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No. 458832
>>458831I haven't watched but the thumbnail looks like a video that you would only ever see on BET uncut (late night cable). Now it's just out there for girls to see easily.
Maybe the thumbnail is misleading and I'm too old.
No. 458875
>>458831I agree with you. Celeb women do not even register as actual women to me. They're like… plastic beings. I caught a glimpse of this cardi b x bernie sanders interview, and bernie looks like a (ugly, haggard) regular old man and cardi looks like a plastic doll.
>>458837I am not looking forward to that Stripper movie with JLo coming out and hoeism being cool for the next couple months.
No. 458899
>>458831I used to think I just hated rap/hip-hop because basically the only thing that gets popular is cumbrain/porn star aesthetic BS like this and Cardi B.
I wish more female rappers like Janelle Monae, Kilo Kish, Noname and Angel Haze were popular. It's
never them, and always this shit instead. I'm fucking tired of hearing about how great it is to be made of plastic and have straight sex. Pop music and culture is so annoying.
No. 458934
>>458921>>458899Y'all need some early 90s Queen Latifah in your lives if you don't have her there already. I actually didn't like the music as much at first but I loved the message in "U.N.I.T.Y." and really wished we heard more women rappers like this in the mainstream. It's grown on me so much musically and I just really love that this was a hit.
"Who are you calling a bitch?"
No. 458935
>>458912You're entitled to your (wrong) opinion, anon, lmao.
I hate all flamenco music.
No. 458939
>>458935Rap is to music what Le Petomane is to theater.
No point discussing on the quality of the farts.
No. 458949
>>458921Agreed. The only male rappers I even give the time of day are either clipping., now-irrelevant ones from the 90s, or little no-name internet ones.
I'm tired of hearing all these ugly, loud fuckers encouraging drug dealing,
abusive behavior, and happily insulting all girls that don't look exactly the way they want them to.
Rap needs to go down the same path as rock IMO. The edgelord scrote-made trash gets old, so it's shuffled into its own little territory (sort of like how genres like "pornogrind" aren't considered the face or pinnacle of rock or metal music as a whole) and the artists that get famous are the ones who actually start creating sincere work with meaning. I don't care if people just want something to shake their ass to in a club, I'm just sick of that sort of thing being given all the accolades, and I'm done with men getting passes to do, say and look however/whatever they want (and this is both in and out of rap).
(pink-pill derailing) No. 458971

>>458951>Maybe they do in fact but in my experience everytime somebody tries to bring it up online people always have to derail it with stuff like "but classic rock is misogynstic too". I think people who say this are missing the point that rock largely cleaned up its act. It has long since been allowed to expand and prove its versatility in content, lyricism and execution. The misogynistic shit may still exist, but it's not what's centered as the face of the genre anymore. These days, when you say "rock", you can mean anything from the earliest stuff, like Sister Rosetta Tharpe, to The Beatles, to your local emo kid's favorite band (MCR), to riot grrl, to Arctic Monkeys, to someone like Mitski. It's diverse to the point where if you say "I hate rock music", people will probably look at you funny and/or think you're an autist.
On the other hand, when you say "rap", most people who haven't done a lot of digging will just think "Oh, like Chris Brown, Cardi B and Nicki Minaj? Uh…Lil Peep?". If you say "I hate rap music", people will probably assume you just hate misogynistic, superficial, and/or hypersexual lyrics, because that's basically the only content that gets praised. The true versatility and artistic potential of this genre is completely ignored in order to sell the same shitty images and stories that we've all seen. It's annoying. Logically, saying you hate rap in itself makes about as much sense as saying you don't like hearing the human voice in music at all (and there are actually people like that, though it's pretty rare) unless it's singing, but because we're shown the same annoying iterations of rap repeatedly, the entire medium of creativity is pigeonholed. 99% of its potential is not allowed to blossom, and I hate that. I was surprised to learn that even Nicki Minaj has some good music ("The Crying Game" is lovely), but with shit like this
>>458831 and Anaconda making up the bulk of her most popular tracks and repertoire, I can never call myself a "fan" with a straight face. There's too much garbage mixed in, and she's constantly pandering to the lowest common denominator by stuffing her ass and portraying herself as a sentient blow-up doll whenever possible.
Also, this is an unpopular opinion, but if Chris Brown and xxxtentacion are allowed to be famous despite being objectively horrible people, Azealia Banks should be allowed too. Awful words and actions aside, she runs circles around all the popular rappers these days. At least all her music doesn't sound the same, and isn't solely about being a stripper or having huge tits/ass and getting money.
No. 458982
>>458854I get that Snow is a good rapper, but anytime I've tried to listen to her music it's just so fucking boring and bland. She isn't a good songwriter imo. My favorite female rappers are Jean Grae and Rapsody.
>Also, this is an unpopular opinion, but if Chris Brown and xxxtentacion are allowed to be famous despite being objectively horrible people, Azealia Banks should be allowed too. Awful words and actions aside, she runs circles around all the popular rappers these days. At least all her music doesn't sound the same, and isn't solely about being a stripper or having huge tits/ass and getting money.I've always thought this exact same thing. Obviously Azealia is a mentally ill shit-stirrer but nothing she has done or said is objectively worse than anything popular male artists have done. Chris Brown literally tied to kill Rihanna and people still defend him to this day. When it comes to Azealia though people say she can't be the GOAT because she's an "asshole." Meanwhile, Nas was accused of abuse by his ex-wife Kelis.
No. 458992
>>458982Seconding this.
Also, when I decided to accept that I just didn't like male rappers, I immediately had such a better time. Who are some of your faves, anons? I like Leikeli47, Sammus, Nitty Scott, Sampa the Great, Nadia Rose, Lady Leshurr, and Jean Grae of course. The fact that Jean Grae never got bigger really chaps my ass, it feels like there's no room for her. I always think like, could we ever have a female Frank Ocean? Who's THAT good and THAT boundary pushing AND female, without reducing her to something more consumable?
No. 459004
>>458994Rico nasty is also a cool, non sexualised female rapper.
>>458971Fucking hell. Azealia Banks really is a tragedy. She runs circles around other rappers females and males, lyrically. She's a great lyricist and story teller. I like how some of her songs like miss camaraderie sound like fables. Mental illness and substance addiction really is sad.
>>459003The bar is so low for male rappers, I don't even bother listening to male rappers.
No. 459006
>>458992Ooh wow. I'm new to rap so everything in this post is new to me I can't wait to check it out. I've been working my way through things sort of chronologically and my personal favs so far are
JJFad, but they are very hit-or-miss
Yoyo, particularly Make Way
Champ MC, particularly Ghetto Flava
Lauryn Hill, every album great
Rapsody of course, I'm addicted to the song "pay up"
I work alone long hours in a lab so I can listen to the filthiest shit I want however loud I want it's lovely. My guiltiest pleasure is Deadly Venoms but I wouldn't reccomend them. Unless you're into that. Their vulgarity is cathartic for me.
No. 459014
>>458992Some more female rappers that haven't been mentioned yet: Gifted Gab, Blimes, Omeretta the Great, and Rocky Badd (but she's always involved in a lot of beef.)
The Buttress is also very good, especially if you like rap that sounds wutang-esque.
No. 459038
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Indie weeb designers make ugly as sin clothes
No. 459045
I don't really like the fact that children/family movies have "adult jokes" in them; not necessarily because I find it inappropriate, but because it seems people think the only way an adult could enjoy something for kids is to shove sexual jokes and stuff. Idk I find it very immature and stupid, like adults can only enjoy something is there are suggestive theme in it
On a kinda related note, adult cartoons fucking suck. They're not for adults at all, they're made with the ideas that teenagers have of adults - swearing, drugs, drinking, sex, dirty jokes. None of it is funny and interesting in the slightest. And I'm sick of fourteen year olds thinking they're some philosopher because they watched Bojack Horseman and think they know everything about life and the world. I dislike this promotion of nihilism and making everyone think it's cool and smart to be miserable, and these kinds of show just reinforce that, consciously or not
No. 459059
>>459040Same, i dont really get the hate. Some bits can get annoying and its not my fave podcast i go to when I need something in the background but i do keep up with it and its alright.
I like that he was the only one to speak up about pedo Michael Jacksons documentary without being a pseudo intellectual trying to grasp at straws to prove that michael wasnt guilty.
No. 459080
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>>459060I think the appeal is how relaxed they were compared to today, kids dressed like kids and not businesswomen or fashion models, teens could dress like teens, college kids could dress like college kids and so on, your facial features, makeup and hair wasn't analyzed by everyone, people actually looked human and not like dolls, you could dress fun and comfy and style yourself and your room in such a way, you didn't HAVE to dress like in expensive overdone clothing to look good and put together, it wasn't a big deal if you didn't have your ass and hips stick out 4 feet, phones were simple and you could go out and have fun without everybody snapchatting every moment
now it just feels like if you go out in something colorful or you don't have a perfect figure, you end up on some fashion don't twitter post because some asshole took a creepshot
No. 459084
>>>/ot/458993agreed but I could add I understand if people want to be poly, I'm not one to judge until they themselves start judging others
most young western polygamous people are either weird fat fucks who go on twitter too much, insecure thots, trendy tumblr folk, or involves an obvious shitty relationship dynamic of the girl being insecure and desperate and the guy being a bitter needy insecure asshole
No. 459086
>>458831I like Megan but yeah I gotta agree, cause her lyrics dont make much sense to me since she brags about having a big ass and sexualizes other women and basically only praises men for having dicks and says her only type is money, effectively catering to this sex worker aesthetic lifestyle that is destroying the mentalities of people consuming this shit.
I mean, personal life and rumors aside, cause I heard Meg was bisexual and fucked women, but her lyrics dont even come across as that, its just look at me im hot, my body is sexy, i use it to get money off of men, hmm hmm reducing myself to a walking stereotype is so empowering guise.
Like what I dont get is why she cant make music focusing on a mans physical traits, or charisma, or sensuality, thats empowering no? Its fucking stupid old school songs do this more than a so called post feminist society lmao
No. 459089
>>459085>Im tired of seeing this cause the 2000s was mean as fuck to every woman who didn't have a perfectly skinny barbie figure, so much even Beyonce was fat-shamed by a lot of publication and people because of her so-called big thighs and not having a size 00 body. Yeah no one could take creepshots but the 2000s were mean as fuck for womenI guess, but it wasn't as rampant as it is now, the worst they did back then was leave an unflattering magazine article, nowadays if your body isn't perfect nobody can shut up about it, you get meme'd over twitter, anytime your name pops up anywhere half the comments will be about your body, they didn't over-analyze things like ratios, shoulders, chest width, etc. you can still be considered attractive and feminine even if your nose isn't small and button-like or your lips are pumped to your nose
I'm not saying shaming never happened but it's definitely not as insane, obsessive or strict as what people nowadays are doing
No. 459120
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Sushi isn’t that great.
No. 459123
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>>459089Unless you consumed a lot of age inappropriate celebrity content, you probably were too young to absorb those messages.
I was subscribed to CosmoGirl in the early 2000s, this magazine was targeted at young girls and was filled with diet and exercise advice, which would never happen in a magazine now. Celebrity gossip rags like Star would shame any celeb woman who dare left the house not perfectly made up and publish the photos for everyon to see. Britney Spears was mercilessly mocked by the whole world for putting on a few and performing the 2007 VMAs and not being perfectly thin.
No. 459126
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>>459123Quotes from an archived article called “Was Media unfair to called Britney Spears Fat?” dated September 10th, 2007
>But what about the nastiest comments of all — those about her body? “Lard and Clear,” read Monday’s headline in the New York Post.
>“The bulging belly she was flaunting was SO not hot,” wrote E! Online. And so on.
>More profoundly, in an age where skinny models and skeletal actresses are under scrutiny for the message they’re sending young girls, what does it say that we’re excoriating a young woman for a little thickness in her middle?Keep in mind, Britney only looked like this. Things aren’t perfect now, but Lizzo was able to perform on that same VMA stage a couple weeks ago. A fat woman would’ve never even been invited to the VMAs back then.
No. 459127
>>459123I grew up in he 90's with no internet and only magazines and kids/teen TV to influence us, the 90's mags were cruel when it comes to how they wanted young girls to look. Nowadays they might favor a small waist but bigger bum/hips/thighs but in the 90s the pressure was on to be skinny from head to toe
At least now naturally hourglass or slightly pear shaped women are seen as having a womanly figure, 'tiny all over' was the only acceptable option back then
No. 459171
>>459126This era was so fucking stupid, I swear. Thats why I cant stand any praise for it when they basically shamed women for looking like women. God forbid you have sexually dimorphic features unless youre a porn star, oooh no.
Shit like this makes me honestly annoyed as fuck.
No. 459184
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>>459126Yeah, I'm really gonna need people to pull back "girls could dress like girls and things were better!!!" style talk. Jesus, even a little further back, the mocking of Monica Lewinsky as "fat" was EVERYWHERE, and like, sure, you can cherry pick one picture of Ashley Tisdale looking like a young girl, but there were fucking "countdown to the Olsen Twins' 18th bday" on the radio, all the Friends girls were RAIL thin, and even Christina Aguilera's first big single was about "you gotta rub me the right way~." The makeup was subtler, but it was still there, and the emphasis on these insane impossible perfectly flat stomachs was omnipresent.
I don't think there was a "better" time. It's all just worse in different ways. You go back to the 80s, it was hyper toned, giant titted, enormous hair Barbie types. The forties and fifties, women were wearing girdles and tons of makeup and heels. You go further and you got corsets. There were maybe eras where we were more forgiving of certain flaws, but there was no time when things were really, actually better.
No. 459192
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>>459179This might be interesting to you, anon. Written in 91 so it's not exactly the era you're talking about, but you're onto something. I'm reading a book right now called 90's Bitch that's similar, and I'm really digging it so far.
No. 459196
>>459179My memories of the 90s are teens writing into agony aunt pages about wanting boob jobs and it being the time when fully shaved pussy really became an expectation
The fashion was trashy, I'll always remember a store near me selling 'bald pussy' T-shirts that had a print of one of those hairless cats on it.. it was a store for 13-17 year olds, not even adult sizes. My mother was horrified when we spotted it and I pretended I didn't know what it meant
No. 459201
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>>459184It's nice to see that disney kids can now have body types that aren't rail thin
No. 459202
>>459184Yup thats about that time when pedophilia became en vogue.. seriously fuck this decade everything suffered from it, obesity rates, fashion, music, entertainment, just fuck it.
>>459192Thanks anon, I will check it out!
No. 459231
>>459219I agree with the first part because almost all male pedophiles penetrate their
victims and that is very physically damaging and emotionally traumatizing for the child. Female pedophiles still cause emotional damage even if there usually isn't any physical harm or penetration, still doesn't mean they should be in relationships with little kids.
>>459225Anon, staring yourself is very damaging. Your body is literally cannibalizing itself and leads to organ malfunction and failure. In severe cases you can't recover fully from it. In comparison breast/butt implants, liposuction, fat transfers aren't nearly as bad. Ofc they are not natural but none of those cause damage to your major organs like heart, kidneys, liver, as well as your hormones and reproductive system. Starvation destroys your whole body, not to mention how it worsens your mental health as well, when your whole body is practically shutting down.
No. 459233
>>459225recover from anorexia
I've always heard that anorexia is like alcoholism, that it never fully leaves you and you can relapse at any moment or under enough stress
The whole big ass trend is weird to witness as a 30 something year old. A big bum was the one worst thing that you could have when I was growing up. Funny how quickly trends change
No. 459235
>>459184I personally prefer this era because there's more variety. The Kardashian look may be in vogue, but before then, it was either the Paris Hilton/"porn star with huge tits but everything else skinny" look, or the heroin chic look, anyway. Plastic surgery addiction is definitely not being newly introduced to the "trend" lexicon.
Besides, it's not hard to find alternatives at all. The internet has made it all so easy. There are so many aesthetics to mix and match, all sorts of individuals doing their own thing that you can look up to, and so many different communities to join so you can find "your type" of people in. Things have really changed for the better. I think this is the only era where Lizzo, Adele, Normani, Grimes and Ariana Grande could've all been successful at the exact same time. Fat is okay, skinny is okay, muscular is okay, and almost everything in between is acceptable as well. Compare that to the insane standards and nitpicking of
The only downside is that even non-celebrities, when creating an internet persona, are expected to be polished and retouched to perfection, to the point where it defies reality.
No. 459253
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niche rant incoming, but my unpopular opinion is that i think the white pube (uk "art critic" duo) are a pair of posh, hypocritical, fake-woke, spoiled children.
i tried to get on board with them bc they seem to be in high demand at the moment and i thought i was missing something. turns out i wasn't. anything they don't understand (art history, for instance lmao) they declare irrelevant and try to say things like love island and the legend of zelda are more culturally enriching. to me it just screams wilful ignorance of all the really hard work contemporary art historians are putting into decolonising art history.
they went to the rca and have an inflated sense of importance/ego as a result. they act as though they are above reproach and criticism themselves because of their "positionality" (both liverpudlian, i think, which they seem to think makes them some kind of oppressed because they're not londoners? one's british asian and one's just a regular ol' white uggo who claims she's working class). this is something that especially pisses me off actually bc they're from such privilege (i hate this game of oppression top trumps but they're such big players of it that i feel i have to mention it) - the bame one's dad is a fucking investment banker and the other one owns a gallery in her mid-twenties (don't care how you rationalise it, that reeks of family money). and again, both studied at the rca which is off-limits to anyone from an actually poor background bc of the living costs in london and the expectation that your family will contribute towards your education. like any posh fake-woke kids, they seem to obfuscate this because it compromises their image. all of this has afforded them this sense of superiority where they feel justified in attacking ppl and responding to honest criticism with nastiness, blitheness, and siccing their followers on the commentor.
for instance if either of them saw this, i can guarantee it would screenshot and put on their insta with some shitty comment, and their hoardes of lazy, ignorant student stans/early career art kids would be like omg girls no u r the best, everyone donate to twp's patreon 4 emotional damages and their intellectual labour!
that's another thing, it always seems like these characters are constantly lauded for their Very Important Work - it's some kind of catchphrase in sjw circles.
they're also so incapable of discussing their thoughts and takes and ideas that they frequently close their comments sections, which actually seems like shitty praxis for what they're purporting to be all about.
the thing that really soured them for me though was their attack on nina edge (picrel), a bame artist who does work for housing in liverpool, who tweeted through a community account that she was legitimately concerned about the safety of women with the introduction of self-id laws. that was it. they witch-hunted her on social media and sought to get her fired from her position at ljmu. completely disregarding the fact that edge has been operating on the "right side of history" since before they were even born - in active, beneficial roles in bame, lower-income, and rural communities. what the fuck are they doing for others? all i see them doing is travelling, playing the fucking nintendo switch at "work", bullying or shitting on people, and refusing to learn anything that is remotely challenging or grow as people???? so intensely self-righteous and ignorant.
and they're somehow above reproach. perhaps because weak art students love their idea that you don't have to care about learning anything important or difficult, because you can just use identity politics and """intuition""" and an overgrown ego born from personal privilege to just thug your way through stuff.
No. 459279
>>459268This isn’t really unpopular though. While most people hate Kenna herself, they still like her aesthetic.
I personally don’t like her aesthetic because it’s just plain boring.
No. 459377
>>459268I'm not a big fan personally, I find the all brown autumn theme a bit lame. The pink/pastel colour scheme was nice for a while but she stopped that already.
Anyway, ever since reading the spergy jealous nitpicking about her on PULL she seems infinitely less tragic compared to how pathetic some weebs can be. Her existence just reminds me of them instead of the dumb shit she's said/done herself.
No. 459450
>>459436I can vibe with a bit of Steven Universe. I enjoy watching cartoons made by people who grew up watching
the same cartoons I watched growing up. I would never admit this in my normal life lmao
No. 459451
>>459436Idk. I’ve watched it and I don’t call myself a fan, I don’t like it but I don’t hate watch it either. To me it’s just a show I picked up and binged a season because it was colorful, it was there and I stuck around to see how it ends. Maybe with a little Stockholm syndrome and thinking,
until it ends, there’s a chance it’ll stop being boring and wishy-washy. Well I stuck around and it doesn’t get any better.
There’s a lot of weird "ironic" humor in modern cartoons (and SU) that I don’t like because a bunch of bland cal-arts adults digging elbows at each other doesn’t make up for the lack of soul in a good cartoon and being ‘self-aware’ doesn’t mean the execution wasn’t flawed or that your concept was shit in the first place. To be honest, if you’re an adult and you’re not minding anyone’s kids I think there’s no point in watching children’s cartoons when there is a whole world of other media out there to engage with that isn’t restricted by who it’s aimed at. To actually answer your question I think SU’s ‘popularity’ is down to its LGBT clout while it’s trendy and turbo nerds can salivate over the anime references. If this aired a decade ago I doubt there would be any lefty Tumblr people for it to appeal to. Tbh all the fans of this cartoon I’ve seen are twenty somethings with zero culture and heavily involved in fandoms.
No. 459560
>>459219I remember this pathetic libfem going around on this website whining about the ebil radfems on pinkpill and gender critical, saying that this site had a "female pedophile" problem saying that the women on this website were encouraging female pedophilia and that it's not as bad as male pedophilia. a bunch of anons pointed out that this was bullshit. this is probably her just being a salty cunt trying to make us look bad. or it's a scrot doing the same thing.
>>459224what the fuck does "pedophiliac" features mean? do you mean retaining child like features?
No. 459565
I don't care how good it is, no superhero/capeshit movie deserves any movie award.
>>459219I really hope you're joking
No. 459566
>>459219I mean penetrating someone against their will or when they are underdeveloped is worse than other types of molestation cos pain and injury are an added reality but it's still fucked up
Boys who are sexually abused can grow up to become pedos themselves so it creates a cycle of more kids being abused..
No. 459569
>>459565>I don't care how good it is, no superhero/capeshit movie deserves any movie award.The promotion budget for Joker alone is probably a lot more than the production budget for all the rest of the movies on Venice.
Its very skewed. Like how they keep giving Pixar the same Oscar award for animation every year. The other movies that compete all have like a tenth of the budget and are these passion projects that take forever to complete but its always some Pixar 200 millon dollar movie that gets it at the end, for everyone else being a nominee is a good enough award.
No. 459666
>>459553How is she a fujo if she's saying 'let young boys be in relatonships with older women'?
A fujo is a girl who likes BL (pedophilic or not) not straight pedophilia.
No. 459676
>>459674The horror movie music in the audio of the video gets me every time.
I hate Brittany Venti but I was actually really worried about her when her boyfriend started breaking plates in front of her and screaming at her, dude's not right in the head.
No. 459734
>>459729Anon, I'm the same and worry my bf isn't. It's soul-crushing at times, honestly. The only thing that makes me feel better is knowing he chose me and that maybe he's memed himself into believing some of this, and would be more like me if he were able to chill. Like that he'd just be able to think "that person's cute/hot" but go on with his day, even if it was a friend. Sometimes it seems like he's borderline me-sexual or is at least really attracted to me so maybe it's possible. Sometimes it does sound like it's more like me, but others it sounds like the opposite…
I look at people and think they're attractive and may stare or get butterflies, but it's never enough for me to want to actually fuck them. I don't even think about fucking them. Is that actually normal? I thought people just thought other people were hot and maybe got a little aroused at most looking them over? Usually it's more objective than emotional for me and I don't think about it very much, definitely not enough for it to show up in my fantasies or make me want to be poly.
