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No. 25031
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he's getting surgery
No. 30070
>>24966Thanks for making a thread!
I posted this in the other thread but realised it was OT - also sage for that reason
>>178694Haku is just a Russiaphile, yeah. I actually found this thread (I'm a lurker, posting on mobile is hard lol) because I was hoping someone addressed this shit. I was annoyed enough with the Japanese appropriation but when he wrote up that big fucking textwall apologising for it then goes BUT NOW I HAVE A RUSSIAN NAME BUT IT'S OKAY BECAUSE MY SKIN IS WHITE I was just so done. No, no it's not okay, it's the exact same thing as your stupid Japanese shit.
I'm a little biased as a Russian with immigrant family living in North America, I'll admit, but that's just fucked up and I know people will let it slide because his skin is white. My culture and language was a big part of my upbringing, and I spent a chunk of my younger years being ashamed of my name because it was different. Bitch is just trying to be ~exotic~ and it makes me so mad that everyone on tumblr just accepted this bullshit.
No. 30104
>>30103He is the Haku who was with Shmegeh but I don't think he's m1kahel.
Here are his tumblr/insta No. 30140
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>>24966Haku's dad's half native american
No. 30146
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His mom whos just white
No. 30150
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>>30146haku would be such a qt girl. Too bad she's mentally ill and trans.
also, nevermind, their attention whore cosplay persona ruins any actual waifu material.
No. 30155
>>30125>>30130Oh yh I totally knew about all that stuff, I mean I'm confused as to why she's stopped updating all of her social media accounts considering the attention pretty much served as her lifeforce.
Even if she an alcoholic abusive piece of shit she still has thousands of pro-ana asslickers.
No. 30344
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Haku going into detail about his ethnicity
No. 30345
>>30338He remade a lot of his accounts because of lolcow. Haha
>>30344Wow. Thank you!
No. 33629
>>33407all her friends are fucking creeps: marissa, von, cain, ari, yujin, zak, emre, oliver, nelum, takohai(stupidfuckingname), etc
but aren't all of her friends trans trending self hating white girls with emotional and mental problems as well as ED and are huge fucking weebs.
No. 33746
>>33629Marissa is okay, she seems pretty nice to me. People seem to like von but personally I think there's something weird about him, can't quite put my finger on it though.
Cain, ari, ash (takohai) and Lizzie (hiwamu) get on my nerves.
No. 33850
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>>33840They all look the same, I don't blame you.
No. 33882
>>33861It's cool anon. I wouldn't want you to give away your identity either, but if you can also provide some more deets, that's cool too.
I would still respect Von more than haku tbh. Haku is still is a whiny self entitled bitch who needs to drop anime cons and focus on a real career that their parents paid for.
No. 33896
>>33882Gotcha. I'll confirm what I can.
For starters, Haku was already out as trans at work and getting a legal gender change from being on hormones by the time his thread happened. He was mentioning transition way before that and von supported it. His meltdown on twitter was probably from his past coming to bite him in the ass LOL plus he was still fucking whiny back then. Von only started T after he did and according to dumblr he's still on a low dose.
Their relationship always creeped me out too, I think I can also safely confirm that all of the cosplay fame bullshit was suuuuper mutual. By now they both regret it so much it's rly funny and they act like it never happened. But like I said before, I'm pretty sure they're still good friends.
Tbh I want to agree with you, but AFAIK he's cutting off cons except for like two or three next year. He keeps talking about working being priority. The rest of the fellowship is still con crazy, except for maybe Marissa. Speaking of, I'd say more than half the people in that list up there don't even talk to him regularly or at all.
If there's anything else you want to know I'll do what I can, so far most of this is up on facebook etc etc etc anyhow. I'm not close to the fellowship rn but it's easy to look into. Unfortunately, most of it is indeed boring as fuck.
No. 33942
>>33833fucking disgusting
she really is trash
No. 33945
>>33942Whenever I think of her rape assumption, I always remember the posts where she talked about how she enjoyed taking it from behind the best, or how she wanted him to cum on her face. Yeah I'm totally sure that it was "rape" and you just "went along with it."
It was mentioned on the old thread that she talked a lot of shit behind Haku's back but now they're super close. I wouldn't put it past her that she started shaving off and drawing in her eyebrows because Haku did it too. Now that he's no longer doing that, I wonder if she'll follow suit and use her natural eyebrows again.
No. 34811
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>>33753can i talk about how fucking much i hate lyzzie/lizzie however she spells her name. she used to go by nico (nico nico nii anyone), but now her name is adrian. don't forget he/they pronouns pls!!!
i swear to god she has an animal hoarding problem, she has 2 cats and like 5 snakes, and constantly whines about wanting and buying more. she works 3 days a week, but still affords starbucks every single day and is able to buy cosplays, go to cons and go to nyc one a week or more/also get therapy but all while complaining about how hxc abusive her parents are and how they don't support her. while she, yknow, still lives at fucking home and does nothing. also, she screams and cries about being a boI!!! but? if you're really male why the fuck do you always cosplay girls with your titties out. she literally always cosplays the most revealing and boobie showing womyn and then cries and bitches about her apparent dysphoria. it's so infuriating. but i am clearly not a qurrrl, pls dont call me gurl.
No. 34820
>>34811idk who this girl is but she's p. hot.
sry :(
No. 34826
>>34820how is she hot
she looks like a gremlin without 30lb of makeup lel
No. 34829
>>34826I don't think she's wearing that much makeup.
