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No. 444340
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I actually really love Contrapoints even though I'm pretty staunchly GC
No. 444413
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The sound of cracking knuckles disgusts me. Hearing it makes me want to smash their hands with a hammer. Try cracking your hands now fucker.
No. 444416
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People who get upset that an actor doesn’t have the same eye color as the character they’re playing (infamous example: Daniel Radcliffe in the Harry Potter films) sound childish and dumb. They always argue that studios should "just give them contacts/cgi the eyes!“ but that seems so stupid? Colored contacts tend to look very fake/unsettling and can effect a person’s acting. Not to mention contacts irritate eyes and are very noticeable on screen (i.e. you can totally see the ring around Pennywise’s eyes in a clip from IT 2). And the cgi method is dumb because not only does it take a lot of time and money, but chances are it’ll still look fake/awful. Not saying it isn’t possible but it’s totally understandable why a filmmaker might dismiss the eye detail, especially when it’s not even important to the plot. I just hate how any time a new adaption comes out there’s always someone who’s like "uwu the actress doesn’t have blue eyes so it’s trash”. Grow up, it doesn’t matter. (sorry for sperg)
No. 444470
>>444416Thats exactly why Radcliffe didnt wear contacts, actually. I read once that they irritated his eyes way too much to function so they just let it go. Idk if it makes you feel better lol.
I agree though, cgi and/or contact lens cost money, time, mistakes. It really annoys me when cosplayers are bitched about for not matching a characters eye color, like…there are very legitimate reasons for them not to. Especially when lenses are 30-40 dollars a pair and expire in like a year or two.
No. 444596
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Here's today's bitter pill to swallow:
People who go after "pedo artists" i.e. those who draw ship art of 16 year old fictional characters and chimp out over everything being loli or shota if the character is "child-coded" (i.e. have big eyes or petite build) are just
1.) creating a false sense of security out of fear because it brings them peace of mind to "be able" to point out predators and avoid them even though actual predators are manipulative enough to agree with everything you say and take advantage of your vulnerable side without you even noticing it.
2.) the predators themselves trying to cover their tracks.
3.) virtue signalers who don't give a shit about muh kids but are using pedo claims as a crutch trying to chase out people they don't like/have personal issues with instead of actually teaching the youth how to avoid being taken advantage of or calling out confirmed, dangerous IRL pedoforks because they're too chicken shit to take action.
Pic related and no, not defending Shadman because he's an actual fucking creep but just illustrating the hypocrisy
No. 444733
>>444596I've noticed your average person who doesn't like at all or is very uncomfortable with this sort of art, anime or manga will just not consume any of it and will avoid it while not talking about it because they have other things to do and just don't think about it. Or they straight up report this sort of content to mods on social media or other websites,
which is the best thing to do imo. Whenever I see fucked up content on twitter I just silently report it, I deleted tumblr because there was too much of that shit there and reporting was useless.
The people who sperg about "muh underage fictional cartoon/anime/vidya characters" almost always nitpick and are way worse with irl teenagers or women in general or post completely degenerate contents themselves (furry shit or straight up bestiality mostly, sometimes guro, many are deranged transbians, etc.) and they try to cover that up by acting like they're paragons of purity.
No. 444736
>>444723Are you the troon who complained in /meta/ about this site being too transphobic? Is this bait?
I agree that many "radfems" here focus much more on trannies than on more pressing radfem issues but only a tranny or the worst handmaiden would complain about this and use the words "catty", "histronic" and "harpy".
No. 444747
>>444723>Calling women catty for having opinions you don't agree withNot even a radfem but maybe try debunking the actual arguments instead of resorting to namecalling.
>>444705>>444734I didn't like 4 at all for some reason. I just felt like it was trying too hard with the emotional guilt trip.
No. 444767
>>444596I can agree on some of that, but I think people who do it for loli/shota shit are genuine about it. I've gotten to the point where I've just accepted that a lot of weebs are hypocrites.
Its happened too many times where I see people do call outs like this only to reveal that they're some kind of degenerate themselves. It's like fakebois going on about how evil fujoshis are for "fetishizing" gay men but are literally fujoshis themselves doing the exact same thing.It makes it hard to take any of them seriously. I've known people who pull this purity act too but are still are out there liking very clearly sexualized figs of literal kid animu girls or posting questionable fanart "as a joke". One of them even loves and follows that one fucker Oneyplays even though he openly likes, defends, and hangs out with Shad. Like, what.
Also this
>>444733 My unpopular opinion (in the weeb community anyway) is that if anime wasn't a thing we'd have a lot less genderspecials/transpeople. Also women identifying as "nonbinary" is damaging to women in general, but I can understand why they do it.
No. 444793
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I used to be with the Momokun threads from thread #1 and I hated her for being such a piece of narcissistic shit so much but the anons in her thread have become more cowish than Momo at this point, especially when proven by their screenshots that reveal them to be bitter clout chasing costhots or people like pic related. She doesn't do anything that milky anymore and just posts shitty photosets, that's boring and stale. I've actually grown sort of fond of her because she's one of the few thots that at least likes anime and games on a surface level at least. We have so many greedy costhots who outright say they don't give a shit about the properties they're profiting off of that I'm actually grateful for Momo's shitty misunderstood character analyses. At least she tries.
No. 444800
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>>444767I think the main way anime causes troons was through traps. Traps gave troons an unrealistic idea on how transition works.
It's unrealistic because many traps are designed with features that only appear in females. I heard an interesting theory the only reason traps pass as female is because of anime cliches. On average an adult women in an anime will have bigger eyes than an adult man. So if you watch enough anime 'big eyes' is subconsciously a female cliche. Traps also have big eyes, but they are male. It wouldn't be wrong of you after seeing big eyes to assume 'female' because of the cliche.
Traps are impossible transition goals because they are specificity female coded in design. Traps are given all the traits of women, but a penis is tacked on. Such a transition is impossible for troons because they are not made female coded like traps, they are made male coded.
No. 445117
>>445110No one:…
>as a womanFirst of all sus, smells like tranny. Second of all no one gives a shit what you like anal-chan. People are allowed to find shit holes disgusting. Maybe it’s painful because not everyone has a loose sphincter like you. And not everyone feels the need to endure pain of stretching their asshole for useless moid dicks that are too tiny to satisfy a vagina. God, I like it in the ass myself but Jesus take this shit to reddit, at least you’ll get some male validation there.
No. 445133
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>>445131NTAYRT but
>trying to use terf as an insult on lolcowIf you're so
triggered by radfems and want to be a handmaiden for men in dresses how about you go to literally any other site on the internet?
No. 445134
>>445131I’m sorry, you posted in the unpopular opinions thread and expected people to not discuss your unpopular opinion???
Enjoy your microtears btw
No. 445135
>>445133Don't you have some sexless political lesbian relationship to require to?
>>445134Femcel sperging is hardly discussion. Enjoy your delusionals of graduer.
No. 445136
>>445131Yeah it’s unpopular opinion not free from criticism opinion lol
You have to be at least a lvl 6 cool girl. Got lost on your way to ya inclusive sex work Twitter? How do you not sound like a tranny when you actually conflate women not wanting to take it up the ass as “being prudes”, when the main complaint women have against anal is how much men coerce them into it as a product of porn and the fact that it cause them fucking pain!! Do you tell women with vaginismus that they’re prudes for not being able to relax their pussy enough for cock? But you don’t care about what other women go through, do you? You just wanted to feel superior in true pick me fashion. You sound Especially male with that “it doesn’t hurt if you do it right uwu” bullshit. Begone thot.
No. 445185
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>>445131>>445135>"REEEEE fucking terf!!!!" on Lolcow>unirronically felt the need to write long posts defending anal sex, of all things, on an anonymous site for women>"M-Muh nuvarings you FEMCEL political LESBIAN">again, all this over anal sexKek, what the fuck is wrong with you? What kind of embarrassing behavior is this? No wonder anon thinks you're a tranny. Only mangry, testosterone-laden hons and cumbrained libfems who have unresolved issues with aggression and a strange hatred for other women would ever act like this.
No. 445229
>>445110At most I put a small plug in my butt but even that is pretty bordering pain for me, and I have to do it slowly. I can't imagine a dick bigger than that going into my butt without pain nor I enjoying the prospect.
I am not a prude, I just don't care for anal pain. Having to train and stretch my asshole for some dicklet who wouldn't be able to get off to my vagina isn't appealing. The majority of men I've been with love my pussy, and the minority of men who've wanted my butt were always strange and had some kind of complex. Wake up.
No. 445324
>>445267Yeah I've heard too many friends say they tried it and hated it all cos their bf talked them into it. It can be awesome but only if YOU are the person craving it.
The only men I've had good anal with were both guys who enjoyed receiving too, they knew how to be considerate and ease into it
No. 445726
Idk if you nerds will yell at me for this, and obviously hate-fuelled political rhetoric is the motivator for recent shootings, but I think video games can and do have a HUGE effect on teenage boys (and people in general) and I think they're motivators for violence and shootings in particular. People are always mocking the influence of video games being like some, "conservative Christian schoolmarm" silliness. Men and boys growing up with their minds steeped in weapons glorifying violence or just violence in general has to have a major effect on them, and I think they're ticking time bombs as a result. There's no reason why violent video games should be made. There's no justification to create and release anything violent (provided it isn't educational) to the public. The liability way outweighs the benefits/enjoyment.
I don't remember which, but there was a documentary I watched where they interviewed these (dumb) young men in the army and they were talking about the shock of the reality of war compared to the video games they played. The bloated bodies lying on the streets, the smell of death, and how the reality is nothing like they thought it would be. The image of war and of the army they'd had in their minds was based around CoD or Battlefield or whatever fps games. They literally said something to the effect of that the game was fun, they were good at it, and it inspired them.
I don't really care what the stupid 40 person surveys say about how video games don't inspire violence in men. People are really, really dumb and can't be trusted with violent media. I think films should be way less violent as well. There's no need for violence in media at all unless it's educational.
No. 445739
>>445730I agree, that's why I said there's no justification for any violent media (save for educational shit). People "liking it" isn't enough to justify it. And sure, but most parents have no idea who their children are or who they're on the path to become. Plenty of parents are shepherding them down the road of violence and aggression already. Obviously leaving everything up to the parents isn't good enough, and unless they're literal bubble children or stuck in an iron lung, they're still going to be exposed to violent media through other kids. And even if people seem to be able to separate reality from media, it doesn't mean it doesn't still impact them. I think it does. Just normalizing it at all, even if they still can recognize it's wrong, not appropriate, etc, is bad enough. It removes people from the horrors of reality by desensitizing them to it, depicting only part of it, putting it in a light that's almost "fun" because they get to participate in that destruction without ever having to think about the effects of it – just on to the next level, etc. There are films that explore why violence is horrifying, the effects of it, etc, and those can be okay, but most films and shows use violence as a gimmicky sideshow.
No. 445744
>>445726This is what Hideo Kojima's entire point was with the Metal Gear Solid game series: anti-nukes and anti-"video games making war look cool." There's one big monologue in MGS4 basically shaming the player for enjoying it and treating war like a game. Good shit, unfortunately the series is way too intensive and strategic for most little men who play Halo or CoD.
Anyways I agree with you, but in a way that I think boys play the wrong games and can't differentiate ANYTHING from reality and fiction, especially video games and porn. The brain capacity just doesnt seem to be there.
No. 445746
>>445726I'm a game developer and I fully agree with you. Games first of all cultivate a culture by virtue of their consumer demographic and the amount of dumb violence and poor writing for character motivations make it even worse. Media, even though people want to pretend it's not, is propaganda. It always has been, always will be. Media carries a message, even if your game is dumb shit like Duke Nukem, that is conveying a fucking message. I don't love video games enough to pretend they don't contribute to violence. Fellow developers need to understand the media we create serves as a cultural influencer and does work as a pseudo role model.
Combine a shitty demographic with media that is heartless and you have a perfect storm of psychopathy.
No. 445755
>>445746yup, the only communities that don't have senseless male violence are ones that aggressively demonize any type of violence.
we all have stupid lizard brains, and giving into these desires isn't working, no matter what pretty labels we give it or how much we pretend like it doesn't affect us. there is a consequence to the amount of violent media we create, consume, glorify, and normalize.
No. 445764
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Texas Roadhouse fucking sucks. It's the worst "family" sitdown restaurabt.
There's nothing healthy on their menu. Even the salads are drenched in sauce and bacon. The music is horrible and it's way too loud. The stupid shit they do with the saddle and "yEeEEE hAW" for birthdays is obnoxious and disruptive. I hate when my mayonaisse-ass family acts all put out that I don't want to go there.
The only good thing there is that honey butter that comes with the rolls.
No. 445771
>>445767Okay, maybe "healthy" isn't the right word. "Food that doesn't make me feel gross" might be better.
I just don't like to eat greasy things, red meat, or TONS of sauce. I like sauce, but good lord, in reasonable amounts please.
No. 445953
>>445919overall the trend is super annoying and a little ott but im glad at least that its getting some men to take care of themselves a bit more without the fear of being seen as an oh no big gay.
but people on the internet think youre old when you hit 25 so its not surprising that people grasp at it to maintain childlike complexions.
No. 445975
>>445726But not all 'violent' video games are even realistic. I actually don't like playing games where you kill other humans like war fps's. But I love Destiny and stuff where you just kill aliens or robots, or the action stealth stuff.
Can't let the idiots who can't separate fiction from reality mess it up for everyone. If all video games had no conflict whatsoever they'd be boring shit.
No. 446010
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I hate Hozier. I'm tired of this basic ass man being constantly put on my Spotify and twitter timeline. I admit that he has a decent voice and I see why people like him, but damn am I tired of people treating him like the second coming of Jesus.
No. 446025
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>>445979>>446021Being willfully ignorant of scientific fact isn't an opinion. It's retardation.
I've literally watched miles of forest in my state burn down because it doesn't get cold enough to kill pine beetles anymore.
No. 446031
>>446010I find most singer songwriter men to be super bland lol, I actually think his voice is less shitty than most of them (at least he doesn't sound like a boring whiny high pitched typical indie guy) but his music still mostly bores me
I hate the term soyboy but I quite literally call the lousy singer songwriter music I hate to hear at work soyboy music bc it sucks so much ass and I cannot stand hearing retail radio acoustic guitar crap, over and over and over, it drives me insane
No. 446034
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>>446027Mate China is constantly innovating and finding new sustainable solutions to old problems. Just last week they exported a shitton of electric buses to Chile and are using them themselves, they're building enormous solar farms and working to cut down on their carbon footprint, meanwhile the US is completely monopolised by oil companies like Exxon who knew about climate change since the 80s and did fuck all about it because as long as they could profit from their actions on time, they didn't care. They dug up streetcar rails in the 20s and made you completely dependent on cars and petrol, and your president is a stooge of the same ilk. Just because you have Whole Foods and your local vegan hippies recycle doesn't mean that you're any less to blame for it than the Chinese. If anything, it's the other way around. India is already seeing great impact from climate change, plastic and chemical pollution but most of its population is busy being poor and working in sweatshops your nation's companies outsource to in order to make ends meet.
The tragedy is, both of these sad ass governments are trying to do something about it unlike the US which even ships its rubbish overseas.
Goddamn, every single time someone whines about climate change and points fingers at China and India I can smell it's a yank from here. They all sound the same, like that arrogant twat DiCaprio who flies around the world in a private jet and preaches to poor countries why coal is bad, but thinks that it's okay because he paid some poor Mexicans two peanuts each to plant some trees for him.
No. 446087
I'd be happy if there was some sort of law on drawing fetish fan-art. We've been letting freaks like Nemu run unchecked for too long.
It'd be good if, hypothetically, the artist had to personally contact the creator of the original work (or their "team" if they're very famous or busy), with their real name and photo attached, and ask for explicit permission to make whatever degenerate shit they want to create. They should have to give a detailed account of the fan art so they can't mislead the creators, either.
I've been assaulted with too much putrid shit when trying to look up innocent characters, even with safe search and other filters on. Cancelling the practice of kink-shaming and sexual inhibition has only caused problems to be honest.
Seriously, fuck your freedom of expression and anonymity. Some people have been abusing that shit and need to be reined in. Maybe if they're administered just a little bit of awkwardness and embarrassment, they'll chill the fuck out.
If you can't look Lauren Faust directly in the eye and tell her you want to draw her pony characters hyper-inflated and pregnant while wearing shit-filled diapers, it's because you fucking know you're wrong. Take the L, or seek therapy.
No. 446103
>>446090yep, fuck them. i realize it does have its risks since men are insane, but it reminds me of the same shit white middle class trannies who live in suburban america do, where they pretend they have the same murder statistics as black trans prostitutes in developing countries. camgirls are usually nowhere near poor even when they're getting started because most of them are middle class white women who just want extra spending money, like yeah you deserve to be safe but your situation is nowhere near comparable to actual prostitutes having to degrade themselves just to be able to afford food. you're not oppressed for making degenerate porn for incels to fap to.
also most camgirls have no humanity to them, they'll fetishize abuse, rape, bestiality, underage girls, and incest as long as it makes scrots want to give them money. they don't see any problem with it because they've found a way to monetize their need for male approval, even if it comes at the expense of other women
No. 446129
>>446090They're so fucking dumb they can't see the difference between posting nudes or fapping on camera from the safety of your home vs. engaging in sexual acts with men (often in
abusive heavily dehumanizing ways) to survive. It's easy to think of sex work as "empowering" when you don't have to actually touch anybody or be brutalized.
>>446103>it reminds me of the same shit white middle class trannies who live in suburban america do, where they pretend they have the same murder statistics as black trans prostitutes in developing countries.This is such an accurate comparisson. I'm GC, but I genuinely feel for black impoverished trannies because the bulk of them from my observations/experience just want to be able to exist safely and don't make the same insane demands as their privelaged white middle+ class counterparts.
No. 446130
>>446119For some guys it's the ~taboo~ element of it, a domination thing, and it makes them feel like their dick is bigger.
That being said, the only guy who actively wanted to do anal with me ended up being gay.
No. 446307
>>446119my anal obsessed ex also turned out to be a tranny chaser so i think you're up to something. anal has no place in straight sex. a man who's into that could literally watch gay porn and get off to it too.
>"are lesbians using toys actually straight too?? is pegging gay too??"it's not the same thing at all. a straight couple doing it involves a real dick. dildos and shit are just penetrative objects
No. 446320
>>446311>but i also think most incels are closeted gays too.o.0
You really are the queen of next level takes.
(o.0) No. 446337
i hate it when edgelord e-girl (i hate that term, but i guess that's the most accurate thing to call it) style crosses over with cute things. especially with how much that "subculture" glorifies mental illness and unhealthy behavior. sanrio characters don't have bpd, kinkster bullshit doesn't belong in jfashion, and nobody wants to see a picture of your sliced up arm in front of a pile of stuffed animals, seek some goddamn help and stop ruining innocent interests for other people.
>>446324this, don't forget their obsession with "chad".
No. 446772
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Probably gonna get a lot of heat for this one but here goes.
Some of the stuff posted here really screams "unchecked mental illness" and you anons(you know who you are) have no business giving people advice on this site when you can barely function like a normal person yourself.
I know you're meant to take everything here with a grain of salt as it is an anonymous imageboard but some of you really need to go outside and seek professional help or at least see things as they are rather than spending all day in echochambers ranting about how x cow's stretchmarks are hilarious, I feel a lot of your struggles and bitterness are just byproducts of your own shitty personality issues rather than any outside influence you claim it to be, it's not your narc parents, your twofaced friend, or your shitty boyfriend/ex, maybe you're the problem and you need to fix yourself before giving naive anons advice.
No. 446773
>>446772Uuuu look at me, I am so superior to other anons whose post history I don't know.
Why do the worst tards always post Kakyoin.
No. 446775
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>>446772You're not wrong, but I assume you're new here.
People say mean things when they're anonymous. Welcome to the internet.
No. 446776
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>>446773If this didn't apply to you it wouldn't have upset you anon, I'm not calling out everyone here but there's clearly a few loonies who need to get their heads checked or spend a day outside of their mum's attic, also kakyoin is best boy how dare you.
>>446774It honestly makes me question the age of posters here, I thought this place was 18+
>>446775Been on on imageboards since 2011 and came here a year ago my opinion is purely based on the stuff I've read here since I prefer lurking honestly.
I don't think I'm better than anyone here and I don't really get offended by the stuff anons post, lord knows I've seen and heard worse things.
No. 446778
>>446776Kakyoin is best boy but he attracts the worst fans.
I know assuming that I'm responding because I'm upset makes you feel better, but I'm tired of youthful narcissism and hypocrisy, you have a need for some moral high ground without being aware thousands of people before you have said and thought the same. Your post serves no purpose aside getting reactions and making yourself feel better, you are quick to assume anons aren't introspective (on male image boards? Definitely. Statistically women internalize way more.) while not thinking about the way your own post makes you come across and your reasoning for it.
tl;dr stop begging for replies and thinking your shit don't stink, people tear cows, men and trannies apart on this board for fun
No. 446781
>>446778Where did I imply that my shit didn't stink? let's not kid ourselves here, we've all got our own fucked up reasons for being on imageboards, I just don't feel the need to sperg out and tell anons to make life altering decisions while I'm sat here having difficulties deciding what sauce to put on my sub.
Tl;dr sperg anons need not apply when it comes to people asking for genuine advice, there's plenty of naive anons here who will listen to said advice
No. 446789
>>446778Nah,>>446772 is right, if you're totally mentally unstable then you should stfu and don't give "advice" to anons, is that simple.
Also, everyone has an opinion and sometimes people share theirs for reasons, not because they want "some moral high ground" or something is just simple analysis, the fact you got so salty about it implies you are one of those mental anons.
