events Makeup Artist in Michigan, recently moved to Reno, NV> seems to be a current full time grifter on Patreon (as BasedHomeschoolMom) and elsewhere> currently pulling in $99/mo on Patreon, others unclear> "creates content that breams feminist programming & resores families"> married to edgy and banned-from-everywhere wannabe streamer BigPapaFascist (Andrew Harrison Wilson)> still seems to use her maiden name officially, interesting for a woman of her views> author of (self-published) book called "Occult Feminism", purporting to describe "demon worship, spirit mediums, magic mushrooms, witchcraft, CIA spies [and] sex cults"> got into a massive slapfight with the Vickers family, who's teenager daughter Faith was impregnated by Ethan Oliver Ralph, vile misogynist has-been alt-right podcaster and sworn enemey of Joshua Connor Moon> vigorously defended Ralph, who as at that time tweeting about Faith's "loose pussy", as one of the hopes of Western Christian Civilization> continues to support Ralph's fundraisers to fight the Vickers in family court> grifts along with him and other marginals who's everyday behavior contradicts all religious teaching> husband is a bottom-of-the-barrel IBS bonehead and general laughingstock > got utterly roasted recently by his peers for not being racist enough> he's banned off most social media but still wanders from stream to stream> apart from Ralph retweets, her Twitter is mostly peformative flexing of her religion No. 1418892
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The fact that Alice fucked this creepy simp and left him her shitted-in britches but she won't touch May and Ralph is pretty hilarious. Even after Ralph paid for her plane tickets to come see him several times now, let her stay at his house, paid for her hotel room, took her to a job interview, probably gave her his best booze and coke.. he literally did everything to get Alice under his gunt and she still won't fuck him, kek.
No. 1419278
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This thread is GatorBrohs approved
No. 1419452
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>>1419295I doubt it. White trash people who can't afford kids have uteruses made of steel. That child will definitely be born, but with a lot of mental issues. 100% autistic, low IQ and ADHD. She will be raised by an autist and alcoholic to hate herself for being female, watch nothing but Anime and probably get molested by Pantsu. It will be another Alice, except she will look like a female Ralph with a big honker nose and a gunt of her own. Truly a horrific fate.
No. 1419681
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God. Alice really needs her own thread. I've thought about making one myself because I do know a lot of information about her, but not to the extent that this thread has already figured out. Pic is recent from one of those tellonym-type websites lol, really sad how anyone panders to these racist scrotes for a few internet validity points
No. 1420271
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Portugal has permissive laws about gambling and recreational drugs. If Gunt goes there this weekend, it is going to be a spectacle. Please, Ethan. Please go.
No. 1420313
>>1420271Not just recreational drugs, ALL drugs are legal in Portugal. Prostitution is also legal in Portugal, Ralph pointed this out himself when he talked about this plan on his show.
It's the perfect place to go to do drugs and fuck whores. I assume May is not coming with him since she is now 26 weeks pregnant and would spoil his fun. She probably genuinely believes him when he says he is going to museums and enjoying the local culture. God imagine being so utterly cucked and humiliated by a guy who looks like a walking ballsack. He can buy a trip to Portugal but no crib for the baby, get the message May. You are unwanted and so is your unborn child.
No. 1420316
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Wonder who he is bringing along as a "guest". I assume it's going to be Vito or Dick Masterson. Dick and him already enjoyed the Las Vegas brothels together. The age of consent is 14 in Portugal so it's perfect for those two pedophiles.
No. 1420317
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>>1420316Called it. I knew Dick wouldn't pass up the chance to do drugs and fuck (underaged) whores.
No. 1420409
>>1420310ah i figured, the story made no sense anyway.
i wonder if that’s just a lie she made up when she was younger or if she still maintains that she’s somehow connected to russia
No. 1420813
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Still can't believe May is not a tranny tbh.
No. 1422152
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More of Meigh's ultra trad cooking: store-bought pork tenderloin shoved into the oven for an hour, mashed potatoes (from a bag?) and the garish-looking cheese which also looks like it came out of a bag (pre-shredded.)
No. 1422166
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>>1418670>May is with Ralph to spite Digibro and Kiwifarms/Null cause she wanted to be the Kiwifarms e-girl for a long time and tried to go after Null for a while.that is SO funny, does anyone have screenshots of this or links to KF threads ?
No. 1422284
>>1422166There were some tweets back and forth between them but Null's twitter is gone now. Her KF account is: had some weird drama with a girl named Tenleid back in the Digibro days where she was convinced this Tenleid was stalking her. She was really eager to get attention from KF and wanted them to make her her own thread, she was really happy when she finally got her own thread on there. You can read about the earlier drama more in her thread on here
>>>/w/94955 There was a stream with digibro where he said that May was going to go after Null, but I'm not gonna go looking for that since I can't stand Digibro and his friends.
No. 1424165
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May is doing some more coping on twitter, Ralph is going on his 4-day trip to Portugal today. Leaving his pregnant tradgf at home while he fucks hookers and snorts cocaine.
No. 1424170
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I can think of something more depressing: being in May's position. I think even women in war-torn third world countries would trade their life with Amanda Lynn Morris.
No. 1424173
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Meanwhile Ralph is seething at women way out of his league who are laughing at him on twitter. Absolutely nothing hurts a man's ego more than attractive women laughing at them.
No. 1424196
>>1424195 said, he is asking people to speculate about how many men this woman has slept with just because she is young and pretty. Ralph has probably slept with more prostitutes than with willing women, very sad.
No. 1424197
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Kagome Sakura Chan Ralph will be proud to have a fat, alcoholic felon who cheats on her mom with hookers for a father.
No. 1424374
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>>1422284I miss her schizo skinwalking arc. Her holo live audition still gets shared on 4chan at least once per month.
No. 1424587
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>>1424426I usually hate when people on here assume that every lolcow is a lesbian, but she might actually be a lesbian. I mean, she masturbates to anime women, not men. She flicks her bean to little girls, not little boys. She tried to groom Faith into a threeway relationship where they wanted Ralph to watch in the corner while she got it on with Faith. Just reading these texts makes it obvious that May was never really interested in Ralph other than for the ego-boost of "stealing" him away from his pregnant girlfriend. She didn't even want Ralph to "see her cum", shows that she's pretty uninterested in him sexually.
And of course the really pushed digibro into trooning out, did his make-up and helped him dress like a woman, I wonder if her attraction to women made her push him in that direction but then she realized it will never be the same as being with a woman. Now she is trying to groom Alice into calling her mommy… this bitch is definitely not straight.
No. 1424593
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>>1424587All of her affections towards Ralph seem incredibly fake and performative, just look at this picture. She is imagining Faith seeing this picture and being jealous that she stole away her babydaddy. That's the only purpose of her ever being affectionate with Ralph, to put on a show for other people.
Ralph has landed in Portugal today, he is spending an entire week in Europe away from May. Wouldn't that have been such a perfect Honeymoon? They could have gotten hitched on the last Vegas trip and now taken a week long trip to Europe together, enjoying it being just the two of them before the baby arrives. But they can't stand each other. I can't even imagine taking a vacation without my partner, I would want to share every memory and experience with him, but these two? They can't put enough distance between themselves. What a miserable existence.
No. 1425510
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Ralph is currently living his best life, buying Burker King for his hooker in Portugal. Meanwhile May is stuck at home sadposting black rap-songs on twitter.
Some examples of the lyrics:
One night she cook for me, the next day I'm blocked on Instagram (damn)
Whoa, let me find out that she did me like I do these hoes (karma)
Or committed to old boy, tryna play her role (drama)
Some months go past, I ain't talk to her, ain't seen her (wassup?)
Asked her how she been
She like, "I'm outside and I'm single" (wassup?)
She go from one nigga to the next one, moving around fast
Don't love dude (uh-uh), she just do that think it make me mad
Stubborn, aggressive, possessive, and jealous it's more than that
Telling me his sex ain't good as mine while I hit from the back
Sitting inside the car, this ho just talking, think she selling me dreams
I had to look twice, I seen my nigga number 'cross her screen
Last situation scarred her so she moving off hurt
I can't save her I got outta there, I ain't making nothing work (I'ma exit)
Ain't no second guessing, I be going off what I know (can't fool me)
Talking 'bout, "That's yo' bestie I be fucking on the low" (I knew it)
She sneaky and she freaky, I looked up her horoscope (it said)
To be continued this a story 'bout a Scorpio
Sounds like trouble in trad-paradise? Please oh please get back at Ralph by cheating with a basketball american! There are plenty of them in Richmond you can take your pick, hell send Ralph some pics from you partying with a whole crew in his crackshack. Show him you can live it up as much as he can! it would cause levels of seethe that we have never witnessed before.
No. 1425519
>>1425483yes, he would have to pay inflated prices for a crummy quarantine hotel and some kind of government charge for being tested
please Santa, make that happen
No. 1425539
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Meanwhile Ralph as a fat, retarded American got totally scammed in some tourist trap and paid 55€ for a meal that costs 5€ to make. Imagine being this fucking stupid.
He's accompanied by some Portuguese twink with manboobs. Probably one of those famous Portuguese manwhores, that took him to the most expensive restaurant in the city to just completely turn this fat retards pockets inside out.
No. 1427927
File: 1643251107197.jpg (45.33 KB, 451x680, gunt_beaten_up.jpg)

