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No. 45228
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Chanel is an entertaining trainwreck.
No. 45274
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I'd say Damien/jessi slaughter (even if she is retired from drama): she has a passion for the book Lolita.
No. 45306
>>45239>not posting her masterpiece>>45274Any more deets? She seems like a typical edgy and really bad tumblr "poet".
No. 45341
>>45306I meant all Lolita are lolcows but I'll stop pulling your leg and post some of my favorites.
But seriously, the Lolita community is almost as bad as the muffin/plague rat fan base.
No. 45375
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>>45306Thanks Anon. It's Ed Wood tier gold.
Is this her petticoat peeking up at her waist because her skirt doesn't fit right?
No. 45408
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Victoria Suzanne was one of my favourite lolcows when she was more relevant in the community… Does anyone know of any recent drama involving her?
No. 45440
>>45342As far as I and other anons could tell from her fb. The girl is definitely unhinged.
She's also been spamming a mentor group with pretty stupid questions.
No. 45880
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>>45408I caused SO MUCH drama about her back in the day. I made a confession about how I couldn't stand how she always mentioned her PINKHAIRPINKHAIR all the time because literally every lolita has had it at some point. For a while it blew up on /cgl/ and there were lots of threads about her. Good times.
So glad I still haven this pic years later
No. 45925
>>45880Holy crap, that pic!
>>45854Ah, that's too bad.
Was she involved with the incident where the NY lolitas made Cadney cry or something?
No. 46126
>>45408She still does lolita but from what I've seen her post, the NYC comm got too big to have any decent meet ups and it fractured into a bunch of smaller groups. Most tea houses and restaurants in NYC can only accommodate small groups. She has her own small clique that she does stuff with and she's pretty involved with Rufflecon.
>>45925>>45930I think it was because people were fighting over who got to go to the meet to see Cadney since the venue could only hold 25.
No. 51821
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No. 52319
>>51524Its not fear of banning that makes me vague, I just dont want to be too obvious, as this isnt something told to a lot of people. I dont think Cadney actually knows the real situation, since she only got what she faced with that day and what happened to her friend. So unless the person who gave me the deets passed it along, I know more than her on it which is interesting.
If I remember correctly, Amber is the one who yelled at her on the phone accusing Cadney's friend of stealing Cadney from the people (there was some weird vibe about Cadney being public property here) and demanded that they do the meet up how Amber wanted it, which ended up being a weird private met at the Met. In the end Cadney's friend got the blame from Amber and I think Victoria too about the mess up with the meet, so they banned her from the comm.
The other side I got later is that the banning of the friend was planned, one of the girls that was with Cadney was texting amber's group about it so it was a set up. Sadly this was all told to me verbally so there is no caps.
No. 154292
LOL so update on Victoria Suzanne: Bitch needs a kidney. There's a FB page dedicated to her search called "Hello Kidney".
Seems like all her nasty behavior is finally taking a toll on her body.
>>52319Just wanted to confirm this. Heard the same story from multiple girls in the comm - both who her it secon hand and were actually there. It happened not long before I joined the comm so people were still a little shaken up about it. Since then Cadney will only come to NYC in secret basically, she'll only talk/post about it a few days after she's left.
No. 155619
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>>45180I used to follow Dominique/Nebula Rumour before she bawleeted because tumblr was ~causing her too much drama~
What a fucking psycho, I love her drama.
No. 155621
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>>155619some old screencaps (that aren't mine, just to prove how lolcow worthy she is)
No. 155625
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>>155624Her talking about a small brand that she was modeling for
No. 155627
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>>155625Last one, sorry for the flood. Apparently she got dumped so she went around and told people he abused her and would send his new girlfriend "kill yourself" messages and death threats. And then stuff like this too.
No. 155815
>>155707>>154325I don't really know a lot about her, but I remember a few years ago when tumblr was just staring to gain popularity, she took other people's pics without asking or crediting them to use on her blog. When she was called out on it, she just deleted all those comments and added "from tumblr" or something like that as 'credit'.
(kind of like kids on DeviantART who use other people's art of otherwise trademarked images and just put "(c) google images" in their description.)
No. 155817
>>155707I remember reading about her having a drinking problem too. And her pink hair. And having kidney trouble even back then. And also her pink hair. Did you know that she has pink hair? lol.
I also remember her like last year or something splitting her longterm bf and then a month later being really serious with another guy already. Like it took no time at all for her to move on, and I dunno I guess I find it a bit sketch when people can move on from serious relationships into other serious relationships that quickly. I just remember one of her blog posts being about how to handle a breakup and 2 posts later how she and a new guy were going allout for valentines day, and thought it was weird.
