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No. 322470
>>322371I agree.
Americans from the West coast sound really airheaded and vapid when they talk, and Finnish is a disgusting language.
No. 322490
>>322476Have you ever been to Germany? Good luck trying to find a more quiet country. The only people who're loud and who shout are (mostly American) tourists.
Imo English sounds so cold. Even when parents say something sweet to their children they sound like snobby assholes. Yet somehow they think they can dictate and rate what every other language should be perceived as: French is dirty, German and Russian are scary, anything Asian sounds silly, Italians are constantly complaining to Mama, Arabic only consists of "allahu akbar", the
funny Indian accent is the butt of the jokes in every tv show, and so on. In the end these are all old stereotpes still stemming from war times, but because Anglos have tried to put themselves as the leaders of the world since the beginning of time, sadly every other country started adopting those false views as well. If you constantly put out movies there you exaggerate (racist) stereotypes, then people who have actually never even traveled (and are not the brightest) will adapt these as "the truth".
No. 322496
>>322490I agree, although I'm Anglo myself.
I think all accents are endearing and it's nice to hear other languages even if I don't know what they're saying.
No. 322546
>>322539I meant that Americans say the french language is dirty as in it always sounds very sexual. And it's also Americans who say you don't have proper hygenie and that your women don't shave. I've never heard any German say that - I mean, afterall we live right next to you, we usually know better than somebody who's across the ocean.
I personally think that finnish sounds kind of hot, especially if men speak it.
It's really tiring that the whole world still constantly brings up the past, but I guess saying that we all sound like Hitler is somehow funny to all of you. Well…
No. 322570
>>322557I agree. I'm glad that tattoos are losing a lot of their stigma, but I hate that it results in young people getting impulsive tattoos because it's cool and makes them look "deep". There's even high schoolers in my home town getting the tackiest tattoos, and I'm from a snooty preppy rich suburb.
Personally, I also dislike how so many people now are getting random disjointed little tattoos all over their body that aren't part of one big piece. It looks ugly and haphazard to me (and also screams impulsive to me)
No. 322711
>>322546I love the German language, I just wish I had studied it seriously at school and not like the idiot slacker 14-year-old that I was. Trying to take all that back now and study like hell all on my own, years later as an adult, is exhausting…
>>322470Americans regardless of where they're from sound grating as hell in general, right up there with Chinese. At least us Finns are quiet so you hear our "disgusting" language much less in public. Same can't be said about Americans or the Chinese… no concept of indoor voice, anywhere, it's a nightmare.
No. 322765
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I want to start reading again but I hate library books. They're always so icky and stuff, but I can't buy books every month because money ugh. I'd like to be cozy with my book and keep it on my bed and all but I'm too uncomfortable with library books because it's just gross. I've thought about reading online but eh I occasionally want a break from my screen, you know?
No. 322809
>>322765>>322777>>322788Thirding this! I looove my Kindle Paperwhite (although now knowing of Amazon's shady shit I'd probably buy its competitor), it really doesn't tire the eyes, and I love the touch of the screen, it's not super glassy like a tablet, I don't know how to explain it.
Also, I can read at night in my bed without worrying about getting up to turn the lights off, since it has built in light, and the light comes from the top instead of behind the screen, so it really doesn't hurt my eyes.
Try it, anon!
No. 323848
>>323210I don't think it's most men who want to fuck their daughters but it's definitely more men than women. And more men than I'm comfortable with.
If I had to guess I'd say probably around 10% of them.
No. 323903
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Airports are fun places to be
No. 324895
>>324869yeah the overpopulation thing being the cause is pretty bunk but that being said we are on the precipice of natural disaster and having a ton of kids is not only possibly adding more suffering but adding to the general energy needs of a household.
Until or unless we find ways to live a lot more sustainably and make our carbon footprint reversible, I agree, taxes for those with more than 2 children…
Of course, the people who should be taxed out the asshole first are the people making it nigh impossible to change these things in the first place (I mean, I think they should be tried for crimes against humanity and literally executed but dunno if everyone will go on board and that's risky business for the stability of society)
but yeah that all being said we're all in this shit together like please calm down and be sensible, plus having more than 2 kids seems like it really sucks anyway unless you truly live where they act like it takes a village.
No. 324905
>>324869I was recommended that as well. No idea why??
My first thought was that there's no way she can give all of them enough affection.
No. 324952
>>324869>>324905I was recommended the same video. That family gives me the creeps and apparently they're freaky religious extremists.
Also those names… one of the kids is named Shakespeare. Fucking Shakespeare.
No. 324956
>>324895Exactly. People constantly parrot the fact that at the moment we could all fit in a state the size of Texas with a house and a garden but they ignore the enormous amounts of waste we produce every day, every hour, and every minute. We need humongous resources to maintain a modest lifestyle by western measures. Even if everyone went vegan that still wouldn't help.
What I hate about that video is that everyone calls her a superwoman and a super mom and all the other superlatives for popping out 10 kids.
I'm determined to be childfree but I don't rub it on other's faces nor do I resent couples that decide to have kids, but anything above 4-5 is really pushing it.
>>324905I don't know why I was recommended that either. Also, she gave her kids really cringe names considering she's from Finland. Omega, D'Artagnan wtf
>>324952> That family gives me the creepsGlad that I'm not the only one that feels that way.
No. 324975
>>324956I have one (1) child and good great awesome stay childfree. I do wish people treated me better as a mother (because lol sexism ensures the Disneyland dad that doesn't do anything truly useful will get the credit if our child turns out great), but I'm tired of this zomg supermom bullshit and I'm tired of hearing from my childfree friends that they get pressured, belittled, and generally patronized for making a decent decision.
Also ten kids and if she was single she'd be a monster but i guess its ok because her creampie happy husband stays with her through it all. Fuck her, tbh.
No. 325004
>>324993Finland shouldn't be the exception, no country should be. I don't care where the person's from, having that many kids is purely selfish. What's the problem with having up to four or five kids unless in rare occasions when there are sixlets and so on.
Also, this is the unpopular opinion thread if you haven't noticed, there are many people praising that woman in the comments anyway.
Also, they're all in white and have these weird names. Someone said they belong to a Quiverfull cult
No. 325008
>>324996Really? The fact so many people care about issues related to overpopulation such as global warming, environmental destruction, starvation/poverty, etc. doesn't "sit well" with you? I'm curious, can you elaborate?
imo it's similar to spitting in the face of humanity's future but whatever.
No. 325010
>>324996They’re probably the child free types who aren’t just child free, they resent the existence of all children and treat them as though parents had the kids just to make the childfree fanatic unhappy.
We’re talking about adults who call their friends children filthy crotch droppings to their friends faces. Of course they’re going to be insanely bitter about everyone else’s choices. They’re self centered and can’t understand people not obeying their whims.
I’ve been called a retard, a handmaiden, an animal, a degenerate, and a demented boomer because I plan on having a kid or two. They’re genuinely so offended that a stranger will have a baby they scream insults into the ether and accuse you of singlehandedly pushing the planet over the brink.
Just show them all the shit about aging populations and watch them lose their minds. No point taking a bunch of angry children seriously.
No. 325012
You are basically saying "fuck you" to everyone to come after you that's going to have to deal with the exponential growth of your progeny. Every human being takes up natural resources. You create more demand for limited resources - take take take - you are selfish.
No. 325013
>>324869Again, I never heard an argument against this that didn't sound like a faux-concern obsessive vegan-tier sperg faggot spieling this rhetoric.
There's many things arguably wrong for humanity and society as a whole that is perpetuated and doesn't have as much a vocal pushback in these circles but this is the one that does. Hm, really curious.
No. 325015
>>325010No one is mad at people having a couple of kids, we're talking about ten kids for fucks sake.
I really want to know where you live because I barely ever hear anyone belittling parents, in fact, it's always the other way around.
>>325013Overpopulation is the root of all problems you could name on Earth. Wtf are you talking about?
No. 325016
>>325012You sound mentally deranged but everyone who says this and goes on long rants about it sounds mentally ill. You existing is taking up resources, I take it you should just put that bullet in your brain?
>>325015>Overpopulation is the root of all problems you could name on Earth.LMAO, explain how drug abuse, sex slavery, rape, murder, crime, government corruption, is related to "overpopulation". That shit was happening before overpopulation was a concern.
No. 325021
>>325016sex slavery literally is so heavily tied to overpopulation it's not even funny. same with rape and all crimes, really. you're an idiot for being unable to see the connection tbh.
>>325015tbh having any children is insanely selfish. we're so beyond able to being able to salvage earth that any children born now are condemned to a near apocalyptic earth thanks to resource scarcity and the inability to control the knock on effect of climate change
>>325018that isn't true. you can easily complain about both, and i do. both are hugely
problematic and society turns a blind eye to overpopulation and men's sociopathy
No. 325022
>>325021>sex slavery literallyIs that why it was a thing before overpopulation was a concern? Also you only addressed one point.
>you're an idiot for being unable to see the connection tbh.You're a complete drooling retard for thinking it's extremely connected to overpopulation and having only slight balls to tackle one point I made.
>>325021>tbh having any children is insanely selfish.Overpopulation is only an issue for countries you people call "shit-hole", it's the opposite for the "first-world" countries. You don't understand nuance and something is wrong with your brain.
>>325021>you can easily complain about both, and i doYou sound like you complain about anything and everything, one mentally ill person is not representative of everyone, though, hence the word "frequency".
No. 325026
>>325015Nowhere irl, because people aren’t retarded. On lolcow, it’s been four seperate occasions. Imo cows are just bitter and want to hate women who do anything they disagree with. Literally called a handmaiden because of planning for three kids.
Yeah ten kids is excessive but farmers mostly don’t care about the planet, they just love any opportunity to call another woman a piece of shit.
No. 325029
>>325016> I take it you should just put that bullet in your brain?nta but that's the most retarded thing people say regarding the overpopulation.
Besides, you can't discuss and sum all of the threats that overpopulation causes in one post, not that you would care.
> LMAO, explain how drug abuse, sex slavery, rape, murder, crime, government corruption, is related to "overpopulation". That shit was happening before overpopulation was a concern.Overpopulation decreases the value of human life, lowers the living standards, affects the market negatively, makes irreversible damages to nature and so on.
Such circumstance do create an environment that is more prone to aggressive human behaviour. It's not like there weren't many experiments done on this subject.
And overpopulation does have ties with all the problems listed but it's not as if you're here for a debate.
I don't see the issue with someone having kids and paying additional taxes if they want to have muh genes propagated. This should apply worldwide, mind you, not just to Finland. We're not discussing Finland or Europe. In an ideal world, we would have been able to control population growth. Alas, you're just one of the many that don't give a shit and only care about themselves.
Go on, knock yourself up and have lots of kids. They'll all die within decades as things are going.
tbh I pity the nature and the flora and fauna that will suffer because of selfish pricks like you.
>>325027> people in the first world use way more resources than those in shithole countries This too. It's not about the area like I mentioned previously (the texas comparison is used often) but about the resources.
>>325028fuck off
No. 325030
>>325022>Overpopulation is only an issue for countries you people call "shit-hole", it's the opposite for the "first-world" countries. You don't understand nuance and something is wrong with your brain.what are you even talking about? you do understand that overpopulation is more than just about "WE HAVE ENOUGH AREA TO ACCOMMODATE LIVING SPACES!!", right? people in the first world use way more resources than those in shithole countries and there's no fucking way the USA is getting their shit together enough to start consuming the resources of an african family. people in the first world don't want to downgrade their lifestyles and have a direct effect on the rest of the world. unless you insist on dedicating your entire life to sustainable living and expect everyone else in the world to as well, YES, assholes having kids in the first world is still a facet of overpopulation. it isn't about area – it's about resource scarcity, and people in third world nations shouldn't be condemned to a shit lifestyle and be unable to improve theirs because you want kids to suck up 1000000x the resources than they do.
>Is that why it was a thing before overpopulation was a concern? Also you only addressed one you think disease isn't worsened by increasing populations? does that mean disease doesn't exist when populations are low? women are trafficked to accommodate more and more men. women are trafficked because men can't be controlled when there are billions of fucktarded men seeking to abuse women.
No. 325031
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>you do understand that overpopulation is more than just about "WE HAVE ENOUGH AREA TO ACCOMMODATE LIVING SPACES!!", right
It's almost like I brought different countries up for a reason, wow.
>there's no fucking way the USA is getting their shit together enough to start consuming the resources of an african family.
>african family
That's a whole continent, faggot. BRAINLET DETECTED. Jesus you people are SLOW AS FUCK.
No. 325037
>>325029>nta I don't give a shit if you're not that anon.
> you can't discuss and sum all of the threats that overpopulation causes in one post, not that you would care.Wow, it's almost like things regarding world issues and threats can't be discussed on an imageboard with low iq individuals.
> and people in third world nations shouldn't be condemned to a shit lifestyle and be unable to improve theirs because you want kids to suck up 1000000x the resources than they do.Imagine thinking it works like this LMAO. There are more factors as to why a third world country is a third world country other than someone sucking up resources, dimwit.
>women are trafficked to accommodate more and more men. women are trafficked because men can't be controlled when there are billions of fucktarded men seeking to abuse women.So you're saying more people = more abuse? Damn.
>>325032Muh inceeel argument!!
Totally showed me there! Got em XD
No. 325038
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>>325034But not all of Africa is a third world you fucking idiot. How are you gonna try to make an argument and you don't know what the fuck you're talking about?
No. 325039
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>>325030so when are you gonna start donating to charities for third world families, anon? since you care so much about them.
No. 325041
>>325028Well they won't wear condoms and have apparently been raping women by taking the condom off secretly, but are the loudest assholes saying abortion is murder and birth control is immoral and brainwashing their wives into the same.
So idk, maybe it was an exaggeration and hyperbole a bit but it seems like men want it all ways, to ejaculate irresponsibly, to not have to be equally accountable for their offspring, but to also demand control of women's bodies such that it is difficult to obtain or use contraception.
Like what the fuck? I guess what I'm getting at is I'm more bitter about her jizz happy hubby than her…her i just more feel bad she has to cope and convince herself that's any way to live.
No. 325043
>>325039They won't because their dumbass grouped a whole continent as "third world" since they barely take the time to research besides rehashing arguments from other slow failing at life morons on imageboards.
>>325041P R O J E C T I ON
No. 325045
>>325043And so what if it is? How can you or your children possibly be so well adjusted with such split attention and chaos? My mother had 4 kids and we had a lot more hardships than a family with just like, 2.
I guess where she lives there's a lot of social welfare and whatever so at least there's that but idk, what kind of fucking monster makes their wife put up with 10 children? Its absurd.
No. 325051
>>325037>Imagine thinking it works like this LMAO. There are more factors as to why a third world country is a third world country other than someone sucking up resources, dimwit.nowhere in that post did i say that's WHY their situations aren't improving. nowhere. but the fact is that since people in the first world are having so many kids and won't change their lifestyles drastically any time soon, on top of the fact that there are a fuckton of people in the third world, they couldn't even have better quality of life without consuming the resources of like, 10 earths. we're already consuming the resources of like 1.7 earths and most people alive aren't in the first world
>>325040shut up, you dumb faggot. you obv are an anatomically retarded incel. you don't need to have your uterus removed to go through sterilization. kindly kys.
No. 325057
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>>325051>but the fact is that since people in the first world are having so many kids That's statistically incorrect, faggot. People in first world countries are NOT having kids, especially middle class-upper class people.
>>325051>n-no incelgr8 one anon
>>325052People with that kind of derangement tend to have contempt and hatred towards other people so yes, she is.
>>325053>earth will be largely uninhabitable in like, 60 years tho. I wanna see a lot of sources for this. It was 200 years, why is it 60 now?
No. 325059
>>325051Lol who hurt you? Chill the fuck out eugenics-chan. Your idea was stupid no need to aggressively defend something worthless.
There’s a whole thread for artists to cry about how all the men are abusing and raping them by existing. Go post your nonsense there.
No. 325061
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>>325056No you just sound retarded and overly emotional. Something is wrong with you
No. 325064
>>325047The only reason population growth is desire is to increase the number of wage slaves and to pay off pensions.
The only people winning here capitalists. So, the quality of life will diminish but we're going to deserve everything that's coming to us. Pity that the animals and plants and the whole ecosystem will have to suffer because of us.
>>325060population control would seem like a good compromise but with so many like you that are unable to control their primitive urges, it's not going to happen, cretin
No. 325067
>>325064Oh god now they’re claiming superiority because ‘above muh base instincts unlike you animalistic plebs’
Why not just admit this is about your ego and not some altruistic ideal for the planet? If you purchase from a supermarket or a clothing store you’re just as bad, so the holier than thou act is bullshit from the beginning. You gonna claim you’re a vegan who makes their own clothes, eats only the plants they grow organically at home, don’t use a car, don’t use plastic, etc etc etc?
No. 325069
>>325064ding, ding, ding! you're so spot on, anon. i love how these uggos think they're such hot shit that they need to have kids and are panicked that women see having kids for the selfish racket it is
>>325066lel this is so obviously a white supremacist incel. just face it, no one wants to carry your ugly as fuck children. you and your trash seed are worthless, kek.
No. 325070
>>325064You know what mate, I’m not even going to try to argue that it’s not a primitive urge because it is, but I don’t see how that apparently makes all who reproduce selfish idiots. Population control is already happening from birth rates being so low and continuing to decrease.
But I guess what you really meant was the death of all humanity, hurr durr all people are ebil we deserve to die out!!!1!1!1
No. 325071
>>325065Women who have kids are bad
Women who have kids are bad and lack agency because they’re too dumb and hateful to use BC or have choices about procreation
Everyone who disagrees is an incel and a retard killing the planet.
You’re either a bloke or believe women are literally nothing but retarded baby factories if they aren’t childfree.
No. 325075
>>325071LMAO follow my posts I was arguing against those people not for them.
>>325069>. i love how these ugly spergs think they're such hot shit that they hate kids and are panicked that women see them hating kids for the deranged lunatics they areFTFY
>white supremacist incel.buzzwords to make yourself feel better. im a black woman retarded fuck
No. 325081
>>325069There's nothing we can do. These idiots will multiply and multiply and until shit hits the fan (though we have been experiencing and seeing the consequences of aggressive industrialization for many decades now) they won't think about it. They don't care at all. They don't think. Any debate with them is pointless. They'll just throw ad hominems at you.