>>1427570"any news from Portugal" indeed,
nonnie. Gunt got his ass whooped by what he termed four "diverse" individuals tonight. I knew he would not disappoint.
No. 1428148
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>>1427927Four on one sounds like cope for him getting his ass handed to him by one other guy, probably taller than 5'1".
No. 1428160
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Just the fact that Ralph claims he could chase anyone down tells you that this is a bold faced lie. This dude can barely walk, running is out of the question. Look at his fat beachball body on top of his teeny legs.
No. 1428176
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No. 1428236
>>1428208There is a 0% chance that he tried to get anything back. Recently some a-log came to his house while Ralph was streaming and left a box of diapers in front of their door, to make fun of Ralph for not buying anything for the baby yet. Ralph was scared shitless sitting inside and peaking out the window, threw a big fit on twitter but not once went outside to confront the guy. He is terrified of confrontation.
I think he literally just got beat up for being a loud, obnoxious dumb wigger who was trolling for whores and coke in the middle of the night. He says he still has his two phones, his passport AND his watch. There is no way the 4 dudes who supposedly robbed him wouldn't have taken those. Especially passports are super popular to steal because they can sell them and use them to make fake passports.
The mugging story is a lie to cover up the truth which is definitely 100 times more embarrassing. He probably got beat up by a whore when he didn't pay up and the whore was a head taller than him (as most people are).
No. 1428272
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New addiction arc
No. 1428368
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Some heartwarming words from his loving forever-fiancé. Ralph will have to have surgery for his CRACKED SKULL. What are the chances this fat retards had the foresight to get some travel health insurance? Probably slim to none. That's more money that could have been used to build a nursery down the drain simply because Ralph is reckless and retarded.
No. 1429311
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>>1429296He said they were of a "certain persuasion" which basically means black or Arab. Europe has a huge problem with Arab street gangs and now also with African gangs.
No. 1429316
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Getting the shit kicked out of you by a bunch of dope slingers is so badass and trad.
No. 1429321
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They also found his manpurse on Portuguese ebay, kek.
No. 1429586
No. 1431451
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The lack of self awareness this fat wigger has is truly amazing. Literally all of these things also apply to Ralph, except instead of Marvel and Cape-shit he talks about black men doing sports and plays Tucker Carlson clips.
No. 1431455
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So Ralph is out of the hospital and still bragging about all the free pills he is getting. Just wigger things. No news yet on when he will return back home to his horsegf who is now 7 months pregnant and still has nothing prepared for the baby.
No. 1431460
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And an update from the pregnant pedo herself, she thinks the drawing of Ralph with what she believes to be a 14 year old hooker makes him look "straight up G". Very trad. Many Christian values.
No. 1432039
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Ralph has burned the biggest bridge yet. After Mister Metokur dared to make fun of Ralph's misfortunes on his show, Ralph wrote a hitpiece on Jim, calling him a scared old dying man. I truly did not see this coming, I thought Ralph would cuck to his internet father for all eternity, but the madman did it and lit the torch!
No. 1432040
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He also called Jim's wife Jade a fat tub of lard. Meanwhile he's dating an actual tranny-looking horsewoman.
No. 1432041
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Jim's response
No. 1432043
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Even Gator, Ralph's most loyal janny and gunt-licker has disavowed. When Gator had to pick between his two internet daddies, he chose Jim! Ralph also unfollowed Gator on twitter. Now Ralph truly has nobody left but his horsefaced tranny who is about to foal. If he wasn't such a narc I would predict a noose in his future.
No. 1432045
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Ralph calling anyone else fat has always been pretty funny to me.
No. 1432198
>>1432170He literally idolizes black people, lol. He lives in Richmond, which is like 90% black (why not move?), he dresses like a wigger, listens only to rap music and watches black people toss balls around all day (and let's not forget the BLACKED porn he was caught watching). He was married to a Pakistani woman and of course he is now engaged to a Jewish woman and his daughter will be Jewish by their own rules (passed on through maternal bloodline). Of course he is lying to his audience about her being Jewish, despite her obvious Jewish last name and.. well.. appearance.
This man is not racist, he literally wishes he was black. He doesn't even allow people to say the n-word on his show, which most people in the "sphere" are extremely comfortable with. Ralph is literally pretending to be a racist because the racists are giving him money… somehow even more pathetic.
No. 1432248
>>1432198nah, he’s a “one of the good ones” style racist
and the misogyny is 100%
No. 1432794
File: 1643795858061.jpg (820.6 KB, 1419x728, lasagna.jpg)

>>1432317>>1432435Morris is a Jewish name and they live in upstate New York. She literally looks like an anti-Semitic Jewish caricature. I mean they literally doxed her parents and grandparents on Kiwifarms so it's not tinfoil, you can look them up yourself if you want. They know that her parents are Jewish.
She claims she is Italian, but look at this lasagna (picrel). Does this look like something an Italian would make? Every Italian I know would vomit at this sight. Spaghettianons please back me up.
No. 1432796
File: 1643796114008.jpg (385.95 KB, 1536x2048, ER6-WqrX0AAMbpA.jpg)

>>1432248I agree about the misogyny and I guess by twitter progressives standards he would be a racist, but he does actually love black people and wishes he was black. He's only playing the racist to get money from real racists.
No. 1432839
>>1432794>Morris is a Jewish namemorris is the most British surname ever kek, I looked it up and it says that
in some cases it can be an americanization of jewish names, but it seems like an autistic stretch
>she looks like an anti semitic jewish characterliterally where, she's much more believable as an ugly italian girl. does kf just tinfoil everyone they don't like as jewish? that lasagna is horrifying though, I have no argument against that
t. italian No. 1433193
>>1418508>internet with a capital "I"Kek, is that you, Josh?
Anyway, I'm happy somebody made this thread, I've been watching this trainwreck since the sex tape leak. Recent Portugal events have been a riot, I wasn't expecting much besides Ralph making a retard out of himself for spending thousands of dollars on a trip to a Med country out of season to "own" Warski somehow, but the milk has been plentiful lately.
Ralph claims he's coming back to States soon, so now place your bets if his brain leaks out of his ears due to pressure during the plane takeoff.
As for May, I'm still not convinced she's pregnant and I'm not even convinced she's an actual woman. I guess we will see in April, unless she has a convienient "miscarriage" in the meantime.
No. 1433496
Ethan got trolled by a donation into defending Isabella Loretta Janke again on stream last night (about 2 hours 40 minutes in if the link doesn't take you there). Said that it was "all made up" by the dastardly Kiwis. He seemed not to remember who she was other than "Kiwis bad" and that they wanted to "ruin her life," but that since her subforum closed down everything was OK. Isabella has been kicked out of college and is a meme now so maybe not so much. The cope and black-and-white thinking is real. If things aren't that bad for Isabella, thinks aren't that bad for Gunt. If Isabella is doxed on Josh's site, and Gunt hates Josh, Isabella must be in the right. So simple-minded. His foolishness really never ceases to amaze.
No. 1433592
>>1433193Josh 100% browses here, integrates, creates threads, etc. He gets so much info from lolcow from his person streams. He even used to term 'scrote' on his last stream
Wouldn't be surprised if he made this thread at all
No. 1433651
>>1433609>>1433592Then again, it's Conner, not Connor, so who knows.
>>1433633I think it's kinda cute, tbh.
No. 1433814
>>1433609>>1433592>>1433633>>1433651It sounds nothing like Josh. It does sound obviously to me like someone in particular from over there but no need to speculate. We're all
nonnie, right?
No. 1433828
>>1433193OP probably just watches his streams where he regularly spergs about the spelling of Internet.
>>1433592Josh has people help him with his person streams that gather info for him. He doesn't prepare all of that himself and said so. I assume he had some beauty parlor/ regulars that send him stuff about trannies to talk about.
No. 1433835
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Fat fuck Ralph posted this today, notice how his knuckles are perfectly smooth and intact? Do these look like the hands of a man who "kept fighting way past the point of what would be considered normal"? Nah, this fat coward didn't get a single punch on his attackers, he just laid on the floor in a fetal position as they kicked his fat face in. What a pussy.
Imagine being Pantsu, stuck at home pregnant, watching Ralph post his vacation pics as he is smoking and drinking champagne on a boat. While she just came home from a 7h shift at Subway. She can barely see the sandwiches under her protruding belly anymore and gets yelled at by the customers daily for getting the orders wrong. What a miserable doormat existence.
No. 1433847
File: 1643914371914.png (1.84 MB, 1408x7228, The Smoke.png)