>>459711>ie repeatedly fantasizing about it (cheating lite) and or downright pursuing itThank god, other people feel upset by this too? I hate knowing my bf would watch porn and look at other girls nudes. He even said that doing the repeated fantasizing doesn't actually make specific fantasies go away, which is what some people claim. I feel like people think I'm crazy for it bothering me. I really don't even let serious fantasies or recurring ones about other people into my head and ones about friends are a total no-no to me. I don't care enough to bother with any of them and I feel like once I'm down that road, I can't turn back, so I've never entertained them because I have a ton of sexual self-control. Bf thought maybe I'm "repressed" but I honest to god don't give enough of a shit and they barely cross my mind, I don't feel like I'm really forcing myself.
I can't control other people and should not, but I have feelings, you know? Sometimes I cry because I wish I was "normal" with my attraction so I wouldn't feel like some sort of Christian role model that doesn't exist and wouldn't feel like a dumbshit for being actually person-sexual.
No. 459748
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Mario Kart 64's Rainbow Road is overrated and boring.
No. 459881
>>459722Wanting to fuck someone can be fleeting, and it
is fleeting most of the time. Everyone is different, I think it's unfair to crucify someone for a thought crime that is literally just lizard-brain driven and is momentary. Again, being attracted to someone is a random thing and not something one decides to do. Also attraction
is wanting to fuck someone, unless youre asexual.
Like, if your bf is a retard cumbrain that is obsessing over other women in front of you and jacks off to porn non stop that's obv a problem but you'd be silly to think normal people don't see a random person on the street they think is legitimately fuckable. One can think that for a minute, then move on. It's like thinking about a french fry or something but you don't actually care enough about a french fry to ruin your good diet.
Anyway, my unpopular opinion (in NorCal) is that Burning Man is a retarded drug fest that people exaggerate the vibes of because they're all high as fuck and think they're having spiritual moments. I fucking hate these wannabe boomers.
No. 459886
>>459881>Also attraction is wanting to fuck someone, unless youre, it definitely is not. you can be attracted to someone but not be sexually attracted to them, or you can be slightly sexually attracted to them, maybe wanting to kiss them at most. there are different ways to be attracted to someone, and feeling "attraction" doesn't mean you want to fuck them.
>but you'd be silly to think normal people don't see a random person on the street they think is legitimately fuckable.that's weird. i don't think of some random "attractive" guy and imagine fucking him. like literally a thought can go to "that person is cute" and no further. just because someone is attractive doesn't mean you want to fuck them. i think zayn malik is a good looking guy but i have 0 interest in fucking him. you can be attracted based on multiple things, too, and it still not result in a sexual attraction. it's pretty fucking weird that so many of you immediately jump to imagining fucking complete randos
No. 459890
>>459887>I don't actually "jump to imagining fucking complete randos" 24/7, it has happened maybe like 2 times a year at best, and has been fleeting.tbh i feel like you're a bit offended bc you know it to be true and it's more than twice a year, and more often when you're in close encounters with people like coworkers and such.
>I will say though, just bc your attraction mounts slowly and you'd want to kiss someone on sight rather than wanna think about fucking themi literally don't even think about kissing them. that's weird.
>There are people who definitely obsess over randos but they're not very common and they're not all your dumbfuck cumbrain boyfriends. almost all men do this, lbr, but i see it a lot from women too. it's a pointless relationship. you have a glorified friendship peppered with sex between each other, though ultimately apparently you desire more than each other. i just dont understand why people like this are even in monogamous relationships. i'm just saying, it doesn't make much sense. more people should just have socially monogamous relationships and not sexual then instead of trying to veil their degeneracy just to end up with failed marriages and broken families
No. 459895
>>459891>First of all can you stop deleting and reposting the post over and over? I can see you doing it lol.i made a small correction. that's what you're supposed to do, delete and repost your correction, anon.
>People sometimes think about smacking a friend they love bc the friend is being annoying, people sometimes get the impulse to eat something they shouldn't, one sometimes has the weird urge to jump off when they're near a cliff. These are impulses that people have to varying degrees and sexual attraction is among them. i think wanting to smack your friend is very different from wanting to have sex with randos or whatever. someone that automatically jumps to the thought of fucking strangers is already someone that is not very discerning, most likely generally, and it's likely they'd act on that if there were no consequences. you can cry "thought crimes" as if not acting on it is all that matters, but i still don't wanna be with a dude that has "fleeting thoughts" about wanting to poop on my chest, even if he never acts on it. it's just the principle. as i said, i just don't see the reason why people who are prone to this type of thing even try to fit into sexual monogamy when it clearly doesn't suit them. i think there are people who sexual monogamy AND social works perfectly for, and this narrative about wanting to have sex with others but denying yourself it makes you a "good spouse" being normalized is just way weird. sexual and social monogamy obviously isn't for them.
No. 459897
>>459890I feel similar confusion. I never imagine fucking/sexually assaulting strangers without consent, (which a stranger obviously cannot give) but apparently this is normal.
Are people's relationships just them getting turned on by, and imagining fucking other people until they die?
No. 459901
>>459897>Are people's relationships just them getting turned on by, and imagining fucking other people until they die?seriously, yes, and then everyone patting themselves on the back for not fucking all the other people they imagine fucking. it's so bizarre to me that people are seeing strangers irl and start to imagine what it'd be like to get fucked by the barista. like, i just don't understand why these people get married? like, fine if you think that way, i don't think this is necessarily inherent to all humans and i think it's really weird that they insist on entering arrangements they are unhappy with, clearly. i see the same insane cognitive dissonance play out over and over again. "well, i'm fine with him wanting to fuck x minor celebrity but if he were to get to know her in person, THEN i'd be jealous". like, he already would fuck her and wants to fuck her? why is that already not offensive? all of these marriages are literally based around "only as good as my options and what my circumstance reasonably allows". they're pointless.
No. 459905
>>459891>people sometimes think about smacking a friend they lovewhat?? what the fuck?
i think you're projecting here i have never, ever thought about assaulting my friends holy shit
No. 459941
>>459909She was obviously joking there, I lol'd. And
you're crazy if you think guys don't think up any manner of absurd things they'd like to do to you while you're naked.
Case in point: the entire porn and fetish industry
No. 460071
>>459694>>459729I agree with you both. If I'm in a relationship my desire for other people shuts off completely. I might be able to find someone objectively attractive, but without lust and desire, if that makes sense. Like how you can look at a female model and assess that they are indeed attractive, but get nothing from it.
I even stopped looking at porn (I was pretty addicted before) because I think it's disrespectful to look at anyone else period, and I expect my partner to do the same. I am pretty lucky because my boyfriend is similar, he is very devoted and only thinks of me. I'll probably get jumped on a lot as naive for believing that but his actions and demeanor have proved it to me.
>>459734Nah, I think it's normal for it to bother you. But a lot of people settle for the reality that most partners allow their eyes to wander and don't have a very strong sense of loyalty. It's always played up as something out of their control and sure, maybe the initial thought comes out of nowhere, but once you entertain it and give it attention that's 100% on them. For example if you're fantasizing about someone you are going out of your way to do that and get off on it, it's not innocent behavior. Imagine if someone fantasized about killing someone in their mind. Suddenly it matters even though it's not real, and they didn't actually do it, huh? Imagining cheating on your partner is just as bad as doing it, at least to me.
No. 460142
>>460129I twigged on when I started getting weird messages on tumblr and realised I'd been reblogged onto some hair fetish blogs. I was just lazy with my look, why did that have to be fetishised?
It's a pain to know that since the tumblr purge only targeted conventional porn it's all still out there.
No. 460207
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I think "e-girls" are actually rather cute.
No. 460210
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Full bush is disgusting. I grew my pubes out due to having a hectic couple months and not having a convienient time to shave, it's been horrible. The scent of all my vaginal fluid and urine gets trapped in them and I can smell it through yoga pants just halfway through the day. I have to thoroughly shampoo them for at least 5 minutes in the shower to get the scent out, but it just gets gross smelling again within a couple hours. I don't understand how anyone prefers having their vag in this awful state.
No. 460211
>>460210This happens on my armpits. All my body hair is grown out then I shave and repeat.
When that armpit hair gets to be near a quarter inch, it smells faster even with normal deodorant use.
No. 460212
>>460210This happens on my armpits. All my body hair is grown out then I shave and repeat.
When that armpit hair gets to be near a quarter inch, it smells faster even with normal deodorant use.
No. 460215
>>460210People have different vag lips/discharge/scent/hair amount. Some women could avoid washing with a full bush for a week without there being an obvious vaginal smell (though I'm sure the rest of the body would smell) and some women can be completely shaven and wash twice a day and have a really strong vaginal smell.
Plus yoga pants aren't the most breathable item of clothing for your vagina.
No. 460225
>>460210Having a full bush might not suit you but smelling bad a couple hours after showering isn't exactly the norm. When you say you shampoo your bush are you using specific products for that area cos you could actually be upsetting the natural balance down there and causing a smell that way
I'd see a doc about possible yeast problems if I smelled bad that quickly after washing, pubic hair alone does not cause that
No. 460392
>>460210I like having pubes, maybe change your diet/wear looser clothes/ stop using much product? I never really had this problem despite having a full bush
if the urine thing bothers you what I usually do is shave my inner thighs and almost to wear my pubic area is, then I shave my butt and labia area but keep a triangle
No. 460640
>>460210I'm the same when it comes to my vag. I'm an extremely hairy woman so my pubes grow really long and thick and I'm also somewhat hormonal so my sweat tends to smell. I didn't shave for one month and I do use products designed for cleaning my private area that are PH balanced and only wear cotton panties that are washed separately from the other clothing at a higher temperature and wear overall breathable clothing. I just couldn't do it because it was extremely uncomfortable for me. The smell down there wasn't that bad but it was definitely worse than when I don't have hair down there and the worst part was the itchiness, my pubes made me really fucking itchy even if I trimmed them.
Now I only shave my vag and my armpits because having hair there makes my life harder but I don't shave any other parts of my body because it's unnecessary.
No. 460913
>>460899People are smalltime hoarders. Insta and youtube are full of different collector communities where people are spending small fortunes on collections where I don't know if there's enough joy coming from it or whether it reaches a point of just obsession to complete sets
I don't do make up but I own a few toys and browse those tags on Insta, people get such a buzz from buying that moderation goes out the window
No. 460933
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The new iphone is ugly. Makes me sad because iphones used to be the prettiest phone, but now this bitch ugly and expensive.
No. 460934
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I get the concept, I do. I've had the idea to combine hardware with jewelry myself. But some of these designs are retarded and awkward.
No. 460939
>>459135the things that happen to all sorts of different animals in laboratories is horrific. blindness is the least of it (they actually use rabbits to test products in their eyes as rabbit's have no tear ducts and can't 'expel' the product). in some places where they test on monkeys they will operate on the monkeys to remove their vocals chords before they start the testing so they can't make noise as they try to scream.
seriously, please choose cruelty free products where possible. there are a barbaric things going on in these labs simply for product testing on items like makeup. even if you live in places like the eu where testings is banned, you could still be giving your money to companies who test in china.
sorry for the longwinded reply, this is just something that hurts my soul. those poor bbs
No. 460949
>>460275>they fix the whole shape of your hair based on your curl pattern and show you how to style it to bring out the textureThat's exactly what I want too. But so far I've never really found any hairdresser who was able to do that. Typically for the few times I asked to get my hair cut I'd say I never straighten my hair because mine is fragile and I have dermatitis on my scalp. So I want to cut my hair to whatever length, and once it's over the hairdresser will almost always cut it way shorter than asked because they always miscalculate the different lengths between straight wet hair and my naturally curly hair. And then they almost always say "now all you have to do is to straighten your hair!" despite everything I tell them at the beginning.
I've seen a few videos about girls with 2c and 3a curls getting new haircuts recently, I'll definitely use them as references to ask what I want precisely next time.
No. 461077
>>461071>doesn't apply to gay couples who aren't allowed to legally get married where they liveSo definitions apply except to where you think they don't? Who are you to assume someone doesn't have a good reason to not marry on paper.
Marriage can be a shit deal for a lot of people, it doesn't mean they love their spouses less.
No. 461082
i side-eye dog people so hard because they, at heart, believe they are owed attention or affection from animals, even if they don't literally say it. that's what they think. i think they should be avoided completely. they place dog-human relationships on a pedestal and this really says a lot about them, if you think about it.
this is not a criticism of dogs. dog people who are "meh" to cats or most other animals that have a healthy and necessary sense of self preservation or caution are unwitting attention whores or narcs that think they deserve an animal's affection or attention. if you ever listen to them talk, they always say how "loving" human-dog friendships are like, transcendental in their pureness, you realize that they actually prefer relationships that are centered around another person or being living for them, to value only them, at their own potential detriment. they'll never say this outright, though, obviously, because no one wants to be thought of as an attention whore or narc, but they'll get overly offended the minute you suggest that this speaks volumes about them. it's something you have to listen for.
No. 461097
>>461082Agreed. I work at a vet and I see this shit constantly. People really do think all dogs owe them affection, and when they approach a strangers dog I the waiting room who is sick or totally disinterested in them they get super offended and say shit like "what's wrong with your dog? MY dog LOVES people!!" Note that these types of people's complaints about other pets is ALWAYS "they don't even love u lol." Like they need a random animal validating their feelings every second of every day or it's worthless.
Also crazy cat ladies get a lot of flak but crazy dog people are 100 times worse. They are a literal nightmare to work with and my job has made me despise them. (Responsible sane owners are fine, of course.)
No. 461098
>>461077>So definitions apply except to where you think they don't?I never said it changes the fact they're by definition not married. I said that my rant doesn't apply because it doesn't bother me when people in that circumstance say they're married, since it's not their fault they can't do it legally due to discrimination.
>Who are you to assume someone doesn't have a good reason to not marry on paper. Marriage can be a shit deal for a lot of people, it doesn't mean they love their spouses less.lolwut. Where do I say couples love each other less if they're not married? You're projecting. If you don't want to get married, that's fine, but marraige is a legal commitment and if you're not willing to make it, then why say you are married? It's stupid. It is factually inaccurate and something you're CHOOSING not to do. The word "partner" exists to describe people in serious relationships that aren't married, why not call your SO the thing that's actually true? Save the legal label for people who actually make the legal commitment. This logic shouldn't be hard to understand.
No. 461107
>>461097exactly, and i agree about "crazy dog people", a lot of people will concede that they're insane narcs, but what i'm getting at is that this is actually almost all dog owners/dog preferrers, save for maybe those that found a dog they rescued or just don't want to see them abused. 99.99999999999% of dog owners or those that "like dogs better" idealize the traits in dogs that end up getting them abused. they're narcs or attention whores. i'll take in stray dogs i've come across because obviously they need to be saved, but i think they are psychologically unhealthy animals in comparison to most others and it wouldn't ever occur to me to think that dog-human relationship dynamics are at all "ideal" or "pure" or that dogs are special and "better" than other animals for being battered wives.
people that "prefer dogs" better - not just crazy dog people - are people that idealize animals or people with a battered wife mentality, so long as they're the object of affection for that person or animal. they think "well, i'm not betraying this animal's trust or obsession by abusing them physically or verbally, so this level of worship is deserved and pure and righteous", and that's very wrong. if you're anything but horrified by the way dogs see and treat people, you don't love dogs, you're just a narc, imo
No. 461108
>>461107What the fuck? Dogs are my favorite animal so I’m an
abusive narc now? You sound crazy. I don’t even own pets and I don’t hate cats or other animals, I just think dogs are cuter.
No. 461113
>>461108>Dogs are my favorite animal so I’m an abusive narc now? You sound crazy. I don’t even own pets and I don’t hate cats or other animals, I just think dogs are cuteroverly offended, very typical. it's kind of dumb to have a favorite animal just because they're "cuter". you can just say "i think dogs are cuter", you have no real basis for them to be your favorite then, which is almost as lame as dog people that love animals for having unhealthy mentalities. i think weasels are probably the cutest animals but they aren't my favorite animals. anyways, reach harder in trying to get offended by 1 person's opinion, but approach most people who prefer dogs and they'll say "they're special, they're better because -insert people worship, obsession, no sense of self preservation, essentially-". most don't say they prefer them over other animals for their appearance
No. 461117
>>461116How? A lot of people in that thread admit they've been bitten by dogs or dislike dog owners for not training their dogs and they just don't want to be around them. Why do dogfags have such a problem with
valid criticisms, accountability and reality?
No. 461118
>>461113NTA. Maybe I am a shit owner because none of my dogs have ever acted like battered wives and in my eyes they are independent creatures who at any moment think God knows what. They are like toddlers in the sense that they will do whatever the fuck they want and it's your job to keep them safe.
I love dogs cause we can sort of communicate with them, but they are also mysterious creatures who look at a world in a different way than us humans do.
No. 461129
>literally every article online (and feel free to find more) centers around how all of the traits that are unhealthy and dangerous for dogs, are their most valuable qualitiesif you can't see that that's not right, you don't love dogs, just admit it.
why are you people so offended to be viewed with skepticism by anyone? why do you think you're owed that people should trust your motivations or your character, when they don't even know you? the onus is on the person to prove that they are decent, to animals, to children, to people, etc. it is not healthy for everyone to assume everyone is necessarily good, but dog people get offended when they aren't granted immediately "good person" status. i know you guys really want to reach hard to be offended by an admittedly unpopular opinion, be honest with yourselves and others and stop lying about why most people prefer dogs. if you yourself want to try to claim you're "not like other dog owners", fine, but admit that how most people view dogs agrees with my opinion: they are unconditionally loving to their own detriment, will sacrifice their safety in exchange for being treated with even less than basic dignity, etc. you can claim you don't see dogs this way, but most "dog lovers" admit they see them this way, they just frame it positively.
>>461119>manyout of 1094 posts, literally there are like, 3 that say anything similar, and i don't think those are acceptable. if you refuse to admit that people typically say godawful things with much, much higher frequency about other animals or consider animals that don't act like dogs to be deserving of death or harm, you're lying. maybe sort out how dog people speak about other animals before you try coming for people that have come across countless dog owners and side-eye them for good reason.
>>461128this is about people that prefer dogs, not even dog owners or dogs. dogs are fine and should be respected.
No. 461133
>>461129You do realize the human-dog relationship is glamorized by media to be wonderful and amazing and has been shoved down everyone's throats since childhood? Just because people like dogs and think a human dog relationship is a fun happy thing doesn't make them
No. 461137
>>461129>>461133>>461133Samefag, but I hope you're just as critical of cat owners who talk about how their cats are just as loving and affectionate as dogs are.
You'd get your point across much better if you simply stated why human-dog relationship are unhealthy for dogs (and you had me when you were explaining why) and ways to mitigate that, rather than saying shit like everyone who calls dogs their favorite is a narc
No. 461142
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cats rule, dogs drool
No. 461144
>>461133>Just because people like dogs and think a human dog relationship is a fun happy thing doesn't make them abusive.i never called them
abusive. i said they're
almost always attention whores or narcs. keywords: "almost always", "attention whores", "or narcs". it's actually you guys that claimed i called them
abusive, because surprise, surprise, "dog people" are dramatic and overly offended (as i said) when anyone, people or animals, is suspicious of them. you are not owed immediate trust by animals or people. it's not a crime for people or animals to be suspicious of you. people with healthy boundaries don't get overly offended when people or animals are suspicious or cautious of others.
>>461137>and ways to mitigate thatthe purpose of my op and subsequent posts weren't to get into ways of mitigating that, that's really for another thread. this was my unpopular opinion, which is that certain 'small things', specifically that dog preferrers prefer them because they're often obsessed in a way that no other animal generally is, something that seems innocuous to most, really isn't. every post in response is a refusal by dog fans to admit that what i mentioned really is the case for most dog fans, or even a sizeable chunk of them, and own their shit as a community, and admit it's really weird and wrong. i'd have more respect for them if they did.
i s2g this is troonery or tra levels of entitlement
>immediately very upset when anyone suspects them of anything>refusal to condemn toxicity in a community and quash that toxicity for the sake of animals, all because they're personally offended by the implication that they could be thought of negatively>projection about other animal lovers and denial about how abusive and cruel dog fans are to other animals and general dog fan rhetoric toward other animals specifically because other animals aren't fanatically obsessed with their owners/parents No. 461149
>>461138>tax burden isn't increased because the federal government won't assume I have more access to money just because I have a significant other You get tax benefits from being married and filing jointly, though, especially if one spouse makes substantially less money than the other. But if you both make good money then yeah, you will get taxed more, naturally.
>won't have to worry about my partner fucking up my credit or saddling me with mutual debt, our affairs are our own unless we share itSpouses aren't typically responsible for the debt of the other unless they co-signed for it. Also, don't marry a deadbeat. If you don't realize your partner is garbage with money before marriage then you fucked up. (See every stupid r/relationships post where people are like "just found out my fiancee has 100k in debt, our wedding is in 4 hours, am i overreacting?")
>if we ever decide we don't want to continue the relationship divorce is really expensive If you're already planning ahead for divorce, why even pretend to be married in the first place? Again, the disdain isn't aimed towards couples who decide to avoid marriage, but people who pretend they are married anyway. Gets real awkward when you're "divorcing" your "husband" every few years. Just call them a partner or boyfriend and go.
No. 461166
>>461149I think it's fine to cautionary assume most men are financially deadbeat, and have a healthy fear of divorce since it's so common.
I'm fine with vow ceremonies, and rings, I just don't understand why someone would let a piece of paper dictate what they decide to call their spouse. If your guy performs like a husband, then he's a husband as far as anyone else is concerned.
No. 461169
>>461168Common law marriage is still subject to the same norms as legal marriage to be recognized - such as filing joint tax returns and joint accounts/credit cards, and you still have to have your relationship legally dissolved if you break up. So other than saving money on a ceremony or marriage license, you're still going to wind up being responsible for everything you would be in a legal marriage. A deadbeat common law partner can still fuck you over and you could still even wind up owing spousal support in the event of a breakup. Avoiding a "real" marriage just to wind up in a common law marriage doesn't get you any of the technically single benefits. That said, in the US, common law marriage is recognized by less than 10 states so it's not a factor for most people anyway.
It's not about the ceremony or a piece of paper, it's about intention. LARPing as a married couple when you have no intention to be married or even stay with them is just couples pretending they have it together and getting "maturity points" like another anon said. If you've been living with your partner for a decade and have kids and bought a house together, whatever, sure. If you've been dating for like 2 years and don't even live together and still call him hubby, you're retarded.
No. 461186
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>>461082I like cats and dogs (just not those yippy annoying small ones and pitbull type dogs) but I hate dog owners who think cats should be outlawed or that cats are satan, it's a fucking cat Jim, what the fuck did it do to you? I guess maybe a part of it is bitterness now due to cats being the second most popular pet after goldfish.
