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No. 770670
Previous Thread:
>>763043Onision Thread Archives:
>>511709Onision Drama Crash Course:—
Admin says: If you don't read the rules before posting, don't wonder why you're banned for a few days. Do the thread a favor and refrain from responding to blogposting and bait. Check the thread before posting to avoid reposting, it isn't hard.
Don't post anti-o caps unless they contain direct milk we don't already have. A separate thread has been created for anti-o's
>>>/snow/941512Do not post about Lainey in this thread unless her content has some connection to Greg. Attempts at discussing her content that does not relate to Greg will result in a ban. Her thread can be found at
>>>/snow/826201Do not derail the thread about the onion flakes/orbiters unless their posts have some connection to Greg. Attempts to discuss the onion flakes that does not relate to Greg will result in a ban. The flakes thread can be found at
>>>/snow/691458 Onision/Onion/Greg/Gregory Avaroe/Gregory Daniel/James Jackson is a washed-up youtuber who gained rapid popularity around 2009 and has been declining ever since. He has a fetish for underaged alternative girls and a good portion of his milk comes from his attempts at grooming these unfortunate
victims. His wife/spouse/fellow groomer, Laineybot/Lainey/Taylor Avaroe/Kai Jackson, is a transtrender and former "beauty guru" with no makeup-knowhow or personality.
Last time in the Swamp Shack>Greg releases a draw my life style video about he and Lainey's relationship with Sarah and somehow even makes them look worse. >>763166>Greg puts out a video saying that the coronavirus isn't a big deal and only stupid people are concerned for their health. >>763858>Greg starts an onlyfans account. >>764525 The content mainly consist of poorly done 3D models of Greg with a baby carrot >>765180, models of women being abused and acting out his fetishes, old content such as photo shoots >>765213, Julia Lovedoll >>768771 and past chapters of his 'erotica'. He seems pretty desperate because every day he's advertising a 'limited' amount of 50% off slots. >Greg angrily tweets that he's not poly anymore and that all people under 18 should be banned from the internet. >>765055>Greg tries to twist the narrative, stating that he has dated many 20 year olds by listing his ex's current ages. Of course he's too much of a pussy to state the age they where when they started dating. >>765085>Greg takes some heat after it is found out a 12 year old signed up for his onlyfans. >>765337>Possibly due to the lack of attention and diminishing views, Greg starts responding to people on twitter. He comes off as unhinged >>765357 but of course he was never upset, he was just trolling guys. >>765397>Steven from news week interviews Onion's father >>765448 and Greg is NOT happy. >>765495 Here is some insight on how it's like to try to interview Greg. >>766001 Link to newsweek article. >>766410>Greg demands attention from Chris Hansen, he sets a date in time for an interview without the slightest bit of consideration for Chris's schedule. >>765615 >>765972 Chris tries to set up a time and place >>766054 but of course Greg can't stand not being in control. >>766068 In the end there was no interview because Greg kept insisting on doing the interview live. >>766122 It's still pretty amusing how Greg acted all big and tough while demanding an interview >>766276 >>766277 but when Chris was at his front door Greg hid and called 911.>Greg needs attention so he opens himself up for live debates. His main tactics are deflecting, ignoring, and blaming others. >>766442 >Greg goes on the Killstream for an interview. >>766766 Highlights are Greg gets fake emotional about Chloe falling out of the window and gives us an updates saying that she still has a limp. >>766766 Greg also gets told that he was molested by a teenage girl and Greg can't fathom how that's a bad thing. >>766735 Lainey is now taking medication for her anxiety and depression. >>767318>The final proof of repair for the wetlands has been pushed back, possibly due to Covid 19. >>766916>Greg puts out a blog basically admitting that he's looking for a third and the only reason he's not poly is because Lainey is giving him a hard time. >>767318 He goes on to say in an answer on tumblr that he feels like his life is missing something with out a third in their relationship. >>769544>Greg gets 'diagnosed' with adjustment disorder by a therapist. >>769254>Now that his views are tanking and he's desperate for subscribers on his onlyfans, Greg has started putting out 'meltdown' videos again. >>769600 >Greg promises a full frontal on his onlyfans. To no ones surprise he photoshops himself with a womanly face and a vag. >>769765For the sake of making Onision threads more readable, please follow these rules:
- REPORT AND IGNORE BAIT, just don't respond. Responding to blatant bait will result in a ban.
- Hooktube is no longer a viable solution to deter views/clicks from Onision. Please rehost videos elsewhere.
- No nitpicking.
- Do not liveblog streams. Unless something of importance is happening, we don't need minute by minute updates.
- Do not contact the cows and post about it here. You will be banned.
- Do not post nudes of any exes.
Links: [private] [deplatformed] No. 770700
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Lol at Onion pretending not to know who luxymoo is. It's been a while since he tried his hardest to convince into a threeway
No. 770737
>>770731I don’t think she can do much in terms of pushing charges obviously but I do think she can make a character statement or something along those lines.
I think Billie’s in the same boat. He didn’t do anything illegal with her (cheating on your wife repeatedly isn’t illegal after all) but her experience does help illustrate how he’s a threat to young girls and creates an unstable home environment for his kids.
No. 770756
>>770744>>770750Even if he was diagnosed, this is one of hose "how much can you even share with someone in an hour or two".
How would the psych know what kind of bullshit has been going on with Jimmy for the past decade. I seriously doubt he would tell it like it is either.
So I'm taking this diagnosis with several grains of salt.
No. 770763
>>770700i hate greg but i honestly don't think anything is going to happen to him, legally, sarah had a chance of going to lainey with possession of child pornography, but for some reason, she was too lazy to do anything with that laptop, so nothing will be done against either of them legally
he found loopholes in the system to technically not be breaking the law lol
krai on the other hand is dumber and wouldn't be surprised if she sent/received many pictures of her arbys number 1 to multiple teens
No. 770767
>>770756No psych would diagnose someone in one session. In my experience, no less than 2, but usually 4. If he went to a therapist or psychologist they focus more on addressing negative thoughts and behaviors to improve your mental state. They can and will diagnose (usually if they feel the person would benefit from one or needs to be medicated), but again, it's not a one 50-120min session thing.
So yeah, he probably took am online test or a suggestion
No. 770783
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Not to nitpick but that’s not a c-scar. Making such silly claims devalues the legitimacy of this thread. I guarantee it’s LAMES vjay in the picture but that’s not a c-scar unless she had an amazing amazing doctor. Which I doubt.
100% he remembers luxymoo. He is teu By to act like he doesn’t to emphasize how she’s a nobody. She is a nobody just like Greg but she absolutely has evidence of his psychopathic manipulative behaviour. It’s just a way of ellegitimizing her and making her feel insignificant like he is to YouTube. Jeffrey Starr won’t acknowledge his existence so he’s trying to do the same thing to her. He’s butt her he isn’t relevant so is projecting on a poor barely legal girl ten years his age. He does this with Hansen acting like 60 is mega old when most adults you deal with are between the ages of 30-60 and he’s doing the same thing to her but in reverse
No. 770785
>>770783How can you guarantee it's hers? With the sea of free nudes online it didn't even cross my mind that it's hers.
Unless if you have personally seen it, then I'm sorry and I hope your soul recovers soon.
No. 770786
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>>770785100% it’s hers with absolute certainly based on tweets like this…. he even admitted in his discord on Sunday how this tweet referenced an anmi where a guy a guy (a cartoon man mind you) fucked another anim cartoon in front of a window and it was super super hot because the man was humiliating her. He cailmed it had nothing to do with his daughter and was all about humility a woman well she was raped in full view of the public. It’s on one of discord’s from this weekend too lazy to pull up. So yes I’m betting a trillion dollars this is Lames Vjay because he admitted that humiliation and public sex turns him on
No. 770787
>>770786that is a huge tinfoil which has no foundation honestly. It's not impossible but I think it's extremely unlikely.
Also anon, are you drunk? Your posts are nearly illegible and not integrated.
No. 770788
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>>770786He talked about how he googled cock shots when he made that 3 penis shoop. Im sure he did the same when he needed to add a vagina to that photo. The joke among those ladies that first came out against Onision and Lainey is that she has an Arby's #1. I assumed it was because Sarah has seen it and shared that info with the rest of the girls. If the shoop'd vagina looked more like meat curtains Id believe your tinfoil that its Laineys.
No. 770789
>>770783The thread was full so I forgot about saving the video for the thread but it's on kiwi farms. He posted an old video he made with Lainey on twitter same day he released that photo. It was like one of his gay motivational videos and talked about stretch marks and showed Lainey's. That photo looks like her stomach with the stretch marks. A c section would be higher up where the womb is.
Onion is a freak that can't help but give hints and spoilers to his gay low brow content. Pretty sure he out his wife's vag in that pic. He's also before tried to muddy evidence by releasing his own in perculair ways. Wouldn't be surprised if he plays this off as Lainey's nude or some shit down the line.
Baffling he's keeping up with the onlyfans shit, even his own fanclub when the feds are looking into him for predatory behaviour.
No. 770790
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Is Greg doing a quid pro quo for some prospective new "trinity" member? He doesnt want them giving their IG timeline as proof they aren't a troll, he wants something more substantial before he lets them in?
No. 770795
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>>7707872:26 mark anon. He talks about how a cartoon he watched turned him on because of public humiliation during sex. So there isn’t a doubt in my mind it’s Lame
Sorry English isn’t my first language
No. 770800
>>770799When it comes to Youtube banning people you have to take into consideration that accounts far worse than his are still up. YT just doesn't give a shit.
Him losing his Patreon was the best thing that happened through all of this.
No. 770801
>>770799Having YouTube ban or suspend his channels would be a win for him. He could play the ultimate
victim. Its better watching his recent videos barely pull in 20K views after a week. Let his YT career die a slow death. Its more entertaining to watch that way.
No. 770803
>>770801I can imagine the nuclear narc rage that would ensue if his YT channel was being suspended or removed. I'm not a betting man but i'd bet cold hard cash that he'd sockpuppet the shit out of Youtube trying to barely scrape the numbers of subscribers he has. Probably even coordinating people through his discord to do his dirty work for him.
The humiliation fetish was pretty apparent with Gurg from the time Shiloh told her story on Chris Hanson's show with the whole headshaving thing. Every girl that disappoints him in any way needs to be shamed and made to be groveling to his feet for mercy. Pure sociopathy. This is just speculation but maybe in his past, Onion was rejected by someone and never went beyond the fact that he could be rejected. With fame coming in through the banana song, he got a rush out of that power and ended up at the point where we are now where 3 level of law enforcement are breathing down his neck. It's already bad news when the regular cops come knocking at your door but now, we reached a critical level of "Yeah naw Greg, Doubt you will be able to talk this one out." He should make use of the little time he has left a free man to look up "infamy" in the dictionary but I assume he is so fucking delirious and self-absorbed that he doesn't understand the difference between celebrity and infamy.
Speaking of infamy, this morning, Drama and Opinions reported that Gurg has rebirthed his forums again. That is probably the stupidest fucking idea he could have ever pulled at a time like this. He just handed a bunch of arguments and evidence against himself to law enforcement on a silver plater. He could have just outright said "This is a pattern of behaviour I can't help myself from doing" at this point. It's hard at times for me to make out if he's being this stupid by trolling or just he is legit fucking dumb.
No. 770807
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It's a bit embarrassing reading through all the emails to the sheriff department and just seeing endless links to YouTube videos. This is exactly what people were told not to do.
The audio and video request from San Antonio is intriguing though, I wonder what that's about.
No. 770808
>>770700So he's acknowledging the case is real now?
Also kind of worrying tinfoil here, is there a possibility that in the last bit "you know false reports ruin a case right?" he could be trying to encourage his pig de la coins to make false reports to muddy the waters?
No. 770810
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>>770783>>770785>>770789Screenshot from said video. Strongly strongly doubt its lame. The belly button doesn't look the same at all and not sure about the scars either. This is an older video so yeah she might look different now but I'd imagine another child wouldnt make your skin less saggy and stop it drooping above the belly button
No. 770833
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I'm really looking into FBI investigations and what it means to be perused at a federal level. Y'all, being investigated by the FBI is a big deal. Really. I found this figure from 2009/2010 showing how often federal investigations result in indictments. I recognize this information is a bit dated, but I did want to go ahead and provide it. From what I've read, FBI indictment and conviction rates have gone up in the last few years, so I assume the percentage of indictments would be higher in a more current chart. For what it's worth, during this timespan in 09/10 approximately 84% of federal investigations resulted in an indictment.
Another bit of information I found
>For 2012, the US Department of Justice reported a 93% conviction rate.
Hopefully I can put together a better representation of numbers later when I have more time. I at least wanted to put into context how truly fucked Greg is because I keep reading over and over that nothing is going to come from this. The numbers prove that to be very unlikely.
No. 770836
>>770835Greg May never see any actual jail time, but the police are definitely not on his side. They’re watching his every move just waiting for him to fuck up. (Interview with that one guy on Hansen’s stream proved this)
He’s probably become a joke in their office. His neighbors hate him, the local law enforcement hate him. They’d probably love to get rid of him. I definitely wouldn’t call that “on his side”, bht we all know Greg is delusional
No. 770852
>>769914Good it’s probably better that all the dogs make it out of that house…
>>770783He loves to humiliate his partners but why risk putting himself in potential legal trouble by posted what could be seen as revenge porn?
Only one of the involved girls could really confirm at this point tbh.
I hope the tinfoil around this dies down though because I hate seeing this picture again and again.
No. 770881
>>770878Probably her fake boi friend and various discord channels. Who knows, maybe the Queen of anxiety is actually focusing on her kids since Onision blamed her for Cloey falling out the window and she's a known local train wreck. I bet she's glad for lockdown so her kids don't have to go to school.
>>770852Onion does a lot of stuff that any sane person in his position wouldn't do. If he also has got his oaypigs to falsify fake reports that's perjury. He's a stupid twat. Literally he would be no where if it wasn't for a woman to mooch off.
I'm pretty sure his sister Johanna is the one who got him in the airforce as she's a pilot and seems actually competent and well liked. His mum had to fight his corner a lot in highschool. The Banana Song went viral when Skye was his editor and he had her to fine tune his ideas. Shiloh got him infamy. Billie brought him back attention from the masses again. He's the most pathetic cuck alive. Now he's making fake porn. As much as he wants to pretend he's desired he knows rightly his little cock is ugly and unimpressive. So he has to use an anonymous vagina to really gear up interest in his content. Or fake tits. Or a female sex doll. All he wants to do all day is hatefuck women, doesn't matter if they're related old or young. He knows he'd be nothing without a woman.
No. 770887
>>770885Sure as soon as Hansen moved on from Greg he started doing the boring freak outs again, posted the full frontal nude, unprivated the onision prime twitter so everyone he had blocked can engage with him again. I'm glad we're getting to witness his demise rather than him scurry off unhindered. It's satisfying knowing all his neighbours hate him and people take his photos in public to mock him.
If freakshows were still around Greg could get a nice gig at one of those. For us all to point and laugh. Wonder what type of CV he'd prepare for a real job. Another reality check awaiting him in the near future.
No. 770903
>>770886He checked IDs and guarded a chain link fence entrance in Korea, that was the whole of his security work in the AF. Any employer is going to look at his work history gap and wonder why he went from an early discharge from the Air Force to never having another employer for over a decade. I doubt he would get past the first interview for mall cop.
"I was a YouTube influencer for 10 years, you must of heard of Im a Banana?
"Im Onision.
"OH! You mean the guy Hansen tried to bust for diddling kids?"
No. 770936
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I dont understand why Greg is tweeting on his OnisionPrime acct then retweeting it on his main Onision acct. Why not just do all his sperging on his main? Is there some Twitter advantage to doing this? Is it a way of saying shit hes afraid may get his account banned so hes doing it on his side account then retweeting it to get it out more public?
No. 770949
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No. 770950
>>770949Im glad she feels strong enough to confront him but I hate that hes probably creaming his pants that he got one of his
victims to interact with him again.
Lmao on the likes difference between his tweet and her reply though.
No. 770997
>>770885I'm with
>>770887 on this one. It's been a shitshow and he did manage to profit off it to some degree, but I'm glad things blew up the way they did. He's hated by his community and has resorted to wearing disguises in public. His patreon was shut down too. He's miserable and what little money he did manage to get off the drama will only last him so long, especially with the IRS and wetland situation both knocking on his door.
It's funny really. How he changed his and Lainey's name to try to hide and then it all blew up in their faces. The internet isn't going to allow him a quiet exit from this into a normal life. This shit is going to haunt him and that's honestly pretty hilarious and well deserved.
No. 771000
>>770984>>770972I honestly think the money and the fame were the only reason he got Billie interested in him
She used to be kind of a Star-fucker and date "scene" YouTubers
lel, he had to bribe her with things like clout and money to keep her interested, and now he barely has either
No. 771006
>>771000Oniin bribing girls to fuck him like he did with Billie is why there were normal looking girls pining for him. He's an ugly fucker with a shite personality, of course he had to give Billie around 10 grand in make up, money and accessories to keep her enticed. How quickly did Maya nope the fuck out when she saw the Greaseman in person?
Wish Greg would be a little more honest about his life. He is attracted to barely legal teens and hates any type of person that could be deemed popular because he was a
victim of bullying in highschool. He made various future boards with all his significant partners to manifest youth and fortune throughout his life because he's a vapid shallow unintelligent piece of shit. He has proposed to three different teenagers and he's only 35, he married two teenagers and divorced Skye for a new 17 year old. Then rebounded to Lainey after the pop star figured she could take his money and shag someone else. He hates his rebound wife and uses her to recruit other teenagers he might have more fun fucking. Except Onion doesn't get satisfaction from love only being vengeful and an edgy retard. It's a damn shame he has reproduced and I feel completely heartbroken for his kids. Wonder if Greg will be in jail before Cloey and Troy can ask him why he was such a piece of shit to mummy and what he actually does for a living.
No. 771018
>>771009His freak out videos are definitely just a way to try to squeeze out any last drops of money and attention but now they’re not even working as well as the did in the past.
How will he get attention now? He can’t hog Lainey’s videos because she’s in hiding, he can’t get another exciting new girlfriend to pimp out for content…
Will he go back to his old plan of getting a “regular” job? I don’t know how that would scratch his itch for attention but with Lainey not churning out money from her stuff they have to be getting somewhat tight on finances. I think Lainey will probably try to get a normal job once the kids are both in school.
No. 771031
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His staged freakouts weren't getting the views anymore, so he's back on his bullshit
No. 771047
>>771036It also wouldn't surprise me if he was deliberately trying to
trigger her into a relapse so he can profit off her again. Although I think it's more likely he's just wanting to perv over her and feel like her saviour when she does get to his ideal size. His books show he's got a saviour complex and gets off to 'saving' damaged girls. He really thinks Eugenia is his Abbigale from that garbage first book he did. He's a fucking moron and I know she never will because she doesn't like confrontation, but Eugenia needs to take some kind of action against him to get him to stop, because he's going to kill her
No. 771051
>>771044Agreed. Scraping the bottom of his old bag of tricks isn’t going to pull views back in anytime soon.
It’s obviously sad that he’s still trying to harass an ed sufferer for money and still trying to get Shane Dawson to interact with him but ultimately it’s not attention grabbing. How many times has he done this now? 1000?
His stuff is stale without bringing Lainey back in or a new girl to make new drama with.
No. 771068
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Did some research. During this time-frame in 2010 (I used 2010 since more data is available) 84% of all federal investigations resulted in charges. For the entirety 2010, the federal conviction rate was 9 in 10. Of those convicted, 8 out of 10 received prison sentences. According to these cold, hard numbers, Greg is far more likely to be prosecuted and convicted than not. And is almost just as likely to receive a prison sentence. Keep in mind there are NO federal statue of limitations for the types of crimes he's likely to be charged with.
No. 771069
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No. 771070
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No. 771071
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Sorry for multi-posting. I tried arranging these screenshots in one big image but it wasn't readable. I have a few more for those interested.
No. 771073
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Wonder what attorney is losing their credibility tomorrow?
No. 771088
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lmao onision copyrighted my tweet about a video i made compiling all of the gross shit he did and caused my account to become locked. loser's getting desperate for attention(cowtipping)
No. 771094
>>771083nah, if it's real and not a skit, he wouldn't consider posting it unless the lawyer tells him exactly what he wants to hear.
his comment on "private citizens" makes me think its going to be another sperg about trespassing
No. 771102
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Wasn’t sure about posting this here or in the Shane thread but Jeffree Star will be interviewed by Chris Hansen. It will probably focus on Dahvie Vanity but they may touch open Greg(offtopic)
No. 771110
>>770936because if he does anything to get his prime account banned, his main account is left in tact since all he did was retweet another account
so effectively he is able to post on his main using the other account as like a buffer for when he inevitably fucks up
No. 771114
>>770936So he's disgusted by anyone trying to date him because all women are psychotic homewrecking BPD druggie freaks, but he's actively egging on his stans to take a "Would Onision Date You" quiz?
He is absolutely desperate for anyone besides Lame to fuck, now he's just dogwhistling for the person who is naive enough to still fall for that soulmates twin flames bullshit
No. 771153
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If only he put that effort into child proofing the windows instead. Cloey's skull and brain would be intact and she wouldn't be walking with a limp now
No. 771208
>>771153The Anti-O's are rabid morons but even despite that I refuse to believe they would sperge out about you killing a wasps nest.
I do agree they're a joke though, hell they've been a running gag here for as long as I can remember.
No. 771217
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From kiwi farms
No. 771218
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>>771217Wait, he has ginger pubes??
No. 771243
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Missed another one!
No. 771246
>>771243I am begging you to spoiler these.
Why is he taking the more genuine approach or only fans now? Maybe because he can’t solicit lewds from his young fans he’s settling for giving them lewd photos of himself.
No. 771250
>>771235Same guy did some research into how onision has created a flow to traffic to get kids/teens to click through his YouTube channel to get to his tumblr where he promote his porn content and can hide from parents that their kids are getting access to the 18+ content because it’s billed to his YouTube. It’s actually a pretty good read. Here was one of his tweets that sums it up kinda:
Here’s the thing:
The funnel from UhOhBro to Greg’s 18+ Discord and OnlyFans has zero legitimate age vetting.
Do you know any other instance of a kids YT channel segueing into an 18+ chat community, forum & blog that promotes rough, humiliation and degradation BDSM?
No. 771275
>>771268Its the left over grape juice that splashed out when he poured it over his head. He never cleaned it up. Give it a few weeks and the smell will be stomach
No. 771276
>>771217These are equally hilarious and disgusting.
Why at 35 does he have such a shrivelled old man claw
No. 771317
>>771031Uh don't you mean Jaclyn Glenn Grup? Because she was the only one that actually did anything to get Eugenia help. Your senpai Shane just exploited the situation for views by hopping on EC with a camera crew as soon as she got out of rehab, asking all these questions about her recovery when nobody really knows if she recovered or not because it can take years to actually recover from an eating disorder. But she has a vagina so obviously she just needs another whiteknight to come a long and talk some sense into her right fuckhead?
>>770975Lmao they're both liars and cheaters. Narcs always accuse their
victims of what they themselves are doing, is it any wonder that Grug has pretty much called everybody who didn't go a long with his programming liars and frauds? And that Lame accuses all these women of being fake and disloyal to her uwu? Please. Lame is a completely fake person, she has no identity outside of larping as a smol gay fakeboi and being Onion's ol' ball and chain, and when was she EVER loyal to any of these girls? She was always flirting with other tumblerinas whether she was with a girl or not and if Frankenface didn't have a shot at fucking them too then she just up and ghosted them.
>>771243Whenever he posts these abominations it's him eye fucking himself that grosses me out the most, you can't even see his eyes in these pics but you can still tell he is doing that stupid Zoolander eye squint while he purses his rapist mouth at his own reflection. Nightmare fuel.
No. 771327
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>>771323lol you're not wrong!
No. 771328
File: 1587919832710.jpg (Spoiler Image,343.48 KB, 1610x1870, Annotation 2020-04-26 085006.j…)