Ethan wrote another diary entry about daddy Jim and Gaydur betraying him. love how he keeps framing the incident where Jesse came to his house to leave a box of diapers on his front lawn as a big scary terrifying attack that left May fearing for her life… but then he left to go to Portugal the next day. Help me figure this out nonnies… it's either:
1. The visit from Jesse war clearly no threat to May
2. Ralph does not give a single fuck about May and her saftey since he left her alone the next day
Hmmm…. I think both.
No. 1433854
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>>1433847The only thing funny in this is when he is dabbing on Anime. Anime is fucking cringe and grown adults who are obsessed with that shit are spergs. Wait a minute…
No. 1433889
File: 1643918357988.jpg (385.46 KB, 900x1200, EV6gODeWkAUi549.jpg)

Personally I think May and Gaydur should date. They are perfect for each other. No other man would want May and her guntling other than Gaydur, Gaydur would probably consider it an honor to raise Ralph's child and they both love anime and living in an anime dungeon. They have so much in common and Gaydur wouldn't even mind sucking May's feminine penis.
No. 1433895
File: 1643918810001.jpg (56.51 KB, 640x623, im-sorry-but-if-youre-this-ove…)

ethan looks like he is one burger away from a heart-attack
>>1433889i thought this was a mtf…
No. 1433904
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>>1433895Still not sure if May is actually a woman.. she is supposedly pregnant at the moment tho. Maybe she is boypreggers and will buttbirth the baby.
Gator it is your time to swoop in and woo the lady(boy)!
No. 1433928
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Ralph bragging about being scammed by a mahagony sun god. Ralph will buy literally anything if you flatter his big ego enough.
No. 1434437
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Ralph broke up with Gator, not the other way around. Gator would still be licking Ralphs boots to this day like the cowardly fat little faggot he is. I don't think Gator can ever be redeemed for the years of fucking gayops he ran in Ralphs name.
No. 1434644
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>>1434620Doesn't work no matter what spelling I put in
No. 1434766
>>1434729Also, in Ralph's case an a-log (or aylawg, by his pronounciation) is basically anyone who criticizes him in even the mildest of ways. See him exploding at Rekieta after he grimaced at Ralph sharting himself.
I think this is the peak now, btw. After this Ethan will fade into obscurity and nobody will care anymore. It was amusing while it lasted.
No. 1435151
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Gator, Ralph's longtime (and longsuffering) chief lieutenant and guntguard, was finally let go by Ralph amidst mutual recrimination. Gator escalated things by leaking some Discord PMs, Ralph did the same, dropping hints of Gator's dox, Gator started talking on Twitter, and then Ralph appears to have doxxed Gator's younger sister on /cow/. Guy keeps finding new lows for himself.
No. 1435168
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Ralph has doxed Gator and is threatening to visit Gator's hometown to hang up flyers about him on his college campus. He also plans to visit Metokur to do the same thing.
Can't say that Gator doesn't fucking deserve it tbh. That's exactly what you get for associating with Ralph.
No. 1435455
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>>1435388Mutts law in action, even here on the, neat.
(racesperg) No. 1435502
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Where is the baby belly, Pantsu?
No. 1435581
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Ralph missed the first of many of his son's milestones.
No. 1436030
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Mister Metokur made Ralph cry on Matt Jarbo's stream last night. Ralph kept crying about people "coming to his house" even tho he is planning to go to Gator's house and hang up posters at his Uni about him being a white nationalist (he's not, he watches anime). He cried about people talking about his son and Jim pointed out that Ralph shat on Jim's wife, while Jim said nothing about Ralph's family. He cried that daddy Jim didn't defend him and didn't come on his show anymore and that he "cosigned" what other people said about Ralph by going on their shows. He cried and hollered for an hour and then he was so drunk that he kept losing his train of thought, he eventually ragequit when Matt Jarbo started talking to him.
No. 1436087
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Gator dropped these DMs with Pantsu about Ralphs alcoholism and gambling. What a trad husband, she's bagged a real winner.
No. 1436273
>>1436030Metokur has so many men lusting after him you could make a dating game based on it. Ralph has to be the most pathetic case though, with his level of desperation to have Jim as his daddy. This is kinda tragic if you subscribe to the theory he was diddled by his dad.
Ralph ragequitting on Jarbo pressing him about flagging is like fucking poetry. Boulder stream was Killstream's most watched episode and now Matt and Metokur shat on Ralph for flagging people and being a thin skinned bitch on Matt's channel.
>>1436087May is so fucking retarded it belies belief. If she had some brain left, she would pack up and leave before that poor kid is born. If even Faith, a teenage methhead with mental problems figured it out, so should she.
No. 1436331
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>>1436273Lots of fatherless men in that corner of the internet, it's really sad. They are looking so hard for a replacement daddy and they pick the biggest scumbags like hedonistic misogynist Dick Masterson and high school-tier bully Metokur. I never liked Metokur, his jokes are all very mean-spirited and uncreative. It's always "AHAHAAHAHAHA THIS GUY HAS A SMALL DICK!" or "AHAHAHAHAHA THIS GUY IS A CUCK!" they are always playground style insults that a 5 year old would make. He is quick and confident in an exchange with other people, I give him that and he can easily outsmart a dumbass like Ralph, but in the end he is still someone who has to pick on people he sees as lower than himself. He never punches up and let's be honest, he IS afraid of his dox and he DID try to change his name. Nothing wrong with that, but denying it to seem like a tough guy is just ridiculous.
To me, I love this trashfire because I hate everyone involved. I hate Ralph, hate Gator, hate Metokur, hate all the gay drama channel leeches like Flamenco and Matt Jarbo. They can all shit on each other all day, whoever loses deserves it. Gator deserved getting doxed, Ralph deserved getting beat up and Jim deserves dying of cancer. They are all shitty people, which is why I can happily sit back and enjoy them destroy each other.
>>1436273I really think May isn't pregnant anymore. Where is her bump? You can see her in the driver's seat in Ralphs reflection. No baby belly. She should be 7 months by now and she probably shouldn't even be driving. I think she had a miscarriage and they are covering it up and they will just never show the baby and say they don't want to dox the baby. They announced it as soon as they got a positive test. You're supposed to wait until the second trimester because miscarriages are a lot more common than people think. Especially in a household with a violent alcoholic felon.
No. 1436342
File: 1644178316703.png (405.79 KB, 732x660, Untitled.png)

She used to make posts like this on twitter. Why didn't she keep it up? A different fruit/vegetable every week? Where is the belly progression that every female influencer who is pregnant posts? Where is the picture of her barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen making Ralph a sandwich? You'd think they would want to show off their domestic bliss and "trad life"? Where is the pictures of the nursery? Pantsu smiling with Ralph's head on her stomach? "BABY IS KICKING FOR THE FIRST TIME!!"
She has been entirely silent, which is why I think either she was never pregnant or she is not pregnant anymore.
No. 1436353
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No bump.
No. 1436399
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>>1436353>>1436342This is the last time she's looked visibly pregnant.
No. 1436404
>>1436399well if it died on the vine that's sad. but it's for the best, kid.
check out his platform shoes.
No. 1436405
>>1436353May not being pregnant would also explain why she is okay with Ralph leaving to go to Portugal even tho she should be 7 months pregnant by now and why he's planning bowling tournaments around her due-date instead of preparing for the arrival of his daughter.
Might also be that after an early miscarriage they immediately tried to get pregnant again to cover it up and that's why her bump-growth does not match the timeline. The chance of a miscarriage is around 25% in early pregnancy, much higher than people think. Most women with children experience at least one in their life, which is why smart people wait until the second trimester to announce their pregnancies when miscarriages are a lot less likely. These morons announced it right away.
If it happened I bet Ralph blamed it all on Pantsu and probably said some truly horrific shit to her because she lost his "reroll baby".
No. 1436416
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>>1436409She was also sadposting on twitter right after that.
No. 1436461
File: 1644185244117.jpg (107.53 KB, 1000x1000, 880666-tsni3u.jpg)