No. 446797
>>446772No, you make a good point.
There’s a lot of posts I’ve seen on here that are very concerning and it would be best for anons to seek actual outside help. You can’t really hide on this website forever, and if you do it’ll probably make you crazier. Lots of cows and flakes are pretty dry these days anyway.
No. 446799
>>446789>you are mentally unstableHow? Projecting much?
Also you don't even know that I don't give advice on this board, I'm in the unpopular opinion thread and saw an obvious newfag and outsider.
No. 446812
>>446776>It honestly makes me question the age of posters here, I thought this place was 18+From what I've observed the people aged 18 to 24 are the most insufferable, immature cunts with stunted thought patterns.
Honestly the people here can go to a cow's thread to laugh at stretch marks and tit veins, nitpick whatever they do and overall be the most unstable bitches they could be, then come to these threads to act like the shit they do isn't their fault. These motherfuckers are up here screeching about Venus despite knowing her horrible,
abusive past yet go off trying to justify THEIR actions with past abuse? If you deem the cow to be mature enough to take some goddamn responsibility then you clowns might do so as well.
No. 446874
>>446812>These motherfuckers are up here screeching about Venus despite knowing her horrible, abusive past yet go off trying to justify THEIR actions with past abuse? Let me know when you see a farmer using their past abuse as a reason to justify that they shouldn't have to work and strangers should just give them free money to use towards drinking and hobbies when they feel so manically inclined.
I doubt there's an example. Why did you go with this dumb hyperbole when you were onto something with the stretch mark nitpicking? You could have drawn a comparison about how anons are insecure about their looks, and yet they go to the Moo thread to pick on her cellulite and puffy eyes, I mean you brought up stetchmarked titties.
You almost had it but you fucked it up with Venus whiteknighting. Ugh.
No. 446952
>>446892There's a major difference between farmers claiming shitty and
abusive relationships set them back in life for reasons, as opposed to Venus using those reasons to promote why she's too good for work and therefore deserves money unconditionally.
We call out entitled ass farmers all the time so, yes, your poor choice of example came off as whiteknight. Which it still is.
My reading comprehension is on point and I see through your bullshit. Are you the one complaining on meta that Venus's thread is no longer on autosage? Haha.
No. 447234
>>447013Diff anon but I took testosterone for 10 months before stopping. I had been going to therapy after the worst year where I lost both of my parents months apart and then my husband just walked out without a word..
6 sessions into therapy I came out with this unexpected talk of feeling male. I believe I was trying to escape reality and start life again as a new person
No. 447256
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I've been always terribly terrified of the idea of having a wedding, I was planning on not having a wedding at all and just have it as paperwork, but lately I saw this post on instagram where the bride was wearing a suit and it clicked! the idea of having a wedding isn't that bad anymore and I want to be wearing a suit in my wedding.
No. 447366
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>>447256I don't care for weddings myself; I'd rather elope. Money, in my opinion, is best spent elsewhere. But, if I do have a wedding, or at least and elopement ceremony, I've always wanted to wear a green, earthy/flowery kind of dress. Never liked white wedding dresses. I'd also love a suit/dress like Garnets in Steven Universe. I don't care how tacky some may find it; fell in love with it when I saw it.
No. 447373
>>447368This sounds very sweet anon, thank you for the tip! Didn't know you could do that, but it sounds perfect.
cough cough I got cheated on tho so it's gonna be a long time before this becomes a consideration again, lol.
No. 447465
>>447368That sounds so perfect!
I’m trying to talk my bf into eloping because I don’t like parties and would rather we save money for a house, this idea might just be the one that works!
Bet your wedding looked great, just a few people in a garden, all about the wedding itself and not pleasing guests. Top shelf taste anon.
No. 447601
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People who bitch about immigrants speaking their own language need to sit down and mind their own damn business. I'm particularly talking about the U.S., Canada, and the UK here. My baby-boomer mom was whining the other day about some government documents being in English and Spanish, as if that's some sort of infringement on her rights. The fuck?
English is the third most difficult language to learn in the world, behind only Mandarin Chinese and Japanese. It takes years to become fluent in a language, and a lot of immigrants are coming from countries where they didn't have access to the necessary resources for studying English. Furthermore, language changes. I doubt the anglo-saxons were pleased when the Normans came in and mixed a bunch of French into Old English, but that's just life. Or hell, white Americans kicked indigenous tribes off their land, but their descendants now have the gall to bitch when people come here peacefully and all they're doing is speaking Spanish?
Mexico is one of our biggest trade partners and our next-door neighbor, and many parts of the U.S. used to be part of Mexico. Why the fuck isn't Spanish required in our schools? If Japanese schools require English, American schools should require Spanish. Also, remember how I said English is one of the hardest languages to learn? Well Spanish is one of the easiest because of how phonetic it is and how consistent its rules are. Is it that unreasonable to expect people to learn a language that's easy and is literally a part of U.S. history? Half the shit in my state is named after Spanish words.
No. 447616
>>447613Why is that your business, though? If people can't speak enough English to do basic tasks, that's their own damn problem.
But yeah, people who move somewhere with a different language with zero intention of learning the bare minimum are idiots with no forsight. The only exception to that is people who have to move with no notice, like asylum seekers, who often don't stick around anyway.
No. 447619
>>447613> Its like those loser ESL teachers in Asia who need to bring their wives or coworkers along because they cant fill out a document at the doctors office or bank.I really don't think they're equivalent. Young white people move to Asia thinking foreign countries should revolve around and cater to them, they love getting attention for being white and feel that's enough to get by.
Older people coming to western countries aren't in the same position of feeling superior and entitled. They don't get any special treatment for their race, quite the opposite, but are likely held back by their age (the older someone gets, the harder languages are to learn), poverty, lack of education, etc. Inability to communicate can be tough and isolating but at that age it can just be too hard for them.
No. 447638
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>I'm French
>but I'm not white
No. 447647
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>>447634i agree, i think the concept of freedom and liberty has been corrupted and co opted to enable an validate lot of perverted,
toxic behaviors and a very obnoxious self serving onanist attitudes.
Younger people find it easier to fall for that, their political affiliations cling to being pandered to with validation for their particular brand of vice, i feel like so much of tumblr is "please enable my very unhealthy habits , compulsions and worldview" and i get it to some extent, i believe in individual freedoms that should be respected but freedom doesn't override other concepts like self restraint, moderation, common sense, mental health, etc and standards of society as a whole should not be thrown out the window just because the some bipolar poly furry diaper fetish bdsm enthusiast feels oppressed when people tell him maybe he or she should turn it down a notch and maybe go see a fucking shrink. Its sad but what happens is the opposite, a whole industry sprouts to cater to this wackos and pretend its normal and healthy and wholesome fun for the whole family and its a strength to have this diversity because $$$$$.
No. 447649
>>447626Not really? I know full well I live in a shithole but a lot of you don't even seem to realise when you're being condescending and nasty, and people are allowed to react to that. Also not everyone has to like your country in the first place, nobody likes mine and I'm still alive and healthy. You don't see many Israelis whining when people say mean things about their government.
Americans bombed my country in the 90s and still treat us, and many others like us, like we're club-wielding savages that need to be "taught democracy" just because we're ex-commies even though we weren't even USSR and life here was similar to the West. For the most part you can't even convince them that this is the case because they will just screech "you've just been brainwashed by propaganda" as if the same doesn't apply to them.
I don't even hate people in the US because most of them still treat us nicer than, say, Germans or Swedes, but I am allowed to fight back when someone is being a racist piece of shit online or offline. If you don't want people insulting you, don't be a dumbass. Simple as.
No. 447658
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>>447620>"if you're not happy about it you can just leave"Lmao they can keep saying that and see where it gets them.
Certain people used to say this exact phrase to me when I complained in high school. Then more and more college students started leaving because the country was incredibly corrupt and public services are shit, and after graduating many honest people can't find work because you needed to belong to a certain political party to get a job, and their diplomas were worthless abroad. I left too, because I also wasn't happy about it.
Now my country's population is mostly old, the youth that stayed either couldn't afford to leave or didn't want to because they just wanted to do drugs, fuck and have a baby at some point, all the good doctors have left and hospitals are filled with undereducated, underpaid charlatans, and the government keeps stealing money from taxpayers and public projects and telling them that all is okay and we're doing great because nobody is left to oppose them anymore. Now they're crying and calling us selfish because too many people are leaving to escape the shitshow that is the current government so soon there'll be nobody left to bully into being their paypig anymore.
No. 447659
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>>447575My dear americans: Cry more.
Sincerely, non-amerifags
(Bait) No. 447662
>>447647exactly. some things should remain shameful, and you know that's fine. some things
are shameful. and treating them as such doesn't mean everyone hates you. people need to stop treating everything as an integral part of their identity. getting off to scat isn't an identity. validation culture is a plague.
No. 447669
>>447638anon pls I was trying to forget that this crazy animal fucker still exists.
>>447658In my specific context I've been told to just leave or "go back where you're from!!1!one" which refers to either a country I've never been to or a country where I have relatives but it's been a while since I visited them, and I don't speak the language in both countries and the standards of living are way lower than in France. There's corruption too of course. If I went to these places I'd feel like a foreigner. Some people are so retarded they don't realize they're saying this shit to people born and raised here with the French nationality.
>Now they're crying and calling us selfish because too many people are leaving to escape the shitshow that is the current government so soon there'll be nobody left to bully into being their paypig anymore.Typical, I'm not surprised at all.
No. 447673
>some things should remain shamefulOr at the very least private and in its own context, its seriously frustrating that even this is too much to ask .
Maybe the world is becoming autistic induced by modern lifestyles, i think about this possibility more and more seriously.
No. 447705
>>447697>anyone who thinks westerners are idiots is a yellow fever weebI like my own country lmao but at least asians aren't rude, entitled fuckers like most anglomutts and arabs
>>447676hungarian is way off and can't be understoof by other finno-ugric speakers, estonian can sometimes be understood to some extent but mostly the vocabulary is so different that it's hard.
No. 447785
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>>447676I can understand Estonian well enough to survive, but not enough to hold a conversation. We have a lot of words that are exactly the same but have completely different meanings. Norwegians and Swedes understand each other way better.
No. 447812
>>447652Americans are not one person, like LC isn't a hivemind. Some people react poorly to criticism, some people don't even understand the big picture of history so they can't grasp the US' role in global politics beyond like "we saved the world in WW2". I don't think many people would react positively if you wanted to lump their entire country into one specific person you wanna imagine them as and then shit on that.
However I do agree people need to chill the fuck out and learn to take criticism. Especially if your culture is being exported to the entire world and you're trying to play world leader. There's a lot that comes with it, it's not just economic power. Most Americans are too sheltered and indoctrinated by the state koolaid to understand why criticism is a good thing. It's no different than other militaristic states, they worship the concept of the country too much. The US is an extremely idealistic country and those ideals tend to cut really close to the heart of one's identity.
Anyway, shitting on any given country as part of discourse is extremely fruitless imo bc you're not changing someone's mind by telling them their country sucks. Their country is their life experience. It's a part of them.
Making hyperbolic statements about the US and then shocked pikachu-ing at the reaction is rather silly.
No. 447844
>>447705>I like my own country>anglomuttsThat's no surprise, finns are amongst the most nationalistic in the entire world, they hate literally everybody but themselves.
If some murican said "I hate europeans, africans, asians, etc they're all shitholes" then everybody would rightfully call them a racist, but for some reason you guys always get away with that and not just on lolcow, everywhere.
No. 447885
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After reading all this, I don't think hating America is an unpopular opinion.
No. 447892
>>447877>>447879>the absolute state of/rage of [insert insult for americans] Samefag?
Also, one does not need to be of a certain nationality to defend people of some racist sperg.
No. 447931
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I think CGM is beautiful and I think her body looks fine
No. 447948
>>447940Most of the people alive today have never invaded or colonized anybody, yet they should feel guilt for the past of the country they happen to be born in, while people who live in countries with a "clean" past can feel proud or even act like they're superior to "shitholes"?
Doesn't sit right with me. I didn't chose this, I never did anything wrong, so I won't allow anybody to call me or my fellow countrymen names.
No. 447952
>>447948I don't know, people from countries with a history of colonialism or Nazi shit tend to be the first to use the "but you're all criminals/child murderers/shapeshifting lizards trying to steal my cum" virtue signalling card in my situation.
Even though the same thing applies for me and my family, we are where we are because of difficulties in the past and not because we want anyone dead, people will still go "yeah but it doesn't matter you live there which means you support your government" as if all people can just pick and choose where to live.
If someone's a dick to me I'll be a dick to them. And trust me when I say that I hear other people's opinions about why I suck because of my nationality a lot. Too many of them are from the US, UK/Ireland and Germany, I never hear these opinions from the Polish or Ukrainians.
No. 447954
>>447940While the Finns have historically not heavily engaged with overseas colonialism with as much enthusiasm as, say, the French or Dutch or British did, their history is still not sparkling and hardly squeaky clean of ethnic or sociopolitical difficulties and persecution: successive Finnish governments have adopted a number of policies that curtailed the rights and freedoms (especially in relation to ancestral lands and land rights) of the Sámi (Lapps), and there's been very little political representation of them as a group until the last 2 decades, sometimes to the point of it being used as an example of "environmental racism". I'm not saying that this is worse than what France did to Rwanda by any stretch, but that it proves that every nation state ever conceived on this earth has its own checkered history when it comes to ethnicity/nationality and colonialist mindsets. In-group out-group behavior always exists.
I will say right now, however, that the Finnish attitude towards getting drunk on your own and not having to expend any effort on idle small talk is admittedly very appealing.
No. 447955
>>447952If you hate entire countries just because of what some people say about "your situation" (whatever that is), then you really aren't any better.
>And trust me when I say that I hear other people's opinions about why I suck because of my nationality a lot. Again, then why do you so the same thing??
No. 447967
>>447931How many months did it take you to find one decent picture of her cave troll body anon?
No. 447968
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Can anyone honestly say what would make them like America? Or look at them more favorably? Most of us have very little control in foreign policy.
It's been the same complaints for decades. While we aren't perfect, perhaps some of the anger written here is based on stereotypes.
No. 447977
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>>447967>>447967why so bitter? her body isn't bad, she isn't fat like most americans and her butt and boobs aren't completely flat or anything, they just don't stick out 4 foot like most plastic surgeried IG thots, her shoulders are big but it's only because of muscle, you really need to go out more if you think a woman with slightly muscular arms and big shoulder while having a flat stomach is the worse possible body type and never deserving of any sort of compliments
No. 447982
>>447968I just bribe their favor with food.
Never met a foreigner who wouldn't open up to some delicious barbecue or other americana cuisine, despite what they might say about amerifats. We've got some damn good food and plenty of it.
No. 447990
>>447968Voting for healthcare and gun control, leash and muzzle your Kardashians and Jenner’s, stop being absurdly patriotic and leaving “Merica is the greatest” all over the place.
Really everyone knows that you’re individual people and not all like the stereotypical redneck or boot, but it’s fun to laugh at the exceptional people who treat flags, 1700’s government, and a misunderstanding of the phrase “pull oneself up by one’s bootstraps” like it’s so good everyone should be envious. It’s basically Chris and sonichu but on a global scale.
No. 447996
>>447990" It’s basically Chris and sonichu but on a global scale."
I have never loved an anon more than I do in this perfect moment.
No. 448005
>>447952Imagine being uppity because your ice bog hovel of a country never did anything of any historical significance prior to WW2. Imagine pretending to give a shit about places that were such backwards shitholes that they were considered backwards shitholes even 300 years ago when pretty much everywhere was a shithole. Imagine doing that just so you could shit on the nations that did stamp their names all over the history books.
Nations that went out and claimed new land for themselves have nothing to be sorry for. That was just what happened back then. They didn't have to share their technology, or build schools and hospitals. They could have just wiped out the natives and taken the land for themselves. If it weren't for colonialism those nations that got colonized would still be living in mud huts and eating where they shit. Despite the trillions wasted on these parasitic shitholes, many of them still do live like that. Nature should be allowed to take its course with them.
No. 448009
>>447976It's because 1) most people don't know the full scope of Japan's history and 2) Japan isn't obnoxious with its patriotism. In the west, they're just seen as benevolent, humble, occasionally quirky bearers of anime and technology that keep to themselves.
For example, how many weebs know of the Ainu people and their parallels to the Native American people's struggle? Seriously, Google it. If everyone was educated on this issue, Japan's international reputation would probably not be as high.
Meanwhile, America boasts about itself daily and gets involved in everyone else's shit. Of course that will make the rest of the world want to put them in their place and actually
learn learn about them, including the worst parts of their culture and history (and this isn't even speaking of the evil they've done in countless other countries).
The USA really brings most of the shit flung at it on itself.
No. 448012
>>448005Not that anon, but this is the most pathetic, uneducated shit I've ever read, 0/10.
I feel bad for the people from your country that aren't this dumb, your type are what spoils their reputation.
No. 448021
>>448009Just saw this
>>447998 and realized you're probably not American. My bad. If you're Euro, depending on the country, only like 50-60% of that would probably really apply.
No. 448025
>>448020The reason it's not acceptable to say is because it's categorically wrong, and could only come from the mouth (or fingers) of an internet-addicted sperg who never really learned world history, the stipulations of colonialism, or even bothered to research how the systems they complain about even work or who they really benefit.
Enjoy your anonymous edgelord points, though.
No. 448031
>>448009>Japan isn't obnoxious with its patriotismAnon, they're far more patriotic than most euro countries…
There really is no reason why they should be excempt from criticism, they'd deserve just as much hate as other countries.
No. 448035
>>448031They're not really involving themselves with other countries' affairs and shoving themselves down throats the way many other countries do, though. They largely keep to themselves, so their dirty laundry goes ignored and the world isn't agitated at them.
I agree that they'd "deserve" it, rightfully, I'm just explaining why they don't get it. Even Japanese tourists aren't exactly known for being rowdy.
European countries that actually don't have a history of excessive, damaging involvement with the rest of the world and interference seem to just get the collateral damage of their neighboring countries' actions, which is unfortunate.
No. 448078
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you post this like every week trying to bait people. stop.
No. 448090
>>447658lol sounds like my shithole southern state
they bitch about people coming in with money, jobs and education because they aren't white so they leave. The kids who do become something leave the state to go to a more liberal one. They keep crying of a brain drain but our republican legislature cuts public school funding EVERY YEAR.
No. 448092
>>448078Their weak bait here
>>448005 didn’t get enough bites. Stupid place to use trans isn’t real tho.
No. 448096
>>448093So I should live in the street because my ancestors came over 100 years after the country was colonised and fucked up the aboriginal people?
Lmao at the idea of my adopted Romani ass having generational wealth tho.
No. 448101
>>448100Not bitter or edgy, just not sure what the point of the comment was.
Yeah, my country’s culture is built on how we basically holocausted the aboriginal people and still tells them to be grateful they’re alive at all. Aside from voting for parties that give a shit about them, what’s to be done?
Are people meant to feel guilty for living somewhere an atrocity happened? That’s basically the whole world.
No. 448104
>>448101>Not bitter or edgyAll your other posts say otherwise. You were literally trying to defend it and showing off how little you know about anything at all.
>Aside from voting for parties that give a shit about them, what’s to be done?Start by cutting down on the autism whenever someone even dares to say "Hmm, this bad thing that happened in history is bad, and we should probably work to fix its aftereffects in the present day so we can all live well".
No. 448106
>>448104I’m a different anon..not jingoism-chan.
All I said was am I meant to give up having a home or just feel super bad all the time about an atrocity I acknowledge but did not take part in.
No. 448114
>>448109It was pointing out how silly it is to use “you have a roof over your head” as an argument against just about anything.
Giving up a home or feeling guilty about being better off than others is useless. Voting for better political parties and pointing out how the disparities of wealth still effect colonised people today might be useful, but not ~yOu HaVe StUfF~
No. 448147
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>>448141>what is "not having the same access to advanced weaponry", what is "the spread of disease"? what is "being outnumbered by comparative superpowers"?Sounds to me like being backwards and inferior to the societies you are facing would lead to all these things being factors in your defeat.
Japanese and Finnish people put Russia to shame even when they were at a disadvantage, they simply got gud and told them to btfo, if your entire civilization is incapable of modernizing by themsleves and accomplishing this and they live in huts oppressed by corrupt and ignorant local warlords then at least imperialism offers the advantage of better life conditions, sanitation, laws, roads, commerce and technology.
No. 448151
>>448147 is a perfect example to answer
>>447968 about why people don’t like America.
Imagine trying to win an argument with someone who’s got narcissism and Down’s syndrome. That’s what it’s like when these people start talking.
No. 448169
>j-just git gud duh xD>c-colonialism and imperialism totally improve lives!!! ignore the rape, theft, deliberate breakdown of languages/cultures and genocide tee-hee uwuNot sure if this is just the failure of the American education system (like others have stated), or the result of purposely embedding oneself in an environment that actively encourages ignorance, stupidity and chauvinism with a veneer of smugness used to cloak heavy personal inadequacies. Probably both. I just don't know why such people try to get into politics and history when they're clearly too incompetent to learn. Is repeating falsehoods just a way for dumb people to LARP that they're intelligent? I know they can shield themselves from actual facts by shouting buzzwords like "
triggered" or "cuck" and repeating themselves if anyone even bothers to engage with them, but at some point, they must cringe a bit at their behavior, right? I just don't get their existence.
No. 448174
>>448169>c-colonialism and imperialism totally improve lives!!! ignore the rape, theft, deliberate breakdown of languages/cultures and genocide tee-hee uwuHow was life in Africa and the American continent before Europeans arrived? what were they doing to each other on a daily basis?