I like her look, and she obviously has a good bone structure.
Can I have a link to her shit? I can't find her online.
No. 34954
>>34826she's semi attractive, but ruins it with her shit personality. She's a spoiled brat and she barely works. every tweet is her talking about her snakes or gaming and lies around the house doing nothing
>>34811yeah, she's fucking annoying
No. 34959
>>34811She cosplays girls A LOT. Didn't she do a bikini costume at Colossalcon?
>B–but don't misgender me.Shut up, lizzie
No. 35190
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>>35019He used to date haku a few years ago. Not much milk on von because he actually does keep to himself and is transitioning. He isn't an attention whore like haku who likes to put on maid dresses and be girly, but oh no, dont call me a girl. haku is trash
No. 35218
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>>35205ty god bless
Also this confirms that I think they are p. cute.
No. 35237
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Everyone who becomes friends with haku becomes a fakeboi, haku is causing an epidemic
No. 35245
>>35197haku is super privileged money and wealth wise, with parents that pay for his schools, surgeries, etc, and still wants to cry for more people to love him and kiss his ass. I would love to speak to him in person one day and find out how much bullshit he spews from his chapped lips.
Can't wait for that stupid bitch to regret their transitioning once life gets harder in their 30s
No. 35352
>>35343Damn. Bitches want cosplay fame and attention, but once they're talked about on lolcow, they want to run with their tails between their legs.
>>35344maybe i'll check her out then.
No. 35356
>>35354Whiteknights get on my nerves as well. I mean, did haku and co. think that getting e-fame would only have asskissing and 'omg you're so pretty! you're so gorgeous!' comments on instagram and fb?
No, you stupid bitches, you gotta take the good and the bad if you wanna be so well known online, but haku and crew can't handle it. They only want the underaged fandom of girls to suck their e-cocks. They're all under 25, right? They're grow up soon, hopefully, but for now, they're a bunch of whiny and privileged rich kids.
No. 35697
>>35476Lmfao forreal?
I wouldn't dislike her so much if she didn't cosplay very sexual & obvious girls then whine about dysphoria.
Or make it so obvious she read her and had herself a breakdown.
She could be cool if she just chilled the hell out.
No. 35976
>>35846It's pretty sad about the meltdown. Why do you have to delete everything in a rage because you're so upset?
Did it strike such a nerve since it is true?
Anyways, this is a funny snowflake in the process, I want more milk.
No. 35998
>>35992Haku did once he was dragged for being fake around 5/6 months ago? Sometime around there.
We talked about Hiwamu once and she freaked out, deleted all of her girl cosplay, twitter and her Facebook cosplay page.
What I wanna know is how she found this new thread kek
Anyways, fakibois are funny to me, their drama is fun to read.
No. 36022
>>35998fakeboi drama and the suzy thread are my favorite stuff right now. Did hiwamu delete their entire cosplay fb? what a dumb bitch. I dont know why they wanna freak out so much.
And no idea how they found out unless their followers lurk here or are always googling their names?
No. 36024
>>36022You lurk the Suzy thread, too? That's my other favorite! I love watching her fuck up and cover it by being Grame Grumpsu waifu. She's so dumb omfg.
But yes, Lyzzi deleted her entire Facebook. She didn't delete her instagram tho, can't lose those precious followers.
No. 36028
>>36024I do! Snoozy is best drama whore.
Damn, I wish I would've saved all those bikini hiwamu pics. She's got a cute body tbh. Oh well. You're right, she deleted all her girly cosplay from all her social media accounts.
No. 36515
>>36508I'm cisguy… gay.. but whatever.. I happen to some of these people through connections… And they seem so remote to me.. Like they don't seem like men to me at all… which isn't the purpose of transitioning in the first place? but whatever.
I say lets watch them all (fakeboi crew/feloowship), haku included crash and burn. They are all mental ill. Some will die, the others will revert, and maybe only one or two actually trans.
No. 36538
Sage for (related) personal blog entry shit. I'm super high to try to numb the being sensation of existing inside my physical body, being totally alone with this IRL, and more hopeless than I've ever been in my life right now, and so fuck yeah I'm going to post this shit on here. Seems like a good idea, right?
Anyway, I cringe away from labeling myself as anything with regards to gender and sexuality, but, in the past few months, I've been struggling to come to terms with the fact that I guess I really am "trans." I can only associate that word with these Tumblr-tards, though, and it's so embarrassing to think of applying it to myself. I've been trying to deny and ignore what I knew about myself for at least 16 years at this point, but the crippling dysphoria only continues to worsen. Since I tried to "wish the trans away," I, of course, told no one anything was wrong, so I never received any help or offers to transition or anything. And here I am, 27 years old and absolutely fucking pathetic.
I 100% believe being trans is a medical condition/mental illness/defect (exposure to hormones in the womb and/or environment growing up in and/or other external conditions), that it's abnormal. I wish with all my heart that I wasn't like this. It would be ideal if this problem could be treated in some easy and safe manner. However, we're not at that point. And yes, I've been on just about every medication that exists for anxiety and depression and mood regulation, and none of them have alleviated these feelings.