Ralph and May right now probably buying one of these to own the a-logs on Kiwifarms.
No. 1436547
Was gonna post this the other day because its entertaining but found out from the recent stream it was jim liking this video which sent ralph into a frenzy and started the guntplosion. the bichute one because the youtube one is age restricted
youtube link is the ethan v metokur livestream that happened today
No. 1436967
>>1436331Thanks for providing us with an example of what an alog is, nonna.
There's no point in wasting your energy on hating these people, just enjoy the flowing milk.
No. 1437772
File: 1644319172441.webm (3.16 MB, 1280x720, 2966797-5edc9549066175c8772488…)
This is a friend of Alice, whom she had a falling-out with recently. She says in this clip that Alice gave Ralph a blowjob. I'm not sure if it's true since she sounds very mad at Alice and might just be lying, but it's still funny if her lie to get back at Alice is "she got GUNTED!".
It must really chap Ralph's ass that very woman, other than May (and maybe even May) thinks that having sex with him is extremely disgusting and embarrassing, something that Alice vehemently denied as "EEEEWWW! I WOULD NEVER!" and her friend says she did to embarrass her. Imagine that being your man, aside from the fact that he would be cheating on May, kek. Honestly, you could not pay me enough to even breathe the same air as tampon-breath Ralph. I can't imagine the PTSD you would get from digging in the gunt flaps. Vile.
No. 1437875
>>1437710it's mentioned on the farms but Ralph never goes at men only their women all the while screaming and grunting about what a man he is.
>>1437768It must kill Ralph that most of the people he made fun of are doing miles better than him. Matt getting Jim and clowning on him. Sargon has his own little podcast and makes decent money after learning his lesson regarding politics. Meanwhile Ralph is getting his ass beat in a foreign country and his top gunt guard Gator left him for Jim.
No. 1437984
File: 1644341923239.webm (2.1 MB, 672x504, alice2.webm)
Alice says it's not truuuuuuuuuueee! I did naaaawt suck the memphis micro! She sounds truly disgusted and appalled at the accusation that she would ever sink so low. Even a crackwhore like Alice would not take Pantsu's place.
No. 1438230
File: 1644361995342.jpg (48.2 KB, 434x323, Seethan And Meigh - stolen fro…)

Kiwi chat is now saying that the Pig and the Horse are to be wed as a surprise addition to the bowling outing that the Gunt has planned on April 2nd in Dallas. He's charging money for the privilege of going there and featuring some other content creators in his sphere, but this has to be the saddest thing I have heard in quite some time: it looks like the only way the Gunt can ensure that people (even his purported good friends like Dick) show up for his wedding is by tricking them into paying for the privilege.
No. 1438593
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>>1437657>>1437710This is one of the tweets related to it that I found (off kiwifarms).
No. 1438630
File: 1644398703956.webm (1.08 MB, 856x480, bowling_wedding.webm)
Ralph confirms he plans to get married on the bowling alley at their "Killstream Kingpin" event. I assume this is because otherwise they would not have any guests at the wedding at all since neither of them has friends. I also suspect that Ralph really really wants his daddy Dick Masterson to be his best man.
On April 2nd, the day of the event, May will be 37 WEEKS PREGNANT. (40 weeks is full term, although most first time mothers give birth a bit earlier than that). At 37 weeks she is not allowed to fly on a plane anymore. The drive from Richmond, Virginia, to the bowling alley in Dallas, Texas is 19 HOURS. I assume since Ralph is constantly drinking, Pantsu will do the driving. Ralph might even get on a plane and let her drive alone.
I bet this will be the wedding she has always dreamed of. She will look like a proper bowling ball in a bowling alley with a handful of drunk retards. Then she can birth the baby right onto the lane.
No. 1438634
>>1438630Thankfully, May can just take off her fake belly, put it in her luggage and fly on a plane with no issues.
I think this might be the best proof yet that she is not actually pregnant. No pregnant woman would agree to this bullshit and travel so close to her due-date. We need to get an a-log into the wedding to expose May's fake belly.
No. 1440557
File: 1644585728032.webm (4.01 MB, 1092x614, bump.webm)
Pantsu was on the Killstream last night and refused to show her bump because she is "private about that" also she is "wearing spanks" and her "bump is very tiny". They will show the baby eventually maybe… possibly..
I'm guessing they lost the first baby and either she is now pregnant again, but of course not as far along, hence a small bump, or they are desperately trying to get her pregnant again so they will eventually have a baby to show and pretend they never lost the first one. Of course the timelines won't match up at all and all this will blow up in their retarded faces.
Pantsus womb is probably curses as fuck.
No. 1441720
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Engagement from women? Does she mean Rachel, who tries to suck up to her and Ralph so she can shill her shitty book on his 150 viewer show? Does she mean Alice the crackhead she is trying to groom for Ralph's harem? Does she mean LuvIsa4LetterWord who interacts with Pantsu only because she feels guilts for sleeping with Ralph during one of his Vegas trips while Pantsu was already pregnant?
Also lol @ her thinking Ralph loves her… he only loves what you can do for him, dipshit. He loves that you let him be an alcoholic deadbeat while you pay his bills with your part-time job, he loves that he can use your bank account to hide his assets, he loves that you suck his disgusting micro penis and make him sloppy sandwiches. You could die tomorrow and Ralph would not shed a tear.
No. 1441725
File: 1644696060103.png (230.61 KB, 726x600, Screenshot from 2021-09-27 21-…)

Remember when Ralph accidentally showed his discord on stream and we got this conversation of him talking to Gator about how miserable he is at home with Pantsu and how he can't handle "how much she loves him" and how he "is fucked" aka stuck with her? kek
No. 1441758
File: 1644700634806.png (803.95 KB, 750x714, Untitled.png)

Ralph just posted this, no baby bump in sight. She should be 7 months by now? She's not 7 months pregnant, if she is pregnant at all. She definitely lost the first child and now she is either pregnant again or they are trying to get pregnant again.
I guess he knew this lie would go up in flames at the bowling tournament so he's showing it now.
No. 1441764
File: 1644701497772.jpeg (85.08 KB, 525x960, maternity_fruit.jpeg)

>>1441758Her excuse of "I just have a small bump" is total bullshit too. Even very petite women are very obviously pregnant looking by the third trimester.
No. 1441782
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>>1441775Her stomach is clearly curving inward beyond the sandwich wrapper. She has a very large ribcage, which always protrudes forward in her pictures where she is breaking her back to make it look like she has curves. All you see protruding in this picture is her big ribcage.
No. 1441789
File: 1644704412607.jpg (885.8 KB, 1472x1040, baby_bump.jpg)

Have the retarded scrotes on KF ever seen a pregnant woman in their life? The bump usually starts right under the boobs, this is because all your organs get pushed upwards by the expanding uterus, so they will crowd your ribcage and stick out. It's not just your lower belly that starts sticking out. Even women who carry low will have the bump start right under the boobs, between the ribs.
No. 1441797
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>>1441789The only way her belly wouldn't be showing at all in that picture was if she looks like this. Which… is I guess accurate anatomy of a pregnant woman according to Kiwifarmers.
No. 1441843
>>1441720Translation: none of the females I tried to skinwalk and provoke during my anime troon arc took the bait, but now that the Gunt runs my Twitter, I get 8 whole likes! Everything’s looking up.
When Pantsu finally clues in to Alice being an attempt at replacing her, will she try to become Alice or will she try to fight her? Place your bets while you can.
No. 1441848
>>1441826Yeah, Kiwis and /cow/ (current incarnation on and almost totally dedicated to fucking with Ralph) have been doing this with varying degrees of competence and believability. This one about had me spit my drink out laughing but is pretty obvious although pretty well done. There are more subtle ones going around too, including some of the ones ITT. The thing is, of course, Pantsu shoops or at least filters the pics she puts out, like the other one here
>>1441782 in which she honestly doesn't look that bad. As usual, the truth is probably halfway between.
>>1441789Nobody ever went broke overestimating the average kiwicel's knowledge base about women.
No. 1441895
>>1441875>there's no babyI dislike Pantsu as much as the next person and maybe I am a softie for saying this but I feel bad at this point because I'm pretty sure that even her and Ethan aren't retarded enough to just claim a baby that
never existed. She probably lost it. I've been through that and I know other nonnies will have, too, she's a terrible person but now that she is gonna get memed on by the whole Internet for faking the pregnancy that's really a bit much for me.
No. 1441912
>>1441899It is super weird to lie about it but I don't think that is really Pantsu's doing. Although if she lost it and is sad it makes sense she has been hiding, and the Kiwis did some research that shows it is almost certain that Ralph controls her social media particularly her Twitter. So it may not be her driving the whole thing. Ralph is the kind of guy who is gonna think that somehow this reflects on
him and his masculinity or something retarded like that or just is aware that he's attacked other men's wives about this kind of thing. He may be in denial himself. He may just not give a shit. He was very clearly not happy to hear it was to be a daughter (RIP). But Gunt is unable to back down from anything. It's a core characteristic of many lolcows in general and he has as bad a case of it as I've seen.
No. 1441915
>>1441782I seriously can't wait til for due date era, how are they gonna spin it.
>>1441899Easy, Ralph wants nothing to do with that piece humble pie after celebrating the death of other's kids, he knows full well Everyone would go at him. May is just a try hard clout chaser and if lying about her pregnancy is clout as dumb and sad as it is. She'll do it. This is the tard that pretended to be trans to cling to the dwindling clout digitroon had from his anime youtube.
No. 1442004
File: 1644726563759.png (52.43 KB, 482x488, 2022-02-12-ralph_tweets.png)