>>771327love how the quality suffers because he's edited the image a bunch, probably tried to slim it down. He's turning into Lainey, maybe he'll get an ED lol. He looks like a lifeless sack
No. 771332
File: 1587920454747.png (Spoiler Image,2.19 MB, 2182x966, nightmare fuel.png)

No. 771333
File: 1587920478365.jpeg (66.66 KB, 286x289, 1D34461E-21B9-430A-882D-76101A…)

Killing this tinfoil. That’s not Lainey’s stomach.
No. 771334
>>771333Onion's no stretch marks on his pubic area, unlike his wife.
Wonder if he's been uploading and editing his naked torso because people are speculating who's vagina he's monetising.
No. 771463
>>771434>>771434Can confirm it's gone.
Assuming it's not a troll, if you have the evidence, instead of giving gurg a headstart, why not just release everything with little to no fanfare? I swear people are fucking retarded.
No. 771482
>>771463I am always skeptical of anyone who teases information instead of just putting it out there.
If this person had dirt already, they shouldve shared it right away. If they were waiting until they collected enough dirt, then they shouldnt have revealed themselves as a mole until they were ready to release info.
It just makes no sense to spend weeks teasing possible dirt. Release it or shut up.
No. 771496
File: 1588007270395.jpg (Spoiler Image,426.91 KB, 1080x1514, 20200427_095500.jpg)

Glub added a new photo to the onlyfans post from the weekend
No. 771499
File: 1588007887472.png (72.58 KB, 1154x757, 899df57dcb9a4ff6cb3a52a95617c9…)

One of Onion's paypigs is a hooker and he interviewed her aka asked her invasive sexual questions on his website was a question he asked about circumcised/uncircumcised men and she replied "most uncircumcised men don't know how to wash" and at the end he put this
No. 771507
>>771497Old milk, but I'll never get over the fact that he claimed a woman needs to shave her pubes so that he can get in deeper. topkek
If an eigth of an inch makes such a difference to him, then it's very telling.
No. 771540
File: 1588024926275.jpeg (56.89 KB, 472x1024, EWo4If9X0AMXbCs.jpeg)

Which "victim" apologized to him?
No. 771542
>>771527Has he ever faced one day is suspension? Blaire white got suspended for this drawing meanwhile I don't think onion has ever faced repercussions despites constantly going on campaigns to harass and smear people's reputations
>>771540I know he's full of shit but who amongst the
victims had gofundmes? Sarah used venmo I think
No. 771544
>>771541He's probably talking about Jessica, the former patron of his with a giant forehead who got ghosted by Lame and apologized to him recently, but she was never a
victim in the first place, she's not even relevant to anything so why brag about her apologizing?
No. 771545
>>771541This is likely considering he called Sarah sarcastically saying "well I'm sorry I raped you I guess lol" an apology
But it could also be Madison, who I think messaged him "I miss you I'm sorry" after she couldn't find acceptance among the other anti-O people
No. 771555
>>771553Gurg Jackson - Attorney at lulz will tell you why he's totally a
victim you guys…
Coming from the same dude that served the wrong person in a frivolous case. That will go well.
No. 771600
File: 1588042140085.jpg (30.12 KB, 400x400, vgvehVag_400x400.jpg)

>>771563I thought that was Vincents wife at first. One of those situations where husband and wife start morphing into each other after a few years. Now I understand why she looks like that. Those genes are not kind.
No. 771608
File: 1588043780006.png (116.92 KB, 286x314, 67022.PNG)

>>771607I dont like the guy but that laugh got me smiling.
No. 771609
>>771607Frannie is trying to boost her YouTube career by joining up with one of the biggest known predators on the platform?
That's like some new law firm using Harvey Weinstein in their commercials as a satisfied customer.
No. 771611
File: 1588045718863.png (151.62 KB, 500x663, that-yellow-paste-that-forms-u…)

>>771499>>771526His logic be like
No. 771621
My mom had that hairstyle in the 90’s
No. 771656
>>771608It was absolutely hysterical. Greg wants everybody that talks about him to have the book thrown at them for malicious slander and libel, except himself of course when he talks shit about people like Shane, Cyr, Billie, Repzion, Shiloh, Sarah, Eugenia, Jaclyn Glenn, and a whole list of other people. Since you know when he does it its being truthful and honest, but when other people do it its all lies.
Its just like the #METOO movement and Social Justice, its all good and well when it benefits him, but if this law would truly be to pass he would be in the streets hauling a shopping cart and living in the forest.
No. 771730
File: 1588111446013.jpeg (181.14 KB, 851x1842, AF5AD406-7A6E-44FE-9077-475F22…)

In today’s news, Greg still doesn’t know what the definition of grooming is.
No. 771796
File: 1588152211113.png (254.35 KB, 1226x1260, 1588133892503.png)

What the fuck is he even talking about?
No. 771800
>>771799tbh, I think the only reason he has an onlyfans is only so he can lowkey insult, attack and stalk Billie & Ayallah.
It looks like he's defending them to those who are unaware of him, but you know they hate the fact that he knows they have an OnlyFans, probably sees everything they put out, and is even mentioning them. I think onlyfans has always been a tactic to get under people's skin; even when he was using the animation program, the way some of the characters looked who weren't him in his "animated porn photos" and the "scenes he was recreating".
No. 771807
>>771800that wouldn't surprise me at all. he seems to be the kinda guy that likes to feel he's in control that way. they're on there, and so now he's on there, and he knows that would make them feel uncomfortable. like they're being watched.
kinda stalkerish if you ask me.
and the fact that he believes he's part of the "porn industry" now cracks me the fuck up. his cgi sucks shit and he's too chicken shit to show his microscopic penis. he's not in the porn industry, same as he isn't a comedian, he a lolcow, a novelty, a cheap t-shirt at best.
what was your claim to fame again? oh thats right "i'm a banana" and a mention on because they where plum out of any good content that week. and you've been milking that shit for 20 years now.
congratulations, greg, you sad wanker.
No. 771808
>>771807oh and to add to that, the only reason he's still somewhat relevant is because of the anti-o's that keep mentioning him. if it wasn't for that his claim to "fame" had died out many years ago. they are the ones keeping him in the picture and thinking they're clever undercover "agents" by signing up for his stupid shit and actually paying.
and so we've come full circle.
No. 771816
>>771796I think this was in reaction to Hansen laughing at him on twitter for his lawyer stunt because he mentions Greg posting half naked pictures.
Likening what he’s doing on his onlyfans to what
victims of his are doing on theirs is his way to feel smart and superior by trying to highlight some hypocrisy that isn’t there.
He doesn’t understand that he isn’t being solely criticized for posting risqué photos online. It’s all the context behind it and includes all the depraved things he’s done.
It’s also a way for him to try to keep Billie in his life in whatever capacity he can after she rejected him so many times.
She started an OF with her boyfriend and he’s probably pissed that it could have been him collecting the revenue stream and his current partner won’t do it with him or get the same level of attention that Billie would.
No. 771830
File: 1588182127200.jpg (81.49 KB, 720x479, 20200430_053746.jpg)

He uploaded another video on sarah, where he thankfully doesn't show himself but he talks about 'onision' in the third person as if he's not making this video lol, I guess it makes him feel more important or so he can say it wasn't him being a creep it was his character!!! Nothing new is in the video it's old lies mixed in with clips of sarah.
No. 771832
>>771830Is there anything she can do to stop this? You know he’s never going to stop slandering her. He still talks about each of his exes from basically decades ago.
She’s still a private citizen, shouldn’t she be protected?
No. 771834
>>771830For some reason this makes me super mad.
He spent the first 6 months of this entire saga yelling at Sarah and the others to move on, saying they are obsessed with him, just looking for attention/money/fame and now that Sarah tweeted she was trying to actually move on, it’s like he’s lost his mind and spun into an all new rage. Now he says Sarah moving on is proof she lied and he won’t stop talking about her.
It really just hits the point home that he wants that attention so badly that he is willing to continue talking about this, the story that turned so many against him, even when the one that started it all is no longer talking about it publicly.
you’d think he’d be relieved that the “slandering” has stopped and want to bury the whole thing under the rug. The fact that now he wont let it go tells me he knows it’s the only thing that will get him that attention. For all his whining about his
victims clout chasing he has done literally nothing but that recently (his tweets at Jeffrey star)
Ugh I’m ready for him to just fade away. Since he won’t see jail time, he just needs to get no more attention and die in obscurity
No. 771843
>>771830is he really trying to use that clip of an old ass stream wiyh sarah telling lainey she didnt wipe the laptop as proof that sarah got the images FROM the laptop?
I am preeeeetty sure that stream took place long before Kai took those nude shots. She had blue hair in the stream, and her blue hair phase happened before the more recent short blonde hair.
Does anyone have the screenshot of the cropped version Kai posted on instagram? Comparing that date with the date of this younow stream would easily debunk this nonsense.
No. 771889
>>>/snow/966892I’m sorry Grease, but these ladies are way past your prime now.
No. 771915
File: 1588219403158.png (154.45 KB, 370x706, Greg the secret keeper.png)

Looks like there's discontent within the ranks of Onisions discord moderators.
I hope everyone who saw Greg post this now understands he will throw anyone under the bus and cannot keep anything told to him in confidence to himself.
No. 771916
File: 1588219484776.png (34.34 KB, 514x208, tamara.PNG)

>>771915I wasn't surprised it was Tamara the dog fucker with the vendetta.
No. 771923
File: 1588223324327.jpeg (278.92 KB, 1042x1374, 78616429-11F3-4E33-B434-B3B1B4…)

No time stamp though. Definitely needs the time stamp
No. 771934
File: 1588230308311.jpeg (71.7 KB, 422x750, 0FF4C075-7EF6-42A6-A405-98C339…)

>>771923>>771931Timestamps? No problemo!
No. 771935
File: 1588230365999.jpeg (222.47 KB, 1080x1816, E5902B4D-1187-4426-A7E5-350D13…)

>>771934These aren’t my screenshots btw
No. 771944
>>771931I get that it's playing the role of neckbeard devil's advocate but what the fuck are the cops supposed to do with this information?
Would it be a crime in whatever states either of them were in? Perhaps. Would it be something they could get a conviction of anything over? I can't really see it.
No. 771990
>>771984No one is arguing when the photos were taken. But it is more damning evidence if we know for certain they were sent when Sarah was 17.
I thought for sure Greg would immediately claim the screenshots are faked, but instead he said they were “out of context” which seems to be his excuse for every text message he can’t explain, and just demanding Ayalla debate him.
But maybe he will finally stop claiming Sarah stole the photos from the laptop she received like 3 months before that photo was even taken. But no, if he’s too dumb to realize the photos were taken after Sarah got the laptop then he’s too dumb for this.
No. 772065
>>772058lmao do you really think a screencap shared on Twitter is going to be enough to shut him up? He refuses to address or just flat out ignores any damning evidence he can't argue against but that hasn't stopped this asshole yet. Give Sarah some credit, she's not that stupid or naive. Not to mention she didn't even post them this time, Ayalla did, and her motivation for doing so doesn't matter. He's already dragging both of them through the mud at every opportunity.
The point I really want to drive home to you is that just because the court of public opinion isn't convinced does not mean that Sarah is lying, it does not mean that Lainey didn't send nudes to a minor, it doesn't mean there aren't legal ramifications here.
No. 772068
File: 1588284316658.png (60.53 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2020-04-30-19-04-08…)

He was threatened lmao. Throwing Foot under the bus much? I hope she sees this
No. 772071
>>772065No one here has said she was lying. I don’t think she is lying at all, but that doesn’t mean I can’t think she should have included more information in those screen shots.
I think it’s safe to assume the police do not have these, since she just found them. But who knows.
Personally I just like to see Greg sweat and struggle to explain away evidence when it stares him in the face. If she provides a video of these texts with screenshots we know he will be shitting himself even if he tries to pretend he’s not
No. 772095
File: 1588289687712.jpeg (1004.05 KB, 2048x1536, EW4BbeDUYAAKKu7.jpeg)

Why does he have a mirror above the bed where he sleeps with his son??? (his ex patron Jessica said he sleeps downstairs with Troy and Footface upstairs with Cloey). He admitted in a video he puts a mirror above the bed because he likes to watch himself while having sex.
No. 772109
>>772082> weird how he hasn't forced her to go on cam and cry about how she's not a groomer in an attempt to gain sympathy pointsYeah he knows he could get a lot of views (money and attention) by forcing Lainey to get back in front of the camera in any capacity.
I don’t know why he’s stuck with the
Lainey’s the good guy in all of this though bc it isn’t valuable to him anymore. He used to say it to deflect criticism (if you say mean things about me it hurts my spouse’s feelings and she didn’t do anything wrong) and keep girls hooked and in a relationship (he’s
abusive and horrible but Lainey’s a
victim and I want to help save her so I’ll stay) but now everyone knows how complicit and involved she’s been in everything.
How long could he last just doing videos without Lainey or a new shiner girlfriend to save himself from his same stale content?
No. 772115
File: 1588293587743.png (69.82 KB, 699x170, 5488911.PNG)

>>772073>>772075I don't know if this means anything but he moved that video to his OnisionReacts channel 2 hours ago. I wonder if it got flagged on OnisionSpeaks and he feared getting a stike. He made this upload way more disgustingly descriptive.
No. 772153
>>772149I distinctly remember Jessica saying this on a YouNow live stream
>>772095>his ex patron Jessica said he sleeps downstairs with Troy and Footface upstairs with CloeyJessica was giving up all kinds of info including very personal stuff about the kids. That is until Sarah and Regina showed up and told her to shut up.
Im sure this is still the case. Lainey sleeps with C upstairs, Greg sleeps with T downstairs and he allows the kid to have spiderman sheets as a comfort or concession. So technically it is HIS(Gregs) bed because he sleeps there, but really its his kids and Greg just co-sleeps in it so T doesn't do something in the middle of the night.
Interesting side-note- I hear that Jessica is back to licking Laineys asshole and trying to get into a relationship with the doormat. That DM Greg shared a couple of weeks ago of her apologizing was her actually trying to get back in their good graces and not her "trolling James." They live near one another so its easy access. Is Jessica the new and improved human tissue? Now with more forehead!
No. 772170
File: 1588313939507.jpg (35.54 KB, 341x428, girdle.jpg)

>>772168I didn't look close enough the first time but you're right. It could be a girdle or maybe his paranoia has gone out of control since those kids egged & vandalized his house and now he's wearing that bulletproof vest at home 24/7 and only takes it off for 5 minutes to suck in his gut and take pics for his OnlyFans.
I tweaked the contrast to make the marks more visible.
No. 772208
>>772115another predictable bait for attention. so much for "do not engage" and moving on with his life.
the only reasonable thing for sarah or any of the other girls to do is ignore him. starving him of the attention he so desperately wants is the only way to hurt him. any other reaction, positive of negative, feeds into his ego.
No. 772351
>>772329Speaking of heroes. This guy talks to a discord member who is under 18!
Skip to 31:00 for the call.
(shilling) No. 772354
>>772065>He's dragging them both through the mudHonestly, the girls should just block him and tell everyone who keeps fucking updating them about his little temper tantrums to relax themselves. He's a parasite who thrives on their attention, and the best thing to do is just ignore him and let him keep screaming to the void that is his twitter.
>>772109>no more LAINEY IS CRYING GUYSS!He's probably at a point where he's done with Lainey and the kids, the only time he would show an ounce of care is when the internet calls him out on being a shitty human, ala cuddlegate, when anons would troll his younow, and the recent shit with cloey. I don't even think he interacts with Lainey unless it's for succ me time or when he needs something from her. In his little pea brain, he even managed to transform Sarah from being Lainey's girlfriend to HIS girlfriend. I think bringing in Lainey would, in his mind, take away from the fact that all eyes are on him. After all Sarah was secretly in love with HIM, Lainey was just the thing to get her foot in the door. Sarah was HIS evil ex who slighted him, along with every other girl who wanted Lainey but didn't know he was part of the package. I think the only way Lainey would get involved, is when he's truly hit rock bottom.
No. 772416
File: 1588430769882.jpg (98.96 KB, 870x435, Maynard Nicotra.jpg)

Onision tweeted out DM's Vincent Nicotra had with Hansen and Regina. When did Vince and Greg join forces to fuck Hansen up the ass?
No. 772425
File: 1588433035223.jpg (135.61 KB, 1152x2048, EW-8eXpWkAE3r7f.jpg)

