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No. 313214
>>313212Judging by the last posts on the old thread, it’s gonna be more Asian vs White shitposting.
Let’s have some new opinions anyway.
Current mods are garbage, probably contribute to the shitposts.
Terfs aren’t that bad.
Having a robotic prosthetic is like being 10% cyborg and that’s kind of sexy.
He new haunting of hill house on Netflix is pretty good, but overhyped by people who can’t deal with mild horror.
No. 313230
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>>313214>Having a robotic prosthetic is like being 10% cyborg and that’s kind of sexy.This is a good opinion
No. 313234
>>313231I’m a big horror fan too, and so far it’s not been bad it’s just not like, groundbreaking or as scary as people said it was. I know the articles saying people like, cried and screamed are just hype garbage but idk, I expected more than the bent neck lady and some spooky faces.
It’s loosely based on the Shirley Jackson novel, but instead of recreating that, they’ve kept the house the same but a family moves in, leave suddenly as children, and deal with the aftermath of their mums apparent suicide. Imo it was a good move, the house is still hill house and it still wants to devour anyone who enters it but the characters bring in better drama than the group of investigators from the novel.
How’s terrace house?
Horror in general seems to be doing better now that we’ve grown from goddamn paranormal activity. Films have been much higher quality and seem generally smarter story-wise.
Here’s hoping for intelligent horror shows.
No. 313239
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Alex wolf of one of the hottest men I've ever seen
No. 313240
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>>313239Big agree.
Although I think he has a more cute appeal than the sort of handsome-hot.
No. 313296
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Idk if this is unpopular but! I cringe every time i see this idiotic banner, wish it could be removed.
People kissing venus ass and incapable of speaking anything bad about her cause her shitty mom. Still Venus is cringy and a boring weeb
No. 313300
>>313234Sounds interesting. I might check it out tomorrow.
>How’s terrace house? I legit can't stop watching. It's weird because i've never ever been a reality show type person. I used to watch America's Next Top Model years ago (like seasons 1-3.) It's pretty compelling imo. Japanese people express their feelings much differently and it's nice to see actual relationships develope vs american shows where everyone gets naked in the hot tub by episode 2 and fucks each other.
It's actually oddly calming and genuine. I would recommend it.
No. 313322
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>>313240he looks like blackops2cel
No. 313332
>>313318Just googled and holy shit how is she not dead. Over forty surgeons rejected her before finding this Korean psycho apparently.
Like yeah it’s got it’s place to save the morbidly obese, but what sort of monster would do that to a 58 kilo girl?
Shit that can be a new opinion for the thread, lots of plastic surgeons are Frankensteins, creating monsters from depressed people. There’s way too many botched procedures and addicts getting mutilated by a relatively small group of doctors.
No. 313334
>>313300Sounds good, thanks for the recommendation!
Fuckin loved top model back in the day even though it was ridiculous. Smize is still funny.
No. 313376
>>313371Yeah we got it. Figures you’d be the type to use smol unironically lol.
Start a husbando thread if you need.
No. 313397
>>313395I wasn't the anon you were replying to, I'm
>>313335. I was just saying.
No. 313413
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The popularity of Plastic Love autistically triggers the fuck out of me.
Weeaboos and people otherwise not into this genre of music it apes from (R&B-Pop circa 80s music, by the way) praise it like it's the second coming because a Japanese voice is over it even though there's like thousands of American and European music that sounds the same.
These same faggots would ignore Western music that sounds like this (and is much better produced and lyrically refined) because its "boring" or "old" cream their pants for the same shit as long as a Japanese and Korean person is singing it.
It disgusts me on a viscerally level as a faggot genuinely obsessed and infatuated with this sort of music all my life.
And fuck the vaporwave meme too.
No. 313426
>>313413Didn't this song get popular cuz it randomly showed up in everyone's recommended?
It showed up in mine even though i never losten to vaporwave or any japanese artists
No. 313428
>>313413i've liked utada hikaru and 80s shit since a decade ago and just discovered this song and adored it because it fits everything i love about music, makes me feel nostalgic for my teenagehood.
maybe let people enjoy things? i understand the frustration about something blowing up that you appreciated before, but this is borderline gatekeeping and kind of a shit thread.
No. 313435
>>313428have you ever thought the thought process behind is more than "let me enjoy what i want" and more often than not the negative judgment is correct?
you really think weebs into anime op and vg music are listening to 80s music?
No. 313438
>>313283The classic mario games are better than the modern mario games
2d games are better than 3d games in general
No. 313440
>>313231It's good imo. It's psychological horror rather than jumpscares.
The second episode fucked me up for a couple of days because it hit me where it hurts most, lol
No. 313460
I am a nintendofag but I'm super happy that I got this game for much cheaper bc I wouldn't want to pay 60€ for the lack of divers gameplay. After a while it felt just like a core because of the over and over same missions to get a power moon. Sure, it's a mario game but after the first "wow"-effect is gone, it's just not that memorable imo. I loved the small homages during the game to previous titles but after I felt like I saw everything, I dropped the game and moved to another one even though I still have tons of post-game missions to finish but nah. I'm glad it didn't won the game of the year award.
That's why I loved the Paper Mario series so much more because of the rpg elements and unique story (for a mario game)but meanwhile it's a trash/dead franchise rip
No. 313474
>>313332Yeah, a lot of surgeons in general (the ones who aren't helping cancer or burn survivors) tend to be monsters imo.
Breast jobs and other things they do to people and they end up looking worse. Venus' weight loss surgery is really terrifying because she could have easily lost weight in a normal and healthy way and now she has a fucked up stomach for the remainder of her life. She is very lucky she isn't dead.
No. 313552
>>313525> It's nostalgic and
>"reee autistic weebs liking dumb things".
>implying thats a bad reasonFaggot.
No. 313554
>>313521You'd think that posters who keep saying Korea is culturally irrelevant and lacking of depth would stop making off-shoot threads on different aspects of Korean entertainment or society.
At least the critical Kpop thread is substantial with the current 'scandal' of literally tortured minors.
No. 313565
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I never saw the point in reading fanfiction because none of it is canon anyway. Why would I want to read a fan's interpretation of a fictional character someone else created? I've tried some fanfiction (both published online and in print) but I kept thinking that none of it will or has happened in the officially published books/TV show. It's just a waste of time when I could be reading original stories by internet authors.
No. 313580
>>313565Sometimes I read fanfictions from fandoms I'm not apart of, on AO3 it's easy to just filter what you want. Wattpad is pure trash tho
I think plenty of people see fanfics like doujinshi.
No. 313653
>>313565It's different when you're looking for
insert character name from series x reader material
No. 313676
>>313318I haven't kept up with Venus since she escaped Margo and had to google it. My god, she actually did it. Motherfucking surgeon removed 120cm of her intestines. That's all sorts of sick. I'm just thinking of all the anons laughing about how "chubby she's getting" due to her naturally full cheeks while she's out there doing stuff like this and weighing next to nothing.
Which brings me to my Unpopular Opinion: I hate it when I scroll through /snow/ and see how in all the ana-chan threads anons are calling the ana in recovery "fat". I get it, it's banter and nitpicking and shit but when it's actually a fucking skeleton that's not cool. You can bitch at the cow for doing shitty things but enabling someone's anorexia/body dysmorphia is straight out a-logging. The same goes for anons telling a cow with an average face to get plastic surgery or lose weight when they're obviously within healthy weight limits. Someone having a small stomach roll or a slightly bumped nose is not milk.
No. 313681
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There needs to be more Lurch dunking in the luna threads, its hilarious
pic unrelated
No. 313694
>>313690No doubt, it’s probably hard for them not to be awful when they’re 65pounds of hangry and too busy navel gazing to realise they’re just nasty little bitches.
But the phenomenon has been seen heaps of times on garbage places like mpa. Some of the most vitriolic, nasty, graphic insults came from higher weight individuals with mad issues about it. Jeez, it’s not like the comment was about fat people in general. Most of them are sane and nice and that should be obvious lol.
No. 313696
>>313565What you think about Disney buying out Star Wars and de-canonizing a lot of the expanded universe novels? Never been a Star Wars fan, but I felt bummed for the writers.
A lot of media I enjoy I won't ever read fanfiction for because the original vision is already enough for me and there's no need to supplement it. But some of my favorite series have shitty execution and the only way I can resolve my frustration with that is through fandom content.
But the geeky part of me prefers reading the interpretation and metacontextual discussion of themes, writing, or characters, instead of actual fanfiction, especially since a lot of fanfiction diverges entirely from the canon and just feels like they're using the names and character relationships as templates.
No. 313698
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>>313696Disney will own the world and it’s fucked.
All media will be Disney media.
No. 313707
>>313701I love it but you’re not wrong.
It’s not groundbreaking or legendary, it’s just a fun story.
>>313702Mkay. You seem really offended over a throwaway comment. Sorry I hurt your feelings.
>>313699Disney stuff is cute but it’s not the be all and end all of childhood and whimsy like some treat it. You can enjoy the films and realise that they are still a massive corporation and behave like one. Uberfans always seem to take it personally even if you barely criticise part of their favourite thing.
No. 313716
>>313701I absolutely hate GoT and hate the people that defend it. It's got really horribly graphic torture and rape scenes and all the women are badly written. They give George RR or whatever his name is a pass because 'muh fantasy.'
I bet most of the people who are obsessed with GoT have never read a real fantasy book series. It's awful
No. 313717
My ex-friend became a really spergy Dommen who frequently tried to shame me and my other friends for our fetishes, which kind of felt like she's was trying to involve us in her fetish without our consent. She even tries to "Dom" us, in her terms, then pretends it's a joke.
I'm of the opinion that most young women, or baby/internet Dommes in general, are just sad cunts like this with mental issues. They also seem to have a total hatred for women who submit to their partners, while unironically revering in the attention from their male subs as if it's any different than typical highschool girl behavior. I also saw one of them on here unironically say that she can't respect submissives because how can you respect someone in the "lesser" position during sex, while also claiming to be a Domme. As if not respecting the person you're intimate with literally makes you any better than the typical asshole man you pretend your blatantly insecure ass is superior to…
Does she unironically not see how fucking abusive and weird that is? You're a terrible goddamned Dominant of any kind of that's your attitude. She also doesn't seem to care that Switches exist and even laughs at the idea of their existence. She is literally a female "twu Dom", lol.
The worst part is, this is what a lot of women think being a Domme is. Unironically being indoctrinated into patriarchal attitudes and opinions, while pretending you're superior to men. It's pretty hilarious tbh.
The funniest part? I own my own house, have a steady job, currently finishing up my PhD, etc. I also happen to enjoy being tied up and teased by my partner. Who is a woman. This cunt, who lives with her parents, dropped out of college, works a minimum wage job and has a sad incel submissive she messages on discord sometimes, pretends that she's superior to me because of what she enjoys in the bedroom. And the vast majority of young women who claim to be "Dommes" are exactly like her. They literally don't know the first thing about bdsm, and are about 5 years away from either becoming a submissive themselves or a tradthot.
If you're reading this, getting angry and getting your Cheetos and yeast infection covered fingers ready to scream about how I'm wrong and how superior you are to me and all that shit, you're exactly the kind of person I'm talking about and should rexamine your life. Sorry not sorry.
No. 313724
>>313721Fair enough, although once again you are posting that in an unpopular opinion thread. TBH I'm falling out of this sort of thing myself because of people like her. The older I get, the less I need but the more intimate I want to be with my partner, if that makes sense.
The entire community is starting to see so toxic and degenerate to me. It just seems like a lot of people use it as an excuse to abuse each other emotionally and psychologigcally with no consequences, like normal domestic abusers would face.
No. 313726
>>313724*Psychologically fucking wine fingers
>>313722I am starting to agree with this. Isn't there actual data to back up abusive behavior also lining up with "kinky" behavior?
>posts no1curr>in unpopular opinion thread>unironically>continues to reply as if you don't care>accuses others of blogposting when you've provided no content or opinions for the thread other than stating the obvious "I don't like your unpopular opinion"Lol, sorry I touched a nerve there, boo.
No. 313730
>>313717Lol bragging about being a better glorified hooker than your friend. Fucking degenerates.
People like this who think kinks are something to share with anyone other than a sexual partner are why we have furries and ddlg. You and your friend are gross.
No. 313731
>>313716You say that like there’s fantasy out there with decent female characters?
In before YA shit. YA is automatically shitty writing.
No. 313732
>>313717Yeah she sounds obnoxious but women submitting to men is different to men submitting to women. Society conditions women to take an inferior position, it's a lot more insidious and widespread than this chick being a bitch. When men are expected, pressured and assumed to be submissive while given very few options to explore outside of the default, then maybe her behaviour will be 'just as bad' as male asshole doms.
BDSM is garbage either way though.
No. 313735
>>313318I feel bad for her because BDD can be a hell of a drug to trip on. It's unlikely she'd actually lose weight dieting and exercising at 60kg anyway unless she went on some anachan diet, because bodies have a limit to how much weight you can lose eating right and exercising. This is probably what set her on a downward spiral and made her take such a dangerous, extreme decision that she'll have to live with forever.
Overall i agree that the Venus asskissing is annoying. I mean, she got away from her narc monster of a mother, good for her, but she's mentally fucked forever and not "goalz!!" for aspiring weeb gaijins in japan.
No. 313737
The whole empowered sex worker thing is a meme.
Selling your body isn’t empowered or sex positive just because you get money for it. The girls who act like they’re doing something super feminist and brave are just reframing the commercialisation of women’s bodies by horny old men.
>>313733Sex work thread is dying, they won’t be as noticed as they are by posting here.
No. 313755
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I don't know how popular this sentiment actually is outside of the internet, but I see people call Asian men feminine-looking quite frequently and I don't agree with it. Of course if you're just looking at cookie cutter kpop stars that might be true, but I see Asian men with really good bone structure all the time. There's something about their cheekbones I really like. They're also the only race of men I like with a muscular/fit body type. On other races muscles can look really overdone and white men in particular look like cavemen, but when I see fit Asian guys more often than not I think they look great.
>inb4 weeb/fetishist
No. I hate the vast majority of anime/manga and I don't listen to k/jpop at all. I'm probably the farthest thing from a weeb.
>inb4 das raciss!!
I find all races to be attractive, but for different reasons. This is just what I find attractive about Asian men.
No. 313766
>>313765>keep your Asian sperging downI'm not sperging, I just posted my opinion. Ironically, you're the one sperging about an unpopular opinion posted in the unpopular opinions thread. If you don't like it, ignore it and move on.
>There’s enough of it in every other goddamn thread.Cool. I don't frequent those threads so I don't really give a shit. You should try doing that instead of complaining.
No. 313770
>>313767but it is an unpopular opinion on both lolcow and in the mainstream world lol
anons are so touchy lately, if you don’t want a thread to derail then don’t start an argument
No. 313789
>>313787I literally searched "top shows 2018" and already see a ton that highlight white couples
>Maniacwhite couple
>Game of Thronesplenty of white couples
>Riverdalewhite couples exclusively
>Crazy ex-girlfriend white couples
everything from HBO to teen crap to netflix originals have white couples.
>>313786The Good Place has a white woman/black man couple but its kinda complicated due to the plot of the show, the whole "soul mate" thing.
No. 313805
>>313799“Everyone who doesn’t coddle shitty posters is a sperg with emotional disorders”
Nah love, it’s just that nobody gives a shit about random diary entries over a weeby crush.
>>313803The hypocrisy in this comment has so many levels it’s like an MC Escher drawing of stairs. Metahypocrisy lol.
No. 313808
>>313806Rephrasing a point means youre a man who lacks self awareness.
Ahhh, never change unpopular opinions. Never change.
No. 313810
>>313805I can tell you're the anom from the jrock thread and that you assume I'm the Miyavi sperg- but I'm not. And this is exactly what I'm talking about. That paraphrasing to shove words in my mouth to suit
my post to
your agenda.
>Nah, loveYou sound like Kiki with the way she misuses dated internet slang.
No. 313813
>>313811I'm torn between "incel scrot invader" and "butthurt cow trying to pass as a farmer and failing". It's weird how this particular type of sperging only happens in ceetain threads and over certain
No. 313815
>>313810I love the word connections you guys make with internet sleuthing. I don’t post on any asiam themed threads because they’re annoying enough without it spreading to other threads.
Nah love is a common Australian expression. Kiki did not invent it.
No. 313818
>>313817Obsessive detectives poorly sleuth again. Got any opinions that aren’t kvetching and incorrect detective work?
Back to the thread, YA fiction is pandering and bad, idk why so many adults like it and read so much of it.
No. 313823
>>313818Sooo are you just gonna keep hurling your incoherent buzzwords at me? They don't make you seem any less nonsensical and… off-meds-y.
By the way, if you don't go to the Asian themed threads, what in your subconscious made you reply to my original post (>>313799) with:
>>313805>nobody gives a shit about random diary entries over a weeby crushThe entire reason I said you thought I was the Miyavi sperg was because of
that line, from you.
No. 313824
>>313823Sorry I’m talking about books now.
Stephen kings bad endings are worth the ride. If you just stop reading under the dome before the aliens, it’s a damn good story. He does human villains fairly well. Not like a literary genius, but not poorly either.
His books don’t deserve the love or hate they get. They’re just fun.
No. 313827
>>313824Agreed. Anyone who can't enjoy Cujo can get out of my house. Also Salem's Lot.
What are your thoughts on David Wong's "John Dies at the End", if you've read or watched it? NuHorror garbage or Lovecraftian lovenote? I see his name stirring up a lot of controversy since the John Cheese debacle, so it's hard to find an honest opinion that isn't just "I don't like the book because the author's friend is a pervert." I myself am having a hard time forming an opinion on it as I've reread the book as an adult/since the debacle.
No. 313831
>>313827Ngl, I loved JDATE. It’s silly and it’s tropey and it never feels like it’s trying to be anything more than that. I like that the narrator isn’t some powerful genius who becomes a hero. He’s an ass and he needs help and admits it readily. It’s really fun if you just kind of let the story happen and don’t question it. Very immature, and he can’t write a girl to save himself, but yeah, still a good silly time.
Imo the author is separate to the story. Jason Pargin/David Wong might be a huge douchebag, but even douchebags can write fun stories.
No. 313835
>>313755I mean they are more feminine, there's no doubt about that. But there's individual variation within a group too. So there are masculine ones.
They all have feminine personalities as a result of being coddled by their mothers though. Even if they don't have feminine appearances.
No. 313840
>>313839How is being a mamas boy a feminine personality?
What is a feminine personality in the first place?
No. 313842
>>313775I noticed that in Aziz Ansaris show. Then he turned out to be a creepy racial fetishist with a revenge fantasy. The Big Sick was also shilled to hell and back. And all the non white women calling themselves "white man's whore" in "solidarity" with that actress was just embarrassing. No shame.
Also To All The Boys I've ever loved before was also kind of annoying. I don't understand how Asian women can simultaneously rant about white men like Sarah Jeong did and then exclusively ride their dicks. There must be something unhealthy about it
No. 313844
>>313840Because their personality doesn't exist other than a channel of their mother.
Don't chalk it up to being a mama's boy either. Hispanic guys are mama's boys but they learn some degree of independence at least. Asian dudes are on a whole other level.
No. 313846
>>313844What is a feminine personality anon?
It’s a nonsensical term.
No. 313850
>>313846I associate it with being more sensitive.