>>1441915Me too
nonnie I have no idea what to expect tbh. Half of me expects him to go surrender himself entirely to spite and put the blame on some enemy, real or imagined. But the real test to me is gonna be the bowling trip. Everyone has already pointed out how travelling 1,200 miles for a woman nearly at term is a problem in and of itself but then he needs to show her off at the event. Even if his core audience doesn't much about the female body by that time there won't be fooling anyone with half a brain. Or the alternative would be for Gunt to punt the situation a couple weeks forward by making excuses for Pregnant Pantsu being unable to travel or to appear at the event. God knows what he will say when 36 weeks become 40 and beyond.
Like I said I think it's possible he will try to psychotically pin it on something Internet drama-related but also I think there's a possible he's just narcissistic enough to care neither about his unborn daughter nor his fiancée and like everyone else is saying he doesn't want to hear it when everyone calls him out for the shit he's talked before. And being that he's the kinda guy that thinks low blows like that are acceptable he probably expects it from others. And will likely get it if people believe the pregnancy was even in the first place.
Jesus, what a shitshow. I hate to say it but it's probably for the better a child is
not coming into the world under those circumstances but at this point it's just the perfect illustration of "what a tangled web we weave…" and Gunt can't back down from anything. But frankly he is in mental decline, actually out of his mind, a clinical case. I've gotten a lot of glee from seeing Ralph fuck up but I feel like at the end of the day the end of the story is gonna be a sad one.
No. 1442075
>>1441993Digibro and his friends said it was actually May who got him into lolicon, not the other way around. She was an anime-fan and watched Anime Youtubers before she met him, she first tried to date a different Anime Youtuber (Mother's Basement) but he didn't want her. She was really hung up about it for a long time too and when he got a girlfriend she made up some weird rivalry in her head and started skinwalking the girl (its all in her thread here on /w/).
You can check her instagram too and see that she was into anime way before she met Digibro. She definitely still watches it and she also still likes and retweets anime pics on twitter sometimes.
No. 1442078
>>1442004I think once it comes time for the due date they will just say they won't "dox the baby for privacy reasons" And pretend it exists until Pantsu is pregnant again and has one for real. Then idk how they expect people not to notice that the baby isn't as old as it should be and will be late to every milestone…
I think they made a huge mistake announcing the pregnancy so early, miscarriages are very common and happen in 25% of all pregnancies. Mr Vickers pointed out on a stream on friday that they announced the pregnancy on Faith's birthday, so it was definitely out of spite.
What's weird is that Pantsu DID have a bump on Christmas and even after she showed it on the Killstream and was quite visibly pregnant. If she lost the baby then it was a stillbirth and thats just horrible.. Would explain why she doesn't tweet anymore and only Ralph is LARPing as her on her twitter and why she looks so miserable in every picture.
No. 1442266
>>1442078It’s most likely she miscarried when she had her “allergic reaction” and he’s too embarrassed and she’s too mentally unstable to deal with the fact that they will get absolutely destroyed by people they’ve started beef with when they find out.
I wouldn’t wish a miscarriage on anyone, but they were so loud and obnoxious about the pregnancy and continue to triple down. If they just shut the fuck up about it they could have grifted the miscarriage but now they’re stuck. The only thing that would make this funnier is if one of her “enemies” announced a pregnancy.
No. 1442593
>>1442145Simple because as stated
>>1441916 "Can't abort the Retort" slogan. And seeing how he's burning every bridge possible the blow back would be immediate and with as many memes as the farms and twitter can muster. May absolutely would use a loss as woe is me ass pats. But there's no way Ralph would ever admit.
No. 1442683
File: 1644837041493.png (459.07 KB, 707x438, Untitled-1.png)

At her last appearance on the Killstream where she showed her bump it was clearly large. Now it's gone. There is no mystery here.
No. 1442684
File: 1644837301594.png (142.81 KB, 510x180, bump.png)

>>1442683Direct comparison
No. 1442693
File: 1644838482610.png (212.58 KB, 588x1358, gambling.png)

Glad to see Ralph's gambling issues are getting worse. He is now gambling $1.000 to win a measly $166 of profit. Quite a lot of money to risk for winning that little. One thing that all gamblers do is they never post their losses, so if he is betting this much, you know he is also losing a lot.
No. 1443032
File: 1644866523817.jpg (36.95 KB, 624x468, meigh looking more…) nonnies she looks more pregnant to me in this one including her tits and that looks kinda like maternity wear to me and the way it falls below her breasts seems like she's got a belly under there. Her face even seems more filled out. Who knows. I guess we'll find out soon though.
>>1442959It really depends. Miscarriage is a pretty broad term and can be from any number of factors. If this happened in December it is on the very borderline between miscarriage and stillbirth (which is defined as 20 weeks.) But before or after this point it is
generally not a serious threat to the life of the mother unless we're talking about a significant hemorrhage but could range from something that would result in just getting checked out and comforted in the emergency room to something that requires life-or-death medical intervention to stop bleeding.
No. 1443037
>>1443032Pregnant bellies aren't there one day and gone the next and then reappear again. Everyone looks fatter in white, plus it is a poofy empire waist blouse that is meant to poof out under your bust. You definitely can't see a bump the size of this
>>1442684 image on the left. The fabric hangs down instead of expanding forward as it should if there was a 8 month pregnant belly underneath.
No. 1443038
File: 1644867056107.jpg (308.09 KB, 2048x1536, FLkKbZtXsAsCHNr.jpg)

Full size image. There is no belly, she just looks fat in white and gained some weight.
No. 1443039
File: 1644867223239.jpg (485.33 KB, 1004x1500, PHI-077-Bardot-Empire-Waist-To…)

>>1443032All empire waist tops look like that. Picrel a definitely not pregnant woman wearing one.
No. 1443044
File: 1644867717485.png (201.5 KB, 368x325, may_eating_fries.png)

>>1442684>>1436399The Christmas pic (=16-18 weeks-ish I think) and the other one from the Killstream is a month or two ago right? Especially the latter it looks almost too big for how far along she was supposed to be. The Chrismas one you can tell she is leaning in a weird way to emphasize it. The whole thing is just so bizarre.
No. 1443308
File: 1644887122213.jpg (62.9 KB, 645x746, Screenshot_20220214-200347_Chr…)

>>1443037>>1443039is correct and look closely at the cloth in picrel. No way it's covering a belly the size of the pics from Christmas and the Killstream.
No. 1443764
>>1443102The pregnancy announcement definitely stopped people from speculating weather or not she was a tranny, so if they faked it for that reason they accomplished their goal.
Pantsu and Ralph spent their Valentine's day watching boring newsclips for 3 hours on the Killstream. I skipped through it to see if she stands up and shows belly at any point, but she didn't.
What's curious is that Ralph usually is very desperate to "proof the haters wrong" and will go out of his way to shows off and get a win over the stupid Kiwi a-logs being WRONG! I think that if she still was pregnant Ralph would have put out a picture of her belly to own the haters by now and written some shit about "Fanfic farms is wrong again, they just lie about everything and think my girlfriend ain't pregnant when she actually is!" The fact that neither of them have addressed the accusations speak volumes. She's not pregnant.
No. 1450903
File: 1645697191847.jpg (478.44 KB, 1325x2048, FMAQcWnXEAQb85S.jpg)

Can't believe nobody has posted the official wedding invitation yet! Yes, this was made by Ralph, not by a troll. I couldn't believe it either.
No. 1450905
File: 1645697501703.png (2.53 MB, 1304x1099, Untitled.png)

>>1450903If you need a reminder of what these two actually look like.
No. 1453453
File: 1645999414139.jpg (53.92 KB, 948x1001, 61IqavsiMJL._AC_SL1001_.jpg)

>>1453371Looks to me like she finally got one of picrel. Her bump was much bigger in this
>>1442684 picture on the left. How come her bump has shrunk since then? How come her bump was gone in other pics? It's all fake.
No. 1474791
File: 1647754849182.jpg (287.91 KB, 598x634, nHIrAL4.jpg)