>>772416Grabbed from Twitter. Is Sarah having an agent supposed to be suspicious or something
No. 772452
>>772428This. I never assumed he meant an actors agent, but an investigative agent.
But of course Grugly will spin it as she’s some secret actor doing this for fame. Even though she has no public social media other than her twitter. Riiight.
No. 772472
>>772425That message was Nov 7th and Sarah's livestream with Hansen was a week prior to that on Oct 30th. I think it was late November that Hansen announced that the FBI were involved, so I wonder if it's some kind of legal agent or
victim's advocate that was assigned to Sarah.
Regardless, the screenshot suggests Chris Hansen didn't get in the way of any donations getting to the
victims and that he was conscious about keeping it above board.
No. 772477
>>772472>>772452On Chris' april 8th stream he spoke to Amanda Smith, who is the "
victims advocate" of an Onision
victim. It's heavily implied to be Sarah though she is never mentioned by name. Might be her?
No. 772484
>>772478Imagine teaming up with the guy who would have happily taken you down as a child grooming sexual predator if he wasn't fired by Chris Hansen and then thinking that suddenly makes you more credible and not just look like a freak who will take any support he can get even from someone who previously called him all those things he's sperging at anti os for.
Greg think it makes him look like the anti hero who turned even the ring leader of this whole shit show to his side once he was shown the "truth and honesty!!" Of the situation but in reality Vince just looks like slimeball trying to get back at Hansen by jumping on Greg's single seated bandwagon trying to make a barely legal girl look like she's lying about being groomed by these two vile humans when there's video evidence of it from the past 4 years basically.
What a dynamic duo of absolute fucking baffoonery. At least Onision has consistently been the worst for 10 years, whats no neck Vics excuse for partnering up with a dude he was calling a danger to young girls a couple of months ago? How does he sleep at night knowing he's slandering an 18 year old girl who was mentally abused by these freaks and who he interacted with positively up until someone who wasn't even Sarah hurt his big boy feelings.
No. 772524
>>772425>We can't get in the middle of that.Vince gave Onision this DM to make Sarah or Chris look bad? To me I give props to Hansen for making sure it doesn't look shady by being a middle man for any donations the public wanted to give to the
victims. Instead he did the right thing and said for them to contact her proxy. And if Greg is trying to make it look suspect that she has an agent. Im sure he's thinking of the only definition his tiny mind can come up with and believes William Morris Endeavor brought her in as a client. Or I really hope his sphincter puckered up when he thought that "agent" meant the FBI agent assigned to her with this case.
No. 772529
>>772527I don't think Vince started sucking Gregs dick until everyone called him out for his dumb behavior and Chris fired him. The whole "The enemy of my enemy is my friend." thing.
I would hope the FBI Computer Forensics Lab has agents that are a little bit more knowledgeable than some middle aged wop skiddie.
No. 772543
>>772542Im 100% sure they didn't mean FBI Agent. Like this anon said
>>772429 it was just some private citizen working on her behalf. It could be a family member for all we know.
I do like the idea that when Greg saw "agent" he probably shat his pants and his balls went up into his belly thinking Agent Mulder is hot on his case.
No. 772619
>>772608It's pretty obvious when they come to post. Always to defend in some form the shite Onion pulls out of his ass to make him look anyway innocent. Give it up Onion stans. You're going to bat for a man that isn't funny, isn't handsome, isn't intelligent, has nothing od value to say and has spent the better part of a decade making a career out of shit talking the young ladies he can't force into group sex. No wonder so many other retarded boys hang about in his discord servers, they're all picking up the pieces Onion doesn't want. Sure look at the state of the onion flakes thread, the fans all end up online dating each other and posting revenge nudes.
Like it's mental half this thread is people trying to be as objective as possible for man that wants to coerce and fuck teenagers and make them live with him and wipe the shit off his toilet and feed his fucking kids that might end up dead from neglect. Treating his entire existence as a case by case point to prove he's a criminal. Its unnecessary. Call a spade a spade. He's a man in his mid 30s that has never worked a real job outside of being a runt in the military. He's too retarded even for customer service. He's an ugly pathetic short speciman who has always been narcasstic as fuck. He was perving on his teenage sister in law for years and still has her suicidal girl photos saved. He even has shown them to other girls. The first pretty famous girl to give him attention was a 16 year old pop star from Canada and he was so enamoured he printed out divorce papers from Google and presented them to his wife who was then able to enact an actual divorce, with terms not drawn up by retarded Greg. Much like his fake NDAs with all the girls he tries to fuck; he thinks if he can make something official looking enough for teenagers he can enact his own laws and morality on to others. Let's not forget as a teen himself he created a fucking religion. Even though it never took off (he's a fucking retard lol) he still had those thoughts that he was some type of prophet with understanding of the meaning of life. How fucking deluded can you get? That's James Faggot Jackson for you. The most deluded man on the planet, apart from possibly his fucking fans. Especially the older ones. Especially the older ones that have kids themselves. It's a club of failures. Every win those cunts think they achieve is a red flag to others. Call a spade a spade. Onision is a horrible person with no redeeming qualities. He doesn't like anyone. He has no love for his kids. Do his fans really think he gives a fuck about them? Sad
No. 772632
File: 1588515643382.png (235.1 KB, 608x363, EXDq0dYUcAA_U57 (1).png)

Looks like Tamara the dog fucker just got tricked into posting her ID in discord to prove her age. I know she redacted some of it but she could of left out her middle name, day and month and just left the birth year. I really hope no one posts it to 4chan or some other nefarious website looking to see if they can gather her full doxx with the little info provided.
No. 772637
File: 1588517632403.png (229 KB, 459x635, EXDmPClU4AAj_v1.png)

>>772635>There's probably a scramble to get everyone age verifiedYou're absolutely right.
We've all heard from the
victims how he likes to ask about any trauma they've experienced in life and then uses it against them when the relationship inevitably goes bad. Can you imagine what Greg will do with a folder full of his discord members scanned ID's?
No. 772646
>>772484Well, let's see how fast Vince jumps the ship when he doesn't get what he wants and sides with someone else. Greg and Vince both have a history of taking advantage of people and then turning against and dropping them like a hot potato when they get butt hurt.
They're also both dumb and too much into themselves.
I positive this "friendship" isn't gonna last.
>>772637That's actually pretty forntunate for Greg, now he can get rid of all the people he doesn't like or suspect of being moles without being the "bad guy" since he "only wants to make sure he follows the rules".
And then there will still be at least one "savvy-candy" clone, or whatever her name was, who's underage but """acidentally""" didn't get deleted. Oops.
No. 772657
>>772608Yeah cause anyone who dares to question the queens must be an onision fan. It's not like Sarah fucked in the same bed a toddler was sleeping, lied about her borderline diagnosis (in a livestream a few years ago she said she was diagnosed by not only one, but by TWO psychologists, but then she backtracked when the onion started using it against her. Video below before anyone starts screaming for proof) lied about Ayalla wanting to have sex with her, attention whored on Twitter, posted memes about things that should be taken seriously meaning it was all a big joke to her, etc. Before she became a "
victim" everyone here hated her, but suddenly when she got dumped and decided to run a smear campaign, she became a saint
No. 772659
>>772657>when she got dumped Sarah was kicked out of the McMansion once and kept her mouth shut the entire time. If she was really a spiteful bitter clout chaser and wanted to ruin Greg or Lainey she could have come out as a minor and revealed all the dirty secrets the Onions hide behind closed doors.
Also was she ever officially Greg's girlfriend kek? I know he likes to sperg out and claim that anyone who's ever been broken up with is in the wrong because they're the ones who got broken up with but then that just adds another teen to the list of teen girls Greg has dated/fucked. You'd think he'd want to stay away from implying he was dating a freshly 18 year old in his mid thirties if he wanted people to stop calling him a predator.
But no apparently Ayalla making an alleged "sexual" remark to someone 3 years her junior is way worse than Greg fucking a girl almost two decades younger than him is fine even if she was 17 the same week he had sex with her because as long as her ID says 18 its not outright illegal for Greg to fist his dick at her. Morality is a concept lost on everyone who orbits the waterhead.
No. 772686
>>772664Which is why when they responded they responded to the one thing and not the mountains of other incriminating shit kek
Greg does the same thing where when someone is debating/arguing with him he'll pick the one thing that can't fully be proven or hearsay to respond to and declare he's won by having a flimsy answer for it while ignoring the other
valid things everyone brings up.
I just fundamentally don't understand how people are so willing to delude themselves into believe Greg's innocent when he'll turn right back around and ban you from his discord or make fun of your voice because you have the nerve to pay him. He doesn't even do the "cult" thing well. Just think of how many orbiters he might still have if god forbid he was actually nice to the people that pay him. He shoots himself in the foot everytime and his fans just sit there and say "oh how cool of you to massively sperg out like that greg!!"
No. 772690
>>772671Two different psychologists "misdiagnosed" her then? Damn, she must be unlucky as hell lmao
>>772673"Sarah is sympathetic" is that why everyone here was calling her a brat and making fun of her looks before she decided to become a
No. 772728
File: 1588550947289.jpg (16.65 KB, 926x82, Annotation 2020-05-03 170914.j…)

Tamara is no longer a mod
No. 772732
File: 1588551644113.jpg (24.23 KB, 1548x110, Annotation 2020-05-03 172056.j…)

>>772728new mods for the server
No. 772742
>>772728Damn. I knew this day would come. Is this going to be a full break like Dev, Poopbeck, FatBecca? Or will Dog Fucker come crawling back tring to get back into his good graces like Bootyslayer, Jessica-fivehead, Madison.
Being an Onision fan was Tamaras whole personality, literally her life. She would say that if shes not asleep shes in from of her computer doing shit (for free) on Onisions discord and websites. This is going to break her. I never knew I would say this, but I feel bad for her now.
No. 772747
File: 1588554699507.jpg (41.64 KB, 585x269, Capture.JPG)

here's another idiot claiming they've hacked Greg and have incriminating information.
I've lost count of how many people have claimed shit like this and nothing ever comes of it, so I no longer believe any of them.
They always come from nowhere, post a lot, and then disappear without revealing anything.
No. 772755
>>772747same guy got into an argument with tamara because he claimed he lived in gregs neighborhood
the only praise ill give him is he somehow got the chat history from the members only discord server dating back to 2019 and linked it on twitter and the other farms and he seems to be the catalyst for the removal of tamara
No. 772759
>>772747>#standwithtamaraWhat the fuck has this world come to? I checked and the Twitterfags are actually trying to get this hashtag trending. I will lose my fucking mind if we find out Sarah and Regina have cozied up with Tamara and now they're all hanging out in their secret clubhouse.
>>772758I assumed the same thing. Hes just throwing out shit to see what sticks and strikes a nerve with Greg and causes him to blow up and give too much info during one of his rants.
No. 772769
File: 1588565062387.jpg (51 KB, 1391x244, AltDentifier.jpg)

Gregs paranoia about moles and leaks has him putting a bot in so he can catch alts and grab everyone's IP. So not only is he collecting his fans scanned IDs
>>772637but now hes got access to their IPs. Im sure a man like Greg would never do anything vindictive with that information if he had a falling out with these fans.
No. 772772
File: 1588566204935.png (59.61 KB, 841x500, reginatamara.PNG)

Countdown to Regina bringing Tamara on Chris Hansen to tell her victim story. Do you think Tam-tams has any real milk or is it going to be like Dev Cildra and that Chris-Chan lookalike Lizard Queen crying about how Greg was mean to them and not giving any behind the scenes details exposing Greg.
No. 772774
File: 1588567289030.png (166.77 KB, 597x564, YQEXJQAkJYXA.PNG)

No. 772783
File: 1588570613651.jpeg (312.43 KB, 1125x1515, 16036DE5-97D6-426B-944E-8346C3…)

>>772747Obvious attention whore is obvious.
Not gonna take anything he says seriously.
No. 772786
File: 1588573242603.png (340.69 KB, 1178x932, discordreplies.png)

>>772769Discord is looking into the IP tracker Onision put in his discord to catch the Anti-O's. How would Onision be able to fulfill all the perks his fans pay for if he gets banned from Discord?
No. 772787
>>772728Another bitch who got dumped and will become a
victim now. Same old same old.
>>772772"Tell us your story so Hansen the charlatan can make money exploiting it!"
No. 772789
>>772787Butthurt faggot.
You've lost it all, Greg. Even your last resort discord cash grab. Keep failing, it's the only thing you have succeeded at. Kek
(hi cow) No. 772796
>>772690Look, anon. We all remember the younow streams where she and lainey would go and laugh at all the farmers who were genuinely concerned for her, her (understandably) being pissy when they ended up telling her to skedadle, and there are plenty of anons who have expressed their frustration at her bullshit, laziness, and over reliance on others during the whole 'laptop incident'. That still doesn't change the fact that she was, and still is, a young, vulnerable, and naive girl who was groomed by the onions and had to experience the horror that is "sexy time" with the ogre himself. Oh, and also had to be the human tissue to the absolute fuckup that is Lainey, ALL BEFORE SHE WAS 18.
No. 772802
>>772671It was a self diagnosis because she probably read something on tumblr, it's how lainey self diagnosed herself with anxiety and gender dysphoria too. Lucky for Sarah making up having disorders to bond with Ayalla doesn't actually mean she ever had it. It also isn't relevant to onion being onion per usual.
>>772734>>772732He always does this. Even fatbecca and poopbeck couldn't stand him forever. Let's just hope she actually has milk to share.
No. 772805
>>772804Yeah but it was first suggested by Lainey and Greg who suggested 'double dates' with Sarah and Ayallah.
They used it as a way to make Billie more secure as well.
The vibe I get is that they were trying to be inclusive of Ayallah to make sure Billie doesn't leave. They offered Ayallah to move in with Billie into the mc mansion.
Ayallah probably laughed and agreed offhanded to the double dates but the idea of Sarah and Ayallah was planted by the onions.
The plan would also ensure Sarah was also still in the picture too because they needed back up pussy, a tissue for Lainey and someone to.cleam and watch their spawn.
No. 772806
File: 1588594718326.png (96.42 KB, 599x709, AK.PNG)

>>772804Ive always thought it was something that was twisted by Onision and he kept pushing that narrative and Sarah joined in to keep Greg and Lainey happy. In that text when Sarah says something like "and shes the one who wanted to sleep with me" If it was the first time Lainey had heard of that she would of replied back with surprise and shock and wanting Sarah to explain. Lainey didnt do that. It was more like Sarah was just regurgitating the story that Greg had put in Sarah and Laineys head. Im sure Greg brought up his version of that story again and again and again. Look at his videos, he tells his version of stories over and over in some misguided idea that if he says it enough times it will be true.
No. 772813
>>772806Yeah I’m kinda getting tired of people assuming just because Sarah has said some questionable things in the past that she’s some kind of fake
victim. That’s the story Greg wants to spin, but its ridiculous.
To me it’s pretty obvious that was a young teen, she was trying to do and say anything to stay Lainey’s BFF. I mean what girl hasn’t had a conversation with their bestie about some topic and enthusiastically agreed with whatever their friend is upset about? (Yeah, she’s a total bitch and you are so right!)
It’s a normal thing to do. And I’m sure most of us have done something similar, it’s just none of us have had a bestie that had as many fucked up problems as Lainey.
I’m not saying Sarah should never be held accountable for the things she has said, she clearly threw Ayalla under the bus just to get on lainey’s good side, but she’s out of the haze now and coming clean. And that’s more than Lainey or Greg have ever done.
She’s also growing up and maturing a lot. She said that stuff about Ayalla at 16. I’m sure none of us have EVER made up a far fetched story when we were teens, right? Come on, be reasonable.
Lainey and Greg are grown ass adults, Sarah was 16 for the majority of her time living with them. I feel concessions can be made in her case.
No. 772835
>>772830It wouldn’t be the first time he created false rumors to distract from real things to create confusion.
It’s a way to make the opposition seem crazy and like they will believe anything while also lumping in the true rumor into the “false claims” pile.
No. 772890
File: 1588644982097.jpg (108.94 KB, 908x671, 158864019049722.jpg)

>>772326>>772277>>772170Did his house get egged again? Onision shared SS from his security cameras to his fans.
No. 772891
File: 1588645184865.jpg (168.13 KB, 931x631, 15886402771224.jpg)

>>772890They hit the Tesla and the camera it looks like.
No. 772910
>>772806No, that's Ayalla's response after Sarah pointed the finger at her. You don't need to try to make the truth better because it doesn't affect onion's actions.
>>772813>Yeah I’m kinda getting tired of people assuming just because Sarah has said some questionable things in the past that she’s some kind of fake victim. That's not what I was saying at all but the text messages are clear and Sarah did lie about Ayalla. That is a fact, maybe she did it to get points with Lainey, maybe she was being a sperg. Who knows? It's obviously a conversation Ayalla and Sarah privately had or pretend didn't happen. By the way, Sarah wasn't 16 when she lied about that.
No. 772911
File: 1588655015862.jpg (Spoiler Image,506.34 KB, 1077x1436, 20200504_082653.jpg)

How long until he posts his actual baby carrot?
No. 772912
>>772910>Sarah pointed the finger at her.And the reason Sarah pointed that finger was because Onision put the idea in her head by repeatedly bringing up the altered narrative he came up with in his own mind. You dont have to "make the truth better" when its plain as day.
>It's obviously a conversation Ayalla and Sarah privately had or pretend didn't happen.No its not a private conversation that was had between Ayalla and Sarah. Read the tweets supplied before posting uniformed opinions. Kai brought up the idea with Ayalla and Sarah so they could double date. Im sure Kai retold the whole conversation to Greg because she has to tattle. Greg filed away that conversation in his head for later use as blackmail like he always does and twisted it and brought it up to Kai and Sarah once Ayalla started coming for him. I'll agree with you on one point. Did Sarah lie? Yes, she lied to keep herself from being ostracized from the only people she THOUGHT cared about her while being a minor. The rest of your posts are wrong and ill-informed.
No. 772914
File: 1588657138459.jpg (31.25 KB, 381x340, James Hill.jpg)

>>772911Its not only small but flat. I guess that's what you get from sitting on an office chair 16 hours a day "editing" videos and creeping the internet for Laineys replacement.
>How long until he posts his actual baby carrot?I've never known a man try so hard to hide his penis. The' man has an OnlyFans for gods sake, full nudes are a given. Maybe most of the men Im around are exhibitionists but the guys I've known will show their junk at the drop of a hat. He knows his cock is small and weird looking and balls are misshapen. He'll never show what he has down there because hes afraid of the comments.
No. 772916
>>772911Lol, it's so flat and saggy.
I hope he never posts his baby carrot. It's something that'd only be hilarious and disgusting for an hour, but then you'd have that grotesque image burned into your mind for the rest of your life.
No. 772920
File: 1588660890991.png (Spoiler Image,912.87 KB, 1119x1320, 9A5CB796-9EF5-493B-9FA9-203460…)

No. 772924
File: 1588665332581.jpeg (Spoiler Image,16.91 KB, 250x246, 69D6C5A4-B14B-4005-895A-E7D2E3…)

No. 772925
File: 1588665386175.jpeg (Spoiler Image,15.18 KB, 250x221, D7CE0648-BF64-48D1-98D5-175379…)

So close yet so far (to see his dick)
No. 772929
>>772925I know this has been said before, but beyond being disgusting, these really do look morgue pictures from a crime show or something at a quick glance. There's something disturbing about them lol.
But what does he do that isn't disturbing?
No. 772945
File: 1588681565608.png (740.84 KB, 738x368, CagePhoenix8MM.PNG)

>>772920>>772924>>772925These look like something Nic and Joaquin would be watching in their search for real snuff.
No. 772951
>>772916>I hope he never posts his baby carrot. It's something that'd only be hilarious and disgusting for an hour, but then you'd have that grotesque image burned into your mind for the rest of your life.I couldn't agree more, anon. Let's hope he never works up the courage to show his junk.
>>772925That is - by far - the most unesthetic picture I've ever seen. That looks like a corpse with a bloated stomach.
Taking photos is apparently another thing that Greg fails at spectacularly. I'm always in awe about how untalented he is. I mean, come on, he's in his 30s, there must be something he's somewhat decent at, but everything Greg touches seems to turn into shit.
Edit: Couldn't come up with the right word cuz my brain died a lil from looking at that photo.
No. 772963
>>772925I love how he purposely takes these disgusting images in the most potato quality possible to try and hide all of his lumps, bumps, inflammation and perhaps to give him more room to hide evidence of photoshopping here and there. I don't know if he's wet with water or has purposely oiled himself up (gag) but with the lighting and angles it honestly looks like grease. Which makes sense.
He really shouldn't even bother with OnlyFans since he'll never post full nudes. He literally can't. Anon was right a couple of comments ago when they pointed out that men tend to not be at all shy to show their dicks. For him to have a goddamned OnlyFans account and still not show his dick (despite getting within millimeters of it) only males it glaringly obvious to anyone that he's hiding it.
No. 772974
File: 1588691251353.png (276.47 KB, 540x548, 1456540446339.png)

>>772967Was reading old threads and I found this
fight between Krai and one of her old friends from a couple years back on Instagram
I found it interesting, and reminded me of Selena.
I wonder if her and Selena are still in contact, and what she has to say about all the shit that has been going down
No. 772979
>>772974'the people that surround me are my husband, kids and Selena'
Fuck thats so sad to read, even back then she only had 4 people in her life? Now all she really has are the kids if Selena is still in contact, which I really doubt. Also her last comment where she includes her gay husband in 'people who don't treat me like garbage', massive yikes considering its confirmed he verbally abused her.
No. 773000
>>772979Well yeah, anon. People that show concern are treating her like garbage. People that kids her ass and buy her gifts are the ones that treat her right.. duh.
It's why she's all alone crying while her husband jerks off to hentai and stalks teen girls.
No. 773025
File: 1588704522859.webm (2.19 MB, onision voice call.webm)

>>773011After Greg demodded the dog fucker she thought she could wiggle her way back in by saying that she could be a spy and infiltrate the Anti-Os. Greg didn't give a fuck and still wouldn't give her back her mod status.
No. 773027
File: 1588704856243.png (36.74 KB, 1047x240, 5-5-2020.png)

>>773025And shes crawled back into his discord, still not a mod. Tamara have some self respect. Exactly how many times does a woman who's beaten leave and come back before she leaves for good?
No. 773031
File: 1588705626601.webm (969.99 KB, onision voice call-2.webm)

>>773025Greg continuing the shit talking about Tamara.
No. 773046
File: 1588707617577.jpeg (Spoiler Image,17.76 KB, 247x250, 9F9FC983-CA39-46A7-B7B7-1A3C45…)

Moar onion bod pics
No. 773047
File: 1588707653313.jpeg (Spoiler Image,16.55 KB, 250x250, 2780215E-C9F1-4827-B966-7C885E…)