No. 461208
>>461186I love both, am a dog owner. The only problem I really ever have with cat owners is when they have one that kills a ton of small animals and then don't take action to try to stop them. I know it's their instinct, but having to watch birds dying or having them leave dead birds places over and over is too much, especially when cats can actually pose a threat to songbirds and wildlife in an area if they're not controlled. I understand a lot better why some people go as far as saying they should be kept indoors since seeing this. Where I live there's also a serious risk of local wildlife killing your cat instead of the other way around, so people might be more proactive about outdoor time safety.
I still love seeing the neighborhood cats outside regardless since I don't have one. I don't get why you have to just like one or the other.
No. 461329
>>461293Except for gay people, said anon.
Either there's exceptions to definitions or there's not.
Anon implied that if gay people can't get the piece of paper then their union is implied through their romantic partnership and commitment.
There's no romantic difference between a couple that's been together for a long time, or had a ceremony without signing the piece of paper.
Besides, original anon reneged and said she was referring to annoying couples that call each other hubby/wifey, the same lot of immature people throwing 'monthaversaries' for themselves to celebrate a relationship that hasn't even made it a year.
No. 461356
>>461329>Either there's exceptions to definitions or there's not. Anon implied that if gay people can't get the piece of paper then their union is implied through their romantic partnership and commitment.
But that's completely different because in that instance you have a couple who is committed enough to get married, but not legally allowed. As opposed to a couple that can get married but won't. It's unfair to gay people who live in countries with marraige inequality to equalize the two circumstances.
No. 461442
>>461422>And as mentioned earlier, it's not like people never have personal interests to not get married on paper.As previoisly stated, if people don't want to get married that's perfectly fine, but they're still not married and it's a choice they're making. You might see acknowledging reality as "dickish" for some reason, but that doesn't make it any less real.
Why are you so defensive about people finding it annoying when people refusing to get married say they are? Especially when you just see it as ~a piece of paper~? If that's all it is, then why is the legal label so important? It makes no sense.
No. 461539
>>461533I nearly went ftm a few years ago and tbh I was full of trauma and trying to get away from sexism. That mixed with a repressed attraction to women. I've heard other detrans women describe the same reasons but then I see some that go on to transition will end up joining in with mens culture of misogyny and it's gross when you see it. It'll be interesting in the next few years to see if detransition figures ever become a real thing on paper cos I can sense an increase coming
I fully noped out of continuing hormones when for the second time I was in the middle of two men talking about how 12 year old girls should be legal.. put me back with the women please
No. 461541
>>461442>and it's a choice they're makingThere's tons of factors that could be heavily influencing them to not make that choice. It's
Why don't gay people just uproot their lives and move to countries where gay marriage is legal and why do they choose to continue to live in oppressive countries? There, see, everything can be boiled down to making a "choice" when you decide you know every single factor at play and assume people are not going far enough to commit out of sheer stubbornness.
I fail to see how anyone calling a partner their husband or wife without the paper would get you bothered. Unless they're an obnoxious couple airing it in the first place you sound like a busybody to even care.
No. 461543
>>461539Usually that seems to be the reason for that, it's the reason why a lot of girls pretending to be trans still wear skirts and like very feminine things like sanrio characters. I'm pretty sure it's a phase for most of them but it's really shitty to see them putting down women who are content with their gender and don't feel the need to pretend to be a different one as an attempt for men to accept them.
Good to hear that you never went off the deep end though anon granted cringy teenage phases are a thing everyone goes through, I'd say I was probably worse since I was an anti feminist twat.
No. 461547
>>461543Yeah for some it's just a way of distancing yourself from a past sexual assault, then once you start to pass you are included in mens chats and you realise that even the most normal seeming guys come out with pedo shit when women aren't in the convo
You won't ever find a whole group of women talking about how fucking 12 year olds should be normal, in my college I met two groups of guys saying this and waiting for me to nod along
No. 461669
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>>458831No, I feel the same way as you. It's hard to find a single mainstream woman who hasn't objectified herself in at least one song. If it's relevant to the lyrics and message, and it isn't overt, I can take some sexuality in a song or video, but this is so blatant and plastic it's disgusting. How do people get off to this? The only pornographic content I like is slow, erotic, and usually still fully clothed. Naked ass in my face does nothing; it's actually repulsive. Now that I'm a radfem, I avoid anything "erotic" in general. I'm sick of being reduced to being a sellable product. My body is not a commodity, and it sure as hell isn't empowering. And, this is overlooking the song content entirely. There's no real melody, and lyrics are the same repeated drivel of sex, drugs, money, and being "bad" in general. Bleh.
>>461546She talks like she's in a cult. She has the Utah LDS stare.
No. 461681
>>461533TiFs get totally fucked in the head by T and start mimicking men's violence against women. "Misogyny is super gender affirming!!"
On the other hand though, TiMs are sexist before and after cutting their dicks off.
No. 461683
>>461533Most of them aren't even "truscum" (mental illness) just a lot of 30yo porn addicted men what the fuck anon, but yeah let's hate some 19yo annoying girls with internalized misogyny who totally did all this for a trend like women always do right?.
>>461681Agreed. I'm not saying TIF arent insufferable and disrespectful but saying you prefer transwomen over them? Tif's couldn't get to their insanity level no matter how many T shots they take, they're scary.
No. 461689
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>>461533I hardly have a problem with any particular group, there no context in which i will approach someone who is minding their own business and harass or question them , even less insult them or anything remotely like that but i don't appreciate the policing and the newspeak and all the made up rules that are now being enforced not only on female spaces but society in general. Its stepping over several lines and sensible people are being made to walk on eggshells and take abuse to cater to one specific group or other.
I guess i have a similar opinion with other topics that are now being de platformed or considered to racy or politically incorrect,. If some people just don't like others for whatever reason leave them fucking be with their opinion , you are allowed to challenge and dissent, if if weren't such a push and so much silencing and discrimination of opposition voices then maybe it wouldn't get so heated and antagonizing and some people would not feel the need to radicalize. This are very dangerous tools for politicians and political factions, pretty much anyone accused of "bigotry" for dissenting is thrown to the wolves and canceled even when they are bringing
valid and important issues to the table. Its happening with these feminists who feel trampled by the trans agenda and are not being listened but is not exclusive to them.
No. 461722
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>>461702True. Only one of these can be considered ~art~. The rest are still performative conformity, regardless of how talented the artist is. I wish the “makeup community” would shut the fuck up about how empowering corporate shilling is and realize that not all makeup is equal.
No. 461736
>>461533>men who hate women, are addicted to porn and cry "muh mental illness" are okay, but women who hate themselves and want to escape female gender roles are the true demons and fakersNah, anon. Both groups are heavy in misogyny, which makes me dislike them, but the things MtFs say about women while trying to emulate us at the same time and play the perpetual
victim (even though many of them are actually violent or outright rapists) earn them a special place on my shitlist. Doesn't help that I've seen several transbians bitch that lesbians are evil for not wanting their "girldicks", while I've only seen maybe two FtMs try that with gay men.
FtMs are often annoying, eyeroll-worthy cows who bend over backwards for male validation, but they're pretty much just tomboyish, mentally ill handmaidens to me. MtFs are an actual threat, as many are just incels with trap fetishes (among others, like diaper shit) and bi/gay men with anger issues.
No. 461844
>>461838I can’t help but wonder if all of this extensive skincare stuff wouldn’t be deemed necessary if they didn’t wear makeup, or at least not so much, surely that must damage your skin to some extent?
I’ve never worn makeup and I don’t seem to have of the issues that I often see complained about skin wise, but I also don’t use any sort of skincare supplies so perhaps it’s more so a case of me not fucking up the natural balance of the oils? Kinda like how you shouldn’t wash your hair everyday or it’ll throw off it’s balance and make it a grease factory with split ends
No. 461886
>>461880how bad is your skin and what is the root of it? I had acne but the sad part is other than that my skin was bright, smooth, wrinkle free with rosie cheeks. Turns out I just had hormone problems and ended up getting hormone treatments to regulate them. the only thing I really have to worry about is those red marks after pimples go away
masks and oils can help ofc but shouldn't be a daily thing
No. 461897
Skinny people who say that they don't put on any weight even though they eat tons of unhealthy food just exaggerate how much unhealthy stuff they're eating
No. 462009
>>461900>I’ve been on accutane even and my acne still persisted lmaocould it be from dirt or a bad diet?
> it could be hormonal but different birth controls never helped, drastically changing my diet hasn’t helped, living in different climates didn’t help, my current prescription has been the only thing to do much of anything.. it’s a mystery lolyeah it definitely sounds like a dirt, stress or diet thing, do you stress often?
No. 462015
>>461900I had to do 2 rounds of accutane to get it to work and it took several years, then do a course of retinol cream. How long were you on it?
It's hard to imagine that if accutane doesn't work, something else will, it's such hardcore stuff. I recommend accutane to anyone with severe cystic acne because at that point it's a real medical issue that needs real medicine.
No. 462189
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Kim Jung Gi's art is soulless.
No. 462227
>>462189>>462189He has dynamism but like.. the themes are so redunant and also even the body type he draws for the girls are boring
At least someone like Ralph bashiki draws these interesting hourglass figures with thicc muscular thighs even if they look all the same. They just look too scrawny
No. 462458
>>462410Sometimes the people on gossip sites can be more amusing cows for me than the actual cows themselves.
>>462457Yeah, I remember seeing interviews with him saying that. He's pretty cumbrained, but I still like the detailing he does in a significant portion of his art.
No. 462464
>>462410I can see where they are coming from because some anons really are crazier than them.
I lurk Kiwifarms every now and some users are literally on every page of every thread that exists on the site. They lurk every thread every day, follow every cow there is. Even for me its crazy, sometimes i waste a lot of time but some anons really be batshit and addicted to stalking cows on another level.
No. 462494
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>>461872he's kinda cute ngl
No. 462577
>>462457Is his job just letting people watch him draw?
Also, doesn't he have a wife and kids and lets them see his perverted drawings?
No. 462636
>>462629Go ahead if you can.
I'm completely consistent that natural selection would most likely affect me too.
No. 462685
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>>462189On a simaler note these sailor moon redraws have become a 'remove soul' button.
No. 462695
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>>462685i think some of the first ones were good
No. 462709
>>462707fucking kek
>>462703i really dont get turned on by naked people and i just am not that sexual. i like having sex and cumming when i care about someone but idk im just not a horny person unless in a relationship and obsessed. i equally dont understand like, fujos that seem to be horny a lot. no shade, just so different from how i feel
No. 462763
I like Skye but her joke about Onision getting raped in prison wasn't cute, and anons calling Lainey's vagina photos arby's roast beef sound like incels
>>462744People have given her sympathy for years but she's still out here actively grooming minors no matter what you think her true motivations are. People can debate how much to blame her when it's all over, but excusing her from the focus now would just be obscuring a huge part of the grooming narrative.
No. 462831
>>462763>I like Skye but her joke about Onision getting raped in prison wasn't cutepeople make rape jokes all the time and no one says anything. Onision is a horrible person and people wishing bad on him is to be expected
>anons calling Lainey's vagina photos arby's roast beef sound like incelswhy? people here claim women are aging horrible without a wrinkle on their face, claim clean women with freshly washed hair look dirty, claim deathly thin women look doughy, bash any body shape, bash any boob shape or nipple type, bash any facial features possible, you really put it past farmers to bash women with long labias? which whether you like it or not, are considered unattractive by most people.
No. 462832
>>462831Now imagine if you said this about small breasts being considered unattractive by most people. Or narrow hips and no muscle definition, lol.
Idk how her pussy looks like but if its a slightly longer labia than usual instead of an unusually long one then its fair for anon to be annoyed by anons making fun of her about it. You do know people finding any vagina with any type of skin on it unattractive is a recent thing right?
No. 462835
>>462832>Now imagine if you said this about small breasts being considered unattractive by most would be
valid but if you ask most men, most people just prefer propotional boobs
>Or narrow hips and no muscle definition,, again depends. For men the standards are a lot lower and less complicated. With one you have places like japan that practically worship hipless and boobless women, then if you go to some ghetto in america they worship fat girls with big butts, in places like italy they like women with hourglass and healthy looking figures, etc.
>Idk how her pussy looks like but if its a slightly longer labia than usual instead of an unusually long one her uncensored nudes were never exposed
>You do know people finding any vagina with any type of skin on it unattractive is a recent thing right?maybe, but my point still stands. Lolcow is filled with bitches who use popsicle sticks for insults. They just hate to hate, you can have skin of a babys butt and be told you're aging horrible, you can be fresh out the shower and be told you look dirty, you can have muscles and someone somewhere on lolcow will find something wrong with your body. It's not an incel thing lolcow is just full of bitches. I don't know why you think it's magically different when it comes to genitals
and lolcow has bashed women with innie vaginas before too, the whole "gaping wound" thing
No. 462839
>>462836Its like the internet has made people cease to control their thoughts and be mindful
The internet has far more flaws than cons tbh
No. 462852
>>462836Not that anon but all things aside, making fun of some girl's genitals is just kinda creepy. Particularly if she's not even a camgirl and it's not something anyone can or will ever see. I'm straight and I've never had the compulsion to want to look at another woman's vulva.
At least with wrinkles, weight, and tits the comments sorta make sense because everyone can easily see and make remarks on those features. Crotch though? That's just too much man.
No. 462863
>>462835>her uncensored nudes were never exposedThat makes this always worse, anons have connected the characteristic of 'roastie' to a sexually predatory woman who has had two kids as if they believe there's a correlation. They should confront themselves for their internalized incel logic.
If anons want to joke about her showing her vag to minors they could get creative, like calling it her child snatch-er or something.
No. 462877
>>462874>as if telling women to self-medicate with food and consume endlessly will ever help usExactly. I have seen feminist discussions around fat where some posters will sensibly type "being obese isn't healthy" and then a few other clearly eating disordered individuals will have a meltdown over "fat phobia".
People can gain fat for a variety of reasons but I have no tolerance for those who stick their head in the sand and pretend its healthy. One really annoying type is those who think losing weight is just somehow impossible for them, when the problem is that they simply do not want to eat less junk, because junk food is comforting. Understandable but annoying.
No. 462918
>>462914For saying it's normal that lolcow makes fun of women's bodies? You sound awfully insecure and pretentious. Maybe use actual arguments instead of screaming, crying, and claiming anyone you don't like is a scrot or bpd or else you just sound like some unhinged insecure bitch
I will ask again, anons here make fun of almost all body types and anything possible, what makes vagina so different and ~creepy~? Why is making fun of perfectly normal features women can't help ok but you draw the line Arby's jokes? No one said anything when anons made fun of innie vaginas, you know since you care so much about defending women's genitals from being made fun of on a site known to shit on women's bodies
No. 462945
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>>462763>anons calling Lainey's vagina photos arby's roast beef sound like incelsGlad someone else noticed this. They immediately went to Arby's/beefy insults, 0 to 50, without ever seeing it and it totally reads as males. The backlash you got as well sounds like male posting or underage "we nitpick all the time here look where you are!" like, seeing women get nitpicked all day has never been funny or cool. enough of that happens to women as it is.
Lainey's a POS groomer but that is not the point at all, too bad everyone has tunnel vision.
No. 462961
>>462763I don’t have a problem with anons going oot with kainey and gurg. Despite the wealth of milk that’s been dumped this week, all the
victims coming out with evidence, it’s highly unlikely that anything legal will happen for the ogregs. They get to go on and act like nothing’s happening. If it makes anons feel better to liken Lainey’s man-puss to shredded beef, or Greg’s face to shriveled ballsack, I say go hog wild. The only justice we’ll probably ever see is the inevitable meltdown from the lurking onions. Considering no angry fathers have murdered them yet is a fair price to pay for some hurt feelings over name-calling. But I can understand why some anons are put off, with any other cow, I’d probably feel annoyed too. Also it’s important to note anons didn’t even start the Arby’s joke, a
victim of Greg’s abuse started it.
No. 462968
>>462945I'd agree if y'all actually stood up when other body types are bashed, people have called cows with innie vaginas gaping wounds since 2014, and no one has said a word but all hell brakes loose when outtie vaginas get picked on, why?
Incels call vaginas gaping wounds too so that's not an excuse, just admit that if you think outtie vaginas being mad fun of is some different sinister thing only incels would do, you are coming from a place of insecurity
No. 462971
>>462968obvious maleposter is male and posting
No woman speaks like this. Go troll about vaginas somewhere else
(rf paranoia) No. 463042
>>462965>but you only seem to have an issue with outtie vaginaNayrt but the issue here is the adoption of the roastie meme which is usually used to debase girls online by redpill type guys. Nobody cares what Lainey's vagina actually looks like or what types of vaginas anons have, the problem is that the roast beef analogy is loaded with yikes.
That's the issue, understand?
No. 463063
>>463042which I'd support if she didn't act like it was unusual of farmers to make fun of vaginas, which was my first problem. Farmers have an issue with everything possible, obviously, they're going to make fun of outtie vaginas too
my second issue is the fact long labias are the only thing farmers seem to stand up for, not when innie vaginas are made fun off, not when farmers claim a cow has 10 STDs for having mild razor burn, not when any boob shape is made fun of, not when women with smooth skin called aging badly, not when girls are called fridge shaped for not having hips and ass that poke out 10 feet, only outtie vaginas being made fun of gets this much defending
I then go on to explain how when other redpill memes that have been used on girls to shut them down are used, no one cares unless it's the roastie meme. Farmers are just petty but as admin said, claiming everyone is a man is pathetic paranoia and not a
valid argument, it just turns this site into a meme and makes us look bad
No. 463077
>>463068>anywhere on lolcow>regular peoplekek
anyway it's to be expected. Farmers are just petty, doesn't make them men, it's to be expected, I don't see why you think this is anything new
No. 463113
I think gang stalking is real, but typically only for "special" people (ie those who are politically-linked in some way, or those that have pissed off their local authorities). A lot of people who complain about it are, in fact, just crazy, but there are definitely real cases.
Honestly, if someone isn't liked at work, school or in their neighborhood, they could easily be seen as any small to medium sized group of people's personal lolcow, and said people might just be sadistic enough to collectively harass, stalk and gaslight them.
Hell, targeted harassment and bizarre levels of voyeurism happens to celebrities all the time, but people think that's normal.
No. 463132
>>463113Targeted harassment is real af. I don't think it even requires a complicated concerted effort with many people involved like some
victims claim, making someone paranoid is pretty straight forward, like a lot of us know just one single stalker can alter your perception and make it seem like you can't trust nobody and everyone you meet is in on it.
A lot of these legit organized gaslighting cases may just be a couple of spooks in a van blasting some weird frequency ultrasounds to your house to drive you nuts. I remember reading an article that uses certain frequencies of sounds to account for anxiety and paranormal sightings that are more frequent in certain places, like you don't register the sound but it still
triggers a stress response in your body and you feel extreme danger and that a ton of people are watching even when nobody is there.
No. 463279
>>463224that's why long labias and people standing up for them is so different
lolcow is just petty and if you can't handle nitpickers lolcow is just not your speed
No. 463356
>>458822About to get hated on by this whole thread, but very often I think about how I would prefer to have cancer over a mental disorder. I have dysthymia (some people call it high functioning depression bc in a sense it's a low grade, long term, manageable depression) and it's ruined so much of my life. It's ruined my self esteem, ability to form long term friendships, take risks, ability to go into work everyday without fearing the worst or hating my life, making decisions, etc. Not only that, but no one I do tell understands it, and for the most part I don't talk about it because it isn't a physical illness that people around me would acknowledge and take into account. It not being physical also stops me from believing I have it too, like I can't even give myself the respect of acknowledging that something is wrong with me and that it's not my fault. At least with physical illnesses, you are in a mental state where you can appreciate the things you have and god forbid if you become terminally ill, you can look back on the good times. I literally don't have the ability to do that. Mental illness makes you feel apathetic to possibly one day having a life threatening disease because to you it feels like you have nothing to lose. I feel pretty ashamed just typing that all out considering I've lost people to cancer and know it's no joke.
No. 463361
>>463356Don't be ashamed anon, I know exactly where you are coming from. Sometimes people are just dealt shitty hands on life and you work with what you've got if you want to continue living here. I know offering this up won't be terribly helpful but just take it one day, one breath, at a time. If you ever find yourself feeling at peace, take careful note of that, like a favorite picture in your brain to look at later. Start collecting those and treasure them. Also remember mental/mood disorders are not the only disorders that have no apparent physical manifestation so don't let that be a barrier to acceptance. You sound like you're already on your way but allow yourself to fully feel your pain and understand it's totally normal and okay for
you to feel that way.
No. 463364
>>463356I agree with the idea of having cancer over having a mental disorder because people think the latter is a moral failing. Whereas the former is a physical, tangible state beyond one's control.
Let's face it, mental illness is still highly stigmatized and very few people view all the "non-crazy" forms of mental illness as not as serious or within someone's control 100% if only they would try hard enough.
Society just doesn't seem to have the time or capacity for empathy over peoples' invisible struggles. And even when they manifest into physical forms (lax hygiene, self-harm, unaesthetic eating disorders, unemployment, addiction) people just wind up judging worse.
No. 463399
>>463099>only long labias get stood up for this muchThat's because saggy boobs just means boobs that got saggy, but the roastie/roast beef has a whole loaded connotation from incels weaving a misogynistic lore about how girls that have had too much sex get a loose saggy darkened vagina, and that if a girl naturally has anything except a baby pink innie then she's either lying or genetically destined to be a slut.
Seriously, were you asleep through the whole incel phenomenon? The roastie meme is more than just a garden variety insult meaning "long labia".
I'm over this whole debate since the hypothetical length of Lainey's vag is irrelevant when we'rediscussing her grooming activities, but I wanted to weigh in.
No. 463423
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>>463399There was a "medical" textbook from India or Napal or something floating around not long ago that had a guide to determine if a woman was a virgin, and it used labia shape, color, and texture as identifying factors. Incels didn't invent this myth– it's been around for ages.
Requests for labiaplasty have skyrocketed in the last five years. It's really fucking sad that people feel compelled to surgically alter a body part only a handful of other people will ever see because of porn and misogyny. Porn causes so many problems– it blows my mind how many people support/defend it despite
knowing about its negative consequences.
I'm a virgin, but I have I guess larger than average labia. Great, just another thing about me that I can't help that makes me gross and imperfect. I'm kind of wondering what men are going to start scrutinizing about us next. Our kneecaps? Our earlobes? Our toes? It's anyone's guess. But if it makes women insecure and surgeons can make money off of it, anything goes.
Some sex toy company actually had a competition for "prettiest vagina" where men (and men only) voted on a bunch of pictures insecure hand-maidens submitted and the "winner" was flown to wherever the company was to have a no doubt disgusting and invasive procedure to make a mold of her fucking vagina so they could make sex toys out of it. And this fucking bint who won had the nerve to describe it as "empowering" and "not shaming other women". Yes it fucking is!
I hate men. I hate porn. I hate handmaidens. I hate cosmetic surgery. I hate the beauty industry. I wish everybody looked exactly the same and we reproduced asexually like fucking jellyfish.
No. 463429
>>463423>Porn causes so many problemsIt's funny because you'd think porn is the one thing that actually
proves the 'long labia = slut' thing is utter nonsense. If a lot of sexual partners resulted in changes to the vagina, it would be captured on video over the career of a porn star. Even if they got labiaplasty, there would be a point in time where you can see it changes.
But god forbid scrots ever let logic get in the way of their sheer disdain for women.
