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No. 399564
>>399556i’ve never eaten seafood so i’m right there with ya, bud. however, vegetable tempura sushi is
to die for. seriously. the combination of the deep fried onion and yam, the crunchiness of the panko batter, the freshness of cucumber, avocado and super fine carrot, all wrapped together on an inverted maki roll with even more crunchy delicious panko on the outside and drizzled with a sweet sauce…
fuck im hungry
No. 399661
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Unless they’re high waisted and somehow manage to not be nanna panties like pic related then men’s undies are always superior to women’s
No. 399757
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>>399681same, I just buy the multi packs from supermarkets. sometimes they are pretty cute ((imo)), esp the ones with lace band around tummy. and no wedgies or yeast infections! sorta want to try boxers now though haha
No. 399781
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>>399661Samefag but I don’t mean undies like boxers, I cannot wrap my head around the idea of just wearing what is essentially shorts under your clothes, specifically undies like this are extremely comfy - I can easily get them to be high waist and flattering if I size up and they nicely show off my ass without the entire thing being exposed to the elements
And I thought it was an unpopular opinion since a lot of women now wear gstrings/things 24/7 and I cannot imagine subjecting myself to that kind of discomfort just in case there’s a possibility of me getting fucked; maybe I’m an outlier but I’m going to be naked when getting a good dicking anyway so what’s the point of the discomfort of lingerie unless it’s put on just before and specifically for foreplay
No. 400085
>>400075Cats need meat you twat. The issue is that you crazies
intentionally are depriving cats of their needs, whereas people who buy garbage cat food are only doing it on accident.
Also neither of you should own cats lmao
No. 400087
>>400075If you want your animal to have a diet that aligns with your morality then get a fucking herbivore, there are countless pets out there that have vegan diets by default and you wouldn’t be harming them by forcing your ethics on them
Pretty anti vegan to force a carnivore on a vegan diet tbh
No. 400147
>>400143Don’t be daft anon, both kibble and wet food are rubbish!! Everyone knows that the SUPERIOR diet for a domesticated cat is to let them roam free and hunt all of their food!
Obviously /s but I feel like it should really go without saying that for any animal you should mix up their diet so they get all their nutrients and you don’t damage their digestive systems
No. 400467
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i dont know what's the shittier version of ot, the one so troon poisoned they accuse normal women of looking like trannies or the one with the nasolabial fetish
either or are influenced by the opinion of men
No. 400873
>>400474Is this sarcasm or something? I've been reading on cat diets quite a lot and I've never heard anything about wet food being bad for cats because they wouldn't be able to digest it. Maybe if you feed them some cheap shit that has like 4% meat by-products and the rest is something plant-based, then yeah I could see it, otherwise I'm calling bullshit.
While kibble is not going to immediately kill your cat if she eats it every now and then (especially if it's high quality), it still increases the risk of developing diabetes and kidney problems.
No. 401424
>>400959Relationship advice is stupid, I agree, but for a different reason.
People don't like to follow it and they try to justify their situation even though they asked for advice in the first place.
No. 401576
>>401491Because people like porn, anon.
At least they're using fan fiction and fan art to get your rocks off rather than the fucked up
abusive porn industry.
No. 401714
>>401491because sex sells and people are horny, especially weebs/nerds
I find that a lot of them are starting to stick to their own circles and keep their horny posting to themselves, I hope others do the same.
No. 402157
>>402150I hate GoT season. Seeing supposed radfems defend GoT and pretend that it’s somehow now literal porn and ok to watch as long as you can ~examine~ and ~remain critical~ of “the bad parts” is making me feel crazy.
GoT is porn
you can’t fucking deny it! Watching porn is inherently anti-feminist! Why are you pretending that it’s suddenly not in this case ?!
No. 402168
>>402163In what way is it not porn, though? It’s sex/nudity on camera that is clearly meant to titliiate and arouse the (male) audience. That falls into the
literal definition of porn
No. 402174
>>402168I thought the radfem distaste for porn was because the women are often abused/raped/trafficked/drugged/etc.
I don't watch GoT so have no horse in this race, but am I wrong? Not a radfem but that's why I went no(3D)porn personally.
No. 402179
>>402172Actually yes but probably not for the reasons you are thinking.
There can be implied sex in movies/tv without showing pornographic scenes. Heck, I would be less mad if there was the occasional small sex scene as long as it wasn’t objectifying the woman and male-gazey (but that’s pretty much impossible in this society)
It’s so disingenuous to pretend that GoT isn’t bad when it has rape
and torture scenes shown in full with super male-gaze POVs and women naked for nothing else than decoration
No. 402180
Doublepost but
>>402174Yes, that is the biggest reason (but not the whole reason) and that’s why GoT is so shitty. They bring in already established porn stars to do the porn scenes, and the other actresses were groomed in the film industry and/or felt pressured to do sexual scenes in the show and everyone knows how the movie industry treats actresses that have boundaries.
No. 402190
>>402180Damn, had no idea they brought in porn actresses and filmed actual sex (like I said, not a fan of it anyway).
In that case I agree.
No. 402458
>>402453And where is all this actual film sex you're screaming about?
Like did something go wrong in your brain when you were 11 and you just never grew past the mental age of being grossed out by sex?
No. 402469
>>402459The show may have become garbage in the last several seasons but that doesn't change the fact that the reasons you and her are angry about it are completely insane.
Let's breakdown just how stupid what you've been saying is. You assert that the ONLY reason men watch got is because of the sex scenes. An episode of Game of Thrones is like an hour long, there are 10 episodes in each season, and maybe like 2 or 3 sex scenes per season. You seriously believe men are sitting through 10 hours of political drama and sword fights every season just to see 30 seconds of topless girls in the occasional sex scene? In an era where actual porn is freely available online? Sorry but you're a moron. If you had said Game of Thrones was bad because the writing is terrible ever since they ran out of books to adapt from I'd happily agree. But you've clearly never even watched it and are just popping a blood vessel because you heard it has sex scenes so in your mind you decided that's what the entire show was.
And again, what about all the women who watch Game of Thrones? Got no answer for why they watch it? What about the gay male sex scenes? I'll bet you never even knew it had those because they didn't fit into the narrative you wanted to be outraged about.
No. 402473
>>402469Again, I was a different anon - I literally just googled if they use porn stars lmao
I’ve watched the show and enjoyed it but it’s still a shit show, I won’t be finishing this last season even though that’s not really information you need
You’re also acting like hyperviolence and sex/nudity aren’t exactly what men love to watch so I’m not sure what your point is - it doesn’t get much more male gazey than GoT. This is only my third comment on this whole debate, you’ve been (unsurprisingly) talking to multiple anons.
No. 402474
>>402468If a man finds an actress hot and he's seeing have simulated sexual acts with an actor (or actress) on camera he's going to get aroused like he would porn. Also I'm a different anon from those 2.
>>402469I'm not that anon, or the other, and who said I'm angry? I don't care and never watched GoT (American writing about fantasy is annoying and too unironic for me, French shows like Camelot are funnier and more enjoyable for me in its premise) so yeah i mean…
Also men can enjoy and watch that shit and get a boner from it and do their male gaze shit lol bruh it ain't rocket science
No. 402482
>>402480I just find it really pathetic when people like you have to resort to the whole "women who don't think exactly like me are just brainwashed! They don't know what they should actually be thinking and it's up to me to control their opinions for their own good!".
Because you've never once considered the possibility that maybe people liked the show for other reasons besides a few cherry-picked things that you don't approve of.
No. 402486
>>402457Agreed 100%, anon.
>>402462Exactly, Bundy is so uninteresting but right now in particular everyone is trying to ride this wave of idealizing him as the handsome perfect young American who went bad. True disservice to everyone impacted by his crimes too, in addition to him just not being worth all the lip service he gets compared to more complex cases.
No. 402502
>>402484So what is this comment then
>>402476>Surely women can do the same, yeah? Especially since many women have internalized misogyny to begin with, so I mean..Implication being that internalized misogyny is what caused women to like GoT
No. 402505
>>402501Yeah because a fetish of a non-sexualized body part is the same as a simulation of sex, yeah let's get the whole ball rolling, men get turned on by every inch of women, how about we should just cover women in foot long tents and make them not talk in public too? Stop being dense.
>>402502It meant your comment about "so why do still women watch it" didn't mean shit because of the other examples I used. It's like you're purposely not getting it but that's okay and expected when people jump into an argument with their mind already made up
No. 402546
>>402474>French shows like "Kaamelott"Never thought I see someone citing K in here. Love you anon.
But I'm curious: are you French/speak French or is there some translated versions existing somewhere?
No. 402561
>>402549They did tone it down and even the lead actresses like Emilia stopped doing it so needlessly and in her later scenes it's done more tastefully and not full frontal. We actually got some Jon Snow ass instead. Ceresi's scene was a bit mental but that season they seemed to balance it by showing far less in episodes before and after. It's still crazy the shit that was ok. Like the need for casting naked child girls to be kids to the whores in the brothels. What was the need?
I admit I'm still watching it. I'm intrigued to see how it ends, but I won't bore someone about it that doesn't watch. I just like guessing what's going to happen since it's pretty predictable but people like to act like it's a masterpiece.
No. 402582
>>402572That was my first post itt, I wrote about people I know irl you imbecile.
God, GOT fans.
No. 402627
>>402579The (overseas) Vocaloid fandom does this too where a huge chunk of the characters are Japanese
There's already a bunch of canon dark-skinned characters but weebs still insist blackwashing Miku or Luka because that's where the notes and reblogs are.
No. 402640
>>402638I feel sorry for women that were coerced in it and I despise women that glorify it at the expense of the vast majority that didn't choose to do that.
Sexual promiscuity, especially for money, is absolutely disgusting.
And FYI red pillers may hate women but they love hookers since they only view women as objects to be used.
No. 402641
>>402640They love the idea of being able to pay for sex, but they're absolutely vicious toward sex workers.
Also, maybe the ones glorifying it are trying to force themselves to be okay with their life circumstances to preserve their mental health as much as possible.
No. 402647
>>402638I think the women who voluntarily get into sex work and relentlessly defend it as a "legitimate line of work", deliberately ignoring how many women (and children) are forced into it
reallylack compassion, to be honest.
They'd rather put their right to be seen as "
valid workers" without stigma above the right of people who have been victimized to have their struggle recognized. It's a whole system of silencing and erasing sex trafficking
IMO, people who choose that line of work should either hide it and just quietly get their money, or work hard to actually make the industry non-exploitative as possible (this is something that some say isn't even possible, but that's a debate for another day).
No. 402650
>>402630mostly from the English side of the Vocaloid characters: Ruby, Cyber SongMan, Amy, Chris, and Dex
and if it counts, the first artwork for Bruno and Clara (they're spanish)
ofc weebs don't care about non-japanese vocaloids
there's Merli who is japanese but she's on the obscure tier
No. 402670
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>>402650>Amy and Chris>not cute/anime-styledNo surprise they're not popular. Don't think many would want to stan something from this set or draw fan art of them, kek.
At least Ruby and Dex are, but for whatever reason, they're not popular.
No. 402685
>>399293unpopular opinion: I don't trust the mods on here when I feel I wanna vent etcetcetc in respective threads. in fact i stopped trusting everyone else. and i will only write my thoughts down. in a note book. somewhere hidden. so nobody knows who i am and what i think but rather only see a happy smile and hard work.
makes insect soundsannotation, full of words salads warning warning warning: sometimes I feel I should spill out a lot of personal stuff that is going on in my life in the threads meant for it like the get it of your chest breads since on 4chan people are mean constantly even on female orientated boards like adv and i'm too lazy to make an account on PULL to get 14 year olds e-hugging me instead of the 14 year olds larping as 20 something year olds on here but then I know there's a staff reading these unlike on 4chan where there are a whole lot of people thus they won't read it and/or use it against you (I've seen mods on here using semi-inside jokes to a poster so they clearly read everything).
or am I delusional and do 4chan jannies/mods every fucking thing? has anyone who was a jannie or something like that (hung out in irc for example) seen the staff talking about posters? or something like that? pls respond
No. 402721
>>402592Japanese people aren't all Asians and Asians aren't all Japanese people. This doesn't even work because the mongolodic races of non-Japanese people aren't particularly successful, Korea was known as a dirt poor country just a few decades ago and their immigrants didn't have any positive standing in the U.S. Vietnamese, Thais, ect aren't regarded with the same fascination and admiration Japanese people are.
Japan and Korea are exalted by Western society in general because they have been funded and supported by America. If Iran or Iraq were chosen to be the same thing by America Middle Eastern immigrants would be seen with the same exaltation. It's all politics and shit orchestrated mostly by the U.S which surprise surprise, is mostly the influence of racial relations and how things are viewed racially for the past century. It's not as simple and vis-a-vis as you're presenting it but for people like you it doesn't fit your agenda so you ignore it.
No. 402762
>>402725>>402730Anime characters don't have a set race. The reason they "look white" to westerners is because the whole concept of exaggerated Asiatic features comes from outsider's gaze. To Japanese people, their own faces are what's "normal". They have no reason to believe their eyes are super squinty and their skin is yellow, because their society doesn't think of Caucasian features or skintones as the standard human. They think of themselves that way.
That's how come characters can have blue/green/purple hair, red/yellow/orange/pink eyes, etc and still be seen as Japanese by Japanese audience. It's not a matter of realism, it's just aesthetically pleasing representations of characters. There's no need to exaggerate their features. They'll read as Japanese because the piece of media is made by and for Japanese people, usually in a Japanese setting where the characters will have Japanese names. There's no confusion for them around that sort of thing whatsoever, because it's their own media.
Aside from that, though, even if they did see themselves with all those hyper-exaggerated "Asian" features seen in the west, why would anyone purposely draw racial caricatures of themselves? I feel like only Americans are obsessed with making their cartoons as ugly as possible with gigantic noses or lips or ears or whatever en masse, lmao.
No. 402765
>>402725>Tfw majority of Japanese people have black hair, light skin, and black eyes unless you live in Okinawa or some shit>Anime studio: gives characters out of the ordinary hair and eye color>Westernfags: ackshually Goku is white when he turns Super Saiyan the Japanese love white peopleYour retardation is showing anon.
I honestly enjoy when artists create OCs of their preferred race in their favorite anime universe more than racebending, especially when they complain there's too many "white" characters. Nothing is stopping you from presenting new ideas. I see people do this with non anime too, like I saw people try to Kickstart a wizard series and they marketed it as a "Black version of Harry Potter" like okay there's already enough Harry Potter shit in the world, we don't need the same exact story but with racebending. I WANT an original wizard series with Black and brown characters out there, but so many people are focused on redesigning the light skinned characters instead of adding something new. I've noticed a lot of SJW fanartists who do these kinds of racebending designs don't have dark skin either so it makes you think.
Maybe OT but when I was a child, I loved Digimon and there were no Digidestined that looked like me, and I'm sure a lot of people didn't look like Yolei or college age Mimi either or even Tai with his stupid spiky hair. So naturally I made a drawing of a Digimon version of me, dark skinned girl with a Palmon by my side who hung out with the rest of the characters.
No. 402771
>>402726What does that have to do with looking black, though? It's like you didn't actually even read what was typed.
>>402762Nah, besides the fact not all Westerners are white, even non-white people view the way anime characters look is more similar to white people than Japanese people. Non-white people are certainly not having white people as the "default" in their minds but still are registering these characters as white, why is that?
I don't personally view these characters, for the most part, to have generally West european characteristics, I find them resembling something more between Asian and White characteristics, looking more Eurasian or Happa than either race, but that's just my interpretation. East Asian and Caucasian races aren't similar enough visually to have them be confused for each other, though. Middle Easterners and West Europeans are phenotypically more similar, and no one confuses them together generally.
>>402765Yeah because it's tooootally only due to blonde hair and blue eyes, and again, people on lolcow love making up arguments and putting words in the other anon's mouths despite the actual thing not being said. Also what the fuck is a "westernfag"? You probably aren't even Asian, 90% chance you're a goofy ass weeb saying that shit lol. You're automatically retarded as fuck and genetically inferior for being a stupid ass weebfag and getting defensive for no reason.
>the other part of thatI don't care and that has nothing to do with what I said.
No. 402774
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>>402771>even non-white people view the way anime characters look is more similar to white people than Japanese people.Yes, non-white people who grew up in white countries, or countries that derive a lot of culture/mindsets from said countries (eg former colonized places), thinking white is the standard. You are not immune to propaganda.
>I don't personally view these characters, for the most part, to have generally West european characteristics, I find them resembling something more between Asian and White characteristics, looking more Eurasian or Happa than either race, but that's just my interpretation. There's nothing inherently white about them, they're just cartoons that don't look like anyone. No one looks like pic related, it's literally just a pale-skinned drawing.
You're correct on the interpretation part. Any race you see in them is your own interpretation, and it's not really the animators' or character designers' responsibilities to try and get into foreigner's heads and decipher what they may think of something so subjective.
It's like drawing a smiley face with two dots for eyes and a smile, and someone saying "Umm it looks white, why doesn't it have horizontal slits for eyes or big-ass nostrils or huge lips and dark skin? Sorry it's just white :/". It's a drawing, lmao.