No. 773048
File: 1588707674830.jpeg (Spoiler Image,18.4 KB, 244x250, EB0D3AE8-5B1B-4B18-AC75-73370F…)

No. 773049
File: 1588707710982.jpeg (Spoiler Image,13.27 KB, 250x248, F8B7FEC7-0256-44C5-B867-90D6A1…)

2nd ass shot
No. 773051
File: 1588708402986.jpg (72.9 KB, 459x746, 1582501965735.jpg)

>>773044You sweet summer child.
No. 773057
File: 1588709854902.webm (1.73 MB, onision voice call-3.webm)

>>773031How can Tamara resist coming back when Greg pours on the sugar like this
>you dumb Canadian piece of shit come back to the server>I want her to come back because I miss someone crying all the time.At least Greg didn't call her a dog fucker (this time.)
No. 773068
>>773049I hate that I saw this but who’s the intended audience for this?
What teen girl is dreaming about ass pics esp in this creepy lighting? Is he simply desperate for attention?
No. 773096
File: 1588721043819.jpg (159.02 KB, 1079x799, myffneglwac21.jpg)

>>773049>waterhead>neanderthal brow>jeff the killer eyes>manlet body>baby carrot weewee>hank hill asswewee gurg really won the genetic lottery
No. 773138
File: 1588731283678.jpg (Spoiler Image,192.02 KB, 1440x1613, EXNKoyBX0AImsno.jpg)

OT but saw this ad and immediately thought of gurg
He's probably using something similar
No. 773171
>>772783This idiot is now putting all “leaks” behind a patreon paywall.
What’s absolute tool. This is why people think all of Greg’s haters are crazy clout chasers.
No. 773187
File: 1588753215057.jpg (19.99 KB, 285x327, 1523221231498.jpg)

>>773046I can't stop laughing. I know Gregma doesn't like to wash his rotten little carrot but, he should at least wash whatever he used to create this frankendick.
No. 773211
>>773139Lainey most certainly doesn't have these lying around because she's 100% not actually trans. And since she's not online anymore, there's no need for her to pretend.
I bet Gurp ordered all of these "devices" himself after getting so many comments referencing his baby carrot ever since he began posting his disgusting ludes. I bet that's why there was a delay in between his gross flabby stomach images and the recent obvious stuffing job ones. He had to wait for it to be delivered, lol.
No. 773307
>>773294Pretty sure they're talking about that Slug guy leaking the server contents and not Greg
Edit, forgot to sage like a dumbass
No. 773315
File: 1588805656787.jpeg (345.69 KB, 1125x1462, 0026ED8A-7BE2-4FE0-84CF-4D45C0…)

I hate getting all this as third hand information but I sure as hell hope this means this whole thing is going somewhere finally
No. 773355
File: 1588816335950.jpeg (Spoiler Image,120.56 KB, 1080x1608, 7C311554-6EA1-45A2-AB63-B87BCB…)

I feel sorry for the poor kiwi fella who sacrificed his shekels for our daily keks
No. 773357
File: 1588816375520.jpeg (Spoiler Image,113.89 KB, 1080x1550, 7617C247-2BAE-495A-B8AD-6DA222…)

~Greek God~ uwu
No. 773358
File: 1588816482204.jpeg (Spoiler Image,127.59 KB, 1080x1579, 47BDC784-17E1-40F4-A450-7226D5…)

One moar booty pic
No. 773359
File: 1588816542117.jpeg (Spoiler Image,104.19 KB, 1080x1598, 71964A83-AC00-498A-A5B5-40C1FA…)

This is as close as we’ll probably get to seeing Greg’s bare cock
No. 773363
>>773355He looks pregnant or like he hasn't taken a shit in a week.
The buffalo bill energy in these photos is next level.
I don't think even a gay guy would like these. Not even an old creeper. He's too old,saggy,bloated and covered in moles to fit the twink mould and too out of shape and scrawny to fit the rugged bear/dad bod aesthetic that gay guys go for.
There's literally no audience that would want this, except for people mocking him.
No. 773377
>>773375About half and half, bet Tamara’s still paying for those sweet lewds.
All I know is after this, I never want to see another man’s body again. Ewww
No. 773405
File: 1588835457340.png (433.72 KB, 1806x670, cap572020.png)

Onision was promoting his new bff's video on the "Detractors of Onision" and just a few hours later Nicholas was tweeting about seeing the proof Sarah has that Lainey sent nudes to her when she was underage and that it seems legit and hes convinced for now. Can we expect a rant video about Nic tomorrow? Or will Greg go radio silent hoping no one hears about what Nic found out.
No. 773408
>>773405Kek, towards the end of the video Nick includes that there are legit criticisms against Greg and lists several videos against Onision, but I doubt Greg watched that far. Of course he will ignore the
valid criticism and proof and instead double down on delegitimizing anti-o's and Chris hansen
No. 773411
>>773410God Anon I hope so. Divorce would be a great outcome, I think, if it hasn't already happened.
She's a boring fuck, but I can't help but wonder: where in the world is footface? I need my footface update.
No. 773420
>>773411It would be great, but won't happen until she has a safety net. And by that I mean she has another person to leach off of so she can continue to not have a job.
In the meantime she can enjoy watching her husband try to gather more internet drama via posting his nasty small cock and saggy ass on only fans.
No. 773423
File: 1588850110513.webm (7.47 MB, 320x180, Sarah or Joanna.webm)
While listening to that leaked members only discord chat I heard something interesting. How can you trust the memory of a man who mistakes his sister for the teen girl he fucked? And this didn't happen all that long ago. It was at the swamp house around the time he owned that blue dodge pick up. It makes me wonder if his wild recollections isn't him purposefully lying but just his brain fucking up. I mean hes told many a story of how hes fallen and hit his head as a child, maybe it fucked up his hippocampus. I wonder if his faulty memory works the other way around too.
>Do you guys remember when I went junk to rear with my sister?
No. 773433
File: 1588857500637.jpg (197.14 KB, 1054x920, Screenshot_20200507-151150__01…)

Apparently Chris meant Shiloh not Sarah in that text about an agent
No. 773516
>>773355>>773357>>773358>>773359It's hilarious how he looks scrawny and fat at the same time in these pictures.
>Like a grown man in his mid 30s doing nudes on only fans now? At least with the likes of Billie etc they're just putting up photos in lingerie, know how to pose at least and not trying to be known as a personality like Greg is.Pretty sure Greg thinks he's still 17 and the hottest dude to grace the face of earth. I swear he's suffered from brain damage somewhere along the line.
No. 773533
File: 1588892302833.jpeg (Spoiler Image,99.27 KB, 1080x1209, 10A33BC8-EA2D-4604-AB6C-1C3150…)

And more…
No. 773534
File: 1588892326542.jpeg (Spoiler Image,92.1 KB, 1080x1115, 6F4E44DE-37BD-457D-A40A-444A94…)

No. 773535
File: 1588892358176.jpeg (Spoiler Image,71.58 KB, 1080x845, C105CB65-39B7-4F3B-8E40-C4AFC2…)

No. 773537
File: 1588892407195.jpeg (Spoiler Image,95.35 KB, 1080x1440, 644F461A-E604-438E-BFD1-195F4E…)

No. 773538
File: 1588892510494.jpeg (184.11 KB, 807x2419, FD3B9C84-C39B-4D61-8615-DC8ED0…)

Comments from his deluded fangirls
No. 773549
>>773537>>7735342009 Jimmy who wanted to save the world with "muh superior morality" is now reduced to showing his disgusting pimply ass online for a few extra bucks.
At least he's giving his children future therapy content.
No. 773554
File: 1588899980568.jpeg (884.44 KB, 1893x1125, DAA1C1C5-3CD8-4E9A-8272-F2BA7F…)

>>773549Old Greg is looking at current Greg with shame and disgust, mostly the latter.
No. 773555
File: 1588900881069.png (437.27 KB, 600x571, IBS.PNG)

>>773545I dont think Lainey has any involvement in his OnlyFans. Could he be setting up his camera on a tripod and taking these shots, not using his phone. The same camera he was using last year where he played with the exposure and washed it out so that you couldnt see his horrible skin and acne.
No. 773577
File: 1588908548628.jpg (63.92 KB, 400x518, beefcake.jpg)

>>773533Artfag here. Forget his shitty physique- it's the absolute artistic bankruptcy of these pics that astounds me. These are some of the most poorly composed lewds I've ever seen. Golden mean? Lighting? Nice background? Nope. Too much trouble for lazy pimple ass Greg. Not even some body makeup, fake tan or bronzer to make his skin look nice. He has all that lovely nature in a relatively isolated part of WA, & he chooses instead to take potato pics in his grubby dark bathroom. I guess Greg ain't no Ansel Adams "Waiting for the light." JFC, Greg, google some old Beefcake shots from Playgirl, gay publications or men's fitness mags for ideas. Your stupid nudie pix are beyond amateur hour shit. Yet another skill Greg completely blows at.
(no1curr about your artistic analysis of gregs lumpy body) No. 773587
File: 1588911108054.png (69.48 KB, 250x187, IMG_20200508_051136.png)

>>773538A depiction of his onlyfans
No. 773614
File: 1588931012883.jpg (Spoiler Image,254.18 KB, 884x497, 1526124166162.jpg)

>>773537With as many times as he's showed his bare ass he has to be closeted and is trying to appeal to men. Lest we forget?
No. 773618
File: 1588931921763.png (Spoiler Image,252.38 KB, 411x407, Cap3.56.PNG)

I noticed that too. Since no YouTuber will collab with Onision he should get together with Caleb and do a photo set.
No. 773627
>>773555sorry anon i meant lainey did whatever this man wanted sexually for years and both mentioned they frequently showered together + gregs affliction towards bdsm.
lainey definitely grovelled in that shower by his feet more than a few times in her life and now we see what see saw. that poor woman.
No. 773634
File: 1588942103091.jpg (545.01 KB, 1050x1552, Screenshot_20200508-083501.jpg)

I saw this at the other farms about one of the leaked discord calls from the last few days. So fucking disgusting.
How does someone's mind go to sex that frequently?
No. 773644
File: 1588944304524.jpg (252.59 KB, 1080x1669, 20200508_092406.jpg)

I guess Krainey's in on it after all, unless these are old pics. Peep the flex of the wedding ring.
No. 773646
>>773636He's got the sex appeal of a used tampon, unrelated to how physically ugly/deformed he is. At his core, he is truly repugnant. The worst of the worst, a predator through and through. Shiloh and Skye have both stated how many hours a day he spends watching porn and masturbaiting. They've also described the horrific type of porn he watches. And how often he demands of them to engage in sexual activity with him. And we see how frequently he tries to initiate sexual conversation with the young women in his discord. He can't even change the diaper of an infant in his care because of the fact that he can't help but to sexualize her.
Imagine if he wasn't so engrained with the internet, with being a youtuber, with the connections he's made online and the platform he's got. Like, what if he was a regular dude but with the same dangerously obsessive hyper-sexuality/predatory nature. I feel like he'd be the monster prowling parks at night. Truthfully.
No. 773647
>>773644Looks like krai is wearing makeup in this pic so no doubt it’s from the notorious beautybot era - not recent.
Kek at greg using old intimate photos of him and krai to promote his sleazy sex work
No. 773650
File: 1588944977707.png (478.68 KB, 644x661, 6252017.PNG)

>>773647>>773644Old photo June 25 2017. Lainey will never show her pedo face on YouTube again.
No. 773653
File: 1588945192707.jpg (64.56 KB, 750x949, wjfq65tmj5d41.jpg)

Found this when I reversed search the tattoo pic and kek. Kai has always been unpleasant and they are both so incredibly defensive
No. 773656
File: 1588945517252.jpg (53.34 KB, 793x218, chomokai banner2.jpg)

>>773651He's trying to appease those people who are constantly asking about her. He knows those fans of Laineys may buy into his OnlyFans or other paysite if they think they might get a glimpse of the cho-mo herself.
No. 773661
>>773644Imagine having to use a photo from 2017 because your current body looks flabby and moley.
AND he wasn't even in peak shape in the 2017 picture either.
No. 773665
>>773662Agreed. Imagine how he'd be without the outlet of youtube giving him access to potential young
victims, or those in his general orbit online who enable him to be such a hyper-sexual creep.
I'd love to hear y'alls opinions on how that hyper-sexual predatory nature he has would play out in the real world had he never made it big on YouTube.
No. 773669
File: 1588951915159.png (55.59 KB, 943x263, onlyfans poll.PNG)

I was watching Alizee most recent video about Onision's OnlyFans. A viewer sent her their email and password so she could have full access and review it. She shared a screenshot of a poll Greg made asking what his fans wanted in the future. Could this be a clue to the real membership numbers? I always felt those "50% OFF! GET 'EM WHILE THEY'RE HOT!!!" sales every day were just used car salesman tactics. At his peak (Aug 2017) he had 1300 Patrons. The last 12 months before his Patreon was suspended he would average 400-500 Patrons. And now Onision has just a little over 200 OnlyFan members at 5 bucks a pop? Hes stretching his carrot and showing his pimpled ass for 1K a month. That's depressing.
No. 773671
>>773653Did she forget she met her disgusting husband through declaring herself his soulmate out of the blue on twitter?
Oh wait her baby fell out of a window, so yes she probably did.
No. 773689
>>773644Everything isn’t about Billie but I bet he’s mad that her boyfriend started a couple’s onlyfans with her. He can’t exploit lainey or even get her on camera anymore.
>>773656I agree though. She had more people that liked her over him and maybe he’s trying to tap into that a little bit.
No. 773762
File: 1588980283817.jpeg (74.91 KB, 1080x758, 0738DB49-B21F-4306-9C4F-501641…)

Please god don’t let this mean he plans to show the whole thing.
No. 773764
>>773762Oh no! As if it isn't bad enough to already know that it looks like "half a hotdog in a turtleneck", and this ridiculous photo of him in those blue spandex leggings. AND the Rrptar crotch shot.
Nobody wants to see his tic tac…
I really hope he's just all talk, no action like always.
Let me quote this anon
>>773597 No. 773898
>>773365It is really apparent he has been trying to get Billie back for ages. He has never been so manic about losing someone and it is really apparent in how often/every video he brings her up.
The fact that Krai hasn't left him when he is still so emotionally wrapped up with her and now posting nudes is hilarious. It's back to the same old cheating that caused problems in the first place. Guess he doesn't care that she's crying about this one.
No. 773939
File: 1589092105971.png (278.04 KB, 1014x569, Nicholas DeOrio Discord Member…)

I've been curious what the membership numbers are for his paid private discord server. Nicholas DeOrio was doing a livestream and he gave some information. He admitted that he paid Greg 100 dollars to be in the 1-on-1 Video Chatter tier so he could interview him for his earlier videos and now is at the $5 membership. One of the leaked discord chats Blasian seems concerned that DeOrio is still at the $100 tier and has access to Staff Chat. I wonder whats in that staff area that has Blasian so shook. Nicholas gives the run down of every paying member in the private discord server. I thought Greg was making more money off that.
>There aren't 100 people in the server. I don't know how much money you think Onision is making but I'm gonna read off the number I don't want to leak their discord server and all the girls and guys names that are in that server because that's what you do but um if you go to the Onisionfans this is your $5 tier he has 18 members if you go to the movie nighters here he has 6 more members one voice chatter one video chatter and there are three mods now.
No. 773947
File: 1589096849033.webm (4.2 MB, 480x480, Onisions Mods Are Stupid.webm)
I thought Tamara the dog fucker was the only naive admin but here's Onision talking about how ALL his mods fell for that FuriousSlugs hacker bullshit. If some dumbass can convince them hes Kevin Mitnick with a few tweets I wonder how many internet romeo scams Tamara and Blasian have fallen for over the years.
No. 773953
>>773916God you're right. That poor, poor woman. Having Greg for a brother and Tami for a mother. I don't know if she's also mentally fucked but life sure did fuck her.
You can't choose family though. Oh and sweet Moses in a basket imagine having LAINEY for a sister in law.
Those people are fucked..
No. 773968
File: 1589124813468.png (311.53 KB, 929x1594, botsbotsbots.png)

looks like his onlyfans is full of poorly disguised bots
No. 774015
>>773968That makes it all the more hilarious. He's just desperate for attention at this point, jumping up and down going "LOOK, LOOK!" like an unpopular toddler trying to get attention from his peers.
I absolutely agree that he's using a fake cock, and wouldn't be surprised at all if he will try and pass off Lainey's most realistic strap-on with poor lighting to go "SEE, ITS NOT MICROSCOPIC."
Of course his real tiny cock would be very easy to hide. Hell, he could hide it behind one of his pubes.
And this is two peoples dad.. I truly pity their kids.
No. 774040
File: 1589151819557.jpg (4.58 KB, 248x203, index.jpg)

>>774018>mfw looking at his ratty undies and ass acnethese are some of the most amateur pics ever. not to mention he's a flabby dad and has sad clipart tattoo all over his pasty, saggy body.
least he figured out taking pictures in the dark made him look like a found footage corpse or something from a morgue. on the flip side, in the slightly better lighting we can see him in all his grugly glory. maybe the pics were in the dark before cuz before caveman Gronk didn't know how to turn on a light switch. Unga bunga me scrunga - what is electricity bunga? unga, me hold fake penis ook.
obvious fake dick is obvious. much prefer fake dick in undies over seeing his actual, foreskin laden vienna sausage.
very sad day. 4 people pay for this content. 4 people too many. the quarantine horny must be hitting his footlickers and the 10 cumulative brain cells they got rattling around in their mentolly ill noggins xoxo
why does he keep doing the "could you be craving my mcnuggies pose?" to showcase his office chair flattened ass? spinning around on it in your freezing cold garage isn't a great glute work out, jimmy boy.
wonder how long he spends taking pics. lainey just on the other side of the door, crying, listening to camera click after camera click for 4 hours as Grug sifts through the camera roll and tries (and fails) to find the least vomit inducing pics….. sad…. F, see me after class….
No. 774047
File: 1589155164176.jpg (141.64 KB, 1920x928, gregspackagetoadmirehispackage…)

>>773968Looks like Greg used this package to admire his package.
No. 774078
>>774077Right? Man's clearly holding a dildo or some shit in there and still managed to make himself look deformed.
These photos smell like yeast and smegma
No. 774084
>>773898It’s soley because of how attractive she is/was. For one, though she was 18-19, she looked 16 at most with her childish behavior, high and lispyvoice, small breasts, and lack of education. We know how much he likes em young. Second, next to Lainey, she’s Aphrodite and his foot wife is a cross between social repose and an actual dead bird. Third, he’s only interesting in the hunt.
Skye ignored him largely throughout high school, even when he continuously pestered her. He got bored of her after he “won” her and couldn’t get her little sister. Shiloh, the train wreck that she still is, went back and forth so much and was clearly mentally unhinged, and easy to take advantage of. Lainey was throwing herself at him constantly, but when her parents forbade it, suddenly the sneaking around and facing off against the other “alpha man” in her life — her father, made him feel big. Notice how quickly he grew bored of her after their marriage and first child. And Billie? She’s pretty dumb, but she had enough self respect to leave and do decently without him. She’s never once mentioned him until the Hansen debacle and has never responded to any of his hundreds of desperate emails. She hasn’t uttered a word to him in over three years and it’s killing his fragile ego.
Sage for non-contribution.
No. 774103
>>774018You guys really shouldn't tinfoil about a fake dick. It's obviously real and any more claims of it being fake will just stroke his ego.
It looks like he has an unfortunate case of his dick being fatter at the end and thin near the base. He's uncircumcised right? The head looks weirdly puffy
No. 774120
File: 1589198432629.jpg (Spoiler Image,618.94 KB, 1147x1497, needledick_mccucklord.jpg)

>>774104You are kinda talking as we don't KNOW for a FACT (FAX!) how ill equipped Greg is with his tiny dick.
Sadly, much to everyones regret, we HAVE seen it before.
No. 774134
File: 1589204740816.jpg (Spoiler Image,631.47 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20200511_093155.jpg)

>>774103Anon, stahp. This is the type of device Greg is using. It's a prosthetic penis extender. You put it over your existing baby carrot for added length/girth. It's abundantly clear from those disgusting images, especially by the way he holds it, that it isn't real. You would have thought that he would have ordered something more realisticly sized. The fucking girth on that thing is scary, and abundantly obvious it was designed as sex toys usually are —exaggerated. But it's Greg, a low IQ waterheaded narcassit, who has to have the biggest of the big pretend dick.
Keep in mind that we've had several of Gurp's exes separately state that his dick is small. Remember in AJ's email, she described it as "half a hotdog in a sweater" or something similar. She sent that email believing only the reader would ever see it, so she obviously wasn't making it up just to publicly embarrass Greg.
We also have Greg sperging a few months ago in a leaked discord call that big dicks are actually bad, undesirable, and that women hate them. When one of the pigs told him that isn't true, he got extremely butthurt. Remember the podcast he did with Lainey right before she disappeared? They were talking about how people were saying he had a small dick and Lainey said something like "why does it matter?" which indicates that it's small but who cares. Lol.
If he had a big dick he was proud of, he would have shown it. There would be none of the stomach pictures showing right above his baby carrot, no pictures through the underwear, etc without actual dick pics.
I know it seems dumb to be sperging this much about the Waterhead's junk, but it's fucking hilarious that he's so terrorized about having a baby carrot that he's literally shoving prosthetics in his pants and pretending it's real.
I think he has an extender much like the one on the top right.
No. 774136
File: 1589205161903.jpg (Spoiler Image,358.65 KB, 977x1486, Screenshot_20200511-094959.jpg)