It sounds melodramatic, but I'm honestly just trying to avoid killing myself as I wait for a consult with someone who may be able to help me, probably in many months or even years.. However, I know change (Jesus fucking Christ do I want top surgery ASAP and I can't wait to start T) isn't coming any time soon, and I don't know if I can make it until whenever this shit gets better (if it ever does - starting to seem unlikely). I'm crawling out of my skin in a body that doesn't even feel like it belongs to me (not just mentally, but physically - I touch my arms and legs and shit and they don't feel like they're mine), and I hate myself for being too much of a coward to do anything about it for over 11 years. 11 fucking years, and these fakebois decide they're trans overnight, don't experience any dysphoria, and treat it as nothing but an ~aesthetic~ thing. I want to fucking strangle them, especially the ones who start T quickly and at a young age and can easily fund shit like top surgery. I won't deny that I'm jealous and bitter as fuck.
I'd love to transition and start my life completely over, as a man, not a visual kei "guy"/anime prettyboy/"prince"/fakeboi or "guy" who wears lolita and doesn't even make any attempt to look like anything other than their birth sex. And, oh, right, no dysphoria. Slap in the fucking face. Fuck them. Yeah, I mad. I've always socialized almost exclusively with boys/men (sadly not with Boyz II Men), been that "girl" who was treated as "one of the guys" (never dated, of course), etc. but my main thing is this intolerable fucking dysphoria. Lately it's become so unbearable that I just feel like I was shoved into someone else's body and I can't fucking stand it. HOW THE FUCK CAN YOU BE TRANS IF YOU DON'T HAVE DYSPHORIA????? I DO NOT UNDERSTAND.
Sorry, sidetracked. Right now, I've moved back in with my parents, I have no job, I pretty much never leave this one room except to go to the bathroom, etc. I can hardly even bring myself to shower at this point because my naked body actually makes me nauseated to the point of sometimes vomiting. Pathetic. Could this all get better? I don't know. I hope so. I hope it can't get any worse, at least. I've been looking (JUST LOOKING NSA, JUST LOOKING) at all these sites where you can, without a valid prescription, buy testosterone in various forms like gel. Sketchy as fuck, but I'm so, so desperate here. I've been working out like mad to try to increase my muscle:fat ratio (I'm underweight, but somewhat skinnyfat, so not a hamplanet or anything).
TL;DR: I guess I'm fucking ~trans~ though I hate to admit it, and these fakebois make me SO ANGRY. They've (well, the idea of being associated with them and thought of as a "special snowflake") prevented me from seeking help for a hell of a long time. Grr.
Dear god, this post is WAY too long, and you know I'm going to submit it because I have no impulse control right now. I apologize in advance.
inb4 "tranny" - yes, that is me
inb4 "not ur personal blog" - yep, just scroll past it
inb4 who cares - only me!
inb4 "go back to Tumblr" - I don't have one
inb4 trans doesn't real - that's just, like, your opinion, man
No. 36546
>>36538>Slap in the fucking face. Fuck them. Yeah, I mad. I've always socialized almost exclusively with boys/men (sadly not with Boyz II Men)It sounds like you're legit trans, anon and I honestly wish people like you the best with dealing with it. I agree that it pisses me off so many of these fakebois want to popular and trendy and they're all under 25 (most are 19/20yrs old) and hop on this trendy to get instagram likes and youtube views. They usually come from a really rich or well off family too, such as haku or hiwamu does. It really sucks when I see these trendy bitches
I truly hope everything works out for you, anon.
No. 36549
>>36538>>36546Sorry for double post. I also wanted to say I'm 28 myself and I can understand not feeling right your whole life. For me, that was being a lesbian and also a very masculine lesbian (not trans, but still i hate traditionally feminine stuff.)
Also want to say I laughed really hard at the Boyz II Men comment. Stay awesome.
No. 38756
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edgelord updated
No. 38764
>>38756she definitely lurks
"LOOK! i AM masculine! i AM a boy!!"
No. 38841
>>38829I feel like Haku is the least
problematic of them all. Even though he's considered the "ringleader" and everyone likes to flock to him, I think he's gotten better over time and realizes he needs to mentally get better. I feel like it's mostly everyone else who's really toxic and basks in their mental illness, and even if they don't mean to, pretty much glorify it on their blogs to seem special and shit.
No. 39026
>>36515I wonder what it says that so many cis gay guys are starting to mock them and watch with popcorn in hand.
Which is ok with me. I'm a gay guy as well and I can't help but think this is all almost a mockery of people like us in the long run. Can't wait to see how they all take turning 30+ years old, to boot, and they can't remotely pretend to be kawaii little bishounen from anime anymore.
No. 39080
>reconsidering gettin chest surgery because it might interfere with an anime convention (that happens every year)Mhm, so legit trans, much dysphoria.
I swear, her parents must do nothing but throw money at whatever she points and and says "I want that".
>>30140Holy shit, I always knew she shopped the fuck out of her face but I didn't know how much. Daaaaamn.
No. 39306
>>39292Ok I really hate to play devil's advocate but if you're going to drag someone you should probably get your facts straight. Haku's mentioned having several roommates - if you look at pictures he's posted of his room, it's fucking tiny. If he was really being funded by his parents don't you think he'd live somewhere a little more decent? Also one glimpse at his Facebook will show you that he's basically sold off all his anime merch and whatnot and has drastically scaled down the number of cons he's attending.
Again, drag all you want but like? There's no point if you have no actual milk and are just making stuff up.
No. 39338
>>39306>drag all you want but like? There's no point if you have no actual milk and are just making stuff up.Are you saying someone who is considering not getting top surgery
so they can go to an anime convention isn't milky enough for you? Because to me it speaks volumes about a person's priorities in life.
