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No. 411991
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Just quickly referencing back to last thread and how men won't want muscular women in marvel movies and such: it really is so weird because all of the original comic women were super built. Like, they also had big boobs and small waists, but they were absolutely built. I know she's DC but that's not the point. I think DC took on a more progressive image of their female superheroes, and honestly, they looked better.
No. 411995
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>>411989its a tricky subject to tackle. Making a movie with a completely unlikable protagonist with no redeeming qualities is just alienating the audience, it would be called gore porn, edgy porno and trown in the trash even thought thats exactly what the subject matter is like and most serial killers are not evil geniuses but insuferable morons, ofter with low IQ. It must really be a really tough position to be in for the screenplay writers and directors, having to create a compelling character and a story the audience can feel empathy for while not loosing the moral focus completely.
I recently saw Lords of chaos, i had read the book, the movie was very true to the book , and really did present the characters as the dumb kids they were but they still made Hyeronimous as a pretty boy and more sensible than he actually was, dude was way grosser irl, he was way more unatractive and kept stashes of pedo porn and snuff in his home, but the movie needed to keep it glam enough to not loose all empathy for him and still play his death as sad.
>>411991>all of the original comic women were super built.Originally Wonder Woman was no much more than fanservice, like super bdsm lesbian innuendo stuff and she wasn´t very muscular, just looked kinda like betty page. She is ripped strong girl now after many decades of updates.
No. 412002
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>she looks stocky but muscular.They just made her plump because it was sexy. and plump was the standard for sexy girls at that time. She actually looks just like Bettie Page. Nothing at all similar to the more recent version which is actually athletic and ripped. OG wonder woman was just a juicy thick girl with a ton of bondage innuendo.
No. 412004
>>412002anon, there's nothing similar between this and
>>411995 build. ww looks way, way more muscular under the softness than any popular blonde bombshells. the woman she's tying up is muscular too, considering the time and considering women didn't lift at the time at all
No. 412006
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>>412004Looks very similar to me. Thats not a girl who lifts, just a sexy plump girl from a time when plump was still in fashion.
No. 412041
>>412037Hard disagree. I love it because it portrays retarded edgy weeb girls so well, and the depiction of avpd/social anxiety is spot on.
I used to be a lot like Tomoko, gross misogyny and hate toward popular normies included. I never was into porn tho.
I think the manga makes a great job of making Tomoko a both sympathetic protagonist without letting her off the hook for her
toxic worldview. She's pathetic, but also really could use some psychological help. It's a tragedy that teens like her rarely get it.
It's also fun to cringe at what a retard you used to be and how much you've changed (even if you are still a lonely, visual novel playing weeb at heart).
No. 412056
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>>411152Even capeshit can have good artists.
No. 412163
>>412161Why do women like to shame each other so much for having different traits and create all these needlessly neurotic differentiations in personality types? Is it because men taught you?
Why can guys be whatever they want but for girls its oh you're a pick me, a cool girl, a thot, ect.
No. 412176
>>412160i don't understand people like you. if you think women who get abortions are such selfish stupid whores who have reckless sex and are too dumb to use protection why do you want them to carry a pregnancy to term and become a mother? do you think life is a movie where a woman magically falls in love with her newborn and lives happily ever after?
you should be grateful those women are having abortions.
No. 412186
>>412160You truly are dumb as shit basing your opinion on this on nonsensical, medieval sexist stereotyping of women as immoral despite that not lining up whatsoever with contraceptive use in unwanted pregnancies or the major issue of lack of sex education, plus that you think strictly enforcing fatherhood is a good idea when our court systems already fail to rescue women from domestic abuse. Putting that much extra burden on teenage girls and women to legally prove that they were raped and abused when it's already extremely difficult to do so and adding the fact that they will be seen even more as lying/exaggerating if they are aiming to get an abortion is also illogical and evidences a lack of understanding of the court system which inherently takes longer than the time period in which an ethical abortion may be performed.
Outlawing abortion is also shown to not even stop abortion. Women will get abortions using any methods necessary and extensive black market systems of abortion services will pop up and grow with rapidity until almost all women who want one can quietly get one through the black market, again leaving only the most vulnerable (isolated, teenagers) in the worst situations to be forced to be pregnant and give birth. This is seen already in other nations that have outlawed abortion. Women will continue getting them. Focus on things that actually stop abortion if you want like more widespread comprehensive sex education and birth control availability.
No. 412187
>>412176Cause they are. You're using coded language to try to make me seem a certain way but i see what youre doing. High promisciousity in both sexes are bad and have real life risks other than moralfagging, my point was not dawww theyre gonna be good parents you idiot it was im not giving my sympathy and crying for them when it could be easily prevented. I didnt make the law im providing commentary for it.
Secondly what i dont get is why you people either hate the fuck out of women or absolve them from any responsibility and baby them. Mental illness.
No. 412189
>>412186You didnt read my post and you accused me of being a misogynist (lmao) because i don't personally give a fuck if you raw dog and get pregnant and get imprisoned for it.
Im not gonna change my mind especially seeing as youre not even close to where im coming from good i hope you whine and bitch and moan about it more cause i hate your kind and im happy you finally feel like shit in a country thats been trashing my kind for centuries. Boo hoo you cant get abortions wahh
No. 412194
>>412191You were explaining it like my op didnt already outline similar views such as those points you made but oh no you get
triggered because how dare i not clammer for unborn babies being killed for libbuuurshuoon, right?
Listen you shitty cunt ibs drooling simpleton, i said i agree and then specifically stated but men are to be condemned too, unlike your dumb deluded ass im against any negative trait i perceive of a group equally so im just as a misogynist as i am a misandrist by your definition. Also youre on fucking lolcow so you have no right to talk about 'edgelord'
No. 412197
>>412187but why do you see abortion as a bad thing. it's a good thing and you should be grateful it exists. how is abortion absolving women of responsibility when they are making the responsible choice of not giving birth to an unwanted child.
>implying every abortion happens as the result of someone having a lot of casual sex with different partners No. 412207
>>412203>my innate female rightif you don't want an abortion don't get one. its pretty fucking simple.
>wastefulwhat is more wasteful than giving birth to an unwanted child who is going to take up space and food that nobody can spare.
No. 412210
>>412207I wont. But i also wont cry if you cant get one
Plenty of things are more wasteful, theres a long list of things i can think of.
No. 412211
>>412209>>412210your problem is that you see abortion and not carrying out a pregnancy isn't "responsible". i think abortion very responsible and a very good thing. theres nothing to criticize.
>i also wont cry if you cant get onewell thats very SELFISH of you. i thought being selfish was a bad thing.
No. 412214
>>412211I never said that i just said i dont personally care about your whining and hair pulling. I think its good suburban white women are freaking out about this and are finally gonna feel the heat
Yes as long as something is done or is a thing it can be criticized but you cant understand this. Weird
No. 412216
>>412214So according to you
>abortion happens because women and men are irresponsible whores>its good suburban white moms who are most upset by thisbecause as we all know, suburban white women are very liberal and engage in all kinds of reckless unprotected sex
No. 412222
>>412216They do though lol lmaooo most white girls engage in sexually dangerous behaviors for the sake of 'feminism'
Also youre still cutting out bits and pieces of what i said but mayoids are liars and dishonest like this so im not surprised
No. 412224
>>412214oh so you're just a scrote then, my bad for thinking you are capable of reason and intelligent conversation.
> most white girls engage in sexually dangerous behaviors for the sake of 'feminism' this is what scrotes actually believe
No. 412226
>>412129that's because gillian flynn is a huge misogynist who grew up in kansas with like 5 brothers. ALL her books feature women who are unforgivable evil psychopath villains, but men are always portrayed as nuanced and human.
she's pushing a really misogynist agenda similar to the fathers rights movement, mgtow and incels. i do enjoy her books though and i have read them all. i hope she releases something new soon.
No. 412273
>>412160I personally don't think there's anything wrong with abortion itself, but that aside, the archaic threats to ban birth control in southern Bible Belt states is fucking absurd and that's why most people oppose it.
banning birth control is a bad idea precisely because it does much more than just prevent pregnancy, a lot of women who take birth control do it to regulate their hormones and prevent themselves from having painful periods, not just to prevent pregnancy. it's barbaric that the state wants to yank the pill and other forms of birth control besides condoms that actually HELP women, not just because they have sex. I get that it's a bunch of uninformed religious shitheads and misogynistic old men who don't know shit about birth control besides whatever they learned from their equally ignorant religtard parents, but I find it all the more pathetic than just banning abortion that they're threatening to yank the pill too. The pill has a lot more functions than just preventing pregnancy and not only sexually active people use it. I know multiple women who use it that aren't sexually active, they have crippling period pain and bad periods, and it's not their fault that their body's hormones are like that- their easiest resolution is the pill. only ignorant evangelist shitheads with no knowledge of what else it's used for besides preventing pregnancy and no knowledge of the female body and how the pill is used to help women with inconsistent hormones would give a fuck about women using the pill
No. 412285
>>412273I’d say that they know exactly what they’re doing, taking away women’s birth control that isn’t reliant on men’s willingness to participate (like condoms) and help with menstruation is an easy way to take away the little power we have fought for. It makes it significantly more difficult to participate in the workforce if your menstrual cycle isn’t being kept within reasonable pain levels and most importantly if your family planning is entirely reliant on the party with little to no effort in conception.
They know exactly what they’re doing and they’re doing it because they hate women. If these men didn’t hate women this would’ve never even crossed their minds because of how inhumane it is.
No. 412309
>>412285republican evangelical men hating women isn't really surprising because they've been trying to get abortion in the very least yanked since it was legalized in the south, and sadly, self hating women who were fed evangelical bs as children and never outgrew or educated themselves on the benefits of contraception to women will unfortunately rally alongside them. of course a bunch of old fossils are the ones making all these decisions, old fossils who can't and never will be able to get pregnant. they're always the biggest hypocrites too, like that instance where a staunchly republican anti abortionist politician was found out to be a cheating piece of shit who forced his mistress to have an abortion.
men like that, who're unfortunately abundant in the southern us, are ignorant trash who don't want to educate themselves on the situation. the situation which doesn't fucking affect them or their bodies- so why are they allowed to make these decisions? because trash like them are elected in the first place by equally trashy people including self hating women. all I know is that I, a woman living in the south who won't put up with this autonomy being taken away me and my fellow women who use birth control for regulatory reasons, won't stand for it. I've already seen the number of abortion clinics in the state I live in reduced to almost none and I thought that's where they'd stop? stupid pieces of shit aren't going to stop I guess, they don't care about seeing us as people at all
I heard states can sue to try and assure it doesn't pass and a lot of people assume it won't, but we live in an ass backwards time period with an openly chauvinistic and hateful president encouraging shit like this… it's a very
valid fear nonetheless
No. 412509
>>412506Personally I fucking love evil bitch stories and
personally I wish there’d be more man-raping female serial murderers. Let these assholes feel fear sometimes.
No. 412537
>>412509f you're interested you can read Tampa by Alissa Nutting
It's told from the perspective of a female pedophile who sexualizes and lusts after young boys,throughout the book she describes in great detail how much she loves the bodies of boys aged 11-14 and how they have a beauty that men can never have and then has graphic sex with them
It caused some controversy as many bookstores declined to offer the novel for sale saying it's too controversial and that its sexualizing children but the thing they didn't understand was that like with Gone Girl it was being told from the perspective of a horrible person who has sex with underage boys and the views of the character do not reflect the authors views
also a bit of warning after reading the book I found my self not being to look at a male child normally cause in the book the way Celeste(the narrator and MC)describes young boys is told from a female pedophile perspective and it's not the same way a male pedophile would sexualizes a young boy
like both would lust after a young boy but the male and the female pedophile would have widely different of what makes the boy attractive to them
so I found my self unable to interact with male children because well I'd never seen the female pedophile perspective and it just kinda made me have bad thoughts regarding male children for a while
No. 412540
>>412529i don't really have a problem with people using them as background noise as you describe (it just annoys me) but if they say they've read a book and have formed opinions on it then they better have actually read it. that's just my opinion. if a book critic would critique a book after only having listened to it as an audiobook i would not take them seriously at all.
>>412531i don't agree, i think most people associate autism with excelling in certain areas. doesn't mean it's actually true but it's a stereotype.
>>412535i kind of get it, i just don't believe you will fully grasp any story or meaning of whatever book you're listening to.
No. 412544
>>412528>>412540What about blind people?
I know this isn't the main audience for audio books in current year, just wondering what your thoughts are on that.
No. 412551
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>>412506Sharp objects is the biggest masterpiece by Gillian Flynn it’s honestly haunting how a small town mindset kills generations of women and those who are dumb enough to stay
No. 412554
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>>412544obviously i understand why they would do it, and they can't even be disturbed by any visual experience meanwhile.
>>412542>>412545yes, obviously those associations also exist. it doesn't make the nerd/intelligent stereotype less real.
No. 412586
>>412537I remember hearing about this when it first came out, totally forgot about it.
ntayrt but I may actually give this a read since I have a thirst for media including unforgivably awful women.
I'll put it on the list for the summer with Any Man recommended to me by an anon in the anti-porn thread.
No. 412588
>>412528>>412540I can't learn things by auditory means at all, they have to be written or hands-on. You might be similar and being this way makes it hard to understand that other people may be auditory learners and are able to retain the info they hear.
There are 100% people who do play audiobooks all day without really listening at all just to feel faux-productive, though. Like those who listen while driving, the brain can't process scenery in front of it while trying to process scenery being explained to them through audio. It doesn't work and you either tune the book out or you crash, lol.
No. 412589
>>412586I don't recommended Any man cause its really really pretentious and it drags on and on for trying to explain simple uncomplicated actions in a severally poetic way and absolutely nothing from character motivation to over all meaning makes any sense
like its trying to be deep and make some type of statement but its just too pretentious and overly vague for its good
No. 412596
>>412589Also the villain maude is so over the top
the book tries to present her as this almost cosmic figure. A ghost. A Monster but we all know its ridiculous and It's hard to take anything seriously and Listen I don't deny men can be raped by women but I'm pretty sure the men that get raped by women are young boys and mentally and or physically disabled men
>>412589 No. 412599
>>412589That's sad, I was hoping for something more American Psycho-esque in the way it would present the perpetrator.
>>412596>present her as a cosmic figureThat sounds goofy and absolutely not what I'm into lol.
I'll just give Tampa a go, then.
No. 412605
>>412599It is very goffy but its actually taking its self seriously
also Milo Yiannopoulos is in the book and he gets raped by maude
No. 412618
>>412605>Milo Yiannopoulos is in the book and he gets raped by maudeAt this point I'm not sure if you're trying to turn me off of reading it or not lmao.
This is turning into "absurd enough to be amusing" territory.
No. 412621
>>412037>>412030Was gonna say basically this
I always figured the only people who liked it were trannies who saw it as themselves as a young anime girl.
No. 412633
>>412618Its not actually Milo Yiannopoulos its a Milo Yiannopoulos stand in thats Milo in all but name
also a 10 year gets raped by maude and that destroys his mental psyche so when he gets older he ends raping and kiling a woman because he wanted to get revenge on women
I hated part so much because the myth that child male rape
victims end up becoming rapists themselves is horribly offensive
No. 412637
>>412618>>412599listen its not a good book at all, its not even so bad that its good
its just pretentious drivel
Tampa is a better book but Its a book that I feel women should read with caution cause it can lead to some fantasies about teenage boys that you really shouldn't be having when you're an adult woman and its not just me its numerous other women that I know that have read the book
No. 412687
>>412637I want to read it just to feel hatred towards pedos
I doubt anything would make me attracted to a crotch goblin
No. 412727
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>>412697I'm the anon you replied to and yes it is absolutely unpopular. From what I've seen it's very much encouraged to post your children online, especially on places like FB. It's interesting to see how times have changed. Back then you were told to NEVER share your real name, talk to strangers, etc.. but now everybody posts every single little thing about their lives, especially kids. It's so unnecessary and the reason why a lot of lolcows come to be.
>I would definitely talk to them about it and monitor them upThat's definitely a great start, and I wish more parents could do this. There are just too many fucking degenerates and predators on the internet looking for
victims to groom.
No. 412741
>>412687think about it like this
If you read erotica where a female character is having Anal sex and describes in great detail how much she is enjoying it and you've never had anal sex you'd wanna try it similarity if you read a book where a woman is having sex with a teenage boy and describes in great detail how great it is to have sex with 14 year old boys you'd wanna try try it your self even though you know its wrong
No. 412746
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>>412741>mfw reading this reasoningThis is worrying
No. 412752
>>412697 and I'm both…surprised and unsurprised, somehow? Normies seem to be way looser with their kids online, whereas people like us who've probably seen the worst of the Internet are more concerned. Seeing how easy it is to find someone's stuff from lolcows has definitely made me think that publicly posting your kids like that is a horrible idea.
I got off alright all things considered, but I knew there was bad shit out on the internet and protected myself from running into it in the first place. Didn't even talk to people online if I didn't know them until I was in my late teens, other than on kids' sites/games, and I didn't really make any friends there because I was cautious. My parents gave me free reign, but they knew that I was a goody two-shoes and I'd gotten the talks about safety from them and in school, didn't even have my own computer until 8th grade and used shared computers even after that for other stuff. Most kids aren't like how I was, though.
I've stopped using a lot of social media at this point, most of the places where I actually share my personal life are anonymous or pseudonymous, or in private like DMs. I don't like how things have gone.
No. 412753
>>412697 and I'm both…surprised and unsurprised, somehow? Normies seem to be way looser with their kids online, whereas people like us who've probably seen the worst of the Internet are more concerned. Seeing how easy it is to find someone's stuff from lolcows has definitely made me think that publicly posting your kids like that is a horrible idea.
I got off alright all things considered, but I knew there was bad shit out on the internet and protected myself from running into it in the first place. Didn't even talk to people online if I didn't know them until I was in my late teens, other than on kids' sites/games, and I didn't really make any friends there because I was cautious. My parents gave me free reign, but they knew that I was a goody two-shoes and I'd gotten the talks about safety from them and in school, didn't even have my own computer until 8th grade and used shared computers even after that for other stuff. Most kids aren't like how I was, though.
I've stopped using a lot of social media at this point, most of the places where I actually share my personal life are anonymous or pseudonymous, or in private like DMs. I don't like how things have gone.
No. 412754
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>>412750>>412741I read this book a couple years ago. I don't know about all that, but I do remember something. In the book, the teacher is described as being blond-haired and blue-eyed.
This is what the author looked like at the time of its publication.
No. 412757
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>>412754The book was inspired by Debra Lafave, who also has blue eyes and blonde hair. It would be kind of narcissistic if the main character was her self-insert considering the book goes out of it's way to keep on mentioning how beautiful the main character is.
>>412750I think that most people will not have sexual thoughts about teenage boys after reading the book, the way things are described grossed me out personally. Something like anime is much more likely to turn someone into a pedophile imo because of how idealized and clean the age is depicted.
No. 412761
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>>412750i remember this. this is about as far as I got in lol
>“When you play football, do you prefer offense?” No. 412768
>>412761How are you anons reading this and feeling anything other than disgust. Reminds me of all the weirdos that read Lolita and sympathise with Humbert because she’s ‘bratty’ for not being happy when kidnapped.
What the actual fuck.
No. 412774
>>412761There was also a part when she fantasized about her husband dying and teenage boys emerging from his body, coated in slime that smelled like industrial-grade carpet.
I really do wonder sometimes.
No. 412821
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>>412741I’m the anon you are responding to
I’m a
victim of CSA and i honestly want to understand wtf is in their head like when you read Stephen kings IT and get to see the other side of the monster
I and anyone with some semblance of a soul wouldn’t think of fucking a child just because a book told them how “good” it feels
Shove your “erotica” down your ass it’s a scary horror story that shows that humans are shit
No. 412827
>>412826In my counseling group there was this guy who had been abused by both
He starved himself and became anorexic because he hated himself so much
Pedos need to be killed
No. 412842
>>412839I'm not a misandrist and have sympathy for boys and men that have been raped and abused by other men but I don't consider men/boys being forced to have PIV sex with a woman as "proper" rape
Its abuse and a shitty thing to do but it shouldn't be treated the same as a man raping a boy or girl
No. 412848
>>412844>rape is just too strong a word for itDefining rape by how 'strong' it is is stupid and dangerous for
victims. Disregarding your bad and wrong opinions about the rape of male children, plenty of women are raped without the penetration being forceful. Financial and emotional coercion, women who are worn down enough by regular abuse to just accept it, etc.