No. 463731
>>463728i don't think those are false equivalencies, anon most of the time the argument isn't "these are things that will kill you in x amount of time" but rather "these are things that will kill you that you're choosing to do to yourself". the part about them being just as bad is that it's a known health risk, like smoking.
i don't know about other countries but in the US, most obese people are obese due to diet, and many refuse to listen to or believe anyone about their weight/diet issues.
No. 463734
>>463731>these things that you choose I think we know that addictions and mental illnesses aren't really governed by logical, voluntary choice. Hence why there's so many programs to help these people.
It's dumb.
No. 463828
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>>463666I love it when she writes posts like a huge neckbeard but shit like pic related is pretty much psychotic. I don't even know what I'm looking at and it's just insane that someone really zoomed in on THAT and thought it was good enough to circle and post. I'm starting to tinfoil that all these anons who zoom in on potato quality pics and circle them in red are just one crazy insecure person. I almost said this in the thread but you know I'll get bitched out. Hi >>706852
And most of the tattoo criticism are people who have never had tattoos saying "This is bad, right guys?" like, yes, it is not good, but these farmers are the most obvious in their quest for validation in how ~milky~ this cow is.
AND this is one of my top 5 or whatever cows I follow. So that kinda says a bit.
No. 463961
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Cats are overrated and people that never shut up about bullshit like pic related are cringe af.
Also no wonder trannies are obsessed with ~uwu soft kittens~ and animu catgirls. Wonder what that one radfem who claimed disliking cats is antifeminist would say about that lmfao
No. 463997
>>463961I love animals but I hate most pet owners.
Cat owners can be particularly gross. The types of people who have cat hair all in their book reading coffee because the shed is in their unclean cups or flies off their filthy clothes that are covered in hair.
I just hate it when people act obsessed about their animals but do a shit job at taking care of their animals and themselves. Just because they're passionate and not outright neglectful doesn't make them good at it for posting internet memes. It's so annoying.
No. 464052
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>>463961Can you hoes shut up? I'm so tired of this dogs vs. cats fight.
No. 464503
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I fucking love Teen Titans Go and anyone who still whines about it is a scrooge ass bitch
TTG! ruins Teen Titans as much as 60s' Batman ruin modern Batman
None of you would have even cared if TT wasn't a weeb show appealing to your 10 years old weeb ass
No. 464516
>>463997I’ve taken care of dozens of different people’s dogs and cats at their homes for money when I was younger and in my experience about half of both types of owners are neglectful to the point of significant detriment to the animal’s mental and/or physical wellbeing but not to the point of illegality (denial of shelter, food, and water).
Often people take worse care of their animals in proportion with how intense their public obsession over that species is (Facebook memes, collecting objects with dog or cat themes) or how openly prideful they are of their empathetic character or charity in adopting the pets. Litter boxes caked into 1 solid mass of cat pee, animals weighing over double what they should and never being exercised, dogs being confined to hard uncushioned cages with no stimulation for 10 hours a day, etc.
A disturbing amount of well-off and seemingly normal people are delusional and have created their own little hells for their pets, sometimes even while publicly maintaining the persona that their life revolves around their pwecious fur babies. I hate it too.
No. 464553
>>464052This please.
I love cats. If other people dont like cats that's fine, I don't get What the point of fighting about it is.
No. 464625
not to sound like one of those nostalgia fakers but pertaining to physical attractiveness, why is everything more flattering back then?
cameras were more flattering unlike shitty super HD cameras with super color that makes you notice your every pore and makes your skin dull unless you have barbie skin, clothing is unflattering and either unflaggingly skin tight that isn't cut shaped in a flattering way or literal garbage bags (seriously who thought shift dresses were a thing)
makeup is more flattering and less cakey, shoe's are more flattering, you can actually do your hair without everyone thinking because you didn't throw your hair up in a bun you must be going to a ball or something, lingerie was flattering, classy, and sexy.
Coats were more flattering, cities actually looked like cities, people actually left their house, people put in effort to make their living space look nice and furniture and decor looked classier
now when you go out in most places you see boomers with shitty hair, cargo shorts and walmart shirts and jesus sandlals everywhere you go, simplicity or "basicness" is shamed to where everyone is terrified of being themselves under the pretense of being shamed for being basic, rooms are either messy or ikea catalogues. Boomers fucked the job field up as well as the housing market so young people have to put marriage and children on hold, music is shit and overly trashy and ghetto, boomers run around screaming at their wives and kids in public while yelling at 20 yr old ghetto rats for doing the same, cities have practically gone down the shitter and most downtowns are practically dead
I know they had tons of issues back then but dammit at least everything was flattering, you can go out without a camera being shoved in your face for the world to examine all your flaws, you don't have to go grocery shopping and see everyone fighting, getting full time and stable jobs was easy and common, houses and apartments were affordable, clothing was flattering, and so on
People spend too much time blaming others but I blame boomers and corporations
No. 464644
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>>464625cameras were more flattering unlike shitty super HD cameras with super color that makes you notice your every pore and makes your skin dull unless you have barbie skin
Give me back my blurry pixelated Super 8! When will corporations learn that mankind needs no more than 280p , curse all this food and commodities, curse yeee
No. 464659
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>>464638honestly I've been friends with nice gay men but literally every gay man I've met who has been in upper management at my jobs has been a fucking intolerable, anal, controlling egomaniac whos rude to employees, esp women, and it's a fucking shame to all the gay men who don't adhere to the stereotypes and who aren't anal overly flamboyant assholes.
the fag who works in upper management for my current job is insufferable and overbearing. being near or around him is a fucking energy drain, I hate talking to him and sometimes I'm forced to, everything frm the way he inflects to the poor decisions he makes annoy me (why are you in upper management when my store manager is better at management than you faggot), I can't tell whether he's that anal naturally or trying to adhere to the gay stereotypes as much as possible.
No. 464727
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>>464644not saying it needs to be SUPER blurry or anything. Humans naturally aren't perfect, human sight is naturally not super HD hence why it will enhance flaws. IMO HD cameras should be kept for artsy photography purposes of land and city scapes, not humans. Most humans will never look good with high HD unless they're editting, which can really fuck up everyone's views on how people look and how they're supposed to
No. 464735
>>464727But anon, your example is a very altered high res photo. Photo cameras had been able to get really sharp resolutions for a long time. Its just that now is widely available and not everyone is a studio photographer and the output is better, remastered old movies look sharp as hell, they were filemed with a higher fidelity than the projectors and home video output could show at the time and they were not meant to be smudged, grainy or blurry, if a picture looks bad is not the technology that ruined it.
>Humans naturally aren't perfectThen the expectation of how you think humans should look like is what needs to be adjusted , holding back technology just because you think real life is ugly is a backwards way of thinking and kid of what a 2d obsessed weeb would say. Is like those hipsters listening to high fidelity audio and complaining that it doesn't have the grain from old records and it sounds like the artist intended it to sound or classic game fans adding scanlines to emulators, is nostalgia goggles. Just compare how disgusting early youtube videos were when the site was starting out, now even independant content creators can have good video, audio and lighting without that much money, thats not a bad thing just because i can see their skin bumps, thats how people look.
No. 464761
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>>464727Old Hollywood photos were heavily edited all the time. Editing has always existed since the beginning of photography.
No. 464786
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Even if you're older, other people should still be pleasant to you on your birthday and you should still get to have certain social expectations as long as the plans have been discussed beforehand.
Imo people saying how older birthdays don't matter are massively coping and are projecting the loneliness they've felt when others have been dismissive about or didn't acknowledge their birthday. They rationalize it as an "adult" thing that happens versus a "no one gave a fuck about me and that was messed up" thing that happens.
No. 464788
>>464786Damn, I have never ever heard of this. The biggest birthday parties where I'm from happen when people are like 50+ and they're the best.
Wtf, why would people be so negative about that?
No. 464827
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>>464625half of the stuff you're complaining about is either false or something you can still achieve. nobody is stopping you from doing your hair, can guarantee no one is judging you for that. makeup wasn't less cakey, the cameras just didn't provide high enough definition for you to see and glamour shots were heavily retouched. you're free to decorate your house however you like. you can wear flattering clothes, no one is holding a gun to your head and forcing you to wear a shift dress. you don't have to listen to "trashy" music… like ok the economy is shit but if you're living somewhere where you're simultaneously being attacked at the grocery store, having a camera shoved in your face, and having rap music forcibly blared into your ears, then move? you sound like a boomer lol.
No. 464828
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>>464827She looks a bit like Amanda Palmer on the left.
No. 464837
People who use the n word are trashy. Both "a" and "hard r". The person posting scat in Venus's thread is probably making this opinion stronger for me.
It's not even about politics or being offended. It's just that hearing an adult use it casually and frequently makes them look like an indigent in my eyes. All I see is "I suffer from a stunted vocabulary due to internet and video game addiction, have a poor educational background, am a crack baby, a trailer park opiate addict, part of a low-income housing lifestyle and haven't yet evolved above the trappings of its effects on my language, would probably commit crime, am some other, unmentioned variation of this, or all of the above". There's just no place or need for it. I don't care about muh reclamation or muh free speech. You just sound broke and illiterate, sorry.
Even the people who say it ironically, as a racial insult, or for memes just sound tryhard, to be honest. Anyone with more than three brain cells can come up with something better.
No. 464929
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>>464821Face wise Onision at least in his younger years is really cute, he's just got a god awful personality and isn't aging terribly well.
'Asian' Onision is the cuter Onision honestly.
No. 464934
>>464929Daniel is, unfortunately, pretty cute. He has to be, it's the only way such a complete and utter autist could have gotten as many women as he has.
Onision is ugly though. His skin is so bad I'd cringe just scrolling past thread pics most of the time, and every time I see his flabby old body I get grossed out.
No. 464970
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>>464827>>464827NTA but I dont know why people automatically assume you are talking about fossil ass time periods like the 40s when others say "the past was better". Seems weird to skip literally 6 generations with that.
Also, I dont agree with you, heres an example of a modern celebrity Keke Palmer with 1980s makeup and hair styling with HD camera and it looks 100x more flattering than the current harsh weaves and harsh makeup styling women wear now. Idk why youd defend the straight up flawless doll porn / sex worker look a lot of women are being pushed to have now lol. You dont have to be a boomer to dislike modern music (I love rnb, disco, all black forms of music and LIKE some 2010s music but pretending 2010s black music is just as good as 20th century black music is a big ass lie) and that "nobodys forcing you to" argument is so tired and played and the equivalent of putting your head in the sand, lowkey is very crabs in the barrelish and highkey an American thing to say.
No. 464976
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ben affleck is the best batman casting we've ever had. if wb got off christopher nolan's dick and let us have old ass bruce with batfam on film he would've thrived.
also ww1984 is gonna be trash
No. 465136
>>464976I kinda actually agree to an extent. I mean, BvS was awful and Affleck is gross irl, but he actually did a pretty good job all things considered. The writing was shit (Batman killing people? Yeah okay) but I actually felt
appearance wise it was the closet thing we got to the comics. Keaton was good but quite different and Bale sucked honestly (he was a pretty good Bruce Wayne though)
No. 465137
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>>465132Only white people should be allowed to call each other crackers, don't ever use the C word if you are not white
(global rule 7) No. 465291
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>>464970>Idk why youd defend the straight up flawless doll porn / sex worker look a lot of women are being pushed to have now lolWhy are you holding past beauty standards on a pedestal? They're just in a different packaging but the standards are the same. It's fine to like 80s fashion and historical fashion but they aren't somehow better or more feminist or less oppressive than the styles of today. There's nothing even particularly that extremely 80s about her look there, there are more modern makeup trends than just Kardashian. I can find sexed up pin ups from the 80s too, each decade has multiple beauty standards.
No. 465333
>>465316It'll effect you when the economy in your country crashes from the mass immigration of third worlders fleeing famines. But you're accidentally right in that individual consumers using paper instead of plastic straws does not matter at all compared to the massive scale of the pollution of major countries and corporations around the world.
>>465323NASA is pretty good at explaining big topics to the public: No. 465427
>>465415Fatasses also have the same attitude as this
>>465316"lmao I don't really care about my body. We're all going to die anyways! Therefore it doesn't matter if I treat my body like shit or encourage others to do so. At least I won't die at 80 years old being miserable that I didn't eat a billion doughnuts!!!!"
No. 465445
>>465316It takes literally the bare minimum to use reusable cups and forks, and are you some sort of vegetable that you can’t drink a beverage without a straw?
You know what, even if you were a vegetable it would still take zero effort on your part to use a reusable straw since your carer could wash it for you.
The selfishness of people.
No. 465459
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most popular american & british 60s, 70s, 80s rock/metal groups that people can't stop painting as ~~real music~~ are extremely boring and overrated. i can't get through a beatles song without getting bored within the first 30 seconds. pink floyd and ac/dc's music is also really repetitive and monotone. it's really not for me idk
No. 465461
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>>465414have you worked in a supermarket? everything you see in shelves has been in packaging already, most often plastic. the store I work at is on the small side (don't even have a clothing section) but we produce roughly 7 cages (pic related) worth of plastic a day, that's like 14 cubic meters of really compressed plastic. don't think my personal plastic usage could even fill a quarter throughout the year in comparison and it's not like i avoid specific packaging.
like I do believe in climate change (what a weird thing to say lol), i just don't think there's much we can do on an individual level unless you're some sort of turbo oligarch amerifat, which I assume none of us are lol
No. 465463
>>465461this. like someone else said it's industry that causes most pollution. that combined with general ignorance and the "out of sight out of mind" mentality most average people have. i hate that those big companies are turning around onto the average person with these "everyone can do their part" campaigns, while not doing
their part as a company. even if we started these initiatives 50 years ago it wouldn't be worth it because the average person isn't the one producing the trash. yet we get guilted into thinking we are, even though if every person on earth recycled everything and didn't use plastic bags/straws/etc. it'd still be a drop in the bucket.
No. 465474
>>465316I'm so tired of depressionchans.
I wish they'd just kill themselves already and take some burden off society's shoulders since they don't care about the future or themselves at all.
No. 465485
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I'm tired of the energy surrounding Khia and Azealia Banks,
Ok for a oversensitive generation that cries when you 'misgender' them and like to be as politically correct as possible they sure as hell love giving fuel to extremely negative dragging people like AB and Khia because 'it has some truths in it' or 'it's funny', this is also not with them but with other celebrities.
The same people (the LGBT mostly G and T crowd tho) that gangs up on people for going against them be the same people supporting this type of negative as hell energy. At this point I think its some subtle psyop because women especially black women attacking each other is a kii and funny because it precisely discards any productive or valid energy. Also, I don't hate Azealia but when people say 'but she has talent tho' it sounds like they're trying to compliment an 8th grader for something they did for a school project to excuse something they did. It just reeks as inauthentic and subtly gaslighting even if she IS extremely talented in reality.
If they were really on board with her talent and smartness the people especially those gays wouldn't be kiing and cackling with her obvious mental illness and breakdowns every second (btw if its not obvious I have more empathy with her than someone like Khia who's too far gone) that enables her to go deeper into the fuckery. It just proves that sadly a lot of people in the black community love and thrive on negativity to the maximum and so do a lot of people outside of it.
A lot of this rubs me the really wrong way and shows some fucked up undercurrent with SM and the so called "woke" crowd but also those same GT goons that bully anyone to submission put praise their toxic kweens (male or female) for appealing to their female appropiative culture, since they hate women that much, also this applies to gay male identified women too.
No. 465585
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>>465584Thats the narrative at least
No. 465685
>>465431lol I'm
>>465316 and I'm 140lbs (probably a fatty in their anachan minds) and work out 5 days a week and eat healthy. Not lazy at all, I just love plastic straws because I don't want my teeth to stain. How not giving a shit about the climate change hysterics correlates to you being a fatass? There grasping at their bamboo straws. kek.
>>465418They are complete weirdos.
No. 465781
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>>465702Factory farmed fish are about the most
toxic thing you can put in your body, please do not eat it.
Also I don’t understand the teeth staining meme. The only people I know who have nasty stained teeth are smokers, what are you drinking on a daily basis that has that much ability to ruin your teeth and why are you drinking it if it’s so bad
No. 465784
>>465781The only people I know that insist on drinking things through straws so they don't stain their teeth are wine drunks.
Most people brush their teeth twice a day and that's enough to suffice.
No. 465992
>>465781I love canned tuna so much. I eat 2 cans a day.
>>465784>>465807Ya'll never heard of Coffee? I guess people just don't care about their appearance. I will brush twice a day and drink with straw because I care.
No. 466235
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>>465992Why bother to care about your teeth, or excessive 5 days a week, you’ll never be healthy or attractive if you keep eating farmed fish everyday. The cognitive dissonance is amazing.
No. 466295
>>466287It literally doesn't matter if you stop using plastic straws. Just making a pair of jeans contaminates more than all the straws you could have in a decade. The output of industries like the textile industries or the output from literally any other plastic product or the transport or energy industries to get you your bio degradable consumables doesn't even compare.
refusing a plastic straw helps just as much as giving a like on facebook. Its just there to make you feel better about helping out a good cause without actually doing much that matters or even inconveniencing your own routine too much.
No. 466329
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>>466259Science is now bullshit, feelz is what matters I guess lol. Why not just eat nothing but raw sugar everyday. Tastes good too
No. 466380
>>466338the problem is that the movie treats being tall like it's a personality trait and that she's somehow an oppressed minority for being tall and treated like a freak when truthfully most tall women aren't treated like that
the other problem I have with the film is that she does absolutely nothing to better herself or learn to use her height to her advantage try out for sports or really have any kind of story arc, the film meanders for its entire runtime when something decent could've been done with the premise and could've even been satirical/funny
it's not like it's the only shitty Netflix teen comedy tho, most of them are, but I view it on about the same level as Sierra Burgess, the MC isnt likable enough to redeem even the good aspects Tall Girl could've had
No. 466396
>>466380I hated how
she ended with the shortie friendzoned guy at the end. But that's not an unpopular opinion IMO.
No. 466397
>>466384Wild salmon is much less
toxic but it’s also under a lot of stress from overfishing, numbers decline each year. I loved fish too but I decided I’m not going to give myself myself to cancer, harm the environment just so some elitist Norwegian can make more $$$$. The problem with fish is their fat cell acts as an absorbent for toxins, basically sucking up everything around them like sponge, making them much more
toxic then the actual water they live in. The smaller the fish the less they absorb,( like sardines) so you can try that, I can only eat sardines in small amounts before I get sick of them.
No. 466540
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>>466329>Science is now bullshittechnically, science is what created the problem in the first place.
No. 466890
>>466877>"You're the one making it sexual you pedophile!!!!"Ugh, I hate this. I fucking WISH I didn't have to jump to conclusions about pedophiles but they are so common it's impossible to ignore the possibility. I don't notice it because I'm a pedo, I notice it because I've had so much exposure to men online that I know what THEY like.
I've been working on my flexibility lately and some of the girls with instructional videos as super young and dressed skimpily (tbf it's appropriate athletic wear for stretching) but all I can do is wonder how their parents can let them without being afraid of perverts? At least the commments are sometimes disabled. But having seen like, for example, /tv/ being spammed by pedos obsessed with little Russian gymnasts I know for a fucking FACT that's what they like. It's not because I'm making it sexual.
No. 467178
>>467155>If i want to die i should be allowed to end it in a safe, painless way.Maybe true, in theory, but in practice should a doctor really be obligated to help you? It sounds like you just want to kill yourself, not that you have a painful chronic illness you want to escape from. I can easily see a doctor balking at assisting regular suicide compared to euthanizing a very ill person. That's an easy moral line to draw, since depression and mental health can't be deemed terminal or incurable like a physical health problem.
I support euthanasia I just don't think you've thought the 'I should be allowed' part through. Sure you should be allowed, but nobody should be forced to help.
No. 467265
>>467255Guess what? Women still get catcalled when they're in full hijabs. Nothing you can do to make yourself look "basic" or unattractive will ever deter men from sexually harassing you, because it's not even about you, it's about being female, period.
If you haven't experienced that, great for you. Maybe you live in an area where men don't do that much. It's just ridiculous to call it a humblebrag just because you don't know what it's like. There's nothing flattering about it.
Stop getting pissy, listing off your "stats" as if they mean anything, and talking about how you don't wear makeup and yoga pants. It doesn't matter.
>Only around 6-8% of women have been catcalled more than once in their livesI Googled this and didn't find any source. Rather, I found multiple sources stating that a shitload of women from Afghanistan to India to China to to Bangladesh to Croatia can vouch for experiencing street harassment. So much for the "Just don't walk alone in the ghetto" argument., here's one article stating that it happens
most to women between the ages of 11 to 17. No. 467281
>>467255Yeah we’re all humble bragging about some fat asshole who’s over a foot taller and 100 pounds heavier bellowing at you about how he wants to see your tits or ass and knowing he could easily force himself on you if he decided to. Totally not a horrifying concept and not offputting. Who doesn’t want to be cornered by a creep who demands you listen to him talk about how much you turn him on and how he knows you enjoy it because you wore a skirt/boots/pigtails/the colour red/high heels/lipstick/a bra strap slipped out for a second/you smiled/ you literally just existed nearby some pig who cannot comprehend that your humanity is more important than his boner.
Saying stupid shit like ‘they’re bragging about catcalling’ is why women start saying all men are retarded. You bring it on yourselves.
No. 467288
>>467265what you're wearing definitely influences the amount of catcalls you get, and the fact that some rare especially retarded men catcall even women without any flesh showing in no way contradicts that.
I like being well covered, I feel safer and I like keeping my body away from prying scrot eyes. idc what ppl like wearing but if catcalls are so unsettling to you maybe make it so it happens less often.
doesn't mean catcalling is your fault or that scrots don't deserve the pillory for it, but I know I can influence it somewhat and take full control of whatever say I have in the outcome.
I know some women say that they win if the way you dress is influenced by scrots, but honestly I prefer being comfortable rather than engaging in this struggle of power bullshit way of thinking since they will never learn respect anyway.
No. 467295
>>467288You can't "make it so it happens less often". 11 year olds get catcalled, fat women get catcalled, women covering their entire bodies as their religion entails get catcalled. Your hoodie and baggy sweatpants won't protect you from shit. Men consciously decide to catcall, women don't cause automatic vocal reactions. You can deny the evidence if it feels better, but it's there and it will remain there.
Your illusions of power in these situations are just that, unless you're actually implying we should all start taking testosterone and transitioning into men.
No. 467303
>>467295if you are actually implying that scantily clad women don't get more catcalls than nuns passing by, idk how to break that to you. sure, cultural differences, some men that are always horny anyway, the one statistical oddity of the nun fetishist, of course, but then again I could go out and be crushed by a falling grand piano. maybe yeah it's not better to be covered, but being uncovered clearly puts you at more risk, that's just phrasing.
anyway, I know by common sense backed by experience there's this undeniable, sensible difference I can make by denying scrots view of my body, even if it's just scraping off the easiest 30% to ward off, and I am taking full advantage of this.
No. 467312
>>467305reading comprehension. when I say "ward off the easiest 30%" you hear "deter all men". of course some can't be avoided. but I shouldn't have expected you to be literate when you think walking around half naked gets you the same catcalls than if you had a monk habit moon boots and a hat.
do you think it's by smell that men decide who to catcall ? anyway my interaction with you tells me they may prey on naïve clueless women who look like they have no common sense.