No. 39341
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>>39338He literally said anime conventions are the lowest priority compared to his chest surgery. Get actual milk.
No. 39347
>>39341Thank you. If Haku said something shitty, believe me, I want to be the first to know about it!
But give me screenshots, not someone paraphrasing an assumption based of a rumor based off of some misinterpretation of something Haku may or may not have said.
No. 39352
>>39306Yeah, don't get me wrong, I'd be annoyed a fuck if he had a ton of money and complained about not getting everything he wanted but I've lurked on his FB for a long ass time and gathered his parents are middle class at best but his schooling isn't anything loans and scholarships couldn't pay for. You're right, his living situation wouldn't make any sense with all the roommates and his ridiculously tiny room if his parents had all that money to throw at him.
Can also confirm he sold pretty much all his anime stuff by the posts he's made.
No. 39362
>>39360um, yea? are we reading this the same way? "I need to figure out if I can go to anime cons because surgery is the priority" not "I need to figure out if I can get surgery because cons are the priority"
I really don't know what you're struggling to comprehend here.
No. 39367
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I hope haku begins to gain some weight because his body freaks me out for real. I saw him at a con this year and it was kind of surprising to see how thin he is in person.
No. 39551
>>39367Was at that TG photoshoot, can confirm Haku is a skinny runt. With how stick thin he is and how big his head is, you wonder how he doesn't fall over like a bobblehead when he tries to walk.
Really fem voice, too. But this must of been before T or something.
No. 39606
>>39551Yeah, his head really is huge compared to his body
>>39578Like all fakebois (even though haku isnt a fakeboi anymore) - they like to starve themselves to get a kawaii uke boy body since female bodies are evil to them. Pfft. Haku dodged the eating disorder questions before and I don't have the screen caps since he deleted his old twitter, but he made a lot of posts about only drinking royal milk tea and coffee and not liking to eat.
No. 48184
>>30377Because he's not Russian? Simple as that. You're just going to accept a person who said he was some part Japanese for the last several years magically deciding he's Russian? It doesn't matter if he is some fraction of Russian Ukrainian Polish Scottish Whateverthefuck, it means he's the same as every other white American. You don't get to wake up one morning and decide you're someone else's culture/race.
He wasn't raised with anything to do with being Russian. He doesn't speak the language, he didn't grow up with the culture, nothing. Yet in his recently posted concepts in his portfolio, he signs his name - that he only started using less than a year ago - in cyrillic? lol no honey that's not how it works.
He's exoticizing other cultures in his attempts to be ANYTHING but a white American. He's doing the same shit as he did with being Japanese but it's okay with tumblr because Russians have white skin, I guess.
No. 48190
It's like Erika and how she said she was German. Her grandmother was German, sure, but Erika is second generation. Born and bred in the US and all that. She even put on an accent and claimed it was because she was mute as a child. Yeah, ok.
No. 60320
>>38829this! lizzy is fucking pretty and slim… be a girl plz
where did all this trans shit even come from idgi
No. 86835
>>86822nah they all moved on, I guess everyone is expecting to see Haku, Misha or whatever ruin his ""bishounen"" face with T and stop cosplaying Kaneki.
And get a real job.
No. 86839
>>86836ok but tan???? are u serious
did you saw him in real life?
No. 86844
>>86836>>86839ive seen him irl at kinokuniya.
he's not tan but definitely not ghost white as his pics. he must put on at least 3 layers of powder
No. 86845
>>86836Haku isn't tan or half native
he lies about his ethnicity
his part native dad is your usual 1/16 "naive american"
No. 86869
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>>86860right, when he looked dead and was starving himself. biurifur
No. 86895
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She's been looking hysterically ugly ever since she ditched the fake-Japanese persona for the fake-Russian one. I actually burst out laughing when this one came on my feed.
I've noticed her selfies are getting barely any notes compared to the old ones.
No. 87060
>>35870Actually just came into this thread by chance and learnt this.
I never followed them but when I kept track of smegeh I always thought haku was the most beautifully androgynous boy, how disappointing. Hope that they transition smoothly so I can feel that way again.
No. 87112
>>86838>>86839>>86842>>86843>>86844>>86845Scroll up, an unshooped pic of Haku and his dad is like, one of the first 20 posts. And his dad is actually half which makes Haku 1/4.
He's not albino, he cakes on makeup and abuses skin whitening soap. When he was still pretending to be hafu he wore yellow foundation. People who have seen him t cons confirmed he cakes it on hardcore.
No. 87122
>>87112Yeah but if you read his father is definitely not half, he just said goes back to that side, right? My guess is he's probably 1/8 or some shit but I never saw him talking about how much other than that he was part.
Anyways lmao rite thank fucking god he stopped wearing so much makeup.
No. 89577
>>86975>>86986It is considered a disorder, and usually trans people have to go through a shit ton of therapy to get hormones/surgery. I agree that it shouldn't just be handed out, but I challenge you to find one person that has been "cured" with therapy. It can't be done.
There's a really long post above that pretty well describes dysphoria, and how therapy and anti-depressive medication doesn't help. The closest thing there is to a "cure" is modifying the body to reflect the brain.
No. 93385
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Haku has really changed a lot
No. 93626
>>87037But an eating disorder would kill you while getting botched surgery might be painful but not life-threatening (except for the typical risks of surgery which also applies to nose- and boob-jobs).