No. 313852
>>313699>People take any legit criticism of the company (the monopolization, the way they fuck over artists working for them, their stronghold in Orlando politics, etc.) as a direct affront to their childhood.I think that's why they're so successful. They've made such an effort to stay pure and family-friendly that people associate Disney with their childhood and everything that's good in the world. They can't stay mad at them. Which allows Disney to do the most heinous things and alter the law forever to avoid having to give Mickey Mouse up for public domain. The whole company's sole goal for the past 30+ years has been to make as much money as possible at any cost which is why Don Bluth and a handful of other animators left the company.
>>313713Because they're not motivated by making the world better, they're motivated by getting to be better than other people. No. 313857
>>313852Oh that journal link is fantastic ty. The abstract has me sucked in.
The worst thing with them imo is constantly claiming that cows are raped as if that’s not belittling to actual rape survivors.
No. 313900
>>313898Well, they admit they want somebody who's super shy, a virgin, extremely skinny, dependent on them, so I guess they're into sexually exploiting mentally unstable dudes…
Just turn around the genders, if an anon would write about her bf wanting all that, everybody would scream "abuse" and "dumb him"…
Why are so many people nowadays no longer content with just having normal sex?
No. 313907
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>>313902>Now that is a sadly unpopular opinion.I so badly wish it wasn't.
I'm fucking surrounded by pornsick degenerates and deviants who are constantly trying to force their degeneracy onto you making you look like the insane one for not having 929812 mentally retarded LEARNT and CONDITIONED fetishes. ffs.
I cringe so fucking hard when a mental slave calls normal healthy sex "vanilla".
No. 313910
>>313907I miss the time where it seemed like these things were private and meant for couples, as a way to get more intimate with your partner. Feathers, blindfolds, all that cute shit you keep together in the drawer in your bedroom. Maybe I'm imagining that part…but it feels like people are so fucking extreme now that they literally can't get off without these things, or more. And they also can't get off without telling everyone how much they enjoy these things and bragging about how kinky/edgy they are.
I want sex/intimacy to actually intimate again and not need the entire world's attention and approval.
No. 313913
>>313907Agree that calling sex vanilla is stupid. It sounds like a sneering sour grapes thing. It is as if kinksters think they are superior because they can't enjoy something that is naturally designed to give humans pleasure.
Also complaining about "kink shaming" is retarded. There are plenty of reason a fetish should be criticised, if it's actually harmful to people irl like rape shit. I am fucked up myself but at least I can admit it.
No. 313915
>>313897>Also, your thread pic should be spoilered. Yes, it's only a drawing, but it still shows a bloodied person.????
Was this copy-pasted from a thread somewhere else?
No. 313916
>>313897>>313902Honestly, I'm a femdom anon and I agree. Although I know I naturally want to take the lead and prefer weak guys (via what I was interested in at the start of puberty), the sadism and weird super-controlling aspect came from years of porn addiction and issues with men.
If I wasn't a fujoshit in my formative years and my dad wasn't awful I'd just be into gentle femdom in a female-lead relationship tbh. Can't speak for all dommes though.
>>313898All this said, I'm not sure what
your issue is. If you don't want beta men what's wrong with other girls dating them? Are we going for some eugenics now?
No. 313920
>>313913>It is as if kinksters think they are superior because they can't enjoy something that is naturally designed to give humans pleasure. boom!
kink shaming LOL what the actual? So what? I'll shame your kink all I want FOH nigga, deviants try so hard to normalise the retardation. kek. Bet they're jealous of trannies for getting their fetish protected under law. Who next, will be bold enough?
No. 313930
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For example, take the missionary position. It gets so much shit for being "vanilla xdxd" and yet I find that it's among the best ones for pleasure. You can also look at your partner in the eyes, kiss them etc., but nooo. You just
have to have sex in weird positions like feet behind your head and hands sticking in a bear trap, otherwise "omg so boring!!" They don't realize that yes, trying new things and positions is perfectly normal, but only EVER feeling pleasure by enacting weirder and weirder fetishes is actually sad. I feel bad for these people, must be tough not being able to reach orgasm in normal ways.
No. 313932
I don't actually see anything wrong with sexual deviancy, as long as all parties involved are consenting. It's whatever, people like what they like. Human sexuality is varied, and sometimes it borders on uncomfortable. It's been like that for centuries, with or without porn. There's nothing that can be done about it, really.
I just think people need to keep their shit to themselves. Unlike homosexuality, something like BDSM is pretty much only relevant to your bedroom, and it should stay there. Nobody except you, your partners and your search history need to know your kinks or your sex habits.
Also, "kink-shaming" is good and fine. If someone's openly into diaper furry vomit scat unbirthing, it's dumb to try and pressure the general public into not voicing their disgust. Should've kept that to yourself or hid it better, gross bitch.
No. 313937
And who whole-heartedly gives a fuck about "deviancy" in 2018? It's a social construct designed specifically so people know to keep their "
problematic" elements to themselves. If it's doing its job, letting them know "That's not okay" and making them shield it from public eyes, what's the point in internalizing it and trying to make others do the same? Will we go to hell if we don't? Nothing about humanity and the mental state of most people is pure or clean. Deal with it, or make a commune of puritans who only like sex in the missionary position solely for the purpose of procreation and see how long it lasts.
No. 313938
>>313935People who care this much about what consenting adults do in the bedroom are retarded
>>313900>Why are so many people nowadays no longer content with just having normal sex?Honey, kinks have been around literally since the beginning of history. Also, this concept might shock you, but some people are just into different things than you are in the bedroom?
No. 313943
>>313932Kink is exactly the same as homosexuality(sometimes).
For some people it's how they express their love and who they are at their core.
In fact, for many people, the vanilla normal-people person they put on as a facade is just a mask.
Vanilla as the norm is just an arbitrarily chosen societal default.
No one should go around and whip unconsenting people in public or whatever, but a sub calling their partner "Master" or wearing a collar in public hurts absolutely no one, and your judging people like that is pointless and only seeks to suppress those who are different.
And don't get me started on "It's not the same as homosexuality"… I don't think you can really speak about that when even homosexuality is still seen a "deviant" or wrong. It's a lot more accepted now, but displaying affection towards your same-sex partner in public will still put you at great risk of harassment than if you were straight.
A large portion of society still doesnt know how to handle homosexuals in public, so I'm pretty sure it's not equipped to rationally assess how to allow kinksters to express themselves too.
I always think that the best course of action is to just say "each to their own" and allow people to be themselves as long as they arent forcing you to physically participate in their world.
No. 313948
>>313946I'm into femdom yet I disagree completely. The ones who can't handle that people dislike abusive kinks are the ones who sound ignorant and selfish.
(I haven't seen anyone here who want barely legal guys either.)
No. 313949
>>313945Do you get this up in arms hearing anything harmless you don't like when walking down the street? I wish hearing someone call someone master was the most offensive thing I've ever heard in passing. Just mind your own business and move along.
No. 313952
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>I haven't seen anyone here who want barely legal guyskek
No. 313958
>>313943Kinks are supposed to stay in the bedroom. It's useless to cry "kinkshaming" when the people around you didn't need to know about your sex life (just like you don't need to know about theirs) and didn't consent to be exposed to it.
People who feel the need to run their mouths about their kinks in public sound like those teenagers who have just started having sex and won't shut up about it.
No. 313966
>>313943>Kink is exactly the same as homosexuality(sometimes).Being gay is not a kink. Same-sex love and feeling are not comparable to someone getting aroused at exaggerated power-play or other forms of "play" (which is why it's called
play). Stop.
>For some people it's how they express their love and who they are at their core.Why does the whole world need to bear witness to expressions of love that often bear striking resemblances to dehumanization, or are just….over-the-top and kind of gross in the public eye?
>a sub calling their partner "Master" or wearing a collar in public hurts absolutely no oneFaux-slavery LARP does not belong in the public eye. It carries unfortunate implications and baggage to non-kink society. Like it or not, context matters The entire world is not privy and restricted to someone's personal kink-sphere and "harmless" experiences. Something like slavery may just seem like a strong form of devotion to one person or even a small community, but in the wider world, it's a fucked up, life-ruining, abusive practice that's destroyed people for millenia and even continues on today around the world.
Plus, trying your best not to disgust or involve strangers with "too much information" is only polite. Why can't holding hands in public, hugging or maybe sharing a quick kiss with the person you love be enough until you get somewhere private?
>I don't think you can really speak about that when even homosexuality is still seen a "deviant" or wrong.And that's incorrect because homosexuality is not a sexual fetish. It's an innate orientation, a form of love. A gay couple is still a gay couple without sex, specific words they use, LARPing or special "gear". The same is not true of kink, and the fact that both are often criticized in public does not make them the same.
>allow people to be themselves as long as they arent forcing you to physically participate in their world.By making it so that strangers have no choice but to witness and be a (passive) part of someone's world, even if just in passing, they are basically forcing them.
No. 313969
kinksters are
triggered. lol.
>>313956I don't care if older women are into 18 year old men, I cheer it on but I hate when older men prey on very young girls like 18 year olds. It's just not the same imo.
inb4 wah you're just like scrote. I know, try it sometime. Thinking like men and not giving one shit.
No. 313970
>>313959Probably because it's a perfectly valid one?
Also, I like how you say "teenage girls" to make it sound more dubious when we're explicitly talking about legal adults.
No. 313976
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>>313943>gay people holding hands in public is the same as this!…
No. 313981
>>313938except it doesnt stay in the bedroom and the way it's presented nowadays is shaping our society's view on sex and normalizing violent sexual behaviour. Straight teenagers are into anal, young girls are getting affraid they're not "good in bed" if they dont let their boyfriends choke or slap them.
also your "honey" is cringe as fuck.
No. 313983
>>313973there is no part in
>>313948 where you mentioned that one post, just admit youre a borderline pedo and leave
No. 314029
>>313981That's a problem that's more due to premature porn exposure and guys being pigs, though. Explain to me how shaming consenting adults for not being completely vanilla helps this issue?
Also, this problem can be helped by schools bothering to teach kids about consent, sexual being pressure being wrong, and the difference between porn and reality. But no one wants to teach kids about this shit because ~its awkward~.
No. 314030
>>313976How often do you see this in public though? The most intense shit I've ever seen publicly is someone wearing a collar, which a lot of non-kinky people do just as an accessory. They sell them in places like Claire's ffs.
You guys are angry over a non issue that isn't even happening. The initial anon who brought this up literally said they want it illegal to do BDSM privately and now you guys are twisting it into "PEOPLE CRAWL ON ALL FOURS IN LATEX AND SAY SEXUALLY EXPLICIT SHIT IN PUBLIC" when this is literally not a thing that even happens.
No. 314031
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>very thin
>lets me financially support her
>Same dynamic in and out of the bedroom
>bullying a short qt
>I prefer women […] lbs and under since they're easy to lift and very cute. If she doesn't want my full support, I want to at least make more than her at my job. For this reason I generally go after artsy girls hehe.
>personality: constantly sexualizes herself, calls me daddy, bratty trophy wive
>posted in the kink thread but just to clarify, if there's anybody from that thread whos interested in me whoring out my gf etc it's still fine to email.
>when I slap her face or ass, when I call her degrading names (her favourite is "fuckhole")
No. 314037
>>314031The thing is, men are awful and actually commit sexual crimes because of their sexual preferences for submissiveness. There's also a cultural pressure for women to adhere to this role (small, stupid, supported by her Big Man) which doesn't exist for men.
A sub man has no pressure to be small and weak. In fact it's the opposite, which means if he agrees to a relationship like that he
really wants it whereas a woman may just do it because it's expected of her.
No. 314041
>>313981>>314038>>314039>>314032Nitpicking at stupid shit is the cringiest of all. Stop detailing the thread with your literal autism.
In fact, let's stop derailing the thread with this entire kink conversation all together.
No. 314052
>>313944The issue around expressing yourself in public is. Learn to abstract.
>>313945I frankly don't care that you don't like people expressing themselves.
Like I said, a relationship dynamic is not sex.
No is going to go around naked whipping each other. People just want to be allowed to be themselves. A collar hurts no one. If you get stressed by seeing someone wearing a collar, why don't you go and ban all goths?
Like I said, there's a difference between the sex life based on the dynamic and the dynamic itself. For some people, being submissive or dominant with their partner is their most happy and comfortable state of being. It's not about sex, it's about the way you express your relationship.
For example, think about the myriad of ways vanilla couples express their relationships. There's no two vanilla couples that are the same, and that goes for power exchange as well.
>>313954Agree. There's a good and bad way to do BDSM… Same with vanilla. Abuse is abuse regardless of what dynamic you prefer within your relationship.
>>313955I bet most people who DONT wear a collar are into sexual shit as well.. Can I now demand that all people must NOT be bare-necked just because they share an interest in sex?
A collar is not sexual inherently. Ask goths.
It's an expression of a dynmic in most cases which, like I explained before, is a dynamic thing.
And many people dont want to see same-sex partners holding hands.. But guess what. They are going to anyway because it's not your place to tell people how they show affection towards each other.
>>313958> kinks are supposed to stay in the bedroom Says who? And who says people cant talk about it in the open?
Like I said, the vanilla default is an arbitrary societal default that keeps changing as humanity changes.
Pretty sure power exchange folks just want to be allowed to be themselves. No one is going to have sex in public.
>>313966>Being gay is not a kink.I was explaining it in context of expressing oneself romantically in a way that is not common or the accepted Why does the whole world need to bear witness to expressions of love that often bear striking resemblances to dehumanization, or are just….over-the-top and kind of gross in the public eye?
That's what people used to say about homosexual people wanting to hold hands in public.
Also power exchange is not dehumanizing. Being oppressed and forced to conform to the norm is.
Also no one NEEDS to bear witness to anyone doing anything in public. Couple dont kiss in public because they want the whole world to see. They do it because they love each other and it's not wrong to express that love towards your partner in public.
>Faux-slavery LARP does not belong in the public eye.Says who? Also same thing was said about homosexuals.
>Something like slavery may just seem like a strong form of devotion to one person or even a small community, but in the wider world, it's a fucked up, life-ruining, abusive practice that's destroyed people for millenia and even continues on today around the world. You dont get to decide what is and isnt accepting for consenting adults.
>Why can't holding hands in public, hugging or maybe sharing a quick kiss with the person you love be enough until you get somewhere private?Because it's an arbitrary limit. For some people even THAT is too much.
Just because YOU feel its too much or too wrong doesnt mean it is.
It's so easy for you to just not bother caring about people who express themselves in public. Better that than to force people to hide their real selves and not be allowed to express their love the way that makes them the most happy and comfortable.
Why do people need to be less happy just so you wont be grossed out at the unknown?
>And that's incorrect because homosexuality is not a sexual fetish.Power exchange is not a sexual fetish. It's a dynamic and a form of love.
Some people simply cant love people who arent either dominant or submissive.
The fact that some power exchange couples also engage in a lot of kink is another story. But the two are not necessarily tied together.
Im not talking about doing kink in public. Simply expressing love in public.
>By making it so that strangers have no choice but to witness and be a (passive) part of someone's world, even if just in passing, they are basically forcing them.
>By making it so that strangers have no choice but to witness and be a (passive) part of someone's world, even if just in passing, they are basically forcing them.Same was said about homosexuals.
Sorry, the public world is for everyone, as long as people arent getting naked and whipping each other on the street, the fact that you get a little uncomfortable with people behaving in a way you're not accustomed to is frankly a non-issue.
No. 314053
>>314049I know (I am one), sorry if I was unclear but I meant that
sub women can be pressured into being subs because men expect it of women. That pressure doesn't exist for sub men, so it isn't promoting abuse of men. Or the abuse of women, which is what some farmers itt are insinuating lmao.
Yes, dommes existing promotes violence towards women. Good correlation.
No. 314065
>>314059You're the only one raging here and overreacting to what Im saying :)
Never said anything about fetish gear.
A collar isnt fetish gear and many people wear them for fashion.
I love how me saying "People should be able to express their love form that makes them the happiest" automatically translates to fetish gear and sex in public in people's heads lol.
Also, I do accept that some people will take offense to it. Even give dirty glances. What I'm saying is that it's a non-issue. Offense is taken all the time.
>>314061I really love how one just wants to be themselves and then people like you come along and act like a moral superior while wishing death and suffering on another…
I dunno who the deviant is here, but it's not me.
No. 314077
>>314069Do you think she realizes interracial relationships happen a lot irl? I'm the result of one, I know two huwhite women irl dating a brown and black guy, I see several on campus, etc. I live in Canuckdada though.
And I see a lot more same-race in the movies I watch anyway. Maybe anon is just ~unlucky~ enough to end up liking media featuring the forbidden race mixing.
No. 314089
>>314081Does that
trigger you?
No. 314091
>>314060why is that kinksters get
triggered over the idea of a naked body in public and not over people being overtly sexual in the same context? if you told me it was for health reasons i'd understand it but if that's not the case then it's a weird way of being a prude.
No. 314098
>>314080I see a lot of people do things in public that I hate, such as obnoxious people.. But since we dont like in an authoritarian state(thank god) and I have the power to take ownership of how I feel about things, my sensitivities do not trump other people's right to express themselves as long as they dont physically force me to pay attention to them.
You can look away, therefore the fair compromise is to well… look away.. Rather than force the other person to conform to your notion of normalcy and in the process, take away their happiness.
No. 314103
>>314091I was referring to legality, not my own personal preference. Also, I am not a kinkster.
Although, my own personal opinion is that anus/genitals should be covered for health reasons.
No. 314111
>>314107>reeee TERF?>actually I'm a TERFTERFS don't un-ironically refer to themselves as TERFS.
No. 314127
>>314110Whether we like it or not, trans people are counted in the LGBT community. That's the general consensus and our minority opinion doesn't change that.
>>314111>TERFS don't unironically refer to themselves as TERFs… The TERF thread literally used to be called the TERF thread, you fucking moron.
>kysCan we stop with the underage edgelord bullshit? It's so painfully cringey.
No. 314130
>>314102I dont think you realize how obnoxious you sound.
But for the record I'm just into power exchange and I dont engage in debates about transgender. And I didnt engage in the terf talk. I think people should be allowed to be themselves and do what they want with their bodies as long as they dont force others to do the same or force others to call them by whatever pronouns… it should be done willingly.
>>314112That and people who are just afraid of the unknown… it's like they have a stuck mindset or something.
Also I understand why people would be miffed when media suffers from badly written phoned in political agenda plots.
Like if a movie has an interracial couple, and they were devoid of all personality or coherency to the movie, then it's pretty obvious someone was just trying to force in that dynamic without actually doing them or the media justice.
But in general if one really is against just seeing interracial couples, it's just another way people are trying to force others to conform to their notion of normalcy so that they dont have to feel uncomfortable over being confronted with things they dont like.
The latter is just gross and oppressive
No. 314132
>>314111Holy shit anon, why are you so fucking
triggered? Take your meds
No. 314134
>>314127>>314129Oh god tranny sperg confirmed. My sides.
I wish this type of man got banned too when typing too many retarded posts, not just regular incels.
No. 314151
>>314146I agree. I know they exist, but I haven't actually ever met the stereotypical obnoxious vegan, but I know a lot of people who eat like shit as a bizarre political statement.
>>314147My other unpopular opinion is that it's really annoying when people add correction posts to threads when their mistake wasn't bad enough to make their post confusing.
No. 314163
>>314157Farmers in general have a varied and weird hypocrisy about looks when it comes to cows/other Farmers/women in general, which all seems weirdly based around male attention even though so many claim to be attracted to women.
If you're truly attracted to women, you don't become a mental slave to male sexuality. Simple.