No. 467314
>>467303Imagine thinking men primarily fetishize clothes, and not female existence in itself (as has been shown time and time again).
But like, let's entertain your solution for a second and pretend like anon's experience in
>>467305 totally never happens and really is as likely as having a piano fall on your head, and that women in hijabs or burkas getting catcalled is also a statistical impossibility.
What happens if/when every single woman is completely covered up 24/7, hypothetically? Do you feel like men will be like "Wtf? No crop tops, mini-skirts or IG makeup? >:( Guess I'm done, the femoids win this one, they figured us out guys" and street harassment will cease being a global issue for women? Is that what you believe will happen?
And, if that doesn't work, what will you say to women who complain about being subjected to it? Is it only then that they'll be allowed to talk about it without being accused of "humblebragging", or will the issue become that they must all be "walking too seductively" or something?
No. 467322
>>467314none of you read what I say. your canned outrage is out of tune.
I don't care what women wear and I have no interest in shaming them. I am just pointing out an obvious fact and sharing how I use this basic observation to make my life easier scrotwise.
No. 467328
>>467322What outrage? All we've done is point out that you're wrong. The fact that catcalling happens at all is a problem and a conversation worth having. When you repeatedly insinuate that 90% of us who deal with this must be dressed like porn stars and are just too stupid to put on a hoodie, then proceed to insult the intelligence of anons who dare to say it hasn't helped them like you did in
>>467312, it becomes clear that you have nothing to offer. You think you invented baggy clothes and not wearing makeup? No. We've tried that, and can personally confirm it's not the clothes. "Well it would be worse if you wore tight clothes DUH", and what? The fact that it happens regardless is proof that the root of the issue is that we are female. That's what needs to be solved.
If it really is so rare for you, you have to understand that
you are the statistical outlier here, not every single one of us. No one is humblebragging, and your "One neat trick to stop 30% of catcallers!" is ineffective and worthless for women as a whole.
If you can accept that it still happens, what exactly is your point? That we should just shut up and be okay with it? Men shouldn't be held accountable for their actions?
No. 467330
>>467323i would love it if you pointed out anywhere I told anyone to cover up, or anyone to do anything for that matter.
why you guys are hell bent on shaming me for wearing my hijab is beyond my knowledge (or is it), even if I was being superstitious I would expect to be ridiculed and not provoke such an outrage.
whatever you wear you have the right to wear as you should, but yeah unfortunately scrots have eyes.
No. 467335
>>467330>i would love it if you pointed out anywhere I told anyone to cover up, or anyone to do anything for that matter.Here
>>467255How have we shamed you? When did you even mention wearing a hijab?
No. 467336
>>467328the projection ! I have never thought any of the things you listed in your ten thousand line paragraph.
what I'm saying is, with nothing else implied, that lightly dressed women have to endure been more catcalls. not saying that it's right or that anybody should dress any kind of way, or that you guys are humble bragging. the thing youre right about is that I find y'all very stubborn/nonsensical about admitting this one piece of basic fucking common sense.
No. 467337
>>467335>>467255 is not me though. I am
>>467288. anyway, lunch break over, bye !
No. 467338
>>4672558% ? WHERE are you getting those statistics because every woman my age I know has been catcalled. I literally have never met any girl in her 20's in my whole life that hasnt been catcalled.
Also I don't wear make-up at all and don't dress slutty. As for walking alone in rough areas, I live in a rough area. It's not like "the projects" but my (european) city is made so that rough areas are often near the city center. What am I supposed to do? Move and then not ever go in the city center? Be accompaigned by a male every time I step foot out? You're delusional.
No. 467340
>>467336What projection? Do you even know what the word means?
>what I'm saying is, with nothing else implied, that lightly dressed women have to endure been more catcalls.Like I said before, what is your point, then? What does that add to the discussion? Women who are fully covered in ME countries also get a shitload of catcalls. What do you suggest for them? Nothing?
I'm convinced your reading comprehension is at zero, and it's ironic that you said the same thing about someone who made more sensible points than you.
No one here can help you, just stop interjecting when adults are talking about issues.
No. 467350
>>467255This post has so much troon/femcel energy I am in fact outraged
>I don’t get catcalled because I cover upIs this cope? bitch you may just be that ugly
No. 467375
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If you got 100% percent completion on one of those giant openworld games that require at least a month to do you shouldn't be proud.
No. 467400
>>467396I'm scared that people are going to make "gaslighting" go down the same path as "
triggered", so no one takes it seriously anymore.
It's a word with a very specific, important meaning that should never be watered down.
No. 467404
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>>467375I never really got the completionist attitude beyond a certain point. Completing some difficult tasks or certain games where it's not that boring, sure. But the 900 korok seeds in breath of the wild, is that fun? The reward is just the game devs mocking you.
No. 467408
>>467396My mother had a personality disorder, and once I made the mistake of using vocabulary such as 'gaslighting' during her arguments she adopted my language and reversed
victim. I imagine that's what cows are attempting to do, adopting the language of the accusers so they can appear less crazy.
No. 467420
>>467396I feel the same about /r/RaisedByNarcissist and /r/RaisedByBordelrines. Those subs may have started as a forum for children of parents with those specific disorders, but it slowly transformed into a general sub about
abusive parents. They greatly contributed to BPD/NPD = bad person. A lot of them simply diagnose their parents off of huffpost articles.
No. 467426
>>467420>They greatly contributed to BPD/NPD = bad personThe message is that people with those disorders are pretty bad parents.
And it's true.The majority might have been fine as friends or coworkers if they hadn't brought in children whom they didn't have the capacity to handle, and take their neuroses out on.
It's mean, but it's true.
No. 467444
>>467441Well in that specific sentence they were complaining that narcissists and borderlines have gotten reputations for automatically being bad people. While that's not true, generally speaking parents with those disorders are awful fucking parents.
I've also never seen someone complain online about their parents for just one bad specific trait, I'd have to read a story where it genuinely seemed like someone was armchair diagnosing based on one incident that they highly misconstrued.
No. 467447
>>467428Why do you dumb braindead cunts conflate black with being gay all the time? The fuck does my skin color and genetics have to do with whether or not someone wants to eat pussy or suck dick?
Like it or not, black people are AMERICANS and they deserve every right of media representation as white AMERICANS and they belong to this country as much as everybody else.
No. 467457
>>467452Being a racial minority is not the same as being a sexuality minority though
How do you know everyone's sexuality either? There's a lot of "straight" men out there who fap to trans porn or would fuck their buddies on a lonely night if nobody was watching
Sounds to me it's not related
Overrepresented my ass. Sounds like your one of those white latinos who got too siddity and now you wanna turn your nose up because you got vaguely brainwashed by pol scrote rhetoric
>>467453Not homophobe chan ok
I have no problems with gays I have problems with life support braindead idiots like OP who think I'm related to a gay because im black
No. 467463
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>>467452I seriously think some of you ladies drink a fifth of vodka every time you post, because you know that’s bullshit. Black representation in the media has decreased especially compared to the 90s and early 2000s. Besides a few tokens on shows and movies (most of them are shitty stereotypical characters anyway), there’s not many black characters to the point that every cast looks like In Living Color cast.
You sound just like the scrotes that complain about too many women in video games.
No. 467465
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>>467428>There are too many queers and blacks on TV1!!1!>Latinos are white!1!!1!Man, being a self-hating right-wing Mexican like this must be stressful as hell. Get therapy, anon.
Also, I live in a majority Mexican area in the U.S., and I've yet to meet a latino person who disliked Coco. I've met plenty of Mexicans who dislike "whitewashed" latinos, though. Face it: "integrate" is just a nice word for "act more white".
Also, have you ever heard the phrase "divide and conquer"? Racists benefit from infighting between POC.
>>467450Wow anon, there are a million other ways you could have argued with
>>467428 that didn't involve being homophobic. Also can you stop calling them "gays" or "a gay"? "Gay" is an adjective, dumbshit.
Why do you two hate seeing gay people this much? They're really not as represented as you think they are– you've just got confirmation bias.
>>467452All of the LGBT combined accounts for 3% of the U.S. population.
No. 467468
>>467465guess what, i know a million latinos who hate Coco, touche, argument destroyed.
>"integrate" is just a nice word for "act more white".So you do think every latin american is a walking ethnic stereotype
Ay ay ay you almost made me drop my sombrero with your great argument miss gringa
>between POC. Only some latinos are poc you dumb burguer
No. 467470
>>467465So I'm homophobic because you have a problem with "gays"
But you didn't care about my usage of "blacks"
I don't give a shit about seeing gay people or not – that was my point. You got a brain fungus, too?
No. 467474
>>467468Lmao, an American claiming they're full white is already hilarious so I KNOW a Latino claiming to be full white is extra-hilarious. Even if you have mostly white blood you still have mutt DNA.
>>467466>you want even moreProjecting.
For someone who whines about muh ethnic stereotypes (really why do people see me as a mutt non-white group) you sure are rude and dismissive of people who have more rights to the country than your immigrant ass does. Trump really needs to build the wall already
No. 467475
>>467466A couple of movies and shows? Compared to how many black shows and movies that came out during the 90s - 2000s? This is why you must be young, because there was a time when EVERY show had every race (ex: Captain Planet, Hey Arnold, As Told By Ginger). There were more famous black shows on regular channels. Fresh Prince, Family Matters, The Cosby Show, In Living Color, A Different World, etc. You had the famous genre with the staid white cop and the wacky black cop. I can go on.
This is why POC unity is bullshit. Instead of hating on black representation, use your own channels to promote white Latinos. Hell, just get Telemundo, everyone in there is lily-white.
No. 467481
>>467465>Also, have you ever heard the phrase "divide and conquer"? Racists benefit from infighting between POC. Nta the word POC is just used to divide and conquer people into "white" and "non-white"
The "White" people all around the US are extremely diverse in terms of cultural values, ancestry and appearance
An Italian American from New York and German American from the Midwest would both be equally as different to each other as Italian American and an Punjabi American
No. 467489
>>467468It doesn't matter how white you think you are. If you speak Spanish and have latin American ancestry, you're subject to the same sort of racism all other latinos are. You think racists give a fuck what you think you are? They hear Spanish and their mind is made up.
Also, the reason Mexican culture is the most commonly represented latino culture in
U.S. media is because most of the latinos in the U.S.
are Mexican!
>>467477Homophobe-chan, when are you going to realize that fucking no one wants you here? You're not subtle and you're not changing anyone's mind.
>>467474>Trump needs to build the wall alreadyMost illegal immigrants flew or drove here legally on visas and then the visas expired. A wall doesn't accomplish shit, retard. It's just a waste of peoples' tax dollars.
No. 467499
>>467493Not to mention homophobic. This is anecdotal, but the lesbians I know who experienced the worst parental abuse are latina. It's because of the prevalence of devout Catholicism in latin America (which is in and of itself a result of imperialism).
Have you ever seen what happens when a black guy tries to date a latina woman? My stepdad is black and my mom is white, but she often gets mistaken for Mexican. The racism they experience is unbelievable.
Although I wouldn' worry about it, anon, and here's why: those think-pieces about a majority non-white America aren't based on a model where people "come in". It's based on the increasing prevalence of interracial families. So when people say America will be majority POC, what they mean is majority mixed. Which is a good thing, because more interracial unions hopefully means less racism. Bigotry is a learned behavior, not a hereditary one.
No. 467503
>>467489>A wall doesn't accomplish shit,It does, it stops fence jumpers and coyotes, thats a business run by narcos and how they get a bunch of Maras and sicarios who would not get visas otherwise or who already were deported from the US once or more than once. I hope he does build it.
Also, i don't know why sjws love illegals so much. Latinos hate illegals, they ruin every neighborhood, they lower the bar for everyone, do sjw really think illegals love homos and women? they are the most violent and misogynistic demographics, they don't care about your first world middle class standards.
Only rich plantation owers have a reason to like illegals. Ironically those illegals are the ones bad mouthing americans and their culture the most and refusing to even learn english, they belong back in latam.
>>467489Lol no, people emigrate to the US for a reason. You would get shit on more in Latin America, just check the violence statistics. White people are pretty nice and way too accommodating and PC.
>>467499>majority mixed. Which is a good thingNo, Mr Soros. It means a decline in IQ, increase in crime and decrease in quality of life.
>because more interracial unions hopefully means less racism. Bigotry is a learned behavior, not a hereditary one.Lol no, it will make all of those worse, the US will simply become Brazil 2.0 or nay shithole with majority mix race population. Historically is the sign of the downfall.
>>467489NTA, but I've been accused of being "Homophobe-chan" before and I've seen plenty of other anons getting accused too. There is more than one person on lolcow that doesn't break out rainbow flags and start cheering every time you weirdos state an opinion, or publicly parade your fetishes.
>when are you going to realize that fucking no one wants you hereWhen are you going to realize that doesn't mean shit on an anonymous imageboard. On top of that your opinion is yours alone. Get over yourself.
>you're not changing anyone's mindYou're so delusional that you think you're changing minds while shitposting on lolcow. I can only imagine how unbearably narcissistic you must be IRL.
No. 467542
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>>467529All of that is already true, for stock holders.Thats what you wanna be.
No. 467543
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i'm so fucking sick of billie eilish
but more than her i'm sick of all the adults shilling her music
i'm sick of her being played on radio stations i listen to among music i actually like
she's a teenager who makes music for teenagers. the lyrics suck. i cringe when i hear her songs and i especially cringe seeing grown-ass adults fawn over her or use her stupid lyrics for anything. ugh
No. 467545
>>467512Why did this anon get put out pasture?
No. 467557
>>467552>I don't get how she's so popular by that metric alone.Anything you force enough will get popular. They just have to shill them enough and sell the idea that it is already popular and that alone makes the thing more popular. for example keeps forcing Bad bunny, trap and reggaeton on my player and opening screen by default, little do they know that my hate for those types of music is way too deep so those tactics don't work on me.
No. 467575
>>467569I'm pretty sure one anonymous person calling another anonymous person ugly isn't the reason women in general get
victim-blamed for men harassing them.
No. 467578
>>467569Men’s shitty behaviour is women’s fault? Genius.
Are the handmaidens out in full force or are there more boys posting here than usual?
No. 467624
>>467621we will never truly be equal unless we completely upheave the patriarchy.
but by doing that we will then create a matriarchy. can we make the sexes equal that way? it's never been done, so who knows. men have subjugated women throughout human history, first by sheer physical force and later through culture.
i try not to give too much of a shit anymore not only because it's pointless but because i firmly believe the human race will be cut down significantly in about 100 years due to climate change. we will run out of fresh water in about 20 years, we will run out of soil to plant crops in in about 50 years. we're fucked.
No. 467692
>>467513Nayrt, but
you're the one sperging about how everyone shares your hate boner for gay people. Sounds to me like you're the narcissist kek
Plus, how do you know it's a bunch of other people getting called Homophobe-chan and not just one or two ban-evading autists besides yourself?
It's such a retarded thing to be angry about. Gay people aren't going anywhere. If they bother you, ignore them. You guys act like they're kicking down your door and frotting on your kitchen table, when all they're doing is occasionally acting flamboyant? Fuck's sake. Worry about shit that actually matters.
No. 467784
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>>467692Tfw no hot buff guys are ever coming in to frot on MY dinner table
No. 467839
>>467692>you're the one sperging about how everyone shares your hate boner for gay people.Stop getting your flannel in a twist and reread that post. I didn't do that anywhere. I just pointed out how dumb it is to assume lc is a big online pride parade outside of one anon.
>all they're doing is occasionally acting flamboyant?No. If you don't care that women and children are being endangered purely to spare hurting LGBT feelings. Then say it and own it. Don't act disingenuous about it.
No. 467975
>>467972My parents were pretty middle class but I hate it for the same reason. It just reminds me of my mom's phony self and her materialism. She always got super gifty around that time of year but would scorekeep and be shitty for the rest, and it irked me that she operated that way when she was supposed to be religious. My entire childhood was proving how I wasn't an ungrateful brat for the gifts at Christmas even in July.
Some thematics about Christmas I find really cozy, like a lit tree in a dim room and baking pastries. But leading up to that, the holiday crunch is an absolute terror. Sickening how the most moralfag time of year can at the same time have the worst cases of inhumanity and entitlement. It doesn't help that I've worked in industries where customers literally trounce over employees to get their way. People become savages when it comes to procuring material things, or really anything that threatens their perfect holiday.
Halloween definitely doesn't have that aspect and I hope it never does.
No. 467986
>>467887I hate how the shops around here bring in Halloween merch when absolutely no one here celebrates it, all the tacky shit just goes straight into landfill on November 1st because no one fucking bought it and I doubt they ever will
Honestly I just hate how prominent americanisation is globally, who the fuck cares about an American holiday when we’re not American
No. 467991
>>467839Don't blame gay people.
>>467832 put it really nicely. Maybe you should have read that before posting.
Also, I like that you imply that not hating gay people automatically means a person is lesbian. Real classy.
You don't actually give a fuck about women and children. You just want an excuse to feel better than other people lol
No. 467998
>>467972All of this, I'm not American but Halloween always felt like what e wanted Christmas to actually be. A time I can plan something nice with friends, unlike Christmas which is just a endless barrage of expenses and family drama that haunts you from September until February. There was a nice window of time where I saw more friends at Christmas who were avoiding blog family situations too and it was starting to feel comfy, but that will change when people start getting married and having kids.
Christmas is meant to make you feel thankful but it just reminds me that I'm poor and don't have a real family.
I used to be excited when I saw seasonal Halloween goods because it was a rare thing but now every shop is churning out plastic tat like
>>467986 said. I used to hold onto my decorations and use them all year round but recently with each year I can feel the commercial pressure to conduct building and I hate it
>>467975Too late, Halloween is becoming even more commercial each year
No. 467999
>>467995Jesus christ can you get thicker skin? Stop being so mortally offended by people questioning and discussing possibilities you don't feel apply to your situation. If you were really so confident in your position, you wouldn't be so buttmad at people criticizing it.
The PIV talk is boring as hell but it would have ended long ago if not for your type who can't just let it go.
No. 468016
>>467832That doesn't change her point much, really.
Troons are utterly insignificant as a voting block on their own so we only get laws imposing their insanity because people, mainly women, generally support them. Because people, mainly women, don't want to be seen as bigots.
No. 468019
>>467995Pick your hills to die on wisely.
I personally don't agree with the anons posting about it but they're free to discuss it. I feel satisfied over decent PIV. I feel like what they're saying doesn't really apply to me.
I just choose not to enter that particular conversation, that way I don't have to lie or cause a ruckus over what I personally get off on.
No. 468037
>>468024>Why even deny things like climate change at this point?All of the bullet points about climate change come from boomers and all of the solutions (not to say the causes and general assesment of the reality of climate change) people like Al Gore shills are wrong and are only convenient for certain corporate interests. Also, wind and solar don't work, nuclear is the way but most climate cultists are against it and are only in favor of carbon taxes that hurt people and solve nothing.
zoomers like Greta are only parroting stuff that 60yr old hippies were already shilling and is a misguided lobby.
No. 468082
>>468069You realise she is simply repeating what actual climate scientists have been claiming for years?
It’s not just something she whipped up from a Facebook post like 90% of the shit climate change deniers gobble up.
No. 468087
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>>468082Thats rite, i am buying carbon credits as we speak, no need to thank me, i'll just be here saving the world for Greta's future
No. 468091
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>>468088I can't wait to have the living shit taxed out of me with no meaningful repercussion to the environment and no aggregated value to my life whatsoever, who could say no to such a brave and inspiring young girl! here government cronies! just take it all! for science! do it now or the world will literally fucking mega ultra explode in like 3 seconds, tax me nao!
No. 468094
>>468088Your concern is critiquing how a 16 year old responds to the serious wrongdoings of the older generations. It's like ignoring an
abusive parent who is slowly poisoning their child and instead blaming the child for being upset. Are you a boomer?
No. 468099
>>468074The thing that bothers me the most about her is that she's diagnosed with OCD and asperger's which obviously affects her sense of judgement, ability to control her emotions and tendency to be neurotic. Someone like this should absolutely not be pushed to the limelight to act as some sort of a cult leader, it's definitely going to fuck her up even more. Her speeches are definitely written by other people beforehand.
I'm worried of her being exploited and used as a political tool. Her mother, Malena Ernman, is a washed up celebrity and I wouldn't put it beyond her to have groomed Greta to be a cash cow to sell her book which ~conveniently~ came out just now and is only milking their family drama and Greta's publicity. They completely threw a 16 year old, mentally unstable girl under the bus when they made her the face of the environmental movement people can direct their hate towards, and in return people can dismiss all criticism as people bullying a helpless minor. She was the easiest target to take advantage of.
No. 468111
>>468088Exactly. I don't know who she is supposed to appeal to. Children are retarded. Why the fuck would you choose a retard as your mouthpiece?
I've not listened to any of her speeches, or read any articles about her. I'm not going to either. If the people backing her wanted their message ignored they've done a great job.
No. 468199
>>468187Men frequently only claim this to lower their child support amount, and the qualification for it can be such bullshit. In my state, what qualified as 50/50 and turned child support into a pittance was fucking laughable, they can be with them like less than half the year (like 100 overnights) and the man can say it's 50/50. Men frequently start asking for more visits and overnights to qualify for this only to fuck off when the amount is lowered.
I went thru hell with an ex husband that tried to claim this bullshit and sicced a horrible motherfucker of a lawyer on me even though said ex was not paying any amount of cs at all for awhile and only saw the kid every other weekend.
When men talk about "getting fucked over" it's because normal ass things like child support are making them immensely butthurt. I'm working up to moving away and signing off that he doesn't even have to pay it anymore if he just allows me to move with our child and draw up a visitation agreement without dragging me to court to move on with my life. It's not worth it. Would rather be independent financially and never have to worry about what dumb bullshit the Disneyland Daddy who doesn't care about the hard parts of parenting and is less involved than my ldr partner is going to whine about being my fault next.
No. 468219
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>>468094>serious wrongdoings of the older generationsYes, yes, corporations and governments tried to warn us for decades that it was us all along, but we didn't listen!!! we still used the plastic straws and didn't turn off the faucet when we brushed our teeth, now its too late, i can see the carbon dioxide with my own eyes aaaaah it buurns, it buuuurns , tax me, tax me quiclkly, tax me now, i want to be poorer and give all my money to bureucrats, we the people are guilty for 99999.9999 emissions just because we exist, why can't we be green like international industries and governments?, save us from ourselves UN daddies ahhhhh saint Greta atone for my sins, hit me with those carbon cryptos you are selling else the world with end exactly 1 year from now at 3 pm standard time.
No. 468234
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>>468227If only i was so careful with the environment as international industrial complexes and governments. But no, i had to use plastic bags instead of canvas, i deserve the environments wrath, death by carbon taxes should be my natural punishment , mr Banker pretty please loan me money at high interest rates so i can buy an overprice electric car before the world burst into flames and we the sinners all turn into salt.
No. 468239
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>>468234NTAYRT, but the funny part is people like you who are clearly got a nerve hit in the Greta thunberg fuckery and parody it in such a ironic self aware way xD but don't say shit when extremely pressing harmful agendas or ideologies are pushed down your throats. Ah no, you just feel annoyed about being preached to by a shouting autistic 16 year old kid I guess.