I'd treat being trans like any other forms of body-modification. Plastic surgery, piercings, tattoos. If they want a different body they have to be of age and need to pay for it. Just like getting bigger tits or your labia modified.
If every one who does that is sick in the head plastic surgery in general should be for forbidden.
I don’t know much about the risks of hormones so I don’t have an opinion regarding this part of transitioning.
No. 93628
>>93626forgot to sage, apologies.
>>93385not sure if they really gained this outfit seems to be really unflattering and the picture has been taken from a weird angle.
a couple of months ago everybody here was complaining about their eating disorder now they seem to have gained and people are making fun of that.
girl/guy in the background looks great.
No. 93635
>>93630botched boob job can be life threatening as well.
I'm pretty sure more anorexics die from their illness than trans-people from surgery but I don't have stats to back it up.
No. 93659
>>93535>>93628If you saw him in person recently you'd be able to tell it's definitely the cos adding bulk in combination with a bad angle in that particular pic, anything with armor will make you look heavier no matter what but TBH I actually do think this cos looks pretty good in some of the other photos that were posted
>>93549Well he hasn't been doing many conventions and he had surgery months ago, IIRC it was around September
>>93626Yeah this is how I see it and why I don't have a problem with it, many people get plastic surgery and way more extreme mods than a trans person
They at least still identify with their species, it's not like they're the lizard man who modifies because of a furry fetish gone too far or the women with creepy doll obsessions who want to turn themselves into one… or those bullshit "transracial" people who modify their features to resemble another ethnicity
No. 93676
>>93659but why is a trans person getting a corrective surgery they need so wrong?
obviously not those goddamn transtrenders who're like LEWL I LIKE MAKEUP BUT THEY/THEIR PRONOUNS PLes
i mean, a serious transsexual
idk how it can be compared to some extreme cosmetic surgery like a breast job or lip injections, a rhinoplasty, etc
sage because OT maybe
No. 93718
>>93676me and
>>93659 didn't say it's wrong.
How can you think lip injections are more extreme than getting a dick chopped off/sewed on?
It’s true, plastic surgery can also lead lead to identity issues. I had a nose job myself and I gathered a lot of information beforehand. There are people who don’t recognize themselves afterwards and have issues for the rest of their life. On the other hand, there a people who can’t live with the nose they were born with and their depression and social anxiety vanishes after they get surgery. Why give them anti depressants and interfere with their brain chemistry if the can buy happiness via surgery?
I think it’s very comparable.
Trans in the sense of wanting to be the other sex/gender doesn’t make sense from any point of view.
If you believe in gender and sex you never can truly be the other sex.
If you believe gender and sex are social constructs à la Judith Butler wanting to be the „other“ gender doesn’t even make sense because said gender doesn’t exist.
In the end it’s an identity issue and a question of aesthetical preferences just like being born with a-cups or potato nose.
No. 101019
>>34811>>36538Dude. Most people here and in the chan/weeb scene know theres a difference between real trans people and fake trans people.
Outside of reactionaries like pol there arent ppl who think all trans are fakers.
And normies dont really know of fake trans boys/transtenders
No. 101025
>>101022Im a fourth year college student and dont go to an LGBT club. What the fuck are you on.
Where the fuck do you see the popular perception that all trans are fake (as opposed to "mental illness") or denying their trans ness (this is different than 'all trans are tucute')
No. 101034
>>101027Geez you are surprised someone on an imageboard isn't typing in an academic manner?
Also that's not that i said. I said most people know that tucute isnt most trans and normies dont even know about transtender.
Whats up your (and other anons) butts
No. 113675
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No. 113791
>>113751I am that level of flat chested and no matter what would still need surgery for those nipples/a small bit of pubertal fat around the area for it to look like those pics
Trust me, haku is not just 'naturally that flat' kek. It's not possible without surgery or photoshop
No. 113806
>>113800…. that lack of breasts, yes. I just stated I myself am that flat. Those nipples? No. Basic female atonomy after hitting puberty would show that
They've had surgery, get over it
No. 114740
>>114336If you're talking about the long slanted horizontal scar under the pectoral muscle, that's another method used that Haku, being so flat already, didn't need.
There are two surgical methods of FTM chest surgery:
>keyhole method>double incision methodThe keyhole method is the more sought after method but is only doable if the patient's breads are small and perky (which, in the case of most FTMs, they usually aren't). All they do is cut and remove the nipple, remove the breast tissue through the hole, resize the nipple and sew it back on.
The double incision method is used on patients who have very saggy or large breasts, usually anything bigger than a full B/small C cup. The nipple is removed and the breast tissue is removed the same way, but the amount of skin left is too much to just leave there so the surgeon cuts the excess skin and pulls it to lay flat, resizes the nipple and sews it back on. The long scar is where the skin was pulled.
No. 114847
>>114831>chromosomes memelol no
i am not attempting to defend anyone here but you're wrong No. 114913
>>114847you're a moron. the existence of rare chromosomal disorders doesn't negate the fact that xx = female and xy = male holds true for the vast majority of the population. trying to argue against that is like saying that "dogs have four legs" is completely inaccurate and untrue because some dogs are born with missing legs or get amputations. you're
technically correct, but you're being disingenuous, and you would never bother to argue about it if you didn't have an ulterior motive.
No. 115857
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>>24966She got really fat
No. 115858
>>115857Her eyes have gotten so sagged and ugly.