Even with knowledge and statistics and scientists warning us, they're still willingly ignorant. They are the majority of people on Earth who think exactly like that. Take, take, take.
No. 325082
>>325076It’s not about legacy you tard. It’s not wanting a little person who looks or acts like me, I hope they’re wildly different to myself.
Can you really not even imagine a reason for wanting a child beyond thinking kids are tiny little trophy toys you use to carry on your last name?
Was it injury or illness that made you brain damaged?
No. 325085
>>325078no her but I do things for the planet, from my lifestyle, every day choices to volunteering. I know a small people that do that too which gives me hope that all is not lost.
Stop lowering me on your filthy selfish level.
No. 325088
>>325080>>325079women aren't even informed about the nightmares of childbirth or parenthood because the capitalist system and wealth owners (men) need more workers and more women to exploit and abuse. women are told to idealize situations (marriage, parenthood) that contribute to landing them in abusive situations or poverty. women are deliberately kept in the dark about the reality of these situations.
until women and girls are fully informed of the negatives of relationships with men, marriage, and parenthood, i don't think it's truly agency. just like it isn't agency for naive girls to get into porn or prostitution
No. 325089
>>325085>but I do things for the planet, from my lifestyle, every day choices to volunteeringlike picking up garbage and lecturing to 10 people who'll forget what you say? even by your text i can tell you're as low-energy and charismaless as you would be online.
>Stop lowering me on your filthy selfish levelew imagine having someone "help" you who thinks this way, i'd be afraid you'd spike my drink in my sleep and kill me or something. you're are unhinged, though i could tell that in person probably.
No. 325092
>>325089*as you would be offline
*you are unhinged
>>325088>capitalistdo you think the whole world only revolves around america, actually this would make sense kek
No. 325096
>>325080It’s not secret that they hate women. They screech about it every opportunity they can whilst wearing their stupid ‘this is what a feminist looks like’ shirts made by a sweatshop that basically owns women.
None of them can defend their positions by claiming any sort of actual environmentalist activism, but plan on having a baby whilst being a goddamn self sustaining farmer and you’re a retarded cum dumpster with no morals according to these girls with their alleged environmental concerns.
>>325088In third world countries and probably America because you’re all too stupid to understand that healthcare isn’t a privilege.
What backwoods hick hut do you live in where women don’t know that pregnancy isn’t always perfect, or that raising kids is work?
No. 325100
>>325098muh feminist boogeyman
go fuck yourself retard
No. 325101
>>325086Naw, just witnessed enough and did enough research on shit like the quiverfulls and Mormons and etc to figure out that its very unusual for a woman to naturally desire to live life like a brood mare, they get caught up in a bunch of bullshit about how it'll be perfect and "god's way," then of course because having a crap load of kids regardless of your material resources is a huge strain on your mental capacity its not. But they can't leave because how the fuck do you leave your shitty life with 5-10 kids in tow?
So yeah you know I'll admit, maybe I'm totally wrong and she was totally cool with it or it was her idea, maybe she copes pretty well considering its a socialized country with a lot of support for families with young children and there's no real excessive suffering.
But these situations rarely exist in a vacuum and i can't believe I'm getting a ton of shit about how i must be a sperg and psychopath for recognizing that.
No. 325104
>>325097Not into veganism but it’s 100% true. Beef is terrible for the planet. We started eating meat only two times a week and using meat from local pest animals that would be hunted as pest control anyway. (Mostly rabbits. They lead to thousands of native animal deaths a year)
Feels like a reasonable compromise.
No. 325106
>>325099Because your arguments are as weak and ineffectual as that thing you call a brain. LMAO YOU MAD
No. 325113
>>325097same. i'm vegan and a lot of vegans push the all or nothing shit, shit on vegetarianism like mad when people are just getting into it, etc. it's really annoying and makes people feel like giving up/like they're being judged. i hate it. even encouraging just cutting down would be massively helpful.
>>325096>What backwoods hick hut do you live in where women don’t know that pregnancy isn’t always perfect, or that raising kids is work?women are literally cut from vagina to asshole when they don't need to be and develop lifelong conditions and don't consent to this procedure. you should read the harrowing stories of doctors sewing women up super tight "so their husbands would be happy", etc, to the detriment of the mother. other than that, pregnancy is still dangerous for women without the negligence/harm of doctors. that's why it's still a million times more safe to have an abortion than carry a child to term and go through childbirth.
>>325105"not researching", wow, you piece of shit. girls and women are encouraged from day 1 to have children and told it's a special experience they should want to have and information is deliberately kept from them by medical professionals/risks are severely downplayed. even online, they're barraged by countless pro-mommy/pro-parent sites that idealize and glorify pregnancy despite it being dangerous.
No. 325115
>>325113>women are encouraged from day 1 to have children ayeah in hick towns
>im veganlol
No. 325117
>>325113Episiotomy is falling out of favour and has been for ages, the husband stitch has not been proved to exist in years in any hospital in my state.
Post some studies on these secret life long injuries that are deliberately hidden away from researching potential mothers.
Over the last few decades women are
alsonencouraged to be and do literally anything else. Sorry your stuck in the forties and all women are allowed to do according to you is take cum, make babies, and be dumbly led around with no mind of her own. Some of us paid attention to the suffragettes.
No. 325154
>>325118So right back to ‘I hate other women here’s my weak justification’
Why the whole schtick about concern for women’s health?
No. 325158
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Dr.Pepper tastes like shit
No. 325162
>>325158Soda is gross in general.
Portello is tolerable tho.
No. 325163
>>325161Shit tastes like medicine
Root beer is nasty too
No. 325166
>>325162>soda is gross in generalYeah, I agree with that
It’s poison, sweet tasty poison
Water is the fucking best tho
No. 325168
>>325166Water, coffee (however the hell you like it no coffee snobs pls) and herbal teas are the best.
Sofa just feels gross in my mouth. Plus sugar is basically garbage.
No. 325243
>>325240i had a baby and that anon sounds crazy so…
how does
she know about them if they're some well kept secret.
No. 325249
>>325237ewww wtf how
>>325240It took awhile to recover from the pelvic microfractures, i was in a lot of dulled pain for about a month or two after in that general area. Sitting for long periods during breastfeeding was hurting so much I had to get a special pillow.
c section recovery is rough as fuck and i was extremely lucky, still had a lot of pain, trouble moving, itchiness from hell…
hemorrhoids. hemorrhoids literally out the ass. Taking a shit became a chore for awhile until everything calmed down and now I only thankfully get them very occasionally.
acne like you wouldn't believe
I'm still sometimes slightly incontinent, if I laugh really really hard or cough really hard I sometimes pee myself a little. This never happened before pregnancy. I've heard this is not uncommon and often stays for life.
body odor was really especially foul to the point I couldn't stand myself if I got a little stanky, which you do when you have a newborn.
uhhh probably more but thats off the top of my head tbh.
No. 325263
>>325198>I don't know why people get so wild over emBecause they are so ~instagram worthy~. People love food that looks cute/cool for photos. Thats literally it
I like starbucks but never tried one myself. They always sounded disgusting from what I heard about them
No. 325264
>>325255the actual pregnancy wasn't that bad for me tbh. I probably didn't really go looking because I felt over the moon and had one of those glowy IM SOOOO HAPPY pregnancies that went pretty well. And maybe its not a conspiracy, maybe doctors just don't really wanna ruin your excitement with the details. I just was informing anon since they asked.
so idk. I do think people like to not talk about it but yeah you can always look it up.
No. 325266
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>>325168I agree with this tbh. I dont even watch what I eat, I should be eating a lot better. But I've always hated sodas. If Im thirsty I want something that quenches my thirst… and carbonated drinks just dont.
I cant even imagine how much fatter I'd be if I drank pop every day. I mostly drink water and 1-2 plain coffees a day. On the rare occasion I'll have a juice or something, but I dont pretend that its any healthier than pop
No. 325269
>>325264Choosing to not learn about pregnancy before getting pregnant is retarded. Doctors shouldn’t be obliged to warn every patient about morning sickness or gestational diabetes being a possibility when it’s common knowledge and reasonable people make an iota of effort to learn about their conditions independently rather than expecting doctors to spoonfeed them basic shit like ‘preeclampsia exists’
People choosing to be ignorant about pregnancy is their own fault. The anon who says doctors hide information is crazy paranoid.
No. 325271
>>325266There’s diabetes in my family so I try to be careful. The amount of sugar people eat is disgusting. A soda has enough for days but people will chug multiple down.
You can’t even buy cereal at the supermarket that’s not loaded with it. I don’t want a dessert for breakfast!
Also giving kids junk food more than once a week is gross and lazy parenting. Fuck those people.
No. 325272
>>325269I think what they are saying is everyone reasonably knows about those, and I don't appreciate your attack on me tbh, because yes I did know about those, I wasn't especially ignorant and even if I was they did tell me about diabetes, preeclampsia, etc.
What they are probably trying to say is a lot of the after effects that are kind of embarrassing or rough are often not really talked about or perceived much beforehand, due to cultural expectations and whatever.
I don't really think it was some conspiracy that they didn't tell much about the weird often subtle things that happened after, so please stop going on the offense about it.
No. 325278
>>325275All right. All I'm trying to say in defense of anon is while they are definitely in hyperbole land it is true we don't really talk about these things or like to really think about them. I sure didn't lol.
Probably would benefit from teaching teenagers about the physical, mental, and emotional hardships of child rearing in a more direct way. But I mean its no secret sex ed sucks lol. At least we have google I suppose…
No. 325280
>>325278>>325278Women not bringing up their haemorrhoids and bo at the dinner table is not even slightly similar to anon imagining doctors withold information.
Ive been around babies for thirteen years now and not one woman wasn’t informed about basically the entire pregnancy and birth process from every woman they knew.
Maybe you only know a bunch of puritanical prudes but most women speak to other women about the experience.
Anyone would have to be incredibly sheltered and uneducated to not know about most of the things mentioned in
>>325249 No. 325285
>>325284They were entirely ignorant and super defensive about it. Imagine being surprised about hormonal acne during fucking pregnancy?!
I’m amazed she didn’t include ‘missed my period for nine whole months and doctors NEVER warned me about that’
No. 325288
>>325280in my experience women didn't really want to talk about it in person and it had nothing to do with puritanical stuff, its just a similar thing to that "doctor not wanting to ruin your excitement with the bad news" deal.
So yeah I agree its not really as nefarious as they make it sound but I'd say its still a bit of an issue. That being said, the truly curious wanting to know what to expect can do what that one anon did and ask and be told so yeah, if you're a regular internet user not a lot of excuses for the ignorance.
No. 325295
>>325288If you think doctors hide potential risks from you to keep your mood up you clearly don’t know shit about the healthcare system.
>>325289No it’s up to the woman getting pregnant to learn about things like prolapses, tears, ectopics, cesareans, breech births, and everything else that might happen to them.
Just like any other adult choice. You think doctors have a few hours to sit down with every single pregnant woman and explain every possibility to her because she’s too stupid or lazy to do it for herself?
No. 325296
>>325295nta but i don't even understand what anon is trying to argue now. usually doctors will tell you during pregnancy if something is going wrong (obviously) and as far as episiotomy as real or not a fear it may be, if you're choosing to have a baby you probably would like your baby to live. wounds heal, dead babies? not so much.
it's like, anon is saying "we're alive, why aren't doctors telling us everything that could possibly go wrong? they're hiding the truth!"
No. 325297
>>325293The lengths they will go to to defend being being an ignorant hick are amazing.
~Hospitals are hiding information, well not hiding it just withholding it cause they don’t wanna harsh your happy vibe but also they don’t tell you enough and are bad because of that but killing your vibe would be worse so that’s why nobody alive has ever discussed pregnancy ever and I’m not totally stupid~
No. 325305
>>325304wat? i'm
>>325296 and was responding to someone who sarcastically asked who to sue since their dr. didn't tell them about cancer…
No. 325309
>>325306Responsibility? Over their own choices?
Get outta here with that expectation that a parent will behave like an adult.
No. 325311
>>325308i think you're arguing with the wrong people.
we're not saying doctors tell everyone everything, we're saying that of course they don't but it's not because they're purposely
hiding shit like anon kept squawking about.
most doctors don't outline every little thing because it's unnecessary stress on everyone.
No. 325312
>>325308Surgeons didn’t take hours to explain tiny potential outcomes before performing surgery I had already agreed to without demanding explanations of risks!
Clearly medical establishment is deliberately withholding information from people to trick them!
Personal responsibility is a myth! Google doesn’t work!
Yeah my fascmax surgeon didn’t sit me down for a few hours to discuss dry mouth and drainage tubes before emergency surgery either because the priority was surviving. What bastards.
You have zero idea how the system works at all and just invent paranoid fantasies to suit your hysterical ranting.
No. 325313
>>325310They are irresponsible and ignorant and that’s their fault. Defend stupidity all you like, it’s still stupid.
Why should the retarded lead the blind?
No. 325321
>>325310yeah I'm
>>325288 who
>>325295 keeps taking a tone of patronizing with despite me just kinda sitting here talking about my experience and not trying to fight anyone. And that's all I was trying to say, that if you're an internet user and go on a chan and ask that's one thing, but most normal people that live IRL for the most part aren't…like that…
yea there isn't some weird intentional conspiracy to withhold medical information about pregnancy, but its a real issue that people aren't very informed and a lot of that probably has to do with the cultural expectation to breed, and thus many can't base their decisions very well because of that.
like most things in life I think the issue were talking about has a lot of nuance to be had in the middle and its not really black and white.
why is everyone so angry and snippy today over stuff that doesn't matter? I mean I get this place is like that in general but this has been more than usual.
im gonna have to take a break feel my blood pressure tickin up a bit lol.
No. 325329
>>325328Loads of rich people are ignorant and uneducated tho. College doesn’t mean a person is smart.
Choosing to learn isn’t about money it’s common sense.
No. 325331
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>>325324??? again, why are you people being so snippy and angry today? Assuming things that don't make any sense? Did we just get a fresh batch of really ridiculous trolls or what?
When did I ever say I personally was retarded enough to not know about preeclampsia or diabetes or shit? I just said I was so happy to be pregnant I kind of didn't think about or care to know or talk about a lot of the other shit, and that's probably a factor in real life interactions not being super informative on that point.
And then I went on to say "Well most people that are not immersed in internet culture probably don't have the same kind of look it up views we do so I can understand it being A Thing."
I'm just so….confused. Please chill the heck out.
No. 325333
>>325327you know that
>>325310 is
>>325102 right? she has been rambling the whole thread about how "not even midwives will tell you!"
No. 325336
>>325329you're extremely naive if you think people like her don't generally refer to poor people as "ignorant"
>>325334oh yes anon, i can recall all the heroine addicts who's baby shower's i've been to! well all shot up and they totally didn't give birth in a toilet!
you've never walked outside have you? stop getting your education from lifetime tv.
No. 325338
>>325331“I was so happy pregnant that I never talked about it to another woman or thought about potential complications. Stop calling me ignorant even though I’m making a point to say that women never discuss pregnancy and nobody has ever taken it upon themselves to research. Doctors should have told me just didn’t because it’s not fun’
You’re fuckin retarded and you got pregnant like a fool. Hopefully you’re not stupid enough to repeat it assuming there’s secrets about the process.
No. 325343
>>325341why don't you tell that to
>>325334the idea that people have to step on eggshells about
drug addicts having kids is nonsense!
No. 325344
>>325342I'm literally being attacked and called retarded for being essentially a chill human being that is trying to come in and say "its not all black and white guys."
so yeah i don't understand it. at all. why are you all so ANGERY
No. 325348
>>325344You’re being called a retard for saying that women don’t normally discuss pregnancy, for saying that doctors don’t warn you of risks because they dont want to ruin your mood.
Essentially, for saying retarded things.
Stop saying them and it will stop.
No. 325351
>>325348I never said women don't discuss pregnancy, I said they don't really often discuss all the embarrassing parts and what not in my experience and I don't agree with you that it was some backwoods puritanical thing.
And why would they want to ruin my mood? Stressing a pregnant lady out has no real benefit. Yeah I don't agree with the anon saying this is all a conspiracy, but after I experienced all the after birth stuff, I realized that would've really soured my mood.
I did the right thing and went to the doctor and got the education and prenatal care I needed. Stop acting like I literally endangered my baby or am some kind of monster just because I wasn't really all that aware at first that prolapse and etc is more common and didn't really ask my doctors because I was having a healthy, happy pregnancy and was not concerned.
No. 325354
>>325351Oh my god cry about it harder if you must but do it somewhere else.
You know jack shit and made bad arguments. Get over it already. Nobody’s gonna come hug you and apologise for your hurt fee-fees.
No. 325357
>>325354who hurt you, why are you just rotting on the inside and waiting for any opportunity to flip your shit on anyone you perceive as inferior? I never even actually disagreed with you and have been pretty civil.
please go watch some kitten videos or something to heal that festering wound in your soul and leave people who weren't trying to provoke you alone, perhaps.
No. 325361
>>325357Lmao okay projector chan.
Back to the woods with the rest of the puritanical ignorant.
No. 325363
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>>325359Getting offended is a choice. Why are you so hurt that someone thinks you’re dumb? You’ll never meet them. You’ll never need to prove anything to them. Why act like you’re hurt that an anon said you didn’t know enough about your pregnancy?
>>325363Ah good, we can get back to it. Thanks mods. Love ya.
Unpopular opinion among a lot of chicks i saw get wrapped up in the hype…bumble sucks. Was just tinder repackaged to me and i didn't have a single normal conversation on there that wasn't sexual harassment. But i got told sooooo much it was THE game changing dating app and that wouldn't happen.
I mean its definitely "better than tinder," i guess, but it wasn't really anything special i thought.
No. 325492
>>325480Feel like a dickhead by essentially having started that shitfest by stating that midwives don’t make you aware of many common issues that come with pregnancy and then that poor anon was ripped into.