No. 314165
>>314135point out anywhere I mentioned ddlg
I am comparing busybodies like you who would tell homosexuals that they cant hold hands in public. And others who say "Well im ok with gays as long as they dont gay out in public hurr durr".
It's the same concept when it comes to people merely interacting with each other naturally, but in public.
Like I said to the other anon, learn to abstract(Or was that you)?
No. 314167
>>314158The first post I made on the topic was
>>314142Don't call me "sis," faggot. Go back to /tttt/
No. 314177
>>314167wasnt even the tranny anon or anyone you were arguing with, it's just funny how obsessed and seething you are
anyway, unpopular opinion: the korea-related sperging should be limited to one general, it's the same anons hateposting on three different active threads
Saggy breasts and nasolabial folds aren't as big of a deal as farmers make them seem
bait threads from scrotes should be locked or deleted instantly, and anyone who bites the bait should get a strike/warning instead of bans
No. 314205
>>314201I'm from a large European city and most the vegan girls I've met have been eating disordered or seriously aggressive about animal rights.
I've met one chill vegan though.
No. 314215
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>>314157That's the most ironic shit, yeah, or when they complain about how fucked Korean beauty standards are while they call gross someone that doesn't fit their own standards.
>>314163I understand your point, but I don't agree with you.
>If you're truly attracted to women, you don't become a mental slave to male sexuality. Simple.I know pic related is a tired quote used by tumblr feminists and such, and usually that kind of stuff is enough for people on here to dismiss your opinion, but the point is, as much as you think you're woke, free or even just aware of what society as a whole has taught you, getting rid of those ideals and habits can take you years. So even if you aren't actively trying to attract men's attention you might end up behaving in a way designed to cater to their fantasies and desires due to the education you've received.
Also, on the kpop thread the targets are (most of the time) male idols so that serves to prove that farmers are extremely judgy of people's looks regardless of gender (although they usually prefer to attack women) so I think that's a problem of society as a whole.
Sorry if I sounded too pedantic and just said a lot of shit you already know.
No. 314231
>>314215Okay, but if you claim to be a feminist and whine about how men judge us and police our bodies, maybe don't do the same thing to other women. And you can pretend that women judge men just as harshly but they do not. As you said in your own post, we're literally conditioned by a male-centric to behave otherwise. To pick apart our own bodies and the bodies of other women. This website literally proves that.
It just makes me sad that they all can't see their own hypocrisy, and indeed rely on Tumblr quotes to excuse shitty anti-female behavior that they think is of their own volition but is actually an effect- as you admit- of our patriarchal society.
Women need to stop being hypocrites on this matter if we expect the rest of society and our little girls to follow suit.
No. 314278
>>314231I don't see how any of what I said sounded like I was trying to excuse farmers' behavior. I just brought up that quote and the paragraph I wrote in relation to it to point out that even if you aren't attracted to men you can still be "a mental slave to male sexuality" because those concepts are deeply engraved in our minds. That doesn't mean I approve the disgusting things they say about women just because they don't like how they look or, like in many cases, they don't conform to the image of the ideal woman created by the patriarchy.
Also, I know that women are much harsher on other women than on men, I said so in my post too when I stated that farmers rather attack other women I was just pointing out the problem society as a whole have with looks. Everyday I see posts on different platforms that critic the looks of everyone, regardless their sex, nationality or race, although I'm not that naive to think these things don't have anything to do with people's perception of others, I still think it can happen to anyone.
No. 314291
>>314275Yeah the ones that try to look real are uncanny valley. Imo just go with the full on robot aesthetic and leave the metal out.
It’s cool that prosthetics are so much better now. At least if you have to live with a lost limb or appendage stump you can get a prosthetic that functions.
No. 314298
>>314291Yeah, I love seeing the advancement in robotics. It's cool seeing the ones now that people can actually control with their minds and nerves too.
Aesthetically, Luke Skywalkers robot hand in TLJ is more appealing to me than his simple human one from ESB/ROTJ. Which of course, was just them saving money. Also, Boston Dynamics robots are cute, I don't understand people who find them creepy.
No. 314301
>>314298I love the way they look and function, robots like Asimov wrote in are a looooong-time dream. It’s amazinf how complex they are but I can see how it would be creepy if you’re not into robots or if you’re maybe sensitive about amputations.
It would be nice to have better, less obviously prosthetic options for amputees who are self conscious or really uncomfortable with the robot limb. It’s probably pretty shitty to just want a normal hand or foot for a photo. Ideally, a prosthetic skin that can feel and doesn’t look like a spooky mannequin would be made.
No. 314309
>>314215I've lurked the kpop critical threads and the criticism directed towards male idols appearances seems to be done in jest, but towards female idols its a lot more angry. for example
>jimin looks like a lizard kek thats so funnycompared to
>joo-e is fucking deformed ugly bitch how was she even hired shes so ugly why is she even famous lately the entirety of /ot/ has been full of negative threads. kpop critical, anti-korea general, gender critical, man hate, dog hate, vent thread. i think it is contributing to an increasigly hostile environment on /ot/ that makes anons more touchy and vulnerable to baiting. all that, combined with /snow/ and /pt being really slow recently, means everyone is bored and wants to debate.
the site wasn't this bad a few weeks ago. i wish we had more topics and threads that weren't negative but i think right now itll just become derailed somehow because everyones in a mood to argue.
No. 314458
>>314353what's the most misandrist post you've seen?
>>314437how do you know those anons are feminists and what do they say? I honestly don't think being told my weave is bad is as awful as scrots writing novels about how women are worse than stalin and hitler and how they should all be put to death
No. 314481
>>314477NTA, but I'm also a foreigner and I've never had that experience. You might have just been rude or standoffish to black people with accents you're not accustomed to, idk. Even "ebonics accents" (kek) doesn't sound too dissimilar from typical white thick Southern accents IMO.
"Uppity" is kind of a cringy word to use in this context, too.
No. 314495
>>314467 said, I've also seen people say there's absolutely no good men, they don't exist and I once saw a post where an anon said they want literally all mean to die.
No. 314510
>>314495The ‘death to all men’ schtick is pretty normal for them. I remember seeing one claim every single man is a rapist no matter what. If you question it, they dogpile you to say only a few crazy extremists believe that.
Seems to be a lot of comments saying that crazy extremist stuff and agreeing despite it only being those alleged few.
No. 314534
>>314453Yeah it's as if women never say anything negative about women. lmao
>>314366You sound like you live online or you have some sort of weird Handmaid's tale paranoia fantasy in your head
>>314440>>314441It's annoying
>>313942>>314344I think people here would post better if they were forced to post their own pics and social media profiles. Not for doxing reasons but to see if they can actually back up how critical they are.
No. 314541
>>314537I'm talking more easily recognizable /pol/ish speech patterns that don't align with farmers' typical speech patterns. You understand if you spend some time at /pol/ then come back and read the posts again. It's generally easier to recognize when they're sperging about race and muh genes, but there's some subtler stuff.
>>314534Not being anonymous would ruin the purpose of an anonymous imageboard. Also what do you mean with
> see if they can actually back up how critical they areLike, do you have to run a sucessful business to say Doe Deere is a fraud?
No. 314542
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>>313943>Kink is exactly the same as homosexuality
Opinion discarded
No. 314545
>>314541Yeah, I’ve been called a man for not typing with a typical American dialect and for disagreeing with someone in an old vent thread because of daring to say that rabid man hate is not a solution to sexism.
I think it’s fewer poltards sperging over non-race related stuff and more women who can’t handle being disagreed with.
No. 314575
>>314052>Power exchange is not a sexual fetish. It's a dynamic and a form of love. Some people simply cant love people who arent either dominant or submissive.
I'm glad someone finally said it, I'm sick to tears of the perception of dominance and submission as some sexual lifestyle and wish all the sex crazed hedonists would just shut up and stop trying to represent the rest of us.
No. 314593
>>313535Lol its not even “when i lived” its always “when my friend went on vacation for 2 weeks” or “my friends friend who studied abroad in korea for three weeks”
Like 90% of these anons have never been there and cant even speak korean and know wtf actual koreans are saying and their actual opinions. No, your one english speaking coworker doesnt speak for an entire society much like your own views in drugs/gun violence/lgbt issues doesnt cover your whole country.
No. 314647
>>314578Regardless of what you think is creepy or subpar or whatever, it is nonetheless how some people are, and since they can't help it your sensitive personal comfort isn't a good enough excuse to dictate how consenting adults live their or whether they can do things that are slightly offensive to you in public.
Basically I don't think I care much about what you or others think, I just want other lifestylers out there to know that we have their backs and that their oddities are acceptable since they aren't forcing it on others and acting like their natural selves in their limited space in public doesn't count as as breaching other peoples consent. You can't use consent as an excuse to control what happens between two people just because you don't want to look at it.
No. 314655
>>314536The girls on this site have always been more "conservative" (not really) compared to places like pull and tumblr. I mean, a lot of them are oldfags from other imageboards. It's really nothing new.
It's better than the brown eyed libfags sperging out about eye colour out of spite.
No. 314656
>>314649Of course :) that's something every lifestyler is prepared for, especially if they go in public with it. No one is asking for accolades, just freedom to do (in your eyes) stupid shit.
I'm certain that as society moves forward, people will come to accept that some people just have different lifestyles such a power exchange or polyamory or both even and what have you.
No. 314662
>>314656No, people don't want to be randomly exposed to your slavery fetish while taking their kids to school or going grocery shopping.
This ridiculously persistant anon just confirms to me that kinksters have no respect for other people's boundaries.
No. 314664
>>314662Meh. Call it all kinds of overdramatic words.
It's always "think of the children"
With everything. Whether it's atheism, different forms of relationships, alternative clothing or power exchange. Like I said, it's not a fetish. You don't get to "consent" away other people's freedom of expression. As long as nothing sexual is being done, you're just one of those people who want to ban anything they don't personally like.
No. 314667
>>314662Meh. Call it all kinds of overdramatic words.
It's always "think of the children"
With everything. Whether it's atheism, different forms of relationships, alternative clothing or power exchange. Like I said, it's not a fetish. You don't get to "consent" away other people's freedom of expression. As long as nothing sexual is being done, you're just one of those people who want to ban anything they don't personally like.
No. 314669
>>314667yeah, sure wearing a goth outfit is -totally- the same thing as getting off in public out of the looks given by unwitting participants.
Do that shit in the bedroom. Nobody doing groceries has to see how special you are that you can't contain that shit to the bedroom like the rest of us.
No. 314691
>>314684Says the ignoramus who doesn't know that bdsm entails more than fetishes and that power exchange is a form of interaction not sex.
Power exchange extends into vanilla parts of the life and requires no sex. In fact some PE couples have normal, non-kinky sex with each other and don't use any fetish gear or toys.
You,are uninformed on this topic so stop making false statements.
No. 314692
>>314655…They were literally calling it racist to not like blue eyes. I don't think ~*brown eyed libfags*~ are to blame, just sane people.
Anyway, no, LC was never mostly composed of cringy /pol/ spergs who are obsessed with Asian women
No. 314713
>>314695The fact that you find it creepy is not a problem. You speak about people you don't know, so your opinion on them is irrelevant. Being a sub doesn't mean one is weak, just a different way to be. Subs are just normal people who are as independent as you or anyone else (or as codependent as any vanilla person can be) but feel the happiest in a power exchange relationship. Some subs are fiercely independent and have dominant personalities towards everyone else.
If you think that's weird, I can't help you there… But the cool thing is that you don't have to give a fuck and you can ignore any encounter with it :) someone wearing a cheap collar is probably not the worst thing you've ever seen in public.
No. 314724
>>314722I'm sorry that you wear your ignorance so proudly.
And in fact yes, submissives aren't submissive to everyone. If you can't even fathom the concept that being submissive doesn't mean you will submit to everyone, then you probably can't comprehend the deeper nuances in bdsm anyway.
No. 314741
>>314738>>314738Look at the smiley it is just a troll. Ignore it and it will go away.
Don't feed the troll.
No. 314742
>>314738Look at the smiley it is just a troll. Ignore it and it will go away.
Don't feed the troll.
No. 314743
>>314738>>314738Look at the smiley it is just a troll. Ignore it and it will go away.
Don't feed the troll.
No. 314749
>>314747Eh, I've always remembered it being like this tbh.
Casually bringing up having an asian bf two years ago in the vent thread already made crazed anons jump on you faster than a pack of wolves on a piglet.
No. 314778
>>314747Feminine guys with (well taken care of) long hair are the fucking best.
Too bad guys like that are really rare. Most men are greasy hairy ogres who are obsessed with porn and hate hygeine.
No. 314789
>>314756Nah. If you don't find all the plastic surgery and artificial faces attractive you're from /pol/ apparently.
I didn't even care about kpoop until it started getting shoved down our throats with the aggressive BTS fans and PR everywhere. This shit can't die soon enough.
K-dweebs actually make me look back fondly on people with yaoi paddles at 00s conventions. That's how bad they are.
No. 314819
>>314756>>314787>>314789>>314790>>314792Just because you guys shat up the anti-Korea thread doesn't mean you get to spread your bullshit here.
Enough. If you hate Korea or white people or whatever, go scream into a pillow instead of sperging endlessly about it here.
No. 314914
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I don't understand when people say they wouldn't mind dating outside their race but would hate the thought of having a mixed child because it won't "look like them". Iirc your child is supposed to look like you AND your spouse merged together. Yeah obviously sometimes there are cases where a kid will end up looking a bit more like the mother or father, but still, it's not an entire erasure of the other parent.And even if your kid ends up looking more like the other parent why would you get so upset? You love your SO anyways so why would it matter? Your child is a creation of the love you share with each other, not just some mini you.
No. 314944
>>314861Well I literally never see that, attractive girls tend to be popular and well liked (usually well deserved too). Does your anecdotal evidence trump mine?
But either way of course women are defensive over constantly being accused of jealousy (and cattiness and bitchiness), because many of us realize men try to pit us against each other. They love seeing us competing for their approval.
No. 314963
>>314914This is such a retardedly common opinion. I'm biracial and people express to my face that race mixing is wrong.
Like it already happened and I'm here, yep, mom and dad look very different. So what. People have been tried to police the race of people I date. Should I only seek out other people with my exact racial composition?
People are wild.
No. 314968
>>314966Normal from a relative perspective. All of my relatives are married to other white people. As are most people where I'm from. So yes, in literal terms interracial relationships are a departure from the norm from my perspective.
I actually disagree with the comments about appearance btw. That would be a concern but the primary reason for me is just culture and the prevalence of racial conflict in American society. I don't see race relations getting better, quite the opposite, so I think that's another reason not to have mixed kids. Eventually they're going to have to pick a side.
No. 314986
>>314914im mixed and i look nothing like my white parent and my non-white parent and its never bothered me. i was teased as a kid for possibly being adopted but who cares, genetics don't work like cartoons where the son always looks identical to the dad and the daughter looks just like the mom.
>>314959those people have mental problems and it has nothing to do with being mixed. don't let weirdos with issues on r/hapas dictate what you think of all mixed people. and if you really only want to have white babies then what is stopping you? just do it, no one is forcing you into interracial relationships.
No. 314988
>>314914I really hope my kids get their dads Maori looks instead of my boring german looks.
Seen a lot of mixed people say they weren’t accepted as kids because they weren’t one race or another, so it’s understandable to have some concerns about the race mixing from that perspective but folks who just want a baby to be a particular colour are crazy.
No. 314994
>>314986Not even talking about hapas. I'm talking about the half black kids I know who went full BLM/black activist and call out their own mothers on twitter for "complicity with white privilege". The hapas I knew (well I only knew one really) were actually better adjusted than that.
Having a kid who grows up to hate one half of themselves, especially if that half is the half you identify with, is pretty fucked up no? And it's obvious America is starting to come apart and divide along racial lines. I expect to see intermarriage reach a peak and then start declining in about ten years or so.
Actually scares me how balkanized America is becoming.
No. 314997
>>314988Well it's not really color is it? It's eye shape and colour, nose shape, shape of the skull, other facial features, hair color and texture etc.
I mean if it were just purely skin color then ok, but it's not.
No. 315011
>>315010That's just anecdotal experience. My anecdotal experience is that their mother's raised them while their fathers fucked around for years, or were never around to begin with.
Regardless. Whatever the circumstances it's a good reason not to have mixed kids if you want to have a peaceful life and not have racial conflict in your house every day.
No. 315030
>>314968>>314994Why the hell is everyone being so blase about this anon.
Anon, you're an insane racist and I hope you never reproduce. Go back to stormfront.
No. 315038
>>315030>Expecting other people to police your ideology and getting triggered when it isn'tYou're fragile.
Nothing about Nazism was said. Would you call a black woman who wanted to marry a black man and have black kids a nazi?
No. 315042
>>315035Never owned an iphone. What's greater about them specifically?
I've just never had problems with my droid aside from lack of cute phone cases.
And I do own a macbook pro, so it's not like I'm exactly biased I just wonder what makes an iphone so desirable.
Anyone can weigh in on this if they want.
No. 315043
>>315040>Not the same thingSo let me get this straight. White people shouldn't be allowed to want to marry and have kids with people who look like them while sharing a similar cultural background whereas it's ok for non white people to do this? Because however you want to spin it, the end result is that tribalism and ethnocentrism are ok for all but one group.
What's your endgame? Suppose white people cease to exist. The world you'll inherit will still be riven with the same racial tribalism you've been encouraging among PoC for the past century anyway. They're not going to stop just because there are no more whites
No. 315044
>>315040Couple of other things.
I didn't say mixed people shouldn't be a thing. I pointed out difficulties in having mixed children that aren't there when you have same race children as my own reason for doing so.
Finally you're not using the term "undertone" correctly. In both examples the racial element is explicit. It's not an "undertone" by definition. Lrn2english
No. 315045
>>315042idk, everyone I know that has an android is an annoying weeb who barely showers so I probably just expect everyone who has one to be the same. plus the photo quality sucks and the emojis are ugly, and the green texts annoy me
just a personal preference
No. 315052
>>315035Hey anon, how do you like having to pay double the price for headphones or other hardware because most companies don't use the retarded lightning port? Or having to buy a new phone every two years because new OSs slow down and fuck up everything but the newest model? How do you like having a bunch of shit you can't uninstall or rearrange on your phone?
iPhones are for tech illiterate dumbasses who like paying hundreds of dollars over and over again for the same damn phone.
Ooh, but it comes in rose gold and all of the kawaii cases are for iPhones, so I guess it's worth it right?
No. 315058
>>315039No, I’m just plain with a round face and prone to being blotchy pink. I don’t hate being white lol. Husband has better looks and I hope they get them. What a monster.
>>315020He’s half Maori, if our kids are just brown there’s a good chance they will get the ‘abo’ bs because most aboriginal people in our town are mixed and just brown as well. It’s not like all maori and all aboriginal people have one exact phenotype lol.
>>315004Sorry to have offended you guys so much lol. Nobody claimed maoris and aboriginals are the same race. I’m just saying our town is shitty and hates even slightly brown people.
No. 315059
>>314994why in this scenario is it always white women with non-white men, instead of non-white women with white men?
maybe its because you're a /pol/ invader who only cares because white women won't fuck you?
No. 315062
>>315043How did I say white people weren't allowed to have white babies? I just find it laughable that such white people cry white genocide when they mixed couples/children. They're also very spergy about it. No one in the real world thinks about this other than racist, "muh purity" people.
I may have used a word wrong, sure, but you sure as don't have great reading comprehension.
No. 315065
>>315062when they talk about mixed children*
My mistake
No. 315070
>>315061I didn’t immigrate. My parents did.