>>45920So she's a transboy in the tumblr sense of the word where she calls herself a boy but wears frilly dresses anyway? Cool.
You know who I really liked as a lollita lolcow? Frances. Does anyone remember Frances?
And since there was a thread about Ellejay, Heather was mentioned. Like I know Heather drama is old, as is a lot of stuff on this thread, but it was funny when it happened.
No. 157326
>>157293She's a loopy bitch.
Regards, someone she scammed.
No. 157348
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Stripper, has an ageplay fetish, shoops like crazy and still manages to look like pixy teri
Efame hungry as shit and really bad at organising meetups, very passive aggressive and I'm pretty sure she selfposts all the hate she gets on btb just to stay relevant.
When shes shut up and occupied with something, the swedish comm is great but when shes in action she just steals the show to talk about how ''tumblr famous'' she is, and how so many people bully her for her autisim… boo hoo
If i sound vendetta, honestly its just because im so sick of people treating her like a sweet baby when shes really a creep…
No. 157605
>>155707Delivering Victoria Suzanne Stella Alice Queen of Lolita the III dramu.
I was one of the first people who started posting her on /cgl/ because she was driving me crazy. This is gonna be a long post, with really old shit, so bear with me.
First off, she was just a nobody lolita. Typical stuff, posting her outfits to daily_lolita, lj blogging about her purchases, etc. She started a blog, which was decent, sharing her lolita outfits. This was all the way back in the time when Ashlee/faunkegin was the queen on lj, and she was making and selling the deco sweets jewelry. I guess Victoria bought something from her and threw a hissy fit that it wasn't immediately shipped out. She made a locked post on her lj about it and bitching about how just because Ashlee was e-famous she was treating her like shit and then accused her of "sending her cronies" after her.
I don't remember how this got resolved, but Ashlee sent her the jewelry and Victoria got over it so that she could befriend the e-famous lolita and get attention from her.
I don't remember if it was before or after this, but around the same time, Victoria and her friends attended a local meetup at a museum (?). Victoria claimed her and her friends were excluded, implying that the other girls were jealous of them. There was a group pic posted, with all the girls standing in the shade except for Victoria's crew, who were standing in the sun. They also accused the group of abandoning an underage girl and leaving her to wander around the city, but luckily our princess swept in and helped the girl find her ride home.
On getoffegl, some of the girls from the meet said that, actually, Victoria and her friends were the ones who were standoffish and unfriendly. They were trying to take silly, funny pics, but the princess crew decided that was below them and wouldn't do it. After the meet they tried to get the group to go to a bar (it's been discovered that Victoria has had a long history of drinking problems and a fake ID, she was underage at this time), but got mad when the rest of the group, including underage girls, refused.
This was when the "lolita lifestyle" was starting to split the online community, with girls who aggressively did "un-loli" things like drinking and smoking and taking suggestive photos, while the "lifestylers" acted like posh princesses and drank tea and tried to be as elegant as possible.
This is already getting long so I'll continue in the next post.
No. 157616
>>157605Victoria was starting to get traction in the lifestyle community because of her blog and youtube channel, both of which started spouting the same "LOLITAS R SUPPOSED TO BE LOVLIEZ" shit. She tried to be a trendsetter with different looks, except her outfits were really bad. She started photoshopping herself to look cuter and thinner.
Tumblr started to get popular with lolitas, so unsourced images were even more rampant than they are now. Victoria started snatching random photos from tumblr and used them on her blog. I was one of the people to tell her "hey, you need to source those", only to have my comment deleted. Like
>>155815 said, she then added "source: tumblr" below the images.
I think the culmination was when her and her annoying princess crew were starring in some bullshit "lolita documentary", which was obnoxious "LOLITA MAKES ME A PRINCESS" attention whoring, more about the girls than the fashion. They showed a trailer before a convention fashion show and iirc there were reports that people booed it. The documentary itself wasn't especially well-made, and the director tried to enter it in film festivals.
(The more I write, the more I remember, so I'm sorry if this is all out of order)
I think the main issue people had with her drinking was that she was also pushing the hardcore lifestyle business, saying that lolitas always need to be elegant and sweet and polite, yet she was getting so drunk all the time that she had liver failure and had to be in the hospital. This was all before she was even 21. In retrospect, the excessive drinking is actually very sad, and I hope she's getting help now. But trying to dictate what lolitas should be like while getting smashed was super frustrating for people to watch.
I have more so I'll make another post.
No. 157623
>>157616I think the last major thing I remember was her post about how drama was ruining the lolita community.