No. 412888
>>412876every comment that mentions men but doesn't shit on them isn't by a male, retard.
people like
>>412852 are just stupid.
you can acknowledge that men deal with bad things without implying that women need to do anything about it.
some of you nutters seem to equate the lack of men on the site with hating men.
No. 412913
>>412908Luckily for these
victims your sense of morality (or rather lack of) isn’t the norm
No. 412925
>>412921I don't think this is unpopular at all. And if it is, I agree with you completely.
Jealousy has always labeled as a bad quality to have. It is unproductive and selfish. It is natural to have a pang of jealousy sometimes but the difference is most people do not ruminate on it.
No. 412932
>>412761This is written like this awful creepypasta I stumbled into years ago. Does the pedo get karmatically shitted upon by one of her
victims in the end? That is the only proper ending. No. 412958
>>412948I got it on #bookz on IRC. Here's the .epub: future reference, I encourage all anons to use #bookz for any literature they want to read, but can't or would rather not buy.
There are tutorials on how to access it, and it only takes a few minutes to get used to. It's incredibly easy, and honestly a godsend.
No. 412994
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>>412741Finished skimming the book
> the first few chapters are a description of the body of the main character
> her back story is that she’s obsessed with youth and has literally nothing else to say about herself except that she’s a gold digger This was written by a man and they payed the woman to say she did bc holy shit what a dumpster fire of a fan failure
No one but a scrot would actually fap to this shit and it’s hilarious you thought anyone would actually be tempted
The description of anyone but the main character are ghastly even tough the focus should technically be on the kid
10/10 worst larping I’ve read since twilight the book it didn’t even work as something an actual pedo would write bc the writer is too busy describing boobs lmao
No. 412999
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>>412970Yeah, I've also been thinking they're the same person. The typing style (with the anarchic spacing and punctuation) and overall tone of their posts are way too similar, plus their habit of copypasting their posts everywhere. Confucius08 is probably a male fantasy of NecessarySpeed4 or something like that.
No. 413009
>>412994You could already tell from the screenshot
the character can't stop talking about her own body.
No. 413019
>>412958Holy fuck, I would LOVE this to be a thing. Amazing. Wish we could make this dream come true!
>>412958Thank you so much! I have heard about #IRC but never tried using it and dunno how it works. You encouraged me to look into it tonight, as I can't get some books at vk… Is there any good guide if you want to go on #bookz?
No. 413039
>>413031I don't think that's an unpopular opinion, most people feel bad for kids with weird names. My rule is that anything they'll have to constantly spell out for people is probably going to be a pain in their ass eventually.
I kinda like Vanille though tbh. It's weird enough I'd never name a kid that, but it's a nice sounding combination of letters with a pleasant association.
No. 413082
>>413031Honestly the best way to go is with a name that is still very obviously a name (although I am a huge fan of literal female names like Mercy) but isn’t particularly popular currently so that they still have something that sets them apart
One of the biggest things I worried about while naming my kids was that they’d be the third Jacob or what have you in their class and they’d end up being known as Jacob S
No. 413124
>>413098I feel this as someone primarily interested in small, cute people. She meant no harm as I know she's just concerned for me and children, but the other day my mother sincerely asked if I was into underage boys because I like small men. No, of course not. They're just small adults lmao.
I'm sure it feels bad for neotenous people to hear, too, especially from the type of people they're attracted to. I know I've seen anons here vent about being petite and babyfaced, in fear that only lolicons will like them.
>>413122She probably could have gone without implying that people with more mature features are uggo, but being told that only pedos will date you by these same people is worthy of some frustration I'd say.
No. 413138
>>413098It sucks. Especially if you're small busted have a rectangle body
type with barely any curves, a lot of people often say you look like a kid and the "pedophiles only like you." Can't ever pull off looking sexy. The only solace I've had with this is never getting hit on by shallow or lustful guys.
No. 413161
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As someone who is pro-choice, I see the arguments people make for the pro-life position online to be more sound and nuanced than the one's people make for the pro-choice position. I find it distasteful that the pro-choice people to be so seething with anger and hatred in comment's section, and for refusing to understand that pro-life people are coming from different premises than pro-choice individuals.
I know the standards for internet discussion and conversation is already extremely low. But like, people genuinely do think that life begins at conception. I get the feeling a lot of pro-choice people think it's all an elaborate cover that pro-life individuals put up in order to cover for ulterior motives, such as wanting to take away women's rights for the sake of it.
No. 413173
>>413161Also Pro-Choice and yeah abortion is kinda of a ethical conundrum as well as a woman's rights issue.
It's not like everyone who is pro choice is staunchly so or misogynistic, there is some nuance here.
No. 413190
>>413176Like who?
This is some shit an incel would say by cherrypicking some photos on the internet where someone makes a joke about abortion and goes, "This is what roasties believe! We should have never given them rights!11"
I used to empathize with religious people and their stance on abortion until I interacted with them more and saw how hypocritical they were. There are probably millions of issues they could focus on to improve the lives of people that already exist, but no. Let's harras women that probably aren't happy about going through abortion. And this is coming from someone that's asexual and will hopefully never get pregnant.
>>413161The thing about prochoice is that anyone can choose to abort or not abort. There are lots of circumstances which may be in favor of abortion, like rape, mother's health is at risk, financial situation, etc., so instead of putting a bunch of conditionals why not give everyone a choice. If someone believes that even a fetus is human, then they won't abort but why force that conviction onto others?
I just wish everyone cared about the social environment and the current situation in the world as much as they did with something that's not even participating in it.
No. 413204
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Stick n’ poke tattoos are nothing but a shitty meme at this point. I go to an art school where it seems everyone and their dog has at least one stick n’ poke these days and I’m baffled. Pretty much anyone can make them, so 95% of those things have no artistic merit whatsoever and only exist to signal how ~tRanSgResSiVE uwu~ you are, which for some reason means they have to look like they were forcibly done in a Russian prison. Those tattoos are just so damn ugly, yet people act like they are breaking new ground by getting shitty scribbles embedded in their skin forever. Don’t get me wrong, tattoos are fucking great, but if you are getting one, think long and hard about what it means to you and then get it professionally done for your own health, if nothing else. Don’t let some rando give you a tiny scratch job of Bart Simpson that’s supposed to represent your impotent rage against capitalism or something. It will age like milk in less than a year but go on, get like fifteen of those in highly visible places, I’m sure everyone will be impressed by your ~AeStHEtic~ and subversive personality.
And don’t even get me started on hacks that make stick n’ pokes. I’m taking a class with one and he’s the most pretentious fag on this green earth, but gets treated like some kind of underground guru for jabbing people with a needle in his unsanitary kitchen. Like, fuck off Caleb, your parents are paying out of their asses for you to be here and you can’t even draw lmao.
Yes, I’m aware that being ugly and unprofessional is sort of the point of stick n’ pokes and that they are nothing new, referencing old school style, being rooted in DIY punk scene and all, but all that cultural significance doesn’t mean a thing anymore when it became a fashion meme for rich art school kids, giving each other purposefully hideous tattoos for tumblr aesthetic with some weak ideology slapped on. And yes, I’m aware people can put whatever they want on their skin, but fuck that. Nothing stopping me from judging their stupid reasons for doing it.
No. 413215
>>413198was exemplifying that as sounding like a cringier abridged version of the lousy pedoshit story anons were recommending earlier.
I don't endorse either of these wretched "stories" as being good. the excerpt just reminded me of that mess
No. 413221
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I hate what “art” has become due to tumblr and twitter - heck, the so-called art-community as such.
Especially when it comes to digital art, I’m so incredibly sick of seeing the same exact art style in every single picture. Every single Instagram/Twitter/tumblr digital artists work looks essentially the same. Pic related as an example of what I mean.
It’s all the same anime-disney-crossover style. Even when I’m looking for realistic drawings I more and more often stumble upon what looks like it’s been taken out of a Disney movie than an actual picture. When I talk about realistic digital art I think of something like Elena Sai, Irakli Nadar, J. Won Han not something like Yet somehow all those ‘pls pay me for my art’ Twitter people seem to think the latter is realistic.
Or maybe my understanding of ‘realistic’ is wrong. I don’t know. But still all the pictures look the same to me in some way.
I’m probably just hella bitter but I miss variety. Nowadays everyone who can draw a semi-decent picture on their 20$ tablet thinks they’re an artist and deserve to live off their fanart and it annoys me to no end.
No. 413226
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Socialist realism is better then every other then artistic style
No. 413231
>>413161Yeah, social media pro-abortion people always want to ree about how it isn't about the babies and all about controlling women's choices. But to the average pro-life person it is entirely about the baby.
Also huge agreement with
>>413176 because that shit should be disturbing no matter what your stance is on abortion. Why do teen vogue and the like need to have "fun abortion gift" articles? It isn't a party.
No. 413237
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>>413225Since you bring up music:
So you think that anyone who‘s taught themselves to play comptine d'autre ete, una mattina, river flows in you or fur Elise on their bedroom keyboard and who can play only that is in the same way a professional musician as someone as Einaudi himself or anyone similar and therefore should be paid for it equally?
Cause that’s exactly what’s happening and what I‘m criticizing. There‘s a bunch of people drawing the same kind of stuff over and over again and who feel so entitled to make a living off of it.
Funny enough it’s almost always some sort of MOGAI-Snowflake as well.>>413229You don’t see any difference in terms of realism besides
>muuhh just pretty girl faces ?
No. 413304
>>413023Thank you, kind anon! Setting it up right now.
Can you get comics/graphic novels on bookz or is there another channel for that?
No. 413336
>>413221agreed. nothing against the artists but I'm sick of how saturated this "online style" is. they have the same sense of humor too.
funny enough i thought of at least 5 artists when i saw your pic before reading your post
No. 413358
>>413315Same, it's like coldblooded sociopaths get more sympathy than their
No. 413408
>>413396This seems like a cope from one of those people who make such hideous, unsaleable art that it looks like it requires an exorcism. Money has nothing to do with the validity of anything, something can be good or terrible and still be music, or art, or whatever medium a human wishes to create or express themselves in. Arguably the fact something is saleable generally means it is appealing and good and liked by a large number of people.
separate to this I think it's possible to create very technically skilled art which just isn't appealing. Actually the vast majority of art falls under this category. Art has to have charisma of some sort to sell, and that is rare in art as it is in people. But
art is art whether it's appealing, or not, has charisma, or not, is crap and bad, or good, and so on and so forth. There are no rules to art and becoming a product certainly isn't a mark of inferiority. It's the difference between art and appealing art.
No. 413412
>>413399i think art is subjective, but if it's made to be sold it's just a product.
>>413410yeah, that's my opinion. did you and
>>413400 go into the unpopular opinion thread expecting to just agree with everyone?
>>413405it's a book but not art imo
>>413408what's appealing to a person is different for everyone so i don't really see the point of anything you're saying
No. 413545
>>413423art begun when humans started to form languages and also when they figured out how to use tools to make carvings and music.
>>413437because when you do something for money it becomes a product which is valued only by its selling abilities and made with that in mind instead of things like self expression. that's my opinion, you don't have to agree. don't shit your pants over it
No. 413591
>>413396i mean… You're not 100% wrong but you're also not completely right.
I think it's an interesting question. Do you feel the same way if someone made the art for themself or for the sole purpose of creating art but it ended up being bought ?
I truly reccomand you the book "White Cube" by Brian O'Dorhety, it explores how modernism brought ultra-mercantilism in the art world and how in white cube type art galleries the spectator becomes a reified eye. A great read, I think you'll like it.
No. 413609
>>413545>because when you do something for money it becomes a product which is valued only by its selling abilities and made with that in mind instead of things like self expressionYou know you can make art for money and express yourself at the same time? Artists who get paid don't suddenly become robots with levers to draw or sculpt or write whatever you want. Please don't ever commission an artist with that attitude..It is actually impossible to create
just for money. Money is an incentive to dedicate time to a task so you can eat and pay bills. Without incentive to dedicate that time, most people will not be able to do refined work as they have to do
other work in that time.
All the great books, paintings and sculptures were
paid for because they
had to be or the artist would have starved to death before the job was completed. Art takes time and artists
need money to sustain their life force. The idea that only art that was not made for money is
valid, is therefore pure idiocy. The conclusion/end result to your comment is only an art piece that the artist died while making is "
valid" since getting money for food is apparently immoral in your eyes.
No. 413632
>>413609>You know you can make art for money and express yourself at the same time? i simply disagree. you make some good points, such as everyone needs money to survive. but that in itself makes art a profession and nothing more. as i said in my original post, this is a necessity in capitalist society. which is why real art only can exist in a society where you're not alienated from your craft by being forced to sell out.
>The conclusion/end result to your comment is only an art piece that the artist died while making is "valid" since getting money for food is apparently immoral in your, i don't think real art can exist at all under the circumstances you described. also i never said anything about morality, you're reading too much into my posts.
>Please don't ever commission an artist with that attitudei definitely won't be asking for your generic tearzah-esque tumblr "art" on your patreon any time soon, don't worry about it anon.
>>413591thanks for the rec, i'll check it out.
i don't think there's a possibility to create art without aiming to sell it (even subconsciously) rn unless you are self-supporting somehow and live far off in someplace isolated from society, maybe
No. 413633
>>413632>shitty tumblr art isn't artntayrt
But what if a person creates shitty tumblr-tier "art" but for no one but themselves? They work a day job and make it for their own benefit and tastes, never letting it see the light of day.
Asking for myself because I know my creations are garbage by all standards and I don't consider myself an artist, but wondering if it would fit your subjective vision lmao.
No. 413660
>>413633then you probably do it to improve your skill and become a tumblr artist
>>413658not art just like you said. what's your point?
No. 413740
>>413737I'm really thinking it's an incel, what else could explain such a bizarro reaction
>I don't like kissing>Didn't you know that prostitutes don't kiss customers and people don't kiss outside long term relationships!>Yes they do>Ok SLUT who gets fucked in the assReally psychotic reaction to nothing and a fundamental misunderstanding of the conversation
No. 413743
>>413740>Didn't you know that prostitutes don't kiss customersI said usually to be exact and I forgot to mention that in the long term relationship as well. I did not mean to call her a slut either, I explained I hastily typed it. I even mentioned in this
>>413721 post I assumed she wasn't in a happy relationship. It isn't that weird to say you don't kiss someone you don't love. But it's funny to see you guys mad getting over nothing, lol.
No. 413752
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unpopular opinion, it took me a while to realize this but a lot of the anons here are just as mentally unstable as the cows they spend their day gossiping about, the amount of shit-flinging and autistic screeching that happens here over the most petty shit is astounding to say the least, a lot of you anons need therapy or at least to drop the computer and go outside for a bit.
I mean this in the nicest way possible
No. 413757
>>413752kek I sort of agree but it depends on the thread or cow, most cosplay and weeb farmers are usually jealous at the minimum or autistic to a significant degree
Anachan and munchie threads probably have the craziest anons, sometimes maybe pinkpill has some crazy bitches too but it's toned down
I think most people will be fine if they don't take e drama so seriously
No. 413803
>>413786Like unless a subboard of an imageboard is not included you're wrong though I think it should be included as subboards always have their very own culture etc…BUT on basic bitch imageboard that is 4chan there are some normal and pure-ish subboards and there is even 1 completely normal and pure subboard (which I won't mention to keep it pure, everyone, including myself here, pls stay away from it). I've heard and have seen that this is the case with entire imageboards as well? Crystal kay or whatever it's called seems pure too even if it is shit? But yeah with my experience of lurking there are imageboards that can fall many levels of mental illness, and I'd say this entire imageboard, even if it's objectively a cringy one (staff nowadays are semi-awesome though) could be classified as inbetween moderately and mildly mentally ill on a scale from mild and turbo. Not so bad but also not so mentally ill as that turbo-cringe imageboard "cow" on 8chan and every poster on there honestly needs to…eh well I think its posters and their hobby's will infuriate everyone who takes a glance at it.
>>413798Yeah…about this whole anons are immune if they unleash their mental illness anonymously…
When I was 16 or so which is less than a decade ago I knew this fatty-chan who was really cringy who would make fun of pixyteri. She was no better but because she joined the "can't get bullied if I join 'm" she was liked and all, and even posted her pictures on ceegurl. Her entire deviantart page was full of shitty obsessive pixyteri shoops. And on youtube and on the social media websites there are some farmers and 4chinner-type girls spilling their autism as well.
And I like to think one's internet activity is a reflection of their true self as well. Which is why I eye roll when someone calls the other strange.
No. 413882
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>>413805the ones that are flat moles or slightly raised look pretty. cindy crawford's however, is gross.
No. 413884
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>>413805>>413822I think the ones that are just little brown dots look pretty. I'm thinking like Natalie Portman.
No. 413904
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Here's a hot take: I would only ever consider dating blonde or red headed guys. Not attracted to dudes without this trait.
No, I'm not racist.
No. 413907
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I kind of like the new emo/goth/grunge iteration that's been going around, but I absolutely hate chessboard/checker patterned clothing. It just looks so tacky, and it's played out.
I can't wait until this hideous pattern is phased out.
No. 413923
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>>413907basic patterns never go out of style
No. 413925
>>413805This sucks so much, my whole body and face are littered with moles and I obviously can't get them all removed.
I never wear swimwear, tshirts and shorts or short skirts, my skin is never exposed to any sun, yet I get more every year.
No. 413982
>>413925>never wear swimwear because of molesThat's so extreme, are moles uncommon where you live? I'm a britfag so most people I know are covered in either them or freckles, I naively never imagined they could even be seen as a flaw elsewhere until I saw it mentioned in an anime.
It's just a part of your body as much as redness is part of redheads and darker body hair is with others, you need to get you some moley friends so you can feel more normal about it.
No. 414057
>>413982Yeah but anon said she's littered with them.
It's one thing to have a mole or two but moles are a lot different than freckles. Unless anon is confusing the two.
No. 414084
File: 1558724850090.jpg (Spoiler Image,59.01 KB, 216x223, Crop_Moles-and-Growths.jpg)

>>414081What are you on about. I don't give a flying fuck about anime/asian culture outside of what I am forcibly subjected to here and elsewhere but having numerous noticeable moles has always been "ugly" in the west. Face freckles have gone in and out of fashion for years but they are not at all comparable to raised growths on the skin, i.e., moles. It's unfortunate but it's a reality.
Pic related makes most people uncomfortable.
No. 414087
>>414084>most people find them ugly>also claim it's an unpopular opinionHmm…
I'm personally not bothered by them, although I imagine if a person is covered in them they're under constant risk of scratching them open. That would frighten me.
No. 414106
>>413982They're not uncommon, I just have a lot more than others. And I didn't mean that I don't wear short stuff
because of them, I just mentioned this to show that the reason I have them is because of extremely unfortunate genetics and not because I'm too much in the sun.
No. 414107
Gonna get thrashed for this but I think that IVF is morally reprehensible, and it’s irritating that it’s taboo to criticise it.
>it’s existence takes away opportunities for orphaned/desperate children to be adopted.>you can adopt for free or get paid to foster>it just feels like eugenics for rich people to ensure their property is passed down to their bloodline>waste of the already strapped NHS cash and taxpayer money>infertility is not an illness or a tragedy, it’s a blessing>it costs £1000s and it infuriates me that rich people have THAT much money to spend on something so trivial when they could literally change a child’s life by adopting>how anyone can think their genes are superior enough to want to spend thousands on ensuring their baby is theirs is absolutely absurd as well as arrogant>I can’t relate to women who are all “aww well I want it to be mine” if the only reason u want a kid is cos you want it to be a mini-you then you’re having kids for the wrong reasons>I feel like IVF is just a massive, pointless vanity procedure more than anything else >bourgeoisie nonsenseThe woman who wrote the article below brought her daughter to a creche I worked at. The little girl was 5 and covered absolutely head to toe in bruises, said she didn’t know how she got the bruises, kept saying weird and disturbing things that a girl her age shouldn’t even know about. Something was amiss and to me, it clearly had the literal shit beaten out of her.
Managers ignored me, so I called SS and of course Mum send a spergy email, demanding to know why a lowly proletariat servant girl like dared question a bourgeoisie LSE graduate of her status. To me these aren’t the actions of an innocent woman, and if she was she would have just laughed it off and let it go, like any normal person. She used her psychotic expenditure of £20,000 on IVF as her defence in the email. Dipshits like this do not deserve this kind of wealth, it’s so unfair. That kind of money would literally change my life.