And yes, you CAN google the issues that come with pregnancy, but you know what? Most things won’t be listed. Just the most commonly fatal ones or very mild issues. It’s not some huge conspiracy, it’s just a lack of information out there. For one, I’d have to do some pretty specific fucking googling to find out that the pressure of the pregnancy has caused my hip to chronically click now, 2 years later still going. And I’m sure I’m not the only one but this is information women don’t seem to share among themselves because we all feel that we have to uphold pregnancy to a golden standard, it’s also just embarrassing to admit that you still piss yourself when you sneeze.
But by all means nasty anons who had dragged that poor woman, demonise women who didn’t think to google every single possible shitty outcome during a time that’s supposed to be special.
No. 325518
>>325480nta but there are a ton of femcels on the site now, especially here.
and no, femcels aren't simply anons with certain opinions. they are those crazy paranoid over-reacting anons who take everything on the internet at face value and base their opinions around extreme examples of things.
some of these girls just need to go outside every once in a while and calm down.
No. 325542
>>325533NTA but not really…
Femcels are just the girl version of incels who just hate men (and other women) in really extreme ways. I'd say most anons in the man-hate thread are femcels because sane people don't usually choose to circlejerk over that kind of shit.
Also, the people harassing anon ITT
are femcels. Your definition of femcel just sounds like butthurt.
No. 325545
>>325542>Femcels are just the girl version of incels who just hate men (and other women) in really extreme ways. I'd say most anons in the man-hate thread are femcels because sane people don't usually choose to circlejerk over that kind of shit.this directly contradicts this
>Also, the people harassing anon ITT are femcels. Your definition of femcel just sounds like butthurt.the women harassing that anon were literally the ones who were complaining about femcels and calling them manhaters. they were attacking her because she was semi-agreeing with anons that they were calling manhaters
No. 325564
>>324869>>325004I'm pretty sure you're talking about a certain Finnish youtuber. Incredibly ironic that she's all uwu vegan organic environmentally friendly whatever when, you know, she has those 10 kids… one could eat meat all day and fly every month and drive a monster truck every distance longer than 500m and still be more environmentally friendly than her and her spawn.
And whoever is saying "but Finland is an exception they can breed their population is declining blah blah" can shut it, 1) this family doesn't even seem to consider themselves Finnish and are going to move to Australia soon so they won't even affect our birth rate in the long term, and 2) quality not quantity, we don't want any more weird culty Christians breeding anyway, we already have our own and they literally contribute to nothing but the birthrate in this society (look up Laestadians,
I know this bc I'm ex-laestadian myself)
No. 325590
>>325564I KNEW this bullshit 10 kids thing had its root in one of those "quiverfull" type cults, i just knew it!
Thank you SlavAnon for pointing this out, i thought i was going nuts because there were people reeeeing at it being pointed out that's probably the context there.
Yeah things got a little femcel with whoever pointed this out but its pretty true those men are garbage. Reading accounts from people that escape before they get trapped with more than 5 which then makes it nearly impossible to leave…i shudder to think about it.
No. 325664
I'd love to be financially supported by a man. I don't really care for the whole 50/50 thing, I think too many men take advantage of it. On too many occasions, it ends up with women supporting their freeloading boyfriends and husbands, or the man earning way more at work than the woman, but still demanding they split all costs 50/50. In the latter case, the guy is sitting on "fuck you" money from saving half his cash, while his SO saves nothing. The rules were never fair, I'm not interested in playing, I derive no personal fulfillment from a typical job, and frankly, I like living a relaxed, pampered lifestyle. I don't mind learning to cook to his tastes, keep things neat, look pretty and show that I love and care for him daily. Honestly, if he makes enough to hire house help or a cook, or even prefers cooking/cleaning on his own, I only have to look pretty and love him. It sounds like a nice deal. I'll just save money in secret and fuck off if/when things start getting sour. I don't even think I'd mind having a kid or two, if I meet the right guy.
It just irritates me that so many women who seem to agree with this also want to shit-talk feminism for "ruining things for us". Ruining what? Plenty of men hate feminists and go on about wanting "uwu trad wives", it's just a matter of finding one who is decent to you, not unbearable in personality or appearance, and will put his money where his mouth is (easier said than done, though). I'd rather be able to choose than just get sold by my parents and condemned to a life of butter-churning or yam-pounding for some ugly, fat abusive fuck I never wanted, thank you. It's feminist efforts that enable me to make a choice, become educated enough to even think these things through, and most importantly, have the option to leave and change the course of my life at will. Also, there's nothing wrong with a woman wanting to pursue a career and ignore men, not everyone needs to live the way I personally would like to live.
No. 325671
>>325664Anon i do understand, however i would like to caution you.
I used to think that way and got myself married to a man that insisted he was ok with that. It got abusive, resentful, and lifw ruining in a hurry. He had so much resentment he attempted to leave me homeless and i was severely financially abused.
Since then, i literally want a career because i never want to we risk going through that again.
I've talked to others and its not uncommon of a phenomenon.
All I'm saying is, from personal experience, be careful what you wish for and if you do really want to make sure you have a way to secure making or having your own income, should the worst case happen.
No. 325675
>>325664Thank you for saying this. It's the choice that matters.
It really makes one bitter when not only men but a lot of women seem to have a hard on just because you believe in equal rights.
Likewise, I don't think anyone should belittle women or men that would prefer to have the nurturing or a traditional role.
it's good to know however, if things do get bad that there's a safe network that you can turn to.
Feminism isn't about demanding more rights in the west and it's not useless. It's good to have a group that monitors decisions made by the government and speaks up if they perceive an injustice.
It's frustrating when you're stereotyped as an angry feminazi for looking after your rights.
Anyhow, good luck anon. I hope you get a comfy life you wish for.
No. 325680
>>325671I'm sorry you went through that, anon. It must've been horrible. I definitely won't put all my eggs in one basket, I've also heard many stories like yours about men turning out to be abusive once they have enough leverage.
I hope you're doing better now, and thanks for the concern. I'm glad that we're living in a world where escaping such situations is even possible, it definitely wasn't like that in the past.
No. 325682
>>325675Hard agree. I'll never understand how anyone who isn't up to no good themselves would be against a movement that's dedicated to protecting us and giving us options. The women who complain about feminism probably won't learn until they lose everything it's given them, as sad as it is.
>Anyhow, good luck anon. I hope you get a comfy life you wish for.Thanks, anon
No. 325686
>>325680I'm doing better now, however i definitely would have been homeless if i didn't have family or if they would have been conservative and puritan enough to believe the lies he told them that i was a drug addicted prostitute to get them to kick me out of their home.
Fortunately, my parents actually love me and even if they had believed a word would have never kicked me out so.
Struggling to get on my feet but it could definitely much worse. Thank you for the sympathy.
No. 325952
>>325664I love the idea of not having to work and being financially supported by someone else, I think most people would love that.
The only thing is then I'm almost totally dependent on that person. What if they lose their job? What if they decide they don't want me anymore and dump me? Now I'm fucked, because I probably have a huge gap on my resume which means getting a job to support myself won't be easy.
I understand why someone would want it but I don't think I'd ever trust anyone, especially a man, with my life that way.
No. 326011
>>325988Not speaking for all anons but you can hate men as a class but love the few decent ones in your life.
Not that hard concept to grasp.
No. 326118
>>326115Aussie here. It's weird because I feel the same way about american accents in movies, but when I hear real life Yanks talk, it's jarring and annoying.
I can see why it's a comfortable accent though, it's very basic.
No. 326125
>>326116yes. it's like i have misophonia for like, all other english speaking accents or something. my partner happens to be english so it's kind of weird to see women fawn all over his. idk, english accents are not charming at all to me. like, i grew up in the south and in ny so it's not like it's not 'homey' for me to hear a southern accent or a ny accent, but they sound super wrong too. all that sounds comfortable and 'real' is the 'neutral' american accent to me. a lot of people really seem to dislike it though.
>>326118maybe it's because of the type of americans you're likely to encounter in australia, you know? i dunno, it just is, like you say, basic and reassuring to me or something idk. all other 'cute' accents (esp on guys) really grate on me.
No. 326323
>>326136Australian here, what is it that makes you uncomfortable? Not angry just curious. I kinda know what you mean with strong country aussie accents, some blokes voice's in particular sound almost angry or gruff, but urban aussies sound less offensive.
Also, curious, how do you feel about kiwi accents? I remember I saw a joke on Flight of the Concords that said Australian accents are basically kiwi accents but more evil and I kind of know what they mean haha
No. 326987
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>>326955>They've also made some bops, nglSorry to racebait, but white people who use the term "bops" wrong have no room to call anyone else cringeworthy ever. No, Nickelback has never made a bop. Kpop does not slap and lil peep's shit does not fucking hit.
(racebait) No. 327422
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>>327368>>327407i googled 'ezra miller gq' but couldn't find him in a dress? he's annoying though. like i can see why these sanctimonious retards are mocked by men on the right. they certainly don't do anything to legitimize their views with the way they act and dress. ezra seems like a huge piece of shit too.
i think men look retarded in dresses because first of all, women's fashion is functionally retarded and the only reason we dress the way we do is bc we've been forced to, basically, so automatically, any guy looking to make life more difficult for himself by dressing in female fashion looks dumb and trying too hard, basically. fashion that's unisex but slightly feminine doesn't look as dumb because it's not functionally retarded.
also, men who wear dresses and such always look like creepy fetishists and that's the problem. ezra looks like a creepy fetishist that's 2 seconds from mainlining premarin and become a 'camgirl'.
pic related only looks ok because he clearly doesn't give a shit and isn't trying. anything else is too try hard and calculated, so it looks especially dumb and fetishy
No. 327424
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>>327422nta but it was playboy
No. 327428
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>>327424thanks hahahahah wow, this is even worse than i thought it'd be. again, more proof that these neoliberal men aren't examples of progressive genderbending. they're just obsessed with the idea of being objectified the way women are. what the fuck is this? this kid watches way too much porn.
i just read that he spoke about being polyamorous in that playboy article. he's the perfect example of an effeminate male manipulator.
No. 327450
>>327448Agree, even if he is a ~homme fatal~ like other anon said.
idk much about him but that shit's pretty hot.
No. 327453
>>327385What ezra done btw? i dont know much about celebrity stuff but im curious, ive heard hes a good actor but thats about it.
Saged for ot
No. 327459
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>>327428he's fully turned into Nico Tortorella, attention hunger and all
No. 327462
>>327453His break was as Kevin from We need to talk about Kevin, a very solid performance. He was also in The perks of being a wanderall, some indie stuff, a generic disney movie and the New Harry Potter crash grab thing playing a vulnerably hot but dark magic possessed guy.
>>327448I agree, I can't not see him as hot as fuck no mater what he wears.
No. 327463
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Still hot in a weird and disturbing kind of way.
No. 327480
>>327463>>327462>>327450>>327448i dont see it at all. he's legit hideous to me. all i see is a self-obsessed narc. even without the dumb styling, he just looks too masc to me to be attractive. just looks like the quintessential art school abusive male and it's hideous.
>>327432the worst is when people think that working is so useful and a huge contribution and that life is empty without working for some asshole profiting off of you, kek. most people aren't holding super useful positions.
No. 327498
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>>327480To me the appeal comes from his masculinity being presented in more revealing, and feminine ways without it strictly conforming to it..
I don't really know much about the guy, but I feel you might be projecting onion onto this dude, kek
No. 327504
>>327498anon, any theater/art guy that's 'queer' and into polyamory that isn't gay is a narcissistic abuser that preys on women. polyamory always, without exception, attracts 'alternative' abusers. i might not know him personally but everything he says reads as babby agp anyways.
>>327494exactly. imo mens legs look like a mistake and they shouldn't be highlighted. it's so weird when people say men have 'nice legs' too.
No. 327563
>>327465Shut the fuck up Socialist.
This comment was made by the Centrist Gang. Support Bolsonaro in order to inflate the stock market bitches.
No. 327600
>>327428I hope he stays just kind of David Bowie tier sexy genderqueer, but I know he's gonna take it too far and trans up
>>327432This. I feel like such a teenage hippy when I say it, but the system is a pyramid scheme meme and it's dumb that we have to live like drones just because of this lottery.
I do believe people need some kind of work to function, people on unemployment subsidies go down the drain fast, but there's no reason we should all be working three full time jobs just to live like rats. Where possible jobs should be shared between people so that everyone can have shorter hours, and those that can't work can find meaning in volunteering with the community. The economy is made up anyway, why is it made up so badly?
No. 327982
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>>327956Eh disagree. This one sums it all up pretty well imo.
As long as they aren't hurting anyone, or demanding access to women's spaces, I seriously couldn't give one single fuck.
No. 327989
>>327969>>327982It's not about breaking the norms, it's about how these men break into what is supposed to be OUR thing and make it all about themselves. Even though some of those men can pull it off, I simply believe that men should be masculine and manly out of the need to uphold social order and to stop the pussification of the American male.
>>327976Yeah I'm a millennial. That doesn't mean I'm not embarrassed about this generation.
>>327988I'm a libertarian, I stand for the liberation of men and women to be who they truly are. Men and women.
No. 327999
>>327989The problem with the American male is that they are raised to
not be pussies and are punished and mocked from birth for showing weakness or femininity. The solution is to stop letting aggressively judgemental assholes in power push bullshit ideologies like "pussified males" so that men as a whole can
calm the fuck down and act like actual humans.
No. 328002
>>327989>"It's not about breaking the norms">"Who here thinks that men and women should act a certain way">gets mad about men wearing feminine clothesAlright.
Anyway, men say the same shit about women "invading" male spaces (see: the so-oppressed gamers). Also, dandies have been a thing for a very long time and have codified now-feminine things as masculine before we even saw them as feminine. It's a pretty common exchange.
My issue is when women becoming associated with said-masculine thing "devalues" it, like women dominating biological sciences so now STEM-lords call it a "soft" science compared to majority male fields like CS or engineering.
No. 328008
>>327990I mean that aesthetically men should dress in the way that man is meant to, such as wearing suits, jersies or whatever nerd shit that they are into. While women should dress in skirts, sometimes pants and try to be as pretty as possible. Women should be involved in politics, but let's not pretend that people are unique and stop shoving weird shit like men crossdressing like it's normal lol. There is only really one way to live, and that is according to nature, as the stoics say.
>>327998Just because it's cultural doesn't mean that it's not true to nature. Beavers build dams and certain acts are more appealing in the respective sexes than others. The simple fact of the matter is that women who dress up like men and wear short hair are freaks and so are men with long hair that dress up like girls. Who gives a fuck about the Scottish anyways? Their culture is irrelevant and inferior to that of Britain and America.
>>327999No, men should embrace stoic virtues and accept things as things as they are. To not expect anything, to hold no attachments and to make rational decisions. Women should be held to the same standards. The free market is the embodiment of that standard, but the state has corrupted it with gender confusion in attempt to teach men sensitivity instead of calm.
>>328002Have you ever seen men enter into the MLP fandom? That is a reason why the crossing of the sex boundaries should be limited. That isn't to say that men can't like some things about femininity such as child-wearing (to a degree) but gender confusion should be kept to a minimum.
>>328003That's your issue that I don't buy into the "male and female brains are the same!" argument.
No. 328041
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Definitely an unpopular opinion here and I've seen multiple anons voicing this but the shitflinging by the femcels is getting unbearable.
For a group that hates men you lot sure love talking about them every chance you get, now I wouldn't mind it if it weren't for the fact you have your own dedicated thread for this yet you still choose to shit up other threads with your autistic sperging and it's honestly starting to get annoying as it doesn't allow room for actual discussion in these threads.
I just wish the mods would do something about this
No. 328055
>>328041the above posts aren't even manhate posts. are you serious? it started from this
>>327368 anon saying men don't look good in women's fashion. why can't conversations naturally evolve to you people? any 'manhate'-y posts responding to the unpopular opinion relate to what the original anon said, too.
No. 328068
>>328055At this point, I think those anons are literally retards if they equal any criticism of men as man-hate. It happened before in the bullshit that doesn't belong anywhere thread.
And my unpopular opinion is that anyone that uses word "femcel" should be banned as it's highly likely that the poster belongs to the shitboard that coined the term. For people complaining about incels they sure like using their vocab.
No. 328069
Wait, anons think the Ezra miller fashion posts where man-hating?
I'm one of the anons that find his shenanigans hot af but I think it's very legitimate that other anons feel uncomfortable or that he's mocking femininity in some ways. Just different views, and I mean, the whole lefty fake woke pan guy predator is a real thing.
Unpopular opinion for some but man are not fragile beings that need other woman to protect them from evil man haters, most just have big egos and that's all.
Just like it's justified that black people that grew up with racism feel uncomfortable or are overcritical of white people, it's to be expected that women exposed to a lot of misogyny, abuse and harassment to be weary and critical of men. Yet I'm pretty sure that most of the anons that post on the man hating thread live normal lives and interact in respectful ways with the men they know, family, coworkers, etc; unlike incels, from what I hear about them at least.
No. 328146
>>327432Oooh, now this is an interesting topic. I've always been thinking like this. World economy is shittier and shittier and in order to just survive you have to put yourself in debt to work your ass off in college (while also working your ass off as waitress and such, unless your parents are wealthy) and get as many qualifications and unpaid work/internships just to be remotely considered when you send your resume, just so that you can work your ass off for most of your day for most of your days until you're too old to function. Like, I get that working is productive and has always been a thing and I'm not saying that you shouldn't be working at all, just… less? So that you could enjoy your one and only life a bit more?
That's why I've always envied photographers and such, at least they get to travel and their jobs seem more fun.
No. 328261
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>>328195You should take a look at the book/TV series The Worst Witch. Both came out before Harry Potter and have a lot of subtle similarities. I doubt a lot of Americans know about it because it was only aired on this side of the pond. It's my personal tinfoil that JK saw The Worst Witch and used a lot of it as inspiration for HP. Pic related looks so much like the flying lesson from HP.
>>328255I can't actually insult anyone, you're all too cute.