No. 402775
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>>402771Anime characters majority of the time genuinely don’t look like any race because the entire stylisation is just symbols with hardly any basis in reality. People arguing that anime looks either white or jap always reminds me of how people insist that pic related is a man when it has absolutely no indicators
Anime, in particular moe and shounen, have almost zero resemblance to any one group of people because of how far removed from reality the stylisations are
No. 402779
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>>402775Samefag but the works of artists like Junjo Ito I would argue actually have racial markers. But the majority of jap cartoons that westerners eat up certainly do not
No. 402781
>>402774You're oversimplifying it like hell. There's enclaves in Western countries, ESPECIALLY in the United States, where it's full of minorities and these minorities grow up seeing mostly seeing other minorities. Black people in the US have their own music, media, that mostly influences them, East Asian and South Asians have their own music and media from their home countries they tune into, Hispanics and Mexicans have the same thing, ect. You are seriously underestimating how people can grow to see their own as the default in Western countries, it's not just third world countries that are like that.
>The other partNot even all anime is stylized like that, though, and some anime has more realistic features than the rest.. you are doing yourself a disfavor with this argument. There's plenty of anime styles where the bridge of the nose is apparent, where the shape of the face is more than just a shapeless blob and there's an apparent lip and eye shape.
>>402775I agree while so many anime styles are so removed from reality like it's not even made by people who are around people and it clearly shows (and it's also reflected in its writing and plots but thats OT lmao) it's not like it's the only anime styles being used. It's like saying every American cartoon looks like SU.
No. 402784
>>402781>implying minorities living in white countries don't watch and consume media made by white people for other white peopleThe US itself is mostly white, with only like 13% of its population being black, something like 20-30% identifying as Hispanic/Latino, and other races making up even a smaller amount. Who do you think is in charge of the lion's share of its pop culture, and who will that pop culture pander the hardest to, if not the majority?
Anyway, that's not even the topic at hand. The issue is that you're interpreting drawn symbols (in this case, large eyes and bright colors) to have a specific race, and projecting that interpretation on the artists by force. It's not sensible.
Most anime, especially the most popular series, are detached from realism and have the significant markers in that image. There's a swathe of content criticizing/mocking anime for chronic sameface.
If we're going to go "not all anime" and discuss stylization, we're going to end up having to break down
which artists on which shows and their respective styles you're even talking about, and then it will become a discussion on what image that particular artist must have of different races. So, who and what do you mean? You said "anime" as a whole, not certain shows with realistic styles.
No. 402787
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Here you have a confirmed white girl that is considered a "real-life anime girl" in the story, so yes anime is white.
No. 402788
>>402784You seriously underestimate how much influence "non-white" cultures have on the US. Black American influence in the US is very significant. For example, music and culture are intertwined and entertain reflects on contemporary society at the time. Hip hop is the #1 music format in the U.S right now. Who created Hip Hop? The United States is not like it's the EU. It has a completely different cultural landscape and it's more than a "white western" land as you're trying to push it as.
It's not sensible? It's human nature to try to find identification in something, there are people who find identification in anthromorphic animals cartoons lmao. I know people like you try to use this argument and somehow try to pretend things are specific issues that are centralized to one particular group of people but it's something most people do, because you my friend are the abnormality. You can sneer and call people retards all you want since you're getting personally annoyed about anime shit, but it's not going to change how most people think like. Even if it's not technically true, and yeah I agree anime people actually don't look like any humans, it's still symbol and an icon and how most people regard it. What we know for a fact is the anime humans don't look black, or mestizo, or middle easterner, or most groups in the world tbh. Most people know that, so they draw conclusion they are closer to white west european features based on their physical proximity.
>>402785There's no "strawman" because I'm not presenting it as an argument, but okay. I noticed you people are real defensive, why is that?
No. 402789
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>>402787So, because one anime character is confirmed white (and probably looks exactly the same as all the other young girl characters except that she has blond hair and blue eyes, while another will probably have green hair and orange eyes, but still be considered Japanese), all anime characters are white?
You made a bad argument, and people corrected you. Just accept it.
No. 402790
>>402789Why do people on lolcow think every anon is the same anon? Out of all imageboards thiso ne is the one full of people acting like newfags all the time
No. 402797
>>402788Your whole post kind of just veers from the original point. I don't really care about America, I just think it's weird that you assume something with a heavily stylized appearance is automatically white, and you hold fast to this assumption like it has some literal grip in reality. The true reason behind this mindset is known only to you and others that share it, but plenty of other people around the world don't have that kind of conviction, including the Japanese (aka the original artists) themselves.
You're free to interpret drawn images however you personally like, but expect people to call you silly if you project your own interpretations when they have no factual basis. If a character is drawn as [x], but
you think it looks like [y], is it really your place to insist whoever drew [x] is the problem for not drawing things as
you see them?
It's like you're racebending, but in your head, then getting upset about that racebent image that you made up and making weird comments about the artist having internalized racism for not conforming to your opinions or something.
>most people>you my friend are the abnormalityDo you have any source to back up this claim that your opinion represents that of "most people"? Because so far, at least two people are saying you're wrong. I didn't call you retarded, I just think you seem weird and obsessive over cartoons.
>What we know for a fact is the anime humans don't look black, or mestizo, or middle easterner, or most groups in the world tbh. To you, because clearly, anything that's not exaggeratedly, obviously [x] can only be [y]. That's your own issue.
>Most people know that, so they draw conclusion they are closer to white west european features based on their physical proximity.There is no "physical proximity" on a general basis, since you said yourself that not all anime is stylized the same. Again, which artists, which shows, etc are you talking about? Do you even know yourself, at this point?
No. 402798
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>>402794>she looks super-anime in comparisonUh…She looks the exact same as all the other characters. That's the style of the show. There are even other Japanese characters with blonde hair and blue eyes. Are you okay?
>it's the characters in the story that consider her anime-came-to-life.Where?
No. 402799
>>402797> The true reason behind this mindset is known only to you and others that share it, but plenty of other people around the world don't have that kind of conviction, including the Japanese (aka the original artists) themselves. You really think it's only Americans who think that way? Lmaooo
>then getting upsetWhy are you assuming I'm "upset about it?"
>internalized racismThis was literally never said. Now you're just making up shit.
>Do you have any source to back up this claim that your opinion represents that of "most people"?Weren't you the one going on about "Westernfags" and whatnot? Who the fuck else is the opinion supposed to come from, the sky?
>I just think you seem weird and obsessive over cartoons..Because I'm discussing something in a discussion forum? I don't even watch anime and I barely watch cartoons. I noticed people like you like to project others as being obsessive and weird just for having an opinion and that's strange as fuck to me in general. I couldn't care less about this but the topic brought up and I'm discussing it. People like you act like you have to think about something 24/7 to seem remotely "engaged" into something on here like you people are far removed from any reality or common sense.
>There is no "physical proximity" on a general basis,So they look like nothing?
>>402798You're acting like everyone is buttmad but obviously getting defensive because someone just gave their opinion on something lmao. You're projecting as fuck.
No. 402804
>>402799I didn't say it was only Americans, you're still making up things in your head (like how you claimed I called you a "retard") and getting defensive about them. Funny how you claimed I'm "just making up shit", but that's basically all you've been doing.
>Why are you assuming I'm "upset about it?"Because you're getting aggressive and sound very emotional.
>Weren't you the one going on about "Westernfags" and whatnot? Who the fuck else is the opinion supposed to come from, the sky?How does that equate to "most people" by any stretch of the imagination? My point was that the majority of the people making these claims are from the west, not that everyone thinks that way. And do you really think most people are from the US or Europe (aka the west)? Your world must be very small, if so.
>..Because I'm discussing something in a discussion forum?Because of the way you act, and the fact that you were buttblasted enough to call Japan a "proxy American Eastern country".
>I don't even watch anime and I barely watch cartoons.And it kind of shows because of the odd, incorrect blanket racial statements you make about it. You can't even pinpoint which anime you're talking about, and when examples are posted, you say "Not all anime!" (without ever specifying which anime you mean).
>I noticed people like you like to project others as being obsessive and weird just for having an opinion and that's strange as fuck to me in general."People like me"? And it's not projection, considering you've pretty much exemplified that I was right. You're acting obsessive and weird, especially for someone who "doesn't even watch anime".
> I couldn't care less about this but the topic brought up and I'm discussing it. Then why are you still arguing, and went so far that you accused me of insulting you somehow?
>People like you act like you have to think about something 24/7 to seem remotely "engaged" into something on here like you people are far removed from any reality or common sense.This is actual projection, you're really sitting here and trying to insist that cartoons are inherently white. That's actually being removed from reality and common sense.
>So they look like nothing?Re-read this entire conversation. It's been explained multiple times by several people, you just don't want to accept that a random drawing with two eyes and a mouth does not automatically look white.
I don't think you're entirely rational, and I'm bored of this, so enjoy your last (You).
In conclusion: Anime characters have no race. It's up to you how you see them, but there's a reason a Japanese artist looks at an anime girl and doesn't think "white woman", but "Japanese woman". Kind of odd to think you know better than he does about his own art, but do you.
No. 402806
File: 1556248002537.jpg (858.29 KB, 1920x1080, Lucky☆Star.full.818982.jpg)

>>402799Because I posted Lucky Star pictures? Wew, okay
No. 402814
File: 1556249200404.png (25.47 KB, 500x300, ssTynZR.png)

I'm glad about Tumblr's shitstorm on banning porn blogs, and I think it did a good job of scaring away dd/lg freaks. The site still has pornography, but it's slightly cleaner now. The only good thing to ever come out of those people was pic related.
No. 402822
>>402762that's not even true. the reason they """look white""" is because they exaggerated
attractive features to them. not their own exaggerated features. they're mimicking disney stuff from the 60s anyway.
No. 402829
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>>402817Amerimutt is based baka chan
No. 402864
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>>400075this straight up isn't true aside from certain brands. look at the ingredients. whatever is listed first is the densest. so if you see "chicken" as the very first listed, you've got a healthy enough brand (though i'd recommend wet food as the primary food source just because it's got less fillers and helps the cat get moisture.)
some brands begin with "corn gluten meal" (which is not as bad as it sounds; it's the most nutritious and digestible part of corn) which you don't want as the very first, densest ingredient.
overall, caring about ingredients beyond this starts going into GMO panic territory. unless your cat has a food allergy, you can relax about the kibble. but again, try to provide wet as the main source with kibble supplementing it through either the day or night (never free feed.)
source: was a pet food nutritionist for awhile
No. 402872
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Some people clearly disagree. BTW you sound as spergy as pic related
No. 402876
>>402872>>402868Both your average asian and whitey can not pull off animu look
Female characters:
>small nose>small mouth>round small faceMale character:
>long slanted slit eyes>thin prominent nose>long face (dorito chin senpai) Everything else can be faked with makeup. It’s basically a very specific asian beauty standard.
No. 402894
File: 1556259301520.jpg (648.48 KB, 1360x696, pak.jpg)

>>402878NTA, but ProudAsian is a relic. I remember when he had multiple YouTube channels for his psycho shit, stormed sites like Gaia Online and even ended up on /cgl/. He was exposed as Indonesian, so he just started posting Indonesian girl cosplayers who looked part-Chinese as proof that even Indonesians look more like anime characters, lmao.
I'm not sure if he was insane, or if he was a very dedicated troll who just flipped the whole "Anime characters are white" thing specifically to piss that camp of people off. I bet he'd make the anon who claims to not even watch anime but is so hung up on its race ITT foam at the mouth.
No. 402899
>>402894You're literally obsessed with me because I had an opposing opinion, the irony if you calling me pressed while you keep mentioning me in every other post like an emotionally charged retard.
That being said, I find people like ProudAsian funny since I also followed people like Eurasian Tiger and regularly looked at hapas.
No. 402929
>>402672>felt powerful to me in the moment.Why did you feel powerful? When someone else have the money you want, and you have to whatever they want sexually while you don't get off, that is not power.
I would likely feel very powerful if I would pay a disadvantaged unwilling boy to do whatever I wanted, but I'm not sociopathic enough for it.
No. 402985
>>402981Agree and so is HOP or whatever. Why couldn’t we have just stuck with the term male-identified or something?
Also I think that a lot of women who use handmaiden still have some cool girl left in them
No. 402993
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>>402989There’s some that definitely read Asian to me, like pic related (there are better examples but I’m not a weeb so I don’t know any characters)
The most popular styles of anime I don’t even think of a little as Asian, but I don’t really read them as specifically white either.
No. 403001
>>402992>Japanese beauty standards happen to glorify traits white people naturally have>The characters are extremely unrealistic depictions of Japanese people, that have these white traits>The characters are not modeled after white peopleAre you on crack?
Also this topic has gone on for a really long time and I doubt either side an be swayed.
No. 403020
>>403000in most of the anime and manga with more detailed artwork where the characters are japanese, you can usually tell that the characters are japanese, like in mushishi.
in the generic simple styled anime, characters are drawn so simplistically and unrealistically that you cant even tell what race theyre supposed to be, or even worse they barely look human. i think in these cases people just project their idea of what a person looks like onto the drawing, and since the average white weeb is surrounded mainly by other white people, thats what they project onto the image.
and btw i dont want to mean all of this in a bad way.
No. 403041
>>402868>White people>the widest eyes of any real raceNot true at all, if you want to make a point maybe you shouldn't say blatantly false stuff like this, it shows how biaised you are.
Besides, I don't remember seeing many white people with naturally blue, pink or violet hair.
>i think in these cases people just project their idea of what a person looks like onto the drawing, and since the average white weeb is surrounded mainly by other white people, thats what they project onto the image.I also think a lot of time people are flattered by the idea that people of an other race want to look like them so they cling to this idea.
No. 403109
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>>403085I feel like it's fine in a pinch compared to eating other fast food, especially bc they have tofu now, but I don't understand why people love it so much or get excited about it. I remember in like 2014 people thought liking Chipotle was a personality trait.
No. 403117
>>403109It really depends on the Chipotle you visit. The one near me is the best one I've ever tried. They fully season their rice with lime and cilantro and their guacamole is not just avocado mash, it also has lime and cumin and whatnot in it. The steak is quite tender too.
Other Chipotles I've been to have been mostly meh, though I've spotted a couple other ones that also spent a lot of effort in their offerings.
No. 403187
>>403160McDonalds is fucking expensive compared to a lot of other fast food chains as well. I can get more bang for my buck at Burger King and even Wendy's. And the quality of Wendy's burgers is way better too.
I remember trying McDonalds after over a year of not eating it and I had the worst stomach ache. It affected my mood for a few hours, too. I really wish I was exaggerating. BK does that for me too, but I'd rather spend $9 at BK compared to $16 at McD's for the same amount of food.
No. 403218
>>403213I have a far more unpopular opinion on ice cream.
Ice cream sucks.
No. 403231
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>>403213Frozen custard/Soft serve > Ice cream
But only if it's creamy. The kind they serve at McDonalds and places like that is straight up unpalatable
No. 403232
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I like pretty girl art
I know it’s vapid and objectifying but quite frankly that doesn’t at all take away from the aesthetic appeal. Women are beautiful and pretty artwork just amplifies it.
This isn’t an unpopular mainstream opinion but it’s definitely unpopular within artfag circles
No. 403250
>>403241Because they're lazy and their idea of beautiful doesn't go beyond the same generic face being rehashed. To quote Francis Baron, "There is no excellent beauty that hath not some strangeness in the proportion."
>>403244No, you can look at Western sex symbols and beauty icons throughout a period of 100 years and see they divert very much in face and body type. These people are boring and only idealize one yawns worthy thing.
No. 403253
>>403250It’s almost as though real people all have unique characteristics outside of their control unlike illustrations which can be created with any set of features the artist desires. Hmmm.
There’ll still be differences between artists, in particular if they are of different ethnicities/regions
No. 403284
>>403254Okay, even 50, 30 years there's a large difference. Btw, 100 years ago there were cameras and celebrities at the point so we could tell who would have been a sex symbol or not in the 1920's. There's no reason why artists who make beautiful people have to keep making the same faces over and over again, the face of the girl made isn't actually considered a particularly ideally beautiful face by current contemporary standards anyways, yet artists are still stuck on pale skinned fairy type extreme baby faced types of beauties like it's the only ones that exist. It's quite boring tbqh. There are other types of sexy, appealing women and not just the adolescent-esque gamine or fairytale type.
>It’s almost as though real people all have unique characteristics outside of their control unlike illustrations which can be created with any set of features the artist desires. Hmmm. uh.. yeah?
>There’ll still be differences between artists, in particular if they are of different ethnicities/regionsYeah…
No. 403302
>>402985>Also I think that a lot of women who use handmaiden still have some cool girl left in themThey do, except this time they mask their sense of superiority towards other women with feminism or misandry. I don't like male-identified women either, but I mostly ignore or pity them.
>>402992>The hair colour thing is literally to differentiate characters at a glance.Not going to comment about the race thing, but in anime almost every character is indistinguishable aside from variations in hair color/style and eye color. It's such a cooki-cutter art style. I don't know what weebs see in this.
No. 403308
>>403303Absolutely. Though I have to be honest, I'm less freaked out by mortality rates during childbirth than I am of the stories I've heard about women who tear so badly right to their anus that fecal matter gets into their vagina. And it can't be fixed! My worst fucking nightmare. Something like 60% of women get vaginal tears and 10% get anal tears.
It's messed up that the moment you tie yourself to a man for 18+ years by having his kid, your body is likely to suffer all these issues and you can't escape his judgement and pressure from him to have sex, lose weight etc. I could handle weight gain and stretchmarks and even problems down there etc if I was single, but I'd have a mental breakdown with a man breathing down my neck expecting me to be ready and willing post partum. Even if he was nice about it, the pressure would fuck my shit up.