Look how he's holding it here. You can tell the part of his hand around his pinky finger is holding his actual dick. There's no tension in his hand, it isn't gripping anything. His baby carrot is just loosely sitting in it because it's so much smaller than the prosthetic he's strangling with the other portion of his hand.
Also, look at how much skinnier it gets towards the "base, " it's going damn near in another direction entirely.
Fake. Fake. Fake. Fake.
Now, to get this weird ass shit off my phone.(samefagging/nitpicking)
No. 774143
File: 1589207059428.jpeg (48.18 KB, 550x434, 8AE45801-0665-499E-845A-FDE92F…)

Based upon the outline of the odd shape seen in these photos, I think Greg’s penis is actually a mushroom
No. 774165
>>774104I don't get why it even matters. If he has a baby carrot or if he's packing the biggest dick in the world he's still the same shitty person. It's irrelevant at the end of the day.
I do agree that the pics looks extremely weird and unsettling, though ( but so does his every pic ).
No. 774166
File: 1589213318016.jpg (324.17 KB, 2289x1526, PicsArt_05-11-04.27.32.jpg)

No. 774167
>>774165needling a malignant narcissist about his obvious insecurities is inherently funny.
that its greg, a sex addict who stuffs lainey's packers and socks down his skinny jeans until it looks like he has a pus filled tumor for a groin, just makes it funnier
did you really need that explained to you?
No. 774175
>>774167The needling makes more sense if it’s on twitter or tumblr where he would actually read about it though.
but I agree the fact that he takes himself so seriously that he has to play dress up to try to appear like this big dick chad are funny.
No. 774257
File: 1589235835956.jpg (23.32 KB, 540x152, KjsUMAV.jpg)

>>774246>Until he gives us a real photoIm not going to be convinced unless its video. Hes already shown he can photoshop whatever he wants when he did the shoop'd vagina and 3 penises. If he only releases photos Ill be skeptical and assume he probably did some editing to it. I saw a screenshot from his Onlyfans where he acknowledges that hes getting requests for fully exposed cock but he wants to go at his own pace and everyone should be happy to allow him to go slow. He's using this like hes done with his videos. He did one freak out video, got great views and ran it into the ground till people got bored and started ignoring him and the views tanked again. He's going to tease this for months hoping more people will subscribe to his OF.
No. 774280
File: 1589243510125.png (Spoiler Image,2.28 MB, 1248x1130, disgusting.png)

Greg's new post.
No. 774283
File: 1589244133507.webm (Spoiler Image,6.25 MB, 512x288, fuck no.webm)

No. 774284
And the accompanying blog that claims that peer pressure is the reason people don't like him.
Does everyone actually hate Onision? A look into peer pressure and mob mentality.
Does everyone actually hate Onision?
A look into peer pressure and mob mentality.
Before going into the actual question of whether or not everyone actually hates James Jackson/Onision, let us define peer pressure and the psychology behind mob mentality.
The dictionary definition of peer pressure is as follows: “Influence from members of one’s peer group.”(Lexico Dictionaries). Just by the definition alone without interpretation or analysis it seems like a very simple concept to understand, right? Understanding a concept having to do with a somewhat simple social phenomenon seems easy enough and one would assume that it’s easy to identify in their own friend groups or in other friend groups. Well that is not the case. In most cases peer pressure affects children, teens and sometimes young adults and can sometimes lead to bullying.
Now, bullying seems like a problem only children and teens deal with, right? Well adults can get bullied too, whether it be in the workplace, over the internet, by their family or friends bullying and bullying and it can happen to anyone anytime. No one is immune to bullying. Getting back to the topic at hand, peer pressure can very much lead to bullying. Peer pressure can happen unintentionally. An example of this is when people that are accused of doing something wrong are made public large groups of people expect everyone to dislike this person. “The influence can have negative effects if a peer group’s bullying behavior encourages others to laugh at someone.”(“Do Friends Ever Bully Friends?”) even if they do not feel the same way about this person. This is clearly shown in many online communities when on the topic of Onision.
Many people see those who support him as less than them because in their eyes Onision is not a good person and should not be supported. Regardless of what anyone has done in the past people have a right to have their own opinions and thoughts about people that are not so great. And by heavily criticizing those who have a different point of view, you are actively peer pressuring someone into bullying another person. Even if it isn’t the intention it still has the same outcome as someone who intends to pressure someone into bullying or disliking someone else because they themselves don’t like that person. Now, due to the scale of this peer pressuring it looks to fall into the category of mob mentality.
Mob mentality is a behavior of a large group that is influenced by around a handful of people. (Polito, Kristen, et al.) Now, I’m not a behavioral psychologist so the definition of mob mentality might not be one hundred percent perfect but that isn’t the point. The point here is that mob mentality is what’s driving this huge movement of hatred towards James. Seeing as people who support James are being bombarded with hate comments and threats it makes sense why so many people hate him.
Now I’m not saying that everyone who hates some is a victim of mob mentality or peer pressure because there are very different reasons why people hate him. But usually people start to hate him because their friends strongly dislike him or because they just want to jump on the bandwagon. Because of these reasons it is hard to calculate the number of people that genuinely dislike him as a person based off of personality traits or behaviors like his attitude. Disliking him for things that cannot be proven without a doubt is something some people do but seeing the amount of people that dislike him for that reason is direct evidence of peer pressure as well as mob mentality. As for the question does everyone actually hate Onision, it’s hard to say because many people have been influenced to dislike him.
No. 774300
>>774297Well, he's finally hit another new low. Cheers to him for selling out so quick in times of desperation. He can't even attempt at getting a normal job.
Kai must be crying so badly now knowing his husband is selling lewd photos of himself on the internet.
No. 774304
>>774283I don't really know what to say. I'd never think we would reach this point. This is both weird and extremely pathetic.
Milk of 2020: Jimmy and his cock. This really is the Lamest year ever.
No. 774312
>>774311I think it's because it's erect anon. I know, hard to tell the difference.
Is 2020 the year every cow becomes desperate enough to turn to sex work? First Venus now Onision… who's next I wonder.
No. 774317
>>774297And on fucking
Spiderman bedsheets! Gross.
No. 774378
File: 1589295145403.jpeg (Spoiler Image,16.65 KB, 250x211, 3DD76A08-8E29-437B-98FC-2DB725…)

holy shit look at how hard he’s sucking in that gut
No. 774407
File: 1589302973900.jpg (71 KB, 540x654, Screenshot_20200512-.jpg)

I feel like this is a Chris Chan type of situation. People are faking positivity and admiration and then getting Greg to do things for money. You can't tell me that there's not a large percentage of people who have subscribed to his OnlyFans just to fuck with him and see what they can get him to do.
This is his most recent poll. I don't know how he's going to jerk off and not expose the sock/extender he's been using in his recent videos. Maybe he'll use a Fleshlight and never fully pull out of the silicone masturbator.
>>774330The poll is still early so all of his subscribers haven't voted yet. But if you look at this earlier post→
>>773669 the poll was finished and at the end he only had 204 subscribers voting. Watching the votes on his polls is a good gauge of his subscriber count. His OnlyFans account was made just a few weeks ago so its not like his decade old YT channels where most of those 2 million subs are people who forgot they subbed or are abandoned accounts. Also because its so new the subscribers are keeping up with what's going on checking what new photos/videos are being uploaded and voting in his polls are anonymous so they don't have to worry that Greg or the other subs know what they are choosing. Having an anonymous poll encourages interaction.
tldr: Best guess-Onisions OnlyFans has a little over 200 subscribers. $5.00 a sub would be 1K month. OnlyFans takes 20% fee for payment processing & hosting so Greg would take home 800 dollars a month before taxes. Im not sure what WA taxes he'd have to pay on $800.
No. 774410
>>774285>>774294>>774311>>774324>>774381>>774389Not to WK and as gross as it is… for the love of god, have some of you never seen a (possibly not fully erect) dick irl?
There’s no ‘smaller second dick’ and he’s not stroking a dildo either. If anything it’s what
>>774316 but even that I doubt tbh.
It looks averagely sized, but that’s likely due to the underwear and because of how zoomed in it is. Both things make a dick look bigger.
And it’s not rock-hard because he’s old and is probably happy he even got an erection like that to begin with. That plus those worn out boxer briefs are also why it looks so ‘floppy’.
No. 774412
>>774407Lainey won’t even show her face online what makes him list content with him getting head/having sex as about half of the options?
>>774411If she’s tolerated everything else this might be actually possible. She said she would leave him if he cheated on her again but if she condones any and all of his behavior he can’t cheat on her (and force her to make good and leave).
I can imagine him accusing her of hating sex workers or slut shaming him if she did say no.
No. 774413
>>774412I assumed "Oral Sex on you" meant Greg would be doing a POV of him performing cunnilingus or even funnier… fellatio. But if its a video that suppose to simulate the viewer is sucking Gregs cock he only has to put the camera between his legs and move it up and down a few times while doing dirty talk. As wooden as Lainey is in all the YT skits shes been in I would love to see how horrible she is during sex.
>>774412>accusing her of hating sex workers or slut shaming him if she did say no.this for sure.
No. 774446
File: 1589312932813.png (Spoiler Image,561.38 KB, 899x361, Screen Shot 2020-05-12 at 3.43…)

>>774410Idk the second dick looks significantly smaller to me. I think greg's peen in the red underwear is socks or an extender and the one in the purple is his real one. The red one looks larger than average and is very girthy but the purple looks around average/a little smaller. I think he switched to not using the dildo/packer because he knew he'd eventually have to show a vid and it would be really difficult to pass off a dildo as Jimmy's real penis when he can't edit.
No. 774470
File: 1589320742103.jpg (Spoiler Image,107.41 KB, 640x480, hated-gg-allin-and-thb6jsq.jpg)

Gurg needs to stop trying to fool everyone about his micropeen and just go fully GG Allin in his next Onlyfans post.
No. 774472
>>774410I really agree. Some of these tinfoils are as disturbing as his pics.
I'm aware there's absolutely no fresh milk to discuss and there probably won't be until he gets another third, but I hope this thread doesn't turn into hyper analysing every underwear pic this scrote posts.
No. 774482
>>774470spoiler that shit ffs
(as little as there is to see… but still)
No. 774495
File: 1589329428024.jpeg (Spoiler Image,28.54 KB, 400x265, B376D217-AFF9-4608-81E6-817ACE…)

>>774470James Hetfield from Metallica has a tiny dick too lol
See Gregma, nothing to be ashamed of!
No. 774496
File: 1589329533883.jpeg (516.14 KB, 750x740, CD5E3E65-D42A-4AF3-878F-898058…)

>>774446Have you retards ever seen a dick or recived dickpics before? Its obviously just agles and posing he is fx holding his whole (smol) ballsack in the red pic and holding it right up to the camera, making it look bigger IG thots do it all the time with their asses.
Its small in size but nothing shocking, just a smallish dick with very tiny balls.
No. 774498
>>774497But anon, Greg thinks of himself a ~celebrity~! If we show support, he might slowly let loose and show “the goods”
Then we can laugh at him
No. 774499
>>774498As long as there are retards dumb enough to pay for this shit he's going to keep dragging it out.
That's expected.
No. 774500
>>774499If only he was as dumb as Chris Chan and got over with it
Sadly, it really is a waste of time and precious milk
No. 774521
File: 1589334711416.jpeg (226.69 KB, 1172x703, 29593C09-F0B2-4566-B33D-5C0083…)

>>774508It clearly is, the purple one is more accurate but hes pushing his torso closer to the camera than his body in both pics and in the red one hes holding his balls as if they were part of his dick length and pushing his dick towards the camera
Like this but with his dick No. 774564
>>774525>>774529Plus: idk if he‘s circumcised or not (never cared about the carrot dick discourse before it got ridiculous), but if he isn’t there might be no visible head because of his foreskin not being pulled back. He also doesn’t have a significantly visible head-outlining in the purple video either, imo.
On top of that he seems to be squeezing it quite tightly at the base in the red one, which can also significantly help with the size (similar like a cock ring).
No. 774623
>>774590Gregory von der poo showing his microscopic penis and pimply ass are the last acts of a desperate man. Trying to cling on to whatever "fame" he has left, whatever that may mean in his case. I think its wonderful, now if only the Anti-O's could stop spergin' about him we can all just let him fade in to obscurity.
Stop watching him, stop talking about him, stop mentioning him, stop checking his social media.
Its all it takes for him to finally fuck off, then again I suspect the Anti-O's don't really want him gone since then their equally pathetic empty lives have even less meaning.
No. 774627
>>774590This. Unless he starts doing hardcore shit we can all laugh at, he's just being the creep he normally is. Even if he does end up showing everything and humiliating himself even more than he normally does, that shit will be funny for 2 minutes until everyone gets bored of it.
I feel really bad for his kids. I've always thought about the possibility they'll stumble on his retarded videos and history one day, but imagine coming across your father's onlyfans. It just confirms everyone's talk of him being a degenerate and there's no way he could talk himself out of it as a father. I have no doubts they will estrange themselves from him as soon as they are legally able to.
No. 774628
>>774627>that shit will be funny for 2 minutes until everyone gets bored of it. NTA, but that's exactly it. I'm expecting him to start doing more outrageous shit because there are people dumb enough to pay for it.
If half of them are anti o's that's sad as fuck. You hate the moron so much you're helping him pay his bills. And for what, really?
It's not like we're getting some supr sikrit patreon convo recordings here, it's pics of his pimply ass ffs.
No. 774648
>>774627And that is exactly the problem. Anti-O's keep watching him like a hawk, subbing and following his dumb ass and thus keeping him relevant.
And worst of all: Signing up to his shit and paying, so they can UwU leak his shit thinking they're being a super spy and helping.
You aren't helping, if you truly want Greg to suffer and die, unsubscribe, stop giving him money, unfollow, don't comment on his retarded stupid shit and move the fuck on with your life. Don't make fucking videos about him either, even if you do get two shekels for peddling Raid Shadow Legends. (Like Rep$ion)
Trust me if he does anything interesting you'll hear about it. With a bit of luck maybe he'll go insane and be on the news or bestgore dot com..
Then again, I'm posting this to deaf ears here. No one will unsubscribe and stop, specially not the Anti-O's. They wouldn't get the message if it was chiseled on their anus in braille.
If you truly want him gone though: Find another hobby, another lolcow to follow, and forget about Greg. If everybody were to do that, he'd be done within a year. They never will though.
No. 774678
>>774676Thats why there's a clear distinction between farmers and "anti-os".
We've seen it countless times with Joysparkle and Mikenactor. They use Onision as a tool to get views to boost their own ego. It doesn't matter even if this shit he does his 100% transparent, because they're so fixated on this idea that they themselves can put Greg behind bars or take down his YouTube channel when that hasn't happened in the decade that Onision has been Onision. They're bad faith actors who don't really care that Greg is awful, they care because they can feel morally superior sperging to their audience and sometimes one or two get lucky and have a comment section full of "yas queens".
Then inevitabley they conflate people wanting to see Greg roasted no matter how shit the content is with people loving them and their content. Its gross and its the same cycle over and over. Onisions channel would have probably been dead by now if it wasn't for the massive amounts of people shining a spotlight on it for (like that anon said) a few YouTube sponsor sheckles.
No. 774680
>>774678>>774679>>774675Those Anti-O's and big Youtubers may not post here, but they sure as shit read here.
Not that they'll listen though. They just keep following Greg, keep reporting it whenever he as much as farts on camera and making a 10 hour commentary video about it with tons of advertisers and "brought to you by".
And so that cycle goes round and round, and even if they do rake in some shekels for doing it, the one profiting in the end are Greg and Lainey.
Its the most clear case of leading by example I ever seen. You want Greg gone, lead by example and ignore him till he dies.
Again, no one will though. Specially not fat greedy fucks like Mikenactor and such.
Shekels > morals.
To that extend they are no better than Greg. They really aren't. Specially those huge youtubers like rep$ion, blaire white, keem, etc in fact, all influencers are trash. But hey in other news the sky is blue and candy rots your teeth.
No. 774706
File: 1589412987270.jpeg (Spoiler Image,29.15 KB, 1125x596, 8696F2E2-346C-4B81-AA66-73247B…)

No one with a big dick in the entire world would ever post something as hilariously cropped, zoomed, angled, and manipulated as whatever the fuck this is.
Greg's dick is tiny. It's funny because he's buying and posing with extenders. It's funny because he's a rampant, low IQ narcassit who has for more than a decade criticized the bodies of others.
He's spent years and years misrepresenting his own looks with angles, filters, photoshop, and lighting. Then the court photos came out and we all got to be reminded of the bizarrely proportioned, genetic monstrosity with a massive head. Of course he'd attempt to manipulated, misrepresent, and hide his disgusting baby carrot, too.
Imagine getting so much pressure to show your actual dick since everyone knows you're lying so you post this because your dick is that small.
No. 774725
>>774706I literally said out "ew" multiple times as I unveiled that picture. Repulsive.. My stomach churned just by that head.. Imagine if it was the entire penis?
Lord, Im not ready to throw up
No. 774745
File: 1589424090072.png (Spoiler Image,1.2 MB, 1920x1090, Screen Shot 2020-05-13 at 10.4…)

part 2
No. 774772
>>774745I wish I didn't see that
It looks like a thumb
No. 774783
>>774744Oh god we knew it was coming.
I love how ungodly zoomed in and weirdly angled this is. Its like it was taken via a microscope and I need to adjust it's focus.
No. 774786
>>774785He'll get pissy over it eventually though.
It's like with anything. He tries to act unbothered like haters are fans eg- like he was with strange Aeons, and then he ends up raging about it.
So with all these leaked nudes, he'll act like he's flattered for a while, but eventually snap and rage that he's missing out on money and people are stealing from him.
No. 774791
>>774785His dick is literally on anons' minds. I imagine he'd get some kind of joy out of that, but like
>>774786 said, it wouldn't be long before he'd get mad.
No. 774802
>>774794Exactly. Some time before she critiqued his book,she made a video on how she went undercover and posted her selfies to one of Greg's rAtE yOu threads on his forums. Not only did he rate her, he also featured her in a video. I wanna say he told her she was an 8 or 9 out of 10.
Which is why it's funny that he was so hard on her looks in the response video he made after she critiqued his shit books, since we all know he already said she was gorgeous and almost 10/10. That's Greg for you though. As a superficial narcassit who is insecure about his monstrous appearance and is really bothered when people point out he's ugly, he naturally assumes everyone is the same and figures calling someone ugly is how to hurt them the most.
No. 774806
>>774785wonder if his giggle sounds like mine when i realise how spot on Adrienne was labelling his penis
>>774738 "half a hot dog in a turtleneck". what can I say, as a reader, I find joy in great foreshadowing. Adieu! Adieu!
No. 774847
>>774803I think it's also the fact that she's gay. Greg fetishizes lesbians and iirc he has a fantasy of "turning lesbians straight".
Strange Aeons is practically his dream girl. Lmao. Poor woman.
No. 774852
>>774847Oh for sure, but I was talking about before he knew she was gay.
he didn't know she was a lesbian when she put that picture up on his forum to judge.
He definitely got obsessed when he found out she was though.
Then pretended she was an ugly bitch when she bruised his ego kek
No. 774877
>>774772I’m half convinced that’s his thumb, and that’s why he had to crop and weirdly angle the pic. He’ll post the full pic later like, “psyche! Tee hee! Ani-O’s are so gullible!”.
But I don’t know. I’m just here to survey the train wreck that is Gurgles.
No. 774882
File: 1589485811137.jpeg (195.04 KB, 1242x2208, E7106851-57FA-4B48-9DE9-467931…)

He’s trolling.
No. 774910
>>774882That is a screen grab from a video, you can see it on KF. It's clearly not his thumb, check the video (at your own risk) to see what I mean.
But I am absolutely losing it that you think his actual dick is so small that you think he's trolling with his thumb, my fucking sides.
No. 775087
File: 1589570836798.jpg (205.15 KB, 1027x1741, EYEmC5TVcAASZ7Z.jpg)

>>774950I guess he has abandoned youtube…. for now.
I'm sure he will be back when his narc supply runs dry from his boring nudes.
But his new Onlyfans venture is far less work and requires absolutely no skills or talent (I mean, he is taking cell phone pics in the dark with no professional lighting) so he can even more lazy and half assed
No. 775088
>>775087>I am no longer a YoutuberCool, hope he deletes all of his channels then.
Claiming to not be a YTer while having several channels seems really hypocritical, Jimmy.
No. 775163
>>775147I really don't think she's in charge of her channel.
I believe she would have deleted everything after everything came out about Sarah the instant it happened because she is a giant coward.
Greg would have wanted her to keep it up for revenue/views.
No. 775166
File: 1589609469135.png (238.98 KB, 476x306, Onision Porn Superstar.PNG)

