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No. 373451
>>373399Piggybacking off of this, here’s my unpopular opinion:
Protein chocolates taste better than regular chocolates
No. 373482
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Hard to swallow pill: cats don't like you. They're cute house ornaments at best, get over it.
No. 373502
>>373482That's fine, I love him even if he can't love me back. Just caring for things is nice, same with fish or plants who have less and no cognitive abilities respectively.
If a person needs returned affection and service they should just stick to dogs or no pets at all.
No. 373512
>>373510you see this same reaction when people interact with dogs who aren't stereotypically affectionate as well. service dogs, breeds that are known for being aloof like shibas and even just individuals who don't like a lot of attention or are nervous/past trauma etc., people get real personally offended if the dog doesn't respond to affection or avoids it. they just can't comprehend an animal who doesnt make humans the center of their world and think therefore they are useless as pets.
t. volunteered at humane society for 10 years, groom dogs for a living and own two rescue dogs, one of which is a greyhound who despises 99% of people.
No. 373519
>>373504There are plenty of animals that are nothing like dogs and are still better than cats overall, rabbits, guinea pigs, birds, rats, but worse than cats are often their owners; in particular those that let them roam and refuse to desex them.
Unrelated to what you said here’s a really hard to swallow pill though, people who prefer the company of animals because they ‘don’t judge them’? They absolutely would if they had the capacity to like those around you, if you’re unable to connect to the people around you or find that they avoid you then you most likely have an awful personality or you have poor sense of hygiene.
No. 373525
>>373482Yeah sorry, but that's bs. Cats definitely get attached to their humans and show affection.
I totally get it if someone's not a fan of how you have to go slow and steady with cats, and would rather have the straightforward and overwhelming affection from a dog. But to say that cats don't care about anything or anyone at all, that's just a straight up lie.
No. 373550
>>373519Does being shy and nervous in social situations count as an awful personality?
I don't get anxious around my cat (or tarantula lol) because they don't expect me to converse with them, which I'm not great at with strangers. Also am kind of ugly. I'm clean, just got an ugly face and humans can judge me for that but other animals won't.
I get that it's an annoying ~uwu I'm so different and an introvert~ sort of thing to hear but…if the shoe fits? Although I'd never say it to anyone of course because of that implication.
No. 373736
>>373482my cats sleep on my head or right next to me every night, will start purring when i look at them, demand affection constantly, etc. i've owned and fostered 18 cats throughout my life and the same thing basically happens every time. you can't demand affection from your friends and just expect your friends to fawn all over you. it does take time to develop a relationship with your cat/with cats and maintain trust. it's in their best interest and safety that they be able to 'vet' people before being vulnerable with them. why and how is this a fault of theirs?
why do people think an animal's willingness to put themselves in danger by being vulnerable with anyone is a positive? that's a very bad thing. a very scary thing. imagine chiding children for not being affectionate soon enough and not being doting and subservient soon enough and then considering hesitation or boundaries "not liking" or "not caring about" others.
No. 373739
>>373729What? Womanlet and manlet? It was kind of joke-y in my first post since I'm not
actually short. And people use manlet here sometimes (albeit as an insult to invaders).
Again maybe with the mush it just came off as weird all mixed together, I can see that.
No. 373749
>>373736Kinda ot about what yall are replying about but
>imagine chiding children for not being affectionate soon enough and not being doting and subservient soon enoughThis happened to me as a child all the fucking time, it's how a lot of little girls were socialized before the 2000s until anyone started to give a fuck. Give a fuck about the curious case of training kids that they have no bodily autonomy, no right to say 'no' to 'affection,' and to always defer to people claiming they have authority.
I was forced to give hugs and kisses to people when I didn't want to, be touched when I didn't want to be touched, be polite even if I didn't want the attention, etc.
Know what happened to me when a man with authority molested me and yelled at me that what he was doing was actually okay? That's right, nothing.
It's fucked and it happens. People are just as mental to their own children as they are to dogs and cats.
No. 373922
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>>373886Dark chocolate sucks!
Milk chocolate rules! Swiss is the best!
No. 373935
>>373920I think maybe it was because the parody aspect is so subtle and the delivery is really dry. If it wasn't for some in-your-face absurdist aspects like the frequent apparence of giant Toblerones and the vaping judge, it would be indistinguishable from any other bad anime.
I personally enjoyed it but it's definitely not for everyone and I wouldn't recommend it to anybody.
No. 373963
>>373960Yeah, it's nonsense. Low libidos are real, libidos so low they are practically non existent are real, but what are the chances it's affecting a bunch of young, otherwise healthy girls? The common denominated is tumblr bullshit combined with insecurity, discomfort and inexperience when it comes to sex and being viewed sexually. Which is also understandable but not likely to be some permanent, complete lack of a sex drive that is so significant it needs a label.
I think if true asexuality existed that wasn't a medical/mental issue, it would be impossible for them to perceive their own sexual orientation. Like, the way a 100% straight person feels about the same sex or a 100% gay person feels about the opposite sex, that's how an asexual would feel about both. But they always seem to have a preference one way or the other, like Kenna obsessing over anime and kpop boys. Actually, in her case I think she's just so infatuated with perfect characters and idols that being into a regular human being is unfathomable to her… thus 'asexual'.
No. 374006
>>373962We must be around different asians, because majority of those in my area (which is filled to the brim with Asian international students) have the most god awful skin I have ever seen. The acne scars they have leave behind craters that look like they belong on a moon.
But in all seriousness I’m very skeptic so to believe that somehow one race, and specifically only on portion of said race, has magical genetics that gives them all flawless skin. Please, it’s like believing that they all come from the womb highly skilled and intelligent when in reality it’s that past generations valued education and success very highly and had strong work ethic which they would push onto their children from a young age - I say past generations because a lot of the asians I’m around now seem to have taken to heart the meme that they’re just inherently superior and seem genuinely dumbfounded that they don’t achieve better results than other races when they put in absolutely zero effort.
No. 374098
>>374096All seasons are awful imo.
Winter? Cold and gross.
Summer? Sweaty and the days are too long.
Spring? Rainy and causes allergies.
Fall? Spring 2.0 with more rain and more allergies.
Winter is only my favourite because it's less sweaty and the fashion is nice. But really it's all bad.
t. Also come from a place where it's always winter btw.
No. 374107
>>374096fucking amen, anon. I hate winter and I hate rain. Being cold and makes me feel gross. Also winter fashion makes me look fat with all the layers and stuff I have to wear to stay warm.
I've noticed everyone who loves winter and fall lives in California or some place where it's mild. Like of course you do, you've never had to shovel snow in below freezing weather. And I hate pants.
No. 374111
>>374096I like how it’s significantly cheaper to keep warm than it is to keep cool, and I hate the sweatiness of summer.
But nothing can beat the feeling of a spring breeze and seeing everything come back to life
No. 374113
>>373962This. Most Asians I see don't even have skin that good, so it's not even a matter of genetics imo.
1 zillion step Korean skincare only became popular because of kpop idols, and kpop idols have good skin because they can afford the best derms, just like celebrities all over the world.
No. 374122
>>373962yes, there's tons of gimicky nonsense products, and you def don't need a 10 step, but there's some gems in asian skincare. Things that make sense are sunscreens, vitamin C, acids, retinol, etc. It's not all a scam.
Also not every asian takes care of their skin.
No. 374132
>>374096I agree, I think people who say they really love winter have never really lived in a place with a lot of snow and ice. I moved down to the south a few years ago and I really don't miss it.
Among the things I don't miss
>having to shovel snow every morning>having to start my car 30 minutes before going anywhere to defrost and thwack ice off my windshield>getting my boots and shoes soaked in salty slush, which was sometimes enough to soak through into my socks and make me uncomfortable all day>employers demanding their employees report to work even in dangerous driving conditions>car's paint job getting ruined quicker due to salt and dug up pavement from plows >everything looks dirty after a few days from a fresh snowfall from the salt, melt, and mud >having to layer up to bear the cold outside, but then sweating my ass off whenever I went inside someplace because of the heat turned up >electric bill more expensive because of heating requirements Snow was only ever cool on a day off knowing I didn't have anyplace to go. The rest of the time it was shit.
No. 374138
>>374132I mean, couldn’t the same just be said about people who say they love the summer?
Summer here is awful, it’s dry and we have fires, UV ratings that are always in the extreme, droughts, hardly ever cloudy so the sun just glares down at you, heatwaves that drive up electricity bills to an insane amount and this year we hit 48c
No. 374143
>>374138The weirdest thing that happened to me during a southern summer is that my car dashboard warped, and it's a bit annoying to wait for the a/c to really kick up but it's usually there in five minutes plus I just roll down the windows. It's really nothing like a snowstorm lol, but I say that as a person who experienced 9 feet of snow the year before I moved to a warmer state.
Humidity is kind of a bitch but in some places there's dry heat so people don't always have to deal with that, whereas snow is plain cold universally.
No. 374161
>>374154I totally agree with you, but to be fair I went through patches of that attitude that you say your mother had at periods of my life due to self esteem issues. Like I'd hype myself up and get excited about hanging out with someone because I'm normally introverted but then find the actualexperience somewhat disappointing irl. Plus sometimes I'd have really well intentioned friends be fucking annoying and it was pissing me off but I'd get mad about it after. Like one of my mates went into my bedroom amd complained it was messy one day and started randomly cleaning it up and looking through my shit. I get she felt close like she could trust me and was trying to be helpful but it annoyed me no end. Sometimes I can't tell if the person is at faultor it's me exaggerating so I just usually blame it on a bad interaction and try again.
I get mad but don't vent to anyone in particular though
No. 374163
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i love makeup and i think it's totally fine for a guy to wear makeup but i hate this drag queen looking shit. it's so, so ugly. men look better if they just do minimal shit and not all the nasty troon looking contouring. i don't like seeing it on anyone tbh, it's so fucking ugly and idk why you would spend all that time looking like a goddamned ventriloquist dummy.
No. 374167
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>>374163Its awful. I've seen this makeup IRL, their skin looks like this up close after a hour or two in that shit.
No. 374182
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>>374167i hate when i see that cakey insta makeup shit bc all i see is this, because they always look like this without the photoshopping and smoothing
No. 374250
>>374182Fuck, that's what's trendy nowadays? No wonder everyone in makeup store want me to buy concealer and fondation that are too light and make me look grey and dying.
I noticed youtubers usually shit on brands that don't have enough light or dark shades for foundation and concealers while never wearing their correct shades but they were still not looking that bad on camera.
No. 374284
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>>374163>>374167>>374182One of my favorite things is seeing these cake-face queens without filters and editing.
No. 374291
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>>374284that guy's constant stubble bothers me so much.
i like the way people tend to do eye makeup here, but i don't understand a lot of trends: falsies for casual looks, blocky eyebrows, cake foundation (especially if you already have really great skin, caking on face paint defeats the purpose of taking care of your skin), drag queen level contouring, that dry ass matte lipstick… i mean, i've tried those things for fun and i looked like a clown. not to be weeb but korean makeup is a lot more flattering overall, imo. no clowny cakeface, no dried out lips with that stupid matte sticking to my lips all day, etc. lip tints are so much better, i'd rather have to reapply some color after eating than feeling like i have dried glue on my lips all day. i'm not trying to look like a sexy baboon.
No. 374292
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>>374163the only men I can think of who look good in make-up are alt/goth guys like david bowie. The eyeshadow on jack sparrow is cute, too.
No. 374300
>>374132holy shit, yes i fucking hate the winter. all these points apply to me as well. i would gladly move to a place where it's warmer in the summer because i'll just be sweaty and sticky and it'll be hard to breathe a few days, but i won't have to deal with fucking electric bills, heating is ALWAYS more expensive than air conditioning, and my car won't rust up faster.
less clothes to have to buy too. i'm seriously considering moving across the country because my area just had a terrible ice storm and it took me 2 hours to get to work when it usually only takes me 35 minutes. that would not happen in the warmer weather.
No. 374303
>>374096>People who like winter are just trying to be special snowflake contrariansNah, people just like different things. And depending on where you live your experiences of the seasons are different.
Summer and spring both suck ass.
No. 374325
>>374309those anons are probably the same people who think people in the UK are bitches for dying in 80F weather even though those people are not acclimated to that weather at all and none of the infrastructure is built to cool.
also I live in New England and love winter even though I have to get up at the asscrack of dawn to shovel (it's easier now that I have a snow blower). I'll take it over sweaty gross summer any day of the week.
No. 374340
>>374329I like it too, when it's subtle. I tend to just go a bit heavier towards the middle of my lip rather than actively attempt a gradient.
Lip tint really is god tier imo. It just makes your lips look a different colour with no particular texture, it doesn't look like it's slathered in product the way lipstick or gloss does. It lasts ages and doesn't rub off, it's cheap, it can be as bright or natural looking as you want, I love it.
No. 374417
>>374163I don' mind this look but I loathe when men don't shave and wear makeup. I mean like that Manny guy who has the beard. It looks so mismatched and ugly
>>374096Triggered rn because I love Winter and I live in a place that drops to the dangerous negatives every year with bad snowstorms. I love when shit gets cancelled and I can stay in in a blanket and hoodie with some soup.
On the opposite end summer fucking sucks. It's too hot to go out or do anything. You can't even shower without becoming sweaty again right away and bugs crawl up from the pits of hell to bother you.
No. 374533
>>374518Same, along with Adventure Time, Korra, and even Regular Show. The animation feels too stiff.
Also the cursed bean mouth.
No. 374543
>>374518RWBY is the worst, it's literally Yandere Simulator's design but in video. It's 2016 Berserk's CG but it lasts for the entire time.
She-ra and SU look like pieces of art in comparison.
No. 374548
>>374546ikr, it's not even interesting, and the fact that it's fucking softcore porn and in medieval packaging doesn't help its case. also
breaking bad wasnt even that good
No. 374647
>>374646I think most children have, though?
Or maybe I'm wrong. Kill me anon.
No. 374648
>>374646Doing it right now as I read your post anon.
Release me from this meat carcass.
No. 374677
>>374656okay i pick my nose but i'm not gonna fucking eat my boogers kek
i have a cousin who used to do this up until he was in middle school. he also used to bite off his long toenails. he was a weird one…
pick your nose ladies. i'm pretty sure a lot of us end up doing it subconsciously anyways.
No. 374773
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>>374689so… you won't use a tissue because you're afraid of germs being on it, but you're fine using your finger, which also has germs on it? bacteria is everywhere, you know? it's not going to kill you to use a tissue, lol.
picking your nose is dumb. every morning i blow my nose to prevent feeling like there's stuff in there all day.
No. 374785
>>374773nta but I hate blowing my nose because it makes me ears pop. I use a tissue, but prefer to wipe/pick to get it all out.
My mom always says it's gross to do it like that even if I wash my hands afterward, but it's more thorough and pleasant (for me).
No. 374806
>>374785I think picking your nose with a tissue is fine I don't care
how you get your snot out but picking with your bare fingers, that's just nasty, unsanitary and rude.
No. 374886
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I hate Anna Cattish's style. She seems to be popular because she uses popular themes like tall slim girls, neon colors, weapons next to girls for extra edginess, and it's fine, but I can't help myself, I just hate how it looks, their stupid faces in particular.
No. 374929
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>>374886I miss her old work, it was full of life and personality and I found her stylisations fun. Now she’s just focused on her music persona Nana the Shrimp which is the most generic and soulless music you can imagine.
No. 375223
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Adults who are still obsessed with Harry Potter are weird and embarrassing. The fact that there are 25 year olds who still say their favorite book is a Harry Potter installment is sad. Yes, I get that you loved the books and movies as a child but you don't need to make the fact that the online quiz said you're a hufflepuff into your entire personality and have your life revolve around it.
Actually people who base their entire personality off of any one thing like that are fucking weird. But I feel like the Harry Potter obsession is the most pervasive and socially acceptable. There are so many adults (some of which wouldn't have even been children when HP first came out) who are still obsessed with the books and movies, which are about literal children! The harry potter subreddit is the cringiest thing - full of tattoos, home decor, engagements, weddings, etc. And according to them if you aren't rabidly obsessed or don't care for the series you're immediately a disgusting heartless heathen who didn't have a childhood.
The ridiculous theories that they come up with and the over analysis of a series written for children is insane. It's not that deep. Don't even get me started on the degeneracy J.K. Rowling is attempting to insert into all of it in order to stay relevant
No. 375242
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>>375237Maybe post the whole text next time, anon.
No. 375246
>>375227NTA but even if it is YA it's pretty embarrassing when grown ass adults are obsessed with any YA literature. I don't care if people want to read some YA books for fun but adults who exclusively read trashy Hunger Games-esque books and act like they're sooooo intelligent because they're
readers and so nerdy! are embarrassing. Aka all of "booktube"
No. 375248
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>>375237common sense media recommends the books for 7-12 year olds (children)
but regardless, adults who are obsessed with harry potter are fucking cringy. I read every goddamn one of those magic treehouse books when I was little and you don't see me building a treehouse in my backyard
No. 375268
>>375249Fucking exactly lmao. I'm not gonna sit on my high horse and say you must read drab 800 page purple prose 18th century literature to be a "good reader" or whatever but like, come on. It's like saying you're a foodie when all you eat is tendies and french fries.
>>375252That's fair. Like I said, I don't think it's automatically cringy if you're an adult who reads YA books. I just hate the subculture of pretentious adults who like to call themselves bookish/well-read but only read YA and act superior and smug for it anyway.
I also feel like a lot of people like this focus more on peacocking and humble bragging and less about actually reading and discussing books. It's all about having a huge bookshelf of overpriced hardcover editions of the latest trendy YA series and doing stupid shit for the aesthetic like arranging your huge book collection by cover color, because fuck being able to easily find a specific book, right? Or causing stupid drama over fucking books because of crybaby SJW politics. If you look up "booktube" on YouTube basically everything is about drama or other meta shit about the community and barely any interesting discourse about books. It's retarded.
No. 375274
>>375266Oh no, I don’t discredit works of fiction automatically just because of the young age of the intended audience. If you critically look at books for kids you’ll see what I mean, a few recent ones off the top of my jeans would be; Wonder, Pax, In Real Life, Some Kind of Happiness, The Dollmaker of Krakow
But yeah, ‘yikes’, children’s books sure are bad
No. 375278
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>>375223>mfw a co-worker in my training class introduced herself using an 'interesting fact about herself' by saying she'd read one of the Harry Potter books over 200 times and knew because she made a tally every time she read itAnd ofc she had a Slytherin bag, scarf, coat, etc. I introduced myself saying my hobby was mostly reading and had to tell her several times that I never even finished the series and had no interest in doing so, it didn't appeal to me at all.
Like grow the fuck up, jfc. She left in the middle of training, luckily.
No. 375282
>>375278in one of my classes the professor asked us each to say our favorite book… in a class of 20 people, 12 said some harry potter variant. and then the discussion devolved into which book was the best. this is a class for graduating seniors only.
i've never even read them (my mom bought me the first one when I was little and I hated it lol) and when I tell this to people they act like i'm literally satan
No. 375285
>>375274Samefag, I’m on mobile and for whatever reason it autocorrected head to jeans
Sage for ot
No. 375286
>>375280>>375282Her personality really said it all too, she was childish, whiny, gave me way too much personal information about herself, was an 'artist' and bitched that it wasn't fair that she had to take this job to 'please her parents' because that's 'not what she went to school for' but apparently making an Etsy shop to sell her crochet scarves was 'too hard.'
When I told her I'd never finished the series because I grew out of it and lost interest, no matter what conversation we were having she would manage to steer it back to Harry Potter. I try not to judge people on their entertainment (I still watch and try to keep up with the DCAU) but the impression that I get if you're one of those people is that you're a spoiled little bitch who never had to mature. I know it's harsh and that's just off of one person I've met IRL, but online they all seem pretty much the same.
No. 375299
>>375294It’s the age group when most people are avid readers, might not shape you for life but it’s still something that sticks with you. I mean, even you remember what you read at that age
Keep in mind lots of people don’t go on reading into their adulthood so middle grade books are often the only ones to have impacted them
No. 375350
>>375342God, I fucking hated reading Shakespeare in middle and high school. Why should you read a play when it's meant to be performed? Especially because the language in Shakespeare plays is not something that 99% of high school kids want to slug through. Maybe I'm a retard but I only liked being taught Shakespeare when we watched a film adaptation alongside it, because then things actually made sense, and it was easier to appreciate the wordplay and such.
I understand some plays are a little more obscure and don't have a movie version or a recorded theater performance, but it's fucking Shakespeare, for crying out loud. I'm gonna guess that almost any Shakespeare play that's being taught in high school probably has multiple movie adaptations.
No. 375413
>>375350Any teacher that doesn't work to bring Shakespeare to life by showing the class comparisons of different adaptations or some other way should be fined. Shakespeare is so easy to make into a fun thing, there are rude jokes and interesting insights about the culture of his times for a start, there should be no excuse to just leave kids with the scripts and hope they get on with it.
I can still see the importance of teaching his works since it covers usage of literary devices, language history and how just knowing his work unlocks many cultural "in jokes" even in current media. But if a teacher isn't going to make it accessible then kids could learn probably as much from studying Friends.
No. 375572
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i love chihuahuas so damn much
i hate how many people seem to have a vitriolic hatred for them, even other so-called dog lovers
every dog deserves love and kindness
except pit bulls
No. 375575
>>375572Me too, I love their goofy bug eyes and pointy ears.
(tbh I think small dogs in general are often picked on since they're stereotypically associated with female owners and being "useless")
No. 375579
>>375572>every dog deserves love and kindnessexcept pit bulls
this, I love every other dog breed but pitbulls should be exterminated. and pugs.
No. 375582
>>375315Your tastes might've just changed. I used to avidly read and search for sci-fi novels, but I haven't been able to get into any at all.
The lasts few books I've read have been nonfiction and soviet-era short stories.
>>375317I'm still grateful for my AP English teacher in senior year who let us choose from 4 books to read every unit. The discussion groups were more fun because they were smaller, and in general everyone picked something that appealed to them so it wasn't an endless stream of "it's soooo boring". Introduced me to my favorite book that completely changed my view of literature - I used to be one of those purple prose snobby elitists.
No. 375588
>>375575small dogs get picked on usually because their owners think they don't need to be trained or something because they're small. Most people I talk to seem to dislike their piercing barking. Big dog barks are legitimately scary tho.
I personally don't really like the really frail, small ones. They seem like they'll die really easily, and I tend to trip over my own small dog but it's fine cuz he's buff and sturdy.