No. 403376
>>403367Black women should stop falling for this propaganda already, its agenda is to make them easier.
I've never saw even one decent looking black male but tons of pretty black women. Believe in yourself and keep your standards.
No. 403385
>>403381Men make statements like this all the time as if they're the judge and jury of what should and should not be considered attractive, and not one of those men looks at themselves in the mirror and sees a balding fatty with hairy titties and a beer gut. They all think they are prime marriage material and women should be salivating all over their dicks despite their looks, and the worst part is women encourage them by caring about their opinions and getting upset about the statements they make.
I've seen fat divorced guys pushing 50 thinking they have a chance with a fit, successful girl in her early 30s and not at any point thinking whether or not they deserve to be with someone like that, whereas Lena Dunham is told she doesn't deserve to have an attractive man play her fictional boyfriend because she's fat and ugly. She's a piece of shit don't get me wrong but terrible male stand-up comedians rarely get picked on for their looks and people mostly focus on what they say.
No. 403397
>>403385I'll never understand it. It's like men don't see themselves. They're so comfortable bashing women's looks. The only explanations I can think of are that they're either really deluded enough to think they're at least 6/10s (and the whole "the wall" cope they have fits in with that - they'll RP that decrepit, balding, fat 50 year olds are handsome, while 30 year old women with lines under their eyes are hags), or believe women's only real value is their appearance, and that they themselves have something else to offer in spite of their own ugliness.
The funny thing about the second thing is that even if you follow that reductive, shitty, line of thought, usually, these men have nothing to offer at all. No intellect, no kindness, no empathy, no huge life accomplishments, not even money. They start screeching "Gold digger! Shallow! Normie! Roastie wants a Chad!!! This is why men are suicidal >:'( I'm the best guy any woman could get, even though I routinely attack them and treat them like shit!! Why can't you understand" at anyone who points that out, though.
No. 403398
>>403390Well, uh, I guess I'm just imagining it then. It happens the most with capeshit. I guess that makes sense since they have so many existing characters with fleshed out back stories. Recent examples that come to mind are MJ in Spiderman, Starfire in Teen Titans, and the one in the latest Thor movie. Its also happening in the Witcher Netlix series. I guess I just imagined all that though.
>half-white Not a thing.
No. 403403
File: 1556381608422.jpg (123.03 KB, 900x543, starfire[1].jpg)

>>403399Yes because this was as close as they could get to making a live action Starfire look like the version everybody is familiar with. Nobody looks at somebody with one white parent and thinks they're half white.
No. 403404
>>403344One of the ugliest guys that's ever pursued me was blasian. I just looked him up, he's been catfishing on twitter and instagram for the last year with pics of a totally different looking, non mixed black guy. Which just makes him more unattractive and frankly pathetic.
Ugly men and even just guys with one major physical flaw are almost always unhinged and immediately want to whine about how insecure and unwanted they are which is exactly why they're in that spot. You can't ever be honest with them about their looks or else they'll hold a grudge against you. If you're unlucky enough to meet them online there's a high chance they'll send you their nasty chodes. I wonder what makes them so thin skinned and fragile.
No. 403405
>>403403I mean, the character has an orangeish-brown tone, so they could've gone with a black or brown actress who'd naturally have the same skintone without needing to tan or use paint, but chances are you'd still be angry because you unironically think an alien is white. Accuracy clearly isn't the issue for you.
>Nobody looks at somebody with one white parent and thinks they're half white.Except there are tons of mixed people who are extremely white-passing. You must be sheltered as fuck, anon.
No. 403410
>>403403You can tell that she is supposed to be Starfire so what does it matter? Should they really have to hire a white person so it's easier to slather them with orange paint head to toe for all of filming?
The most unfaithful aspect here is how modestly dressed the live action chick is…
No. 403414
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>>403410I'm not into Teen Titans, but from what I've seen, she actually ended up looking pretty good, anyway. All the initial backlash was very over the top.
No. 403417
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>>403399I don't think an alien is white. I wouldn't care if Starfire was cast as a black man. She was just an example of a black actress being cast in a role of a character that she clearly shouldn't be if you're trying to cast accurately.
I'm guessing you're American from the half-white thing. I'm not. Its not something I've ever heard anybody speak about. You're white, or you aren't.
>>403413Yennefer looks Indian, and they made another character black.
No. 403423
>>403417>if you're trying to cast accurately See
>>403405And nope, I'm not American. Like I said before, if you think being half of a race is impossible, then you're either very sheltered, or just not thinking straight. There are tons of mixed people who physically take the most from their "white" side, genetics are weird like that.
No. 403428
>>403426You, or the anon you're defending, listed her as a "black actress being cast as an attractive white character". Again
>I mean, the character has an orangeish-brown tone, so they could've gone with a black or brown actress who'd naturally have the same skintone without needing to tan or use paint, but chances are you'd still be angry because you unironically think an alien is white. Accuracy clearly isn't the issue for you. Don't backpedal now.
No. 403429
>>403417>She was just an example of a black actress being cast in a role of a character that she clearly shouldn't be if you're trying to cast accurately.Were you dropped on your head as a baby or something? Starfire is literally an alien and her skin color isn't in any way integral to her character or back story.
>>403414 See this pic, she looks very faithful to the comic version. As faithful as any other adaptation. If they wanted "accuracy" they would have painted the actress orange and the actress could have been any race… But it's such a minute detail so it's not worth it.
No. 403430
>>403417I was so looking forward to the Witcher series and I was hoping Netflix wouldn't butcher it but here we are. Yennefer is my fav character in the Witcher series and the game and they had to cast someone who isn't white.
Why? I have no problems poc being cast in movies but why do that with roles that are meant for white characters. Yennefer's description makes it clear she's pale white in contrast to her raven hair.
No. 403433
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>>403430I looked up the actress and found this fan edit. She actually looks pretty good, I hope the real design is similar.
Why did they cast an alien for Ciri? Maybe she should have been Starfire kek.
Which one is supposed to be Triss?
No. 403435
>>403428Cool. So remove Starfire, or the white part and the point still stands. They keep turning characters black and now we are seeing the backlash.
>>403429>See this pic, she looks very faithful to the comic version.Get your eyes checked.
>>403430Its just pandering to the "woke" crowd. Only at the cost of completely changing the rules of the setting.
No. 403437
>>403435The white part and point don't stand at all, actually. Everyone has been saying that.
>turning characters blackSo, you want them to "turn characters white" instead? Doesn't sound accurate, just petty and obsessive. Starfire is not white, cope.
No. 403443
>>403441I think they did it because they thought it'd let them escape people grilling them for casting Light as a white guy and not a Japanese one.
That entire movie was a flop and an inaccurate mess for more than just racial reasons, though.
No. 403444
>>403434That's fair. This is just a fan edit so who knows what her design on the show will be. I'm trying to give the benefit of the doubt cause I really want it to be good.
>>403441Everything about that adaption was horrible.
No. 403445
>>403442I agree, she doesn't have the sharpness that I would imagine Yennefer's features have. She's very doe-eyed and innocent looking, which isn't very Yennefer.
I don't like Cavill as Geralt either, even though that's an unpopular opinion.
No. 403446
>>403437Starfire isn't white. She isn't black either and doesn't look even close to being black.
>>403438Because there shouldn't be a black character in medieval Poland. It completely changes the rules of the Witcher world for nothing.
No. 403450
>>403446Then why was the initial complaint that she was a white character?
>doesn't look even close to being black.If we're going by color, a brown or black actress would be closer than a white one. You're just upset because you wanted white, not necessarily someone who looks like the character.
No. 403457
>>403456It's a bad example because the character was never white, but you claimed it was a white character being "turned" black.
The backlash died down as the series actually progressed, too.
No. 403493
>>403460> If you're extremely partial to a character's race there is something a bit off about you If there was a black character in a book and they cast a white or indian actor instead, people would have every right to be outraged. I just don't understand why it's so difficult to comprehend when there's a character that a lot of people love and imagine in a certain way, that they're going to be upset about such choices. The actress doesn't look anything like Yen. Not her face, not her complexion, not how you'd imagine her character. Also she looks like schoolgirl and not like bad ass witch.
It honestly isn't fair. I hate how Americans have to completely ruin something for diversity points and I'm angry at the writer for allowing this to happen. He should have seen it coming.
No. 403494
>>403478Not so, Mello (Mihael Keehl) is white, so is Near (Nate Rivers) and Matt (Matt Jeevas).
There are probably other white characters who are far more minor. Point is, there are plenty of white Death Note characters. If they wanted a white-centric adaption so bad, they could've told the story primarily from one of their viewpoints, or even just from L's, then veered into the main one with Light as it went on. That would've been an interesting way of storytelling, even.
Instead, they just made an adaption that was bad on all fronts. They can't even say the haters are "racist", because they themselves refused to cast anyone Japanese (or even Asian) as the main characters.
No. 403513
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>>403499Kek I always think the same thing. Like if a character was non-japanese, it would be painfully obvious which ones they are.
No. 403526
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>>403499Girl what… have you ever seen an average Japanese person who wasn't a popteen model? Or a human being? They don't look like anime. White people don't look like anime. Black people don't look like anime. Sometimes an extremely pretty young girl (of any race) with a perfectly childlike face can look like anime. Generally characters look like idealized blobs with just enough features to suggest the presence of a human face because tiny features with big eyes are as childish and therefore cute as possible.
Something like pic related is obviously not meant to be Japanese but let's be real, you can change their hair and eye and skin to be more Asian and you would never guess they were meant to be another race based on their face alone. Because 'pretty young girl' is universal in Japanese beauty standards.
No. 403530
>>403429This is the thing
Black women will cosplay or go for auditioning for any character with a brown tone because there is barely many characters out there for them
So they jump for anything with brown skin despite European features and straight hair
No. 403531
>>403508She gets away with it cos she’s small and petite
Tiny people are always babied
And Nicki has too much mouth so people love her for that
No. 403533
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>>403513I was thinking the same, and it’s played up sometimes for laughs.
>>403525Nta while he is mixed he’s still Japanese tho
No. 403534
>>403390I’m glad Zendaya is going for that role. I’m half black (same mix as her). But black people will always want to throne and claim her because she’s winning.
There are no dark skinned female actresses out there in big movies. While the halfies like ourselves are taking the roles, full black people continue to claim us and they keep the one drop ruling plus light skin thing - well… a thing?
It’s fucking backwards.
No. 403538
>>403534>There are no dark skinned female actresses out there in big movies.Lupita Nyong'o exists.
But yes, other than her there is a severe lack of big name dark-skinned actresses. It's almost always the yellowbone actresses who get roles.
No. 403544
>>403540Bruh what
You posted a poor example imo. If you had posted the kids from AOT or something they you may have had a better case.
No. 403547
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>>403513>>403533Heh. Guess which character here is white.
all of them No. 403553
File: 1556404342448.png (811.37 KB, 1280x720, jna3L4g.png)

>>403499I can't believe anime created americans
No. 403557
>>403547Pretty sure Roy is meant to look Xingian aka Chinese
But on that note, the way Japanese people tend to draw Chinese and Korean characters with slits for eyes and themselves with big round eyes is… interesting.
No. 403562
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>>403557This guy from some other series looks like Roy and is Japanese.
No. 403564
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My unpopular opinion is that The Avenger movies aren't that good. I like some of the individual super hero stories like Captain America, Captain Marvel and Black Panther, and Thor ragnarok, but the Big BOOM Blockbuster Avenger films are boring and I don't care.
Also, men heavily into comics always seem so lost from reality.
No. 403567
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>>403557>the way Japanese people tend to draw Chinese and Korean characters with slits for eyes and themselves with big round eyes is… interesting.IMO, it goes back to the whole thing with stereotypical Asian (or any racial) features coming purely from outsider's gaze.
There are "regular" features (normal, ambiguous features that some westerners assume is automatically white, because white is their idea of regular), and then there are "irregular" features. To separate other races from the assumed default for that given society (in anime's case, that default is Japanese), "irregulars" will often be given more exaggerated features, which is up to the artist. Western cartoonists do the same thing, too.
Sometimes, it's exaggerated shit like
>>403553. Other times, they don't necessarily want to separate their characters by race (as opposed to culture/behavior/clothing), so they don't really give a fuck about drawing racial exaggerations and will just draw the characters to look the same as the rest. One example of this is Shampoo from Ranma. She's Chinese, but she doesn't look like Roy, she looks largely as "anime" as the rest of the cast.
The whole race/anime argument is very subjective and dependent on what specific art styles or shows are being discussed, and that's why I think it always goes in circles. You can't speak generally on this any more than you can speak on how, I dunno, all French films are in black and white or something. It's obviously not true, just a stereotype based on a few examples by uneducated people.
No. 403572
>>403570>featurelessI disagree, typical "pure white"/"Aryan" features are pretty distinct. If this wasn't the case, there'd be absolutely no way to differentiate white people from other races, especially if they just wore a little bit of makeup or got a tan.
All races are pretty distinctive IMO. The difference is that you won't notice the features that make them stand out as often, or consider them "distinctive", if that's what's normalized and "regular-degular" to you.
Funnily enough, I've seen people say the same thing about both black and Asian people having "featureless" faces because their faces sometimes aren't as pointy or chiseled. It really is a subjective thing.
No. 403579
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>>403576I think they just look like cats drawn in human form, down to the eyes.
No. 403580
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>>403579This cat picture's better, but I'd feel weirdly bad if I deleted the first one.
No. 403582
>>403579>>403580same tbh, i remember reading somewhere that if cats had human sized heads their eyes would be the size of tennis balls, which seems pretty accurate for your average anime character.
there is no human race that has tennis ball sized eyes, natural hair colours in all colours of the rainbow, a non existent nose, and an alien shaped head, its all just a highly stylized fantasy. anyone who claims that some barely human looking blob face looks like a specific race is straight up delusional or just projecting hard.
No. 403585
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>>403584this one even looks like one of those smug anime girl reaction pictures
No. 403592
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A challenger appears.
No. 403601
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>>403567These two tho. They almost like twins and they supposed to be two different races.
The art style is more realistic too.
No. 403602
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You guys are terrible at shitposting
No. 403608
>>403604>and "POCs" always shit on white people and "Europeans" as if we're all rich blonde GermansSo, those damn evil "pocs" always shitting on germans who all happen to be super wealthy and even blonder would be justified?
Stereotyping is ok - unless it's about me, amirite?
No. 403630
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>>403606It's funny bc a lot of my guy friends say they think Italian and Greek women are really hot. Pretty sure they just imagine that all Mediterranean women look like Sophia Loren, tho
It's honestly just personal preference and I think it's dumb to try and extrapolate some overall trend or meaning from personal observations.
No. 403701
My only gripe with the entire fiasco is that they removed a lot of sfw content, and there isn't a way to see what it was on our blogs, unless we're the creators of said content. Or if you already have the post's url so that you can edit the dashboard blog's link.
I've lost quite a lot of art pieces from my classical art tag and other random posts because of it.
The fact that they somehow managed to destroy the search system even more always amazes me, as well.
No. 403716
Section 8 housing should have stipulation regarding general attitude/behavior in it. If you are literally given a house for free [or very inexpensively] you should be fucking grateful, and treat the neighborhood you live in nicely. If you can't [keeping your neighbors up with fighting and screeching constantly, letting your big-ass scary autistic nearly-adult son roam the neighborhood and scream and break shit, etc.] then you lose that unit and must be moved to one that can provide the services needed. People who live in condominiums, especially, should have a collective say over whether or not a unit may be rented out as section 8. We are not a fucking state hospital/psych ward, sorry. We paid for these units, specifically to live in peace, and if you can't do that [especially after being given every opportunity to communicate and receive help from your neighbors] then you can get the fuck out.
Oh, and above all, the most unpopular opinion in the "liberal" bastion I live in: stereotypes exist about section 8 people being ungrateful, entitled, violent assholes exist for a fucking reason.
No. 403718
>>403716Didn't mean to use exist twice, I haven't slept properly in months because of these fucking people.
Another unpopular opinion: Bring back the fucking workhouses for people like this. I grew up poor, btw, so save your horseshit.
No. 403742
>>403733I don't really disagree with your post, but I just want to say
>When I was in elementary school every child was asked to prepare christmas packages which then were sent to schools in Africa and we were literally given a list of foods we weren't allowed to add, because they contained spices which the people there "absolutely cannot eat".Either you were lied to, this isn't real, or your packages were sent to kids who had very specific allergies or medical issues that had nothing to do with being African.
A large chunk of African foods are insanely spicy. So much that foreigners can't really handle it. There's pretty much no spice all African people "absolutely cannot eat".
No. 403743
>>403534My unpopular opinion:
The most dangerous place for a black person to be is in the minds of non-blacks.
No. 403758
>>403752Not American, but yeah, my original point was that all races/nationalities prefer different flavours and that it's not just whites being picky, not seasoning or not being able to "handle" certain spices.
Your definition or idea of how spices should taste like is not the default one.
No. 403790
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>>403511is there any recent milk (not counting her always dramatic relationships and stupid tattoo) ?
No. 403864
>>403846Yeah, I think this is the answer. Men especially gravitate towards foreign women while putting down women from their own country/culture.
I stay away from anyone that has a racial fetish, personally.
No. 403879
>>403876> I would rather date someone who is of the same culture and social class as me because it's more than guaranteed our home life is going to be similar and not needing accommodation.I feel like this is the vast majority of people of any race.