Ralph made May do an update post for his twitter to own the farms. It's mostly her rambling about nonsense like her water breaking at the dog park. But she's at the hospital for a week to give the baby a better chance. I'm starting to think the farms are onto something that she's slow
No. 1474901
File: 1647774600509.png (223.61 KB, 442x602, ralph1.png)

Gator leaked some DMs from Ralph confirming that Ralph was having sex with hookers in Las Vegas, as everyone already suspected.
No. 1474902
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No. 1474904
File: 1647774721386.png (142.62 KB, 1226x340, ralph3.png)

Chances of Pantsu having Chlamydia and her water breaking early because of that? She is only 35 weeks and we know Ralph doesn't wrap his memphis micro when he bangs crackwhores in Vegas.
No. 1474905
File: 1647774778787.png (29.7 KB, 568x245, ralph4.png)

Gator also shared some DMs in which Ralph is talking about dodging child support for his first child with Faith Vickers.
No. 1474906
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No. 1474929
File: 1647778594275.png (112.97 KB, 584x530, ralph1.png)

>>1474901jesus christ, I'm starting to feel really bad for their futur child. Also, I can't find any proper respond from Ralph, he only seems to try to call Gator irrelevant and to hype up his own shitty podcast.
No. 1477174
File: 1647961247758.png (495.08 KB, 756x668, Untitled.png)

I think this is more evidence that there is NO BABY being born to Ralph and Pantsu any time soon. What the fuck is this ultrasound supposed to be? At 35 weeks on a slim girl you should clearly see the baby. There is absolutely nothing to see here. And she purposefully covered up the gestational age of the fetus.
No. 1478630
File: 1648048705267.png (3.06 MB, 1499x1851, 98901DC4-BB6A-41EA-AE98-75CBFA…)

Little Baby corn was born. I hope she doesn’t grow to look like her parents.
No. 1479498
>>1478630The kid was born during the Witching Hour. That is unfortunate, but not as unfortunate as how much like Ralph she looks.
>>1479003If by growing into her looks, you mean growing up to look like Amberlynn Reid or something equally white trash inbred, then yeah. Definitely. Some kids grow up to be really awesome in spite of their parents and upbringing. I can only wish that for this poor thing.
No. 1480631
File: 1648184914631.jpg (325.25 KB, 1279x1440, vickers-and-gunt-same-picture.…)

So, with all the focus being on the ass-whooping in Portugal and subsequent chain of events and then the pregnancy speculation, we've gotten away from the California part of our story!
>Mr. Vickers>father to Faith>grandfather to Xander, Ralph's firstborn>@MWV on Kiwi Farms and a drama whore in his own right>tasted Internet clout during the whole debacle of his daughter's relationship with Ralph>allegedly, he wanted to create some kind of hobby podcast, but that's out the window now>has taken up with Gator, Ralph's former henchman who Ralph doxed (along with Gator's sister) out of spite in the aftermath of Gunt's beat-down in Portugal, and some nobody who talks about anime to make their own podcast> The Good The Bad & The Vicious>it's the cringiest thing you can imagine>meanwhile, Faith and her dad talk back and forth on Twitter, in front of everyone>only slightly less strange due to the fact they're not living togeher>that's right, Faith is with her Grandmother (Xander's great-grandmother)>MWV mocks the idea of changing diapers and helping out>more or less overtly slut-shames his daughter on air, repeatedly>takes up with people (PPP and others) who have called Faith every type of whore in the book>refers to his own grandson as "the demon baby" (a term even the Kiwis used less as Pantsu came closer to term)You have to understand this man, while obviously people made fun of him, basically burned through an incredible amount of goodwill and sympathy for him and his daughter based on some guntish quest for Internet clout. And after all he is an awful lot like the Gunt. Really makes you think.
I am sad for Faith still I think but she is not helping matters, both she and her dad screw around on Twitter to try and agitate Ralph hoping he'll violate the restraining order. This is not a good look at all if they have to go to family court as they probably will. Judges HATE that shit. But no, this is a family who prefers Jerry springer tier antics and severe Internet induced brain damage.
No. 1481617

There was a bit of a throw-down between some IP2 degens tonight, and Alice wound up on PPP's stream (the Kino Kasino). Alice spilled tea (if not outright spaghetti) on a bunch of people incuding Nick Fuentes and other AF people, and her ex Baked Alaska. It's a big mess but the big revelations involved her interactions with the Gunt. Alice says everyone told her to share, and she is tired of keeping it to herself.
Alice is definitely a girl who would make up some crazy stories, but honestly this is a believable story at minimum in broad outlines.
>Ralph is in the habit of inviting egirls to Vegas with him
>One of these was Alice, to nobody's surprise
>She is staying with him after the Killstream was on
>falls asleep
>Gunt gambles all night
>wakes Alice repeatedly by screaming
>says he lot $600
>meanwhile Amanda was in Rochester
>Alice and Amanda had a girl's weekend
>Alice says she's thinking of leaving Ralph
>it was actually $6000 he lost
>Alice says she wants to 'support her as a friend'
>But meanwhile, Gunt has been been buying Alice hundreds of dollars of stuff off her Amazon wish list like thigh high socks
>He's boasted to her he can introduce her to the CEO of oddyssey, etc.
>Alice says that meigh and gunt 'concocted a plot'
says she just wanted a safe warm place to stream (was homeless)
>Alice talks about gunt buying her liquor, acknowledging she is an alcoholic
>Getting black out every night
"I know my limits", she says
>one night she was super drunk
>Gunt: "do you want to go further in our relationship?"
>Alice: "if I drink this I'm gonna pass out."
>Gunt: "DRINK IT!"
>Alice was "really fucked up", Gunt kept bothering her for a blowjob
>She denies him, but passes out, wakes up at home
>Alice insists she "knows how to control [her]self", but wakes up on a couch and can't find her things
found everything but her phone, she runs find-my-phone
was last in the parking lot of the liquor store
>She gets in touch with Gunt after he ignores her all day
>Her phone was in his car, he drops it of to her
>"Did I suck your dick?"
>"I fucking said no!"
>Alice goes back, checks her phone
>Gunt tried to log into it around 1AM trying to erase stuff
>Alice leaves
>Gunt has told May not to interact with Alice
>Gunt tried to rope Alice into a threesome with May just like Faith (no "mommy" stuff though, that was for Faith, who was only 18 at the time.)
>Gunt was very controlling to his side women, too, and particularly tried to pressure them not to have female friends.
>It seems like Baked Alaska basically pushed Alice on Ralph, basically pimping her out on some level.
>Alice says she "genuinely wanted to be friends" with the pair but they were full of crazy head games and worse.
This is still going on right now.
No. 1482585
File: 1648337676755.png (48.1 KB, 166x183, joey looks like a…)

>>1482569she was going on during the Kino stream about this guy (Joey, a super sketchy guy who is allegedly a fed snitch for right-wing and hacking related stuff and a bunch of other weird stuff) supposedly hacking her phone, deleting her YouTube, etc. all while she was live on stream with Ralph. The whole drama kicked off because Alice and Goocheese (the girl who's video is linked somewhere ITT where she says Alice sucked Ethan's dick back in February) were acting stupid in a hotel room rented by Joey. This kicked off a big shitstorm that was live streamed by Alice and/or Goo which lead to PPP wanting Alice on to talk about that drama (and of course to ask questions about Baked and Gunt given she was excited and possibly high.)
But anyway she was telling them that he was hacking her live and that he had taken her phone when she was asleep the other night and copied it's contents to her computer. I wasn't sure if I believed her stories about getting hacked but maybe it was true, if we're not talking about nudes that she sent him.
What a scumbag, but just look at him. Also wonder if it means he was really doing actual hacking (I suspected that Alice was lying about it for attention and deleted her own stuff thinking she'll get the followers back, but what do I know) then he's just committed multiple felonies live in front of the whole Internet. But so did Ralph in releasing RP of Faith. The scrotes in this sector of the Internet aren't known for making good decisions. I hope he gets prosecuted.
(also imagine, Alice willingly had sex with this man, but not with Ralph. Ralph had to take it by stealth. What a pathetic little fucking worm. I hope it stings him as much as it cracks me up.)
No. 1482840
File: 1648351247179.png (202.06 KB, 1061x608, JoeyCamp.png)

>>1482585To quote a KF post at length here because it says more than I can, this Joey Camp guy seems like a dangerous fucker. Alice is going to wind up like Bianca if she is not careful.
No. 1485112
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No. 1485114
File: 1648493627996.jpg (477.79 KB, 1536x2048, cozy rozy 2.jpg)

No. 1485221
File: 1648501903533.png (1.26 MB, 1484x754, retard.PNG)

Joey Camp has now leaked Alice's aka Holland Proudfoot nudes that he took of her while they were fucking in a hotel room before he broke up with her.
she has bought a gun to show him she "isn't playin' around"
Joey is now threatening to call the feds on her for being at the Capitol during January 6th.
No. 1485225
File: 1648502142796.png (Spoiler Image,965.01 KB, 1568x833, image_2022-03-27_092742.png)