She made this huge-ass post, basically saying that the existence of getoffegl and /cgl/ were scaring away newcomers and ruining the fashion, saying that Japan doesn't have that problem, and everyone experiments over there. It was really obvious she knew nothing about the lolita community in Japan other than her idealistic thoughts about the country, which were all wrong. That, plus the info about her being a huge bitch irl, pissed off a lot of people.
Oh another thing, not long after that post, she got a dog to use as a fashion accessory. Allegedly she got a pomeranian, but it had to be put down not long after she got it. I don't remember why, either it was born prematurely or was from an unsafe breeder (or both). She then got ANOTHER pomeranian, which people said was super aggressive towards others. Victoria carried it around in her purse to cons.
I don't remember what happened to it. I think people were saying it also had to be put down because it kept biting people? I have no source on that, but I don't think she has it anymore.
…I'm pretty embarrassed that I remember all of this. I was obsessively into lolita drama in high school, and I'm in my 20's now, so I was around for a lot of the shit that happened if anyone has any questions about oldschool drama haha.
No. 157627
Victoria posted something on her blog about how she was at a coffee shop on her campus and some guy told her he thought she was an elementary schooler? It was the typical "omg I look SO young life is hard" bullshit, but an anon on /cgl/ who went to the same college as her said that, actually, there wasn't a coffee shop on campus like she was describing. So Victoria probably made the whole thing up.
No. 157982
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This is one of the mods of my local community. Anytime there's an event she takes it over and runs it, and she's a huge SJW. Her trans girlfriend is even worse, and acts like a drag queen. They have another friend who's a raging bitch and anytime people get mad at her, she claims they're racist.
I wonder what those Precious Black Women think of being infanticized by this obese white woman.
No. 157996
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>>157988Not a signal lolita in the bunch,and just shitty cosplay wigs.
No. 158006
>>157991>>157996Apparently this is a fashion show she ran. She dressed all the models and gave them the awful wigs.
It's just funny because she ALWAYS has a shitty wig in an awful color with too-short blunt bangs.
No. 158007
>>157988It's an ita wonderland~
A new one land brand!
Add GLW and Bodyline!~
And you get ita~(×3)
No. 158057
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>>157605>>157616>>157623>>157627Thanks anon! I always wondered where the hate came from.
Any idea what happened with her and Miss Lumpy? Also I think her dog's name was Misu. I'm sad to hear he passed. That's crazy if it was because he was too aggressive. Can anyone confirm this?
No. 158072
>>158064It's good to hear he's still alive. I do remember hearing that he bit people at meets. It actually makes me really angry that she would bring him along when she must have realized he didn't react well in that sort of environment. The only logical reason for her to bring her dog somewhere she knew would be stressful and elicit aggression from him would be to use him as a fashion accessory. If that's the most important thing to you about having a dog, you probably shouldn't have a dog at all.
Is she still friends with Ellejay? I remember some time ago I happened upon one of Ellejay's videos called "unboxing a package from my unicorn girlfriend Victoria Suzanne" or something but I tried to find it again and I think she deleted it. Here's a video featuring them and Misu, though.
No. 158099
>>158064>>158065Thanks for clarifying. By that point, she had stopped her blog so it was mostly random shit from /cgl/, that was the one thing I couldn't verify.
>>158072Agreed, she shouldn't have gotten a dog to use as a fashion accessory. It makes me so mad, I see plenty of calm, friendly pomeranians at my job (I work at a department store so rich white women come in). It was clear that either she didn't care for her dog's emotions or she didn't socialize it very well as a puppy.
Is Ellejay the girl in a wheelchair who converted to a muslim?
No. 158237
>>157605>>157616>>157623Anon, normally I dislike people who follow a single person with their so-called "vendetta", but you sound a lot like me with how you can dig this stuff up on cows and I'm glad you gave her story. It sounds like you have a lot of reason to dislike her. Honestly, I don't mind lifestyle lolitas and like seeing the small revival, but this attitude really irritates me. She always came off as like some frosty princess, so it's interesting hearing she's really like that. What about her cringey feminism stuff? Like the Riot Grrl label she gave herself or that weird old post about how she uses gems and prays to angels?
Also when girls whine about Japan not having a /cgl/, do they just forget 2chan?
The thing about her being really alcoholic makes her extreme photoshopping and face make sense. I always thought she looked awful in real life.
Do go on. I'm really interested about any other old cows too. Has she just left the community? I don't see her post much anymore.
No. 158482
>>158237Ahaha well I absolutely will admit that my high school self was totally jealous of her, to be thin and have so much brand but be SUCH an entitled asshole.