Imagine believing in ethnonationalism because muh imperialism is bad.
>>448151Not amerifat lol.
No. 448175
>>448169I mean, it’s coming from the same education system that tells kids flags have magic powers if you chant to them, that puritans taught the natives about Jesus and in gratitude the natives taught them about corn, then everyone had a dinner party, and that getting CTE from playing footballing highschool is the greatest thing a young boy can achieve.
Of course they’re spouting retarded shit. They’ve been told it from birth.
No. 448181
>>448176when they were not busy doing it to other tribes, pretty much the entire economy of pre hispanic america was based on slavery.
>ignore the rape, theft, deliberate breakdown of languages/cultures i wonder how you feel about the wave of third world inmigrants in the Europe and the US.
No. 448187
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>>448176That's definitely exactly what they think. Never mind that a simple Google search on African kingdoms and empires before colonialism (and the same goes for pretty much all other places that have been colonized) may have cured their stupidity. No, they'd rather repeat the same retarded platitudes.
That's what I don't understand about these people. There's really no excuse to be this dumb, and yet, here they are. They're proud of it, too.
>>448181>i wonder how you feel about the wave of third world inmigrants in the Europe and the US.See
>>448097. Don't cry to us about your own when you have literally no empathy for anyone else. Like you said, it's your fault for not getting good.
No. 448188
>>448181I don’t feel about it because I’m not American or European.
American culture should be broken down tbh.
No. 448196
>>448193>>448187This is literally what you just did.
You obviously like imperialism,>>448187
not only that, you use them as a standard for advance civilization and culture, but only when your favorite pocs do it. Not when they loose, then imperialism is bad.
Your double standards are as clear as day. You like empires and even defend ethno nationalism of but you get to pick and choose which people's are
valid and which ones are meanie meanies.
No. 448200
>>448196It was not a battle between empires because it was a more developed economy undercutting and destroying a less developed economy.
It is like justifying the Opium War, turning hundreds of millions of people into dissolute drug addicts, and the looting and ransacking that occurred. All okay because it was a mean empire vs a mean empire, or okay because the British had a higher standard of living than the Chinese peasants. Even if the effect and intention were only to destroy the society so it could be permanently subjugated.
Imperialism destroys the social structures and supplants it with one purely favourable to the needs of the capitalist empires. It stole that wealth to fill museums and to melt down into raw materials for trade. It destroyed the foundation on which higher social development is achieved. Imperialism is STILL doing this because it is profitable and it's easy for the French to export stuff to them if they haven't got any industry, markets or currencies of their own.
Read about how many progressive, socialist African leaders like Sankara who just wanted to develop separate currencies and basic industries have been assassinated, for a start.
No. 448205
>>447954>the sami meme created by self-hating woke Finns to work some forced angle that we were actually evil colonizersYou do realize that the people committing the racial eugenics towards the sami were Swedish overlords and it barely happened in Finland to begin with? And that sami have been given multiple rights at their native lands but they just fight against each other because western samis from Norway (northern samis, the ones bitching in the media and which you call Lapps) came to Finland in the late 1800s, drove the native Finnish samis (inaris) away from their lands and started demanding rights over them? And that the native Finnish samis are like 300 in numbers so maybe that's why there isn't much representation? Finland has been independent for only 100 years and even after separating from Russia the country was still under a major Russian/Swedish rule for decades, but a lot of shit they've done has been pinned on Finns. I mean I'm all for preserving the inaribros but the Norwegian samis can fuck off with their whining lmao
My unpopular opinion is that people need to stop rewriting history and spreading bullshit without fact checking
No. 448207
>>448196You asked what Africa and America were like before colonialism, and now that you know your faulty "savages who were made civilized" narrative isn't going to work here since we're not mouth-breathers, you're deferring to "But they did bad stuff to each other too, guys!! Why aren't you mad at THEM?? This is ethnonationalism!! This is imperialism!! Same thing!!" whining.
Of course bad shit happened, but who do you know that is still suffering today chiefly
only as a direct result of those events,
not the past and continued poison of colonialism and imperialism? You probably can't even name or identify 6 distinct groups from either continent off the top off your head, let alone describe historical events between them and the weight of their aftereffects for comparison.
For just one example, do you really expect to convince everyone that Native American people would've been driven to near-nonexistence and made to live in reservations the same way they are now if Columbus and co hadn't decided to fuck them over and bring disease?
The biggest gag of all is that you're still demanding we care about your "wave of third world immigrants" on top of all this (which would actually be contradicting your own claims). Truly pathetic.
No. 448221
>>448200Even if people don’t create a society that’s basically English monarchy, people weren’t better off for imperialism.
Australian aboriginals seemed perfectly happy to wander around, maintain the Bush, have a fuckin corroboree, and go four tribes over to meet your wife. It wasn’t western society but it seemed alright.
Certainly better than eugenics, then being pushed to a reservation in the Alice and being told to stfu and sniff some more petrol.
No. 448229
>>448222Nah, learn history.
>“The campaign against body hair on women originates in Darwin’s 1871 book Descent of Man, explains Herzig. Men of science obsessed over racial differences in hair type and growth (among other aspects of physical appearance), and as the press popularized these findings, the broader American public latched on. Darwin’s evolutionary theory transformed body hair into a question of competitive selection—so much so that hairiness was deeply pathologized. “Rooted in traditions of comparative racial anatomy, evolutionary thought solidified hair’s associations with ‘primitive’ ancestry and an atavistic return to earlier, ‘less developed’ forms,” Herzig writes. Post-Descent, hairiness became an issue of fitness.
>An important distinction in this evolutionary framework was that men were supposed to be hairy, and women were not. Scientists surmised that a clear distinction between the masculine and the feminine indicated “higher anthropological development” in a race. So, hairiness in women became indicative of deviance, and researchers set out to prove it. Herzig tells the story of an 1893 study of 271 cases of insanity in white women, which found that insane women had excessive facial hair more frequently than the sane. Their hairs were also “thicker and stiffer,” more closely resembling those of the “inferior races.” Havelock Ellis, the scholar of human sexuality, claimed that this type of hair growth in women was “linked to criminal violence, strong sexual instincts … [and] exceptional ‘animal vigor.’”
>By the early 1900s, unwanted hair was a significant source of discomfort for American women. They desired smooth, sanitized, white skin. They wanted to be feminine. “In a remarkably short time, body hair became disgusting to middle-class American women, its removal a way to separate oneself from cruder people, lower class and immigrant,” writes Herzig.”Source: No. 448232
>>448207>and now that you know your faulty "savages who were made civilized" narrative isn't going to workExcept no one said that but you. Obviusly they were busy enslaving and killing each other and had their own asshole kingdoms built by slaves. But you act all moreal because yhey got fucked by a superior culture playing by the same rules of the empire game and in the long run that means modernization, laws and better commerce than what they had with their shitty local ethnic warlords .
The only case i can think off of a more advanced civilization getting the btfo treatment in a way that was historically harmful was the mongol conquest of China and middle east. An objectively shitty and backwards culture dominating a more advance one instead of the other way around, that was more tragic than British colonizing Zulus who were killing each other in their shitty mud hut empire anyways.
No. 448233
>>448229Have yall noticed America has been the founding of every autistic sex or race based stereotype we have today?
>Ooga booga muh sexual dimorphism in womens and mens means women have to be as childish and infantile as possible because apparently kids are the peak of femininity and body hair is LIKE THOSE PRIMITIVE RACES
>dont forget the other hilariously autistic stereotypes involving blacks, natives, asians, that can all be traced back to the USTruly the worlds cancer.
No. 448236
>>448232“Superior culture”
Cause britbongs and amerifats are doing so well for themselves. Having gas lamps and boats didn’t make the average fucker smart. The inventions of a couple of smart people aren’t the entire country’s achievement.
The average American person today is no smarter than Habubu in his mudhut with his spear and monkey was back then.
No. 448246
>>448241Some civilizations and cultures are superior to others and have a much larger list of achievements to show for it.
Historical loosers will forever be salty about it.
No. 448251
>>448248It's amazing, isn't it? In one breath, they'll get mad and throw tantrums about being held responsible for atrocities that their ancestors committed because they weren't there, but they'll puff up their chest and proudly take responsibility for all the good stuff as if they were the ones behind them.
The cognitive dissonance is wild.
No. 448255
>>448232>Except no one said that but you.This is just an outright lie. Now
>>448005 is me? The shit you're saying in this exact post is me? Like, at first, I wanted to ask if you were mentally sound, but I don't even really want any answer you could cook up. I'm pretty convinced you just have a habit of automatically saying "no u" when backed into a corner, even when it doesn't apply, because your brain's been so badly rotted from reading nothing but imageboards.
>ignores points made (by multiple people, at that) to repeat self again>"m-muh mud huts!! reee savages! we improved…!!"Just like I expected. You're not even ignorant because someone failed you, you are ignorant by choice. Your entire world view would fall apart if you actually took the time to research the effects of colonialism, how its system worked and the results (or even listen to anyone besides other mental indigents). At the very least, non-retarded anons can read all that's been said so they can avoid catching your brain fungus.
This so-called "superior culture" was trash that wreaked havoc and razed countless lives, and its participants somehow still can't stay away because they'd be nowhere without America's land and Africa's resources.
No. 448259
>>448234>Id also rather be an ignorant so called savage living in a mudhut than stressing about whether my boyfriend wants to fuck traps and choke me during anal sex while I buy my tenth product of the day to reduce my aging wrinkles and get breast implants to make my boobs look rounder because scrotes keep calling me flat chested.No you wouldn't.
This is why people call liberal feminism a joke, you romanticize shitty things just to get back at others. People in Africa aren't just living in huts, they're suffering. They'd gladly accept those stupid "problems" you listed over starving, illness, fgm, forced marriage, rape and death.
Be grateful to your parents, god, whoever that you live in one of those "evil colonizer"-countries…
No. 448262
>>448259Yes I would. Problem? Thing is, not every African is living in a fucking mud hut, and I know you ignorant shit faced cunts think just because people arent living in le advanced block city buildings in every unit theyre not worthy of humanity or being viewed as possible like the same way empathyless scrotes do with everyone who isnt them all the time. Fucking secondly, we all know by Africans you mean blacks, yet there are blacks with hundred years of history scattered throughout the New World, but let NPD BPD cunts tell it, only whites are first world westerners and this statement gets 100x more offensive if youre talking about the Americas only.
Im nowhere a liberal feminist either, btw. Not only you missed my point but you were attacking an imaginary opponent. Congratulations.
No. 448275
>>448262How can you go around claiming that "we" are "ignorant shitfaced cunts" while being dumb enough to believe that you'd be better off in a hut than living whatever nice little life you live right now? Your boyfriend problems are irrelevant, claiming that they are "worse" makes
you an ignorant cunt who doesn't even know what real suffering and a really shit life truly is.
People furiously typing on their computers, complaining about others being privileged while also shitting on "white trash" americans are a joke. You're not
victims, you're already much better off than many others - even "colonizers".
I really don't understand why making fun of poor lower class americans is so accepted. Of course they're uneducated like lower class people in almost every country, that's part of being lower class, not having access to good education. But that doesn't change that they're still simply poor people, you have no right to make them out to be some evil monsters who literally invaded your country, raped you, stole from you, etc.
No. 448279
>>447976Japan is xenophobic and sexist as hell and never properly apologised for Nanking. They still have war criminal's names in shrines. Their laws on CP are also extremely lax iirc.
There are things about Japan that are cool, but we need to stop glorifying it and cowtowing to Japan's bullshit.
>>447988Most Americans fucking hate the president. He's only the president because both candidates sucked so hard over half of the citizens didn't vote. Our government is corrupt and run by special interest money, which citizens also hve very little control over.
>>447990A lot of people I know who live here fucking hate the United States, myself included. Again, the wealthy gun lobby has bribed our politicians into preventing any gun control measures from reaching a vote. Same goes with insurance companies in healthcare. We have a systemic issue with money in politics that would tale decades to sort out, if ever.
Also, how the fuck are the Kardashians at all a state or public issue? Are you suggesting that someone assassinate them or something? They're just morons on TV, who the fuck cares.
No. 448280
>>448275>>I really don't understand why making fun of poor lower class americans is so acceptedBecause other places poor and ignorant don’t make it a point of pride and loudly brag about how stupid they are.
Throwing a jingoist tantrum won’t make anyone suddenly think America isn’t full of tards if you act like a tard.
No. 448282
>>448280Also this.
Lower class americans still have more money and access to higher knowledge based on the internet alone compared to other lower class people yet they make a point to be pride of it and extremely vain about it
No. 448284
>>448279Murica good cause japan bad!
The kardashians line is a joke about the mass amounts of garbage media unceasingly shat out and eaten up
No. 448286
>>448280I'm not American, believe it or not, there's more people here than just the two of us.
>>448281>>448282My point was that you too have access to internet etc but you act as if you're the poorest of the poor. Many white people are so poor that they can't afford that, yet you still make all of them out to be the evil ones, which is not fair.
No. 448287
>>448284I literally just said I fucking hate the United States.
My point wasn't that Japan sucks, it was that people need to stop acting like it's a perfect utopia when it has flaws just like any other place.
Good grief, this thread has turned into a trashfire. The whole fucking world sucks to varying degrees because humans are dumb and selfish. Let's just accept it and move on, and also stop saying racist crap about "mutts" and people "living in huts".
No. 448289
>Some civilizations and cultures are superior to others and have a much larger list of achievements to show for it. >Historical loosers will forever be salty about it. This basic reality sure makes some people shriek. Keep being salty about it Lol
>inb4 a hundred more posts about burguers and rednecks and more projections and ad hominemsI'm not burguer, i am not and never will feel guilty about my european heritage and i actually feel very good and very proud about it but keep coping, you might convince me to move to a mud hut and get my sexual organs mutilated if only you throw more generic tumblr style emotional tantrums at me.
No. 448297
>>448289Ntayrt but it's pretty sad that you think you're superior to other people just because of the shit your government has done completely independent of you before you were even born. You're literally bragging abou something that you acquired through random chance. It's almost as though you have to fall back on nationalism because you haven't accomplished anything of note yourself.
Also, are you Finland-sperg? I feel like you're Finland-sperg.
No. 448299
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>>448293>persian empire >IranWere are they know? your comment makes zero sense.
No. 448303
>>448299Yet I bet you have no qualms conflating the religious Dynasties of china to post communist china
Get rid of your Middle Eastern hate. Persians and Europeans share more in common than you do with fucking far Easterners.
No. 448306
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The absolute state of this thread
No. 448308
>>448281>being lower class and ignorant while you still have access to the internet is extremely shameful. Not American, but you're the ignorant one who should be ashamed
The internet gives us fantastic opportunities but knowing how to make use of that is a skill in itself. What route are you expecting people to follow to 'better' themselves? Even if someone breaks out of their shitty life to complete some code academy courses so they can be like the people who think badly of them, that's not going to instantly lead to work or upward mobility. The system works by keeping the unfortunate where they are, blaming them for being born into that system is rediculous, blame your counties lack of steady public infrastructure and education
No. 448315
>>448314Disliking a country with shit policies is a personal attack?
There’s multiple anons here and I think you got about four people confused for just one.
It’s not like it’s a big deal even if one of us did have a hate boner for a country. Anons are asking like they themselves are America and are being viciously booooolied.
No. 448320
>>448318You can chew gum and walk at the same time.
>>448308Yes, if you are low class and poor and choosing to be ignorant and expressing your rude and evil views everywhere pridefully then yes you should be ashamed. I dont care about muh economic mobility argument or care to argue about how lower class people should force themselves to pull themselves up by their boot straps because thats not my view and thats not my point.
The hilarious part is that many white americans online saying bs online are from middle class, lower middle class, upper class homes. So this white trash argument is a copout imo
>>448315Barely anybody mentioned politics, you only always talked about stupid poor white fatties.
>some fat idiot that's accomplished nothing in a trailer park tracing their ancestors to le superior western Europe is still just a fat idiot in a trailer park at the end of the day.>Trailer trash cant comprehend just how backwards and stupid they are. It’s like how fish don’t know they’re wet. They probably think they’re normal and everyone else is fucked up, not their mighty 16000 lbs of white pride in their catpiss scented double wide.But yes, "we're not attacking people, only the country"…
No. 448324
>>448321>>448310Theres a lot of black americans who act just like white americans with their shit retarded pride in the US garbage, because black americans are just as american as a white one, especially a white one whose immigrants grandparents came here in the last mid century, so this means in everything else as well. Not every anon is the same.
>>448321yes because attacking racist white people means youre attacking all white people.. lol
No. 448328
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>>448321Talking about a massive group of people is a personal attack on all Americans. Why? Are you all like that?
Taking the piss out of the stereotype that’s loudest isn’t rampant bigoted hatred, or something people need to be defended from.
No. 448330
>>448324The point is, that multiple anons spending hours with shittalking about how ghetto and violent poor black americans are wouldn't run.
But you or others make doing the same thing about whites out to be a-okay because afterall they're all privileged colonizers.
At the end of the day lower class people of every race are all poor and therefore uneducated and uneducated people say or do stupid things - but this still doesn't make them evil.
No. 448332
>>448330Nobody called them evil, just dumb.
>>that multiple anons spending hours with shittalking about how ghetto and violent poor black americans are wouldn't run. Uhhh, yeah it does.
“Stop being racist to the people who posted about superior white colonists” is a fucking dumb argument. Stay upset someone called a supremacist a fatty.
No. 448333
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>OOGA BOOGA! Me thinks wypipo bad! Crawl out cave, steal land, steal technology, destroy our space programs, and culture. Me wish me still live like Ngubu Empire times. WE WUZ KWEENZ! - Posted from my iPhone 11.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 448335
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>>448333I love it when you people show your true side each and every time. Keep proving our point right.
No. 448337
>>448333Doesn’t think colonialism happened because of racial superiority=lol niglet we was kangz.
Someone tell my pasty Romani ass it’s actually Somalian.
No. 448357
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>>448343Wow how little have you done to be clinging this hard to “my ancestors were better at subjugating people than yours” like it’s a badge of honour?
Nobody is saying only Europe and America colonised you autist. You’re freaking the fuck out because a couple of people say colonialism is a generally shitty thing.
No. 448363
>>448325>>448326So you're American and you stayed up all night arguing against America?
Have a good day at work on no sleep I guess? You should consider your health before petty internet arguments.
No. 448380
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>>448302I sure appreciate all this Persian electricity and the persian internet i am using to write on my persian computer using the persian language.
Truly these are great persian times we live in.
(constant racebait) No. 448384
>>448380You mean electricity invented by a Serbian man who was exploited by an American opportunist who took credit for his achievements?
Delicious post, just like great-grandma used to make!
No. 448390
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>>448383I haven't been there yet myself but very much want to. Especially those cemeteries they have there. It seems to be an amazing, historical city. I hope you see it some day.
>>448384ntayrt but no one "invented" electricity.
No. 448426
>>448407NTA, but I still think it's good because it lets other, lurking anons learn, and it also shuts down the growth of /pol/tard bullshit. I believe the reason this ideology festered on 4chan is because many users, especially young ones, typically are mentally vulnerable and also not very knowledgeable, making them easy prey for weirdos to push any fringe beliefs that stroke their egos and tell them they're the best (even if it's for shitty reasons, or just completely inaccurate).
Now that 8chan's dead, this cancer is going to need to be run off even more than before. If we give them an inch and let them feel even a little welcome, they'll take a mile and try to turn this place into their refugee bunker.
No. 448469
>>448426True, I have seen this happen to a lot of young men where before they really know anything about the world they get indoctrinated into an extremist view of it from their little internet opinion bubble, then if they go to college they screech at anything they learn there as "leftist conspiracy" and refuse to listen even when it clearly makes far more sense and is much more well-founded in historical facts than whatever meme beliefs they've thoughtlessly and eagerly absorbed as a form of unnecessary self-absolution and aggrandizement.
It's definitely good to see anons taking the time to counter /pol/tard type crap with well-informed, factual responses especially in the wake of 8chan's dissolution causing all their little spiders to scramble out like babies from a mother's back.
No. 448492
>>448482No, you tried to argue that having no body hair is in itself more "feminine", when that's actually not true at all.
There's nothing non-feminine about having body hair, it's just that racist, retarded scrotes made up shit about women being crazy savages for not being bald everywhere but the head. Somehow, though, they managed to convince everyone that having body hair doesn't make
men crazy and "inferior", just women. Dumb as fuck.
No. 448502
>>448497Using quotes doesn't change shit. You tried to argue from a BS "It's nature tho" viewpoint and said we should "get over it" based on that, when that's not even the case.
Having a completely bald body is not natural for women just because we grow less body hair on average. By your logic, since we also put on weight more easily than men, it'd be sensible for men to demand we become obese or some other stupid bullshit, and those of us who see that it's dumb need to "get over it".
No. 448545
>>448222But women are expected to have longer hair on ours heads. Do you think the hair below our necks is magically different? It isn't. Men actually have naturally longer eyelashes and their head hair grows faster than ours too.
I think you know this argument is bullshit, anon.
No. 448619
>>448605Except nothing I said or quoted about this body hair issue was "anti-Amerifag" in the least.
With this and the other holes anons have pointed out in your shitty, room temperature IQ take of an unpopular opinion, you must be the clinical retard here.
No. 448627
>>448598You can thank male-dominated society for indoctrinating you with doubt towards sexual abuse
No. 448642
>>448598you even admit the poster is credible but don't believe them because they said they were a
you're either incredibly brainwashed or a piece of shit human
No. 448675
>>448651My $270 motorola is basically the same as the $1000 samsung I broke (which would cost $400 to fix), can't believe I wasted all that money on no real difference.