But keep doing the good fight by saying what everyone plainly knows!
(xD) No. 468241
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>>468239Yes anon, indeed, other shitty agendas exist, that means i can't criticize Greta's for being shitty. Pls no bully.
No. 468278
Are you aware you can still dislike elites trying to milk money out of it without denying the climate change?
No. 468282
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No. 468283
>>468187I don't get you at all.
Kids don't say "my mom's house" because they don't feel like it's their own home, they say it to be clear because they have two homes it's not that complex.
Also, so what if it's for the benefit of the parents? It's hard to raise a kid, coparenting is better than single parenting or forcing a kid to live in a loveless home with parents that "stay together for the kids".
Also about your idea of kids staying with the most stable parent? That just makes them feel abandoned, kids don't recognise if a parent is a bad parent and usually they will want to stay with the one that doesn't give them a curfew and feeds them dominos every night. I'd rather get to see some of a shit patent and grow up to appreciate the good one than be torn away from the bad one for whatever reason.
No. 468284
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The funny thing is China, Africa, and India are actually stealing this girl's future. If she convinces westerners to live in bubbles, have no kids, and eat maggot meat she's helping them.
No. 468294
>>468284Unironically saying this without understanding that Western countries meet more goals by trading with the countries mentioned so that they do the polluting instead.
In short, everyone sucks here, having actually listened to what the girl is saying seems she's pretty pissed at that and wants everyone to change.
Fat stupid Americans and their demand for shit is just the more easy thing to call out
No. 468299
>>468294>having actually listened to what the girl is sayinglmao
>Western countries meet more goals by trading with the countries mentionedSure because they want to keep selling big max to your drag kidz. Maybe your nonbinary spawntype should dye its hair blue too. 25 dollars in a tube. All xyms fr*ends should have instagram accounts where they twerk in front of burger kween. Get a beyblade tattoo because that's so ironic and it only costs 50 bucks an hour. Get a cricket dorito tattoo. We're going to save the world by living in a 5g hut. Shut the fuck up.
No. 468419
>>468415Surely you can see the massive difference between types of drugs… like there are some you'd have to be crazy to try because of how dangerous/addictive they are, and some that won't have any lasting effect on you at all according to both studies and common sense. Lumping them all together like some automatic life ruining monolith does not lend your opinion any credibility.
I don't do drugs or plan to start because I won't even take the tiniest risk of hurting myself, getting into bad situations, overindulging to the point of wasting my money, etc. But it's very easy to understand why a lot of people would value a fun time over being maybe a bit overly cautious like I am.
No. 468422
>>468258…which will cause people to patronize other companies. Green energy companies.
I thought Republicans were supposed to be experts on the whole free-market thing?
>>468282>>468284This is a child. You can't post children here.
Also, sage your shitposts.
No. 468424
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>>468422>You can't post children here.And yet she is old enough to lecture on the UN and to appear on every single platform ever.
No. 468433
>>468422>I thought Republicans were supposed to be experts on the whole free-market thing?If prices are being artificially manipulated by outside by outside regulations then it isn't a free market.
You're also assuming people can even afford to patronize others. Again, I bring up the poor. Aren't Democrats supposed to care about the people poor? I'm already hearing horror stories of old retired women freezing to death in winter for being made unable to pay for electricity that was previously dirt cheap.
No. 468435
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>>468433But electricity is the future anon, this guy needs all the subsidies he can get.
>old retired women freezing to death in winterThat means they are not using electricity and by being death their have reduced their carbon reducing their carbon footprint to a minimum, regulations do work.
That leaves valuable resources to the progressive people who need it the most, rich liberals with Teslas
No. 468437
>>468435I don't know why I read that in a Ron Swanson voice, but for some reason I did, and that made no sense at all.
Eh, at least this might solve Europe's allegedly non-existent migration problem. They could let in every unvetted rapist on the planet, wait until first snowfall, and then bulldoze their frozen corpses into a makeshift wall.
No. 468438
I think people don't realize exactly how vulnerable they are to internet bullshit. The "Walk away from the screen hahahaha" thing isn't really legitimate anymore. I feel like someone could easily train a neural network to act out political arguments online, and people would think it's two organic humans fighting.
The danger in that concept is how easily it could be used for propaganda.
Like, what's stopping someone from buying a bunch of old, inactive Twitter accounts, making profile pictures for them with thispersondoesnotexist for half, using existing cartoon/anime/furry/celebrity pictures for the other half, throwing in some "relatable", "casual" Tweets (also generated) to look legit, and creating entire political narratives that just aren't real?
It can easily become "The leftists are doing this now, so those of you leaning on the right must do that" (or vice-versa) when no one's actually doing anything, and a large chunk of people will follow like lemmings.
I wouldn't even really be surprised to find out some of the spergy political arguments in here where the exact same opinions, almost word-for-word, seem to be spewed out are just bot posts strewn all over multiple imageboards for training purposes.
No. 468439
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>>468437Ron Swanson is goals hubby material
No. 468441
>>468436Same. I don't really feel one way or the other about her public speaking (I'm convinced it's too late for the human race), but I can't fathom grown-ass men and women being hateful toward some teen they don't even know, and who hasn't said or done anything to hurt people.
It's like they have brain worms or something. I want to call it Thunberg derangement syndrome.
No. 468450
>>468438whenever the government of my county announces something or is being publicly criticized there are hundreds of thousands of bots that come to force trending topics or to the rescue , journalist have located a shit ton of them in Turkey who is an allied country. Its actually old news, but that doesn't mean everyone who disagrees with you is an NPC.
>>468441The whole reason the lobby behind her is choosing a 16 yr old who looks 12 as a spokeperson is exactly that, to shield criticism and as a diversion tactic. "how could this people be against a literal precious child with asperger" Its a very cynical media tactic that should backfire. Maybe they can try with a very sweet old lady who bakes vegan cookies next time.
No. 468452
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>>468435Goals are for alcoholics and pretend football players. In America, aim for touchdowns.
No. 468456
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>>468450The issue isn't with the criticism, it's with freaks who make shit like pic related, call her a bitch, retarded, etc.
This isn't
valid criticism of the things she's saying, lmao, and neither are the violent fantasies or other putrid things they say.
No. 468462
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>>468456Maybe lobbies should not use underage children as cannon fodder for their controversial viral political campaigns. Of course it backfires. Blame her handlers.
No. 468471
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>>468463both the vitriol and your kind of response is why she was chosen. It literally the responsibility of her handlers and legal custodians to care for the wellbeing of their legally underage mentally challenged kid rather than put her in a spotlight where she doesn't belong, speaking about issues where she has no authority in melodramatic ways and later expect the internet of all places to play nice. They are doing with her the same thing they are doing with Desmond, is exploitative, difference is she would have a profitable career in shilling as long as she plays ball while Desmond would probably be found death by hanging or overdose before coming of age.
No. 468474
>>468438On the PBS special about Prince Such and Such (the semi cute Saudi prince who killed the journalist) they mention manipulation of the twittersphere in Saudi by just some bots and a hashtag. It would give false impressions.
It was a great special but it was on too late at night and I missed half.
No. 468475
>>468472Couldn't have said it better myself. I'm tired of adults babying themselves and each other just because they're on a computer.
You still have a functioning brain while you're using that keyboard. Have some decency. If you won't, the correct thing is for everyone else to accordingly call you out on disgusting behavior.
No. 468477
>>468436My thoughts exactly.
How dare this teenage girl care about the fucking planet she has to live on for the next seventy years! How outlandish, she must be a liberal plant! And also have eight different mental disabilities! We better bully her and threaten her with rape and violence!
Is it really that hard to believe that a teenage girl just cares about polar bears? I mean geez I understand disagreeing with her, but your autism must be way worse than her's if you think your screeching is necessary.
>>468435This anon sperging about how much she hates gay people, renewable energy, [redacted] people, and dA lIbErUl CoNsPiRaCiEs in every /ot/ thread is really getting old. I mean geez this is just as obnoxious as the radfem sperging.
We can tell you're the same person, anon. You type like an ESL fourth grader, you never sage, and you think EVERY post needs a ten-year-old reaction image or some shit you stole off /pol/. Learn to integrate, for fuck's sake.
No. 468501
>>468489Having taught kids before, girls definitely mature faster, but not how most people think. Girls become independent faster than boys do and resist authority (not in a disruptive way, but girls are less likely to allow an adult to dictate how they should do something), they also become better at self-regulating their emotions and behaviours significantly faster than boys do. Girls also tend to fall into leadership roles and can navigate through many different social groups.
It’s depressing that all of these positive traits get stamped out through socialisation as they progress through school.
No. 468505
>>468485Agreed. The boy she was fucking was a full length adult and Liu is an actual retard. It's creepy and unsettling, sure, but calling it pedophilia just because the boy was 3 years away from the legal age is reaching. I think people just want to exaggerate it because they hate Mumkey for what an egoistical dick he is.
Also agree about the power dynamics. An adult male will ALWAYS have way more control over a young girl than an adult woman has over a young boy. Both physically and mentally. I'm not saying you should dismiss a 20something year old woman fucking a 15 year old boy like it was nothing but it's not at all comparable if the genders were switched around. At 15-17 the boy is 100% likely to be able to physically overpower the woman and the society is built around young men being socialized to be more assertive and self-sufficient than young women.
No. 468508
>>468503this was about an unpopular opinion, which is admittedly unpopular.
>What more impulsive implies is easier to take advantage ofwtf, no it doesn't. a 23 year old guy is still more impulsive than most 17 year old girls, does that mean 17 year old girls are taking advantage of 23 year old guys?
what you're saying is just not true as men are still very impulsive, far more so than women ever tend to be. being a less impulsive child doesn't mean you're actually mature, it doesn't mean you make the right decisions or think critically, it just means you're less prone to making rash decisions. doesn't mean you make the right decisions, it just means you don't jump to act immediately. boys raised on violent porn and porn where women are submissive, where women older than them are seen as submissive, that believe women older than them are wrong and are less intelligent than they are, less worthy than they are, and raised by movies to believe they should be given whatever they want and that believe they are always gifted and more intelligent than women, are not going to be as easily manipulated and insecure and easily led as teenage girls.
there's a reason why we see 16 year old boys victimizing 16 year old girls but not the opposite. they're already filled with predatory behavior and entitlement by the time they're in their early to mid teens. they're already coercing their same age girlfriends to engage in violent and depraved acts. the "more mature" 16 year old girls aren't the ones asking for this shit.
>>468505idk about full length adult in reality, but based on what we could see, he definitely was more composed than every 22 year old guy i've met, which is really sad. he seemed like a pretty mature kid and she is for sure an actual retard that is below him. no joke, i really think she's disabled in some way. i think it's just retribution for men being called out for actually being predatory. there didn't seem to be any predation on her behalf there. she needs to be heavily medicated though.
No. 468584
>>468501Girls definitely mature faster, in the sense of maturing physically. I was just thinking about this yesterday. Late elementary school and middle school is when most girls start their period and develop bigger breasts. Late middle school and high school is when most boys start growing facial hair and their voice begins to drop. I think those physical changes in young girls can definitely make them "mature" due to the fact they now have some things to worry about they commonly associated as being adult, periods, shaving, wearing bras.
Sort of OT but why are young girls shoes sizes so limited? They stop at size 5 out here and I had to start shopping for bigger shoes in the adult women's section before I even entered 4th grade. I felt so left out, I wanted to wear the cool character shoes for a longer time.
No. 468692
>>468606You're not just doing it in this thread, though. You've been shitting up other threads too, like when an anon asked for feminist reading and you replied with a bunch of irrelevant books about economics in Latam.
You've expressed your retarded opinion, now move on. Go jerk off to Nick Offerman, who is liberal JSYK.
No. 468759
>>468606We've been over this.
>>468456 is degenerate. If that is how you "disagree", you seriously have problems, and no one is wrong in pointing that out. Not everything is an "evil plot by the handlers!!1", just stop being a disgusting piece of shit.
No. 468762
>>468759Even if it
is a plot by handlers, does that automatically relieve Anon of the responsibility of being a good and virtuous person?
It's seriously hard to believe that just because this child's guardians have failed her, that they too are allowed to slip into degeneracy and meaningless hate.
>>468606In short, you are a wickedly degenerate and irresponsible person. I sincerely hope you can distance yourself from your childish morality and views right now and grow to be better.
No. 468775
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>>468768>This thread in a nutshellBasically, if it's an "unpopular opinion" that's actually just a popular, oft-unsaid opinion, it's been posted. Especially if it's something about vegans lol
No. 469127
Half the time people complaining about how 'they have to much work' simply caused the problem themselves. I've been with so many people who just slack off during their allocated work time making 'I have so much work' jokes when in reality they could have finished most of their work. Most 'I have to much work' jokes are simply from people who skim the work and say 'to hard' and stop. When in reality when you break the work down it isn't that hard. Hard work exists, but it's mostly exaggerated
>>469106Reminds me how my dad, who grew up in Nigeria, always tried to 'fix' the American recipes he used to what he thought would be better. This always ended up with all his food tasting oddly Nigerian no matter how American it was.
No. 469192
>>469130Camgirling is the worst "customer service" job there is.
Everyone is just memed into thinking because they don't have to report to an office or wear a uniform that it's much better.
If you calculate hourly, most camgirls never breach what most minimum wage earners make. They're "on call" at ungodly hours because men beg and whine to be serviced and get their attention constantly. Men themselves are horrible, entitled ass customers who can be
abusive and try to get free shit all the time. Camgirls still technically spend a shitload of money on the "uniform" like makeup, lingerie, and new clothes to sell themselves better whereas if they don't keep up maintainence they could lose their base. The money itself can be inconsistent and fickle. Then camgirls have gotta deal with other camgirls trying to knock them out with competition and online smear campaigns.
Unless one reaches the top 1% of camgirls with clientele, it seems like an absolute shitshow.
Then if they ever want to "change industry" to get a real job (when they inevitably age out and can no longer compete or just get tired of it) they're fucked because there's a huge gap on their resume, they can't be honest about their history, and they gotta pray that nobody recognizes them from their past.
Just get a private sugar daddy if you must for some fun money.
No. 469211
>>469192Women have been memed into believing camgirling is lucrative. It can be for the top earners but there is so much competition from women more desperate and more beautiful from impoverished countries. Lots of people will wash out.
Being a sugar baby isn't all great either because it's highly constrained by where you live. You can live someplace without the client base or live somewhere where the competition is too fierce.
Being a stripper is probably one of the better types of sex work because you aren't competing against a global supply of women.
No. 469225
>>468955And that’s the biggest joke of “wokeness” and being “cancelled” Jeffrey is a pig, but he’s a fag and makes makeup, so they won’t cancel him. Look at BTS army, talking about love and accepting yourself and other uwu shit, but most armies don’t care about the Saudi Arabia controversy.
They only cancel shit they aren’t fans of.
No. 469242
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Narcissists have been de-humanized to an extreme point. It's because narcissist have become the meme word for "bad person" and you don't want to acidently insult narcissists victims, but NPD people deserve empathy, or at least to not be treated like literal demons. A lot of people treat people with NPD like they want to hurt people on purpose, like they get pleasure from it, but NPD usally evolve from a bad childhood or their own internal struggles. Im not defending NPD or discreting victims, but NPD never gets empathy it's always viliniazed. You can find a wealth of "you have to be patient because they have anxiety", but people who try to get better from NPD just get vilianized. I've seen someone with a child who was in therapy and self aware about their NPD get "you're a horrible mother for birthing a child with that disease of yours" comments. Its somewhat simaler for people with schizo, BPD, or any mental issue that isn't anxiety or depression. The push for mental illness awerness only harps on anxiety, deppression, and autism if they're realy pushing it. I feal people would actually benefit if it had an NPD awareness campaign
No. 469252
>>469242IDK anon. I agree with it being overused and over diagnosed but the legit narc I know doesn’t deserve any sympathy or empathy because she’s an emotional vampire and won’t change. Imo genuine narcissists should be shuffled aside and ignored as much as possible by everyone except whoever researched ways to fix that nonsense.
NPD is notorious for not getting better and not making even the slightest effort to improve.
No. 469255
>>469242Empathy is one of the main things that makes us human (aside from intelligence, but I still consider retards human) so someone who lacks that and manipulates/hurts others gets no empathy from me.
They should definitely seek out treatment for it though, I think it should be taken seriously.
No. 469472
>>469242You sound like a narc lmao if someone is managed to be diagnosed with NPD, it’s literally impossible that they’re not a terrible person. Plenty of people who had bad childhoods don’t turn out to be narcs, so put that card away please. Prove you’re no longer a piece of shit FIRST then you can ask for sympathy.
Also don’t group mental illnesses together, most mental illnesses aren’t the bane of humanity. Even within personality disorders, some are distinctly resistant to treatment (cluster B) because the majority of the time, the sufferers are fucking assholes with no desires to redeem themselves. Let’s not even talk about the those who pretend they are tRyiNG sO hArd in therapy to continue to manipulate and excuse themselves.
t. clusterBfag
No. 469476
>>469454I fucking agree, I've dealt with this first hand. It's so difficult to get my bf to stay hard and/or orgasm, although I don't think he broke his dick. He has a low libido and told me he's had periods where he hadn't got the urge to even masturbate for months at a time… The times I've gotten him in the right mood and conditions to make him orgasm I could tell he was really into it, but it still doesn't even think about or crave that sort of intimacy ever. He still pleases me all the time and seems enthusiastic about it so I'm very happy.
Although I remember I got a little sad the other day because we were watching an episode of this show where a guy had premature ejaculation from a non-sex related thing, and my bf shyly said that used to happen to him all the time when he was a teen and he was doing random stuff like riding his bike. And then I thought it would be really cute if he would react that way if I was doing something really gentle like kissing or lightly touching him. What the fuck is wrong with me lmao.
No. 469479
>>469456I also agree, there’s such an elitist attitude in those threads about every little artistic decision someone can make. I’m definitely one for not using a “style” as an excuse for bad artistic choices but some of the nitpicks on there seem to really not understand that some stylistic choices are still
valid even if they personally don’t like them.
No. 469503
>>469299>>469456>>469479Agree with you guys. The artist anons on this site can be the pettiest motherfuckers around, at some point they were salty as hell because folks didn't appreciate their "cow fanart", writing full length rants about the new thread pic not being one of their totally witty "satire" pieces. Moving on they started clogging up artist cow threads with awful redraws that were just as bad as the original and didn't fix anything. Like we had that one anon who made a literal Jeff Goldblum portrait of a Holly Brown drawing, then went berserk when some other drawfag made a redraw of the same piece with way better composition using the anime-ish style Holly originally was going for, thus keeping the redraw faithful for an accurate comparison's sake. The original drawanon was going crazy calling everyone retarded weebs for appreciating the other one more and I'm still laughing reminiscing that.
Not only are they egoistical like that, they seem to consider "this bitch got expensive equipment and I'm jealous" quality milk. Nobody is interested in hearing how you've been dying to get that $200 watercolor set and are now pissing blood because someone more youtube famous bought it.
As for the "hideous art" thread people make obvious vendettaposts and flip out when anons tell them to calm their nitpicks. "Wonky anatomy" used in the context of "I hate this artist and want to find something vague to bitch about" is the art anon equivalent of nasolabial folds. When they're not doing that, they're obviously posting random OTT NSFW art just for people to gawk at their shock value or anime/other mainstream mediocre artists just to whine about how much more followers they have. I'm sorry commercially pleasing material sells better to the masses than your ~truly artistic~ visions, but you had to learn it at some point.
P.S: The "idk but I've heard this artist is
problematic!!!!" anons need to integrate or fuck off. Nobody cares, this isn't your woke twitter dashboard.
No. 469538
>>469476ugh same. I can tell my bf likes me and is into me but there is a huge differences in our libido and it really sucks. We've looked into medical problems it's that bad. Now he's on meds that make it even WORSE and I'm dying lol. He's going to talk to his doctor soon to try something else. I'm usually the partner on the other side of this issue so I'm pretty understanding but it still is so frustrating. He barely watches porn and barely masturbates also. It's not due to deathgrip or anything like that. He will really want to have sex too and just can't. I feel embarrassed talking about it but I'm pretty sure it's a legit medical issue.
My ex was like the exact opposite and basically a raging cheating sex addict that was ALWAYS horny so I feel like goldilocks lmao. He's a really good dude and all around super caring and helpful so I really do think it's worth it most of the time but I jerk off a lot…..
No. 469582
>>469575Yeah, I was hoping the threads would be more about dirt on the art community (gossip, speculation, networking drama) like the discussions on Soey Milk or Leslie Hung, but it’s 99% about Youtubers, who are more entertainers than anything else.
>inb4 why don’t you contribute Cause I don’t know shit and that’s why I look at the threads.
No. 469586
>>469503Hey I'm the artist that drew the anime-ish style Holly redraw (along with ~20 other images in that thread) Wish more people posted.
I think it's easier to draw a better rendition when you have something to base it off of. You can avoid the mistakes of the original, and editing art is easier than drawing from scratch.
Anyway someone please contribute to the redraw thread. I don't want to post my 5th image in a row. The bad redraws are the best part of the thread.
As for the Artist Salt thread there isn't much interesting content.
Guess your opinion isn't an unpopular opinion after all.
No. 469628
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>>469623>like parts of sociologyAnd parts of astrology lol
No. 469636
>>469635I want a baby but am not in a situation where having one is a good idea.
My in-laws are all getting pregnant and I’m sad about it.
Tried to vent about it somewhere and was dogpiled with comments about how there’s more to life than being a baby factory, I must be a crawling handmaiden for wanting a family, and am lucky to not be a ‘mombie’
Honestly thought that was clear.
No. 469667
>>469662Bit much to call it falseflagging lol.
People other than you use the word, and use it contexts other than the one you gave.
Not agreeing with someone’s use of a word isn’t a conspiracy, and it doesn’t make every use of it outside your definition a made-up story.
No. 469673
>>469667nta but the entire society, at least in the western world, is welcoming to mothers and those that want to become mothers. Women wanting to have kids is always seen as positive thing and ~natural~. So a few anons may have said something about not having kids is not the worst thing that can happen which was probably coming from a good place in their heart and now that anon is being a bitch and playing a
victim which honestly seems like just another excuse to shit on feminism because s/he is clearly pushing in that direction. Why not stop beating around the bush and just type it?
Also, this is an unpopular opinion thread not the vent thread. Maybe she shouldn't have kids considering she cant into reading comprehension.
>>469668It's not feminist and I would like to see those posts myself before jumping to conclusions if they were really phrased like that. My guess is that they just wanted to comfort the anon.
No. 469674
>>469662Mostly I see it used for women who have no personality or interests outside of their kid, but generally I agree.
And honestly, who are anons trying to fool acting like women get more shit for wanting kids than not wanting kids… people are either vicious or pitying towards older, childless women. The stigma is massive. I don't deny childfree communities can be way OTT but it's not a surprising reaction if they get regularly shit on for it irl. Anon's story doesn't even make sense, she knows all these pregnant women but everyone is bullying her for wanting a kid? Why doesn't she talk to the pregnant women instead of anti natalists? They are rare af, literally never met one irl and what are the chances those are the only people anon has to talk to about this.