No. 375600
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>>375578it is fucked up what humans have done to them, but i don't think they're uwu misunderstood puppers that can be rehab'd
violence is in their genes
but i don't advocate, like, killing or abusing them
i just think they shouldn't be bred anymore
whenever i am with my dog in public and i see a pit, i have to leave immediately because the owner is always some dumb trashy fuck that can't keep it under control
they ruin every dog oriented place for regular dog owners
No. 375616
>>375603Majority of dogs have been bred for companionship first and foremost, pit bulls to begin with were bred to be guard dogs which is why they have such strong jaws and quick reactions, because of these traits they’ve now been bred to be fighting dogs.
Most dogs aren’t violent in nature but aren’t being put to work like intended, say sheepdogs or terriers - they were bred to have high energy levels and most people are sedentary now so they have nowhere to focus that energy
We’ve fucked up all domestic animals with our breeding and now sedentary lifestyles, look at sheep who now have to have their tails docked because we no longer eat that part of their body and flies will eat them alive if we keep their tails intact (other than maybe very small farms that can give each animal individual attention)
No. 375651
>>375603>they're just larger and more muscular with stronger bite force than those dogs, so they inflict more damage.I.. I think that's pretty much the reason why people dislike them so much, anon. If a golden retriever bites you, it's usually only one bite and done to protect itself or its owner. If a pitbull bites you, it's due to you probably moving too much to
trigger a response and because they're bred partly from terriers, they grab you in their jaws and shake you around until you're dead. Most other terriers are small (thus relatively harmless) in size and have this feature to hunt for small rodents, but because pitbulls are big fuckers they're bred to kill bigger prey.
No. 375699
>>375689You are factually incorrect.
"Our data were consistent with others, in that an operative intervention was more than 3 times as likely to be associated with a pit bull injury than with any other breed."
Characteristics of 1616 Consecutive Dog Bite Injuries at a Single Institution, by by Golinko et al., Clinical Pediatrics, July 2016"Our data revealed that pit bull breeds were more than 2.5 times as likely as other breeds to bite in multiple anatomical locations."
Characteristics of 1616 Consecutive Dog Bite Injuries at a Single Institution, by by Golinko et al., Clinical Pediatrics, July 2016"Most alarming is the observation that when attacks come from unfamiliar dogs, the pit bull was responsible for 60% and 63% of all injuries and ocular injuries, respectively."
Ocular Trauma From Dog Bites: Characterization, Associations, and Treatment Patterns at a Regional Level I Trauma Center Over 11 Years, by Prendes et al., Ophthalmic Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, June 2015 No. 375751
>>375699i'm not factually incorrect. pitbulls do cause more injury because of the fact that they are stronger with much more bite force and attack differently than other dogs. i already said that. that means that their attacks result in more severe injuries that necessitate intervention/operation. HOWEVER, their temperament is not unlike other dogs. they aren't especially aggressive in comparison to other dogs, they're just more dangerous because they're pure muscle with a different fighting/attack style.
and most studies concede that the frequency of pitbull attacks have more to due with the fact that pitbulls and pitbull mixes are becoming some of the most popular dogs thanks to assholes, not because they tend to be especially aggressive as a breed.
No. 376178
>>375579…I think pit bulls are good dogs :(
>>375223BIG agree. I also feel this way about adults obsessed with Disney.
I'm 20, and I've basically chosen to never read Harry Potter out of sheer spite.
>>375341They had us read the Samurai's Garden in high school and I fucking loved it. It's one of the few books that made me cry.
>>375603Cats are more violent than dogs in my experience. They're also less sanitary than dogs (Google it, their saliva has way more harmful bacteria than dogs).
>>375884>furry porn should be a crimeWhat the fuck totalitarian state wou,d enforce something like that?
They're idiots in mascot costumes, not terrorists jfc
No. 376421
So while I doubt it'll ever be made illegal, I do think there is merit to doing this and here is why.
Both lolicons and furries have been outed time and time again on discord servers and other online communities to be instigating IRL sexual relations with minors and animals. This is very unlike people with rape kinks (also a gross fetish), who can get their fix through consensual BDSM and don't develop communities specifically with the purpose of coming up with grooming tactics and exchanging smut videos.
We do know lolicons and furries both almost always end up in grooming related communities and the drawn porn is a catalyst. It's a matter of when, not if, they will end up hurting an animal or a child. They always end up going online to groom kids or adopting animals to rape them. They don't stop at cartoons, they do seek live action footage and then escalate it to seeking IRL experiences.
So for the reason they have a tendency to create communities and discuss grooming techniques, I think you could probably make a case to ban them in a country that isn't the US.
No. 376506
>>376502I only did with my best friend so I could talk about crushes, but there's no reason to come out to my parents unless I get a girlfriend. Although I can't convince even males to date me so I doubt that will ever happen lmao.
In online circles I think it's for sj points or attention, like you said.
No. 376673
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I couldn't care less about Asexuality truly. Despite having an incredibly low sex drive or feelings of attraction myself and honestly could probably use ace as a label if it even seemed important enough to do so. I don't see any point or pride in displaying the fact that i don't want to fuck like who cares lol
No. 376958
>>376948it's so annoying and i HATE how i'm made to feel like shit because i'm not enthusiastic about the idea of wasting my life making other people money and am constantly belittled because i don't aspire to have a career where i take on responsibility. unless it's my company or is a non-profit or something, idgaf, and i'll put in the least amount of effort. am i supposed to be impressed that these people are so heavily invested in believing that AIG actually thinks they're "valuable members of the team" that they'll work themselves to death to feel special and 'accomplished'? i notice, anyways, that the pay raise is hardly ever proportional to the amount of responsibility and liability you're then forced to take on. you just get paid more to be a scapegoat for someone else's incompetence. color me thrilled! at least my ability to fuck up as a sandwich artist is minimal and i can't be blamed for mismanaging or ruining the lives of others. i also think a lot of people (esp in burgerland) are conned into the idea that they're more capable than they actually are. i'd rather recognize my limitations, and have others recognize theirs, than see the amount of total ineptitude in so many fields just bc it's not dignified for people to hold lower positions. it's way more admirable, anyways, to put your effort into volunteering, you know, actually trying to make the world a better place, or at the very least, donating in order to do so, than investing your entire fucking life into some bullshit gig where absolutely no one cares about you.
>>376947then legit that's my shit. i want the least amount of responsibility possible. i once read about a janitor who amassed $8 million and hid it from everyone. worked all his life as a janitor and no one knew. he just was frugal and knew how to invest. that's so much cooler than slaving yourself to death for an ever more difficult lifestyle that you don't need and can't actually afford.
>>376946it's sad, every job should pay an actual living wage, damnit
No. 377002
>>376943I can relate, though I aspire to a slightly higher level of wagecuck. A comfy, sit down office job with food and coffee accessible at all time and a bit more money is ideal. There is a tendency for office jobs to get busy and horrible sometimes but I will continue on my quest to find the job I can slack off on the most while still doing a decent job.
No amount of money can compensate for peace of mind and free time, I will never be ambitious enough to let myself get overly stressed and busy in a position of responsibility. Honestly this kinda applies to marriage and children for me too, I crave a relaxed, easy life above everything else.
No. 377118
>>377098So did I, but you do realise that just because something impacts you doesn’t mean you’re suddenly going to develop an incest fetish, right?
Since a lot of you are misunderstanding, by impact I meant that kids in that age group are often obsessive readers, they often devour the books they love and move onto the next book by that author because of how much they enjoy their work. Of course there are outliers, but look at what kids in that age group are like in book stores/libraries or better yet what their parents are like - when looking for a book it’s almost always something by the same authour or from their favourite series.
And that’s what I was saying sticks with people, they associate that childhood wonder and excitement with those books. A lot of the books you would’ve read in your older years you’ll have forgotten unless they really spoke to you, but the books from your childhood stick with you because children love things differently. Sure, the book itself may not have been the greatest, and they haven’t completely changed the course of your life, but the feelings stick with you.
That’s all I meant by impact, I don’t know why so many of you are having trouble understanding that impact doesn’t have to be life changing.
No. 377234
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im not italian in the slightest so maybe i've just had bad pasta my whole life but pasta sucks. what is it, fuckin tomato and soggy wheat sticks, maybe an olive or ground beef if youre feeling extravagant? wheres the flavor?
no shade to italians though, you guys make god-tier desserts
No. 377238
>>377118I get what you're saying, but tbh I used to read like that and I don't remember like 98% of all the shit I read. I don't even really remember the feeling since I was just, as you said, reading the next book in a series or by an author.
I remember the majority of what I've read as an adult and imo they've had more impact on me because adult responsibilities = less time so I am more discriminate in my choices.
No. 377241
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Whenever I see a girl I graduated high school with having a baby with her deadbeat on-again-off-again "fiance" I assume it's just because she has no personality and needs to push out a kid to feel like they've accomplished something without really doing anything.
No. 377245
>>377241Kinda feel attacked by this since I guess I would fall into that category, and I can assure you it isn’t because they have no personality - like the majority of kids they’re accidents, it has no reflection on their personality.
Just because you’re a mum doesn’t mean you don’t have any ambitions/interests, kids are a 24/7 commitment so life gets in the way.
No. 377247
>>377245I probably generalized this post too much because mostly what I've seen has been anecdotal; boring ass girls I knew who popped out babies and now their whole personalities revolve around being a mom. Didn't have any ambitions of their own when I knew them and now all I see are baby photos and passive aggressive statuses about how their boyfriends don't actually parent.
I have no vendetta against young moms, just more the expectation that women have to become all encompassing servants once they have kids with no thoughts or ambitions of their own. Obviously being a mom is a huge commitment but I feel like people expect woman to be 100% about your children or else you're a bad parent. It's sad and frustrating seeing women fall into this trap and not realizing that they can have children as well as a sense of individuality.
No. 377252
>>377247>I have no vendetta against young moms, just more the expectation that women have to become all encompassing servants once they have kids with no thoughts or ambitions of their own. Obviously being a mom is a huge commitment but I feel like people expect woman to be 100% about your children or else you're a bad parent.Anon you replied to, and I feel this. My kids are all people every ask me about and my parenting is constantly under scrutiny (mainly whether or not I wait on the hand on foot), but a lot of it comes internally too. Constant feelings of guilt if I do anything for myself or feel sick of my kids.
Although I don’t at all see the need to post about my kids publicly all the time, and I see this more from older mums than the younger ones.
Again though, any ambition someone has tends to go out the window during their kids younger years because they take up so much of your time and attention and you feel half dead majority of the time
No. 377447
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I hate commentary channels on YouTube. It's usually some smug, mediocre white guy sharing his unsolicited opinion on some dumb internet trend or social issue that doesn't matter at all.
And before anyone accuses me of race-baiting or whatever, I don't dislike them purely because they're white dudes. I know there are other types of YouTube commentators. There is an alternative subgenre of YouTube commentary that's more dominated by women and gay dudes. They usually don't show their face and talk more about celebrities and their "unpopular" opinions. I also find them annoying and low effort. These guys however the ones that gain the most praise and popularity, so they're the ones I'm singling out. And they annoy me so much more than the other ones precisely because of how blind they are to their own mediocrity.
They always talk about internet "celebrities" or rant about some ~wacky SJWs~ that are easy targets, and it's always just frankly boring. I'm not against ranting or criticizing in general or in comedy, but these guys aren't even clever enough to make it funny or interesting. They all just say basically the same thing about the same topics as each other.
There are only so many times you can watch someone act incredulous at some weirdo on the internet before it gets old. Everything about them annoys me - their smug faces, condescending voices, overused editing, the fact that they actually make their living from this… These guys are always like Reddit personified.
I hate that I'm actually agreeing with Brittany Venti about something, but her video about them summed up a lot of what I feel towards commentary channels. It's a trend that can't die soon enough.
No. 377454
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>>377447>I hate that I'm actually agreeing with Brittany Venti about something, but her videoHow the fuck are you going to make a post complaining about commentary YTers and then reference one of the biggest drama, coattail riding, clickbait YTers who despite everything was unsuccessful at it?
This has got to be shilling.
>annoying>low effort>criticizing>smug face>covering unoriginal topic>overedited >makes her living off itThese are literally her lmao.
No. 377459
>>377454hate that I’m defending this fetal alcholol syndrome faced whore but I don’t think anon is agreeing with Venti’s content (bc it is shit) but more of one video she made talking abt how annoying commentary channels are - but it makes sense to point out the hypocrisy since she is everything she claims to hate
but a broken clock can be right twice a day, even if that clock claims to not be broken
No. 377460
>>377447Oh, I hate her too. I just came across a video of hers called "I hate commentary channels" or something and well…I don't disagree with it.
You're right that she's annoying in all the same ways but she's not nearly as popular as them so it's easier to ignore her.
No. 377471
>>377447I actually like throwing them on in the background while I'm drawing or something, but I agree lol. I think some people (myself included) like such channels since it kind of simulates having a friend telling you about these things. It's some parasocial bullshit since they inject some of their persona into their videos, even if it's dry.
They're like the dollar store chocolate of entertainment junk food. And story times are the walmart chocolates lol.
No. 377479
>>377447I do what
>>377471 does of just have those videos in the bg, completely focusing on them feels like a waste of time (maybe besides Pyro's gaming vids and older TWOTIs). It's also fucking annoying that when something happens, they all instantly release a vid on it like vultures flocking in and obviously cover the same exact things, like recently with 4 belle delphine vids released within one week (WillNE, Memulous, ImAllexx, Pyro). It is bit funny htough when there are "dry" commentary periods and they start covering beauty community drama like I don't think any of them have used moisturiser once let alone make-up kek
No. 377603
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watching a documentary about the dupoint scandal and i'm disgusted at these two parents who decided to have a kid when they were told there's a 50% chance the baby will be born with teflon in its blood and have massive facial deformities like the father.
all i can think is how fucking dare you decide to chance 50% of exposing a child to that. exposing a child to a dangerous chemical in the blood and a lifelong deformity just because you want to. why not adopt???
maybe i'm overreacting but i feel like it's so disgusting and selfish
No. 377820
I have a huge amount of sympathy for celebrities and I think they live awful, oppressive, extremely stressful lives. We all know that money and nice things don't guarantee happiness, so even though they're rich and privilged, I still feel bad for them. The people who are supposed to protect and care for them, dehumanize the shit out of them, and this isn't even getting started on child celebrities. I imagine that most of them have been sexually coerced and raped and abused in other ways. I mean, imagine how stressed out you'd be if millions of people were eagerly awaiting your mental breakdown and basically actively cheering it on. When I think about celebrities like Britney Spears, Courtney Stodden, Anna Nicole Smith, Justin Bieber etc, I just feel an extreme, deep sadness.
inb4 "but they CHOSE that lifestyle!!" okay? so did a surgeon, but I still feel bad for surgeons who work grueling 80 hour weeks and get traumarized when patients die on their operating table
No. 377833
>>377820completely with you on this. I think it's just bad for the mind to be exposed to millions and billions of people for a long time with your personality attached to a performance you have to keep up. Staying grounded and moving away from the limelight if necessary must be hard as fuck. Money supposedly making all the downsides better my ass. There is just a ton of pressure on celebs and how don't you lose yourself in that persona?Partners often love the idea of them or simply the money and fame. People latch on to them. Lots of families behind a celeb must be awful as fuck. And also, as a celeb you might just turn into a total asshole because people around you sometimes only care about your performance and blow your ego up.
Not saying this is true for all celebs but the challenges that come with that lifestyle are crazy.
I have a lot of respect for those who stay sane and grounded and keep some privacy and even make use of their fame for good causes. I also have a lot of sympathy for troubled celebs or even the assholes because that just comes natural under those circumstances. I can't say I'd be a stable or good person if I were famous.
No. 378098
>>378083Yep, and I've known just as many gay dudes to grope a chick's ass and boobs and then say "it's okay because I'm gay!"
No it's fucking not.
No. 378101
>>378083Worse than straight men, really? I'd rather a guy who isn't attracted to me think my vag is gross than a man who is attracted to me think I'm a subhuman walking fuckhole/womb the way most of them do.
I don't care if lesbians think dick is gross either. And I can understand if they overcompensate meanly for many years of being expected to like genitals they just don't. It could be a lot worse than something so petty.
No. 378147
>>378111>I'd have killed myself like 6 years agoI think you would've just left your
abusive caveman husband instead. I think most people would. Everyone makes fun of Taylor's appearance but she's way out of Grundle's league and could easily find a cuter, more sane boyfriend even as a single mom.
No. 378189
>>373482Cats are the incarnation of evil. They are vicious, selfish, sadistic, needy arseholes which have somehow, as a species, convinced millions of educationally subnormal human beings to give them water, food, shelter and adoration in exchange for their deigning to grace the aforementioned idiots with their physical proximity every now and then.
If it were up to me, every domesticated cat worldwide would be rounded up and airlifted to an appropriately imposing and predator-heavy habitat such as the Serengeti where the little shits could spend the last few weeks of their lives learning about the harsh realities of the nature they thought they'd escaped for good, before being torn apart by hyenas or succumbing to some especially painful and disfiguring parasitic infestation.
In the absence of this wet dream's coming true, however, I'll have to content myself with rewatching the LiveLeak video of the deranged Indian man eating a cat alive, and reminiscing happily about the time a deeply troubled pupil in the care of the Special Educational Needs unit where I used to work killed the school cat with a lathe.
No. 378206
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>>378203Do you see copious amounts of copypasta and shitposting here?
No, you don't. Learn to take a hint, retard.
No. 378221
I don't know to which extent this counts as an "unpopular" opinion nor do I know if this has been posted before so bear with me, but I think drug glorification culture and this trend of parading drug use so casually is fucking retarded and irresponsible. doing drugs recreationally in general is something I find retarded and unappealing, i tried weed last year just to see what the fuss was all about and it was pretty meh. I don't judge my friends who do recreational drugs nor do I preach to them but i still think it's moronic and basic to act like doing drugs is such a fun and cool activity.
weedfags are always reeeing when you try to tell them that even if weed isn't as bad as say, cocaine, it's still a drug and it's still somewhat harmful for your system. people now think that smoking weed is a whole ass personality trait that makes them seem "chill", interesting or appealing, but in reality parading something like that to the public makes you the opposite, it makes you look stupid and vapid and very basic imho. if you like smoking it that's fine, you do you, but it's not an obscure or interesting habit that makes you appealing, you're not suddenly special and yoonique bc you smoke a blunt.
also people really are out here sperging about weed all day every day (a few lolcows come to mind) acting like it's not an addiction. because they do know addiction is bad and harmful but they won't admit it bc you lose clout if you say something bad about weed now i guess, don't want to look like an old grandpa for dating to have an original thought and realize that hey maybe this little drug habit of mine isn't as good for me as I was made to believe it was.
No. 378347
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>>378337lmao radfems are so retarded
No. 378387
>>378369russian remake>>>>>>the american original
i mean it's still shit but i actually laughed some
No. 378396
>>378335>All imageboards are inherently weebishNot quite. Operatorchan bans anime.
>>378337lol I hate anime reaction images too but it's literally a nonproblem here.
No. 378614
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Smeargle is so ugly and stupid, I had it. It's name even sounds like smegma.
No. 378897
There's a lot of darkness in the LGBT community that goes unaddressed because most people are too much on the 'gay rights' bandwagon
There's a high proportion of homosexuals suffering from the toxic culture that exists in large portions of the gay community. The average homosexual man suffers from a form of Don Giovannism and it's not at all uncommon for gay men to rack up over 1000 sexual partners, most of these being one time affairs. Illicit and anonymous gay sex is extremely common and normal for homosexual men, and much of this is unsafe, unprotected sex. This is basically the sole cause of the community's excessively high STD rate. The homosexual nightlife community is overindulgent on drugs and needles just as it is on sex, and much of this is again, done unsafely. Sexual abuse is extremely common and predatory behavior goes unreported and unenforced because there's just not the mainstream knowledge of how common homosexual rapists are, the average person these days just thinks that all homosexuals are the cuddly happy guys as portrayed by the media.
Most people think that the stereotype of gay men being sex crazed perverts is just a reactionary, christian talking point. And will dismiss it as such. And while it's not fair to say that ALL HOMOSEXUALS have the problems I outlined above, there is this dark underbelly to the homosexual community that people just refuse to address anymore.
And there's also a really sick subtype of homosexual, the type I think is most likely to sexually abuse children. He dresses in baggy clothes, usually shorts and oversized T-shirts. He has a childish sense of humor that resembles something of an adam sandler skit, putting on funny voices and just generally…Acting how I imagine he perceives 11 year old boys to be. He will almost never speak to women, is extremely misogynistic and has an extreme narcissism about him. I'm not sure if I'm reaching, but I've encountered this exact type of homosexual man several times in my life and one is close to the family. But they're one of the few types of people in life that weirds me out.
No. 378919
>>378897My biggest issue is that you’re not allowed to mention the huge amount of child sexual abuse rampant in the gay community, and how a lot of these boys then even become gay from a sort of trauma from it - plenty will have first been introduced to homosexuality via rape and/or molestation and grooming, and this issue will keep going on if no one is even allowed to talk about it. It’s an absurdly high rate considering how small of a fraction of the populace they are
People also need to acknowledge the fact that domestic violence is high within the lesbian community.
No. 378947
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>>378919>People also need to acknowledge the fact that domestic violence is high within the lesbian community I didn't even knew this, please tell me you're joking, this can't be true, anon please…
No. 378958
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This might not be too controversial here but I'm amazed at the amount of mindless consumption in nerd culture and how people will throw their money at anything that's labeled with their favorite characters. Star Wars fans in particularly bad about it. I feel like every super big fan of Star Wars I've ever met has just been some bland ass milquetoast shell of a person. So many people conflate liking stuff with personality traits.
No. 378962
>>378958Consumerism feeds in very well to nerd culture, especially if it says something like ‘limited edition’.
People love their shiny pebbles
No. 378966
>>378962>>378958It's not really an unpopular opinion these days, hating on even marvel is becoming mainstream, although marvel and disney maintain a cult-like control over their core base.
I remember onetime reading a semi-marxist analysis of 'geek culture', and how capitalism pushes and indoctrinates people to be childish and frivolous like a child to increase consumer spending. It really makes sense to me, because all of the people into this crap seem to be living in perpetual childhood. The idea of a proper adult in mind and spirit buying a Funko toy is ludicrous.
>When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things. No. 379019
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>>378947It's not true, anon is probably just parroting the same old debunked shit that 4chan spread around.
No. 379157
>>379119She probably does, but who gives a fuck you are anonymous.
I'm sure there are tons of farmers on here with even more cognitive problems than her, but you don't see them shitting up the meta thread.