What’s not adding up here?
No. 315074
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>>315047>>315052>>315056more reasons why I hate androidfags lmfao, they get
triggered every time you say you don't like androids
I have bluetooth headphones, so idgaf about the headphone jack
the emojis are tragic, the iPhone has all of the same ones except on android they look like a 5 year old designed them
overall the android design/interface just annoys me, every time I see a screenshot on here from an android i'm repulsed by the number of icons and notifications. god forbid if the person has that stupid fucking comic sans font
No. 315076
>>315073So you're saying that you cannot find another job in a safer environment for your family if people are just that horrible towards your family for being even, as you put it, slightly brown?
I'm not trying to doubt your story but either the racism isn't bad enough for you to care and you just don't want abbo-looking kids, or you and your husband are gambling on the chance that your super racist town may or may not bully the fuck out of your future kids.
Kids are expensive, anon. More expensive than moving. Imo if you can't afford to live in a better and safer environment, you can't afford the kids in the current one.
No. 315077
>>315062Why are you bringing up white genocide? You're the first person in the thread to do that lol. This discussion is about individual preferences. Some anon expressed anger at white people who say they wouldn't want mixed kids, I simply explained my own reasons, which have nothing to do with demographics.
You're really all over the place here. Are you sure you aren't from one of the ethnic incel boards?
No. 315080
>>315073What kind of career do you have in small town in Australia full of abos and bogans that would be put at risk by moving to a major city?
And moving domestically is not that expensive. Unless you're living in a mansion with a mansion's worth of furniture.
No. 315084
>>315076Having some gross jerks use racial slurs isn’t impacting safety. Moving is a massive lump sum that is better off in the bank for an emergency because were capable of explaining that the guy who screams about “niggers” at the lake is an ass and not worth our time.
Im concerned about some kids at their future school making Noongar jokes, not about assault. Moving to the cities where people are less racist means we make less income because social work is suffering in rural areas and I get a bonus for living in the country. Rent and home ownership is also about 4x more expensive elsewhere for smaller and shittier accommodation.
>>315080Social work, specifically drug and alcohol counselling for mandated clients and recently released convicts.
No. 315090
>>315074On android you have a choice of themes and emojis to use.
The number of icons and notifications that you saw on other people's screens is just that person adding a ton of stuff to their phone, if you don't do that you won't have that.
It's very clean out of the box on most manufacturers. You saw like 1 person with weird choices and customizations on his dweeb device and assumed everything else. it out for yourself.
No. 315094
>>315086It’s obnoxious being called a man for not agreeing with American women on everything. Condescending af when you consider it’s a group of women deciding women who don’t agree are totally invalid.
Also goat is superior to beef in every way. Fish looks incredible and I’m sad I’m allergic.
No. 315103
>>315064>>315072>backward cultures nobody in their right mind would actually want to be a part of and who still have things like normalized rape are also mad about something as dumb as interracial loveWhy should any first world country follow suit again?
Dumb /pol/ incels always want the world to roll back to its worst state because they're resentful and paranoid over "their women" being taken or "tainted by feminism", and are convinced it means they'll have a gf. Your waffling excuse about why you only brought up white women with non-white men (as if statistical data doesn't reflect that minority women date interracially more, especially Asian women, though most races date intraracially anyway - IR dating is like 3% IRL - which means any stupid myth of "America is falling apart, white genocide, everyone is gonna be brown!!!1" is bullshit) is pretty transparent.
Begone, and stop spreading retarded propaganda.
No. 315117
>>315074You're the one who sperged about phones up in the first place, genius.
You didn't refute anything I said. All you did was spout some subjective crap about emojis and icons.
Are you seriously a grown-ass adult who allows emojis of all stupid things to effect which phone you use? Emojis are for dumbasses anyway, why do you think they're banned here?
No. 315140
>>315043"Suppose white people cease to exist"
This is the /pol/ crap i was talking about jfc. White genocide isn't real. Race wars aren't even a thing outside of the USA, IF it's a thing in the USA since you never know if whitepower amerifats are just blowing it out of proportion.
They already managed to turn this thread in a spergfight too.
No. 315178
>>315077I personally think it's okay to be like, "I'm not into [ethnicity] of guys". However, there's something really creepy about specifically saying you don't want mixed kids.
That's not about attraction anymore, that's literally "racial purity" phrased differently. It's weird and fucked up, and I hope none of the racial purist anons in this thread reproduce, period. You guys are fucked up.
No. 315216
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>>315210oh absolutely! i tend to think that the less rational the post the more lolcow worthy an anon is.
No. 315218
>>315178I don't think it's creepy. We have good statistical evidence showing that mixed relationships and mixed kids have a lot more difficulties, especially in terms of mental health. Wanting to avoid that doesn't mean you're an advocate of racial purity. It just means you want to avoid unnecessary difficulties in your life.
It's just generally a lot easier to marry and have children with someone who is like you, comes from a similar background and so on. Note that this doesn't only mean race, it can mean what region you come from, your social class, your level of education. Race is just another one of these factors that make things easier.
Cultures are a lot more different. Often in ways that are repugnant to people, than most left wing people are prepared to admit. It's not only "they put spice on their food".
So please, stop trying to push this idea anyone who doesn't want to date interracially or have mixed children is an extremist. Because according to most attraction surveys people are most attracted to people of a similar racial background, and would most want to settle down with someone from that background.
No. 315222
>>314963I've never had people say it's wrong to my face, but I've had a couple people say it's great because it waters down the black and the children are always smarter and more civilized. I've also had people give my mom kudos for getting white men.
People are fascinating.
No. 315224
>>315218I'm mixed and I don't really think it's racist as long as it's because of the kind of stuff you said instead of blatantly racist reasons, and they don't push their preference on anyone else. That being said, I have noticed a massive correlation between people who openly say they wouldn't date outside their race and actual racists/racial purists, so I can understand why people are sensitive to it when people admit that.
I'm straight up just not attracted to men who aren't white and blonde. It's not because I think they're ethnically superior, it's just a preference. I haven't dated a guy who wasn't in ten years and I ended up married to one. I've had a lot of people jump to the conclusion I must be self-hating or an uncle Tom and it drives me crazy because it's simply a matter of physical attraction.
No. 315225
>>315218Unpopular opinion irl that will probably be popular here: women are a hell of a lot nicer about not being attracted to another race, and 9/10 it's purely physical and has nothing to do with weird beliefs about the master race or whatever. Maybe it's for the reasons you posted, even. Even if they are racist, they're generally quiet about it.
Men, meanwhile, will scream at the top of their lungs about how superior their particular choice of female is (usually white or Asian) and how females of other races are all worthless fucking scum who should be eradicated for not appealing to their penis.
No. 315235
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/ot/ threads get way to /pol/ with the race talk
No. 315236
>>315218i agree with you tbh. having and raising children with someone who shares the same culture as you is a lot easier because there will be fewer conflicts. i wouldnt date an atheist/agnostic or someone who isnt a member of my religion for the same reason.
but /pol/tards reeeing about how race mixing is wrong are still disgusting.
No. 315241
>>313898>Submissive men are disgusting, creepyYou have shit taste
>>313897>How can hurting a person you love or care about turn you on? Because they're into it?
>All those "femdom" anons wanting some barely legal twinks to abuse are sickening.There's nothing wrong with liking pretty boys
No. 315243
>>313717> And the vast majority of young women who claim to be "Dommes" are exactly like her. They literally don't know the first thing about bdsm, and are about 5 years away from either becoming a submissive themselves or a tradthot.What a retarded sexist bullshit
First off implying that submissive women are better than domme women is retarded
Second off saying all domme women will become tradthots or submissives is sexist and I am 100% sure a robot wrote this
>If you're reading this, getting angry and getting your Cheetos and yeast infection covered fingers ready to screamMaybe people wouldn't 'get angry' if you didn't stereotype dommes so hard
No. 315247
>>315225Idk. I've had female family members laugh at the idea of dating an Asian dude. Not as bad as aggressive men can be, but still kind of harsh.
I don't find men who aren't White or Hispanic to be viable dating partners. But I don't rub it in people's faces. Then again from what some people tell me if you're dealing with a fetishist just telling him "I'm not into brown/asian" dudes gets him to back off quicker than trying to play nice.
No. 315255
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I’m a white anon who agrees a little with what /pol/chan is saying. I’ve known so many half black, half white kids who grew up with an absent black father and a white mother who sacrificed everything for them, and still ended up identifying more with their black side who abandoned them whilst resenting their white side who supported them. It’s a little sad, but seeing cases like this has really put me off interracial relationships. I can’t imagine how painful it’d be to invest everything into a child who rejects you like that.
Also, white Chads > everything
No. 315256
>>315250NTA, but do you stop and correct all things you hear and disagree with on random shit while walking down the street? No, because who gives a fuck, right?
What about the internet is different for farmers to the point that something like "I don't like blue hair" is often enough to spark a mass debate because some blue-haired anon(s) got steamed?
No. 315269
>>315255I'm not /pol/chan but I have witnessed that with half arabs too. The father is usually present though but half arabs tend to identify more with their arabic/muslim roots, and are more radical as well.
All the white women irl that I know and have been in a relationship with a black guy, are sadly single mothers. The black men are absent fathers is a touchy topic to them so I don't really say anything but never have I seen a stereotype being this so real outside of boards.
No. 315272
>>315265Saying "People with [this hair color] are bad" is not bait?
Okay, then what exactly do you accomplish by getting upset and trying to change their opinion?
How am I the dumbass here when you can't stop yourself from unleashing your autism and taking anonymous BS personally?
No. 315274
>>315256. Do you call out stupid shit you hear IRL from strangers on the street, then?
No. 315276
>>315269Agreed. It's not only race though. I know a woman married to a Lebanese Christian and he's an awesome husband and really loves this country as much as any other person.
I just find relationships between black men and white women so sad. Imagine giving birth to a child that grows up to hate the race to which you belong. And identifies more with the man who abandoned you. It's tragic.
I don't get why black women shill for black men so much, because they get it even worse than those white women do.
No. 315281
>>315255It's probably because the black father may have abandoned them, but didn't actually discriminate against them or treat them like an outsider, which is more bound to happen with white families. Americans still seem to follow the "one drop rule", where just being half black is basically the same as being full black.
I'm black (but not American), and I disagree with it because they're 50/50, but I even get screamed at by white anons if I say as much, lmao.
A biracial kid is more likely to be accepted by black kids, because the white kids will just see them as "too black" and turn them away. Even if the mom tries hard, her parents or the rest of her family and her larger community will probably still be racist and ashamed of her for dating outside her race, and little kids pick up on that sort of thing (even when it's hidden) more than most people want to acknowledge. They'll feel alienated on both sides, but while one is absent, the other might actually be hostile and/or passive-aggressive and exclusionary.
It really is sad, but I can kind of understand why they'd latch on to black people. Based on that, I get why someone would avoid interracial dating. I just find the "White people will cease to exist!!" crowd as retarded racists, and part of the problem.
No. 315288
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Everytime anons come to this thread to sperg about biracial people(or racenin general, let's be honest here) for whatever I can't tell if they're misinformed, ignorant, or I'm just some weird exception to everything they've said. My black dad is still in the picture and has been married to my mom for 20+ years and I always end up rejected by the black community. I don't really identify with either side and just say I'm mixed because that's what I am. I don't understand why people twist their panties so much over race at all.
No. 315290
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>>315276>I don't get why black women shill for black men so much, because they get it even worse than those white women do.Black patriarchy is worse than white patriarchy, because they're constantly telling black women that before they are women, they are black. If they're not handmaidens who do or say anything that's not in support of (black) men, they are automatically being self-hating and/or hoes "destroying the community". Black men say shit like pic related, and that feminism is a "white woman's disease" to gaslight black women.
It's an entire fake promise that if racism is eradicated, black women won't be oppressed as women. As for handmaidens and pick-mes, multiply Shoe0nHead by the thousands, take them to nightmare proportions and make them people's mothers, aunties and grandmothers. It doesn't help when non-black women make a habit of antagonizing or ignoring black women, or say unironically things like "Woman is the nigger of the world" as a feminist mantra, further separating being black from being a woman.
No. 315296
>>315294I'm not arguing with the absent black father meme, or even defending black men. My boyfriend is white, so I don't really have any dogs in this fight, for or against.
I'm explaining why some biracial kids might identify more with their black side. It doesn't just come from nowhere as a giant middle finger to white people.
>One of the main reasons white parents earn their daughters about black guys is for that very reason.But why should the biracial child suffer and be treated with racism for what their father did? It's one thing to raise an eyebrow at your daughter bringing home a man who doesn't seem serious, but to blame the kid when things fall apart is just shitty.
No. 315298
>>315296In an ideal world they shouldn't suffer at all. But humans are humans and human nature is just the way it is. It's not unreasonable for white parents to have suspicions about black guys given this.
I also don't buy that whites treat mixed black people that badly. I've never seen it
No. 315300
>>315298Then don't make excuses or try to deflect. Child abuse is shitty, end of story.
>I also don't buy that whites treat mixed black people that badly. I've never seen itWell, you're probably not mixed, and biracial people aren't exactly a large chunk of the population, so why would you take notice, or even acknowledge it if you do see it? I've heard this from many biracial people specifically, those are their experiences. That's just life.
No. 315309
>>315301Why is it a competition of "Who is worse?" for you? Why can't both be bad? Aside from that:
>W-Well, actually emotionally/mentally/racially abusing a kid is less abusive than walking out on them!Gross. Please don't have kids, your mindset is completely messed up.
>Black people need to face up to certain uncomfortable realities. Likewise for many whites.It sounds like the same is true of you, as an individual (not a collective).
No. 315312
>>315255I’m mixed and through my childhood and teenage years my white friends and peers would usually refer to me as their ‘black friend’
When you grow up mixed and especially in a predominantly white place, you’re often seen as black and that’s what you’ll identify with
No. 315315
>>315313To put this into more perspective, it even public figures have spoken out about this: looks very white, too, which makes the one drop rule even more retarded IMO.
I don't think anyone can blame him for identifying more with black people after this sort of abuse. It's also not just him that goes through this, no matter how much certain people want to pretend it never happens.
No. 315316
>>315312>>315313>>315281Yeah, I don’t resent mixed children for picking their black side or anything, but it does make me feel a little cautious. I guess it’s just a sad situation all around.
I know it’s pretty rare in comparison to the inverse, but all the biracial kids I’ve known who are born to white fathers and black mothers seem to identify with their white side a little more. I wonder why that is.
No. 315320
>>315318You can understand why she'd try to strangle her own child and call them a nigger? Being a hooker/CSA victim makes you a racist and an attempted child killer now? That's an insult to all CSA survivors who have done sex work.
Please, do not reproduce. You'd probably be the narc parent who blames their ~*depression*~ for being a disgusting, abusive shitstain.
>blaming music for individual actionsOh, I see. This is bait. Guess heavy metal and violent video games make people serial killers, too.
No. 315321
>>315320The fuck is wrong with you. The woman was raped as a child and raped as an adult. She had to sell sex to keep her kids alive and you're stressing about use of a fucking word? American moron.
>But muh history of muh wordNigger.
No. 315327
>>315324Look at
>>315321 >>315318
>>315326. This person is not sane. It's a mentally ill racist fishing for (You)s. Probably an incel, too.
No. 315331
>>315327I didn't know being sane was contingent upon shaming a victim of sexual violence and abuse for using a word.
People like you will forgive so called underprivileged men anything. Even murder. But woe betide someone uses the dreaded "n word"!!!!!
No. 315334
>>315331You lost all credibility when you tried to tip-toe over a woman strangling a child so you could racebait with "juzz a word!!!1".
Go home, incel. You are a man, most likely an "underprivileged man" by your own description, and you are bad at impersonating us.
No. 315339
>>315331Why are you conveniently disregarding the fact that she STRANGLED HER CHILD?
It's almost like you're an irrational person and have a transparent agenda.
No. 315343
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>>315342You know you've reached peak /pol/cel when you advocate child murder.
No. 315355
>>315347i think the mods stopped caring about these shit threads about 2 months ago
spergs gonna sperg
No. 315391
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>>314914I'm black but not from America and eh this wasn't really directed at just (white or black) americans. Just people in general. I've heard this from every race. I can't help but to think that this (I date other races but hate the idea of mixed children because they don't look like me) is stupid and obviously untrue. I completely understand mixed children will often go through some kind of identity crisis, but then again, if they had 2 parents (!!) that are together purely out of love and not "fetishization" or self hate, they'll most likely end up to be fine. If you want children that are of your own race then that's completely okay. Just don't go around dating other races and then just be like "woah I don't want mixed children though, they won't look like me!!1!!11" after a while. Oh, and those anons wanting to "preserve" their culture, as much as you try, culture will always fade away over time. It doesn't mean you don't have the right to enjoy it currently, it's just a reminder to be realistic and to stop sperging about it. This goes to all cultures before someone tries to play the victim.
No. 315483
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Hey guys, so today–
>Sees thread
Holy shit can you all stop taking about race? We already had enough of the Asian hate threads.
I think it's time I leave this fucking website, milk on the other boards are dead.
No. 315605
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>>315527>>315520keep crying about it
No. 315615
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Anime reaction pictures are so embarassing. Like they're never even remotely funny, they're just lame. The only reason why they got popular in the first place is because of the thirsty male weebs who spam their indistinguishable waifus on every corner of the internet. I feel the same about kpop reaction pics for the most part, but there are more exceptions and the fact that girls are basically the only ones who post them makes them irritate me less.
Tbh I think anime in general is unfunny. Weebs only act like it's funny because they're, well, weebs. I've also seen a lot of weebs who like to RT unfunny japanese memes just because they're japanese.
gif unrelated
No. 315622
>>315620Yeah, agreed. That 100% applies to weebs too.
I guess another reason why I think it's less pathetic when kboos do it is because they're at least thirsting after real people, unlike their male counterparts.
No. 315654
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Also it’s dumb to complain about weebs on a site where most people are weebs. Like if you don’t want to see or deal with it then leave I guess
No. 315711
>>315654This. My guess is that the "anti-weebs" are pretty young (18-22ish) and are just growing out of their weeb phase while harboring this bitter hatred for their past. Most of the "anti" threads are people basically using it for trauma therapy and criticizing the culture around the matter while taking it a bit too personally. Such as the ex-k-pop-fags in the anti Korean thread yelling about being disheartened by the Korean culture not being the promised land of prefect fair-skinned oppas. Which isn't wrong per se I guess, everyone rebels at their teenage phase at some point, but I just wish they would leave other people alone. It's not like weebs are actively destroying things or doing anything else than maybe being cringey in their own space and a lot of the examples they offer are the worst case scenario delusional "oh my god Japan is perfect in every way" weebs that are pretty rare in numbers.
It also pisses me off that people don't realize that you can enjoy Japanese culture and anime WHILE acknowledging the faults. Yes, I know that the Japanese are horribly misogynistic at times and have a problem with NEETs and I absolutely do think they should work on their societal issues more, but it doesn't take away the fact that they also have good things to their culture that I appreciate. You don't have to tell me about the suicide statistics for the 100th time. No society is without its faults and it's not like the Japanese are actively committing genocide or chaining their women to the stoves.
No. 315832
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>>315772I don't have tits either, but a bra comforts me into feeling more secure too
No. 315983
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Asian people are so ugly, i had no idea people found them attractive let alone had a fetish for them until imageboards(racebaiting)
No. 316005
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>>315711A really good point. I remember artists doing the exact same thing on tumblr, rejecting their "deviantart/anime phase". Too bad it eventually became something worse; tumblr red nose artsyle.