I actually feel like people on both sides (extreme liberals and /pol/) exaggerate interracial relationships. Most people, especially white people, are more attracted to their own kind and would prefer the ease of dating someone of their own kind. Liberals exaggerate it to seem progressive, /pol/ exaggerate it to make it seem like a bigger deal than it actually is and recruit more people to their "cause".
And I think being on the internet exposes you to the weird-extremes of anything. For example a lot of people on /pt/ are in relationships with Asian guys, but within my friendship circle (mostly non-weebs with a couple of people who enjoy mild weeb stuff like Animal Crossing and the occasional anime), none of them find Asian dudes attractive.
No. 403884
How did
>>403626Get done for racebait, but not this
>>403883 bitter black/brown girl LARPing as a med?
No. 403887
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>>403861You have a bit sympathy for him because he was intelligent, artistic, and academically gifted? Is this the only reason? LOL.
Women like you wouldn't even pay attention to him if he was just some normal guy but as soon as he did a crime it's "omg i wish i could have ~fixed~ him and made him better". You are
toxic femininity.
No. 403888
>>403886So it's only that reason, eh? Whattawoman
Are you a true crime fag?
No. 403894
>>403892>continental asianswut
>AfricansWell yeah, they're all dirt poor and unattractive to everyone else generally (no offense).
No. 403906
>>403898Since when do Chinese people worship "whites"? Koreans don't even worship white people.
I don't see what attractiveness of a group matters or not, especially seeing as race mixing in that group has happened for centuries so you're letting your obvious racial biases seep through your posts anyways, but Africans are a wide continent and have varying looks and don't just look like your typical Bushmen which is what you're trying to slyly imply.
No. 403908
>>403898Since when do Chinese people worship "whites"? Koreans don't even worship white people.
I don't see what attractiveness of a group matters or not, especially seeing as race mixing in that group has happened for centuries so you're letting your obvious racial biases seep through your posts anyways, but Africans are a wide continent and have varying looks and don't just look like your typical Bushmen which is what you're trying to slyly imply.
No. 403911
>>403907>asian americans on american dominated site are a good example of how a population of millions think universallylmao
>hispanics venerate the whitest looking hispanics in their tv/film industriesHispanics are mixed with white and white Hispanics are a thing so this isn't really an "interracial" thing. and Hispanics go out with every races so it doesn't matter.
>the other pointsBlack people tend to have more racial pride than any other non-white "of color" (cringe) ethnicity and prefer their own strongly more than the rest even though they do have their crop of bedwenches and coons. The Serena Williams shit is mostly gender wars though. Black people will generally prefer themselves in keener features or lighter skin (all traits still naturally occurring to the black race without admixture) rather than straight up white people. I know it's hard to believe but you look like a hypocrite trying to clamor against race mixing but obviously cream your pants exaggerating how much non-white ethnic groups desire you.
No. 403919
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>>403914David Chang's food is terrible, his TV shows are too.
About the spice thing: Spice doesn't automatically make food better. Where I'm from we tend to use more herbs. Just dumping Sichuan pepper and chillis on everything is a lazy way of drawing out flavor.
No. 403921
>>403914>Italian food wasn't really Italian because tomatoes come from the New Worldwtf going by that logic chinese food isnt chinese either because loads of the ingredients are taken from the new world and other countries as well kek
also hes a very bad cook idek why anyone watches his show
No. 403924
>>403913imagine being so racially self-centered and hyper-focused you solely think its because you're white and only because you're white, not because it happens in metropolitan cities and because it's a "exotic" ethnic group to them. yes there are self hating e. asians but not all of them are white worshiping and many are proud of their culture and want to only date intraracially.
White people love saying how much non-White people love them but go to Europe or America and see how much you see a White man or White woman with a non-White woman or man and how much non-White people are in their media (and for the past 60 years so you can't push the 'muh sjw agenda' like it means something-bs) being touted as sexy and beautiful BY OTHER WHITE PEOPLE.
European descent people are the biggest race-mixers of all time and you know it.
No. 403926
>>403924>European descent people are the biggest race-mixers of all time and you know it.Statistically wrong on every count.
>how much non-White people are in their mediaWhat countries are you talking about? This is only really true in Britain and America.
No. 403927
>>403926>Statistically wrong on every count. The whole continent of South America, Caribbean and the amount of Hapas and other mixes steadily growing proves you wrong every day.
>This is only really true in Britain and America.Wow the biggest "white" countries in the world would you look at that!
No. 403931
>>403928There was still race-mixing going on after white women were with them, in about the 17c,18c,and 19c. This also happened in the Southern United States,as well.
If you seriously think mixed race people stopped sometime in the 18th and 19th centuries you are delusional as fuck lol.
>>403930U.K and U.S are the biggest in powers. For Russians, Russians are extremely ethnically diverse and many of them ethnically mixed as well. Some with "non-white" races. Don't get what that has to do with S. America being race mixed as all hell.
No. 403934
>>403931>For Russians, Russians are extremely ethnically diverse and many of them ethnically mixed as well.80% of the Russian Federation is ethnic Russians, about 10% of the remaining 20% are Slavs and Tatars who are so mixed they may as well be Russian. The remaining 10% are Siberian natives and Caucuses people.
>If you seriously think mixed race people stopped sometime in the 18th and 19th centuries you are delusional as fuck lol.That's not what I said, I said it was rare.
No. 403935
No. 403940
>>403934>That's not what I said, I said it was rare.Not only you are delusional, but you are a filthy liar who knows they're lying just to support their agenda.
>>403935So who's the second most powerful white country, France? If you want me to use France as my example you will BTFO harder. Be careful racially deluded-chan. :^)
>>403937>Marxismlmao, another buzzword retards like you don't know and just throw out. The irony of you calling me a "tard" but then saying this sperg filled shit.
>The sjw shit is so forced is unrealProbably because the "other side" is full of hyper-racialists like you who despise anyone who don't look similar to you? Food for thought.
No. 403946
>>403938>Europeans are more racist. I mean a lot of countries in Europe are still basically ethnostates.LMAO DID AN AMERICAN TYPE THIS POST?
Listen, everyone knows European "racism" is a joke compared to racism of the Indian, the Chinese, ect. The most Europeans can be racist is flailing and shitposting online while obsessing over other ethnicities in the most autistic and cringiest way possible.
>>403942The UK is still culturally more relevant than Russia atm and more of the image of "white people" than Russia is. Maybe wait 20 years.
No. 403953
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>>403950There are barely any Muslims in the racist parts of Europe anyway.
Tarrant still has the highest score for a lone wolf anyway.
No. 403956
>>403953>the racist parts of Europe Stop embarrassing yourself.
>>403955>Europe >A countryI'm not American, but you sure sound like one.
No. 403957
>>403953>There are barely any Muslims in the racist parts of Europe anyway. this isn't true lol. Spain has the most history with Muslims and it's waaaaaacist.
>Tarrant still has the highest score for a lone wolf anyway.Another irrelevant fact, plz contain your panty moistiness for ugly white nationalist boys.
>>403944Shouldn't have accepted the "we are all whites" or "we are all europeans" b.s that was brought to you in the 20th century then :^)
No. 403959
>>403946>to racism of the IndianYou mean the same North Indians who think they're Aryans? lol.
>The most Europeans can be racist is flailing and shitposting online while obsessing over other ethnicities in the most autistic and cringiest way possible.The largest right-wing paramilitary organization in the world is the Azov Battalion, in Ukraine.
No. 403962
>>403959Aryans are Persians, not the appropriated term co-opted by Hitler and the Nazis in the early 20th century DUMMY.
>The largest right-wing paramilitary organization in the world is the Azov Battalion, in Ukraine.Oh wow, a country literally no one ever lives in. Sure got me. Also since when is East Europeans considered in the white people group now, ever since your numbers got so low and pathetic you have to include Slavs into the normal and respectable Europeans now? Hmmm
>>403960>Spain has the most history with MuslimsDid you read what I said, thick head?
No. 403966
>>403962>Aryans are Persians, not the appropriated term co-opted by Hitler and the Nazis in the early 20th century DUMMY.Aryans are the Indo-Europeans who invaded North India thousands of years ago and established the caste system there.'re R1B in terms of their haplogroup. I.e. most similar to modern day Europeans.
No. 403967
>>403962>Did you read what I said, thick head?But it's not even true lol. That would be Balkan countries.
>Oh wow, a country literally no one ever lives in. >Population 40,000,000Hmm.
>ever since your numbers got so low and pathetic you have to include Slavs into the normal and respectable Europeans now? HmmmYawn.
No. 403968
>>403963The South East of Europe has got it right as far as rapefugees are concerned. Keep them out.
You must have you're head up your ass if you think Northern/central Europe is enjoying the invasion.
No. 403969
>>403966Literally just a google search away "Indo-Iranian peoples, also known as Indo-Iranic peoples by scholars,[1] and sometimes as Arya or Aryans from their self-designation, were an ethno-linguistic group who brought the Indo-Iranian languages, a major branch of the Indo-European language family, to major parts of Eurasia."
>>403967No one cares about Ukraine or the other backwards shitty places of East Europe. If everyone in that country got nuked tomorrow no one would care.
>YawnIt's true tho and you know it.
No. 403973
>>403968Unfortunately if we keep them out the NWO gang in Brussels starts reee'ing about racism. This is what I find funny about people like
>>403962, they hate the Europeans who are the most tolerant of their shit. They have no clue what real racism and hatred looks like. Real hatred is thinking the Battle of Kosovo and Fall of Constantinople happened just last week.
No. 403975
>>403952Idk why people go straight to race. In my post I was only talking about about culture and social class, but people replying are like "UMM did you say RACE? Because blahbla /pol/ shgdghkjfs" no, dipshit!
It is known two people dating of the same race can be incompatible with each other because their cultures are vastly different so their home life is struggling. Two cultures can be very similar but come from different races. And then there's people from the same culture but different social class and they could still risk being incompatible.
No. 403977
>>403969Shit bait. You outed yourself as an American. Europeans more than ever care for other Europeans due to all the non-whites being forced on us.
>>403971We have too many people even if we did kick out the non-whites. Overpopulation needs to be addressed before it addresses itself.
No. 403982
>>403973I don't "hate" Europeans and I know what real racism and hatred looks like but as usual pol-tards like you completely miss the mark and always have the make up imaginary traits for your opponent to feel better.
>>403977If you're in one of those shitty economically destitute European countries then you're not actually "European".
>>403974The population will end up aging and dying out just like the Japanese. It's not irrelevant. LOL.
No. 403984
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>>403953>There are barely any Muslims in the racist parts of Europe anyway. Are you joking? Some towns and cities in the UK are over 50% muslim. Ever wonder why places like the midlands are becoming recruiting grounds for the far right?
>>403982>LC>/pol/tards No. 403986
>>403982>The population will end up aging and dying out just like the Japanese. It's not irrelevant. LOL.>Low birth rates mean your population will fall to zeroIt's more like:
>It's incredibly expensive to raise a family because of the cost of property, especially in Japan>Population falls>Land and real estate becomes more affordable (this is actually happening now)>It becomes progressively easier to start a family>Birth rate ticks up again>>403984Anglos aren't racist. They're too tolerant. That's the reason they have this filth in their cities to begin with.
No. 403988
>>403980idk about you but the SEA asian/blacks/hispanics mix along pretty great over here.. it's always mr whitey who has a problem for some reason
it's not always white america vs black america you dumb toon looking outside-in.
No. 403990
>>403988>blacks/hispanics get along greatFunny, I was reading a story from the LA Times last year about a Latino gang who was systematically ethnically cleansing their areas of blacks by torching the homes of anyone who sold to a black buyer. This is just wishful thinking.
And jfl about Asians. Real reason is that Asians, coming from a different culture, are hyper-aware of the mainstream. They also understand that embracing the mainstream, which is anti-white leftist shit, is the way to succeed in the US at this time. High rates of university attendance compound this problem.
You can see this with Sarah Jeong, who exclusively fucks white men, but is vocal about the anti-white stuff. And look at the position she was rewarded with for doing so.
If gassing the kikes was the mainstream idea, Asians would be onboard with that. They have absolutely no principles beyond raw pragmatism and survival instinct.
No. 403991
>>403984LMAO THAT BOY GOT YEETED ON. God why are Brits and Muslims so inbred and fucked looking?
>>403986You're right! It's gonna get worse for Europeans who have a culture where women should be as progressive and detached from men as possible and having kids is bad and abortion is good. Oh yes being anti-tradition and anti-religion really fucked the Yurofags up. Can't wait until the population gets more feminist and "sjw" in other pro-white but anti-white ways and you still rot from the inside. #GodsPlan
No. 403995
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>>403508idc for any of the relationship drama but goddamn I just cannot take her music seriously when I know underneath all the fake tan and "hood" styling this is who's actually singing those lyrics lmfao
No. 403998
>>403990I said over here where i live. i don't live in la. i know what a surprise that everywhere isn't la or new york, right? also there's many black people who have hispanic relatives
1nce again, stupid race baiting shit posters online can see their ways from their point of view and can only explain things as they see it. you only have YOUR experience but yet you try to talk over me, who's lived mine, why? this is why I wish conservative and misogynist men of your race to rip you up into pieces and tear you like the dog you are.
No. 404003
>>403996Who said I "cheered"?? I just said got yeeted on.
>>403994I dislike Muslims and their countries but I have more respect for them because they don't sound like absolutely limp-wristed, weak minded, weak willed and deluded autists every time they come online to talk about any ethnic issue they have. At least they have some fervor and passion, right? And the only Europeans to have semblance of this are the ones from shitty countries no one gives a shit about like East European countries like Ukraine or Yogibear.
No. 404005
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>>404003>And the only Europeans to have semblance of this are the ones from shitty countries no one gives a shit about like East European countries like Ukraine or Yogibear.Compared to Nafri countries, which are really advanced and successful? lol. Even the worst shithole in EE has a higher standard of living than the best place in Nafriland.
No. 404012
>>404008Nope, it's 100% accurate. Mental gymnastics don't change the fact my poor destitute European friend.
>>404002Yeah it must be hard being in that position, you'll either have to die out or face getting with hardcore misogynistic men of your group who will beat and rape you and marry you when you're 14. But at least they will protect your race and support it unlike those anti-white SJW soyboy cuck lefties. Geez talk about a rock and a hard place!
No. 404013
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>>404007>what the fuck does the former Eastern bloc countries have?Are you for real. Some of the most beautifully preserved Medieval towns in the world are in former E-Block countries. Places like Marrakech are a shithole by comparison. Their architectural remains are scant, and they don't take good care of what they have.
This isn't even talking about Krakow, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Budapest, Prague (far more beautiful and clean than Paris), Bucharest, Sofia and all of the little towns.
No. 404014
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>>404007>Nafriland has nicer architecture than Eastern Europet. Nafri
No. 404015
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>When Nafris come to the Greek islands and pretend to be Greek or Italian when speaking to girls because they know everyone hates Nafris/Arabs
Yes, so proud of who they are. So much passion. LOL.
No. 404021
>>404013>a fucking castle wowI can find that in Ireland and Scotland but 10000x better.
Sounds like shit hole people with shit hole mentalities and mediocre looking countries, I'll pass. I mean Nafris are retarded and criminal tier but at least they got the Arabiiiian niiiights advantage over you people.
>>404014I hate North Africans but I hate East Europeans more.
>>404015Greeks and Nafris look the same anyway habibi
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>>404021Tallinn is the best preserved Medieval city in all of Europe though. You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.
No. 404042
>>404015A Greek taking a jab at Anatolians is pretty pathetic tbh.
Why isn't this gross racebaiting shit banned btw? Is /pol/ massively migrating here these days?
No. 404076
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Kpop is super damaging to everyone that consumes it, especially asians. A lot of kpop fans normalize plastic surgery and body dismorphia and all of the youtube influences get ps in korea because they are either inspired by korean pop culture or want to be a part of it. Kpop fans seem to worry about their looks the most compared to other fandoms, they (the ones i've come across and seen on yt) drop all of their money on kpop merch, k fashion, kmakeup,k skincare and sometimes plastic surgery. I grew up and live in a very asian city, 14 years ago no one worried about having white paper skin and a perfect face, now almost every asian in my city is trying to look like a kpop star and getting all these plastic surgeries done. Kpop does more damage on asians because it brain washes them into thinking these unattainable standards of beauty are normal and is the only attractive standard, at least here in the west we are opening up to different ideas of beauty.
No. 404078
>>404048A lot of people just don't have good public transportation or live in the suburbs with poor infrastructure.
I'd hate to live in North America just because it's really claustrophobic to live in a giant sprawling neighbourhood where every home is identical and not be able to go anywhere if you can't drive. I can't drive because I'm poor and don't really need a licence, but when I visited the US and UK I was shocked that even my Eastern Euro shithole, where some mountain villages don't even have electricity or a sewage system, has a better transportation network. And there's always a store within walking distance or at least a farmers market of some kind that isn't a big walmart type building or a mall.
And in the US services like Blablacar don't exist (or at least didn't back then) because of the whole "stranger danger" mentality. I would definitely want a car if I lived in that environment.
No. 404085
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Smells like robot in here, whats with the race shit lmao
Whites can be hot, Asians can be hot, Black people can be hot etc, not one set of features or skincolours is the default “attractive”, now can we move tf on?
No. 404093
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>>404085Also all races can build amazing buildings and monuments, who would have thunk it!!
Almost as if it doesnt have anything to do with it!