No. 379254
>>379248the perpetrator of the orlando massacre was an isis terrorist, it caused massive outrage from the general public and there were several charities to help the
victims' families meanwhile if the same thing happened anywhere else than a first world country, like somewhere in the middle east or africa no one, including the government and courts would give a fuck but okay. gay hate crimes in first world countries are way, waaaay lower than anywhere else. gays in the west are extremely privileged, protected by the law, can get married, can have a normal life, homophobes in the west get their careers ruined. they are not oppressed.
No. 379267
>>379244It's going to take some years for people to adjust to having these rights and being accepted as regular people. Eventually they'll feel comfortable and not persecuted so they'll relax on the IM QUEER shit and develop other interests. Also gay marriage itself was a very recent thing in the grand scheme of things (2015 federally, come the fuck on) unless you're a child that doesn't know what it was like a few decades ago where "gay" was an honest derogatory term and even before that when gay people were getting serious hate crimes committed against them. People pass their traumas down and it takes a few generations for these things to heal.
Besides there still
are pockets of the country where being gay is very much a negative thing and most families are more "tolerant" than actually accepting. i.e. they won't try to murder a gay neighbor but will flip a tit if their kid is gay. Guess what, that kid is going to have issues and they will probably not feel safe even later in life bc these traumas absolutely stay with them.
You sound like people that claim racism is totally gone now that the ~~~laws~~~ protect black people. History just doesn't work that way, babe.
No. 379274
>>379271Jesus christ, I didn't know that. Sauce for stat?
I wonder what causes that. Is it that we're seen as inherently "sluts?" Or is it "corrective?" I'd hate to hear the stats for lesbians…
No. 379276
>>379275inb4 some retard posts something speculating on how slutty bi women are and how
they know this bi girl who was choosing to be with
abusive men or some incel tier bullshit.
No. 379279
>>379276That would fall pretty flat, as 48% of bisexual women who make up the 46% stat were raped between the ages of 11 and 17.
Oh those slutty bisexual 11 year olds.
No. 379289
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YouTube keeps recommending me a video of Jay Leno almost being bitten by an alligator, that Steve Irwin brings on, and it's made me think animal experts/handlers should stop doing that. I love animals, and I loved Steve Irwin, but when you watch those segments on talk shows where they bring animals out you can tell the animals are stressed and scared. And the host freaks out and laughs, and the audience laughs, and the animal is trying to get away. And then they are rudely grabbed or shoved into a bag or box and dragged away back stage. How long do they have to stay in those bags, or boxes, or small cages back stage, being scared of all the lights and noise? It doesn't seem fair or safe, to the animals or the people, like the hosts who can be bitten or scratched by an animal they have no idea how to handle. Also extra unpopular opinion: Steve Irwin was too reckless with a lot of animals, and put his infant son in needless danger with the crocodile. Him being killed by an animal came as no surprise to me. Still miss him though. RIP Steve.
No. 379311
>>379285Radfem comments outside of the radfem thread being a bannable offense might be worth pursuing. I can go to meta and maybe bring that up today. It has reached racebait proportions in how often it happens and how much it messes up a discussion.
I'm not a handmaid and I do relate to radfem as an ideology but every time someone chooses to use the pronouns a tr00n wants some dickhead has to derail about >she. Shut the fuck up.
No. 379335
>>379318Moving the cat isn’t training it tho.
Use deterrents and rewards like training literally anything/anyone. Double sided tape on surfaces you want the cat off, give treats for doing things like touching your hand with her paw if you say high-five. Actual training.
No. 379739
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Grass type Pokemon are the best! There are so many beautiful designs and they have the coolest moves. I wish I could be an aroma lady or something.
Fairy type is lame and tranny tier.
No. 379784
>>379739can we please stop calling typical girlish coded thinks tranny tier, trannylike etc. Not only it's often spergy like in context of fucking pokemon games (what does gender crit worldview have to do with them?), it's also insulting toward women who do like those feminine aesthetics and we should not hand them over to trannies that aproppriate our existence.
Criticize fairy mons for being too cutesy but not tranny like.
No. 379792
>>379781Begone, speedrunner!
((just kidding anon, dont take it too hard. I figure you are probably just a weeb that likes 'cutesy' things or something))
No. 379843
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>>379784It's not our fault troons have decided to claim Fairy Pokemons as ~twans symbolism~. It's hard to take them seriously when you see shit like this. Be mad at them, not us.
No. 379853
>>379843No reasonable person cares about tranny farts in the wind. Nobody out of sjw/tranny circlejerk looks at Sylveon or Clefairy and thinks 'yep, it's a trans character'. Don't treattranny wishes as fact. Nothing tranny about fairy pokemon, thigh highs or cat ears (as cringet as they might be!).
They are imitating us, doesn't mean feminity belongs to them.
No. 379899
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>>379897nta, but it's because of the "terf bangs"
No. 379903
>>379739People mostly shit on grass type starters, which is sad because snivy and chikorita are underratted as hell. Of course I'm not that into the fandom part of pokemon, so I don't really see it.
But fairy type pokemon are great, Moonblast is the one of my favorite newish moves.
No. 380077
>>380070- men hate them because they’re pathetic enough to fall for it
- women hate them because men hate them
No. 380093
>>380020>>380086I used to scoff at my parents and not understand how they couldn't see the fun in pokemon, but as I got older I started to see how anything past silver/gold drifted into nonsense. It was neverending. The pokemon got even more nonsensical over the years and I couldn't follow unless I literally bought games and merch.
I finally understand why my parents rolled eyes so much over it when I was a kid. Props to the creators though, the cash cow is
super effective.
No. 380096
>>380077>women hate them because men hate themMany of them happen to possess unstable and entitled personalities which makes them insufferable to know and be friends with beyond a superficial level. Most anything they do is always for attention or as a means to make money, because their living entirely revolves around creating a specific image and narrative. The profession attracts a lot of self centered narcs willing to use people and throw others under the bus. There's a lot to be said about streamers who contact friends just to link to their Twitch and ask for donations for no product or service that isn't already being done for free by millions.
At least the ones with day jobs are a bit more humble.
No. 380110
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Mugman is a lot cuter than Cuphead! His blue color is cool too, I wish playing as Mugman was an option on solo.
No. 380115
>>379784I'm pretty feminine and as much as I try not to and be mindful of it, I do like feminine things a lot, but you guys are trying high key to get insulted if youre super offended that people call out being super feminine on an imageboard as being tranny tier. Being/talking about super fem shit on an imageboard is questionable bc it's caricature tier and imo feminine women that aren't participating in upholding a caricature too (see: shuwu) don't typically flaunt in feminine things in a tranny way. It's different.
>>380086I so agree. Disregarding the video games (which are also boring), I never understood the appeal of card games anyways. Wtf was ever entertaining about them?
No. 380156
>>380096All of this. I can't stand the "jealous cunts" narrative and I can only repeat what you said. Keeping up a profession like a titty twitch streamer requires a certain type of antisocial personality that is willing to go to disgusting lengths to keep their name making money for doing nothing else but "entertaining".
>>380086Honestly I still find the 2 first generations enjoyable as an adult but they took all the challenge out of the games and removed the dark elements that made the world interesting. The cutesy fashion shows and whatever customization the games have now replaced story and gameplay.
No. 380163
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This isn't "brave" or "stunning". Men will always look stupid in womens clothes. That's why men wearing women's clothes is often seen in comedy. It just looks fucking ridiculous. Men get asspats for the simplest shit.
No. 380169
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>>380163thank you. that silhouette is so retarded. he looks like a very stupid velvet napkin or a cake. society needs to understand that men have terrible legs, and terrible proportions in general, and there's nothing wrong with them wearing androgynous clothes in feminine or flashy/flamery styles (like pic related), but just wearing dresses or skirts looks absolutely stupid 9 times out of 10. their bodies are just not meant for it.
>inb4 you get flooded with posts by farmers talking about how men look so hot in skirts or whatever No. 380170
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>>380163>>380169i know this is an unpopular opinion thread and i won't debate you on it but god despite all the cringey STUNNING AND BRAVE posts i think he looked amazing. that dress is amazing to me
i don't think men can pull off casually wearing skirts but in a fetish context? fuck. manly men crossdressing without feminizing themselves is one of my favorites
No. 380173
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>>379739>tranny tierokay fuck off, if you don't love the pokemon pictured then you have no taste
(that said i absolutely hate gardevoir, mawile, diancie and other such types that weeb neckbeards tend to like so it's a type i love but also hate)
No. 380175
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That viral newsbait going around about kids viewing videos telling them how to kill themselves is absolutely the fault of the parents.
Strange how most children born before 2000 managed to survive without constant access to streamed, autoplaying internet but suddenly dumbass parents can't parent anymore without handing their kid a tablet?
I'm sick of hearing about this non-news because parents are too chickenshit to deal with their brat's crying fits and tantrums to protect them from adult media, and are incapable of doing common sense shit like not giving them unsupervised access to it in the first place.
No. 380177
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>>380174also anon not all women have ~beautiful~ ~shapely~ legs and not all men have stiff boards for legs and to claim otherwise is just plain sexist. not all women are ~curvy~
No. 380180
>>380163that dress was incredibly stiff. i remember looking at it and i was wondering who the fuck picked that out for him in the first place? he looked uncomfortable.
like i don't care if a man wears feminine clothing, as long as he recognizes it will never turn him into a woman. it's just a garment. i don't care if a woman wears masculine clothing either, even though it's basically common.
No. 380207
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>>375572Chihuahuas are literally my dream dog, they're tiny so I can take them everywhere with me, they're cute so watching them make me happy, they're sweet and easy to train, they can be taken for long walks and they make tiny poop so I won't ever have to pick up a huge piece of dog shit.
I want to adopt either a chihuahua or a Maltese.
No. 380208
>>380115Hard disagree (as you can imagine).
>liking cutesy Pokemon created with little girls in mind is tranny tier Sorry, but I will never get this. Next someome will say that collecting vintage My Little Pony is 'brony tier' instead of spergy or, you know, American housewife like. Cause they've been doing it for years before male cartoon horse fetishists were a thing.
I know I am repeating myself but stop handling our things to men just cause they rub their dirty hands all over them. It's exactly what they want us to do.
Good thing I no longer run into psycho trannies online and don't give a fuck about their delusional opinions.
RE: Card games. I also do not enjoy them too much (though I like to collect some pretty Pokemon ones), but they give your brain a lot to think about and some people enjoy it. First you have to create the deck and then you have to keep thinking about the best strategy during the game, planning not only the next move but also for the next turn, consider the opponent's cards and avoid misplays.
I find all of this extremely exhausting, but my bf loves it and I can see why. It's a bit like chess in that regard, except you have so much more varied chess pieces, it's crazy.
No. 380232
>>380201I mean, you could say any junk food is a waste of calories and should be banned. Just because you don't like them doesn't mean they're the WORST thing out there.
Triggered goldfish lover
No. 380287
File: 1551281583925.jpg (48.51 KB, 620x350, teddy-bear-shih-tzu-hair-cut.j…)

>>380207i love these dogs as well and i'm someone who generally dislikes dogs (and i despise "dog people.) i feel like small, fluffy dogs get such a bad rap when it was literally a shih tzu that got me to like dogs. my sister adopted one who she proceeded to ignore and i was basically forced to care for it. he was so incredibly sweet, quiet, clean and loving. always in such a good mood. never destroyed anything in the house or peed where he wasn't supposed to even without any formal training. i love small dogs
No. 380339
>>380176Same anon. You;re making me sexually aroused in class.
>>379967I think it;s hime cut and short hair
>>380173Primarina is the really tranny pokemon
No. 380485
>>380423This is not an unpopular opinion, a lot of people like "thick" thighs. without cellulite? you know a lot of women who aren't even fat have cellulite, right? you sound like a man.
I remember back when I had a myspace and there was this one guy who said he hunted cats just for fun and his layout was literally a picture of a barrel full of dead cats. both of my grandparents hated cats, all of my friends have hated cats, a lot of people on the internet (even this thread like
>>378189) will rant at length about how cats are the most vile creatures alive despite cats having done absolutely nothing to them. irrational hatred.
No. 380510
>>380485>(even this thread like >>378189)
Just lol
I'll have you know that you're talking to the same person who posted that pasta right now. And the reception to that post isn't exactly what you'd call overwhelming approval. Hating cats is unpopular, even ITT. Stop being delusional.
No. 380566
>>379899 I still don’t know what the fuck terf bangs are aside from a Twitter boogeyman only recognized by shutins.
Hell there are trans women who wear bangs like that because they make you look younger, hide your forehead and generally make you look more feminine etc. unless they mean super short high bangs but I only ever see tumblr whales wearing those??
No. 380699
>>380675sage for
triggered sperg
omg anon i fucking hated 'your name '. that movie tried so damn hard to be deep and really dropped the ball.
seriously tho why tf did he drink that spit sake and then got high af and changed the future. who wrote this disaster. No. 381354
>>380685eh I'm
>>380675 and I find Satoshi Kon movies alright.
No. 381356
>>380672Definitely agree. They could all be cut down by a lot of scenes.
I will say though that just from a concept stand point the very idea that Your Name can top Spirited Away in box office charts is a travesty. That movie is pure garbage.
No. 381483
>>381473>And YA never existed before capitalism. Do people think there was YA lit in the USSR? You gotta be fucking kidding me.Do you mean like… YA as the American genre or books for teens in general?
Because if the second one, you are wrong.
No. 381484
>>381473People are moronic and seem to confuse basic welfare for communism.
The countries with the best health care are surprise! capitalist. The world works on a currency based system for bartering. A capital system aims to maximise capital potential for progress and resources. Its not a perfect system because of the inequalities but you don't fix that by making everyone a fucking communists you enact welfare systems to redistribute capital to the people to promote spending. All a fucking government is is the body that controls the countries budget/capital for resources.
It's absolutely embarrassing for someone on a smart phone to preach about the benefits of communism.
No. 381489
One thing that baffles me is my friend who is a Chinese international student is so against capitalism. I know all of the effects of capitalism in China haven't all been positive. But I think she believes that if we werne't living in a capitalist society graduate schools would be throwing money at her to pursue a humanities degree or something.
>>381483I'm not an expert but I feel like while books for teens have always exist, I think the YA industry is something different. Including the need to specifically market books as being for "young adults" in general.
One thing that baffles me is my friend who is a Chinese international student is so against capitalism. I know all of the effects of capitalism in China haven't all been positive. But I think she believes that if we werne't living in a capitalist society graduate schools would be throwing money at her to pursue a humanities degree or something. Not to mention that she would never have been able to afford paying $60k/yr for school without capitalism.
Another thing I hate is guys who complain about how capitalism is ruining video games when changes happen that they don't like.
>>381484Totally agree
No. 381500
>>381494I can understand people being upset because their own pibble hasn't killed their children yet, but they have to understand that the breed is legitimately dangerous, their strength coupled with their pain intolerance is something that should be regulated. The owners should have to hold a pitbull licence.
It's so demeaning when these trailer trash pibble parents post their stupid pits with their newborns or with other, smaller animals. 'woah so dangerous xd", yeah, I'm sure a lot of the pit owners who had their children and other pets killed or mauled by their dogs felt the same, you daft cunt.
No. 381538
>>381484An eurofag here who lives next to Russia and still remembers the effects of the Soviet Union and knows how fucked up communism is in practice: fuck everyone who was born in a capitalist society and demands communism, they literally have no idea what they're asking for. Capitalism isn't flawless but there's a reason why so many economically successful and happy countries are capitalist. People need and demand freedom which they can't get in a communist society. You can't eat your cake and have it too, you're either absolutely miserable in a communist shithole where everyone is demotivated because they're artificially kept down (except for the state elite living in luxury of course), or you're in a capitalist system where you need to go through effort to secure a middle class life style, but also have the option to aim higher if you've given the chance.
inb4 but true communism has never been practiced!!!!111 Shut up and read a fucking book
No. 381547
>>381493I used to think that it was nurture over nature for pits, until just this week. I dog sit for a family friend who has a pitbull & he's always been real sweet with me. Until literally last night I was playing with him outside and he got aggressive out of nowhere and bit my jacket and yanked me to the floor. Thank God he didn't bite me, and I was able to get out of my jacket and back inside. His owner will be back tomorrow but that was the first time I've seen real aggression from him. Scared the shit outta me and ripped my jacket apart.
Sage for blogposting
No. 381556
>>381547NTAYRT but this happens all the time with pits. They've been bred to activate attack mode when they're overstimulated. That's why pit attacks come as a surprise, they're sweet dogs until it happens. Other dog breeds might bite once to defend their territory or to defend themselves, but pits will often gravely maul people. I love dogs to death but I'm fucking terrified of pitbulls and think the whole breed should be illegal to keep outside without a muzzle. The people who defend them are often like people described here
>>381544 , either white trash tough guys or people who want to feel powerful and persecuted for taking care of the poow widdle misunderstood pit babies.
No. 381561
>>381556Different anon
I have no experience with pits, they're not a common breed, but is it true they don't display the usual signs of aggression (tail up, showing teeth etc)?
No. 381602
>>381565This. The American Dream borderlines on being a myth. The majority of Americans struggle financially and it's not because ~they're not working hard enough~. Our system pretends it's a meritocracy, but it's been proving countless times in countless ways that it only is on paper. Very few people actually make it to the upper class if they weren't already born in it. The reality is that higher class people will always have advantages over you. The rich can just buy their kid's way into the top colleges, taking spots from more qualified applicants. Most people can't afford college to begin with and if they go end up in debt for most of their lives. Businesses will always give higher jobs to people based on their connections rather than their merits. And don't even get me started on the health care system. Get sick or hurt and it can completely ruin your financial health for the rest of your life.
Also, don't forget that American politics are entirely set up to prioritize the needs of corporations over the people. This isn't even thinly veiled anymore. Our country literally let's people die and the planet get destroyed because a handful of companies are paying our politicians to let them so they can make more money with no fucks given to human suffering.
I'm absolutely against communism, but it doesn't have to be communist or capitalist. As America has proven, capitalism is pretty fucking horrible.
No. 381607
>>381556>I love dogs to death but I'm fucking terrified of pitbulls and think the whole breed should be illegal to keep outside without a muzzle. Hard to take anyone's opinion on this topic seriously when they don't even know that pit bulls aren't a breed. "Pitbull" refers to any mix of a number of different breeds. That's part of why their temperaments and physical traits vary so wildly. It's also why the idea of breed restrictions on them is so ludicrous. You're basically saying "no mix involving any of a dozen different breeds should be allowed outside without a muzzle".
That being said, as someone whose worked in shelters and has had experience with many pitbulls, I do agree that people need to stop painting them all out to be flawless angel babies. Out of the dozens I've dealt with, only one was sketchy, but the owners very much ignored the red flags and made weak excuses for her
problematic behavior to the point where I was amazed there had been no serious incident with her by the time she died. If you suggested she was potentially dangerous, they would act like you were an oppressive monster. Luckily they had the sense to take advice not to have her around children thank god.
Still, the number of attacks by pit bulls compared to how many there are is far too tiny to justify banning them or forcing special regulations on them. The problem isn't pit bulls themselves. It's the ridiculous lack of regulations concerning dogs. Anyone can just get a dog and treat it however the fuck they want if no one sees to report it (not like dogs can call animal protective services) or be a backyard breeder. While pitbulls have the highest attack count, most large breeds (especially ones for protection) have the potential to be extremely dangerous if in the wrong hands and do have a sizeable attack/fatality count themselves. This is because sadly anyone can get one and train and/or breed them improperly or abuse them.
No. 381623
>>381618>Any temperament traitCalm down with your baseless projection. Notice I don't specify "negative", dear. This includes positive as well. Also, I'm fully willing to read whatever evidence you provide that debunks the fact I stated.
>comparing people who like pitbulls to flat earthersYou are literally retarded.
No. 381627
It's like none of you know how to fucking use Google we stop arguing about pitbulls now? Also, I feel like this is like the 5th thread I've seen get derailed by people complaining about pitbulls in the last few months.
No. 381635
>>381630Kay, but how many people actually do that? You think your dad and the top 1% are the only Americans who work hard while the rest of the 99% just twiddle their thumbs all day?
See, this is the problem with people who buy the American Dream myth. You cling to the minority of examples of people lucky enough to have the system working out for them and dismiss the rest. It's like you ignore the fact that "1%" is literally in the damn name.
No. 381647
>>381645None of these anons, but your side is just as
triggered. If it wasn't you wouldn't bother replying to that.
(samefagging once again) No. 381649
>>381627Havent seen as much pitbull sperging as you say but when those dogs are mentioned, oh boy, the threads usually over. Or when any doghate or cathate is mentioned, it all goes to shit. We have a thread like that already somehwere but replying to it at all would be a necro, even tho theres like…no real…content to contribute unless you post the 50th pitbull related murder. Or your opinions. And you'll get kicked out for necroing if you post an opinion probably.
shit, i'm disappointed.
No. 381689
>>381473"I don't like tankies" isn't exactly unpopular m9.
>>381538I don't really care about the captitalism v. communism argument and I get that the USSR has affected you much more, but the US has done some equally heinous shit if not moreso than the USSR during the cold war and they got away with so much of it. think the US is unrivaled in this world when it comes to the shittiness of their foreign policy except
maybe Great Britain.
>>381597>I think skinny girls get body shamed a great deal more than fat girlsFuck I completely agree. As soon as someone's BMI is revealed to be 0.1 pt below 18.5 people act like they're gonna die the next day, but being at an unhealthy weight on the other end of the spectrum seems to get treated increasingly as a nonissue.
No. 381800
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lol did LC bug out?
No. 381869
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I think downturned, droopy, "sad/tired-looking" eyes are really beautiful and I wish people embraced them more
No. 381890
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>>381869Agreed, their so cute and sexy
No. 381907
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>>381890i was going to ask who this attractive man was, but it looks like he's a stock image model. bummer.
No. 381939
>>381907lmao rip anon
>man with nice handsdamn, i didnt even notice hnggg
No. 381941
>>381473Scandinavia is not traditional capatalism, we pay 50%+ in taxes, have free healthcare and loads of other stuff
a dane
No. 381978
>>381907I would die for man-with-nice-hands-kun
>>381869Eva my waif
No. 382006
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the over saturation of seasonal anime as seriously effected the quality of anime recently, because it's fucking ugly and the shows are mostly repetitive garbage
also most anime youtubers suck
No. 382011
File: 1551473910515.png (126.35 KB, 500x375, lAGbBNMHVi.png)

Veins aren't attractive, they look kinda scary actually. Are a lot of other straight women really into veins or is that just a meme? I don't get it. At all.