No. 328521
>>328515I remember a few years back reading recounts of children with gay parents and a lot of them were heartbreaking - they weren’t abused by any means but they felt ostracised from their peers, felt guilt if they were straight and all had a lack of a stable role model (gay male parents they lacked female role models, female gay parents they lacked male role models), many also admitted to feeling like they had to be perfect children otherwise it would reflect poorly on the lgb community.
While I feel that children should most definitely be adopted out to anyone who is appropriate and can provide safety, stability and opportunities to the child I do honestly have an issue with gay couple having children through ivf and/or surragocy, but I have that same issue with straight couples whom are infertile or single people.
No. 328525
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>>328515Reality doesn't really agree with your opinion though.
No. 328539
>>328511>Not really sure how that’s histrionic?>also it makes sense to do while people are gathered?Here's my (maybe) unpopular opinion. I hate when people turn statements into questions like this. I read it like a feigned ignorance/innocence and it's so god damn annoying to me. I first noticed it when I saw shoe doing it "" but I didn't say that tho??? "" but see farmers doing it a lot lately.
It's nitpicky as hell but just needed to say it.
No. 328544
>>328538So instead of creating a more accepting world, you think lesbian women just shouldn’t have children? You know who also has a hard time raising children? Single mothers, yet you don’t mention or say anything about them. Are you going to make divorce illegal on your perfect society?
Kids get bullied, all the time for no reason. I had a hard time growing up for being a weirdo weeb. The world is cruel, but we handle it.
No. 328551
>>328544Creating a more accepting world takes time; but right now society as a whole is not ready yet. That's sad for you, but my point stands, no child should needlessly suffer.
>You know who also has a hard time raising children? Single mothers, yet you don’t mention or say anything about them. Are you going to make divorce illegal on your perfect society? Yeah, what about the single mothers? And poor people? And criminals? And druggies? You could go on endlessly like that.
However, like I mentioned above, this post was inspired by the lesbians on lolcow being so vocal about how gay men should not be allowed to have children. And while I completely agree, it also angers me that you think that you're different. You might raise children better, but you can't change how society treats them. And I think it's unfair that you seem to choose to ignore that.
No. 328562
>>328515Someone who's close to me was raised by gay parents, and says he wasn't bullied or really given shit for it at all growing up. We were watching this one drama, and a scene came up where a girl told her parents how hard it was being bullied for having gay parents all her life, and he completely downplayed it. He was like "Not really lol". Not everywhere in the US stigmatizes it, anon.
Besides that, the only way to eradicate bullying like that is to outright normalize it.
No. 328608
>>328596I hate when empaths shit on people who "arent" empaths, saying that their creepy or weird. Thats pretty non empathetic and hypocritical of empaths to say shit like that.
Most people only care about those close to them, sorry not everyone pretends to be a special kumbayah hippie.
No. 328616
If most of them smell like shit to you, there's something wrong with your nose
>>328606I feel the same about La Vie Est Belle. I have it in my already too large collection cause it was a gift so I need to find a way to make it work. It doesn't play well with my skin either. It's meh but it smells better on other people to me. I'll have to try lightly spraying on clothes to make it work somehow.
No. 328622
>>328609Agreed. I can rarely ever find a perfume that makes me want to buy it. Most of the stuff is just "good enough" to what I like. I love the smell of coconut and all the perfumes I've smelled have some other scent taking over, practically ruining the mix, alcohol was a big one.
I bought an alcohol free coconut fragrance off Etsy that used witch hazel instead of alcohol and it was perfect. It was extremely cheap compared to these perfumes I had lined up to sample too.
No. 328699
>>328616>there's something wrong with your noseNta but sorry some people have sensitive noses or
gasp different tastes. You sound like a child. Not everyone's going to appreciate your basic, overpriced chanel perfume.
>>328650>perfume fanbase>mfw No. 329506
>>329502>>329504I agree with
>>329493trans people are okay. I've met a lot of them and most of them aren't sexist. I guess that's a very unpopular opinion on lolcow though
No. 329573
>>329562I'm really sorry if you had a negative experience with lesbians. Sexual harassment is vile regardless by whom. That being said, I really don't see lesbians being pushy in the public aside from gay bars.
And myself being one, I don't know where you meet or see these lesbians because there's really such a tiny percentage of us (or so it seems).
>>329570honestly, bisexuals saying it's sexist of lesbians to not wanting to date bisexuals sounds awfully like tranny rhetoric.
I don't hate bisexuals but I can see why there would be prejudice on the dating scene. It's just a preference I guess.
No. 329579
>>329562No one is trying to use statistics to show they're better than anyone else kek. Someone
asked for a source to back up someone elses claim and they got it.
No. 329590
>>329471 I definitely agree with you on that one. I use /a/ a lot and some animeonly flipped out because someone posted an image from the Index novels that spoiled something that will be coming up in the anime. Thing is, the series has been around for so long that the “spoiler” is over five years old. It’s nice if people use tags or whatever on other sites but people should know better than to complain.
>>329562Call me crazy but I swear the same person has been posting nonstop about lesbians for the past couple days. All these posts complaining about them on lolcow sound the same.
No. 329603
>>329590I bet that was embarrassing to witness.
I have some mutual friends who are freaking out and threatening to take a break from the internet and showing off their blocklists because Smash Bros is getting datamined and they're all getting scared of spoilers. Tbh, I don't care about Smash anymore, I didn't like Brawl but I'm interested in what these people can find. Even in a game series I like, I'm one of those people who will datamine shit to see what I can find. It's like finding treasure. I've been spoiled so many times doing this, but it doesn't make me want to call people who post new information nasty names and make call out posts about them.
No. 329706
>>329502Anon you replied to.
You don't "become trans". I think you are confusing trans with troons. I have plenty of trans friends who do not support troonage or tumblr fakebois because… those people are not trans. True trans people have dysphoria, which is a mental imbalance and is real. "Non-binary" shit is just a snowflake label. It's for boring cishets who want to shove their way into queer spaces and pretend they're special or oppressed.
>>329531Yeah. This girl ticks those boxes… and she's over 30 which makes it even sadder. They're all either ugly/fat womenchildren who hates themselves or creepy men who want to get into female spaces easier.
No. 329722
>>329706>thinking trans is reallol
dysphoria isn't real, lmao. it's a psychological obsession that stems from other things, chiefly depression/anxiety and/or ocd. it's like dysmorphia but more retarded. any imbalances come from the issues that cause it, like depression or anxiety. it's an unhealthy fixation. for some women, they are traumatized into it, but most ftt and fakebois are just trendy shits. mtt are fetishists 95% of the time, with the other 5% being gays that want to attract straight men, or children misled by their idiot homophobic or just retarded parents.
tl; dr it's absolutely not something you're born with, lmao
No. 329730
>>329728>And internet lolcow troons aren't a good way to judge tranniesThat's not an unpopular opinion, that's a shit opinion
Internet lolcow troons are the loudest group, of course people will judge trannies based on them. If trannies don't wanna be lumped together with them maybe they should do something about it and face lolcow troons? Rather than enabling them
No. 329737
>>329722Dude, no. Dysphoria IS real. Lots of fake trans people claim to have it but it is a legit disorder. The real trans people act like normal people that integrate into society and just want to live their lives, you probably don't even know they are trans.
>>329730 This person is correct, not all trans people are troons they are just the most obnoxious and shitty "representatives" even though most of them aren't even truly trans. That'd be like saying all feminists are like Amy Schumer.
No. 329738
>>329728The same science that's ultimately predicated around the thought that brains are sexed and that the preference of gendered toys, articles of clothing, etc are based in biology and that female monkeys prefer dolls, etc? Shitty, biased, wack-ass science? Science tainted by politics comes out all of the time.
Some are happier when they transition, of course they are, they're fetishists, but studies also suggest they still commit suicide at high rates after transition, soo…
Almost all trans have comorbid mental illnesses and personality disorders, and they're also going undiagnosed with proper illness because they're instead being diagnosed with this stupid shit. MTT trans have NPD at a rate of literally, 64%. Both male and female have personality disorders at a frequency of 81%, and their comorbid diseases and disorders often go neglected or untreated. They're being neglected by the medical community and doctors are violating the hippocratic oath.
No. 329739
>>329728>>329737Replied to the wrong comment, meant the first one is correct.
Anyway a lot of them don't give a fuck about the troon twitter screechfest, just like I don't. I'm not going to argue with internet troons all day to defend feminism or anything.
No. 329741
>>329728>science disagrees with you.[citation needed]
All the studies done on muh gender dysphoria that have found some biological evidence have been performed on patients that have already received either hormones or puberty blockers, thus it's not reliable evidence. Hormones affect anyone's brain structure, even depression is based on a hormonal imbalance and its effects show up on a MRI scan. There are absolutely no studies inherently supporting the claim that gender dysphoria is something you're born with and much less that transitioning is actually the best way to treat it. The first push towards my personal peak trans was actually not being able to find the scientific evidence to support the "gender dysphoria is real" during arguments.
No. 329758
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I dislike "Disney people". I'm aware that I'm hypocritical because I still enjoy a lot of things from my childhood, but Disney people just seem weird to me in a way I can't place like with other nostalgia-fandoms.
A lot of them just seem very sheltered on top of having oddly hateful political views. "Princess" people are always weird; those women who are obsessed with one princess or Tinkerbell and have a bunch of merchandise of them. They tend to be gigantic bitches.
I'm less judgmental of younger adults who are mostly just into the Pixar films as opposed to classic Disney stuff/Disneyland fanatics.
No. 329778
>>329758Disney and Harry Potter people are low tier. I know a Disney girl who is "kin" with 12 different characters. Delusional.
Tbf I like the Lion King and Kingdom Hearts and all that, but the communities of these things are like watching that anime club video 24/7
No. 329841
>>329758Agree big time.
Nothing says "white trash American normie trying to be a nerd" like being "obsessed" with Disney. Also, fuck people who get married at Disney in particular, because they're paying fifty grand to get married in a plastic theme park full of greasy food and screaming children. They fell for the capitalist lie of Disney magic and think that not growing out of it makes them SPESHUL.
I wouldn't even go to a honeymoon at Disney, either. For the same amount of money, you could go somewhere sexy like France or the Bahamas.
No. 329853
>>329841I think it’s kinda pathetic too but it’s some people like it, then I don’t really care. I don’t really care what others do as long as it doesn’t hurt myself or other people.
Speaking of which, my unpopular opinion is that I think people on lolcow care too much what others do. I mean it’s one thing if it’s a lolcow who has a thread on here but a rando doing something mundane? Who gives a shit?
No. 329856
>>329841disney marriages are pretty cheap tbh i'm paying 10G for mine. not even into disney, it's just a good option and my fiance's parents are flying over so they can visit since they've never been to USA disney before.
>>329854also not really. weddings are at special wedding venues (which aren't at hotels) but you can add extra photoshoots in the park as well as have dinner in any restaurant, usually in a private room tho, but still. it's not separate from the park, and most of the locations boast great views of the park and fireworks.
i hate disney fags but i'm getting married there cause there will be fireworks and rides and shit close by. also one of my disneyfag coworkers got extremely salty about me doing it, but keeps trying to get an invite. haha no.
No. 329860
>>329856well i know for disney world the main wedding pavillion is part of the grand floridian resort, some weddings are also hosted at the restaraunt citricos which is also on resort property, and there are the ballrooms in the hotel as well, but i imagine those are more reception venues than ceremony venues. they also now allow either early morning or after hours ceremonies to be held in the park, both in magic kingdom, at the tower of terror at hollywood studios, and all over the world showcase at epcot.
idk how it is for disneyland because i never looked into a wedding there.
No. 329896
>>329886samefag, this anon was replying to me.
i deleted my first post to change a sentence before i've seen your reply, i'm sorry anoni don't know, looking at their interviews, they have such a creepy aura and looking at them makes me uncomfortable. same for the columbine shooters, i see them getting romanticized a lot but they look completely psychotic in videos. maybe it's the effect of knowing what they've done, i don't know
No. 329917
>>329896i don't consider shooters on the same level as serial killers. hope i don't sound too tcc-ish but serial killers fascinate people for their methodology and brain workings, whereas mass shooters are just angry idiots. but they're still fetishized by lonely women just the same.
>>329909this is it. women are the primary makeup of hybristophiles, and idk if there's a term for this but generally it's men who are into "crazy chicks" and fetishize having a pSyChO girlfriend who treats them differently
No. 329971
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I hate that people outside of the internet are using words like "triggered" and "snowflake" like on the news ugh. It's like what happened to the word trolling, everyone just kinda throws it around and don't really use it properly/know what it means.
No. 329975
>>329974fair enough
maybe I'm just used to crazy people on the internet mostly using it…
it's awful hearing it in political debates
to add another unpopular opinion, I think people should just leave Amberlynn Reid alone, like why is everyone giving her so much attention/views? She's just another obese person on youtube.
It's obvious most people who make fun of her do it because they hate fatty chans and just want to make money making stale "joke" vids about her. Not because they actually care about her health or whatever the fuck. No one can really do anything except Amberlynn herself, and if she doesn't lose weight it's literally her own fault. The whole thing is wild.
No. 330205
>>330184I always thought his first wife was the prettiest
but I also find vegan gains' gf cute (or at least I would if she wasn't a horse girl…) so take it with a grain of salt
No. 330229
>>330200Way to victimshame: you're just like men, not believing women when they say they were sexually harrassed + insulting them at the same time.
>"Lesbians are abusive predators" is just "oh my GOD that icky dyke probably wants to fuck me!"Sounds awfully like men doing disgusting things and then whining >females scream rape if you just look at them!
No, there are lesbian abusers and rapists, your community is not as perfect as you try to make it out to be.
No. 330266
>>330238Lol, nope.
What is it with this site?
Pixyteri is "pretty", Charms is "beautiful", but actual attractive women are "ugly" and "manly" or whatever else.
Is it ugly women sperging at hot ones and praising ugly ones to feel better?
No. 330273
>>330251women will pay thousands to have a node like Billie's lol, who are these people calling it a "pig" nose?
Lainey has a long horseface, wide mouth with no lips and a hooked nose, what is classically beautiful about that??
No. 330324
>>330273yeah and analyzing and bickering over if their individual noses are technically more aesthetic or not is autistic af.
Just take a quick look at them and I think most people's first impression would be that Billie reads generally more soft/feminine and Lainey reads more harsh and plain. It doesn't mean Billie is flawless and it doesn't mean Lainey is irredeemably ugly. Just that there's a reason many farmers share opinions on their looks. Doesn't matter who's nose is technically better. If it worked like that, anyone who could afford PS to get the right features would be model tier and no one famous for their looks would be able to have any flaws.
No. 330383
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i have said it once and i will say it again: i hate harry potter fans.
No. 330389
>>330330I am not a Shiloh fan in any way, but I am confused about how can she be even remotely as bad as onion.
All bad things she did happened when she was still under his control and pretty young.
She turned on Adrienne (gross, yes) and helped onion spread the drama, but she did not groom teenage girls like Plainey. She got the fuck out and is living her life.
Anyone feels like explaining?
I have joined on the onion ride shortly after Plain happened, so I did not experience Shiloh.
No. 330391
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>>330273>women will pay thousands to have a nose like thatI wouldn’t kek
No. 330396
>>330386>>330392that's my exact problem. you fucks don't care what's happening, you just care about
who is doing it.
No. 330403
>>329992>>330081This is my favorite meme of 2018, you can probably find out more by googling it. I only saw it evolve on /fit/, where it seemed arise as a variation of the stereotypical old guy in the gym and any combination of annoyances that might come from such a character. The meme is that the age of the boomer kept getting lower with each iteration to the point where they're drinking monster energy drinks and listening to music/wearing clothes from the 2000s. It's funny because it points out how looking at older people with derision is less to do with what they're actually doing as much as it is just framing literally any generation as being old fashioned because of whatever arbitrary delineation you've drawn between "then" and "now", or more fundamentally "us" and "them". Of course, age is a particularly stupid marker to use for making these separations because we all get our turn on either side of the generational fence, and yet this has been going on at least since the beginning of recorded history and likely since long before. Using the hyper acceleration of culture online to shorten the generations into indistinguishably short windows, and then using memetics to poke fun at it: poetry.
Sorry I just really like this meme and hope somebody else can get the same enjoyment out of it!
No. 330405
>>330403ok i hated this meme at first but you converted me.
i will say the reason i hated it is because boomers (like from the traditional baby boom) are the worst customers. the vast majority of them are absolutely astonished if the smallest thing goes wrong, even if it's no one's fault, they act like it's your personal mission to con them out of their money and that they're the only ones clever enough to tell you your job's prices are too high, they give so much unsolicited advice and ideas both for your work and you as a person ("try travelling the world kid ;) you might learn something") and just overall seem like they've never had a normal entry level job before. People younger AND older than them don't do any of their weird quirks they way that they do it. They also all have the same fucking voice?!
like i get what you're saying and shit talking one arbitrarily distinguished generation is pretty much like school days where everyone would hate the freshmen no matter what, but at the same time fuck boomers.
No. 330412
>>330396>whoMore like, for
what reason. It's definitely not out of any genuine concern for tax evasion.
No. 330425
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I'm fine with the thot audit, pls don't kill me
No. 330440
>>330405>"try travelling the world kid ;) you might learn something"It's funny when they say that because they've sucked out all the money from millenials and zoomers so we can't even "travel the world"
>People older than themeuh, I'm pretty sure people older than boomers are dead
No. 330446
>>330433These dumb incels/alt right faggots are later going to be mad about how "muh sexual market" means they can no longer even buy tiddy pics from women who will pretend to like them. It's going to be "[Suibait] Women hate us so much they won't even ACCEPT MONEY to let us see what Chad sees every morning, afternoon and night". They're too spoiled to go back to regular porn without the whole "friend/e-gf experience".
Stupid cucks working against themselves in the name of "BTFOing thots". It's also probably the same people who agreed that Trump is a "genius" for tax evasion, but if a woman does it, they're suddenly mass upholders of the law.
No. 330509
>>330481Found the retail worker.
You ever applied to a blue collar position? It's great. You rarely talk to anybody. Being a custodian was the best decision.