That said I use my phone constantly so if there weren't cheaper options I wouldn't mind spending $1000, I get my money's worth.
No. 448740
>>448598I actually agree. It seems like fucking EVERYONE is a "CSA
victim" at this point and use it everywhere to shut up anyone questioning whatever shitty take they just let out. The way they utilize their "status" and mention it in every discussion makes me very suspicious of its authenticity. Someone two years older than you calling you cute when you were 14 doesn't make you a CSA
No. 448767
>>448642when i said credible i meant believable, i didn't mean showing some sort of
proof of the incident(s), which no one ever does anyway.
>>448740yeah that's similar to my experience. i think it has become the new trend, just like in 2012 when everyone was cutting themselves and the last couple of years when everyone have become trans. young people always find some way to get attention.
also you can go through a potentially traumatizing experience without getting PTSD, which is an actual disorder that needs to be treated to go away. and all of these kids claim they have PTSD. from what? some older guy hitting you up on gaiaonline? ridiculous. get a life outside of this
toxic internet culture before you become the next soren.
No. 448787
>>448598Well, i have to say i understand what you mean. I've noticed it too.
I have a psicologist friend, she would tell me it was incredibly common for patients to fake abuse because it was a good scapegoat and a lot of people just want to play the
victim for attention, irl support groups always feature someone who is just lying or exaggerating and do it shamelessly so no reason to believe in the internet is not that much more common. Especially with me too hype and stuff where people instantly believe the
victim no matter what.
Its a very delicate issue, diagnostics are hard, everything now is like a landmine field, a lot of people who truly need help are going untreated because they can't open ip but a lot of attention seeking liars are getting an scot free card to be narc assholes and blame it all on pass abuse that didn't happen like they say. Even worse, its being used as a weapon to ruin people's lives and reputations and this is the same shit that happened during religious and political times of persecution, people jump in a bandwagon and suddenly everyone is possesed by satan and everyone's neighbor is an insurgent, etc.
I cannot stomach reddit and how everyone is an uwu
victim shitting on their families, friends, coworkers, etc for instant validation.
Having a bad day? your mother told you off when you screamed at her? go on the internet, make a long story of how she beat you, raped you and emotionally abused you, thats a healthy way to sublimate , instantly feel better when strangers kiss your ass and never admit you are wrong.
No. 448797
>>448787This reminds me of the reddit board 'raised by narcissists' I feel like half of the posters are just black sheeps of their family from acting entitled. They spend their days bitching about Mom smacking them when they were 8 years old.
I come from a time when getting a few smacks was a pretty acceptable punishment so it's not automatic confirmation that both your parents are narcs, as they insist
The bitterness is unreal and takes from any genuine stories told on there
No. 448820
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>>448797>raised by narcissistsI've been wanting to share this screenshot for a while. It kind shows how that sub is just a giant pity party that wont get you any real help (Also most of the comments were saying dump the therapist).
You're right about that sub being full of overdramatic people. Half the sub was gaslit on how their childhood wasn't abuse most of their life so the people there try to make up for it by affirming every rando who goes into the sub and asks of their parents are narcissists. This ends up with a bunch of teens and actual narcs thinking they were abused. Even if they where abused its a common fact on that sub people can develop fleas, picking up some of their psrents bad traits while growing up, and no one ever tries to call people out for that.
No. 448862
>>448820There's a theme of people on that board giving out about therapists too, any therapist that hits them with a harsh reality is also a narc…
They shop around therapists til they find one that will accept their version of reality and not question it, it's sad
No. 448868
>>448864It's pretty well known that rbn has a 'safe space' vibe to it so you can't point out to people when they are describing really mundane disagreements with their parents. Now you have a mix of genuine stories of horrible abuse next to teens having very normal arguments but then calling their mother a narcissist.
It's just a shame but then it's bound to happen as it's not a board for questioning things. There are people looking for support after childhood sexual abuse and those threads sit right next to teen angst threads basically
No. 448873
>>448598I usually believe most of the sexual abuse stories on here only because I want to believe in the women of this community. Call me naive or something but I'd rather believe the stories on here than on any other online space because everytime I read a post about sexual abuse I just project myself in the shoes of the anon that made the post and think they're like me and that they felt comfortable opening up on this image board.
It's crazy how many people lie about being abused in their childhood or how many people blow what happened to them out of proportion. It's sad because those that are the real
victims lose credibility because of those that are lying and people become skeptical.
No. 448874
>>448868Does something have to be "horrible" abuse for it to be abuse?
Just because a person posts something mundane doesn't necessarily mean they've only ever posted mundane things.
Lots of families are shitty. You are looking at a subreddit where people are directed to post about their shitty families.
I don't see how someone posting about their "lesser" situations invalidates someone who went through childhood sexual abuse.
No. 448877
>>448874It's called raised by narcissists.. I'm not comparing 'abuse' I'm talking about simple disagreements turning into a person labelling someone else as a narc
Or them declaring that out of twenty or so family members they are the only one who is not 'a narc'
No. 448881
>>448877And I'm telling you that you don't know if someone posting a simple disagreement is only posting a one time, teensy weensy scenario or if that's actually one of the many manifestations of their interactions with their narc.
How do you really know?
>>448878Farmers itt are literally saying "real"
victims lose credibility over stories that she deems are exaggerations or lies. Or how dare "angsty" stories share the same space as child sex abuse stories.
I can read.
No. 448882
>>448875I'm no contact with my one surviving parent, I've visited the reddit and seen examples where some stories seem out of place. It's usually because the person will essentially describe 90 percent of the people they've ever met as narcs. It screams that something is up with the person in terms of their own mental health
You can only hope that they take the advice to see a professional
No. 448887
>>448875It doesn't even make sense.
Who cuts contact from family who under healthy circumstances provides all sorts of support and resources? Just for fun and random attention from strangers that they literally can't do anything with?
I don't buy that. People who've gone no contact do it for a good reason.
No. 448890
>>448888I was talking about people who insist that say their mother is a narc and they'll make a big post to cover all the history, it'll be teenage disagreements. That power struggle that happens when you're raising teenagers that want to stay out late
That's the kind of post I'm saying doesn't scream 'narc' in my opinion. I don't really know where you got whole invalidation thing from
No. 448893
>>448889Yep as someone said a few posts ago if you spend enough time with
abusive or 'narc' types you can pick up fleas
No. 448895
>>448891Narcissists tend to adopt language to aid and abet in their abuse ie. Calling their
victims who stand up to their shit the narcissists.
It just really depends on who exhibits the bigger amount of empathy. Narcissists never even stop to consider if what they're doing is wrong and are usually dismissive and manipulative.
No. 448896
>>448873I had an ex who for three years told me she was sexually abused by a relative as a child, she was diagnosed with bpd and I thought that abuse could've played a part in her developing it
After we broke up I found out she had lied about pretty major things so when she was drunk texting me one night I asked if she had ever lied to me about anything, she said the abuse was made up. I asked why and she told me
'I cry alot for no real reason, I needed an excuse for all my crying'
No. 448898
>>448897Of all these teenage angst posts?
>>448896Yep that's bpd right there. Yike.
No. 448902
>>448898Yeah I never doubted her til we'd split and other lies had already come out. Like she said she cried for hours some nights
I don't have saved threads
No. 448903
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There are a lot of extremely
toxic support groups or online communities dedicated to abuse survivors, because these communities attract a lot of BPDs that are obsessed with being
victims forever and other attention seeking people that aren't even going through abuse or are just going or went through things that are not that bad as they make it out to be. In these communities any real advice will be labeled as "
victim blaming", so ultimately their users are not even encouraged to get better or be aware of what they're doing wrong, it just encourages them to live in these communities by circle jerking on how much they were abused. I don't think anyone is denying that these communities truly have people that are actual
victims, but ironically those that are not tend to be the most active, as they're using victimhood as a way to cope with their life and recieve attention.
>>448820This is an example. A professional has no interest in making someone's life worse or downplaying their abuse, the intention of the professional that told their patient they're having a
victim complex was to make the patient self-conscious and to help them better their lives and their mentality. Of course, the patient absolutely refused believing or even considering that they might have a
victim complex problem and they went on the subreddit to get positive affirmation about how they are not having a
victim complex but the therapist is just crazy and is trying some
victim blaming technique on their patient. The advice was to "change therapist" because for us, the people of this community there's no possibility of us being wrong, it's just others that don't understand us, the real
victims of abuse. This is not advice, telling someone to just change therapists when their current one told them something that made them feel bad is not advice, that's a therapist's job they must make you face the truth and get a better mentality. Telling someone who's parents might not even be CRAZY
ABUSIVE BPD NARCISSISTS to completely cut contact with their parents is also not very great advice.
All of this being said, I still believe these communities do have people that were
victims but the truth is a lot of them were not or at least they were not as much as they claim to be. Also, the concept of "abuse" is highly subjective nowadays because technically anything that is not according to your expectations or that slightly hurts you will be considered abuse. This world is not perfect, the people living on this planet are not perfect, parents make mistakes. If your mom can't afford enough food for you as a child she's just poor, if she didn't give you sweets she did it because she thought she was in your best interest, not because she was a crazy
abusive narcissist.
No. 448906
>>448903Back in my reddit browsing days I would read these threads and list off the amount of things that my parents also did from these threads, but they weren't
abusive. They just weren't perfect and they believed in discipline
The word abuse is becoming overused. Some here are offended at the scepticism but having a
victim complex is also a thing. Some of these people have bpd and so are highly sensitive
No. 448921
>>448894Diff anon but that sister with autism post is an example posted only a couple of hours ago
Display by newest posts and it's titled 'Is my sister a N?'
It's two siblings not getting along at home, one has autism and she has autism
It only takes minutes to find examples of these threads yourself if you want
No. 448930
>>448917In a way I understand the need for it to be a safe space if people are nervous sharing, it does mean that constructive feedback isn't really there though
I've seen too many people told to change therapist for the 5th/6th time cos they are not hearing what they want to hear
I regularly see very real posts too though, I chose not to have children because my own childhood was so unhappy that I can't imagine a happy child and worry I'd fail, found other posters saying the same and it meant something to be able to relate
No. 448932
>>448928It's hard to tell whether these are just parents not having enough money to eat well or parents keeping junk food to a minimum though
I regularly went hungry as a kid, no narc parents
No. 448935
>>448903>If your mom can't afford enough food for you as a child she's just poorThis is called neglect. Being poor isn't really an excuse to not feed a child.
>if she didn't give you sweets she did it because she thought she was in your best interestWho denies a child sweets unless they have some kind of threatening health condition? Sounds ostracizing and medically unnecessary unless it's a morbidly obese kid or a type 1 diabetic. Sounds like a parent who'd rather ban than have conversations with their child about health and moderation otherwise.
No. 448952
>>448935you sound like an entitled fatty. many parents don't want to let their children have sugar.
No. 448963
>>448935>ostracizingTo not eat sweets? Fucking what? hahaha oh no timmy is going to be ostracized because he didn't pack a sleeve of oreos for lunch.
>medically unnecessaryhahahahaha holy shit
No. 448969
>>448952I love how you're in this thread because you think people call their parents narcs too quickly, yet you call people entitled fats who think it's weird for people to ban entire food categories from their kids. And it is weird and ineffective parenting behavior btw.
Be nice to your kids and let them have a piece of candy. Jeez.
>>448937It's neglect, not necessarily narc behavior. Narc behavior would be denying or restricting your food or not prioritizing the purchase of your food.
>mfw I'm being yelled at for thinking kids should have sweets but this anon literally consumed non food >>448963Quit being an asshole.
No. 448977
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>>448969i didn't post anything about rbn, you just sound ridiculous anon. fucking kek. sweets aren't food and they're also completely unnecessary.
No. 448981
>>448977Never said sweets are necessary but they are a food? You sound like a muppet.
Please let your kids have cake on their birthday.
Please let your kids go trick or treating with their friends.
Please don't call other kid's parents and chew them out for letting little Billy have a soda.
It's been proven that bizarre restrictions on kids cause them to rebel and become fat adults. Just don't.
No. 448989
>>448887the relationship can be unhealthy,
toxic, hard to deal with etc without the parent being a narcissist or even
>>448903this post a 100%. I was diagnosed with BPD at 17 (i know…) by a shrink who otherwise did a lot of…very unprofessional shit and closed myself into that diagnosis, joined a bunch of "bpd support groups" where everyone was always telling me how
valid I was and it just gave me excuses to be a shitty person. Getting out of these "support" groups and quitting drugs were the two best things that I ever did for my mental health, my well being as well as the well-being of other people around me.
No. 449003
>>448767>when i said credible i meant believablepoint still stands
> i didn't mean showing some sort of proof of the incident(s), which no one ever does anyway.ah yes only because clearly no one ever actually gets abused and only lies about it, right?
the reason why no one shows proof often is because a lot of proof to that would often expose personal information, or the
victim was a child at the time and didn't know what was happening therefore doesn't have proof when they're old enough to know what happened to them and that it was wrong, why should we scream liar in their face because of that?
No. 449011
>>449007I never said pity, it's
toxic to claim someone is lying simply because of how they worded one thing, what's even more
toxic is wrongfully accusing
victims of lying. Obviously you can't make everyone pity or believe but when you're gonna be an asshole about it or try to believe someone was lying over something that doesn't even make SENSE as to a reason to believe they lied, I don't see why I can't say anything about it
If you think someone was lying without any good reason to do so, you're a piece of shit, plain and simple, it's not about "getting everyone to believe and pity"
No. 449017
>>449011>it's toxic to claim someone is lying simply because of how they worded one thing, what's even more toxic is wrongfully accusing victims of lyingnever did any of that. i just don't personally believe them and if you have a problem with that it's just your personal issues about you needing everyone to pity and validate your claims without any convincing reason to.
>you think someone was lying without any good reasonyou simply can't reason in that way. there is as little reason to believe someone's stories without question. and when someone make accusations about another person the burden of proof is on the accuser.
however, i don't expect everyone to share my view. hence posting in this thread lmao. try to calm down.
No. 449026
>>449017I'm pretty sure that poster has been putting words in peoples mouths here all day
Either that or the triggereds are out in force today
No. 449032
>>449026>putting words in peoples mouths This is the second time I've seen you complain about this. Take some introspective ownership for what you poorly say.
>>449027Hard agree.
No. 449048
>>449039How could people with instability, no grip on their anger, and who struggle with empathy gravitate to gossip websites?
What a mystery, tee hee.
No. 449049
>>448896I have something similar. My manipulative ex broke down to me a couple of years into our relationship about how his bipolar was first
triggered by the suicide of his best friend. He couldn't bear to talk about it so I never pressed him for details, although years later he mentioned writing a paper in school about how much he missed her that he said the teacher was moved by. It's been years since I had any contact with him but I only recently realised how it was probably just another one of his crazy ways to make me feel bad for him, none of his friends or family or anyone ever mentioned any girl from his school killing herself. I can't decide if it's more likely it was a huge lie for attention, or just he was dumb enough to fall for the "catfish that fakes suicide" thing that used to always happen in those days. I'll never know or confront him about it and it eats me up.
>>449043This would be a funnier site banner than most of what we have
No. 449117
>>449066Ntayrt but I would argue that obesity counts as a threatening health condition.
Sweets are like anything else- too much is a bad thing, but it's fine in reasonable amounts.
When I was little, we always had soda, chips, and cookies in the house. Instead of getting fat, though, I just burned out and got bored of junk. Having access to it all the time destroyed the novelty, and I eventually developed a taste for somewhat weird things my mom never kept around, like spanikopita or eel.
The only junk I still like today is baked BBQ Lay's. Everything else is just boring, even the spicy stuff.
No. 449120
>>449110Sorry for the double post but I'm pretty sure this is why Momokun got fat. Her athlete father was so meticulous with diet that Moo never learned how to consume treats sparingly. So now that dad isn't around to force her to not eat junk, Moo indulges every day. She's a great example of how controlling kids too much makes them go nuts when they have freedom.
A piece of candy once a day might actually teach the kid that candy is just another kind of food, and not a holy grail that needs to be eaten as much as possible whenever it's available.
No. 449178
>>449166or heroin.. I've heard that's very more-ish though
Sorry just have to laugh at the weird contrarian posts on here the last day or so
No. 449183
>>449113Isn't there scepticism around some dissociative disorders even among professionals. Around DID in particular and people who report having several personalities
I remember looking into all the reported cases of DID after the Sybil case/book became popular and it's interesting. Don't know what to think of it really.
No. 449189
>>449163Actually, I have Russian friends who grew up that way. There are a lot of Russian foods that use alcoholic drinks in the recipe, and they also have this thing that is basically extremely low-proof beer that kids occasionally drink.
Not defending it as a parenting choice. Just thought I'd share.
No. 449766
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>>449628I agree. The people obsessed with how their muscles look aren't even necessarily healthy or strong, anyway. Bodybuilders do it purely for appearance. Actual strongmen still have some fat. You'll never see some super cut gymbro doing the shit a real strongman does. And considering how they dehydrate and other super unhealthy habits, sometimes including sketchy drugs, just to look a certain way, it's definitely disordered.
No. 449886
>>449694Why does this always happen?
>I think we need to have the right to nitpick men equally.>NO!!! NO NITPICKING OF MEN!! We just need to nitpick women less!>I think we need to have the right to sexualize men just as we sexualize women.>NO!!! DON'T TOUCH THE POOR MEN!! We just need to stop the sexualization of women!>I want to be able to be sexual and coarse just like men!>NO!!! W-we just need to tell men not to be like that!etc.
None of the things above is never going to happen. There's no way people are going to stop being so relentlessly cruel on women. My unpopular opinion is that I'm sick and tired of always having to be "better than men", I want to be just as bad as they are. Fuck men's feelings.
No. 449925
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I ship Legolas and Gimli, partly because I love how much saying it upsets scrot nerds.
No. 450080
>>450079People want them to be intelligent for some reason.
Kinda similar to that, the majority of people with autism have average to below average IQ and are not exceptional savants. I don't like that this mental handicap is being pushed as ~the next step in the human evolution~ because it's extremely
not that.
No. 450142
>>450127I feel bad for Dylan Klebold's mom, she seems like a decent person. For twenty years she's agonized over the fact that she raised a monster, and that the media often blamed her for what happened. He was on medication and in therapy iirc, so it's clear she knew there was a problem and was trying to help.
Eric's parents are psychos, though. They've been absolutely quiet about the whole ordeal. Says a lot imo.
Male children are a huge gamble these days, especially if you're white. The odds of ending up with a son who is violent, a sexual predator, a misogynist, entitled, a pornsick, or a racist seem so high. It seems like most of these shooters come from loving, middle-class families.
No. 450173
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I love the Kardashians/Jenners (minus Caitlyn) and find them inspirational
No. 450175
>>450171>cutting fat men slackLmao, they're the most disgusting freaks, don't be fooled. Not as many people shame them, because only women's appearances are considered okay to attack them over.
Fat men are abhorrent.
No. 450177
>>450173I hope you can find some better inspiration for your own sake
>>450175Exactly fat men look grosser than fat women because men in general don't know how to take care of themselves.
No. 450217
>>450180An entire tribe of fools
None can keep a functional happy relationship going
Gib Kylie gofundme money to be billionaire plz
Can’t dress themselves without a team of stylists helping
Scripted drama instead of family dinner
Inspiring anon.
No. 450261
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>>450173Loved watching their reality show back then, they had some funny fights and I found them generally likeable.
No. 450265
>>450263Her sex tape got her the reality show because of the status she was born into.
She wasn't just some ordinary girl who got catapulted into fame by getting naked. She was hanging out with Paris Hilton, ffs.
They can't even make their own fashion designs or outfits (a ton of the shit they sold as "originals" were 1:1 copies of things made by random black designers they found on IG, a bunch of their outfits are literally just shit Rihanna has worn), let alone their own success, lmao.
No. 450291
>>450269I feel like pretty much all the cows on /pt/ should be demoted because they just aren't that milky. Even the most prolific ones like Mariah are just nitpicking now. No one does lulzy shit nonstop like they used to because they all know there's consequences now
Gone are the days of PT and CWC, I guess.
No. 450495
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I love the box mac and cheese, more than gourmet mac and cheese
No. 450551
>>450495I like box better because they actually add generous salt.
When most people make mac n cheese they just add melted soft cheese and call it a day without realizing all they've done is add milk fats and solids to plain macaroni. It always tastes so bland in comparison. People should just add the salt instead of worrying about cutting corners to make an already unhealthy dish a little less bad for you haha.
No. 450804
>>450547I mean technically fingering a guys ass can be foreplay, pissing on your partner could be foreplay,
I assume you're talking about oral
No. 450995
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>>450495The shells + cheese sauce (not the powdered stuff) will beat out gourmet mac and cheese any day. No competition.
No. 451009
>>450995haha, that is a UO!
i still remember the first time i had shells with sauce, i thought it was the actual nastiest thing ever.
keep on keeping on with your shell sauce love, anon, it takes all kinds to make the world go round
No. 451013
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>>451009>>450995i'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but it's a long known fact that the only delicious box mac and cheese (powder or sauce) are shells and white cheddar powder. my condolences to you both.
No. 451099
>>451013wow, i can't even get with this one. some crazy shit up in this thread
srsly tho, this is so wholesome and cozy, ty to all anons involved in the great mac and cheese uo battle
No. 451167
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>>450495Out of the way macfags, best box posting here.
No. 451251
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>>450495when my fav is the spirals
I swear the texture of these makes the cheese sauce taste better, but I also agree with spongebob anons, shaped and more textured pasta just tastes better to me
my top 3 would probably be spirals/rotini mac, followed by shells, followed by shapes
No. 451319
>>450495I'm not from the US but I went a few years ago and wanted to try this stuff since Americans are always banging on about it. I really don't get it. It just tasted like salt and chemicals, tasted nothing like cheese. If I was really desperate for a quick meal, yeah I'd eat it but I don't understand why it's considered a comfort food.