No. 382019
>>382011Veins are super scary, they remind me that we are just sacks of organs and I don't like that. I don't get it either
Although it's ok if there are just a few veins, then it even enhances masculinity, but my classmate has hands like your pic and I can't stand to look at them at all. Creepy.
No. 382067
>>382036also assuming american laws apply to everyone in the world, or smugly correcting people on their spelling even though it's correct, it's just not the u.s spelling. and don't forget how they're allowed to call other people's countries shitholes but if you dare say america isn't the greatest country in the world they get completely bent out of shape.
having said that i don't think this is an unpopular opinion, most people find americans annoying.
No. 382072
>>382062nta but you didn't specify that in your post so how would anon have known that, jeez
there's also a big difference between being from somewhere in new england versus being from somewhere in south, so I dont think specifying what state or region you're from is that big of a deal
>>382069the hoi toider accent is the worst accent in america lol it sounds like a drunk american is doing a half assed irish accent with 12 marshmallows shoved in their mouth
No. 382091
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>>382075 the united states is pretty damn big, and as a result it is very heterogeneous. i really don't understand why you're so
triggered that someone would say what state they're from. americans are self centered assholes for plenty of reasons, but this is just stupid lmao
No. 382095
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Antique dolls and puppets aren't scary at all, im sick of media (especially "horror" movies) shilling dolls as "fucking unnerving". What's up with normies shitting themselves over some f puppet? i know there's a thing called "uncanny valley" and with good effects, some puppets can actually be scary, but holy fuck
No. 382097
>>382095I'm with you, anon.
Clowns too. They're not funny, but they're also not scary.
No. 382100
>>382093the movies are shit. theyre just being made as quick as possible for maximum shekels. i feel the same way about marvel and dc tv shows too.
frankly, popular nerd culture is annoying as fuck. but i used to work in a comic and game shop and was surrounded by people who would quote dr who and i am groot incessantly.
No. 382104
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>>382095>>382097Yeah, it could be because I'm a bjdfag and have always been into shit like that, but the uncanny valley never really got me after age 6 or so. I assume most adults just fake being spooked to fit in and do what's expected of them. Social placebo fear.
No. 382105
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>>382Seriously. This really annoys me. I have a collection of vintage dolls, but my favorite was a homeless one that just looks so sweet and pitiful (she's kind of like Blythe but way less Glam) when I was younger and all my friends (we were like 13 at the time) wouldn't sleep over at my house unless I hid them, but especially her. I think they just wanted to believe that retarded "dolls are creepy/scary" meme. How can you look at 99% of dolls and think they're creepy or scary? Pic related is the homeless doll that I'm surprised never got the recognition Blythe did and was discontinued almost immediately after manufacture
No. 382108
File: 1551482707061.gif (1.77 MB, 318x206, IMG_3276.GIF)

>>382036>Just say "America", fatty.kek
No. 382115
>>382104That's literally what i thought, unless you have some kind of chronic fobia to dolls, as an adult you should be embarrassed to fear something so harmless.
>>382105That doll is hated by almost anyone for being "creepy" or something, i mean, she has weird eyes, but she isn't HORRIFYING as some people want us to think.
No. 382118
File: 1551483561521.png (134.83 KB, 650x422, harris-sequels-1.png)

>>382093>They're all the same movieThis is by design kek, I could go on a big long rant about how studios (who are now run by people who have no experience in filmmaking whatsoever) are now making these shitty half assed movies devoid of any meaningful commentary and purposefully scheduling them out years in advance to lower fans' expectations and pumping out shitty made in china merch to keep them hooked in between
but I won'tEvery fucking movie now is part of a franchise of a sequel or a half assed reboot!
This summarizes everything, if you're curious: No. 382124
>>382091China is also pretty damn big but you don't really come across people saying they're from Shenyang when you ask where they come from.
>>382006Is this opinion really unpopular?
>>382093There's a reason why the term capeshit awas coined lol
No. 382127
>>382036>just say AmericaWhich, north or south?
What a dumb, nonsensical peeve you have. And why yes, I've met non-Americans who've told me what specific, uncommon corner of the earth they're from but they usually preface that by explaining where it is so I have an idea. Ya know, like normal people with common sense who carry a conversation.
No. 382158
>>382137>isekaiOne thing that kind of bothers me about isekai fans is that they tout their series as being anything above a self-insert fantasy. Isekai is on the same level as battle-harems but fans of it seem to think otherwise.
Some guy I know recommended Goblin Slayer, Re:Zero, etc popular isekai to me and I really don't know why. I'm definitely not the target audience of this stuff. I would never recommend something like an otome game to a man, but fans of harem isekais seem to believe everyone can enjoy them.
No. 382159
>>382149Kinda on the same topic
The Walking Dead was never about the zombies, everyone who started reading/watching TWD for the zombies and the gore galore, and are now complaining about "too much human drama" are completely following the wrong series. The Walking Dead was always, ALWAYS about the people and their struggles and drama. I really enjoy medias that focus on the POST-apocalyptic parts. Anyone who complains about the TV-version of TWD dragging on and being too long has never read the comics, and they're completely missing the point of TWD.
No. 382540
File: 1551553243075.jpg (91.91 KB, 800x533, z-grills-5.jpg)

I hate that grilled taste that food gets after being cooked on a grill. All types of grills; charcoal, wood, and gas. I refuse to eat anything cooked this way.
No. 382546
>>382158Please recommend him some
abusive yaoi anime or sadist otome game as a thank you for the Gary Stu rape-fest rec.
No. 382560
>>382540Anon you’re making me hungry for some good BBQ ribs. Yum yum yum.
But I do agree, I even find some grilled foods obnoxious. I like certain things grilled, like ribs, steak, corn on the cob, tortillas, and salsa with roasted tomatoes and chili. Anything else if poorly done just ends up tasting like smoke and propane.
No. 382562
>>382095Can't stand the several people I've known who see dolls in a store and blow that shit embarrassingly out of proportion. I've literally had friends say "Get me away from that shit" or hide behind me to not look at the doll. How pathetic can you be? Its not cute or funny.
Same goes for the bad horror trope of little kids being weirdos or kids singing/saying anything "creepy." Kids are not creepy ever, they're just annoying and their singing is grating. I can't imagine keeping up a social facade of pretending to be scared of this eye-rolling garbage, esp those who are so extra about it.
No. 382575
File: 1551557872242.gif (Spoiler Image,893.6 KB, 500x210, giphy (2).gif)

>>382562The same people who are creeped put by dolls/clowns usually fucking LOVE zombies too. Like a dead human, come back to life that eats other humans for food and actually looks grotesque, is not scary at all compared to two things originally meant for children's entertainment? Makes no sense.
No. 382580
>>382036My experience has been just like
>>382056 in that if I just say I’m American, people will typically ask where in the states I’m from. Sometimes it’s also in kind of a “Well, no duh, but which state?” tone. My accent doesn’t match what they think someone from this state sounds like, so it’s always a kind of pleasant interaction. Idk, I’ll ask people from Germany or France especially where they’re from because I’ve been all over and it’s just kinda nice. I like small talk kek.
No. 382619
>>382036I noticed this too.
In the friend finder thread on cgl you were asked which country you're from - and of course every murican answers TX, MI, MS, MN,… I mean on the one hand most europeans know at least the most "famous" states, but nevertheless it's rude and entitled to just expect everybody to know and cater to you.
No matter whether they're conservative or liberal, they're a hivemind of "We're the most important!". Something I've also noticed is that Americans love to ask your opinion on Trump (and get mad if you're "too stupid" to have the same opinion as them) meanwhile many of them wouldn't even know who the leaders of most european states are. Why should we care so much about your country?
It's the same here on lc as well, people from all over the world will say which country they're from, Americans will name the state or even the city.
And the simple reason some europeans ask "which state?" is obviously because they're proud of their knowledge.
No. 382622
>>382158I'd say most anime fans (at least that I see on reddit and 4chan) know that there is a massive influx of shitty isekai and are fully aware it's just for self insertion. But yes, they do think utter trash like Re:Zero is above it. And yeah men really don't notice how much they are being directly pandered to and how uncomfortable it is for women, they're so used to it that it's just normal and to be expected.
I don't know how unpopular this opinion would be here because I think R:Z also got some women convinced it was good, but fucking hell I DESPISED it. Men were completely blinded to the mediocrity because they loved Rem completely discarding her personality to devote her entire self to some tracksuit wearing loser. She was almost cool at first and then got progressively less and less cool the more she loved him, because apparently the best thing a woman can be is an empty shell aside from her feelings for someone. But also I was mad because the series itself was just bad. Cheesy, generic villains, a boring fucking harem with an even more boring MC, unimaginative world building, uncreative fights, etc. I can barely remember shit about it except that I hated it and I hate how blinded men are by cute girls.
No. 382649
>>382622"But it's a deconstruction!" is the rallying cry of every Re:Zero fanboy who thinks it's not shitty wish fulfillment just because the protagonist gets sad.
They're not even using the term deconstruction right, they're using the stupid TVTropes definition which just means "A work of fiction where bad things have consequences." As if that's so unique and special it needs its own special term.
No. 382665
>>382619americans absolutely love to claim that the united states are as diverse as the whole of europe too, just because america is big.
america certainly is very big and texas is different to new england is different to hawaii, but the difference between sweden and ukraine, or spain and finland, or ireland and turkey, is much much bigger than the difference between any two american states. different languages, different cultures, different foods, different climates, different customs, different histories.
No. 382699
>>382657Germany was not mentioned in my post, so why did you quote me…?
Or is this supposed to be satire?
No. 382728
>>382619I'm an American who hates America, but you people are just being fucking stupid.
>/cgl/ is majority American>the whole fucking point of the thread is to make friends>America is larger than the entire continent of Europe A person from NYC and a person from LA are further apart than countries at the polar opposite ends of Europe. So yeah, many people don't want to bother befriending people that are literally further from them than the span of the entire European continent.
Also, the different regions within America are VASTLY different culturally to the point where they basically are different nations. And geographically, as a previous anon showed, the country is bigger than your entire continent. Plenty of states are bugger than many European countries (a few larger than all of them). So yeah, this is the dumbest thing to get salty about.
No. 382746
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Very far apart eyes are cute and striking.
No. 382768
>>382746Theyre a defining characteristic of fetal alcohol syndrome.
Tbf it can mean the difference between
No. 382887
>>382808But most of Europe uses the same currency and plenty of different countries throughout the world speak the same language as others. Also, sure we have the federal government, but most laws are done state by state. There are many things that are legal or no big deal in some states, but will get you decades in jail in others.
>>382816Probably with that specific example, but there's some on the other side of that coin as well. For example, a Hawaiian vs someone from Texas would most likely have far less in common than someone from England vs someone from France.
No. 382898
>>382887>Probably with that specific example, but there's some on the other side of that coin as well. For example, a Hawaiian vs someone from Texas would most likely have far less in common than someone from England vs someone from France.this is retarded, anon.
brits and french people speak different languages, have been on opposite sides of multiple wars, have different national histories, different currencies, different governments, different laws, and different cultural and societal norms on a level that far exceeds the difference between hawaiian and texan norms. this is exactly what earlier posters were talking about when they said americans are ignorant about how different various european countries are to each other, you realize.
No. 382901
>>382887Russia is almost twice the size of the U.S (9m kmsq vs 17m kmsq).
So you do agree that Moscow and Magadan are more different than Hawaii and Texas, right?
No. 382914
>>382898>>382899>>382895Ease of moving isn't even part of the conversation though. It's literally just what they have in common.
I'm well aware of the fact that France and England are two completely different countries. My point is that some states also might as well be totally different countries. Also, the societal norms in HI and Texas actually are more different than France vs. England. TX is shamelessly racist, sexist, homophobic, and conservative Christian. This worldview is not socially acceptable in HI. France and England have way closer political values than these two states do. To deny that TX and HI are completely different places with completely different cultures and have nothing in common besides speaking English and using USD, then you're just as culturally ignorant as the Americans you bitch about. Ffs Hawaii is an island with it's own race.
Also, the whole point of this conversation is that Europeans bitching about people from the US specifying state when asked where they're from is dumb. I'm not gonna bother anymore with debating these unrelated specifics.
No. 382926
>>382913They don't realize there are more places in Europe than Britain (oh sorry, England lmao), France, Germany, Spain and Sweden.
Most Europeans I know can name at least 15 U.S states, partly because every American we talk to insists on telling us exactly which state they're from. Most Americans can only name the countries above (+ Italy and Ireland if they're smart).
No. 382928
As a slavfag I'm really tired of Americans thinking Europe = the UK, France and Germany. There are like 50 fucking countries on this continent and the majority of them have their own, independent cultures, languages, politics, geographical differences and so on. A lot of them don't even belong to the germanic or romance language families. The difference between the US states is nothing compared to something like France and Romania or Italy and Finland.
No. 382930
>>382914>TX is shamelessly racist, sexist, homophobic, and conservative Christian - and I don't want to be associated with them and therefore I try my very best to convince stupid foreigners that actually we're totally different countries, even moreso than EuropeFtfy
>>382920We simply define the term 'culture' differently.
Things like your political orientation are not considered a culture outside of America.
No. 382947
>>382943The north of Germany is protestant, meanwhile the south is strictly catholic. According to your logic that would mean that they're nothing alike and should be considered 2 different countries too…
That's simply not how that whole thing works, anon.
In a way it's obvious that Americans are simply jealous.
No. 382949
>>382945>>382940The smugness you're exhibiting despite your ignorance is so fucking gross. get over yourself. I'm not going to derail the thread further by wasting time spoonfeeding you information about the different cultures between the states when you can just Google it.
But seriously, please educate yourself and look this shit up because by laughing off the idea there's cultural differences between the states, including the example you just gave sarcastically, you are literally the exact same as ~those ignorant Americans~.
No. 382951
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>the amount of secondhand embarrassment I feel for my retarded compatriot
No. 382955
>>382947I don't think they're jealous, Americans tend to genuinely believe they live in the greatest country on earth. They genuinely do believe that the difference between say, Missouri and New England, is miles greater than the difference between Sweden and the Czech Republic.
Muricanon is just retarded and sheltered, that's all.
No. 382962
>>382953>>382954Not wanting to waste my time writing you a thesis when this information is already all out there doesn't translate to you being right. It translates to you not knowing how to use Google. is a Wikipedia article for "culture of" every US state. If you Google "culture of -insert state or major city here-" you'll find tons of material.
Also, Utah and Idaho aren't as well known for their art and culture as a lot of other areas in the US. Which I'm pretty sure you know (or at least I certainly hope you do otherwise you're just proving your ignorance further) and were just using as examples in a weak attempt to poke fun at the idea of American areas having a rich and diverse culture. If you're genuinely interested in learning about this stuff, I recommend starting with NYC, LA, the Bay Area, Boston, the Colorado Mountains, Hawaii, Florida, Louisiana and Vermont. At this point, I have given you plenty of research material and you have no excuse to pretend my refusal to completely spoonfeed you confirms American cities and states don't have their own culture. Now there's no point arguing about it anymore. I genuinely hope you enjoy researching this stuff and rethink having such an embarassingly smug attitude on subjects you haven't looked into at all in the future.
No. 382965
>>382962you seem confused, anon. that or you're just backpeddling furiously.
nobody said american states don't have their own cultural quirks.
what people said is the difference between your average two american states is not greater than the difference between your average two european countries. you furiously disagreed, and that's what people took issue with. now you're trying to turn it into "american state do TOO have a culture!" when literally nobody said they didn't.
are you bad at reading or just trying to backpeddle now you realized your original argument made you look dumb?
No. 382967
>>382962I noticed you never replied to me pointing out Russia is much bigger than the U.S, so let me ask you again.
Is the cultural difference between Moscow and Magadan greater than the difference between Hawaii and Texas?
No. 382972
>>382965Holy projection Batman.
>what people said is the difference between your average two american states is not greater than the difference between your average two european countries. you furiously disagreed, and that's what people took issue with. I never said that at all. I said in SOME instances, states are so radically different culturally that they can be more different than certain pairings in Europe and provided an example. I never said that was the norm.
>now you're trying to turn it into "american state do TOO have a culture!" when literally nobody said they didn't.Yes they did. Read the text chain.
No. 382978
>>382970Samefagging, but since apparently people can't follow my simple instructions to find this shit themselves… a couple of examples of what can easily be found.
No. 382985
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>>382978Interesting that the culture of the great country Idaho can be summed up in ~10 sentences…
No. 382986
>>382984As I said the first two times, Russia is almost twice the size of the U.S. The distance between Moscow and Madagan is far greater than it is between Hawaii and Texas.
I have never, ever, ever seen a Russian try to argue that Russia has more cultural diversity than the U.S.
No. 382988
>>382985>>382987I literally say right here
>>382962 that Idaho isn't known for it's rich culture. Try harder, guys.
Actually don't because this whole argument is absolutely retarded and I'm don't participating in it. Now let's stop derailing the thread with this dumb shit.
No. 382998
>>382994also agree.
rabbits on the other hand, make bad pets. they're very cute, but they're smelly and messy and they destroy everything, including their own hutches. most of them don't particularly like being picked up and cuddled since they're such nervous animals. cute to look at, terrible to keep as pets.
No. 383006
>>382939I swear people who base their personality around which state or city they live in are dumb. I'm from Burgerland too, it's basically high school spirit 2.0.
Also the ones who have to say which percentage of whatever country their ancestors come from are dumb as well.
No. 383041
>>383005tbh I don't see the problem with buying from a breeder if they're reputable and ethical and the breed isn't some abomination unto god like a pug or a stupid designer dog. with purebreds you know exactly what kind of health and behavioral issues you're getting into, and puppies are a clean slate while you have no idea what sort of history a rescue dog might have. while obviously rescuing a shelter dog is ideal, it's not necessarily the best choice for an individual, and I think people should take that into consideration before screeching how you're a terrible person if you buy a purebred.
on the other hand, buying a purebred cat is fucking STUPID because 10/10 it's going to just be a household pet and you can get a shelter cat cheap as chips. there is no reason, ever, to buy a cat from a breeder unless all you care about is how it looks.
No. 383046
>>383005If people were to stop buying from fancy breeders there’d only be unethically bred dogs with complete disregard for temperament left and a loft of breeds would die off. I think this is something a lot of people who reeeee at those who purchase from a reputable breeder rather than adopt from a shelter always seem to forget
Plus, plenty of people may want a very specific breed of dog for work related reasons; farming, herding, seeing eye dogs, police dogs to name a few, so purebred breeders are a must to continue supporting
No. 383051
>>382939This is EXACTLY why the "amerimutt" meme
triggers white Americans.
No. 383064
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I can't wait to be pregnant.
No. 383080
>>383071Most anons posting about their pregnancies aren't very often typing about it in a positive way, other than that there's no way for us to have an opinion about anyone's pregnancy unless it's being blogposted.
That said–congrats?
No. 383091
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I love Paris Hilton.
No. 383120
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Where I live is popular to make your parents raise your kids. Not enough eyes to roll. If people want kids they should take responsibility for them.
No. 383198
>>383192> I guess this is the modern plague for population controlI wish, instead the number just keeps growing. The annoying people that you mention, which is probably just a subreddit where you base your opinion of, are obviously in the minority.
The majority keeps breeding. If only women kept their legs shut and men kept their dicks in their pants, the world would be a much better place.
Alas, it's populated with filthy breeders spreading pollution, waste, and damaging the weakening ecosystem. How many species have gone extinct because of us? I look at the numbers and I hope that there's a new plague that can finally end us all.
No. 383202
>>383198I love the way people who want kids/don't see anything wrong with a fast rate of human births see like six people online talk about not liking kids and act like it's "everyone!!!!" and comparable to a plague. Right. 150-200 plants, animals, insects, etc, go extinct every 24 hours ( thanks to human activity, and while we continue to very quickly degrade and irredeemable pollute the life support system our ever increasing population completely relies on, but a few people who don't want children is chalked up to be a majority comparable to a plague just because everyone insists on comparing birth rates to post WW2, a time that should never serve as a fucking baseline, kek.
No. 383220
>>383218i'm posting on lolcow, what does that tell you?
though, when i look up "who invented the internet" google spits out robert e. kahn as the first answer. maybe we're all a little retarded here, after all.
No. 383221
>>383215South Park isn't funny either.
And The Simpsons hasn't been funny for a decade but that's a popular opinion.
No. 383222
>>383214Tim Berners-Lee invented the first web browser, the internet itself as a network of communication existed before that, but primarily as a means for businesses to communicate internally
-Britfag who has see TBL speak and he always denies "inventing the internet". I believe it was invented by even less famous scientists in the 70s
>The first message was sent over the ARPANET in 1969 from computer science Professor Leonard Kleinrock's laboratory at University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) to the second network node at Stanford Research Institute (SRI). No. 383230
>>383224It's the foundation
>The Internet protocol suite (TCP/IP) was developed by Robert E. Kahn and Vint Cerf in the 1970s and became the standard networking protocol on the ARPANET, incorporating concepts from the French CYCLADES project directed by Louis Pouzin.The internet is a group effort between inventors, including those who made ARPANET, TCP/IP and the first browser. Hence why there is no fixed answer to that question. But we can say it involved Americans and Europeans in different measures.
No. 383233
>>383192>>383189I'm totally "pro-childfree" But I don't have any good or ethical reasons lol. I'm actually pretty ok with interacting with real children, because I'm stupid just like them.
I don't want people to have kids because I'm selfish. I don't really care about the environment unless it's directly affecting me. I just want more space, food, and money for me and my big ego.
No. 383235
>>383198>populated with filthy breeders Well done dehumanising the majority of the human race. It’s not like wanting to reproduce is instinctual or anything
To both you anons chimping out, fertility rates are falling at a rapid pace and they continue to do so, at this rate once the baby boomers finally die we don’t have nearly enough children being born to replace them. And we have this phenomenon over and over again, it’s just never got to quite this severity and nobody before our grandparents managed to fuck shit up quite so badly
A decline in fertility rates due to things like birth control but also the rising disgust with children is absolutely comparable to past diseases/wars/what have you in that they’re catalysts to population control, just not as severe.
