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/pt/ - lolcow general


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No. 217025[Reply]

Scottish lolita
known her her bitter attitude
enjoys a good bitching session
known for backstabbing her friends when they ask her help.
has pisse dalot of people in the scottish cosplay group off from what i hear.

feel free to move to snow

deets plz
2 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 217033

No. 217035


If you're going to shamelessly samefag at least format your posts differently.

No. 217041

Nice selfpost. Not gonna work here.

No. 217042

>known to be bitchy
>enjoys a good bitching session
>known for backstabbing friends
Ahh, and don't we all like those things. This is cow, kiddo. We're all like that and no one cares about your extremely average lolita/selfpost.

No. 217052

Moved to >>>/snow/74853.

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No. 216964[Reply]

Ewwww!!!! she's fat

No. 216965

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shes needs to eat less lol

No. 216966

Put this in the containment thread >>>/snow/74624. For now, banned.

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No. 216832[Reply]

Amber McCleary is a cosplayer from Scotland who manipulates others around her into constantly feeling sorry for her. Her most recent exploits range from taking photos of her sleeping friends’ feet to use for fetish purposes to crying suicide after being posted on r/fatpeoplehate.

When called out by the girl she took photos of, Amber did not apologize to her and immediately blocked her and took to victim blaming, saying she could not control her fetishes and that her friend should forgive her, despite the photos being posted online on numerous fetish websites. Amber explained how she was now feeling suicidal because the friend called her out publicly and ‘ruined’ her reputation. During the most recent Glasgow MCM, the victim was working a stall where Amber approached her and tried to instigate a fight.

Amber is a close friend of the lolcow favorite ‘Sindy Pop’. Gossip, photos etc welcome.

No. 216833

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I remember this girl but can't find her on facebook. Did she delete her account?

No. 216834

Moved to >>>/snow/74667.

No. 215349[Reply]

a long while ago someone mentioned the cosplayer Kyatto in a thread and about how she's a wannabe model with mediocre cosplay, desperate to be yaya, and whatever else

she seemed to have mostly disappeared off social media for a while. FB page nearly dead same for her Twitter and Tumblr. She mentioned before disappearing that she had other priorities and I figured that meant she realized what a waste of bandwith her shit was and got a real life

then I stumbled upon her randomly when a story broke recently about Lamar Odom and the hookers he was with when he OD'd were back to work and found her on the website for the brothel, just using a different name http://www.loveranch.net/love-ranch-vegas-lovers.html

guess her priorities are hooking because she can't make is as a "model"

will say i'm surprised to see her listed as a "Featured" lover. she must've made them some money somehow

No. 215415


Her profile, in case anyone was interested.

No. 215482

Eh after poking around the site and their forums I don't see much lolcow here anymore. It's legal and she seems to take it seriously. The site uses old pics but the ones she's been posting on accounts under this persona she looks pretty good. Her being a top earner wouldn't be a far stretch. She's not begging for money or other bullshit she used to aside from posting wish lists but that seems to be something all the workers do. And her lists are reasonable compared to what others post. Lots of people in that business have kids so I can't judge her on that either as it's pretty obvious she's not doing drugs or any of that like it seems some of her coworkers do. Unless she was buying followers for her new accounts or shit like she did previously I can't find reason to call lolcow. It's a job. She's keeping a low profile but apparently making money. Good on her.

No. 216827

seconding the lack of lolcow. many more girls who work where she does qualify way more than her anymore. and the biggest would probably have to be the boss Mr. Hof himself if his media presence is anything to go by. now HE'S one hell of an attentionwhore. if she's making money doing this and not begging her "fans" on her fb page or tumblr and is taking care of her life i'll call that an improvement. perhaps some of the other wannabe-model attentionwhores of legal age should take her cue

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No. 156624[Reply]

328 posts and 66 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 192888

I have never seen anyone out in the open wearing a crop top and I live on the west coast where the weather would allow for it. It's always online, and usually by the fatties.

No. 192890

I live in the SF bay area and I see tons of people wearing crop tops. Then again, it is near San Francisco….

No. 193106

I live in NYC. You see plenty of thin/fit women in croptops. Some are tourists, but most are teens/young 20 somethings that live in the city too.

No. 200105

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# no body shaming but you post a severely edited photo? That blurry arm though.

No. 215962

In the last townhall, we decided to merge the HAES and "fatty general" threads and move it to /b/. I'm now locking this thread: please use >>>/b/52638 instead.

Also, I do understand that there is a difference between HAES and general discussion of fat people. But since both threads often end up discussing the same topics anyway, it makes sense to merge them.

Rule of thumb: if a general thread is about a large group, subculture, community, or website (like a thread for all of Tumblr), with many different people mentioned, it should go in /b/. If a thread primarily focusses on a small number of specific people, it should probably go in /snow/.

General threads like those frequently lead to lots of discussion and debate around broad issues; often sociological and political ones. They tend to derail easily and not focus so much on specific people. The key theme of /pt/ and /snow/ is that threads should be about specific people.