>>775159Hes embraced his new career. Hes not some insignificant star, hes a SUPER star. Perfect storyline would be he goes all in with OF for 3 months and then does something stupid and gets it suspended.
No. 775207
>>775182People with retardation or low intelligence have been proven to have extremely high sex drives.
Look at autistic dudes and people with downs for example.
This is Greg.
No. 775320

>>775106>>775145I hate Onion as much as the next anon, but let's not lie or spread misinformation? I have a good friend who is actually in the Air-Force as well as is Military Police (they're stationed at Offutt Airbase, this is their 3rd year). I've been there for almost every stage of their military development (they've advanced a lot).
I don't understand why you're acting like MP duty is anything more than desk and guard duty, as this is what MP usually do.. US Military (or at least Airmen) who are MP, usually have to do that as an extra - that isn't their main area of work/task - it isn't my friend's (he has Top Secret Clearance, which isn't as hard to get as some people would think, I was one of his references and I'm just a civilian in Uni lol). I'm sure Onion had some other task, like mechanic or something besides doing MP. MP aren't like regular cops lol, it mostly is gate duty, just in uniform and with your weapon (checking cars in and checking ID), desk duty (checking ID to let people, usually soldiers in), and night shifts (guard duty, sometimes other random work). There's usually a shift captain who creates the weekly schedule (which is why you don't act like an asshole), anyone who's been a military cop has performed all of these tasks in rotation.
Also, Onion did pass Basic Training, he did well according to the papers he showed which other military members confirmed on YT to both be real & stating he initially did well. It was SERE training he did not pass (and he had to have been doing well physically to qualify & get recommended for SERE).
Finally, since we've been staring at & discussing Onion's diq for the last week or two, can we start a new area of discussion? I just saw this video and actually thought it was good, I was surprised as I honestly dislike this YTer - she's right though, these were red-flags.
You know how the camera adds 10 pounds? It's like viewing reality through Onion's eyes subtracts 10 years off of whatever he's looking at.
No. 775324
>>775322>The problem people have with this is when discussing his military career Greg says "I was a cop" and doesn't give details.
>Hes even gone as far as to say that if his YT career goes belly up he can just apply to his local PD and get in easy because he was "a military cop."I understand that, that makes sense completely. If you think about it objectively though, what criminals are running around on Military bases lol? That's a rare happening (a terrorist act is more likely), and if it does happen, the criminals don't get treated by MP like they do by normal police either lol. You're more likely to be shot first and have questions asked later if those sirens are going off lol.
Idk if it's been revealed what Onion did or not during his "Military Career", but I have a feeling it was something like a mechanic (which there is nothing wrong with imho, that's a hard & demanding position in the military, especially the Air-Force), but like you were mentioning, doesn't sound as cool so doesn't mention what his main assignment was.
No. 775329
File: 1589674551619.jpg (Spoiler Image,111.42 KB, 693x877, 20200516-084028.jpg)

Took one for the team and went to the other farms.
Porn superstar…Yeah.
No. 775333
File: 1589674744327.jpg (Spoiler Image,122.06 KB, 731x871, 2000516-084028.jpg)

No. 775334
>>775329It's sad how there's no muscle definition going on.
Also, Ken doll crotch confirmed.
No. 775336
File: 1589674825366.jpg (38.56 KB, 553x563, nude-ken-doll-2006-zac-posen-b…)

>>775329This is all I see.
No. 775337
>>775333This reminds me of the evidence photos LEO takes of a rapists body to document any scratches or marks the
victim made during the struggle.
No. 775429
>>775329These are sooo creepy. He must be copying poses that his waifus did in his hentai.
My tinfoil is that Grease is a deeply closeted lesbian troon. He seems so feminine to me when he’s in his raw sperg mode. He’s obsessed with sex yet has no idea of sensuality.
No. 775466
File: 1589745511813.jpg (61.02 KB, 1125x299, EYPG-qsWsAAnHxH.jpg)

love how he goes out of his way to take a shot at ole dog fucker
No. 775481
File: 1589755197054.jpg (Spoiler Image,34.09 KB, 550x300, ew.jpg)

More of pornstar's top tier quality content.
No. 775483
File: 1589755733083.jpg (Spoiler Image,200.12 KB, 738x870, 07300811000529.jpg)

I'll never understand how there are people paying for this.
No. 775486
>>775483It looks like his skin hasn't seen sun in years and not in the emo/goth boy way he wants kek.
He has the body of an unfit middle aged man. You can see every single mole, blemish and hair on his pasty white back. Greg needs to learn how to funetune his corpse skin.
No. 775519
File: 1589775057534.jpeg (Spoiler Image,152.65 KB, 1400x1050, 0F7C3BBA-BFCD-487A-A942-A3366E…)

>>775483I still can’t believe people are paying Jimbo for these morgue photos. Also is he doing pic related on purpose? Most of these photos read like he’s trolling by doing as shitty a job as humanly possible but I think that would be giving Gargamel too much credit
No. 775537
File: 1589785344494.png (64.83 KB, 792x990, 67583002.PNG)

>>775534>his credentialsIm not sure if hes updated this since this still has his old name.
No. 775539
File: 1589786300200.png (46.24 KB, 711x333, onisionuhohbro.PNG)

I knew he had a parachute and a way to save face when he has to come back to YT if(when) his OnlyFans career tanks in a few months.
>Im leaving YouTube, but not really.
If he needs to rant Im sure he'll use UhOhBro or his main channel to upload videos talking shit about who ever he thinks wronged him that week. But instead of him talking to the camera he'll just make a skit to tell the story.
No. 775541
>>775539Talks about onlyfans.
>where I am most wantedLol…okay. Keep telling yourself that.
No. 775563
File: 1589811121647.jpeg (1.05 MB, 1518x1125, CC46FDDD-AAD1-4B2D-BD74-E22F89…)

>>775558Man, he was even skinwalking Kurt Cobain back in the day lol
After those disgusting porno pics came out, I can’t look at him anymore w/o getting Nam flashbacks.
No. 775565
>>775539Uh, he literally tweeted “stop asking me about YouTube, I’m no longer a Youtuber”
He’s backtracking already?
No. 775596
>>775481There's no way anyone with common sense could mistake that for a real penis. That's why he wears underwear in every shot.
If someone would have told me about a year ago that this the Grugly we'd be seeing today, I wouldn't have believed it. The laziest "pornstar" to date.
No. 775603
File: 1589825031000.png (673.8 KB, 1078x907, body of a basment dweller.png)

I guess he wants us to believe that Kai is still there and supports him in his 'porn star' endeavors.
No. 775690
File: 1589858135668.png (333.78 KB, 838x470, 4388.PNG)

Im going to say it. I predict a melding of his Im A Banana and new porn career.
No. 775708
File: 1589872703766.jpeg (75.75 KB, 828x1443, 16F48454-38BD-419E-944B-5BDB70…)

>>775690Sorry anon, wanted to be more accurate.
No. 775709
File: 1589876819955.png (199.51 KB, 446x634, 06984b31ae8f740ca348a599b43bfd…)

>>773656She looks like Ed Grimley's long lost twin/bastard child. All she needs is some yellow flannel to complete the look.
No. 775725
File: 1589889962276.jpg (16.12 KB, 287x400, Clint-howard.jpg)

>>775709Lainey reminds me of a less attractive and less desirable version of Clint Howard
No. 775806
>>775534I would take flipping burgers for a living over humiliating myself and my family by selling degenerate content but that's pretty much what he has done his whole "career" anyway. I'm sure he would much rather pursue OnlyFans because he can be an even lazier piece of shit now instead of trying to come up with YT content he can just post pimply ass shots and videos of him strangling Lainey's dildo in his big boy briefs kek.
>>775604He is sucking in his gut so hard lmao he probably still sees Ian Somerhalder when he looks at these photos vs his true tragic doughy blob form.
>>775710Welcome back to nightmare fuel city anon, make sure to keep some holy water eyedrops handy.
No. 775817
File: 1589915464635.png (Spoiler Image,2.4 MB, 1396x1872, penguin.png)

Who knows what he's thinking, this angle makes his already fucked up anatomy look even more off.
Just a heads up, leaks are at the other farms. Be ready with the eye bleach before clicking any spoilers.
No. 775822
File: 1589916225553.jpg (Spoiler Image,225.81 KB, 1058x773, lolomfg.jpg)

I imagine this is how he was laying down right before the Suk mi incident with AJ happened.
No. 775825
>>775822I actually audibly gasped. Holy fucking shit.
How much lower do you think can we go boys?
No. 775832
>>775822Shoutout to Lolcow Mods for adding the spoiler image option
I looked at this knowing it was going to be disgusting but nothing prepared me for this
No. 775837
>>775822this looks like a still from a snuff film.
he looks dirty. i'm retching
No. 775841
>>775835I’m literally losing my mind. Who is this for??
He’s going to repel any potential teen girls with this and not even guys would be into this not that guys are his target audience but….
No. 775857
>>775822God, I feel violated.
These photos are giving out a strong sub vibe, surprised that macho Greggels would resort to this.
Now excuse me while i go pour bleach into my eyes.
No. 775880
>>775483All his photos look like they were taken by a cop, maybe it's his fetish to be the caught criminal, or
No. 775900’s a few new police call logs (above link posted by good citizen records On twitter). One from Sarah’s cousin concerned she was going to hurt herself (from 2017) one is a wellness check on lainey after she tweeted emo shit online (from 2016).
The poor police have had to deal with all sorts of shit regarding pedonision over the years.
No. 775915
>>775889I'm sorry what?
Does he not share a room with krai, why is he sleeping with his kid?
No. 775965
File: 1589977651752.jpg (392.99 KB, 1280x2158, x.jpg)

>>775817greg fulfilling his dream of looking like a deathnote character, just not the one he was looking for
No. 775975
File: 1589980757002.gif (438.46 KB, 294x342, DC9CDFE9-58A4-4103-B72E-4DEC4F…)

Pls kill me
gags No. 775977
File: 1589980916322.jpg (1.02 MB, 1564x1564, IMG_20200520_090806.jpg)

Reminder that this is the horrendous face attached to the comically proportioned body we keep seeing in these crime scene photos.
There isn't anyone online with less sex appeal than this horrendous waterheaded ogre. This vomit inducing smegma stain has compared himself to Ian Somerhalder, Jim Morrison, Zac Efron, plus more that I'm not remembering right now. Imagine having the nerve. What I am glad about is that I suspect Greg has finally been spoonfeed the reality of his shockingly bad looks when all those court photos came out. He's spent years hiding his monstrous appearance that he even began convincing himself. But those court photos don't lie, and what they revealed was someone who probably has some super rare genetic disorder because there is no other explanation for his BIZARRE proportions. So now he's been so terrorized that he's no longer showing his face.
Keep in mind that he spent YEARS criticizing the looks of others. To get these images for this collage, I Googled "Onision Ugly" and saw several screen grabs from vidoes he's done about how ugly famous people X, Y, and Z are. All while sitting in his greasy chair, trying to keep still on his Hank Hill ass to keep the gallons of water in his head from sloshing around so he can hear whatever shit video he's editing.
No. 776007
>>775996He's so moley and pimply.
He also seems to be getting razor rash really badly above his dick.
I can't see gay guys jerking off to any of this. They usually prefer muscular bodies or even if slim/chubby they usually have nice skin.
The ones of his feet make me queasy. I wonder if he stole that idea from Repzion.
No. 776016
>>775822He looks dead. This is like a crime scene photo. He's seriously not got a single speck of a clue on what is and is not sexually appealing. Or even visually appealing. It makes sense though, since he is so completely unattractive and repulsive in every single way possible. He looks like a corpse, a rotting corpse. You can almost smell his foulness just by looking at the picture. It makes me want to wretch and procure a gallon of bleach to scrub my brain of any memory of that image.
Imagine being THAT ugly.
No. 776019
File: 1589992823528.jpg (148.43 KB, 577x914, maya.jpg)

No. 776023
>>776018I wondered the same thing. Not even foot person at all but I cannot see how his feet are attractive in any way. I mean none of his body is, but he has extremely disgusting dry looking soles, really wrinkly and crusty, and his toenails are clubbed.
Absolutely repulsive.
No. 776024
>>776020I have no idea why he's bringing it up. Maya sure dodged a bullet, though.
Frankenstein monster's head and the body of a corpse, totally appealing.
No. 776025
>>776023Pretty sure his large toenail has either dirt or some kind of fungus around it in that photo.
He could have scrubbed his feet or moisturized them or SOMETHING before he took the photo.
No. 776028
>>776026>to 'show them what their missing' I snorted. You're right - I know he's delusional enough to think that, but
>>775822Like, lmao, who finds this shit attractive? Apart from degenerates, degenerates with a necro fetish and apparently some near 70 year old grandpa lusting after him ( ss posted on the other farm ).
No. 776037
>>776026That same body was on top of them
Imagine Onionbreath on top…
No. 776042
>>776024He always dredges up old “drama” when his attention is fading.
He also can’t disprove all the shitty things he did with sarah so he’s probably trying to reassure himself and feel right again by pulling ~receipts~ on a girl who wants nothing to do with the public eye (so won’t confront him on it).
No. 776046
>>776019he never lasts long before he tries to stir up drama for attention. All the anti-Os on twitter are busy talking about Dahvie Vanity and no one cared about his weird nudes after the first couple were leaked. His motives are very transparent and I think now is the opportune time to ignore him and let him fade into obscurity now that he's not doing anything interesting.
This situation is also another example on how he has no idea how to behave like a normal human with normal human feelings. People, especially women, send messages like this to disengage with as little drama as possible, regardless of how they actually feel about the person. Maya made it clear what she thought about Greg in her texts that were leaked, but like most people, she's not about to call him gross to his face. It's far better to be polite and humble to get out of an uncomfortable situation as cleanly as possible. But Greg doesnt understand nuance, so it must mean all the things she said about him later were "LIES!!!" and this awkward overly polite apology is the real truth.
No. 776075
File: 1590012886487.jpg (Spoiler Image,545.27 KB, 1660x2074, PicsArt_05-21-12.13.18.jpg)

>>775996Uploading these 1/2
No. 776082
File: 1590014191797.gif (5.73 MB, 620x380, tortilla back.gif)

>>776075The amount of acne, pimples and moles on his chest, ass and back is amazing. Can we have a connect the dots contest?
No. 776083
File: 1590014309078.jpg (346.66 KB, 1242x1489, 786daa60-7818-418d-924a-d7f78f…)

>>776081Nope, that's his big boy bed in his man cave
No. 776195
>>776075Who THE FUCK takes ludes with their fucking hands straight up in the air like that? And then in the other two front shots from that collage is him raising his shoulders as high as possible to make them appear more broad and to elongate his achondroplasia proportioned arms/make his stomach appear more trim. And then the bottom left image, trying his greasy hand at an insta-thot pose to add volume to his Hank Hill ass. Greg has proven himself to be the least sexually attractive person on YouTube. From his looks, to his attitude, to the way he describes sex, to the way he behaves. And now he shows the world these repulsive pictures which are objectively as appealing as a clogged toilet.
I've seen it speculated whether or not Lainey is at all involved in helping him with these pictures. I'm gonna say NO. There's no fucking way that even SHE would knowingly allow and take part in facilitating a photo-shoot where her husband lays naked and curled up on the floor like a murder
victim. Surely she'd be too embarrassed to sign off on that. Or perhaps she'll use all of this OF nonsense to help her in any divorce preceedings in the future. She used to be SO SMUG when she'd go on how many women want hEr mAn and how S H E gets to be the one who has him. I bet she ain't thinking that anymore.
No. 776204
>>776195Oh she's aware of it all. Thing is, she doesn't care. Not because she trusts him, or is cool with it. She only wants her life comfortable. It's why she ran from the internet to ensure it. She's off the net spending his thot and his copyright strike dollars. She can not deal with anything stressful so she's hiding and has fully accepted Greg's narrative of "they all used you, you are innocent". Because that helps her feel better.
Now what HER family thinks… that would be interesting, doubt they can say anything about it though. Or fuckboy Greg will threaten to take away the few times they get to see the shallots.
No. 776206
>>776204What? Didn’t she ran from the internet and real life after everyone found out what a creep she is?
You’d have to be super delusional to live in a sad existence and go on about your life while afraid and watching your own back. How can one be happy living like that while people wanting to burn them at the stake and their own husband throwing them under the bus when the time comes?
No. 776207
>>776148>Jimmy was her third choiceShane - ????? - Onision
Who did footface stalk after Shane before she settled for Greg?
No. 776215
File: 1590086984178.png (103.54 KB, 555x181, 1665884.PNG)

>>776211has he cut his hair super short again?
No. 776217
>>776214Yes, she mentioned him several times in her old Twitter account before she became Laineybot
>>776216I was speaking about her delusional point of view. Aside from hiding like the cowardly bitch she is, she is very deluded into living like all the accusations and witch hunts are gonna go away if she lays low
No. 776218
>>7762112 & 4, holy shit. It just keeps getting worse and worse.
I wouldn't be surprised if this really ends with him shoving a Lego up his ass for a few $.
No. 776228
File: 1590093091114.jpg (Spoiler Image,8.02 KB, 250x186, 1309335-5b5eec9afb78300436dbc8…)

Sorry to expose your eyes to this but all of his recent posts are so… Feminine. He looks like he shaved his body and poses in the most sub/effeminate and degrading poses.
Didn't he try to make everyone believe how much of a bdsm daddy dom he is? Posting all the time about making girls cum just from choking them and sick shit like that.
I just don't understand why poses like he's a weak sub twink begging for dick, it's creepy as fuck. And I doubt that's attractive to the teen girls I thought he was trying to pull in. These kinda poses are not attractive to women at all.
No. 776232
>>776211Looks like he’s trying to take a shit in these. I agree that these are just him trolling. Not even Gurg would think that these look good
>>776228Spoiler this shit
No. 776239
>>776238It's definitely for gay men.
Which is funny considering this is the same person who apparently had a freakout because he saw Cyr and Stefan wrestling and "it looked gay so eeww".
Now he's a few steps from spreading his ass cheeks for gay men. Oh how the tables turn.
No. 776240
File: 1590098532744.png (Spoiler Image,209.82 KB, 349x642, onion twink.png)

>>776228if hes really doing this to troll people then hes even more retarded than i thought
No. 776258
File: 1590107906214.png (140.89 KB, 693x521, 5421134578.png)

>>776239Skye said he was afraid his gay cousin would rape him solely because he was gay and he felt uncomfortable around him. He was always extremely homophobic, it's hilarious that now he has to sell photos of his fat ass to gay men in order to gain some money
No. 776270
File: 1590118963434.jpeg (Spoiler Image,104.72 KB, 1080x712, DDBA9708-6B46-4B84-8073-52A6DE…)