Homemade mac and cheese that has a creamy sauce and perfectly cooked pasta tastes infinitely better.
No. 451575
>>451559we're not being dramatic anon, there is a huge difference.
i personally think american chocolate is okay and will still eat it, but the anons aren't lying when they say it tastes chalky, it really does.
No. 451581
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i dont know if i should crossplay a male character i really enjoy or should i just cosplay the forced female variant of him that retcons his entire character/backstory in favor of tits
i feel like either way i need to lose weight so i dont look like ass but i fear no one will recognize it anyway
No. 451593
>>451540I swear some cheap coffees have this too, and so does Bailey's Irish Creme liquor or whatever. Both separately often taste bile-y and mixing the two is straight up a vomit flavor. Never again.
I love Hershey's tho but ive been eating it since I was a kid.
No. 451605
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German chocolate wins for plain chocolate but north america does get creative with the different pairings and flavors. My unpopular opinion!? Reeses sucks. Andes mint chocolates are where its at.
>>451540Amerifag chiming in in puke taste
I’ve always hated getting those plain hersheys bars in my Halloween bags because they always tasted like puke to me. Every friday my fourth grade teacher would pass out a hersheys kiss to kids who did their homework, and I’d always give it to a friend because “it tastes how diarrhea smells”. literally nobody felt the same way growing up and it drove me crazy
No. 451623
>>451470>>451540Thank you. Hershey's chocolate is fucking disgusting. I remember it showing up one day at a supermarket when I was a kid and being super excited about the the ~*american chocolate*~ because American things are/were considered cool, luxurious and exotic, only for it to taste like
vomit. Why.
I don't know how so many Americans enjoy it.
No. 451627
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>>451605>>451575>>451559>>451325If you can find them, El Rey and Savoy are really good chocolate brands. The darker El Rey versions specially.
If there's one single positive thing i can say about Venezuela is that the chocolate is really good. The cacao is very high quality, (cacao and coffee used to be the #1 exports before oil )
No. 451628
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This may not even be an unpopular opinion, but I think dreadlocks look absolutely atrocious on anyone who's not black, especially if that person has blond or red hair. Like, it just looks disgusting, I will never see the appeal.
No. 451665
>>451646So do promicuous Aids
victims, soldiers and thugs that get killed, drug addicts and many mentally ill individuals. Right know is perfectly cool to validate and protect all sorts of bullshit from any criticism but fat people for wathever reason are fair game to be as cruel as you want.
Its one thing not to endorse behaviour that makes you fat, the obese positivity crap is retarded but another thing is to go out of your way to target and bully fat people. Its not even about the condition, is about fucking with people that are fat, nothing a fat person does will be excempt from criticism even when it has shit to do with their body image.
No. 451742
Blind people are weird, look weird, and have annoying personalities.
>>451728I agree.
No. 451748
>>451747can we add the girls who are "not like other girls" to that
I know this girl who panders to misogynistic dickbags by liking gross scrote shit and for some reason they fall for her farce, it's honestly disgusting to see
have some dignity geez
No. 451832
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>>450495How do people eat that tasteless kraft mess? This is where it's at people, best boxed mac and cheese you can get
No. 451853
>>451832>the one annie's product that isn't bunny shapedwhy bother
>>451838What brand? I like to hoard buffalo sauce from McDonald's and cook with it.
No. 451855
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Adding to the boxed mac n cheese discourse, but I remember when I was a kid (like mid 2000s?) there was a kraft deluxe box that was white cheddar with spiral pasta. For an entire summer I ONLY ate that shit. It was incredible. They seemed to quickly discontinue it after that, which was sad, but probably saved me from having a heart attack at age 16 or something. I can't even find a picture of the box anymore…I just remember it kind of looked like this, but with white cheddar spiral pasta instead.
>>451847Agree, white cheddar Annie's is dope.
No. 451999
not oppressed, you're really shallow if you think money fixes everything and that people with money have absolutely zero problems ever
isn't it funny how blacks can defend black billionaires when they face harassment because of their race, no one says a thing
people can defend billionaire immigrants from harassment because of their immigration status, no one says a thing
people defend billionaire asians if they face harassment because of their race, no one says a thing
but suddenly all these kooky rules apply before feminists can defend women or address issues women face? why is there such a stigma against people pointing out issues women face but it's A-OK for people to point out issues literally any other group of people face?
women face problems unique to women, men face problems unique to men, blacks face problems unique to blacks, jewish people face problems unique to jews, etc etc
as long as if there's sexist people in the world, people will face sexism, let people talk about it godammit
No. 452031
>>451853I live abroad so I stock up on frank's redhot lol
but my favorite thing ever is just getting like pancakes and hashbrowns at denny's and asking for some on the side, I'm not sure what they use there though (likely franks lol)
No. 452061
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>>451999My hearth goes to all the struggling billionaires of this world. Everyday i do activism so they can live in an even safer bubble.
No. 452070
I hate reggaeton, i hate trap and rap and anything related. I hate how you get shoved that shit down your throat, every time i open deezer its all over the default page, they even put bad bunny songs in my player as defaults. Like i`m gonna listen to that garbage just because the app insists.
Sorry music industry , just because i live in Latam doesn't mean i like your bullshit.
>>452028I hate how the ad campaigns consist on brigading the shit out of every single online space to shill their manufactured viral phenomenons too, now everywhere is some shit about billie eillish, she is just a proxy, the new flavor of britney spears, i wish at least they would not push it so hard on everyone even those who don't and will never give a fuck.
No. 452154
>>452070I feel like 90% of reggaeton songs have the same backing dembow hook. You know the one.
Do they not realize that there are other intruments you can sample from Jamaican music?
Also, question for Latam anons: what the hell is the deal with accordians?
No. 452193
>Do they not realize that there are other intruments you can sample from Jamaican music?The do know and that's exactly why the music industry loves reggaeton so much, because is dirt cheap to produce and takes zero effort compared to other genres that require composition, several music instruments , much more recording and production time and actual skill. These urban genres are a godsend for them, they can put these albums out by the dozens and the bar is very low , always appealing to lowest common denominator, is not even good lirically and the singers can't even sing and is misogynistic as hell.
>what the hell is the deal with accordians? my guess is they come from transculturization, folk music getting mixed up with european instruments, but you have to ask Colombians and Mexicans for more info on why they have such a high tolerance for them. I personally can't stand vallenato and rancheras.
No. 452375
>>452335Is this a troll post? You don't care about the
victims of the cats or pitbulls. You should be reincarnated into one of their
victims lol
No. 452406
>>452397Holly, is that you? Kek
Cats do a lot more stuff than kill birds lol, it's basically a stereotype at this point
No. 452412
>>451605FUCK andes mints are so good. top tier taste anon
to contribute to the chocolate debate: growing up i ate hersey's but after i cleaned up my eating i was offered a snack size hersey bar (the tiny squares) and it was awful.
i like american chocolate when its mixed with something (milky ways or kit kats). snickers are garbage tier
No. 452426
>>452406It's not a "stereotype" it's statistical fucking
data. Cats decimate the ecosystem in areas they're allowed to roam free in.
No. 452427
>>452375Victims of cats who are kept indoors by humans, or pitbulls who aren't trained (read: abused) and deliberately bred by humans specifically to be violent and aggressive?
Notice how all your problems with these animals are the fault of humans, yet you still want to blame and kill them, talk about how awful they are, etc, lmao.
Enjoy your next cycle. May it stop when you come to your senses and grow a lick of empathy.
No. 452430
>>452426Its almost like the areas cat are left to roam free are heavily urbanized human habitats were wildlife is being fucked in a million other ways regardless.
But sure, its the cats decimate the vibrant ecosystem of condos , suburbs and office buildings that surround them.
No. 452443
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No. 452841
>>452811nooo I'd rather him romance me than geralt.
also geralt and yen are too good together. 10/10 would also retire and read books in the shade on a fairytale vineyard while my partner takes occasional contracts and sexes me on a unicorn.
No. 453052
>>453051what are you doing on lolcow dot farm then?
Any bigots get trashed here anyway, unless you are
triggered by women speaking the truth about the trans madness
No. 453131
>>453074I've found that thinking of sexuality as a spectrum made it harder for me to even label what I am. I experience attraction to men, women, trans and go through phases of being more attracted to one than the other and phases where I go off sex. Now you have people talking about sexuality often shifting and changing throughout a persons lifetime.. I get what they're describing but all these new terms and the idea that even asexuality is a spectrum…
I could technically be pan or bi or graysexual all depending on whatever word I feel like using that day, which makes labels seem useless in a way
No. 453192
>>453165That only reinforces whatever negative thinking patterns and beliefs lead them to being suicidal in the first place. I used to have very severe depression and suicidal thoughts daily. Things improved when I started taking CBT stuff seriously and reframing my mind to think positively. Now I'm glad I didn't succeed in killing myself and I never dwell in negativity and despair even if I have trouble getting my life on track.
>I think that just keeping them alive suffering and feeling guilty for wanting to dies way more cruelDefinitely an unpopular opinion lmao. At least I have trouble understanding why you would think encouraging people to off themselves for feeling hopeless is the more humane approach than just therapy. It sounds like bullying tbh.
No. 453201
>>453198Why though? There are millions of people that live their whole lives feeling unhappy. I know medicated people that die after decades of therapy and are still miserable.
Acting like everyone thats depressed or has other issues can be functional and happy if they just go to thetapy, pop some pills and try harder is disingenuous and surviver bias.
I think lots of people could find peace if they had the permissiom to kill themselves, though most still woudnt because the survival drive is biologicaly hard to override.
No. 453207
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While liposuction and photoshop are the main players in pulling off Momo's latest Hooters photoset, it's the best she's done in awhile and one that I could see people who are into BBWs/thicc women would actually want. It may not be what farmers approve of, but it's something her fanbase would definitely buy.
The sperging, barring her usual dumb poses, just seems hateful for the sake of being hateful and wishing she'd fail.
No. 453218
>>453201>Acting like everyone thats depressed or has other issues can be functional and happy if they just go to thetapy, pop some pills and try harder is disingenuous and surviver bias.No shit there are people who are too stubborn to get better and obviously I never said that it was as easy as flipping a switch. It does take awhile to undo years of ulhealthy habits that lead to mental health issues but it is worth struggling through. Medication hasn't even been found to reliabily
help the severely depressed, because as much as it is a biological phenomena it's still first and foremost a psychological issue.
My asshole family was stupid as hell about mental health but one thing I'm thankful for is that they never enabled my
victim mentality or made me believe that I was unable to ever make positive changes in my life. You wonder why people on places like /r9k/ seem to fester in their mental illness with no chance of ever getting better, it's because they have convinced themselves that the issue is outside of their control and they have an entire community of people just as sick as they are reinforcing their dumb beliefs and negative mindset.
No. 453220
>>453218Ntayrt but
>My asshole family was stupid as hell about mental healthit sounds like you carried some of their stupidity with you into adulthood. Sometimes people legitimately cannot get better with medication and "positive thinking" and if they weally, weally believe in themselves.
Not that I agree that we should encourage people to kill themselves either, but saying that curing mentally ill people is as easy as them accepting positivity is just…naively hilarious anon.
Some people are wired differently.
No. 453230
>>453226If multiple people are interpreting your point a certain way, it's pretty egotistic of you to assume it's other peoples' reading comprehension and not in the way you're coming off and phrasing your argument.
Not everyone is you, another point your asshole family failed to teach you evidently. Try working in the mental health field and come back to us in five years about how all people need is positive thinking. You're
real funny.
No. 453235
>>453231I don't care if you said positive thinking isn't easy, our point is that it's a relatively easy theoretical solution to a problem that's way more complex than what you're making it out to be.
You can stop whining about reading comprehension now.
No. 453259
>>453257Basically if person A wants to eat human meat and person B, for whatever reason, decides to sell a limb or commit suicide for that cause, I don't see why it should be illegal. I don't really care if a fetishist dies or if someone wants to eat humans, as long as it's voluntary.
Tbh I'd try a toe or something if offered to me by a willing participant. Just to say I did.
No. 453300
>>453295Better than getting killed ? Yes.
unless you wanna argue that orphans would be better of dying ?
No. 453308
>>453306Good point, but what about people being murdered in their sleep/while unconscious.
Also: does that mean you are in favour of a time limit for abortions (20 weeks ?)
Not trying to turn this into an abortion debate thread -.. but would anyone be interested to discuss this further ?
No. 453315
>>453312I don't see it as a slippery slope argument,I think it's unlogical to justify the killing of a human being with their inability to be sentient during the time of the killing, when the same thing holds true for people who are unconscious and therefore just as unaware.
Also: the unborn does "wake up" as well after enough development.
No. 453317
>>453301>>453288True. I'll amend my original statement then. No money should be involved. If they're just creeps like the German dude and his "
victim", then whatever.
I just really don't see the big stigma. If I was going to die of something, I'd volunteer to let someone eat me if they wanted to.
No. 453320
>>453315Babies born to women who can't take care of them often grow up to be criminals. Many countries see a drop in crime in the 20 years following the legalization of abortion.
What would you prefer, a bean-sized fetus dying, or sentient adults dying at the hands of a criminal?
No. 453327
>>453316The dependence of the unborn still does not explain why killing it out of convenience is justifiable. You are faced with two human rights that are in conflict with each other (right to life vs. right to not be pregnant).
Cases like that are very common and solved by upholding the more fundamental right. The more fundamental right always belongs to the party that risks to be most negatively affected. In the case of the mother she will have to deal with fatigue,less mobility and pain (in severe cases psychological pain) temporarily.
The unborn however faces death and an extinguised future that lasts forever.
Therefore it is hard to deny that the right to life is more fundamental than the right not to be pregnant.
No. 453351
>>453329Hard agree.
A few years ago I realized I was basically their token brown friend they could parade around and would only want to talk to me about racism.
No. 453353
>>453327>In the case of the mother she will have to deal with fatigue,less mobility and pain (in severe cases psychological pain) temporarily.>temporarilyHere's the problem with this line of argument: the effects of childbearing last after you're finished being pregnant. Doctors specifically ask if you've been pregnant because it's a medical condition. The reason why the right not to be pregnant is a big deal isn't just about temporary hardship or the lifetime burden of a child, it's about the damage it does to the body. Your pelvic floor, spine, all kinds of stuff. Some women who have preexisting psychological issues can have actual psychotic breaks postpartum.
I think abortion sucks and I wish it didn't have to exist, mostly for late term, because the thought of having to destroy that potential is sad, but it has to because of how awful unwanted pregnancy is. I can't have a baby right now. People need to just use birth control if they're in a consensual sexual relationship, and abort if things go wrong with the birth control or if you get raped, etc.
No. 453359
>>453308>Also: does that mean you are in favour of a time limit for abortions (20 weeks ?) Absolutely, with the exception of severe health problems.
>Good point, but what about people being murdered in their sleep/while unconscious.It is very different because those are fully formed people with emotions and sentience who aren't dependent on the sacrifice of another human's bodily autonomy to continue development.
I personally find abortion very sad and think it shouldn't be taken lightly as a decision, however I feel that the outcome of its illegalization is far worse than having it accessible. It punishes desperate women in such a brutal way by forcing them to give birth or potentially maim/kill themselves by seeking back alley procedures, makes rape
victims carry their rapists babies, and basically turns every woman into a potential forced incubator.
No. 453363
>>453327Anon, you are severely downplaying the risks and complications that can often result from pregnancy, sometimes life threatening. It isn't simply "pain and fatigue", pregnancy can be life threatening and render you disabled. Diabetes, serious heart problems, and other really real problems can result or be worsened by fully carrying a baby to term. And if you're raped, the results of being forced to have your rapist's baby sure as fuck aren't "temporary".
>Therefore it is hard to deny that the right to life is more fundamental than the right not to be pregnant.What about the woman's right to life? Denying women the right to an abortion literally kills them, is that really worth forcing them to develop fetuses? Not only do they die from illegal abortions, but "life of the mother exceptions" have been proven to lead to maternal death because if they're not 100% sure, they usually won't allow the abortion. Many women have died this way.
No. 453382
>>453353A lot to unpack here. I get your point and what you are saying is factually correct. But you are also generalizing the changes a woman's body goes through in pregnancy by classifiying them all as "damages".
First of all, the maternal mortality rate during childbirth decreases with every pregnancy a woman carries to term - meaning that a woman is less likely to die during her 3rd labour than her first one.
But that is only true to a certain point, when it comes to the 7th, 8th or 9th child a lot of woman's bodies reach their limit and can be permanently damaged.
Now even if what you are saying is completely true: Childbirth/Pregnancy is still significantly less life threatening/damaging than death. (Duh)
So my point still stands - pregnancy is less harmful to the mother than abortion is to the unborn.
No. 453385
>>453382So, since you're so in favor to sacrificing women's bodily autonomy during pregnancy because it's less of a sacrifice to you, then how about we throw out bodily autonomy when it comes to organ transplants as well? The logic you're using here could easily be applied to this situation as well.
>Childbirth/Pregnancy is still significantly less life threatening/damaging than death. (Duh) The physical effects to the forced donor aren't nearly as bad as inevitable death, after all. (Duh)
>So my point still stands - pregnancy is less harmful to the mother than abortion is to the unborn.Being forced to donate organs is less harmful to the donor than death is to the person who needs a transplant.
>Therefore it is hard to deny that the right to life is more fundamental than the right not to be pregnant.Therefore it is hard to deny that the right to life is more fundamental than the right to not be forced to donate your organs.
No. 453386
>>453363I am in favor of abortion when it comes to situations where the life of the mother is at stake.
And obviously you are correct when saying that pregnancy can be very hard on women and leave behind permanent damages.
I was trying to say that the undesirable condition of the woman (pregnancy) is only temporary while the child's condition (death) is permanent. Therefore it stands to reason that the unborn's condition is more serious. Diabetes and heart problems suck - but you can't tell me that they are more damaging to the mothers health than abortion is to the child's health.
In much easier terms: It seems reasonable to assume that being pregnant isn't as bad as being dead.
No. 453390
>>453385Your analogy is
almost correct, but it contains a fallacy: In your analogy the organ transplant has not yet taken place- but when it comes to a pregnancy the unborn child is
already using the mother's organs.
So your analogy would be more correct like this: Can an organ donor kill somebody in order to take back his kidney after the transplantation surgery ?
No. 453397
>>453388Fetus means "little one" and describes a developmental stage in a human's life (just like baby,toddler, child, etc)
And the fetus, like the mother, exists. It might not feel pain or emotions but there are many already born people who are like that as well. The fetus can be compared to someone lying in a 9-month long coma after which he/she will awake and be able to feel pain/show emotions.
And why does the right to live need to be bound to the ability to feel pain ?
Calling it a clump of cells just functions to dehumanize it - you are basically a (big) clump of cells.
No. 453405
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>>453386We don't need any more unwanted children on this planet. Our environment cannot sustain it. Not to mention often times the would-be mother is poor/irresponsible and thus the tax payers or relatives need to care for the unwanted child.
No. 453406
>>453394If no transplant has taken place then by your analogy, no pregnancy has taken place either.
The donor killing the other person to get his kidney back is not equivalent to the mother killing her born child, since the born child does not use her organs (anymore). The child has his own organs.
No. 453436
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A lighter unpopular opinion I guess: A lot of "commentary channels" on youtube aren't much better than the content they critique, and sometimes they just come across as weirdly bitter and jealous of other successful youtubers.
I'm not trying to dismiss them as "haters", but I've noticed many of them say the same thing in their videos: "ugh why does this shitty content/youtuber get so many views? how are these people millionaires while actually good content creators (like myself) are barely getting paid?!". Like they're genuinely angry about how 'unfair' the internet is and feel entitled to some type of recognition. But in reality a lot of commentary youtubers aren't even that talented, their whole channel is just them ranting/insulting bad content (videos, movies, music, etc.)–basically glorified reaction channels. They love to pretend that they aren't as money hungry as other internet celebs but also love to beg for likes/subscribers, do sponsorships, and won't hesitate to sell merch and do tours/meet and greets. They just try to justify it by saying they're deserving of this because their content is "good" or they're a decent person so they deserve it. Some might be funny/entertaining but it just seems hypocritical to attack a creator when most commentary channels don't even create their own original content, and most would probably also be really shitty at it if they tried to. There's a reason why so many people are trying to be commentary channels–it's literally the easiest content to make, all you have to do is state your opinion on something and/or rant about how bad something is. As long as you have a bearable personality you're bound to get some views, so it's weird that they act like they're the god-tier of youtube. We get it: the Paul brothers are shit, TikTok is cringe, kids have bad taste in youtubers, please find something new to say.
Tl;dr: I hate the sense of superiority commentary channels have even though their content isn't that great.
No. 453459
>>453436anytime anyone believes they are better than a lolcow while indulging in said peoples delusions and attempting to monetize off of it, they immediately become cows themselves.
if you have to prove how much better you are than someone, you automatically lose
No. 453494
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>>453436>it just seems hypocritical to attack a creator when most commentary channels don't even create their own original contentKurtis Connor does that all the time but because he showcases his entry level feminism and self depreciates his own cringe content whenever he can, his fans act like he's a pure angel that can't do any wrong. Like many youtubers he started off against lazy reaction channels but changed once he realized where the money was.
No. 453501
>>453436You are entirely correct. The “commentary” community’s evolution from trash like Ricegum & Leafyishere who were universally hated to people like Cody Ko & Danny Gonzalez. I find those two in particular so incredibly cringe and annoying. Especially Cody Ko since he got his start making cringe as fuck vine vids.