I was being paid illegally low wages at the creche and the manager was bipolar and insane so I wasn’t upset about being fired. I’m not trying to martyr myself but I’d rather be fired from my shitty job than potentially let a child suffer like that. Everyone told me to directly contact SS. No. 414121
>>414084Dude I have no horse in this race because I dont have any moles (unless you count the birth mark on my ass) but literally no one cares about moles. I even think the flat small ones can be cute.
They can also be dangerous but this is the first time in my life I ever heard someone insist they're objectively ugly and the pic you spoilered (lmao) doesnt make me uncompfterable at all.
No. 414122
>>414107I can somewhat understand where you're coming from but yeah:
>infertility is not an illness or a tragedy, it’s a blessingGoes too far for me. For a lot of people loss of fertility can be traumatic and causes self esteem issues or makes them feel like less of a woman. Infertility literally can be caused by illness… I am sorry anon for what you experienced, but please have some empathy for infertile women who don't see it as a blessing.
No. 414132
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Swiss rolls are the worst dessert I've ever had. This stuff is just sweet bread with weird artificial chocolate. You can eat stuff twice as good instead of this cheap slock.
No. 414141
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>>414132>>414133I'm not from the states but from what i've heard all little debbie stuff is pretty bad? Proper swiss roll is pretty delicious.
No. 414150
>>414107Adopted children almost always come with problems. Mental, physical, emotional, most of them come from terrible homes or are placed in terrible homes which cause them to behave poorly. There's also a real absence of parental bonding in adopted children, one that could only be experienced by those children and their non-biological parents, and is hard for others to grasp.
It sounds like your dislike of IVF comes from political reasons, but I really think it's just a pointless procedure. Most IVF procedures are done by older women and if you're over 37 you really shouldn't raise any young children, biological or adopted IMO. It's your own fault you wasted your 20's and early 30's not having kids. Deal with it.
>>414149Agreed 100%. I think traditional 2D animation looks superior in every way. What's weird is a lot of 3D amateur animations from smaller artists can actually be quite nice, but Disney's new shit is God-awful.
No. 414155
>>414150Wtf, so you think kids should just… never get adopted, stay in homes until they're 18? And that women over 37 shouldn't adopt for what reason exactly? Even though they could adopt an older child who is in line with their age?
You make no sense unless your main objective is to ensure children stay orphaned and women get punished for not breeding young. You sound like a scrote.
No. 414157
>>414150Lol, fuck off.
>those kids have emotional problems, gotta get a fresh one that has my eyes!Fuck people like you, honestly. Unless you have the altruism that inspires you to want to adopt a child, you shouldn't have one through any means, let alone waste it on IVF. Having your own biological children isn't a necessity. Kids need help and if helping children isn't your number 1 priority at the end of the day, you sure as hell shouldn't be a parent. IVF is selfishness, a waste of resources, and it's disgusting. Pure narcissism.
No. 414195
>>414176>Cosmetic ass fat surgery should be covered if so, too.And on that note, cosmetic surgeries to make people feel better should absolutely be covered considering tranny dick cutting surgeries and hormones are now covered, and we all know those surgeries don't exactly rid them of their body image issues anyway.
We live in a world where men can get free boob jobs but actual women cannot, even if they're cancer
victims in some cases.
No. 414214
>>414201And what do you mean by
> if you're over 37 you really shouldn't raise any young children, biological or adopted IMOHm?
No. 414218
>>414214NTA not sure why she picked 37 exactly but older women should looking after older children, by the time you hit your 40s you’ll be severely lacking the energy needed to chase down a toddler, you’ll be dead long before they’re ready to not have their parents around and if not dead then a burden around the time they are starting their own families because they’ll have to care for you. How are either of those fair to young children? All the older women I’ve ever been around also tend to helicopter their kids and not give them enough space as well as passing on less modern/contemporary mindsets because they grew up in a radically different time
People are extremely selfish when it comes to children and their needs, no one wants to think about their choices potentially harming their hypothetical (or real) kids. I don’t see what the issue is in adopting an older child I’d you yourself are an older woman
Inb4 some retard has piss poor reading comprehension and thinks I’m attacking them personally, obviously I’m speaking about a collective ‘you’.
No. 414238
>>414155>>414157>pointing out fact that orphaned children who spent early years in shitty situations and state homes have tremendously heightened risk of mental illness and personality disorders>So u r saying FUCK THE ORPHANS??Nta but um yeah your average jack and Jill should NOT adopt older orphans. Like I know orphanages can’t beg adopters enough to take older kids like some expiring meat, it’s very sad.
But I mean these people have no fucking clue how to raise deeply traumatized children. Even genuinely good people who read parenting books and shit, has nothing to do with the age of the parents btw. It’s not uncommon that parents end up resentful/
abusive of
problematic children who failed to bond. The fucked child just grows up to be more fucked. Most people should just stick to adopting shiny new babies who are more malleable.
No. 414259
>>414218>by the time you hit your 40s you’ll be severely lacking the energy needed to chase down a toddler, you’ll be dead long before they’re ready to not have their parents around and if not dead then a burden around the time they are starting their own familiesWhere do you live, how old are you and how many children do you have already, anon?
Most of us have high chances of being alive til way over 80, so even if we happen to get children in our 40s, they will still have their mommy when they're already 40 themselves. I don't plan to die at 50 or 60 lol. And I also won't need my young adult kid to take care of me when I'm in my 60s.
Are you around older people at all? Don't you see how different everybody is aging nowadays? There's such a huge difference between old people from a couple decades ago and old people now, so just imagine for how long we will still be super fit and healthy.
Also, raising a child is sooo much more than just chasing a toddler around. I'm not saying all, but many young people definitely are still not ready to take over the emotional part of childrearing. Having children at a high age is not the healthiest, but neither is having them when you're very young. And not just teens also young women in their eallier 20s are a lot more prone to getting depression as a result of pregnany, birth and taking care of a child than their more mature counterparts.
And don't forget the aspect of financial security as well.
No. 414263
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I enjoy fashion, but I don't understand the hype around sneakers, and I don't think I ever will. They're typically either merely inoffensive to any existing outfit, or just tacky and ugly.
I've thought "Oh, these are kind of cute" upon seeing some pairs, but I wouldn't be caught dead paying $100+ for any pair of sneakers. I'd even prefer those chunky, black gothic platform boots.
This will never spark joy in me, and neither will any plain white ones, or ugly-ass multicolored ones. They just don't do it for me at all.
No. 414270
>>414269Yes but you're saying all over 40s are unfit which is ridiculous and untrue unless they're literally obese.
Maybe in Amerikkka everyone is dying of obesity at 40, but that's not normal for most countries.
No. 414272
>>414270I didn’t at any point say they’re unfit, but it’s disingenuous to say that someone in their 40s or above is as physically capable as your average 20-30s year old
I’m also not American, but screeching about haha Americans isn’t a good rebuttal. You guys are also all conveniently ignoring any of the other points I’ve brought up
Sure you might not die at 60 but from there onwards people’s health declines extremely rapidly and those problems will inevitably become a burden to children, why put it on them younger than necessary - this was all specifically about older women (though for men it would be the same) adopting young children, though tbh I have the same sentiment about older women selfishly having IVF. But sure, I’m just an Amerifat for being critical of these issues
No. 414275
>>414271Not unpopular, at least on this site. I thought tons of schools made it a requirement? Or at least in the US they are, or were…
I just think we should vaccinate our children as required for attending education, after that let them be.
I really don't understand getting a flu shot when it isn't required. The average person can drink enough water and eat moderately healthy so your immune system will thank you if you ever catch anything. I swear I only get sick once a year and even then it's just me having annoying phlegm for 3 to 5 days and a mildly sore throat. I haven't taken medicine for my colds in over 5 years either.
No. 414303
>>414293Typically I bring up how miscarriage then must be handled like involuntary manslaughter. They go a bit quiet after that. They've jailed women in other countries for miscarriages too, particularly if they felt the woman did something to make her 'responsible' for the miscarriage.
Either fetal personhood is real and applicable to all pregnancies starting at the time of conception, or it isn't.
Those people are just trying to find the most agreeable moral highground to fencesit on.
No. 414474
>>414238This. I've read a of threads about kids who live with adopted children, or whose parents went on to adopt children after their biological kids grew up. Many of these adults live in absolute denial about the adopted kids mental health and try to cram them into the "normal" bubble as hard as possible.
Besides, kids are like messes, you don't mind your own, but cleaning up after someone else's…that is crass but you are taking an emotional responsibility and unless the adoption works perfectly from a young age (rarely), the system ensures a normal life is hard-mode run for these kids. Not only am I cleaning up after someone else ("hurr I can't abort my baby so I'll make it someone ELSE's problem"), I then have to tolerate the effects of the state and their well-meaning but ill-executed care.
If kids are not being adopted, they should have a communal place that provides food, shelter, education and health services. As much as I don't like "the government", this is a mental health service that should be available and accesible. The state would generate more money if the people all were curbed to at least have a shot at holding down a steady job, regardless of circumstances.
>>414263I do not get sneaker culture, but I think that's because it's a West Coast thing.
No. 414491
>>414195>We live in a world where men can get free boob jobs but actual women cannot, even if they're cancer victims in some cases.Truly? I'm American so don't know NHS that well. Men can get fake tits covered and women cannot?
What if I FEEL like a large breasted woman, not the small breasted one I am on the outside?
No. 414515
>>414491im pretty sure there was at least one woman who got a boob job on the nhs, but the media were contantly writing about what an awful selfish person she was (i mean she probably was lol), the only thing i could find with a quick google search was some daily fail articles: cant imagine people writing about some tranny who gets boob jobs and other bullshit surgeries on the nhs in the same way though.
No. 414588
>>414535literally nobody expects that but ok
my mom was 37 when she had me and she’s said before she wished she had my sister and i just a couple years earlier so it would be a little easier. she developed cancer in her 50s so i think her line of thought was sort of like, if i had adult kids by the time i’m xyz age, they can help me through this hell. and we did, even though we weren’t quite real grown ups yet. sage for blog bc nobody cares
No. 414746
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Instagram "influencers" do more harm to body positivity than any magazine or modeling agency ever did, the amount of shopping and angle manipulation done on these "instagram models'" pictures are far worse than anything to come out of a fashion magazine especially considering the majority of them have had plastic surgery to make their ass or tits bigger on top of the photoshop as well yet for some reason nobody seems to call this out and only focus on big brands instead
No. 414874
>>414784agree so fucking hard and like… Weeks is generous because while I don't think you
have to be single for months I think that some people's inability to be single for months just speaks about their caracter. Nothing to do with slut-shaming either…just like learn to be on your own and not depend on other people's validation.
No. 415048
>>414877I am very munch in favor of
representation in the media but not for this reason.
I think that good written representation helps other people empathise with it. Like if white kids watch movies with black kids or litle boys watching good movies with a girl protagonist, it helps them learn to empathise with them. And learning empathy doesnt end when you're a kid.
No. 415067
>>414877Agreed and it's sad that this is seen as an unpopular opinion and only met with "hurr those esjaydoubleyous" by alt right incels on twitter.
I grew up with no actual role models to look up to besides my parents and it wasn't enough, children should have more role models to represent them they can look up to
No. 415121
>>415116t. Fag
You fags always need to find something to distract yourselves from your real problems.
>>415118This is a good start, but vitamin D occurs in foods and sun is bad for skin. I fully know vitamin defiencies cause depression, and it makes complete sense to me. But have you ever read or seen videos of people with SAD? They seem to complain more about the weather itself than the vitamin defiency. I assume people who got diagnosed with SAD have done bloodwork?
No. 415146
>>415107Maybe not retarded opinion, but the "Who the hell gets suicidal because of the weather" claim needs more thought lol. People get SAD because they're stuck at home during the winter. I don't think a lot of us want to go out when it's blistering cold and you need to layer up.
I live in the northern Midwest part of the US and it's honestly a chore when it snows. Even driving somewhere is hard especially since most cars aren't built for however much snow we get, combined with all the salt that gets thrown on the road, which rusts up our cars over time. OK I'm just complaining at this point lmao.
But I do agree medication cannot cure depression, therapy is effective, combined with eating healthy, exercising regularly, and having people around to communicate with.
>>415113SAD is also used for Seasonal Affective Disorder.
No. 415171
>>415107You realize that people with SAD who get more prone to suicidal feelings most likely also have depression rest of the year right? The vitamin D deficiency and associating weather with melancholy just push them into the red.
Who doesn’t know that meds do not
cure mental illnesses, only alleviate symptoms?? You’re just surrounded by shitty narcs and frankly sound like one of them.
No. 415179
>>415107>And also people with SAD are fags. Who the hell gets suicidal because of the weather?What a dumb-ass take lmao, that's not how SAD works.
Also everyone knows meds don't "cure" you, that's why you're supposed keep taking them.
No. 415360
>>415121>sun is bad for skinwell, yes and no. if getting no sun at all was healthy then people who live in places with no sun at all would be pretty healthy, but they aren't, they still need special lamps to give them decent amounts of UV. so constant darkness and gloomy weather can still effect your mood and its not cured by just getting vitamin D from food.
>Frode Sand, who lives above the Arctic Circle in northern Norway in a small village called Bleik, said it’s not just the darkness that contributes to the difficulty. “Bad weather, huge amounts of snow, cold temperatures, lack of vitamin D – it all plays a role in making it difficult,” he said. “But people adapt. Those who don't, won't and those who really struggle with these conditions choose to move south if possible.” No. 415365
>>415332You can't cross an ocean. You can't touch a cloud. You can't walk on the moon. You can't have a vote.
The world was made by people that were always explicitly told what they can't do but decided to it anyway.
No. 415464
>>415461Agree. Plus people conveniently ignore the fact that it's actually saturated fat and not sugar that causes insulin resistance. Sure, refined sugars are horrible for you as well exacerbate insulin resistance, but the actual
trigger is high levels of saturated fats in the diet. This is why people who eat high carb diets can get away with it. The problem comes when people mindlessly eat high carb/high fat. No. 415474
>>415464And this combination comes mostly from food you acquire on fast food joints too.
Talking about how healthy something is (ex: keto is much healthier than the standard american diet!) when comparing it to something completely shit tier doesn't make any good.
In my country it's common to mix potatoes, rice, beans and lots of starchy veggies on the same dish. People only started to get truly obese recently as fast food got cheaper and more accessible so clearly carbs alone aren't the devil nor addictive as some people claim. To compare feeding yourself some potatoes to doing drugs because they both release feel-good hormones and make you want more is asinine.
No. 415515
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Gunnerkrigg court is overated as hell. I picked up the first volume from library and I liked how it started, but near the end I got kind of board. The art always changes, but never evolves above deviant art a weeb. The characters I just dont care for. I guess its not for me? How could something so mediocre become so big?
No. 415527
>>415464That's not really true, that study is outdated now (even though it is still contentious) "A high-fat, high-saturated fat diet decreases insulin sensitivity without changing intra-abdominal fat"
honestly in my opinion this kind of research is going to go back and forth like this for a long time, they really do not know the answers yet
but what I can say for sure is that lowering your weight lowers all cause mortality and if keto is the only way you can do it then it's a plus. if you're already a healthy weight and don't have any issues then I don't see any reason to try any kind of diet
No. 415529
>>415461I agree. As a child I just ate tons of bread, noodles or potatoes and was stick skinny. The reason I gained weight is definitely also because I stopped being so picky and started eating more meat, cheese, sauces, etc., anything with fat.
My father always preaches that sugar is the devil and that fat isnt even that bad, yet has been unsuccessful in losing weight despite trying for over a decade already.
I also don't understand why people aren't more vary about that whole keto flu thing. If you're feeling horrible because of what you eat (or don't eat) then maybe that isn't a positive sign?
I also think it's unrealistic. If you cut out carbs, then what is left to eat? Do you always have enough fresh vegetables at home? Can you afford to constantly buy meat? Have the time to always prepare/cook?
No. 415602
>>415464>saturated fat not sugar causes insulin resistancewtf that's not how biology works. Even the article you linked doesn't say that. It says that consumption of saturated fat can exacerbate insulin resistance not cause it.
>in humans saturated fat significantly worsen insulin-resistanceThe way in which the body converts fat and carbohydrate into energy are very different. Carbohydrate is converted into glucose through glycolysis. Fat is converted into ketone bodies through ketosis. Insulin is involved in both processes. Insulin is a hormone that regulates metabolism.
In glycolysis carbs are converted to glucose which is released into the blood stream. The pancreas responds to this by producing insulin. Insulin induces glycogenesis. This is where glucose is taken from the blood stream into muscle and organ tissue to be converted into glycogen for use as fuel. This lowers blood glucose concentrations. If more carbohydrate is eaten than can be converted to glycogen, lipogenesis happens where excess glucose is stored as fat.
In ketosis fat is converted to ketone bodies. Ketogenesis happens when the liver has depleted it's stores of glycogen and blood insulin levels are low. Ketone bodies are released into the blood stream where they are taken up by cell mitochondria to be used as energy. As with glycolysis, lipogenesis will occur if there is an excess of energy.
Insulin resistance is caused by repeated exposure to high levels of insulin, which is caused by high blood sugar, which is caused by high carbohydrate consumption. The exact mechanism by which this happens isn't understood and there are many contributing factors such as NAFLD. Insulin resistance is not caused by ketosis because ketosis relies on low levels of insulin. Low carbohydrate diets are known to reverse type 2 diabetes because it breaks the cycle of high insulin levels. Fat in absence of carbs doesn't cause insulin resistance because fat alone does not
trigger glycolysis.
No. 416909
>>416646Cows are better at locking down their social media and lying low these days. Now that the internet is rife with callout culture and people digging through your entire feed for dirt on you is commonplace, a lot of the most degenerate cows know they need to sanitize their image at least somewhat. Couple that with more advanced and widespread mental health support than ever, any potential cows either get better or wise up enough to fuck off.
The glory days of cows like CWC and PT are long gone…
No. 416922
>>416918i mean reading through the older threads, there were definitely a lot of posts that would now be called out for being handmaideny if that makes any sense.
the positive is that there seem to be drastically fewer racebaiters, some of the older threads would just devolve into endless race baiting.
No. 417003
>>416918>body posi bs Sad that this gets looped next to tranny acceptance but I will say that body positivity isn't really bullshit.
I'm really proud of lolcow as a site and how board culture has matured. Like the criteria of what constitutes a lolcow-for instance-has evolved from just wanting to screech about some rando's weight or natural looks to being more about the lulzy and asinine behaviors that cows do.
Since it's always been a site that has discussed women more than men, it's nice to see the looks picking coming secondary for once. Demonstrating that there are legitimately worse things to be than ugly or fat, or that at least a horrid personality and shitty actions lessen someone's merit of respect as it should.
As a rule, I think as long as a woman tries then it's not really right to be disrespectful about her looks off the bat.
That's all body positivity was meant to be about, although who knows how Tumblr feminism has bastardized it so that you feel it's as worse as pretending a man is a biological woman.
I didn't like old lolcow nor staminarose. If my memory serves, posters were a lot more obnoxious and incorrigible. It used to be that I would have to give up on trying to read a thread for days until sperging about a cow's looks subsided to talk about anything else.
Also, speaking as a woman who isn't exactly a 10/10: I frankly don't like reading that bullshit all the time.
No. 417018
>>416926This. The site really got cleaned up during all the admin rotations.
Sometimes I forget, but then if I end up in a 2+ year old LC thread and see the harsh contrast in quality posts between then and now, I'm kind of shocked.
No. 417095
>>417038Your opinion is literally wrong. Men would be at a significant advantage since they're physically superior to women.
>inb4 incelLibtards who deny biology fuck off, I bet you support troons too.
No. 417100
>>417084NTA but should furries also be part of LGB too then? Or DDLG freaks?
It's about same-sex attraction. Anything else is irrelevant.
No. 417101
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>>417084At most they'd be laughed at but I bet if they get out of that phase they'd too.
>>417095You're such a genius.
No. 417103
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>>417084>w-we're oppressed too guise owo pwease wet us into your hugbox, being ace is scawwy! we need a supportive community uwuAce people face less ~societal pressure~ than people who wear sunglasses indoors and league players lmfao
No. 417133
>>417128I'm not gonna pretend I'm an expert in beauty standards in East Asia, but I highly doubt she'd be considered unattractive.