Shreg’s tits are getting pretty big despite is claims or getting “in shape” for his mourge photos
No. 776273
>>776268Honestly I can't remember, Greg can never keep his fucking stories straight (much like his OnlyFans kek).
>>776228Look it's Grogger! Now if only we could try to get him to hop into traffic buck ass naked.
Seriously though wtf is he on? How can Lainey even look at him anymore and not be totally repulsed and humiliated? Her soul must be dead at this point. The Father of her children is an autistic porn sick manchild freak who would rather spread his asshole for OnlyFans than get a real fucking job. Honestly they need to get his degenerate ass off of there, after all the fucked up shit he has done the last thing this shithead should be able to do is pursue a career in porn.
No. 776283
>>776272He never gets in shape. Last time he got told he had a beer belly he just cut down his intake to 'just vegetables' which I don't really believe, I just think he sat at his computer and ate slightly less. And occasionally he'll do those weak pull ups with bad form on camera.
That's the extent of his workouts/dieting. That's why he has an old man body. There's no muscle there, it's all skinny fat. His age and the fact he doesn't eat any protein probably adds to this.
It's so funny that when he goes into 'fitness mode' it's only his arms he works on. Like I've only ever seen him do curls with weights or pull ups/pushups. And it's ALWAYS for the camera, you know Jimmy wouldn't bother with that shit outside being filmed being 'macho'.
No. 776284
>>776270What is this pose. It's like he's trying to tense for stomach muscles but it just makes him look like he's slouching.
He's going to run out of money soon, even pervert/fans would get bored of these same pictures where he just photographs the top of his weiner with underwear on.
No. 776305
>>776276Think people just reiterate the fact Onion and Kai have the world's worst marriage. Their entire relationship has been plagued with issues and its just astounding to normal people their lifestyle.
I think it's disgusting their attitude towards the well being of their kids. How they behave online with their fans and their constant glorification of sex and kinks such as bdsm and ddlg. Even more harrowing to learn they both sleep with a child each and now Onion is doing pornographic shoots in what looks like a child's bedroom.
Is this the final straw for Lainey? Is she locked into staying at this property until Onion has finalised all his outgoing criminality regarding the surrounding property? Is Onion holding something over her so she has to see this shit out with him? Are his photos also to hurt and humiliate his wife? Or has Onion simply ran out of narc supply from being unable to bring a new girl in that he's frustrated he has to channel his lust in other ways?
Randy was keen only a little while ago to do an interview. I wish someone could gather the thoughts from family members about Onion's new career.
How can Lainey even go home now? Everyone has heard about the grooming rumours, now Onion poses with a fake dick online and bends over for gay boys. She's probably suicidal from embarrassment.
No. 776311
>>776305i don't think anyone is retarded enough to thirst after grugly anymore. he's always been ugly, but he's past his prime despite trying harder than ever.
lainey is the only partner he will ever have again, and he hates her. i honestly don't even know is she really hates him which is the most pathetic part, and even if she did, she will never, ever leave. love seeing these two actively rotting in hell on earth.
No. 776320
>>776311Tbh, he'll always have fangirls. Though, the fangirls now are going to be girls that are
victim-chasers/clout-chasers, and he's on high alert. He wants a new qt alt-girl, but if he ever had a contender, he'd put them through a series of autistic tests to prove their not a "HATUUURRRR" or a spy that's totally just with him to get on Chris Hansen later (which tbh I could see happening LOL, anyone remember Vix?), too many people trying to catfish him and he's paranoid.
He wants a Shiloh/Netunesa personality with the looks of Billie, and he'll never get it. The only girls he attracts are weirdos that fuck dogs and want to be famous
No. 776328
>>776320>He wants a Shiloh/Netunesa personality with the looks of Billie, and he'll never get itBut he wants that personality with the doormat-ness of Lainey.
That's why he always goes on about how she's such an amazing hooman.
He wants to fool himself that she's the only thing he wants when deep down he knows she's boring and plain as fuck.
Her putting up with his cheating is the only thing he likes abput her.
I bet if he could go back in time he'd ignore Lainey altogether. She was just a rebound.
He did say he would have gone for Alicia instead in that one video.
No. 776336
>>776329>Kai Anon pls
Lainey allows that shit and takes sides with him instead of the women he manipulates so she kind of deserves it. Only really felt sorry for her before the Billie saga.
You are right though, he definitely idealises the perfect manic pixie dream girl but in reality, it doesn't matter even if she does everything he wants/doesn't complain, she is nothing but a hole to him and eventually wants something different.
No. 776337
>>776329He'd never remain faithful. You can tell by the types of excuses he comes up with.
"My mother gave me nude massages so it was okay." Billie was the cheater, not him.
"Lainey said no junk to junk/mouth, so we had anal several times, it's not really sex."
It seems like he very much enjoys these types of situations where he's not suppose to do something so he finds a "clever" ( clever in his eyes, his logic is retarded to everyone with a half functioning brain ) loophole.
It either turned into a fetish for him or it's just a narc thing. Regardless of what it is he's not a person who's capable of remaining faithful in any sense.
No. 776338
File: 1590164619695.jpg (50.22 KB, 800x800, cuban-treefrog-osteopilus-sept…)

why is he posing in these awkward ways??
>>776228here he looks like a gay frog
>>776240in the middle on here he looks like he's going to shit on the camera
who's his target demographic? some kind of autistic gay dudes with strange fetishes? tf?
No. 776345
>>776337So many examples of him doing shit like this and Lainey was dumb enough to believe him instead of seeing that the common denominator was him and not bitches trying to steal him.
Another example was the sam thing.
Yeah he didn't fuck her, but he pushed every boundary he could and blamed it all on her.
No. 776354
>>776353He would have to find like one or two infatuated creepy dudes like that to support him but even then I'd imagine someone creepy and old with money to spend is gonna spend it on real twinks, not mid 30's, scrawny twinks wannabes with saggy moobs and a gut. Plus they'd want more pics than shit like this.
It makes me wonder if he's selling actual nudes in private to people.
No. 776385
>>776381Although finding out about your dad's shit-tier onlyfans is really embarrassing in itself, their kids were already going to have a lot to deal with when they get older and start finding out about the host of other cringy shit and endless sperging their dad did for online attention and the grooming allegations facing both of their parents. Aside from that, they are dealing with growing up in a
toxic atmosphere established by their parents' hellish and loveless relationship, as we know Greg doesn't do shit to help around the house, avoids Kai and is very often an asshole to her, time will tell how that will affect their kids as they get older. Onion literally putting zero thought into the legacy he is leaving for his kids
No. 776386
>>776353>but can he make a living on that?Not a long term living. But that's always been his problem. He doesn't think about the future and the consequences his actions bring.
After Sh & AJ he said he's going to be alone for a long time. What did he do? Mary Lainey asap even though he admitted he wasn't even really into her. It was all about "now".
Because marriage + kids = success in his narc mind, he fathered 2 kids that he never really wanted either. Another example where it was all about "now", not the future.
In the same light he's spreading his ass for men now without thinking that not only is it not some long term financial solution, but that it's also something he's going to probably really regret at some point.
Much like he regrets being married to Lainey considering he drops his pants at every opportunity.
No. 776405
>>776385honestly, the most realistic good scenario that could happen for those kids would be if lainey divorced onion, changed her and the kids last name back to her maiden name or to a completely unrelated name, started going by taylor again and moved halfway across the country, dropping off the internet forever. at least that way there wouldnt be thousands of search results about grooming popping up when looking up "lainey averoe/jackson".
ideal scenario would ofc be if the kids got taken away, but knowing cps that will never happen.
No. 776429
>>776425Whoah I don't remember this.
Really surprised though. He seems like the type to think he knows what's best for his kids.
I'm guessing it's Troy.
No. 776479
>>776478I agree anon, there's literally nothing left to say about them.
His decision to hide away on Onlyfans is good for us because that means we don't have to see any more of his shitty content anymore.
I haven't clicked on any of the nudes since the first couple and I don't plan to even when he shows his teeny weeny.
Just let this idiot bury himself into obscurity for good.
No. 776486
>>776484No it doesn't. Anons are dumb enough to give him money and attention for this shit and that's his only goal.
Anti-O's are his best customers.
No. 776495
>>776488agreed too. at most, maybe limit it to just the most ridiculous looking ones but to drop that subject entirely isn't fair after what, almost 10 years of him mocking womens bodies? calling them mentally deranged and sexually repressed? oh he deserves the flogging. he had a lot to say before, well now its everyone else's turn.
also it really is hilarious how low he's actually sunken. did he seriously think he'd be a successful onlyfans account?? he's getting pennies lol. no ones actually turned on by him, everyones giving him asspats but you can tell they're half confused because he was shouting from the rooftops for so long about being a dom and yet ALL his pictures are completely sub. all that fuss about that blair white art someone did only for him to be into that kind of thing anyway. he's completely emasculated now. nothing but a crying little man so desperate for money because he's too stupid to work a real job, he'll peel his little clothes off.
he's failed in entertainment. failed in writing. failed in his social life, no one ever wants to stay by his side. failed TWO marriages. failed his education because he never followed it all the way through into getting a real career. failed his children letting one dangle and fall out a 2nd story window. the list just goes on and on and this is without even mentioning all the debt he's in. this is a man who has nothing left resorting to selling pictures of his feet for spare income. love that for him!
No. 776499
>>776492Tbh this is probably the best approach.
I think it’s kind of annoying to post a single image and try to analyze this man’s unfortunate body in detail but the mass link posts are probably a good way to give people the sour milk if they want it.
No. 776500
>>776498Random tinfoil but what if he’s doing this to make himself totally unemployable?
It forces Lainey to be the one who has to go out and actually work while he sits around and “works” from home by taking nudes and talking to his discord.
No. 776501
>>776500I think he's already unemployable. He's branded as a groomer, predator, pedo. IRL, not just online.
People dislike him enough to egg his property. Who'd hire him? He'd be like a circus attraction once people found out where he works.
No. 776507
>>776504"There was shrinkage!"
Even if greg had a 9" long coke can it wouldn't change the fact it's connected to the rest of onision.
No. 776509
Typically, most of us probably wouldn't feel the need to hyper-analyze this ogre's body and appearance. Most people in Greg's situation can let these types of comments roll right off. But Greg is a superficial narcassit who is extremely fixated on the looks and bodies of others. He's spent the entire last decade misrepresenting his true appearance online with very choice angles, lighting, and photoshop. He compared himself to Ian Somerhalder, complete with a side by side comparrion on IG. He's also convinced himself that he hasn't aged in nearly 20 years, also creating multiple side by side comparisons for that as well.
Greg convinced himself that he is an Adonis, at least up until those court photos came out. During the time frame that those pictures were released, it was around the peak of Greg's short-lived Hansen relevancy. For that reason, combined with how truly horrendous those images showed him to be, those pictures really were everywhere. There were many edits as well, all over Twitter. The farms. Reddit. Imagine what that does to someone like Greg. I feel like that's the real reason he's no longer showing his horrendous face. He's probably never felt uglier than he does now, and rightfully so.
It's hilarious that he gets do much flack for his appearance. His tiny dick (and denial,) his disproportionate body, pasty and moley skin, fucking tumors, crime scene poses. And he's STILL not showing his face. This shit is what hurts a superficial narc like Greg, and when narcs like Greg are hurt, they lash out. Which means more laughs for us.
No. 776514
>>776509Yes to all this. Gurg made video after video rating teens’ bodies—not just the people who consented to it, but random teens on TikTok as well.
Now he knows what it feels like to be on the other side of that.
No. 776518
>>776504My dudes you can see the tip of his shrimp in the first picture in this anons posted.
>>776461 I almost swear I'm looking at Lainey and her clit after top surgery.
No. 776519
>>776503Lol, for sure. He's definitely not the type of a person who could handle authority. He'd be stripping and screaming depression in no time.
I really don't see any way he could get a proper job after all that has happened. It's different this time. People are aware of his face IRL. Egging, sending him pizzas, moms talking about him in FB groups, someone even tried to get him swatted.
Who'd look at that and think "I sure want to hire this guy".
No. 776528
>>776493Is this what happens after selling your soul to the devil and getting screwed over in the end?
>>776504Lol he has a bent duck
No. 776564
File: 1590261087737.jpg (Spoiler Image,65.79 KB, 800x533, C0280775-Erect_Uncircumcised_P…)

>>776551>>776554>>776533i swear, some of you guys have never received sex ed or seen a penis in your lives. penises can get very slightly bent because of weird angles during masturbation, but usually its because of an injury during sex or just how the guy was born. its completely normal.
attaching a pic of an uncircumcised boner so anons finally stop being confused about whether onions baby carrot is circumcised or not just cause you can see its head (ew). dicks usually arent covered with their foreskin if theyre hard.
No. 776573
File: 1590263494792.jpg (161.35 KB, 1548x609, Sierra.jpg)

Could this Sierra person be working towards becoming the new girl they fly to the swamp? Shes checked off all the boxes.
Paid member of
Part of the private discord
Promoted to mod when Tamara got kicked
Subscriber to his OnlyFans and makes thirsty comments on every photo set
Has been sending Greg gifts for months
Greg is paranoid about being tricked again and paying for every site he has plus sending him gifts is the perfect litmus test in his eyes.
No. 776574
>>776570I'm surprised this hasn't got as much attention on either farms, it's photo proof of what he's trying so pathetically to hide
It tapers to such a tiny needle point like a fucking dog's dick lmao
No. 776576
File: 1590265206452.gif (25.86 KB, 220x165, 0EB1421F-8890-49E2-BE80-C7B372…)

>>776574I think the reason it hasn’t gotten as much attention is because it’s literally so small most people probably don’t even notice that there’s a dick in those pics.
No. 776577
File: 1590265399236.jpg (21.29 KB, 240x334, Tamara_.jpg)

>>776574>like a fucking dog's dickKeep talking like that and you're going to make her swoon.
No. 776600
File: 1590272730322.png (36.41 KB, 591x350, Capture5232020.PNG)

Is this in anticipation for a good chunk of his "members" walking away in June? There's been unsettling talk in discord that they may not be able to continue the high priced tier in the next few months. So keeping the illusion of high fan numbers is more important than the cash.
No. 776636
File: 1590288429521.jpg (1.63 MB, 4633x3372, gregsonlyfanspacker.jpg)

Greg screwed up and left one of his packers/dildos in one of his onlyfans photos today
No. 776668
>>776636definitely looks like some kind of electric toothbrush.
though that would have been hilarious
No. 776679
File: 1590314948597.jpeg (160.71 KB, 2000x2000, B927705E-4589-498D-A951-EB8CAC…)

>>776636I mean….this Dildo sorta matches with that photo and also matches his weird underwear shots where he of course has a tiny stalk (that he’s shown) but in the underwear there’s a big bulbous end.
No. 776761
File: 1590353335059.jpg (Spoiler Image,620.72 KB, 1074x1176, 20200524-103817.jpg)

I don't really…know what to add.
No. 776768
>>776761He looks more like middle aged queer bait in those pictures than anything else. Does he really think this attracts women?
Oh right he's a big closet case I forgot, he's trying to attract Shane again..
No. 776769
File: 1590355496446.jpg (Spoiler Image,293.15 KB, 1015x1211, Screenshot_20200524-172217.jpg)

From the other farms.
No. 776779
File: 1590357056461.jpeg (Spoiler Image,86.17 KB, 1080x812, 093D4600-8DF0-4683-B520-69F368…)

Where is it? Literally looks like he doesn’t have a dick here.
No. 776784
>>776769Kek, why would he post this after stuffing his boxers?
>>776777You state that with such confidence. I think he's just been watching the telephone video by lady gaga and took inspiration. They're around the same height
No. 776793
>>776777In what way, though? I agree with
>>776788 about him obsessively reading the farms/posts about him looking like a corpse, so he's probably playing it up, yes.
But is that really trolling at the end of the day?
When he's the one humiliating himself and crawling over a filthy rug, taking pics with a caution tape in his buttcrack?
He was a loser before, but I never imagined he'd turn into
such a failure lmao.
No. 776805
>>776761Lol, I am legit laughing so much at a silly coincidence
The part over his ass/back spells "cuidado", which is "Caution" in Portuguese. The first syllable is what is actually over his ass - so "CU" from that word, which in portuguese means… Asshole lmao
sage for silly shit
No. 776825
File: 1590370407378.jpeg (1.07 MB, 1947x1125, 15A3356F-9152-4924-873E-2502F6…)

>>776779Lmfao this ain’t even original, 10 years too late Gruck!
No. 776837
File: 1590374006387.jpg (155.58 KB, 596x825, whathecallsart.jpg)

Fam he's continuing on with this crime scene theme and it's only going to get more weird and less sexy.
No. 776843
>>776837>it is artI can't lmao.
I really wonder what's in store for our Jimmy next.
As mentioned before, so far he has utterly failed at/as: the army, as a musician, as a writer, as an actor, as a YTer, as a husband ( twice! ) and sadly, as a father.
Once his OF inevitably fails - what is he going to do next? What else is there to fail at when you have failed at seemingly everything already?
No. 776848
File: 1590379661149.png (20.35 KB, 488x193, 047696253.PNG)

>>776837I hope these replies are trolls trying to lure him into sharpie in pooper.
Once Greg gets tricked into that and realizes he gets bigger tips for it, anything in the house thats phallic shaped is going to smell funny.
No. 776859
>>776837Tinfoil time that Lainey is in on this. Those hand prints are teeny so I assume coming from a woman. And the splatter looks like it was placed from above, and I think consistantly. It would look entirely different if he did this himself
Unless it's all just shop, I'm too drunk to tell. But imo there is definently a second hand in helping his OF
No. 776964
File: 1590436006705.jpg (Spoiler Image,387.7 KB, 1408x1880, 25 121852.jpg)

No. 776967
>>776964Oh…thank god he clarified it was fake blood and a plastic hand!
Lewds of sad, saggy, middle-aged men smeared with cheap Halloween goods is a small market, but I assume he has little competition.
No. 776973
File: 1590439631624.jpg (15.71 KB, 340x236, Killing_Floor_2_images_(14).jp…)

>>776964His poses remind me of badly modelled indie game zombies.
No. 776978
>>776964Should be a meme, subtitled:
"When nobody wants to touch your pp but you desperately want somebody to do so."
No. 777032
File: 1590462439854.jpg (Spoiler Image,69.81 KB, 590x563, twitterreacts.jpg)

>>776848I'm amused by seeing the variety of ways twitter reacts to his…
No. 777035
File: 1590465010492.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1 MB, 1762x1878, B35E5F42-517B-47DD-96BF-5A3968…)

Ah yes, this will attract young girls! (Fake) Bloody old man ass!
No. 777036
File: 1590465256300.jpeg (Spoiler Image,734.74 KB, 2078x1874, 67182049-E521-4A4F-972D-E0C65D…)

Cranked up the contrast on this to see past the purposeful shadows and lel
No. 777039
>>777035i'm ready af for twinktard greg to start fucking himself in the ass for pocket change from gay men.
starting to think he'll troon out. he's enough of a narc, that's for sure.
No. 777095
File: 1590503158709.png (211.37 KB, 700x443, 1588817838614.png)

Fuck trannies and fuck jannies and fuck women(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 777111
>>776964gotta love that he's flexing every muscle imaginable and looks like he's about to pass out from the tension of that weird ass pose, but he still has utterly no muscle definition.. he has no quads and his stomach still looks like a weird amorphous blob that is simultaneously fat and skinny??
also gotta love that he specifically chose a big veiny manly man hand to clutch his small peen. i'll give it to him, he knows how to appeal to his overwhelmingly gay male audience!
No. 777152
>>777151you know what anon, I was thinking this exact same thing earlier today.
Not only that, but the attention from Youtubers has also been fixated solely on the Dahvie Vanity allegations, rightly so however due to the fact there is heaps of proof and legit police reports but not even the Youtubers that used to spend all day on these threads care about the Onion allegations anymore.
So sad that this has once again been swept under the rug and his foot wife going into hiding until it was safe to come back out and rebrand was a smart move
No. 777160
>>777152I'm pretty surprised the proof of Lainey sending nudes to underaged Sarah was brushed past so quickly.
People should be hounding him with that daily, but no one is talking about it.
No. 777180
>>777170I think foot's family was visiting for Thanksgiving. They probably have caught wind of what's going on
with the onions but are powerless to intervene
No. 777207
File: 1590545577911.jpeg (Spoiler Image,462.64 KB, 3350x1876, 16D615A6-0F3C-4039-A00E-202409…)

There’s a poll on his OF of what to do next and the one winning is for him to use a dildo kek. Definitely doing this for the old notaste faggots
No. 777210
File: 1590545668537.jpeg (Spoiler Image,172.57 KB, 1242x586, F6A0B5D1-7A54-475D-9886-D0BDCC…)

>>777207Can’t wait for grease to emasculate himself further for the pitiful amount he makes on OF
No. 777216
>>777210All those polls hes done in the past and this one bites him in the ass.
I hope its a horse or dragon one that hes forced to use.
No. 777219
File: 1590546671689.png (93.28 KB, 463x352, dildo wins.PNG)

>>777218I thought the same thing. Look at how vague his poll is. We all know how he loves to work around with the rules or words used.
>I still make videos on Eugenia because stop doesn't mean to not do something forever!Lainey thought she was smart by saying (in Gregs words) "no junk to junk or junk to mouth" and all he did was wrap his tiny hand around his cock and rub it against Sarahs vag and then went straight to anal because Lainey forgot to mention that ass fucking was also a no-no.
I say the most sexual he'll get with the dildo is sucking on it while blocking out the his upper face. He will definitely say
>I didnt say anything about anal with the dildo. No. 777223
>>777210Why is he acting so shocked? People are paying for adult content so they want to see him do hardcore stuff. And the haters are watching to see how quickly he'll sink into doing
(solo)gay for pay basically.
No. 777224
>>777220This poll has been running for a while. Maybe thats why? He asked what the next photo shoot should be after hes gotten the likes he wants and shows his baby carrot. So who knows when the likes will be reached. It could be weeks.
I like that this poll shows they dont really care about his body. I still stand by my previous statement that a good chunk of his subscribers are trolls. They dont want to see his butt, they dont want a sensual striptease they want to see him degrade himself by shoving a dildo in his ass or laughing at a middle aged man jerking off in his dimly lit garage-office.
No. 777234
File: 1590551161787.jpg (282.55 KB, 1214x1110, Annotation 2020-05-26 204534.j…)

He's taking photos outside now. I wonder when we'll see a police report about Greg being caught outside doing his onlyfans shoots
No. 777241
>>777240Yeah, it seems so.
Although I can see him coming back to YT with a "I was a pornstar - my experience" video.
How else is he suppose to get pussy now that Lainey has no socials left.
No. 777249
>>777188Didn’t she came back and bitched in a video about how her friends were misgendering her and calling her by hear deadname?
Selena doesn’t follow her on instagram anymore
No. 777288
File: 1590584482740.png (202.75 KB, 1536x1790, Onision f'd Selena.png)