Commentary channels complaining about copyright and YouTube changing their terms and service are annoying as FUCK. If you were CEO of YouTube would you want to encourage videos that might discourage a new cash cow from making videos on your own platform? Susan is just securing her bag. If you wanna bitch about it leave make your own platform or evolve your content and stop being a little bitch
No. 453523
>>453494This guy's face annoys me so much.
Btw, I saw he went on tour with Danny Gonzales and Drew Gooden. What do they even do on tour?
No. 453686
>>453678I honestly classify it as abuse. Don't get me wrong, there are people in the working class who do make enough to afford raising a child and they know how to spend wisely, but there's also people who are known to spend on frivolous shit, no matter what class they are, you just know they don't actually care about their child. They just want one for sympathy points and to fix a broken relationship.
My boyfriend's sister is a great example of someone who had a child and she knew she wouldn't be stable enough to raise her. She ended up losing custody of her daughter because she was in and out of rehab and drowning in bills because she and her baby daddy bought a house ~for the status~ and they didn't know how to take upkeep the house.
No. 453706
>>453678God this lmao
All my most controversial opinions are to do with having kids
Know you have a terrible disease or mental health that's likely to be passed to the kids? Dont have kids you selfish prick. Purposely having kids is some top tier narcissism in my book
No. 453708
>>453686A lot of people in my hometown have had kids by accident and kept them because "it's what you're supposed to do", not because they wanted them and sometimes it depresses me how they treat said children vs how people who actually really wanted kids treat theirs. I see young girls (21-22) walking with their toddler and completely ignoring them when the kids want attention from their mums, or just giving them to their parents to raise while they go and party. Most of them don't have jobs and just assume their parents will help them financially as well. The kids are always starved for their parents' attention, and that's if the dad sticks around.
>>453706But it's God's will uwu! It's just God testing them to see how much they can take! Never mind that the child can't breathe without heavy medical appliances they can't afford, can't move or go to school and will never become anything useful, it's still a gift from God!
No. 453718
>>453683>>453510Same. I liked her after seeing a couple videos like the one she did about Kat Von Trash's husband, but after binging her she just comes off as so pretentious and holier-than-thou even though she mostly just parrots the obvious. Also, she's way too alt-right sympathetic and says Blaire White is one of her favorite YouTubers, which alone makes her garbage.
>>453421If you wanna discuss it further, this is probably the best place for it:
>>406909 No. 453723
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Why yes, I do think men who date women shorter than them by 15cm or more, are closeted pedophiles. How could you tell?
No. 453766
>>453761makes me think of charlie kelly and his hoe momma ngl
>>453748its a decent thought, but single parent stress is fucking awful. no alone time, little sleep, high stress. constant demands for attention. better hope you haave reliable baby sitters or enough money for daycare.
No. 453831
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BNHA is just a Naruto bootleg.
No. 453835
>>453786 is a baiter anon, don't worry. You're fine.
No. 453838
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I honestly don't have an issue with most bicyclists, but this is fucking retarded. Have these people ever seen a semi-truck before? Or a school bus? The grill on those things go up to your head. I doubt these trucks you see every once in a while, they're more rare compared to school buses and semis, are going to actually hurt you.
No. 453852
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>>453831>Implying Naruto isn't itself a ripoff of HxH>Implying all shounen animes aren't derivative>Implying Naruto doesn't suckEveryone knows shounen animes are just the same tropes with new coats of paint, anon. This is the stalest hot take on Earth.
No. 453857
>>453852Shounen Jump series in particular are always going to be derivative and have obvious influence from one another. Jump is a brand, it's in their/the business's best interest to have their readers find similar enjoyment in many series. Plus it's such a small, insular genre that it'd be hard to define a series as battle shounen without sharing tropes and cliches across the board.
The only one I really like is HxH personally but I can't begrudge Naruto ripping it off, or another series ripping Naruto off.
No. 453864
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>>453857I think that's because HxH deviated from the norm in its later arcs. Granted, the first few arcs were your run-of-the-mill shounen tropes, but as the story progresses it goes in some pretty bizarre directions that I honestly liked.
Also, BNHA has way more in common with HXH than it does with Naruto. In addition to having similar powers, Izuku even
looks like Gon, which spawned memes like pic related.
No. 453933
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>>453864Yeah, the good thing about HxH is that you never really know what to expect, Togashi has the freedom to do what he wants and he gets ambitious with it. No editor would let a less established mangaka take ten years to write the ant arc or even attempt the current arc.
No. 453946
>>453415>An acorn is still an oakBut an acorn isn't a tree, dumbass. They the same species, but they're not the same
thing. A squirrel eating a hundred nuts is not the same as some chopping down a whole forest, even though the same number of the same species are "dying".
I'm not even talking about abortion. I'm just saying that this metaphor doesn't hold up.
No. 453957
>>453317I agree tbh. I’d rather donate my body to be eaten by some whacko than hand over thousands (or leave loved ones to hand over thousands) for a box and some makeup.
Embalming is stupid. Feed the plants or feed the crazy, just don’t pollute with your corpse.
No. 453963
>>453962Straight women hate other women, and judge other womens looks far more harshly than woman leaning bi women and lesbian women, its so fucking weird.
Also, yeah I agree with you I enjoy other womens company but they gotta be pinkpilled because a lot of women lowkey accept mens shitty behavior.
No. 453969
>>453962A lot of people think like you do, and it sucks because then when a woman has any kind of critical or mildly disapproving opinion of another woman she gets deemed a jealous bitch when if a guy had that opinion about another guy no one would care.
Used to work with 2 guys who hated each other's guts and were always complaining about each other, no one said anything but i know if it was 2 women people would be saying things like "this is why women can't work together" "men have better comradery" etc. Women supposedly hate each other yet the vast majority of murders are men murdering other men.
No. 453996
>>453962I’ve only ever encountered this with insecure younger women that still base their value off of whether or not men want to fuck them, it seems to get lax with age
Of course there’s always the odd cougar out and about that feels extreme competitiveness
No. 454028
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The makeup looks on Euphoria are so fucking overrated especially Maddy’s looks. Tinfoil hat, but there’s no way the instagrammers & beauty gurus creating looks inspired by the show arent sponsored by HBO/euphoria.
No. 454032
>>454023i mean yeah, but people are ten times as cruel to ugly women so…
it is nice however of you to realise you were a mean child and that you've grown since then.
No. 454060
>>453962about the age difference, sometimes it comes from genuine concern. My best friend is 21 and when she started dating some 45 yo who is close friend with many of our uni professors, you better believe I told her how
toxic it was and encourraged her to break up with him. Yet I love her, am in no way jealous of her and generally like being around women.
No. 454065
>>45406021 and 45.. an age gap that is longer than she's been alive
The general rule is to half your age then add seven years, she doesn't even come close to that
No. 454071
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>>454064How do you feel about Handsome young men dating older women
(begone necessaryspeed4) No. 454087
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>>454081You are right If majority of older men that go after younger women took care of themselves physically like Henry Rollins then I don't think anyone would be compiling
No. 454103
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>>454098>>454087Also the vast Majority of men can physically reach the same psychical build as Henry Rollins without steroids or a super strenuous complicated Gym routine
No. 454156
>>454150I don't know where you live, but here in California, semis are horrible drivers, since most haven't been on the road more than a year. My particular area hosts the schools where college flunkies go to learn how to truck drive. Traffic on the freeway is always hell.
Bus drivers, specifically school drivers, are really good at their job here, and it is taken very seriously. When school bus drivers are frequently late dropping off their students more than 15 minutes, they're fired. They're expected to keep the bus clean and act professional at all times; there's been lots of fired bus drivers when I was in high school. Most bus drivers that kept their jobs, had been doing it over 20 years. They're all trained in CPR and medical emergencies (allergy, convulsions, etc), and hijacking/gun safety, (which I know is common knowledge about bus drivers, but it just shows you the hiring process is a little better). That driver is responsible for the student's safety. Bus drivers are rarely a problem here.
No. 454196
>>454183Most people with lifted trucks drive on rough terrain most normal trucks would have difficulty driving over, although there are some dumbasses who just like the way they look. They do come with risks such as decreased horsepower & issues with breaking & handling.
The roads in burgerland are considered 3rd world roads and when you live in a rural area, the city doesn't take care of shit. There's potholes everywhere. They try to get by patching it up with rocks, but it only lasts a month or so.
No. 454311
Following after this anon
>>454197I think the future of urban transportation is not bikes, nor electrical scooters, it's all about public treadmills.
Free, everyone can ride, centralized electrical consumption, not noisy or dangerous.
No. 454355
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Tbh i sage all my posts because i am afraid to be screamed at but i don't get why this place is so autistic about it, has to be the only IB this salty about saging, i could not care less.
No. 454412
>>454390As someone who has dated in my age group and never been able to find maturity (a stable career or college grades, income, sense of self, not getting plastered every weekend) or commitment ("I'm just not ready." "Don't you want to try different partners and find what you like sexually?" "Marriage is dated."), no thank you. I unapologetically like older men. I think women have this image I'll date any random older dude, in the same way teen girls in the locker room are afraid that a lesbian will find them attractive because lesbians find every single woman attractive, right? I still have standards. The average boomer is gross, ill kept, and ill mannered. Single men in their middle age are a red flag, and especially those who pry on young girls, but consider that some of us have an older social group due to our jobs, schooling interests, or hobbies. I tend to be around older guys all day, and have acquaintances. It's not really surprising I may like to date one after working by their side for a few years for the reason we are close and good friends. I've never met a young guy who became my friend before asking me out; it was immediate, they didn't care about my interests, and they pressured for sex. They eventually left when I wouldn't put out. All of my relationships with older men have just been nice, and slow paced. I feel like a human being and not a sex doll (but I have encountered my fair share of shitty older dudes that just want a lay too, though I never had interest in them to begin with). I find my odds of having a satisfying relationship go up when I date out of my arbitrary age range, with a certain level of carefulness.
I guarantee you my opinion is the unpopular one due to the REEEEEs I'm going to get as replies.
No. 454484
>>454412I don't think this is particularly unusual but noticeable age differences get my side eye if only because I've seen disproportionate amounts of
abusive relationships among them. Some people just get luckier avoiding that. IME older guys are bossier, I've had better luck dating younger men personally. It's true they tend to have less money though.
No. 454487
>>454476I am so fucking sick of YTers complaining about the algorithm and ad revenue. Like the end user gives a fuck, we're not profiting and I'm still getting spammed with adverts.
And good yt keeps updating the algorithm. I feel like it does recommend me videos I'd be interested in. Not really a fan of being lectured on the monetisation state of YouTube videos.
No. 454490
>>454432Did I write this? Because that's how I feel. I hate that so many people can make so much money with the most pointless vapid shit, like opening boxes of things that were sent to them, or reading assumptions about them, or reading stuff off of Reddit etc. Then they have the nerve to upload videos about how hard it is being a youtuber and their audience just doesnt understand (like this cun t right here) and how they want to quit youtube because of how much it hurts their mental health or because theyre not makimg enough money from it, but never actually quit and just keep uploading their shit content, usually making a later in then begging their audience to pay them. Most first worldy shit ever.
I am guilty of watching reviews from time to time though, mostly of products that I'm curious about but don't actually want to shell out the money.
No. 454509
>>454421The men I date, date women their own age, and I'm usually the exception. I think older women are beautiful and intelligent as well, and am open to dating them, but I've yet to meet one who is lesbian or bi. Also, who cares about me, I should date a 20 year old asshole that cheats on me and gives me nothing in return! Am I right? lol
My grandparents were an age gap couple, my grandmother was the older one, but closer to his age (a difference of 5 years). Her husband cheated on her on multiple occasions with women much older, and was a verbally
abusive dick bag who died of an alcohol problem. He was my age.
>>454484All of my
abusive relationships have been with younger males. Porn makes 'em entitled. Older dudes grew up in a generation where they were expected to take care of their women, and it shows. Not to say you aren't right, my parents are also an age gap couple of 10 years and my dad was an
abusive, controlling cunt. It really comes down to the individual. I think I'm just better at picking up on
abusive behaviors in older men and knowing what to avoid due to being an only child in a household of silenters, boomers, and Xers. I'm shitty at picking it up in my own age group because it presents differently.
No. 454529
>>454432There's a bunch of commentary like youtubers from the UK that I hate. They're all early twenties 'lads' that are living in nice apts just from making ten min long vids on whatever is popular each week.
They complain about depression and poor sleeping habits cos 'ooh the tough life of a youtuber' they joke about having no friends when they are a friend group of about 10 guys?? They joke about never going out but their instagrams show them out and it's like stop trying to be relatable guys
Their editing is minimal and they have a teen girl audience that adores them for basically no reason other than them maybe being genuinely depressed and lonely young girls watching
No. 454536
>>454484I've dated younger and older and had worse experiences with the older guy, all down to the person really, not the age
I dated a 40 year old when I was 27, he paid the rent but in return I was talked down to in any argument, had to bite my tongue alot, his kid didn't like me and I tried but could do nothing right on the weekends he stayed.. oh and this man was as porn sick as any young guy
He once got in a mood and stormed out of the house, I had no idea what I'd done wrong. Then I received a long email telling me that I either needed to fist his ass to give him a prostate milking or I could get all my things out of his house and go sleep rough.. I had no family and put up with shit like that til one day he told me he's moving in with another woman
No. 454623
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steve irwin was a terrible animal educator and was not a decent advocate for animals. he was disrespectful of animals and was very careless. he brought his baby in, mere feet from a crocodile, when feeding a crocodile, and his general treatment of wild animals was horrible. i hate the way everyone remembers him as being respectful and responsible. he was not.
cousteau was right about him:
>Cousteau stated that Irwin would “interfere with nature, jump on animals, grab them, hold them, and have this very, very spectacular, dramatic way of presenting things. Of course, it goes very well on television. It sells, it appeals to a lot people, but I think it’s very misleading. You don’t touch nature, you just look at it.”
his habit of manhandling nature and animals to children and to a generally impressionable audience was very harmful and he was a bad influence. he should be remembered as a reckless and irresponsible fool that didn't truly care about animals. the harm he had the potential to do is immeasurable
No. 454663
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Anime is fucking awful, as are video games.
I tried to get into them because I was nostalgic for Pokemon, Tomb Raider, and Sailor Moon (etc.) that I loved when younger. Aside from classics like Cowboy Bebop or a beautifully done indie game like Journey, it's all horrible. Wildly inappropriate fan service, weird inconsistent dialect (seriously, I have no idea what's going on a lot of the time, too many plot holes), over-exaggerated and overused facial expressions/tropes, just pedophilia and disrespect for female characters in general. Plus, unlike old school anime (think Naruto with its own distinctive style), it all looks alike now, especially after 2011. Video games are less like this, but they lack creativity to solve levels now. It's mostly shooting, grinding, or both. Everything "nerdy" just sucks in general now, like Marvel, but that's not an unpopular opinion and I'd say at least the Avengers is mildly entertaining.
No. 454720
>>454660I liked him when I was much younger, immature, and cringier, this was probably about 2012 ish but I outgrew him by 2013 and unsubbed from him, rarely watched his content since and I was surprised to see that he's somehow become worse since then. Somehow I think he should've stuck to autistically screaming at video games.
giving other lets players the benefit of the doubt I used to be a lot more into the ones who wouldn't be as screamy and would actually comment on the game specs so that's probably why even his early content was easy to outgrow because it was painfully redundant compared to everyone else's content, I still don't know why he retains his status as #1 youtuber when his current content is painful to watch. Theyre so bad I can't make it even 5 mins into his recent videos if someone tried to get me to watch them
No. 454878
>>454663Anime is stupid as fuck and gives you brain damage. Every person I’ve ever known who watches anime is retarded and rarely has real life skills/hobbies, and worst of all has been rendered so braindead by anime that they can’t tell blatant pedophilia when it pulls down its panties and rubs its ass on their face
Also agree on games being shit now. Last new game I bought was offworld trading company, I don’t bother keeping up with what’s coming out anymore.
No. 454895
I think both anime and video games are large mediums (not genres) and, because of their size, should not be judged on the usual run-off (both are often very generic because many people are in the industry not to make something beautiful, but to get money, first and foremost), but by the amount of gems that can be found (hidden or not), and their potential as a tool for storytelling.
I wouldn't feel comfortable bashing anime or video games in themselves and calling the entire medium(s) good or bad over the content I've seen alone, any more than I'd feel comfortable doing the same for movies, books or television series as a whole when I know that monetary gain is so heavily prioritized above everything. There's also no fucking way I'm going to watch every TV series, movie or read every book from all eras in a bid to decide if everything is good or bad, so I'd rather just classify the mediums as subjective and take the content therein on a case-by-case basis.
The anime and video game industries, however, are another story, and the same goes for the fan cultures. The way they treat those who work in said industries is abhorrent, and I think many companies pander too heavily to their worst fans, because those are the ones who throw the most money at them. This encourages them to keep behaving the way they do once they've been "seen" by the industry, creating a toxic culture of people who think their loathsome activities and dysfunctional personalities are normal or acceptable (at least when it comes to said mediums, if not life outside them).
No. 454913
>>454895I agree with this, but anime in general seems way more autistic and a shit ton of it is sexist and panders to otaku, and this is coming from someone who has been a fan for a long time. The fans are definitely fucking disgusting and autistic and love joking about "waifus" and ogling over anime girls constantly. It's a pretty backwards fandom, which is why I understand why many people are way of it, and also because a ton of mainstream anime is made to appeal to horny, retarded otaku. I tend to consume majority horror-related media, especially manga, but every other recommendation sexualizes girls or women and it's instantly unreadable. And fans make excuses that they're "just drawings" and it's "normal" in Japanese culture lel.
As for video games, it doesn't seem nearly as difficult to find some decent ones, because there are more indie games that don't just focus on trying to sell to the mainstream or promoting sexism.
No. 455102
>>455079Honestly I was never concerned about that to begin with. It's wrong to solicit underage nudes, obviously, but I'm just more interested in cheating drama and found Heidi the most credible and reliable person involved so I just focused on what she had to say.
There were a lot of anons who were like 'the cheating isn't the big issue here, it's the nudes!' or it seemed like they relied on the inclusion of a pedo scandal to make him the bad guy when, imo, the cheating was already more than enough. I didn't think any other drama was necessary to cancel him.
No. 455135
>>455097Yeah, then it becomes "everything the government doesn't like is a speech criminal or a hate crime" And a bunch of assholes have the power to label and cancel everything they don't find convenient.
Sorry, no. I already lived that shit growing up in commieland, so pass.
No. 455161
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I think Hocus Pocus is a shit movie and i'm sick of it being associated with anyone who likes Halloween, MUST LOVE THAT MOVIE. it sucks and i've seen it both as a kid and adult. never got the appeal and i love both Fall season and Halloween greatly.
also, i hate Bette midler's stupid face.
No. 455173
I don't care about defending the rights of zoophiles, misogynists, racists, pornographers, rapists (and rape apologists), and pedophiles, not even on principle. They are invalid to me. Not everybody deserves unconditional "fair" treatment, and those who should be exempt show themselves with their continued actions and the fucked up things they stand for.
I'll never fall for the "W-well, not all your opinions are exactly politically correct either (re: being gender critical)! They'll come for you next! We're in the same boat!" BS, either. To me, it sounds exactly like when trannies try to insist they're totally the exact same as non-white women or intersex women, and that's probably because both arguments are made mainly by entitled men.
No. 455192
>>455161this movie awakened some Gay t
Thoughts for me, but it's been so long, I don't remember which scene.
No. 455244
>>455194lol I'm the opposite of you. I love cities and I'm trying to move to Washington DC permanently because it's an awesome city to me.
Do you live outside of the US? Because most cities here are definitely not walkable unless you're in NYC or something.
Suburbs are boring. People may or may not be friendly but you'll never see your neighbors. Also there's no wildlife in suburbs lmao
No. 455260
>>455244I am in the US and my city is actually walkable, but you definitely can't walk anywhere at night. It has pretty good public transport too but the buses have bedbugs and the subways have literal shit on the seats.
Suburbs are only boring if you're only idea of fun is going out to bars I guess.
No. 455366
>>455089The creators are too busy being edgy anti-safe spacers that they won’t think for a second why you need some ground rules to keep women’s voices from being drowned out and chased away.
They shouldn’t have called it spinster if it wasn’t meant to be a women’s space
No. 455409
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Am I the only one who thinks Enter The Florpus was absolute shit? I've been a huge Invader Zim fan since I was a kid and obviously had high hopes for this movie, but it just missed the grungy edgyness that the old show used to have. The story and dialogue is incredibally childish and forced, and the overly saturated colors actually hurt my eyes. However I do kinda like the new art style though, except for Dib an Gaz' new character designs.
No. 455444
>>455409It was ok, I agree with
>>455431 it was mostly enjoyable for the nostalgia. I'm seeing a lot of young teens who don't remember when emo or scene was popular and there was a big craze over Zim and Gir finding all this stuff really cool now which is kind of funny and cute. And now that the movie introduced them to the series they can go watch Zim harvest his classmates' organs or whatever.
No. 455495
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>>455444It's interesting to see this new wave of Zim fanart and watching dumb tumblr kids latch right onto it. Seeing pic related and "zim is trans" arguments make me feel old.
>>455477I have to agree on the fujo part. They aren't really a threat to gay men since most fujos are lesbians anyway and tend to keep to their own circles. It's rare that they ever pursue IRL gay men, unlike straight dudes who pursue/threaten lesbians for their own creepy fantasies. I think the ones who are "fetishizing" gay relationships are fakebois. Like, it's one thing to like yaoi but it's another thing entirely to want to get surgery/horomones just to act it out IRL. Not to mention these people are constantly trying to insert themselves into actual gay male communities and throw a tantrum/yell transphobia when they're denied.