No. 383245
>>383235>rising disgust with childrenReally anon you sound like a fear monger-er. It's obviously because people are smarter and hold off on having children until they have a job/house/financial stability, and those thing are kinda expensive these days.
and what this anon says too>>383240
No. 383250
>>383235>To both you anons chimping out, fertility rates are falling at a rapid pace and they continue to do so, at this rate once the baby boomers finally die we don’t have nearly enough children being born to replace them. And we have this phenomenon over and over againNo, we have not had this phenomenon over and over again. There has never been such a high number of people on the planet, and each person deserves a life of dignity and comfort and modern conveniences, without the risk of spreading disease or further cutting at the support system we depend on, which is completely unachievable at anywhere near 7.6 billion people. We need far, far fewer people, not anything close to replacement rates. As I said, comparing birth rates to the baby boom is seriously warping the perception of birth rates, and that's where the claim of "collapsing fertility rates" comes from. 7.6 billion or anything close is way over carrying capacity if we intend to improve quality of life in the third and second world. Fertility rates are not as low as you think.
>A decline in fertility rates due to things like birth control but also the rising disgust with children is absolutely comparable to past diseases/wars/what have you in that they’re catalysts to population control, just not as severe.It's nowhere near as close. This is a delusional comparison.
No. 383252
>>383240This. Most people I know choosing not to have kids want them, but either A) can't afford them and don't want to subject a child to growing up on poverty or B) don't want to subject them to climate change. Straight up not wanting children is in the minority. And even if if it wasn't, people shouldn't feel morally obligated to procreate if they don't want to.
No. 383253
>>383202Precisely, and if they really did
care about their offspring, they wouldn't decide to have them or cheer for the continuation of mankind while subjecting them to a future that is anything but bright.
People will breed regardless but if you have any common sense, would you really want your kids to grow up in a world that is going to have few natural resources (in the hands of the rich no less), high unemployment rates due to automatization, health hazardous pollution and so on?
Also, only capitalists worry about dropping birth rates. More consumers, more cheap workforce, more people getting into debt.
>>383252I also think that the loud minority of people, mainly women, are sick of being told to look forward to motherhood. And I hated and still hate people telling me to find someone and have a family because it's something you just need to do.
I see way more people insisting that having kids and a family is the proper way to do it than people being against it.
No. 383268
>>383263I agree, anon. I also feel like parents willfully ignore all the horrific things that can happen to their children in general. We live in a world full of predators and the rate of kids harmed by them is too high for me to feel okay bringing them into the world. Even if you're super careful, there's no guarantee it won't happen to your child. And once they're older, you can't watch them like a hawk anymore, so there's nothing you can do to lessen the chances other than give them some pepper spray and safety tips.
And predators aside, there's just a laundry list of awful shit that can go wrong and often does; car crash, illness, extreme bullying, being the target of bigotry, intense mental health issues, going through some horrifically traumatic event. The list goes on.
But people have rose tinted glasses when it comes to kids and think everything is a fairytale. They don't think about the endless possibilities they're signing them up for.
No. 383295
>>383290There's immigration and then there's immigration. Uncontrollable immigration from countries with a radically different culture is bound to cause tension and conflicts within the borders because it takes a few generations to assimilate newcomers. The reason ISIS got so many soldiers from wealthy first world countries is that 2nd generation immigrant kids felt out of place in the society and took their rebelling to drastic measures. People immigrating from neighboring countries with similar cultures often have little trouble gaining a visa but it isn't as popular because they often don't have the need to move out. The "let's get hundreds of thousands of people in" tactic is way too radical to ever work as a solution to repairing a warped age demographic pyramid. Treating overpopulated countries like barrels of workforce you can scoop people out of isn't a sustainable solution in any way.
There isn't a clear-cut solution to the underpopulation problem because it seems to be nature taking its course. It's expensive and takes more effort to produce children in a wealthy first world country because you don't need 12 kids working at your farm anymore. The third world countries are bound to take that course if their economy ever starts nearing first world countries.
No. 383317
>>383311agree. If you can't afford to pay your employees a LIVING wage, you can't afford a business. People shouldn't be barely scraping by just so that
you can be your "own boss".
No. 383324
>>383318There never has been, but there also wasn't really the option to opt out of it until now. Having kids throughout history was a horrible thing, but people didn't exactly have a choice. Now we do.
>>383319Yeah, and that's extremely dark and their society needs to figure that shit out. Your point?
No. 383325
>>383318just that the climate change and the deteriorating ecosystem isn't something that can be reversed. There won't be a happy ending.
The tensions and wars as horrible they were in the past, there existed this idea of peace and hope for a better tomorrow.
You seriously can't be using something that was in the past to compare what's going on today. The circumstances are extremely different. If you are in your 20s too, then we're going to witness the consequences of the climate change on our skin.
You keep breeding, not like it matters. What's another digit on this planet? Not like you or most people will listen or care.
The damage is already done and we're just going to exhaust all the resources that are left and exterminate what little hasn't gone extinct.
But going through all of the species we managed to bring to extinction and seeing firsthand the massive pollution just makes me wish for that to happen sooner. We don't deserve prosperity, we don't deserve this planet.
No. 383335
>>383328Your fears are totally
valid and you shouldn't ignore them. Don't let baby fever lead you to a selfish decision.
If you wanna be a mom that bad, there's always adoption.
No. 383338
>>383331True, there's no point in talking about it. There's little that we can do anyways. Even if all of the Earth's population suddenly decided to go zero waste eco-friendly lifestyle, it still wouldn't help.
I've been volunteering in shelters, nature reserves and bonding with animals. It makes you see how better they are. They have feelings, they're all unique. But they do recognize us individuals and they interact with us. They care. And all of them will disappear. All of them will suffer because of what we humans did to the planet, and there's no excuse.
No. 383361
>>383328>>383334I disagree that it's not worth talking about. Not everyone is so stubborn. The issue with something like climate catastrophe is that it's too abstract for them to actually conceptualize and visualize and apply to their daily lives. But the effects are so far reaching and inescapable and it's incredibly important that people are informed. It's worth trying and it's not like everyone is even necessarily SO emotionally invested in having kids. A lot of people are just expected to do so and it rocks their world to alter those expectations and consider something different for their future, but I think plenty of people are reachable. At the very least, I think preventing
some suffering is worth the effort.
>>383318You're right, it has never been ethical and the very act of bringing a child into the world, even when things are comparatively good in the world, is fundamentally unethical, because as I said, you rob your child of consent and your child can still suffer from congenital disease, predators, homelessness, acquired disease, old age, etc. You're literally forcing them into unavoidable suffering with no guarantee for anything else. At the least, war can potentially be averted. At least with issues like war, the problem is other people, and easing tensions, or knocking out some enormous asshole Hitler is something we can reasonably accomplish. Besides, all of those times are literally notorious for having DRASTICALLY decreased birth rates, that's literally why we had the baby boom. Anyways, now we're facing an existential threat that is against mother nature itself and we have literally no solutions. Natural disaster is a way, way more threatening opponent than other people. Besides, just because having kids was never ethical doesn't mean we shouldn't acknowledge that and apply that consciousness to our lives now? And as another anon said, birth control wasn't even a thing until the mid to late sixties, so there really wasn't much of a choice. We're inundated with options, and really, it's weird that you're excusing people being ignorant about bringing children into the world when a good parent, by nature, would be someone that heavily weighs the effects of their having a child and the suffering the child will have to go through. A good parent, by definition, wouldn't have a child knowing it can't consent and knowing they can't guarantee a high quality of life for that child.
No. 383379
>>383369>Then when many people can't afford to have kids.Per the thread theme, I don't think 'can't afford to have kids' is always accurate. Kids are expensive and an extra one might drive tens of millions more families deep or deeper into poverty than is admitted, but people can definitely afford them.
It's just they consciously know their kids will have shittier lives than they did, and opt out.
No. 383383
>>383361>birth control wasn't even a thing until the mid to late sixties, so there really wasn't much of a choice. The birth control pill wasn't around until the 60s, but to pretend like prior to that women didn't take measures to protect themselves from pregnancy and motherhood is wrong. Since ancient societies, women used certain herbs to induce miscarriage, all other old wives tales of food and activities to stop a pregnancy. Condoms and the pull out method also were used as "birth control". The diaphragm was patented and popularized in the late 1800s, but similar devices were used before that.
Of course these methods weren't as effective and precise as hormonal birth control, but pregnancy wasn't an inevitability back then.
No. 383901
>>383900agree, also most pokemon, especially pikachu, look like nightmare fuel (save for maybe bulbasaur)
some things just can't be translated to that brand of "hyperrealistic" cgi while retaining their charm imo
No. 383902
>>383900It's going to be "good" because it's pokemon. A lot of people seem to think anything that has to do with pokemon is good.
Or maybe it'll be actually good, who knows, but I do agree with your point
No. 383910
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>>383901excuse me? you're going to sit here and tell me that 'live action' jigglypuff isnt adorable?
No. 383925
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>>383921bitch what? Are we looking at the same jiggypuff?
No. 383933
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>>383921Idk mang, looks like pic related to me ie. creepy and not cute
No. 383949
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Kale is not a magic superfood, none of the dark, pungent greens are. Why do urban vegan/Whole Foods fags act like they just discovered black gold when they eat kale? If you have family from the South, are black, or from some countries in Asia and Eastern Europe, you’ve probably eaten some form of dark bitter greens at one point in your life. I just find health food fads interesting because it’s always like, some food which has been around for centuries and no one outside of the community would touch with a 10 foot pole because it isn’t ‘sexy’ enough to put on a plate.
Like now I’m seeing a renaissance of Southern cooking, and suddenly people who used to belittle you for eating cornbread, black eyed peas, collard greens, are just touting the praises of these everyday staples as though the angel Gabriel himself delivered them a plate of fried chicken with gravy.
No. 384008
>>383965I love that show for something to throw on at the background. I am not into comedies at all, it's very difficult for me to laugh at anything, but i am entertained and invested for some reason At least the characters always get what they deserve, even if they don't learn their lesson. I just hate any episode that revolves around the gang being pissed because they are all bad enough sober. And also drunk in general are the fucking worst people ever.
>>383965Now that's a truly unpopular opinion. Not that care about Shane Dawson.
No. 384015
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>>383990I disagree, this probably counts as an unpopular opinion because a lot of people claim only the first 3 seasons are good or the middle section is, like you.
I think it peaked around 7-9 and has continued being funny (though it might be more that it has several absolute gold episodes per season now while the earlier seasons were more consistent with less gems). It's one series where flanderization actually works and the characters just get funnier as their shitty traits become more obvious and solidified. Watching 1-3 now is bizarre, they're way too nice (by their standards) and just don't have particularly distinct personalities. The Gang Dines Out or the Gang Tries Desperately to Win an Award are probably my favourite episodes of theirs.
No. 384084
>>383900Uhh people actually thought it was good or passable? Everyone I know who cares thinks it's an ugly, cringey trainwreck. They're probably gonna watch it anyway, just to see how bad it'll be.
>>384027Western ideas of what is supposed to be cute has always been ugly, cringey shit to me. I guess my unpopular opinion is that everything that was supposed to be cute is just fucking ugly. Like, I totally understand why people believe Miffy and Moomins are originally Japanese, because they're just uncharacteristically cute for Western products.
No. 384105
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>>383900I'll be the nostalgiafag first to say I don't know what the fuck some of these other pokemon are and I don't care about them. Some better choices in pokemon that would've translated well to cgi are going to go overlooked methinks.
They did pikachu pretty cute, tbh. And
I really love Ryan Reynolds.
No. 384186
>>383910That's one nasty mutated furby.
>>384105Nightmare fuel.
Why? Hollywood, why?
No. 384322
>>384167Yeah I know. That's exactly what I said.
>>384208>>384234I disagree. I loved ppg, but visually it never
triggered that "aw that's cute" response you get with like puppies and other cute stuff for me. CalArts style looks cringey to me.
No. 384599
I consider myself a feminist, but I feel like some women have used it as some sort of weird way to make themselves feel superior despite being so shitty. One example is this fat chick who was with this really hot guy that she treated like absolute shit. He finally dumped her after a few years of paying for everything while she mentally abused him and just sat on her ass getting fatter and fatter. Now she acts like she's the
victim and goes on about how she has waaay higher standards now and makes it about feminism. Like bitch, you're a horrible feminist. Your idea of feminist empowerment is not having to do jack shit or take care of yourself while a man you have zero respect for pulls all the weight. I've seen similar behavior from a few other women I know too.
>>384573Have fun convincing a man that it's okay for you to have orbiters but not him by justifying it with the logic that men are whores.
No. 384669
>>384573> I think we should be able to have back ups, at the very least, for emotional support or helpMate, those are called friends, do other women find you so insufferable that only men that want to fuck you are willing to give you the time of day?
If you’re so wary of men and expect them all to be a piece of shit then why are you dating them.
No. 384703
>>384669>Mate, those are called friends, do other women find you so insufferable that only men that want to fuck you are willing to give you the time of day?Stupid and needlessly bitchy assumptions on your part, honestly. Female friendship is great and a necessity but this is an entirely different animal. When you've come out of a shitty relationship and been broken down by some stupid asshole that spent the better part of your relationship hiding everything about himself in an effort to seem like a good person only to reveal that he's a literal scumbucket, it IS reassuring to have male friends to remind you that there are others out there and that you're appreciated by other guys that you also respect or like on some level. Not having that is why embarrassing, awkward, uncomfortable rebounds with randos happen.
And for real, you sound dumb.
>If you’re so wary of men and expect them all to be a piece of shit then why are you dating them.Because I'm not gay but still desire a relationship? And men are LITERALLY notoriously capable of sociopathic levels of compartmentalization.
No. 384724
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James Charles is only as famous as he is because of the glass escalator and his 14 year old fag hag audience. His makeup skills, singing, and palette are all mediocre. The only talent of his worth praising is his marketing.
No. 384725
>>384703>hiding everything about himself in an effort to seem like a good person only to reveal that he's a literal scumbucket, it IS reassuring to have male friends to remind you that there are others out there and that you're appreciated by other guysThey’re orbiters - they’re not your friends, they’re only around you because that want to fuck you.
And you can still fuck men without dating them, don’t see how I’m the retard when you’re the one who thinks that men that orbit you actually give a single shit about you lmao
No. 384758
>>384739And much younger. See “trixya fanbase” which is a massive
toxic group of 10 year old fan girls obsessed with Rupaul’s Drag Race contestants Trixie Mattel and Katya
No. 384800
>>384758The drag race fanbase in general is a mess.
I'm not sure I would categorize fujoshis and fag hags as the same thing but that's more my opinion
No. 384815
>>384807I’m just waiting for a huge push for actual women to get onto the show now that they have let on trannies multiple times - because trans women are women, right? So if they don’t let on ‘cis’ women they’re essentially saying trans women are men.
But in all seriousness I don’t know why people take the show to heart, it’s literally gay men just dressing up as caricatures of women and screaming at each other. Bottom gay drama is the juiciest tv drama, there’s just something about taking dick up their arse that makes them argumentative and petty
No. 384855
>>384849So, it's no different from trans women latching onto everything to do with cis women and getting angry when we want shit for ourselves.
I hope they keep getting a taste of their own medicine until they go back to the form of misogyny that makes them leave us the fuck alone, tbh.
No. 384869
>>384858>anon, how about we don't continue to relate cis women with performative femininity? part of the reason i don't personally find drag offensive is because perfomative femininity isn't womanhood.Performative femininity is often part of women's lived experience. It doesn't define womanhood, and I never said it did, but these people wouldn't be doing it if it wasn't part of it. Nobody sees a drag queen in a dress and starts to associate dresses with drag queens, they see a man cosplaying as an exaggerated version of a woman. That's just how it is.
>whether the guys who do it are misogynists is a different thing, but the act itself has to do with shitty gender roles anyway.My entire post was about misogyny, though, not gender roles. A lot of people in that scene aren't doing anything to smash gender roles, they're just showing off how simultaneously obsessed and bitter they are about those same gender roles, often with a not-so-subtle twinge of bitterness toward women and all things to do with femininity.
>i think cis women choosing to participate in that are fucking stupid though because not only is it easy to turn a woman into a caricature of a woman, but it's embarrassing that they want to participate in something like that.I think it's embarrassing, too. The whole fucking thing is embarrassing, ugly and tacky.
>>384865>2019>defending drag queensLmao. They will be okay. Men in costumes don't need women to protect them, I promise.
I was referring specifically to trans women's behavior in my post, especially in the vein of
>>384815 on "letting on trannies [because trans women are women, right?]", not attacking drag queens. Some trans women are drag queens, like it or not. I think drag queens who aren't are just weird gay men, and I don't care about them as long as they don't attack actual women the same way trannies do. The way they use terms like "fish" and perform their imagined stereotypes of catty, unintelligent women is gross, though, and I can't relate to anyone who would find that shit cute.
No. 384892
>>384869Literally no one associates performative femininity with their womanhood, it's simply an annoyance we have to deal with. Also, you are entirely wrong about your assertion, people
do associate certain things with drag, drag makeup is a thing that's not associated with women at all, infact women who do heavy IGthot makeup are associated with shitty drag because of how excessive it is. Either way, you seem to have entirely missed my point, and the other anon's point, because she wasn't trying to defend or protect drag queens. Your post also missed the point of what others were saying, in that drag doesn't let cis women in because they are women, but they let trannies in because they're not, so the trannies want to let cis women in because it validates them thinking they're women. Idiot.
No. 384931
>>384424I started disliking her after she made a huge deal about posing like a "deer in headlights"; saying it was glorifying female infantilism and naivete and how it was bad because somehow(???) Lolita was involved and it made women look weak(?). Idk, why doesn't she stop shaming other women for doing totally innocuous stuff?
I mean abortion is still illegal in many places but whatever, I'm oh so sorry you don't like my selfies Jamila.
No. 384955
>>384424I feel like she doesn't know what she's talking about and is just doing performative wokeness for dem social media clicks
So much of what she says hits a bum note with me, like it went through a boardroom of men first and she is just echoing it. No actual concept of what she's "fighting"
No. 385205
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>>385195On the subject of performative femininity, men think us simply existing in our bodies is an intentional sexual statement for their benefit, so fuck it we should just do whatever we want. It will be misinterpreted whatever we do
No. 385223
>>385205This infuriates me. I have naturally big breasts and I can't wear anything without being labeled hypersexual. The only things I can wear are like 4 sizes too big sweatters that make me look way fatter than I am.
I'l literally be labeled slut for wearing anything fitted or even turtlenecks even though I've been voluntarily celibate for 2 years.
No. 385261
>>385259i think this is a pretty popular opinion. certainly better than "anyone who has ever watched anime is mentally ill."
>>385205this was kind of my point. if the people who do drag think that all women are is shitty performative femininity then fuck it, let them. they and the people who agree will just make it easier for me to know who not to be friends with. the idea of trying to "take back" performative femininity as something inherently woman is really dumb to me, we should be trying to separate being a woman from being stereotypes.
No. 385285
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>>385205Lmao she just has a big ass. Presumably from muscle, which is useful as a police officer.
I guess male athletes like pic related are
also flaunting their sexuality.
No. 385304
>>385299The biological clock and baby fever is a myth. There's actually no evidence to suggest that baby fever is a biological phenomenon, let alone one heavily rooted in being female. It's all about suggestibility and it happens when other people have children. It's more silly socialization and it benefits men to pretend it's more deeply encoded than it really is. It's actually really fucking annoying to call out a mechanism of socialization that ends up actually marginalizing women and ends up creating more
victims of every axis of unresolved oppression in this world as being wholesale "dehumanizing!!!" and acting like it's misogyny to encourage women to reconsider pacifying men, as a class, by producing more children for them to exploit on every level imaginable. Fucking yawn.
No. 385339
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>>385331>That's literally how birth control works? It's nothing but socialization.what the fuck are you trying to say?
No. 385341
>>385335nta but i struggle to understand tf you mean by
>Remember when you were a teenager and you were horny and curious, it wasn't because you innately learned sex felt good at that age isn't it sorta obvious that sex is supposed to feel good as soon as you learn of it? unless you literally discover the concept when you are like 7, but you are speaking about teenagers, most of who have a good grip on what sex is supposed to be and is supposed to feel as they prolly have started masturbating by then?
No. 385342
>>385331>she thinks that sex being pleasurable is because it makes the body think it's pregnant>she thinks that pregnancy and getting off are the same for women and men>she thinks that birth control is a socialization OR that the body really thinks it's pregnant and the hormones aren't just making the body unable to release eggs???
are you alright? what are you smoking? i never want to be on the same bad trip you are.
No. 385358
>>385352Sexual pleasure is not required at all for reproduction, I'm not really sure what you're talking about. The most sensitive areas for women are not involved in reproduction at all.
Humans want sex for the sake of sexual pleasure, not to reproduce.
No. 385424
>>385342>she thinks that sex being pleasurable is because it makes the body think it's pregnantthat's not what i was saying. i was saying that getting off, or, at least, sexual stimulation is the precursor to pregnancy - or, at least, that's why it feels good, so we're more encouraged to have sex and reproduce. the whole 'feel good' thing encourages us to do it? i said birth control tricks the body into thinking it's pregnant. when i cum, i'm fine, or when i have sex, i'm fine – there's no insatiable need to follow my fucking up with an obsession over whether or not i'm pregnant or even the remote desire to be pregnant. the point i'm trying to make is that once the bodily 'requirements' are satisfied, you don't need to literally follow that shit up with being knocked up. that's why, again, they've found that the meme that "women are baby craaazy because they inherently know they have X amount of years of fertility" is a myth. and you can't uncouple the myths of the ticking biological clock and the meme that women have a very specific, very intense form of 'baby fever' because of it. it's not true.
>>385335>Women (and men) want to fuck, not because it feels good but because it's for making, they're inextricably tied to each other. the 'feels good' is obviously what makes us want to do it more than the literal desire to breed. now, anyways, because we're able to reason shit out. we aren't alligators. obviously people have the desire to breed, innately, but the whole fucking reason why people fuck the way they do isn't to literally have a kid - it's because it feels good. that's why we've created a whole system to bypass the whole pregnancy thing?? because we want to get the pleasure of fucking without actually getting pregnant?
>Remember when you were a teenager and you were horny and curious, it wasn't because you innately learned sex felt good at that age, no. it literally was that cumming felt good. again, the biological basis is there, but that pleasure, NOW, considering we're not rabbits or shrews, isn't the main motivation for us fucking. the basis is there, obviously. that's why we fuck, but it doesn't mean it needs to literally result in a pregnancy or else women aren't adequately satisfied. again, that's why most people use contraception. people deliberately try to bypass the negative consequences of the system that was created to encourage breeding. i'm not saying people don't have the 'urge to breed'. what i'm saying is that it isn't actually that strong or unavoidable (especially the way society says it is in women) given that it takes a backseat to pleasure when pleasure alone can be isolated.