No. 330512
>>330497I feel like you're the same anon who's been trying to shill alt-right losers in the anti porn and man hate threads as "anti-degenerate" and "our true allies" because all porn = Jews or something, then got mad when we pointed out that these "alt right" people are obsessed, happy consumers (and sometimes producers) of cuckold porn, and only feel any hatred toward it because they hate women and also hate black people, not because they understand why porn is shitty and exploitative.
No one here is going to convert to your disgusting /pol/cel handmaiden cult. You have to go back.
No. 330513
>>330500I thought it was a handmaiden, but it might be a scrote, honestly. That sort of black and white thinking, and complete lack of nuance coupled with a whiny attitude of "Why aren't you on on ouuuurrr siiiiide?!?! We both hate sluts!!!" primarily comes from entitled males.
He tried to hide it with the "Sit the fuck down" line, but we're all seated and calm. He's the one bitching at us and having a conniption.
No. 330522
>>330513>>330512Have you been in the threads I'm talking about? It just seems kind of lame that everyone is trying to moralfag when many people in those threads wish this kind of shit on cows almost constantly.
It's totally different than discussing it on the site in general. I'm talking about people in the costhot thread or the momokun thread. They don't give a shit about moo getting audited, they give a shit that it's a neckbeard thing.
Gotta love that "anon doesn't agree she must be a handmaiden/man" meme.
For someone claiming that my thinking is black and white, you certainly seem to know alot about that…
No. 330542
>>330522You're missing the fact hate we hate both parties, and the reasons for why one did what they did. Why should we suddenly start liking one of them? I haven't even seen anyone actually WK the thots, just deride the incels for typical inceloid behavior. No one on LC has ever been salty enough to call IRS on Moomoo, but no one cares if it happens, either. That said, we're free to comment negatively on the faggots spergy enough to do such a thing all because >tfw no gf.
I'm calling you a handmaiden or a man because only those two would be this retarded.
No. 330547
>>330419>If the job doesn't pay enough, just get another jobWhat if your job works you so much you never can schedule an interview with another company? What if your schedule isn’t flexible enough to work two jobs? Why should someone have to work themselves to death just to survive?
>>330517I am anti-sex work but I’m not going to shit on women already in the field, and getting them audited isn’t the way to get them to pick other jobs. I’m a radfem, I’m going to side with the woman in most situations. Not to mention incels like this are the literal target audience for these sex workers anyway, they started it.
No. 330554
>>330542>>330531I literally am just saying it's hypocritical to suddenly be pissed off that a group you don't like is doing something milky. That's it. I'm not saying anyone is right, but it's retarded either way for anons to start whining about incels fucking with people they actively hate.
>>330547No one's saying not to side with women, I'm literally just talking about anons who browse threads that shit on SW.
I'm done talking with you guys because you're just knee-jerking about the entire thing. I've had discussions in other threads (like that shit one on /g/) about how shitty the whole thing is, but that still doesn't mean I don't think that anons in the costhot thread need to rethink their choices, because they look like idiots.
I'm not suddenly going to start supporting june or someone just because neckbeards do something shitty to her.
No. 330609
>>330581I think you missed anon's point, she's trying to say she is
only talking about anons who are doing what she claimed, if you read her first post, she said that pretty clearly in an earlier posts. She's only talking about the anons who frequent those people threads.
>>330564NTA but there has been a few whiteknights trying to claim she pays her taxes always so…
No. 330610
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i fucking hate online mental illness-support culture. especially the memes like pic related. "haha i use humor to cope with my SEVErE mEnTAl IlLnESs lol lmao" actually you don't have any humor, and you don't have severe mental illness
No. 330622
>>330606The thing is that I remember very clearly everyone shitting on Billie's looks during Cuddlegate, saying that she looks like a pig, that her bare face is ugly, her hair's fried etc… then suddenly when she gtfo'd of Casa de la Grasa people in the thread started praising her and saying she's so beautiful.
I'm not any of the anons above, just pointing out how ironic it is.
No. 330641
>>330632Not to mention the original sentiment was "Lainey is cuter than Billie" like if it's just between those two, then yeah most people are going to pick Billie. Even if you think she's ugly for the sole reason that she took the greasestick, Lainey is STILL taking it on top of being a horrible person to boot, so….
I think it's weird how much people vendetta Billie. That'd be like vendettaing Skye or Shiloh. None of them are even remotely involved with Onision anymore. People can from back from mistakes as horrible as fucking him.
No. 330790
>>330785my one:
being underweight is fucking unhealthy and you should avoid it unless you have an actual illness that makes you underweight. it doesn't look good, you're as unhealthy as an obese person is but you think you're better than them 100% of the time. ed or not, underweight is not a goal and its as bad as overweight or obese.
inb4 anas attack me for stating basic bmi facts
No. 330793
>>330750I present to you the argument that any normal user finds him gross, and so only those who liked him would spend time in those threads, making them containment threads for those pathetic anons vs the larger body of lolcow.
But also I agree with you, embarrassing that they walk among us
No. 330799
>>330750I still can’t wrap my head around that one
He has a full on egghead
No. 330908
>>330848my god i just read the latest anisa thread and its worse than i remember. heres a charming comment from it
>""i think idubbbz is disgusting, but he could def do better than anisa. she's a chubby, ugly clout chaser with a high body count & a history of cheating."imagine thinking this unironically.
my other unpopular opinion is that a lot of the "advice" anons give in snow threads is awful, especially w/r/t clothing and makeup.
No. 330909
>>330908sameanon but i found more
>Idubbbz not that bad looking honestly and a lot of girls like him for some reason. I think hes with anisa because he actually likes her Or hes too lazy to find another person. Not to be offensive but anisa seems like a but of a sl*t so idk why ian likes her but whatever
>Anisa really isn't a looker lmao (not that ugly but not attractive either) and tbh while Ian is gross (esp when he's got that puberty stache and greasy hair ugh) I always thought he was superior to her lookwisehow can anyone say lolcow hates men when we have anons here defending idubbz of all people
No. 330913
>>330909the only people left in that thread are utterly insane. anyone with sense bailed long ago (i'm shocked the thread is still going tbh, i forgot about it until a few weeks ago i saw a pic of anisa on the front page). anisa does literally nothing cow worthy and all people do is pick apart her appearance. being a chronically insecure idiot dating a bigger idiot is not milk. (especially because idubbbz is irrelevant as fuck.)
and i guess on the topic of unpopular opinions, but i dont think anisa is fat or ugly. just desperate and pathetic.
No. 330924
>>330908lmao why do they act like he's being forced at gunpoint to date her? he's willingly dating her. he must like her for a reason.
>>330913like most cows she's not ugly or fat. she's not less attractive than idubbbz either.
No. 330927
>>330925nitpicking is explicitly against the rules though…
wonder if we'll ever get another hellweek, we're long overdue.
No. 331075
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>>330790Is it you comparing underwieght people to overweight people in every single fucking weightloss thread?
Are you completely delusional?
No. 331713
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marilyn monroe and most actresses pre 90s would be considered fat now which is really weird because the majority of the population of the most influential countries are now much bigger
No. 332328
marilyn monroe would never, ever be considered fat unless you're fucking ana-chan, please drop this ridiculous meme. her clothing fits on a current year 6-8 dress form. she wore a 32A brassiere, ffs. at her death she stood 5'5" and weighed 117lbs.
she weighed 135 during the filming of some like it hot. that's not fat. sorry, not even close.
this shit is easily googled, it's tiresome to see people parrot this without ever actually looking into it and it's aggravating when haes fatties scream about how BuT mArILyN ws ObEsE, just stop. No. 332344
>>332336nta, but most women have a fast metabolism until they reach their mid/late 20s. the "she can eat however much she wants without working out" is a myth, you gain weight by eating more than you burn. what kind of food you eat affects this of course, but the older you get the less calories you burn.
a lot of factors play into why people are underweight, but the "some people have fast metabolisms" argument should be dead by now.
No. 332398
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>>332335Emma Stone is extremely thin, so no, but Jlaw has said she’s had her weight mentioned in Hollywood. She’s thin but her figure is on the fuller side, I can see sick fucks giving her a hard time for that
No. 332420
>>331075nta but you comparing a morbidly obese woman to a barely underweight chick is autistic.
Anon was just saying someone with BMI 26 isnt more unhealthy than someone with BMI 17.
No. 332429
>>331713marilyn monroe being considered fat by today’s standards is a retarded meme fatties started to feel better about themselves. over her career the largest she ever was (to my knowledge) was a us size 4 but at several points she was even skinnier than that.
in your pic she had a bit of belly fat which may be what you’re referring to but she still wouldn’t be considered fat, by hollywood standards she may not have been considered to have the most perfect body ever and greasy critics may have been on her ass as they are on all other famous women but that’s it.
No. 332450
>>332445Agree, is that really controversial?
>>332429I don't understand how anyone who has ever seen a photo of her could believe she was fat.
No. 332454
>>332450eh tbh there are definitely some more unflattering photos of her where she does look a lot less skinny, but still not fat by any stretch of the imagination. her weight did fluctuate a lot. also, i believe she had endometriosis, which can cause someones stomach area to protrude a little.
the "marilyn monroe was fat" meme was started by legit fatties, like
>>332429 said. facebook was always filled with some cherry picked unflattering photo of her with some cheesy caption about how mm wasnt a size 0 and therefore she is a fat activist icon.
No. 332536
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Unpopular opinion: the man hate thread is actually suprisingly misogynistic
Like maybe chill
No. 332548
>>332508I often see fat people saying they can't lose weight easily for stupid or vague reasons such as
>I eat normal portions, it's just because my genes/my health problemswhen they actually pig out more often than the average person because their health problems are mental problems and make them eat too much.
The fat or chubby people who are the way they are because of actual health problems that directly influences their weight don't try to have others pity them from what I've seen, such as people with terrible disorders who must take cortisol medication, or hormonal stuff that cause water retention like menopause for example. I never see these causes mentioned, I find it very surprising now that I think about it.
No. 332557
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I don't mind how I look at my age now, but I can't wait until I become old so I can be a flamboyant, old lady roaming the streets with my equally fashionable ladyfriends, even if that means getting a walker that matches my outfit.
Whenever I feel bad about aging I google pictures of old ladies in fashion. They always put a smile on my face.
No. 332669
>>332604i'll take 'acting like 100,000 unique people post misogynistic shit in the gender crit and troon threads' alex.
fuck i hope you're not that naive, we all know most of that traffic is for cow boards anyway.
No. 332711
>>332701I assumed you were vaguing about anon complaining about misogyny in the trans thread, who I assumed was vaguing about that anon in the thread who said femininity and submissiveness are intertwined.
My bad ig.
No. 333347
>>333338It's such a massive, obvious cope. It infuriates me but men are always clear that the only way women can get them to settle down is by being younger, I'm not surprised so many do mental gymnastics to pretend they'd be happy with an ugly old man.
Young men are objectively hotter and I would rather die alone than marry someone significantly older. I refuse to reward the egos and entitlement of old men.
No. 333465
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>>333463I think they expect us all to start dressing like rich stay at home moms after 25.
No. 333560
>>333553oh shit, yes thank god. i know so many people from high school into the whole astrology shit thinking they're celestial beings and it's only for women. my boyfriend used to check his horoscope every other day at one point.
throwing around astrology terms are just trying to make up for the fact they have no personality.
No. 333564
>>333552>Anything more than jeans and a t-shirt, people will ask where you're going "all dressed up."I see this crop up a lot on lolcow, and I'm not sure if the tone is framing this like it's a problem?
I think it's great. I panic thinking my fashion is so mediocre yet I step outside and get showered with compliments and praise.
I'd hate to live in a society that expects me to have planned an outfit the night before and have only the most pristine makeup and hair to even be considered noticeable. I don't see people being happy to be so competitive with expectations all the time. The excitement and impression towards someone who dresses nice stems directly from the presumption that they didn't have to do it. It's special that way, imo.
If it becomes a baseline for everyone, then it becomes a chore. Another "Oh, that's nice dear."
No. 333571
>>332508The higher weight you are, the larger BMR you have.
It's hilarious to see people's reactions when you tell them that thinner people actually have slower metabolisms and that overweight people are probably just eating too fucking much.
No. 333584
>>333580I'm confused as well, how are these posts misogynistic in any way?
Aren't they celebrating women's strengths despite the oppression?
No. 333586
>>332508I kind of think that has some truth to it, some people are just more genetically predisposed to gaining weight.
Or it sorts of just hits them in their 20s or something, without changing their eating habits. That must suck, but it's not a new issue.
No. 333595
>>333571>thinner people actually have slower metabolisms What actually happens is that your calorie maintenance (TDEE) goes down the smaller you get. Because obviously you eat less to weigh less.
If you eat more you get larger.
ie. A 300 pound woman can eat 2,300 calories a day to maintain her weight. If she eats less, then she loses. And it adjusts the smaller she gets.
If she lost 100 pounds and went down to 200, her maintenance may be 1900 calories a day to stay that weight.
A 100 pound woman can eat 1,200 calories a day to maintain, if she goes over, she gains.
It's the same principle for everyone regardless of weight, not metabolism magic.
No. 333596
>>333586I don't think there's much excuse for being fat, if your metabolism is slow you just need to eat less and exercise more to compensate. I do think people can be naturally thin and get away with a much more lax diet.
But you can't admit this because people will call you a fatty and sperg about CICO OMG YOU CAN'T DEFY PHYSICS, even though we already know cico is determined by your BMR, and BMR varies depending on gender, age, size, etc. It's hardly unreasonable to think it could be affected by other factors like race, or just individual differences.
No. 333599
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>>333592>Complains about misandry in the man hate threadHas to be a scrot lmao
Or a very retarded farmer
No. 333661
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>>332557Oh hell yes!
Sometimes the thought of getting older kinda scares me, but it makes me feel better when I think about how awesome it'll be to become that flashy, quirky, cool looking old lady. It seems like the older you get, the less you care about what other people might think, and I find that really comforting.
No. 334228
>>334199I actually think Sheila looks okay. I thought I was gonna hate it when I heard about it but once I looked at it though, I was all like “Eh, it’s not that bad.” I think Elora is the worst though. I appreciate that they were trying to go for a more elf like look but she looks like a fucking crack head.
>>334191Haven’t played Year of the Dragon in Reignited yet but I think the designs overall are a mixed bag. Some of it is pretty cool (like the dragons in the first game). Some of them aren’t terrible but they kinda lose the charm from the original games (Hunter, Moneybags), and some of them are just bag (Elora, a lot of the NPCs from Ripto’s Rage).
Still having a fun time playing it though
No. 335291
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i hate being called a woman of color, it makes me sound like i have a disease or that i'm some sort of alien from another universe. just call me black and get it over with.
No. 335297
>>335291I'm so sorry, anon. it seems only black people or indian ppl get this shit too. I'm puerto rican and have never been called that.
I feel like only weirdos with guilt issues do that bullshit anyway.
No. 335385
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>>335297you'd definitely be called a "woc" (ugh) especially in my area, people usually group hispanics and black into the "_____ of color" category in casual conversation.
>>335341i've unironically had so many coworkers in my field call me the "lady of color" because that's the only way for them to somehow address me as slightly human (most of my colleagues are upper middle whites). way to dehumanize an entire race even more by creating stupid names that make them sound ~exotic~ and ~special~ and put an even more divide between whites and minorities.
No. 335392
>>335291I'm a whitey but it's interesting you don't like it…I always thought it sounded strange. I refer to people by their nationality (country/area they're from) and not race if necessary. WOC and POC I get the need for the terms but…it is weird to me
I've seen plenty of people online refer to themselves as a WOC but where I live (very multicultural, europe) it would seem hella passive aggressive if someone did that in person. Idk man maybe it's an american thing
No. 335455
>>335453As if being cringy is the problem. Pharmaceutical companies making big bucks off mutilating people and disrupting puberty is the problem. Erasing language we need to talk about sex based oppression, speaking over women, invading women's spaces, and silencing any dissenters is the problem. In reality it's not about being trans, it's just classic male bullshit. But it is particularly frightening because it's disguised as being progressive and inclusive and therefore only a bigot would dare speak against it.
On the other hand, I don't really care about FTMs because they aren't responsible for much legitimate harm. Maybe they're annoying, misguided, self hating, but they still lack the typical male entitlement and aggression and FTMs retain. I also don't really dislike gay MTFs because it's basically being used as gay conversion therapy and I pity them.
No. 335574
>>335453I think that transactivism has been pushing so hard lately that you either buy into their bullshit and be a loyal "ally" lapdog, or you hate them, no inbetween. When you use actual threats and intimidation as soon as someone dares to question something about your movement, yeah, they will tend to hate you. I used to be neutral about this topic, but seeing fucked up shit like the cotton ceiling, self ID, MtF being in competitions with women, trans criminals being covered and protected, and outright denying basic biology and witch hunting anybody who disagrees with their delusions… when you realize how bad it is, you can't help but become actually "transphobic"
No. 335865
>>335515my girl right here. In warm milk as well!
>>335645I also live in Europe and its getting rampant here… Granted I'm in artschool so its Snowflake Central but they're pushing so strong. The lefties, the righties, everyone is pro trans.
No. 335881
>>335880Good thing she's in /ot/ then, eh?
Stay in /snow/ and /pt/ if you care about milk.
No. 336037
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I don't understand the round hips trend.
Like fuck when I see nicki minaj, the middle of her body look like a plane surface it's so weird.
Does it is possible to have hips like this naturaly ? Hips dips or like some kind of soft line before the roundness seem so normal to me.
Pic related hips and waist look like a goddamn dick to me, which is ironic for this traditional symbol of female beauty.
No. 336130
>>336051a girl i know (who is also a transtrender, surprise!) has always considered herself asexual, yet she openly does nudes, masturbates regularly, and watches porn. when i mentioned to her, "oh, maybe you just haven't met someone your comfortable having sex with" she immediately berated me with "you're shaming my sexuality!"
i don't understand the fad at all–just say you don't like sex, you don't have to have a fucking word for it.