But I can sympathize with weeb haters on a certain level. Hell, even weebs hate weebs.
Most weebs I've met are usually harmless, but running into the shitty degenerate ones is the fucking worst (lolicons/people who talk about hentai/yaoi in public,etc..).
In addition here's my unpopular opinion, that bowsette meme was super retarded and felt like it was forced. I can't stand the disgusting thirsty weebs fueling it and always looking for the next big anime tiddy thot to obsess over. I get a lot of people drew her just so they could get more followers and don't actually care, but it's so frustrating seeing everyone shill her just because it's a popular/cool thing to do even if the design was shit/obvious jerk off material.
No. 316029
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I liked Harry Potter but the obsession is getting a little ridiculous. And the biggest fans are usually people my age (20s) which makes me think it's all fueled by muh nostalgia
No. 316034
>>316029ew, this is so embarrassing. What will they even 'teach' ?
Yeah, pretty much most HP original fans are in their mid 20s to early 30s. So it's extra embarrassing to see this behavior.
No. 316042
>>316026Gender is a social construct, so you're right in that dysphoria wouldn't exist if the social construct of gender didn't exist. However, other aspects of life such as race, money, and time are also social constructs and impact humanity in general and the individual person. We should absolutely work towards the idea of eliminating the concept of gender itself. However, since that is unlikely to ever happen, especially not anytime soon, people with dysphoria are genuinely suffering. Transitioning eases that suffering, and I have compassion for those that are hurting.
of course, people who don't have dysphoria are typically attention seeking idiots. Non-binary identified people at least are moving toward the idea of breaking out of the gender boxes, but if they ever start ranting about "truscum" or "you don't need dysphoria to be trans' you know they're vacuous attention seekers.
No. 316064
>>316042>We should absolutely work towards the idea of eliminating the concept of gender itself. The only reason anybody bothers to separate the concept of gender and sex is because transactivism has popularized the concept so much. Prior to that, it was pretty much interchangeable and still is for many people who don't let their language be dictated by crazies. Gender roles attributed to sex are the problem, not the concept of sex aka gender in itself.
It's just semantics really but man am I sick of trannies dictating language, especially language women need to be able to discuss our issues in a concrete way without adding a bunch of disclaimers to ease the 'suffering' of autogynephilic men.
No. 316186
>>315955>>315958Anyone remember how when that "Bao" short before some capeshit movie got trending Asians started dogpiling in to insult whites, "only we get this, your parents spoiled you and you swear at them" etc?
As someone from a more traditional European country it grinds my gears they literally try to claim that Asian families have a monopoly on parental love. It's so dishonest too since these are the same races who have been genderciding baby girls for millennia and regard their children as nothing more than a retirement plan.
Asian Americans are insanely obnoxious.
No. 316207
>>316186Asian American culture is basically just filtered marketing trivia. Omg boba tea, asian parent jokes, unfunny asian YouTubers and the old favorite: moaning about white girls not dating them.
When your assumed identity is the largest continent on earth it's no wonder it ends up being absolute garbage
No. 316219
>>316204Nope. There are tons of pale 100% black African people. I know, because I'm one. Light skin did not "come about" from anything but lower exposure to the sun and lower amounts of melanin being generated by the body as a result.
Also, Africans literally have the most genetic variation, so of course that would apply to skin tone. No. 316235
>>316223??? I'm considered "dark" by global standards, either way. I'm just not as dark as some other black people, but that doesn't mean I'm mixed. You just have a retarded, backward idea of what we look like. You really think everyone arriving from the historical slave ships had one single shade of skin?
Interestingly enough, I also didn't/don't have any actual slaves in my family line despite coming from one of the countries the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade got most of their business from. The closest was one ancestor who went there to study, and then came back home to settle. There has been no mixing with Europeans in my bloodline, I just have slightly paler skin. Lots of black people are like this, sorry.
>wtf are you saying "get out of the sun" for to people whose skin is genetically darker than yoursAll people tan and lighten based on their surroundings. The extent of it varies, but that's how it is.
No. 316295
>>315958>like are they afraid of being legitimately disowned or financially cut off? honest question.In my case yes, most likely, but that's because my family is full of crazy fuckers. I'm actually independent when there's nobody at home for weeks or months and I'm really looking forward to leaving when I get my own place somehow. It's just that when my whole family is at home I basically have no private life and it's more "efficient" for my mother to do all the housework. Once one of my sisters and my mother had a huge fight because we were 4 people who want to cook our own separate stuff in a tiny kitchen, you get the idea. When I was a child or a teenager my parents would forbid me a bunch of shit like cooking or using the washing machine because they're paranoid and were worried I or my siblings would break something.
I've noticed it's the case in my extended family since I have no brothers, but usually the girls are expected to do all the housework or to at least help around, while the guys NEVER do shit and are spoiled so they're more dependent and bratty.
No. 316445
>>316444Agree with this anon. A good foundation with good application can do wonders for your face.
If we are going to bash makeup, overlined crusty dry butthole lips never look good on anyone.
No. 316515
I don't understand why the NPC meme makes some people on the left side of the political spectrum angry. It's just special snowflake "Everyone's a clone but meeee" nonsense, it is not new.
Anyone with any opinion or persona can be replicated and copied. No one is exempt, no matter how much /pol/tards tell themselves they're unique, even though they all spout the same stock phrases/newspeak, post the same reaction images, make the same hand signs and all have that same dead, glassy look in their eye. It's just the nature of existing while others can observe you. No one is a player character except in their own mind, and what you think of yourself doesn't really count for shit in the outside world on a mass scale.
If someone calls you an NPC, it's ridiculously easy to shut them down by directing it back at them, proceeding to do your own impersonation of them and posting 500 examples of other people who are exactly like them (because the type of person who would unironically call you an NPC is undoubtedly an "NPC" themselves by their own definition, just with a different flavor of programming). Then, they have no choice but to concede and let it die.
No. 316526
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>>316515at first I thought you were talking about this lol
No. 316678
>>316577I get what you're saying, and there are certainly lazy or rich housewives out there not doing a damn productive thing. But tbh in most cases its not like that. Unpopular opinion but running an entire household is not a walk in the park. There's a lot of aspects of domestic labor that are just as difficult, if not more so, than other types of labor we usually consider "real work." This is especially true in cases where the domestic partner (cause a few house husbands exist) budget, garden, coupon, raise animals and livestock… Basically stuff to overall lower or make efficient the household expenses. And tbh i find there's a lot of pressure from the s/o we don't think about when we get judgmental for domestic partners not being "productive enough." Um yeah if you're not productive enough and you're not a rich household your spouse will probably divorce you and try to leave you on your ass. That's kind of a lot to take, psychologically.
Though it is definitely a reason I'm a feminist that thinks the expectation is very wrong and there isn't a "choice" here to be had that leaves the domestic partner less vulnerable other than choosing to labor in ways that produce individual income so they aren't totally screwed in worst case scenarios and power dynamics. And that's kind of an unpopular opinion because criticizing the very concept of domestic "partnership" (lol lot more like slavery) is often seen as an attack on those that "choose" it, even though the whole point of the unpopular opinion is that it's more coercive expectation that leads to inherent shitty power dynamic than it is choice.
No. 316684
>>316678Look I'm not against people being housewives (or househubands) in the same way I don't think trust fund babies need to give up their money. I don't think being a housewife is anti feminist. On the other hand I don't know why I need to see it as feminist too.
If being a housewife is so productive then why in the world do two earner families exist? I think being a housewife tends to mean you are married to someone who earns enough that having one income is sufficient. And in America these days that means you earn a lot of money.
Do you have any statistics that men divorce women for not doing enough housework?
I bought this up because I was reading a thread where a housewife without children was whining about being worried or some shit. To me it was tacky like being worried about your inheritance too big. Yeah it's sooo terrible some nice guy is willing to find her lifestyle with minimum stress. Meanwhile I'm bitter that I need to graduate college with a good GPA and find a career in an economy that's tanking. I'm just jealous that some people get shit handed to them especially when I'm not allowed to point that out.
No. 316685
>>316577and having children isn't productive, period. it's a problem, actually. being a full time parent is not noble in 2018, or necessary, though it can be difficult. those full time housewives aren't typically doing all that much during the day once those kids are old enough to take care of themselves, but i will give them that they have to deal with the emotional burden of being reliant on their cheating douchebag husbands, which has to be fairly taxing, plus put up with their husbands treating them like the work they do in the home isn't valuable at all. i'll give them that, but it's still a pretty cushy gig.
we shouldn't be telling ANYONE it's noble when the planet is already overpopulated, having more children only contributes to an already worsening job crisis, environmental catastrophe, etc, not to mention that the only reason society encourages people to have children at this stage in the game is to devalue labor and keep labor cheap.
>inb4 WE'D DIE OUT!!there's absolutely no way this train of thought would catch on globally, or even nationally, to the point where it'd be a human existential threat. we're already facing ACTUAL existential threat with climate change, and assholes are still popping out babies despite it being very likely that earth won't be comfortably habitable in the not too distant future.
No. 316694
>>316673Rare steak is good, but rare burger is just fucked. It’s minced so the surface that had ecoli and whatever else is no longer the part that is seared, the germy surface is mashed through the whole patty. It’s as unclean to eat as undercooked chicken.
If you eat steak cooked more than medium rare it’s fine but you’re missing out.
People who think good housekeepers have it easy have never properly cleaned or managed a home or they’d know better. Maintaining a home is work.
No. 316699
>>316685I don't think it's mainstream to call homemaking "noble" except by other SAH moms. I think it's treated like it has its own special difficulties, but moreover people do consider it cheesy and cushy work like you said. Probably because the labor involved isn't supervised, timed, and graded like it is as a traditional job. The majority of the work can be done at leisure.
However I'm hesitant to berate domestic labor completely because when it does need doing, it can take up a lot of time and effort. In my last relationship, my ex took my domestic labor completely for granted. On top of that I was working 30-40 hours a week at a job that I would argue made more demands of me than his did. He didn't value the unpaid time I put into at home, and was more than happy to live like a gross piggu. Then he'd turn around and I demand I work more to give him more money! Heaven forbid if I made the dire mistake of having had a child with the needy little creep. He couldn't have handled it.
The "unintended consequence" of feminism, some would argue (although I think it's more about toxic masculinity), about propelling women into the workplace is that men are now more whiny than ever. They expect us to work the full 40 and rake in a handsome income ON TOP OF popping out brats and doing all the housework. And what do most men get to do by reaping the benefits of our increased workload? Sit on their asses.
No. 316703
>>316699>I don't think it's mainstream to call homemaking "noble" except by other SAH moms.not home-making, but being a SAH mom is considered noble by most people, except like, incels/MGTOWs, because the idea of having children and rearing them is placed on such a stupid pedestal.
>However I'm hesitant to berate domestic labor completely because when it does need doing, it can take up a lot of time and effort. absolutely, and men DO take advantage of it. my friend had a kid and she works full time, takes care of the kid, and STILL, her "sweet" husband was yelling at her and raised his hand at her because she wasn't making his coffee, breakfast, dinner, etc. men are hideously entitled and having children with them is a horrible mistake. as you say, it's already bad enough when they think you're financially reliant on them – they see 0 value in maintaining a home and relegate their partners to 'leech' status. no, it's not AS difficult and stressful as a typical job, but it isn't invaluable and if the situation were perfect, hell yeah, i'd rather just do housework, but bringing a kid into the mix? yikes. i'd rather just work a regular job than put up with the shit men do to women who are reliant on them, or anyone that's reliant on them, really.
having children, however, kind of is useless except for the fact that it benefits the wealth owners of the world and creates more exploitable workers/consumers, and i fail to see how that's a real benefit to society when people are having children at a very unstable and unpredictable time in human history.
No. 316704
>>316699>They expect us to work the full 40 and rake in a handsome income ON TOP OF popping out brats and doing all the housework. And what do most men get to do by reaping the benefits of our increased workload? Sit on their asses.This is why I would not want a kid if I couldn't be a SAHM. If women choose to work, they just have to do all the house work/child rearing on top of their regular job anyway. Household chores and emotional labour aren't measured and valued the same way paid work is, it's very easy for men to dump them on their wives. The fact is women will always get shafted in those areas, because if they chose to do less than the bulk of the work, their family suffers for it and most women won't let that happen. If men stepped up and assumed a legitimate 50/50 role in the home then it wouldn't be so difficult.
Also, I do acknowledge the difficulty of motherhood being 24/7, whereas you can leave work at the office. I read one mother describe it as constant boredom, because you get lots of tiny pockets of time in between doing shit for the kid, but it's never a long enough stretch of of time to actually get into a book, tv series etc. It sounds rough.
…I think I just don't want kids or a husband. I can tough it out for 8 hrs at work as long as I can come home to 6+ hrs of uninterrupted free time.
No. 316707
>>316694>People who think good housekeepers have it easy have never properly cleaned or managed a home or they’d know better. Maintaining a home is work.Anyone who says this is a piece of shit. It takes me a week to clean out my room and that's mostly just putting clothes and misc stuff away. Not including dusting, vacuuming, mopping, ect. House keepers are crazy awesome and need to be paid more.
I have a cleaner at my job and she works really hard but only makes a dollar more than i do. she needs more in my opinion
No. 316722
>>316719She didn't even say it was hard lmao, she said it was easy…twice.
What are you so bitter about? She's not on welfare/using your tax dollars, her partner agreed to this and it's between them. Good grief.
t. not a housewife myself but I want a househusband someday No. 316725
>>316708That sounds really nice anon. I'm really envious of the time you have to organize and cook.
How do I bag me a guy that sees value in that? Lol.
No. 316754
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>>316753there are some cleaning tasks you're meant to do every day.
No. 316772
>>316753Obviously someone who cleans 4 hours a day isn't filthy.
There's always something to do, clean or organize if you have free time. A lot of it might not be necessary to do every day of course, but preventive cleaning is better than letting filth accumulate. Four hours is a lot, I'm guessing anon is exaggerating and not accounting for breaks and stuff but still.
No. 316780
>>316774Yeaaah my unpopular opinion that pisses off a lot of uber neat freak fellow Americans is that hell is a purely white room with only a white nondescript table and chair, a single succulent on the table.
I'm kinda using hyperbole but tbh in my experience I'm barely not. I'm not a hoarder or a total slob or anything, but i really get weirded the fuck out by living spaces where it just… doesn't look lived in lmao. Its deeply uncomfortable for some reason, and highly stressful that a little bit of clutter can be subject to so much shit?
I've also had bouts of depression in the past too and I'm getting better about not falling into the trap but hoo boy, if you know what I'm talking about you know what i mean. It sucks and is hard and adds to the stress of that cultural insistence.
I have lived with both total piggy slobs that were close to legit hoarder status, and neurotic neat freaks, never really an in between, and in particular, I've had to deal with hypocritical ones like my ex whom demanded perfection but did gross shit like leave excessive plates of gross leftover food out (like, in addition to the dishes i already was going to have to do, he would get food at his parents after work and bring their dishes…) and refuse to even throw away the debris to make my life slightly easier and less gross. And he had severe neglect in childhood, so part of it was that he'd fucking EAT that left out shit so i had a weird window of time for dealing with it. Almost always fucking men in that category of course. I'm tired of it. I just want peace from either cleaning up after total gross assholes or constantly being nagged at by neurotic people for not doing enough lmao.
No. 316813
>>316754No one does this every single day. I can maybe only understand wiping down the kitchen and cleaning dishes. I dunno, i never made the bed unless company was coming by.
Still, even excluding two or three times, like laundry, this would take an hour or so tops.
No. 316834
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I don't care what anyone says, I loved/love t.A.T.u. They were so cool to me as little bi kid living in an intensely homophobic country. I had a huge crush on Julia, too. It's sad that she trashed her natural good looks with all the heavy tanning, lip injections and plastic surgery.
I know their first manager was a pedophilic scumbag who took advantage of them, and that the group itself was made for all the wrong reasons, but there was somehow something so empowering and entrancing about them as a duo, regardless. They were clearly coached to be "controversial" and act like they didn't give a fuck, but it became obvious after a certain point that they never actually needed the coaching. They understood exactly what was going on, and they managed to make something gross and exploitative feel cool and confrontational. I don't think just any two girls would've been able to pull that off in a convincing way.
I love listening to the old demos where it's Lena singing, and you can hear all the emotion and power in her voice. I'm still convinced they ultimately split up because Lena actually ended up catching feelings, but Julia never did.
>Paragate never
No. 316917
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I don't think the hit or miss girl is cute. She has nasolabial folds.
No. 316927
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>>316834I loved Julia too! I liked when she had a bit of a tan, her whole look tbh was very distinctive of the early 00s. An icon lol. I did like their whole image because they looked super badass, like Totally Spies or something. I never saw it as sexual. It's funny because I've only known bi and lesbian girls who listened to them, even to this day. I do get there was a group of gross guys into them, but it seems like it's a very small minority.
I never heard of her plastic surgery before and holy shit that's nightmare fuel right there.
No. 317003
>>316994I looked it up and i guess its A Thing and every single place talking about them says unattractive and like its the worst thing ever.
Digging into The Facts, it appears it is a pretty natural aging thing that commonly starts getting "bad" in the late 20s. Media and misogynistic bullshit has the world utterly convinced they are some kind of monstrous sign of ultimate ugly? A lot of it seems to be purely marketing for a lot of skin care bullshit that will never truly fix the "issue" because its not an issue.
Don't get it. Have them myself and am self conscious and i guess it makes me ugly, then. I don't really think women that have them are necessarily unattractive, but then, I'm not shallow at all and seem way more chill about it not being the end of the World to be physically unattractive?? So I'm biased i suppose.
I'd be interested to see if historically it was this big of a deal…i kinda get the sense this is more recent tbh.
No. 317020
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>>316917No idea who she is but in that photo she is extremely cute and her 'nasolabial folds' appear on LITERALLY EVERYONE when they open their mouth like that. Jesus.
Pic related, old hag with nasolabial folds. Not cute at all!
No. 317026
>>317020the nasolabial folds meme really bothers me when anons don't actually realize what it means. the folds are only an issue when you're
not smiling.
they're called smile lines because you get them from smiling, but like in your photo, even fucking babies have them when they smile. (it's why models don't like to smile)
and if you have folds there, it doesn't even mean they are wrinkles people with fat cheeks can have them if their dermis isn't that thick.
women like jnig get them cause they fuck their skin up with makeup so it sags there, but it's a bunch of wrinkles that you can see when she's smiling too.
sorry for the rant i just hate this whole meme, especially when anons don't know what the fuck they're talking about.
No. 317031
>>316813I do those things but it’s because I’m housekeeping for five people. It depends a lot on the size of the household and how much the others contribute to upkeep, more than people being filthy for not cleaning their shower everyday or whatever nonsense.
I vacuum every second day, but that’s because there’s a border collie and carpet. If a single anon with no dog did the same it would be excessive.
Being a homemaker for one or two isn’t that hard, but doing it for a larger family takes forever. Anons just get overexcited to call someone filthy or obsessive.
No. 317040
>>316813I do those things but it’s because I’m housekeeping for five people. It depends a lot on the size of the household and how much the others contribute to upkeep, more than people being filthy for not cleaning their shower everyday or whatever nonsense.
I vacuum every second day, but that’s because there’s a border collie and carpet. If a single anon with no dog did the same it would be excessive.
Being a homemaker for one or two isn’t that hard, but doing it for a larger family takes forever. Anons just get overexcited to call someone filthy or obsessive.