>>1485221nudes taken by Joey the pedo provided by kiwifarms
No. 1516889
File: 1651416747932.jpg (301.56 KB, 1512x1080, PhotoCollage_1651417346529.jpg)

The new co-host of Ethans stream is convicted for something weird. It seems like the most likely thing is severe abuse, but apparently things like restraining kids with ropes or purposefully denying them food/water as punishment also falls under the same category. I wonder what the fuck happened?
I'm surprised the wave of Ethan Ralph milk lately hasn't been posted. He's been clashing with Mister Metakour again, he's currently stirring shit with Keemstar because Ethan is supposed to be boxing Andy Warski, and now this
No. 1517598
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>>1516889This has been the most insane public meltdown i believe ive ever seen. And yes, this new cohost genuinely is creepy AF.
For anyone who hasn't kept up with the last month of drama, it's pretty insane. Metokur covers it in his April round up here:'s a video of Ralph's new cohost. This guy seems like a total psychopath, I'm scared for any children around this guy looks like she's rethinking her life choices[Archived Copy
No. 1518868
File: 1651619041598.jpeg (553.99 KB, 1080x2774, 9E46CC85-CF8A-444E-8C1E-2BF4C1…)

When I saw he was supposedly arrested I figured it would be for nothing major, turns out it’s all a false alarm No. 1539512
File: 1653501020044.png (1.04 MB, 1122x630, gunt punted.png)

>>1521113Or something crazy happening…he went to Portugal again on a surprise visit, and another IBS scrote named Cog showed up to IRL fite him and after Ethan kept screaming at him, he got his wish and beat Ethan's ass in broad daylight in a street in Portugal. I can't.
No. 1539573
>>1539512Who was that lady? I don't care about the fuck being beat, but I really hate when women put themselves in harms way because of scrote vs. scrote violence. I was so worried for her,even if I know nothing happened. Just keep walking, none of them men came to stop it. Unless she was with him, even then, just let the scrotes beat eachother, who cares.
Don't put yourself in danger.
No. 1539579
File: 1653505365306.png (73.5 KB, 576x299, pressin charges.png)

>>1539573A random Portugese woman. It is really hard to see what happened but I think you are right she rushed into 'help' once Ethan was on the ground getting pummeled. According to him the other woman was hurt pretty badly. This tracks for me because you could hear her surprised by the fighting but then screaming in real distress. I think it was due to her getting pushed out of the way on accident (no excuse ofc).
Ethan is tweeting from the hospital ER claiming they arrested Cog and friend but they seem to have let them go after questioning. Cog is british so he will probably be home soon.
Thing is he went out to Portugal with the express intention of getting into a fight with Ethan. He also streamed for like 10 minutes after and took in several hundred dollars of donos and he will make much more tonight.
No. 1539587
File: 1653505956493.gif (Spoiler Image,4.47 MB, 850x479, RalphaPound.gif)

>>1539512Like imagine seeing this happening and then running up to try to stop this mess, instead of running away? let them duel, scrotes are gross.
No. 1539615
File: 1653508412949.png (43.11 KB, 467x255, daddy jim minecraft…)

>>1539517Ethan is raging at Metokur harder than at the guys who actually beat him at this point. I assume because Metokur has the (much, much) bigger audience.
No. 1539638
I wonder if Ethan actually knows what Metokur looks like. Afaik theres never been a confirmed Jim face reveal, but I wouldn't put it past Ethan to pummel a cancer patient anyway so if he knows where Jim lives… yikes
>>1539615Because Ethan is extra sensitive about Metokur. I think it was Josh who said Ethan sees Metokur as his "Daddy" (Metokir essentially launching Ethans career) so any jab from Metokur gets like 10× response anyone else would get
No. 1539644
File: 1653510092469.jpg (72.56 KB, 512x448, IMG_20220525_213652.jpg)

>they'd have to kill me to stop me
Jim's cancer withered fists are going to destroy Ralph. He literally toppled over from a light push in that beat down video
No. 1539753
>>1539638Metokur claims that old black and white pic with a guy in a baseball cap is him, but you can see fuck all in this picture.
According to Null, Jim's facedox was on ED for years back when nobody believed James O'Shaughnessy was his real dox, but the photo disappeared a while ago and never resurfaced.
No. 1539840
File: 1653518831899.jpg (13.48 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg)

>>1539587His stomach is waving around like one of those noodle guys in front of a car dealership
No. 1540748
File: 1653570028678.jpg (Spoiler Image,170.45 KB, 1494x924, I to V.JPG)

>>1540719It’s fat. A dense layer of fatty tissue called panniculus. Our bodies don’t stop growing, a lot of times in abnormal ways, if we over feed them.
(Attached is an illustration of the different grades. Putting it behind a spoiler because it depicts naked bodies but from a medical/nonsexual perspective)
No. 1540835
File: 1653578358438.png (354.34 KB, 394x394, 1653545627118.png)

>>1539753This is supposedly Metokur's real face. Null said he saw his mugshot form his DUI back when it was posted on ED and that the guy in it looked like this guy. It's not 100% confirmed, but I believe it. He looks extremely irish and like a heavy smoker. Also ugly af which would explain his ugly wife and that he doesn't show his face. It would ruin his image if people knew he was a hideous troll looking creature.
No. 1540856
>>1540835marfan syndrome traits. where do you get the smoking from? are you working backwards from cancer?
gunt only threatened him because it was safer than threatening the people who just kicked his ass.
No. 1540966
Gunt is so disinhibited at this point from alcohol and drugs and/or now possibly (all memes aside) brain damage from the beating he took in Portugal that I really feel like he might show up at Jim's house. Andy Warski and PPP have promised to do the same if he does which we shall see given travel arrangements, etc. (is Warski vaxed?) But regardless, what a shitshow it will be. You just never know with this guy. His post-beating stream was relatively calm for him (although he was threatening people) but we didn't see a huge meltdown like the one where he threatened to fight Dingo(?, there have been so many lately I get confused…) because I think it's missing the magic ingredient, cocaine. When he gets some, it's on.
>>1540856>>1540878Yeah Jim being smoker is well known
No. 1541112
>>1540986Ralph subforum is fun and surprisingly female-friendly (there are more female posters than you might assume) but also full of freaks. To explain the pity, a huge percentage of the Kiwis that regularly go there Ralph subforum are ex-fans who have some level of nostalgia or just view Ralph at this point as a clown to amuse them.
But another substantial portion hate him so much it's ridiculously over the top (one going by Christorian X has been everywhere lately donating money to streamers and been hugely visible talking about Gunt Man Bad, just seen talking in Kiwi Chat about how he was helping Cog find Ralph by sending him GPS coordinates in effect to find the beating. Which even if you think Ethan is as much of a toad as I think goes a bit above and beyond IMO.)
No. 1541135
>>1540986I find this whole debacle hilarious and was genuinely disappointed Ralph didn't get his shit kicked in harder yesterday. He deserves all of this.
Also, as much as I like the Gunt board at KF, them calling Ralph's behavior womanly really grinds my gears. What's womanly about leaking revenge porn, constantly threatening to beat people up, neglecting your kids and refusing to pay child support? Those are all textbook scrote behaviors.
>>1540835Come on, Jade isn't that ugly, just fat. I'm willing to believe this is Jimbo, however.
No. 1541149
>>1541135I'm kinda with you
nonnie but even I take the piss out of the Gunt by calling him womanly sometimes. It's particularly funny because for a while it was his favorite insult and it's common for idiots in that whole sektur to call each other out for acting "womanly." Obviously this is a bad thing in their eyes but the traits they are trying to attribute (petty, vain, gossipy, carries a purse) apply so well to the Gunt. So for me it's satire. You're not wrong though some of them mean it totally in earnest. I can't really let it bother me tbh, worse goes on, it's Kiwi Farms. And yeah Jade looks fine I don't know what people are on about, and if that's Jim I'll laugh. As they say, "that's bullshit but I believe it." Totally possible IMO.
No. 1541994
File: 1653690406909.jpg (17.1 KB, 480x360, jade.jpg)