No. 404103
>>404101> If only white genocide was a real
No. 404108
>>404076I'm going to piggyback on this post to change the ongoing discussion, but I recall a poster recently said that she hates the metal genre because a lot of metal singers sing about rape or are misogynist, but I beg to differ.
There are some edgy bands, but they also sing about cannibalism and satanism.
The vast majority of metal bands are alright in that regards and do not objectify women, unlike the most top chart songs. Women regardless if they're the singer or just part of the show, are portrayed as a piece of meat. I'm not even going to talk about the quality of songs, but hip hop, rap, k-pop, pop are imo one of the most misogynist genres of music there are in the music industry. They try to mask the nudity and the curse words as empowering but they're anything but. The twerking trend which still hasn't fucking died is absolutely disgusting and dehumanizing.
No. 404128
>>404127I have no idea how that anon came to conclusion that some anons engaging in pol discussions suddenly makes all radfems the culprits and sexism a non-issue.
If she's so keen on vilifying radfems, she can go ahead. Seeing that she's wishing genocide upon an entire race because of few shitposts, she's a rotten person anyways.
No. 404152
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I fucking hated Avengers: Endgame. I'm just going to pretend that it never happened.
Another thing, I'm done with superhero movies (and remakes), but unfortunately, Disney just won't leave good things alone bc: money.
No. 404395
I don't understand how the fuck British people still allow any of their tax dollars to go to the royal family. It absolutely blows my mind.
>>404237Holy shit, I just got my two massive multicolored tattoos on my chest and arm worked on yesterday. That's really hilarious post timing you have there.
No. 404461
>>404458just wanting to add, i hate how they
need men to pay attention to women's plight etc. but reee when you point out it's hypocritical to ask men to give a fuck about women when they don't give a fuck about men. they always baww about how "mens don't care about us, why should i care about them?" as if they should be able to be shitbags just because someone else is.
No. 404471
>>404470You've never heard of political lesbianism?
>>404466You're proving their point
No. 404517
>>404484I've never seen got but this is how I feel about westworld, there were like 3 exciting episodes and the rest literally put me to sleep
not a man-hater by any means but I feel like both of these shows just allow dudes to live out their fantasies. I mean that's like the entire premise of westworld, right? how meta
No. 404567
>>404549Documentaries =bad
dan brown book = good and smart.
Anon is clearly a genius.
No. 404642
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Currently rewatching Mulan, and honestly Disney catches way too much slack. I feel like they draw different ethnicities quite well - they have visible racial markers that aren’t ugly or offensive and they’re able to still create all their non-white characters with their distinct style. I also don’t understand all the screeching over the women being waifish, it’s really not that big a deal imo. I think movies like Pocahontas, Big Hero 6, Frog Prince and Moana are all good examples of how tastefully they create characters of other races/ethnicities
inb4 someone rees about how I’m just a Disney fag womanchild
No. 404656
It's not racist to criticize certain cultural practices, unless you also attack the people born into that culture. Many cultures continue backward traditions, and it should be acknowledged as bad. It doesn't make someone racist to point that out.
And to be honest, you'll literally know the difference when you see it. I don't know why some people play dumb about this. You can say that the continued practice of child marriage in some countries is fucked up without having to call anyone "uncivilized", "savages", "subhuman", etc or make jabs at their skin color. Actual racists literally cannot help themselves. Even when they try their hardest not to say such things, it's still obvious in subtext and passive-aggressive. You can absolutely see the shit leaking through their pores.
Meanwhile, people who just have a moral code pretty much never bring race into things, and it doesn't even feel "off" when they say it. I'm sick of people conflating the two types, it just shuts down social progress on an international scale.
No. 404675
>>404656I totally agree with this.
>>404645The mother is super shitty for doing that, but the father is also super shitty. How can you just walk out on a child like that simply over finding it it doesn't have your DNA? It just shows how little these men give a fuck about their kids if years of raising and bonding with them flies out the window and they're willing to bail on them over that.
No. 404712
>>404678Although it is beautiful, that film has issues drawing Pocahontas in extremely sexualized ways. It's an issue bc native sex-bomb is a thing and native American women are amongst the most raped demographics if not #1. The problem isn't romanticization, the problem is presenting Pocahontas as a fuckthing.
I wouldn't list it along with something like Mulan or Moana, just because it is disrespectful to the culture in multiple ways other than the sexualization of its protagonist.
No. 404997
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Sounds weird but I got a feeling the 2020's will be a good decade, and I have had that feeling since 2016-2017 just like I had the feeling the 2010's would be shit in the 2000's. I honestly feel the 20s will be the first good and impressive decade of the 21st century and resemble something similar of the 1970s.
No. 405018
>>403861All the other Jews with the light-up shoes,
You better run, better run,
Outrun my gun!
No. 405021
Kinda piggybacking off of
>>404997, but I feel like the 80's would've been a fun era to live in. Not that I'd want to go back in time or anything, I like having the internet and cell phones and all that, but the emerging technology would've been fun to experience and also I love the tacky neon fashion and giant hair. Not sure if this is unpopular or not, but yeah.
No. 405058
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>>405021>>405022>>405038Women in the 80s looked unapologetically glam as fuck and I love it
Is there a vintage/decades thread anywhere on here? I'd love a place to dump all of my 60s/70s/80s pics
No. 405098
>>405038You should do it! Something people don't often realize is that our contemporary era is unique in that you literally can have
any style from any era or something entirely new and not be seen as a freak, from a fashion standpoint. I've heard from designers that due to this, they find it hard to design for the era bc the era doesn't actually have a uniform-like aesthetic to it.
Wearing what specifically looks good on
you is what counts these days.
No. 405124
>>405116I'm glad that I live in these times and not the past, to be honest.
>parties, drugs and the ability to run away from home still exist>can also talk to millions of people around the world, buy fun things from other countries without having to go to them, discover all sorts of music, read almost any books, watch anything I want without censorship or waiting for localization, learn new languages for free, take nice quality photos, try all sorts of food>if you get beaten up, raped, harassed or killed by any man or racist person, you at least have a semblance of a chance for justice>can enjoy all the aesthetics of the past, as well as the new things>can put your art, music and writing into the world without any barriers (the only gain from using the typical process being increased exposure)>slimy CEOs and other powerful people who exploit the weak are getting exposed more easily day by dayWho the fuck would want to live without all those things, lmao? The only upside to the past, IMO, is that the environment was less fucked, and that back then, there were easier opportunities to get rich (college was so fucking cheap), and a chance to prevent many international conflicts and exploitative practices of certain countries on others.
The only reason I'd ever want to go back in time is to influence certain people to avoid certain deals, prevent the politically-planned murders of certain officials, kill off shitty leaders before they can act, and take advantage of all the opportunities for success. Typical, average daily life back then would suck unless you're white and male, lmao.
No. 405130
>>405128NTA but
>the truth>stupidityThese are objectively better times to live for anyone who's not white and also not male. Only people who fit both/either of the opposite categories get mad when something that simple is pointed out. Cope.
No. 405264
>>405124Okay since I'm the OP of the first post I'll counter your points.
>parties, drugs and the ability to run away from home still existPeople don't dance in parties anymore like they used to do in the 70's and 80's since most young people decide staying against a wall or huddled in a group of their friends texting own their phone is more fun than dancing. If they do decide to "dance" it will be a few minutes twerking. There's no actual dance genre or subcultures of people like there was in the 1970's either. You have to pretty much go to specialized parties to get dancing and these can be few and far in between depending on where you live.
The average street price for many drugs has gone up while the presence of impurities in more drugs is than ever now, many of those said impurities being extremely harmful and causing 10x more fatal effects than the original drug would on its own.
No contest on the rest.
>can also talk to millions of people around the world, buy fun things from other countries without having to go to them, discover all sorts of music, read almost any books, watch anything I want without censorship or waiting for localization, learn new languages for free, take nice quality photos, try all sorts of foodNot to get into a debate between virtual communication vs "irl" communication I prefer the latter by far. Higher technological quality and more freedom is definitely the cornerstone of the 2010s by far though.
>if you get beaten up, raped, harassed or killed by any man or racist person, you at least have a semblance of a chance for justiceEhh, this still can happen, but the way you're sounding it it's like you're acting like the post-Civil Rights/Feminism movements didn't exist during the 70s. They were a very heavy part of subculture in the 1970s and were beginning to affect everything.
>can enjoy all the aesthetics of the past, as well as the new thingsYeah but imo doesn't beat the feeling of coming up and young with new aesthetics surging from that time period in the moment instead of just passively taking it in by browsing it on the internet while your current decade has no definition to it at all.
>can put your art, music and writing into the world without any barriers (the only gain from using the typical process being increased exposure)No contest.
>slimy CEOs and other powerful people who exploit the weak are getting exposed more easily day by dayNo contest.
All the points you bring up is about life being more comfortable now, but you have to realize us being more plugged into the internet and being detached from the real world has its very real, bad, consequences too. The biggest upside to the 1970s and 1980s is that you could feel actually part of a real life community back then and everything was submerging from that time period just from the sheer innovation and creativity than come from that time. The 2010's has that in little.
>Typical, average daily life back then would suck unless you're white and male, lmao.This just isn't true, seriously.
No. 405270
>>405261Not every black person grew up around white people in the 1970's back then, hell a black person in a city like Boston would still face institutional racism and racism from the people there in 2019. Don't let the fanciness of social media fool you. Black people have barely progressed since the 70's, we still have no generational wealth, many of our men are incarcerated and our culture has actually gotten worse in every way for the past 40 years. There's actually a new movement called #AADOS because of, in part, how shitty our people fell off from the strides we were making in the 60s and 70s, lmao. Ofc that has to do with a lot of the government policies & stuff that affected many urban communities in the 1980's, but yeah.
I have grandparents and parents that grew up or were adults in the 1970s in a majority- black city so I don't need articles to tell me how bad it was. I think saying it was only good for white men is seriously undervaluing the communities of blacks, women, and gays back then..
No. 405276
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>>404997>>405007>>405008>>405264>>405270>>405267>reeeee respect my ohpeenyunShut the fuck up, boomer >>>/facebook/
No. 405329
>>405324I'm not interested in arguing or anything, but I do want to share my ideas on this. Nobody is "lynched" for saying these words, it's just that the use of them have historically had terrible connotations. Because of this, society doesn't accept it's use in certain contexts. About them being reclaimed: That doesn't mean the word magically is fine. Context does matter. You can't really fight society on this issue, it's just how it works and it seems to be going fine.
You brought up "bitch" and "cunt", appearing to understand and care about how they are offensive and affect women, so I'm curious as to why you can't understand the reason why the other slurs are shitty.
When you say language policing you sort of imply that people are being prevented from expressing themselves naturally. I don't really think everyone is dying to say the nigga or fag like it's nothing. Maybe you are, but most people are affected by societal norms, no policing needed.
No. 405330
>>405323>Troons are like redpillers, wrong and cultishFtfy
The more I know about lesbian trans, the more I agree with terfs, shoutout to the gender critical thread.
No. 405336
>>405324Honestly I’d like it if misogynistic slurs were viewed the same as faggot and nigger, women should cause an uproar. Cancel culture seems like the prime time to do this
Don’t know about you guys but I am absolutely sick of people getting a free pass to dehumanise and dismiss me by yelling female specific slurs at me whenever it suits them
No. 405343
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>>405332>>405342>>405323>I probably will leaveplease do. your kind aren't wanted here.
No. 405352
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>>405344Enjoy yours back on tumblr, soy twitter, or /tttt/
No. 405366
>>405273African American Descendants of Slaves.
Because a lot of people assume every black person they see with a non-African accent must be American black people fail to understand that many blacks who get Affirmative Action/ are in high level programs/ get scholarships and such are not the actual descendants of slaves. They are those who's parents came to America in the 60s onward.
Thus they never dealt with generational poverty, housing discrimination, lost dignity, disrespect on the scale that AADOS have.
AADOS movement is to bring awareness to the issue of Black Americans who have legitimate ties to the country being disenfranchised and ignored while never being re-compensated. Every other ethnic group was, African Americans never were. While people, usually naive liberals, will put who they see as black (who aren't actually AADOS) on a pedestal to say "look how far we've progressed in race relations", when nothing has actually changed for those affected.
I'm for it.
t. African American in America with African parents.
No. 405376
>>405339lol i will say that it's interesting how the pockets of the internet are either "everyones
valid uwu i identify as autismgender!! uwu uwu soft bois!!" or it's lolcow-level GC: all trannies are confused retards and mentally ill
No. 405432
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>>40505880s style needs to make a comeback
especially the big hair
>tfw every time I see an 80s movie I feel a sadness inside me No. 405540
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>>405444now that I think of it you're right, my friend has hair like pic related naturally and no one says anything about it except we always compliment her because her hair is awesome.
It still seems a bit different than 80s hair though.
>>405459lol what, white people can have naturally poofy hair too
No. 405574
>>405567Are you the same anon posting in the annoying thread who is mad at IG girls pretending to eat the meals they take pictures of?
It'll be okay. Seriously.
No. 405577
>>405567>>405574Nta but i actually love seeing pics of pretty slim girls eating fast/junk food and being carefree and shit. I think it's cute.
Don't know why you're mad anon
No. 405662
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i want mullets to make a come back, but i dont mean the ugly redneck kind i mean the shaggy rock star mullet like pic related
undercuts and most modern mens hairstyles look like shit imo
No. 405781
>>405777I liked Endgame because it finally showed superheroes not getting everything they fucking want at the end. The tertiary Marvel movies were annoying because it always showed the main characters prevailing when most times they were outright jerks who needed badly to suffer losses and be humbled. Imo, Endgame didn't go far enough in punishing the self-righteous assholes and teaching them that they can lose big time.
Unfortunately, the superhero craze is just beginning. I just hope for the sake of me getting dragged to these movies, and them being an inescapable part of my friend circle, that Endgame means that the typical superhero movie plot formula will get shaken up a bit.
In general it seems like Hollywood is running out of ideas. The remakes of successful movies convince me of it.
No. 405782
>>405773It's not 'wrong', it's just that it would be traumatically embarrassing if my parents ever gave me a fucking vibrator and I'd rather struggle the rest of my damn life with a hairbrush than have something so horrifically awkward happen to me. I don't know what you consider a 'sexually repressed' household to be, but to me that's shaming a child for their body or puberty matters or their (future) sex life. A lack of dialogue about sex aside from safety isn't repression, it's just a parenting style that allows their children some privacy and doesn't confront them with something most would not be comfortable discussing with family. It's not wrong to be more open but it's not dangerous or bad if they aren't.
The best thing a parent can do, in my experience, is renovate the bathroom and get a detachable showerhead. Effective, hygienic and private.
No. 405789
>>405782>it's just that it would be traumatically embarrassing if my parents ever gave me a fucking vibrator and I'd rather struggle the rest of my damn life with a hairbrushFair, but to add some context to my post: My opinion was in reply to a fake story shitpost someone made about a dad discovering his preteen looking at sex toys on the internet. The story goes that he slams the girl's laptop in her face thinking that she's trying to buy sex toys, grounds her, and then gets pissed off when the mom un-grounds her and even suggests they buy the daughter a sex toy like a vibe after talking to the daughter.
Anyway, the post is set up to make the mother look like a sex-posi wench and to give good boy points to the father for being a prick.
Sexual repression to me is fearing negative consequences for wanting to discuss sexual topics or confessing sexual actions.
In my house, there was no such thing as dialogue besides what I learned in health class and being told "NO" which did me no favours later on.
When my mom caught me with a household object once, she shouted "DON'T STICK THINGS IN YOUR VAGINA!" as rather it shouldn't have been concerning that I had nothing vaginally appropriate as an alternative and doing something risky.
The privacy argument is fair to a point but I don't think avoiding the discussions altogether is very good parenting. I think it can even be neglectful.
Another example: If I found out my teenager was having sex, I don't give a fuck if she'd be embarrassed about the subject but I would be pushing condoms and whatever birth control she'd be willing to take. Parents who choose to ignore their preteen and teenager's sexual activities tend to wind up with pregnant daughters.
No. 405795
>>405793There's a difference between being involved and wanting to make sure their daughters are being safe, versus being the creepy, skinwalking "cool mom" stereotype.
>stay outta my vagina, mom!If I had to be financially responsible taking you to the hospital if you fucked up your vagina with something weird I'd 100% make you being safe my business.
No. 405798
>>405789I definitely don't see a problem with the mom getting their daughter something she clearly already wants. It's more buying one unprompted that would be uncomfortable.
It's a fine line to walk imo. Ideally you could have a frank talk about anything to do with sex and masturbation with kids if your concern was their health and happiness, but realistically most wouldn't be open to it. Things to do with safety and health and self esteem should be discussed whether the kid likes it or not, but some sex topics like masturbation and what feels good or kinks or whatever cross a line where it's just too embarrassing for them to be receptive to a conversation about it. Most just have to learn those things on their own, it's not like they lack resources with the internet these days.
No. 405864
>>405782>traumatically embarrassingThis. I was already depressed and emotionally fragile at that age. The level of awkwardness and embarrassment from my mother randomly giving me a vibrator and telling me how to use it probably would have tipped me over the edge.
I do agree with the other anon that parents should be open to talking about sex and personal issues with their children because ignorance does more harm than embarrassment.
My sister is a teenager and she does want to talk to me about sex and puberty sometimes. I don't mind doing this for her. It wasn't that long ago that it was happening to me, so I understand how she feels and I think it's better for her to able to talk about it with someone that she trusts. I draw a very clear line about what is and isn't acceptable to discuss. I do my best to give her good advice and truthful information but I do not ever talk to her about my own personal sexual experiences.