>>417132Imagine if it was some random neckbeard saying she was unattractive. Everyone would be calling him a dumbass.
No. 417134
>>417108>oppression>>417124Holy fucking shit, are you me? I literally wanted to post something like this but dropped it because I didn't want to get banned ("people" take this website so seriously).
Let's add that the nevada psycho had a lot of female fans too, they probably were finding nevada a cute kira. uuhwuuuu (no emoticon don't report)
Btw you are correct that they are one and the same.
No. 417139
>>417132Not just Asians, women who are better looking than them in general. See exhibit A
>>417128. But it won't make them insecure they're putting the bar regarding beauty standards high as fuck except the slight sane ones (because to get insecure thanks to a bunch of shitters is still insane tbh) since they are in this neverending delusional circle jerk. No cow on here is ugly except the unhygienic and/or obese weirdos.
No. 417145
>>417135I don't know, maybe they don't see black women as big competition, but many still don't like seeing them get the spotlight, especially older white women who grew up with the idea that they're the only attractive women.
>>417141They do it with women who aren't awful too.
No. 417146
How dare people think a murderer have unattractive features.
I don't think she's pretty either.
>>417124 I get your point, but get mad over a better example. Shitty people deserve to be shat on. On this website there are cows ripped apart for their otherwise average looks and they've never done anything near as bad as killing somebody.
No. 417150
>>417147Why is it passive aggressive? Go on facebook and you'll see tons of boomer white women shitting on any non-white woman who gets a bit of shine.
>>417146So all criminals are automatically bad looking? Like I said before, I only used her because she's the most recent example, there are lots of cases like this.
No. 417154
>>417150>So all criminals are automatically bad looking? You got it.
And I think if more people adopted this attitude we'd have less glamorizing criminal lifestyles in media, and less misguided people creaming themselves over their hybristophilic obsession with serial killers.
Only good things can come of it.
No. 417165
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Asuka was always a terrible character and the new movies just made her worse.
No. 417166
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>>417165Hard agree.
But also eva is a tryhard edgefest for ~muh deep philosophical subtext~ incels and the only good female character in it is picrelated.
No. 417170
>>417124Well, this is Lolcow. Most of our cows/flakes are women, and nitpicking to hell and back is very common. I still remember the sperging and wars started over how Lainey, Billie and Belle Delphine are totally ugly, haggard creatures and how anyone who disagrees must be a WK, even though the truth is they're all conventionally attractive women with questionable personalities.
I agree there's a sort of racial aspect to it when Asian women are brought into the mix (
especially Korean and Japanese), but honestly, what do you expect? This site has a lot of white weebs or former weebs with BPD, EDs, body dysmorphia, etc who are only just now learning not to hate themselves for not being born as 2.5D nipponese girls or K-pop stars. Of
course they don't want to hear about how this or that random Asian chick is pretty or cute, lmao. It brings back memories of all the gross neckbeards who like to tack on shit about how white women are oh so ugly, fat, mannish and old or whatever. Whether they recognize it or not, they've internalized those things, and they're trying to push against it however possible, even if it means getting mad about other women. I'm not saying it's healthy by any means, but it is what it is.
As for the boomer women on Facebook…That's just what bitter, suburban wine moms and/or former trophy wives do. They don't even like each other, talk less of younger women getting any sort of media spotlight. Doubly so if they can't project themselves onto them when they're too different-looking. Some of them (even a few farmers) don't even like that Prince Harry married Meghan Markle because they find it way too difficult to self-insert onto a biracial woman.
It used to annoy me seeing it here, but I know better than to take it at face value. It's just how they work through their shit. You just have to roll with it, and maybe laugh when it gets a little
too ridiculous. Lastly, it's definitely not the same as men's brand of shitty behavior. All of this is literally only happening because of men directly tying women's worth to our looks for hundreds of years. It'll take a long time to undo that, if it ever happens.
No. 417171
>>417166Fuck yes. She is my favorite as well.
There isn't anything so deep about Eva, really. It's definitely not a bad show and I did enjoy it well enough. People exaggerate how meaningful it is imo and are too captivated by the imagery to realize it's merely a smokescreen of visual allegory. I do enjoy that kind of art personally but to put it on a pedestal for being particularly deep is a mistake.
No. 417185
>>417162>You buy into the Asian girl vs white girl stuff so you assume if we say an Asian girl is bland looking then we are jealous.This.
If somebody calls a white or a black girl ugly, nobody bats an eye.
If you say that you don't find X white or black girl that unattractive, then you're a whiteknight.
But if you say an asian woman is only average (read: not ugly), then you're immediately white, bitter, jealous, old, fat,…
I wish we'd stop with the all asian women (minus extremely plasic kpop idols) are attractive (and superior) meme. There are plemty of asian anons who posted that X asian girl wouldn't be considered special according to their standards, so why keep insisting that they are? Supposedly majority of farmers are white, so why do so many go out of their way to kiss asians asses?
You're accusing others of being bitter weebs, but it seems very much like you're the ones who still haven't gotten over your teenage obsession with anything asian / yellow fever.
(race sperg) No. 417194
>>417170Stop pitting white women against asian women, and for that matter act like jealousy is only ever one way when plenty of asian women have internalized self-hate for lacking caucasian characteristics.
No. 417212
>>417105That's …not true. All my of my normie gay friends still go to Pride and identify as being part of LGBT despite all those tumblr flakes wanting to join.
>>417154Adopting a specific attitude doesnt change if a person is attractive or not. If some objectively beautiful woman commited a crime tomorrow it wouldnt instantly turn her into an uggo.
No. 417223
>>417194My post isn't pitting any women against each other. I outright said it's because of men enforcing the concept of women's worth being tied to their looks. I also never contradicted anything you said about Asian women feeling self-hatred, but the OP was talking specifically about Lolcow and how arguments flare up over other women's looks.
Fucking hell, get some reading comprehension, or learn to actually read before you reply.
No. 417249
>>417223>I outright said it's because of men enforcing the concept of women's worth being tied to their looks.What you outright said was that women get mad at other women for the things they internalize whether they realize it or not. That places nothing on men.
Next, you outright said this site has a lot of white weebs or former weebs with BPD, EDs, body dysmorphia, etc who are only just now learning not to hate themselves for not being born as 2.5D nipponese girls or K-pop stars. And so they don't want to hear about pretty or cute asian women because they're so jealous about what neckbeards have had to say about themselves as white women.
Tacking "because of men" at the end of your narrative doesn't change how you're painting every white poster here who doesn't like how a 'conventional' asian woman looks as a weeby, mentally ill basketcase with a complex.
>I also never contradicted anything you said about Asian women feeling self-hatredYour post was a rant about what white people respond on this site. Proven further by the separate sperg you threw in about Markle because white posters can't "self-insert onto a biracial woman."
No duh you can say you didn't post anything to "contradict" asians having self-hatred because your paragraphs were spent tirading about whites.
You weighted race heavily in your post and now you're crying reading comprehension when no one's wrong in observing that you're baiting some shit here.
No. 417251
>>417249>That places nothing on men.Where do you think the things they internalized came from? Who said those things? Hint: I mentioned who exactly in the same sentence you're referring to where internalization is mentioned.
>Tacking "because of men" at the end of your narrative doesn't change how you're painting every white poster here who doesn't like how a 'conventional' asian woman looks as a weeby, mentally ill basketcase with a complex.I didn't do that at all, because I never said that it was all white posters (if it was all white posters, this place would just be PULL - the fact that you'd claim it's a comment about all white posters just reflects how you feel about the userbase on LC).
If you think that it targets the entire race, it's probably because you relate in some way, or have some weird reservation about all white women, and honestly? That's not my problem. I said what I said, and it wasn't wrong. Anyone who's not lying to themselves knows it's true. Sites like LSA have a lot of black women who get annoyed at white women because disgusting men have filled them with low self-esteem by shitting on black women and uplifting white ones. Lolcow has a lot of white women who get annoyed at Asian women for the same reason. Asiafinest has a lot of Asian women who get annoyed at white women for the same reason. The list goes on. It's not a race thing, it's a woman thing, and we're talking about Lolcow in this instance. Men are trash across all cultures, and they feed on women seeing each other as competition. Also, if a single sentence about MM is a "sperg", then your whole post must be a full-on mental breakdown.
Pointing this out will never be incorrect. Stop misrepresenting it and insisting everything is "racebait" and a "tirade against whites" (or blacks, or Asians, since you probably will feel the urge to when you read this post). It's just true.
No. 417256
>>417251>Where do you think the things they internalized came from?From a variety of influences.
No, white girls are not completely driven by the opinions from the bottom rung of males in society.
Even if it were the case, what someone else said isn't responsible for the actions.
Meaning at the core of it, you're still calling these white posters jealous weebs who have deep insecurities that they take out on others at a rate that's more frequent or more noticeable than any other race of posters on this website.
There's nothing else to take away from what you've written.
And might I add: This is your response to an OP complaining about posters in the anti-weeb thread (of whom we don't even know if they are white or not) saying that they didn't think the stabchan was attractive.
>I didn't do that at all>I never said all white posters Yeah you didn't say
all you just said
a lot. Still implying there's some kind of noticeable majority, when you have no way to prove that.
>If you think that it targets the entire race, it's probably because you relate in some way, or have some weird reservation about all white women.I'm not the one holding an argument that paints the users here in a very broad brush.
If this is the hill you're gonna die on anon then that's your business. You've already declared yourself as the winner and truth teller of the "women thing
(ban evasion) No. 417258
>>417256>From a variety of influences.Cool thought, but that was a rhetorical question, and was in regard to my own words, not yours. I'm talking about men, and I have been from the start. The fact that you'd try to attack me while completely ignoring my point makes me not want to take anything you say seriously, honestly.
I'm not going to bother with the rest of your post, because it's obvious you tried to find something to complain about, failed, and now you're waffling and arguing with a shadow. Have a good one.
No. 417261
>>417258As I've said, you've already declares yourself the winner of the internet argument.
Take care anon, and don't let the white boolies get you down.
No. 417266
>>417220It can change your perception on that person's attractivness but not the general fact over if they're attractive or not. If a beautiful woman comitted an atrocity and 99% of the population changed their perception on wether she's beautiful or not, it wouldnt change the fact that someone unaware of her crimes would still find her attractive. It wouldnt changer her facial symetry, her healthy body, etc…
Like I get where you're coming from and it's a very ethical opinion to hold but it's just not true.
No. 417345
Not really sure why people are insisting that it's not because of my looks. The most recent party at the end of the semester, I had to try with four guys before I could find one who would hook up with me.
>>417333Why would I live around nicer guys? I don´t really think there´s anything particularly nice about my city. I used to live in the suburbs and I don´t think anything happens there because American suburbs are so isolating.
Also I´ve been around the world and I´ve never noticed a difference. I´ve been on most continents and never noticed a difference in most places.
Also on dating apps I´ve never gotten any weird messages. It just doesn´t seem like guys are interested in me.
>>417338I feel like I´m alone a lot.
No. 417351
>>417345As >>417337 hinted at, catcalling at least is seen as more acceptable among some subcultures than others. Like I'm not trying to
victim blame, and of course it could happen anywhere, but it's far more likely to happen in say trailer parks and favelas than in ski towns and nice suburbs.
No. 417355
>>417345>Not really sure why people are insisting that it's not because of my looks. Because I'm sure anons here have loads of anecdotal evidence, not to mention pictures of
victims you could google, of women who aren't lookers who've been sexually harassed.
Maybe you've just been lucky.
Don't crave this kind of negativity anon. Sexual harassment doesn't validate that you're attractive, it just means a male views you as an expendable hole that he can use then discard. It's not appealing at the core.
No. 417359
>>417355This. These are not flattering things to have happen to you. Men's sexual attraction is worthless and says nothing about your own attractiveness. These are people who will literally fuck pool noodles, bowls of gelatin and holes in trees.
If it happens to you, it's because they don't see you as a
valid person, but some kind of means to an end.
No. 417364
>>417359>Men's sexual attraction is worthless and says nothing about your own attractiveness. So whose opinion matters? It´s not like women are lining around the block to say I´m attractive either. I´m sure if my picture was ever posted here I´d have users lining up to call me ugly lol.
I never said I wanted to be harassed. But I do think it´s one of the signs that I´m not attractive.
I also am not sure why people assume I mean being harassed. I said I don´t get being "bothered." That includes harassment but it also can include other forms of interaction. Unless you´re one of the women who think that all interaction from men is harassment and that all women should want to be invisible to men. Which might be good for you, but personally I don´t see it that way.
No. 417368
>>417364>So whose opinion matters?How about yours? Is that too much to ask?
There's four kinds of people you'll ever meet in life. Those that like you for bad reasons, that dislike you for bad reasons, that dislike you for good reasons, that like you for good reason.
Those that judge you superficially for physical attractiveness, whether positively or otherwise, are judging you for bad reasons. To live a happy fulfilling life you really shouldn't concern yourself with what they think at all.
No. 417376
>>417364You sound kind of desperate for male attention, anon. Honestly you reek of self-esteem issues and being told you're ugly as a child or something traumatic. Also, any plain girl is going to be called ugly here, this is the place that got discourse on nasolabial folds and boob veins, ffs.
Anyway, i could even say that it's not your looks (any plain girl can look decent with proper grooming, unless you're literally deformed) but if you're so worried you're not getting any even when you're all dolled up (i'm assuming you do the basic steps of enhancing your looks like basic hygiene, makeup, flattering clothes, non-fried/oily hair, etc), maybe it's time to think about your behavior instead? Look up body language, change your mannerisms, etc.
No. 417379
>>417365Ok why don´t you.
>>417370>>417368That makes sense. But people who consider themselves attractive despite nitpicing are considered narcs here.
>>417376So is male harassment/attention based on looks or nah? Theoretically couldn;t someone choose to get less attention by wearing less makeup or changing their posture?
No. 417383
>>417379Or nah.
Guys that like harassing people, they'll harass almost anyone they see as an easy target since it's the power exchange they get off on/that gives them status among their pack.
Intentionally taking steps to appear more homely might cause them to slightly alter the manner of their harassment, but it won't ever lead to them to cutting it out entirely.
No. 417384
>>417379Honestly they could, but it’s not simple math. A girl who turns heads is certainly more likely to attract male attention than an average girl but if she acts hostile or what men could consider overconfident (the bar can be really low because they’re sometimes very pathetic) she’s less likely to be approached, in contrast with an average but approachable girl, which is why some average/plain looking quirky gamurr animefag ethots have more male attention and clout than some drop dead gorgeous women.
All in all, sleazy men who really harass (aka. insist after the “no”, stalk girls, catcall, are just plain uncomfortable to be around etc etc) will look for girls who they think won’t react or resist much to their advances. And Anon, i beg of you to have some standards.
No. 417394
>>417391I personally just recognize Cardi B as a shitty, horrible person (and a bad role model) and am basically okay with whatever might lead to her downfall as a celebrity.
If anyone else was doing those things, I wouldn't really care. I feel like others who come down on her for this feel the same way (handmaidens and misogynists aside), they just don't say it.
No. 417395
>>417383So changing my looks/posture would get me more attention/harassment but not the other way around? How does that work?
>>417384So the reason I don't ever get approached is because I'm too attractive. Ok lol.
>>417390>Looking down on others for not having a great face is exactly is exactly as disgusting as looking down on others for having a different race.You are on the wrong site for telling people this lol
>>417392How do you know what kind of posture I have? I actually have bad posture lol
No. 417400
>>417399You're not really coming up with any
valid arguments
No. 417405
>>417395The implication of my statement was that changing your looks would have zero effect on how much you're harassed. A lioness doesn't give a shit if a gazelle is hot or not when she only wants to eat. A harasser doesn't give a shit if a woman is hot or not when he only wants to humiliate.
Hope you get it now because I won't explain it again.
No. 417408
>>417404Cool. Now you're saying you're not "trying to argue anything" but you're still arguing.
>>417405So what's the magical reason I don't get harassed then?
No. 417410
>>417408We told you. It's either luck of the draw, or the deck stacked in your favor because you live around less assholes…
Or you don't go outside at all.
No. 417420
>>417419NTA but what do you want us to say?
We already explained how even ugly girls get sexually harassed.
That the situation and types of guys you're around can make a difference.
If the stars don't align for you to be sexually harassed then…yay? How would being disrespectfully approached by men make you feel pretty???
No. 417422
>>417419nta but are you seriously trying to discredit literally almost every women who has been harassed in public because you haven't
or trying to trap people into saying you're the ugliest bitch alive on the planet or something? go get some self esteem in either case, jfc, you are so painful. you are
almost more infuriating than that
nonnie in the make-up thread.
No. 417425
>>417419>this level of self-pity and low self-worthSo, where are all the anons who call anyone who's even slightly critical of men "femcels" when actual, femcel-tier posts like this pop up?
It's not a compliment, dummy. Not being harassed doesn't mean you're ugly. You can look like fucking Mama June or Rasputia and still get harassed. Count yourself lucky you don't know that feeling, because it fucking sucks.
No. 417432
>>417429>Maybe you're morbidly obeseFuck that, I've seen huge women like 300+ pounds get sexually harassed by men, either in jest or out of seriousness. And what with all the mukbang and feeder fetishists these days it makes sense.
really needs to understand that harassment and disrespect have nothing to do with how someone looks.
No. 417433
>>417422So defensive. Who says I`m trying to discredit anyone? Sorry I`m annoying you.
>>417425Ok I guess I´m an ungrateful femcel lol. Sorry I can´t be an attractive girl who gets a ton of guys like you.
>>417429>Maybe you're morbidly obeseI`m not morbidly obese. But you´re contradicting your own narrative that looks have nothing to do with being harassed.
>maybe you live in a fancy suburb where that shit doesnt happen muchCan you read? I already said I live in a city.
>In which country do you even live?I live in the US, but I´ve been around the world.
>Hell for all I know you're walking with music in your ears so loud that you don't hear when they're talking obscenities at you in the street.Weirdly enough I´m one of the people who never wears headphones in public. You´re grasping at straws.
>>417432What does? Magic?
No. 417434
>>417432Also if you´re saying fetish videos cause people to harass women, you are saying that attractiveness is indeed a component of harassment.
I don`t know why anons are so fixated on me being harassed, when I originally said "bothered." All harassment is bothering, but not all bothering is harassment.
No. 417439
>>417433doubt you're from US solely on that weird apostrophe usage. also propose an alternative theory: it is a troon.
>>417434yeah, i see how not being approached by Jehovah witness could cause an upset of such dimensions, yeah /s
No. 417443
>>417434>you are saying that attractiveness is indeed a component of harassmentFetishists get off on people performing the fetish, not because they think the person doing it is necessarily attractive.
I'm starting to think this is a maleposter wanting to have a "gotcha" moment by tricking everyone into thinking men only harass the prettiest women. It actually sounds like something a predator would say to condition to his
victims and gaslight them.
Gives me the creeps.
No. 417459
>>417454Lol. So
>>417443 was right then.
No. 417460
>>417441>I'm guessing you're probably sheltered and don't go out at night What do you mean go out at night? On the contrary, I would say that I´m pretty adventurous. I´m going to a large (>30,000 people) music festival by myself next month. Not sure how I would prove that to you.
>>417442Hmm maybe. Like I said, I`ve been around the world. I´ll be living in a new city this summer and studying abroad next semester so maybe things will be different. I don´t see any reason for things to be different.
>>417443>Fetishists get off on people performing the fetish, not because they think the person doing it is necessarily attractive.This is semantics. Fetishists find who they´re watching sexually attractive in some fashion.
>I'm starting to think this is a maleposter wanting to have a "gotcha" moment by tricking everyone into thinking men only harass the prettiest women. It actually sounds like something a predator would say to condition to his victims and gaslight them. >Gives me the creeps.Sorry to break it to you but you´re wrong.
Also if you`re ¨conditioned¨ by what you read in an imageboard, you´re wrong.
The hoops farmers jump through to disprove someone they don´t agree with, saying I´m lying about being male or American.
>>417459Nah I'm not a guy, but I guess any proof that wouldn't dox myself would have people say it´s fake. I´ll just save myself the doxing.
No. 417467
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>>417464Feel free to believe whatever you want
No. 417474
>>417470Ok, I guess if other girls acted differently and more like me then they wouldn't be harassed. Nice. :¬)
I think it`s funny people have used their magical detective skills to prove that I'm European. And now I'm Holly's WK.