No. 336392
>>336130i know a girl like this too. i don't call myself asexual but i don't like porn, don't masturbate (have before but just don't like it, and don't have a libido), never orgasmed, and don't hook up with people at all. i'm 20, but just not interested. i don't care enough to slap a label on it.
she thinks she's "non binary" (which basically means fucking nothing) and asexual, yet tells me in-depth about what kind of porn she watches (disgusting tentacle hentai and i guess at some point ghostbusters cartoon porn but they're lesbians? fucking gross), what she uses, how great orgasming is, how much she loves drinking and hooking up with boys (totes non sexual though because it's just gross sloppy making out and hickeys), but she's sewwwwwwwwwwwww ACE. i hate it so much. this shit doesn't add up. you aren't asexual if you have a libido, fuck the tumblrthink. this makes no fucking sense whatsoever. i think it makes sense if you call yourself asexual and legitimately just don't have much of a libido, but if you do and love to make out with guys and masturbate, you definitely are not asexual at all. what is with people and their precious labels nowadays. i swear they'll just slap whatever identity on themselves in place of a personality.
No. 336503
>>336491how do you figure? no one ever calls her ugly, they just shit on her Cheeto spray tan and her ponytail.
all the posts suddenly cropping up about "Ariana spergs ruin everything!!!" just makes me think there's a few diehard stans who just caught wind of the celebrities thread.
No. 336627
>>336582lying about your height to appear like a smol bean is a pretty prevalent trend among cows here tbf, it gets talked about in EVERY smol bean thread, like June, Lainey and Lori.
>>336591wouldn't surprise me.
No. 336708
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>>336684I honestly don't get how anybody could be jealous of her height.
Your body is supposed to be 8 times the lenght of your head, hers is probably only half of that… Miley is also just average height, yet her proportions look a hundred times better. And even if Ariana is 5'3 that's still incredibly short for a young woman.
No. 336717
>>336708Lolcow is teeming with former weebs and weebs in denial who wish they looked like smol thinspo animu girls, but know they can't/don't, so they often get at least a little mad about literally any woman being short, thin or having a "cutesy" aesthetic.
Ariana Grande is a celebrity, which means she is partially unavoidable, so she just automatically puts some farmers in a very, very bad mood. Whether or not she actually looks good is irrelevant, her body and fashion choices are a
trigger for some people.
No. 337021
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>>336708No, it's an inch away from average. I'm 5'3" myself and have never felt extremely short or tall in public.
No. 337026
>>337013I'm not talking about people who just find her annoying, I'm talking about the autists spending 948298428 posts discussing only her height and how she's anachan, her tan, how it's haram that she wears baggy sweaters, etc and even derailing the /meta/ thread to try and get mods to ban people from criticizing such obsessive behavior.
There's far more interesting shit to pick apart, like her relationships, social media meltdowns, how her past as a Nickelodeon star might be influencing the way she acts now, her fakeness in public appearances (that black accent, lol), etc etc. Many farmers don't actually care about any of that, though. They're just upset that she's skinny, "exotic looking" from all the tanning/surgery and smaller than them, and it shows.
No. 337027
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>>337021it might be 5'3 globally but that counts places like latin america or asia where people are short. the average american is actually 5'4 and she's shorter than that, miley is 5'5
No. 337033
>>336708damn this image literally ruined the illusion of her being short for me, just her fucking head's gianormous
oof at her proportions lol
No. 337034
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>>337029Farmers will permanently be mad about this girl and her height. I wonder how insane Lolcow will get if, say, Dove Cameron ever gets popular, and they find out she's 5'2.
She even naturally has the small, delicate features that sends anons spiraling.
No. 337037
>>337036When's the last time she even talked about being small, though? I hear more about it from here than anyone else.
She definitely exaggerates it with her clothes to up her persona, but literally every celebrity overblows some aspect of themselves.
No. 337041
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>>337038I mostly agree, but
>that spoilerTbh, I think they both blow most of the population out of the water lol.
No. 337046
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>>337038Dove got a good plastic surgeon. The only thing that's off imo is the tip of her nose. It looks weirdly boxy.
No. 337064
>>337046Her mom also wrote a book about getting kids famous in hollywood
"The Hollywood Parents Guide: Your Roadmap to Pursuing Your Child's Dream"
No wonder why she got ps at such a young age
No. 337090
>>336708Miley's dressed much more flattering in this than her and Ariana's ugly ass giganto hair extensions don't help her bobble head look any smaller.
>>3367205'3" is definitely average.
No. 337371
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>>337077She got blepharoplasty and breast implants too. Her eyes back then were never this big and Dove dick nose is so weird, sometimes it looks alright most of the times it looks bad
No. 337376
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>>322342>>337371Youre a fucking ugly bitch. Im gona stab you to death. Then play around with your blood.
(incel) No. 337599
>>337590I was forced to argue that violent content begets violent people.
Obviously I don't fully believe that myself, but I certainly feel that some people will attach themselves to violent content more and use that as a negative outlet, if not recreating the violence irl themselves.
I speculate researchers back then were onto video game addiction but they lacked the research to put two and two together, so they just assumed "violence" was behind the behavior. Addiction wasn't even a word on their horizon. Whereas today we have more research to see that the 'violence' and aggression stems from addictive personalities.
Similar to what happens when you take away dope from the meth addict.
No. 337606
>>337576Slight OT, but gdoddamnit I regretted looking at the comments on Reddit, everyone started blaming both parties, when clearly the guy doesn't want to stop playing and eat with his family (which was supposdly 1 hr ago)
Male Gamers, streamers and everything in between are literally man babies
No. 337610
>>337606Yeah, they're bitching about "whiteknighting" but totally sucking the cock of the faggot who fucking beat his pregnant wife!
>"b-b-but she berated him and threw something doe"Like so fucking what? How is beating a pregnant woman a warranted and equal reaction to being called names? He put his own child in danger, and the child didn't do shit to him.
He's a fucking monster, bar none. I wish women would stop dating these loser gamur assclowns.
No. 337612
>>337576he hit his mom for trying to get him to stop playing video games too.
remember ladies, if he's a gamer: fuck him and leave him. never love him.
No. 337614
>>337576I had a similar research topic and had similar reactions. Majority of people raved about the potential and positive aspects that video games could bring. And while they "acknowledged" some of the issues such as addiction, lack of empathy, sense of detachment, etc. could be an issue, good luck trying to have gamers take that seriously. Spending hours of your free time gaming is just "hobby" and any criticism is just from people who "don't get it".
In this specific case, you have trying to take away someone's fix with the emotional stability of a 5 year old…but with the responsibilities of an actual adult. Absolutely tragic. The kids deserve better than that cunt. Fuck that toxic gamer culture bullshit.
No. 337615
>>337576Any man who hits their mothers deserve to die tbh . No sympathy.
I wish these women would see the giant red flags before they marry or have kids.
No. 337632
>>337618Do they really though? Why is it that most women don't orgasm through sex? Do most women enjoy the chance of pregnancies, injury, STDs or death (all of these being almost exclusively through women participating in PIV)? Why would women like doing something when they bare all of the incredibly serious consequences alone?
You are delusional if you think fucking men does anything but fill their need for oppressing and controling women and YOU'RE the one benefiting.
No. 337659
>>337650How on earth what I said misogynistic?
These are factual, real occurences that have happened and happened to women through history and the present. "Fucking" or PIV "sex" has been used almost exclusively to control women's means of reproduction since the beginning of male dominated society and harms women.
But yet, we're supposed to "like" and "enjoy" PIV while taking on almost all of the sometimes fatal consequences because….men are entitled to it?
Just because you've been conditioned to believe that PIV is the entirety of sex and it ~feels good to you~ doesn't mean it hasn't been used to oppress women throughout history AND STILL TODAY.
It's funny to see that when you challenge that PIV has a high potential of being dangerous and risky for women to participate in, you always get the choice feminists crawling in and trying to say that the feminism they believe in is so empowering for women. Except it's not and you're just participating in exactly what men want.
Men want you to think that PIV "sex" is mandatory and NEEDS to happen because THEY want it. How many women stay with men that refuse to do oral/non-piv even though for many women it's the only way they can cum? How many men stay with women that refuse to do PIV? I've never heard of a man that needs to do PIV to cum, so why is it mandatory for women to participate in, given its many risked that women alone experience?
No. 337822
>>337659I'm legit surprised some women can be this close minded.. wow, guess what, some girls actually do enjoy PIV sex and do it because they like it/romantic reasons
You're making a huge mistake by generalizing. In fact, this way of thinking is what's actually taking liberties away from women… "Now WE will tell you what you can enjoy or not!"
No. 337930
>>337661>>337822Yeah I'm closed minded because I think about the entire history of women's oppression and suffering and not my own individual pleasure.
You guys are so deluded.
Why do you think PIV is so popular in porn even though you know the women are suffering but they have to act like they're enjoying it?
Why do you think media only shows up PIV instead of other safer sexual acts that women in the real world actually enjoy and can gain sexual pleasure from?
Again, I don't see how saying that because it makes
you or some other women feel "good" that it somehow cancels out all of the negative effects of it that the majority of women face today.
You think women and girls in Africa and India are championing how wonderful and awesome PIV, male centric "sex" is while they deal the brunt of the pregnancies, injuries and diseases?
No. 337992
>>337962>>337976Like, I get why it's supposed to be funny. But it's just not this time. Anons are overexcited to be privy to an "in-joke" and it's cringey.
Semi-related but what thread was it where recently an anon was posting photoshops of the cow that were obviously supposed to be taken seriously but they were hilariously bad and uncanny valley-ish?
That was funny
No. 338009
>>337954Yeah. It was one of less funny spergouts we've had on /ot/ this year. The anon who thought the mods were communicating with her when the "true" message came up after she reported a post and the crazy russian neet anon were more entertaining.
>>337992The one who posted edits of rachel evans/that "suicide shipper" girl?
No. 338019
>>337940When the fuck did I say that lmao
There are tons of women who think similarly to me, ie) most radical feminists
Are you going to actually address the points I'm making or are you just going to continue to completely make shit up because your idea of "sex" is being challenged and you feel uncomfortable with it.
Why do you think heterosexual women have the least amount of orgasms out of everyone? Why do you think heterosexual women have higher rates of STDs compared to lesbian women? Why do you think heterosexual women die more often from sexual related acts (injury or pregnancy)?
What could heterosexual women be doing that lesbian women are not…?
If men truly gave a flying fuck they wouldn't engage in so much PIV, let alone consider it MANDATORY, knowing all of these risks for women.
There is more to sex than PIV. How the fuck do you think lesbians have sex, or gay men?
No. 338027
>>338024I meant to put this in the vent thread but now can't delete it…so to save myself:
Unpopular opinion: skinny manlets age better than average sized or tall men
No. 338065
>>338051I remember, I think. It was the one with the chubby kawaii-tumblr-weeb-style girl with the apple-shaped body and rectangular face, right? But anon just made her look like an alien instead lol.
I can't remember her name even though I followed her for a short time…
No. 338086
>>338065lmfao YES that's the one! Ty anon kekek
>>338076Ohhh yeah!! I was thinking it was pnp initially but I dismissed the thought bc I totally forgot about that haha
Good stuff imho. I was laffin'
No. 338115
>>338105Oh you didn't know, anon? Any woman who doesn't have the same opinions and thoughts as her is garbage and is fooling themselves!
Talk about insufferable.
No. 338136
>>338130Did you not read her other posts and initial one or are you retarded?
It's also funny that she thinks anyone here cares about people liking video games when this is a hub for women who love them including anime. It's an imageboard for christs sake.
No. 338137
>>337930look sis, I'm a radfem too but is this really the hill you want to die on? Of all the unsafe, non pleasurable sexual practices, are you gonna insist on PIV ? PIV can be unsafe but it isnt inherently. STDS can happen in non PIV sex, preagnancy -while a tool of patriarchy- isnt always a threat or source of fear and PIV truly can be enjoyable and I'm not talking about "empowerement" or "personal pleasure".
Sex IS used by men to submit us but this whole battle you're fighting is ridiculous.
No. 338139
>>338128cool strawman. "orgasming thru other means" means getting head or getting your clit rubbed, dumbass. guess what? men do those things all the time. you wouldn't know because you're a bull dyke radikewl lesbian feminist.
why do lesbos use strap-ons and finger bang each other? because it feels good.
No. 338151
>>338133agree, /ot/ best board
>>338139i agree the whole "penis is bad" sperg is ridiculous, but man finger banging doesnt ressemble PIV in the slightest
No. 338165
>>338155says reality (and this study as well as most other women you ask about it). why are you so convinved everyone who questions men's sexual performance is a lesbian?
No. 338177
>>338137Nah I just find if amusing that they can't admit there ARE risks and if men cared about female safety and pleasure, they'd find other ways of intimacy instead of making PIV mandatory.
>>338139lmao keep trying, I'm straight you retard. I'm sorry that your man is so sexually uncreative and cruel that he has made you believe that PIV is the best form of sex he could possibly grace you with.
You should try something anon. Tell your bf that you're not going to have PIV sex for a month and tell him you'd like to explore other avenues of sex that aren't centered around his pleasure and his anatomy. We'll see how long your relationship lasts.
No. 338212
>>338177Honestly, I'm kind of with you on this.
I find PIV comes off as inherently demeaning (even though I'm one of the few who can come from penetration) unless the male is tied down, and would prefer to only 69 or partake in pegging with every sexual interaction. It's disappointing that no men would be okay with that. It's stupid.
No. 338780
>>338779You should know by now that people who are against abortion don’t actually care about the children lol
Once a poor and uneducated woman has a kid she can’t take care of then the same people complaining about abortion will be the same people complaining about how her and her kid is a leech on welfare etc
No. 338786
>>338779If she doesn't have birth control and can't take care of a kid, why is she risking it by fucking in the first place? It's not like she
has to fuck
No. 338826
>>338810Sorry, I don't have much sympathy for women who accidentally get knocked up unless they got knocked up after being sexually assaulted. I never suggested they should have to carry their shitty kid to term though, I think that would be a terrible idea. Not going to argue about it.
Also those are two different anons.
No. 338837
>>338826Pregnancy is a paradox, it’s both really hard and really easy to get pregnant depending on what your goal is. Birth control isn’t perfect, there’s loads of misinformation about the pill and that can lead to pregnancy. Condoms break, I even know women who got pregnant on an IUD.
Pregnancy is a life changing and potentially life threatening process. The idea of it being a punishment is horrific. Forced pregnancy is evil. Abortion is a mercy.
No. 338872
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>>338851You better try harder next time
No. 338918
>>338867im sorry, im not pro life, but my unpopular opinion is that people who say shit like "its only a zygote!!!!!!" and "its only a clump of random cells!!!!!" are retarded and need to take a class on human developement, and have no bussiness trying to educate others about abortions. the zygote phase lasts about 4 days, at which point its pretty much impossible to tell whether someone is pregnant.
also how disgusting do you have to be to refer to a human baby as a parasite? not only is it wrong, because by definition a parasite has to be a different species from the host, but it also sounds borderline psycho.
No. 338949
>>338918>unpopular opinion is that people who say shit like "its only a zygote!!!!!!" and "its only a clump of random cells!!!!!" are retarded and need to take a class on human developement,You can’t talk about us needing to take a human development class when you call a fetus a “human baby”. It’s not a baby. It’s an embryo until weeks 9 and 10, then it’s considered a fetus. Fun fact: most abortions happen at the 8 week stage, meaning what’s being aborted is several stages away from becoming anything resembling a “human baby”.
>also how disgusting do you have to be to refer to a human baby as a parasite? To someone who doesn’t want their pregnancy, the fetus is essentially a parasite. It makes them ill, feeds off their body, causing a laundry list of painful and debilitating symptoms. Pregnancy is hard enough on women who want their babies, now imagine going through all of that while resenting the fetus and not wanting to be a mother.
No. 338961
File: 1544738779536.jpg (Spoiler Image,16.4 KB, 640x435, 8weeks2.jpg)

>>338949anon, pic related is an 8 week old foetus. a baby is considered a foetus at the end of 8 weeks, not at 9 - 10 weeks. an 8 week old foetus has begun to form toes and fingers, has a heart beat, and has started to form the major organs, and has eyes and eyelids. so not exactly "several stages away from becoming anything resembling a “human baby”" like you claim. they also have a spinal reflex, so they may or may not feel pain, but this is a complex issue and up for debate.
also whats your problem with calling a fetus a baby? its not a scientific term, unlike "zygote" "embryo" and "fetus" which you clearly have trouble differentiating between. do you also screech at pregnant women who refer to their unborn children as baby?
>>338946so you think its ok to lie to people about something like this? youre essentially spreading bullshit to people who have to make a difficult medical decision, and taking their right to an informed decision away by telling them that "its just a clump of cells" when that isnt true.
again, im not against abortions, but actively lying about important details of a fucking medical procedure regardless of the reason is sick.
No. 338967
>>338763are you fucking serious ?
Poor people shouldn't have PIV sex ? what the fuck?
No. 338968
>>338963yes it does lol… at 8 weeks the brain makes up 43% of the fetuses mass… tbf thats not saying much though.
>>338965why are you so insistent on claiming that its wrong to call a foetus a baby? its not a medical term, its just a more informal word for a very young child. depending on your opinion of the matter, a foetus is a very young child. your not "informing" anyone about anything.
also, how is pointing out that claiming that a foetus cant feel pain isnt neccesarily right somehow a bad thing? its the truth that no one knows for sure yet, and women undergoing an abortion have the right to know the truth about the serious medical decision theyre about to make, as opposed to being fed lies.
No. 339078
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>>339039This, its so fucking retarded, all humans have them to varying degrees
No. 339253
>>339241Young, cute, rich, pretty, thin. The type of woman that would make the typical chubby lolcow user with pcos
No. 339256
>>339248>>339253Unironically these. If you ever see someone get heavily emotionally invested in a conventionally attractive female public figure's appearance down to their
exact weight and height, try to dig for social justice excuses to shame them (for Ariana, it's "She's purposely pandering to pedophiles by existing as a short, thin woman and wearing baggy sweaters! By the way, she's actually totally not even really that short, and also she's been gaining weight! Also, her clothes are way too small and tight! Also, she's trying to replace black women!") chances are that they're seething with envy.