No. 385488
>>385483Then why are you responding to people directly responding to her?
>inb4 not every anon ITT is the same anonNo shit, but you're literally responding to things that people were talking to
>>385331 >>385308 about.
No. 385580
>>385562>muscular men is a meme for men by men. it literally looks so retarded and disproportionate.I love you, farmers.
Just imagine the minds of male lurkers exploding while reading this.
No. 385598
>>385554Right? Maybe it's selfish but I recently saw a cute lil 5'3" man I went on a date with last fall and now he's beefing and it's just such a waste. I know it's his body, but he was so perfect before this.
>>385562Agree. I find it hard to believe any woman is actually attracted to muscles. The ones who swoon over it are always obviously faking/have been memed into it by society.
Chubby guys I can kind of understand though. A certain amount of squish can be cute on certain men, usually only if they have rounder features.
No. 385600
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>>385562I agree that skinny dudes are the cutest, but men can be muscular without looking like He-man.
No. 385621
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>>385562like little boys? I like mine slender and athletic too but tbh anon this just sounds like "petite smol gf" reversed
it's not like anyone here is favoring lanklets either.
No. 385645
>>385638I don't get why so many farmers here like small skinny men
I hate beards and current hairstyles, especially those with shaved sides ugh
No. 385659
>>385621From the way
>>385562 describes her distaste for manly proportions, I'm guessing she enjoys the more androgynous appeal that being skinny gives to guys. If so, I get it, my attraction skews femme so I like the way the waistline of skinny guys curves in a more feminine way
Also I prefer when my strength is a little more evenly matched with my partner, I love a good wrassel
No. 385662
>>385621no, i like normal height men, like, 5'9 and up, but waifish and petite, like, a tiny frame but not short. no, not like children, just fragile young men, especially when counpled with a meek personality. there's just something about a fragile man that is just so very attractive. the physical vulnerability and just an innate desire to protect him (despite the fact that i'm kind of incapable of doing so because i'm short and petite myself), i guess. and i like that it's kind of a physical equalizer. i'd love to be a tall, strong woman that was maybe just as tall or an inch shorter, and feel like i really was capable of protecting him if i needed to. i'm not really attracted to the physical proportions of shorter men though, and i do think it is a bit too childlike for my preference.
No. 385682
>>385652I'll probably get called a fatty-chan for this but I think fat representation in the media is fine, not only because fat people exist and always will (until global warming puts us in a food crisis kek) but because fat people shouldn't be made to feel subhuman. We already know that shaming fat people doesn't actually help them, they have to want to take the steps to be healthy and help themselves. If anything, the stress of being ostracized and hated just makes the problem worse, because very fat people usually have deep-seated psychological issues that they cope with by overeating.
That said I don't think obesity should be glorified in any way. People like Tess Holliday are delusional and disgusting, as is the entire HAES movement. But I don't think having a size 16 person on screen is going to hurt anyone.
No. 385707
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>>385693Same for me. I hated my own "fat" body and projected these sick ideals on everybody else around me as well. Now I feel ashamed of the way I thought and acted back then, because I realized that those people I solely hated for the way they look, can actually be really, really nice.
It's sad that there are people like those farmers out there, who still have this mindset as adults.
Nobody is saying that haes should be put on tv, holding speeches about how great being obese is, but there have been multiple posters who bragged about being cunts to overweight people irl.
>>385702>Some other people struggle to see others kill themselves slowly. I hate this excuse. You know exactly that this is not the reason in 99% of the cases. Some assholes just enjoy being jerks to anybody who doesn't fit their idea of being attractive - whether it's being too fat or something else.
I remember there even being an anon who said that just seeing fat people in public hurts and repulses her and that therefore they shouldn't be allowed to go out until they've lost weight.
This always reminds me of pic related. Yes, that man is dangerously obese, but you're certainly not healthy in the upstairs department either. It seems as if some retards think that being thin gives them a free card to treat others as lesser.
No. 385710
>>385702I'm just curious as to how you know the distinction between an obese person who lost 40 pounds this year and an obese person who didn't lose anything? One obese person is objectively not neglecting themselves while the other is, yet you as an outsider wouldn't know the difference. You'd think both are doing nothing and neglecting themselves when that might not be the case.
Just seems like an unfair assumption to make about most fat strangers, considering you don't know what they've done to try to help themselves. Ditching obesity doesn't happen in a few month's time, it can take years.
No. 385779
>>385710I'm BMI 24 and carry my weight in my chest and arms (and mostly wear baggy clothes) so I know that many farmers would consider me fat (even though my weight is healthy). I also lost big ammount of weight over the years, I used to be obese two years ago and yet people who just see me on the street don't know that.
Also the "health" argument is bullshit. A couple years ago, I was deep into cocain and amphetamine usage which resulted in me dropping weight very quickly and all of my friends kept congratulating me even though they knew it was a result of drug addiction. I'm no healthy by any means but afaik my epilepsy has nothing to do with my weight. No one ever side-eyes me for smoking however they do for eating chocolate.
No one tells anything to my openly anorexic friends who keep chainsmoking and doing drugs and who binge-drink and then make themselves throw up.
No. 385785
>>385779yeah exactly. the whole "but ur unhealthy im just worried about your health!!!" excuse is just that, an excuse. it's just not socially acceptable to tell someone you find them disgusting, so you couch it in fake concern. and honestly, who the fuck is concerned about the health of total strangers? you don't have to find fat people attractive or extend them any empathy but you can afford them the same courtesy you afford other people with equally shitty but less visible vices.
t. former fatty who everyone treated like garbage til I got on medication for my PCOS and lost weight
No. 386232
>>386214It was okay, but just okay.
I don't get the obsession.
No. 386241
>>386232Some comedy doesn't age well. They we're innovative for their time
I still enjoy some of their humor but a lot of it misses but that's honestly like a lot of sketch comedy shows. I wouldn't expect ppl to be into caesar's hour in this age
No. 386245
>>386239I'm tayrt and same, I don't like stereotypical british humour at all.
I hate how whenever somebody dares to say that they just can't find it funny, they a) either say you don't understand it (as if it requires a certain level of intelligence…) or b) simply accuse you of lacking any sense of humour yourself. Somehow nobody is allowed to simply not find it funny. What a weird thing to feel patriotic about.
It's especially bad whenever I say that, because as a no-fun german my opinion about jokes or humour will always be wrong in their eyes.
No. 386252
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>>386214not british but i liked it when i was like 12-14. i think it's the sorta humour you grow out of but most people remember it with nostalgia glasses as being muuuch better than it really is you know? feel the same way about keeping up appearances (although in my heart hyacinth>>>>> everything else british comedy).
No. 386285
>>386225Does Monty Python really represent British humor? It's so old and specifically surreal
>>386239As a brit, agree to disagree. I prefer dry humor, big loud outspoken American show hosts just make me disconnect entirely
My unpopular opinions is that comedians who play up being a campy gay stereotype are awful in every way
No. 386292
>>386271lmao I'm not, I just think bmi of maybe 24-26 (unathletic) can look nice on otherwise small men. Just a bit soft.
I also like short chubby girls.
No. 386300
>>386286I feel you. I would love to become a mother someday but “mombies” drive me crazy. My friend’s little sister is one. Once she totally sperged at me because I suggested that she breastfeed her baby in the bathroom while we were at a restaurant (for the record, I have nothing against breastfeeding in public. I just suggested that because she expressed being uncomfortable breastfeeding around a bunch of old people). Yet this is also the same chick who insist on her
abusive pos baby daddy to be apart of her child’s life and wants to have more kids with him. Some priorities /s.
No. 386323
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>>373395I hate facial hair on men. Even if it's just a developing mustache or 5'clock shadow. The smallest amount just ruins men for me like it'd ruin a women.
If they aren't clean shaven I just can't do it.
No. 386327
>>386286Considering pregnancy literally cuts down your lifespan I'd say more people should probably research what pregnancy comes with. I'd love to adopt a child in need in the future but birth itself is out of the question for me unless there will be a surrogate.
My friends, who have been a couple a long time, just had a baby and they're not married. It was planned, as far as they tell people, but I'm not sure. I'm pretty annoyed with this.
I don't think marriage is a sacred thing that children should stay within or whatever. I'm only interested in marriage as a legal institution and I would hope parents would seek to maximize a child's legal rights. It's not even that they're hippie enough to "not believe" in marriage, they're just not seeing that sort of commitment as a possibility or some shit like that. So not committed enough for marriage and a clean splitting of property but committed enough for a whole ass human being. OKAY…
No. 386336
>>386331Having childrens shortens you Telomeres more than obesity or smoking, the longer Telomeres= better health, longer livespan and slower aging.
They literally fuck up your health and shorten your life expectancy.
No. 386346
>>386339You sound like a massive edgelord. Just sayin'. It's not just women that want to procreate, it's literally both sexes, and it has very little to do with being a 'dog in heat'. Some people actually love their families.
How hateful and depressing your life must be.
No. 386348
>>386339Right? Not just that, but I seriously question how strong that biological imperative is for people who aren't suggestible retards. I feel legitimately 0 need to have a child and it does nothing but stir up fear for me.
>>386346>It's not just women that want to procreate, it's literally both sexes, and it has very little to do with being a 'dog in heat'Anon, you'll frequently find that men bitch non-stop about women who want to 'trap' them. The only men that claim to want to procreate are the ones who believe in trad shit and want to force women into 'carrying on their legacy' because they have some white pride genealogical fetishism or some shit.
No. 386351
>>386348Okay, sure. Almost my entire social group from grad school are a) married and b) already has kids or kids are being planned. The guys are not bitching about being trapped. They're excited about being fathers. No one is trad or religious or anything else.
You sound like you're living in a dystopia, sucks to be you? Move to a big city with normal human beings.
No. 386356
>>386351>The guys are not bitching about being trapped. They're excited about being fathersI think you fail to understand that most people don't truly understand the implications and costs (emotionally, physically, financially) of parenthood until they are actually in it. People are heavily encouraged by friends, family, society, to have kids. Plenty of guys who seem "happy" about having kids later regret them and resent their wives or the mothers of their children, sorry to say. You can deny that this is reality, but if you look around, people are not happy. They're stressed being parents, they complain non-stop about it, but yet push it on everyone because they can't accept that it wasn't a mistake that everyone else should need to make, too.
No. 386359
>>386356lol. You know, you're right. The real problem here is that I fail to understand. I should stop hanging out with my friends and switch to a group of suspicious people who talk on message boards about how everyone is a miserable liar, living in denial.
Enjoy your blackpill life, anon. I wish you well.
No. 386367
>>386365Yeah, it's normal for people to value the most the thing they sacrificed the most for. They basically give up their life for their kid and that kid needs to be the best thing in their life as a result, and they push it on other people to validate their choice.
I believe most parents when they say how much they love their kids and that it was all worth it, but personally I can't stomach the thought of sacrificing the things I love for a child that doesn't exist yet.
No. 386372
>>386368Eh, not regretting your child doesn't necessarily mean being a good parent, it just means they are happier with kids than without. Love is debatable, but considering the stress of raising a kid it may be less hating the child and more just being unable to cope.
I've noticed that there is a big disconnect between what parents say and what kids say. You almost never see parents admit to being shitty to their kids or hating them or wanting to hurt them, so you get the impression that most people adapt to parenthood comfortably. But you ALWAYS see children talking about their parents being shitty, hating and hurting them. So there is a large portion of parents who just aren't equipped to have kids, and aren't enjoying parenthood, but we never hear from them - yet women are ALWAYS told that motherhood is the right path for us without any consideration that maybe it's fucking not.
No. 386375
>>386372>Eh, not regretting your child doesn't necessarily mean being a good parent, it just means they are happier with kids than without.I think it's more likely that they just can't admit that life would be much simpler without being a parent and there was a lot more they signed up for than they initially thought, and it's COMPLETELY taboo to admit it. Look at all those mommy confession sites, look at how much they complain irl, look at how absolutely drained they are, how plenty are driven into poverty, etc. There's no way they can admit their feelings anyways. Not only is it taboo, but they also run the risk of hurting their child. The truth is that we really can't know what their feelings are the majority of the time. I don't believe, from the way I see how most people speak and treat their children, and how negligent they are with them, that they truly love them. Or maybe their idea of 'love' is just really shitty and
toxic and disrespectful and super harmful for a child's development, I guess. Either, way, it's… not a great situation.
And you're so right about how we're told we're all "supposed" to be mothers and forced into motherhood. This is another reason why I think the percent of people that regret it is higher than what people want to believe. The bottomline is that not having kids is discouraged. People might talk about how it's icky "for now" but that eventually everyone needs to "grow up", etc. You see this a lot in films and tv shows for people in their mid to late 20s-early 30s or so. People that don't have kids are painted out to be immature and slow to develop, emotionally and mentally, people with Peter Pan complexes who don't want to grow up, women too unattractive or unstable to find a husband, or womanizers, etc. Eventually the childless are shown to be largely unloved and unfulfilled with a harrowing and increasingly lonely future.
No. 386376
>>386368I agree with most of what you say but, I don't think it necessarily implies that those parent don't love their children. If they truly didn't love their kids, they wouldn't look after them at all. It's true that most people treat their kids like possessions or extensions of themselves, but their parenting styles seem more like reflections of their own mental stability and level of maturity. My mom used to say the cruelest shit to me when I was young, and when I called her out on it she would just say "I can you tell you whatever I want because I am your mom." Even at that age I knew her argument was wrong and childish. Mothers should be respected but you don't get a free pass to treat your kids like shit with no backlash just because you are a parent.
It takes a lot of patience to properly discipline children while maintaining strong boundaries. They act little shits but they are still just kids. They have the impulse control of a runaway train. It's a parent's responsibility to set an example and teach them how to behave.
In a perfect world, only emotionally healthy adults would be allowed to raise kids.
No. 386384
>>386375I think there is a very specific phenomena at work with a lot of parents, where they can hate parenting, hate their life, wouldn't have kids again if they re-did their lives, but they still can't regret the child itself.I've read a lot of 'regret' stories and that seems to be the consistent theme. You might be right that they are lying to themselves but it makes some sense to me. You can love someone and want them in your life but hate your role in their life and how they've impacted you.
> Eventually the childless are shown to be largely unloved and unfulfilled with a harrowing and increasingly lonely future.This is the worst. I'm not a gung ho militant childfree person but I've given it serious consideration and still know in my gut kids aren't for me. But it's still so hard and scary when you're constantly bombarded with threats of being miserable. I'm not lonely without kids (or relationships, or a full social life) now, why should I be in the future when that's just my personality? But society just won't let up on how much we deserve to suffer a horrible life if we don't have kids.
No. 386397
>>386393I was abused but I don't think it's a bias. I think, if anything, it just made me more aware of how acceptable and commonplace the mistreatment of children is. I don't think my level of abuse is common or is everywhere but I still see negligent parents, emotionally
abusive parents, etc, all over. I think because life is so stressful and because most people are unhealthy people who shouldn't be parents and either have some growing up to do or need to resolve their own trauma, or just are not fit to be parents, they excuse the way they damage their children, and society as a whole apologizes and rationalizes this kind of shit, too.
No. 386399
>>386393agreed. A lot of anons angry post about their parents and assume everyone else who cried as a kid was because they're parents were
abusive when it isn't always the case FFS.
No. 386409
>>386393>we don’t exactly have the most mentally sound users and creating an echo chamber about how awful the majority of parents are isn’t really ideal for our world views.I don't think most parent are crazy
abusive, but society tends to treat having kids like it's compulsory, so yes a lot of people who are unfit to raise children end up having them, and certain levels of abuse are normalized on some level. My mom was emotionally neglectful my entire childhood, but everyone always pointed the finger at me for being a bad and ungrateful kid because I was upset and resentful at being constantly verbally abused. There's this notion that a lot of people have that feeding your kids and giving them a roof over their heads is the only thing that qualifies a decent parent, which is simply untrue.
No. 386427
>>386393I'm not one of the anons who says that most parents don't actually enjoy parenting and people shouldn't have kids, etc.
But having been abused and neglected, it absolutely gives me a bias and a sensitive "eye" that's keen on picking up
abusive attitudes and behaviors of many parents.
I'm on the fence about having kids myself, mostly because I fear choosing the wrong partner and not being the best prepared, and if I failed my child on those fronts I would feel like failure as how my parents failed me plenty of times. On that note, I think most parents are aware that they mistreat and abuse their children but develop ways to mentally cope with what they're doing instead of trying to make it better or right. It's human, but still wrong. That's just my perspective.
No. 386437
>>386418I didn't say most kids. Can you even read? Sorry to be condescending but you're really misinterpreting what I said.
>According to researchers, about 60 percent of people develop a secure style of attachment. These are people whose caregivers were loving and affectionate and responded appropriately and sensitively to distress in a baby or child. With secure attachment, a person will feel comfortable expressing emotions, are more self-confident in relationships, and are more likely to cope with negative situations and feelings in healthy ways. 60% of people develop healthy relationships with their caregivers, 40% is still a huge minority of people who were raised by unfit caregivers that failed at meeting the child's emotional needs.
No. 386445
>>386434>Most people are not attuned to how children are treated or how they should be treated.Plenty of adults know right from wrong.
It's a matter of whether or not they want to admit they did wrong, fix it for their child, and not cope by making excuses or blaming.
No. 386477
>>386455>>386457>>386468>>386470Why should someone else's poor choices be my burden to carry? Because some poor trailer trash decided to not hit the free spay and neuter clinic and now has 15 FIV ridden cats, I am not allowed to buy a well-bred kitten?
Also what is that autism about funding fatasses? Most breeders are retired old people who care a lot about the animals (too fucking much imo) or people with a career who do it as a hobby. Who the fuck breeds cats full time?
~Adopting~ an animal won't make up for all your other shit qualities
No. 386519
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>>386517Pretty sure people like the show in the "so bad it's good" way. I just googled "you netflix review" and most reviews say that it's entertaining in a trashy way, there aren't solely overwhelmingly positive reviews like you're saying. It's unapologetically cheesy and stupid which is why it's enjoyable, I think you are maybe taking it too seriously…
No. 386803
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about the michael jackson stuff
i think out of all of the accusers (i know theres more than two), some are real and some are fake. like, i do believe that MJ worked as a child. he thought he had relationships with the kids, and he also thought he had friendships with kids. that's why say the guy from home alone has always defended him.
but my god i believe james safechuck. hearing the way he narrated everything in the doc + the oprah interview was creepy. i was molested too and i could tell how uncomfortable he was and how everything sounded so familiar, it was awful. i believe that guy so much.
wade? eh i don't believe him that much.
No. 386840
>>386835A normal person would just there off but the kind of person who would assault someone probably does not care about hurting someone to get off.
Also, I'm assuming pedophiles wouldn't rape kids unless they were, y'know, pedos.
No. 386917
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Steven universe got waaay more shit than it deserved
it's a cute show
No. 386941
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>>386917Agree it's cute. My only problem with it is that the conflict got resolved too easily. There were some trans/queer tumblr things slightly noticeable a few times. But mostly not.
I really liked the Diamonds. It's nice to see larger than life female characters - literally in this case.
No. 386954
I'm reading the NZ shooter's manifesto right now, and not to be a filthy non-white shitskin NPC bluepill SJW or anything, but in the midst of all this "We must defend Europe and protect our land from invaders", I have to ask: Do these people realize that by their definition of land ownership, anywhere outside of Europe is not "their land"? Why are the rules different for them? They themselves are "invaders", and descendants of "invaders".
If they were serious about wanting to "secure a future for their people" and keep out "invaders", why not fly back to their actual places of origin, start huwhite families to bring up the replacement rate, "defend" those and push for full separatism and isolation to the outside world? It's like they want only Europe to be some kind of rigid ethnostate, while the rest of the world is free real estate. This is just ignoring that a lot of the non-European followers are basically mutts of different European ethnicities and no one specific culture for a second to follow their "if it looks white, it's all right" narrative.
It just comes off as hypocrisy and doublethink to me. With a mindset like this, and all the other shit that's wrong with them, how are they supposed to be taken seriously by anyone with a functioning brain?
No. 386964
>>386963He was from Australia, so a huge hypocrite. But I guess it's fine for whites to colonize all continents.
Anyway that fucker killed innocent women and children in cold blood. Just like his bros in the Islamic State, except white power meme edition.
No. 386981
>>386954I think you're missing the point when you say that anywhere outside of Europe is not their land. Those lands were taken by prowess and superior military skill - what is happening now is the government is giving our "land" away, and the people cannot take it back, hence the frustration.
How are we meant to return to our original homelands when they're paying the price of the zionist american wars?
>This is just ignoring that a lot of the non-European followers are basically mutts of different European ethnicities and no one specific culture for a second to follow their "if it looks white, it's all right" narrativeEuropeans that interbred still have a claim to the society their ancestors provided for them
No. 386987
>>386981>Those lands were taken by prowess and superior military skill That really doesn't change that it's not theirs. I don't think he (or any person) would be happy to have military from other countries take over their home. The issue is the whole concept of an entire race/culture being "replaced" in itself.
This guy goes on rants about how each people deserves to live untouched in peace in their homeland and says we're like a rainbow (each color mixing destroys the whole thing).
So, it's okay for him and his kind to destroy the rainbow? It makes no sense.
>Europeans that interbred still have a claim to the society their ancestors provided for themYou can't wax poetic about culture while simultaneously downplaying its importance just because you know it doesn't work in your favor. That's what he's doing.
No. 387022
>>387017Don't bother anon, she already implied that us Natives deserved it because we were too primitive and stupid to resist properly so whites won fair and square.
But she also agreed that white people don't want Muslims to take over via military action.
So she basically just wants everyone to be white.
No. 387075
>>387013>It's fine for entire races and cultures not exist when war, that's not bad lol, but it's rly rly rly bad when it's because of immigration and refusal to actually reproduce to replacement level ://Yeah, no, this is retarded. Thank you for admitting the real argument was never that they should "live separately" or that any race should "survive", but that you want certain people who are not like you to be slaughtered mercilessly because you think that's somehow fair.
If only this retarded asshole would be that honest in his manifesto.
No. 387183
>>387170I wouldn't be surprised if he was a major racist asshole behind closed doors since every now and then he had a scandal (wishing Jewish people death, saying the n-word, giving a shout out to an anti-Semitic channel). That's no coincidence, that's a pattern.
Idk why people give him so many chances. I really dislike him and I hope someone will expose his ass and reveal his true colours.