Not really sure why I would lie about being American. It's not like women just get harassed in Europe and don't get harassed in America.
>>417364I think the issue that the other anons have with your line of thinking is you think
not being harassed is a sign you are
not attractive like being harassed is a reward or signifier of attractiveness. It makes you feel anxious and unsafe, anon. It happens because they see you as dumb and vulnerable. It's not a compliment, please don't think it is one.
No. 417488
>>417478Calm down
>>417483What is it then?
No. 417499
>>417419I was harassed a lot when I was a child (around the ages 11 to 15) by men on the street. I haven't been harassed once since then. Was it because I was a really attractive child? No, it was because men saw that I was vulnerable. It did not give me a confidence boost or make me feel validation that I was "attractive", it made me afraid to walk to school alone.
I'd love to hear how you explain that though.
No. 417597
>>417585Just curious, what do you consider "following a religion" ?
I'm an atheist and I'm generally very critical of religion but imo it really depends on how much you "follow" religion.
Like if someone believes in God and believes that Jesus was the son of God and sees him as a role model but doesnt like…go to church or live by the bible, are they condoning Christianity and its homophobes ?
If someone is culturally a muslim (doesnt drink or eat pork) and believes in God but doesnt like pray 5 times a day or believe everything in the Quran, is that person condoning all the bad things Islam does?
No. 417609
>>417585>it's just crazy how people will continue to follow a religion that condemns homosexuality and be like WELL THIS RELIGIOUS PERSON LOVES YOU GUYS like please fucking take off the mask.That's literally the best they can do, even though they're religious they still accept and respect you, isn't that nice? What's your problem, would you rather they'd hate you? Lumping all people together and refusing to like them just because of one characteristic is so dumb and childish. You say they can't speak on behalf of others, so what gives you the right to tell billions of people to "just stop following religioh right now"?
Do you know what's privilege? The fact that all of us - yes even you as a uwu poor lesbian - can live so freely, without anybody oppressing us. If you were to live in a country with another culture and religion, I bet you wouldn't dare to shit on them so openly, you would be wishing for those Jesus freaks who say they love you instead lol
No. 417620
>>417535Today i learned i´m a guy. i guess if i´m a tranny i´m a ftm aone lol. But I tried the male snapchat filter and i would look like a terrible guy
>>417523What's your definition of femcel? Maybe I qualify for one because I have to spend a lot more effort to get sex than most girls lol. We can't be all attractive like you.
>>417512>>417499Well, most anons here say that all guys are pedophiles so it could very well be the case. It's logically consistent.
No. 417638
>>417620tbh anon I also agree that harassment must to some degree align with attraction. Although the other factors anons here mentioned (perceived vulnerability and opportunity) also apply. If not then straight men would be sexually harassing weak men more often.
I think anons are being defensive mostly because your original "opinion" came across as either "being sexually harassed is nbd and you should be grateful" or "
I've never been annoyingly hit on so it never happens!!" From what I've seen neither of those are even true to your beliefs and you were just posting your experience. Perhaps it would have been better suited for the vent or bullshit thread?
No. 417654
>>417647So do you think guys harass girls based on their empathy levels? lol
>>417638I never said people should be grateful. People got defensive for no reason
>>417643Why are you here in your thirties?
No. 417657
>>417643how old are you? What are you doing with your life that makes you end up on lolcow "well past the age of 30"?
What happened to you is really horrible and I'm sorry it conditionned you to feel this horrible way but this is something you should talk about in therapy because that feeling/opinion isnt
valid at all, it is deeply disfunctional and exclusively symptomatic of a completely fucked up view of the world and of yourself. Get out of LC, ask admin to ban you so you're not tempted to come back, start going to a therapist with whom you'll be completely honest and who will challenge you and actively work on yourself.
No. 417659
>>417643>in a very small way it made me feel like at least someone wanted me even if it was just for convenienceWho is "you"?
The guy was after the moist hole between your legs and if not you, then someone else's hole he could have slid his dick into granted the opportunity.
The guy didn't want "you" as a thinking, feeling person who maybe if he squinted enough could see convenience or attraction. He would probably agree that you're ugly because the goalpost was about getting his own rocks off, not to make you feel desired or valued in any way.
That is rape.
No. 417662
>>417657Yeah I'm not proud of my life. Thanks. Not everyone can afford therapy you know. I have gone but it's $40 per session and it made it so I couldn't do other things I enjoy, like buying groceries. There are plenty of people posting here over thirty, image boards don't become boring just because you are over a certain age. I have agoraphobia among other things so this is one way I get to talk to people. I thought what the other person said was silly but if you don't have any attention at all from other people it tends to warp your world view. Thought I'd give my opinion on the subject even if it's not necessarily a healthy way to think.
>>417659You're right, I'm just a useless hole. Thanks man. I'm not saying I enjoyed being raped. It just made me feel like I exist, at least one person wanted to touch me even if, like I stated, I was just a convenient target. I'm not condoning rape.
>>417654>Why are you here in your thirties?For the same reason you are, obviously. Initially I came for the Onion thread because he's a cunt and I enjoyed the gossip. I stayed because I like the userbase.
No. 417668
>>417662>I'm just a useless hole. Thanks man.You know the point is that's how male predators see you as.
I know it makes you feel bad, but it's naive and ultimately harmful for you to colour your rape as anything remotely validating.
You don't need a dick chasing after you to be a worthy person of your own. You can exist without the co-dependency of male validation and women, even many attractive ones, do so every day.
No. 417669
>>417662dude, that anon never said you are a useless hole but that that rapist viewed you as one.
Why do you derive all of your self worth from how men view you sexually ? Is there not any other way you can measure up your worth ?
No. 417691
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>>417633>ghonorrea is Gomorra you stupid bicth
No. 417692
>>417638I mean, straight men at least harass weak men all the time. It just doesn't have the same sexual spin to it. Different ammo for different targets.
If girl:"You know you're gagging for it"
if guy:"KYS, you faggot virgin"
No. 417774
Not unpopular here, but unpopular irl and elsewhere online:
>pansexuality is just bisexuality with an unhealthy dose of virtue-signaling about how they're ok with fucking trans people and enby>the LGBTQAI+ is bullshit, LGB are actual sexual orientations but they're ignored in their own activism>transgenderism is just a symptom to various mental disorders and makes the LGB look like fools or unstable assholes, and is inherently sexist and homophobic>queer doesn't mean anything anymore since straight people call themselves that and it's still a slur in various places>asexuals don't belong here because sexual orientations are about who you're attracted to, not how much and most of them are straight and in denial about it>and intersexuality is about physical disorders and deformities so they have legitimate but very different struggles than everyone else>whoever invented the concept of demisexuality deserves the death penalty>I don't get why the LGBT movement wants to focus so much on racism because like for intersexuality, it's a completely different problem. You can't hide your ethnicity or race or skin color most of the time but at least you could hide your sexual orientation so the discrimination is different and not coming from the same people. Intersectionality was a mistake>>417585>it's just crazy how people will continue to follow a religion that condemns homosexuality and be like WELL THIS RELIGIOUS PERSON LOVES YOU GUYS like please fucking take off the mask.>then there's people who are gay and still following a religion.Like this anon
>>417597said it depends on how much they follow their religion, but it also depends on how they were raised and if they were born into their religion. You can't just straight up go to a non-homophobic Muslim guy and tell him to stop believing in God and stop following Islam because it would be very likely that he still believes in God, was born into it because of his Muslim parents and only follows the religion very loosely, and leaving would mean having a lot of problems with his family and maybe friends.
No. 417788
>>417774I don't get demisexual
isn't that normal sexuality since most people don't have casual sex?
No. 417794
>>417788demisexual is just literally a made up sexuality by mogai tumblr trying to make other boring people feel special and oppressed so that they can hop on the LGBT train and start screeching over their pwoblems. it was never a real thing and it never will be along with “pansexuality“
lgbt stands for lesbian, gay, bi and trans for a reason, it’s a community for those people only and not some special need faggots who want to be cool
No. 417797
>>417651That's such an obvious thing that I hate myself for not realizing sooner
>>417685We need something like this on a banner
No. 417825
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I'm fucking tired of 4chan and other people making fun of Chole Moretz and her body type. These fucking retards that think women should only have one body type. I find Chloe really pretty and cute. I like the contrast between her baby face and more robust body.
No. 417865
>>417673I'm 25 and I've been around since this site started, but I feel too old. It seems like this board is full of 19 year olds who think getting dumped once is the end of the world. It's hard to relate.
>>417687You never addressed my point. You claimed that guys aren't harassing me because of my lack of empathy or something.
>>417695It's not my fault you guys suck at debating.
No. 417871
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>>417825Yea, anons love to shit on anyone who isn't an extreme hourglass/pear or is extremely petite.
I can only image all the "fridge body" comments, as if people can change their anatomy/bone structure.
No. 417890
>>417871I have the same bodytype as this and it makes me feel like shit. It doesn’t help that so many anons on here are poisoned by every Instagram girl photoshopping 5 inches off their waist so they think extreme hourglass proportions are normal or possible with weightloss, and we have a lot of anachans here who LARP being smoll 90lb waifs.
It has gotten better over the years, but go back on lolcow a few years ago and see anons on here acting just like TRP members who think women who aren’t bombshell hourglasses are worth nothing and deserve to be single spinsters.
No. 417895
>>417893i’d believe you if some anons didn’t get so spergy about it. what’s the point of making fun of a cows bodytype when thathas nothing to do with why they’re a cow?
anons here are way nicer and more forgiving to thin cows anyway. the moment suzy from game grumps started losing weight her thread got inactive except for the occasional bump to discuss if she got lipo. only a handful of cows get made fun of for being skinny and those are in the pro-Ana threads and the cam girl threads which are full of vendetta anyway
No. 417903
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>>417901Speaking of Bella Hadid, it's actually amazing how she transformed herself into Carla Bruni. I'm not even mad, I only wish I had to money to get my favorite supermodel's face.
No. 417904
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>>417901This pic was taken shortly after she turned 18(!)…
No. 417907
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>>417825Take comfort in the fact that none of them would dare talk shit to her face.
No. 417908
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>>417907is that actually her body
has this been photoshopped
No. 417909
>>417906>you this an anonymous imageboard, how do you know if someone does or doesn’t stick up for body shaming? i try to do so when I can but i don’t want to be banned for derailing or white knighting.
anons being so hard on “fridge bodies” and demanding all women have an hourglass shape just feels extra hypocritical when hourglass shapes are the rarest bodytype.
No. 417911
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I'm the anon that posted about Chloe Moretz. This is her without any sort of hideous Photoshop and dressed in clothing that actually fits her body type. This is so sad, there's so many photoshopped pics of her online that people don't even know how she really looks like anymore.
No. 417917
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I think it mostly all started with this 4chan post
No. 418079
>>418077A self-respecting lesbian should not ever have sex with a bisexual woman. Bisexual women don't deserve to get pleased by them. Let them have shitty awkward sex with fellow pillow sluts.
>homophobicOpposite, I just hate bisexuals.
No. 418081
>>418079What if the bisexual woman is a service top who actually hates being touched? Or is a febfem?
I understand though and have utmost respect for lesbians.
No. 418082
>>418079Show me on the doll where the bi touched (or rather didn’t) you anon. Like I get that fags and bi men tend to have the worst fucking personality but hating them for liking dick is literally homophobia.
>All bi women are pillow slutsEver considered that maybe you’re just surrounded by selfish lovers? Lmao
No. 418091
>>418089Tbh these function more as argument threads.
But it's kind of fun, what would be the point of stating them if not to see the reaction of others?
No. 418097
>>418095Shittiness is subjective especially if it's a thread about unpopular opinions smh
Of course you'll judge a non mainstream opinion as "shitty" LOL
No. 418104
>>418079No wonder people hate lesbians, you're bitter, seething cunts.
I'll side with the bisexuals on this, at least they don't act like men on steroids.
No. 418110
>>418079Y'all do realize that this anon said this as a reactionary post to the other opinion, right?
Even so bisexual girls are mostly bottoms so it's a no from me.
No. 418125
>>418123Nta but you guys aren't hated and dismissed, you just have a severe
victim complex. The few gays that do hate and dismiss you have
valid reasons to do so.
No. 418128
>>418096This is the grossest, slimiest shit. None of that sounds appealing.
>>418118This is the correct opinion. I don't hate bi guys but it's gross, like, on a romantic and sexual level. It's like whorey straight men. They're gross and not ever people I'd want to fuck, but I don't hate them for just being whores. I don't think it's homophobic. I'm not grossed out by them on a human level.
No. 418129
>>418125What ‘
valid’ reason can there possibly be to be prejudiced against an entire group of people that doesn’t actively oppress/harm you
No. 418130
>>418119Lesbians on lc love to pretend they’re so pure and feminist. Conveniently ignoring the fact that huge majority of tops/butches are pieces of cheating misogynistic shit with penis envy and inferiority complex so large even their misandry can’t conceal it.
With how much they bitch about pillow princesses I’m starting to think that it’s the lesbo version of scrots mad that a girl won’t suck their dicks. I’m genuinely having trouble believing that bi women everywhere are just laying there doing nothing despite how much women are socialized to please.
They act so much like men and hold male-like beliefs, pots and goddamn kettles.
No. 418153
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>>418147>gays don't typically have tons of weird paraphilias.Lol. You guys are going to learn one day that men are men.
No. 418155
>>418143Totally possible. Women starfish when fucking men too! Which can be due to a hundred different reasons. But these lesbians somehow turn it into a
evil bisexuals taking advantage of the “good” gays uwu. How is that not sexist and nice-girl as shit?
No. 418158
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No. 418165
>>418159Didn't know the caps were fake, but bugchasing is most definitely real.
It's been studied and observed: are just sexually insane all around. Taking/giving it up the ass does not make them any more normal.
Also, some of them being roleplay is still evidence that it's a paraphilia they have, unless you're going to get into this for the long haul and insist it's homophobic men going so far that they'd seek out obscure gay RP forums, make fake accounts and post fake sexual fantasies all on the off chance that outsiders will find it years later, screencap it all and make gays look bad on the internet.
No. 418166
>>418161Bugchasing isn't common. Stop trying to paint it as common. Bi males frequently have dumb paraphilias. I think gay men ARE also hypersexual, but they don't have as many paraphilias. I don't think a lot of bi men are even 'born that way' generally, the way gay men are. I think they're just hypersexual men that are easily turned on by anything, which is why they also tend to have a fuckton of paraphilias.
>>418152She's desperate to get offended on behalf of bi males so she's really reaching to put shit in my mouth and try to find a parallel that doesn't exist.
No. 418168
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>>418166>It's not commonBut somehow, we have all this data on it, while there haven't been measured studies, screencap compilations, entire documentaries, etc about bisexual men as a rule having many dumb paraphilias even close to this extent.
You're not making sense, anon.
It's not even just bugchasing. Look at the current state of pride parades.
inb4 "s-some of them might be trannies" or "th-they might be bi!"
No. It's just men. Stop caping for the ones who exclusively want to fuck each other. It's just a gross gender.
I'm sick of this stupid, one-sided "straight or gay woman/gay male" solidarity meme. They don't even defend us like this.
No. 418172
>>418167>Are you talking about actually harmful paraphilias or dumb shit like high heels and BDSM that are common enough in basically every other group of people?Kek, other anon just used BDSM as a way to say gays have just as many paraphilias. No, I'm talking about weird shit. Some harmful, some not. They're always into weird shit like blueberry bullshit or vore or whatever.
>>418168>But somehow, we have all this data on it, while there haven't been measured studies, screencap compilations, entire documentaries, etc about bisexual men as a rule having many dumb paraphilias even close to this extent. Where? None of the shit you posted said anything like "30.4% of gay men are interested in bugchasing", like, yes, there's info about people who are bugchasers, but not as a proportion of the gay population. Bugchasing isn't common, get real, anon. Please. I don't gaf about caping for gay men. That's not what I'm doing. I'm giving my observations wrt bisexual men. Being BDSM degenerates is vanilla af now. Gays aren't the ones that are into vore or balloon-fucking. It's bis. Yes, all types of men are sexually fucked up. I'm not saying they're not, it's just that bi men, as a group, tend to most frequently have weird fetishes, imo.
No. 418177
>>418168NTA but I agree that in general men tend to be more sexually degenerate, I was more annoyed about the specific targeting of bisexual men as being gross because they sleep with men, which was what the original post
>>418071 was about and was echoed by several replies, along with excuses like "they have more paraphilias than straight men" (well, do they actually have significantly more?) The implication was if you sleep with men you're dirtier than if you don't, and sure maybe men will do more fucked up shit with each other, but to imply they're tainted just for sleeping with other men or thinking about it, regardless of if they're sluts or have paraphilias, is fucked.
No. 418184
I can’t believe we’re arguing about which group of men is more degenerate. Lmao let me assure you that all men are equally hypersexual paraphilia-having creeps. Straight men simply don’t have as much a free pass as bi/gay men to be publicly disgusting.
>>418175Are you stupid? Slut walk is protest against sexual violence, the dress code there illustrates the point. While Pride is supposed to be a family-friendly celebration of love and acceptance and shit, not a fetish parade.
No. 418190
>>418179a lot of gay men don't support getting too freaky at pride never mind what men in general think of acting that way, you've gotten so pinkpilled you looped back around to being redpilled and posting the standard bargain bin homophobic /pol/ takes, muh (fake) infographics and all
>>418184it's the same thing of a march saying "you say we're promiscuous? so what if we are? we still don't deserve discrimination" then brainlets post pictures of them and claim "see they are degenerates"
No. 418200
>>418190>Y-You're just as bad as the redpill /pol/ types!No, this is bullshit. You seriously have to be delusional to think that way, to the point where I'm questioning if you're not just a gay man yourself trying to fit in on the girl's site.
Unlike /pol/tards, my point isn't that gay men are a special kind of disgusting, my point is men are disgusting, period. There's no point in defending gay men or claiming they're "not that bad" compared to other types of men. That anon was claiming gay men are less gross somehow, and I pointed out things that contradict that claim. Cope.
No. 418202
>>418184>While Pride is supposed to be a family-friendly celebration of love and acceptance and shit, not a fetish parade.That’s what pride may have become but no, pride was never originally family friendly. Leather culture, dungeons, BDSM, all that has roots in gay history before pride parades were ever a thing.
I don’t care about some people in harnesses or leather outfits at pride btw, why worry about the children when they can walk into any mall and see half naked women in lingerie in the window of any Victoria’s Secret. how’s some gay dudes in a collar any worse than that?
No. 418231
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>>418202>I don’t care about some people in harnesses or leather outfits at pride btw, why worry about the children when they can walk into any mall and see half naked women in lingerie in the window of any Victoria’s Secret. how’s some gay dudes in a collar any worse than that?Why is a picture of a young, smiling and beautiful woman who's advertising underwear and bikinis to my mommy just as bad as some creepy af old man dressed in a weird leather "costume" who's crawling on the street while being treated like a dog by another old man?
No. 418257
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>>418231nta but like yea sure some guy in BDSM gear once a year that you can easily avoid is gonna harm your kids but commercials like pic related that you can't avoid if you go out aren't.
No. 418258
>>418257What a sexist ad.
Also it gives the impression that the perfume is vagina-themed. So if you want to smell like fish, this is the fragrance for you.
Interestingly, I've read that sex actually doesn't sell- that sexy models distract from the product itself and result in people being less likely to remember the product. Research has shown that humor is much more effective for brand recognition.
No. 418279
>>418257It’s not about “some guy in BDSM gear once a year”
I thought gays want to be destigmatized and normalized and treated like people. With Pride being viewed as exhibition of LGBT to straight normies, the overt sexual shit really sends the message of “we are indeed deviants and loud obnoxious freaks and we demand you accept that”. I’m embarrassed to be involved in LGB community on any level.
>gross adFor all you know, that ad could been made by a gay man. Remember that gay men hate women too so don’t coddle them so much.
No. 418281
>>418270and whose fault is that? Don't bring your kids to Pride.
Just so you know, I'm generally against bringing kids to any political protest.
>>418279That ad WAS made by a gay man. I don't coddle them, I don't think they're less worse than straight men, I'm not trying to defend them as men but farmers in this thread (and others) seem to particulary hate them because of their homosexuality. Let's remember the OG anon specified she wouldnt date bisexual men ("tainted by cock" or whatever) but would date straight men which somehow implies straight men are better than gay and bi men.