Usually people look better as time goes by but she's turning out to be an absolute trainwreck.
No. 117107
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>>24966He's not photoshopping his breasts. The scarring is obvious.
No. 117724
>>117715Just curious, do you deny the existence of transpeople or do you have like some ultimate criteria they need to meet before you accept them? He is on HRT and got top surgery, one would think that would be enough.
I mean, sorry for going on a tangent here, but it's not like people are trying to force you to call those "my gender is a plant" fuckers "plantself" or whatever, but I mean, come on. Being trans isn't that controversial of a subject.
No. 117780
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She looks like a gremlin. This shoot is so painfully awkward and you can practically see her naked in one of the photos.
No. 117781
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How is this even "modeling"? All she's doing is standing there with a smug bitch look on her face.
No. 117782
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No. 117813
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No. 119851
>>119806>>119687Well, yeah, that's a common side-effect of taking testosterone. It can cause water retention and/or weight gain.
The other thing is that if he's finally happy enough with himself that he can kick the anorexia, this can also cause water retention (i.e., the puffy face) and bloating at first. It's why a lot of people with that try to recover, freak out, and relapse. :/
Not sure if he lurks here but if he does, all bro's gotta do is eat sensibly and exercise and all will be well.
No. 119926
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I honestly have felt bad even though I don't like Haku as a person or whatever because I've been thinking about how he really somehow looks bad/less healthy to me, now? I miss how he used to look, but I know it's none of my business.
This is the Haku that I started following back in the day and tbh I'm embarrassed to say so but I was kind of obsessed with him (like in love with his face) & how beautiful his Eren was. He's since scrubbed his Tumblr of all his old non-white haired edgelord cosplay and I just. :(
Eren… so cute…
No. 119950
>>119926he was weirdly obsessed with eren, even identifying as him.
also getting von into cosplaying levi and it was all just… weird
No. 119951
>>118478the face pudge might be because of gaining weight fairly quickly after a long period of restricting.
he posted his fridge once and it contained only eggs white, nonfat yogurt, and energy drinks.
No. 120463
>>117715>>118478>>119687>>119806>>120254All these points are why I love it when e-famous FTMs/fakebois start taking T. They think they'll get a smooth, sexy voice, a nice angular manly jaw and muscle definition, but what
actually happens is they gain hella weight & bloat (because T), their voices crack and squeak (because puberty, essentially), and they end up this haggard looking fuckednup squeaky mess because they don't fully realize that
testosterone is not intended to make you look like a BOY. It is intended to make you look like a hairy MAN with a man voice and man bulk. All that baby fat and feminine fat distribution on the androgynous female faces they thought looked soooo legit male before are never gonna be like that again.
That's probably why Gutterface dropped off the map so suddenly after bragging about being on T for 3 months. She trains her voice to sound lower (something most fakebois/Tumblrtrans don't bother with, doesn't even require T) so everyone was raving about how manly her voice was after only 3 months without any squeaking or cracking. My guess is when the shit
really started kicking in she got even fatter, panicked and dropped off the radar.
No. 124979
>>124645Marisa was born into privilege, a fact that she readily acknowledges – and there isn't a single thing wrong with being born to affluent parents in an affluent area. She has the resources and support to live her lifestyle comfortably and let her recover from her mental illness at her own pace. She's incredibly lucky, and very level-headed for someone in her position.
There's nothing noble in suffering, and she's gone a long way since she was part of the pity-me fakeboi weeb crew. I don't think that she should be a topic of discussion at all.
No. 133395
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obviously photoshopped her fat chipmunk face
No. 133668
>>133395Now that she's trying so damn hard to not be "Kohaku Aoki" anymore it's almost as if she completely gave up on herself.
Same dead fucking fish face in every fucking photo. Bitch only has two poses with the same lifeless look.
Like come on Haku.
No. 133675
>>133668My find it really disturbing that you
keep calling him "her".
I'm not usually one to get sjw on people but this seems really unnecessarily spiteful.
He's been on T for a long time and has had top surgery and is living like a guy.
What more is he supposed to do?
No. 134493
>>134466first it was kohaku
now its legally mikhail though his social media says 'misha'
No. 134497
>>134493misha is a nickname for mikhail in russia
i dont even follow this person but thats just common knowledge
at least i thought it was
No. 134531
>>134493Her birth name was Arianna, she got into the whole Kohaku Aoki/cosplay/weeb shit when her grandma married a Japanese guy. She also used that when she was claiming to be part Japanese as "proof" but they're not biologically related.
>>134514Nah it's a leftover from the weeb era. Haku had a thing for white haired animu bishies.
No. 134583
>>134532Yeah well rich people are often shitty at parenting. Just look at Charms' mom and how she lets her live. Eugh.
On topic though, Haku looks like shit on T and it keeps blowing my mind over and over again.
No. 134917
>>134531To me she'll always be Arianna no matter how many times she tries to reinvent herself. I wonder what her classmates thought of her when she changed her name to Mikhail. Like, how the fuck do you expect anyone to take you seriously Arianna?
Even on your fucking website it says that you've had your filthy trash clothes on display at the MET. But like if anyone were to look for it they wouldn't be able to find it and you'll have to explain to your employers (if you even get a real job) that you were a psycho fake Japanese girl named Kohaku Aoki.