No. 339272
>>339248Isn't she in her mid-twenties? I think she looks her age, with or without makeup, but I do think a lot of people her age look older than they are so I think it's just subjective.
>which alot of weebs(itslolcowyknow) aspire to but is unnattainable for most, so jealousyReminds me of the anons sperging and playing victims whenever an anon says she's short or skinny or both at once, as if they were being directly insulted, no matter the context of these posts.
No. 339425
>>339414i think that's your multiple personality disorders speaking. severe anxiety is pretty crippling and a nightmare to live with.
that said, the people crying about how bad it is, are NOT the people suffering from severe, crippling anxiety. if their anxiety was that bad i promise they would not become youtubers or social media personalities.
No. 339435
>>339414I get that hardcore bpdcunts like you have trouble empathizing with others but your kind of people are the reason I
a.) have developed severe anxiety
b.) am too afraid of contacting a professional to help me because it's seen as a "normie mental illness" and thus not taken seriously.
I work full time and seem well adjusted but each day can't wait to get home to cry and every night I end up getting only a few hours of sleep because I either have nightmares or can't fall asleep at all. Each day I have to either find a way to avoid or build up the courage to do completely mundane tasks because my anxiety has convinced me that I'm worthless and will fuck it up anyway.
>>339425This. I'm too afraid of the stigma to ever speak about it, even to my closest friends. Because that's fucking anxiety for you.
No. 339467
>>339414Ugh, honestly, I kind of agree with this. I’ve had severe anxiety for the longest time and I do feel like it’s one of the most pathetic mental illnesses and is becoming an almost epidemic in its scale.
The amount of things that people won’t do because ‘i-it makes me anxious!!’ Fucking deal with it, life goes on. Yeah I get it, it makes things harder to do but people need to at least attempt to get their shit together so that they can actually coexist with society. I know someone who doesn’t brush his teeth because it apparently makes him anxious, another who will never catch any sort of public transport because it makes her anxious so she’s reliant on others to drive her. I can think of many situations like this off the top of my head. I couldn’t bring myself to go outside for the longest time so my social life and vitamin d heavily suffered which in the end just made my mental health so much worse. Wanna know what real self-care is? Doing things you need to do to even when you don’t want to - not developing a fucking shopping addiction by buying shit every time you feel bad.
It’s not their fault but it doesn’t make it any less pathetic that anxiety makes people so fragile and incapable of partaking in so many activities.
No. 339504
>>339414>>339467mental illness isn't a competition bpd tumblrinas like you make it out to be. ocd is an anxiety disorder, for example - actual anxiety greatly impedes upon people's ability to even think normally for more than 4 seconds. common anxiety symptoms include thinking that is often conflated with schizophrenia symptoms by non-professionals
my opinion: i have little empathy for people with borderline personality disorder - my partner was raped by one repeatedly and i have known many personally who have ended up traumatizing me. i mean i feel bad that they are subjected to this disorder, however they ironically tend to have a high amount of self-awareness but don't give enough of a shit about their victims despite bullshit claims of "hyperempathy" (read: feeling guilty/ashamed)
No. 339536
Not to blogpost but I have OCD and real anxiety disorders are crippling. I get paranoia, intrusive thoughts and irrational urges to do certain things. I have compulsive addictions like scab picking and the like. Sometimes when I'm stressed out the first thought I have is to kill myself or the stressor. It's terrifying to me and I often feel plagued by these thoughts and the worry that I will act on them, despite having no violent history or nature. Sometimes I get
triggered by something and a thought won't leave my head no matter what I do.
Anxiety on a normal human level isn't all that serious, but a real anxiety disorder is hell.
No. 339540
>>339517My Chinese dad is pretty anti-semitic but it might not be the norm.
A lot of black people are anti-semitic. Ever heard of Nation of Islam? Also they are being blamed for gentrification in a lot of cities unpopular opinion is that Jews are white. As someone who is pretty obviously not white, it's baffling that Jewish people say they are not white just like me. I guess they can't join the country club, but so can't Eastern Europeans. And there are a lot of Greeks who have way darker skin than a lot of American Jews but I never see anyone call Greeks non-white. Being Jewish is a total non-issue in most interactions today. (Especially since i think my race has been mostly a non-issue too)
No. 339582
>>339565Oh yeah I definitely didn't mean to say that there weren't Jews of different races. There are black Jews, Arab Jews, etc. I am talking about pasty white Jews like my roommate. I think she probably would be offended if I said she was white. Yes, I do hate it when Jewish SJWs claim to be PoC for brownie points.
Also I remember this super pasty Cuban girl who ran the tumblr blog shitwhitepeoplesay or something like that. She complained that her family was racist because they didn't believe her when she insisted that her family had Afro Cuban or Taino heritage. Except I bet that they were just confused or thought it didn't matter.
No. 339594
>>339531people also protect bpd and take away personal accountability to regulate their awful behavior because uwu they cant help it while there are countless resources to combat the illness.
its no excuse.
No. 339608
>>339486Many years ago I used to talk to this /pol/yp type and I always got the impression that they hate Jews out of jealousy, because Jews are more successful and won't let them into their super secret club. They just want their piece of the pie too. I imagine if the Jewish community were less exclusive, stormfags would absolutely love them. They'd prop 'em up as shining examples of white excellence.
>>339540I agree. I couldn't tell a European Jew apart from the average white person unless they told me. Like I won't doubt that they face their own kind of discrimination but it's different from racism that nonwhites experience.
No. 339618
>>339608I think Stormfronters hate Jews because Hitler and the Nazis hated them. And there's just been a big tradition of Jew hate in general across the world. Not really sure why. It doesn't even make sense from a Christian standpoint because Jesus was a Jew.
I do think it's weird that Jews claim oppression and not being white when they are overrepresented in elite colleges (without having to face any stigma in admissions like Asians do) and prominent industries like banking/media/law/etc. Being Asian, I don't think my race is a big deal for the most part worth complaining about, and it makes even less sense for Jews. Anything that Asians face, Jews face even less of.
Also I do think it's weird that things like the Holocaust are so prominent in American culture while things like Russians dying in WWII and the Cambodian genocide aren't. Also there was a time some Hasidic Jews decided to take over a public school board and complained that all of their detractors were Holocaust supporters or something like that., I guess I sound really anti-Semitic now? I just think a lot of people in America want to blame their problem on race, and I have scorn for other Asians who are constantly complaining about race and being oppressed. But it makes the least sense for Jews to do so. Especially because I think the average non-Orthodox Jew is better off right now than the average (non-Jewish) white American right now so it makes no sense to me. (And the Orthodox Jews choose their own problems to an extent)
Also I'm probably super biased on this, but I feel like white SJW/academia types sometimes attack Asian Americans for enabling "white supremacy" because we love our model minority status or whatever. But Jews are never attacked for this even though they are at the very least white-passing and definitely have more influence over the state of things in America right now.
Finally, I'm remembering how annoyed I was at my white Jewish roommate for saying she felt unsafe in the Southern but liberal/Democrat city that we live in. She said that someone threatened her over her religion/heritage. That makes no sense to me because I grew up atheist and visibly non-white in a super Republican, super Christian suburb and people never commented on my religion. It just seems like an example of someone using the Jew card to feel oppressed.
No. 339619
>>339618I'm thinking, do Jewish people in America face problems that white people don't? I guess. But I don't see how they face problems that are comparable to anything racial minorities face in the US.
Is someone going to skip over your resume because your Jewish? Be profiled by security/police? Be passed over for upper management?
I guess Jews might suffer more hate crimes than people of other races. But I wonder how much that has to do with going to the police while people from other groups not bothering.
There's also the alt-right to worry about. Except I don't think they are a huge part of the US, and their favorite buddy Trump isn't anti-Jewish. He supports Israel and has a Jewish son-in-law that he is on good terms with. (I'm not sure how altrighters reconcile that) Also a lot of Trump's boomer Evangelical fanbase is still definitely very pro-Israel.
In general, all I can say for sure is that I don't think my racial problems are a big deal, so I don't see any reason to think why I should think Jewish problems are a big deal either. Am I missing something?
No. 339644
>>339639Do you really think people should lend out money without anything in return? Even Muslim countries where interest rates are supposed to be banned have loopholes so their banks work. I guess you want to return to the Middle Ages?
And it sounds like you want a bunch of gimmedats. lmao
No. 339651
>>339619In terms of systematic oppression, you're right that American Jews are currently doing better than pretty much any minority. However, the vitriol white supremacists have toward Jews is typically more extreme than what they have for anyone else besides possibly Mexicans. How successful Jews are on average is the very thing that gets white supremacists
triggered by them more than they get with anyone else. A highly common conspiracy theory among them is that Jews are leading the crusade for white genocide and aiding the other minorities in pushing diversity in the media and giving more opportunities to non-whites.
Violent hate crime against Jews and holocaust denial are also on the rise. Ffs, just look at what happened at Tree of Life last month.
No. 339661
>>339582>Yes, I do hate it when Jewish SJWs claim to be PoC for brownie points.Definitely this. I've
had a pasty white Jewish mutual in particular share posts about how oppressed they were, comparing themselves to black Jews and even sharing audio posts aimed at black non-Jews to accept black Jews in the community. It was baffling to experience, it basically felt like this person was expecting non-whites to treat them like they were special.
Honestly, I can't tell the difference between a white Jew and a white non-Jew. Like another anon said, there's Greeks who look like they're middle eastern. Same thing with Italians and Spaniards.
No. 339662
>>339608>they just want a piece of the pieI'm sure this is the source of antisemitism for some of them and this excuse is absolutely bullshit. White people's lack of success never has anything to do with their race, but whenever anyone points out that blacks or Hispanics are often hindered from success due to racial reasons, these same people sperging about Jews fight tooth and nail to invalidate the idea that brown people face disadvantages. Also, Jewish success has nothing to do with ~some exclusive club~ it's because they're typically tiger mommed harder than white people by an astronomical amount. Jews don't have any privileges whites don't.
Sure, inherited wealth often plays a role, but it does for many whites too. And alt-right shit heads think of inherited wealth as great when it involves whites.
No. 339687
>>339684>>339652I agree wholeheartedly. In almost every thread there's emotionally charged circular sperging often about the dumbest shit. Not to mention, many users here get way too obsessed with the cows and snowflakes. Reading the "people you know IRL who you cyber stalk" thread then thinking about how invested many people are with the thread subjects is so fucking unsettling. In one of the threads I participate in, an anon followed the subject and photographed her three times without her knowledge. They were at really small events and two of the times were in the street when the events were over and everyone was on their way home. Myself and some other anons pointed out this was really creepy and just got dismissed as whiteknights and accused of being the snowflake herself.
But yeah, some farmers go so far as to engage in literal stalker behavior and have a drama thirsty echo chamber telling them it's okay as long as they get their milk. It's quite disturbing and made even worse when you read the thread about stalking people they actually know and see just how unhinged these people actually are. Then, of course, there's the countless users who aren't quite at that level but way too emotionally invested in their thread subjects. Keeping tabs on every little thing they do and dissecting every tweet or IG post for their bizarre tin foil headcannons.
No. 339693
>>339687Samefag, but here's the thread about IRL obsessions with people I was referencing:
>>204455Read that shit then think about some of the farmer behaviors that are "normal" on this site. Like being on top of every single post they make, having strong feelings on the most miniscule shit, and making intense reaches out of nothing. Or spending hours debating the most trivial/subjective shit like whether or not a cow is pretty.
No. 339704
>>339702>>339687>>339684>>339652i honestly find bitching about other anons retarded. you never know who you're actually talking to from one post to another. also, are you guys admitting you're the same, because you browse the site as well and are sperging out pretty hardcore, so it seems a bit ironic.
>inb4 butthurtyou guys just seem autistic.
No. 339737
>>339652Speak for yourself. I'm kind of spergy but that doesn't make me garbage.
>>339651>However, the vitriol white supremacists have toward Jews is typically more extreme than what they have for anyone else besides possibly Mexicans.I don't see the big deal. Actual white supremacists like the Aryan nation (and not "white supremacists" according to SJWs or average Trump supporters) are pretty rare and not a big deal imo.
>Ffs, just look at what happened at Tree of Life last month.I think minorities of all sorts get targeted with hate crimes. But I don't think it affects the average Jewish person.
Again, I don't want it to sound like I'm playing oppression olympics. I think everyone has their problems. Even cis straight white men. (Shocker!) I just think the amount we are supposed to care is way out of line with how bad things actually are for Jewish people.
>>339662> And alt-right shit heads think of inherited wealth as great when it involves whites.>>339668Again I think white supremacists are not such a big deal. I don't think it justifies calling yourself a racial minority. People might hate white Muslims too but it doesn't change your race. And the Jews I'm talking about are definitely of European descent.
>>339693I think it's fun to talk about this topic that I'm discussing and I obviously can't talk about it IRL.
No. 339802
File: 1544903966478.jpg (1.93 MB, 6256x3240, 1513405986157.jpg)

>federal reserve
>Rothschild (National bank of England), net-worth 400tn dollars
>Mark Zuckerberg, net-worth 72bn dollars
>George Soros, net-worth 22bn dollars
>MINDGEEK (the company that owns the majority of porn streaming websites, incl. Pornhub)
>70% of all feminist publications
>Barbara Spectre
>Martin Schulz (germany, EU)
>Juncker (luxemburg, EU)
>Newyork Times
>Washington Times
Just off the top of my head. All jews. 3% of US population. A handful of people control the media, lobbies, NGOs, activist orgs, social media platforms, the world banking system, the american federal reserve, which is private and loosely regulated, the national bank of england, several private banks and investment firms, rating orgs like Moody's, most of feminist literature, the school of frankfurt and the science of cultural marxism, 30% of US senators, dual citizens in US congress and senate, The british royal family (Windsors), I could go on and on.
You might want to wake up and smell the flowers, cognitive dissonance is unbecoming. Feel free to google search to verify.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 339803
>>339737>I don't think it justifies calling yourself a racial minority… Except that Jews are a minority and often have physical traits associated with them that have traditionally been used against them
>white supremacists and hate crimes are not a big deal and not justification to think you're discriminated againstWhat the actual fuck is wrong with you
No. 339813
>>339806>what point are you getting atIt should be evident.
>conspiracy theoriesIt's readily available information. Literally google it.
>your point?The jews bring about decadence, paraphilias, poverty and strife. At the very least even the most phillosemitic gullible idiot out there should concede they overtly control the narrative and public opinion.
Don't @ me.
No. 339826
>>339817That was my first post you moron. There must be at least 2(two) anons that hate the chosenites.
Keep deflecting, your pilpul is amateurish. You better report and whine so the farmhands can SHUT IT DOWN.
No. 339877
>>339799If you think that hate crimes happen to Jews the same rate that sexual assaults happen you're retarded.
>>339803>… Except that Jews are a minority and often have physical traits associated with them that have traditionally been used against themLike what? I seriously can't see the difference. Like white people never have curly hair. I think Eastern Europeans and Spaniards look way more distinctive but I would never not call them white.
>What the actual fuck is wrong with youI don't get it. When hate crimes happen to Muslims on this site or Muslims suffer terrorist attacks people say things like "Good, they are disgusting deserve it." I see people shit talk all types of people way worse than I have without any backlash. But I don't get why you guys suddenly have a soft spot for Jews. Probably because they aren't brown.
I don't think it's fine that people are victims of hate crimes. What I don't get is using that and accusing people of bigotry when they don't see you a certain way. Kind of reminds me of the way trannies act and saying things like "You are causing trans suicides because you won't let trans people into the lesbian community."
Unlike some people I don't think there's anything to be ashamed of being white and it doesn't prevent you from having serious problems. So I think it's better to just accept that instead of insisting that you're something you're not.
No. 339899
>>339897Also, samefag, but holy projection Batman. I don't think Muslims deserve bad shit happening to them just for being Muslim. Lolcow is not a hivemind.
And I never said Jews are victims of hate crime as often as women are raped, so not sure why you're callibg me retarded. Your logic was literally "it doesn't happen to most of them, so it's a non-issue". Logic which could totally be applied to rape. My point is something happening the minority within a group doesn't make it a non-issue.
No. 339920
>>339806>What point exactly are you getting at with this information?At best, Jews are extremely nepotistic, which is directly incontrast to the foundation of modern Western civilisation.
At worst …
No. 339988
>>339943the average consumer can do literally nothing about the climate change crisis. it's almost the sole responsibility of giant corporations that we cant dictate unless we violently overthrow them, which won't happen.
so this little "cancel christmas because EARTH NEEDS OUR HELP!!!" schtick is pointless, give it up.
No. 340001
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>>339943I agree with this. Consumerism is disgusting.
No. 340030
>>339943I hate the expectation of giving gifts to people. I never know fully if the people I'm giving shit to will actually like the stuff I'm getting. Most of the time I don't actually like the stuff I get either, but throwing it out or regifting it makes me feel bad. I understand giving presents to kids because they have no way of making money but I don't see a need for adults to give each other presents.
I would rather we just spend time together somewhere. I don't want to get anything or give anything.
No. 340061
>>339943Yeah, I agree with you. I'm so done with the whole 'buying gifts for everyone, even people you dont like' and then going into debt for no reason before the start of the new year, etc etc…
There's so much disgusting consumerism in America especially. It's awful. I worked black friday for almost two years in a row and i was getting home at midnight from cleaning the store. it was horrible. Then i got in trouble for asking a costumer to please leave 'we're closed' after 11pm (when we were closed at 10:45pm)
I loath xmas and anyone who says they love it doesnt work in retail who is a slave to the system of temp happiness from shitty gifts.
No. 340079
>>340076>Christmas "consumerism"Seriously, I cherish a lot of the gifts I receive. The ones I don't like, which is rare, I end up repurposing them or giving them to someone who actually will put it to use.
I also think it depends on the family, our family is full of poorfags. We do spending limits, so if we even have a wasted gift, we spent less than $10 on it. One of my most useful gifts I've gotten, I thought would be useless at first. I ended up using it almost every day.
No. 340557
>>340531Oh god yes. Thank you.