Look, I'm a radfem too but you guys just made a whole 360 and use your so-called feminism to justify homophobia. Who knew horseshoe theory was actually real!
No. 418292
>>418291It’s homophobic if the only reason you won’t is because they also like men, that’s like saying that it isn’t racist if you refuse to date a certain racial group purely because of their ethnicity
People are welcome to date or not date whomever they please but don’t pretend that it doesn’t stem from prejudice
No. 418353
>>418345these who whine about dating preferences are just the most insufferable, easily offended,
victim complexed people ever and can't see that they wouldn't have such a hard time not getting laid if their personalities weren't so shit. your precious gay and bisexual men wouldn't defend women if you threw acid on them btw.
No. 418381
>>418353First of all, I know plenty of gay men who would defend not only me but women as a whole even without any women around. All men are sexist and mysoginistic but there are varying degrees of that in the world and decent people still exist accross the sexes.
Second of all, even if they didnt defend women, I would still defend them. Not on the basis of of them being men but on basis of their homosexuality. I don't defend others because I want them to defend me, I defend them because I think it's the right thing to do, just like I'm a radical feminist not because of myself but because of other women. What makes us a little less shity than men is the fact that we are able to experience empathy and you seem proud to be completely deprived of empathy.
>>418291C'mon thats a face equivalency. Idc if you date bisexual men or not, in fact, I advise you against dating men alltogether as a febfem. My point was the way anons worded all that shit and the followig comments on bisexual men being particulary degenerate just for dating both sexes.
No. 418385
>>418382>isn't even badTaste-wise or health-wise?
95% of it is processed shit. Turn over the boxes and read the ingredients.
I agree that there's some absolutely fantastic vegan dishes (especially Indian and middle eastern) but out of all the vegans I am forced to be around about 2 of them cook. The issue is veganism is being marketed now as the healthy and morally-good alternative, so companies are profiting off of stupid peoples laziness. This isn't inherently an issue, but becomes one when mainstream first-world veganism revolves around people with jelly bellies heating up microwavable meals
No. 418387
>>418385Taste-wise. I think we can all agree that processed shit, vegan or not is pretty bad for you. I would argue though that most vegan processed meals tend to be lower in calories/satfat/cholesterol than their meat alternatives, so perhaps that is where the health shilling comes from. It'll still kill you but maybe a teeny bit slower.
>>418386Can you blame her? Roasted potatoes are good, lol.
No. 418388
>>418381So, you'd defend men who shat on and attacked you if they happened to be gay, because of the simple fact that they're gay? Nope, can't relate.
It makes no sense to play noble moral crusader when others are being assholes to you, and there's nothing wrong with wanting reciprocity for sticking your neck out for someone. Women are way too empathic, to the point where we literally surrender ourselves for others, and men just love to take advantage of that. I'm tired of it, and if we're to continue being this way, they need to start treating us better, or society will stay shitty. There is no honor in this.
>I'm a radical feminist not because of myself but because of other womenRadical feminism helps
all women (except "women", aka TiMs).
No. 418390
>>418388I think anon's point is not that she would defend gay men because they are gay as a collective, but because it is morally right. ie. She believes in gay rights?
A few gay men being pricks wouldn't stop me from believing in LGB rights and defending that aspect should it come into question. But of course gay men can be assholes but it isn't because they are gay and shouldn't reflect on the entirety of the gay community. It's because they're men.
No. 418391
>>418381Give it a rest with the fucking anonymous virtue signaling already, my christ you are insufferable.
All febfems are cows. They're the true female version of mgtows.
No. 418412
>>418353>>418345Wow literally all those anons prefaced their posts with clarifying that there is nothing wrong with not dating bi men and that they know fags are no better than straight men and aren’t defending them.
Those anons were only pointing out how it is homophobic for to reject non-straights
purely on the basis of liking dicks.
Keep sticking your fingers in your ears and going ~lalala muh preference~ tho.
Imagine if someone said I won’t date mixed race because who knows how much black they have in them. Pure aryan for me only (referencing OP post). Nothing wrong with having preferences but the reasoning made it racist/homophobic.
No. 418418
>>418413NTA. I mean, not dating trans people is different because they are mentally ill and have botched anatomy and often don't fall within traditional standards for attraction.
A bisexual man could look and act like a normal hetero man but sucked a dick before. It's just a little weird that you'd deny someone entirely because they sucked a dick. Not saying it's homophobic, just maybe something to think about why you think that's bad. Is it bad to be attracted to men and to suck dicks? Shrug.
No. 418420
>>418417Not involved here, but I kind of agree. It's pretty obvious the whole "political lesbianism" thing was started by bisexual women. They're literally the only ones who would have "Just date and fuck women lol" as an option.
Not sure why some people are dedicated to painting it as "Crazy straight women hate men SO MUCH they'd rather appropriate lesbian culture!". I think it
triggers a lot of men (and male-aligned women) really fucking hard that dick is not an all-powerful force, and some women can just up and abandon their bullshit altogether.
No. 418429
>>418425>i think it's just out of instinct as a straight personPerhaps just as controversial as "monosexual" people not dating the bi brigade…I am bisexual myself but would tend towards not dating a bisexual man.
I'd date a bi woman though, so perhaps it's just my distrust of men rather than "biphobia." I can hardly trust a straight man not to cheat, so why add on billions more as a possibility, you know?
No. 418471
>>418202So they were hiding their shit from public in the beginning in order to not appear as degenerates….
Lol of course. Of fucking course.
No. 418473
>>418270My dad and mom were literally screaming when I told her about my sister trying to go to pride with her "friends".
I swear people aren't aware of how dangerous lesbians are when it comes to women they want to target to have sex with.
No. 418477
>>418471ok this is you just being straight up homophobic now
>>418473yes, I'm sure they were screaming bc of the big bad dykes trying to force themselves onto their precious child
cmon ladies, there must be a way you can express disgust at display of bdsm shit at pride parades, which have evolved to be quite a family event, without devolving into "degenerate homos" talk
No. 418488
>>418473How old is your sister ? Is she gay or bisexual? If she is, why are you snitching to your parents what she's doing irw her sexual expression? Unless she's a kid, you have no place doing that. How do you know she wasnt going there in hopes to hook up with a lesbian? Oh but noOoOoo the scary evil dykes are out to get your naive sister!
>>418482ntyart but how do you know it was her? There are several people here arguing about this shit. Also I don't think a specific position of yours suddenly shuts you down from defending gay rights.
No. 418496
>>418202some disgusting filthy degenerate man parading around in fetish outfits is totes the same as an underwear model guys!!! LMAO the absolute state of the world in 2019.
i know this is a meme on this website by now, but are you a tranny? the only other person ive heard spouting off bullshit like this was a russian tranny on tumblr.
No. 418499
>>418479the post you're replying to is the 1st one I've made in this debate. yeah, I agree, BDSM shit and children shouldn't mix and I too would prefer if prides were more of a family event. I'm from a fairly homophobic country and I've heard enough of sodom-gomorrah whinging from the general public whenever there's a pride event so I know LGB acceptance would go down easier (well, very marginally tbqh) if it was a very PG event. but prides are generally not a family event and yeah, your original statement of "gays hiding their disgusting ways until they have become slightly more notmalised" is homophobic.
>>418482again, not my post, secondly, well I'm sorry, how else would you want me to refer to you as? girls sounds like I'm either a troon or pushing 60 kek
No. 418502
>>418413Once again, being gay isn’t the same as being a tranny you turbo retard
You don’t fuck troons because of your sexuality (and they’re terrible people). Anons in this thread don’t fuck bi’s because they have massive complexes, not because they’re not sexually attracted to bi’s. Know the difference.
No. 418547
>>418518lmao there were so many.
are we talking about the one who had like 20 cats in an apartment, said his dad was assassinated by the kgb, and he was constantly bitching about his mom and grandma, and he also made all these posts about wanting to commit suicide.
i felt really bad for him tbh but he was so milky No. 418603
>>418596>>418599When a man cheats on his wife he's cheating with a woman, so that's a man and a woman cheating.
When a woman cheats on her husband she's cheating with a man, so that's a man and woman cheating.
LGBT persons might mess with the numbers slightly, but they're such a low percentage of the total population that we're left with close to a 1:1 regardless.
No. 418605
>>418603Yes, but like
>>418599 said, it's not necessarily proportional. Just because you cheat WITH somebody doesn't mean they are also a cheater. A lot of people unknowingly get into affairs with people who have partners.
No. 418606
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>>418603Do you straight up not know the definition of cheating
If a married man has an affair with a single woman only the man is cheating, you idiot.
No. 418609
>>418607You're factually incorrect though. Are you ESL?
How can you be a cheater if you don't have anyone to cheat on?
No. 418625
>>418614I can see how you would get that vibe because of social media. Communism is almost exclusively looked down upon here in the US though, it's just Tumblr/Twitter liberal slacktivists that scream about being commies uwu that make it seem like it's being actively considered. Communism and socialism are both considered to be bad here, which is why Papaw Bernie lost the 2016 presidental election.
I'll level with you though, a good portion of Americans don't understand politics very well and rely too heavily on the news to make their decision for them (Fox News and CNN mostly)
No. 418627
>>418621You might think it's morally wrong, but it isn't cheating. Idk why you can't grasp what cheating even means…
That's also implying that the 3rd person in an extramarital affair is aware that there's cheating involved
No. 418631
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>>418614>>418625Forms of socialism, like universal healthcare, are gaining traction, but yeah most of the russiaboos are just 2edgy5me dumbasses who thirst over young joseph stalin and want to stick it to their parents. They have completely unrealistic and uneducated views/opinions
No. 418642
>>418627Unpopular Opinion: That isn't a
valid excuse.
No. 418643
>>418640>>418641NTA, but not only do you not even know what cheating is, you completely misunderstood anon's post to somehow mean "Women cheat with women".
Go fix your attitude problem, or at least study English more before posting opinions here so you can actually somewhat justify it, lol.
No. 418679
File: 1559808594445.gif (758.56 KB, 500x308, tumblr_n12eo4gi2p1sk9l5mo1_500…)

Dakota may have fallen off, but her 2011 Tumblr era was iconic, and no one can deny it.
This gif alone is more popular and successful than anything she's done in the years of 2017-2018. She really threw away some potential when she got lazy with her editing and chose not to take advantage S. Korea and Japan's booming plastic surgery industries to actually look like her initial photos.
No. 418691
>>418614Kind of similar but why the fuck is America so allergic to the idea of social welfare? Investment in public transport, recycling infrastructure, health care and education is such an obvious benefit to everyone and reduces corruption , I don't see why any body would choose low tax over that. It's literally the cornerstone of all the best places, including fictional utopias written by American directors.
I can't understand it for the life of me.
No. 418705
>>418679I really don't get why she still gets so much hate.
She made fun of lesbians and asians, when she was how old, 13? Her weirdass family not caring about their daughters played a huge role in her putting inappropriate shit on the internet. Normal parents would have supervised their kids, they woudn't have allowed them to post the stuff her and her sister did. Remember when they were at a party with Davie whatever, the bandguy who's a known pedo?
Meanwhile Venus has been away from Maggot for a long time already too, nowadays she lies and shoops more than Kota, yet anons still kiss her ass.
Taylor R is much older than her, copied her, shooped + had ps and now she whiteknights her husband's dirty pedo website and nevertheless anons still like her.
It feels like not even real criminal cows get shat on as much as Kota.
No. 418714
>>418705>cute>japanese aidoru>speaks japanese>actually an aidoruAnd even if she wasn't objectively cute and supposedly sucks at japanese:
>ugly>aidoru>speaks horrendously japanese>japan loves her>aidoruYou know fully well why 12 year old kids who pretend they knew her since stickam times hate on her.
No. 418719
>>418691-Social welfare must be funded by taxation, and taxation is theft
-And being guaranteed it just incentivizes poor and lazy to remain lazy people.
-And money used on inferior government services can no longer be used on superior free market ones
-So it's better to have private charities run off church donations instead
No. 418730
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>>418723That' cool, dude. Each to their own.
In my case though I like it that I can also use guns to protect myself.
No. 418746
>>418722Most countries have free speech in everything but name. I've never been censored in the country I live in.
The difference is, in America, they'll
say you have free speech on paper, but kill you off or wipe everything if you get too close to the truth, let actual fake news made to cause panic/distrust fly free, and there are people arguing that those who declare that anyone who isn't born a certain race should die (and also, ironically, support a regime that blocks and censors free speech from anyone who isn't part of that race or political party) are
valid and need to be protected under that same law of free speech, lol.
No. 418802
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>>418784>my male coworkers don't randomly turn psychotic 3 days of the month and act passive aggressive for no reason other than their fucked up hormones >my male coworkers don't complain and whine about their pains/give excuses for why they can't do work while I too am experiencing them in silence >my male coworkers don't take off their heels and wander around the office barefoot stinking the place up because "their whole body feels bloated"Nobody's better than anyone, but I much prefer working with the average man than MOST women. MOST women.
No. 418803
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Unpopular opinion: gif related was not edited with aftereffects but her falsies were lifting/moving her bangs and hair in that gif. Doesn't mean the lights didn't make her prettier on live camera than photos.
No. 418811
>>418784>>418802None of this is womens fault tho, it doesn't mean that men are superior, it only proves that women are disadvantaged.
If men had periods they wouldn't silently endure it like you do, anon, they'd be just as or likely even more vocal about it than your female coworkers. Judging women for expressing that they're in pain or don't feel well is not fair.
No. 418814
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>tfw Dakota drama was 2011/1012 and that's already several years ago
But…I remember the sperging like it happened last week…
No. 418816
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>>418814To be fair, anons started sperging years ago and haven't stopped since. The tinfoiling in the Kota thread is some next level shit.
No. 418826
>>418808You see it in the first gif happening too. I vaguely remember the wordpress/blogspot/tumblr blogs that were made by the expose army (expose what? A 13 year old and some selfies? Very
problematic guize) and iirc they were saying the gif was edited and circled the area I just mentioned. I for one am glad she made herself ugly with her shitty style, if she'd lose weight and kept a decent style or worse improved it one of them in her thread on here might skin her alive.
No. 418833
>>418831>Also with socialized medicine people are often put on waiting lists for treatment.That's true. In Germany you unironically have to wait 2 years to get an eye specialist appointment.
Still better than going broke because of medical bills like in the US tho
No. 418837
>>418831Also from America, and they're not inflated, they're just normal rates to actually support their society. And you sound like an absolute dumbass explaining this to people who are actually living it. It's called free at the point of use and I'm 100% positive these anons are aware that their competent tax system is what's paying for it.
>Idk about you but I’m willing to pay for insurance or some out of pocket money for quick treatment, rather than pay expensive taxes just to be put on a waiting list while more druggies can visit the ER on my dollar.You can still see private drs in most countries. You're paying much more for literally every service because there's no monopsony on healthcare in the US, unlike every single other first world nation. You're massively overpaying because there's no collective bargaining.
Also, kek @ "more druggies on my dollar!!", lmao. Do you have any idea how many druggies have private insurance and compromise your rates? There are tons of functional druggies in America. People can't afford to be taken care of as frequently as they need, which also boosts rates. Your insurance pool is the same shit as everyone pitching in with taxes, it's just a million times more retarded and useless and likely to leave you totally fucked.
No. 418846
>>418802 >my male coworkers don't complain and whine about their pains/give excuses for why they can't do work while I too am experiencing them in silence In my experience, men tend to whine much more while women just suck it up. Iirc there was even a study that said that men considered themselves "sick" and asked for sick days in the situationw where women just took medication, sucked it up and went to work.
>my male coworkers don't take off their heels and wander around the office barefoot stinking the place up because "their whole body feels bloated"Does your workplace require women to wear heels? Many workplaces do. If men were required to wear heels you bet they would be doing the same.
No. 418847
>>418831waiting lists obviously exist, yeah, but for shit that isn't urgent, like yearly dentist appointment etc. and if your issue isn't a crisis but you'd still rather have it looked at asap, there's still tons of private clinics to cater to that at a cost (which is still way lower than the bs us healthcare prices but nvm).
like my grandpa had developed cataracts and was put on a waiting list that's like 2 years, with the promise that he'd be moved to the top of it if they developed to the point of needing surgery asap before his queue came. he however wanted them fixed right then and there so he went thru a private clinic, which admittedly cost him like 600€ but happened in a week and a half's time. it's about choices.
No. 418850
>>4188311) Are you aware waiting lists are only for things that can wait? If you have an emergency, you will be treated right away.
2) Under socialized healthcare, you can still go and pay a private doctor to treat you and it is even cheaper in most countries than in the States without the quality of doctors going down. My neurologist studied at Yale but practices in my homecountry as a private neurologist. I pay about the equivalent of 80$ for a 3h EEG + consultation and just need to scheudeule the meeting a few days prior.
3)American healthcare prices arent the actual cost of medicines and treatments. Those prices are jacked up. It doenst actually cost a hospital several thousands of dollars to treat you for a minor injury.
4) You still pay money for healthcare though. You still pay an insurance that also is used to cover other people's injuries and illnesses. It's actually more expensive for you this way.
5) I don't know how americans can still say their healthcare system is better when you have actual factual proof that other first world countries do it better.
No. 418854
>>418851nta but how does this counter the argument socialized healthcare is bad? Like most first world countries have them (i am even enclined to say "all" but dont have proof) and if america got a healthcare system similar to those in France, Germany, Sweden, Belgium, etc, it would still have private clinics.
>>418853yea esp considering this is probably the anon spouting "taxation is theft!"
No. 418869
>>418853>Because any form of welfare system is 'communism'Is it also the reason why they don't have many trains, buses or subways except for New York? I knew a Californian woman who was working in France and who told me she loved using the train in France because it was less stressful than taking the plane but way faster than going on super long road trips with her shitty car and she wish trains were actually a thing in the US.
>>418867I know a British guy who went to the US at some point in his life and he told me that he tried to avoid eating beef as much as he could there because of how beef is made, I think it was also about how once the animals are killed the meat is washed and treated with specific products that are illegal to use in Europe or something like that. I don't have the info anymore but this thread is making me curious so I'll look it up.
No. 418877
>>418811Yeah, nah. That's a myth.
"Consistent with our previous reviews, current human findings regarding sex differences in experimental pain indicate greater pain sensitivity among females compared with males for most pain modalities, including more recently implemented clinically relevant pain models such as temporal summation of pain and intramuscular injection of algesic substances." really kinda exactly what you'd expect when comparing our primary functions. Women would have needed to be more sensitive to pain, poison, cold, etc because otherwise every pregnancy might have ended with a miscarriage. The sooner we notice any discomfort, dirt, or danger the sooner we can adjust to it, for the sake of those inside of us. Meanwhile men kinda needed to evolve greater resilience because the male job is protecting all the females they get pregnant. Those that were sissies, that prioritized their own safety, they might have not have ever been killed off directly, however all of their offspring may have, which is pretty much the same thing.
No. 418883
>>418877tell that to all the men that love to whinge in workplaces bc of their severe manflu or actual paper cuts kek
biologically you're in the right but men are socialised to be pissbabies and accommodated out the ass so, in my experience, they do whine more often about most trivial shit
No. 418887
>>418846If the men are staying home, I'm not hearing them whine. Every day there's something new to whine or complain about here. The men get in on it too so they aren't blameless, but I don't have men wandering into my office to complain about how girl A shut the door a little loudly and girl B felt personally slighted.
>>418846No, they wear flats too. It doesn't matter the type of shoe, they take them off regardless. There's no excuse for walking around barefoot in an office. It's disgusting and they do it because they are immature and childish.
I guess my issue lies more with YOUNG women than with older ones. Again, all of my complaints resolve primarily around the other 5 girls my age in this office. The 30-somethings stick to themselves but sometimes piggyback off of the young ones' behaviors.
The worst things the guys do is leave messes in the pantry area, sneeze loudly and eat all the snacks, but at least they aren't filling the common area literally crying over a cute dog video on Instagram.
No. 418891
>>418885What's up with this influx of Americans that are, honestly, backward-ass on healthcare and guns?
We've tried the whole 'arming teachers' thing, by the way, and a teacher left her handgun in the restroom and it was found by a 12 yo girl. Fabulous idea to overload people who are already exhausted, financially, mentally, and physically, from working a job that pays fuckall anymore and keeps them up late grading papers, setting up lesson plans, dealing with their own personal lives, etc.
No. 418893
>>418883Manflus are srs bzness tho.