No. 405878
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I like general discussions more than cow threads.
Most cows are boring imo and it gets exhausting watching farmers in some threads rehash the same theories over and over again.
No. 405895
>>405773I don't think I'll ever plan on having kids because childbirth scares me, but theoretically I wouldn't have any issue with my teen daughter using a vibrator. I mean it would be weird to just randomly gift her one, but if she were open about it with me it would only have to stay between us. I'm not an uber sex-posi kinksterfag, but it's just masturbation and most people start doing it in their teens. I'd rather she use a vibe than have unprotected sex or make stupid, hormonal decisions in relationships and get taken advantage of.
>Not every girl nor woman gets off on fingers. Yeah tbh I rubbed my clit and used a hairbrush when I first started. Fingering felt too weird and not really enjoyable.
No. 405901
>>405895ive got a young daughter. sex talk is coming up and im nervous, but i know that i have to set a good foundation in hopes that she wont become ashamed of herself and whats going on and the feelings she will have because of just being a human.
my family was super christian, never had a sex talk and was of course ashamed when i would masturbate or think of sex because i was going to burn in hell forever. but fuck that if i want my kid to feel the same way. the best thing i could do for, i think, is to let her know that she will have these kinds of thoughts and feelings and thats human. id much rather my daughter ask about birth control and a safer way to masturbate than grabbing something that could damage her.
No. 405903
>>405900I know that feel, most my family has thin straight hair. I remember spending at least 2 hours every couple days straightening my hair so people would leave me alone about how poofy it was at school.
>tfw have spent like 3k on straightening my hair altogether with perms and shitMy hair isn’t even that curly funny enough, but I was raised in a small ass town in the middle of nowhere.
No. 405914
>>405879>over the summerWEW
I guess summerfags got out of school early
No. 405984
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>>405902>you're re risking her permanently damaging her clit or not being able to get off in any other way fucking disgusting. pleases kys yourself for even typing this
No. 406004
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I'm turning 24 this year, never had a stable, long term job and my parents are close to their sixties and once they die I don't know what I'll do because I probably won't have financial stability so… yey.
No. 406030
>>406019I mean you can get desensitized, but it's reversible if you stop masturbating this way for a little bit.
It's kinda fucked up that you'd worry about a girl "damaging" her clit by masturbating, that's all. I know I spent my teen and early adulthood unable to masturbate to complexion because I didn't have access to a vibrator, so it can go both way.
No. 406032
>>406030samefag but on the subject of buying sex toys for your teenager ;
I definitely think it's not okay for parents to randomly buy a dildo for their daughter, if she really wants to buy herself a dildo she can do so online with the money she made working a summer job or smth, if you're not a weird intrusive parent who open their child's mail she should be able to get whatever sex toy she wants to.
No. 406076
>>406073>nobody said it would be appropriate for a parent if she prefers not to be open with you about itI really do think most anons are missing this.
If it's the difference between being being helpful or shaming, being helpful is clearly the better choice. Nobody thinks parents should randomly buy their teenagers super dildos and bdsm.
No. 406079
>>406075I've heard of parents but mostly men enable their sons by buying or 'passing down' porno mags, tissues, condoms, and lotions.
I think fleshlights are a pretty new thing, but I can't imagine a parent being too shocked and appalled if they caught their son looking at them on the internet. Boys will be boys!
No. 406081
>>406080Because male and female anatomy are completely different and masturbation for females varies significantly.
Wow, you poor soul. You really believe that.
No. 406086
>>406084You can believe all that you'd like but there is no physical mechanism that "desensitizes" the clitoris from masturbation. And if you'd use some Google Fu to look that up the very first results actually say that female masturbation increases clitoral sensation.
Maybe for you it was mental, just like with pornsick men not being able to get off is mental.
No. 406089
>>406084So maybe you just get off in a specific way and there's nothing wrong with that.
There's a lot of women who can't get off with penetration alone and need the aid of toys. It's really not weird or unusual, contrary to what men would have you think because they want you to believe only a penis should be adequate.
No. 406093
>>406091nothing wrong with wanting to come from piv sex since more orgasms = added pleasure. having the ability to have both vaginal and clitoral orgasms must be great, instead of one or the other.
personally i can only get excited from penetration if its anal because my clitoris rubs against the surface of whatever im being fucked against during anal sex. i hope to come from piv one day.
No. 406096
>>406091I at no point said that only PIV should get me off, you guys are putting words in my mouth.
For years absolutely nothing but blasting my cunt with water could get me off, no matter what I tried nothing came even remotely close - it took years of abstaining from it before sexuality bounced back and I’m finally able to enjoy other sexual acts as well
And for the last time I’m talking about more than just PHYSICAL desensitisation, the mental aspect is also extremely important. And regardless it is so inappropriate to buy your kids sex toys. Educate them about sex and masturbation there’s absolutely no reason to provide them with sex aids.
Inb4 using the word cunt apparently makes me a scrot.
No. 406109
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>>406108Does this image turn you on?
No. 406272
>>406148I feel like over the years, I hate the feeling of impending doom that something awful is going to happen to a character, so I look it up in advance so that I can properly prepare myself for said event/find out that it doesn't even happen. I get that the whole point is to tug on your heartstrings and whatever, but most times I get into a mood that just straight up isn't enjoyable when the whole point of kicking back and watching tv shows is to just enjoy it haha. Maybe that's just me though. Sometimes I do upset myself when I find out a major plot point that might've been enjoyable to find out through just watching, but those times are far and few between.
>>406203I just started watching the Dynasty reboot and even though it's your typical super juicy, mysterious drama, I still had to read a plot summary and ended up reading a summary for all of the first season lol. Killed a bit of the mystery, but I am still filled with stress watching the show haha.
For slow shows like Terrace House, I would read episode summaries because sometimes it was too slow and I needed something to look forward to lol.
No. 406546
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I hate Cat Twitter and those Rapid Liquid "haha doggo xddd" videos that just consist of them babytalking about animals. Cat Twitter is already kind of dead but I wish that Rapid Liquid guy would legit stop fucking posting. I'm tired of watching anything remotely anime-related and I see his faggot videos that are the same thing driven to hell and back and I'm surprised he's even still dragging that dead meme.
No. 406550
>>406546'hehe danger noodle XD' 'good boye doggo' culture is absolute cancer and i hate it so much. i don't see as much annoying language surrounding cat twitter and stuff however.
semi ot but i hate this image and i hate anime reaction face posting. i dont know why but i always feel like it's men posting when you guys use anime reaction images. it just makes posts a little slimey and i really can't put my finger on why that is. i know it's in the history of bbs/imageboards anyways but we use them so infrequently and i've not been on a male board for so long that i can't help but feel like it's always men now
No. 406636
>>406614REALLY depends on your position. I worked in high finance and I would never ever work for a big bank ever again. They want to OWN your life and you to be okay with not getting any sleep, being constantly overworked because you're lower than them in the company hierarchy, be available 24/7/365, etc. It's also full of assholes, holy shit I can't even describe to you the kinds of entitled "I'm better than everyone" dickbags I had to work with.
>workplace bullying is actually dealt withTrust me, it isn't everywhere.
I've worked at a startup after this and it was really chill. However I've also interviewed for some cheapasses that want you to work 10 hours per day for 500€/month and will fire you at the drop of a hat.
No. 406656
>>406652Agreed. This is why I got so irritated when I saw one person try to say /ot/ has too much feminism or whatever.
We get one board to say what we want without being gaslit, yelled at for being too mean and not caring about male's feelings, or "corrected" by idiotic, self-important men going "ackshually" (and then lying). Men, anti-feminists and pick-mes get like….half the internet curated to them and their sensibilities, lmao.
It's healthy to express these thoughts so they don't get bottled up and make us miserable. Let us breathe.
No. 406692
>>406636I'm not surprised at all, I have a sister who worked for banks part-time as it was part of her training while studying and she had to create a brand new bank account in the company she worked with, as well as other things I don't remember and she didn't like it at all.
>some cheapasses that want you to work 10 hours per day for 500€/month and will fire you at the drop of a hat.Was that for internships? Companies either love or hate interns because they expect them to work exactly as much as normal employees for way less than the minimum wage with no proper training even though the point is to train interns in the first place) or they're so cheap they only want to "hire" them for free. I had to look for an internship months ago to graduate and I had many companies refusing to hire me or even refusing an interview because they wanted an intern for only 1 month or a bit less than 2 months. If they hire an intern for 2 months or more in my country companies are legally required to pay them and it seems like 500€ a month for someone working full-time and getting no benefits like holidays and healthcare is way too much asked. In that sense I've noticed big companies are the least worst though.
No. 406763
I hate trannies but also hate the GC threads because of all the annoying, pseudo integrated redditors.
>>406755>containmentLol no. The mods have literally never attempted to stop tranny hate from leaking outside that thread and probably never will unless a troon gets appointed. Agree on the new threads with similar topics though, those are unnecessary.
No. 406997
>>406643Exaggerated but based in reality yes. Many of them have clearly never been told no in their lives because they have a rich dad who will buy them a place at a good uni and they go around saying how they hustle, work hard, "I earned it with my hard work" etc.
>>406692Yep it was an internship, they dress it up real nice and then slowly start to reveal how shit it actually is the more interviews you have.
No. 407130
>>406761Anyone who has enough of a life not to spend every waking minute obsessing over trannies must be a tranny themselves. Got it.
The circlejerking on this site can make reddit and /pol/ look tame.
>>406652Heard that explanation too many times now. Having no other outlet doesn't completely explain why so many posters here beat the dead horse (cows?) 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for half a decade. You can literally revisit the 2014 threads and comfirm for yourself that the discussion points have not evolved at all the past 5 years.
I will bet my savings that the regulars in those threads lead a
very vacant life,
because I know that was exactly how I spent my free time when I was an almost-NEET No. 407139
>>407133>Are you seriously implying that the same people who post to the pink pill/anti-porn/gendercritical/radfem threads are the same people who spend their waking hours in /snow/ picking apart some camwhore's appearance? They could very well be but nope. Even during my no-life phase I wasn't interested those e-nobodies. I was just calling trannies cows.
>Because that sounds like grade A projectionWell, I thought I already made that obvious in the last paragraph of my post. And I'm standing by it.
No. 407166
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>join discord for idol anime aimed at children
>men discussing what it's like to have sex with prostitutes
>close tab and erase browser history
No. 407199
>>407166>idol anime aimed at childrenjesus i hope it's not aikatsu
things like that makes me don't want to get into any discord servers, it's full of creeps
No. 407202
>>407197I've never heard her speaking voice before and whew, even troons invest time and money in affecting a voice that sounds higher in register or at least a shade feminine. I played this in a tab without looking at it and it just sounds like a man's voice.
I think I'm with you on it just being sad, people don't ask to be born intersex and it's all just kinda wild
No. 407206
>>407173I absolutely hate discord for killing many comfy IRC channels.
Also, if you care about privacy at all, you should avoid Discord at all costs.
No. 407217
>>407201I know she is XY, but so does the person in the video attached and calling her not a woman would be reaching.
Obviously Semenya has a different intersex condition, likely alpha-5-reductase deficiency, unlike the woman in video who has complete androgen insensitivity syndrome. People with alpha-5-reductase deficiency are closer to male than female even though they are intially raised as girls due to their external genitalia looking female.
>>407210See video attached, some people with XY chromosomes appear entirely female externally and do not have any virilization due to a complete insensitivy to androgens.
However this is not the case with Semenya who is very virilized and was already virilized (like other boys) before puberty except for her external genitalia.
No. 407514
>>407509But that's not true, plastic isn't inherently bad. Plastic mixing bowls and tupperware are great, for example. Silicone is awesome for a lot of things, from cooking tools to collapsible cups.
People are bitching about plastic because single use plastics are everywhere and are polluting our oceans. Single use plastic is the most shit tier quality kind of plastic and companies use it because it's cheap. That shit ends up in oceans and your own water supply and then you drink it.
No. 407549
>>407514This. Tbh I don't get why people are clinging so hard to single use plastic. A lot of it is pointless anyway. Why does anybody need a bunch of bananas in plastic? Or any fruit or veg for that matter? It isn't sterile when it goes in, so most people wash it anyway.
A supermarket near me switched to paper bags for the fresh produce and people were mad about it.
No. 407558
>>407554A lot of them said that sometimes the fruit got smushed and made the bag soggy but they shouldnt be buying fruit in the first place if they're not bothered enough about it to stop it geting squashed. Plus I assume they throw out the squashed food so does it matter if the bag is soggy?
I think the people that get mad about it just don't like change or any small inconvenience.
Same with the ones that hate the maccy's paper straws. If you don't like them, take the top off the cup and drink it like that or bring your own reusable straw? It ain't hard
No. 407570
>>407562It's because retarded boomers don't give a fuck because they made the world a dumping ground and will leave the world before they own us to anything.
I hope they all suffer in their shitty retirement homes.
No. 407808
>>407790I agree. So many things would be fixed if this was a global standard.
Trust crusty, evil old men to want to hold on to power even on their death beds, though.
No. 408214
>>408209Pedos already have lolicon, written content, therapy, 3DCG, onaholes (and other sex toys), online LARPing, normalized dd/lg and other ageplay bullshittery flooding the mainstream, legal porn where the girls are purposely made or chosen to look younger, the exploitative business of child modelling on an international scale, hookers that will LARP as children for them, and their imaginations.
If all that's not enough for them, and they
need a child-sized doll, it's already obvious that they can't be given "safe outlets uwu" without the urge just growing more.
What's next? Defending and rallying for child prostitution because "The kids get paid so they can eat and go to school. Pedos need an outlet too, people!"?
No. 408258
>>408168well right, objectification or not, i am in favor of them. many women who find them creepy are also in the camp that wants to ban them and sex robots.
>>408209lol… riiiiiiight. this doesn't work on anything else, so obviously it will for poor widdle pedos!
No. 408410
>>408326Years ago it was still pretty common for people to have a donation link or amazon wish list on their websites.
Personally I find Patreon to be kind of annoying because they are locking their content behind money, especially if it's something like a mediocre webtoon done by a beginner. I have no problem with something like ko-fi or a paypal link though, I like making donations to people who make content that I enjoy. People "back then" would have done the same thing that people do now. It's only back then there wasn't such an easy way to ask for money.
No. 408456
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why do some people act like being asian is like being white and that asians are as privileged as white people are
No. 408470
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>>408407I can agree, especially after recent events
I also wish they'd put on deodorant and invest in a therapist
No. 408558
>>408456Why do some people act like burgerland is the political climate of the entire world and have trouble understanding that things like privilege are relative
I’d love to hear someone try to tell either a Pol or Irishman that they have not been oppressed because their skin is white, even though not that long ago neither were actually considered white.
No. 408597
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>>408585She looks like if protomagicalguy was granted a wish to become a real girl imo
No. 408603
>>408595What you're saying makes sense and it's not the first time I've heard that theory, but it's way too charitable towards the bitter bitches who nitpick. I'm pretty sure they're just so convinced that the absolute worst thing a woman can be is ugly/fat/old looking, so they impulsively search for any tiny flaw they can point out to ensure she's being put down sufficiently. Just insulting their personality isn't enough to convey their dislike, because they consider looks to be much more important than personality. And it really pisses them off if someone they dislike happens to be attractive.
Also this place attracts certain types who are particularly vain and jealous when it comes to their competition or girls who are more popular online… anachans, wannabe ecelebs, weebs, camgirls, etc.
No. 408606
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>>408605Gotta admit though, this pic made me recoil when I read about the whole thing. They both sure have… strong features.
No. 408610
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Poor Ross…..
I guess this is what happens when you marry a tumblrina snowflake.
No. 408633
>>408606I still don't understand how any woman would fuck Jared. Holly is average but she's still too attractive for him, dude's a literal goblin.
Is it fame? Charisma?
No. 408658
I don't care as much when I find out a woman has murder fantasies or gross fetishes, because unlike men, there's a pretty good chance she knows it's bad and won't mentally twist herself into a pretzel trying to find reasons that it should be seen as acceptable or normal. Meanwhile, scrotes all over the world are obsessed with trying to force the world to accept their disgusting proclivities, whether it's through violent pornography becoming mainstream, fetishization of mentally ill women (eg BPD obsession and "daddy issues = great sex xdd"), victim-blaming, "MAP activism", etc.
Like…even all the dd/lg chicks who won't shut up about their "daddies" are largely just male-aligned, mentally damaged women who were either groomed IRL or online (or both) being egged on by attention from the same type of men I mentioned before.
The only exception to this I can think of is early 2000s fujoshi culture, but they got shamed to hell and back, so the fujoshi of the mid 2000s have largely calmed down and keep their shit to themselves and their own spaces.
No. 408662
>>408659>>408659I think what happened is that these two losers were getting off on all the attention they were getting from fans. Jared is clearly ugly af but had enough clout for attention starved teen girls to lick around for validation. We have all known girls that like the clearly ugly dude in a band because
probability and he's probably more likely to go with me because he's ugly af compared to the others etc. Deluded thinking that then boosts up these ugly cunts egos and they actually mistake attention for being attractive and celebrated on looks.
It can happen to girls too that hang out with the social rejects and start getting attention for being in constant close proximity from orbiters and not realising convenience and her availability plays into people pursuing her.
Essentially two attention seeking cunts seek attention off each other for validation while still craving more and more which is why the naked mole rat has been soliciting nudes from minors.