No. 387214
>>387170white men get so many excuses sometimes. i think some farmers are secret stans because he was posted to the "hot guys with ugly girlfriends" thread before. but then again we have idubbz stans here so whose shocked.
hes a literal millionare, all he had to do was push back against his reputation as a nazi and racist, all he did was whine about how the internet was taking his jokes out of context, and then never stopped making those jokes.
No. 387289
>>386954I consider myself pretty expert on Nazism/ fascism and Neo-nazism, it's an eccentric interest of mine and well…In my teenage years I was radicalized by a lot of it. I'm not sure I can accurately express how many of them are, but I'll try.
The far right (any type of far right, this applies to ISIS and Japanese Imperialism as well as neo nazism) is typically made up of lower to middle class males, these males typically are paranoid and suffer from anger issues, I've spent years socializing with unironic nazis and paranoia is by far their most pronounced characteristic, any one of them that isn't sufficiently radical or is too radical is thrown under the bus by the rest as being 'an obvious plant'.
Of the angry and paranoid men, you can diverge further into three different types. First you have the unprincipled sociopath. The unprincipled sociopath doesn't believe in the ideology at all and instead attaches himself to it for personal benefit. They use it as an excuse to beat people up, to hurt others, make money and to generally easily just become part of gang. Eichmann and Mengele were two historical Nazis that were clearly of this variety, and Goering fits in here pretty well also. This type usually moves on from nazism as soon it brings him no benefit, and in the modern age doesn't commit mass murder as it brings him nothing good.
The second type is the low functioning 'thug', these people fall into believing the lowest form of nazism and believe all the conspiracy theories such as jews poisoning wells and the kosher tax. All the stereotypical 'dumb nazi' pictures you see are just pictures of this type of nazi. Streicher is the historical nazi example and Andrew Anglin is the modern day example. They don't have the functioning required to commit mass murder, instead only managing a simple stabbing or at most a double homicide.
The third type is what the New Zealand shooter is, the 'pure' nazi. I say pure in the sense that they actually believe in the ideology unlike the sociopath, but also unlike the thug they have a proper comprehension of it. These people stand above the lowest level of propaganda that keeps the thugs chasing pizzagate, these are the active subverters and converters. They are also the ones that take calculated action, and when they are poor and unremarkable they easily turn to mass murder due to their fanaticism. The thug generally only manages a stabbing or a single murder when he takes action, but the pure nazi calculates it and can amass bodies like with Breivik and the shooter in New Zealand. They're generally of above average intelligence and of the different types the paranoia is most pronounced at this level. Himmler and Goering are the historical examples, Richard Spencer and the shooter here are modern examples.
No. 387295
>>386954>>387289This is where I get to your point about the manifesto's internal contradiction
>I have to ask: Do these people realize that by their definition of land ownership, anywhere outside of Europe is not "their land"? Why are the rules different for them? They themselves are "invaders", and descendants of "invaders".The shooter knows this double standard and is aware of it, but he doesn't care because deep down this isn't a moral issue for him but a Darwinian one. Fascism and nazism are rooted in Darwinism and the concept of survival of the fittest, they extend the concept to model the world as a competition between different races and nations for survival. Under their models of the world, other races and cultures incompatible with their own are an inherent existentialist threat and must be cleansed from nation. When the pure nazis talk among themselves, either historically in the Hitler table talks, or in secret on modern forums, it's expressed purely through necessity. And once they achieve their ethnostate, it still doesn't stop. In the instances in history when they believed they were safe from the threat of third world 'shitskins' or other undesirables, they eyed china anxiously and worried about the yellow peril. Himmler even planned and talked about the final race war between aryans and east Asians for supremacy over the earth.
The reason why, even in the manifesto, they stick to painting an ethical picture and paint it as 'defence'. They're actively trying to recruit more adult thugs/dupes into the fold, or maybe some vulnerable teens that they can groom into becoming pure nazis. This wasn't meant for you, or anyone with a brain, it's expressively about advancing the cause.
No. 387304
>>387203him and his ilk parade under the guise of "lol ids jusda joak!" ironic memeposting and probable deniability, but he follows a bunch of white nationalists on twitter, paid people to disparage jews, said the n-word on stream, etc. dunno how people are still falling for this cunt's bullshit, i'm glad to see him get dragged to hell and back.
no platform for these wastes.
No. 387326
>>373395Women that fall for online scammers/human traffickers are very dumb and we should stop saying anyone can be a
victim of that and teach women to be smarter and not so damn gullible. Who the fuck thinks an hyper rich foreigner doctor on tinder wants to really marry you? You are not living in a lifetime romantic comedy for fucks sake.
No. 387335
>>387289>>387295This was a pretty good, informative set of posts, anon. Thanks.
I always suspected just what you said in the second one, but I didn't know if I was tinfoiling and they were just retarded. I've screencapped both posts for future reading, and to show to others.
No. 387378
>>387374The false translation of 'das Ueberleben der Staerksten' circulated around Europe faster than Darwin's original 'Origin of Species' in many areas, and many people only read the commentaries on this form of evolution. Included is Friedrich Nietzsche, who referenced 'survival of the strongest' when developing his theories on 'der Wille zur Macht' (The will to power). Friedrich Nietzsche, and his ideas on the Uebermensch and Wille zur Macht, serves as the philosophical base for many pure nazis.
It is also peddled as false propaganda, but more than that the ideological roots of their own philosophy can be traced back to the fuck-up itself.
No. 387380
>>387374>>387378Kind of funny considering strength is just one of the infinite strategies for measuring fitness (which quite literally is just the likely hood that organism will pass it's genes), and brute strength can definitely be unsuitable for a variety of environments.
However it is just the reflection of man. Man has always proved his fitness through brute strength, regardless whether it is through literal fists or the threat of nuclear war.
Every male created ideology rests upon strength because it is all they have, and all they want.
This is why I laugh at those bumbling around trying to reform men. Unless a greater form of strength threatens their own (AI, aliens, conscious viral entity) they will never abandon it, just refine it.
Women need more focus on women, period.
No. 387387
>>387381Anon, this shooting it's just the peak of the iceberg. It's no coincidence that alt-right men identify themselves with Felix because as anons pointed out before: he is a dog-whistler. Felix speaks to them as he never ever actively and voluntary says anything against racism, misogyny and such. 'Respect Wahmen' is just a platitude for him to hide his real intentions such as making a joke about real problems. He has so many scandals involving Anti-Semitism and racism and his reaction after companies dropped him and people criticized him is disgusting because he makes jokes about his previous behavior in nearly every fucking video. He doesn't want to be responsible and change his behavior but makes jokes about it instead. That's a typical alt-right move and no wonder that such people identify with him. They have found their leader which is Felix aka Pewdiepie. Felix didn't do this terroristic attacks but he should be hold accountable for his message and behaviour. The critics are all
valid and really hope that he'll lose all sponsorships and ads.
No. 387429
>>387421>Anon tone down your retardationWhy are you swearing? Are you
triggered? Don't you have better arguments? I didn't say he should go to jail, I said he should be hold accountable for his message and behavior which means losing all sponsorships and he should never ever make jokes about serious topics and call them 'OopSies'.
No. 387442
>>387440>drawn and quarteredWill you ever stop the ridiculous hyperbole to prove a point none of us are making?
But YES, the public should fucking examine what influences serial killing from all angles, including media, and if it's found to be ethically questionable they deserve to lose the public's goodwill. Celebrities aren't owed universal love and support, it's not being 'drawn and quartered' to be questioned and criticized.
I'm talking to a fucking scrot, aren't I? Nobody else would be so willfully obtuse about this shit.
No. 387452
>>387429>Why are you swearing? Because I'm over 18 and I can say whatever I want? Kek
Felix already said he's going to reflect about his own personal actions that could prevent this in the future, what more do you want? And I never assumed you said he needed to go to jail. Jesus Christ are you the same anon who went off for 4 hours during the MAGA kids incident?
No. 387462
>>387447The Christchurch shooter wasn't a
>young, impressionable viewerHe was 28 years old. He was an adult, and an alt right terrorist who thought it was funny to scream a bunch of memes while he massacred innocent people. The dude was listening to remove kebab in the car on the way there, for Christ's sake. "Subscribe to PewDiePie" is a meme, that's it. That's the connection.
I don't even LIKE pdp but saying he has any fault in this at all is fucking retarded. He wasn't mentioned in his manifesto, or anywhere else besides yelling "subscribe to pewdiepie" once. It's a MEME.
And for all the claims being made itt about how pdp encourages this type of behavior, not one person has posted a screenshot or a link to anything that actually shows him doing that.
No. 387474
An unpopular opinion i guess, but the diamonds are fucking cancer, all of them, they should've been shattered. The series should've been about the crystal gems and the victims of the diamonds, their rebellion and freedom, not about how "sad" some dictators are and how "morally-grey" all of the genocide they did was, maybe if they're were truly interesting i would give a shit but they're boring and whack af. I come from a shitty dictatorial country and this lib series talking about how redeemable a group of psychopathic galactic lords are is fucking insulting and insensitive. PD literally started a war for a giant roleplay, killed everyone on the process and then ran away. You just cannot start a war without a plan or strategy just because you "felt like it", especially when so many people were on the damn line, people that believed her cause they were desperate for freedom, and she used them for her stupid fantasy. Yes, she was a nice person but she was fucking stupid and didn't care how her retarded decisions would affect others, so fuck her.
Also all the other diamonds are lame too, the only one i middly respect is YD just because she has some consistency as a villain, BD sucks major ass too and WD was fucking disappointing, like, how can you go from say some eugenic-tier shit and trying to kill a child with your laser-beams to cry about how "imperfect" you are and fucking blush?. Nope, just nope.
Bismuth was fucking right. I guess those gems at the Cluster, Homeworld and any gem not affiliated directly with Steven are really feeling that FREEDOOM right now amiright? Let's have a cute pool party ft. The Diamonds just above our dead "friends" lmao (I know it was necessary but holy shit, really?).
No. 387483
>>387465This. I read his manifesto and nonsense is the best way to describe it. He just wanted to kill people, he didn't seem to have a solid ideology behind it because he kept contradicting himself and tripping over his words during his rambling travesty of a manifest.
Somehow people have a real trouble accepting that there are psychopaths among us who just like the thrill of killing others and don't see the value in human life, and don't need a stupid youtuber to influence them. He had a normal life, he wasn't your generic incel loser, he was just a fucked up individual who probably would've done it had he not visited /pol/ or not. Think back to Charles Whitman or Stephen Paddock, they both shot a bunch of innocent people for no other reason that they apparently wanted to kill people. There might be some flimsy nihilistic "reason" behind it but when it's all said and done they did it on their own.
No. 387484
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>>387289I'm the 'nazi expert' from earlier
>>387460>white nationalist racist types actually like having black, muslims and Hispanics around because it gives them a confidence boost and they enjoy the drama. You're in a sense completely right. Fascism and Nazism requires either multicultural/multi-ethnic tension to fearmonger and gain support, or it requires financial insecurity and irredentism. There's a reason fascism is most pronounced in France and modern day Russia, France is an openly multi-ethnic society and Russia is strife with Irredentism. If it wasn't for the existence of black and brown people in French neighborhoods, National Front wouldn't even be a household name. The genocides that took place during the break up of Yugoslavia are a testament to how rapidly multi-ethnic tension develops and spreads. Fascists are completely unaware of their existence being contingent on the things they rally against, but the truth is most of these people would've been sucked up into another form of extremism if they did have a homogeneous society, such as environmental or religious extremism.
The other untold secret about white nationalists and fascists is their rather bizarre habit of sleeping with and dating non-white women. During my time associating with them, it was common for token brown girls to hang around with the group and 'date' some of the higher ranked members. Of course a few called hypocrisy, but it's for the most part ignored and accepted. This isn't limited to my experience as well, Richard Spencer dated Asian women and the Atomwaffen terrorists had a brown mixed girl dating one of the shooters.
The third thing is that, despite rallying against Islam publicly in order to maintain their 'optics'. Fascists admire radical Islam and see it as a model for European nations to draw from. This goes back to Adolf Hitler himself, who stated Christian talking points in public but behind closed doors with his friends bemoaned the fact that Islam wasn't the religion for the Aryan people. Some Fascists go full circle and adopt what is known as 'White Sharia', becoming muslim extremists themselves. They believe that Christianity is too 'cucked' to properly restructure western society, and that Sharia and suppression of women's rights are necessary to get the birthrates back up and to inspire a masculine culture. One of the Atomwaffen shooters converted to Islam and there's a growing link between western fascism and radical islam. The only reason western fascists and radical islam are fighting is because they're both scrambling for the same power.
No. 387510
>>387491>white male youtubersthis is way too specific to try to make it about race anon lmao
you got a list of any non-white male youtubers similar to felix who were condemned on the spot?
No. 387521
>>387492In the US right-wing politicians have spent decades hammering the idea that communism and anything related to it is the boogey man behind all the ills of the world, standing in the way of our free market capitalist utopia. Marx is a very easy scapegoat because he is a difficult read for most people, in addition to the political-right notion that even engaging with leftist ideas is treasonous. Mix those muddy messages with the mile high wall of obtuse fuckery in academia making it even more difficult to get a grasp on what Marxism even IS, and it becomes an even easier scapegoat.
Grow up hearing marx = communist russia = BAD, combine with difficult and sometimes contradictory academic verbiage, put in a dash of sports team tribalism, you've got the perfect recipe to sell someone on hating ideas that they agree with.
No. 387528
Using the dorito face emoticon shouldn't be a bannable offense, it's been used on boards forever.
>>387522I feel like the girl one is attracting males :^) No problem with the boy one though.
No. 387530
>>387522the kpop critical thread is just a bunch of obvious fans pretending like they aren't. i actually listen to kpop music and i still dont know the names of most of the members of the groups i like, but somehow the anons in those threads who "hate" kpop know everything about them?
my unpopular opinion is really skinny guys are gross and i could never date one because of my own body issues.
No. 387561
>>387492'Revolutionary action', and 'class conflict' aren't unique to Marxism. In fact, both concepts are found in Fascism, it's just that they're approached differently. Fascists consider 'revolutionary action' necessary in order to depose the old order and to achieve their own, they glorify violence for this reason. Marxists believe in the necessity of revolutionary action because the process of Historical Materialism necessitates it. 'Class conflict' under Fascism is different from the Marxist conception of it, class conflict is thought to be an inherent part of capitalism under Marxist theory, with the only solution being an end to wage labor and private ownership of the means of production. Fascism follows a different model called 'Corporatism', in which the wealthy/bourgeois are bought into line with Fascist orthodoxy and made to serve the state, and once this is achieved 'class conflict' is over. Hitler, Mussolini, Pinochet, etc, none of them stopped wage labor or purged the fatcats, they don't care what the fatcats do as long as the fatcats become fascists themselves and serve the fascist party. Only when they don't serve fascist interests or harm the state, such as the bankers in Chile during the 1980s financial crash, will the fascists come down on them.
The history of Marxism and the history of Fascism are intertwined from the point of Fascism's origin during the 1920s. After World War I and the rise of the Soviet Union, Communist parties and insurrections took place all across central Europe. Fascism, just at the time being born as a coherent political ideology, found itself immediately in conflict with Communists on the streets and in the parliaments. Marxism Leninism and Fascism were both extremist ideologies competing for the same share of the disenfranchised population, this is why they fought each other so bitterly, the conservative are difficult to sway but the radicals freely ping from ideology to ideology and can be converted. If I recall correctly, Goebbels commented on how former communists made better national socialists than conservatives.
The final move that historically has always allowed the Fascists to cement their victory is the fact that conservatives are more scared of Marxism than Fascism. And when things come to a crisis and the conflict is at its extreme, the conservatives throw their weight behind the fascists. This happened in Rome with Mussolini, this happened most famously in Germany when Hindenburg gave Hitler the position of Chancellor and even in recent history this happened when the conservatives in Chile supported Pinochet in deposing the democratically elected Allende. The fascists need to be able to court conservatives to their side in order to win, and the only card they know how to play is the fear of Marxism.
No. 387564
This strategy worked pretty well for Fascists during the cold war. Franco, Salazar, Pinochet and other clearly fascist leaders were able to work alongside the USA. Fascists in the USA were able to play off fears of the cold war, George Lincoln Rockwell and his Nazi group is probably the best example of this being done during the period, suddenly everything became a Marxist conspiracy according to their dialectic, they were tolerated in conservative circles because of their mutual hatred of the Soviet Union.
The cold war ended in the 90s and well, Fascists have really struggled to move on, because they've got nothing that worked as effectively as this. Marxism is basically a dead ideology at this point in a west, the Communist parties are all being dissolved and are declining into irrelevancy. But still, in the minds of Baby Boomers, Marxism can serve as a boogyman so they carry the corpse of it around. They dress it up as 'Cultural Marxism' and dilute what 'Marxism' is down until it gets vaguer and vaguer, meaning less and less, the Frankfurt School goes from serious academics criticizing western culture to a subversive conspiracy. The worst part about this is that it fucking somehow works, and conservatives fall for it all the time. It doesn't help we have Dr Peterson, that babyboomer fuck, autistically believing the shit and beelining young teenage boys straight towards the arms of waiting Nazis.
So the shooter means basically nothing when he references Marxism. Basically not a single modern Fascist can accurately describe what they mean by Marxism or Cultural Marxism, it's just something that has historically worked for them so they've stuck with it 30 years after they should've dropped it.
No. 387567
>>387560Why was breastfeeding included in that list, that’s literally just food. Kissing on the lips seems to be a hot topic right now, I think it’s fine as long as it’s just a peck and not the main way to express affection
Daddy daughter relationships have seemed weirdly possessive and sexually charged to me though
No. 387614
>>387522The kpop general does share some good milk I wasn't aware of like the mamamoo strawberry jam incident but yeah, 95% of the posts there are insufferable
and I'm quite at least one mod is among them. As for the GC threads I just instahide whenever a new one pops up. Those bitches are completely off their rockers. Same goes for the pink pill generals, though.
No. 387627
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>>387626Wait, was this meant to be a serious debate?
No. 387632
>>387629Alright then. I (>>387619) didn't write
>>387601 and you're the real retard here.
>>387631Vegans are better than vegetarians.
t. vegetarian
No. 387655
>>387649>>387652Same with lolita. It's already difficult for real girls, yet somehow big bearded guys think they can do it too. If you don't look remotely female in normie clothes, why do you think you should wear extra cutesy and feminine ones?!
Just recently there was a troon with a waist of over 130cm(!); not even 2 dresses sewn together would be enough for you! And of course, they never do any research of their own, but expect to be spoonfed.
I'm especially salty about this because I'm tall and now you can no longer hold conversations about the problems taller lolitas face without "teehee I'm a tall
girl, too. I'm 6'5"…
And as a result, mentionening you're a tall lolita online will now make people suspect you might be a tranny.
Just a few years back, no matter how ugly and horsefaced somebody was, nobody would expect her to be mtf, but now every "manfaced" girl will get reactions like "That's a guy" "
she must be a tranny"… I feel so sorry whenever that's happening to someone. Probably the worst insult one can get.
No. 387658
>>387652Ughh, I hate that, too. Since they're personally too blind to tell the difference, they assume it's all the same thing.
>>387655I remember a crossplay/brolita thread on /cgl/ where a bunch of trannies were really letting their misogyny jump out. One was saying he wanted to be "kawaii goth loli maid" (lmao), and when actual female posters said that wasn't how it worked, he (or some other men) started calling everyone "cunts" and "dirty disgusting TERFs" who need to "know their place".
I really wish the Lolita community (and Jfash as a whole) would hurry up and shut out trannies. There are far too many stories of AGP freaks shitting things up with their fetishes, harassing minors and making everybody uncomfortable, but they
still won't kick them out for fear of looking "bigoted". And like you said, it's making it harder for women who don't 100% look feminine to not be seen as male right off the bat, all because trannies have infiltrated things.
No. 387680
>>387649Seriously. I've started to internalize it myself. I was looking at cheap ass Bodyline shit. When I saw their seifuku are on sale, I immediately thought to myself "Aw, I wish I could buy and wear one, but everyone would think I'm a weeby troon." I've never owned a seifuku despite being in my mid 20s, I just think it'd be fun to have. I don't want to automatically get disgusted by something because troons do it too. But the real disgust is just knowing they can't pull it off ever. No matter how hard they try.
I'd definitely be less disgusted by a man who knows he's a man and not a "woman inside" wearing a seifuku.
No. 387778
>>387560American here. There are a lot of parents with weird boundaries here but it isn’t the norm. I find Daddy Daughter dances to be creepy and a lot of other Americans mock it.
I heard other cultures (like Nordic for instance) are more reserved when it comes to affection in comparison.
No. 387837
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Probably incredibly unpopular and/or posted before
Accusing someone of "internalized X" is a quick and easy way to silence minorities, especially women on topics they happen to disagree with the majority on. Of course i understand if a girl is desperate for male attention and puts other women under the bus that's internalized misogyny for example. What i'm talking about is if you think bayonetta is a good design, and some tryhard blue checkmark virtue signaler tells you to LOVE URSELF!!!! Fujos saying you have internalized homophobia/misogyny for not wanting to be a part of their obnoxious gay pedoshit, being called a "Complicit colored woman" for daring to criticize the movement that claims to support you, etc etc.
99% of the time it's literally used by virtue signalers that want to silence women for speaking out. Why bother arguing with a minority and acknowledging their existence when you can just claim they've got a deep internalized hatred of themselves? Or even better yet, accuse them of being sockpuppets because nobody can disagree with me, ever! Woke twitter accounts are the fucking worst, they infect every social media there is.
No. 387843
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Lolcow is fucking
toxic and represents exactly why we women don't go anywhere. I was happy i finally found a place for me to talk to more people like me (women) and share some interests, but what i found was utterly whack. Why don't you guys stop talking about vapid, superficial bullshit that only divides us, go outside and do actual great things? mocking psychotic lolcows sometimes it's cool and shit, and some threads are legitimately good but you guys get very retarded and fixed with the most insipid things: "omg look at her hair so greasy!!!" "omg that dress is horrible, it doesn't suit her at all!!1!", really? fucking really? are we at high school or what? if we are gonna throw shit to a woman at least let's criticize her character, not those things, it gets very old and it's very childish. This place's a serious disappointment and a constant reminder of why we are so divided. There are no political, science or philosophy threads (Outside GC and a couple more i guess), only loads and loads of irrelevant bullshit, drama and shit nobody cares, it's like you all actually want to be seen as the classic woman stereotype: catty, basic, salty and superficial. Shit is pathetic and yall fucking know it.