No. 469676
>>469674I posted it on an anon forum. I’m not discussing it with the pregnant women because people tend to not enjoy having someone crying about their own lack of kids whilst they are pregnant. Why moan to them?
Being shat on by a few antinatalist pricks who misconstrue feminist ideas to suit their bitter autism does not mean i magically abhor feminism or feminists. Feminism is an obvious necessity for women to be treated like people.
No. 469680
>>469674>for women who have no personality or interests outside of their kidSo shitting on mother's for putting their kids as priority and actually giving a crap like parents are supposed to do.
Wow, how horrible monsters trying to do their best, they should care less about their children and more about Kpop drama.
No. 469683
>>469680I think people who say things like this don’t have kids themselves, of course a child becomes a huge part of someone’s identity- you are constantly caring for them, day in day out, watching them reach milestones, grow as a person, develop their own personality and passions.
They are literally your whole world and that’s how it should be. Loving your child is a love like no other.
No. 469693
>>469680I'm not participating in this argument and nta you're replying to, but yes, you should still keep interests and an identity separate from your child. It's not a zero sum game, you can still have passions while prioritizing your child. I know friends with kids like this.
Making your child your world sounds like you're gonna get hit hard with co dependency and empty nest syndrome later in life.
No. 469697
>>469693Not the anon you replied to but the people she was talking about often think that a mother "loses her personality" simply because she puts her child first like any parent is supposed to. You can still be interested in your own stuff and have hobbies, but of course being in charge of another living being cuts your personal time down significantly. That doesn't mean you've forgotten about your own life or personality.
I don't get these anons who have an issue with moms taking care of their kids. They're probably the ones who grew up as a spoiled bratty child ungrateful to their parents and thus are blind to the sacrifices and effort they put into their children and can't appreciate it properly. Or they unironically believe that if they were ever to have kids, it means they will magically turn into a frothing mombie whose entire identity revolves around diapers and breastfeeding. Of course new mothers are always overly excited for their kid and can't shut up about them but in the end when the kid grows up and isn't as needy and dependent on their mother, she will have time to herself again.
No. 469703
>>469701Abandoning everything else in your life to focus on your kid doesn't necessarily make you a good parent. It could also mean you're a
toxic helicopter parent. Also a woman shouldn't have to have no personality outside of being a mom in order to be a good mom.
No. 469707
>>469697 and meant to say that people think
not losing your personality equals carrying on like before and ignoring your kid to be yourself. When that's often impossibility for a parent unless they're being extremely neglectful.
No. 469778
>>469761Then put it in the dumbass shit thread not in an unpopular opinion thread. holy shit, is it that hard to read the fucking OP?
By the way, that's such a lame skit I almost threw up. It's not funny or thought provoking or entertaining in any way.
No. 469780
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>>469778Ahem, it's funny bc millenials hate babies, hellooooooo
No. 469865
>>469680>>469684Wtf is this absolute strawman? Having no interest outside kids =/= being a good parent. They are literally two entirely different things. Talking about your kid 24/7 doesn't help the kid, it doesn't disclude poor parenting, it just means you have literally nothing else to say and no life of your own outside them. The best mothers tend to NOT be like that, obsessive parenting can turn into clinging and hovering and being overbearing at worst.
Frankly I only mentioned the definition I was aware of for clarification, not because I felt like shitting on moms. I feel more sympathy for a lot of 'mombies' than dislike. I know it's hard to keep a sense of self when you're isolated with a kid and little support. But compared to centuries of childless women being called spinsters or not real women and, more recently, cat ladies, christmas cakes, etc etc… it's fucking nothing worth getting offended over.
No. 469885
>>469865Did you ever stop to think that someone complaining about something on a tiny anonymous board isn’t the same thing as contributing to the shitty idea that all women must have children to be fulfilled or else be madwomen who belong in the attic?
Maybe sometimes people are sad about things and their sadness isn’t a goddamn statement about how all women should feel and act?
Invalidating someone by saying ‘well but this bad thing happens to others and it’s worse so your sadness is the big dumb’ is very masculine energy tbh.
No. 470656
I really don't like podcasts. I'm often disappointed by the quality of even some of the most popular casts out there. I have two podcasts I listen to and enjoy that the cast actually put effort into, but the majority of the shit you found out there is hard to get through.
I don't hate podcasts in general, I just think it's such an overrated medium with an oversaturated selection of low effort content because it doesn't require as much production as even a basic public access television show, so you have a lot of people sitting in front of mic just babbling into oblivion or lazy frat bros who dropped out college and can't keep their ADD in check.
I have tried a lot of genres as well, as I'm not particularly interested in one subject. I'll listen to anything as long as it's interesting and I feel like I'm getting something out of it. I notice some genres are worse than others, like true crime, comedy, and pop culture podcasts tend to be the most irritating. Stuff for niche interests like paranormal, spirituality, or some of the artsy types are either insufferably boring and monotonous, or full of crazies and wackos pushing their conspiracies and other messed up beliefs onto others. And then there are always the bitter betties who couldn't get into television or primetime radio, and grunt and growl their way through an hour and get mad when you give them less than 4 stars as a review.
No. 470790
>>470656I’m super picky about podcasts as well, and I usually just settle for movie/show discussion but those are 50/50 either just alright or ridiculous SJW pandering for an hour about how OMG MRS DOUBTFIRE IS SOOOOO
PROBLEMATIC or some white boys crying about Trump or how they only saw 1 POC in an episode of Full House.
No. 470873
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>>470853She tried to warn us, but did we listen?
No. 470904
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>>470884They "sexy rockstar vampire loved by teens"-trope has been a thing for decades already, when was vampirism ever not about eroticism?
No. 470908
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>when was vampirism ever not about eroticism?
The really oldschool vampire was just a medieval interpretation of jews, nothing erotic about it, it was just a ghoul that wanted to buy kids to eat, the erotic angle was pushed more after Carmilla and Dracula and was amplified by Hollywood. Even the original Nosferatu silent film was nothing sexy, still was mostly a ghoul until Lugosi.
For me the problem was not the eroticism, it was the removal of the predatory aspects and all dark connotations. They made the archetype unrecognizable and whitewashed.
No. 470911
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>>470908The act of sucking blood (and possibly breaking into a lady's bedroom to do so) was always just seen as a metaphor of sex. Movie makers only picked up what existed since centuries already. In earlier days vampires might not have been painted in an appealing way, but it was always clear what the actually wanted/did. I think Twilight and the likes even downplayed this a bit and made it into something more innocent and pure.
No. 470920
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>>470911>Movie makers only picked up what existed since centuries already.Thats a modern take, the vampire that enters into ladies bedroom is also a modern stereotype based on the Victorian spin on the tale, people now fall for the habit of psychoanalising everything in retrospect. If you'd asked a medieval person you probably wouln't get such lofty takes, a vampire feeding on blood was literally sucking on innocent blood because a parasite feeding on people to survive was pretty gruesome as it was, something dead preying on something living was also blasphemous enough of a motive. what may have been going on subconsciously its another story and more on the realm of speculation and modern projection.
If you ask me, the hyper focus on the erotic angle is just a reflection on Victorian anglos and then Americans being more disturbed of the erotic taboo and imaginary than with the violence and cannibalism. They injected and amped up what they were the most scared.
Asians vampires are still as ghoulish, those are pretty fun too
No. 471066
>>471062This sounds really
Women shouldn't have to change their behavior to account for fear of being raped. Also a person would have to be a pretty big moron to rape someone at work when there are immediately accessible records of literally everything about both people involved. Taxis don't keep records of who they pick up and when.
I've taken many Lyft rides and never had a bad encounter, or even been creeped out.
The opposite is often the case: there are numerous reports of female
drivers being assaulted by male passengers. Stick that in your pipe and smoke it.
No. 471070
>>471066>This sounds really victim-blamey.NTA but what the fuck, no it doesn't. Discussing methods of keeping ourselves safe isn't inherently BLAMING anyone. In this case there's no particular judgement or shaming about dressing or acting a certain way, no unrealistic expectations like never leaving the house or being around men, even if you don't necessarily agree with the specifics of the advice it's grounded and practical. There's a big difference between telling women they deserve to be raped for wearing a short skirt, and women sharing ideas about how to protect ourselves. I mean, imagine if you applied that absurd logic to warnings about sex trafficking scams, or suggestions to take self defence classes, or tips on home security.
I'll take helpful ~
victim blaming~ that could keep me safe over your 'it hasn't happened to me so it never happens to anyone!' argument.
No. 471073
>>471066NTA, but how is she being
victim blamey? Where does she ever even imply the
victim is to blame?
There are many cases of Uber/Lyft drivers literally stalking women they drove. It's such an issue that Uber had to hide certain features from drivers to make stalking harder. Just because you have never had a problem doesn't mean it's not a problem many women have.
No. 471074
>>471070A lot of people conflate advice on how to protect yourself with
victim blaming and it's honestly pretty damaging IMO. It's never a woman's fault if she gets raped under any circumstances, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't be able to discuss precautions that can be taken.
No. 471079
>>471074The problem with '
victim blaming' has never been the particular suggestions made. Like, if a study shows doing X makes you more likely to be raped or doing Y makes you less likely to be raped, I will take that into serious consideration and never see it as myself being blamed just because there's additional burden on myself to make certain choices. That information is highly valuable because no matter what, there's always going to be violent predators out there. But if I chose to do X or failed to do Y, I still wouldn't be to blame for being raped. It wouldn't be fair or tactful for the legal system or the media to bring it up, because it's no longer relevant after the fact. Bringing up the ways in which people fail to protect themselves is just a nasty bullying tactic with no intention of helping anyone and, surprise surprise, it's disproportionately aimed at female
victims of sex crimes.
No. 471101
>>471079It's really funny that none of their suggestions will ensure you don't get raped, just that it's
supposed to be "less likely".
So, what will they say to women who are raped but took all the "precautions"? "Oh, well. Life's great mysteries. Sometimes, you just get raped, it's part of life, just get over it"?
It's like they think rape just happens out of nowhere, not that it's an act perpetrated by a human being. Everyone is so afraid of naming the real problem, and it's getting old.
No. 471129
>>471101>>471079No one ITT ever said taking precautions garuntees you won't be raped, though? Nor did we say anything about it being relevant in a court case???
Like yeah, obviously you can be raped no matter what you do. Just like any other kind of victimization. However, that doesn't mean that safety precautions have no value. It is never the
victim's fault, but I fail to see the issue with people taking away certain lessons that can protect them from also falling
victim to these situations? For example- many women now don't ever leave their drinks unattended because they're aware that spiking drinks with roofies is a common practice. Who knows how many countless women have avoided being preyed on because they took this precaution. Sure, someone could break in randomly in the middle of the night and rape us, but does that mean we should just say "fuck it" and do nothing to protect ourselves? That's like saying you shouldn't bother to lock your car and keep any valuables out of sight, since someone could just smash your windows and search for them anyway.
No. 471152
>>471062Some man thought I was 15 when I was 20 once he picked me up in a Uber. I was in the front seat (dumb, ik) and he was getting closer to me and trying to intimidate me in his body language but he got strangely disappointed and backed off when I told him I was 20. I was also acting really confident and like I didn't fear him too.
(not trying to
victim blame or anything im just saying my experience)
No. 471155
>>471129>does that mean we should just say "fuck it" and do nothing to protect ourselves? No one said any of this shit. Just understand where the true origin of rape is. Never tell a woman "You should have done this, that and the third" after she's been raped, because rape isn't some sort of natural disaster. It's a deliberate action enacted on one person by another.
>That's like saying you shouldn't bother to lock your car and keep any valuables out of sight, since someone could just smash your windows and search for them anyway.I don't think people realize how it sounds when they compare women to inanimate objects that can be stolen, lmao.
No. 471161
>>471155No one said anything about telling raped women what they should have done differently. We were talking about general safety advice for women being equated to
victim blaming.
No. 471162
>>470656i don't really enjoy podcasts because i have a terrible attention span. a lot of the popular podcasts eg welcome to night vale and critical role imo require you to pay attention to actually invest in the characters and setting and story (vaguely in WTNV's case)
but i do think you're right in that people see it as an easy way to produce content and don't need to put much effort in what they're speaking about.
friends tell me podcasts are good to listen to before bed or as background noise but honestly fuck that. that sounds like the opposite of what it should be? i wouldn't remember anything if i wasn't paying complete 100% attention to it.
despite disliking podcasts usually the only one i adore and back is belinda blinked / my dad wrote a porno. it is so hilarious and the content MAKES me want to pay attention. i was honestly hooked after the first episode, plus they aren't that long. it is incredibly nsfw so don't listen in public.
No. 471178
>>471169Why not start with yourself?
Oh, sorry, I forgot, your type needs to stick around to tell everyone ELSE how they deserve to die! Silly me!
No. 471198
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>>471178go eat your bugs Greta
No. 471255
>>471247Humanity as a whole is objectively horrible and always has been. Climate change is our own damn fault, and extinction would end all human suffering (the vast majority having been caused by humans to begin with). No one will be around to care that we're extinct. There is literally no downside to it.
Continuations of human race= continuation of vast untold amounts of suffering. You call it ~sociopathic~ but extinction is undebatabley the most merciful outcome for humanity.
No. 471264
>>471255More pusedo intellectual babbling from the insufferable 2deep4u jackasses who plague most of the internet. I bet you didn't expect to a reply to your bullshit so here we are
What are you saying that hasn't been said before and how is it productive to the living state of humans today?
No. 471267
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Climate activism is bullshit, it won't make an ounce of difference. It is simply a scapegoat for the upcoming lowering of the general quality of life in the west , in anticipation with the next recession, automation of the economy and the state takeover and over regulation on the economies that is going to come next few decades. When you see Soros financing it you know some serious market manipulations is going to take place, the same guy who has a stake in the oil industry.
Living in squalor, not leaving your pod, not showering and eating bugs is not going to save the planet , you are still doing it though, whether you like it or not, unless you are rich, those will live however they want. Just pay your high as fuck taxes and thank your government overlords while you congratulate yourself on being woke.
No. 471271
>>471264>What are you saying that hasn't been said before and how is it productive to the living state of humans today?Nothing and it's not. This is the "unpopular opinion" thread not the "profound thoughts" thread.
I'm sorry you're frustrated that there's not really any logical argument against what I said, but honestly I don't see why you're so bothered that I'm embracing humanity's inevitable extinction. It's not like my stance impacts it in any way. I could flip a switch and turn into the most passionate green living climate activist and it won't make a shred of difference in our fate.
No. 471275
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>The smartest thing the right didThe left did it all to itself.
No. 471280
>>471267Im not a leftist nor am i a liberal,but i believe in climate change and global warming because i am pro-science.
There is just way too many proof for me to act like it doesnt exist. A couple of years ago climate change had nothing to do with politics so i dont know why alt-rightist are acting like its a left thing.
I also wouldnt act intelligent if i was a rightist considering the majority of people who dont want to vaccinate their children are pro-right
No. 471281
>>471273Oh no here comes the evil taxman, look out he's coming for your free American healthca… Oh wait.
Remember ladies, behind every whiny post about muh taxes, there's a butthurt yank with a gun.
No. 471282
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>>471273Who said anything about taxes? Is this libertarian kun? I think it’s stupid for people to just give up on the ONLY world we got.
>>471280The sad thing is that I wonder how many environmental protections we have now that would have never been set in place if we had the political atmosphere we have now. I can easily see someone say this: “Fuck the ozone layer, give me CFCs” because they want to piss off the libs even if it means a horrible quality of life for them. Weren’t the original conservatives in America into forest protection and conservation? Now, they hate it because they’re weirded out by some Nordic chick.
No. 471286
>>471281>>471281>>471282The left: We have to improve the material conditions of working class
Also the left: Just eat bugs and dont shower poorfags, you deserve it lmfao , pay fake carbon taxes with no agregated value you hicks
No. 471287
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>>471286Are you retarded anon? Seriously. If you have a low IQ, I understand. I know conversations like these are complex and are too much for you.
No. 471290
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>>471287Great argument, i want to give total control of the economy to the government now.
No. 471337
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I think lolcow has changed for the better overall, even if there are changes I don’t agree with. we’ve matured a lot. sometimes i look at old cow threads and some are almost unreadable because they’re full of so much nitpicking, racebaiting, petty vendetta
No. 471347
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You can literally see china's pollution across from SPACE..but some of you are still denying climate change or pollution.
AH but yes please keep on going with your 'own libs' crap Meanwhile obesity,factory pollution,smoking,setting forests/mountains on fire,illegal cutting of trees,amazon falling apart,water pollution,oil spills,third worlders throwing garbage on rivers and oceans,stuff that we will only use a couple of times that takes a thousand years to finally biodegrade is at a all time high.
No. 471350
>>471347Chinese people are actually developing diabetes and other fat people conditions at alarming rates because of all the air pollution.
You can tell people to eliminate their single use plastics, lose weight, and live in grass huts but that's not going to stop big capitalism from profiting at the environment's expense. All that haze comes as the result of no enforceable emissions regulations, courtesy of the private business sector having a hand in government policy making.
The elites don't care, and it's sad that the everyday person gets blamed despite their fraction of relative culpability.
(Btw, third worlders have an abundance of plastic garbage because first world systems ship their refuse there to have it "recycled" or otherwise disposed of).
No. 471357
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>>471350There is no excuse for throwing and littering garbage on rivers/oceans and on land ANON.
Not only are they fucking up the ocean by throwing garbage but they are causing also themselves harm.
Millions of indians are dying thanks to water pollution and its also affecting their economy. they practiced recycling and and the goverment did something about water filtration thinks would be good.
You thought it was just water pollution..nope its air pollution too.
Over 1.2 million indians have died due to silicosis caused by air pollution. change is a serious thing but until conservatives stop acting like retards trying to own the libs and leftists acknowledge that the majority of pollution comes from asia, things wont change.
No. 471359
>>471357>There is no excuse for throwing and littering garbage on rivers/oceans and on land ANON.Not my argument.
Just pointing out that the reason why there's an abundance of garbage in these countries is because first worlders ship their shit there, and poorer countries tend not to have the infrastructure to keep up yet they take it because of the foreign money.
>You thought it was just water pollution..nope its air pollution too.Are you ESL?
Air pollution was in the first sentence of my post, and nowhere did I say pollution was only in the "water."
Are you okay?
No. 471362
>>471359Again i was not talking about that i as talking about mass LITTERING that goes on
Anon do you even know what the word ''LITTERING'' is?
Anon stop trying to excuse these people and their government of all responsibilities.
No. 471364
>>471362…………… posted a photo of air pollution haze, ranted about fatties, smoking, fire starting, tree cutting, and water pollution in your op.
No, you did not solely reference "littering."
I hope you're well…
No. 471368
>>471364I was replying to your part about india. Thats why i mentioned littering, either way i dont feel like having a argument.
Either way im sick and tired of people throwing garbage at the beach,i just want to enjoy the beach but it becomes a shithole fast with garbage floating in the water because retards are too lazy to throw garbage in the garbage can.
No. 471370
>>471368>I was replying to your part about india. I literally didn't specify India…..
No. 471955
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I love romance visual novels, but I only really enjoy ones told from the point of view of a straight male because the focus is on the heroines and I usually find them interesting and sympathetic. I also strongly relate to many of them and it's nice to see girls with issues find true love.
I have no interest in otome games as I find the male romantic interests unattractive and I can't relate to them as well.
Not saying I would not give any otome a shot if it would be a masterpiece of the genre or very dramatic/feelsy, I just prefer stories focusing on cute heroines that I would love to be friends with.
No. 472076
>>472069They say cheaters never change so surely it comes down more to personal morals? I've been cheated on once and it was a guy who had cheated on his ex wife years before me. Three years in he cheated on me with someone and left me for them.. but then slept with me a couple more times while dating her. I slept with him those last couple times to prove that he was a serial cheater. He was madly infatuated and in that honeymoon period with the new gf at the time so I doubt his cheating ways will stop for anyone
If someone is a shit partner just break up with them
No. 472089
>>472069Eh. Unless someone is insanely
abusive, they don't deserve to be cheated on even if they are a bad partner. If they're so shit that you're being driven off into someone else's arms, then break up with them. Cheating on them only makes you just as shitty as they supposedly are.
Your personality and how you conduct yourself absolutely plays into the kind of people you attract/date, and you might be someone who attracts scumbags - maybe you're vulnerable and easily taken advantage of, or maybe you deluded.yourself into thinking you can turn a tinder fuckboy into a trophy husband. But that doesn't mean you deserved to have your trust betrayed nor does it make you a bad partner.
No. 472116
>>472069Holy shit this. Has anyone here not been been in some
abusive, cheating relationship?
I find the contrast with 4chan interesting. Both are cesspits of each gender but 4chan can't even get a date.
No. 472180
>>472116>Has anyone here not been been in some abusive, cheating relationship?You're just noticing it more because you're reading anonymous life stories where people are being truthful and open about their relationships because there's no consequence.
There's very few situations irl where someone seemingly normal would find it appropriate to tell people about their relationship problems if they're having them.
I thought my friend's relationship was going swell after she got married, until she and her husband had a fucking fight in front of me and later confessed they almost got divorced a mere few months after their wedding. They're still together despite the
toxic ways they argue and try to control one another.
Welcome to most relationships where people feel they gotta sacrifice and compromise in order to not wind up alone.
No. 472194
>>472116>>472180Yeah people don't air this info in real life but every apartment building that I've lived in I've heard ongoing screaming and raging domestic fights and sometimes friends will tell me about similar but only after the break up..
Reddit relationship advice threads are full of similar stories. It's not a lolcow phenomenon, that's just life
No. 472222
>>472116I've been in a couple of relationships and none were
abusive. As far as I can tell, I've never been cheated on. Though probably some people will try to tell me otherwise.
I think it's easier for the average girl than guy to get a date. All i have to do is go on tinder for a while, and I can get some sort of date. There are channers who do get dates though lol
>>472180I wish I could compromise. I think I get very annoyed at random things so it's hard for me to be with a guy I didn't like.
No. 472500
>>472489>Also Ska is a turd of a music genreI think thats very popular opinion lol, every normal person i know hates ska, although it was briefly popular her in mid 00s.
Ska is music for furry communists that wear fedoras.
No. 472609
>>472597Autistic and boring is a weird take, if anything they're the obnoxious, hyper type of sperg instead of boring.
That said I have met a lot of nice/normal kpop fans. Most are just… asian? Like regular asian girls who are into something which is a normal hobby for them rather than a niche, even if they aren't korean and don't live there. That said I haven't met any kpop fans since BTS got big and I imagine they upped the autism factor.
No. 472665
>>472597Likely for the fetishism and "aesthetic".
>>472615It's usually those bratty 2nd generation Asians living in the US or in some western region being offended for the Koreans or Japanese "as an Asian" (way to go lumping all Asians together lol) while secretly wishing they're one.
>>472609They seem to flock to PULL for sure. I've seen some IRL and they're equally exceptional. The amount of cosmetics and bleaching they do to their skin and hair to look like their idols is so off putting.
No. 472747
>>458865not only that, most of them lack beat or balance. like the lyrics/singing dont match or go through the flow of the song.
whoever produces katy perry's, taylor swifts songs are overpaid shitbrains that doesn't know what music is. or maybe producers just despise and hate their jobs.