If I was going to hire someone and they had to explain to me that they lived a lie as a Japanese ever since they were 12 when they're full white, I would spit in their face and toss their resume in the shredder.
No. 134964
>>134917im pretty sure no one took him seriously. (im just gonna use he/him bc i feel bad for his existence)
back in the day he used to get hate messages from classmates saying he smells bad lol
No. 135131
>>135027Way back when she was still Haku, one of her "friends" told me about her past. What a shitty friend right? The grandma marrying a Japanese, her name change and real name, her ethnicity, even high school Haku.
In the messages she sent, she mentioned that she's told this over and over to anyone that asks and whenever anyone would ask her about Haku.
No. 135375
>>134995omg that would be too cruel to flat out say it. but just imagine introducing yourself as ariana lmao
"whats wrong? did i say something wrong?"
No. 135390
>>135323She's probably about as much Russian as she ever was Japanese. But for some reason Russiaboos are becoming a thing on tumblr and Haku was trying to move away from the Haku personality and make it less "I'm pretending to be half Japanese even after being exposed" so she latched onto Russia.
>Why didn't she just change it to Michael?Not speshul and younique enough. This is a top level tumblrite you're talking about, here.
No. 135620
>>135571> you have to speak Japanese to work therefalse
and no, she went to school with japanese people and probably sat in her room watching shittons of anime
No. 145952
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She looks fucking terrible
No. 145968
>>145952Did she get a perm?
>>145953She looks like a grandma I'm cracking up.
No. 147774
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No. 147775
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No. 150860
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I really don´t know who is worst, the Inuyasha or Haku´s awefull face. I mean, what a horrible Sesshomaru cosplay she make, not to mention Inuyasha´s cosplayer.
She´s becoming worst and worst with the days. She looks so damn bad and horrible.
No. 151710
>>147816The fact you refer to him as only a nickname he lets close friends use is just outing yourself
This thread has enough people reaching, sad to see his so called friends are lurking here
No. 151865
>>151859Grow body hair, probably get fat due to increase appetite, and haku already has an ED.
I mean, look how gross their body is here:
>>117813I can't imagine it's good for the brain either.
No. 151866
>>151859It's like going through a male puberty. Voice gets deeper, grow more hair, redeposits fat, muscle builds differently, sometimes it can cause balding. It's known to make people have a higher sex drive, have angry mood swings, and a big appetite too.
>>151865It won't make you fat if you take care of yourself. And no, it doesn't do anything to your brain. The most that will happen is mood swings temporarily while your body adjusts to a new balance of hormones. Same shit with estrogen levels.
No. 152436
>>124645Actually, I read in one of her old posts that she lives at home bc shit is expensive. A lot of people still live with their parents or move back in with them bc of cost efficiency.
She's mentioned she has horrible agoraphobia and used to be in a dual treatment center.
No. 152883
>>151865To me it just looks like he's finally started being comfortable enough in his own skin to stop restricting what he eats so much. I'd imagine that anorexia is pretty attractive to FtM people before they transition- it gets rid of periods, breasts, hips, etc.
If he hits the gym and eats sensibly (which can be especially hard for somebody recovering from anorexia), he should have no problem.
And lastly, that one bitter-samefag-who's-probably-Kaden in this thread is getting on my nerves. Dude, shut up and move on with your life. #teamHaku
No. 153217
>>153069Thermodynamic laws remain in tact lol.
The relationship between hormones, appetite regulation, and metabolism are exceedingly complex.
Basically, the fat distribution changes to be in the belly from the hips and thighs, bones can thicken, and metabolism revs up but so does appetite. Lean muscle increases more easily. Also, and this is likely what we see with Haku, water is retained e first few months that creates some ugly bloating. read more at if you really care to
No. 157291
>>153217From what I can tell all of these FtM types went to be effeminate teenage gay bishounen IRL, except time is not on their side and biology will haunt them as the years go by.
Seeing the fakebois detransition, or possibly worse, will be hilarious and I look forward to seeing the psych misery pile on.
No. 161513
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>>157608Ashley's photoshop of Haku's face is fucking terrible.
No. 161519
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>>161513Looks like Carly Simon.
No. 162082
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>>161974She edits her own photos but still looks like shit lol
Her redone nips look fucking AWFUL. Embarrassing that she take naked photos of herself and still looks like a butch. So awkward to look at.
No. 162155
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>>162082Why do the 'burn scars' look like crystallized jizz?
No. 163362
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Can please, somebody tell her that taking photos like that is awefull. Even her makeup in her chest is bad
No. 163882
>>163362I really don't see anything wrong with these
This thread reeks of vendetta tbh
No. 164396
>>164382even if that is true what is the big fucking deal with just calling him a dude? you call him haku for fucks sake that's not his real name either but for some reason that doesn't seem to bother your retarded ass much. at least stay consistent when you insist on calling people for what they "really" are
>>164310great so on top of having to learn english you also have to learn how to use imageboards. leave, you obvious third world cockroach
No. 164399
>>164396God damn your salt is rising my arterial pressure.
Just calm down is not like the ugly bitch is going to read these and feel offended.
No. 164671
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>>164565Ooo do tell more, the only tatt I know dirukari has is this one but she got it fairly recent
No. 166859
>>166359If they seem "more bitchy", it's probably because they're trying to protect Von and Haku from assholes like the vendettachan in this thread who want to still go around calling them "she" and saying rude shit about them.
If someone did that to one of my trans friends, best believe I'd get "bitchy" too.