This is Jade, the other infamous picture of her has her hiking up her garters with her tits hanging out of a schoolgirl outfit. Dunno who is in the pic, looks related.
No. 1544842
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Not really Ethan milk, but tonight was perhaps the first time I've watched him and found myself rooting for the man. He was attacking Tuxlovesyou, a nobody who Ethan hates for petty reasons, but who was recently exposed as having molested his sister when he was 14 and she was 12. He sounds like a real nasty little piece of work and blamed his autism and his sister for the whole thing, tried to make her out to be the bad guy for resenting him for the incest, etc. But anyway Ralph was (rightly) condemning him even if it was for the wrong (petty, typically guntish) reasons. But the Kiwis as were being discussed earlier here disappointed me in another way, this time a lot of them seemed to quick to see gayops everywhere when the audio wasn't even denied by the guy in question. They seem willing to give the guy the benefit of the doubt because they don't like Ethan and while both of them are nasty little scroteshits (and this tells you something about the "sector") in this case they are siding with an abuser for their own equally petty reasons.
No. 1544844
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samefag but meanwhile, another of Ralph's enemies, Flamenco, who not too long ago accidentally doxed himself and had a really degenerate porn history revealed, another one who likes to LARP as a trad but is a total sicko, apparently had a pedophile as a mod and was a close associate of tux. And this person perhaps not unfairly wonders why his lolicon is a problem then. I wonder if there are any moids in this sector who aren't sexually abnormal. Kiwis will continue to justify all this (including the incest as, at best, "not real rape") and even accuse you of guntguarding if you question it. Most are certainly not carrying water for the incest, don't get me wrong, but seem more focused on keeping the "ralphamale" from getting his "W".
No. 1548062
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Apparently Spooky Weebtrash (not to be confused with Spooky Bones as has happened before) has been posting caps of nonnies sperging out about Depp and other things on a regular basis on her Twitter account. She is a gross pickme who has orbited Ethan in the past although I haven't heard her name come up in that context for some time. I dunno if she uses this site legitimately or not (I'd be a little surprised but she's into cosplay and weeb shit-obviously-so maybe) but I dunno if she thinks posting this will get her (male) attention to post this crap or if she is mad because her friends are feaured, either way it is obnoxious. She is definitely worth a mention in the personal cows thread although maybe not a thread of her own, but I don't know or care enough about her to do it myself tbh.
No. 1587010
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All may not be well with in the Ralph household.
>Ethan tells the whole world he is moving, implies Kiwis will never find it
>Currently staying with Baked Alaska, another streaming idiot who may be headed to prison for January 6 stuff, but that's neither here nor there
>much autistic speculation about where he is headed
>meanwhile Amanda seems have taken the baby and be staying with her parents
>confirmed from photo by friend of Amanda's who's been leaking to Kiwi Farms for months
>a day or two after this goes down Ethan doxes the guy on his show and on Telegram and starts making threats to get him fired from his job, etc.
>makes a hilariously obvious post under the name "Amanda Ralph(!)" and praises it under his normal account
>this guy had been leaking DMs, etc. for months, people make fun of Amanda all the time, why such a strong reaction?
>lots of other weirdness like Amanda may have been involved w/leaking (and tearing a page from) Faith's diary
Almost like he is losing control and he is trying to do some whiteknighting to keep her, whether it is too little too late remains to be seen but the more I think about that plus him using his last name for her like they are married look like some typical abusive gambits at this point.
He is generally understood to have control over her social media but he currently does not have physical access to her or the baby and she may have her accounts again If so and if she is leaving get ready for a mess. But whatever else she is, she's not totally immune to the maternal instinct and her parents can't possibly continue thinking that Ethan Ralph is an acceptable partner.
Meanwhile on his show tonight Ethan was in a really unusually good mood. Almost like two people who were causing him stress aren't around anymore. I feel like it's the calm before the storm.
No. 1587011
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>>1587010samefagging to add this to compare to when Ethan is mad at people he hollers and writes too many words like picrel above (from ) but this reads much more of "woman scorned" to me
No. 1587411
>>1587080Baked (Tim Gionet) and Ethan have history well before J6. Baked is a dimwit clout chaser who was originally a left-wing white rapper who wrote for BuzzFeed but then got involved with alt-right stuff in 2016 when it was the thing to do to get views. He claimed to disavow the right wing stuff for a while when it started to be more stigmatized but got right back in the game by 2020-2021 but by then he was more known for being a degenerate IP2 streamer, macing some random bouncer, and other antics like that. He picked up a hypocritical religious grift in there sometime too, even does a rosary stream. He also dated the very same IP2 Alice at some point.
But talking of fed assets Baked is the best candidate for being one. He's done a lot of shit that should have gotten in trouble and he slithered away, plus his J6 livestream footage was used to arrest a bunch of other people. But recently he mouthed off to the judge or something instead of taking a plea deal like a reasonable person so he could be seriously fucked and if he's not it's probably proof positive that he is an asset.
Ethan's relationship with him is funny because they both hate each other going back years, Ethan used to make fun of Baked on his original show, and Baked made fun of Ethan in turn. Neither of them is one to forget a slight but right now they are both in the orbit of Nick Fuentes/America First and find each other useful for internet clout. Make no mistake though they will backstab each other inevitably.
No. 1620020
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Ethan Ralph is teaming up with questionable tranny streamer Keffals to declare jihad on kiwifarms and slay Joshua Moon. I wonder if this has anything to do with refusing to take down threads stuffed with evidence of Ethan being a shit eating cheater who fucked a high school girl or Keffals having a thread pointing out strange interactions with minors
No. 1620022
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saged for slightly ot but Metokur was right when he said everyone who gets close to Ethan Ralph immediately has catastrophic life ruining events. Nick Fuentes and Ethan have been mega besties for the last few weeks and in that time period he has been exposed as a tranny fucker, got raided for terror threats, and is now exposed as a pedophile. Stay tuned for Ethan Ralp tarding out over this and finding a way to blame Metokur
No. 1743256
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he married May and I don't know if thats Ethan or not, I guess she was walked by a man in a elvis costume and she doesn't even look as bad as she normal does. Also ER accused her uncle of molesting her while in an agrument with her dad on social media or something. I don't know, I dont follow him much, i'm sure if I tune into MATI Josh will either spend 13 mintues talking about this or pretending not to care.
Either way here it is
No. 1743543
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These wedding pics are killing me. Can't decide who looks worse.
No. 1743544
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No. 1743546
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Ralph paid for the wedding with May's dad's credit card and he's going to charge back.
No. 1743547
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No. 1743671
>>1743544so trad he’s wearing grandpa’s long underwear for his wedding
star days
No. 1755940
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Apparently she took the gunt offspring, and left him at the airport. This tweet is now deleted. No. 1755945
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>>1755940After blasting May’s father’s concerned message on social media he got May back and posted this photo. Such a “happy” wife he has.
No. 1755947
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>>1755945Here’s the email FiL sent.
No. 1756010
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My tinfoil is that Ralph killed Rozy and May so we won't see any new pictures with them conveniently.
No. 1756136
>>1755983Yeah you’re right it’s absolutely appalling she would condone that. Wish Rozy would be put up for adoption tbh.
>>1755984I’m not overly familiar with Pantsu lore but thank you for sharing. She’s really high up there on the revolting lolcow pillar.
No. 1756580
File: 1675097740362.jpg (480.94 KB, 623x774, IMG_20230130_165327.jpg)

>open Twitter
>"Ralph" is trending
>know intuitively this isn't about Ralph Laurent
>I am correct
No. 1756597
>>1755977She tried to groom Faith into a 3-some with Faith for Ralph, claiming that they could take care of both their kids together, and that Ralph would be able to financially support them both (kek) while May would provide emotional support for them. I think Faith was like 17-18 when May made that offer, but even if Faith isn't "technically" a minor it's still shitty enough to make you wonder if she was willing to manipulate Faith back into an
abusive relationship that landed her into a psych ward (and this was when the Vickers family drama was blasted everywhere online so May can't use the "I didn't know" excuse), would May back off even if Faith was underage?
No. 1758623
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Trouble in paradise?
No. 1768340
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Ethan Ralph is fucking GAY!
No. 1768376
>>1768340It was apparently written by his ex (not sure which one) when she had access to his email. Why was it sent to his own address is anyone's guess.
It doesn't matter of course, it's still hilarious, Ralph is a faggot anyway and I'm sure he sucked miles of dicks while in prison, not to mention he openly fantasized about a threesome with Milo and Metokur.
No. 1768388
>>1768376He is probably into tranny porn, amanda looks like a man (if it wasnt for her pedoness i wouldnt harp on her looks)
im sure he has sucked many tranny prostitute dicks in his life.
No. 1815600
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Ralph claims the horse has left him. I don't believe it yet, maybe it's another "work" to fuck with Harry Morris.
No. 1815876
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>>1815600Totally shocking anyone could walk away from this. kek
No. 1864204
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No. 1864845
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>>1864204He didn't die anon, he was ""baiting"" like a dumbass
He's still alive and retweeting.
No. 1866802
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Fuentes finally dropped Ralph from AF, in retaliation Ralph is currently doxing all the prominent groypers, as well as the location of the current AF rally.