Please read >>>/meta/1909 for more details. The continuation of this thread is at >>>/b/52638.

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No. 215272[Reply]

I wanted to make a thread to discuss annoying recovery warriozz, wannarexics, and attention whores on tumblr (there's already an insta thread)

lord–swoledemort on tumblr is the most annoying pretentious fuck ever and she doesn't hide being a attention whore. She claims to be anorexic, which is up to debate since she has posted her stats and its clearly bullshit, I mean she claims to be severely underweight and she clearly isn't… She claimed to be bulimic but then claimed to be anorexic b/p type most likely to gain popularity like her tumblr pro ana friends. she claims to be recovering now but just posts all her disordered thoughts and shit for attention. Fish through her blog for all the bullshit. Here's some shit from tonight.
http://lord--swoledemort.tumblr.com/post/135416424395/i-saw-a-60-year-old-guy-at-the-gym-today-who-kept#notes [low key admits to exercising while in recovery for anorexia LOL WUT]
http://lord--swoledemort.tumblr.com/post/135416787115/as-a-recovery-blogger-why-do-you-feel-the-need-to#notes [fake ass response when questioned about it because she has no treatment team and a therapist is not a doctor]
http://lord--swoledemort.tumblr.com/post/135417266210/a-therapist-isnt-a-doctor#notes [her butthurt when called out]

thoughts? I think she's more annoying than alyrealrecover

No. 215280

Moved to >>>/snow/73482.

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No. 215260[Reply]

I wasn't even tripping, I was namefagging with 2 letters.

So ChineseGossip General: Suicide and ugly bitches edition

Can someone please send a shout-out for me in the gull general to get some traffic over here. I hate posting with no replies or interaction. Makes me feel like I'm talking to a wall.

The Baby teaparty dragged a lot of internet kawaii-chans into the open. Like Kiyohari. Everyone on lorp is saying she ain't to shit without shoop.
1 post and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 215262

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Next is a popular and famous photog, she used to be just shooting cosplayers but recently started doing jfash. Has 25k fans on weibo, very famous. This is how she looks under her own lens.

No. 215263

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And like this

No. 215264

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This is her from the teaparty candid selfie. Dat nose. weibo is 红少爷 if you're interested in seeing.

No. 215265

don't tripfag

No. 215266

Moved to >>>/b/52264.

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No. 212124[Reply]

Old one reached limit

Old thread: >>203794
416 posts and 72 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 215213

nigga you just linked from infowars lmfao calm down there alex jones

No. 215226

Trans activists can be extremely homophobic and I wonder if they even realize this. It is insane how much mental gymnastics they'll do just to say "you lesbians better suck my dick!" and taking the terms butch, femme, dyke, etc. from lesbians as well.

Some people have been advocating to drop the T from LGB but thats a shitstorm waiting to happen.

No. 215236

They honestly need to. It bothers me that gay marriage was just legalized in the states, but they seem to be moving water to further trans progression.

No. 215238

After a discussion in last night's townhall, it was decided that general-topic threads of this nature should typically go in /b/. Exceptions are general threads that focus on a relatively small number of specific people, in which case they should go in /snow/.

No. 215239

Moved to >>>/b/51838.

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No. 214683[Reply]

I've been hearing a number of stories about this guy, many of them very similar to one another. He's a creep who doesn't understand boundaries and hits on women in a uncomfortable fashion. As well if you are friends with him or are on his Facebook friends list and you unfriend him, he flips out publicly attacks you and tries to destroy your reputation. I probably know 5 people who he's had a problem with this year by name, i'm aware that he's been banned from Derpycon and two other cons.

Anyone have any more info? I've heard shit about him dating back to 2002, so he does have a long history.

No. 214687


No. 214689

That's not how this works.

YOU provide US with what "shit you have heard about him dating back to 2002."

But if you have no evidence or caps, we're not interested.

No. 214692

Moved to >>>/snow/72794.

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No. 214598[Reply]

Last thread reached it's limit, here are all of the previous ones:

And here's the latest:

>Ember slipped up and proved she was lying about being barely able to wear size US 0 jeans by posting images of herself, wearing a very tight US size 2-8 O/S dress >>70202 >>70189 >>70225 >>70243

>Got caught running another pro-ana Twitter account where she used herself a #thinspo (again) >>71484

>Still scamming online shops out of free merchandise under the false pretense that she actually has over 12k followers on Instagram (girl can't even break 200 notes in 3 hours and none of her other social media accounts have over 1k followers)

>She is now accusing her ex boyfriend/fiance of 2-3 years of being physically abusive, which is why she dumped him (when in reality, he kicked her out of his house after seeing the sexual videos she was posting online while he was working/sleeping) >>72301 >>72312 >>72329

Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

No. 214602

you fucked up, those thread links aren't about Ember.

No. 214603

Didn't mean to post this here. I fucked up royally but no worries, I reported the thread and requested to have to moved.

Sorry for the disturbance, /pt/.

No. 214647

Moved to >>>/snow/72728.

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