They kill exactly 0 men per decade - or over 150 when you also count the women driven to homicide by their bitching.
No. 418900
>>418895I'm 20 you retarded shit-head, my point was that women shes talking about are being socialized are being annoying rather than being their innate nature like OP implied, so it's not about them being women but some flaw in their (highly likely WHITE, ANGLO AMERICAN) culture making them annoying, since those groups of women have an obnoxious pattern of behavior in that.
Also I don't understand why you had to say that comment about male co workers or old hag, lmao, people like you stay trying to pretend you're all for women and then revealing your internalized misogyny each and every time. Retarded fuck.
No. 418913
>>418909Technically, I am their "manager". We are a firm dealing with gov relations and these girls are mostly entry-level policy and relations assistants. Two are receptionists. Obviously, it's fucking uncomfortable to have to tell someone to put their shoes back on. I've brought it up lightly in a joking way but they've just normalized it.
I am friendly with them. I engage and laugh too, but I am still frustrated that things are this way. I am down with having fun when the time calls for it, but lately things have just been out of control here. Again, don't have these problems with the men, but maybe I am just turning a blind eye to their behaviors.
No. 418928
>>418818Same, idk where the meme of women being like this comes from. Maybe it's because I work in a professional setting but no woman I work with would ever do any of this stuff, or even talk about periods, personal stuff, etc. aside from a few that I'm closer with and we might talk privately about that sort of thing… in my experience women hold themselves to a higher standard than men do in the office. I work in politics though so it's still pretty much a boys club and women are the minority. I could go on all day about my own experiences with male versus female coworkers but it doesn't matter because anecdotal evidence is obviously not applicable to the entire population (do lolcow users realize this?).
I get the feeling the anons ITT who are complaining about how their female coworkers are ~so loud and obnoxious~ are really just autists cowering behind their desk with a stick up their ass while everyone else is socializing, to be honest.
OP, if it bothers you so much, why don't you address them directly or talk to HR or your supervisor? Like you said, the workplace isn't for having fun and being friends, so there's no reason to not be firm with them. At least try to slow this exponential growth of BEC you've got going or it'll probably come back to bite you in the ass
No. 418956
>>418954What's a half asses degree?
Most teachers have to be qualified by law.
It doesn't mean they don't have horrible personalities and a lack of common sense that would make a recipe for disaster if we were to arm them.
No. 418981
>>418954I ask this every day and to tell you the truth it is the "American" way
>"I got mine fuck you"It all ties to class, wealthy people on both sides continue to push RACE / CULTURE / GENDER / ETC. for why we shouldn't do common sense alturistic deeds.
No. 418982
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>>418969I quit near the end of the second season because it was so boring and repetitive. Only reason I watched as long as I did is bc Max Minghella is qt. The entire plot is basically:
>Men r bad>She escapes>She's captured>Forbidden love>She escapes>She's captured>Someone shows humanity>No wait they're still evil>Every man wants to fuck her despite looking the way she doesShe's such a dumb bitch the entire time, and once I found out that the actress is a scientologist IRL I stopped watching completely
No. 418994
This isn't a big deal
>>418652. But the outrage hype will turn it into one.
No. 419000
>>418885>>418954It feels like every single person, in about every country on this planet just loooves to shit on teachers.
Minimum half of "parents" should have never been allowed to reproduce.
I live in a supposedly wealthy area and nevertheless the amount of children who get completely neglected is disgustingly high. I can't imagine just how bad it must be in the US or in poorer countries.
It's a teachers job to teach. It's not their job to feed their students, yet somehow those parents who complain about stupid, useless teachers don't even manage to give their children breakfast and lunch money, no, they don't even give them something to drink. I guess teachers shoud also wash their students because somehow parents don't feel like telling their kids to shower and brush their teeth or giving them clean (and fitting) clothes is their job. You have no idea just how often teachers will hand out food or stuff to write on which they paid for with their own money. Some children are donwright touchstarved, because mommy and daddy absolutely couldn't care less.
And now you say that on top of this and already functioning as a human shield when some parents lose control over their violent son they should also have to learn how to kill…? Great.
No. 419030
>>418969I stopped watching The Handmaid's Tale mid season 2 because it was really just Torture Porn at that point. Like yea, ok, we get it. Many countries today have almost the same kind of control over women so it doesnt even seem subversive or anything.
And Elizabeth Moss playing a feminist hero while she's a scientologist?
No. 419048
>>418954Truly, I'm overcome by how dumb some of you girls are. I don't like teachers, was treated very poorly by them, but overall they're pretty decent, they do a lot of work and put up with a lot of bullshit, they usually buy their own supplies and even help kids who need supplies, etc. Financially they're totally strapped and overworked, and dealing with kids is not easy. Even if they were better paid, they can't spend their entire life dealing with kids at school, grading papers, and juggling their own personal problems. You expect someone to be a tutor, a nanny, and a security guard for 20-30 kids? Even if well compensated, it's not reasonable. One person can't be three things for 30 kids. You're delusional. Plenty of teachers suck at their jobs and just aren't equipped to handle children, but your recommendation is one weird as fuck non sequitur that solves nothing about the shooting problem.
No. 419165
>>417124Here's my unpopular opinion: I don't feel "jealousy" towards women I deem as unattractive or average, especially since I find women on average far more beautiful than men and I have my own "types" of women I consider more sexier and attractive than others, I also find SEA women on average, more attractive than EA women.
However, I feel a sense of mild.. disappointment that East Asian women with what I consider mildly attractive looks (which to me is average since imo the average woman is mildly attractive in some way or the other) getting fervent defenders calling other women "jealous white roasties!!1" for not finding them attractive. East Asian women are pretty much the only non-white women afforded this level of protection in internet circles, I noticed. Meanwhile Latina, Native, Black, Mixed, ect, literally anything except EA, can be on a objectively higher tier level of attractiveness like Meghan Markle and get sperged by other women for being ugly and average yet they don't really get fervent defenders screeching at them "lol u jealous yt roastie".
The disparity and bias is really annoying and aggravating to me tbh
No. 419278
>>419269I don't mind that she's ugly, and good on the producer's for the brave decision to go her with. It's not like only models and former Gilmore Girls would have been caught up in Gilead, so showing a range of faces correct. Just, it's more than a little distracting when they also write it so that EVERY male character falls head over heels in love with her. For a June whose husband loves her, and that's merely well liked by Nick and the Commander for say her wit and sense of humor Elizabeth Moss is perfect. For a June that's loved by everyone to where they'd risk their risk their marriages and/or getting killed it's Emilia Clarke or bust.
Or maybe I'm just a bitch.
No. 419347
>>418872I disagree
You can tell if someone has the assburgers within 10 minutes of speaking to them. The high-functioning ones don't typically get benefits anyways.
No. 419350
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>>419345Everything appeals to fags these days.
No. 419358
>>419354But its not even true… Maybe a couple online "communists" will call burning the american flag free speech but realisticly, that wont happen in real life ever. Isnt it even illegal to burn the american flag or something?
I hate brands putting the gay flag on everything as well (for other reasons though) but like this is ridiculous. Go burn an american flag and see how much people say "free speech". Istg right wingers will try anything to make themselves appear to be
No. 419365
>>419361Cry about. Not everyone supports gays and trannies just because they're
victims of everyone always ever.
No. 419389
>>419364Maybe if you reside only on Tumblr and tranny Discords.
Try doing that in the middle of your town and see what happens. Hint: You will most likely get in trouble somehow.
Anything to play the
victim, though.
No. 419425
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People who wear black clothing are boring unimaginative fucks. Whenever I see a person wearing all black, I think that they think they can get away with not being able to put an outfit together and can still look ~sophisticated~ by wearing black. But I see you, I see what you're doing. Look up a colour wheel, you boring fucks.
No. 419482
>>419474How do I type like a womyn?
My opinion but…I hate how people think there's a way to act or think or write like a woman, nigga what?
No. 419495
>>419482Agree, I've been called male on here for being an asshole. I sometimes am an angry and entitled femcel-tier bitch, sure, but that doesn't mean I have a dick lol.
Some women are shitty and fucked up in a way that's different than you, anons. Many have also become engrossed in /r9k/ culture so come off as robots themselves.
No. 419510
>>419506It doesn't make sense to go to pride if you're transphobic?
Say what you want on lolcow, but pride has always included trans people.
No. 419537
>>419516even more unpopular of an opinion i guess but there shouldn't be an acronym to begin with, i get it in a historical context but now there's no overlap
trannies are their own homophobic mess but most bisexuals are in straight relationships and rarely face any repercussions for their sexuality, also anyone can claim to be bi to escape responsibility for homophobic behavior because these days you're not allowed to question the uwu validity of one's ~identity~. and while lg people are both exclusively same sex attracted it's still a majorly different experience to be a lesbian. gay men are idolized and lesbians get treated like shit by all other orientations, even gay men who should be able to understand look down on anybody who doesn't worship dick. i'm questioning whether or not i'm a lesbian and if it turns out that i am i wouldn't want to be associated with the other 3 letters, i used to empathize a lot more with them but all they want to do is talk shit about lesbians and discredit them for their role in gay rights to begin with. so fuck them.
No. 419637
>>419578stop being butthurt because you can't see past your own nose and realize that people are annoyed with the majority and you cant even see that you're complaining about ess jay doublejews for the fact that people don't eat your ass for being ~bi uwu~ and you are specifically bitching about gatekeeping rn lmfao
Nobody is saying you cant go to pride and what not to celebrate that side of you but "bi" is just the mental health self diagnosing of sexualities and most people who claim it are June&Jill tier.
(Nobody is shitting on bisexual as a concept,but being fake gay/jumping on labels is literally a cow trait for a reason and just because people are complaining about this specific trait instead of in relation to a cow doesnt mean ur being attacked.)
No. 419649
>>419467imagine being this retarded.
this is not even an unpopular opinion among ignorant fucks that think they understand complex mental illness better than the affected people and trained profesionals.
just say that you love to blame ill people for being sick and go.
No. 419700
>>419653Seems like it but they're getting banned left and right so thats fine. Just wish anons would stop replying to them.
>>419594I understand your perspective but also fight me
No. 419761
>>419467I believe chemical imbalance being the primary source of depression is not completely true. Or actually, what leads to that chemical imbalance is people being forced to be in a state that is unnatural for their psyche.
For example: modern work and school enviroments, the way some parents raise their children, expectations, experienced trauma etc etc. Basically a lot of it comes from social constructions that are forced upon us.
Also pills can help you cope, but they can't fix the source of the problem. Since everyone is different and their life experience different, the source is different too. Just putting people in boxes doesn't work. So to truly fight off depression you constantly have to work on changing and getting to know both the "real you" and where it truly stems from. But depression being the motherfucker makes it hard and it makes you want to give up.
I guess people here will tell me this is already well known, but some of my friends went to a psychiatrist and got their pills after 10 minutes o telling them their problems. And every session after that is short and is basically "here, have more pills" or "we'll change the pills" without actually working on the source of the problem of their patient.
No. 419919
>>419822Noses like that are considered ugly, because they're seen as masculine.
I have it too and it really feels like shit to be surrounded by cute button-nosed girls.
No. 420022
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There is no such thing as trypophobia. Feeling grossed out from seeing holes in skin makes sense, because it could signify disease or something else wrong with a person. But getting triggered by seeing honeycomb or a group of stones is bullshit. art is by Miles Johnston
No. 420035
>>420022I feel like its a mostly learned fear, like spiders. People are afraid of it because everyone else says its gross/scary.
If as many people had trypophobia as they claimed to, I don't think fishnets and polkadots would be anywhere near as popular as they are
No. 420039
>>420022I think it is rooted in a real disgust of actual things, like myiasis
nsfl if you google that. But people who say they get disgusted at bubbles and other things that generally don't have to do with gore and rot are probably full of shit.
No. 420060
>>420022I really enjoy looking at pictures like that and have never understood the fuss. I think I have strong grooming instincts, because every so often I'll watch people delouse hair, pop pimples and clean feet on youtube for fun. My mouth salivates (not sure why) as I'm watching someone being groomed from disgusting to clean and I wish I was there myself to clean them.
I look at the comments on the videos and a lot of people seem to feel the same way I do.
No. 420113
>>420112Absolutely 100% agree, anon. Short men are leagues more attractive than average or big men.
It's such a shame most seem to avoid dating taller women, often due to that complex you mentioned.
No. 420253
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Endgame spoilers
Tony deserved to die. He was the most annoying and egoistical of the avengers. In all 3 iron man movies his only improvement was painfully rushed/fake because they were plot devices not actual developments. I have a feeling most of his fanboys are like "this is totally me".
the reverse snap was lame. It felt like I was watching the 3rd movie in a dead series that's trying to use time travel to meet the old cast all over. The movie also spent as to much time talking to the older MCU cast. The 2nd snap also didnt sacrifice much because all you have to do is revive them with a snap. The soul stone also not allowing some one to be snapped back is one of the laziest plot points I've seen
This more nitpicky, but in the time travel scene im which antmans age changed it rubbed me the wrong way. This was supposed to be a gag the audience is supposed to forget about, but the MCU team just implied they could reverse aging. Why not reverse captian America's age?
I'm putting this under unpopular because when I texted my friends this I woke up with 20 'you're wrong' texts
No. 420472
>>420297That doesn't really matter, the end effect is still the same.
>>420200Your height has got nothing to do with your face shape tho, tall guys with cute, round faces exist too.
No. 420479
>>420465>Howard Stark being gay/biExplain?
Agreed with the feminist scene being corny though. I consider myself a feminist but that scene made me cringe. If you want to show badass females, show female characters actually doing badass things. Don’t just do a pandering shot of all the female characters and then have them do nothing throughout the rest of the movie. I did like Endgame but that was a complaint I had.
No. 420485
>>420479It's in Agent Carter, video related. There's also this scene This might be some people reaching but I can buy Howard actually being into Steve because that would explain why he was still obsessed with him decades later and Tony complaining about him taking about Steve non-stop. I also think it's pretty telling he's comparing himself to Peggy.
The show has also a way better flashback about the Black Widow program than in Age of Ultron but it's pretty brutal so I can see why they wouldn't show something like this in the more family-friendly movies. I hope we'll see more about it in the Black Widow movie because I miss the more "grounded" MCU movies these days.
No. 420502
>>420494That's funny because I really liked the time travelling scenes more than anything else in the movie. It was dumb fanservice but there were some really funny scenes and it worked for me because of my nostalgia filter, and it was obvious that was the point of the entire movie. Problem is, the way they explained time travel in the movie made sense until we see Steve fuck off to the past, where every outcome possible is terrible or out of character:
-Steve goes back to the past, creates a stable time loop by not messing with anything that happened in the movies and Agent Carter. That means he was hiding for decades from Howard who was obsessed with him and looked for him for decades after his "death", he knew that Bucky was detained somewhere but never bothered looking for him, knew that Hydra infiltrated SHIELD but never told his wife anything about it, he knew about Howard's murder but never did anything because "if it happened, it has to happen". He also cucks Peggy's love interest in Agent Carter but he also retroactively kissed his own niece.
-or worse, he creates an alternate timeline by messing with past events. He chills there with his Peggy and things are different because he "came" back, but that means he's still leaving another Steve Rogers who is NOT him in a coma in the ice because that would ruin his marriage. Not only is he cucking the dude from Agent Carter, he's cucking himself but also not really. The Peggy he's marrying isn't his Peggy either. And the producers, writers and directors can't agree on which interpretation is canon. Anyway I'll stop sperging but it's amazing how the last 3 minutes of the movie ruined so many things at once. I still liked the movie overall though.
No. 420612
>>420597H-how dare you, anon! Don't you realize how widely oppressed asexuals are? Why, one time my aro/ace friend was asked if she had a boyfriend! That's practically corrective rape!
But seriously yeah get that shit off my pride. It should be LGB only to begin with.
No. 420638
>>420622It's snowflakey because they're trying to turn a dating
preference into a bullshit sexuality, thereby making it a part of their identity. It's common that a lot of people would want some sort of emotional attraction to the people they fuck, regardless if they already find them physically attractive, and don't think it's some special uwu sexuality that needs admittance into the alphabet soup. There are a lot of people who I think are conventionally attractive that I still wouldn't fuck based on other criteria. Some people are fine with casually fucking a stranger and others are not, it's just a preference.
No. 420646
>>420642>Yeah it is, and even if it wasn't common, it doesn't merit it being called a fucking sexual orientation. "Demisexual" just sounds like boring fucking straight people trying to find a way to be special and in with LGBT yet again. Can you like, read posts and actually apply and comprehend what has been said in them, or what? You sound like an absolute sperg getting overly angry when I'd already said in my first post that it's some snowflakey shit. The only thing I disagree about is the fact that it isn't common. I get that you retards want to discredit these tumblr tier morons, but just because they're calling it a sexuality like dumbfucks doesn't mean it's "how everyone is", or even that it's particularly common.
Take a look at LC, for example, and just take note of all the girls thirsting after strangers super desperately based on looks alone.
No. 420693
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imagine thinking demisexual is an actual thing in 2019
couldn’t be me
No. 420716
>>420646The fact that "demisexuals" always react with rage whenever they explain their sexuality and people say, "Oh me too!" says it all.
When gay people come out and the person they come out to says, "Oh me too!" or "Hey, that sounds like me, maybe I'm gay?" they don't get angry. Because being gay isn't about being the most super special little snowflake in the land.
Demisexuals always get angry. And that says everything I need to know.
No. 420720
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People like this who have 1 or even 2 disabled kids and still decide to have another. Like, maybe it's a sign from God?
What a ridiculous, avoidable problem, as well as showing a lack of compassion.
No. 420731
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>>420723Actually anon, I looked at his profile and 2 of his kids legit are downs.
And I love how he has a right-wing pro-brexit filter overlay on a pic of his downs kid, you can't make this shit up. Working class britons are something else.
I'm gonna make a safe presumption that they decided to have more disabled kids for that sweet, sweet disability dosh. So fucking selfish to use children like that.
No. 420739
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>>420733It's supposed to mean that they don't experience attraction, not just that they don't want to sleep with people they don't know. They're not synonyms. Being sexually attracted to someone doesn't mean you technically would have sex with them irl.
>>420693I never said it was a thing. I said it's not "how everyone is". Were that the case, none of you girls would be watching porn or commenting in the "guys you're ashamed to want to fuck" or "attractive guys you want to fuck" threads. It's incredibly stupid, for the tenth time, that people try to claim it's a sexuality. Doesn't mean "everyone is like that" though.
No. 420746
>>420742You can be sexually attracted to someone but not necessarily want to have sex with them, in reality, for whatever reason. Like, sexually attracted as a fantasy but not irl, like, maybe how guys are with futa shit or whatever, or like, being sexually attracted to someone trashy, but not actually wanting to fuck them irl. Allegedly, demisexuals don't feel sexual attraction at all to people they don't know, which is a far cry from how most people are, in my experience. I don't think it's a sexuality and it's some dumb shit to try to leech off of gays, but I don't think most people feel 0 sexual attraction without experiencing an emotional bond to/with them the way people who say "bUt eVeRyoNe Is LiKe ThAt!!!!!!!" claim.
I can't speak to whether or not 'demisexuals' truly don't experience sexual attraction without an emotional bond, but to claim that's how most people are is a lie because they really aren't. Any fringe wannabe sexualities are all silly stuff, but I don't think, based on its description, that it's actually something incredibly common like people who criticize tumblr 'sexualities' try to claim.
No. 420751
>>420747>You keep admitting it's snowflakey but still try to cape for them by claiming it's "rare" for people to only want to sleep with other people they form emotional connections with. It's not.You can hold both opinions simultaneously. Once again, sexual attraction doesn't necessarily mean = want to sleep with them irl. It's possible people feel 0 sexual attraction to anyone unless they're close to them, and that's very different from "I wouldn't actually want to fuck him, but he turns me on". Whether or not that exists, I don't know, but I know it's not common like you guys are claiming because you want to debunk tumblr kid claims.
Like, it's easy enough to just debunk it by making clear it's not a sexuality, obviously, but I think the claim that it's "how everyone is" or is "really common" isn't true and isn't necessary to nullify it as a sexuality. It doesn't fit the criteria to even be a sexuality, that's all that needs to be said, period. The "everyone is like that!!" thing isn't true at all and doesn't need to be said.