Its all ego strokes.
No. 408708
Listen I'm not racist and I'll date a attractive and nice man regardless of his skin color,but I'm kinda wary of black men because of personal experiences.
See I am harassed all the time by black dudes, who make all sorts of lewd remarks to me, only to usually walk away, calling me names
like this recent encounter,I was at a bus stop in the scorching heat(to go get groceries), where a fat black man shuffled up next to me, and then began to mumble-blurt out some sexual fantasy or another. When i finally understood that the lewd mental scenario was involving me, my stomach did a full 540' twist, and i had a bad case of heartburn for the rest of the day. I repeatedly turned him down, and as expected, he turned surly and spouted that i was just scared of black cock, as he shuffled along to elsewhere.
On one hand Its just kinda cringy but also I fear for my life as well in these situations
No. 408892
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Salad (that isn't drowned in dressing) is really fucking good. I don't know why people hate it so much and act like they're so cool for not liking it…
I love how crunchy and fresh it is.
>>408831>106what is her secret
No. 408929
>>408918not even
i think people should just stop caring cause at worst its just transtrenders seeking validation for not wanting to be 100% feminine or masculine all the time, or tumblr clout
that or its people being weirdly obsessive over other peoples bodies/identities and feeling personally attacked when you dont act out your assigned gender roles to a t or something.
the only time i think your gender should ever be questioned by anyone is if its your doctor, or if youve got a specific craving for dick/vagina and arent trying to waste time.
No. 408930
>>408915>wanting to rob women of the right to talk about ourselves as a collective/identity and our struggles related directly to our biology this badly Great, time to tell Malala and every girl/woman who's been a
victim of FGM or other directly sex-linked forms of oppression that they need to chill, they would've been fine if they'd just realize sex is a "spectrum" and/or chosen to identify as something else.
No. 408934
>>408931Intersex people are a rarity, and typically don't want to be seen as their own special magic category that breaks gender or whatever.
I'm really tired of certain people using their existence as a weapon in these TRA-tier arguments, lmao.
No. 408936
>>408930thats not what that post was about
its about gender in relation to the trans population. i specifically said
>everyone should just go by singular they/them pronouns unless they specifically ask otherwiseyeah, people can still talk about being women and identify as it and whatever. i just think people obsessing over what other people choose to identify as how they present themselves in relation to their gender
hope sperging made you feel better though
No. 408940
>>408936What you're suggesting is functionally worthless because it doesn't actually erase any of the issues relating to sex and gender.
It's basically you saying "Let's just censor a degree of descriptive language except in special cases and call it a day". All it can do is result in confusion in daily life.
The only way she/her or he/him pronouns cause problems in themselves is basically when someone who's objectively not a woman, but a man (or vice-versa), but wants to be called one for emotional reasons, is pissy because other people aren't calling him/her what they want to be called. The "IT'S MA'AM" video is a pretty good example.
Otherwise, pronouns have basically been the least of anyone's concerns. To be honest, the moment you divorce pronouns from objective sexual reality and make them into some "My gender identity is…" thing is when all sense flies out the window.
I really hope you're like 16, I don't think you thought this through at all.
No. 408991
>>408915>if youre not a doctor, what do you care about someones sex organs?what is sexual orientation?
also feminine and masculine are based on stereotypes, but there are real differences between men and women, think of how men and women act differently during parenthood. sex is important and pronouns for the most part should apply biological sex.
No. 409002
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People who don't care/don't try to be on time to things, or even worse are intentionally and repeatedly late, are the fucking worst. It's completely forgivable to occasionally be late but always showing up 15 minutes late is so rude and disrespectful.
I didn't even think this was an unpopular opinion until I saw a meme on instagram about how girls think being late is a personality trait and the comments were basically all people defending being constantly late to everything. These idiots literally think that being late makes them ~quirky and special~
No. 409006
>>409002On time is late.
I also find most of the people sharing this meme on FB are students or part-time min wage workers. Other people catch on and having a reputation for being late seeps into other aspects of your performance, be it school, job, or otherwise.
No. 409069
>>409065They said early. Can you not read? And I feel the same way, my partners parents always arrive early and it’s annoying as fuck because we’re then expected to be ready to go as soon as they are even we had scheduled to meet 30+ minutes later than they arrive
Why is it so hard to just be ON time
No. 409252
>>409182it's funny, when halo first launched people weren't afraid to call her out for selling overpriced snake-oil.
now there's people proudly tweeting that they'll buy halo in support of tati in these trying times. you can't say anything about her now without being bombarded. talk about a great ad.
>>409233yeah they're all so exploitative. it's like there's no consideration for the
victims or their families/friends who lived through it.
No. 409385
>>409182Something about her isn't quite right and I can't put my finger on it. A lot of people are banging on about how she's such a good person, but idk. She doesn't seem genuine to me. I will still continue to enjoy the drama her video has unleashed though.
>>409260Tati Westbrook claimed he's predatory towards straight men and obsessed with cracking their sexuality. Big if true but I don't disbelieve it. Some of the behavior I've seen from him on social media adds up.
No. 409465
>>409002holy fucking god anon I agree so much. I have friends and colleagues who are ALWAYS late, like every fucking time. When you make plans you can bet they show up 10-15 minutes late or sometimes even send me a message saying they'll be there in 30 minutes with no other reason than they just didn't get their ass out in time. It's so fucking disrespectful. I absolutely agree about people thinking it's "quirky and silly" when they're constantly late and wasting my precious time when I have to add an extra 15 minutes to my schedule just standing around doing nothing. Fuck these people. I take the time and effort to plan out my day so I can be there when I'm supposed to, why the fuck isn't the other party required to do the same? Is it some sort of a power trip to them to know that everyone's waiting just for them?
>>409182This. I'm not even into the makeup scene but this is exactly how it sounded to me when someone gave me the jist of it.
No. 409628
>>409436That's the thing. Cosplay IS weird.
Outside of the internet and nerd culture it's not normal. Most adults don't find it normal. In fact, most adults even find discomfort in other adults dressing up for Halloween in a serious way. People might throw on a themed t-shirt and headband but most adults DO NOT get completely decked out.
It is an odd hobby just like model training or any other non-productive thing.
What's even stranger to me is that people will literally put themselves into debt for it. Back when I was in college I worked part-time at a factory and there was a girl there who literally lived paycheck-to-paycheck but would go to all these conventions and show us photos of her shitty China-made costumes she was constantly buying.
Every person I've met IRL who's been into cosplay has been absolutely weird and socially maladjusted. Look at the famous cosplayers… they're all weird too. If that's the "pinnacle" of success in the hobby, then yeah, it's fucking weird.
No. 409666
>>409659What Holly Conrad did is very much in line with the kind of backstabbing and gaslighting that happened s pretty often in the cosplay world. I was a cosplayer for roughly ten years and this kinda stuff happened pretty often, it's just rare for it to become totally public. Despite that, I'm still amazed by what a snake this bitch is.
>supposedly best friends with hiedi>leaves her husband then moves to PNW to be close to her "bff">Heidi starrs to have suspicions because holly and Jared start to spend a weird amount of time together without her>they act like she's a controlling paranoid psycho and gaslight the fuck out if her while telling all their friends she's crazy>turns out they've been fucking, sexting, holly secretly despises Heidi and tells Jared how horrible she is and how he should be with her insteadI'm glad it turns out Jared was a sex fiend whore and Holly isn't that special after all. It's the karma she deserves that she wasn't actually the only one like he let her believe.
No. 409826
>>409825Well, it's more for neurotypical people who can manage a normal social situation with multiple people without either having a panic attack or being
triggered when the attention is on someone else.
No. 409842
Unpopular opinion on the James Charles and Tati thing is that neither is really better the other insofar as the vitamins thing. The other stuff about James aside, he was just trying to make money with Sugar Bear, and now Tati is doing the same using the situation to sell Halo. She's just as profit-driven.
>>409824>>409826Most discord gcs are full of attention-grabbing from ewhores anyway, so of course people will get
triggered over attention. People who whine about servers being cliques while doing nothing are annoying, but many servers truly are obnoxious circlejerks catered to the staff friend group, when said staff could accomplish what they want by having a smaller friend server. But a lot of larger servers reap money in donations, which is why people let tonnes of members in and then bitch about not liking how they act.
No. 409867
>>409859well it's the same as trying to join in in a group convo irl. all the active posters in servers have been such for a while so they have friendships going and everything and then for some uncharismatic rando to butt in, I just don't know how to do it. if it's random banter with inside jokes and stuff, that's like legit barging in someone's house, and if it is some sort of discussion about a topic/hobby, I just feel like an idiot that can't really add anything to the situation or like everything I could say will sound really stupid and or condescending.
thought it would be easier because it is more low stakes, as you said it's just typing, even if I embarrass myself I can just leave and everyone will forget about it, but I just can't, have written and deleted many a message.
tbf I have similar issues irl, I'm ok with 1 on 1 convos but as soon as it's a group, even of people I'm kinda familiar with, I get stressed and quiet and unsure of how to contribute. does not apply to family and like friends from way back when obvi.
No. 409923
>>409867nta but imo group chats are easier and lower stakes because the focus isn't solely on me. I can say something cringey and it kinda gets drowned out by the pace of the convo. I only really need to jump in when the convo is interesting/relevant. 1 on 1 is harder for me because you actually have to respond, and respond relevantly. I can interrupt a existing circlejerk with a random topic.
half the time circlejerks happen cuz people are bored, want something to talk about, but unsure of what to talk about.
one thing I do, is just link an article and ask a question. most of the time baits people into a convo I care about lol.
No. 410546
>>410544Nayrt but after The Matrix people used to say woke for any deep thing before it was mostly used in sjw race-related stuff
I second the motion, literally blaming
victims for being
victims and suggesting we consume their unfortunate bodies is the most short-sighted shit
No. 410548
>>410546Eat the disabled.
Sarcasm of course, but I can see how this would work in a world where empathy doesn't matter.
We could eat death row criminals though.
No. 410550
>>410546> literally blaming victims for being victimsYou realize it's not black-and-white, right? I made a very ambiguous statement and you chose to take it in that direction. I have no empathy for people who choose to be useless and nor should I.
One can victimize themselves, you understand that, right? There's a difference between wanting to chop up the disabled for being disabled and wanting to dispose of those who choose to put themselves into positions of uselessness.
No. 410832
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>>410829Yeah, shit sucks. My mum is vegan and bless her, she tries so hard to cook food that is both yummy and healthy, but it's always bland as a natural result of removing everything that makes food taste good (both animal products + unhealthy ingredients). I think long time vegans just straight up forget what good food tastes like and get used to mediocre substitutes.
There are a few exceptions though, pic related are a good substitute for sausage rolls. Probably because sausage rolls aren't great to begin with.
No. 410835
>>410829I think one of the biggest issues is that unlike vegetarian meals, vegan dishes are always trying to be a ‘dupe’ of a meat dish. I don’t understand why vegan dishes don’t make the most of the full range of flavours and textures available through fresh produce and insist on using salty soy replacements 24/7
I feel like whenever a restaurant makes a point of vegan you’re guaranteed a bad time, I miss being able to go out and finding good vegetarian restaurants - they don’t seem to exist anymore it’s all just vegan shit.
No. 410838
>>410832NTA but those sausage rolls aren't vegan!
Also is a vegan diet really that bland? Maybe I have weird tastebuds, since I hate the taste of meat and dairy and everyone else seems to love them, but I've never thought that my meals were lacking in flavour due to not containing them.
>>410835There's a vegan restaurant near me where all but two of their mains are stuffed with fake meat crap. It's like these places want to be exactly like omnivore restaurants so they fill their menus with "meat" instead of coming up with creative dishes.
No. 410852
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Anons need to consider that vegans don't go vegan because they hate the taste of meat and cheese. I don't know where you guys are finding vegans that subsist mainly on mockmeats, granted I believe you, but I don't see ones like that very often. Anyway, mockmeats are a pretty easy way to get in high quality protein. When vegan restaurants primarily serve vegan versions of foods traditionally made with animal products, it's worth noting that it is usually a treat and something that isn't easy to make at home. Most defaultly vegan dishes are very easy to make at home.
No. 410864
>>410829That's because vegan/vegetarian food in restaurants is absolutely fucking awful. A block of raw tofu with some puree next to it and some asparagus artistically placed on the top probably looks great for the chef's instagram page but nobody would actually eat that. I've had plenty of shit doughnuts recently because they're trendy atm and a shop has sprung up on every street corner, doesn't mean I hate doughnuts now. Flavour doesn't come from a steak or a block of tofu, it comes from herbs, spices, sauces and veggies. A chef that can't season something isn't a chef, it's just someone heating something up for you.
>>410832What does your mum cook, our of curiosity? Curries, chilli, pasta, ramen, stir fries are all things that are bursting with flavour and they can all be made vegan.
No. 410893
>>410889I hear you, anon. I try to be kind, but some things just make me angry, and only through venues like LC do I feel comfortable expressing that anger fully. I don't want to hurt anyone IRL, but I guess I should remember it's also a real person behind the screen that I might be calling retarded.
It's just so hard when they've insulted me first, or even twist my words for the sake of the argument. I feel bad about just letting it go, but I also know responding in turn results in a long, stupid argument that'll make us both look retarded to whoever is reading. There is no winning when people are mean to each other online, I guess, but that's the culture we've created. "No filter, free speech" and all. It's a blessing a curse.
>I also hope you remember when you get mad at others that neither of you are more important than the other and when you start acting more important or as if your posts are more important that's when you prove how unimportant you are.I disagree with this. Some posts are just objectively worthless trash, like when men shit up threads to attack women, especially that guy who specifically spams us with scat porn.
No. 410924
>>410891Same anon. I wanna know too.
AT THE MOST they’lll call you cute and MAYBE even buy you a drink but other than that good luck getting laid kek
>>410893NTA but I feel the same
I just feel like a piece of shit when I just straight up insult people (unless it’s a scrot) Sometime I try to deflect arguments with a joke but eh people just get too aggressive. I like being nice and helping anons out tbh
No. 411016
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My unpopular opinion is that I don't want to have children.
Though I feel like whenever I come across people who share this opinion, they have it for reasons different from me.
For me, it's all about the pregnancy. The more I hear about what it's actually like (especially from women who actually WANTED kids, so I doubt they're trash-talking it just ~because~) the more it terrifies me.
It's straight up body-horror to me. The prospect of having my midsection deform, having my thinking altered, possibly having my vagina ruptrue - it seems like straight out of a horror movie. The thought of having my body expand basically by itself with no possibility of stopping it makes me want to die. Everything about it sounds like what you'd imagine having a worm or alien or something inside your body would be like.
But also shout-out to women who go through this and end up being good mothers, I could never.
No. 411053
pls tell me where I can read those posts
No. 411056
>>411053it's in the annoying people thread, the og post is
>>384713 (if I managed to link correctly)
No. 411063
>>411044Doubt it, that anon at least had the rightful reason of being pissed off at the flatmate doing drugs in their apartment and leaving porn on the table for everyone to see. The sperg-chan in /ot/ is the one who goes on with circular arguments about how fujos need to neck themselves simply for existing and having a "fetish".
>>411053There has been some sperg going on and on in varying threads trying to derail them into how fujos are disgusting rape fetishists and pedos for shipping 17 year old characters. Don't know if it's the same pedosperg-chan who got banned multiple times for going into the sonfu thread to call other anons creepy pedos for liking underage characters in a purely platonic sense.
No. 411064
>>411058how is this unpopular? but yes, sonic is very cool, hard agree! hopefully they do remake the 3d model of the new movie sonic for he deserves better than
that bargain bin abomination
No. 411079
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>>411064Honestly I never know where people stand with Sonic. I know there are a lot of bad Games, Sonic OC stuff,the abomination live action Sonic that we’ve recently seen but I do like him as a character. He’s cute and so are the rest of the Sonic characters.
No. 411091
>>411058>>411064>how is this unpopular? but yes, sonic is very coolMaybe if you are a kid or an adult autist. Sonic is a character that tries so hard to signal cool that he comes off as incredibly lame to anyone who is not one of the above.
The disturbing/cringy fandom does not help.
No. 411097
>>411091>Maybe if you are a kid or an adult autist. i mean you can say that about any mascot of things primarily geared at children.
in my experience, people (normies tbh) place sonic and tmnt and bayblades etc in the same category of "kool, nostalgic shit" but maybe there's regional variation. normies also won't immediately go to Christian sonic inflation porn as a 1st association or even know of that at all.
>>411068sadly, that would probably be for the best. wish people would let franchises die in a graceful way instead of beating them to death!
No. 411109
>>411097Not all mascots are obnoxiously cool.
Some are cute (say Crock, for example), which is much more acceptable. Sonic has shit design and an annoying personality.
No. 411151
>>411143Tfw pokemonfags and Nintendobabbies autism is the same or surpassed sonicfags but since their games are mainstream accepted no one cares
T. Longterm fanbase member of all
No. 411152
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>>410907I haven't read any Marvel or DC comics but from the pages alone, I can't believe people enjoy them. The paneling is just a bunch of squares and rectangles, the speech/text take up big blocks of the panel, and with all the colour the overall effect is just an ugly, crowded headache to read. I'd find it understandable considering the age of a lot of the comics, but I'm assuming elitist comic nerds glorify the older stuff anyway.
No. 411155
>>411152Holy shit annon yes! I sometimes try to read indie comics and a bunch go for this basic 3 by 6 pannel structure. Its just a bunch of uniform rectangles. They also go for such a bland art style you think "why isn't this just a normal book?"