No. 317077
>>317054Yeah no. I wish characters in more anime were written like in CB instead of retarded animu cliches. Seen it years back and loved it as much as Satoshi Kon's work. It even had a badass old lady trucking around galaxy. The plot and characters were written in a way that seemed to account for the viewer being able to add to two two aka understand unsaid parts of the plot. Most anime, especially modern, treats viewers like idiots and bashes them on the head with plot points. Nobody expresses emotions like a human being, but like an alien attempting to blend in while exaggerating what it perceives as normal human behavior.
To me, the individual CB episodes were a delight. This is not nostalgia in my case, I expected to dislike the anime (Cowboys in space with jazz music? Sounds boring to me), but I was hooked.
I disliked the movie for being too long and drawn out while not providing a particularly engaging or original story.
TLDR HARD disagree
No. 317129
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>>317077>>317120How unsurprising that Cowboy Bebop fans have to back up their opinion with 'other anime sucks', aka a massive neon sign saying you watch barely any anime and only know the popular shitty series, then assume the whole medium is like that.
I'm not that anon and I don't think CB is bad but it's kind of amazing how consistently CB fans act like this.
No. 317153
>>317129No again. I used to watch a lot of anime but stopped as it does not match up with my tastes aka it's weeb crap. I still read manga because there is some quality stuff that never gets anime because it's too mature/not pop enough (mostly seinen, but not only). The fact that CB fans say it's good when most anime is bad does not say they do not know shit about anime/do not try watching it, just that their expectations for quality entertainment are not being met. I have horrible issues with pacing in anime (everything seems too long when compared to manga and and 'normal' tv series) as well as with the weeaboo crap. I thought I am not good with watching tv series when it turned out that anime is the problem.
What anime do you consider good anon? I am curious as you are so salty about CB ad it's fans and I could use a recommendation. Note that if it's based on manga, I will read manga, so how about original anime recs?
I must say that I love quite a few anime series from 90's and 00's, but there was plenty of crap back then, so I wpuld like to discover a good original anime that came out recently.
No. 317179
>>317077>I wish characters in more anime were written like in CB instead of retarded animu cliches.Original anon, as if the CB characters weren't cliches themselves, watch something else than anime I'm not even comparing the plot or characters to other anime but in fiction in general.
The stories were stupid typical anime bullshit.
No. 317215
>>317179>>317181I do watch/read other stuff lmfao which I pretty much hinted at. CB is an example of Tropes Aren't Bad to me. They were typical in a way (The Lone Wolf, The Femme Fatale and so on) but really well written and with hidden depth which humanized them (like
Faye's lost childhood) and that's why I did not mind. You can't have a character that is unlike any other, everything's been done so it matters more how well you will write the character rather than it being some media trope (and tbh yes, thank God CB characters were not rooted in late 90's moe kek). They felt real to me because of how they were presented, how they behaved and how they treated each other. I would not call the stories typical for anime (typical would be beach episode or something like 'omfg we have to all take part in a cooking contest for no reason whatsoever xD wacky shenanigans ensue') aka basically all that you see in the lighter parts of Higurashi (which could be good if it was not crap for that reason). I found them engaging, well-paced and the side characters diverse and interesting (they were not waifu/husbando types, just various people going through life).
The argument is not that all anime sucks so CB passes on the merit of slightly being bettter, it's just written in a way resembling western/european tv series or movies while keeping the cool animation and art of anime. It's really high quality which makes it shine even more in comparison to typical garbage. You don't have to compare it to compliment it, but it's hard not to, as it's significant that something so good came out out of a genre so plagued with bad scripts that only kids would consider great (or ~anime connoisseurs~ in the same way one can be an adult FiM enthusiast lmfao).
I would argue more but I have seen CB about 7 years ago and my memory is shit in general.
You might hate CB, but people that love it a are not wrong, just see it in different light than you.
TBH the discussion made me want to rewatch it as well as see other tv series of Shinichiro Watanabe, so thank you for that. I am also really curious what CB haters consider good anime, but I guess I will never find out. I do not want 'the next CB' but I would really love to find something that had similar strenghts (like Paranoia Agent, for example - not similar to CB except for the short story plus overreaching plot format, but also with great script, characters that are written more like people than anime cliches, semi-realistic art style and so on).
No. 317265
>>317215>but really well written and with hidden depth which humanized them (like Faye's lost childhood) Lmao that's actually one of the parts from the series I didn't like, Faye's backstory was fake deep and didn't leave me with feeling that there is some sort of hidden depth, it felt shallow and cliche.
And as someone who reads more western comics, no, CB doesn't resemble western stories, it has obvious anime stint.
No. 317267
>>315140>Race wars aren't even a thing outside of the USAwhat is Albania
what is Myanmar
what is the Bantu expansion
No. 317274
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>>317215And as for my favorite anime and manga, I actually do enjoy reading manga more than watching anime:
Akira, manga version. (Movie version story is fine, and fits better for movie phasing, but the original story has more depth and more developed characters. It suffers a little from characters always running from place a to place b, that sometimes feels exhausting, but I enjoy the whole traumatized society trying to cope in post-war life thing)
Nausicaa, original manga (The movie is very, very shallow compared to the original manga. Sometimes Nausicaa feels kinda boring as a main character, but I like that she has to face some really heavy moral troubles, especially as a person who tries to value all kinds of life, and how sometimes she has to act against these values)
Homunculus (manga, don't know if there is anime version. The art is beautiful, and the artist uses slow phasing brilliantly in some pages)
Junji Ito comics (sometimes his characters are dull with them just basically suffering and taking everything fate is throwing at the)
I also like some mobile suit gundam series too, sometimes they had a very slow start but I feel like for example the original series and Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam had a nice payoff still.
Similar level with CB, but animes that I think had more interesting characters and felt more sincere and why I think they're better than CB: Cyborg 009 (the 2001 anime and manga, 70s anime was okayish. I find the characters more sincere even though they're cliche too) and Trigun (it had obvious anime stint but I liked the characters well enough) That's right, I don't hate CB, I just think it's allrigt-level at best. Hellsing was alright until the nazis showed up, before that it had fun vampire aesthetic going on, nothing too serious, but then the whole war angle ruined it. The original TV series has a good soundtrack and was okay before the Incognito stuff.
(From western comics, Manu Larcenet is one of my favorite authors with stories and characters that I think have some actual depth in them)
No. 317323
>>317089>tfw I'm a tomboy bi girl, attracted to femmes, a massive crossplaying fujoshi but I hate the transtrender fakeboi bullshit with burning passion>tfw all your butch friends have been caught in the trans fad during the last few years and some of them went as far as starting HRT and getting SRSJust end me already
>It's a lingering fear that every attractive, masc-presenting woman I see is actually just an egg. This. I'm wary of interacting with people like this at this point because I'm not fucking going to play into their gender delusions but I don't want to be #canceled as a ~transphobe~ either. It makes me feel lonely because nowadays you can't be a butch woman, you have to be an Aiden who's at LEAST "transmasculent" or "nonbinary". When people hear you're 100% cis and not genderspecial you can hear them groaning in disappointment. I'm surprised I haven't been called out for "appropriating" trans culture already or some bullshit like that.
No. 317399
>>317370SJWs really incite paranoia with their constant push to talk about racism whenever a non-white person is around. basically their way of trying to be closer to the non-white person, by only seeing them as their skin color and doing a constant pity party around them. its so exhausting.
my boyfriend's like this whenever he catches a bout of bad luck. he has to stay a mandatory few minutes after work, why? because he's a short, brown guy. some drunk person wasn't taking him seriously? because she's a short, brown guy. a cashier sounded annoyed? because he's a short, brown guy. thankfully this isn't as bad as it used to be. he's mostly like this because of the musicians he follows on twitter who retweet extremist shit all the time.
i understand the paranoia because that was me for a few weeks. thankfully i got over that quick, hopefully your friend realizes making powerful excuses like that for little things isn't the way to go.
No. 317412
>>317400yep. i usually see these claims come from those of japanese ethnicity who haven't even traveled to japan once in their life and are just bleeding exaggerated facts about the culture you can easily find in random articles with a quick google search but throw them around like they're highly intelligent and have experienced it firsthand.
i've only known of one non-japanese person who's been attacked, but he was living in japan for a few years. it also turned out the guy attacked japanese people as well, he was just insane.
No. 317586
>>317582>actually choosing "sides" when it has been shown that most are unhinged and retarded when accepted wholeheartedly>not being critical of all political groups, and only accepting what doesn't sound ridiculousNow this is true NPC behavior.
inb4 you reeee and complain about me being a dirty centrist or "fence-sitter" like all /pol/-programmed NPCs are prone to do when they can't scream "Libtard!!!1" at people
No. 317602
>>317601But grifters on the left say that it's a bad meme! I must meme this to
trigger the lips and give them money!
No. 317660
>>317643Struck a nerve? The majority of people don't want to participate in weddings, and no less want to be the main punching bag-emotional tissue aka maid of honor.
Le kek.
No. 317667
>>317660>free food and an excuse for a vacationoh no anon it's soooo terrible! i think you're really in the minority here tbh, most people don't mind weddings and many feel quite the opposite. a colleague of mine goes to about 3-5 yearly and loves it.
not only that but your idea of brides seems to stem from reality TV, in real life wedding planning is super simple thanks to cheap planners that do everything for you. and many weddings i've been in/to are about the couple, and not just the bride, so it definitely sounds like you've formed your opinion from over dramatized television.
No. 317670
>>317667Not that anon but I find wedding awful. You're stuck there for hours on end with people you mostly don't know (if you're not family).
Who would love that shit? Even for free food it's a big fucking hassle.
No. 317692
>>317681Also their version of politeness comes off kinda rude to some people, like, yeah maybe there's a high chance they kinda secretly hate you and the fact you don't get how their culture works is frustrating and alienating but man get over it.
I really can't stand people who go full in on vacations to Asian countries with these kinda problems and cultural differences and then come back being like "baaaw this sucked bc people there are terrible or whatever"
Like that oatmeal guy went to India and blogged in a super racist paragraphs long thing how much it sucked that he essentially didn't get a sterile, convenient vacation, because they didn't have a resort vacation, essentially. Like…two minutes of reading about India from the perspective of a tourist would've clued him in that he wouldn't enjoy it. He caught a lot of flak for it and deleted it i think, but i always thought it was incredibly stupid and rude as fuck.
No. 317711
>>317665i agree that his music got repetitive and it's not as good as his older work, it's not groundbreaking or anything, but i don't find his newer stuff as bad as people make it out to be either. people are being too hard on him because of their expectations. his beef with kelly is just messy, some of his disses in general were just pointless and unnecessary.
i'm not saying all of today's popular hip hop music is bad. there are definitely a lot of talented people who make decent music in our time as well, i just dislike the stuff that became mainstream with x, lil pump, lil xan, 6ix9ine and their alikes
No. 317714
>>317667>vacation Do Bridezillas seriously believe people enjoy using their time off work to go spend money to travel to a wedding and fund gifts for some newlywed's house?
That's not vacation. It's satisfying what people feel they're socially obligated to do.
No. 317764
>>317692Tourists in general tend to be stupid as hell. It's like the moment some people board a plane and land in a different country, they lose all common sense and want to bitch about everything.
My mother is often the same way. It's just frustrating.
No. 317784
>>317779I'd heard he had gotten rid of it but well it was just buried…still just as cringy, rude, and over the top as i recall it being. All of his complaints are valid but would've been discovered with a laughable amount of basic research…
Idk if this is truly an "unpopular" opinion but that guy was always really overrated, anyway. He spergs so much and with such hyperbole he goes from legit funny to you're not that funny pretty quick. I guess now he just shills a bunch of quirky card games riding the tail coats of cards against humanity. Looked at one of them once and it sounded really boring.
I always felt he had cow potential if not for the fact he's smart enough to be a private person. But man, you just know this guy has wicked skeletons and is really not as well adjusted as he tries to posture as. He's just so fake. Don't even think half of his public opinions are really his true beliefs.
No. 317817
>>317692Reminds me of that Christian lady who went to some African country as a missionary and was shocked and upset it was developed and had supermarkets and shit in the capital.
I really don't understand people who travel but don't take the time to fix their expectations on the destination.
No. 317825
>>317400Japan loves foreigners visiting them, they're just not to keen on them living there, but that's more to do with the entire population basically being high-functioning autistic and having poor reactions to the unexpected/change. Other than that, the only racism in Japan comes from lack of education about other cultures, because their population is so homogeneous they don't even teach anything about them (think of it like US midwesterners who grow up with only white people, but aren't in racist areas like the south).
>>317412100% agree here. Especially in the USA, Japanese Americans are like this because they slot themselves into the "Asian American" identity and hear from other "Asian Americans" how racist Japan is to x, y, z country. It's like a fucking disease. Asian Americans are so fucking weird to me because all of them shit on eachother's ethnic background by shitting on the country itself and get super offended when someone mis-identifies their heritage, yet they do shit like get offended for other Asian cultures when it isn't appropriate. Probably because their 1st generation parents are always racist shits against other Asians.
My unpopular opinion is that I hate that any Asian gets a pass for "appropriating" eachother's shit simply because SJWs are too racist to care what ethnicity they are. Chinese girls should not be allowed to wear kimono if white or black or indian girls can't.
No. 317828
>>317817As someone who lives in Africa, that Christian lady story sounds way too familiar kek
I've met foreigners here who were shocked we have the basics of living, or even know what a condom is…
We don't even have an overpopulation issue in this country.
No. 317837
this is me just sperging out, and it's a stupid complaint coming from a lolcow user, but out of every gossip site… i don't get how anyone can stand browsing kiwi farms for very long, it's embarrassing as fuck and so are its users, who are hilariously out of touch.
i's semi-tolerable when it's furries and gamergate weirdos, and run-of-the-mill internet freaks, but they are way too retarded to tackle shit gay drama (the noodlesandbeef thread means you have to trudge through the same 50 iterations of OTT homophobic jokes and people giving posts by actual members of the community/people that knew the victims/the only people that can actually explain shit accurately "autistic" rates - and holy fuck are the rates annoying too), way too fat and ugly (and trans) to tackle anything in the beauty parlor, and way too behind in general to fully understand instathots/internet alt kid drama (their thread on luhshawnay on ig - who is honestly just really fat and black and a woman, not much drama - has a kf user sperging out because she captioned a photo "stiff smile just like i'm aphex twin", because apparently the aphex twin smile isn't stiff enough to him… it's a frank ocean lyric, seriously?)
their "clothing cringe" thread is just the stupidest dunking on couture looks that are basically intentionally unwearable, and jesus. all the "i'm literally nauseous right now"s and a-logging. i'd rather talk to naive PULL users than this
No. 317838
>>317837oh shit i can't type today. it's
and shitty gay drama.
No. 317846
>>317843Yeah, it's always white tourists, mostly Americans and Brits. I've had one of them tell me he didn't think he'd see something like Morocco Mall (second largest shopping center in Africa) anywhere in the continent, and then proceeded to ask how do people afford to shop there if everyone is so poor. Online I've had people(Americans, white and black) unironically and seriously ask me if I'm from the royal family because I can afford good internet while living in Africa. Shit gets even wackier sometimes, lmao
And yes it's that anon if you haven't guessed already. Is this the same anon from earlier?
No. 317848
>>317846No, I'm another anon, we already talked on the other thread because I'm in France but one of my parents is Moroccan and I have a lot of relatives in Morocco. White tourists from France seem to know what to expect in Morocco a little more so I'm not even surprised it's mostly Americans and Brits being ignorant. And even then I've heard some weird things about Morocco from French people, you'd think people ride camels instead of cars to go to work according to them.
>Online I've had people(Americans, white and black) unironically and seriously ask me if I'm from the royal family because I can afford good internet while living in Africa.lmfao I can definitely believe it happened to you several times.
No. 317851
>>317837KF is full of incels, autists, a-logs and other users that are cows themselves, it's just unbearable. I've never lasted longer than maybe 2 pages of a thread there. If people thought the nitpicking and derailing problem in here was bad, try browsing through 80+ pages of people sperging the fuck out at each other and making up long-winded theories and blogposting instead of actually discussing the cow.
PULL isn't much better though, it has the same problems except the userbase is full of underage skin-walking BPDcunts, fakebois and tumblrettes who berate you for using the wrong pronouns for a tranny cow. In all honesty you can bitch about all the flaws of lolcow but it's literally the only tolerable gossip site there currently is.
No. 317873
>>317851The animal control threads are flooded with autism, it's mostly furries making fun of other furries and sperging about their unrealistic expectations of the cows. The Glip thread is only enjoyable when she's being extra milky, otherwise it's people trying to continue or rewrite her comic series for some reason.
Yes, whenever a cow is gay they make the same lame ass homophobic jokes, I'm glad a majority of them don't get much feedback, but it doesn't stop them from continuing.
No. 317881
>>317851yeah you nailed it. GuruGossiper also sucks because people will not only nitpick everything imaginable about a cow, but will also somehow spin it like each and every flaw makes the cow a bad person. AND making fun of or criticizing any other user on the site in any way will get you banned and you can't tell anyone to quit nitpicking or you'll get told to leave the thread. So imagine a bunch of narcs blogposting and comparing themselves to cows, competing to find a new thing to nitpick, finding weird philosophical loopholes where gossiping is morally upright, all completely unchecked.
lolcow is the most wellbalanced imo. not as autistic as KF, more cruel and unapologetic than PULL, and more realistic and self aware than GG.
No. 317883
>>317851yeah you nailed it. GuruGossiper also sucks because people will not only nitpick everything imaginable about a cow, but will also somehow spin it like each and every flaw makes the cow a bad person. AND making fun of or criticizing any other user on the site in any way will get you banned and you can't tell anyone to quit nitpicking or you'll get told to leave the thread. So imagine a bunch of narcs blogposting and comparing themselves to cows, competing to find a new thing to nitpick, finding weird philosophical loopholes where gossiping is morally upright, all completely unchecked.
lolcow is the most wellbalanced imo. not as autistic as KF, more cruel and unapologetic than PULL, and more realistic and self aware than GG.
No. 318243
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The new American horror story season is utter fucking garbage. Am I the only one?
No. 318257
>>318243I watched and enjoyed Cult and I was wondering why nobody's talking about the new season… Now I know why, kek. I had that feeling when I skipped through parts of the first episode and decided to drop it
>>318253Cult was nice imo. That, season 2 and maybe season 1. The rest is garbage
No. 318320
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only the first two seasons of AHS were good.
No. 318331
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farmers think everyone is into ddlg. chokers? ddlg. dress too pink? ddlg. too lolita? ddlg. wear pigtails? ddlg. wear popular fashion from insta/tumblr? ddlg look. literally just someone who likes the 90s and is obviously trying to look like babyspice? ddlg. at least a few of them must be projecting cause i swear everyone gets accused of it and i never see it. i think a lot of these bitches just copy eachothers styles and that's it, it has nothing to do with what they do in the bedroom. i love pigtails, pink and chokers and i ain't no fuckin ddlg i just like cute things and being a femme lesbian okay i just really like baby spice and i will not stop
maybe pixieelocks though cause she actually does speak like a fucking ddlg caption 24/7 and thats pretty weird.
No. 318336
>>318331that file name lmao
100% agreed anon. It's so annoying. saged for blog but I'm into fairy kei and damn I loke chokers and cute shit but I'm so scared of being called ddlg for fuck's sake, not everything is about kinks, even if it might be super popular. However, now that I'm not a Melanie Martinez fan anymore I can see how ddlg it looked. But as you said not everything cute or slightly childish is kinky wtf
No. 318343
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>>318320Firm agree anon. Zachary Quinto gives me life.
