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No. 78070

Kirono is a Tumblr user who might as well be called a pedophile. She's a twenty three year old woman who writes about children or quote and quote 'shotas' being molested by their fathers. We need to learn more about her to make a valid tip in order to ensure that she hasn't or she will not go out in order to supply her fantasies. If I know a forum that would help me with this, it would be lolcow. So, I'm here, in search of help.

http://kirono.tumblr.com (Tumblr 1)

http://ehpolarbear.tumblr.com (Personal Tumblr)

(She also has a Twitter or an Instagram, or at least she claims to.)

Age: 23
Gender: Female
Country: Canada
Location: Calgary, Alberta


Be sure to check the tags #shota stuff. Shadzu.tumblr.com and quintessentila.tumblr.com are supporters of her. Also, do you guys notice how she (Kirono) hides her face in every picture?

No. 78071

Why do bitches like this have to shit up my city.

No. 78072

OP, please go back to Tumblr and write a call-out post. I promise there are people on that site who will help you doxx her.
As it stands now, you're literally posting a personal army attempt because someone being into shotacon/incest porn creeps you out. It definitely is pretty creepy, but fucked up fetishes are a major part of the internet, sooo.
If she's not Stefonknee or Nick Bates level of sus, you're barking up the wrong tree tbh.

No. 78073

Agree. Poke the cow for milk, but as it stands now, there is nothing significant to report.
And ewww, homo shota is a no-no for me.

No. 78074


calgary seems like a shithole already ahaha. it seems all the worst canadians are from there or Vancouver.

No. 78075

It's because they're two of the most populated areas in Canada. Still think I've seen the worst from Toronto, personally.

That said, there's really nothing OP has presented that says this isn't basically some Boku no Pico fan.

No. 78076

oh god she's from my city

No. 78077

Why hasn't this thread been moved already, it doesn't belong in pt

No. 78078

OP, fyi when the number exceeds 10 you don't write out the entire word.
>She's a 23 year old woman
got it?

No. 78140

lolcow style guide?

No. 85429

Say it louder for the people in the back!

No. 85463

>twenty three
>quote and quote

I love it when people try to sound smart but achieve the opposite.

Anyway, how this is not a vendetta? Even if she is a pedo, that's not illegal. It's disgusting but you have no reason to think she has real CP.

No. 85492

This thread is stupid, I don't know Kirono but with a quick google search she draws a lot of furry shit, you could write a whole article on the furry drama alone but here you are trying to make us do the work.

Not your personal army, gtfo op.

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