No. 455685
>>455477Watch out, the anti-fujo sperg will see this and throw a fit over how reee get your disgusting kink off my face.
>>455527Ironically the misogynist fakebois are the ones who complain about ~muh fetishization of gay relationships~ and cause other girls to troon out because they don't want to be the "evil fetishizer women". At this point it's not about larping as a dreamy fictional boy anymore, it's about saving your skin. And you know where this mentality came from? The people screeching for years about how horrible fujos are and how they hate women while fetishizing male relationships. They internalized that and decided "I don't want to be that person, I'll become a gay male myself".
Back when I was a teenager fujos were doing this cringy shit of larping as their uke/seme couples (while still identifying as female), but that's just part of being a teenager. Playing with different identities and ideas while finding yourself, sometimes they would realize through this "roleplay" that they were lesbian or bisexual. And guess what, they all eventually grew to be normal adults who continued liking fujo stuff or dropped it altogether. But now you got all the moralfags interfering with that process and laying the "stop fetishizing you bigots" take on them, what else would you expect to be the result? Back then they might've gotten a shitty sasunaru tattoo when they turned 18 but that's nowhere near as extreme as injecting testosterone or having body-altering surgeries.
Those "straight girls who fetishize anime gays but are homophobes irl" probably exist in some numbers but in my 10+ years of fujodom I have never met a single fujo like that. Never. It's often just these fakebois projecting the experiences they had in school when some basic bitch straight girls would ridicule them for being a lesbian and then squee over some charismatic sassy gay character on TV.
No. 455706
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Women shouldn't be allowed in Special Forces or even Infantry combat roles,Its been proven that men are better at conventional and irregular warfare and that needlessly putting women in combat situations for woke points will just endanger them(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 455709
the US Army has now opened all combat and special forces roles to women in 2016. And their performance has been… subpar. The Marines were concerned about this and commissioned a study:, turns out, women are pretty bad about rucking 80 lbs of shit through mountains (and coming out uninjured)
No. 455713
>>455706I think there are some women out there who are just as capable, if not more capable, but those women are the kind to go to the olympics instead or are already serving in woman-only rebel forces in 3rd world countries. But the bigger factor that people seem to forget is the social aspect. The men in infantry will 100% lose their "brotherhood" as soon as vagina is involved, whether it be attacking each other over women or tearing women apart because they think its their fault that we "make" them lose their minds. Not to mention the rape. Modern sjw-types (sorry for that buzzword) need to get their politics out of their ass and either let men fuck themselves over with the wars they start or just accept a female-only military force.
But then the troons would start invading that, lmfao. What a terrible place we're in.
No. 455724
>>455713I don’t know why any woman would willingly enter a hyper violent male dominated environment where murder is celebrated, it’s just throwing yourself into a pit of sex depraved men that obviously have no moral qualms with being violent. I’m absolutely not one to
victim blame, but getting into the military and being surprised when you get raped left and right is one of the dumbest fucking things - that’s like solo backpacking through India as a woman.
Men start wars, let them kill one another, it’s not even like first world militaries are protecting their countries
No. 455834
>>455765I think the whole promotion of anxiety and depression in society is what causes even more
isn't it funny how not long ago everyone strived to be extroverted, confident, charming, etc but now all of the sudden all these hoards of people, sometimes the same people are struggling with panic and anxiety attacks and depression?
No. 455928
>>455919It ruins chances for people who actually need help/want to get better. Nowadays whenever you try to speak about a problem, instead of genuinely listening or giving advice people will only respond with "Gosh same, me too!“.
There's a difference between being sad because your bf if 3 weeks broke up with you and being depressed. Same with anxiety, nobody enjoys being in huge crowds or having to talk in front of a large audience, but that alone doesn't mean you have some social phobia.
No. 455934
>>455765all of reddit has a
victim complex
No. 455960
>>455765There's conflicting evidence over whether the huge prevalence of depression now is even primarily caused by masses of people having innately chemically broken brains (which is what the standard pharmaceutical-backed idea is) or whether it's mostly issues of negative thought patterns, situations, and behavior–lack of financial security, lack of deep connections, lack of meaningful goals and accomplishments, burnout from overwork, as well as the health epidemics in much of the modern Western world like the standard American junk food diet, inactivity, and so on that physiologically cause depression.
Antidepressants are largely ineffective with the majority of patients not responding well to them long-term or at all which potentially points towards chemical imbalance not being the core or sole issue for many patients diagnosed with depression.
>>455795 makes a lot of great points related to the evidence of these varied non-innate contributors to depression and that the "I'm basically crippled, don't tell me that healthy lifestyle and self-improvement will cure me" attitude is exactly what's making many of these people stay mentally ill.
No. 456180
>>456174What the fuck, gay fudanshis are seriously the first people to defend fujos because so many of their favourite creators are female. And have you seen the stuff gay men create for each other? It's fucking plentiful and often way more degenerate and fetishizing than the stuff female fujos draw. I follow multiple male gay artists and they often enjoy the content made for fujos just as well as fujos themselves, but also draw their own stuff that would make an average tumblrette's face turn white. I know fujos get blamed for the "gay man turning a straight guy gay with loving rape fetish" but jesus christ the porn created by gay men has that plot point down very, very well.
I swear the antis have like zero contact with gay men and have no idea about their actual lives because they think their 5ft3 fakeboi girlfriends represent the "gay men" demographic well enough. They're adult men, I doubt they need barely underage antis going after fujos or care about "the fetishization".
No. 456182
god please stop saying "most fujos are lesbians!!!", where does this delusion come from? you're not a lesbian if you're into men. stop.
>>456174i used to find fujos usually the cringiest part of fandoms because they were always in catfights over their ships, would always shove their stuff down everyone's throat and make everything about some woke agenda but seeing how much being objectified in a gay way offends straight men that have no sense of empathy, it's all good.
No. 456183
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>>455834Majority of people who claim to have anxiety only do so because they read whatever tumblr repost on facebook with stupid webmd type symptom spotting where everything applies to everybody
No. 456342
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Me reading the anti fujo sperging for the 100th time knowing damn well I’ll continue to consume cute boys holding hands and continue to not bother anyone
No. 456361
>>456350you know what i mean. anons are always bitching "why is it
my job to take birth control?" and it's like no shit it is why ever trust men to do it?
>>456358>>456263>>456268fujos are deeply insecure, too insecure to self-insert as women. nothing more, nothing less. girls who are super misogynistic are usually just extremely insecure about themselves. most fujos are fat/frumpy, so they get butthurt about self-inserting as a cute girl in a shoujo with a hot guy who will never go for them. it's easier to self-insert as a man, and a lot of them have this mindset that if they were men they'd be those types of kawiwi ukes (ala fakebois). it's really simple stuff. same reason men like yuri, it's not that "two girls are oh so hot" it's that they get butthurt that a guy is cucking them.
No. 456370
>>456363Disappointed but not surprised.
>>456358It’s not sexual to me, I’ll tell you that, I have no desire to be in a relationship with the fags involved (maybe the qt side character). No complex about het stories either, consume a healthy amount of shoujo and shoujo ai. I may hate the way female characters were written, not female characters themselves. In fact I hate the trope of having a female character being the villain in a BL story, it is true that many BL writers suffer from internalized misogyny. Maybe it’s a factor that where I grew up, men don’t engage in these sorts of female-coded behaviors seen i n both het and BL manga. I will not deny that there are good number of nutjobs like
>>456361 described though.
No. 456404
>>456388yeah but meaning of anger is different
one is mad because they can't control women the other is mad that women take unnecessary hormones to be responsible and men just do whatever
that being said birth control can really benefit someone or really hurt someone, it just depends on how you react to it, since women are more prone to reproductive issues birth control helps with those especially things like PCOS and endometriosis, it also helps clear skin, not to mention when you get off of birth control it can help fertility when you're ready
No. 456405
>>456381oh it's the typing style anon
how long have you been here and you still haven't been able to find a life?
No. 456413
>>456404why does everyone just forget that there are non-hormonal forms of birth control for women?
There are plenty of widely available barrier options and if you combine them with a spermicide they're just as effective as hormonal options.
I think the real problem is that men don't personally feel the same level of reproductive responsibility as women. They generally engage in much more risky sexual behavior, and aren't as concerned with their overall reproductive health. Just take a look at all the promiscuity among gay men and how many of them refuse to use condoms, some of which knowing fully well that they have a transmittable infection.
Oh, and of course it doesn't help that we as a society generally give men a pass when it comes to abandoning their children, while simultaneously shaming women who try to terminate pregnancy or give children up for adoption. The whole system's fucked in men's favor.
No. 456415
my ex kept stealthing me and abandoned me when I had a pregnancy scare (I wasn't even pregnant )
No. 456441
>>456173>I also hate when people think that being into something "nerdy" like marvel or star wars makes them unique some howTbh I think the problem is that the concept of "nerd culture" is outdated. Sure, years ago a person might have been considered nerdy for being into comics and liking sci-fi, but now media like superheros movies and star wars are billion dollar franchises and very mainstream. So now you have a bunch of "normies" who think they're dorks for liking stereotypical nerdy things but in reality that shit hasn't been 'nerdy' since like the early 2010s. Nerd culture is really just pop culture now, unfortunately some people didn't get the memo. It's kinda like how people think they're special for listening to The Beatles, has if they aren't one of the most popular bands on Earth.
In my opinion being a "nerd" in general is overrated, people should enjoy things they like without insisting on labeling themselves or feeling this weird sense of pride over being "different". Some people like niche things, others don't, who cares?
No. 456487
>>456413>why does everyone just forget that there are non-hormonal forms of birth control for women? Because they’re useless or a hassle to use at best, or downright harmful at worst. Spermicide can be terrible for your vaginal health and a non-hormonal IUD can make periods heavier and more painful.
There’s also not a lot of research into hormonal BC for women, and men hate condoms and love to pressure their girlfriends into taking the pill because it’s the most familiar and well known non-condom bc method out there.
No. 456515
and copper IUDs cause a very high risk for an ectopic pregnancy, other types causes vaginal irritations, it's better just to take a low dose birth control, red pill birth control tinfoil aside, if you're fairly healthy and care for yourself birth control pills won't do much
anecdotal but I barely notice any difference when I started taking birth control outside of clearer skin, bigger boobs and a change in body sensitivity (mostly I became tender headed)
No. 456545
>>456441>I think the problem is that the concept of nerd culture is outdatedthis 100%. so called nerd culture started being mainstream over a decade ago, maybe even before that.
>>456447agree with this for the most part, especially when the cow is a manipulative narcissist who can still make people feel bad for them and they'll still say "I hope she gets help" etc. but on the flip side I also hate how pretty much every thread on /snow/ is just about bashing looks. I haven't followed the kelly eden thread for a few months (which is now on /w/), but back when I did follow it at least 1/3 of the posts in the thread was people taking screenshots of her videos at unflattering angles and moments calling her busted and ugly etc. it just seems like they go way overboard trashing someone's looks- not that I feel bad for the cow per se but I just don't see the point of that. no one is perfect looking and everyone has bad angles etc. it's clear they're doing it out of bitterness.
No. 456568
>>456559I feel like males with autism can be the worst. There's a theory that autism is an exaggerated male brain
"The 'extreme male brain' theory suggests that autism is an exaggeration of systematic sex differences in ways of thinking. One theory is that people with ASD have "an extreme male brain," and that this may be the result of exposure to high levels of fetal testosterone"
No. 456606
>>456594I have a career that requires decent social skills, only have the sensory issues really
Seems pointless getting diagnosed in my 30's when I'm doing well in every area of life and low functioning pervy man-children are the more typical aspie
No. 456701
all POC means is non-white and I personally hate the phrase.
it homogenizes all non-white people. Even worse, the phrase is used imprecisely and unnecessarily all the time. If you're talking about the issues that Chinese women face, why call them POC or WOC unless you're trying to bring home a bigger point that includes non-Chinese women? It happens too often, and I usually see POC being used when talking about black issues, which is a problem of its own.
It also creates a binary: white and non-white, which is problematic for a lot of reasons. Race just isn't black and white, pun fully intended. And by definition, the metric of comparison is whiteness. ,for e.g someone who is half white is often still considered a POC. I've even seen instances in which people who are quarter black AND white-passing are still considered POC, regardless of how the individual identifies. I've also seen white Hispanics claim to be POC which is… interesting cause Italian's aren't considered POC's
I guess "POC" can be useful when talking about colonization, but that's not the way I've most often heard it used. There are probably better descriptors you can use.
No. 456712
>>456707Just ask them If Pashtuns are considered POC,what about Chechens ,or nuristanis,or Baltis or Khazaks or Gilak
ethnic groups that are non-European but have "white" features and appearance
No. 456724
>>456701I also think it's ridiculous, but afterall it started because of "poc" themselbes, I'm only using it because that's how they want to be called like lol
From my (a white person's) point of view you could also interpret this to mean "we came up with this because we wanted a term to exclude all white people".
In the end it just shows how america-centric and uneducated its founders are: do they really believe that nationalistic east asians want to get lumped together with other races? Do they really think that e.g. the japanese are more of a "
victim" than poor as fuck south-eastern but white euro- countries? What a stupid word. Because let's face it, "poc" is only always used with the connotation of good while the rest, meaning white people are the bad oppressors.
Sorry, but you brought that upon yourself.
No. 456730
>>456724>Sorry, but you brought that upon yourself.ah yes, i remember the the vote in the official court of people who aren't white. we all collectively decided on this, not just dumb americans and ameriboos. we're also all out to hurt the poor white people's feelings with a super secret exclusive club because we're evil and mean like that, lmao.
the irony of this post is that you probably get mad when people lump all white people together and make a retarded comment like that
No. 456753
>>456701it's so dumb because it directly bases itself on the american white supremacist mode of thought that the world functions on white versus not white. the only difference is that america likes to promote certain people to being white when it feels like it. there was a point where actual european people like the polish were considered non white in america. that was until they fully integrated themselves into its racist system and got the message that siding with blacks in society is bad while siding with whites comes with benefits, lol. irish
literally dressed up in blackface and attacked people to make black people look bad. that's how bad it was. you never ever see the "but irish were oppressed and enslaved too" camp recognizing this.
it's not scientific or sensible. america's concept of "white" is just a popularity contest for dumb racists trying to maintain the status quo. the USA are a fucked up country and i wish that they would stop polluting the world with their insane games through the internet.
now we have some finnish people going on about the "plague of blacks" all day every day. have you ever even seen a single black person with your own two eyes in the flesh, valthjof??? get off the fucking internet already. i would be happy if american posts were collectively blocked from all non-american IPs for at least 10 years. the world would quickly make sense of itself and understand diversity is more than just white and black and brown. the same probably goes for russian, british, and chinese posts.
No. 456762
>>456758>reading comprehensioni obviously hate that term as well and i don't agree with it, but you're pinning it on me and literally everyone else and saying we "brought it upon ourselves" as if we decided on it just because we're not white. it comes from americans who inherited their own retarded breed of racism. they are a confused, often malicious people who have no idea of how the world works. it's
their mess and
them perpetuating the same system that caused the racist hardships in their system, not mine or anyone else's.
No. 456774
>>456772the issue is that america's ingroup makes no sense, isn't linked by culture or significant bloodline and erases diversity for the express purpose of keeping another group down.
this is a problem created by them. it's the exact same thing, but turned on its head. blame the inventors of "white" for killing diversity, they started this.
No. 456775
>>456774>isn't linked by culture or significant bloodline and erases diversity for the express purpose of keeping another group down. You could say the same, moreso, about other ingroups though. "Asian-American" makes absolutely no sense. There's no common ground there whatsoever. It presupposes a cultural unity (of some kind) between everyone from Near Easterners and Afghans to Japanese and Chinese.
I'd say there's about as much unity between Europeans in cultural terms as there is between modern day Indians: Strands of Christianity, Roman Law, Greek Philosophy/Art etc.
No. 456778
>>456775and that's why i've been saying americans are retarded. stop lumping us all in with people who think america and its idiotic, anti-culture yet culture-obsessed society is the center of the universe just because you might.
once again, none of this would be a thing if anglo saxons didn't make their very own exclusive club called "white". "poc", "[x]-american", "african-american" etc is a thing because in america, "white" is normal and seen as the default american. asian and african people didn't decide they were only kind of american, "white" americans forced them into that.
No. 456789
>>456778>none of this would be a thing if anglo saxons didn't make their very own exclusive club called "white".On the list of most retarded things I've ever read. This would be pretty high. You're complaining about an inevitability of language. Anything observable is given a name.
>"white" is normal and seen as the default american.As a European when I think of Americans I do think of white Americans as the default. That's because whites are both the majority and the creators of America. It has nothing to do with any terminology.
No. 456794
>>456792is meant for
>>456789only idiots defend killing the diversity of the human race, and it's hypocritical to only complain when the group you might identify less with does it. in fact, it just sounds like you don't have a problem with the concept, but you're worried that it's been realized that the same stupid tactics invented to benefit you can now be used against you.
it's not "inevitable" when it's literally just one group of people who decided the differences in our bloodlines and our ethnicities don't matter for the express purpose of social oppression.
an arab man has little to nothing in common with a scandinavian man, but in america's white supremacist society where they seek to absorb everybody so anglos can stay in power and can continue to stomp on others (like those of african descent), they are both considered "white". there is no excuse, and it makes zero sense from a scientific standpoint. if you defend that on any basis, you are retarded.
No. 456797
>>456792What's with your hateboner for "anglo saxons", nobody even uses that
As a non-american, minimum 90% of the time I heard people use poc or woc it was by a black woman. I'm sorry, but that's just how it is. OP was complaining about that word, nobody is denying that a couple hundred years ago white people in america made themselves out to be the default and black people as lesser, but that has nothing to do with (mainly black) people choosing to refer to themselves as that.
Anglo saxons or any other white people can't change that, the lingo you americans use in 2019 is not the fault of white europeans.
No. 456800
>>456797i'm differentiating "white" from anglo-saxon, because "white" is just an amorphous mass of european people. traditionally, it was literally only meant for a specific type of european person until it was broadened for social reasons. it's not done out of hate, i'm just being as specific as possible.
are you new to the conversation? i've been pointing out that the term "poc" is retarded multiple times, but it's no less
valid than when it was used for another group's benefit.
>the lingo you americans useyeah, no, if you knew anything, you'd understand that i'm not american lol. the retard above was claiming ALL people who aren't white are responsible for the term created by dumb americans, as if their issues apply to the entire world.
No. 456801
>>456792>oh, so you've just been another deluded ameriboo all this time The post you replied to was my first post.
>i bet if i pulled up an article showing that the term "poc" was invented by an anglo saxon to highlight everyone but themselves as alien, you'd start making excuses and calling that inevitable, too. it's pathetic. I don't care about the term "POC". Its just a different way of saying non-white, but for PC people. If you don't like that term then just don't use it. pretty simple. If you did manage to get rid of "POC" and "non-white" then another term to describe the same thing will appear. That's inevitable.
>this isn't even worth a response from any kind of historic standpoint,From what historic standpoint did America have its current borders and cities when the first European settlers arrived?
>>456794>only idiots defend killing the diversity of the human race,Funnily enough that is a white nationalist argument for retaining homogeneous nations. Collective terminology isn't "killing" shit. Put down the
victim juice and stop being so dramatic.
>it's hypocritical to only complain when the group you might identify less with does itFor your sake I'll assume the prior anon was doing this. If that's the case its stupid. All in-groups will have a phrase to refer to out-groups with. That's just how language works. Nobody in their right mind would get mad about black people referring to people who aren't black as non-black.
>an arab man has little to nothing in common with a scandinavian manTrue.
>but in america's white supremacist society where they seek to absorb everybody so anglos can stay in power and can continue to stomp on others (like those of african descent), they are both considered "white"and then you take another chug of retard juice. If there was a conspiracy to keep Anglo's in power. What benefit would there be for them to include others in their group?
No. 456806
>>456799and? they're just using the tools "white" america has laid out for them. it only makes sense to be upset about it if you're upset about the term "white", as well. they're both stupid and don't account for actual races or culture.
>>456801non-retards preface their posts in discussions they just jumped into with "NTA", just a tip. if you're not that anon, then obviously, what i said doesn't apply to you, but them. if you don't care about the term, fabulous. i was talking with someone who was complaining about it while defending the use of "white". it helps to actually read before entering the ring.
>and then you take another chug of retard juice. If there was a conspiracy to keep Anglo's in power. What benefit would there be for them to include others in their group?scroll up and read the article. i'm not going to help you along any more, have a nice day.
No. 456819
>>456813It's not that, it's more
>"America is only Anglo Saxons, Germans and some Indians in the West… Wait, who are these Poles? They're fucking weird and alien. They're nothing like us">Chinks and Japs arrive>"…Actually Poles aren't really different to us compared to these guys"It's all a matter of relative difference. The more you're exposed to really, really different people, the more it reinforces the similarities between you and others you thought were previously alien when you had no proximity or reference point beyond Russian being the most easterly people on earth.
No. 456838
>>456834Aristotle on Asians:;dr: he uses the term "natural slaves".
You can find Isocrates thoughts on ancestry and race in the Panegyricus.
Demosthenes opposed Philip of Macedon's pre-eminence in Greece because he felt the Macedonians were not ancestrally/racially Greek. This is the basis of his Philipics (his orations against Philip). These are some of the most famous works of oratory in the western canon, and the fact you don't know about them speaks volumes.