No. 318510
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Mental illness sucks, I get it, as I am a depressed person, but people who never shut the fuck up about it and never make any improvements in their life are the absolute worst. Yes, it is hard to do shit as mundane as brushing your teeth when you are depressed, but your life will always be miserable and you will ALWAYS be a burden to others unless you actually try to make improvements. Just going to talk therapy isn't enough, either, you have to ACTUALLY implement the suggestions your therapist makes, or at least give it a shot. I have zero pity for depressed people who do not even do the bare minimum effort of getting better. Even if you try and fail, it's better than blaming literally everything on your depression and using it as an excuse to get out of doing anything with your life.
No. 318563
>>318555Well, look. That's not really fair. Abused people in shit relationships often don't leave. You see it in women all the time. People are like WhY diDn'T sHe LeaVe?! But abuse psychology is more complicated than that.
I will say that Evan Peters is a pushover and that his relationship with her makes me like him less. He's had numerous opportunities to get the fuck out but he always just came right back. If you break up and get back with someone that many times…maybe you shouldn't be together. In that incident she went off in him and he was later even comforting her like he was the one who did it. Like I said, I get that it's complicated but it really does make me feel more meh about him since it's been going on forever and he's really not helpless with nowhere to go. I've heard stories from people who saw them in public or were at events with them and it always included her being unpleasant to him. I've just heard too many stories about her being terrible to believe they're all lies. And I'm careful with rumors about a woman being a bitch cause it's often baseless sexist bullshit. But with Emma Roberts, I believe it.
No. 318567
>>318545When white/latino/black men are into asian girls it's called yellow fever and those poor girls are victims of fetishism.
When asian/latino/black men are into white girls then those girls are lucky to be desired by everybody and therefore should consider themselves priviledged.
No. 318573
>>318567I love how this is all it comes down to when they talk about "white woman privilege" men want to fuck you most! You're the sex object on every billboard!
….and white women have everything to do with that. Definitely. I don't take these people seriously because they remind me of incels.
I don't take these people seriously.
No. 318708
>>318567The issue is that white anons here don't complain about being fetishized nearly as often as they complain about
other women being fetishized. It's obvious what's really going on.
You can post exactly one Asian model, and the meltdowns and nitpicking will begin immediately. If it's not that she's ugly, it's that she's too young looking and pandering to pedos, and anyone who says she's not actually that young-looking by real life standards, but is probably edited that way by her agency to pander to pedos is actually just "normalizing pedophilia" because real adult women must be able to pass for 34 at 20. If it's not that she's too young-looking, it's that she has plastic surgery and "real Asian women" are totally ugly (and then they will proceed to post multiple photos of underage Asian girls in school uniforms that they found and have been collecting from god-knows-where as "proof"). If it's not that she has plastic surgery, it's that she's "anorexic". If it's not that she's "anorexic", it's that everyone who would dare find her pretty is just a dumb weeaboo/kboo with yellow fever and that anons "feel sooo bad for her" because of all the people who sexualize her and she's not even that good-looking anyways so there.
Like…The bitterness and envy is palpable. The biggest threat to an "ex" weeaboo/koreaboo's ego and self-confidence is an attractive Asian girl who non-Asians find pretty.
No. 318723
>>318611Um, I’m American and I wrote the post you replied to. Sure, there are some Americans who are obsessed with race but don’t act like there aren’t Europeans who sperg about race on the internet, especially on here.
>>318619Agreed. I don’t have anything against Europeans but it’s annoying how some of them act holier than thou than us, especially since Europe has its own problems. Some that are very similar to America’s problems.
No. 318734
>>318731It happens here all the time, in fact its happening right now, look at threads of asian cows, or how that one sperg started freaking out and accused everyone of being jealous because of the one porn star who gets photoshoped to look as much as a child as possible,or that one picture of the asian athelete getting nit picked but people only care if women get nitpicked if its an asian gettint nitpicked
It may not happen in those threads maybe, but anywhere on the internet? Ehh
No. 318735
>>318708Many women in the korean culture thread complained about getting treated badly by the men there, yet then people came in and accused them of being salty former kboos who just couldn't get oppa…
So, it's not like they're get taken seriously when they complain about getting fetishized either, it's always them being the weird yellow fevered ones, it's never the asian mens fault.
No. 318743
>>318734Not that anon, but
>look at threads of asian cowsWho? Yumi? Because pretty much everyone agrees she's ugly.
>that one sperg started freaking out and accused everyone of being jealous because of the one porn star who gets photoshoped to look as much as a child as possibleThis never happened. An anon posted an image of her sans-shoop, said she doesn't actually look like a child, and multiple anons started sperging out anyway, claiming they were normalizing pedophilia and collecting CP as inspiration material. They then spammed the thread with creepy photos of her for some reason.
>that one picture of the asian athelete getting nit picked but people only care if women get nitpicked if its an asian gettint nitpickedA biracial girl being nitpicked was posted in that very same thread, and delusional anons ignored it, or claimed it's only being called out because "everyone is against white women now".
It sounds like you were one of those insane anons. Were you part of the "Not liking blue eyes is racist" crew, too?
No. 318746
>>318735>White women complain about being fetishized"Shut up, this never happens and Asian women get fetishized worse than you do."
>White women complain about Asian women being fetishized"Shut up, you're just jealous!"
No. 318801
>>318799Samefag: it also really annoys me when people whine and say "I can't drink that much!". If it's soda or alcohol you suddenly can…hm, strange.
Not drinking or only drinking coffee causes your breath to stink - that shit is nasty as hell.
No. 318804
>>318799Ugghh i had a bf that couldn't STAND to drink water without flavoring it…and i was like fuckin why. I give him that the water quality at his place wasn't great, but i always used a brita filter for that and was cool with it. He'd use the filter and flavor it still, and ??? It's so strange someone can only enjoy a beverage if its sweet or tart or something. I thought most of those flavors were really gross even though a couple i really liked. Even though he got me into indulging it i still liked, even preferred, plain old water for extreme thirst.
I've heard doctors say this kinda thing is why people will often be dehydrated, have appetite issues, etc. Its not really satisfying the thirst and hydration. I believe it tbh.
No. 318838
>>318826Okay, I believe you.
Anyways, I still find it annoying when older children and adults complain about not wanting to drink plain water, whine about somehow "not being able to" or flat out refuse to.
And I find that people who drink coffee have bad breath. It smells as if they haven't brushed their teeth in the morning.
No. 318839
>>318826Okay, I believe you.
Anyways, I still find it annoying when older children and adults complain about not wanting to drink plain water, whine about somehow "not being able to" or flat out refuse to.
And I find that people who drink coffee have bad breath. It smells as if they haven't brushed their teeth in the morning.
No. 318840
>>318743It was proven she photoshoped extremely to make herself look like a child, if you think the only reason why people would raise eye brows at someone photoshopping themselves to look as much like a child as possible in porn, must be because they're jealous roasties then…
And yumi also has whiteknights who accuse everyone of being jealous
Unpopular opinion:I think white women are beautiful and feminine, weird I know
No. 318842
>>318841You need to take a break from image boards if you genuinely feel this is an unpopular opinion anywhere on this planet lmao
Chocolate anything tastes too strong and bitter and lives a disgusting aftertaste
No. 318857
>>318840??? Can you read? I literally just said she was shown to be Photoshopped. By the same anon who was being screamed at by insecure weeaboos, and they didn't stop screaming, because they are/were mentally ill, saw red the moment she was posted and needed to vent.
And she obviously doesn't Photoshop her own gravure pictures, I don't know why you're dragging this out. You sperged out in that thread for no reason, just let it be.
And every cow has WKs. Doesn't mean those WKs make up general consensus.
No. 318864
>>318861They so obviously posted that because they know the reverse would destroy them and throw them into emotional turmoil. They're projecting hardcore and assuming everyone else must be as insecure as them. It's so pathetic.
Wonder if they're confused why there's no response, kek.
No. 318895
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No. 318899
>>318889I am the poster they called a bait.
I can't see why or how it's bait. I prefaced every single sentence with "I believe" to make clear it was my personal opinion and preference. I don't want to make it a big deal, it's counterproductive. Let's drop it altogether.
No. 318902
>>318891black women being seen masculine is more than a meme. the decades of racist pseudoscientific studies conducted to prove black women's inherent manliness just some science guys memeing?? that shit destroyed actual lives.
whiny shitposts about the white woman vs. asian woman thing really doesn't compare. leave black women out of it.
No. 318910
>>318900"Wahhhhhh a white incel said a Kpop idol is prettier than white girls once. Even though the majority of men on earth find white women the most attractive but I'm mad that not all of them do!"
The lack of self awareness is amazing
No. 318917
>>318915no, that post didn't. are
you illiterate? look at what post that post was responding to, moron.
>>318914why can't women complain about other women perpetuating stupid ass ideas that are largely informed by popularly pushed male opinions?
No. 318919
>>318917You know damn well that no one says white women age like shit besides insecure black girls trying to cope with the shit cards they were dealt or bitter white virgins. No one really believes that.
White women only start crying "omg we are all women!" When they need something from women of other races.
No. 318921
>>318920You've spent way too much time on lolcow and 4chan to think the majority of the world bashes white women in favor of Asian women lol
Even if you go to East Asian countries a lot of the models there are white and asians are shitting themselves over how cute and perfect white women are.
No. 319035
>>318839I like spring water fine but I hate buying expensive, heavy, unnecessary plastic bottles in order to drink it. My tap water tastes like iron and mud so I seriously don't want to drink it because it tastes like shit and leaves a bad taste in my mouth even though it's safe to drink. It's the case for many people as to why they prefer flavoured drinks over regular water.
I don't really get why people become so buttbothered over others drinking for hydration whatever they want unless it's super sugary drinks.
No. 319088
>>319074If you google, Brita pitchers clean from the metals and so on but add new bacteries so good luck with that overpriced shit lol
My roommates insisted on buying this crap and once the water in the pitcher was fucking green
No. 319119
>>319048Never in my life have I heard of asians being scared of western women or do they think western women look manly, if anything I've heard the exact opposite due to the fact a lot of asians will admit white women are more biologically feminine but femininity isnt as pushed on them
And no I've never heard of arabs claiming white women are easy either. Who says this?
No. 319151
>>318826Okay, I believe you.
Anyways, I still find it annoying when older children and adults complain about not wanting to drink plain water, whine about somehow "not being able to" or flat out refuse to.
And I find that people who drink coffee have bad breath. It smells as if they haven't brushed their teeth in the morning.
No. 319154
>>319119I’m a white woman and I don’t think Asian men are scared of us as such, but they definitely consider us manlier than their own women. White people in general are considered more masculine - and while that’s great for white men, it sucks for white women. You can attribute to a number of physical things (e.g. height, having more geometric facial features, proportionately wider shoulders and smaller faces, etc.) but there’s also a cultural aspect - white people generally are more extroverted (with exceptions like Northern Europe).
Acting like white women have better dating prospects than Asian women is such a fucking meme, and I wish American POC would stop pretending like they’d know what dating as a white women in Asia is like.
No. 319155
>>319148I feel you anon! One of my dreams is to be a tiny grandma living in Okinawa with a bunch of other grandmas. No pressure to be pretty, no unwanted sexualization. Just me and a bunch of grandmas enjoying the ocean.
It truly puzzles me when my friends say that they rather die young than become old.
No. 319167
>>319162It's kind of sad when insecure white anons with racial complexes think the same things that put them on suicide watch will work on everybody else.
It's like watching incels attempt to make women feel bad with their insane blatherings of Chad, Stacy, the cock carousel, the wall, etc. To everyone outside their echo chamber, they just look and sound crazy.
No. 319172
>>319159Advert-wise, it's probably because the most successful, affluent, popular companies are typically owned by white people, and obviously, they will want to use models who look like themselves.
It's about chasing the image of success, broadening horizons to appeal to the international market, and creating the illusion of international/exotic appeal to locals. If the demographics of success were to suddenly change to Asian/black/Indian people, the whole world would follow suit. That's business. I don't think it has much to do with Asian men's personal tastes (though I've heard a lot of them fetishize white women as "exotic" hardcore, and feel fancy with white women on their arms).
t. not white
No. 319180
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>>319171>only white women still look like women in male clothesNah, that's definitely an opinion, not a fact. Even if it was why would you feel it apt to post in this thread? Did you read the title? Lol.
No. 319184
>>319180And shes wearing 5 pounds of makeup
You would have a point if you can find a celebrity that would naturally look like a woman in male clothes
(sperg) No. 319185
>>319179Lmao right there's a reason the mods put a stop to the constant "hi ana-chan" or "you sound fat" or "obviously ugly" a-logging that used to shit up this place.
This weird race war/insecurity bait/picking on anons in a "concern trolling" way is just the natural evolution of that more blatant shit.
Y'all need to knock it off i agree with this anon.
And move all the weird shit that's at its core "i personally feel ugly and insecure" to the vent thread lol.
No. 319272
>>319270What if you do this but you still can't get dates? Are you just fucked?
I mostly agree, though.
No. 319282
>>319270I don't think most guys care about fashion. They almost all don't have good fashion sense for women. Some guys even like the Hot Topic look.
I also don't agree that improving your looks are "fucking simple".
No. 319288
>>319282>I also don't agree that improving your looks are "fucking simple".Idk, it’s not that hard to change your appearance for the better in some ways. Yellow teeth? Whitening toothpaste. Nicer hair? A trim, a new color or style. Unstylish wardrobe? Cheapy stores like HM…
I don’t think anon meant going from 1 to 10 or anything. Just minor things.
No. 319291
Tidying up your appearance re: hygiene and fashion will only marginally improve your dating prospects. I always remembered trying hard to dress in a flattering manner and yet, I would get ignored in favour of pretty girls swearing sweatpants. The most important aspect of being attractive is to have a nice face, and that is determined by bone/soft tissues which no skin care regime can altered.
Dropping a tidy sum of money on planned and calculated cosmetic surgery on the other hand made a huge difference.
No. 319294
>>319243Ya I remember. Actually, people in my country wear this kind of atrocity all the time at the beach specially thots, some influencers and celebrities (perhaps they just really crave attention after all).
I really don't get the appeal in wearing a tiny piece of cloth barely covering your vagoo or tits and getting lost inside your ass specially in public (or in private to "turn on" a partner), it's fucking hideous and not to mention the amount of infections and other problems you can get by wearing these
And, I think these generic "sexy" costumes you find at sex shops such as cop, nurse, devil, etc are also massively hideous, cringey and very far away from sexy.
No. 319310
>>319303most asmr these days is shit. it's become a thot contest with who can act the sluttiest under the guise of asmr (ear licking, kissing, mouth sounds, anything that will make neckbeards get a boner). they're basically titty streamers.
i've listened to asmr for years and its sad how the channels that actually put effort into production are almost always overtaken by thots licking their microphones.
No. 319316
>>319310I agree with you, it used to be much better. One of my favorite asmr channels heather feather used to produce nice innocent sound and rp videos, but she quit because of creeps coming after her. Now it's mostly people doing same asmr/mukbang eating show over and over again.
Eating shows are the laziest and easiest type of youtube content to make.
No. 319337
>>319303I think nowadays at least 90% of the people who make/watch ASMR videos have no idea what ASMR actually is. I've also ran into people who don't believe that it's a legit thing, one guy called it placebo and when I told him I've experienced it since I was in kindergarten he said "yeah I've heard the same thing about healing crystals". It used to be somewhat easy to find things to
trigger my ASMR, now I have to scroll through 100 thots eating ears and tapping their nails on EVERYTHING before I can find anything good.
No. 319348
>>319330I think she had a stalker, someone make a video on her.
>>319342I miss the head massage and ear exam days sm
No. 319356
>>319354I know ASMR isn't supposed to be inherently sexual but one google search will bring up ASMRthots and creepy gf rps.
She shouldn't even be allowed to make videos at all, let alone ASMR.
No. 319367
>>319354what the fuck is this? why is this child on youtube and why is she wearing makeup and making these sounds with her mouth
"extremely sticky mouth sounds"
what the fuck how old is she and where are her parents?
i s2g i wish the internet didnt exist
No. 319373
>>319367facebook-tier normies actually believe the redditor sperg that it's some kind of special non-sexual brain thing and that
>even if you don't have it the videos are so "relaxing for some reason". Parents of kids this age believe this shit and think it's all innocent
No. 319375
>>319373ASMR is not inherently sexual, but this shit is clearly being made to pander to a certain "audience".
I watched this video about her channel, and apparently she dresses up as a "sexy" (oh oops I mean """sassy""") police officer and makes innuendos in one of her videos. Not touching that shit.
No. 319434
>>319429I'm sorry but I immediatly thought of the anons accusing Azealia Banks of lurking and shitposting here when I read your post.
But anyway I can't say I disagree. The gay guys I met were either sassy and feminine in a normal, natural way, like that's their personality and they were still nice in the end. Or it felt like it was forced and they won't stop quoting female African American pop stars and imitate them, say their catchphrases all the time. I know one in particular who's a huge americaboo on twitter (we're Europeans) and is obsessed with imitating his favorite Black female celebrities or the drag queens who also do it. It's disturbing. He managed to make my Black friends uneasy several times because of this and I'm glad he never tried to engage a conversation with me that wasn't about video games. I'm not black or white but when I see people do that shit I don't trust them. He's kind of my personal cow anyway but for other reasons.
>>319389I think children in general shouldn't be too present on the internet and shouldn't try to become e-famous, it's just too dangerous because they can be pestered by creepy adults all the time for posting pretty much anything. Maybe PSAs like "don't give your real personal info on the internet" would come back for these children.
No. 319452
>>319434My parents and teachers always warned us not to put our full name and adress or any other personal info on the internet but nowadays it seems people are almost too eager to share everything about themselves
I wonder why
No. 319463
>>319452I personally think it's because of social media like FB, twitter, instagram, etc. becoming the main websites that people use when online. I'm 24 and I had the same things told by pretty much every adults around me, including my parents who still are clueless about technology, teachers, the news, etc. I also used to be mostly on forums, livejournal, blogging platforms, etc. where nobody used their real names, not even their real first names.
Now it's expected or required on some websites to use your real first and last names, like on FB. So the younger people who never had the talk about privacy and internet uses are probably not seeing what's wrong with putting their personal info online. At least that's what I think because of what most of my sisters and I used to post online (we're really close in age) compared to what my youngest sister does online (she's still a teenager).
No. 319468
>>319463I guess internet isn't really seen as big and scary unknown place, even tho it is arguably more dangerous now.
I only used my real name on facebook and 'official' email, and only my name on insta.
But on every other platform i have screen name and a separate email adress.
No. 319480
>>319303Personally I like the ones with foam and hairdryer sounds.
But it seems that most channels now are basically doing softcore porn, video related.
>"Twin sisters angel and devil mouth sounds roleplay"Imagine doing this with your sister… oof
No. 319487
>>319480wtf they are actual sisters? this is very disturbing.
isn't asmr supposed to help people fall asleep? i think some asmr videos can be nice but i don't see how videos like this can help anyone fall asleep, it's really just softcore porn.
No. 319488
>>319303everyone i've know that likes or does ASMR is a sperg among spergs.
it also strikes me as 100% a fetish, especially since everyone describes it as getting a tingly feeling, which is creepy. just make your own white noise or whatever at home.