No. 387856
>>387845>It's usually the other way around thoughReally? Is that why fujos feel the need to barge into every community and force feed everyone their uke/seme boring character archetypes? Is that why whenever other girls say "Sorry, i don't really enjoy shounen-ai." they go ballistic and accuse them of not only hating themselves and their sexuality, but also hating gay people? I have been personally harassed by so many fujos by just simply stating i don't like yaoi, or even better, by refusing to draw two boku no hero academia boys making out. Do you have any idea how many artists i've seen get the ass end of fujos/fakebois for not wanting to draw gay porn?
>God forbid girls just enjoy some self indulgent porn that doesn't involve sexualizing their own gender or focusing on how men feel about it.Girls can enjoy content that doesn't involve pedoshit or hawt anime boys raping eachother, yaoi isn't the peak of female sexuality.
No. 387860
>>387849>but not because she's a woman. those nitpicks aren't attacking her womanhoodReally? maybe not directly, but a lot of women have tons and tons of internalized misogyny and insecurity, society and men taught them to lash out to other females those feelings which divides us. A girl criticizing another one isn't obviously the same as a guy doing it, but sadly, a lot of women really see other females as targets, they hate other women because they hate themselves.
>dudes criticize each other all the time and no one bats and eye and goes "why are we men being so divisive with each other?"Who the fuck cares about men infighting? they already have power if they divide is not our problem, they don't have to support and keep together a whole movement or fight for their rights, we need to stay focused and not criticize ourselves for dumb shit that's what i'm saying.
>stop expecting shit from women. that's misogynistic. your expectations are too high, anon.I think we can be better than men, i have high expectations because i think we can actually get better, get salty and talk shit of somebody sometimes its normal to some degree, but they taught us to be mean to each other on
toxic levels since birth just to divide us and that shouldn't be normal. Maybe i have more hope on women than you anon.
No. 387870
>>387828back to with you
>>387861Can't tell if this quote is meant to be ironic or not, honestly.
No. 387872
>>387865I don't understand it either, and i was one of the HS weebs that only watched shoujo and/or shounen but didn't ship anything. You can probably already tell what happened when people found out i actually wasn't balls deep in every yaoi release.
Self indulgent porn community "just 4 girls" my ass.
No. 387875
>>387856>Girls can enjoy content that doesn't involve pedoshit or hawt anime boys raping eachother, yaoi isn't the peak of female sexuality.How the fuck can you act like fujos get off scott free when you say shit like this? As if getting accused of being a pedophile rape fetishist isn't worse than being accused of internalized misogyny. You may not have internalized misogyny, but fujos haven't been obsessed with rape for decades.
Since you mentioned BNHA I'll use it as an example. Let's look it up on AO3
>50223 works total>2374 under 'underage' >1302 under 'rape/non con' Fujo trends have clearly changed dramatically for the better, yet people are always acting like it's still 2000 and all seme rapists with huge hands and wimpy crying ukes. I'm sorry you've spent most of your time in contact with 12 year olds but that's obviously not the bulk of the fandom, which is realistically mostly tumblr SJWs who go out of their way to emphasize consent and will get serious backlash if they don't.
No. 387882
>>387875>How the fuck can you act like fujos get off scott free when you say shit like this?Because they do. Every community they're in they like to harass not only each other but other people minding their own business, even if said fujos don't like underage noncon. Tumblr fujo sjws and fakebois might not be into rape, but they're super into storming people's posts and inboxes on whatever social media they can because an artist won't draw their hawt yaoiz. If people started calling you homophobic for not wanting to draw porn you're not into, you'd be pretty peeved too. Plus, there's still a shit ton of grown ass fujos doing the same thing, because i don't know where you've been looking, but the uke/seme trope is still everywhere. Always the same old tired bullshit of the strong, sound, muscly-but-still-perfectly-twinkish seme and the poor little uke that's a perfect mix of a crybaby and a cute little boyslut. Several artists just came into mind, did they not?
And at the end of the day you're not allowed to criticize even the "sane ones" because it's a "community by girls, for girls!". That's why fujos feel need to harass every single woman that doesn't like/doesn't draw their incredibly specific kind of self indulgent pornography, because it's the only safe porn that women can make and consume, so if one doesn't like it she hates herself and the gays. And this is still happening to this day.
No. 387891
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I really love debates and discussions done ITT (when it doesn't turn into a shitshow obviously), but sometimes i think we should just drop any discussion and don't reply to someone's post we consider retarded and just let it all flow, i mean, fighting over some unpopular opinion kinda defeats the purpose sometimes, like, for some reason is an unpopular opinion, this is a place where people come to say something they know most people don't like, what's the point on letting them know you dislike it?.
No. 387922
>>387882>Tumblr fujo sjws and fakebois might not be into rape, but they're super into storming people's posts and inboxes on whatever social media they can because an artist won't draw their hawt yaoiz.I've literally never seen this happen and I hang around fujo circles a lot. What the fuck? If anything, the ongoing drama is the MLM fakeboi activists bullying cis fujos for "fetishizing" homosexuals with gay art. Never have I witnessed a person being shunned for not drawing "hot yaoiz" as you put it, it literally doesn't happen. Maybe someone is shaming people for not being woke enough, I'm sure that's true, but even if it came to that the current trend is definitely trannies as homosexual men are seen as oppressors now.
>>387875>I'm sorry you've spent most of your time in contact with 12 year olds but that's obviously not the bulk of the fandom, which is realistically mostly tumblr SJWs who go out of their way to emphasize consent and will get serious backlash if they don't.This. The "hot seme raping a whiny uke" is a stereotype from over a decade ago and hasn't existed in ages, today we have all sorts of underage Voltronites policing adults for heir ship preferences and calling out anything not fluffy and syrupy cute (i.e. tsundere ships) as ~
abusive~. The original anon sounds like her experience is shallow at best and picked up through the grape vine. Nobody even fucking uses the terms seme/uke in 2019 because they've been used to describe the rapey nonconsensual ships, they've been outdated for at least the past 8 years.
No. 387923
>>387922Even when BL was rapey, shoujo was exactly the same. It was a fair while ago and as far as western fan content goes, it doesn't fly these days without heavy warnings and using as much caution as possible.
But yes, anon seems to have had a unique experience with some fujos wanting her to draw ships she isn't into, and extrapolating that the entirety of fujos are like this and somehow that also means they are pedos who love rape. That isn't popular or welcomed anymore so she must be interacting with a small group of outsiders to regular fandom. Assuming she isn't full of shit because I've literally never seen that happen either.
No. 387933
>>387843>Well I expected this anonymous shitposting imageboard to be of supreme quality and insightful conversations!Anon I got news for you
I don't know if you've seen male-dominated imageboards but they're the same sort of nitpicking superficial bullshit and petty whining. It's not that deep, it's just the price of anonymity. You get to post with no chains attached, but you have to endure the obviously unwell people who would most likely be cows themselves if they had their posts attached to their names.
No. 387955
>>387856>>387882I am so pleased that anons here hate on shitty fujo antics. I grew up online and female fandom spaces I encountered were 99% yaoi shipping, you had to ship it to fit in. Liking het and ("eww lesbians") yuri? No way! I think yaoi fans can have huge entitlement issues because they spend time in spaces were only their thing is the norm.
Personally I found it depressing to see all those girls hate on women and think adult men raping little boys was just fine and business as usual.
And the alternatives were sexist straight romance stories for women and degrading porn by men.
In recent times there has been more women making nice het and yuri content that I have noticed. Love it.
No. 387962
>>387856NTA, but are you living in 2006? That behavior stopped like years ago, lmao. Nowadays, it's these exact same insane, obnoxious fujos from Livejournal remembering their cringy blunder years (or girls/women who are too young for that, but carry the same obsessive energy about effeminate male anime characters, except it's under the guise of being "trans"), and trying to "atone" by claiming to actually be trans MLM (aka RPing as all the semes and ukes they obsess over) and putting all their energy into yelling at and harassing anyone who likes yaoi for "oppressing, objectifying and romanticizing mlm!!".
Of all the crises on the internet, the fujoshi crisis ended a full decade ago. Now, they're basically one of the least offensive groups. Female weebs who enjoy their NSFW content and mind their own business.
No. 387966
>>387843>using a small anonymous forum to chide women as a wholeIf anonymous shitposting on an obscure imageboard is the mark of female failure, just how do you feel about it on spaces full of mostly males like Wizardchan or 4chan? We've all seen enough of those websites to know that, by your own logic, men are to be considered psychotic, deranged, disgusting, homicidal pieces of shit with far more toxicity than any woman, but I don't see you complaining like this about them. Their /sci/ and /lit/ boards are
not their most popular, and we all know exactly why.
But I guess that doesn't count, even though 4chan/Wiz are much bigger and more widely used than LC is, because "n-not all men", and unlike men, women have an inborn duty to never be rude, nitpicky or unkind.
>inb4 "No I hate all chans for being shitty, but I thought Lolcow would be different"If you hate chan culture as a whole, stop being a lazy shit. Look for forums and subreddits that appeal to politics, science and philosophy. Don't come to a /cgl/ gossip offshoot and then get mad that we aren't discussing Sartre. You probably won't, though, because in all likelihood, even you aren't interested in any of those things. You just came to bitch and gas yourself up on some "Woe is me, I'm the only wise, self-aware woman :(" bullshit. Newsflash, those who have an interest in those topics will seek it some place other than Lolcow.
I'm so tired of fake deep people.
No. 387968
>>387966> Newsflash, those who have an interest in those topics will seek it some place other than Lolcow. > I'm so tired of fake deep people.Precisely. This site is mostly to discuss women related stuff which you couldn't on a male dominant site which is 90% of the internet. If I want to discuss philosophy and other big brain things, then I have sites where I go to. I do consider making a philosophy thread though. But the holier than thou attitude is so annoying.
Besides, I only lurk /ot/, /g/, and now /m/. I don't even encounter nitpicking or gossip by avoiding gossip boards.
No. 387984
>>387977I really like going to Salo Forum's philosophy section: may or may not like it because sometimes some users have misogynistic views and the userbase is apparently alt-right but I haven't noticed it as much and most users there really want to make quality thought-through discussions which is rare these days. It's way better than anything I've found on Reddit for sure.
It's also an old fashioned forum which I like because I can go back and re-read things and I don't rush to reply as opposed to imageboards.
Another place is History of Philosophy, the site is sort of slow but I like to engage in the comments section when I can with new episodes. No. 387991
>>387987i'd say fujos are a bit better at hiding lesbophobia these days but it's definitely still there, particularly when they start headcanoning all female characters as lesbians (but they never actually ship or write them with women) to get them out of the way of their ships.
it's mainly the young ones who do that shit though. once fujos age over 23-24ish they're usually fine.
No. 388053
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I wish Lolita fashion (especially gothic lolita) would return to a more experimental phase when skirt lengths, silhouettes and overall execution varied a lot more. I feel like there was an attempt to preserve them with substyles like EGA and punk lolita, but they just kind of died off and were absorbed.
I understand why there are rules and guidelines (to keep clueless newbies from shitting it up with looks that are hot messes, and to provide a style guide for those just getting into the fashion), but it's really nice sifting through GLB and seeing something like pic related. A look that's unique, while still fitting with the overall "gothic, feminine beauty" theme.
No. 388075
>>387984Uh yeah that forum looks alt-right as shit. And dead. And only thinks certain kinds of philosophy are
Most lolcow users don't want to talk about philosophy because it involves reading. Or they complain it's sexist.
No. 388090
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>>387932You really want to throw me shit just because i suggested a thread for thinking while you're defending your vapid gossiping? try harder. This is the only place that its not infected by trannies or men, i just wanted to talk with other women about this type of things. Also, i didn't say this place represented women, i said it represents and reinforces bad stereotypes that we should avoid, learn to read.
>>387937 You all really out here saying "b-but they do it too!!" like its some kind of argument, we can be better than this shit, have some standards ffs. If they all want to be shit on each other it doesn't mean we should be like that too. Women are human and they obviously are free to have bad traits, but being
toxic to other women it's plain retarded. Defending women being shit to each other is not "feminist" at all. I didn't say women were catty, basic, ect, i'm just saying that's the stereotype this forum generally reinforces, i don't care what men think because its pointless, i'm not looking forward to be told by men how i'm not like "other girls", its like, totally the opposite. We should try to unite and don't criticize women for dumb shit, it's not fair, it's already enough with men's sperging.
>>387966As i said here
>>387860 i don't care about men infighting or being mean to each other, it's not our problem and they don't risk the harmony of a whole movement for their rights if they do so.
>If you hate chan culture as a whole, stop being a lazy shit. Look for forums and subreddits that appeal to politics, science and philosophy. I already did that and GUESS what the fuck happened? its all filled with males what a surprise! wtf you think i'm doing here uh? it's there another option?
No. 388099
>>387611I agree, it's murder
basically you're getting rid of a life just because it's unconvenient for you? I get it if it's for legit medical reasons like deadly fetal diseases or inminent life risk for the mother, but just because "it ruins my plans" is justifying your lack of self care..
Also, now you can't be a feminist /woman advocate if you're not pro choice, to me, that's really intolerant and it divides women.
No. 388103
>>388097lol, yeah. If a fujo considers me a narc, that's okay with me, I think they make shipping into a political shitshow, so it's all good. Self inserts in this day and age feel almost fresh.
My fandom is old and almost non-existent, so I never have to worry about writing sleazy het novellas, no one would even care. It's fun and I enjoy trying to make out like I'm writing an old Mills and Boon in my spare time.
Now if I could just get the fuckdoll to let me act all this shit out, I'll be set. Self inserts all the way.
No. 388109
>>388105do you know what the turning point was in the 70's that made abortion legal in new york was?
it was because the NYPD would routinely get called to remove dead bodies from the sewers, and every week they would have to remove hundreds of dead babies/aborted fetuses from blocking sewer grates.
No. 388116
>>388105So what should happen to women who abort? If you think it's murder then you think they should face prison time, right?
Is that what you think?
No. 388129
>>388112>"pro-life" causes who try to pander to black communities don't actually give a fuck about black women and their children.This. I see this so much. Misogynistic black men and older black women with heavy internalized misogyny going on about how feminism is a white woman's tool to take advantage of black women, turn them against black men, use them as pawns and kill all their children.
It's just another male gaslighting tactic out of many for men to try to keep women as breeding stock. They eerily remind me of gross alt-right white dudes who go on about how all white women should be busy "making white children". Men are men are men, no matter what racial and sociocultural divide exists. Never fall for their tricks.
Thankfully, besides boomers and older women in general, I don't see many black women falling for that BS. We can all agree about the evils of forced sterilization (and the fact that black women make up the largest amount of deaths in pregnancy in the medical industry, regardless of social status, and it's been confirmed that it's because doctors unironically think black people "feel less pain" and refuse to give them necessary care/meds…), but criminalizing abortion is never the answer. Even if it is made illegal, anyone who knows about the abortion-shilling already knows how systemic racism works. They'll just find other ways to kill and poison non-white people in the end. It won't solve the issue at all.
No. 388131
>Defending women being shit to each other is not "feminist" at all.LC isn't for feminists, though. A lot of us dislike men and troons, we can relate to each other's experiences with misogyny, and sometimes there's interesting bits of social commentary, but that's about it.
>it represents and reinforces bad stereotypes that we should avoid At our very best, we still get reduced to these stereotypes. This place doesn't reinforce them, men enforce them and refuse to see us as anything but what they've decided we are.
>it's there another option?No. Compromise. Keep seeking out female-dominated forums and spaces, even if you don't like certain things about them. Having something half good is better than having nothing, yeah?
Of course, you could always take up the initiative and make your own space for likeminded women.
No. 388133
>>388090>reinforces bad stereotypes that we should avoidso you're giving into the narrative that women should be given higher expectations than men?
>>388093>bashing the fuck out of other women…because women don't hang out with other women? are we only allowed to hang out with men? like, it's a natural thing to dislike people you're surrounded with. news flash, we make up 50% of the population and most women have majority women friends because we share similarities.
No. 388160
>>388131>LC isn't for feminists, though.I knew that already, but anon was accusing me of being sexist and twisted things up. Like, this place its called lolcow, it's obvious is not feminist or at least isn't oriented entirely to that ideology but don't try to tell me names just because i point that out. I was just saying my opinion.
Anyway, i agree with almost everything you said.
>>388133I don't know if you are this
>>387937 anon, but tbh i don't really understand your logic but i'll try to:
>so you're giving into the narrative that women should be given higher expectations than men? In my personal opinion, i think we should seek to be a better community and better people as we can. Every woman is free to do whatever she wants, while not hurting other women, that's not a very high expectative, its human decency.
>…because women don't hang out with other women? are we only allowed to hang out with men? like, it's a natural thing to dislike people you're surrounded with. news flash, we make up 50% of the population and most women have majority women friends because we share similarities.Why do you keep mentioning men? Also, i was referring almost specifically to this site, which takes cringe culture and drama to a whole new level of retardation, i wasn't talking about irl women interaction, which is obviously more toned down.
>bashing the fuck out of other womenDo you understand what i meant with this? do you understand that being mean and obsessive over some girl online/irl for having bad taste in clothes or being color blind isn't really a "natural" thing to do, right? Girls sometimes dislike each other of course, we all have differences, but directly bashing a girl online/irl that isn't remotely a lolcow and call her names it's harmful. There's a difference between Momokun and some basic art hoe at instagram.
No. 388176
My parents are snobs and whenever I bring this up they basically laugh in my face, but I wish I had gone to trade school. My diploma is useless and my debt is astronomical. Plus, school was stressful as hell because I'm centrist when it comes to politics, so I never felt comfy anywhere and especially not doing what I got my degree in. My mom was pushy about it and I should have pushed back but I basically let her dictate my major for me.
I have some friends who did cosmetology and they're happy as shit, making money and enjoying life, talking to people all day long like amateur psychs, doing creative things to people's hair if they ask for it. One of my friends does nails, which honestly looks super fun but I'm not very artistic and I think you need that to be good at hair, makeup, and nails.
I'm seriously thinking about adding another chunk of change onto my student loan debt and doing something that will get me happy, and get me a job. Maybe get an associate degree in nursing, that would allow me to be a good companion for people in hospice or just elder care in general? I love hanging out with my grandpa and grandma and listening to their crazy stories about the past and how they grew up. It would be nice to be useful and to make older people feel less lonely.
My parents will have a fit, though.
No. 388184
>>388111Only semi-related, but one minute I hear shit like "do you want to do the same work for 1/3 the pay as men? Do you want to give up your property? Do you want to lose your right to vote? No? Then call yourself a feminist!" then then next minute it's "if you don't like HAES/drag queens/slut walk/trans women in women's bathrooms you're not a real feminist".
What does being a feminist even entail these days?
No. 388239
>>388232I owe about 128k. I went to a good school, which is just another word for expensive school.
>>388235I'm going to do it. It's not like I'm ever going to pay off my student loan anyhow. An associate's degree in nursing isn't good for hospitals but it's a cheap degree while being perfect for hospice and elder care, so I'm doing it.
No. 388254
>>388250I'd rather not say what I studied other than to say it's only useful for perennial activism and I'm not that person. Respect to those who are, I'm too introverted.
tbh anon my parents are kind of crazy assholes, and I prefer to stay away from them and out of their lives. My mom has said that everything is being left to my older sister so I don't expect help with loans, or an inheritance, or anything else that could be held over my head in some way. I wanted to make my mom proud of me, but it's clear now that was never going to happen.
I don't want her help anymore, or her money. I just want a fresh start. Thanks for talking with me.
No. 388274
>>388254Did you get a degree in gender studies or what? You said you went to a good school. Was it a top 20 uni or LAC? Did you do well? There's probably work for you in your field, you just need to find it.
You said you're introverted. I'm not sure how you would enjoy nursing or cosmetology. You could probably do hospice care without getting a degree.
No. 388356
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>>388351Why are you replying to my post of all people? I didn't start that topic here, chill.
No. 388378
>>388298>nobody gives two fucks about men liking lesbian porn but somehow women getting a kick out of two attractive males…Last time I checked, men usually don't get so obsessive over shipping and top/bottom roles.
Woman just enjoying guys making out and more isn't really considered a fujo.
No. 388431
>>388406>women into yaoi/shipping are invested in the relationship and charactersoh. so this is why every single character fits the same tired ass seme/uke dynamic over and over and over and over and over for the past who knows how many years now?
because it gets you hot and it's the best way for you to flick your bean, don't come at it like you're different or better than men who prefer lesbian porn, come on.
porn is porn, like what you like, just own it. your choices aren't more sophisticated or more feminine or whatever for women. that's the only thing that bugs me about fujos. the attitude of sanctity and superiority. we're all still getting off to this shit, who cares how or why? it's not political.
No. 388445
>>388406>>388298"Lesbian" porn for men and yaoi can't really be compared. While yaoi fandom has it's issues, the porn industry causes further entitlement and misogyny in porn-sick men. This causes real issues of harassment and
other problems for the lesbians and other women they encounter. And of course, the women who work in those inhumane industries.
No. 388458
>>388431>so this is why every single character fits the same tired ass seme/uke dynamic Jesus christ, when will you leave the early 2000s? Your entire argument based on something that hasn't been true for years.
You can't be all
>all I care about is fujos acting superior! Just like what you like!and then say stupid shit like that. Fujos wouldn't feel the need to bring it up outside the fujo thread if there weren't retards like you going on about old, irrelevent stereotypes. It wasn't fujos who started this discussion, it was someone whinging about them.
No. 388467
>>388431>this is why every single character fits the same tired ass seme/uke dynamic over and over and over and over and over for the past who knows how many years now? It's so painfully obvious that your only knowledge of yaoi and shipping comes from outdated stereotypes over a decade old or shit you heard secondhand, because this just is not the case anymore. Top/bottom preferences are real, true, but you hardly ever see "big, stoic, rapey seme" and "small feminine mewling uke" anymore. Especially since slash fashion is overrun with antis and sjws, everything is analyzed and dissected for maximum woke potential, non-con and dubcon are the devil, fics now have long screeds on consent and using lube and having everything be ~super realistic~.
And I agree, shipping isn't political and it is just porn. But you can't compare straight men consuming lesbian porn with women being into slash content. The power imbalance between men and women must be taken into account.
And most fujos in my experience want nothing to do with shipping activism and making political statements, they just want to enjoy their porn in peace. It's the pearl clutching antis who make the minutiae of fandom into life of death social justice issues.
No. 388468
>>388467also i hardly know any fujos who actually use yaoi to be aroused and get off, where every man watching lesbian porn is using it to masturbate. plus writing and drawings will never have the ethical issues that real life porn has. even in ~
problematic seme/uke yaoi~ no real life person is being harmed or coerced on screen.