No. 456841
>>456839Many of them want to, but it's difficult to get European visas. Non-whites can import people by the boatload into Europe because they can exploit the family reunification system, or can just burn their passports/papers and claim they're refugees, or failing that just go off the grid and stay in the country in perpetuity even though a deportation order has been issued against them.
Things are made very hard for legal, skilled immigrants in both America and Europe. It's part of the reason people hate bogus asylum seekers and random muds who got over on a dependency visa so much.
No. 456843
>>456838you argued that greeks referred to themselves as "white". i pointed out that data on the term refuted that argument, and now you're substituting that with them reportedly being racist. all well and good, but did they call themselves "white" and believe that everybody with pale skin is of the exact same race and creed like amerilards in 2019 do?
this doesn't really speak volumes on anything except your own weaseling. the article you linked to only shows an abstract and doesn't refer to people of asian ancestry even once, either. it just explains that aristotle believed in maintaining the status quo of one’s born position and class.
if it doesn't fit, don't force it
No. 456850
>>456841>referring to non-white people as "muds"One more time: Who the fuck invited /pol/tards as of late? The same thing happened in the USA thread. Supposedly, some of it was NecessarySpeed4.
Did she invite her schizoid boyfriend to start posting here or something?
No. 456884
>>456839>>456814That bantu'ss that make up the majority of South Africa only came to that region that is now a South Africa a couple years before the dutch
for the boers land is their home to them where they and their families have lived for generations I believe they should have the right to live their peacefully if they want to
No. 456885
>>456678i've also heard that women who have autism and want to get diagnosed get told things like "you cant have autism because you're a woman" or something of the sort. i feel like that probably doesn't happen much anymore but i can totally see it happening especially 20 years ago.
>>456687it seems like if you're not really suffering from it then there would be no point in getting diagnosed. unless of course you just want to know for yourself.
No. 456886
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>>456813so as I said previously are Pashtuns,Chechens ,or nuristanis,or Baltis or Khazaks or Gilak considered white
ethnic groups that are non-European but have "white" features and appearance
No. 456889
>>456821>>456826>>456828They believed in race,they believed that people in south (Egyptians and Ethiopians )were skinny intellectuals while people from the north(Germans and Celts)were dumb dirty savage barbarians
while they themselves were just right and had the perfect mixes of the two
No. 456891
>>456884Wouldn't the same be true of people who were born in European countries (or any country, I guess), regardless of race, especially those who've been there for multiple generations?
To be honest, I personally don't really see a problem with people claiming the land they were born in. I just really hate that some people have double standards and a "Rules for me, not for thee" outlook. It's disgustingly hypocritical, especially when they try to defend it by claiming they're just "protecting their homeland and blood natives" or whatever the fuck, but think it's okay when they do it.
No. 456905
>>456886>>456900The girl on the left looks white for sure but not the girl on the right… honestly I would have thought she was Indian or Arab or a mix of white and something else.
I'll never understand SJWs definitions of "race". they think that super dark looking Greeks are "white" but they will label Persians (Iranians) as being Arabs/POC when really Persians are white as well (well, not all of them because a lot of them are mixed with Arabs, but historically they are white) and whine that casting white people as Persians is "white washing" when in reality a lot of Persians look whiter than Greeks. I guess they just assume "it's that part of the world, everyone from there is brown, right?" without doing any research.
No. 456907
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>>456905>The girl on the left looks white for sure but not the girl on the right… honestly I would have thought she was Indian or Arab or a mix of white and something else.That's something that should also be discussed most half white half Indian/Arab/Pakistani end up looking completely white most of the times
I have seen some half British half Pakistani kids that look 100% white but would still count as "POC" to some people
No. 456930
>>456905POC/non-POC discourse is extremely stupid but saying that Iranians are white strikes me as stupid in another way. Only in the wishful thinking of a few Nazis and Europhile Persians are we white. Many Iranians are pale and light-skinned, but we aren't Europeans and we don't look like Europeans. Europe doesn't have a monopoly on light skin.
Also there's no reason to think darker Iranians are automatically mixed with Arabs. Even Egyptians are mostly the same genepool as the ancient Egyptians (and the English mostly the same genepool as the ancient Britons). Historically Persians intermarried the most with Greeks but even that's obviously a very small proportion who can claim distant Greek ancestry.
I think we just have dark and lighter skin coexisting in the area and even the same families, since ancient times, the same as most of the region.
No. 456941
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>>456930This guy is Persian, and he's not white, but the super dark girl in
>>456886 picture looks white? Alrighty then.
No. 456942
>>456938Oh, then I misunderstood. Yes, it's dumb.
Greeks being European and "white" hasn't changed their situation as a nation that has suffered hugely from imperialism and discrimination, just as Iranians are. Fixating on whiteness and appearance obfuscates the harm of imperialism within Europe. Most of Europe is not part of the imperialist core but are colonised or semi-colonised countries and suffered enormously from it.
>>456941Don't know what you're trying to say here. Stop thinking of Persians and Central Asians in terms of being white or not white. It's retarded. That system is purely American and falls apart when applied to regions that weren't shaped by a simplistic "white slave owner, black slave" history.
No. 456943
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Does anyone else not fucking care about all this race shit?
No. 456950
>>456946It shouldn't have a containment space of any kind, to be honest. That would just legitimize it and allow it to become part of our board culture, meaning that we'd have to accept it by force. Yelling "Go back to your containment thread" barely ever works for anything.
I wish the mods would just go back to banning and redtexting this shit on sight like they used to ~2 months back. I usually report it as I see it, but nothing seems to happen. I don't know what's changed, but it's slowly turning the board into a cesspool.
No. 456986
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>>456361Self inserting is creepy and I don't know why it's so wildly accepted. This is one of the reasons why I like BL actually, nothing to self insert onto.
Also there's nothing more misogynistic than hating on other women for having different taste in manga than you.
No. 456989
>>456986Why is self-inserting creepy to you? I've never done it, but don't see how it's bad for woman to imagine they are the one all the guys want. The only bad thing about it is when a protagonist is being deliberately written so that peoole can easily self-insert, but that's because it lowers quality of the work and not because of any inherent creepyness.
Also, you would be surprised how many women self-insert into the kawaii uke.
No. 456992
>>456989Mainly because for one, it's a fictional character and it's a nicer way of pretending to be married to them and two most of the characters at least in shoujo I've read are pretty heavily abused and the idea of self inserting as a girl who gets kicked around all the time by bishounen men is weird to me. It's one thing if it's unrelated two characters but the reader is supposed to pretend to be said character getting abused, like you can find
abusive men all the time in real life why would you want to pretend it's happening to you in manga/anime as well?
>>456991I'm talking about more of a character made for the reader to insert onto or a character that someone happens to self insert as in a work, but you also bring up a good point of weird authors who write obvious self inserts. I notice men do this more than women but at least when women write self inserts they're generally nice meanwhile men just write the biggest douchebags who fuck everything in sight and are the master at war/video games/etc.
No. 457070
>>457066Dicks are ugly in general but I think the looks argument for circumcision is retarded. Not to go off on a tangent here but my sister insists that she will circumcise any future sons because "uncut dicks are gross" and she personally doesn't like having sex with uncut guys. How can someone unironically say that they
must perform an unnecessary procedure to alter the appearance of their infant's genitalia based on their own sexual preference? How am I seemingly the only person who thinks that's fucking weird? America is nuts.
No. 457086
>>457070Tell your gross sister not to worry about the look of her son's penis because she shouldn't be having sex with them anyway.
>>457066Lmao, I've slept with more than a handful of guys who had uncut dicks. It's not really a prerequisite here, especially today.
Bf right now is hispanic and uncut. The sex is amazing.
No. 457098
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>>457066When an uncut dick is erect I would agree but when it's flaccid it just reminds me of a naked mole rat.
No. 457104
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>>457098What did he ever do to you, anon?
No. 457111
>>456986But I don't self-insert into shitty shojo manga.
But with books/games/tv if I get really into it I can pretend what if I was there with the protagonists and what would I do.
No. 457356
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This is the best Harry Styles has ever looked
No. 457616
>>457594Because hospital staff are known to be dicks who don't listen to the women and make a lot of unnecessary decisions against their will. If you're american you get absolutely fucked with bills too.
Not saying I advocate for plopping their kids in the woods, but I totally understand women who'd prefer a home birth with a midwife who will at least listen, and escalate them to a hospital if it becomes medically necessary.
No. 457731
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>>456559My biggest pet peeve is the meme that autistic= a savant misunderstood genius.
autists are pretty average or slightly below when it comes to IQ and they perform way worst than most people in normal conditions, they are neither Sherlock nor Dr House types. If anything it is a handicap and the worst possible thing to do is validate a bunch of autistic people's dunning krueger's so they become even bigger insufferable pain the asses to deal with and worsen their condition by believing they being on the spectrum is a superpower and not something they have to treat an work through to be more productive and happier. Met one dude in my last office job who kept sperging about being an annunaki, he could barely even get by and do his job at the bare minimum, of course he confused everyone being too polite to call him out on his dellusions or argue with him as everyone agreeing he was a genius. Of course, big fedora wearing type, Shapiro and Jordan Peterson fan, wouldn't shut up about truisms he memorized, had no personality beyond that, everyone who didn't like his dumb memes was a simpleton in his eyes and could not possible know something he didn't.
No. 457754
>>457732>If an autistic person can hold a job, they're already way above a lot of othersExactly, just doing normal day to day tasks is considered high functioning and that should be telling that the condition is not about the cold and detached redpiled geniuses the some weebs see themselves as. I don't know statistically but aren't most people on the spectrum just fairly normal and able to go to normal schools and workplace? It doesn't have to be crippling despite being a handicap. Even Chris Chan could have probably integrated a lot better if he received better care and his family life wasn't such a mess.
If i come across as ignorant, i am sorry, i have nothing but sympathy for autistic anons that overcome their condition and integrate to society and they deserve their place in whatever they do, we all have hurdles but this guy was not really on that level and he wasn't that low functioning not to be able to improve if he cared, the only reason he even got a job was because he was an initial hire when the company just started, the first few months they didn't have proper HR so they botched it with the screening process. The first 3 months there were hardly any projects to work on so he got the trial period fine and got a contract for 6 more months, as soon as work started coming in it became a bad situation. By the time i came in there were already busy covering for his fuck ups and could not wait for his contract to end so they could quietly get rid of him without any hassle. All of his tasks were re assigned to new hires (like me), he was left with bs tasks no one gave a crap about just so he could pretend to work while the rest of the team did damage control for his first few months of mess ups. He never got the hint though, always acted like he was the big brain around and when asked to do the easy menial bs he was demoted to he still acted like "ugh, i have to do everything around here, what would you do without me " attitude.
He also shared those "npc memes" on his twitter (which he updated often and during work hours), he was our office personal cow for a little while.
No. 457763
>>457754It's a pretty wide spectrum but I meet a lot of autistic people through my job and I've known some fairly normal loner types that are just quiet.
Then I've noticed that in 20-something year old guys they have an exaggerated version of male confidence when they really shouldn't.. all the usual traits that annoy me about men.. but worse
No. 457766
>>457731I remember having two autistic classmates in middle school who would randomly have meltdowns and be so socially retarded they made everything awkward for everyone. One of them desperately wanted to be my bff and since I didn't know about her condition yet and the fact that she beat the shit out of a much shorter and skinnier boy than her before I talked to her for a bit. Her parents were of the "we're vegans and anti-vaxxers and our autistic daughter is doing just fine in this semi-expensive private middle school, we're perfect parents!!1! being a vegan is healing her!!" The other classmate was doing fine imo, he was just socially awkward and older than everyone else because he spent two years in therapy, but he was obsessed with video games. Still, they were high functioning sure but they were always interrupting classes and the first one would then harass and beat other kids later on, and sperg endlessly about Naruto and Nintendo games. They should have both been in a special school for disabled kids instead of ruining normal kids' education.
One of the reason why I tried to hang out with her was also because adults would push the "be nice to everyone, it's not because she's autistic that she's different and she has no friends :(" narrative. Big mistake. Never again. She had that one "autistic face" that you can see from miles away, I should have known better because I found this off-putting despite not really knowing about autism at the time. I don't get how people can be so in denial and think that their kids are "sort of normal actually with just a small difference" instead of being unhinged assholes at the very best.
At my part-time job when I was a student I had to work with a guy who wasn't as high functioning and it was basically like being a baby-sitter and salesperson at the same time. He smelled horrible, looked just like the guy in your pic and my coworkers and I had to do his job and be reprimanded for his mistakes by our managers. iirc he has a caregiver who legally manages his money so why the fuck wasn't he given an easier and less annoying job instead of fucking things up for us, I have no idea.
No. 457785
>>457754Its difficult to say, the people who are probably on the spectrum who lead fairly normal lives don't get diagnosed. I do a fairly well educated job and probably half of the people in it are spectrumy, but born in an age where people just put it down to being odd.
Sorry to blog, but my younger brother has autism, and to be honest getting the official diagnosis has really fucked him. His biggest problem is social anxiety, and where he was coping pretty well before, he's now even more anxious because now the diagnosis has given his anxiety another stick to beat him with - even though the actual autism is mild enough that he went undiagnosed until his late teens by which point the boat had been missed for coping strategies. Maybe if people stopped being fucking weird about spergs and pointing out the autism at every turn and how great it is, he wouldn't be as anxious about it.
No. 457789
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>>457763>Then I've noticed that in 20-something year old guys they have an exaggerated version of male confidence when they really shouldn'tPic related is from the urban dictionary smh. It sounds ironic but i have seen so many spergs going on about this meme that i believe it wasn't. Half the definitions there were clearly written by users who are asspies themselves.
>A rare and debilitating condition where the person suffering from it realises that there is more to life than constant, non stop meaningless mind numbing socialisation and will often find interest and obsession in more intriguing and fascinating things and do things that actually matter.Fancy way of saying you are a friendless neet obsessed with chinese cartoons.
No. 457797
>>457794I've heard of bipolar and bpd being mistaken for each other all the time and the diagnosis just switching, can a misdiagnosis of autism be taken off your record?
I feel like a good portion of the 'autist' insults over the internet are a form of projection really, we're socially awkward internet lovers (not unusual) but we're trying to feel better by pointing out socially inept people who actually have a good excuse for their difficulties
No. 457806
>>457797since it's not really on record to begin with iirc I'm really not sure, I mean I've never actually used any school disability resources and basically hid most of my diagnoseses until college hit, plus didn't get diagnosed with bpd or bipolar until about 19-20, I do kind of believe the bipolar diagnosis negates the bpd since they have a lot of comorbidity and unlike bpd people are said to be I'm more "aware" of my outbursts and medication helps me, my mother might be bpd because she's mentally ill and refuses to go to a psychiatrist yet let's her doctor prescribe her Valium which imo doesn't do anything for her to help her behavior at all. but yeah I even kept mum about my mental issues at work for the longest time except amongst my close friends there because the ADA doesn't really give a shit about bipolar and or bpd people, they only care if someone's actually retarded enough to qualify as a tax deduction. don't get me wrong, I worked with a guy who had severe mental retardation and he was actually a really sweet dude who was surprisingly not prone to tantrums, but it kinda pisses me off that it's clear workplaces don't give a fuck if you're "functionally" retarded
as for the whole autist thing I'm not insulted by it, I use it all the time myself, I love the fact that I learned the term sperg from the internet lmao
No. 458243
>>458242>non-AmericaSpotted the Burger.
America is a continent not a country.
Mexicans, Canadians, Argentinians, Peruvians, etc, are also American. Stop appropriating words.
No. 458246
>>458245>Grew up with Nickelodeon, Disney and MTVExactly, going to places you saw since you were a kid but never got the chance to actually visit before, like the times square, Disney, LA, etc, is very surreal.
I always find odd how Americans can't grasp how most of the entertainment the world consumes is basically a huge ad for the US.
No. 458259
>>458246>>458242Going to New York as a kid felt like traveling to a sci fi movie on another dimension, incredibly trippy, they really do take a lot of things for granted and don't realize how cool it is for people not born there to get to experience it.
>>458256Yank just sounds despective, and not all Americans are Yankees(?). is like calling them gringos. Is really entitled to complain about muh apropiation and then go and call people slurs.
No. 458261
>>458259Is "gringo" even a slur though?
It just person from an Anglo country/probably with blue eyes and blond hair, way more money than you and with a better passport.
Like, if anything "gringo" is a positive thing.
No. 458265
>>458254And yet you don't find confusing calling all people south from you "latinos" regardless if they have Spanish/French/English/Portuguese cultures and colonial roots.
Funny isn't it?
>>458261The etymology of the word is from Green Go Home, even the root of it is basically telling them to fuck off.
Might as well call mexican beaners and wetbacks, i don't see how double standards come up when it comes to americans or white people. This is peak woke.
>>458262Its call the Yankees, not the Yanks, and New yorkers are Yankees, not all americans are yankees as that refers to only certain regions.
>>458265both portuguese and spanish have a latin root, all countries south of the american border have latin languages. So its not really that funny, do you get mad because anglos can mean US, british or Australians?
No. 458286
>>458268>Green Go Home That's not true, it's only one version of the story.
Gringo can also come from latin for "It's in Greek so it cannot be read/understood" referring to the fact that they couldn't understand wtf the English speaking guys were saying and then just deforming the word "grego"(greek) to "gringo" over the years.
No. 458287
>>458265Have you looked at a map recently? the US is a confederation of 50 different countries of their own with different cultures and yes, diferent colonial roots , french, spanish, dutch, british, you name it. Florida is just as different from a New England as an argentinian is from a Peruvian.
when you call someone from Texas a Yankee you just come across as ignorant and derisive.
>>458279>both have latin roots>both are latin languages>latino is just a global term for latin language speakers >Latin America is the part of America where people speak latino languages instead of the anglo idiom.>people refering to north american as "anglo speaking america" is definitely a thing. (america angloparlante)>>458286Aww thats so cute, is like people calling chinese people "ching chongs" for exactly the same reason.
No. 458288
>>458269And she is also a US citizen, that just proves the word Latino literally means nothing at all.
Also, there was a time period where "latino" was not a thing at all and Mexicans, etc, in the US were considered to be white, in a similar way that Jews were also considered to be white.
Or actually it only means something for Burgers in order to generalize the otherness of people from the rest of the Americas and then expand the meaning to them with the media dominance.
No. 458301
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>>458269>and she's blue of eye and pale of skinand? you do know theres white latin americans? your being actually racist here, latino is not even refering to race and if anything the latin root is european. You keep sounding more and more dumb every fucking comment.
>>458288>>458292Now this is you embarassing yourself. Keep trowing woke buzzwords around, maybe you think that doesn't make you sound resentful and bigoted. But is cool, is against gringo wypiplo
No. 458304
>>458301Nta, but no white person that lives in the Latin America refers to themselves as latino or latina.
That's a USA thing.
You are reacting just like a scrote when he hears about
toxic masculinity or sexism.
>>458304You are talking to a latin american who happens to be white…
You actually sound like the entitled americans you complain so much. You are definitely reacting like a college tumblrina.
>inb4>muh neocolonialiiiism No. 458491
>>458488This is technically already a rule in the post sticky but I'll make sure to enforce it more.
Race shouldn't be discussed anywhere on this board.
No. 458500
>>458495I tend to agree.
I think a major skincare scam rn are most of those face masks that everyone is obsessed over. Moisturizers work as good and one gets more product for their money spent.
Turns out my acne was mostly stressed-based; so once I cut out my shitty ex, my shitty old job, and my shitty mother it got a lot better.
These days I just use a sugar scrub and a moisturizer and my skin has never been better, not to say I don't have a breakout from time to time. Lack of moisturizer and inadequate exfoliators I think was actually a major reason why I broke out so much in addition to the stress.
Even with antibiotics my acne never went away completely. In the early aughts I threw so much money at fucking Proactiv and later on retinoids and toners and different face washes. I'm so glad it's over.
No. 458568
>>458495I absolutely agree. And tbh, most youtubers who promote them look like shit. I wouldn't count myself as a genetically blessed person, but nevertheless even if I were to use just water my skin looked better than theirs after wiping a couple 100 bucks on it lol
I also don't get why everybody and their aunt buys korean products. It's been scientistically proven that asians have thicker skin than whites, so of course their products are too much for non-asians. Everybody get's that different races need different hair products, so no idea why most fail to see that it is the same with skin too. Plus the regulations regarding ingredients in cosmetics in Korea are a lot less strict than in most european countries/the US, you don't wanna risk anything.
No. 458762
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The new animal crossing looks fugly and too much like a FB game. Honestly was hype for it (placing furniture outside? hell yea) but watching the nintendo direct video kinda ruined it for me, even the flowers look ugly.
No. 458789
>>458497It's never been a new rule not to blogpost, but I agree that posts that barely mention the poster are okay. I saw one from a sex worker in the TND thread and although I could tell instantly after it was posted she would be banned, I found her post interesting.
inb4 self poster reeee, it was not me.
No. 458810
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>>458495I 100% agree. I only use Ivory body wash on my face whenever I take a shower and I rarely get acne. Any anti-acne product I put on my face has given me a breakout. Maybe my skin's just sensitive, but it's worked for me since I was a teen. Trust me, I've tried so many products throughout the years. A simple soap was the best.
No. 458819
>>458789same, the blog rule has become a lot more strict, I've seen posters barely mention themselves and get banned instantly, idk if mods are getting bored or what
also if I remember I thought if you saged your blogging it was okay? I mean it's an imageboard, obviously like every other board a lot of people are just gonna comment useless harmless things that are easily ignored if even noticed at all. IMO mods should focus more on stopping infighting and baiting instead of going out of their way to instantly ban anyone who mentions themselves in /snow/ or /pt/