Like the holy grail of comics (watchman) was just uniform squares the entire book. It was driving me insane to look at.
No. 411171
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I feel like game/anime/comic, or any un-respected art mediums, fandom have this horrible inferiority complex that makes them over analyze everything and/or encourage series that are just '2deep4you'.
Like comics tried to get themselves taken seriously by doing the whole 'edgy re-boot' thing, but it just made comics sillier. Many gamers will over analyze or obsess over children's games saying 'this isn't realistic'. Many gamers also confuse deep lore with good writing. Anime/manga fans just go straight into the 'The writer must have gotten there ideas from this obscure philosopher' (I've seen a theory that MHA got inspiration from Freud). It just stops being fun theories and more adults trying to justify why liking stupid shit isn't stupid.It just reaks of insecurity.
I consider this unpopular because if you say it any place on reddit you get the "it's because you don't appreciate the medium" talk.
No. 411177
>>411154I respectfully disagree. On another note, I've heard that Sonic's design is roughly inspired by Felix the Cat and it explains so much. I find the fucker even more unappealing. Something about his face is extremely unnerving IMO.
Agree on that Pokemon thing tho.
I also find Mario unappealing and gross (I mean the character design, obviously).
No. 411179
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>>411154sonic is confirmed to be an asshole. leaving tails out in the dead of winter, how dare he.
No. 411186
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>>411155It's not that bad, weaboo
No. 411187
maybe sonic is an intellectual introvert who wants to read a nice book on Channukah/new years eve and tails is a disgusting extroverted party animal that bullies him for his nerdish interests and won't give him peace!!
No. 411252
>>410907Western comics in general are always such a mess imo because they have so many different writers and artists working on a single series. I prefer comics with one or two writers/artists, but i know that's rare outside Japan.
(damn it, I love Hellboy though and it deserved better.)
No. 411256
>>411246>>411251You clearly have no idea just how huge manga is in japan. It's not a nerd hobby like anime, it's for everyone. They're sold at every convenience store and kiosk, they constantly have advertising collaborations and promotions, they always get live and anime adaptions, etc. And you see Japanese people 'sitting around reading comics' constantly, though they're more likely to be standing in bookstores and on the train, to be more literal about it.
Western comics in themselves are absolutely niche in comparison and could only dream of selling so well, even if the franchises are huge. Viz alone has a bigger market share than DC and Marvel (, and Viz is for english translated manga in the west. In Japan, it's obviously much bigger. In 2018 the top 10 series sold between 8-3 million copies each, and that doesn't count the magazines they're serialized in.
No. 411264
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>>411263Again, not all western comics are marvel or dc, plenty of publishing houses will work completely differently, and 10+ pages a week is still a tight deadline and requires multiple people.
No. 411266
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>>411264Samefag but also not all western comics are American?? You guys are generalising a HUGE market by only cherry picking a few niche examples
No. 411321
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>>411309One of my personal grievances with American comics, Image in particular, is that they can go on hiatus or be cancelled on a whim with no closure for readers
No. 411322
>>411240Hard agree.
When any teen girl said "not like other girls" when I was a teenager she usually meant that the media's portrayal of women is that of empty, vapid bimbos obsessed with makeup, fashion and boys and that she was not like that because she had deeper interests. Which yes, most women do, but if you get the same message on TV and in magazines a thousand times, you're bound to start believing it. It was cringy, but sixteen year olds tend to be dumb and cringy. Many of my highschool friends were like that and we obviously were all girls so it's not like they literally meant they are unique and special and not like any other girl on the planet, or that they hate women like some users here interpret it.
I'm tired of pop feminism in general being shoved down my throat as a sneaky marketing tactic and yet another way to shut me up. Like the whole backhanded "girls should support other girls y r wamen so mean to each other uwu" bullshit snakes use when they fuck up and people are calling them out on their shit behaviour. It's become a default to use feminism to shield yourself from any criticism for trashy behaviour and even earn yourself some asspats for being a strong, emancipated woman who don't need no man (except for one to give you money or buy you shoes and trinkets off your amazon wishlist for showing him your titties on cam, you feminist sex worker, you!)
No. 411335
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James Charles is a creepy dumbass but Tati is a full blown sociopathic bitch, she's destroying him and managing to look like a victim who didn't know what she was doing. We all know she's doing this because he crossed her by promoting another snake oil brand.
No. 411342
>>411321Looks like it's often because of low sales due to these comics not being nearly as promoted as the bigger series. I'm not surprised but that's always really unfortunate.
>>411316I never know where to start either. When the MCU barely became a thing I got curious and wen to TV Tropes to see where to start and it confused me even more. At the time for Marvel comics I've seen a lot of people recommending reading the Ultimate Marvel comics as it was a sort of retelling of the main stories but then even more people where outraged that some things were different, that the writers and artists changed in the middle of some of the stories, which made some of the characters OOC and everything became edgier all of a sudden. And I'm not even talking about the fans disagreeing about everything related to Peter Parker and Miles Morales. Basically it was the same confusing mess as the main timeline so I never bothered with it.
I also remember reading the first issues or arc (?) of the Runaways at the library thinking it was a standalone story and all of a sudden you had a bunch of obscure characters from whatever the fuck series (maybe the X-men) that were never properly introduced because the Runaways was actually taking place in the main timeline or and I guess I was supposed to already know them or some shit. I finished reading it and stopped bothering with the next arcs.
No. 411344
>>411186What’s the point of all the white space?
>>411342 I think I was reading comics around the same time as you, because it was when Ultimate was a thing and the original Runaways series was being published. I stopped collecting Runaways when they time traveled to the Wild West and it was switched over to a really bad artist. Now the series is back again and the new artist is weird too, they made Gert obese af and Alex looks like a tumblrkin.
No. 411356
>>411353I don’t see any straight guy being able to make out with a man for an hour tbh. Maybe a few minutes and then noping out, but for it go for that long I feel like you gotta like dick at least a little
But then again plenty of men will unironically go on about how straight they are when they whack off to traps every Wednesday
No. 411366
>>411348I just stated this in the thread earlier, based anon
I don't know if this is unpopular but I find it annoying that people are using the abortion bill to post nudes with dramatic captions on social media lol
No. 411370
>>411339Oh my god, yes anon.
Even though I watched the show years ago I still find myself listening to it on YouTube every once in a while. It’s beautiful.
No. 411392
>>411369You also have a shitty dad, ano?
I think reliable and decent fathers exist, but stats and my own anxiety about men also make it impossible for me to be able to trust one.
No. 411394
>>411380Yeah, people that are actually from her parents' country wouldn't really accept her. Nationality matters more than ancestry in the vast majority of cases. It's very hard to grow up in a melting pot type country like the US and live entirely inside a cultural bubble so dense you come out more foreign than American.
Preferring Ukranian food and music and stuff like that does not a Ukranian make. By that logic every weeb is actually Japanese.
No. 411396
>>411380My parents are immigrants and I definitely wouldn't consider myself fully Australian - I follow many Polish customs and have a mix of both nationalities in me, I don't fit into either category. Yes, I definitely wouldn't fit into contemporary Polish culture because my parents have passed on the culture of their own youth, but I also don't fully fit into Australian culture as my parents raised me within a cultural bubble.
That said, I feel like you referring to yourself as Asian American and her as Ukrainian American says a lot about the stark differences between your upbringings, you clearly identify with your parents culture so little you don't see yourself as anything more than 'Asian'
No. 411414
I guess what I find annoying about this attitude is it just screams "I'm so different than other Americans." But there really isn't a single American culture.
>>411396>My parents are immigrants and I definitely wouldn't consider myself fully Australian - I follow many Polish customs and have a mix of both nationalities in me, I don't fit into either category. Yes, I definitely wouldn't fit into contemporary Polish culture because my parents have passed on the culture of their own youth, but I also don't fully fit into Australian culture as my parents raised me within a cultural bubble. Did your parents raise you in Polishtown or something? What does it mean to fit into "Australian culture". Wtf is Australian culture.
>That said, I feel like you referring to yourself as Asian American and her as Ukrainian American says a lot about the stark differences between your upbringings, you clearly identify with your parents culture so little you don't see yourself as anything more than 'Asian'lmao you are extrapolating way too much from one word, anon. I said I'm Asian American because I was being vague about where my parents are actually from.
My family is from mainland China, and I wouldn't want to live there. Not just because of the government or whatever, but because I would never fit in. I've tried to hang out with Chinese international students and I never fit in. In the end no matter how hard I "identify" I'm American because I was raised in America.
No. 411420
>>411414Not that anon but it really depends on people and countries, as well as their generation. Personally I was born and raised in one country but my mother and grand-parents come from other countries and everytime I go see my relatives abroad I'm treated like a local by my relatives and almost everyone else from there. And even if I go there as a tourist and I wouldn't be able to fit in if I were to live there, all the locals consider my siblings and I as part of the population despite acknowledging the differences between locals and people from the diaspora like us. Not gonna say which countries I'm talking about because it's not important here.
For all we know the girl you're talking about has a lot of relatives in Ukraine and is in contact with them, maybe she go visit them on a regular basis, I wouldn't be surprised if her parents raised her to know about her heritage, etc. I don't know if it's possible for people with the American nationality to have another nationality at the same time but if that's the case maybe she has or had the Ukraine nationality as well.
No. 411424
>>411414>wtf is Australian culture My lived experience is different from non bilingual/ dual nationality Australians. The traditions we practice, the media we consume, learning our parents mother tongue before English, being surrounded by other people from the immigrant community, the list goes on - there’s a huge amount that would create a sense of otherness, even having a non-English name has a significant impact on how you fit in.
And just because you yourself don’t really identify with your parents culture doesn’t mean that other immigrants and their children don’t, they’re not trying to be ~different~, it’s fact that their upbringing ostracises them from both cultures. I wouldn’t say this is the case for those later than first gen immigrant children because the lines become much more blurred and not as much is passed on.
You’re getting weirdly angry about a non-issue anon, at the end of the day what does it matter to you if the Ukrainian woman feels a large connection to that part of her upbringing
No. 411471
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>>411437you sound like a fun and put together person
No. 411482
>>411477It's not even a white girl, it's the same obsessive, inceloid scrote who keeps coming here to racebait. Last time, he sperged out about people not liking PewDiePie, got mocked, then pretended it wasn't him while whining about getting BTFO by multiple people.
He's always so transparent. I'm surprised he learned how to sage.
No. 411484
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>>411097>>411091>>411079I find the old Sonic designs cute/appealing and adored the Chao in SA/SA2. For me, the cheesiness when they actually try to personalize him and his bros is entertaining and fun. Normies do seem to put Sonic in that TMNT sort of 90s kid nostalgia throwback…we are all just cursed and irrevocably scarred by the dA furry autists.
The franchise has been in a long, painful process of destruction. Sega seemed to be slipping already in the 90s with all of the spinoffs. And I'm saying that as someone who enjoyed SA. The voice acting was atrocious and the game was funny because the characters acted like complete retards, which figures since they're furry children, I guess. Don't get me started on the fucking animation in the cutscenes.
The gameplay used to be great in Sonic games, and honestly the world was kind of interesting in the environment vs tech interplay.
I am an autist though, to be fair. I just also think other autists with their fucking Sonic OCs made this all worse because furries gravitate toward Sonic since it's accessible entry to furshit. The diehards who won't admit it's cheesy or that there's a ton of bad shit are annoying, too. There are decent/good ideas in Sonic, especially the earlier ones, but the whole series is pretty fucking goofy.
No. 411515
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I like how dark circles look.
Maybe it's a leftover from the Edgy Teen Years, but it was odd to read that anons on /g/ were getting surgery and all to get rid of them.
Facial acne scars are also kind of cute to me. Oddly enough with this one I usually hate them on myself, but see them as a trait of interest on others.
No. 411521
>>411515Same anon!
I think birth marks and large scars are neat too. My bf has a giant one down his chest from surgery. I’m so fascinated by it, I love looking at it and touching it.
No. 411553
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Houseki no Kuni's animation is overrated. The show looks amazing in the fight scenes, but when it comes to anything else the animation quality halves. The fight scenes also come off as stiff and uncanny to me. I love the show, but people are treating the animation like it's the new studio mad. This praise seems to be coming from 2 groups also.
>Group 1 people who've become so accustomed to the crappy anime coming out now they consider any competent anime 'mind blowing'.
>Group 2 are people who just love shinny stuff.
No. 411587
>>411567>not vento aureothis saddens me deeply
>>411553I never got the appeal of this show. I tried to read the manga but it was so boring, some pages were truly beautiful and aesthetically pleasing, but the pacing was terrible, not to mention the story's writing
No. 411623
>>411564My unpopular opinion is that Steel Ball Run is the worst part and JoJo has never recovered. Pls no bully.
My other JoJo hot take is that I miss the muscular character designs of the early parts.
No. 411653
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My unpopular opinion is that Jojo is terrible and i don´t get why anyone likes it.
I tried reading the manga and watching the anime, is the worst, the artstyle is always so wonky, everything so ugly looking and gay, the dialogs make no sense. The fandom is like an ironic joke people took to seriously, like reading Sonichu unironically, wtf.
No. 411656
>>411654is not even cute gay, just that burly macho bdsm drag queen kind of trashy gayness. Nothing wrong to be gay but it looks incredibly unapealing for me.
Everyone pretending is a great manga and anime is like everyone pretending the village people is great music, i don´t even have the sense of humour to enjoy it ironically, is not that funny, just lolrandom.
No. 411662
>>411623Part 8 is best part
Gappy is best jojo
You are worst anon
No. 411669
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>>411656Ironically it's about as straight as battle shounen gets, considering so many of the main characters get married and/or procreate.
Anyway I get what you're saying in general and it's definitely not for everyone but the weird nonsensical wonkiness is half the appeal. Jojo is for crazy entertaining shit and memes, you can't take it too seriously.
No. 411696
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>>411669They can get married and stuff, all the characters they still look like they came out of pink flamingos.
Is too campy for me, if it was only a few lolramdom things here and there, or that the plot goes to weird places organically, but no, is just lolrandom stuff from beginning to end. If its bad on purpose or bad bad, it doesn´t matter, is the same result
No. 411701
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>>411653I really don’t understand why it’s so popular. The writing is mediocre (ex. characters randomly being revived, really cliche deaths, lots of generic tropes) and the characters don’t really have much depth and aren’t that interesting. I’m not sure if it was written satirically or if it’s supposed to be taken seriously, since sometimes it gets so ridiculous that it’s humorous. I don’t understand.
No. 411706
>>411701lmao that pic
I think Jojo is meant to be humorous to some extent. It's hard to tell where it starts and stops being funny because it has such a serious veneer, but some of it just cannot be taken seriously and I have to assume it's not meant to be. It's not my favourite but I'd say it's popular because the fights/abilities are creative, the characters tend to be charismatic and memorable in both design and dialogue, and it has miraculously stayed fresh after many decades of publication.
No. 411722
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>>411144ntayrt but the link to the artist's tumblr: No. 411776
>>411774>>411774I do believe their should me male abuse centers for men that have been raped and abused (by other men of course),I want more men to be able to open up about their sexual abuse,my own grandfather was raped as a child by an older man and the only people who knew were his sister and parents and they made them swear not to tell anyone
neither men nor women are a monolith were all just individuals that get hurt and and we should be able to help each other
No. 411820
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The new Batwoman looks bad but my biggest problem with Batwoman is really the actress they got to play her
Batwoman is supposed have the build of a peak female athlete and is constantly drawn to be taller then other female characters and ruby rose is well kinda of a human toothpick who looks like she would pass out running half a mile
I thought she would at least bulk up a little for the role but nope she's still scrawny
I would have loved for a taller and muscular lady to take the role
No. 411821
>>411817At least with lolita there's a chance someone can recoup their money by selling the stuff.
Nobody wants used cosplay shit unless the craftsmanship is good but even then poorfags will whine about sellers not selling their wares for like $10.
Cosplay was kinda cool to me back before people took it as serious business and made thotting in it profitable.
No. 411830
>>411828Who's "crying about preps"? I just said alternative, creative looks are more interesting to look at than generic fast fashion. Did a Lolita cyberbully you or something? I'm sorry if you were
triggered, but it's not that deep and no one was targeting your "toned down, gorgeously feminine style!!!", lmao.
No. 411847
>>411843NTA but
Eh, most lolitas I know actually do wear most of their clothes out more than once. Another thing is that you don't HAVE to be in a community to enjoy it, most people just stay in their friend groups anyway.
I can agree that there are way too many mentally ill girls into it though.
No. 411857
>>411774I mean that it would be nice if there were a movement for men that calls bullshit on gender roles.
Depressing to think how unlikely that is.
No. 412008
>>411829you say "male audience" yet theres many girls who would shit on a female character too for being too burly and not pretty enough.
They are always safer making a compromise between "strong" and "feminine" that isn´t too on the nose on one side or the other.
No. 424528
>>424526I personally hate "x months" because I feel like it cheapens whatever the month is supposed to be for. Not in a "why do
they get a whole month" way either. But like, I'd be pissed if I was black/gay/whatever and didn't get a federal holiday. It just feels cheap.
No. 424719
>>424688Bless you anon, you are right.
Butterfly is too generic. I've actually heard it being played in a Japanese supermarket and it didn't phase me it was the Digimon theme until the chorus hit.
Also the English Yu-Gi-Oh! opening is the best thing of all time.