No. 472807
>>472792What I got from that was it making fun of her for being a snowflake
>>472800>>472802I guess as well educated ladylike lady, I'm not allowed to like gross-out humor, damn bitch never said that it's tasteful or world class comedy. I simply had the attention span to see what it's trying to say.
No. 472865
>>472848I refuse to take that shit seriously. People declaring someone their 'partner of 3 years' when they've either never meet or they've had two visits to their country that were basically short holidays. Then thinking that compares to a few years living together…
It's a great way to waste years of your life cos living with someone shows you everything you need to know about having a possible future together
No. 472869
>>472868Are you fucking stupid? I'm not American. I'm pointing out that Americans, and the west as a whole, do not have the empathy required to care for people without some sort of potential gain.
That’s how it’s always been. Look at history and read a book yourself. Or, just learn to read a simple imageboard post.
No. 472873
>>472863I think it's more that it's easier to judge from the outside looking in than it is to judge your own people
Looking at China and coming to the conclusion that their government is awful is easy, looking at your own community and coming to the conclusion that it's racist and you're probably a little racist too is hard
No. 472878
>>472874>A-America has nice people too! No one really feels threatened by China's power! This totally isn’t a bid to fuck with them and potentially boost ourselves! Stop this!!Fucking lol. Half the things that shouldn’t be going on in today’s world are committed and aided by your government, and not a single one of you makes a peep about it. If you were really this pure of heart, the current state of the ME would be different, among many other things.
Of course the HK struggle is horrific, but only the most idealistic retard would trust opportunistic burgers.
No. 472882
>>472878I'm not American and am even ESL you fucking brainlet. I despise Americans for kneeling over China's power to please them at any cost and boycott Hollywood movies and many other things for the exact reason. I'm mad at this asshole for the absolutely smoothbrained edgelord snowflake take on how ~evil westerners~ are monsters and can't feel empathetic towards China's
victims. Except for the poster herself of course.
No. 472883
>>472882You must be braindead if you couldn't even recognize that I'm the person you're throwing a tantrum at, you sperg.
>I'm mad at this asshole for the absolutely smoothbrained edgelord snowflake take on how ~evil westerners~ are monsters and can't feel empathetic towards China's victims.>shit I never said: the postI'll just repeat it since you clearly have no argument: Of course the HK struggle is horrific, but only the most idealistic retard would trust opportunistic burgers.
American media during all the horrific events and genocides in the world, including what China does to Uyghur Muslims in the midst of current anti-Muslim sentiment in the west, something that would make this a difficult sell to their mainstream citizens
>Asleep. Who? What? Never heard of themAmerican media during the HK protests, a very simple way to look good while undermining China for their own gain
>Woke AF, true defenders of human rights, heroes of the worldForgive me for not being as retarded as you clearly are.
>Except for the poster herself of course.Just because I'm not near-illiterate, I must be a westerner myself? Fuck off, retard.
No. 472889
>>472885This is how I know you don't know anything about this. HK protestors are also rioting and looting in their own cities. Innocent, uninvolved citizens have been attacked in the midst of this, and tourists have been harassed. The western media won't put that in the limelight since it goes against their current agenda, though.
Ready for you to accuse me of being a Chinese shill for not being blind.
No. 472927
>>472863I have a hard time accepting Trump and the US shilling China and also Russia as evil, saying you can't trust them, when they themselves (and the Brits too) have also been caught spying on other (european) countries multiple times already and never even thought about apologizing or much less stopping. Right know they are also the cause for the situation in Syria escalating once again and there will the
victims flee to? That's right, not the US.
China has the death penalty but so does America. Same for nuclear weapons. What gives them the right to judge others, to always intervene into everything and to try and tell smaller nations how they should think and with whom they should side? Most western media is always pro USA and trying to paint other countries as bad. Never met an American but all the Russians I know are very nice and will tell you that their country is nothing like the cold communist and military-ish place you've been told.
No. 473006
>>472933Alot of those 'elsagate' pedo channels that were wiped off of youtube had themes like people pissing on each other.. it was an unbelievably common theme across them. Usually a female character looking shocked or disgusted while a male pees on her..
Spanking, giving birth and all sorts of scatological scenes came up over and over.. and they say fetishes are rooted in our childhood experiences..
I have memories of watching nickelodeon shows alot as a kid and I certainly noticed the strange amount of foot jokes and sketches (look what came out about dan schneider after all that time) I've always blamed my intense disliking of feet on just how heavily feet featured in those few nickelodeon shows I watched. It grossed me out as a kid but now as an adult with new knowledge on Dan schneider.. disturbing
No. 473027
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>>473006Do you remember totally spies? that show had to be made by french pedophiles, every episode was like a different fetish that they put those girls into. I know it sounds like an exageration or taken out of context but i swear, theres every single Deviantart tier fetish included in that show and played for laughs.
No. 473029
>>473027I have a question:
How come when "funny" things happen to women either in a TV show or movie it tends to be sexualized
Are we not allowed to go through funny things?
No. 473034
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>>473029I am not talking about every show that has female characters, i am talking about that one in particular, calm your "we live in a society " impulses. There are situations that are more akward to look at growing up, like all the scenes of the characters in bondage and gaggged.
No. 473036
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>>473034And I'm not just talking about that one in particular, I'm talking about all shows including the ones on Nickelodeon with Dan and Elsagate which was mentioned in the post you replied to you dumb bitch.
No. 473041
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>>473027>>473034Look all that fetish propaganda everywhere!
The guy that drew this clearly wanted his bitch ass spanked by a big cock.
No. 473043
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>>473006>>473027Literally, this shit is so strange. What is it with people who have weird fetishes not only working in cartoons or other kid's media, but feeling the need to insert their "thing" in said media?
Is it just some weird conversion tactic to spread their "kink" for future normalization? I don't know if they even think that far ahead, but I can't come up with any good reason why they'd do this.
No. 473049
>>473041NTA, but I'm sure if you go on deviantART you'll see some fetish art based on this specific scene, or others like it.
It's not a gendered thing at all.
No. 473054
>>473051I don't, though. I just vividly remember trying to Google my favorite cartoon characters as a kid, and finding out there's a dedicated fandom for said characters being inflated or tickled or farting or whatever. People cataloguing screencaps from the shows that "featured" those things, and it being a consistent trend for different shows.
You can "no u" and try to deny it all you want, but shit is fucking weird. People who notice it aren't just imagining everything. Sorry.
No. 473057
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>>473036>>473041Someone is salty her favorite french echii show got mentioned.
"oooh cloth shrinking ray teeheehee"
No. 473060
>>473043Only with Big Mouth and Dan Schneider shows do I read into it any sinister intent. With everything else it's just people being smart enough to get paid for what they love.
>>473051It says you're well read in psychology. "Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar" implies that sometimes it isn't.
No. 473065
>>473062>YOU'RE THE PEDOPHILE FOR NOTICING SOMETHING IS WEIRD!! tierAll of you and the rest of purposely retarded arrogant motherfuckers need your shit rocked in and kicked in the pavement. Ya'll so convinced about shit over nothing yet come off as a bunch of mentally ill Protestant American soccer moms who wouldn't know anything that hits them in the face.
>>473057Nope, wrong!!! I agree TTS was some fetish bullshit.
No. 473098
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>>473094>>473077>>473089>>473094"Plausible deniability" is the name of this game.
No. 473102
>>473072I'm not familiar with the show in pic but I remember as a very young kid having a little crush on the character sally in one of the Sonic the hedgehog cartoons, she was some sort of animal but with a busty shape lol
Thankfully I'm not an adult who thinks that's sexy but then I see people who did make it into adulthood still liking it and making porn of it and I wonder why they turn out like that
No. 473108
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>>473094please explain to me how close-ups of feet when it's completely unnecessary, unrelated to the plot and adds absolutely nothing is "random shit". TTS does this on the regular, it's not a one-time random occurrence.
I noticed this as a kid. Of course I didn't know what a fetish was back then but I sure as hell thought it was weird TTS zoomed in on feet so much and so regularly.
No. 473118
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>>473102Sonic fetishes are a dark rabbit hole, but i would not blame the game creators or the people that made the comics and sonic cartoons, same with MLP and bronies, they could not have been able to foresee the autism, but with totally spies i do believe it, ts full of innuendo and deliberate choices that make it stand out to other cartoons and the fact that it is so inspired in anime doesn't help, if this was some japanese cartoon i was putting examples of anons would not act so defensive but it is an anime ~inspired~ french cartoon so it must be pure and innocent.
No. 473127
>>473118Yeah I agree that the whole Sonic thing is a strange one, no obvious reason for it to be made sexual by people
I'd love to know what cements these sexual attractions for people. I've read up on a few different theories like:
The gross-out theory. "When you're in a high state of sexual arousal, your disgust impulse weakens," Lehmiller says. And so the things you'd normally find repulsive (feet, spit, feces) may not seem gross. "It's almost like a heightened state of arousal changes your perception of the world
No. 473144
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>>473138Look, what you said makes sense and i normally would take your side but this show does do a lot of sort of downplayed fan service and is not cherry picking. Its full of scenes with shrinking clothes, rip clothes, a character that is naked and someone walks in, it feels a lot like the kind of stuff you see on echii anime where you expect sexy girls in sexual slapstick, theres also the thing with feets and theres bondage and tentacles every other episode.
The show was created by two middle aged men, their original intention might have really been to create a fun girly show, but their scrote mind transpired DA fetishes regardless.
No. 473151
>>473144Isn't this just a parody of "Invasion of the body snatchers" movie? Come on now.
Don't let your awareness of disgusting fetishists taint every innocent situation.
No. 473372
>>473334I do use a nice hefty case, saved my phone when I first got it and it slipped out of my pocket lmao.
I have an older model phone so I don’t have the glass backing, but what’s the point in having it if you have to put a nice, hefty case on it to make sure it doesn’t crack? Aesthetic? Wireless charging? If it’s for thr aesthetic, the case covers it unless someone wants to walk around holding their bare phone. If it’s for wireless charging you’re left to pop off the case all the time to use the wireless charging pad since I heard a lot of cases are too thick and it won’t charge (and also the pads cost extra money so if people forked over money for it, I’d imagine they definitely want their moneys worth and would use it).
It just seems like… what’s even the point??
No. 473413
>>473379Sorry I meant what's the point of having a glass backing.
>>473382Actually I had the Pixel 4 in mind when I made the post, but yes I've pretty much been disappointed with all the new iphones after the 8 and haven't bothered to keep up with any of Samsungs new phones either.
No. 473716
>>472944What country do you live in anon? Mongolia or kazakhstan or some weird off the grid shit?
I find the weird sudden interest of Americans in HK to be pretty fucking strange its clear they don't care or know shit about HK, hell i'm part Taiwanese and i don't give two shits about the extradition bill. Glad I live in a country with half decent politics and politicians.
No. 473861
>>472975This. I'm not a burger but an ESL Eurofag so I have no need to defend amerimutts but people keep drawing false equivalences between China and the US. In China you can literally get killed for criticizing the nation or some extremely petty theft that would probably get you a fine at most in the states. If you don't die of malnourishment and disease at the dilapidated prison camps, you get killed by a firing squad. Political prisoners are executed on demand to harvest organs for rich people in need of transplants. In US the death penalty doesn't even exist in all of the states and you have to do something absolutely heinous and inhumane to even get the needle.
I honestly think people saying "the USA is just as bad as China!!!" are either willfully ignorant or uneducated about the issue. China's pettiness goes so deep they literally has made companies take down maps that don't include Taiwan as part of mainland China. They're going to establish a fucking dystopian social credit system with face recognizing cameras patrolling the cities that will determine which normal things in life are going to be off limits for you. They're sending refugees from North Korea back to where they came from despite knowing they and their whole family will be deported to prison camps for the rest of their lives if not killed straight away. Depicting same sex relationships in media is illegal and people have been imprisoned or put on trial for doing so. The list goes on.
I don't know how people draw the line from USA to China, maybe they take their freedom for way too granted. Hell even Russia is probably better than China and that place is a horrible hellhole too and basically China Lite. Some ex-soviet countries STILL haven't recovered from the genocidal stalinist policies.
No. 473866
>>473861>They're going to establish a fucking dystopian social credit system with face recognizing cameras patrolling the cities that will determine which normal things in life are going to be off limits for you.This actually isn't entirely true. That Black Mirror episode was a lesson in propaganda, lmao.
China's social credit system would primarily work against rich people and businesses who are known to be scammers, or otherwise shitty. It's good for market regulation.
They blacklist debtors or fraudulent companies, and the worst that happens is that they can't go on certain flights, to certain hotels or private schools, have slower internet, exclusion from "high prestige work" and might end up on a public list if they're particularly bad.
If you're just a regular person who hasn't broken the law or failed to follow court orders, you're most likely not going to be blocked from basic living amenities.
It can be negative in other ways, though. For example, the system is likely going to be used to police and repress religious minorities or political dissidents. The average person, though? Meh.
Not disagreeing with the rest of your post though
No. 474104
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I understand that weddings are annoying and expensive and I don't fault any couple who doesn't want to participate in that overpriced industry.
But I cannot stand when couples have a wedding but act like they're ~above it all. They complain about how expensive it is like someone is holding a gun to their head while they book wedding venues. That whole hipster, shabby-chic wedding aesthetic, with mason jars and chalkboards, the bride wears a super expensive dress but with converse. "Naked cakes" which are normal wedding cakes with purposefully ugly frosting. I hate the artifice of not caring when those weddings take just as much effort and money as a normal expensive wedding.
If you're going to get married, just be straight forward about it. Or just get married at court and do dinner after.
No. 474110
>>473855I think this is the consensus around here so that's nice. It's literally
We live in a Society: The Movie. More like "mommy issue & unchecked mental illness", wow so twisted, shit almost everyone deals with on the daily. Just makes Joker seem like a standard pansy incel.
No. 474131
>>474122We have the internet now so people should be able to have really unique and creative weddings, but there's only two options, plain wedding or cool "hipster" wedding, and they're both ugly and boring. Back in the day it made sense that weddings all looked the same because everyone had to order from catalogs or rely on a wedding planner. There's no excuse now to have a boring wedding.
I'm also surprised white wedding dresses haven't gone out of style yet.
No. 474182
>>474176>I get a feeling that they're just insecure of not being able to afford everything they see in catalogues.Girl what? Openly admitting to frugality doesn't come off as insecure at all, unlike overspending for appearances. And the whole point they're making is that they neither want nor need the shit in catalogues because it's literally useless after one day.
Honestly if anyone sounds insecure it's you, like you really want a lavish wedding and don't like people shitting on the idea.
No. 474410
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>>474354i kinda think is lame too but with how likely it is to end in divorce i can't blame couples for not wanting to waste their money and go into debt for a fancy wedding and go through all that effort only to crash a few years into it, i am surprised people even bother to get married in the first place, i always assume is just for the tax breaks or something. If i ever did end up marrying someone i would go for the cheapest, most comfortable alternative too, and if the marriage works out then do something special for every decade anniversary.
The wedding industry is a scam and also fuck diamonds, over priced useless rocks that only worth that much because of a monopoly that exploits people in war zones.
No. 474436
>>474405I think the same thing. Sometimes I actually have to double take when I see girls out in their really heavy make up, it just looks cakey and bad.
I can't imagine most guys actually find that look attractive, that it mostly appeals to jersey shore-esque scrotes, but maybe I'm being too hopeful.
No. 475046
>>474405I dislike that contour, highlight etc. is now the normie standard because it just takes too much time out of my morning to do. I'm happy with mascara and concealer but I'm afraid of other women judging me (don't care about the men lmao). I also like to play with all kinds of eyeshadow colors, but the modern trendy look has so much…brown.
But if you're on a night out? I say go crazy, it looks great in that situation. Contour, highlight, falsies, bold lips, glitter, hell yeah.
No. 475050
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>>475042The same could be said for tracing drama. If you Google tracing drama it's usally between two equal small, but one accounts slightly bigger, artists. Usally it's just some dumb 10 year old who isn't even making monetary gain from the artist. When you see a lot of tracing drama you just start to think "what do you gain/lose from this besides feeling better?". The hatred of tracing also makes it hard tell kids how to trace art an imoprove because they have such a gut reaction.
>I don't think I've ever seen a take directed at people who consume reposters' content.Somewhat related, but a lot of art memes that go for them 'Its bad that your relating to this' (like 2 2me4me_irl vibes) rarely are that harsh. A lot of art memes end at the point where you're self deprecating, but not self deprecating enough to make you feel bad. You rarely see an art meme that calls someone out for having bad habits beyond quirky shit like 'ha ha cant finish a drawing' or 'ha ha HANDS'.
No. 475214
>>475195Alot of women spend their early twenties having shitty sex with even shittier men
If I could go back in time I'd choose virginity over that
No. 475225
>>475224Ignorant know it alls like you are the worst. You guys know jack shit about history yet feel the need to run your mouths to "correct" me. It's really infuriating.
I wasn't talking about "caveman times." I was talking about modern history. Teens now are having less sex than teens of the 1990s. the idea that people died at age 25 is a myth. Life expectancy was low, but that was because infant mortality was so high. If you lived to be an adult, there was a good chance you would live to your 50s or 60s. wish I had the confidence to be as loudly stupid as you.
No. 475241
>>475225>>475228>I meant recent modern history REEEEEyou do realize you said "since forever" and "lower than ever" and not "recent modern history"? You do realize "ever" includes ALL of history right? How was I supposed to know that you were specifically talking about recent history? Maybe you should be more specific next time instead of being vague and then expecting anons to telepathically know what era you're talking about. But yeah, I'm the idiot.
>the myth that people died at age 25 is a mythLmao
>know it alls who correct me are the worst>literally pulls article out of ass to "ackhyually" me for the sake of itYes, I know they didn't die at EXACTLY 25, but life expectancy has been much lower throughout human history and if you look up almost any famous figure from before 1900 they usually didn't live much past 40. Like out of Abe Lincoln's 5 kids only 1 survived into adulthood. One of the Bronte sisters died at 29. Mozart died at 35ish. And so on.
No. 475266
>>475246Apparently everyone on this board has reading comprehension problems.
I didn't say that teenagers hadn't been having sex forever, obviously they have. I said that the average age of marriage was lower (probably at least in part due to shorter life expectancy, maybe, don't come for me) and that the sex teenagers were having wasn't the fun kind of sleeping around portrayed in shows like 90210 (at least based on historical records that I know of) with the exception of royalty maybe especially in hedonistic cultures like Ancient Rome. But I don't have a time machine to go back and survey a bunch of teens from every different era in history, so what do I know.
No. 475333
>>475241>almost any famous figure from before 1900 they usually didn't live much past 40In ancient greece you would be barely graduating from your basic schooling at 20, you would still be studying at 30 depending which school you were part of. Roman legionaires served in the military for 20 yr old terms, it makes no sense that you think most people simply expired in their 20s. Is absurd, those civilizations would not have been able to even function as they did.
People did die in great numbers during childbirth and infancy. after that reaching 60 was not uncommon.
>Bronte sisters died at 29. Mozart died at 35ishyeah, and many modern artists died at 27 too, enough that the 27 club is a meme, so? St. Theresa of Avila died at 67, Julius Caesar died at 55 (by stabing) , Sulla died at 60, Marcus Aurelius at 58 and so on.
No. 475355
>>475333i thought it was common knowledge that
more people died younger than now but it wasn't common.
No. 475390
>>475241Why didn't you bother to read the article I sent you? I can send you more if you'd like. You can cherrypick people dying older or younger from any time period as stated here
>>475333. That doesn't mean jack shit for adult life expectancy.
Also the idea that everyone in the past married at a uniformly young age is a myth. For example:
>Although the legal minimum age at marriage in medieval England was set at 12 years, in reality, marriage at such a young age was largely restricted to the nobility, with the average age at marriage in the general population estimated at 20–25 years, and perhaps even later following the Black Death wait, you won't bother to read this because citing papers is elitist now
>>475266I think very few teens these days are having crazy sex all of the time. There's way more kids who are not having sex and playing Minecraft or whatever.
No. 475551
I hate how malls, blockbusters, arcades, bowling alleys, cinemas, drive ins, spas, cafes, library's, parks, etc are a thing of the past now. Everything has become way too easily accessible and "cheaper online" to the point where it has practically trained humans to become hermits, not to mention inflation caused normal things to become expensive as fuck, so a 5 dollar shirt on wish obviously looks more appealing than a 25 dollar shirt at JCPenney, socialization is practically dead unless you're lucky enough to stick to groups you've been with before everything died. I guess I just miss being able to go the the mall or arcade and see a bunch of young adults have fun and couldn't wait until I was old enough for that, and now that I am everything is dying and it's depressing
No. 475600
>>475551I don't think spas and cafes are dead. And lets hope the government doesn't get rid of national parks, bc they're the nicest things we have.
I don't know about where you all live but the malls around me are still pretty nice. Of course the food courts and the apple store are the main reason people go.
No. 475618
>>475163With phones and social media. there is no reason to ghost anyone. If you do so, esp now a days, you are a piece of shit. Seek better friends, anon
No. 475661
>>475649THIS. African-american slang and accent is similiar and almost identical to white southerners.
Which is funny because they make fun of white southerners but they sound similar to them.
No. 475664
>>475663This has nothing to do with race.
It may have come of as that way but I just said that southerners and african-americans sound similar which is not race-baiting.
No. 475683
Stop bringing race into this shit.
>>475664Consider this your warning.
No. 476092
>>476086Or you have service dog loons who think the world should be catered to them, IMO it's okay to bring your dog everywhere as long as if it isn't hostile or shitting everywhere
Then you have dumbasses who let their knowingly hostile dogs terrorize everything and attack other dogs and people
No. 479473
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>>479468Sexual sadism and masochism were disorders in the DSM for a reason. "The Triumphant
Victim: A Psychoanalytical Perspective on Sadomasochism" is a book that goes in how sadism/masochism stems from childhood trauma
No. 479482
>>479468And most "dom" guys are retards who don't know how pain work, most masochists like slight spankings, gentle hair pulling, nibbling, etc. Somehow men perceive this as "spank like you're trying to break tail bones, pull hair like you're trying to scalp her, and bite like you're trying to rip chunks of her skin out"
Porn ruined sex
No. 479487
>>479482In my case it was more like “grab boobs, spank for 15 min, put dick inside. Make her sit on my face for 20 min”
He was genuinely surprised that I didn’t enjoy this. Said he was with lit “a hundred” woman in his lifetime and no one ever complained before.
The best sexual experience I ever had was a extreme chill/quiet guy who was a wallflower, with zero pretenses of sexual prowess.
No. 479560
>>479487>The best sexual experience I ever had was a extreme chill/quiet guy who was a wallflower, with zero pretenses of sexual prowess.I feel like this is almost a general truth, guys who lack [insert tryhard thing here] are generally just better.
Guys who bloviate about being a dom are usually bad at it. Men who talk about being some sort of identity (whether its sexual, subculture, whatever) are usually less adept at that thing because they only care about it for the cultural currency it gives them.
Guys who "virtue signal" (yes I'm appropriating that term) about being a feminist are usually also narcissistic trash who get off on being the "male savior". Of course, MRA types are also trash that goes without saying.