No. 420757
>>420751>You can hold both opinions simultaneouslyAnd yet they are still contradictory. That's the point. you are contradicting yourself when you say they are snowflakes but then go on to say but it's actually super rare tho11!1
>Once again, sexual attraction doesn't necessarily mean = want to sleep with them irl.Then what does it mean, genius? If not the obviously sexual urge to sleep with someone else. Whether the person would actually go through with it or not is irrelevant. The attraction is still there.
>The "everyone is like that!!" thing isn't true at all and doesn't need to be said.No one said "everyone" stop strawmanning. There are obviously people who like to fuck casually, and then there are others who only want to sleep with people they form emotional connections to. That's all.
No. 420765
>>420762>>420759Adversion to sex comes down to nature-vs-nurture. Adverse sexual experiences or trauma in early childhood can be culprits, though hormonal imbalances and other conditions to contribute to low sex drive.
Are humans asexual? No, though people can be non-sexual or abstain from sex. Asexuality cannot be a sexuality because at its core it means to be biologically sexless.
There are people who do not experience sexual desire in any case (sexually adverse, abstinent, etc.) and there are people with a low desire for sex who remain sexual, with periods of no sexual behavior as well.
As with monogamy vs. polygamy, I imagine there is also a genealogical and sociocultural element in "non-sexual" peoples as well. It goes beyond practicing protestant abstinence to complete avoidance/aversion of the other sex in very restrictive cultures.
No. 420798
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I have no issue with body preferences but there seems to be an issue especially among americans nowadays where they call women who clearly have good amounts of breast fat, flat chested, calling women with decent hip to waist ratio, curveless, women with round and proportional butts flat…etc
anyone else notice this? it's been bothering me, any average woman from a non-obese country would be considered rectangles according to americans, or even better when they claim thin women who have more ratio than a fat girl is curvless and rectangle shaped fat girls are curvy, do they just see lots of fat and thats enough to be considered curves to them regardless of where it goes?
No. 420801
>>420798I don't get it either.
I don't really like this woman's body though.
Skinny women look the best with muscle and meat on them like Naomi Campbell
No. 420803
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>>420801IG, everyone has their preferences, but I just find people who like more extreme figures tend to be way more mentally unstable and more focused on bashing women who don't have said body type they like, I just want to know, why?
is it a jealousy thing for women? is it a revenge fantasy thing for men?
No. 421172
>>420622It's not "most" people. Some people, mostly men. People also tend to have varying conceptions of what "knowing someone" means. How long before you sleep with someone without being promiscuous? What is a "meaningful connection"? Plenty people also use sex as a means of self destruction.
If we're talking demisexuals as per their definition of
feeling sexual attraction only once you've had a deep connection, well, most people I know fit into that description and yet have one night stands for other reasons.
No. 421436
>>421435I feel you anon.
Yeet is the new Yolo and it's awful.
No. 421464
>>420622Not true. I have had many opportunities to have one night stands. Most of them felt rushed and weird afterwards. Not because I was assaulted or forced, not because the person wasn't attractive or nice I just don't like the feeling compared to a familar body. I am a serial monogamous and there are many out there the same. A lot of people think the way you do about casual sex but I can assure you it's not all hump and dump out there.
I have the same approach to sex though, I never get an urge to just randomly have sex, I need cuddles, kisses or talk to get me there.
Biggest turnoff is when someone goes directly to boob squeezing or just puts their fingers straight in.
No. 421469
>>421464Yeah, agree with you completely.
I have never had the urge to pursue a 1 night stand. For me, what makes intimacy enjoyable is pretty much everything else that comes before it.
No. 421563
>>421549Switch off the action movies and go watch some combat sports. They all have weight classes with a lot of these classes being as little as 5-10 lbs apart. They do this because more often than not the bigger fighter wins. If you want to be safe get a gun. If you can't own a gun then get a tazer or mace, and drive wherever you can rather than walk. Knives are risky because they can be taken and used against you a lot easier than you would think.
>I suggest trying karateI'd suggest you don't because its useless. If you want a useful martial art then go with boxing, kick boxing, or wrestling. BJJ can be useful as well if you go the wrestling route. Just don't put yourself in unnecessary danger due to a false sense of security.
No. 421565
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>>421549Unpopular or not, it's a stupid opinion to think you can karate your way out of a knife fight, or any kind of fight against someone stronger than you. You just come across as sheltered.
No. 421594
>>421593>kinda unfair for a kid to be subject to that lifestylemost gay parents are boring and average. your promiscuous swinger gays aren't the type to settle down. meanwhile het couples into freaky BDSM shit have kids ALL the time.
theres nothing natural about adoption anyway, whether it a gay couple or straight couple so thats a weird point to bring up too.
are all your straight friends perfectly normie and well adjusted or are you just looking at your gay friends with a more critical eye?
No. 421604
>>421549>mace, knives, tasers, etc, can failAnd what, you think your l33t martial arts skills won't?
Newsflash Sweety: Most to all violent criminals know how to fight as well, and even professional fighters will collapse after taking a massive fist to the face.
Plus a lot of classes marketed as being for women specifically are certified feel good bullshit that's likely to only piss an attacker off. Take something like krav maga or parkour* as a possible supplement to basic weapons training and common sense, sure, but please don't ever be stupid enough to rely on it.
*Because you don't actually need to incapacitate someone if you can simply create some distance.
No. 421605
>>421594I have a few unstable hetero friends and I don't believe unstable straight couples should be able to adopt either.
Like I said I'd probably be open to case by case adoption in the future for gay adoption, I'm just not swayed right now. I'll admit I am bias because I am yet to meet someone with gay parents that turned out normal. A kid I worked with was a pathological liar and really bizarre. A lot of the other females at work ignored his terrible work ethic and would say things like 'oh he has issues'
His parents were lesbian. I tried to be understanding but he was incredibly lazy and would lie about weird shit all the time.
I also worked with children at one point in my career and one particular knew way to many details about his parents divorce and how one of them is with another lady. Kudos for being open with your kid but they were 5. Call me old fashioned but marital issues should stay between parents if your kid is under 8. I feel like some of these people are too concerned with their own happiness. If I got divorced after having a kid, I'd either not pursue a relationship and focus on raising my kid or keep it private.
No. 421611
>>421593And…what exactly is this lifestyle…?
Also did you know that swinger clubs are prevalent and full of straight married people? Adoptions are already case by case. You obviously have no clue how much of a process adopting is… They’re not just handing babies out like a bunny store before Easter.
No. 421612
>>421605if a couple - regardless of whether they're straight or gay - is willing to go through the entire process of adoption I doubt that they're as poorly behaved as your friends. do you not realize how difficult and long the adoption process is?
idk why everyone on this site insists on using their anecdotal evidence as proof of any actual phenomena. I know plenty of people who are pathological liars and really bizarre that are born to and raised by straight parents, doesn't mean that all people born to and raised by straight parents are going to be like that…
it's indubitably better for a kid to be adopted by two gay parents than live their life in an orphanage in some third world country or bouncing around from foster home to foster home or living with some meth head in a trailer park.
No. 421618
>>421563>>421565>>421579>>421581>>421592>>421594>>421604>You watch too many movies!!! No I don't. And when I wrote self defense I also didn't mean the stuff you teach old ladies, like "hit between his legs, scream and run". I wrote this because training since I was a child has made me very strong. I'm tired of girls constantly whining about feeling "unsafe" - yet just like you, they're too lazy to even give it a chance. Quit being so dismissive. Don't you see what kind of losers commit crimes? Most of them are not muscular, if you know the right technique, then even a short girl could win against them.
Also, the "weapons" you use are illegal in many places outside the US.
No. 421622
>>421619What would you do? Silently accept your fate without even trying to fight? Tell him "Wait a minute, I've got to search for the weapon in my bag"?
My chances would be better than yours.
No. 421624
>>421618>Also, the "weapons" you use are illegal in many places outside the US.And?
So what?
Even injuring an attacker is illegal in many places. In both cases it's still preferable to be safe than sorry.
And again, what I stressed was karate,etc, as a supplement. Do have it as an additional line of defense, but don't have it as your only one.
No. 421625
>>421605adoption already is case-by-case you loon. it's not like straight couples go through a long process but gay couples get to just walk in and pick a baby. its hard to adopt.
>I'll admit I am bias because I am yet to meet someone with gay parents that turned out normal. you met one weirdo with gay parents, but you've never met a weirdo with straight parents?
> Call me old fashioned but marital issues should stay between parents if your kid is under 8. trust me, kids know when there is something bad going on in a marriage. you don't need to be told about the divorce to know mommy and daddy hate eachother, be woken up by their arguments at night or sense the resentment.
No. 421633
>>421618Girls aren’t feeling unsafe because they’re too lazy to train to be a martial artist like you, r/iamverybadass.
Have you ever considered that people may not have the time or the money or the body that allows them to train to a level where it makes a difference?
God imagine taking initiative to feel safer with what you can and then get shamed by some retard. Next thing you’ll be saying it’s women’s fault for getting assaulted because this is Sparta and we were all too lazy and weak.
No. 421720
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>>421704tits similar to this I guess I would describe it? idk, I feel grossed out and unnerved when I see tits that either aren't flat or don't look perfect, even breasts that would be considered objectively attractive by universal standards don't sit well with me and I'd be unhappy having them and feel disgusted by myself and terrified by my body
and I know they're fake - that's the point, I feel like an alien sometimes
>>421711I'm not attracted to breasts, I just feel absolutely sick and disgusted with things as vulnerable and sensitive as sexual parts not being perfect on me because it feels like that's what my worth revolves around no matter what I do or achieve
No. 421742
>>421734Lolcow when women don't have these exact tits: lol you're a shame to call yourself a woman these are a sad mistake for tits
Woman:I want these tits
Lolcow:whaaaaatt why they need to look soft they look like pecs love yourself anon
No. 421750
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>>421742I never said love yourself. My opinion is that they look bad, because they do. Her skin is overly stretched and you can see that her skin is struggling to stretch over them. If she needs to take those implants out for any reason her breasts are absolutely going to be deflated and crinkled. They do absolutely look like built pecs. Here, take a shit collage. As another anon said, not typically the same people. Honestly the culture is different on /ot/ from /snow/.
No. 421751
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>>421696>I've literally starved myself because of how much I feel like having sexual attributes that aren't "perfect" is grossThis is a common thing among women, I think.
It is caused by mass media. Our instincts don't prepare us to compare ourselves to billions of other people via telecommunications, just our local hunter-gatherer tribe.
Anyone… anyone at all… can be made to feel inferior over the Internet. There are just too many other women who you can compare yourself to. Unless you are literally the most beautiful person on the planet, you
will have that feeling of insecurity.
Men are not very picky and it doesn't matter that you are not an IRL anime character. Men's complaints about former partners are never "She wasn't sexy enough" - that stuff isn't what actually matters in a relationship. It's all about personal compatibility.
No. 421759
>>421751It horrifies me men think this way
When he takes my clothes off I just want to enjoy the moment, not be terrified of him just tearing me apart and saving a mental image to judge me later and compare me to others
I already avoid men and have ended relationships or refused intimacy for this very reason of knowing how judgemental men are when it comes to womens bodies, so congrats men, all these years of bashing women you got what you want of us 90% hideous women with ugly tits and weird smelly vaginas and ugly butts to leave you alone
No. 421802
The corporate-funded feminist exodus of women from natural home lives into unhealthy corporate environments was the single worst thing to ever happen to women. It was simply a measure for corporations to double their worker-consumer base by exploiting a new population. "The Paradox of Declining Female Happiness"
>By most objective measures the lives of women in the United States have improved over the past 35 years, yet we show that measures of subjective well-being indicate that women’s happiness has declined both absolutely and relative to men. "Liberated and Unhappy"
No. 421814
>>421812The situation you relate happens as well for women who want families, but it's also a trend that many women simply never have children or families because their work gets in the way. This is a big factor in the decreasing fertility of more developed countries.
It's really screwed up, but it happens so slowly and gradually that no one questions it.
It pisses me off when corporations try to signal how "woke" they are by how many female wage slaves they have. Literally exploit people and then get patted on the back for it. I bet if you asked the women who work there, they wouldn't have much positive to say about how "progressive" that soulless conglomerate is.
No. 421818
>>421593>but the other part of me says if you chose that lifestyle, it's not natural.What do you mean by "chose that lifestyle"? Yea I agree a lot of the lifestyle of gaymen is hookups and taking ketamine but thats not the lifestyle of those who adopt. My best friend is the most assimilated gay guy ever. He's rich and in a stable loving long relationship with his fiancé. There's literally no way a child would be better off without a family then with them. Adoption screenings are already really strict (at least in my country).
>>421625>trust me, kids know when there is something bad going on in a marriage. this! People think kids are much more stupid than they are. Did everyone forget how they were as a child? Because I remember having very clear and constructed thoughts as a kid (yes, undevelopped and immature but still), I noticed when my father was drunk and I noticed when my mother was overworked no matter how much they were hiding it. My mom told me how she was shocked when she overheard me and my friend from ballet class (when we were like 8) having a real discussion about how both are fathers are alcoholics. Children notice things, they're not (all) retarded.
>>421752I don't know… My breasts are huge and droopy. LC would call them udders in a second. I'm at a healthy BMI but have the tits of a 50 yo obese mother of 3.
No. 421823
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>>421593I think you're right. It doesn't seem to work out well for children. "How different are the adult children of parents who have same-sex relationships?"
No. 421841
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anyone who thinks gay men should be able to adopt should look at the rates of child molestation.
despite being 1.2% of the population………………………
No. 422050
>>421802No, they're learning to be more upfront about their emotions instead of faking a smile 24/7 like they did in the 50s
If women are so miserable having to work to survive explain the fact that so many housewives were abused, having to see a psychologist, put into mental hospitals, prescribed pill after pill
Explain the fact that there were so many female mental hospitals if women are so happy without evil feminism making them work for themselves and not have to latch onto some
abusive man to survive
No. 422092
>>422089Gay men are overwhelmingly the most frequent child-rapist demographic and unless you have a mind reading machine there is no way to vet them.
It's genuinely mindboggling that you can justify the inevitable rape of innocent children with the excuse that gay men might get their feelings hurt by not being able to adopt. I wish you could speak to a rape
victim and tell him this sanctimonious garbage you regurgitated from a Buzzfeed article.
(ban evasion) No. 422094
>this is a meta analysis, they gathered dataalso you
>gay men are rapists, just believe me, we don't actually have evidence. No. 422097
>>422095fucking this. is OP a man?
anyone who says that rape is inevitable or "an accident" is a fucking retard either way. even for pedos, rapists make a
choice to rape. to say that there is any kind of reliable evidence that homosexual pedos rape more often is laughable.
No. 422098
>>422086>>422092You can weasel your way out of acknowledging actual reputable data all day with loopholes but how is your own opinion any more reputable than nearly 80 studies?
Where is your evidence that gay men are overwhelmingly the most frequent child rapist demographic? I'm assuming you're mistaking male pedophiles who abuse boys for being gay when in most cases male pedophiles are not gay, just degenerates who would abuse kids of whatever gender as long as it's convenient for them. Pedophiles also often go after boys because they are more likely to keep quiet about their abuse. Pedophiles are typically not attracted to gender they are attracted to youth.
Do you think kids who are getting adopted are living good lives? No, they're living in poverty or orphanages in foreign countries, likely being sexually, physically, and mentally abused (or are infants who would otherwise grow up to experience this). It's genuinely mind boggling that you can justify not allowing a specific demographic to save a child from a horrible life because of the off change that the couple adopting them is going to abuse them. Not to mention, there are plenty of incidences of heterosexuals couples sexually abusing adopted/foster kids, here's one: but I'm not going around screeching that straight couples should be banned from adopting.
No. 422114
>>422110Where's the lie though
I wouldn't call myself an incel pertaining to it's literal meaning, I've had multiple partners, use to model and have several admirers (sorry if this sounds like some shitty copy pasta or whatever)
It's just that men, even if they're in relationships with attractive women, still find things to nitpick and bitch over, like the collage in the man hating threads of men admitting their girlfriend is attractive inside and out"but she just needs bigger tits though!" And are willing to emotionally abuse or even dump said girlfriends unless she magically gets bigger tits or gets implants, I just don't understand, they chase relationships but then pretend to be miserable even if they get everything they want, what's the point if you can never satisfy them? Mutual feelings in the relationship are too much to ask of men
No. 422183
>>422112But so what if a kid of gay parents becomes gay? It doenst even happen that often but even if it did, so what? Why would that be bad?
Also homosexuality isnt a "snowflake identity".
No. 422279
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I’d rather see thin eyebrows over a harsh instabrow drawn over sparse brows or bad micro blading. Thin eyebrows can be more flattering just filled in a teeny bit even if it’s not the wave right now.
No. 422328
>>422279I think it depends on the face, some people look really good with thin eyebrows, like drewdrew in your pic, and others look far better with thicker brows. one look can't suit everyone.
that being said, Instagram block brows rarely look good on anyone imo, slightly filled in natural brows are the best in my eyes.
No. 422839
>>422786That is one situation of a few where I think putting children in the forefront is appropriate. It's one thing to put yourself through abuse, it's another thing to introduce kids who didn't ask for it into the abuse as well. Especially if the woman has shown a desire to have children, esp with the abuser.
I resent my mom for that. She had me with my
abusive bio dad anyway and even decades later she still tries to play up her suffering as if mine was any less just because I was a child. It really affected my upbringing and the court system didn't drop custody from my dad until he literally abandoned me in a field after an argument when I was in 13.
No. 422861
>>422782I actually think the opposite in that I think everyone can pull off a red lip, it's just that so many people try and wear the wrong shade/undertone or they apply it in a way that makes it look bad. For example: people with thin lips going for dark matte shades, people with cool undertones using warm reds, people overlining poorly, etc.
One of the things I hate most about today's viral beauty culture is that people will buy the EXACT shade an influencer uses whether or not it will suit them and they'll stick to it just because it's popular.
No. 423499
>>423436Not everyone has anxiety or depression, as
>>423441 said if everyone it's doing it they're most likely fucking lying. Nowadays people scream "I'm depressed!" when they just had a bad week and think feeling ~gloomy it's the same as being chronically depressed for years. I'm sick of people shielding their stupid/shitty behaviour on self-diagnosed bullshit.
No. 423605
>>423499being depressed isn't the same as depression. let people have that shit.
my unpopular opinion is that most people on the site are mentally ill but not aware of it and they come off like children to people who aren't. and the worst part is a lot of people on here seem to think their thoughts and contributions are meaningful, but they're just turning the site into an echochamber.
No. 424171
>>424165I had ox tongue recently without knowing it, I just assumed it was beef. It was pretty yum but ngl the thought made me feel kinda sick afterwards.
Worst shit I've tried was raw horse meat and liver. I didn't want it but I was overseas and didn't wanna be rude. Never again.
No. 424206
>>424200I'm so sick of his Aries tornado schtick too anon, they even admitted he hams it up on camera but it's gotten so stale now
I don't mind him being there, it's nice that they are such a big part of each other's lives, but lately he completely dominates her videos as if he doesn't already have his own channel. Any feedback about him is just kids that love the random wacky hijinks though so it will never stop
I wish it was acceptable to comment how disruptive he is to some videos without being discounted as a hater, it's just as much a
valid criticism as low audio quality or bad research would be.
No. 424222
>>424206Or it's women saying "Aww, I want a Julian! He's so supportive, relationship goals uwu"
Maybe it's just because I'm a really low-energy person but even the idea of being attached at the hip to that overgrown toddler is hell to me.
Also, if a popular male youtuber had a girlfriend who was that disruptive/obnoxious she'd be torn to shreds by his fans, let's be real.
No. 425134
I hate majority shonen anime, it's obviously too kiddy for me, but I tried watching Demon Blade the other day and I just had to stop at the second episode. It had too much of a buddy-buddy feel to it. Seinen anime is so much better, why is it so hard to find good shows now? The last anime I could fully get into was Youkai Watch.
>>425073Unisex fashion is better.
No. 425136
>>425133>>425127NTA but female's fashion has been really fucking ugly since the mid 2000s as a whole
while male fashion gets more conservative and unsexy, female fashion gets more skanky and over the top.
FUCK this generation.
No. 425144
>>425073Ok but this is just factual untrue and the opposite
>>425136Oh so you're boring
No. 425156
>>425144You have bad taste and probably dress like shite if you think the gunk put out right now is good on average. The fabric is weak as shit and they don't even make deep pockets anymore.
>>425150Conservative in this context basically means "not showing any skin".
>>425151crop tops