I also hate how they made an actual thing out of that whole ‘Ned constantly talks about his wife‘ joke. Like, it was kinda quirky when it happened naturally but at this point it feels so forced and the videos about them are just… why. There’s literally nothing special about him and his wife, I don’t get it. There so incredibly boring and normal.
But since we‘re at buzzfeed-stuff…
There are only two things that I hate more than the Try Guys.
Wine Mom and that chick with the list of uterus-issues (just search for ’buzzfeed endometriosis’).
Wine Mom probably just annoys me because I hate mothers that basically only talk about their children and lose most of their personality to motherhood (and the glorification of alcoholism).
But that other chick could be a meme at this point. She tried a TON of different things to treat her issues. At the end of every single video she is like ‘wow I’m so glad I finally found something that helps me a little and I hope it keeps getting better’ and then there’ll be the next video never mentioning any of the stuff again and she acts like she never had any relief in her life. It just made anything she says seem unauthentic and just advertisement now.
No. 340606
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Speaking of the try guys, I used to think that Eugene was kinda attractive (but of course fans were absolutely smitten), but lately he's looking rough. This pic was on my insta explore, and I have nothing against guys wearing "girl" clothes or makeup. But this styling is utter shit.
No. 340625
>>340617korean food has always been pretty underwhelming to me too. kimchi in particular though is a bit revolting for me. i never enjoy eating it and always have to force myself to whenever i get invited to a korean place.
i prefer just about all other asian cuisine except shitty mainland style chinese food and filippino food to korean food.
No. 340661
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>>340612The body language here is very telling. He is probably just trying to pose and "look fierce," but he really just looks like an asshole who thinks he's better than everyone else – especially his two former co-workers that he didn't interact with at all this night (to clarify, this 2nd bit is total tinfoil)
No. 340714
>>340669I live in an area full of Mainlanders and have had to go to their restaurants and it’s all just oily as fuck with the most unpleasant flavor combinations. I don’t get how anyone can enjoy that stuff. They tend to go way too heavy on these strange bitter/spicy flavors that just taste artificial to me. I’m not just talking about Sichuan style food either.
Taiwanese people make actual good Chinese food though.
No. 340728
>>340720I completely agree esp. that I really don't care about extremely ugly people. The only thread on that board that is sometimes fun to visit is taylor nicole.
My opinion is that the celebricow thread is better than every thread in snow.
Also even though she's not that milky I wish Kenna's thread was active - reading PULL is impossible ugh
No. 340730
>>340720>failed weeb Don't take this as stanning, but relative to the bullshit world of cosplayers, she is one of the more successful weebs despite her being fat and wholly unlikable–which is the real reason why other weebs get so pissed.
The same discussions happened with JNig back in the day. Whenever a cosplayer seems to not ""earn"" their place it makes a lot of blood boil. That's why so many other cosplayers have accidentally outed themselves in the Moo thread, only other cosplayers and weebs give a fuck.
No. 340738
>>340735He is so unprofessional. I don’t even think his hair is
that amazing. If he was a straight women he’d just be another unknown hairdresser.
No. 340743
>>340720Holy shit, anon you took the words right out of my mouth, lol. I can't see why Momokun's there and her thread is so active when all post are basically calling her fat and outrageous jealous speculations. At least Onision's thread between the bickering and armchair nitpick, has actually shit to discuss about.
I remember when her Japan trip was basically jelly posting and other weebs saying what she's doing is wrong, when they don't know shit about Japan, lol.
She should move back to /snow/, and stay there.
No. 340771
>>340730Ah I see anon. I guess that makes sense but I still just don't care about what uggos do.
I'm just sad that /pt/ isn't full of cows and it's just endless threads on like 3 people. I try to post new cows in
>>>/snow/210611 in hopes of making LC a little more dynamic
>>340728The Celebricows thread is one of my faves too. I try to contribute there often. If it gets slow I'll just browse IG for celebrity gossip to post up for discussion. I posted the ass pic of Beyonce bc I was bored and wanted to create discussion kek
Another unpopular opinion I have…. the discord sucks. Actually I have no idea if that's a popular or unpopular opinion but it does suck. It's like 4 girls talking about their lives every few days. I wish it were like a fast-moving chat room about cows and cow-like behavior but alas…
>>340735I feel like this is extremely obvious. He makes everyone very uncomfortable but the results are apparently worth it so… but I agree anon he's annoying as fucking fuck
No. 340783
>>340777Yeah, being able to pin threads would be an excellent compromise. I'm sure the boards would change for the worst if we actually had registered accounts.
>>340780I lurk a few threads on both websites but I like the anti-hugbox culture we have here at lolcow but ty for the heads up anon!
No. 340844
>>340776Please leave then. It's not hard to ctrl+f in the catalog screen and type in specifically what you're looking for which will then be literally highlighted for you. That's 10 times easier than having one page loaded with garbage. And what does having handles have to do with finding a thread? I can tell you're either retarded or very underage.
This is an ANONYMOUS imageboard. That's the entire point of these sorts of sites so why the fuck are you here? Get lost, seriously, no one appreciates you being here the same way you don't appreciate the history of imageboards.
>>340783>I like the anti-hugbox culture here>wants handlesLmfao why do you think there even is an anti hugbox culture here, genius? I don't understand why you're contradicting yourself. It's really bizarre.
No. 340848
>>340743I couldn't even browse the Moo thread when she was in Japan.
I feel like the distinction between /pt/ and /snow/ is completely arbitrary now. The days of great cows like CWC and PT are long gone. Every post is nitpicking over skim milk.
No. 340887
>>340844I'm the anon you're replying to and I hope it
triggers you even more that despite enjoying the anti-hugbox culture here I think anons like you who gatekeep and act so sewwious about the way things go are annoying and cringey as fuck.
>>340848>Every post is nitpicking over skim milk Agreed. It's a sad state of affairs.
No. 340900
>>340743 Itayrp and I can't even bring myself to check out Oniosion or w/e bc I don't already know who he is and I don't care because he's extremely ugly. He actually
triggered me to write
>>340720. I just don't care and it actually pisses me off that ppl are giving him attention kek. He's ugly and doesn't deserve it.
I found this post written out in my clipboard idk why I never posted it
No. 340922
>>340743She used to offer a ton of milk on a regular basis with a lot of delicious stuff (her getting caught about lying about lipo, stealing designs, lying about school, ruining peoples' lives and chasing them out of the community, scamming her patrons, keeping money meant for charity etc etc.) but once some massive cowtipping retard got her Twitter banned for good (over a "death threat") the milk just stopped. She doesn't have an outlet for being the heinous bitch she used to be and picking up fights with people on social media. To add to it, once she got bombarded with sexual assault claims everyone dropped her ass. Now she's just a fat, boring e-hoe posting bikini photos. The cow got cannibalized and milked dry. Now the thread is just newfag anons calling her fat for the billionth time, nitpicking and straight out making up stuff. It's sad, she used to be my favourite cow to follow on this site because she kept fucking up and producing the worst cosplays to laugh at.
The absolute worst of the thread are the Bunny&Susu asslickers and the anons going on for multiple replies tinfoiling that because she panders to the Mommy kink for her neckbeards she MUST be a pedophile! If you disagree, you're a dirty pedo apologist yourself and need to stop whiteknighting!!!
>>340743The trip to Japan saga was an absolute disaster for the thread. A-logging anons were going crazy claiming that everyone in Tokyo was going to point and stare at the "fat gaijin weeb" because that's what the Japanese do right? The only thing worth noting was her weird flex of stabbing the boxes of the figurines she bought and ruining their resale value because it pissed off her patrons to see how she's using the money they give her. The rest was just the same old tired "omg she's so fat what a fucking bitch" talk.
No. 341033
>>341022exactly, and not only is greg a huge piece of shit in general, but he's also basically a pedo himself, so he LITERALLY was the worst youtuber to talk about it. obviously he only brings it up because he's desperate and resentful, but it really is an issue that should be addressed, because those comments are not okay and i don't find them all to be jokey, like that naked baby google one, especially.
it kind of is a big deal and greg is kind of right that shane does get a pass, as much as i hate to say that greg might be right about something, ever.
i also don't think the whole "if he's a pedo, then why don't you go to the police?" is the huge gotcha everyone thinks it is. it's not a gotcha at all. onion is a fucking idiot but without very, very strong suspicion that an offense was committed, there's no way anything would be done to investigate him. it's not illegal to be a pedophile and unless someone has proof he has offended, there's nothing that can be done, legally. gerg is right that there's nothing incriminating enough that's publicly available, to call the police about. there's 0 evidence to suggest any specific crime was committed.
there was huge praise about how that redhaired girl (lucidia or something?) TOOTALLY "got him!" with the "go to the police then!!" thing and him saying there's nothing to go to the police with or whatever, as if an absence of public evidence of someone having committed a crime means anything, especially when with something like pedophilia, you literally can be a law abiding citizen and still be a disgusting fuck that's a pedophile. like, even if shane, or any pedo, did nothing wrong, legally, it doesn't mean it's not a huge fucking problem that someone in the public eye wants to diddle children
shane honestly just seems so… off and fake to me. often, men like that seem to be very gross people. i don't feel that fake women hide things the way fake men do. fake men typically have a lot more malignancy to what they're hiding when they're 'fake' people
No. 341137
>>341134Oh, I thought she meant pegging. Which I guess is worse in your book.
Regardless of either being degenerate, I can't get my head wrapped around men having sex with women being gay. That's a reach, like saying I'm a lesbian because I want a guy to eat me out.
No. 341678
>>341612You mean the culture
you live in? Believe it or not participation in social media is voluntary.
No. 341703
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>>341697Are you underage or retarded?
No. 341796
>>341792If a dude asks for anal, say you'll consider it if he considers letting you peg him.
His reaction will tell you a lot. If he shrugs and says OK, then maybe I really will consider it. If he reacts with disgust, fear or repulsion then he can fuck off. He thinks being penetrated anally sounds painful, degrading or gross yet he expects me to endure it? No. I don't have to suffer through unpleasant acts for his boner.
No. 341818
>>341807I get annoyed with those stupid Pick Me women who say stuff like "omg I love cum! It tastes soooo good, I'd pour it over my cornflakes if I could!"
Fuck off and stop lying to make men like you.
No. 341846
>>341823White knight for trying to understand anon's perspective? And white knight to who?
>>341835Ah, I get it. I also think that blowjobs are kind of gross, but it's because I'm les
No. 341957
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anime is 98% to blame for the increase in troons. I think if most troons would have never came into contact with anime and 4chan they’d just be normal straight guys. Anime makes being a girl seem so fun. In anime Everyone is white, no one ages past 18, no ugly or fat girls exist, everyone is giggling and groping each other’s tits and eating cute sweets and this brain washes troons into thinking being a woman would be fun.
No. 342027
>>342025Nowhere in that post did it say they were the same, however, that's no reason to delegitimize emotional abuse because you think it may hurt less.
Pain is pretty subjective. Not everyone reacts to abuse in the same way.
Some people get emotionally abused so badly it manifests as physical symptoms, for one example.
It doesn't have to be a pissing contest.
No. 342031
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I wouldn't care if YouTube demonetized everyone tomorrow because of this entitled ass belief that being a faggot with an opinion on the internet deserves pay, and good pay at that.
No. 342043
>>342025Jesus Christ anon… you sound like you have no idea how emotional abuse works at all. It's not 'boohoo my abuser called me stupid and I feel sad now but I will be better in five minutes' like you seem to think. Someone can destroy you psychologically so bad that you see yourself as the lowest trash that deserves the worst and it takes years of therapy to overcome that. It's not some dramatic emo teen bullshit. You can internalize so many hurtful lies about yourself and the world and it can ruin you for life, especially if the emotional abuse happened in your formative years.
I am against downplaying any kind of abuse - either physical or emotional. They are both horrible and destroy well-being of the victim for years to come, not to mention they usually go hand in hand, as
>>342015 said.
Saying that emotional abuse is worse than physical is very short-sighted, but so is the opposite. You are not Holier Than Thou for dismissing trauma of abuse victims just cause it does not align with what you see as worse.
No. 342072
>>342025This idea of emotional abuse not being that bad is the reason why no social service was willing to help me. I’d tell them about the horrible things my parents my did to me, the emotional scars they caused and the trauma I now have and all they’d do is sit there and then ask - mhm, but do they hit you? Well if they don’t hit you have you tried just being a better daughter?
I kid you not I’ve had plenty of ‘professionals’ tell me it’s my fault that my parents would socially isolate me, call me slurs day in and day out, scream at me over the slightest thing, throw away all my possessions then scream that I’m wasting their money, make me write out lists of why I’m a bad daughter then made me eat said list, but apparently this was all my fault because they didn’t hit me so it’s not abuse.
The only abuse I can objectively say is worse than others is sexual, because it is a disgusting mix of all with the cherry on top of the social stigma to not believe survivors.
Sorry for the blog but it really fucks me off that people seem to think that words that cut into your self-esteem and break you down somehow don’t hurt. Most abuse begins with emotional so that their victim becomes too broken to fight or run away.
No. 342145
>>342065Gfd was my jam but now that 'community' is just mommy fetishists. It's disgusting, it started off with nice cute relationship art, but now it's devolved into lactating tittymonsters fucking shota hentai
Men are the worst
No. 342358
>>342221That's everyone, anon. Any female who is at the least not unattractive and makes an effort to take care of herself is gonna be called hot or beautiful, and any criticism of them is going to be automatically seen as jealousy. Really, since beauty/attraction are almost completely subjective there's no right or wrong answer, it's just arguing opinions with opinions where one of the parties is trying to say "I think
this" whole the other shouts "no, you're wrong".
No. 342388
>>342221Because they're girl next door looking chicks with average bone structure and nothing particularly stunning or charismatic about their looks or their aura.
You'll never see them universally praised for their looks and put on glam cover mags with models like the female singers of the 90s and before. There's been a movement to make famous people as average looking (and averagely talented) as possible since the 2000s.
No. 342398
>>342386Nah, men would never want to discourage women from being with them. They just tell us we deserve the beatings and rape.
Anon sounds like an unempathetic lesbian, we aren't all lucky enough to escape heterosexuality.
No. 342541
>>342373That's why you have to date 110 lbs and less men while you lift 4 times a week.
Duh, anon.
No. 343215
>>343099nta but I personally know at least 3 people who do that. Never had any interest in animal rights but always had sketchy relationship with food and now they're vegan.
>>343144That may be true about vegan snacks but I have yet to find a more healthy meal than lean protein like chicken breasts and broccoli that works for me, is easy to make, filling, and full of nutritients.
No. 343328
>>343315>When do you ever hear vegans complain about meat-eaters on lolcow?go to the vegan thread. also the anon complaining was
vegetarian so idk why you're so huffy. and most of the time people who complain are just bothered by the moralfag aspect of veganism. anon's mom was pissed at her for not moralfagging out enough for her, which is neurotic.
in my experience most vegans are super neurotic and most are insecure about their own lack of self control, which they make up for via their PETA tier knee-jerk diet even though ironically, their ethical interests stop at animals, and they continue to fuel what are essentially blood crops that ruin local economies.
in my experience vegans just want to control everyone and everything around them and get haughty when they can't. and it becomes cult like to the point where you lose friendships over whether or not you care about bees.
No. 343344
>>343328I used to be a part of a club which had it's own house and kitchen to meet in. One day a new girl joins, sees that there is
gasp HAM in the kitchen, freaks out and refuses to get close to it.
Does the others tell her to stop being so neurotic and crazy? No. It ends up with the entire clubhouse becoming a vegan zone. No animal products allowed.
No. 343516
>>343315wut…its literally all vegans do…ive had to unfriend multiple vegans that i knew IRL because of their gore spamming and comparing eating meat to the holocausts bullshit
its literally no different then retarded fundies screaming about abortion all day
No. 343599
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I don't really like Tessa Thompson… She can't really pull off the bad-ass characters, it just feels forced, unnatural and sometimes even annoying, like she's trying wayyy too hard. Her "sassy" sideways bird-like neck movements and the smug pout-smile (pic related) were really distracting in Thor Ragnarok. And I don't get the hype around her and how apparently every bi girl is supposed to be crazy about her. I look at her and all I feel is mild annoyance.
Maybe if I saw her in some "softer" roles she could be a bit more bearable, idk.
No. 343600
>>343321Pretty much. I'm friends with this dude online and his wife and suddenly i found out his wife is vegan and all she does is preach. She did the whole 'i'm doing vegan thanksgivings!' "got some vegan leather boots!"
It was really hard to deal with. I'm a vegetarian, but i seriously feel judged by her bullshit. Also, it's funny since her husband doesn't sprout any vegan shit at all.
No. 343627
>>343599I think so too, her features are very soft and can't pull the badass thing very well.
Since we're on a similar topic, as a lesbian I don't understand the hype around Kristen Stewart. She's pretty, but bland as hell with that empty expression she's always had.
Same for Ruby Rose, the personification of bland.
Also, butch women that act like teenager boys/Justin Bieber impersonators are ridiculous.
No. 343698
Like..enough is enough.
No. 343718
I find hilarious that people on here often attack men for going after naive, virginal, and barely legal girls (and rightfully so) but then post creepy shit like this
>>343711>>343624>>343526Not a scrot or a handmaiden but if you’re gonna criticize someone’s gross behavior, don’t be a hypocrite about it.
No. 343747
>>343736Men in their 20s? this anon
>>343711 says she dates 18 year olds thats fucking creepy as fuck.
No. 343765
>>343718I want a virginal bf because I'm also a khv. I don't attack virgin men for wanting the same and never have. If life goes unfortunately and I don't end up til death do us part with my first guy, then my preference will be expanded to all (none promiscuous) men of course. It's just equal. I'd still date a virgin if he accepted me, though!
Can't speak for non-virgin anons desiring them, although I believe it to be less serious than men demanding virgin waifus due to social pressure. As
>>343726 implied, being a virginal male is seen as shameful while being a virgin woman is (almost) universally desirable.
No. 343767
>>343759Not that anon but
>all of those men were 24-27 years old at the timeThat's reassuring me, I hope I'll find myself someone my age (around that age too) so I won't be embarrassed and feel like a total loser during my first time.