No. 319501
>>319452I never share my real name or age or even my face. Some people think when you reach 25 you're already ancient and I'm terrified of having my personal info, pics and etc being used against me. I don't even share my first name, let alone the full. I cringe when I see kids or even adults opening their book to complete strangers, don't they think about the consequences?
Now to another unpopular opinion that maybe it's not unpopular at all: I think it's so unecessary to share
every single detail of your sex life to friends or even co-workers. It's supposed to be
private and no one else's business, not to mention it's a little uncomfortable to hear, read or see and it's so dumb and careless when you do it in a group full of men and women.
No. 319511
>>319500Agreed. I don't understand why the subject of ASMR gets some people so angry. Not everyone will "get" the same stimuli from the same things, but who really gives a fuck? It's not a fetish just because gross men have invaded and turned things sexual.
I must admit that it did look really weird to me until I actually found videos that were calming and oddly pleasing without any sexual shit. There's even visual/touch ASMR with things like slime gifs or machines making soft serve ice creams or kinetic sand. Someone explain to me how watching glittery slime pouring into a bucket or listening to a vacuum cleaner drone/white noise to calm down is totally a ~*kink*~.
No. 319512
>>319511Samefagging, but as a comparison, have you noticed how watching ants swarm over something can make you itchy and uncomfortable, or how some autistic people have negative sensory responses to certain sounds or the feelings of some material? Not everyone gets the same feelings or responses in the latter example especially, because how we interpret stimuli is kind of subjective.
What's so crazy about the same being true, but in a positive sense rather than negative? Just feeling calm or refreshed from certain sounds, materials, smells or sights. Not everything is a fetish just because you can't personally relate. Fucking hell.
No. 319514
>>319500Agreed, I don't get why some people like this anon
>>319510 are so assblasted over something other people use to relax.
No. 319517
>>319512Yeah, no, just cause it "feels good" doesn't mean engaging in it makes you any less of a mouthbreather.
You guys claim you don't care what others think yet derail the thread to defend your autistic shit.
No. 319518
How can anyone claim ASMR isn't fetish related when people post shit like
>>319480It's obviously a fetish for someone.
No. 319521
>>319517How does liking things make me a mouthbreather? Also,>>319511 and
>>319512are the only two posts I made in this whole ASMR fight. Spergs like you are derailing the thread because this specific (and very bland) subject somehow makes you supremely mad for reasons you refuse to explain. If you can't be rational about it, just let it go already. Stop hounding everybody.
No. 319523
>>319518I think the issue is that those "someones" are not good representatives of the entire concept, and it's annoying being lumped in with them for those who like it for non-fetish reasons. It reeks of "Once men sexualize something and women start using that for income, it's about sex. It's a fetish. No exceptions" IMO, and that's an ignorant and very corny outlook.
The same thing is happening with cosplay because of horny neckbeards and Patreon costhots, and it pisses me off.
No. 319525
>>319523Not to be mean but it doesn't really compare to cosplay. The idea of ASMR in a non-sexual way is still kind of off putting, and while I don't agree with some other anons, I do think it's weird.
My understanding of it from a scientific perspective, is that it mimics the good feelings people get from physical touch, and tbh even if I experienced it, it seems really off to try to share with others.
No. 319527
>>319525I get why it can come off as weird, but it's not really. Cosplay definitely looks weird and off-putting to some normies, because grown adults dressing up as fictional characters usually has sexual connotations, or weird arrested development vibes outside of "geek culture".
The thing about physical touch is subjective, too. For some people, it's just about high quality audio, and it has the same effect as soothing music or listening to rain outside. The whole thing is just subjective, and it's lame to reduce it all to a fetish or a "foreveralone" thing just because that's the easiest thing to understand from an outside perspective.
No. 319528
>>319527Couldn't have said it better.
I suffer from severe migraines and it does help.
I often times listen to the audio but camera touching for example somehow alleviates the pain or eases it.
It's a shame so many people jumped on the ASMR bandwagon and completely distorted what it was supposed to be.
No. 319538
>>319526OK but see to me this is the big difference: in what context do you pee that isn't sexual? pretty much most times you need to pee.
in what context do you see animals that isn't related to furries? most times.
in what context do you see a costume that isn't related to a fetish? halloween, superheroes on tv, theater, etc
now in what context does another, usually young and attractive, adult human being whisper gently and slowly in your ear that isn't sexual? ……
yes it's still subjective and a social construct, but there's a reason most peoples kneejerk reaction is that it's fetish but they don't do that to other mundane things that could be sexualized.
>>319527normies are still much more familiar with the idea of costumes in general than they are with any aspect of ASMR, so they're not going to see it as the same level of off-putting. it's not based in anything objective, and again i'm not saying ASMR is always sexual, but there are cultural reasons people feel that way
No. 319583
>>319566I'm on the same boat, shipping can be really fun when coming up with headcanons/aus/art/etc just as long as you don't go overboard with it.
Which sadly….not many people do. If there's one thing I really hate about shipping and wish it would end is the ship wars because goddamm those easily ruin a fandom quickly enough.
No. 319599
>>319582I've honest to god seen obnoxious people screeching about yaoi "fetishizing MLM" but approving of yuri lolicon and never once criticizing straight porn.
>>319593This. The "yaoi is fetishizing homosexuals" meme is created and supported by the fakebois and it's especially hilarious because they're literally fetishizing gay men on a skinwalker level yet still have the nerve to claim fujos are ~objectifying them~. Despite the fakebois basically being fujos who took it way too seriously and wanted to live a 24/7 IRL larp as a ~gay boi~.
I've yet to see a cis gay man who in all seriousness considers an awkward girl reading gay anime comics as a threat to their wellbeing. Hell, some of my gay male friends are fullblown fudanshis and pushed BL on me before I even became a fujo.
No. 319685
>>314728I hate the photos of kids covered in muck too. I have several facebook friends with young children and they all think it is somehow a good idea to post photos of their children with food all over their face, standing next to the toilet half-naked with a plunger in their hand, squatting on filthy kitchen tiles covered in dirt from playing outside and so on.
I feel like when I have my own children that I would want to put the best face forward for them and keep photos of them online restricted. Not publicly upload something that will embarrass them years down the track.
No. 319694
>>319685imo it’s weird to publish heaps of photos of your kid at all. Like, I’d take a snap of my dumbass son covered in mud out fishing or hunting or whatever and keep it, maybe show his Aunty but showing the world in any form feels creepy.
Plus nobody has ever asked to see a hundred photos of their friends kid or their cousins or whatever. It’s boring even if the kid is one you love.
No. 319699
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I hope Wallstreet journal and youtube get into publicity hell for pulling the 27k donation to St.Judes, fuck big corporations for fucking over dying kids bc of internet politics
No. 319704
>>319685>>319694Omg, thank you!! I have a long time friend who just had her first child and all she does now is post selfies of herself or photos of her infant child. I'm talking 20 photos per day type bullshit.
Why do people feel the need to constantly post their child all over public social media?
No. 319730
>>319501Same, anon. I'm over 30, so i dont care age wise, but i dont want people to know my full/real name online. it's weird and uncomfortable.
I also think we're in this extremely creepy era of oversharing. Sex life should be private. Cows like Shay and Mooriah are freakin vile for that reason.
No. 319778
>>319582Same for me, I don't trust the people with this shitty opinion. I feel the same way with people who shit all over media made by women for women in general while not caring about the equally shitty media made for men.
>>319599Same here, the gay guys I know don't give a shit, don't even know about anime or manga, or are huge nerds who ship M/M couples and maybe read gay fanfics and BL manga. It's only a tiny portion of stupid teenage girls who complain about BL fetishizing gay men while reading and watching it way more than the average fans.
No. 319781
>>319703The "yaoi fetishizes homosexuals" thing is so stupid in more than one ways too. Even the most smuttiest BL oneshot often has some sort of character building and a plot that allows the character to express their feelings and individuality. Hentai almost never lets the characters have any personality or character history. How the fuck come BL is more frowned upon?
>>319778>I feel the same way with people who shit all over media made by women for women in general while not caring about the equally shitty media made for men.And here's the reason. And an answer to
>>319675 's question. The reason you become a fakeboi in the first place is a massive amount of internalized misogyny and a bad case of "not like other girls" syndrome, of course you want to shit on something that's traditionally made by women for women while claiming the "true gay" badge. Think Rachel Dolezal but the "gayface" version.
Sorry for sperging about this but I really hate it when we have people harping on someone for being a fujo just because their experience with BL is based on an old, tired mid 00's stereotype of the genre being all about smutty rape and because of obnoxious teenage girls being obnoxious teenage girls. BL is one of the very few genres of media that's made for female sexuality by other females so I take it personally when either Aiden wants to ree about muh fetishization, a yuri/otomefag gets
triggered by boysex or someone claims to have a realistic opinion on it because they saw a 15-year old pose with a yaoi bat in a photo taken from 2006. Let the girls have their fun, no gay cis person is going to be offended by it.
No. 319784
>>319779 Philippines has one of the highest population of facebook users so it's obvious that a lot of filipino facebook users would use tagalog on posts even to those that are using english, besides not every filipino are eligible on english so yeah. Like Youtube may be dominated with a lot of english speaking or western contents but there's always a lot of people who speaks different languages commenting on it. So I don't see the point. Not everyone can speak or write english.
Although, I do agree on seeing obnoxious filipinos commenting "Pinoy Pride" and the likes even to the tiniest mention of the philippines or a filipino out/in the country that obtain international media attention.
No. 319800
>>319785 why stop someone from openly speaking out their own opinion using their own language on a post that might be in a different language from theirs? Maybe someone can't fully express themselves by using english? Besides, facebook is social media website that connects users all around the globe so expect a lot of people from different parts of the world talking in their languages, dialects and slangs. Also, English may be the common language but even America and Britain and other major English speaking countries have their differences in common phrases, slang, and etc. with one another.
You can't stop someone from posting or commenting. If you don't like it then ignore it, it's not like it's really affects your entire life, like a villain or some antagonist that keeps you from doing what you want to do in life.
No. 319831
>>319826I just cringe every time someone complains about how all men are ruined by porn and can't have sex without slapping or choking women.
Let's just ignore all the women who are into these things and ask their partners to do it, let's ignore all the women into bdsm (yes, even light bdsm). It's all the evil men who can't cum without "beating women into a pulp".
No. 319834
>>319831Cool, but I'm not responsible for those women and dislike that they agree to be treated like that.
We're not hypocrites who secretly want to be beaten if that's what you're implying.
…but I'm also not a full man-hater, I hate most women as well. But men are a bit worse since they commit most crimes and most admit to not caring about anyone outside of themselves. Everyone on Earth should just die tbh.
No. 319838
>>319833Sure, feel free to hate on women who you think contribute to the problem.
But your post sounds like you think men are innocent and the nasty kink ladies are the ones making them violent? Lol
No. 319839
>>319836Oh, definitely.
What's your suggestion to fix the problem? Or are you just embracing it?
No. 319842
>>319840Since this is lolcow obviously some anons will have "weird obsessions with trannies".
But really, keeping intact men out of women's locker rooms, showers, prisons, sports etc is a good thing. I don't want any be-penised dudes next to me when I'm showering after a workout.
No. 319844
>>319838I'm not hating on anybody. I just find them cringy.
>But your post sounds like you think men are innocent and the nasty kink ladies are the ones making them violent? LolI just think it's incel-like behavior to go around claiming that men can only get off to abuse. Plenty of men aren't into these things. You must be blinded by man-hatred or maybe just projecting if you can't see this simple fact.
No. 319846
>>319844The problem is that masochism can be rooted in low-self esteem and desire to use BDSM as a self-harm method. Sadist guys just get off on hurting someone. They are much more morally wrong.
The worst thing that can be said about masochists is that they glorify violence and might encourage it instead of seeking help.
It's a complicated issue, to be honest. I had strong masochist tendencies since childhood but I cannot imagine feeling okay with hurting someone for sexual gratification, nor encouraging it.
No. 319854
>>319844>men can only get off to abuseIt's the truth though. And yes, it is all straight men. Their minds are made to rape and beat women.
Even sub men only developed the interest after years of consuming violent porn. If you ask most of them it isn't innate submissiveness, they just got bored of maledom.
No. 319857
>>319851What does clarify as handmaiden tier behavior though?
Because sometimes I feel as there is no space to discuss feminism and women's issues while being critical of some parts of the movement without other anons blindly assuming you are shilling for men.
No. 319859
>>319848Being critical of radical feminism does not equal being anti feminist or thinking feminism is useless. i just don’t give a fuck about trannies. I don’t hate men and I don’t think I’m “special just like the guys :))))” because of it.
Believe it or not anon, you can be a critical feminist and not hate anything that has/had/wants a penis.
No. 319860
>>319851It's pathetic what they're doing and a spit in the face of women that are trying to fight for and protect women's rights around the world.
What's worse, they do it on a female oriented site of all places, it's not like the 99% of internet doesn't already echo their thoughts which they consider oh so unique.
No. 319878
>>319874i think men tend to be against that more. most feminists really are about feels over reals. or they will concede about having trans people in sports but they think otherwise trans women = real women. i love how terfs think they are the silent majority. kek.
i don't believe that trans women are women at all, but i don't think my opinion is the majority either.
My unpopular opinion is that troon is such a weak insult. It's nonsensical (because it spefically refers to tranny members of one particular internet forum) and it makes it sound like you are from kiwi farms. You might as well just say tranny.
No. 319943
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This is a shit meme with the most unwarranted popularity I've ever seen.
No. 319989
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Hila is ugly as sin
Don't know why so many people thinks shes cute
No. 319995
>>319943it reminds me of the kind of shit that would get popular on albino black sheep in 2005.
>>319989yet still way out of Ethan's league.
No. 320213
>>319989I think it's because next to Ethan she seems out of his league. Plus she's tall, has good skin and shows her bare face all the time so you're kind of left wondering how would she look like if she wore some makeup.
But I agree that compared to 90% of the Israeli girls I've seen she looks kinda below average
No. 320312
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Now that I remember the whole alpacasso fad, why was it so popular in the first place? They were just overpriced, mediocre, colourful stuffed animals.
No. 320347
It not being new doesn’t make it less annoying or less indicative of clueless parents.
No. 320351
>>320347How does using those terms, even in excess, indicate a clueless parent? It's not that deep, most of them don't actually think dealing with a toddler is as bad as or worse than dealing with a teenager.
>>320346Then what was the point of adding
>I swear new moms these days need an asspat for everything?
No. 320352
>>320345~*~OmG my child cr1ed in the store 2day, AND THEN he cried over what I gave him for dinner. SO SaSSY!!1! ThREEnagerz amIRite?!~*~
Yep. People are dramatic morons.
No. 320369
>>320351Because most toddler tantrums are easy to avoid if the parents know anything whatsoever about childhood development.
Toddlers have just discovered the immense power of refusal and choosing. If told ‘put on your shoes we are going to the shops’ a toddler has about a 50/50 chance of throwing themselves on the floor screaming because they feel like using the brand new ‘no!’
Parents who understand how children function avoid that shit by saying ‘we’re going to the shops. Do you want to wear the blue sneakers or the red boots?’ The kid gets to make a choice and is satisfied.
Clueless parents just scream back and then wonder why their six year old still screams and cries when they don’t get the toy at the mall.
No. 320404
>>320387You're changing the goalposts a lot.
It's not about someone venting to relatives or simply saying they had a bad day with their kid.
In the original post it says people who do it EXCESSIVELY for attention, like posting about their ~threenager~ multiple times a day over typical shit toddlers do.
Do you do this or something?
No. 320484
>>320460NTA, but the "aposematism" pic always came off to me as a self-drag for the males that made it.
Warning coloration to scare off "predators". So, /r9k/ men are aware, on some level, that they are predators who some women want to ward off. Very interesting.
No. 320488
>>320483What is even more autistic than ASMR are the IRL "sound spas" that are popping up where you go and instead of getting a real massage you just….get people crinkling paper around your head??? Why the fuck would you do that? The whole idea is that ASMR is
triggered by people touching you and shit so why would you pay money to have people pretend to touch you instead of a real fucking spa? Just…
No. 320494
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Here's my unpopular"?" opinion, I really haven't had any major disagreements with the alt-right yet. I don't fully consider myself part of them, but I know which team i'm rooting for.
No. 320500
>>320495>Think for yourselfdid you not read "I don't fully consider myself part of them".
I do primarily think for myself, but tbh you can't be a one-man-army and get anything done. ya know?
No. 320515
>>320505you don't have to be motivated by sexual desire to sexually harass or assault people. if you grab someone's tits, it doesn't matter what your motivation was - it's sexual assault by definition. you sound like the same spergs around here who think ugly or fat girls can't be raped or catcalled.
to address the rest of your post, i agree there is more to how terrible moo is beyond being a sexpest, but it's either difficult to articulate concisely or doesn't have the same gravity among most people. "she's an art thief" doesn't really carry the same weight as "she has assaulted and harassed multiple people at cons."
No. 320527
>>320515>"she's an art thief" doesn't really carry the same weight as "she has assaulted and harassed multiple people at cons."That's actually my problem with the whole scheme. Nobody cares when she's ruining people by mental abuse, chasing them out of the scene by sending her whiteknight armies after them, stealing people's livelihood, pocketing charity money, scamming her patrons multiple times, getting a kitten from a kitten mill, physically threatening people, constant pathological lying, stealing credit, being an overall obnoxious cunt etc. The one thing that gets people's attention is that "she touched a boob and slapped someone's ass". That's literally what ruined her reputation forever. It's so fucking unfair how people can get away with committing SO much nasty shit as long as they don't sexually harass someone.
And I know it doesn't have to be motivated by sexual desire, I'm not a fucking retard. What I mean is that people present Momo as some sort of a horny deviant sexual sadist and a a rapist when she's just an autistic idiot who doesn't care that it's inappropriate to get too touchy-feely with people due to marinating in ecchi anime for years.
No. 320536
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Labo man should be in smash
and waluigi
No. 320586
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>>320536don-chan should've been in smash, then maybe i would've bought the dumb game. and it should've been CHAIN CHOMP, not piranha plant…
No. 320674
>>320505Don't agree with your first point but
>Also I wish people would stop posting screenshots some random costhots "roasting" momo in the thread, it reeks of self post and wanting cheap retweets out of momo's infamy. It's never even good stuff, it's just the most regurgitated material from the LC threads. holy shit yes. I wish there was a way to hide those sorts of posts from the threads.
No. 320878
>>320874>>320877That’s why I said face only. I was unlucky
enough to some gifs (Jesus wept) and he didn’t look that different. Still a tranny, sure, but pretty. I don’t wanna make it sound like I’m caping for trannies, my whole point was I feel sort of lenient towards trannies that actually look decent in the face with or without shoop, angles, and all. But I guess the possibility of them look completely different irl is there so I see your point. Sorry to derail the thread anyway
No. 320890
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>>320886Is that really an unpopular opinion? I thought it was generally agreed upon that Twitter is just plain awful.
No. 320920
>>320886stan twitter is fucking irritating (well, most of twitter communities are). they are always fighting over the dumbest shit, everyone is oversensitive, people can't take jokes and criticism
i'm all for calling out people on their bullshit but shit like #…isoverparty #…iscancelled is so immature and stupid, they come at anyone who doesn't fit into their agenda, take their words out of context, they won't listen to what they have to say, they'll just pretend to be offended for likes and retweets. i also hate people who talk in an amalgation of drag queen lingo and the way the mean and popular girl talks in american high school movie. "look y'all.. i mean, like, we're spillin teaa honnn yayy siss queen slayy hunty"
No. 426058
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