No. 167411
>>167206Pretty sure none of them are arguing against what chromosomes do which uh is the whole reason they're putting themselves through this shit which can't be all that pleasant but all chromosomes ultimately determine re. sex is if you're going to carry sperms or eggs. It doesn't dictate how a person can present. If trans ppl want to get rid of their tits/dick/ovaries I don't see a problem to b honest, not that far removed from other forms of plastic surgery where people want to change what genetics gave them
Can't tell if this thread is more anti-haku or anti-trans but not all of us here are anti-trans
>>167177flower anon sounds like the samefag that keeps reactivating this thread and tbh sounds like a cow herself.
No. 206746
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Just gonna leave this here…
No. 206952
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I miss them
No. 207124
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No. 207150
>>206749>>206746I like him actually as a person except for these name things, it's so weird how he's american but trying to be more interesting by changing his name first into a japanese name and then russian.
Like it's just weird, especially since I live near Russia and I'm slavic that some american guy just changes their name into something that has nothing to do with them..
No. 207205
>>207150I feel you, anon.
I live in one of Russia's border countries, have name that's perceived as typically russian and know that I would be treated like Slavic Thrash by many Americans, especially taking into account my strong accent. Funny that someone would try to make themselves more interesting in that way.
No. 207370
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No. 207406
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>>207377Same, he was in his prime around this time.
No. 207607
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>>207574It's just visual kei style, like a more casual version of the stuff that Akira from Disacode models in Kera. Out of all the Western people doing this style tho, I liked Haku the best. They genuinely had a really androgynous/pretty boy look that worked so well for that style whereas most Western people trying it are just mannish/ugly girls trying to look like guys trying to look pretty…idk it just doesn't work
No. 210749
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>>210545I don't think there is many videos of them sadly I actually miss them as a couple they looked good together.
No. 413901
>>162094to me it looks like he had "keyhole" top surgery which essentially means that the nipple is cut almost completely off, the titty is removed through that hole, then the titty is closed up essentially like a drawstring laundry bag and the nipple is stitched back on. it's only recommended for trans guys with REALLY flat chests, like, so flat that even I as a trans person would question why they would want to put themselves through any kind of surgery.
it's bad for basically everybody else – if you have big titties, low nipples, saggy titties, non-elastic skin, keyhole will straight-up look like shit. that's why so many trans guys, even those with small titties (I for one had small titties but I had been binding so long they became drooping-ass pancakes), opt for double incision instead. it leaves two big scars on your chest, yes, but it leaves a more even and flat chest and you're not left looking like Haku does now – with these 11-year-old kid starting puberty nipples and a chest that still looks like small titties. I had my surgery six years ago and the scars have faded so much that they're barely noticeable. I don't know why people opt for keyhole at all, honestly. it always ends up looking like this: lumpy, pouchy, puckered, still-titty-looking chest bumps.
No. 414664
>>414586Haku's new Insta is here about the others
No. 415996
>>414586haku's new tumblr is same as above, mikhxii.tumblr
von geist seems to still have vongeist as all his urls. he actually, idk, looks like a nerdy adult who knows what growing up means though. it's pretty clear he's on T and not that super-low-dose "I still want to look like a prettyboy but also not have my period anymore" shit haku's on.
v0nvamp is now jagvuar.tumblr and his Instagram is it looks like he's retired altogether from the constant selfie-taking fakeboi shit and it's living life rocking the dad bod and shit. he's definitely on T and not starving himself. I'm impressed because he was one of the most annoying ones to me.
No. 416933
>>415996tbh I liked jagvuar because even thou he wore makeup, he looked manly. I don't know if that was shooping or just his face, but comparing him to fakebois nowadays, he was at least trying.
I miss that edgy phase, but I guess he's at better place now
sorry for offtop
No. 1241968
>>1241924It’s not that deep
nonnie, before SJWs ruined pronouns, they/them was used to indicate multiple people
No. 1241993
>>1241858jagvuars new ig: new twit:'s new twit if anyone cares:'s new insta: me a couple of minutes and i'll find haku too. dunno about the other ones.
No. 1241998
"misha's"/haku's new twitter: her carrd with all her other socials:
No. 1527102
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Does anyone know the person on the right? I know they were friends with “Haku” but I can’t remember their name. I just remember them trying to copy(necro)
No. 1527746
>>1527102Not sure, try a reverse image search.
Nice to see others still checkin in on this thread lmao I also recently had the urge to out of nostalgia of the early 2010s and I watched Haku's (er, Mischa's?) twitch yesterday.
I miss his shorter, straightened "j-rock esque" hair with the bangs and makeup. The wavy messy hair looks odd.
No. 1722711
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>>1722514still & to be autistic now. the autistic yaoi fangirl to ftm pipeline is real.
No. 1976513
>>1733947Burgundygrief dumped him years ago. Surprised no one is trying to find out who his new girlfriend is. I found her acc once but forget it entirely. They apparently have a house together but she lives across the country so he reaps the benefits of her co-signing or something like that, and lives alone in his house with his dog he always posts about, which she also pays for. this is based off of what his friends have said and his vague tweets
Haku/Misha is a financial parasite from the looks of it, and seems to date whoever bests suits his aesthetic and life goals. basically treats people as a means to an end.
(necro with no caps) No. 1976726
Didn't know if it would spike interest in this thread again, but you're right
Anyway I think I know who the girlfriend is. is an imageboard)