>>777287it was on a video where Selena was the main actor as the "teen"
No. 777311
>>777258She was hanging out with Selena and a black girl when she came to NM back in 2018-19 ish
Currently I’m struggling with finding the video
No. 777334
>>777330I really don't know whats worse tbh though, seeing all these faggot poses, or the horrible potential of him holding a belt or 'trying' to come off as a dom.
His 'dom' tweets were so cringy and photos would be actual cancer.
It's kind of funny he's forced to act like the manlet fag he is to make a couple of shekels.
No. 777338
>>777219I do not understand why he’s running polls like these rather than ones where it’s like “have a threesome” or “nsfw cosplay with
insert some anime girl character” etc.
We know he only likes to do things for his own benefit and has proven he can find the laziest ~loopholes~ and Lainey will excuse him when he cheats on her.
So why is he trying to humiliate himself rather than pull new girls? I doubt it’s because he’s already secured a new secret girlfriend/third.
>>777285Lmao true.
No. 777342
>>777339You don’t think people would be interested if he brought in new girls to feature?
I’m only pointing out it’s weird that he isn’t trying to exploit the situation because normally that’s been his go to.
No. 777346
>>777342NTA, but of course people would be interested in that.
I can already see the "Lainey, it's NOT cheating, it's work" lmao.
No. 777347
>>777342You are right, it IS weird, but in this case, he's desperate and doesn't really have a choice.
He used to make those answers like that to boost his esteem. He knows people aren't going to vote on his little retarded polls on this platform.
Either that or he's actually enjoying doing this.
No. 777353
>>777288I always wondered if he tried anything with Selena.
While she's not exactly his type ( but neither was Sarah and look where that went, he's a serial cheater after all ), she was way prettier than Lainey.
No. 777356
>>777355This. He will try to fucking woman that comes into his vicinity.
Regardless of type.
She just needs a vagina.
The only exception to this rule is Blasian and Dev. Even then if he had nothing left, he'd still try.
I mean he wanted to fuck his aunt Kelly and she was a fat middle aged woman. He doesn't see women as actual people. I have no doubts he at least tried to flirt with Selena or mentioned it to Lainey.
No. 777394
File: 1590629267599.png (6.49 MB, 1656x1872, lmao.png)

>>777234Apparently on the day of the swamp photoset he shrunk 5 sizes. Must be something in the water..
(pic courtesy of KF)
No. 777399
>>777392I mean, I guess it's not impossible, but I sure hope there's some sort of proof it happened.
>>777396His poor neighbours, seriously.
No. 777403
File: 1590634763752.png (1.02 MB, 1035x661, lfdga4.PNG)

>>777311This video? Its boring as fuck of course. The part that sticks out to me is their having a good time trying to catch up on old times and Lainey keeps bringing up how the that other girl used to beat her up in high school. Laineybot always the
No. 777406
>>777404I agree that proof like DM's or some type of messages between her and Onision would be perfect. But this isnt a perfect world. The anon who said that it might of been some misguided attempt by Greg to have his members prove they're adults sounds plausible. The way his mind works always astonishes me. Gregs way of thinking could be that a minor wouldnt take nude photos of themselves and send them because they would get in trouble for producing CP, so if they dont send nudes they arent an adult and you ban them. Im not defending Onision Im just trying to play out how he thinks things through in his twisted way.
If I'm given a choice to believe Onision or this girl Kell, I believe her.
No. 777408
File: 1590636131318.png (556.13 KB, 647x502, Capture54566.PNG)

>>777400His statement was
>I dont want to be famous anymoreI guess that encompassed all websites, the whole internet.
Im still puzzled when he posts old photos on Twitter, IG etc, where his face is visible. If you really dont want people to know or remember what you look like you scrub all proof of your face from the net. I still think something happened to his face that caused this "no face" thing. There is something behind these sunglasses and helmet Onision is afraid to show.
No. 777409
>>777404No, she didn't show any proof.
She mentioned something about going back to his forums/being a paying member after all of this a few years later. She said he didn't remember her and that he was mean ( ? I wasn't really listening ).
This part I believe, the rest not all that much.
No. 777411
>>777410Lol, anon. The main details are already listed here
>>777386I simply added something more to it, while also answering anon's question if there was any proof shown.
The full interview's available on Hansen's channel if they want to listen to it.
No. 777435
>>777413Yeah I have a really hard time believing he’d ask for nudes where other people could see him doing it or where someone could screen shot it.
He’s stupidly paranoid about this kind of thing and we’ve never heard of any instance of him asking for nudes from any of his
victims that have come out, ever. He always waits until they’re are in person to be a super creeper.
No. 777468
File: 1590665553321.jpg (135.57 KB, 1280x720, lies.jpg)

A new stream of Hansen because his views plummeted and he had to talk about Greg again. A former Greg moderator is talking and she's either trolling or just doing this for the attention.
She is claiming that whenever underage people would go on Greg's discord he'd act funny and then demand nudes from them, or they would get banned. Then Greg apparently blackmailed her over shit Dahvie Vanity did to her. Oh and yeah according to her Dahvie fucked her for money, or something. She's from Belgium but was in Cleveland with her mother to a BOTF concert. Thats just awesome, and then she woke up I guess.
This story is absolute horse shit. I know Greg is scum, but come on now.
No. 777475
>>777413I agree, it kind of goes against his modus operandi - he pulls you into his web, and then isolates you, so he's in a position of control. Only then, does he expose himself in any way, he has to feel comfortable first though. He's never asked for nudes like that before that we know of. If he were the type, we'd know by now I think..
He's the type where it's all about power and control..
No. 777477
>>777406Right, even if it's hard to imagine Greg straight up demanding illegal CP, it's really not hard to imagine Greg encouraging sexual conversations and photos in his little private community and banning anyone who doesn't comply because they might be minors. The users of the chat who talk with each other, especially the cliques that were fairly indifferent towards Greg, would know who was really under 18 better than he would.
Narcissists who think they're untouchable get sloppy and slip up all the time. he could have just been really deprived of sukmi from Lainey that week and decided to trawl his fan communities for young blood that craved his approval. We know he didn't give a single shit about pedophiles actively soliciting nudes on his forums from former forum mods. The problem is having an isolated online community with inappropriate content when you have a young fan base and are too lazy to commit to moderation, with Greg that's always been the problem. He gets narcissistic supply from the vulnerable people his content brings him because he can't help but try to mentally dominate and humiliate everyone in his orbit constantly. He also hates being told he's wrong, so of course if Kell tried to tell him he was doing something stupid he'd use her sexual assault to bully her into silence. He collects people's traumas to control them. Kell's first language clearly isn't English, so further clarification on what she saw would be great.
No. 777483
File: 1590676502912.png (Spoiler Image,191.13 KB, 399x429, dam sun.png)

Grugly having a micro-penis should've been common knowledge ages ago
Screenshot is from 2011 vidcon i believe, just a paused frame on the footage. Would've had a hard time lying about it
meanwhile Onision's likely injecting his dick with silicone & taking penis pills attempting to pave the way for a big reveal, as if it's not been glaringly obvious from the get go that he has a tiny cock & has been trying to compensate for it all this time.
No. 777485
>>775822can confirm he's putting foundation / make-up on his ass pimples.
see how the skin hits the light differently in that area? it's reflective and muddy, clear indication of concealer.
No. 777517
File: 1590694547678.png (60.98 KB, 689x469, Amy is a liar.png)

>>777468Saw this comment and screenshot it before Hansen's mods deleted it. Yes, this bitch is full of shit. Someone in the comment section found her Instagram too, and she's following Dahvie Vanity's page even though he supposedly assaulted her and harassed her and her mom. Hansen's mods deleted a lot of comments calling her out, I saw them earlier and now they're all gone
No. 777522
File: 1590697674322.jpg (80.55 KB, 906x846, voodoo.JPG)

>>777517I cant find any info on how old she is now, but I did find her facebook that claims she was 16 in 2011.
Not that it matters to her story. She mentioned the whole nudes things so casually and had no real details so I am not placing a lot of faith in that claim right now.
Someone on twitter claims she sent "proof" to the FBI but once again, I am skeptical.
No. 777562
>>777151I check back every so often to see how that fabled "fbi" investigation turned out.
I don't look at any of the (thankfully) spoilered nude Onion pics, the descriptions are more than enough. I could never fathom being so
bored that you have to scrutinize in agonizing detail a pasty, flabby middle aged man's sad, small, undeveloped cock and balls, or any other part of his gross body for that matter.
>>777517>Chris you're the bestHansel's openly one of the biggest grifter/parasites on yt but the gullible, naive little stans will keep kissing his ass. As with Onion's paypigs, dupes gonna dupe (Regina).
No. 777574
>>777562I'm proud of you that you didn't use the trite phrase that is usually found in these types of posts
>now I don't have a hate boner for Hansen, butbaby steps my friend, baby steps
No. 777582
>>777574Dunno what types of posts you're referring to but when I see grifting, scamming or predation I tend to point it out - most people with eyes and a brain tend to do the same
>>771127. I see it, I comment on it, it's not that deep anon.
When you get down to it, Hansen and Onision are just two peas in a pathetic clownshow pod who've actually helped keep each other semi-relevant
>>770885. Maybe they'll even do a collab one day! Wouldn't put it past them, being who they are lol.
No. 777584
>>777582>when I see grifting, scamming or predation I tend to point it outThank you anon. We can all sleep better knowing you're on the watch.
All that verbose and you didn't slip and add
>Im not an Onision fan, butstill proud of you anon
No. 777590
>>777582why do people keep acting like Hansen is as bad/worse than Greg?
Chris may be a greedy opportunist, but Greg is all that PLUS a spousal abusing, teenager fucking, racist misogynist.
Personally I think spending time campaigning against Hansen is a waste of time when people like Greg are around.
No. 777593
>>777590We can all agree Hansen is a joke but the Onision stans found a way to try and discredit all allegations against Greg with the horrible shit show Hansen turned it into without it blatantly looking like they're defending Onision.
If you remember, when all the allegations from Sarah and the others first came out the stans tried attacking the
victims. It didnt turn out they way they wanted and backfired. But attacking Hansen is a sly attempt to say that all allegations and people who question Greg are "clout chasers" or "liars."
Its a dog whistle-
>Hansen is a liar and fraud so the people who have been on his show like Sarah and the other ladies must have aligned with Chris meaning they're also liars and frauds. No. 777595
>>777477Implying that people haven't concern trolled or trolled onion before. If it was true it would have been documented in the patreon snow thread or at least have witnesses.
>>777413>>777415 A bad troll at that.
>Hansen is a liar and fraud so the people who have been on his show like Sarah and the other ladies must have aligned with Chris meaning they're also liars and frauds.Shiloh literally used her clout to get an anti-o to make her a gofundme, which she pocketed. The girls all know about this but won't admit it, including Sarah. There were also countless grifters and attentionwhores on the show like poopbeck.
I hope these threads die, the only milk left is onion's nudes? Really?
No. 777604
>>777595>The only milk left is onion's nudesI blame quarantine on bored anons theorizing about the size of onion's pecker.
Onion's internet fame would've died if hansen hadn't brought the circus to town. Right now, we just need to be patient and wait for onion to make a big enough fool of himself to end his own "career" for good.
No. 777612
>>777595All the Onion threads that document his predatory behaviour online should be deleted because his craziest ex Shiloh made a GFM and absolute idiots donated to it?
Fuck man, you're talking a lot of sense.
No. 777669
>>777593>attacking Hansen is a sly attempt to say that all allegations and people who question Greg are "clout chasers" or "liars." Why wouldn't Hansen's lies and loss of credibility hurt the girls, especially if they keep choosing to associate with him, which a few of them do? In Shiloh's case
>>777595 she didn't even need Hansen to hurt her credibility. She wasn't mature enough to deal with the spotlight and everything ended up backfiring on her.
This isn't a situation where you're either with Hansen or with Onision, a tired argument I've seen too much of. The majority of people I've seen criticize Hansen also dislike/are not fans of Onision (there's no arguing they're both trash human beings).
No. 777685
>>770670>>777675Maybe Regina sees him as a hope and savior, and has gained some sort of attachment to him, and is thankful he brought more awareness to how Greg and Taylor abuse people.
From my understanding they talk a lot?
But also, I wouldn't be surprised if she is getting monetary gain for helping him with modding and whatnot.
I'm curious about her motive, too.
No. 777693
File: 1590804474380.png (51.31 KB, 748x352, onision sierra tumblr.png)

>>776573Sierra is inching closer to being the next it girl. I remember someone saying they couldn't understand why she was now a moderator because years ago she was an Onision hater and made tumblr posts about him so this lines up. Is Greg giving her a pass for being one of the deplorable Anti'Os because he has bigger and better plans for her? He made this very public by bringing it up in discord. Maybe to make the other girls jealous that shes allowed to be a reformed hater.
No. 777694
File: 1590805033725.png (149.91 KB, 708x1066, tamara retarded friend.png)

>>777693In other discord news.
Greg made one too many jokes at Tamara's expense and she has left in a huff again. All her messages in discord have been deleted. Im not sure if she did it herself, Onision deleted them, or its a feature when you delete yourself from the server.
Is this the straw that breaks the camel's back? Will she spite Greg and show up in a split screen next to Hansen this Wednesday?
No. 777717
>>777694She probably just ran a script deleting most of her messages in the server before leaving. It's not a standard feature of Discord.
Same thing from his side, at most he can delete their messages from the last 7 days if he bans/kicks someone. If he would want to delete more and not want to do it manually, he would need to use a script or bot.
No. 777732
File: 1590848761517.png (154.63 KB, 434x473, guiltyman.png)

>>777615concealer gets pretty obvious on sight if you've ever spent much time around females.
No. 777776
>>777675All true.
>>777685I kept thinking that as a kid, she was deceived and preyed on by Lainey - no denying that - and now she's just repeating this pattern with another opportunist/deceiver pretending to care. Same with Shiloh, repeating patterns. Shiloh even admitted in her last interview with CH to being naive. Some people have a hard time seeing something or someone for what it really is, to their detriment in the long run. That, or they see the deception and duplicity but choose to look the other way.
No. 777787
>>777782I find it odd every time someone campaigns for this. This thread isn't shoved in your face each time you look at your phone or turn on your computer. If you don't think Onision is relevant or the current milk is sour then don't come to the Onision thread. By my count you have over a dozen other lolcows to choose from on here.
>hey guys we should stop talking about Onision and not even make a new thread Sounds suspicious to me. It reminds me of the many times hes said that if hes so irrelevant then people should stop making videos about him so he can lay low, let the storm pass and then return to start right back up where he left off.
No. 777790
>>777787If you wanna keep talking about enrapturing topics like whether or not he put concealer on his ass then go ahead. I'm just saying that he has been boring as fuck lately and there isn't really any point in having this thread on the front page all the time.
And come on, we all know that he thrives off attention. As soon as people stop giving a shit (and more importantly, money) about his nudes he would inevitably sperg out and do funnier shit.
No. 777795
>>777789>>777790I hope you don't take my earlier post as being aggressive or argumentative. Im just saying that if you don't like the current state of the Onision thread and think the milk is sour then don't click on it. There's not gun to your head to come here and post. Trying to keep people from talking about Onison is a losing battle. Once this thread locks up Im sure a new one will be made within a week if not a couple days and it will have the most traffic of all the threads. If we go a full month without an Onision thread Ill Venmo you a grand.
Here's some alternative cows that may be more entertaining and not cause you so much anguish.
>>>/pt/761425>>>/pt/774466>>>/pt/771859 No. 777797
File: 1590895339284.png (164.91 KB, 764x690, 5302020.PNG)

No. 777800
File: 1590897760432.png (2.35 MB, 1536x2048, 4452DDA0-2584-453F-AD46-E7E602…)

>>777694Not sure if she is actually going back this time, I think she’s weighing her options & trying to decide. Was catching up on the boring Hansen stream and saw Tamara defending herself in the comments. Also Chris mentioned In the stream that Tamara had been reached out to but no reply as yet (this was after talking about how greg basically gets to charge you money for being an absolute
abusive bellend towards you.
No. 777803
File: 1590898029080.webm (2.64 MB, 320x180, DaPooPooOrDaPeePee.webm)
Onision and Blasians jokes = comedy gold
No. 777823
>>777803What I really don't get about this whole situation is that there is one person that leaks content from Greg's discord, his prime twitter AND his OF, meaning it's someone very close to him, yet he can't find out who it is?
I've never heard or read any complaints by him that his content is leaked anywhere, even though I'm sure that he knows it's out there since he can't stop gooling himself.
I'm sorry for the tinfoil but I can't get over the feeling that Greg somehow wants his shit to leak (sorry for the shitty pun).
No. 777825
>>777795I don’t even get why people complain lmao I find this milk to be kinda funny, onision always dries up a bit around summer but I feel this only fans saga is still entertaining. Mr super dom top daddy laying “sensually” on his nasty carpet is so bizarre that it’s funny. He finally has managed to make me laugh. Onision, after all the abuse he has put other people through might not suffer any legal consequences but internet is forever and the one thing better than him fading into irrelevancy as a failed YouTuber is him fading into irrelevancy as a cheap ugly online prostitute. At least the girls can say “yeah I was young, didn’t have much work experience and was in school and needed extra cash” while this grown gobbling with kids did it because he didn’t want to find a job… plus Lainey getting this fate after being a bitch to people who worried about her is
chef’s kiss if this is the end of onision‘s thread at least he goes out even more pathetic than when he came in.
No. 777827
>>777823He has no private Twitter anymore. Both his Onision and OnisionPrime are public. The only recent change is that he found the option to only allow people to comment on his OnisionPrime account if he also follows them. That insures that its only his fans patting his head and stroking his ego. Leaking photos from his OnlyFans is not that hard. The majority of the OnlyFans content we see here is shared from one particular user from KFarms. The discord leaks are from that slug guy. Im not sure how hes not getting caught each time he joins but hes getting in and recording their chats again and again. So I wouldnt say its one person leaking everything.
I do agree with you that Greg probably wants it leaked. Look at how many times hes accidentally let things slip or left out easter eggs for people to find. The fake name hanging across the wall that people theorized was his daughters name. Turned out not to be but you know he did that just to fuck with the "haterz" The hospital wristband he "accidentally" left on during a video that said parent on it. People tried to figure that one out and Im pretty sure the reason was when C was in the hospital. Theres more instances of him doing this but I cant think of them now. But you're right, he wants people talking about him so having leaks come out is probably something he enjoys.
No. 777828
File: 1590929393243.jpg (Spoiler Image,51.58 KB, 680x680, EZNSiCUWoAUKSTq.jpg)

>>776772>She's also not white, so i dunno if greg will go for thatI think Greg can look past the light brown skin if shes putting out thirst photos like this on Twitter. She does have that Jessica maakenshixx five-head thing going on, but Greg tried to get Jessica and Lainey to fuck so a big forehead shouldnt be that much of a deterrent. Also, imagine the endless bragging he'd do if he brought a person of color into their trinity. We wouldnt hear the end of it.
No. 777830
>>777828>>Also, imagine the endless bragging he'd do if he brought a person of color into their trinity. Ah ffs, that would be so irritating after his videos pretending to be an expert on black people's hair and dropping the n-word in older videos.
I recall in their 23andme video he made some remark about wishing Kry was more mexican, dude has been fiending to get with a non-white girl for bragging material
No. 777832
>>777828>a big forehead shouldnt be that much of a deterrentThey only need a pussy and not be Tamara and he's good to go.
I do wonder how Lainey would feel about another trinity. He's definitely going to try to go that route again. There's just no way he's not going to cheat again. He's going to find another one of his oh so very clever loopholes.
She threatens divorce, but she doesn't
actually leave. Miserable existence.
No. 777854
File: 1590946009440.png (2.72 MB, 1412x1864, face pic.png)

>>777850and here a new picture that shows his face.
No. 777873
>>770670>>777850That last photo just seems disproportionate?? like weird angles? And why does he still seem like he's pulling it forward and strangling it.
Also lol@one finger wrapped around it at the base.
No. 777879
>>777873Yeah especially the first one makes it look like he‘s really having issues with staying or getting hard.
But fucking kek. That’s pathetic, even for him.
No. 778038
File: 1590999774351.webm (12.76 MB, 320x180, Blasian Banned.webm)
Reasons Greg gave for banning Blasian-
She is an Anti-O sympathizer
Partaking in leaked Onision nudes
Said Onisions dick is ugly
"Literally" sexually harassed Onision
Engaging in the piracy of his nude photos
Used Onision to get a free computer
Was only a Patron of Onisions to try and fuck Lainey
I cant believe that Greg is saying she sexually harassed him and Lainey throughout their "friendship." If Blasian comes crawling back like Tamara my mind will be blown. Grow a backbone Blasian.
If you listen closely you can hear Mcflys voice quivering when she asks "are you gonna ban me now?" How sad can their lives be that losing a one sided friendship with a washed up YouTube star will cause their world to collapse.
No. 778169
>>778100i'm grateful but are transcription anons willing to give a rundown? listening to him makes me want to rage.
what is he even doing with the not-22-year-old angel? already with the lame ass flirting.
No. 778213
>>778169There’s a pretty good summary with time stamps in the description.
It’s new but also the same where he makes bad jokes and gets his feelings hurt when people down fall over themselves praising him. He is also still paranoid that his haters are in his group so he bans another longtime supporter. No different than Becca or any of the others. If he doesn’t want to sleep with them he will eventually kick them out.