I don't know any about that later shit, since I stopped caring about her, but yeah it sounds right. Calls herself a feminist but is awful to other women.
>>158452Glad to hear she hasn't changed a bit. A lot of my irl lolita friends have her added on facebook and I cringe when I see her comment on their statuses.
I have some shit on Ashlee/faunkegin, but she's just fucking crazy. She's never had to work hard in her life, the only job she ever had was Forever 21. All of her work money went to brand because her parents and (then) fiance paid for everything else for her.
She also cheated on pretty much every guy she dated, and freaks out over being single. A friend told me she once said "there's no point in living if I don't have someone to take care of me". And she's really emotionally abusive towards her current boyfriend.
I don't know what it is, but she clearly has some deep-set psychological issues. She's also an alcoholic.
No. 158754
>>158452Oh my god. I'm so sorry she bullied your friend in your comm, anon. She really seems like an ice queen. I hate when someone big and e-famous thinks they can get away with that. What exactly did she do or say to her?
And she seriously had a kidney failure? What is wrong with her? That's clearly the sign of alcoholism. I used to think she was sort of sensitive and stand-offish, but now that I know this, she just seems like a horrible person.
No. 158767
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>>158754She's begging the lolita community to give her a kidney, I'm not even kidding. No. 158793
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>>158482Ashlee once scammed the lolita community. She had her own brand called CaroMaro and never released the dresses.
No. 158812
>>158793Her and her friend were designing the dresses, and their 3rd business partner was doing a factory inspection in India and got deathly ill and died there.
That's what she told me, anyways. She's a pathological liar so I don't know. I don't think they ever took money though, if they did then it was refunded.
No. 159598
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>>159578Isn't vodka a really hard alcohol, though? It'd definitely wouldn't be my first choice with a bunch of lolitas. Recently, I keep hearing severe health issues with people who drink vodka and other severe problems. I'm not surprised she needs a whole new kidney.
If she wants to be miss lolita-lifestyle about it, I'd have chosen some nice wine, champagne, something interesting tasting like the malted beer here, or just fun margaritas. Girls definitely got some severe drinking problems if she's gotta guzzle vodka, even if it's an adult tea party.
No. 159640
>>156898Oh Isaki…
She deleted the video
No. 160312
>>160069Oh, agreed. But her holier-than-thou attitude + being a raging alcoholic + having massive kidney problems all adds up to a dumbass attention whore.
Btw she goes by Victoria Suzanne Stella Alice but her real name is Victoria Tignor.
No. 220725
>>158865>>158754>>156258>>154325Got the hell out of east coast and don't regret it. Most of the anons here talking about Victoria Suzanne Stella Alice Queen of Lolita the III are the same group of girls. She's still a bitch and I don't like her, but not for the reasons listed here by the other bitches here, these bitches will your damn life if you don't join in their shitty drama.
I'll get to the point. She's been sick most of her life. She does like hard liquor, but doesn't drink much which is obvious if you've drank with her at meetups. She got a lot of girls into lolita and started a lot of shit that bitches are jealous of. She's distant but disgustingly sweet and is a bit of a pushover. For you homophobes, she likes girls, so she's probably serious when she says something nice about your looks. If you seen the youtube videos even here, obviously she is that thin and doesn't need to photoshop like my ex idiot bitches tell everyone. She takes tons of meds obvious so that messes with her look sometimes and she uses filters that everyone fucking else in the world. But she actually admits it in her panels and shit.
I found it fucking hilarious when one of you brought up miss lumpy because she's one of the stupid anons here. These two bitches deserve each other in a way. Stay away from miss lumpy, she's literally batshit insane.
Ask her directly about her name, it's a family thing. All the comments about her personality and attitude? She gets extremely bitchy when you insult any of her friends. It's stupid because it only gets her into trouble. Her dog Misu is alive and the bitch who said she was put down thinks all dogs should be put down, which is sick.
This is stupid, she's stupid, and you're all stupid. Lesson is no one likes sweet ass good girls like her who preaches about being nice to each other and growing the community without drama. Oh, and east coast lolita community sucks major ass.
No. 220905
>>220903She still lurks, she really likes fairy kei too still. The general pattern on cgl of that she wants "left alone" but if someone brings her up she usually goes apeshit trying to "defend herself", and feeds all the trolls and generally shits up the place, but that hasn't been for a while now so maybe she's finally learnt to not respond. I always wanted her to do a 180 tbh.
If you're reading this nia, keep doing what you've been doing. Nobody wants to hear about old boring drama so never respond about it again.
No. 220909
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>tfw no lolita gf